Tourin' for A Soarin'

by Vis-a-Viscera

First published

Twilight gets in a fast and furious romp with Soarin, after coming upon the gifts meant for their shared pegasus friends....

Two gifts were meant to be delivered to Rainbow Dash and Spitfire for a birthday party; one from the Element of Magic, Twilight, and another from the top Wonderbolt stallion Soarin. But when their curiosity leads them to find just what gifts they are, they decide to pass the time before their arrival with some box-stuffing of their own.

Thanks to Milk and Honey and Steel Quill for pre-reading. Pic credit goes to Vatterdark and Veila: the pic's Derpi number is 59525. Be warned, its NSFW.

KINK WARNING: Male/Fem ♦ Rough Sex ♦ Creampies ♦ Vaginal ♦ Oral ♦ Anal ♦ Stair Sex ♦ Wing Bondage ♦ Endless Orgasms ♦ And More Blue Balls, Hip Thrusts, and Screaming Than A Megadeth Concert

Sparkle-ling Wet

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After Twilight’s fourth search of Dash’s Cloudominium house, she found herself pondering many things this fine day. Primarily, if Dash would need a Sonic Rainboom to avoid being late to her own funeral.

“Where are you, Dash!?” she hotly demanded. But alas, the clouds would not answer her.

Thankfully, an incoming shadow from the skyline behind her seemed to answer the unicorn’s request. Waving her forehooves, Twilight tried to call down the incoming pegasus she knew had to be Dash. She’d spent all morning getting together this gift from Rarity for Dash and the fashionista hadn’t even shown her what it was!

Rainbow had been similarly tight-lipped too, only saying it was to celebrate a special occasion, but she wouldn’t even say whose it was! Was Twilight supposed to guess at this? She was bad at that! Waiting on the tardy pegasus, of course. Not wrapping presents.

Since Rainbow Dash had tapped Rarity for this, it had to be something important. So Twilight had to see this through. She’d even gone so far as to bring back her cloudwalker spell to see through this task herself.

That is if Rainbow would bother to see her sometime before Celestia's retirement!

“Come on, Dash!” Twilight wasn’t normally impatient. Fifty minutes of nothing to do but sit in front of her house, admiring the noon sky, and not opening the gift before her had worn her nerves to breaking point. She finally knew what it was like to feel like Pinkie.

“Don’t worry, I got a key too, now we can-Twilight?!” The sound of very-much-not-Dash rang through the crisp air, and Twilight's shoulders strained out against her purple coat. This was getting intolerable; she needed something to wrap herself around now.

However, as the pegasus closed in on the Cloudominium, Twilight could see that he was bearing gifts as well. ‘He’ being an important distinction, because the approaching pony was a stallion. He was swathed in the standard form-fitting indigo suit of the Wonderbolts. In fact, If Twilight’s twice-weekly readings of the ‘Presence of Pegasi Today’ was correct, this had to be…

“Soarin?” His nod carved another notch into Twilight’s Register of Right (name subject to change by Spike, should he think up a better one after he stopped laughing.)

“Yeah - Captain Spitfire wanted to talk to her. Think it was about the tickets to the latest show Dash won. Protocol, or something?” Spain stared at the blue-and-red package on Twilight's back. ”I assume you have a gift for her there, too?”

“For Dash, actually.” Twilight shifted uncomfortably. As Soarin touched down, she could tell he’d been racing here. His musk smelled… amazingly heady. That and the mix of Clear Breeze shampoo playing on her nose sent goosebumps flaring on her skin.

But she wasn't here to talk about Soarin’s sexy scent, she was here for her friend. “I suppose we’ve both been left holding the bag, then?”

“Suppose we have to wait, huh?” the Wonderbolt chuckled, rubbing a hoof along his spiky blue mane. “Unless you want to see just what it is they’re waiting for.”

“I’d think not, Soarin. I think I have a more reproducti-productive!” Twilight’s blush could be seen from space. “Productive… uses of my time.”

Soarin didn’t try to make the alicorn maintain eye contact this time. Twilight couldn’t have been more grateful. Looking at the large package under Soarin’s barrel - no, OVER! - with its gold-and-white trim, she sighed.

Apparently, Twilight was wrong. A rarity (darling!) but it happened. Between Dash, Spitfire, and now Soarin, she now marked three pegasi that’d have to wait to see the gifts opened.

But Twilight was made of tougher stuff; everypony here would have to wait, same as her.

<~~~ Literally Five Minutes Later ~~~>

“Well, if we open the others… we can claim that we had to check for anything that could harm the other.” Inside the Cloudominum, Twilight could see the benefits of the plan. Soarin was a high-ranking Wonderbolt. Twilight was the prodigy of Princess Celestia. Each could vouch for the other without trouble.

Twilight cursed her curiosity, turned to Soarin, and nodded. “Right - and if it’s anything fragile, we pretend the Parasprites got to them before we got to the Parasprites.”

“Parasprites can’t live at this altitude.”

“Dash doesn’t know that.” Again, curse her knowledge being used as a weapon! It never felt right to Twilight. “On three.”

At the count of three, Soarin and Twilight plucked back a corner of the wrapped boxes granted to Rainbow and Spitfire. However, Soarin could only cock an eyebrow at what he saw in his.

“It’'s just a whistle.” Only a golden whistle sat at the bottom of that box. The cord around it was almost molecule-thin.

Twilight’s revelation had her backing further into the house though, her sporadic magic slamming the front door shut. “Whoa.” Her voice came out low, but knowing.

Soarin knew it. Part of being Spitfire’s confidant for so long was knowing the subtleties in short sentences. They often spelled the difference between a medal on your chest or a hoof upside somepony’s head. And it always seemed to hurt more when it was Spitfire’s; disappointment from somepony that skilled worked that way.

When he saw what Twilight pulled out of the gift Spitfire had for Dash, Soarin gasped. Namely, a collection of buckles and golden chains clearly meant to have a pony in it.

“This was Dash’s gift?”

Twilight suddenly felt incredibly hot. It was only in a way Spike could invoke when he was napping. One day, she’d tell him how his morning wood tended to spring up far earlier than morning. The first time she’d found out, she’d nearly chipped a tooth tripping over it, and he still hadn’t woken up then. “I… can’t imagine this is meant to be comfortable for the pony’s wings.”

“Y-you mean to explain that further, Miss Sparkle?” whispered Soarin.

“It’s a… pegasus bondage suit. I saw it during a trip to Dodge. Cherry had one; said one time that a pegasus with a frosty mane came and she ...” Twilight’s eyes bulged as they turned to the whistle; compared to the suit, what did that do? “Nevermind. Can I see that whistle?”

Soarin gasped as Twilight gripped the instrument in her hooves. “Wait, Twilight! if you don’t know what that does, we might not want to~!”


Soarin froze as Twilight's lips left the whistle. /For every damned pore in his body, the sensation was set to ’the first time a teenaged colt’s shaft was licked’. He shivered in bliss as his nylon suit’s crotch soon feeling quite tight and damp.

Twilight had been affected too. She panted at the sensation running through her skin. Turning to Soarin, she was quickly sent her over after seeing the colossal cock between his legs. “Soarin. What is that.” For once, Twilight wasn’t asking a question.

Despite this, Soarin answered. “No. This... whistle, it clearly did-”

One ignition of her horn later, and Soarin’s tail was pulled between his legs, upending him. Flat on his back, his legs windmilled in the air. Twilight sat between his rear legs, the glow of her horn moving to his bodysuit’s zipper. Pulling it down his neck and barrel, his throbbing erection was soon freed. Eleven inches of turgid stallionhood was now bobbing in the air.

Twilight’s eyes couldn’t leave their pendulum-like swings. “Goodness...” she panted.

“M...mind telling me what this is about?”

Twilight’s tongue extended. “It’s a process of elimination, Soarin.” One lick on the tip of his bulging cock, and Soarin’s head thudded back into the floor. A part of Twilight wondered if it was magic, or some latent urge she’d never know. It was soon drowned under a buzz only faintly remembered as being felt just before she lost Miss Smartypants. Want it… something, Spell?

Stars danced in his eyes as Twilight continued. “The Mayor has Filthy. Spoiled has every parent stallion in Ponyville… and the Mayor. The rest of the adults in the town have Big Mac.” Twilight moved closer to his crotch. “But I.. can have the best stallion in Dash’s fanclub.” Her eyes narrowed. “And I’m collecting before Dash does.”

Despite her words to Soarin, Twilight wasn’t wholly convinced. She’d fancied such a feeling, yes. But it had always been buried by work, study, or Celestia. Yet it all seemed to melt away when that whistle rang in her ears.. Thinking would soon become a near-impossibility, however, when TwIlight sank her mouth on Soarin’s cock.

Only six inches of stallion-meat got into Twilight's throat before the slightest resistance was met; Twilight gagged over the feast stretching her throat. Every vein pulsing along her tongue sent another rush down her legs. And each of her arguments over this act dissolved one-by-one as the salty taste of blue cock did on her taste-buds.

Her head bobbed to fit more of it into her throat. Addicted to the taste, she barely noticed Soarin moaning, or the whizzing noise of two ponies rushing into the top levels of the house. Bracing her hooves on Soarin’s hips, she sank down further, gurgling around the slick shaft. And each second, it became more amazing.

On a particularly deep thrust, Twilight’s hips rose to keep her balanced. One of her forehooves dug into her folds, hips jerking and thrusting against the limb pumping between her swollen teats. Her juices spattered onto the polished floor in short spurts. Her moans, however, went through Soarin’s polished cock. The thunderstorm that rushed through Soarin’s body at this made his back arch in a near-painful bend, and Twilight’s head went with it.

Just as Soarin was about to climax from the violent deepthroating, Twilight beat him to the dam-burst. Her hoof was drowned in marecum as her drooling cunt convulsed over it. Her moaning turned to choking, as Soarin quickly yanked her off his shaft. Twilight coughed wildly, Soarin ignoring his denied deluge over concern for Twilight's welfare.

“T-Twilight! Look, I have to tell, I didn’t think we’d be doing this in Dash’s-!”

“Sorry, flyboy, we’re not stopping here.” The word ‘flyboy’ rolled off of Twilight Sparkle’s tongue like cotton candy. It also distracted Soarin long enough for her magic to activate. Wrapped in violet haze, the yellow bondage suit wrapped several times around the base and arches of his wings. That positioning craned them half-shut at an uncomfortable, but not painful angle.

Before long, the powerful wings of the Wonderbolt were bound. The reason for Soarin’s shaking, however, was because of the pelvis straps. It was supposed to nestle perfectly over the pony’s thighs and over the tail snugly.

Twilight, however, had different plans for them on a tastier part of Soarin's’ anatomy. By crossing over Soarin’s pelvis, the straps made a harsh wrap around his cock. The pressure also kept his tool stiff, rigid, and blood-flushed; or as Spike called it, ‘the Twilight Trinity’.

“T-Twilight!” huffed Soarin. “You’ve g-got the straps wrong! I’m not supposed to be-”

“Cumming until I’m satisfied? Finally, we’ve got… consensus!” Twilight’s dark purr and the swivel of her hips around that pale blue cock sent Soarin’s heart into overdrive. Most of his blood was still trapped in his fat dick, though, so all that blood that pump took was from his brain. His inner complaints department wasn’t getting a call from there, though.

“You already came once!” he cried.

“Once. As a member of the six-strong Elements of Harmony, however, I endure what they’d endure too.” Twilight airily proclaimed, finally turning around over him to line the tip of her pussy on the edge of his upright shaft. Cuntjuice twinkled onto it, glazing his girth as Twilight shot him a knowing grin. “Meaning you have five more to go. Better get started.”

Soarin screwed up his face, his snout crinkling as he tried one last time to talk sense into the lust-lost unicorn. Despite how delectable it felt being coated in her cuntsap, they had no idea how long it’d be before his Captain found them like this! But a rumbling yell soon came from the floors above; shrill as the whistle now around Twilight's neck and twice as sensual.

“Fuck me til’ I burst; is that understood!?

Twilight was too busy panting to have uttered that phrase, but it rang around the room all the same. Soarin, despite not being the primary target of this bondage device, was still diamond-hard. And the thought of hearing Spitfire - oh yes, it was her! - calling to be fucked with his throbbing fuelrod was nitrogen to his system. Instead of burning him alive, that sultry command sparked a fire.

One he carefully nurtured for the 1.5 seconds it took for him to bring his forelegs up to Twilight’s hips and impale her on his cock.

Twilight had been too distracted to notice Soarin’s advancing hooves, her brain slowly piecing together the Wonderbolt that voice reminded her of. And also, why her partner wasn’t responding. Unless she teleported there, she couldn’t know. All she heard was grunts and - “Gaah!” Instantly, a scream tore from her dripping maw.

Her canal was being plugged with half a foot of Soarin’s shaft. His medial ring rippled around her entrance as Twilight thrashed above it. Crystalline juices - and the small spurts of pre Soarin spurted into her - sprayed around her flower. Her continued lubing of Soarin’s strapped-in shaft continued the pleasurable shock treatment coursing through Soarin’s body.

Pleasure amplified his moves as he lifted Twilight up “S-shit, Soarin! I d-didn’t say you could go - Aaaah! Gah! Yes!” Jackhammering her again on his length, seven inches got in on his next thrust. Twilight Sparkle couldn’t care less that her moans and pants were being mirrored - and only slightly out-vocalized - by the noises upstairs. The only mystery on her short-circuiting mind was how a cock could feel this good against her tight slutty snatch.

She could feel that pulsing cock slide in and out of her gushing twat. She could feel her glutes jiggle and twitch as Soarin’s hooves pushed the starbursts on her purple flanks closer. But it was all losing out to the blazingly hot pressure as Soarin drilled deeper and deeper into the sopping caverns she - she -

“F-fuck!” Twilight came again within a minute, folds squelching around the already-squeezed shaft of Soarin. Twilight’s mind was already blacking out before; now its last synapses were focused on getting more and getting off. With a carnal roar, her horn lit up, and the straps around Soarin’s barrel bent forward.

The bands extended enough for Twilight to hook her forearms around them before both snapped back to Soarin’s exposed chest. Twilight's latest motion also yanked him to a kneeling position, chest almost compressed against Twilight’s back. Soarin silently thanked Celestia that Twilight didn't have wings. Then he blanched when Twilight started snapping her hips back and forth, the pressure on his cock almost too much to handle.

Twilight was savagely bouncing on the dick still entombed in her convulsing vault, juices leaking out again. Soarin felt light-headed, both from the sting of his bound wings and the pressure that the straps leading to them exerted on his cock. He wanted to finally punish this insatiable unicorn with his virile payload. Twilight filled with enough spunk to make her look pregnant wth triplets; now that was an option that only grew more tempting with his every thrust.

But as his cock and testes swelled to give him that release, the glowing sparkles on the straps wrapped around it blood-constrictingly hard. His messy orgasm was forced back with the same might it struggled to erupt.

And all the while, Twilight cried “Umf! Umf! Mmmph!” every time she sank home on Soarin’s meat. Her thrusts on that Wonderbolt dick were too fast to let her form out full words. Each connection of their hips had her crying in lust. She shivered as she felt Soarin’s muscles stood out amongst his sweat-soaked suit

Meanwhile, Soarin couldn't even meet the next wave of cum with his own as she uncorked for the third time. Her juices made her rear hooves slide on the floor as she bucked wildly in pleasure; legs bulged out from the pressure she was exerting on the straps. The one across Soarin’s left torso broke with the stress, Twilight howling in bliss at the slight mark her foreleg had taken from it.

However, that snapping of the golden bind also signaled Soarin’s mind breaking as well. An emergency rush of adrenaline flooded out his sane mind. It was a special talent each Wonderbolt carefully nurtured. Usually, it was marshaled when pushing the last few feet of a mooring off an injured pony. Or pumping wings that fluttered faster to beat an Equestrian speed record. It was meant for emergencies. But for the first time, a mid-sex crisis would trigger it.

“Let me out of this, Sparkle!” he yelled at the gyrating Twilight.

Twilight, half as lost to lust as he was, shook her head. “Day late… and five orgasms too short… Sooooarin...”

“Then I’ll make you cum until you fucking do!” Soarin could smell the sauna of sharp sweat and sweet marecum rising from Twilight’s body, and it only served to rile him even further past his breaking point. He squeezed her around the barrel, lifted them up, and slammed her front-first into the jamb of the Cloudominum stair-rail. Her eyes bugged out as her chest crashed against that metal railing.

With a squuielch, Soarin’s hips pulled as far back from Twilight’s ass as he could get with her still attached to him by a chest-strap. Twilight’s surprised hiss of “You’re f-fucking me against a splint-.” turned into a guttural cry as his cock-and ever ounce of rippling muscle pistoning into her. Their hips and ass crashed with a resounding PLAP.

“Celestia, YES~!” tore from Twilight’s maw as her eyes rolled into her head for several seconds. Orgasm number four was but a trickle for Twilight Sparkle, but this time, something different was happening behind her. The second her shivers stopped, and the next flash-flood between her legs abated, Soarin pulled up her limp legs. Showing no mercy, he started piledriving into her cunt again and again.

Twilight wasn't even sure he had the strength to continue! That was half the reason she’d sent that cock-vice upon him, to ensure she could get off on him! But as his dick pummeled in and out of her, and the blunt tip bulged again in a stifled climax, he kept going!

So did Soarin’s screams. “Ah! Ggh! Ghh! Ghh! Arg! Mmph! Gaaah!”

Twilight greeted each slap of those hips from Soarin with a hoarse “Yes! Fuck! Yes! Fuck!” Her legs were like limp noodles, only held up by his ramming hips. That and the nine inches of cock splitting her foaming snatch. But Soarin's thrusts at least came slow enough for her to get her bearings. The issue here was now the depth and ferocity.

Each time their bodies impacted, her cutie mark repeated a thousandfold before her shrunken pupils. Everytime he pulled back she could feel every string of cum and sweat break around the webbing between their thighs. And in between, glorious friction, endless fireworks as their fucking became a frenzied blur! Twilight’s nerve-endings were twisting twice as fast as the banister was, metal bending ever so slightly under the pressure their bucking bodies bore on it.

“Harder! Ha-harder! Yes! Yes! Pound me!” No normal stallion could long oblige more roughness, more rutting, more of him slamming in her. Yet somehow, on each of her calls, Soarin could! She couldn’t even buck her hips back to meet those jousts. Even if she wasn’t half-limp in her lust, there had no space for hoofholds over the rail they were savagely screwing against.

But Twilight was close. And most distressingly of all, she could feel the edge of those straps around Soarin’s dick get closer as well. There would only be so few inches left before it was impossible for him to sheathe any further; and Twilight was not going home without that express delivery from Soarin’s balls. The very thing keeping it hard looked to be the same thing keeping it from hilting in and breeding her.

What felt like an eternity ago, she was scared of being broken by Soarin’s cock. Now she felt like she’d fucking die if she couldn’t.

Twilight tried to draw out the sorcerous diagram to pull the straps away from his dick. But Soarin’s next pump of his slobbering shaft brought it right up at the edge of her G-spot, and Twilight was too busy screaming Soarin’s name in the throes of her fourth climax. Again she burst apart on his dick. Again, he couldn’t join her in her wet release, no matter how his pelvis strained at the bonds.

“OH, yes!” Twilight panted out, feeling like she was ready to tip over the railing in her orgasmic throes. The combination of her overstimulated nerves and her cum-stirring gyrations over Soarin’s treasure had sent her mind reeling.

Twilight slowly pulled the long whistle to her maw, intending for timeout despite what it really incurred in them. But only paltry, weak tweets came from it now. To Soarin however, stuck between livid and lust-drunk, that sound ringing in his ears revitalized his rage. Twilight was only given the slightest lift before being yanked off the railing. The thin cord the whistle was attached to snapped off Twilight’s neck.

They fell onto the stairs at that point as Soarin hunched over Twilight and yanked his cock free of her waterlogged folds. Twilight struggled to turn her bedridden head to face him. Strands of her mane shrouded her face as her horn sparked and tried again to release the cock-clamp that had driven him into such a carnal state so he could cum in her.

Soarin wasn’t stopping, though. He’d just decided to switch fuel ports. Twilight found out when she felt that colossal hard-on-press against a hole closer to her dock. It was puckered, pre-cleaned like every part of her, and pre-lubed by the cum-sodden shaft pushing against it. “W-wait Soarin! You’ll never fit in there! At least let me-”

“Fuck off, Twilight!!” At this point, Soarin only wanted to slam, again and again, into somewhere tight - the harder, the better. Nine-and-a-half inches of surging, ruby-red horsemeat crashed into her pinky pussy. At that point, Twilight felt less like a unicorn and more like a high striker. And guess who’d just sent the bell on top spinning into Cloudsdale with his strike?

“Mmmph! Mmph! Mmmph! F-fuck! Deeper! Don’t stop!” Twilight Sparkle screamed, now as lost to that dick-driven depravity as Soarin was. The two ponies thrashed against each other with every scrap of energy they still possessed. Their hips burned, their limbs shook, but they met each other’s slams with unbridled force. Any less felt like the torture exacted on them.

Soarin reached back, grabbed the whistle on the bottom-most stair, and jammed it right into her pussy in time with his next thrust. It was nowhere near big enough to sate her originally - but it was cold and metallic. That plus the twitching folds equaled another strangled Twilight moan, her voice on the verge of giving out.

Twilight’s igniting horn finally scored a lucky hit in her ecstatic state, shooting out the links that kept Soarin’s straps around his pelvis. Finally, he was ready to make her a Nurse Redheart case for a month! Twilight’s cuny couldn’t wait, and neither could its former intruder. As the loose straps finally fell away from his marbling mare-splitter, Soarin’s cock was ready to unleash three denied orgasms all in one.

Soarin whinnied upon seeing those bands break. At long last, his cramped wings stretched to full width as he pushed further into Twilight. The pressure of Twilight’s tightest hatch around his cock made Soarin hiss louder, press himself close screw her harder. Her horn spurted, trying to force him into her pussy instead. But Soarin’s grabbing of her tail and rearleg to drive deeper into her ass struck all mantras and incantations that didn’t start with “Fuck me!” from her mind.

The tail remained upright, giving Soarin a perfect look at the packed ponut of the bucking unicorn beneath him. Her rear leg went further and further back; however, her flexibility as she was being speared afforded her the leeway for the bend. Soon, she was popping her ass rather than snapping her hips against Soarin’s raging cock. Like the bonds around Soarin, though, the position was only slightly cramping, the pleasure ripping away any distress.

And when the tip of that bent foreleg met her furiously fizzling horn, Twilight’s world shattered into brilliant white. Almost molded into the stairs she was ravenously rutted into, Twilight came, and so did Soarin. His sperm sacs burst free at last, filling her cavern and slamming into her prostate within minutes. Despite this climax, Soarin still wasn’t done; his mind too propelled by pleasure to stop slamming his hips against her flooded ass.

Twilight found it fitting that she was already in the sky as that once-obstructed orgasm of Soarin hit; because she was about to go from the Cloudominium to Cloud Nine. Her cunt collapsed against that fucking whistle jammed in it. In fact, she would have shot it out of her gushing folds if not for Soarin’s hoof still keeping it there.

But the second she felt that firehosing shaft of Soarin’s shifting within her, Twilight climaxed again, in the middle of her current one. Soarin’s grip wouldn’t hold this time, even with the nylon padding on his hoof offering him leverage. The metal whistle flew past her spasming body to skid on the floor, much like Twilight’s knees and ass.

Soarin’s hooves found new homes though even as he felt the spluttering gobs of goo crash against his sore calves. SImultaneously, Soarin’s forehoof - the one not yanking up her purple tail - crushed against her swollen teats. With one last hip-pump, he finally hilted fully into Twilight’s chamber, despite the pressure of his cock’s jizz impeding him. At last, both ponies convulsed at the feel of such raw intimacy.

“Ahhh! Fuuuuuuuc~!” Twilight’s words finally broke on a silent slur, her voice box giving out as her abused cunt did for the third time in a row. With both her holes leaking out near-endless amounts of cum, Twilight finally slipped against the floor. Soarin joined her after his last feeble thrusts.

As Twilight finally took in some shallow breaths, she studied the scene they’d made. Their heads were next to each other, the leg Soarin had curled up to touch her horn now draped on the ground of the Cloudominum. Her tail lay curled around none of his forehooves the other trapped within her vault.

“Gonna guess… we’ll need to buy Rainbow and Spitfire.. some new gifts,” panted Soarin, looking into Twilight’s dilated eyes. His flared mane and tail flicked against the ground as he tried to find a cool place to rest his head on. Twilight’s warm body against him, though… that, he could live with.

“Dunno, fellas; I think we’ve seen enough for this to count as a gift all on its own.”

Twilight’s head flew up, before wincing at the pain the stress brought on her. Yet there were Rainbow Dash and Spitfire at the top of the staircase, free of any clothing adobe the waist. Spitfire’s suit pooled just over the swell of her teats. Soarin couldn’t help but drool a little at the sight.

“Don’t worry, Soarin; you’re fine.” Spitfire shook her head. ”Fraternizing might be a bit of a stretch for me to rag you on today. Verbal assault might be worth some time in the barracks - with me of course, to ensure you’re keeping to the punishment.” Soarin gave them a slight grin. That didn’t seem too bad, really. “So long as you’ve kept my mother’s whistle safe.”

Twilight’s eyebrows slowly rose in horror. “The… whistle?”

“Yeah, Twi. Took me a while to find it in the spot she said she lost it several years ago, but Rarity brought it back to pristine condition and wrapped it up for me.” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Soarin was s’posed to hold onto it and leave it on Spitfire’s desk, but I think he mighta missed her. Know where he put it?”

Soarin blanched. His mind latched feebly onto the one mention that he and Twilight had before their… session. Without skipping a beat, his maw opened. “You wouldn’t believe what we ran into, Spitfire. The Parasprites attacked, driven by the Spectra fountains, and...”

Rainbow Dash’s hooves flew to her mouth.

Spitfire’s jaw dropped.

Twilight’s jaw gritted as she rubbed a hoof down her face. She was really gonna have to research some more anti-burn spells when she got back, wasn’t she?

Thankfully, Spike could help in that end. Y’know, the second he returned from the Boutique. It was mostly over how Twilight reacted to him laughing about the Registry of Right. But she was feeling in a very giving mood lately.