Fluttershy's Guide To Bestiality For Girls 3: Vaginas on Video

by PegPony

First published

Applejack and Fluttershy have decided to do a "girls only" version of their previous videos.

Upon the realization that their last two videos featuring Chester and Ripley were only aimed at heterosexual animal fuckers, they decide to do some videos featuring the fairer sex of the animal kingdom, however there is also a mysterious stranger who wants to be involved, who could it be?

Constructive criticism welcome (and inevitable, probably).


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"Well? What did you say?" asked Applejack. Fluttershy was in the kitchen making a cup of coffee while Applejack was sat at the breakfast table with a bowl of cereal.

Fluttershy said "I asked the usual questions, name, number, location, age etc. then I asked specifically what she meant by getting "involved", on the blog I made it clear that anyone could get in touch if they wanted to fuck us, but the way this girl worded it sounded like she wanted to have some animal fun, which isn't something I've ever offered before". Fluttershy wondered if the only reason she hadn't offered that before was because girls had their own animals to fuck or because she had never shown any evidence that she had animals of her own to fuck.

"Well, who is she?" asked Applejack, interested to know who so bold as to actually request becoming part of the blog.

"Well that's the thing..." said Fluttershy, sipping her coffee. "She gave me her age and her location and she even specified that it was the animals she wanted to have sex with rather than either of us, but she didn't tell me her name or give her number, which has made me very suspicious". Applejack had to admit that for someone who was brave enough to explicitly state she wanted to have sex with animals would not be the kind of person she would expect to want to stay anonymous.

As Applejack finished her breakfast she said "So what are we goin' to do about it?"

Fluttershy, taking another sip of her coffee said "Well the lucky thing is that she does live right here in town, so travel shouldn't be an issue. She is of legal age and is eager to get intimate with some animal friends, as for the impact on the blog I doubt it will affect anything, she must want to remain anonymous for a reason so I don't think she'll want to be part of the blog or have videos and posts of her doing stuff up on there for any girl in the know to see, so don't worry your pretty little head about it".

"That's not the issue sugar cube, if we don't even know who this girl is then how in the world are we supposed to introduce her to the world of bestiality?" said Applejack.

Fluttershy finished off her coffee and set it down on the table "Well we have some work to do today actually, so I've told her that if she is available, she should meet us here and we can just take it from there".

Applejack felt slightly uncomfortable at this, she was happy and unashamed to be part of Fluttershy's life and her blog, but was worried that if it became too much public knowledge that she enjoyed have her body violated by dogs and horses, that it might create an image that the town might not entirely be happy with. "So this suspicious girl is comin' to meet us at our house this evenin'? Sounds like a plan" said Applejack, her voice carrying just a hint of sarcasm, the notion that an unidentified woman was simply going to turn up on their doorstep. That was when she registered Fluttershy's other comment and looking towards her went "Hang on, what work?"

Fluttershy smiled as she said "Well, remember last night you were asking about doing some videos with some female friends?" Applejack immediately saw where this was headed, they were going to do lesbian bestiality videos today. Applejack had to admit, she was more than a little excited to get started.

"Well land sakes girl! What are we waitin' for?! Let's pack up some gear and get goin'!"

In the Mood for Mare

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Applejack and Fluttershy had a long chat about what exactly they intended to do for the "female edition" of their bestiality videos this time around. Fluttershy insisted that she wanted to demonstrate anal sex with a mare since that wasn't something they showcased in their video with Chester, Applejack agreed on the condition that she would get to have fun with her dog, Winona, by giving her a good pussy fucking.

Fluttershy decided that they would go for the mare video first and so packed the video camera, some lube and a large horse cock strap-on. Fluttershy had decided a while ago that although it wasn't strictly necessary, she wanted to keep her artificial cocks "species relevant", women get men, mares get stallions, bitches get studs. Applejack questioned Fluttershy on gay and bisexual animals and while Fluttershy was unfortunately not terribly well-informed on the subject, she had suggested that she didn't think horses had a diverse sexuality but that dogs did. She considered the three dogs in town, Ripley, Winona and Spike to be strictly heterosexual despite not showing much interest in each other, which was mainly put down to a clash in personalities.

Applejack and Fluttershy made their way down to the barn at Sweet Apple Acres to go and see Applejack's favorite mare. As they walked into the barn, the mare in question was over in a corner after drinking some water, Fluttershy immediately went over and started stroking her mane. "Wow Applejack, who is this cutie that you've kept so well hidden?" said Fluttershy.

Applejack smiled as she got the equipment they had packed out of their bag "That there is Tink, beautiful isn't she?" she said.

Fluttershy let out a small giggle before saying "Considering she's a mare, it might have been more fitting to call her Wink!"

Applejack just rolled her eyes and said "I don't go namin' my horses with the idea in mind that I might wanna fuck 'em at some point!"

Fluttershy looked at Applejack with one eyebrow raised and said "Applejack, Chester is only called Chester because you didn't have the balls to call him Nut Buster", Applejack was about to dispute that, until she realized that was true and opted to remain silent as she blushed with embarrassment.

Fluttershy continued to softly stroke Tink's back "Hmm, I can tell that this beautiful mare is somewhat withdrawn, sexually speaking, not had a lot of male company. Very unlike other mares, who at times can be total sluts" she said. Applejack was continually impressed by her girlfriend's ability to read the personality of an animal, right down to what kind of sex they liked and whether they were in the mood for it or not. Applejack started setting up the camera, making sure everything was in frame when Fluttershy said "Applejack, do you have anything I can stand on? I can't exactly fuck her if I can't get my hips right behind her massive ass".

Applejack looked around before spotting some crates of apple cider by the entrance to the barn "Over there, one of those crates should do it. You get it into position and I'll prepare the gear for you". As Fluttershy began pushing a crate along the floor to place it behind Tink, Applejack placed the lube and the strap-on right next to Tink's hindlegs, ready for when Fluttershy was confident enough to start dicking the mare's derriere. Fluttershy stood on the crate to test whether the height was suitable, she gently placed her hands on Tink's hips and pressed her groin up against her ass, the height was perfect.

"Damn, if this mare wasn't so shy I'd happily just dry hump her for the next hour" said Fluttershy. Applejack struggled to contain a laugh at the idea that Fluttershy could call anything shy. Fluttershy, content that the mare was decently relaxed, began take all of her clothes off. It wasn't a requirement for her to be naked in order to fuck the mare, but she found it more comfortable, Applejack got behind the camera.

"You ready sugar cube?" she asked.

Fluttershy simply nodded as Applejack hit the record button on the camera. "Hello ladies! Welcome to another demonstration video! This time is different however, because for this video and the next we are going to be paying the girls some attention!" said Fluttershy, a huge grin on her face. "Now, if you're wondering where my lovely lady friend is, she'll be working behind the camera for this video I'm afraid. Say hello Applejack!", Fluttershy look at Applejack expectantly.

Applejack had rather hoped she could keep her focus on filming the spectacle, but reluctantly decided to say something. "Hello girls! Hope your ready for a show! Also FYI, our next video is going to involve yours truly, with Fluttershy behind the camera". Applejack felt like she had to establish that now so that when it came to getting jiggy with Winona, she could just get on with it.

Fluttershy smirked, she could always tell when Applejack was getting impatient. "Well let's get started! First of all ladies, allow me to introduce this lovely gorgeous mare we'll be fucking in the ass today, her name is Tink and she is in desperate need of a little lesbian loving. Like I say, it sometimes takes a woman's touch!" Fluttershy placed a kiss on Tink's hip before continuing. "Now she is nice and relaxed, but as you all know, before we can get to any sort of real action we gotta engage in a little foreplay. Since we are going for anal in this video, I'm gonna be having plenty of fun preparing her absolutely juicy looking asshole" said Fluttershy, licking her lips as she eyed up Tink's ready and waiting horse pucker.

Teasing Tink

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Fluttershy crouched slightly, getting her face level with Tink's tight back door. She turned to the camera and said "OK ladies, watch and learn", then with a wink she focused her attention back on Tink's ass and then buried her face in between her vast cheeks, pressing her fully extended tongue on Tink's pronounced rear entrance. Fluttershy's hands delicately held onto Tink's hips, her eyes closed and moaning and she indulged in her slow but firm licks all over Tink's asshole, Applejack was starting to feel the heat as she began to sweat a little and keeping one hand one the camera, she silently slid her other hand into the front of her jeans to massage her wet aching pussy.

After Fluttershy had coated Tink's asshole with a decent layer of saliva, she couldn't resist pushing her tongue inside and swirling around before pulling away completely. "Damn..." said Fluttershy "You were tastier than I thought you'd be, I'm glad I'm gonna be the one to pop your anal cherry", Fluttershy then reached one of hands up to Tink's warm and wet pucker before sliding in a finger. Pumping her finger in and out at a relatively relaxing pace, Fluttershy began adding more fingers to her anal teasing, a few seconds after her second finger joined in she added a third, after another moment she added a fourth and a fifth, getting almost her entire hand in Tink's gradually loosening asshole.

On the other side of the camera, Applejack had reached her limit surprisingly quickly upon watching the display and bit her lip as she suppressed moans of pleasure as she silently came.
Tink had been stretched enough that, catching Fluttershy somewhat by surprise, her whole hand popped into Tink's rear. Rather than immediately pulling her hand out though, Fluttershy gave a sultry smirk and slowly pushed in halfway to her elbow then back again, twisting her arm from side to side as she went. As she gave Tink a gentle anal fisting, she could feel the warm walls of her ass clenching around her arm, clearly Tink was a bit more of a closet slut than Fluttershy had initially thought.

It was at this point that a crucial sign of Tink's arousal made itself known, hearing a familiar wet sound, Fluttershy looked down to Tink's horse pussy to confirm her suspicions. Tink was winking, her enormous clit pulsed and throbbed as the time difference between each wink became smaller and smaller, Tink was horny and desperate, it was the perfect time for Fluttershy to stop teasing and slide a thick veiny stallion cock up her ass and give a good pounding.

Never one to keep a lady waiting, Fluttershy pulled her hand out of Tink's ass, but as per usual had to remind herself to now and again pay attention to the audience. Turning to the camera she said "OK girls, as you just saw there is the usual foreplay, tonguing, fingering and some light fisting etc. But the best way to tell if your mare is ready for a fucking? Winking, the second you see that clit emerge from that pussy, your mare is telling you that she is ready for cock. Now that Tink here is ready for some good old fashion butt fucking, what's the next step? That's right, lube!" Fluttershy picked up the lube Applejack had placed nearby and squirted a generous amount into her palm before rubbing it onto Tink's asshole, momentarily allowing her hand to be swallowed whole by her butt again so she could spread some lube around on the inside.

After pulling her hand back out, Fluttershy picked up the horse strap-on. Stepping into it, she slid the harness up her legs until the cock was positioned correctly and began fastening it around her waist. Fluttershy looked down at herself, admiring the way she looked with a big horse cock sticking out from between her legs, she had always been one to admit that if she had the option, she would happily have sported a massive cock and some plump balls alongside her pussy. She turned to the camera, playfully waving her hips from side to side, swinging the cock through the air "What do you think girls?" she said "Bet I look much sexier with this thing on huh?" It was at this point that Applejack felt the need to offer her opinion.

"Girl, if you had an actual real life cock like that, I'd be ridin' you from dusk until dawn like a real cowgirl!" she said, it was true as well. During previous times when she and Fluttershy had sex, she had always wondered what it would be like if Fluttershy had a real penis and though she never admitted it, she did wonder if, like Fluttershy, she wouldn't have minded having some male genitalia as well.

Fluttershy giggled and said "Oh Applejack, you're so naughty!" Fluttershy picked up the lube and squirted some on her palm and some along the length of the strap-on. She began coating the entire thing, making sure it was as lubed up as possible, even jerking it off a little for good measure. It was then that she was finally ready to show Tink a good time, she took the tip of the strap-on in one hand and caressed Tink's hip with the other, shuffling forward until the strap-on rested comfortably in the crack of Tink's ass. "Mmm....you're ready for a good ass fucking, aren't you girl?" said Fluttershy, engaging in a little lustful courtship with Tink. Fluttershy decided to tease her a little as she pulled her hips back and prodded at the mare's asshole with the tip of her horse cock, "You want me to stick it in?" She said, gently pressing the tip firmly against Tink's back door.

With a small smirk, Fluttershy placed a kiss on the mare's flank and began to apply pressure to her virgin asshole. She was met with some resistance at first, despite having prepped the hole for penetration adequately, but after a little more pushing, Tink's ass gave way and allowed the head of Fluttershy's horse cock to sink inside. "Yeah, you like that, don't you?" Fluttershy said, resting for a moment. Then she placed a hand on either side of Tink, ready to make her her mare by giving her a nice butt fucking.

While all of this was happening, Applejack was simply watching with a heat building up in her loins again, but the one thing that she was thinking as she saw her girlfriend prepare to rail a farm horse was a simple question - "What did I do to deserve her?"

Fluttershy Fucks

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Fluttershy began to slowly slide the strap-on deeper and deeper into Tink's accepting ass, every inch being swallowed by the mare's greedy hole. Fluttershy kept going until the medial ring of her horse cock bumped up against Tink's asshole, denying her further entry into her insides. "OK, looks like that's as far as I'm getting for now" said Fluttershy "Time to start thrusting!" With that, Fluttershy got a good grip on Tink's hips and started pumping away at her ass. Applejack had always admired the way Fluttershy fucked, years of working on the farm had given her powerful hips, certainly, but Fluttershy could really fuck. The way Fluttershy used her hips whenever she was using a strap-on or even just dry humping was right on target in terms of rhythm and movement, her skills with hip work even rivaled that of past boyfriends Applejack had had. Though admittedly, some of the boys she had dated had no clue what they were doing.

Fluttershy was keeping up a decent pace, partly thanks to her stamina and partly thanks to the fact that most mares don't want it hard and fast when being fucked in the ass. Fluttershy, despite not getting any direct physical pleasure, was clearly enjoying the act in of itself as evidenced by the fact that she was breathing heavier and sweating a little. Fluttershy was so turned on in fact that she took one of her hands off of Tink's hip and instead began groping one of her breasts, squeezing it and giving her nipple an occasional tug. It was at this point that Applejack decided that she needed to masturbate again, except this time she removed the bottom half of her clothing, found a nice sturdy crate to sit on and furiously rubbed her pussy with one hand whilst, like Fluttershy, groping one of her breasts with the other. After a few moments, Applejack was getting close and decided to intensify her orgasm by pushing two fingers into her pussy.

Applejack immediately groaned as she squirted onto the barn floor, breathing rapidly, her face hot and flushed. As she was coming down from her orgasmic high, she heard a small noise of surprise come from Fluttershy. Fluttershy had stopped thrusting, making Applejack feel concerned as she looked in Fluttershy's direction, "What happened?" she asked.

Fluttershy looked at Applejack, a small smile on her face "Well..." said Fluttershy "I think Tink is enjoying this, but wants more...". Applejack didn't know what Fluttershy was talking about until she noticed that Tink had at some point shuffled backwards in a clear effort to claim more cock.

Applejack smiled and said "Well? What are you waitin' for?", Fluttershy grabbed onto Tink's hips and slid the strap-on in all the way up to the medial ring and then began pushing harder in an attempt to get the remaining few inches of her horse cock inside her.

Unfortunately, the medial ring of the strap-on was presenting more of a problem than Fluttershy had anticipated, she was struggling desperately to force herself the rest of the way inside Tink's ass. "Hnng... come on motherfucker, get in there!" Fluttershy groaned, gritting her teeth as she continually put more and more effort into getting the medial ring inside Tink so she could sink herself all the way inside her. Eventually, her patience paid off as the medial ring slipped inside, leaving Fluttershy burying her horse cock in the mare's ass all the way down to the base with her hips finally clapping up against Tink's rear triumphantly. Fluttershy relaxed for a moment, satisfaction washed over her mind and body in having conquered the tightness of a horse's back entrance.

As Fluttershy regained her breath, she turned her attention back to the mare she was currently balls deep in, even if those balls weren't real. "Alright..." said Fluttershy "Time to finish you off" and immediately resumed her thrusting, the strap-ons balls now slapping against Tink's hot horse pussy. Fluttershy took hold of Tink's tail as she started pounding harder and harder "Come on, I know you wanna cum. You love being fucked in the ass don't you? I can tell that you're close, cum for me" said Fluttershy, her levels of arousal skyrocketed as her hip muscles were kicked into overdrive, Tink's pussy leaked and twitched with her clitoris winking as fast as it could. Fluttershy's heart was beating rapidly, her hair dishevelled as she continued to hammer her horse cock as hard as she could into Tink's ass "Fucking do it!" she cried out, borderline begging Tink to reach orgasm.

Luckily, her wish was almost immediately granted, Tink's ass muscles clenched down hard on the strap-on, preventing Fluttershy from continuing to thrust. Then with an incredibly loud whinny, Tink's pussy let out an avalanche of vaginal fluid, drenching Fluttershy's legs and the floor beneath her. As Fluttershy stood there, still balls deep in Tink's ass, Applejack was surprised to see Fluttershy get so carried away "I thought you said mare's don't like it hard when they're takin' it in the ass?" said Applejack, recalling the first post she had ever read on her girlfriends blog.

Fluttershy simply leaned over in exhaustion, planting a kiss on Tink's back as she caressed her sides she said "Well... it looks like Tink here is an exception... which automatically makes her my favorite mare..." Fluttershy stood back up and began to slide out the strap-on, only to find that now the medial ring was trapped inside. "Oh come the fuck on!" groaned Fluttershy, she placed a hand on each cheek of Tink's ass and pushed while trying to pull the strap-on free, unfortunately to no avail.

Fluttershy tugged and tugged, but the strap-on didn't budge. Eventually Fluttershy got tired and went "Fuck it", she untied the strap-on from her waist, leaving it lodged halfway up Tink's tight horse pucker. She grabbed onto the base and placed a foot on Tink's ass for more leverage, after a hard pull and some light pushing with her foot on Tink's ass, the strap-on suddenly slid out leaving Fluttershy to fall to the floor with the strap-on landing right next to her.

Applejack was immediately at her side "You OK there sugar cube?" she said.

Fluttershy simply nodded and then called out "Well girls... until next time, ciao!" That was when Applejack remembered they were still recording a video, she immediately went back to the camera and pressed the stop record button.

Wanting Winona

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- 1 hour later -

"Whew...I'm glad we had lunch first, I got really carried away with Tink didn't I?" Fluttershy said.

Applejack smiled and said "Well, maybe a little, but it seemed like she enjoyed it and besides... your approach to fuckin' is one of the reasons I love you" and gave Fluttershy a peck on the cheek, causing her to blush. Applejack and Fluttershy had just had a meal at Sugar Cube Corner and had gone back home to take the horse cock strap-on out of their supply bag to replace it with the dog cock strap-on they'd be using for their next video with Winona. As Applejack was zipping up the supply bag, she turned to Fluttershy and said "Doesn't that strap-on seem kinda small?"

Fluttershy giggled and said "AJ, are you getting self-conscious about your soon-to-be dick?"

Applejack blushed as she said "N-No! I just... well, is it enough I mean? For Winona?"

Fluttershy placed a hand on Applejack's shoulder to reassure her before saying "Honey, trust me when I say that the strap-on is going to be more than enough. It's the biggest dog dick I've ever seen at least and I volunteer at a wildlife sanctuary, so I've seen my fair share of canine cock. Winona is lucky that you want to bone her, no pun intended". That seemed to work as Applejack relaxed a little, picking up the supply bag ready to head to Sweet Apple Acres. Fluttershy, being the organized girl she was, had ensured that no other members of Applejack's family were present that day. She was sure that Applejack wasn't exactly keen on getting caught fucking the family pet. Applejack was actually quite impressed that Fluttershy had managed to find a window in her family schedule where they would be alone for a while, Granny Smith was serving lunch at the school, Applebloom was at her internship with the local job center and Big Mac was still on his honeymoon with Sugar Belle.

"Winona!" Applejack called out, almost instantly a hurried thumping of paws meeting floorboards sounded out as Winona ran down the stairs to greet Applejack, tail wagging. Fluttershy was already setting up the camera to which Applejack said "Whoa whoa whoa, right here in the livin' room?" It was a reasonable question, Applejack had expected they would go to a bedroom or even walk Winona into the barn before they started doing it doggy style.

Fluttershy simply nodded as she went "Yeah, why not?" and continued fiddling with the camera settings. Applejack thought for a moment and for the life her couldn't figure out an answer to why she couldn't just fuck Winona in the living room, so she shrugged and pulled out the strap-on and the lube from the supply bag. Winona was, for the moment curious as to what was going on, just sitting patiently while Fluttershy continued to get the camera ready. "Alright... you ready babe?" said Fluttershy, Applejack just nodded, leaving Fluttershy to press the record button.

"Well howdy y'all!" said Applejack to the camera "As promised, I'm the one in front of the camera and my girlfriend is behind the camera to make sure she can get a good shot of me fuckin' my dog" she smiled. "Everyone meet Winona, she's the lucky girl who's gonna be takin' the strap-on this afternoon, assumin' she is up for it of course. Y'all may remember from one of Fluttershy's posts that bitches can be kinda touchy when it comes to havin' a dick inside them, so let's hope Winona accepts me as her mate for this video." With that, Applejack picked up the strap-on and began sliding it onto her hips, deciding to leave her clothes on in this instance, making sure it was firmly fasted around her was with the dog cock sticking straight out from where her pussy would normally be on show. It was after Applejack got on her knees to bring her down to proper fucking height that Winona understood the situation.

Winona walked up to Applejack and sniffed that strap-on suspiciously, inspecting it to see if it was up to her specifications. She gave it a couple of licks, then after a few seconds of just looking at it, turned away from Applejack, with her tail wagging lazily from side to side. "Umm...what's she doin'? Is that bad?" said Applejack, looking to Fluttershy for an answer.

"No, not at all" Fluttershy said, "If a bitch isn't interested she'll just walk off to find something better to do, Winona is presenting to you, waiting for you to take her. You might wanna get started, because bitches tend to get impatient after a while".

Applejack didn't need to be told twice, she leaned forward, deciding she wanted to lick Winona out a little first. As Applejack began licking, Winona's tail wagged a little quicker, telling Applejack that she was clearly enjoying herself. Applejack didn't want to linger too long on preparation in case Winona lost interest and pulled away "What's it like?" Fluttershy asked.

Applejack licked her lips a little before saying "Hmm, it's not too bad but it's not great either, not really worth sharin' so I don't think there's much point in makin' out with you right now" she smirked. Fluttershy gave an exaggerated pout, before smiling and continuing to film Applejack. Applejack picked up the lube and squirted some on her palm and began smothering up and down the length of her dog cock, sliding her hand up and down from base of the knot to the very tip, twisting her hand around to make sure the whole surface was covered. After she was certain she was fully lubricated, she squirted some more onto her fingers tip and began spreading around Winona's pussy, she pressed gently and in a somewhat bold move slowly inserted a finger to lubricate her on the inside slightly. Luckily, Winona showed no visible signs of discomfort or offense to the act. "Well..." said Applejack, "Time to get fuckin'!"

Banging the Bitch

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Applejack held one of Winona's hips as her other hand worked to guide the tip of her strap-on to Winona's waiting pussy. Once the strap-on was poised at Winona's hole, Applejack moved her hand away to hold onto the other hip and slowly began pushing in. Winona's tail wagged in a way that seemed to denote indifference but with a hint of enjoyment, it seemed even the most accommodating of bitches weren't terribly interested in sex. Regardless of how much Winona was or wasn't enjoying herself, Applejack persevered, pushing the strap-on until the knot was pressed up firmly against Winona's pussy. "Well girls, looks like this knot isn't gonna be enterin' her just yet, seems like no matter what animal your doin' it with your dick is always gonna have trouble goin' in all the way at first" said Applejack as she began to carefully thrust in and out.

Applejack was enjoying herself in much the same way Fluttershy had enjoyed her time with Tink, there was no physical pleasure, but the psychological feeling of dominance and the somewhat taboo nature of the act was what thrilled her more than anything, not to mention the fact that she was being filmed for the sole purpose of showing hundreds of girls who were complete strangers how to fuck a dog. It was as she was musing on that fact that she remembered a question that she had wanted to ask her girlfriend for the longest time, "Fluttershy... how is it that only girls can access your blog?" Fluttershy was surprised to hear a question directed at her whilst in the middle of filming Applejack giving her hound a good humping. "Well, when a girl creates an account to become a blog member, there is an algorithm that checks whether the information that has been put in is true or not. If a boy wants to join he would have to know almost everything about the girl he's pretending to be" she said. Then after a few seconds Fluttershy said "But anyway, that's all work talk, the girls watching don't wanna hear about that! So why don't you get back to focusing on fucking your dog?" she said. Applejack smirked and said "A girl can multi-task can't she?"

Despite Applejack's remark, she did indeed shift her attention back to Winona and decided to speed up her fucking a bit. Winona was now beginning to pant with saliva dripping from her tongue onto the floor, clearly she was enjoying the well-paced dicking Applejack was giving her more than she was willing to show, she had dignity after all and wasn't going to bark and howl like some kind of canine whore. Though denying how much she was enjoying her owners ministrations was no easy task, Applejack decided to be a bit cheeky and in the midst of her humping, she squirted a little bit of lube onto her thumb and started applying it to Winona's asshole. Before Winona could register what was happening, Applejack gently pushed her thumb inside Winona's ass, giving her a tiny bit more leverage to fuck harder whilst also adding another layer of pleasure for Winona. Winona whimpered a little, which concerned Applejack "I haven't hurt her have I?" Applejack said, starting to slow down her thrusting.

Fluttershy, almost panicked said "No no! Keep going! She whimpered because she's holding back how much she's loving it! Dogs are very proud creatures" she said.

Applejack let out a sigh of relief and ramped her fucking back up to full speed and strength, pushing her thumb further inside Winona's tight ass. Applejack leaned over to whisper in Winona's ear "Sorry Winona... but when I fuck a bitch, I have to make her my bitch...". Winona was panting more than ever and her tail was wagging in excitement, her slight whimpering the only clue to Applejack that Winona was indeed enjoying herself immensely, despite Winona's desperate attempts not to show any kind of weakness as the pleasure wracked her body. Applejack continued her efforts to get some more reaction out of Winona, she was beginning to sweat and breath heavily, struggling to think of another way she could please her dog. It was as Applejack was biting her lip that, in a flash of inspiration, she had an idea. Her next move was a big gamble, but she was willing to take it, so with that she moved her mouth over to one of Winona's ears and softly bit down on it, slightly tugging it in the process.

Fluttershy was about to protest Applejack's decision until she heard Winona let out a small bark, being an animal person, she understood that the bark Winona let out was certainly not one of discomfort or complaint, so she remained silent. Applejack, certain that Fluttershy would have stopped her if necessary, took her silence to mean that Winona was not in any pain, in fact, quite the opposite... and she was right. Winona was fighting a losing battle with herself, torn between remaining an air of being adequately satisfied or fully relaxing and allowing herself to enjoy the feeling of being bred, quite literally, like a bitch in heat. Fluttershy was intrigued to say the least "Yikes Applejack..." she said "Looks like Winona isn't just a slut, but a kinky one at that! Lucky you huh?" Fluttershy chuckled.

Not even a few seconds later, Winona finally broke and let out a howl as her pussy squirted in orgasm. Fluttershy called out to Applejack "Quickly AJ! The knot!" she said. Applejack understood and with as much power as her hips could muster without hurting the poor dog, pushed firmly and rammed the knot inside her pussy. This only made Winona howl even louder as her orgasm intensfied, the feeling of the knot stretching out her hole making her shudder, with one of her hind legs literally shaking. After that, Applejack gave a strong tug, pulling the knot and the rest of the dog dick out of Winona's pussy whilst pulling her thumb out of Winona's twitching ass. Winona, after catching her breath, simply walked back up the stairs to get some much needed rest on her doggy bed. Applejack smiled and turning to the camera said, "Well, there you have it ladies! Hope y'all enjoyed this video, I know I certainly did! So until next time, bye!" With that, Fluttershy pressed the stop record button.

Applejack took off the strap-on and after briefly washing it in the kitchen sink, put it back in the supply bag along with the camera ready to head home. Little did Applejack and Fluttershy know that a few minutes after they set off to go home, their mystery female visitor was getting ready to introduce herself to them in person.

The Reveal

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Fluttershy was at the kitchen table with her laptop, uploading the two videos onto the blog whilst Applejack enjoyed a snack. Cutting through the warm silence, came a sharp knocking sound at the door, Fluttershy and Applejack immediately stopped what they were doing, feeling certain that this was the girl they were expecting. Fluttershy quickly closed her laptop and Applejack quickly chewed up and swallowed what remained of her food, both of them anxious to finally meet who it was that had messaged them about "getting involved". As they opened the door and laid eyes upon the visitor, their jaws dropped and their eyes widened. The person at the door was the absolute last person they were expecting, they never saw it coming, so with a tone of shock, confusion and a mixture of other wild emotions they couldn't quite name, they simultaneously shouted the girls name.


Yes, it was Rarity. "Applejack, Fluttershy, darlings! It's so very good to see you! Though I admit the circumstances are not exactly what one would call commonplace" she said as she walked in to sit at the table. Fluttershy and Applejack were still at a loss for words that Rarity was the anonymous girl who'd been asking if she could get jiggy with some animals, they both sat at the table with their minds filled with questions. Rarity picked up on this and said "It would seem an explanation would be pertinent in this particular situation. Very well, fire away girls, I'm all ears!" and sat patiently, waiting for their questions. Fluttershy started.

"How did you know about my bestiality blog?" she asked.

"Oh well it's all very simple darling..." said Rarity "After catching wind of Applejack's rather precarious situation involving Chester, I admit it got me rather curious. I did a little internet searching, found your blog and well, the rest is history!"

Applejack already had a burning question "Whoa whoa whoa there Rarity, who told you about that?!" Clearly, Applejack was rather irate that someone had spilled the beans about her unfortunate situation with Chester.

Rarity, re-applying her lipstick said "Oh, it was Rainbow Dash dear, she's such a gossip nowadays, you wouldn't believe it! But have no fear, she has only told our little circle of friends and nobody else." Applejack was still furious that Rainbow had gone and blabbed her horse cock incident to everyone. Fluttershy asked the next question, seemingly calmer than she was before.

"How did Pinkie Pie react?" having remembered that Pinkie was pretty much the only one other than Rarity who didn't have a clue about the whole thing.

Rarity laughed a little nervously before saying "Well, being the excitable girl that she is, she suggested that we all get into bestiality so that she could plan a... ahem... a best friends bestiality party. I imagine that particular party would be more appropriately called an orgy considering the kind of activities involved, but there you have it." Applejack was tired of skipping over the two biggest questions she had after learning that Rainbow Dash had gossiped to the rest of the gang.

"Well then answer us this Rarity, why are you into bestiality and why did you come to us as an anonymous girl?!" Applejack was still somewhat angry and confused about the whole affair and wanted to know the whole picture, which Rarity was all too happy to deliver.

"Well, as you know I am a successful business woman with three boutiques, I've no time to be in a relationship with anyone, I'm very much married to my work. Also, I'm a woman with needs, but being in the public eye, I couldn't very well contact some sort of... let's say "relief service", imagine the scandal! However, having my original boutique here gives me the excuse to visit and indulge my passions in a small town where no paparazzi are going to be lurking around to see what I'm up to. When it comes to dogs, I would obviously be the receiver, though vaginal only, a lady like myself does not accept taking anything up the derriere, phallic or otherwise! Horses unfortunately, will not have the pleasure of my most sacred space, I will be the giver in that particular situation, specifically speaking, blow jobs. My reason is that I do find giving a blowjob a rather relaxing activity and as you said in your video with Chester, Fluttershy, horse seed is simply marvelous when it comes to skin care!"

After that small rant, Rarity stopped talking until Applejack reiterated her other question by saying "And the anonymous approach?"

Rarity smiled and said "Why, for a dramatic entrance darling!"

That was when a small silence fell over the room, all questions had been answered, Applejack was calm and Fluttershy was content. Rarity struck up the conversation once again "So darlings, is this afternoon a simple meet-and-greet or are we going to entertain some furry friends?" she asked, then pondered for a moment before saying "No offense darlings, I care for you both very much... but I'm afraid when it comes to the bedroom I don't long for a woman's touch, especially with you two, you're my friends after all! I would find it all rather awkward." Applejack and Fluttershy were OK with that, but they hadn't really planned on what they were going to do now they had Rarity with them in the room asking whether or not they were going to fuck an animal. Rarity then broke the silence yet again by clarifying "I also think it goes without saying that none of this is to be recorded, spoken about, written about etc. a sex scandal involving me and some random stranger is one thing, but an animal? It would destroy me! Please do not even mention me in your blog, I want this to be secret and discrete."

Revisiting the Boys

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"Well, we have plenty of the day left, I suppose if we set off now we could have some fun with Chester and Ripley" said Fluttershy.

Rarity clapped with excitement and said "Alright then! Let's go!" as she stood up she remembered a question she had "Oh Fluttershy dear, considering I have quite large breasts, what's the etiquette in giving a dog or a horse a tit job?" she asked.

Fluttershy, after a quick admiring of Rarity's quite impressive bust, simply said "Don't bother, even with your impressive chest melons, you'd be lucky to get them around a fully erect stallion cock, let alone find a comfortable angle to rub them up and down his dick. With dogs it is technically possible, but the dog in question would be in a very uncomfortable position, so it's not worth it". That was when Applejack cut in.

"Same goes for butt grindin', even if you can get your ass cheeks around a dick there is no real comfortable way to do it whether it's a horse or a dog, so you're best off not botherin'"

Rarity nodded her head in understanding "Very well" she said, Fluttershy and Applejack stood up then walked out of the house with Rarity following closely behind to pay a visit to Chester. Chester was in his usual spot in the barn, silently chewing on some hay, Rarity's heart thumped in her chest at she looked at the virile beast. "Oh my..." she said, her mouth almost watering as she eyed the stallion's muscular body, "He's magnificent... where do I start?" she asked.

Fluttershy said "Well, foreplay as usual is the most important thing, you wanna play with his ass?" she asked.

Rarity blushed and said "Um... well, I'd rather not. I tend to avoid anything that has to do with the rear, it's a tad perverse for my liking". Applejack giggled.

"You're about to suck off a horse and you're frettin' over whether or not what you're doin' is civil-like?" she said.

Rarity calmly said "Yes Applejack, vulgarity and elegance are not mutually exclusive. Now in terms of foreplay I shall tend to his rather impressive testicles, once he is suitably aroused I shall then proceed to, as Applejack calls it, suck him off. I'll be using my hands to please the rest of his equipment that I can't get my lips around. Fluttershy dear, any advice in terms of swallowing once he ejaculates?" she asked. Fluttershy wasn't sure how to feel about Rarity's almost scientific approach to this endeavor, before she could respond she said "I want to swallow you see, because I made the rather elementary mistake of wearing a rather fetching outfit that was in a fashion show last week and it's still quite in style this season, I've no intention of ruining it, especially not with stallion seed."

Fluttershy said "Well, first of all, can you cut all the accurate naming bullshit? It's just not sexy, you can call his dick "equipment" if you like and even call his cum "seed" but use proper words for the rest, instead of "testicles" say balls, instead of "ejaculate" say cum, you prissy little prude." Rarity was quite taken aback, she wasn't used to such attitude from Fluttershy and almost felt offended, but made a note to change her vocabulary and forgave Fluttershy in her mind. She guessed that considering she had a whole blog dedicated to this activity, it was something she was passionate about and considered it important. Fluttershy continued "Second of all, I would suggest you swallow quickly, Chester here has a lot of cum stored up in his balls and providing you do a good job, he's gonna have plenty of it to release. If you want to savor the salty taste of his load, leave it until the last few shots." Rarity nodded.

"Well, here goes" she said, then got onto her knees to press her face into Chester's nuts. Applejack and Fluttershy felt a little bit like third wheels at that point, sure it would be sexy to watch their friend Rarity blowing a horse, but they weren't really doing anything themselves. At least in the videos they were keeping busy with the camera.

Applejack said "Well... what do we do now?" turning to Fluttershy. Fluttershy grinned and without saying a word slipped her hand down the front of Applejack's jeans and passionately kissed her as she began rubbing her pussy. Applejack moaned into the kiss as she reached one of arms around the back of Fluttershy to grab onto her butt, gripping and squeezing her ass cheeks. Rarity meanwhile was thoroughly enjoying the warmth and texture of Chester's balls resting on her face, taking deep breaths through her nose, flooding her nostrils with a scent that made her dizzy with arousal. As she began dragging her tongue across the skin of his sack she noticed his cock starting the emerge from his sheathe, with a grin she curled her dainty fingers around his shaft and began pumping his dick, eager to get him to his full hardness. After working his cock for a while as she continued to worship his massive cum tanks with her tongue, Chester was completely erect and Rarity was ready to get her mouth around the tip of his member.

Fluttershy was now rubbing Applejack's pussy as fast as she could, desperate to make her girlfriend cum as she continued to make out with her passionately. Applejack was lost in her own lust and desire, she swung her hand down on Fluttershy's rear, leaving a red hand print and letting out a resounding smack that echoed through the barn. It was at that point that Fluttershy shoved three fingers into Applejack's pussy, making her orgasm almost immediately, soaking Fluttershy's hand. Fluttershy reveled in the pleasure she was able to bring Applejack, so much so that making her orgasm was pleasure enough for her. Meanwhile, Rarity moved around to the underside of Chester, staring directly at his cock, then without a seconds hesitation, she slipped the head of his cock into her mouth.

Stallion Swallowing

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As Applejack came down from her orgasmic high, she turned to Rarity, noticing that she had started blowing Chester. That was when a question came to mind, "Hey Rarity, if y'all are so worried about spoilin' that there fancy dress you got on, then why don't you just get naked?" she asked.

Rarity momentarily took her mouth off of Chester's cock to reply, "Because darling, I have no intention of being nude in front of you two. I know we are all girls here, but that doesn't mean I'm comfortable with two of my dear friends seeing the goods. Now if you don't mind, I'm rather busy" she said, quickly stuffing Chester's cock back in her mouth.

Applejack, satisfied with her answer and not wanting to disturb Rarity any further, turned her attention back to Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, you see that cider crate over there?" said Applejack, pointing to a crate by the barn entrance. Fluttershy simply nodded, then with a wide grin Applejack said "Bend over it". Not having to be told twice, Fluttershy smiled as she made her way to the crate and bent over, waving her ass from side to side invitingly. Applejack walked up behind Fluttershy and then got on her knees, she pulled Fluttershy's skirt and panties down, smirking as she saw the hand print she had left behind on one of her buttocks. Applejack held onto Fluttershy's ass cheeks, spread them apart, then buried her face in between them as she pressed her tongue up against Fluttershy's asshole, making her moan and bite her bottom lip.

Meanwhile Rarity was sucking hungrily on Chester's cock, gently bobbing her head back and forth with her hands wrapped around the parts of his cock she couldn't reach with her mouth, softly jerking him off. After a couple of minutes simply sucking on his head, Rarity decided to push further and see just how much of his dick she could get in her mouth. She pushed her head forward, slowly easing inch after inch of stiff stallion meat into her mouth. As the tip of his cock reached the back of her throat, she stopped for a moment to suppress her gag reflex, before continuing to allow more of Chester's veiny cock into her throat. After reaching part of the way down her throat, her lips being a few inches from the medial ring, Rarity finally concluded that she couldn't take much more and pulled herself back until just the head remained in her mouth. Now that she knew her limits, she could suck Chester off more effectively as she began repeating that pattern of pushing him into her throat, pulling back to just the head, back and forth with her hands now jerking him off quicker and more firmly.

Applejack was still tonguing Fluttershy's asshole as if her life depended on it, sex was a massive part of her and Fluttershy's relationship, there was romance and love to be certain, but both of them obsessed over, in an almost addictive sense, how well they could fuck each other in any way shape or form. Fluttershy was sweating profusely, groaning with each lick applied to her back door, she let out a pleasured gasp when she felt Applejack's tongue push in and penetrate her rear, swirling and twisting around inside her. Applejack could hear how out of breath Fluttershy was getting from her ministrations and with a feeling smugness, decided to finish her off as she proceeded to roughly tongue fuck Fluttershy's ass. The effects were immediate as Fluttershy let out a small scream as she came harder than she ever had before, as their relationship had progressed it had been made clear to Applejack that Fluttershy was a huge fan of ass play. Whether she was giving, receiving, watching and as their first video with Chester proved, even found it thrilling to simply assist with any kind of anal fun.

In almost perfect synchronicity, Chester cock flared in Rarity's mouth and he whinnied as his member began to pump pints of his hot horse spunk down her throat. Rarity, severely underestimating the quantity of jizz that Chester would be providing her choked slightly as she was forced to swallow his powerful ejaculation, initially at least. As Chester continued to cum Rarity pulled back until just the head was in her mouth, unfortunately her mouth and cheeks were full before she even got the chance to start swallowing the copious amounts of horse cum being squirted out from the the tip of Chester's dick. Rarity shuffled her body backwards as she began to drool, her eyes bulging and tearing causing mascara to run down her face, clearly she was still desperate to keep her clothes clean. With a great tug she managed to pull her lips off of the flared head of Chester's cock as he released the final shots of his orgasm directly onto Rarity's face while she continued to jerk him off, making certain that she had milked all of the spunk she could out of him before he finally finished.

Rarity stood up and rather than wipe the cum off of her face, licked her lips and swallowed down every drop she had left in and around her mouth, then began rubbing the sticky substance into her skin. "Well, a girl has to keep her skin in tip top condition somehow!" Rarity thought to herself. After brushing herself down and making sure there was no damage to her dress, she turned to Chester patting his neck and said "Well thank you very much Chester, you were such a gentleman and... dear me you can certainly give a girl a good load" then planted a kiss on his cheek.

Applejack and Fluttershy had now recovered from their own passionate exchange, Fluttershy, still slightly out of breath turned to Rarity and said "So... are you ready to have some fun with Ripley?"

Rarity said "I most certainly am darling! As exhilarating and strangely relaxing a blowjob that was, a girl still has to have her needs tended to. So if I'm going to blow a horse I may as well finish off the day by being savagely ravished by a dog, though I must say I'm surprised young Zipporwhill is willing to let you do so, she always seemed so young and innocent, has she changed at all ever since growing up?"

Applejack let out a laugh and said "Whoa nelly, are you in for a surprise!"

Three bitches, One House

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"Are you sure I can't convince you to let Ripley fuck your ass Rarity?" said Fluttershy as they were on their way to Zipporwhill's house.

Rarity groaned and said "For the last time Fluttershy, I do not want anything going near my rump! It's a very undignified act and I shan't be trying it anytime soon" Applejack looked at Rarity with a raised eyebrow.

"So takin' a dick in your ass is undignified, but sucking off a horse and lettin' a dog pound your pussy is completely fine?" Applejack asked.

Rarity gave Applejack a stern look and said "Don't change the subject". Before Applejack could protest they had reached the front door of Zipporwhill's house, Fluttershy gave it a knock and after a few seconds Zipporwhill opened the door, only she was naked from the waist down, wearing a simple pajama shirt and nothing else.

"Back already Sluttershy? Nice to see you again as well Applefuck" she said, her typical bitchy attitude in full force. Rarity was at a loss for words, Zipporwhill had really changed over the years, more than she could have ever imagined.

Fluttershy chuckled as she said "From the looks of things, am I to assume we're interrupting something?"

Zipporwhill just rolled her eyes and said "Yeah Scoots is here, but whatever. What the fuck are you doing here?"

Fluttershy said "Well we have a guest with us actually..." then moved aside to let Rarity come into view.

Yet again, Zipporwhill looked thoroughly unimpressed and said "Well well well, if it isn't old Rari-titties. So what's she here for? Is she here to suffocate me with her massive rack or is she here to ride the red rocket?" Fluttershy laughed, Rarity was still trying to wrap her head around why Zipporwhill was so different to how she was when she was younger.

Applejack said "Yeah, she's here to see Ripley".

Zipporwhill gave a huff before mumbling "You never give me the fucking answer I want..." Then after a few seconds she said "Whatever, Ripley is upstairs, knock yourself out" and returned to the living room. The three girls let themselves in, closing the door behind them. Just as they were about to go upstairs they caught a glance of what Zipporwhill and Scootaloo were up to in the living room, Scootaloo was breathing heavily, sweating so much that her hair clung to her forehead.

"Zippy..." she said "Can I... can I take a little-mmf!" Scootaloo's sentence was cut short as Zipporwhill bent over slightly in front of her, reached a hand back and pushed her face into her butt.

Zipporwhill said "Shut the fuck up and get your face back into my crack you fucking whore, now keep eating my ass or I swear I will call up my dad and let him fucking rape you". Rarity sincerely hoped that Zipporwhill's claim about her father was an empty threat. As they got upstairs to Zipporwhill's bedroom door, Rarity turned to Fluttershy and Applejack with a blush before they entered.

"Sorry girls..." she said "But for this particular activity I'll need to take all of my clothes off and right now I don't feel comfortable being... naked in front of you two". Applejack sighed and said

"Well truth be told Rarity, I don't see what the big problem is considering we've seen you blow a barnyard animal, but if it means you and Ripley can get each other off then I suppose we can leave you be" Fluttershy nodded in agreement.

Rarity smiled and said "Thank you" before slipping into Zipporwhill's bedroom and closing the door, leaving Fluttershy and Applejack out in the corridor. Fluttershy and Applejack decided to go back downstairs to wait for Rarity to finish and have a chat with Zipporwhill and Scootaloo while they were at it, when they reached the living room it looked like Zipporwhill had just finished, she was sitting down next to Scootaloo who was panting with drool dripping down her chin.

Applejack and Fluttershy sat down "Been havin' fun I see?" Applejack chuckled.

Scootaloo let out a little laugh "Yeah... Mistress is real good to me". Fluttershy's eyes widened, she didn't realize Zipporwhill and Scootaloo were in a dom/sub relationship.

"Mistress?" she asked.

Zipporwhill smirked and said "Oh, did I not mention that as well as being my girlfriend Scootaloo is also my bitch?" she said, then with an incredibly wry smile said "Would you like a demonstration?" Applejack and Fluttershy both looked at each other, fucking an animal was one thing, but fucking a teenager? That was a whole other level of kink entirely, especially considering it was Rainbow Dash's adopted little sister, neither of them wanted to piss off Rainbow dash.

So being the sensible women they were, Applejack allowed her girlfriend to speak for them both, which is why of course Fluttershy's next words were "Bring it the fuck on".

Canine Cock & Lesbian Licking

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Rarity saw Ripley in the corner of the room looking content, she smiled and began to remove her clothes. After stripping and neatly putting the dress to one side, she walked over to Ripley and got on her knees to greet him, "Hello boy..." she said, gently rubbing his head and scratching behind his ear. As seconds passed she kept rubbing, but moved her hand slowly further down his body until her fingers began to brush against his balls. Ripley's dick immediately began to reveal itself, Rarity gave a little smile and a quick chuckle "Cheeky..." she said. When Ripley was finally fully erect, Rarity decided that she had done enough foreplay that day, she wanted to be fucked and she wasn't going to wait another second for it.

She turned away from Ripley and crawled over to the bed, she leaned on the bed and spread her legs to allow maximum access to her moistening pussy lips. Upon seeing the position Rarity had adopted, Ripley instantly knew what was happening and eagerly made his way over to Rarity. As Rarity waited to feel the weight of a dog on her back, gripping onto her sides and humping away at her, she let out a gasp as Ripley instead opted to start licking her pussy with his long wet tongue. Evidently, Ripley wasn't satisfied that Rarity was sufficiently prepared to take his member. Rarity let out moans of pleasure as Ripley continued to lick away at her folds "Ooh goodness..." she said, sweat beginning to roll down her brow, "The girls don't know what they're missing!"

- meanwhile -

"Oh fuck!" cried Applejack, pushing her ass down harder on Scootaloo's face as she worked her tongue around Applejack's asshole. As soon as the girls had agreed to fuck, Applejack immediately wanted to sit on Scootaloo's face, clearly she had made the right choice.

"Hey Sluttershy" said Zipporwhill "Do you think Rari-titties will let me grope her enormous sweater puppies?"

Fluttershy pulled her face away from Zipporwhill's pussy and looking up at her said "Sorry Zipporwhill, she's not into girls that way" then immediately got back to tonguing Zipporwhill's pussy.

- back in the bedroom -

Ripley, after several minutes, finally seemed adequately impressed with his tongue work on Rarity's pussy, rearing up and clinging onto her hips from behind. Rarity was already very worked up at this point, she wasn't even sure she could hold out for much longer beyond being penetrated, but she wouldn't have to wait much longer to find out. After a couple of attempts and false starts, Ripley found Rarity's warm slippery fuck hole and slammed his cock inside. Rarity let out a small cry of pleasure, she didn't orgasm, but she could tell she was getting there and didn't know if she liked that she was so embarrassingly close when Ripley hadn't even started fucking her yet. Ripley began rapidly pumping his hips as fast as his little doggy muscles would allow, being that Rarity was a girl that worked more often than she got laid, her pussy a little tighter than Fluttershy's was. Fluttershy didn't sleep around in any sense of the word, but her infatuation with animals had led to her pussy getting a good workout every now and then.

It seemed Ripley was pent up and eager that day, as his knot swelled surprisingly fast and he miraculously came the instant his knot popped into Rarity's pussy and stayed there, having become too large to be pulled out. Rarity gasped and she felt the knot stretch her a little with warm canine cum filling her pussy, Rarity was surprised she hadn't orgasmed herself considering how close she felt at the beginning, but then Ripley tried to pull himself out. The tugging sensation triggered Rarity's pussy muscles to start squeezing down on Ripley's cock, which finally pushed Rarity over the edge and she groaned as she came harder than she had in a very long time, her face gleaming with sweat and her hair slightly messed up despite the copious amounts of mousse and hairspray she had used that morning.

Ripley continued to tug and pull, desperately trying to free his cock from Rarity's pussy. After Rarity had come back to her senses, she tried to aid in Ripley's attempts to be released from the tight hold her pussy had on him, but alas her pussy had clamped down hard and wasn't letting go without a fight. Rarity reached back with both hands and after getting a decent grip spread her pussy lips wide open, hoping that Ripley might be able to get his cock out of her, after all she didn't want to lie there for fifteen minutes waiting for his knot to deflate. Luckily, her hunch was right, with one final pull Ripley's cock slid out of her leaving nothing behind but a generous load. Ripley went back to his corner of the room, ready to take a nap after having emptied his balls inside Rarity, Rarity herself got up and slipped her clothes back on, ready to go back downstairs and bid Fluttershy and Applejack farewell.

As Rarity made her way downstairs she could hear that the girls were doing something quite unexpected, Rarity had expected that they were all down there fucking each other in various combinations, but instead they were just having a conversation. "So Scootaloo, what's Sweetie Belle doing nowadays?" Fluttershy asked.

Scootaloo scratched her head in thought before saying "Huh... well last I heard she was working as a careers adviser at the school. Whereas with me I'm just happy to be with Zipporwhill, being her girlfriend is my job" she beamed, clearly happy with her place in life.

Fluttershy and Applejack noticed Rarity at the doorway to the living room, "You ready to go?" Applejack said.

Rarity nodded her head and said "Quite, been nice seeing you Zipporwhill!"

Zipporwhill with her typical "I don't care" face said "Yeah whatever, would've preferred it if I got the chance to motorboat this big titties of yours, but I guess it was nice seeing you.". Rarity laughed nervously, not sure how to feel about what Zipporwhill said. Without any further delay, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity left Zipporwhill's home and prepared to part ways for the day.


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"Well... it's been fun girls! Until next time?" Rarity said.

Applejack and Fluttershy smiled, "Until next time" said Applejack, Fluttershy following up with "Whenever you're ready".

With that, Rarity began to make her way home, as did Applejack and Fluttershy.

- the next day -

Applejack and Fluttershy were lying in bed after having finished dinner, it was too early to go to bed but they were too tired to really do anything, so they decided to just relax. Everything was calm and quiet until Fluttershy said something out of the blue, "It's a shame really" she said.

Applejack looked at Fluttershy "What is?"

Fluttershy turned to face Applejack and said "Well, that more of our friends aren't into bestiality".

Applejack was intrigued, "Why is that?" she asked.

Fluttershy said "Well, remember what Rarity said about how Pinkie reacted? You know, to the whole Chester-stuck-inside-you thing?" Applejack's face went deadpan.

"Yeah, thanks for bringin' that up. But yeah, didn't she say somethin' about a fuck party?" she asked.

"Yeah" said Fluttershy, then noticing that Applejack hadn't connected the dots in her mind she went "Well, doesn't that actually sound kind of fun? All of our friends in one room, banging their favorite animals and shit?" she said.

Applejack thought for a moment before saying "You know come to think of it, that does sound kind of hot". Fluttershy reacted immediately.

"I know right?! That's exactly what I'm saying! Why aren't all of our friends as into animals as we are?" she said, a small hint of sadness almost tinged the tone of her voice. Applejack lied back with a yawn.

"Well honey, for all we know they could be into it and we just don't know it yet. After all we didn't know about Rarity did we? So it could be that they do wanna get involved in some animal fun". Fluttershy felt a little more comfortable with that notion, but still felt like it was a long shot.

"I dunno" she said "I sincerely doubt it".

- meanwhile -

Twilight was laying in bed, her pajama bottoms slipped halfway down her legs as she rapidly slid her fingers in and out of her soaking wet pussy, using the other hand to grope her breast. As she steadily began to reach orgasm she moaned louder and louder "Oh fuck...... oh fuck..... oh fuck.... oh fuck... oh fuck.. oh fuck. fuck fuck fuck OH FUCK SPIKE!!!!"

- meanwhile meanwhile -

Pinkie pie was in her bedroom, completely naked and staring at the lubed up horse dildo she had bought sticking straight up from the middle of the chair it was attached to by the suction cup on its base. "Alrighty then..." said Pinkie Pie, holding onto the cock head and turning around so she was faced away from it, "Let's see how you feel big guy...". Slowly Pinkie brought the cock head to her asshole and popped it in, she let go and began to sit down, the dildo going further and further up her ass. She stopped at the medial ring, before pushing down and having it slip into her ass, allowing her to sit all the way down, her ass swallowing the dildo whole. Pinkie let out a sigh of relaxation and satisfaction "Mmmmmm...." she moaned, then began bouncing herself up and down.

- meanwhile meanwhile meanwhile -

Rainbow Dash was tossing and turning in bed, unable to sleep. Her teeth were gritted and she was sweating profusely, "No..." she said to herself, "I don't want it, I don't wanna do it!" she called out slightly louder as if trying to convince someone, most likely herself. "No no no, there is no way I will ever ever want to lez it up with an animal!" she told herself, yet she couldn't deny how damp she was at the thought of it.