Revenge is a Dish Best Served Sweetly

by KingdaKa

First published

Chrysalis's first step is complete. Now she will have her revenge on them all, one by one. It was only a matter of time.

Fluttershy was hers now. Dearly devoted, wonderfully loving-

So deeply in her willing thrall.

The love the besotted girl gave to the hungering Queen was delicious, sweeter than honey; enough to satisfy even the most starving of Changelings. Chrysalis grew fat with strength upon every feeding.

But this was about more than food. This was the first, a stepping stone of vengeance. Through Fluttershy, she would have them all as her devoted darlings.

The Canterlot Club doors were open. The time had come at last.

Warning: Contains obvious smut. See previous works for examples.

Prologue: Fruit of the Vine

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Anyone who would be foolish enough to try and enter the seemingly silent building would have been left rather perplexed: an unused warehouse, reconverted into a strip club that had seemingly been constructed with the sole purpose of becoming abandoned. A well-furnished bar stocked with fine liquors from across the kingdom, left untouched on a long glass countertop, a comfortable lounge that surrounded the long catwalk to which all eyes were meant to be drawn. A singular pole there at the end, the lamp in which the flame of sensuous form would be allowed to burn- and everywhere, one could see an air of finery that was seldom seen in even the finer nightclubs. This place was meant to be a world of sexual delights, backrooms softly lit by warm lights that seemed to beckon one in, and never feel the need to leave. It was elegance, it was sensuality, combined into one and made irresistible. And yet, save for one strange evening, not once had someone even seen the neon sign emblazoned in the dark. A strange thing, some remarked, for something to be erected with the sole intent to rot. No one went in, or out. What a waste.

But perhaps not. Its derelict status, if anyone had ever bothered to investigate, or try to pierce its locked doors, would have been seen as nothing more than an illusion. Thick walls of steel and stone disguised the intricate weavings of a great throng, fineries on display a front to hide the movements of an invading army. Even those who dwelled within, who walked about to and fro within the darkened walls of the nightclub would have appeared fair and gentle to the eye; a great horde of lovely women, all ages and styles of beauty there for the taking. Not one face present wore an expression of anger, much less even a scowl. All that could be seen then, now, or ever, was a pleasant, disarming smile adorning sweet lips. It was as if something from the most splendid fantasy- a perfect disguise to conceal them all. No one ever suspected an innocent face.

They had little reason to complain. The Horde knew this, felt it in the blood that ran hot and strong within their once-cold bodies. It had not been so long ago that they had been cast out into the wastes, to die amidst sand and heat and unforgiving rock. Their kind had been sentenced to a judgement of painful, slow death. If it had not been for their Queen, the greatest being to ever exist, they surely would have wasted away until even their bones were lost to the seeping rot of time. They had not expected to so quickly recover, to worm their way back into the kingdom that had tried to slaughter them; now to be able to feed again, to feel that overpowering strength of love flow through them like water, was intoxicating. It was better than anything they had felt before, their Queen’s new course of action bringing forth better feedings. Even these threadbare mists that flowed from her chambers and out into their midst were better than a lifetime’s worth of their old parasitism. It was fat on their bones, new life in their muscles, a lifeblood in their veins far more than they would have dared to hope for. It was intoxicating; they wanted more.

And they did not want to keep waiting.

Some of the more clandestine -perhaps even traitorous- of the Horde would often follow silently behind their Queen whenever her prey came to their abode. As their mother and goddess tended to their needs, some would creep to the rooms nearby and try to listen, to drink the firstfruits that would seep through the air like the scent of a hot meal. Sometimes, to the more sensitive, even the sounds would be rejuvenating to them. To be so close, and yet to still be so far away, was more than some knew how to take.

“She keeps her from us.” The words held so deep inside, at last came to the waking world. One of the girls knelt close to the vents, trying to listen and taste the fixations of the two delighted women just next door, even if for only the barest drop. “Our Queen keeps her from us to only satisfy herself. You see how she has grown strong since the girl came!”

“Silence!” The eager Changeling’s companion chided, a comfortably dressed woman with auburn hair that fell to her waist. Older, more knowledgeable in their Queen’s ways, she knew better than to openly challenge that rule. “The best-laid plans require patience and time for them to come to fruition. You will know this yourself, someday.”

The younger girl’s hunger was violent, vicious; her days of death in the desert had turned that desire into a bleeding edge that she now feared to ever feel again, even in the slightest. “But what if there is no plan? What if there was nothing more desired than our Queen’s satisfaction, and we must settle with the scraps? I cannot stand it!”

“She does not allow us to turn against the people because we will be discovered.”

“But would we?” The younger challenged. “Are we not Changelings, deceivers of shape and form? Surely we are not so deeply under watch as to not even begin our conquest.”

“We wait because she commands us. We do not starve,” the elder countered.

“Then why did we come here? Could this not have been done another way? In another place, not right beneath the house that saw us cast into the sands?” The young girl’s fear was evident, a terror born of horrid memory.

The elder nodded. “It could have been,” she admitted. “But there is more than what you or I know. Have you not noticed the Ravens?”

“What of them?”

“Where have they gone? And what of the Lieutenants? Only one remains to enforce our Queen’s commands. Something has them elsewhere.”

The younger girl, so focused on satisfying her own needs, had not noticed these clandestine movements. “So what is coming?”

The elder woman shrugged. “I do not yet know. Perhaps I never will,” she said- only to pause, a hand in the air as a contented smile came to life on her face. “Ah, I believe I hear something wonderful.”

The sounds echoed through the vents and even through richly decorated walls: voices intertwined in symphony, delighting in a satisfaction that was unmistakable. Those that hungered, desired sustenance that made them strong, stopped in their tracks and drank deep of the power that overflowed from within the locked chambers, a draught known only to them.

And it made them hunger.

She lived for these moments; to think that only a short while ago, she had been entirely ignorant of such a marvelous way of life. What had her life been before this? How had it seemed fulfilling? Was her quiet, lonely life in a distant cottage all that she had ever wanted, dreams of desire and being desired in return nothing more than a distant thought to her mind? Looking back on her tranquil, isolated world that she had been so afraid to venture out of now made her almost ashamed. A single bit of daring, a small brush of affection, was all that it had taken to free her from a dull, uninspired prison of dismal routine. A gift of flowers, a few acts of kindness, and only the barest of kisses had saved her from a death that took a thousand days. She was truly herself, truly alive, and so madly in love. If any of her friends saw her now, deep in the midst of her favorite activity, they would not have been able to recognize her. Here, in the warm depths of her beloved’s palace, she was transformed. And Fluttershy didn’t mind one bit.

There was a sense of pleasure that came when she felt the shudder- made even stronger when the stifled moan came to the surface. Fluttershy had once been an amateur, perhaps just a few months prior- she could hardly remember the life now, it so pale in comparison to her much more enjoyable reality. When she had first made love, it had been with the shy actions of an inexperienced young girl. Now, under the tutelage of the most perfect woman in the world, she had been transformed into a gentle, tender lover; a woman of hidden, lustful passions that sought the happiness of only one person.

Face-deep in those delectable folds, Fluttershy didn’t mind returning the many favors. Her licks and pluckings were thick and strong, turned potent by the attentiveness with which she gave them. She rarely was frenetic, almost the polar opposite of her dearest love. Only her kisses, marvelously sloppy and wet, allowed her more wild feelings to frolic. Here, however, lavishing physical praises upon such wonderful lips, she was loving, and oh so tender. It was what she knew best, and knew would be a surefire success.

And as Chrysalis gave another shudder, she was happy to prove it. The naked Queen had tried to win their romantic battle earlier, a war of kisses that saw lips and body pressed fiercely together. But Fluttershy had won out, her hunger of longing seeing the beautiful woman’s clothing stripped away, made free for the young woman’s acts of willing service. Chrysalis had wanted to have her meal and eat it, but the voraciousness of this new, happier Fluttershy was not something to underestimate. She had come to visit and make love- now her goal was to make her Queen squeal.

Mmf… oh, fuck,” Chrysalis whispered, voice held taut as she tried to withstand the loving barrage. She relished the feelings, the sensations of this gentle woman, but the now-practiced soul was pushing her body to new limits.

“Oh my,” Fluttershy giggled, pausing from her meal to peer up from in between Chrysalis’ legs. “Am I making you feel good, Chrissy? I’ve been trying really hard…”

“Don’t stop,” Chrysalis commanded- no, begged. Beseeched, needing the continued presence of Fluttershy deep within her. What this marvelous young woman had unlocked within her was a potent, powerful need. She had never felt stronger, more powerful- happier. She needed every inch of it that she could possibly hope to have.

“Chrissy!” Fluttershy teased- a single finger plucked away. “Where are your manners? You’re not being very nice.”


Fluttershy smiled and set to work, her tender lapping bringing forth a multitude of undignified sounds from the Queen’s lips. The two were united in flesh, Fluttershy’s romantic hungerings adding a vicious potency to the pleasures of the one she adored. Every squirm, every tremble that came from her touch was a marvel, something to treasure. Each valued the single moments in a different way, coming further and further to a head until it was impossible to be contained-

A long, sonorous cry of ecstasy flowed freely from Chrysalis’ lips at her tender lover’s commands, a great shudder coursing through her body like a wave- one turned physical in form as she gushed onto the awaiting tongue of Fluttershy. She lapped further, hungered more, ate away joyously; each movement and flicker of her loving mouth was like the clear, sweet chimes of songstrokes to her heart’s desire. There would be no finish until the rocking motions of this sensuous storm at last came to an end, and it would be at Fluttershy’s command that they did so- not a moment before.

Chrysalis should have felt worn down; the post-orgasm sensations running their course naturally through her blood and setting her to the needs of relaxation. But Fluttershy was like fire in her bones, a rejuvenating strength that made the ruthless queen feel invincible. She was glory, she was might, and she was –of all things- in love. She had never so badly needed to return such masterwork in kind.

“My darling butterfly!” she gasped, pulling Fluttershy away from her ravished folds and up to her awaiting lips, their kisses sweet and loving as body curled against body; bosoms pressed deep into another, hands stroked and caressed smooth skin, fair flesh held tight in the locks of love come after. “You absolute marvel!”

Fluttershy would have been ashamed of herself not too long ago, abashed at her seemingly improper actions. But her time with Chrysalis had seen an end to such thoughts, a hunger for this beautiful Changeling’s juices erasing all former thought of shame. She giggled at the words of praise, saying, “I’m glad you liked it. I hope it felt nice.”

“You felt perfect, my love,” Chrysalis whispered, stroking away long strands of hair away from those gentle, shining eyes. “How could I hope to say otherwise? Surely you’ll let me return the favor…”

“Oh, I don’t know…”

The denial came as a shock- almost a wound. Chrysalis could hardly believe that this creature that so deeply worshipped her flawless body did not want to be ravished by it. Surely she is not tired of me. “But there must be something I can do…”

Fluttershy’s expression changed as they lay there together on the lounge, still held tightly to one another. Her sweet face was pensive, deep in thought. “I couldn’t.”

Was she hesitant? Chrysalis hadn’t seen that in her for some time now. “Say it, love,” she requested, “say your wish and I will see it done.”

Fluttershy’s gaze flickered between her queen and then elsewhere. “I- no, I can’t.”

“I want to hear it from you, my butterfly.”

The sweet-faced woman couldn’t hide the grin- one of embarrassment? “Well,” she hesitated, “I don’t know if you’ll- well, mind. But I had a thought.”

Chrysalis waited with bated breath. After all these months, surely it couldn’t be what she had been waiting for?

“Do- do you remember my friend Rarity? The one who made all those lovely dresses you bought me?”

Chrysalis remembered perfectly, having taken more than one moment to spy upon the delectable fashionista. The poor girl was a raving romantic, and just so happened to- well, currently be pining. “I do. Does she still want you?”

“Umm… yes, she does,” Fluttershy answered, relieved the first nugget of discomfort was out of the way. “I was wondering… she’s so nice to me, and she helps you and I look so lovely for one another- could we- could I invite her here sometime? We could –you know- help her feel better. I think she’d appreciate it, and I thought that… you might like her, too.”

Finally. She’d been patient, patient as could be, waiting for the day when this moment would arrive. All her planning required the seeds to come from a trusted source, one that was most certainly not her. She had wooed Fluttershy, that was true, but her companions were to be far more difficult. The more that came to her willingly, the more that surrendered themselves to her, the more power she would have when the last battle came. When she’d have to see Celestia defeated.

It was at last time.

The Horde of gentle women paused in their doings when they heard the doors to their Queen’s chambers, watching as the shining face of their Queen’s consort came into view. They could see the traces of their Lady’s handiwork upon her, the touch that marked one so thoroughly claimed. No clothing could hide it, no expression or posture could hope to conceal; this one had fed their Queen- had done so willingly, and in turn had seem them all sated.

It was all they could do not to cheer.

“Oh, Miss Racia!” Fluttershy called, beckoning to the tranquil-faced bartender that stood nursing a glass of bourbon in hand.

“Yes, Miss Fluttershy,” Racia replied, promptly to her feet and totally attentive to the young woman’s needs. It would be improper, dangerous even, to not show the utmost respect to their Lady’s consort. “I assume you wish for your coat?”

“Yes, if you don’t mind,” the young woman answered.

“Right here for you, ma’am,” Racia said, reaching from the coat rack to drape it across the lovely woman’s shoulders. The poor bartender began to shudder, feeling the heady aroma of love billowing forth from her- Fluttershy, a magnificent source of sustenance, was so very close…

“Thank you very much, Racia. Have a good night, it was lovely to see you!” Fluttershy waved her goodbyes and coming to pause at the door before turning around and blowing a kiss meant for the bartender’s cheek.

Racia flushed, feeling her body quiver with newfound strength. Even friendly affection from this creature was powerful.

The door closed and the world went back to its quiet mutterings- but only for a moment. Their Queen appeared from the depths of her dwellings, now fully robed and appearing more pleased than even her eldest had ever seen her. Yet when she revealed herself to a world that became quieted at her presence, watching as numerous gazes flitted away, that contented expression grew cold and turned to steel.

“I hear disquiet,” she remarked, the icy words cutting through the façade. “Speak now! I command it of you.”

Some looked about at one another, apparently confused by the sudden procalamtion. Others became uneasy and continued to keep their eyes averted, too afraid of their Queen’s wrath to speak up. A few small groups talked amongst themselves as though hoping to reach a conclusion-

“I command you! Speak your words- now!” Words rang hot and burned the air as patience grew thin. A few daring individuals were forced to the head of the throng to kneel before their ruler and speak the long-hushed rumors.

Chrysalis, not at all unawares of the dealings of her Horde, knew what was to be said; she just needed it said aloud so as to be dealt with. “Well?” she asked the two girls, displeased at the sudden curdling of their nerves. “I have heard your displeasure. See it spoken.”

The two women looked at one another, then up to their Queen. “It is the girl, O Queen,” the more courageous of the two said at last. “We are concerned.”

“What of her?”

“Her love for you feeds us all, O Queen-” and then hesitation. “And we are satisfied. But she is removed from us, unable to give us her strength.”

“We wish to have her among us, O Queen,” said the other. “It is unfair for her to be kept confined solely to you. We are not common Humans- we are Changelings, and monogamy does not become us.”

“So that is it, then,” Chrysalis surmised. “You wish to have an orgy with Fluttershy at its center. To grow ever more fat with strength.”

“Yes, O Queen,” said the first, and the second felt a flicker of terror. That fire in the air was no coincidence-

The two were struck back before they could have even hoped to see it coming; held to the floor by whips of venomous fire, rushing from the outstretched hands of their Queen as she let her rage burn at their skin. Disguises burned and rippled under the pressure of physical agony, real fear in the eyes of the two daring souls. They were alight, staring into death-

And then it ended. The two women were gasping, begging for breath as they stood under the unforgiving shadow of their Queen. They did not dare to look at her, to stare into those eyes and bear witness to that unrelenting wrath. With no words to be said, they crawled away into the midst of their fellows and perhaps nurse their wounds.

“So you wish to make a spectacle of my prize?” Chrysalis challenged, her words booming through the warehouse that had been refurbished into a palace of love. “To have her this way and that? The next who tries to reach for her shall be burned- and whoever dares to lay even a finger upon her flesh will die! She is mine- and only mine! Do not mistake the seepings that come for mere scraps! It is merely a taste of what is to come. Do you understand me?”

There was not a Changeling present that would dare to counter her. Their Queen’s wrath was something to fear, and this was an anger of a much darker shade: a possessive, jealous thing.

“Today,” Chrysalis continued, “we have begun our conquest. Our revenge! You have waited, hungering for more!” She grinned, knowing they were fully caught within her ravaging discourse. “Soon, you shall wait no longer. You shall be strong, you shall be mighty! My day of victory approaches, and I shall share it with all of you- and we shall be free! We shall be safe, and never shall we be hungry again!”

Her Horde cried out her name, giving their praises in honor of her. They could imagine just how it would all come to pass, the role they themselves would play. Soon they would hide no longer, and know love like never before.

1. Rarity, Tempted by Beauty

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Rarity didn’t even try to deny it: her heart ached.

How long had she felt this way? For months, years, even? Since the first day she had met that angelic woman called Fluttershy, who had come to call her friend? And only just friend, Rarity thought bitterly. It was a horrible thought to endure, made worse by the reality that such a situation was now likely unchangeable. If she’d only been able to manage her feelings sooner, see them properly sorted so as to be dealt with! Then she and Fluttershy could be together, happy and in love, rather than this one-sided yearning that plagued her now.

She wanted to be happy for her friend. Really, she did. But to love someone so sweet and lovely and know full well you would be unable to feel an ounce of reciprocation in return was a painful burden to bear. It also didn’t help that Fluttershy’s mysterious girlfriend continued to commission Rarity to make gifts for them both. It was one thing to simply give emotional support and approval of a relationship, but to have to be one who helped actively aid its growth was terrible. Each pin and needle she ever stuck through a design was a barb in her heart, a prickling sensation that made the fashionista glower. Why couldn’t this be her lingerie she was making? Why was she adorning Fluttershy in such loveliness if she wasn’t to be the one to tear it off with her own teeth? Absolutely sickening. And to think that hussy has never once even shown her face here, always keeps calling Fluttershy to Canterlot for their little rendezvous. I bet that skank-

Rarity squeezed her eyes shut and forced herself to take a breath. No, this wasn’t fair. Fluttershy wasn’t one to be duped, and it was impolite to insult someone you’d never met. If only she just didn’t hold such feelings for that sweet young woman! If she could, Rarity would simply rip the core of them right out of her own heart- well… no, I wouldn’t. There’s always a chance.

The laugh that came next was bitter. Of course there wasn’t a chance. Fluttershy wasn’t just dating- she was in love. And not with Rarity, which really was the biggest issue here.

A miniscule pair of scissors to clip the bare end of a stitch and the seamstress was finished with her work. It was a lovely set of lingerie, appealing to the eye and flattering to the figure. It would accentuate without enhancing, give a natural appeal rather than any sense of artificial inflation, all with the proper balance of reveal and concealment. A bright rose-red color that would call attention to itself, particularly in comparison to the soft-pink hair of the one who would wear it. Rarity had been paid handsomely to create it, but she really felt the best form of payment would have been to take it off Fluttershy’s body with her own hands.

At least I can say one thing about Fluttershy’s lover, Rarity mused sadly, she has a marvelous eye for beauty.

There was a gentle rapping sound that came from the front door, a signature knock of the one person who made Rarity’s heart quiver. Fluttershy strode through the threshold with a smile on her face, positively glowing and hardly bearing any of her usual shyness that had plagued her for most her life. Just like every time her thoughts were focused on her love, the fair maiden would seemingly come alive and overflow. “Hello, Rarity!” she called softly, her voice full of warmth. “I hope I’m not coming at a bad time.”

“Fluttershy! Of course not, it’s lovely to see you,” Rarity said, meaning every word and hating that she couldn’t take this woman in her arms for a romantic embrace. “You came at the perfect time, actually, I only just finished it.”

“Oh! Finished what?”

Another surprise gift, I see. Rarity put on a pained smile. “Well, darling,” she began, “it seems your adoring sweetheart has decided you need something new to wear during your more… intimate moments.”

As Rarity guided her heart’s desire over to the latest treasure, she felt a stroke of pain shudder across her at the sight of that sweet smile lighting up even more than before. Fluttershy knew the craftsmanship with which she worked, how much skill and effort was poured into every piece she made. But those things weren’t on her mind now, not in the face of a gift that came from the one she adored. Fluttershy treasured this thing because the one who had awakened all her sexual desires was the one who had given it to her.

Oh my,” she murmured happily, her fingers brushing along the lingerie so as to get a feel for its texture. “It’s all so soft…”

“Nothing but the finest silk, dear,” Rarity said- a small quiver in her voice? Unacceptable. Calm yourself, right this instant. “I’d hardly dare to use anything less for such a thing.”

“Thank you very much, Rarity! It’s all so lovely,” Fluttershy said happily, taking it in hand and holding it up to her still-clothed body. “This bra is very flattering- but I think I like the pantyhose best, they look like they’ll make me feel very sexy.”

Rarity had yet to get used to hearing such talk from her once-demure love, so out of character considering how conservatively she usually dressed. “You’ll look worthy of only the finest ravishing, darling,” she said. “I’m sure you’ll love how it feels on you.”

“Oh, I certainly will!” the pink-haired maiden declared. “And I know it will feel even better when she takes it off of me.”

Fluttershy, please. I am begging you to stop. This conversation was becoming torturous and needed to end before she started bursting into tears. “Well, I must be getting back to work,” Rarity said in a forcibly flat tone. “I hope you have a nice day, Fluttershy, but I am quite busy.”

“Actually- before I go, Rarity,” Fluttershy said suddenly, holding to her friend’s arm so as to prevent a flight. “I was wondering -well, we were wondering- if you’d like to come join us for an evening in Canterlot this weekend.”

Rarity blanched. “I’m sorry, darling?”

Fluttershy smiled warmly, a gesture meant solely for the woman before her and making Rarity tremble. “Well,” she explained, “We’re both ever so grateful for all the nice things you’ve made us, and you really have made them extra nice. So we were hoping that we could thank you in person, and I know she really wants to meet you. There will be a nice dinner and everything, too! It’s the least we can do.”

The idea of spending a night in fine society with Fluttershy was delightful; the idea of her being a third wheel was far less so. But politeness dictated her actions here, and Rarity felt herself trapped by obligations of formality. “Of course I’ll come!” she replied, her smile in reply a rather pained one. “I’ll be glad to finally meet your girlfriend, of course, and I’d be delighted to spend an evening with you both!”

“Oh, thank you so much, Rarity,” Fluttershy said warmly, taking her friend in a hug before placing an unexpected, lingering kiss on the fair woman’s cheek. “Oh- I’m sorry!” she added with a giggle. “I hope you don’t mind.”

Rarity both did and didn’t mind. “It’s perfectly alright, dear.”

“Come by The Canterlot Club this Friday at seven, OK?” Fluttershy said, turning towards the door. “See you there, Rarity!”

“Can hardly wait,” Rarity muttered the moment the door closed. Wonderful. An entire evening of Fluttershy and some hussy making eyes at each other while I have to get a front-row view. I swear, if they start kissing in front of me

Rarity didn’t really try to hide the tears that fell down her face as she turned to her bedchambers rather than her work. It would never do for a lady to be seeing weeping, particularly when it was over such an uncontrollable thing as love. She was being rude and saying such things about a person who she’d never met, who showered Fluttershy in gifts and affection and had gotten her to open up and been able to make her so happy

She bit back her tears and tried to feel some shred of happiness for the woman she claimed to love. Why couldn’t it have been me? She so silently wailed.

But the evening plans had been set. She would arrive fashionably late as always, be the lady, and simply have to bear it. There was nothing more she could do, and the fashionable socialite knew it. If she actually loved Fluttershy, she would go and be happy that someone so obviously adored her.

A thought turned to her nearby closet and the assortment of fashions held within, one particularly elegant black dress coming to mind. Fluttershy may not have chosen her, but Rarity was determined to make an impression. She may have been passed over, but at least she wouldn’t be forgotten!

Rarity had taken a coach early that evening to Canterlot, trying to keep herself hidden from sight. It was the key to a good reveal that she only give glimpses, small teasings of radiance before the full showcase. Besides, she had always liked the feeling of making jaws drop, both literally and figuratively. She wanted to be wanted in every way, and tonight was an important one in that regard. Be unforgettable, and be the standard to which you compare yourself; if Fluttershy’s girlfriend wanted to be with her, she’d have to get Rarity’s approval before night’s end.

Her coach had followed Fluttershy’s direction to the letter: an upscale marketplace in Canterlot, an area of the city known to be a meeting place for the rich and famous. Rarity herself had been to this side of town more than once, whether it be to merely mingle or to make connections. Even a few of those who lived around the area had been her clients more than once. As such, it was strange for her to not know where this place was. The Canterlot Club? Rarity hadn’t heard of it before, and this part of the city wasn’t known for a lot of turnover. Adding to it, the name didn’t reveal much. What was she supposed to think of this place? It certainly seemed to think highly of itself. Just what am I getting into here? She wondered. Heavens, what if Fluttershy is involved with royalty? She certainly deserves to be treated as such. Maybe if I’d been a little faster… She wanted to stay bitter, but the designer’s more rational side continued to gain ground against her emotions. Tonight was to be a good evening spent with a friend and the one she loved. If Fluttershy approved of her, Rarity’s opinion on the matter didn’t even need to be considered.

“We’ve arrived, ma’am,” her coachman declared, stepping down to open the carriage door.

“Thank you very much, sir,” Rarity said, dropping a small pouch of coins into his awaiting hand. “I hope you have a lovely evening.”

“Doubt it’ll be close to as good as yours,” the coachman replied cheekily. “You came on a rare night, ma’am, the place is hardly ever open.” A tip of his hat and he took back to the reins, riding down the road and soon out of sight.

Rarity quickly tidied herself and pushed whatever wrinkles could be found on her dress aside. She was beautifully adorned, a long black dress that gracefully covered her entire leg, save for the slit on the side. Held to her shoulder by a solitary strap across the right shoulder, form-fitting in only the most important places, she was sure to make an impression. It was certainly to make her the most stand-out person of the evening, save for Fluttershy. That delightful woman had outshone her even without any effort, and even more so now that she actually put effort into her appearances. Of course, if Fluttershy is entangled in a love affair with Princess Celestia or Luna, I might have to take third place. Not really my usual standard, but a lady has her limits-

She’d been so involved in her own thoughts that Rarity hadn’t noticed where she was might not actually be the correct destination. But she’d followed Fluttershy’s directions exactly, she couldn’t have been wrong. That said…

“A strip club?” Rarity felt mortified. It was an impossible thing to miss, no matter the elegance the building had been decorated with. Darkened windows that gave no sight within, a window-less door, the bright sign that displayed triple-X’s before it. It couldn’t be mistaken for anything else. Surely, of all places, Fluttershy hadn’t actually meant here. But there was the name, The Canterlot Club hanging above the doorway in soft gold lettering.

Fluttershy- are you actually dating a stripper? It would certainly explain her girlfriend’s hesitancy to ever make an appearance. And the gifts of sexy lingerie, and Fluttershy’s sudden casual change of inclination towards the more sexual side of life.

Rarity had been wondering if she was going to get shown up by her friend’s suitor. Now she was horrified that she might be overdressed, and seen in such a place by someone she knew. Just- just get inside and get this night over with. Just grin and bear it, and never, ever speak of it once it’s done. It was going to be a very bad night.

With a much greater sense of trepidation than she had possessed a few moments before, Rarity pushed open the heavy wood door and was immediately greeted with the scent of flowers, a cool and pleasant breath of air across her face that set her senses to tingling. The room was large and comfortably lit by softened glows of candlelight at each table and dim lights along the walls, all of it heightened by the black-and-gold marble that spanned the floors. The sensation of physical warmth and comfort permeated the place, well-matched by the comforting flow of air that continued to bring that sweet scent she so enjoyed.

So perhaps things would go better than expected. Everywhere she looked there were ladies together, deep in conversation, well-involved in a fine meal, or simply enjoying a refreshing glass of liquor. The stage was certainly a promenade meant for entertainment, a trio of poles across its platform, but the rest of the club held an air of sophistication and elegance that Rarity rather liked.

If this is a strip club, it’s certainly the nicest one I’ve ever seen. All thoughts of a sleazy dive that smelled of grease, sweat, and shame had been dissolved in the face of a rather dignified sight. If such places were always like this, Rarity might have actually tried to bother visiting one. All of the guests look so lovely, she marveled. And all women, too…

“Hello, ma’am!” The crisp, clear call of a young woman’s voice rang in her ears and Rarity turned to see a young woman walking towards her, pretty-faced and dark eyes shining beneath a sleek head of dark hair. “We were told to expect you, are you Miss Rarity?”

Even the staff are lovely. “I am,” she answered pleasantly, finding herself continuously surprised by the pleasantness of this place. “Who is expecting me?”

“Miss Fluttershy and our Lady informed us that you would be coming, ma’am,” the hostess replied. “They are currently unable to see you right now, but I was told that anything you’d like to have is on the house tonight. Our Lady wishes to repay you for all your kindness to her.”

One glance at the nearby bar was all it took to know that the liquor in the establishment wasn’t to be very cheap. On the house? Their ‘lady,’ as she calls herself, Rarity thought, must be quite wealthy. And have excellent taste. “Will it be alright if I take a seat for a moment?”

“Of course! If you need anything, simply ask any of the staff and we’ll be right there. I’ll inform you when Miss Fluttershy and our Lady are able to see you in the private lounges.”

All of Rarity’s initial apprehension had disappeared, evaporated by the comforting light of this most excellent establishment. So perhaps they had some adult entertainment every now and then, the place was lovely! A smooth drink in hand and a sip- Their Manhattan is sublime. Goodness, everything here is excellent, down to the drinks. Rarity found herself mentally arguing for a reason to return, perhaps of her own accord. If Fluttershy and her girlfriend were here often, it would nice to come by and visit. All her company was easy on the eyes, even if they weren’t Fluttershy. It would be nice to be seen in such pleasing company. Rarity relaxed, taking time to consume her drink and simply let the atmosphere sink in. She couldn’t recall a time that she had ever so thoroughly enjoyed simply being in a place. The music that played from the nearby piano only helped to heighten the mood, further cementing the establishment as one of her new-found favorites.

Mid-way through another cocktail and she felt a small tap on her shoulder. Rarity turned to see the pretty-faced hostess there waiting, a gleaming smile on her face. “Sorry to bother you, ma’am, but Miss Fluttershy is able to see you now. May I escort you to the lounge?”

“You certainly may,” Rarity replied, eagerly following behind the young woman to the awaited company. Fluttershy, you’ve certainly chosen well. Such a fine establishment!

Down the hall and to the right, a backroom door that seemed to beckon for her. “Our Lady will join you in just a moment, ma’am,” the hostess said. “Thank you for coming! We’re all grateful for the kindness you’ve shown our Lady.”

“More than happy to, darling,” Rarity said sweetly, striding through the door and eager for the rest of the evening to continue. Surely it couldn’t get any better than this.

“Rarity! Hello, it’s so good to see you!” Rising from a nearby lounge chair and rushing to greet her was Fluttershy. Taken in an unexpected hug that smelled faintly of strawberries and wildflowers, Rarity found herself struggling not to sink into the embrace. “Oh, I’m so sorry for making you wait, I promise I didn’t mean to…”

“Oh, it’s entirely fine, Fluttershy,” Rarity said happily, taking in her friend’s lush appearance and finding herself eyeing her with a fair amount of desire. “You look positively lovely!”

Fluttershy giggled. “Thank you very much. Do you recognize it?”

Indeed she did, knowing it as the little black dress she had designed for Fluttershy some time back. She hadn’t forgotten how well it had fit the sweet woman’s body back then, and now it seemed to make her more beautiful than ever. A tinge of her bottom that spilled out from beneath the layer of fabric, tightly hugging her body and accentuating her well-endowed chest that was being so clearly emphasized by Fluttershy’s own movements-

Easy, girl. “You look lovely in it, Fluttershy,” Rarity said, though perhaps in a strained voice. “No wonder your girlfriend loves you.”

Fluttershy smiled- no, glowed. “I know I wouldn’t look so pretty without your help, Rarity.”

“Nonsense, darling!” Rarity countered. “What an appalling thing to say, you never needed my help to look beautiful. You radiate, Fluttershy, and don’t you forget it.”

“You sound like my girlfriend,” Fluttershy giggled. “She says things like that, too. I just wanted to make sure you knew how much I liked these sort of dresses.”

It was a far cry from where the lovely woman had once been, and the statement was something of a shock. “Is that so?” Rarity asked. “Whatever made you change your mind on such a matter?”

Fluttershy’s cheeks began to flush a slight tinge of pink. “Well,” she said slowly, “I like to feel sexy. Especially for my girlfriend. I like it when she stares at my chest, or tries to spank my ass. If she’s having to keep her hands off of me, I like it when she starts undressing me with her eyes.”

Rarity was astonished by the answer. How much Fluttershy had changed! So sensuous, sultry- and yet still possessing all her sweetness and gentleness. Rarity understood why anyone would struggle not to look at Fluttershy and want more. “I never knew you found such things enjoyable, darling.”

“I guess it took the right person to come along and change my mind,” Fluttershy replied. “But I like being undressed by her eyes. She makes me think of how you're looking at me right now.”

Cold horror. Rarity hadn’t meant to do it, she’d just been unable to keep her eyes away from this marvelous woman that she craved, absolutely hungered for. She hadn’t meant to let it show! I’ve ruined everything! She’s never going to want to be friends with me after this, it’ll always be so awkward and-

“Rarity.” Fluttershy’s hands gently folded about the fashionista’s wrists and held them, her tranquility seeping in and overtaking the sensations of horror. “It’s alright.”

“What? How is it alright, Fluttershy?” Rarity asked, feeling stricken. Oh please, do not cry, you’ll ruin your makeup. “I didn’t mean-”

Fluttershy smiled so sweetly and said, “Rarity, do you love me?”

It was the worst sort of ‘rock and a hard place’ scenario she had ever endured. Either lie and break her own conscience, or tell the truth and ruin everything. Out of all possible consequences, Rarity decided that the one involving Fluttershy hating her guts forever was the least likely. “I…” she took a breath and tried again, saying, “Fluttershy, I love you. I love you, I am utterly entranced by you. Everywhere you go, I can’t help but watch you. I think about you every day and try not to lose my mind. If I’d just… told you sooner. Please forgive me.”

“Oh Rarity,” Fluttershy replied, “it’s alright.”

“But- you’re with someone else, darling! I can’t possibly try to intrude!”

“But you won’t!” Fluttershy countered. “We certainly don’t mind loving you, too.”

The sweet woman’s words all night had been one surprise after another. This next one was far beyond a slap in the face and more akin to a thunderbolt. “I beg your pardon?”

Fluttershy smiled and led Rarity over to the nearby chair, forcing her down into it. “Stay right here,” she instructed, a kiss on the cheek to help strengthen the message. “I’ll be right back.”

Rarity didn’t have the ability to think at the moment. To say something odd was at work here would have been the understatement of the century: she was at a strip club, the strip club was nice, Fluttershy liked to be sexually desirable, had kissed her cheek twice now, and may have just suggested a polyamorous relationship. Strange couldn’t even begin to describe the scenario that was unfolding.

Fluttershy tiptoed over to the lounge door, each step making her bottom jiggle and hold tight to Rarity’s attention. “We’re in here,” she called, her voice as clear as a spring rain and making the designer’s heart ache. She wanted, needed to hear that again.

The door swung open and in strode a woman of unmistakable beauty and power, a being of such raw sexuality that Fluttershy’s potent sultriness seemed timid in comparison. Each step towards her guest accented perfect, smooth legs and a slightly darkened skin that seemed to glow like polished stone in the dim light. Dark-green hair that shimmered like water, tossed so casually over the shoulder; brilliant eyes that sparkled with anticipation. She was a beautiful, masterful woman… and very, very familiar. Rarity felt herself stiffen, kept to her place by the strength of her trust in Fluttershy. Because the woman who came striding towards her like a goddess was most certainly Chrysalis. “Ah, dearest Rarity. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Fluttershy,” Rarity whispered, “what is going on?”

Gentle hands came to soothe her fraying nerves, both Chrysalis and Fluttershy coming forth to tend to their guest. “It’s alright, Rarity,” Fluttershy said calmly, hardly caring a wit in the world as to who she stood beside. “You can trust Chrissy, she’s not going to hurt you.”

“Is-” The idea was preposterous. “Fluttershy, is she… your girlfriend?”

Fluttershy nodded happily, coming to Chrysalis’ side and giving her a loving kiss on the cheek. “Isn’t she beautiful?” she breathed. “She’s been so sweet to me, and such a good lover. I didn’t think anyone would ever make me feel this way, but…”

Rarity wasn’t sure what to think. Chrysalis had been their enemy only little more than a year ago, an invader who had tried to overthrow the kingdom. Yet here she was, mistress of the finest nightclub Rarity had ever entered and love of the most beautiful woman Rarity had ever known. And splendidly dressed, too- wait, that’s one of mine!

It was, in fact, a dress of Rarity’s own design, the twin to Fluttershy’s own and making its owner just as desirable. Chrysalis was quite fetching in it, and her sizeable bust was unmistakable. She was striking- commanding, even. Though she stood beside Fluttershy, Chrysalis’ own dark beauty was difficult to ignore. And she smells rather nice

“Don’t be shy, Rarity,” Chrysalis said sweetly, beckoning for her to join them. “I’ll only bite if you want me to.”

“Why are you here?” Rarity asked.

“I am here, darling, because I am obsessed with this beautiful butterfly beside me,” she answered, placing a kiss on Fluttershy’s forehead and setting the young woman to giggling. “Isn’t she lovely? I could hardly keep my eyes off of her, and I just had to have her. Of course I fell in love.”

It wasn’t an argument Rarity disagreed with. “But you invaded…”

“A foolish venture, don’t you think?” Chrysalis said airily. “This is so much better. And oh, how good she feels…” she was flaunting Fluttershy like a prize, ensuring that her helpless guest couldn’t keep her eyes away. If Rarity was not staring at Fluttershy, she was staring at Chrysalis. If the Changeling Queen’s body was not consuming her attentions, Fluttershy’s was there to take control. She was surrounded by beauty in this place, and beginning to wonder why she had a problem with it.

“So- so why ask me here?” Rarity inquired. Her breasts look divine

“Because I know you love Fluttershy, of course,” Chrysalis said smoothly, her voice like silk. “And I began to wonder to myself… why not share?”

If it was a trick, it was a good one. But Fluttershy was right there beside her, arms wrapped about her and gazing up at the dark woman with such an adoring gaze that it was impossible to mistake it. And Chrysalis was very, very beautiful…

“You’re generosity incarnate, dearest Rarity,” Chrysalis said, she and Fluttershy taking steps towards her. “Fluttershy wants to love you. I want to love you, too. Why not let me be generous in return? I want to make your dream come true.”

They were standing right before her now, a single glance alerting Rarity to the fact that they weren’t wearing any underwear. She couldn’t mistake the intent, the expressions they bore lustful and so clearly desiring. There wasn’t deceit to be found in this, surely there couldn’t be… “And what do you ask of me, darling?” Rarity breathed.

“Just one thing, Rarity,” Chrysalis answered. “That you love me, too.”

With a snap of her fingers and a bright spark of green fire, Chrysalis was transformed, her darkened skin becoming fair, deep-green hair turning pink. In a matter of a moment she was herself no longer, but instead Fluttershy. But was she? The two women held each other still, identical down to even the singlemost hair, a duality of sweet-faced beauty that was more than Rarity’s heart could take. Yet Fluttershy possessed a sexiness that had not been there before, a lustfulness that most absolutely beckoned for her. “Oh my…”

Fluttershy giggled at the subconscious exclamation. “Please enjoy the show for a bit, Rarity,” she said.

The show? Rarity’s question was soon answered as the two Fluttershy’s turned to one another and held each other in their arms, hands caressing each other’s faces as their faces grew close and came together. They’re going to kiss!

The lips of Fluttershy met in a union of utter perfection that Rarity hadn’t known could exist, the twin women meshed together in an unrivaled work of art. Their lips would part for only a heartbeat before tending to one another yet again, each meeting bringing their bodies closer and closer together until skin pressed hard against one another. Hands weaved across body and through hair, breaths came in hurried huffs as their kisses grew in strength. Neither Fluttershy could resist the other, every kiss lock of lips that brought them together only adding fuel to their fire. They moved with their union, breathed deeply of it and enjoyed every lasting moment as though it were a delicacy. A small start as lips opened wide and their mouths became glued, small jabs now occurring within as their tongues began to dance together. They were loveliness and beauty, passion and grace that could not be found elsewhere.

Fluttershy moaned into Fluttershy’s mouth, escaping her lover’s clutches and swiftly returning to the tongue that called for her, beginning to suck it with slow, delicate movements. She was trying for a specific reaction, seeking out a response from her partner. The moan that came was the signal to go deeper, her kisses of this marvelous pink organ more loving and sensuous with each new sound. It was a struggle between the two as they tried to out-romance the other, each new lick like the masterstroke of a duel that could not be won. At last they came into the open and let their dance be seen, saliva-coated tongues twirling about and uniting themselves with sweet, gossamer strands-

It was by instinct; how could she have held it back? The cry of longing that poured from her heart was not by Rarity’s will, but rather the strength of the longing that was consuming her. She didn’t care if one of them was Chrysalis, she didn’t care if Fluttershy would not love her alone. Rarity had become maddened by the unrivaled artistry of Fluttershy kissing Fluttershy, and she needed more.

The sound did not go unnoticed. Fluttershy turned from her partner and paused mid-twirl to take note of her now-quivering audience, the twinkle in her eyes turning bright. Her hand rose and a solitary finger beckoned in a request that was unmistakable: Come join us.

Rarity didn’t want to appear desperate at first. She started at the gesture- and then decided perception could go rot, she rushing forward to join the delightful display, hungering for that touch that would be undeniably-

Aah…” Sweet, wondrous relief! The feel of Fluttershy on her tongue at last was the dream she had always wanted, now multiplied and made excellent in its sweetness by the presence of it all about it. Fluttershy put an arm around her and brought her into the fold, those twin tongues turning from one another and to their new partner, caressing her and lavishing upon her all the praises and love she could possibly desire. Rarity trembled at the feeling, desperate for every ounce of it she could manage. She wanted to kiss and be kissed in return, no matter which Fluttershy it was. She wanted to feel their breasts and she did so, a hand pulling down the neckline to expose those succulent mounds and giving them a squeeze. She wanted to smell that wildflower scent again, she wanted to feel those lips hunger for her own- and so came the sensation, the pair of tongues diving deep into her mouth and bringing them all so close, giggles and coos of joy breathed out in their midst. It felt better than good, more wonderful than happiness! This was love.

She felt her dress began to be pulled down and Rarity didn’t even bother to struggle against it- quite the opposite. She tried to squirm her way out of her trappings and feel the naked air upon her skin, and hopefully entice her lovers to do the same. Clothes? Who could care about fashion and clothes right now when she had Fluttershy in her arms- and then Fluttershy again!

“Oh, Rarity,” Fluttershy breathed, gazing at her friend’s now bare breasts with sweet-faced wonder. “You really are beautiful. They look so lovely…”

“Oh, nothing compared to you, darling!” Rarity said, meeting Fluttershy for a kiss and glad to find her fervor well-met. She loved how Fluttershy kissed, so gentle and tender! Each time she found those lips, they would be so soft and willing, eager to be felt and known. The tongue that hid behind them was just as welcoming, smooth and flowing with everything it contained. When their small union came to a close, she reveled in the moment when Fluttershy returned and gave her lips a small lick.

“I like your lip gloss,” Fluttershy giggled, going back for another quick taste. “You taste nice.”

“Excuse me,” Fluttershy said, coming between the two and eyeing Rarity enviously. “But I’d like to suck on your breasts, if you don’t mind.”

“Fluttershy-!” The idea was heavenly and Rarity practically guided her to them, delighting in the heavenly sensations that now consumed her magnificent mounds. Fluttershy could do more than kiss, more than simply twirl tongues in a soaked dance; she could massage with that mouth, tend to nipples and see them harden under her care. Rarity’s breasts were her garden and she would see them cared for. The lick that came across the areola was so smooth!

Rarity gave a sigh and found it muffled by Fluttershy’s kisses, the two falling back against the lounge and becoming lost in one another. As the fashionista’s breasts continued to be tended to, the other two women found themselves happily involved in each other’s mouths for a little while longer. Each coo that came was sweeter than the sound of doves; every moan was exquisitely sultry. Rarity had always wondered what heaven was like- she now deemed it would likely be inferior to this night.

“Oh…” Rarity did not want the moment to end, but she knew perfectly well what she craved now. Years and years of waiting had to be satisfied tonight. “Fluttershy, I must ask of you…”

“Wait, wait! Me first, please,” Fluttershy said hurriedly, tearing herself away from their kiss while her pair continued to lavish her praises on Rarity’s breasts. “Is it alright if I sit on your face, Rarity? Please?”

That hadn’t been Rarity’s request. She considered the Fluttershy who now looked at her so lovingly, eager to hear a positive response; she felt the loving of her breasts come to an end and then felt a new press of lips that was trailing down her waist towards… oh my.

“Rarity?” Fluttershy’s countenance was still so sweet, but there was a slight tinge of desperation in her voice.

“Yes. Yes, please! I want you there, darling!” Rarity cried, temporarily robbed of breath as she felt the first trace of love along her slit.

Fluttershy beamed and undressed herself from the tight confines of her dress, at last revealing all of her fair form for Rarity’s visual adoration. The fashionista had been right from the start: not a flaw to be found, pure skin that was unblemished and perfect. She was going to be able to feel it, to touch it-

Her eyes went downwards and saw a gleaming sex awaiting her. Such a beautiful, delectable prize, and it was going to be hers! Rarity could hardly breathe as she felt legs wrap about her, the heat of those folds now directly before her eager mouth, with only one objective in mind: ravish. Incensed by the feelings that were coming from her own slit below, Rarity gave her sweet Fluttershy everything she could muster. Deep, slow licks that traced along the outer limits so as to incite the nerves and make them eager. She wanted to let her know she was coming, but not overwhelm with presence. To feel-

The trace of tongue that had been delicately plucking at her below now went deep. Finding a spot in between and lingering for a while-

Rarity continued with her sweeps before diving straight inside, an angled plunge into the very depths and wriggling about for only a second. She wanted to be noticed and to be known, a signature feeling-

Oh heavens! The tonguestroke that had lathered upon her just now felt marvelous-

She went her way about the outer edges, abandoning her place within the center and tending to other places. All of Fluttershy deserved to be loved, drank up and devoured-

A wild, intense dive. Rarity was trying not to squirm now, but she felt so good-

She abandoned her smooth method for a brief moment and became frenzied, a few small pulls on the labia to make them flush and sensitive. She heard a moan of satisfaction from the sensation and she went to do it again, each pull promptly met by a gentle tonguestroke-

Another wondrous plunge and Rarity had to hold back her own cries. She was so close, wondrously close! Fluttershy was eating her out, and she was eating out Fluttershy! This sweetness and wonder all about her was more beautiful than all the fashions and jewels across the entire world, and she was right in the center of it!

Rarity felt the first shuddering wave and gave it all she was worth, eating away in a reckless abandon that made Fluttershy –Fluttershy!- scream. The sultry seamstress felt herself begin to flow, the tide of joy coursing through her body and making her senses sing- a cry that became magnified when she felt the outpouring that came upon her in return. She had done it! She had made love to Fluttershy and been made love to in return! She drank the juices ravenously, eager to not let a single drop go to waste. Oh, it was all so sweet

Her body was tired, wracked from the exertion. To say she was deliriously happy would have been insufficient. Released from the depths of Fluttershy’s thighs, Rarity closed her eyes and forced herself to recall every ounce of feeling that had come with it, for it might never come again. It was all so good, she cried, oh, Fluttershy, my darling!

She opened her eyes and saw Fluttershy there waiting for her, a tender kiss upon her moistened lips as a greeting. “Hello, Sleeping Beauty,” the sweet woman greeted. “You tasted wonderful. Thank you for letting me do it.”

This was the one that had licked her clean, had lavished her praised upon her. Rarity could only kiss and sing her praises in return with what little time she had left; they kissed and enjoyed their presence together for a time, happy to know only one another.

But they were not alone. Feeling the gaze of another upon her, Rarity turned and saw Chrysalis sitting beside them, naked and bearing a smile of genuine happiness. It would have seemed strange to her to see it, not so long ago. A true smile was unmistakable, so very different from a wicked leer. Rather than gloat in conquest or suddenly declare wicked intent, Chrysalis seemed to instead be happily observing them, pleased with their evening together.

Rarity suddenly felt a rush of gratitude towards this marvelous queen; she had not been obligated to share Fluttershy. There was no need to fulfill fantasies, but she had done so just the same. “Chrysalis..!” she breathed, reaching over and pulling the dark-haired woman in for a kiss of their own. “My darling Chrysalis…” She had eaten this woman out, made her orgasm- a love-hungering queen had orgasmed by her efforts! “Thank you…”

Chrysalis laughed, a sound not unkind in the least. “Happy to oblige, dearest Rarity,” she replied. “You felt flawless.”

It was high praise from such a woman and Rarity knew it, turning flush at the lavish praise. “It was a delight,” she replied. She was surrounded by admirers, Fluttershy gently tending to her tussled hair while Chrysalis wiped away whatever sweat and fluid could still be found upon her. She’d never really felt like this before.

Unbeknownst to them, neither had Chrysalis. Fluttershy had intoxicated her, but this was different. She rather liked the act of adoration, but had half-wondered if Fluttershy had simply been an anomly. Now with Rarity in the mix, she felt stronger, more powerful- more whole. Something in her was being filled, and she could only wish to see it completed. Now that her hypothesis had been confirmed, she was eager for the next step.

Rarity looked at her and smiled, gently pushing her hair out of her eyes. “Chrysalis, darling...” she said hesitantly, “I do love you, also. Can- can we please stay like this?”

Oh thank heavens. Chrysalis couldn’t have asked for more. “Of course we can, my dear Rarity. Did I not say I wanted to share my love with you?”

The flawless designer glowed at the words, an expression seen likewise in a happily gasping Fluttershy. “I just wanted to make sure,” she answered. “And I called myself generous. What sort of gift could I possibly hope to give in return?”

Now that was the ticket. “Well,” Chrysalis remarked lightly, “We always have room for one more. Tell me of your friends, ladies. I’d hate to hear of anyone being overlooked.”

Fluttershy stole a glance at Chrysalis and grinned. “Well, we do have one friend who doesn’t get asked out very often,” she said. “She’s very pretty, but she never seems to think so.”

“Is that so? A travesty…”

Rarity regarded her friend and realized they were thinking of the same person. “The poor girl simply doesn’t give herself enough credit,” she added. “And she’s the best host anyone could ask for. Have you ever met Pinkie Pie, Chrissy?”

2. Pinkie Pie, Seduced By Adoration

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"She spends all her time with them now,” came the low whisper from the corner of the room, a darkened sublevel of a once-defunct warehouse that had been excavated and expanded to make room for thousands of new denizens. “When was the last time she ventured anywhere that was not in their presence?”

The meeting had been formed in discretion, a band of them that felt a changing of the winds within the Horde. To be led was to be controlled, and for a Changeling to be controlled meant that they would mimic the one who controlled them. And as for the one who controlled them…

“How long have we been within the city walls now? Weeks? Months?” voiced one of the younger members, a woman bearing a plait of dark-brown hair across her shoulder. “Was this not meant to be an invasion? We have gone undetected for this long, but the more we wait, the more likely it becomes that one of our members slip- or they slip!”

“And there has been no word on whether or not we have infiltrated the palace,” added another, a more senior-ranking member of the Horde and well-versed in their Lady’s typical methods. “Whatever plan she possessed before we returned here, it has not been enacted.”


“Or what?” challenged a once-quiet participant.

The youngest Changeling looked about the huddled group, her eyes settling on each of her peers in turn. “Or she never had any plan. And this was all about satisfying her own needs.”

The reaction to such a judgment was random across the board, various expressions shown in each of their faces; some nodded in assent, others fearful, while some reacted in disgust. The idea that their queen, one of the most formidable of their kind in the history of their species, had abandoned them- a leaderless Horde was doomed to suffer and rot, and each of them knew it.

“She would not,” remarked one of their members. “The Ravens have been abroad on more missions than they ever have before, there is a plan that we have simply not seen.”

“Plan?” replied the younger. “She has not once gone on the offensive since we returned here, since they began to come into our midst. She grows stronger and greater every day, but we are left with scraps! Mere scents to torment us!”

“But we are well-fed,” voiced another. “These scraps are better than any feast we’ve felt before. You have not seen where we were before the invasion… just how desperate we were.”

“But are we supposed to merely live off of scraps? We huddle in the dark and survive off her works, not once feeding for ourselves. It is food, but it is not enough any longer,” said the youngest of their band. “Chrysalis has cast us aside in favor of her own satisfaction, we must do something!”

“We have a roof over our heads…” voiced one. “But we are not safe. Excursions to the outside world are all but banned, each day we have is spent in dread, waiting for the enemy to come to our door. If we do not act soon, we will be discovered. And then we will die. She will let us die.”

“She…” the elder of the midst wanted to say that their queen would not abandon them to save her own skin, but the changes they had witnessed over the past several months gave her pause. They were fed, but cramped; satisfied, but always on guard; full, but needing more. Chrysalis was not the same Changeling that had invaded the city- in fact, she was not much of the same at all. “… Suppose I listen. What do you propose?”

The youngest of their member went wide-eyed at the realization that she was to be taken seriously. “We- what has changed is her company,” she surmised. “They make her strong, but they’ve changed her. Whatever love they give her to feed upon, we take it for ourselves.”

“We take them?”

She nodded. “Take them for ourselves, demand their love for our own benefit, and feast.”

“And if they do not give it to us willingly?” asked one in a hushed whisper. “Like they give it to her?”

The young woman’s eyes shone with a hungering fire. “Then we-”

One of their own gave a muffled cry and disappeared from the shadows of their dim light, pulled away into the black of the sublevel and cast aside. A harsh, baleful light of fire took their place and revealed the hulking form of a much more monstrous Changeling: a Commander of the Horde, and Chrysalis’ personal right hand.

“You speak too loudly, for one who plot against the chosen of Her Majesty,” she growled, body shuddering with barely-restrained strength as she surveyed the terrified conspirators. “Now… what am I going to do with you?”

Chrysalis was royalty. Her forebears had ensured her existence with utmost care and specificity, wishing for nothing less than an heir that would lead their Horde. Bred to rule, built to conquer, even as an unhatched egg she had been bequeathed traits that would give her strength, might, and the will to dominate. Chrysalis’ life had been one of leadership, knowing little else but subservience from those around her and continued acts of subjugation in return. She commanded, bowed to no one, and demanded absolute obedience. There was not an ounce of servitude that could be found within her royal blood.

There had never been a time that she had not demanded to be served, not one moment when she did not wish to dwell in fullest luxury. The presence of such memories seemed to be a humorous irony when compared to the moment she dwelled in now, a bottle of champagne in her grasp that was soon placed on a serving tray alongside a trio of glasses. Her personal quarters had only just been renovated, expanded to make room for an increase in inhabitants. Functioning now just as well as a full home, there had been insistence from her desired company to add a full kitchen as well. Pulled from ice and well-chilled, the bubbly liquor would make for an excellent nightcap.

“Now,” she breathed, a strange sort of softness in her voice that would have once been unrecognizable, “I believe this will tickle your fancy, my sweet butterfly. Take a small glass, I insist.”

There on the couch, comfortable in each other’s close company, were Rarity and Fluttershy, the split expressions upon them spurring laughter to form in the Changeling queen’s eyes. Rarity loved the refinement of her new quarters, and all the furnishings that had come with it. More used to the sort of elegance that Chrysalis was accustomed to, she valued the fine things of society and all its trappings. Fluttershy, however, had always been a more demure spirit, even after she had begun to open up and flourish. Ever sweet and pure, Chrysalis and the newest member of her heart had been trying to help open up further horizons.

“And you’re sure it’s… you know. Not icky?” Fluttershy asked, no small amount of uncertainty across her face as she eyed the unopened bottle. “I know you were so sure about the last one, but…”

“Fluttershy, dear, you must give it a try!” Rarity cried, giving her long-time crush a playful swat. “Chrissy and I did our very best to find one we thought you would like, and we’re all but certain this will be something you enjoy. Please, really give this one a chance.”

“All I ask is that you try it,” Chrysalis said, opening the bottle and pouring a small offering into a glass and handing it to her sweet-faced lover. “If you don’t like this one, we won’t ask you to try any more. We just want you to be able to enjoy it along with us, that’s all.”

Fluttershy still appeared hesitant, but nodded and gave a smile, taking the barely-filled glass in hand and taking a small sip of the bright liquid within. At first, she pulled a face in response to the ever-present bitterness of the alcohol, but her expression soon clouded and eyes went wide in reaction to a pleasant discovery. “It’s… a little sweet,” she assessed, not at all unhappily. “And- sort of dry? It’s strange.”

“Do you like it?” Rarity inquired.

Fluttershy paused to ponder the matter before giving a little nod. “It’s not bad,” she answered. “I like this one more than the others.”

The elegant seamstress glowed with delight and turned to the darkened royal that stood beside them. “I told you we should try a brut instead,” she crowed. “Trust me next time, darling, won’t you?”

Chrysalis would have once taken such words as insolence and reacted accordingly. But these two, now so deeply nestled in her heart, could seemingly get away with anything. “I will make sure to keep it in mind,” she said, with a roll of her eyes. “I do recall you mentioning you had ideas for further renovations of the front bar as well.”

“Just an idea or two,” Rarity said, taking her own glass of champagne and halting halfway to her lips. “Oh, I forgot them!”

“Forgot what?”

“Chocolates. This brut goes wonderfully with them, do we have any dark chocolate anywhere?”

“Interestingly enough, I do,” Chrysalis murmured. “Fluttershy and I enjoyed a few before bed and I kept some nearby.”

“Splendid! I’ll go get them now, where are they?”

“Don’t! Allow me,” Chrysalis said, raising a hand before her elegant love could rise to her feet. “I’ll be right back.”

If this was love, she rather liked it. Chrysalis had never been one to give anything at all in return, merely wishing to engorge herself and add to a long list of luxuries that would continue to tempt her palate; she wanted anything and everything, all of it there for her plundering- right now! But this willing outpouring, whether it be affection or action, or simply a gift of value- it was a strange, unusual feeling of intoxication that she rather liked. Her form felt lighter, yet within it surged a more potent power than anything she’d known before. There was new strength, new might, and new happiness that came from seeing the happiness in others. Fluttershy had once been thought of as an anomaly, a mere aberration in the system that would help see her revenge be enacted. Rarity had been proof something in this was different, and was indeed worth keeping.

It hadn’t been long since this new change had come in, but Chrysalis enjoyed it more with each passing day. She loved these two wonderful woman- and wouldn’t mind adding to the number.

“A batch of chocolates for us to enjoy,” Chrysalis announced, setting the crystal bowl of dark delicacies down upon the tray beside its liquid pairing. “Now… we relax.”

Fluttershy smiled at her love, a small little toast before taking a headier sip of champagne. Rarity joined in and added hers to the measure, at last met by Chrysalis own well-filled glass before separating. They were a loving trio, as though they had always been for time immemorial.

“You seem a little weary, darling,” Rarity remarked, taking note of Chrysalis’ appearance with concern. “Is anything the matter?”

Chrysalis smiled. “Plans for the future, that is all. My children require better quarters than what I can give them here.”

“Would you not be able to accomplish what made this place again?”

“This was a warehouse made for war, too long ago to be commonplace,” Chrysalis answered. “And how we attained what we required to design it was…”

Fluttershy took note of the conversation and frowned. “You promised no more stealing,” she reminded.

It was a grating thing, but Chrysalis had been badgered into accepting. “And so we struggle. Love keeps them alive, but it does not keep them safe. And so I wonder how I might accomplish both.”

“Hmm…” Rarity pondered the matter herself, despite possessing no real answer to the question. “Have you any ideas?”

“None yet. So for now, I try not worry. It is all I can do.”

“How does a distraction sound, then?”

Chrysalis smiled warmly. “I would be delighted with it. What do you have for me?”

“Well…” Rarity clutched her purse and slid over onto Chrysalis’ lap, held fast to her place by an attentive hand that snaked its way about her waist. “I have a design I think you will like.”

“Let’s see it.”

Rarity delved into her things and extracted a small sketchbook, flipping through its scrawl of pages until a freshly-drawn design was found and flared for the both of them to see. “It was a design I once considered for Princess Luna, you see. But Luna… she is not one who considers such things all that important. So I’m glad you came along!”

“As am I,” Chrysalis replied, a kiss on Rarity’s cheek to help ensure her words’ effect. “A new dress, I see.”

“I considered something more elegant this time around,” Rarity explained, “but with that touch of sensuality you enjoy. So I took the original gown design and erased one of the shoulder straps along with the sleeves. The skirt will also have a slit for the leg as well, but will still hug along the bust, the waist, and your hips.”

“In short, I will be sexy royalty,” Chrysalis surmised. “Ooh, I can hardly wait.”

“I promise, you won’t have to wait long. I already have your measurements- so just say when.”

It was a gift. A gift intentionally for her, made for her specifically in mind, given without thought of reward or price in return. Chrysalis had been given tribute and tithe, but never a gift. It felt good to receive such a thing, and she couldn’t help but kiss Rarity’s expecting lips and let physical action speak to her feelings.

Fluttershy looked up and saw Rarity bound to the beautiful queen by the mouth, the two temporarily lost in a romantic daydream. She rather liked the view, and if things were starting to trend in that direction, it would be even more fun to join in-

A heavy knock at the door brought all hopes of an evening bout to an abrupt halt, Rarity and Chrysalis’ sapphic embrace ending with a thickened band breaking between them. A quick settling of clothing and positions before Chrysalis cleared her throat and called, “Enter!”

Through the threshold strode a powerful woman whose form looked more akin to chiseled stone than human flesh, clearly a well-fed Changeling. “Majesty. Ladies,” she greeted, a low bow alongside her words.

“Commander Seniya,” Chrysalis greeted, motioning for her warrior to rise. “These are my personal hours, what brings you here?”

Seniya eyed her queen’s companions with uncertainty, hesitant to speak further before present company. How much could she say in front of them without perhaps giving them away? Could they even be trusted?

Chrysalis sensed the reasons behind the silence. “Speak, Seniya. My ladies are to be trusted.”

Seniya nodded, but remained uncomfortable. “It is… news that concerns them, Your Majesty,” she added.

Was that so? Rarity and Fluttershy shared a glance before returning to their guests, uncertain as whether or not to be nervous. “What… what about us?” Fluttershy asked.

After a nod from Chrysalis, Seniya let loose her discomfort and began her report. “Your Majesty, a small group of Changelings were discovered in the sublevels beneath the hive. They were conspiring against you, and- and planned to attack and kidnap your royal consorts.”

Rarity tremored. “And do what with us… exactly?”

Seniya clearly was not wanting to deliver further information, but duty demanded it of her in the moment. “The love that sustains the Horde… they wanted it from the source directly. And were intent on acquiring it no matter what.”

It was not difficult to ascertain the meaning behind the words. The two women inched their ways towards each other to huddle together in comfort, a small trace of fear evident within them from the revelation. What they had given to Chrysalis was willingly offered, happily expressed… to have it taken forcefully-

Chrysalis did not know which emotion was going to rule over the horror, so torn between horror and fury that she felt like she might burst. Kidnap and rape her girls? Pieces of her own heart, people she genuinely loved, those she cherished? “Where are they?” she finally managed.

Seniya was at last able to answer with some measure of confidence. “They have been dealt with, Your Majesty. I can personally vouch for this.”

“And the others? The rest of the Horde, what do they say? Tell me, it will not be an isolated event!” Chrysalis barked.

“Your Majesty-”

The dark queen’s fury was winning out and taking over, Chrysalis rising to her feet and coming to tower over the others. Even Rarity and Fluttershy, kept safe by her, could not help to fear the wrath that now threatened to spill out. “I told all of you to leave them alone. They are not to be touched, all of my Ladies are not to be touched, not ever! That was an expressed command, and they planned to break it so there will be others! Speak!”

Seniya dropped to her knees in a supplication gesture, face-down and unable to lay eyes upon her leader’s great rage. “Forgive me, Your Majesty,” she said, “I was not aware until I found them. You asked me to safeguard the hive, and I did not. If you must take my life for this failure…”

Chrysalis was about to speak when a softly uttered sound rang through the room and became cold water on a fire. “Seniya,” Fluttershy said, “it’s alright. We know you did your best. So just tell us everything else and it’ll be OK.”

Even Chrysalis felt stunned by the proclamation. Fluttershy had spoken gently, but with command in her voice, taking control of the situation like a rider atop a wild horse. The tower of wrath that had been rising now deflated and was cast aside as embers in the wind, the Changeling Queen’s emotions turning from anger to fear and concern. They are scared. Assure them, keep them safe. That’s all that matters in this- right?

Seniya looked up, gaping at Fluttershy before turning to her queen for further orders. She’d never been in a situation so confusing.

Chrysalis nodded. “Their will is my will,” she dictated. “Do whatever they say as though it came from me.”

Shakily, Seniya rose to her feet and regained her composure. “The… there are those who are confused, my Lady,” she reported. “They do not understand that the plan has changed. And they… some wish for what you have. But they do not understand the method. They believe you have abandoned the old ways.”

“We have abandoned the old ways because they failed us,” Chrysalis said coldly. “I will see them safe and secure forever, if they only listen. Tell them that-”

“Chrissy, darling,” Rarity interjected, a hand coming across her lover’s shoulder. “Perhaps there is something we can do to help.”

She held to these beautiful creatures more dearly than her own life. “Not you-”

“Seniya, please leave us,” the fashionista added. “Say nothing yet, I’d like to talk with Chrysalis for a moment.”

Confused in ways she couldn’t even spell, Seniya departed from their presence and left the room, her mighty leader stunted as to what was going to be discussed. “Surely you don’t wish to-”

“No! No! Of course not, darling,” Rarity said swiftly, immediate responses of relief from both Chrysalis and Fluttershy soon after. “But I believe I may have an idea.”

“I am not in the mood for any such thing,” she growled. In the heat of the moment, fury still not abated in the face of deliberate insurrection, she desired little else but to re-exert her will over a seemingly rebellious, cantankerous Horde.

“Oh, stop being so cranky, Chrissy. I’m trying to help so please just let me talk!” Rarity said. “If your Changelings don’t understand why you’ve changed, then they need to understand. I just might know someone who can help them achieve just that. They need something to adore.”

“Rarity, there is not a soul alive who could withstand the throng that would come for them. There are physical limits.”

“Yes, but an orgy isn’t exactly what I had in mind.” Rarity smiled, mind turning to a place much further away and contemplating the matter. “But I know someone who’s in need of a confidence booster. And they might just need to show off a little.”

It was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen. A veritable mountain of dark chocolate, perfectly drizzled with a strawberry and chocolate sauce to further enhance the texture. It didn’t need to be tasted to know it was wonderfully moist, a thin line of icing between the layers to help maintain the overall composure. There was a fluffiness that caught the attention of the eye and beckoned one to drive a fork deep into its well-coated softness and take a bite. She of all people knew it would be good, she was the one that had brought it into the world from little more than ingredients and some mixing.

Pinkie Pie made the whole cake as a reward for yesterday’s work, but now found itself conflicting with the desire to make the prior day’s exercise continue to matter. She’d started the diet for a reason, and even her best efforts hadn’t proven all that successful yet. So she’d given most of the cake away in an attempt to help strengthen her resolve, but had been unable to part with this last, delectable, beautifully crafted slice. So of course it now beckoned to her, begging to fill her growling stomach and see its sugar spread. But she couldn’t.

Even though she really wanted to.

The whole idea had lingered in her mind for more than a little while; so many of her friends were the perfect sort of pretty, whether it be fit and strong or sleek and slender. Even Twilight had a sort of elegance to her amidst the nerdiness, and a really cute butt- all of her friends were so naturally attractive… How on earth was she supposed to have avoided comparison games? Yes, she was well-liked and had good friends who cared about her, but it was difficult to not notice the less than subtle differences they shared. It was especially impossible to avoid such matters when she found herself next to Fluttershy and Rarity, the two she considered the absolute paragon of feminine beauty. Everything about them both was so lovely and she’d always kinda wanted to say or do something about it, but that was out of the question. Not because of prior relationships or anything, that had come after the realization.

It was a measurement of her waistline that had sort of helped to sink that in, and a sinking step onto a scale that finished the job: she was overweight, and –frankly- fat. It wasn’t exactly difficult to imagine why, what with an occupation as a confectioner extraordinaire; she’d always loved sweet, everything from the concept of their creation to an enjoyment of the finished product. Pinkie Pie had loved baking since she was a little girl, and could devour them by the truckload. Not a bad thing for a child, but she wasn’t a child anymore- what she ate nowadays tended to stick around.

She’d tried to convince herself that her changes in diet were for the sake of her health: she was caring for her body by having it shed the excess weight, giving herself a healthier and happier life. If Pinkie Pie had been naive enough to swallow the lie, then perhaps the here and now would be easier to accept, but she knew full well the biggest reason was so she could finally emulate the ones she admired. To have the curves and body that Rarity had would be dreamy; to possess that slender form and grace that Fluttershy did would be wonderful. And, yes, Fluttershy wasn’t single anymore, but Rarity still was. If she was as pretty as she was…

Maybe, Pinkie Pie thought, I’d be able to do something about that.

That wasn’t to say the whole plan had been easily to implement. The simple fact that the cake now sat on a serving plate in front of her was proof enough, and she was beginning to wonder how much longer she’d be able to hold out from devouring it. Pinkie hadn’t exactly let it remain by accident. Come on, just a little taste. It’ll be OK to fudge just a bit- ooh, I could make some fudge for everybody, that sounds- oh come on, you don’t need more sugar and chocolate, relax already-

Pinkie had always possessed an unusual amount of trust in the world around her, almost as though there was an inability to suspect foul deeds from others; she couldn’t remember the last time she’d ever locked her penthouse door. When the entrance to her abode swung open and revealed her incoming guests, they were a needed relief from the excessive focus she had given to her culinary confections- even if such focus turned guests from a welcome surprise to a terrifying shock, sending the frizz-haired woman into the air like a startled cat-

Aah!” Fluttershy gave a screech far louder than her usual verve and immediately darted behind Rarity for safety, just scared of Pinkie’s reaction as Pinkie had been to their sudden presence-

“Goodness! Relax, the both of you!” Rarity cried, caught between two very different bouts of fright. “Pinkie, I’m sorry, we didn’t mean to startle you- Fluttershy, darling, it’s only Pinkie.”

Fluttershy and Rarity! Her friends had come by to visit, that wasn’t anything to be scared of. She’d become so focused on her hunger that she must have zoned out. “Oh- hey, girls! It’s great to see you, thanks for coming by!” Pinkie resettled herself and came over to greet them, each of the two beauties graced with a hug that spoke to the pink-haired woman’s affections. Ooh, they even smell really nice. They’ve looked more extra pretty than normal-

“Did we come at a bad time? We didn’t mean to scare you,” Fluttershy said in the midst of Pinkie’s embrace.

“What? No, it’s great to see you! Sorry for being so scary, Fluttershy, I was just –you know- thinking about things. And stuff. And I just got super into it and didn’t notice you were coming!” Pinkie said, trying to ignore the weighted presence of the cake slice that sat on the table behind her. “Come on in!”

“Ooh… a lovely cake,” Rarity murmured, taking note of the exquisite delicacy with admiration. “Is this one of your creations, Pinkie? It looks marvelous.”

“Oh, yeah! I made that earlier today, but I was kinda trying not to have any even though I left that last slice for later. You can have it if you want, I’d love to know what you think.” Pinkie’s vision focused on both the elegant seamstress and the thick chocolate of the cake, the two ideas combining into one and conjuring a picture within her imagination of a naked Rarity covered in chocolate sauce, waiting for Pinkie to lick her clean-

“Thank you, darling, that’s too kind of you!” Rarity took the nearby fork and began to dig in, shuddering with delight as the first bite of baked goods melted in her mouth. “Oh, my word, it is splendid. You’ve positively outdone yourself, dear!”

“Yeah…” She knew full well it was good, even if she hadn’t had a single bite. She just wanted a little taste, whether it be Fluttershy or Rarity or the cake didn’t really matter at this point.

“Umm… Pinkie?”

“Yeah, Fluttershy?”

The sweet-faced woman had taken a seat at the table opposite her fellow, turning to their hostess with a measure of concern on her face. “Did… did you say that you were trying not to have any of your cake?”

“Huh? Oh yeah, I was trying to sorta not have any and I’m super glad you came by and helped me get rid of it cause I was starting to want it really bad-”

Fluttershy pulled a face. “But- why? Don’t you usually at least have a little of the sweets you make?”

“Well…” she wasn’t sure how much she wanted to admit to, for some reason. “I was just trying to- you know, have a little- self-control, things like that. And I mean, I could use having a few less pounds and I usually have a lot of sugar so I was figuring that I could probably do myself a favor and not have much of anything for a little while-”

“Wait just a moment, darling,” Rarity said, stopping halfway to her mouth with another bite. “Pinkie, did you start a diet?”

“I mean- I kinda thought I was getting too fat and I wanted to do a little better and start eating right and. You know, stuff like that.”

“Pinkie, you’re trembling. Is everything alright?”

Uh-oh. “I was just figuring that- I could do to lose a few pounds- or more, and I’d… kinda need to do a little better if I wanted to be sorta pretty and stuff-”

Rarity raised a finger and struck her friend dumb. “Pinkie,” she said slowly, “when was the last time you ate?”

With Rarity’s expression so serious, and Fluttershy’s so deeply marked with concern, the thought of deliberately lying didn’t seem like it would be in her best interest. “Umm… two- two days,” Pinkie answered meekly.

The elegant fashionista was knocked aback by the bombshell and left wide-eyed. “Two day- Pinkie!”

“I thought it’d be faster if I just didn’t eat for a little while!”

“Pinkie, darling!” Rarity came before her friend and placed hands upon her shoulders, forcing the normally frenetic woman’s attentions solely upon that visage of beauty. “You have no reason to harm yourself like that. A proper diet is one thing, but that is simply self-harm. You give too much of yourself away to not have something to sustain you. Now come, you must get something to eat.”


“Please, Pinkie,” Fluttershy added, “it’s awful to see you be so unhappy like this. Will you please let us help you out?”

The pressure of her own hunger was multiplied in the face of their concern, the gnawing sensations of an empty stomach impossible to bear now that she couldn’t avoid the thought. “I guess.”

“There we go! Now, since it’s almost lunchtime, I think something nice for us all is in order,” Rarity declared, heading to the nearby kitchen with ideas clearly in mind. “It’s going to be alright, Pinkie. You’ll feel much better when you have some food in you.”

She felt bad for making them worry, foolish for thinking she could starve herself to a better body, and weak for needing food in the first place, the thoughts chewing away as the trio began to prepare a meal. “You didn’t need to worry,” Pinkie said shame-facedly.

“Of course we needed to worry,” Fluttershy answered, “You’re just having a bad few days, that’s all.”

“But I just…” it would sound worse when she actually said it aloud, Pinkie realized. “I just- wanted to look like you. Everyone thinks you’re so pretty and perfect and I just figured that- well, I’m… not as much.”

“Pinkie,” Rarity breathed, ceasing her chopping of vegetables to come give her friend a hug. “You needn’t try to look like me or Fluttershy- or anyone else, for that matter! Try to look like you! Goodness, everyone already likes you as you are!”

“But no one really thinks I’m pretty,” she replied.

“I think you’re pretty, darling,” Rarity countered, a mischievous grin appearing on her pristine features. “Please, don’t play those awful comparison games upon yourself, they’re hardly fair.”


“You just are a different kind of pretty, Pinkie Pie,” Fluttershy said, taking a nearby bowl and filling it with a healthy assortment of nuts and fruits. “And it’s not just because you’re super nice and kind to everyone you meet. You’re pretty on the outside, too.”

“I- I dunno…” Pinkie was trying to subdue her smile, but the compliments coming from these incomparable women was difficult to ignore...

“Well, I know so,” Rarity declared, speaking as though there was no argument that could be brought against it. “And I won’t hear any argument that says otherwise. Now, eat up. You’ll need to be steady on your feet if you’re to visit Canterlot with me and Fluttershy tonight.”

Canterlot? What on earth for? “What’s going on in Canterlot?”

Fluttershy’s girlfriend –a lovely person, by the way- invited us to her nightclub for the evening,” Rarity explained. “You came up in conversation the other day and she said it would be lovely to meet you.”

“She also wanted your help, too,” Fluttershy added, “her nightclub has a lot of staff, but she’s been struggling to keep up with every aspect of it. When she asked me for advice, I suggested you’d be a great hostess!”

A business opportunity? It wasn’t a bad idea, all things considered. Pinkie’s raison d’etre was parties, and to host one in such a prestigious place as the capital would be a ton of fun. But then again… “Is it supposed to be a fancy party?” she asked. Memories of the gala from years prior resurfaced in her mind.

Fluttershy shook her head. “She wants you to help train some of her employees, really. Show them how to make a crowd happy. I know there’d be nobody who could be a better person to learn from than you. And she’d really like to meet you, too!”

The suggestion had come at the perfect time, striking right when a morale boost was most necessary. “Well… OK. Yeah, I can help with that! It should be fun!”

“Oh, thank you so much, Pinkie Pie!” Fluttershy said with a smile. “It’ll be so much fun to have you with us, I just know it.”

“Splendid! Now, let’s eat up. We’ve got a long evening ahead of us,” Rarity said. “Dig in!”

The meal was made all the better by lovely company, Pinkie feasting on a bountiful lunch like she hadn’t in days. The strength that had been drained from her by both hunger and melancholy returned in full vigor, her energy and usual freneticism surging again. She felt more like herself now that she had a full stomach, keener on laughter and life than she had before these two gorgeous women had arrived. When Rarity declared her departure for Canterlot early, the goodbye was made all the sweeter by a kiss upon Pinkie’s cheek- unexpected, but most definitely welcome.

“I’ll see you there, Pinkie!” she declared as she stepped out the door. “Fluttershy, I’ll let her know you’ll be coming by later.”

Fluttershy’s presence was a soothing one, her soft warmth a calming demeanor to be around. Pinkie was grateful for her company, especially when Fluttershy seemed so keen on being affectionate. Like Rarity, she was gracing the energized baker with words of comfort, small gestures of affection that could be as simple as a touch of her hand or a hug- or grand and marvelous, like a kiss on the cheek that set electricity coursing through Pinkie’s body.

“Gee, Fluttershy, I’ve never seen you like this before!” Pinkie remarked as she washed her dishes clean. “You’re usually super reserved and stuff, but you’ve been really nice and sweet ever since you started dating. What changed?”

Fluttershy flushed a light pink at the question, focusing on drying the dishware before her rather than promptly answering. “I just… like doing it now, I suppose,” she mumbled. “My girlfriend made me realize I like doing stuff like that, and that it’s actually sort of fun. If that makes sense.”

“Oh. OK!” Pinkie certainly didn’t mind; being touched and kissed on the cheek by women this pretty felt wonderful, almost like she was something desirable. “She must be really special to make you change this much!”

“Oh, she really is, Pinkie!” Fluttershy said happily. “You’ll understand for sure when you meet her tonight.”

Pinkie’s excitement was difficult to contain throughout the rest of the day, eagerly awaiting the sun to fade past the horizon and signal the beginning of the night’s festivities. Like a child waiting for their birthday, each moment seemed to take forever to pass and the day felt more akin to an eternity of waiting, patience wrung through and pushed to its limit. She was more excited than Fluttershy when their moment for departure finally arrived; the carriage ride to the city was long, but at least the moment was here!

“So what’s your girlfriend like, Fluttershy?” Pinkie asked as they rode along. “Is she pretty?”

“She’s very beautiful,” Fluttershy said. “And extremely smart, too. I’ve never met someone more wonderful in my whole life.”

“I bet she’s super lucky to have you!”

Fluttershy smiled. “I feel the same way about her.”

The carriage ride at last came to an end, Pinkie leaping out of the vehicle and promptly studying the destination that lay before her: a rather nice-looking building, though she couldn’t help but wonder about the blacked-out windows and neon signs that seemed to point to something rather scandalous. What kind of nightclub had Fluttershy said they were going to, again?

“Here we are,” Fluttershy declared. An arm outstretched for Pinkie to take, and a smile that beckoned for her friend to do so. “Shall we?”

A little hesitant to take the leading arm of another woman’s girlfriend, Pinkie tied herself to Fluttershy and entered, promptly met by the sound of voices and music as the interior of the nightclub revealed itself to be a place of fashionable luxury. The dark colors of the structure itself were appealing, all of it warmly lit and made to appear comfortable. By Pinkie’s judgment, it also seemed to be an all-women’s club as well- and all those present were rather pretty themselves. It was hard for her not to feel a little out of place in such fine surroundings.

“Come with me,” Fluttershy said, leading her companion away from the main floor and to a back hallway. “We’ll go to one of the backrooms for a bit and relax there. How does that sound?”

“Al-alright,” Pinkie said. Her eyes caught the stage and she couldn’t help but notice the trio of poles. But the whole nightclub seemed so refined in comparison!

It was evident that Fluttershy had been here numerous times before, various denizens in the crowd calling out to greet her and say their hellos. More than a few, Pinkie began to notice, were also taking note of her; she’d never felt so many eyes upon her, and the sensation with which they settled on here were of a kind she hadn’t felt before. The longer she thought about it, the more she came to realize that it was how she normally stared at a batch of cupcakes- with longing. With desire.

The backroom into which Fluttershy led them was a comfortably furnished lounge, clearly meant to be a place for private company to enjoy themselves; dark leather chairs that looked especially cushy, a table upon which a bucket of ice and champagne lay, and a comfortable chaise sofa for one to recline upon- and upon it was Rarity, beautifully dressed in a black dress and sipping on a glass of bright-gold spirits.

“Pinkie Pie! I’m so glad you could make it,” Rarity cried, setting aside her glass to come and greet her friend with another kiss of the cheek. “I was hoping we could relax for a time before getting started, but it seems there’s been a slight change of plans…”

“What happened?” Fluttershy asked.

“Chrissy asked if we could start the show early,” Rarity answered. “I tried to explain that a little rest before starting would be best, but she said the crowd was getting restless. I fear she’s a tad nervous.”

“Oh dear.” Fluttershy bit her lip and pondered the matter. “I’ll go see her and do what I can to help. Would you mind helping Pinkie Pie get ready? You remember where everything is-”

“Yes, yes, of course. Ta-ta, darling, see you in a bit!” Rarity replied. “Now, Pinkie- again, I am so sorry, I was hoping you’d be able to relax and unwind for a bit first, but you’ll need to come with me.”

She’d been bewildered from the moment she’d arrived; first conflicted by the refinement of the nightclub that so starkly contrasted with the stage and sensuous neon outside, and now left feeling rushed by the sudden movements and actions of her friend- Pinkie wasn’t quite certain how to take it all in. Or what was actually going on…

“And here’s the dressing room,” Rarity said, almost pushing Pinkie through in their hurry. “Now, there should be a change of clothes there for you on the vanity.”

Indeed there were, Pinkie discovered, though not what she’d initially expected to find: itty-bitty jean shorts that would barely cover much of anything, clearly meant to expose more than they were meant to conceal. It was more like they weren’t really meant to conceal much of anything at all, a mere accessory to what would essentially be a naked bottom. As for the top- when held against her bosom, it hardly looked to be better than a bra, a band of cloth meant to be tied between her breasts in a knot and made to flatter.

She more or less had figured the whole thing out: she was meant to dance tonight. “Uh, Rarity?”

“Yes, darling?”

“Am I supposed to be a stripper tonight- or something?”

“Fluttershy and I both thought you needed a confidence boost,” the seamstress explained. “And a good reminder of just how lovely you really are. I’m certain you’ll leave them dazzled.”

Promiscuity wasn’t really the problem she was encountering, but there was more than a little hesitancy that needed to be overcome. “But I’m- why would they want to see me? I bet they’d rather see you-”

“Nonsense, you’ll leave the crowd in awe, Pinkie!” Rarity countered swiftly. “A woman such as yourself, there to be a marvel? You’ve always been quite the acrobat, I’ve no doubt you will be splendid.”

“But why me?” Pinkie asked.

“Why not you? The woman who always wants people to smile… I hardly think there would be anyone better.”

It wasn’t exactly convincing, but Pinkie didn’t see much of a way to keep arguing, especially when Rarity seemed so insistent. How could she strip and be seen as attractive? Sure, Rarity and Fluttershy probably meant well, but this didn’t seem like that good of an idea. Reluctantly, she took to the nearby corner and began to unzip the back of her dress and started undressing, tossing aside her clothing. She would simply have to grin and bear it, and hopefully not let the incoming mockery wound her spirit too much-

A pause in mid-dress, the miniature booty shorts pulled up but unbuttoned. Pinkie glanced over at the mirror and saw Rarity’s reflection from the back of the room, eyes clearly looking in her direction and alight with a sexual hunger. Of all the people in the world, Rarity was watching her undress- and liking it! The blush that came was immediate, but not enough to halt Pinkie’s progress, removing her bra and tying the cloth band about her chest. She was definitely exposed, a mere pull on the knot all it would take to reveal what lay beneath…

“Ooh…” Rarity’s arms draped across her shoulders in a hug from behind, the elegant woman staring at Pinkie from the mirror and not disguising her lust. “Pinkie, is this what you hide beneath your clothes all the time?”

The blush was a deep red now. “It’s nothing compared to-”

“Such nice breasts, darling,” Rarity whispered, a light brushing of her fingers along the cloth. “And your thighs… Oh, you’d make the whole world drool if they knew.”

Pinkie wanted to do something about those hands, let them drift beneath the cloth or simply tear it away and let the real pleasure get started. To be seen as something desirable by one so pretty was more wonderful than Pinkie could have imagined-

There was a Thrum! from somewhere beyond the room, the sound of music beginning to flow –albeit muffled- from elsewhere and set their senses to distraction. It was the siren call, a signal from the stage that beckoned for a star. And it was no mystery as to who was being summoned…

“Aww- and I was just getting curious,” Rarity pouted, but pushing the object of her admiration towards the entrance hall. “They’re waiting for you, darling! Show them how it’s done!”

Pinkie had never known so deeply the meaning of the word confusion- or terror. Rarity had been feeling her up, she was in a stripper outfit and they wanted her to dance, what on earth had gone on in the world to make this happen? She continued to walk towards the stage entrance on trembling knees, heart pounding madly. This still was such a leap!

The lights met her and along with them was the sound of cheering, a great throng of people below her and gracing her appearance with applause. The crowd of lovely faces gazed up at her with excitement and an undisguised lust that was clearly thrown in her direction. This multitude of women were here to see her- her, of all people! It was an intimidating thought… and an exciting one. Maybe she was meant to be here after all.

The music changed, a single light left alight on the stage, pointed directly at the premiere pole as though a guiding beacon. Pinkie Pie was being summoned. The crowd called for her. It was her moment, and so many eyes awaited her to begin.

A sudden course of courage charged her spirit and Pinkie willed herself forward. Fear be forgotten, if Rarity thought she was attractive, then she could do this!

Those watching later called it the birth of a new person, as though a caterpillar had crawled out from the cocoon transformed as a magnificent monarch. Holding to the pole as though it were her anchor, Pinkie started her dance slowly, perhaps burdened by a lack of confidence. Movement was slow, but smooth; the initial features of this show was a thorough unveiling of her feature, familiarizing the crowd with the assets her body possessed. The assessment of the crowd was a far swifter one than that of Pinkie’s own, taking note of a properly thicc figure- particularly those of her thighs, the sort of thing that you wanted to die between-

The crowd cheered with mild applause, encouragement and a call for the show to go on. They wanted her.

Pinkie began gaining confidence, emboldened by the positive reception of something so simple. She had never danced before, but they seemed to like it- so why not go further, add a little more spice to the meal? One leg wrapping about the metal pole and she spun swiftly- a sudden halt by the placing of a foot down as she struck a pose. Her chest faced forward into the crowd, the light shining down on her breasts and giving them a glow. Just a small bend forward, a greater tease of the assets that were only just hidden-

A brief glimpse was all she allowed. If this was meant to be something sensuous, she transformed into an object of desire, she could not give it all away at once. A return to her anchor, but now possessing a rhythm to the beat, sliding and pressing against the cool metal and letting her backside be flaunted. Her jean shorts strained against her form, her ass that had lain concealed being flashed for them- a wild call of cheers in response asserting the approval. The desire of the crowd was clear, and they called for their disappearance.

Pinkie smiled and plucked at the button, seemingly ready to tear them away. But though becoming undone, she did not reveal all yet. She left the ground behind and let herself spin freely, slowly releasing the grip of her hands and letting her body invert itself. Held to the metal by only the grip of her cushy thighs, her body took a winding form and pushed her clothing to its limits. How much longer could they hope to last?

Her body spun away from the front of the stage, and her return forward left the crowd in gasps: hands tended to the knot of her cloth and pulled hard, the barely-concealing band cast aside and waving in her hands as Pinkie’s breasts spilled out for the crowd’s adoration; magnificent mounds of flesh, so juicy and succulent… they were more beautiful than anything those within the crowd had ever seen. The cheers that came were now wild, incensed as though feeding on the performance of this angelic creature.

A halt to her movements brought by a placing of her hand against the ground, held fast and still like a statue of the goddesses of old. She was there to be looked at, lusted after, worshiped for all she was; never had they known something of such a kind, more potent than anything they had ever taken from another. No feeding had ever felt like this one.

Pinkie left her anchor behind and slid to a kneeling position before the crowd, her now-free flesh shining in the limelight. Small shakes to accentuate their form, she inching closer to the awestruck crowd of women below; they had never so desperately wanted to touch, to feel, to know- but to do so would be to mar a work of art. This priceless treasure was a gateway to a new world, an outpouring of love that they wished to match. To so many, it was the beginning of their understanding at last.

Tossing her emblem into the rapturous crowd, Pinkie returned to the pole and again took up her craft, matching the rhythm and beat with precise, sensuous movement so clearly befitted her figure. The feel of such an act was empowering, the call and worship of the throng of beautiful women like electricity to the soul. She needed to give them just a little more, a final grace in thanks for their adoration. She could do that, couldn’t she?

Pinkie took to the air yet again, holding to the thin metal by the crook of her knee and holding herself aloft, reaching out for the crowd and met with their cheers in return. She flexed a little more with the waist, straining the zipper of her shorts and setting it to failure- the reveal was perfectly timed, the seal breaking and letting herself at last be exposed, but only just. There was only one way she could finish such a thing, and that was with crowd participation. As her body descended and met the stage, each step was slowed to ensure the security of her last garment- and to let herself be utterly flaunted. These breasts were meant to be desired, the sway of her hips becoming hypnotic. As she knelt down before the crowd one last time, she beckoned for a pretty young blonde to come forward and unwrap this last, great gift.

At first, the poor girl couldn’t believe her luck. This was more than what she could have dared to wish for; a trembling hand came forward and clutched at the denim, pulling down hard and tearing until the last of it had been pulled away, not an inch of Pinkie’s body remaining concealed. They could hardly breathe, did not dare to speak-

A sudden retreat, and Pinkie fell on her back. Then a great thrust and she performed a backflip, landing on her feet without a tremble and letting the fullness of her magnificence be there for their eyes to feast upon. Those folds beckoned to them like the finest feast, perfectly spread apart and begging to be plundered. How could they have known something like this could be? This woman, this beautiful, magnificent woman was a goddess, more than they ever would have dared to ask for, and she had let herself be known for their sake.

The show came to an end, but the cheers continued unabated. Even as Pinkie gave a bow and farewell smile, they continued to cry out in adulation as she departed. For the first time since they had come to this hidden place, the Horde understood what had overcome their Queen. To merely feed was enough to satisfy, but to adore was to be overwhelmed. The old ways could be left to rot if what came next was even only a hint of something as good as this.

In the back corner, between her two adoring loves, sat a darkened royalty that was undergoing a turbulent whirlwind of emotions. Chrysalis was cycling through them all at an alarming rate, trying to force herself to focus on one at a time rather than all at once. Her first was that of relief; her children could now hope to understand what was coming, fed in fullness in a way they had never known before. There were greater things than merely feeding off of love; to be given it willingly and give of their own in return was more than satisfying. Perhaps, now fed themselves, they could understand what she wished for them in the end.

That was the result she had expected. The one she had not was that she now wanted Pinkie for herself. There had been a vigor in her that the Changeling Queen hadn’t seen in Fluttershy or Rarity, a free spirit that she lusted for. It was an on-the-spot decision that she hadn’t anticipated, but now couldn’t bear to ignore. She wanted to feel Pinkie Pie, to make love with her, to adore her…

“She’s very pretty, isn’t she?” Fluttershy giggled. Roused from her thoughts, Chrysalis looked over and saw that she was under amused watch of her two ladies, the content of her inner musings apparently evident. “I bet she wouldn’t mind seeing you now.”

It was as if she had read the mind of her love without a moment’s confusion. It was exactly what Chrysalis wanted to hear, but she couldn’t simply just act without their assent. “I mean,” she began, “it is a thought. We always have room for one more, do we not?”

“Please, darling,” Rarity replied, rolling her eyes at the poor woman’s hesitancy. “Either you go get her, or I will.”

Oh thank the gods. Chrysalis gave a hurried smile and left her seat, more than mere business on her mind. She had been entranced, and she would do something about it.

She had never felt so exhilarated. She was floating on clouds, walking on sunshine, she was alive! Pinkie Pie wanted to cheer and shout till the world heard it all, invigorated by what she had just accomplished. She’d gone out there to give a show and had left the crowd in a frenzy- for her! She was wanted, lusted after, her body desired! Who could have imagined such a thing? She’d never felt so strong, so wild! That was like the most amazing thing ever! Wow, I really need to talk to Rarity and Fluttershy, I wanna know what they thought! I bet they thought it was hot, too, I’d love to see if they want to hook up or something!

There was a hammering knock at the door a mere moment before it burst open, none other than Chrysalis striding through the door and staring at Pinkie Pie with an unmistakable hunger. The sudden entrance of such a person didn’t really seem to surprise the frizz-haired woman much; it seemed as though it was the most natural thing in the world, who else would it be? And wow, she’s gorgeous! Just as pretty as Rarity and Fluttershy!

“Oh, Pinkie Pie!” Chrysalis swept the delighted woman off her feet and swung her about, so great was her happiness, the two turning into a giggling pair of girls as they celebrated. “Magnificent, you absolutely commanded my children! You beautiful, perfect angel!”

Pinkie couldn’t do anything but giggle and blush, aroused by the words that flowed so easily from the lips of such a beautiful woman. It felt better than good, if she were honest.

“Please, Pinkie- I beg you to stay with me,” Chrysalis breathed. “I cannot teach my children without you, I must have you.”

“Like I’d ever say no!” Pinkie replied, “gosh, was this all for me? Did you really set this up?”

“Yes, yes! I was so afraid you’d say no, and then, I’d- I’d…”

“Of course I’ll stay with you! Now come here!” Of course Pinkie couldn’t resist this woman, particularly when she was already in her grasp. Their lips met and began their kisses with a ferocity. Neither relented from the other but instead allowed their passions to become unglued. Chrysalis dove deep into the splendid mouth of her new desire, her long tongue flicking away madly at its pair and gracing it with a wild, unrestrained worship. They wanted to become sloppy, unrestrained- they did not dare remain subdued but incensed themselves with touch and feel and contact of lips and tongue that slithered about. Their saliva intertwined and became one, breaths came in rapid alongside hungering moans, bodies pressed hard against one another as each began to grind. Pinkie felt herself beginning to slicken, her naked figure in desperate need of release…

Their kiss ended, mouths tied together by bands of saliva that had been born by their slovenly embrace. They felt their breath coming in gasps of needed air, the fire between them burning wildly. It shouldn’t have ended, but only become a loss of control; now was the time.

“You wanna have sex?” Pinkie inquired pleasantly. “I could use a little workout.”

“Oh, my sweet little Pie...” Chrysalis breathed, softly kissing the neck of her newfound treasure. “If you want some exercise, we'd be glad to help you with that.”

We? As Pinkie Pie was hoisted into the arms of her awaited desire, her mind was starting to spin in the hopes of making sense of the statement. Who else could possibly be a part of this? Surely Chrysalis wasn’t the kind of person who’d share-

As the door opened to reveal two familiar faces, the once-morose confectioner could only smile in happiness. Tonight was going to be the best night of her life.

3. Rainbow Dash, Humbled by Pride

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“What? Oh, come on! It’ll be fun!”

Chrysalis was doing her best to be patient. After all, what was occurring here wasn’t even an argument, but rather a pair of minds at odds. It wasn’t the time nor place to let oneself lose control, nor was this the person to do it with. There was hardly a person less likely to possess even the slightest ounce of ill will.

“Pinkie,” she began slowly, “I know you mean well by bringing this up, and goodness knows I don’t mind the suggestions, but now isn’t exactly the time.”

The frizz-haired girl pouted, trying to worm her way into her love’s will. “But don’t you even wanna try?” she wheedled.

“If there was an opportunity for it, certainly,” the queen answered. “But I am in the middle of a briefing, and this one is perhaps the most important of our ventures yet. I have to be attentive to these matters.”

It was a mission briefing, and indeed an important one. With her Ravens back in hand once again, it was critical that she redeploy them back out into the kingdom. Having previously been tasked with eliminating their trails into the city, this new journey would see them into much more dangerous territory: cities and villages, amongst human senses that would easily notice something amiss. If they failed to find new nesting grounds for the Horde, then they would continue to stifle in this one singular place; if they were discovered, then they could very well die- and their entire kindred soon to follow. It was a critical task that needed to be performed, and she wished to see them made properly ready by her own hand.

Pinkie, however, was hardly one to take things seriously.

“Look, all I’m asking is you give these a try- at least one of them! You wanted to add something sweet to the nightclub menus, right?” Pinkie said, maddeningly insistent and joyous as could be in doing so. “So just give them a taste- a taste! And tell me which one you like best, and then I’ll make sure you have one waiting for you when you’re done!”

“Pinkie, I’m sure every cake recipe you’re wanting me to try out is perfectly fine, why so determined?”

“Because they’re for you, duh! That makes them super-duper, extra special!”

Be nice, now, Chrysalis ordered herself. She only wishes to be gracious and loving in the ways she knows how. Gentle, that is an order. She was more than grateful for the vivacious girl’s presence –for more reasons than one- even if the current moment wasn’t the best time for Pinkie to display her skills.

“Just a little sample,” Pinkie whispered, eyes reduced to mischievous slits as she leaned in close to her beloved, “Why don’t you let me give it you myself? We can taste it together…” She was dangerously close, both to Chrysalis’ physical form and to getting her way; Pinkie’s baking outfit was not exactly the most concealing of dresses, her breasts threatening to spill out from beneath her top and add their weight to the argument.

“Play fair,” Chrysalis reminded her, her own will starting to erode in favor giving those wonderful melons a good tweaking. Patience was one thing, but when love was there before your eyes, eager and quivering to give itself away…

“I’d rather play dirty…”

Resistance was a lost cause from the moment Pinkie Pie had entered the room, something she perhaps had been betting on. A groan that was more laughter than frustration, Chrysalis threw her hands in the air and accepted a quick kiss from her lady’s sugary lips. “Fine. Fine! We can delay the mission for a little while longer, bring them in.”

Alright! Lunch and desserts for everybody!” Pinkie bounded her way out the door before returning with a cart brimming with well-crafted food, a wide assortment of pleasant meals there for the taking, right alongside a large tray of desserts. “First come, first served, everybody! A different meal for each person, so grab your favorite quick!”

A hurried glance toward their Queen, who nodded in assent. The Ravens turned to one another and gave a small celebration before helping themselves to Pinkie’s craftsmanship. Chicken wraps crept into the hands of one, a pair of fish tacos making their way to another, the third of their member helping themselves to a toasted sandwich. It did not take long for the three work-wearied Changelings to dig into their gifted meals, devouring the pleasant fare with a ravenous hunger. After so many days out on the lam, a place at Pinkie’s table was something they had learned to cherish. “Much thanks to our gracious Lady,” they cheered, ensuring their appreciation was heard.

“Aw, it’s nothing, girls!” Pinkie said hurriedly, though her smile brimmed with pride. “I bet you’re all super tired from working all the time and I thought you’d like something nice to eat before you had to go out again! Hope it hits the spot!”

Chrysalis should have seen that before Pinkie did. She knew her Ravens, her dedicated scouts and spies, better than any in the Horde. But so intent was she on relocating some of the Horde to safer quarters that she had not given pause to their welfare, or that they may indeed be exhausted. Thanks heavens for Pinkie’s insistence, then. If she hadn’t-

“Open wide, you.” Pinkie’s voice was a silken purr as she speared a slice of dark-chocolate cake with a fork, bringing the decadent contents to her lover’s lips. It was a brilliant, shimmering thing with a sweetness that could already be smelled well before it had even been tasted. It didn’t surprise Chrysalis in the least when it somehow tasted even better, a perfect mixture of bitterness and cocoa sweetness that melted in her mouth. “Good?”

“Dangerously so,” Chrysalis murmured. “Ooh, how silky…”

“That’s the icing for you,” Pinkie said, finger dripping across the top of the baked delicacy and letting it be coated in the thick richness. “Give it another taste, you’ll see.”

Chrysalis indeed gave it another taste, licking away the deliciousness before finding the presence of that dark sugar added to by the plying tongue of Pinkie Pie, the two becoming intertwined by the mouth and enjoying the sweetness together for a moment. The Changeling Queen certainly didn’t mind, her teasing beloved lathering on further praise that she was happy to meet in full measure. It had been difficult to determine whether she liked the flavor of the chocolate or Pinkie Pie more, but that wild, raucous tongue that so perfectly twirled about with her own, so easily matched her own hunger that threatened to spill out and see their clothes torn away-!

The Ravens. Work, missions, critical tasks. Royal duties that could not be ignored. It was agony to extract herself from the clutches of Pinkie’s slickened, salivating tongue, but Chrysalis forced herself to do so- though perhaps slowly, letting their multitude of gossamer strings enjoy their time in the spotlight. “I’ve duties to attend to,” Chrysalis said unhappily.

“Aw, but we haven’t even had the next cake yet!” Pinkie was insistent, trying to clutch at Chrysalis top and pull it down-

“Pinkie! Darling…” The voice came from the door, a regal coiffure poking through as Rarity peered in to survey the scene. “Let Chrissy deal with her work for a time. Come on, now, really.”

“Hmph. And I was just starting to have fun,” Pinkie pouted.

“I’m sorry, darling. Is it alright if I make it up to you?” As those resplendent eyes began to glow, it became obvious that this little intrusion hadn’t been accidental. “I know I would like to give your cake a taste…”

Pinkie found herself torn between two perfectly desirable opportunities: continue irritating Chrysalis and eventually have sex- or leave with Rarity and eventually have sex. It was a difficult decision when the choices were all so appealing.

“Go on,” Chrysalis said with a nudge, knowing full well she was depriving herself of a joyous feeding. “Another time, Pinkie, I’m sorry.”

Pinkie smiled, thankful for a helping hand in the matter. “Don’t take too long,” she said pleasantly. “Bye, girls, be safe when you’re out there!” Before anyone could reply she had taken Rarity’s hand and disappeared, their muffled giggles soon disappearing from hearing.

“Good tidings, dear Lady!” The Ravens called after her, though left surprised by the speed of her departure. The energetic woman had stolen the collective heart of the Horde ever since she had made her appearance in their midst, and her continued outpouring of affection had only cemented her place as a Changeling favorite. Motherly and doting to the end, the Horde would happily follow her anywhere like a lovesick puppy.

Chrysalis didn’t want Pinkie to leave; she’d rather have Rarity joined in and they cause such a ruckus that the whole Horde got drunk on their lovemaking. But duty did indeed call, and this was a momentous step- she would have to be atop matters and see her children secure. If they could find new nests, find a way to cultivate them, then they could start to practice what had so easily taken their mother. They could flourish.

“Alright… finish your meal and we begin,” she declared. “It will be an arduous road ahead of you.”

If anything, Rainbow Dash realized she should have been more suspicious right from the start. Fluttershy having a girlfriend wasn’t an issue- hell, she was happy for her! But the changes that had overcome her friend were so deep, and now seemingly so permanent. The newfound confidence and sensuality, the affection that seemed to pour from her like the flow of a river… it had been like looking at a totally different person. It was strange, unusual, but perhaps something explainable. Just perhaps- but not once had Fluttershy ever introduced her girlfriend to her friends, not even her oldest friend in the world. She hadn’t ever even mentioned a name!

And then Rarity got added to the mix, seemingly just as much a fan of Fluttershy’s girlfriend as Fluttershy was. It was all too strange, and too much for Rainbow’s instincts to handle. Whether or not it was true, even if it was all just mentally manufactured nonsense, she was quite certain that something was up.

She was also sure that she was going to find out why.

The biggest matter was that Rainbow wasn’t even sure what to be suspicious of. If Fluttershy’s mysterious suitor was just as much a recluse as the demure girl so often was, it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for their relationship to be something extremely private; there’d hardly be anything that would seem amiss if Fluttershy’s introversion hadn’t started to break out of its shell. So what if they’d never openly met yet? There were a million sensible explanations available here that would clear the whole thing up… if only they were ever mentioned. The silence probably didn’t help matters. And with Fluttershy being so strangely evasive…

So you’re sort of stalking your best friend, Rainbow said to herself. That’s cool, it’s for her own good and all that. Besides, if it ends up being nothing, no one will ever have to know. Hidden in the depths of the trees overlooking Fluttershy’s cottage, she felt confident that she was well-concealed from view. If her once-timid friend departed for a romantic encounter, she’d be able to track her movements every step of the way.

The door opened and Fluttershy soon appeared, warm smile aglow on her face as Rarity came walking out behind her. A few quick words at the door that Rainbow couldn’t make out, a pause to settle themselves, and then the two women departed for destinations unknown hand-in-hand.

That’s it? Rainbow found the whole thing rather anticlimactic. She’s dating Rarity? Why keep that a secret, we all know she’s had a crush on Fluttershy for years. For a relationship that would have felt almost inevitable, it was hard to believe that it was something kept hidden. Harder still were reasons as to why it would be kept secret in the first place. Still, best to know for certain- she continued after them, staying hidden in the shadows so as to remain undetected.

They certainly acted affectionately towards one another; small gestures and actions that only were shared between lovers, an intimacy in the contact that left Rainbow mystified. Was this really the reason for the secrecy? It didn’t make much sense. Do they think we’d disapprove or something? I thought she’d ask at some point- wait, where are they headed to now? Fluttershy and Rarity had begun to slow their pace, turning from the main thoroughfare and off to-

Sugarcube Corner. Visiting Pinkie Pie, maybe? Rainbow felt a little wounded by the thought; if Pinkie knew of Fluttershy’s relationship and she didn’t, especially after their years of being friends…

The girls took to the back of the bakery and climbed the stairs to the penthouse above, a knock on the door to signal their arrival. Quick as a flash the door sprung open to unleash Pinkie Pie, the overly-enthusiastic woman bounding forth and greeting her friends with a crushing embrace. A few words were shared between them, a snippet of conversation that suggested this was a previously designed plan- and then the pair became a trio, making their way to a destination that could only be the train station.

Rainbow blanked, studying the three women as they interacted with one another. The manner in which they spoke to each other, the gestures and touches that were shared between them… Rarity and Fluttershy hadn’t altered their behavior at all, treating Pinkie in the same way- and she just as affectionate in return. If Rainbow was right and that her best friend was indeed romantically entangled with the fashionista, then how did Pinkie figure into this? Unless they’re- no, no way. Rarity wouldn’t ever go for it, I know she wouldn’t.

She did her best to remain concealed while on the train, keeping to another compartment and waiting for their departure before resuming the hunt. It would be more difficult to follow without being detected in the midst of Canterlot, but she would have to do her best. Stick to the rooftops, Rainbow cautioned herself, move slowly and keep quiet.

The prismatic woman crept behind her unwitting targets from above, doing her best not to silhouette herself and leave a shadow; the trio of affectionate girls were making their way towards a residential area, away from the main thoroughfares that so often enticed travelers and making their way through the doors of what was most certainly-

No WAY. All of Rainbow’s confusion turned to mirth, wishing she could bark out her laughter at the situation. Rarity is at a STRIP CLUB- Rarity! Oh man, I can never let her live this down, not in a million years. How did she and Fluttershy end up here? Is Flutters dating a stripper? Are THEY strippers? How does Pinkie figure into this? The idea of three of her friends possibly being exotic dancers had never entered her mind before; now that it was present, it was all she could imagine- and she rather liked the thought. If any one of them is a stripper… get a dance. Get your money’s worth.

With an eager desire to confirm her suspicions, Rainbow leapt across rooftops until she was atop the nightclub, looking for a way inside that would continue to let her sneak about. A maintenance hatch gave way to her will and she silently crept into the building’s interior without a single eye to find her, her venture into the ventilation system enough to ensure that. I should have brought a camera. Jeez, what if they’re dressed up in bunnysuits and shit, Rares would NEVER be able to live that down. So much for fancy and formal, my perfect-

“Why so worried, darling? I know this is important to you, but fretting certainly won’t aid you.” Rarity’s voice was filtering through from somewhere ahead and Rainbow crept along to find the source.

“Only for their safety. I have pushed them to the limit of their abilities for too long now, I fear that another mission so soon after their last will leave them exhausted- and vulnerable.” Another voice, one that Rainbow didn’t recognize but most definitely found to be familiar…

“They will perform admirably. They always have- and now that it means keeping Pinkie safe, they’ll most definitely be on their guard.”

“Aw, stop it, Rarity! I was just wanting to make sure they had something nice before they left,” came Pinkie’s voice in its usual exuberance.

“And they love you for it, darling,” Rarity replied. “Don’t they, Fluttershy?”

“They really do, Pinkie Pie. I think you’re everyone’s favorite by far.”

“Stop, you’re gonna make me blush!”

“I think we’d like to make you do more than just blush, my sweet,” came that sultry voice again, a most sensuous purr that carried obvious intent. “I’m sorry I couldn’t join in the fun last time… can I make it up to you?”

“Well… only if you really want to.”

“Want to? No, Pinkie- I need to!” There was a gasp, and then a squeal that was soon muffled, the sounds of human contact becoming dampened by an unknown action.

Rainbow knew she’d heard that voice somewhere. Creeping slowly ahead until she could peer down through the vent, she stared through the slits and saw her friends down below, comfortably reclined in a luxurious lounge together, Pinkie deeply engaged in a passionate kiss with-

Rainbow’s blood turned cold as memory crept forth and signaled recognition. She was in a very dangerous place, not a single weapon at her side with which to defend herself, and her friends now brainwashed prisoners to a monster.

“Changelings!” Twilight let her coffee mug fall from her hands and shatter, her face stark-white as the news hit her with the force of a cannonball. “Changelings are in- Rainbow, are you absolutely certain?”

“A hundred percent,” Rainbow answered. “I saw her, I saw Chrysalis! She had Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie and she was-” What happened next didn’t really need to be described, nor did she wish to express her reactions regarding the matter. “It was her, without a doubt.”

Rainbow had fled as soon as she was finished investigating, fleeing back to her home before she could be discovered. Under the cover of darkness, she had come to the library and met with Twilight- and now found herself embroiled in a nightmarish scenario. Unsure of how to take on an entire nest of Changelings, she had felt confident that Twilight would have a plan somewhere within her mind that could put a stop to all of this.

Twilight staggered and fell back into her chair, staring blankly out into the world. “That… that explains everything,” she breathed. “Fluttershy’s secret admirer, her personality change, all her visits to Canterlot and- and everything! Chrysalis must have kidnapped her right from the start, and placed a fake one here!”

“And now she has Pinkie Pie- and Rarity!” Rainbow added. “She must have done the same thing and then kept the real ones. She’s got to be brainwashing them, using them as servants for- for- we can’t just sit around, we have to do something!”

“I know! I’m thinking, give me a minute!” Twilight snapped, fear making her emotions run hot. “We can’t just go and charge the place, our friends are in there, so we have to have some way of getting them out first so they don’t become hostages.”

“Leave that to me!” Rainbow said. “I got in there once without anyone noticing, and I came out just the same. I can do it again.”

“Can you do it with three other people leaving with you?”

“I know I can.”

Twilight returned to silence, her mind filtering through plans and concepts the likes of which Rainbow couldn’t fathom. If anyone was to figure out a way to rescue their friends from the clutches of some vile predator, than it would be her. Rainbow was no great thinker, but she was a fantastic executor of Twilight’s will.

“Alright,” she said slowly, “Rainbow… you go ahead. Find the girls, and get them out of there. When you’re done, I’ll follow after you and bring their nest to the ground. If I don’t hear from you in three days, then I’ll go in and get you all out myself.”

“Please, I won’t need a rescue,” Rainbow answered confidently. “I’ll be back before you know it, and then all six of us will give Chrysalis the boot for good!”

She left without another word, knowing that the welfare of her friends couldn’t wait another moment. It was going to be a long, arduous night, of that she was certain, but Rainbow would see it done. Better yet, she’d do more than rescue her friends from Chrysalis’ clutches- she’d see that sultry witch speared through the heart! She paused in her journey only to return to her home and grab a heavy, jet-black knife; a sword would be better, but discretion was more critical now than skill.

The sun was beginning to creep its way over the horizon when Rainbow arrived at the faux nightclub yet again, not a soul to be seen as she crept across the rooftop and back towards the maintenance entrance. Her every movement was quiet, a prism of colors that crept through the dark without as much as a sound. For now, she knew it would be best to return to the vents above and see if she could make her way back to where she’d first found the others. Fingers crossed that they’re still there, she thought.

There was extra care to her movements, now that the world was so quiet. So much of it would still be slumbering and any unusual sound might send it to waking. She slunk through the vents like a serpent until she came back to her first foray, peering down yet again- nothing to be seen in the lounge, and no sign of anyone’s presence. Alright, next one. A spark of dread that she might be here for quite a while, searching through the entire building- or much worse circumstances could already have come to pass.

Perhaps an hour later, she heard the sounds of movement below; human beings in the midst of busyness, and the clatter of metal that suggested dishware. Doing her best to remain stealthy, Rainbow brought herself to the next vent ahead and glanced over its slits to peer within.

“She was a bit slow to rise this morning, wasn’t she?” Fluttershy was side-by-side with Rarity as they fussed over something on the kitchen counter. “Pinkie, just how late were you two up last night?”

“I was only trying to help!” Pinkie called from the fridge, extracting a carton of eggs and milk. “She’s been super worried and I didn’t want her to stay that way! And- wait, you’re not jealous, are you?”

“Not when I can have either one of you, darling,” Rarity teased. “Thank you for soothing her worries, then. I’m sure it was appreciated.”

“No problem! Besides, I know you two were feeling frisky last night…”

“Oh, just a couple of ladies spending time together, darling.”

“You felt wonderful,” Fluttershy piped up.

“I can only say the same, darling,” Rarity replied, kissing the sweet maiden on the tip of her nose. “Oh, if only we’d let ourselves be like this sooner…”

Rainbow wanted them to continue; there wasn’t enough detail in their stories, only bits and pieces that could entice the imagination. Surely they had more to say each other than this-

You’re supposed to be rescuing them, you idiot! Rainbow’s sentient mind overcame her carnal senses and remembered her original goals: infiltrate the nest, kill Chrysalis, rescue her friends- and absolutely nothing else. It would be a difficult drop, but she would manage. Here goes-

“What on earth?” Rarity paused from crafting her egg muffin and turned to whatever sounds were emanating from the ceiling, a loud thumping that continued to gain strength. “Is something mov-” The vent fell and immediately after fell something else- a person! The sudden appearance of another soul in their midst set the three unsuspecting women to fright, Fluttershy giving a magnificent scream before keeling over in an apparent faint.

“Whoa! Hey, shuttup!” Rainbow hissed, trying to wave her friends into silence. “Jeez, zip it, will you? I’m here to get you all out of here!”

“How dare- Rainbow! Rainbow Dash, what on earth are you doing here?” Rarity asked, recognition overcoming her dismay. “How, how- how did you even get in here? Where did you come from?”

“Does it matter? Let’s go, get Fluttershy back on her feet, we’re busting out of here!”

Rainbow half-expected Rarity to begin sobbing and leap into her arms, taking the role of a damsel in distress before begging to be made love to. What she hadn’t expected was for the seamstress to glance over at a dumbfounded Pinkie Pie in what seemed like confusion. “What are you waiting for?” Rainbow asked. “Come on, somebody definitely heard you screaming, we can’t hang around!”

“Umm…” Pinkie seemed mystified by her friend’s remarks. “Rainbow Dash, we’re not prisoners or anything awful. We’re just making breakfast! Would- I was thinking some waffles, would you like any?”

There were so many incorrect reactions happening before her that Rainbow felt bewildered. The thought of this being a trap rang in her mind. “Oh hell, I’m talking to a Changeling, aren’t I?”

“Uh, no, I’m just Pinkie Pie, and that’s really Rarity and Fluttershy. Is everything OK, Rainbow?”

At the precisely worst moment, the door was pushed open and none other than Chrysalis walked in, wearing an emerald-green bathrobe and looking as though she’d just left the showers. “Morning, my lovelies,” she greeted brightly. “I’ve done my best to keep myself duty-free today so we can go-”

She caught sight of Rainbow Dash and came to a halt. One quick glance at this unexpected visitor before she looked down and saw Fluttershy only just rousing from her fainting spell, dizzied and confused as to how she got there. In the matter of an instant, Chrysalis put two-and-two together to form a conclusion. A quick jerk of her head and she had targeted Rainbow Dash, eyes burning with wrath.

Rainbow felt her heart sink. She needed to act now or else she’d never leave this place alive! The knife was unsheathed and taken in hand, prepared to deliver a fatal blow-

“Rainbow Dash, you put down that knife this instant!” Rarity’s command was as hard and icy as a steel blade, biting through the charged atmosphere and preventing bloodshed before it could begin.

“Rarity, what in the fu-”

“How dare you harm my girls!” Chrysalis roared, raising a hand with intent to strike-

“Chrissy, no- no! Don’t hurt her, please!”

The Changeling Queen was now the one left stunned. “She attacked you!”

“She just dropped in and scared everybody really bad by accident and Fluttershy fainted, Rainbow didn’t mean it!” Pinkie joined in, coming alongside her dark mistress and trying to deescalate the situation. “She thinks we’re Changelings and that you’re evil and this is all a trap and we’re prisoner because she doesn’t know that you’re super nice and sexy and don’t actually like being evil all that much anymore because who wants to be evil when you’re with Fluttershy and Rarity and me?”

“What in the Hell is going on?” Rainbow demanded, not sure if she hadn’t somehow lost her mind. “Rarity, Pinkie, what are you doing here? Why is she here?”

“I’ll explain in just a minute- Chrissy, help me get Fluttershy back on her feet. That’s a girl, it’s alright. It’s just Rainbow Dash.” The elegant fashionista, taking her sweet companion by the arm, gently brought her to a seat and began tending to her with loving care. “You’re perfectly fine, you just had a nasty shock, darling.”

The surplus of strange was more than Rainbow knew how to deal with. The sight of Rarity and Chrysalis, with Fluttershy in between them, was not something she’d ever expected to see. Stranger still was the look of concern that was so deeply etched across the Changeling Queen’s face, though most certainly a façade- even if it appeared to be quite genuine.

“Are you alright?” Chrysalis asked, holding her fingers to the sweet woman’s wrist to check her pulse. “Your heart is still pounding.”

“I’m- OK. I think,” Fluttershy answered meekly, even if she didn’t exactly look it. “I’m sorry for scaring you.”

“You did nothing wrong, my butterfly. I am merely glad you’re not hurt.” Chrysalis turned from her devoted Lady and the softened expression became hard, anger returning to those brilliant eyes. “Why did you try to attack my girls?”

“Attack- wait, I’m here because of you!” Rainbow protested, trying to redirect the conversation to more sensible waters. “You kidnapped them!”

“You made Fluttershy pass out,” Chrysalis fired back, clearly ignoring her attacker’s words. “What if she’d hit her head and really gotten hurt?”

“It was an accident, I’m rescuing them!”

“Apologize already!” The tone was that of a command- and one that demanded to be met.

“Alright! Jeez- Fluttershy, I am sorry for scaring you. I did not mean to. At all,” Rainbow said, only to immediately find herself stunned that she’d said anything in the first place. “What is- can I just finish this rescue, please?”

“A rescue? I’m not in danger,” Fluttershy replied. “That’s very nice of you, though, but we’re all fine. We just wanted to make some breakfast.”

“But what about her?” Rainbow demanded, pointing accusatorily at Chrysalis who harrumphed at the gesture. “She tried to take over the city last time, what are you doing with her?”

“We were making breakfast for everyone, silly! That’s why I was making waffles!” Pinkie answered as though it was the most rational, sensible thing in the world. “Chrissy really likes cinnamon pancakes but I like strawberry best so I was gonna have to make a whole bunch of them and then you showed up and I know you like blueberry best so I guess I’ll have to get some blueberries somewhere- ooh, and powdered sugar also-”

“OK! I get it, I swear.” Rainbow turned from her friends and directed her confusion towards the still-glowering Changeling Queen. “Why are you here?”

Chrysalis sighed. “I am here,” she said, “for breakfast. Can I please have my meal in peace?”

Rainbow was confused and still unconvinced. “And a monkey’s my uncle. Why are you here?”

“I’m here because I want breakfast with my girlfriends, now would you please get off the table?” Chrysalis demanded. “And wipe your shoes, you’re leaving black stains everywhere.”

She could not have been more at a loss for words. Chrysalis wasn’t trying to kill her, hadn’t kidnapped her friends, had forced her to apologize for scaring Fluttershy, and was more angry about stains on the table than a potential assassination attempt. There wasn’t enough time left in the rest of the world for the thing to make sense.

“Rainbow, she is right,” Rarity said. “Please, off of the table- and help me clean up the mess, would you?”

With nothing better to do, Rainbow stepped down from the table and took the wet rag that was placed in her hands, wiping away the darkened smudges that had come from her boots. “Are- did you really not kidnap my friends?” she asked.

“I most certainly did not,” Chrysalis said flatly. “You do not trust me, do you?”

“One of your kids tried to eat me when you invaded.”

Chrysalis bit her lip. “Well… OK, that I do believe.”

“Why are you actually here?”

“Oh for heaven’s sake!” Chrysalis said hotly, stomping her feet in frustration. “Fine, then. If you don’t believe me, then we’ll go and settle this like fighters do. Do you know how to use a sword?”

At last, an opportunity. “Hell yeah I do. Gimme something and-”

“Chrissy! Please, don’t hurt Rainbow Dash, she’s my oldest friend!” Fluttershy demanded.

“I promise, not a scratch,” Chrysalis swore. “Just some morning exercise to help us both blow off some steam. You girls go on about your day, I’ll join you sometime later. Rainbow, if you would come with me…”

Against her better judgment, Rainbow complied with the darkened queen’s wishes, dimly waving goodbye to her friends before following the barely-dressed Changeling out the door and elsewhere. It was not a good idea, nor did it even make sense, but at least it was movement and action. She would see this settled with Chrysalis, here and now if she could manage it. And then get her friends out before it was too late, too.

They looked good. I didn’t know Pinkie’s pajamas were that loose, you could see pretty much everything. And the way they were talking to each other, I bet they have some great dirty talk together. The thoughts came as a surprise, their origin unknown. And then there was the matter of Chrysalis, leading the way before her. Rainbow took note of her tanned skin, the powerful stride with which she walked. The darkened hair that shone like water under sunlight…

“Here we are. In,” Chrysalis commanded, opening the door and beckoning for the prismatic warrior to enter. “There is nothing waiting for you, I promise. Go in.”

With some trepidation, Rainbow complied. Her fears ended up being unfounded, as the room was revealed to be little more than empty space- a lounge with no purpose or content within. “What are we doing here?”

“Like I said: morning exercise,” Chrysalis answered, shutting the door behind her. “We shall go until our anger subsides. Does that sound fair?” As Rainbow nodded, she gave a snap of her fingers and summoned forth a pair of training blades, twin rapiers of wood that had been expertly carved. “This is yours.”

Rainbow took the weapon in hand and found its weight to be superb. Just a little heavier than an actual blade itself, perfect for strengthening the wrist, but well-balanced. The craftsmanship behind its making was enough to spur some sportsmanship from within her. “I can’t fight you,” she remarked. “You’re wearing a bathrobe.”

“Hmm? Oh, it appears you’re right,” Chrysalis remarked, giving herself a look-over. “Let me think…” Another snap of her fingers and bright-green fire came upon her form and surrounded it, transforming her softened attire into something more appropriate-

OK, so maybe not. Rainbow gave a start when she saw Chrysalis’ new outfit, a black leather corset with a skirt to match. There was little in the way of protection that was offered, and much the same of concealment; it was impossible to disregard the ample excellence of her breasts that threatened to spill themselves, or the sensuous form of her figure that was so elegantly crafted. The smoothness of her skin, the toned muscle beneath that Rainbow so often admired in herself…

“Let us see,” Chrysalis said lightly, “I wish to see your best. We strive to disarm, not strike. Does that sound fair?”

Unsure of whether or not to speak, Rainbow nodded. She took her place and stood in form, waiting for the call-

“Oh, I have not done this in years,” Chrysalis said, a smile forming on her lips. “En garde.”

It did not take long for Rainbow to realize she was dueling with a master. Chrysalis could match her with every ounce of skill she herself possessed, a deft hand and skilled footwork that Rainbow had not ever seen before in her life. This was not like her days of training with the Wonderbolts and her fellow recruits, with so many various levels of skill between them. Chrysalis’ movements were smooth, streamlined, and fast. It was more akin to fighting a hawk; rapid strikes that moved like lightning, forceful as the floodwaters. She was putting everything she had into this and found each stroke perfectly matched, no matter how clever she thought the move to be.

Rainbow was starting to sweat, but she couldn’t hold back the grin. Despite her misgivings, this was rather fun.

“You’re quite skilled,” Chrysalis remarked, taking a step back so as to better parry the oncoming blow. “You should be proud of yourself. I dare say even my Commanders would struggle against you.”

“Thanks,” Rainbow panted. “I work at it a lot.”

“That is clearly evident,” Chrysalis replied. “You move splendidly. Not even Rarity could dance with such elegance as this.”

In fairness, it wasn’t the first time she’d heard the two compared. The footwork involved in dueling often crossed over to other arts fairly well, and Rainbow knew herself to be no exception. She was an excellent dancer, despite having no love for dancing in the first place. But this waltz she now shared with Chrysalis was enjoyable, enriching even. She had an equal- no, a superior in the art. It had been years since she’d met someone who might actually outclass her.

“Why are you here?” Rainbow huffed.

“It is simple,” Chrysalis answered- a swing and she broke against Rainbow’s defense. “I love your friends. And I am loved in return.”

“I thought you fed on love. You know- ate it.”

“And I do. But this… this is better. I drown in it, am overwhelmed by it. I give it to them in return, they give it to one another, and we share ourselves in wholeness. It is better than I could have imagined.”

“Wait-” Rainbow paused and almost found herself disarmed. “They’re really all- and you, too-”

“Sometimes it is all of us together. Sometimes not,” Chrysalis answered. “Last night, Fluttershy and Rarity spent their evening together, while I repaid Pinkie for her kindness to my children. Love tastes better when you make it with someone.”

Rainbow tried not to think about that too hard. “…OK…”

Chrysalis smiled, continuing to match her partner’s blows. “She tastes wonderful, you know. Well, all of them do, really.”

“Excuse me?”

“Fluttershy. And Rarity, and Pinkie. Each of them is so unique. The feel of their lips- the taste of their juices, like honey on your tongue. No matter who it is, I feel like I’m in heaven.”

Rainbow couldn’t think about that. She needed not to think about that. “Is that so?”

“Fluttershy is always so gentle. She loves to give more than she does to receive, you know,” Chrysalis said. “And Rarity… oh, to feel her tongue within you as yours enter her-”


“And then there’s Pinkie. Such a sweet, loving girl, of course,” Chrysalis added. “But to have sex with her- you feel drawn to match her passion, to suck on those nice titties- you hope you’ll die in between those thighs.”

“Nice- wait-”

“And now here you are. So strong and fierce,” Chrysalis purred. “I wonder, Rainbow… how would your body feel against mine?”

The thought came into her mind and couldn’t be ignored. She felt the heat rush to her face, the grin come and split across her lips. She knew she was good, but the idea of it right now wasn’t a good time, but it was so good-

It came before she could try and defend it, a sneaking strike that overpowered her grip on her sword and saw it wrenched from her grip. Raising skyward and flying, soon ensnared in Chrysalis’ free hand and at last brought to rest by her side as the Changeling queen cemented her victory. Before Rainbow had even been able to realize what was happening, she’d been defeated.


“Do not think any less of yourself, please,” Chrysalis advised her. “You likely are the best I’ve faced in years.”

Rainbow wasn’t sure how to react. She was a little disappointed that their duel was even over, the reprieve from reality that hadn’t lasted long enough. Now she’d have to deal with Chrysalis permanently and settle her mind on whether or not she was actually a foe at all.

“I want you, Rainbow.” The vicious start and expression of shock was exactly what Chrysalis had desired, her smile coming forth at the sight of Rainbow’s reaction. “For more reasons than one. For your skill, and your prowess- and your wet, dribbling pussy, soaked through just for me.”

Rainbow flushed- she of all people, the oft-brazen woman left speechless by Chrysalis’ straightforward manner.

“It’s alright to feel turned on, Rainbow,” Chrysalis breathed, coming closer to the newfound object of her desire. “I’m sure you felt the same. That rush of excitement as we clashed, your skin gleaming in the light. All those strong, hard muscles you have- how was I not supposed to be turned on?”

It was high praise from one so beautiful, but Rainbow wasn’t yet sure how she felt about the matter. Chrysalis was getting too close now, pressing the prismatic woman against the wall so as to avoid feeling her presence, the darkened royal’s breasts threatening to press against Rainbow’s body-

“You can stare, Rainbow. It’s alright. You can stare at me, and at Fluttershy, too. Rarity, and Pinkie, oh I know they’d all love to have you join in. I bet you’re so commanding in bed.”

“Maybe.” Rainbow tried to bite her tongue and put the words back down her throat.

“I’d like to find out, Rainbow," Chrysalis whispered, her face almost pressed into that of her partner’s. “To lick you dry- to hear you cry as you’re made satisfied. I’d love to see you make Fluttershy scream… would you like to hear her someday?”

Rainbow wanted to be right here, right now, and anywhere else but here. She wanted to be as far away from Chrysalis as possible, but she wanted to rip away that corset right then and there and get things started. She didn’t know which side was going to win out.

“Touch yourself, Rainbow,” Chrysalis said. “Touch yourself for me, oh so slowly.”

It was the impossible, desirable command that she couldn’t ignore. Her breaths rattled by trembling, Rainbow’s hand dipped down into her pants, slowly snaking their way beneath her underwear before finding her folds that had already been made slick by Chrysalis’ steaming words alone. Her first forays were hesitant, a small amount of her still unwilling. She shouldn’t do this-

Chrysalis closed the gap between them and kissed her, the forceful union of contact seeing the beautiful queen’s tongue diving into Rainbow’s mouth and lathering away. Rainbow felt her body ignite with pleasure and she began to flick away at her folds by sheer pleasurable instinct, unable to do otherwise. She was being brilliantly, powerfully kissed, unable to give attention to anything but the decadent, pink muscle of this dark beauty that so fiercely coated her own tongue with praises. Rainbow had never known anyone could kiss like this! She flicked away at herself happily, wanting to lose herself in the pleasure of the moment-

A hand took hold of her wrist and extracted her hand from within the depths of her slickened clothing, putting a halt to the growing sensation of happiness. The tongue that had so brilliantly kissed her instantly retreated, leaving Rainbow’s mouth feeling empty in comparison-

“Hey- hey, wait!” Rainbow gasped, suddenly finding her arms pinned to the wall. “That’s not fair! You can’t do that!”

“Not yet, my warrior princess,” Chrysalis purred, eyes alight with mischief. “Show me how well you follow orders. Obey them to my satisfaction, and I will make all your waiting be worth every second. Do we have a deal?”

“Come on. This isn’t fair…”

“Last chance, Rainbow Dash,” Chrysalis crowed.

Rainbow had felt like she’d been walking on sunshine. She needed to see that moment made right, even if it took forever to get there- and there was only one person in the world who could do just that. “Deal.”

“Mmm…” Chrysalis’ eyes swept across her helpless desire, a thorough examination of her capabilities. “Undress me, Rainbow Dash,” she ordered. “Piece by piece- gently.”

The first order is a simple one, easy to hear and to obey. Pulling at the zipper that held the corset together, Rainbow slowly tore away the leather that held back magnificence and let the darkened queen’s breasts spill out at last. They were just as magnificent as the prismatic woman had hoped they would be, perfectly bouncy and made to be caressed, with fetching nipples that pleaded to be flicked and suckled on…

“The skirt next, Rainbow. Just a little further.”

She knelt down swiftly and undid the button that held the darkened skirt together, pulling away at the item and revealing a deep-crimson pair of panties that perfectly shrouded that last, final gift within. A flash of inspiration took hold of her and Rainbow cast aside the skirt to focus on this last adornment, gripping them in her teeth and pulling them away. A small brush of her nose against those dampened folds and she breathed in the scent that beckoned for her; not even cream could smell so wonderful.

“Ooh… with flair, I see. I like it,” Chrysalis murmured as Rainbow returned, panties still in her grip and held as though a prize. “I think you deserve a reward.”

“You know I do,” Rainbow breathed. “At least a kiss.”

“Just a kiss? I’ll do more than that, Rainbow,” Chrysalis replied, leaning in and taking Rainbow’s lips against her own as their embrace reignited once more. This time, uninhibited by conflicted emotions, the prismatic athlete met her dark queen’s caresses with those of her own, their tongues striking blow after blow against one another as they twirled about in her mouth. An unbidden coo came from the depths of her spirit and she moaned into the beautiful Changeling’s mouth as she melted into the gesture. She had never been much into kissing, but as Chrysalis plied at her lips, prodded with her tongue- it was like she was trying to lick her away into the depths of Rainbow’s soul!

She extracted herself messily, Chrysalis’ snaking tongue taking its time to part from the delightful home of Rainbow’s mouth, dripping even as she descended below and searched for something sweeter. The sound of a zipper being torn away, and the feeling of underwear being pulled aside-

Rainbow gasped. So sudden, after so little, but here Chrysalis was, that tongue already plunging deep into her folds and licking away without hesitation. She’d never felt someone pour themselves into her like that, so intent on finding every inch of her so as to see it pleasured! Chrysalis’s tonguework was a symphony of sapphic skill, unparalleled in all the world. She could feel each flicker, each momentary lather as though it were the most pristine thing. Priceless treasures and works of art were nothing compared to this magnificent Changeling. Rainbow felt her breaths beginning to come in swift and rapid; she had only just begun, and yet the moment was almost here-

No. No! Chrysalis retreated and pulled herself away from the dribbling folds of Rainbow, fully separate and allowing the woman to stand against the wall untouched. She had been so close, why would she stop? It had been beautiful, magnificent, absolutely wondrous of a moment! “Why did you stop?!” Rainbow gasped, straining against the tears that threatened to spill out from the effort of her exertion. “You can’t do that, not like that!”

“Not yet, my beautiful bird,” Chrysalis commanded. “Do you really wish to soil yourself so easily? And all over your nice, clean clothes… let’s see them cast aside, why don’t we? One at a time, I think… let’s start with your shirt.”

Rainbow tossed aside her tunic and let her toned body be laid bare, save for a sports bra that lay across a flat chest. A little further now…

“Your pants, those next.”

The pants sailed through the air and revealed her underwear, now soaked and darkened by viscous fluid. Just a little further.

“Get rid of your bra, Rainbow.”

A bare chest was all that was left after the span of a heartbeat, hardened nipples freed to the open air upon breasts that could not even hope to compare. A little more.

“And your panties?”

Snow-white fabric was dropped to the floor and kicked aside like trash, Rainbow standing naked before the admiring Queen. Every muscle in her body was primed, desperate for further pleasure that would lead to a needed release. Please…

“Touch yourself for me, Rainbow,” Chrysalis commanded. “Just for a little bit- but you mustn’t come yet.”

Rainbow forced her pace to remain slow. If she went any faster, her body may well explode. She wanted to be freed at last, given reprieve- but she wanted to feel Chrysalis again, to be gifted with nothing but that unparalleled best. Her fingers moved within her folds in a steady rhythm, the sound of liquid moved by flesh like the song of the sirens to her ears. Each motion was torturous to bear…

“That’s enough. We can’t get too excited.”

Rainbow struggled to listen. She desperately didn’t want to stop, she needed to go on…

“Oh, you poor thing,” Chrysalis murmured. She slunk down to the floor, pulling Rainbow with her before coming atop her willing captive at the waist and keeping her pinned. “You need to be pleasured, don’t you? Surely you don’t want to fail now…”

“No,” Rainbow rasped. Oh please, please…

“Suck on my tits, Rainbow,” Chrysalis said, sliding down until her bountiful melons were draped across the mighty woman’s agonized face. “Lick them, make them hard. Make me moan, why don’t you?”

Rainbow wanted to worship them, yet did not want to. She enjoyed nibbling at those tits, feeling them be squirmed by the pleasure of their mistress- but she wished for more. She loved to tweak and to lick at breastflesh, to suck on them and treat them as the prize they were- but to hold on any longer was agonizing-

Oh goddamit, no… She felt a familiar plunge of fingers in her soaked clit, a gentle rhythm of fingerstrokes that only added to the joyous agony she was enduring. Perfect breasts there in her mouth, masterful fingers plucking away deep in her pussy, all of it was tantamount of ecstasy- and still she could not be given release, even as her body thrashed and struggled to hold on any longer. Unbidden, unwanted, Rainbow’s occupied mouth gave freedom to a moan- one more akin to a wail-

“Can you go no farther, my beautiful bird?” Chrysalis asked, rising from her place atop Rainbow Dash while continuing to straddle across her waist. “Do you need me to free you?”


“What was that, Rainbow?”


“Then say the magic words, Rainbow,” Chrysalis purred, bending down low in preparation. “That’s an order.”

“Make me cum. Make me cum, please!” Rainbow wailed. She was desperate, writhing about in her agony-

With pleasure.” Without another word Chrysalis dove down and delved deep into Rainbow’s crying folds, her mouth practically attacking that magnificent pussy with the sort of heavenly skills that could not be found anywhere in the universe. Oh, it was heaven­-!

It took only the span of a few short seconds for Rainbow to feel her body shudder, a great quake of movement that came as the orgasm struck her senses with the potency of a bomb. She cried out as Chrysalis conquered her body, letting herself flow freely into the awaiting snare of the Changeling Queen that had so effortlessly commanded her. To call it the most terrific feeling she had ever known was an understatement; Chrysalis had taken all her will, all her strength and might and made it as soft as putty. She shuddered again and Rainbow knew she was done for- no one had ever made her feel like this.

Rainbow lay there gasping, still overwhelmed by the potency of the moment. Somewhere on the edge of her senses, she felt pressure against her toned form and she forced herself to take heed of it; crawling up her body and enjoying the spoils of her victory was Chrysalis, that smile as warm and teasing as any she’d ever seen.

“You tried, my sweet,” Chrysalis remarked. “Oh, so valiantly. What a will you have…”

Rainbow didn’t have the strength to speak, but she smiled to give proof of her recognition. She certainly couldn’t remember a time she’d been pushed like this.

“I think you deserve a reward, Rainbow Dash,” Chrysalis mused. “And I know just the thing: Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and me- whenever you want to have them. Does that entice you?”

“I think so, yeah,” Rainbow breathed huskily, naked body glistening from the sweat that had been gained from their work together. Her body felt wearied, overcome by the ferocity of her new lover; yet her will began to stir once more and she found her heart becoming stout. “So I can have you girls whenever I want?”

“And they you, whenever they wish,” Chrysalis assured her. “I’m certain they’ll be glad to have you.”

“Then can I have you now?” Rainbow asked, a tired grin gaining strength on her features. “How about another round?”

Such vigor! Chrysalis cried silently. Both her and Pinkie at once, that would be… Her smile grew wide in anticipation. “As many times as you’d like.”

4. Twilight Sparkle, Lusting for Knowledge

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The cacophony of metal had overtaken the open room, each swordstroke that fell upon one another adding to the raucous din. The numerous forms that whirled and danced about had become all but intertwined in their melee, their physical prowess becoming as critical to their victory as the skill with which they handled their blade. The percussion of steel was deft, swift, and deadly; each one involved was a battle-hardened warrior capable of destruction on the battlefield, a name to be feared in the arts of war.

Chrysalis watched from her seat, her interest in the outcome not feigned in the slightest; these were her best Commanders that fought now, the most trusted warriors her Horde could hope to offer. They had been bred for battle since before they were born, taught its every aspect until the iron scent of blood was the air they breathed. Outmatching their kindred in the Horde, proven to themselves and the satisfaction of their queen, these Changelings were the best Chrysalis’ children could hope to be.

And now, as three blades held against one, they were losing.

“Come on, slowpokes!” Rainbow roared, a prismatic storm of movement and flashing metal, “don’t give up yet! Show me everything you’ve got!”

Chrysalis watched as Seniya pulled herself away from the fray for a brief moment, hoping to recover; likely her most trusted Commander, and the beautiful Changeling Queen could see that there was sweat pouring down her brow. Even with the aid of her fellows, Seniya was being outmatched by Rainbow with ease. The sight would once have been horrifying only three days ago; the thought that one even mightier than her Commanders was now among her lovers made the woman’s heart quiver.

There was a small flash, then a cry of pain; one of the Changelings was knocked back and left unarmed, the free blade falling into Rainbow’s hand as she continued to be a whirlwind of devastation, the furious storm of color that wrought victory over all but one. Two blades held against two, all three remaining competitors fighting with an unmatched effort.

Chrysalis caught Rainbow’s eye and saw the grin on her face, a small gleam in the eye that spoke of a memory. The beautiful Changeling felt a breath leave her when she saw what was to come next-

It was over in a flash. Seniya fell to the ground with a harsh Thud! that spoke to her momentary paralysis, her partner shoved aside with only a broken blade to show for her efforts. Before them stood Rainbow even still, her hands filled with flawless metalwork that hardly looked worn from the furious maelstrom of cold iron. While her opponents’ chest heaved, struggling to regain their composure or find their breath once more, the unyielding warrior let her head be held high over them; pride earned by victory, and a strength magnified by newfound purpose.

The beautiful woman of many colors looked about at her fallen opponents, seeking out any sign of resistance that would see blades clash once again and finding only exhaustion instead. An escape of breath across her lips in acceptance of it before turning to her Lady. What had she, her most important audience, thought of such a performance?

Chrysalis could only smile her approval at the remarkable feat, rising to her feet and giving applause to the showcase of talent that had transpired. “I would call you a fencing master, beloved, if that title was worthy of you,” she remarked. “You put generations of skill and experience to shame, with only sweat as your payment.”

Rainbow grinned, clearly enjoying the praise. “Don’t tell me you’re surprised?” she asked.

“Not at all, beloved,” Chrysalis said warmly, coming forth to her champion and bestowing the gracious prize of a kiss on a pair of awaiting lips. “Not when you’ve shown me what you can really do.”

The warrior woman smirked, the revelry of the weekend just spent in each other’s company still fresh on her mind. Not just Chrysalis, but Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity too-! There’d been a magnificence to it that Rainbow couldn’t have anticipated, at last able to enjoy the company of her cherished friends in the way she had always desired; uninhibited, friendship at last allowed to smolder and be stoked by the flames of lust so as to grow to its long-desired conclusion for the satisfaction of all.

“Come, all of you to your feet,” Chrysalis commanded, turning from her still-eager knight and regarding her wearied children. “Water- before anything else. Than assess yourselves for any injuries; I will not have you leave this place with wounds still open.”

Bitter from the magnitude of their loss, her Commanders were slow to follow orders. It was only when they found themselves under the care of their mother that their hesitancy disappeared. The cold treatment that had once been was all but gone as Chrysalis went to each of them in turn, looking them over with a concern that seemed so strange in comparison to the unyielding demands they had known all their lives. This new softness was strange to them- but not at all unwelcome. A further buoying of their spirits came soon after in the form of their Queen’s new lady, Rainbow’s encouragement and guidance well-spoken and meaningful. Though clearly bested by her superior skill, the shame that had come from such a loss now felt lessened; the new right hand of the Horde was one who knew the mettle of a warrior and treated them with marked respect.

“Just think of it as a lesson. You only learn from messing up, right?” Rainbow said aloud, addressing her defeated opponents with a smile that spoke to her boundless confidence. “Now you know how far you’ve got to go- you’ve got a new goal to reach! I know it sucks to lose, but it’ll give you something to strive for.”

“Next time, I expect you to be able to hold your own- and alone,” Chrysalis remarked, knowing her words were a daunting challenge. “You will meet this new standard, what time it takes is immaterial. I know the greatest of my children can achieve such a feat.”

“Next time, Your Majesty,” came the call. “We shall make your proud once more.”

“Hmm… tell me, my beautiful bird,” Chrysalis said to Rainbow, “did they give this trial their all?”

“Huh? Oh yeah, definitely. And they’re all real good, too, just not as good as me- that’s all.”

“Then I have every reason to be proud,” Chrysalis declared to her children. A conjuring of flame in her hand that dissipated to reveal a silver summoning bell in her hand that was soon set to tingling. “Now you are to regain your strength. Pinkie!”

The melodious call echoed throughout the room for only a few seconds before the doors opened and revealed a great serving cart, pushed through to the awaiting souls by a bright-faced woman whom all present adored. “Wow, I heard you all going for ages!” Pinkie said as she strode in, promptly speaking with all of her usual fervor. “I bet Rainbow had you all really trying, huh? She’s super good at sword stuff and other really awesome, brawny stuff. And now that you’re done I bet you’re super tired and everything, so I made you guys something to eat! How does roast chicken sound? Full of protein and you’ll be back on your feet in no time!”

The summons for a hot meal was never unwelcome to a tired spirit, and one from a chef as talented as Pinkie was primed to disappear. The hearty meal was well-supplied, and given a little flair by a plate of vanilla cupcakes to help top it all off; as the trio of exhausted Changelings began to devour their meal, the thanks that was given came gladly. None could hope to so thoroughly win their hearts as Pinkie.

“You sure you don’t want to try some?” Pinkie asked of her two girls, offering a piece of unblemished cupcake on her outstretched tongue. “I know you ate earlier, but there’s always room for dessert, right?”

“You know, I think there is,” Rainbow declared, sneaking in and ensnaring Pinkie’s unprepared tongue within her own lips. The sudden kiss actually managed to elicit a squeak from the pink chef, but only for it to swiftly morph into a muffled coo of happiness. Rainbow’s kiss was thorough, intense; the suckling of her tongue that came from the prismatic woman was potent and glorious.

Chrysalis soaked in the scene, enjoying watching the two together as their passionate kissing continued. She didn’t need to imagine how they would feel upon her; after all, this latest weekend had been their most raucous yet. The two of them together had been more than just wonderful, and the whole of them together had been sublime.

Mwah!” Pinkie withdrew her tongue from Rainbow’s feisty clutches and let the thickened band wave between them. “Ooh, is that how we thank the chef now, Rainbow? I like it, you should do that again!”

“Well, I can’t help it. After all, you’re not wearing anything.”

Indeed Pinkie wasn’t, the only adornment upon her skin being a white apron that just barely covered her naked body. She had not taken long to become comfortable with bearing her skin around the nightclub, more often seen without clothes than with them, a change of style that bothered absolutely no one. “Maybe I’m the new trend,” Pinkie murmured cheekily. “You wanna try it on for size?”

Out of all of Chrysalis’ new paramours, it had been evident from the beginning that Pinkie and Rainbow were nigh inexhaustible- and always eager for another bout of lovemaking. “I could be convinced,” Rainbow murmured. “Only if you think you can handle me…”

“Until you scream, Rainbow.” Pinkie’s eyes gleamed with anticipation, eager to throw away the apron and enjoy herself. “Oh Chrissy, I think Rainbow’s getting all excited. Feel like having fun?”

Chrysalis very much wanted to say yes; the idea of delving between those wondrous thighs alongside Rainbow’s skilled tonguework was more than just a little appealing. But even her unparalleled desires could be trumped by duty, and there was a laundry list of things that called for her attention. She would simply have to find another time. “Don’t be too loud,” she cautioned, waving them away so as to see them satisfied. “Fluttershy was able to get back to sleep only a little bit ago, so let her keep resting.” The nods came in swift approval before the two raced off in a trail of giggles, leaving their love-struck queen jealous and wishing she could join them. If only we were safe at last, she thought to herself. But before I survey the plans, I need to tend to Fluttershy.

The weekend had been, for the most part, a rather rambunctious one spent in sultry company. It would have been even better if her sweet butterfly had not suddenly fallen ill, a victim of an unfortunate case of ‘the bug going around’ as Pinkie had called it. While Chrysalis and Rainbow had tended to other matters, the sweet-faced woman had been left under the care of Rarity for the time being, one whom the dark queen was coming to heavily rely upon for matters of the estate. It had not been an intentional thing –or at least an act she was aware of- but each of her newfound loves had come to play a rather critical role within her house; Chrysalis could hardly have asked for any better who could assist her. Rainbow sharpened the skills of her warriors; Pinkie’s culinary arts and gracious affection kept them happy and content; Fluttershy and Rarity happily took on the duties of Ladies of the House, aiding her directly in matters of personal affairs as well as spiritual rejuvenation.

Looking at her life now, with so many memories of her old one still able to be recalled, Chrysalis could only wonder how she’d once managed.

A quiet knock on the doors to her personal chambers before entering, swiftly entering through the miniscule crack she offered herself so as not to bathe the darkened room with unforgiving light. Her best efforts for a discrete entrance were given and Chrysalis crept forward to the bedside where two figures lay, one comfortably held beneath the bedsheets while the other was seated beside her.

“No need to be so careful, darling. We’re both perfectly fine in here,” Rarity said softly. A hand outstretched, one meant to be taken hold of and kissed…

Chrysalis accepted her lady’s offer and pressed her lips gently against soft finger, always glad to grant further affection. “I hope I didn’t wake you,” she said.

“Not at all! Fluttershy and I were just talking about you, if you must know,” the elegant beauty replied.

“Oh my. And what about?”

Fluttershy’s smile beamed bright even in the dark, the sight of it melting her devoted lover’s heart. “About how I didn’t mean to make you worry,” she said faintly, the weariness in her voice from the ravaging of illness evident to the ear. “And that you don’t need to be so scared. I’ll be better in the morning, I promise.”

Chrysalis breathed a small sigh of relief, but couldn’t exactly prevent a flush from filling her cheeks. A Changeling’s life was not one filled with ailments and sickness, ancient strengths long passed down keeping virus and infection from ever forming; Fluttershy’s sudden failure of health had done her no favors, inexperience causing her to panic at the sight of it. It hadn’t been the most dignified of reactions. “Well, I’m glad to hear it,” Chrysalis whispered, a hand stroking along her beloved’s face and pushing stray hairs back into place. “You gave me quite a fright, that’s all.”

“Well, I am very scary,” Fluttershy teased. Her voice remained weak, but the presence of good humor was encouraging.

“I’ve no doubt,” the dark royal replied. “Is it alright if I talk with Rarity privately for a moment?”

“Of course you can. I can be left alone for a little while, I promise.”

Chrysalis could see all her worry and concern was for those around her, as though ashamed she had caused so many people to fret over her state. A swift kiss to the forehead before she rose, taking Rarity by the arm and making for the door.

“Chrysalis- darling, you can relax! I promise, Fluttershy is going to be fine,” Rarity said when the bedroom doors closed behind them. “Things like this are perfectly normal, there’s nothing to be concerned about.”

“And you’re-”

“Sure? Without a doubt, darling,” the seamstress added. “It’s sweet to see you so concerned like this, but it’s not necessary. A day’s rest and our beloved Fluttershy will be back on her feet in no time.”

It was news that buoyed her spirits. “Thank you for looking after her, Rarity,” Chrysalis said. “I know our darling butterfly could hardly be in better hands.”

“Happy to be of assistance,” Rarity said. “I’ve ordered a quiet period until evening, and fresh bedsheets be made ready for the morning. The room will be cleaned and made safe for full use again just as soon as Fluttershy is able.”

It was more than she could have asked for. All her worries were made insignificant in the face of Rarity’s attentive care, Chrysalis only able to smile and marvel at how wonderful her life had become. “Oh Rarity, how I love you,” she murmured happily, taking the elegant woman in her embrace. “How I managed without you girls, I just don’t know.”

“I’m glad to be of assistance,” Rarity replied. “It’s the least I can do.”

It was an appreciated remark, but for some strange reason she could somehow feel that something was missing. “Rarity, can- one last favor to ask of you.” The blush that began to appear was bidden alongside a bashful smile.

“Anything, darling!”

Chrysalis wanted the demand met, but couldn’t shrug off how silly she knew it would be to say it, the formidable queen struggling to put her words into voice. “Can you… will you tell me that you love me, please?” She’d said to this beautiful woman first, after all. It was the oddest sensation to know she needed to hear it said in return, even if she had no reason to doubt otherwise.

Rarity laughed, though her mirth was born of delight rather than scorn. “Chrissy, you sweetest of spirits!” she exclaimed, a hand caressing her queen’s face. “You are quite the romantic, of course I can! After all,” she whispered, her voice turning delightfully sultry, “you know how madly I love you.”

The presence between them disappeared and was made filled as Rarity leaned in to kiss her beloved queen, Chrysalis rather swooning at the feeling of those desired lips held against her own. Kissing Rarity was always a happy moment, the tender touch of her lips like a work of art put into feeling and gesture. Not as wild and ferocious as Pinkie or Rainbow, yet not the gentle softness of Fluttershy’s soothing presence; to kiss Rarity was to know elegance. The beautiful fashionista’s lips were all that romance could ever hope to be.

Royal and lady broke apart slowly, the love held between them shining in their shared gaze as their quiet moment came to an end. “I’m so glad I have you girls,” Chrysalis whispered.

“So am I, darling,” Rarity replied as she rested her head against her beloved’s shoulder. “First Fluttershy, then you, and now Pinkie- and Rainbow, too… Oh, how good it is.”

Hey! We’ve got a problem!” The booming din of a strong-willed voice broke the tender conversation like the shattering of glass, setting the two women to startles. Leaping about, Chrysalis saw Pinkie and Rainbow racing towards them in a hurry, both women still naked and looking as though they’d just left mid-activity.

“Rainbow! Keep your voice down, Fluttershy is trying to rest!” Rarity chided-

“Sorry babe, gimme a minute,” Rainbow said brusquely, pushing her love’s words aside as she turned to Chrysalis. “Look- we’re gonna have company.”

The tone said all it needed to. The peaceful quiet of the day was cast aside in favor of facing this new crisis, one that speared through Chrysalis’ heart like iron; if her children were under threat –her ladies under threat- then there was nothing else in the world that could hope to distract her. “Are we in danger?”

“I mean- yeah, we probably are.”

Rarity regarded the prismatic woman’s expression, a clouded thing that spoke to numerous emotions. “Did you reveal us?”

Rainbow acted as though she’d been struck, perhaps deservedly. “I- I didn’t know it was gonna be like –you know, how it is,” she said. “It was before I came up here to find you, I swear.”

The guilt could be dealt with later, insignificant in the face of a present danger. “Rainbow,” Chrysalis said, “what is coming for us?”

Rainbow bit her lip. “I- it’s been three days since I first came here,” she said. “So… so Twilight’s going to come after us.”

It wasn’t supposed to be like this.

Twilight adjusted the gauntlets that were now bound about her wrists, feeling her fingers slip through the leather that adorned the fingers and be nestled comfortably. They were specially crafted, forged in the ancient forges of the Crystal Empire and gifted to her by Cadance. Made to focus one’s magic and grant greater precision, they were as much a weapon as any sword could hope to be; turning their wearer’s magic into a pin-point laser that was perfect for close quarters.

A situation she hadn’t hoped she would ever find herself in. She would be outnumbered by the thousands, seeking hostages somewhere in this darkened place to which she now walked, and without backup. It was the sort of nightmarish scenario the poor Princess had hoped she would never know. And then there was the fact that she was dealing with Changelings; could she hope to decipher who was really who in a place like this?

The first day of Rainbow’s absence had been cause for concern, but she had forced herself to remain calm. Her friend was a warrior, capable of enduring hardship, one who would take the time necessary to see the job done correctly. Twilight had remained quiet in the hopes that inactivity would not stir the hornet’s nest.

It was the second day that had spurred her to some form of action. With only one friend still remaining in town, Twilight had fled for Sweet Apple Acres and revealed the insidious invasion to Applejack, hoping she would be able to find some measure of comfort in her friend’s company.

“And you’re certain that they’re there?” Applejack had asked.

“Rainbow was sure,” Twilight replied. “And if she was sure enough to go try and rescue them, then…”

Applejack sighed, falling back against a pile of haybales that dotted the wall of the barn in which they conversed, well-hidden away from the unwitting eyes and ears of her kindred. “How long did she say for you to wait?”

“Three days. That was early Friday, she left before dawn. But she’s still not back.”

“Is it possible that she hasn’t been caught?” Applejack asked. “Just maybe?”

“I mean… yes, it’s possible,” Twilight answered. “She could be laying low, she could be on the run from the horde, but the longer it goes- if she’s not back by tomorrow, I’m going to go up there myself.”

“Alone?” The farmgirl hardly looked receptive to the idea of her dear friend walking straight into the lion’s den. “Twilight, if they got a hold of Rainbow, you might be biting off more than you can chew. That girl could throw down.”

“I don’t need to throw a single punch,” Twilight said firmly, letting the electricity wave its way between her fingers to emphasize the point. “As long as I can find them- or find Chrysalis, at the very least- then I can put the worst to an end. After that, I’ll call down the royal guard upon the place and we’ll clean the nest.”

“I don’t like it, Twi,” AJ said quietly. “You need more than just you. What if they’re waiting for you? Setting a trap for you, and all that?”
“What choice do I have? The longer we wait, the worse the whole thing could get.”

The beautiful blonde remained uncertain but relented her arguments for now, a conversation left insignificant in the face of such a crisis. “So why tell me?” she asked.

“For the same reason Rainbow Dash spoke to me,” Twilight informed her. “Applejack, if I’m not back in three days, it’ll be up to you. I’d ask you to go with me now, but I don’t want to put your family in the crossfire unless I absolutely have to. They can fool the others, they might even be able to fool me- but there’s not a soul on earth who can fool you. Can I trust you on this?”

“Twilight, don’t ask me to be the one to save the world…”

“AJ, please. Promise me you will.” The young princess kept her gaze steady, hoping to push away the trembling that threatened to crumble down her entire world. “I’m counting on you.”

The call for a promise to be kept felt like deceit and Applejack wondered if her friend had said it purposefully so as to bind her. “I…” she sighed, hating that this was the role she was set to play. “I don’t like it, Twi. But if you think it’ll work… I promise I’ll back you up when the time comes.”

A quick hug and a goodbye was all that came next, Twilight departing back to her abode so as to prepare herself in every way she would require. Now, only a few blocks away from the next great battle of their time, she found that her preparations had not been enough. Fear still remained, strength had not come, and a day’s rest had not been enough to calm her mind. She was walking into a nest of Changelings with the goal of finding specific people; four of them were those she intended to rescue- one was the one she meant to kill.

No pressure, she told herself. You’ve faced dangers before. You can do it again. The words were less comforting when her subconscious mind recalled that she had faced those dangers alongside her friends rather than alone.

There it stood, only a little distance away. A place of sensuous luxury meant to entice and tempt, a perfect hiding spot for the devourers of love. It was a little to on-the-nose, by Twilight’s estimation. Not subtle. But here she would begin her campaign, the lone light that would venture into the darkness. The moment she opened that door, the work would begin.

As heavy wood was pushed aside and light allowed to filter through into the open floor, she found herself perplexed by just how suddenly her goals had become attainable.

The Horde had been ordered underground, out of sight and readied for evacuation if things turned for the worse. There had not been any escape tunnels burrowed, too fearful of seismic detection to ever make such a venture. If Twilight was not able to be reasoned with, the survivors would have to work quickly.

Chrysalis’ initial instinct had been to send her beloved ladies to safer dwellings, an idea that was shouted down almost as soon as it had been suggested.

“It would be a guarantee for catastrophe,” Rarity had said, appearing affronted at the suggestion of fleeing. “Our being with you will be what she needs to be convinced that you are not a threat any longer.”

“And if she decided to simply attack? No provocation, no warning?” Chrysalis demanded.

“Nah, that’s not Twilight’s way,” Rainbow had countered. “I mean, she’ll definitely be suspicious of whether or not we’re actually who we are, but she won’t attack unless she’s sure. Twilight’s not mean like me.”

“Come on, Rainbow Dash, stop being mean to yourself and being all sulky!” Pinkie said, a gentle nudge of her girlfriend to wipe away the warrior’s sour mood. “You didn’t know Chrissy was all super-hot and sexy and really nice until you got here! You were only trying to help.”

“But the damage has been done, nevertheless,” Chrysalis said simply. “Forgiveness is fine, but we must have a plan.”

“What sort of plan, darling?”

“Anything. Any plan that will safeguard my children, and you,” Chrysalis said, trying not wring her hands in worry at the fearful thought of the many pieces of her heart being ripped away. “You say Twilight is a princess- then her already-mighty power will be magnified! I do not wish for our home to be destroyed and see my children exposed to the world. Not now, when I have them so close to safety.”

Rarity pondered the thought for a moment, her mind of high society and politics coming into play. Chrysalis was a warfaring royal, not used to the realms of political ploys and negotiations; she was force, now put into a place where force was not necessary. “I may have an idea, actually,” she said slowly. “After all, we wish for no violence, correct?”

“Of course!”

“Then I believe we shall take a much more pleasant road,” she announced, her smile growing as the strength of her machinations began to take hold. “Pinkie, darling, I’ll need the best of your culinary skills. Do you think you can manage?”

“Yeah! I can cook everything in the whole wide world in Chrissy’s super-fantastic kitchen, duh!” Pinkie proclaimed. “Does it need to look all fancy-shmancy like you’ve always liked it?”

“To the nines, if you please. We’ve got a princess on her way, and everything will have to be dressed to impress.”

Twilight blinked, unsure if the sudden lack of light was what could explain the strangeness of the sight before her. After all, what she was seeing didn’t make much sense.

“Twilight, darling! Please, come on in, no need to stand there!” Rarity’s voice, bright and welcoming as ever, beckoned for her to come forward and examine the unusual spectacle before her that had yet to properly sink in.

The door fell shut behind her and Twilight paused for a moment to let her eyes adjust to the warm, softened light of the nightclub in which she now stood. A few blinks and a partial adjustment was all it took for her to realize that she was indeed not crazy, and the sight of Chrysalis at a dinner table with her friends was not something out of a daydream.

“You don’t have to just stand there and stare, darling! Please, come join us! The extra seat is yours if you’d like it.”

Twilight remained where she was, taking in the scene further and giving it proper assessment: a well-crafted dinner table, royally dressed in finery and made to impress the eye; soft tongues of fire flowed freely from a pair of candles that levitated just overhead, allowing their warmth to add a small gleam to the darkened wood. Those who sat about it were a different matter entirely, a trio of beautifully dressed women that only added to the strangeness of the affair; Rarity was adorned in a sapphire-blue evening dress, the rich darkness of the color perfectly contrasting against her fair skin and making the resplendent woman seemingly glow. Across from her was Rainbow Dash, a shock to behold in a bright red dress that fell to just above the knee, giving her a more demure, feminine look than any had ever seen of her. At the head of the table was Chrysalis herself, lavishly dressed in a long black dress that seemed to be of Rarity’s own making, a glass of wine in her hand and bearing a smile that was made to beckon.

The whole thing was unbelievably unusual; Twilight had never seen her friends in such an attractive light, and the one she had come to defeat was perhaps the most beautiful of them all. The scene was just as welcoming, the plates that sat upon the table empty in preparation for a forthcoming meal. It was not at all like the scene for a battle.

“You’ve come a long way, Princess Twilight,” Chrysalis said, speaking at last and revealing yet another shock to the confused young woman; not at all the harsh croak that she had heard at Cadance’s wedding, but instead a softened tone that was pleasant to the ear. “It is our pleasure to have you with us. I hope you are hungry.”

This is a game. Twilight wasn’t sure of what was going on, but letting her guard down was not on the list of her current objectives. Slowly, each footstep precise in its placement, she took to the seat with an unusual delicacy. All she could imagine was a trap suddenly coming forth to grab her as its prisoner.

“Hmm… I believe you’ve left us feeling overdressed,” Rarity remarked, taking note of her friend’s more combative attire. “Since this is a dinner party… would you mind if we gave you a change of clothes for the occasion, Twilight?”

It was somehow getting stranger and she wasn’t sure why. “Alright,” Twilight answered. It seemed she would have to play along for a little longer.

“Wonderful! I have just the thing in mind- Chrissy, darling, would you mind-?”

“Not at all,” Chrysalis complied, a snap of her fingers and a new garment appeared on Twilight’s lap. “A gift, made with you in mind.”

It was a lovely dress, at least. A soft blue the color of the night sky, the corset dotted by pale flecks of gold as though the stars in the sky; the skirt was only a little longer than Rainbow’s, falling to just below the knee and giving her a more womanly look. A snap of her own fingers and Twilight flashed like a light for the merest of an instant; her battle garb was gone, replaced by the softened fabric of this new dress.

“Please tell me if it doesn’t fit quite right,” Rarity instructed her. “I made it with Chrissy’s help- and we were in something of a rush, so if the measurement aren’t quite right I’d be glad to know.”

“O-OK,” Twilight said. There was so much odd about this, it was difficult to imagine where she was supposed to begin. “What- what are you all doing here?”

“Waiting to eat. And you took forever, too!” Rainbow answered, slumping back in her seat as though ravaged by hunger. “I know what Pinkie’s cooking in there and I don’t feel like waiting all day. Hurry it up next time!”

If these were Changelings, they certainly were very good ones. Their mannerisms and tone were perfect matches for her friends, at least so far. But something wasn’t quite right…

“Where’s Fluttershy?” Twilight demanded.

“Oh! Goodness, I’m sorry, Twilight. I should have said right from the start,” Rarity cried. “Poor Fluttershy isn’t feeling her best today, so she has elected to remain in her chambers and rest. You needn’t worry, it’s only a mild illness.”

It was all she needed to know. “You poisoned her!” Twilight said of Chrysalis, her voice growing to a snarl. “You’ve got her locked up somewhere and you’ve been torturing her or-”

“I would do no such thing,” Chrysalis broke through, her words and expression so forceful that it was plain to see she found the accusation insulting. “I would raze cities to the ground if anyone ever dared to lay a finger upon my sweet Fluttershy. It is because of her that I sit here with such glorious loves such as these two.”

“Loves?” Twilight wasn’t at all sure what the seemingly affronted Changeling was meaning- at least at first. “No, you don’t mean- that!”

“We’ll explain it all over dinner, if you’d like,” Rarity offered. “You needn’t worry, Twilight. Chrissy has been wonderful to all of us- it’s lovely to have us all together like this.”

The concept was mind-boggling. Chrysalis was romantically involved with Fluttershy- and Rarity, and Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash. And, if Rarity was indeed suggesting such a thing, they were all simultaneously involved with one another. Of all things I expected, Twilight surmised, none of this was on the list.

“And here we are!” Pinkie burst forth from the kitchens in a blaze of triumph, dressed in a hot-pink dress and followed by a troupe of young women, each pushing a cart that carried a bountiful delicacy. “Filet mignon cooked to medium rare, with scalloped potatoes and grilled asparagus!” As the carts of food came to surround the table, the proud maestro of the meal strode forward and took her seat beside Rainbow, pausing in her settling down only to give a smile and wave to their latest guest. “Hi, Twilight! Hope you like everything, we all worked extra hard!”

“I’m certain it will be delicious, my love,” Chrysalis said sweetly, an approving nod given to her beautiful chef and the awaiting staff. “Let us begin.”

Twilight kept herself on guard for the duration of the meal, but found herself distracted by the excellence of it all. Pinkie had outdone herself, everything cooked to such a perfection that the young princess didn’t know if she’d ever tasted anything so excellent. The texture of the asparagus was perfect, the flavor of the filet rich and meaty… there weren’t words to help form the compliments she wanted to give. For a girl who had once been known only as a baker extraordinaire, Pinkie Pie had somehow found a new way to flourish; there was hardly a chef in the world that could hope to reach her now.

“Is everything to your liking, Princess Twilight?” Chrysalis asked, looking as though she were genuinely curious to the answer. “I hope you are enjoying yourself.”

“It’s- it’s all… really amazing,” she confessed, albeit hesitantly. “Pinkie, did you really make all this?”

“With the help from the kitchen girls, yeah!” Pinkie said. “Normally I’d do it all myself but I needed to be here for the dinner so I couldn’t get messy or anything so I had to keep watch and make sure everything went OK but they obviously did such a great job!”

She was beaming with such pride that Twilight couldn’t help but smile in return. Keep your head on straight, damn you!

“Twilight. Please, you may relax,” Chrysalis insisted, her tone surprisingly gentle. “I am not here to fight you. I am not here to invade. You are safe here.”

“And are my friends safe here?” Twilight inquired.

“Safe- and so dearly loved,” the darkened queen answered. “Do not be afraid. For them, or for yourself.”

“Then… then why are you here?”

Chrysalis smiled- for the first time, Twilight believed the sight to be a genuine one. “Because I am in love,” she explained. “And I would have it no other way.”

“But you didn’t come alone, did you?” Twilight guessed.

Chrysalis nodded. “They remain here, under my care- and that of my ladies. Safe and at peace, if only for a moment.”

The last few words made the still-suspecting woman pause. “For the moment?”

“There is no war being readied, Twilight,” Chrysalis continued, “but we are overcrowded. I did not wish for us to be here for so long.”

“So what are you hoping to do?”

“Create new nests. Send some of them elsewhere, away from here,” Chrysalis answered. “But I am struggling to find a way to achieve such things safely. We cannot build ourselves, so we must renovate buildings to our needs. And to move so many of us openly is a risk I do not wish to take. Not when there are so many that might hurt my children…”

The concern with which she spoke was what took the uneasy woman aback. Chrysalis had been a warrior, a conqueror of realms who relished the battlefield. What a stark difference that was to the now, the Changeling Queen seemingly stricken by fears of seeing her Horde assailed. It was as though Twilight were looking at a fretting mother, worried over the fate of the soldier who was her own child.

It could not be helped; Twilight found herself moved to sympathy.

The rest of the dinner went by pleasantly, Twilight’s tumult of emotions keeping her fairly subdued throughout. She watched as Chrysalis continued to interact with her friends, the levels of affection between them shockingly romantic. Yes, they’d admitted to being that way with one another already, but to see it in person was a bit off-putting. The teasing that was both cheek and kindness, the compliments and gestures that flowed between them as freely as an unbound stream… to see her closest friends like this wasn’t what she had expected. And they seem so much- I dunno- happier. It was the only word she could think of that seemed to sum it up. Her friends were happier with Chrysalis in their lives, and happier that they were so deeply intertwined.

She couldn’t help but feel a little jealous.

“What’s got you so quiet, Twilight?” Rainbow asked, taking note of her friend’s continued silence. “I know the food’s good, but still.”

“It’s- it’s nothing,” Twilight said. “Don’t worry.”

“I believe I know your concerns,” Chrysalis mused, pausing from her wine to regard her honored guest. “You fear for Fluttershy’s safety still, am I right? Come, let us finish and I’ll take you to her. Pinkie, is her dinner ready?”

“Huh? Oh yeah, the soup’s just sitting on the warmer right now,” the frizz-haired girl answered. “Ready for when-wherever!”

“Wonderful. I’m sure she’ll be grateful,” the dark royal said. “Well, Princess Twilight, let us finish our glasses and carry on. There is a matter of importance to me that I would like to discuss with you once we’re done.”

There was trepidation in regards to that remark, but little fear to go along with it. Twilight followed suit and carried on with her host as she said goodbye to her friends, departing for the kitchens and to destinations unknown.

“She’s feeling better than this morning,” Chrysalis murmured as she poured steaming soup into a bowl. “But she has had little food. Something to help fill her stomach –gently- will do her good.”

“That’s… yeah, that’s probably true,” Twilight remarked. Was this really the same woman that had invaded Canterlot?

Seeing Fluttershy resting comfortably with a book in hand did the uncertain princess some good, a happy reunion between friends in such an unexpected place. They talked on her unfortunate bout of illness for a brief moment, Twilight becoming unified with Chrysalis in concern over the tired woman. It was almost amusing to see how doting the once-formidable Changeling queen was in regards to Fluttershy, fretting to such a degree that her sweet-faced beloved had to laughingly soothe frayed nerves.

It’s… actually- well, a little sweet. Twilight didn’t mind smiling at the sight of it.

“Rarity will be by to check on you in a bit, she’s seeing to the dining hall at the moment. Call for her if you need anything.”

“I will, Chrysalis, don’t worry,” Fluttershy promised. “Goodbye, Twilight, it’s nice of you to visit.”

An awkward wave of goodbye and the bookish woman departed, following after Chrysalis down the hall to a small room that looked to be some sort of study.

“I hope your fears have been put to rest by now, Princess Twilight,” Chrysalis said, offering the lone seat to her companion. “I understand that you would have misgivings, considering our past history.”

“A- a little. I know,” Twilight said. “Look, I’m not- not very formal about my status or anything. You can just call me Twilight. It’s alright.”

Chrysalis smiled. “Twilight it is, then,” she remarked. “Any questions you’d like to ask of me before I ask one of you?”

There were certainly a few. “How- how did this happen?”

“Hmm? As in how your friends came to be part of my life? Accident, if anything,” Chrysalis answered. “I sought out Fluttershy at first, wishing to- well, infiltrate once more. But the more I was with her, the… the less I cared.”


“Invading. Revenge. I- well, I enjoyed what we –shared. Together,” Chrysalis continued. “And then I was told Rarity was pining for her, so I… let her in.”

“And now Pinkie and Rainbow are with you, too,” Twilight guessed, receiving a nod in response. “Was that on purpose?”

“Not at first. But heavens, Twilight, I’m glad they are. You girls are… intoxicating! The way they’ve changed my children, helped soothe their spirits- I can’t imagine a life without them!” Chrysalis said, her face set to glowing as she continued to speak. “Fluttershy is so gentle, and Pinkie –the affection from her, Twilight, it’s sweeter than any candy you could find. And I just- wait, what is so funny?”

Twilight couldn’t take it anymore, her mirth bursting from her lips and filling the room. “I don’t believe it! This is how you turn a new leaf!” she gasped. “Oh my gosh, Chrysalis, out of all things-!” It was the most clichéd, yet somehow unexpected means by which the once-villainous queen had been redeemed. “OK, OK, I’m convinced! This is so weird, but I’m happy. For all of you! So, I guess- well, what were you wanting to ask me?”

Chrysalis frowned in response to Twilight’s gentle mockery, but carried on nonetheless. A roll of papers were extracted and set on the desk, unraveled before her guest to reveal…

“These are floor plans,” Twilight surmised. “A warehouse?”

“Three of them,” Chrysalis said. “One in Manehatten, another in Vancour, a third in Baltimare. My Ravens-”

“Your what?”

“My scouts. They were sent to find three potential sites for new nesting grounds. New homes for my children,” the queen said. “Our goal is to reconvert them the same way this one was, and make it suitable for our specific needs of survival.”

“Alright. But you need me for… what, exactly?” Twilight inquired.

Chrysalis sighed, biting her lip. “This place was made for war in mind. Sublevels and better ventilation, with walls made to endure bombardment. This home is secure, but these three are not. I need these to be made in the same way, but I am not certain as to how. I’m told you’re brilliant, Twilight. If you can help me convert these places into new nests, I can see my children made safe and out of sight.”

“And when they get there?” Twilight challenged. “When they are safe?”

A long, loaded silence that seemed to buzz in their ears. “I don’t know yet, Twilight,” Chrysalis murmured. “They’ll need love to survive, none can survive without it. But I have forbade them from stealing it any longer. They stay here and thrive, but we do not have room to spare. If they leave…”

“Then they might starve,” Twilight guessed. “Give me time to look over these. Give me every bit of information you have on how you built this place, and- I’m not guaranteeing anything. But I’ll try.”

Chrysalis beamed, her smile an unexpectedly cheering sight. “Then you will remain as my honored guest for as long as it takes,” she declared. “My children, my ladies, and myself are at your disposal.”

Twilight held a bashful smile and motioned to be left alone, eager to set to the new challenge provided to her. It was to be unlike anything she’d ever attempted before, and the thought invigorated her.

Chrysalis departed for her bedchambers, unsurprised to see it occupied by her beautiful ladies. “She’s agreed to help.”

“Told you,” Rainbow said. “She can’t resist a brainteaser, not ever.”

“And she will find a solution, I can promise you that,” Rarity added. “Don’t you worry a bit, Chrissy.”

“I’m glad. And thank you for the dinner, Rarity, Pinkie. It was a lovely idea,” Chrysalis replied. “I don’t know what I’d do without you running the formalities of the house.”

“I’m most certainly glad to be of help, darling,” the beautiful seamstress said. “And now… we simply rest?”

There was a rather pregnant pause. It was as though everyone wished to speak up and say something, but did not want to be the first to proclaim the thought. Eyes were averted, feet were shuffled as each of them tried to keep themselves silent for a little longer. Chrysalis waited hungrily, wishing one of them would say what she’d already thought and just get it over with already-

“She’s got a great butt,” Pinkie moaned at last, falling back against the bed as her eyes glazed over in a daydream.

Holy shit, someone said it!” Rainbow cried. “Jeez, how is that fair? Such a nerd, but hot damn does she look good.”

“Rainbow, be nice! Twilight’s always been very pretty, you’ve even said so yourself,” Fluttershy chided.

“And such class!” Rarity added. “Protégé of a Princess, with such a mind as well-”

“Oh for heaven’s sake!” Chrysalis groaned, fully exasperated by the multitude of proclamations. “If this was the case, why didn’t any of you bother to tell me? Next time, let me know beforehand!” A kick at nothing and a wringing of her hair before giving one last sigh. “So, I want Twilight, and I’m guessing you girls do, too. Are we agreed?”

“Yes!” The response was swift and eager.

“Excellent. Now, this is what we’ll do,” Chrysalis began. “A nice little buildup, my loves. I think we’ll be able to have a great deal of fun with this.”

For being one who had intended to come and wage war within these walls, Twilight found Chrysalis’ nightclub a rather lovely abode to be in. Though the main hall itself was clearly intended to be a showroom, but the backrooms had been made with some level of permanence in mind. When she was not in Chrysalis’ study, nose-deep in floor plans and grid maps of various cities, she found that the many side rooms had been lovingly furnished for guests of all kinds. A comfortable lounge chair, a small bed and nightstand with a jug of water, a little summoning bell to call for aid if she so wished it…

“Definitely Rarity’s doing,” Twilight surmised. Her refined friend had always been one to enjoy the finer comforts, and the style behind these furnishing definitely spoke to her eye for beauty. For the first time since she’d been coronated, Twilight actually felt a bit like a Princess, a trait she had tried to avoid but now found rather pleasant. But of course, she couldn’t allow herself to be distracted by such simple things. She was here for discreet purposes, not self-satisfaction.

Each day passed by pleasantly, whether it be at work or in the company of Chrysalis and her romantic entourage- her friends, as it were. She continued to find herself marveling at just how deeply affectionate the formerly foul Changeling Queen was to her ladies, doting love and acts of such on them in equal manner, a unified act of romantic harmony that Twilight hadn’t imagined could be possible. They all indeed enjoyed one another’s company in a way that was a little distracting. But it wasn’t distracting, of course it couldn’t be!

The study in which she worked was rather soundproof, a serene place of studious calm that allowed her to focus without distraction- unless distraction came through the door to find her. On more than one occasion she found herself occupied not by charts and diagrams, but rather by the appealing presence of her friends, or Chrysalis herself. It was something Twilight found rather difficult to ignore: her friends were all very fetching, and seemed to be keen on flaunting it. Rarity was elegant and graceful, Fluttershy was sweet and tender, Pinkie was rambunctious and pleasantly handsy- a trait shared with Rainbow that the shocked Princess found herself conflicted over. They were just as they were, yet not given a sensuous edge they’d never possessed before. And they all seemed intent on teasing her with it…

“Can I ask you something, Chrysalis?” Twilight asked, her second evening in the queen’s hidden paradise.

“Anything you like, Twilight,” Chrysalis answered, leaning back against the desk in a deep stretch; it could not be helped to note that her midriff was soon revealed from beneath her garment, a toned piece of beauty with just the right color of tanned skin-

“Uh- my friends! Right- I know you call them your ladies,” Twilight said hurriedly. “But- well, you seem to have let them take roles. In your court, I guess?”

“They answer only to me,” Chrysalis answered, “and they help me tend to the wellbeing of my children. The Horde can be… difficult, at times. These new ways are frightening to them.”

“So how do they help you, then?”

Chrysalis thought it over for only a moment. “Perhaps the most helpful of them is Pinkie, if you would believe it. The children adore her to a degree of obsession not even I ever reached. She leads the kitchen, but also dotes upon them regularly. Rainbow is… my fencing master. She trains them, keeps their skills sharp.”

“How do Fluttershy and Rarity figure into that?”
“Rarity is the lady of the house. The personnel, decorations, the presentation of this place… they all fall under her control. She was the one who set our first dinner together, as you recall. But Fluttershy answers to none of them- she is my confidante and place of safety. My words of comfort and wisdom when I need them.”

“Do you rely on them?” Twilight asked.

“They- complete me,” Chrysalis murmured sweetly. “I didn’t know I could be so- so whole because of them. It’s made things so much easier. And less lonely.”

Twilight released a small laugh. “I’m a little jealous. You’ve got great help, I know that much.”

“Oh, but you don’t have to be jealous,” Chrysalis replied, a grin on her face. “I could always use a political advisor. To have that brain of yours with me on the throne- and that cute butt for me to pinch-”

It was unexpectedly forward, and Twilight turned a deep shade of red. “Chrysalis!”

The beautiful queen laughed. “We all think so,” she defended. “You’ve nothing to be ashamed of. I’d be flattered if you could join us.”

The offer was actually tempting. To join a great company of beautiful women in the acts of love, and- well… “I mean- that’s a lot to ask, all at once.”

“Then later, I believe,” Chrysalis said, turning about and peering at the pile of diagrams that sat on the desk. “You have been poring over these plans for days now, Twilight. Do you not have a course of action I may follow?”

Twilight’s efforts to control herself came to a standstill. She did have an answer, but it wasn’t going to be one that she believed this lovely woman would like. “Chrysalis... Will you listen to me if I tell you what I really think?” she asked.

The beautiful royal paused. “Far be it for me to not heed your words of wisdom. What do you have to say?”

Here we go. “Well- Chrysalis, you don’t need any more nests,” Twilight said simply. “Just... just let you children live normal lives.”

Chrysalis peered at her, whether it was surprise or hesitancy at the announcement was something Twilight couldn’t tell. “You mean we operate openly.”

“I mean- just let them be people, I guess,” Twilight said. “There’s homes they can live in. They can make families, have normal lives- if love strengthens you like this, won’t it do the same for them?”

“It- could. Possibly,” Chrysalis admitted, albeit slowly. “Twilight, they… they have only received the scraps. The scents and wafts of what have strengthened me, never what I alone know from my ladies. It is not a world they understand yet, not from experience.”

“Then- then they’ll have to experience it,” Twilight replied. “If they want what you have, they’ll have to try. And that means really –truly- loving someone. Even if they get nothing in return.”

“They will be vulnerable.”

Twilight tried to summon an argument, something prolific and long-winded that would sweep away any thoughts of resistance. If she convinced Chrysalis of this, then maybe she’d convince them all at once. “To love is to be vulnerable, Chrysalis,” she at last managed. “But isn’t it worth the risk?”

The beautiful queen pondered over the young princess’ words, torn from so many directions that any hopes of reaching a conclusion was not to be found anytime soon. “I will… consider it,” she said softly. “It will be difficult for them to understand at first.”

“Then we take time. We help them understand,” Twilight replied.

“‘We,’ you say?” Chrysalis echoed. “Have you considered my offer of love so quickly?”

“I’ll- consider it,” the bookish woman said, a tinge of a smile on her lips. “You move fast.”

“I simply cannot bear the thought of you slipping through my fingers,” Chrysalis explained, leaning down to offer-

Oh my. Twilight’s instinct was torn both backwards and forwards as the darkened queen leaned down to find her own lips and place a kiss upon them. More surprising than the act itself was the warmth that spread across her as the moment solidified; Chrysalis’ lips were plump and pleasantly soft, gentler than what she had expected. It was the tenderness of a pining lover with which she kissed, and Twilight’s eventual conclusion was that it was a nice moment to be part of. It was a pity that it had to end.

“Even if you leave us tonight, my darling,” Chrysalis breathed, eyes poring over Twilight’s body in undisguised longing, “please keep in touch. I’ll always be waiting for you.”

Twilight’s smile was clouded as she rose from her seat, leaving the queen of Changelings behind and exiting the stifling study for home. Her mind was a bit fuzzy, that was true, but she knew what she wanted. She definitely, definitely knew what she wanted. She wanted to be home, nestled in bed with a nice book and comfortably asleep. Of course she wasn’t aroused by that kiss, or the fact that Chrysalis’ breasts had been gently placed against hers in the midst of it and that all her friends thought she had a nice butt-

Twilight paused in her hallway meanderings, trying to catch a breath and rid her mind of its addled state. This wasn’t healthy, this was a fantasy. She had reality to deal with! Reality called for a cold glass of water and any thought that wasn’t of being amongst a bevy of beautiful women who wanted to ravish her body just as much as she wanted theirs!

“Oh for heaven’s sake.” A quick turn into a nearby door and she found herself in her temporary quarters, seemingly made ready for one last night in Chrysalis’ nest. A dash for the jug and Twilight began gulping down the cool water greedily, trying to clear her mind. She knew what she wanted- but having it both ways seemed a little impossible.

A knock on the door, followed by the sound of hinges creaking. “Twilight? Is everything alright, darling?” It was the people she most enjoyed seeing but definitely didn’t need to see right now. Rarity, followed by the others, came streaming into the room with Twilight in their sights. “Chrissy mentioned that you were leaving. Don’t tell me that I had your room tended to for nothing?”

“I’m- I’ve got work to catch up on,” Twilight replied. “Sorry, it really has been nice to come and visit. I’ll be back up another weekend, maybe.”

“Oh, but can’t you stay with us for the night?” Fluttershy asked. “It’s just so late now, surely you’d feel better leaving in the morning.”

“I wish, Fluttershy, I really do, but I need to get back.” Twilight was telling the truth, but it somehow felt like a lie. This is so dumb.

“Are you sure?” Pinkie begged, looking positively heartbroken. “Not even one last night?”

She wasn’t, and that was the problem. “Well… maybe a nightcap.”

“Wonderful! Come, have a seat. Chrissy didn’t tell us how things went and we’d all love to know.”

In reflection, Twilight knew that was the moment when it was all over. The lounge was comfortably set for all of them to be seated, Twilight taking the solitary chair while the four girls took to the cushy sofa across from her. The conversation was smooth and comfortable, no different from any time they had ever spent together as friends- and now as lovers, with herself as the sole exception. The mood was warm and serene, laughter and cheerful chatter flowing freely. It was easy to get lost in its midst and just enjoy yourself-

Until she noticed. “Oh! Uh, Rarity-”

“Yes, Twilight?”

She tried not to look. Again. “Uh, your dress, it- you’re a little exposed.”

Rarity peered down at her cowl neckline and saw that one of her breasts had somehow slipped out, free for all to see. By Twilight’s estimation, it was a very pleasant one: large, nicely shaped, perfectly made for a hand to cup and caress it. But she couldn’t think about that, it wasn’t her right. But you did get the offer- wow, that wasn’t helpful.

“I guess I am,” Rarity said mildly, a playful smirk on her perfect lips. “I hope you like them.”

Help. “Sorry?”

“Are they nice, Twilight? The girls certainly think they are,” the fashionista remarked. “I must admit, I do love it when Chrissy sucks on my tits. She has such a way with me, you see… she can be so tender and gentle one moment, then the next she has me squealing! Oh, how she nibbles me and makes them hard! You must see it sometime.”

“I’d-” Twilight forced her mouth shut before she could say more. If she’d been sorely tempted before…

“They feel so soft,” Fluttershy murmured happily, her hand coming up to play with her lover’s exposed breastflesh. “Even Chrissy says you’ve got the most perfect breasts, Rarity.”

“Fluttershy, you’re too kind!” Rarity cried, leaning in and touching noses with her giggling girlfriend. “Oh, I must thank you- here!” And before there could be anything else done, the two women were sealed together in a kiss, blissfully bound for realms far away and into their own private romance.

Twilight gasped at the sight of it. She’d always known Fluttershy and Rarity were beautiful, but the two of them together was something out of the realms of heaven. Those beautiful women so deeply intertwined, so obviously infatuated with one another… to see Rarity swooning in the arms of such an angelic being as Fluttershy was more than enough to melt defenses. How sweetly they kissed, how gentle were their caresses of the skin! Every motion was built for the sweetest of loves, a passionate romanticism that could not be of this earth! Even the coos and giggles that escaped from between their unified lips were like birdsong at dawn. The further they fell into the depths of their love, the more Twilight wished only to see them continue on for eternity.

“Man, they’re really boring, aren’t they, Twi?” Rainbow’s mocking tone cut through the tender moment and pulled the awestruck woman from her raptures. The prismatic woman was watching her companions become lost in their kisses with a smirk on her face, perhaps one of derision. “They’re all sweetness and softness, but no passion in them. Am I right?”

“Rainbow, I think it’s-”

“Of course I’m right! Pinkie, come here. Twilight needs to know what a real kiss looks like.”

“Now that’s more like it. Watch and learn, Twilight!” Pinkie leapt atop her colorful paramour and immediately set to work, wasting no time in formalities as she took Rainbow in a wild, potently passionate kiss.

It was a show meant to overwhelm, and Twilight’s mouth struggled to not remain agape. Pinkie and Rainbow were bonded together in a union that could only be called wondrously sloppy, a mingling of tongues and lips that seemed eager to overpower the other. What clothing they had did not remain on their skin for long, torn away in a heap and cast aside as the two wild spirits let their embrace become unrestrained. Saliva intermingled and became thick bands, moans came in strong and loud, each new press of flesh only bringing them to a new intensity. It was as though they could not resist one another for a moment longer, desperate to see each other satisfied in every conceivable aspect. Rainbow attacked Pinkie’s tongue, sucking upon it like a candy-

Twilight suppressed a shudder- and then a moan. She hadn’t meant to think it, but the sight of these two loving couples enjoying themselves before her was driving her mind to distraction. There was beauty and passion, grace and romance; lust and desire, physical hunger put into motion… all of it there for her to see. And despite her desire to think otherwise, Twilight had to admit: it was the most arousing thing she’d ever seen.

Mmm…” Fluttershy and Rarity let their flow of exquisite kisses come to an end, breaking apart slowly and seemingly focused on nothing but the other. To no surprise at all, Rarity bore an expression of intense longing as she gazed at the sweet-faced maiden, her deeply held affection threatening to overwhelm her emotions and burst. “Fluttershy, darling, you don’t know how long I waited for you.”

“I’m sorry I kept you waiting,” Fluttershy replied, a kiss on her friend’s nose for emphasis. “Can I make it up to you, please?”

“Anytime you wish, darling!” Rarity’s hands went to her dress and pulled away the bodice to let her breasts hang free, like ripened fruits waiting to be picked that gleamed in the light-

Fluttershy’s natural tenderness made what came next a thing of beauty. Twilight gave a soft sound of awe as she watched the delicate woman begin to tend to the fashionista’s magnificent mounds, pushing her against the back of the couch and beginning her work. Small kisses were the first moments that were born, sweet presses of lips against nipple as she began her acts of worship. This was a slow, rhythmic act of love, each action performed with a delicacy of spirit so as to entice the senses; a small pull here and there to further stimulate, a lick about the areola that would elicit a soft arousal- but no chaos, no untamed longing. This was an act of love, a beautiful display of sensuous affection. Rarity could only cry softly, the act itself made all the better by the one who graced it upon her. She had loved Fluttershy for so long, craved her in a way Twilight could only imagine; to have her there upon her and gracing her body with affection must have felt like a dream come true. It was a sight enough to make one’s heart melt- and then set it afire.

Well occupied on the far side of the couch, Pinkie and Rainbow continued their swapping of saliva, their rush of movement a continuous distraction for Twilight’s rather muted consciousness. Hands groped and prodded, ran through hair like a rabbit through heather, constantly touching and feeling and pinching so as to incite further sounds of ecstasy. The reclusive princess had never known someone could kiss like that; an intensity of feeling and action, those pink muscles so twirled about one another that the two women seemed melded together by liquid and flesh. Their lusts were primal, overpowering, and an awe-inspiring sight. When they at last let their trade of tongues come to an end, the string of drool they had crafted was now a thickened rope of deliciousness, trailing across Rainbow’s muscled body as Pinkie came to a straddling position.

“Now that’s how it’s done!” Pinkie declared happily, face slickened by Rainbow’s wild assault. “See, Twilight? It’s a lot of fun when you really get into it!”

Twilight didn’t say a thing, kept silent by suppression of her own desires and an admiration for the two contrasting styles. Both looked so satisfying, so pleasurable… how was she supposed to choose which she preferred when either one seemed so good?

“Come on, Twilight. Don’t you wanna join us? We’d love to have you...” Pinkie’s voice was velvety in a way she’d never heard before, those bright-blue eyes little more than slits that poured out their longing- for her! Both pairs of magnificent women brought their displays of passion to a halt, turning to their rapturous audience and seeming to beckon. Twilight could feel their hunger in her heart, a feeling she wanted to match. Her friends were offering to be with her, to worship her body just as they did for one another, and she wanted it so bad-

“I- I shouldn’t.” That at least was the truth, even if what Twilight wanted was a different matter entirely. Couldn’t I just indulge- just a little bit?

“Then let us convince you, darling. Please,” Rarity said, turning her body to face her captive audience and letting her perfect, well-tended breasts call like a siren’s song. “I am yours to command. Is there anything you’d like me to do?”

Oh. It was impossible. Rarity was offering herself up in totality, her body now an instrument of Twilight’s will. Was she offering to have sex with her? Twilight liked the idea. But if she was the one in charge here –even hypothetically- then maybe using it for her own devices wasn’t a nice thing to do. Rarity seemed to adore them all, but she’d always held a soft spot for Fluttershy in particular. And they’d been so beautiful together, it was hard not to want them that way…

“Have sex with Fluttershy,” Twilight said, surprised at how swiftly the words escaped her. She hadn’t even realized she’d started speaking.

“Oh, Twilight,” Rarity said, glowing at the command. “Thank you, I… Fluttershy, darling, you heard our princess. Would you mind?”

“Of course not. Enjoy, Twilight,” Fluttershy said. A moment of sweet embrace before the two women pulled themselves free of their clothing and began to bond; smooth legs crossed together and two beautiful forms found one another, the sweetness of sex becoming physical action at the beginnings of their union. Slowly, carefully, Fluttershy pulled herself in close and let her pussy be scissored into Rarity’s, she the initiator of the motion while Rarity held their forms close together with hands around body. The movements were delicate and gentle, but became noticeably more rapid with each new stroke; this was an escalation meant to satisfy, each moment made for the comfort of another. The breaths of the two ravishing beauties came in small bursts, gasps that were filtered by their growing satisfaction.

Twilight didn’t know when she began, her instinct taking over somewhere in the midst of this rarified performance. Beneath the heavy fabric of her clothing, snaking underneath the light weight of her underwear, her hand had come to find her own awaiting folds and began to finger away- slowly. A start of hesitation as she felt the first of her forays, an action she hadn’t meant to take. But the sight of Rarity and Fluttershy making love was something sensuously beautiful, how could she resist? It was the only natural reaction, something so sensible; she wanted only to focus on the sounds of their union, the feeling of her fingers within herself, ignoring even the sounds of approaching movement somewhere behind her-

“Ooh, Twilight’s having fun,” Pinkie murmured, still atop an eagerly awaiting Rainbow Dash and squirming with desire. “What about me, Twilight? Can I eat your ass, please, please, pretty-please?”

“Pinkie, I-” Twilight wanted to say yes. She desperately wanted Pinkie’s prowess within her- but she couldn’t make that step, not yet. “Don’t leave Rainbow unhappy.”

The awaiting athlete shot a grin. “Thanks for that, Twilight. You heard her, Pinkie.” A sudden rush of motion and Rainbow had pulled Pinkie atop her face, the two perfectly positioned for a bountiful display of affection. They wasted no time in diving deep into one another’s folds, mouths set to work as they began to lick and pull at whatever they could reach. There was no restraint in any of their actions, no steady rise in activity; like a runner out of the gate they were within each other, devouring flesh and licking away the juices that flowed so freely in response. Sounds of pleasure and pride filtered through them and wafted into the air like a pleasurable scent, born from the actions of their partner as well as their own. As though a competition, Rainbow and Pinkie held to one another and plunged in all the more fiercely; each wanted to be the first to satisfy and conquer the other.

Twilight’s restraint disappeared at the sight of this overwhelmingly erotic display; Rainbow and Pinkie were incredible! She’d always wondered what it would be like to be with either of them, but she’d never expected a show like this! Would they treat her just like this, too? How did either of them tend to Rarity or Fluttershy, were they just as frenetic or more gentle? What did they taste like, how did they feel? Twilight’s mind conjured fantasy after fantasy as she watched the pair of lovers descend into their passionate journeys, her hand plucking away at herself with no remorse. She had these treasures at her willing command now, how could she hope to refuse such an offer?

“Are you enjoying yourself, Twilight?” A voice whispered into her ear as a pair of hands fell on her shoulders; Chrysalis was standing behind her, having snuck in sometime during her moments of distraction. “Do my ladies arouse you so?”

“Yes,” Twilight breathed. She was trying to focus on these gorgeous women yet again, but Chrysalis’ voice was like honey-

“You deserve to be treated like a princess, Twilight,” Chrysalis said, pausing to place a kiss on the young woman’s neck, receiving a shiver in return. “Such a messy business down there… may I finish for you?”

She was offering that? Twilight didn’t know what to say. But she remembered how those lips of the exquisite Changeling had felt like against her own and her mind went into overdrive at the thought of her fingers taking- Oh my gosh, what are you waiting for?

“Well, my princess?”

“Don’t keep me waiting,” she cried, relenting to her desires at last. Oh, how she wanted this, how was she supposed to hold back any longer?

“As you command,” Chrysalis purred, pulling Twilight’s hand free and licking away the juices that held fast between her fingers. The feeling of that tongue along her skin, and this was merely a taster-! “I’ve always wanted a princess for my own.”

Twilight let a breathy moan flow free at the first touch of Chrysalis’ fingers within her folds, the mere thought of it being the hand of another enough to elicit some satisfaction. How she loved this feeling, the pleasurable caress of this sensuous goddess! Chrysalis’ fingerwork was heavenly, an expertise in her craft that the young princess hadn’t known could exist. All about her were the sights and sounds and sensations of an irresistible world, the entirety of it offered to her for the taking. As those glorious fingers plucked away towards a desirous release, Twilight’s imagination went into overdrive: Rarity’s breasts in her mouth, those nipples hardening because of her own tonguework; Fluttershy’s soft lips there for her to kiss; Pinkie’s perfect thighs between which she would explore and devour; Rainbow’s dominance and power, able to set her senses aflame- and Chrysalis, Chrysalis, Chrysalis-!

Twilight cried aloud as the magnificent queen began her greatest masterwork, a trio of fingers plunging deep and finding a spot of sweetness that had always remained elusive. The bookish woman squirmed as she felt the inevitable begin to consume her senses, an almighty pleasure wiping away any thought but that of this dark angel satisfying her body. What flowed from her came without bidding, without a command for its call; if she should have felt shame at such an instance, Twilight did not care. To be satisfied like this was wonderful- and only a taster to the real joy that would await her.

When the last rocking wave at last faded away, Twilight’s breathing came in slow, long sighs. She was back in control of her conscious self once more, able to see the world about her. Rarity and Fluttershy were lost in another realm, a happiness of their own as they continued their lovemaking; Rainbow and Pinkie seemed to know nothing but the need to devour, diving further into one another. The show was still going, even if its sole audience was already satisfied.

“So soon,” Chrysalis murmured. “Have you been unsatisfied for so long, my dear?” Coming about from behind her latest conquest, the beautiful Changeling took a seat on Twilight’s lap and filled the young woman’s gaze. Beautiful breasts that were held just behind a dark corset, tanned skin that streamed across delicious legs… she was a beauty. “If you wish, Twilight… I can give you more than just a teaser.”

“It sounds like fun,” Twilight said, leaning up to kiss those plump lips once more and reveling in the new firmness that came from the union. Chrysalis wanted her, to feel her, to be part of her just as much as she wished for all of it in return. “You definitely know how to convince me.”

“Well, I couldn’t let you just walk away,” Chrysalis giggled. “Now, let’s enjoy the rest of the show. Just think of the fun that’s in store for you…”

Twilight was given full view of the beautiful scene once more, watching as the two couples continued in their own methods of union. She let her mind begin to fantasize once more, wondering how it would feel when her turn came about. Should she ask for all of them at once, or one at a time? Who had the best tonguework, the best fingers? There were so many questions left unanswered, and she was eager to find out. But for now, she let her gaze fall on Rarity, who was reaching a crescendo-

A door slammed open behind them and her eyes darted to the commotion. She recognized that silhouette instantly. “Oh- you’re here already!”

5. Applejack, A Longing Forbidden

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The somber-faced farmgirl could only watch as her friend departed from the barnyard and out towards whatever fate awaited her. There had been discussions for a plan, but none of them had left her satisfied by any means. The last time they had encountered the Changeling horde, not even their combined might had been enough to drive them out; only a stroke of unbelievable luck had been enough to somehow win the day, and not an ounce of it was by their own effort. They had been quite effectively overwhelmed by sheer force. What they faced now was subterfuge and deception, and it had already been wildly successful. They were outmanned, outgunned, and most certainly several steps behind.

The first plan was bad enough: Twilight would enter Chrysalis’ nest and singlehandedly take down the place herself. Foolhardy was too nice a word to describe it. The backup plan that had Applejack herself going in to save them all was the only part that was worse. One farmgirl against an entire hive of shapeshifters- and her friends somewhere in the mix as prisoners.

It was a fool’s hope at best.

The first day of Twilight’s absence had been spent in normality; the weather was bright and beautiful, perfect for work out in the orchards; Applejack would have normally enjoyed the day if the specter of responsibility hadn’t been looming over her throughout it, marring the work and what time was spent among her family. To be asked to potentially save the world, and do it alone, wasn’t a pleasant thought in the slightest. She just wanted to be a good person and grow good apples.

The second day saw further emptiness, a continued lack of Twilight and her friends that permeated Applejack’s day. Dread grew strong in her bones, weighing her down and making the grey skies of the day feel all the more heavy. This wasn’t getting better, the reality of this invasion was becoming more and more pressing; the Changelings really were here in force, they had kidnapped her friends- and maybe Twilight now, too! And the person who was going to have to go save them all? Applejack was strong, dedicated, and brave; those sorts of things didn’t make one not feel very small in the face of such a looming catastrophe.

The night came in and settled itself on the apple farm, its blonde-haired denizen dreading the coming dawn. If Twilight didn’t show, she would have to go to Canterlot and try to save them herself. She couldn’t ask for help, couldn’t say a thing, couldn’t do anything but go and see it done. If she told anyone there would be a panic- or worse, set the Changelings to another mass invasion. She wouldn’t tell her family- there was no desire to make them worry. So she sat there and watched the darkness creep in alone, wondering if she could withstand the loneliness of such a weighty task. The actions of a solitary heroine were not exactly her style…

“Applejack? You alright, girl?” The presence of a thin, bony hand on her shoulder and Applejack turned to see Granny Smith standing behind her, the wizened face of the Apple matriarch further wrinkled in concern.

“I’m alright, Granny,” she murmured, though perhaps unconvincingly. “Just thinking about something Twilight said to me, that’s all.” She wondered if Granny would see more into that statement; it wasn’t really a lie, just not the whole truth. But it would be best to not say everything until the whole affair was all said and done, at least by her thoughts.

Granny scrutinized her normally gregarious granddaughter, but declined to inquire further. “I was bout to look back through some old photo albums,” she said. “Wouldn’t mind the company.”

Applejack’s inclination was to decline and continue stewing in her nerves, but a stronger desire to be amongst her family for a little while longer came upon her. “Sure, I’ll take a look,” she said. It would honestly be a relief…

If there was anything the Apples valued, it was their family. Scores of photographs rested on parchment, a showcase of their history for any to see. She always got a thrill from seeing it all, even if it was something she’d seen a thousand times over. To know that these people were more than just faces in a picture, more than just random snapshots of an unknown life- these were her family, a legacy she still could uphold and make proud. They’d been pioneers, farmers, and settlers for years on end; it was a lovely thing to be a part of.

“When was this one, Granny?” Applejack’s finger rested on a small photograph of her elder in the top corner of the album, Granny Smith dressed in an unusually fancy outfit and standing in the midst of a similarly attired group of women.

“Oh, that was at cousin Apple Rose’s wedding- well, her first one,” Granny answered, a small smile as her eyes misted over from memory. “I was there as her maid of honor, so this would’ve been me and the girls together before the whole thing got rolling.”

“You look beautiful,” Applejack said, and meaning it. The dress would be considered out of fashion nowadays, but Granny wore it well, and the shining look to her face made her seem to glow. It was an unfairly stark difference to how she appeared now, but Applejack felt glad to see her grandmother had once been an attractive young woman.

“You should thank me, ya know,” Granny remarked. “All the prettiness I handed down to your Momma was something that got handed down to you, too.”

Applejack blushed, but enjoyed the compliment. She knew full well she looked nothing like her mother, but the thought of being compared to her at all was a pleasant one.

“What’re you two doing?” a new voice joined in the fray from down the hall, soon given source when Apple Bloom walked around the corner and dabbing at her drying face with a damp towel. “Oh, some old family photos. Can I join you for a bit?”

Applejack smiled and tried to make room for her favorite sister with what little space around the table remained. Sweet-faced and pretty, Apple Bloom’s growth into a true adult had helped strengthen the bond they shared together, setting the two sisters to be as thick as thieves. Though she had tried to make room for a third chair, Apple Bloom simply couldn’t find the space to settle and relented to taking half of Applejack’s holding herself down with an arm about her sister’s neck.

The pretty farmgirl tried to suppress a shiver. She both loved having Apple Bloom this close to her, but hated how she tried to think about such things; ever since her sister had turned eighteen, it seemed that her mind had-

“Here’s one I think you’ll like,” Granny said, turning the page and letting the magnificent photograph be revealed and speak for itself. A beautiful picture of…

“Mom,” Applejack said simply. “Was this her wedding day?”

Granny nodded. “Just a little after the wedding itself. Ain’t never seen a prettier bride, before or since.”

Applejack could hardly find reason to disagree, gazing at the picture of her mother with a brilliant warmth; lovely hair falling down across her face in curls, the bright color perfectly contrasting against the pure white of the wedding dress. She could see the myriad emotions in her eyes, all the summations of happiness and heartbreak that had come that day. Applejack had only known her mother for a little while, but was more than grateful to still have memories she could hold on to. That peaceful smile, those beautiful eyes- how could she not love her mother?

The dread specter of the dawn still lingered, but the night continued on peacefully for the beautiful farmgirl of Sweet Apple Acres. No fear, no hidden feelings to bury, just a simple peace before the coming storm in which she could rest.

The morning came and Applejack waited at Twilight’s abode, looking for a sign of her friend’s return. A lasso at her hip and dressed for wrangling, Applejack was ready to start causing trouble. When the day continued and there was still no sign of Twilight, she found herself unable to remain still and patient for any longer. The train to Canterlot was calling and she needed to be on it. Here we go

The train ride was completed in silence, staring out at the Canterlot skyline and wondering what sort of nightmares now awaited her. Were her friends still alive, or had they been killed and replaced by a façade? Had Chrysalis infiltrated the castle again? Was any of what she looked out at now even the real, genuine thing? There were so many different scenarios potentially at play that she couldn’t conceive of which one was most likely. Guess I’ll find out soon enough.

The walk to the hidden nest went by slowly, each step towards it one of intent. Applejack knew what she was looking for, but couldn’t help to feel a slight sense of embarrassment as she walked through the nightclub doors. So she was in a strip club- well, a Changeling nest that just happened to look like a strip club. Why should she feel so embarrassed by that? Wasn’t like she was gonna do anything here.

The place seemed only mildly active when she entered, some of the nest’s denizens walking this way and that across the showroom floor with other duties on their mind. Not a face in sight seemed all that hostile, and most appeared rather pretty. In fact, the place itself looked rather nice, a signature style that felt somehow familiar. Where had she seen this before? And come to think of it, that smell- ain’t that Pinkie’s cooking?

“Hello there!” A smiling young woman came up to where Applejack stood, perhaps a guard meant to hinder progress. “I’m sorry, but we’re still renovating and not yet able to receive guests. Are you here on business with the owner, or just wanting to visit?”

“Where are they?” Applejack demanded.

“I’m sorry?”

“Twilight. Fluttershy, the others- my friends,” Applejack added forcefully, taking a single step that made her opponent halt. “Where you’re keeping them. Now.”

“Are- are you a friend of theirs?” the woman asked. “We did not receive word that they were expecting company.”


“OK! They’re in the backroom with the owner, the Lilac Room! Please, please wait for them to finish conducting their business,” the woman said, backing away in reasonable fear. “They may not appreciate being interrupted-”

Applejack simply strode past her opponent and into the hallways beyond, surprised at how little resistance she was receiving. Not one of these Changelings was bothering to stop her and that was more unnerving than an onslaught would have been. She continued off into the back and towards her destination, a door bearing a symbol of lilacs coming into view and signaling for her to come hither-

The strong-willed farmgirl pushed open the door and was immediately greeted by a cacophony of sounds, sights, and smells that assaulted her senses and left her to staring. It wasn’t difficult to figure out what was going on here.

In fact, it would be harder to mistake it for anything else.

“Applejack!” Twilight was looking over her shoulder at the stunned farmgirl that stood at the door, the entirety of her lap filled with the presence of Chrysalis. “Oh- jeez, this is- I kinda forgot to tell you I was alright!”

Applejack wasn’t at all sure where to really begin with all of this. Rarity and Fluttershy were deeply intertwined on the couch and climaxing by means of each other’s physical presence, an unsurprising sight considering how Rarity had lusted after her beautiful friend for so long; Pinkie Pie and Rainbow were both stark naked and clearly enjoying eating one another out- a little surprising, but the two were fairly voracious; there in the middle of it all was Twilight, who seemed to have been enjoying the show that were four of her friends quite obviously having sex with each other- how Chrysalis played into it all wasn’t something Applejack could yet fathom.

One scenario was unremarkable, if a bit awkward. Two together was distinctly uncomfortable. All three was simply ridiculous.

“Oh, hello. And who might you be?” Chrysalis rose from her place atop Twilight’s lap and came forward to greet her guests, trying to keep Applejack’s attentions away from the sexual machinations of her friends. The queen’s eyes turned to slits as she allowed herself a more thorough examination of this new arrival. “Ooh, she’s got freckles…”

“Applejack, this isn’t-” Twilight had half-risen from her seat to make her way over to Applejack but halted, her lower half clearly soaked through by her own fluids. “Could you maybe wait for just a few minutes? I could use a minute to myself.”

“Uh-huh.” Applejack simply shrugged her shoulders and began to walk away, already completely done with the level of insanity that was happening before her eyes. She wasn’t the kind of person to be uncomfortable seeing her friends naked, but this was clearly a specific kind of party of Chrysalis’ making. There were other places to be that would be better than here. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“AJ, wait- wait!” Twilight’s call echoed back to her as she turned back to the hall, only to be held short by a reaching hand from Chrysalis, who seemed eager to keep her around. “Just- sorry, girls, you- I’ll be back in just a sec-”

“No, Twilight.” Applejack remained flat as could be, unwilling to expend emotion on the venture any further. “This is nothing but nonsense.”

“What? No, look, it- I know it looks weird, I really do!” Twilight was trying to cover herself as her face started to flush, highly aware of her current state as she stood beside the Changeling Queen. “Please, just wait a few minutes and I’ll- well, I’ll at least try to explain.”

“You really got suckered in by sex, Twi?”

Twilight tried to laugh that one off. “Well, I… OK, so I sorta did, but it’s more complicated than that-”

“Uh-huh.” Applejack turned to Chrysalis, her gaze so blunt that it may as well have been a hammer. “Been enjoying yourself by sleeping with my friends?”

“Don’t say that like it’s something to be ashamed of,” Chrysalis replied, not at all embarrassed by the accusation. “Or are you just jealous that you’ve been missing out on all the fun?”

Applejack scowled. “I should clock you- trying to steal them away like this.”

“I am not stealing them away, thank you,” Chrysalis answered. “And if you’d like to add yourself to the mix, you are more than welcome- I always did like a girl with freckles.”

The abruptness of it all was only incensing Applejack further, who looked quite eager to send a missile of a punch across Chrysalis’ face sooner rather than later. Each hand was curling itself into a fist, preparing for the order to be released upon flesh-

“Applejack! Look, you trust me, right?” Twilight was saying, taking note of her friend’s rising anger. “I’ve been here for three days now and I’m perfectly fine. The others are fine, we’re all safe here! Please, just give me a bit to get myself together and I’ll- well, Chrysalis and I will explain everything. Can you trust me on that?”

The answer wasn’t going to be a resounding yes, but it couldn’t quite be a no, either. Applejack wasn’t sure whether it was the memory of her friends naked and having sex that was the issue, the fact that Twilight had clearly been getting fingered, or that Chrysalis was quite obviously undressing her with her eyes- nothing about this entire accursed scenario made much sense at all. But Twilight seemed to be herself, no sight of hypnosis or any other form of control about her at all; if she was being this insistent, perhaps there was something that she really did need to say.

The freckled blonde sighed. “Fine. I’ll wait.”

“Thank you so much! Chrysalis, is there a place she can-”

“Of course. My chambers, the gold-colored doors further down the hall,” Chrysalis said, gesturing in their direction. “There should be a jug of water if you have need of it, I will be with you shortly. I must attend to my ladies.”

Attend to her ladies. There wasn’t an adjective in all the languages of the world that could make sense of this strangeness, but Applejack was willing to bet the truth would somehow be even stranger. She complied and made her way down to Chrysalis’ bedchambers, relieved that it at least wasn’t a dominatrix chamber or something similar. The simplicity of it, though perhaps possessing some finer tastes, helped take the edge off. “Please let this make some sort of sense,” she said aloud to no one.

A few minutes passed before Twilight and Chrysalis reappeared before her, each of them now looking a little more composed than they had before; Chrysalis black corset and fishnets were now gone, a black dress now adorning her skin- one that looked to be of Rarity’s making, giving the darkened queen a rather elegant appearance. Twilight was no longer stained and red-faced but instead dressed in a mid-length dress the color of soft cream, not quite fitting to her form and suggesting it was a hurried selection. After a few moments of small movements and motions, they took a seat on the edge of the bed and offered a chair to their guest, who took it with some degree of hesitancy.

“I am sorry you caught us at such an… intimate moment,” Chrysalis began. “I am sure it was uncomfortable for you. Perhaps an explanation is in order?”

“Is she a Changeling?” Applejack asked. “Are my friends actually here?”

“Who, me? Changeling?” Twilight echoed. “No, I promise I’m actually me, Applejack. And the girls are fine, just a bit, umm, unpresentable at the moment. Sorry about that, you caught us at a bit of a bad time.”

“I’ll bet.” Applejack found herself rocking back and forth in her seat, unease and confusion keeping her energy levels high. “So, sugarcube… mind telling me what I just walked into?”

No matter what was said, there was going to be some level of awkwardness that would permeate the conversation. Given the circumstances that Applejack had interrupted, it wasn’t exactly surprising; Twilight wasn’t ashamed of what she’d done, but being found in the midst of such intimate actions wasn’t something she enjoyed. A thorough explanation was necessary, details all added in what ways she could manage. Applejack was taking to the story with some skepticism, a view that was somewhat expected; after all, Chrysalis hadn’t been the friendliest of souls the first time they’d met. A change of temperament wasn’t easy to believe, especially when it could just as easily be assumed that the farmgirl’s friends were the queen’s captive slaves.

Applejack took all the information in stride, sorting through it silently before coming to some manner of a conclusion. “Alright,” she drawled, “so this isn’t an invasion.”

“Not any longer,” Chrysalis answered. “I have no desire to usurp a kingdom when my Ladies give me all I could ever ask for.”

Applejack cocked an eyebrow. “And your –uh, Ladies, they are… my friends.”

Twilight turned a slight tinge of pink but nodded. “Chrysalis was Fluttershy’s girlfriend,” the bright-eyed princess said. “Rarity got envious, she was welcomed into the fold. Then Pinkie, and Rainbow… and, well, I guess now me, too.”

“And there’s no funny business about none of this?”

“None. The girls aren’t prisoners, we aren’t forced here against our will, and we chose to be with one another. And Chrysalis, too.”

Applejack appeared to still be somewhat unconvinced, but was her distaste of Chrysalis’ presence was beginning to fade. “I- alright, I guess,” she murmured. “Not really what I expected to walk into…”

“Yeah, sorry about that,” Twilight said, her smile born of mild embarrassment. “Got a bit carried away and everything.”

“A few more questions, then.”

“Of course.”

Applejack eyed her friend. “So you’re saying you're NOT embarrassed about being part of a harem? Like, sharing each other and Chrysalis and all that- nothing?”

Twilight looked about the room before finding the strength to summon an answer. “Well… a little, maybe. But it's kinda nice, too. Look who I've got for companionship.” She slipped her hand over to that of Chrysalis, her fingers becoming intertwined and tightly squeezed in response. “I think it’ll be fun.”

“And you couldn’t have told me you were alright?” the freckled woman continued, frustrated by the depth of worry she had endured.

“That would be because of me, I’m afraid,” Chrysalis answered slowly. “I asked for her aid in a critical issue and requested her deepest focus. I apologize for keeping Twilight distracted.”

An unexpected answer, but not unwelcome. Chrysalis wasn’t at all the same sort of person she’d been when the Changelings had invaded, at least by Applejack’s estimation. More than just a change in demeanor, but she almost seemed different in appearance; there were bits of Fluttershy’s affectations in how she presented herself, some of Rarity’s grace in her composure. It was almost like she was imitating them, in a strange way.

“But Twi- you’re a princess, sugarcube,” Applejack replied. “Ain’t this… I dunno, wrong?”

Twilight considered the question. “Call it a political union, then,” she said with a smirk. “Diplomatic relations between kingdoms? I could be an ambassador.”

“An ambassador!” Chrysalis echoed. “My sweet Twilight, I believe we weren’t being very political earlier. Certainly not formal…”

“What, you’re not really hurt, are you?” Twilight said.

“Only if you don’t promise to make it up to me,” Chrysalis purred. “One last night together before you have to go and keep me waiting till next weekend?”

The scene was swiftly turning intimate, the darkened queen and her friend inching closer together and suggesting some more flirtatious mannerisms were about to be at play. Not sure whether it was awkwardness at the sight or simply the sensuous pleasure of it, Applejack knew it was likely best to find a way to exit the place swiftly. “OK, so that settles all that! She declared, rising to her feet and giving herself a stretch. “So y’all are all super into each other, have fun. I gotta get back to Sweet Apple Acres and get to work, the orchards need picking and I’m sorta-”

Chrysalis was distracted from the romantic intentions of her new beloved by the strangeness of a new sound she had not heard before, her lovely face scrunched by its presence. “An orchard? Now what sort of thing is that?” The silence that came into the room was deafening, the beautiful queen of the Changelings a centerpiece of attention as both her companions began to stare at her with no small measure of shock.

“... Are you serious?” Applejacked breathed, wondering how such a soul could be so unfortunate as to not be aware of the gloriousness that was an apple orchard. It was some sort of trick, surely.

“Chrissy, you’ve- you've seriously never seen an orchard before?” Twilight asked, amazed at such a failing of knowledge.

Chrysalis shook her head “No... Should I have?”

The apple farmer was left flabbergasted; it wasn’t actually a trick. “Chrysalis- how have you never heard of an orchard before? Ain’t you ever had an apple before? Or any kind of fruit?”

“Of course I have!”

“Then how in sweet heaven have you never seen an orchard before? That’s where they grow the things, for cryin’ out loud!” Applejack wanted to laugh but was afraid it would be seen as mockery. She just couldn’t conceive of such a thing.

Chrysalis, however, appeared to have her curiosity aroused. “What is your orchard like? What do you do?”

“It’s- it’s just the prettiest sight in the whole wide world,” Applejack said, beginning to fall into her daze at the memory of her home. “The hills that just roll out in front of you, covered in trees that are chock-full of apples. And when you see ‘em, all deep green with little spots of red and they just shine in the sunlight…”

Chrysalis studied her companion’s misty-eyed expression that spoke to a love of homeland and hearth; Applejack held something strong for the place, a comfort and joy that was more than just attachment to a house and bed. The work that was done to care for it was something to be proud of, the struggles and triumphs that took place there were something to remember. When the lovely Changeling looked upon the beautiful farmgirl, she couldn’t help but feel a thrill at such a deep affection. And maybe for the one who held it, too.

“Applejack,” she said hesitantly, “would you be so kind as to show me your apple farm?”

The depths of the orchard in the early dawn was a sight so beautiful that Applejack had yet to find words that could properly describe them. The gleaming gold that was so perfectly marked by the leaves and fruit of the orchard could steal her breath, no matter how many times she witnessed it. This was the place where she belonged, the land her family had tended to for years upon countless years. This was home.

And now, within its deepest depths, she had some very strange, albeit enthusiastic, company.

“Beautiful. These are splendid!” Chrysalis took another deep bite that saw most of the apple disappear, relishing the richness of its sweet flavor. “If my kingdom had ever had land of its own, I would see them filled with such riches. Applejack, your orchards are wonderful!”

Applejack knew that full well, but wasn’t bothered to hear it spoken aloud. It wasn’t like her family’s apple orchards weren’t something she was extremely proud of. “I still can’t believe you’ve never seen one before. How did you go through life so unhappy?”

For a moment, Chrysalis’ eyes flashed and the farmer wondered if she had said something wrong. But the look was soon replaced by laughter, the beautiful queen still in wonder at the sight. “I would have forsaken the mountains and depths of the earth for a place such as this. The green and the light of it… and you will harvest it all?”

“As much as I can,” Applejack answered, a bit miffed at the lack of confidence in her answer. “I’m honestly on a timeline. Ain’t gonna be too long before some of them start to rot.”

“Whatever for?”

Applejack shrugged. “Well… Granny’s been hurt more often than not, so Apple Bloom’s been having to stay nearby. My brother’s having to look after his own part of the family lately, and- well, that just sorta leaves me.”

“For all of it?” Chrysalis asked, wide-eyed when she received a nod in reply. “Surely you don’t wish to lose some of your crops to rot…”

“Just the way it is, sometimes,” Applejack answered. “You’ll lose some to rot, some to storms, or pests. Just part of growing apples.”

“Would you allow some of my children to aid you?” Chrysalis inquired.

The farmgirl paused. “Pardon?”

Chrysalis looked about at the orchard in which she stood, seemingly still awed by its simple beauty. “They will be inexperienced. And in need of guidance. But for those who do not wish to simply hide in cities,” she said, “dear Applejack… perhaps some would like to learn from you.”

Applejack was left rather nonplussed by the sudden suggestion. “I mean- I guess I could think about it,” she managed. “It’s a… umm, well, I don’t know.”

“It is a request,” Chrysalis added. “A plea, as a mother for her children. They’ve grown under my Ladies’ care and Twilight is offering them a new course of life. Maybe you could add yours to the mix.”

Applejack eyed her suspiciously. “Would I have to sleep with you, too?”

“Only if you wanted me to,” Chrysalis answered swiftly, clearly enticed by the idea. “I’m sure your friends would be delighted to be your lovers instead.”

The blonde woman could only laugh at the bluntness of the suggestion, not an ounce of hesitation or shame in the darkened royal whatsoever. “I knew you were hungry. Didn’t think you were thirsty, too.”

Chrysalis didn’t seem to press the question further, simply turning her gaze away from the attractive farmgirl before her and off to the farmhouse that stood what seemed like miles away. “It’s such a small thing from here,” she mused. “I suppose your family has always been there.”

“It’s the oldest building in town,” Applejack said softly. “And it’s done a good job looking after my family ever since. Can’t ask for more than that.”

“You love your family dearly, don’t you, Applejack?”

“More than anything in the world,” came the fervent answer. “I just wish…” A sigh and then a wistful shake of straight blonde hair. “It’d be nice if Ma were here. Make it feel a little better.”

Chrysalis regarded the farmgirl. “Do you have a picture? I’d love to see them.”

“Oh- sure, here.” Applejack fished through her pockets for her wallet, extracting a trio of photographs that she had kept safe within. They were her favorite pictures of her family that she’d ever had in her possession; Granny Smith when she’d been young and beautiful; her mother, adorned in that stunning wedding dress; Apple Bloom, the day she’d turned eighteen and become so lovely…

Chrysalis held the photos in her hand- but paused from her study of them as she felt something strange on her fingertips. “These are sticky.”

Applejack felt herself run cold. No. No, no, no… she had wondered if maybe she hadn’t cleaned up, or maybe it had happened without her noticing. She’d been alone and then suddenly not alone, she’d been forced to put them away in a hurry- she hadn’t thought that maybe she’d made a mess on-

“Applejack,” Chrysalis said with a sultry smile upon her exquisitely painted lips, “why are these photographs sticky?”

She could feel the cold sweat begin to break out across her forehead, small beads born of terror. A complete accident was primed to reveal her deepest, darkest, most shameful secret that the poor apple farmer possessed; to say it out loud would be unbearably shameful, but to deny it would be just as difficult. Why did it have to be Honesty, of all things?

Chrysalis examined the photos that were held between her fingers and felt the residue that had somehow stained them, a few moments of sensory examination enough to confirm what she already suspected. “You love your family very much, don’t you?” she remarked lightly. “Perhaps a bit more than most… they are very lovely.”

Applejack tried to swallow down the lump in her throat and regain some of her composure. Please don’t say it out loud.

“Do they know how you feel, Applejack?” Chrysalis asked. “My, my, and you were so keen on judging your friends at first…”

“Don’t tell anyone,” Applejack blurted out.

Chrysalis looked scandalized at the remark. “As if I would reveal a woman’s secret,” she scoffed, continuing to eye the pictures with a strange thoroughness. “You poor thing, how you must struggle. To be so close, yet you just can’t have them.”

“It’s- I manage,” Applejack said, more a sputter than anything definite. “It’s just a silly fantasy, anyhow.” It wasn’t the best descriptor she could manage, but it was close enough. Silly, stupid, and very, very forbidden. She had always cursed those feelings of hers, knowing it was never to be something she could act upon; a hidden fantasy that would always remain buried.

“Oh, Applejack,” Chrysalis purred, coming about to her freckled companion and whispering into her ear. “You don’t need to be embarrassed. Every girl needs to fulfill her fantasy at least once, doesn’t she?”

“But they’re- it’s family,” Applejack muttered miserably. “I couldn’t.”

“Mmm, I think you can,” Chrysalis countered, her fingers beginning to trace through blonde hair. “You forget I’m a Changeling, Applejack. I’d love to indulge you.”

It was such an obvious suggestion that Applejack’s eyes went wide; how could she have not considered that the woman she was with might make such a tempting offer? “I- can’t,” she said. “It’s wrong.”

“Oh, but not with me,” Chrysalis said sweetly, “you’ve been such a good girl… I think you deserve something special.”

The offer was out in the open. They were secluded in the orchard, it was just the two of them, and no one would ever have to know. “Are- is it really OK?” Part of her hoped the Changeling queen would say no.

“Of course it is, my dear,” Chrysalis said, bringing Applejack’s gaze to meet hers. “Let me give your fantasy, in every way you’ve always wanted it… who should I begin with?”

Applejack’s mind was racing, heart clamoring madly inside her chest. She wanted to answer yet keep silent, there were a million things she wanted to say and not say at all. But Chrysalis was offering to fulfill her deepest, most desperate longing in a way that was safe and secure, away from prying eyes… “My sister,” she said swiftly. “Start with my sister.”

“With pleasure,” Chrysalis said, her smile growing strong as her physical features transformed in a heartbeat; no longer was she the darkened beauty that had so thoroughly won the hearts of Applejack’s friends but instead had become the sweet-faced form of Apple Bloom. Silken red hair fell down across her face and her eyes were set to sparkling, a soft-yellow shirt tied so as to reveal her midriff with a pair of miniature denim shorts. Her figure was slender and lovely, a fresh and unblemished prettiness that only just come into its prime. “I’m all yours, Applejack,” Apple Bloom declared happily. “Do whatever you want to me.”

At first, Applejack wasn’t sure whether or not to begin, much less where. But Apple Bloom was right there in front of her, offering her body to her- one last misgiving and she relented no longer, taking her sister’s lips captive in the depths of a fierce, passionate, long-desired kiss. She couldn’t resist, wouldn’t resist, not when the very thing she desired was there before her and beckoning for an embrace. Oh, how good it felt! To finally have Apple Bloom in her arms, those lips meeting hers in happy union that made her want to weep. She could breathe that sweet scent of apple blossoms, taste the flavor of creamy lip gloss…

Applejack couldn’t help but let slip a small murmur of delight. She’d wanted this for so long. As Apple Bloom melted into the kiss further so did she, the two letting their arms wrap about the others as they pressed together all the more deeply. The feel of her sister’s lips was heavenly, better than she had ever dared to imagine. It was a relief to finally feel her at last, to have that sweet, innocent body in her grasp. Applejack released those jewels from the clutches of her lips before soon returning, wishing to feel them over and over. She longed for them, needed her sister’s kisses…

Apple Bloom pulled away from her sister’s mouth, leaving her forlorn- then suddenly a new sensation; a slickened something that was pressing at the edge of her lips, caressing so gently that it made the farmgirl’s heart quiver! Hardly daring to believe it, Applejack opened her eyes to see her sister’s tongue slowly massaging her lips, a small taste of sweetness that beckoned for further, deeper! Lifting back only a hair’s breadth, she let her sweet, saliva-coated muscle stream from her lips and hypnotize her besotted sister. The intent was obvious- she wanted Applejack to join in.

The trembling farmgirl complied, though her blush was fiery; her own pink tongue came forth and soon found itself pressed against its partner’s, the slickened sweetness like electricity through her mind. “Aah…” Applejack could only delight in the feel of Apple Bloom, how delectable her saliva was to the senses. They let themselves mesh together, tongues twirling and looping about one another until the line between sisters was little more than a blur. They relished the taste of the other, longed for it with a deepened hunger.

Oh…” Applejack faded away from her sister’s caress to gaze at the coated bands that still held them together. “Chry- Apple Bloom! I’ve wanted to do that for so long. You grew up to be so beautiful…”

Apple Bloom giggled at the remark, a small peck of her sister’s lips in reply. “Do you wanna keep going?” she asked. “You can suck my tongue, if you want.”

“I- I can?” Applejack cried, watching in wonder as that sweet morsel came forth and called for her. “Oh, Apple Bloom, I-” she wasted no time in taking to the decadent treat, her lips ensnaring it within their grasp and giving it all the love and desire she had held so deeply within. At last she was able to act upon her feelings, free to feel her sister in every way she could imagine. She sucked on that tongue with long, deepened strokes; lips came and planted kisses upon it as though it were a delicate prize; she let her own tongue come upon it and massage that sweet delicacy with joyous fervor now turned to lust. She loved Apple Bloom’s tongue, loved how it tastes and felt- and those cries! Apple Bloom was giving such sweet sounds as she felt the loving caress of her sister’s lips, gentle sighs of bliss that could make heaven weep.

A long, sloppy slurp and the happy moment came to an end, Apple Bloom still deep within her sister’s arms. “That felt good, sis,” she whispered. “Can I have yours, too?”

“Get sucking already!” The cry that came from deep within her soon after was that of a siren’s sigh, Apple Bloom taking hold of her elder sister’s tongue and beginning to praise it with all the skills she could muster, the elder farmgirl closing her eyes so as to remember the sensation forever. The first few motions were quick and rapid, meant to be felt and known in an attempt to overwhelm- yet not remaining for long, soon coming to a slowed pace. A rhythmic approach began as Apple Bloom’s tongue massage continued on, keeping her sister in raptures from the feeling of it. She had craved this with a hunger most ravenous, adoring the sensations that her sister graced her with. The gentleness of her lips along her tongue that felt more like worship, a comforting presence at last made safe and real-

The presence changed, becoming something softer, yet more skilled. The suckling changed and slowed itself, a pair of hands winding their way beneath Applejack’s shirt and finding her breasts so as to see them kneaded. The massaging of her mouth continued, a sweet tongue of a different taste now lathering its coatings upon her, retreating only so as to bring sweet kisses to an awaiting pair of lips. Applejack felt her heart melt as she tasted the sweet flavor of someone new, the one whom she had lusted for ever since she was young. As her eyes opened, she found herself lip-locked with the graceful form of her mother, and loathe was she to see this cherished dream come to an end.

“Will you let your Mommy make you feel good?” Pear Butter asked, that smile a lost treasure that Applejack had craved. “I only want to make you happy. Won’t that be OK?”

She was being offered this. It had been a deep, dark daydream, but she was about have it come true. Could she really just- “Please,” she breathed.

“That’s my good girl,” Pear Butter said happily, her hands pulling apart Applejack’s shirt and letting her breasts be freed to the world. “Ooh, so many clothes on… I’ll just have to take them off for you.” A solitary lick of a nipple that set them to hardening in an instant- then a rush of movement that saw Applejack in her mother’s arms, taken over to the shade of a nearby tree and held tightly against it, fingers wrestling away her shorts and seeing them cast aside. Her underwear went soon after, torn clean and letting her awaiting folds be presented at last. Applejack could only quiver, only wait for the moment to finally arrive-

There! That first touch as her mother descended and began to find her way deep in between Applejack’s muscular thighs; a solitary brush that saw the outside tickled, but not satisfied. This was meant to be a teasing blow, not yet the full conquest. Another one just along the thigh, the awaiting woman’s skin turned to gooseflesh. She could feel that heated presence hovering just beyond, just out of reach; it would only be a matter of time before it came to pass…

The deepened plunge and Applejack gave a cry; her mother was deep within her now, that wondrous tongue lapping away in the depths of her folds and sending her to quivering like she had never felt before. This was what she had dreamed of, the sensation of her mother licking her clean at last! Oh, oh how good this felt, so perfectly gentle and loving! Hands trembled and found their way into Pear Butter’s hair, subtly pushing her deeper inside until all her face was buried in Applejack’s now-dribbling sex. She reacted to each every jab her mother gave, a happy cry at each new caress. That tongue slid its way through fold and across flesh so smoothly, finding each new place that begged for attention- marked with the occasional nibble that would set senses ablaze, a small pull of labia that would keep her sharp and alert.

A small pause as Pear Butter retreated from her place between her daughter’s legs, a trail of kisses working their way up the waist; a small pause on the breast so as to give a teasing bite to the nipple before finding lips again and taking them in a deep, breathless kiss. The flavor of it was different before, a part of herself now in between them; Applejack licked her mother’s lips voraciously, eager to find every drop.

“Am I making you feel good?” Pear Butter asked sweetly.

“Yeah,” Applejack gasped, continuing to attack her mother’s lips with further kisses, further licks until she was bonded to her-

“Do you want me to make you feel really good? Can I make you go all the way?”

“Please. Please,” Applejack pleaded-

“Then hold tight,” her mother sang, diving deep down and at last giving the full assault; she devoured Applejack’s folds with a frenzied, insatiable love. Each stroke that fell was a hungry lap, each pull was intent and power; Applejack was being loved in a way she had never known one could endure, a glorious crescendo of cries coming from her lips. She hadn’t imagined she could make such sounds, but to do them for her mother was a dream come true! Her body shook, her legs tightened about her mother until they were locked together, she caught in the throes of her passion and unable to relent. Whatever she was meant to feel now would be of her mother’s will, not her own; she would cry, she would moan and tremble, she would be a plaything as that glorious mouth gave its all within her soaked depths. It would hard to hold out much longer-

Applejack felt the first tremor and knew the moment was coming soon. She loved how her mother felt, how her tongue could lap away so greedily within her folds and see them left soaking from the pleasure of it; was there anything in the world that could feel this good? She couldn’t imagine, couldn’t comprehend something more wonderful than being eaten out by her beautiful mother. It was the ultimate dream. “I love you, Mom,” she said in a voice held tight-

A small pause as the words came through- then a voracious devouring that eclipsed all others, as if her words of affirmation had spurred Pear Butter to new heights of excellence. A swiftness and a plunge was all it took to complete the task, Applejack climaxing and unable to hold back any longer; a sweet release as orgasm overtook her form, flowing freely and trying to focus on nothing but the continued licking her sex still felt. Even as the rocking began to subside, even as a new wave hit her because of it, not once did that wondrous mouth cease until all she could do was gasp. It had been seen through to the end.

As she released the beautiful woman from the depths of her thighs, Applejack struggled to regain breath. She’d been loved to pieces and left ragged, but so energized! She wanted to go on, to keep striving for another round. But not just for her sake, but also for-

“That’s my good girl,” Granny Smith said, returned to her youthful beauty and cupping her granddaughter’s face in her hands. “Won’t you be kind and return the favor? Does that sound like fun?”

Applejack stared; Granny Smith was more beautiful than any of her photographs could have hoped to capture; smooth skin left properly tan by a life out in the orchards, hair kissed by light and left gleaming- and a wondrous, splendid pair of breasts that had been deliberately spilled over her top and left for ocular adoration. And all of this was going to be hers to ravish?

She could hardly wait to get started. All weariness forgotten, Applejack took Granny Smith in her arms and began to tear wildly at the dress that kept them separate, wanting not even the slightest ounce of anything to come between them. She licked away at the beautiful woman’s mouth, she squeezed and teased breastflesh in a maddened frenzy, she did everything she could have possibly dreamt of and more. She had been given so much today, and only one last part of her fantasy had yet to be fulfilled.

Ooh…” the coos that came from occasionally muffled lips were like those of doves; Applejack could not decide which part of this woman she enjoyed most; the sweet tang of those lips that so eagerly met her own, the breasts that she pinched and kept hardened with both hand and mouth, or that sweet nectar from below that so powerfully beckoned to her. She struggled to focus on one aspect of beauty for long, needing the feel and presence of each all at once. Applejack loved to lather Granny Smith’s tongue with her own sweet coating; she delighted in the feel of those nipples in her mouth, sucking on them until she elicited a squeal; a pair of fingers found their way down to a glistening sex so often that her fingers became damp and sticky. She needed each of them and all of them at once, desperate to leave her beautiful grandmother satisfied.

“Ooh… Applejack!” Granny cried, that sweet voice like honey to the ear. “Don’t keep me waiting any longer. Won’t you make me scream?”

Applejack saw the pleading in her eye and didn’t hesitate a moment longer. A deepened plunge into awaiting depths that were wonderfully, unbearably sweet, the delighted apple farmer digging in with reckless abandon. She wanted nothing but to eat and drink of these sweet folds, to feel the viscous fluids across her eager tongue, to know the heat of an eager sex that craved her touch. She found herself lost in that wonderful place of a daydream, content to simply eat away madly and do no more. This had been her fantasy, her deepest longings at last able to be fulfilled. She was eating out the Granny Smith of days gone by and relishing every second of it.

Was that a tremble she detected? A muffled moan that played across her ears? Applejack did nothing but intensify her efforts, licking away all the deeper. She felt those muscles go taut, tense in preparation for a splendid arrival. She did not back down now but kept on, trying to find that sweet spot that would see this beautiful angel satisfied- there! Her tongue found the singular point that made Granny Smith tremble and she attacked it, not wanting to waste her time-

A cry of happiness and then a flood, Applejack’s face eagerly taking the flow that overcame her. She relished the feeling of it, the warmth that she knew to be her kin. She could have hardly asked for better, for anything more. She had at last known her sister’s touch, been made love to by her mother, and made love to her beloved grandmother in return. It had been her most desperate fantasy, the one she had always believed would never come true- but now fulfilled! Beautifully, gloriously fulfilled in a way she couldn’t have imagined.

A rise from the depths of ravished folds and Applejack saw her kindred had disappeared. Only Chrysalis now remained, body strained from the effort of her transformations and attentions she had both given and received. This beautiful queen who she had one thought an enemy had been willing –if not eager- to see her desires made satisfied in a manner so safe and secure.

“Thank you,” Applejack said faintly, a hand reaching out and finding it held tight. “I never thought it’d be OK.”

“I’m glad I could help fulfill your desires, sweet apple farmer,” Chrysalis said. “I hope you had fun.”

“It was perfect…”

“Mmm… I’m glad you think so,” Chrysalis remarked. “I certainly enjoyed myself. I’d love to keep this up. Whenever you want to have a little fun, I’ll be happy to be whoever you wish me to be.”

“Anyone?” Applejack asked.

“Anyone,” Chrysalis affirmed. “But if you want one of my Ladies, you should ask them myself.”

Wait a minute- “But I never agreed to nothing!” Applejack protested, albeit weakly.

“Oh, don’t leave them disappointed,” Chrysalis pouted. “I know they’d love to have you. That sweet, freckled face, those big strong muscles… just looking at you gets me turned on.”

“But- well, we’ve been… friends for so long,” Applejack said.

“And now they’re lovers- eager to have you in the mix, just as I am,” Chrysalis added. “Oh, Applejack, don’t make me beg.”

The beautiful apple farmer was torn only mildly; the thought of Chrysalis as her lover was an appealing one, forever able to fulfill any fantasy safely. And then there was Twilight and Pinkie Pie, the whole group of girls she’d once called friends- now wishing to whisper her name in the deep of the night, to feel her and be felt all the same…

“You really want a farmgirl around your place?” she asked lightly.

“I need a farmgirl in my arms,” Chrysalis said happily. “Come with me and meet my Ladies. You’ll be leading my children in a new life right alongside them, and I can hardly wait to watch.”

6. A Delectable Interlude

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If there was anything that had come to Twilight’s attentions in the time she had spent as Chrysalis’ consort, it was the strange sort of tranquility that had permeated across their individual relationships. The reasons behind such a thing had yet to reveal itself, yet the analytical mind that was her own tended to have a few hypotheses that could explain this pleasant revelation. After all, the hierarchy of the Changeling horde possessed some similarities to an insect colony; the ability to communicate and work in relative harmony seemed to permeate the place. It wasn’t impossible for such traits to have an effect on those who were around it, to take some sort of hold themselves and have influence.

It was somewhat strange to find herself this way; she’d never felt so close to the other girls before, so naturally in tune with their thoughts and desires. Perhaps it was the level of intimacy they shared that helped? But still, it wasn’t enough of an explanation, since even their arguments were rarely all that fiery; there was humor and love within them now, turning what had once been heated into something softer- and oftentimes, something amusing to witness.

“Oh, do be still, Applejack,” Rarity said, atop her splendidly dressed friend in the hopes of forcing acquiescence. “One would think I was poking you with needles, the way you’re squirming. All I want is for you to look the part!”

Applejack gave a noise that suggested discomfort, trying to avoid her love’s eyes as the beautiful fashionista’s trinkets dangled above her. It wasn’t the first time they’d had this sort of discussion, though definitely not in the same scenario. “I just don’t like it, that’s all,” Applejack said, trying to hold her ground in the matter. “I know you like getting all gussied up, but it’s just not my thing.”

Twilight tried to suppress a smirk as she watched her two girlfriends continue their debate, bound together atop the luxurious king-size bed. They’d all been requested to return for a pronouncement and had been asked to dress for the occasion; Twilight, being a chief executor in the coming decision, had arrived two days prior. Now they only waited on Rainbow’s return before they could begin- her return, and the assent of a still-nervous farmgirl.

“You let me design your dress for you,” Rarity pouted. “All I want to do is add a little glamour.”

“And then you’ll go overboard.”

“No, I most certainly will not,” the seamstress countered. “Darling, you hardly need anything at all in the first place- all I want to do is… accentuate a few things! A bit here and there to make you really sparkle.”

The farmgirl, dressed resplendently in a black dress of her own, was clearly wavering in her spot on the fence. “Just a little?”

“Just a little glamour,” Rarity promised, a kiss on the lips for emphasis. “See? Sealed, like a lady’s promise. Please, Applejack, you’ll look so lovely.”

Applejack eyed Rarity apprehensively for a time further before turning to Twilight. “Don’t let her make me look all frou-frou,” she pleaded.

Twilight smiled, happily taking in the beautiful form of her girlfriend. The detail Rarity had put into her attire was marvelous, the dark gown perfectly fitting the farmgirl’s form and giving her a more natural beauty rather than one of fine elegance. It was similar to Fluttershy, but without the touch of sexuality that the first of them had been graced with; to look at Applejack in that black dress was to see something unaltered, deliberately left untouched so as to be beautiful on its own. Her bust was lovely, revealed only slightly so as to let the freckles upon them shimmer like flecks of gold on her skin, held tight by a fine fabric that caused her bright blonde hair to glow-

“Uh, Twilight? You alright?” The words were genuine, and without a hint of irony. Though a willing member of their happy harem, Applejack had yet to full naturalize to the desires the others had come to hold so dearly. She hadn’t realized Twilight had become distracted.

“Oh, sorry,” Twilight replied, not abashed in the slightest. “I was just admiring you and got distracted, that’s all. You really are pretty.”

“She most certainly is,” Rarity assented, her added words bringing the farmgirl to embarrassment. “Goodness, that lovely skin, that beautiful hair, and not a single ounce of product. I can’t imagine how she does it!”

“Because she’s perfect?”

“In every conceivable manner,” Rarity added, leaning back down to add a few more kisses to Applejack’s lips. The first was swift and fierce, the second a slower and gentler thing; as the third came down and found its pair, Applejack found herself unable to resist and met the fashionista’s fervor with some of her own, the two parting slowly and finding themselves eager for a little more. “Oh, now you have a little lipstick on you- why don’t I just add some more and make it complete?”

Applejack debated it for only a little longer. “Can you and Twi make it up to me tonight?”

“In spades, darling,” Rarity said, a wink in the bookish princess’ direction at the tantalizing offer. “Now, hold still. I won’t be long.”

Twilight rested there in peace, watching as the two beauties began their effort of beautification. She’d never imagined that she’d know them so intimately- much less any of the others! Now they were all so deeply connected, wondrously intertwined by fierce bonds of love and faith in one another. There was preferences and desires between them that perhaps only one could offer, but they always found a way back to the beating heart of a marvelous queen that made their center. In her, and through her, they had come together in harmony. It was better than any of them could have imagined- and more exciting than any fantasy could have dared to hope.

The doors to their quarters were thrust open and in strode Chrysalis, the personification of dark beauty as the magnificent dress she wore seemed to flourish with every step. “Rainbow has arrived at last,” she declared to them, coming to a halt beside Twilight as she offered her brilliant beloved a tender kiss. “Fluttershy offered to help her get prepared, do you have any objections, Rarity?”

“Not at all, darling,” Rarity said, not even a glance in the queen’s direction as she continued her polishing of Applejack. “Fluttershy knows dear Rainbow even better than I do, I’m sure she’ll do a wonderful job.”

“Excellent. What say you three- be ready for the announcement in thirty minutes?”

“Hmm… make it forty-five just to be safe, I think.”

“Very well,” Chrysalis said. An offered hand and Twilight rose to find a place at her side, the two now needing to be elsewhere. “We will be in the lounge when you’re both ready.”

“Be there as quick as we can. Love you, Chrissy!”

Chrysalis beamed as she and Twilight departed from Rarity’s presence, buoyed by the affirmation she received from such a glamorous woman. “She loves me,” the beautiful royal said delightedly. “Ooh, just the sound of it…”

“Does it sound nice?” Twilight asked pleasantly.

“It sounds perfect,” Chrysalis said. “Just as it does from any of you.”

Twilight grinned, happy to let her hand remain in this splendid creature’s grasp. “I hope that’s not flattery. You might make someone feel jealous.”

“As in you, Twilight?” Chrysalis crowed. “Why, if you’d like a little love before we begin…”

As the bright-minded princess threw her arms about the dark queen’s neck in a romantic embrace, it seemed the answer was quite clear. They still had plenty of time.

It was the first time that the entirety of the horde had been summoned since they had first stepped into the darkened halls and floors of their hidden nest. Never had they all been in one singular space, their numbers too great for such a thing to be easily accomplished. They would find themselves spread across the levels and deep into the darkened places for rest, away from the halls and workspaces above where duty would eventually call. But this had been a summons from their queen, their mother who had bade them come forth and hear her words. From the members of the Ravens to the Commanders to even the lowliest of drones, all of them could sense there was something new in the air. Their mother, their ruler, was not as she had once been- and neither were they. That unspoken transition into something else was nearing its last evolution, though what exactly that was remained something they could not name.

As they crept from hiding places and sleeping quarters to the stage where they had been called, every Changeling knew this was to be something momentous. A real change was coming.

The stage that had been made for performance and the slaking of hunger had been temporarily renovated, the rotating poles that had known the touch of a frizzy-haired beauty taken aside and replaced with a series of thrones, a looming seat in the center that was the color of venom. Though they knew that this was the call of their Queen, the horde could not understand who else was to be there before them. Seven in all, they counted- but why were her Ladies to address them also?

“It is the call for battle,” murmured one to her companion, face wrought with nerves at the thought. “We will invade after all. She finally got everything she wanted.”

“It couldn’t be. Not now, with her Ladies at her side,” replied another. “They’d be attacking their own homeland, surely not.”

“And one of them is royalty,” added one more, a slender figure of a woman who seemed little more than wisp. “One known for her loyalty to her people.”

“Yet they have bound themselves to Her Majesty,” came the objection. “Surely that means something.”

“You hear her say it often now- all of them do,” was the reply of the younger woman. “That they love one another. You can feel it in the air, like a flame by your face.”

“So what does that mean for now?” The words rang empty in the great crowd of Changelings as they awaited the arrival of their mother, unanswered and allowing the tension to continue. For the first time in the history of the horde, the Changelings found themselves fearing a coming conflict; life here had become so good, did it have to come to an end?

The atmosphere of the room changed in an instant at the arrival of the Commanders, each of the three taking their place at the edge of the stage, wardens and final barrier between the world and their ruler. The call of entry rang forth from their lips, bidding their siblings to give praise to their queen as Chrysalis strode from the back and towards the darkened throne that awaited her. To the great horde of warriors and deceivers, their queen was more glorious and beautiful than they had ever seen; dark hair shone in the light, smooth as strands of silk that adorned her perfect skin and reaching down to an elegant black dress that was befitting of a ruler. She was their goddess, their beautiful lady, somehow softer and mightier than ever before.

“My children,” Chrysalis called out in a ringing voice, “give praise to my Ladies.”

With the cue given, out from the stage tunnel came a group of six, adorned in the same colors of black as their beloved, perfectly dressed in finery unlike any royalty the horde had witnessed before. Taking to their assigned thrones and coming to a rest, the awestruck crowd could only bring forth their praises in honor of them; these were the infinite wellsprings to their strength, the source of life that had made their mother great. They were to be adored, to be cherished, protected with their very lives. It would be impossible to do anything but love them, and each soul there knew it.

Chrysalis motioned for silence, letting the crowd become calm before turning to regard her cherished companions. There at the corner of the stage, closest to danger and most capable of safeguarding them all sat Rainbow, beautiful and proud in a demure dress that so properly clashed with her strong features, turning a warrior princess into an innocent girl. At her opposite was Applejack, beautified by the Lady of the House in a way that only she could manage, blonde hair become like water underneath the stagelights and shone perfectly against the darkness of the fabric. To the farmgirl’s left sat the maestro behind her makeup, an aura of perfect grace and royalty about Rarity as she took her place. To Chrysalis’ left and happily caught in between two of her favorite people was Pinkie Pie, a skin-tight black dress leaving little to the imagination and highlighting the cheery girl’s sexual frivolity. At the left hand of their queen sat a tranquil princess, Twilight’s shadowy ballgown making her fair skin glow like pale, beautiful starlight. And there at Chrysalis’ right hand sat the progenitor of it all, Fluttershy happily in the midst of her many loves and adorned in that very first gift her beloved queen had graced upon her. To Chrysalis, it was a sight of wondrous beauty.

The Changeling horde looked upon their queen and her Ladies with reverence and love, this newfound feeling having consumed them in fullness. Whatever words that would come from their lips would be bound on their hearts and demand to be met; they would follow whatever orders that came next without question.

“We have come far,” Chrysalis began, addressing her horde with a softness of expression that had never known its place before. This was their queen, yes- but she spoke to them now as a parent to their child, that fire and fury not at all present. “Is there any among you who can claim to still remain unchanged? Are we even a shadow of our former selves?”

The crowd shuffled, unsure of how to answer. Was it for good or ill that these changes had come?

“Look upon me,” Chrysalis commanded, and all eyes turned to lavish their praise. “Am I not stronger, more beautiful than I ever was? Do my Ladies not grant me their love and I in return? This bond we share has made me strong. I am more myself than ever before.”

The crowd waited on bated breath, tense and waiting for the hammer to fall. They knew what came next when their queen spoke of strength. Battle was to begin brewing, that was why the Commanders had taken their place…

“And I now see that what I once set out to achieve is little more than folly,” Chrysalis continued. “Our fight against this kingdom offers us nothing that we did not find here. Because of love we have grown strong and healthy. We are at peace, content with our lot. Our days of theft, of conquering… are to come to an end.” She nodded in emphasis as the crowd let a hushed gasp rippled through them in a wave. “The invasion shall never come to pass. We shall not wage war against this place ever again.”

The crowd of Changelings shuffled amongst themselves, some of the bolder souls willing to show their relief and gratitude. The love that permeated the air because of their mother’s Ladies had been delectable, perfect to their palate. What sort of offering could riches hope to bring that could even begin to compare? Here, at least, they had their fill.

“Some of you have heard the rumors,” their queen said, “the Ravens have indeed traveled across this country. I hoped for new nests, more shelter and safety for you all. We are numerous, and the space we take leaves little relief; new abodes that would shelter many of you is necessary even still.”

“But you do not need to have a nest amongst us all anymore,” Twilight added, cue given to add her words to the mix. “Because you could have a new life instead. No nest, no deceptions, no hiding away for fear of discovery. You could be free.”

Those who heard her were left shocked, fearful of this possible new reality. They had not actually heard such a thing, had they? These ways were ancient, from time before even their queen had come to reign. Surely the time for their abandonment had not come yet…

“I offer this to you willingly,” Chrysalis said. “Gladly. You would be able to know love yourself, to feel it hold tight within you- and return it freely. What love I have for myself has made me mighty. Would you not be willing to seek out such a love for yourself?”

The Changelings spoke amongst themselves for a time, perhaps both tempted and wary of such an offer. They were creatures of subterfuge and theft, bent for the darkness and shadowy places; the normal world was a foreign thing to them, operated in solely to find a way to feed. To be offered a chance to actually be part of it, for the first time in their lives…

The crowd shuffled as one of them came forth to the stage, an older Changeling who had seen the horde through many a struggle. Dark-faced and lovely, a maternal look about her as one of the caretakers of various egg clutches and infants. Chrysalis and the others regarded her with curiosity, wondering at what perhaps she intended to do.

“Your Majesty,” the woman said hesitantly, “we are not you. We are mere Changelings, we do not possess your might or strength. We steal, we deceive, we hide- all because it is what kept us alive and well-fed. How could we hope to achieve what you have without deceit? Who could… who would wish to love us?”

Chrysalis felt her heart turn as she saw the fear in her child’s eyes; dread of failure and starvation that would come if they did not achieve success. It would be a deception no longer but instead their life, something that was no temporary measure. It was asking so much- all of themselves, really. Of course they were afraid.

“Then look upon my Ladies,” Chrysalis said to her, gesturing to her left and right at the beautiful faces she loved. “Their love for me shall be there for you. From them you shall learn, to grow and become yourself. They will gift you with skills and knowledge of all kinds, from them you shall learn to be whole. You shall go into the towns and the cities, you shall spread far and wide at your own whims- not as conquerors and spies, but as people! If you wish to remain here at my side, I grant you the freedom to do so. But to all of you, I say this: this land can be your home, if you wish it! You will carry your own name, your own life, your own love! Is that not all for which we have longed? We need not wage war for love any longer. I beseech you all, learn to love and you shall never know hunger again!”

The Changelings were being swayed, but that cloud of fear still remained on them, small spurts here and there among the crowd of many faces. They had known war and carnage, they had endured trial and journeys through endless dark. They had no faces, no names, no life other than that of the horde. They were being asked to become people, individuals with thoughts and feelings of their own welfare. For a creature of hive-minded thought, to be their own person was a horrifyingly daunting task.

Fluttershy could see it in their faces still, she having spent the greatest length of time in their presence. Her time as Chrysalis’ beloved had adapted her to knowing their worries, their fears; she could easily guess what was going through their minds now. “It won’t be easy. Especially when you first start to try and love someone yourself,” she said softly. “I know it’s scary because so many people probably won’t love you like that. But you’ll have friends. And you’ll be able to keep learning how you love someone- how you specifically love someone. And I know that there’s someone out there who will be very happy to hold your love in their heart, just so you can hold theirs in your own.”

The matronly woman who had come to Chrysalis presence bit her lip so as to fight away the tears. All around them was the feeling and memory and sense of their queen’s new life, the desires and loves that had so powerfully overtaken her. They were being offered a chance to have a love of their own- theirs alone, no need to share with anyone. They were being offered a chance to love wildly, freely, and be made strong by what was given just as willingly back. Little nests of their own, little kingdoms and hordes of their own; it was all too tempting an offer for them to do anything but yield.

Chrysalis smiled, knowing the chaos that would soon overtake them in the coming days. “Very well,” she declared. “Choose your face- choose your next step, you new life. Let my Ladies teach you to be whole and free, and cherish from them all you can. From this day forth, we shall be Changelings no more and instead learn to bear a new name.”

Not since their days of war and conquest had the nest been so rife with activity. For the old and experienced among them, this new path forward was more daunting than any siege wall upon which they had broken, a change so dramatic that adaptation was a total overhaul of themselves. For the younger souls that so numerously marked Chrysalis’ children, this offer of their own freedom was tantalizing, exciting. Those who wished to remain in the nest would be free to do so, safe and secure in the shadow of their old ways; but those who wished to explore, dream, and discover now had been given the reigns to their own futures. Drones they would be no more, if that was what they willed. They would have little empires of their own, little loves and lives that belonged to none but whom they gave it. The prospect was both wondrous and terrifying to those who had once been nameless specters of the shadows.

They hadn’t realized that even getting to Step One would be something of a challenge.

Chrysalis’ children had learned mimicry well; they could become someone else, know their mannerisms down to the smallest twitch of an eye. Such things rarely meant learning a task for its own sake, much less how to perform it well. As their mother’s Ladies took them under their wing, granted them the finest tutelage they had known, more than a few found themselves overwhelmed; there was more to the world than they had once presumed.

Much to Twilight’s chagrin –and Chrysalis’ humor- the issue of favoritism soon revealed itself as the weeks went on. The breadth of knowledge they were given was monumental, and certainly some possessed a more focus scope than others. To the surprise of none of them, Pinkie’s tutelage of culinary and social skills became a popular lesson across the nest, her verve and sweetness easy for the already-adoring to learn and to follow. To something of a shock, Applejack’s own lessons of agriculture were not far behind; more than one of them was found gifted with something of a green thumb, a love of the solitude and tranquility that came with farming. The greenery within the nest grew rapidly, tenderly cared for by enthusiastic students who relished this act of nurturing fragile life.

Twilight, possessing the greatest breadth of knowledge, tried her best to maintain a calm demeanor in regards to her own lessons. What she covered was a great expanse, a large scope of information that was only to be their entry into the world of higher learning. For soldiers and caretakers, the sheer scale of what they learned was difficult to grasp; their brilliant princess was happy to teach them, but such things came to them slowly. It was difficult for Twilight to not be a little disappointed at the slow progress.

“You ask more of them than the others,” Chrysalis counseled her one evening, taking note of her dear beloved’s despondence. “It is not because of you that they progress slowly.”

“I know. And honestly, they’re doing really well,” Twilight had replied. “There’s just… so much to cover. And it’s all preliminary! If I could be more specialized and not just be focused on entry level education, maybe it’d be easier. I mean, look at Applejack, or Fluttershy. It’s so easy to understand because it’s just one subject.”

“And here you are, teaching them a multitude of things with ease,” Chrysalis said. Sitting beside Twilight as they looked over their work, she shifted herself closer and let her hand slither its way up the bookish woman’s thigh. “You’re making my children become brilliant. Doesn’t a good teacher deserve a reward?”

Twilight allowed herself a grin, leaning over to find Chrysalis’ luscious lips for a slow embrace. “I’d like some helping looking over this paperwork… a kiss for every correct mark?”

“Oh, I can do better than a kiss…”

Time passed. The nest that housed her children seemed to shrink as the activity within it continued to grow ever further, more and more of her children willing to venture beyond their hidden domain and into the open world. Though some progressed more speedily than others, the end goal was beginning to come into sight for more than a spare few. The time for a permanent departure was coming soon.

“The commune is half a day’s travel east of Vanhoover,” Saniya reported to Chrysalis, delivering a report of the Ravens’ latest venture into the wilds. “Their population is not large, but they appear capable of adding to their numbers. A group of new faces will be noticed, but not be something to fear.”

The first group of her children were soon to be ready; approved by both Applejack and Pinkie together, these were some of her eldest line that still remained within the nest. Those that had once been caretakers of the nurseries below would now become matrons and nannies, cooks and farmhands. Possessing perhaps the most docile natures of their number had been what had allowed them this approval, a greater willingness to listen and to adapt.

Chrysalis pondered her Commander’s words, wondering if this would be one of the last times they spoke together. Saniya had requested the chance to depart alongside her siblings, watch over this first tentative group as Chrysalis cared for her hive. It was a unique scenario they had not encountered before. “Identification,” she said. “What papers go with them?”

“Their visas have been crafted. Set to expire in four months,” Saniya replied. “Not long enough for any potential flaws to become noticed, and soon to be replaced. When they sign for new visas themselves, they will be hidden without a trace. No trail left to follow.”

“And their backgrounds?”

“Lady Twilight is reviewing all potential stories now. When she gives her approval, those departing will be made to memorize them.”

It was all she could ask for. Chrysalis nodded her approval and waved for Saniya’s dismissal. A strange sort of melancholy had come upon her as they had spoken, a gloom of spirit that was unfamiliar. Finding herself alone, the darkened queen looked about her study: cramped, quiet, and not at all peaceful any longer. It was a strange paradox.

“Enough of this,” Chrysalis muttered, leaving her empty space behind and trying to fill her mind with the sounds of noise that would distract her from the dejection that plagued her. She had no reason to find herself despairing; her children were to be safe, able to find little loves and lives of their own. Was that not a cause for jubilation instead?

A trip to her private lounge was in order. Her Ladies would only be with her until the weekend passed them by, and it was her hope that their company would see her blue mood dissipate. At least, that was the hope; it was a strange sensation that she felt now; she craved them so often, yet found herself not longing for the carnal pleasures at the moment. Perhaps she’d only need a little incentive…

Before she could find her way inside, the door to her lounge opened of its own accord, a trio of giggling women striding through the threshold as the sounds of physical delight pealed through the open doorway behind them. Chrysalis swiftly took a step back to get out of the way-

Oh jeez! Sorry, Chrys, didn’t mean to do that!” Rainbow pulled herself aside, Twilight and Rarity tugged along with her. The two seemed to have been left amused by something, and perhaps a little excited also.

“Is something the matter?” Chrysalis asked.

Rarity forced herself to cease her laughter, a hand to her lips as her gaze flickered back to the lounge. “I believe Pinkie Pie was a little eager tonight,” she said pleasantly. “And since she thought Applejack wasn’t yet comfortable with the idea of… you know, sharing- that she might as well make an effort herself.”

Chrysalis smirked, looking beyond her trio of lovelies and into the lounge beyond them; there on the couch lay Pinkie and her darling apple farmer, the two so thoroughly tangled together that it was difficult to tell which hands belonged to who. Their makeout session had already become a steamy, passionate affair, the sapphic sounds and pleasure they now experienced more than a little lively. Whether it be by Pinkie’s efforts or not, Applejack certainly seemed to be enjoying herself, and quite eager to let her lusts run wild.

“We figured they could use a little privacy for a bit,” Twilight remarked lightly. “But after watching them for a bit…” the book-minded princess gave a small blush and a sheepish grin. “Rainbow thought she needed Rarity and me for an evening.”

“Feel like eating Twilight’s ass with me?” Rainbow asked, her usual brusque manner receiving a roll of eyes from the far more tactful women that stood beside her. “Come on, look at it! Just so plush-” the warrior girl gave Twilight’s butt a swift spank to hammer the point home, a gesture that came as a welcome surprise; the dark-haired now eyed Rainbow with no small measure of hunger, perhaps eager for another.

Even with the prospect of a luscious feeding there before her, Chrysalis still found herself to have no heart for it- a mindset she had never once thought would ever come to pass. “Enjoy yourselves for me tonight,” Chrysalis said to them.

Rarity regarded the regal beauty for a moment, perhaps sensing the melancholia that had settled upon her heart. “If you change your mind, darling, we’ll be in the bedchambers,” she said, finding herself tugged down the hall by her eager girlfriends. “Night, my love!”

Chrysalis smiled as the bittersweet cloud billowed across her mind. She loved to see them like this; eager, wild, and so utterly content. They loved her, loved one another, and the strength of it radiated across the nest and made her children strong. They had never been so well-fed before, never before so strong and at peace. They’d been so thoroughly changed by their mere presence alone, and now even more so as their knowledge and talents had been shared for her children to emulate.

And now her children were leaving. For the first time in the history of her people, the horde would disperse and be a horde no longer. She was going to say goodbye to so many of her children- and perhaps forever. Chrysalis felt a lump in her throat as the thought came into clarity, the source of her coming despair now realized. They would be beyond her reach, beyond the safety and security she had gladly given them. Whatever choices they made once the day finally came, they would be truly their own- and whatever consequences came next…

“Chrissy? Is everything alright?” the gentle voice that so perfectly matched the hand that now slid into her grasp was unmistakable; Fluttershy looked up at her beloved with a sweet smile, all her concerns now focused on the beautiful woman beside her.

“A mother’s grief,” Chrysalis whispered to her, stroking a stray strand of hair that had fallen across those soft eyes. “Pay it no mind, my love. It is nothing.”

“Are you sure you’re alright?”

Chrysalis nodded, the smile she now bore a more genuine thing, marred by that strange sadness that was so deeply entwined with pride. “My children are to leave me to seek their fortunes,” she said. “I am glad for them, and yet…”

“You’ll miss them, too,” Fluttershy murmured. Wrapping her arms about her love’s waist, the demure woman had ensnared her and allowed no means of escape from her warm comfort. Chrysalis knew better than to resist, instead glad for the sweet maiden’s comfort against her own strange sorrow. “Are you scared for them all?”

“More than I knew I could be.”

“They’ll make mistakes. But they’ll learn from them,” Fluttershy replied. “And they’ll be alright, I’m sure of it. After all, the girls have done a wonderful job of teaching them everything they’ll need to know.”

“As well as you,” Chrysalis said, her voice a gentle thing as she leaned in to hold Fluttershy close. “Oh my darling butterfly, what would I have ever done without you?”

Fluttershy giggled, leaving a kiss on Chrysalis’ cheek to break the spell. “I didn’t do anything, Chrissy. I’m just glad to be here with you. And Rarity, and Twilight, and- all of you. I never would have dreamed I’d be with my friends like this.”

“Does it bother you?” Chrysalis asked. Fluttershy surely would have said something by now, but she couldn’t help feel a twinge of concern.

The beautiful maiden shook her head. “No, of course not,” she answered. “It’s been lovely, and I love you all very much. I just hope that you don’t forget me, now that there’s so many of us!”

“My dear, darling Fluttershy,” Chrysalis whispered softly. “You are the one who makes me strong; how could I hope to ever forget you?”

And as the two embraced, their kiss was a quiet thing in the midst of a wild and changing world. Fluttershy melted at her lover’s touch, her lips joyously taken captive by her dark queen’s tender caress. They knew one another so deeply, knew how to touch and to entice, had become so intimately familiar with the desires and passions of the other- yet still neither overcome the thrill that came with each new kiss, that delectable sensation of love and affection that only could be found between them. Chrysalis could only sigh in happiness as Fluttershy leaned in ever deeper, allowing her tongue to find the beautiful queen’s own pink muscle and lather it with sensuous praise. What more could she hope to ask for now?

The besotted couple stood there together, bound my flesh and love as their passionate embrace continued to deepen-

Unaware that they were under watch.

7. Luna, An Untamed Passion

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The hidden woman watched the scene continue on with eyes held painfully wide, fearful that even the smallest sound would reveal her place in the darkness that only barely concealed her presence. Never in a thousand lifetimes had she thought that the situation could be this bad.

She has them all, Luna thought, the frenetic belief ringing every alarm her mind possessed. She has them all and they’re too brainwashed to even be able to realize it. The whole scenario was something out of a nightmare that not even her hellscape of an imagination could conceive of. The entirety of the Element Bearers were under Chrysalis’ direct control, wills erased and bent to her every bidding; a massive invasion force of Changelings beneath the city streets, primed to disperse across the kingdom and initiate a mass assault. And with Changelings, there was always the horrifying possibility that this might not actually be all of them- there could be countless more out roaming the streets right now, or even already within the Day Court and preparing to strike Celestia down. Luna’s efforts had borne fruit, but they might have arrived too late.

The brilliant Princess of the Night had caused a stir when she had disappeared from the public eye, an utter absence of presence that had left even her own soldiers amiss as to the reason why. Were it not for the wise words of her captains, there might have been a panic. But the sudden withdrawal from view had been no accident; under the request of a dear friend, Luna had taken the mantle of predator, stalking through the deep places of the world with a singular goal in mind. Under the mountains had she roamed, beneath the city streets of her kingdom, through the depths of abandoned forests and wastes that had long been left to the nameless things that gnawed at the world- always ever on, in search of one simple person. Luna had simply hoped that the trail she was following had been wrong; not to Canterlot, not the place right that was right underneath her very nose.

Yet here she now was, eyes locked onto her prey and fearing that her long hunt was already in vain.

“Sweet Fluttershy,” Chrysalis purred, her voice velvety soft as she cradled her victim within her arms, “I know Rainbow invited me to join she, Twilight, and Rarity in a little frolic in the bedroom… but I do believe Applejack and Pinkie were rather enjoying themselves in the lounge.”

Even from her concealed position, Luna could perceive the shift in the once-demure woman’s attitude, a transformation from the romantic to the sultry. “That’s lovely for them. Were you wanting to join in?”

“And you along with me. I’d very much like to see you plucking Applejack’s petals.”

Fluttershy gave an excited giggle at the prospect. “She does look very yummy tonight. I hope she’ll be OK with us dropping in.”

“She certainly will be, if you’re there to tempt her,” the foul queen said. “I’ll bring us something special from my office for the four of us to enjoy after. Will you go on ahead of me?”

Fluttershy leaned up and granted her captor one last kiss, almost seemingly willing in the gesture with her sweetness. “Don’t keep us waiting,” she called, walking down the hall before excitement seemed to overcome her and sending her into a hurried stride.

Luna’s heart pitied the poor girl; out of all of the Bearers, she must have been in Chrysalis’ thrall the longest. Hardly a thought given to anything but her jailer’s wishes, incapable of freeing herself from the deep depths of this prison. How good it would be to set her free, to see them all released from the foul clutches of this insectoid hellspawn! As Chrysalis strode off to wherever her office lay sequestered, not once did the moonlight princess allow her to fall out of sight, nor out of reach. As easy as it would be to simply drop from her concealed position amongst the pipes and vents that hung from the rafters, she knew it would be best to see this done quietly. If she killed Chrysalis in a more private setting behind locked doors, Luna would be afforded far more time to escape- something she would likely need, judging by the numerous moving pieces that had separated themselves from one another. Fluttershy on the move, Pinkie and Applejack elsewhere, and the other three Bearers somewhere in the bowels of the hideous Changeling Queen’s private quarters. Even if Chrysalis’ death was to avoid detection for a good length of time, Luna knew she would still have little leeway. The girls would be confused, a loss of memory as to how they had come to be here- and not one of them could be see roaming free of the queen’s clutches.

A quick dive into the vents and Luna slithered with the stealth of a panther to a position above Chrysalis’ office, watching as the gruesome hag began to grope through a menagerie of dusted bottles that marked a cabinet along the wall, perusing through for something particular to suit her wicked fancy. Just what were in those vials, Luna could only fear to wonder. Poisons? Some sort of sick love potion? Sleeping draughts? The answer didn’t really matter; the warrior princess would ensure that nothing within could ever hope to harm another innocent soul again. Slowly, with more silence than even the grave, the powerful princess unlatched the grate on the vent beneath her and slid it aside, one last breath taken before she slipped out and took position behind her prey.

Chrysalis never suspected a thing, the entirety of her focus set solely on the contents of her nightmarish cabinet of toxins before at last settling a hand about the neck of one particularly luscious-looking bottle and making to set it atop her desk-

Luna’s knife came forth from its sheath, the smoothness of the blade reflecting the bright gleam of light from above and delivering a small prism to the corner of the wicked queen’s eye.

Both women froze; Luna felt her blood turn to ice, wondering how on earth she had managed such a catastrophic blunder. Chrysalis knew she was here, and there wasn’t a moment left to lose. If she managed to teleport away-!

The Changeling Queen reacted before the Princess of the Night had raised the tip of her blade, a snap of those fingers cracking like a whip across the silent air-

Luna drove the knifeblade forward towards Chrysalis’ back, a hand diving for the snapped hand so as to keep a grip on her flighty prey. Not now, after all this time hunting, would she let this foul demon of the underworld escape her clutches! Even as Chrysalis writhed against her, tried to keep herself away from the tip of that murdering weapon, still Luna would not relinquish even a single inch of ground. She just needed to get the filthy creature to the ground, one single moment of an advantage and the deed would be done-

A swift cut across fabric and the Changeling’s clothing was torn, the back of a dress cut through and turned to stitches. A bare miss of flesh that would have elicited a cry of pain, perhaps a momentary stagger-!

No!” A coiled whip of bright light wrapped about Luna’s wrist, crackling with energy that broke the deadly hunt from the forefront of the warrior’s mind and turning her horror into a near-panicked frenzy. A new combatant, one that would assuredly tip the scales in Chrysalis’ favor-

Twilight!” Luna stood as one of stone as she followed the sizzling rope of ethereal light to its source, the bright-lavender of magic thrown from the young woman’s palm and set about the moonlit woman’s knifehand. “Stand down NOW­-”

She’s not going to harm you!

Bullshit-” Her spare hand was raised to strike out, push this half-naked, hypnotized woman back-

The momentary distraction was all Chrysalis had required to survive the attempted assassination, and subsequently gain a permanent victory. Before Twilight’s protests could ring through the air and prevent it, a charged palm came upon the back of Luna’s head and made impact; the font of might made its impact known immediately, shooting across the mighty woman’s body and setting her senses to incapacitation. Eyes rolled back, limbs went limp, tension fell to nothingness as Luna was cast into unconsciousness and fell to the ground.

“No, wait- oh, dammit!” Twilight cried, scrambling to come between princess and earth so as to prevent further harm. “That was a horrible idea, why did you do that?”

“Forget that- are you hurt?” Chrysalis demanded.

“Why did you knock her out, now she’ll definitely think you’re trying to invade again!” Twilight, not injured in the slightest yet hopping mad, was staring at her beloved queen with no small measure of displeasure.

“She was going to attack you!” Chrysalis could hardly believe this was even a conversation at all; what else was she supposed to do to prevent harm befalling this cherished mind?

“Then just restrain her! Don’t go and…” Twilight looked ready to continue on in her diatribe, but seemed to think better of it and let her words while away in the form of a hissed sigh. “She’s not hurt, is she?”

Chrysalis was slow to soother her wracked emotions. An assassination attempt, and then an attempt to harm one of her beloveds was no small matter; the warrior prowess she normally possessed in battle had been left absent by the suddenness of the incident and she found herself strangely trembling. “S-she… no. Just unconscious. I doubt she will even awaken with a headache.”

“At least that.” Twilight gave a dreary groan and took temporary residence in the palms of her hands, most definitely not dressed for the occasion and left reeling by the vicious unraveling of events. “Oh, this is so bad.”

“She can’t be allowed to leave. Not without being convinced of the truth,” Chrysalis said, promptly beseeching the aid of her shocked companion. “Please tell me you have an idea of what we can do.”

“I do… but you’re going to have to be patient with me.”

“And that is because..?”

“Because it might take a bit before things gets fun.”

The first moments of her awakening were unpleasant. From what Luna could recall, there was no alcohol that could have gifted her with such a headache and she’d stolen from her sister’s private stores more than once. Her body was so sore that it could almost be a marvel to behold if she didn’t have to feel any of it, and the slow return of her senses to functioning form wasn’t something she was exactly pleased with. Vision was slow to lose its blur, the sensation of touch on her skin registered very little, and she wasn’t actually all that sure of where she was.

Maybe I’m dead. Oh gods, that would be a relief. Anything had to be better than this.

“Oh, thank goodness- she’s awake!” The ringing voice that called to somewhere she couldn’t see was like the sound of a massive bell that crashed beside her ears, the unforgiving vibrations of noise rocking her brain and setting out pulsewaves of pain across her skull. She just wanted silence, for just a few moments…


“Luna, you’re alright! Are- what’s hurt?” A little more cognition returned to her, the voice now recognized as belonging to Twilight. Maybe the pressure that was on her wrist belonged to that pleasant young woman as well.

“Everything,” Luna whispered, the loudest she could manage without inflicting pain upon herself.

“I knew it.” Twilight’s tone was flat and furious. “And here she’d promised that- you promised me you weren’t going to hurt her!”

“I didn’t hurt her!” another person said hotly, beautifully adorned in dark-green and standing across from Twilight in what seemed to be a battle of personalities. “I kept my word, she never felt a thing.”

“Then why is she complaining of a headache?” The demand was bold, and immediately met by a cascade of silence, only the huff and sounds of shamefaced laughter absent to respond to the moment. Luna’s mind did not yet recognize to whom Twilight was speaking, but she wanted to say that it wasn’t anyone trustworthy- or safe to be near.

“… I didn’t do it on purpose,” said the newcomer meekly. “Sorry.”

“Don’t tell me you’re sorry, for goodness’ sake,” Twilight chided. “Chrissy, I know you didn’t mean to, but still.”

“Yes, yes,” said the other woman hurriedly. “I’ll ask Fluttershy to bring a distillation that will dispel the physical ailments, I promise. And Princess Luna… though you did try to kill me, I apologize for the discomfort you likely are now enduring.”

Then she remembered; a flash of a knife, a coil of rope like lightning, a shattering across the back of her head as though pottery had been taken to her. The other person speaking was Chrysalis.

Pain be damned. Luna lunged from the place where she sat and tried to reach out for that miserable throat and see it properly crushed between her hands, only to immediately find that they had been bound along with her entire body, a chair tied to her form and keeping her from movement. Not even an ounce of her magic could seep through, her binds woven with the indelible fibers that only another great magic-user could conjure; Twilight had forged these, and the likelihood that Luna would manage to burn these away was minimal at best.


“Those binds could be only a temporary issue if you’re willing to listen to me,” Chrysalis began, coming a bit closer and forcing the captured princess to focus upon her. “Know this: I have no interest in harming you whatsoever, and I have no desire to keep you here against your will. But until I know for certain that you are not a threat to my children, I can’t let you walk free. Do not deny a mother the right to protect those she brought into the world.”

So even this serpent wanted to safeguard their own bloodline. Would Luna acquiesce to such a demand? Her answer came swift, a formed ball of spittle flying fast and striking Chrysalis across the cheek, the warrior princess defiant even in her chains. At first, there was not even the slightest reaction to her outburst, dead silence shared between captor and victim. Then Chrysalis wiped away the physical insult from her cheek with a solitary finger- and then sucked the digit dry. “I’m kinkier than you,” she said flatly.

Luna felt her stomach flip, an instinctive reaction that only brought displeasure. She wasn’t supposed to think that was hot.

“Now, unless you want me to suck you dry, I’m hoping that you will let me speak as to the reasons behind your current captivity,” the dark queen continued. “No one here in this place wishes for violence, and I pray that the same can be said for you. I am not your enemy, nor you mine.”

“Oh piss off!” Luna snarled, stressing her binds though she knew it to be futile; any ounce of defiance that she could summon came strong. “The only reason you’re alive is because you’ve already brainwashed the most powerful people in the kingdom-”

Brainwashed?” The challenging tone now came from Twilight who stared down at Luna with displeasure. “Luna, do you actually think I’m not here of my own will? That I’d really be that stupid?”

Stupid? No. Brainwashed? The thought wasn’t far from her mind at all. “Of course she’s fooled you! What good is brainwashing if you don’t believe in your own free will?”

“This is going about as I expected,” Twilight sighed. “Chrissy.”

“Yes, Twilight?”

“Where was I all of last week?”

“At home. You’d gone back to reorganize the library, or at least that’s what you told me,” Chrysalis answered.

“And what have I been doing this weekend?”

“You were teaching nature conservation to the group that chose to live in the villages outside Vanhoover. And -I’m sorry if I get this wrong- dendrology as well? Was that what you called it?”

“No, you got it right. The study of trees,” Twilight said, then turning back to Luna. “We’ve been trying to teach an assortment of new trades depending on where they’re heading to in the next few months. It’s not enough to just look after themselves, we thought it best that they’re able to benefit those around them, too. You know… contribute.”

Luna stared at Twilight in stark horror, the deadly weight of this new betrayal unlike anything she’d suspected. After all those years of devoted loyalty to princess and kingdom, Luna would never have imagined that such a steadfast spirit would so easily be seduced to wickedness. “You’re helping them invade,” she breathed.

“Oh for heaven’s sake, did you listen to a word I said?” Twilight asked, even her patience beginning to run thin. “No, I am not.”

“You’ve turned against my sister- against me!”

“No, I haven’t. Luna, I promise I’m on everyone’s side here,” the young princess insisted. “Chrysalis isn’t evil, nor are her children. I’ve been doing my best to help the children learn a good semblance of normality, and that’s all.”

“Then why are you here? And dress like that!” Twilight’s gown wasn’t exactly her usual attire, the heavy blackness of the ballgown giving her a much more potent allure to coincide with a dark formality. It was too elegant, and just a little too sultry, for the moonlit warrior to believe her words.

Chrysalis peered at Twilight from behind, and then grinned. “I like her butt,” she said simply. “And so do the girls.”

“Oh, it’s nice to know I’m only wanted for my looks,” Twilight remarked drily, though she allowed a small grin to grace her lips. “I feel so valued, thank you.”

“And for your splendid mind, of course,” Chrysalis added, leaning in to close the gap between she and her willing victim. “May I never be without it…”

Luna squeezed her eyes shut as she recognized what was about to occur. She didn’t want to see such an act of betrayal intensified, not this mockery of her imprisonment that came at the hands of one she’d once called friend. She could hear the kiss come to its fullness and she tried so hard not to wince- and then for some reason she wasn’t quite sure of, allowed her eyes to open just a slit and caught full view of Twilight and Chrysalis’ embrace, an obviously romantic gesture as the smaller woman swooned in the foul queen’s arms.

Chrysalis, perhaps sensing an audience, opened her eyes and caught sight of Luna’s unbidden yet probing gaze. And so she gave her a wink.

Luna huffed and forced her eyes back to an intense blackness that sparked lights and pinwheels in the darkness. She hadn’t meant to do it.

“Umm… sorry,” Twilight said as the sweetened kiss ended, face somewhat flushed from the sudden loss of control to her desires. “It’s a habit, didn’t mean t- Luna, will you let me make sense of all of this for you?”

“Why her? Why the Bearers?” Luna challenged of Chrysalis, ignoring her once-friend’s willing aid. “You chose them for a reason. Explain this to me!”

Chrysalis opened her mouth to speak and then just as promptly sealed her lips, forced to ponder the question with more mental fortitude than she had perhaps expected. “That- hmm.” The query seemed to genuinely stump her. “I… and it’s not reached out to anyone else but the Ladies… I do not know. Fluttershy was the first, then Rarity- after that, it seemed to happen just naturally. Twilight, did you ever have a hypothesis?”

Twilight gave a short, nervous giggle. “Well, as far as I can assess, it was because we all, well, harbored some level of feelings for one another. And since we never did anything about it, they just festered. Until we met you, of course, and then they seemed to take root. And I guess as each one of us came to you, the more we all became intertwined- with Chrysalis at the center.”

“And thank heaven for it,” Chrysalis sighed, her expression now dreamy as recollection of warmth and feeling seemed to consume her. “I’ve never actually felt so good in my entire existence. They’re all gorgeous, Luna, and I get to share love with them whenever we wish. It’s just as fun to see the girls share it between themselves as it is to partake, and I just-” Chrysalis affectionate words simply fell away into a wispy sigh. “Life is perfect.”

Luna wasn’t at all sure she’d actually heard it right; the scenario was believable, but the persons involved was a little less so. “Twilight, are you in a harem?” And deep in the back of her conscious thought came a small whine of protest: Why didn’t I make one for myself already? I had one before.

“I prefer different terminology to describe the current situation. A polyamorous relationship would likely do it more justice,” Twilight replied briskly.

“So a harem.”

The young woman glowered at the dry remark. “Are we just going to be difficult all day, then? You don’t have to be tied up if you’ll just play fair.”

“I’m going to get out of here,” Luna assured her, “whether you help me or not. And when I do, I’m going to raze this nest to the ground.”

“You see, that sort of thing isn’t helping you,” Chrysalis remarked. “I have no quarrel with you, but you keep threatening to murder my children. Of course I’m not going to let you go.”

“Luna, I get that you’re mad, but please understand no one here is going to let you commit genocide.” Twilight added. “Just… please. Try to understand. Doesn’t Chrysalis deserve a chance to prove herself, like you did?”

The point was fair, but perhaps not welcome. Luna resisted the message with her best efforts and determined herself not to look at any of her captors. It is a genuine point, though. I hate to say that it might be worth considering.

“It is late. What more words that could be said will have to wait until morning,” Chrysalis declared. “Now, I do not plan to keep you bound to that chair for the rest of the night- hospitality would rather forbid it. But to say that I let you go free would still be foolhardy.”

“So please, do all of us a favor,” Twilight said as her hands set to Luna’s binds, “don’t start a fight. It’s late, I’m tired, and I had to leave Rainbow and Rarity hanging. Tonight has been a nuisance enough.”

Luna found herself caught between a rock and a hard place, unsure that overcoming even one of them was feasible when she would have to somehow outmatch the other simultaneously. Twilight was a monstrous force to be reckoned with, and Chrysalis had displayed her battle prowess once already; this wasn’t a battle she thought she could win. With little else to do than comply, Luna was led from her place of imprisonment and out into the halls of the nest, she doing her best to take in as much of her surroundings as possible. The place was definitely an old munitions warehouse, converted into what looked like a nightclub. Comfortable, with plenty of room below that likely had been altered with a nest in mind. Just what were they up to here, if not imminent attack?

“Chrissy!” The soft sound of Fluttershy’s voice came to her ears and Luna turned to see the sweet-faced maiden making her way toward them, seemingly concerned about something. “I was hoping I’d catch you first- is everything alright?”

“Both Twilight and I are unharmed,” the darkened queen promised her, a hand reaching out to greet the young woman. “Luna, I hope, will be able to say the same come morning.”

“If you’re taking her to one of the guest lounges, Rarity just finished preparing the Magnolia Lounge for her,” she offered. “I think everything should be ready.”

“That is wonderful to hear, thank you for letting me know.”

“Oh, just thank Rarity. It was her idea,” Fluttershy said before turning to Luna and giving a small bow. “I’m sorry you have to visit like this for right now. I promise it’ll all make more sense in the morning when we can show you what’s been happening here.”

Luna cared not for the young woman’s words, but instead studied every ounce of expression her features portrayed. A trace of the unusual, the static and dazed that so often spoke to hypnosis or control- not an ounce of it to be seen, only adding to the strangeness of the whole scenario. Why, of all places were they choosing to be here- and with Chrysalis, of all people?

“These shall be your quarters for the night,” Chrysalis announced as they came to a door bearing the sigil of a flower. “Twilight, if you would do the honors?”

Luna bit back her displeasure as she watched the powerful enchantress perform her marvels, knowing just what kind of seal had been placed upon the room within. Escape in the dead of night had just been taken from her. For now, she would have to wait out and see just what Chrysalis was really up to.

“We’ll have a long day tomorrow, Luna,” Twilight told her. “Please, get some rest.”

She was surrounded, and no other options were afford to her. Luna forsook her rebellious nature and took the path of compliance, striding through the door and into her temporary dwellings. Rather than the dingy quarters she had expected, the room seemed rather comfortably furnished. A luxurious bed that sat against the wall, a nightstand bearing a pitcher of water beside it. A table bearing a tray of food sat not far away, and the lighting within the place was homey and soothing. It wasn’t what she’d expected at all- nor had she expected the elegantly dressed woman that stood there in the center of the room awaiting her.

“Princess Luna! It’s wonderful to see you again,” Rarity declared, striding towards the captured warrior with an elegance that only a great lady of court could hope to rival. “My apologies for the circumstances in our meeting, of course, but still. I hope you find everything to your liking!”

Luna gave something of a start at the sight of the beautifully dressed fashionista, trying to ignore her loveliness and the warmth with which she greeted her. Multiple apologies for her capture, a private room fully furnished, and a lady to greet her and see to her needs. It was as though the situation kept finding ways to be even more bizarre. “What are you doing here?”

“I am the Lady of the House, you see. All guests, decorum, and hospitality fall under my responsibility,” Rarity explained. “And so since you are our latest guest, my current responsibility is you! Please, let me know if there’s anything you need to make your quarters more comfortable.”

“Some malt whiskey?” Luna replied drily.

To her great surprise, Rarity promptly nodded in response. “I do believe we just received a fresh stock earlier today,” she said. “Do you have preference for rye or buckwheat?”

Luna knew her preferences, but the fact that they were to be satisfied wasn’t what she’d expected. “Uh- rye. Wait, you get liquor delivered here?”

“It is a nightclub, darling,” Rarity answered. “Perhaps not open to the general public at the moment, but one all the same. I’ll bring it for you right away.”

Luna’s stay felt more like the visit of a diplomat than as a prisoner of war. Fine quarters, dutiful attendance by a beautiful woman, and even her favorite liquor. How was she supposed to view this? They can’t actually be telling the truth, can they? Before Rarity could pass her by, a pair of arms reached out and took the elegant woman captive, holding her fast where she stood. “What is really going on here?” The moonlight princess demanded. “Chrysalis- is she a threat?”

Rarity didn’t seem to want to answer, her mind focusing more on Luna’s physical form than anything she had to say. “Ooh,” a breathy sound escaping her lips as her hands delicately traced along toned muscle. “Darling, you… my, you do look after yourself.”

Luna wanted to be distracted by that; whether it be how she was dressed or Rarity’s great beauty that was taking her attentions didn’t seem to matter. But she forced herself to remain focused and gather what information she can. “Why are the Changelings here? What are they planning to do?”

Rarity looked perfectly keen on continuing her admiration of Luna’s figure, her eyes moving away from the fitter functions to more feminine, sensuous delights. “I… we’re hoping they’ll be able to simply have a normal life,” she said faintly. “Little nests and loves of their own. Families, if they wish it. Luna, I just- may I?”

The continued adoration this splendid woman was intent on gracing upon her was difficult to resist; the impulse to allow something extremely stupid was almost impossible for Luna to ignore, her self-control eroding somewhat as she felt that desire of physical worship to increase a little more. “Just for a moment,” she said, unable to bite the words back that so easily flew from her lips.

Rarity glowed at the permissions, her hands weaving across Luna’s body freely as they assess and caressed everything that tickled her fancy; a tone stomach was given the proper time for praise, a rather luscious pair of breasts were given gentle strokes- and even a knead for added measure. Try as the now-worshipped woman might, Rarity didn’t seem at all interested in stopping and Luna felt no inclination to make her do so.

When was the last time I was praised like this? Luna wondered. Gods, was it before I was banished? Why haven’t I tried to get a new harem assembled, come to think of it. Rarity’s continued self-indulgence wasn’t at all disagreeable to endure, and was doing a number on the warrior princess’ psyche. She rather felt like making sure it continued.

Rarity at last released herself from Luna’s grasp, a step back as she allowed her eyes to give one last glowing review. “Well, darling,” she said, her desire so obvious it may as well have been reverence. “I’ll have one of the attendants bring you your drinks in just a moment. Have a good night!”

It wasn’t a surprise to the gorgeous seamstress to find Chrysalis waiting for her outside the door, Rarity sealing the door back closed and allowing herself a moment to breathe. She hadn’t meant to treat herself for so long a time, but it had been impossible to resist the temptation. Luna’s physique reminded her of Rainbow’s, but possessing a more sultry appearance than her vibrant lover’s streamlined figure. And maybe a little wilder, too.

“You seem occupied,” Chrysalis noted, her own visage echoing that of her lover’s as their loving unity bound them to similar thought and mind. “Is there something you wish to tell me?”

She is so sexy,” Rarity gasped, falling further into the depths of her sensuous longings now that she had been given the chance to do so. “Oh please, darling, tell me you wish for her to join the girls.”

“It’s all a matter of convincing her,” Chrysalis replied. “First, that I mean no harm to her or her kingdom. If she believes that… hopefully she’ll believe I want her, too.”

“I need to see her and Rainbow together,” Rarity said, allowing her fantasies to go into overdrive. A companion in her lusts was a delight to her spirit, inhibition was dropped to the wayside as she dreamed of a new heart with which she could share. “Oh good heavens, those two making love- they’d shake this places to pieces. I’d never see anything like it.”

“Well, then,” Chrysalis purred happily, “I’d say we have a goal to reach. Don’t you?”

Rarity smiled, eagerly awaiting the end result of her lover’s masteries. “Shall I tell Rainbow you want her to join in on the fun?”

“And with no reservation. Let’s see just how wild the Princess of the Night can be.”

Luna awoke slowly, though it did not take long for her slumbering senses to awaken and take heed of some manner of commotion nearby. There was movement- human movement, if she had to take a guess. But why was she registering movement and motion anywhere around her? Her bedchambers were rather secluded- come to think of it, she wasn’t at all sure that anyone but Celestia and her guard captain knew where her bedchambers even were. What the hell was going on?

An eye cracked open and took in her surroundings registering both walls, ceiling, and scenery as something unfamiliar. Oh. Yeah. That whole imprisonment and captivity thing that was somehow rather comfortable. And of course Chrysalis had a harem of hot women while she was relegated to the realms of public decency, life just wasn’t fair. Why hadn’t she just gone ahead and made one privately? Like she needed her sister’s permission or anything-

“Oh, forget this,” the sleep-deprived Princess grumbled, burdened down by rest and all its comforts that came upon her bones. She’d slept in a bed for the first time in ages, and that was the reason for her strange emotions that had come with her awakening. But as to the noise… she turned her head to the side and saw that she did indeed have company: a lone woman was swiftly running through a great number of push-ups with ease, a routine that seemed so fluid even with such marvelous speed.

That person was Rainbow Dash, Luna soon realized. And she was completely naked.

Perhaps the change in breathing had alerted her, or that unconscious sensation of eyes gazing upon flesh. Rainbow took heed and turned to face her solitary companion and realized that she was no longer alone in the realms of consciousness. “Oh hey, you’re up!” Rainbow called, bringing her vicious workout to a halt. “Morning! Looked like you were racking up Z’s something hard, guess it’s been a while since you slept this good.”

That was the truth, but Luna was too confused as to the nudity of her current companion. Not that she minded; though about as flat as a surfboard, Rainbow’s toned and fit figure was something to admire. But was that what she wanted to think about this early? I mean, a little, yeah. Shit, when was the last time I had girls to awaken me every morning?


“Yes, your Princess-ship?” Rainbow asked coyly, perhaps knowing full well what was coming next.

Luna sighed, forcing herself to be a little reasonable. “Why are you naked?

Rainbow surveyed the room and gave a shrug. “… Why aren’t you naked? You were alone.”

Apparently not!

“I came in like ten minutes ago, hold your horses,” Rainbow replied. “Come on, it’s almost noon. You’ve been sleeping like a rock and I bet you’re gonna want something to eat.”

That answered none of Luna’s questions, but such things were difficult to combat when one side treated them as a non-issue. With a groan that spoke to her ragged weariness, Luna gave a stretch and rose from her bed. “Where is Rarity? Didn’t she say guests were her responsibility?”

Rainbow sighed. “They’re sure as hell supposed to be,” she answered. “But- she and the others are a little busy teaching today, and since I just keep the girls safe, I’m here with you. Besides,” she added with a grin, “Rarity said you had great tits. Figured I’d have to see for myself.”

No filter, and absolutely no qualm with giving voice to her desires. Luna was both surprised and unsurprised that Rainbow of all people had no problem speaking her mind. “And you think that is appropriate to say because..?”

“Cause you were checking out Rarity yesterday. At least you’ve got good taste,” Rainbow answered. “Come on, I’m supposed to escort you to your meal, and I’m starving too. Why don’t you hurry and get a shower so we can get moving?”

“Why don’t you turn around and let me spank that ass, if we’re going to give orders around here?” Luna challenged. Not one accustomed to being told what to do, the idea of Rainbow controlling her schedule rather galled her.

To her surprise, Rainbow shrugged and simply turned about, fully flashing herself and all assets that came with her form without a moment’s hesitation. “Feel free to enjoy the view. I know a few girls who do already,” came the prismatic woman’s reply.

Luna found herself smirking, instinctual reaction rather than any level of good sense. A quick shake of her head threw those thoughts away and she tried to remember what was up next for her captivity. “You mentioned a shower?” She rather wondered if Rainbow would demand to join her- or maybe hoped.

“Towel’s on the rack already, and clean clothes are in the dresser,” Rainbow said, turning around and not showing an ounce of shame. “Rarity thought of everything last night. I swear she’s uncanny.”

“Very well, then,” Luna said, striding towards the nearby bathroom before pausing at the threshold. “Are you joining me, or something?”

Rainbow smirked. “Want me to?”

Luna wasn’t sure she wanted to honestly answer that question just yet. “Sure.” Oh damn you.

Rainbow’s grin split and grew wide, eyes alight with eager excitement. “OK, then,” she said, promptly coming to Luna’s side and preparing for a relaxing start to the morning. “I probably need it, anyway. I never smell good after a workout.”

The shower was a rather pleasant experience, Luna eventually realized. The comfort of warm water to purify her skin was nice enough, but the comfort of company within it was something she hadn’t realized that she could miss. Her younger days were often full of attendants and concubines- a period of life that felt more akin to memory. But with Rainbow there, eyeing her hungrily with every lather, the elder days felt a little less long ago than before. Luna didn’t mind all that much that the prismatic athlete’s gaze continued to look upon her, unabashed even when caught in the act. Though the spacious shower gave them ample room for personal space and Rainbow kept her distance, Luna didn’t mind the occasional bump. Fresh, soaked skin of a powerful woman against her own- and Rainbow keen on contact…

“Come on,” Rainbow said, departing from the shower and giving her vibrant spectrum of hair a quick shake. “I think they should be getting done fairly soon, and I’m starving. You coming?”

Luna fell into old habits as she reacted to the question, giving Rainbow Dash a quick spank on the bottom and replying, “Bring your Princess to the feast!” It was only right after that she realized what she’d just done: a loss of control, and a little too much self-indulgence.

Rainbow, however, didn’t seem to mind. “Oh damn,” she said in a voice tinged by laughter. “Never had it the other way around! Kinda nice.” She eyed Luna keenly, pausing there as her naked form still remained dripping wet. “So are we heading out, or waiting a little bit?”

Luna knew exactly which she preferred. But she went to her awaiting meal instead.

“Greetings, Princess,” Chrysalis declared as Luna entered the dining hall floor, the proud queen seated at the prime table with Rarity by her side, Twilight sorting through a veritable mountain of papers and preparing for departure back to the private lounges. “I trust you slept well? Rarity has a knack for a guest’s preferences.”

The tone with which she greeted Luna was polite, formal; the lack of hostility that Chrysalis dealt with her continued to keep the princess off her guard and wondering what was really going on behind the scenes. Were they hiding something sinister?

“I hope Rainbow Dash did not cause you any trouble when you awoke,” Rarity added, offering a seat to her beloved as the (unfortunately) now-clothed athlete came to join them.

“Hey, I’m a great hostess!” Rainbow countered, giving the seamstress a teasing poke to the arm. “Just because I’m not you doesn’t mean I’m a moron.”

“Where are the others?” Luna asked, slow to take the offered seat amidst such potentially dangerous persons. She certainly felt outnumbered- though perhaps not threatened.

“Twilight’s work with our second-tier group has just concluded,” Chrysalis answered. “Pinkie Pie is typically occupied with overseeing the kitchens and all culinary activities, more so today due to her latest class of students.”

“And Fluttershy?” She wanted to know specific locations, even if they were a lie. The moment she had a chance to send word and see them rescued… if they’re comfortable with being a harem like this, why change that?

“She and dear Applejack are at Sweet Apple Acres for the afternoon,” Rarity said. “The orchards need pruning, and some degree of pest control. The agricultural classes tend to be a boon to morale, you see.”

“Classes.” Luna felt perplexed by the third mention of such a thing in so short a time, mystified as to their true meaning. “About what?”

“For my children,” Chrysalis explained. “A means of replacing our skills in subterfuge- and thievery. A metamorphosis into something new; the more they learn of being people, of truly interacting and working alongside others… the more we hope a new normality will take hold.”

“To what end?” Luna challenged. “Replacement? Invasion?”

Chrysalis shook her head. “Life. Peace. Genuine love, if they can manage it. Those choices are up to them, but we wish to see them given skills that can be used away from here.”

“To… build new nests?” Luna asked, doubt beginning to weave its way into her assumptions. Chrysalis was answering swiftly, a difficult thing to do if these were lies made up on the fly; what sort of transformation had overtaken the Changeling Queen?

“In a sense, perhaps,” the queen replied. “But not how this place was designed. For them, it will be a new way of life. They will be progenitors of a new species, born from the ashes of the Changelings.”

“So… what are you, then?”

Chrysalis pondered the question, perhaps struggling with a proper answer that would define an entire race in the mind of one of the mightiest women on earth. “I… hope that we’re just people,” she said at last, unable to find anything else to say. “The same as anyone else.”

Luna wasn’t quite yet sure what to believe, but she found herself being swayed by what seemed like genuine sincerity on Chrysalis’ part. Acting more as a concerned parent than a regent, invested in making a better future for her children… if it were an act, it was a very good one. “I want to see some of what you’ve done,” she remarked. If this entire conversation was merely further deception, she at least would find out soon enough.

“We can drop in on Applejack and Fluttershy after the meal, if you’d like,” the darkened royal replied. “I’m sure they wouldn’t mind you looking in.”

“Who is your chef?”

“Pinkie Pie- or at least, Pinkie will have overseen this meal,” Rarity said, eyeing the kitchen doors which seemed to just barely hide a flurry of activity. “They’ve been coming along wonderfully, this group has been quite adept at the culinary arts. I’m sure you’ll love it.”

Luna wanted to give a response in return but found her voice swallowed by a crashing sound that was the kitchen doors being flung open with force; out before a parade of dining trays sprung a frizz-haired woman who seemed to shine with vibrancy, Pinkie Pie declaring to the inhabitants of the dining hall, “Who’s hungry for some home cooking?”

Luna wanted to keep her suspicions intact, but again found them battered by the new sensation of finely crafted food wafting towards her. The scent was intoxicating, especially after months out on the lam where only rations were there to sustain her. This high-class meal that came towards her, in the arms of lovely serving girls, was painfully enticing.

Pinkie led her entourage of student chefs over to the awaiting table, motioning for them to lay down plates of food that would tempt palates to satisfaction. With a small hop and a smile on her face, the bright-haired woman came into the awaiting lap of Chrysalis and took the queen in her arms, the overt familiarity seemingly a thing of consistency between the two. “Hi,” she said sweetly, giving her body a shake and letting the rather thin dress she wore be pushed to a strain. “Hungry, babe?”

“Hmm… for the meal, or for you?” Chrysalis asked, giving her lover’s bottom a quick knead.

“Right now? Lunch- but tonight…” With a lack of shame that could only be admired, Pinkie ensnared Chrysalis’ lips in a passionate, sloppy kiss that consumed the attention of all those seated as queen and lover allowed themselves a sweet, sultry moment. Rarity eyed Chrysalis’ weaving hands with a longing to feel them on her own skin; Rainbow simply zeroed in on Pinkie’s thighs, and all the delicacies that lay between them.

Luna found herself struggling. Shock at the open sensuality displayed by the two women, and the blatant desire at her fellow spectators was something she hadn’t seen before. Though if she were honest with herself, the reason being was that anytime she’d ever been in a similar scenario was when she’d been in Chrysalis’ place. Adored by a bevy of beautiful women, united in a hunger for one another-

Chrysalis opened her eyes and again caught the moonlit princess gawking at her blatant acts of sapphic affection; her long tongue still tangled with that of Pinkie’s own succulent morsel, she gave a sharp wink.

Luna scowled and forced herself to turn away, forced down by the shame of discovery and burden of memory. It’s not fair.

“Just tease all of us, why don’t you?” Rainbow remarked as queen and consort at last relinquished their bonds of love. “Jeez, Pinkie. Play fair.”

Pinkie smiled, set aglow by the outpouring of affection that came in from every direction. “You can always join in anytime, Dashie,” she teased. “You know you never need to ask if I’m in the mood.”

“Ladies, perhaps this is not table conversation?” Rarity remarked, even though her gaze continued to linger on Chrysalis’ delectable form. “After all, we have a guest- and we’ve our own chambers for such intimate conversations…”

There looked to be a willing protest from both chef and athlete, but Chrysalis’ resigning sigh overtook them all. “The Lady of the House has spoken,” she said. “Another time, perhaps. Tonight, if possible. But for now-” She raised her glass to Luna, who still remained distracted by a grievous internal conflict. “To peace between peoples.”

Luna forced herself to meet the gesture with a raised glass of her own, wondering why heaven had decided she needed to be mocked today.

Her day went by in a strange mixture of turmoil, confusion, and a delight that should have been utter disappointment. The meal was splendid, Pinkie’s continued care for the development of the kitchen staff producing magnificent results that Luna found herself struggling to compare. Perhaps not since her younger days could she find something quite as good, and so she simply decided to be grateful that such fare was put before her now. Though still somewhat distrustful, she continued to watch the banter and friendly chatter between Chrysalis and her many loves, senses primed to catch even the slightest falsity or hint of deception. The princess’ more combative side found only disappointment rather than any real sign of malice- her more personal thoughts continued to fall deeper into envy.

As promised, Chrysalis’ guiding hand took them away from the nightclub and to the sunlit rows of trees that made up Sweet Apple Acres, the orchard brimming with life as scores of the queen’s children scurried to and fro on some errand or activity. Some tended to the trees themselves as though a nursing mother with an infant child, and others took to the branches and leaves above in the acts of harvesting and pruning. A larger group, concentrated about the teaching duo of Applejack and Fluttershy, were listening intently to each word with an attentiveness that seemed almost fanatical.

“They seem almost obsessed,” Luna whispered into Chrysalis’ ear, watching as every eye remained fixed on the two women even as their queen and mother approached them. “What on earth have they done to make your drones so fascinated?”

“Genuine affection. My ladies have treated them with a grace they’ve come to cherish,” Chrysalis said warmly, her gaze softened as she watched her children trail after the duo like lovesick puppies. “If you think this is fanatical, you should see them with Pinkie Pie. I think they like her more than they ever did me.”

The rest of the afternoon was spent amidst the rows of trees, whether it be in silence or in the company of Chrysalis’ warm-natured beauties, Applejack and Fluttershy the definition of courtesy in deference to Luna- and much to the warrior princess’ chagrin, lovingly romantic when turning to Chrysalis. As if the Changeling Queen somehow knew of Luna’s past, all her youthful romps and debaucheries that had once been delight to her soul, now turned against her and used as a means of mockery. Of course she has the most beautiful women in the kingdom as her girlfriends, Luna thought. Dammit, I should’ve just told decorum to go to hell and had myself some fun already.

“Applejack?” When they had taken some time to rest beneath the sheltering leaves of a much older apple tree, Luna found herself needing to inquire of the young blonde.

“Something wrong, Your Highness?” Applejack asked.

It probably wasn’t an appropriate thing to ask, but she had to know. “Do- did you want to be with Chrysalis? Purposefully, like you weren’t seduced or suckered in?”

Applejack held back a rather bashful smile, saying, “I… well, I was- I guess seduced is the right word. But it was a lot of fun. And it was something safe.”

Not the definition she’d expected. “Safe?”

“Chrissy helped me out with something,” the farmgirl continued. “A way to help me… erm, fantasize. And the other girls kinda just- kept making it better.”

Luna knew she really shouldn’t ask this one. “How so?”

Applejack blushed, but was unable to prevent the smile. “I- I love Twi’s butt. For one example.”

Luna forced herself only to give a nod. So unfair.

The return to the nightclub was suffering no matter which way the moonlight princess looked at it. Surrounded by beautiful women on every side, all of them eagerly affectionate with one another and all under the beck and call of another royal woman who seemed to be almost flaunting it. The dinner was another prime feast, but more difficult to enjoy; Luna could only watch and stew in her misery as the love nest seemed to overflow, every touch and caress that was shared between Chrysalis and her Ladies permeating the air like a perfume. Six- well, seven lovely women in total, and each gracing one another with an affection that was totally their own: Pinkie’s was physical and sensuous, Rainbow’s was brash and blatant, Applejack was quiet and intimate, Twilight displayed hers with spoken words more often than not, Rarity was romantic and tender, Fluttershy was sweet and sultry- and there at the center of it was Chrysalis, that same static loveliness with each of them.

Luna saw it all and hungered for what she’d been too late to claim for herself. She rather wanted to scream.

“Feeling like turning in early, huh?” Rainbow asked as Luna requested to be led back to her room. “Yeah, don’t blame you. A lot to take in, I’m betting.”

“To an extreme,” Luna said. “I have a great deal to think over.”

“Yeah, I bet,” Rainbow’s cheeky answer stirring some alarm bells. “Man, I bet it’s hard to watch us all together and not be a little jealous. And you’re seeing us in public!”

“Beg pardon?”

Rainbow grinned, eyes misting over with thoughts of lust and sexual satisfaction. “Oh yeah. Like, in private? Pinkie’s a freak in the sheets, girl’s the only one who can give me a run for her money. And Twilight- shit, she’s so fun to be with, you just cannot give her enough. Always begging for more, like being a princess upped her ante or something! And Applejack-!”

“I see,” Luna said, trying to hold her composure for a little longer and not put Rainbow to the immediate test. It could have been bearable if she hadn’t opened the door to her room and found Rarity already within, seemingly waiting for them both.

“Princess Luna! I trust you’ll be wanting a shower before turning in?” The elegant lady inquired, adorned in only a skimpy bathrobe that made Luna’s stomach turn. “Or would a more proper cleansing be suited to your tastes?”

Don’t do this to me. “A… cleansing?”

Rarity smiled, perhaps a little too sweetly. “Only if you don’t mind.”

Luna soon discovered that she did indeed mind, as a cleansing meant Rarity and Rainbow both were in the shower with her and cleaning her from head to toe. Their sopping wet bodies gleamed so brightly, Rainbow’s bronzed figure a perfect contrast to the flawless beauty that Rarity possessed. Curves met perfectly with seamless lines, lush breasts occasionally pressing against a flat chest; it was all a magnificent show, and Luna only felt tortured by it. They weren’t hers, and she hadn’t been invited in.

“I think she’s staring, Rainbow,” Rarity said in a stage whisper as they dried themselves off. “Goodness, her physique does remind me of you.”

“Hmmm… I can see it. You think she can fuck like me?” Rainbow replied.

“Ooh, Rainbow! Shame on you, that’s bedroom talk!” She gave her fellow Lady a swat that was blatantly playful, those jeweled eyes dazzling and eager for further teasing.

“Then I guess I need to take you to bed, don’t I?” Rainbow said, overwhelming Rarity with a kiss and proceeding to take the still-naked woman in her arms. “Oh- sorry, Luna, see you in the morning!” Without another word the lustful pair departed, a trail of giggles in their wake and leaving Luna absolutely squirming-

A part of her mind broke. She would make sure the morning was at least an interesting one.

Luna hated mornings. Being a Princess of the Night made such a thing easy to believe even in normal circumstances, but there was more to it than simple night and day. Mornings were the beginnings of preliminary action, the ceremonial tasks that demanded completion for the waking hours to truly begin. Morning meant routines, necessities- nothing of the things that one truly wished to do.

And this morning was no exception to the rule. She couldn’t keep track of how many times she’d awoken through the night with a stomach knotted by anticipation- no, hunger. Every so often the need would drive her to action and find herself checking to see if the locks on the door had been unlatched, always left unsatisfied. And, just as she had suspected, the seal Twilight had cast on the room itself remained impenetrable. Luna was not going anywhere unless she was kept under supervision. It’s exactly what I’d do, if I were them, she thought ruefully. Can’t say I’m not impressed.

Luna would be the first to admit her patience was not anywhere close to legendary; the more headstrong, emotive sister had always struggled with the waiting game. But this was unfair. They were deliberately keeping her waiting longer, forcing herself to remain in isolation when all she wanted was to get out. Surely they hadn’t made her wait this long before, right? This was intentional, a fasting of presence that was meant to antagonize. They were mocking her.

After what seemed like an eternity, Rainbow Dash and Rarity finally slipped through the door and came to seek out the moonlight warrior, both bearing the appearance of ones who enjoyed a long, exuberant night. Luna scowled; they had gone and enjoyed themselves together last night- and they wanted her to know it!

“Mmph… good morning, darling!” Rarity said as she entered, taking a moment to stretch herself and flaunt her fully ravished figure that was only just hidden beneath a flimsy nightgown. “My apologies for us not arriving sooner, we’ve had something of a late start ourselves. I hope you understand.”

“I’m honestly surprised you didn’t hear her last night. We just about shook the walls,” Rainbow commented, promptly receiving rolled eyes from the luxurious woman beside her.

Oh for heaven’s sake. “Is Chrysalis able to receive guests?” Luna inquired.

Rarity and Rainbow exchanged a look. “I… believe she would be,” Rarity answered slowly. “She said that there was some work that required her attentions in her office early this morning, I haven’t spoken to her since.”

“Take me to her.”

“Uh, she might actually be really busy,” Rainbow countered, though the denial in her voice rang a little too hollow for Luna to believe it. “You sure you’re not OK with waiting just a bit or-”

“Patience isn’t my virtue. I do need to talk to her, and sooner is better than later.” Luna couldn’t stand being locked in this room for another second, poked and prodded like a rat in a cage. “She and I have things to discuss.”

Rainbow turned to her beloved, the lead hostess and primary voice in the conversation. “Then we… shall go see if she can take visitors,” Rarity said, a small bite of the lip as though trying to hold back a smile. “Do you wish to change or prepare yourself at all, or just as is?”

“Now, please.” Damn, I hope that didn’t sound desperate.

“Very well, then. Please, follow me.” With a turn that was more a flourish, Rarity strode back towards the door with Luna just behind, Rainbow following after, guarding and examining the rear.

When they arrived at the door to Chrysalis’ study, Rarity paused outside and gave a knock. “Chrissy? Darling?” she called. “Are you busy in there?”

A moment of silence, though Luna’s heightened sense of hearing noted the shuffling of papers somewhere within. “Only somewhat, I’m almost finished,” came Chrysalis’ response. “Is something the matter?”

“Luna was wanting to speak with you. Do you have a moment?”

“Yes, of course. Send her in.”

Luna strode through the now-open door and surveyed her once-opponent that now sat beside a rugged wood desk, a pile of papers and folders there atop its face and set aside as the elegant queen turned her attentions to her guest.

“For a princess who bears the moon as her emblem, you’re up rather early,” Chrysalis remarked. “And I don’t sense hostility in you… I’m curious, what’s on your mind?”

Luna decided to forgo formality and just get to the point. “I want in,” she said.

Chrysalis eyed her. “I’m sorry?”

“The harem. The girls. I want in, I want them too,” Luna pushed.

“They’re not a harem, they’re just my-”

“Fine! Poly, girlfriends, concubines- whatever. I don’t care, they’re hot, and I want to be in bed with all of them at once,” Luna cut through. “Just let me in, we’ll share, whatever works.”

Chrysalis remained still where she sat, seemingly still confused by the suddenness of the outburst. “And… me and my children, as for us..?”

“You’re fine. Obviously not gonna hurt anybody, you haven’t brainwashed anyone- just let me fuck already!” Luna felt herself seething, spirit positively frothing as she thought of the bevy of women who were all too desirable to resist.

Chrysalis pondered the thought for a time. And then-


Luna deflated faster than a popped balloon. “Excuse me?”

“No,” Chrysalis echoed. “You see, I’m not the sharing kind, and I can’t just speak for all the girls at once. That’s not how it works.”

“Oh come on! I’ve been without a harem for over a millennium, why do I have to settle for monogamy when you don’t?!” Luna snarled. “It’s not my fault you just happened to choose the most beautiful women in the world, why can’t I join in? I’m not taking them from you!”

“I just can’t speak for all of them at once. Yes, it’s polyamorous- but there’s some level of exclusivity in there,” Chrysalis replied. “I love those ladies. It’s more than just their loveliness that binds me to them.”

“Oh please just let me join in,” Luna said, reduced to begging far more quickly than her pride could have anticipated. “I am desperate for those girls, I will do anything to just have a taste!

Chrysalis paused. “Do anything, you say?”

Luna knew that look, the subtle gleam in one’s eye when interest was piqued. “What’s the offer?”

Chrysalis let her gaze fall across the fullness of Luna’s form, a slow examination from top to bottom. “I might just share-”

“Oh thank god-”

“If you’re willing to share with me.”

Luna wasn’t sure she’d heard that from Chrysalis of all people. “I’m sorry?”

Chrysalis smiled and gave a luxurious sigh, unzipping her dress to let a magnificent pair of breasts spill forth and consume the fullness of the night princess’ attention, shifting her focus from multiple to singular in only a momentary span. “I hope you weren’t thinking of keeping yourself away from me, you know,” the sumptuous queen remarked. “I’d hate to think we couldn’t be friends- or so much more.”

“Chrys- are you really offering yourself to me?” Luna tried force her gaze to meet that of the blessed queen, but found herself continuously returning to those wondrous bosoms. Would it improper if she licked her lips?

“Like I said: I’m not the sharing kind,” Chrysalis said. “But if you want… I’d love to have you with me. A lover, a dear and beautiful companion, our bodies soaked and ravished by one another?”

Luna felt her mouth turn dry, her powerful form quivering with wild thoughts of anticipation. “And… umm- and your ladies? How do they fit in with- with me and you?”

“Rarity’s been fantasizing about you and Rainbow together. Right from the beginning,” Chrysalis purred. “But I think you and I sound even better… how about we prove it?”

Luna reached out and took Chrysalis by the arm, the two women interlocked and clearly ready for a most pleasurable struggle. “I hope you don’t want to take me to bed,” she said.

“Something better in mind?”

Oh yes.”

The dining hall floor was bereft of lively activity as the morning began to pass by, only a few staffers cleaning up the crumbs and stains of early meals before turning to further tasks for the day. Dimly lit with only spare beams of brightness across the walls, the place still held to the sleepy quiet of a day that had not yet truly begun, the only real source of life to be found within coming from a secluded table in the back corner, a group of lovely young women deep in a hushed conversation.

“She wanted to see Chrissy already?” Twilight mused. “I figured she might hold out longer, I’m rather surprised.”

“It was the first thing she asked for when we dropped in to see her,” Rarity said, a small gleam of excitement within her eyes. “I think she’ll seek out Rainbow or myself first, truthfully.”

“And why’s that?”

“Because who could resist me?” Rainbow drawled, altogether confident in her favoritism. “I mean, it’s not like any of you can.”

“I dunno,” Applejack said, a remarkable interjection for one who’d been so quiet in such conversations. “She might think outside the box. You know?”

Curious eyes turned towards the oft-silent farmgirl, so much attention making her begin to squirm beneath the weight. “Applejack?”

The lovely blonde avoided eyesight. “I didn’t say anything. Forget it.”

Rarity’s puzzlement soon turned to mischievous delight. “Applejack, darling, are-­ well good heavens!”

The darkened room suddenly came alive as stagelights flashed to fullest life, illuminating the quiet hall and rousing the attentions of the few souls present, all the more so as the stage revealed the presence of life upon its brow, two forms entwined by the hand and stepping forth from the shadows; Chrysalis, still dressed in her morning gown and beautiful body alive with anticipation, and Luna- very obviously, most definitely naked.

Every pair of eye there could do little but gawk, the mismatched pair demanding all attention and focus by mere presence alone, curiosity ignited and left to wonder at what was to transpire before them. To the girls, Chrysalis’ concealed form was comfort and warmth, a romantic affection giving strength to pleasurable memory of what lay beneath soft fabric. But Luna-! Not an ounce of her hidden behind a veil but laid bare from tip to toe, that beautiful form that had been hardened by the wilds now gracing their eyes. As tall as Chrysalis she stood, fair skin that sought out only moonlight a beautiful contrast to the potency of strength that lay beneath, her physique more than a match for Rainbow’s sleek athleticism. Power rather than fleetness dwelled in her, and a luscious pair of breasts laid bare like a bow over wrapping. Dark hair that always shone now sparkled like a sea of stars beneath strong limelight, this last mark of beauty upon the blessed princess and transforming her into something so utterly decadent.

“You ladies ready for a show?” Luna called, her voice booming across the stunned dining hall and echoing throughout the depths of the nightclub. The sound set stomach to rumbling, hearts to aching; all who heard it fell under her spell, the blatant desire within too potent to resist. This was to be something different.

Without another word, Luna turned to her partner and took her hands to Chrysalis’ gown, undoing the zipper and pulling downward, the contents of the sumptuous queen’s chest spilling out and taking center stage. Keeping herself concealed just behind, Luna continued freeing the eager woman from her entrapments piece by piece, each new exposure of flesh sending those present into further depths of shock; a dress pulled down and thrown aside to let her form breathe freely, thigh-high socks sliding off smooth legs and tossed out towards those on the hall floor. There stood Chrysalis before them, utterly naked and not an ounce hidden away from view.

Luna caressed that lavish figure, holding to her from behind as her hands wove their way across Chrysalis’ bare skin. Beautiful breasts that demanded attention received them, forceful kneads of bosom that soon became a consuming act of sensuous worship; Luna did not wish to leave them, reveling in the feel of such mounds within her grasp as kneads took on a wild rhythm. She squeezed, she pinched, she tweaked- all because she could not resist the temptation. Chrysalis’ beautiful, wondrous breasts were there in her hands and she loved it-

A small sigh of pleasure, escaping the darkened royal’s lips and streaming out into the air, shook the princess’ attention. Chrysalis was enjoying the act, the attention; why not give her something worth making noise over? While one hand remained in its place, the other dove down between thighs and found a silken, slickened snatch- and there her fingers dove! A swift, deep slice in between before surfacing, just a teasing as they came upwards and found a pair of awaiting tongues to seek out the honeyed flavor, both Chrysalis and Luna uniting in their thirst as slavering mouths sought to devour.

So deep were they in their actions that no attention was given to the growing crowd that sought them out, every eye fixated upon the playful pair and unable to look elsewhere. Chrysalis' Ladies delighted in the act, this sultry temptation a new adventure that enticed them- but to the denizens of the nest, their hunger was of a more voracious kind. Love being made before them, not in hints or wafts that could often be compared to scraps. No theft of love, no concealment of it, but love in full. Full, mighty, and overwhelming! The scent of it overloaded senses, the sound more beautiful than a symphony- and the sight all-consuming. They were rapturous, delirious, drunk on the sight of it, and the fun had only just begun.

A sound of fingers snapping echoed through the roaring crowd; a marvelous chaise lounge sprung forth from the ether and materialized on the stage, its purpose clear in an instant as the slavering pair fell atop it and continued their bout of play. Luna’s dominance in the matter came to a short halt as Chrysalis lay across her body, unrelenting in their entanglement of tongues that spilled over in their frolic. Mouths could not drink of one another deep enough, saliva mingling deeply and becoming thickened bands that bound them together; hands roamed wild and free across naked flesh, seeking perfect places for pinching and squeezing; bodies moved and writhed like the tide, pressing hard and loose against each other in a motion that was becoming swiftly incensed. Two mighty powers were bound together in a potent, marvelous display of sapphic action, and the sensation of so many eyes upon them only turned them all the more ravenous. So wound together by their lusts were they that no thought of cessation could cross a single mind; all that could come was more.

The cheer that came from the enthralled crowd became a deafening roar; Chrysalis, keeping Luna pinned against the chaise, wound herself about atop that powerful body until her lovely visage disappeared between toned thighs, clenching herself in place and promptly setting to work. The public act of love was met by a gasp on Luna’s end- and then she too ensnared Chrysalis’ lower body in her grasps, locking in and taking to awaiting folds with a fervor that could easily be described as violent.

After only a short time, the crowd was left reeling as Chrysalis suddenly seemed to struggle, body already trembling as Luna’s wild devourings began to overwhelm. Just how talented was the Princess of the Night that she could push their queen to the edge so swiftly? The thought was unthinkable- and oh so delicious! Yet somehow, even as that longing tongue continued its lapping across and through an eager sex, Chrysalis found her self-control and held on to the act of dominance that had set her atop. Subtlety and tenderness be damned, she would ravish!

Luna, ever-hardy princess of roaming wildlands, was not one to be satisfied with the small things. What restraint that Chrysalis would give to another was unnecessary here, she pulling at labia with the ferocity of a predator. Oh, how she loved this! More than her tongue and her lips could be put to use here, all of her body able to dive into this act of lovemaking. Luna wanted it rough, wild, unrestrained- so she’d give it just like that! Chrysalis poured herself into the act wherever she could, nibbling and biting, licking and kissing those juicy petals of female form with a deep and voracious hunger. She wanted to hear Luna scream, hear her roar-!

A sudden tremble and she knew what was to come- but not yet, not yet! Chrysalis took that first tremor and used its energy to charge her own efforts, diving so deep within Luna that she lost all thought of the outside world, knowing only those splendid folds until they rocked as though beset by a great earthquake. Even Luna’s hardened will could be eroded, time of absence and the queen’s skillfulness working their magic and sending her to ecstasy. Their beautiful duel of lusts could at last be made sweet, and so she held back no more and let herself feel the fullness of Luna’s efforts, a union of cries becoming a soft, heavenly sigh.

Away from the crowd of spectators that rejoiced in their queen’s conquering, hidden in the back of a once-darkened hall, came smaller sounds of happiness and desire, sweeter and gentler than the wild acts of lovemaking that had transpired before their eyes. Away flitted two of them, Rainbow and Fluttershy heading down the hallway towards more private quarters where they could disappear, each bound to the other and excited to spend their moments of love together. More eager -and far less subtle- were the entangled pair of Pinkie Pie and Rarity, the two unable to resist the urge in light of such public affection. Atop her marvelous lover did Pinkie sit, pulling down Rarity’s dress and taking plying hands to supple breasts as the two began to kiss in a wild display, tongues openly lathering their praises upon one another as their own act of love began- complete with their own spectator in Twilight, who simply decided to enjoy the show and plunged her hands down in between her legs, eagerly urging her lovers on.

Atop the stage, Chrysalis and Luna took a moment of reprieve, reclaiming lost breath and energy that had been expended into the ether. Luna’s mind was in raptures, memories of the recent and the long-forgotten blending together as sensations and feelings of former days returned in full. Too long had it been since she’d undertaken such an act; the feeling of so many eyes upon her, the utter loss of restraint and control… to call it heaven would simple not be enough.

“And here I thought you were made of sterner stuff,” came Chrysalis silken voice, a teasing tremor within it that matched the playfulness of her smile. “Princess Luna, I haven’t worn you out, have I?”

“Not even close!” Luna fired back, her body brimming with vigor. “I wanna wreck this place, turn it inside out- can we keep this going?”

“Until we make the walls shake,” Chrysalis said. “Now, why don’t you- oh!”

Luna took pause as she felt a firmer, yet softer touch against her face, a roughness of skin that gently caressed her skin as hands wove their way to her long hair; a quick look above and she saw the shining brightness of blonde hair, Applejack standing above her and looking uncertain even in the midst of her boldness.

“Sorry, Princess,” Applejack stammered, though not relenting in her tender embrace. “I just- is it alright if I-”

Luna reached out in an instant and pulled the tentative woman into a ferocious kiss, suckling on the stunned woman’s tongue so fiercely that she left the poor farmgirl gasping for air. “Sit on my face,” Luna commanded, “and make me drown.”

The morning had not gone yet, and there were many hours before the sun would even begin to rise once more. The day was going to be a long one.

8. Cadance, Desiring Happiness

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To the unaware, the nightclub would have looked like a scene pulled from the realms of a battlefield. Scattered across hall floors, hallways, table and seat, and even down into the depths of the nest beneath were the many unmoving figures that were known as Chrysalis’ children, their fair female forms motionless where they had fallen. Common houseware and furniture that had possessed the ill fortune to be not safely stored away was found to have had havoc wreaked upon it, contents of food and beverage spilled and scattered until the miniature realm had more in common with the dwellings of hogs. If an unsuspecting soul were to stride in through the nightclub doors, it would have seemed the perfect aftermath of a gruesome slaughter. But even eyes can deceive, for a closer inspection would soon reveal the truth. An occasional joyous note would peal forth off a weary tongue, a contentedness so deep that it was almost impossible to endure. Wounds were not present upon any body, for this was drunkenness of spirit, an overwhelming force that had spilled over and turned body to incapacitation.

And for those who remained outside the queen’s private chambers, they were only victims of being too close to a brilliant, sapphic explosion that had not even been of their own making. Within their mother and ruler’s dwellings were the scenes of utter ecstasy, a once-tidy bedchamber turned to madness by the insatiable lustings of their newest love, given freedom and ability to fully unleash all her youthful cravings once more. Those who had been caught up in her wake had been left as little more than exhausted, fully pleasured heaps of feminine beauty, only the great Majesty of Lust able to fully withstand her new partner’s incredible thirst. Upon a bed not nearly large enough to sustain the incredible show that had transpired throughout the day prior lay three wearied forms, the last to finish and fall asleep after the long bout of delights that had overcome them all. The rest had taken to whatever comforts and safe bedding that had somehow remained unspoiled, the sheer excess of physical frivolity more than even the hearty could handle.

The two mighty women were accustomed to being light sleepers, their many years out in the wild places of the world teaching them to keep eyes and ears only half-closed. As one began to enter into the waking world so did the other, the two slowly rousing themselves to consciousness by mere accident. As Chrysalis realized she would indeed have to open her eyes, she found herself staring at the tussled heap of starlit hair that was Luna, turning about to face the world and catching sight of her sleepy-eyed spectator. A smile came and was shared between them, Chrysalis then bringing a finger to her lips in a plea for silence; the world about them was weary and peaceful, something that could remain a little longer even if they must depart it.

Luna nodded, slowly threading her way out from beneath the bedcovers and sliding over a long mess of blonde hair that was Applejack, nestled comfortably beside the moonlight princess just as they had been constantly throughout the night. Those fierce eyes of the beautiful warrior softened their glow and turned warm, she leaning down to place the gentlest of kisses upon that freckled cheek before heading towards the door and adorning herself in a bathrobe alongside Chrysalis.

“I’ve coffee in my office,” Chrysalis offered as soon as the door closed behind them. “It will take a moment, but if you’d like any…”

Mph… that sounds lovely right about now,” Luna groaned, trying and failing to fully stretch out her soreness. She took a place beside her lover and let a hand fall from the waistline to Chrysalis’ bottom, content to remain there and continue fondling. “Lead the way?”

Chrysalis grinned and decided to match the offer, a kiss for Luna’s lips that spoke of her assent.

As the two slowly took to the morning, letting the smell of ground coffee brewing in the nearby pot, the air of contentment and affection between them was allowed to linger on in the dreamlike, contented state that only mornings could provide. The world was quiet and slow, no need or demand of immediacy to be found.

“Feeling any better, now that you’ve excised some of your demons?” Chrysalis asked of her newfound companion, slowly pouring a steaming mug of brew. “I think you pushed poor Applejack to her limit.”

“That was the most fun I’ve had in centuries,” Luna breathed happily. “You, Applejack, Rainbow… I could have ravished all of them at least three times over.”

“I don’t think Pinkie would have minded, if she hadn’t been so distracted by Rarity and Twilight,” Chrysalis remarked. “Besides, a pretty young blonde seemed to have kept you plenty distracted anyway. A farmgirl caught your eye, perhaps?”

Luna’s contented look turned all the more tender, the fiercely forged connection between her and the beautiful blonde having awoken something in them both. “She’s… how could I not love Applejack?” she whispered. “She was wonderful, in every way. I love them all, truly –how could I hope not to? But, there was just that little… spark. Something extra.”

Chrysalis smiled. “You certainly helped her come out of her shell. Applejack’s been the slowest to initiate of the girls, still a little hesitant- at least until you came along. Don’t feel too poorly if you share a special connection with her, all the girls tend to seek out one of us in particular when we’re in need. Or, at least if we need something specific. Heaven knows I go to Fluttershy for entirely different reasons than I do Rarity, and their bond is a strong one.”

Luna took a slow sip from her mug and seemed to ponder something. “How long have you all been like this?” she asked. “All seven of you together?”

Chrysalis sighed aloud. “Oh… about three months now, give or take,” she said. “I wish they were with me here permanently, but it’s unfortunately not a possible solution. The girls have duties to attend to just as I do; the weekends are when we usually have the free time.”

“That’s a long time for all of you to be in love,” Luna remarked. “Has it always been this strong?”

“Hmm… I’d say so. Perhaps less open, sometimes more tentative- but yes. What makes you ask?”

Luna took another long sip before taking time to answer. “Because,” she said slowly, “I know that I love you. I know that I love Applejack, that I love all those ladies. Yet I’ve only spent one day with them.”

Chrysalis paused. “Does… does that bother you?”

Luna barked out a short laugh. “I’ve got hickies all across my body from the most beautiful women in the world, good heavens no. But it’s… strange. Don’t you think it’s strange? I’ve only been here a short while, and yet I love them as though they were my brides.”

Chrysalis had never given thought to such a matter. She had never cared much for the reasons why they were so deeply bonded together, only that they were. She was content, and so were they- why worry about the reasons behind it? It had just never occurred to her. “Luna…”

“Yes, Chrissy?”

“How did you know I was here?” the darkened queen asked. “I know why the girls after Rarity discovered here without my knowledge, but you… I didn’t anticipate your arrival. What brought you to my door?”

Luna hesitated, her gaze faltering from its steady hold. “I was on the hunt for you. I had been for a while, actually.”

“To kill me?”

That… actually wasn’t the original intent. I only chose to strike because I’d thought you’d taken the girls captive- a preemptive thing.”

“So... what was your purpose, then?”

Luna looked at Chrysalis and bit her lip. “Chrys- Cadance is looking for you.”


I think I found her. A place called Canterlot Club, near the residential district of the city. You won’t be able to miss it.

Meet me here and we’ll see this done together. Make it fast, the situation may be worse than I had anticipated.


She’d received the letter two days ago. Finally, after so long, Cadance had been able to read the news she’d been waiting for. She’d dreaded the moment, longed for it, and now its presence made her spirit burn. She would not rest until she had the answers she needed, even if getting them meant forcing them out of Chrysalis’ crushed throat.

Cadance had thought that she had escaped her suffering the day Twilight had come to find herself in the caverns beneath Canterlot, freeing her from the depths of an impenetrable prison. She had endured trials to see the job done, somehow undoing the chains that had been woven around her husband’s mind- a furious fixation that had left Chrysalis reeling and cast out the entirety of the horde from cityscape and out into the forgotten wilds. What had come that day had been glorious, so wondrously perfect that she had almost thought it was a dream come true.

She hadn’t suspected that the worst of that queen’s tortures would be lurking in the wings, waiting for defenses to falter before it made its mark. It had been a slow, subtle thing, a sneaking poison that had fooled her apt senses; until the moment it had struck, Cadance had never suspected anything was wrong. Now, almost a year later, she was alone in a train compartment, a late-night departure bringing her ever closer to the greatest, most heinous enemy she had ever faced. She can’t hope to overcome us both, Cadance repeated to herself, Luna and I are more than a match for her. And when we have her in our clutches, I’ll be able to get my answer- and finally find him again.

The darkened streets of the city offered no reprieve from her turmoil, fury and grief blending together and setting her mind to struggling. The pure-hearted Princess strode through as though in the midst of a funeral march, the depths of the black and utter lack of light from the night sky above seeming to magnify her mourning. She was here for a life lost, a future stolen out from under her very nose; there would be wrath before the sun rose.

When she came to the place where the Changelings had hidden their nest, it was all Cadance could do to hold back her bitter laughter. A strip club! A place of sex and titillation, as though this was somehow a proper means of concealment. Could there have been any greater a giveaway, a sign as to what might lie behind those darkened doors? Chrysalis was arrogant to assume no one would find her here- or worse, she wished to be found in the first place.

If that’s the case, then found she will be, Cadance decided. I will get my answers, even if it costs me my life. After all, after all that had transpired, she had come to wonder if it was even something she was afraid to lose.

The doors opened at her bidding, pushed aside by the force of her power. The darkened night became illuminated by soft light within, the depths of the dining hall floor spilling forth to the arriving princess. So little activity was there before her eyes, no skittering crawl of insectoid life wherever her eyes could see; this place was a well-hidden nest, a woven web of lies meant to deceive in totality. If she had wandered into this place unaware of the dangers that lurked beneath its surface, she might have been fooled herself by the loveliness of her new surroundings. But not even this well-crafted snare could mislead her now- all the more so when from the realms of the hallways further back strode a pair of tall royals, Luna and Chrysalis hand-in-hand as they walked out to meet their guest, unsuspecting of her arrival until that very moment.

Both queen and princess caught sight of Cadance and came to a standstill, their cheerful faces wiped clean to a state of surprise and unease at her unexpected presence. Cadance did the same and became like a statue, the sight of her most formidable foe now before her at last enough to overwhelm her already tumultuous emotions. There she was, no disguise or deception to hide from her searching eyes now.

Luna was the first to undo herself from the spell. “Cadance! You’re-”

“I was informed that you have been searching for me,” Chrysalis interjected, her calmer tone silencing the room and giving her a presence of authority. “Well, then… here I am. What need do you have of me?”

It wasn’t even a challenge. The tone was one of curiosity, genuine befuddlement behind the question. Chrysalis had known she was coming, but didn’t know why. Of course she didn’t, it was a secret Cadance had kept from everyone, even Luna. But now…

“Where is he?”

Chrysalis pulled a face at the remark. “I don’t understand. Where is who?”

There couldn’t have been anything on earth that could have stopped her, Cadance rushing forward with a speed tremendous and striking Chrysalis across the face, the unsuspecting queen left sprawling at the sheer weight behind the blow.

“Cadance!” Luna took to her new companion and held her fast, trying to prevent further violence from erupting. “Ease down, you’re safe here. It’s not what we thought it was-”

“Shining Armor! My husband! He’s been missing for a year now, he left to go find you! He said he didn’t love me and I know that’s because of you, and if you’re here so is he- where is he?!

Chryalis didn’t have an answer to any of her new guest’s demands, stunned into silence by both word and fist. She looked at Cadance and saw immeasurable rage there upon those beautiful features, kept from explosion only by the hideous grief that dwelled within it. Cadance’s tears came hot and swift, she at last overwhelmed by the weight of her burden. It was a sight difficult to witness- and for Chrysalis, something unbearable.

A sudden rush from the hallways. “Your Majesty!” A flurry of movement that she knew to be hostile, Chrysalis’s gaze darting to a group of her children rushing to her aid with violence in mind-

“No!” She leapt to her feet and took place between Cadance and her onset of warriors, the barrier impenetrable. “No! She isn’t to be harmed, do not touch her!”

“Are you hurt-”

“Later! We have greater issues at hand.” Chrysalis wheeled about and focused on Cadance, that flawless face so marked by trails of tears that the darkened queen felt her heart cry out at the sight of it. She could not bear to see her like this, so desolate and alone. It was all Chrysalis could do to not rectify it immediately. “Cadance, what is happening? What did your husband do that would make you come look for me?”

Cadance, however, was now inconsolable, her grief washing away strength given by anger, unable to do more than weep in the face of the one who had unintentionally conquered her life.

She had to act now, though desperate was she to comfort this sweet princess and ignore the requirements of duty the crisis demanded of her “Luna, the Magnolia Lounge- your temporary quarters, take her there. Rarity won’t have removed everything yet, keep her there and look after her- and don’t leave her side!” As Luna struggled to heed the command and keep Cadance from further despair, the still-reeling queen began to seek out her next target, thoughts racing at lightning speed and denied her attempts to bring both mind and emotion under control once more. Cadance had managed only a piece of the story, but the sight of that beautiful woman so distraught had made Chrysalis’ heart tear; she needed a rational mindset to help offset the wild emotions of both she and Cadance, and only one person would be fit for such a task.

“Twilight? Twilight!” Chrysalis’ pleading call rang through the once-tranquil halls of the nightclub, seeking out the singular individual upon whom she relied. More and more she found her voice reaching a pitch crescendo, a panic threatening to explode within her stomach. Why was she so deeply affected by this? What had Cadance done to her-

“Chris- Chrysalis! What’s wrong?” Twilight appeared from somewhere behind her and came forward, her expression of curiosity descending to one of concern at the sight of her beloved’s obvious distress. “Your face-! Did someone strike you?”

“Cadance is here, I need your help,” Chrysalis said, rushing over to her young love and clutching her frame as though a lifeline. “She’s in a panic, I asked Luna to keep her under guard but she- something’s gone wrong with her-”

“And you’re panicking, too.” Twilight took Chrysalis’ wrists in her hands and held them tight. “Try to breathe, you’re shaking. Calm down, just… try and calm down.”

She truly wanted to comply with her beloved’s request, but the turmoil within and the next piece of news weren’t helping Chrysalis keep herself under control. “Your brother’s missing,” she said in a voice held tight, fearful that this new bombshell would crush the young woman’s spirit.

Twilight turned to stone, features and form held frozen. “What?”

“I don’t know what’s happened, I swear,” Chrysalis promised, hoping her words would be believed. “Cadance thinks I did something- I swear I don’t know what’s become of him, Twilight. I swear.”

The revelation left Twilight shaken, upset and now under pressure of keeping herself controlled; breath came in swiftly and left in controlled bursts, a wild look trying to be born in her eyes. But true to Twilight’s maturity, she regained a semblance of calm before opening her mouth once more. “Alright… then we need to find out. Where’s Cadance?”

“The Magnolia. Luna’s with her, she’s- distressed.”

Twilight nodded her assent of the statement but continued to stride down the hall towards their destination, hurried in her pace as she sought out their newest arrival with Chrysalis rushing to catch up. Neither were much used to the position they now found themselves in, their ever-unflappable queen now left rattled and distraught by Cadance’s own distress while Twilight’s more easily excitable passions now forcibly tranquil.

The elegant royal felt her heart twist for the both of them. Ever-helpful Twilight, her brilliant mind- and poor, sweet, beautiful Cadance…

A knock on the flower-marked door before entering; a murmured voice and footsteps made muffled before a creaking appearance of Luna’s face at the threshold. “She’s calmed down, but only just,” the proud princess whispered. “If you want to speak with her before I try to get her to sleep, now is the time.”

“Luna, did you know?” Twilight demanded.

The darkened princess shook her head. “She asked me to seek Chrys out; she never said why. If I’d known…”

“Then we need to know why,” Chrysalis said, spirit pleading to be alongside the anguished woman within. “Let’s make this quick.”

Cadance sat atop the bed in a huddled lump of misery, clearly having cried herself into an exhausted state. Whether Luna’s presence had been a surprise was unknown, nor did she give much heed to Twilight’s unannounced arrival. The weight of the poor woman’s distress had consumed her senses and turned her nigh-catatonic.

“Cadance, I need you to listen to me,” Chrysalis said, taking the beautiful woman’s hands in hers on instinct. “I am not your enemy. If there is something wrong, I want to help you. But I’m going to need you to tell me everything. Is that something you feel capable of right now?”

The crystalline princess’ despair kept further expression from her features, but her eyes did turn and focus themselves upon Chrysalis’ own pleading eyes. “Where is he?” she asked flatly.

“I swear to you I don’t know,” Chrysalis said. “But I’ll help you find him, I promise. Now… tell me what happened.”

Just how long had she been weighed down by such a burden? What sort of struggle had she endured to reach this point? Whatever answers could be found seemed to have pushed Cadance to a breaking point, willing to take aid from whomever offered. “He- he went looking for you,” she said, the words like a sword piercing her heart. “Shining behaved differently. After the wedding, it was like something in him was missing. He didn’t care about me, he was distant. I thought maybe it was just the trauma… but then he said he was leaving. That he wanted you instead, and- and then he left.” A new stream of tears slid out from beneath tightly bound eyelids as the memory struck against its mistress with unforgiving strength. “I haven’t seen him since.”

“How long has he been gone?” Chrysalis asked, though wishing she did not have to act as any semblance of a leader. She wanted to embrace Cadance, caress this sweet woman and see her tears fade into little more than memory. Why she felt this was a mystery, but it burned in her heart like fire, like it did for- Oh no.

“A year now,” Cadance whispered. “I asked Luna to seek you out, I thought he’d found where you’d gone.”

“A- Cadance, why didn’t you tell me- an entire year he’s been gone?” Twilight gasped. “Why didn’t you tell anyone, I would have helped in an instant. He’s my brother, for heaven’s sake!”

“Then we go searching again,” Luna said. “Twilight, you can accompany me if you wish-”

“Summon the Ravens,” Chrysalis interjected. “They’re my best scouts, and more eyes will help.” This period of empty activity had been the longest inactive state her Ravens had known in their lives; putting them on the trail of a missing person would be exactly what they would need to keep their skills sharp. Anything for Cadance…

“We’ll leave now, unless you have objections,” Luna whispered into Chrysalis’ ear, her eyes fixed on Cadance’s despondent posture. “Can you manage here on your own? The Ladies were planning to return home…”

“Go now. Be safe, my loves,” Chrysalis said, kissing Luna’s hand in goodbye as she remained there with Cadance; the two were soon left alone at the sound of a door slamming shut, the elegant queen there with a woman from whom she had stolen. How will I ever explain this? She bemoaned silently.

“So what are you going to do to me now?” Cadance hiccupped, voice still thick with the tears that had been shed.

“I’m going to see you get some rest,” Chrysalis answered gently, giving those flawless hands a tender squeeze. “Wait here, I promise I’ll be back soon.”

Cadance looked as though she hardly had the will or strength to defy the command, Chrysalis swiftly departing for her private stores where her most potent tonics awaited her efforts. An item she and Twilight had worked upon together was the only thing that would do, a draught that induced a dreamless sleep in those who drank of its contents. For once so clearly distressed as Cadance, its necessity would never be more obvious. Even for her own sake, Chrysalis couldn’t bear to see the beautiful princess in such a state.

“It looks like poison,” Cadance mumbled as the dark queen pressed the glass into her limp grasp.

“It will help you rest,” Chrysalis whispered. “Please, take it. Do not continue suffering.”

Cadance wasn’t quite willing, but she eventually complied and took a few tentative sips of the draught. “It tastes like wine,” she remarked before returning to finish off the remaining dregs.

“Rest here tonight. I’ll keep watch for you.” It was not like she could let herself do otherwise; Chrysalis remained there by Cadance’s side, watching as those first few yawns began to take permanent presence on her lustrous face. A slow descent to the awaiting pillow eventually came, Chrysalis there to shush and shoo away whatever sounds and sights of distress that still came. She tended to this beautiful woman, saw that she remained closer to peace then despair. And as Cadance at last faded off into a dreamless land, she began to wonder how she would even begin to explain the love she held for this woman- and how she had come to claim it in the first place.

Jeweled lips. They were all she could see when she allowed her eyes to open, so little else she could find strength to focus upon; those deep red hues that were somehow natural, a depth of color that begged for her own mouth to find them in a kiss. Chrysalis despised herself for the feeling, knowing how it had gotten there. It had been an accident, an unintentional thing. She hadn’t ever meant to feel something for this beautiful woman so deeply, yet there it sat in her heart and keeping her feelings sunken to the depths like a stone in water.

Chrysalis had spent half the night forcing herself not to partake of a stolen embrace, and the other half chiding herself for wanting to do so. She looked at Cadance as though this resplendent being were her own bride. It was all her heart could take to know that she wasn’t.

Wherever this beautiful woman’s husband had disappeared to was beyond her knowledge or ability to fathom, and the reason behind it just as much a mystery. Chrysalis had seduced others before, made them shudder in her absence; never had one gone so far as to try and seek her out once again, more often able to adjust to the dull ache that had been left by her thieving. She had sapped away love before and eaten it as a delicacy, but never had one gone to seek her out. With the knowledge of the stolen love in her heart, the regal queen began to wonder if something similar had occurred in the poor man’s heart. Had he gone to seek out his stolen love- or had he come to love Chrysalis instead of the woman who had fought for him? If the latter was the case, then she truly needed to find Shining Armor for the sole purpose of slapping some sense into him. What sort of person could possibly hope to turn away from sweet Cadance?

I’ll have to tell her the truth. And sooner rather than later, Chrysalis counseled herself, though the mere thought of the action tied her stomach in knots. She needs to understand what happened.

A slow, quiet murmur of a wearied voice from the depths of the covers; Cadance was rejoining the waking world and letting her lovely eyes gaze blearily upon the room around her. That gaze, softened by exhaustion, crept slowly about before settling on Chrysalis and giving the smallest start of recognition. “I didn’t dream you,” Cadance mumbled.

“You didn’t,” Chrysalis said, leaning over to that soft face and brushing away stray hairs from her eyes by little more than instinct. She hadn’t meant to do it, common sense saying she shouldn’t have dared. It was all she could do to resist giving a kiss instead.

“Am I your prisoner now?”

“You are my guest,” Chrysalis replied, wishing she could call her ‘Lover’ instead. “A shower awaits you if you wish one.”

Cadance peered at Chrysalis in confusion, born by a slow rise from slumber and the oddity of her current predicament. If the offer was going to be took, it certainly would not be done without suspicion. “Is this a trick?”

“No. It’s not.” Chrysalis rose from her place on the bedside and gave a small bow to the newest denizen of her heart. “I’ll see if breakfast is ready. If you would like any…”

Cadance was still clearly befuddled but did manage a nod, her eyes fixed on the dark queen as she made for the door and departed. The whole thing was still too strange, especially for one who had only just awoken.

“I wondered where you were last night.” Chrysalis’ trip down the halls came to a quick halt as she heard the ringing voice of Rarity from behind her, the elegant seamstress carrying her weekend bag across her shoulder. “Did you stay with Cadance all night, darling?”

“I’m sorry if you waited in my absence,” Chrysalis replied, reaching out to kiss her lady’s hand. “She was in distress, I could not bear to leave her.”

Rarity gave her beloved an eyeing look. “And no other reason in particular?”

The beautiful woman again displayed her skill at people and politics. “Another time, and I will explain,” Chrysalis answered. “I hardly grasp it entirely myself. For now, she will remain here until Twilight and Luna return.”

“Would you like me to remain with you, then?” the fashionista inquired. “I know the girls and I were looking to head home today, but if you need me to stay longer, I’d be glad to help.”

Chrysalis smiled, but shook her head. “You have your work to attend to, don’t you?” she said. “A few new dresses for the girls, a pair of orders to complete?”

“I can delay if I must, I’m sure Miss Cheerilee would understand.”

“And you’d punish yourself for being late, if I had to guess,” Chrysalis said. “Go home, Rarity; get your work done, I can look after Cadance on my own.”

“And you’re sure you don’t want me to stay back?”

“I’ll manage. I can just follow your example, can’t I?”

Rarity gave a small sigh and nodded, at last relenting in her desire to aid her queen. “If you insist, darling. Call for me if you need anything, or if dear Luna and Twilight make it back.”

“I most certainly will. Give the girls love for me when you all go, I’ll likely be busy,” Chrysalis said, leaning in to find her lady’s soft lips, their union of form a gently romantic one as Rarity swooned in her beloved’s arms. Perhaps their kiss lasted longer than need be, but neither felt an urgency to see it end; Chrysalis wanted comfort, and her beautiful beloved was happy to give it.

A retreat from glued lips and Rarity left the regal woman’s arms. “I’ll see you next weekend, darling.” A longing smile and a bright spark in those eyes spoke to the anticipation of when they would be united again, soon gone as the seamstress departed for her faraway home.

Chrysalis’s smile turned bittersweet, always despising the moments her beloved Ladies had to depart from her presence. The days in their absence were long, and this one seemed perfectly primed to be worse than any of the others. If only, if only they could simply remain with her and they at last live together under one roof! A happy hotbed of love and romance that never had to end, just she and her beloved beauties, all eight of them-

Not eight; seven. Her mind had counted Cadance among her Ladies without thinking, already considering her one of their number. She hadn’t meant to do that, nor should she mean to again- even if she so desperately wanted to. To have Cadance with her for good was something her heart positively ached for, a longing so deep that it was ravenous. She knew she shouldn’t love Cadance with such fierceness, a depth of knowledge behind it that wasn’t of her own making. It wasn’t fair that she had to feel such things so strongly; her love for Cadance should have been crafted by her own heart instead of another’s.

Her return to Cadance’s quarters took time, arms burdened by the weight of a meal atop its serving tray. A wave of a finger and a small part of Chrysalis’ might seeped out like a tendril to open the door before her, striding through just in time to see Cadance emerge from beyond the bathroom threshold, freshly cleaned and adorned in a soft white bathrobe. The simplicity of her appearance, unencumbered by trappings or regality, was enough to make the poor woman’s heart swell. Forget the plates that lay in her hands, this pretty woman was the real snack!

“You… actually meant a real breakfast,” Cadance remarked as her hostess set the tray of morning delicacies atop the nearby table. “T- thank you.”

“There’s strawberry jam, if you want any,” Chrysalis said, wishing she didn’t know that preference so naturally. “And- some jasmine oolong, too. Just in case you wanted something hot.”

The already surprised expression of Cadance became even more so as she looked upon the tray and found her assorted favorites there for her to feast upon, every item presented in just the way she always liked it. “It looks wonderful,” she said softly, easing into her chair and taking her morning meal in hand. “I’m… amazed, really. I would never have guessed.”

“Pinkie’s influence on the kitchens has been wonderful,” Chrysalis said. “I’ve never eaten better.”

“Pinkie? You mean Pinkie Pie, Twilight’s friend.” Cadance’s expression of confusion returned to rest upon her lovely features once more at the unexpected mention of such a person. “What does she have to do with this place?”

Chrysalis actually felt a little embarrassed to admit it, now that she was put under the spotlight. She hoped it wouldn’t ruin her chances of- No, wrong mindset. You’ll need to tell her the truth. “She is… my chef. And a lover,” she said. “Pinkie’s really quite lovely, we all adore her.”

“… And who is we?”

Chrysalis paused mid-bite. “Myself. And my children, who she dotes on. And the other girls, too.”

Cadance now was left completely bewildered. “The other girls?”

“Umm… Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, and Luna?”

Cadance had ceased all her actions, drink and food left untouched as she stared at the woman across from her, the tumult of emotional responses leaving her temporarily dumbstruck. Should she be frightened? Amazed? Something else entirely? She couldn’t have ever expected any scenario more unusual, especially from one she had once considered so callous and unloving. “What have you done?” she asked, yet bearing no malice within her words. “Is this where you’ve been since- since…”

The besotted queen couldn’t quite rid herself of the shades of pink that came to rest on her cheeks. “I- well, we… we may have started being part of a very large- umm, polyamorous relationship. With one another.”

Cadance gawked. One could have heard a pin drop.

“It’s been quite wonderful,” Chrysalis added, hoping she could make it sound less strange than it seemed. “We do love each other deeply.”

“… What are you doing here in Canterlot, really?”

“As of right now?”

“If that gives the best answer,” Cadance replied.

“Waiting for the weekend, as usual,” Chrysalis answered. “The girls can’t stay with me full time, so we can only be together for a few days. I hate it.”

Cadance opened her mouth to speak, only to let forth a wisp of a sigh, staring about the room for some hopes of understanding as to the strangeness of this unusual world she had entered. “I think I need an explanation,” she said weakly.

“I’d be happy to give it.”

Cadance was, by Chrysalis’ measure, the perfect listener. Yes, she would occasionally interrupt the tale to make a query or request clarification, but each question or remark that came from her wonderful lips was perfectly timed, or spurring her hostess to explain further. Chrysalis’ story of descent into love, her newfound life away from conquest was a tale that was happily told; rather than any great lengths of time spent upon her own self, the darkened queen instead regaled countless threads of small snippets of her life. Words better spent on the loving gestures of her Ladies rather than herself, eager to tell Cadance of the wonderful romance she now dwelled within. Chrysalis, despite her guilty conscience pleading with her to do otherwise, knew she was trying to make this world seem so appealing. She wanted Cadance to adore it to, to want to enter in and join herself with Chrysalis, to want to love her and be loved in return by so many beautiful women who couldn’t possibly hope to resist someone so beautiful and sweet and lovely-

“Are you OK?” Cadance’s words cut through the delirium of internal monologue, Chrysalis roused from her inner space to find the Princess of Love staring at her with mild concern. “You look like you have something on your mind.”

An obvious truth, the details of which she didn’t exactly want to divulge just yet. “My apologies, I let myself become distracted,” Chrysalis said, taking a sip of tea to help brush the moment aside. “I was just thinking of something, that is all.”

Cadance continued to scrutinize as though she was skeptical, but let her suspicions remain unspoken. “I never would have expected it of you,” she said at last. “You were one I always thought could never change, and yet… well, here you are.”

“I am glad I have changed,” was Chrysalis’ reply. “Life is better this way. Their lives are better this way. What more could I hope to ask for, save for it to be permanent?”

“When will the first of your children leave the nest?” Cadance asked.

“Soon. It would be sooner, but I will delay until after Twilight and Luna return as a precaution. And then… the nest will start to empty, save for the few that will remain here.”

Cadance gave a small smile. “You sound like you think you’ll be lonely.”

A quick laugh in return. “I have come to… crave company. Since the girls can’t be here full time, I find the halls a little too empty. And the bedroom much of the same.”

It was Cadance’s turn to laugh now, though hers a more sorrowful sound than anything of mirth. “I… definitely know how that feels,” she said. “I’m sorry, Chrysalis. It is an awful feeling.”

The weight of her guilt only increased, weighing down her spirit even further. Chrysalis so desperately wanted to make that loneliness disappear, but could only allow herself to reach out and give Cadance’s hand a small squeeze in sympathy. “I’m truly sorry, too,” she whispered. “I never meant for this to happen to you, I promise.”

The great woman of love didn’t retract her hand, but her sorrow still remained in those lovely eyes. “I don’t even know if he’ll care about me again,” Cadance said in a voice so dull. “If Twilight and Luna find him alive, and he just focuses on you…” Eyes welded shut, trying to block out the tears of pain before they came to life.

“He won’t. Who could hope to not love you?” Chrysalis said, knowing just how fiercely she meant it. “You’re a fairytale princess.”

The poisonous grief that had marred her visage came to a standstill at the words, Cadance turning to gaze curiously at her companion. “My husband used to call me that,” she said. “I- I never thought I’d hear someone say it again.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”

“It’s OK. You didn’t know.” The reply was instant, and the strangeness of her expression was something Chrysalis couldn’t quite read. “So… I guess I’m going to be thrown into a dungeon now, hanging by chains until I’m rescued?”

“You are here as my guest, for as long as you wish,” Chrysalis said, meaning every word and hoping for so much more. “May you consider my home as though it were your own.”

Cadance gave a small little nod, a hesitant smile starting to form on her jeweled lips. “Can you show me around?” she asked. “I’ve never seen a reformed Changeling’s nest before.”

A brilliant smile, and she took her beautiful guest by the arm as they rose from their place at the table in pursuit of new scenery. “Why, I’d be delighted to show you.”

The days in between weekends were never pleasant. For one so sexually driven as Chrysalis, an absence of the act’s presence had never been something she could endure easily. Now that such carnal desire was now so deeply interwoven with intentional affection, her empty nights were something horrific. The bed felt so empty without someone beside her in it, no warmth or comfort of loving presence that she relished. Perhaps she was a bit silly in that regard, but there was hardly a person who would challenge her on the matter; she loved her Ladies, and anyone who didn’t agree could go stuff it.

This first absence could easily have been the worst she’d known yet. With little activity or tasks to accomplish, simply waiting for the return of her rescue party could have been unbearable boredom, hours ticking by like their own little eternity before she finally cracked. But Chrysalis instead found herself occupied with something new, and soon discovered that her loneliness was not quite so palpable any longer.

Cadance’s company was a welcome intrusion into her normal days of waiting. Able to speak to her hostess freely, the two royals found themselves at ease in each other’s presence now that old hostilities had been able to evaporate. Gone were their days of opposition and fury that felt like another lifetime, now replaced by a peaceful quiet of one in mourning and the silently loving spirit who tended to her. Chrysalis’ weekday went along splendidly because of Cadance, a personal duty giving her reason to arise from an empty bed and act in purpose that would have instead been a dreary emptiness. One could not feel bored when she needed to meet the needs of her glorious guest; loneliness was an afterthought when she had an equal with whom to speak. Cadance’s mood continued to be fretful and sorrowful, but Chrysalis’ presence was a salve to her worries: the queen had come to aid the fair lady.

“How did your children first react when you started bringing the girls to your bedroom?” Cadance asked of Chrysalis, their evenings spent in the pleasant light of a fireplace that crackled in the dark queen’s study. “Since you feed on love. I mean, it must have been weird for you to suddenly be so exclusive.”

It had become their little habit to enjoy the privacy of the study whenever evening came about. The cooler weather of the late year turned even the well-maintained halls of the nightclub into frostier places come nightfall, and the warmth of the flames in the grate brought them together for both relief and company. Chrysalis took the excuse with immediacy, eager to have reasons to be beside her secret love. Even if she could not yet say anything regarding her personal feelings, at least she could spend time with the romantic beauty.

“The initial reception was… lukewarm, at best,” Chrysalis admitted, recalling the events that had transpired shortly after Rarity’s entry into the fold. “The love that filtered through the nest was strong, but some only began to hunger all the more deeply. A spare few even wished to have the ladies for themselves- by force, if necessary.”

“They hardly seem like a violent lot nowadays,” Cadance remarked. “They’ve been lovely to me since I’ve arrived. What changed them so?”

“Pinkie Pie, of course. Won them over in an instant, they love her more than they ever did their mother.”

“And how did she steal so many hearts so easily?”

Chrysalis grinned. “Danced a striptease for them. She’s got a habit of walking around the nightclub naked.”

Cadance gave a peal of shocked laughter, perhaps her mind conjuring images of the frizzy-haired woman flouncing about the nightclub halls in her birthday suit. “Oh my goodness, the nerve! I remember Twilight saying she was rather self-conscious about her body, I never would have imagined.”

“Pinkie merely needed a… fresh perspective.” Chrysalis’ grin grew sultry. “Twilight and I both agree she’s got perfect thighs. You could easily die happy between them.”

Cadance continued to chuckle, shaking her head as more and more stories came forth regarding the interwoven tales that had brought the numerous women together. “I just… never would have imagined this,” she said. “You not wanting to kill me is shocking enough, but knowing that Twilight and the others- and even Luna, too- I never would have thought such a thing would ever happen.”

“I have Fluttershy to thank for that. Her spark gave birth to a flame, and now together we all smolder. I only wish they didn’t have to leave at the end of every weekend.”

Cadance eyed her companion with mischief. “A bit lonely without them, are we?” she teased. “Missing your cuddle buddies?”

“Oh hush. I’m saucier than that.”

“Please. You love their company in every conceivable way, don’t try to lie to me,” Cadance crowed. “I bet you try to steal kisses all the time- what’s the longest you’ve ever made out with any of the girls?”

It was a very personal question, even if the intent was only to induce more mockery. Chrysalis felt half-minded that she was too proud to answer, and the other half far too embarrassed to even want to admit the truth. So of course it slipped out in a stumbling mess all because of the one who asked. “I- it was probably with Rarity. She’s the most romantic one.”

Cadance’s eyes were now gleaming slits. “And for how long..?”

She could remember that peaceful period a little too well, all things considered. “… Maybe for about an hour. Or two.”

Cadance smiled in smug satisfaction and gave a snort of laughter. “Softie.”

Now that was an insult. “Excuse me, I am not.”

“You’re a softie now, Chrysalis,” Cadance insisted. “The girls have you all buttered up, and I bet you treat them like royalty whenever you can. You’re just a big, soft, romantic.”

“I am a warrior queen even still,” Chrysalis said sharply. “I am not soft.”

Cadance stuck out her tongue in defiance. “Fine. But tomorrow’s Friday, and the girls will be in tomorrow. I bet you’ll melt into someone’s arms the moment they arrive.”

Chrysalis wanted to fight back against that, but she also knew it would have been a flat-out lie. She was hardly able to stomach the wait for the Ladies to be in her arms once again, even if they were not going to be fully whole this weekend. She wished for Rarity’s sensuous tonguework, Pinkie’s brilliant body, Rainbow’s ferocity, Applejack’s loving passion, and Fluttershy’s soothing presence. With all the tension that filled her body now, unable to kiss and ravish the beauteous form that sat beside her now, she knew that her bedchambers were sure to be lively. I rather wish he had just ditched her for good instead of disappearing. Gods, I’d love to be her rescuer from this life.

The weekends within the nightclub were typically rowdy due to their continued separation, but the regal woman’s week-long tension escalated her time with her Ladies to new heights, the cacophony of ecstasy enough to make even the hardiest of her children sway as they walked; drunknenness on love was not a common thing for them in recent days, but whatever their mother was up to had its effects of potency upon them. Chrysalis’ own distress, as well as her longing, were not going to let her simply be a spectator or to act gently. Poor Rarity, the first to arrive, had certainly been eager- but not even she had been fully prepared to withstand her beloved’s romantic onslaught right when she entered the door. But to be fair, neither was anyone else.

Saturday evening came to pass and the camaraderie between the two romantically inclined royals had been temporarily brought to a halt by Chrysalis’ amorous intentions with her beloveds, late night conversations by the fireside extinguished as Cadance instead hid herself away from company while the great queen reveled in her happiness. Chrysalis, trying her best not to think of the beautiful woman in such a manner, forced herself to be occupied; a task made more difficult when one of her own decided to intrude on the matter.

“So how is she, Chrissy?” Rainbow asked of her, the many beauteous women taking pause to relax in private chambers after a well-crafted meal by Pinkie. “I’m surprised she’s not in here with us, honestly. You know, Princess of Love and all that.”

Chrysalis had all but forced Cadance out of heart and mind for the moment. “I’m sorry?”

“Cadance. Come on, how’s she feel? Do I compare? I know I fell out against Luna, but I gotta know,” Rainbow asked.

“I haven’t even touched her,” Chrysalis protested. “Rainbow, my love!”

Rainbow Dash, ever the most brazen of their number, was left nonplussed. “Wait, you haven’t even tried? The hell for? I thought you’d be stripping her down the moment we left, the way you were looking at her. What gives?”

“Rainbow…” Fluttershy reached out from her place in Applejack’s lap and brought her lovely companion to silence with a single wave of her hand. “Chrissy’s wanting to be very gentle with Cadance, she’s not here for anything but to see if Twilight and Luna return with her husband.”

“He ditched her, right? Why can’t we help her get over it? Come on, that body!

“Because she still wants her husband, of course,” the sweet woman chided. “Wouldn’t you be the same if it were one of us?”

Rainbow was hardly romantic in the slightest. Of course her pouting turned a flush-faced red and she went silent, trying to avoid anyone’s eye.

“Rainbow, my proud darling,” Rarity said, smirking as she leaned over and kissed the prismatic woman lovingly on the cheek. “Someday, I will bring out the gentle-hearted woman in you.”

“I don’t do gentle,” Rainbow protested.

“I know you don’t, so we’re going to practice,” Rarity said, pausing as she turned to a clearly-occupied Chrysalis. “How is Cadance, Chrissy? Really?”

“She is… sorrowful,” Chrysalis answered, her mind now unable to be anywhere but occupied about her poor love’s spirits. “She has been in good cheer for a bit, but she still- well, struggles. Loneliness is painful for her, I believe.”

“Maybe you could check in to see how she’s doing,” Fluttershy suggested. “I’m sure she wouldn’t mind someone to talk to.”

Chrysalis wanted to do far more than talk, even if she was not supposed to. “I believe she wishes for solitude tonight.”

“Hmm… maybe you should just check in and make sure.” Fluttershy’s sweet face was softly lit by warmth, a beauty impossible to resist or deny. It was of little surprise that Chrysalis complied to her gentlehearted love’s wishes and departed her bedchambers, already beginning to struggle as she heard Rarity shuffle herself about in her place on the bed-

“Now Rainbow, we’ll try this for a little bit. I want you to kiss me… just gently, darling-”

Chrysalis’ heart began to beat a little faster as her imagination began to spin. Oh please.

Just where she had seen her last, Chrysalis slipped into her private study and found Cadance there in her seat, occupied with one of Twilight’s many gifted books that had come to rest on the nearby shelf. She was such a comfortable sight, body draped in a blanket as the coolness of the night was warded away by the strength of firelight. She wanted so desperately to intrude, to lean that book down and give those jeweled lips a surprise kiss- but she just couldn’t.

As the door closed, Cadance paused in her ruminations and looked up to set eyes on her hostess. “Good evening,” she said in a voice far too dull. “I hope I don’t have you away from your bevy of beauties just to worry about little old me. I’d hate to be a bedroom party-pooper.”

“I’m happy to worry about you,” Chrysalis said softly, “and so are the girls. We’re all wishing the best for you.”

“I’ll be alright. No matter what end, really,” Cadance said, staring into the fire and letting its light dance in her eyes. “I’m sorry if I’m a wet blanket.”

“Of course you’re not. Is something the matter?”

Cadance gave a wry grin. “I’m… a little jealous of your right now- a lot jealous, really.”

Then just ask to join in! “What for?”

A small giggle, as though embarrassed. “You girls weren’t exactly quiet last night, you know. Sounds like that… they make me happy. It means the relationship is healthy.” Cadance paused. “I just wish I’d had it for myself. For at least a little while, right after we got married- instead of just this… hunger. To belong to someone, to feel safe. Just to feel loved!” Her words became so bitter, awaiting the mark that would come from tears. “You’re not even doing anything wrong, I just want to have a pathetic little pity-party… and I just can’t make myself feel anything different.”

“It will come to an end, Cadance,” Chrysalis insisted, taking hold of her secret love and giving what encouragement she could. “He’ll come back- my Ravens will find him, they always have. And when he does, he’ll love you in full. I’m sure.” Even if all the love he held for you is now in me. I’ll give it back, make him love you again, because I just need to see you happy again.

Beautiful eyes left so baleful turned to stare into that potent green gaze. “And if they don’t find him? If he still won’t love me?”

If he didn’t love her? Chrysalis would likely slap him silly for making such a boneheaded decision. But what she would do after was so difficult to figure out, especially when she so deeply knew what she wanted instead… “Then I’ll do whatever I can to help,” she said finally, “and make your next stage in life a happy one.” They held to one another for a little while longer, Cadance’s sorrowful expression slowly starting to soften and turn warm as she beheld Chrysalis’ continued comfort. The empty space between them was small, a frail thing that could be easily broken by even the slightest movement-

A joyous peal of a familiar voice, yet in a tone none had ever heard before. Rainbow Dash had moaned before, but that was an extra-loud coo; Chrysalis darted bolt upright and felt her stomach turn upside-down as the note inflamed her senses. What on earth were the girls doing to make her that weak?

Cadance slowly relinquished her own grasp of her companion, studying the now-hungering expression of the beautiful queen and trying to suppress a grin. “I think that was your siren song,” she remarked. “Maybe you should go and enjoy yourself?”

She so desperately wanted to, but wanted Cadance to come along with her even more. Maybe, just maybe- “I’d hate to see you be lonely-­”

“I’m better now, thanks to you,” Cadance interjected. “Go enjoy yourself, for my sake. Make love.”

Chrysalis heard Rainbow’s next cry and was gone in a flash, even if part of her heart still remained. She had never known how willing she could be to share her love before now.

The weekend eventually passed in its usual sensuous frivolity, yet Twilight and Luna’s search team did not return. One week passed- then one week became two. Two became four; a month passed with no word, no sound, not even a hint of their whereabouts. To a particularly concerned queen who wanted dearly to satisfy Cadance and make love to her faraway ladies, their absence was beginning to gnaw at her heart like a wound. She needed them to be safe, and she needed Cadance’s broken spirit to be tended.

“You’re worried for them,” Cadance said. “It’s fine to be that way, but you don’t need to be. You haven’t known them as long as I have, and you’ve only really known them in this setting. Twilight and Luna, they’re strong people. There’s nothing in this world that could hope to hurt them.”

“I just want them back safely,” Chrysalis fretted as she paced about her study. “All of this is my fault no matter which way you look at it, I just- if only they were here with me.”

“They will be. And soon,” Cadance soothed. “And I’m sure they’ll be glad to spend their evening with you no matter how tired they are.”

“Should I even try, Cadance?” Chrysalis asked. “If they’ve been gone that long, surely they’ll just want to rest.”

The beautiful Princess of Love pondered the thought. “Perhaps Twilight might, since she’s not quite as used to life on the lam- but offer. Luna, however, I doubt. She’ll be ready no matter what she endures. Prepare your body.”

“Well-prepared. And eager,” Chrysalis said with a shudder. “Now if only…”

“If only they’d show up?”

Chrysalis said nothing, continuing to stare into the firelight as she sat close beside Cadance and tried not to let her sultry thoughts pour over that magnificent body. If only she could share herself with that exquisite princess and rid herself of the tension, but even that was not correct: Cadance deserved a glorious bout of lovemaking, real and warm and tangible, not a sloppy mess of riddled emotions that were barely under restraint. It was a horrid struggle to know that she was the one who wished to bring it about.

A knock on the door came in and alerted their senses, its rhythm rapid and forceful. Before Chrysalis could even bid her new guest to enter, the door opened wide and the energized face of Seniya broke through to set eyes upon her royal mother. “Your Majesty-”

Her heart soared and her stomach twisted upon itself in the matter of an instant. “Are they here?”

“They’ve just arrived, Your Majesty. Lady Rarity is attending them now and bade me to inform you.”

“Have them brought to my chambers. Give them anything they ask for!” Chrysalis ordered, leaping to her feet and stretching out her hand for Cadance to take. “With me, quickly now.” Already her heart was in overdrive, pounding at the thought of how she would restore a marriage of one she herself adored. How does one go about putting love back in its place? She still didn’t even know how she had claimed it from him! If Shining was even able to take his stolen love back and be himself once more, what was she going to do herself? She desperately wanted Cadance to stay, but the restoration of this marriage was what would make her happiest-

Their mood of electric excitement that had sparked was turned dim the moment they laid eyes upon their long-awaited search party, Chrysalis feeling a deep shudder run through her secret love. There before them, seated and attended to by a somber Rarity, were Luna and Twilight alone- shoulders slumped, heads bowed, and most definitely not accompanied by a rescued Shining Armor. Their clothes bore marks of long and arduous travel, stained and tattered from their roaming in the wild places of the world. Not a word of greeting was given by either group, merely a strong silence that permeated the air and held them down.

Rarity paused in her duties and turned to give recognition of her beloved’s arrival, a small shake of her head that said everything. Leaving a pitcher of water on a nearby table, she rose from her place beside the wearied women and made to leave, only stopping to give Cadance’s arm a small squeeze in sympathy before departing to let the somber reunion see its completion.

Chrysalis knew she would have to be the one to initiate this, and somehow hold her composure throughout. “My ladies,” she said, conjuring a pair of chairs for Cadance and herself. “How are you?”

“Tired,” Twilight answered in a croak of a voice, at last raising her head to lay eyes upon her love. Chrysalis’ heart turned at the sight of her, her sharp and graceful features now battered and worn by her time in the wastes, bearing an expression of great tumult. “It is good to see you, but…”

Chrysalis placed a kiss on her forehead in the hopes of granting some comfort. “I’m glad to see you both,” she said. “Tell me what happened. Everything.”

“Shining,” Cadance said, her voice already weak and ready to crack, “he’s- he’s dead, isn’t he?”

Neither woman was able to look the pleading beauty in the eye, choosing to focus their senses upon their beloved queen instead. “This will not be pleasant,” Luna began, clearly exhausted yet bearing a stronger voice than her studious girlfriend. “I’m not sure how to say it all.”

“Then just do your best.”

Luna took a long, slow breath. “He’s still alive. We actually found him.”

A lightning bolt to the heart. “What? Then where is he? What happened to him, why is he not with you? Why does he still abandon her?” She felt heartbroken and furious for her companion, enraged that someone would even dare to think of leaving someone so perfect and lovely.

“Because he’s- he’s-” Twilight looked ready to either scream or cry, her pent-up emotions boiling and eager to burst. “He’s not even in Equestria anymore. We went westward, across the sea to find him. It was honestly just sheer luck that we found him when we did.”

“Amaria. A port city that heads into the Arabians. If you’re heading anywhere on the water heading westward, it’s where you have to pass through,” Luna added. “We’d heard rumors that he had gone seafaring in the hopes of finding you, Chrissy. If he was traveling abroad, any sailing route would eventually take him back there. So, we waited.”

“And you found him…” Cadance said.

A solitary nod in reply. “He’d been working as a chief bosun for the merchant marine. When we found him, he was… intoxicated. And trying to be more so,” Luna continued. “We tried to sober him up and it seemed to work for a time, but he just- he didn’t recognized either of us. Not even his own sister.”

“He was lying. He has to be!” Twilight said hotly, tears burning down her cheeks and stinging as they fell. “He knew it was me, he just was too scared to say so- or he was-”

As Twilight threatened to burst, Luna lay her hand atop her leg and gave her the will to cool the flood of fiery emotions, the gentle touch a soothing one. “He was not the man we once knew,” the moonlight princess said gently. “There was no light in his eyes. His voice as gray as stone, and just as heavy. It was as if all hope of a good and decent life had been robbed from him in the time he had been gone. Even when we told him that you had sent us out to find him, not even a flicker could be seen.” A sigh, sorrowful and weighted, escaped from her sunburnt lips. “Perhaps it would have been better if he had died out there, a single moment to end his suffering. Now he dies daily until mortality claims him; a dead soul in a human casket.”

“Where… where did he go from there?” Cadance asked, pushed to a grief so strong that not even tears seemed adequate for her now. “How was he when you saw him last?”

“He set aboard his ship and left, heading towards the sunset,” Luna answered. “Wherever they call him now is anyone’s guess… I am so sorry, Cadance. But he has gone.”

The aura of grief tugged at each of them, begging for them to give release and lose themselves in a maelstrom. Twilight continued to weep silently, tears still flickering down her face despite Luna’s continued caress. The world in which the four women dwelled was painfully quiet, difficult to bear as the grievous reality simply beat them into submission. There was to be no rescue, no redemption, no happy reunion that would see Cadance’s spirit restored. Chrysalis’ theft, so silently performed that not even she had known of its transpiration, had undone an entire life and hurt several more.

Cadance rose from her place beside Chrysalis, releasing her hand from the regal woman’s grip. Like a statue she moved to bend down next to Luna and Twilight, softly placing a kiss on each cheek as reward for their long trial. “Thank you. So much,” she whispered. “I’ll never forget what you did for me.” Her grief still so strong, yet a regality about her that put her companions in awe as she strode forth from Chrysalis’ bedchambers to destinations unknown so as to mourn in solitude.

Chrysalis knew where her heart wanted her to be, still burdened by a knowledge she had no wish to share. “Bathe yourselves. Eat,” she commanded to her beloveds. “And then rest. I will tell the others you are not to be disturbed tonight.” As she received a nod in reply so did she depart herself, torn apart by the weight of her unwitting transgression- and the longing that spurred her to go and be comfort instead. It was deep into the night when she finally found herself able to choose a course of action. As the deep night fell upon the halls of her home, Chrysalis roamed through and saw light flickering through the underside of her study and she knew where Cadance had fled to. Perhaps she should wait till another night, let the beautiful woman she hungered for mourn her old life in peace- but the guilt that gnawed at her bones was terrible to endure, and loath was she to let it continue; the truth had to come out.

The woman she saw before her was strangely tranquil, hollowed out by sorrow that seemed eager to devour. Cadance stared unblinkingly into the firelight even as Chrysalis crept in to sit beside her, a partner in her mourning. She gave no recognition to the arrival of her companion even when the weight of the regal queen’s form settled on the loveseat beside her, still staring off into flames that spoke of images only she could see within the burning tongues.

“You should sleep,” Chrysalis said softly. “You’re tired enough already. The grief will feel worse if you’re exhausted.”

“I’m not even tired,” Cadance replied. “I wish I could say I was, but I’m just… wired. It’s like there’s a hunger in my heart that’s just eating me through. I’m supposed to be able to see it sated, I can help others do so- but now my husband’s gone. He’s not coming back, I am alone…” she turned to look upon her companion and stared with such desperate eyes. “I’m the Princess of Love… can I even be that if nobody loves me anymore?”

“You are loved,” Chrysalis assured her. “You will always be loved. It is inevitability wherever you go.”

Cadance gave a small snort of disbelief. “My own husband couldn’t bear me anymore-”

“He loved you-”

“But not anymore. He chose to stop.”

Chrysalis’s blood ran cold and she knew the time had come. A lump in her throat that set its will against her formed its strength, but she pressed against it. “I… he didn’t choose it.”

The beautiful princess became still at the remark. “What do you mean?”

Chrysalis loved those eyes; the softness that was in that gaze was lovely, beguiling. She wanted to be lost in their smolder, but their beauty was now a painful witness and she turned away. “I fed on that love, once,” she said. “I used it to slip my way in. Get close, and conquer. I never thought of it as anything other than a meal.” She started to struggle, the lump in her throat growing in size as she drew nearer to the truth. “I thought I’d only fed on it. Nothing more… but then you came here. And when I saw you, I was so starstruck- like I’d seen the woman of my dreams, and you said he was- he didn’t love you anymore because he couldn’t love anymore. Because I’d taken it from him, without even myself knowing it.”

Cadance was as stony-faced and rigid as a statue, eyes fixed wide as the agonizing revelation spilled forth from her partner’s lips. The truth was there before her, unexpected and all too potent.

“I love you, Cadance,” Chrysalis choked out, hating herself for saying it. “I never meant to steal his love for you, I swear I didn’t. But when he saw me, he was seeing you- and he gave it all to me. If I could give it back I would, I would make your world right-” The world about the splendid queen grew blurred and damp, a stinging in her eyes that could not hope to be the nearby flames. “I never meant for this to happen. I just want you to be happy; I want to love you, even if it’s not even love of my own making.” Her head sunk down into her hands and remained there, a once-burning world now turned dark as she retreated from the inevitable judgment that was to come. Even if the love she held wasn’t her own, she couldn’t bear to see Cadance’s pain and hatred- not even now.

Gentle hands came about her wrists and extracted Chrysalis from the darkness in her palms, her face slowly guided to find the deep color of Cadance’s eyes awaiting her. “Chrysalis, do you love me?”

“Yes,” Chrysalis wailed, heart wrenched by the truth that bit at her spirit as the tears at last began to spill forth. “I have ruined your life, robbed you of your love, and so deeply do I love you. I can do nothing else.”

Cadance held her fast, continuing to stare directly into Chrysalis’ eyes as though she saw the heartfelt grief of her pining suitor. “Then kiss me.”

Chrysalis felt her heart stop. “I- I can’t.”

“Kiss me, Chrissy,” Cadance said, a desperate hunger that only loneliness could bring alive upon her face. “Kiss me. Undress me. Make love to me, please. I don’t want to be alone tonight- or ever again.”

“But I’ve- I’m just-”

“I want you to love me, Chrissy,” Cadance whispered, closing the gap between them both until only a miniscule push would be all it took. “So… go ahead. Kiss me.”

So Chrysalis, unable to deny the request for which she longed, closed the gap and gifted Cadance’s lips with a kiss. And there upon her lips did she at last find a salve for her guilt-ridden spirit, a wind that fanned the flames of her burning heart and set her whole body afire. The sweetness of Cadance’s lips was greater than ever her dreams had hoped to match, so supple and dreamy against her own. How could she resist melting into them, to hold back a sigh and be glad at their feeling? She had longed for them, hungered for them, and now at last she was kissing the sweet Princess of Love for whom she had longed.

“Mmm…” Cadance relented from their union and pulled back, a smile now aglow on her features and swiftly washing her sorrow away. “It’s been so long since someone kissed me.”

“Was it a good one?” Chrysalis inquired.

“The best I’ve ever felt,” Cadance answered. “So… feel free to give me a better one.”

Chrysalis threw her arms about her new beloved and trapped them both in a smoldering, loving, wonderfully passionate kiss that saw their breath stolen away. Queen and Princess became lost in the touch and feel of one another, individual relief becoming one as the heartfelt act set their blood afire. No longer would there be hidden pining left unsatisfied, no more would there be a lonely night. As their kiss came to an end and was promptly met by a second and third and fourth, the coos that escaped from their muffled lips were more beautiful than birdsong; their long, dark night was at last coming alive.

If Chrysalis knew anything, it was that she would not let Cadance spend a moment tonight being anything but utterly selfish; she would be thoroughly loved, ravished in every conceivable manner before even the slightest thought could be made about her own welfare. Cadance’s lips had gone too long without a kiss and so she would see them satisfied again; the rest of her would be treated just the same. But one thing at a time– with delicacy, she pushed Cadance against the arm of the loveseat and leaned her back, now atop her body as the depth of their kiss continued to sink. She wanted to hear her cry out again, those sounds of happiness born by her actions. She gave a small nibble of her lip, a tiny pull in the hopes of enticement, and soon found hands gliding across her own form, reaching her head and threading their way through her hair.

Mmm… give me your tongue, my darling,” Chrysalis whispered as she rose from their soft union.

Cadance, to her surprise, began to flush- and then opened her mouth wide to let that decadent morsel slither out for her lover’s caress, immediately ensnared by awaiting lips; her grief was swept away by the potent pleasure of the feeling, unable to withstand the force of something so lovely. Chrysalis felt wonderful on her tongue, a savant of the sensuous! Each fresh suckling of her slickened muscle was graced with a sweetness that was entirely new, a passionate gesture that made her heart sing. How long had it been since she had felt something like this, to be so utterly cared for, safe and secure in the loving embrace of another? Cadance sighed aloud and tightened her grip about Chrysalis’ form so as to strengthen their embrace. A small hint that there could be a new intensity, a heightening of her pleasure. If Chrysalis wanted to give, she would gladly receive.

The dark queen feasted upon that glorious tongue, wishing for nothing but to see it utterly worshipped; as Cadance’s continued sounds of contentment came forth so did she rejuvenate her efforts. A suckle brought a sigh- a flurry of tongue upon tongue would see a moan arise. She needed to hear more of this sweet symphony, to make Cadance sing aloud. She loved this kiss, could spend an eternity in its peaceful embrace, but her inflamed spirit needed to be soothed. One last press of lips upon that saliva-coated tongue she adored before at last bringing their union of lips to a slickened finish.

“Chrissy- you… you feel wonderful,” Cadance breathed, puffs of air starting to pass in gasps. “I’ve never felt a kiss so good.”

“I can do more than kiss, my fairytale princess,” Chrysalis said, leaving small, hurried pecks upon Cadance’s exposed neck so as to further entice. “Oh, so much more…”

She needed no eyes open to know what she must do next; as she continued to dote upon Cadance’s smooth skin so her hands went to a still-buttoned blouse, undoing their hold and pulling fabric aside. A little lower and she found her next prize, the feel of them already enough to make her quiver. One at a time did she kiss her sweet treasures, nipples caught by tender lips again and again- and then a pause as she let her tongue travel about the areola, only a pinprick of feeling as she made her mark. The motions were smooth and rhythmic, not yet volatile; Chrysalis needed to know her partner’s threshold before diving deeply. As she licked across the nipple in a flickering motion, she began to feel it harden under her care-

More, Chrissy,” Cadance sighed, her voice threadbare and dreamy. “Don’t hold back, please! Just take me!

It was the sign she’d been hoping for, and Chrysalis took one last moment to appreciate the flawless bust Cadance possessed: not quite as large as Fluttershy’s set of breasts, perhaps, but a wonderful shapeliness to them that seemed so perfect and appealing to the eye, the smoothness of her skin making them glow in the light of the fire. But these were not mere items to ogle, but objects worthy of worship, and so Chrysalis dove in with all her longing and fervor, sucking hard upon one while her hand tended to the other. A lather, a lap, a pinch; a tweak, a stroke, and all that she could hope to achieve- if it made Cadance’s body shiver, made her lips cry out praise, then she did it all the more. Chrysalis loved these breasts, the feel of them under her command. They were beautiful and perfect, made for her to adore and somehow made even better by whose they were.

Aah…” Cadance’s rippling sigh of happiness coursed through the air and made Chrysalis’ heart melt, that sound so wonderfully joyous. “Chrissy, I- I need to tell you something…” A strange response, and it must have showed on the regal woman’s face for Cadance laughed at the sight of her; a beckoning finger and Chrysalis crawled her way up Cadance’s bare chest on a rope of kisses, only coming to a halt when she found lips and pressed them against hers once more. “I’m all wet, Chrissy. Can you help clean me up?”

Chrysalis smiled and the two women giggled, a small bout of kisses before this great crescendo. “Oh no, I couldn’t,” the great queen breathed. “I’d rather make a mess.” She slid off the loveseat and took hold of Cadance’s skirt, no restraint to be found as she tore it aside and left her bare. Not even a pair of underwear to hide her folds could be seen, as if she had anticipated the moment when she would not need them. Chrysalis could not keep the smile from her face as she beheld that sweet flower, dribbling from anticipation and the overcharged imagination that had been born by their time together. Even if every instinct was pleading for her to dive deep and ravish in a wild frenzy, she knew that the best choice would be to tease and touch a little more gently; Cadance deserved to enjoy this moment, not be instantly left breathless before she’d known what had happened.

Oh!” As her lips pressed on the exterior of those luscious folds, the sound that came from her lover’s mouth were eager, already delighted. The long-deprived woman was already excited from something so simple; a few tonguestrokes along the depths of her thighs seemed the right choice and she felt Cadance writhe in her place, then a small pull of the labia to help inflame the nerves without overwhelming. Just the right idea. A long, deepened slide across fold and flesh, one last tempting movement before the plunge. Already Chrysalis’ mouth was soaked by Cadance’s juices, the mere actions she had taken enough to make her quake. Once she went in, it would like a marvel to her soul.

At last she delved in, though her greed kept restrained as she did so. These movements needed to be exploratory at first, mere lines within and without. Chrysalis found each fold and slithered her way through the lanes, wanting to know the feel and potency of each particular place; depth was good, but she wanted satisfaction. If Cadance was not pushed to her limit, then the release would not be worthy of her. And so the beautiful queen continued her lappings, small and slow as she felt her beloved rock against the pressure. A small trace against the upper edge? She felt a tremor. A slide from top to bottom made Cadance’s breath catch. And then a slow, deep dive into the very depths of her core, the long tongue of the wondrous royal plucking away until she heard a barely-muffled scream from somewhere above. It was the signal she’d waited for-

Before Cadance could hope to recover, Chrysalis at last attacked that sweet, soaked delicacy with all her might, diving deep as though she wished to drown. Deep within did her mouth lap away, lost to all thought save for the happy cries of sweet, sweet Cadance-

And then came the outpouring. An offering of unrelenting flow came upon Chrysalis and eager was she to receive, happily licking away as Cadance’s long-dormant force of orgasm came forth in an onslaught. She loved the sensation as she was left in its wake, the tired gasps of her beloved that had been brought about by her loving intent. It was a sweet, loving sound that she had craved to hear for so long, so devoid of the loneliness and want that had plagued Cadance since the day she had arrived.

As Chrysalis retreated from her new place of conquest, she rose and returned to her place beside Cadance and found her bare chest heaving with the receding force of the joyous wave. No longer was there that desperate loneliness, that hunger without ceasing; joy and contentment had settled there now, and hopefully were unwilling to relinquish their post. “I love you,” Chrysalis whispered.

Cadance laughed, joyful and empty of mockery as she suddenly whirled atop her new lover and planted a mouthwatering kiss upon sticky lips, clutching Chrysalis so tightly that she may well have squeezed her dry. “Thank you,” she said. “So much, just… thank you.”

“Please stay with me, Cadance,” Chrysalis begged, holding the lovely woman close so to force an answer. “Don’t go back, don’t leave. Make this place your home- with me, forever. Never let yourself be lonely again.”

“I can’t think of anything better.” The Princess of Love shone like a beacon in the dim darkness, her smile restored and more beautiful than ever before. “It seems I’ve got quite a few girls to get to know, too. I think I’ll need time to get acquainted.”

“They’ll be happy to give you all the time in the world,” Chrysalis said as she placed a kiss on her nose. “Welcome home.”

9. Chrysalis, Entranced by a Lie

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It eventually came to Chrysalis’ notice that so many aspects of her life –perhaps all of them– were not really under much of her control any longer. She was ruler of her horde, the great queen of ancient days, mighty and powerful. Yet the decorum of her hidden kingdom? Not her choice. The meals she was served? Unknown to her until she sat down to eat. The knowledge her students received? Not by her hand. Their training? From another. Every aspect of her life and the myriad commands she had once been burdened by were tended to by the eager hands of another, leaving Chrysalis with only personal affairs and little else to concern herself with. At first, she wondered if the thought should concern her- does a queen really rule if she doesn’t have to make every choice herself? But when she considered the rising level of comfort in her life, and the warmth of those she spent it with, the so-called problem she now faced seemed frivolous worrying. Her life was wonderful.

Then came a new Lady of Love- and Chrysalis’ command of her own bedroom suddenly found itself all the more interesting. New variety was afoot.

“Rainbow, you’ve got no need to be worried,” Cadance teased, her body barely hidden by a thin babydoll nightgown as she stretched out atop the bedsheets, her smile painfully sultry and charming. “Let your guard down for a moment and relax. Trust me, you’ll love it.”

Rainbow Dash, somehow the only fully naked person in the privacy of their semi-darkened room, found herself blushing and trying to pout as she avoided the gaze of those around her. “This is stupid,” she muttered. “We’ve been fine as is.”

“And that’s great! But I want you to have even more fun,” Cadance said. “It’s called exploration, Rainbow. Experimenting. Haven’t you ever tried to shake things up a little?”

The colorful woman’s scowl continued, clearly unwilling to admit to the obvious truth. She was rambunctious and fiery, an energetic force that set a bedroom alive and that was how she liked it.

“You don’t have to be embarrassed. It’s perfectly OK to just be gentle when you’re making love. I know Rarity and Fluttershy would love to spend some quieter time with you,” Cadance added. Restored and whole after her long period of solitude, her new lovers had invigorated her old spirit and set her back to finding new ways of heightening their pleasures. “I bet you’d enjoy it. Don’t you trust me?”

Rainbow was pushed between a rock and a hard place. “I- I trust you a little.”

“Just a little? Alright, then, I’ll show you,” Cadance declared. “Pinkie, honey, will you come here please?”

The frizz-haired woman, who until that moment had been contentedly lounging in Twilight’s arms, suddenly leapt over and came before Cadance at her beckoning. “Hi, Cadance. Need something?”

“Oh, I certainly do, Pinkie,” Cadance said sweetly, sliding into Pinkie’s lap and putting her arms about her neck. “I think we need to give Rainbow Dash a little incentive. You mind… giving me just a little sugar?”

Pinkie, always eager for something sweet, was happy to oblige; Cadance’s lips found themselves occupied with the sugary presence of Pinkie’s lips and the two women let their kisses be displayed for all the room to see. That slender figure of perfection was a wondrous contrast to Pinkie’s sensual thickness, the two perfectly mismatched in a tender embrace as their kiss deepened slowly but surely, bodies held fast to one another as their soft coos and hums of contentment echoed in a muffle whirl.

Rarity gave a sweet sigh at sight of gentle romanticism, leaning her head against Chrysalis’ shoulder. “She’s so sweet,” she said quietly. “Yet so sexy! Oh, Chrissy, darling, I’m so glad she chose to stay.”

Chrysalis only nodded in reply. Cadance’s permanent entry into their fold last month had shaken things up in their nights together, that was obvious- but in all the right ways, keeping things refreshed and interesting so as to preserve the excitement. She was not Princess of Love simply because of the act, but also in its tender care.

As Cadance’s kiss with Pinkie came to a close, the two women allowed themselves a single meeting of tongues before pulling away, Rainbow’s gaze fixed upon them throughout the loving act. “Wonderful as always, Pinkie,” Cadance said delightedly. “Thank you for being so willing to help.”

“Always willing, of course!” Pinkie replied. “Now it’s your turn, Rainbow! She’s so tasty, you’ll love how she tastes!”

“She certainly will,” Cadance purred, reaching out and taking Rainbow by the hand so as to guide her closer. “Now come on, don’t be shy. We’ll have fun, I promise.”

Rainbow continued to blush a bright shade of red but the majority of her hesitancy was gone as she took her place opposite Cadance. Tenderness and subdued passions were not her style, nor an art form she had been willing to master. To have someone this beautiful to teach her was an intimidating thought.

“Now, just let yourself relax,” Cadance instructed, placing Rainbow’s hands down to her lap and keeping them there. “All you have to do is kiss me- just kiss me, nice and gentle. You want to enjoy the moment.”

Rainbow was blushing furiously now as Cadance leaned in and kissed her, the two women joined together by the mouth in their first union of lips. Rainbow knew the softness of Fluttershy and the gracefulness of Rarity, but this exquisite tenderness was a new sensation- and she rather liked it. A small pull away by the both of them, and then a return as their lips came to meet yet again. Their session of kisses was slow and peaceful, an intentionally romantic gesture as they kissed so softly. Even as they deepened the act remained tender, Cadance fully in control and keeping her partner controlled as they let their passions begin to increase.

Rarity leaned forward from her place atop the pillows and stared, suddenly made hungry at the sight of Rainbow in such a gentle act alongside the beautiful princess. “Oh my.”

Chrysalis grinned, leaning up and placing a kiss on the elegant woman’s cheek. “Excited, are we?”

“Aroused, darling,” Rarity confessed. “Oh, Rainbow’s never looked so… beautiful.”

The first sound that came from the lip-locked couple was of Rainbow’s making, a tender coo so unlike her normal cries. She followed after Cadance’s lips as the loving princess pulled back, only to soon find herself greeted by an outstretched tongue that beckoned for her own. Glad to meet it, Rainbow’s outstretched morsel found its mate and they unified, slowly lathering their caresses and tastes upon one another in a gentle motion. It was quiet, and soft- yet so deeply thrilling, the novelty of the sensation a sharp contrast to the wild freneticism the warrior woman usually knew. She loved Cadance, her silken tongue most of all- this needed to go a little deeper.

Mmm… there you go, Rainbow,” Cadance trilled, eyeing her partner with no small amount of lust. “Mind if I keep things going? Make it interesting.”

“Please,” Rainbow giggled, unabashed by this sudden bout of pleading that was most ladylike and most unlike herself. Cadance’s nightgown had to go, she wanted to let this continue, indulge this new flavor- now.

“OK, then. Chrissy, would you mind coming-” Cadance’s words fell aside as her eyes caught sight of she and Rarity wonderfully entangled by both limbs and lips, the two sunken into a sapphic embrace that saw them utterly elsewhere, Twilight slowly slipping over so as to add her flickering tongue to the mix.

“We lost her,” Rainbow said with a grin. “As you were saying..?”

“Well, there’s always next time,” Cadance said briskly. “Applejack, sweetheart, would you come over here, please? Let Pinkie and Fluttershy have their fun, I think I need you here for a little while.”

It had been intended that Luna’s arrival would be marked as a reason to celebrate; her long absence that had seen her roaming the wildlands was not unusual, but with the beautiful warrior now so deeply entangled with the lives of so many others, her commonplace departures were a dull ache set against their hearts. When word had finally been sent of her return, Applejack in particular was set to a fit of excitement, an amusing sight to behold for one who had often been so hesitant; the farmgirl’s strengthened bond with the voracious princess was a fiercely devoted one, perhaps more than any others’ within their little nest.

But her arrival was a more clandestine affair than any of them had anticipated, save perhaps Chrysalis herself. Entering the nightclub to little fanfare, Luna had quietly seen herself to the queen’s study and offered nothing but the smallest amounts of greetings to her awaiting beloveds. Twilight soon followed in her wake, hiding herself behind the sealed doors; when Cadance did the same, it became obvious to the others that something was amiss. Luna’s last departure from their midst had not been a normal excursion after all.

Left in the dark for the time being, the remaining five ladies could do little more than wait until the concealed conversation came to an end, pooled together about a rounded table on the nightclub hall floor and discussing amongst themselves just what might cause such secrecy.

“Here we go,” Pinkie said softly, carrying out a tray of steaming stew that ignited hunger just by the merest scent. “I was planning on waiting for Luna to come back and we’d celebrate with her favorite beef stew, but…” a quick glance towards the halls and where Chrysalis’ study remained locked. “They’ve been in there for ages already.”

“At least an hour,” Rarity remarked, checking the time on the nearby clock. “I suppose we’ll find out what all the fuss is about eventually, won’t we?”

“Did you see her face when she came in? Luna, I mean,” Rainbow said. “She hadn’t been out in the stix. You know, like how she usually looks super weather-beaten right when she comes back?”

Rarity nodded, always swift to perceive the looks and appearances of others. “And wherever she’s been, it certainly has made her concerned. Fluttershy, darling, Chrissy tells you nearly everything that’s on her mind. Would you possibly know what has her behaving so secretively?”

Fluttershy had done her best to remain out of the conversation, but the sudden call of her name managed to put her on the spot; her gaze flicked away from the awaiting eyes of her love, doing more than enough to suggest that she did indeed have some knowledge on the day’s events. “I don’t know how much I should say…”

“Oh!” The fashionista felt a twinge of surprise at the remark. “Is it that serious?”

“Well…” The sweet-faced girl collected her thoughts before deciding upon an answer. “Since everyone is supposed to depart soon, she’s been nervous. And then Cadance and Luna have been coming here, it’s been a bit… suspicious.”

“Suspicious to who- oh.” Now she understood the full measure of her queen’s concerns. “Does Princess Celestia know she’s here?”

“I think that’s what Luna was trying to find out.”

“We’re in a lot of trouble if she does know, aren’t we?” Applejack said aloud. She’d been almost as quiet as Fluttershy since Luna’s arrival, whether it be pouting or worry they weren’t sure. “I mean, the last time Chrissy was here, she… and then we got Luna and Cadance tangled up in this, too.”

“And with all of Chrissy’s children about to leave- yeah, I’d think it was an invasion, too,” Rainbow said, pausing in between mouthfuls of steaming broth to add in her opinion. “If Princess Celestia knows the nest is here, she’s gonna level the place.”

And us with it. The unspoken thought rang through their midst and setting their nerves to pinpricks. From the outside looking in, the whole scenario would appear to be treason and hostile takeover all in one package; of course Princess Celestia would see their actions as a threat against the kingdom, and Chrysalis’ even more so. Unless they managed to fully explain exactly what had transpired, make it so that she really understood, then all their efforts these past few months might really be for naught.

“Do you think it’ll be OK?” Pinkie asked.

“Of course it will, darling,” Rarity answered gently, taking Pinkie’s outstretched hand and placing a kiss on her fingers. “Twilight is here with her; who else could figure out a better solution than she?”

None could say for sure, now so close to a whole new stage of life for so many. And unbeknownst to them all, behind closed doors that had been sealed to sound by the long and striding touch of a princess, four royal women found themselves in the midst of deep conversation- one already bearing a tinge of fire and growing hotter with every passing second.

Chrysalis was doing her best to not lose control of her boiling temper, but the painful need to seethe was pushing the limits of her patience. She had hoped Luna’s latest outing would tentative, an exploratory mission that would allay suspicion so as to safeguard her children’s departure. Instead- “And you did not think that perhaps this was a decision we might call rash?”

Luna had quite intentionally made herself the subject of scrutiny to her peers, though every inch of her displayed the defiance to which she clung to. “Who would have more knowledge on what makes my sister operate than I?” she challenged, her voice remaining calm in contrast to her royal beloved’s. “If we had simply announced your presence before her and demanded any kind of treaty, it would be seen as a threat and not as mediation.”

“But you told her I was still here!” Chrysalis fired back. “Now Celestia is on the defensive, and she will be watching for even the slightest hint of our presence! Almost the entire nest is set to depart this week! How can we achieve that great an exodus safely now that a kingdom’s military will be searching for us?”

“I did not tell her I had found you. Only that I think I might have,” Luna said again. “Quit thinking like a parent- I need you to understand why I chose this course.”

Chrysalis was fuming, furious that the strong-willed Princess had dared to so openly reveal such a secret. But staring into that calm face made it difficult for her anger to continue unabated, like water upon rock and keeping her stymied. “Very well, then,” she growled, “Explain to me your thoughts.”

“Right now, she is aware of you. When I return to my sister and verify that you are indeed still in the kingdom’s borders, I can also deliver your message that you wish to make a treaty at the same time,” Luna explained. “If I had discovered you and also come bearing your tidings all at once, the act would have seemed suspect. When you and Celestia meet, she must not try to believe that any of us –not a single one- is a deception. Because I know she will call for Twilight and the others to be here, I guarantee it.”

Chrysalis allowed herself to consider the thought. Yes, she wanted to make a pact with Celestia –and perhaps more, if she could manage it well enough- and she certainly did need the monarch to enter her nest without thoughts of battle. And though she was loathe to admit it, believing that her Ladies were all a false disguise would be a fair assumption for Celestia to make. “You know Celestia well,” Chrysalis said as she turned to a pensive Twilight. “Is this a sound tactic? How will she react?”

Twilight flickered between Luna and Chrysalis, allowing herself time to consider every possibility. Yes, Luna was the sibling, but her time away had allowed a different Celestia to form in her absence; Twilight’s experience with her mentor would offer a different perspective. “She… Celestia would call upon me to aid her in the matter, that’s true,” she admitted. “As to how we reveal that we already knew you were here is the more challenging matter- made all the stickier by the fact that we’ve been with you in such an intimate manner.”

“And that doesn’t even take into account that we also have to convince Celestia of your genuine change of heart,” Cadance added. “After all, your last encounter with her nearly saw a kingdom’s downfall; why would she believe you?”

“Then we convince her. What suggestions do we have?”

“No matter what we do, the revelation of those last two facts will feel like a betrayal. So our first goal is to soften that blow,” Cadance answered. “My best guess? That I be here with you already, along with the rest of the girls- save for Twilight and Luna who arrive with Celestia.”

“And what do you hope that achieves?” Twilight inquired.

“Legitimacy. That by my being beside Chrysalis, it makes her turn of heart all the more believable. After all, what sort of love spell could overcome the Princess of Love?” came the royal’s cheeky reply. “But just one surprise at a time. The presence of everyone else is revealed slowly, after you and Luna confirm your own connections- and after we’ve proven the sincerity of our actions.”

“Because if she suspects even the slightest bit of foul play…”

“Then there’s a very powerful battle in a very small space,” Luna said, a slow nod of grim agreement. “And people would get hurt no matter how we tried. It would be everything we’re working to avoid.”

“Then we take our time. Truly convince her, as best as we can,” Chrysalis said. “Much as I’d like to say otherwise, her first visit must be a formal one, kingdom meeting kingdom. Anything further will have to wait for another time, or else it ends up looking just like another kind of trap.”

“Furth- Chrissy, what on earth are you hoping for?” Twilight’s mind of tactics and politics was shunted aside as her love’s more personal thoughts were suddenly thrust into the open. “We’re trying to help you make a treaty, not plan a marriage!”

Chrysalis was unbothered by becoming the center of attention, and most certainly unabashed. “And does it bother you?” she asked lightly. “Just because we’re working towards one doesn’t mean the other can’t come along with it. Something tells me you wouldn’t mind having your dear old mentor in our midst.”

“Just because- that is neither here nor there,” Twilight said furiously, though unable to hide the flush of red that was spreading across her face. “We’re here to try to keep everyone safe and prevent a war. How about we focus on that instead?”

“A girl can daydream.”

“Perhaps at another time, say when we’ve formulated a final plan?” Luna said drily.

“I’m guessing she wants it as part of the plan,” Cadance remarked, grinning all the while. “My, my, Chrissy, just how thirsty are you?”

“Like a dying man in the desert, at all times,” Chrysalis purred, becoming all the more distracted by fantasy and hunger with every passing second. “It’s a pity I have to endure it right now; don’t you think that’s fixable?”

“Plan first, love later? Just maybe?”

She wanted to make a mess of her study. Hell, she wanted to open the doors, head to the bedroom and transform her world into a scene of utter sensuous beauty. But held in between the scowl of Twilight’s disapproval and the dry impatience of Luna, not even Cadance’s open desires could hope to keep her forever distracted. Chrysalis could only sigh. “Spoilsport.”

The great queen had seen battle before, known conflict and conquest for years without measure. There had been defeats that had left her reeling, and victories that had left them fat with strength. For far too long Chrysalis and her children had suffered through trials and pain, always on from one war to the next. But standing on the precipice of this last great edge, with only a sole obstacle still in her path, this next trial could very well be the last they ever knew. One day was all that remained, one agreement of peace and forever would she and her children be free.

Chrysalis knew the stakes and felt anxiety twist in her stomach at the thought of them- but all the more fierce was the darkened desire that had taken hold, the foolhardy yet insatiable hope that perhaps she might achieve more than just peace. Despite her own insistence and that of her council, the dark royal wanted to see her thirst quenched: her greatest enemy a foe no more, but the culminating jewel in her great house of lovers. She knew she should be afraid, but her heart could feel nothing but an fervent excitement.

A flash of color before her eyes and into her hands fell a swiftly written note bearing Twilight’s signature: We’re on our way. It was the sign she had waited for, and now Chrysalis would need to be prepared to receive her most distinguished guest. Comfortable as she currently was, it was time for her to rise and fulfill her destiny.

“Twilight and Luna?” Rarity asked, reclining on the couch beside the eager queen. She and the others had remained behind to tend to their beloved while Twilight and Luna had headed to the palace, taking to their private lounge while they awaited the now-arrived signal.

“They’ll be here soon,” Chrysalis murmured, rising to her feet and hoping her will would hold. Only now did fear begin to make its mark upon her heart, the endless loop of nightmarish scenarios burning through her mind. There were so many ways this could fall to disaster, so many things that she held precious able to be forever lost. She would have to be strong…

“And you’re sure you don’t want us with you?” Pinkie asked. “I could whip up everyone a super-nice meal and maybe that’d make everything a little easier.”

“For now, I wish for you all to be safe,” Chrysalis replied, stooping down to place a kiss on her beloved’s forehead, grateful for the offered kindness. “Seniya will be standing guard at the door until I return. Please, do not hinder her.”

The quiet warrior stood silently in the shadows, only coming to motion when the sound of her name rang through the quiet lounge. “I will allow nothing to enter lest you command it,” Seniya said, solemn and loyal to the end. “My apologies that Lady Rainbow cannot aid me in this endeavor.”

Rainbow Dash remained quiet in her place beside Fluttershy, somewhat sulky that need required her to be a passive bystander rather than a willing participant. Her skills in combat were beyond any of them save her beloved, but wisdom dictated that she could not raise a hand against her monarch; one wrong move could doom them all.

“Keep safe, my darlings,” Chrysalis said, a faint tremor in her soft voice. “Soon this will all be over, and we will be free.” A turn of her heel and through the threshold she went, off to the end of the hall so as to await the coming of the rival she no longer wished to wage war against.

“Wait- Chrissy, wait!” Before she could go further than a few steps, Fluttershy came rushing out of the lounge and towards her beloved, throwing her arms about the beautiful monarch and gracing her lips with a kiss of such wondrous softness and grace that the regal woman could do little more than melt at the touch. This was what she was striving for! No kingdom or conquest, no victory over any foe, but love- love in all its purity and warmth, to love and to be loved in return. What more could she want, what more could she ask for? Fluttershy had helped to change her world, her desires, even the very core of her being; now all of them were nestled deep within her heart, and the thought of them gave her courage.

When the sweet woman relinquished Chrysalis’ lips at last, the darkened queen wanted more. She wanted to seek out those lips again, find them and not let them go. But Fluttershy instead gave a small embrace and held her beloved’s head in her hands, the smile on her face unable to reach her eyes where worry still dwelled. “I love you,” she whispered. “So be safe.”

“Anything you ask for, my love,” Chrysalis replied, meaning every word. “Wish me luck?”

“Of course I will,” Fluttershy promised. “I’m sure you and Princess Celestia will be able to work things out and make amends. We’ll be waiting to celebrate when the time comes, OK?”

“Ooh, something to look forward to,” Chrysalis remarked. “And if Celestia decides she wants to join the party?”

Fluttershy rolled her eyes, the hopeful thought always on the tip of her beloved’s tongue. The sweet-faced woman knew the queen more intimately than perhaps any of the others, and knew just how deeply the daydream had taken root despite her insistence on a tempering of expectations. But still she smiled even as she shook her head, saying, “Then we’ll be happy to make room for one more.”

“You are more than wonderful,” Chrysalis breathed, a kiss in reply to honor the spoken kindness. “Now, return to the lounge, and stay safe.”

“Take care, Chrissy. All of you.”

The two loves parted, Fluttershy returning to her secured abode while Chrysalis strode onwards and away. Never in all her days had she and her children known a moment like this. Many times they had met rulers and masters of great lands of the world, but in battle and in the final moments of victory- never in the act of diplomacy, as peers between kingdoms. Despite her desires otherwise, Chrysalis’ attire that Rarity had designed was rather formal, a jet-black ballgown that shone like the deep of the night sky; comfortable, but offering no means to accentuate her form at all. She wanted Celestia, yes, but her Ladies had made her promise to make this a true act of politics. Chrysalis would have to dress the part of a true monarch, and for now lead alone.

The dining hall was empty, devoid of life save for her solitary heartbeat. The soft warmth of light against polished wood and marble should have offered comfort but only made Chrysalis feel so small and alone. The kitchen was quiet, no melody of Pinkie’s ever-present laughter within; no soft music in the background, no clinking of glass or sounds of good cheer to reverberate across the walls. Her children lay huddled down in safety, awaiting the moment their mother called them to a permanent freedom. It was all up to her now, and the weight of it was upon her shoulders in force.

The knock on the doors was the last signal she had waited for. “Keep them safe,” she told herself, taking in one last breath before issuing the command. “Enter!”

Luna strode through first, dressed in an elegance that the Changeling queen had not seen since their time together; she, just like the royal across from her, was adorned in a formal gown the color and gleam of starlight that befitted the might and majesty she so easily possessed. Beautiful though she was, this was a warrior, and the colors upon her skin only affirmed it. Behind her came Twilight, the sharp-eyed woman perhaps more anxious than her companion, a small pull at the dress that hung comfortably upon her figure. Chrysalis recognized it instantly, the young woman’s coronation gown in all its splendor; lovely and fair, an aura of newness that so easily befitted that wondrous day. She had only seen Twilight wear it once, and hoped that this stressful ordeal would not mar the memories of something so precious. And just behind her-

Oh! Chrysalis felt her breath catch and leave her, unable to withstand the unrivaled marvel that now strode into her abode. Celestia, the greatest Princess of Equestria, was here within her halls! Eyes no longer blinded by scales of malice and wrath now saw clearly, blessing the Changeling queen with a vision of truly cosmic beauty. Skin as soft as porcelain and shimmering as though flecked with gold, yet still allowing those lidded eyes to shine like precious stones. Hair that flowed so freely to her waist were all the colors of a gentle rainbow, twinkling and waving with each stride she took. All of her was so fair and beautiful, and so perfectly wrapped together upon a beautiful form of figure that was unlike any Chrysalis had ever seen. Celestia possessed grace and regality, strength and beauty- all of it and more! She had been advised against it, she had willed herself against it, but all her resistance gave way in a single meeting of eyes that set the darkened queen’s senses to overdrive. She was smitten, besotted, absolutely overcome by the wondrous perfection of Princess Celestia. She was in love-

And before the day was over, she would have her!

Chrysalis felt the makings of a tremor within her, ready to come forth and send her to shivering as desire consumed her form. Even after her many years, still how potent the feeling- but now would be a time most inopportune, so poor an instinct when the utmost diplomacy was needed. The need to convince Celestia of her genuine change of heart would be difficult enough of a task, and that was without the multitude of revelations that were about to occur, including that of having already slept with her sister- openly declaring that she wished to sleep with the other stellar princess would likely be a bit too much.

Celestia’s stride towards her supposed foe came to an end, the trio of gorgeous royalty standing a few feet apart from their intended host. A quick glance to her companions suggested nerves, and likely rightfully so. What came now would have to be their very best in persuasion and behavior. And if she wanted Celestia to trust her…

“Chrysalis,” Celestia said in an even voice, a nod towards the darkened woman. “So I have come, as you’ve requested.”

“Princess Celestia,” Chrysalis greeted, a deep bow of welcome to her newest object of desire. “On behalf of my children, welcome to our nest. May you find it well-suited to whatever need you require.” She was smiling, beaming almost; the queen was trying her best to ensure it didn’t look like a leer.

“So this is where you have been since Cadance’s wedding,” Celestia assumed.

“Only after a great deal of time,” came the swift reply. “We were brought low- as low as we could possibly have fallen. Perhaps such a thing was needed for us to see clearly at last.”

“And what do you now see clearly, Chrysalis?” Celestia asked. Still that even tone, but perhaps a small edge of curiosity within it. “You are here, within the walls of my city and already in contact with both my sister and my protégé. What is your intent?”

“My intent is the total surrender of hostilities between my people and yours,” Chrysalis answered- and the thrill that came when she saw Celestia’s eyes widen the slightest tinge! “I am not here to assail your city, nor am I here for any crown or ravenous feeding. Yes, my children are here in full but I have no wish for conflict any longer. It is my hope that today will see peace between kingdoms once and for all.”

Celestia mulled the words over, or at least appeared to do so. “A stark change from when I first met you,” she remarked. “Too much so for it to be mere happenstance. What has changed you so?”

Chrysalis took a small gulp. “And if I tell you, will you believe me?” Calm yourself now.

“That will remain to be seen,” came the sunlit princess’ reply. “What has changed you?”

It was the shortest, simplest answer she could have given. “Love,” Chrysalis answered.

Celestia at first appeared confused- only for the consternation to fall as Twilight broke from her place at the stellar princess’ side to cross the line, coming to take hold of Chrysalis’ left arm. A timid, worried glance over at her former teacher before she fully committed, leaning up and finding the darkened queen’s lips for her to kiss, a soft action that conveyed every argument so clearly. As their sapphic embrace came to an end, Twilight fell away from her lover and turned to fully meet Celestia’s gaze, still nerve-wracked but given heart by the affections of the Changeling queen. “I am not a Changeling,” Twilight said faintly. “I’m not… I’m not tricked, or under some kind of enchantment. I actually first came here to stop Chrysalis, but instead… I fell in love. By accident, really. And it’s been good.”

If the first surprise wasn’t enough, Luna’s potent stride over to the queen’s right side was sure to be more than any could handle, the knockout punch perfectly wrapped by a pair of fierce kisses to Chrysalis and Twilight each. As she took her own stand, the warrior princess turned to face her sister with head held high, defiant and rebellious without an ounce of shame or regret. “I’ve been fooled before, sister,” Luna said. “If Chrysalis was here with ill intent, I of all people would know. But she has been a partner and companion, a thousand times over. And I promise you, she and her children have truly changed. The days of the warfaring Changelings is over; this is a new creation before your eyes.”

Chrysalis scrutinized Celestia intently, studying every inch of her face for the slightest betrayal of what emotions lay simmering underneath. Her worst fears wondered if there would be signs of betrayal or panic, or perhaps even anger; her utmost hopes wished to see delight, maybe even so lucky as to find desire. But despite the thorough investigation by her keenest senses, all the dark queen could determine was that Celestia was currently performing some very deep thinking, and very quickly. To what conclusion, she couldn’t tell.

The silence became unbearable before words came forth once again, the anxiety palpable when Celestia rose from her inner contemplations. “There are others, aren’t there?” she said, catching Chrysalis blindsided and sending a bolt of shock through the loving trio. “You have taken others here before.”

So they’d come to that next revelation so quickly. Chrysalis had meant to reach that point in time, allow the initial shock to wear off before lambasting the sunlit princess yet again. But she remained still so calm, seemingly unfazed by the sudden truths now before her eyes; maybe it was safe to continue marching forward if she was taking such surprises so calmly. And it wouldn’t do to lie now, anyway. “There- neither Twilight nor dear Luna were the first to find me,” Chrysalis confessed. “They came later, of their own volition and not the deception of another. Both simply wished to aid their friends.”

“Fluttershy was the first to come here,” Twilight said. “And Rarity, she- she’d wanted Fluttershy for so long, so Chrysalis invited her in. And then Fluttershy and Rarity asked Pinkie to come into the fold, too. And then Rainbow Dash followed after them one day and alerted me and Applejack…”

“And they instead became part of the fold,” Luna continued. “All six of the Bearers were here before I had tracked the horde down, bound to Chrysalis and to one another. I was practically begged to join them all; so I have been part of the- the love nest, as it were.”

“And with Cadance having departed public life…” Cadance was putting two and two together more swiftly than they had anticipated. “She is here as well, isn’t she?”

“Under my permanent protection, and as one of the nest,” Chrysalis answered, rather liking how her moonlit princess had put it. “What wrongs I have dealt to her needed to be made right. Here she is home, and loved by us all.”

Celestia fell back to silence, still seemingly thinking through the menagerie of revelations that had befallen her in the short time since her arrival. A few had been cast at her feet, yes, but the others she had deduced herself; so what more was she considering, what questions did she possess that still remained unanswered? If she believed their arguments or still remain skeptical was not something they could tell, only allowing the muted void to ring in their ears while their fretful hearts pounded away within their chests.

Chrysalis saw a small flicker of light within the beautiful woman’s eyes, some small spark that might indicate a deliberated decision. Perhaps she had made a choice. For ill, maybe, or perhaps something good- maybe even wondrous, such as a desire to make their love nest a part of her world. They had once been enemies most bitter; what better way to mark the end that era than to be bound together by the bonds of deep, lavish, carnal passions? She could already imagine the body that lay beneath that brilliant clothing, the feeling of it against her fingers. And she would be tended to by her beautiful Ladies, all of them desperate to be with this glorious Princess of the Sun just as much as they hungered for one another-

“I wish to see everything,” Celestia announced. “Every part of the nest. Everyone within it, everything you have done within these walls. I wish to see it all.”

So perhaps she had gotten ahead of herself. But Chrysalis was patient, even in the ways of love. She would still have Celestia within her arms before day’s end, even if it took all day to achieve it. “Very well, then,” Chrysalis declared. “Follow me, Your Highness. There is a lot for you to see.”

Celestia indeed wanted to see everything. It were as though she needed to inspect every last rivet in every uncovered pillar of steel that held the weight of the warehouse built by her ancient command. From the spacious floor of the dining hall did they guide her downwards to the darkened depths of the levels beneath their feet, more than a minor stir of fear from Chrysalis’ many children at the unexpected appearance of this powerful force. Celestia’s unreadable expression show no sign of change at the sight of so many wary eyes upon her, not a negative or positive emotion for her guides to see. The passive appearance the princess bore was rather unnerving.

“You know her. Are we in danger?” Chrysalis asked of Twilight, leaning down to whisper into her Lady’s ear.

“I don’t think so,” Twilight mused, daring a quick glance at the woman who followed behind them. “But she’s thinking hard, I know that.”

“Any ideas as to what?”

“Not a clue.”

Upwards they went, leaving the many layers of the nest and onto the finer side of this newfound life, wading through the kitchen and the numerous private rooms that had been constructed. Whatever Celestia wished to see, Chrysalis revealed to her; even her personal chambers came under the sunlit woman’s scrutiny for reasons none of them could fathom. When at last the time came for the whole of them to be in the same room, the Changeling queen could only wonder as to what her honored guest was trying to make sense of.

She questioned Fluttershy, then Cadance; Rarity and every single one of the others, too. But each time it was the same batch of questions: how they came to be here, what they had done since their arrival, what they thought of Chrysalis, and what they thought of one another. Again, even to Luna’s scrutinizing assessment of her sister’s actions, it was impossible to figure out what Celestia was really thinking. If she were on the search for even the slightest hint of deception, Chrysalis would be hurt but at least understanding; trust was a difficult thing to earn and their last encounter had spilled blood. But if, and it was a big if, Celestia was trying to gauge her own interest in partaking of this beautiful nest of passions…

Chrysalis felt the shiver course through her form and was glad that no eyes were upon her to see it. This hunger that ached within her chest was like a beast in a cage, tearing at the bars so as to be set free. It was not a decision that would be deemed wise, but her potent desires were starting to take hold; if she could force this gambit just a little bit, the scales might tip in her favor. More than a peace treaty, but a union between kingdoms- a beautiful, sensuous, passionate union of carnal flesh.

“There is no more here of which I can show you,” Chrysalis declared as they departed from the presence of her Ladies, she and Celestia now alone in the empty halls of the sprawling nightclub. “All of my children, all of my beloveds- there is not a single inch of my world that has not been laid before your eyes.”

“Very well, then,” Celestia said. She appeared resolute to her fellow royal, a mind decided at last. “Is there somewhere private that we can discuss matters further? A quiet place?”

Oh yes. “My study awaits us,” Chrysalis said as her hand came to guide them, her heart sorely wishing they would instead head to the bedroom. “Lady Twilight has inscribed the treaty on our behalf; it would gladden me if you were to receive it.”

“Lead on.”

It was a daring that perhaps should not have been; taking the sun-kissed woman by the hand, Chrysalis led Celestia onwards to the intimate space of her private study, guiding her inwards to where a formidable length of parchment sat atop the carved desk. It was a foolish decision, but they were so close now. If she could only play her cards right, truly win this battle of wills, then Celestia would surely swoon in her arms. They would be bonded together, and make the world quake with the might of their united love!

“Please study the treaty at your leisure,” Chrysalis offered, taking the only available seat as she let her eyes soak in the beauteous form of her guest. “What comes next is up to you alone.”

“Hmm…” Celestia took the parchment in hand and regarded the words upon it, occasionally pausing in her perusal to glance over at the hosting queen. Perhaps she could see Chrysalis’ rising hunger, her potent lusts? “So this is for what you have longed for,” she remarked, her voice still so tranquil and calm as it had been since almost the very moment she had first spoken. “Tell me, Chrysalis: when this treaty is signed, what do you intend for yourself and your children?”

“You have seen this nest. Filled to the brim and ready to spill over,” Chrysalis answered. “But if you agree to terms, they can roam freely. Be people of your kingdom just as much as they are of mine; already they have learned so much from my Ladies, and eager are they to find loves of their own. Rest assured, they will work hard and be at peace with your people.”

“They have certainly changed from when I first laid eyes upon them,” Celestia replied. “Have Twilight and the others been such an influence upon them?”

Chrysalis gave a quick little chuckle. “The one who convinced them is Pinkie Pie, truth be told. They adore her- and why shouldn’t they? I of all people can attest she’s more than worthy of worship.”

“They have benefited you so greatly,” Celestia breathed, as though admiring the fervor within the Changeling queen’s words. “So deeply nestled within you.”

“I cannot imagine life without them,” Chryalis said. “Their presence, the very feel of them, and everything they do for me… a life with these women is heaven.”

“You make it sound so perfect,” Celestia said lightly, regarding her companion with what Chrysalis desperately hoped was envy. “I rather wonder if it really is heaven.”

“You don’t have to wonder, Celestia,” Chrysalis replied, her voice becoming a silken purr that none could resist. “Sweet Twilight, she has a mind of politics and logic; her council told me the only way to see us come to terms would be through diplomacy. But I always wondered if you might be swayed to meet me through more enjoyable means.”

Celestia’s eyes became slits, gleaming in the soft glow of the candlelight. “Is that so?” she said softly. “And I thought I was curious before… what do you offer me instead, Chrysalis?”

The lustrous queen rose from her seat and came forward, a hand falling gently upon that of the Princess of the Sun; they were close together now, the empty space between them shrunken down to little more than a head’s length. Chrysalis’s hunger was a throbbing pain now, desperate to be sated; she had to do this now. “Do we need paper to seal the bond between us, Celestia?” she said so sweetly. “To be united? Don’t you think we could join together in harmony without it, just the two of us?”

“Oh-! But your Ladies,” Celestia breathed, perhaps inching just a little bit closer, “Surely you won’t abandon them.”

“They’ll be happy to have you,” came the sultry whisper. She couldn’t take it any longer, she had to have her; if she could not make sweet, beautiful love to Celestia in this very instant then she may well go mad! “Won’t you join me? And together… we’ll share so much.”

“Then promise me one thing,” Celestia replied. Her lips brushed the edge of Chrysalis’ own, just the smallest distance between them as their fingers intertwined and sought to bind them together.

“Anything, my darling.”

The flickering light within Celestia’s eyes went dark. “You’ll tell me where Shining Armor is.”

The heady atmosphere of the small study became icy cold in the matter of an instant. Chryalis almost didn’t realize what had been said, so intent was she upon claiming her prize. But when the words truly rang in her ears, all thought of passion and romance died. “What?”

The Princess of the Sun stepped back and grew cold, her visage now stark as she took advantage of her foe’s disarmed shock. “Cadance came to you searching for him,” she said. “You know that to be true, she said so of her own volition. Yet now she chooses to be here with you, even calling this place her home; why does she no longer search for the man she married?”

The situation was unraveling quickly, a death spiral that was going to see all their combined efforts be put to flame. Celestia had not been convinced, nor did she believe Chrysalis had lost her ancient malice. If she did not recover quickly-! “He is- he has left our shores,” Chrysalis stammered, speaking as fast as she could manage. “Twilight and Luna, they searched for him for so long. And when they found him, he- it was as though he were another person instead. Shining Armor would not return to her. So I promised I would see her safe and cared for, because- because…” Because of something I cannot say. It would be a death sentence.

“How convenient,” Celestia remarked, her voice so cold with disdain. “So that is how you tried to conquer this kingdom. Covert and quiet rather than open conquest. After all, why would anyone put up a fight when they can love their enemy instead?”

“That isn’t true, not true at all!” Chrysalis insisted, cold sweat starting to form on her brow. “My children have changed- I have changed! We seek no violence, no throne or kingdom. All I want is to see them safe and happy, free of the confines of this place!”

“And your Ladies,” Celestia fired back, “what of them? Is that what they wish?”

“Yes! They helped teach my children- anything that could help them survive and flourish alongside anyone they wish!” the darkened royal replied. “All we wish for is peace and love, can we not have it? They mean no harm to you, I swear it.”

“So they can imitate what you have done here-”


“Surrounded by a bevy of willing prisoners.”

“No. Not prisoners, but true loves,” Chrysalis vowed. “I know my first steps before you were wrong, Celestia. From the bottom of my heart, I am sorry for what I tried to accomplish. But- but Fluttershy! Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity- all of them! You cannot imagine how much I love them, how I would do nothing to harm them! Nothing in this world means more to me than they!”

“You never loved them.”

The swiftly spoken words that had fallen before her had been accusations against her intent, justified by a history of malice and wrath that had seen them come to blows. But this? This new charge was against her newfound character, plucking away at the deepest portions of her heart- and so Chrysalis’ panic transformed into a powerful anger. “How dare you!” she snarled. “How could you possibly dare to claim that? They are the loves of my life, my treasures! I do not know if I could love them more-”

“You never loved them,” Celestia said again, her placid tone an infuriating calm against the queen’s rising storm. “And nor could they love you.”

“Prove me wrong,” Chrysalis spat, incensed beyond any memory of fury she could recall. “Tell me why they could not love me.”

Celestia at first appeared exasperated, as though she were trying to reason with a toddler. But her expression began to change, turning at first to confusion before eventually reaching disbelief. “You… you actually believe yourself,” she breathed faintly. “You have deceived even yourself. You’ve forgotten what you even are.”

“And what am I?” Chrysalis sneered. “A monster? Try and take my darlings from me, and I promise I will prove it.”

Celestia appeared flummoxed; every moment that had been sure to be a surprise was nothing compared to what her foe said now. “You call them your Ladies,” she said slowly. “They help you in matters of estate, you said. Is that true?”

“They are not slaves, they do it freely-”

“But don’t you think it odd? Each of them tending to all of your affairs so perfectly that all you do is command. You have warriors, courtesans, advisors, chefs- all wrapped into a package that sees to your most carnal needs.” Celestia was speaking slowly, almost as if she were trying to soften a blow. “They gave you everything you could ever want- one even stopped trying to pursue her husband so you could have her.”

“He- Shining Armor abandoned her,” Chrysalis swore, a growing cold starting to take root in her bones. “He left her, I- I had to see Cadance smile again!”

“And why did he leave, Chrysalis?” Celestia asked. “I knew Shining Armor: a good man, faithful and loyal to the woman he wished to call his wife. Yet he left her- what changed?”

Chrysalis knew the answer all too well. And try as she might to avoid it, Celestia knew the truth as well. This was going so, so wrong…

“Chrysalis,” Celestia said, “how did Fluttershy first come to love you?”

A memory of flowers, a heady sniff. Miniscule droplets of scent that wove their way through the senses until she were intoxicated. An act repeated again when further feeding came through her very doors, eager to partake in both queen and vassal. Chrysalis had tried to forget.

But she knew. “I… I tricked her,” Chrysalis said weakly; she could feel a stinging in her eyes, a weakness in her limbs as this desperate horror took gold. “A pheromone. And on Rarity as well-” she had to fight against this; the memories were days long lost, a life left to the wayside. “I stopped. I never did it again. Pinkie was the first, then Rainbow- all of them love me of their own free will, I swear it! I only wanted them, and them alone. To have and to hold, I- I…”

“Have you forgotten who you are, Chrysalis?” Celestia asked, her eyes dulled by sympathy and sorrow. “You are a Changeling, but there is a much older title that was given to your forebears, and one that described what you have done here so well: the heart-eaters.”

Chrysalis flinched, wounded by the title. Not since her earliest days in this world had she heard mention of that cursed title, a fell blow that rattled her very soul. A damnation, a violent condemning of their very being, earned by the very means of their survival. “I didn’t- I love them.” She fell to her knees, crashing against the leg of the desk as her will shattered.

Celestia knelt down to face her, a small touch of Chrysalis’ form in kindness to the end of this misguided world. “The heart-eater… you feed on love, but you cannot make it. You reap it as though a crop, always keeping them nearby. Ready to be siphoned, squeezed dry; they could never love you, Chrysalis, because what has befallen them was never love at all. Only a spell, an enchantment that belongs to your kind alone. And what love they ever had for others is taken away, eaten and lost; you cannot love because you are the antithesis to it. Always taking, always consuming, but never able to return, for all acts of love are little more than food.”

She didn’t want to hear it. Each word was a new dagger in her chest, a new piece of her heart ripped away- but she could not block it out, not find a ringing ear that would see them be lost in the throbbing void. Chrysalis could feel the tears on her face, the wretched agony that threatened to break her very form into a thousand pieces, and she could do nothing to stop it. “What must I do?” she said, her voice echoing from someplace an eternity away. “What do you demand of the Queen of the- the heart­-eaters?”

“Let them go,” Celestia said. “Set free your prisoners, Chrysalis, and I will do my best to explain what has overcome them. It will be a long road for them to recover, an addiction that does not quickly heal… but they will be better. You have not permanently wounded them.”

Chrysalis did not know how she managed to rise to her feet. Was it the helping hand of Princess Celestia, or what little strength she still possessed that helped see it done? But on tottering feet did she stand, barely able to hold back the wailing howl that lay caught in her throat. “I will… I will send them away,” she said in a voice so hollow. It was a pain to her spirit, but she forced her eyes to find those resplendent eyes of amethyst and met them clearly. “Thank you- for saving them from me.”

Celestia saw her grief and only nodded.

The sounds that met her when she opened the lounge door was that of merriment and laughter; Seniya stood aside and Chrysalis found her Ladies there together, enjoying the company of one another as they patiently waited for the final proclamation of this momentous visit- and perhaps the siren call when they too would be asked to make their presence known.

Cadance, a jug of lemonade mid-pour in her hands, was the first to notice their new arrival. “Hey, there she is!” She cried, the smile on her face promptly lost to concern at the sight of Chrysalis. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

She couldn’t even begin to know how to explain it. Chrysalis’ breast heaved with each breath, her eyes darting this way and that as she tried to avoid their gaze. It would be so loving to her, so adoring- and all of it a lie that she could not bear to witness again. “I…”

The eight women now focused themselves fully on their beloved queen, abandoning cheerful conversation and sustenance to tend to the apparent distress. “Chrissy..?” Fluttershy asked hesitantly. “Is- is everything OK?”

It would be the worst thing she had ever done. “You are dismissed from my presence,” she said in a strangled voice. “Celestia has bid you leave this place, for your safety.”

Luna blanked. “Chrys, do you wish me to speak to her? I can reason-”

“I wish it also.”

It was as though a great hand had swept across the room and slapped them across the face. From consternation to pain and to outright horror, all of them were left reeling by this sudden change of behavior. “But-”

“I have wounded you all,” Chrysalis said as she began to break. “I have stolen from you, and almost destroyed you. Princess Celestia has spared you from my clutches. Depart from this place, lest you never survive.”

“But Chrissy-”

Go!” She did not await another objection, any semblance of a response. Chrysalis swept away from their sight and disappeared, heading to the last place in the world that would help mend her broken heart. As the bedroom door slammed shut behind her, the lock sealed by the might within her grasp, she could only tear away at the clothes upon her wretched form. Each new rip of fabric, every scratch upon her skin- anything that could cause pain was welcome, for she was more wretched and villainous than any that had ever walked this earth. She wanted her blood to be shed, she longed for the pain.

Without love, you will die, Chrysalis thought to herself. You will wither away. And to her sorrowed mind, so full of memories that spoke of light and laughter and love that had been everything but, it was the only conclusion that she felt worthy of hoping for. I will die, and I will deserve it.

10. Celestia, Enchanted by Love

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One month later

There was pain in even the simplest movement she could make. Breathing was a labor, the small risings and fallings of her chest a soreness that seemed so pointless to struggle against. Why did an action so natural, so intuitive that it required no thought to complete, now become something agonizing? But what remnant part of her that could still think and reason asked why such pain should even be a surprise; her entire being was ravaged, slowly crawling towards oblivion. Pain was an expected norm now.

Chrysalis’ breath came through a dried throat, cold air painful to her cracked tongue that hung limp in her mouth. Bleary eyes looked about the darkened room that had become her prison cell, trying to focus themselves on one singular point so as to stop the world from swirling about in a maddened flurry that could not stay still. Why couldn’t the four walls that surrounded her stop moving, weaving this way and that in her vision? It sickened her stomach to witness it, urging what little liquid that still remained within her to free itself from the confines of her body. And when the pain of bile had disappeared, painful bouts of vomiting becoming little more than empty wretching? Still did her world spin about, a mind sloshing about inside her skull.

Her body burned. No, it died- dying daily, moment by moment, a crawl that had become a walk and at last a full-fledged sprint into the arms of the reaper. Chrysalis could not find the strength to fight death’s fangs even if she had the will to do so. How could she even justify the continuation of her existence, knowing what atrocities she had committed? Pillaged and stole, deceived and lied and cheated- for years so numerous that she had lost count. But more than feeding, more than mere survival, Chrysalis had led her children into the most unforgivable act that her kind could ever commit. She had resurrected their old name, the curse that had blighted them. Of all beings in this world that were unworthy of life, it was all too clear that her name would be found upon the list. All the misery she endured in her final days was simply the punishment that fit the crime.

Memory flowed through; gentle touches and caresses, kisses and love so freely given that the overflow was given happily in return. It had made her strong, so much more than any her kind had ever been in all their days. But now the thoughts were like poison, a dagger through her heart that had set to eating alive those she claimed to cherish. She was a thief, a liar, and a monster. Chrysalis wanted those titles to hurt, a branding iron to her skin. But the pain that came tried its very best to bring tears down upon her face, and there was no water left in her that could still fall freely. Even to weep seemed to great a task now.

I suppose I’ll die soon, her mind whispered, distantly as though still in a dream. The thought couldn’t will to life any emotion at all; not fear, not happiness, not even relief. Like one who had run across the great span of the night, endlessly and without ceasing, all that the wearied, once-royal being could still know was exhaustion. Perhaps, when death came, she would no longer have to be tired. Maybe there could be comfort in that.

Outside the four walls that housed her bedchambers, the world had become frantic. Skittering voices hurried this way and that in a panic that had reached a new crescendo, desperate minds pleading for survival. The nest was a flurry of fear as the huddled masses crept about this way and that, wondering if flight from this protected place would be the only means to their survival. Everywhere in the world would they now find danger, but many feared that death had found them here in the confines of their home. And in the depths of the dark, a trio now whispered.

“Can we enter her bedchambers at all?” asked one, a raven-haired woman with a lovely face becoming thin with hunger. “Find a way inside, force her to eat and drink?”

The oldest of them, a sharp-eyed woman with a gaze as cold and fierce as ice, could give nothing but a shake of her head. “None of us could break the seal she has put upon those walls,” she reported. “There is a barrier even in the vents that prevents all entry; not even explosives against the door would see us through if she does not wish it to be. I have looked upon the floor plans for this place, there is no way in that we did not attempt.”

The last of their member, strong and so used to tending to the welfare of her mother, had done her best to listen and keep her lips sealed. As Seniya soaked in the words of those about her and examined them, even her steady features began to grow dark. “If the Ravens cannot enter her quarters, then there is no need for any of us to try further. She is locked away from us.”

“But she is dying!” Ghara’s cool gaze was heated, impassioned by the nightmare scenario that had gripped their nest. “If she perishes, then any hopes of our survival is lost. There is no royal jelly, no new heir- if she would only let us tend to her and see her fed, we would at least continue to exist a little longer!”

Alqa was young, less used to the old ways of her people. Having been one easily impressed upon by their mother’s former lovers, her mind had done well to look upon the tragedy that befell them and glean a different perspective. “But even if we find a way in, would she even allow us to see her survive? Are we sure that this is not a self-inflicted death sentence? You saw how she cast out her Ladies.”

“She would not do such a thing to herself,” Ghara said, but then left uncertain by the thought. “Surely not? It is against her very nature.”

“A nature that was willingly abandoned,” Seniya reminded her compatriot. “The old ways were to be forgotten. She wished for us to become something new.”

Ghara bit her lip and looked away, taking a moment for pondering. She was the oldest of Chrysalis’ commanders, distrusting of new and novel things. When their mother had taken lovers, when their number had grown and seen them all to flourishing, she had allowed her reservations to remain silent in the face of a feast. But now, with their queen’s Ladies long departed and the nest on the brink of starvation, her fears were found necessarily voiced. “But they are gone,” she said quietly. “And they are not coming back. Surely they would have done so by now, if they intended to. All that Her Majesty worked for has been lost, ever since Celestia came. Said something to her, spoke to her privately.”

“She told us not to pursue. If she had been a threat then we would have known right from the start-”

“Celestia came, took away her Ladies, and now we starve. When was she not a threat?” Ghara demanded. “The Horde will not last much longer if we do not have something to feed on; not food, not water, but real, tangible love. If we don’t have something now, we’ll die. We have to-”

“We will not disobey her commands, we will not go out into the world and steal from them again,” Seniya said, visage ironshod as her will. “If we are to starve, then we starve.”

“And you would accept your death?”

“Without question,” Seniya replied. “I would die because she believed it to be right.”

“Can’t we save her?” Alqa asked aloud. “Can’t we get her to eat, to do something? Forget the crown for a moment, she is our mother!”

“And how? We cannot enter her quarters, the world may be in between Her Majesty and ourselves,” Ghara countered. “None of us here possess the strength to overcome her magic.”

“But we know those who could,” Seniya interjected. “We could ask for help.”

A chill went through their number, the action a deeper cut than her words truly suggested. They were Chrysalis’ Commanders, her finest soldiers and most trusted of children. They had earned that title through unwavering loyalty to even the simplest, smallest command.

“Are you sure they would even come?” Ghara asked.

“I have to believe they would. They loved her.”

“And if we do leave this place,” Ghara said in a voice that quivered, “Leave here and seek them out… we will have committed treason against the crown. Our actions to save her life could mean the loss of our own.”

“Then I will see it done,” Seniya said. “My duty is to preserve her life. If it is by my blood, so be it.”

“Please, sister,” Alqa pleaded. “She is our mother.”

Ghara looked to her left, and then to her right, knowing that damnation and death lay all about her. At last a sigh fell from her lips, shoulders sagging as she transgressed the uncrossable line that had always been kept within her mind. “Then there is no time to waste,” she murmured.

It was so quiet. And cold. The absence of external body heat that was not her own was now something that set her mind to awakening, a hearkening to older days that had almost been forgotten in the face of more youthful memories. She had lived like this once before, and it was something she was more than well aware of. Being so deeply uncomfortable with her own solitude was not a feeling she enjoyed in any form, especially now. After all that she had come to know and to love, this quiet cottage that she called home now felt horribly empty.

Fluttershy blinked, stretching herself out on the sheets that covered her bed, a place too small and too vacant for her liking. A quick glance towards the nearby window reported a dull grey sky that slowly drizzled a cold rain to the world below, deep shades of morose color that set the mood so succinctly. How was she supposed to feel anything else, especially when even the very earth seemed eager to keep her countenance crestfallen? The gloom of the damp, muddied day at least befitted her current circumstances.

“You’re not supposed to think like that,” she tried to tell herself, the sound of spoken word a relief to her deprived senses- at least until she heard them filter through the house and confirm its emptiness. “You’re in recovery. Nothing is wrong, you’re perfectly OK. You’ll improve before too long, so don’t let this weather make you be all mopey.”

It was counseling she had been given by Princess Celestia- given to all of them in the days of their departure. When Chrysalis had cast them out from her presence, the victorious royal had done her best to explain what their once-loyal lover had been unable to fully confess: they had all, despite their overwhelming certainty, been deceived by the cunning wiles of an ancient power, their hearts and minds bent to an outpouring of love and affection that had satisfied the appetites of a hungering heart. The ruse had been so subtle, so perfectly designed, that its grasp had come upon them without a single one of them ever knowing they had been caught; not even Chrysalis herself had known just what had transpired. They had been imprisoned by an unwitting jailer, each so certain of what they felt and acted upon that any suspicion of a trap had been laid to rest.

“Nothing I felt was real,” she whispered, looking to her reflection in the mirror and seeing only a shadowed figure. “I never really loved her. I never loved any of them.” Nor had any of their feelings for one another been anything more than a fantasy, conjured in the mind of one eager to enjoy herself. Cadance had never really wanted to bring out Rainbow’s submissive side; Applejack had never really wanted Luna; Pinkie’s sudden excess of confidence was not of her own making, Twilight didn’t want to get involved, and she and Rarity had never-

The thought hurt. It was pain to her very body, a soreness that struck deep within her heart to a place she couldn’t even name. Each time she came to this point it was a struggle, the mantra that she was meant to repeat like glass in her throat. “Rarity and I- we never cared for each other that deeply,” she said, gagging on the words. They had been the first, hidden feelings given life and allowed to bloom under what had seemed tender care. But it had only been part of the deception, a further tie that bound them away; more food, more temptation, more reason to never ever leave.

Fluttershy told herself that it was true, and hated the thought.

The morning went by in its slow, staggering pace that more properly befitted slow days of death and mourning than what was supposed to be recovery. Celestia had told them that any hope of weaning themselves off of such a strong substance such as a Changeling would be impossible due to the nature of what they had become addicted to. Instead, a total absence of Chrysalis’ presence was the only way they would be able to be free and be themselves once more, lest they be forever lost in the clutches of the queen’s supposed love. They had been absent from her presence, her comfort and warmth and love for quite a while now. The young girl supposed that she, being the one who had spent the longest amount of time in Chrysalis’ care, would have the hardest time recovering from the potency of the addiction. After all, it had been a month already; the idea that she would still wish for some attachment probably wasn’t out of the question.

Or it could be that she’d actually had enough time to think things through, and that Celestia had just been completely wrong. It was always a possibility.

“That’s not true,” Fluttershy counseled herself, finding the words hollow. “It’s just your mind trying to trick you because that thought feels the most comfortable. You know it’s not true.” The thin echo that coursed through her greyscale cottage was not a convincing sound, fitting for such an argument. If only she could truly convince herself, one way or the other.

By the time lunch came around, her conflicting convictions had done their work in putting her mind in a tangle, each so determined to outlast the other that the simple task of making a salad became arduous. The meal itself had been something she had decided upon so as to avoid boredom and possibly put her mental efforts to something useful; now it would be needed to allay her growing exhaustion.

The wearied girl gave a groan, burying her face in her hands as she rubbed hard against her temple. It was still so hard to let go, to just move on and accept that what she had cherished was little more than an overwhelming daydream. Why wasn’t it getting any easier to put her mind at ease, to argue against the thoughts that so continuously encroached? Shouldn’t there be some progress, some healthier feeling that would begin to reveal itself? Yet all Fluttershy felt was misery and apathy, an emptiness in her heart that refused to dissipate. This quiet, lonely world she lived in had been the one she had known for so much of her life; it had been pleasant once, but the warmth of company had turned this comfortable life into something so cold and lonely.

“Enough of this,” she muttered at last, pushing aside a half-eaten bowl of greens away and turning to the door. She would put on her walking shoes and go for a stroll into town. Perhaps the company of her girlf- of her friends would help alleviate her unhappy symptoms. Perhaps they felt the same way, and would find encouragement together.

“Come in,” came a voice that sounded unusually tight and strained, missing both the brightness and the professionalism that had always been found within. As Fluttershy pushed open the door to Twilight’s library, she was surprised and yet not surprised to see the bookish woman sitting at the nearby desk with a bevy of books and parchment paper at her fingertips- and upon her face, sagging lines and shadows about her eyes.

She always looked so lovely before, Fluttershy thought sadly, remembering the steady presence of a smile on her friend’s face. Oh, poor Twilight, I wish I could help.

“Oh, Fluttershy,” said Twilight, a tone in her voice suggesting that perhaps she’d expected specific company. “Good afternoon, what… what brings you here today? It’s a miserable day to be walking around.”

“Just a bit bored, I guess,” the young woman sighed, “I just needed to get out of the house for a little while.” It was the first time she’d really been in the presence of any of her… former companions… since they had been returned to their homes by Celestia, the awkwardness of shared memory and how it had all come to an end making the inevitable moment an uncomfortable one. What was she supposed to do here, how was she meant to reconcile the present with past action that had been so intimate? She wanted to reach out for Twilight’s hand at the very least, slip in beside her and place a kiss on those cheeks to help see the despair melt away like the morning mist. But that wouldn’t be helpful, would it? Not useful for either of them in their recovery from a broken hea- from addiction. But it would be so comfortable, so normal-!

She needed to distract herself, lest she really try to give in. “Have you been up all night again?” It wasn’t as though late-hour research wasn’t something Twilight was unfamiliar with.

A nod in reply. “A couple of naps here and there,” Twilight explained, “but I’ve been searching for information on Changeling lore for days now. I started with biology, I’ve tried going through written history, even old myths and legends… there’s just not enough recorded data on the species that can be used.”

“What are you looking for?”

“The truth?” Twilight said, a half-smile as though unsure of the truthfulness in her own answer. “I want to confirm what Celestia said. Maybe if I could understand their origins better, then maybe more of this would make sense. I could break that… that hold on me.”

Fluttershy felt a sense of relief that clashed well with her fear. So Twilight still felt the same, still struggled and suffered just as she; they both wanted to return to that life, that normalcy that had felt so, so good.

“I just keep thinking about what Celestia said, over and over,” Twilight sighed. “She said Chrysalis tricked us all through a combination of pheromone control, seduction, and fulfillment of desire. Yet she also says that Chrysalis was able to trick herself because she was willing to do whatever it took to keep her food supply at a close distance, even if it meant adapting her behaviors to suit her prey’s preferences. So when her behavior changed, Chrysalis thought she had changed, yet was still controlling all of us at the same time. And still believed she’d actually, genuinely changed!” A groan as the royal woman slumped over her mound of paperwork and books, wound up and exhausted by the circular thoughts that had dominated her brilliant mind. “I want it to make sense, I really do. I don’t think- I know Celestia wouldn’t deliberately lie to us, so she really believed what she told us to be true. But what if- if there was just one chance that she was wrong?”

It was the words she’d dreaded hearing- and had most definitely hoped for. “If she was wrong, then… then maybe-”

“Maybe Chrysalis hadn’t been doing anything. Maybe she had really changed, at her core,” Twilight said. “Then that would also mean that what she did to us could be, you know, for us. Like she was really helping us. Like how Cadance helps repair romantic bonds between couples, but hers was for sexuality; if what we were doing was what we’d always wanted to do, then she was a driver- maybe more a catalyst for that change.”

“Then nothing that we would have done would be… bad,” Fluttershy finished lamely. “And that it was OK.” But there were other thoughts, too, unfriendly and not in their favor.

“And then,” Twilight added unhappily, “there is the problem of my brother. And that we still can’t find him, which means he’s wandering out there because of Chrysalis’ actions. Maybe even irreparably damaged, too. It would be…” Her words trailed away, lost to whispers and silence as that whirlwind of questions and uncertainty struck hard against her potency of thought. “I just want to know. For sure. I want the truth, but I don’t even know if I’d trust the truth if I heard it. And if I don’t, then that would make any attempt at unraveling the whole thing worthless. I hate this. I hate it!”

Fluttershy had done her best to be supportive, especially when she knew Twilight would likely have the best opinions available on the matter. Her heart hurt for her friend, twisting in sympathy as she knew how torturous this must be; no matter what decision she made, it would feel like a betrayal. “And if we make any choice at all, it’s a huge risk.”

“Which means I don’t know if I should act at all,” Twilight muttered. “Ugh, this is so stupid! If this universe would just give me a sign so I could have a chance to do something-!”

And it was as though bait on a hook had been taken. From the depths of the silent library came a small shuffling, followed by a hushed voice that called out to them and said, “My Ladies-”

Twilight’s words had been birthed from frustration, not expecting an answer at all. Both women gave a scream and leapt like a cat in the air, searching for the sound that had tried to terrify them-

“Stay your hands! It is only your humble servant!” A woman so familiar took a kneeling position with her hands at surrender, fearful of the potency of power that resided within the princess-

“I didn’t- Seniya!” Twilight’s gasp was of fright and awe, hardly able to believe her own eyes. Not just the Queen’s right hand, but her proudest, greatest children all standing before her. Alqa and Ghara crept out from the shadows, coming to their knees beside their sibling in deference to the two women. It was almost as though she’d summoned them to her presence by the sheer strength of her frustration. “You’re still alive- what are you doing here? Have you been seen?”

“We have betrayed our mother to seek you out, Your Highness,” Seniya said, an urgency in her voice compelling her to speak quickly. “Please understand, the hour is very desperate.”

Desperate? Fluttershy looked over at Twilight and was glad to see that her own concern was mirrored in the young woman’s brilliant eyes. “What is happening?” Twilight inquired.

“Our mother is on the brink of death,” Seniya explained, at last raising her head to face them. “Ever since she expelled you from her presence, she has allowed herself to starve. She has fed on nothing; not love, not food nor drink- she is trying to kill herself by wasting away!”

“Surely you’ve tried to force her to eat by now,” Fluttershy remarked. “Rarity and I spent months updating your medical equipment just in case something ever happened, you have everything you need to help keep her sustained. Surely you’ve tried something!”

Ghara, ever the proud and resourceful leader of the Ravens, struggled to meet the concerned woman’s gaze. “She… she has sealed herself in her quarters, away from all hope of aid. It is a seal throughout the entire chamber, unbreakable save for by great power,” came her low answer. “I have tried everything I can, but she thought us out before we even began to try and break in. We need your aid, Lady Twilight; your power is all that we know capable of overcoming our Queen’s.”

“We would not be here unless it were of a matter of greatest urgency,” Alqa added. “We know she sent you away purposefully. What we have done today in seeking you out will likely be our deaths, but… she is our mother. Please, if there was ever any love for her in your hearts, then we beg you to help us save her life! The life of our mother and all her children need your aid. We forfeit our own, if that is what it requires.”

It was the sign she’d wanted, dreaded, dreamed of. As Fluttershy turned to Twilight, she knew the answer she would give was to find a partner; whether for good or ill, they would see a reckoning come to pass before them. “This is going to get us all killed,” Twilight whispered, the small tinge of laughter born out of fear. “Take us to her, then. Quickly!”

She was drifting away now. The swirling blur of her vision had at last begun to dissipate, swept aside by rattling breaths and empty thoughts that could do little else but look about her world and observe. For too long had she been free of all sustenance and warmth, a strong form turned to rags and bone by the sentence of her own making. Her actions had not been unsuspecting, not foolhardy; Chrysalis had known full well what judgment she would suffer if she cast out her beloveds. But for so long now she had suffered, agonized days that lasted far too long when sleep would no longer come. She had hoped death would come soon, take her away so swiftly that it would be like a specter in the night. Instead, having grown fat with strength, she continued to linger.

And now, each dying day was torturous.

Chrysalis heard something beyond the ringing of her ears and failed to find the strength to rise and see what the matter was. A thump? A flurry of voice beyond her reach? It did not matter, of importance so little that she couldn’t even care. So her children talked; let them. Even if they droned on and on, rushed voices that sounded painfully familiar.

Maybe death has finally come to take me, she thought with a sense of great relief. Death has come for me and will at last end these days. Can mercy find it within to grant me an end at last?

Another great thump, another rush of voices- then a terrific Slam! that was soon followed by the shattering of glass, tinkling bits falling to the floor all about her. An ether veil fell from the world, scales from her eyes. Chrysalis’ vision remained blurred, but the white haze that had befallen it was disappearing. Something was rousing her senses, something beyond her own will.

And the voices grew louder! Still speaking from a distance, but now sounding close; it was a strange thing, really, as though the gap between self and sound was a margin of her own making. And shapes moved about before her, pulling at her form and setting her upright. Familiar forms, now hard at work and moving about her as they tried to do something she couldn’t guess. Chrysalis had always supposed Death as a simple being, an elegance to its methods. Instead, the great reaper took the form of many faces, affixed with a great many items and machines.

“Chrysalis! Look at me,” came a call from across the breach, eyes staring intently into hers. “Come on, focus on me- severe dehydration and emaciation, we’re going to need everything from the medical chamber-”

Was Death saying why she had died? Confusion had always been strong, but this was strange. Perhaps it was the delirium.

“There is… it,” came another voice, more gravely than the others; older. “She… food or water… what keeps our kind alive.”

“Would it overwhelm her if we..?”

“I… small gesture may be safest. But carefully…”

There was a creak of wood. Chrysalis closed her eyes, ready to be taken at last- then a small, comforting press of something against her cheek.

The fever did not fade, but the lessening of its strength was remarkable. The chills that plagued her body began to dissipate, so much of the aches and pain that afflicted her form began to melt away. Death’s embrace was comfortable, peaceful even. She had always been afraid that it would hurt, but that fear was clearly unfounded; if this was to be her end, then it was not such a horrible way to go.

“Chrysalis… can you hear me? Try to look at me.” She was able to focus upon the source of the voice now, finding herself looking into the sharp eyes of Twilight Sparkle. To think that Death would take the shape of someone she’d loved- maybe the end possessed a sense of humor.

“Did I ever tell you of how we came to be?” Chrysalis asked of Death, her words slurred and unstable as her head lolled upon a weak spine. Maybe now, here at the end, would be the best time to tell the story.

“OK, so you can at least see me,” said Death, again setting to work on something the once-regal queen couldn’t see. “Keep talking, Chrysalis, that’s a good girl.”

“Long ago… long before kingdoms and crowns, there were two women,” Chrysalis continued. It was a relief to be able to speak the secret at last. She almost wanted to laugh. “Two women more beautiful than any other… any other in the whole wide world- and they both loved the same man.”

“I’m listening, Chrysalis, keep going… Alright, you’ll have to insert it carefully-”

“Both women wanted him so bad. They would give up… give up everything to be with him… but he only loved- loved one of them in return. The younger woman, so… so confident in her beauty and riches, she had never thought… that she would be the one to be rejected. To be passed over for the pitiful, penniless maid,” Chrysalis breathed.

“There we go, that’s the drip. Now we’ll have to check her back, the sores will be awful-”

A coolness in her form, comfortable and relief to the senses. Delirium remained, but so many of her agonies were fading. “The rejected woman went into… into a fury at them both. So enraged was she that her sanity was lost, for… for a time,” Chrysalis said. “And she was so angry that when she found man and wife together, she cut off their heads and butchered their bodies.” A drunken giggle, for reasons even she couldn’t fathom. “And then she carved- carved out their hearts and ate them!”

Silence all about her world for a moment, perhaps her words a shock even to Death itself. A surprise, really; Chrysalis had seen terrible things in the world, surely the Maker of All Ends would not be left stunned by a story such as this.

“And when my grandmother awoke… she was cursed,” Chrysalis slurred. “Cursed forever. Long life, un… unable to love. Needing to eat love to survive, ruining everyone she touched. A monster. And so was… and so was her daughter. And so am I.”

“Just… just keep talking, Chrysalis,” came the voice of Death, perhaps now recovered from its pause. “Just keep talking.”

“Nothing could fix it. She’d taken… taken so much. Ruined love, ruined lives… She deserved her curse. So she made her… her daughter worse than her, and her daughter made nests… and the nests tore her apart when she couldn’t feed them anymore. And I did the same to my… to my mother, when the time- came.” Chrysalis breathed a sigh of relief; the truth was out, out from her mind and away from her senses forever. She would die free of the burden of their curse, at least, and that was more than she’d ever expected. “I’m glad I get to die; I deserve it after ruining those girls!”

“You didn’t- Chrysalis, that’s not what-”

“I wish they could have loved me,” Chrysalis whispered, her strength fading fast as darkness fell about her eyes. “I wish I could have loved them. They… were good girls.”

The last of her might slipped away and she fell back against a surface that was soft and comfortable, cool to the skin. If this was the final moments, then none of it was so bad. She’d been given more peace and finality than her miserable state could have ever dared to hope for; maybe this was all she had been waiting for in the end.

The blackness stayed; swift as a river, coursing her mind across an empty current that carried her away from all pain and thoughts of despair. It was a comfort to be this way, so calm and tranquil. She could see stars overhead as she was carried away, twinkling so bright that they seemed like diamonds against fabric of dark velvet. All around her was the cool of the water, the comfort of the ebb and flow that brought about healing. Chrysalis allowed herself a sigh and a smile as she went on with her effortless journey. This was a peaceful time.

And then it disappeared. In an instant, all the blackness around her came to a halt and was turned to a soft glow of light that pressed against the lid of her eyes. One eye cracked open, soon followed by another that made its dry protests. A lamp’s bulb burned on the nearby nightstand, its dim colors bleeding out onto the surroundings that were… her bedroom?

Chrysalis tried to raise her head and immediately felt a stab of pain, the month of inactivity doing its work in making even the smallest of actions agonizing. She couldn’t possibly be dead if something hurt that bad. But just in case-

A second raise of her head and she knew she was most unfortunately alive. Gods above, that hurt!

“Stop trying to move so much. You still need to rest,” said a voice. Warm, soft, and soothing to the ears, the sweetness and concern within it. Chrysalis’ mind, free of the delirium, knew perfectly well who it was, but the cold horror that shot through her like lightning couldn’t accept it. Of all places, this was not where she should be!

“Get away from me,” Chrysalis muttered through gritted teeth. “Please... why are you here?”

“Because I want to,” Fluttershy said softly, leaning over from her place at Chrysalis’ side and brushing away stray hairs that obscured the ailing woman’s vision. “You’re safe. Twilight and I are here, we’ll look after you.”

“You shouldn’t.”

“I want to.” Fluttershy said it so simply, that demure smile on her lips consuming the starved woman’s attentions. “Just keep resting, Chrissy. You’ll be alright.”

“You’re here with me, nothing is alright,” Chrysalis muttered, now wracked with despair even as she made to obey and let her eyes fall shut once more; so the addiction remained. She really had destroyed them.

Sleep came intermittently, whether she be awoken by the activity that transpired at her bedside or her time of rest coming to an end. So disconnected from sunlight and daily rhythm, it was difficult to tell just how long she lay there. But each time she awoke brought a change, a sort of strength to her frame. One moment’s waking saw a glass of water at her bedside, and the strength that was needed to grasp it was found in her fingertips. Another saw a small plate of food, there for her to consume; despite her best efforts to die, a pair of very determined young ladies were bringing her back from the brink, and Chrysalis was more than a little frustrated by that fact.

Another day’s awakening finally saw the clash of intentions. Upright in her bed, eager to finally be away from it –or at least far away from this place she had called home- when the door to her bedchambers opened to reveal Fluttershy, a tray of food in her hands ready to be devoured.

“I hope you’re hungry,” the sweet woman said, setting the tray across Chrysalis’ legs and letting the ripe scent of a pungent meal fill her nostrils. “This meal should be a very special one. Twilight and I think that you’re able to start walking around again; you’re certainly looking a lot better than just a few days ago! I guess you can recover very quickly.”

“Why are you doing this?” Chrysalis demanded. She had strength for this fight now and was determined to spend it. For too long these girls had kept her alive at the cost of their own will; it had to end now, the connection be severed. Even if she had to do it herself, she would see it done. “You know you’re not supposed to be here, look at what it’s done to you!”

“I’m where I’m supposed to be,” Fluttershy replied, an answer that was not really one at all. “Now come on, you! You’ve made a lot of people very worried, and they want to see their mother again.”

Her children had brought them here? Chrysalis opened her mouth to speak but soon found her senses consumed by the smell of the food that lay before her; rich and flavorful just by aroma alone, a slight sweetness in its depths that was… quite familiar. In fact, she remembered this meal: chicken in mole sauce, a small tinge of chocolate to add extra flavor. And only one person would think of that.

“Is Pinkie here too?” The horrorstruck queen asked, eyeing the young woman like a hawk. “Did you drag her back into this?”

Fluttershy’s gaze darted this way and that, a small sigh passing through gritted teeth. “We… she wanted to help. When she found out how you were, I mean. And-”

“You actually brought her back? You were told to leave this place!” Chrysalis fumed, anger and horror at the poor decision enough to help her ignore the stiffness in her movements. “It was bad enough that you came back, but to rope in more of you-! Are you out of your minds? What is wrong with you?”

“That’s about what we expected,” the young woman breathed, turning to the door. “Twilight? Would you come here, please? You were right.”

Chrysalis suspected this whole conversation had been a set-up when she saw how quickly Twilight made an appearance. The other woman must have been listening outside the door, waiting for her to start her protests. It was a smart move, much as the angered queen didn’t want to admit it. “Oh for gods’ sake-”

“We didn’t make Pinkie come with us,” Twilight cut through. “We told her what had happened, and she asked if she could come help. And it’s likely a good thing, too, the food in the larders was starting to rot, the stink would have found its way throughout the entire neighborhood. She’s done a wonderful job of getting rid of the rotten items, what could be saved is helping feed everyone else.”

“But you shouldn’t even be here!” Chrysalis snarled. They had to understand, even if she had to push through an addled mind to do so. “You’re not here because of your own will, you’re here because I wanted you to be!”

“Are you sure about that?” Twilight countered. “You put a seal on the door to keep others out- and it actually took me a lot of effort to break it down, by the way. You’re not happy that Fluttershy and I showed up, and you’re still trying to get us to leave. If we were actually doing what you wanted, you’d be dead.”

“I took control of you. I used you for what I needed to survive. You know this,” Chrysalis shot back.

“Well, you’re not doing a very good job of controlling us, it seems,” came the brilliant woman’s reply. “So why not let us just do what we want and make sure you and your children don’t starve to death?”

“Even if it costs you your free will?” the queen challenged. “You’re choosing to be a slave, and for what? To save a heart-eater! Do you not understand who I am?”

“I do, thank you very much,” said Twilight testily, “So please stop trying to stop me. I love you; Fluttershy loves you, Pinkie loves you. We’re here because this is where we want to be.”

“You can’t love me and you know it!”

Twilight’s patience came to an end at last, the princess giving a magnificent groan of frustration as hands pulled at face and hair alike. “Oh for heaven’s sake, will you shut up!” she cried. “You’re not going to get your own way for once in your life, you unbelievably whiny brat! We love you, we want to be here, and you’re going to get better- so get over your bad attitude and just live with it already!”

The words shook the luxurious bedroom, the silence that followed after of a thunderous kind. Chrysalis gaped at the furious woman, desperately wanting to continue the argument but finding herself slapped into submission by the sheer force of speech alone. Surely Twilight knew what sort of danger they were in, what even these simple acts of kindness would cost. Chrysalis couldn’t be loved, or love in return; Twilight’s choice was to take part in a willing lie, to be a slave to someone else’s will. So even if it was Chrysalis’ will that she leave, still the beautiful woman would stay-

But then again, that didn’t make much sense, did it?

“You yelled at me,” Chrysalis whispered.

“Yes I did,” Twilight snapped, hands on her hips and refusing to budge. “And I’ll do it again, so help me- if you don’t let us take care of you, I’ll… I’ll- hey, stop laughing!”

But Chrysalis couldn’t help it! In all her years of life, the countless souls she’d met across endless miles of road and choices, not once had she ever been scolded- not once! Yet now here she was, trying to convince a mind-controlled person that they were mind-controlled and trying to use mind-control to get them to leave, and even failing at it! The whole thing was a mish-mash of contradictions and paradoxes so great that she couldn’t do anything but laugh or burst into tears. “You yelled at me!” she gasped. “Oh my goodness… that was hot!”

It was too absurd a reaction for the girls not to join in; no one quite got the joke the same way, yet the three couldn’t keep smiles and mirth away. It made no sense, was all quite insane, so the thought only made them laugh all the harder until self-control was lost in the rush of air and emptied lungs. It was quite a while before any of them began to at last catch their breath and come to a halt, wiping away tears and clutching at the stitches in their sides.

“Chrysalis?” Twilight said.

“Yes, Twilight?”

Twilight bit her lip, trying to prevent her growing smile. “Your mind-control is worthless. And you are such a brat.”

“Whatever you say, then,” the wearied queen replied. “I am at your command.”

“I certainly hope so,” the young royal said. “Chrissy… eat, and then we’ll get you cleaned up so you can start walking around. Get better, and we’ll… we’ll see what comes next.”

“What comes next is finding your brother,” Chrysalis said. “Whatever has happened to him, whatever enchantment that befell him, I’ll- we will fix it. You have my word.” Perhaps an impossible task, but one that she would see done. One wrong she at least had the chance to make right, and so thoroughly deserved for those she loved.

Twilight smiled. “I was hoping you’d say that,” she murmured. “Now I know I made the right choice.” A small curtsey and the young woman made for the door, departing to places and duties out of sight.

And so it was just the two of them, Chrysalis and the girl she had tricked right from the start, their roles now reversed and putting them to shame. She’d never felt so powerless, her own life not even in her control any longer. Instead, this sweet, slender young woman who she’d once thoroughly deceived now dictated her future- their future, and she would simply have to accept it. Of all the things to expect…

“You know we’re staying, right?” Fluttershy asked, absentmindedly playing with the wrinkles of the bedsheets. “That we’re not going to leave anymore?”

“You’ll stay,” Chrysalis said. “Forever.”

“With you, forever,” she affirmed. “And it’s only because we want to. You never chose that.”

“And if you’re wrong?”

Fluttershy smiled. “But I’m not. You ought to know that by now, silly.”

Instinct took over; a hand, frail and still trembling from weakness, reached out to find itself enclosed in the gentle grasp of another. A small warmth that burned in her heart like candleflame, intensified and set to glowing as they rested against one another; heartbeats felt across flesh and bone, small feelings that were a comfort to her soul. As Chrysalis breathed in her faithful beloved, she felt a shudder in her spirit that made tears spring in her eyes; for the first time in her life, she thought that she might really know what it felt like to be belong.

“I love you,” she whispered.

A small giggle. “Love you, too, Chrissy,” Fluttershy breathed, leaning in close for the long-awaited inevitability. “Welcome home.”

And as those soft lips found their pair, a wearied queen knew she was free.

The quiet home began to fill once again; slowly, over the course of time so as to be discreet. It was not a wild, chaotic time filled with sultry moments or lavish unions, but instead a simple series of arrivals that set fretful hearts to resting. Chrysalis did her best to protest, at least a little; she had to make sure that each reunion was of their own making, not a decision made out of fear or force. But each time another came, all that met her objections was a simple finality; they would remain.

Pinkie’s permanent residency saw Chrysalis’ children renewed, so many of them following the vibrant woman around like a string of adoring puppies. Hanging on her every word, her every order, glad to have their favorite caretaker in their presence once more. The miasma of fear that had permeated the nest dissipated, swept away by the joyous sounds of Pinkie’s laughter. The quiet nest that had once been on the brink of extinction was coming alive once more.

For a time, there was little activity to speak of beyond the simple comforts of each other’s company. Fluttershy and Rarity’s reunion was one of tears and comfort, yet all that came from their rejuvenated romance was a simple embrace and the holding of hands. Applejack’s rush into Luna’s awaiting arms was only a fierce hug, not a sudden frenzy that needed to be dealt with in private quarters; Rainbow’s greeting to Cadance was only a kiss of her hand, a meeting between a lady and her suitor.

Chrysalis couldn’t ignore the stab of guilt that came when the Princess of Love put her arms around her, the incredible comfort that radiated from her more hurtful than pleasant. After all, she had been the first to suffer, if not the most to suffer, from the Changeling Queen’s actions. What right did she have to accept any kindness in return? “We’re going to find him again,” Chrysalis whispered into Cadance’s ear. “You have my word, we’ll find him, and we’ll break whatever curse lays upon him. For you, I’ll see it done.”

“I know you will,” Cadance replied. “That’s two promises you’ve made to me now, if you remember. Is there still a room for me until the time comes?”

“For as long as you need it,” came the reply. “You are under my protection for the rest of our lives.”

There were small moments, here and there; hugs and gestures, touches and presses of lips upon cheekflesh- but never more, no spark that would set them aflame. Even when hinted at, suggested, Chrysalis would guide them away from such paths of thought. Something was keeping her from moving forward, from that last act of carnal union that would see them fully bound once again. “You’ll know when the time is right,” was all the queen would say in response. “You’ll see.”

And as time passed before them in its swift flow, they soon did.

Their moments of comfortable solitude came more often than they once did; in the labyrinth of rooms and floors that made up the nest, the rejuvenated queen and her ladies would often retreat into its depths to be alone. Away from prying eyes, only one another for their company, even an entire day could pass by without a care in the world. They were together, and to ask for more than that was perhaps a bit too much to risk hoping for. This second era of togetherness was something that was meant to be cherished in peace; whatever came next would come on its own time without any hurry or fuss.

“Oh, man,” Rainbow muttered through a mouthful of noodles, “Pinkie, I am never going without your cooking ever again. I don’t ever want to eat anything else unless you’re the one making it.”

Pinkie, sitting against Twilight in the corner of the lounge and nestled comfortably on a loveseat, gave a little laugh at the enthusiastic remark. “You live just two streets away from the bakery, silly. Why didn’t you come down and visit if you were hungry?”

Rainbow paused at that question, momentarily muted by an uncertainty or an unwillingness to answer. “I… I don’t know, why I didn’t,” she eventually said in a murmur. “I guess I just didn’t… after everything we’d done, I figured it’d be- awkward.” The vibrant athlete paused in her meal to look about the room. “Did- I never saw any of you the entire time we were gone. Can anyone say different at all?”

A roomful of shaken heads, save for two. “Fluttershy came and visited me for a little bit when Seniya came searching for us,” Twilight answered. “And I was starting to crack, so… good timing, I guess.”

“Yeah.” Rainbow picked at her meal, strangely morose in countenance for one so brash. “I wish we hadn’t left,” she blurted out. “I think we should’ve stayed, should’ve tried to talk this out. I don’t feel like I was doing anything- you know, against my will. I- I missed you all…”

As the prismatic woman’s visage continued to cloud, Rarity leaned over and held her hand in a calming squeeze, a smile on her lovely features that spoke to her willing forgiveness. “Make it up to us sometime, darling,” she said warmly. “And I think we’d all need to return the favor.”

“This time, we stay together,” Luna said, her strong voice rippling through the room like the ocean tide. “I will not be torn from any of you again, not if I can make the choice to remain. We belong together, to the end. Surely none of you would say different?”

A scoffing sound came in response, an unexpected sound from the mild-mannered Fluttershy; taking all of the tumult and reunions in stride with an ever-present smile, the young woman had felt little need to speak much since their number had been restored. “Of course none of us would!” she said, sounding almost indignant. “I’m better when I’m with you. I’m happier because, well… this is where I want to be.” Her strong emotions that had flared up just as quickly vanished, she returning to her steady meekness. “You all… no one minds that, right?”

“Without you, my love, there would not be any ‘us’ at all,” Chrysalis said, and meaning every word. “And I am glad that you belong here.” It was a truth that she wished had come from her lips long before now, long before any separation had come to pass and seen her endure such emptiness. But here, with so little time left to spare, she had at last found the opportunity. “I hope what bonds you all share continue, no matter what circumstances come to pass.”

A strange thing to say, and the fact of it did not go unnoticed. Twilight had turned to say something to Pinkie sitting beside her, but stopped and turned to her beloved with an uneasy expression on her face. “And what would make you say that?”

Because I can feel her coming. Chrysalis knew the potency of her presence full well, and if she was already this close then time was about to run out; this last meeting of minds was to decide all their fates, for good or for ill. With a treasure so valuable at stake, she knew it would need to be seen done. “I have done something none of you are going to like,” she cautioned. “All of you will be safe, at least I think so. But this may be difficult to endure.”

Twilight gazed at the woman she adored and saw in her eyes the melancholy that was tinged with fear, terror of a potential finality; armed with such a shrewd mind, it did not take much to figure out just what was coming. “Chrysalis, what did you do?” she whispered.

Chrysalis’ smile turned wan and became a grimace. “We have to know for sure, Twilight,” she said. “There’s no other way.”

“But not like thi-”

The door to the lounge was pushed open; slowly, not with force that spoke to any rage or great urgency, but calmly thrown aside to reveal the loveliness of Princess Celestia striding towards them, seemingly unsurprised to see Chrysalis there before her. Even after her great efforts to sever the parasitic connection that had wound them all together, the sight of the once-great queen yet again surrounded by her bevy of willing beloveds was not a shock. All that stood before the sunlit royal was all that she had expected, and not an ounce more.

All eyes darted to their unexpected guest, the mixture of reactions speaking to shock, fear, and even anger. After the misery that had come from their separation, the sight of the one who had orchestrated such an ostracizing was not what any of them had wanted to see so soon. They had only just begun to be comfortable in each other’s presence, not even truly able to drink deeply of one another; it was far too soon to endure another wave of isolation! How could she have known that they had come together in harmony yet again? Why did she have to even bring it to an end at all?

Their first question was swiftly answered, and from a rather distressing source. “You received my message,” Chrysalis said, rising to her feet and meeting her guest with a small bow. “I’m grateful that you came so quickly.”

Celestia surveyed the hostile group, unfazed by their distress at the sight of her. Considering just how deeply the infection had gone, it wasn’t much of a surprise. “They came back,” she remarked. “And you did not send for them?”

“We came because we-”

Chrysalis raised a hand, gently shushing Fluttershy’s outburst before it had even begun. “Patience, darling,” she said. “In due time; for now, it is just Celestia and I.” A turn back to her fellow royal, no hostility between them as though this clash of kingdoms were little more than a mere social call. “I was likely on the verge of death when Twilight and Fluttershy returned. They were quite keen on keeping me alive.”

“Interesting.” Celestia eyed the aforementioned pair and found herself met by defiance in the both of them. “And the others? Summoned by my former protégé, or of their own free will?”

“Pinkie came at their request. The others… as though it were instinct.” Chrysalis sighed, beholding her dear loves and trying to ignore the pounding of her heart; what was to come next was crucial. “Would we ever know if it was of their own will? Even if I sent them away –countless times over- would they still return? Like a moth to a flame, or can we tell a difference? Is this choice, or did I truly enslave them so deeply?”

Celestia took her time in answering the question, pondering her companion as the thought was mulled over. It was not a light query to ask; the weight of her answer would ripple across them as a stone striking water, especially when it would affect all of them so deeply. Chrysalis had once been her enemy, yet had deliberately sought out her aid. What belief she had possessed in the queen’s villainy was more or less gone, even if her actions had created such negative consequences.

“I… I don’t know, Chrysalis,” she said at last. “We may never know. I wish I could give you a better answer, something more tangible, but…” A long, wispy sigh as the beautiful woman of sunlight shook her head. “Addictions of the heart are hard to break, and you were buried deep within them; the likelihood that this is something that we could truly sever seems just- we’ll never be able to be sure.”

“Nor that what I feel for them is genuine love.”

“It’s impossible to know. You know your history, your heritage. A curse like that is strong magic, not easy to wipe out,” Celestia said. “There may never be a way of stopping it.”

Chrysalis swallowed hard; so that was to be how it ended. “I know a way,” she said, voice beginning to tremble. “And I will need your help.”

Celestia eyed her companion, wary of the cryptic reply. “What do you ask of me?”

“I ask,” Chrysalis said as she fell to her knees, “that you sever the connection once and for all. You must kill me.”

One could have heard a pin drop, the room becoming deathly silent and icy as a tomb as the elegant queen’s request rang through their spirits. Bowed before her once-enemy in utter submission, the great leader of the Changelings was asking for an eternal severing, one that would end her cursed bloodline and restore her beloveds to their fullness once more-

“Wait a minute!” Twilight said, the first to recover and regain her senses. “Chrissy, you can’t just- but you said yourself that you don’t even know!”

“It is the only way- it is the only way to be sure!” Chrysalis fired back, her voice ringing hot as protests began to spill forth and ring in her ears. “I will not see you bound to me unwillingly, not any longer. If my death is what will set you free, then so be it.”

“I chose this!” Fluttershy sputtered. “I love you, isn’t that proof enough? What makes you think that you’re making me do anything?”

“You will not interfere. This is for you, for all of you! I was never meant to do this to you, and I will not see you punished for my failures any longer. So stay silent and let this come to pass, I am begging you!”

Surrounded by obvious distress and given such a deadly task, even Celestia found herself unnerved by the Changeling Queen’s willing walk into oblivion. “You’d willingly sacrifice yourself to spare them,” she murmured. “Chrysalis, you do understand what you’re asking- I have to make sure.”

“If there is no other way, so be it,” Chrysalis said. “I will not have slaves any longer; beloveds, or nothing at all. Just… Celestia, promise me something.”

Celestia, growing increasingly discomforted by the ghoulish scenario, struggled to look the beautiful queen in the eye. “I’ll try.”

“Keep them together. Make sure of it,” Chrysalis pleaded. “Just because I… they belong together. Even if it’s without me, they belong together. Look after them, be for them what I could not, in my stead. Please. My children, my armies- they belong to you. Wield them well, and see them safe from the curse that I have put upon them.” Her heart clanging wildly within her chest, her emotions wrapped away and torn from her spirit, Chrysalis bowed her head and waited for the searing knife-edge of paracasual force that would sever flesh, blood, and bone alike; an end to a curse and an enslavement all at once. It would not be enough to redeem her people nor herself, but it would be an end to a long, drawn out death that lasted centuries. Perhaps that would at least be something.

Celestia knew what was being asked of her. Chrysalis had willingly offered herself as sacrifice, pleading for the royal to be her personal grim reaper. Yet just mere inches behind were the distraught, furious, pleading faces of those who cherished that splendid queen, begging for their lover’s dying wish to be utterly denied. Fluttershy’s tears scalded her own skin, Rainbow’s fury burned hot in her eye, Twilight and Luna kept shaking their heads and mouthing “no” to her endlessly. All around her was a multitude of requests that pelted her heart and mind like hailstones, leaving her so unsure of what to do. If she was right, then the spell would dispel like the clouds and they would be free of this incessant servitude, bound only to one another and willingly so. She would be able to see them cared for, see the Changeling horde secured and safe from themselves and the world around them. It would be a monumental victory. But if she was wrong… if she was wrong, then Celestia would crush so many hearts at once, break bonds of genuine love, rob countless children of a mother, and see her own name be stained by murder. And she would only have one chance to get it right.

A small tremble, a feeling of energy pouring from her fingers and trying to take form; instinct was fast at work and trying to see the task done, power dripping out from fingertips to take the shape of an executioner’s blade. It would all be so simple, so easily done. Nothing more than a small flick of the wrist, and the war would be won before it had even begun. But now she was surrounded by pleading faces, knowing she would have to face countless more if she were to leave this place. Motherless children, bereaved lovers, and her own reflection that would see little more than a killer. She’d always been a guardian of her people. And here this beautiful queen knelt, offering all of her principalities to be made part of her kingdom, even her own life- all so that what she held might stay safe and whole.

Maybe it was an act, a façade; maybe it was an act of love, too. Perhaps she’d just have to guess.

Chrysalis’ hammering pulse beat strong beneath her fingers as the sunlit royal took the queen by the wrist and brought them both to their feet, trying not to laugh at the wide-eyed stare of shock that came from those dark-green eyes, pockmarked by blotches of red that came from unbidden tears. The lovely Changeling had expected a swift death, a finality; instead, she was being met by an uncertain mercy. What a choice I have made, Celestia thought wryly.

The darkened woman held her breath, not sure that what she endured was real. “Celestia..?”

The glorious princess sighed, shaking her head as lips came to form a smile. “Heavens knows how I’m going to regret this,” she said. “Dry your eyes, Chrysalis. For now, I am convinced.”

A lightning bolt struck the room and thundered in a chorus of gasps, wind pouring through as forms rippled in delight. It couldn’t be real, a mere delusion of the mind to shy away from reality- but Celestia was there, wiping away Chrysalis’ tears and holding her steady as the queen was overwhelmed.

“But- you don’t know for sure!” Chrysalis gabbled. Why was she trying to reason against this? Self-loathing, suicidal ideation, shock? “What if I betray you- betray my Ladies? Even against my own senses, what if-”

“Perhaps you will. Perhaps you won’t,” Celestia said. “But I am willing to believe in your choices today. You may live on, Chrysalis; your children may live on, your Ladies remain by your side. And I shall be here, to watch and observe the truth. For as long as it takes.”

Chrysalis’ trembling continued unabated, elk fever setting in as the specter of death crept away from her form and off to the ether; she was going to live, and she was going to stay with her Ladies! The beautiful beloveds that had made life worth living, awoken her spirit for the very first time – she would never have to leave them ever again! She wanted to cry, laugh, anything at all as she held to Celestia and tried to summon more controlled sensibilities. But so close to the edge, and now met with ecstasy, mere words did not seem enough to fully encompass herself.

“Celestia, I-” she returned to the ground, this time on one knee as she held this glorious woman’s hands in her own. “What you have done is, is- my people and I belong to you, forever! I am yours to command, to wield so long as I have life. Anything you ask of me, I will give it. My Ladies and I are yours to enjoy-­”

Celestia, taken unawares by the unexpected offering, flushed a sudden red at the offering. It was one thing to be said, but the fact that Chrysalis seemed to mean it- and the rest of them also, all caught up in the overflow of joy that they were more than willing to agree. She hadn’t come here expecting a harem, nor did she really need one! I mean, it even- well, it wasn’t too terrible, but… “That is not- not necessary, Chrysalis,” she said, smiling out of her embarrassment. It didn’t help that each one of them was truly lovely to behold, and likely highly experienced under the great queen’s tutelage-

“No! No! I insist, I am yours,” Chrysalis pressed, caught up in her own fervor and quickly losing control. “Anything you ask of me, anything! I will gladly give it, I swear!” And as if to prove it, Chrysalis swooped upon her conqueror and took hold of her lips in a fierce, overwhelming kiss.

Wow.” Applejack gawked as she watched the two royals be united, Chrysalis’ forceful passions taking the sun princess by surprise and sending her to staggering. It was as though it were more than just a kiss, more than mere affections; this was a sealed promise, a peace that would continue to last ever longer. Even if it began with such intense, passionate feeling. And it wasn’t at all bad a sight to witness. They all knew Chrysalis could kiss better than just about anyone on the earth, but the sight of her so deeply wound about Celestia wasn’t unappealing. Two beautiful women bound by the mouth, such supple bodies pressed against one another- and if any of their guesses were right, Celestia’s slowly loosening form might just suggest that she was enjoying it a little; an awkward giggle came here or there, and for more reason than one.

Only short minutes ago, the air had been cold- now it might be starting to warm up a little.

Chrysalis relinquished her kiss from Celestia’s stunned lips, the two still face-to-face as the first crescendo came to an end. They could look upon nothing but one another, see into the depths of each other’s eyes; the joyous queen saw pools of soft color like precious jewels; the sunlit princess beheld dark colors like the dark of a forest, set alight and burning with longing. A longing, she realized, that was starting to take hold of her own spirit.

“That was- different,” Celestia said. “Umm. I’ve never… never made peace with someone quite in that way.”

Chrysalis knew she must press her advantage. Now, before it was too late. “I hope you enjoy what comes next, then,” she whispered, her voice becoming silken in sound. “After all, I’m only the beginning. We’re yours- whenever you want us.”

“I-” Celestia’s voice disappeared for a brief second, then she simply shook her head and sighed in defeat. “Oh for heaven’s sake.” She took Chrysalis’ head in her hands and returned the kiss with her own fervor, unable to resist the temptation of those succulent lips any longer. “Don’t disappoint me, will you?”

Chrysalis glowed with delight, taking her newfound ruler in her arms and eager to reward an unexpected act of mercy. “I wouldn’t dream of it!”

Held fast in the embrace of her one-time foe, Celestia found herself rather at odds with herself and just how she was supposed to feel. She hadn’t really meant to kiss this woman back, but had found herself somewhat caught up in the moment; after all, she was supposed to be the calm, sensible one. But Chrysalis was in a frenzy, searching for her lips and finding them with a ferocity unmatched. The overflowing queen was relentless in her physical caress, eager to make every loving kiss be the best she’d ever felt- and try as she might to return things to a more sensible level, Celestia couldn’t help but enjoy the feeling of Chrysalis’ own plump pair, even offering more than one kiss of her own.

Why are you enjoying this? She asked of herself, even as she put her arms about the queen’s neck, a hearty tremble as the first slickened touch of something delectable upon her lips. You shouldn’t be joining in. You don’t even know what you’re supposed to feel!

Another long stroke across her lips, and Celestia felt herself weaken. Oh gods help me, she feels amazing. Chrysalis’ touch was better than the finest silk, her sweet scent like an aphrodisiac; the longer they kissed, the more the sunlit princess found she enjoyed it- and wanted even more.

“Wait- wait, just a moment,” Chrysalis gasped, pulling herself away for a brief second, regarding her partner with a fire now burdened by uncertainty. “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to- I don’t want to push you, I’m not trying to… to trick you or-”

“You’re fine, Chrys,” Celestia said, soothing as one could be when they found themselves hungering. “Now you’d better spit on my tongue or else-!”

For those watching the sapphic scene unfold before them, to push away a blush was impossible; Chrysalis had been charged right from the beginning thanks to her whirlwind of emotions, but to see Celestia become just as willingly frenzied only made it more delicious. Each of them already knew Chrysalis’ sensuous beauty, the bountiful breasts and the lines of her figure that had so willingly transfixed them all; she was sexuality in all its glory, magnificence of lovemaking unrivaled. But now they were regarding someone new, the regality of the greatest princess of a kingdom now set afire by her own lusts. Celestia possessed a sultry finesse all her own, eagerly matching the great queen’s decadence with her own unique flavor. Perhaps enflamed by one another, the two were being pushed beyond any restraint- and the results were magnificent to watch.

“Oh… Mmmf…” Twilight couldn’t tear her eyes away, but she needed to stop. It was awkward to just watch, to do nothing at all and simply stare. But wait, was it? She’d even commanded some of her friends to make out for her own pleasure, why was she even trying to be ashamed? With her body practically steaming, the younger princess was in no mood to simply cool down; with princess and queen so intentionally entangled, there was no reason to hold back. And she needed it to be fierce, something remarkably potent! “Luna, would you-”

“Too late.” Pinkie’s giggle brought the brilliant woman from her inner world and back to reality. Pressed against the wall of the lounge and most definitely occupied elsewhere, Luna and Applejack had returned to classic form and had become deeply entangled, making out with such a ferocity that the poor farmgirl’s shirt had been torn open so that her freckled breasts were free to be fondled, the night princess happily kneading away as though it were instinct as her favorite partner held the two fast together and met each tonguestroke with her own sloppy actions.

Perhaps they felt the young woman’s burning stare upon them as they enjoyed each other, for the two lovers suddenly broke apart and turned to the crowd that continued to sit and stare at their small world’s unraveling. “Couldn’t wait, sorry,” Luna breathed, turning back to her farmgirl and stripping away what clothing remained. They had gone without one another for too long to be subtle any longer.

It did not take long for the others to pick up the cue. Cadance was in her element and began to work her magic, centering herself on the couch and bringing in Rarity and Rainbow for an incredible dance of salivating delight, the union of their sexual intensity and passionate romanticism like a symphony of angels. Too open and free to be anything but soaking, the three women giggled and sighed as they felt the waggling of one another upon succulent morsels, closing in upon one another with each new lick. And the sight was oh, so marvelous; she couldn’t resist enjoying the view…

“Aw, you’re just gonna leave me all by my lonesome, Twilight?” Pinkie’s voice was in her ear, playful and teasing. Distracted from her own pleasures, she found herself looking into a pair of warm blue eyes, her beloved right atop her and eager to please. “You don’t need to touch yourself unless you really want to. Mind if I help instead?”

“Please!” Twilight pulled down on her skirt and spread herself wide so as to lay forth a meal; after all this long waiting, she knew Pinkie would be hungry.

Now falling against a comfortably nestled lounge chair, Chrysalis pushed her lover down against its soft frame and crawled atop, marveling at the beauty of this woman who so willingly had taken her offer at last. She could imagine everything about her, the decadent form beneath that robe of white and gold. Where should she begin? Breastplay? More kissing, maybe a long suckling of her tongue? Or should she just dive right into the heart of the matter and make Celestia sing? There was too much to explore, to enjoy- how could she hope to pick?

“Can’t decide?” Celestia grinned up at her, clearly able to guess the hungering woman’s confliction. “If you can’t make up your mind, then…”

“Of course! Take your pick, my darling,” Chrysalis breathed.

“Well, then…” A snap of her fingers and their clothing left them in a blink of an eye, the two royals now bare and able to be viewed in all their magnificence. Chrysalis eyed her partner in wonder, at last able to really know the perfection of Celestia’s form. Those breasts were so shapely, her form so wondrous to the eye, at last there for her to drink in! “Why don’t you let me explore you for a little while?”

“Anything!” Leaning in more closely, the perfect queen crept forth a hair’s breadth and let her own succulent mounds await their new mistress’ passions. For only a moment were they untouched, Celestia taking hold of her new prize and enjoying herself; wild licks along breastflesh that made the Changeling Queen shiver, flicks of the nipple that sent lightning through her skin. And she’d only just started, the sensation of this woman upon her amazing-

She could only cry out once before her mouth was forced into silence by a kiss, one she knew by heart; Fluttershy had come to caress her face and find the lips of the one she loved, bringing Chrysalis’ calls of delight to a soft sigh held fast by the longing presence of another. Unwilling to go to another’s arms, waiting patiently for the right moment in which to bring herself into the fold, the gentle-hearted girl had sought out the one she longed for, at last able to have her so deeply yet again. Yet not in quite the same way; Fluttershy was the gentler of the two, quieter and softer in her acts of affection. This kiss was neither, a frenzied thing like one driven mad by hunger- enough to bring the darkened queen’s focus away from the pleasures upon her breasts and to something nigh insatiable.

“My darling butterfly,” Chrysalis whispered, words caught between swift presses of lips as she tried to keep up with the delights of those around her. “What on earth has you so-”

“I missed you,” Fluttershy said, her voice burning with sorrow and longing. “Please, I- don’t make me stop. I need this.”

Make her stop? The feeling of Fluttershy drawing out her serpentine tongue for a slow, deliberate suckle was enough to make the overloaded loveseeker nearly catatonic. Pleasured in two places at once by such beautiful beings was so much to take in, if not too much. As the sweet woman continued to suck away on that delectable morsel, so came the sensation of teeth gently tugging at her nipple; pain, but of a far more pleasurable palate, a bolt of lightning that trailed ever downwards. Even Chrysalis, ever the mistress of sex and desire, found herself beginning to weaken at the knees, struggling to hold herself together. It shouldn’t feel this good, but she was surrounded by the passions of so many love-starved souls- herself included! The heady romance filled the room to overflow, a pristine aroma that was only heightened by being held in the midst of it by such physical delights. It was intoxicating, overwhelming, and she could hardly believe she had lived to see it.

Oooh, oh my god,” Chrysalias breathed, her smile almost dazed as her sweet beloved at last relinquished her loving caress. “Fluttershy..!”

Fluttershy beamed, eyes shining as bright as stars at the sight of one so priceless brought to such arousal by her own actions. Once shy and timid, terrified of even the thought of romantic actions, now she had this perfect woman weak and practically begging for more- more of her! “I told you I loved you,” she said in a faint giggle. “Didn’t you believe me?”

It was Chrysalis’ turn to take control, that brilliant, salivating muscle pouring into her awaiting mouth and eager to rediscover the realms of flavor and delight that lay within. Oh, how she’d dreamed of this moment, Fluttershy at last returned to the world in which she belonged. Here in the grasp of this perfect queen, utterly lost at her touch. Why had she ever left, ever agreed to do so? It was a crime that she’d ever-

But then she was pulled away, left unfocused; yet not quite, as a new sensation came forth and brought her sweet tongue out into the open. New, unfamiliar in both flavor and action, yet still quite pleasurable all the same. As the sweet tang of Chrysalis disappeared, Fluttershy’s eyes went wide as she realized it was Celestia who now kissed her, the princess’ gentle tongue slowly exploring her own. Blushing fiercely at the thought that these two perfect royals wanted her, Fluttershy returned the sunlit woman’s exploratory licks with ones of her own; so she was to be part of them now? The idea wasn’t a bad one, and she certainly wanted her to feel welcome- and she did feel quite good…

Celestia pulled away, leaving Fluttershy a bit dazed from the unexpected kiss, thin strands still connecting them for the briefest moment before Chrysalis plucked them away for her own tastings. To the young woman’s eyes, the sun princess was beginning to quite enjoy herself in these throes of passion, despite her initial reservations. Perhaps, just like her sister, she possessed a bit of a wild side.

“What was that for?” Fluttershy asked.

“Just to see what the fuss was about,” Celestia said with a grin. “No wonder she loves you.”

Another flush of red, so she said her thanks with a kiss instead. “Thanks for everything,” she replied.

“Now- Chrissy,” Celestia said, turning back to her prize, “Show me what you can do. I hope she won’t distract you too much.” Her legs began to spread just a tinge, enough for the message to sink in.

Chrysalis looked beneath her frame and saw the glorious sight of Celestia’s slit, there for her to plunder and already beginning to dribble. This gorgeous princess was aroused and aching for release because of her, and she would be allowed the gift of finishing the job. Oh, it was simply too good! Slithering down to the floor and pushing those smooth legs wide, Chrysalis began to lick away- but only just. Small strokes along her outer lips, gentle brushes that would only graze. If she was to leave Celestia fully satisfied, she would need to act with the utmost finesse; a passion fit for a most beautiful princess.

But perhaps easier said than done. Just as she planted a kiss on lower lips, Chrysalis felt hands grasp her bottom and spread them wide; Fluttershy’s doing? Judging by the tentativeness of her actions, yes, but she’d never tried to eat her like this before, not there. She’d always been too unsure of herself or simply more interested in enjoyment elsewhere. Yet she was most definitely digging deep-

Oh gods help me! Fluttershy was deep within her and was not trying to be subtle. With absence came longing, and that longing was now heightened by pleasures in realms of her body she hadn’t felt in ages. With her sweet love already feasting on her ass and doing a fine job of it, suddenly the task of leaving Celestia well and truly satisfied was a little more daunting- or more invigorating, she couldn’t quite tell which. Only one way to find out!

As Celestia’s sighs of contentment began to join in the growing symphony, the siren song did not go unnoticed. Twilight, still seated in her place by the table, was watching the spectacle with some degree of awe. Considering what was transpiring before her, it was difficult to say who was most enjoyable to watch. After Pinkie had lathered away her affections, the curvaceous cook had gone to join Applejack and Luna’s ravenous feasting, both she and the farmgirl setting themselves upon the moonlight princess with an almost violent fervor that even her potent skills could barely contain. Yet there on the couch was another delightful sight as Cadance continued to guide her partners along; she, Rarity and Rainbow Dash bound to one another by long, glistening bands of saliva as they fingered one another. With each new lick of tongue came a new sigh, each wiggle of a finger brought a new shudder. The three were positively soaked already and still they held, wanting to enjoy one another for as long as they could possibly manage before falling to exhaustion. And there was Celestia; crying out as she was pleasured by Chrysalis, the hungering queen in a struggle as Fluttershy buried her tongue deep in her ass, only adding to the spectacle. And Celestia cried out, her own sounds like something from heaven. Oh, how she’d longed to hear this! Princess Celestia in the midst of ecstasy, driven mad by love and delight… why shouldn’t she add herself to the mix?

She saw movement coming closer out of the corner of her eye, almost a blur in the midst of this wondrous delirium. Celestia forced herself to turn her head and take notice, focus away from the delights that lathered away below and hold on a little while longer. The presence of another, coming towards them so as to join in- and it was Twilight! Perfect timing, she rejoiced silently. A reason to endure further, to push her own passions out and enjoy Chrysalis’ skills for as long as she could; Twilight’s schoolgirl crush had gone unsatisfied for far too long. It was about time she apologized for such a cruelty.

“Twilight-! Twilight, take a seat!” Celestia called, a small twitch in her eye as she felt another lick. “On me, quickly! Let me make you scream!”

The brilliant princess’ eyes shot wide open. She’d come over with the intent of simply gaining a kiss; apparently she would get far more than that, if not everything she’d once dreamed of. Wasting no time and not wishing to hesitate on such an offer, the young royal cut loose and took a seat atop Celestia’s face, just enough room for her dream princess to explore in whichever way she saw fit-

The first hearty licks did not take long to arrive, enough to make the now-experienced woman gasp in excitement. Celestia’s sounds of delight had only been bait, meant to draw her in; now she would add to the symphony a sound all her own. Whether it be some awoken voraciousness within the solar royal’s heart, a hidden desire for her former student -if that was the case, it was rude to wait this long- or the presence of Chrysalis driving her to madness, the young woman couldn’t tell. Nor did she care, perfectly content to let Celestia eat her fill and set her to singing. Occasionally she would pull at Twilight’s labia, teasing nibbles that would give off shots of electricity; her tonguestrokes were what she preferred best, deep dives in between that would lather back and forth in between and sending the poor girl to squirming. She’d just sat down, well-licked by Pinkie’s thorough cleaning, and already she was struggling to hold the tide of ecstasy.

Chrysalis plucked away in between folds- and then was forced to pause, a magnificent shudder ripping through her perfect form and nearly toppling her senses. What on earth had gotten into Fluttershy? She felt marvelous, lack of experience be damned! And those little squeezes of her rump that would come as though from the pleasure of the act, perfectly timed alongside deep, thorough licks that plunged her deepest depths. Absence of love had made her weak, and this excessive feast was pushing her to the edge. And to think she usually held right till the end-

Another shudder, this one without warning; she was close, and Celestia had yet to give any quarter. As much as she wanted to enjoy the rush of orgasm, she still had this exquisite princess to ravish; restrained no more, the maddened queen plunged fully into her lover’s slit and plundered whatever she could, tongue sliding through every nook and cranny she could find and striking with such a ferocity that her partner trembled from the mere contact. This way and that, everywhere in between- any small portion of space she could find until Celestia’s writhing finally became a great, seizing motion as she held back that last morsel, one final motion that would unleash the flood for just one instant longer-!

A quick lick of her depths and Chrysalis broke, unable to restrain herself any longer. Fluttershy’s magnificent love of her hindquarters reached its zenith and she felt her joys spill forth like the crash of a wave. Unable to continue on and enjoy the fulfillment of her efforts and lap away at the gushing of her princess, Chrysalis simply sunk into the feeling and let herself enjoy the sensation that came across her body and consumed her senses. Sweet, wondrous relief, at long last! For far too long she had been left hungry, aching for the comfort and presence of another. Now she breathed out, strength slowly returning as weakness was pushed away in the face of love given freely; never had she gone without for so long, and then suddenly given so much so quickly. The reunion with her beautiful beloveds was at last real, made even better by the addition of one last companion. Never would they have to hide away in the dark, fearful of discovery; they were safe, and they were free.

The sensation of hands upon her chin roused the delirious woman from her happy thoughts, Chrysalis’ focus pulled away from within so as to meet the tenderness of Celestia’s lips- and finding them sweetly flavored by Twilight’s own juices! Suddenly awake to her surroundings, the darkened queen realized just how much had transpired outside of her contented bubble; Fluttershy was embracing her from behind, small kisses on her neck as the young girl whispered away words of happiness while Twilight still sat on the lounge chair and seemed to be reveling in the recently-made memory.

“I hope I made it up to you,” Chrysalis said as Celestia’s kiss at last released her.

“Hmm…” Those gorgeous eyes twinkled, lips stained yet still brimming with mischief. “It’s a start,” she replied. “Although you were indeed… quite wonderful.”

“You can thank her for that,” a hand placed on Fluttershy’s own and rousing the girl from her sweet nothings. “Without her, I… and here I thought I’d stolen her away.”

Not keen on being the center of attention, Fluttershy simply smiled and tried to wave away the flush of pink on her face. “I didn’t make you do anything at all,” she said. “You’re being silly.”

“Oh, I am certainly not,” Chrysalis said, suddenly finding that her young beloved’s naked form was something that required her attentions. “My little angel, what would I have done without you there to save me?”

Saved you?” Celestia echoed in a faux gasp, leaving the younger woman blushing all the more. “So I have her to thank for your wonderful efforts.”

“But I didn’t-”

“And she convinced me to help out,” Twilight interjected, sliding in behind her former mentor. “And she knew that Chrissy wasn’t going to hurt me, and brought me in to join the fun…”

“Sounds like I have someone to thank,” Celestia remarked. “I hope you don’t mind if we return the favor- do you?”

Outnumbered four to one, Fluttershy was overwhelmed in a heartbeat, taken by surprise and soon left transported; the sounds and sights of their reunion had only just begun.

Epilogue: So Sweet Indeed

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In the days that followed, sharp eyes and keen senses noticed that something was amiss in their safe, protected world. From the largest cities to the smallest villages it was seen, a subtle change in daily life that had not once been there before. Though more suspicious folk may have seen and scrutinized with uncertainty, the easygoing and gentlehearted paid it little more mind than a simple thought, a quiet remark spoken to no one.

It was the strangest thing, to see new neighbors so suddenly. At one moment there had been nothing, no one before their eyes- and then the presence of another, in the flesh and there to greet them. And what strange folk they were, a sort of awkwardness and fearful attitude that seemed so out of place in the peaceful places of the world; they looked at those about them with wide eyes like one who awaited the crack of a whip, ready for the hammer to fall. As though prisoners on the run, these people were hesitant to speak, and many were soft-spoken when at last they gave voice. Yet there was no trace of mean in them, no hidden malice locked away just out of sight; these shy folk, when given the chance to be kind, were kind in return. When help was asked for, so they came, willing to offer more than was ever asked for. Generous spirits opened freshly crafted homes, offering good food and kind company if it were needed- and a listening ear, for those who were weary and burdened. Though strange they were, these new neighbors were welcome wherever their feet carried them, and seemingly so glad to feel the wind and warmth on their face. Like a prisoner long held in the dark, so too were these strange, yet kindly, new folk.

Some might even be worth loving, if time was given the chance to perform its magic.

From afar, quietly and in the shadows, watchful eyes kept notice of their movements. Whether it be the few of the guard who had been informed of this new advent or the gleaming eyes of a moonlit princess, those who had once called themselves Changelings were kept safe and hidden from revelation by those who knew them. Though some were slower to acclimatize, more hesitant to make roots and truly belong, all those who had left their mother’s nest were beginning to settle in and make lives of their own. From bustling boroughs that saw the comings and goings of thousands to hidden cottages that lay in the wild places of the world, so there they were: safe and free, monsters of myth no longer.

Yet for some, duty was all they knew. When given the choice of whether to forge her own path or to stay in service, Ghara had found that her days as a Raven were what she was would continue, a love for the hunt now reformed and given the chance for more noble ambition. Blessed with the support of both Sun and Moon, the unrivaled huntress found herself in the company of fellow warriors in whom she could find camaraderie. Stealthy trackers and great beings of the open spaces on earth, each knew their task was a burdensome one, for long had their prey been lost and yet to be found.

“I wish I could give you an easier course,” Chrysalis murmured. What she was asking of them- no, what she and Cadance were asking of them, was such a risk that it may as well be deemed folly. “What I know is long past, no true trail remains, and the world is not a small place.”

Ghara, often proud when met by doubt, gave a sniff. “Time has not weakened me,” she breathed, “Nor did danger ever best me. I shall find the trail gone cold and set it ablaze.”

“He was aboard a vessel called the Ibrahim,” Twilight added. “They sailed from Amaria, heading westward. I know it’s not much-”

“It is more than enough,” said Ghara, and her companions all assented the same; crescent moons and brilliant suns on their chest, now led by a bannerless woman who had stalked the wastes since before they were ever born- united by common purpose. “Shining Armor shall come home, even if I bring him through fire, water, and the grave itself. He shall return.”

“Then depart. Depart with all that you have requested, and the blessing of us all,” Chrysalis said, hands held out towards them all. “May the winds bear you safely across the seas, may the waves grow calm before your bow.”

“May the moon light our way, may the sun shine down upon our path,” came the ancient reply, a wayfarer’s prayer from days all but forgotten. And then they were gone, off to find the missing trail of the living dead so that he might be raise to life yet again.

Chrysalis felt a lump in her throat at the sight of her eldest daughter departing. So few of them remained now, so spread out across the kingdom that there was more than small likelihood that many of those last meetings would be just that- the last. Yet here she remained, in the nightclub she called home and surrounded by only a spare few that still remained.

“Hey… are you alright?” A hand on her arm as Twilight peered up at her with concern in those sharp eyes.

“Melancholy, my darling,” she whispered back. “That’s all.”

“They’ll find him. And whatever happened to my brother, we’ll find a way to fix it. Even if it takes the rest of our lives, we’ll do it.”

Chrysalis could only nod, strength to speak not yet summoned within her.

“The others were waiting on us to come back,” Twilight added, slowly walking away and trying to bring her beloved along. “Would you rather I give you a minute?”

“No,” the queen whispered, then more firmly, “No. I am- I am well.” Yet not quite, one last thought still on her mind. “Twilight?”

The brilliant princess paused. “Yes?”

That small niggle of doubt, ever there beneath the surface. “Are you sure that- that we’re not just fooling ourselves?”

A roll of her eyes at the question that came far too often, yet dismissed with good humor all the same. “I love you, too, Queen Worrywart. And don’t you forget it.”

The doubt dissipated, pushed back and away for a little while longer. It would be back in time, always eager to reveal itself in moments of grief or joy, no matter how far along she was. But for now, Chrysalis simply smiled and walked down the halls hand-in-hand with her beloved to where the whole of them awaited.

The door to her quarters opened, an elongated table elegantly set and awaiting the arrival of just two more as the other occupants greeted them with the love that held them all so tightly together. Rarity beamed, proud of the decorum that she had crafted; Pinkie waited the first bites eagerly, and the praise of her efforts that would come with it. Rainbow rested quietly beside Cadance as the two spoke quick words in their quiet conversation; Applejack and Luna’s raucous behavior lay on the wayside for a little while longer, hands still held tight beneath the table. As Twilight took her seat, Chrysalis found herself settled in besides her adoring Fluttershy, and a resplendent Celestia there on her left- flowing black colors upon her gown, yet somehow more alight than ever before.

The beautiful queen looked about at the faces of those she loved, and gave a small sigh; for now, doubt had no place here. “Well… are we ready?”