Use Only As Directed

by ScarletRibbon

First published

Fifteen-year-old Button is stuck foalsitting nine-year-old Flurry Heart for a few hours. He's a responsible teenager, right?

Cream Heart is foalsitting for a princess! It pays well, but when Cream Heart steps out for a meeting, a sexually frustrated fifteen-year-old Button is stuck watching the sick nine-year-old princess alone. Nothing can possibly go wrong here.

Contains: Foalcon, accidental drug use, somnophilia, impregnation, a filly who secretly wants it

Written for Akataja as part of the 2022 Summer Sin Celebration

There's Fertile Soil in Harvest Valley

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"Come on, just one more..." Button stuck out his tongue in concentration as he weaved and bobbed through yet another salvo of enemy attacks. This was it! One more hit on the boss and he would finally beat Doctor Killbot on the highest difficulty without dying!

His hopes were dashed as the sound of a hoof knocking on the door distracted him for just a moment - precisely the wrong moment. One missed dodge, and his eight hour run came to a close.

"Coming!" his mother called out.

"No!" Button cried in disbelief. "No!" He wanted to scream profanities, but he knew by now that his mother would simply ground him from playing. Fuming silently, Button returned to the title screen and started a new game. The opening cutscene started playing, giving him several minutes to collect himself.

The front door swung open. Princess Twilight Sparkle stood in the doorway. "Sorry to barge in like this, Cream," she began. "But I really need a huge favor right now!"

His mother, Cream Heart, tilted her head. "A favor from me? What favor would a princess possibly need from me?"

Twilight Sparkle stepped aside. Behind her was a young filly that Button didn't recognize. She had a curly two-tone mane, with a little horn sticking out of the mess. A unicorn filly?

"This is my niece, Flurry Heart," Twilight said, gesturing at the filly. "My brother is out celebrating his tenth wedding anniversary and I agreed to watch her for the two weeks they'll be gone."

"Okay," Cream said, nodding slowly. "And how can I help? Do you need advice about something?"

"Not exactly. Something's come up, something really, really important, and I can't take her with me. I've heard you're one of the best babysitters in Ponyville, and you're an Earth Pony!"

Cream raised an eyebrow questioningly. "What does being an earth pony have to do with it?" she asked, a slight edge in her tone.

"Oh, no, nothing like that!" Twilight blurted quickly. "It's just that Flurry Heart has Feather Flu right now."

Button looked closer. Sure enough, the filly also had wings at her sides, though they were mostly hidden by Twilight's much larger frame.

"I don't mind helping out, Princess," Cream said, bowing her head slightly before looking up again. "I haven't had any clients in over a week. But how long do you think she'll need to stay?"

Twilight shuffled back and forth on her hooves for a moment. "Uhm... ———." Button couldn't make out the whispering. A modestly large bag of bits was produced, and it was obvious even to Button that this was a hefty sum.

"Four days?" Cream gasped, more at the proffered bits than at the duration. "I... I suppose I can manage that. I do have an important meeting that will take me out of the house for about three hours. Button will be home, still. Of course, if you're not comfortable with him watching her, I can always cancel attending the meeting."

Button's mother turned to stare at him as she said that. Princess Twilight was also looking his way, though the filly seemed far more interested in the ground around her hooves. "How old are you?" Twilight asked.

"Um, I'm fifteen." Button smiled awkwardly.

Twilight turned back to Cream. "I'm sure if he's your son, you would have raised him well enough to be a good foalsitter. And it's just a couple of hours, I can't imagine anything going too crazy."

Button's mother turned to face him. "Button, do you feel comfortable sitting for a filly Princess?"

His heart leapt into his throat. Somehow it had escaped his mind that having wings AND a horn meant that this filly, too, was an alicorn, and a princess! "Uh, sure, I guess. She just... uh... Does she like video games?"

The filly had, up to that point, looked downtrodden, but at that question she perked up instantly. "I love games!" she shouted, then turned to her aunt. "Can we play video games, Auntie Twilight?!"

"Go ahead," Twilight Sparkle replied, with a small giggle. "As long as you listen to Miss Cream when she gives you instructions!"

"Okay!" The filly almost immediately pushed past both mares, levitating a small suitcase behind her as she trotted straight for the living room where Button was seated.

Button looked at the screen; the cutscene had ended long before, and the first tutorial prompt was staring him in the face, instructing him how to cleave enemies in half with a massive sword. This was not an appropriate game for her age level. With a long sigh, he shut down the console.

"Here's her medication for the Feather Flu," Twilight said, levitating a bottle to Cream. "Take two pills with each meal, and keep an eye on her wings. Some feather loss is normal, so you might get some stray pinions around the house, but—

"Thank you for your concern, Princess," Cream replied softly, "But I used to run a daycare. I do know how to deal with common childhood diseases."

"Right, haha!" Twilight said awkwardly. "That's... why I chose you, after all!" She turned toward the living room. "Be good for Miss Cream, Flurry." And then she turned around and the sound of hoofsteps told Button that the Princess Twilight was trotting away.

Button suppressed a laugh. Princess Twilight was almost as awkward in social situations as he was. That's why he would...

...would never have a marefriend. He stared glumly at the floor between his hooves, his thoughts drifting back to all the teasing he'd gotten from his classmates.



Momma's Boy.



Button sighed, shaking his head.

A blue, and pink tuft of mane snuck under his barrel, the big blue eyes gazing up at him. She looked cute, but she also looked exhausted - like somepony who desperately needed good sleep.

"Can we play a game?" the little princess asked.

Button smiled, somewhat surprised at himself that it wasn't as forced as he'd expected it to be.

Mareo Cart was an age appropriate game for the filly. Of course, he had set it to the lowest difficulty, and wins came trivially to him. He wished he could at least set it to a level that would challenge him, but there was no way that her level of skill could even have a chance at that point.

She's having fun, at least, Button thought to himself as he watched the filly struggle to finish the race in any position but last.

"You got first place!" Flurry Heart cheered as she crossed the finish line and finally looked at his part of the screen. "You're good at this!"

She was wrapped up in blankets on the couch next to him, looking rather miserable in spite of her cheerful tone. Her eyes had bags under them, her ears drooped, and every time she shifted, downy feathers seemed to float up from around her on subtle air currents - a symptom of her illness. The way she could be relentlessly positive about a game she was—by all measures—losing horribly at was beyond Button, but at least she was happy.

His mother walked into the room carrying a plate for Flurry. "Dinner time," she said, setting the plate down on the coffee table in front of the couch.

"Well, I guess we'll have to wait to start the next race," Button said, standing up and heading to the kitchen; there was no way his mother would be bringing his food to him.

Dinner was a simple affair: haycakes and daisies, at the little princess' request. Button would have preferred something a bit more flavorful, but there wasn't much to be done about it. At least there was cranberry jam that could be slathered all over it. He did so, and then returned to the couch.

"And here are your pills," his mother said, passing two small capsules to Flurry Heart.

"Thank you, Miss Cream," she replied, taking them in her magic. She took a sip of water and swallowed them down without complaining.

Button nearly inhaled his sandwich, and observed that Flurry ate far more slowly than he did. A function of being a princess, or just her illness? Button grabbed his old JoyBoy from the end table and started flipping through titles on it, hoping to entertain himself without distracting the filly from her food too much. Unsuccessfully, he realized, as she peered at him with curiosity.

"What's that?" she asked as soon as they made eye contact.

"This?" Button asked, raising the JoyBoy up slightly. "This is a JoyBoy. It's pretty old, but it still has some fun games on it."

"I see." Her fork and knife clicked against her plate as she resumed eating. Button used to find watching unicorns eat to be fascinating, but now it just made him a bit jealous that they didn't have to wash their hooves afterward, even if they ate sticky things like haycakes and syrup. Now he just shrugged and turned his attention back to the JoyBoy.

A thought suddenly came to his mind: he could get back to his game of Doctor Killbot if she was distracted with the JoyBoy in another room. "Do you want to try it when you're done eating?" he asked, holding it out to her.

"Button," his mother cautioned. "Make sure she's playing something age appropriate."

"Yes, mom."

What could be more age appropriate than Harvest Valley? He loaded up the title and handed the JoyBoy over to her.

Button's plan had backfired. The ever-curious childlike wonder of the filly combined with the startlingly in-depth lore and broad gameplay of Harvest Valley meant that, instead of having the filly run off to another room to play, she was relentlessly barraging him with questions from the other end of the couch.

How do I refill my watering can?

Who's the red stallion, and why is he a jerk?

Why can't I open this gate?

And while she wasn't obnoxiously clingy about it, she hadn't really left the living room at any point. It had been two days already that she'd been engrossed in just that game, and the only time she ever left the couch was to use the toilet or head off to the guest bedroom when it was time for sleep.

So, instead of playing Doctor Killbot, he'd settled for replaying the campaign in Age of Equines II, which wasn't a terrible way to spend his time. It was a fun campaign and, more importantly, Flurry Heart didn't ask any questions about it after learning that it was based on Equestrian history, citing 'hating history lessons' as her reason. Which was a good reason, as far as Button was concerned, even if the game was fun.

"Button? Would you come here, please?"

He perked up at the sound of his mother's voice, pausing his game and trotting over to the kitchen. "Yeah, mom?"

She gestured at two plates on the kitchen counter. "I need to head out for my meeting, but I made some daffodil sandwiches for dinner. Don't forget to get her to bed before I get home. She's a sick filly and needs to get her rest."

Button looked over at Flurry, who was curled up in a nest of blankets on the couch and still obsessively playing Harvest Valley. "I think she's doing a pretty good job of resting," Button observed.

"Button, I'm serious," she said with her ominous-mother voice. "Flurry better be in bed before I get home."

"Yeah, I'll make sure it happens," he replied casually. "Go ahead and go, mom, it's fine. I can handle a little filly for a couple hours. She's pretty obsessed with the JoyBoy anyway."

"Alright, then. I'll be back in a couple hours." The door closed behind her with a modest 'kathunk'.

Button wasn't really super hungry, and he wasn't sure if she was either, but there was no sense in leaving the sandwiches in the kitchen. He stacked the sandwich plates and carefully brought them into the living room, placing one in front of Flurry and then settling in to eat his own meal.

"Hmm?" Flurry looked up.

"There's food, if you're hungry," Button explained.

Flurry Heart nodded and then rolled off the couch, letting the blanket she'd been wrapped in fall to the floor. Downy feathers poofed out from the blanket as it hit the floor, but Flurry paid it no mind as she trotted out of the living room.

"Is everything okay?" Button called. "The food's right here."

"I have to pee!" Flurry Heart called back.

Flurry Heart flushed the toilet and stopped in front of the sink, peering into the mirror. Her eyes were baggy and her mane was disheveled, looking nothing at all like her normal princessly image. It would probably be somewhat relaxing to be out of the public eye instead of being all caught up in that stuff, but this illness was kicking her flank, and made relaxation difficult.

Feather Flu was no joke; thanks to the swelling, her wings drooped at her sides, because it hurt to fully fold them, and the muscles ached so much that even small movements were unpleasant, if not outright painful. It also caused a significant amount of molting. Though the medication was helpful on all accounts, it wasn't perfect. The end result was a lot of uncomfortable, restless sleep.

And on the subject of medication, Flurry Heart suddenly realized that she needed to take her pills. Miss Cream hadn't been there to remind her. Of course, she was old enough to remember, so that wasn't a problem because she was old enough to do it herself. She was a big girl now, after all.

She threw open the medicine cabinet with her magic so forcefully that a bottle tipped over and rolled out of the cabinet. Her eyes were immediately drawn to a label on the bottle that read HEART - that was obviously hers.

'Take two with each meal'. That had been her instructions. A ‘foal safety lid' was no match for the young alicorn's magic, and she popped the lid off effortlessly and set it down on the counter as she drew out two of the pills. Drawing a sip of water from the sink, she swallowed down the pills without even looking, and then headed back to the living room. Harvest Valley wouldn't play itself.

Flurry Heart came back into the living room and curled back up in the same spot she'd sat ever since she'd arrived. Button smiled at her, and she smiled back, right before putting all of her attention right back into the JoyBoy.

Button went back to his game of Age of Equines II. He'd managed to beat the Earth Pony chapter, and was getting started on the Unicorn chapter, which was always his favorite part. Unicorns versus Zebras! The historic battle at Canter Creek was his favorite part, and if there weren't too many distractions, he might get to it before the end of the night.

Two missions later, Flurry yawned loudly. Button looked over at her. "Feeling tired?

She nodded, blinking her eyes a few times. "Mhmm... Can you help me with this quest?" she asked.

Button Mash leaned over to look at what Flurry Heart was referring to. "Oh, that one? You have to go down into the mines and kill the Gigamole."

"I know," Flurry complained. "I want to go to the desert, but I can't beat the stupid mole."

"Well, sometimes you have to work for things in games."

"Can you do it for me? I want to be able to beat the game before I have to go home." She put on a pouting face that Button couldn't bear to disappoint. Besides, she actually had a pretty decent reason...

"Okay," Button conceded, pausing his own game. "Let me just..."

He took the JoyBoy from her and changed the control settings from Magic Controls to Hoof Controls.

"Thanks, Button," Flurry said, resting her head on his side so she could watch.

Button took Flurry's earth pony farmer stallion into the mines. Her decision to play an earth pony stallion struck him as odd, but then he remembered that many ponies played video games to escape from reality, and part of that was often getting as far away from their real self as possible.

That worked out well, because the earth ponies in the game were much better-suited to fighting the Gigamole than the pegasi or unicorns. Button talked through the entire process as he went into the mines and started the fight with the mole. When to attack. When to dodge. When to hide behind a rock to avoid the claw spin attack.

"And then it's dead!" Button announced. The entire process took little more than five minutes. A soft rumbling in his ear caught him off guard for a moment—Flurry Heart had fallen sound asleep in the short time he'd spent finishing the quest for her. "Asleep already, huh?" he wondered aloud.

He put the JoyBoy on standby and set it aside, picking up his own control and resuming his campaign. He would finish this mission, and then carry the sleeping filly to her bed.

Carrying a nine-year-old filly was a lot harder than Button had expected, but that was probably because she was sleeping so hard that it was like moving a corpse. And that meant she provided no assistance at all. It took Button five entire minutes just to get her properly slung across his back so he could walk her across the house, a task that would have taken only a few seconds if she'd been just slightly responsive.

Still, it wasn't too big of a surprise: the poor filly had been complaining of poor sleep for two days. Perhaps her illness was starting to recover if she was suddenly sleeping soundly again.

Button pushed open the door to the guest room with his head and walked astride the bed. With an awkward sideways jump, he managed to roll Flurry Heart off of his back and onto the mattress, where she bounced once and then flopped onto her side. If the steady rise and fall of her chest and the soft sound of her breath hadn’t verified she was breathing, he would have been deeply concerned. Still, he needed to carefully roll her into the center of the bed - the edge of the bed wouldn't do. She might fall off and injure herself.

Climbing up on the bed next to her, he debated how to move her. She was sleeping soundly enough that he wasn't too concerned about waking her, but he still wanted to be careful of her sensitive, swollen wings. As he stared down at her, he realized her tail was swept to the side, exposing her privates. His breath hitched in his throat.

"Button's probably never even seen a filly lift her tail!"

The teasing bully was right: Button had never seen a mare's private bits up close before. Sure, he'd seen pictures, but nothing real, and nothing in detail. The sound of the other colts laughing rang in his ears.

And here, Flurry Heart was, lost in dreamland right here in his own house. Not just a filly, but a Princess, fully exposed in front of him - her small, pink nipples just above...

Button swallowed hard. He was just going to look. She would never know, and if she stirred, he could just play it off as having just laid her down while she tried to figure out where she was. He leaned in closer.

And sure enough, right below her teats, a slightly darker flesh tone could be seen through thinning fur. It swelled into two plump, light grey lips that were slightly dampened. A thin pink line of flesh shone from between the lips of her sex as his eyes followed down toward the tiny pucker of her tailhole. Her dock was lifted away from that tiny star of flesh, her tail swept away from her in a manner not entirely unlike a receptive mare.

Now that he was down close to her, there was a strange aroma that he couldn't place. It smelled wonderful, though he couldn't exactly describe it concisely. There was a sweetness to the smell, like cotton candy—but also a tartness to it, like a cranberry. And some other things mixed in as well.

Button was familiar with the sensation of his penis dropping from its sheath. He tried to ignore it - his penis didn't matter right now. He wanted to study Flurry Heart's exposed treasure, but there was only so much he could do by looking. Driven by curiosity, he carefully reached out with a hoof to touch the soft, tender flesh. It was... malleable. Pliable. And slightly sticky.

He looked up at her sleeping face. If she was aware of anything at all, there was no indication, as her deep, long breaths continued at the same pace they'd been since she was sleeping against him on the couch. She was entirely oblivious.

Emboldened by her lack of response, Button moved his hoof against her folds, bringing a second hoof down to gently pull the two thick lips of her flesh apart. A pink flower blossomed in front of him, greeting him with even more of the strangely appealing aroma he'd identified before. The walls of her flesh glistened with a slight moisture as he stared in slack-jawed wonder at the tiny cavern he had uncovered.

He pulled his hooves away, watching in awe at the slight line of sticky fluid that stretched from her special place to his hoof. It smelled wonderful as he brought his hoof up to his face. A little lick told him everything he needed to know: it tasted just as good as it smelled.

A few minutes passed as Button watched her sleep, focused entirely on her private parts. As he watched, his hoof wandered idly down to his growing erection, teasing himself with soft, gentle strokes.

What was it like to touch her there... like that?

Common sense was beginning to flee under the hormonal onslaught of an aroused teenager. She still hadn't stirred at all, he reasoned with himself. He lowered the crown of his cock to rest against her folds.

It was like the touch of silk. Warm and slightly damp, but silk nonetheless. He moved his hips slightly, letting the head of his cock rub against her ever so slightly. A desperate voice of sanity in his head pleaded with him to stop, but he was too far lost in his own curiosity and desire. And that voice was getting softer.

He began slowly rocking his hips, the tip of his dick grinding against her folds as he moved back and forth. The flesh slowly parted, ever so slightly, and the rocking, sawing motion eventually led to slickened interior pink flesh rubbing warmly against his shaft. And then, the tip finally caught on Flurry Heart's small opening. Button was lost in bliss, but the sudden resistance forced him to snap back to focus on what he was doing.

What was it like to actually put your penis inside a filly?

The colts that always bullied him–and for that matter, even a lot of the ones that didn't–talked about it as if it was the greatest feeling they'd ever had.

Button peered up at Flurry Heart's face. Her face was flushed and her breathing slightly more shallow than it was before, but she still seemed to be dead asleep. His eyes returned to the scene below. Her vagina was right there. All he would have to do is change the angle just a little bit... Would she even notice?

He just needed to know what it felt like. He could abort if she stirred.

The reasoning seemed sound enough to him. Shifting slightly to get a better angle of approach, Button watched Flurry's face closely as he put the tip of his cock against her entrance and slowly pressed forward.

Even just the head of his rod against her entry felt good, and he wasn't even inside yet. Focusing on her face to make sure she stayed asleep, he pressed forward, feeling an increasing pressure around the crown, until suddenly, something shifted and an indescribable warmth enveloped the head.

Having a tight warm grasp around the tip of his dick was a new, incredible sensation. He stopped moving immediately, scanning her features for any sign she might wake, but finding none. Peering down at where they were connected, he saw that he'd sunk into her by about half of a hoof. And the part that was inside of her felt incredible.

The thought that maybe he should stop had long departed, overridden by the intense desire to discover what might lie deeper within. Slowly, he pushed further into her, her vaginal walls clamping down like a vise around his intruding shaft, but still she did not stir. Each inch inside of her felt like a new taste of heaven around his cock.

It did not take long before a pressure on the broad head of his cock told him he'd found the limit of her small form. Glancing down, he observed that her nether lips were stretched taut around his member, with his medial ring sitting just outside. Though instinct was screaming for him to do so, he didn't dare try to force it in. It was a miracle that he'd managed to get this far without waking her. And that meant there was only one way to go: back out.

Slowly, he withdrew from her, with another new sensation that he'd never felt before. Her tiny pussy seemed to be grasping at his member, as if it desperately wanted him to stay - an incessant grip that begged for him to return. And who was he to deny her? He looked up again at her sleeping face as he slipped back inside of her again. Her cheeks were still rosy, but there was no indication that she was waking.

Button slowly moved faster, in and out of her budding marehood, watching intently for any sign that she might wake, but the only thing that he observed was a soft moan whenever she exhaled. In his mind, Button imagined that she was screaming in pleasure, and it drove him to continue, slowly abandoning any pretense of ensuring she slept through his actions.

The speed with which Button began pressing into Flurry Heart's passage was steadily rising, and Button found himself lost in bliss. Flurry's vocalizations became louder, her lips parting with gasping breaths. Even so, she still slept. Finally, Button couldn't help himself, bending down to kiss her lips.

Flurry Heart's tiny frame shuddered, a rippling convulsion passing through her entire body as her vaginal muscles clamped down on his cock in a crushingly tight grasp. A warm, wet sensation engulfed him as Flurry Heart orgasmed in her sleep. He released her lips, the foreign but overwhelmingly pleasurable pressure bringing him to his own climax. A pulse went down his spine, his brain signaling his balls to spare nothing as they emptied, his cock throbbing inside of Flurry Heart's deepest depths.


The startled voice of his mother sounded behind him. He whirled about, his cock tearing free from Flurry's abused slit and slinging droplets of his cum across the room as he landed on the floor with a painful thump.

Cream Heart stared at the droplet of her son's essence as it landed on the end of her muzzle. As much as she wanted to freak out about it, there were far too many other things wrong with the current situation. But one thing was evident: The poor filly was sound asleep. And she definitely shouldn't be, considering what she was pretty sure just happened. Perhaps that part was for the best, given everything else.

"You are going to be in deep trouble, young man," Cream Heart seethed through clenched teeth. It was the biggest understatement she'd ever made in her life. "I don't know what you did to her, but if any of the Princesses find out about this, they'll have our heads!"

"I don't know what came over me, mom. I just..."

"I don't want to hear excuses right now," Cream interrupted. "Get her off the bed, and try not to wake her up. I'm going to get some towels and clean sheets."

Cream Heart went straight to the linen closet and took out some fresh sheets for the guest room bed. No matter what her stupid son had done, before they could do anything at all about it, they needed to make sure Flurry Heart wasn't suspicious of it.

It was probably a lost cause, but it was the only hope she had. For as much as she was mad at her son, if word about what had happened here got out, they would be in an unimaginable amount of trouble. Her own son had seemingly just raped a princess. While supposedly under her own watch. Losing her head wasn't even an unrealistic outcome.

She brought the linens back to the guest room, where Button had managed to move Flurry off of the bed without waking her. Instead, he was standing over her, his mouth agape.

"Don't just stand there," Cream commanded, "help me." She gestured at the bed.

"Uh, yeah." Button replied, pulling off the old bedding and tossing it in the corner. Cream threw him the other end of the new linens, and the two of them quickly remade the bed.

"Do we have any more blankets?" Button wondered aloud.

"No," Cream Heart said, glaring at him pointedly. "But we can use yours."

"What will I sleep in, then?" Button protested.

"Your own puddle of shame," Cream Heart snapped.

Button hung his head, glancing over at the sleeping filly again. "I need to clean her up," he muttered.

"Absolutely not," Cream Heart declared. "I will not have you getting anywhere near her…” she didn’t even want to think about that. It was bad enough she’d seen it. “...her parts."

"So you're just going to clean up my cum?!" he protested.

“Button, I used to be married. You get used to it.” Cream Heart shoved him out of the room. "Now, go get your blanket," she said, following him out. Button nodded silently and half-galloped to his room.

She needed to find a towel. Those would be under the bathroom sink. She pushed open the bathroom door, where a small, open bottle of pills sat on the countertop.

A bottle that she recognized immediately.

And the wheels in her head started turning.

Button stared down at his bed. Without the blanket, it looked... naked. Exposed. Much like Flurry Heart had been, though the similarity between the two ended with how much he wanted to be inside each of them again. One, a warm embrace and a soft pillow. The other, a warm embrace and a hard...

His bedroom door slammed open as his mom flew into the room, seething with rage. "YOU DRUGGED HER?!"

Button spun to face her so quickly that he nearly fell over. "What?" Button said, stepping back from his furious mother.

"YOU DRUGGED HER?!" she reiterated, advancing on him even more and rattling a small bottle of prescription medication. "How many did you give her?!"

"Mom, I swear, I have no idea what you're talking about," Button said, backing into the shelf that held all of his games. "I didn't give her anything. I even forgot to give her the pills she was supposed to take!"

Cream Heart stood over Button as he cowered under her, her eyes burning with fury. She looked conflicted, though, glancing away from him and back at the medication repeatedly. "I... I can't believe you would do something like this..."

"Trust me, mom, I didn't drug her."

"Then how—" Cream looked at the pill bottle for a few moments. "Then, she must have..." Cream slumped to the side, leaning into Button’s bed..

"What medicine is that?" Button asked.

"It's a sleep aid," Cream replied quietly. "An extremely powerful one, for sleeping through heat cramps." She began inspecting the label carefully.

"She probably took two, then," Button suggested. "That's how many of her normal pills she takes, right?"

Cream nodded absently. "A normal adult dose is only a single pill. For younger fillies, you're supposed to cut one in half. She took four times the normal dose for a filly her age." Cream sighed heavily. "I don't even know what to do, now. I really need to give her a bath, and she probably won't even wake up for it."

"And how do you explain it to her when she wakes up soaking wet?" Button argued.

"Did you have a plan for explaining why she's covered in sex?" Cream retorted.

Button was at a loss for words. She was right, he'd fucked up.

"And far safer than explaining anything at all to the Princess," Cream continued. "Please, go get her and put her—carefully—into the tub. And then go take a shower in my bathroom, you're still covered in…” she gestured circularly with a hoof. “...yourself. We can deal with everything else after Twilight comes to pick her up."

"Goodbye, Button!" Flurry shouted cheerfully as she and Twilight Sparkle walked slowly away from his home. "Hope to see you again, soon!"

His response was far more subdued, waving his hoof half-heartedly. "Yeah, haha." Then he forced a smile, waving more energetically. "You too!" he called out. It felt fake. There was no excitement now, only dread. The moment they were out of sight...

"We need to talk."

That. His mother was wasting no time.

"I'd rather not."

"I wish we didn't have to, either," Cream agreed.

Button sighed. "That's probably true."

Button turned back into the house, hoisting himself up on one of the kitchen chairs. Cream Heart took a seat across from him, her expression rapidly shifting between anger, frustration, and sadness.

The silence had dragged on far longer than Button was comfortable with. "So...?" he asked

Cream finally broke her gaze away from him, setting her forehead down on the table and covering it with her hooves. "She's in heat," Cream mumbled.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Cream rolled her head to the side to focus one eye on Button. "When I was helping her wash up. The smells, the way she flagged her tail, and her..." A blush ran across Cream's face. "...her winking. It was plainly obvious she was in heat."

"Oh," Button said. It was all he could think to say. "Is that why she smelled so good?" he blurted. That thought had come from his penis.

"She smelled good? Is that your excuse?” Cream looked up at incredulously. “You know we can't hide this, don't you?"

Button nodded numbly. "It hasn't really sunk in yet, I guess."

Cream sat up from the table only to immediately flop back against her chair, staring at the ceiling. "Why did you do it, Button?" she whispered.

The question hung in the air for a few minutes as Button pondered an answer. "I didn't want to be picked on anymore," he finally offered. "For being a virgin. That's the best answer I have. And I know it's not a good one."

"And you decided that was reason enough to get a nine-year-old Princess, who you were supposed to be in charge of, pregnant?"

"I told you it wasn't a good answer."

Cream Heart sighed. "I should have just..." she trailed off, but then shook her head. “No, it wouldn’t be right.”


"Nevermind. There's nothing either of us can do to change the past now. All we can hope for is that, somehow, the pregnancy didn't take."

Cream Heart threw a newspaper on the coffee table before slumping onto the couch. "So much for miracles," she said.

Button peered down at the paper. A massive, bold font proclaimed




The day of reckoning had come. It wouldn't take them long to figure out what happened, and from there... no one could be sure. Button stared at the paper in horror.

"I'm gonna go to jail," Button murmured.

"Or worse," Cream added, her words providing no comfort whatsoever.

They sat in silence together for what felt like an eternity when a knocking on the door disrupted them.

"I'll get it," Button said. "They're probably just here to arrest me, anyway."

Cream nodded absently. Button stood up and crossed over to the front door, opening it slightly and peering out. Outside was Princess Twilight.

"Hi," Twilight deadpanned. "Have you read the paper?"

Button opened the door the rest of the way - there was nothing he could do to stop her if she wanted into the house anyway. Twilight seemed to take it as an invitation and stepped into the house.

"I've seen the headline," Button confessed. "But I haven't read the article."

"The article is damage control," Twilight said, waving a hoof dismissively. "Ponies in the Crystal Empire are clamoring for answers. And I'm sure you can guess why I'm here."

"You seem awfully calm," Cream observed from the couch.

Twilight smiled. "I can't say I've really wrapped my head around it completely yet, but..."

"How much trouble am I in?" Button blurted.

“Yes,” Cream said, walking over. “How much?”

"Trouble?" Twilight asked, blinking. "That sounds like a confirmation of guilt.”

Shit, why did he open his mouth? “Uhh…” Intelligence was his strong suit, not making a fool of himself wasn’t part of the skillset.

And still, Twilight had a strange smile on her face. “It’s okay. I’m not here because you’re in trouble. I'm just here for an answer."

“It wasn’t–” Cream started to object, only for Twilight to raise a hoof, not breaking eye contact with Button. Cream immediately closed her mouth.

Did that mean he wasn’t in trouble? Or just that she wasn’t here because he was in trouble? Button’s lip quivered anxiously. "An answer to what?"

"Well, officially, Flurry Heart has no idea who impregnated her. But I've had my suspicions from the start." Twilight stared at Button. "Her heat ended quite early, and just a few days after she'd spent some time alone with a horny teenager."

"Yeah..." Button said, sinking into his chair. "I fucked up."

"You fucked her," Twilight corrected him. "If you had fucked up, things would be going far worse for you right now."

Button tilted his head. "What do you mean?"

"Because of the timing, Shining Armor figured out that she had to have gotten pregnant under my watch. I told him the only male she had been around the entire time she was here was you, and after it came out that you’d been alone with her for a while, well…” Twilight giggled. “Let’s just say that Shining was hoping that by asking Flurry if you got her pregnant, it would help jog her memory and she would remember what, exactly, had happened. And he was going to have you executed for crimes against the crown."

Why was she laughing about this? Button's eyes widened. "How is that funny?"

"Sorry," Twilight said, barely containing her mirth. "It backfired spectacularly. What Shining got instead was the most bold declaration of love I've ever heard in my life. "

Button's jaw fell. "But I... I did something horrible to her."

"Oh, she doesn't remember that," Twilight replied, waving a hoof. "Not at all."


"And she's mad about that, too!"

"She should be," Button shouted. "I did something horrible! She should hate me!"

"No, no," Twilight said, still chuckling. "She has had a massive crush on you the whole time she was here. She wouldn’t stop talking about how amazing you were from the moment we got to my castle until the day Shining came to pick her up. Now she's mad because she was horny the whole time she was visiting here and you wouldn't do anything to her."

"But... huh...? She just turned ten. How would she even know about such things?”

Twilight stared at Button like he’d just said the dumbest possible thing. “Do you understand what Princess Cadance’s sex drive is like?”

Button had no answer for that. He went with the next best thing. “But I'm sixteen!"

"And she'll still look like she's 30 when you're dying of old age,” Twilight countered, seemingly dismissing the entire ordeal out of hand. “Besides, it’s not like he has room to complain - it never stopped…” She flushed bright red. “Uhm, well, honestly, an age gap of six years isn’t even that weird once a couple more years have passed!” Twilight finished quickly. Button couldn’t argue with that; not that Twilight gave him the time before she started talking again. “So, you have two choices. Your first option is to spend the rest of your life in a prison cell. And that seems like it would be less than ideal."

Button stared at her in silence, his mouth dropping open. Cream Heart gasped.

"The other option is that you can go live in the Crystal Empire, in the castle. Shining and Cadance will run a story about how the perpetrator was caught, tried, and executed. Meanwhile, your secret is safe. Officially, you'll be employed as Harvest Valley's caretaker."

"Harvest Valley?" Button asked, confused. "That's a farming video game. I’m going to move in all the way to the Crystal Empire just to help her with a video game?"

Twilight laughed uproariously, enough that she went into a violent coughing fit for a moment before settling down again. "Harvest Valley is also an earth pony filly who is going to be born in just a few months. She's your daughter, so you might want to get used to the idea."

Button stared at Twilight in silent shock, but Twilight wasn't deterred. "While you are there, you will be permitted to carry on your relationship with Flurry Heart for as long as Flurry Heart wants it to remain. You, on the other hoof, will have no choice in the matter. As part of your deal, you will not be permitted to break off your relationship with her no matter how much you want to. And I would advise against doing anything to force the issue."

This was... too much. And too good to be true, in many ways. "You're serious about all of this?" Button asked.

"I am. And once Flurry Heart is thirteen, she will be legally old enough to wed," she continued. "If she still wants to marry you at that time, you will be married. Technically, that will make you a prince. If she doesn't want to marry you, well... hopefully you haven't screwed things up so badly that she decides that prison will be your fate instead."


"I expect I already know your answer, but are you ready to go to the Crystal Empire?"

"Excuse me, Princess," Cream Heart interjected. "Is there any room for me in this plan?"

"Certainly the grandmother of a princess' daughter would be welcome to live in the castle," Twilight said, beaming. "Your son will probably need all the help he can get."

"I'll go," Button said.

"It seemed like a pretty easy decision," Twilight agreed. And then, without any warning, her horn lit up. "Off we go!"

Flurry Heart was lounging in the dining hall when Aunt Twilight, Miss Cream, and Button Mash popped into existence right in front of her.

"Here we are!" Twilight exclaimed. "Welcome to your new home!"

With a bound and a single flap of her wings, Flurry Heart tackled Button to the ground, planting a big kiss right on his lips. "Button! You came!" she exclaimed.

"Haha... yeah..." Button said, looking around frantically. "You can't just kiss me in public like that," he whispered. "It's supposed to be a secret."

"Oh, there's nothing secret about this," Flurry Heart said, hugging him close. "Everypony in this room is already in on it," she whispered in his ear. Then she stood up and turned to the only other pony in the room - one of the Crystal Guards. "Lieutenant, please escort Mister Mash and Miss Cream to their rooms."

"Your wish is my command," the guard said, snapping off a quick salute. "Right this way, please."

Flurry Heart helped Button up to his feet and gave him a nudge toward the guard. "Go on. We'll catch up later."

Then she turned her pleading eyes to her Aunt Twilight. "Auntie, Button needs all his video games. Can you please have them teleported to my room? I want to have fun tonight."

"Uh, sure!" Twilight hesitated for a moment, flushing an even bright red, before disappearing in a puff of magic.

Flurry Heart smiled. It had been five long months since she'd last seen her favorite pony in the world, and now, she finally had him back. And this time, he would never have to leave her side again.