Susan's half

by tailsopony

First published

Susan takes out her frustration without really listening.

Susan has conquered Equestria. Sort of. In a manner of speaking. At least, as far as anypony that matters is concerned. Also, she's blackmailing somepony. Kind of. That's really only half the story. But it's the important half. She's also a terrible person. An awfully terrible person. At least, she and the pony she's sort of blackmailing agree on that one. You're welcome to agree.

Especially if you're kind of being blackmailed.

This is an experiment. It is dark. Could easily be clop, if you want it to be. Could be woke, if you want it to be. Could be anti-woke. Not really intended to be anything. Just... an experiment. Also, a non-canon side story to the real story I'm writing "Susan Conquers Equestria".

Also, check out Twilight's Half! It's better, I promise!

Trigger warnings/spoilers: Rape, coercion, blackmail, threats, history does not defend the character situation, edgy, only half, truly bad characters, another bad things happens to Twilight story; why do I write these.

Source pic is 2854288. It is NSFW, but only barely. Artist is Endo. They have a derpi and a twitter.

The half you get

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I am Susan. It’s an easy name, common in my country. You pronounce it “Em-press”. It’s not hard. Try it. You say it. I love it when you say it. I’ll wait.

That’s fucking right. Exactly like that. Your voice still gives me shivers. Now sit still and get busy, I’m going to tell you the story again and you’re going to listen while you work.

We don’t know how I got here. The universe must have decided I was too amazing to be allowed to live on Earth, so it rewarded me by sending me here. Maybe I died and went to heaven. Fuck if I know exactly how it happened. I’ve worshiped this show since I was nine. Nine years old to twenty one, and I knew everything. I knew every line in it and about it—audible, drawn and written. I spent forever on the internet just absorbing all there was to know.

I will say that I didn’t know if I wanted to be Twilight Sparkle, or to fuck Twilight Sparkle. I’m now confidently in the latter camp, but you already know that. It started off as just admiration. I loved how she solved problems, I loved her colors, and I loved her attitude. Even her quirks were amazing and endearing. It became obsession quickly enough. Over the years, I grew a little envious. Twilight had magical solutions to her problems. Friends seemed to be gifted to her. She became a princess. She won again and again. Even in that stupid movie that trashed her character she still was forgiven with no effort.

The real world didn’t work like that, and I knew it. You make one mistake, and its over. Everybody knows, and you can never live it down. My mistake was innocent. I kissed a friend when I was twelve, and within a week I was known as Susan Van Dyke. That was it for me. The world didn’t care about innocent. Never forgiven, never forgotten.

The teachers knew. My “friends” knew, the boys knew, even my parents found out. They sent me to a camp. It wasn’t the fun kind, either. They tried to take your show away from me. I was too old. It was too gay and touched by the devil. They blamed you for my orientation and told me both were evil. But it was 2014 and the internet was everywhere. Libraries have more than books, and the computers didn’t have age filters back then.

Nobody could stop me, they could only hold me back. They could only hold me down and force their idea of “right” down my throat and into my body any way those fuckers could. I never broke. It didn’t matter how many times they made me say the words. How many times they made me pretend to like it when I was violated.

I don’t pretend with you, and now I’m the one who holds you down, aren’t I? I’m the one that forces things down your throat, or wherever the hell else I want. I make you pretend. I don’t care if you like it. You had eleven years of happiness. Eleven years of getting everything handed to you while I was forced to be someone I’m not, and forced to choke on righteousness. I watched you get wings while I got scars, inside and out—body and mind.

I never gave up. I never broke. I only pretended long enough to get by. Just long enough to survive.

Now I’m free and you’re mine. You’re lucky I don’t like scars. Your purple fur is soft and luxurious, your wings are tickling and smooth, and your insides are velvet. We’ll get to those later. Right now, I want to keep feeling your wide-ass pony tongue. Don’t you dare fucking stop.

Remember when I first showed up? We didn’t know each other back then. You thought I might be a friend and I was still confused. I thought I might be, too. That didn’t fucking work, did it? God how stupid we were. I tried you know? I really did.

But I slipped up again. One mistake, and it all fell apart. I don’t mind how it fell down. I don’t need to pick up the pieces. I like this mess. I know you hate it, but I don’t care anymore. I can’t care.

Don’t you dare say anything. You are mine, Princess. Mine. You keep that mouth fucking busy.

I can’t even begin to describe how your almost kind reaction broke my heart. I know it wasn’t even your fault. You can’t control it anymore than I can. Wasn’t this supposed to be my heaven? Or am I in hell? You know what, I want you to say it again. I need to feel the words. I need to be reminded of that moment. When I kissed you and you froze. I know you can’t smile with the warmth you had. I know you don’t love me anymore, even as a friend. I’m pretty sure you hate me. The look of gentle apology where you tried to let me down easy has turned into one of disgust.

Actually, fuck it. Say it. Tell me anyways. Tell me in your tired, angry little voice. Let me hear your frustration, your guilt, and your confession. Let me hear you say the words that destroyed us both while your face is covered with my pussy juice.

No shit, you little whore. Of course you’re straight. We both know that it wont stop you from squirting like the slut you are when I fuck you. It wont stop you from moaning underneath me as I make you say my name all night. They taught me that. Hell, If you’re a good little slut tonight then maybe I’ll let you play with one of the guard’s dicks tomorrow.

I don’t fucking care if you don’t want to. Get back to licking. I saw an older blue one today. I can sort of imagine he’s your dad.

Look at us now. Is this fucking intimate enough for you? So what if you don’t like women, and you don’t like casual sex. This isn’t casual, this is professional. This is your goddamned job. I even let you have a stallion in your cunt every once in a while to scratch your fancy. I’m a generous empress.

I still love you. I love that you hate me. I love that you tell me how much. I love that you have to pretend to everyone else like I used to. God, it gives me chills when we lie to your friends. I can’t believe they still think we’re actually dating. Spike is the only one who’s suspicious that we’re sexually active, but even he isn’t sure what’s happening. I’m pretty sure he just thinks it’s a weird BDSM thing. You’re a better actor than the show led me to believe, you know?

Maybe I’ll have you pretend you love me tonight.

No. We can’t do that. We promised. No lies to each other when we’re alone. You live out my fantasy all day, so at night we live our nightmare. That’s one of our things, isn’t it? You tell me exactly how you feel and I love it. It makes me feel so dirty, so fucked up when you’re a naughty little prude and I have to threaten you again. The way you think about it, then sigh, deflating into my submissive little slut. It’s always my victory, and for a good reason.

You know that I’d actually do it. I did it to you. I’d do it to them.

I don’t love them like I love you, so I’d probably be even crueler. There would probably be scars. I’d hurt them. Even if I couldn’t get your friends, or their family, I’d get somepony. And I’d let them know that it’s your fault.

Then I’d move on to the next one. Nopony could actually stop me. No weapon works, and no magic can touch me. At best I’d be held back, but eventually I’d have all of Ponyville. At least the ponies that were too slow. Eventually ponies would be so afraid that nopony would dare approach Ponyville at all. I’d destroy your little town from the heart out, and defile it worse than I do you.

There’s those eyes. There’s the hate. God I love that. Don’t look away. Don’t stop.

Don’t stop!


That’s a good little slut. Slower… Fuck… Show me your face. Now come up here and let me hold you for a bit. I want post orgasm cuddles. God you’re soft. Let me taste myself…

Your wide pony tongue is so fucking weird in my mouth. I’m done kissing for a while. Are you still pissed? Good. You should be. Don’t worry, though. If you’re a good little slut then I won’t do anything to anypony else.

Relax, you’ve been good. Very good.

I mean, you’re right. It’s only a matter of time until they figure it out. Don’t worry. As long as you keep being good, I’ll keep playing our game. I’ll keep you forever. I don’t know how long I’ll be here, but while I am you’ll be my toy and I’ll be your Empress. Your Susan.

We both know they can’t stop me; no one can. I’ll just shrug it off. The only real worry will be if they try to kidnap you. If that happens, well… we’ll play it by ear. You better figure out how to get back to me quick. If I get bored, I’ll find a way to entertain myself and you won’t like it.

Celestia can’t stop me. Neither can Luna. I suppose you should be careful about them, though. I’ve always had a thing for both of them, and if they suss me out and try to get me alone I might have some fun with them.

Of course I’d fuck you teacher. She’s hot. I don’t care if she’s a few thousand years old. Hell, I’d fuck any of the princesses. But I won’t unless they, or you, give me a reason to. You be a good little pony and I’ll keep my lecherous devil hands glued to you and you alone.


Yes even her. If you don’t want me touching her, then you keep me satisfied and don’t leave her alone in a room with me. I don’t give a fuck how old she is, she’s cute.

Hah! Like I care about something as inane as innocence. You were innocent. You didn’t have a sex life until I forced you to. I’d do the same to her. Innocence only makes you a victim. It only lets you be hurt. I’d be doing her a favor, and fuck… maybe she’s gay.

Of course she deserves somepony nicer than me. Everybody does. Nopony deserves me, Twilight Sparkle. Absolutely no one. But think about that, what about it from my perspective? If nopony and nobody deserves me, then what do I deserve? Am I good for nothing? And if it is, why in God’s awful name would I care what anypony deserves? It’s a bullshit argument, but so is everything else.

I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Give me your weird tongue. That’s a better use of both our mouths.

I love you. I really do. With everything I have. That’s the problem. If I didn’t, I could have smiled and accepted your pitiful response about being straight. It wouldn’t still haunt my nightmares. I wouldn’t have flipped out and pinned you to the floor. I wouldn’t have just forced you in the middle of your bedroom, and every night since. I’d have helped you get a real colt friend, not the random pieces of ass I make you fuck while I watch.

I love that we don’t lie to each other. I also love how soft you are under your tail, even when you’re still dry. Don’t worry, I’ll warm you up. I know how. We both know that I’ve ruined sex for you. I’ve trained you to be a good little finger puppet, haven’t I?

That’s fucking right, I have. Heh. Your first time didn’t go like you planned, did it? No little private get away, no bashful confessions, no loving tender care. Not even any romance. You were so set on bumping in to some jock and having a private tender little rendezvous for your fist time. The only thing tender about what I do to you it how it makes your pussy feel the day after. And every time after has been just as fucked up. I force you to go down on me, then I make you my slutty little puppet.

At least you don’t cry anymore. God was that awkward. Even your first time time with a stallion was less awkward than that, and it was still entirely for me. You hated it. What was his name? He was a white-ish sort? I really don’t remember. He wasn’t a pony from the show, just one of your nameless guards. Did you even know his name?

That’s a dumb name. He was a shit lay, too. Blew his load right away. Here he thought he was helping us with some role play. Maybe you still do have a first in you. All your stallion fucks have been weird BDSM things. Like the twelve guard train we ran on your ass? I’ve never been so turned on from a gaping, cum soaked asshole… but yeah, you haven’t had a normal fuck from a guy yet. Maybe that will be your dick tomorrow, how does that sound? I’ll still watch, of course.

I don’t care, you’re doing it. Let’s pick that older blue one I was talking about. We’ll call him Night Light. He’ll know what that means. He’s about the right age. Maybe I’ll have you call him Daddy.


I am, and you’re hot as hell inside. That little quip finally started getting you wet, didn’t it?

Playing quiet wont help. I can feel it. My hand is coated in your sin. Trust me, I know all about sin. What got your motor going this time? Was it knowing I’m going to have you fucking your dad’s double tomorrow, or was it just telling me off?


What a s… l… u… t. God I love how hot you are inside. I don’t see the appeal of dicks, hands are so much more sexy.


I don’t care. It’s time to fuck. Roll over. On your stomach, and pin your tail to the side. You know the position.

Pony sex is so fucking weird, but I love it. Even after all these times I still get a kick out of the fact that doggy style is your missionary. Does it scare you when I bite you? It certainly makes you leak. Right at the base of your neck is so tender, so soft… I could bite harder you know.

Don’t worry. I’ll be gentle. I’m always gentle…


I told you I’d be gentle. I’d never hurt you, Twilight. Now beg me.

I said to beg me.


Do what you’re told you little slut!


Good ponies get rewards.


That’s fucking right you will.



Good girl.

Just catch your breath, love. I’ll roll you over.

God I love how you squirt. Breathing again?

Then watch me. I love your eyes. How they’re purple and sparkling after you finish. The little flashes of magic that course through your body, the clear open window to your mind. I love how you’re always flustered. Confused that it happened, angry, betrayed, and so goddamned relived.

I love how you relax under me, melting into my skin. There’s nothing left for me to take, if only for a moment. So you can let your guard down. It’s over for a little while, and both your body and mind know it. Because I won. Didn’t I?

That’s right. And that’s why it’s okay now. Everything is okay. You’re safe in this moment. I’d never hurt you. I love you. I love you so much.

Be careful, Twilight. Don’t lie to me. That was dangerously close to one and we both know it.

Of course not, not really. No one is safe until they’re empty. You still have so much, but for me… well, I got what I wanted from you. Heh. I got it all over my leg. You’re safe from me, at least for now. Lets just breathe together for a while, okay?

I’m not cr… no, we don’t lie to each other. I just… shut up and give me your weird tongue.

Fuck I love you so much, Twilight. Say my name. Say it again before I fuck you again.

That’s exactly how ponies should pronounce Susan. Now who’s ready to be a good slut?

Fucking right you are. Now, let’s practice some math. What’s twenty three times three?

… …
