My Little Pony - Trainspotting

by AndyHunter

First published

Twilight and her friends become drugs addicts and can't stay few seconds without heroin doses

The mane 6 prostitute themselves to go to the Underworld & Iggy Pop concert, the night continues with Pinkie suggesting a sleepover, that crazy night will leave consequences for our ponies

Underworld & Iggy Pop concert - Prologue

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It was a beautiful morning, as the sun shone down on the beautiful lands of Equestria.

Twilight Sparkle was in a moment of intimacy with Caramel, a stallion she knows little about but needed bits to go to the concert. After they finish, Twilight lays down next to Caramel, both of them moaning in pleasure.

"Wow, you´re good at this Twilight!" Says caramel excited that he finally managed to fuck a beautiful mare
"Can you come more often, so... we can know about each other better?" Says the stallion, thinking that he has an opportunity with Twilight.

"Don´t get the wrong idea, I just do this for the bits" Says Twilight a little bit upset that almost everypony ask her the same question

"But..." Says Caramel, disappointed and sad

"You´re such a crybaby... there's a lot of bitches in this town, maybe if you´re so damn lucky, somepony wants something serious with your sad-ass" Twilight gets out of the bed, picks up the 30 bits that Caramel promised her with her horns.
"Finally, I think is enough to buy the tickets" Says Twilight with a low voice.

"It's okay that you don't want something serious, but you don't have to be so rude." Says the stallion with a broken heart.

"Whatever, as long as you have bits for me" Twilight prepares the teleportation spell and reaches the entrance of her castle
looking for Spike, she din´t see him anywhere.

"Spike? Where are you?" Ask the alicorn.

"I'm here, in the kitchen" Says it out loud so Twilight can hear it. "Are you done making other ponies happy?"

"Huhh.. Yeah sure..." Twilight tries to quickly change the subject and says the first thing that came to mind. "I finally got the enought bits, so I can go to the Underworld and Iggy Pop concert with the girls!" Says the alicorn nervous and happy at the same time

"That´s great Twilight! I can go too? everypony is saying that their music is good, and I want to know if that is true" The dragon asked while finishing the breakfast

"Sorry Spike, is not enough for us both, maybe next time"

"Awwww is not fair!"

Twilight thought of an idea so that her dragon friend, who buys her cigarettes, wouldn't be left alone in the castle.
"Maybe Rainbow Dash can carry you out in the sky while we are in the stadium"

"Really?!" Spike responds excitedly

"Yeah, why not? After everything you done for me, I think you deserved it"

"Thank you Twilight, this gonna be fun!" Spike jumps with happiness and Twilight smiles

"Here´s the breakfast Twi, hope you like it" Spike puts the plate of eggs on the table. Twilight looked at it for a moment, the breakfast feels so empty, where's the apple juice? bread? just eggs?

"Only eggs Spike? What happen with the rest?" Twilight asked worriedly, the worst was expected.

"Well... you spend everything in those stuff, you call candy, when you inject yourself with that syringe, you're passed out on the floor for an hour and a half"

"Oh... Well, those candies make me feel relaxed, like I'm in another world, all the stress and anxiety I have is gone thanks to those, that´s why I need it" Twilight replied as she ate her breakfast, trying not to make physical contact with Spike.

"I'm afraid you're becoming a addict, Twilight"

"What?! No! I'm totally fine, I know how to control myself, don't worry"

"Is ok Twi, I trust you, but you really need those? You have your friends and me"

Twilight started to feel miserable at that moment, but her body was asking for more heroin, she couldn't leave it, she had to get more.
After the concert, what will she do? Get more drugs or spend the bits on something really worth it?

"Yes Spike, not everytime you get somepony to get you better and I don´t wanna bother anypony with my personal problems, so those candies are the only exit when my world falls apart" Twilight lied, she actually needs it to satisfy her desires.

"I guess so" Spikes began to walk with a look of concern heading towards the exit of the castle.

"Where are you going?" Twilight ask just for curiosity

"I'm going to a cave to get some gems to eat, there's not enough breakfast for both"

"I´m sorry Spike, take care of yourself out there, make sure to get back on time for the concert"

Finally Twilight was alone in the castle, Spike went for gems and Starlight was in a trip with Trixie. Quickly went to her room, locked herself in and opened a drawer full of syringes, she still had 10 left at the moment, enough for a whole week. Twilight injects herself with one, and is lying on her bed for who knows how long. After an hour of hallucinations falls asleep like a log.
Night came and Twilight was still asleep, there were only 2 hours left until the concert started, all her friends were ready and her haven't even taken a shower.

"Where´s Twilight?" Ask Rainbow

"Sucking dick somewhere" Applejack replied, both burst out laughing

"Ruffians, that´s not funny, maybe she´s in danger or something" Says Rarity

"Don´t be a drama queen now Rarity, maybe she´s just in the Castle" Replied Rainbow

"How do you know that?" Ask Fluttershy in a low tone.

"Well, like last time, she was screwed up with heroin, her and I bought a package with large amouns of heroin last week so she must be sleepy at this moment"

"I´ll go after her, we only have 2 hours before the concert begins" Says the white unicorn.

"Me too!" Says the party pony.

Rarity and Pinkie headed to the castle, obviously it wouldn't be a silent way, Pinkie Pie began to talk out loud about her sexual experiences as if they were something normal in her routine.

"Rarity, have I ever told you about the time I sucked a dick, and the stallion kept saying my name, he said it like I forgot my own name, he was a silly you know, I forgot stuff sometimes, but my own name? Never!" She says it while jumping in happiness and with a big smile as always.

"Pinkie dear, those are stuff you don't say out loud!" Says Rarity while everypony that was were nearby listening looked at them with the typical WTF expression

"What's the matter? everypony knows our asses are public property anyway" Says the pink pony with the big smile.

"You right, but still embarrassing you know"

"Come on, tell me at leats how many you fucked today"

"If I remember correctly I think there were 10 I fucked, but I only do it with high class ponies, they pay better" Rarity says proud of her beauty.

Once arriving at the castle they begin to call for Twilight, but instead, they receive an answer from Spike who was preparing to go to the concert.

"Girls!" Says the dragon surprised "Surely you came looking for Twilight, she's in her room but she doesn't answer!"

"I'ma wake this bitch up at any cost" Says Rarity pissed off

"You go with us Spike?" Ask Pinkie Pie

"Yeah! there's not enough tickets for us, but Twilight says that I can go while Rainbow Dash carry me in the sky"

"That´s great Spike, It will be more fun if everypony goes!"

"Twilight get your purple ass up RIGHT NOW!" Rarity said while hitting the door with all her force.

Twilight finally started to open her eyes, she was so high, barely remembers everything she do today.

"What the hell happened?" Twilight ask to herself, she looked out the window and realized that it was already night.
"Oh shit, oh shit IS TOO LATE!" She said worried as she immediately got up and opened the door.

"You better hurry up you fucking junkie bitch, there's only an hour left until the concert starts and the others are already waiting for you at the stadium" Replied the white unicorn "And you must bathe!, you have sperm in your mane"

Twilight touched her mane and feel a sticky stuff "How fucking gross... give a moment, don't go without me!"
The alicorn starts to get ready as fast as she can, there are only 20 minutes left before the concert starts.

First Twilight took a shower, could still feel her sticky mane "If those bastards cum on my mane again... it's too fucked to remove" .

"Come on Twilight we are getting late!" Says the dragon worried.

"OK ok, just give me a sec" Twilight said after taking a bath but her mane was all messed up "I just need to comb my mane"

"Fuck that, I'll do your mane while we run to the stadium!" Says Rarity hurriedly, everypony and dragon began to run as fast as they could while Rarity combed Twilight's mane with magic.


"I'm sorry to say this Applejack, but Coloratura can kiss my ass, Underworld and Iggy Pop are legends now, I can´t wait to listen to their new song, bell and circles" Says Rainbow Dash unable to hide her fanaticism and happiness.

"It amazes me how quickly Rara went out of style" Replied Applejack.

"Is she gonna be fine?" Ask Fluttershy worried.

"Sure, Rara still making music, only now it's not a big hit like before" Says the farm pony.

"What´s your favorite Underworld song Fluttershy? You never tell me!" Ask Rainbow Dash happily.

"Mmmm maybe cowgirl and jumbo" Says the timid mare while smiling and excited to see her friend happy.

"Those are classics for sure, born slippy and juanita are mi favorite ones" Replied RD and was interrupted by Applejack that watched Rarity, Twilight, Pinkie and Spike ran towards them.

"Look! the bitches that don't know what it means to be punctual" Said Applejack in a mocking tone.

"WAIT FOR US!!" Yelled Twilight

The 3 ponies and the dragon were so tired from running that they could hardly hold their breath.

"You should stop injecting that shit so often Twilight, look what you did" Said Rainbow Dash somewhat annoyed by twilight's tardiness.

"Shut the fuck up, don't give me orders" Said the annoyed alicorn being reminded that it's late because of her.

"Come on girls, don't fight, I have cigarettes for everypony!" Pinkie pulls out a pack of cigarettes out of nowhere and gives them to each of her friends, except Spike for obvious reasons.

"Let's enter the stadium girls, the concert is about to start" Says Applejack.

"Rainbow Dash, you can take Spike to the sky? The ticket was only enough for one of us" Twilight asks after calming down with a smoke.

"Sure" Said Rainbow Dash after looking somewhat annoyed at Twilight, but in a short time she felt better "Get on my back Buddy!"

Spike excitedly climbed on Rainbow Dash's back and she flew a little high "This is gonna be the best night EVER!" Said the dragon excited that they would not leave him behind as usual.

Chapter 1- The cursed sleepover

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In front of Ponyville town hall the concert will be taking place, all the ponies from the ville, some from Canterlot, Cloudsdale even Manehattan came to enjoy the concert, it was to be expected, since Underworld and Iggy pop were the new sensation of Equestria at that moment.

It was the first time that a stage was filled in an impressive way, luckily, the mane 6 and Spike came to be in front despite the delay of Twilight.

Everything was ready, the lights went out, and suddenly smoke and neon lights came out around the stage, you could see Underworld next to Iggy Pop about to play their first song.

Rainbow Dash couldn't contain her excitement "OH MY FUCKING CELESTIA, I feel an orgasm going to come out!"

Underworld live (Is not necessary to hear this)

"Now I get why everypony likes their songs!" Says Spike raising his claws.

"I have cocaine to make it more interesting. What y'all say? Ask the farm pony.

"You really want to share your drugs, my dear?" Rarity responds asking surprised that a pony wants to share her drugs with others.

Rainbow dash flies over her friends to answer "Of course she wants, AJ is not like Twilight, that doesn't like to share and wants everything for herself"

"Hey, that's not true at all" Replied Twilight

"I once saw you fighting Starlight over a fucking ecstasy pill"

"Of course, she had already took all the pills and there was only one, what did you want me to do? I also wanted to try ecstasy"

"But you already had a pack of heroin, cocaine, what else did you want? I have a feeling you'll be the first of us to die of an overdose"

Spike was with his eyes closed concentrating solely on the music not paying attention to what Twilight and Rainbow Dash were arguing about.

"Shut the fuck up Rainbow, otherwise I'm going to owe him a lot of explaining and I'm not very good at improvising"

"Why don't you tell him the truth for once? you save a lot of trouble"

"You know I can't do that, luckily when we talk about these things, he doesn't understand and let it go, but sometimes he asks me a lot of questions about the drugs I consume"

"Could you two stop arguing? You look like lovers argue over anything" Said Applejack sick of hearing RD and Twi.

"Well, we are friends with benefits and shared the same dildo, I guess that's explains why" Replied Twilight with a hoof on her chin.

"Twilight, what the hell? You don't suppose to say that!" Said a blushing Rainbow Dash.

"Deal with it Rainbow Trash" Twilight said without any shame.

"Hahahahahahaha Rainbow, I never imagined you as somepony who likes to stick objects up your ass" Applejack replied dying of laughter.

"I... I, I'm sure I'm not the only pony who likes to satisfy herself that way with her friends, stop fucking around" Said a Rainbow Dash redder than a tomato.

"Don´t worry my dear, everypony have their secrets" Rarity said trying not to laugh.

"Like I was telling y´all before, before these bitches started their matrimonial fight, here's the cocaine" Applejack took her hat where she has kept the cocaine along with six straws so they could snort it.

Everypony except Fluttershy and Pinkie took a straw, as they were both distracted by dancing and enjoying the music. Spike notice this and begins to dance along with them.

Applejack approached them and said in a tone that they could hear "Fluttershy, Pinkie, don't you want some snow?

They both agreed and inhaled what was left.

"Ohhh this so good as sniff gasoline" Says a drugged Pinkie.

Applejack look at Pinkie disgusted "The fuck is wrong with you?"

"Don't be surprised Applejack, is Pinkie being Pinkie as always, you already know how weird she is" Says Fluttershy smiling.

"Yeah but that took me by surprise, I never imagined that Pinkie would like gasoline, it's just disgusting"

"Only smell it but not drank it you silly" Said Pinkie Pie jumping and dancing.

"Oh... I see I see...sorry, let's enjoy this awesome piece of music shall we?"

After several hours, the girls were dancing and enjoying the concert while being high on drugs, so it would be more fun after all.
At least this time, the mane 6 didn't occur to drink a lot of apple cider like the last time they were so drunk lying on the floor during Hearth's Warming Eve last year.

The concert had concluded and each pony headed towards their homes, the mane 6 and Spike walked together until Pinkie had an idea in mind

"Finally I have their autographs I can't believe it!" Says Rainbow Dash happily.

"Now you're gonna be bragging about it to everypony, like always" Said Applejack laughing and teasing Rainbow Dash.

"It seems that pissing me off became a tradition or something, I can't be happy for a moment" Says RD

"We bother you cause we love you" Twilight said looking at Rainbow directly appreciating her beauty.

"If you love me so much, lend me your Playstation 3" Said Rainbow Dash hoping Twilight would say yes.

"Let me think mmm... No, I love you but not that much" Replies the alicorn.

"Oh, Screw you Twilight" Said Rainbow Dash crossing her hooves in disappointment.

"Hahahahahah only for a day then" Twilight said knowing how her friend would react.

"You´re awesome Twilight! hours of Gran Turismo 5 and Metal Gear 4 here I come" Says RD flying everywhere happy

"And that´s how you make this bitch happy in a few seconds" Twilight replied dying of laughter, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pie also laughed.

"Are some of you girls tired?" Ask Pinkie Pie.

"Not me, I still have energy" Replied Twilight.

"Of course, cause you slept more than 14 hours. With all due respect my dear, you're a junkie motherfucker" Rarity said sarcastically. "And I'm not tired Pinkie darling, do you have something in mind?

"UGH!" Twilight groaning, holding back the urge to beat up Rarity.

"Yep. I was thinking a sleepover at the castle, what do you say Fluttershy? You haven't talked much today" Pinkie asked.

"Sure, why not? if you okay with that... I'm not tired either, I guess it's because I injected heroin before going out too. That stuff makes you sleep like you haven't had a nap in years, I totally understand Twilight there" Say the timid mare.

"I have farm work to do, but fuck it, it wouldn't hurt to have a sleepover" Said the cowpony.

"It's decided, let's have a sleepover at the castle" Says the party pony happily.

"Bitch, don't forget about me, I listened every word you all saying" Says Rainbow Dash flying above her friends, after her excitement subsided.

"Of course Dashie, I already knew you wouldn't refuse"

jogging to the castle, everypony got ready for the sleepover, Twilight left Spike in bed, he had fallen asleep on top of her the whole way, then she brought quilts for each of her friends.
Our ponies were in Twilight's bedroom, which was big enough for all 6 of them to be there.

Talked about how much fun they had today, play video games, finally deciding what movie to watch before they got drugged and fell asleep.

"I think we should watch Matrix Reloaded, the protagonist is cool as Daring Do" Suggested Rainbow.

"We've already seen it many times RD, why don't we better watch Dead Space Downfall? Asked Twilight.

"What it is about?

"Is a horror sci-fi in space"

"You got my attention there Twi" Said Rainbow Dash excitedly.

"It sounds like a movie for ruffians, I prefer to see Sex and the city, but everypony agrees I think I can tolerate it" Said the white pony.

"Why does it have to be scary, it can't be cute and cuddly like Brother Bear?" Said the timid scared mare.

"Maybe next time Fluttershy, you can hug me when you feel scared" Pinkie Pie answered, smiling at Fluttershy so she wouldn't feel afraid.

"You can count on me too sugarcube" Said Applejack lying next to Fluttershy.


Chapter 2 - 20% less cooler

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It was a wonderful day, the wind was blowing, the birds were singing and the ponies were on their way to do their routine work, a day like any other.
Instead our 6 favorite ponies were asleep super drugged, hours had passed and they were still lying there doing nothing.

Finally, Spike began to worry that they were still asleep, it was already going to be noon, the dragon had to do something about it.
Spike walked over to Twilight's bedroom door and banged on the door as hard as he could. The door was locked so he couldn't go in. "I'm getting worried, it's already 1 pm and they're still locked in there" said to himself.

Spike kept banging on the door, until Rainbow Dash was the first to get up, she didn't remember much of what happened yesterday and her head hurt a lot, the sound of the door bothered her a lot.

"Whoever is banging the door, CUT IT OUT" said Rainbow Dash raising her voice and being a little stressed.

"I didn't want to bother you RD, I was just worried that you girls were still there" Says Spike.

While Spike was speaking, Rainbow Dash walked to the door to open it, after long she was looking Spike square in the face.

"You shouldn't worry, it's normal when you inject... those... adult sweets" said Rainbow Dash nervous, scratching her mane, desperately trying to change the subject "So buddy, what hour is it?" Ask Dashie with a no worries face.

"It's 1:20PM, I don't know how you all can live without breakfast, I couldn't stand it" Spike said as he ate some gems had collected not long ago.

"WHAT?" Dash asked rhetorically, surprised at the time, SHE HAD A TRAINING WITH THE WONDERBOLTS LIKE EVERY WEEK.

"I SAY" Spike was about to repeat what he said, but Rainbow Dash put her hooves in his mouth.

"I MEAN THE HOUR, are you sure is 1 PM?" Dash ask very scared of how will Spitfire reacts.

"Yes, you can check it with the clock that is right there" Rainbow Dash takes a look at the clock and realizes that what Spike said is true, Dash was going to be late, an hour late to be specific.

Rainbow Dash began to sweat from nerves "Oh shit, SHIT!" The cyan mare tells to herself as she gets into flying pose and goes at full speed to the academy, luckily it's not that far.

Rainbow was flying at full speed to Cloudsdale, on the way, Scootaloo greeted her from below but Rainbow did not notice her and continued on her way.
Upon arriving at the academy, RD realized that the training started without her, so quickly went to the locker room and put on her Wonderbolt uniform quickly.

Suddenly when RD went to Spitfire, who was at the edge of the airstrip, Rainbow Dash had a headache and couldn't see clearly due to the effects of the heroin.

"Oh, Rainbow Crash, you're late again, mind to tell why? Said the captain of the Wonderbolts as soon as she noticed Rainbow's presence.

The cyan mare tried to generate a response but the headache did not let her think clearly.

"I can assume it was because of the concert yesterday... I don't know what's really happening to you Rainbow, you're late and sometimes you don't even show up here, is there anything I can help you with?" Asked Spitfire worried.

"I... I'm ok really, nothing serious..." Said the coolest pony enduring her pain and trying to clear sight with her hooves.

"We'll talk later, I need you to line up with the others, as always you go ahead and guide them through the clouds to clear the sky" Spitfire blew her whistle to get everypony attention. "Ok everypony, Rainbow Crash just arrived, so we'll repeat the process, line up NOW" Spitfire whistled again.

Everypony was in their positions except RD, who got behind Soarin, inadvertently, her blurry vision makes it difficult for RD to make out a pony that is almost the same color as the sky along with the blue uniform.

"Rainbow Crash, what are you doing? Your position is in front!" Said the captain of the Wonderbolts.

Rainbow Dash got into her correct position, although it took her a while, Soarin had to help RD to position herself.

"Finally... Ready... Steady..." Before Spitfire says GO, Rainbow Dash began to feel tired, hungry, all that mixture of sensations would do nothing more than hinder her performance, but she was willing to continue until the first break.

"GO!" When Spitfire gave the signal, and her teammates began to fly for around 5 minutes, Rainbow Dash's body weakened little by little, she forgot to bring adrenaline with her to stand firm, had left it in her locker.

There came a point where RD didn't even know what she was doing, where to fly, and the directions to follow.
The cyan mare had nothing going for her, vision was blurry, her head ached, hungry, she was forcing her body too much

"Rainbow Crash, what's wrong with you? You're flying in the wrong direction, you have to go to the clouds and clear the sky with your team, quick, join the others!" Spitfire said annoyed and worried about Rainbow Dash, she kept wondering what was happening to her.

When RD was trying to rejoin the team, had crash into Misty Fly.
With the blow Rainbow was stunned and flew towards a column that formed the flight track and collided directly and fell to the ground.

"OUCH!" Said RD while on the floor breathing heavily and scratching her head.

All the Wonderbolts and the captain ran and flew towards RD, they all looked directly at her, she didn't look so bad.

"Are you ok Rainbow? Sorry but you flew directly to me for a reason, I couldn't dodge you at time" Said Misty Fly.

"I'm okay, it's my fault anyway..." Rainbow answered as she got up.

"Rainbow Dash... something is happening to you and no longer need to hide it, not only don't show up, I have also noticed that your performance has dropped a lot, if you're not interested in being a Wonderbolt, can just say so" Said Spitfire taking off her glasses looking straight into Rainbow eyes.

"How I can say this..."

"Just tell us the truth" Spitfire replied.

"I... I'm... I'm a drug addict..." Rainbow Dash looked down.

Everypony was surprised when the cyan mare said that, Spitfire sighed, turned around and said "Follow me, I need to talk to you in my office" Rainbow Dash follows the captain, expecting for the worst, her Wonderbolts fellow whispered.

"She's in trouble right? I can't believe Rainbow Crash is a drug addict" Ask Fleetfoot

"Surely, you saw the expression that Spitfire put on? I don't know if Rainbow will get out of this without being expelled" Replied Soarin.


"So, you do drugs, prostitute yourself to get quick and easy bits. You have changed and for the worse, the fact that you prostitute yourself is your business, I have nothing to say about that. But your addiction to drugs is not something that affects you, it also affects us, we cannot make presentations or shows if you are in those conditions, your performance today was terrible Rainbow Crash. And you know that you can die from an overdose, are you even aware of that?
" Says the captain bringing her front hooves together.

"I am aware of that and I know that I have screwed up, but I can promise you, I will do my best to try to consume less and give my best in training" replied Rainbow Dash trying to justify herself.

"Don't make promises you can't keep, I know if we just leave things as they are you'll stay the same.
I respect you and I don't regret having accepted you into the Wonderbolts, but you can't afford to tarnish our image as elite fliers, you know how influential we ponies are"


"Let me finish, I'll give you 6 months to go to rehab and leave your addition, if you continue the same, I'll have no choice but to expel you, that also means that you won't be able to show here during that time, is that clear?"

"There's must be another way, you can't..."

"There is no other way, dudodidudodaaaa! do you know what happens to those who fly while they are high? END UP IN A FULL BODY WING AND HOOF CAST DRINKIN' THROUGH A STRAW"

"Again with that..." Said Rainbow Dash to herself.

"Maybe you think that" Spitfire tries to imitate Rainbow's voice "I'm cool, I take drugs like the other ponies because I'm so cool, the coolest pony of all Equestria but then you wake up and realize that you END UP IN A FULL BODY WING AND HOOF CAST DRINKIN' THROUGH A STRAW. I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?"


"Good, you can retire now"

Rainbow Dash left the academy with teary eyes, she waited to go outside to finally let a tear escape.

"I can't believe it, everything I lived through, everything I had to go through to be accepted at the academy, without this I am nopony!" The cyan mare said out loud while the other ponies looked at her worried.

Rainbow Dash began to run at towards the edge of Cloudsdale, she launched herself at full speed into an electrical cloud trying to commit suicide.

"MY LIFE HAS NO MEANING WITHOUT THIS" Said RD impacting directly with the electric cloud, knocking her unconscious as she fell from the sky.
Her body landed in the Everfree Forest leaving a large crater in the ground.

Rainbow Dash ending theme