The Terrible Titillated Trio

by PegPony

First published

Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis have a threesome

Grogar is sick of Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis refusing to work together. He decides to punish them by imprisoning them, not in Tartarus, but in the cave where he first summoned them. Years pass and they become decently good friends, that is until things start getting awkwardly romantic.

This story was written for: My wife! (who has serious issues)


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Grogar snorted in annoyance as Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis simply stood around like children, not looking at each other. "You are the worst villains Equestria may have ever been cursed to endure! All of you came so close to victory, but you all ultimately failed. I'm the one who actually took over Equestria and succeeded and yet you refuse to listen to my advice and work together! You literally just saw Sombra get defeated for the second time! It's not as if you all have different goals, your plans are simple and straightforward and you all want the same thing, your objectives are aligned. You have seen with your own eyes that Twilight Sparkle only ever succeeds because she works as part of a team instead of alone! If you truly want to conquer Equestria then you must all learn to work together! Have I made myself clear?!"

Chrysalis huffed and said "I am Queen of the changelings, I have no need for such an alliance, I am already a monarch in my own right!"

Grogar deadpanned and said "You were overthrown and now spend your spare time talking to pieces of wood"

Chrysalis practically hissed as she said "That changes nothing!"

Tirek similarly crossed his arms and said "I too am opposed to this ridiculous suggestion, I can consume magic in it's purest form and am a lord on top of that, you can't force me to team up with a shape-shifting insect creature and a child with a princess complex!"

Cozy Glow also chipped in with "Well golly! It sure does seem like these two aren't going to work together well huh? Also, I am only a child, so teaming up with these big villains seems pretty dangerous wouldn't you say? I'm not sure I could do it".

Grogar became extremely annoyed and said "Very well! Only I have the power to release you from these caverns, but I could easily send you all to Tartarus where you belong, so if it takes a thousand years I want you all to stay here and learn to cooperate!" Then in a big gust of smoke, Grogar had disappeared into thin air to leave the trio to come to some sort of agreement.

Decades in the Dark

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20 years had passed, the three were now more comfortable around each other and had gotten to know each other a bit, but they were all still very much in agreement that none of them wanted to work together to conquer Equestria and they wouldn't bow down to Grogar in order to do it. If that doomed them to eternal imprisonment in his home then so be it, at least they tolerated each others company.

Tirek looked at Cozy Glow, who hadn't aged a day and still looked very much like the child she used to be, he realized that he had never actually asked her about that odd circumstance. He felt that now was as good a time as any and said "Cozy Glow, why is it that your body hasn't aged? Come to think of it... why haven't any of us aged?" It was true, 20 years and they all looked exactly the same as they always had, as if they existed outside of or beyond time in some way.

Cozy Glow said "Golly, I'm not sure! My mind has aged but my body sure hasn't, kinda spooky isn't it?" Cozy Glow giggled. Tirek wasn't entirely sure that her mind had matured as much as she claimed, either that or she was just extremely weird, which was a very real possibility.

Chrysalis was still as grumpy as usual "Silence you simpletons! I'm going to explore the catacombs again and see if I can find some sort of exit"

Tirek groaned and said "Face it Chrysalis, your search for a way out is going to fail, again!"

Chrysalis glared at Tirek and said "At least I am attempting to free us from this prison! I can't stand the thought of sitting idly by and listening to your inane ramblings for another decade!" Then Chrysalis focused her attention on Cozy Glow and said "Also, the way you chew? It's disgusting!" With that, she strutted off into the nearest cave and disappeared into the dark.

Tirek and Cozy Glow were left to sit there together, an awkward silence pervaded their cavernous abode, the tiny interruptions of water dripping from the stalactites above now becoming the loudest noise in their existence apart from a couple of awkward coughs as they both desperately tried to think of something to talk about. Yes they had spent the past 20 years in each others presence, but they lacked conversational skills and didn't exactly have an over abundance of common ground or mutual understanding.

"So..." Cozy Glow began "You read any good books lately?" What a ridiculous question.

Tirek answered her by saying "You know I haven't, neither have you. The enchantment Grogar placed on this place does not provide us with entertainment, it provides us with the bare minimum we need in order to survive, I'd hardly call Harry Trotter and the Chamber of Seaquestria an essential item"

Cozy Glow pouted and said "You could at least talk about times before we got trapped here by some stupid old goat, we could get to know each other more"

Tirek scoffed and said "What's to know? You were an abandoned child who became obsessed with making friends, then realized that if you used friendship as a power tool you might be able to conquer Equestria and make your parents pay for throwing you away like you were nothing, make them regret giving up a child who had so much potential"

Cozy Glow didn't like that Tirek had brought up that particular traumatic event in her life and decided to fight back as she said "Well you can talk! You arrived in Equestria with your brother Scorpan to conquer it in order to just absorb the power of every pony and not much else, then you got sent to Tartarus when your brother changed his mind about the whole thing. Nice going there, you dumb centaur". Cozy Glow turned away from him and sniffled as she tried to hold back her tears, the origin of her megalomania was a touchy subject that she still felt very deeply about.

Normally when this kind of thing happened, Tirek was heartless enough to ignore it and get on with what he was doing in the full knowledge that he had just reopened a wound and seasoned it with salt, but then he did something he had never done before, he cared. Then he said something he had never said before, he felt slightly odd as he said "I'm... I'm sorry".

Cozy Glows ears perked up, she must have heard that wrong, she turned back to Tirek before saying "What did you say?"

Tirek repeated his statement more confidently this time "I'm sorry Cozy Glow, I know that your parents deciding that they didn't want you is a subject I shouldn't touch upon in common conversation. To tell you the truth, it hits a little close to home really". Cozy Glow was mystified, Tirek had never actually explained the details of why he wanted to conquer Equestria, could it be they had similar reasons for their malicious and hateful personalities?

Tirek sighed as he recalled a time before his attempts to take over Equestria, when he was little more than a child.

"As a child, I was not abandoned, not physically you understand, but metaphorically. My parents always favored my brother Scorpan, praised him, cared for him, loved him. As for me, I was not met with the same kind of treatment, my parents cared for me certainly, but they never believed I was as capable at anything as Scorpan was. So naturally, he was the favorite. After my childhood passed me by with only my precious brother and my nepotistic parents, I decided I would venture out into the world and conquer a country, appointing myself as ruler, to prove to my parents that I could do anything my dear brother could..."

Tirek paused as his face turned sour, the next part of his story was where things went from bad to worse. "Though, in a surprising twist, my dear brother said he would help me in my quest. Apparently, it had not gone unnoticed by him that parents seemed to care less about me than him. So, we both agreed that he would help me conquer Equestria, allow me to rule it and my parents would finally see that I could be just as valuable a son as Scorpan. However, as you're no doubt aware of, Scorpan warned the princesses of my ambition, betraying my trust. They locked me away in Tartarus and if anything my parents became even prouder of Scorpan and even less proud of me."

Tirek became saddened at the re-telling of his own backstory, Cozy Glow was on the brink of sobbing, she related very much to Tirek in that moment. A childhood spent in a void of despair after being cast out by an unloving family, essentially they had both been on the receiving end of a much crueler evil than anything they had ever attempted, the evil of having no sympathy from those closest to them in their time of need. They were both just tortured souls seeking acceptance.

Cozy Glow finally cracked and said "Oh Tirek, I'm so sorry" then threw herself at his shoulder, only big enough to hug his neck. Tirek was taken aback, unsure how to react to this sudden display of affection, after a couple of seconds he loosened up and just patted her on the back, accepting her hug. As she pulled away with a caring smile, she and Tirek were no face to face and staring to each others eyes, almost uncomfortably close. Cozy Glow felt an odd rush of feelings in her chest that she didn't understand, but she felt her body moving of it's own accord and she leaned in closer to Tirek and kissed him directly on the lips. Tirek's eyes widened and he could barely move, of all the possibilities they he had considered in what seemed to be an eternity of talking to nobody other than Cozy Glow and Chrysalis, romance was something he had never expected, especially not with Cozy Glow!

As they both heard the sound of hoof steps echoing from a nearby cave and a very familiar shadow, Cozy Glow quickly broke away from Tirek and sat down as if nothing had happened. Tirek also attempted to adopt a casual look as Chrysalis re-entered the room, ironically as a changeling, when she saw Tirek and Cozy Glow she didn't spot anything out of the ordinary about their postures or body language. Tirek decided to break the silence and addressed Chrysalis when he said "So, I take it you adventure through the labyrinth of caves proved unsuccessful in providing us with a means of escape?"

Chrysalis, annoyed and unable to think of an appropriate response just hissed at him before sitting down and resigning herself to silence. Cozy Glow however, always the chatty one of the trio, decided to ask Chrysalis a question "Hey Chryssie! What's your origin story?"

Chrysalis looked at her with disdain and said "Do not call me by that ridiculous shortening of my name, if you must talk to me call me Chrysalis. What do you mean by origin story?"

Cozy Glow said "Oh you know! The thing that drove you to want to conquer Equestria"

Chrysalis frowned and said "Pah, you will find that my reasons are rather shallow and selfish, I don't wish to give you more ammunition to use in your teases and insults about me"

That's when Tirek butted in "Oh come on, just tell us, I promise we won't make fun of you. We are stuck here for eternity after all, we might as well get used to it and try to be... ugh... friendly".

Sharing and Shame

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Chrysalis raised an eyebrow before going "Very well. The changelings are a parasitic race, always have been, we consume love by draining it from other creatures until they are sucked dry. As their... former queen... it was down to me to provide sustenance for my kind. My plan was that me and a select few high ranking changelings would replace the most beloved ponies in Equestria, then the rest of the hive could sustain themselves in the love and adoration that those ponies generate throughout all of Equestria, we could go on for eons! Though it seems now that evolution was the far better option. However I cannot change my nature so easily, I'm essentially the last of a dying lineage."

Tirek and Cozy Glow were stunned, Chrysalis had been shamed into thinking that what she was doing was being selfish, unkind and evil, but that simply wasn't the case. In actual fact, she was the least selfish person among them! She wasn't seeking glory or revenge, she was seeking food for her swarm the only way she knew how. Tirek decided to inform her of this in an effort to bridge the gap between them "Chrysalis, that is not in the slightest bit selfish, I think Cozy Glow and I would agree that-"

Chrysalis interrupted, angrier than before "I know what you're about to say! But in a world where friendship means everything, there is no such grey area for villains like me!" A deathly silence fell over the room, Chrysalis sighed in resignation and said "I'm going back into the catacombs... I need to be alone, just like every other evil creature". Chrysalis disappeared back into the dark, her heart struggling to contain her sadness.

This left Tirek and Cozy Glow with just each other again, immediately they looked to each other in a way that perfectly summed up the sentence "we need to discuss that kiss". Cozy Glow blush and rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly as she chuckled lightly and said "S-sorry Tirek... I don't know what came over me..."

Tirek cleared his throat and said "Well... it's OK um... I mean, it wasn't entirely unpleasant per se but... it would be wrong of me to say that you were in any way... attractive".

That response made Cozy Glow change her tone and came back with "Why is that then?"

Tirek, unaware just went "Huh?"

Cozy Glow repeated her question more specifically "Why would it be wrong to call me attractive? Am I not attractive?"

Tirek realized his blunder and held up his hands defensively and said "No no no! That's not what I'm saying! I'm saying that because you're... well, y'know... a child..."

Cozy Glow huffed "I only look like a child! Mentally speaking I'm a fully grown adult!"

Tirek thought about that statement for a moment until he came to the conclusion that she was right, she may have looked young but that didn't mean she WAS young, technically speaking she was in her 20's, mentally at the very least.However, it was there that the conversation ended, Cozy Glow knew that Tirek still felt slightly uncomfortable about it and to be fair, she was fairly embarrassed as well. Tirek may have been tall, muscular and handsome, but he was undoubtedly hundreds of years old, it was quite the age gap.

Although there was no night or day in the caverns, Tirek could tell he had been awake for far too long now and his body clock was telling him to get some rest. Tirek found the most comfortable spot of jagged rock floor he could find, lied down and relaxed as he let sleep claim his mind. Cozy Glow however was still wide awake, she was tempted to go and find Chrysalis, maybe attempt to comfort her, but she couldn't stop thinking about that kiss. She kissed Tirek, why did she kiss Tirek? Was she attracted to him? Was she desperate and lonely? Did she find the fact that they both had bad parents seem oddly romantic in a poetic way? She didn't, all she did know was that she wanted more, more kissing, more hugging, more... other things.

It was when her mind went onto the subject of these "other things" she could do with Tirek that made her fantasies go from simply wondering to going wild. She shook her head, trying to shake the dirty thoughts from her imagination and decided that she should probably get some sleep too, she chose a nice comfy patch of rock floor on the other side of the cave and cleared her mind as she went back to sleep. Unfortunately as the night progressed, Cozy Glow's brain kept on conjuring up dreams that contained images of her and Tirek together, sometimes the dreams were romantic, but for the most part they were rather... lustful. It was because of these dreams that she didn't get as much sleep as she wanted and even the sleep she did get wasn't peaceful in the least, when she woke up she was still very tired, but more importantly she had an unmistakably wet and aroused pussy. There was only one way she was going to be able to relieve this stress, she quickly checked on Tirek to see if he was still asleep, which he was, then sneaked off to a secluded corner of the cave.

-5 minutes later- Tirek woke to the sound of small whimpering sounds slightly echoing throughout the cave, it stood up with a stretch and a yawn, then went to investigate what was making those strange noises. As he was looking around he found the source of the noise as he glanced something through a wall of stalagmites. It was Cozy Glow, but that wasn't the strange part, what made Tirek's eyes widen and his jaw go slack was what she was doing, she was furiously rubbing her tight young pussy. She bit her lip and scrunched up her eyes as she rubbed as hard as she could, the firm and slippery friction getting her close, so very very close, but never reaching orgasm. She groaned in frustration, if rubbing wasn't going to get her off then what would? Grogar hadn't exactly provided any means of female stimulation. Looking around she saw a single lone stalagmite that was just small enough for her to climb over, she made the decision to use that as a makeshift dildo embarrassingly quickly.

"Great..." she said, as she gently maneuvered her pussy to hover over the stalagmite "I'm about to lose my virginity to a fucking stallion made of stone, a cock made of rock" she said. Then with a sigh she slammed herself down on the stalagmite. Tirek winced and expected her to do the same, but instead her first penetration didn't seem to phase her at all as she diligently continued to pump herself on the stalagmite, determined to cum. She was teetering on the edge of orgasm, she was moving her hips as fast she could and all she needed was one last push to send her crashing into her climax, she found out by complete accident what that final push was. After a few seconds of her drenched pussy basically soaking the stalagmite, her legs had become shaky and on her next upwards motion the stalagmite had left her pussy completely, but on her next descent her aim wasn't quite on course and the slippery stalagmite was rammed roughly up her ass.

She cried out loudly as the feeling of having her ass filled so quickly made her pussy contract and squirt as she finally came. Tirek was actually blushing and his long stallion cock was completely erect, he cursed the fact that his anatomy meant he couldn't reach far enough underneath or behind himself to jerk off. As Cozy Glow panted and calmed herself down she wiped the sweat from her brow and said to herself "Phew... that should keep my mind off Tirek for a while", then before Tirek could recover from what she had just said and run away to forget that any of this had happened, Cozy Glow had rounded the corner and stopped dead in her tracks upon seeing Tirek standing there with a bewildered look on his face.

Cozy Glow then adopted the same bewildered look before saying "Uumm...... I can explain?"

Tirek stood there for a few seconds, then fell over onto the floor. He had fainted. Cozy Glow rolled her eyes, so predictable, now she had to try and drag his sorry ass back to where he was sleeping and hope he thought it was some kind of weird dream he had just had.

-15 minutes later-

"Ugh! Tirek, you need to lose some fucking weight" groaned Cozy Glow as she finally managed to drag Tirek's limp unconscious body back to where had fallen asleep, it seemed like Chrysalis wasn't around, apparently still strolling around the catacombs and getting lost again. Cozy Glow was just about to return to her sleeping spot when she saw it, Tirek's dick. It was long, jet black and pulsing, almost as if it was aching and begging to be touched, Cozy Glow wanted to be the one to touch it, she wanted it so bad, but she didn't know if she felt comfortable molesting a sleeping centaur. There was something she never thought she'd have to contemplate. Well... what Tirek didn't know wouldn't hurt him, ignorance is bliss after all, which is why Cozy Glow finally bit the bullet and moving ever closer, finally placed a hoof on Tirek's thick member.

It was warm, incredibly warm and stiff as a board. Cozy gently stroked his length ever softly, exploring the contours of his cock as she ran her soft hoof from base to tip as slowly as possible, after a few seconds of this a bead of pre-cum leaked from his tip and dropped to the solid floor below, Cozy Glow felt herself salivate and grown an instant hunger to taste the cock she was jerking, she moved her mouth closer and closer until, with her eyes slowly shutting she wrapped her tongue around his tip, engulfed it in her mouth and started sucking as she moved hear head back and forth, taking about half an inch of Tirek's cock in her tiny mouth. Tirek's balls sensed his stimulation and began producing thick heavy loads, rapidly preparing for the impending ejaculation.

A Better Way To Be Bad

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As Cozy Glow continued her almost therapeutic suckling on Tirek's cock, she froze as she heard a familiar voice from above her say "You know, for an inexperienced young pony, you're not too bad. I also have to admit that you having the body of a filly does have its perks". Cozy Glow looked up and as she expected, she saw the devious smile of a fully awake and fully aroused Tirek. As she moved to remove Tirek's cock from her mouth, he placed a hand on her head and pushed her back down before saying "Well I didn't say you had to stop, if we're really going to be here for all of eternity then we might as well try to have some fun, wouldn't you agree?" Cozy Glow nodded rapidly and began sinking Tirek's dick into her throat.

As Tirek relaxed and enjoyed the warm tightness of Cozy Glow's throat, there was a loud throat-clearing noise as someone happened upon the scene. Tirek looked up from Cozy's face as she briefly paused her ministrations, as both of them turned the attention to where the noise came from, who else was stood there but Chrysalis, having returned from her exploration of the catacombs. She didn't look shocked or disturbed, in fact she just seemed a bit sarcastic as she said "So, I see you two decided to get better acquainted while I was gone?"

Tirek chuckled and said "You could say that, I must say little Cozy Glow here is actually surprisingly good"

Chrysalis burst out laughing "For a filly maybe!" Chrysalis walked over and sat next to Cozy Glow before pulling Tirek's cock out of her mouth as she said "Watch and learn sweetie, let me show you how a real mare sucks cock". Their was brief pause before Chrysalis took in a deep breath through her nose, then launched herself forward and practically swallowed down the entirety of Tirek's dick, her nose pressed right up against the base. Tirek was not expecting that at all and groaned in surprise, but when Chrysalis start blowing him, he relaxed and just enjoyed the ride.

Cozy Glow studied Chrysalis and her blowjob technique with genuine interest, Chrysalis pulled herself back up to the tip, then would swallow it all back down again, up to the tip, swallow it down, she repeated this pattern over and over again, the only difference being her increase in speed the more she did it. With the kind of expert deep-throating Chrysalis was deilevering, Tirek wouldn't last much longer, as Chrysalis simply got faster and faster Tirek's willpower slowly ebbed away until he let out a loud roar, blowing his load into the changeling's mouth.

Chrysalis held Tirek's dick in her mouth as he emptied his balls inside her, letting her cheeks fill up and then swallowing to make room for the next few shots of cum. After swallowing her third mouthful of jizz, Tirek finally finished, allowing her to remove her mouth from his softening cock. "Aah..." went Chrysalis "You see Cozy? A real mare can take the whole thing and get a decent meal as a reward" she said, giving a wink.

Tirek said "Phew... you're telling me, when you said that changelings can suck on other creatures to drain them I didn't realize you meant it so literally".

Chrysalis just shrugged and said "Being a parasite and being good at sex aren't mutually exclusive, I could do that at least five more times before I got tired or too full".

Cozy Glow piped up with "So sorry to butt in, but I was kind of hoping to have some fun with Tirek, I don't suppose you've got the energy for one more round do you?"

Tirek said "Ah, sure I can go one more time, Chrysalis?"

Chrysalis said "I could use the stress relief, but let's make it more interesting, I'm a changeling after all. You tell me to be somepony or somecreature if that's your thing and I will change into it, no questions asked. Though I can't promise that I'll act the same way as what I turn into, the shift is only skin deep".

Tirek and Cozy Glow shared a knowing look and a devious smile, then with a nod they turned back to Chrysalis with their request, they knew exactly what they wanted...

-15 minutes later-

"Oh yeah..." said Cozy Glow "Oh fuck yes, eat my cunt you fucking purple bitch!"

The head of "Twilight" popped and said "My goodness Cozy Glow, where did you learn such foul language? Also Tirek, do you think you could be a little more gentle back there?"

Tirek moaned as he dug his fingers into "Twilight's" hips even harder and said "No!" Then continued to rail her ass.

Cozy Glow grabbed "Twilight's" mane, pushed her face back into her pussy and yelled "Keep going! I'm so fucking close!"

Tirek, still sensitive from the blowjob, came a little earlier than he would have liked, but nevertheless kept himself firmly buried inside "Twilight" as he flooded her ass with his hot cum. It was just as Tirek was pulling out that Cozy Glow reached her own climax and squirted all over "Twilight's" face, gritting her teeth as she rode out the wave of pleasure until finally falling back in a tired sweaty heap. Tirek himself also sat down, out of breath. Green flames lit up the cave as "Twilight" transformed back into her changeling form and also decided to lie down, Tirek and Cozy had really put her through her paces.

Chrysalis said "So... does this mean we've... changed our minds about... working together to conquer Equestria?" It was a fair question, they had just spent the past few minutes fucking the living daylights out of each other. Tirek and Cozy looked at each other, then to Chrysalis, then back to each other, a moment of silence passed as they thought for a moment.

then they both simultaneously said "Nah".

The End.