Returning Home Arc I - Fall of the Hive

by Arceaion

First published

Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic, Hero of Equestria and first casualty in the Changeling war. When she passed she became the rallying cry for the Equestrians in the short lived war. This is a Rewrite of my original story Returning Home.

Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic, Hero of Equestria, and the first casualty in the coming Changeling War. Killed by Chrysalis, Twilights name will became the rallying cry for the Equestrians in the coming conflict but not all is as it seems in this dark world. and her death will open the doors to something darker. As the world slowly begins to spiral due to the slowly growing chaotic series of events that will inevitably lead to secretes long forgotten and buried being unearthed.

Note: This is a Rewrite of my original story Returning Home. If you want to read the original this is the link.

Chapter 1: The Death of a Hero

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No pony could have predicted it, no creature could have known, none of the races, none of the ponies could have known that the day that would bring an end to their way of life would be like any normal day. The day in Ponyville started as any other would, it was a beautiful day in Equestria, Celestia's Sun shone as a pony in a dark cloak slipped from the shadows of allies and homes in Ponyville slowly making her way to the newly constructed massive crystalline castle tree in its center of the town.

As she reached the entrance she silently opened one of the massive doors and slipped inside expecting to be questioned but there was no one there. No guards, no servants, no one there to demand answers from this hooded intruder. The figure slunk across the hallways looking inside the rooms as she passed. There was not a lot inside them, bare amenities and the odd box of personal belongings but nothing that yet truly made the massive structure feel lived in. As the figure walked and reached a set of double doors that were open voices could be heard and the figure slunk deeper into the shadows.

Rainbow Dash stood next to Twilight who was busy sorting books onto one of the bookshelves lining the room. It had been a week since Tirek had destroyed the Golden Oaks Library and she still had so much to organize. "Come on Twilight, why did you do it!?" Rainbow yelled in anger. "Spitfire told me, she said you told her to not make me a Wonderbolt!”

As Rainbow yelled, Twilight took a deep breath and let it out slowly as she set the books she was levitating to the highest shelf down on the ground before turning to her friend. "That's not exactly what happened. She said with a wince. "Spitfire asked me to look at the records and see who was ready and one of the records she wanted an opinion on was yours."

Rainbow narrowed her eyes at Twilight as she crossed her arms. "You expect me to believe that?" She asked angrily. "I have the best records in the academy and I’ve aced every test I’ve taken!" She countered as she looked at Twilight. "Besides you didn't need to look at my file to know that, I came to the Golden Oaks a lot to study, hell you helped me for Celestia's sake! Come on Twi, I’m ready to be a Wonderbolt!"

"No you're not, Rainbow, you’re not yet ready." Twilight groaned as she rubbed her forehead. "Look you want to know what I said so bad then fine. I put you down for not being ready because while you are the best in your class, you still have problems controlling your emotions!" Twilight said as she gestured to Rainbow with a wave hinting that this was an example. "Spitfire’s told me about how you’re always ignoring the logistical side of the practices you go through and rush during the military training exercises. About how often your actions have caused your side high casualties in the simulations because you didn't plan ahead and act like a one pony army rather than a member of the team." Twilight further explained in depth before sighing and looking at Rainbow with a softer look.

"Look Rainbow as much as I hate to say it, the Wonderbolts are as much our military force as they are an entertainment group. You aren't just being taught how to be the best and fastest flyers but also military maneuvers and combat so that if Equestria ever were to go to war you would be able to handle important operations. The entertainment part is secondary to your military training because it's part of the Militaries 'public relations'." Twilight said as she placed a hand on Rainbow's shoulder.

"Look, as Princess Celestia's personal apprentice and even more so now as the new Princess, I get a lot of the mission debriefings and operations from the Royal Guard and Wonderbolts." Twilight said in a kind voice. "I have a hand in helping plan the missions sometimes because Celestia needs help, and Rainbow it's not always good. The Wonderbolts serve as Equestrias protectors in the sky, just like how the Royal Guard serves the population by acting as law enforcement, and in times of emergence our military force, the Wonderbolts protect the populace from threats they hopefully will never know about. From Griffon invasions to simple monsters, the Wonderbolts are tasked with protecting ponies by any means necessary even if it means killing."

Twilight took a deep breath as she looked Rainbow in the eyes. Rainbow, until you're ready to learn to follow orders and think before you act, I’m afraid I had to let Spitfire know that in my professional opinion, you were not ready." She said as she removed her hand from Rainbow's shoulder.”

“So that’s it?" Rainbow said sullenly as she looked at the ground. "I worked hard on getting into the Wonderbolts for years, you supported me all the way and you pick now to stab me in the back?!" She said, her voice growing later till she was yelling. “I thought you were my friend!” She yelled angrily as she glared at Twilight.

“I am your friend Rainbow!” Twilight retired as anger creeped into her voice. “I’m trying to help you not get yourself or your comrades killed during a dangerous mission. Equestria may be at peace now but you've seen what our enemies are like. Just last week we fought Tirek himself and almost lost! Rainbow, I do want you to be a Wonderbolt but I also don't want you learning the cost of not following orders or what being part of the team means when facing someone like him or Nightmare Moon or Chrysalis or any of the numerous monsters in Equestria! Better you learn such things when training and in a controlled environment, not when on the battlefield where every action could mean your death or the death of others that could be relying on you.”

“Yeah, well I don’t see it that way!” Rainbow retorted and prepared to continue but was cut off by Twilight raising a hand. "Look Rainbow, I never said not to make you a Wonderbolt." She said cutting her argument off before it could start. "I said to give you another few months before she considers it. Please stop being so stubborn, all I ask is for you to stay and receive six more months of leadership and tactical training. Spitfire and I talked and she even offered that she could train you one on one so that you would know what it means to make the right choices as a leader. She also said if you agreed to this then you would be ahead of everypony else when it came time for officer training."

As Twilight, trying to placate the angry pegasus she once more went to place her hand on her shoulder again only for Rainbow to back away. "Please Rainbow, once you show some improvements I am sure Spitfire will-” “You know what, I’m done listening to this." Rainbow said as she turned away from Twilight. "I’m done listening to a pony with wings who's still having trouble flying despite having them for a year! Just because I don't do well with a team doesn't mean I'll screw up a mission but apparently one of my best friends doesn’t think so and as a result I'm grounded and can’t work with the Wonderbolts anymore! Screw you Twilight, I’m good enough to be a Wonderbolt. Fuck you!” She yelled as she stormed away leaving Twilight to stare after her in shock till the sounds of the doors slamming shut was heard.

Twilight was silent as she looked in the direction of the closed doors and sighed as she lit her magic and wrapped it around the books she sat down, continuing to organize the shelves of her new castle's library. "Sorry Rainbow, but I know what it's like to be unprepared for a roll you're going to be thrust into and I don’t want you to have the same problems as I am having now."

As Twilight was focused back on shelving the books the cloaked figure remained hidden for several moments waiting to see of anypony else was around but after waiting for five minutes she decided that she must be alone and slowly moved forward sneaking up behind the alicorn and grabbing her from behind before slammed her into one the bookshelf causing Twilight to gasp in shock and pain as she was pulled of the bookshelf she was smooshed up against and thrown across the room by the cloaked figure before she could recover.

With a gasped groan Twilight got the air back in her lungs and got herself propped up onto her elbows just in time for the tall cloaked pony to come and stand over them and pull their hood down revealing a pony with a dark blue coat. "Greeting Twilight Sparkle." The Pony said as green flames enveloped the pony burning away the visage and revealing chitinous skin, long greenish hair and piercing green eyes.

"Chrysalis, why are you here?" Twilight growled as the queen stood over her with a smirk.

"Why, I'm here for you Twilight, after all you are one of the few to see past my illusions and to the real me. You're a thorn in my side and I've been trying to figure out how to be rid of you for some time." The queen grabbed twilight by the throat and lifted her off the ground. "You in particular but to be honest you're just the first to be dealt with. After all the Elements as well as those damn princesses you ponies worship must go as well." She spat. "But First I must make sure I have no more trouble from you." She said as she drew a knife, narrowed her eyes, and stabbed Twilight in the stomach causing the young alicorn to gasp in shock before Chrysalis released her to fall to the ground.

As Twilight fell to the ground she gasped and clutched her stomach whimpering in pain as Chrysalis grinned above her and slowly circled like a shark looking for an opening. "Even if I die Equestria will find a way to survive and defeat you." Twilight gasped out as she looked up at Chrysalis with a dark look.

Chrysalis chuckled. "Perhaps but you see I realized that when I invaded during the wedding my plans didn't go nearly far enough." Chrysalis said as her smile grew. "I should have dealt with you the moment I had the opportunity but I didn't." Chrysalis said as she reared her foot back and drove it deep into Twilight's stomach causing her to scream and cough up blood before she leaned down and slammed her fist into the young Alicorn's head. Twilight ground but had no time to react as she was pulled up by her neck causing her to choke as her head was slammed into the ground again repeatedly as Chrysalis laughed. "I'm going to enjoy them finding your mutilated body, there despair, there pain and fear; it will taste so delicious!" She said exactly as she raised the knife and stabbed Twilight through her right eye and twisted, ripping it out.

Twilight screamed as her eye was ripped from its socket, the pain almost knocking her out but the adrenaline kept her conscious as Chrysalis raised the knife to her face and licked the blood from it and when she reached the eye she bit into it and pulled it from the knife, the juices of the mangled eye still on the weapon as she dramatically swallowed it with an audible gulp. "With your death all of Equestria will fall into despair and as they mourn your death I shall unleash my swarm and claim what's rightfully mine." Chrysalis laughed as she grabbed the alicorn and turned her over. "But first I will enjoy myself." She said in an almost delirious voice as she placed the knife to the base of Twilight's wings and began to saw them off messily.

Twilight screamed as the knife cut deep into her flesh and almost blacked out again as the knife met her bones and Chrysalis began to saw at them. "Struggle all you like my dear, this knife is enchanted to cut through anything." Chrysalis leaned down her face next to Twilight's ear. "Even bone but that doesn't mean it will go in a single cut." She said as she continued to chop the wing off. Twilight screamed as after what felt like eternity the wing finally ripped from her back and unseen by her Chrysalis's smile grew more deranged and ecstatic as she moved the blade to the next and proceeded to do the same.

After finally severing the second wing Chrysalis stood and kicked Twilight over so that she lay on her now severed and bloody stump that her wings were once attached to and posed over the half conscious alicorn holding the wings as if they were extravagant fans. "How do I look dear?" She asked with a giggle. "Don't I just look absolutely radiant darling?" She asked as her form shifted to that of Rarity's.

Twilight didn't respond to the Queen's actions other than simply gasping for breath and weakly glare as she lay there. "Awe, do you need some help my dear?" She asked as she bent over the half conscious alicorn who stared at her before making a weak attempt to talk. "What's that?" Chrysalis asked as she looked at the mangled mare before her. "I couldn't hear you." She said as she tossed the wings away and knelt down. "Why don't you say it again." She said with an arrogant grin as she returned to her changeling form and leaned over her victim.

"I... said... Fuck you... cunt." Twilight said before spitting blood at the queen's face, it landed on her cheek.

Chrysalis froze in shock before reaching a hand up to her cheek and wiping the blood from it and looking at it before chucking, however slowly the chuckling devolved into full laughter. "Ah, I'm going to enjoy this." She said as she grabbed the knife and ripped Twilight's dress fully off seeing her Cutie Mark on her shoulders and drove her knife into the skin around them and began to slowly cut. Twilight's eyes widened as her mouth fell open but no sound came as Chrysalis slowly carved the skin around her cutie marks off before moving to the next one and after agonizing moments Chrysalis finally held up two pieces of her skin. "I think I could make a set of earrings out of these." She said as she held them up to her ears before dramatically sighing. "Aw, they're too big." She said in fake sadness before tossing them aside. "Ah well, We still have so much more to do." She said as she once more picked up the knife and grinned as she leaned back over the already near dead Alicorn.

To Twilight, the torture lasted for what felt like hours and by the time the queen was done Twilight's voice had long since left from the screaming but her eyes still looked upon the Changeling Queen with disgust and now a small fragment of spite. "Ah if only I could keep you for longer Twilight, by the time I'd be done with you I'd have you so broken you'd be screaming and moaning in pleasure with each cut as I used my power to change your pain to pleasure." As she spoke her eyes glowed green with power. "But sadly I have things to do and a swarm to unleash upon hapless Ponies. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did Twilight Sparkle." Chrysalis said as she raised the blade above her head and plunged it deep into the alicorns head killing her but not before she was vaguely aware of her slowly curving the blade and with a flourish twisting her horn from her skull and grinning as Twilights awareness fade to black, tears falling from her eyes as she was finally released from her torment the light in them faded.

Chrysalis grinned as she stood admiring her handy work as a crash was heard and the sound of hooves was heard before the doors to the library were blasted off the hinges by a combined yellow and blue aura that send them flying and Celestia and Luna charged in, the remaining Elements, Spike and even Discord close behind and just in time to see Chrysalis, standing over Twilight and smiling, open a portal. "Too late~." Chrysalis sang as she stepped through the portal just as Discord charged forward with a blind roar of rage and anger only to crash into the wall as the portal closed just as he reached it. As Discord pulled himself from the wall and the Elements stood in shock Celestia and Luna ran to Twilight's body, Celestia scooping her up as she looked at the mutilated body slowly beginning to weep.

Hesitantly the remaining Elements began to approach however Luna quickly turned to them, a dark look in her eyes. "Not another step!" Luna yelled, causing the others to freeze. "Better you remember her as she was." She said tears streaming down her face as she turned back to Celestia who clung to the body of Twilight and wept like a mother who had lost her child.

Twilight's death was not a quiet affair, no pony could deny that it wasn’t hidden but the news spread throughout Equestria and beyond far faster than anypony thought possible. Of course the fact that changelings were behind it was no secret either and rumors spread that the reason the news was spread so fast was due to them trying to destabilize the kingdom.

However weather these rumors were true or not didn't matter, a hero of Equestria had been murdered, her death at the hands of the Changeling Queen Chrysalis being all but confirmed several days later as the rulers of Equestria made a formal declaration announcing her death and her soon to be held funeral. from across Equestria ponies made their way to the capital to pay respects, Twilight's actions as the Element of Magic having touched countless individuals. As word spread beyond the borders of Equestria so too did many of the other races' rulers come to pay their respects and offer assistance to Celestia and Luna.

The funeral was held a week after her death, the casket kept closed out of respect to the deceased mare and her family as it was carried by the Royal Guard from Ponyville to the train and from there delivered to Canterlot where her body was escorted by the Guard once more to the Garden of Heroes, her brother and former Captain of the Royal Guard, Prince Shining Armor leading the procession as they walked her there. The Garden of Heroes was the graveyard where the greatest of Equestrian heroes were laid to rest and held the likes of Starswirl the Bearded, Clover the Clever, Princess Platinum of Unicornia, and Commander Hurricane. She would rest with the Heroes of old, another legend to pass into history.

No pony expected the turn out, the streets of Ponyville were lined with her friend and more as everypony that could came, friends and family gathered at the head of the procession but even those who Twilight had helped throughout her time as the Element of Magic and before came from across Equestria however once the funeral had passed Equestria did not fall into despair like Chrysalis had believed.

As the ponies Ponies cried their sorrow and sadness changed and turned to something that many of the other races thought the modern pony had forgotten, anger and now that the funeral had passed the time of morning had as weel and now the time came for the voices of ponies to cry out for blood. In trying to break Equestria Chrysalis had done the one thing no other race had since the Great Griffon War over a thousand years ago, she had crossed the line and gone too far.

While Pony society was quick to forget the other races did not forget so easily and some held long records detailing the past before the Nightmare War led by the corrupted Lunar Princess. While the modern Ponies were a soft race, more prone to kindness and friendship, they had once been a force to be feared and with the sparks of war once more awoken in the Equestrian ponies it was as if overnight the ponies rose up and prepared for war. Blacksmiths hammers rang out as they struck their anvils, Mages gathered in their long sealed off libraries gathering knowledge that had been cast aside for favor of peace, the Royal Guard that had become simply a ceremonial tradition awoke from it's ancient slumber with training no longer meant to keep the peace but to kill.

Deep within Canterlot Castle the doors to an ancient and sealed armory that had been locked and hidden away since the end of the Nightmare War and the defeat of the Lunar Rebellion were ripped open by Celestia, As she entered the torchlight from outside the room glinted off ancient golden armor and a dusty halberd, beside it sat armor similar to that worn by Nightmare Moon and an ancient sword. Celestia and Luna stepped forward as the armor pieces rose in their magic coming to rest against their forms and locking into place for the first time in over a thousand years. The peace and harmony that Equestia had known for so long, that Celestia had worked so hard to bring about, was no more. The fires of war that had once been extinguished with but ashen embers remaining again roared in the hearts of Ponies.

Chapter 2: End are but Beginnings

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Deep within the void twelve beings stirred, Harmony had fallen and their champion was lost. One growled as it looked at its brothers and sisters. The figure though merely appearing as a silhouette seemed made of magma and as it moved it's form twisted and warped in odd ways. "I will not sit idly by as this occurs." They said angrily.

"Nor shall we Cruelty, Chrysalis has altered the balance in which we worked so hard to restore. Our Champions destiny... Twilight Sparkle was not ready and her destiny remains unfulfilled." Replied another kinder female voice, this entity's form appearing as that of a silhouette wreathed in light with fiery flames licking off her shoulders.

"Peace Kindness, it must be placed to a vote." The largest of the beings said, its form even silhouetted was like that of the night itself. "My brethren, I propose we bring her here. No being will disturb her here and we may train her personally."

"I agree." A voice that sounded like darkness itself spoke, causing all eyes to turn to a being of pure shadow, their silhouette not visible under the power that he was wreathed in. "All in favor?" He asked as all the beings raised their hands quickly in agreement obviously not wishing to earn the ire of the being.

"Then it's decided, Twilight Sparkle will be trained here by us personally." The Night like being said. "Remember to appear before her in a form she can comprehend, if she were to look upon us now she would be driven mad." He said as the other beings bowed and faded away leaving the Night like figure and the Shadow figure to leave last.

Twilight lay on the floor of her palace, the torture he had endured lasting for what felt like hours as Chrysalis mocked her and did things that she would never forget. Her body was numb, her throat raw from screaming and her voice wasn't coming out, the vocal cords probably broken by now from her screams. But she couldn't let her mind break, no matter what the Changeling Queen would do to her she would keep glaring at her, keep staring upon the Changeling Queen with disgust and out of spite. Though her body might be broken and her voice lost she would not surrender.

"Ah if only I could keep you for longer Twilight, by the time I'd be done with you I'd have you so broken you'd be screaming and moaning in pleasure with each cut as I used my power to change your pain to pleasure." As Chrysalis spoke her eyes glowed green with power, power to control, to rewrite one's mind and will but Twilight glared at her in spite. She wouldn't break.

"But sadly I have things to do and a swarm to unleash upon hapless Ponies. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did Twilight Sparkle." Chrysalis said as she raised the blade above her head and plunged it deep into the alicorn's head. Twilight's eyes-well eye, widened in shock as she felt the blade dig into her head and in a second as she was vaguely aware of Chrysalis slowly curving the blade she felt her memories and mind being obliterated as the knife ripped through her gray matter and suddenly her head felt lighter as she saw her horn pulled from her skull.

Tears fell from Twilight's eyes, the Queen won, she was broken and with that she let the dark take her. She didn't want to live anymore, not without her horn, not without her magic. Darkness swam in her vision and she embraced, the last thing she saw clearly being the grinning face of Queen Chrysalis.

As Twilight's awareness faded to black she felt as if she was sinking, the cold and darkness was all she felt as she drifted in a sea of nothing. As she floated however she slowly became aware of the feeling of something under her, as if she were laying on the ground. Slowly Twilight moved and sat up, not feeling the pain of her body anymore as she looked down at herself before looking at her arms and then feeling her now intact eye, she knew she was dead but here she was, sitting on invisible ground and surrounded by a void of nothing.

"Is t-this the afterlife." She asked herself, partly because she wanted to see if her voice worked and also because she just wanted to hear something normal after what she had just endured. She didn't bother standing or looking around instead she just looked at her intact body however her attention was caught by the sound of chuckling causing her to look up and come face to face with a strange being.

The Being was a strange entity that seemed to be made of brown swirling energy that seemed to assemble itself into the appearance of a stallion slightly shorter than Big McIntosh with what may have been an attempt at a hat on his head. "Howdy young Twilight, I am Honesty." The Being said as he reached out a hand for Twilight to take. "And to answer yer question, no this ain't the afterlife, we brought yer soul to the void." He said as from the darkness around them nine more beings slowly appeared.

Twilight hesitated before slowly taking the hand offered, finding it surprisingly solid and stood looking at the beings surrounding her. "Who and what are you?" She asked in a slightly shakily voice.

"We are the physical manifestation of what you call the Elements of Harmony." Another of the beings explained as his form solidified slightly forming into the appearance of a stallion, though he still appeared as nothing but swirling purple energy, he now wore an ancient wizard hat and robes. "I am the manifestation of the Element of Magic." The figure said with a bow.

"I am his twin brother and the opposite of his element, Necromancy." The figure next to him said as he stepped forward, his appearance similar to Magics but his was darker darker with hints of green swirling through his form. He wore what was most commonly identified as necromancer robes, though such garments were more so just modified wizard robes.

Another of the Beings stepped forward and bowed. "Greetings Twilight Sparkle, I am Deception the Opposite of Honesty." The being said as he rose from his bow. Unlike his counterpart, Deception looked as if he were made of a light brown energy and wore a finely tailored suit.

After introducing himself Deception stepped back and two more figures stepped forward though they were both female. The first looked to be a being made of Light and fire, an aura of kindness like that of Fluttershy seems to encircle her as she walked making Twilight smile faintly. The one beside her was much different from the one beside her, her form burned with untamed fire and her body radiated as if she were made of Lava, an aura of anger and hate countered by the first mare's aura. "Greetings Twilight Sparkle, I am the Element of Kindness." The one made of light said as her form solidified and revealed she wore a set of flowing royal robes. After introducing herself Kindness stepped back leaving the other fiery being to stand before her.

Even though the Lava like entity had no face to look at her with Twilight could feel the contempt and judgment the being cast upon her causing Twilight to shift uncomfortably but not look away from them as they condensed their form revealing they wore light and skimpy female warrior armor that was slime and had she had physical form would hardly be called covering, in fact one could say it was extremely erotic. "I'm Cruelty." The Being said before she turned and walked away, joining her Opposite.

"Well you must have potential if Cruelty will acknowledge you." A voice said as a female entity made up of a liquid silver like substance said as she approached Twilight. The Entity wore heavy knight armor over royal robes and a crown of gold wreathed her head. As she approached her arm was interlocked with another being, this being having the stature of a Male and was made of obsidian crystals. Like the woman at his side, the male being wore heavy armor and robes however the trappings bore a unique design that Twilight recognized from pictures she had seen of King Sombra. "Greetings young Twilight, I am the Element of Generosity and this is my husband Greed." The Being said as she bowed her head and let go of her husband's arm who seemed like he wanted to run but instead faced Twilight and bowed.

"Greetings Twilight Sparkle, it is an honor to properly introduce myself to you given the last time we met I was... not myself. Greed said as he bowed to her only for his form the shift for a second, glitching as if the world was overlaying his appearance over another and for a second the visage of crystal fell away revealing his true appearance, a tall and muscular stallion with dark hair and a curved horn that faded from black to red at the tip.

"Sombra!" Twilight gasped and as she took a step back in fear.

"Indeed, Lady Sparkle." Sombra said, not raising from his bow. "And on that note I truly wish to apologize to you for how we last met, Lady Sparkle. After all when we last spoke I was most certainly not in my right mind, or rather I was not wholly myself."

W-what d-do you mean?" Twilight managed to stutter out, her fear and shock combining to leave her near speechless.

Sombra sighed as he rose and looked at her with apologetic eyes, his form still part of what he looked when alive but the crystal was obviously more present in that if coated his body and parts of his face like the scales of a dragon but it didn’t detract from his appearance, rather it seemed to enhance it to a degree making him appear noble, perhaps even regal. "When last we met you only interacted with a broken fragment of myself left behind on the physical plain." Sombra explained calmly. "When I and my companions were trapped in this realm fragments of us remained in the physical world. These fragments are incomplete things, like echoes of what who and we were than anything else. As a result only fragments of our personality remained in them, the others fragments did not persist long as like an echo they eventually faded away but mine latched onto the Crystal Heart to power itself and as a result persisted while slowly deteriorating to madness and preventing me from fully entering this realm. My body and soul were brought here to the Void but my mind was trapped in these fragmented echoes. When you and your friends used the Crystal Heart on me it overwhelmed my Echo's fragile body and at last shattered it allowing my mind to fully return to me here in the Void and make me whole once more." As Sombra finished his explanation he bowed once more. "I was at last able to be reunited with my wife and comrades as well as be free of the madness I fell into thanks to your efforts Landy Sparkle, for your help, even if unintentionally, I am in your debt."

Twilight smiled shyly and nodded. "Your welcome, Sombra. Huh...never thought I'd ever say something like that." She muttered, earning a laugh from the Element of Greed.

"Well with that out of the way." A pink figure said as they appeared wearing only basic clothes as they clapped their hands. "Yo, I'm laughing." She said with a wave as another figure made of a darker pink almost red energy appeared beside them and condensed into a figure dressed in dark armor. "And this here is my opposition, sorrow; say hi sorrow!" The pink swirl said excitedly.

The Darker figure sighed as Laugher floated around him excitedly before they grabbed the speeding figure by what was technically their neck and smacked them upside the head. "Have some respect Laughter." The figure said grumpily before turning to Twilight and bowing, "Greetings I am the Manifestation of the Element known as Sorrow."

"Well with your introductions out of the way it's time you met the boss's." Laughter said excitedly as they appeared behind Twilight excitedly even though they had been held by Sorrow a moment ago prompting the other Elements to quiet down and nod as they looked at each other before Kindness approached her. "We will meet again child but for now farewell." With that the other beings except for Laughter and Sorrow turned walking deeper into the void before blinking out of existence.

"This way." Laughter said with a flourish as Twilight slowly stepped forward following the two Elements deeper into the Void. The walk was slow and to Twilight it felt as if the went for at least an hour before she saw two beings in the distance and the group began to approach them. When they were a few feet away from the two beings Laugher turned to Twilight. "Well, this is where we leave ya for now, see ya kid." Laughter said before jumping up and disappearing.

Sorrow sighed. "Farewell miss Sparkle." He said and bowed before stepping into the shadows of the void, his presence disappearing as if he were never there. Now standing alone in the void, Twilight took a deep breath before turning to the two beings before her and slowly stepped forward approaching them.

As Twilight approached, a feeling of weight seemed to surround her making it harder for her to move forward, with each step it was as if she were slowly being crushed and slowly she lost focus on the two figures she was trying to get to and instead focused on just taking a step forward. After what felt like hours of walking she was at last before the two beings who seemed to have not noticed her and instead were sitting across from one another meditating.

The One on the left was a swirl of dark blue Energy with white specks making him look as if he were wrapped within a fragment of the night and his form was covered in the ornate armor of a knight but atop his head was an ornate crown. Opposite the Knight like King and sitting to Twilights right sat a much more intimidating figure. The Being was formed from a pure black energy and surrounding him were wisps of dark red making him look like the sky during an eclipse, he too wore armor but it was twisted and broken, looking as if it was warped around and twisted onto him.

As Twilight looked upon the two beings, the one on the left at last looked up at her, his eyes looking to be glowing stars. "Greetings Twilight Sparkle and welcome to the Void. I am Loyalty." The knight King said calmly.

"I am Betrayal." The Darker figure on the right said as he examined her. "You hold great potential but you are far from being prepared for my lessons." He said as he rose and walked away. "Return once you can handle the Aura of Power that surrounds us.

Loyalty sighed and stood looking upon the young Alicorn, his very presence making Twilight desire to bow in respect. "Please excuse my Opposite." He said calmly as he seemed to scrutinize every fiber of Twilight's being. "Betrayal is a man of action not words, I may be his opposite but even can never guess his intentions. But such discussions are not for the moment, now I assume you have a lot of questions, this is the time to ask." He said as the oppressive aura Twilight had felt at last released her. "Have a seat, ask and I will tell." He said as he sat back down.

Twilight hesitated before taking a seat and sighing as she felt the pressure lift and a moment for her to breath as she sat down in front of the being. "I guess the first question is who or what are you and the others." Twilight said slowly.

The being nodded. "A good question, and one not easily answered but I shall do my best. Long ago we were the living beings that were responsible for forged what you would come to know as the Elements of Harmony. The crafting of these Items was no easy feat and your understanding of what they are is miniscule compared to the truth, you will come to understand what the Elements are and their true functions in time but for now know that when we forged them it was required that we seal a fragment of our souls into the Elements we represented. As a result when we were at last killed we were still bound to the world of the living even though our bodies have long since died we can not move on lest the magic within the Elements come undone. As a result we exist here, in the distant Void removed from life but denied our Death. As for who we were..." The being gazed off into the distance. "We don't really remember who we were originally, do not mistake me, we all have some fragmented memories of who we were but the amount we remember varies from individual. Magic remembers some of who he was as does his brother, Laughter claims to know but she is half mad so we don't believe her and Betrayal retains a significant portion of his memories but truth be told the only one who truly remembers their past life is Greed. He was known as King Sombra, when we were trapped in this realm a part of him remained in the physical world and became a twisted monster, from what he's said, you and your friends destroyed that shadow which allowed him the finally join us here."

Twilight sat in silence as she digested this information before looking at Loyalty and asking her next question. "Why are there two versions of the Elements of Harmony?"

"Harmony does not just represent good." Loyalty explained calmly. "Harmony represents two opposites coexisting, in truth the Elements are able to be used for both order and chaos. The true name of the Elements have actually been lost, the reason of which you will come to know as you learn the truth of the Elements."

"What were they originally called?" Twilight asked, her confusion blatant but also her desire to learn.

Loyalty chucked at her excitement before responding. "Honesty and Deception represent the Element of Choice, Generosity and Greed represent the Element of Desire, Laughter and Sorrow represent the Element of Emotion, Kindness and Cruelty represent the Element of Empathy, Magic and Necromancy represent the Element of Knowledge and Loyalty and Betrayal represent the Element of Allegiance."

Twilight nodded in thought. "Okay one more, where are we and why am I here?" She asked.

The figure nodded. "This is the Void, a realm between the world of the living and the realms of death, everything here is in a state of both life and death at the same time. It was created when I and the other Elements used the Element of Harmony's power for the last time. As to the reason as to why you are here, I and the other Elements brought you here after you died to train you to be the Alicorn of Harmony."

As Loyalty answered Twilight sat in confusion before looking at the being. "I don't understand, what do you mean by the Alicorn of Harmony?"

"When you Ascended to Alicornhood you united the power of the Elements of Harmony, since then the power the Elements once held no longer reside within the physical Elements but inside you and the wielders themselves, the physical manifestation of the Elements now simply serves as a focus for this power. While the others embody the traits that make them worthy to bear the power of the original Elements and their dual nature, you embody the aspects of all twelve virtues the Elements represent. In life I and Betrayal were like you, I represented the six virtues of Order while Betrayal represented the Chaos Virtues. As such we were the leaders of the Elements. You are the same as us, but you represent all twelve Virtues, both order and Chaos."

As Loyalty finished explaining Twilight sat in shock as Loyalty stood and looked down upon Twilight. "While you represent all twelve virtues you are not ready to wield nor capable of controlling such power yet and you would not have been ready for centuries, however with your death at the hands of Chrysalis all of Fate has been thrown into chaos. Without someone to take the reins the world has begun to spiral and if not stopped then the world will plunge into darkness the likes that have not been seen since before Equestria." Loyalty said calmly as Twilight sat listening to the ancient being. "Something had to be done and so we brought your soul here to the Void to both save you from death and because time flows faster within the Void. If we resurrected you in the world of the living now you would not have the time to learn what you need in time but here in the Void there is time for you to slowly learn and master your power. We need you trained and prepared for the future and as such we will train you personally in what you need to know to wield the power of the Elements to their fullest extent as well as the power you hold control over as the Alicorn of Harmony."

Twilight sat in silence as Loyalty stood over here waiting for her response. Slowly Twilight looked at Loyalty. "Alright, where do we start?" She asked, her voice serious as she looked at Loyalty with determination.

"Each of the Elements have their own domains within the Void, you will train with each Element and learn what they can teach you. Once you have mastered the Power of the elements you will move to the next till you at last make your way to us where we shall give you your final test. Once you have passed we shall use our power to open a gate and return you to the physical world where you will face and defeat Queen Chrysalis and her swarm."

"How long will the training take?" Twilight asked.

"I do not know Twilight. Within the physical world it will be only a few years however to you it will be centuries. THis is why we brought you to the Void, the power of the Elements and the power you control as the Alicorn of Harmony is beyond anything a mortal could comprehend in a single life time, thankfully you are an Alicorn and as such Immortal." Loyalty replied as he looked at Twilight who had been saddened at his answer and sighed. "If I had to put a guess at the time you will be here... one hundred and sixty-seven years. It will take you at least that long to learn and master one Element."

Twilight took a deep breath as she digested Loyalties answer. "Okay, so when do I begin". She asked as she stood and looked at Loyalty.