The Punishment for Cavities

by StormLuna

First published

You just got home from a less than stellar appointment with the dentist. As it turned out, you had multiple cavities but that would soon be the least of your problems, especially when a blue unicorn is waiting in front of your house.

You just got home from a less than stellar appointment with the dentist. As it turned out, you had multiple cavities but that would soon be the least of your problems, especially when a blue unicorn is waiting in front of your house, a very pissed off unicorn.

Warning: Includes sadistic torture, eating another creature alive and a very pissed off blue unicorn.

Your Punishment

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You had just got finished with your dental appointment and things did not go so well. You brush twice a day, you use mouth wash and your floss yet you still wound up having two cavities and had developed gingivitis. You begin to wonder why as you begin to enjoy a donut and a bottle of Pepsi on the way home. You think to yourself, "How could this be? I take good care of my teeth."

When you pull into your driveway and get out of your car, you grab your treats and head towards your house only to discover that there is a blue unicorn blocking the entrance. The unicorn has a scowl on her face and on her flank is the image of an hour glass. You can't help but wonder if maybe some laughing gas that was being used on the patient in the next chair may have drifted your way. You knew that unicorns weren't real, especially blue ones.

As you approach the door the unicorn speaks, "So, you haven't been taking care of your teeth."

You were in such a state of shock you didn't even know what to think. Here was something that shouldn't be there yet there it was and unlike horses, this unicorn was speaking. You nervously reply, "Well uh...."

The unicorn then rips your treats out of your hands and levitates them to herself. She analyzes the items and quickly throws them back at you and yells, "Well it is no wonder you have cavities. The shit you eat and drink is horrible for your teeth."

You then decided you were going to find out how this unicorn could know about your cavities. You ask, "Wait a minute, how could you possibly know about my problems?"

The unicorn fired a bolt of energy at you, leaving a burn mark on your face. At that moment you realized that you were not seeing things. You realized that there is a unicorn there, a very unhappy one that for some odd reason is pissed over you having cavities. You then decide you want to know why, "If I may ask, why is it you are so upset over my cavities?"

She burned you with another bolt of energy and screamed, "Because everypony should take good care of their teeth." She pointed towards your treats and yelled, "There is no excuse for anypony, or in your case anyone, to eat crap like that!" She then grabbed you in her aura and continued, "Come on, I'm going to punish you severely for this."

You weren't sure what to think when she kicked your door down and was dragging you into your house. You were however terrified over what this pony was planning on doing to you. You did know one thing though, this was not going to be anything good so all you could do was hope that it wouldn't be too painful.

Once she got you inside she immediately forced you into your recliner and began to nail you to it. Yep, she began to nail you into your recliner. You tried hard to break free, especially before she got all your limbs nailed down but the strength of her aura was simply too great. Once she had you fully nailed down she released her hold on you. You thought that this might be your chance to escape so you began to squirm, hoping to maybe knock the recliner over. You knew that if you did and you were able to somehow get free, it would hurt like hell and you'd bleed a lot but the unicorn was not going to have any of it.

She smacked you and yelled, "So this is how its going to be huh? You're going to be a disobedient little rat huh? Well we'll have to fix that now won't we?"

She then headed towards the kitchen and your nervousness doubled. You knew that there were all sorts of things in there that she could use to inflict severe amounts of pain on you. After a couple of minutes she returned with a whole box of things with the most visible item being an iron cast frying pan. When you saw the box of things you yelled, "Please no, please no. I'll stop eating the sugary treats and drinking the pop if you won't hurt me."

She gave you a smirk, "Too late human! You didn't take care of your teeth and now you must be punished!"

She then hit you in the head with the frying pan a couple of times, leaving you a bit out of it but not so out of it you wouldn't know what was going on. That is exactly how she wanted it. She didn't want you to be able to put up much of any kind of fight but she wanted you to know that she was about to do something that would hurt like hell and most likely spill some blood.

After she was done with the frying pan, she grabbed a drill and put a decent sized bit to put in it. She then fired it up to make sure there was still power in the battery and when there was, she let out a manic cackle, "Oh so you want cavities huh? Well you shall get cavities!"

She then used her magic to pry your mouth open and quickly forced the drill into your mouth before powering it up. You began to scream in agony as she began to drill into your teeth and up into your jaw. The pain was unfathomable for you. It was so bad that you had completely forgot that it was a pissed off blue unicorn doing all of this to you. At that moment, you truly began to wish that she'd either just kill you or you'd at least fall unconscious before she was done with her torture.

You felt like you were beginning to lose consciousness and thought that maybe one of the things you were hoping for would happen but then you feel your whole body being grasped in her aura and suddenly you were fully alert, fully alert and screaming in pain as there was nothing at all preventing you from feeling it.

She then pulled the drill out of your mouth and set it to the side. She laughed, "So what next? What should I do next?"

She then did something that you did not expect her to do, she began to move her head towards yours and before you knew it, she had your ear clamped between her teeth before biting it off. You let out another howl of pain before she smacked you and yelled, "You humans taste horrible, all of you!"

You then realize that you must not be the first person she has done this to. While you wanted to know how many people she has done this to, you had much bigger concerns, concerns such as surviving this ordeal. That thought would be broken when she smacked you again and yelled, "Don't go anywhere, I'll be back in a moment."

You couldn't help but wonder where she was going and what she was going to get. You would be horrified when she returned with a chainsaw and began to eyeball your legs. You knew what she was going to do and you decided you would try and plead with her, "Please don't cut my legs off, please! I'll be good, I'll take care of my teeth, I promise." You then began to cry, "Just please don't kill me."

The unicorn laughed, "Oh I don't plan on killing you!"

She then fired up the saw and began to cut one of your legs off at the knee. You body began to shake the pain was so great and you truly did believe that she was going to kill you. At that point though death didn't sound so bad to you but then she proved what a sadist she truly was when she cast a spell to stop the bleeding and heal your leg. While she did heal you, she made sure the pain was still just as horrible as ever.

She then took the saw to your other leg and like it was with the first one, the pain was horrific and just to make sure you would continue to suffer, she cast a spell to heal you to heal you yet allow the pain to remain. She then grabbed the largest butcher knife she had in the box and began to give you a sadistic grin before staring at your chest. You knew what she was going to do and you knew that the last moments of your life were going to be nothing short of pure torture.

She took the knife to you and began to cut you open. Your body again began to shake from shock and this would not sit well with her. She took the frying pan to your head a couple more times but that would not stop you from feeling the pain or your body from shaking. She screamed, "Ugh, I hate it when they do this! Now I'll have to hold this one down!"

You then felt her hooves putting a great amount of pressure on your torso as she cut you open. Once she had cut your chest open she began to do something truly terrible, she began to eat the meat off of you. As she did this, she had a horrible look on her face, the type of expression one would make if they were being forced to eat their own shit. Thing is, she is willingly doing this despite you tasting terrible. After every bite, she would spit it in your face before gagging and then taking another bite.

She kept this up for probably a good twenty minutes, the twenty most painful minutes of your life. Finally once she had picked your ribcage clean, she looked down at your internal organs in glee. Your heart was beating probably twice as fast as it should be and your lungs were expanding and contracting as you were breathing hard. She then got a sadistic look on her face and laughed, "What shall I do next." She then began to sing of all things, "Oh my, how hard it is to breathe he-he-he, oh how hard it is to breathe ho-ho-ho!"

You weren't sure what the hell was running through her demented mind but you knew that it was likely some truly fucked up shit. She had proven herself to be a complete psycho who delights in your suffering so far and knew that it was probably going to get worse, if that could even be possible.

She then returned with a sewing needle and you immediately began to think she was going to stab you in the eyes with it. You figured that she probably knew of ways to do that to where she wouldn't blind you but it was not the eyes she was going after. You would be horrified when she set the needle down and then clamped on your ribcage with her teeth before tearing it open.

You immediately began to convulse violently and the pain was beyond unbearable. At that moment your whole life was flashing before your eyes and would continue to do so until the unicorn once again cast a spell to keep you alive yet not alleviate the pain in the slightest. You continued to scream in pain and then became more nervous as the unicorn lowered the needle into your chest cavity. You knew what she wanted to do, she wanted to puncture your lungs and watch them slowly collapse. You knew at that moment that she was going to kill you but she was going to see to it that your death would be slow, horrifically painful and drawn out.

The moment she poked the needle into the bottom of one of your lungs, you let out a horrific scream of pain. You then waited for her to do the same to the other lung but she didn't do it. She truly wanted to drag your death out and you would begin to wish for death more than anything else when it became harder to breathe. She then did something to agitate you so that she could not only watch your breathing get more difficult but see your heart rate go up.

She began to mock you, "Oh look at me, I'm a stupid human who can't take care of its teeth and now I'm getting tortured to death by a psychotic blue unicorn!"

You tried to yell but that would prove to be horribly difficult with a collapsing lung. You truly wished that you could kill your tormentor at that moment but you knew that your time on earth was starting to run short, very short. You got madder when she became very cheerful and laughed, "Oh I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Colgate, the best dentist in all of Equestria!"

She saw a look of confusion in your eyes along with all the other emotions you were feeling and continued, "Oh and in the event you're wondering why I'm doing this to you, I have a contract with your dentist. I have a contract with him to come and kill bad patients who are behind on your payments. Unfortunately for you, you have bad teeth and you owe him money so I had no other choice!"

She then began to blow air into your chest cavity, causing your breathing to become harder and your heart to beat faster and faster. Once again you began to see your life flashing before you but all you heard was the unicorn laughing hysterically. You then saw it, the light. In the light you could see your ancestors waiting for you but then the unicorn would cast one final spell on you. It would cause the vision to vanish and once again you saw her with a sadistic look in her eyes.

She began to kneel down and eyeball your heart. You knew that your final moments were arriving and that there wasn't a thing you could do about it so you just waited for her to end it. She then asked, "Shall I do it human? Shall I rip your heart out and end your miserable pathetic life?"

You blinked your eyes and she then stood back up and laughed, "Well too bad, I'm not going to let you go that easily!" She then smacked you and yelled, "Had you just taken care of your damn teeth and paid your fucking bills this wouldn't be happening!"

By this point your lung had collapsed and you were managing to get by with just one. She then took the needle to the other lung and poked a hole in the bottom of it. Again you let out a scream of agony and realized that she truly wanted to watch the life leave your eyes. You began to wonder how the hell such an individual could exist, how someone could be so sadistic that they would do this to anyone.

Soon you knew the time was coming. The room was spinning and breathing was all but impossible. The last thing you saw was the unicorn again put your heart in her mouth and then one final agonizing surge of pain and then, nothing.

After completing her mission, Colgate stood over her victim with a gleeful smile on her face. She had done things like this to humans and ponies alike before but something seemed more satisfying about this kill. She wasn't sure if it was because this one lasted longer than the others but she did know one thing, she was going to use more healing spells on her future victims.

Colgate then tore open the fabric of space and time so that she could return to Equestria but decided to do one more thing, something she thought would be funny. She picked up the phone and dialed 911,

"911, what is the emergency?"

*laughing* "I need some help, a crazy unicorn came over and tortured me to death! Please help, make her go away!"

"You little prankster, when we get ahold of you......"

Colgate then hung up the phone laughing hysterically before returning to Equestria. Once she returned to Equestria and sewed the tear shut, her thoughts then turned to a patient she was to see the next day, one that never paid her bills on time and always had cavities."

She laughed to herself, "Oh that one is going to get the same punishment! This is going to be fun, fun, fun!"