Twilight's Soleful Pleasure

by Applefai

First published

Twilight has soleful fantasies.

Twilight has soulful fantasies, but hasn't told anyone until now. With the help from a few friends she can now get her soleful pleasure.

Art by: eclipsebunnyqueen

Story commission for: crazyvivek134


At The Foot of Royalty

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Twilight arrives home from a long day of exercising with Rainbow Dash, sweat pours off her body like a waterfall as she hobbles up the stairs to her bedroom and sits on the bed.

Sitting on the bed she removes her shoes and brings one to her face. Placing her shoes over her muzzle she takes a deep inhale as she sniffs what smell was in her shoe, letting out a sigh of relief as she was aroused by her own foot stink.

Getting aroused, she takes another long inhale of her shoe as her mind is clouded by arousal. "Oh, buck yeah. That smells good." Twilight said to herself as she started to slide her hand into her panties and started to finger herself.

"Hmmm, yes, step on me, pin me to the ground." Twilight yelled out as she laid on her back, shoe pressed against her face and fingers in her slit.

A sudden knock on Twilight's door brought her back to her senses as she yelled out. "Hold on, I'm not decent!" The purple alicorn anthro said as she pulled her hand out from her panties and stuffed tissues down her drawers to soak up any fluid.

Opening the door, Twilight was greeted with her friend Rarity. “Twilight, Darling, how are you?” Rarity asked as she stood in the doorway.

“I’m good, Rarity. Just got back from exercising with Rainbow so I apologize if I’m a bit sweaty.” Twilight replied as Rarity waved her off.

“It’s quite alright, darling. How was it, I assume Rainbow put you through the wringer like always?” Rarity asked as Twilight came out and shut the door behind her.

“She did, but it was enjoyable. So what brings you here?” Twilight asked as she and Rarity walked down the big empty halls of her castle.

“Oh, I came here to see if you happen to have a book you can loan me about feudal era clothing, I have a feeling it’s gonna make a comeback.” Rarity explained her reason for stopping by.

“Oh sure, follow me.” Twilight replied as she led her friend to her gigantic library.

As they entered the library, Rarity stayed behind Twilight and noticed the small bulge the tissue paper had made. Not wanting to pry, but at the same time worried that something was amiss, Rarity worked up the courage to ask her friend about it.

“Pardon my nosiness, Twilight but is everything ok with your umm, downstairs area?” Rarity asked, causing Twilight to blush at the question as she steadied a ladder.

“Yeah, everything is alright, why do you ask?” Twilight blushed crimson red hoping it was just idle curiosity.

“Well, it would seem that you have stuffed your bloomers with tissue paper or something.” Rarity replied, pointing out what she had saw much to Twilight’s dismay.

With a long sigh Twilight retrieved the book that her seamstress friend had requested and gave it to her. “I’m sorry, Rarity. When you came knocking I was in the middle of me time.” Twilight said as she blushed. “I know it’s not ladylike bu I-”

Twilight gets cut off by Rarity who had placed her well manicured hand over her mouth with a slight smile. “Darling it’s ok, you are in the sanctity of your own home so no shame. After all, I also sometimes pleasure myself.

Twilight looked down with concern and disgust as she gawked at Rarity's hand that covered her mouth.

With a slight chuckle Rarity removed her hand from her friend's mouth. “Relax darling, I wash my hands thoroughly after I do.” Rarity affirmed as she flipped through a few pages of the book.

Twilight feeling like she needs to tell somepony lets out a sigh before speaking up. “Rarity, I get off to feet.” Twilight said as Rarity looked up, a little shocked.

“So you have a foot fethidh? Well that’s alright we all have some fantasies, darling.” Rarity replied.

“Well there’s more to it than that, Rarity. I like everything about feet, the smell, the sweat, the feel, I was smelling my own shoe before you came over.” Twilight unloaded on Rarity who just listened at this point.

With a sigh Twilight sat down in her reading chair, offering a seat on the couch to Rarity.

Rarity graciously accepts and sits down. “Twilight, why tell me all of this out of the blue?” Rarity asked as Twilight flipped through a book.

Looking up from her book, Twilight sat the open book down on the table. “Because I want your help, Rarity. I also fantasize about being under the foot of a giant or giantess, so I’d like to teach you a shrinking spell and endurance spell so I can live out my dream.” Twilight replied.

Rarity looked at her in shock, she knew from her tone that she was serious, “But Twilight, do you really believe I can cast a spell like this, why not ask Starlight?” Rarity asked.

“She’s at Sunburst’s house, helping him out and also on a date with him.” Twilight answered. “But I do believe in you, they're fairly easy spells so I have full confidence in you?” Twilight said as Rarity nodded.

“Ok, you don’t happen to have a list of the ones you want to step on you, do you?’’ Rarity asked only to have Twilight blush and pull out a sheet of paper with names.

Looking at the list, Rarity blushed when she got to Shining Armor. "Wait, your brother?" Rarity asked, concern filling her voice.

"No, no, not like that, it's just we used to play footsie when we were young, but it's just fun, not incestuous." Twilight clarified.

"Ok, darling, first on the list is Thorax so let's get you shrunk." Rarity said as she lit up her horn.

Rarity cast the spell, shrinking Twilight down, her clothes engulfing her.

Twilight crawled out of her now enormous clothes, naked as a newborn covering herself.

"Rarity, can you please open that drawer beside you and hand me my tiny beating suit?" Twilight asked blushing as Rarity giggled and did as she asked.

But instead of Rarity handing her the swimsuit, Rarity picked up Twilight gingerly and dressed her in the tiny outfit. After changing Twilight, Rarity then lit up her horn again and cast the endurance spell on her before putting her down.own.

“I’m sorry, darling. You just looked like one of my childhood dolls that I simply had to dress you.” Rarity apologized as she blushed.

“It’s ok, I understand Rarity.” Twilight said with a chuckle as Rarity uses Spike to send seven letters to the seven anthros to show up at the castle today at their earliest convenience.

After sending the letters, an hour later Thorax showed up.

Rarity greeted him at the door, taking him by surprise that she was there too.

“Oh, hey, Rarity. Twilight summoned you here too?” Thorax asked, not knowing the situation.

“Well, in a way darling, you see Twilight wants to…” Rarity cut short only to lean in and whisper in Thorax’s ear as to what Twilight wanted, causing him to blush profusely.

“Oh, I see. It’s a bit strange, but us Changelings don’t judge, in a weird way I’m honored she wanted me to do it first.”

“So, you’ll do it darling?” Rarity asked, seeking confirmation only to get a nod from the changeling king.

“Then right this way.” Rarity said as she escorted Thorax to thee library before leaving to greet the other steppers.

Thorax walked up to the table that the now tiny Twilight was standing on,

Taking a seat on the couch in front of her he looked at her tiny body. “Hey, Twilight. Are you really sure you want to do this?” Thorax asked, still unsure.

Twilight gingerly answered with a nod. “I’m sure, Thorax. I made sure I won’t get hurt and this has been a fantasy of mine.” Twilight assures him it’s what she wants and that she’ll be safe.

“Ok, here we go.” Thorax said as he took off his sandal, revealing his light lime green foot completely. Thorax then held up his sandal for Twilight to crawl into.

Twilight climbed into Thorax’s sandal, the sole a little wet from sweat.

“Sorry about the sweat.” Thorax said as Twilight laid on her back, waiting for Thorax to put on the sandal again.

“No need to be sorry, this makes it even better.” Twilight replied as Thorax brought the sandal to his foot and slid it on.

Twilight’s view was immediately replaced by green skin as she was pinned to the soles of Thorax’s foot and sandal, Twilight took a deep inhale as she smelled the changeling king’s foot. The sole was slightly dirty and smelled like grass. Twilight shuddered at the sudden feeling of euphoria that swept through her body, causing her pussy to get wet and leak on her bathing suit.

Thorax then got up and started to walk around the library, puting pressure on Twilight with each step that he took.

Twilight moaned out in bliss as Thorax walked around, causing her to be pinned to his foot. She occasionally slid around, her head popping out from between his toes causing to laugh and moan in pleasure before she had climaxed from excitement.

Thorax then sat down and removed his sandal, Twilight sticking to his foot like a piece of gum.

Chuckling to himself, Thorax gingerly pried Twilight fro his foot and sat her on the table, her bathing suit stained from her climax.

“That was pretty enjoyable, though would you like me to help you clean up?” Thorax offered only for Twilight to shake her head.

“I appreciate the offer, but I got it.” Twilight said as she lit up her horn and magically cleaned herself and her swimsuit. “But I do have one request.” Twilight said as she finished the spell.

“What’s that?” Thorax asked, leaning up a bit.

“Put your bare feet on the table and let me lick them clean.” Twilight said

Thorax blushes bright red, but obliges and puts bot of his feet on the table. Twilight immediately walking up to them and licking them, moaning in pleasure as more guest come and wait in the foyer.

Marching Orders

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After Twilight had finished licking Thorax's feet, she sits on the table as Thorax puts on his sandals.

"Thank you Thorax, that was really exciting for me." Twilight said as Thorax put on the sandal she was in and shuddered.

"I can tell, you left some of your love nectar in there, it feels warm but pleasant as it slides between my toes." Thorax replied, causing Twilight to blush.

Thorax then got up and headed for the door, stopping and turned around to Twilight. "If you want to do this again sometime, let me know, as a changeling we can alter our height so you won't have to shrink yourself." Thorax offered.

"I'll keep that in mind." Twilight said enthusiastically as she waved him goodbye.

Twilight sat on the table for a few minutes, contemplating and letting the rush of euphoria rush throughout her body.

A few minutes later, she hears the subtle sound of the doorknob turning, looking up to see her next giant, she sees that he's in uniform.

Twilight blushed as she saw Flash in his golden armor, his helmet adorned with blue plumage that matched his mane, and his gold-plated boots shining brilliantly in the light of the room.

Flash made his way to the table and started taking off his helmet; his mane flowed free as he set it down on the table next to Twilight.

"Hey, Twilight. Rarity told me about your plan, you know you could have just told me." Flash said, causing Twilight to blush more.

Not wasting any time, Flash took off his boot and gently picked up Twilight. He then placed her in his boot where she crawled to the tip of his boot.

"Ok, I'm ready." Twilight called out and soon her vision was eclipsed by Flash putting his foot in and pinning her against the toe of his boot and her head between his toes.

"Sorry if my foot is a bit smelly, Twilight, I had drills before I came here and worked up quite a sweat." Flash said as he stood up and started marching in the library.

Inside his boot, Twilight was stomped on and pinned with each step he took, enough force to knock the wind out of her, but not enough to crush her.

Flash Sentry then walks up and down the halls, carefully avoiding the foyer as he steps up and slams down. As he walks, Twilight can't help but to notice the subtle dirt stains on his foot, indicating that he was once barefoot during training.

Flash continues to march throughout the castle until he is stopped by Rarity.

Sensing that Twilight was already well pinned, she decides to join in.

"Alright soldier, back to the library, and March!" She daintily commanded, only for Flash to turn around to face the direction.

Left, left, left, right, left." Rarity began to chant as Flash followed her orders, marching into the library with Twilight having now slipped between his toes and is now directly pinned by his sole.

"Now, give me twenty jumping jacks!" Rarity commanded.

Following her orders, Flash started jumping, subjecting Twilight to a few seconds of relief only to be slammed down and pressed against his warm and sweaty foot.

After about a minute of jumping jacks, Twilight pants, trying to catch her breath as Flash stands still, his sweaty foot resting on top of her.

Glancing at Flash, Rarity ponders on what to have him do now. She places her index finger on her head as she thinks.

With a sudden gasp Rarity in a sing-song voice exclaimed, "IDEA!" before looking at Flash.

Leading him out the back way, Rarity told him to return to the library after he runs twenty laps around Twilight's castle.

As Flash gives her a salute, Rarity leaves to tend to the other guests as Flash starts running.

As Flash runs, Twilight is constantly met with pressure from his foot and the release of it, by this time the fumes start to fill his boot, Twilight takes a big whiff of the stench surrounding her, causing her to cough, but also wets her pussy to where she can't help but to finger herself.

With each step that Flash makes in his run she moans and dives her fingers more into her moist slit, her vaginal muscles soaked like a sponge in a sink.

On the last lap, Flash takes his last step, causing Twilight to moan and scream in pleasure.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh." Twilight cried out, her cry muffled by Flash's sweaty foot.

Twilight orgasmed eight inside Flash's boot, the fluid soaking the bottom and sliding underneath Twilight's back.

Flash blushes at the wet sensation, the fluid feeling warm to him and squishes between his toes as he marches back to the library.

Once in the library, Flash takes off his boot and reaches inside, feeling Twilight he gingerly grabs her and pulls her out.

Looking down into his hand, Flash saw Twilight flat on her back, panting as she pulled her fingers out of her snatch. A thin layer of sweat and femcum coat her purple body, making it glisten in the light.

"Enjoy yourself, Twilight?" Flash asked as he looked at her tiny figure.

"Yes, I did. That was so magical. I have to thank Rarity for commanding you." Twilight replied as she lit up her horn and cleaned herself off.

"I agree, we should definitely do this again sometime." Flash replied as he put his boot back on.

Twilight blushed, not expecting Flash to actually enjoy it as well. "Y-you want to do this again?" Twilight asked.

"Of course, just call me up if you want to do this again." Flash answered as he got up.

Twilight blushed as she noticed his bulge, his cock pressing against the fabric of his pants.

"You did enjoy it, maybe after a few days you can come back." Twilight said as Flash walked out.

"It's a date, I've always liked you too, maybe we can hang out more." Flash said as he left, leaving Twilight blushing on the table, waiting for her next giant.

A Dirty Royal

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Sitting on the table, Twilight went through the mental list of "giants" she had selected. She had a particular order and up next was Prince Blueblood.

"Prince Blueblood may need convincing, something like this will strike him as uncouth." Twilight thought to herself until the subtle click of the doorknob brought her out of her thoughts.

Walking into the room was Prince Blueblood. His white suit was spotless and wrinkle-free, complemented by his black pants and boots. His blonde mane flowing down to his shoulders was perfectly groomed.

He walked over to the table and sat down, he then took off his boot and sock.

"Well, Princess Twilight, let us begin." The alabaster blue blood said as he leaned over and picked up Twilight in his hand.

Twilight was taken back by surprise as he picked her up and started to lower her into his boot, the smell of sweat and powder wafting in the air.

"Wait, just like that?" Twilight asked.

Prince Blueblood stopped and brought her to his face. "Of course, I have to make sure you know your place, I was born into royalty, you were just added because dear auntie wanted you as an heir. I understand her reasoning, but I still need to make you know your place." Prince Blueblood said as he gently placed Twilight in his boot and immediately put his foot in, pinning her to the leather sole.

The alabaster noble then got up and started walking, crushing Twilight with each step, he would never admit it, but he too loved the idea of being crushed underfoot.

With a pep in his step, he walked throughout the library and occasionally climbed the ladder to offer relief and pressure at the same time.

Inside his boot Twilight moaned in pleasure, her cries of pleasure muffled by the skin on Blueblood's foot.

"Get to licking my foot, you may be a princess, but you are still below me for right now." Blueblood demanded as he stepped off the ladder.

Twilight with all her might and eagerness started to lick the sole of his foot, being a blue blood meant he hardly had dirty feet, Twilight was lucky enough to get a few sweat beads.

As Twilight licked his foot, unbeknownst to her, Blueblood had found the box of tissues and lotion she keeps in the second drawer of her desk.

"Oh, you are a dirty princess, aren't you, Twilight?" Blueblood thought to himself as her grabbed a tissue and pulled down his pants and underwear.

With his erected cock shooting out, Prince Blueblood sat on the couch and got some lotion. He then began to gingerly stroke his cock as he enjoyed Twilight licking his foot.

"Don't forget to get between the toes, foot slut." Blueblood moaned as Twilight did as told.

As Twilight licked his foot, Blueblood pleased himself by stroking his girth, moaning at both sensations.

Twilight had no idea what was happening, too engrossed in her pleasure to realize what his moans meant.

A few minutes pass until Blueblood orgasms, shooting his seed upward as it falls on the floor and table.

Blueblood then slouches on the couch and breathes heavily as his raging boner now shrinks after his orgasm. "Oh, Twilight you are a dirty little princess, but lower royalty like you should be a boot licker to the higher-ups and those born into nobility." The snooty prince remarked as he strained to sit up.

Forcing himself upright, Prince Blueblood untied his ebony black boot and removed it. Making a pouring motion, the royal forced the shrunken princess out of his boot and onto the table, causing some of the orgasm that she had to land on her head.

Twilight looks to her right to see a tiny puddle of jizz on her table, blushing bright red. She looked over to Blueblood as she got up.

"Looks like you enjoyed yourself, looks like you're a bit dirty too." She smirked as she used her horn to clean herself up, along with the white puddles her giant left on the table and floor.

Blueblood blushed, knowing full well he couldn't deny it.

"Yeah, well. Nobility such as myself deserves to pleasure ourselves from time to time do we not?" Blueblood asked as he put on his boot.

Twilight giggled as she used her magic to clean the prince's lap. "You sure do, but we should clean that up, we don't need everyone to know." Twilight answered as she magically cleaned his cream off his pants.

Prince Blueblood then got up and headed for the door. "Thank you for cleaning me up, Princess. Now hopefully you know your place on the royal ladder." The ivory noble said as he opened the door.

Twilight giggled as she played along. "I don't know, I think you need to step on me more in the future." She said, causing Blueblood to blush and get a bulge in his pants.

Blueblood cleared his throat as he looked at Twilight. "Yes, perhaps I shall. And in case I find it enjoyable, I shall bring my own lotion and disposable handkerchiefs." Blueblood said as he walked out the door.

Twilight blushed as she saw the wad of tissue paper in the trash bin. "Thank you for throwing them away for me." Twilight thought to herself, this small gesture showing her Prince Blueblood may be changing after their initial encounter.

Levitating herself to the door, she saw Prince Blueblood kiss Rarity's hand goodbye as he gracefully left, indicating she was right.

Levitating back to the table, Twilight sat down, waiting for her next giant.

Wizarding Feet

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Sitting at the table, Twilight waited patiently for her next giant, hoping that he could take a break from his studies and job to come over and step on her.

Twilight was alerted to the sound of the doorknob turning. Looking across the room she saw Sunburst walking in.

Walking up to the table Sunburst sat down on the couch and looked at Twilight.

"Hey, Twilight. It's been a while." Sunburst said as he leaned in closer.

Twilight blushed as she nodded. "Indeed it has, Sunburst. I'm glad you could come over. How's Flurry?" Twilight asked as she started into his eyes.

"She's great, she's really been getting a handle on her magic." Sunburst said as Twilight breamed.

"That's great, thank you for helping her." Twilight replied as she hugged his giant muzzle.

"It's no trouble. Now then." Sunburst cuts himself off as he picks Twilight up in his magic and brings her to his face.

"Rarity tells me you have a foot fetish, I never thought that'd you'd be one for that kind of thing." Sunburst said as he kicked off his shoe.

Twilight giggled. "I'm full of surprises, Buckdini." Twilight replied, causing Sunburst to blush bright red.

"H-how do you know my….?" Sunburst started to ask before Twilight interrupted him.

"How did I know your nickname that Starlight calls you during sex?" Twilight asked only to get a nod from Sunburst.

Twilight giggled as she booped his nose. "Let's just call that my little secret." Twilight replied as Sunburst started to take off his sock.

"Would you like to be in my sock or my shoe?" Sunburst asked, causing Twilight to ponder the options.

"I'd like your shoe, but leave your sock off. I want to feel and smell your foot as it pins me down." Twilight said, causing Sunburst to blush.

"In that case, I may have another idea." Sunburst said as he put Twilight on the table.

"Lay on your belly." Sunburst said as he got up to get a book from the shelf.

While Sunburst is getting a book, Twilight lays on her belly, shuddering a bit at the cold feeling of the table.

Sunburst comes back and sits down, taking his other shoe and sock off, he sighs in relief as he leans back. "I'm going to read this book, and while I do that." He stops mid-sentence as he props his feet on the table and pins Twilight under his heel.

Blushing bright red Twilight moans in pleasure as Sunburst opens the book to the first page. "You can struggle underneath my heel and climb my foot for as long as it takes me to read this book." He said as Twilight tossed and turned under his foot.

"And if I fail?" Twilight asked as she tried to pull free.

"Hmmm, then I guess I'll put you in my shoe and walk around." Sunburst replied as he started reading.

Twilight lightly struggles, moving inch by inch as Sunburst reads the book he picked out.

After a few hours, Twilight manages to get free from under his foot, But still has to climb it in order to beat his game. Placing her hand on the sole of his foot, she looks for a grip to hold onto as she climbs, finally finding one she can use as she starts to climb.

Twilight started to reach for Sunbursts big toe before a clap of heavy paperboard and looked up.

“Times up, princess. Though it looks like you almost made it, but we made a deal.” The wizard pony teased as he picked up Twilight.

Pondering on what to do, Sunburst stroked his beard as he thought. When he finally came to an idea he grinned as he got out some string and used his magic to hold Twilight a gaist the sole of his foot.

Sunburst placed Twilight squarely in the middle of his foot, her face pressed against his sole. He then used the string to tie her down, arms to her side and wings pressed down. “There we go, all nice and snug.” Sunburst teased as he put on his sock, covering Twilight up with soft fabric before putting on his shoe and putting his feet up on the table.

“I think I might just relax and let my foot sweat all over you like this.” Sunburst said as Twilight was pressed into his flesh.

While inside Sunburst’s shoe and sock, Twilight felt the heat begin to rise as sweat droplets formed on the sole of his foot. Twilight was helpless to stop it, not that she wanted to though, the sweat began to run as soon his entire foot was sweating. Sunburst’s sweat washed over Twilight soaking her back and her belly as she moaned in pleasure, her voice muffled from the skin. Occasionally some sweat would end up in her mouth making her blush as the salty taste danced on her tongue. The heat from the sock caused her to sweat as well, her sweat mixing with his.

Sunburst would occasionally shift his legs a bit as he continued to lounge about, the movement exciting Twilight as her marehood begged to be sated, unfortunatlly Twilight couldn’t reach her slit to pleasure it as she moaned.

A few hours pass and Sunburst looks at the time. “Well, princess, it looks like my time is up. Maybe i can step on you again, but while I remove my shoe. I want you to lick my foot.” Sunburst said as he slowly began removing his shoe.

Twilight did as Sunburst asked and licked her captor’s foot as best as she could, the salty taste of the sweat paired with the smell of musk drove her to orgasm as light hit her eyes from Sunburst taking off his sock.

As Sunburst untied Twilight he couldn’t help but to chuckle at the sensation of her orgasm running down his foot. “Guess I don’t need to ask you if you enjoyed yourself.” The giant wizard asked as Twilight blushed.

With a nod Sunburst got up and looked at his phone and smiled. “Looks like I’ll be staying for a bit, but I’ll be in the next room. I’m glad you enjoyed this, maybe next time Starlight can join in.” he said as he left and went into the next room.

As Twilight cleaned herself off for her next giant, she blushed thinking of who it was. Her thought were then interrupted by loud moans and bed squeaks from the other room as Starlight screams out, “OH YESS BUCKDINI, BUCK ME HARD.”

Sibling Foot War

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As Twilight sat on the table, her next giant came in. “Looks like you’ve been enjoying yourself, Twily.” A voice came from behind her.

Turning around, Twilight smiled as she saw her older brother standing at the door. “Yeah I have.” Twilight answered as she blushed.

Shining couldn’t help but chuckle as he came and sat down in front of her. “So, Rarity found out about your little soleful pleasure, huh?” Shining Armor asked as he began taking off his boots.

Twilight blushed as Shining said that and couldn’t help to chuckle herself as Shing propped his feet up onto her table. “It’s your fault, you always used to wrestle me to the ground and place your bare foot on my head, not to mention on my chest and even just pushing my feet with your own.” Twilight replied, playfully blaming him for giving her this fetish.

Shining chuckled. “And now you just made it easier for me to overpower you, Twily, only this time mom ain’t around to save you.” Shining teased as he picked up Twilight and placed her between his big and long toe.

“Nooo, please stop.” Twilight playfully protested as she squirmed in between her brother’s toes, his toe jam making it difficult to move as he wiggled his toes.

“I’m sorry, Twily, but you know the rules, the strong triumph over the weak and crush them beneath their feet, or in your case, squish them between their toes.” Shining said as he used his toes to hold her in place as he put on his boot again, plugging her in a world of darkness and humidity.

“I hope you don’t mind, Twilight but before I came her I did some drills with the guards, I had them run a ten kilometer course, do one-hundred squats, push ups, and situps, and made them wear their uniform while they did it, and I did too so I’m all nice and sweaty.” Shining said as he tied his boot and stood up, forcing Twilight to lay down on his boot’s sweat covered sole.

Twilight blushed as she was pinned down under her brother’s weight, it made her remember the times he did this when they were young.

Shining Armor then began to walk around, with each step he grinded Twilight down in his boot. The endurance spell was holding up nicely, but unbeknownst to Shining, Twilight had cast a spell on herself before Shining came in, she knew he was next so she put a spell on herself that would keep her from orasming, at least with her brother. She would still feel the pleasure, but wouldn’t orgasm.

Shining Armor continued to walk for what seemed like hours, Twilight would be crushed beneath his foot as it began to sweat and let loose a musky odor. Twilight couldn’t help but to sniff her brother’s feet and sigh as the musky smell entered her nostrils. Twilight was enjoying it so much that she lost track of time and before she knew it a sudden flash of bright light blinded her.

When Twilight;s eyes adjusted to the room, she saw that her brother was sitting down again with his boot off and smiling impishly at her. “Did you enjoy the ride little sis?” Shining asked as Twilight dripped with sweat and musk.

Smiling from ear to ear, Twilight looked at her brother with a light blush on her face. “I enjoyed it very much, onii-chan.” Twilight replied with a snarky grin.

Shining blushed as he tried to remain cool, but only managed to make his sister giggle. “I’m just messing with you, Shining, but you should see the blush on your face.” Twilight said snickering as Shining removed her from his toes and placed her on the table.

Covered with sweat and foot odor, Twilight smiled as Shining Armor put on his sock and boot. “Well, Twily. I hate to run, but I need to get back to the Crystal Empire.” He said as he got up and went to the door.

“Alright, BBBFF, I’ll see you soon. Tell Cadence and Flurry I said hello.” Twilight said as Shining smiled and nodded before leaving.

As soon as Shining Armor left, Twilight dispelled the spell she had cast on herself to keep from orgasming and let loose all over the table, soaking it in her orgasmic juices.

As she laid on the table, her ears twitched to the sound of the door being opened and her next giant coming in with an impish grin and chuckling laugh.

Part of the Runway

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Twilight turned around expecting to see somepony else, but instead was surprised to see Rarity approaching her with a sultry look.

“Rarity? What are you doing, you’re not…” Twilight asked, but was interrupted by Rarity picking her up in her magic and bringing her to her face.

“Not what, Darling? Not on the list?” Rarity chuckled as she responded to Twilight’s question.

Twilight blushed as she nodded, staring deep into Rarity’s sapphire blue eyes.

Rarity grins as she sat down and sighed. “Well, it just sounded like your giants and yourself were having so much fun that I was beginning to feel left out, it kinda hurts that you didn’t have me on the list.” Rarity playfully feigned being hurt.

“I just thought that somepony like you wouldn’t enjoy something as uncouth as this, I just thought it wasn’t your style.” Twilight replied as she stammered a bit, feeling a little guilty.

“Just because I may want to take part, doesn’t mean I don’t want an invitation, sweetie.” The fashionista replied as Twilight caught on to Rarity’s game.

“You’re right, I should have asked you also, it would have been an honor to be stomped on by feet as magnificent as yours.” Twilight replied, smiling cheekily as Rarity grinned.

“Indeed, so then why wasn’t I on that list of yours?” Rarity asked as she kicked off her right stiletto heel boot and pulled her sock off. “Well, Darling, I’m waiting.” Rarity said teasingly.

“Well, feet such as yours are so beautiful and pristine, that it would be an insult just to ask to be stepped on by them.” Twilight said, losing herself in their little roleplay.

Rarity grinned as she rested her cheek on her knuckle. “Good point, Darling. You are forgiven for not having me on the list. Rarity said as she lowered Twilight down into her black stiletto heel boot. “Allow me to grant you this honor then.” Rarity continued as she let Twilight loose into her boot, the smell of sweat and musk permeated the foot covering as Twilight made her way to the tip to await her alabaster stomper.

Rarity inserted her bare foot into her boot, her golden toe ring glistening as the light was eclipsed by her pristine foot. Twilight is wedged between the big toe and long toe as Rarity begins to stand up and wiggle her toes. Twilight is grounded in between her hallux and long toe as the smell of toluene starts to penetrate her nostrils.

Rarity’s perfectly pedicured feet were smooth and free from any dead skin as her nails were perfectly shaped and polished in lavender nail polish. Rarity paraded around the library. Taking big steps to ensure that Twilight was enjoying the experience,

Twilight moaned as her friend stomped her, the smell of her feet exiting her that when she was lubed up with sweat she reached down between her legs and started fingering her pussy.

On the outside Rarity blushed feeling Twilight perform one-handed love on herself. “Oh, you naughty girl, Twilight. We really need to find you a stallion.” Rarity said as she began to move her own figures into her panties. “Perhaps that nice guard Flash Sentry, I think he likes you.”

Twilight blushed as she shoved her fingers into her wet pussy. “R-really?” Twilight asked as her finger soaked in her snatch.

“Oh, yes darling, you should ask him out.” Rarity replied as she began stroking her slit.

“I’ll think about it.” Twilight said as she pulled her fingers out, causing her to orgasm under her friend’s sole.

Feeling the wetness her friend left behind, Rarity plunged her fingers into her own pussy as she pulled them in and out. “Hmmmm ohhh yesss. Oh, Twilight, I think I see the appeal to this fetish of yours now, feeling you under my foot is sooo satisfying.” Rarity cried out as she plunged her finger deep into her pussy and climaxed, soaking her legs.

Panting heavily, Rarity used her magic to remove her boot and dump Twilight out on the table. Using her magic she then put her sock back on and her boot as she laid on the couch, painting with Twilight on the table next to her.

After they had both gotten their breath, Rarity sat up and looked at Twilight who had also sat up. “I hope you appreciate what I have done for you.” Rarity said as she held her hand to her chest.

Blushing, Twilight couldn’t help but to bow. “Oh, yes I do Ms. Rarity, will you allow me to show my gratitude by doing something for you in return?” Twilight asked as Rarity grinned.

“In fact you can.” Rarity replied as she magically took off both her boots and socks leaving her barefoot, She then put her ginormous feet on the table in front of Twilight. “Rub my feet, darling, you may even lick them if you wish.” Rarity continued as Twilight immediately started rubbing and licking.

Rarity moaned out in pleasure as Twilight's soft, wet tongue was dragged on her sole, her foot jerked at the sudden wetness but soon relaxed as her friend massaged them.

Twilight sighed and moaned in bliss as she rubbed her friend's feet, taking an hour to finish both.

Rarity sighed constantly as she put on her boots. "That was lovely, darling. I think I quite enjoy this." Rarity said as she got up.

Twilight couldn't help but giggle at her friend. "I'm glad you do, feel free to wash up as my other giantess is in here." Twilight offered to Rarity as she stood above her.

"I think I will, darling." Rarity replied as she went into the restroom to freshen up.

As Rarity walked into the restroom to wash up, Twilight used her magic to clean herself off from the excitement. As she sat on the table, her ears alerted her to the doorknob being turned and soon, her next giantess came waltzing in, smiling impishly.

Buggy Revenge

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"Well, well well, looks like the princess of friendship has some dirty fantasies." The giantess spoke as she entered.

Turning around, Twilight saw Chrysalis standing before her in a silk green dress.

Getting up, Twilight greeted her. "Good evening Chrysalis, how is retirement treating you?" Twilight asked, trying to make small talk to the once ruthless monarch.

"Oh, it's simply divine, I have more free time to pursue my own interests, and as much as I hate to say it, Thorax is a much better ruler than I ever was." The giant changeling said as she sat down on the couch.

"So you're not still sore about losing your rule due to Starlight?" Twilight asked, ears drooped down as she feared the answer.

The changeling looked up in contemplation before looking back at the minuscule bookworm. "Not at all, but I still want revenge on you, and seeing the state that you are in, I know exactly what to do." The former queen of the changelings said with a chuckle.

"Revenge on me? But Starlight was the one that caused you to step down." Twilight said in protest as Chrysalis picked her up in her magic.

"Oh, I know, but I don't care, you are just as responsible, you taught her all that she knows." Chrysalis replied, trying to hold in her laughter from pretending to want revenge.

Twilight noticed this and played along, playfully struggling in her grip. "No, please have mercy Chrysalis." Twilight begged as Chrysalis laughed.

"Oh, poor little princess, doesn't feel good to be so powerless does it?" Chrysalis taunted as she put her feet up on the table and placed Twilight in front of them.

Twilight blushed bright red seeing Chrysalis' soles. "Go on and touch them, peasant." the former queen said as Twilight came closer and rubbed her feet.

"They feel so rough, and they look so dirty." Twilight commented as she pressed down into the foot before her.

"I know, walking around barefoot tends to do that." Chrysalis replied as she smiled. "Now for your punishment." the changeling said as she used her magic to grab Twilight and hold her to her foot, she the cast a binding spell that held the purple alicorn in place, forcing her face against her foot as she got up and started walking.

Twilight moaned as Chrysalis stomped her down onto the hard crystal floor. "Hmmm, oh please, Chrysalis, I'm sorry you lost your kingdom, but please have mercy on me." Twilight pleaded, but her voice was muffled by her giant's skin.

"Hmmm, I don't think so, you are going to pay, Twilight Sparkle." Chrysalis replied as she used her magic to slide Twilight up, resting her neck between her toes so she can see everything.

As Twilight looked up, she couldn't help but notice her stomper's lack of undergarments.

Chrysalis sees this and snickers. "What's wrong, you're not embarrassed to see my bare ass and pussy are you?" Chrysalis taunted as she took off walking again.

"No, no. I'm just surprised you go commando." Twilight replied, causing Chrysalis to laugh louder.

"My dear little grub. I've always gone commando and shoeless even before I step down from the throne, it's just so freeing." Chrysalis chimed as she opened the door.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Twilight asked, concern filling in her voice. As she heard the door open.

"I know you have one more patron, plus the fashion one showed me that list of yours, I can help with you wanting to be stomped by yourself. But first I'm going for a walk around Ponyville." Chrysalis replied as Twilight started to struggle for real.

"No, no, no. Please don't, I don't want anypony else to know about my kinks." Twilight begged.

The former queen stopped for a second. "Oh, and why is that, a great deal of ponies already know so why fret now?" Chrysalis asked as she looked down.

Twilight sighed before answering. "Because I trust these ponies won't tell everypony. I know I am a princess and can just tell to stop, but my kinks are for those I trust and me alone." Twilight replied as Chrysalis smiled.

"Hmm, I'm still going out." the changeling said, nearing the door until Twilight spoke up.

"Fine then, guess I'll tell everypony about that block of wood that you used to create an evil double of me." Twilight smugly said as Chrysalis stopped dead in her tracks.

"You wouldn't dare." Chrysalis rebutted looking down at the tiny princess.

"Go on, toss that coin." Twilight said, causing Chrysalis to grumble as she turned around and walked back to the library, stomping each step of the way.

"Fine, have it your way." Chrysalis replied as she walked around the library.

Twilight moaned in pleasure as the smell of dirt assaulted her nostrils, the rough calluses grinding on her body as she is squished into her former majesty's foot.

A few minutes pass and Twilight orgasms from her excitement, her fluids drenching Chrysalis' foot as she gasps. "Oh, you dirty little grub, I hope you don't intend on leaving that there." the changeling said as she sat down and put her foot on the coffee table.

"Lick it off!" Chrysalis demanded as she unbound Twilight.

Twilight eagerly and lustfully stuck out her tongue and started licking. The calluses were hard and rough, combined with the taste of dirt and her own love juice, Twilight moans in ecstasy as she laps up her orgasm, taking in the smell of her giant's foot.

Chrysalis watched as Twilight licked her foot, looking at her smiling, Chrysalis looked down at her.

"You know, if you have to orgasm on anyone's feet." Chrysalis stopped mid-sentence as she surrounded herself in a green flash.

When the smoke cleared Twilight gasped as she was soon beside herself.

"You should orgasm on your own feet'' Chrysalis said in the spitting image of Twilight.

Stepping On Yourself

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Twilight stared in awe at the spitting image of herself that Chrysalis had turned into, everything was as it was on her. Her peek breasts, her slender legs and even her tight ass.

"Hmmm, what's wrong, princess? You know changelings can turn into exact copies of those we mimc." Chrysalis cooed as she bent down, her now purple eyes starting into Twilight as she blushed

"Oh, I know. But it still amazes me, I mean it's so cool, and stunning." Twilight replied as she sat on the table.

"Hmm, well then. I think I deserve to walk outside now, no pony should know it's me and I'll hide you." Chrysalis chimed as she booped the purple anthros nose.

"But, won't they still see me when you lift up your foot?" Twilight asked as she looked down.

"Perhaps, but Twilight, you shouldn't be ashamed of this, but I'll stay here if it pleases you." Chrysalis answered as she took Twilight in her magic and brought her to her foot, binding her in magic binding.

Twilight was forced to face the foot, face plunged against the sole where her vision was limited. She took a sniff and found out that not only do changelings take on the appearance of their targets, but also their smell.

"Hmmm, you smell just like me," Twilight cooed as she sniffed her stomper's foot, her pussy getting wet as she got turned on.

"But of course, we changelings mask everything about ourselves, it makes….oh, I mean; made stealing love sooooooooo much easier," Chrysalis responded, her voice full of lust.

Thinking about what Chrysalis had told her, Twilight took a deep breath, inhaling the foot stench as she did before speaking. "Maybe if we do this again, I'll let you walk with me beneath your foot, but today let's stay in the castle, I have one more giant coming over." Twilight chimed as Chrysalis walked around, feeling Twilight beneath her foot made her wet herself.

After about thirty minutes, Chrysalis sat down and picked up Twilight in her magic. "Hmm, this is fun, but before I leave, perhaps I'll show you, your whole body." The changeling said as she stood up and levitated Twilight around herself.

Twilight marveled at how Chrysalis was the spitting image of her, she even got the mole on her right ass cheek in the same position. Twilight blushed when she saw her own pussy looking back at her, winking and flexing as it dripped with love nectar.

Chrysalis sat Twilight down on the table and smiled. "I know, I am amazing, but it seems I overstayed my welcome," the former queen said as she started to walk out the door, another black changeling coming in as she left, his red antenna shining in the light.

The Marching Changeling

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"Well hello there, Princess." A coy voice called out as Twilight turned around and smiled.

"Greetings, you must be Pharynx," Twilight replied as she stood up, scanning her last giant from head to toe. "Thorax has told me so much about you, it's finally nice to put a face to the name." The shrunken pony contained as the commander of the changeling army sat down.

"And he has told me so much about you, though I think you surprised him and I both when you summoned us here to step on you." The changeling said as he unstrapped his black pleather boots and pulled out his foot, a silk sock covering his foot.

Due to spending so much time with Rarity, Twilight could tell the difference between the two materials. Surprised at the mixed items, she couldn't help but ponder. "I thought all changelings were vegans?" Twilight asked, curiosity filling her voice.

Grinning from ear to ear, Pharynx chuckled as he took off his sock and put it on the table, the stench of sweat and marinated skin forced Twilight's nose to crinkle and caused her to get wet as she thought about being stepped on by his foot in the boot.

"Some of us are, but some are just vegetarian, others are a mix of the two like me. I mainly eat vegetables or fake meat products, but if it doesn't harm the animal then I indulge, like milk and other dairy products, honey, and fabric made from wool or silk." Pharynx answered as he took his foot down and leaned over to Twilight. "Are you ready, Princess?" The changeling guard asked as he smiled, bringing warmth to Twilight's body.

With a single nod, Twilight acknowledged she was ready, prompting Pharynx to lift her into the air and carry her to his boot opening.

As Pharynx lowered Twilight down, Twilight could smell the sweat and foot stench as she descended, a faint smell of foot powder assaulted her nose as she was let go and she laid on her back to welcome the foot of her crusher.

Pharynx's foot came down, pinning Twilight to the bottom of his boot. His foot still had a bit of sweat on it, lubing Twilight with perspiration as she moaned in pleasure.

After securing his boot, the changeling commander got up and started walking, the heat of his boot made his foot sweat and adopt an odor. Twilight lay there under his foot as her marehood leaked, wetting her rear and the sole beneath her.

As Pharynx walked, Rarity excited the restroom with a towel wrapped around her body and mane, the steam rolling out like most. They didn't say a word to each other but exchanged nods as the changeling got an idea and entered the restroom.

Upon entering the restroom, Pharynx was blasted with steam that was left over, not wanting the steam to go away he turned on the hot water in the tub and sat on the toilet. As he sat, the room filled with steam, causing him to sweat, Twilight could feel the temperature heating up as she softly struggled.

Pharynx chuckled as he felt her move. "There's no escape, princess. You're gonna be stuck there for a while." He playfully taunted her as he pressed down, grinding his foot on her body.

Twilight blushed as Pharynx grinded in her, his sweaty feet pinning her to the sole.

After about thirty minutes, Pharynx left the bathroom, his boots making a squishing sound as he walked.

Taking a seat, Pharynx took his boot off and looked inside, there lay Twilight in a pool of his sweat, glued to the sole of his shoe.

Looking up at her giant, Twilight giggled as she tried to sit up, her body stuck to the fake leather as it slowly peels from her skin. "Is my ride over?" She asks looking up.

"Unfortunately, it is, princess." Pharynx said as he reached in, helping pull Twilight free from her sticky predicament.

After peeling Twilight out from his boot, Pharynx set Twilight gingerly on the table, he then put yo his foot to put on his sock.

Twilight watched as the changeling commander put his stuff back on, fingering herself as she watched him put on his boot.

With a moan of pure pleasure, Twilight orgasmed, wetting the table as she laid down and panted.

Chuckling at the display, Pharynx looked down and smiled. "Don't worry, princess. We can do this again." He said as he walked out.

Rarity came back in to check on Twilight, looking down at her friend she giggled. "My, my, looks like you had fun." The seamstress cheekily remarked.

"I did, I think I'm ready to be regrown." The purple alicorn replied as she got up and used a simple cleaning spell to clean herself and the table.

Grinning and without warning, Rarity picked up Twilight and brought her to her face. "I got a better idea, let me step on you for one more time." Rarity said as she quickly slipped Twilight into her shoe.

Twilight didn't have time to protest, her world soon became dark and the smell of nail polish penetrated her nostrils indicating her location. She then felt pressure as Rarity started walking and all she heard was a door shut, indicating she was in for a longer stay.