Tales...Of...Incest...A Side Story!

by WhispersInTheDark

First published

A lonely MILF sees her son half-naked one day, and something switches in her bimbo brain...

Things have never been the same for Cream Heart since her husband passed away. Still quite hot, she has had her share of dates, but they're always missing that certain...something.

That all changes when she catches her son half-naked one day...

This is a side story to TALES...OF...INCESSTTT!!! The only thing you need to know from that tale to understand this one is "The Tuesday Tradition," other than that...enjoy!

"...may I...suck your dick?"

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It was well after five o'clock by the time Cream Heart walked slowly home from the impromptu orgy at the Town Hall meeting, lost in thought. No Earth pony male had given her tail a good yank, and she didn't know if she was relieved or disappointed by that. Still, she'd sucked her share of cocks and gotten railed a few times after the meeting had broken up, but as always, it had left her feeling strangely unfulfilled. Ever since her husband passed away many years ago, it had been just her and her son Button Mash, and she missed her stallion every single day. Not just because the both of them had been deeply in love, but because nopony else had ever been able to make her feel as alive as he did! It was truly a wonder they'd only had the one child, for their bedroom activities had always left her completely helpless and thoroughly satisfied, practically brimming with his cum from every opening! She wrapped her arms around herself and shivered thinking about all the times he'd made love to her All. Night. Long...never tiring of her body and using her as if she were a stallion's playground...which she was only too happy to be for him!

She drew a deep sigh as she reached her home. Those days were over now... there was no sense in making herself depressed over something she couldn't change. She was still a relatively young mare, and guys still wanted her...there was always the chance she'd find somepony special again before she didn't care about such things as sex anymore.

As she walked through the front door, she stopped a moment and frowned. The house was overly warm and humid, which meant only one thing: Button was home, and he was so engrossed in his video games he'd forgotten to turn the A/C on again! "Button!" she yelled as she made her way over to the thermostat, "...how many times must I tell you to pay attention to the temperature? It's hot enough to bake biscuits in here!" She heard a distracted, "Sorry, Mom!" coming from his room, and then the continued sound of that ceaseless beeping and bopping. She cranked the temp waaay down, then marched to his room. Maybe she was being short-tempered from today's...activities...but she felt the need to confront him face-to-face this time. She threw the door open and began with, "Button! You...oh..." then stopped. Her son was sitting on the floor of his room, playing video games as always, but that's not what brought her up short.

He'd removed his shirt, and for a brief moment, she thought she was looking at her husband. Button had always resembled his Dad in his face, but...but...now? Whe...when did he develop those...those...pecs? And...and...those arms?! She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Sweet Celestia... his sweat even smells like his Father's! For Button was covered in it, and his scent filled the room! Cream's nipples grew hard, and she clenched her knees together as she felt her pussy grow wet as she closed her eyes and swayed slightly. Button paused the game and stared up at her.

"Mom? You okay?"

Cream Heart jumped and opened her eyes at his question, then shook herself, forced a smile, and said, "Oh! Yes! I'm fine!" Flushing a deep red, she stammered, "Um...dinner will be ready soon...I'll just...go get it...hot...and...ready..." On suddenly stiff legs she turned, slowly closed his door, and made her way to the kitchen. She was basically on auto-pilot for the next half-hour, for she simply could not get the image of how rugged and handsome he looked out of her mind...just like his father!

Then her thoughts took a more... lascivious turn...and she'd be lying to herself if this was the first time her mind had gone down these paths...but after today's meeting at Town Hall, and the tales told by Applejack, Fluttershy, and Her Honor about...the decreasing population...and their..."adventures"...with their siblings...these words had given her a new perspective. Earth ponies were always known to be a bit..."freer" when it came to sexual matters, when compared to the other tribes, and she always did want another foal...

She stopped what she was doing and looked over her shoulder...at his room, thinking to herself. She didn't know if he had a marefriend, but she doubted it, with all the time he spent inside playing games. Did...did he even...like girls? She turned back to the stove and kept absently stirring the pot she was using. She...she'd never even had...had The Talk with him, and he'd been too young when his father had passed for him to have done it, but...surely by now, he knew how things...(gulp!) went? He'd come of age months ago...surely by now he'd at least kissed a filly...or two...hadn't he?

Then, she wondered to herself if he'd followed in his father's footsteps in...other ways...such as...below the...waist...

He had seemed to be pretty large as a child when he was still small enough for her to bathe him, but it had been years since she'd seen him naked...below the waist, anyway...and she wasn't paying attention to such things...then. She looked back over her shoulder again. Maybe...maybe she should...help him out? She bit her bottom lip as she considered the best way to go about it. She couldn't just barge into his room and start sucking his dick like some cheap, cum-hungry whore...she was a lot of things, but she'd never been cheap! She thought carefully...if he wasn't consenting, it would damage their relationship, possibly beyond repair. No, she'd have to be subtle..."feel" him out, as it were, and gauge his reactions, and see where it goes...

"Button! Dinner's ready!"

"Okay, Mom!" he called back. Clicking the controller to "pause," he got up and was about to put his shirt back on when he noticed it was still rather warm in the house. "Weird..." he said to himself as he went to his door, "...I thought Mom turned the air on..." He put his tshirt on anyway, as it would have been rude to sit at the table bare-chested, then opened his door and made his way to the dining room.

When he got there, he stood still as a statue, his eyes nearly bugging out of his head. His Mom was...barely...wearing a very tiny bikini top, that only just covered her breasts! She was barefoot, and smiling at him as she carried the food dishes over to the table, and then...and then...she...she...turned her back to him as she set them down, and he saw she was also (barely!) wearing a very tiny mini skirt, and he could see her bubble ass peeking out from underneath it, under some enticing white and pink-striped panties! She looked over her shoulder at him. "Come on, son...food's going to get cold! Come eat!" Now sporting a rock-hard tent in his pants (which she noticed, but gave no sign) he walked over on stiff legs and slowly sat down. She spooned over the casserole for him, then started in on her own, but still he sat there. She paused with her fork halfway to her mouth and asked, "Is...something wrong, hon?"

He could barely think, but then he managed, "Wh...why...are you...dressed like that?"

She looked down at herself and smiled. "Oh, this! Well, it's actually your fault, son...it was so warm in here I decided to wear something a little more...hmm..."airy." She giggled. "It doesn't bother you, does it?"

Again, he had to take a moment before he could reply. Finally, he was able to slowly shake his head. "N...no, it's okay...I just...never saw how...BIG...your breasts were before..."

She giggled again and waved a hand. "Flatterer! I'm sure you've seen breasts before!" She put her fork down, placed her hands underneath her own and squeezed them, then gave them a couple of healthy bounces. "Your father loved them as well! He used to call them his "honeydew melons!" Isn't that cute?"

"...more like watermelons..."

She smiled at him. "What was that, sweetie?"

He cleared his throat, and answered, "I said, they're 'more like watermelons'"..."

She dimpled and blushed. "That is so sweet! You really make me feel special when you talk like that!" She quickly made a decision to take things a step further. She grabbed his hand. "Here, feel how soft they are, and tell me if they're as nice as some of the fillies I bet you've been fooling around with!" As his hand wrapped around his mother's pillowy tit and gave it a gentle squeeze, his cock became so hard it actually hurt, and he couldn't hold back his groan. She startled and looked at him with concern. "What's wrong, honey?! Are you okay?"

All he could moan was, "M...my...dick..."

Now, real alarm showed on her face, and she jumped to her feet, which made her boobies bounce and jiggle, which did not help his situation At. All! "Your penis?! What's wrong with it?! Does it hurt?! Stand up, let me see!"

Even so, he hesitated. "M...Mom...I'm...a little old for you to be...seeing...my...cock..." But she wasn't having it.

"If there's something wrong with you, I can help! I'm your mother! Now, unzip your pants, mister, and let me see what's going on!" Realizing she wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer, he climbed to his feet, slowly unzipped his jeans, then pulled his jeans and underwear down until his throbbing cock was exposed. Her eyes grew wide as it sprang out in front of her.

"Sweet Celestia...you're...HUGE!" She then slowly brought her hands forward and softly gripped it, then went to her knees.

"M...Mom?! What are you...doing?!" he stared down at her, too shocked to move.

She frowned up at him. "This is my fault you're like this...I shouldn't have had you grab my tit (she used the word deliberately), so...with your permission, I'm going to take "special" care of it."

His eyes grew wide, and his face flushed. "T...take...care of it? H...how do you...mean?"

She gave his cock a gentle squeeze, and simply asked, "Do I have your permission?" As he hesitated, a drop of pre appeared at the tip and oozed down the shaft onto her hand. She looked at it, then smiled up at him, her eyes sparkling, brought her hand up to her mouth, and slowly licked it off. She closed her eyes and moaned, "Mmm...just as delicious as your father's..." His eyes grew wide at the erotic sight and then he frantically nodded! "Alright then, baby, just relax...Mommy's warm, wet mouth is going to make you feel alll better..." She then brought her mouth forward, stuck out her tongue, and licked him from his balls all the way to the head. His knees almost buckled when her tongue made contact with his cock, so she grabbed him by his hips to steady him. "Careful, honey...don't fall over..." She then pulled his pants and underwear all the way down to his ankles, and then said, "Step out of them..." Once he did, she directed him to a chair and pushed him to sit down. "Spread your legs, so Mommy can work," as she walked on her knees in front of him. She then took her bikini top off for him so he could see her tits, snuggled in between his spread legs, then took his dick back into her mouth and started bobbing her head up and down.

Once his cock was slathered in her spit, and dripping off his balls, she looked up at him with half-lidded eyes and moaned, "...mmm...your cock tastes...so...GOOD, baby!" She sucked and bobbed a few more times, then whispered, "...does Mommy's mouth feel...good? Do you...like how I...suck your dick...?"

With his tongue hanging out, he quickly nodded. "Ye...yes! Yes, Mom! You...your mouth feels...amazing!" She smiled around her meaty mouthful.

She swirled her tongue around the head, then quietly declared, "I can...make you feel this...good...every...day....mmmph...mmmph...mmmph...would you...like that?" He excitedly nodded. She smiled once more. "Good boy...now...cum for Momma..." She then set about making him cum, eager to please him and to taste his thick, creamy spunk.

She'd been worried she'd feel guilt or even shame for what she was doing, but on the contrary, she felt nothing but joy welling up inside her, as the feeling of having her son's cock in her throat felt exactly the same as having her husband's, and that sense of unfulfillment completely vanished, making her wonder to herself why she had waited so long! She was a mare pleasing her stallion, as she was born to be, and nothing made her happier!

As he began to buck his hips and thrust his cock into her even harder, she knew he was about to unleash a mighty load into her mouth, so she was ready! In his ecstasy, he grabbed her by the head and screamed, 'I'm cumming! I LOVE YOU, MOMMMM!!" then sent a TORRENT of jizz into her mouth and throat, which she greedily swallowed. It took him almost a minute to finish, during which he kept his eyes shut and kept pumping over and over, while she held on and continued to gulp it all down, making sure she didn't spill a drop.

When he finally fell back against the chair and sighed, she gave him one last suck and sat up, then opened her mouth to show him she'd dutifully swallowed all his cum, as she was supposed to do. She leaned down and gave his dick a sweet kiss, then lay her head on his thigh and asked, "Feeling better?" He nodded and smiled down at her, then opened his mouth as if he was going to ask a question, then blushed and looked away. She sat up. "What is it? You can ask me anything, baby, I won't be angry."

He hesitated, but seeing the eager smile on her face gave him courage. "That...that was fun...and I...want you to do it again...but..."

She twirled a finger in the air. "Buuut...?"

He grit his teeth and closed his eyes. "...but...can I...fuck you?" He opened his eyes to see her reaction, only to see her staring up at him with a glowing smile.

As a single tear of joy slipped down her cheek, she whispered, "I was hoping you'd say that..." She leaned on his knees to help herself up, bent down and kissed his cock again, then took him by the hand and turned to lead him back to her bedroom. Stopping at the side of her huge bed, she turned and took his shirt off for him as she whispered, "I don't know how you'll feel about me after I tell you this, but I just love being dominated..." She reached up under her mini skirt and hooked her thumbs into the tiny waistband of her panties and pulled them down as she said this while watching his face, hoping she hadn't repulsed him.

Instead of being repulsed, he was...confused. "I'm...not sure...what you mean...?" She smiled up at him as she sat daintily down.

"You...don't have a lot of experience with mares, do you?" He blushed and shook his head. She reached up and caressed his cheek. "Don't be embarrassed, it's fine." She pulled him down so he was seated next to her. "Some mares like being the ones in control in the bedroom, while others, like me, love it when the guy does whatever he wants to them, uses them however he wants, and makes her enjoy it..." she gently explained. Her cheeks slightly reddened as she added, "I even like being called a slut, or a whore...it's called 'dirty talk'..." Seeing the look on his face, she quickly added, "...but you don't have to call me any of those things if it's too much for you! I want you to enjoy yourself, because pleasing you pleases me, just as it was with your father." She paused, then whispered, "Do you...still want to have sex with me...even knowing all this?" He looked away from her, and her heart sank, feeling she'd gone too far and scared him off.

But THEN...he slowly turned to face her, and a HUGE smile grew across his face! "I don't want to have sex with you...I want to FUCK you...SLUT!" As her heart started racing, and before she knew what was happening, he GRABBED her and pushed her on her back! "OPEN YOUR LEGS!!" he roared as he threw himself on top of her!
She spread her legs wide for him and cried out in joy and ecstasy as he positioned his cock at her dripping cunt, and then rammed himself home! She threw back her head and screamed as she came HARD at being so swiftly violated, and then was quickly reduced to moaning as her son began fucking her in earnest! "Take...that...dick...SLUT!" he growled as he pumped her without mercy, the first pussy he'd ever had, but certainly not the last!

"Yes! YES!! Fuck ME! Make me your MARE!!" she howled as she wrapped her legs around his ass and met his thrusts with frantic ones of her own, trying desperately to get him as deep inside her as she could! It was as if her husband was on top of her once again, fucking her brains out over and over until she was seeing stars, and her sanity was starting to slip away!

Button clenched his teeth and fucked his mother even harder as he announced, "Af...after...THIS? I... I'm...gonna...FUCK you...in your... ASS!!"

"DO IT!!" she screamed! "Fuck...me...how...however...you...WANT!! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! I...I'm...YOURS!!" Her eyes were beginning to cross as she threw her arms up over her head and gripped the bedrails! "So...GOOD! So...DEEP! More! MORE!!" He wrapped his arms around her chest to hold her steady, then took one of her nipples in his mouth to suck on while he kept driving his cock inside her, as she threw her head back and filled the air with her whorish moans.

Suddenly, he pulled out and sat up. Before she could ask what was wrong, he commanded, "Get on your knees, whore! I've always wanted to try this position!" She quickly scrambled to obey, flipping over onto her stomach and then propping herself up on her knees and arching her back, moving her tail out of the way. He grabbed her hips and pointed his cock back at her pussy, then slid back inside with a satisfied grunt. "Ahh...MUCH better...!" he sighed as he renewed his frenetic pace, as he now got to watch her ass jiggle and shake with each fuck below her miniskirt.

As for Cream Heart, she was approaching Nirvana! This was also one of her favorite positions, for it was where she felt the most dominated and helpless! Only one thing could make it even better! "Pull my mane!" she screamed, "...pull it and call me a filthy slut!"

Button wasted no time! "You got it, you bucking SLUT!" as he buried his hand in her thick, sweet-smelling mane and gave it a powerful tug. The combination of pleasure and pain pushed her over the edge again, and she screamed to the heavens as her pussy gushed marecum and her hips bucked and shook.

Seeing his mother cum that hard was too much for him, and he finally reached his limit. "I'm cumming! I'm gonna fill your cunt with my sperm, slut!" He shut his eyes and came, unleashing thick ropes of potent baby-batter over and over, again and again and again, into her helpless womb!

"Yes! YES, Button! BREED ME!! I belong to YOU, NOW!! AHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh!!!" She could FEEL herself becoming pregnant as her son's seed SWARMED inside her, and her eyes rolled up in her head as she rode out the best orgasm she'd experienced in almost a decade, as she stuck out her tongue and howled!

But then, before she had a chance to recover from that experience, to her great delight she heard, "And...now...I'm...I'm...gonna fuck...this...ASS..." She almost shrieked with happiness, but she simply looked deliriously over her shoulder, arched her back, and spread her legs, as her son pulled her tail up and she felt his massive cock prod her tailhole! She held her breath and relaxed her ponut, then closed her eyes and her sigh matched his as he sliiiiid inside her, inch by inch by throbbing inch, a thick satisfying cock in her ass at last!

As soon as he hilted, she came wildly, even before he started fucking her ass, as she was so happy to be getting dominated in this way she was starting to lose her mind! And then the real fun began, as her son started both ramming his cock in and out of her asshole, and then grabbed her mane at the same time! "Take it! Take it, WHORE!" he roared, as he fucked her silly, with her head thrown back and her ass jiggling with each of his powerful thrusts...it was...it was just like she was being fucked by her husband again!

But then, he said the words that really sent her over the edge! "I...can't stop...fucking...you! This...ass...is...too...GOOD!!" He closed his eyes as he began shooting ropes of thick cum inside her ass, but she had already climaxed around his cock, with her asshole spasming, clenching, and tightening as she came, for those words were ones her husband used to say to her every time he fucked her ass...

Then her son let go of her mane, reached down quickly, grabbed both of her arms, pulled them forcefully back as she moaned, and then used the added grip to drive his cock even harder and deeper into his mother's ass! Her eyes rolled up in her head at the added pleasure of being further dominated, and the increased ecstasy of her son's wonderful cock violating her asshole even further! Her tongue lolled out as her eyes crossed and she moaned, "...Sho...good...sho...good...!"

Just as she's explained to him before, she was being forced to enjoy whatever he wanted her to, and she was helpless, utterly helpless, to stop him! Just as Before! She felt her mind slipping away as her ass was being used for her son's pleasure, and she had already enjoyed several orgasms again and again!

As she heard him roar her name and cum inside her ass again, she reached her limit. "He's back..." were her last thoughts before she pitched forward onto her face into a fuck-coma.

When she came to a few minutes later, she looked over to her side, only to see her son lying beside her, smiling and watching her. "Wha...what happened?"

He reached over and gently squeezed a breast. "You passed out after I fucked you. Was I that good, or do you normally do that?"

She pulled his head down to hers and fiercely kissed him, then whispered, "You were that good, just like your father!"

He smiled at the compliment, then said, "From now on, you're only going to wear slutty clothes around me."

She nodded. "Yes, Button."

He continued. "You'll wake me up in the morning by sucking my dick."

She smiled. "YES, Button."

"You're my official cocksleeve now, got it?"

She closed her eyes and shivered as her heart pounded with excitement, then whispered, "Oh, YES, Button..."

He lay down on his back, then said, "Now, lick my balls and suck my cock, slut..." Tears of joy streamed down her face. He's... just like his father...I'm...WHOLE again!!

"ANYTHING FOR YOU, BUTTON!" She fell mouth-first on his cock and sucked him all the way into her throat, swirling her tongue all around it, slurping, moaning, and doing everything she could to make him cum and to serve him completely! She only stopped for a moment to deliver one last, heartfelt message, then quickly went back to being the submissive slut she'd always wanted to be and kept sucking her stallion's cock:

"...I love you..."