Corruption of Loyalty

by TetrahedronDash

First published

If you lost your only friends who happened to be your best friends, how would you react? Would you slip into insanity?

One dark night in Ponyville after losing her last best friend, Rainbow Dash finally snaps once and for all and decides to get revenge.

Meanwhile, Trixie starts to notice throughout the whole night, Twilight and her friends slowly disappearing. Little does she know, that this is only the beginning of a night full of bloodshed.

Multiple endings are planned, and one or two planned sequels based on two of the endings later down the line! Come join this tragic and dark tale where our favorite speedy blue Pegasus is on a mission for revenge.

1 - Betrayal to Loyalty

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One rainy night in Ponyville, every pony was asleep as well as Twilight and her four friends; Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity. Meanwhile in Cloudsdale, every pony was asleep as well.

Except for one particular light blue Pegasus mare. Rainbow Dash. She had been having the worst time of all, having accidently fucked up her friendship with her friends; Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and.. Applejack, whom used to be her best friend who she loved to challenge to the Iron Pony Competitions and Running of the Leaves with. All gone now, as tonight was the day that she lost her. Her last best friend. Her only friend that she knew she could always trust and count on. All gone.

"I'M SUCH A FUCK UP!" Yelled Rainbow Dash, as the poor Pegasus Mare screamed into her pillow inside her cloud house. "I ALWAYS END UP ACCIDENTLY FUCKING UP, AND THEN HAVING TO LOSE ANOTHER BEST FRIEND OF MINE!" Yelled Rainbow Dash, as the poor Pegasus continued to be greatly distressed. Part of her wanted to try cutting herself again on her still scarred hoof like she did when she lost Twilight, but she just couldn't bring herself to do it again this time.

The poor Pegasus Mare had to watch as she lost more and more of her five best friends, with Applejack being the most recent and final friend she lost earlier that night. This ordeal had pained her greatly as they meant the world to her. She stopped to remember the exact moment when Applejack, the last friend she had left, ended up abandoning her as well eventually.

"Sorry Dash, but enough is enough. I put up with ya enough to see that you ain't a good friend. I didn't jump the boat at first unlike the others, but now, I see that you aren't worth keeping. I'm mighty sorry Dash, in the end."

"But... Applejack... After everything we've been through... The Running of the Leaves... The Iron Pony Competitions... Our friendly.. rivalry... You're just going to toss me.. just like the others...? Applej-"

"Enough is enough Dash. Now get on out of 'ere."

"But Appl-"


"I see... how it.. is.. Applejack... Farewell..."

"I was always... loyal.. to them.. I would never leave them no matter what... Even if they were a fuckup.. I.. don't know anymore." Said Rainbow Dash as she was deeply hurt by this thought, getting up from her bed to walk around her bedroom, deep in thought.

"I've been with them through so much stuff... Teaching Twilight how to fly... Being there for Fluttershy... Doing pranks with Pinkie... Going on an adventure with Rarity... Friendly.. competing a-against... Applejack... What did I do wrong enough to make them leave me..." Said a heartbroken Rainbow Dash, as all she could do was cry at the moment.

"Am.. I.. the problem..? I.. see how it is..." Said Rainbow Dash, clearly hurt from her friends backstabbing her. She had not done anything wrong to warrant them betraying her. Sure, she was a bit of a narcissist at times, but that was just part of her personality and even then, she was making a lot of effort to slowly become less narcissistic.

Rainbow Dash felt like she deserved nothing and only deserved to rot in Tartarus for eternity. She sometimes felt as if no one gave a shit about her. Sometimes, she even felt that if something were to happen in Equestria, she would sacarfice herself to save every pony even if she wouldn't be missed and/or remembered by any pony. As Rainbow Dash thought this, a new thought came up in her mind.

"They.. Couldn't even have a bit of loyalty to not break up being friends with me. In fact, I heard that they'll be getting a replacement of me for the Elements of Harmony..." Said Rainbow Dash, as she felt something deep down spark inside of her. Something dark.

"What's this.. feeling.. I don't recall having this feeling.. before.. It feels.. very nice.. and warm..." Said Rainbow Dash as she slowly started to enjoy the feeling, whatever it was.

Rainbow Dash realized soon enough that she was starting to feel hatred, but more importantly, insanity. Instead of panicking, she started to relish the feeling and relish the fact that she is starting to become insane, like the ponies you see in mental institutes in Canterlot.

"This feeling.. It's insanity.. isn't it..?" Said Rainbow Dash as she started to slightly grin with a insane expression. "Why, this is the best thought ever! HAHAHA! I can get back at THEM FOR BETRAYING ME LIKE THAT!" Laughed a insane Rainbow Dash, as she got out of her house and started flying towards Ponyville, thus starting the beginning of what would slowly become Equestria's darkest night, as they would start to slowly lose the Elements of Harmony over the course of the night.

2 - The Great and Powerful

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Meanwhile, somewhere far away in Ponyville, a dark blue Unicorn Mare was still awake and working on her next magic show for Ponyville, shuffling stage props back and forth while thinking of what her next performance needed. She had been up all night, and as a result, was starting to get the effects of staying up late, as she started becoming very tired.

"Eh.. Too shiny.. Too tacky... AUGH! Are there even any good stage props that will fit this performance of the great and powerful Trixie?! OF COURSE THERE AREN'T! I would of had some good stage props, if TWILIGHT SPARKLE AND HER FRIENDS ACTUALLY DECIDED TO HELP!!" Trixie yelled, as she was very frustrated and tired.

She had previously been made fun by Twilight Sparkle and her friends and has been trying for a long time to get loyal fans that will cherish her performances and idolize her, all in vain because of the countless times Twilight and friends messed with her, and caused her previous fans to stop idolizing her and leave her. This had ruined her reputation deeply and had also caused her to gain symptoms of depression as she became easily depressed from her lack of self pride ever since that had happened long ago during the infamous Ursa Minor incident.

She sighed. "What I wouldn't do to finally have a loyal fan following of ponies that look up to me... Or even maybe just a friend who would understand me.. and be there for me... A friend who would bring the great and powerful Trixie happiness... Perhaps.. A loyal.. friend.." Said Trixie while deeply depressed and deep in thought, as she continued sorting each stage prop she pulled out from a giant brown cardboard box she brought out from her cramped caravan.

As she was sulking in sadness, she suddenly saw a silhouette of a Pegasus flying down towards the town hall area in Ponyville. As she watched the figure fly towards Ponyville, she couldn't help but feel confusion, and for some reason... fear.

"Who the heck is that? Who else could be awake this late as well?" Said a confused and slightly paranoid Trixie.

Trixie almost wanted to go observe who it was, but decided that it would just be pointless time wasted and continued with setting up her next performance, sorting through more stage props, despite part of her curiosity making her really want to go and see who it was.

"Doesn't fit.. Too sparkly.. Too- Wait, WHY is this one broken? Ughhh... I'll never be ready in time for my next show later on today in the afternoon..." Said Trixie as she was getting very frustrated. Before she was about to head to bed inside her caravan, she heard a faint voice from far away. She noticed it was coming from the flying Pony from earlier, so she walked a bit far away from her caravan to try and hear what the voice was saying.


Trixie backed up in shock. The voice was Rainbow Dash's for sure. Had she snapped? She couldn't of. She always was with Twilight and the others. Could something have happened to Rainbow Dash? She wasn't too sure, so she just head back to her caravan to call it a night. Little did she know, that the truth was very close to her prediction. This was just the beginning. She did not know yet of all the horrors that would happen during this night.

3 - Death of Kindness

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As the moon and night sky shined onto Ponyville, Rainbow Dash continued flying towards Ponyville, determined for her revenge. As she was flying, she was thinking of everything she had been through with her older friends. The happier moments.

"You girls are all of my best friends a Pony could ever ask for!"

"I'm glad to have all of you as best friends as well! All of you are awesome in my book!"

"You girls make me happy to be with!"

"I don't know what I would do without you girls!"

"Darlings, you all are some of the most fantastic friends as well!"

"Y'all are some mighty friends to me as well!"

"Let's promise to be here for each other!"

When she was almost about to reach the ground in Ponyville, she also remembered when they brought her back to normal after being corrupted by Discord.



"Don't worry Rainbow Dash. Everything will be okay. We are here for you to turn you back to normal. We would never choose to leave you after how loyal of a friend you are, never willing to leave us!"

"Twilight is right. We would never leave ya Dash. Especially me, sugarcube! This was all the works of Discord!"

"W-what happened..? Why are you all around me..?"


"Aw.. You girls don't have to hug me, I'm fine! I'm always awesome as usual! Though, I don't know what I would do in a life without all of you.."

"Aww.. Rainbow Dash.."

"Where did it go so.. wrong..." Said Rainbow Dash as her mentality turned back to normal for a brief moment, before returning back to insanity.

"WHAT AM I SAYING? They BETRAYED ME! They are NO FRIENDS for BETRAYING LOYALTY, and they shall soon realize that! ON THEIR DEATHBEDS!!"

She continued flying until she reached the ground in Ponyville. It was still night time, as every pony had their curtains closed and lights turned off. All except the Castle of Friendship.

"Looks like the egghead is still awake. I'll have to come back later when she's asleep, especially since I don't have access to enter the castle during night time anymore. If worst comes to worst, I'll have to barge in through the doors."

Rainbow Dash was thinking of who should be her first victim, until she thought of a particular yellow Pegasus Mare.

"Perfect. She will be my first target. Especially AFTER HOW SHE TREATED ME BEFORE BETRAYING ME..."

"But.. Fluttershy.. How could you betray me...? You are literally the Element of Kindness... Why.. do you and Twilight sudde-"

"Boo, Hoo, Hoo! I don't care Rainbow Dash. Now get the FUCK out of my cottage."

"At least explain to me why you betrayed me..."

"Fine. I simply don't give a shit about you anymore. You're uncool, and a narcissist cunt who thinks too much of herself. Now GET YOUR FUCKING ASS OUT OF MY COTTAGE BEFORE I GET MY HAMMER!"

"I will personally ENJOY watching that ungrateful CUNT DIE!" Said Rainbow Dash with pure malice in her voice as she started to fly outside of Ponyville towards Fluttershy's Cottage.

After a few minutes, she finally arrived at Fluttershy's cottage. The curtains were closed but the lights were on still, signaling that Fluttershy must still be awake.

"This will be harder since she's awake, but it's worth a shot."

Rainbow Dash opened the door to Fluttershy's cottage and walked right inside, alerting Fluttershy who became furious to the light blue Pegasus letting herself in.


Before she could finish, Rainbow Dash bucked Fluttershy very strong in her jaw with her front hoof, dislocating it, causing Fluttershy to scream in pain, and traumatizing her.

"M..y R..nb..ow w..y..?" Said Fluttershy the best she could despite her jaw being dislocated.

"R..b.ow.. Da..h.. I..m.. s..or..r..y.. fo-" Said Fluttershy before being bucked in the torso by Rainbow Dash, knocking her down to the wooden floor.

"What's that, CUNT? You're sorry? OH PLEASE. You're just lying." Said Rainbow Dash with a sadistic grin as Fluttershy could do nothing but cry.

"Oh please, SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH! YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW YOU MADE ME FEEL WHEN YOU LEFT ME THAT FATEFUL DAY? WELL NOW YOU WILL KNOW HOW I FELT!" Said Rainbow Dash as she spotted the same hammer Fluttershy threatened her with to get out of her house. She went over and grabbed it while grinning sadistically, before turning back around towards Fluttershy.

"Now WE'RE TALKING!" Said Rainbow Dash, as she wielded the hammer, Fluttershy's pupils dilating in fear as she starts panicking.

" D..s..h.. I..m.. s..o..rr.y.. W..e a..l..l do w..e e..n.d u..p" Said a very panicky Fluttershy.

"It's TOO LATE FOR APOLGIZING! HAHAHA!! YOU WANNA KNOW HOW YOU MADE ME FEEL? LIKE I DON'T MATTER IN THIS FUCKED UP WORLD! I'm.." Exclaimed Rainbow Dash before starting to temporarily regain her sanity for a brief moment.

"I'm sorry.. What AM I DOING?!" Said Rainbow Dash, before bursting out in tears.

" D..s.h.. It..s n..o.t yo..u..r f..a..u..t.." Said a weak and emphatic Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy... You need.. to run away... It's coming back..." Said Rainbow Dash weakly. Fluttershy understood this, nodded, and started flying for her dear life outside of her cottage, before Rainbow Dash's insanity came back.

"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO RUN AWAY FROM ME BITCH?!" Yelled Rainbow Dash as she flew outside towards Fluttershy.

"I h..v..e t..o t..e..l.l" Said Fluttershy as she was trying to fly back to Ponyville in fear, before falling down on the grass in weakness from being bucked in the torso earlier. Soon enough, Rainbow Dash walked over to her in the grass, still wielding her hammer and having her sadistic grin.

"No you're not!!" Said Rainbow Dash as she smashed the hammer down on Fluttershy's back hooves and then wings, preventing her from being able to escape, causing Fluttershy to scream in agony. As the two were outside of Ponyville, Fluttershy's screams sadly cannot be heard by any pony. Rainbow Dash goes back to her house for a few minutes to get a bucket before coming back.

"Remember this BITCH?" Said Rainbow Dash as she dumped the melted wax from some candles she melted in the bucket onto Fluttershy, burning through her skin and causing her to scream the loudest she's ever screamed in agony, all while Rainbow Dash watches in pure malice with the same sadistic grin.

"What's soaking wet and clueless? YOUR FACE!!"

"D..s..h.." Fluttershy cooed gently, in fear and agony, her skin scarred in second degree blisters.

"It's been fun and all Fluttershy, but it's time for it to end now. Farewell Fluttershy." Said Rainbow Dash, as she smashed the hammer down onto Fluttershy's head with all of her might, cracking her skull open killing her instantly. As the death of Fluttershy sank into her mind, a flashback came from when they were fillies long ago.

"R-rainbow Dash..?"

"Yeah Fluttershy? What's wro- Y-your torso.. What happened?!"

"The.. Th.... I don't know if I can tell you... They might find me and hurt me again..."

"Who DID THIS TO YOU Fluttershy? They gotta pay for what they've done!"


"This is serious Fluttershy! I.. care... about you.."

"Oh.. Okay.... You win Rainbow Dash... It was.. the bully ponies.. in Cloudsdale... Hoops... Dumb-Bell... and Score.."

"WHAT?! Oh, when I GET MY HOOVES ON THEM!! I SWEAR TO CELESTIA!! THEY WILL PAY FOR HURTING YOU! I'll make sure to get them back, without making them hurt you ever again Fluttershy!"

"Thank you so much Rainbow Dash! I don't know what I would do without you! You're so brave..!"

"Anything for you, Fluttershy.."

As Rainbow Dash came back from the flashback, the emotions caused her to come back briefly. As she saw Fluttershy's corpse, she screamed in horror and sadness.

"F-FLUTTERSHY!!" Cried out Rainbow Dash in grief. "Did I... do this..? What am I saying... This was all my fault..." Said Rainbow Dash, filled with grief, as she hugged Fluttershy's lifeless body.

"FLUTTERSHY... I'M SO SORRY!! I'M SUCH A FAILURE.." Screamed Rainbow Dash as she was crying uncontrollably.

She had killed one of her old friends, Fluttershy. Even though they weren't friends anymore and she treated her like shit before, she still ended up killing a friend of hers. There was no going back now from the insanity. It would take her over completely this time. She closed her eyes one last time in her sane mind, before turning back to the insane side.

"What am I saying. She deserved that for backstabbing me. I don't feel bad at all." Said Rainbow Dash as she turned back insane. "I missed this mentality though... Hehe..."

As Rainbow Dash talked to herself, she eyed Ponyville for the location of her next victim.

"I'm coming for you next, Twilight. There is nothing that can save you, egghead!" Said Rainbow Dash as she took off in the sky towards the Castle of Friendship. Meanwhile, a certain Unicorn Mare watched in shock from a distance.

4 - Death of Magic

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While Rainbow Dash was flying to the Castle of Friendship, she couldn't help but think of another memory as she was flying.

"Rainbow Dash."

"Yeah Twi? What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry to say this, but I have decided that you are too much of a hassle. So I've decided to kick you out from the Elements of Harmony and from our friendship."

"W-WHAT..? Twi.. What did I do?!"

"Everything. From the way you are, to being a self right entitled cunt. It's final. You can't change anything, as it is my decision, the Princess of Friendship. So pack your belongings and get the fuck out of here. You have ten minutes."

"You can't kick me Twilight... We've been through so much stuff.. Remember..? When I caused you and the others to get your cutie marks and meet each other...? When I helped you to fly when you first became a Alicorn..? When you helped me to take the Wonderbolts exam...? Besides... Aren't I the Element of Loyalty..?"

"Just SHUT UP and go pack your belongings before I decide to kick you out right now."

"Why... Why Twilight..."

"And also, from this day forth, you are no longer the Element of Loyalty. It doesn't matter. We will find a replacement for you. You are easily replaceable, unlike me and the others. Now get out."

"I can't believe you Twilight..."

After remembering the old memory, Rainbow Dash's expression changed to a menacing scowl until returning back to her normal insane expression. Two minutes later, she arrived back in front of the Castle of Friendship.

"I won't let that memory go past me. I WILL SHOW HER how she made me feel that day she kicked me out." Said Rainbow Dash furiously.

"Alright. Here we are again, at the Castle of Friendship. Time to hatch my revenge against Twilight. But how am I going to get inside without alerting her...? If she knows I'm trying to kill her, she will make no effort to kill me on the spot with her magic. I might have no choice but to break in..." Said Rainbow Dash while thinking of a solution.

Rainbow Dash then got a idea. A idea so clever it made her smile sadistically. She knew that Spike must be in the Castle of Friendship. Whether he was asleep now or not was unsure, but it was clearly worth a shot. Rainbow Dash brought out the best of her imitation of Rarity in her voice before initiating the plan.

"Oh Spikey wikey~ I have a invitation for you to come spend time with your favorite fashionista in Carousel Boutique! It will only be you and me there!" Said Rainbow Dash in her imitation voice of Rarity.

And surely enough, somehow, it actually worked. She could hear small feet getting up and running towards the door before opening it from inside. Before the door opened, Rainbow Dash flew up to the tallest area in the door to prevent Spike from seeing her. As soon as the door opened, she flew inside as Spike made no haste to run over to Carousel Boutique with hearts in his eyes.

"I'm coming Rarity!" Said Spike while running.

"Freakin' creep." Said Rainbow Dash, before flying down to the ground inside the castle and closing the doors.

She was finally inside the Castle. She had to waste no time to kill Twilight incase Spike would end up coming back early. She made no haste to fly up the stairs in the back of the entrance hall towards the second floor and then towards Twilight's bedroom. When she reached the door to Twilight's bedroom, she started to think of a sinister plan with the least chance of failure.

"Alright. Here is the door to Twilight's bedroom. I need to think of a plan to distract her. I could just sneak in and bash her horn off, but that is too risky.. I could open a door and then her door and hide behind the other room's door as she comes in, and then strike then, but once again, that's too risky..." Said Rainbow Dash while plotting.

As Rainbow Dash thought of a safe plan for killing Twilight without alerting her before breaking her horn, she thought of a amazing idea finally, one that made her smile sadistically once again.

"If I kill her stupid owl, she would be distressed and distracted. That's the best chance to strike at her. But then again.. After I break her horn, I will be alerted to her for sure. She could fly away and tell Ponyville and the Princesses after that... This could take a bit of thinking..." Said Rainbow Dash while thinking, deep in thought.

"That bitch must have a vial of liquid that will slow her down or make her weak to not be able to fly away. Guess I should go off to the laboratory area in the castle. There should be lots of vials there." Said Rainbow Dash with a sadistic grin as she made her way back downstairs.

When she got back to the stairs in the main hallway, she pondered on where the entrance to the lab would be.

"It must have been around here, last I remember..." Said Rainbow Dash in confusion.

Rainbow Dash looked around on the stairs for what could be a secret entrance into the laboratory area of the castle before eyeing the tapestry on the wall. She looked at it for a minute before pulling down on it, causing the wall behind it to open up like a door. Rainbow Dash walked down the stairs of the newly opened passage which went on for at least a good two minutes. After walking all the way down, she finally arrived at the heart of the laboratory, worktables lined with computer monitors, and racks of vials, all inside the laboratory. Rainbow Dash decided to check the cabinets of the worktables for various chemical compounds needed to create something that can temporarily incapacitate her.

"Hmm.. These must be chemical compounds that the egghead uses for chemistry... Exactly what I need for my plan.." Said Rainbow Dash with a wicked smile.

Rainbow Dash looked in the cabinets for something that can make her fall asleep temporarily. Opening cabinets after cabinets, she finally opened one that had containers of premade Ammonia. She grabbed a container out along with a small towel and went back upstairs out of the laboratory. When she got back to the stairs in the main hallway, she walked back upstairs to the second floor before getting ready to hatch her genius plan.

"If I remember correctly... Owlowiscious's room is behind this door... Time to put the plan into motion... You'll realize soon enough Twilight, that you lost the best pony from your life..." Said Rainbow Dash with a sadistic grin.

Rainbow Dash opened the door slowly as to not alert Owlowiscious, who just so happened to be sleeping luckily to her. She went inside and then closed the door slowly before approaching Owlowiscious with her hammer.

"Batter up..." Said a sadistic Rainbow Dash, as she slammed the hammer as hard as she could against Owlowiscious's head, knocking him to the ground breaking his neck in the process. She finished him off by crushing his head with the hammer, causing lots of blood and bits to fly out from his now crushed head. As much as she wanted to laugh sadistically, she kept herself from doing so to not wake Twilight up too early. She made a blood trail from Owlowiscious's corpse leading over to Twilight's bedroom door.

"It's finally time to put this in motion..." Said Rainbow Dash with malice in her voice as she went back in Owlowiscious's room and put her hammer down to pick up the towel. She poured the Ammonia over the towel before laying it down behind the door. She went back to Twilight's bedroom door and proceeded to kick it with her front hoof with all of her might before walking over to hide behind the door in Owlowiscious's room. After hearing the door bang, Twilight jolted awake from bed.

"WHAT the heck was that?!" Said a shocked Twilight.

Twilight got up and opened the door. As soon as she did, she saw the blood trail and of all things, Owlowiscious's dead corpse, head smashed in. This caused Twilight to scream in horror as she runs into the room to bend over and cry over the death of her precious pet.


This was Rainbow Dash's moment to knock her out as she was clearly in distress and distracted. Rainbow Dash slowly and quietly walked over to go behind Twilight, before wrapping the towel around her muzzle tightly. Twilight tried kicking back despite Rainbow Dash's tight grip.

"WHO AR- y..ou..?" Said Twilight with the last of her energy before the Ammonia knocked her out temporarily.

"SHIT. She better not have died too early, or I swear to Celestia..." Said a angry and nervous Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash put her hoof over Twilight's chest to still feel her heart beating, indicating that she is still alive.

"Thank Celestia... Hehehe..." Said Rainbow Dash with a sadistic grin.

Rainbow Dash picked up Twilight and flew her unconscious body all the way back into the laboratory. Back inside the laboratory, she spotted a harness table against the wall that she probably used to cure Ponies when they were sick and needed scientific treatment. She put Twilight's hooves in the harnesses and proceeded to tighten them as tight as she could to prevent Twilight from being able to break out of the harnesses. After putting Twilight in the harnesses, Rainbow Dash proceeded to slap Twilight with her hooves to wake her up.

"W-WHAt? What just happened? Wait, WHAT?! Rainbow Dash?! What are you doing here? I thought I told you that you aren't welcome here anymore! Wait, why am I in the harnesses in my laboratory?!" Said a surprised Twilight as she tried to break out of the harnesses before noticing Rainbow Dash's sadistic grin.

"Y-you're going to try and kill me? Is that why you put me in the harnesses in my laboratory?!" Said a shocked Twilight

"Precisely." Said Rainbow Dash, still grinning sadistically at Twilight.

"You're going to have to try harder then that to kill the Princess of Friendship!" Said Twilight as she used her magic and started forcefully levitating Rainbow Dash, slamming her into the flasks in the laboratory and the edges of the worktables, causing cuts and broken glass to penetrate her muzzle, protruding blood from the cuts.

Rainbow Dash had to think of something quickly before Twilight would surely kill her with her magic. She picked up her hammer for later and pushed down the metal cart with wheels in the laboratory onto the floor to be out of the radius of Twilight's magic, making a makeshift riot shield. She proceeded to push it closer to Twilight before waiting for Twilight to lift the metal cart with her magic. Surely enough, Twilight started lifting the metal cart up with her magic. That was her chance. Get up to her quickly and break her horn off. Rainbow Dash made no haste to lunge at Twilight with the hammer in her hooves before proceeding to slam it very powerfully against Twilight's horn, fracturing and breaking her horn off of her, causing Twilight to yell in agony.

"Rainbow Dash, I SWEAR TO CELESTIA I WILL PERSONALLY MAKE SURE YOU ROT IN THE DUNGEONS IN CANTERLOT CASTLE!!" Said Twilight with pure anger in her voice before Rainbow Dash started laughing sadistically, causing Twilight to become nervous of what she was going to do to her.

"Oh Twilight, naïve little Twilight... You never learn, do you? If you really think you can stop me, you can't! HAAHAA!!" Said Rainbow Dash sadistically, enjoying every moment of Twilight being fearful of her.

"R-rainbow Dash... What's happened to you...? Did we... make this monster... out of you...? This is all our fault... isn't it...? Look Rainbow Dash... If you let me go... I swear on my life, I won't tell on the princesses, and well... We can become friends again..." Said Twilight worriedly.

Rainbow Dash while turned away from Twilight thought about the deal for a good minute before turning her head around to reply back to Twilight's deal.

"Nah! This will be fun! HAHAHA!!" Said Rainbow Dash with her sadistic grin once again.

Rainbow Dash proceeded to lift the metal cart back up from the ground before heading to one of the worktable cabinets.

"I heard once, that Fluoroantimonic acid is very lethal and can melt through anything metal, and... organic. If swallowed, it will melt through the insides of any pony.. Hehehe.... This will be very amusing to watch for myself!" Said Rainbow Dash with a long wicked grin across her face as Twilight could only listen in horror, as she pleaded to Rainbow Dash while starting to panic.

"RAINBOW DASH! PLEASE DON'T!! I'LL DO ANYTHING!!" Yelled Twilight, fully in panic.

Rainbow Dash took out two containers of Hydrogen Fluoride and two containers of Antimony Pentafluoride before bringing the containers over to the metal cart and putting them down on top of it.

"How do you even know how to make it? You don't have as much intelligence as I do!" Said Twilight while still fearful.

"Let's just say I snuck into the library in Canterlot Castle at some point in the past and found a recipe for how to make it, along with the information that it can only be inside something that's lined with Teflon, otherwise it will melt through. Also, don't think you're getting yourself out of this! You want to know how you caused me to feel that fateful day...? You made me feel like SHIT, like I didn't matter. So I started harming myself ever since you BACKSTABBED ME and twisted the blade... But this is where it's going to end for you." Said Rainbow Dash sadistically.

"I.. I see... We.. really were a monster to you... I know how you must feel Rainbow Dash... but PLEASE... DON'T KILL ME!!" Said Twilight, starting to fully panic now.

Rainbow Dash put the containers down on the metal cart and picked up a large vial lined with Teflon. She started opening the lids on the containers and then pouring the contents of the containers inside it before putting a cork inside of the top to seal the vial before putting it inside a centrifuge to the left of her on the worktable to mix the contents together. While it was mixing, Twilight tried to send a SOS pulse to Celestia with her broken horn, failing to do so due to her horn being broken off as magical sparks came out from her horn.

"Did you really think you could call your puny princess with your broken horn? HAHA!! Now that's priceless!" Said Rainbow Dash sadistically as she started laughing at Twilight.

After a minute, the centrifuge finally finished mixing the contents of the large vial together into a high quantity of Fluoroantimonic acid, the liquid being colorless now. Rainbow Dash picked up the large vial out of the centrifuge and popped off the cork from the top before looking at Twilight with her sinister grin.

"Well... It's finally time! HAHAHA!! Any last words Twilight?" Said Rainbow Dash while enjoying all of Twilight's fear.

"R-rainbow Dash... I know you'll do great without me... Heh... I was always a useless friend, wasn't I...?" Said Twilight in sadness while still managing to smile a bit.

"Yes you always were!" Said Rainbow Dash with her sadistic grin.

Rainbow Dash went over to Twilight, who was ready to embrace her friend killing her and poured the contents of the large vial inside her mouth. Immediately, Twilight began yelling in agony, as her tongue started melting from the corrosive liquid, as it traveled down inside her, eventually to her organs as it melted through them and through her torso onto the floor, blood and organs pooling out of the gaping hole in her torso, causing Twilight to spaz out in agony as her insides were being melted through, eventually resulting in her last breath before dying, her eyes staying in a expression of shock as the floor was now filled with blood and organs.

"Sayonara, egghead." Said Rainbow Dash, before she picked up her hammer and also Twilight's broken horn and walked back up the stairs. As she was walking up the stairs to the main hallway in the Castle of Friendship, another memory resurfaced into her mind.

"Wait, so you're saying that when you did the Sonic Rainboom, it made us find our purpose, our cutie marks? All because of you, Rainbow Dash?"

"Hehe, yeah. It's no big d-"

"I can't believe that we were all destined to become friends with each other, all because of you Rainbow Dash!"

"Twilight does have a point darling! This makes me so happy I'm crying!"

"Aww.. Girls you're going to make me cry too...!"

"Thank you so much Rainbow Dash..!"

"Thank ya kindly Dash! If it weren't for you, we all would have never gotten our cutie marks and met each other!"

"Aw... Girls... You're going to make me sappy again.... I'm starting to cry already.."


"You know what this calls for? A PARTY!!"

After the memory was over, Rainbow Dash reached the top of the stairs. She tugged on the tapestry to close the laboratory entrance before heading to the entrance to the castle. Rainbow Dash opened the doors slightly to check if any pony was awake nearby, before proceeding to open the doors fully and then close them once outside.

"Fluttershy is dead, and now Twilight Sparkle is dead as well." Said Rainbow Dash as she looked towards Carousel Boutique in the far distance.

"Looks like you're next Rarity." Said Rainbow Dash before heading towards Carousel Boutique.