Equestria Ninja Girls Halloween II

by WarriorofFaith18

First published

It's Halloween again which means more spooky stories!

It's Halloween, and the Rainbooms and Turtles are telling Spooky Stories again, inviting the CMC, Flash, Sandalwood, Micro Chips, and the Rock N Beats to join them. Melody and the other Rock N Beats make fun of Sweetheart for being scared, but little do they know, is their all about to get the fright of their lives!

written by me and Jebens1. cover also by Jebens1.

Based on fiction by Wildcard25

Scary Stories 2 Part 1

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It was Halloween time at Canterlot High. Inside the music room, The Rock n’Beats were practicing by singing a song for Halloween.


When the music ended, they heard applause and saw their friends The Rainbooms, Turtles, their allies, and the CMCs were watching.

“Sounding great, Guys!” Casey complimented.

“Great? More like awesome!” Rainbow added.

“Thanks. We all appreciated it when you guys and Flash’s band agreed we’d all preform for the CHS Halloween concert.” Lancer explained.

“Well, you guys definitely earned it.” Sunset smiled.

“So what do you guys planned to tomorrow night?” Pinkie asked because tomorrow was Halloween.

Melody took a deep breath. “Well, Sweetheart wanted to go trick or treating and I told her we were too old.”

“Ouch.” Mikey cringed, knowing he still liked to go trick-or-treating. Karai and Shinigami looked nonchalant remembering they went last year with the CMCs as Melody continued.

“so, I made a bet that if Sweetheart could walk through a haunted house without running out scared, we'd go trick or treating, and Sweetheart ran out screaming the minute we walked in.”

“Yeah, she cried, ‘Wah wah wah’ all the way home!” laughed Ace.

“What a scaredy Cat!” chuckled Patch.

Sweet Heart huffed which Fluttershy noticed.

“Well, we were gonna tell ghost stories like we did last time. Only we’re doing them in
Applejack’s garage this time.” Leo explained.

“Yeah Zach and I were too busy to join last time.” Caitlyn put in.

“Would’ve love to see Rainbow scared crazy!” chuckled Zach while Rainbow glared at him.

Last year, Rainbow bragged about having the scariest story so everyone worked together and scared her half to death to get back at her.

“Yeah well, this year, I promised to let everyone who didn’t have a chance last time.” She said.

“We’d thought we’d join them this time.” Applebloom chimed.

“Would you guys like to join us?” Twilight asked.

“Sounds like fun!” Lancer smiled.

“Yeah!” Ace cheered.

“I’m in!” chimed Melody.

“Me too.” Added Patch.

“Hey I’m gamed!” Half note grinned.

Sweetheart raised her hand. “I’d like to come too.”

The Rock n’Beats laughed when they heard that.

“You sure you won’t be too Scared?” Melody asked in between laughs.

“I’m brave enough!” Sweetheart growled.

“You are more than welcome to join us, Sweetheart.” Leo assured the young girl.

“Yeah, all friends are welcome.” Sweetie Belle finished.

“Speaking of friends, Flash and the others are supposed to meet us with the pizzas. We better get going.” Sunset pointed as they all began to head out. As they headed out, Fluttershy walked closer to Sweetheart.

“It’s okay if you do get scared. Let me know, okay?” she smiled.

Sweetheart just shrugged. “I suppose.”

To be continued

Scary Stories 2 Part 2

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Before long, The group all arrived at the garage at Sweet Apple Acres. As everyone pulled haystacks to sit on, Applejack set a lit lantern in the middle as they all sat down and passed around the pizzas and everyone took a slice as Leo spoke.

“Okay remember those who didn’t get a turn last time
Tell the stories. Everyone who did last time is out.” He spoke about himself, Rainbow, Casey, and Mikey.

“even though some ruined others.” Casey glared at Mikey for ruining his scary story.

Mikey glared back at him. “Yeah, Casey!”

“Okay, you two!” Rainbow got between the two, breaking them up. “So who goes first?”

Flash Sentry raised his hand. "Me, Sandal, and Micro Chips we'll go first."

"But, we're just gonna give you a head's up and say that it's pretty unsettling!" Micro Chips warned.

Patch noticed that Sweetheart looked uneasy. "You sure you can handle it, Sweetheart?" She asked, amusingly.

"Y-yeah!" Sweetheart said, trying to sound brave, but her shaking legs said otherwise. "I won't get scared one bit!"

Suddenly, something grabbed her from behind, making her scream and grab hold of Fluttershy. But it was only Logan.

The kids laughed while Sweetheart scowled. "Logan!"

"Logan, that wasn't nice!" Fluttershy said.

"Sorry," Logan replied, still chuckling. "Couldn't resist."

"Nice one, Logan!" Ace hi-fived him.

"You sure you won't get scared, little sis?" Melody asked, in an almost mocking tone.

Sweetheart glared and crossed her arms. "Bring. It. On!" She said with determination.

"Yeah, girl!" Mikey cheered.

Then Sandalwood popped up, shining a flashlight under his chin. "Then let's begin! This is the tale of... The Evil Jacket!" He announced dramatically. "It all started when the three of us found this cool looking jacket..."


Three boys were looking around when one found a jacket in the store dumpster.

“What is that thing?” he asked.

“It's some kind of jacket, made of jeans. It's a pants jacket!” the second guy said.

“Whoa!” The third guy awed as the second guy put on the jacket.

“It's all dirty and crusty.”

“Maybe we should throw it back in the dumpster.” The first guy suggested.

“Yeah, you're probably right.” The second guy agreed and began to take the jacket off when other people began to notice.

“Hey, nice Jean Jacket, bro!”

“Sweet jacket!”

“Yeah, man!”

They all high-fived the second guy as they walked past. The second guy took the jacket off.

“Guys, did you see that? That was incredible! We can't throw this out! I haven't had a high five in months, but with this jacket, I just got three in a row!”

“Let me try it on.” The first guy puts on the jacket, and finds a dollar bill in a pocket. “Whoa! Legal tender!”

The third guy took the jacket and put it on himself. A newspaper flew into his face, which contained a coupon for salsa dancing. “This is nice.”

As they enter the grocery store, The door automatically opened. In the store, they found a great deal on pizza bagels. After filling their cart, they found a long line when ne of the registers suddenly opened up just for them. As they left the store, the second guy took off the jacket.

“This is like the best day of my life. I can't wait to wear the jacket tomorrow for handball practice.”

“Wait, hold up.” The first guy spoke. “I need to wear the jacket tomorrow! I might run into some girls at the coffee shop! How do I know what to say?”

The third guy cleared his throat. “I need it for everyday hustling.”

“C'mon, man, that's not a good reason.”

Suddenly, It began to storm.

“Huh? The jacket!” The second guy gasped.

“Cover it!” the first guy ordered as they all rushed to cover the jacket.

“Keep it safe!” the second guy cried.

Despite getting wet, The three carried the jacket back to their house.

“We'll be okay as long as the jacket is dry.” The second guy said as the three enter the house.

“Oh! We're inside! Here we are, jacket. Welcome home! Our lives are gonna be so great from now on.”

The first guy stroke the jacket’s sleeve. “It's the best thing that's ever happened to us!”

“I'm so glad we found this!” The second guy kissed the jacket. “Well, it's been a long luck day. I'm bushed.” He began to walk away when the first guy stopped.

“Hang on a minute. Where are you going?”

“Just a- to my room? With this jacket?”

The first guy glared at his friend. “That's not fair! We have to share it equally. You can't just hog it away in your room.”

“I need to see proof of ownership.” The third guy agreed.

“Well, I was technically the one who found it, so I'm pretty sure I get first dibs.”

“No! It's all of ours!” The first and third guys folded their arms.

“Okay! Okay! Geez.” The third guy gives the jacket to them. “Here. I have an idea.” He pulled out a game spinner under a couch cushion, labeled "Decision-Machine.". “Ha! Found it! Our decision machine!”

Unknown to the others, it was notably rigged in the second guy's favor.

The first guy grunted. “I hate that thing.”

“This little beau will help decide who gets the jacket first, fair and square!”

“I highly doubts that.” The third guy frowned.

“Let's give her a little spin-a-roo!” the second guy started the spin. “Whoa! Look at it go!”

The first guy looked at the third guy. “I can't believe we're doing this.”

The spinner landed on the second guy, who laughed. “Woo! Probability, am I right? Thanks!” he took the jacket and was just about to leave when the first guy grabbed him.

“Hang on, Dude. That wasn't fair, and you know it! It was our jacket too!”

The third guy agreed. “It's time to pass the jacket now, you've had it long enough.”

“But I'm not done with it.” Hissed the second guy.

“Fair as fair.”

“Fine.” The second guy grunted, surrendering the first guy who sighed as he put it on.

“Okay, time's up.”

The first guy glared at the second guy. “Aw, c'mon!”

“No buts.”

Grunting, the first guy took off the jacket. “Here.” Suddenly, he passed the jacket to the third guy,who put on the jacket, and ran off as the two gasped.

“Hey, come back here!”

The two chased the Jean Jacket. They all tried to take it but then they heard a smack noise and the first guy yells in pain. They stopped fighting and saw the first guy with a bruise smack on his cheek with tears in his eyes. The other two looked shock and guilty.

The second guy broke the silence. “You guys, we're not wearing this jacket. This jacket is wearing us! We have to get rid of it. Agreed?”

Both guys nodded and the three then proceeded to put the jacket into a trash bag and threw it away in a trash can outside. They then go back inside and into the kitchen, where they had coffee and cookies.

“Frankly, I am glad we chose to get rid of it, bros. Too much power can really mess someone up.” The second guy sighed.

“Yeah, we don't need it.” The first guy agreed. he blew on his coffee to cool it while the second guy attempted to take a sip, but burned his tongue.

“I think I just burnt my taste buds off!”

Just then, there was a knock at the door. They opened it to find a pizza delivery man standing at the front door.

“Uh, hi, may I help you sir?” asked the second guy.

“Yeah, I have the three, extra-large, double meaty pizzas you ordered?”

“Nobody didn't order a pizza.”

“Well, I don't know. They're free. Just take them!” The pizza delivery man gave the three the pizzas.

“What, really? Gee, thank you!” thanked the second guy.

“No problem! Oh, hey, I found something on your front lawn. Is this your jacket? It's super cool!” The guys all gasped as the pizza delivery guy held up the jacket.

“Here you go! Have a nice day!” The pizza delivery guy left.

“Um, it came back, you guys!” the second guy gulped.

“It's like it's drawn to us!” the first guy shivered.

“Jean jacket is mean jacket.” The third guy feared.

“Whatever we do we can't give in to- Dude!” the first guy saw the second guy eating pizza.


“You can't eat that! By eating that pizza, you're accepting this evil thing's gift!”

The second guy screamed. “You're right! We gotta get rid of that thing!”

The third guy threws it out of a window. However, the wind caused it to blow back into the house, along with several dancing lesson coupons.

“It's a bunch of dance coupons?” he gasped.

“Enough of this!” the first guy grabbed the jacket and was about to jam it into the toilet when the third guy stopped him.
“Dude! Are you crazy?”

“Sorry. Pressure’s getting to me.”

Just then, the first guy’s phone vibrated. He looked to see he had recieved 14 date messages.

“Stop it! No, stop it! This jacket has haunted us!” he cried.

“Guys, it's clear. We must return the jacket from whence it came.” The second guy declared.

Without any hesitation, the boys were making their way back to the dumpster they found the jacket in. There was a thunderstorm outside. The three boys walked past several vending machines, where several snacks and drinks fall out, and a cupcake cafe giving free cupcakes.

“We have to resist the siren songs of this evil jacket. C'mon!” the second guy cried.

At last, they found the dumpster.

“There it is. Alright guys, on three! One, two, three!”

They tried to shove the jacket into the dumpster, but they lost grip of it due to the wind.

“Grab it!”

The third guy dove for the jacket, and missed. The first guy chased the jacket while panting, making a dive, and missed. The jacket hits him on the bottom then flew towards the second guy, who ran away screaming, but the jacket caught up to him and covered his face. As he tried to struggle free, he accidentally put the jacket on.

“Dude!” the first guy cried.

The second guy was once again under the influence of rhe jacket. “The jacket. It, it chose me! I must, protect it! It wants me! It's mine!”

“Dude, no! Remember what it did to us!” The first guy cried.

The second guy struggled. “You're right. I can't think clearly...”

“It's the jacket! It won't release us! There's nothing we can do!”

“No, there is something I can do. Forgive me, my friends.” The second guy readied himself as the first and third guy stood and shock.

“Wait, what are you doing?” the first guy cried.

“I love you guys.” The second guy started running towards the dumpster, with the intent of diving in and staying there in order to keep the jacket away from his friends. he dove into the dumpster, and the rain stopped. A piece of sheet music from the beginning of the episode landed in the third guy’s hands.

“At least his music will live on.” The first guy shed a tear as the third guy comforted him. “I miss him so much!”

Suddenly, they heard grunting. They turned to see the second guy emerging from the dumpster ran towards him.

“Dude, we thought you were a gonner!” the first guy cheered.

“What happened in there?” the third guy asked.

The second guy sighed. “Doesn't matter. That jacket will never bother us again. Let's go home.”

And so the three began to walk away from the dumpster, happy that things were back to normal.

But, little did they know, the Evil Jacket was hanging out of the dumpster. Then a strong gust of wind blew it right out and it sailed through the air and landed at the feet of three teenage girls.

"You girls are the best!" One of them said, as she held her arms around each of her friends' shoulders. "I promise, nothing will ever come between us!" Then she looked down and noticed the jacket. "Hey, look at this?" She bent over and picked it up. "Cool jacket!" She said, as she tried it on! "And it fits! Almost like it was made for me..."


"Whoa! Evil Friendship-Destroying Jacket!" Pinkie exclaimed, shinging the flashlight under her chin. "Creepy!"

"Creepy is right!" Sunset said, creepied out to think that three good friends could be torn apart by a jacket.

"So," Ace turned to Sweetheart. "How'd you like that, SH?"

"Our story didn't really scare you, did it?" Flash asked her.

"Uh? Yeah, I'm fine," Sweetheart insisted. But secretly, the boys' story had unnerved her. But she didn't want her friends to know that. And she definitely didn't want them to tease her about being scared.

"Okay!" Twilight said. "So who's next?"

"I'll go," Shini volunteered. Then she took the flashlight. "This is a story I heard when I was a
little girl. It all started on a misty night..."



Once upon a time, a Buddhist priest (Keno) was caught out in a storm but luckily passed by a lonely hut. He knocked on the door and a kind old woman (Shini) answered.

“Good evening.” He bowed, “Could I trouble you for shelter from the storm?”

“But of course. Come in. come in.” the woman insisted.

She also provided him with food and a warm fire. As welcoming as she was, she gave the priest a strange warning: “No matter what, do not look in the back room.”

“Wonder what’s that all about?” the priest wondered

As soon as she stepped out to gather more firewood, the priest couldn’t help his curiosity get the best of him and he peeped through a crack in the door. To his horror, he discovered the room filled with half-eaten corpses. The priest realized that the old woman was a Yamamba, luring unsuspecting travelers into her home only to shred them to pieces for her next meal. He fled from the hut as fast as he could.


“And he never looked back.” Shinigami finished her story. Everyone showed signs of either fear or disgust.

“Wow.” Casey gasped. “Hardcore.”

“Freaky.” Pinkie shivered.

Mikey smiled then turn to Sweetheart, who kinda looked scared stiff. “You okay, Sweets?”

“Fine!” Sweetheart chirped before covering up her fear. “I’m fine. That was a scary story, Shinigami. Gonna be hard to top.”

“Well, I’ll give it a go.” Twilight stood up. “Here goes. It all began at the old mansion...”


It was a windy and cold night as our story begins at an old creepy mansion that was abandoned for years. No one would bother living in it. Why? It was a haunted house where four ghosts live.

Inside the place, a bell is heard as a fat ghost named Porky appears, groaning while sitting in an old chair, "Honestly guys. This place is dead...dead boring! We don't have any fun around here anymore!"

A skinny ghost is playing cards at another table, sighing while saying, "Tell me about it. There isn't any humans or whatever to scare nowadays. Even our own nephew doesn't want to scare and he isn't even here right now!"

A ghost with bad breath named Putrid appears to be fishing as he comments, "Yeah, we scared them all away! We are too good!" The stinky ghost laughs. Of course, the ghosts are still bored. They need some new blood or the four ghosts may have to look for another place to haunt.

A fourth ghost wearing a bowler hat was reading the newspaper, then smiles eagerly as he calls over, "Guys! Come over and take a look at this!" The other three ghosts flew over and saw a notice in the paper. "'Notice, we take on any kind of ghosts, day and night service.'"

The four ghosts laugh madly as if being told a funny joke. Stringbean remark mischievously,

"Well, well, looks like we got a couple of wise girls! Say, how about we bring them over here?"

"Right, we will have fun with the runts!" Porko laughs in agreement. Maybe the ghosts can have fun with these so-called exterminators. At least then the four has somepony to scare!

"We'll scare the pants off of them!" Putrid remarks madly. The four ghosts laughs as they rush over to a nearby phone which is amazingly still working. Putrid grabs the handle while Porko begins dialing. "My voice sounds like a sweet mare sometimes so this can work!"


Now at a building in Canterlot, there of course is the 'Canterlot Ghost Exterminators' business that the ghosts heard about. Inside, the three girls of Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer and Derpy are sleeping.
At first, not one of the mares notice that the phone's ringing. Until the third ring was so loud that it woke them all up. As they recover, the trio spots the phone ringing.

"It's the telephone!" Twilight exclaims in surprise.

"The telephone," Sunset exclaims eagerly. Some customer must be calling the ghost exterminators. The three girls after all took the ghost business to help deal with the ghostie pests and earn extra dough in the progress.

"The telephone," Derpy asks a bit confused. The phone rang like mad. This causes the trio to tumble and jump for the phone, trying to answer it. Sunset of course yelps as she ends up getting entangled with her friends holding the phone with the line as she get caught in it.

"Hello!" Twilight calls into the phone eagerly.

"Hello!" Derpy exclaims as she answers the phone as well.




The Lonesome Ghosts smirks mischievously as they heard Twilight and Derpy's voices on the other end, saying, "Hello" repeatedly. This is going to be so much fun!
Putrid then speaks in an old woman's voice, "Hello, do you catch ghosts; hopefully?"


"Ha, do we catch ghosts, really?" Derpy giggles happily, thinking that the whole thing was a joke to her. Of course, Twilight roll her eyes as she uses her magic to get the handle from Derpy, undoing the knot on Sunset, freeing her.

"Sure, madam," Twilight speaks into the phone. "We sure do!"


"Well, this place is full of them! Listen!" Putrid explains as his pals do their best not to laugh to avoid giving themselves away. With that, the Lonesome Ghosties make their cackling sound and spooky howls. Hopefully that is enough to convince the trio of ponies. Putrid, mock scare, insists, "Come to the old abandoned mansion at once!"


"Yeah, we'll get right on it!" Twilight exclaims with a smile on her face. This is perfect, a customer for the mares to help deal with the ghosts! After hanging up, the unicorn exclaims to her pals, "Guess what! We got a customer!"

"A customer! Oh yeah," Sunset exclaims with a smile on her face.

"A customer," Derpy asks a bit puzzled and confused. Her friends chuckle a bit.


The ghosts wait anxiously at the mansion, waiting for their new victims to arrive. This is going to worth all this trouble. Just then, Putrid saw something and points out the window, "Guys, look, they're here!"

The other ghosts laugh while flying over to the window to see their victims. Kooky remarks eagerly, "Oh, these gals are going to be a stitch to scare; Heh heh heh."

The ghosts while chuckle while looking out the window. There's Twilight, Sunset, and Derpy heading to the mansion in their winter apparel as it is snowing and cold outside. The girls are carrying some interesting ghost busting equipment for this scary mission that they are taking.

“Twilight, what happened to those upgraded accelerators you promised us?” Sunset asked.

“They're not finished. Besides, somebody blew the petty cash on muffins.” Twilight rolled her eyes as the two looked at Derpy.


The ghosts laugh inside the mansion while Porky comment, "This is going to be more exciting than I thought, and will make scaring these gals even more fun."

The ghosts smile as they quickly vanish from sight. Time for some fun!

Outside the mansion, Twilight's group arrives as the smart girl knocked on the door. At first, no reply came. She knocked on the door again, causing it to crash right onto the floor of the mansion.

"Hey! We're here to...help you?" Twilight ask puzzled. Weird, no one is here to greet the three. "Hey, where is everyone?"

The girls look around in concern, wondering if the old mare that called them before is around. Derpy bumps into Sunset, causing her to yelp, "Hey; Careful!"


Twilight, Sunset and Derpy entered the mansion in precaution. There's no telling what they can find in this place. While going on, not one of the ponies spot the door rising up as if some force is guiding the thing...until they look down and yelps as the thing flew up, sending them tumbling down. As the door goes back into place, the trio of ponies, out of their mufflers and scarves, lands on the floor, their equipment lands all around them.

The equipment barely misses the mares though a mousetrap hits Derpy's nose, making her yelp in pain. She removed while groaning, "I hope these are ghost mice that we're catching here."

Suddenly, the three heroes heard the ghosts laughing madly in the place. Twilight exclaims,
"It's the ghosts!"

"The ghosts," Sunset exclaimed in worry and a bit of fear.

"G-g-g-ghosts," Derpy asked in fear and worry.

"Girls, relax. We cannot let a bunch of ghosts scare us. We're ghost hunters after all and it is our duty to Canterlot to deal with these pests." Twilight said to her friends, reminding them of their mission. As the three stood back up, the young genius continued, "Listen. Let's separate so we can cover more ground and use our equipment better when we surround them."

"Agreed." Sunset said with a nod. "Come on!"

The three girls put their hooves in a huddle then raise them up. They picked up their weapons and heads off in separate direction. Twilight tiptoed her way through the place in precaution.
However Porko chose that time to appear behind her, smirking mischievously as she taps Twilight on the head. The mare, startled, turns around and gasps upon seeing the ghost. She fires a blast at Porko but he dodges, laughing madly as he push Twilight down, making her ghost busting weapon shoot out in another direction.
Porko laughs as he flies off with Twilight chasing him while yelling, "Come back here!"

Twilight chased Porko up a bunch of stairs to the next floor, chasing him to an opened doorway of a closet. The ghost smirks however as he closes the door, causing the mare to crash into it. Twilight fumed as she tried to open the door but to no success.

"Ugh, you ghosts are crazy!" Twilight exclaimed in annoyance. Suddenly the door slams down onto her before the hinge open up, the girl got up and jumps forward while the door itself closes. Twilight looked confused as she saw no closet, "What the hay?!"

Twilight heard some noises coming from the doorway that opens up, sending her falling to the floor. As she got up, she gasped in shock as the ghost came out of the doorway with Stringbean, Putrid and Kooky, all of them are 'marching' to a war march with the usual flag and all. Twilight is dumbstruck.

The ghosts then dance as if taunting Twilight while going through another door. The girl chased them while snapping, "Oh, not so fast!"

Twilight however was too late as Kooky closes the door on her. She opened it...but yelps a whole flood of water came out of the said door. The girl did her best to swim, looking confused as Stringbean, Porko and Kooky surf past her with smiles on surfboards.
Then Putrid came out of the doorway in a small motor boat, whirling around Twilight with
the water, twirling her until the water vanish, leaving the genius right on the floor.

"Ugh...so much water..." Twilight groaned as she looked around, hearing the ghosts' laughter.

"I hope Sunset and That other girl are doing better."


Sunset Shimmer was in a hallway, looking for a ghost while peeking around. However Putrid appeared behind her and hold some plates then drops them right onto the floor, causing them to break as he laughs mischievously.

The impact frightened Sunset as she dove right under a chair nearby that is covered in cloth. The girl peeked out, not noticing Kooky appearing behind her with chains. That is until the ghost laughed cruelly and dropped them causing Sunset to scream as she jumped right into an opened drawer, the bottom closed right behind her.

The top drawer flung into the air as we see that Sunset was in it, landing on the floor while the thing covers her. The pony turned girl peeked out and got up, frowning. This is ridiculous! Sunset shouldn't even be scared of those ghosts!

Sunset prepared to get her head, not noticing Putrid behind her. That is until he hit the girl on the flank with a board, sending Sunset right into the air with the net. As she landed, her ghost attacker vanished, she didn't even care that her own net landed on her.

"Hey, what's going on; who did that?! Who's the wise-?!" Sunset demanded angrily, taking the net off of her own head. Then she noticed Putrid reappearing behind her with a board, "Uh oh."

Putrid hit Sunset in the flank again, causing her to yelp in pain as she flung the net up. As the ghost vanished, the girl turned around, shouting angrily, "Hey, come out and fight like a woman! You can't scare me! Come out of there and fight, let's go!"

Sunset jumped up and down, ready to fight, no one makes a foal out of her and gets away with it. Of course, Putrid reappears, smirking mischievously as he imitated the redhead preparing to fight, much to her annoyance.

"Oh, you want some of this, eh?" Sunset asked angrily. She then hit Putrid with a fist, sending him stumbling backwards. "Oh yeah, I got him! Yeah, the others have got to hear about this!"

Of course, Putrid didn't seem shocked or upset. In fact, this ghostie appeared to be smiling as he crashed into the floor...literally as Putrid makes it looks like he was 'breaking' the ice, sending out water.

Sunset looked shocked and ran over as the cracked floor with water returns to normal. The girl stopped, looking confused as she rubbed her hand across where the ice used to be at.

"Huh, I will be a son of a dingdong." Sunset said in amazement and confusion.

Suddenly, a puddle of water appeared as Putrid came out, spitting water and his breath right onto Sunset causing her to get wet and a bit disgusted at the same time. The ghost laughed madly as he dives back into the water. Sunset tried to jump in after him but the puddle vanished making her hit her head on the floor instead.

"Ugh! What kind of a mad house is this?! This is worse than playing Fluttershy’s squirrel game!” Sunset spazzed a bit. Suddenly a puddle of water appeared in mid-air and drops water right onto the pony turned girl, getting her drenched. "Ugh, maybe this wasn’t a good career choice."


Derpy looked around with her ghost busting weapon, looking for any signs of the Lonesome Ghosties while having a blueberry muffin. Of course, she didn't see that Stringbean is behind her with a pan and wooden spoon.

"I'm brave but I got to be careful too." she said between bites happily yet shivering a bit.

Suddenly Stringbean hits the pan really hard, causing Derpy to scream, dropping her muffin and run forward to a wall, tearing it up like mad while trying to escape. The ghost in question grinned while playing the trombone, rod part hits the Pegasus pony in the flank, causing her to yelp and run down the hall.

Derpy rushed over to a corner and pants a bit, looking around, "Silly ghosts. I ain’t afraid of no ghosts. I'm supposed to laugh at them; Ha ha ha."

Of course, Derpy failed to see Kooky appearing behind her, tap dancing and kicking the pony in the flank, making her stumble onto the floor. She got up and chased after him. Kooky laughed while jumping into the lower drawer with a mirror.

Derpy opened the lower drawer and searched through it while looking for Kooky who opened up a top drawer and banged the pot with the wooden spoon loudly. This frightened the girl that she jumped up and turned around, preparing to fight.

Derpy looked around then glanced into a mirror. At first, it appears that she's looking at her own reflection...but unknown to her, its Kooky playing another trick on her, reflecting the girl’s reflection with himself.

"Hee hee; Thought it wasn't me for a moment." Derpy giggled at her own reflection while smiling a bit. She hummed while fixing her own hair while looking at the mirror then prepares to leave...but Derpy turned around, having suspicions. She and Kooky look down, then at each other's eyes. Derpy became concerned. "Hold on just a minute...something is not right here!"

Derpy frowned as she moves on hand, causing Kooky to do the same thing. Both scratched their heads then made funny faces at each other. After a while Derpy and the ghost stuck their tongues out. For a moment, nothing seems to be out of the original...until Kooky stuck his tongue out a second time, much to Derpy's surprise since she wasn't even moving when that happened!

The girl touched the mirror with the ghost mimicking...then she moves it up to look on the other side. Kooky pops out of the mirror and rang the cowbell once more. This causes the muffin lover to get frightened that she hit her head on the side of the mirror, flinching while getting up.

Derpy looked at the mirror and right at Kooky suspiciously, mumbling, "Hmmm, I wonder..." She got an idea on how she will know for sure.

Derpy moved sideways, making Kooky do the same thing while the ghost came in and out of the mirror. The gal yelped and notice briefly before the two finch, ducking down. Derpy thoughtfully went up and down, making the ghost do the same thing. They do this a bit rapidly until the girl stopped.

Derpy gasped as she saw Kooky moving quickly, making her exclaim, "AHA!" The two ducks down and came back up. The muffin lover smirked while saying, "You can't fool me! You're a ghost!"

"You got that right, babe!" Kooky laughs as he poked Derpy right in the eyes, making her yelp before the ghost made a face right at her then ducks down as if taunting her.

Derpy growled and jumped right at the ghost...only to end up breaking the mirror, getting caught. Kooky came out of the bottom drawer and mischievously pulled on the girl's legs and letting them go, causing Derpy to go twirling.

"WHOA!" she exclaimed, crashing into the drawer, trying to fight out of it like mad. She bit what she thinks is the ghost but ends up biting her own flank, making her stumble around. At one point, she ended up choking herself before letting go.

Derpy popped out of one drawer, panting a bit. Where is that ghost now? The girl saw the flank of what appeared to be what she's chasing. Of course, unknown to her, it's really her own flank.

"Hmm..." Derpy pondered with a smirk. She had an idea...a bad one that is. She pulled out a pin from who knows where and used in hope to stab the ghost in the rear...

Except Derpy ended up pinching her own flank instead! The girl screamed in pain as she tumbled around in the drawer. The Lonesome Ghosties arrived, smirking madly as they can hear her exclaim, "HELP, SOMEBODY, HELP! THEY GOT ME; SUNSET, TWILIGHT, ANYONE!"

The four ghosts then shove the drawer with Derpy still inside to a flight of stairs nearby, the muffin girl exclaimed, "I got them all, really!" Soon she yelped while tumbling down the stairs like mad. "Whoa!"

Derpy screamed as her rough ride caused her to go downstairs like mad. On the floor below, Sunset and Twilight found each other while looking for their friend when they heard some noises coming from the stairs nearby.

Both of them gasped as they heard something making them look up to see the drawer heading their way. Sunset screamed, "Get out of the way!"

"Move, move," Twilight screamed as she and Sunset rushed off with Derpy still in the drawer chasing right after them. The first two jumped near a pile of barrels before their friend crashed right into them.

The four ghosts laughed madly as they rush downstairs, getting ready to scare the exterminator some more. But as they arrived on the lower floor, they gasped in fear and alarm as Putrid screamed, "Oh no!"

"Gah," The ghost screamed and for a good reason: the three ponies were covered in molasses and flour, scarring the four ghosties. "No! GAH! NO!!!"

the Lonesome Ghosties were making a run for it. They headed upstairs to the next floor, knocking down a lot of stuff like broken furniture, vases and flours. Then, they crashed right through the window, leaving tracks behind in the snow while running off. Twilight's group headed to the broken window, watching the ghosts' voices running off.

Twilight commented, "Just between us, I think those ghosts called us themselves to lure us here so they could mess with us."

Sunset added, "Well, it looks like THEY were the ones who couldn't take it." Then, the three began to laugh madly while Derpy held out a box of muffins.



Everyone laughed as Twilight finished her story.

"Those ghosts thought you three were ghosts?!" Patch chuckled.

"Mm hmm," Twilight nodded.

"That was a pretty amusing story, Twilight," Leo said.

"Thanks," she smiled. But then she noticed that Sweetheart was the only one not laughing.
Not only that, but she was also sweating nervously. "Are you okay, Sweetheart?"

Sweetheart swallowed and nodded. "Ah uh!" She said.

"Are you scared, Sweetheart?" Ace asked, with a sly smirk.

Sweetheart shook her head back into focus. "Of course not! Why would I be?"

"Because we all know your scared of ghosts," Half Note answered.

"Even the funny kind," Sweet Note added, making Sweetheart frown.

"Um, Sweetheart, if your not comfortable with our scary stories, maybe we should-" April started, trying to help, but Sweetheart cut her off.

"NO! I handle it!" Sweetheart insisted, not wanting to ruin their fun, and especially not wanting to look scared. "In fact, I-I'm going to tell a scary story next!" She took the flashlight from Twilight. "This is the story about a scientist."

"A mad scientist?" Melody asked, knowingly.

"Um, yeah," Sweetheart replied, reluctantly. "The story of, Dr Von Heart..."



On a bright sunny day, in an old village, high up in a old castle.

"Wait a minute, little sis," Melody interrupted. "If this is going to be a scary story, it should take play at night!"

And as she said that, it became night.

"But scary stories can happen in day time too!" Sweetheart stated.

And it became day again.

"Yeah, but it's better if it were at night," Melody insisted.

And the night came back.

"Day!" Sweetheart argued.

"Night!" Melody argued back.





As the two sisters argued, the scene changed from day to night on and off. Until.

"Morning!" Melody called.

"Evening!" Sweetheart shot back.

"Day!" Melody said.

"Night! Hey?!" Sweetheart said, realizing she had been tricked. "Ugh! Fine, night!" She gave in.

"During a lightning storm!" Melody put in.

Sweetheart sighed. "During a lightning storm."

On a dark night, in a old village, high up in a castle, during a lightning storm, Dr Von Heart was busy preparing an experiment.

"Eureka!" Dr Von Heart exclaimed. "I've done it! I've created... the perfect PB and J sandwich!" She held up a plate in triumph. "And a very nutritious one I might add!"

"Hold on!" Melody interrupted again. "That's not scary!"

"It's not?" Dr Von Heart asked, looking at the forth wall.

"Duh! If you want it to be scary, Dr Von Heart should instead be making a monster!"

"Monster!" Dr Von Heart gasped, dropping her sandwich. Then she saw a large figure laying

underneath a sheet.

"That's right! The monster know as FrankenMikey!" Melody said, dramatically, as the figure rose up dropping off the sheet to reveal Mikey dressed as Frankenstein. "Although, he could be a bit bigger then that."

"How much bigger?" Dr Von Heart asked worriedly.

"Gigantic sized!"

Then FrankenMikey grew bigger and bigger until he was as big as the whole castle. Dr Von Heart screamed and ran around in a panic.

"That's not what I had in mind!" She shouted at the forth wall.

Then FrankenMikey burst threw the castle walls and lumbered off toward the town grunting, "PIZZA!"

"No! FrankenMikey!" Dr Von Heart called out. "Stay away from the village!"

Two villagers, who looked like Rarity and Sweetie Belle were walking along when they saw FrankenMikey and the Rarity villager let out a high pitched scream, "MONSTER!"

Another villager who looked like Raph saw FrankenMikey and said, "Not again!" Right before he was stomped.

"PIZZA!" FrankenMikey roared, as he began smashing and tearing apart the whole village as the villagers ran away in terror.

Soon, they had all gathered together, shouting in fury. For they all knew who was responsible for the monster.

"It was Dr Von Heart!" A villager who looked like Trixie shouted.

"I knew she was trouble!" A villager who looked like Octavia added.

"Let's get that mad doctor!" The Raph villager growled.

And all the villagers chanted, "GET DOCTOR VON HEART!" They gathered their torches and pitchforks and stormed their way into the castle. Then they burst into the lab to find the doctor with her back to them.

"There she is!" A Flash villager pointed.

"Alright, Missie!" A Applejack villager said, walking up to her. "You gotta pay for unleashin' that there monster on us!" But when she turned her around, she and the villagers gasped when they saw it wasn't Doctor Von Heart, but a dummy wearing her lab coat. "We've been duped!"

Then they heard a horse whinnie and looked out to see Doctor Von Heart galloping away out of town on a horse. She knew the towns folk would come after her, so she was prepared.
She looked back and smiled to herself. "I made it, I made it!" She exclaimed, then she screamed and pulled her horse to a stop. She may have escaped from the angry villagers, but only to run right into FrankenMikey.

The giant monster reached down and grabbed the doctor.

"No! Let me go!" Doctor Von Heart cried. "What are you doing?"

"PIZZA!!!" FrankenMikey bellowed, and held her over his open mouth.

"Stop! NOOOOOOO!" Doctor Von Heart scream.

FrankenMikey let go and dropped the screaming Doctor Von Heart into the darkness of his stomach!


Sweetheart screamed in terror.

"Wow, Sweetheart," Mikey said, in awe. "Your story was so scary, you scared yourself! Impressive!"

Melody just snickered.

Fluttershy went over to comfort Sweetheart. "It's okay, Sweetheart," she said. "It was just a story."

"Yeah," Donnie added. "I mean, who ever heard of monster that size?"

"Well, there was Chompy's mom, Tokka," Mikey pointed out.

"Mikey!" His brother shouted, as that only made Sweetheart tremble even more.

"I mean, she was a friendly giant monster, who definitely would not eat little girls," he said, and Raph smacked him up side.

"Maybe I should take Sweetheart home," Melody suggested.

"No way, Melody!" Sweetheart said. "I'm not backing out now!"

"Sweetheart, I don't think you should sit through this if it's just gonna keep making you scared," Applejack said.

"I'm not scared!" Sweetheart insisted, and the Turtles and Rainbooms gave her a look. "Well, maybe a little, but I can still do this!"

"Sure you can," Patch rolled her eyes. "Scaredy cat!"

"What's up with Sweetheart?" Micro Chips asked April.

"Sweetheart got scared in a haunted house and I think she's trying to prove that she's brave," she explained.

"Are you sure you wanna stay, Sweetheart?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes!" Sweetheart said, sitting back down.

"If your sure about it," Leo said.

"You’re up, Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash tossed her the flashlight.

"Oh, um, okay," Fluttershy said, then she gave a spooky grinn. "This is the story of, The Headless Coachman!" She paused to look at Sweetheart. "Are you sure your gonna be alright?" Sweetheart stubbornly crossed her arms and nodded. Then Fluttershy began. "It was a cold and foggy night, just like tonight..."



A hundred years ago (1899) on a misty, foggy autumn night, just like tonight, a lonely cabbie (Casey) was driving his carriage.

"Oh, Cabbie!"

Suddenly, a mysterious lady (VP Luna) hailed the cab; she said she had lost her dog in the park.

"I've been quite upset, and I wanted to clear my head. You see, I lost my Scottie dog a few weeks ago, and I'm still hoping to find him. Might we ride about the park?"

"Yes, ma'am."

It was cold out, and the lady politely offered her red scarf to the cabbie.

"It's so cold out. Won't you wear this scarf?"

"Why, thank you, ma'am. It is cold out."

They had no sooner reached the woods, when the lady sat up, and said, "What's that sound?"

The Cabbie looked around, but saw only the dark trees in the fog.

"That sounds like my dog! My poor little baby! Follow him. Hurry. Hurry!"

The Cabbie didn't want to go too fast; because it was getting darker and foggier the farther they went into the park. But the sound of the dog's barking grew louder. The lady told the Cabbie to drive faster.

"Faster, please, I implore you! We're coming, sweetie! We're coming to save you!"
It was getting darker, and colder, and foggier by the minute. The wheels on the carriage made a crazy echoing sound as they rattled on the cobblestones, but all the time, the dog kept barking. And the lady kept yelling, "Faster, do you hear? Faster, I say! We must save my doggie! I see him!”

‘He's just ahead of us,’ the lady screamed. The dog's barking echoed like crazy, and horses hooves were clambering on the cobblestones. The Cabbie hung onto the reins as the horse pulled the carriage as fast as he could go. And now, he could see the gaslights at the end of the tunnel. Suddenly, the lady stood up and screamed, "Watch out!"

It was a man with a huge, golden hook for an arm!


And they barely missed him! They swerved at the end of the tunnel and off the main road and down a steep hill. The Cabbie hung onto the reins and tried to pull up his horse.

"That's him! My doggie's down the hill! Go down there! Hurry! Hurry!"

But the lady beat him on the shoulder, and yelled, "Faster! Faster! My doggie! My little Scottie doggie!"

No one saw the low branch hanging over the path until the Cabbie's red scarf twisted around, and caught onto it! And then, of course, it was too late. The horse kept pulling the carriage, only now the reins were held by...the Headless Cabbie!


“People say that to this very day, when the fog comes down on quiet autumn nights, you can still hear the barking of the demon Scottie dog. You might also hear the rattling of the carriage wheels on the cobblestones. And then, it won't be long 'til you hear the laughter of the horrible ghost lady, and the next thing you'll see, coming at you out of the fog, will be the haunted carriage, driven by...THE HEADLESS CABBIE!” Fluttershy finished with an evil laugh before curling up with fear.

“Impressive story, Fluttershy.” Karai smiled.

“Nearly jumped in my seat.” Chuckled Scootaloo.

“it wasn’t too scary for you, was it, Sweetheart? Sweetheart?”

Everyone looked to see Sweetheart frozen like a statue and tipping over.

“Looks like she’s scared stiff.” Casey poked her.

“oh my!” Fluttershy whispered.

"Hang on, Sweetheart!" Pinkie took out a paper bag from her hair, blew it up, and popped it over Sweetheart, startlingly her awake.


"Hey hey hey, Sweetheart, Sweetheart," Leo patted her on the back. "Calm down, it's okay.

The Rock N Beats burst out laughing.

"We knew it!" Ace said.

"We knew you were too much of a Scaredy Cat to do this!" Patch added.

Sweetheart snapped out of her fright and glared at her friends, "I'm not a Scaredy Cat!"

Grinning, Melody held up her phone and played a video of Sweetheart screaming in terror when Pinkie woke her up.

"Aaahhh, help me! Help me!" Clover mocked, imitating Sweetheart.

"So much for 'I can do this'!" Lancer said.

Melody pinched her little sister's cheek. "Aww, hope your not too scared to preform at the Halloween concert with us..., Scaredyheart!" She laughed.

"I am not a Scaredyheart!" Sweetheart snapped.

"BOO!" The Note Sisters jumped scared her from behind.

"AAHHH!" Sweetheart jumped up, screaming.

"Scaredyheart!" They sang, as the Rock N Beats laughed again.

"That's it!" Sweetheart yelled. "I'm going home!" Then she stormed out of the garage, slamming the door behind her.

The Rock N Beats just continued to laugh, until they noticed the Turtles, Allies, and Rainbooms glaring at them.

"Not cool, little dudes and dudettes!" Sandalwood said, crossing his arms. "So not cool!"

"Yeah!" Mikey added.

“Dontcha think that was uncalled for?” Applebloom scolded.

“Even we aren’t that mean to Fluttershy!” Rainbow added.

“Shini and I will go talk to her and hopefully convince her to come back.” Karai said as she and
Shinigami got up and left the barn.

“Good idea.” Sunset nodded.

Leo then turned to the Rock n’ Beats. “You guys are welcome to stay, but when we’re done, or if Karai does bring Sweetheart back, you are ALL going to apologize to her. Got it?”

The kids looked down showing remorse. “Yes, sir.” Lancer answered.

As the group got settled down again, Sweetie Belle looked towards the garage door. “I’m just sorry we aren’t the ones looking for Sweetheart.”

“Not to worry, Sweetie.” Rarity rubbed her sister’s shoulder. “I’m sure Karai will help her.”

“And I’m sure things will work out in the end.” April added.

“And besides, our turn is coming up.” Scootaloo mentioned.

“So let’s get down to the scares!” Then we’ll go to Sweetheart.” Casey promised.

As everyone went back to tell more stories, Melody lingered behind and scoffed to herself.

"It's not my fault Sweetheart can't be brave, like me!" She began to sing to herself, as she imaged herself being brave while Sweetheart was being scared...


To Be Continued

Scary Stories 2 Part 3

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Despite Sweetheart leaving the group after being picked on for being scared by her friends, the group continued to tell their spooky stories after making the Rock n'Beats promise to apologize to her.

Leo then got up. “Alright. Who’s next?”

Pinkie jetted her hand up. “Oh! Oh! Me! I got one.”

Applejack groaned. “For the last time, Pinkie, you getting locked in the bakery because you slept in the bathroom isn’t scary!”

“Oh come on!” Pinkie pouted.

Zack raised his hand. "I'll go next? This is the tale of the Laughing Lunatic..."



One rainy day, a boy named Jake (Zach)sat moping under an umbrella on the curb next to a mailbox, holding a portfolio full of drawings of superheroes.

At that moment, his friend Rachael (Angel)came over. "Hey, Jake? Why the long face?" She asked, and Jake showed her a letter. She read it and frowned. "Oh no. Your art got rejected again?!"

"Yeah!" Jake huffed.

Jake was an aspiring comic book artist and his artwork of superheroes were very good. But sadly, the comic companies he sent them to didn't think so.

"That's the third rejection this month!" Rachel said.

"'Third time's the charm' they say," Jake said, lightly, before he frowned. "Well not for me!"

As he stood there sighing, Jake then noticed a blue envelope addressed to him. Curiously, he opened the letter and read.

‘You are invited to the grand opening of the new comic book store, Comic Book Inks!’

“That sounds cool.” Rachel smiled. “When is it?”

“Tomorrow.” Jake read. "But what's the point? My characters will never be in a comic book!"

"Quit being such a dower!" Rachael snapped. "Maybe seeing all those comics will give you inspiration?"

"Okay," Jake relented. "But I doubt it."

The next day, it was still raining as Jake and Rachael arrived at Comic Books Ink. Jake even brought along his drawings. They walked in and saw shelves of comics and cardboard standees of super heroes and villains.

But they noticed something else too. They were the only ones there. No other costumers were around.

"That's weird?" Rachael said, in confusion. "There's no one here?"

"Wouldn't a new comic shop grand opening have lots of comic geeks showing up for it?" Jake wondered aloud. Then he called out, "Hello? Anyone here?"

"We're here for the grand opening?" Rachael said.

"Welcome!" Jake and Rachael jumped and yelled as two girls appeared behind them from around a comic shelf.

"Oh, sorry," one of the girls said, as they walked out. "Didn't mean to startle you."

"Welcome to Comic Books Ink," the other girl greeted. "I'm Katie."

"I'm Kimmy," greeted the other girl.

"Uh, hi?" Jake said, weirded out. "Um, are there any other costumers here at all?"

Kimmy sighed. "No. You two are our first."

"But wouldn't a new comic shop attract all sorts of comic readers?" Rachael questioned.

"That's what we thought too," Katie shrugged. "Anyway, feel free to look around."

"Let us know if you need help with something," Kimmy said, as she and Kaite walked off.

It was a wonderful comic store. So many vintage comics were on display with many cardboard cutouts of superheroes. As Jake Looked around, he got startled by a voice.

“Can I help you?”

"Aaahh!" He cried in fright, only to find it was just Kimmy. "Don't sneak up on me like that! Wait, were you following me?"

"Sorry," Kimmy said. "But I couldn't help but notice you have an art portfolio in your hand."

"Oh, these are just... drawings I did," Jake replied, dismally.

"Can I see them?" Kimmy asked.

"Well, I suppose..." Jake agreed, reluctantly taking his drawings out and handed them to Kimmy.

Kimmy looked through the drawings and her eyes lit up. "Wow! These are good! These are really good!"

"You think so?" Jake asked.

"Absolutely," Kimmy answered. "You've got quite the talent."

"Thanks, you know, I've always wanted to be a comic book artist," Jake explained, then he looked down. "But the comic book company rejected my draws three times!"

"Oh no!" Kimmy said. "That's awful. Comic corporations can be so nitpicky! If I were them, I'd totally make these into a comic book."

"Thanks," Jake smiled. "I just wish there was a way to make my drawings look cooler. Maybe then they might get accepted."

"Hmm?" Kimmy thought before she said, "I think Katie and I might be able to help with that."

"Really?" Jake asked.

"Mm hmm," Kimmy nodded. "Just follow me." And she led Jake toward the back room where Katie was stacking some boxes. "Kaite, we've got ourselves a comic artist here!" And she showed her the drawings.

"Whoa! Did you draw these? These are great!" Katie said.

"Thanks," Jake said.

"The comic book company rejected his drawings," Kimmy explained to Katie.

"Ooo, bummer," Katie said.

"So, I thought maybe we could help him by showing him the 'special' comic book..." Kimmy winked at Katie.

"Yeah... that special comic book," Katie replied, mysteriously.

"What special comic book?" Jake asked.

The two girls just smiled at each other before Katie said, "Let me answer that by asking you this, have you ever heard of Kat Ink?"

"Who's Kat Ink?" Jake asked.

"Kat Ink was one of the best comic book artists there ever was!" Katie explained. "She created tons of awesome superheroes and villains."

"Really? Whoa!" Jake said in awe.

"Yep," Kaite went on. "But then one day, she disappeared without a trace!"

"What happened to her?" Jake asked.

"Nobody knows?" Kimmy said. "But this is what she was working on before she vanished." Together, she and Katie opened up a box and took out a comic book. On the cover was a menacing picture of a clown dressed in a black and green jesser outfit.

"Who's that clown?" Jake inquired.

"That, my friend, is the Laughing Lunatic!" Kimmy answered.

"The Laughing Lunatic?" Jake echoed.

"The baddest, scariest supervillain that Kat Ink ever created!" Katie said, then she opened the comic and pointed at some pictures. "The Laughing Lunatic was once an ordinary clown, but sadly, no one found him funny. Then one day, while performing at a birthday party, everyone threw stuff at him and while he was running away, a truck carrying chemical waste, swerved to miss him and the chemicals spilled all over and mutating him."

"The mutation had mad him insane and gave him a terrifying power!" Kimmy chimed in. "Whenever he'd laugh in someone's face it would reduce them to drooling idiots and his mindless minions."

"He was so scary that only one copy got made," Katie explained. "And this is it."

“This comic is one of a kind.” Kimmy held the comic up. “And we want you to have it.”

“R-really?” Jake perked up.

“Consider this a grand opening special.” Katie nodded.

Jake gladly accepted the comic. “Wow! Thanks!”

The next day at school, Jake was in science class, only he read his comic book hidden in his textbook than listen to the lesson.

Mr Hooper (played by Mr Cranky) the science teacher, who was rather rude and unfriendly, was discussing workings of the Microwave. "Now then, students," he said. "Can anyone repeat to me how a microwave works?" Non of the students hands went up. It was then that he noticed Jake had his textbook up. "Jake!"

Startled, Jake quickly hid his comic behind his back and put down his textbox. "Uh, yes, Mr Hooper?"

"Can you explain to the class how a microwave works?" Mr Hooper asked, suspiciously.

"Um..., you put stuff in it and cook it?" Jake guessed.

Just then, Frank (played by Shark/Swift Wing), the classroom bully, snatched Jake's comic. "Hey look, Jake's reading a clown comic!" He laughed. "What a geek!" And his buddies laughed too.

"Give that back, Frank!" Jake tried to get his comic back, but Frank held him back with one hand and the comic away with the other.

"Come and get it, geek!" Frank mocked.

"I'll take that!" Mr Hooper took the comic. "I do not approve of my students reading comic books in my class! Further more, I do not approve of comics all together! They make no logical sense and rot your mind. There for, I am confiscating this disgrace of a book indefinitely!" He walked back over to his desk and put the comic in a drower. "Now, back to the lesson!"

Later that day, while Mr Hooper was out, Jake and Rachael came back to science lab to get his comic back.

"Cost is clear," Rachael said, peeking in.

"Good, now let's get my comic back before Hooper shows up," Jake stated as they went into the classroom. Jake snuck up to Mr Hooper's desk and looked through the drawers, but the comic wasn't there. "Where is it? I know Mr Hooper put in one of these?"

"Looking for something, geek?" Came a voice. Jake and Rachael whipped around to find Frank and his buddies standing behind them, holding the comic.

"Give that back, Frank!" Jake ordered. "Now!"

"Okay..., on one condition," Frank stated. "I want you to admit that your a nerdy, dorky, geekwad!"

"Desperate to get his comic back, Jake reluctantly agreed. "Fine. I'm a nerdy, dorky, geekwad. Now give me back my comic! It's one copy in existence."

"Really?" Frank said, in curiosity. "Well now it's all wet!" And threw the comic into the fish tank.

"No!" Jake cried, and run up to the tank.

Then as if things couldn't get any worse...

"What is this?!" Mr Hooper came back. "What are you all doing here?"

"Jake came to steal the comic back," Frank ratted out. "We tried to stop him."

"You liar!" Rachael snapped.

Unfortunately, Mr Hooper took Frank's side.


Later, Jake was laying on his bed, holding his ruined comic. Not only did he get detention, but his parents, who highly disapproved of his love for comics, had grounded him.

Just then, his phone rang. It was Rachael. "Hey, you get grounded too?" she asked.

"Yeah," Jake sighed. "They said no comics for a month. But I managed to sneak the comic past them."

"How bad is it?" Rachael asked.

"Well, I can still read it, but it's still soggy, so I'm gonna try and dry it in our microwave," Jake replied. "Luckily, my parents left to go shopping and left my older sister Amy (played by Caitlyn) in charge, and she's always on her phone."

"I don't know if you should do that?" Rachael said, warily.

"I'm gonna try it anyway," Jake shrugged. "Talk to you later." And he hung up. Then he peeked out of his bedroom to make sure his sister wasn't around and crept downstairs into the the kitchen.

He placed the comic in the microwave and set it for two minutes. But before he could hit start, he heard his sister's voice and hid under a table as his older sister, Amy, came in.

"So, I got stuck babysitting my brother," she spoke on her phone. "Yeah, he got grounded for reading comics in class again." She opened the fridge and took out a plate of pizza rolls. "I know right, comics are so lame! What does he see in them?" She placed the pizza rolls in the microwave but because she was on the phone, she hadn't noticed the comic.

Suddenly, the microwave began to overload the outlet. with far too many machines and devices plugged in at a time, causing a little explosion!

"What the-?" Amy gasped. "I'll call you back." she hung up the phone.

Then, she saw the microwave slowly opened in a yellow flash and screamed.

scared from the sound, Jake headed downstairs to see what happened. He came down coughing through the smoke.

"Amy? you okay?" he called.

"I'm okay!" he heard his sister answer. "Everything's fine!"

Much to his current confusion. Jake found his comic book dried like new, but now there was a big hole punched through the middle. Also, on the wall is a whole in the shape of cut out of a jester like clown.

"Oh great." he groaned.

"What is that doing there?" Amy shouted, pointing to the comic.

As they walked closer to see it, in the background laughter can be heard. They looked through the cutout opening and finds a slight bit a blue slime.

"What in the heck?" Amy cried.

Just then, their mom came in and noticed the comic.

"Get rid of that-" she began to say when suddenly, she smiled and began laughing uncontrollably, as blue slime dripped out of her mouth.

"Mom? What's wrong?" Amy cried. The mom only responded with more hystarically laughing.

"Dad? Dad!" Jake called. They saw their dad with his head turned away and hurried to him.

"There's something wrong with mom!" Amy stated.

Their dad quickly turned his head around, smiling a wide smile with his eyes wide open, saying "Heard any good jokes lately, Kiddies?". The two screamed and ran away. As they left, their dad began laughing uncontrollably as blue slime dripped from his mouth too.

"Ahh!" The siblings cried in fright, and backed up into their mother.

"Why so jumpy, kids?" She asked. "Don't you like a good laugh?!" Still laughing hysterically. She and the dad advanced upon the two.

"What is wrong with you guys?!" Jake asked, as he and Amy backed away.

"Your not acting like yourselves!" Amy added, before they bumped into the closest.

"We're just loosening up!" Their mother said.

"And I think you should too!" Their dad added, and they closed in on them.

Jake glanced at the closest and got an idea. "Amy, when I say now, dive aside," he instructed. Then just as their parents lunged forward, "Now!" He and sister dove out of the way as he threw open the closest and their parents ended up running inside and he shut the door, then pushed a chair in the way to keep it shut.

"What the neck is wrong with them?! Amy exclaimed.

"I have no idea?" Jake replied. Then his phone vibrated. It was Rachael again. "Rachael?"

"Jake, something weird is going on!" Rachael said. "My parents just started laughing and drooling blue goo!"

"Ours too!" Jake told her.

"What? How?" Rachael asked.

"I have zero idea?" Jake said. "It all started after I tried to dry... my comic..." he looked at the whole in his comic, then at the jester sized hole in the wall and remembered what Katie and Kimmy had said. "I think I know what's going on. Meet me outside." Then he hung up and rushed off.

"Hold on!" Amy ran after him. "Your are not leaving me alone in this mess!" She then pulled out her phone and calls someone. “Emma! We got a problem!”

Later, Amy’s friend Emma drove up and she and Jake quickly got in.

“Alright, what’s this big emergency?” Emma asked.

“Look! There’s Rachel!” Jake pointed to the side of the road.

They stopped the car and picked Rachel up and drove again.

Rachel was catching her breath. “I hurried over after the phone call. Now what’s going on? Why is everyone acting this way?”

Jake held up his comic book. “I have a feeling I know why. I used the microwave to dry off this comic book and I guess the radioactivity of the microwave may have brought the Laughing Lunatic to life.”

There was a long pause. Then, Emma started to chuckle. Then she hit the brakes and stopped the car.

“What was so funny, Emma?” Amy asked. Amy looked to Emma who turned with a wide grin and blue ooze dripping from her mouth laughing hysterically. The three screamed as Emma reached for Amy, but Jake and Rachel were able to knock her out of the car. Amy then took the wheel and drove off.

“So where do we go now?” She asked.

"Head for the comic shop," Jake said.

"The comic shop?" Amy echoed. "Your thinking about stupid comics at a time like this?!"

"No no no, listen, maybe the two girls who gave me this comic know how to defeat the Laughing Lunatic," Jake explained.

"Who's the Laughing Lunatic?" Rachael asked.

"He's the villain in my comic book," Jake showed her the comic. "Katie and Kimmy told me he has the power to turn people into drooling idiots and his mindless minions by laughing in their faces. He must have done that to all our parents and Emma."

"That's crazy," Amy rebuffed. "There's no way a microwave can bring a comic book villain to life!"

While Jake and Amy had been talking, Rachel had been looking through the comic and her eyes widened. "Uh, I think Jake might be right. Look! she said, then showed them the page she'd be reading.

The comic showed Jake and Amy's parents as drooling idiots, then Emma, and even the moment they were in right now, with Rachael showing them the comic.

"Okay, that's freaky!" Amy said, weirded out.

Suddenly, the car shook. They looked to see Emma still affected climbing from the back and screamed.

“Floor it!” Jake cried.

“I don’t want to go too fast! It’s still Emma!” Amy said, still caring for her BFF.

No matter how hard she tried, however, Emma still hung onto the car. Amy then stopped the car that appeared to have caused Emma to fly off.

“I think we lost her.” Amy breathed.

Suddenly, Emma jumped from the driver’s door and grabbed Amy. “My. Car!” She said horrifically through her hysterical laughter.

“Emma! Stop!” Amy begged.

Jake and Rachel quickly got out to pry her off but to no avail.

Suddenly, Emma was then knocked off of Amy. They all turned to see it was Kimmy and Katie.

“Quick! Get her in the car!” Kimmy cried.

Soon, they left Emma in her car. Luckily, Amy had her keys so she wouldn’t drive.

“Follow us!” Katie called and the two girls led them to the comic store and locked the door.

Soon they arrived back at the comic shop and Katie locked the door.

"Thanks for the save," Amy thanked them.

"No problem," Kimmy said.

"Okay, I know this will sound crazy-" Jake began.

"The Laughing Lunatic came to life," Katie stated.

"What?" Jake was surprised.

"How do you know that?" Rachael asked.

"Well, I guess we ow you an explanation," Katie began. "Kat Ink was our best friend!"

"What?" The three gasped.

Kimmy spoke next. "One day, she discovered a strange looking crystal that could bring her drawings to life. Then she told people that she wasn't just drawing pictures anymore, but windows to other worlds."

"That sounds crazy," Jake said.

"That's what the people thought too," Kaite chimed in. "They all laughed at her. Then out of pride and anger, she made the biggest mistake of her life: she drew the Laughing Lunatic and used the crystal to bring him to life!"

Kimmy continued. "Right away, she realized her mistake when the Lunatic started victimizing people, and had to fix it. So she drew this!" She opened a box and pulled out a kind of ray gun. "The Dimensionizer. Then she created theses."

Katie dug deeper in the box took out sheets of unfinished comic pages. "The last issue, The Death of the Laughing Lunatic! Her plan was to use the Dimensionizer to zap the Lunatic into this comic where'd he be defeat for good. But the Lunatic stole the Dimensionizer and zapped her inside it instead!" She pointed to one of the empty panels. There was a picture of a girl, in a pose like she was banging on the forth wall of the comic and speech bubble that said 'Help! Get me out!'.

Kimmy finished. "But before the Lunatic could do anymore damage, we managed to get the Dimensionizer away from him and used it to trap him in the first issue." She held up the comic.

Why couldn't you just zap Kat back out?" Jake inquired.

"We tried," Katie said, sadly. "But it didn't work because the comic wasn't finished. So that's why... We sent you that invitation."

"And why we gave you the comic," Kimmy added. "We needed you to finish Kat's work. And maybe, bring her back."

"Me?! But I'm not good enough!" Jake said in doubt.

"Yes you are!" Rachael spoke up. "You are a awesome comic artist, Jake! I believe it, they believe it, and now you should. And if you dont, we're all doomed!"

Jake thought about that for a moment, before he smiled. "Thanks, Rachael," he said, before turning back to the two girls. "I'll do it!"

Katie and Kimmy wrapped him in a big hug. "Thank you!"

"Hey!" Amy broke in, she was looking at the Dimensionizer. "This thing's at low power."

"Oh yeah," Kimmy said. "It's powered by the crystal. Without it, it's only good for one zap. Then it's out of juice."

"So if your going to zap Kat out and zap the Lunatic in, you'll need it to be fully charged," Katie stated.

"Okay, so where is the crystal?" Jake asked.

"We wanted to keep it safe, so we slipped it into Rachael's backpack," Kimmy explained.

"I left my bag at school!" Rachael exclaimed.

"Well then we better go get it," Amy said.

"We can take our car," Katie said, holding up some keys. "It's parked right outside."

"I'll get the Dimensionizer." Jake turned then was shocked. "It- It's gone!"

"Looking for something?" said a menacing voice.

Everyone turned to see the Laughing Lunatic. He was a jester with a huge evil grin who wore an eye mask and cape. He then turned on the Dimensionizer.

Katie then turned to the group. "Quick! Get outta here!" Then she was hit by the ray. Jake, Rachel, and Amy managed to escape, but Kimmy wasn't fast enough and was zapped too.

"He got Kimmy!" Amy gasped.

"Nothing we can do but get my bag!" Rachel reminded her and they hurried to the school.


Soon they were in the science lab, looking for Rachael's backpack.

"You sure you left it here?" Jake asked her.

"It was right here?" Rachael insisted.

"Maybe we should check the lost and found?" Amy suggested.

Then, remembering what happened earlier that day, Jake had an idea. "Actually, I might know where it is."

He led them down the hallway and soon they found Frank and his buddies with Rachael's backpack and looking at the crystal!

“Oh no!” Jake facepalmed .

“What a dweeb. What kind of gem is this?” Chuckled Frank.

Jake, Rachel, and Amy ran over to him.

“Give that back, Frank!” Shouted Jake.

“Why? Was this a gift to your girlfriend?” Frank teased.

At that moment, Mr Hooper came up. "Alright, what's going on here?!" He demanded. "Frank, you and your friends are supposed to be in detention?"

"We're just trying to stop Jake and Rachael from stealing our stuff!" Frank lied once more.

"This doesn't belong to you!" Jake snapped, then he pleaded. "Mr Hooper, he's lying! Their the one's trying to steal from us!"

"He's telling the truth!" Amy added, but Mr Hooper took the crystal.

"I don't care who's telling the truth!" He snapped. "Whatever this rock is, I can tell it doesn't belong to either of you!"

"Mr Hooper, we need that!" Jake said, frantically.

"I don't want to hear any excuses!" Mr Hooper yelled.

Suddenly, Jake, Rachael, and Amy screamed in horror. While Frank and his buddies just laughed.

"This is no laughing matter!" Mr Hooper said.

"And what's wrong with laughter?" Came a familiar voice. Laughing Lunatic appeared behind Mr Hooper. "It's worked wonders for me!"

Mr Hooper whipped around. "Who the heck are you?"

"You seem a bit to uptight, good sir?" The Lunatic said. "You should really losen up more. Allow me to help you!" He grabbed Mr Hooper by the shirt and laughed in his face, radiation rays shining from his face into Mr Hooper's. Then the unfriendly science teacher started laughing and drooling out blue goo.

“What the heck?” Frank gasped.

While he was distracted, Rachel snatched her bag and the crystal from him. “Cmon!” She cried as she, Amy, and Rachel ran for it.

“Get back here!” Frank called. He turned to see his buddies laughing and dripping with blue goo. Then the Lunatic grabbed him by the shirt. “Let me go, you freak!”

“Why so serious?” The Lunatic chuckled as Frank fell victim himself.

The three ran outside and piled into Katie and Kimmy's car as Amy started the engine and drove away fast.

"Boy, that way close," she said.

"Yeah, but at least we got the crystal back," Jake stated. "And the Dimensionizer."

"And we ditched the Lunatic," Rachael noted.

Then suddenly, the Lunatic landed on the front of the car. They all screamed as he laughed hysterically.

"You can't get away from me so easily, kiddies!" The Lunatic chuckled, and stated beating on the window.

"Now are you gonna floor it?" Jake asked Amy.

"Yep!" Amy answered and pressed down hard on the gas pedal, making the Lunatic face-plant on the windshield.

"Your going to have to do better that!" He laughed and kept beating the window, making a crack.

"Oh, you mean like this?!" Amy asked, and slammed both her feet on the brake, stopping the car and causing the Lunatic to go flying off a cliff.

"Good work!" Jake said.

"Very nice!" Rachael added.

"No problem," Amy said, as she drove on.

Soon, they made it back to the comic store. Rachel put the crystal in the dimensionizer.

“So now what?” Jake asked.

Amy took out a small pack. "Now. You finish that comic."

"My drawing kit!" Jake exclaimed, taking the pack from her. "So that's why you made that pit stop at our house."

"Yep," Amy nodded. "Now get to drawing, we got a supervillain to stop!"

"Right," Jake agreed. "You two keep a look out, I've got some drawing to do!"

Jake set the comic sheets on a table and began to work on them. As he worked, Rachael and Amy patrolled the shop for any sign of the Lunatic or his drooling victims.

Rachael carried a broom, while Amy on the other hand had a pencil.

"A pencil? Your gonna defend yourself with a pencil?" Rachael asked rhetorically.

"It was the only thing I could find!" Amy said.

Rachael just rolled her eyes as they continued to keep a look out. Then an hour later, Jake was done.

"Finished!" He cheered.

"Nice!" Rachael came up, followed by Amy. "So, how does the Lunatic get destroyed?"

Jake showed her a picture of a machine that looked just like a microwave. "The Lunatic goes into this machine and gets disintegrated into nothing!"

"It looks like a microwave," Amy noticed.

"Exactly," Jake confirmed. "It was a microwave that brought him to life and it'll be a microwave that'll destroy him!"

"Great plan," Rachael admitted.

"Yeah, but now comes the hard part," Jake said, warily. "And that's figuring out where to find the Lunatic..." he trailed off as he noticed something. "Uh, girls? Was that here before?" He pointed to a cardboard standee of the Laughing Lunatic.

Before either of the girls could answer... "Nope!" The Lunatic laughed maniacally, as the three screamed. "You know, boy, I really should be thanking you and your sister for setting me free! After all, had it not been for you putting the comic in that microwave and your sister turning it on, I wouldn't be free to make all the little victims I want!"

"It's over, Lunatic!" Jake shot back. "I finished the comic! Your rein of terror is over!"

"Is that supposed to scare me?" The Lunatic laughed again. "Do you know what I did to the last artist who tried to get rid of me? Let's just say, her subscription was cancelled!"

"Well I'm brining her, and her friends back, Lunatic!" Jake shot back. "And I'm not gotten let you stop me!"

"Really? In that case... minions attack!" The Lunatic shouted. And all his victims came smashing into the shop. Jake, Amy, and Rachael's parents, Mr Hooper, Emma, and Frank and his buddies.

"Oh boy!" Rachael said.

Then Jake saw the Dimensionizer laying on the counter. "Cover me!" He called to the girls and darted for the device.

"Don't let him get to it!" The Lunatic shouted to his drool victims, as they went after Jake, only to be blocked by Rachael and Amy.

“You want him? You gotta go through us!” Amy stated while trying to be brave.

“Well don’t just stand there grinning. Get them!” The Lunatic ordered his minions.

The victims marched towards the two girls. Rachel whacked them with her broom. “Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.” She said to people like Jakes parents, and her parents, but as she whacked Frank, his buddies and mr. Hooper, she bluntly said ‘Not sorry.”

Amy held her own against Emma. “Just so you know. This hurts me more than it hurts you.” Her only response from Emma was continuous laughing.

Suddenly, the Lunatic grabbed Rachael and held her off the ground. "You seem stressed, girl. They say laughter is the best medicine!" And he laughed in her face.

Jake managed to grab the Dimensionizer and turned around just in time to see what happened. "Rachael!"

"Oh no!" Amy cried.

But much to their, and the Lunatic's surprise, Rachael wasn't laughing. Nor was she drooling out blue goo. Instead she just frowned in annoyance.

"Huh?" The Lunatic laughed in her face again, but Rachael still wasn't laughing. He tried again and again, but Rachael didn't laugh. "What is the meaning of this? Why aren't you laughing?!"

"Cause I don't have much of a sense of humor," Rachael explained. "Especially from creeps like you!" And she kicked the Lunatic right in the gut, making him drop her.

"Ooo! That's going to leave a mark!" The Lunatic groaned.

Then Jake threw the comic on the floor and tackled the Lunatic, making him land on it. Then he took out the Dimensionizer.

"Do you really think you can stop me, boy?! The Lunatic growled.

"I can and I will!" Jake aimed the Dimensionizer and zapped them both, making them vanish.

Soon, the Lunatic and Jake landed in the panel.

“What makes you think a mere boy can defeat the Laughing Lunatic?” The Lunatic taunted looking for the boy.

“Because here… you face… the X-Ray!” Jake said as he rose from the smoke. He now wore a helmet like mask with a white hoodie with a red X on it. He then pulled out two sticks and merged them into a staff.

“Wow! How original.” The Lunatic scoffed right before X-Ray tackled him and the two fought. Despite X-Ray being tough, the lunatic was able to overpower him. Soon, he had The young hero by the neck.

“You’re good. But you are beneath me and it’s time to put a smile on that face!” The Lunatic laughed.

“You know what cliche of you villains is?” X-Ray groaned.

“No. What?”

“That you always insure victory before you won! Getting you in the panel was enough to get you into position to do THIS!” X-Ray then kicked the Laughing Lunatic into the radioactive chamber and slammed the door shut. Sounds of screaming and laughing were heard as X-Ray hurried where Kimmy and Katie and Kat Ink were being held and freed them.

“Let’s get outta here!” He said and he activated the Dimensionizer and they got out just in time.

Back at the shop, the victims all suddenly stopped fighting and passed out, much to Rachael and Amy's confusion. Then in a flash, Jake, Katie, Kimmy, and Kat Ink reappeared.

"Jake!" The girls cried, and rushed over to hug him.

"Are you okay?" Rachael asked.

"What happened to the Lunatic?" Amy added.

"Don't worry," Jake assured. "The Laughing Lunatic is no more."

"That's what you think!" The three whipped around and screamed as the Lunatic was trying to crawl out of the comic book. "Like I said before, kiddies, you can't get rid of me so easily!"

"But I can!" A new voice said.

The Lunatic turned and saw Kat Ink (played by Sapphire Night) step forward. "Why Kattie old girl! Long time, no-wait? What are you doing?"

Kat Ink had lit a match. "Your subscription just got cancelled!" And she dropped the match on the comic.

Instantly, the comic and the Lunatic burst into flames. The villain howled in agony as he burned up, till all that was a pile of ashes.

Kat Ink then took a deep breath. “At last. The nightmare is over.” She then turned to Jake. “Thank you. Thank you so much!”

“No problem.” Jake smiled.

“Gotta admit. That hero design was amazing”

Jake could only turn in shame. “Other producers beg to differ.”

“I’m sure you’ll find someone.” Kat Ink encouraged.

"Um, hate to interrupt, Ms Ink, but... what are gonna do with them?" Amy pointed to the unconscious victims.

Later, Kat helped Jake and Amy carry their parents into their house and placed them on the sofa. While Katie and Kimmy helped Rachael with her parents.

Soon they all stood together outside as Jake asked, "So when they wake up, they won't remember anything that happened?"

"That's right," Kat nodded.

"So, what did you two do with Mr Hooper and Frank?" Amy asked Jake and Rachael as the two smirked to each other.

They had left Frank, his buddies, and Mr Hooper all hanging on a tree branch by their underwear.

"How'd we get up here?" Frank asked.

"I can't remember?" Mr Hooper replied.

Everyone chuckled before Kimmy spoke. “We’ll, I guess we need to head back.”

“And I better head back to my room before my parents find out.” Jake agreed.

“We’ll, good luck with your comics.” Kat Ink smiled as the groups said their goodbyes.

"Well, we better be going," Katie said, as she and Kimmy headed for the car.

"I'll be right with you," Kat called before she turned back to Jake. "I believe these belong to you." She handed him his portfolio with all his drawings in it. Then she got in the car as she and her friends drove away.

Jake looked at his drawing, then saw that Kat had written a message on one of them that read "Don't Stop Now." Jake just smiled.


"And that was the last they saw, of the Laughing Lunatic!" Zach finished.

"It's got my vote as scary!" Raph said.

"Double my vote!" Applejack added.

“Me too!” Fluttershy shivered.

"Why are you guys so scared?" Lancer asked.

"Because they told us, that ever since they went to Gotham and first fought the Joker, they've been nervous about clowns," Caitlyn noted, and the Turtles and Rainbooms nodded with looks of fear, remembering getting gased and beaten by the Clown Prince Of Crime.

"Anyway," Caitlyn went on. "It's my turn..."

Zach tossed her the flashlight. After juggling a bit, Caitlyn was able catch it. “It all started out as what appeared to be a regular date night….”


A young girl, who looked like Lip Syncer, was waiting at a restaurant for her boyfriend to arrive for their date. When she got a text message from him, saying that he couldn't make it. Disheartened but understanding, she left the restaurant. But as she passed by a coffee shop, she saw the boyfriend, who looked like Lightning Crash, sitting at a table with another girl! Who looked like Belle Harmony.

Furious, she vowed that he would suffer for his infidelity.

She picked the lock on his car, that looked like Speed Demon, hotwired it, and drove off with it.

When the boyfriend came out and discovered his car was missing, he went to search for it. As he walked down an alleyway, wondering if the theif could have hidden it in there. He was partly right to say the least.

He was suddenly bathed in two bright headlights and turned to see his car, with the girlfriend at the wheel. And that was the last thing he saw...


The girlfriend stepped out of the car and smiled down at the boyfriend's lifeless body.

"This is what you get for cheating!" She said. Then she got back in the car and drove away.

Her was going to dump the car into the ocean to get rid of the evidence, at least, that had been the plan.

However, she soon noticed, that the car was picking up speed.

"That's weird?" She said, in confusion. Then the car shot forward in a burst of speed. "What's going on?!"

She hit the brake but the car didn't slow down. She tried to open the door, but the doors wouldn't open. And she tried to unbuckle her seatbelt, but the more she tried to loosen it, the tighter it got.

"What is wrong with this thing?" She cried. "It's like it has a mind of it's own!"

"Because it does!" Came a familiar voice. It was the ghost of the dead boyfriend. He had pocessed the car to get his own revenge. "You know what they say, what goes around comes around!"

All the girl could do was scream as the car drove off a cliff and into the ocean. And that was the end of the girl...


"It is said, to this day, the ghost car still roams around, running down anyone it pleases!" Caitlyn finished.

“Now that’s creepy.” Sunset gasped.

“Creepy but awesome!” Rainbow cheered.

“You wouldn’t by chance been inspired by the time Equestria Magic possessed the Party Wagon, did you?” April grinned.

“In a way, it was.” Caitlyn smiled.

“That was pretty scary.” Mikey admitted while Donnie turned his head with guilt.

“But at we survived.” Lancer put in, still impressed by Bright Eyes stopping the van.

“Good luck topping mine!” Zach laughed as Caitlyn glared at him.

“Our turn!” Applebloom raised her hand as Sweetie Belle took the light and the CMCs all got up. “We admit it. Those were scary stories.”

“But they lacked something that is really scary.” Sweetie added before Scootaloo finished.


"Dolls?" Ace asked, in confusion.

"What's so scary about dolls?" Patch asked.

"Dolls that try to do you in!" Apple Bloom said. "That's what scary about 'em!"



The CMC were home alone, watching a movie at farm, when they heard the door bell ring.

The paused the movie and Sweetie Belle went to the door and looked through the peephole.

"Who is it, Sweetie Belle?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Um, no one," Sweetie Belle replied. "There's nothing there except a box?"

"Did your family order something, Apple Bloom?" Scootaloo asked.

"No they didn't?" Apple Bloom said, confused.

They opened the door and looked at the box.

"Do you think someone delivered to here, by mistake?" Apple Bloom asked, as Sweetie Belle picked it up.

"I don't think so?" She said, looking all over it. "There's no postage stamp or anything?"

"Then where'd it come from?" Scootaloo wondered.

“Should…. we open it?” Sweetie asked, unsure if they should or not.

“Well it doesn’t a return address so might as well.” Applebloom shrugged.

The three girls opened the box carefully to find three plush dolls that looked exactly like the CMCs.

“They’re….” Scootaloo started.

“Us?” finished Applebloom.

“I don’t know to think that’s cute or creepy.” Sweetie shivered.

“It says here, ‘push the hearts to hear us speak’.” Read Applebloom from the label on hers.

They all pushed the hearts and were appalled by what the dolls said.

“Fresh meat.”

“What a slouch.”

“Let’s put’em in my room for now.” Applebloom suggested as the three put them on her bed. Soon the three continued their movie after heating some frozen pizzas. As they watched, Sweetie looked up and something caught her eye.

“Uh, didn’t we put the dolls in your room?”

“Yeah. Why?” Applebloom said through munches.

“Then what’s that?”

The three looked to see the Applebloom doll staring at them.

“Howd that get there?” Applebloom asked out loud.

Before anyone could get up, the three girls noticed the other two dolls were circling them. Scootaloo paused the movie as the girls kept finding the dolls in different places.

“Maybe we should call my brother or sister.” Applebloom reached for her phone only to find the Applebloom doll standing on her phone. Then the three dolls stack on each other as the Applebloom doll declared evilly, “Let’s eat.”

Then the three dolls jumped on the CMCs respectively as the girls screamed. Sweetie was able to reach into her pocket and pull out her ninja claw to pry her doll off her and slam it in the fridge. Applebloom ran to her room only to find her doll in there, swinging her tanto blade. Applebloom escaped from her room with her doll in hot pursuit. Scootaloo trapped hers in the oven and fried it. Then she and Sweetie helped Applebloom against her doll. They held it down long enough for Applebloom to pry her tanto away from the doll and stabbed the heart, destroying the dolls.

After promptly throwing the pieces away, the CMCs finished their movie and pizzas, despite being cold by now.

“I don’t ever wanna see another doll in a long time.” Scootaloo huffed.

“Hear hear!” Applebloom and Sweetie Belle agreed.

Just then, Applejack and Big Mac came in the front door. “Applebloom! We’re home!”

Applebloom smiled at her siblings, but as they entered the room, the girls all screamed and ran upstairs.

Puzzled, Applejack turned to her brother. “Any idea what that was about?”

“Nope.” Big Mac shook his head.

Turned out they each had a doll of each other than evilly grinned each other.


“Creepy stuff there.” Applejack whistled.

“Nice work” Rainbow thumbed up.

“Loved it.” Raph grinned before seeing Mikey shuddering. “Don’t even think about touching my action figures!”

“Alright, who’s next?” Sunset looked around.

“I’ll go.” Logan stood up.

"One day, we're were all practicing in the band room, when we got a mysterious visitor..."



After practicing in the band, a mysterious figure dressed in black entered. His name was Vlad who said he was an exchange student from Romania. He was so charming that the girls fell for him, but Lancer, Ace, and Logan looked at him suspicious. While Logan discovered from Vice Principal Luna there was no exchange student from Romania, Lancer and Ace discovered Vlad was a vampire only to get trapped in a closet by Vlad. With Lancer and Ace trapped in the closet, it was up to Logan to snap the girls out of Vlad's spell. But how? Then he remembered how the Rainbooms had broken all the Wondercolts from the Dazzlings' spell, and decided it was worth a try. So he began to sing, trying to warn them about Vlad's intentions...


He's handsome and he's charming

There's no denying that

But although he must be disarming

You cannot trust this bat

I wouldn't make it up

And you know I ain't a liar

So you better listen to me, girls

Cause you're falling for a vampire

The dude is a vampire!

A creature of the night!

It's your neck he desires

So don't let him out of sight!

The dude is a vampire!

I'm telling you it's true!

He's after something tasty

So watch out, or it might be you

"Oh, Logan, you're so wrong about Vlad," Sweet Note said, still under Vlan's spell.

"Oh, you don't believe me?" Logan said, then he held a mirror infront of Vlad. "Well, then look in the mirror! No reflection!"

"No kidding! What mirror can contain that much handsome?" Clover said, with a sigh.


The sun begins to rise,

And now I must retire

"That's cause, dude, you are one hundred percent v..." Logan stated. "He sleeps at sunrise, people! Come on, that's, like, vampire 101!"

But the girls still didn't snap out of their trance.


The dude is a vampire!

A creature of the night!

It's your neck he desires

So don't let him out of sight!

The dude is a vampire!

I'm telling you it's true!

He's after something tasty

So watch out, or it might be you!

Suddenly, Vlad knocked Logan into and through Melody's bass drum. Then Vlad had the girl tap the pedal, making the drum stick hit Logan in the face three times.

Vlad laughed, "Fool! Did you really think singing would break them from my power! I'm no siren! Now, bare witness as I turn these lovey ladies into my mindless followers!" He looked at Clover. "Starting with you, my dear!" He extended his fangs started toward her neck!

Logan had to do something! But what? Then he saw the closed blinds and squirming his arm out of the drum, he reached up and grabbed the string. Just as Vlad was about to bite Clover, he pulled the blinds open, letting sunlight in.

"Aaaahhhh!" Vland hollowed and smacked the string away from Logan.

But the sunlight worked. The girls shook their heads and woke up from their trance.

"Uh, what happened?" Half Note asked.

"Oh, Vlad here hypnotized you and was about to turn you all into vampires!" Logan said.

"Silence!" Vlad barked, before trying to charm the girls. "Oh, girls, I would never do such a thing..." he said, trying to hypnotize them again, and was hit in the face with a garlic clove by Clover. "Argh!"

"Nice try, smoothy!" Clover said.

"And you know what?" Melody said. "We don't appreciate being hypnotized!"

Then the girls all started to toward Vlad, with angery glares.

"Now now, girls, it was just a big misunderstanding!" Vlad said, scooting away. The sunlight had badly weakened him, leaving him very vulnerable.

Then Logan looked away as the girls attacked the vampire, beating him to a pulp and throwing him against the window.

"Hey, Vlad!" Patch said, grabbing the string. "Your looking a little pale... I think you could use some SUN!" And she yanked the blinds open, bathing the vampire in sunlight.

Vlad hollowed and crumpled to dust.

At that moment, Lancer and Ace broke out of the closet, their weapons ready.

"Okay, Vlad!" Ace twirled his sticks. "Prepare to face the Ace!"

But they saw no sign of the vampire.

"Uh, where's Vlad?" Lancer asked.

"Ace is standing on him," Sweet Note said, pointing.

Ace looked down at the remains of Vlad then yelped and jumped into Lancer's arm, while Logan and the girls laughed.


“Well that sounded like a.... batty situation!” Mikey fell over laughing with Pinkie.

“Still bats ain’t a laughing matter!” Applejack scolded.

“Oh they can cute every now and then.” Fluttershy smiled.

“Still, good story, Logan.” Leo complimented.

“My turn.” Logan handed Clover the flashlight as she stood up. “And let me tell you guys. A vampire is nothing compared to a candy witch!”



It was one evening in the Everfree Forest. Clover and Logan were trotting along, holding hands. The couple was planning an evening of just hanging out, not wanting to ruin the chance to be together.

Logan crossed over a small river and pull a slim leaf of a plant, putting it between the land to let Clover cross...of course, the girl just jumped over the river. She wasn't a little girl after all! Logan blinked as he crossed the slim leaf, letting the water touch his hands while following Clover,

Clover used a hollow log as a bridge while Logan caught up, the two kept on walking...until they came upon a very unusual sight: a house made out of candy. The two looked at each and drooling while dropping the picnic basket that they had. Lunch will wait, time for snacks!


"Wait a minute," Donnie broke in. "Isn't that the story of Hansel and Gretel?"

"Yes," Clover admitted. "But it's my version. Now, where was I, oh yeah!"


The two ran for the candy house, arriving at the entrance. Clover and Logan smiled as they knock on the door several times. After all, they wanted to ask permission from the owner before eating his or her house.

One of the little doors (shaped like a bump on a candy bar) opened up to show someone peeking out. Upon seeing Clover and Logan, the little door shut. The girl frowned as she knocked on the door impatiently while her crush waited. Clover tapped one foot while Logan whistled a bit.

Soon the big door opens revealing a nice old lady who smiled at the two. She showed Clover and Logan into her home where a huge table of desserts was at. The couple grinned while sitting down. Victoria was allowing them to sample everything to their hearts' desire.

And thus, the two began eating the contents of the table, even the old woman was feeding her guests. The two kept eating until they were satisfied with their unhealthy meal. What a treat!

Soon Clover and Logan began feeling tired and a little overweight, yawning a bit. The woman smiled as she picks the two kids up. Perhaps she could bring them into a room where they could spend the night.

The two walked with the old woman, not noticing all the skeletons that were upstairs. She opened up the door to reveal two beds and a room for the two. Clover and Logan smiled to each other then jumped right into the beds to relax. After all, it has been a long day!

Clover opened one eye as she saw woman smiling while closing the door.

Of course, if Clover has suspected something, she would've done something by now. Outside, the woman locked the door and smirked...evilly! The truth to be told that while she looks nice, the old woman was also an evil witch who ate the flesh of anyone who are foolish enough to come here...and now, she has found two to eat!

The witch teleported to the kitchen and heads to the stove, using her magic to throw in candy-covered logs to start a fire; The villainess then performed a spell to begin then opens up a cookbook, sending out more ingredients to cook 'Roasted Children' as she put the pot into the oven.

Back in the 'guest' room, Clover yawned as she got out of bed. The gal decided to open a window; it's getting stuffy in here. But she got a surprise upon opening the curtains: the windows are bricked up! She rushed over to the door and tried to open it, but the thing's locked up!

Outside, the witch, all ready, smirked evilly as she headed over to the room; Time for her dinner.

Clover shook Logan until he woke up. Clover explained to her crush that something's wrong. Looking around, even the boy gasped and nodded in agreement. How weird that old woman would lock them in here, bricked up the windows, preventing their escape ...even after letting them in; Very suspicious.

The two decided to get out of here so Logan charged at the door, ready to knock it down. But then the door opened up, revealing the witch who moved out of the way as the boy ended up hitting a wall.

Clover ran out of the room and grabbed Logan as they made their escape from the witch. The two rushed downstairs with the woman's shadow looming. They ran into a room and gasped. There's the evil witch using her magic (which works inside her home) on a bowl of candy canes. They came to life and attacked Clover and Logan who jolted away to avoid them.

Clover and Logan ran down a multitude of stairs then they slid down some stationary candy, ran up it and ran into the hallway. Then, The two screamed as green candied moths came to life, flying out. Logan carried Clover through a door and slammed it, causing the moths themselves to hit the door, breaking apart; the two sighed in relief then looked around to figure out which way to go next.

The two continued to run down the halls while dodging an obstacle of swinging and falling candy, going by a chair and lamp which was flooded with strawberry milk. Now the couple passed by some sort of death trap from Daring Doo, except this one involved candy.

Then, the two landed on a cake, which the cherry ball from the Daring Doo trap fell onto. This caused the icing, along with the two children to swim down the hall where more green moths appeared, pestering the two. Clover and Logan held onto each other while the icing flooded the house, until they arrived in a dark area.

Once the icing was gone, the two tried to trot off but found themselves trapped in a steel cage. The witch appeared, smirking evilly. Now she got them! The witch went over to the stove, ready to work on it.

Clover and Logan looked for a way to escape as the witch closed up the stove. Time for dinner; Clover, feeling hopeless, held onto Logan who hugged her right back; Looks like this is the end.

The witch opened the cage and grabbed Logan, tearing him from Clover who could only watch horrified as the evil witch pushed the boy over to open the stove. Logan sighed as he tried to open the stove...but no to prevail.

The witch rolled her eyes in annoyance as she pushed Logan aside to open the stove herself. She must do everything around here! Of course, unknown to her, Clover got out of the cage with a smirk. The witch made one mistake like all evil witches: never leave someone's cage door open when they're on a roll.

The witch frowned to Logan as she opened the stove...but then Clover pushed the woman into the thing. Looks like that did it, but the witch herself grabbed Logan to pull him into the stove. Clover gasped as she grabbed her crush by the hand but got pulled into the stove itself as well.

Amazingly, the stove was a lot bigger on the inside than it was on the outside...it looked like the pits of Tartarus! Clover helped Logan up as the two looked for a way out, both of them saw some steps leading to the stove's entrance.

Clover and Logan began rushing over to the steps but then the fires acted wild, preventing their path. The two looked for another way as the ground began spewing fire which grew bigger. The crushes gasped as they saw that the fire is turning into the witch!

The witch roared as she tried to grab Logan but the boy flipped out of the way in time. Despite that, he found himself cornered by the mad witch.

Clover frowned as she uses got a lit up candy log and charged at the witch and stuffed the thing into where the villainess was being controlled, stopping her from getting to Logan. Clover then grabbed Logan as the two got up the stairs, holding hands while going upward.

Logan slipped on one of the steps but Clover helped him up as they got up towards the next path and rushed right out the stove exit, shutting the door close. Logan sighed in relief, the stove was locked up for good and the witch was gone. The two hugged one another, happy for their win.

Suddenly the stove door began to shake like mad while starting to blow fire. Both Clover and Logan yelped, deciding that now is a good time to get out of here. The two rushed out of the house and heading right out of the Forest. They decided not to tell their friends what they themselves have experienced.

Even a mad witch who wanted to eat children was too much for them to listen about!


"And we ran far away from the house and never looked back!" Clover finished.

"Nice take on a classic fairy tale," Twilight commented.

"Ooo ooo ooo, my turn!" Pinkie said as Clover tossed her the flashlight.

"Pinkie, you better not be telling that bakery one, because again, it's not scary," Applejack said.

"Don't worry, Applejack, it's not that one," Pinkie said. "Although there is baking in it. And zombies!" Then she began. "It all started when I took Fluttershy's car up to the woods to bake brownies."

"Wait, do you even have a driver's license?" Raph asked.

"You guys don't," Pinkie retorted.


"Well, why did you need to bake brownies in the middle of a forest?" Caitlyn asked.

"Because, it was a secret recipe," Pinkie explained. "So secret, that I had to go all the way out to the woods to make them so no one would be around to see how I make them! Or at least, I thought no one was around..."



One eerie night, Pinkie drove up in Fluttershy’s car. After she park, she got out carrying a bag. Soon, she found a clearing.

“Now I can make the dream of the century! What no one has createst beforest!” she said to herself. “ I shall create….. my secret recipe for brownies.” She dumped her bag, revealing to be brownie ingredients. She was about to make the brownies before she looked at the screen and took herself out of view. Soon, the sounds of mixing and cooking could be heard from a nearby graveyard. After a little bit, Pinkie held out a warm pan of brownies.

“They’re finished!” She smiled. “Oopsie! I almost forgot my new topping for them.” She reached into her bag, pulling out whipped cream, chocolate frosting, a werewolf with a blue signature shirt, and putting them back in, but not before the werewolf told Pinkie in a whimsy gentleman voice, “You know, you really should clean in this bag. It’s very crowded in there.”

“Okie Dokie, Harry!” Pinkie nodded before stuffing the werewolf back in the bag. “Aha! Here we are!” she then pulled out a saltshaker that had a skull on the label. “Deeoth Powder! Hmm. Must be a new kind of salt.” She thought to herself as she sprinkled it on her brownies.

What Pinkie didn’t see was the label said Death Powder, and its aroma floated to the graveyard and a decaying hand emerged from a grave.

Pinkie was humming through the forest carrying her brownies. She stopped when she heard moaning and rustling.

“Who’s there? Twilight? Sunset? Dashie? Oh wait, I know! Indigo! You old kidder you!”

“Broooooownieeeeee!” Pinkie turned to see what appeared to be a zombie.

“Ha! Nice costume!” Pinkie laughed. She walked to the zombie and tried to yank the head, believing it was a mask. As she did that, the zombie tried to reach for the brownies before they were out of distance.

“Okay. That mask is on there tight!” The party girl set the brownies on a tree banch. She then climbed on the zombie’s shoulders and yanked on the head, thinking it was a mask. “It’s Twilight!”

“Hrrr!” The zombie groaned.

“It’s Sunset!”


“Dashie? Applejack? Fluttershy? Rarity?”

“Hrrr. Hrrr. Brooownieee!”

“Then. Maybe it’s.” Pinkie struggled before she pulled off the zombie’s head off and falls to the ground. She then holds up the zombie’s head wasn’t a mask. “Real.” She then screamed juggling the head before throwing it. The zombie then picked up it’s head and screwed it back on.

“Broooooownieeeee!” it groaned.

“You’re not getting my brownies!” Pinkie snatched her brownies and begins to run for it. She stops to see more zombies heading towards her.

“Broooownieeee!” they all groaned.

Startled at first, Pinkie grew a determined look as she hid her brownies away and pulled out her kurisama chain weapon. “When in doubt, ninja out! BOOYAKASHA!”

Luckily, Pinkie was able to fight them off easily. Mostly by tearing them limb from limb.

Pinkie dusted her hands off, "Well, that takes care of those zombies!" Then she walked away, humming to to herself.

But as she left, the body parts of the zombies all began literally pulling themselves together. Pinkie heard the noise and turned around and stared up in silent horror. The zombies had all gathered together to form a big monster zombie.

"BROOOOWNIES!!!" It bellowed.

"And I spoke too soon," Pinkie said to the fourth wall. The she screamed and dashed away with the giant zombie dragging after her.

Pinkie zipped into Fluttershy's car and turned the key, trying to start it, but it wouldn't start. "C'mon c'mon c'mon!" She said, pumping the pedal, as the monster zombie came closer. "Why do cars always stall in moments like this?!" She whined. The monster zombie was closing in, before the car finally started. "Yes!" She threw the car into gear and drove away as fast and as far as she could. "Adios, zombies!"

Only till she was far out of the woods and back into town did she stop.

"Phew! That was a close one! Those zombies almost had me there for a moment!" Then Pinkie smelled something strange. "Hey, what's that smell?" She got out of the car and starts sniffing around. "Smells like burnt... brownies?!" Suddenly she remembered where she hit the brownies, when the zombies attacked: under the hood of the car! Trembling, she slowly openef the hood, and discovered to her horror that all the brownies were burnt and ruined!

That was why the engine stalled. And she had used up all the ingredients, so she couldn't make more!

Pinkie dropped to her knees and cried out, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"


"No, brownies?!" Mikey exclaimed, with a shudder. "Terrifying!"

Rarity then stood up. “I don’t suppose I could go?”

Pinkie offered her the flashlight. “Go for it!”

"It's not that same one from before, is it?" Rainbow raised a brow, recalling her not so scary story from their camping trips.

“Just hope there’s less purple in this one.” Keno joked as he and Casey high fived.

Rarity ignored them. “Oh it’s worse than just purple. It is called…….”



In a restaurant, Rarity was on her knees, scrubbing the floor. Suddenly, sauce was splashing all over her hard work.

“Oh come on!” she whined. Out from the kitchen emerged Applejack, who wore a messy apron an swinging a ladle covered in the same.

“Who made this here sauce?” she cried. “It’s terrible! Too much sugar, not enough apple taste.”

“And ruined a nice textured carpet in the process!” Rarity glared.

“Who cares about some silly rug?” Applejack pointed the ladle at Rarity.

“Who cares?” Rarity smacked the ladle away. “The person who cleansed it. AND THAT’S ME! You sloppy, chef, you!”

Unknown to either of them, some of the sauce grew and began to move.

“Oh no. Look!” Amethyst Majesty said as he pointed to the growing sauce.

“Oh no! it’s growing!” Rarity shrieked and the sauce grew eye balls and started to growl at everyone and tried to grab people.

“This is terrible! Somebody! Help!” Applejack cried. “Did I really say that?”

“I know what to do!” Rarity stood tall as she pull out a box. “Baking soda! Take that, you smudge!”

The smudge roared.

“And some club soda too!” Rarity sprayed it using a bottle. The smudge shrunk and was no more. Everyone cheered.

“my heroine!” Amethyst Majesty blushed.

Applejack bowed to Rarity. “How can I ever repay you, dear Rarity?”

“By not making such a terrible mess.”

Applejack hugged Rarity. “No more messes. I promise!”


“And they all lived happily, and neatly, ever after.” Rarity finished.

"Uh Rarity?” Applejack raised a brow.

“Yes, Applejack?”

“I ain't that messy!”

“Nope.” Applebloom agreed.

“But to be fair, that was a better story, Rarity.” April said as the fashionist smiled.

“Yeah. At least it wasn’t purple!” Zach joked as he Casey and Raph laughed.

Sandalwood pointed to Raph. “Hey Raph, looks like you got a smudge on your shell.”

Raph pretended to be scared. “oh No! get it off me before it grows!” The two laughed.

Flash looked around. “I guess Karai and Shini couldn’t have convinced Sweetheart to come back.”

“Yeah. And it’s starting to get late. We have time for a couple more and then we should all get home.” Sunset agreed.

Leo nodded. “Agreed. So who’s next?”

To Be Continued

Spooky Stories 2 Part 4

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"So who's telling the next story?" Sunset repeated.

Donnie stood up. "I'll take a go. This is a story I heard from an internet friend." He held up the flashlight. "Many years ago...."


The Phantom Woodcutters Ball

Donnie narrated as he played a traveler named Jack trekking in the woods.

Okay, the legend goes like this. In the central area, there sits a lone abandoned woodcutter's mountainside place that is said to be haunted. so much so that not one soul dares spend a night there. some say it got that hunted because the woodcutters had a nasty smoking habit.

Pinkie gasped. "That is terrible! There are kids present, you know!"

Jack looked at the fourth wall. "Relax, Pinkie. This isn't that kind of story." He then went back to the story and walked up to the place. "This is the only shelter for miles and it'll be dark soon." so he entered the place. he was ether brave enough or stupid enough or even both to spend the night there.

Later that night, Jack went in the bed and went to sleep. But something was wrong. he couldn't sleep. The moment he shut his eyes he heard multiple ghost noises. and not your run of the mile ghosts noises either. but woodcutter noises, like chainsaws trees, axes chopping logs, woodcutters coiffing on cigars loudly, and loud steps of iron covered toed boots.

"Who's out there?" Jack cried, but no answer. "Okay whoever's out there, could you keep it down?"

His only response was the noises got louder.

"I SAID KEEP IT DOWN!" Jack shouted but to no avail and cover his head with a pillow.

Unfortunately, it went on like that the hole night for the poor guy and he couldn't get any sleep. When morning came, Jack was so tired with blood red eyes. Still, he was able to get around and left, hoping to get out of that nightmare. He opened the door, expecting a large amount of fire wood. but he was wrong.

"What the-?" was all he could say. There was no pile of wood anywhere. It was like all the work the ghosts done during the night never happened. he even heard trees fall. like it all got resetted to the point where it didn't happen. Frightened, Jack ran from that haunted place..


"And it was all true." Donnie finished. Mikey and Pinkie were shivering in fright.

"Wow. That is scary, D." April gasped.

"Scary indeed." Rarity agreed as Sweetie Belle clung to her.

"I think your friend is messed up, Donnie. That is creepy." Raph admitted, trying not to shake in his shell.

Donnie grinned before he held out the flashlight. "Alright, who's next?"

"Me!" Patch said, taking the flashlight. "This story is called, Ace's treated trick..."



One night, Patch was doing some trick or treating, wearing a full body hoodie that had pony ears and a tail. She had first stopped by Twilight's house, at her garage laboratory. Twilight was dressed as a mad scientist and she mixed two chemicals into a bowl, making a chemical reaction. When it cleared there was candy inside for Patch to take some.

Then she stopped by the Animal Shelter. The place was decorated and a large coffin layed in the center. Then the lid popped open and Fluttershy rose up, dressed like a bat. She hissed then giggled and held out a bowl of candy.

Then she stopped at Pinkie's and rang the door bell. She tapped her foot, waiting for Pinkie or Maud to open the door when...

"Awast, ye mattey!" Pinkie popped out of a bush, dressed as a pirate with her pink party canon. "Candy ahoi!" Then she fired some candy out of her canon at Patch.

Soon, Patch walked through the park, carrying her big bag of candy. "What a haul!" She said.
"Wait till Ace get's a load of this!" Suddenly, something rushed past in the shadows. "Huh?" Patch looked at the spot. "Hello? Is someone there?" When she looked away, the figure ran past her again. "Wha?!" Getting creeped out, Patch began to back up. "Whoever's stalking me, I'm warning you, I know ninjisu!" Then she bumped into something and slowly turned around, trumblingly. "Oh no..."

Standing behind her was a dark figure wearing a raincoat, hockey mask like Casey's and had hook hand. "Rarr!" It roared and held up a chainsaw!

Patch screamed and ran away, leaving her candy behind. Then the figure laughed and lifted up it's mask, it was Ace. His hook hand was fake and the chainsaw was cardboard.

"Happy Halloween, Patch!" He chuckled.

Patch hid behind a bush, covering her eyes, when she heard Ace laughing and peeked through the branches to see him take her candy bag.

"Don't mind if I do!" He said to himself, and walked off, taking the bag with him.

Patch glared. "That rat!" Then she grinned. "So, you want tricks, Ace? I'll give you a trick!"

Ace had stopped by a park picnic table to much on some of Patch's candy and left his mask, hook, and chainsaw laying around near another bush. Then Patch's hand slipped out and poured glue into the mask, hook, and chainsaw handle, before slipping back inside.

Then Ace heard someone coming. "Well well, sounds like someone else to scare!" Then he quickly grabbed his cardboard chainsaw and put on his mask and hook. Then he hid in the bushed and when the footsteps grew louder, he jumped out, roaring waving his chainsaw and hook. But then he hid them behind his back when he saw it was a police officer. "Um, evening, officer. Can I help you?"

"I'm looking for a psycho with a chainsaw and hook!" The officer replied. "That wouldn't be you, would it?"

"Nope! Never heard of him?" Ace shrugged, unfortunately showing his chainsaw and hook.

"Uh! Now just hold on a minute there!" He tried to get rid of hook and chainsaw and realized to his horror that they were stuck. And so was the mask when he tried to take it off.

"Just as I suspected!" The officer said. "Your under arrest!"

Ace screamed and ran for his life, taking the candy bag with him. But he was unaware that the officer was really Patch in disguise.

She snickered and called out in her police voice, "Come back, ya maniac!"

Ace ran as fast as he could and hid near Twilight's garage laboratory. But when Twilight saw him, she immediately saw him as a psycho killer.

"Hold it right there!" She said, pointing her weapon at him.

"Ahh! No wait, Twi, it's me, Ace!" Ace cried.

"Likely story!" Twilight retorted and swung at him.

Ace dodged and ran with Twilight right behind him. He ducked inside the Animal Shelter and hid there until Twilight ran past. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, until he felt a tap on the shoulder and turned around to face Fluttershy. She hissed at him as Harry the bear roared at him. Ace screamed again and burst out the door running in a panic, right into Pinkie's cannon.

"Fire!" She shot Ace out of the canon, sending sailing through the air and into a pond with a slash.

Ace walked out of the pond, soaking wet. But at least the water had washed off the glue, freeing his hands and face from the mask, hook, and chainsaw.

"Well, at things can't get any worse," he grumbled, then a shadow fell on him. Slowly, he turned around and saw a real psycho killer behind him.

"Rarr!" It roared.

Ace screamed in pure terror, turning white, then ran away, leaving the candy bag behind, still screaming like a little girl.

The killer lifted up it's mask and laughed. It was Patch.

"Happy Halloween, Ace!" She chuckled, and took her bag back. "And I'll take this back."

But then, she heard a ghostly voice laugh, "You sure showed him!" Then she looked up and saw a ghost boy in chains, floating above her. "Good evening."

Patch screamed and ran away, spilling some candy, shouting, "Ace, wait for me!"

The ghost just stared after her, then picked up some of the candy she had dropped and ate some. "Don't mind if I do."


As Patch finished, Everyone couldn’t help but chuckled while Mikey, Casey, and Pinkie burst out laughing.

“That’s what I call Sweet Revenge” Mikey said through chuckles.

“Nicely done, Patch.” Sandalwood fist bumped the girl.

Ace could only huffed as Rainbow looked at Fluttershy who was more concerned than scared.

“How you holding up, Fluttershy?”

“Hm? Oh sorry. I’m still a little concerned for Sweetheart.”

“We’ll find her later.” Sunset assured her.

Spike stood up. “In the meantime, I got a scary story!”

“Go ahead, Spike.” Twilight nodded as Patch gave the dog the flashlight.

Spike cleared his throat and began his story. “It was an Erie foggy night.....”



Wildcard, Bozzerkazooers, and Rena were driving home from the hospital on a foggy night.

“Fog is thick as peanut butter.” Wildcard pointed out.

“You mean pea soup.” Corrected Bozzerkazooers.

“You eat what you like, and I’ll eat what I like.”

“Easy, guys.” Rena comforted them. “Now much further do we have?”

Bozzerkazooers noticed the GPS was glitching out. “Fog is messing with the GPS.”

“And I can’t tell where we are on the map.” Wildcard was checking the map.

“Maybe we should stop until the fog rolls over.” Rena suggested.

“How about that house over there?” Wildcard pointed towards an abandoned house.

The three drove at the house and parked in front of it. As they dismounted, BozzerKazooers thought he saw something in the shadows, growling at them.

“You alright, BK?” Rena asked.

“Over there.” BozzerKazooers pointed only for the shadows to have disappeared. “But I saw something over there. I think it was growling at us.”

“Yeah right.” Wildcard rolled his eyes.

“Seriously, I saw something!”

“Please. It’s scary enough as it is. Can we just go in and wait this fog out?” Rena moaned.

The three went in the abandoned house and looked around to see if anyone was around. Suddenly, they heard scampering behind them and kept turning but kept missing the creatures. Finally, they located the noise near a chair. The three quietly crept up to the chair, then cornered the two and shined the light on two familiar dogs.

Bozzerkazooers gasped. “Spike? Lucky Shot?”

“What are you guys doing here?” Rena asked.

“In an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere?” Wildcard added.

“Uh, well... It's kind of complicated.” Spike shrugged.

“Anyway, you guys should go! Now!” warned Lucky Shot.

“Why?” Rena raised a brow

“We don't really have time to explain!” Spike urged.

“Just drive the heck away from here while you still can!” Lucky cried

The three were still not convinced as Wilcard asked, “Again, why?”

“And how come you two are acting too worried?” BozzerKazooers added.

“Let's just say, you don't wanna be around us when the moon comes-“ But Spike was too late.
Moon light shined on the two and they snarl and growl before they transformed into their Wolfatizer forms.

“LOOKY WHAT WE GOT HERE?!” Wolfatizer II growled.

“THREE LITTLE LOST CHEW TOYS!” Wolfatizer snarled.

The three stare for a moment. Then they all screamed as they ran out of the house and back in the car. Rena floored the gas and they drove away screaming with the Wolfatizers right behind them.

“I told you I saw something!” BozzerKazooers cried.

Then, The moon got covered and the two dogs changed back.

“Sorry about this!” Spike apologized.

“No hard feelings!” Lucky Shot called.

The moon came back out and they turned back, then it covers again.

“Just keep driving!” Spike called

The moon came out, they’re Wolfatizers. it covered again and they’re dogs again.

“Serious, just keep driving.” Lucky Shot said bored.

They continued to chase them, and changing back and forth when the moon is covered and uncovered by clouds.


"I know how that Bozzer guy feels," Mikey said, remembering all the times his brothers and friends never listened to him about something and always had to learn the hard way.

"That was a cool story," Zach said.

"Even if you had to add Lucky Shot into it," Caitlyn added.

Then Ace grabbed the flashlight from Spike. "Okay, folks. Get ready to be spookified with a story from the Ace!" He began. "I call this, the Phantom of Equestria Land! And good news, CMC'S, your in it!"

"This outta be good," Scootaloo rolled her eyes, as Ace began.

"One day, the CMC were exiting the movie theater at the mall..."



"How awesome was that movie!" Scootaloo exclaimed to her friends.

"So awesome!" Sweetie Belle said, excitedly. "I can't wait to watch it again!"

"Me too!" Apple Bloom added. But then she noticed a group of people by the smoothie shop, where her sister Applejack worked. "Hey, what's going on over there?"

The three walked over to see the group of people were gathered by non other than Ace.

"Tell us, Ace!" A girl named Little Red asked, gleefully.

"Yeah," added a boy named Super Funk. "Tell us how you did it!"

"Alright, alright," Ace said. "Now, it all started when I was walking home from a late night DJ session. So, I decided to take a short cut through Equestria Land. But what I hadn't counted on was, The Phantom of Equestria Land!"

"The Phantom of Equestria Land?" Apple Bloom repeated in confusion.

"Who's that?" Scootaloo asked.

"The Phantom is a ghost of an old park attended," Ace explained. "He's dressed in a black cloak and roams the park at midnight, looking for helpless victims to eat! And the Ace would have been his next victim!"

"Oh no!" Lyra cried.

"Oh yes," Ace retorted. "If I hadn't bravely fought back!"

"How'd you do it?" Derpy asked.

"Well, there I was," Ace went on. "Walking along, minding my own business, when the Phantom crept up behind me, hoping to get me from behind! But fortunately, the Ace is too smart for him! And I just so happened to had been carrying my sparring sticks with me. So, just as he was about to eat me! I whipped them out and whack, smack, thwack! I set him running! And after that, he would think twice about tangling with me again! And that's how
I fought, the Phantom of Equestria Land!"

Everyone cheered, and Bulk gave Ace a smoothie cup. "This one's on the house!"

"Thank you, kindly," Ace said.

The CMC looked at each other with dry expressions, then as Ace left, the three followed after him.

"Gee, Ace, that was a pretty amazing story," Scootaloo said.

"Yeah," Apple Bloom added. "Real believable."

"In fact, it's unbelievable!" Sweetie Belle put in.

Ace spat out his smoothie and whipped around at the CMC. "What? You calling the Ace a liar?!"

"Since Big Mac isn't here, eyup!" Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah," Scootaloo chimed in. "Your just making that up to make yourself look cooler!"

"Plus," Sweetie Belle added. "The Ninjas told us how they fought real ghosts and it was almost impossible for them!"

"Well, those ghosts never fought the Ace! And I did so fight a phantom!" Ace insisted.

"Oh yeah?" Scootaloo scoffed. "Then prove it!"

Ace grinned, "I got a better idea. Why don't you three prove it!"

"Us?" They exclaimed.

"Yeah," Ace nodded. "In fact, I triple pony dare ya you three to head out there and fight the phantom!"

"But we can't," Sweetie Belle retorted. "It's a school night."

"Yeah," Apple Bloom added. "Plus, Applejack would never let me go out past my bedtime."

"Same with my aunts," Scootaloo put in.

"Aww, it's okay, girls," Ace said in faux sweetness. "I understand if you're too chicken!"

"Chicken?!" The CMC exclaimed. Before they glared at Ace.

"Alright, Ace," Apple Bloom said. "We'll do it!"

"But if we don't see a phantom, then you'll have to tell everyone you made up that story!" Scootaloo stated.

"All I have to say to that, is good luck, girls," Ace replied, smugly. "Your gonna need it!" Then he chuckled grimly and walked away.

"I don't think we should have done that," Sweetie Belle said, having second thoughts. "I mean, what if Ace was telling the truth?!"

"Don't tell you actually believe Ace, Sweetie Belle?" Apple Bloom asked. "He's totally making that up."

"Well, yeah, but our sister and the Turtles all thought Mikey made up Pizza Face," Sweetie Belle noted. "Until they found out he was real!"

"Come on, Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo said. "We've been to Equestria Land a bunch of times, even at night. And we've never seen any phantom."

"I'm just saying, what if?" Sweetie Belle pointed out. "Not to mention we could get in big trouble if we get caught sneaking around the park."

"Come on, girls," Apple Bloom said. "We got a mission for the CMC!"

Later that night, Apple Bloom was waiting by the park gate, as Scootaloo came riding up on her scooter.

"Hey, Apple Bloom," she said.

"Hey, Scoot, y'all haven't seen Sweetie Belle have you?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Here I am!" Sweetie Belle came running up, with Spike running at her side.

"Why'd you bring Spike along?" Scootaloo asked.

"Because she read somewhere that dogs can detect ghosts," Spike explained. "But, I'd wouldn't pass up the opportunity for an adventure!"

"Sweetie Belle, you said you didn't believe Ace's story," Apple Bloom cited.

"Well, it never hurts to be prepared," Sweetie Belle stated, sheepishly, and showed them that she was wearing her fingers claws. Her friends face palmed.

"Quick question though," Spike said, looking at the gate. "How are we gonna get in if the gate's locked?"

"Easy," Apple Bloom stated. "We climb over the wall... With these!" She held out her hands, showing them some ninjas hand claws she had borrowed from Derpy.

Soon the three had scaled the wall, with Scootaloo carring Spike, and lept into one of the trees. Then they silently dropped down and began sneaking through the park. Luckly for them, the park security had fallen asleep, so he didn't notice the three girls and the dog on the monitor.

Apple Bloom checked the time on her phone, "Okay, it's midnight." Then she called out. "Oh, Mr Phantom!"

"Shh!" Sweetie Belle hissed. If the Phantom didn't hear her, the park security would. But
Apple Bloom went on.

"Three tasty girls and a dog, right here!"

They stood there and waited and waited. But nothing happened.

"Ha! We knew it!" Apple Bloom said.

"We knew Ace's was making it up!" Scootaloo put in. "Right, Sweetie Belle.

But Sweetie Belle didn't answer. She was staring at something behind them, while shaking in terror.

"Sweetie Belle?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Girls!" She squeaked. "Something tells me that Ace didn't make up that story about the Phantom!"

"What makes you say that?" Spike asked.

Sweetie Belle pointed and the others turned around and froze! Standing behind them, was a skull faced figure in a black cloak. The Phantom!

"Evening, girls!" It said. "Time to feed!"

The CMC and Spike screamed and ran away, with the Phantom right behind them, as they ran back and forth, between all the midway games.

"I told you the Phantom was real!" Sweetie Belle wailed.

"Not the time!" Apple Bloom yelled, as they dove behind a stand.

The Phantom followed them and looked over the counter, but they weren't there. He hadn't thought to look up, where they were clinging to walls of the ceiling.

Then the Phantom passed by the hot air balloon Farris wheel, unaware they were hiding in one of the cabs.

The Phantom chased them to the bumper cars, where they each drove one. The CMC soon tag teamed against the Phantom, bumping him all over the mat, until they eventually knocked him out of his car.

Then as the Phantom chased Sweetie Belle over the Test of Strength game, Spike hit the lever, launching the Phantom up into the air.

The Phantom chased them around the merry go round, until they suddenly disappeared. Just as it was wondering where they went, the ride suddenly picked up speed. The CMC and Spike were by the controls and Scootaloo cranked up the speed until the Phantom was flung into the bottle game.

The security guard was still sleeping as the Phantom was still chasing the girls and dog on the monitor.

Soon the Phantom had lost them again and looked around. "Come out, come out, wherever you are?!" It called. "You can't hide from me forever!"

The CMC and Spike were hiding behind the caramel apple stand.

"What are we gonna do?!" Scootaloo whispered in panic.

"I don't know?" Apple Bloom replied. "I was so sure Ace made up the Phantom!"

"Wait a minute?" Sweetie Belle spoke up. "If the Phantom was real, why didn't you sense him, Spike?"

"Maybe because that theory is wrong?" Spike guessed, then a sudden thought crossed their minds. "Or maybe...?" Then they all peeked over the counter and saw the Phantom bump into a trash can, knocking it over, instead phasing right through it.

"That's not a real phantom?" They all said, before they ducked back down.

"Okay, girls, and Spike, I think it's high time we catch this here Phantom!" Apple Bloom said, as they made a plan.

Later the Phantom was still searching for the girls and the dog, when...

"Oh he's creepy bad fellow!" Sweetie Belle and Spike sang, getting the Phantom's attention.

"That nobody can deny!"

"Bye bye," Spike waved as they took off running.

The Phantom growled and chased after them toward the rollercoaster and had them cornered.

"Ha ha ha! No where for you to run now!" The Phantom laughed, and lunged forward.

"We're not trying to run!" Sweetie Belle stepped to the side and stuck out her foot, tripping the Phantom and making him fall into the rollercoaster car. "Now!" She called, as Scootaloo and Apple Bloom started the ride.

Then the coaster began going up and down the hills and loops very fast. And the while the

Phantom was screaming and wailing. Until it shouted in a familiar voice, "STOP THE RIDE!!!"

The girls stopped the coaster and walked over to the defeated Phantom.

"Now let's see who this Phantom really is," Apple Bloom said, pulling off the mask, revealing a boy with slick back blonde hair in a under cut.

"Ace!" They exclaimed.

"Just as we suspected," Scootaloo noted.

"You knew we wouldn't find any Phantom!" Apple Bloom stated.

"So, you dressed up as the Phantom to scare us!" Sweetie Belle added.

"So we wouldn't out you!" Spike finished.

"Yeah, yeah!" Ace grumbled. "And I would've got away it, if it hadn't been for you girls and Spike!"

"We knew there's no Phantom!" Scootaloo bosted.

"Oh really!" Came as raspy voice, then they turned and saw another Phantom, who let out a roar!

The girls screamed and held onto each other. But then Spike sniffed at something. Then he ran up to the Phantom.

"Spike, no!" Sweetie Belle cried.

But Spike bit down on the Phantom's cloak and yanked it off, revealing two girls. One with
pinkie hair in a pony tail and two curly bangs and one with blue floppy hair.

"Melody and Sweetheart!" The CMC exclaimed.

"Boo," the two said, sheepishly.

Scootaloo turned back to Ace, "You asked them to help in case we found out you made up the Phantom?"

"Yeah," Ace mumbled.

"How did you know, Spike?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I smelled Melody's perfume," Spike stated.

"I told you to tone down the perfume," Sweetheart told her grinning sister.

"Well, at least there's no more Phantoms," Apple Bloom said.

"Don't count on it!" Shouted a voice. Then they all looked up to see another Phantom floating in the air above them!

They all screamed as the Phantom floated down near them, "You shouldn't be here!" It roared.

"Your right, Mr. Phantom!" Apple Bloom cried. "And I'm sorry!"

"Us too!" Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Spike added.

"That's just what we wanted to hear," the Phantom replied in a country voice. Then the it pulled off it's mask to reveal...

"Applejack?!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

"Hello, sugarcube!" Applejack greeted with a stern smile.

"Wait, how are you flying?" Scootaloo asked.

"Me!" Twilight walked out and lowered Applejack to the ground with her magic.

"And I'm responsible for the costume, darlings!" Rarity stepped out.

"Rarity?!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"Twilight?!" Spike added.

"Uh, what's going on here?" Melody asked.

"I overheard your little chat with Ace," Applejack explained.

"And the rest of us saw you seeking out here, when you all should be in bed!" Rarity added.

"So we put together this little scare as punishment for sneaking out," Twilight finished. "So, what do you kids have to say for yourselves?"

The kids and Spike responded by screaming in terror again and pointed behind the girls. They turned around and saw yet another Phantom.

"Oh, come on, now!" Applejack brushed off. "That's just someone else trying to scare us."

Then she walked right up to the Phantom. "Alright, whoever you are, joke's over!" But when she reached out to take off the costume, her hand went right through it.

That wasn't a costume, it was a real phantom! Everyone screamed and ran away as fast as they could. But after they had had gone, the Phantom vanished and there stood Fugitoid. That Phantom had been a hologram.

Fugitoid chuckled to himself, "Ah, I always did enjoy a bit of a prank or two."

Suddenly a flashlight shown on him. "Hey!" It was the security guard, who had been woken
by all the screaming. "Park's closed!"

"Uh, so it is, um, good night!" Fugitoid blasted off into the night.


“Leave it to Fugitoid to get the last laugh.” Sunset chuckled as she and some of the ninjas laughed at the end.

“Still gotta admit that was pretty spooky stuff there, Ace.” Raph admitted.

“Of course.” Agreed Ace.

Mikey suddenly screamed.

“What is it, Mikey?” Fluttershy asked.

“We’re out of pizza!” Mikey moped as he held an empty pizza box.

“Well, we have time for one more story anyway. Then we should go find Sweetheart.” Leo stated.

Melody got up. “Step aside, amateurs. Let a pro show you how it’s done.”

“I just did.” Ace smirked as he handed over the flashlight.

Melody glared as she snatched the flashlight. “It began in the year 1954……”



In 1954, the school's lifeguard was too busy making out with his girlfriend When he should have been keeping an eye on her little brother. Suddenly, something under water grabbed the kid and begun to drown him. The boy screamed for help and tried to swim back to shore, but he couldn't. the lifeguard noticed and tried to save him but He was too late.

Years later, the school pool was remodeled and back opened. The Rock n’Beats were walking on it with Melody, Ace, and Lancer in swimsuits.

“Tell me again why we’re here?” Melody asked.

“We wanted to try out for the CHS swim team, remember?” Lancer answered.

“But it smells in here!” complained Ace.

“It’s probably just the chlorine.” Patch shrugged.

“No way!” Ace denied. “Chlorine doesn’t smell this bad! It smells like a dead guy in here!”

“Well, if we wanna try out, we better practice.” Lancer shrugged.

The three jumped in the pool while Half Note, Sweetheart, Logan, and Patch sat on the bench and watched. After a little swimming, the three took a break.

“I think that’s good for today.” Lancer breathed.

“Yeah. I’m be- Aah!” Melody was pulled underwater suddenly.

“Melody!” Lancer and the others cried.

“Lancer! Save my sister!” Sweetheart screamed.

Before Lancer could dive, Melody emerged coughing. Both look to see Ace popping out laughing.

“ACE!” Everyone scolded.

“I just couldn’t resist.” Chuckled Ace.

“Why you- Ahh!” Melody was pulled under again.

“Knock it off, Ace. It wasn’t funny the first time!” Lancer rolled his eyes.

“Uuuuh that wasn’t me.” Ace gulped.

Melody jumped up screaming. “There’s something under water!”

“Everyone! Out of the water!” Lancer ordered as they swam like crazy.

Lancer and Melody were able to get out okay, but Ace was struggling and the thing almost grabbed him when-

“Grab on!”

It was the new CHS custodian, First Aid. He reached to Ace with a pole and gets him out just in time.

“You okay, Ace?” Patch asked as they all hurried to him.

Ace pretended not be scared. “O-of course! I was- just stalling it so Melody and Lancer would make it out safely.”

“Yeah right.” Melody rolled her eyes as Lancer turned to First Aid.

“What’s going on?”

First Aid sighed before he explained. “The pool was closed off because it was built over an old cemetery and a body was forgotten and it's angry ghost drowned four people.” He flashbacked to the boy he failed to rescue years ago.

“We should tell the Rainbooms!” Patch cried.

“Fraid not.” Half note breathed. “They’re hanging out with the Turtles.”

“Then it’s up to us!” Lancer declared.

“But how can we see it?” Sweetheart shivered.

“I know!” Half Note pulled out a bottle of Methyl Orange. “I was borrowing this from Fugitoid. Don’t ask.”

She poured it into the pool, causing the entity to react with the acid. The acid gave it a red color as the corpse took visible form.

Everyone looked scared and repulsed at the creature.

“That is one ugly dead guy!” Patch pointed.

“He smells even worse!” Ace covered his nose.

“I,uh, don’t suppose Fuge let you borrow anything else we could use on that thing?” Lancer asked Half Note.

Half Note thought for a bit before turning to Sweetheart. “Didn’t Twilight give you that container of Mangenite for our volcano project?”

“Oh yeah. Right here.” Sweetheart pulled out the container only to accidentally drop it into the pool. “Oops.”

Lancer jumped into the pool to retrieve. But as he went after it, the corpse went after him!

“He’ll never get out in time!” Half Note feared.

Without hesitation, Melody jumped into the pool on the other side.

“Hey Ugly!” she cried, getting the corpse’s attention. “your mama was a bone head!”

The corpse turned it’s attention to Melody, allowing Lancer to get out with the Mangenite.

“Melody! I’m out! Hurry!” he called out.

Melody hurried to the ladder but the corpse was closing in on her. Just when it almost grabbed her, a pole forced it back. She looked to see it was First Aid.

“You’ve taken enough lives, you monster!” he bellowed. “Now, Melody! Get out!”

Wasting no time, Melody climbed the ladder and out of the pool. Seeing his friend was safe,
Lancer opened the container lid and threw the powder at The Corpse and it smoked, bubbled and exploded. Seeing the corpse was gone, the Rock n’Beats all breathed in relief.

“That was close.” Lancer sighed.

“That was messed up.” Melody agreed.

“At least the pool smells better.” Everyone gave Ace a look. “Well it does.”

Everyone looked at First Aid, who was looking at the pool shedding tears of joy. After 66 years, the people who drowned were finally avenged.

“Now that the corpse is gone, the pool can officially open to the school once I clean the pool.” He smiled.

The Rock n’Beats smiled then left the pool area.


“The end.” Melody finished.

“Oh my!” Fluttershy jumped.

“Okay. That was scary.” Scootaloo held Rainbows arm.

“Metal.” Casey gasped.

“Not bad.” Raph pretended not to be frightened.

“That was good.” Leo nodded before getting up. “Okay. Let’s clean up and find Karai and Shinigami.”

“And remember, you all promised to apologize to Sweetheart.” Sunset finished.

"Yeah, yeah," Melody sighed.

"We remember," Patch added.

"What we don't get, is why Sweetheart's so scared of all this spooky stuff?" Ace said. "We've faced scarier stuff then this and she wasn't scared then?"

"Take it from someone you knows," Fluttershy began. "No one can be brave all the time."

"She's right, guys," April said. "Even we are still afraid of some things."

"Like how I'm always afraid of loosing my friends because of my past." Sunset shared.

"Midnight Sparkle." Twilight added.

"Being controlled by the Aeon again." April shivered.

"Rats." Casey feared.

"Squirrlenoids." Mikey shivered.

"Failing my family." Leo added.

"Same." Applejack agreed.

"Bad hair days." Rarity confessed.

Everyone looked at Raph, who sighed, "Bugs."

"I guess we see your point," Half Note said.

"But still," Melody chimed in, "There's no way, we'd be as easily scared as Sweetheart."

Suddenly, the lights went out, taking everyone by surprise.

"Hey! Who tuned out the lights?!" Sweet Note asked, looking around in worry.

"Don't tell us your getting scared, Sweet Note?" Patch said.

Applejack flipped the light switch but the lights didn't come back on. "I guess we must have jumped a fuse or something?" She shrugged, but when she tried to open the door it wouldn't open. "That's strange? The door's locked?"

Sandalwood tried the lift the garage door up, but it didn't budge either. "So's the garage door?"

"We're locked in?" Pinkie gasped.

"With no pizza?" Mikey whimpered as he and Pinkie hugged each other.

"Everyone remain calm." Leo calmed everyone.

"Leo's right. I'm sure there's a way we can get out." Flash agreed.

Suddenly, Applebloom turned to see jack o lanterns impaled on sticks and began to screamed. Everyone saw they were surrounded by more impaled pumpkins and started to scream.

"Okay, that's kind of creepy!" Melody admitted.

"Who did that?" Casey asked out loud.

"I don't know?" Donnie said. "But like Leo said, we have to remain calm."

Just then a five skeletons dropped down, hanging from the ceiling. One was right in front of him and he screamed, pulling himself inside his shell.

Everyone else cried at the sight.

Then, suddenly cardboard cutouts of the Dream Beavers popped up and surrounded the group.

“Oh no! Not them!” Raph griped as he then felt a poke on his shoulder. He turned to be face to face with the cockroach terminator. “Not you again!” He cried.

Micro Chip ran before tripping over what appeared to be a jacket. “Who left their jacket here?” He thought out loud before he, Sandalwood, and Flash saw it was the same jacket from their story. “Jacket?” They screamed as Micro threw it.

"Aaaaprilll!" Came a voice.

"Twiiilight!" Came another.

"Suuunset!" Came a third.

The three girls slowly turned around, their eyes wide with horror. Standing behind them were three figures they knew too well.

"NO!" April breathed in terror.

"It can't be?!" Twilight said in disbelief.

"Not you!" Sunset panicked.

"Yes, girls... US!!!" Za-Naron, Midnight Sparkle, and She-Demon cackled, and the three girls screamed.

Zach and Caitlyn backed away at the sight, when they heard a car engine roar and a horrible laugh. They whipped around to see a figure standing on top of a car shining red headlights.

"Evening, kiddos!" The figure laughed.

"The Laughing Lunatic?!" Zach exclaimed.

"And the Haunted Car?!" Caitlyn added. "But we made you up?!"

"SAYS YOU!!!" The car roared it's engine as the Lunatic jumped down, laughing like crazy.

Zach and Caitlyn screamed and held onto each other.

Mikey back to a corner when suddenly he hit something and looked up to see it was the Squirrelenoid. He screamed and hid in his shell.

Pinkie caught the Mikey's shell, but then looked up at a saw the Monster Zombie from her story.

"BROWNIES!!!" It roared, making Pinkie scream.

The CMC were huddled together, cowering, when a shadow fell on them. They turned to see the Phantom, holding their dolls.

"Let's play!" The dolls said, as the Phantom stalked toward them.

The CMC screamed and ran past Ace and Patch, who were hiding behind a box.

Suddenly, they a chill and turned around and looked up to see the ghost from Patch's story.

"Boo!" He said, making them scream and run away.

Casey was looking around in all the screaming and panicking, when...

"Hello, Casey..." approaching him was the Rat King.

"The Rat King?!" Casey cried. "But Splinter destroyed you?!"

"Just as I'll destroy you! Feast, my children!" The Rat King threw two rats on to Casey, who screamed as he fell down.

“Casey!” Keno rushed over to help his fellow vigilante only to notice something bug crawling on the wall. He looked up to see it looked human only to turn its head completely around, revealing it as the Yamananda from Shinigami's story.

“Care for a bite?” It grinned maliciously. Keno screamed as it pounced on him, trying to bite him.

Clover and Logan heard wicked cackling and saw, coming out of the shadows was the Witch along with Vlad.

"Who's hungry?" The Witch asked.

"I know I am!" Vlad said.

And Clover and Logan screamed too.

Sweet Note was looking for a way out, when she ran into some spider webs, with spiders crawling all over her. She screamed and ran.

Half Note crashed into the skeletons, covering herself with the bones. She screamed and ran as well.

The two Note sisters were in such a panic, they didn't watch were they were going and crashed into each other.

Rarity frantically looked around for Sweetie Belle when she heard growling behind her and sauce dropped on her shoulder. She slowly turned behind her and to her horror it was the Smudge! She screamed as the monsters tendril wrapped around her waist. “Help me!”

“Hang on, Rarity!” Applejack cried trying to save her friend. But then she was blocked by the
Wolfatizers who growled at her. “oh apple sauce.” She bluntly said as the wolves tackled her.

Meanwhile, Melody was shaking as she looked at everyone screaming and runing around in terror.

"I'm not scared, I'm not scared, I'm not scared, I'm not scared!" She repeated, before she backed into something. "I'm not scared, I'm not scared, I'm not scared!" She whimpered, as she turned around and saw the Pool Ghoul, and screamed. "I am scared! I am scared! I am scared! I am scared!" She ran away.

Soon all the ninjas, Rainbooms, allies, CMC, and Rock N Beats huddled together as all the horrors closed in. Fluttershy and April screamed when they saw Mom Thing. Rainbow Dash and Donnie screamed when they saw the Creep.

Then just when they thought things couldn't get any scarier...

"Hello, Hamato's!" They all turned around to see none other than Zombie Shredder!

Everyone screamed loud in pure horror, before they tilted backward, and fainted from fear...


Melody was the first to wake up and the first thing she saw was a grinning face, with pink freckles and lavender eyes.

"Hi, guys," Sweetheart said, nonchalant.

“Sweetheart!” Melody wrapped her arms around her little sister. “You’re alright! They didn’t get you!”

“Who didn’t get me?” Sweetheart asked. Meanwhile, everyone else was waking up as well.

“Ugh. I had the creepiest nightmare since Pizza Face. I thought I saw the Squirrelenoid.” Groaned Mikey. He turned to see the Squirrelenoid looking and waving at him. Mikey screamed.

“That’s right!” Said a familiar voice. The Squirrelenoid took its head , revealing it was Trixie.
“All scream at the presence of the great and powerful Trixie!”

“Trixie?!” Everyone gasped.

“Then who’s-?!” Casey pointed to the Rat king. The Rat King answered by taking off his hat and face.


“‘Sup?” Carter smiled. He then walked over and took the jacket from Micro Chip. “And thanks
for holding on to my jacket, Chips.”

The pool ghoul took off his head , revealing to be-

“Big Mac?!” Applejack and Applebloom gasped.

“Eyup.” Their brother nodded.

“Don’t I get any recognition?” The witch asked, revealing it to be Granny Smith.

“Granny?” Applebloom was shocked.

“Now I’m confused.” Applejack sighed.

The yamananda walked up, revealing it was Shinigami as she put her witch hat.

“Uh how you do that climbing on the wall?” Keno asked.

Shini revealed another puppet dressed like her. “Courtesy of her.” She pointed to Midnight Sparkle, who revealed to be Juniper Montage.

"That's right," Juniper replied.

Then Za-Naron took off her head to reveal Sapphire Night. And She-Demon revealed herself to be Wallflower Blush.

"Sapphire?! Wallflower?!" Sunset's jaw dropped.

"Hi, Sunset," they both gave smug smiles.

April turned to Mom Thing, who pulled off her wig and mask to reveal... "Angel?!"

"You should have seen your face!" Angel grinned.

"Then who's?" Caitlyn began, pointing at the Laughing Lunatic, who stepped out of the shadows.

"Timber?!" Twilight said in shock.

"Well, I can't take all the credit," he said, as the Haunted Car revved again and Gloriosa poked her head out of the window, waving.

Then the Creep pulled off it's face to reveal Bulk Biceps while Vlad revealed to be Diamond Tiara.

And the Smudge, Wolfatizers, and the Cockroach Terminator pulled down zippers to reveal the Shadowbolts and Zephyr Breeze.

"Hey, there, ninjas!" He said.

And the monster zombie turned out to be Vern and Gabby.

"Buena noches, guys, did we scare you?" Gabby asked, grinning.

"I can not believe you all fainted!" Vern laughed.

Then Zombie Shredder fell down, revealing itself to be another cardboard cutout, and sanding their with a microphone was Karai.

The Turtles, Allies, Rainbooms, CMC, and especially the Rock N Beats just stared, dumbfounded. Until at last Donnie spoke.

"Okay, I think I speak for all of us when I say WHAT IS GOING ON?!"

Granny Smith chuckled, "Sorry about the scare, youngins."

"But in our defense," Sugarcoat began. "This was all Sweetheart's idea."

Sweetheart smiled smugly and waved her fingers.

"What?!" The Ninjas and Rainbooms gasped.

"Sweetheart?!" The Rock N Beats exclaimed.

"You planned all this?" Lancer asked.

"As Big Mac here would say, Eeyup!" Sweetheart answered.

"That's right," Big Mac said.

"But why?" Melody asked.

"It's easy, big sis," Sweetheart answered, before she frowned at her. "Payback!"


In a flashback, in the band room, Sweetheart looked away while she pouted at her friends laughing at her being scared.

"After you guys made fun of me and called me a scaredy cat, I decided to get even with all of you. Even more so, after you called me Scaredyheart!"

The scene cut to when she stormed out after they teased her when she fainted at Fluttershy's story.

Earlier, she showed up at the Apple farm and spoke to Granny Smith and Big Mac, before Karai and Shinigami showed up.

"So yesterday, I came by and asked Big Mac and Granny Smith for their help and they agreed. Karai and Shini were there to help set up the barn and they volunteered to help too."

Then it show her explaining her plan to everyone who helped, in the Apple Family's living room, while they had some apple pie.

"Big Mac and Granny got Trixie, Sapphire, Juniper, Wallflower, Bulk, Diamond Tiara, Timber, Gloriosa, Zephyr, and even the Shadowbolts to help. And Karai and Shinigami got Carter, Angel, Vern, and Gabby to help too."

Later, while the rest of the girls and kids were telling the rest of their stories, Sweetheart and Sapphire were watching them through the windows. Sapphire drew something then Sweetheart took a picture and texted to Karai.

"So, while me and Sapphire listened in on your scary stories, she drew the each of the monsters on her sketchbook. Then I took a picture set it to where Juniper and Shadowbolts made them into costumes."

Karai got the texted picture and showed it to Juniper, as she and the Shadowbolts were making the costumes inside the house and the the others were making the props and putting on the costumes that were finished.

"Once everything was ready, Granny shut off the lights, and I did my part!"

Sweetheart used the darkness and her ninja stealth to sneak around and drop the jack o lanterns, pull a string to release the skeletons, and move the cardboard cutouts into view for the ninjas and kids to see. And scream at.

"And while you were distracted by those scary props, it gave everyone else time to sneak in, get into position, give you all a real good scare!"


When the flashback ended, the Turtles, Allies, Rainbooms, CMC, and Rock N Beats were once again dumbfounded by Sweetheart's cunning plan.

"Whoa ho ho, Sweetheart, that was awesome!" Mikey said.

"Yeah, I've never been so scared!" Pinkie agreed.

“While I admit that was clever for, what I don’t understand is WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SCARE US?!” Raph glared.

Leo held his brother back. “Easy, Raph.”

“We were going to have the Rock n’Beats apologize to you!” Rainbow huffed.

“I know. I didn’t want to scare any of you. But Karai insisted to make it look convincing.”

Sweetheart pointed to Karai as everyone looked at the former bad ninja, who grinned.
“It’s true. If we didn't scare you guys, you would’ve gotten suspicious. Besides, it was fun. Though we did have some help.” She then pointed to Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy?” Everyone gasped.

“Well, When Sweetheart told me about the haunted house experience, I told her of when we scared Rainbow Dash last year. While she was preparing, she asked me to round up a couple spiders.” She pointed to a small group of spiders who then turned and left. “Thank you.”

“Well, all I can say is very convincing.” Keno admitted.

"Well, uh, we weren't scared," Patch denied.

"Y-yeah," Ace added. "We were just... acting! Yeah, to? To? Humor you."

"Uh, yeah," Melody said. "We we're really scared."

Sweetheart held up her phone and played a video of them all screaming and running around in fear. Most of all, Melody when she saw Big Mac as the Pool Ghoul.

"I am scared! I am scared! I am scared! I am scared!" Melody in the video cried.

Sweetheart played it two more times, with a smug grin, "Oh, no, you weren't scared at all."

"Well, that wasn't funny, Sweetheart!" Melody chited her.

"And calling me Scardyheart wasn't funny either!" Sweetheart shot back, with a scowl.

“Well, if-“

“That’s enough.” Lancer stopped Ace from making another excuse. “She’s right. We deversed the whole thing from the get go.”

After a thinking, everyone knew that Lancer was right. This was their fault.

“Yeah. If we hadn’t picked on Sweetheart for being scared in the first place, she wouldn’t have done all this.” Admitted Half Note.

Everyone nodded in agreement. So Melody walked up to Sweetheart.

“Sweetheart, I’m really really sorry for picking on you for being scared.”

“She speaks for all of us.” Lancer said as the other Rock n’Beats agreed. Of course, Patch had to nudge Ace.

“Oh yeah. Real REAL sorry.”

“Can you ever forgive us?” Melody bowed in shame.

Sweetheart smiled. “Of course I will.” She hugged Melody, surprising her but she accepted it, as the others joined in.

Everyone else smiled to see the whole thing resolved.

“Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I think I speak for all of us that Sweetheart is this year’s Queen of Halloween!” Mikey declared as he and Juniper held Sweetheart’s hands up while everyone applauded in agreement.

“Booyakasha.” She smiled.

Spike then pointed to the ghosts. “Well, that’s great and all, but what about those guys?”

Everyone looked up and saw the ghost that had scared Ace and Patch.

"It's probably Fugitoid," Sunset guessed.

"Hello, everyone!" The whole group turned to see the cyborg walking up to them.

"Wait? If Fugitoid's there..." Angel began. “then who's?"

The ghosts smiled and said, "Boo!"

Everyone stared for a moment before they all screamed and ran away as fast as they could.
Then the ghost turned to the fourth wall and said, "Happy Halloween!" Before it vanished.

The End.

Or is it?

Trick or Scare

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After the CHS Halloween concert, the Ninjas, Rainbooms, and Rock n’Beats decided to spend the rest of Halloween night trick or treating. It was the Rock n’Beats way of apologizing to Sweetheart for making fun of her and calling her a scaredy-cat. Everyone had gone as the thing they had dressed up as to scare the Ninjas and Rock N Beats. While they had their own costumes.

Leo was dressed as Captain Ryan. Donnie was dressed as a medieval minstrel. Mikey was dressed as a sea sponge. And Raph was dressed in his larping costume. April was dressed like one of the turtles and even wore a yellow mask. Casey was dressed as Frankenstein. Karai was dressed like Shredder. Keno was dressed like a surfer. Zach was dressed as a cowboy. And Caitlyn was dressed as a witch.

Sunset was dressed like a vampire. Twilight was dressed as her idol Rosette Nebula. Fluttershy was dressed as a pony. Pinkie was dressed as a disco skater. Applejack was dressed as a lion. Rarity was dressed in a beautiful pink princess dress. Rainbow Dash was dressed as an astronaut.

Apple Bloom was a platypus. Sweetie Belle was in an Austrian dress, complete with a wig and makeup. And Scootaloo was a werewolf.

Lancer was Daring Do. The Note Sisters were dressed as music notes. Melody was dressed as a singer in a magenta dress and big pink hair. Sweetheart was a princess. Ace was a basketball player. Patch was a clown. Clover was a disco dancer like Pinkie. And Logan was dressed like Van Helsin.

Flash was a mummy. Sandalwood was a skeleton. And Micro Chips was dressed as his secret DJ alter ego MC Dexefex.

And Spike was in his hip hop outfit.

“Oh yeah! Trick or treating Ninja style!” Mikey declared.

“Yay!” The CMCs cheered.

“I’m glad you guys decided to come with us.” Sweetheart smiled.

“Well while your friends are doing this as a apology to you for the whole scaredy-cat thing, we all agreed it be nice to join in on the fun.” Sunset explained.

“Though I did tried to trick Raph into wearing a fairy costume” whispered Mikey, only to be clonked by Raph.

“Besides, we shouldn’t let good costumes go to waste.” Carter motioned to himself and everyone who helped with Sweethearts scare.

“Eyup.” Big Mac agreed.

"Though why you dressed as Shredder, Karai?" Casey raised a brow.

"No reason. I figured since everybody dresses as scary people, Shredder would be no different." The former bad ninja grinned.

"Well, I think you wear it better than he did." April commented.

"I'll say." Flash agreed.

"Thank you guys."

“Well let the Halloween fun begin!” Pinkie declared.

Just then, they heard the sound of crying and spotted a group of kids looking sad. Four of them was Lily Pad and her friends, Billy, Sally, and Johnny.

"Lily?" Pinkie and Rarity said in surprise, as the whole group came over.

"Darlings, whatever is the matter?" Rarity asked.

"These big bullies stole all our candy!" Lily said, between sobs.

"WHAT?!" Raph, Casey, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Sapphire, and Angel exclaimed.

"Oh, no!" Fluttershy, Wallflower, Sweetheart, and Sweetie Belle cried.

"What happened?" Leo asked Lily's mother.

"We were all walking along, going to the next house on our trick or treat route," Lily's mother began.

"When these thugs came out of nowhere and snatched the kids' candy bags, right out of their
hands!" Billy's mother continued.

"Which way did they go?!" Raph asked, gripping his battle axe.

"They went that way, into the woods," Johnny and Sally's mother pointed.

"Don't worry, we'll get your candy back," April promised.

"You will?" Sally asked.

"You bet we will," Angel said.

And they all headed off.


Meanwhile, in the woods, the Purple Nightmares were laughing to themselves as they held out the kids' candy bags.

"Like taking candy from a baby," Crunch Bar said to her fellow Nightmares. "Literally!"

"I love Halloween!" Rift laughed.

"Perfect time of the year to steal unsuspecting kids' candy!" Stryke said.

"Yeah, and they can't do anything about it either!" Clubs chuckled.

What none of them knew was that the Ninjas were all watching them from some bushes and trees.

"The Purple Nightmares!" Zach frowned.

"And I thought those varmints couldn't sink any lower!" Applejack said.

"Hey!" Switchblade spoke up to the Nightmares. "I know a place where no one will think to look for us."

"Lead the way," Crunch Bar said, and the Nightmares ran off.

"Come on, everyone," Leo said. "Let's see where they’re going."

And the group snuck after them. They followed the Nightmares through the woods until they came to an old abandoned house.

“Nobody will ever think about looking here!” Switchblade laughed.

The Purple Nightmares all entered, unaware that a bunch of eyes were watching them.

“An abandoned house. How original.” Caitlyn trolled.

“So how we gonna get the kids’ candy back?” Keno asked Leo.

“By showing them the ‘trick’ in trick or treat.’”

In side the house, the Nightmares made themselves comfortable.

"This place is nice, Switchblade," Peirce said, as she glanced around.

"Yep," Switchblade replied. "Although, they say this house is haunted."

"Haunted?!" Rift and Clubs exclaimed.

"Yeah," Switchblade explained. "The owner build this place over an ancient graveyard, upsetting the spirits. Then one Halloween night, the owner disappeared! As did anyone else who dared to move in. Some say, it was the restless spirits, seeking revenge! But I never believed in that junk!"

"Yeah," Stryke laughed. "As if anyone would believe in ghosts!"

Unknown to them, a couple party dudes watched in the shadows.

“Boy are they gonna get it.” Whispered Pinkie.

“They ain’t gonna get away with it, curesty of us meddling ninjas.” Grinned Mikey.

Just then, a high coo was heard, Getting the Nightmares’ attention.

"What was that?" Rift asked.

"You don't think it was a ghost?!" Clubs asked nervously.

"No, you dim wit!" Stryke said. "Let's split up and find whatever or whoever made that noise, and beat the snot out of them!" She got out her crowbar.

Then the Nightmares split up while Mikey and Pinkie spoke into their phones.

"They took the bait!" Pinkie said.

"And they're heading your way dudes," Mikey added.

Rift looked around in the billiards room with a chain.

“Alright, whoever you are, you pick the wrong people to trick!” He looked around but didn’t find anyone.

“Okay! Funs over! Make it easy on yourselves and come out! And maybe if I’m still in a good mood, I can share some candy I -picked up.” He called.

“Get. Out!” Said a spooky voice.

Rift began to feel a little scared. He began to back up then suddenly he bumped into something. He looked to see a figure in black.

“Nice costume.” Rift scoffed as he took off the hat, but the figures face gave him the shivers.

“Now you will face.... the ghost of the Rat King!” The figure laughed evilly.

Rift ran screaming only to be face to face with Frankenstein and what appeared to be a dwarf who roared at him, causing him to change direction. Then, out from nowhere, appeared a witch with green skin cackling terror. Rift turned before he was smacked in face, rendering him unconscious.

The one who knocked him out was Zach. “ you’re a natural, Sis." He told Caitlyn.

“Thanks. Gotta hand it to the make up kit Juniper let me borrow.” Caitlyn said looking at a mirror.

“That’s one down.” Carter pointed, peeking from out of his Rat King disguise.

“Let’s hope the others get the other three.” Raph nodded.

“Hopefully, the other Nightmares will be as easily scared.” Casey chuckled.


Clubs crept up the stairs, with a flashlight in one hand, and his spiked club in the other. Soon he came to a hallway with a line of doors. Some of them were open. Just then, something rushed past him in the shadows.

"What's that?!" Clubs whipped around, shining the flashlight. He pointed it one way and another. But there was nothing there but the hallway and stairs. "This place is giving me the creeps!" Then he heard a door creek turned around and saw a door slowly crack open. "Is someone in there?!" He demanded. "If your trying to scare me, then your asking for a world of pain!"

Clubs opened the door walked into a bedroom. Then suddenly, the door closed by itself, right behind him.

"What the? Hey, let me out!" He banged on the door, but it wouldn't open. Then he heard a sound and turned toward a closet, that was opened just a crack. Clubs gripped his club and stalked toward the closet. "Whoever's in there, your about to get-" he threw open the door and dropped his his club in horror.

Inside the closet was what looked like a old hag wearing a scary oni mask. "Hi!" It said, creepily.

Clubs yelped and backed onto the bed.

"Comfy, isn't it?"

Clubs shakingly turned his head to see a female vampire laying right next to him, grinning her sharp teeth. Clubs jumped from the bed and rammed against the door two times, but it didn't open. So he backed up and charged at the door, only for to suddenly open and he ran into some big and slimy. He looked up and saw it was a smudge-like blob. Clubs screamed and ran away, hiding inside a closet.

"Few!" Clubs sighed with relief. "Those monsters will never find me in here."

"No," said a voice, as three pairs of eyes opened all around him. "But we have..."

Clubs turned on his flashlight, revealing three scary female creatures with wings and sharp teeth.

He burst out screaming and ran to open another door, only to see a lion. He screamed and opened another door, this time it was mummy and a skeleton. He opened another door and saw a small figure wearing a trench coat and aiming a crossbow. He opened one last one to find a giant cockroach.

Clubs screamed and backed away as the monsters came out and closed in on him. "You-you monsters stay back!" He warned in fear, then felt someone tap him from behind. He turned around and met with a foot to the face and was knocked out by Twilight.

"Well, that'll teach you to steal candy from little kids!" She said as Flash, Sandalwood, Gabby, Vern, Shini, Sunset, Zephyr, Sapphire, Juniper, Wallflower, Applejack, and Logan gathered around the downed Nightmare.

"One down," Zephyr said, taking off his costume's head.

"And two more to go!" Flash finished.


Strykes entered a library looking around. When suddenly she heard footsteps behind him. When she looked around, she didn’t find anyone. She hid behind a corner to see the CMCs hiding in a closet.

“Heh. A couple more kiddies to rob.” She smirked.

she then snuck up to the door and then quickly opened the door.

“SurpriAAAAAAH!” Strykes was face to face with not the three girls but a red living corpse that roared at him. It caused her to scream and back away. As she backed away, she heard the sound of wailing and evil laughter. She then noticed another figure wearing a cloak walking up to him. When she got closer, the figure revealed his face resembling a jack o lantern laughing maniacally. Strykes screamed so much she tried to run only to be smacked by a pole, rendering him unconscious.

Out from the shadows came out April and Donnie.

“Nice touch, Micro Chips.” April thumbed up as the cloaked figure revealed to be the nerd.

“Thanks. Just a little something I whipped up for a little fun.” He revealed the visor producing the jack o lantern face. Out from the shadows emerged Sweetheart, Melody, and Half note.

“Now that was fun.” Melody smiled as she and Sweetheart high fived.

“That should just leave one more nightmare.” Applebloom smiled.

“Let’s see if Leo and his group need help.” Scootaloo suggested.

“Eyup.” Big Mac nodded.


Crunch Bar, Pierce, and Switchblade were searching near a large room that had a stage.

"What's a stage doing in an old abandoned house?" Pierce asked.

"The owner was a performer," Switchblade explained. "When he would invite guests over, he'd always do a show for them or two."

"Guys, the others aren't answering their cellphones," Crunch Bar said. "I think something's up?"

Then before her fellow gang members could respond, they heard piano music. Then the stage curtains opened up to reveal Mikey, Pinkie, Clover, Sweet Note, and Patch doing a song and dance number, while Leo played a piano.


During the instrumental break, they began saying corny jokes.

"Tell me, Clover," Patch said. "What is it when an elephant sits on your fence?"

"I wouldn't know, Patch?" Clover replied.

"Time to get a new fence!" Patch joked.

"Well what time is it when an elephant sits on your house?" Clover asked.

"Time to get a new house?" Patch guessed.

"No, time to get a new elephant!" Clover joked.

Mikey and Pinkie danced up next.

"Knock-knock, Pinkie," Mikey said.

"Who's there?" Pinkie asked.

"Amos," Mikey stated.

"Amos who?" Pinkie questioned.

"A moskiedo just bit me!" Mikey laughed.

"Knock-knock, Mikey," Pinkie said.

"Who's there now?" Mikey asked.

"Andy," Pinkie stated.

"Andy who?" Mikey questioned.

"And he just bit me again!" Pinkie laughed.

After Maud sang, they finished the rest of their song.

"Isn't that funny?" They all sang together, finishing the song.

"No, it isn't that funny!" The three Nightmares exclaimed in unison.

"And now we're gonna show you just how un-funny, you really are!" Crunch Bar threatened, as she, Pierce, and Switchblade stalked toward them.

Only for the grinning ninjas to close the curtain, before they came any closer.

The three Nightmares followed to them back stage.

“You’re all gonna be sorry for messing with us!” Switchblade bellowed.

When they flashed their flashlights, they came in contact with the Squirrelenoid.

“What is that thing?” Cried Crunch Bar.

The three tried to back out, but were cut off by the Wolfatizer bros.

“This place really is haunted!” Shivered Perice as they see witches, spooks, and other creatures.

“I ain’t afraid. I AINT AFRAID OF NO MONSTER OR GHOSTS!” Switchblade shouted in denial.

“Then stop me if you’ve heard this one!” The Nightmares looked to see the Laughing Lunatic
take stage. “Six very naughty punks enter a spooky house.”

“And?” Asked a vampire.

“And...and we SCARE them of course!”

“Oh NOW you tell a funny joke!” The vampire rolled her eyes before hissing at the Purple Nightmares, who back away in fright.

They turned only to face a couple zombies who growled. “BROOOOOOWNIEEEE!”

As the monsters corner the purple Nightmares, the voice of the Rat King could be heard all over. “Let this be a lesson to all who be naughty on Halloween! If you dare Trick or treaaaaat....”

Suddenly a hand appeared before Switchblade extending blades as Karai whispered evilly. “Never. Steal. Treats. From. Kids.”

The three Nightmares ran only to get tripped by Clover, Patch, and Sweet Note, then got knocked out by Leo, Mikey, and Pinkie.

The three Nightmares got up and ran away as fast as they could. Rift, Clubs, and Stryke each woke up and ran too. All the ran into the forer and crashed into each other. Then they heard a creaking sound of footsteps coming their way.

"Oh no!" Stryke whimpered.

"Now what?!" Clubs asked in worry.

They all shone their flashlights on a big figure, only to discover that it was a big butter yellow pony with a light pink mane.

"Oh!" Crunch Bar sighed in relief. "It's just a big horse."

"For a moment there, I thought it was gonna be another scary thing!" Rift chuckled.

But he had spoken too soon, as the pony's head came off and out popped a green squid monster with one four eyes! The Purple Nightmares screamed and broke down the door as they fled from the house.

The Turtles, Allies, Rainbooms, Wondercolts, CMC, and Rock N Beats walked up laughing.

"Nice one, Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash chuckled.

"You sure showed those Nightmares!" Indigo added.

Fluttershy took off her squid monster mask. "I have my moments.”

“And I believe these are what they took from those youngins.” Granny Smith grinned as she and the CMCs walked up with the stolen candy bags.

“Oh yeah! Mission accomplished!” Zach cheered as he and Carter high fived.

“Let’s get these back to the kids.” Leo smiled.

“And I know something that’ll put smiles on their faces.” Granny Smith pulled out a couple bars all shrink wrapped. “Some Sweet Apple Acres Apple fudge bars.”

“They’ll love those.” Applebloom nodded as she and her friends helped put them each in a trick or treat bag.

“Eyup.” Big Mac agreed.


Later, the kids and their parents were sitting sadly on some benches, when they heard Sour Sweet clear her throat.

"We believe these belong to you," she said, as the ninjas held out their stolen candy bags.

Lily Pad gasped in joy, "Our candy!"

"You got it back!" Sally exclaimed.

"Thank you!" All the kids cheered, hugging all the ninjas.

"Aww, your welcome, little dudes," Mikey said.

As the ninjas all turned to leave, Lily's mother called out, "Wait! Would you all like to join us
on our trick or treat route?"

"Please!" Lily Pad begged.

The Ninjas all looked at each other before they smiled.

"We'd love too," Leo said.

"Yeah!" The kids cheered.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Pinkie said.

"Let's go trick or treating!" Lemon Zest exclaimed.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey cried.

"Booyakasha!" All the kids cheered along.

As they continued trick or treating, Melody and Sweetheart walked side by side.

“Looks like my little scare helped saved Halloween.” Sweetheart smiled.

“Still, I’m sorry I made fun of you and called you a scaredy-cat.” Melody sighed.

“It’s okay. Part of it was my fault. I tried to hide my fear, only to make it worse.” Sweetheart said. “Besides, if you didn't make fun of me, I wouldn’t have done all that. Then these guys would’ve probably have had the worse Halloween ever.”

“Glad that turned out for the best.” Melody smiled. “And you know what? I learned a valuable lesson. Everyone is scared of something.”

“I learned something too.” Sweetheart pointed. “We do get scared sometimes. But if we’re not afraid to tell each other, then that means we’re quite brave too.”

Melody smiled as the two gave each other a big hug. Leo and Twilight looked at the two and smiled. As they broke, Ace called out to them.

“Hey come on! The next house has popcorn balls!”

“Race ya!” Melody sprinted. Sweetheart smiled and wasn’t far behind.

Happy Halloween!


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On a misty night the full moon shone on a bunch of figures as Afromia switched on her turn tables and began to play a power beat as the moonlight revealed who the figures were as they all began to sing.....


everyone applauded the performance. Everyone at Canterlot High were at the auditorium, watching the concert at the remainder of school. After the first performance, The Rock n’Beats sang their song (Things out there). after the audience applauded, The Rainbooms took the stage and began their song.


As they sang, Rarity looked at the audience and winked at Amethyst Majesty and Star Blaze, who both blushed.

After everyone applauded, Next was The Flash-Drives. It didn’t take long for them to set up and they began.


After the song, everyone applauded. After Flash and his band left the stage, the lights went dim as a spotlight reveals a cloaked figure holding his hand up and a keytar. The figure revealed to be Donnie as the other Turtles popped up and sang.


"What do we call it?" Mikey jestered.

"I believe we're calling it Halloween this year, Mikey." Donnie sighed.

Everyone applauded as The Turtles left the stage. But before anyone could leave, the lights went dim again. Everybody looked around in confusion as the bands were with the audience.

“What’s going on?” Rainbow asked out loud.

“I thought we were the final performance.” Raph asked unsure.

Then, ghosts were flying around the gymnasium, startling the students and teachers. Some of them flew near the exits so no one could leave.

“Okay, Sweetheart, I think you made your point!” Ace declared, thinking their friend was giving them another scare.

“It really isn’t me this time, I swear.” Sweetheart shivered.

“What should we do, Leo?” Twilight asked the leader in blue.

“Well, it doesn’t look like they’re attacking. We’ll just have to let this play out before doing anything.”

“Look!” Mikey pointed to the stage.

Everyone looked to the stage to see several ghost on it, making way for a figure wearing blood red clothes. A couple of them brought their own instruments and began to play as the figure in red began to sing.


As the figure sang, the students were mixed between fear and enjoyment. The figure then disappeared and reappeared as a skeleton.

When the figure finished his song, there was a long silence. Then there was the sound of clapping. Soon, everyone applauded. Despite the spooky scenario, the song was really good. The figure then held his hand up to speak.

"Keep trying, don't give up. Just believe in yourself." He said.

Then, he walked away and disappeared along with the spirits. As everyone left the school, The Turtles and Rainbooms were talking about the mysterious singer.

“Just who was that mysterious singer?” Rarity asked.

“I don’t know, but something about him seemed so familiar.” Caitlyn pondered.

“Yeah. Kinda like that pop star that died years ago.” Carter added.

“You don’t think that was his…..?” Lancer asked.

“Nah!” The Rock n’Beats dismissed while the Turtles’ shrugged, recalling the spirit of Ho Chan.

“Well, come on. Let's put our instruments away.” Sunset said.

As they all left, Mikey and Pinkie looked back and smiled, knowing it was the ghost of Michael Jackson.

The End
Happy Halloween!