A Problem of Transformation and Translocation

by Lorewatcher

First published

Stranded in Equestria, Joel comes across a powerful unicorn and gets into several sticky situations.

Stranded in Equestria, Joel comes across a powerful unicorn and gets into several sticky situations.

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Note: Chapters marked with a [C] contain clop.


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One moment I was at home, relaxing in the bath. The next, everything around me fuzzed, and I was plopped down into a field of wild grass along with the entire tub’s worth of water. The event was so abrupt, so alien, that I just lay flat on my back, staring at the sky while a single word looped in my head: what.

A breeze swept over me, sunlight chasing away the chill it brought and eventually making everything feel warm and fuzzy. The water evaporated, and I finally noticed the sharp prickling of the grass against my back. I sneezed and sat up.

Stranded alone in a random field, without even any clothes on my back. There was no probable reason for any person or group to do this. What then was the alternative? Where was I? How long would it take to get back, and when I did, would Cindy still be waiting for me?

Find a way back.

With a simple, straightforward goal, the gradual quakes that had crept up on me stopped and I looked around, taking in any landmarks that might be helpful. The field terminated in a wild-looking forest that ended in a strangely even semicircle. I turned around and found that the field was actually a large clearing, and the circle wasn’t semi. But the thing that caught my immediate attention was the tower. Large enough at the base to fit my house inside, the thing went up far enough to seem slender instead of squat. If it really was made out of light-brown stone and not supported internally by modern construction methods than I had no doubt it would collapse in on itself.

I found the door and knocked, flinching back at the disproportionately loud boom that followed. The structure loomed, and I shifted uncomfortably while I waited. If there were any large leaves around I would’ve pulled one over to cover myself with, but there was nothing but wild grass and a frankly evil-looking forest. I distracted myself with the doorknob, which had some sort of novel design likely meant for a handicapped person, though what a handicapped person would be doing all the way out here I had no idea. Maybe this was some rich person’s home, and they had an army of workers with axes and weed whackers making sure the forest didn’t encroach on it.

Just when I’d been there long enough to consider wandering into the forest and finding a sizable rock to bash against the door, it clicked open and I was faced with … an edgy unicorn. She, I was pretty sure she was a female, had huge orange eyes, white fur streaked with black, and a twisted horn. Looking a little closer I could see her joints didn’t move the way a horse’s would. They seemed to have far freer degrees of motion.

“Well? Come in already, you’ve set me back days with your interruption. Giving me your body to study is the least you can do in return. Don’t worry, I’ll explore it gently.”

Ignoring the way her mouth didn’t line up with her words, and the whole talking unicorn thing, as I was pretty sure I was in some state of shock, I faintly said, “Oh. Okay.”

The foyer was wide-open, a sourceless glow illuminating the area. The floor was made of some transparent material, and beneath it was what looked like a roiling sea of blood. Tendrils of it snapped against the barrier beneath our feet—and hooves—and there was a faint red mist creeping along the ground. Lanterns, a few sofas, and some bookshelves were arrayed to the sides. Much of the furniture seemed to have been decorated by someone with a love of skulls. I walked forward in a daze, following a purple carpet that appeared between blinks.

We were in the middle of the room when the unicorn stopped, giving me a look that made me instantly wary.

“I’m afraid I can’t let you approach any of the more delicate experiments without any insurance. I wasn’t expecting thieves or whatever you are, but I suppose legends of the great Sable Dire have spread to wherever halfbreed minotaurs live.”

A purple-ish glow gathered around her horn, breaking me out of my apathetic shock.

“Hey, hey wait. I’m not a thief, I don’t even know where I am! I’m just Joel, I work in accounting, I’ve got no need or reason to go to some random tower and loot it.”

The glow’s intensity stabilized and Sable frowned, bringing up a hoof and rubbing her chin in a very human gesture. “Your name is … Joe-ail? What sort of twisted language are you using that causes my spell to try translating it phonetically? No, don’t answer that, it doesn’t matter. You’ll be going to sleep for a while, I need to study your mana map.”

Sable’s horn pulsed and a bright light flung itself at me at the speed of a bullet.

I groaned, feeling terrible. There was a sensation of cold and weight at my neck, and my fingers quested at the object before I was fully awake. Then memory flooded back into my awareness and I sat bolt-upright clawing at the collar on me. Of course, fingernails can’t really pry apart metal, so I soon stopped and looked around for a tool I could use.

There was a view of the field and the forest outside a completely transparent pane of some material, so I was pretty high up. The bed, which I examined once I clambered off it to look for screws or something attached to the frame, wasn’t supported by anything at all—it floated. It was a similar story with the rest of the objects in the room. A brass, skull-shaped lamp had a shiny stand, but there were no detachable parts. The bright light it emanated came from an orb suspended inside, and I was unable to pry it out. Last was a bookshelf, which might be interesting, and the door. The thing wasn’t made of wood like the tower’s entrance, but some plane of black metal that was impossibly smooth and unnaturally dark. It slid open.

I blinked, wondering if my eyes had the power of telekinesis for a split-second before I saw the unicorn behind it. She grinned.

“Excited to see me?” she said, looking down at … oh.

I blushed and covered my dick, which was still suffering from morning wood. No, wait, I wasn’t supposed to be embarrassed, she’d knocked me out, kidnapped and collared me, and implied … things. This was a time for righteous fury.

“What the fuck is all this for?” I said, mustering up all my rage, but all I managed to do was sound petulant.

“Training. I can’t let you go until I find a way to modify memory that works on halfbreed minotaurs and doesn’t leave you a mindless husk. In the meantime, I’ve implanted some suggestions with that collar. It will tell you where you can go, and which things are forbidden to touch. If you try to ignore it, things will become quite unpleasant.”

“I don’t need this! I’ll keep your secrets or whatever, I don’t care, I just want to go home.”

She nodded. “That may be, but I cannot take the risk that your view will change. Unfortunately, something has come up and I will be too busy for the next week to develop the spell. And, if you decide to stay, I have an intriguing little experiment that I might like to run on one of your kind. Your mana map is so undeveloped that with a little effort, I believe I could prod it into mirroring that of nearly any creature.”

I fumed silently. She seemed to expect my anger and unspoken refusal, giving me a wry smile before leaving. “Don’t break anything. I’d be very upset if I found some of my more delicate experiments tampered with.”

Yeah, no, fuck that. She was leaving me away for a week? I was no engineer, but I knew my way around a computer, and the way she’d described the collar seemed at least superficially similar. I was going to find the bugs in its magical code. I had a week to break it, steal whatever I needed to travel through the forest, and find my way home. It was time to get started.

I quickly learned the rules, using what appeared to be a small workroom filled with shapes of light and tiny crystals as a sort of training area. Anything she didn’t want me to touch gave me a feeling of foreboding, as if someone had walked over my grave. If I persisted in getting closer, the feeling got more intense until it turned into pain, at which point it quickly ramped up until I was twitching, paralyzed on the floor. The experience quickly turned me off experimenting and I tried just walking out of the tower, but as soon as I found my way back to the foyer and opened the outer door, an invisible hand seemed to grab me around the middle and fling me back inside where I lay, gasping, and watched as the door slammed shut with a boom.

Then it was back to tinkering with the collar.

It took two more days before I found the flaw in the … magic, I guess. It didn’t seem to care all that much about nonmagical stuff unless I tried to break it, and very unimportant magical components only gave me a feeling of dread, which I quickly got used to as I held a small glass bead in my left hand. Once I did that, the pain effect failed to trigger even when I picked up a piece of rune-inscribed crystal that had given me a headache just by walking too close. I smiled. It looked like the collar only ran on one thread. If the punishment mechanism was already called, it couldn’t interrupt that with a more intense one. So long as I kept hold of the bead I could do anything.

…Anything except leave. Apparently, that invisible hand thing was completely separate from the anti-touching method. I gathered anything that looked sharp and ground it against the collar, but the collar either won and slowly disintegrated whatever I used, or, like when I tried stabbing it with a spear of solidified light, the two objects repelled each other with an explosion of force. I lost count of the items I broke and annihilated over the rest of the week, getting more and more desperate as the deadline grew closer that I spent the last few hours getting myself thrown back into the foyer.

And then Sable came back.

‘Unhappy’ didn’t begin to describe her. When she first saw me sprawled on the floor, she only smirked. But when my aches started to feel a bit better and I was stumbling around drunkenly trying to run outside again, ‘livid’ seemed more apt. The unicorn who’d at first looked like an edgy but cute pony with a horn on top now resembled a combination of Death, Satan, and one of those old-school angels that were just a bunch of disapproving eyes and wings, except more terrifying. She was all roars and threats, and then she threw me with a crushing telekinetic grip and I got very dizzy. She kept yelling and smacking me, and at one point she even set herself aflame. It went on so long that I actually gathered my wits enough to catch the tail-end of her rant.

“—useless, the whole thing was supposed to be insurance in the first place, you help me and at the end of it I give you what you were seeking, do you not know the legends or did you just ignore them in your blind, arrogant stupidity, you pigheaded foal, you’re going to beg and you’d better hope I find another crystallized dragon heart that old or you’ll—”

The words started fading in and out, and when I started swaying she finally noticed and sent me to sleep like she had before, except this bolt was darker and sent a jolt of pain through me before I was knocked out.

The air stuttered, static-like. I was slow, too slow, and then I fell into—

“Finally. You were trapped in that slowed time for so long, I was getting worried until I remembered you’d have basically no innate magic resistance.”

Red characters circled me, glowing ominously. Faint yellow dust appeared around the symbols and drifted down only to wink out before they could settle to the floor. Outside the arrangement was Sable, facing me with a malicious grin. I pushed against the ground to leap out, but it was like swimming through quicksand. Every movement I made was swiftly reverted. I was trapped in a loop, unable to take any action that would require more than a half-second before being reset to my initial position. I took short jabs at the runes, but the circle was just far enough that I reset before reaching them, no matter how fast I moved. The looping effect seemed to reset my exhaustion as well, letting me make as many attempts as I wanted, but it was a matter of physics. My muscles just weren’t developed enough to propel me through all that space in time.

Then the characters started drifting toward me, and I decided maybe touching them wasn’t the smartest idea. Sable was still grinning, not ranting like she would be if I’d broken whatever this ritual was.

A symbol hit, and I was pain.

I knew some people with chronic pain. They went about their lives normally, leading me to believe they’d just gotten used to it. If it was anything like this, I knew instantly they’d been putting up a front. There was no way I could get used to this, there just wasn’t. My capacity to feel expanded somehow, and then every bit of me was lit on fire.

And through it all, I knew I was changing. Parts were reshaped, others sprouted, some shrank, it didn’t matter, I was screaming, and that might have made it better, a little, or not.

I slumped to the ground, the red symbols gone, Sable in front of me. She smirked and held up a mirror.

For a while, I thought it was magical, a portal or vision of somewhere else. It showed a small green pegasus. The face bones and muscles were defined in a way that made me think he was male. He looked at me with light violet eyes. They were lost, confused. Then he blinked, I blinked and the illusion was broken. I backed away, sat on my haunches, held up a hoof, and screamed.

“Yes, yes, you’re a pony. I’m sure that’s traumatizing. But we’re nowhere near done yet.” Her voice was cruel and cutting.

“Please,” I whimpered, scrambling to get my four legs under me. Everything was strange, sensations slightly muted through a coating of fur.

“A … modified prison. I’m good at those,” she said, her attention now on a piece of parchment held in her telekinetic grip. “Isolation alone isn’t enough, there should be more elements. As for motivation, let’s make that … sexual. Yes, a basic version first, I’ll build in the supporting spells then, and after that add on all the little details.”

The parchment snapped into a scroll and a blast of light headed my way, almost as an afterthought. Darkness embraced me.

Imprisoned [C]

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I was lying on my back again. Eyes closed, I let myself believe this had been a dream. I was still in the field, I just needed to rest up and then I’d find my way home.

“Good, I was getting tired of waiting. I nearly started setting up the basics while you were asleep, but I decided anticipation and dread is a better combination than confusion and horror.”

This time it was like being stuck in treacle. It took nearly an entire minute to open my eyes. Just turning my head a centimeter was a monumental effort. I was in some sort of park, likely still inside the enormous tower. I’d never found even a fraction of all the rooms, but this one would’ve been quite interesting if I weren’t stuck in place with a sadistic pony who wanted me to suffer. My eyes roved around for any hint at what was to come.

It looked like the room was open to the air at first, with the sun shining down on me, but squinting at it revealed little sparks around it reminiscent of the ones that had been around those terrible red characters. Slowly pulling my gaze downward revealed natural stone in a rough circle for quite a while. If it wasn’t for the pane of blackness that made up the tower’s inner doors, I still might have doubted that we were inside at all. Finally, the ground was grass, just like swaying blades outside. I didn’t feel it, however. For some reason, I was placed on a rectangle of that same smooth black material that made up the doors. I tried making a questioning noise, but it came out long and garbled.

Seeing that I’d taken everything in, Sable smiled, reached toward my nether regions, and … stroked my dick. My brain fizzled. What? Why? She was angry, wasn’t she? Yes, there it was, it was a cruel little smile instead of a genuine expression of happiness.

I didn’t want to find out where this was going. I kicked, struggled, screamed, but the spell turned my actions into weak twitches and soft snorts. She stopped, looking amused. Once I’d tired myself out, she resumed sliding her hoof against my dick in slow motions. Exhaustion and arousal slowly overrode fear, and it slid out of its sheath—I had a sheathe now, what the fuck—and it stood above my belly, the only part of me that moved at normal speeds.

Sable’s horn glowed, and the light diffused and sunk into my entire body. “There. A nice little bit of regeneration to keep you alive while you’re here. And after that, let’s see…”

I struggled all the harder, my penis bobbing up and down, uncomfortably long compared to when I’d been human. It made things distracting, distorting thoughts of escape. For some reason, Sable made me feel … something. It was almost like thirst, except—No. I refused to be attracted to her.

More glows game from her horn, more sank into me. “This will keep you nice and hard. Better make sure that arousal’s permanent. And here’s a bit of spinal flexibility, but we’ll save the best part for last. Now we can put you in your place.”

She hummed and the slab I was on warped and shifted like a liquid. Part of it grabbed my middle, another took hold of my neck and the sides of my head, one more restrained my wings, and a fourth bit grabbed my hindquarters and pushed them up. With minimal effort I was neatly restrained, watching helplessly as my cock approached from above. Was she going to make me cum on myself or something? That would be embarrassing, sure, but it wasn’t the torture I was afraid of.

But no, it came closer, and closer, and hadn’t she said something about spinal flexibility? My struggles picked up again as my cock came closer and closer, and then a piece of darkness broke off and crawled up to my mouth like a living thing, prying of mouth open so my dick could descend like a spear, and then all of a sudden my mouth was full with … me. The thick shaft was unfamiliar, longer, but I still felt it like my old human one and gagged as it penetrated deeper. The black substance kept pushing me, sinking my dick into my mouth until my balls covered my nose, heavy with a thick musk.

The spell slowing my actions must have deemed me good and stuck, as it chose that moment to dissolve into nothingness. I groaned up at Sable, pleading with my eyes. She remorselessly summoned a piece of blackness out of nothing and shaped it into something thin and flexible, and then she whipped me across the balls. I flinched and cried out, but the pain soon faded and then there was only need, but I refused to suck my own dick. I was stuck but still defiant, panting, choking on my own cock, and then her eyes alit with that malicious glee.

“Oh yes, that last part … this little curse keeps you from cumming until you feel remorse from what you’ve done.”

And like a noose tightening around my neck, a blinding band of light flew from her horn to my head, and I felt despair, that I’d lost my chance to—no, no, I wasn’t going to do it.

“That’s all I have time for today. I’ll be back to put in the rest of your … accommodations eventually. Be good.”

Her outline wavered, and then she vanished. Teleportation? I didn’t know, and the thick shaft in my mouth made it impossibly difficult to focus on other matters. I resisted, I really did, and during that time I noticed that the illusory sky above reflected the time of day in the real world. The sun crept down, and as it did a bright, silvery moon with craters that almost made the shape of a pony poked over my horizon.

Throughout it all the rising lust refused to settle down, only growing more and more insistent. I gave in. It was right there, I was teasing myself with every swallow. I promised myself I’d only lick it a few times, make it stop throbbing so insistently, and then I’d settle back in and wait until she hopefully freed me to add in my ‘accommodations.’

I sucked, and it felt good, too good, the need flaring up until refusing it seemed stupid and foolish and I licked and gagged and swallowed and sucked on my own length until I was at the brink. A part of me remembered what she’d said before and I tried to stop, but as soon as my tongue slowed the feeling overpowered me and I went back at it twice as fast. I took hard, short breaths, filled with the heady scent of my own balls draped over my … muzzle.

I was at the part where it should end, where I should have release, I was past it, but the pleasure and the need both only rose in equal measure. I choked on my dick, eyes rolling back, desperate, and it was only my tiring body that eventually let my frantic movement subside to quick licks and a slow, constant sucking.

The pattern repeated over the night. There were long periods where I only let myself indulge in languid movements, and then the urge would take over and I’d find myself in frantic motion. And sometimes a hot, distracting breath on my balls would be the trigger and I’d be back to trying to ram my dick down my throat, whining in need. Drool trailed out of the sides of my mouth, but it didn’t seem to dry easily, and there was always more. Probably another spell set to make sure I was as uncomfortable as possible.

Lightening bits of gray sky hinted at dawn, and then it was morning, and sometime between then and midday a faint breeze started to blow and the light brush of air against my too-sensitive nether regions set me off again. I was in the middle of another session of sucking my own dick hard enough to qualify as a vacuum when Sable reappeared. I saw her out of the corner of my eye, smirking, but I couldn’t stop, the only thing that let me rest was sheer exhaustion. Eventually, quick licks slowed down and my breaths were long and heaving.

Sable bent down and met my eyes, then reached out and swiped a hoof across my butt. I let out a muffled cry of pain and she smiled. “I’ll need to leave soon. That means the next stages of your punishment might need to be a bit hurried. If I don’t find my dragon heart, even true remorse won’t save you. But I’m here, so let’s get started.”

She turned around, focusing her magic on building … something. It took a long time, long enough for me to see that her back was facing me. I caught sight of pert little boobs on her crotch, right below her cunt, and then I was sucking on myself again, caught up in the dazing rush of lust.

When I grew tired, there was something else here with me. It was shaped like a pony, and it lacked the horn Sable had or the wings on my back stuck in unyielding blackness. It had orange fur, but empty eyes. It seemed almost mechanical, except for a large, swinging dick below it. Eventually, it grew tired of wandering around the little clearing, and I watched in trepidation as it approached me. It hesitated, seemingly unsure of what to do, and I tried to scream at it, but ended up forcing a huff of hot air out of my nose that hit my balls and caused me to lose it, and that seemed to set off the pony-thing too. Drool ran out of my mouth and down my face, and some of it felt different—precum, I realized. The creature swung its dick at me and slapped me across the face, knocking me out of the frantic facefuck I was giving myself. But it was too late.

It seemed to recognize the parts of my body it also possessed, getting past my odd position, and stood above me, poking its dick at my butt. I saw it thrust forward, helpless, grunting at it to stop before it found its target. The long shaft, maybe even longer than my own new pony version, was light brown, mottled with pale orange, and I watched in horrified fascination as it stuck out in front of my face, precum dripping onto me and making me blink before some got in my eye. Then it penetrated and drove it inward, and I was full, so full, and it hit a part of me that caused that need and pleasure to rise up in a sharp explosion and I was sucking wildly at my own dick again as the pony thing rode me. I felt each bump and ridge of its dick as it slid in and out, filling me in a way that felt so blissfully wrong, and I would have been in ecstasy if only I could cum. I stroked at my dick faster and faster, my hips making little humping motions as it thrust inside and I felt it quiver as it found the release I was cruelly denied and filled me in another way. It stood there for a few minutes, panting, and then drew its dick from my ass in one smooth motion, dragging it over my chest and face and getting cum all over my fur before walking away and nudging at some grass. But I was still denied, still sucking, even as its cum came back up and splattered all over my face, coating me in uneven globs of white seed.

If I could still sleep, I would have passed out, but it seemed that was one of the things Sable made sure to deny me. I kept sucking, sometimes slow, sometimes fast, almost never leaving my dick unattended anymore. The day passed, the pony creature taking the time to fill me once more before night fell and it went to sleep, leaving me alone.

Escape seemed less and less likely, and it had only been two days. No matter how I tried to tilt my head, the blackness and my hard length kept me from slipping my dick out of my mouth, and no amount of wriggling got me upright and free of the stuff. I couldn’t even free a wing, or a hoof.

I waited, thrusting with what little range of motion I had, blind from cum that refused to leave my eyelids. The pony creature’s cum took forever to dry, just like my own juices, and left me almost used to the feeling of semen coating my face and butt before the sun rose once more and eventually left me with fur that slowly cleaned itself. I wondered how difficult all this had been, how many spells Sable had used to cage me like this. It seemed a waste.

And then she was back.

“You seem to respond well to pain, so this next step will hopefully accelerate your training.”

Her speeches were getting shorter, she seemed distracted with something. This time, instead of forming her device in front of me, she brought it with her; a sinuous floating bit of leather that reminded me of that black whip she’d used once, except … autonomous. I begged again, my dick muffling my pleas, but she didn’t acknowledge the sound, simply fading out of the room.

The flying whip wandered about for some time, and then, like the pony creature, it realized I was there. I was panting, gasping as I tried futilely to coax out an orgasm with tongue and throat, and it ignored me … until I grew tired and stopped. Then, striking like it really was a snake, it ripped through the air and struck me across the butt, causing me to buck against my restraints and shriek in pain … and a bit of pleasure. Another strike caused the area to redden, and three more was all it took to build up the pain and pleasure enough that I began rapidly sucking again despite my exhaustion. My ass was red, the color easily visible through the green coat, and the sight made me … aroused. It was a few more minutes before the whip floated off again, and I could finally breathe. Then the pony creature had its way with me. The whipping, fucking, and sucking continued until the next day when Sable returned once more.

She noticed my reaction to her body this time, and she seemed almost amused, going out of her way to put on a show. She flicked her tail from side to side, raised it up, pretended to read something with her hindquarters pointed squarely at my face. Those firm white tits, that hint of wetness I saw in her cunt, it drove me down onto my cock, heavily soaking in the musk from my balls. She even backed up against me, tits dragging across my cheek, my nose, touching my balls, and a bit of glistening wetness falling, staying wet just like the cum and drool as it stuck to my fur. The scent was like my own musk, but much, much more potent, being female and not my own. Acting like it was an accident, she pranced away. I kept going, sucking and licking seemingly past the point of exhaustion as she waited, flashing me then and again to keep me going until I couldn’t. At that point, her almost playful mood vanished and it was back to the business of ‘training.’

“Pain and pleasure are good for training, but alone they don’t lead to true remorse. There should also be time for reflection. This will give you some time to cool down,” she said, pushing away the pony creature as it saw me and tried to get frisky.

Her horn glowed again, and a crystal appeared, like one of those I’d seen in the room I’d used when practicing to fool the collar. She set it by my head and the blackness absorbed it.

When she left, she swayed, hips dancing as she gave me enough of a show to dredge up the bits of energy I’d regained since and start sucking. But when I grew exhausted again and fell still, something changed.

I was separate, adrift from the world. There was nothing except me and my purpose. I watched when my charge fell still, and when he did I encouraged him. I slithered over, using the bundle of snake instincts attached to me to move in a way that felt natural and saw him. He had stopped. Drool and precum trailed from his mouth, and he seemed close to unconsciousness, balls pressed up against his nostrils and not allowing him as much air as his body wanted. It was time to strike, time to encourage, and I darted up and whipped him across the butt, a thin red line fading into being as I moved to repeat—

It hurt. I was the whip, still, but now I felt everything my body did, the urges, the bit of pleasure from just having my cock resting in my mouth, the pain, but I couldn’t move it, I couldn’t get it to start sucking and the whip moved once more, a jolt flying through me. It went again, again, again, and I was nearly blind with pain and pleasure and need, vision fraying at the edges, and then it moved. It struck me across the balls, and I mentally howled but it didn’t have the same catharsis that doing so with real lungs did, even if my mouth was occupied. It hit the same place again, and this time I felt something trapping me within this mental place start to give, and my consciousness slipped fully back to my body. I started sucking, furiously moving my head and dick as far as the blackness let me, and the whip regarded my burst of motion and flew off. The mass of pain across my ass and balls didn’t leave for a while, the throbbing making it hard to stop, or even slow down, even when the whip was all the way on the other side of the enclosure, with the pony-creature.

There was more. Always more. I wished I could sleep.

Another day approached. Sable returned, and my eyes were automatically drawn to her backside. She gave me a self-satisfied smile, turned around as if pacing, and her pussy winked at me. As she moved closer I caught another scent, something like the female musk but somehow even stronger, more potent. Did sapient ponies go into heat? I supposed the answer was right in front of me. She beckoned over the pony creature, backed up and stood at an angle to me, her ass pointed at my face from only about a foot away. The pony creature, meanwhile, got the message immediately and trotted over, rearing up and standing over her, its legs tall enough that it could just walk from the back to the front, its dick swinging as it grew. I was unable to tear my eyes away, my gaze fixed on the scene, and I saw the exact moment it extended to its full length, found her cunt with aim honed from all its practice on me, and plunged in. Sable’s forelegs collapsed, her rear still held up in the air as she let out a long, low moan of satisfaction. My own mouth went to work in response, swiftly pulling at my dick to try getting that needed release no matter how useless the action was.

The pony creature withdrew its dick, slowly, sensually, Sable’s entire body shuddering at the motion, and then forced it back in, causing her to gasp. It gently bit her ear, settling on a steady back-and-forth rhythm, something inside me causing my own sucking to match it. They went at it for what seemed like hours before Sable’s trembling back legs stiffened and her entire body shivered, the angle she stood at just barely allowing me to see her eyes roll back with her orgasm. The pony creature slowed, waiting for her to adjust before it resumed its tireless pace. Strings of Sable’s drool-like cum flew out, a few strands sticking to her tits, some more flinging at the creature riding her, and a portion splattering onto me, clinging to my face and the bottom of my dick and driving my thrusting and licking into a frenzy. The sheer scent contained in it made the lust into a roaring, undeniable force, and as I picked up my pace so did the pony thing. Sable cried out, the dick gaining speed until it pistoned in and out in lightning-quick motions, and then it was all the way in, and the pony creature made small, twitching motions, and I knew that scent from when it was filling my ass and coating my face, except this time it was all stuffed into Sable’s womb. She moaned, the pony thing’s orgasm a trigger for another of her own, and I was intensely jealous as I saw the dual act of pleasure and release.

The pony thing slowly withdrew, its dick flopping to the side and coated in cum, and after it followed an amount of seed I would’ve thought unreal if I hadn’t experienced the same. It flowed out of Sable’s cunt, coated her tits, and trailed down her legs, dripping all the while. The thick cum matched her white coat, and it looked stark and bright against the black streaks in her fur. She let out a satisfied sigh, then picked herself up, marched over to me, and positioned herself over my face, cunt dripping from the load that still filled her womb. She motioned over the pony creature and I blinked and squirmed, trying not to get the falling cum in my eyes. It stung. She rubbed her tits against my balls, nipples hard, and then she stopped holding in the rest of the pony thing’s load. It covered my balls, my face, and I kept my eyes closed as I finally felt the pony creature dragging its dick around on my butt and the other bits of fur it could reach. The entire time I was choking on my own dick, driven to suck it by scent and scene and copious amounts of cum that still wasn’t my own. Lust and denial warred, and I felt half-mad. I needed … to feel remorse, right? I could do that, humans were good at fooling themselves. I could just … compartmentalize, put my hate and disgust in one corner of my mind, and focus on regret and desire.

Sable rubbed herself all over me, wiping all the cum and the scent onto me until I felt like a feral animal. Then she spoke.

“Mmm, I needed that. I’ll be leaving after this, so I need to give you the rest of your punishment.”

There was sound, but it was hard to distinguish, even with twitchy pony ears, and I wasn’t opening my eyes until the unnaturally-prolonged semen faded away.

“It’s a bit of a breakthrough in portal magic, to be honest, but you’re not the first thing I’ve used it on. This will allow an object, or parts of it, to appear in multiple locations simultaneously. I’ve set it to the town squares of more … lascivious communities. Who knows, I might find what I need and feel merciful on my return.”

It took until she was gone and the cum had faded for me to stop twitching, trying to suck at my cock even in complete exhaustion. And then when that happened, the whip finally wandered over and had at my poor, abused butt cheeks until I mustered up the energy to break out of the mental space that kept me from reacting and suck until it went away and I had time to experience the new addition.

Likely another gem, judging by the gathering sparkles in the air around me. Then the sparks reached their peak and I was still in the clearing, but also … elsewhere. A gathering place, with chipped and cracked cobblestones pointing to an older, established settlement. And there were ponies.

They were too intelligent for me to fool myself into thinking they were just animals. I blushed and squirmed at my bindings as they gathered and discussed among themselves. One of them, an older mare, broke away and loudly said, “Well, I can hardly ride his dick when he’s all curled up on it like that. I reckon the stallionfolk will get the best use out of him.”

And that, apparently, was that. There were a few female ponies, or mares, and most of them went about just as nakedly as Sable, with perhaps a straw hat to keep the sun out of their eyes at most. I stared when they passed, not able to keep my eyes away from the small, smooth tits, or the flowing curves as they walked. A few even winked at me. But I was mostly accosted by males. They were on average a lot smaller than the pony creature, which was a relief until one of them entered me at the same time as it did. The reality of being in two places at once hit me at that point, as I felt two dicks simultaneously forcing their way into me with the accompanying spikes of pain, need, and pleasure as I desperately sucked at my dick, too overcome with all the sensation to remember the plan, the requirement I needed to cum. More stallions came, and one time my movements grew too slow and the whip started striking me while I was being fucked, causing me to let out cries that were extremely muffled as they traveled through the entirety of my shaft stuffed down my throat. I picked the pace up enough for it to leave me alone, but not before it drew a stinging line across my balls, its signature move whenever I reacted too slowly to it. Cum, along with my own precum and drool, ended up pooled over and around me. And then it was night, with nothing but myself, my dick, and the occasional visit from the whip to interrupt my thoughts. That was a lot, however, and thought I was sure I succeeded at feeling genuine remorse at the thought of breaking Sable’s artifacts, that moment was there and gone before it registered, not that I was sure it would have even if it lasted longer.

The various fluids were mostly gone by midnight, and I was finally visited by a mare. She was young and her scent caused my dick to tingle, made me swirl my tongue around as I sucked. She chuckled at that action, flicking a pale gray mane away from her face and stepping forward at an angle, letting me see soft teal teats and a winking pussy.

Her voice was just as soft as those smooth tits. “I saw you earlier, eyeing those mares. So many of the others think there’s not much we could do with you.”

A few hoofsteps closer, voice gone low and husky. “Might just touch and watch, really. What do you say?”

My pace picked up, not entirely against my will. “Alright then,” she said, and chuckled.

She stood over me, that scent of heat washing into my nose and making my eyes roll and tongue thrash, dripping fluids from her winking pussy and teats bobbing like shiny apples in the moonlight. Her forehoof came down, gently, stroking my balls. Then she steadied herself against me and reached back with her left hoof, pawing at her clit. We were quiet, her with shallow panting breaths, and me only because my mouth was too full of myself to make much noise. Her hoof movements became erratic after a time, and her pants turned into grunts. Then she shivered, pussy winking with the motion, and light droplets of her cum sprayed my face. She giggled and stepped back, loose-limbed and smiling.

“Might see you again if you’re back tomorrow.”

I wasn’t. When the sun rose, the sense of duality dissolved and I was back in the tower, suckling at my cock with slow motions. My eyes caught sight of the whip and I moved quickly, moaning with the movement as it convinced it to wander off.

The day passed predictably, with the pony creature satisfying itself and me warding off the whip every so often, and then the next I appeared on a floating island. This town was primarily occupied by pegasi, and since they had extra appendages to pleasure me and themselves with, more mares joined in this time. Sometimes many at once. One time, a scene like the one between Sable and the pony creature happened above me.

“Oh, yes, fuck me,” a bright pink pegasus squealed, a violet stallion stuffing her with his thick cock. His wings took turns teasing her clit, while hers quested around my face, finding the bit of my cock that stuck out above my mouth and wrapping around it while the other stroked my balls, intensifying both the pleasure and the pain of long-denied release. I groaned, but I had no way of communicating that I was held against my will, much less how they should be toying with me.

With a cry, the stallion hilted in her, wings popping up and outward. Mine were constantly in that same position, though I wasn’t sure if it was entirely due to the arousal or if the blackness just liked restraining them that way. A moment later, the pink mare followed suit, her wings springing away from my cock and spreading to the sides, spraying me with her juices. They stayed that way for a while, until his cum dripped from her pussy and onto my face. The violet stallion tugged his dick out, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from her and letting a flow of cum soak me. They left and my cock, which I’d been sucking madly, ached from the scents in the air. I just couldn’t keep up the pace, and that’s when the whip scored my cheeks, ending at my balls like usual, which bounced with the force, that last stinging slap finally getting me licking fast enough. Usually, it left plenty of time between its abuse and the pony thing’s, but this time the creature just mounted me right off the bat, causing me to gasp and moan and another stallion to misinterpret my soft sounds as neediness, which it was, but I didn’t need another pony riding me at the moment. But he did, and when they were done I was twitching and unable to move even if the whip were about to return right that moment. Thankfully it didn’t, but it showed me there was always a way things could get worse.

One day, after months, I managed it. First I had to summon up remorse for myself, which was a crucial step I’d always missed before, and then I sort of redirected the emotion to Sable. And then, right when I was at the peak, I finally came. It was release, it was what I’d finally been waiting and hoping and trying for. I was blinded for a moment as the intense pleasure rose, for once without the equal terribleness of denial. Tension left me in a rush, and contentment gripped me. And then my mouth was flooded with cum. I gulped, trying to keep from choking, but there was just too much, and a lot of it spilled out of my mouth and soaked into my fur. It was fine, it’d be gone in a while. Everything was blissful and perfect, and then the neediness came roaring back. My eyes widened and I sucked, the pony thing above pounding into me, and I was at the edge—but I couldn’t pass it. I needed to summon up remorse every single time. It was hard, it was so difficult I despaired of being able to cum more than once a month even at my most practiced, and it only lasted a single moment. But still, it was release, however short, and I would strive to find it again.

I really, really hoped Sable found that dragon heart thing.

Tainted Release [C]

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Sable paced. This latest randomly-determined stretch of time since I’d ‘performed’ at a town was one of the longest yet, maybe a month or two in length, so it had been a while since I’d seen any female parts. And Sable’s firm, pert white tits were mesmerizing, as was that hint of pink when I caught sight of her pussy. Even when she was incredibly angry, which she was.

“The oldest dragon out there is barely a thousand years into adulthood! You ruined my decade, no my entire century.”

The scent of angry mare wasn’t as powerful as one in heat, but mixed with the musk of my own balls resting on my muzzle, it was still incredibly potent, and I bobbed and sucked at my cock in a fervor.

“So. I’m not going to let you go, as I’d considered. In fact, I’m going to take that thing you keep caressing.”

The pleasure and neediness reached a peak, and I managed to somehow summon up the necessary bit of remorse to finally let me cum again, draining my balls and swallowing my seed. It was too thick and too much for me to swallow all at once, so some drooled out the side of my mouth. For a single, precious moment, I was sated. And then the heat rose, and the musk and mare in the air drove me back to a peak I couldn’t cross. Remorse was really hard to summon on demand.

“I’ll give you the parts you seem so interested in. I’ll even let you play around with them. Aren’t I generous.”

She gestured with a hoof, an unnecessary flourish as I’d seen her summon things out of nothing with only a glance and a glow. Her horn lit up, and, for the first time in … however long it was since I’d been imprisoned, the black material restraining me shifted. I slowly unbent, the motion pulling my cock out of my mouth with a plop and spraying cum everywhere. It was a strange feeling to suddenly have my throat free of my own shaft. But it was still so hard, and needy. I couldn’t help it, I bent down on all fours, finally right-side up, and rubbed my dick against what was now a glossy black slab.

“No, you’ve had your fun. We’ll move this back to my lab.”

Magic collected into a dense sphere on her horn and then sped at me. I braced myself for unconsciousness, and then … I was.

I stood in a circle of angry red characters floating about. This was familiar, but not a good kind of familiar. More like the feeling of an old nightmare come back to haunt you. I cringed back from the symbols, but it took less than a second for me to blink back to a neutral position on all fours, and I wasn’t used to being able to move more than my mouth, eyes, and hips.

“Pl—” I tried crying out, only for another reversion to hit and snap me back to that same idle stance.

All my attempts at communication, begging, fleeing, and even fighting ended the same way: before they began. Sable just didn’t care. She looked at me coldly, without that playfulness or the hint of regret I might have seen once or twice. A word was spoken, seemingly echoed by the air itself, and the characters began to contract. One touched my fur.

Dissolution. Agony. Decay. Torment.

I came back to myself in pieces, my mind rearranging itself like a jigsaw puzzle that had just been shaken up. That had been … the worst. If I still needed remorse to cum, I was probably going to be frustrated a lot more often, and that was saying something.

Just like last time, Sable approached and held up a mirror. I didn’t notice any major changes and peered closer, frowning, and then gasped, a hoof going to my throat. My voice was higher, my features more … airy, less firm. Confirmation came when I crouched on my hind legs and brought my body upright, mimicking my former bipedal stance. Even moving out of the crouch would cause me to collapse, though; I hadn’t regained my human gait.

“Please, no more,” I said.

She had indeed removed my dick. And right there, replacing it, was my new … cunt. And I had teats, little firm mounds that felt tingly when I ran a hoof across one, the nipples standing up, hard. They were small, but they were still boobs. She’d changed my sex, and that was somehow a different magnitude than a species change, or maybe I just hadn’t gotten used to it yet.

Despite my plea, I knew that certainly wasn’t the only change. Her horn lit up, knocked me out, and I awoke back in the fake park atop the slab. I wasn’t restrained, magically or physically, which was a plus, but then I saw my companions. The fake pony was still there, pawing at a patch of grass slightly taller than the rest, and the whip was just aimlessly floating around. I’d been in a constant state of arousal and sexual activity for a few years, but now that all those magical effects were missing I didn’t want to get raped again. Especially not as a mare.

Too late. The whip noticed me first, darting over like an inquisitive fish, and then paused, seemingly at a loss. I let out a relieved breath, but then it darted behind me and walloped my ass, right across the lips of my new pussy. I shrieked, pained and terrified, because I knew how to stop it when I was a male but now I had no idea.

Or … maybe I did. I cried out, sobbing, as it smacked me across the butt again, and again, and then one stroke hit my clit and I collapsed to the surface of the black rectangle, too pained to do anything but let out a long, low moan of mixed pleasure and pain. With quick, jerky motions, I flipped myself over and started bending toward my crotch. And then the whip struck my boobs, leaving red trails that would eventually fade but really, really hurt, and also stirred those same feelings that brought the arousal to the forefront of my mind, except this time was different. Now wetness formed between my thighs, and my pussy winked without my input. Quickly, before it could strike again, I lunged the rest of the distance, touching my tongue to my clit and licking. It looked like I’d retained my increased flexibility, which, yeah, if I hadn’t that whip likely would’ve kept at it until Sable came back. I doubted it could do permanent damage to my body, but my mind was a different matter. I got to licking, watching the floating whip warily.

It seemed undecided, so I went faster, moving in circular motions that brought me more pleasure, made me feel the onset of something I was so used to being denied, and shivered as I intensified the motions, feeling my own hot breath against my pussy’s lips. A wave crested, and broke, and I broke down into full-body shudders of pleasure and release, a light spray of cum coating my face and tongue. The whip seemed satisfied and departed, and I was left to wonder.

Sable was angry. She’d promised torture, more than what I’d been experiencing, and I very much doubted a simple sex change was the worst of it. Sadly, the most plausible explanation was that she was busy and that someday soon I’d look back on this moment with bitter longing.

Just to make sure, I trotted over to the side of the enclosure, positioning myself with hind legs facing the rocky walls and bucked backward like I’d seen some ponies do on my various trips to the towns Sable had sent me to. Something chipped, but the wall looked undamaged, and I sighed and turned back around, inspecting the wall. She’d given me a regenerative effect, and living beings were complicated. No doubt she had a similar effect on the walls of my cell.

Standing by the wall, pondering magic and my torturer, I’d completely forgotten about the pony creature. It had seemed disinterested in me at first, so I hadn’t consciously marked it in my awareness. A hot puff of air on my pussy caused me to stiffen, bringing me out of my thoughts.

“I’d rather not, please,” I said, my voice much steadier than I felt.

Of course, that didn’t work. The huge creature placed its hooves to either side of me, trapping me in place, and slowly moved forward. I closed my eyes as it steadied itself and then speared into my depths, filling my cunt with something too long and thick and warm and heavy. My eyes fluttered open and I started panting, wetness gathering at my nethers and a trembling pleasure spreading through me. Without meaning to, I started rocking forward and backward, shifting that length inside me. The pulsing length had ridges and imperfections that let me feel each minute movement. I let out a low moan as it moved out, and then it slammed back in and my forelegs collapsed. I whimpered as the motion repeated, the mix of pleasure and sudden pain making me whine pathetically. The pony creature steadied itself against my changed position, bent its head down and lightly grasped my neck in its jaws, and then thrust in deeply. It pulled out and went back in and then repeated the motion with a smooth, steady rhythm. Heat built inside of me and my pants became heavy breaths, the whining leaving my muzzle became a sound of longing and release, and then the throbbing length hit just the right places and a dam broke, a rolling thunder of pleasure that moved from my head to my tail with a series of shivers.

That small wetness in my nethers exploded out, muscles clenching and releasing a spray of cum, and my eyes rolled back in my head. The pony thing’s dick slowed as I caught my breath, then it released my neck and started to speed up, faster and faster until I was back to moaning, face against the grass, ass in the air, as the speed built, and it was moved in yanking and slamming motions that mixed pleasure and pain and locked me in place so I couldn’t move away if I tried. The moment, when it came, gave me only a second’s warning.

The warm, thick length thrust as far as it could go, and then twitched, pulsing, sending a shiver of pleasure through me and then a place deep inside me was warm and full, and that warmth kept spreading as more and more cum pumped itself into me, filling my womb, stretching it, and then spilling out into the passage leading to it. That sensation was all it took to push me over the edge again, my body suffused with shudders of pleasure even more intense than the last time. The pony creature withdrew, its dick limp and covered in seed, and whickered softly, letting my ass collapse to the ground with the rest of me. My hindquarters were leaking strings of cum, and I had yet to find the muscle that let me relax let out all the seed deep inside. For the moment I just lay there and let myself breathe, feeling warm and deeply full in a way that wasn’t entirely uncomfortable.

Then something long and wet draped itself over my muzzle and on long-trained instinct, I opened my mouth and started sucking, cleaning and swallowing the cum-covered dick until it was hard again, before I quite realized what I was doing. And then I had to finish or it might have decided to ravish me again and I couldn’t quite handle that twice in a row. So I sucked and licked and swallowed until it came again, filling my mouth with an impossible amount of cum that leaked out and splattered onto the grass. Then it backed away and I was alone.

With a shiver of pleasure as a blade of grass trailed along my clit, I gathered my determination and tensed different muscles, looking for the one that would release the massive amount of warmth stored in my womb. I was pretty sure this wasn’t what it was like for a human woman, but I was in a world of magic and talking horses so I went with what my gut said. Eventually, I found it, and that release of pressure and flood of rushing seed gave me a third orgasm that left me trembling and weak as a kitten. My entire backside was soaked in cum, a good amount coating my tits and making them feel tingly, making me more aware of them.

Nothing kept me from falling asleep.

I was back on the slab of black material, Sable in front of me. She gave me a smile, a sharp, shadowed thing.

“You’ve learned the basics, it looks like. Now for the more … advanced portions. It’s too easy for you to cum, so we’ll have to make that a very, very rare event. Make those teats nice and large, so anyone you see could just reach down and grab them. Drive up the heat, of course, make that nice and intense. And something special … incredible fertility, or built-in obedience? Hmm. Fertility makes the wait too long, I think, and too complicated, even with magic.”

I was dazed, uncomprehending until I heard what she was saying and got to my hooves with a shout. She flicked a bit of light at me from her horn and it then it was difficult to stay awake, much less move.

“Anyway, now that I think about it, let’s give you that fertility. We’ll make it cross-species, and make just about any organic fluid act as cum. And for the final touch, you’ll have a very short cycle that’ll cause you to lay eggs.”

“Eggs? No, fuck, please,” I said with all the willpower I could muster.

Her smile flickered, and she sent another bit of silencing light at me. “Don’t make me force your mouth shut permanently. Anyway, this neatly ties into that whole orgasm denial part. You’ll have to get someone or something to impregnate you, then lay an egg to cum. It’s a perfect solution.”

My soft protests and miniscule struggles went unheard and unnoticed as she flipped me onto my back. Sable’s horn glowed, flickering sparks of light surrounding it as she summoned her power and thrust it into me. Nothing changed on the outside with that first spell, but I suddenly felt like a gate I hadn’t known was there was closed. Another glow and flash, this one with a more noticeable affect. My tits felt fuzzy, tingly, and hot. I squirmed in discomfort as it spread, moving in spurts and jolts until I was looking down. They were … huge. For a pony, anyway. They’d be downright modest on a human, but as the spell finished and their size stabilized, it felt like I had huge watermelons strapped to my crotch. Walking would be extremely awkward.

I looked up and let out a pathetic mewl as I saw another spell gathering, and when it was done I felt … hot. My nipples tingled and hardened, my cunt grew as wet as it had ever been without the aftermath of an orgasm. By now I was whimpering, mentally begging her to stop. There were a few more flashes of light, but whatever they did was much less obvious. Something tightened inside me, another part changed in an odd way. At the end I was crying. I knew she’d done what she’d described, and I wasn’t … there was no preparing for that kind of thing.

“Shh. We’ll fit a little geas to you, make it so you can’t talk about anything around here, and get a little teleportation failsafe in case something goes incredibly wrong. Mind magic is so much easier with this cute little form of yours.”

If she did any of that, it was when I was asleep. I woke up by the edge of that wild forest, but not a part I recognized. There were campfires in the distance, a gathering of ponies. I gathered myself together after a time. Honestly, it would have taken much, much longer to move if the hot neediness inside of me didn’t constantly urge me to sate it. I tried finding a gait on my way out of the last few trees, but my former one didn’t work anymore, not with those bulging melons hanging off me. They tingled and shot a shiver of pleasure and denial through me each time a nipple brushed a leaf or bit of vegetation, flooding my sex with wetness.

When I was almost out, it all went wrong. What I’d thought was just a vine curled around my leg and pulled, making me stumble, off balance. And then more came. I tried flapping my wings, but I’d never been able to practice with them and something about them felt off somehow. By then it was too late, though. Three more vines had snaked around me, one for each leg, and they started tugging me back into the forest. I called out but no one seemed to hear, and eventually I was at a pit of writhing tentacles, dripping with some sort of slime.

“No, I know how this goes, fuck this,” I said, and dug my hooves into the dirt.

It didn’t matter. Of course it didn’t. A good half-dozen extra tentacles shot out of the pit and grabbed me, one curling about my neck, a rather thick one grasping my middle, and some smaller ones joining the main four in restraining my limbs and looping about my wings. They brought me up above the pit, suspending me over it like a bit of prey over a hungry shark.

And then a single, questing tentacle probed at my pussy. It flooded with wetness in response and I moaned, but it didn’t dive in, instead flicking at my lips and then exploring upward. I wriggled, the urge to get something long and hard inside me nearly overcoming my desire to escape. The vine-like tendril traced along the inside of my thighs, surprisingly warm and fleshy for a plant, dripping some kind of juices that made me shiver. It trailed across my oversized tits and I bucked upward in response, the little touches making my forced heat rise out of control.

The plant seemed to take my movements as resistance, more numerous, but much smaller tentacles crossed over me, sliding around my forelegs, the top and bottom of my belly, grappling with my haunches and crossing and sliding over my boobs as they firmed up their grips. My wetness was dripping down into the pit as I panted and pleaded with the thing to either fuck me or let me go, but I just dangled there for what seemed like forever before yet another collection of tendrils approached. They had a variety of tips, some small and hard, others long and spiky, but all of them dripped with a thick, familiar substance.

Even the plants could cum. I had the feeling that this was planned, before one of them flew at me with impossible speed and then jammed its way into my mouth. I automatically started sucking, the thick tentacle’s cum draining down my throat before I thought to spit it out, but I was too restricted to do more than bob my throat around it, and biting only made it dig deeper and faster into my mouth. The rest of them started rubbing against my fur, smearing their secretions against me, covering me in their thick seed. It came with a familiar male scent, but this was way more intense than when I’d been male, making me whine and twitch as I tried grinding against the air.

Two smaller ones trailed back to my tits, caressing them and splattering them with their cum, and finally, finally one of them teased at my nipples, sending a flash of pleasure and need through me. My back arched as much as it could, my whines growing desperate and my pussy winking in need, and in response one of them discovered my cunt and sank inside.

It was long, ridged, and spiky in a way that courted the edge of discomfort, and it leaked thick, saplike cum that stuck to my insides and was even more slow and viscous than the pony creature’s. I moaned as it went in and out in deep thrusts, the one in my mouth mirroring the motions, and I sucked wildly as they went about fucking me, adding little waves of shivering pleasure when they teased my nipples and eventually my clit, my entire backside soaked with my own wetness but still unable to cum.

The need rose along with my pleasure until there were tears in my eyes from the pain of denial. Sable had planned this, I was sure, she’d let her creations pleasure me while I could still find release just for the purpose of making me feel its absence more keenly. The tentacle in my cunt continued coating my insides with its seed as it moved in and out in steady motions, the spikes teasing me, making me moan in response. And then another vine found my ass and pushed its way inside. I clenched against it in response, my body going stiff. It didn’t trigger the same pleasure it did my male body, only slightly adding to the coursing pleasure while making my discomfort and pain rise sharply. A few slow thrusts to add its own sticky cum and the ache faded, the new thick vine simply becoming another piece of the driving heat and unbearable denial. The moon moved across the sky, pieces of its silver light visible through dark branches as the tentacles continued their relentless pace. It almost seemed like they were waiting for something, but as the sky started to lighten they gave up their steady rhythm, the rubbing, thrusting tentacles moving harder and faster and causing my seed-coated body to jolt. I cried out through the tentacle gagging me, the feeling almost nostalgic.

Then the one in my cunt plunged deeper than it had before and trembled, releasing a flood of its seed deep into me, filling my womb like the pony creature had, except this substance was more hot and viscous, and I knew simply releasing a muscle and pushing wouldn’t allow me to remove it. The tentacle slowly withdrew, pulsing, letting out massive amounts of cum and filling me up almost like it was making a plug. At least the one in my mouth was letting me swallow seed of more normal consistency. After that the rest of the vines let out their loads, these ones similar to the one in my mouth, coating my ass and then spreading all over my fur, a layer splattering over my tits and causing me to buck against the vines’ grip as the pleasure hit me, another bit covering my clit as they went to work in claiming my body, taking my belly, my back, my legs, wings, even my face as I closed my eyes. Then they set me down beside the pit, gently, the light of morning shining outside my eyelids. I trembled against the ground, too exhausted to do more than pant softly but still full of unsatisfied desire. At the very least I wished I could sleep, but Sable had taken that from me again.

Sometime later, when the mist was burned off at midday and I finally smeared enough cum off my face to see, I limped away from the pit and found a small clearing close enough to the edge of the forest I hopefully wouldn’t have to worry about something snatching me again. Then, I tried making myself halfway presentable. It was … kind of hopeless.

The tentacle’s normal cum was clear, but it was sticky and clingy and there was no nearby source of water to wash it off. Even rubbing enough off my nipples and clit so the feeling stopped sending me into frenzied masturbation was a challenge, one that left me exhausted and hot with denial at the end. Not that it helped all that much—the thick, viscous, and still-warm cum that had been pumped into my womb dripped out of my cunt and settled on my clit all over again. I took the time to try pushing it out, but a good half-hour of effort only sent a thin trickle out of my pussy. This strange, sap-like cum clung whenever it touched my fur, marking me with its off-white color. I shivered and moaned with the movement of flowing seed, and went back to using my hoof on my nipple and tongue on my cum-covered clit, the moisture clearing it again, right until I stopped and more dripped over it. I wished I could use my wings, but I discovered that off-feeling was them responding to my impossible level of arousal and sticking straight out, stiff and without the ability to move with any real flexibility.

I decided to stay there until I cleaned myself up, and out, as there was a risk the beings at those campfires would see my state and just start fucking me like the villagers at those towns I’d been sent to. I couldn’t try satisfying my desires, I needed to find the magic to free me from these spells and get back home.

I spent the night licking every inch of myself clean, and rubbing my back and wings against tree bark. It seemed to work, but it came with pain and missing feathers and patches of fur. I winced, but I was used to the whip, and I knew from experience I would always heal. The last thing was the cum inside of me, which kept dripping out at inappropriate times and spiking my lust and pleasure too far to resist. Slowly, over half a day, I managed to push it out and lick it up, the sensation making me shudder with enough pleasure to push me over the edge, if Sable hadn’t shut down my orgasms.

Then it was time to meet the camp. Sable’s threat about laying eggs was either hollow, or ‘quickly’ just meant quicker than however long it took for horses to have foals, because nothing was showing down there. I picked my way out of the forest and headed off.

My steps were slow and uncertain as I managed to find a gait that didn’t rub my back legs against my tits too much. My legs were probably spread too wide for my walk to look natural, but whatever, I’d just say I had a condition.

About halfway there, I was accosted, which, yeah. Shouldn’t have expected any good luck. Three stallions loped toward me. They didn’t have wings or horns but that didn’t matter when my own wings were sticking uselessly out to the sides. The one in the middle was a little ahead of the other two, likely making him the leader. His coat was a deep red, the ones off to the side blue and pale green, the latter’s coat lighter than my own.

“Well, look what we have here. A little lass wandering around all on her lonesome,” the red one said, slowing to a slow pace that made me uneasy and stalking around me.

The others arrayed themselves off to the sides, and I eventually settled on facing the air between them, my wide, prey-animal eyes able to keep sight of both at once while I kept my ears swiveled towards the red stallion as he paced. If I put all my attention on him, I had the feeling that the other two would take the opportunity to clobber me from behind. I shifted, eyeing the campfires.

The blue one spoke up. “Careful, Rogue. She might run.”

I had a name to use instead of just ‘the red one’ which was something, but now I was certain they didn’t have any good intentions. Rogue continued pacing until he was directly behind me. I heard him take a sharp breath.

“Now that is interesting. She’s nice and wet, colts, and these teats are way too big to be natural.”

“Trap, Boss?” the green one said.

Blue eyed me. “No, don’t think so. She’s got an unusual field around her, but if it’s concealing some kind of surveillance or teleportation magic then whoever built it would already be here. The level of skill it would take to hide anything significant from me is … mythical.”

Confirmation Sable was something special, not that I needed it. I had a feeling it was a rare pony who talked about obtaining dragon hearts with a minimum age of a thousand.

“Mmm. Hold still for me, little lass,” Rogue said, walking up behind me.

I tried turning around but something inside me tightened, and suddenly I couldn’t move a muscle. Oh, oh no … Sable had said something about obedience, hadn’t she? This was trouble, if they discovered they could just tell me what to do I’d never find a way out.

Rogue suddenly smacked me across the ass with his hoof. I let out a short, pained squeal and wetness flooded from my pussy. If I didn’t have to hold still I would’ve been on the ground, licking it, but keeping so impressively still was worse, because that clued them in. Rogue must have been incredibly intelligent, because I wouldn’t have reached the same conclusion anywhere near this quickly.

“Hey, now that’s interesting. Let’s see … listen only to the three of us and anypony we tell you to, don’t harm any of the ponies on that list, don’t try to run away, and address all of us as Master when we speak to you. Oh, and the only other word you’re allowed to use is yes. Got that?”

“Yes, Master,” I said. Then I tried telling him to go fuck himself but all that left my mouth was a grunt.

“I think it’s time the four of us had a bit of fun, don’t you think? On your back, open your mouth, and do your best to pleasure us.”

“Yes, Master,” I repeated unwillingly.

I lowered myself to the ground and rolled over, mouth opened, legs spread, wings pressing against my back, showing off my wetness down there. I felt my pussy wink as Green approached it, and he grinned and licked his lips. His shaft lengthened, and then he took a step forward and pushed it in. I moaned, the warm cock filling me and making me shiver with every thrust. Pleading whimpers left my mouth before Blue came from the other end and stuffed my mouth with his dick, which I had no choice but to pleasure as best I could. And my best was pretty good.

Before my thoughts grew too foggy with pleasure and lust, I whirled my eyes around, looking for Rogue. He stood off to the side with a smirk that reminded me of Sable, saw me looking, and broke out into a wide grin. My stare broke off as Green moved in a sharp, jerking motion, and I moaned through Blue’s cock. Then Rogue stepped over me, facing toward my rear, bent down, and set his dick between my tits.

“Usually there ain’t much to fuck like this, but you’re a bit of a treasure, aren’t you,” he said.

I moaned as he rubbed his cock back and forth against my tits, wriggling against the feeling of Green’s dick in my cunt and Blue’s in my mouth, the heat and denial always there, always making me want more but end up unsatisfied no matter what.

Green finished first, hilting into my cunt as far as it could go and letting out gushing waves of cum that filled my womb and trailed out as he withdrew, absently smearing it against my ass to clean it. Blue held out for an unusually long time, especially with my skill, but he was soon done as well, and I swallowed and licked at his seed until he was clean. Finally, Rogue gave one last rub between my tits and grunted, spraying his seed all over them, and soaking my belly, flowing down and over my pussy as well. I whined in need, my own release still held at bay, and he chuckled.

“You’ll be a hit at the Den, I think. Follow us, you little slut.”

“Yes, Master,” was the only possible reply.

Whatever the Den was, it wasn’t our first stop. We traveled quite a way, fucking whenever one of them had the urge and filling me back up with cum that slowly leaked out of my cunt throughout the journey, my attempts to actively released it abandoned with exhaustion and pointlessness. Eventually we found civilization in a seedy-looking town. Rogue talked quietly to a shady stallion at a hotel and found us a room with bars in the windows, then tied me to the bed, leaving Blue to guard me. I lay there, legs splayed, moaning every so often as the heat surged and I couldn’t even try to satisfy it. They’d figured out I didn’t have to eat or clean myself on the way over, as over a long enough timespan I’d revert back to my normal state, so they didn’t give me breakfast or anything. A few hours later, Blue was gone too, abandoning me with the command that I stay there. Criminals didn’t seem to follow orders all too well without someone watching them.

They were gone for quite a while. More than a few hours later I felt an ache growing inside me, like a hard, solid object was stuck in an odd place. It took me a while, as I was more used to cum filling it, but then I realized it was the egg Sable had promised sitting in my womb.

I moaned aloud as it moved, crying out the more it grew and the firmer it got, bumping against my sensitive insides, instinct and heat making me buck against the air. It was an agonizingly pleasurable process, each bump of pain causing a corresponding wave of bliss before the denial and frustration overtook it and I cried out again. The process took hours, and then when it was big enough for me to see a bump inside me, my body cried out and clenched, then released, forcing the egg out bit by bit. I simultaneously never wanted to experience it again, and wished for the entire thing to repeat itself.

Eventually, slowly, gradually, the egg plopped out of my cunt, cum spraying the sheets as I screamed in ecstasy, finally finding blissful release, staring at invisible stars as my eyes rolled back and shudders of pure pleasure rolled over my entire body. I relaxed with a sigh, free from the urge for a second. And then the heat ramped up again, because of course it did, and it was even worse for that one second of contrast, making me whine and try grinding my clit against the egg, which only rolled away at my trembling touch.

Blue came back not long after, raising an eyebrow and moving the egg to the nightstand. Then he fucked me, long and hard, dick pistoning in and out of my cunt at a rate that should have had him cumming mere seconds in. I panted, mouth moving in familiar motions as it tried to suck a cock that wasn’t there, and then, after longer than it should have been but much too short for my heat, he came, filling me back up with warm seed, making me heavy and full. It slowly drooled out of my pussy as he withdrew and stood guard, waiting for Rogue to return.

When he did, he was initially confused. Then Blue explained the egg, and he laughed.

“Good little filly. We’ll see if this is actually worth anything, but I think you’ve earned a special place among the rest of the sluts.”

They led me outside and showed me an odd contraption, a wagon with ropes and harnesses and things sitting on the street. And then Rogue told me not to resist as he attached it to me. There was a bit, which fit between my teeth and made talking impossible, and a sturdy collar. Leather wrapped me up in a way that concealed nothing, and finally a replica dick was attached to the front of the cart, which they pushed into my cunt as far as it could go before attaching the rest of the straps and ropes which hitched me to the wagon and kept me from pulling off of the dick.

Apparently Rogue was friends with someone who basically owned this town, because no one batted an eye at the contraption as I moved through the streets, panting and moaning, my wetness dripping onto the stones below. The dick jerked in and out in unpredictable motions with the movement of the cart as the three rode behind me, giving me directions to a clean-looking building that probably disguised something horrible.

Turned out I was right about that. They gave me a parting fuck, in the same positions as the first time, right on the street, covering and filling me with their cum, and then a dignified-looking stallion came out and they told me to listen to his orders. He showed me a butt plug with a symbol on it that looked like a crumbling pyramid and slowly pushed it into my ass, then forbade me from taking it out. It was an odd, too-full feeling, the shape different enough from a cock that it messed with my movements. I was detached from the wagon and then led inside, down some stairs, and into a dimly-lit hallway of fucking. Bars were set into the hallway, leading into little cells which had mostly mares, but a few stallions in them. Most were wandering around their little rooms, scratching at the walls, muttering to themselves, or sleeping. But some had other occupants. There were stallions, sometimes multiple, fucking some mares. A few visitors had chained the cell’s pony up or whipped them or tied them into uncomfortable positions, seeming to delight in watching them squirm. There were what looked like magical dildos and vibrators and rings stuck onto some of them, and even piercings through a few noses and nipples. We didn’t get that far before we reached a pair of empty cells on both sides of the hallway, the pony leading me around drawing a key from somewhere and opening it.

“Go. Stay inside, and don’t leave unless you’re told to by a member of this establishment. Service anyone who enters, and do not harm or annoy them.”

Then I was left in a small padded room with a nice bed and a dim floating sphere up by the ceiling, the flicking thing nowhere near the size or brilliance of Sable’s creations.

There would be a way to escape, I was sure of it, I just needed to wait for some orders I could misinterpret. Perhaps play along for a while until they were sure of the geas’s effectiveness and left the cell unlocked, and then sneak out at night.

Plan set, I curled up on the bed and started masturbating until I fell prone, exhausted, into a puddle of my own juices.

Enter Watchmount [C]

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The air was awash with the scents of sex, lust, and a tinge of fear. Some sort of magic was likely purging the heavier smells, as this many ponies stuck in small rooms in an underground hallway couldn’t be that clean without frequent baths or a lot of magic. And while I’d seen plenty of ponies trotting through, I never saw any water. Not that there wasn’t any splashing. The ponies on either side of me were plenty loud, the noise of their activities amplified beyond the effects of normal physics. Altogether, it was too tense for me to handle. Time went on without anyone visiting my little room, and as I watched ponies pass by, some looking like workers, others here for the residents, and a few tied up or shadowed by buff-looking stallions, the ache inside me grew. I was forbidden to escape, and that stopped me from ever making the attempt. I couldn’t talk either for the most part, and I was strangely grateful for that as it kept me from calling out to passerby and pleading with them to fuck me. Part of me felt vindicated when, as I broke down and started masturbating in full view of the ponies outside, a few of them turned and watched until I collapsed in frustrated exhaustion.

Then I started, confused, as a clear, high voice sounding right by my ear. “Welcome to the Watchmount Institute. It looks like you’ve taken your first step towards being a valuable member of our organization.”

I took a small pause between words to lay my ears flat against my skull and shut out the voice in case it had any commands, but one of the spells laid on to me seemed to know what I was trying to do and took control. It was horribly disconcerting to have my own ears swivel about without input, searching for the best way to point in order to make me hear every word with clarity.

“Joining us might have been your idea, in which case you’ll be joining our accelerated program. Some ponies, however, have unfortunately needed some persuasion. If that’s the case for you, don’t fret. Every pony adapts at their own pace. Remember to enjoy yourself!”

Up until that last part, I was starting to think this would all just be a harmless form message. I could’ve disregarded the last sentence as too general, but the words were laden with a suggestive tone, and the spell interpreted that as an order to pleasure myself when I wasn’t immediately busy with anything else, ripping apart the last shreds of my self-control.

I slid over to the bars, pressing my backside against one, and ground into it, dragging my pussy up and down the smooth metal until slow steps sounded behind me, at which point I moved to the side to give whoever was there easy access and waited, panting.

“You’re an eager little thing.” The sound was rich and low and sent a shiver of need through me.

There was a pause, as if he were listening to something I couldn’t hear. “Ah. I see. We’ll leave that suggestion in for now. I wonder how you feel about being locked in here, all nice and isolated, for another day. Does that sound good?”

My mouth opened, the two words I was allowed to say spilling out to my horror. “Yes, Master.”

That kind of scenario was nightmarish. Were these people working for Sable? Did she tell them to torture me? It didn’t seem like her style to intervene directly, but I wouldn’t put it past her if things were going too well for me.

“Hm. It seems just about anyone can tell you what to do. We’ll have to try blacklisting specific ponies. And we also know more recent orders only override earlier ones if they’re in conflict. Don’t you enjoy figuring out new things?”

“Yes, Master.”

It was only a test. I gave up fighting it and went back to rubbing myself against a bar, letting out small moans.

“You’ll be a hit with some of our more … enthusiastic members. Your little condition makes basic training unnecessary, so I think we’ll save that as encouragement. However, I think you’ll have to prove yourself to the boss before we can say for sure. Are you willing to be the star of some pony rides?”

The bar was wet, my eyes unfocused, pace jerky and rough as my body drove itself onto the metal to get that last bit of contact it was convinced would lead to release. I let myself fall into the buzzing of pleasure and foggy denial, not even hearing my own words as I responded.

He said something else and I turned around, a whine leaving me at the sudden interruption to my latest fruitless attempt to cum. I blinked and got my first sight of the pony who’d been the first person to have a real … sort of conversation with me after I arrived at this place.

Indigo mane, light brown coat, and horn. The stallion was rather slender-looking. He grinned.

“Done looking? To you, I’m Doms Madio. To me, you’re the slut. Now come with me, we’re going to give you a little test drive.”

I followed obediently, my steps awkward as I worked around the feeling of the plug in my ass and my tits rubbing against my thighs, or whatever they were called on weird talking ponies. Even with the command to enjoy myself suppressed for the moment, I was still tempted to trot up to one of the other ponies walking by and start humping them.

Doms took us out of the underground hallway and through a luxuriously decorated waiting room, with marble, polished wooden furniture, and a stunningly-detailed portrait of a large white pony, or maybe more of a horse, with both wings and a horn. The way she was posed reminded me more of an idealized ruler or a religious figure than a being who actually existed.

We ended up at a garage-like structure loosely attached to the main building, except it didn’t contain cars. Around me, a few other ponies were getting fitted into or attached to devices that only vaguely resembled anything used for transportation. The tamest of these were the same type of cart with the dildo sticking out the front of it I’d that been tied to and forced to pull all the way over here. Doms wasn’t headed for those. No, we were headed for a collection of devices that only qualified as vehicles because they had wheels. I stared in horrified fascination as a mare ahead of us was shoved into a combination of a tractor and a stockade. Her back hooves were fastened to the platform in the middle of the thing, her front limbs and head stuck through the stocks, and two thin chains were attached to piercings in her nipples and pulled toward some part I couldn’t see as she mewled in pain.

“No, that’s a little too bland for you, I think,” Doms said, noticing where I was looking.

My eyes widened at that.

“We’ve recently come across an interesting bit of magic,” he continued conversationally. “it has a remarkable amount of similarity to the one keeping you all pent up. It’ll be interesting to see how you perform with a partner in similar straits.”

He moved on to a vehicle with a thick box on top, and a smaller platform on the back close to the ground so anyone could step up on to it, with two holes leading to the interior of the box part, one above the other. Doms smiled at me as he moved to the sides, which were made of glass. I looked in with trepidation, but it was empty, oddly shaped and full of padding. Doms noticed my questioning look and flipped open the latches in response, then pushed the top open.

“Go on, climb in. You’ll be on the bottom, facing toward the back. Make sure your mouth lines up with the hole. We wouldn’t want to deny anyone their free sample.”

I gave him a look of loathing. “Yes, Master.”

The command didn’t force me to move immediately, as it seemed to work off of only my own knowledge. As long as I convinced myself I was working toward doing what he said, it let me stand there and contemplate the vehicle where I’d be … sampled. I shuddered at the wording, my eyes roving across the thing’s insides as I looked for the right way to position myself to get inside. Eventually, I had it pretty much completely figured out—the little depressions where my hooves were supposed to go, the bit that was supposed to hold my tail, a glowing aura near the hole my mouth was supposed to line up with that was likely magical—and couldn’t delay any longer. I stepped up onto the platform leading onto the vehicle, and couldn’t help but notice that if I still had a dick, it would line up perfectly with the hole leading inside. Back to familiar grounds, it looked like. I shivered in repressed rage and despair. Locked in here without even a way to keep the always-rising lust at bay, this entire thing was a recipe for insanity.

I made it into the cushioned inside, wriggled around backward, and stuck myself into the right places. As soon as my head neared the little hole, an invisible force grasped it, keeping my mouth from closing, and lined it up perfectly. The rest of the restraints were similarly magical, tightening on my limbs once I slid them into the appropriate holes.

Doms stepped toward me, then up, and then he was above my now very limited field of vision. I felt his slow breaths against my body as he moved his head up and down, examining me in what would have been a very creepy way if I wasn’t so turned on. As it was, I just wanted him to fuck me, especially when I felt his weight shift and his hot breath hit lower down, setting my spine to tingling and making my wetness intensify.

“Very good. Feel free to struggle, if you want,” he said.

I wasn’t going anywhere, I knew this thing had to be designed for unwilling occupants, but I couldn’t help the surge of hope at that command. I still couldn’t escape, but if that command held and I was in a situation where I could linger long enough for someone unaffiliated with this Watchmount Institute to find me, I might have a chance. So I bucked against the interior, the smooth cushioned surface softening my movements and pushing back gently before I could get anywhere. But I wasn’t stupid enough to think I’d be getting out right now anyway, not with Doms right there to command me if by some happenstance I broke this mobile cage. It didn’t take long for me to realize this, and instead of ineffectively scrabbling against my bonds, the heat inside me demanded I try to satiate it. I ended up thrusting back and forth, trying to rub my clit against the restraining material, but my cunt was stuck facing upward, without anything to grind against. It was endlessly frustrating, and I dearly hoped I wasn’t going to be stuck here sucking dicks the entire day. Even when I’d been doing that in Sable’s tower at least the dick had been mine.

“Looks like your partner has arrived. Welcome to your initiation, Durian White.”

My ears perked up as I tried to catch a hint as to this mysterious pony’s identity, but the cushioning had enough of a grasp on my ears that all I could make out was muffled conversation. Then the new pony, Durian, stepped up on the platform and I saw him. Or at least, his lower half. His fur was a blue so light it looked almost white, which explained that part of his name, I guess. But what really caught my intention was the shaft swinging below him. It was fully extended and dripping bits of precum from the end. At the base of his cock, behind his balls, I caught sight of a glint of golden metal. A ring to stop him from cumming, instead of a spell? He started to clamber in with me, and I saw he had a plug in him like mine, with that same crumbling pyramid. Then he hesitated.

“Hang on, I don’t want to be put in with this mare unless she started out as a volunteer.”

Yes! Someone in this world with a shred of decency. I could’ve cried.

“You’ll get to talk after your pony ride. Unless you want to put this off for another week?”

“…I’ll hold you to that,” Dorian muttered, and he was above me.

And then I realized what was going on, right before he settled into place and plunged his dick into me, settling into my deepest parts. A part of me cried out in exultation, and I bounced against him with the little leverage available to me. He didn’t hold out for long either and began thrusting in and out, speeding up until it hurt.

“You two have fun in there,” Doms said, and then closed the top of the vehicle over us.

Any outside sounds became muted, leaving quick breaths and slapping flesh as Dorian plunged into me and pulled back harder, faster, my own hips bucking back against him. There was an endless time when nothing changed before my body registered motion and the vehicle started to move.

Each bump on a misaligned cobblestone or lurching halt as it stopped its slow pace for pedestrians to pass was an unanticipated flash of pain and pleasure as we moved against each other. I rubbed my tits against him, shivering as they tingled against his flesh, and gasped as he thrust into me.

Then a stallion outside was curious and horny enough to step onto the back platform, the vehicle’s weight shifting as it magically compensated for the addition. I stared as his cock grew to full length and he decided between which hole to stick it in. In the end he chose mine, and my mouth was full of his thick shaft. I suckled and licked, but I wasn’t up to my usual standards. The vehicle’s pace was too irregular to get a good rhythm going, and my tongue broke off its motions too many times as my backside was occupied, the surging heat making me try for an orgasm that remained forbidden to me.

Even with my subpar performance, I still coaxed an orgasm into my mouth and felt the cock bulge and quiver, then sucked down the stallion’s seed before it could spill out, cleaning his dick and licking at the last strands of thick cum before he withdrew with a sigh. Then I realized what I was doing and questioned why I’d made him cum at all when there wasn’t a command making me before Dorian thrust in particularly hard and I was lost to the haze of heat and motion and pain and denial.

Another stallion stepped up after the previous one left, and this one chose Dorian. It looked like he didn’t have much experience. It took a lot longer for the new stallion to cum, and when he did a lot of it dripped out and leaked down to my slot, where I licked it up instinctively, the throes of pleasure and denial taking any reluctance or thought I would have had out of the process.

A lot more came after that. They eventually seemed to figure out that I was the most skilled and mainly went for my mouth, where I got used to the lurching movement of the vehicle and swallowed their loads until I was back to something close to my usual level of skill even as Dorian kept pounding into me, never seeming to tire. I wondered how long he’d had that ring on him for, and then another cock interrupted the thought and I got back to sucking.

We were at it for a long, long time. The daylight thinned out and there stopped being as many ponies eager to use us. Once, a mare stepped up to investigate us, which was confusing until she crouched down and I saw her horn. She thrust it into my mouth and it was electric and hot, shimmers of pulsing magic dancing up and down its length. I sucked it experimentally and she moaned. I doubted all unicorns had what were basically dicks on their heads, so this was probably some sort of spell she was using on herself. Lust rose and washed away my thoughts again, and I started sucking wildly, probing across the horn’s surface with my tongue, arching up against Dorian as I tried to get that last bit of feeling that would lead to—something. It never came, I never came, no matter how high the pleasure rose. Dorian seemed to sense my need and redoubled his pace, and I moaned around the mare’s horn. That seemed to set her off, as she echoed the sound and then the horn grew heavy and sparks flew all over my mouth. I flinched, but they turned into something liquid, something I remembered. A scene flashed into my mind, right after I’d been turned into a mare and I’d licked my pussy until I came. She somehow came from her horn.

The things a unicorn could do seemed more and more blatantly unfair as time went on. I wished Sable had given me a horn.

After that, everything slowed down. Fewer ponies came to fuck us at night, and although Dorian couldn’t move enough to pull out of me and probably wouldn’t if he could, exhaustion caught up to us and we moved against each other more slowly, fighting against the heat which told us to go faster and harder.

I was sure our vehicle would return soon, that we were done with this entire experience, but it just kept on trundling through the night. The sun rose, and with it an influx of energy. I bucked up against Dorian, which sent him into a frenzy which left my pussy raw and abused. Not that the heat would let us stop. A few early risers saw us and came to get their dicks wet, and Dorian seemed to get better since more of them picked his mouth to fuck this time around.

Around midday, a group of raucous, drunk-looking stallions arrived and kept pace with the vehicle. Every so often one of them would come up and fuck us, the rest cheering them on. Then one of them came up to us and started talking.

“Y’all’re looking so plain and boring in there. Hows about a bit of bling to make it all better?”

A roar of approval went through the crowd, and a river of fear shot through me. I had a few ideas of what they meant by that, and none of them were good. That fear fed into lust, and I vented my frustrations the only way I could, by humping against Dorian.

It didn’t take long before my fears were confirmed. I smelled excitement and smoke, and then one of the guys came up holding tools and metal. He bent down and looked at us.

“Which one of them goes first? The gentlecolt, or the lady?”

The resulting voices seemed inconclusive, but the stallion seemed to make a decision and moved toward Dorian, doing something near his muzzle. He made a sudden movement and Dorian screamed, bucking into me and sending a flash of pain and pleasure through my body, and I let out a moan. Then the stallion stepped back and Dorian had a ring in his nose. My mind went white with fear and the sound that escaped me was close to a whinny as I struggled against unyielding bonds. The band of metal approached and then, with a snap, it went through.

It took a long time for me to stop bucking against Dorian in mindless movements and come back to myself, and when I did there was a silvery ring stuck through my nose.

The group of stallions had been talking amongst each other while I adjusted. Surprisingly, there was no blood from the addition, though that was probably a combination of the metal’s temperature and Sable’s spells.

“And Vigilant Faith takes up the challenge! Let’s give him some hooves,” the leader said.

The sound of stomping was hard to hear through the cushioning and the distance the vehicle kept making between the group before they caught back up to us. Why were they still keeping pace?

The answer came in the form of a stallion with a ring on his cock, behind his balls like Dorian’s, who stepped up in front of me. At the bottom of his ring was a small chain. Another stallion stepped up and held that chain in his telekinesis, stretching it forward until the first one’s cock was in my mouth. I felt my new nose ring jiggle, and then it was attached to the one around the stallion’s cock. He thrust in and out before pausing as someone yelled at him.

“Vigilant, you idiot!” someone else in the crowd called.

The chain jerked and I mewled in pain as the stallion looked back, trying to pull his dick out of my mouth.

“This is because of last week, isn’t it? It wasn’t like that, I swear, I’m going to pay you guys back. You don’t have to do this, you can’t leave me here,” he said, voice trembling.

Another pony chuckled, “Maybe next time we see you you’ll be in one of those things.”

I stopped trying to pay attention to the conversation as Dorian got his enthusiasm back and went back to plunging into me, hard and fast. My mouth moved around the new stallion’s cock, quick and efficient, and his pleas turned into pants and then moans, his legs buckling as I made him cum.

But he didn’t withdraw, though he tried, tugging at the chain and making my poor nose stretch painfully. I kept licking, and eventually, his dick rose back up and he thrust in and out before groaning as he came again.

I didn’t mind too much, aside from being mildly resentful that he’d picked me over Dorian. I was just too used to having a cock in my throat to feel anything another than annoyance and a hint of nostalgia. We passed through the town a few more times before the day ended, but this time instead of random ponies coming to fuck us, there were jeers and laughter at the pony stuck in my mouth—Vigilance, I think his name was. No, Vigilant. It was hard to remember through the haze of neediness constantly pressing against my nether regions.

It took more and more time and skill to make him cum every time, and since it was pretty much the only distraction while Dorian and I were in our more tired moments and fucked in slow, languid movements, I took it as a challenge, finding ways to bring more of Vigilance’s seed into my mouth, making him cry out in pleasure. I’d long since lost count of the times I wished I could cum so freely back when I was imprisoned and stuck sucking my own cock, so I assaulted the one in my mouth as a proxy for the dick I no longer had.

Night fell again, and this time the vehicle moved with purpose, speeding up. The increased speed made the journey bumpier, adding more variation and harder jerking movements as Dorian and I moved, faster, harder, as we sensed the end was almost here.

Our ride stopped, the pony hitchhiking with us gasping as I made him orgasm again, flooding my mouth with his cum. Slow hoofsteps approached.

“Looks like you’ve brought in a stray. Oh, I like the new additions, very striking. I think we’ll keep yours, little bitch,” Doms said.

I whined around Vigilant’s cock, the vibrations making it rise up again, filling my throat and choking off the sound.

There was a machine-like sound, a glow, and a bright flash, and then the cock left my mouth, vanished in a teleport along with the stallion it was attached to. After that, Doms took his sweet time letting us out, Dorian and I intensifying our motions with the arrival of our impending release from the contraption. The heat inside me made me wish for a real release, but I doubted Sable would be merciful enough to find me and remove all her spells within the century.

Dorian stumbled out first, leaving me achingly empty and thrusting at the air, and then it let me go. I scrambled out and rubbed my hoof against my pussy, unable to keep myself from trying for the last bit I needed to go over the edge. The entire area was red and throbbing and would be puffy and painful for at least a few hours before the spells would heal it away, but that didn’t stop me from rubbing harder and faster, gasping and sitting back, bringing my other hoof down to rub against my tits.

“Stand by me, and keep your hooves on the ground. You can play with yourself later,” Doms said.

I shot to my hooves and trotted over. “Yes, Master.” I hated him so much.

“Now, tell me how you feel, little bitch. Tell me honestly, just this once.”

“You’re a fucking cancer on the face of this planet. You and your organization are—”

“No more, thank you.”

Dorian rounded on him. “You said she was a volunteer!”

Doms sighed. “No, you said that. If you’re so broken up about it, ask her what she wants you to do.”

“But you said—”

“Fine, I’ll do it. Bitch, what do you want Dorian to do to you? Tell me honestly.”

I tried to continue my tirade, but instead, my mind went to us fucking each other, riding on waves of pleasure and denial, and my mouth opened and spoke without my conscious input. “Fuck me. Please.”

“Good. Now you can quiet down. Well, Dorian? I can remove your pesky little ring and let you fulfill her wish, or you can keep it. It is quite stylish.”

“No, I—alright.”

And that was the problem with being stuck in heat all the time. You just want to cum, not get out of the situation or think about anything other than how close to release you are. Not that I could blame him. The spell had made me answer honestly, and I really did want his dick back inside, filling that aching emptiness.

Doms lit up his horn, and that whining machine sound came back. Then the ring on Dorian’s dick was gone. He walked up to me, nostrils flaring, making small humping motions against the air when he paused. My body took over and I shifted until he was behind me, raising my tail. I jumped and then settled down as his hoof trailed over my tits, touching the wetness that flooded out of me, my pussy winking at him as I silently urged him to get on with it. He sighed, the soft breath against my backside making me pant in need, and then he pushed me down and mounted me.

I closed my eyes and moved against him, rolling my body so I could feel his every inch. He shuddered and pushed into me, again and again, making me moan. There must have been some magic from his cock ring lingering, because it took him way too long before he tensed up, his cock quivering deep inside me, and let his seed flood me, making me feel deliciously warm and full. He slowly withdrew with a sigh, and I reached back with a hoof—”

“Don’t move,” Doms said quietly to me.

I stopped, frozen, cum dripping slowly out of my cunt, hoof just a few inches away, the heat rising up in a roar and making me tremble.

“Now use her to clean yourself off. You can’t go around looking like that,” Doms said.

Dorian moved until he was facing me, his cock already back up and throbbing. He hesitated for barely a second before he stood over me and thrust it into my mouth.

“Go on, you can suck it,” Doms said to me.

That released my mouth, but my cunt was still wet with need. My tongue thrashed wildly as I sucked at Dorian’s dick, swallowing his cum and choking as he stuffed my throat to the hilt, balls swinging and bouncing off my chin. It didn’t take long before he came once more and slid out. I whined, the ache intensifying, envisioning his dick plunging back inside, but after that Doms gave him some directions and he left, and I was all alone, his seed still dripping out of me. My hoof twitched, trying to reach for my clit but denied by the command to hold still.

“Well. What are we going to do with you? Based on your filthy mouth, it seems you still need some more … acclimation. Yes, I think allowing you a partner was much too generous. You need punishment. Luckily, we have a station just for you.”

He led me on a twisting journey through the main Watchmount compound, not seeming to care about the cum still drooling from my cunt. I wanted to ask him where we were going, plead with him to allow me to touch myself just once, but he didn’t even look at me until we arrived at a receptacle just inside a large door.

“This is one of our side entrances. You’ll be stuck here, doing all you can to attract customers. If you don’t, I promise it will be very unpleasant. Now, in you go.”

His horn lit up and the upper part of the little station retracted, revealing more cushioning material and slots to place my limbs. The position looked vaguely uncomfortable, supporting someone who had to be upright, with only the head still above, poking out at the right level to suck or lick someone going by. At the bottom was a stone dildo that gained a fiery light as I watched. I hesitantly set myself in place, slowly lowering myself onto the dildo with a low moan. It was pleasantly hot, and as the rest of my new prison layered itself over me, sliding a ring gag into my mouth as its final action, I bounced as far up as the cushioning material would let me before sliding back down, drool leaking from my mouth and pooling somewhere below.

I ignored the first visitors completely by accident. I was humping the dildo, eyes rolling wildly, when I noticed something was wrong. The dildo had gone up from a pleasant heat to a burning one. I still ground myself against it, but now it was more pain than pleasure. I whined, trying to pull myself off and rising maybe a centimeter. When the next pony entered I begged with my voice and my eyes, but he strode right past, ignoring me entirely. It wasn’t until four more entered that I found someone willing to let me suck him off. He pushed his dick past the ring gag and thrust in and out, and with every motion the dildo cooled down just a bit, until the only fire inside me was the heat of denial.

I got two more visitors before there was a complete lack of any new ponies. I mentally despaired as the temperature in my pussy rose until I realized it was probably night. By the time it rolled around to morning I was screaming, hips jerking in their confines, tongue searching for something to stroke, vision hazy, and I didn’t even notice the stream of visitors had returned until one stuck her cunt in front of me and I obligingly lapped at it, the dildo cooling down as I did. I moved my tongue in circles, then flicked her clit until she came, splattering her juices all over my face.

This cycle continued for far too long, with me at one point facing a lull between visitors that made the dildo so hot tears blurred my vision without me even realizing until someone fucked my throat and I felt liquid trailing down my face.

Then one day Doms returned, a mare trailing behind him with ropes all around her, wearing a plug with the standard crumbling pyramid symbol and a ring gag like mine in her mouth, keeping her from doing more than hobbling forward or fucking. Doms released me bit by bit, and then he set me next to the new mare.

“It’s going to take me some time to build up the power to force her into her new station,” he told me casually. “You two fuck each other until I’m ready.”

The command took hold and I moved toward the mare, but she pushed me back. I tried to stop then, but the spell took over my limbs and made me push her over. She fell to the floor with a squeak and I laid her flat on her back. She was bound too tightly to resist as I collapsed onto her, sticking my pussy in her face and then licking hers. She struggled for a while. I licked her until she came, and licked off the drops around my mouth before sticking my tongue into her pussy, questing for just the right spot. Her muscles clenched, a small whine sounding from behind me, and I dug into that spot until she came again. At that point she finally stopped struggling against me and lapped at my pussy, making me pause, shuddering in pleasure, before I went back to it.

“Alright, now step away from her, little bitch.”

I moved back, looking at Doms as his horn grew bright and that mechanical whine filled the air. Then the ropes fell to the floor, empty, and the mare was in the same place I’d been for the past few days. She cried out and struggled against her confinement but Doms only chuckled and told me to follow him again. I gave her a regretful glance before walking off.

He gave me a grin. “I think it’s high time we put you in the Den.”

The Den [C]

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Up to this point, the only places that looked like they were designed with any sense of aesthetics were the ones I was led through on the way to some unappealing cell or utilitarian garage. When I followed Doms into the Den, I paused in shock. The large, circular room looked like a damn palace. Illusion magic blended with art to disguise the walls, making them disappear into a seemingly-endless jungle with a battered pyramid in the distance—the same crumbling pyramid every non-visitor in the room had on their butt plugs. Some ponies were floating and fucking in a shallow pool clear enough for me to spot every grain of sand at the bottom. Even the ceiling was a work of art. It wasn’t as perfect as Sable’s of the sky, but the little breaks in the illusion just made it more impressive.

I took hesitant steps into the room, trying to pick apart what was real and what was not. Even the exits were hidden as entrances into a nearby ruin, a natural-looking hole in a thicket, or a passage under the roots of a large tree. It didn’t take much time to tell that the manticore perking up and roaring at everyone who passed wasn’t the real thing based on the way it looped, making the same movements every time. It was a similar case with most of the decorations, but seen all together it was a bewildering array of sights, sounds, and feelings that kept me constantly off-balance. I thought the dragon chained to the ground was just another part of the scenery, but when I looked closer she had a plug too, and she was in the process of sliding an extremely long tongue into a curious visitor. Now that I knew there were more than just ponies, I found a few griffons in the room along with one or two beings who seemed to shift between forms whenever I glanced away.

Before I recollected myself, Doms leaned over and whispered in my ear. “You can go through every other opening except the one we came through. Do feel free to resist, so long as you don’t attack anyone or flee the compound.”

Then he was gone, and I was left wondering if that was just reverse psychology or if there was some sort of … procedure in place for dealing with anyone who acted too rebellious. I couldn’t tell from here, as everyone seemed to be participating enthusiastically. I had a suspicion whatever deterrent they had against undesirable behavior involved the other rooms. But I couldn’t just give up, not on a mere suspicion. I edged around the room, avoiding attention by moving slowly and using my green coat to blend in with the vegetation. Moving around was still awkward, the plug shifting around inside me, oversized tits making me pause and let out a soft moan before I wrestled my urges down and continued onward. The place didn’t feel anything like a real jungle—it was temperature-controlled, with only soft, cool breezes that brushed across my nethers and made me shiver in need before I got myself under control. I stuck to more flowery regions, darting across to the patches of light pink so my mane didn’t stick out so much.

A few ponies had noticed my entrance, but none of them seemed to care about what I was doing. As I neared the next exit, one disguised as a pathway under a waterfall, I moved faster, paying less attention to the sounds I made or disguising my movements. I was so close, in both meanings. If I stayed there too long the burning need would take over completely and I’d walk up to the nearest stallion and whine for him to fuck me. And while the thought was much, much more appealing than I liked admitting to myself, this was still a gilded cage. So I scrambled under the fake waterfall before I lingered too long and pushed my way into the inky black passage. It almost reminded me of something, but the thought escaped me. It felt like being submerged in a thick, viscous substance kind of like syrup, but I emerged completely dry.

Then I pressed back against the suddenly unyielding surface, screaming internally.

Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope.

Sable glanced up from a plain metal cube, the casing split open and its complicated innards spilled all over the table. She saw me and grinned. Had she infiltrated Watchmount just to see how their contraptions worked?

She walked over to me and I slumped to the floor, letting out a whine. The floor was cold steel, the entire place giving off the look of a workshop more than any kind of den. She flicked me over the muzzle with her tail and I flinched back. She rolled her eyes.

“Honestly, I’ve been watching you on and off during your entire vacation. Surely you suspected this? You did get around my safeguards, you can’t be a complete idiot. Seeing me in person again shouldn’t make me suddenly terrifying.”

I shook my head and pressed against the barrier, suddenly reminded of where exactly I’d seen it before. A black, inky substance that turned selectively permeable and could move around on its own. Sneaking in was completely unnecessary; she was in charge.

“Speaking of your little adventure, have you enjoyed it? You must be nearly mad from need by now. Have you had your second egg yet? Well? Speak already.”


“Well, you’re more well-trained, at least. Where’s your spine? You used to be so full of fire. Did you give up on trying to go back from your home country? There’s a name in that odd skull of yours…”

“Cindy?” My ears perked up and I watched Sable intently from my position on the floor, eager for any information on Earth she might know.

“Another world, really? I can’t believe I missed that for so long. Damn Celestia’s security, now that mirror of hers is even more interesting. Still, something brought you here. It might even send you back on its own if you stay long enough, and keeping too many spells intact through dimensional barriers is a pain in the behind. Though it looks like you know all about pains in the ass,” she said with a smirk, circling around me and poking at my plug. Her face fell into a frown as she examined it, horn glowing. “I stuff fifteen settings in these things and they only use them for waste removal … well, I’m sure you and I can have a bit of fun between us. I usually leave the spells to automatically punish anyone who enters, but I feel like doing some custom work.”

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to break anything important, I just want to go home. I’ll … I’ll do anything,” I said, banking on her feeling my sincerity through whatever she was using to read my mind.

She paused. “To be honest, my ire has mostly faded. It’s more about the principle of the thing, now. If I let one reckless idiot off without dire repercussions, who’s to say someone else won’t imitate them? No, I don’t trust your silence, you’re the kind of person who writes memoirs. If I had to bet I’d put a million thaums on you writing down everything that happened here a mere year after you return. However … I’m not averse to returning you to your reality once I do find what I need. There’s a certain dragon lord nearing her thousandth year a few seasons from now. In the meantime, you help me with my little experiments and keep Watchmount running, and I’ll see about developing a spell for you.”

“Wait, so…”

I stopped, confused. Ever since she’d shifted me into this female form and seemingly abandoned me, I’d abandoned all hope of trying to talk her into anything. She was the boogeymare, a force of nature. And now she was telling me I just had to play along and I could go free in ‘a few seasons’.

“So, I’ll work on finding a way to shunt you back across the dimensional barriers. Do feel free to subvert the obedience spell, however. It’s rare to find someone who can actually wriggle out of my work. Now get over here, I told you I want to do some custom work.”

I walked over, trying to square this Sable with my former view of her. I was too caught up in trying to tell if she was genuine to protest when she told me to lie down on my back. It took until she eyed my nose ring and brought out two smaller rings before I caught on to what she was doing.

“Wait, hold on, do something else, you don’t have to—”

They snapped into place and the air left my lungs in a shocked, wheezing gasp. The pain faded, slowly, and then there were weights on my nipples. I flipped over and stumbled to my hooves, trying to glare at Sable. I was too overwhelmed to give her more than a wide-eyed stare, but I think she got the message anyway, as she started to cackle.

I took a few steps, wobbling against the pressure of the plug, the sides of my teats rubbing against my legs, the rings bouncing against them with every movement, the tugging making the need flare up, and I was desperate to scratch it, to satisfy the itch. I reached back with a hoof and flicked it against my clit, knees buckling. I moaned, feeling too liquid to stay on my hooves for long. Even Sable pacing around and muttering to herself couldn’t interrupt me, not after having refrained for so long.

“Ah, now that is amusing. I use this same basic framework when I want to give someone a boon. It makes it easier to conditionally apply the entire effect without eroding the rest of the spell, you see,” she said.

I paid attention with half an ear as I abandoned my footing, my knees finally giving way. I curled up, my tongue darting out and licking at my clit, wetness flooding from my pussy and dripping to the floor. I moved a forehoof to my nipples, the new, shifting weights on them adding jolts of pleasure as I rubbed them. My tongue writhed, questing around until I finally plunged it into my cunt, finding just the right spot to send my body into a shivering paroxysm of pleasure and denied release. But I still needed more, just a little more. I kept at it, everything inside me shrieking I was so, so close, overriding all logic that told me it wouldn’t work.

“Using physical objects as anchors is a time-tested way to have more spells available even when your thaumaturgic field is locked up in maintaining a bunch of other effects. Usually, the spell would still degrade, but I can keep it running indefinitely by drawing energy from your life force. It won’t hurt you, you’ll just get tired faster when it’s active. As for the effect itself, I’m thinking of a low-level dimensional pocket. This will make your … passages able to fit more on demand, though not without effort. Good news if you decide to fuck a dragon. And the best part is that your eggs will be able to get much, much bigger. You’ve got one on the verge of forming anyway, so this will be a perfect test.”

“Hnnng,” I groaned, barely able to acknowledge her words, much less understand them.

Sable waited until I was a twitching puddle on the floor before getting to work, horn lighting with an ominous glow. The rings in my nose and nipples shot out, suspended in her telekinesis. I spasmed at the tugging motion, letting out a moan. If I were just the slightest bit less exhausted I’d have gone back at it. Sable hummed in satisfaction, then went back to her work table and started tinkering with the cube again. I gathered myself back together after a while, flinching as every thoughtless movement sent pressure or friction somewhere that made me feel like curling up and licking myself again. I glanced over at Sable, but she seemed absorbed in her work. I rolled over—

And groaned in pain as something shifted, something big, round, and hard in a place it shouldn’t be. The egg. I’d completely forgotten about it. And now Sable was here, watching, and it was getting less and less probable that I’d be able to get out of this room as it slowly grew, and grew, and then grew some more just for good measure. I cried out and kicked out at nothing once it reached about the size it had been last time and then just kept getting bigger, stretching out my womb to a downright impossible extent. I flopped to my back again, panting, the shifting, growing egg bringing flashes of need along with pain. I pawed at my pussy, moaning with the motion and the feeling of fullness, but as it kept going my hoof slowed, a feeling of weariness growing inside my limbs. The egg had to be double the size of the first one before I accepted something was really wrong.

“S-Sable,” I said.

She glanced up. “Ah, yes. That’s a good upper bound, I think.”

Feel alone wasn’t the most accurate of measurements, but by now it had to be bigger than my head. Somehow, it wasn’t making any kind of visible bulge, just stretching my womb out some insane amount. Magic was a curse. Something inside me rippled, muscles pushing and pulling and causing me to arc upward into the air, whimpering in pain and lust. It was so much more intense than the first time, my insides stretching as it slid down my inner passage, my body quivering with every centimeter. Tears trailed down my face as the thing plopped out, my insides somehow stretched more than they ever should without seeming any different to my eyes. I let out a shuddering sigh, and then screamed in ecstasy as something intangible released its hold and I came thighs clenching together and spraying thick droplets over the floor. The egg rolled across the floor and everything inside me settled back where it should be. It was bliss, for the single second it lasted. No pain, no need, just the aftershock of intense, mind-numbing pleasure. Then the lust rose, sharp and sudden, and I had a hoof between my back legs as I started rubbing again.

I caught sight of the egg as I stroked my clit and felt disbelief. It turned out I’d been conservative in my estimates. The thing was even larger than my head. Sable had done some hardcore spatial fuckery to make it fit inside me. I was intensely jealous of that bone on her head.

“Wish I could do magic,” I said, savoring my ability to speak whenever I wanted.

“Oh, you can. You only have access to pegasus-aligned magic normally, and your thaumaturgic field is all locked up feeding your current enchantments, but if you found a focus you’d be able to do anything I could. Potentially, anyway. Most focuses are unique artifacts. One of the only exceptions is the crystallized heart of a dragon over the age of a thousand. You had access to an enormous font of power and you carelessly shattered it like a bumbling colt.”

“No, I…”

But I had, hadn’t I? There had been that jagged red chunk of crystal that seemed to pulse like it was alive, and I’d felt something odd when I touched it. Then I’d ground it against the collar and it broke, the red pulses fading away until it was just a normal bit of broken rock.

“Right, where were we … ah, yes. Go fuck a dragon. One with a dick. You’ll find one back in the Den, in the room behind those reddish pillars.”

“Wait, can we talk? I have—”

“Quit your blabbering, idiot,” Sable said with a snort.

Back I went, my own legs steering me helplessly back into the Den, where I immediately struck out for the entrance she mentioned. I waited desperately for someone to call out and stop me, but even when I wasn’t trying to disguise my movements no one seemed to care what I did. The room beyond the red pillars looked like the inside of a canyon, different ores showing as stripes on the walls stretching far above. And in the middle of the sandy area, next to a small stream, was a dragon. He was digging at the wall across from me, tail darting about, giving me a view of his backside. There was a plug inside him, like every other being stuck at Watchmount. And below it an enormous, red cock swung about, spiky ridges sticking out from it. It was maybe half as long as my entire body, and it seemed more like a weapon than a dick. I quaked on my hooves, fighting the command to fuck him until he swung his head around, nostrils flaring as he looked me up and down. I finally saw the collar on his neck, with a long, thick chain trailing back to the wall he was digging at. It looked like he wasn’t exactly happy to be here.

He stalked toward me, dragging the chain behind him. “It’s degrading, really. Rutting a pony. The world’s gone to ashes. But if needs must…”

A single talon reached out and hooked against my side, and then he pulled, knocking me over. A few more nudges that felt more like forceful blows, and he’d pushed me onto my back where I stopped fighting Sable’s command and just tried not to scream.

He walked forward, carefully lining his dick up with my nethers, and then thrust.

My teeth were clenched, and I let out a hiss as I teared up in pain. He was huge, and he wasn’t exactly being gentle either. His length was just as sharp and spiky as it looked, and the pain as he stuffed me with more than I should’ve been able to fit was matched only by the burning pleasure and need which urged me to pull him deeper. Not that I needed to, as he pulled back only to thrust back in twice as far, causing me to let out a strangled gasp.

“Finally,” he rumbled over me as he started settling into a rhythm, “One of you furry freaks who can fit me.”

I gasped, rocking back and forth the few centimeters I could. He’d impaled me far enough that trying to drag myself off just wasn’t in the cards. He was in too deep, and the sane part of me was wishing Sable had turned me into a dragon instead while the rest was begging him to rut me harder. My face was slack with that confusing mix of pain and pleasure that wouldn’t let me stop, and as a consequence, I was drooling from both ends and mumbling.

“Mrrr … More. Please,” I gasped as another thrust jolted through my entire body.

Dragons must have really good hearing. The one above me chuckled, a deep, resonating sound, and reached at me with a claw. He slowed, peering at me until the tip of a talon darted forward and snagged one of my nipple rings. I yelped as he tugged at it, the motion extremely gentle for a being of his size, but still forceful enough to feel like a hard yank.

“Yes. Squeal, pony.”

He continued thrusting, taking away my breath. His talon was relatively still, but it shook every time he plunged into me, making me writhe against him. Then he took away his claw, giving me one last pull that had me crying out in pain, and braced against the ground before speeding up. Before, he’d been sliding in and out. Now he was slamming into me and wrenching himself back, creating blinding waves of blissful agony. My hooves scrabbled uselessly at the ground without my input as I moaned, hips twitching, the heat urging him to go even faster.

The quivering length inside me twitched, pulsed, and he plunged as deep as he could go, making me gasp even though I thought I’d been out of air. He roared as he came, flooding me with his seed. It was hot, a burning fiery warmth that reminded me of that fiery dildo, and I screamed as he unloaded more and more inside me. It flowed through me, making me tremble and cry out as it went from a point of blazing pain and fullness to a deep, spreading warmth. It withdrew, and then he draped it over me, rubbing it on my fur. Its base ran across my tits, which tingled at the contact, and when the tip reached my mouth I licked it, cleaning his cock and swallowing the hot cum. He grunted at that and shifted, driving it fully into my mouth where I choked on the largest cock I’d ever tasted. That strange spatial warping was in play here too, or it would’ve reached my stomach, but it wasn’t comfortable by any means. It felt like I had to fight for every inch of space as my tongue writhed around him and he settled into place, moving in and out in slow motions. He withdrew a minute later with a wet plop and I took a deep breath, then lay there panting, feeling his warm seed spread over my fur, leaking out my cunt, and I still wanted more. The raging lust soon had me rubbing at my clit again with one forehoof, teasing at my tits with the other, my natural wetness combining with the cum and letting me rub faster and harder. The dragon regarded me with interest.

“I think I’ll keep you here for a while. There is at least some rock I can still reshape in this conjured place.”

Wait, no I did not want that. I mean, a part of me did, but he was just too big to be comfortable. I paused in the middle of trying uselessly to get myself off and got to my hooves, heading toward the exit, and then the dragon grabbed me around the middle and hauled me off to another part of the canyon, the chain attached to his collar jingling as he moved. There was a dragon-sized cavern carved and melted into the rock a short ways away, that he entered, carrying me with him. He set me down and I crawled away, only for him to growl in frustration and wrap his chain around me like I was a burrito. I struggled, but my movements only tangled me further. Then he started working with the rock, melting some places, carving others with his claws. I wriggled over to get a look at it.

He was building some strange thing out of the ground with three holes in the middle that flowed up out of the ground like it had grown there. That illusion was broken as soon as he picked it up and worked on the details. Then he settled the entire thing back into a groove in the ground, and something clicked. He was building stocks. He carefully unwrapped me from the chains, grabbing me again when I tried to dart away, and settled me in place as I bucked against his grip. He firmly placed my forehooves in the two smaller holes on either side and stuck my head in the main one, and then he started breathing fire and I froze. The extra space shrank as the stone flowed down, securing me firmly in place. He then did the same thing with my back hooves, locking me into place like a display piece, and grabbed the entire structure with me stuck in it, facing me away from the entrance. My tail lifted on its own accord, my own wetness and the last of his cum dripping out of me. He made a considering noise and breathed fire on a specific part of the cave which I spotted out of the corner of my eye. The stone melted away and he dug around until he found two thin gray wires, which he brought around to my backside. I wondered what he was doing until I felt movement back against my tits, letting out a pleading whimper as something brushed against them. What was he—oh.

The threads stuck through my nipple rings, and then he pulled at them. I moaned, fighting back the insane compulsion to tell him to pull harder, to fuck me again, more. There was more heat as he melted the other end of the threads into the rock and then my nipples were straining against the tension, pulling against steel-like threads anchored in solid rock. I couldn’t take it anymore and wriggled my backside temptingly, but he only laughed and smacked my butt with his claw, bringing tears to my eyes. Then he stomped outside, leaving me trapped there with constant strain on my nipples and an urge to fuck that I couldn’t satisfy, seeing as I was trapped in stone. It brought back flashbacks, except this time I couldn’t even suck my dick. Well, not that I had it anymore, but I couldn’t touch my clit either. It was torture, and I soon broke down and started shouting for someone to fuck me.

Eventually, the dragon heard and came back, only to shape some stone out of my line of sight and then shove a surprisingly artistic representation of his dick into my mouth. It wasn’t secured, but apparently he had some magic of his own to keep it in place and make it feel lifelike. It was warm, almost hot, and pulsed as I sucked it. Then it started moving, telekinetically shoving itself down my throat and going back up, facefucking me in a smooth rhythm. I whined, flicking my tail to the side and displaying my wetness imploringly. He ignored me. I sucked at the stone dick, faster and harder, adapting to its movement and flicking my tongue over its surface for a lack of anything else to do. It accustomed itself to my attention and moved faster, less regularly, mimicking a regular dick except for the orgasm. I lost track of time as the dragon moved about, my backside demanding that I do something until I was bucking backward against the air. The strain on my tits was something, but it was more pain than pleasure. The plug didn’t do much as a female, so I was left begging around the stone cock for the dragon to fuck me.

It took too long, way too long, but finally he did, standing overhead and driving his length into me in a smooth motion. I groaned against the dick in my mouth, which took the moment to go hard, deep, until I went back to sucking with my former fervor. He moved through the slow rocking motions faster this time, slamming in and out and making me moan with each thrust. I felt each bit of his spiky length, squirming against the feeling of being too full, too fast, but he didn’t care about my discomfort and kept ramming into me. This time, when he came he grabbed the stone dick out of my mouth, letting me squeal at the feeling of his hot, burning seed filling me again. He backed out of me in a quick motion and then stuck something else behind me—the stone cock. It thrust in, plugging the hot cum inside me and continuing to fuck me even when the dragon was done. And then he rotated the rocky display I was stuck in, and I was facing his dripping cock, coated with his cum. He thrust it into my mouth.

I gagged when he stuck his full length into my throat, licked and sucked and swallowed when he pulled back and had me focus on the tip, all the while bucking against the stone replica in my cunt which kept the majority of his hot load stuck inside me. Part of it squeezed past the edges and dripped down my thighs, but that just made me feel it more strongly. I cleaned his cock, sucked and swallowed every bit of cum still clinging to it, but he just kept thrusting into my muzzle until it quivered again, and then he unleashed his load right into my mouth, the blistering seed flowing out before I swallowed, and then he took it out and pointed his spurting cock over my back, where it coated my fur. He walked back around to where the stone dick was still plunging in and out of me, sticking his own dick underneath and slapping it against my underside, rubbing the last of his seed against my tits and belly. I let out a small moan as he brushed by the gray wires attached to my nipple rings, my knees trembling. That tension alone kept me on edge, and now I had cum all over me, in my womb, on my muzzle, in my mouth, and the feeling and scent drove me to make what little movements I could against the cock plunging in and out of my cunt.

The dragon plucked the stone dick out of my pussy, making me whine in protest, and placed it back in my mouth, then walked away and left me there again. He must have been satisfied enough to ignore visitors, as soon after that a pony arrived in the cavern. I grunted at him to leave, but he ignored my warning and grinned at my predicament.

“This is some fine ass right here. And they said the place was a trap.”

He moved around to my backside and mounted me, then plunged right in. I moaned and moved back against him, happy that I wasn’t being stuffed full of a dick that felt like it could rival me in size. I groaned out when he came, then did it again, more urgently, when a shadow rose on the wall.

“A thief in my lair, defiling my treasure. How nice. It looks like she’ll have company.”

The stallion protested his innocence, but the dragon wasn’t having it. I doubted it would matter even if the stallion had just arrived. Soon enough, he was wrapped up in a pony sushi like I had been. The dragon adapted my little platform, adding another place in front of me. I got the gist of it before long and sighed as the dragon took the stone dick from my mouth and put it in the new stallion’s. Then he unwrapped the newcomer and placed him in position, dick right in front of my muzzle. After he adjusted a few things, said dick was in my muzzle, and the stallion was secured in place so neither of us could get it out.

The dragon laughed at our situation, and then he left again. I sucked at the stallion’s dick as his cum dripped out of my pussy, and relaxed as I swallowed non-burning cum. My tail twitched as my nethers shivered, achingly empty, and my nipples twinged in pain from the constant pull of the taut wires. I breathed deeply, trying to keep my mind off the unsated need, but it backfired as I took in the stallion’s musk, felt his heavy cock, and I licked and sucked at him until his dick throbbed and his seed shot out, coating my tongue, filling my mouth, and I swallowed frantically to distract myself but it wasn’t enough. The dragon returned, and I could feel my pussy winking at him as I swayed enticingly. He bent over me and my breath caught as he dragged a rough, wet tongue across my ass, and then plucked at one of the threads pulling at my tits like a guitar string, making me cry out through the stallion’s cock. He rumbled with laughter as he went back out to claw at his chain again.

I bit back another plea. I just had to hold on, wait for him to come back. And in the long term, Sable at least wanted to do more experiments on me, I was sure. I just had to wait. Just wait, and everything would be okay…

Properties of Slade [C]

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“You’re still here, after all this time? Well, I suppose Raviar is somewhat possessive.”

Sable? Finally, she was here. I could get out. I strained against my confinement, wincing as the movement pulled at the wires at my tits and made me moan into the stallion’s cock. He groaned with the vibrations, but I was too busy rolling my eyes about looking for Sable to suck him off again. It sounded like she was behind me somewhere.

I whined at her to free me already, but she sounded distracted. “I’ve optimized your enchantments to mesh more fully with you. This will allow them to pass unaffected through a greater dimensional barrier, and as a bonus, I can fit in a fun little addition. This will let you feel any cock inside you as if it were yours. Of course, it’ll cut off right as they start to orgasm. Can’t have you doing that too often, after all.”

Okay, great, whatever. I wasn’t too enthused about that last part, but what really mattered was that she free me. I let out a low sound that was as close as I could get to actual words. She interrupted me with a blinding flash of light. I cried out, the sound muffled through the stallion’s dick, but there was no response.

I growled at her, mumbling curses until a new, growing awareness of my cock took my attention. Except it wasn’t, she’d explained it already, but for a moment I’d held out hope that she’d returned me to my former sex. But no, I still had the aching emptiness inside me, that longing for the dragon to return and stuff me full of his dick, and my nipples were still there, stretched out and sore, so nothing that drastic had changed. She’d just changed her spells and left me.

I sucked at the dick laying in my mouth experimentally, and the stallion and I both moaned at the feeling. I suckled at it, the stallion responding and bucking against my muzzle with the few centimeters he could withdraw. I licked, feeling my own tongue against his cock, soft, warm, and wet. I shuddered in pleasure as I teased at it, feeling as we got closer and closer, as it quivered at the very edge—

And then the connection cut off, and I was fruitlessly sucking at a cock right as it orgasmed without me. It unleashed its load, thick cum pouring into my mouth, the excess that I couldn’t swallow dripping out, trailing down my muzzle. It pulsed one last time, leaving more seed that I gulped down, and then I could feel it again, buzzing with the afterglow of a release that I couldn’t feel. I writhed in my restraints, growling in frustration, my tail raised, mentally begging for the dragon to come by and fuck me already. I wistfully wondered how long it took me to form another egg, and then I felt disgusted that any part of me would want to experience that again. Although, it did let me … no. I pulled my tongue around the stallion’s cock, bringing it to its full length and shivering at the feeling of having a dick once more, sort of. This time I kept it on the edge as long as I could, despite my instincts telling me I could finally cum if I went just a little faster. The stallion grunted at me, muffled through the stone cock in his own mouth. Now he could feel what it was like being stuck on the verge of orgasm too, for a change. At least it distracted me from the emptiness in my cunt for a few minutes, until the frustrated heat took over and I lost control of my tongue, lashing across the stallion’s length until his warm seed filled my mouth once more.

The cycle continued. I eventually picked up a way to deal with the heat in my nethers, visualizing it as a buzzing, pulsing swarm of bees and pushing it into a corner of my mind. It worked as long as I held completely still—so, for maybe a minute at most. Then a cold gust of wind would blow in from the cave entrance and cause me to shiver, making my nipples throb and my pussy wink and my mouth start to suck all over again. Or the stallion would give a needy cry through the stone cock and thrust the bit of his length he could move deeper into my throat, or the dragon would roar and send the stone shaking as he failed again to destroy his chain. At least in Sable’s prison the ground didn’t randomly shake.

It wasn’t until the light outside faded with the approaching night that the dragon—Raviar, Sable had called him—trundled back in. Deliberately drawing his attention only got me abuse, so I stayed quiet. His musk took over my instincts though, wetness trailing down and my tail hiking up without my input.

Raviar snorted, then approached. I felt his eyes on my body and something inside me tensed. My breaths came in short, shallow gasps that made the stallion’s dick tremble in my mouth, lightning flashes of pleasure shooting through it. He moaned, bucking into my muzzle. I was on fire with anticipation, freezing when a claw touched my rump. It trailed down, slowly, and my breath caught when it touched my lower lips. Then it plunged inside, twisting about and making my body jerk, my teats throbbing with every movement.

“You were much bigger. Do you change in size?” Raviar murmured.

I gasped as he withdrew, his talon slick with my fluids. He stepped over me, his chest rubbing against my back, and his dick poked at my behind until he slid it into my cunt with a groan. It was big, too big, and I once again felt like I was scrabbling desperately to provide it enough space, its spiky ridges grinding against me, an agony combining with bliss and need. And as he went deeper I felt him like I felt the length in my mouth, like it was mine, I shuddered as my hot flesh clenched around his dick, stroking it hungrily, and lost all restraint. I sucked wildly at the stallion’s cock until he came, his load spilling out of my mouth and down my throat while I was forbidden to feel it, but I just kept stroking until the connection returned. I felt him while I felt the dragon thrusting in, pulling out, felt them both as my heat roared to inconceivable heights and my cunt clenched around one and my tongue writhed against another. It made the pain as his thrusts jerked me forward against the wires distant, my eyes rolling and cum dripping steadily from my mouth that I couldn’t take the time to lick away. The fog in my mind cleared a bit when Raviar’s thrusts became jerky and I felt his dick throbbing, close, so close to release. I quickly brought the stallion to the verge of orgasm as the dragon plunged into me farther than he’d ever gone before, the wide orb-like base of his cock forcing its way inside, making me scream. The base grew even larger once it was inside, locking him in place as his dick twitched and he shivered, and then a wave of warmth went down his length and I felt—nothing. The stallion let out a muffled cry a moment later, and then I was cut off from him as well, feeling only the hot, needy urge to cum without the ability to do so.

Then they came, spewing hot seed and liquid fire. I gulped down the stallion’s load, but I choked on it in my distraction and as much of his seed flowed over and out of my mouth as I managed to swallow. The dragon rumbled as he flooded me with a sea of flame, and just when I thought it had stopped another wave arrived. He shifted, pulling against me, and I squealed in pain as the knot at his base caught and pulled me back, the overwhelming pleasure subsiding enough that I could no longer ignore the sudden tug against my nipples that accompanied the movement. Tears gathered in my eyes as his burning seed spread through every inch it could. His dick still lay inside me, finally finished, and I felt it again, all pleasant tingles and heavy warmth. I pushed, trying to get him out so I could rid myself of the fire. It was useless, so I distracted myself by licking at the stallion and clamping around the dragon, taking refuge in the insatiable heat to hide from the pain.

I regretted it almost immediately. It turned out dragons were extremely sensitive right after orgasm, and my efforts brought him back to the edge before I could stop myself, pleasure coursing through his shaft before all feeling in it suddenly cut off for me and he came again, sending another wave of hot burning fire into me and making me feel achingly full. And that just caused me to hide in the heat again where pain mattered less and I could do anything if it might lead to release. I coaxed four more waves of fiery seed out of the dragon, each sending out a little less than the last time, before the stallion pulsed in my mouth and I brought him to his third orgasm since Raviar had arrived.

It was during all this that I realized something important. Every time the dragon came, the knot at the base of his dick swelled to its full, painful size, keeping him inside me. And with me as submerged in the heat as I was, him leaving was unacceptable. I coursed against him whenever the knot grew small enough he might slip out. He lazily cursed me after he figured out I was doing it on purpose and started tugging on the wires at my tits each time, and when that didn’t work he slapped my butt with a heavy clawed hand. I was too far in the heat to do more than flinch at the abuse, even as my insides filled with copious amounts of his seed, Sable’s magic making it possible for me to strain to hold it all.

Then the dragon’s dick shivered with his orgasm, but nothing erupted inside of me. He was all out, his knot shrinking despite my ever more desperate attempts to pleasure him, clenching against his cock and rocking back and forth with what small movements I could make. While he was still inside, he bent over me and scooped a bit of rock out of the floor, melting and shaping it with fire, claws, and what must have been magic until he had a large stone bowl. His dick plopped out, cum splattering in a seemingly endless stream, and he darted behind me. Warm stone touched my tits, and I realized he was holding the bowl under me to catch his seed for some reason. He moved again, this time reaching over me, and I twitched in shock as hot liquid coated my back.

“Why?” I tried to ask, but the movement caused the stallion to lengthen again and turned the sound into a garbled moan.

“I can’t let that defiance go unpunished, little one,” the dragon said.

Had he understood my question? I tried to ask him how long he’d keep me there, but he ignored the muffled noise I made this time. Then he went back to coating me with his cum. There was enough inside me that I still felt stretched to the limit. He went from one end to the other, spilling it on my rump, my back, my head, coating my eyes and muzzle, and then he went down and splashed it up against my belly, my tits, and made sure to coat my legs. Finally, he went around looking for missed spots. It was humiliating, but also … arousing. The whole process felt somehow even more degrading than that time I’d been stuck in that vehicle for everyone to see, sending a hot flush through me as I sucked madly at the stallion’s cock. Raviar kept using the bowl to cover me with his load even after I was thoroughly soaked with his hot seed, until the only part of me without it was my cunt, which winked at him. The heat still wouldn’t leave me alone. After that he … breathed on me. The cum soon hardened until it was as solid as the rock I was stuck in. I panicked when I realized he was making my prison even more confining, but he didn’t relent no matter how I struggled

Raviar paced around my frozen form, letting out a grunt of satisfaction. “Transmutation’s a bit difficult, but using my own … resources made it a lot easier.”

I whined at him, pleading for mercy. He took it as a question.

“It’s slade. Seems like just an extraordinarily heavy rock, denser than platinum. But if it touches anything living, it starts a transformation. Makes living statues, but unlike with a cockatrice’s gaze, you’ll still be aware when it finishes, feeling everything that happens.”

Okay, that sounded awful. I started hyperventilating. No, wait, calm, be calm, it can’t be permanent. Sable transformed me easily, and she still needed me for her experiments. She hadn’t freed me last time, but she wouldn’t leave me as a statue, right?

My pussy twinged as Raviar quested inside with a talon again, scattering my thoughts. It was still stretched and bruised from his dick, but I was at the edge of release, achingly empty. I tried bucking back against his talon only for the slade to restrain me.

“Mm, yes. We’ll have some of you stay unaffected.”

It took quite a while for the transformation to progress after that. I could feel it creeping inward, muscles I’d been able to twitch and roll freezing in place. Once it made its way about halfway in, the speed increased greatly. My tongue, throat, tits, and pussy were unchanged, as well as the area surrounding the plug, but everything else was too still and rigid to be natural. My eyes were stuck shut, keeping me in complete blackness. I kind of resented the stallion—he still shifted above me, thrust his dick into my mouth when he got needy, and grunted through the crafted cock in his mouth. He’d escaped my fate, and for that I was jealous. I still sucked at his length, as the dragon had left me terribly empty, but I kept him on the edge as long as I could before the heat inevitably took over and had me swallowing cum without feeling his release. I wondered how the egg would deal with my transformation.

The answer, as it turned out, was that it could manage it just fine. At first I disregarded the lump as just another part of me changing, but the hard sphere grew more and more until I was groaning against its huge size, whining in pain when it finally reached its maximum diameter and my insides pushed it slowly down my passage, each contraction making me cry out against the stallion’s length. It seemed to move slower and slower the closer it got to the outside. I would’ve sagged to the floor if I could move. Eventually, the long, exhausting process neared completion. The egg squeezed out and then fell to the ground, and I felt pure bliss as my pussy clenched, spraying droplets of cum behind me, and I felt release. At the same time I brought the stallion to and past the edge, hoping against hope that I’d finally be allowed to feel it. Hot pleasure coursed through his dick and he came, hard. This time I wasn’t cut off, and I experienced hot, pulsing waves of pleasure spurting into my throat. Dealing with the egg was worth it, it was more than worth it. I gulped down his seed and sighed in contentment. My relaxation didn’t last for long, as the spells decided I’d had enough of a break and ramped the heat back up again after that. I writhed the few parts of myself I could still move in desperate need, and when I brought the stallion to orgasm again I was prevented from feeling his peak.

The one advantage I had was the sort of meditation-like visualization I used to push the heat to a corner of my mind was easier, seeing as it I couldn’t move most of my body. I passed the time imagining Sable finally finishing her portal and sending me home, where I’d see Cindy once more and fuck—wait, no, that was … incorrect. I couldn’t imagine why that was wrong, but for some reason it was. Well, I’d just ask her about it. That would clear everything up.

“What has he done? Ignorant, savage brute! I’m taking the egg; I doubt he even knows about it, the negligent beast.”

I started, Sable’s voice bringing me back to the present. At least she seemed upset about my position. Maybe she’d even free me. Hah, as if. She’d said she no longer held that grudge against me, but her actions said something entirely different.

“You are a living piece of art. Not a petrified display piece. This is disgraceful, honestly,” she continued.

My ears twitched in their confinement, trying to follow her. It sounded like she was pacing around me. The stallion noticed her this time as well, as I felt him moaning and twitching above me.

“And I do so want to show you off at the Alindaie. Yet I wouldn’t want to take his favorite toy away … ah, but I see a solution. Duplicating your enchantments will be a bit of a challenge, but it is always wise to have backups.”

A high-pitched whine filled the air, and I was back in the part of the Den Sable used as a workshop, made of flesh and blood instead of slade, the stallion’s cock gone from my mouth. Not that I was free—the stone stocks still held my neck and forelegs, and my back legs were just as stuck as ever. I shifted and hissed with pain as the wires attached to my nipples rings pulled at me.

“Thanks, I think,” I said.

As if in response, a pane of light unfolded in front of me. A scene slowly shimmered into existence. It was extremely detailed, and it carried sound and scent as well. It was more like a window than a screen.

The stallion whose junk I’d had so much experience with was freed from his imprisonment, the stone dick lying beside him and all his binds removed. He made a break for the cave’s exit as Sable whispered something to him too softly for me to hear, but two quick flashes from her horn and he collapsed to the ground and appeared right in front of her. She stalked around him and then looked at me, giving me a smirk before going back to the stallion. Red runes appeared around him, and I felt a shiver of sympathy for the poor guy. Those things hurt like nothing else.

He changed slowly. It took long enough that I was bucking against my restraints to try to satisfy the heat. Sable glanced at me soon after and smiled, and then the stone dick was gone from the cave. It appeared in front of my nose with a flash and I stuck out my tongue, but it drifted behind me instead and then thrust in. I moaned, rocking against it.

While I was distracted, the stallion had flopped over onto his back. His dick was twitching and … shrinking, even as I watched. His features softened, a multitude of subtle changes running over his bone and muscle until he looked soft and feminine. His dick finished shrinking and disappeared entirely, a new entrance forming in its place and two little mounds forming above it. I had mixed feelings about this. On one hand, or hoof or whatever, it was a terrible thing to do to someone without their permission. On the other, now there was something I could empathize with. He woke up with a groan and started flailing about, but his movements were weak and ineffective. Sable’s horn started flashing, and before each one she explained what she was doing. It was the same things she’d done to me—no cumming without laying an egg, enormous tits for a pony, an unbearable, constant heat, and so on and so forth. The last thing she did was conjure up a set of rings, one for the former stallion’s nose and two more for his tits. Apparently they were needed to add that spatial distortion that let an actual dragon fuck me. I must’ve missed her explanation when she did that to me, as I had no idea the little metal rings were that important. If I took them off somehow, would my eggs be small again? Or would I just explode?

I decided I had no desire to find out, and focused back on Sable and the poor guy she was tormenting. She created another chunk of stone like the one I was stuck in and kept him from running until the dragon arrived with an angry roar, then winked at him and faded away like a mirage. She didn’t appear in the workshop I was in, but she left the magical window running. I watched in horrified fascination as Raviar stuck the guy in the same position he’d put me in, including the part where he dug around in his hidden stash and found gray wires to thread around the guy’s nipple rings, and then anchored them to the floor. He seemed to have a very particular view of how his … display pieces should be presented. This time Raviar also stuck some yellow gems around the former stallion, which sunk into the ground without a trace. Some sort of alarm system to tell him if someone took him like Sable had retrieved me?

He stomped away, muttering under his breath. It should’ve been inaudible, but he was a dragon, so I caught him saying something about setting a trap for a stallion. Sable rippled back into existence, catching my eye and winking at me—and then she turned around and did it again. I clenched around the dick inside me at the sight, shivering with arousal. It wasn’t real, so I didn’t feel as it felt, but it was to feed the heat.

Sable then teleported away, for real this time—at least I thought she did. The effect was more of a muted pop, different from when she’d been invisible, and likely intangible seeing as how her scent hadn’t tipped Raviar off to her continued presence. That sparked a thought. She’d disappeared that way more than once in my presence. Did that mean she’d stuck around to watch?

She came back with two more pops, a stallion with wings, the Watchmount plug and a tangle of ropes around his legs appearing in the cave. He started cursing at her, and some of those threats were really inventive. I never would’ve thought of chaining someone in place and then growing bamboo under them until they were slowly impaled to death on the plants. Sable bore his imprecations with an annoyed look which shifted to a bored one, and that finally got the new stallion to stop talking. Then she summoned a golden ring with another, smaller ring on it.

“No release for you, I think.”

She teleported it onto the pegasus’s dick below his balls, summoned a black wire into her telekinetic grip, and then tied it to the smaller ring. The stallion resisted, flinging more insults at her and setting his hooves firmly on the ground. Sable grunted in annoyance and telekinetically lifted him in place above the guy who shared my particular misfortunes, setting him into place and tying him down, the black thread coiling above the former stallion’s nose ring and keeping the pegasus’s dick firmly stuck in his muzzle.

My breath huffed out at the sight, my tongue looking for something to stroke as I gripped the dragon’s replicated cock. The heat redoubled when Sable vanished with a flash and the dragon returned, nostrils flaring as he looked at the new scene.

“Well. At least you were polite enough to put them back.”

Raviar’s dick grew as he approached the pair, swinging like a mace. The former stallion got his scent, judging by the way his eyes widened and his pussy winked. He grunted something around the pegasus’s cock. The pegasus, meanwhile, just looked angry and frustrated.

The dragon savored the former stallion’s arousal, using a talon to stroke the guy’s mane, then dragged it across his fur, down his thighs, across his teats. He was dripping, bucking madly in need and confusion and fear, and it was all so familiar. The dragon reared up and thrust inside with a slow, smooth motion, and I felt a flash of longing before I clenched my teeth and forced it away. I did not want to be the dragon’s fucking display piece, no matter how good it felt. Still, I couldn’t help it as my own wetness flowed down behind me at the sight of the dragon mounting the guy, thrusting in and out. The pegasus started shouting again, and I winced on his behalf as the dragon slowed down and chuckled.

“You two should be in the other’s place, I think,” he said.

Then Raviar bent down and started on another sculpting project, his length still filling the poor guy’s cunt. He patted the guy with a talon as he let out a whine. He started bucking backward as far as he could, but when the talon traced around his ear he stilled with a shiver.

The dragon brought up a new device, a long dick that moved about as if it was made of rubber instead of stone with a muzzle attached to the end. He gave the pegasus a good look at the contraption before forcing his mouth open and shoving it in, where the muzzle seemed to fuse to the stallion’s face.

I moaned and rubbed against the faux dick thrusting into me as the dragon picked up the pace. The former stallion looked overwhelmed, his eyes watering and rolling up as he twitched against his restraints, crying out through the stallion’s cock every time he moved too far and the wires at his tits viciously pulled him back into place. Then the dragon made a quick thrust that sank deeply into the pony’s cunt, somehow fitting his entire length in and still getting his knot past the entrance. It swelled up and locked him into place as he came, and the hot fiery seed shocked the pony into silence. I grimaced. That really didn’t feel pleasant until it cooled down a bit.

The pony didn’t figure out how to milk the dragon until he was empty, as it only took maybe fifteen minutes before Raviar withdrew, the former stallion shuddering as the dragon’s seed spilled out of his pussy. He let out a plaintive moan, the heat making him beg for the dick to fill him again. The pegasus was still rocking against the guy’s mouth, moving back and forth as far as he could and groaning in frustration. Raviar smiled, showing teeth, and dragged his cock along the pegasus’s fur before standing back and swiping a clawed hand across his butt. He yelped in pain.

“Oh, so that’s what this room is for.”

I frowned. That sounded like it was coming from behind me, not the screen in front of my… which had just dissolved in front of my face.

“Come on in. She’s got a mouth too.”

A clumsy hoof prodded at my pussy before yanking out the dick, and then the stallion mounted me and plunged in. I moaned as I felt his ridges and pulsing warmth, and then I slowly gained an awareness of his length and simultaneously felt myself clenching against him with rippling movements.

Another stallion padded in, and I felt his hesitation. “I don’t think we’re supposed to be here. Didn’t the guide say—”

“Guide said we have the run of the place. C’mon, I’m not going to last forever. Gotta check number seven off the list.”

“I suppose,” he said.

The nervous guy was a bright, canary-yellow unicorn. He smiled nervously at me before plunging his dick into my mouth. I groaned as I felt what he did, my hot, wet tongue stroking his length, the suction as I swallowed. Then the guy behind thrust in again, harder, faster, and the unicorn followed suit and crammed himself down my throat. It was ecstasy, and it was unbearable denial. A spurt of thick fluid dripped into my throat, the precum driving me into a frenzy. I couldn’t hold back any longer. It took moments to drive both stallions to orgasm. The one in my cunt came first, his load filling me with a comfortable warmth. Then a flood of seed filled my mouth and I swallowed, choking it down. But after that, they withdrew. They didn’t even have the courtesy to put the stone dick back inside me, no matter how I winked at them or how I moaned. I was too out of it to use words, but they still should have gotten the gist.

A flash of light, a pop, and Sable returned. “Ugh, can’t you two see I have a project to work on? There’s a reason I disabled the automatic punishment mechanisms.”

“Uh, um, we’re really sorry, miss,” the yellow one said.

“Don’t care. You’ll be going to storage for a bit until I have the time to deal with you.”

They flashed away. I focused, pushing away the distracting feeling of cum dripping out of my pussy to get a single word out.

“P-Please,” I gasped.

Sable rolled her eyes. “No, you’re going to have to deal with it this time. You need to be nice and needy for the Alindaie. A bunch of changelings are going to be there, and you’ll be extra tasty like this. Now I need to deal with those two…”

With that, she was gone, and I was left alone with my thoughts and hopes and fears. What were changelings, and why would I be ‘tasty’ to them? Would another pony find the way in? I trembled with need, trying not to scream as that would probably just get me gagged, and waited for her to bring me to whatever the Alindaie was.