The Sensations Of Having Fun

by Lonely Fanboy48

First published

Twilight Sparkle & Sunset Shimmer teaches their science friend a lesson of their own personal kind of friendship.

Microchips never been so happy to spend more of his time hanging out with Twilight. A lot has improved after his encounters from her rear back on the beach last year but that doesn’t mean Twilight moved on since she now knows what her body can do.

Sunset Shimmer gave her advice on to make her science classmate more better since they’re now adults. When she learned about everything last year, it gave her an idea to which Twilight loves. They not only going to give Microchips their bonding friendship, but also the meanings of playing with him.

Special thanks to MoJoK20X for editing this

What Goes Around, Comes Around The Booty

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After a full week of research and nonstop writing, Microchips and Twilight Sparkle finished their college assignments. It became a nightmare for them after so much work and toil, but their teamwork and intelligence would give them a better grade. Tired beyond relief, they came out of her house.

“Six days of analysis...” Twilight yawned.

“...Plus, Six nights of procrastinating...” Microchips yawned as well.

“...Plus, a hundred and forty four hours of pure perfection! I think we might be the hardest working students just so we can keep getting A’s...” the lavender genius added.

Microchips couldn’t even keep his eyes open after staying up for so long. “You're right! It’s like high school is the minor leagues, and college is the big leagues...I wonder what happens after that...”

“Maybe getting a job as chemical specialists?” she slightly turned to the tinkerer.

“Better leagues then college, big time!” he laughed. As they continued walking on the sidewalk, they get slower and slower, dragging themselves like snails. Microchips slightly dropped himself on the ground while Twilight kept her balance.

“It’s really nice we did this together as friends...” she smiled.

“Yyyeeeaaahhh…” The tinkerer replied while still on the ground. He lost all ability in his legs to the point where he couldn’t get home by himself. It wasn’t until Twilight’s phone rang inside her pocket. Once she took out her phone, she got a text message from her best friend, Sunset Shimmer. After reading it, she got on her knees to help her science friend back up on his heels.

“Sunset just finished her work and she’s heading down the neighborhood to pick me up.” She replied. “Do you need a ride?”

As the tinkerer slowly got on his feet, he nodded. “Please! I really don’t have the energy to even walk again...”

“Neither do I. Consider this as my thanks for helping me out.”

The two science classmates smiled at each other after hanging out more since last year. A year of working together while getting to know each other was the best time Microchips had in such a long time.

“You know, I always appreciate your offers...”

“Just like I appreciated your sweet secret when we were on the beach.” Microchips uttered out with a blush. Even after a year, his secret with Twilight could never wither from his mind. Moments later, they saw Sunset parking her car by the edge of the road. As soon as they hopped inside, she drove out, deciding to take one of them home.

Once Sunset dropped off Microchips to his house, she took her best friend to her place. She allowed the genius to sleep on the couch for the night after a long night of procrastination and tinkering with her partner. Three hours passed, and the sun started setting over the mountains, with the sky getting darker by the minute.

“Are you at least regaining energy?” Sunset asked, giving her best friend two pieces of toast to eat while sitting next to her.

“Yes, but not a lot...” Twilight smiled.

“Maybe you and Microchips should tone down your assignment nights.” Sunset suggested.

“I guess so.” the genius nodded. As her best friend placed the food on her lap, she began eating one of the toasts with butter. It was then something had occurred to Sunset that she had been wondering what was going on between her friend and Microchips.

“Even since last year, you allow Microchips to come over to your house when our friends aren’t around...”

Twilight retorted. “Why do you say that? It’s not like he’s new, and you came across him before I became a student at your school.”

Sunset remembered seeing the tinkerer from time to time, especially when they work together during the Canterlot High play months back. “Well...that is true, but that doesn’t mean I should be friends with him just like what you're doing.”

The bookworm looked out Sunset’s window after hearing her statement. After a full year of keeping her secret with Microchips, she decided to spill the beans, despite the reaction she’d receive. “Sunset, remember when I offered you to come with me to the beach last year and you declined?”


“I came across Microchips since he was the last option I had.”

“Well that’s nice. I mean, if we’re not here for you, someone like him can help you feel occupied...” Sunset shrugged.

Twilight smiled from listening to her best friend, since she was aware of the odds she had to bring someone. However, the light pain on her chest was willing to let out around the genius.

“Once we got to the beach, we had a little fun. But through it all, he was a bit distracted by me.” Twilight uttered before taking a bite of her toast.

Sunset blinked. “Distracted? You your swimsuit?”

“Yes, but that’s not the full answer...” she leaned to Sunset’s ear and whispered the full details of what Microchips did to him. Sunset backed away, turning confused, if not offended at the secret.

“Okay! this has to be a joke, right?” Sunset uttered in denial.

Sunset had to snap her to reality. “No, I’m not! If it was a joke, I would have abandoned him. But, I’m not that kind of person.”

Sunset rapidly stood up from the couch. “Did he…touch your ass?”

“Well...Yes, but it was an accident. After he told me everything, I was shocked at first, but he wasn’t getting called out from it.”

Sunset questioned her after Twilight bit her toast. “Did you...ask him permission to...say something about your ass?”

“Well...I wasn’t offended so yeah.” Twilight answered.

Sunset stood in complete silence. “You're not... offended about what he said about it?”

“I was having fun back at the beach, and when he said he liked my butt, so... I approved of it.”

Sunset squeezed the middle of her eyes, trying to get back on track. “Okay, let’s slow it down a bit. When you said you approved it, do you actually mean it, one hundred percent?”

The bookworm thought about it and she couldn’t remember most of it last year. “Well, he was the only boy I hung out with so...I guess I did.”

“I think you must be exaggerating.”

“Not really, because I was starting to like it.”

Sunset then began to blush now that her friend was being very honest. To think she and Twilight are finally adults, really shows how much time has changed.

“What’s wrong?” Twilight wondered.

“I guess everyone is not exaggerating anymore...and it’s not really something I’m against anymore. And now, I can understand why you're hanging out with him more than before.” Sunset headed to her monitor set, leaving Twilight speechless.

The bookworm stood up while placing her plate on the table before walking up to her friend. “He was starting to become happier. I mean, if you were in my position, you would feel the same way...”

“If I were into the same hobbies as you, I would have gotten to where you're coming from. But, was that the only time you did something that exquisite with him?”

“Yes. That’s probably because we did other activities afterwards, like doing science projects together.”

Sunset thought about it for a moment about her friend’s relationship with the science boy. Unlike the friendship she had with the Rainbooms, this felt too bizarre yet understandable since her time on the beach with Microchips. As a matter of fact, she knew how to make it better for him and Twilight.

“Don’t you think he deserves something... better?” Sunset asked.

“It’s been the same thing I do every time I hang out with him. Better is better than the same old, same old... So what can I do?”

“You probably need help from me since we’re no longer in high school...” Sunset got back up from her chair and whispered into Twilight’s ear. As personal and private as Sunset thought, she’d figure it would be the only way to have Microchips appreciate the bookworm much more than last year. But at the same time, her way of helping is just like what Twilight felt about her rear being liked by a classmate, but it stretches even farther.

Twilight lightly gasped, not approving at first but liking it. “That’s a perfect idea!”

“You really think so?” Sunset turned her head to the side.

Twilight leaned closer to her friend, shifting her eyes. “I know I haven’t told you this, but I found his reactions about my booty funny, but also cute...”

“Really huh? Do you think he’ll find my ass just as mesmerizing as yours?” Sunset smirked.

“Oh, please! He hasn’t even seen how big my breasts are since the past year. Just like yours…” Twilight followed suit, smirking.

Slumber Party At Twilight’s

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The sky turned orange by the setting sun, and Microchips just finished brushing his teeth in his bathroom. It has been four days since he regained all of his slumber from working so hard. However, he’d wonder whether or not he’d still have a hard time sleeping. Then, he heard the doorbell rang.

“Wonder who that could be?” he reacted after spitting into his sink. He headed to his main hallway and approached the front door. Once he opened it revealed none other than Sunset Shimmer, with her car being parked by the road.

“Hi. Microchips.” she waved.

“Sunset?...” The tinkerer responded. “...Do you need anything?”

“Nothing at all, actually. But, Twilight is having a slumber party at her house tonight. And, She would be happy if you came to her house.”

Microchips couldn’t believe what he just heard from Sunset. “Wait, she’s… she’s inviting me… tonight? Tonight tonight?”

Sunset looked into his reaction. “Well, Yeah. She won’t have a slumber party without you. Unless you have anything else planned tonight...”

“I barely do anything special or important...” Microchips scratched his head.

“Then, what’s stopping you? I can drive you there.” Sunset showed him her car. As soon as he saw it, questions would pop out of his mind in a millisecond. Then, it occurred to him...Instead of doing the same things with Twilight every other time, a sleepover at her house would be a nice change of pace.

“Okay, I’ll come. Just let me get my sleeping bag.”

Sunset pulled him before the tinkerer tried to head upstairs. The way she has her hand grabbing his arm felt unusual, something no other girl would do to him when they plan out everything. “Twilight has everything under control. So, you possibly won’t need it...”

“Um...Okay, but I don’t wanna sleep on the floor.”

“You won’t...” Sunset closed her eyes while letting go of the tinkerer. Without wasting any time, Microchips left his house while taking the shotgun seat inside her car. As they got inside, he saw a large bag resting behind his seat.

“What’s inside that bag?” he asked.

“It’s a surprise for later...Let’s just say you’re going to like it a lot.” Sunset winked before inserting her keys into the ignition and drove her car on the road. Microchips never thought there would be a surprise going on at Twilight’s house, but that wouldn’t stop him from taking this opportunity for himself. After a five-minute drive to their destination, Sunset parked her car on Twilight’s driveway. As she and Microchips got out, she also brought along the large bag for the slumber party.

“Where are the other invited guests?” The tinkerer wondered, looking around the driveway being completely clear.

“Nobody but us...” Sunset replied.

“We’re the only ones?” Microchips’ eyes widened.

“Three people can still do a slumber party, Microchips. That’s why Twilight wants you here.”

“Is a friend of hers sick or something?”

“No. But, they do need time for themselves...”

Microchips was now aware the party wasn't going to be as obviously big as he thought. With only him, Sunset and Twilight being the only ones made it almost awkward than anything. “We shouted probably head inside now...”

“Yeah, I figured. The sky is turning black by the second.” Sunset gazed at the neighborhood as soon as the street lights turned on. As they head inside Twilight’s house with the front door unlocked, the living room looked quiet, without Microchip’s classmate around.

“She must be upstairs, right?” he blindly guessed.

“That’s where she’s waiting, not to mention where we’re also sleeping.” Sunset placed her bag by the door while she and Microchips headed to the kitchen.

“So, Did you ever do anything special with her?” Sunset asked.

“Other than going to the mall and the science assignments, we only went to the beach last year.” he answered.

As Sunset opened one of the cabinets to take out some chips, he turned her attention back to Microchips. “Okay. What was the best time you had with her?”

Microchips’ eyes widened at the question. “What?! I don’t know… I mean, I can’t say that… it’s really embarrassing....”

“Come on. I would totally understand...”

Meanwhile inside Twilight’s bedroom, the bookworm closed her curtains while seeing Sunset’s vehicle in her driveway. She headed out of her room, but tried her hardest not to make a sound to alert anyone.

The tinkerer knew that if he told his secret to anyone, it would make his science friend upset, but to one person who’s also Twilight’s friend possibly won’t let down any spirits.

“She...pulled the bottom of her swimsuit...where I saw her clean...cheeks...” he blushed while looking away.

Sunset lidded her eyes, despite Twilight watching from upstairs doing the same thing. “You must be a very lucky boy, huh? Bet she’ll find you more gullible...”

“Guess that is true, even if she wasn’t offended.”

“What’s the better choice? Getting beat up from provocative women or joining in on having fun?” Sunset turned her head to the side.

The tinkerer never thought about the idea of girls with questionable behavior would accept the approvals from boys like him. Sure, Twilight told him about the whole thing, but he never was in an activity like that, or any activity whatsoever. “I...can’t pick either of those things.”

“You will soon enough. Right now, we should get upstairs and not have Twilight wait any longer.”

Meanwhile, Twilight headed back to her bedroom before her invited guests left her kitchen after hearing her friend. As for Sunset, she picked up her bag just before heading the same direction. By the time she and Microchips entered inside Twilight’s bedroom, they saw her sitting on her mattress with a smile on her face.

“Hello, Sunset... and Microchips.” she waved nervously.

“Sorry we keep you waiting. Sunset needed to get some chips for herself.” Microchips uttered, looking at Twilight’s bedroom.

“We still need a nighttime snack...” Sunset smiled while sitting next to the bookworm.

“Are you sure this is a sleepover?” He asked while heading to her classmate’s closet, noticing that there weren’t any sleeping bags. “Where are we supposed to sleep in?”

“We'll deal with that later, for now let’s sit on the ground so we can play a smile game of...” Twilight stopped herself so her friend would finish her sentence.

“Dare it.” Sunset giggled.

“You mean...the dare game?” he asked.

Dare It And Faceplant It!

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“Don’t worry, no one’s gonna get hurt, trust us.”

The two girls sit on the ground while leaving a spot for Microchips. He made an awkward smile as he sat with Twilight and Sunset. “So...who’s gonna dare first?”

Both Twilight and Sunset looked at each other before looking at Microchips. “I’ll start first, you’ll start next and Sunset will go last.” Twilight replied.

“And we’re gonna keep going until one of us has had enough and says, ‘Back out’.” Sunset added. “So Twilight, what do you wanna dare us to do?”

Twilight then looked at her classmate. “I lock my bedroom door.” she pointed at her door.

“Okay, but it’s not like anyone is going to interrupt us, since we’re the only ones in your house...” Microchips said while locking the door as ordered.

“You never know. Even private parties aren’t supposed to distract people. That’s what I have my curtains up.” Twilight pointed at her windows.

“It’s your turn to dare.” Sunset turned to the lucky tinkerer. As he sat back down, he tried to think of a way to dare the two girls. “Okay, I dare Sunset to...give me that bag of chips... I guess.”

“Basic.” Sunset rolled her eyes, handing the chips to Microchips. As he opened the bag of chips, he took out one chip and took his time eating it.

“Now it’s my turn! I dare Microchips...To tell what he feels about Twilight’s butt!”

Microchips stopped eating and froze with widened and shocked eyes. “A...about Twilight’s…?” He blushed.

“Yes...” Sunset smirked. When Microchips looked at the bookworm, she wasn't offended in the slightest like she was last year, as if it was deja vu all over again. His blush returned from before while the two girls waited for him to answer. The idea of saying something unusual in front of their best friend wouldn’t be the best choice but in front of two girls, and he could only imagine what he has gotten himself into. Knowing that he had no choice, he took a deep breath. Sunset and Twilight stared at each other then back at him with their eyes lid.

“Okay… Twilight's butt is like the...wonderful gateway to...wet dreams…”

“Wet dreams, you say?” Twilight giggled. “...Guarantee you had one in the past year.”

“...And you must be desperate to have it come true right?” Sunset added.

Microchips, now in the center of embarrassment in front of two lovely girls who know what he has in mind, refused to answer, much less continue. “I think Twilight's turn is next, right?”

Twilight smiled now that her and Sunset’s time of toying with the tinkerer has come. “I dare for all of us…to take off all of our clothes!”

Those words made the poor science boy drop the bag on his lap. At the same time, Sunset squealed in delight. “That’s a great idea! Honestly, you always make the best dares.”

“Wait!” Microchips reacted quickly. “...I didn’t know we’re going to go through with this!”

Suddenly, the minute the bookworm stands up becomes something Microchips could ever witness. The sweet yet seductive tone, from before, was put into play. Though Sunset’s reaction was little to no surprise, his had to be a major explosion in his mind. Unlike the first time he has seen the blooming bookworm, that had to be a bigger spark.

“What’s wrong? We’re not furious, and we’re not offended, and you have permission to do any dare that happens. That’s just the fun part...” she closed her eyes several times, despite her friend being eager to do the dare.

Sunset, keeping her smirk, slightly pressured him to a choice. “If you don’t like it, you should probably leave if it’s good enough for you. But remember, Twilight invited you to this slumber party. There’s a reason why she wanted you here, and you don’t want her to feel sad, right?”

The tinkerer stared at the floor upon hearing Sunset and Twilight.

“I guess that is true, this is the second time me and Twilight are doing something together...including you, since she’s your friend.” he compromised. He then saw Twilight’s windows covered with her curtains and remembered being dared to lock her door. When he looked at Twilight and Sunset, he realized they were being patient, their hands placed on their hips.

“Mind if I took my clothes off first?” Microchips asked quickly.

“No problem.” Twilight responded. She and Sunset fixated their eyes on the poor tinkerer. Microchips broke sweat, knowing that there’s no going back, despite only doing this to cheer Twilight up. He took off both of his straps from his shoulders before letting go of his shirt in the process. Then, he slowly discarded his pants, dropping his belt to the floor. After pulling down his pants, he paused, revealing his outer space underwear. Normally, he would either be rejected or insulted since, typically enough, he was never an athlete, despite trying to pass his Physical Education classes. However, in their case, body structure never mattered.

“” He asked, trying not to cover himself in front of them.

“You look good, for an amateur...” Sunset smirked in amusement.

“...And adorable in your own way.” Twilight added.

Microchip knew he'd be in such a situation, but now he has gotten the chance to see not one, but two girls in their underwear. As Twilight and Sunset took off their shirts, the tinkerer saw their cleavage underneath their bras. He never saw any girl with their boobs bigger than expected. It wasn’t until Twilight and Sunset both stripped off their pants.

“Holy heavens!” Microchips gulped once he saw Twilight’s pink striped underwear, with minuscule bits of her rear showing. However, that didn’t catch his eye after seeing Sunset’s. Her micro-light red underwear shows the most of her booty, which was thicker than the bookworm’s. The two girls found his reaction priceless and irresistible. His arms and legs shook in half fear and anticipation.

“Is it possible that they’re...that they’re...LESBAINS!?” Microchips shouted in thought.

“Oh, I almost forgot. We also need to take off our underwear too...” Sunset recalled.

“Our...underwear??” Microchips’ brain was shocked. The two girls reached behind their backs to unfasten their bras. Once the garments fell on the ground, their breasts were set free. Suddenly, they grabbed both sides of their panties and pulled them down slowly. In no time at all, Both Twilight and Sunset were now in their birthday suits - a sight to behold in any man’s case.

Microchips’ heart pounded inside his chest, which was yet another reaction they couldn’t resist catching on.

“Okay, I take that back! THEY ARE MORE THAN LESBAINS!” he screamed in his mind after finally seeing open nakedness.

“Microchips, you still have your underwear on...” Twilight pointed.

“...And I can see your little friend wants to be free, too.” Sunset smirked.

The science boy looked down and noticed his erection from before caught on quick. However, Twilight noticed that it has gotten a size or two bigger than what she saw last year, which gave her an idea.

“Do you want us to take them off?” she offered.

“Sure..., if it makes you happy....” he replied.

“I’m fine with it myself.” Sunset giggled. She and Twilight walked up to him on either side. They grabbed his underwear, pulled them down, releasing his large penis out in the open. Twilight blushed when she looked at his tool, and Sunset felt impressed. They never saw a boner so big, even from a science student.

“Wow...” Sunset giggled. “...Have you been masturbating? because it looks like you have.”

Microchips’ cock twitched constantly while the two girls were still adoring it. He lost his mind last year, and even now, he had no words except those he’d never thought of saying since he masturbated days ago.

“I… I… I dare you two to rub your gorgeous asses on my face…” the science boy blurted out.

“You mean...faceplanting?” Twilight giggled, turning to her friend. Sunset took the tinkerer’s hand and sat him to the bed before taking off his glasses.

“I can tell he’s dying to have us play with his cock...” she whispered to Twilight.

“...And I’m just dying to play with him like this…” Twilight replied.

They walked up to the tinkerer, and turned around with their booty cheeks in close view for Microchips. Even with his glasses removed, he can still see something that’s closer to him without any issue. He dream every night of what her ass would look like without her swimsuit on. Much to his dismay, It looked even better than before of how perfectly shaped it was with their cheeks so squeezable. But gears were switched once he looked at Sunset’s booty. It made her the definition of an erotic model - Better shaped then Twilight’s when she danced all by herself. Without wasting any time, Sunset and Twilight placed their hands on the tinkerer’s head and pulled him close to their asscheeks. They allowed him to rub them while they moved in a seductive matter, just to make him more occupied.

Lucky Microchips had never been so happy in his life to feel the clean skin of Twilight and Sunset, deliberately sniffing and worshiping them. The scent from Twilight was like smelling the red roses in a fresh garden. But once he switched gears onto Sunset’s rear, her scent was completely different, as if it were a mixture of french toast and pumpkin pie.

“There’s like a garden she kept in the best place possible! And her friend was like a pastry baked from a factory with sweets! She’s really famous!” Microchips criticized in thought.

Triple Dare With Vibration

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During the next five seconds, Twilight and Sunset both looked at Microchips’s penis throbbing continuously.

“Let’s make this a triple dare.” Twilight offered.

“Great idea.” Sunset replied. She and Twilight turned around to see the reaction from Microchips. His face was now, covered with the scents from them and the effects completely. No other scientist would ever have this moment to come true, with two girls no less.

“What’s your next dare, Sunset?” Microchips giggled.

“Actually, we’re going to do a triple dare, so we can all take a turn.” Twilight smiled with her eyes closed. Her best friend then looked at the bag she brought along. After picking it up, she revealed it to Twilight, which made her blush when she saw it.

“This is a gift mainly for you. But since this is a private slumber party, our invited guest should get a piece of this...”

“A VIBRATOR!?” Both Twilight and Microchips bursted with shock and light excitement.

“I dare you to put this on your clit while Microchips presses the max button as many times he wants.” Sunset then looked at Microchips, who’s eager for the next dare. The bookworm looked at the box itself, stunned. She wouldn’t think Sunset would spend her money on such latest equipment from the internet.

“Now tell me, what’s your dare?” Sunset asked.

Twilight gave an awkward smile, but she knew she wanted this game to be interesting for this party. Not to mention giving her classmate the best time with her, as well as make up for lost time.

“I dare that we should make out on my bed...with Microchips watching.”

“Perfect! Maybe we should have him watch your clit explode. That’s why I’m giving him the honor to pleasure you...”

Twilight giggled. “So, what’s your dare, Microchips?”

The lucky tinkerer tried to get on his feet despite still not wearing his glasses from before. He collapsed onto Twilight’s bed and laid on his back while telling his dare. “I dare you to give me a boobjob!”


Sunset commented while placing Twilight’s mirror stand by her mattress. “Mmhmmm…. both shows for the price of one… I like that.”

The idea of the tinkerer getting a boobjob wasn’t in Twilight’s mind, but she wouldn’t care in the long run. The first opportunity to play with him would make her delighted while playing with her best friend. She, along with Sunset, got on her mattress while being top of Microchips. After Sunset unboxed the package and took out the vibrator, she slowly shoved it in Twilight’s pussy.

“Sunset really knows how to please me like a one man audience. I hope she’ll have sex with me.” Microchips watched in thought, feeling bedazzled and rewarded.

“You know…, I have been waiting for this day to happen since we’ve become friends.” Sunset smirked.

“So do I...” Twilight replied. “..I can say you're the hottest girl I’ve met in my whole life. With your hair clean while your face is beautiful as a diva.”

“A nice and sexy diva, by the way. Nice enough to make a horny girl out of you...”

As soon as Microchips pressed the button to level one. Twilight’s eyes were shot open as she felt her clit vibrating from the toy. Sunset up and went for the kill, pressing her lips against hers. After that, she leaned Microchips closer, and placed his penis in between Twilight’s boobs, allowing her to rub it up and down.

Sunset continued her actions thoroughly, watching Twilight reach her way through pleasure. It wasn’t long before her friend pressed another button on the vibrator, making her insides glisten with wetness. Microchips took a glance at the mirror to his left, and witnessed Twilight and Sunset moaning. Not only that, he could also see the bookworm giving his penis the best boobjob she could pull off.

Once he put his attention on the vibrator pleasuring his friend, he loved how it made her ass five times better as he pressed the max button again.

“Her breasts are like the cutest things I’ve seen from her in person. She’s not ashamed of taking me to heaven with her... I’ve been waiting to feel them, kiss them, maybe even fuck their booties all night! If only I could make my very own vibrator, it’ll keep her more than satisfied... Of what she feels about my love towards her booty, of course. Now that I think about it, a porn model will suit her more... Nonetheless, My cock’s dreams are finally coming to life!”

He pressed the max button for a fourth time, which Twilight made a cute squeal while still kissing Sunset’s lips. She was indeed having the best time out of Sunset and Microchips with three dares occurring at once. Even if she desperately wanted to play with Microchips in her own way, she figured she would last longer than she’d expected. If love was her major priority, considering she was given the best of anything, then her making out with Sunset was possibly the first of many. It wasn’t long before the vibrator caused her to blush and sweat harder. She couldn’t hold back of the amount of times Microchips pressed the max button.

“I can’t even move out of this position! Sunset kissing me, Micorchips…getting a boobjob... while pressuring me with an… an expensive device!” the bookworm shouted in thought between orgasmic hiccups. It was then Microchips pressed the button yet again, which made her slightly jump with her hips. Neither she nor Microchips couldn’t hold it any longer. The tinkerer’s legs slowly moved, which slightly caused Sunset to open her eyes. When she looked at the mirror’s reflection, she saw Microchips enjoying himself with the pleasure he was feeling from his penis.

Meanwhile, Twilight’s pussy exploded with cum, dripping on Microchips’s face. The tinkerer’s shaft followed suit, making a slight explosion of cum splashing under the girls' mouths just when they added tongue. Sunset broke the kiss from her friend, regaining her breath after almost five minutes.

“Now that was great for a first-time, huh?.” She commented.

Twilight took several deep breaths while feeling happy to herself. “You should give me lessons on this... I bet boys back at school would be impressed.”

“Oh, Once you’ve become a pro like me, they would be amazed.” Sunset smiled.

Shimmering The Tinkerer’s Buddy

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She and the bookworm got off of the bed while leaving the science guy more than pleased. His cock continued to ooze more jizz, which made Sunset looking forward to it. As for Twilight, she wiped her hand from her chin to get her classmate’s seamen off. However, she only looked at it, admiring who Microchips felt about her now.

“Hey, Microchips...” Sunset called to the tinkerer as she tossed his glasses to him. “I dare you to...have sex with me until you get an orgasm!”

“Sunset!?” Twilight backed away, speechless.

After Microchips put his glasses back on, his cock twitched, with another drop of his cum leaking out. He got back up until Sunset leaned towards him. She pulled him off the bed so she could wrap her arms around him, all the while wrapping her legs around his thigh.

“You’re willing to do this full well?” Microchips asked, seeing sex enthusiast close to him.

She smiled, pressing her boobs against his body. “Remember during the memory stone incident where I took out my anger on you...twice?”

“Yeah?” he nodded, blushing.

“Sometimes, there isn’t a way to make it up to make you feel better, and you didn’t do anything, which is why…” She used her finger to wipe Twilight’s cum from Microchips’s face and tasted it. “I’m gonna show you what I’m fully capable of, to your dick.”

The science boy was in light bliss once she placed her hands on his shoulders to give him a massage. Sunset then began to rub his back, allowing him to get back on the bed. She also got on it while continuing to massage him, glancing at his butt. She smirked while placing both of her palms on it.

“If the roles were reversed from last year, my friend would want to kiss both of your ass cheeks. Then again, it would happen the same way.” Sunset smirked while rubbing his rear, amid Twilight watching and blushing, with the tinkerer smiling while feeling his booty being worshiped.

“It’s like you’re trying to show care and friendship to my provocative spot by not offending me!” he uttered.

“Just like the same reason you treated Twilight’s ass. Even boys like you should feel the sensations from head to toe.” Sunset replied. She paused the massage and slowly pushed him on his back while wrapping his cock with her fingers. She then rubbed it up and down nicely.

“So, is it true?” Sunset asked.

“What?” Microchips wondered.

“Do you jack off while thinking of Twilight and her ass? Did you ever think of it every day? Sticking this beautiful cock between it, if not right in it?” Sunset interrogated him flirtatiously.

Microchips confessed. “Okay, it is true. Ever since the night of last year, I masturbated every night being mesmerized by her butt. Only because she pulled her swimsuit up and held an ice cream cone with her buttcheeks.”

Sunset, impressed with what Twilight did, got onto Microchips, placing his cock in between her thighs. “You can masturbate to anything you're attentive to. But, if you indeed said you love my ass cheeks, I would have done so much more to please you…”

Sunset pressed her lips against his while moving both of her clean thighs to rub his cock slowly and softly. Microchips’s heart pounded hard, realizing that his day just got better and better. He has now locked lips with the most popular girl of college. And, he’d be allowed to have it all with her as compensation of her light regrets.

“Her lips were like they’re born to worship me! Too precious to let go...! And her thighs making contact with my little buddy is gonna burst like I am right now...!”

“Wow! Sunset really knows who to turn a boy so horny...” Twilight observed. Even if the boy isn’t her type, Sunset loves to worship him just to make her friend feel better.

The tinkerer can feel his shaft being smooth from Sunset’s thighs which made him orgasm a second time. After she kissed him, she got off of him while taking a look at his cock again with a smirk. Microchips looking up at the ceiling, unaware that what has begun must be finished. While Microchips gave her some space on the mattress, Sunset got in front of him.

“You give me the first serving, so you'll get the gold treatment from me...” Sunset looked back, lifting her ass slightly up.

The tinkerer couldn’t believe he was just given the okay to do the unthinkable. His cock throbbed to its limit, demanding to jump on Sunset and slide it through her inner walls. Her thick booty cheeks giving him the grand opening made him eager for the highest instance.

“Okay. I’ll be gentle...” he replied while getting onto Sunset.

The sex-enthusiastic college girl had another idea. “Of course, you can be as gentle as you want. But in my case, it definitely won’t cut it. So, what I want from you is to slide your cock in, and fuck me as hard as you can, okay?”

Microchips nodded, despite hearing beautiful instructions given to him from her. As he looked at her pussy, he slightly adjusted his tool into her clit as his body vibrates. With his whole cock injected into Sunset’s ass, he remained still while he felt her inner walls. His legs have lost control, which didn’t phase her in the slightest. He then saw as she moved her hips back and forth, which caught him slightly off guard.

He lost his mind yet again as he thrusted the same movements Sunset was making. The sensation was all around his penis while placing both of his hands on her ass cheeks. He abruptly squeezed them by the palmful, which caused Sunset to blush. It felt like her back door was getting the right amount of worship it needed, as if Microchips wanted to protect it just by raping and rubbing it.

Twilight approached and observed the action, impressed at both of her friends. Even if this was her first time seeing this, her classmate was giving Sunset the greatest fuck he could dish out. The sounds of each smack from his thighs to Sunset’s ass continued to increase the speed while he placed his hands on her boobs.

“Wow! He’s always eager to do anything at this point. Bet he’s gonna feel more excited once I tell him what my turn is...” She thought, watching her friend get penetrated properly.

“Ah! Sunset! I’m gonna...I’m going to…!” Microchips shouted.

“JUST DO IT!” Sunset demanded.

The tinkerer, now at his limit, released yet another load right into Sunset’s womb out of nowhere. “I’VE INJECTED THE BACK DOOR!!!”

Sunset just gazed at the celine in bedazzlement, with Microchip’s semen pouring inside of her. Once Microchips slid himself out, he laid his head on Twilight’s pillow to regain his energy while the effects from his penis oozed more drops of cum. She would bet anyone would be better than him, but she didn’t expect a great load from him.

Wet Dream Out Of Twilight’s Rear

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“Sunset?” Twilight walking up to her best friend. “Do you need any help?”

Sunset smiled, not even listening while her insides leaked out the liquids from the tinkerer. “Twilight, he’s all yours now… He’s been holding so much, you will adore it as much as I did...!”

The bookworm then looked at Microchips, who was laying on her bed. She already knew he loved her ass and was dying to take further steps. And in spite of the fact that neither has ceased the dare game, she’d be delighted to let him do whatever he wants.

“Okay, Sunset. Just watch what I’m capable of...” Twilight giggled and turned to Microchips, who slowly got off from her mattress. “Microchips, I dare you to show all your worship of my ass!”

Upon hearing the dare, Microchips opened his eyes, and his cock twitched in excitement again. He sprung himself up to attention, as if he wasn’t even close to being tired. Twilight smiled and turned around to show off her purple thick ass. The tinkerer slowly crawls on the bed so he can get a closer look of his wet dream. Once he got to the end of the mattress, he wrapped his arms on her hips. He faceplanted on her buttcheeks, worshipping it like it was his goddess. Twilight giggled from hearing him go to town with her. It wasn’t long before her classmate, relying on instinct, began kissing on her cheeks and between.

“Microchips!??” She looked back, blushing.

The tinkerer kissed every spot on Twilight’s asscheeks, which made Sunset giggle from what she was witnessing.

“I bet he’s been thinking about doing that to you when he turned eighteen.” She commented.

“Oh, come on! Someone would do the same thing when they kiss your-” Twilight cut herself again once Microchips snuck and smooched her pussy lips. “My pussy!”

Microchips kept the kiss going for ten seconds until he let go. When he backed away, he took several deep breaths. Twilight was stunned when he felt Microchips’s lips on her most private spot. Sunset was surprised at the sudden movement as well. Out of the times she and Sunset surprised him, he turned the tables on them. The bookworm then slowly grew a smile, biting her lip in front of him. Despite her face getting more red, she had to think of the opportunity of his actions.

“You do really want this, don’t you?” She asked while Microchips nodded. Twilight got onto her mattress and wrapped her fingers around his cock. Twilight got onto her front while giving her classmate the chance to slide in. The tinkerer injected his dick inside her pussy, paused, then started thrusting at average speed.

“Woow! Looks like you’re too hard to leave her out of the fun.” Sunset replied.

“I never lie to make a woman so happy.” Microchips increased his pace..

“But, you're also making me feel what can be better than a vibrator!!” Twilight added, losing her mind.

The tinkerer went to top speed, being possibly addicted to just banging her. In spite of Twilight’s magical abilities, which could make him reach his fourth orgasm, the magic flowing through his body made him weightless and fully focused on making her feel as good as he can. Sunset, watching the couple get it on, found the position of Twilight and Microchips both sexy and adorable. She wanted to join in and give Microchips more adrenaline.

“So, what’s your next dare?” She asked him.

“I wanted you to rub your breasts on my back!” he turned to Sunset. She got onto the mattress, and pressed her breasts firmly onto his back. With two girls from the front and back in the best positions, Microchip’s face turned into a rare shade of red. While his cock ground the magical inner walls from Twilight’s ass, his back is being massaged by Sunset’s big boobs.

“You’re the only boy here, so just have fun, and fuck her real good...!” Sunset spoke softly into his ear.

“ it...make me your real friend…” Twilight commented. The tinkerer felt his whole body being worshipped by two girls who are giving a liking to him in such a circumstance.. Being in the middle was enough for him to have fun in a party he no longer regretted for not coming.

As Sunset continued to motivate him, he felt yet another load coming, possibly being bigger than the last. He couldn’t say a word because of the sensation his cock was feeling. All he could do now was launch off from earth heading to his own solar system of precious memories of two naked women he saw before him. Memories of Twilight dancing back on the beach, pulling her swimsuit bottom up, seeing her and Sunset strip off their underwear, and finally, being face planted on both of their booty cheeks all rolled into one explosion to the brain.

“OHHH!!!!” Microchips roared as he unleashed his jizz.

“MICRO- FUCK!” Twilight reacted, about to receive it all. The oozing became much warmer, allowing Twilight to shake her ass in delight, causing slight effects on her classmate’s tool.

“I can’t believe I did it! I just came inside Twilight’s ass! And yet, I still want more...” Microchips smiled.

“Wow! Your cock really does have a mind of its own...” Sunset observed. Microchips kept his cock inside the inner walls of his classmate, daydreaming of what he just went through. As for the bookworm, she couldn’t handle the amounts of white liquid from the tinkerer’s blast. For her first time, she loved it and wished she could've done it last year. But at that time, she was seventeen, and so was Microchips. After nearly twenty seconds, Microchips slid his cock out of Twilight while laying on Sunset from behind.

“Twilight...Sunset...” the lucky science boy called out. “Are you willing to continue with this?”

“We’re not saying no, are we?” Sunset pushed him off her and got off of the bed. “Without you, we wouldn’t have this amount of fun to play with you. Your cock is perfect to worship in any position!”

As she headed to the other side, Twilight slowly regained her stamina and oozed the semen out of her. Once she got up, she took off her ponytail, allowing her hair to spread. “I would do anything to go to further limits and it won’t hurt me personally, plus I’ve become a whole new woman…”

Sunset bit on her bottom lip, seeing her friend being a little seductive. “Oooooh, I love it when you feel that way. Come on... let’s teach our favorite boy everything we haven’t done yet.”

The two girls looked at the tinkerer with their eyes lidded. By the looks of it, they were not even close to being done all the way. In fact, they happen to give him a long night. In his thoughts, he’d be drained from his body if not dead. But no, he’d become a living god of sex in both of the girls’s eyes.

Never Ending Dare Worship

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For the next hour and a half, Twilight, Sunset and Microchips continued playing the dare game, having sex in so many ways. They started off by giving him a simple handjob, massaging him with all four hands, which he fully enjoyed at the moment. Sunset then took the initiative and gave him a boobjob, licking the tip of his cock while stuffing the vibrator in her pussy. Microchips, now mashing lips with Twilight, hit his fifth orgasm, and splashed his cum onto Sunset’s face. After that, they rubbed their boobs from the front and back of the tinkerer, while Sunset kissed every spot on his face.

“She’s turning my face into stone, and my body has never felt so alive!” Microchips observed happily. Sunset and Twilight grabbed each arm and placed them in between their booty cheeks. They slightly moved up and down tickling his fingers once they entered the cracks.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Twilight whispered into her classmate’s ear, making his brain tingle. After that, their next dare involved them kissing his tool on the bed for his sixth orgasm to squirt. They smooched every spot they could - His shaft, his balls, and even the tip. Microchips continued to press the max button on the vibrator, putting more pressure on Sunset’s inner walls to make her shake her hips. Her legs couldn’t fight back from the sensation, impressed with the science boy getting better and better with sex. She even loved that the tinkerer actually cared about her afterwards.

Just at the right time, she and him reached their orgasms. They even screamed loud enough for anyone who was outside Luckily, everyone behind their bedroom walls didn’t hear it.

Microchips’s next dare involved getting his penis smothered from Twilight and Sunset’s buttcheeks. Much to his dismay, they rubbed it really good while keeping their rears tight enough to have every spot feel it all. As if the tinkerer wasn’t lucky enough, he could feel their pussies a tiny bit, which was all he needed.

“You have no idea how I wanted this to happen!” he giggled.

“Consider yourself lucky, baby...” Sunset uttered, panting.

“You’re absolutely amazing, and you've been in love with my booty for so long...” Twilight added. They continued their session as Microchip’s seventh orgasm was approaching, and his whole body vibrated as a result. After hearing that, Twilight and Sunset went at top speed. Less than five seconds, The tinkerer squirted when he lifted his hips up, but accidentally on Twilight and Sunset’s hair. After more than two hours, it was totally worth it. Happiness was like every emotion in his body, no end to how far he can go while thinking about the bodies of two shapely women. He could never move on when it was in his system, and it would continue to get better and better.

After a solid fifteen seconds of non stop cumming, he lowered his hips while his friends laid right by him. The entire bed of Twilight became a whole mess to clean up of Microchips’ semen all over the sheets. It felt like her bed was the only platform to play on for erotic models, and she and Sunset were professionals from Microchips’s perspective.

“Those feelings you gave me, those sensations toying with my mind, your bodies got me up from the ground and kept me going to make my penis feel them...TO BETTER SENSATIONS I’VE NEVER KNEW IT WOULD MAKE ME SQUEAL!!! I don’t think I want to stop but I’m tired to continue, and worried if we would ever top it...” he shouted. The two girls only looked at him and found his statement lovely then sweet.

The bookworm then got onto her classmate, and placed her hands on his cheeks. “You don’t have to say any more words. We love to keep going, and we love to see you happy. You needed to know there’s more than just a single session. it makes me think about you more then before...”

She closed her eyes while adoring the reaction from the tinkerer. “You really know how to express yourself at the right time.”

“Then I guess our work here is done.” Sunset smiled while the two looked at her, laying on her friend’s bed. “Twilight told me of how you liked her ass last year and I was willing to help. But, I didn’t expect you to get along with it this easily...”

“Really?” Microchips blushed.

“In fact, we don’t usually have a lot of guy friends that often, and you showed us you wanted to be friends with my best friend. And maybe if the other Rainbooms find out about it, I bet they want to be friends with you.”

Microchips felt happy from hearing the truth of Sunset Shimmer. “Thanks, girls. Guess we should put this dare game to a close...”

Twilight nodded. “And in the morning, we should clean up my bed from the stains we made. In the meantime, let’s just go to bed. It’s getting close to eleven o’clock.”

Microchips quickly turned to Twilight. “Wait, as in we’re sleeping together? As in… In your bed?”

“It’s better than sleeping on the ground, right? Come on, you know you were thinking about it.” Sunset pinched on the tinkerer's cheek.

“Okay! Guess you’ve read my mind...” Microchips scratched his neck. Twilight got off and turned off her bedroom lights, then headed back to bed with her friends and covered them with her blanket. Sunset and Twilight pressed their breasts against Microchips’s body, which causes their science friend to blush yet again. Satisfied sighs exited out of their mouths before receiving kisses to both of his cheeks and saying goodnight.

“I’d say that it wouldn’t get any better than this, but boy, would I be so wrong...” he thought.

Epilogue: Rainbooms Boy

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The sun rose in the neighborhood with another day to come. Back at Twilight’s bedroom, the three students recovered all their energy from last night. Twilight and Sunset woke up at the same time and left the bed while the tinkerer was still asleep. She stretched alongside her friend and opened her curtains to let in some sun rays in her bedroom. After opening her windows, she grabbed a towel from her closet.

“You know, anyone could just sneak into your windows, right?” Sunset informed, picking up her bra and panties.

“Well, our slumber party is over, and not a peeping Tom in sight...” Twilight smiled. The two then looked down at Microchips for a minute, and laughed softly. They were proud of showing him a good time as he would be. They headed straight to the bathroom, leaving the tinkerer all alone to rest. After spending forty five minutes getting washed up, they walked out, dried up, put on clean clothes, and got out. As soon as they made their way to the kitchen, Twilight took out a loaf of bread, preparing to make sandwiches.

“What do you think your friends would feel once they hear about what we did last night?” Sunset asked.

“Don’t know, but I can tell it will take time for them to understand...” Twilight answered. It wasn’t still they heard the doorbell ring.

“Well, speak of the devil, as they say.” Sunset headed to the front door, opened it and saw Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity.

“Howdy, Sunset.” the cowgirl titled her hat. Sunset allowed her friends to come inside.

“Hi, Twilight. You’re making yourself a sandwich?” Fluttershy waved, looking at Twilight.

“It’s enough for me during the mornings.” Twilight replied.

“So how was your little slumber party?” Rainbow wondered.

Sunset sighed. “Pinkie told you about that?”

“Yeah, and I still just can’t believe you didn’t invite us!” Pinkie retorted.

“Relax...” Twilight took out her jar of peanut butter. “It was all about the sensations of having fun.”

“The sensations of having fun?” Rarity blinked. “Well, that’s why we always hang out, don’t you know?”

“I know…it’s hard to understand. But, do you remember Microchips, my science friend?”

“He was the only one invited to our slumber, let’s just keep the jealousy to a minimum...” Sunset added.

“I still don’t get it.” Rainbow raising an eyebrow.

Twilight stopped making her sandwich and guided her friends. “Follow me.”

The Rainbooms listened and followed their friend upstairs. Once Twilight headed to her bedroom, she saw that her classmate was still asleep and completely naked. Her friends headed inside, shocked at the sight.

“Ummm… I think I can see his....” Fluttershy blushed.

“You mean to say that this guy had sex? With the both of you?!” Rainbow bursted, turning to the bookworm.

“Who thought he would do so much in one night...” Applejack added, trying to figure out how after seeing the tinkerer’s nakedness. In fact, she pulled off the sheets and was stunned at the size. As for Pinkie Pie and Rarity, they loved the view of the tinkerer’s cock.

“Hey Twilight, do you think I should-” Rarity stopped herself until she leaned onto Twilight’s ear and whispered. After she leaned back, the bookworm thought about it for a moment, and liked her idea.

“I guess Another slumber party with him at your house wouldn’t be such a bad idea.” Twilight closed her eyes proudly.

“Can I be invited?” Pinkie requested.

“Of course. He’ll love to play with you.” Rarity responded. Just then, Microchips yawned while opening his eyes. He couldn’t get over how obsessed he was with Twilight and Sunset’s bodies for a while. However, he has now seen their friends in the flesh. As a result, he gained another erection in front of them, which caused them to giggle.

“Good morning, Microchips.” Twilight and Sunset both called out. He then heard pictures being taken of him from Rarity and Pinkie Pie’s phones.

“What the!?” He reacted, covering himself with Twilight’s blanket.

“What’s the matter? Doesn’t your little buddy wanna play with us?” Rainbow smirked.

“I bet they would love to worship it.” Sunset added.

Microchips never thought that he’d be in front of the whole main group seeing him being in the nude in adoration. As if last night couldn’t get any more surprising, his classmate’s friends would be showing off their other selves.

“You might need to be prepared for what Rarity has in store...” Twilight smiled. Rarity then sat next to Microchips, seducing him with her beautiful eyes. She placed her hand on his erect cock, unashamed and undigust while making the tinkerer blush again. As she leaned close to him, she grabbed onto his cock a little tighter. She then kissed him on the cheek, leaving him speechless.

“You know, There’s gonna be a lot of women at my party. And, they want to worship this most gorgeous phallus of yours.”

“And keep this in mind...!” Pinkie popping up from the other side. “...I have a very natural talent that can really make you super duper horny!”

Pinkie got up and clapped her things, which made her ass clap and jiggle, and Rarity giggled at the lucky boy’s reaction to it. “Aww, Pinkie! You just made him throb.”

Microchips couldn’t even say no, or anything. Despite the fact Rarity and Pinkie Pie were taking advantage of him, it would be a matter of time to get to know all of Twilight’s friends. Thanks to her and Sunset, Microchips has become the envy of any unlucky man, and the ecstasy of the seven special women.