Blue Blurred Hero.

by arandomboi12

First published

David's the name, speed's my game!

"You've ever been hit by a mysterious meteor and gained sharp hair-like quills, AND get the speed of your childhood hero? Me either. Nah just messing with ya! My name is David, and somehow I gained Sonic's powers. Basically I got chased by the military after being reckless with my powers (AKA: Breaking The Road's Laws.). One day, I was caught... But not for long. I jumped out an airplane, and got sucked into a portal. Now, I'm in Equestria. Wait, hol up-"

Warning Tags: RGRE, Royalty x OC x Various.

This is NOT Zelda! For goodness sakes, even sonic is the cover picture!

Alright, let's go!

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Sigma-Alpha 2 heading due south over the city. We're en route, everything's a go."

A helicopter is seen over a city, where the military were escorting a dangerous person. Well... That person isn't dangerous. He was just minding his own business, after breaking several speed laws, and for just being him. they were trying to catch this person for months. Either he would destroy the things they threw at him. Like tanks, but he would save the people inside. This person was named David, and he wanted to enjoy life with his new powers. But he sat in a dark airplane with his hands cuffed behind his back.

"Man, I can't believe we caught him with that dumb trick. A chili dog on a plate? Really?" A soldier looked at David. He just shrugged. One soldier relaxed and leaned back and smirked.

"Can't wait to cash in that fat check. All this trouble for a rat?" David slips his hands out of his handcuffs "I mean, he's just a kid, how could he be any problem-" A fist collided with his face.

Back to the out side of the helicopter, the pilot and control tower were talking via radio. little did they know, something was about to happen.

"This is control tower. We have you on radar. Report cargo status of captured superhuman aboard, over." In the back, things were being thrown around, mainly soldiers. This caught the pilot's attention as he looks in the back "WHAT?!" He was met with six soldiers unconscious. And the helicopter door kicked open. David was seen smirking as he looked at the pilot.

"Talk about low budget flights, no food or movies... I'm outta here! I like running better!" David jumped off the helicopter and fell towards a hotel pool

Speaking of David, we get a better look at him. Before, David had a short, black hair. But now, He has six long quills on the back of his head, and a short tail. There were also Sonic's triangular ears on top of his head. He had peach skin, and green eyes. His clothes consisted of a red shirt, black shorts, and raggedy shoes (Mainly due to his running).

"Incoming!" He yells down below as he swan dived into the pool with a big splash. He emerges and takes off in supersonic speeds. He loves his new life. Being on the run from the military, enjoying nature, and just going on an adventure on his own. If nothing interesting is going on, he flat-out bolts. He is always fun-loving and is always trying to make the best of things, and is always willing to help others. David got his powers when he got hit in the stomach by a small meteor... Or at least he thinks it was a meteor.

David dodged numerous cars and used Sonic's main skill the homing attack to slice through walking turrets. He ran around with a determined look on his face. He then started to see a road block. David then did a double flip over it, making many female citizens nearby to blush. He lands, bends down slightly in a standing position and begins moving his legs in a specific pattern to build up speed, all while remaining stationary in one spot. Once he had built up enough speed, he takes off at extreme speeds.

"Wow you guys sure do suck!" David taunted at the soldiers as they all got angry. They started to shoot at him, which he just easily dodged. Thanks to his new abilities, he now possesses astounding kineticism, precision and has reaction time to match his speed. He has profound acrobatic skills and agility, along with enhanced reflexes that lets him avoid any incoming obstacles with precise and delicate movements. But not all is sunshine and rainbows for him, as a bullet grazes the side of his arm. He gasped in surprise as he jumps over them. David looks back and sticks his tongue at them, before slamming into a streetlamp.

"OW FUCK MY NOSE!" He then fell onto the ground and groaned in pain, until a portal showed up under david "AH SHIIIIIT!!!" he fell through the portal and into a dense forest. He hit a few branches, as well as losing one of his shoes. He fell flat on his face. Without saying a word, he screamed loudly as he could. This caught the attention of a certain Alicorn's attention. He then composed himself and looked around. It seemed as if he was in a forest. he started to walk, thinking he went too fast. sometimes, David would run up a mountain. However, it didn't come to him that he fell. To be frank, he was focused on pain more than his surroundings. He then came to a stop, and sat right next to the tree. David relaxed, knowing that he probably escaped the military.

"It's not mom's pear tree, but it'll do." He leaned back and looked at the sky, a solemn look on his face.

"I miss you mom..."

"Why hello there." A motherly tone said from behind him. He quickly turned around to see Celestia. She was a tall slender white woman with white fur, her iconic rainbow hair flowing through the air. Dressed in a white gown with what looked like golden crown on her head. Though what really stood out the most was the fact that she was an anthro and standing on her two hooves and with a figure that would make any female cry in envy. David just stood there with a shocked expression. He was in Equestria, and Celestia stood right in front of him. She then looked at him.

"I don't mean to offend, but what are you my dear friend?" He scratches the back of his head and thought for a moment. What was he now? Of course, he was still human, yes, but he isn't normal no more. He then strikes a pose.

"What you see is what you get! Just a guy that loves adventure! I'm Sonic the Human!" David announces his new alias. He then noticed he stepped on a sharp stick. He hopped into the air, while clutching his foot.

"OW MY FOOT!" Celestia looked worried and ran up to him. He got one bad blister. Celestia then picked him up bridal style.

"What are ya doin', Miss uhhh" He tries to act like he doesn't know her name.

"My name is Princess Celestia. But, you can call me Celestia." She gave him a kind smile "And, I'm taking you to get medical assistance."

"Okay-" He was then cut off by a loud yell



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"What are you doing with that creature, sister?" Another alicorn said sternly. David looked and saw Luna. However unlike Celestia she was a bit shorter than her had dark purple coat with hair that looked like the nights sky itself, a black crown, a light blue dress that fits her body very nice, and silver horse shoes. For this alicorn was none other than princess Luna co-ruler of Equestria and ruler of the Moon. He hopped out of Celestia's arms and landed. His foot felt soar, but nothing he can't shake off. he goes up to her and looks at her. Celestia was surprised of the human's boldness. Luna's body was tense, ready to defend herself at any moment. Instead of attacking, he stuck his hand out. She reluctantly takes his hand as he kisses it. Whatever that meteor did to him, made him a LOT more cockier. Luna blushes as her sister giggles. He lets go of her hand.

"The name's Sonic. I suppose your name is Luna?" Both of the sisters gasped "Your sister is named Celestia. And like my name correlates with my speed, yours must correlate with astronomy. Also, lucky guess at ya name." Celestia was surprised to see that this "Sonic's" observation was large.

"Well, uh, Sonic. What were you doing out here on your own?" She asked as he looks around and started to search for his other shoe.

"Honestly, I don't know. I was escaping the military, and then I ended up here. And now I have one shoe, splinters, and soggy socks." Celestia raised an eyebrow.

"Why were you running from the military" Luna then grew weary of the human he then turned around.

"My name is David Johnson. I was hit by a meteor, And for, like, five months, I now have the powers of my favorite childhood hero: Sonic the Hedgehog. I broke several road laws, saved a bunch of people from a bank robbery, and was on a track team. Once the government knew of my abilities, I was hunted down for my powers, so they could replicate them in soldiers. Yeah, weird things happen to me a lot. But this was real weird. You see, before I showed up here, I was in Ruthorham. It's a large city, known for its arena. And all of a sudden, I'm just here."

"WHY DID THEY HUNT YOU DOWN?! YOU DID NOTHING TO THEM, SO WHY?!" Luna yelled furiously as he covers his ears. She then blushed in embarrassment. He just explained that humans fear the unknown. Right when he finished talking, Luna scooped him up in a bear hug as she nuzzled him. Celestia had a smirk of mischievous with a side of jealousy.

"You just met this human, and you go in for the kill already?"

"TIA!" She said as David was smothered in her breast. Luna notices his face in her breast as she lets him go.

'Hehe yeah boi.'

Suddenly, his shoe fell on top on his head. He smiled as he puts it on and ran around, leaving fire behind his feet. Celestia and Luna looked in shocked.

"Ayy, a speechless crowd! Nice!"

David's Stay At The Castle

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After explaining how he got there and his powers, they went their way to their castle. As soon as they arrived, David couldn't stand still, as he poked and prodded things. Celestia giggled, as did Luna. Can you really blame the guy? He's dropped into a dimension of which he hasn't explored yet. After that, they had idle chit chat about their worlds, David decided to tell them about the Sonic series. He told them about the chaos emeralds, Eggman, Shadow, and the ARK incident. Luna did not approve of that at all. He also told him about Sonic's countless fights with god like beings, making the two leaders were in disbelief. He told them about Chaos, Dark Gia, Solaris, and Merlina. After three hours of storytelling, night befell the castle.

"Oh shit, is it nighttime?" He looks outside "Well looks like my time is up, gotta go-" Celestia then spoke up.

"Wait!" He gets halted by her voice. He turns around to see her blushing in embarrassment "S-Stay here. You don't have anywhere to go, correct?" He raises an eyebrow.

"I mean, I guess? Hey Luna," Luna looks at him "Mind if I stayed here?" He asked.

"I suppose so... I still don't trust you." She narrows her eyes at the boy. He laughs nervously. Once he got to his chamber, he bolted straight for the shower. He hasn't taken a good shower with the military on his ass. Yeah, he still got himself cleaned, but by streams of water. He then got out of the shower and dried himself by shaking like a dog at sixty five miles per hour. When he got out the bathroom, he smelled the sweet, chocolaty scent of hot chocolate.

"Oh snap! Instead of mints, I get some hot coco!" He then goes in for a sip, as a eyeball floats from the coco. He stared the eyeball down, as it turned into purple smoke and rose into the air, and took the shape of a curvy female.

"Hello there, cutie~."

"Heeey?" David said confused.

She had black hair, had the head of a pony, had two horns one of a dear and the other of a unicorn, the upper body of an eagle, a lion arm on the right, a bird talon on the left, a dragon leg on the right, a minotaur leg on the right, a dragon tail, a sharp tooth, bat wing and feather wing, and yellow eyes with red irises.

"Who are you?" He ask genuinely. The draconequus coils herself around him. then faced him. They were both close to each one another's face. Dave was twitchy, while she was flirty.

"I'm Eris. Spirit of chaos! And you are, stud~?" He smiled awkwardly.

"Uncomfortable. Also, The name's David." She giggled as she uncoils herself from him.

"So where are you from? And what's with the hair?" Eris asked as she snapped her fingers and made lemonade for the both of them. He sipped out of it.

"Well, I come from a world called earth. Humans inhabit the planet, and as for the hair, I got struck by a meteor on the back of my neck, and gained some powers of a well known fictional hedgehog."

"So what kind of powers?"

"Running at mach 20 speed, and surpassing it too. And also curling up into a spiky blue ball." This intrigued Eris. She felt something strange about him. He harbored latent, chaotic energy. She couldn't put her claw on it, but she felt that he would probably figure it out later on.

"Done anything chaotic?" She smiled mischievously. He just smiles and proceed to tell her about running from the military, dodging explosions, breaking speed laws, and pantsing a whole platoon of soldiers. After a brief chuckle, David suddenly fell asleep, due to his body needing more energy.

"Well that's awkward..." Eris said as she then got a mischievous smile. She snapped on some lingerie, tucked David into bed, and appeared right beside him in bed.

When he wakes up, he's in for a surprise...

New shoes

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Day befell the castle as the sun rises, thanks to Celestia. David was just dreaming about the usual, mainly getting powered up by chaos emeralds and having the time of his life. Unfortunately, he was woken up by his phone, which in some way he forgot about.

"HEY BUDDY! TIME TO GET OUT OF BED!!! GET UUP!!!!" The speedster groaned as he turned off the alarm "Turn that ish off"

...But he forgot about his plan b alarm...

"NOO! THE ALARM GOES OFF WHEN YOU GET OUT OF BEEED!!!" He shot straight up, before getting pulled back down to the bed by an unknown arm. Curious and kind of worried, he glanced to his left and sees Eris.

...Only she was in lingerie. His eyes shot out of his sockets as he tries to process the current situation at hand. He could make out every single curv on her body, and her thighs... A man would die for those to squeeze his head.

"Hooba dooba! Those are some nice thighs!"

He blushed as he shakes her. Turns out she was wide awake. She gives him a seductive look and scoots herself a lot more closer.

"Whats wrong, Davey~?" Ok that did it. He get off the bed at lightning speed, and went to go take a shower. Afterwards, he came out shirtless because he left his shirt out. She whistled at him as she saw a six pack on the human. Of course, Eris noticed the very much worn out shoes. She then poofs behind him and taps his shoulder.

"You aren't wearing those ragged things, are you?" She smirks as David rolls his eyes. He then proceeded to put them on.

"What other choice do I have? It's not like you can magic up some near indestructible sneaks for me. But hol' up, why were you in my bed with me?!" She smiles seductively again as she faces him and snaps her claws. A new pair of shoes floated over his head.

"Who could resist a stud like you~." He recoiled as he gulped. Did... they do the bump?

"And before you say it, no we didn't have sex." He wipes his forehead and sighed in relief. However, Eris had a bit of a sad look on her face. He tries on the sneakers and smiled. They fit comfortably, and they were red. Unexpectidly, he hugged Eris as she sports a blush on her face now. He then went on his phone and saw it was 9:30.

"Hey Eris, wanna have some good ol' breakfast? Celestia told me about how the breakfast here are very delicious." Eris smiles and nods.

"Yeah, go without me. I'll catch up to you eventually." David cocked an eyebrow, but decided not to question it. As soon as he left, she took a good old whiff where he was sleeping. And by whiff, I mean she buried her nose in it, and inhaled like her life depended on it.

As they were walking to the dining room, they ran into Celestia who was currently stuffing her face full of cake. Eris burst out laughing, as David stood there, very confused at the situation. Celestia hides the cake behind her and blushed. He decides to walk up to her and pat her on the back.

"Got a cake addiction?" She nods "Lol. It's nothin' to be ashamed of!" She shakes her head.

"Yes it is. I made a promise to myself five months ago to not go full timberwolf on cakes. But I failed!" She started sniffling, and Eris stopped laughing. David gives her a reassuring smile as he jumped and gave her a pat on the back as she scooped him up in a hugged him tightly.