Sweetie Belle Fucking Dies

by DeathToPonies

First published

Sweetie Belle is culled for murder-torture for an innocent mistake. Over-the-top torture snuff.

Sweetie Belle is an innocent unicorn foal - nearly as innocent as they get. Unfortunately for her, she just so happened to make the wrong mistake at the wrong time. Now she's going to pay for it with her life - but not before feeling the excruciating pain she deserves.

i wrote this so matthew would stop asking for stories where sweetie dies and also because im a sick fuck lol

I'm Going to Hell, But So Are You

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"EXECUTION??" squealed Sweetie Belle, her voice cracking, tears streaming from her eyes. Her legs were shaking. A tiny bit of urine dripped from her tiny pussy, a knee-jerk reaction to the earth-shattering news she had just recieved. This couldn't be possible. This had to be a bad dream. There was NO WAY this was real. She took a step back. "R...Rarity, what are you..."

Rarity sighed sadly, with not as much bravado as one might expect informing her little sister of her impending death. It wasn't like she quite understood it either, but rules were rules. Equestria was generally a country of peace - the rare threats to that peace were usually dealt with by her and her friends, the Elements of Harmony, by using the Magic of Friendship or whatever. The most egregious cases deemed beyond saving were simply thrown in prison, or even turned to stone, but even that was eventually reversible - outright execution was almost never even a consideration. But Celestia had delivered the letter personally.

The law was simple: Every 100 years, a foal would be randomly chosen to be punished for a relatively minor infraction with a most horrifyingly torturous execution. The reason? There wasn't really one given.

Sweetie Belle's tiny heart raced as she tried to rationalize what she was being told. She had forgotten to do her homework. Forgotten to do her homework. She was pulled from class and told she was going to be killed. And nopony, not even her own sister, was acting like it was a big deal. She began to cry, a tear dripping from her eye. She looked up at her sister, who was staring off into the distance.

"Rarity...p...please, you gotta help me...I don't...I don't wanna die...." she blubbered.

"Oh Sweetie, dear, I know, but its the law," replied Rarity, still with a tone of apathy, as if this was simply a very sad, but otherwise normal event, and not a completely unjust, unfair, and horrifying thing that was happening. "Now, lets get you cleaned up for Celestia."

"What do you even MEAN?" cried Sweetie, her voice cracking again. "C...Cleaned up? Rarity, I'm going to be KILLED!"

"Yes, of course, that is quite inevitable. But wouldn't you feel better if you looked a bit cuter?" Rarity reasoned. Sweetie shook her head in complete disbelief.

"....NO????" she sobbed.

"Well, alright then," sighed Rarity. "Come here, let me pleasure you before you go."

"NO!!!!!" shrieked Sweetie, now feeling like she was completely abandoned. She tried to run out the door, not even sure where she would go, but Rarity effortlessly caught her with magic and dragged her back, raising up her ass above her head, and spanking it as hard as she could with a nearby plank of wood. The poor foal screamed in pain, the sudden jolt unexpected, as Rarity dropped her to the ground.

"Sweetie BELLE," addressed Rarity sternly. "You are not to run from this. It is quite unladylike. Now, as I said, please allow me to pleasure you. It'll cheer you up."

Sweetie continued to bawl loudly, now giving up. This was really happening. She felt Rarity stimulate her clitoris, but she still overall felt numb. This was it. Just an hour ago, everything felt normal. Then, she felt a slight embarrassment when Cheerilee had asked for last weeks homework that she had forgotten all about. Slight. Embarrassment. She'd be able to make it up, she thought. She'd be okay, at worst it would take a week of extra credit or something.

She was going to lose her fucking life because of it.

"AAaahhnnn!!!" she moaned, as Rarity thrust a dildo into her ass, her clitoris still being massaged by magic. The feelings were irresistible now, the pleasure sitting in despite her horrifying situation. Her undeveloped mind was firing neurons in all directions, and part of her still felt like this was some insane dream due to how fucking crazy this all was. She screamed in a mixture of pain and pleasure as her tiny vagina squirted everywhere, her climax reached. Rarity slid the dildo out of her panting sister, who now began to sob on the floor again.

Without any time to catch her breath, Princess Celestia herself burst through the door to the boutique. Rarity immediately bowed, before glancing over at Sweetie Belle, sobbing and crawling on the floor, and spanking her with the wood again, eliciting a squeak of pain.

"Stand UP, Sweetie Belle," whispered Rarity angrily. "The Princess is here! Show some respect!"

Her mind practically broken, Sweetie Belle complied, sniffling as she stood at attention to the princess, her head bowed in shame.

"Hello there, faithful subject," spoke Celestia warmly, tilting her head, her eyes closed. She had such a sweet tone to her voice. "Are you ready?"

"Mmmmm," whimpered Sweetie Belle. Rarity shot her an annoyed look. If HER sister was going to be executed, she needed to stop being such a bore about it.

"She's quite ready," replied Rarity for her. "Will you allow me to say my goodbye?"

"Of course, Rarity," answered Celestia, still in her calm, warm voice. Sweetie Belle was still in mental shock at how fucking normal everypony was treating this.

"Sweetie Belle," spoke Rarity, seriously, as she turned to face her sister, raising her head up with her hoof to face her, "You have been a most amazing little sister to me. Despite the minor annoyances, I truly loved you. I meant what I said - you've inspired everypony around you, and you've inspired me too. I do wish it didn't have to end like this."

"It DOESN'T have to!!!!" whined Sweetie Belle, her voice cracks coming out yet again. "Why are you so OKAY with this?"

"Okay, princess. I am ready! She is ready too," spoke Rarity to Celestia, completely ignoring her sister. Celestia nodded, and lifted Sweetie with magic.

"PRINCESS CELESTIA! PLEASE!" sobbed Sweetie Belle, the reality of it all setting in. "I DIDN'T MEAN TO FORGET MY HOMEWORK! HONEST!"

"Oh, Sweetie Belle, I know," laughed Celestia sweetly. "But this is the way things have to be."

"WHY????" shrieked Sweetie Belle, hanging helplessly in the air with magic. "Why can't you just give me a friendship lesson? Or send me to Tartarus???" She couldn't believe what she was saying. She was begging to be sent to Tartarus as opposed to what was going to happen to her. For forgetting her homework. "WHY CAN'T YOU-"

Celestia sealed her mouth with magic. Sweetie closed her eyes and tried to scream as loud as she could, only a muffled sob coming out from her closed mouth. The regal princess chuckled. Rarity sighed, her face red with embarrassment.

"Oh, dear, I am SO sorry," spoke the white unicorn hastily. "I had no idea she would be like this."

"It's quite alright," laughed Celestia innocently, Sweetie still thrashing around in the air. The poor foal pissed herself in fear, a yellow stream trickling from her leg. Rarity looked away in shame, but Celestia continued to assure her. "This is quite common. The young foals so rarely understand why this must happen."

"I can't say I quite understand it myself," laughed Rarity, still extremely fucking casual about the whole thing. "But it's not like I would deny a royal decree!"

"Oh, it's quite simple!" replied Celestia jovially. "I have a huge fetish for snuffing out innocent life. It just really gets me going."

"Oh, is that all!" replied Rarity. "Why, dear, you should have just said so in the letter!" Now, it was Celestia who blushed a bit.

"W...Well, thank you, Rarity. I am just a bit embarrassed about it from time to time."

Sweetie was still uncontrollable, her eyes contorted in fear, making as loud of noises as she could make with a sealed mouth. Rarity spanked her with the plank of wood again, silencing her momentarily.

"Oh, why, it's no problem at all," she said. "I've got a rather jarring rasberry jam fetish myself. I need to cover myself in sticky food, you need to mercilessly torture an innocent foal...we're all the same, darling!"

"Quite!" replied Celestia happily, her head tilted again. "You and I must have tea some time, Rarity. You are so much more likable than I first thought."


"Good day!"

Celestia turned and walked to the exit, dragging the hapless Sweetie with her. The innocent foal watched as her home, her safe space for her entire life, was pulled out of her view for the last time. Once outside, Celestia smiled sweetly at her, and teleported the two of them to the castle.

Sweetie was transported into a room with only a table. The restriction on her mouth was lifted, and she sobbed outright. The room was cold, sterile...every surface was metal. The temperature was near freezing. She paced around the room, rapidly looking in all directions. For about ten minutes, nothing was happening. She cried out into the room, begging for mercy and forgiveness, but received no reply. Eventually, she huddled up under the table, bringing her own tail in close for a sense of protection. A few moments later, the door burst open, and Celestia wheeled in another table full of tools.

"Ready, my dear?" she asked.

Sweetie shrieked in response, running as far as she could to the corner of the room. Celestia picked up her tail by magic, hanging her by it, causing immense pain. Celestia removed a pair of scissors from her tool table and snipped the tail about three quarters of the way down, causing Sweetie Belle to fall and slam against the floor headfirst, ass up. Celestia noticed the cute little white ass bounce, and licked her lips, then lifting a spiked club and slamming it against the tiny butt as hard as she could. Sweetie screamed in response, not expecting such immediate pain. Instinctively, she tried to fire magic from her horn at the threat, causing tiny little sparks to hit Celestias leg.

"Ouch!" laughed Celestia. "That one stung a little. But we can't have you doing that."

Celestia forcefully lifted the foal up and slammed her down on the table, face up, pinning down her limbs before raising up a hacksaw. In this spread-angel position, her vagina was wide open as it continued to squirt a little in fear and shock. Without hesitation, Celestia brought the hacksaw down on Sweetie's horn, sawing it off as forcefully as she could. Sweetie felt as if a limb was being torn from her body, and her mind fired dozens of pain and warning signals as she was no longer able to feel anything on her forehead. Celestia ripped off the horn that was hanging by a thread, eliciting another shriek, and rammed the tiny horn straight up the white foal's ass. She shoved it all the way - nothing was left hanging out. Sweetie could barely comprehend what was happening now.

Celestia then grabbed a needle from her table, and slowly, carefully, inserted it into Sweetie's madly pulsing vagina. With a quick motion, she pierced the clitoris, and then yanked forcefully outwards, ripping innocent pony's vagina apart. Sweetie had never screamed and shrieked in such abject horror in her entire life; truthfully, most ponies never would feel such pain even if they lived till death of old age. Blood shot like a geyser from her now-ruined orifice. Celestia released her magical bonds, allowing the foal to roll around in pain and agony. She fell off the table, screaming, leaving a trail of blood as she tried to crawl.

"CELESTIA, PLEASE," she begged. "JUST FUCKING KILL ME! PLEASE, PLEASE, LET IT END!" The poor filly was so broken now that she wished only for the pain to end, however possible. Celestia chuckled, still sounding innocent.

"I'm sorry, Sweetie," she sighed. "That's not going to happen for a long while."

With a magical zap, Sweetie and Celestia teleported out of the room.

When Sweetie Belle zapped back into reality, she was hooked up to some kind of device, and wherever she felt smelled...extremely foul. She had a tube straight down her throat, and her ass was propped up in a compromising position. Her legs were locked in place, and she could barely move. Mirrors surrounded her; the only thing she could see was herself, sobbing, her eyes as tiny as blueberries. She breathed in deeply and moaned as loud as she could, the sounds slowly transitioning into more hearty sobs. The filly was cold, scared, confused, and in pain. She could see her bloody vagina dripping fluids from several of the mirrors. Suddenly, a metal device struck her ass hard. She let out a muffled scream, her mouth unable to move very much due to the wide tube. Terrified, she wondered what in the fuck this tube was hooked up to.

Several hundred feet above ground, a stallion breathed a sigh of a relief as he shit on the toilet, pulling the lever to flush it before getting up and wiping his ass.

Poor Sweetie Belle had nary a moment to react before a mess of sewage came down the pipe and straight into her throat. She coughed and gagged in agony, disgusted by the taste of what she was being forced to ingest. She cried out in protest as much as she could, but the metal device smacked her in the ass again. She shit herself involuntarily, getting several viewing angles on her own rear end as dirty feces blasted out of it via the dozens of mirrors. Seemingly as a punishment, the device smashed her ass again. More sewage flew down the pipe, splashing her in the mouth, overflowing a bit and spilling on to her face. Tears streamed down her face as urine and blood dripped from her crotch.

She would have thought she'd be numb to the pain now, that this would just feel like a bad dream, but it felt like every second a new sensory overload would be introduced. This kind of punishment would be overkill for King fucking Sombra. She cursed herself for forgetting her homework. So, so, far too late to regret, but she just imagined a future where this didn't have to happen to her.

A bucket of antiseptic poured from the ceiling all over her bleeding crotch. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head in sheer agony. More sewage blasted all over her face, and she threw up into the pipe, which simply fell back into her own mouth. She shit herself again, the mirror underneath her starting to get covered in her own mess now. Her ass got spanked. More antiseptic. She could barely think. The pain was so unbearable.

She finally reached an apex of pain, as one last time, piss and shit flung itself into her mouth, her ass was smacked harder than any previous action, and instead of antiseptic, pure acid was poured all over her crotch. She breathed in deep and let out a final, piercing, shrieking wail of pure, unadulterated terror and sheer agony as her ass and vagina started getting melted down to the bone. She was feeling more pain than dozens of ponies combined would ever feel in their entire lifetime.

"Goodbye, Sweetie Belle," came Celestia's voice, sweet as ever.

A massive spear rammed straight up the white filly's asshole, piercing her straight through the mouth. It broke the device holding her to the hose and she fell to the ground. One last load of sewage came down the pipe, spilling all over her, as a final bucket of acid poured over her entire body. Her final moments were spent cold, alone, afraid, and in agonizing pain, piss, shit, and blood all around her as her body literally melted away.

"Oh, damn it!" cried Celestia. "I missed it!"

Stupid Sunbutt had been distracted by a taco spilling that she had missed the moneyshot right after she had called it.

"Oh, dear sister," sighed Luna, next to her. "You've got to be more careful! It's okay though, I recorded the whole thing."

"Good," replied Celestia, relieved. "Would be such a shame to have to pick another pony for slaughter because of such a silly mistake." Luna laughed at her sister.

"Yeah, that sure would suck, huh?"

The two of them exchanged glances, assuming they had the same idea, and smiled. Maybe next week wouldn't be so boring after all.