Fading Star

by Argonaut44

First published

Queen Chrysalis has finally captured Starlight Glimmer, and finally able to exact her revenge for the destruction of her kingdom, while Twilight Sparkle and her friends stage a desperate attempt at a rescue, before it's too late.

~Weekly Installments~

Queen Chrysalis has finally captured Starlight Glimmer, at last able to exact her revenge for the destruction of her kingdom. Chrysalis plans to break down Starlight physically, emotionally, and mentally, to see Starlight suffer forever. Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle, upon learning of Chrysalis's plot, sends herself along with Rarity and Pinkie Pie to the Crystal Empire, with the help of Shining Armor and his royal soldiers, to scour the Crystal Mountain Cave system for the location of Chrysalis' lair. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Fluttershy are sent West towards the Smoky Mountains to search there, and along the way they find help from some ponies from a remote village. Starlight's strength can only hold out so long, and when Chrysalis plans to turn Starlight evil permanently, there may never be any going back.

Chapter One: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

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There was little light to see through when her eyes slowly opened. Pitch black. The ground she lay on was cold and hard, what had to be rock. The air was cool and musty. The only sounds were her breathing and the dripping of water from the ceiling.

Starlight Glimmer had been unconscious for the past two days, and awoke lying on the ground of a cave, hidden away in a place few others knew of. Thoughts gathered slowly as her consciousness returned. The first feeling she had was a strong aching in her muscles from inactivity. The lack of light and memory of how she got to this mysterious place disoriented her mind, she was already dizzy. She tried to cast a spell for some light, but found herself unable to concentrate hard enough. She felt dehydrated and distracted, as if she had been drugged. Desperate, Starlight jolted her head back and forth, searching for anything recognizable to put her at ease in this strange void. But there was nothing. Only blackness. When she tried to move her aching body, she found a new pain in her wrists and ankles. The sound of rustling chains and the sharp pain of metal on her skin alerted her she was tightly bound by iron chains. The shackles dug into her skin so far her hooves turned a paler color, veins peeking underneath the skin. Her hooves were so sensitive she couldn’t risk putting any pressure on them. She grunted as she pulled herself along using her elbows to where her chains originated from, dragging her sore body. Unable to see in front of her, she accidentally smashed her face into a stony wall.


She reeled back in surprise and instinctively raised her hooves up to comfort her aching nose, and accidentally pulled on her shackles, sending a new wave of immeasurable pain through her body. She fell back and writhed, beginning to tear up from the pain. She prevented herself from screaming, for fear of who else was there with her. She decided to just sit there and think things through. The last thing she could remember, she thought, was strolling along a path with Trixie back towards Ponyville, after a successful mission to help a family of Yaks settle an inheritance dispute.

‘What a great time that was,’ she thought, rolling her eyes.

Her tears fell down her face, and she let them, remembering not to move her hooves in any way. She just laid there, face up, her limbs sprawled out, frozen. She continued her reminiscing. On the way back from the mission, Trixie saw something off the side of the road and went to check it out, while Starlight waited. Then when Trixie had taken too long, Starlight impatiently went after her, and then she couldn’t remember anything more. She tried to find any light source anywhere around her, but found nothing. She tried to listen for any air vents or openings, but found that the only sounds came from within the space she was in, which she reasoned must’ve been about seven yards wide and ten yards high, based on how long it took a drop of water from above to reach the ground.

‘That’s not too high, maybe I can climb,’ she thought, until remembering her chains were bolted to the floor and her hooves couldn’t bear the pain.

She went back to thinking. The room had to be four closed walls. One might be a closed door of some kind, otherwise how could she had been put in here? She squinted her eyes and looked around, and lo and behold, one of the walls looked a bit darker than the other ones. She decided to just assume that she was right and it was a door, rather than go through the pain of physically testing that.

‘If there’s a door, and I’m in shackles, then somepony did this to me intentionally. But who would do something like that?’

She glanced over at her weakened limbs. These shackles were on far tighter than they had to be to just restrain her. Whoever did this wanted her to be in pain. This sent fear into her heart. Whoever this was could probably hurt her really bad, and what had they done to Trixie? Was she ok? She tried again to cast a spell, but was still unable.

‘There must be some kind of barrier preventing me from using it.’
So whoever was doing this to her had to be smart. More thoughts ran through her mind, until she decided she had enough, to stop thinking about her situation and just lay there.

It was a good three hours before anything happened. The pain in her hooves still hadn’t gone away, and she was awake the whole time. Then, behind her dizzy head, she heard the rapid jangling of keys and the jostling of keys in a keyhole. Her eyes stayed fixed on the source of the sound, which initially startled her into jumping a little. The jostling stopped when she heard a click, and what she had correctly guessed was a door finally opened, a blast of light flooding the room and frying her eyes. She shut them instantly, as the footsteps of a quadruped began slowly approaching.

“My apologies, Starlight, I know you must be sensitive to the light...I know how that feels.” The voice chuckled to herself. Whoever it was had a smooth, low voice that came out almost like a tune, words flowing into each other. But what Starlight was really worrying about under her tightly shut eyes, was that her captor knew her name. This wasn’t any accident.

“Oh my, it seems those shackles were a little looser than I would’ve preferred, hopefully you still can’t walk.”

Her captor kicked Starlight’s side, hard, shattering one of her ribs. Starlight groaned in sharp pain and opened her eyes a little, burning them. Tears began to flow again. Her captor walked in front of her.

“Stand up. I want to see.”

Starlight was unresponsive, lying on her side with her limbs strewn in several directions, frozen, moaning in pain. Her captor sighed in impatience.

“Stand up now. Or else.”

Starlight’s mind began racing. She obeyed out of fright, and began pushing on her hooves to try and lift her weakened body. Her muscles could barely do it, especially after the pain of a broken rib. Her hooves burned, they felt like they were about to snap off. There was so much pain she gained an adrenaline rush that allowed her to stand up for a good five seconds, eyes still shut, her whole body shaking. Sweat dripped off her body before she collapsed. Her captor nodded in approval.

“Hm. That took longer than I expected. You’re a resilient one, I’ll give you that.”

Her captor began chuckling, before landing another kick, this time straight into Starlight’s face.

“And I’ll give you this.”

Starlight gasped in shock, as blood began pouring out of her nose. She spat out some blood that had gotten in her mouth, terrified and in agony. She mustered up some strength to try and open her eyes, and succeeded, squinting up at her captor. The kick to her face gave her a black left eye, which she could still partly see through. She could just barely make out who it was, and wasn’t too surprised. It was her second guess.

Queen Chrysalis laughed maniacally as she paced around her broken foe, who lay motionless on the floor, occasionally shaking uncontrollably in fear and pain.

“So, you know it’s me now, right, Starlight? I was beginning to get bored with you taking so long to realize.”

She stepped on her tail and pulled a little as she walked in circles around her, like a shark orbiting its prey.

“And you were supposed to be the smart one…”

She laughed a little to herself. Starlight began panting heavily, anxious.

“At last, I have you all to myself...finally, I’ll have my revenge for what you did, for ruining my kingdom with your...friendship” She gagged a little at the last word. Starlight felt a little more at ease now that the fear of the unknown had passed, enough to speak.

“Let me go! Please!” she begged.

Chrysalis cocked her head back as she cackled with glee.

“But you’ve only just arrived, Starlight! That’s not very polite of you, as my guest…”

She magically undid Starlight’s shackles, giving her a brief relief, picked Starlight up with her magic and brought her at eye level. Chrysalis found Starlight’s body to be so weak, it was as if she was picking up a rag doll.

“You humiliated me, Starlight, you ruined my life and took away everything I had. You really thought you could get away with that? And pretend to be some hero?”

Chrysalis began walking out of the cave, still holding Starlight in the air as she walked along outside, into a larger cave. Starlight’s tired eyes were drawn above, where she saw numerous green cocoons, some empty, some with ponies inside. She gasped in shock at the sight of not only her dearest friend Trixie, but also her father, her oldest friend Sunburst, and nearly everypony from her old village, unconscious inside a collage of green egg-like sacks. Chrysalis was delighted to see Starlight’s look of absolute terror.

“That’s right. I’ve been busy these past few weeks. You think I had forgotten about you? Every second of every hour since the day you destroyed my kingdom I’ve thought of only you, and seeing you suffer, the way that I have suffered.”

She brought Starlight towards the ground, beneath her chin.

“And make no mistake, you will suffer.”

A smile returned her face as Starlight stared at her in shock. Everypony she loved was at stake. Chrysalis had all power over her.

“Face it, Starlight. You are mine now. And I have so many plans for you.”

Starlight looked up, paralyzed.

‘What does she mean by that?’

“Don’t worry, dear, I’m not going to kill you...not for a while, at least. But you need to learn your lesson, don’t you? That actions have consequences.”

She strolled into another corridor, this one also pitch black. Chrysalis cast a spell that lit a series of torches positioned around the room. Starlight’s attention focused on a large brown work table placed in the center of the room, with iron cuffs attached to each corner. The table was hinged so that it could move from being parallel to the ground to upright. Starlight just knew that something very bad was bound to happen to her here. She was too exhausted to fight back against Chrysalis’ binding spell, and even if she did somehow get out, her magic didn’t work!

Somepony help me, please!

She remained silent in her magical holdings as Chrysalis fiddled in a box of things. She placed some metal tools on a table near one of the walls, each one more evil and twisted than the last. Without warning, Chrysalis threw Starlight onto the table at a high speed, knocking the wind out of her. Not being able to breathe, she gasped for air and crouched on the table, which was rough and splintery. The force of her impact threw her into some of the upright splinters, which now buried themselves into her legs and chest, small spurts of blood dropping out. The pain was relentless. She was begging for a rescue in her head.

‘They have to know I’m gone! They’ll look for me!’

As if reading her mind, Chrysalis spoke.

“And your friends will look for you, of course. But they’ll never find you. Not here. Nopony knows about this place, so get used to it.”

She used her magic to pull Starlight’s limbs towards each corner of the work table, spreading her body in an eagle position. These shackles were just as tight as the last ones, and fit right into the deep, blood-stained indentations the previous ones left. Another tear fell out of her eye.
“Oh, poor Starlight. As if you don’t deserve all of this. And you know you do.”
Her expression changed to be serious, which shook Starlight to the core. Chrysalis got closer.

“Say it. Say out loud that you deserve it!”

Starlight stuttered through her sobs, but managed to choke out: “I...I d-deserve it,,,”

Chrysalis backed away, seeming content. Starlight realized Chrysalis must be insane, which meant she was in more danger than she had thought. Chrysalis finished placing her tools out on the table, and turned again to face her helpless victim.

“Now, I know your friends must be worried sick about you, but we don’t want them thinking you’re just out having a good time someplace, right? They deserve the truth.”

She cast a spell that created some kind of portal-like window, positioned right in the door frame, facing Starlight, whose eyes widened in confusion.

Chrysalis picked up a bright red ball gag with her magic and stuffed it between Starlight’s soft blood-soaked lips. She hung her head in defeat, submitting to her captor. The window portal shook in static for a few moments.

Meanwhile, in a more familiar location, Princess Twilight Sparkle and all of her friends were gathered around the Map of Friendship in her castle in Ponyville, discussing the possible whereabouts of Starlight and Trixie, who were due back two days ago.

“Maybe they ran into a new friendship problem that required their attention,” said Rarity, who was half-interested in the conversation. Twilight and Applejack were more concerned, as both had a feeling something was wrong. The others thought little of this lateness.

“Girls, I’ve been late after friendship missions all the time, I doubt it’s a big deal,” said Rainbow Dash.

“You maybe, but Starlight? She doesn’t seem like the type to change plans in the middle of a mission,” said Applejack.

“Well, um, she did change plans from being evil halfway through her life,” said Fluttershy, who tried not to be too aggressive towards Applejack.

Twilight remained silent as the others bickered, thinking.

‘Starlight said she would be back two days ago. Which means why ever she is late is because of something that happened in the last two days. There weren’t any weather issues or major conflicts that could’ve swept her away, and the road she said she was taking doesn’t pass through any populated areas. Which means it was a straight route back home, with Trixie.’

“Everypony, I don’t feel good about this. And you’re right, Rainbow, it might be nothing. But if it is something, we can’t afford to wait around and find out. We should go back on the trail they were on and look for clues.”

The others all agreed, some more energetically than others.


Her determined gaze was interrupted by Spike, crashing through the doors into the room.

“Come quick!”

Twilight looked at him, who was out of breath, in confusion for half a second.

“It’s Starlight!”

Her eyes widened and immediately she followed him, the others trailing behind, now all concerned. Spike led them into the spire library, where a strange window-like portal sat. Twilight looked inside it in utter disbelief at what she saw. The others all gasped in shock. There, in the portal, was Starlight, gagged and shackled to a wooden table in some sort of torch-lit cave. She seemed unaware of them looking in at her. Twilight ran towards it and got as close as she could.

“Starlight! Can you hear me?”

“No, she can’t.” Chrysalis’ face popped in on the screen, making Twilight jump back in fright.


“Hello, Twilight Sparkle, we meet again...you see, I’ve cursed your little friend here so that she can’t hear or see anything that comes out of the portal, it’s just you and me.”

“What are you doing to her?! Let her go immediately!”

She paused, and then remembered something else.

“And if you have Trixie, release her too!”

Chrysalis laughed.

“I haven’t even begun yet, Twilight. Your pest of a student is finally going to get what she deserves. And I want you to see everything…”

Twilight gulped, her friends behind her looking on in fearful anticipation.

Back in the cave, Starlight was trying to make sense of what she was looking at. But there wasn’t much sense in it at all. She saw Chrysalis, talking to someone in the portal, yet all she saw in the portal was a static blur, and she heard no sound come out of Chrysalis’ mouth.

‘She must’ve cursed me, that witch.’

She figured that her devious captor was either talking to another villain or one of her friends, and based on how excited Chrysalis was, she bet on the latter.

“So, Princess, let’s start, shall we?”

“Whatever you’re doing, stop! You won’t get away with this!” yelled Twilight, desperate and afraid.

Chrysalis ignored her and picked up her first instrument from the table.

It was a metal blade, razor sharp. She raised it up above the fire of one of the torches until it was blazing hot, and approached her victim. She removed the gag.

“Please! Please! I’ll do anything you want! Don’t hurt me! Please!” Starlight was crying ferociously now.

Looking on, Twilight’s heart sank at the sound of Starlight’s desperate cries.

Chrysalis had an expression of eager excitement as she brought down the blade towards Starlight's arms, and made a sudden, deep incision into her inner elbow. A blood curdling screech sounded off as tears sprayed across the room, as Chrysalis messily hacked into her elbow, but left it attached, just about one-fourth split off. She moved to the next leg, and continued through all four, as Starlight begged for mercy. Now all of her limbs completely useless, the weight of Starlight’s body dragged down on all of them, tearing muscle and skin fragments. Chrysalis snickered as she raised the table to be perpendicular to the ground, forcing all of Starlight’s weight down on her broken limbs. Her screams continued, until Chrysalis got annoyed and gagged her again. Starlight shook her head and yelled as loud as she could. Fluttershy couldn’t bear to look anymore and ran off, while Rainbow and Applejack stood, frozen. Twilight too was unmoving, fixated on her friend’s deformed body. Chrysalis put the gag back in, as Starlight breathed deeply, after each exhale a deep groan followed, her eyes tired and her body soaked in sweat. Chrysalis now brought out several small metal stakes, about the length of a pencil each. They were sharp on end and flat on the other. Chrysalis galloped over to Starlight, who made eye contact through her wheezes.

“I’m taking the gag off, but if you scream this time, I’m cutting off your arm, okay?”

Starlight’s eyes darted around the room, unable to process this all. She hesitantly nodded her head.

Twilight stared at her.

“Please Celestia, don’t scream.”

Chrysalis slowly undid the gag, and waited. Starlight hung there, trembling, clenching her teeth in pain and anger, refusing to let any sound out. Chrysalis smirked and pressed her leg onto Starlight’s leg wound. Starlight’s eyes popped and her mouth hung open, as she made a series of disgusting choking noises followed by a gasp for air, fighting the need to scream. The pain was unequivocally unbearable. Starlight’s veins popped out as Chrysalis increased the pressure, yet Starlight remained silent, using all the strength she had left to not let any noise out. Chrysalis backed away, mildly impressed.

Twilight sighed in relief.

“Fine, I’m not one to pull tricks, you get to keep the arm,” said Chrysalis.

Starlight didn’t smile or give any form of response, panting and sweating, spent. Chrysalis went back to being determined and again picked up the iron nails.

“Now, this is going to hurt.”

She brought one close to Starlight’s face, her eyes crossing in the middle at it. Starlight was panicking, her whole body trembling at the sight of the needles, which she had a phobia of. She wrestled with her cuffs to no avail, only able to grunt in pain and whine through her tears.

“And by the way, you can scream.”

Chrysalis grinned a sinister grin.

“You will scream.”

She held out Starlight’s tongue with magic and shot the nail straight through it, blood exploding all over her chest. She gurgled most of the blood that fell back into her throat, giving a shrill scream that was muffled by her inability to use her tongue and the presence of blood in her throat. Every time she moved her tongue, just a little, the cold rod that was stuck in there would bash into some more of her tongue matter. She felt like she was drowning a few times with all the blood in her throat.

Now Pinkie Pie could only handle so much, and threw up into a nearby trash can, before leaving the room also, deeply regretting staying at all. The others considered it their responsibility to be there for their friend in spirit while she suffers. Twilight most of all, though it was becoming difficult.

Chrysalis took some more of the needles, and stuck them through her nose, all four hooves, the skin on her neck, her hips, and her shoulders. Starlight realized she might actually die from all of this blood loss and the pain, and began thanking Celestia for her friends, her life, and her loved ones. But she wasn’t going to die anytime soon. Chrysalis would ensure that. Now Starlight’s body was a disgusting mess of punctured skin and broken limbs. Still, one last instrument of tortured awaited her, though, perhaps the worst. A large, metal, spiked club, that weighed a good forty pounds. Starlight looked at this, moaning and crying over dried tears, and saw it as her executioner.

‘Make it quicker than the others, please.’

Chrysalis waltzed up to the portal to see a dejected Twilight, who hadn’t moved since first seeing her friend strewn up like a test subject.

“Well, we’ve had a lot of fun today, haven’t we, Twilight. This is what life for her is going to be like from now on. And there’s nothing you can do about it. Maybe sometimes, I’ll let you see. She’ll be suffering day in, day out, all because of you. Your first and only student, reduced to...this. You must be so proud…”

She looked back at Starlight, who still couldn’t hear Chrysalis speaking to the portal.

“I’ll leave you with this, then maybe you can reflect on how things ended up, okay?”

Twilight stared blankly and waited, she was almost crying now, as if she could feel some of Starlight’s pain.

Chrysalis wound up the club behind her, and aimed right towards Starlight’s chest. Starlight gaped in horror, shut her eyes and moved her head to the side, awaiting impact. Chrysalis waited, to build up the anticipation and fear in Starlight’s half-beating heart.

‘Quarter-beating after this,’ thought Chrysalis, before pulling back and slamming the club straight into Starlight’s thighs, stomach, and crotch.

The spikes dug in snugly inside her skin, pushing skin cells against each other and tearing strings of muscle out. Chrysalis tugged at the club, swishing the spikes into each other. Starlight sobbed and made disfigured sounds of pain, pleading for help from an imaginary savior. Finally, Chrysalis tore the club out, leaving Starlight riddled with triangular holes that seeped crimson blood. Starlight’s once pink coat was now a dark, crusty red, as her blood dried. Chrysalis removed every needle in one spell. Starlight immediately pulled her tongue back into her mouth, and felt the sensitive hole in the middle of her tongue with her teeth. She couldn’t quite comprehend everything that just transpired, all she understood perfectly was how much it all hurt. And it hurt a lot. Chrysalis admired the mutilated Starlight, who began to fade into unconsciousness from the pain and blood loss. Starlight was almost happy as her mind faded, thinking she would die and it would all be over. Chrysalis was too busy congratulating herself to care.

“Look what’s become of you. The most powerful unicorn in Equestria? Very impressive.” She said sarcastically before turning to address the portal one last time.

“Have fun living with yourself, Twilight.”

She shut off the portal and turned to her victim.

“Well, well, well...you did better than I expected, you put on a great show…”

She released Starlight, who collapsed in a heap on the ground, smashing open one of her leg wounds. Starlight gave a sharp groan and whimpered as she tried to hold herself up, but couldn't, her limbs completely useless. She let her head slump down on the cave floor, defeated. She lay there and cried. Chrysalis looked down on her.

“Good. Know what you are. A pathetic plaything, who’ll live out the rest of her days here, in a dark, cold cave, living through the most painful things anypony could dream of.”

Starlight continued sobbing and whimpering, and looked up at her conqueror, but had nothing to say. She simply hung her head, communicating her admission of defeat.

“Yes, that’s right. You’re mine now, Starlight Glimmer. Forever.”

Chapter Two: Cry For Help

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After Starlight passed out from the pain, she was promptly dumped in a new prison cell, this one carved into the face of the wall in the main hall of Chrysalis’ subterranean lair, the same main hall where all of Starlight’s loved ones hung in an indefinite sleep, trapped inside transparent ceiling-bound cocoons.

Her new cell had metal bars instead of a door, so she could at least see outside. Her cell was carved at least fifteen feet in the air, giving a good view of her new permanent home. After leaving Starlight’s maimed body there, Chrysalis went off to wash up after a long day of bloody torture. Chrysalis cheerfully spent a comfortable three hours bathing, all the while plotting what to do next with her new pet. Deep down, she was slightly concerned with the possibility of Twilight or even worse, Celestia, eventually discovering where she was. What she had done and plans to do with Starlight were beyond unforgivable, they were likely capital crimes. Chrysalis had no choice but to double down, to finish what she started. There was no going back now.

Luckily, Celestia would be of no concern for the time being.

Half a world away, Twilight was panicking, per usual, about this whole situation. She sat down with her friends at the Cutie Map to discuss.

“So, about what we all just saw…” Twilight began, still a little shook up. Her friends weren’t faring much better.

The others were quieter than usual. Nothing they had ever dealt with was of this grotesque nature before.

“Okay, I’ll start, since we’re all still a little frazzled,” said Twilight, annoyed with her friends’ lack of response. She paused to think, then began again. “So, we know that Chrysalis has Starlight, and it’d be a safe guess to assume she has Trixie too, right?”

“Then why did she only show us Starlight?” asked Rainbow.

“Because this is probably about Starlight. You know Chrysalis has had it out for Starlight ever since the last time she tried to destroy Equestria.”

“I guess so…” Rainbow slumped back in her chair, not happy to be corrected.

Twilight readjusted herself and continued.

“Now, the issue is finding where Chrysalis is exactly. She’s in some kind of cave, it seemed, so that’s got to be in some mountainous area, right?”

“Right, but that doesn’t really help, Twilight,” said Applejack condescendingly. “There are lots of mountains all over Equestria. Are we supposed to check every single one?”

Twilight stared at her blankly.

“I’d rather do that then sit around while she gets impaled through the tongue!”

The others had their eyes cast down upon remembering, Applejack now feeling guilty.

“But Twilight darling, Applejack has a point. We should at least find a way to narrow our search down before we go journeying all over Equestria,” said Rarity.

Twilight thought about this.

“Well, she’s probably either north in the Crystal Mountains...or West in those mountains...”

“Alright, then we’ll split up! Fluttershy, Applejack and I will go West, you, Pinkie, and Rarity go North,” said Rainbow, determined.

Twilight nodded.

“But girls...be careful...if any of you find her, don’t engage right away. Call all of us back so we can go in together. We know now what’s she capable of,” said Twilight.

The others all nodded.

“But, Twilight, shouldn’t we tell Celestia or anypony else? Just in case?” asked Fluttershy.

Twilight took a moment.

“I’d think it’d be best if she, or anypony else for that matter, doesn’t know about this. Unless things get dire, we’ll handle this ourselves,” Twilight said, albeit a little worried about going on this dangerous mission without Celestia's knowledge or approval. .

She stood up from her chair with a look of eagerness in her eyes.

“Let’s go save Starlight.”

Lucid dreams of bliss joy and happiness faded as Starlight’s tired eyelids lifted themselves up. Her body shook from the cold air. She groaned as she began to remember what the real world was like.

‘At least I’ll have solace in my sleep,’ she thought.

‘Wait...sleep? Luna!’

Hope rejuvenated itself in her heart. Her ears perked up as her mind woke itself up in excitement.

‘If I can call out to Luna in my sleep, she can rescue me!’

She was almost ecstatic enough to stand up, but remained in her uncomfortable mess on the floor for fear of bending something the wrong way. She was in a heap of blood and twisted limbs. Her fur was damp, soaked in blood she had let out during her sleep, now a puddle surrounding her on the floor. Her whole body ached, though the pain was less sharp now and more of a dull, burning sensation. She clenched her teeth during occasional moments of intense tightening. But triumph was soon to be hers. She had done it! She had figured it out!

Or, had she?

Right on cue, doubt began to creep up on her mind like an animal stalking prey.

‘But Luna can’t bring me out of here physically, and she can’t find out my location, and I can’t tell her my location, I don’t even know where in Equestria I am!’

Her heart sank again as she plopped her head back down on the ground, again giving up hope.

‘Twilight will find me. She’s got to.’

She closed her eyes as if to say a prayer, before hearing an ungodly cackling echoing from somewhere else in the cave. Her eyes widened as she frantically picked herself up to face the bars of her cell. She had just realized she was far above the ground. All hope of physically escaping was long gone, as her legs couldn’t even support her enough to stand up. But what she was really dreading was Chrysalis’ arrival, which was likely soon. She still refused to give in even a little to Chrysalis.

‘I’m not her pet,’ she thought, a scowl stuck on her face.

Chrysalis, jolly as ever, flew up to the edge of Starlight’s cell. Her shadow engulfed Starlight, who was sitting as defiantly as she could handle.

“Hello again Starlight…”

Starlight said nothing, only staring at the floor yards below. She had a look of fierce hatred and bitterness, and after a few moments of silence, Chrysalis became displeased.

“Excuse me, I addressed you. When I address you, you respond.”

Starlight still remained silent. Chrysalis wasn’t quite prepared for this, she thought she had broken Starlight already.

“Oh, so you need more conditioning before you’re ready then? I thought I had already fixed your attitude problem.”

That threat struck fear into Starlight’s heart. She decided she had to give up some of her pride, just to survive a little longer.

‘I’m not going to make myself go through all that again.’

“No, please, I’m sorry,” she said, trying to act pitiful.

Starlight bent her head down as a sort of apology. Chrysalis calmed down a little.

“You’ll address me as your queen from now on, is that understood?”


Chrysalis raised an eyebrow. Starlight sighed in annoyance as she glanced upwards.

“Yes, my queen,” she spat.

“That’s better,” Chrysalis said smoothly, through bared fangs.

Without warning, she picked Starlight up with her magic from just her ankle, teleported her to the other side, and hung her upside down. Starlight gaped as she looked down, hanging high above the surface of the floor below.

“Wait! Don’t!” she yelled, dangling fifteen yards above the ground.

“Don’t what, drop you? No, of course not, I wouldn’t want to ruin that pretty face of yours, would I?”

She kept Starlight there hanging upside down, blood rushing to her head. Chrysalis cocked her head to one shoulder and smirked.

“Oh, I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

With that last word, she let go, and Starlight plummeted below, screaming at the top of her lungs all the way. But right before she touched the gravelly surface below, Chrysalis caught her with her magic again, giving her a whiplash that rattled her broken bones inside. Chrysalis flew down to touch the ground, and lowered Starlight to the ground, where she fell over in a heap. Starlight hugged the ground, where she at least felt a bit safer. Chrysalis giggled to herself.

“I was just kidding, dear. Just remember your life is in my hands.”

The recoil of the fall made Starlight feel like throwing up. Chrysalis noticed this as Starlight started gagging, trying to hold it down.

“Oh, no you don’t.”

She cast a spell to teleport a large bowl from another room, and aimed Starlight’s mouth right over the bowl.

“You throw up, you’re going to have to eat it all up again.”

That was a pretty good motivator to make her try and withhold it. With all her might, she held it down, until she just couldn’t help it anymore, and threw up about a cup’s worth into the bowl. She panted heavily afterwards, pale and exhausted.

“Ha, this will be fun,” said Chrysalis, who hadn’t even planned for this. “Go on, lap it up like the dog you are.”

Starlight stared at her in disbelief.

“Please, my queen, don’t make me…” she said, still panting.
“I told you would what happen, now, unless you want to go back in the torture room, I suggest you start. You must be hungry, I haven’t fed you at all since you’ve arrived.”

She gave one last look of desperation, until closing her eyes in defeat and approaching her bowl of green puke. She had to drag herself on using her thighs, as her legs were too broken to get her anywhere. Once her head was over it, she gagged at the smell, then began lowering her head down. She shut her eyes and pursed her trembling lips, until they were dipped into her highly acidic meal. The taste was foul, so strong it hurt to swallow. But swallow she did. Chrysalis stared at her, smiling and appreciating how low she had brought the once highly-respected Starlight Glimmer.

Once she was halfway done slurping her disgusting mess, she raised her head up to gasp for air. Her plan was to drink it quickly so he didn’t have to taste too much, but that didn’t work. She tasted all of it. Chrysalis, jovially, took her hoof and pressed down on Starlight’s head, pushing her face straight into the puke. Starlight now couldn’t breathe, drowning in her own puke, and began flailing her broken limbs, her yells for release distorted. She went back to drinking, until at last nearly all of it was gone. She gasped for air as soon as she was able.

“There, you did it. Good job!”

Starlight raised her head, exhausted and frail. Chrysalis zapped away the bowl and began pacing around her.

“Now, listen carefully. This is how things are going to be from now on...You’ll get two meals a day and one hour of exercise, I admire your body and I don’t want it losing form anytime soon.”

Starlight didn’t know whether to be flattered or creeped out by that.

“Meals will consist of one piece of bread and water. If you misbehave, meals will range from raw meat to your own shit. But the rule is, whatever I give you, you eat.”

She glanced at Starlight, who seemed anxious, unable to comprehend that this was her life from now on.

“You will be tortured for two hours three days a week. Sometimes it will be slow and long, other times it will be a series of fast ones. But no matter what, you’ll be in pain. Any physical issues you retain that prevent you from doing tasks I need you to complete will be corrected afterwards. For instance…”

Chrysalis cast a spell at Starlight, whose torn limbs were suddenly healed. The pain was reduced to an old ache. She felt her tongue to find it still had a hole in it, which bothered her. She also still had the marks from the club. Nevertheless, she was a little happier to be able to walk again, though probably not very well.

“When you’re not my test subject and effective punching bag, you’ll be my personal servant. That means you’ll cook my food, prepare my baths, tend to my every need. You will only ever speak when spoken to, under no circumstances do I want to hear you speak at any other time. Is that clear?”

“Y-yes, my queen…”

Chrysalis smirked and went on, as she saw Starlight trembling at her knees.

“If you should ever misbehave or worst of all, try to escape or free one of your friends, there will be a severe punishment...as in, I will hurt you, permanently. Whether that means cutting your horn off or killing one of your friends. You understand that?”

‘Cut my horn off?! Kill somepony? She’s absolutely out of her mind!’ Starlight was panicking now. There was far more at stake than she realized.

‘Maybe playing it safe is the smarter option for now…’

“Yes, my queen, I won’t misbehave.”

“Good, good…now let me show you where everything is.”

Twilight’s group headed north, into the Crystal Mountains. Twilight figured Chrysalis’ history with Cadence and Shining Armor, her own brother, might have brought her to put her base close to them. The issue is that the Crystal Mountains were tremendous. She had sent a letter to her brother asking for him to come help them. Shining Armor brought with him a team of his best rangers, and met Twilight and company at the train station in the capital.

“Mind telling me what this is all really about?” said Shining Armor, after greeting his younger sister upon exiting the train.

“What, was I too ambiguous for you?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact.”

“Well...one of my friends might be lost somewhere in the mountains, and you know them better than anyone, so I thought you could help us.”

“You’re lucky it's spring time, the last time we made the climb it was in the middle of a blizzard. I lost my best stallion climbing those things.”

“Wait, you’re not telling me we’ll have to climb the mountain, are you? Surely, there’s an entrance to the inside somewhere on ground level?” said Rarity, who hadn’t packed an outfit for climbing-related activities.

“There used to be, but it got snowed in a few moons ago. Now the only way to get inside the mountains is through the entrance near the top of Mt. Stormy. And it’s not too bad, Rarity, you’ll survive.”

“I must, if your handsome associates will be there to protect us,” she said flirtingly, as Shining Armor’s team of rangers started drooling in Rarity’s direction. Shining Armor rolled his eyes.

“Well, we best get a move on. Better to make the climb while there’s still daylight.”

And so, the team of eight set forth into the snowy wilderness, the ominous peaks of the Crystal Mountains looming a few miles ahead, poking out above the clouds. Twilight stayed focused as she got used to the cold.

‘Don’t worry, Starlight, we’re coming.’

After receiving a tour of Chrysalis’ lair, Starlight knew where everything was. The kitchen, Chrysalis’ bedroom, everything. Starlight almost became comfortable in this new lifestyle, though still desperately wanted to be rescued. Starlight was still not allowed to walk, instead being carried in a magical holding everywhere Chrysalis went. Chrysalis set her down when they arrived back in the main hall.

“Now then Starlight. Remember this always: you are never meant to enjoy any of this. I will ensure you are miserable, all day, every day. And then, maybe you’ll understand how I’ve felt.”

Starlight said nothing. Chrysalis smacked her in the face and laughed. Starlight wasn’t expecting that, but got over it and quickly returned to sitting upright facing Chrysalis.

Chrysalis picked her up again and took her back into the torture room. A sense of dread Starlight had nearly forgotten about returned. Chrysalis sat her down and cast a spell to a fireplace positioned behind the table, near the center of the room. She set a large metal wire tray next to it, positioned upright. Chrysalis brought Starlight closer and tied her hooves to each corner of the wire tray. On either side of the lit fireplace were two metal forks stuck in the ground, which stood about a foot above the fire. Starlight wasn’t an idiot, she knew what was about to happen.

‘She’s going to cook me alive!’

Before she could protest, she remembered what Chrysalis said about speaking, and decided it was wiser to stay quiet.

‘Until my skin starts peeling off, that is,’ she thought, gulping in fear.

Chrysalis finished tying Starlight to the tray, and promptly pushed her forward, the tray being caught by the two forks, positioning Starlight right above the fire, the only separation being the wire tray, where bits of embers shot through the square holes and seared her body.

“I’ll be back in thirty minutes.”

She began to walk out of the room.

“Stay warm!”

With that, Chrysalis left, and Starlight remained tied, front facing the fire. She closed her eyes tight, as the heat and smoke irritated them. She soon found trouble breathing, having to gasp for air. She tilted her head to try and breathe fresh air, but this only mildly helped.

‘How am I going to make it thirty minutes!”

After about ten, the metal of the wire began to heat up. Gravity pushed down on her body, putting pressure between her skin and the metal. The heat fused them together, and whenever she tried to move, her softened skin would tear a little.

‘Celestia help!’

After about twenty minutes, her mind started to cloud up from lack of oxygen, and her skin was blistering red. She didn’t scream, only panting deeply, desperate for air. She was sweating profusely, and her eyes were still shut tight. Tears boiled as they fell out of her eyes.

‘Please make it stop!’

The pain was strong, but her mind couldn’t even concentrate hard enough to realize that. Finally, after exactly thirty minutes, Chrysalis returned, and shot a magical beam at the fire, putting it out instantly. The smoke rose up, heavier than before, and caked Starlight’s face in black dust. She coughed a few times before the smoke subsided.

“Wow, you’re alive? Impressive.”

Starlight continued panting. She had to focus on breathing. Chrysalis snickered. Now the fun started. She took the metal tray with her magic and spun it upside down, so that Starlight’s back was facing the ground and gravity was pulling her off of the metal tray, which her skin was welded to. Now the real pain began, as her body slowly lowered itself from the tray, bits of skin tearing off, dangling off of the metal. She screamed as her tender skin was ripped from her muscles. Her face remained relatively unscathed, as she kept it above the metal rack in order to breathe easier. She cursed herself for not trying to prevent bodily contact earlier. It took about ten minutes for every bit of skin to finish being torn off before she fell down to the ground. She groaned in agony and rubbed her warm, bloody body. Looking down at herself, she saw there were large chunks of fur and skin ripped out, in its place patches of red bloody muscle and lower layers of skin. She brought her head back and reeled in pain. Her whole body stung like mad. Chrysalis laughed at her writhing, stepping on her flayed bits to make her yelp and cry harder.

“Stupid filly.”

Starlight glared at her through her sobs.

‘Stupid? Nopony’s ever called me that before...I’m not stupid!’

“Yes, you are a stupid one...but I guess compared to your friends, you’re a genius, huh?” she cackled as Starlight blushed with embarrassment. These insults almost distracted her from the pain.

“Yes, only a pony as dense as you would have let all of her friends be captured, and then herself. And look what her ineptness has gotten her…”

Starlight hung her head in shame, silent. Chrysalis chuckled, dragging Starlight along on the ground on her stomach side, so that every patch of flayed skin would be torn up even more by the rough gravelly floor. Starlight yelped a few times, a path of blood stains following her everywhere she was dragged. She ended up in the kitchen.

“You’re making me lunch now. And make sure it’s the best thing you’ve ever made. I’m worth it, you know.”

She teleported a collar around Starlight’s neck, magically grabbed a chain from one of the walls and connected the two, preventing her from going anywhere that’s not the kitchen.

Starlight had cooked for Twilight all the time as well, so she settled with one of Twilight’s favorites, grilled chicken with some bell peppers and a salad.

‘Can’t go wrong with that.’

She got to work, though still had trouble walking due to her weakened limbs. She limped everywhere she went, and upon passing by the stainless steel refrigerator, caught a glimpse of her own reflection.

‘Oh, no…’

Her heart skipped a beat at her own appearance. She still had a broken bloody nose from the kick to the face and the needle from yesterday, and her lips were no longer soft and pink, rather, they were chipped by the fire and blood-stained. Her eyes had dark circles beneath them from exhaustion, and her hair was frazzled, though still maintained its usual shape. But what really caught her attention was her collar.

‘I really am her pet…’

What scared her the most was how natural it looked on her. Like she was meant to be this way, beaten and abused, chained to a wall like a dog.

‘I guess this isn’t too different from living with Twilight, cooking and cleaning and all, I mean, besides the torture.’

She had always resented Twilight for making her into her pupil/servant, but now, that was all she ever wanted. Because even though it’s true, that being a pupil/servant was her original role, Starlight truly believed she and Twilight had grown to think of each other as equals.

‘At least, that’s what I think.’

There was something about what Chrysalis said, about Starlight being stupid, that really struck Starlight. She was always told she was smart. So often, she really believed it too. Of course, she figured Chrysalis was just trying to beat Starlight down, but still, it hurt. Almost as much as the burn sores all over her chest. She was emotionally and physically a wreck. And worst of all, she knew the worst was yet to come.

Chapter Three: The Hunt For Chrysalis' Lair

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Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Applejack made their way west into the Smoky Mountains, which happened to be closer to where Starlight had first disappeared.

“She’s gotta be here! I know it!” said Rainbow Dash, energetically. Fluttershy was far less eager about this long journey, still traumatized from what she saw happen to Starlight through the portal in the library just yesterday. She spoke even less than normal. It was Rainbow’s determination that kept her from abandoning the mission all together. Applejack wasn’t as scared, more so skeptical. Of course she wanted to help Starlight, but, in her mind, there was no realistic approach to doing so. Finding Chrysalis’s lair seemed downright impossible. It would at least take years to cover all of Equestria. And would Starlight even be alive by then?

“She’s got to be in these mountains, I’m sure of it!” said Rainbow, reassuring herself once again. Applejack finally had enough of Rainbow’s peppy demeanor.

“Really? These mountains go on forever, she could be anywhere,” she said, scowling.

“Do you want to help Starlight or not? We have to try!”

Applejack rolled her eyes.

“All I’m saying is-”

“That this is a waste of time? We know there are tunnels in those mountains, and Starlight disappeared right around here. It’s way more likely than not that she’s around here somewhere,” said Rainbow, who was already tired of arguing. She just wanted to get this over with.

Applejack hesitantly agreed and kept her complaints to herself from then on. Truthfully, she was just scared of what they would find, but couldn’t admit that to the others. She was supposed to be the strong one, the brave one. But all of this didn’t feel right.

Rainbow Dash was angry. She had gotten around to thinking of Starlight as a true friend faster than the others, as she recognized Starlight as respectable and steadfast almost immediately. Anypony willing to give up a little dignity to commit to being a better pony deserves a second chance, she thought. Which is why it angered her so much to see Starlight in peril. Especially at the hands of that monster Chrysalis.

The trio continued their restless trek until they arrived at a small village tucked between the mountains, a village none of them had ever been to. It was about a quarter of the size of Ponyville, heavily populated, and seemed to consist of only Earth ponies. The town was bustling, ponies selling and buying all sorts of things. Rainbow Dash approached one golden-haired mare filling a bucket of water at a well.

“Um, excuse me?”

The mare looked up, seemingly disinterested.

“Yes?” the pony spat.

Rainbow Dash was slightly taken aback by the mare’s lack of manners, but proceeded.

“Um, yeah, we’re looking for a lost friend of ours, she was walking back on the westerland trail, and disappeared. We know she’s being held in some cave somewhere, and we think it might be in these mountains. Do you have any idea if there’s some sort of cave entrance anywhere?”

“Whoa, whoa, slow down there...are you saying your friend was ponynapped?”

The mare’s expression changed to concern, and Rainbow knew to take advantage of that.

“Well, yes, and she’s in a lot of danger if we don’t save her soon,” she said, with a hint of desperation.

“Heavens, that’s quite a story. The westerland trail is a few miles from here, she might’ve passed through...Say, where was she coming from?”


“Oh, well she probably didn’t come this way. Sorry. But there is an old mine shaft not too far from here that goes through the whole mountain range, if she was taken off of the westerland trail, whoever did it could’ve easily snuck in there.”

“Great! Can you take us there?”

“Sure, I think I remember how to get there. I’m Sunflower, by the way.”

“Rainbow Dash.”

“We can leave tomorrow morning, you can stay at my sister’s inn for the night, on me.”

“Wow, thank you so much!”

The two separated, Rainbow Dash returning to the others and relaying the plan.

“I don’t know, Rainbow Dash, didn’t Chrysalis say nopony knew about the place she’s in? Why would she go into an old mine shaft that anypony could find?” asked Fluttershy, who’d rather be at home forgetting about all this.

“I thought about that, and my bet is that she’s built her lair somewhere that connects back to the Mine Shaft. I mean, there’s no way she dug her own cave system by herself. She’d have to start somewhere, right?”

“I guess so,” said Applejack, still unsure. Rainbow Dash began to notice both Applejack and Fluttershy were uneasy, and dialed her excitement back a little.

“Look, let’s all just rest up and get our heads ready, tomorrow we finish this.”

Starlight finished cooking dinner after a little less than an hour. Sparing no expense in presentation, she delicately aligned each herb and decorative vegetable, just the way Twilight liked it. Unsure of how to give the food to Chrysalis when she’s chained to the wall, she stood there for a few seconds doing nothing before mustering up some courage.

“Um, my queen?” she said, close to yelling.

A few seconds passed and Starlight began to worry.

‘What if the food gets cold? What do I do?’

Suddenly, Starlight was teleported out of the kitchen into Chrysalis’ throne room. Still holding the plate in one hoof, Starlight got a hold of her surroundings and looked up at Chrysalis, perched on her throne.

“Yes?” hissed Chrysalis, burning a hole in Starlight’s forehead with an unforgiving glare.

Starlight was a bit flustered by her sudden relocation, but quickly got over it.

After clearing her throat, she stood straight and attentive and stared at Chrysalis.

“Your d-dinner, my queen.”

She presented the plate, bowing her head. Chrysalis brought the plate towards her with her magic, already unimpressed.

“Is this what Twilight likes? I can see the snooty prestige of Canterlot has rubbed off on her…”

She flicked some of the decorative tomatoes off the plate onto the floor in disgust. Inside, Starlight was fuming, peeved by her captor’s disregard for her careful effort. Chrysalis’ verbal barrage continued as she took her first bite.

“Well, this is horrendous. The chicken is raw and the salad is too wet.”

Of course, the food was actually delicious and Chrysalis was lying through her teeth, and though Starlight guessed that, for some reason, she still believed her.

‘It was horrible, wasn’t it? I’m such a bad cook.’

Chrysalis noticed Starlight begin to doubt herself, which was precisely what she wanted. To break down Starlight Glimmer in every facet. Starlight held back the tears of rejection and embarrassment and stuttered out,

“Forgive me, my queen.”

Chrysalis smiled at Starlight, who was trembling in fear of what would happen to her for failing. Chrysalis had all the power.

“I think you can sleep in the dungeon tonight with the rats, as punishment. Don’t you agree that’s fair?”

“O-of course, my queen.”

‘Rats? Real rats? That’s disgusting!’

She supposed there could be worse punishments and went along with it.

“Now, I have some matters to attend to, but I don’t want you roaming around freely while I’m gone, so…”

With that, she teleported both her and Starlight to a new room, this one completely empty except for a pair of metallic transmitters planted on the ceiling, with a matching pair on the bottom. They were shaped like large metal ice cream cones, wires poking out from beneath the plate crevices like veins under the skin. At the end of the transmitters were small, light-bulb like fixtures, with metal wires sticking out from inside. Each one in a pair was about three feet from the other. Chrysalis tossed Starlight towards it with her magic. But instead of falling to the ground, Starlight found herself hovering in the air. Her upper hooves were being held by beams of bright orange energy flowing from each transmitter, the same with her lower hooves. She had been caught by the transmitters, a limb being held by each one, spread wide apart. She hovered there, her arms and legs stretched out to the farthest extent, pulling her joints apart. She grunted in discomfort as her limbs were tugged. The beams of energy surrounded her limbs, hugging them tightly, and held them up in the air firmly.

“Hold on, this is where it gets fun.”

Chrysalis zapped a nearby power box, wires crawling up towards the ceiling of the tight room, as the machine came to life. Sparks of electricity began travelling up through a series of wires into each transmitter. A sharp, burning sensation came across Starlight like a fist as the electricity flowed through the beams. The pain felt as if she was being stabbed and burned at the same time. She grunted, refusing to scream.

“Hold on, it’s only at five percent.”

Dread had never swept a pony that fast before. Chrysalis magically turned a dial on the powerbox from five to fifty percent, and now the real pain started. Her limbs felt as though they were being ripped out of their joints, as if her skin was being torn off over and over again. She was screaming now, a high pitched shriek that she didn’t think she could ever have produced. Tears leaped out of her eyes. She had wondered how much a pony could cry before they ran out of tears, but lately it seemed to just never end.

“I’ll see you in a bit…” said Chrysalis, forebodingly.

She turned to leave the room, but stopped just before she reached the exit.

“Oh, and don’t go anywhere,” she snickered, before shutting and locking the door. Starlight didn’t actually hear Chrysalis’ stupid quip, as the sound of the shocks raging through the contraption combined with her blood-curtling screams consumed her ears. Starlight’s shrieks filled the entire cave system. She kept expecting the intensity of the pain to subside or at least grow stagnant, but it only ever felt like it was getting worse. This may be the worst pain she’s ever felt, definitely worse than the needles and having to eat puke.

‘I can’t imagine what one hundred would be like!’

She figured that one hundred would most definitely kill her, as fifty felt like it was pretty close. Then she got an idea.

‘If I hold my breath long enough, I’ll pass out!’

She attempted this, but the need to scream and cry from the pain prevented her from being able to hold it that long. Now, most of all, a rescue would only ever be a dream.

Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Shining Armor and his crew made the three mile hike across the frozen tundra to the base of Mt. Stormy, the third tallest in the Crystal Mountain range.

“Twilight, wouldn’t it be more feasible for you to teleport us up there?” asked Rarity, tired of walking.

Twilight glanced upwards at the intimidating height of the mountain.

“Well, I could try, but it’d be dangerous.”

“Well, it would save us a lot of time…” said Shining Armor, throwing his bag of climbing equipment to the side. Twilight grabbed a hold of Rarity.

“What? Me first?”

“It was your idea,” Twilight said with a smirk.

Immediately, Twilight and Rarity disappeared in a flash of light. A few moments passed before Twilight reappeared in the same spot, but without Rarity.

“Well, it works. Who’s next?”

It took about fifteen minutes for Twilight to transport everypony, up onto a cliffside flat high above near the top of the mountain. Shining Armor took a few moments with the crew’s cartographer to decipher where they were and where to go next.

“We’re not far from the cave entrance, less than a mile along this ridge .”

Shining Armor deployed a length of rope to each pony to tie around their harness, connecting them all together.

“This cliff face is narrow, so hold on to the ledge for support…”

“Why can’t Twilight just teleport us there?” asked Pinkie Pie.

They all looked at Twilight.

“I’m all worn out, Pinkie Pie. That was a large distance and I had to do it eight times.”

Two of the crew ponies muttered some complaints as everypony continued attaching their harnesses.

“We’re doing it the old fashioned way then, don’t worry, everypony, it’s only about half a mile.”

He trudged through the snow towards Twilight, who was staring off into the distance, admiring the view from above. She could see the outline of Canterlot, hundreds of miles away.

“I’ll lead, Twilight, you go in the back in case any pony gets in trouble.”

Twilight nodded and flew to the back, as Shining Armor began walking along the narrow cliff ridge, which was only about half a foot wide. The other ponies all followed in single file, hugging the side of the cliff face for support.

“Nopony look down!” said Shining Armor, jovially.

Instinctively, Pinkie Pie looked down.

“Whoa! I didn’t know we were that high!”

Shining Armor could see their destination up ahead, where the cliff ridge emptied into a large flat rock surface, where the cave entrance sat off to the side. Things were going well.

About halfway, their good luck began to change. A storm was moving in from the north, one that nopony had predicted. Shining Armor noticed the storm clouds approaching with speed in the distance, and picked up the pace a little. They were so close. Light flurries turned to heavy wind and thick snow. Sight became difficult. They had to slow down the pace for fear of somepony slipping. But suddenly, a loud cracking noise from near half a mile above them sent them all into panic mode.


“Move! Move!”

Shining Armor was now practically jogging, in turn tugging on the rope, so much that the fourth crew member in the back, the scout, Fritz, lost track of his footing and slipped forward, slamming his head on the cliff wall, losing a few teeth and falling right off the cliff side. Drops of blood slid down the mountain side, in parallel with the fast-approaching avalanche above, which gained in size and speed as it tumbled downwards. Fritz managed to grab hold of the edge of the walkway with one hoof, dangling over certain death.

“Uh, a little help?!”

Twilight couldn’t make out what the interruption was, only that they had stopped moving. That was a problem, because the avalanche was approaching, fast. They had about fifteen seconds by her estimate. Twilight disconnected from the harness and flew around the pack, and saw Fritz hanging for his life. She swooped down and picked him up, carrying him to where Shining Armor was, at the flat rock. Now they had about ten seconds. Pinkie Pie and the cartographer were next, all making it to the flat rock alive. The cliff ridge they had walked over was long, steep, and flat, perfect for the avalanche to run down. The flat rock was cut in at an angle that meant the avalanche would pass right by it. If they all made it to the flat rock, they’d be safe from the avalanche. Twilight froze as she realized the others definitely wouldn’t make it in time, and flew back towards them.

“Twilight! Don’t! It isn’t safe!” yelled Shining Armor, who couldn’t stop her hero complex.

Twilight dove underneath the approaching avalanche and picked up a paralyzed Rarity and one of the soldiers. What she didn’t realize, was that the crew doctor was still hugging the cliffside, his white winter jacket making him invisible to Twilight through the thick snow. She was only alerted that he was there upon hearing his cries of anguish as the snow piled down on him and brought him down the mountain. Shocked, Twilight dropped the two down with the others on the flat rock, and collapsed out of exhaustion and despair. Flying in the snow was harder than she thought.

Shining Armor took a moment to mourn the loss of the doctor as the others all sat and caught their breath from the thrill of near-death, before taking a stand once more.

“Alright, let’s get out of this weather and into the cave, we made it.”

He nudged them all towards the cave entrance, which was decorated with hauntingly sharp stalagmites and stunk of rotting flesh. Twilight had a strong feeling that this was the right place.

Starlight Glimmer’s muscles were burning. She hadn’t stopped hollering since the moment her captor flipped the switch, and she never got used to the sensation. All she could think about was how much she wanted to die and be free. But, at last, Chrysalis did return, and was a bit stunned at how sweaty and crisp Starlight’s body was. The electricity had worked her muscles non-stop all day, giving her a new, tightly formed body.

“Huh, that thing really worked you, huh?” said chrysalis, not expecting these results.

Starlight had finally run out of tears to cry a few hours ago, now she just whimpered and yelped.

“Alright, alright, shut up.”

She flipped off the switch, letting Starlight fall straight on her face, her muscles so exhausted they couldn’t even move. She just lay there motionless, as if she really was dead.

“Consider that your exercise for the day.”

Chrysalis giggled and began dragging Starlight by the tail with her magic. Starlight’s eyes were sunken and her hooves were black from the burns. As she was dragged along the gravel ground, bits of rock dug into her sensitive, warm skin, and stuck there like raisins in peanut butter. That thought made Starlight remember that she hadn’t eaten any real food in nearly four days, besides her own puke, which really didn’t count as a meal. She wanted to beg for food, but knew she wasn’t supposed to speak.

‘If I die of starvation, it’ll be better than staying alive for more of this.’
She expected to be taken back to her cell up in the wall of the cave, but instead, Chrysalis took her to a new room, one she had never been in before.

“I said you would be sleeping in the dungeon tonight, remember?”

Oh. Yeah.

Starlight was actually looking forward to going back to her cell, to fall asleep and dream of a better life, and hoped the dungeon wouldn’t be too different. She hated being Chrysalis’ pet so much. But what could she do? Her magic never worked and every day she was being physically tormented. But she did notice one benefit, that her muscles were now surprisingly firm and well-shaped. Her whole body looked a lot more symmetrical and strong, likely due to the shock therapy.

‘I guess there’s something good in every situation.’

She glanced over again at her burned hooves, which stun like mad.

‘Not much though.’

Chrysalis finished unlocking the door to the mysterious room, and threw Starlight in there.

“Sweet dreams, Starlight Glimmer.”

Chrysalis closed and locked the door. The room was carved in stone, with some kind of strange gooey sticky substance coating the floors and the walls.

“What is this stuff?”

She reached down to claw at it, and found most of it stuck to her hoof. It was white, and resembled strands of hair.

“Is this...spider web? Ew!”

Starlight was terrified of spiders. And rats, she supposed, but definitely spiders. She began looking around the room in terror, figuring this room was another torture, yet, it seemed empty. No rats nor spiders.

‘Please stay that way.’

It didn’t.

The sound of scurrying feet sounded off in a corner of the room, which was pitch black save for a dimly lit chandelier hanging from the center of the ceiling. The room was stone and larger than her first cell. She peered over towards the source of the scurrying and saw an army of rats, all mangy and full of disease, about the size of cantaloupes with sharp teeth and beady eyes. They had foam drooling from their crusty mouths, and seemed to be irritated by her presence, hissing at her from the darkness. She had heard stories of creatures that lived in the deepest darkest parts of caves as a filly, but never thought them to be real. She gasped and clasped her mouth with both burned hooves to stop her from screaming. The rats suddenly rushed in her direction, giving the illusion that the floor was moving.

“No! Ew Ew Ew!”

The rats swarmed all around her, two biting her legs, making her yip in surprise, disorienting her enough to be tackled by the others, who scurried all along her face and bit her in every place imaginable. Starlight didn’t even try to fight them, instead just sitting there and doing nothing, hoping they would eventually just leave her alone. Eventually they calmed down, still walking all over her, but no longer biting. The bites she had received, which numbered about thirty, stun like someone was sticking a toothpick in a knife cut, she reasoned she must be infected with something.

‘Oh Celestia, that won’t be good.’

Exhausted from a long day of torment, she tried her best to shut her eyes and drift off, though the constant noise of the scurrying rats and occasional presence of one on her face made that difficult. Looking into the darkness, her eyes grew somber and saddened.

‘Please, Twilight, help me…’

Chapter Four: Worthless

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Starlight awoke in the middle of the night after a brief, miserable three hours of sleep. A loud banging noise from outside the door to the dungeon had pulled her back to consciousness. She groaned as she tossed on the cold stony ground, her fur caked with spider web and rat hair. Her body still stung from the burns.

“What? What’s going on?” she muttered.

Chrysalis teleported a half-awake Starlight to the other side of the door, where she stood imposingly over her, holding a sort of cowbell in a green aura of magic.

“Rise and shine, Starlight.”

“Wha-what?” mumbled Starlight, her eyes barely open and drool dried to one side of her face.

“Oh my, that reminds me, your sleep schedule will be rapidly changing under my supervision. We wouldn’t want you to be comfortable at any point, would we?”

Starlight wasn’t fully awake enough to understand what that meant or what to answer with.

“Sorry, sorry,” she said, bowing her head slightly in confusion. She was still unable to stand straight, due to her aches and burns, lying on the ground with her hooves in front of her.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes.

“Not a morning person, I take it. Perhaps I can help you wake up.”

With that, Starlight snapped back into reality, jumping up from the ground as Chrysalis began walking away.

“What? No! I’m sorry!”

Chrysalis turned around to face her, getting in Starlight’s face.

“What did I say about speaking?”

Starlight’s eyes widened and she fell back to the floor in submission.


“Just, shut up, okay? It’s early,” said Chrysalis, bitterly.

Starlight sat there, confuddled, her mind filled with static. Chrysalis picked her up with her magic and carried her back to the torture room. Starlight wondered what new horrors awaited her this time.

“Now, if you perform well today, I’ll give you your food and water right after, okay? If you don’t meet my expectations, you’ll go another day without food. Got it?”

Starlight nodded, still wary of speaking. Chrysalis threw her onto the work table, hard, again shoving a few splinters into her skin. Starlight winced. Chrysalis teleported a strange electrical box into the room, with wires and screws sticking out of it.

“I had this shipped in yesterday morning. I think you’ll love it.”

Chrysalis brought the mysterious box closer. She turned back to Starlight, who was lying on the table in the fetal position. Chrysalis locked Starlight’s limbs in the shackles on every corner. Starlight was still amazed at how tight those shackles were. Turning back to the box, Chrysalis disconnected three intimidating metal clamps, which were connected to wires that sprang out from the top.

‘Oh no…That doesn't do what I think it does, does it?’

Approaching Starlight with the clamps in the air, she took two and stuck them over Starlight’s chest, right over the parts where her skin had been burned and torn off. Starlight shuddered in pain at the pressure on her sensitive skin. Tears welt up under her closed eyes as she clenched her teeth and held her breath in anticipation. But Chrysalis wasn’t done yet.

“Open up.”

Starlight gaped at her captor with horror as she realized what was happening, but complied, opening her mouth. Chrysalis used her magic to pull Starlight’s tongue outward, and then stuck the third clamp right on top of it, pulling hard from underneath the hole in her tongue. It felt as though her tongue was being ripped out slowly. Starlight gave yelps of fright every time the clamp slipped a little, afraid her tongue would be ripped out and she’ll never be able to speak again. She groaned in anguish and wrestled with her shackles, pain and anger raging through her. Chrysalis went back to the box and flipped a switch, sending waves of electric shocks through the wires, into her tongue and chest. She began shaking uncontrollably in shock and pain, her whole body rattling.

“I still need my beauty sleep, so I’ll leave you like this until morning. Then you’ll make me breakfast, and if I like it, you may even get a reward.”

Starlight breathed deeply through her nose, her eyes red and her brow furrowed as she fought through the pain. Chrysalis smirked at her pouting and went off, slamming the door to the torture room behind her. Now Starlight was beginning to get used to torture, not the pain of the torture, just the routine nature of being tortured near daily.

‘Didn’t she say I would only be tortured for three days a week? This is the third day and it seems like there’s no sign of stopping...’ she complained to herself.

Though the pain from the clamps and the shocks was strong, it wasn’t nearly as strong as what she endured yesterday at the hands of the electric St. Andrew’s Cross. These shocks were like somepony was continuously poking you with a safety pin. Painful, but tame compared to previous atrocities. Starlight figured she would only have to hang in there for a few more days until Twilight would find her.

Yet, the thought of Twilight failing always lingered in the back of her head. What would she do? Eventually she’d find a way to kill herself so she doesn’t have to live like this anymore, but she’d much rather find another way, that involved living. Besides, if she kills herself, then Chrysalis will have no reason to keep all of her friends in the cocoons alive, she’d be killing all of them too.

‘She’s really got me, huh. Killing myself definitely isn’t an option...’

There had to be another way. But she just couldn’t think of one, and the dull pain combined with the exhaustion of lack of sleep made her unable to focus on anything, her mind drifting off into nothingness as she succumbed to the static of the shocks.

Twilight and company had successfully entered the cave, escaping the unexpected blizzard. Twilight, still a little shaken up from the death of the doctor, let Shining Armor take the lead.

“These tunnels go far and wide, now if your friend is supposed to be hidden somewhere we don’t know about, check the walls to see if there’s any secret entrances or something. There’s no way she didn’t wander into someplace already constructed.”

The group all muttered in agreement. Everypony was exhausted and a little on edge after having to climb the cliff face. Shining Armor noticed this, and decided on them travelling in one group.

“We’re not losing anypony else today, okay? Keep track of where everypony is, and don’t take your eyes off of the pony in front of you.”

The group proceeded in single file, down the narrow walkways of the cave, which was littered with snow and the bones of some long-dead small animals. The cave path was always slightly descending, so they made sure to be cautious of not slipping. The four unicorns, Shining Armor, Rarity, Twilight, and the cartographer, all cast light spells with their horns so that they could see through the never-ending darkness. The cave was windy, and stunk of something foul that nopony could quite describe. Like rotting fruit or dried blood. Twilight was nervous. This mission was serious, and it had better be a success, given one pony had already fallen to his death. If it had been for nothing, she could never forgive herself. It was now more than just saving Starlight.

Twilight hadn’t even really thought about Starlight for a while, she didn’t want to. Chrysalis was right, it was a little humiliating, having your only student become someone else’s torture pet. Of course, Twilight also feared for her friend’s safety.

‘Celestia, I hope she’s doing okay...I can’t imagine what kind of things Chrysalis has done to her already.’

Her worries were interrupted by bigger problems.

“But, Twilight, what if Queen Chrysalis knows we’re coming? What if we run into her on the way? Then we’ll be goners for sure!” whispered Pinkie Pie to Twilight.

Twilight almost forgot that she hadn’t actually mentioned to Shining Armor that they’d be dealing with Queen Chrysalis. She was glad Pinkie remembered.

“Don’t worry, Pinkie. Starlight was taken by surprise, we won’t be,” she muttered back.

She did find it strange though, that Starlight had been captured at all.

‘Starlight is strong with magic, definitely stronger than Chrysalis, maybe even stronger than me! How did she get captured?’

She guessed Chrysalis had used Trixie as bait. But, even taken off guard, Starlight could still probably escape. But, that wasn’t really important, was it?

‘I wonder if she’ll be the same, after all this…’

Twilight realized Chrysalis might be doing things to Starlight’s mind as well, to break her down in every fundamental aspect. Worst of all, maybe even try to turn Starlight back to evil. This of all things deeply concerned her. If Starlight was to turn evil again, and be allied with Chrysalis, they’d definitely need Celestia’s help.

‘No, Starlight would never turn evil again, no matter how bad it gets.’

Starlight’s mind had gone completely blank from sleep deprivation, lack of energy, and the shocks. She felt extremely light headed by the time Chrysalis finally returned that morning, after about six hours.

“Are you ok? You don’t look too good,” Chrysalis said with fake concern.

She snickered as she grabbed the wires and ripped them off Starlight’s chest and tongue. A few blood vessels popped in her tongue as a result of that, making it even more difficult to speak. Her chest would’ve lost skin too, if there was anymore loose skin to be taken off. Starlight lay on the table with her mouth open, panting in relief it was over, letting her bleeding tongue hang out. After putting the wires back in the box and zapping it to a different location, Chrysalis turned and noticed.

“You know, that tongue seems to be pretty worthless. Maybe I should just do you a favor and cut it out.”

Starlight closed her mouth and shook her head desperately.

“No? You don’t want me too? I’m gonna have to hear you say it. Beg for it. Beg to keep your tongue.”

“Please, my queen! Please don’t take my tongue!”

Chrysalis replied by punching her in the face with her hoof.

“Alright, alright, fine, but I better not see it hanging out ever again.”

“Of course, my queen.”

Starlight had to open her mouth wide in order to pronounce words correctly, her disfigured tongue giving her a speech impediment.

Chrysalis unshackled Starlight, and let her fall to the ground on her weak knees. Her eyes were sunken, and she was pale-faced and thinner than normal.

“You seem tired,” said Chrysalis, amused.

Starlight peered up at Chrysalis with a fiery hatred.

“Aw, don’t look at me like that Starlight, I was about to give you your food, but maybe I won’t…”

“No! Please! Please!” Starlight said, surrendering her defiant pride and breaking down.

Starlight was practically clawing at Chrysalis’ legs, absolutely desperate for food. Chrysalis chuckled, and magically transported a plate and a dog bowl from another room onto the ground in front of Starlight. The plate had one slice of cheap bread, and the dog bowl contained a small amount of lukewarm water. Starlight beamed with excitement. But, before she could devour it all, Chrysalis stopped her.

“Up! No hooves! You eat with your mouth like a dog. That is what you are, right? What are you?”

Starlight sighed, annoyed.

“A dog.”

“Say, ‘I am a dog.’”

Starlight frowned even harder.
“I am a dog.”

Chrysalis giggled.

“Say ‘I am a worthless dog loser slave.’”

“I’m a worthless dog...loser slave.”

This was humiliating. And Chrysalis thrived off of it.

“Now eat, stupid filly.”

Starlight paused at being called stupid, but not for long, as the need to eat overcame every other emotion. She was so ravenous she devoured every last crumb of the small slice of bread, and practically dunked her head into her bowl to get every last drop of water. She also wanted the taste of puke out of her mouth as much as possible. Chrysalis gazed down at her slave eat, content. When Starlight was done, she gasped for air and fell back on her knees. Chrysalis took a breath.

“Now, you are to make me breakfast and then report straight to my throne when you’ve finished, understood?”

“Yes...my queen,” she said, pausing to breathe. The splash of water from her bowl helped her wake up a little, and her previously constricted stomach loosened up a little.


At that last word, Chrysalis teleported Starlight to the kitchen, where she sluggishly began preparing breakfast, eggs with ham. When she was finished, she sauntered over to the throne, guessing which direction to go, as she forgot most of what she saw on her tour. She made it at last, to see Chrysalis sitting relaxed on her throne reading a book.

“Your breakfast, my queen.”

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow and brought it over. She ate at it as Starlight stood there.

‘I hope she likes it this time.’

Chrysalis swallowed it slowly, but still looked displeased.

“You’ve outdone yourself, Starlight.”

Starlight’s ears perked up for the first time in a while.

“This is even worse than last time.”

Starlight felt like crying, but held it in this time, knowing she’d need those tears for later.

“This is putrid,” Chrysalis said, almost angrily.

In actuality, Chrysalis loved it, and thought it was even better than her dinner last night. Normally she would make her own dinner, but it turns out having a servant do everything for you really was the superior option.

“What do you think of yourself right now, Starlight?”

Starlight didn’t expect to be asked a question, especially one like that, and simply stared at her captor, blushing in embarrassment, unsure what to say.

“I asked you a question.”

“Um, in what way, my queen?”

“Do you think you’re a good cook?”

Starlight again paused.

“Just answer. Don’t think about it.”


Starlight immediately cursed herself in her head for saying that.

‘Why did I say yes? Oh Celestia, help me…’

“Do you? Interesting…”

Chrysalis stood up and began walking in circles around Starlight, who was still standing before her.

“Do you think you’re smart?”

‘No going back now.’



“Um, I don’t know...yes?”


“Like, physically? I guess so, I mean, I exercise a lot, sometimes I-”

I don’t care.”

Starlight shut up fast and stared at the floor in fear. Chrysalis continued her ominous pacing.

“Do you think you’re good at magic?”


“You think you’re well liked?”

“Well, I…”

Chrysalis glared at her, clearly only preferring one-word answers.

“Um, yes…”

Out of all the questions, that one was the most difficult. The truth was, she really didn’t know if she had earned everypony’s respect, as she had to carry around the weight of her past mistakes everywhere she went. She wanted to be better, but it was never in her control how much other ponies could get over who she used to be, and accept who she was now. That’s really all she wanted. To be accepted for who she is. How she’s changed, and what she’s become.

After a brief period of silence to let Starlight contemplate, Chrysalis asked one more question.

“And, do you think you’re a good pony?”

Starlight froze. To be consistent, she should answer yes. But she knows that Chrysalis wants her to believe she’s a bad pony, so which is the wiser answer?


“You stuttered? Why?”

“I...I didn’t know which answer you’d prefer…”

“I didn’t ask for what answer I’d prefer, you dumb filly, I asked for what you think.”

Starlight was taken aback. She loathed Chrysalis with all her heart for all of this. Chrysalis stood in front of her.

“You must hate me, right? You must think I’m the bad guy and you’re just a poor damsel in distress, right?”

Starlight said nothing, only staring at her, her eyes wide, skeptical of where this was going.

“Right?!” Chrysalis yelled.

“Um, right!” Starlight responded, quaking.

“Right. It seems to me that your egotism has clouded your perspective on the world, Starlight Glimmer. And your egotism is likely the product of spending too much time with a certain posh Canterlot Princess, who lives in a crystal palace…”

Starlight kept her mouth shut and listened.

‘I’m not an egotist.’

“You used to see things differently, no? I talked to your old villager friends, and they told me all about how you took over their town to prevent them from pursuing their natural talents. You used to be quite a success.”

“No, I wasn’t! I was wrong! All of that was wrong, and I regret it!”

“Why is it wrong? If your villager friends were so easily corruptible, and you were so great at corrupting, what objectivism decides you shouldn’t be allowed to take advantage of that?”

“That I lied to them to do it!”

“You lied because they were easy to trick, no? They were happy, living blissfully unaware of what was really happening. Now look at them. Strung up like trophies for you to suffer for. They may never leave this place.”

“Don’t punish them because of what I’ve done!”

“Don’t give me commands, Starlight Glimmer. I thought after all I’ve done to you already you’d understand your place by now.”

Starlight stopped talking, letting Chrysalis ease up a bit.

“My point is, you gave up all of that, that blissful lie, and now you’re with Twilight. That’s fine, makes sense even, but then, you develop a new attitude. You used to be self-loathing according to your daft magician friend with the hat, why did you change?”


Nopony ever really asked her about that.

Starlight had extreme self esteem issues ever since she was a kid, but upon living with Twilight for the first few weeks and getting bad looks from everypony who saw her, those feelings developed into something rather serious. She did occasionally feel a little joy and took refuge in trying to learn friendship and become a better pony. But ever since she was young she had always hated who she was, and found she was never, ever good enough. But at last, she believed she had finally changed, thanks to Twilight’s help.

“I moved on. And became better. I learned to treat other ponies as equals. To not take advantage of other ponies.”

“But everypony isn’t equal. You don’t really believe that, do you?”

“Of course we’re all equal!”

“You said you were smart, strong, gifted, funny, talented, well liked, and confident. Do you think every other pony in Equestria is just the same as you in all of those areas?”

“We’re not all equal in ability, of course, but we’re equal in worth!”

“Worth is determined by ability, no?”

“Worth is subjective! Some things matter more to some ponies than to others. That’s how we specialize! That’s a good thing! My village is doing just fine without the equality thing as when it had it!”

“Worth is not subjective, Starlight. Are we worth the same?”

“Well, no, but that’s not a fair comparison!”

“What is, then?”

“Well, take Twilight and I! Twilight values finding a common ground more than anything when solving a problem, and I value finding a practical solution! Neither goal is more logical than the other.”

“Your respective goals in solving problems are irrelevant, what matters in solving a problem is solving the problem. The hard truth is, Starlight, some ponies are better than other ponies. You want to know how we determine worth? In a pony? How we judge whether somepony is ‘good’ or ‘bad’? It’s based on how much they excel at. If you don’t excel at anything, you’re not worth anything. I guess you’re unfamiliar with that, since your mind has been poisoned by Twilight’s egalitarian fantasy nonsense.”

Starlight had nothing left to say, and just sat there, almost convinced. Chrysalis noticed her wavering and continued.

“You were self-loathing because you realized you had built your life on taking advantage of others for an issue that could’ve been resolved easily. Why didn’t you just write up your friend who went to the Canterlot school?”

“He...he never wrote back…”

“Ah, yes, Starlight Glimmer, the well liked pony. Whose only friend cast her aside as soon as he got the excuse to.”

Starlight’s head tilted downwards in shame.

“Smart, funny, and talented. That’s interesting. You must be really amazing, huh?” Chrysalis asked, sarcastically

Starlight said nothing. She knew Chrysalis was just trying to get under her skin.

She hated to say it was working.

“But of course, that’s also a fantasy. Your biggest success in life was establishing your little ideological cesspool in your old village, which made you end up living in a cave for a few weeks before you were defeated and made into Twilight Sparkle’s personal accomplishment. She had no respect for you, you know. You do know, I can tell. Twilight took pity on you because you were so misguided in how you handled losing your geeky friend with the glasses. You were easy to control. Weak.”

Starlight began to feel the anxiety of her past returning. Thoughts that she hadn’t had in ages.

Does Twilight actually like me?

Why did Sunburst never write back?

Why did he never try to reconnect with me?

‘Stop talking, Chrysalis, please…’

“Twilight saw you as a chance to impress Celestia, to show that she wasn’t a lowly student anymore, she was a teacher. And you bought her little story about being inspired and wanting to help you. And of course, nopony wanted to be your friend. They knew who you were, some nutjob who tried to destroy Equestria. They knew who Starlight Glimmer was, and they didn’t buy that you had changed. Change how? All that happened to you was that you got caught!”

“That’s not true! I changed! I became better!”

“Nopony ever really thought so, did they? Why should they? You can make up a lot of stories about helping others and being kind. Twilight’s friends didn’t like you, the only one who did was her clumsy dragon pet, and that’s because he had a new servant friend to keep him company.”

“I’m not Twilight’s servant,” Starlight spat with disgust, more than insulted.

“Who calls the shots? You or Twilight?”

“Wh-Calls the shots on what?” Starlight bellowed anxiously.

“Anything! Who makes decisions for you?”

“I-Twi...light…” she said, her voice trailing off in a sense of realization.

“That’s right...who gives you commands that you follow without hesitation?”


“Correct again! Now you’re thinking…”

“But, we’re friends!” she said pathetically, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

“You think you’re friends. She certainly doesn’t think so.”

“H-how would you know?! She cares about me!”

“Is she even searching for you right now? I showed her what I’ve done to you, and all she did was stare. Stare and say nothing. Like you were just some noise in the background she finally got rid of. I bet she’s glad you’re gone. She already got her brownie points with Celestia for teaching you, by now you must’ve finally gotten on her nerves. I mean, all you do is complain and make sassy comments, you’re no fun to be around. Even if anypony forgave you for all you’ve done, they’d get tired of you after a while. Because you have no social skills, nothing interesting about you. You’re afraid to make new friends because your first attempt ended so poorly, and you’re always so nervous that somepony isn’t going to like you, or judge you for your past, you ruin any chance you get!”

“Stop it!” Starlight yelled, unable to hold back the tears.

Chrysalis was grinning now, high on a sadistic adrenaline rush.

“You know I’m right. I shouldn’t even have to say it.”

Starlight was now sniffling, red faced, mad and hopeless.

“They’ve never liked you, and they like you even less now. And what are you going to do, turn evil again? Yeah, that will make things better. You should just go away, disappear, right? Good thing I’ve helped you do it then.”

Starlight stopped shaking and stood still, her face devoid of expression as she started to give in to Chrysalis’ manipulation. Without mercy, Chrysalis pressed on.

“Everypony has just used you to get places, because you’re a pushover. You’re afraid to have control ever since you abused it with your old village. You let ponies walk all over you because you think giving them control will make it easier for them to like you, when in reality it just makes you look pitiful and pathetic. You don’t have any real friends, who know you and love you for who you are, except for the magician, who everypony also hates from what I’m told. What a great match you two are! You think Twilight’s you’re best friend? You do, don’t you? Well I’ve got some news for you, she’s only ever been using you. She doesn’t care about you as a friend. She’s known you the shortest and if it came down between you and any of her other friends, she definitely wouldn’t pick you. And you still try and lie and tell me you’re smart, and talented at magic? Since when? You got your cutie mark late, and you got rejected from the Canterlot school of magic all three times you applied. They didn’t think you had potential. Your mother walked out on you and yes, your father supported you, but deep down he knew you wouldn't go far. I know because I asked him. He loved you because that’s what good parents do, love their children no matter how awful they end up. You failed in academia, then you failed with friendship, then you failed in your revenge for failing those two, then you failed in your revenge for that, and now you’re just kept as an example of what happens to failures when they grow up. You’re an inspiration, you really are, on what not to be when you grow up. You have no talents, no skills. Remember what I said? Worth is determined by ability. And you, Starlight Glimmer, are lacking in every aspect. You’re nothing. They’re not even looking for you. You’re such a waste of existence you should be thanking me for removing you from the world. And you know I’m right. I’m just repeating what you’ve known your whole, worthless life.”

Starlight stood there, her body frozen as tears streamed down her face. Her mind was clouded. She felt a great pressure in the front of her head. She swallowed, her eyes staying fixed on nothing.

“Y-You’re right…”

Starlight muttered those words, yet Chrysalis heard them crystal clear. She had done it. There would be no coming back from this. Starlight Glimmer was defeated. She had successfully broken her. She looked at her pitiful pet, red-faced and speechless, frozen in place, with an expression of dull somberness being emitted from her unmoving face.
Starlight couldn’t think straight. Somehow, everything Chrysalis had said made perfect sense. She didn’t feel different, just, more free. Like a great burden had been lifted from her. She had finally admitted it. She had admitted what she had feared her whole life. That she really was nothing, that her hatred for herself was justified. The pain in her heart was now stronger than ever.

Chapter Five: Into the Unknown

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The inn Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Applejack stayed at for the night, owned by Sunflower’s elder sister, Daffodil, gave a brief sense of comfort from the fear surrounding their journey. The inn was cozy and pleasant, a sort of oasis in a town of bustling markets and constant action, even in the nighttime. Mapleville was the name of the town, sitting between two mountains in the Smoky range, and had dry summers and snowy winters. The town was relatively self-sustaining, and as a result didn’t involve itself too much with the affairs of its neighboring communities. Sunflower greeted them in the lobby that morning, after a good night’s sleep. Rainbow was eager to get started. She had barely been able to sleep, the wait was eating at her.

“You guys ready?” asked Sunflower, warmly. She had a cup of coffee in her hooves and a backpack on already.

“As ever. Let’s go,” replied Rainbow, ready for some action.

“Oh, and by the way, my brother is coming with us, he knows the mountains better than me.”

Right on cue, A golden colored stallion with light brown hair that stuck up and small bits of stubble that covered his face stepped beside his younger sister.

“Hello there, strangers,” the stallion said, tilting his head a sign of respect.
“Hi, I’m Rainbow Dash, this is Fluttershy, and Applejack.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you all, I’m Hickory,” he said with a smile. Almost immediately, he had found himself fixated on Applejack, who admitted to herself he had caught her interest as well.

“So uh, how long does it take to get there?” asked Applejack, trying to make simple conversation.

“Oh, just a little more than half an hour. The weather’s looking like it might rain soon, apparently there’s a cold front moving in from the north.” Hickory had a smooth, deep voice, his tone honest and straightforward.

“Then we better get a move on,” said Sunflower. Both siblings had a touch of a southern accent, and seemed like trustworthy ponies.

However, there was one issue, an issue Applejack had kept her eye out for since arriving in town. Both had bright green eyes, just like those a changeling in disguise would have. Though both seemed friendly, she had to remind herself they couldn’t be trusted fully yet, especially now.

The fivesome moved out of the town on a path that led straight up towards one of the mountains. The mountains were covered in grass and short bushes, swaying in the cool morning wind that would proceed the storm to come. Hickory led the group, Applejack right beside him and Rainbow in the back. As they hiked up the grassy side of the mountain, Applejack continued talking to Hickory, trying to figure him out.

“Sunflower said you spend a lot of time in these mountains?”

“Well, not so much anymore. Nopony really comes up here anymore, these mountains sort of have a bad reputation.”

“How’s that?”

“Weird noises, strange occurrences, the lot of it...the last time I was up here, I was with a buddy, we were checking out a newly discovered addition to the mines, we heard something coming straight towards us, the sound of wings flapping, like an insect but the size of a whole pony…”

Applejack stopped dead in her tracks. Hickory stopped too,worried he said something that offended her.

“What’s wrong?”

“Wings like an insect?”

“Yep, that’s the best I can describe it.”

Applejack glanced over at Rainbow and Fluttershy, who had listened in and shared a look of concern. Applejack turned back to face the siblings.

“Look, both of you, maybe I should explain a bit more of why we’re coming up here before we put you two in danger.”

Hickory raised an eyebrow, while his younger sister stared up in curiosity. Applejack continued.

“Our friend, the one that was ponynapped, was taken by a...very dangerous pony...have either of you ever heard of changelings?”

Sunflower held in her laughter. Hickory couldn’t. After a brief silence, he bellowed and wiped away a tear, struggling to balance her seriousness with what she just said.

“Changelings? Come on, Applejack, changelings are just old mares’ tales, they’re not real.”

Rainbow took this moment to join in, flying in closer.

“Well, they are, and me and Applejack and Fluttershy here, and all my other friends were captured by those changelings not too long ago, until Starlight Glimmer, the one who’s been taken, came and rescued us. Thanks to her, all the changelings were reformed, no longer out to hurt other ponies, all except for one, their leader, Queen Chrysalis. She vowed revenge on Starlight for ruining her kingdom, and here we are. Chrysalis has Starlight somewhere, and we owe it to her to rescue her.”

The way that Rainbow put it somehow changed Applejack’s perspective on the situation, ever so slightly.

‘She did save us, didn’t she…’

Hickory wasn’t laughing anymore, now just skeptical.

“That’s a good story...hard to believe though...who are you ponies exactly to be mixed in with changelings?”


“Have you heard of Twilight Sparkle?” interjected Fluttershy, seeing Rainbow had run out of momentum.

“Of course! The newest princess!” said Sunflower.

“We’re her friends.”

“You’re all friends with Twilight Sparkle?” said Hickory, now in total disbelief.

“No way! Where is she then?” scoffed Sunflower.

“Well, she and two other of our friends went north into the Crystal Mountains to search for our missing friend there, and we came west to search for her here.” said Applejack.

“Wow, so, we’re helping with the princess’ business?” said Sunflower, ecstatic. Twilight was a personal hero of hers, after all.

“You...could say that…” Rainbow said, taking advantage of opportunity.

“This seems a bit much...and if they went there, does that mean you don’t even know if she’s here or not? I’d rather not go in those caves with whatever’s in there if your friend ain’t even there to be found,” said Hickory.

“Well, based on what you said you saw in the cave, that sounds like a changeling to me.” said Applejack.

Hickory took a moment, scratching the hair on his cheek,deep in thought.

“Alright, we’ll do it, but we’re in way over our heads.”

“Do we get to meet Twilight if we do it?” said Sunflower, elated, like a little kid about to go to an amusement park.

“Sure, she’d love to meet you.” said Rainbow, cheerfully.

“Really? Yes!”

Hickory rolled his eyes and started walking again, the others soon following behind. Applejack was pretty confident they weren’t changelings now, as changelings weren’t very good at playing nice and innocent for long. Now, she didn’t have to repress her growing affection for Hickory as much.

Rainbow felt confident. Now that they actually had a lead, they weren’t going in blind anymore. Plus, they had two extra ponies who knew the area well enough to help them. Even Fluttershy seemed more mentally prepared about going through with this. Rainbow thought about what Twilight had said,

Don’t engage right away. Call all of us back so we can go in together.

Rainbow disregarded that and decided that they could handle this themselves for now.

Hopefully that wouldn’t be a mistake.

Queen Chrysalis had decided Starlight had been tortured enough for one week, and, as she had her own business to tend to, left Starlight with only her thoughts to occupy her in her prison cell. Chrysalis fastened a noose tied from around her neck to the ceiling, nearly lifting her up above the ground. Her hooves were all bound together, forcing her to stand on her tippy-hooves to stay breathing. Occasionally her legs would give a little, pulling on the noose and squeezing her neck. She glanced up as Chrysalis flew away into some tunnel up above, disappearing out of sight. Starlight had to breathe manually to ensure she didn’t choke. This all didn’t hurt as much as it did wear her out. She could only prop herself up for so long, once in a while dropping a little to rest her legs, cutting off circulation to her head. She breathed deeply as her face turned red from the strain. But the real pain was all in her mind. She felt empty, alone, and hopeless. She didn’t even know if she wanted a rescue now.

‘Things can’t go back to the way they used to be…’

All her life she had doubted herself. It was true, what Chrysalis said, she did fail all three applications to Celestia’s school in Canterlot. She just wasn’t good enough.


That’s what the rejection letters all read. Her father never let her read them, for fear she’d give up trying all together. She silently wept through soulless eyes as she struggled with her noose. Her father really did love her, for whatever she was worth. There was somepony who cared about her unconditionally. And she had gotten him captured by some demonic witch.


What was her condition? Who was Starlight Glimmer? A failure? Starlight wanted to believe otherwise, but beliefs and aspirations just don’t suffice in favor of cold hard evidence at the end of the day. And Chrysalis provided her with lots of it.

‘How did she know so much about me?’

Chrysalis seemed to be almost obsessed with Starlight, she knew exactly what emotions to exploit to break her down. It scared her, that anypony could and would do that to somepony else. Starlight still believed she was wrong for all of her time travel and indoctrination sins of the past. What Chrysalis had convinced her of was that her existence really did mean nothing in the end. She had truly failed in every endeavor, her most well-known accomplishments being those of her evil past, not her reformed present. There was a great, heavy pain in Starlight’s heart. She had struggled so long all her life to build a dam to block out those negative, self-deprecating, angry emotions, and Chrysalis just opened it. There was no hope to escape this dark cave, this relentless torment. Because, did she really deserve to escape? Isn’t this what she deserves?

I deserve it.

Those were the words Chrysalis had gotten her to say back when this all started. She had already admitted it. Now she believed Chrysalis wasn’t insane, just a sociopath.

‘So, still insane, I guess.’

She chuckled to herself. That was all she had left, herself. Spinning in circles as her noose tightened, standing on the tips of her burning hooves in a prison cell, in the side of a wall of a cave, in a place nopony knew about.

‘I was a failure my whole life. But now, I can make it better.’

She closed her eyes in a final admission of defeat. Chrysalis was her queen, and she was nothing. Just a worthless pet.

Twilight and company took every safety precaution as they stumbled over descending rocks in the cave path, small animals scurrying into crevices in the ground out of fright for approaching creatures. Shining Armor was deathly focused. He hadn’t lost a pony on a mission in a few moons, this mission had to at least end up a success. Otherwise, he could never forgive himself. At this point, they were about back down at ground level, having descended all the way down through the mountain. They had been walking for a good four hours, mostly silent the whole way, until they came into a larger vestibule within the cave, where other tunnels bled into. By now, Rarity couldn’t take anymore.

“Could we please take a rest? We’ve been going on for hours!” she cried.

Shining Armor rolled his eyes.

“I thought time was of the essence.”

“Well of course, but we wouldn’t want to have to fight Chrysalis when we’re all exhausted...” said Rarity, making Twilight freeze.

“Chrysalis? What are you talking about?!” asked Shining Armor, raising his voice.

“Oops, I meant…”

Twilight jumped in.

“Don’t be mad!”

“You didn’t say Chrysalis would be involved!” he said, targeting his aggression towards his sister as Rarity stepped aside.

“Look, my friend didn’t just disappear, she was ponynapped, by Chrysalis! And there are horrible things being done to her, and we need to help her! I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the truth, but I needed your help to get here!”

“You should’ve told me earlier…” he said stoically, his eyes hidden by shadow as he bowed his head.

“I would’ve told Cadence, then we both could’ve gotten a piece of that bug.”

“You’re...you’re not turning back?”

“Turning back? I hate Chrysalis more than anypony, Twilight, you think I wouldn’t want to help you finish her off?” he said, invigorated.

Twilight smirked and hugged her brother. The crew members were less enthusiastic.

“Hold on, Captain, I see that you are a-okay with being lied to, but I am most certainly not,” said Radish, the scruffy soldier Twilight had saved from falling, “Nopony said anything about having to fight Queen Chrysalis…”

“Yeah,” said Fritz, the scout, joining him. The cartographer too, seemed fearful of that name, and stood near his comrades spitefully.

“It may not come down to a fight, if we’re careful. Our main goal is just to save Starlight…” said Twilight, trying her best to negotiate.

“It’ll be a fight if I can help it…” said Shining Armor, approaching his stallions, who were all standing together in defiance.

“Don’t forget it was Chrysalis that almost killed me and my wife…”

“Not my wife, Captain,” said Radish, through an unkempt beard and rebellious eyes. He was a bit smaller than Shining Armor, had light brown fur, and had a long face, which was covered in a dark brown beard and messy dark brown hair. Shining Armor took what he said as an insult.

“Doc died for us to make it here...you’re going to let him die for nothing?”

Radish took a moment, glancing at the floor in a brief spit of shame, before resuming his defiant posture. Fritz and the cartographer let him do the talking.

“I do miss that old stallion dearly, Captain, I do, but...this is Queen Chrysalis we’re talking about, if...if she’s…”

His voice trailed off as he noticed the others tense up. Silence filled the cave. The ponies all stopped moving, looking around. They had all heard something, some kind of noise. Shining Armor glared at Radish, who picked up his spear from the ground gently, in preparation. Shining Armor slowly nodded and glanced back at Twilight. The sound they heard was like a dull vibrating, and seemed to come from very far away in the cave, down one of the tunnels that led into the vestibule. Twilight took a moment before she could confidently confirm the noise to be what she feared.

“Everypony hide! Now!” she whispered commandingly.

They did, avoiding stepping in a large puddle of water on the ground, scurrying around the room looking for places to hide, behind any rock large enough. Twilight waited for everypony to get situated before she herself tried to hide, but found there was no place. Fritz, on the other side of the room, also had no place to hide. Twilight was in full panic mode as Shining Armor peered over and saw the shadow of a pony-like creature approaching. Twilight, seeing as there was no time and no place to hide, went to her last resort. She shot a spell at Fritz and then herself, making both completely invisible. It took Fritz a moment to understand what just happened. Invisible, he scooted towards a wall and lied against it, while Twilight crouched near another rock, both completely unnoticeable. A few seconds passed as the noise of buzzing wings grew louder, and louder, until it felt as though it was right inside everypony’s ear. Twilight silently let her mouth drop as none other than Queen Chrysalis herself flew into the vestibule, where all seven ponies were hidden. Sweat dripped from Shining Armor’s face onto the stone. Chrysalis paused in the cave. Something was...off.

She sniffed around, then glanced around, then stopped flying, putting all four hooves on the ground.

Shining Armor knew in his heart it was her, but couldn’t risk moving his head to see, for fear of being caught. The urge to just blast her to pieces and get it over with was killing him, but he knew Twilight had other plans.

Chrysalis began walking around the vestibule, a confused scowl on her face.

She smelled ponies, nopony in particular, just the general smell. Yet, she saw nothing. She shook her head.

‘It’s still early, Chrysalis.’

She remembered she was already late for where she was heading and didn’t have time to waste snooping around some dusty old cave, and continued flying, but through a different tunnel than the one the ponies came through. Everypony remained frozen for a little while, until the buzzing noise subsided completely. Twilight blasted Fritz and herself, making them seeable again.

“It’s safe, everypony...That was close,” she said, exhausted from having to cast two invisibility spells on top of every other magical feat she’s had to perform today.

All the ponies came out from their hiding places, still frightened.

“That was so scary!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie. “I mean, she was this close to seeing me!”

“You turned me invisible! That was amazing!” said Fritz, who was chalk-full of adrenaline.

“Hopefully we won’t have to use it again,” said Twilight, stoically.

Shining Armor approached Radish again, who seemed a bit shook up.

“So, still feel like leaving?”

Radish glanced up at him. He was more than a few inches shorter, and had no dominance in the situation. Radish looked at everypony else, all staring directly at him.

“I’m with ya.”


Shining Armor grabbed his shoulder in appreciation, both smiling at each other like brothers. He turned back to the others.

“Alright, we know Chrysalis came out of that tunnel there,” he said, pointing at the one they weren’t planning on going through.

“So now we need to know if she was coming from her lair or going to her lair...Plat?”

Plat, the cartographer, was already studying his map. He was a red pony with spectacles and a full head of dark red hair. He was older than everypony else, but not by too much. He had a distinct, nasally voice.

“According to this guide, that tunnel actually goes right off the cliff face, outside…”

“Wouldn’t she fall off?” asked Fritz, not having been paying attention.

“She can fly you know,” said Pinkie Pie condescendingly, happy to contribute.

“So the way she came probably leads back to her lair,” stated Shining Armor.

“Most likely. Or at least to someplace that will give us a clue.” confirmed Plat.

“We better hurry then, we don’t know how long she’ll be gone,” said Rarity.

“Rarity’s right, this may be our only chance for all we know,” said Twilight.

The group gathered their things and proceeded in a line down the tunnel.

“Everypony stay quiet, we need to hear if she comes back…” said Shining Armor.

“And if she does?” asked Rarity, nervously.

“Twilight will have to use that invisibility spell, seems convenient enough, definitely more convenient than hiding behind some rocks.”

Twilight nodded, but was secretly a little unsure. She hoped she would have the power to cast seven invisibility spells repeatedly. Teleporting everypony up here was tiring enough, then having to fly ponies to safety through the thick snow, then the mental stress of the Doctor’s death, now the pressure of time...it was getting to be too much.

‘It’s all for Starlight,’ she thought, promising herself this would end up okay.

‘I should be rejoicing. Now we have a definite lead to where Starlight is.’

The group moved at a faster pace, in single file. First Shining Armor, then Radish, then Plat, then Rarity, then Pinkie Pie, then Fritz, and in the back Twilight, who would constantly turn her head backwards to look out for Chrysalis. She felt motivated, more than ever before on the journey. She smiled to herself. This was going to work out, Starlight would be saved, and everything would be fine.


Chapter Six: The Broker of Bad News

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Queen Chrysalis was late. For a very important meeting.

Villainy had its high points and low points. Upon losing her entire kingdom, her subjects, her everything, Chrysalis fell into a slump of self-pity and lacked the motivation to do anything about it. She had no army, so there was no conceivable way she could ever reach the heights of power she dreamed of reaching-to conquer Equestria and thrive off of its love. The only thing that kept her going was the burning desire to see the one responsible, Starlight Glimmer, suffer. Chrysalis now had nothing to lose, it was just her. Her old home was rubble, so she had nowhere to go. She had no allies, and nopony that would help her. Except one pony.

Black Frost was relatively unheard of in Equestria, to everypony else he was just another face in the crowd. Grey fur, dark purple eyes, silver hair, and a grin that rarely left his face. He lived in the Crystal Empire, and worked as a horseshoe ironworker during the day. But among the underground world of villains, he was no ordinary pony. He knew everything that was happening in Equestria, who everypony was, and which secrets which ponies knew. Originally, he was employed by Celestia to be a part of a very secretive group of ponies, stretched far and wide, put together to gather intelligence for the capital-intelligence meant for Celestia and a few select others’ eyes only. Black Frost was sent by Celestia herself to the Crystal Empire to monitor the happenings of the area. He did his job well, and, through communication with others agents like himself, at some point realized he had enough power to get him places. No longer did he have to be another face in the crowd. So, he began selling those secrets to ponies all over Equestria, earning him a sizable second source of income.

He had sent Chrysalis a message, telling her he had some important information that needed to be shared with her and a few others.

Unluckily, her conversation with Starlight went on a little longer than expected, and she was already thirty minutes late. Chrysalis transformed herself into a regular old pony, green in color with frazzled hair that curled into a ponytail. Her fanged teeth still stuck out over her lips, which she was always nervous about.

Walking through the Crystal Empire made her stomach curl in disgust. All these annoying ponies, waltzing around with their smiling faces and carefreeness.

They had no idea what hardship was, in Chrysalis’ mind.

They never had to struggle to survive, they were never forced to give up everything.

She scowled in anger as she cursed all of them in her mind.

Inconspicuously, she approached Black Frost’s house, which stood in a quiet neighborhood where every house looked practically the same. Two knocks on the door and a few moments of awkward waiting later, the red door swung open.

“Queen Chrysalis, you’re late.”

Unusually, Black Frost wasn’t happy. He had kept his other associates waiting for half an hour, and they were getting antsy.

“My apologies, Frost, I was held up.”

“I trust this was due to the weather? There is a storm moving in, no?”

“Yes, of course, the weather…” she said, eyeing him down.

She didn’t know if it would be wise to tell him about her captive Starlight quite yet. Black Frost was not one to trust with sensitive information. He had no loyalties. Frost first got into contact with Chrysalis after her army’s attack on Canterlot. He became a sort of partner of hers from the shadows, just as he had been for other villains all over Equestria. He led her into his house, down the stairs into the basement, where a ring of seats were placed in a semicircle. The room was large and dimly lit. She walked in slowly and took a seat, all eyes on her. Surrounding her were all sorts of baddies, ranging from pony gang lords to dragon kings to crime syndicate executives. Black Frost, a smile returning to his face, walked in the middle of the room, to face his guests.

“My friends, I’m so pleased to have you all gathered here today! It’s rare to have so many creatures with great power in one place, no?”

No one said anything, but he didn’t care. Black Frost feared nothing. He was invaluable, no one could touch him. He had been around for many moons and had the means to take down anypony in power. But he’d never do it for free.

“I have brought you all together to give a few updates on the current situation…”

Chrysalis still didn’t really know why she was here, only that it was allegedly important. Every minute sitting in this dark room kept her away from Starlight, and she hated leaving Starlight by herself. She was constantly worrying that somepony might find a way to get into her lair and rescue her hapless victim.

‘No. Impossible. Nopony can get in,’ she said, reassuring herself. Her mind jumped back to the present as Frost began.

“As most of you know, that little pegasus filly from Twilight Sparkle’s little school, the one who successfully defeated Starlight Glimmer and locked our dear Princess of Friendship and her bothersome associates in Tartarus, that one? Well, for all she was worth, she didn’t make it far...She’s locked in Tartarus now too,”

The group all groaned in annoyance. Cozy Glow’s progress was good entertainment for them for the past few weeks.

“Yes, right alongside Tirek...”

“You know, for all we made fun of her for, she does show potential,” said one masked stallion, Aluminon, a dark grey pony with a hard jaw, an unshaven face and sunken eyes, the leader of the vicious ‘Scags’ Gang from Manehattan.

“It does take a lot to lock a little filly in Tartarus,” said the buff red dragon, Arevoure.

“They really did that to a little filly? Isn’t that a bit much?” asked one tall, long faced red mare, Cellestrous, leader of an international Assassins’ ring.

“She knew the risks, if she had held back a little they might’ve gone easier on her,” added Chrysalis.

“I agree, friends, it is rather unheard of, to lock a filly in Tartarus...and I take it as showing the significance of our current situation…” Frost smirked at them, all curious as to where he was going with this.

“Twilight Sparkle approved the sentencing...she seems to be getting more accustomed to power…”

“Why should we care about the friendship princess? She hasn’t got any real power,” said Aluminon, dismissively.

“That’s one of the things I wanted to talk to you all about. I have a friend in the capital, a staffer of Celestia’s, and he has relayed to me some startling information…”

Chrysalis perked up. She had a feeling this would be something big.

“Princess Celestia, and her sister, most likely, are going into retirement.”

No one said anything. They couldn’t quite comprehend what he had just said.

“Frost...are you sure about that?” said Cellestrous, believing him to have finally lost his mind.

“I know it sounds a bit out there, but it is true...the reason I bring up the Princess of Friendship is because she, Twilight Sparkle, is next in line for the throne.”

“Why wouldn’t it be Cadence?” asked Chrysalis instantly.

“Twilight Sparkle was Celestia’s student since she was a filly. She was always meant to be Celestia’s successor. Not Cadence,” Frost responded, having expected that question.

“Do we expect any policy changes under this new administration?” asked Aluminon, angrily through gritted teeth. This sounded to him like a troublesome complication to his business.

“That would be...unlikely, at least for a few moons,” Frost responded.

“I know little about this ‘Princess of Friendship’...tell me about her,” said one stallion with a Russian accent. His name was Gargarov, a buff stallion with an orange coat and a magnificent beard. Black Frost responded after gathering his thoughts.

“Twilight Sparkle...hm...well, she defeated Tirek, Nightmare Moon, and-”

“Starlight Glimmer…”
The others all looked at Chrysalis, who said that name with a visible hatred. Frost too, noticed this.

“Well, not exactly. More so, convinced her to turn good,” said Frost, condescendingly. “I do believe they are near equals in magical abilities.”

“Is that so?” Chrysalis seemed bothered by his attempt to correct her.

Frost was glaring at her now, trying to read her expression. She knew something he didn’t, he could tell.

“You have something you want to share, Chrysalis?”

Chrysalis looked at him, then fixed her posture, standing straight to address them all. Every pair of eyes was looking towards her.

“I have Starlight Glimmer, captured, alive, in my lair. She’s strewn up in a prison cell as we speak.”

Frost’s eyes widened. The other villains began muttering in approval.

“And you..neglected to relay this to me?” said Frost, suspicious of her treachery.

“I told you when the time was right,” she said, trying her best to exact dominance over him.

“Well, Chrysalis...that is...very good...Alive, correct?”

“Alive. Roughed up a little, but alive.”

Frost was interested now. The others began to get slightly nervous by Frost’s energy.

“Roughed up you said? She’s been tortured?”

“Near daily.”

Despite how Chrysalis found Frost tedious, and Frost found Chrysalis too flashy, both had a common, unholy interest in violence.

“That is...fantastic…”

“Who is this…‘Starlight Glimmer’ you speak of?” asked Gargarov, mispronouncing her name. Black Frost eyed Chrysalis. He knew Starlight was a personal matter to her, and didn’t want to anger her by bringing the subject up in too much detail. Chrysalis understood his concern and gave a slight nod before glancing away. Black Frost turned back to the others.

“Starlight Glimmer is a close friend of Twilight Sparkle’s, a student of hers. She used to be fighting against Twilight, she nearly destroyed Equestria altogether, until Twilight convinced her to turn good and study friendship at her side.”

“Glimmer’s one of the most powerful unicorns I’ve ever seen, I’d say second only to Starswirl the Bearded,” Aluminon added, talking straight to Gargarov, who seemed impressed.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes at all of this.

“You said she was almost equal in power to that of Twilight?” Cellestrous asked Frost.

Frost took a moment.

“It’s probably true, and Twilight is an alicorn at that...regardless of where she stands among other ponies, she is powerful...Chrysalis, how ever did you capture her?”

Chrysalis rejoined the conversation, having tried not to listen to this unintentional flattery of her arch-nemesis.

“I caught her off guard, with a friend. They were on the way back from a mission westward, I drew her friend off the trail and waited for her to come looking, then I knocked her unconscious.”

“Seems almost too easy,” said Arevoure, “She didn’t even fight?”

“Fighting means losing,” said Aluminon, infuriating Chrysalis. Black Frost joined again before Chrysalis could respond.

“This is major, my friends. Starlight Glimmer could be a powerful asset if she could be turned…”

Aluminon leaned in towards the others, who all lent an ear.

“I’m more concerned about Twilight Sparkle, Frost. We have to stop her before she can assume power. Celestia’s been in power for 1,000 moons, by now, I’d assume she’s gotten weaker with age, insufficient to rule. That would make sense if she needs a replacement. I mean, Chrysalis here has defeated Celestia in a duel that barely lasted twenty seconds. Celestia needs somepony to fill her horseshoes, and it seems Twilight is that pony...To take over Equestria, you’ve got to take out its heir.”

The others murmured in agreement. Frost liked where this was going. Cellestrous was less convinced.

“I’ve heard many stories of Twilight Sparkle. She defeated Tirek, correct? How in Equestria could we ever defeat a pony as powerful as that, even combined we won’t stand a chance,” she said.

“Let me speak, I’ve dealt with Sparkle on more than one occasion,” said Chrysalis.

The others accepted her authority on the matter and listened.

“Twilight Sparkle is indeed powerful, but not unbeatable. I’ve successfully captured her before-I had her imprisoned in an indefinite slumber, the same done to all of her friends. It was easy to capture them all once I’d gone after them when they separated from each other. Twilight is at her most powerful when she’s with her friends, the trick to defeating her is to go after them separately,” she said.

The others took note of this.

“Frost? What more do you know about Sparkle?” asked Usurper, a buff light blue pony with a large iron helmet and armor. Frost took a moment to think.

“Twilight Sparkle....she’s famously studious, socially anxious, but still popular. She’s an alicorn, so, extremely powerful. Intelligent, yet struggles in fast situations. She wants to be independent, yet every victory she’s ever had has been dependent on one factor. Not her intelligence, not her magical ability, not her personality. Her friends…”

He was excited now, pacing around the room, unable to sit still. The others kept listening.

“It’s true, what Chrysalis said. The key to all of her victories lay in the power guaranteed by her friendship. When it was just between her and Tirek, Tirek destroyed her home and beat her into the dirt. Only when she had the help of her friends was she able to defeat Tirek, the same with Nightmare Moon.”

“So, the key to defeating her is separating her from her friends? That’s it?” asked Arevoure.

“Make no mistake, she’s still formidable by herself. But there is an easier way to defeat her than fighting, Chrysalis has the means to…”

Chrysalis stared at him, unsure of what he meant.

“We have leverage now, in the form of her captive friend, Starlight Glimmer.”

They all smiled, finally piecing it all together.

“If we threaten to kill her student, we can get her to turn herself over, then we’ll have both,” said Aluminon, enthusiastically.

“Precisely,” said Frost, satisfied. Aluminon cackled as his fellow villains chatted in excitement. Frost sat back down in his chair, facing the others, and leaned back.

“Cozy Glow came just as close as Tirek to taking over Equestria, despite having less than a tenth of his power. She did it through manipulation. We can learn from her. But she did make one, fatal mistake. When she sent Twilight to Tartarus, she sent her along with her friends. And of course they escaped, because they had each other. Taking advantage of their friendship is the key to victory-to break them from the inside.”

There was a fire burning in Chrysalis’ heart. Of course she wanted to rule Equestria, but she didn’t want Starlight to die. She wanted Starlight to suffer through the rest of her life. Even if she did win eventually, she would never forgive Starlight for all the pain she had caused her. Frost spoke directly to her as she thought about the future.

“We’ll stay in communication, Chrysalis, just, please, let me know what you’re doing next time, I don’t like to be kept in the dark.” said Frost. Chrysalis rose from her seat.

“I intend to see Starlight Glimmer experience the worst kinds of pain under my supervision. She belongs to me, and I’ll decide whether we use her for this little plot or not.”

Frost looked at her.

“And? Will you?”

She glanced at all of them.

“I have no army, no support. If they find me first, they’ll surely defeat me, especially when they’re all together…”

Frost glanced at the others.

Gargarov rose from his seat.

“My stallions are broad, trained by the axe, made for war, we will fight behind you if it means the reign of Celestia and her princess of friendship crumbles!”

The other villains cheered. Aluminon rose as well.

“My ponies are trained in every art of combat known in this land, we will fight with you, Chrysalis.”

Cellestrous was next.

“My ponies are assassins, trained from birth to become experts of death, we’ll fight beside you.”

Arevoure was the last to rise.

“My dragons grow to be as large as houses, they’ve destroyed armies of ponies, they’ll fight as well…”

Black Frost grinned as the other villains numbering around twenty all rose from their seats, cheering. He rose finally.

“For too long, has the arrogance of villains who pronounce themselves all-powerful blinded them from discovering the path to true victory...but here, now, all of us, smaller and wiser, together, will finally reap vengeance on Equestria. And avenge those who have fallen before us!”

They all cheered. Chrysalis was grinning. Though, normally, she hated working with other creatures, these creatures were vastly beneath her in power, to the extent she saw them as no more than footsoldiers. But that was a good thing. Now, she had an army again. She felt as though the ends were finally being tied, that her last fight was drawing near.

This time, she had everything to gain.

Rainbow’s group escaped the downpour just in time. The good weather they had begun with ran out after an hour of hiking, just before they reached the entrance to the mine shaft, located near the top of one of the grassy mountains.

“How will we be able to see down there? We don’t have a light…” said Applejack, staring into the dark cave. They were standing just under the wood-framed entrance, along a minecart track. The mine shaft gradually tilted downhill, into the underground blackness.

“Don’t worry, I brought some matches…” said Hickory, reaching into his pack.
Applejack was relieved as he doused the ends of a few nearby sticks in oil before lighting them on fire. He gave one to Applejack and Sunflower, and kept the third for himself.

“Alright, now we’ll go down the mine shaft-it’s a straight way for a little but it gets windy after the first four hundred meters...stay together, keep track of each other.”

The others all nodded as they began trudging through the muddy, dank cave. They heard the scurrying of rats, lizards, and unnaturally large insects all around them as they began their descent. The sun, which was already blocked by rain clouds, was now completely absent in the dark cave. The only light came from the torches, which illuminated each pony’s face in a radiant shade of orange. Applejack couldn’t take her eyes off of Hickory’s face, which had a warm autumn glow to it under the torch light.

They kept on marching, the mud getting less thick as they got farther away from the entrance. The pegasi couldn’t fly, as the ceiling got too low. They all had to crouch a little, as space became cramped. Eventually, they came to the part Hickory was talking about. The route they were on spiraled into at least five other paths, all extremely narrow and foreboding. Rainbow was beginning to have second thoughts about this.

“Which one should we go through, Hickory?” asked Rainbow.
Hickory adjusted his pack as he scoped out the scene.

“Well, those two paths there,” he said, pointing to the two farthest to the left, “connect into the quarry, so I doubt that’s the way…”

He took a moment.

“The middle one and the one beside it on the right just go deeper into more coal deposits…”

“So the far right one?” asked Sunflower.

“See, that’s the problem, I’ve never been down that route there. That’s the newer one, the one me and my pal went into before we ran off after hearing that noise…”

“The Changeling?” asked Rainbow.

“...If you say so…”

“Then that’s the one we’re going down,” said Applejack, trying to show her courage.

Hickory wasn’t as thrilled.

“Now hold on, I’ve got no idea what’s down there, and I don’t think it’s very smart sending you ponies someplace you may never return from,” he said, affirmatively.

“Hickory, we understand the risks. But we have a friend on the line who needs our help. Sometimes, you’ve just got to take those risks.”

“And what if something happens to you? Then there’ll be one more missing pony.”

Applejack was beginning to get frustrated at having to argue.

“Look, you’ve gotten us this far, and we are much too grateful for all you’ve done, but we’re not asking for your permission,” she said, straightening up a little to meet him at eye level. He admired her bravery.

“You know I’d never let you go in there alone.”

He smiled, and so did she. He then turned to his sister, wide-eyed and eager as always.

“But you’re not coming with us.”

“What? Yes I am!”

“It’s bad enough any of us are going, you sure as hell aren’t. That’s final.”

“Rainbow Dash! Say something!”

Rainbow was caught off guard. She wasn’t even paying attention to the conversation, as Fluttershy had found an enormous centipede that she wanted to show her. Rainbow stepped in and gave her opinion.

“Hickory, we could use the help. We’ll all be looking out for her…”

Hickory was reaching his limit.

“If anything happens to her…”

“She’ll be fine, we’re here, you’re here. As long as we stick together, we’ll all be fine.”

Hickory sighed and relented, picking up his torch again and motioning to the others to follow, Rainbow and Fluttershy walking in between Sunflower and Applejack, who was in the back this time. They entered the abyss of the farthest right cave entrance, where the temperature began to drop and memories of haunting nightmares returned to Hickory’s head.

“Celestia help us…”

Starlight managed to doze off in her noose for about a half hour, before she lost her footing while asleep and almost snapped her neck.

‘I need to be more careful.’

The pain she had forgotten in her sleep hit her again like a splash of water in consciousness. She stared at nothing for a few moments, recapping in her mind everything she had learned and dwelled on from this morning. Though she had finally given up on herself, she still felt the pain of being betrayed by Twilight and her other friends. Starlight finally accepted that she was a worthless failure all her life, but still struggled to accept that Twilight was really just using her all this time.

‘I thought we were friends…’

Of course, it made sense as to why she would use Starlight. It looked good to have not only ‘defeated’ one of the most powerful unicorns in Equestria, but to humiliate her by making her your pupil/servant. Starlight still believed she was a powerful unicorn. Who could deny that? She was academically a failure, but that’s what inspired her to learn magic by herself, which got her to where she is today. But she still couldn’t feel proud of that. She got to be powerful not by the way she was supposed to. She failed to conform to the social standard.


The only reason she was powerful was because she hadn’t given up, that because she failed classical training, she took up unclassical training. Basically, cheating. And, as she had finally learned, cheaters never win, that was evident, given her current situation. Her noose began spinning her in circles again as she held herself up on her hooves, which still stung from the burns she experienced this morning. She was exhausted, as her sleep schedule was constantly changing. She was lucky to get the brief sleep she had just now.

Twilight Sparkle was, in Starlight’s mind, her savior. Starlight had been in a dark place for most of her life, from the rejection into Celestia’s school, having no friends, and lifelong self-esteem issues. Starlight was able to channel all that negative energy into magic, which did make her powerful, but never actually solved her problems. Learning magic was just a distraction from the pain. But Twilight brought her to a place she never thought she could reach. Twilight was the one who forced her to get back in touch with Sunburst, the one who taught her how to make friends and the one who gave her a whole library to expand her knowledge with the classical teachings she had missed out on as a filly. Regardless of why Twilight had brought her in, Twilight still helped Starlight solve her problems. More than any other pony ever did, that’s for sure.

‘Twilight’s not a bad pony...I am…”

A brief moment of positivity disappeared as thoughts of her being a failure all her life crept back into her mind.

I deserve it.

‘I do deserve it! I deserve all the pain! I’m a bad pony!’

She shut her eyes as she teared up, and pressed down on her burned hooves, making them sting like mad, while also stretching her noose, constricting her neck. She groaned in pain. She wanted to hurt herself. She wanted to be punished. She stopped herself, still crying as she wished she never existed. She hated herself with all her being, but couldn’t do anything about it. She had an obligation to stay alive and endure it all. Both so that her captive friends would be safe, and for her own retribution.

I deserve all of this.

She began to consider that if there is a hell, this can’t be much different.

Twilight was getting tired. She was incredibly worn out from all her magical expenditures from the day, and the physical trial of walking through a dark, wet cave all day began to take its toll. Pinkie Pie never complained out loud, but had been noticeably sweating and breathing heavily for the last thirty minutes. Rarity too, was exhausted. The group had been moving at an elevated pace for the past two hours, never taking a break since they had left the vestibule where they encountered Chrysalis. Now they were well underground, and Plat’s compasses had stopped working, forcing them to rely solely on his outdated maps. They had marched about six miles, and everypony felt it. Not only this, but Twilight was constantly turning her head behind her to see if Chrysalis was coming for them, adding an extra weight of paranoia on top. The cave tunnel they were going down was a one way chute from the vestibule onward, southwest. There were no diversions and it seemed to never end. So on the bright side, they couldn’t get lost. Nopony spoke, for fear an approaching Chrysalis would hear them. Due to that, some time in the afternoon, everypony was able to hear the faint buzzing noise coming from behind them. Shining Armor shot around instantly.

“Twilight!” he whispered.

Twilight panicked for a brief moment before beginning, zapping everypony with her invisibility spell. They all leaned up against the wall, trying their best to be out of the way. They stayed as still as possible for about ten minutes, the anticipation deadly, until the fuzzy shape of Chrysalis breezed past them all at a wicked speed. Shining Armor could get a good look at her now, and was disgusted as always. The breeze caused by her rushing past them rustled Twilight’s hair. Chrysalis seemed completely oblivious to their presence, to everypony’s relief. Again waiting until they could no longer hear her, Twilight gasped and released everypony from the spell, nearly fainting right then and there from fatigue.

“Twilight, are you alright?” asked Rarity, stopping her from hitting her head on the ground. Radish instinctively stood up and raised his spear towards the way Chrysalis had gone for fear of her return.

“That went better than last time,” said Fritz, rubbing his forehead of nervous sweat.

“Not for Twilight,” said Shining Armor, with a concerned voice.

“I’m sorry, Twilight, I know we’ve been asking a lot from you…” he said, lovingly.

“No, no, it’s worth it for Starlight...is everypony good?” said Twilight, through stunted breath.

“We’re alright…” said Fritz on behalf of the crew members.

“Better than good! I’m great!” said Pinkie.

Twilight barely managed a smile before closing her eyes to rest. Shining Armor sighed in relief they had made it out alright.

“I guess we’re taking a rest?” he asked the group.

“In the middle of the tunnel? We’re exposed! We’ve got no cover!” said Radish.

“We’ve been going six miles without a break...and Twilight is already out…” said Rarity, wearily.

Shining Armor nodded to her, and then turned back to Radish.

“Okay. Radish, I want you to keep watch in that direction,” he said, pointing towards the way Chrysalis had gone, “And I’ll keep watch this way...Plat, you watch over the girls…”

“Yes sir,” responded Plat, who was a little excited to be on a mission that involved so much action. Normally he was locked in the castle all day studying maps.

“Whoa, what about me, Captain?” asked Fritz.

Shining Armor glanced at him, almost forgetting.

“Fritz, you’re scouting up ahead.”

Fritz’s eyes widened.

“What, you mean that way?” he asked, a shaking hoof gesturing towards the way Chrysalis had gone.

“Yes, that way. I want you to go at least five more miles, by the time you get back we’ll be ready to go on, and we’ll know what to expect. Got it?”

Fritz took a moment to put aside his fear.

“Yeah, but, I haven’t got a light…” he said, trying to make an excuse not to go.

Plat took a castle torch out of his pack and some matches. He tossed them to Fritz, who caught them with a scowl. Shining Armor chuckled.

“You’ll be fine…” Shining Armor said passively, turning away from him.

“Um, Captain, if I won’t…”

Shining Armor turned back to face his scout, recognizing the fear in his voice.

“Send word to my family...tell them I love them, and, you know…the lot of it...” he said, his voice trembling.

Shining Armor stared at him. Fritz was visibly shaking. Pinkie and Rarity looked on but said nothing, providing only expressions of sympathy. Fritz, a pegasus, was young after all, just old enough to enlist. He had yellow fur, a young face, and messy blue hair. He had a legacy to uphold in the military; as his two brothers were also soldiers and his father was a Wonderbolt. He was brave, a bit hot headed, and clumsy. But his heart was always in the right place, which was why Shining Armor liked having him around. Shining Armor reassured himself that Fritz would be fine.

“I will...Good luck, soldier.”

He saluted Fritz, who saluted back, before turning to face the endless void of the tunnel ahead. He grabbed hold of the torch, lit a match, and set the torch ablaze, filling the black tunnel with a warm red glow, that comforted his heart just a little. Radish grabbed him by the shoulder.

“You’ll be alright, kid, I know it...Don’t think about what might go wrong...just think about doing your duty…”

Fritz stared at him with desperate eyes and nodded. Radish gave one last hardy smile before releasing Fritz, who spread his wings, still holding the torch, and flew into the darkness, his light growing dimmer as he got further away, until he was just a red speck in the distance. The others all said nothing, loitering around as their muscles rested. Shining Armor glanced over at his sister, who was lying between her friends. Rarity had her eyes closed, while Pinkie just stared at Twilight, peacefully. Shining Armor turned back to face the darkness of the cave. The sound of dripping water from a mile ahead could be faintly heard from all the way where he was. But what was eating at him was the possibility he just sent a kid to his death.

‘He’ll be fine…’

He grimaced for no one into the darkness.

‘He’ll be fine.’

Chapter Seven: The Long and Winding Road

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The farther he flew down the tunnel, the more anxious Fritz became. Flying non-stop while holding a torch in one hoof, he was beginning to get physically drained. Far underground, the claustrophobia and lonesomeness only added to his paranoia. Every noise made him jump, stop and look around, and every time it was only nothing. He was suspicious-it had been more than thirty minutes already, and he was nearly at the four mile mark. Still no sign of anything.

‘How far does this tunnel go?’

After a few more minutes, the monotony of the straight tunnel finally ended. The tunnel led into another room-like vestibule, wide and musty. He kept his guard up, lowering himself to the floor and raising the torch higher into the air. He scoured the room for anything remarkable, but all he saw were rocks and dirt.

Until he saw it.

At the opposite end of the room was a door, carved out of thick wood and held together by metal bolts and bars. It fit perfectly into its frame, carved into the rock. He approached it, warily. There was a triangle-shaped metal-encased hole on the right center, where a doorknob would usually go. He brought his eyes and the torch closer, and saw it resembled a sort of keyhole.

“That’ll be a problem,” he whispered to himself.

He stood up and stared at it, then looked around the room some more, and realized there were at least six more tunnel entrances, three on one side of the door and three on the other. The tunnel he came out of was one of them. The room was ovalish, and each tunnel entrance was evenly spaced between each other around the room.

‘This must be how she gets around Equestria...an underground tunnel network...that all lead...here.’

This had to be it. The excitement of success overcame his fear briefly. He found it! Now all they had to do was figure out a way to open that door and save the girl. But the more he thought about it, standing in the middle of the room with his torch on the ground, the more problems arose. Clearly, one would need a key to open that door. And the only pony who would have that key is Chrysalis. Meaning, the only way to get inside is by using Chrysalis.

‘That won’t be easy.’

He spent a few more moments standing in the room, thinking. Indecisive, he pushed his worries to the side for now.

‘First, I’ve got to go get the others.’

He bent down to pick up the torch he left on the ground, until his ears caught something. An all-too familiar buzzing sound.

‘Oh no.’

Frantically, he picked up the torch, arguing in his head what to do next.

‘Now would be a good time for that invisibility spell, Twilight…’

After freezing up in panic, he dove into one of the tunnels, the same tunnel he had come from, planning on flying back to the others.

The buzzing grew louder.

She was close.

He couldn’t tell which tunnel she was coming from, all he knew was that it wasn’t his. He turned around and held the torch in one hoof, about to fly away. But before he could spread his wings, he decided on a new plan. He turned back towards the room, stepping on the torch to extinguish it, and lowered himself to the ground, trying his best to be out of sight.

‘If Chrysalis is the only one to open that door, then maybe I can sneak in after she opens it!’

He knew it was extremely risky, but it also might be their only chance for a long time to get inside. Doubt surrounded him, but he knew to always go with his gut, and kept himself as still as possible. The smell of smoke from the torch was pungent, he hoped she wouldn’t notice.

At last, she arrived. Queen Chrysalis, who, after returning from her meeting to the Crystal Empire, had gone out to a town near the Galloping Gorge, Manechester, to buy some supplies, disguised as a pony. She had also bought a few more mechanical parts she could use for some more of Starlight’s toys. Fritz kept his head down. He knew if he went through with his plan, he had to make it, otherwise Chrysalis would know they’re coming for her and have the upper hand. Luckily, he was caked from head to toe in dust and dirt from climbing around a cave for nearly a day, and was more or less camouflaged.

‘I can still turn back…’

He shook his head, trying to stay focused. His timing had to be perfect.

Chrysalis planted her hooves on the floor as her translucent wings stopped buzzing. She sighed, tired from the commute home, dumped her bags and groceries down on the floor and approached the door to her lair.

Then she stopped.

She smelled something strange. She remembered she had also smelled something strange earlier on her way to Frost’s place, but this smell was different, like a campfire…

She again shrugged it off. Teleporting into her hoof a pyramidal shaped metal object from one of her bags, Chrysalis stuck it into the keyhole. Fritz listened for the sound of the key clicking, and upon hearing it, raised his head up a little behind the mound of dirt he was hiding behind. The dim glow of Chrysalis’ eyes and horn lit up the room, barely enough for Fritz to see her and the darkened outline of the door, all illuminated in an eerie green mist. Chills ran down his whole body at the sight of the ghastly Chrysalis, but he kept his concerns to himself. She swung open the door, completely oblivious to the pony crouching in the tunnel behind her. She picked up her groceries and bags with her magic, and, luckily, not even turning around. Chrysalis spread her wings and began flying again, speeding away as the door behind her slowly closed. Fritz was sweating as he waited until Chrysalis seemed to be far enough. Not missing a beat, he picked up the extinguished torch, spread his wings and shot himself straight in the direction of the door. He stopped himself before he ran into it, still hovering in the air, and just managed to slide a hoof in between the door and the frame before it closed. The door was a little creaky, but wouldn’t be too loud as long as he was careful. He took a deep exhale.

‘I did it!’ He said to himself, as he stayed hovering in place, flapping his wings and holding the door just barely open. He peeked inside to see if Chrysalis was anywhere near.

She wasn’t.

The hallway behind the door was just as dark as in the rest of the cave, which worried him. Lighting the torch again would be too risky. He thought about the others. He could leave a rock to keep the door open, but what if Chrysalis came back out?

‘I guess I’ll have to do it myself,’ he said in his head, as he slid past the door and let it close, gently. He felt his face go white as he heard a series of clicking noises upon closing the door. He turned around and felt for a doorknob in the darkness, but found nothing. He gently pushed on the door, but found it wouldn’t budge.


He was locked in. The hallway he stood in was pitch black. He took a breath. No going back now. No way to get the others. He had to do this by himself. He was going to find the girl, rescue her, and then find a way out of here.

‘She might know another way out, I mean, she’s been here for like a week now…’

Against better judgement, there was still some confidence resonating in his heart. He was going to be the hero, who did it all by himself. Determined, he kept a hoof on the rocky wall of the hallway and used it to guide himself forward, taking soft steps so as to not make too much noise. He was in Chrysalis’ domain now. And had no way out. If he were to get caught, the whole mission would be ruined, and Doc would’ve died for nothing.

No pressure.

Applejack was the last to enter the mysterious tunnel, holding a torch that at one point nearly singed the end of Fluttershy’s tail. Hickory was up front, paranoid. This whole adventure didn’t sit well with him, but he kept relenting, having taken a liking to Applejack and wanting to appear brave for her. He hadn’t mentioned to the others that when he and his friend had gone in this tunnel, only one of them made it out. Memories he had buried away for a long time were being forced into his face, and it made him mentally restless.

The tunnel was descending deep underground now, north eastward. They had gone through that nearly endless tunnel for about two hours now, fatigued. But Hickory wouldn’t stop. In truth, he wasn’t just scared of what they would find down here, he was angry. This tunnel took his friend, and he wanted him back. His wish was about to be granted.

The dense air became rich with the smell of rotting flesh as they entered a larger part of the tunnel, large stalagmites sticking upwards near the walls.

Hickory was the first to notice.

The torch light stretched past the earthen walls to reveal the lifeless body of a turquoise pony with dark orange hair, with patches of skin and muscle tissue worn away from bugs and fungus. His flesh was withered away-all that remained was a dirt-covered skeleton with loose organs and patches of hair draped over it. The pony was dead. Long-dead.

Sunflower and Fluttershy screamed at the sight. Rainbow turned away in disgust while Applejack gagged at the smell. Hickory couldn’t look away, and couldn’t even come up with a reaction. He had wondered what had happened to this pony for years now, and today, his worst fears came true. He didn’t know whether he should be relieved he finally knew and could make peace with it, or horrified. He closed his eyes in mourning as the others backed away. Applejack, however, took the opportunity and approached him.

“Did you...know this pony?”

Hickory opened his eyes, pained and grieving.

“Aye, he was the friend I came here with. Firework...”

Applejack was slightly taken aback. She didn’t expect it to be a pony he knew well, let alone the pony he came here with.

“Oh my-I’m so sorry, Hickory…”

“It’s quite alright,” he said, sniffling, holding back tears, “I always sort of knew he probably never made it out…”

He shook his head, trying to get a hold of himself and not appear weak.

“Nevermind that, we’ve got to carry on.”

The others had already gone ahead a little, trying to get as much distance as possible between them and the dead pony, whose lifeless face mocked Hickory from afar.

“Hey guys! Come take a look at this!” said Sunflower from further down in the tunnel.

Hickory and Applejack glanced at each other somberly. He was thankful she cared enough to ask. They both walked over to the others. Sunflower was standing right beside a large crevice in the tunnel wall, large enough for a whole pony to crawl through.

“You think we should go in there?” Sunflower asked, excitedly. “There might be a clue or something.”

Hickory, visibly shaken up and not wanting another issue, gave Sunflower a look of annoyed frustration.

“Stay away from there, we don’t know what’s-” he was cut off by an unexpected growling noise coming from inside the crevice. Rainbow perked up, galloping back to the others. Sunflower’s smile dropped as she glanced downward, a large furry clawed paw jumping out of the crevice and slamming towards her. The paw was as large as a whole pony, covered in hair, and had razor sharp claws on each finger. It threw her against the wall and took a hold of her, the others gasping in surprise.


Hickory ran towards his sister and grabbed her arms. Applejack ran behind him, helping him pull. Rainbow Dash ran towards the arm and slammed into its wrist, smashing it against the rock, breaking a few bones. Rainbow jumped back to the ground and smirked as the creature screeched in pain, but still wouldn’t let go of Sunflower. She joined Applejack and Hickory in helping them pull, all three packed right alongside each other, heaving with all their strength. Sunflower was screaming in terror at the terrifyingly large paw. Suddenly, the whole cave started rumbling, dirt falling from the ceiling. Another growling noise came from ahead of them in the tunnel, followed by a large crashing noise Fluttershy’s mouth dropped as another beast, which had burst through the tunnel wall up ahead, crawled toward them. It had the head of a dog snout, but was far larger, with extremely bulky arms and legs. It walked on all fours, and approached them, the light of the torches slowly revealing its horrifying facial features, razor sharp teeth, split eyes, and pointed ears. The beast took its sharpened paw and backhanded Fluttershy into a wall, before roaring at the other ponies, who were still fighting with the other beast’s hand for Sunflower. Sunflower was wheezing, the grip of the dog-like beast was cutting off airflow. She couldn’t even make out any words as her face turned bright red.

“Hold on, sis, we’ll get you out of there! Just hold on!”

Hickory mustered up some strength and pulled with all his might. Fueled by emotions, he knew he couldn’t lose another pony he loved to this cave. Yet, the odds were stacked against them, as the other beast that had taken care of Fluttershy ran towards them, head butting them all together. The impact of the ramming sent all three ponies straight into the wall, a cloud of dust filling the cave. Hickory brushed off the dirt and ran back towards his sister, who was crying for help as the hand began to return back into the crevice from whence it came.


He dove in after her, before the other creature took its paw and took a hold of him. The creature brought Hickory close to its face, getting a good sniff as Hickory fought with all his might, to no avail. He looked on as Sunflower was dragged away into the crevice, her high pitch scream growing more and more distant. Tears welt up as he realized he had just lost his sister, and with her the motivation to keep fighting. Rainbow was knocked out cold, having hit her head hard on the wall, while Applejack slowly lifted herself up. Her back left leg was broken, but, upon seeing Hickory in trouble, she found the strength to push through it. She snuck under the dog and kicked it’s knee joint with her hind legs, as hard as she could, breaking a few more things in her wounded leg. The dog felt worse, though, as its legs gave out and it stumbled to the ground, still holding tightly onto Hickory. The dog whined and bared its teeth in pain, ready to chew Hickory into hundreds of little pieces. Before that could happen, Fluttershy mustered some strength and stood up. She flew towards the creature, right in front of it.

“Um, excuse me, Mister...Large, Scary Dog With Sharp Teeth...Um, I just want to let you know that what you’re doing isn’t very nice, in fact, it’s actually pretty mean, so, um, if you could just let my friend go please, that would make things a lot better.”

The beast stared at her in confusion.

Hickory took advantage of the beast’s hesitation, and managed to get his free hoof into his belt, pulling out a large, six-inch long knife. He raised the knife up and jammed it straight through the beast’s skull. Fluttershy’s eyes widened in horror as the beast screeched in pain, dropped Hickory, and turned to run away into the tunnel ahead, Hickory’s knife still stuck in the side of its head. Hickory landed flat on his back, exhausted and hopeless. He panted, catching his breath, holding back tears, not wanting to face the reality of what just transpired. Fluttershy was stunned.

“I can’t believe you just did that! I was starting to get through to it!” she said, almost angrily.

Hickory eyed her from the floor.

“Look, I’ve dealt with those things before. They’re not like regular animals, they have no interest in friendship and whatnot. They’re dangerous, and now...they’ve got my sister!” he said, an unhinged panic resonating in his voice.

Fluttershy looked at the ground, hoping he was wrong and the animals just needed someone to talk to. Off to the side, Rainbow Dash slowly came to.

“Ow...What happened?”

“The creature’s gone, and so is Sunflower,” said Applejack, limping towards the others.

“Is your leg alright, Applejack?” asked Rainbow, noticing a bruised limp.

“Yeah, I’ll be alright.”

“We’ve got to go after her. I’m not leaving her behind like I did to…” He didn’t have the strength to say his friend’s name, simply motioning towards the corpse a few yards away.

“We’ll get her. The thing that took her went that way.”

“Those things are called Diamond Dogs…” said Hickory.

“Those aren’t Diamond Dogs! We’ve all seen Diamond Dogs before, they’re half the size, and intelligent!” said Rainbow.

“Well, ‘intelligent’ is questionable,” said Applejack.

“They are Diamond Dogs, just a less advanced breed. The ones you’re thinking send those things to do their dirty work, like digging and hunting for food,” said Hickory, “and they think we’re food.”

“Fantastic. Now we’ve got two ponies to save. So how do we find where they took Sunflower?” asked Rainbow.

“Well…” he looked towards the crevice, his legs still trembling with anxiety, “We can start by going down there.”

“Down there?” asked Fluttershy, nervously. “I don’t want to go down there.”

“Well, I didn’t want to go down this tunnel in the first place, but you all insisted! So, now you’re helping me.”

“We’ll find her, I promise, Hickory,” said Applejack. They made eye contact, and with it Hickory found a small sense of comfort and peace. He nodded and stood up. He had already lost one friend today. He definitely wasn’t losing his sister as well. Wiping the dirt off his fur, he eyed the others, who, though injured and in pain, shared his determination.

“Let’s go.”

Starlight had drifted off again, this time for a good hour, before the distant sound of buzzing woke her up.

“What? Where…” she murmured as she opened her eyes one at a time. She had a red mark around her neck from the noose, and her hooves ached like mad from propping herself up all day. She tried to wake herself up and look presentable for Chrysalis. She had decided if she was going to be a pet, she might as well be a good pet. Chrysalis appeared, flying out of a tunnel up above. She seemed tired, likely from travelling all day. She had bags with her. Starlight hoped whatever was in it was painful. She had a burning desire to satisfy her hatred for herself. She knew it was wrong to hate herself, which made her feel guilty, which made her hate herself even more. All she felt was pain.

Chrysalis didn’t show up at Starlight’s cell for about thirty minutes. Likely, she was resting a little from a long day. Starlight just stood there, patiently, awaiting her queen’s arrival. Chrysalis did eventually show up, happy to finally have the time to play with her pet.

“Hello, Starlight.”

“Hello, my queen,” Starlight said, with as little expression as possible. Starlight knew seeming too happy would make Chrysalis angry, but so would seeming too sad.

“I’ve been so busy today, I do apologize for keeping you waiting.”
She glared at Starlight, looking for a reaction. Starlight had none, only fidgeting with how uncomfortable it was to be strung up in a noose with her hooves tied.

“Well, here’s the plan for the remainder of the evening. You’re going to make me dinner, then you’re going to try out this new toy I’ve bought, just for you.” Chrysalis said all this with a devious smile. She had waited all day to hear Starlight scream.

“Is that all understood?”

“Yes, my queen.”

Chrysalis nodded and teleported her into the kitchen. She noticed something in Starlight had changed. She seemed...colder. Like something inside her had died. Chrysalis laughed to herself at the thought of Starlight finally giving up hope. She had been thinking of Starlight all day. Black Frost and the other villains' plan forced her to change her strategy ever so slightly. The idea of turning Starlight evil had crossed her mind occasionally prior to her capture, but Chrysalis had decided she preferred to see Starlight retain her goodness, and instead lose all sense of self-worth and hope. For some reason, that felt more satisfying. And seeing as it had already begun, she was indeed satisfied. But to turn her evil would require her to take advantage of Starlight’s emotions, that instead of just directing her hate towards herself, Starlight would have to feel hatred towards others enough to want to cause destruction. Chrysalis buzzed off to her throne room, a deliciously evil smile stuck on her face as she dreamt of more plans for her slave.

Fritz had walked on the tips of his hooves for nearly an hour, still using the wall to guide him along the hallway. This tunnel seemed to go on forever, and his hooves were killing him. At last, he saw a light in the distance, the end of the tunnel. He took a moment to let his eyes adjust, having been in either darkness or very dim light for more than a whole day. He kept going at a slow pace to avoid any sounds, now more than ever, as he figured noise would echo in the vastness of her lair. He made it to the edge, and crouched down. The tunnel he was peering out of was close to the ceiling of the cavern, which was indeed large. The tunnel led into the Main Hall, where numerous other tunnels stuck out from the tops of walls, resembling a beehive. His eyes were drawn to the center of the ceiling, his mouth dropping and his heart skipping a beat at the sight. There, he saw at least twenty ponies, held inside a mosaic of green cocoons that hung from the ceiling. The ponies were upside down and motionless. At a first glance, Fritz believed they were all dead.

‘No, no, they can’t be…’

He examined the floor of the cavern and saw six columns positioned around the room that each touched the ceiling, and numerous doorways and cave entrances. There were chandeliers orbiting the cocoon centerpiece on the ceiling, and torches set along several walls, making the cavern relatively well lit. Then, he saw her. In one face of the cavern walls was a prison cell, about halfway between the floor and the ceiling, and inside was a pink pony with a black eye, a bloody flayed nose, frazzled hair that still resembled her usual mane cut, patches of skin ripped out, and bruises all over her body. Despite all of the harm done to her, Fritz was still struck by her beauty. Still, he cringed at the sight of all her burns and cuts and bruises, and noticed all of her limbs were tied together and she had a noose around her neck. She seemed exhausted and was struggling to stay upright and breathing. He felt both sympathetic on her behalf and deeply frightened, at the capabilities of this Queen Chrysalis. Fritz had never fought against her nor knew much about her to begin with, other than that she was dangerous. He hadn’t joined the army yet when Chrysalis attacked Canterlot, so everything he knew about her came from other soldiers who had been there. He was now especially motivated to not get caught, for fear of what Chrysalis would do to him. Just then, to speak of the devil, he heard the buzzing sound again from one of the rooms down below. He ducked his head back and peeked out from the edge of the tunnel, seeing Chrysalis approach the prison cell while flying, speak a few words, and then teleport the girl to a different location. He initially thought she had vaporized the poor girl, until he saw her reappear in another room down below behind a cave entrance, a room that resembled a kitchen. He kept his head down as Chrysalis flew away into another room, her sinister chuckle echoing through the whole cavern, sending shivers down his spine.

‘Now’s my chance, that she’s alone…’

He stayed where he was and looked into the kitchen room, excited, until he noticed she was wearing a collar and there was a thick metal chain hooking her to a wall.

‘So much for that…’

He sat where he was, thinking.

‘I should probably find a way out of here before I go rescuing her,’ he thought.

He checked to make sure Chrysalis wasn’t nearby, and flew out of the tunnel into the cavern, high in the air so that the girl didn’t notice.

‘I shouldn’t let her see me yet, she might freak out.’

He stayed as high as he could to keep out of sight, and scoured for another tunnel. There were more than a few entrances embedded in the walls, high up near the ceiling, just like the one he came out of.

‘Guess I’ll have to do trial and error,’ he said, annoyed and worried this might take too long and he’ll lose his chance.

He began testing every tunnel, flying into the tunnel entrance closest to the one he came from. He was confident, and now that he had seen how badly the girl was being treated, he was even a little motivated. Happy he had gotten this far, he entered the first tunnel, hoping his luck wouldn’t run out soon.

Rainbow Dash was still a little disoriented from her head-injury as she and the others marched through the filthy tunnel. The crevice opened up into a much wider tunnel system, one that was likely carved out by the Beta Diamond Dogs themselves. The tunnel they were in was pure dirt and windy, connecting to several other dirt tunnels that the Diamond Dogs used as a transportation network. Everypony was struggling with some injury. Fluttershy may have broken a rib when she was thrown into the wall, Applejack had her leg busted, Rainbow with her head, and Hickory, whose whole body ached after being squeezed by the grip of the Beta. His mind was a stormcloud, a stark desperation to find his sister keeping him from thinking straight. Applejack realized that they were all in a terrible physical and mental state, and if they came across the Diamond Dogs now, they wouldn’t stand a chance. She stopped walking, Rainbow and Fluttershy behind her stopping as well, both feeling the same. Hickory kept going until he noticed, and then turned around, already fed up. He glared at all of them. Applejack spoke on behalf of the group.

“Hickory, we’ve got to stop. None of us are in the condition to go fight those Diamond Dogs, not to mention we’ve been going on all day without stopping. We need to take a break,” she said, trying her best to convince him.

Hickory couldn’t get himself to say anything, his lips trembling and his eyes darting between each pony. This was a betrayal.

He was dead-bent on saving his little sister, and was losing his mind worrying what those Diamond Dogs were doing to her. He was known around town for being steadfast, a local hero of sorts. He could never return there knowing he was responsible for losing his own sister.

“So that’s it then? I’ve done all this for you and you’re going to leave my sister to die?”

“We just need to take a break! We can’t fight them like this!” said Rainbow, aggressively.

“Your friend is worth saving but my sister isn’t? Is that it?”

“No, Hickory, would you just listen to us? If we fight them now, we won’t win. Then we’ll all be goners,” said Applejack. Hickory was wounded. Of all ponies, he expected Applejack to be on his side.

“I trusted you, Applejack, same with all of you...I thought you were good ponies,” he said.

“You’re not thinking clearly, Hickory...we’re going to help you...Just not right now.”

“She could be dead by then, she might even be dead now!” he was yelling now, his whole body shaking anxiously, remembering what happened to Firework. The others said nothing. None of them believed they could get through to him. Hickory’s mind was too all over the place to understand where they were coming from. All he could think about was saving his sister. He was angry that she was gone and angry that he could lose her to these mountains just like how he lost his friend. All that he understood from Applejack, who he had trusted, was that they weren’t coming with him. He gave one last look of pleading and judgement before turning away.

“Fine then,” he muttered.

He grimaced and continued on while they stayed where they were. Applejack could only stare on as he slowly disappeared around a corner of the windy tunnels. Rainbow dropped her torch on the ground away from Applejack’s, before slumping on the ground. The atmosphere was grim as it was, this didn’t help. The tunnels were carved with rounded edges and were made of soft dirt, making it slightly more comfortable than leaning on a straight rocky corner. None of them said anything for a while, Rainbow eventually closing her eyes and drifting off, trying to sleep her headache away. Fluttershy couldn’t sleep, distraught over the apparent disaster they had gotten themselves into. Applejack sat down as well, resting her wounded leg, which was bruised badly.

“How are you feeling?” asked Fluttershy, concerned about her friend.

Applejack glanced up at her, forlorn.

“We have to go after him. He’s going to get into trouble too,” she said, in a lowered tone. Rainbow was snoring beside them, easing the tension a little. Fluttershy sighed.

“We should, but remember that Starlight needs us too,” she said.

“We’re not going to be able to navigate these tunnels half as well without Hickory and Sunflower, and besides, I could never sleep at night knowing that the two ponies we brought into this whole mess ended up lost or worse because of us,” she said bitterly.

Fluttershy nodded.

“Things always seem like they’ll end up horrible, but they always turn out alright...I just know this won’t be any different…” said Fluttershy.
Applejack looked at her with thankfulness for the comfort.

“I sure hope you’re right.”

Chapter Eight: Heart Still Beating

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It was getting late. Despite no way of knowing whether the sun was up or down from inside the cave tunnel, everypony in Twilight’s group knew that it must be close to nighttime by now. A long day of travelling by hoof had proven especially tiresome, and, combined with the anxiety that came with the looming threat of Queen Chrysalis buzzing around, nopony could complain about taking a well deserved rest. Soon enough everypony was sprawled out on the ground, eyes closed, deep asleep.

But not Shining Armor. It had been nearly two hours, and Fritz still wasn’t back. He hadn’t stopped worrying the whole time the kid was gone, and of course he had to assume the worst. Twilight was still passed out on the floor, and now Pinkie, Rarity, and Plat had all joined her, slumped all over the cold stony ground of the tunnel. Radish was drifting off, though he tried his best to stay awake for when Fritz returned. Except he never did return.

Shining Armor walked over the sleeping bodies of the others to reach Radish, who was gazing into the tunnel where Fritz had flown into, the last time anypony had seen him. He sat beside the last torch, its red glow casting shadows that danced along the curvature of the tunnel wall. Radish snapped to attention upon his Captain’s arrival. Shining Armor had put out all the other torches to make sleeping easier, but kept one lit with Radish for Fritz to find on his way back. Shining Armor sat next to Radish, pain in his eyes. They glanced at each other, the same thoughts running through their heads.

“We shouldn’t have sent him alone…” said Radish, with a hint of regret, assuming Fritz was already dead.

“We don’t know that he’s dead, he could’ve just gotten lost. He doesn’t have wits, you know,” said Shining Armor, almost angrily. He was really just mad at himself for losing another pony. This mission was turning into an absolute disaster.

“Maybe…” Radish exhaled. He talked slowly, and with a rasp in his voice as if he had smoked tobacco his whole life.

“Should we wake your sister and decide what to do next?” he asked. Shining Armor shook his head fearfully.

“No, let her sleep. She’s gonna need it. We’ll tell her in the morning.”

“If we make it then.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Radish eyed him, assuming they had come to the same conclusion.

“Captain, if Fritz got caught by that bug queen, she’s going to know we’re on her trail. He’s wearing royal guard armor, for Celestia’s sake. And if she knows about us, then she’ll have time to prepare and get the jump on us.”

Shining Armor clenched his teeth in frustration. He took a breath, trying to stay calm and focused.

“Look, let me worry about that, you get some sleep with the others. Regardless of whether Fritz is caught, or dead, or lost, we’re moving out tomorrow, and finishing this.”

Radish nodded solemnly.

“What about you?”

“I’ll keep watch...Just in case Fritz comes back, or…” his voice trailed off, but Radish understood.

Yet, the threat of Chrysalis attacking in the night made it difficult for Radish to fall asleep, still, he tried. Shining Armor stared into the flame of the grounded torch, squirming and crackling. He hated Chrysalis, he had to see her demise himself. He thought about Fritz, what really happened to the poor kid? He could’ve been stupid enough to try and save the girl by himself, or maybe Chrysalis already knew they were coming and was waiting for him. The more he thought, the more annoyed and frustrated he became. He pushed all of those thoughts out of his head and just sat there. Ready for whatever would come in the night.

While cooking the classic combination of steak and potatoes in the kitchen, Starlight didn’t know if she was just going crazy from the torture, but she could’ve sworn she heard somepony that definitely wasn’t Chrysalis flying up above in the ceiling of the Main Hall. She had become pretty familiar with the sound of Chrysalis’ buzzing insectoid wings, and what she heard was most certainly something else. She hoped to Celestia it wasn’t somepony trying to rescue her.

‘If Twilight comes, I’ll tell her as politely as I can that she doesn’t need to save me, and that this is what I deserve.’

She kept telling herself that, but she still wasn’t totally convinced. She knew she was bad, and Twilight was probably good, but what about Chrysalis? Chrysalis hadn’t talked about herself as often as Starlight was used to. Chrysalis always came across as an egomaniac prior to this ordeal, but now instead she seemed pathologically bent on being a sadist, and keeping an unhealthy obsession with Starlight. Starlight appreciated that she was being punished, finally, for all of her wrongdoings, but Chrysalis being the one to do it? That was what bothered her.

‘I guess it doesn’t really matter who’s doing it, as long as I’m being punished, I should be satisfied,’ she reassured herself, as she finished her mashed potatoes, with a little extra cream. Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden sharp cramp in her stomach.


She peered down at herself, bits of flayed skin hanging off her stomach and spots of blood staining her fur. She realized she hadn’t used the bathroom since before she left with Trixie, so, several days.

‘No food or water must’ve messed things up.’

She didn’t know of anywhere to use the bathroom in this confusingly elaborate cavern, and even if she did, she was still chained to the wall of the kitchen. She hurried up and finished cooking dinner so she could get the chance to ask.

“Um, my queen?” She said, loudly, just like last time. She had guessed that was the new routine. She kept fidgeting her legs, holding in more than a healthy amount of waste inside her. She was cramping like mad. A minute passed with no answer, then, finally, she was teleported, still holding the plate, into Chrysalis’ throne room.
Starlight never really noticed how big and splendorous this room was, carved with winding wooden oak and illustrious green gemstones. The last time she was here, Chrysalis had broken her down into complete subjugation, so she didn’t really have the chance to appreciate the architectural nuances.

Chrysalis was sitting on her throne, reading the same book as this morning. She teleported the plate towards her and ate a few bites of it. She was again impressed, but gave no sign of it. Starlight waited a few moments in silence, standing there as Chrysalis ate while reading, until she dared to ask.

“Um, my queen, may I ask a question?”

Chrysalis glared at her, clearly annoyed she had interrupted her.

“You know you’re not supposed to speak, Starlight Glimmer.”

“I know! I know, my queen, I apologize, but I really have to use the bathroom…”

Chrysalis stared at her, expressionless.

“That’s what you interrupted me for?”

She waited for an answer, but Starlight couldn’t answer, clenching her thighs together to prevent any excrement from slipping out by accident. Chrysalis tilted her head and gave a half-smile. Starlight was worried why she seemed so calm.

“Well, of course, Starlight, here.”

Chrysalis teleported into the room a dog bowl, the same one Starlight drank water from this morning. The bowl fell on the ground before her, while Starlight turned pale in disgusted realization. She stared at the bowl, then at Chrysalis.

“My queen, you don’t…” she said, her voice wavering.

“Keep speaking, that’ll make things even better,” Chrysalis responded sarcastically. Starlight shut her mouth, her eyes widened in mild disgust. Chrysalis was having the time of her life.

“Go on, you’ve got the idea, it seems,” she said, eyes returning to her book.
Starlight bitterly scowled at the bowl, before reminding herself,

‘This is what I deserve…’

She turned around, her flank facing Chrysalis, and aimed herself right over the bowl.

“Oh, and if anything spills, you sleep in the dungeon tonight,” said Chrysalis, not even looking up from her book.

Starlight paused, and made sure her butthole was positioned right over the bowl, before relieving herself. It all came out in a thick, continuous snake-like log, and completely filled the bowl. She pissed a little into the bowl as well, wetting her shit like water on clay. Red-faced for doing something so private in front of another pony, she turned back to face Chrysalis, who still hadn’t looked up.

“You finished? You must be, I can smell it from here.”

Starlight blushed with embarrassment. All she could do to make it better was to keep reminding herself,

‘I deserve to be humiliated.’

Chrysalis finally looked up at Starlight, who couldn’t bear to make eye contact.

“Ok, I’ll give you two choices because you’ve been mostly good today...you can either eat all of that up and then go to the torture room, or just go to the torture room as planned, but get no food for three days. Your choice.”

Starlight stared at Chrysalis, deep in thought, and then back down at her bowl.

‘I’ve got to eat…I won’t make it three more days without food...’

She cursed herself for having to use the bathroom in the first place.

“I’ll eat it. “ she muttered spitefully.

Chrysalis clapped her hooves, laughing and cheering.

“Oh, this will be great. Tell me what you liked more, your puke or your shit.”

Starlight groaned to herself and bent down, her rump in the air and her front legs bent. She nudged the mound of feces with her still-bloodied nose. As you could imagine, it smelled horrible. She gulped and opened her mouth, and took a small bite of her piss-covered excrement. Her feces simultaneously had no taste, as well as an especially strong tangy flavor. It was like nothing she had ever tasted, she couldn’t describe it, all she could understand was that it was terrible. She gagged a little but pressed on, tears welling up by the time she was halfway. The consistency was like butter that had been left in the sun all day. It hurt to swallow, like chips of dried paint were scraping her throat. Her once soft, pink lips were now a thick muddy brown, the same with her nose and chin. Chrysalis, all the while was laughing at what Starlight had been reduced to.

“You’re like a pig, Starlight, aren’t you?”

Starlight looked up at her while gasping for air.

“Yes, my queen, I am a pig.” her ears turned bright red saying that, but all this humiliation strangely felt nice, like it was justified.

She eventually finished, after about fifteen minutes of slow nibbling and strained chewing. Starlight felt sick, and she had the worst taste in her mouth.

“Great job, Starlight, your standards are ever lowering,” Chrysalis said, smiling with glee, “Now, don’t worry, you won’t have to do that all the time, that was just a punishment for interrupting me. Will you ever interrupt me again?”

“No...no, my queen.”

“That’s right...Because I’m getting sick of you doing that. Next time it happens, I’m cutting something off, got it?”

“Yes, my queen,” Starlight responded, fearful of what Chrysalis would cut off exactly.

“So...you’ve been alone all day, right? Have you been thinking?”

“Yes...my queen.”

“Well done, I trust you’ve come to a place of understanding, about what your place is in the world…”

“Yes, my queen, definitely.”

“I’ll ask you again, what do you think of yourself, Starlight Glimmer?”

Starlight paused, trying to piece together her words.

“I...am a failure, and a bad pony. My only successes have been in the name of cruelty, and I deserve to be punished.”

Chrysalis nodded slowly in approval.

“Well done…”

She stood up and walked closer to Starlight, who stunk, not only from having to eat her own feces, but from the fact she hasn’t been able to shower for the past five days.

“You’re disgusting, Starlight Glimmer.”

Starlight’s eyes fell to the floor at her straightforward brutality.

‘I know.’

“Doesn’t it bother you, knowing who you are, what you’ve done?”

“I...I...yes, I’m ashamed of myself.”

“You’re not the only one…”

Starlight glanced up at her captor, unsure where this was going.

“Everypony knows who you are, what you’ve done. They talk to each other, spread rumors, give you a bad reputation…Can you tell me about that?”

Starlight didn’t expect to be asked that, and was beginning to get tired of this emotional abuse. Nevertheless, she couldn’t disappoint.

“Um…” she thought about it, and then gave an answer off the top of her head.

“One time...I...Twilight and I were going to go buy some things at the market, and I overheard these two ponies talking about me, saying I was dangerous, and I belong in Tartarus…” she said, not happy to relive that memory from so long ago. Chrysalis seemed intrigued.

“Hm. And did you tell Twilight?”

“Well, she found me, in my room, and I was sad, and she asked me what was wrong, and that wasn’t the only thing, I had heard ponies all over town saying stuff like that for weeks, but it was getting to be too much. I told her, and she told me that it would just take time for them to move on.”

“Ah, ‘move on.’ Moving on doesn’t mean solving the problem, Starlight, it means getting over it. What you’re telling me, is that Twilight agrees that everypony just had to get over you, because you were staying and that was final. Am I correct?”

“I...I guess?” Starlight said, her voice stuttering in fear of saying something wrong.

“So it didn’t matter if you were better or not, everypony just had to get over you anyway. Twilight knew that you hadn’t really changed. Just as I suspected.”

“I-That’s not…” Her voice trailed off.

‘Twilight is a good pony. She knows better than me.’

“Twilight Sparkle, who used you. You seem to not understand that.”

“Tw-Twilight is a good pony…” she said.

“Oh, she is, she is a good pony alright, one of the best, which is why she couldn’t stand you. Because you’re not a good pony, right?”

“I’m not, but-”

“Twilight saw you and disapproved. You did ruin her life several times before retconning all of it. You really believe she just forgave you, just like that?”

“Well, yeah, because...good ponies can forgive ponies that aren’t good.”

“But you weren’t even worth forgiving. If she forgave you, it was because you weren’t too far gone, that you could be applied to her benefit. You get what I mean?”

“N-not really,” Starlight responded, quivering.
Chrysalis rolled her eyes.

“Look at Tirek. He was defeated, and kept alive, just like you were. But he wasn’t taken in as Twilight’s student, but you were. What’s the difference between you and Tirek?”

“I...I wanted to be a good pony.”

“Correct. You’re getting better, Starlight. Yes, you wanted to be a good pony, even though you were a bad pony. And you believed that Twilight Sparkle wanted to go out of her way to help a pony that nearly doomed all of Equestria learn about Friendship, just for the sake of principle? Does that really make sense?”


“You wanted to be good. Which means you were willing to do whatever Twilight said. Tirek was never like that. Your weakness made you easy to turn to good, to be taken advantage of. Twilight didn’t take you in because it was the right thing to do, she did it because it was the smart thing to do. You were useful to her. Remember what I said, about you making her look good?”


“Yes, you do. Twilight doesn’t think of you as a friend, none of them do. They think of you as an outsider, brought in out of practicality. You’re so weak, you let it happen too, and tried to convince yourself they were just being nice. They never included you in their plans, why would they? You weren’t a real friend. You hung around Twilight nearly all the time, because to you she was some sort of hero. But we both know she would always get annoyed with you being around. You drag the life out of conversations, you’re always so negative and sarcastic, you, well, you probably already know. You still think Twilight likes you?”

Starlight stared at her, her mind cluttered with thoughts.

“Nopony likes me. The only ponies that pretend to like me, use me.”

Chrysalis nodded, content. Starlight seemed conflicted. Chrysalis zapped the dog bowl out of the room.

“Alright, enough chit-chat, Starlight, I’ve had a busy day, and you have a lot to think about. Come along!”

Starlight stood up and dragged her feet towards Chrysalis at the door to her throne room.

“And you have shit in your teeth, by the way.”

Chrysalis led Starlight back to the torture room. Starlight’s head was hung, her eyes locked on the ground. She didn’t know what to believe anymore.

Was Twilight good?

Does she really like me?

Does anypony?

Her self-deprecation was expanding to a belief that everypony hated her as much as she did.

‘Nopony hates me more than I do…’

Chrysalis picked her up with magic and strapped her into the wooden work table, again in the eagle-position, which was beginning to get familiar. Chrysalis found the ruby-red ball gag from their first session in a box of equipment by the door.

“Remember this?”

Starlight said nothing. She wasn’t even thinking about the torture, she had more important things to set her mind to. Chrysalis shoved the ball gag between her shit-stained teeth and tightened it. Starlight closed her eyes and moaned in discomfort. Chrysalis reached into her shopping bag, the one Starlight had seen from earlier, and pulled out a large, metal-edged sledgehammer, but about the size of a regular hammer. Starlight’s attention switched from her relationship with Twilight to the hammer, brand new, handcrafted, and beyond intimidating.

“I can see you already want it.”

She pulled out a large hand-saw too.

“This is for if I need to cut something off. Get on my nerves and you’ll find out what I’ll cut off first.”

Starlight gulped through her gag. The last thing Chrysalis pulled out of the bag was a series of small nails, no larger than the width of Starlight’s arm. Starlight put two and two together real fast.

“This will be so much fun.”

She took one nail with her magic and aimed it over Starlight’s left shoulder. Starlight desperately shook her head in fear.

“One...two…” Chrysalis brought the hammer up with her hooves. Starlight shut her eyes and looked away.

“Three!” Chrysalis smashed the hammer into the nail, which punctured Starlight’s shoulder and jammed itself between a few bones, so that every time she moved her arm just slightly, it felt like it was falling off. She screeched through her gag, bending her head back and shutting her eyes tight, trying not to move. Chrysalis noticed this and grabbed her right arm, forcefully, before moving it around in circles, like a windmill. She could hear the sound of crunching and popping of bones as they crashed and splintered into each other, blood spurting all over her shoulder and neck. Starlight was screaming bloody murder now. Her whole body was shaking and contorting, she was practically bashing her own head on the table, flailing anything she could in panic and pain. No reassurance that she ‘deserved it’ would make this feel any less hellish. After a few more turns of indescribable torment, Chrysalis relented, removed the nail slowly with her magic. Starlight felt like there was a knife in her shoulder, and felt herself losing consciousness from shock.

“Oh, no you don’t.”

Chrysalis zapped her with a spell that kept Starlight awake. Her head was aching and her body felt too heavy to move. The slightest movement sent shockwaves of pain that ran through her whole body. Chrysalis giggled as Starlight gave her a look that spelled out a half-dead plea for mercy.

“Alright, now let’s get the real thing done with, ok? This will be fast, I promise.” she said, clearly lying. Starlight no longer had the strength to even react, as she lay on the table, facing the ceiling, her head straight and her eyes closed. She was breathing heavily, worn out to the extreme. Chrysalis took three more nails from her bag, and aimed them right over Starlight’s right ear. Starlight froze in alarm.

‘My ear?! Oh, Celestia...That’ll be permanent!’

“I always thought you’d look prettier with earrings,” said Chrysalis, before slamming the hammer into all three nails, sending them straight through the lower part of her left ear. She felt a high pitch noise fade in from the right side of her head, before suddenly stopping, along with all sound all together.

‘I- I can’t hear out of my right ear!’

In shock and pain, still mostly from her shoulder, she started hyperventilating, babbling and sobbing. This was freaking her out.

“Oh calm down, you big baby…”

Starlight raised the hammer and examined the nails, which were all dug in snugly beside each other. She grabbed one with her hoof and ripped it out, along with a good piece of her ear cartilage.

“That should do it.”

Her hearing suddenly returned, though now there was a hefty amount of blood filling her ear canal, muffling sound. Now she could hear out of that ear again, though at about half-capacity. Chrysalis ripped the other two out with as much forcefulness, leaving her ear mangled, like a ripped-up leaf.

“Hm. You know, we can’t have that,” Chrysalis said, flicking the upper part of Starlight’s ear, which was loosely hanging on by the right side. Chrysalis had ripped one nail to the left, tearing open half of her ear. Starlight looked on as Chrysalis went for the hand saw, and felt like throwing up out of trauma. Chrysalis returned, jolly as ever, and lowered the saw towards her ear, right along the tear.

“It won’t do you any good just hanging there, Starlight, this is for the best.”

Starlight yelped through her gag as Chrysalis began, sawing back and forth along the tears in her ear, breaking bands of cartilage and tearing apart skin cells. Starlight screeched in pain, and didn’t stop for about five minutes, when Chrysalis had finally finished. She picked up the piece of Starlight’s ear she had cut off, and held it up. Starlight now only had about two thirds of her ear, but she could still hear, though barely. Chrysalis held up Starlight’s ear in front of her.

“Um, hello? Can you hear me?” she said, laughing, as she spoke into the cut-off ear. Starlight grimaced and turned her head away, not wanting to look at it. She was still catching her breath, exhausted. Chrysalis teleported the ear to another location, and released Starlight, whose shoulder was still killing her.

“You did good,” she said, undoing the gag, allowing Starlight to breathe easier, “You can sleep in your cell tonight.”

“Th-thank you, m-my queen…” she stuttered. Chrysalis caught Starlight with her magic before she fell and brought her out of the torture room, back into the Main Hall towards her cell. She teleported Starlight inside, where she crumbled to the floor, unmoving. A betting pony would think her to be dead already, by the looks of her. Chrysalis smiled and buzzed off, casting a spell that shut off all of the torches and chandeliers of the cavern, which was still dimly lit by the eerie glow of the cocoon centerpiece, but was otherwise relatively pitch black.

Starlight was still in pain. Every movement with her arms gave her a sharp pain in her shoulder, and her ear was still bleeding.

‘Is it right to leave me here with open wounds?’

She stopped caring and just lay there, happy to get to spend the night in her cell. This was her home now, after all. Indignant thoughts meandered restlessly as she struggled to focus on sleeping. There was too much to think about. She had never felt lower than where she was at now. She wished to Celestia that she had never been born.

‘Why am I so awful?’

She had completely convinced herself of that, and she knew that Chrysalis was probably spinning the truth ever so slightly to crush her spirit, but everything she said had effectively struck a very particular nerve in Starlight. It was like Chrysalis knew her as well as she knew herself. She knew exactly what to exploit, what to poke at. If she was such a failure in the real world, then it only made sense for her to be the best slave possible here.

That means suffer in silence.

She closed her eyes a final time, ignoring her worries and letting the exhaustion of being tortured so ferociously carry her to sleep.

Fritz had investigated twelve different tunnels, all leading to dead ends. It was beginning to look like the only exit was the door he came through, which he couldn’t open. He stayed hovering in the cavern, running out of options, and hope.

‘Maybe if I ran into it really hard, I could…’ Before he could finish his foolhardy plan, he got distracted by the sound of a screaming girl. He dove into a nearby tunnel for cover and peeked out. The screaming most definitely came from the girl, which made his heart sink in sympathy. He peered down and saw the screaming was coming from one of the rooms down below, which was shut.

‘Celestia, I wonder what that bug is doing to her…’

He decided to hold off on continuing his search. His wings were getting tired and he could use the rest, plus he wanted to know what happened to the girl. After about twenty minutes of screams, his ears perked up at the sight of Queen Chrysalis flying out of the room, holding the girl with her magic. His eyes widened upon realizing she was missing a chunk of her right ear, and had a nasty looking wound on her shoulder. He crouched down as Chrysalis flew away after dropping the girl in her cell. The torches and chandeliers suddenly went out, the only light in the cavern coming from the cocoons on the ceiling. He realized he’s going to have to save them too, and struggled at how exactly he would get around that.

“She can help me...She’s got magic, right?” he whispered to himself. After waiting a few moments to make sure Chrysalis wasn’t coming back, he spread his wings and flew down, lower than he had ever gone in the cavern, right outside the girl’s cell.

Starlight’s body tensed up at the sound of somepony outside her cell. It didn’t sound like Chrysalis. She had gotten pretty used to that sound, and this wasn’t it. She jumped up to see what it was, and, upon seeing the blue haired, young yellow pegasus hovering outside, she nearly fainted in shock. Her first instinct was to scream, but held off. She didn’t want to get this pony caught, whoever he was. She had gotten enough ponies in trouble already.

Fritz raised his hoof to his mouth to shoosh her in case she screamed, anticipating that. He got a little closer. The girl seemed absolutely terrified. He didn’t know how to calm her down.

“Hey, it’s okay, I’m here to help you!” he whispered, as quietly as possible.

Starlight was pale with fright, fright at the possibility of getting another pony imprisoned in this hell for eternity. She heard what he said, and shook her head slowly.

“Get out of here while you can,” she warned, also whispering.

Fritz adjusted himself, put off by what was almost a threat.

“Look, I’m with Twilight Sparkle, I’ve come to rescue you, and all these ponies,” he said, motioning to the cocoon-imprisoned souls, “But I need your help.”

Starlight stared at him, dumbstruck.

“Twilight Sparkle?”

“Yes, That’s right!”

“Twilight wouldn’t come for me, Twilight hates me..”

“What? No, no, you don’t understand, we’re here to get you out of here!”

Starlight stared at him, too tired to deal with this situation properly.

“You need to help those ponies first, they don’t deserve to be here, I do…” she said, glumly.

Fritz stared at her in confusion.

‘What did that bug do to her?’

He went along with it, if it meant finding an exit and saving somepony.

“Al-alright, but I’m getting you out of here too…”

He looked around for a way to open her cell, but found it was just a hole in the wall with metal bars in front. He sighed, worried about time.

“Well, how do you get out of here?”

Starlight eyed him down. This was dangerous. If Chrysalis noticed any of her cocooned friends were gone, she’d be in big trouble. But, she knew if it meant her being punished and them being saved, it was a win-win.

Starlight had paid attention to where Chrysalis came from whenever she disappeared. She only knew of two exits.

“One is that tunnel right there,” she said, pointing upwards, “I think it leads to a bunch of other tunnels.”

Fritz turned back, disappointed.

“Yeah, that’s how I came in, but the door is locked.”


She took note of that.

“Well, there’s another exit down there, on the ground, it goes west I think though.”

“That door?” he said, pointing at one that was hard to see in the darkness.

“Yeah, that one.”

“Okay, thank you…”

Still airborne, he turned around to begin collecting cocoons, but stopped immediately.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here?”

Queen Chrysalis was blocking his way, about twice his size, wings buzzing rapidly. Starlight’s soul nearly left her body. It was over, she knew it. This would be punishable. Highly punishable.

Fritz’s heart was racing. He wasn’t scared, more so angry, that he hadn’t gotten the chance to save anypony yet. He began preparing himself for the fight, a scowl on his face. Chrysalis wasn’t scared at all. She was even smiling. Those fools had just given themselves up. She couldn’t contain her laughter. Her diabolical cackles filled the cavern as the torches and chandeliers lit back up at her spell, as she backed up slightly.

“You made a big mistake, coming here.”

Chapter Nine: Face The Music

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Awaking suddenly early in the morning, Twilight’s eyes slowly adjusted to the dim light of a lone torch on the ground nearby. She was having a nightmare, but she couldn’t quite remember what it was about. She was panting in fright and was covered in a cold sweat, as she got a hold of her surroundings. She was still in the cave, and everypony was still there. Except, she realized, the scout pony, the one she had saved from the avalanche. She jumped up to her hooves, startling a half-awake Shining Armor a few feet away, who had thought she was asleep. He had only drifted off a few times throughout the night, Radish at one point fully taking over watch duty.

“Twilight, are you ok?”

“Where’s Fritz?” she asked, almost hysterically. She was tired, and really didn’t want to have to deal with another problem this early. Shining Armor struggled to make eye contact, conflicted over how to break the news to his easily panicky sister.

“He uh...we don’t know…”

“Did he leave? To get help?”

“No, he didn’t...he...we sent him to scout up ahead…”

Twilight’s eyes widened. She wanted them all to travel together, as one. For this very reason.

“And? Where is he now?”

“We don’t know, he never came back,” Shining Armor said, annoyed with having to admit his mistake.

“What?! How long has he been gone?”

“All night...Twilight, he probably got lost.”

Radish’s eyes opened upon hearing two ponies arguing, and immediately thought they were under attack. He grabbed his spear and jumped to his feet.

“What’s happening?!”

Both paused and glanced towards him, only to ignore him and turn back to arguing with each other.

“Don’t you realize that if he’s been caught, we’re all in big trouble! She’ll know we’re coming, Shining Armor!”

“It’ll be fine. We’ll be prepared for that anyway. We should move out of here soon, we still don’t know how far ahead her lair is. It could take all day for all we know.”

Twilight sighed irritatedly, and woke up the others.

“Okay everypony, today we finish this. Fritz is gone now too, so be on the lookout for any clues about where he went...and, if she does know we’re coming, we all need to be extra careful, ok?”

The ponies all murmured in half-understanding, unhappy to be up so early. Shining Armor along with the other unicorns all cast their light spells, and the group began moving out deeper into the tunnel.

“Twilight, you really should conserve your strength, darling,” said Rarity, yawning. Twilight agreed and dimmed her horn, walking in the middle of the pack.

Things didn’t feel right. She felt well-rested and strong enough, but the disappearance of Fritz made her feel a bit concerned. There was now a new mystery to uncover, a mystery that shrouded the rest of their mission in a sense of desperation and ambiguity. She shuddered at the thought of what Chrysalis might be doing to him. And what about Starlight? Was she even alive after all this time?
‘Today we find out.’

Starlight awoke in a daze. Her face ached, like it had been punched repeatedly. She struggled to piece together what exactly had happened to her, and where she was. As the world came into view, she realized she was back in the throne room, her limbs all bound with thick rope to a splintery wooden chair, with the red ball gag again stuck in her mouth. She was alone in the large throne room, still impressing her with its beauty. She grunted, uncomfortable in her tight bondage and seating position. She shook her head, trying to wake herself up.

‘What happened?’

Slowly, the memories of last night began to resurface. That pegasus, the one who tried to save her, he put up a good fight, dodging a few blasts from Chrysalis’ horn, but eventually got hit, crashing to the ground and surely breaking a few bones, if not his neck. She cringed, remembering the sound it made.

‘He must be dead...because of me…’

She cursed herself for being so awful, causing the death of yet another pony. Then she remembered what came after. Chrysalis approached her and struck her in the face until she fell unconscious, telling her she’d be sorry for this.

‘I was sorry before it even happened,’ she thought to herself, sniffling. She wasn’t really concerned about her own well being at this point. She was perfectly alright with being punished, as long as that punishment only affected herself. Only then could such sadistic violence be justified. If it was for her and her alone. What she was actually concerned for was that pegasus. The things he said to her were troubling, to say the least. About being sent by Twilight Sparkle.

‘Maybe Twilight does care about me…’ she said with a brief moment of optimism.

Or maybe she’d just rather have me as her servant instead of Chrysalis’.

Her shoulders slumped, depressed and self-loathing.

‘I hope Chrysalis doesn’t do anything to that pegasus like the things she did to me.’

In her mind, only she truly deserved to be punished so harshly. It caused her even more pain to know that somepony else was going through that same treatment because of her. All she felt was guilt and pain.

Catching her off guard, the tall tree-carven doors swung open ferociously, crashing into the walls with sizable force. Chrysalis strutted in, an expression of sinister satisfaction stuck on her face. She gave no notice to Starlight, who kept her head down in silent submission. A few feet behind her, Starlight saw the pegasus, stripped of his royal guard armor, being dragged on the floor by Chrysalis’ magic. She left him in the middle of the room. He seemed half-alive.

In the unceremonious fight, Fritz had lost a few teeth, broke some ribs and two legs after the fall. He retained consciousness, fighting to get back up, until Chrysalis zapped him again. She had kept Starlight tied up in her throne room, wanting to deal with her later. For this pony, she needed answers now. Yet, even after a rigorous session of torture, the soldier refused to give in to Chrysalis’ demands. He wouldn’t give up any information, no matter how much blood was spilt.

Chrysalis sat in her throne, looking at her two torture-patients in disgust. She grabbed Starlight’s chair with her magic and dragged her to the middle of the room, right beside a slumped over Fritz. Fritz’s whole body was unmoving, his fur discolored with red splotches, his mane crusty with dried blood. Chrysalis removed Starlight’s ball gag, letting her breathe a little easier. Starlight glanced down at Fritz and cringed at all of the knife marks and blunt injuries the pony had received. His wings were twisted, his flesh burned, and there was a bone visibly sticking out of one leg. She looked away, terrified. Chrysalis chuckled.

“Yes, I worked on him quite a lot...but don’t worry, I left his face...such a pretty face, no?”

She laughed again, as Starlight kept her head down, fearful of what was going to happen.

“What am I going to do with you two? The pegasus refuses to talk, but I know he didn’t come alone. What do you think, Starlight Glimmer, do you think he came alone?”

Starlight stared at Chrysalis with eyes wide with fright.

“No, my queen.”

“Hm...I agree…” Her eyes went back to Fritz, who was glancing up at her from the floor. His hair was now messily strewn about, though he still kept his boyish good looks.

“I’ll ask once more…And if you answer, I’ll take away all the pain,” she said smoothly.

She leaned in, closer.

“How many of you are there?” she said, her words as sharp as knives.

Fritz looked away. One of his legs was twitching uncontrollably, he didn’t know why. Maybe something was broken. Maybe he was just afraid. Probably both. He really didn’t think he would end up in this situation. He bet everything on his mission being a success, and yet, he failed. Miserably. The least he could do was buy the others more time.

Chrysalis didn’t get annoyed by his silence. She just continued.

“Is Twilight Sparkle with them?”

Again, Fritz made no comment. Starlight tried her best to make no reaction, though she did know the answer to that one. But she definitely wasn’t going to doom another pony to death or worse-even if it was Twilight, who Starlight was starting to distrust. Chrysalis smiled, looked down, sighed deeply, and looked back up.

“You’re a brave one, going through all this…Brave and stupid...”

She stood up, slowly, and approached him, one hoof at a time. He looked up again, his eye twitching and his lips quivering. His whole body felt like it was on fire.

“But you know, you might as well spare them the trouble of having to fight me, I may accidentally kill one of them…Is that what you want?”

Still no answer. Chrysalis nodded.

“Fine then, let’s do it the hard way.”

Without warning, she grabbed Starlight and her chair with her magic, and brought her right in front of Fritz. He looked on in confused fear. Chrysalis teleported a large butcher’s knife into the air, sharp enough to slice a rock in half. She brought it down towards a quivering Starlight, grazing her neck. Starlight shuddered at how cold the blade was against her scarred and burned neck. Fritz noticed a large red mark along her neck, likely the result of the noose he saw on her earlier. Starlight reached out a hoof in desperation, before weakly dropping it to the floor.

“Do you know this pony?” Chrysalis asked, her mouth curled in a toothy smile. Fritz refused to give in, though this was getting serious.

“She’s pretty isn’t she...and to think, you would’ve saved her all by yourself? You must really care about her, huh?”

Starlight struggled, not wanting to move a muscle for fear of triggering a reaction from Chrysalis.

“Now, you have the chance to save her again. Or, you could stick to your silence. It’s up to you…” she said, pressing the blade closer to Starlight’s throat as Starlight squealed in fright.

“Don’t…” Fritz muttered, having lost his voice. His eyes were heavy and he only had enough energy to lift his head barely.

“Ah, now he speaks!…”

Chrysalis laughed euphorically. Starlight shut her eyes, not wanting to see the outcome of this mess she had been forced into. Chrysalis got control of herself and went back to her intensely psychotic demeanor.

“Here’s how this is going to work. You’re going to answer my questions, and if you refuse this time, I’m going to cut open her neck and let you see how pretty she is on the inside…” she said, giggling through the words. Fritz seethed in fury.

“You wouldn’t kill her…”

“Oh? Why not?” she said, eager to hear his thoughts.

“You brought her here to be a prisoner...killing her,” he said struggling to speak, “would ruin your whole plan.”

“That’s a very good point. But the truth is, I just wanted somepony to play with. But now that I have you, you can be her replacement!” she lied, laughing. Starlight just sat there, her eyes begging Fritz to let her live. She didn’t know if Chrysalis was telling the truth or not, all she knew was that she didn’t want to die quite yet. She’d rather live a life of pain, as retribution for all the pain she caused in the real world.
That seemed right.

Fritz glared at Chrysalis, unsure what to think. He had a feeling Chrysalis was bluffing, but didn’t really want to risk that. If she killed Starlight, then he definitely would have ruined the mission.

“So, I’ll ask one last time…How many of you are there?”

Fritz paused, as Chrysalis raised the knife closer to Starlight’s throat again, forcing her head back.

“There’s eight of us,” he said, counting himself and the dead Doctor to boost their numbers.

Chrysalis smiled.

“Good. Oh, and if I find out you’re lying, you’re the one that gets to die,” she said. Fritz trembled at her emotionless threat.

“And, is Twilight Sparkle with them?”

He frowned, forced into a corner.

“Yes,” he spat.

Chrysalis glared at him to see if he was being honest, but seemed to be telling the truth.

“There, was that so hard?” she said, removing the knife from under Starlight’s throat.

“Now, I’ve made a brand new cocoon just for you, where you can spend the rest of your pitiful life in unending sleep.”

Fritz tried to stand for one last act of defiance, but couldn’t muster the strength, as Chrysalis laughed and shot a beam of magic at him, teleporting him inside one of the empty cocoons in the ceiling centerpiece in the Main Hall. Starlight felt empty inside. She had made things worse, she knew she had. Chrysalis glanced back towards her. She zapped Starlight, teleporting her out of her bondage and out of the chair onto the floor.

“Oh, Starlight, you were doing so well…”

She spun Starlight’s chair to face her throne, which she was standing in front of.

“I’m afraid this little incident does not reflect well on your development.”

Starlight was frozen, staring at the floor, keeping her head bowed.

“Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

Starlight took a moment.

“I...Forgive me, my queen, the pegasus, he came to my cell, and, he said all sorts of things, and I, I didn’t know what was going on...”

“You ‘didn’t know what was going on.’ You think I’m supposed to believe that?”

“No, my queen, please! I’m loyal, I do everything you ask, I’m happy to be in your service!”

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow.

“You talk a good game, Starlight Glimmer, and I’d almost believe you. But I’m not quite sure about you yet.”

Starlight whimpered and lowered her head.

“So, here’s your punishment...You sleep in the dungeon for the next week, you’ll report to the torture room for the next five days, you’ll get no food or water for another three days, and, if you make even the slightest infraction within that time, I’ll cut off the rest of that ear, is that understood?”

“Yes, my queen.”

“Good. Now go on and make me my breakfast.”

“Yes, my queen, right away.”

Starlight stood up, turned around and trotted off, eager to right her wrongs. Passing through the Main Hall, she caught sight of the pegasus, unconscious inside one of the cocoons up on the ceiling. She stopped for a second in mourning, before continuing on, hanging her head in regret and guilt.

Applejack was the last one to wake up, slouched over a rock in the earthen tunnel they had slept in all night, deep underground. Rainbow and Fluttershy were a few yards away, talking to each other quietly.

“What time is it?” Applejack asked, disoriented.

“Morning, I think. There’s no sun down here, so…” replied Rainbow.

“Already? Darned, we’d better get a move on then, we can’t waste anymore time!” she said, worried.

The other two shuffled to their feet and gathered their supplies, before falling back in line and marching along through the tunnel. Applejack held one torch in the front, Rainbow had another in the back.

Applejack was anxious. She didn’t mean to sleep through the whole night, while Hickory could be dead somewhere in the Diamond Dog lair. Her leg still hurt, though it was more of a dull ache than a sharp pain this time.

“Everypony remember to stay alert, we know what to expect this time,” said Applejack. Rainbow nodded, passionately. She was still bothered that she had been taken out of the fight so soon. She knew if she had still been conscious the whole time, she could’ve saved Sunflower and avoided this whole mess.

The ponies sauntered through their injuries a good mile through the windy earthen tunnels, before arriving at a hole on one side that led into a large brown rock cavern. The ponies all hid behind the edge of the opening, keeping out of sight. There were a few voices in the distance from somewhere else in the cavern. Rainbow, who was on the right side, had a better angle to scope out the scene of the cavern.

“Rainbow, what do you see?”

Rainbow’s eyes darted around through the opening. The others could tell by her expression it wasn’t good news.
“It’s Sunflower...and Hickory...they’re both in cages over on that side…”

“Oh no…” whispered Applejack, realizing Hickory had been caught. Rainbow went on.

“Those larger Diamond Dogs, the Beta ones, they’re chained up on that wall,” she said, motioning to the wall opposite to where Sunflower and Hickory were.

“There are tables with food and junk all over the place…”

“Are there any regular Diamond Dogs?”

“Um...there are now, get down!”
Two bulky, grey colored Diamond Dogs strolled in through another room, laughing and talking to each other in scratchy voices.

“What’s the point in keeping those ponies in cages? We should at least be putting them to work, or feeding those dogs,” the shorter, fatter one said, a twisted grin on his face.

The other, muscular one scowled at him.

“What are the odds those ponies just happened to be walking around these tunnels? Chrysalis warned us about ponies trying to sneak inside, we should give them to her.”

The ponies all glanced at each other, shocked.


They continued eavesdropping, as the Diamond Dogs walked over to a table full of food-meats, cheeses, and fresh fruit.

“Why should we lend a hand to the Changeling when we could use them for ourselves? The stallion’s broad and the mare is good enough to work a plow. Ponies don’t just drop in everyday you know.”

“If Chrysalis finds out we have ponies and didn’t tell her, we’ll be the ones hanging from her ceiling.”

The other one chuckled.

“You might be right about that…”

“Just leave them be, the next time Chrysalis comes we’ll ask to use them.”

The Diamond Dogs continued eating, laughing and telling terrible jokes.

“So Chrysalis comes through here?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Looks like our luck is better than we thought,” said Applejack.

“We have to save the others first, before we go after Chrysalis,” added Fluttershy.

The others nodded, thinking.

“There don’t seem to be too many,” said Applejack, “Maybe we can just sneak past them.”

“Are you forgetting about the big ones? If we wake them up, it’s game over,” said Rainbow.

“If one of us could cause a distraction, to get those dogs away from the cages…” said Fluttershy.

“Good idea, Fluttershy. If only we had somepony fast enough to give chase for a while…” Applejack teased, eyeing Rainbow, who was both honored and horrified by the proposal.

“You want me to let those things chase me?” she said, gulping.

“What, you don’t think you’re fast enough?” said Applejack, angering Rainbow.

“No! It’s just...fine! I’ll do it!” she said, pouting.

“Alright, while you’re doing that, Fluttershy and I will go get the others.”

“What about finding Chrysalis?” asked Fluttershy.

Applejack looked at the ground, thinking.

“Leave that to me…”

Twilight was anxious. Now two ponies were missing, all because Shining Armor had to take control of the situation. This mission was her idea after all, she felt as though he had no right to make that call. And now, this mission could be a potential disaster. They had no idea how long it would take to reach the Lair, or wherever Fritz ran into trouble.

“What exactly is the plan when we get there?” whined Rarity, bored of the silence.

“We’re going to have to be stealthy about this. We need to avoid an outright conflict as much as possible,” responded Twilight.

“How about that invisibility spell?” asked Radish from farther ahead, scouting the terrain.

“I can’t hold it for that long...Only for short periods of time. We have to try our best to keep out of sight, okay?”

The ponies all grumbled in affirmation. Except Shining Armor.

He wanted a fight, he wanted so badly to wipe that smirk off Chrysalis’ face, for all the pain she had caused him. Sleepless nights, all the destruction to Canterlot, kidnapping his sister, and worst of all, that she always got away.

‘Not this time.’

Twilight began to notice how angry and bitter Shining Armor had become. He talked sparingly and only to Radish, who had served with him on numerous other missions prior to this, and trusted him. She hated how he always had a sort of elitist mindset about missions like these. He always had to be the one in control. That normally wasn’t too much of an issue, but it definitely was in this case. He didn’t care about saving Starlight, he just wanted to take out Chrysalis. She worried he would do something even more reckless than send Fritz out alone, this time definitely getting them all killed, or worse, ending up in Starlight’s position.

Twilight wondered about Starlight. She began to remember what her nightmares from last night entailed, where all she could do was watch as Starlight was tortured to death, begging Twilight to help her. Twilight felt responsible for Starlight, not only as a friend, but as her teacher. She knew that Starlight looked up to her, and knew that the longer she took to save her, the less faithful her student would become. Her worst fear, above all else that could happen, was if Chrysalis was to turn Starlight to evil. She worried about her own capabilities as a warrior against both of them combined-Starlight had far more expertise in offensive magic, as she taught herself and had no ethics or rules to abide by. This made her creative and resourceful, but also dangerous. When she had first received Starlight, she did so out of sympathy. She saw a bit of herself in Starlight, a desperation to be something better, something greater. She knew that Starlight wasn’t past the breaking point and could be a strong ally to count on, and, even better, a new friend. She never had another unicorn friend to spend time with since Moondancer, who she rarely saw anyway. But of course, she was aware of Starlight’s self-esteem issues, and tirelessly tried to help her get past them. Starlight’s worst enemy was herself. Her own denial of her potential prevented her from getting to the places she could have reached. Before, she had always gotten her way through the use of anger, trickery, and evil. That was, until Twilight showed her there was another way. That depending on others for support, instead of doing everything yourself, could actually help you get to places you never could have imagined. And, to the extent of Twilight’s knowledge, Starlight understood that now. Twilight had watched Starlight grow from an antisocial brat with a potency for anger and tricks turn into an empathetic, confident pony who loved to lend others a hand. If she hadn’t given Starlight a chance, Chrysalis would have won and conquered all of Equestria already. This made her even more sure of herself that she had made the right decision.

Which is why it pained her to see what had become of her.

‘Think about how things ended up this way,’ was what Chrysalis said, or something along those lines, back in the library. Twilight had been thinking, but remained unconvinced. The only conclusion made from this whole situation was something she already knew, that Chrysalis is demented and twisted. No matter how hard she tried to angle it, Starlight was never the issue. If anypony was the issue besides Chrysalis, it was Twilight, for ignoring the possibility of Chrysalis going after Starlight alone.

All she could do was try her best to maintain confidence and inspire the others, and hopefully, that would be enough.

Starlight finished up breakfast faster than usual, eager to try and impress Chrysalis and make her a little more forgiving.

‘I hate the dungeon…’

Starlight was still conflicted over whether she wanted to be tortured or not, and even about whether she wanted to be alive or not. Chrysalis’ manipulation had made her question everything about herself, to the extent where she was psychologically a mess.

As she argued with herself in her head, her stomach growled.

‘I had to eat poop for more food, and now I have to wait three more days?’

She groaned in frustration and exhaustion. The constant torture was beginning to be too much. Though her body was firm and muscular from all of the physical exertion, she felt weak and helpless.

‘Not what I had in mind for exercise.’

She caught her reflection in the metallic surface of the refrigerator. She stopped and stared. It looked like some animal had taken a bite out of her ear.

“Oh, Celestia...I didn’t think it was that bad…”

Her eyelids fell in melancholy as she finished preparing Chrysalis’ breakfast. She stared at the food, pancakes with fruit and bacon, and came up with an idea.

‘What I just ate one strawberry? She wouldn’t notice, would she?’

The most minor of infractions.

She stopped herself upon remembering. She had to be perfectly obedient, at least until Chrysalis relaxed a little.

“My Queen?” she called out loud. She waited to be teleported, which took a little longer than usual.

Chrysalis zapped her back into the throne room, and took the plate from her hooves.

“Okay Starlight. This little incident has created numerous complications to my plans that I have yet to prepare for. So, after I eat your miserable excuse for food, I’m leaving you in the torture room while I go and set some traps for your pesky friends.”

Starlight got goosebumps.

‘Oh no, she’s going after them?’

Chrysalis noticed her look of concern, and waited for her to protest, however Starlight remained submissively quiet. Chrysalis smiled and proceeded as if she had said something.

“You’re worried about them? You’ve got no reason to be. They’re coming for you because they’re scared of what I’ll use you for. Remember?”

“Yes, My Queen, They mean only to use me.”

“Yes, and so do I. Except I don’t lie to you about it.”

She stood up from her throne and stretched, before teleporting and attaching a leash to Starlight’s collar, which she had been wearing since she received it. Chrysalis dragged her along, heading for the doors to the throne room.

“That’s the difference between the good guys and the bad guys…”

She smirked as Starlight gazed at her with naive curiosity.

“The bad guys tell the truth.”

Chapter Ten: Risky Business

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She really didn’t want to do this.

Crouching alone in another part of the winding earthen tunnel, peeking out of an exit high above the ground overlooking the Diamond Dog cavern, Rainbow Dash wiped some sweat from her forehead, and took one last inhale.

‘Maybe one of my last…’

She shuddered at the thought of being ripped to shreds by those ravenous beasts, or worse, having to face the humiliation of being captured.

‘They won’t catch me,’ she reassured herself.

Glancing down at the ground-floor opening Applejack and Fluttershy were hiding in, she waited for the signal. The Diamond Dogs numbered about twelve now, all sitting in the large cavern feasting on a plentiful banquet, while their Beta counterparts napped near her imprisoned friends, Hickory and Sunflower. From a distance, they both appeared unconscious. She hoped to Celestia they weren’t dead. Caught off guard in thought, Rainbow noticed Applejack throwing her hoof in the air numerous times. Rainbow jumped to attention and doubted herself one last time, before committing to the plan.

She jumped from her opening, which was a whole story off the ground, and took flight, hovering in the air of the cavern, where the Diamond Dogs sat below, feasting. She expected the Diamond Dogs to react to her dramatic entrance, but, unfortunately, none of them noticed her. She slumped her shoulders in disappointment.

“Ahem!” she said, annoyed.

The Diamond Dogs all looked up in surprise.

“A pony?”

“How did she get in here?!”

“I came for my friends, you dragged them away and I want them back,” she said, aggressively. The Diamond Dogs were slightly taken aback by her forcefulness. One of them, whose conversation the ponies had overheard earlier, stood up, furious.

“You’re pretty bold to be sneaking in here, pony. Unlucky for you, you’ve dug your own grave.”

The Diamond Dog, who must’ve been the leader, whistled at the sleeping Betas nearby. Their slit eyes opened instantly and they jumped to their feet. There were three Betas, all large and covered in scars and bruises, likely given by each other. Rainbow gulped in anticipation, as she stayed flying in the air. She noticed one of the dogs still had Hickory’s knife lodged in its head. The Betas shook their heads awake and glared at the Leader, who pointed up at Rainbow in the air.

“Bring her down here, alive!”

The Betas all howled in excitement, panting and drooling as they ran at full speed into a nearby tunnel on ground level. Rainbow shuddered as she heard their footsteps approaching from the tunnel she had come out of.

“Here we go…”

She flew back into the wall opening and waited for the dogs to arrive. She picked up a torch she had left there so she could see through the darkness, and lit it with a match. The ground was shaking with the momentum of the beasts’ footsteps. She glanced behind her, to where the tunnel continued onward, deeper into the earth. She didn’t know where it went.

“What if it’s a dead end?”

All she could do was hope that wasn’t the case. Before she knew it, a cloud of dust shot out from behind the corner. She spread her wings, narrowed her eyes and took off, just as the Diamond Dogs caught sight of her. They gave pursuit, tailing close behind. The tunnel was dark, if not for her torch she would surely have ran into something immediately. All she could focus on was staying in flight.

‘If they catch me, we’re all done for.’

The dogs put up an impressive speed behind her, running with little coordination and constantly smashing into each other. They roared and howled at Rainbow, occasionally trying to claw at her when they got close enough. They were practically right on top of her at one point. The tunnel was full of stalactites, low ceilings, and strange structures that jutted out from the wall, all of which Rainbow had to dodge to avoid. The Dogs, on the other hand, simply crashed through them, barely deterred. Rainbow picked up the pace a little. She was holding her torch in an outstretched hoof, as she zoomed through the open air of the tunnel, which felt like it was getting smaller. The dogs didn’t seem to run out of energy, which worried Rainbow, who eventually would. Her head was still pounding from yesterday.

“The others better be quick…” she whispered to herself.

Applejack and Fluttershy waited in their tunnel opening, until the sound of the Betas’ hollering seemed far enough away for them to think it was safe.

“Okay, Fluttershy, it’s your turn.”

Fluttershy nodded and flew out of the tunnel, right in front of the Diamond Dogs, who were all standing around and arguing over what to do.

“There could be more of them!”

“We shouldn’t have sent all the dogs!”

“We should contact Chrysalis now while we can!”

Fluttershy stood there, as the dogs continued arguing obliviously. She was so quiet they hadn’t even noticed she was there. She cleared her throat.

“Um, excuse me?”

“Whoa, Boss, look!”

The Diamond Dogs all turned to face Fluttershy, who was trying her best to act strong. She was standing a few meters away from the dining tables, plates of half-eaten food littered along the dirt ground.

“Another one?” said the leader, who was a tall dark grey dog, with razor sharp teeth and large ears.

“Mac, go and take a few and check out the rest of the tunnel, see if there’s anymore,” he said.

“Wait! I just wanted to talk to you, about, well, you see, you’ve got some ponies over there...and it’s not very nice to treat ponies the way you are, and, um...I wanted to ask for them back,” Fluttershy said, struggling to keep eye contact.

Mac had already left with three other dogs into the tunnels while Fluttershy was talking. She feared for Applejack, though she knew she should be more fearful for herself.

“Look, pony, we know you’re all up to something, ponies never come down these tunnels. You better tell us what you’re doing here, right now.”

“Um, sure, I’ll tell you, if you give me my friends back.”

The Boss stared at her for a few seconds before realizing something.

“Hold it, have I seen you before?”

Fluttershy froze.

‘Uh oh.’

“Yeah, that’s right, Boss, that pony and the other one, they was the ones who put Rover out of the job!”

“You’re right, Butch, you’re right...you ponies just can’t stay out of trouble, can ya? Rover was in over his head, but I’m not. You ponies aren’t getting out of here in one piece, I’ll assure you that.”
He laughed with the others and turned to them.

“Go get her, boys!”

The dogs behind him all howled and got down on all four legs. They ran at Fluttershy, who squealed and took flight. Instinctively, she knew it would be smart to get them as far from Hickory and Sunflower as possible, so that maybe Applejack could save them herself. She flew into a tunnel nearby, as the six diamond dogs chasing her followed.

Applejack looked on as Fluttershy drew them into the tunnels.

‘That takes care of that.’

She felt confident. Now there were only two Diamond Dogs still in the cavern, the leader, and some large buff brown dog. She could handle that.

“Hold it right there, pony.”

Behind her was the Diamond Dog the Boss sent, Mac, his three companions surrounding her. Mac had a spear pointed right at her neck. She froze in shock.

“Get up, slowly,” he muttered, licking his lips. She did, her eyes still facing away from him.

“Heh, you know, the Boss doesn’t know this pony’s here, fellas. We have her all to ourselves.”

The other dogs all laughed, quietly. One of them grabbed Applejack by the neck.

“Hear that, pony? You’re in for some fun, aren’t ya?”

Applejack stared at the dog in disgust, before seizing the opportunity. She kicked the dog right between the legs, and ducked before Mac’s spear could go through her throat. The dog she had kicked hollered in pain as he fell backwards onto the ground.

“Get her!”

Applejack stood up and kicked one of the dogs, the smaller one, with her hind legs, smashing him into the wall of the tunnel, breaking a few bones with an audible snapping noise. Applejack’s leg still hurt from yesterday, but the adrenaline rush she had right now helped to dull it. Mac swung again with his spear, which she again avoided, before the other dog came up from behind her and grabbed her from the back, her legs kicking at nothing as he held her up towards Mac. Mac snickered.

“You’re a fighter, I like that.”

He stepped a little closer, as Applejack tried to get a leg on the wall to her right.

“Pity, ponies that come down here don’t tend to make it out.” He laughed again, psychotically, as he raised his spear to pierce her chest. Just in time, she planted her foot on the wall and pushed off, spinning her to the right and the dog holding her in front. Mac brought his spear down without realizing that, and instead put his spear straight through the shoulder of his companion, who lurched in sharp pain, holding onto his organs, before toppling over, likely dead. Applejack picked herself up, tired but excited. Mac bared his teeth in anger and swung two more times. He stuck his blade straight into the rock of the wall, where he couldn’t pull it out. Applejack smirked, smacked a hoof down on the wooden stick of the spear, splitting it in half.

Now Mac was only holding a wooden stick with a sharp end. Applejack intended to take the blade part of the spear out of the rock, but found it was stuck in there tight. Mac ran at her with the sharp stick, and flung down. His stick landed on the ground, his head close to it, as Applejack jumped out of the way. Using her hind legs, she kicked his head straight into the wall, where it left a crater filled with blood and chunks of brain matter. Mac fell over, definitely dead.

Applejack took a breath, tired from fighting. She looked at all of the dogs, lying on the ground. She stepped over Mac’s body and yanked at the blade of the spear stuck in the wall, and successfully removed it after three tries. Now with a weapon, she felt more confident than ever.

Unsure of whether the others had been captured or worse, Applejack knew it was all up to her to save Hickory and Sunflower. She walked back to the opening, and peeked inside, but saw no Diamond Dogs.

‘Where’d those other two go?’

A large arm suddenly smashed down right over her head, slammed her chin into the rock below. She tasted blood as she fell back, her mind disoriented. She felt like she had just been concussed. Stepping out from around the corner of the opening was that large brown bulky dog she had seen with the Boss. He had spit dripping from his chin and a permanent scowl. He was at least three times her size, almost that of a teenage dragon. The Dog glanced over at the Diamond Dogs strewn around the ground, and scoffed. He turned his head back to face Applejack, who was still recovering from her head injury. The dog cracked his neck and ran towards Applejack, whose eyes widened at just how large he was. She dove to the left before he could grab her, forcing him to run into the wall. He stood up again and shook off some dust, before grunting and jumping at her again. This time, she slid underneath his airborne feet before he could land on top of her. He didn’t know what had happened, but found out soon enough when he felt the sting of a sharp metal blade stuck in his spine. Applejack had stabbed him in the back, and took it out as he sighed in annoyance. She began getting worried. That seemed to be ineffective. She remembered that Hickory had stabbed that one dog in the head, which seemed to work. The Dog grabbed her by the neck and squeezed tight, her face turning bright red. She tried to hold onto the blade and not let go, but eventually lost the strength. The blade fell to the floor, making a clang sound. The Dog, alerted by the sound, looked around in confusion and loosened his grip a little. Applejack took her hind legs and bucked him right in the chest, pushing him forward and letting her fall to the ground, catching her breath. She reached for the blade on the ground, until the Dog ran at her again, grabbing her head and chucking her forward into the tunnel. She landed hard on the rocky ground, hugging her side and moaning in pain. The Dog took a moment to recover from the pain in his chest. Applejack looked ahead and knew she had to get to that spear. She sighed and picked herself up.

Do it for Hickory.

Applejack ran at full speed toward the blade on the ground, and, as it was dark in the tunnel, the Dog didn’t even notice until she was right in front of him. She grabbed the spear and raised it to kill the Dog, until he punched her straight in the chest, throwing her back forward. She lost her breath entirely now, clutching the spear as she gagged. The Dog stood up, triumphantly, and walked towards her. He picked her up by one hoof, not noticing she was holding the blade in the other. The Dog gave her a look of reluctant respect on behalf of her effort, before raising her up to smash her into the ground, and, likely into oblivion.

Yet, Applejack still had one last trick, and, after yelling in anger, she raised her other hoof with the blade and shot it straight through the dog’s forehead. He initially didn’t flinch, just staring at her in anger. He raised her up a little higher, hoping to at least kill her first, until his brain stopped working, and he fell backwards onto the cold ground, unmoving. Applejack fell with him, now worn out to the max. She yanked the spear out of his head and stumbled out of the cave entrance, checking to see if there was a Dog waiting for her this time.

There wasn’t.

She entered the cavern, but found it was no longer empty. The Boss dog was standing near the cages. He looked up at Applejack, bruised and filthy, and smiled.

“You must be the last one, right?”

Applejack said nothing, her scowl communicating all she had to. The Dog raised an eyebrow.

“You took out my best dog, for that, I owe you some respect.”

“No one else needs to get hurt. Just give those ponies to me, and we’ll be gone.”

“I’m not scared of you, pony. If only things were as simple as you believe them to be…”

He stepped away from the cages, still in front of her. His eyes were bright yellow, devilish, and he had split pupils.

“You ponies are after Chrysalis, are you not?”

Applejack said nothing. Her eyes twitched a little.

‘How did he know?’

“You were the ponies that ruined Rover and his operations up north, correct? Rover was an old friend of mine. He said to watch out for that one unicorn you were with, the purple one, that she was a student of Celestia, right?”

Applejack answered nothing, standing still as he stared into her soul.

“And now, I’m told that your purple unicorn friend is a princess, my my, and she’s enemies with Chrysalis? And her friends just happen to be sneaking around these tunnels? All of it is very suspicious.”

“Whatever she’s promised you, she won’t give it. She’s just using you.”

“So you are looking for her. I know Chrysalis a bit better than you, pony, let me make that clear. We give her our resources, she gives us her protection. Of course I know not to trust her. But, she’s far better to have as an ally than an enemy. And she knows everything about us. How many of us there are, where we live, everything. Crossing her now, especially over something as vital as her conflict with you and your friends, would be foolish.”

Applejack listened to what he said, and was trying to think of a way to persuade him, mostly because she didn’t think she could win another fight. But, the Boss went on.

“We are not the same, pony. You have your responsibilities to your friends, and I have responsibilities to mine. My community is at stake, you know. Sometimes the groups we’re naturally a part of are just meant to be at odds. Sometimes, we all can’t just get along. But I suppose that’s a bit too realistic for you.”

“Look, if you let us go through, and we succeed, and Chrysalis is locked up for good, then you’ll be safe and Chrysalis won’t get to take advantage of any of us.”

“Good idea, but that’s a bit too risky, pony.”

“Chrysalis doesn’t know you have captured ponies yet, right? You could just release them and act like you’ve never been involved.”

“The only way to get into Chrysalis’ lair from here, is through our tunnel system.” She’d know we let you go.”

Applejack was getting annoyed at trying to negotiate.

“Well, I’m not leaving without my friends.”

“Then maybe you can join them.”

He got down on all fours and growled.

Applejack dug her hooves into the ground, ready.
Do it for Hickory.

She ran towards the dog, who met her halfway. The two wrestled, paw against hoof, the dog trying to bite and tear at her, while Applejack resorted to using blunt injury. She kicked hard at his stomach, shattering some ribs and rearranging his intestines.

He reeled back at the sharp pain, giving her enough time to run towards the cage. She looked for an opening but found nothing. Frantic about time, she turned around and bucked the cage steel, which bent slightly.

‘Two more good hits and it’ll give,’ she thought. Inside, Hickory’s eyes blinked open.

“What the-?”

He sat up and saw Applejack kicked the metal bars a third time. The bars were bent enough they could be pulled out, which Applejack began to do, before she saw Hickory staring at her.


“Applejack...look out!”

The Boss ran at her and chomped into her chest. Blood spewed all over the room as the Boss shook her back and forth rapidly, his teeth digging all the way through her body. He chucked her across the room into a wall. Hickory, horrified, ran to the bars and pulled as hard as he could. His strength began to return after a long time being passed out.

Hickory’s failed attempt at a rescue of Sunflower had gotten him knocked out by the hands of that large bulky brown dog, and dumped alongside his sister. He broke the bars out and climbed out of the cage, falling onto the ground. He stood up, still a little tired from being beaten up yesterday. He eyed down the Boss, who was staring right at him, Applejack’s blood dripping from his snout. Hickory was fueled by passion and anger, feeling the need to avenge Applejack. He began walking towards the dog, who was twice his size, and eventually broke into a sprint. He had to kill this dog.
The dog accepted the invitation to fight, clawing across Hickory’s chest. Hickory acted like he felt nothing and proceeded to grab the Boss’ head and throw it onto the ground, before jumping on it repeatedly. The dog’s eye nearly popped out his head from the impact. He groaned in pain before grabbing Hickory by the leg and throwing him onto the ground. Hickory got up instantly and ran back toward the dog, who was picking his head out of its crater in the ground. The Boss’ face was bloodied and bruised. Hickory tackled him to the floor, as they both struggled to get a grip on the other. Applejack, slumped over by the wall, lifted her head up to see what was happening, and gawked at the sight of Hickory punching the Boss’ in the snout repeatedly. The Boss grabbed Hickory by the throat and swung him overhead onto the floor, before jumping on top of him, choking him. The Boss had all his weight on Hickory, who grabbed at the Boss’ arms ferociously, as he lost circulation. Applejack, in a desperate attempt, reached for her spear blade and looked over to Hickory.


Hickory’s eyes darted back to her, as he began to lose strength and hope.


She tossed the blade to him. Before the Boss realized what was happening, Hickory grabbed the blade in one hand and swung it straight through the Boss’s chest, the tip of the spear peeking out through the Dog’s back. The Boss let go of Hickory and toppled over, moaning in pain. Hickory gasped for air and climbed out from underneath the dog, and then dragged himself over to Applejack, who was bleeding profusely.

“You came back for me…” he said, looking at her with thankfulness and sympathy. Applejack tried her best to chuckle.

“Of course I did…”

His eyes were full of regret and fear.

“Please….forgive me for what I did...for what I said…”

Applejack tilted her head in appreciation.

“There’s nothing to forgive…”

With that, Hickory gave up his concerns and bent his head down, kissing her as he hugged her beaten body tight. Applejack closed her eyes and let him, finally feeling at peace for the first time in a while.

Their momentary bliss was interrupted by the sound of roaring dogs. Out of a tunnel nearby came Fluttershy, sweaty and pale faced.

“We...need...to get out of here!” she said between breaths.

She flew to Hickory and Applejack, who seemed immobile.

“Hickory, go get Sunflower.”

Hickory nodded and ran off. Fluttershy caught Applejack as the rumbling of approaching footsteps drew closer.

“Applejack, what do we do, where do we go?” Fluttershy was terrified and exhausted, having been flying around a series of winding tunnels for the past fifteen minutes.

“Hold on.”

She used the wall to help her stand up, and then limped towards the defeated Boss, who lay on the ground, the spear still stuck through his torso. Applejack crouched near him. She peered back at the tunnel Fluttershy had come from, to see a pack of dogs run out, before stopping dead in their tracks.

“They’ve got the Boss!”

Fluttershy shuddered as she stood near Applejack, who was holding the blood-soaked spear and looking down at the dog, who seemed to not have long to live. His breaths were slow and his body was losing heat. Hickory walked to the others holding an unconscious Sunflower on his back. Before anyone could say anything, the sound of roaring echoed through the whole cavern. Out of a cave entrance up above, Rainbow Dash sprang out from the darkness, still holding the torch. She looked around in confusion.


She looked down and saw everypony together, and gave a sigh of relief, flying down to the others. Soon after, the Beta Diamond Dogs flung themselves out of the cave entrance and ran towards the group, huddled together. Before the dogs could tear them apart, one of the dogs in the pack, Butch, whistled at them.

“Hold it!”

The Betas stopped, staying where they were in attack position. Rainbow was shaking from the excitement, feeling more alive than ever.

“Listen here, ponies, we’ve got you surrounded now, so hand that dog over to us right now, and we’ll let you live.” He spoke firmly, though it was obvious he was scared.

Applejack ignored him and peered back down at the Boss.

“Hey, partner.”

The Boss showed some signs of life again, moving his head up to face her. His complexion was lacking in color now from blood loss. There was a hole in his heart, and he felt it.

“You beat me, pony. I’ve underestimated you.”

“You know that Chrysalis has to be stopped,” she said. Rainbow turned around in confusion. The Dog scoffed.

“You really think you’ve got a chance at her? Good luck with that, pony.”

“I need you to help us. To make things right…”

The Dog glared at her.

“You want to know how to get to Chrysalis, do ya?”

“Please, we need to save our friend.”

“You...you’ve beaten me. I suppose I owe it to ya.”

He tried to raise his body up a little, and held it for a short time.

“Hear that boys? You’re to let these ponies go, we have no business with them now…”

“...But, Boss! They’ve killed Mac! They’ve killed you!”

“Just do it...If Chrysalis asked, tell ‘em I and I alone is to blame.”

He coughed up some blood before letting his head fall back on the ground.

He blinked slowly as he glanced back up at the ponies.

“That tunnel right there,” he said, pointing with a weak arm at one tunnel on the far side, “stay to the right the whole way and you’ll make it. But you know, all you’re doing is marching to your deaths.”

“Thank you, and sorry, about all this…”

“It’s like I said...we’ve all got our own responsibilities...I’ve failed mine, so why should you have to fail yours? There’s....only one rule in this world…” he stuttered, feeling his heart racing for the last time. “...Only the strongest survive…”

After choking on his blood one last time, the Boss’s body fell slack, his arms dropping to the floor. His body lay motionless, surrounded by his killers. One of the Betas howled in mourning for its master’s passing. Butch was horrified and confused.

“You stupid ponies! Look what you’ve done!” he yelled, furious. Rainbow flew into the air again, now by default the strongest of the group.

“You started it!”

“Hey, calm down, all of you...” said Applejack, pale from blood-loss, too tired for more fighting.

“Let’s just agree to go separate ways, and you’ll never see us again…”

Butch, now in charge, could only stare in defeat and pain as the ponies collected themselves.

Hickory couldn’t help Applejack, as he was carrying Sunflower. Fluttershy helped Applejack to her feet, as they all began sauntering off. Butch stood there, dumbstruck, as the ponies all entered the tunnel the Boss had led them. The Betas howled again in anguish, as the group of battered and exhausted ponies disappeared into the darkness of the tunnel.

Chrysalis yanked on the leash, which hurt Starlight’s neck. She grunted as Chrysalis pulled her inside the torture room, leaving the door open. Starlight noticed the room had changed. The wooden table that was usually in the center was now off to the side, instead in the middle was some object covered in a maroon drape. Chrysalis left Starlight by the door, still holding the leash, and retrieved some tools from the box of items.

“This was what I used on that pegasus.”

Starlight’s eyes widened.

‘That can’t be good.’

Chrysalis grinned and lifted the drape, revealing a metal chair with a series of holes along the armrests, legs, back, and the seat of the chair. Starlight didn’t know what this thing was or what it did. But it looked like something out of the Spanish Inquisition, and it gave Starlight chills. Chrysalis enjoyed her reaction and motioned towards her to come forward.

“Come on, be a good girl. Have a seat!”
Starlight gulped in fear and slowly approached, saying nothing. She sat in the chair, and found it extremely uncomfortable. She tried to examine it as Chrysalis was fiddling with her tools behind her, and noticed there was some sort of pit of ash right beneath the seat.

Before she could realize what was happening, Chrysalis grabbed Starlight’s head and brought it to the back of the chair, where a strap was tightened around her forehead, below her horn. Her head was now stuck to the chair, and she noticed there were straps along the arm rests and lower back of the chair as well. Chrysalis tightened them all, tying her arms to each armrest and her waist to the lower back. She was still sitting, but now unable to move. She stayed still in the restraints, awaiting what would happen next. Chrysalis took one of her tools, resembling a wrench, and tightened something in the back of the chair. Three rotations. Suddenly, Starlight felt a strange feeling all over her body. Like a bunch of ants were crawling out of the chair onto her skin. But it wasn’t ants, instead she realized there were sharp, tiny metal spikes being raised out of their tiny holes, which lined the armrests, seat, and back, digging into the bottom of her arms, her legs, her flank and hips, her back, and her neck. She yelped when a few spikes dug in too deep, and soon that feeling overwhelmed her. It felt like her whole body was being ripped apart into tiny fragments. Starlight was now whimpering in pain as the spikes dug deeper, as Chrysalis continued tightening until it reached a stopping point. Starlight was shaking, wrestling with her constraints. But she found this hurt even more. Chrysalis looked at her with distaste.

“You need me to get the gag again, Starlight?”

“N-no, my Queen.”

“Okay, but don’t be too loud. You’ll wake the neighbors.”

She bent down and shot a beam of magic at the pit of ash beneath Starlight’s torture chair, which started a fire. Starlight felt the metal of the chair heat up right under her ass, again welding the skin to the metal. Starlight began crying from the heat, as the metal spikes inside her warmed up as well. It felt like her blood was bubbling and boiling, and her body was being burned from the inside. This wasn’t like any of the tortures from before, it was far worse. She groaned in agony.

“My q-queen, p-please...I...c-can’t….”

Chrysalis excused her talking without permission.

“I know, this one’s hard. And it will only get worse since I’m leaving you like this all day.”

Starlight’s eyes were pleading, begging for mercy, though she knew that was foolish.

“You make it through this alive, and I may shorten your punishment. But don’t be too loud and stop speaking aloud. Okay?”

Starlight couldn’t answer, she was busy groaning in pain.

“I said, okay?” Chrysalis repeated, a hint of malice in her tone.

“Yes, my queen, forgive me,” she responded instantly, realizing her mistake.

“Good then,” said Chrysalis, content.

“See you later today, I’ve got to go and set up my trap for your pathetic little rescue party.” she said, before shutting the door. Starlight felt the liberty of being able to moan a little louder. The pain was absolutely unbearable.

‘This is all I’m good for. This is what Twilight would do if she could. This is what anypony who knows anything about me would do. I deserve it, I deserve it, I deserve it.’

Her negative reinforcement proved effective, in that she enjoyed the pain for a time. Yet, a whole day seemed impossible. Survival was at last a real open ended question. But now that she knew Twilight and the others were at stake, she decided she had to try, so maybe she could help them escape or convince Chrysalis to go easy on them.

‘I deserve this, they don’t.’

She cried tears of hopelessness, as her mind started to fade from the pain. She was conflicted, and it gave her a burning headache.

‘Some rescue.

Chapter Eleven: In the Spider's Web

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Twilight walked at a faster pace ahead of the others, who all sauntered behind her.

“Would you all hurry up? We don’t have a lot of time!” she said, panicky in her loudest whisper.

“She’s not going anywhere, Twilight, don’t forget,” said Rarity, never liking to be rushed.

“Every minute we let pass is another of her in Chrysalis’ hands! Who knows what she’s doing to her right now!”

Twilight was anxious. She felt embarrassed having been so tired after performing just a few spells and flying in the snow, and embarrassment soon developed into anger and paranoia. Could she even beat Chrysalis in a fight? Could she beat Starlight? What if they were together? She tried her best to keep a clear head. Making rash decisions had already gotten Fritz lost.
In the back of the line were Shining Armor and Radish, who together carried the heavy bags of supplies. Their conversations were spoken at such a low volume, that they could barely be heard by the others, who were already far ahead of them. The cave tunnel looked the same the whole way through, stone, rock, occasional crevices and formations, and never any sunlight.

“Do we actually have a plan for when we get there?” asked Radish, who was beginning to prepare himself for the actual mission. He had a feeling they were drawing near.

“My sister’s right, we need to make sure we get her friend, and Fritz, if we can find him, out first before we engage Chrysalis…”

“Why’s it matter? We both know there’s gonna be a fight at some point, why not make the first move instead of risking getting caught?” Radish asked, bluntly.

“You’ve dealt with Chrysalis before, you know she’s going to try and use them as hostages, and make us surrender, or some other trick. And whatever it is, Twilight will give in, I know she will. She cares too much about ponies.”

“And what, you’d let the pony die? We’ve lost a lot to get her.”

“If it came down between saving my life, my sister’s life, and getting Chrysalis, or letting that pony die, then I’d choose the former, and I’d consider this mission a success.”

“She won’t see it that way.”

“We’ll see.”

“But what I meant was, are we just going to walk in blindly? We have no idea about the layout of the place, and your sister’s right, if she has Fritz, she’ll know we’re coming. She could set a trap.”

“That’s assuming Fritz got caught, and he talked.”

“If he got caught, he talked.”

“You haven’t been on as many missions with him as I have. He wouldn’t.”

“Captain, this is Chrysalis we’re talking about. She could make a pegasus admit they’re a unicorn.”

“You haven’t heard the least of it.”

“How’s that?”

“Twilight was talking to me, earlier in the tunnel, about what exactly Chrysalis was doing to her friend.”

“I can imagine.”

“No, you can’t. It’s bad, is all I’ll say. And I’d guess it’s getting worse.”

“Chrysalis has home advantage, and, to assume the worst, she knows we’re coming. None of this looks too good to me Captain.”

“What, are you going to try and leave again? Is that what you’re trying to say?” Shining Armor said, viciously.

“No, no, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that…”


They continued on in silence, and began to catch up with the others. They were approaching the four mile mark, and still no sign of Fritz.

“There’s nothing. No footsteps, no ash, nothing,” said Plat, somberly. He had taken a liking to the kid, seeing in him the heroic soldier he had always dreamed of being as a colt. Shining Armor nodded, almost as if he was grieving a death.

“Then, we need to be extra careful.”

Twilight wasn’t paying attention to the others. She was staring into the blackness of the tunnel beyond. She felt something inside her, like a dim light begging to be switched on.

“Everypony,” she said, silencing the others’ chatter, “Keep your voices as low as possible...we’re close.”

Stumbling through the pitch black tunnel, caked in dust, sweat, and blood, Applejack and the others realized they couldn’t go on much farther like this.

“We need...to stop.”

Rainbow Dash, in the front, turned back, ready to argue, but decided not to. She was too tired for that.


Applejack was walking with one hoof over Fluttershy’s shoulder, her hind leg stinging like mad. Fluttershy dropped her down and collapsed, still exhausted from giving chase to those Diamond Dogs for half an hour. Hickory had a scratch on his face he hadn’t even noticed until he itched his beard and brought back blood. They were all a mess.

“What if those Diamond Dogs come back for us?” asked Fluttershy.

Nopony had an answer. They all just stared at the ground, trying not to drift off.

“Come on, everypony, we’re not done yet,” said Rainbow. Now that she actually knew Starlight was within their reach, it meant even more to stay motivated and find her.

“Hang in there. The hardest part is over.”

They were all convinced of that, though the thought of actually having to fight Chrysalis herself began to creep into their minds. Nopony said anything, of course, but they all knew that if they could barely handle the Diamond Dogs, they wouldn’t be much against Chrysalis.

Then a thought came into Rainbow’s head.

“What if we got the Diamond Dogs to help us?”

Applejack’s eyes opened.

“That’s the worst plan I’ve ever heard.”

“We’re gonna need help, won’t we?”

“Those dogs won’t be too eager to help us, I think,” added Hickory.

Rainbow glanced at Fluttershy for support, but received only a gentle shake of the head.

“Well, we could at least go back and get Twilight and the others, I mean, if we’ve found Chrysalis’ lair then they’re probably on a wild goose chase, right?” Fluttershy said.

“There’s no way those Diamond Dogs are going to let us back in if we go back. They barely let us through at all. And I am still wary about if they’re really on our side or not,” said Applejack, through rasped breath but firm tone.

“What, you think they’ll come after us?” asked Rainbow.

“It’s possible. We killed their leader, I doubt we’re on good terms.”

“So, was your plan originally just to force them into telling us how to get to Chrysalis? I thought you had an ingenious plan, I could’ve done that,” said Rainbow.

“The situation changed. We’re here, all alive, aren’t we?” retorted Applejack.

“But now we can’t go back,” said Hickory, “we have to avoid interacting with the Diamond Dogs as much as possible. If we just give them some space, they might let all this go.”

“How do we even know if this is the right way? They could be sending us into a dead end. Then we’ll have to go back,” said Fluttershy, trembling. Those dogs were terrifying.

“Look, my bet is, Chrysalis is using more than one tunnel system to get around Equestria. I mean, there have been sightings of changeling happenings all over Equestria! And it wouldn’t make sense for this way to be her only entrance and exit, otherwise ponies would notice at some point. Right, Hickory?”

“I’ve never seen nopony leave that cave,” he confirmed.

“So, there will be another exit somewhere.”

“How far do you think it is?” asked Fluttershy.

Hickory looked around at the cave.

“Well, based on the look of the rock, I’d say we’re well underground. And this tunnel keeps going down, so ...I don’t know, a few miles, at least.”

“A few miles? We’ll never make it!” said Rainbow, exaggerating.

“The good news is that there's only one direction to go,” said Hickory, with a smirk.

“Right, and we’ve got a lot of walking to do, so I suggest we all rest here for a little bit. This day is only half done and I’m already exhausted,” said Applejack, closing her eyes again. The others all grumbled and sat back down, trying to relax. But the fear and anticipation of what exactly they would find on this one way tunnel prevented any of them from finding peace. The real adventure was just beginning.

Morale was low in the group as the pace fell. Twilight, of course, was still leading and hadn’t stopped once the whole time. Her energy and passion weren’t nearly as prevalent at the other end of the line, where a peevish Shining Armor and a disgruntled Radish sauntered on.

Radish had been with Shining Armor on countless adventures, in fact Radish was a soldier before Shining Armor was, despite his lower rank. He was poor, and envied how easily everything came to Shining Armor. Nonetheless, the two were good friends, and confided thoughts in each other that were rarely shared with any other pony. Except now.

Radish had been against going through with this ridiculous plan from the start, but decided to go along if only to stand by his friends. But now, one was dead and the other was lost somewhere underground, and hope was dwindling. Radish wanted out, he no longer saw the point, and began to question how much was worth sacrificing for this pony he’s never even met. Should he have to die for this pony? His instincts told him no. He felt as though the others saw him as expendable, because he wasn’t high born or particularly successful or good-looking. Radish stuck around because it was his duty to save that pony, not his personal responsibility. But is she worth dying over? Whose life is ultimately more important? Was it really selfish to want to protect oneself?

Shining Armor was having his own entitlement-filled rant in his head. He was angry, and wanted more than anything to defeat Chrysalis, after years of sleepless nights, fearing she would return to hurt his newly born daughter. Shining Armor was the type to take everything personally. Especially with his sister, the pony who annoyed him most in the world. He let her take the lead because she needs to, and because maybe she was right that sending Fritz out alone was a bad idea. He was an idealist-he had a picture of how he wanted everything to go: they sneak in, save Fritz and Starlight, kill Chrysalis, and get out all in one piece. And in his mind, Twilight wouldn’t be able to pull it off.

Starlight’s mind snapped awake after a few hours, her body pale from blood loss. The chair was impossibly uncomfortable, the spikes tearing her flesh apart from the inside. She didn’t scream, instead only wincing and yelping occasionally, trying her best not to move too much. She had begun to lose her voice, from screaming so loud and so often. Her eyes focused in on the one who awoke her, it was Chrysalis, slamming the door open and walking towards her.
“Hello, Starlight Glimmer.”
Starlight shook her head trying to stay alert for any commands, like a good pet.

“Look at you, you’re as pale as a ghost! And you’ve got blood all over the floor. Tsk tsk.”

Starlight glanced down and realized there was indeed a puddle of blood that had dripped down the chair. Her head felt as light as a balloon. She waited for Chrysalis to reel the spikes back and free her, but Chrysalis instead just stared at her, admiring her work.

“I was worried it would be too difficult for you, but I think you managed just fine.”

Starlight stared at her, unsure whether she had to thank her.

“I’ve just finished setting up the trap for your friends. I wonder, what should I do with them? They’re not as responsible for my pain as you are, but, well, it’s always fun to throw in some variation, isn’t it?”

Starlight hesitantly nodded, as Chrysalis licked her lips with vile intentions.

“Alright, I’m sure you’ve had enough of this.”

Chrysalis strolled behind the chair and cranked a lever. Starlight felt the spikes on the chair withdraw back into their holes, her skin feeling wet and loose. Starlight sighed in a combination of relief and pain. Chrysalis chuckled.

“Would you like some food? You haven’t had any in so long, and you have lost a lot of blood.”

Starlight stared at her, still sitting in the chair, in disbelief.

‘Was she serious?’


“I was only kidding, Starlight, you stupid pony, don’t you understand jokes?”

Chrysalis laughed at Starlight’s misery as she crumbled back down in her chair. She was starving, and losing so much blood made her body extremely weak and fragile. She had no energy, she could barely even move.

“Come on then, stand up, I’m done with you for the day.”

Starlight took a deep breath before pulling herself up, her legs quaking.

“Having trouble?” Chrysalis snickered before slamming her hoof into Starlight’s knee. Starlight reeled back in pain, still standing on her other three legs. She held back tears as she tried to stand straight. Chrysalis reattached her leash around Starlight’s collar.

“Do you like your collar, Starlight?”

“Yes, my queen.”

“Why do you like it?”

“It...it suits me…”

“Good answer,” she said, grinning, as she led Starlight back to the dungeon. Chrysalis fiddled with the keys before opening it.

“I got rid of those rats, by the way. I didn’t want you getting any illnesses, quite yet.”

Starlight was skeptical as to why she would do something nice like that, but didn’t have much time to think about it before Chrysalis shoved her inside. Starlight fell to the floor and gaped into the familiar ominous darkness of the room.

“Oh, and your magician friend told me you were scared of spiders. I wanted to see if that was true.”

Starlight’s heart sunk in an instant. Inside, she was begging for this not to happen, but remained silent. She turned around with an outstretched hoof and pleading, wide eyes, before the door slammed shut. The glow of the chandelier up above lit the room. Starlight was on edge.

“Please no. Please no. Please no.”

She heard the sound of scurrying legs in the distance, like a distant chatter. She was panting heavily now. Pain, emotional trauma, that was one thing, but this? This was hell. Her mind felt like falling apart, she felt as though she was going to have a heart attack. Her anxiety tripled when she spied the dirt-encrusted webbing decorating the floor in front of her. She made sure her hooves weren’t touching any of it, as she clung to the door of the dungeon, gasping for air as sweat dribbled down her forehead. Then she saw. A mass of what must’ve been hundreds of eight-legged arachnids, all about the size of a cherry, approaching her. They moved at a mild pace. Starlight, unable to hold it in anymore, turned around and banged on the door.

“Please! Let me out! I can’t!”

She turned around and saw they were nearly upon her. They had menacing red eyes and hairy backs. They looked angry. Starlight’s eyes darted around the room. She tried her best to keep her usual calmness under pressure, but when it came to spiders, that was difficult. Usually she had to be the one to calm Twilight down.

‘Would Twilight even do that for me?’

She shook her head, trying to regain focus.

‘No time for that now…’

She saw a patch of open ground near the right corner of the room, and jumped over the silk-covered floor to get there. She wanted to avoid getting stuck at all cost. She made the jump, and looked back to see the army of spiders still approaching. She bought herself some time, but not much. She thought about climbing, but the walls were made of large, thick stones, completely flat. She instinctively tried using her magic, which of course still didn’t work. She knew her last resort was to physically fend them off. She kicked the one that was closest to her away, same with three more. They began to encompass her. She had to get out of that corner. She saw another opening a few feet away, and tried to jump.

This time, she didn’t make it. She tripped on the ground and slammed down onto the silk-covered ground before her, her ass bent upwards and facing the spiders. Her chin was stuck to the floor.


She was practically crying as she tried to get up, her legs and body stuck to the ground. The silk was like superglue, and she wasn’t going anywhere.

“Ugh! Somepony help me!”

All reasoning and pride disappeared as she felt completely helpless. This was what she was afraid of.




All rolled into one. She felt something on her hoof, like trickling water. It didn’t take long to realize there was a spider crawling up her leg, followed by dozens more. They crawled up and down her, not sure what to do with such a large meaty catch. Starlight shut her eyes and refused to open them, refusing to accept that this was happening. It felt disgusting, having these putrid bugs use her like a carpet. She felt a sharp pinch on her flank, that made her shudder. A few more sharp jolting pain shot through her spine, like someone was sticking acid-ridden pins in her. After a few minutes of enduring the spiders all over her back and legs, she felt her limbs go slack. She tried moving one, but found herself unable to control her own body. She felt like puking now from the disorientation and fright of it all. This was a nightmare come true. Her whole body was now immobile, the only thing she could move was her face. She opened her eyes to test this, and a few seconds later she saw the outline of a large, black, fuzzy spider walking right over her eye. She screamed, and then gagged as another fell into her open mouth. She spat the spider out in horror before shutting her mouth and eyes, shaking. She had no choice but to give up.

‘My queen won’t let me die, she wouldn’t.’

Starlight realized she actually just thought of Chrysalis as ‘My Queen’ without even realizing it. She groaned in self-hatred.

‘Look at me. I really am pathetic. Beaten by creatures the size of my hoof.’

She felt the spiders cover her entire body, stretching long fibers of silk along as they went, effectively creating a sort of sticky blanket draped over onto the floor. The silk was at least soft, and it was almost comforting. She tried to drift off, which was easy given the amount of spider venom in her veins, filling her mind with static. She fell unconscious as the spiders triumphed on top of her.

After another hour and a half of silent walking, Twilight noticed something up ahead. A major deviation from the continuous look of the cave. The tunnel spread out into a larger room. Twilight stopped.

“Everypony turn your lights off!”

Rarity and the other unicorns all shut off their already dim lights, while Radish stomped on his torch. Twilight still had her light on, though extremely dim. She bent down to the stony ground with a hoof and drew back some ash.

“Fritz’s torch,” she whispered. She glared back at the room. The others all froze in hesitation.

“I’ll go first and see what it is.”

The others were completely fine with that. Twilight snuck down to the end of the tunnel and peered into the room. She saw the same door Fritz had found yesterday.

‘This must be it,’ she thought. A wave of relief hit her as the mystery finally unravelled. Now the real mission began: save Starlight and get out of here alive.

She looked around some more and saw the other tunnel entrances.

‘These must go all over Equestria! She’s sure been busy.’

She focused again on the door and noticed the triangular-keyhole off to the side.

‘Must be locked from the inside.’

Then she noticed a series of mechanisms at the top of the door frame, which Fritz failed to see.

‘And from the outside? This isn’t going to be easy.’

She remembered that Chrysalis might know they’re coming, and examined the room for traps. She looked frantically all around the room, and noticed some odd out-of-place features. There was a large metal plate with bar-like rivets that was stuck on the ceiling.

‘Either an air vent or a trap.’

Probably a trap.

She looked right below the entrance to the tunnel and saw a trip wire.


She saw some metallic pointed fixtures along the walls as well, all pointing towards the center of the room. Satisfied with her findings, she returned to the others, who were anxious. She gathered them all together, huddled in a circle.

“Okay, there’s a tripwire right outside the exit, so make sure you step over it. Also stay away from the center of the room.”

“Hold on, Twilight, is there an entrance to the lair?” asked Shining Armor, unconcerned with booby traps.

“Yes, yes, there’s a door.”

“A door?” asked Rarity.

“Yes, a door.”

“Is there a handle to this door?” asked Radish condescendingly, “Or do we have to pry it open like a safe?”

“That would make too much noise. And no, there’s not a handle.”

“Then how do you know it’s a door?”

“Because, it looked like a door!” said Twilight, annoyed with these ridiculous questions.

“How could what you saw resemble a door, if it should not possess a handle? Surely, it would just be classified as a rectangular shaped object, no?” asked Radish.

“What about revolving doors?” added Pinkie Pie.

“Oh, very true. I forgot about those.”

“Enough of this!” said Twilight, angrily, “There’s some sort of keyhole to the door. That’s how you open it.”

“Oh, great. Where are we going to get a key?” said Shining Armor pessimistically.

“Well we know Chrysalis would be the only one with the key, right?” asked Twilight, who was basically consulting herself at this point. “So, if we wait for Chrysalis to come out, we can sneak in while invisible.”

“There’s too many of us to do that without being noticed,” said Plat, blankly. “We’d have to send two or three, and then open the door for others.”

“That won’t work, the door locks from the outside too.”

“How could you possibly know that?” asked Rarity.

“Just trust me, I saw it. And it’d be safer to assume that anyway.”

“Yeah, and more complicated, ” added Shining Armor.

“What we could do, is send in two or three invivisble, like Plat said, while the others are hiding in this tunnel, and have the first invisible group hold the door just a little bit open, just enough for her not to notice, and then let the others in, while Chrysalis runs off somewhere and leaves Starlight alone. That would be the optimal time to rescue her-when Chrysalis isn’t there.”

“Would the others be invisible?” asked Plat, who loved it when a plan came together.

“If they need to be.”

“So we’re going to have to wait for Chrysalis to open that door? That could take forever!” Pinkie Pie said, tired of waiting.

“It won’t...there are other tunnels in the room that probably go all over the rest of Equestria. I’d bet she’s a pretty busy pony, so we might get our chance sooner than you think.”

“We can’t fall asleep though.”

“Not here,” Rarity added.

“Definitely not,” said Twilight.

“What if she comes up through this tunnel?” asked Radish.


“Then we engage. While we have the jump on her,” said Shining Armor.

“Shining Armor, I don’t think-”

“Unless you want to keep us all invisible, if she walks up these steps while the rest of us are hiding, we’re going to have no other choice.”

“Fine. Then I’ll make both groups invisible.”

“But Twilight, can you hold it that long?” asked Pinkie, worriedly.

“I won’t falter again. But nopony can make any mistakes. This is our only chance.”

They all nodded and sat back, preparing themselves.

“Shining Armor and Pinkie Pie, you’ll be with me, we’ll be the ones to sneak inside the door and hold it.”

Shining Armor glared at her, knowing she put them together to keep him in check. He resented that.

“Rarity, you and Plat and Radish hide here and wait for the signal to come out.”

“And what is that signal?” asked Radish.

“Um...if you hear me tap a rock one time.”

“But Twilight, what if Chrysalis hears?” asked Rarity.

“We’ll wait until she’s long gone…”

“Okay,” said Rarity, cautiously.

“So, should we send someone to watch for that door to open?”

“I’ll go.” said Plat, immediately. Shining Armor eyed him.

“You sure about that, Plat?”


Plat was eager to risk something, to feel the thrill he always dreamed of as a foal. He joined the military with the intent of seeing some action, not being crammed in a tower studying maps all day. And this was already more than he bargained for, so he might as well take advantage.
He stumbled down closer until he could see the door through the darkness. He gazed back up at the others, lit up by the dim glow of Twilight’s horn. The others all sat down on the rock and waited. Twilight shut off her light.

“Good luck everypony.”

Chrysalis paced around her throne room. Something wasn’t right. Unless that pegasus was more than a day of travel ahead of them, Twilight Sparkle and her friends should've made it to the entrance by now. She remembered vividly what each of them looked like. There was the pink one, the one with the rainbow hair, the blonde, the shy one, and the glamorous one. She was just beginning to plan out exactly what she would do to each of them, to punish them justly.

‘Perhaps Starlight is the only one meant to suffer, otherwise it’s not as special.’

She decided against torturing Twilight or her friends, feeling that was Starlight’s unique punishment- a lifetime of pain. But still, Twilight and her friends had to be punished.

She was getting sidetracked. Where were they? She had set up a series of elaborate traps-tripwires that would lock them inside, flamethrowers that would force them to the center of the room, and a large cage that would drop from the ceiling. It was foolproof. She would finally have defeated Twilight Sparkle, one of her greatest foes!

Suddenly, she realized that they could’ve somehow gotten inside already and rescued Starlight from the dungeon. Chrysalis buzzed through the cave tunnel to the dungeon entrance and opened a hatch in the door, peering inside. She saw Starlight’s bloody, pink body strewn up in silk on the ground and covered in spiders. Chrysalis couldn’t help but laugh at how pathetic Starlight looked, and was also relieved those ponies hadn’t succeeded. Her mental state couldn’t possibly handle another defeat.

Concerned, she decided to see for herself.

She flew up into one of the ceiling-tunnels, down all the way to the large wooden door, and, using her triangular-shaped key she always carried, opened it.

Plat, who was slowly drifting asleep, jumped up and ran up to the others upon the sound of dangling keys and metal gears coming from the door.

“She’s here! She’s here!”

The others all jumped up, Twilight, Shining Armor, and Pinkie Pie stepping in front, the others all crouching behind. Radish gripped his spear in anticipation. He didn’t exactly want to fight, but he knew it was his duty. Yet, the compulsion to turn around and just run was eating at him. It had been since the name Chrysalis was first uttered. He glanced at Plat, who also had a spear, except that his had never been used. Rarity sat between them, chattering her teeth in nervousness. Twilight zapped the three of them, turning them invisible. Then she turned to Pinkie Pie, Shining Armor, and herself, and did the same.

“Let’s go,” she muttered.

They climbed down the tunnel into the vestibule, just as Chrysalis swung the door open. Twilight froze. Chrysalis didn’t seem like she was heading out to leave for anywhere. Twilight carefully stepped over the tripwire, and prayed the others remembered as well. Twilight stuck to the side of the room, as Chrysalis stepped towards the middle. Shining Armor and Pinkie Pie followed, both also avoiding the tripwire. Their steps were light and barely audible. Chrysalis paid no notice as the three slowly tip-toed towards the still-open door. Chrysalis was just standing there, like she was waiting for something. Anything.

Twilight was on edge. Already, this wasn’t going as planned. Twilight ushered Shining Armor and Pinkie Pie inside the tunnel. They were in.
Amazed, Twilight focused on the others. She reached towards the wall and gently tapped it once.

Chrysalis’ head shot around in alert. She stared at the still-open door and saw nothing. Twilight and the other two stood perfectly still inside the doorway tunnel, aware Chrysalis was staring right at them.

Above, Rarity mustered up some courage and got up first, Plat following and Radish last. Twilight was struggling to hold the invisibility spell this long. Her main focus was on herself and Shining Armor and Pinkie Pie, who were still being stared at by Chrysalis.

Chrysalis smelled the air. She knew there were ponies here, but couldn’t see any.

‘Perhaps I’m too obsessed.’

But, as Rarity crept down the tunnel, she slipped, and fell face first down the tunnel, falling over the edge and right onto the tripwire. Twilight gaped in shock as Chrysalis turned to where Rarity had fallen. Twilight was now focusing most of her efforts on Rarity, who was petrified on the floor. Plat was up above with Radish, both unsure what to do. Had she seen her?

Just then, the alarm went off as a result of the tripwire, and Rarity jumped up in fright, her hoof prints now visible to Chrysalis, who was paying close attention to that spot on the ground. Chrysalis shot a blast of magic at the ground where an invisible Rarity was standing, blasting her into a wall and breaking the invisibility spell. However, Twilight had cast one spell on all three of them, Rarity, Plat, and Radish, so that when one of them broke the spell, it broke for all of them.

“You!!!” yelled Chrysalis, as she stalked towards a moaning Rarity, whose head was bashed by the impact of the rock. Plat glanced at Radish.

“Come on…”

Plat leaped down the tunnel, spear in hand, no longer invisible, and threw the spear at Chrysalis. Chrysalis was no fool however, and caught the spear with her magic in midair. She turned to face the spectacled pony, who stared in shock. She then blasted him straight in the face, throwing him into a rock and twisting his neck sideways. Plat fell to the ground, his body contorted in an unnatural way. Twilight and Shining Armor were stunned, but couldn’t risk making any sound or reaction. Rarity gasped at Plat’s death and looked up at Chrysalis in terror. She glanced at Radish, still in the tunnel, who Chrysalis hadn’t seen yet.

Yet, Radish, just witnessing the death of Plat and Rarity’s defeat, all at the hands of the all-powerful Chrysalis, gave in to his fears. He had lost hope, she seemed unbeatable, and if she was to kill Plat like he was a ragdoll, she would definitely do the same to him. Shining Armor noticed his hesitation from the opposite side.
‘Don’t,’ he thought, though Radish could neither hear nor see him to be persuaded.
He turned around and dashed off, holding back tears and not looking back. Chrysalis hadn’t even known he was there by the time he was long gone. Shining Armor was furious at his friend’s betrayal, but had to hold it all back. He stared at the ground and fumed. Chrysalis was focused on Rarity, picking her up with her green aura of magic, before Rarity could come up with any spells to defend herself. She was petrified in shock, just witnessing the death of a pony for the second time this week.

“Well well well, I’ve been expecting you...Rarity, was it? Yes, I remember ...You were the pretty one…”

She got close, too close for comfort. Twilight and the others stayed where they were. They had made it after all, and she refused to risk their advantage quite yet. She held onto Shining Armor, preventing him from taking action.

“So sorry about your...friend, but he was asking for it really,” she said, splitting Plat’s spear in half and dropping the pieces to the floor.

“That was a nifty little trick, turning yourselves invisible,” she said, as the alarm continued going off. She shot a beam of magic towards the ceiling, which shut it off.

“I’ll be ready for that next time.”

Chrysalis carried Rarity back with her through the doorway. All Twilight could do was watch as her friend was carted away like a piece of meat. The remaining three stayed close to the wall as Chrysalis buzzed past them, Rarity saying nothing as they both disappeared down the tunnel, the door slamming shut and locking from both sides, just as Twilight had predicted.

After a few minutes of waiting for Chrysalis to definitely be gone, Twilight let go of the spell, all three collapsing to the ground. Twilight out of exhaustion, Shining Armor out of anguish, and Pinkie Pie because of collectivism.

“Plat...he’s…” Shining Armor muttered.

“I know,” Twilight whispered back, embracing her brother.

“Now we have to save Rarity too…” said Pinkie Pie, somberly.
“What happened to Radish?” asked Twilight, unknowingly.

“He ran off. He betrayed us, that-”

“Easy...You might’ve too if you were him…” said Twilight, though she too felt betrayed.

They all sat there, defeated.

“How are we going to do this?”

“We have all night...we just have to find where Starlight and Rarity are, and...and save them...and...get out of here...we...we need the key…” she groaned in hopelessness, tears welting up. Shining Armor, who had shown her little sympathy this whole journey, was softened by the sniffles of his little sister.

“Hey...look at me…”

He grabbed her and forced her to stare in his eyes.

“It’ll be ok, alright? Everything will work out...It always does.”

She wiped her tears away and let him hug her tight, the two sitting on the ground, a mess. Pinkie Pie wrapped her arms around both of them, hoping to lighten the mood.

They had made it at last.

Chapter Twelve: Showdown

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Rarity sulked, tied tightly with thick chains to a wooden chair, a blood-soaked ball gag lodged between her lips. And, to make things impossibly worse, her magic was being blocked by some sort of spell. The taste of blood-infused rubber was foul, and Rarity could only assume that the blood was Starlight’s. The thought made her shudder, as did the anticipation for Chrysalis to come back for her.

Chrysalis had left her bound in the throne room, then disappeared somewhere without a word. Rarity was angry at herself for freezing up, letting her nerves get the better of her and letting herself be captured. She mourned for Plat, who had so foolishly lost his life trying to help her, and cursed that coward Radish, for leaving her to die. She feared for her friends, hoping they hadn’t been caught, but she was mostly fearing for herself. Now, she was just as vulnerable as Starlight had been. Rarity recollected what she had seen in the library, Starlight’s body being crushed and broken mercilessly. She feared her fate would be similar.

‘Twilight will get here first,’ she reassured herself.

Her fears heightened when the large doors to the room swung open, and in entered Chrysalis, who looked tired and worn down. It was getting late, after all. Chrysalis looked around the magnificent room to make sure no pony had snuck in, and then focused her attention back on her newest captive. Rarity was desperately squirming now in her bindings, terrified. Chrysalis stood watching, waiting for her to give up. Rolling her eyes, Chrysalis used her magic to rip the ball gag out of Rarity’s mouth. Rarity coughed and hacked up the disgusting taste of the gag, while Rarity watched on, unimpressed.

“Are you finished?”

Rarity stopped and glared at Chrysalis with resounding contempt.

“I have nothing to say to you,” she said, intimidated yet still resilient.

Chrysalis was not in the mood for more obstacles.

“Let’s make this quick, okay? I don’t want to be here all night, and you definitely don’t.”

“Make what?” Rarity asked, her voice quivering at the end.

“I need to ask you some questions. You answer, truthfully, and I won’t hurt you.”

“I’d rather die!”

“That can be arranged, but I promise you it won’t be fast. And why put yourself through that, when your rescue is so close by? Don’t you believe your friends can beat me?” Chrysalis asked, implying she knew more than she did.

‘She knows Twilight and the others are still out there?’ thought Rarity, naive as ever. Chrysalis moved fast.

“Now, how many other ponies are with her?”

Rarity sputtered, not knowing what to do.

“Tell me right now, and I won’t hurt you or them.”

That was persuasive enough.

“Two-there’s two others with her.”

“‘Her’ being Twilight Sparkle?”


Chrysalis was taken aback. Only two? She concluded the pegasus must’ve been lying when he said eight. If there’s two with her, that makes six ponies, two of them soldiers. So, four of them had to be of Twilight’s inner circle.

‘Why would only four of the six ponies come for their friend?’

Rarity could tell Chrysalis was on to her, but was in no position to do anything about it.

“Where are the rest of Twilight and yours’ friends?”

Realizing that Chrysalis didn’t know Rainbow and the others were searching elsewhere, Rarity decided to just lie through her teeth.

“Only...only three of us came…” she said, checking her math.

“Only three? And these other two, with Twilight, why were you separated from them?”

Rarity was sweating, nervous, as Chrysalis made herself as intimidating as possible to try and scare the truth out of her.

“They...they were trailing behind...me and...we were making sure the path was safe!”

Chrysalis noticed Rarity become much more frantic. She leaned in closer.

“I don’t believe you...Why don’t you tell me what’s really going on?”

Rarity squealed, until a distinct ringing sound echoed through the hall into Chrysalis’ ears. She backed away and realized it was the communication device Black Frost had given her years ago, so they could stay in contact. She shook her head, annoyed.

“Well, I guess this will have to wait.”

Chrysalis turned to the right wall of the throne room, and shot a spell at it, revealing a hollow, jail-cell like interior.

“I made this prison cell to be virtually invisible from the outside. I’m not ready for my pet to know you’re here yet, so welcome to your new home,” she said, throwing Rarity, still tied to the chair, inside. Chrysalis zapped the wall again, making the exterior of the cell appear like it was made of solid rock. Yet, inside, Rarity could still see through the wall as if it was a tinted window, making it a sort of one-way view.

“And don’t worry, your friends will be joining you soon enough,” Chrysalis said to the wall before smiling devilishly and exiting.

Chrysalis entered her bedroom hastefully and pressed a button on the gold, plate-shaped device, which spawned an ovalish portal into the air, filled with static until the ever-so unpleasant likeness of one Black Frost presented itself.

“Chrysalis!” he said with a smile. Chrysalis replied to his happiness with a scowl.

“Do you have any idea what time it is? You worthless dog.”

“Terribly sorry about that, Chrysalis, I had to use an untraceable line and the pony I’m borrowing it from is a night owl. I’d much rather be in bed, you know, speaking of, have you-”

“Get on with it!”

“Of course, of course. Here. I’ve been thinking over exactly how to best implement your captive to our best advantage, and then, I realized that although I have heard a great deal of her capabilities through other ponies’ mouths, I have never actually seen her in action, nor have any of our friends...I think it would be in all of our best interests if we could know what we’re dealing with before we make any precise arrangements. The whole plan to defeat Celestia and seize Canterlot is a longshot, and is entirely dependent on Starlight, and Twilight Sparkle if possible, being useful assets.”

“What are you suggesting, Frost?”

“I’m asking if you would be so gracious as to give our friends and myself a sort of...I don’t know...a show, I’d guess you could say….I want to see what she can do.”

“I told you she was powerful, is that not enough? You need to travel across Equestria to prove it?”

“You’ve told me a great deal of things, Chrysalis. Some true, some not. A plan like this could mean the everlasting glory or the permanent defeat of you, our friends, and even myself. There’s just too much at stake for me to rely on your word alone…”

Chrysalis thought it over.

“I’ll have to make sure she can’t use her magic to escape…”

“Of course, take every parameter you need. But if this is to be arranged, I need to see for myself.”

“Alright, alright, fine…” Chrysalis said, not wanting to get into an argument this late. “You can come in two days' time, alright?”

“Sounds excellent, Chrysalis my dear, and, I say again, I do apologize for the late hour.”

Chrysalis stared at his enthusiastic grin and frowned, shutting off the device and falling back in bed, worn out to the extreme. Now she had even more work to do.

Chrysalis fell into bed, exhausted from the events of that day. Still, she had trouble sleeping. That scheming weasel Black Frost and his entourage of beta-level villains were complicating her plans, as were Twilight and her incessant annoyances.
Months ago, when she was planning all of this, Chrysalis occasionally had moments of hesitation, some sort of conscience calling out to her, a conscience that had been ignored her whole life.

‘How could I do this to another pony?’

Chrysalis was not usually one for regrets or shying away from evil, but at first she had to admit, going to these lengths just to ruin one pony’s life seemed a bit excessive, and, at the least, pointless. Regardless of whether Starlight was broken or not, Chrysalis would still have no kingdom, no conquests, no triumphs. However, once she had begun the process, all regrets quickly subsided. She felt like she had something to live for again, watching Starlight die. The emptiness and pain inside her was filled with resolve and satisfaction, by using Starlight as the scapegoat for all of her troubles. Watching Starlight die gave Chrysalis life. In Chrysalis’ sick, twisted perspective on the world, this seemed justified. The only way to keep her sane would be to give her an outlet to unleash on. Self-responsibility didn’t really fit well into the whole supervillain shtick.

But now, things were changing. Black Frost didn’t want Starlight to be Chrysalis’ pet, he wanted her to be a subordinate, a weapon. Chrysalis now had to balance her goals in life: punishing Starlight or conquering Equestria? Both were extremely attractive, but of course, she couldn’t pass up on the latter. Though she didn’t fully trust the capabilities of Black Frost’s allies as much as her Changeling army, with the addition of Starlight and possibly even Twilight, she might actually stand a chance.

‘I’ve got nothing to lose.’

Chrysalis didn’t like working with other creatures. Her previous army consisted of nearly identical hive-minded drones, who did everything she wanted. They revolved around her, and that was precisely her preference: egocentrism. So the question was, how should she turn Starlight Glimmer, a self-loathing beaten down slave, into a permanently loyal super-soldier?

Chrysalis had an answer, and it was rather simple. Twilight Sparkle, of course. Chrysalis was well-acquainted with the art of manipulation, and she knew the best way to get a pony to turn their back on the world is to have the one model representation of goodness betray them. Twilight was Starlight’s hero, her closest friend, her hope for redemption. If she should betray Starlight, then Chrysalis has everything she needs to corrupt her fully. These were the thoughts that carried Chrysalis to sleep, preparing herself for the trials of tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Twilight, Shining Armor, and Pinkie Pie were still right beside the door to the lair, no longer invisible, sitting in silence. Emotions were running high and the pressure was on.

“So, what’s the plan?” Shining Armor whispered as quietly as he could. Twilight’s exhausted eyes met his with a look of fear and desperation. She said nothing.

“Come on Twilight, you’ve got to help us out here…”

Twilight looked at her brother, clearly under a lot of stress given he’s had two of his men killed, one captured, and one deserted.

“We-we should get out of here, look around and find a better place to hide…”

“What if she sees us?” muttered Pinkie Pie, facing the other way and lying on the ground.

“She won’t, as long as we’re careful…” Twilight said, her voice trembling. Shining Armor nodded, ready for his chance to kill Chrysalis once and for all. Twilight, Shining Armor, and Pinkie all collected themselves and started walking down the dark tunnel. Twilight had the dimmest of lights emitting from her horn, her eyes darting back and forth, analyzing every crack and rock they passed. They all made sure their steps weren’t too loud. Eventually, they saw light at the end of the tunnel, though it definitely wasn’t daylight. They all stepped towards the edge, Twilight motioning to them to let her look first. She peered out from the edge, and realized they were high up along the ceiling, far above the ground. She looked around the large main hall and noticed some sort of jail cell carved into one of the walls. She squinted her eyes through the darkness to see if anypony was inside, though nopony was there.

Disappointed, she continued studying the spacious room, noticing more tunnels surrounding hers in the tops of walls that rode along the ceiling. Most importantly, no sign of Chrysalis. She could make out objects relatively well, despite the darkness, in part thanks to some massive green chandelier at the center of the ceiling. Her eyes were slowly drawn to the eerie glow of the chandelier, its soft luminescence warm and even welcoming. That was, until Twilight saw Fritz’s open mouth and unmoving body staring right back at her, suspended upside down in a cocoon of slimy green goop. Twilight jumped back in fright, Shining Armor catching her.

“What is it?”

“Did she see you?”

Twilight was trembling.

“No, no, just, come see.”

They all looked over the edge, Shining Armor’s mouth dropping and Pinkie’s body losing color.

“Is-is he alive?” asked Pinkie.

“Hopefully…” said Shining Armor, again feeling responsible.

“Look,” said Pinkie, “There’s more ponies! Tons!”

They all stared in horror, realizing nearly every cocoon had a pony held inside. She recognized some of the ponies from Starlight’s old village-Party Favor, Double Diamond, Sugar Belle, at least twenty more. She saw Trixie and Sunburst, and soon enough had to turn around, not wanting to see anymore.
She turned back around and looked through the maze of cocoons for Rarity or Starlight, but found neither. She considered rescuing one while the coast was clear, but went against it.

‘She probably has some sort of trap for that…’

Shining Armor saw the other ceiling-bound tunnels.

“What about up there? One of those tunnels might be a better place to hide.”

Twilight agreed, and, after checking to make sure it was clear, flew outside and into another tunnel.

After a few moments of tense waiting, Twilight returned.
“That one seems unused...I’ll lift you both in there.”

Using her magic, Twilight picked up Shining Armor, who was admittedly very heavy, and managed to carry him through the air to the tunnel she was speaking of, both trying not to grunt too loudly. Pinkie Pie was much lighter and therefore much easier to carry. Twilight followed, and they all trotted deeper into the tunnel until reaching a dead end. Twilight was right, the ground was caked in dust and seemed abandoned. They all sat down and relaxed a little.

“So, what’s the plan, Twilight?”

Twilight was getting sick of being asked that.

“We need to figure out where Starlight and Rarity are, and get them out first.”

“Why? Those trapped ponies are right there, why don’t we save them first?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“Because stealing thirty cocoons is going to be loud and messy, it’ll be best if we do that last. Plus, they’re not the ones being tortured to death.”

Pinkie Pie conceded to that.
“We need to be smart about this...Rarity’s already been captured, and Radish is gone...it’s just up to us now…”

Shining Armor became noticeably more agitated when Radish’s name was mentioned. Twilight noticed this and understood how he felt.

“Wait...Chrysalis set up all those traps for us...so she knew we were coming! And she knows she didn’t catch all of us, so she’ll be expecting us again, right?” said Pinkie, using her brain more than normally.

“That’s true...And Rarity will talk even more than Fritz did.”

“We don’t know that Fritz said anything.”

“She walked out of that door like she was waiting for us, Shining Armor, it’s safe to assume-”

“It doesn’t matter, guys! What I’m saying is, maybe instead of trying to rescue ponies, we should just go straight for Chrysalis.” said Pinkie, assertively.

Shining Armor seemed to like that idea. Twilight didn’t.

“We’re not trying to start a fight, Pinkie.”

“She’s already started the fight, she killed Plat! And kidnapped Rarity, and done all those horrible things to Starlight! Twilight, we can’t be on the defensive the whole time!”

“Why not? We shouldn't be the ones initiating violence! We should be the ones stopping it!”

“We’ve done things your way, Twilight, and look where we are…” said Shining Armor, his words stinging like venom. Twilight felt a little hurt, though he was right.

“I...what if...what if she…”

“If we get the jump on her, she won’t have time to hold somepony hostage or force us into a trap….We’re in deep now, Twilight, and there’s too much on the line to be playing it safe,” said Shining Armor, Pinkie nodding her head with him.

Despite it being two against one, Twilight was still; technically the leader, so whatever she said, went.

“I don’t know if I can beat her….” said Twilight, getting emotional, “she beat Starlight...and she killed a pony...I...I could never do that…”

“She’s not going to kill you, you’re too valuable...she might kill us, but she won’t kill you,” said Pinkie, laughing, though a little nervous, “And she did keep Fritz alive.”

Twilight stared at the ground, conflicted.

“Look, Twilight, I know this is going to be hard...but Chrysalis has gone past any limit of redemption at this point, murdering and torturing innocent ponies...we have to treat this with less restraint than we would normally.”

“And what are we supposed to do, kill her? I couldn’t! I’ve never!”

“Then I will,” said Shining Armor, a deep-rooted fury alive in his voice. Twilight stared at her older brother, a dark cloud surrounding his soul. He scared her, when he was like this. Twilight sighed, tired of arguing and tired of thinking about worst-case scenarios.

“Ok, tomorrow we’ll look around the cavern for a good place to sneak up on her, then during the day, when the time is right...we’ll be on the offensive…”

“Alright, Twi.”

“I’ll keep watch, you two get some rest,” said Twilight, yawning.

“No, no, I’ll keep watch. You need your strength more than I do. You’re an alicorn after all…”

Twilight was about to counter, but decided after such a long day it just wasn't worth it, and lay down on the floor. The air in this tunnel was warmer than the other tunnels. Twilight didn’t know why, but sure wasn’t about to complain. Twilight finally had a brief moment of calm to dwell on the events of the day and how to work past them. She had lived her life with the expectation that everypony had a common goal of being good and helping others, just that some ponies didn’t understand how to effectively go about it. Perhaps, she realized, that was just the privileged perspective of those in power looking down at those not, a perspective of which she was guilty of. She thought about Radish, a pony who seemed mostly self-entitled, who, when given the chance, saved his own skin instead of another. Where was the justice in that?

Was Twilight supposed to be some sort of authority for the rest of the world to listen to? Why her? And why is it that the world isn’t how it should be? Every problem she had ever come across was fixable. Every villain was redeemable. Every afflicted pony could be given hope. But here, now, in this dark cave isolated from the rest of the world, there was no hope. This was Chrysalis’ world. And Shining Armor was right, Chrysalis could not be redeemed. Why did Twilight have to be the one to do what’s right? Because if you can you should? That didn’t sit well with Twilight. She began to become disillusioned with the perspective of her mentor Celestia, that friendship solves all problems without exception. Friendship with Starlight had brought her down here, and what were the effects thus far? Two ponies dead and another of her friends was captured. Maybe, she should have just left Starlight in the hands of Chrysalis and spared all the trouble.

‘No, no, that’s not right…she’s my friend. And friends put everything on the line for friends.’

Twilight closed her eyes, knowing that she had a responsibility to be the hope for Starlight, and, more importantly, bring justice to the wrongdoers like Chrysalis. And justice was coming.

Waking up bright and early, Chrysalis visited the dungeon door and swung it open. Starlight was still on the ground, her body filled with venom, immobilized and wrapped in a bundle of sticky, dusty spider web. The eight-legged arachnids were spread around the room, a few sitting on top of their captured prey. Chrysalis stifled a chuckle and teleported Starlight from the ground to outside the dungeon, dumping her on the cold ground. Starlight could barely move anything due to the venom, though she was awake. She was paler than normal, from having the occasional spider take some bites out of her flesh, which hurt like hell, by the way. Starlight’s eyes darted up sporadically towards Chrysalis. Her captor wore a smug smile, like she was impressed.

“Those little guys sure showed you, huh.”

Chrysalis zapped away all of the spider silk gluing her limbs together, though she still couldn’t move.

“Well, I don’t want a slave that can’t work…”

She zapped her one more time, effectively removing the venom from Starlight’s bloodstream, though not all of it. Her limbs felt heavy and her bite marks had become inflamed.

“Th-thank you, my Queen,” Starlight said between her panicked gasps, slowly picking herself up from the ground to her feet. Breathing had become difficult as her airways closed up from the venom.

“Did you just speak?”

Starlight’s eyes widened in horrified regret. She fell back down to her knees and lowered her head before Chrysalis in submission, shaking.

“Well, I’ll allow that just once since it was polite to thank me...but remember, I’m not going to be very lenient from now on, understand?”

“Yes, My Queen, of course.”

“Good. Now, I want you to start making me breakfast, while I have some business to attend to.”

“Certainly, my queen, right away,” she said, her head bowed. She dragged her sore body towards the kitchen. Catching her reflection in the refrigerator had become a sort of morning routine-a check up of sorts. There were still some strands of spider web in her mane, but it was too sticky to pull out. She groaned in agony from the pain of the spider bites, which pulsed and bled constantly. There were about twenty all over her body. She felt like fainting from the sight.

I have some business to attend to.

Starlight found that strange. In the nearly two weeks she had been there, Chrysalis never worked in the morning. She was always relaxing on her throne, waiting for her breakfast that she hated. Starlight hated it too, because she never got to eat it.

It was curious, then, that Chrysalis was up to something this early. Maybe it was just egotism, but Starlight had a hunch it had to do with her. Starlight had come to the conclusion that Chrysalis was absolutely deranged and obsessed with her, to the point where her torture was a priority over all else. So, it made sense that she would be the reason for Chrysalis’ unusual behavior.

Which means she was going to endure something else horrible. Her revitalized self-hatred helped with coping with her new life of endless torture, though she still had a natural aversion to pain. It wasn’t fair to say she was squeamish or cowardly, she just wasn’t thrilled about her ear being ripped off by a hack saw. Yet, at the same time, there was that strange sense of comfort. That, through these wicked punishments, it made up for all of the horrible things she had done to other ponies throughout her life-taking over her village, dooming all of Equestria, causing mayhem, all that. Starlight’s mind was constantly somber and broodingly melancholic, always reminding herself how horrible she is and how nopony likes her because she’s so terrible. It was a terrible thing, thinking like that, but it was even worse that she found it pleasurable.Treating her punishments like “justified retribution” was about the only pleasure she could possibly get from this experience.
Finishing breakfast, Starlight, not being bound to the kitchen wall this time, was free to trot over to the throne room, however when she arrived she didn’t see Chrysalis anywhere.


Waiting a few moments, her attention was caught by some rapping noise from one of the walls, like a hoof pounding on glass.

‘What is that?’

She looked at the wall where the sound was coming from, but the wall was made of rock, not glass, so why did it sound like that? She began walking over to investigate.


Starlight nearly spilled all of the food when she jumped, startled.

“My queen! Forgive me, I-I didn’t know where you-”

“It’s fine, I understand. Is that my breakfast?”

Starlight gazed down at it, as Chrysalis’ tone was of confused disgust.


“Well, Leave it here. I have something to show you first.”

Starlight gulped, her fears from earlier being actualized as she placed the plate on a nearby table and followed Chrysalis down the hall, towards a room she had never seen before.

“It’s a new room, I just made it…”

The room was tall, and bolted tight with a large metal rectangular door. Chrysalis shot a spell at the door and opened it, revealing the interior, which was just a long, tall room, dirt floors, dirt walls, and dirt ceilings.


Starlight didn’t know what she was supposed to say.

“It’s...very nice, my queen.”

“I haven’t even shown you the interesting part yet, you stupid filly.”

Starlight’s ear dropped dejectedly as Chrysalis shoved her inside.

“Now, I’m sure you’ve missed being able to use your magic, correct?”

Starlight was taken aback. In her long term subjugation, she had begun to forget that she was a unicorn who used to be able to use magic.

“Um, yes, my queen,” Starlight said, nervously.

“Well, today you’ll get the chance to use it again…”

“My queen?”

Starlight didn’t understand why Chrysalis would give her this freedom, a freedom that could allow her to escape very easily.

‘Is she freeing me? Is it over?’

Chrysalis smirked at her.

“No, I’m not freeing you, you idiot. I’m testing your capabilities. There are some ponies that want to see you in action, so you’re going to put on a show for them. To display your...talents in the art of magic...This room has a magical seal, so that no magic can be used past it. That means you won’t be able to teleport out of here or blast a hole in the wall. The only magic you can use is in there. Got it?”

“Um... yes…”

“Good then, your first practice starts now.”

“Wait! My queen!”

“What is it?” Chrysalis teased, as she closed the door.

“What am I supposed to do?”

“Oh, I think you’ll get the idea soon enough.”

With that, Chrysalis slammed the door, leaving Starlight alone in the darkness. Just then, Starlight felt a huge pressure in her head dissipate, like someone had lifted an anvil off her face. She moaned out loud in relief, before realizing her magic had returned. She cast an immaculate light spell to prove it, lighting up the whole room. She beamed, happy to be able to use her special talent again.

The pain in her body began to subside as the feeling of unrestrained freedom overwhelmed her. As she stood there in the narrow room, smiling to herself, the voice of Chrysalis boomed out of some sort of speaker fixed up above near the ceiling.

“Don’t get too excited, Starlight. You use your magic when I tell you to, and how I tell you to, got it?”

“Yes, my queen,” she responded.

“Now, don’t think this test is going to be easy. It’s meant to be difficult, and you may get hurt...severely...it’s all up to how hard you try. Are you going to perform well for me?”

“Yes, my queen,” Starlight said, though still didn’t know what she actually had to do.

Her questions were answered with the sound of a creaking door opening up ahead. She stared in that direction, though the room was so long her light spell couldn’t reach the darkness. She remained oblivious, until she heard the sound of a ferocious, beastly growl. Soon there were two, then three, gigantic dog-like creatures creeping out of the darkness. Their eyes shone like lightbulbs, their teeth were like knives, and they left a trail of slobber as they slowly approached. Starlight gulped in fright as they came into full view, smashing up against each other in the narrow tunnel. Starlight realized that she was meant to fight them. Yet, she held off, as the beasts had yet to show any actual aggression. They just growled at her from afar, their large forearms climbing up the walkway towards her. They almost resembled Diamond Dogs, though they were far bigger and more animalistic. One of them, the largest, stepped behind the others, and then motioned its head at Starlight.

‘Oh great. Looks like I’ve got no choice.’

Chrysalis’ voice returned to distract her.

“These are a special breed of Diamond Dogs, Starlight, that only live down here underground, you’ve probably never seen one before...They’re carnivores, and they’ve been known to tear apart anything they can find, even the unlucky pony...And worse for you, I haven’t fed them in three days.”

‘They get treated better than me then.’

Starlight planted her feet firmly on the ground and prepared herself. The two smaller dogs walked ahead of the large one, nipping at each other for who got to attack first. Starlight waited, not wanting to make the first move.

One of the dogs went first, jumping towards her. Expecting that, Starlight cast a spell, freezing it in a block of purple-colored gemstone, immobilizing it. However, as she was congratulating herself, the other dog pounced, and successfully grabbed her with its paw.

“Get….off of me!”

Starlight zapped it, burning the flesh off its face. The dog howled and dropped Starlight to the floor, whose sensitive sores burned with pain from being squeezed by the course paw of the dog. Starlight got up, dusted herself off, and cast the same spell at the dog, while it was shaking its head in pain, freezing it in place.

Two down.

Starlight took a second to wheeze in pain from being squeezed so hard, and eyed down the last dog from the end of the hall. The dog stood in an offensive posture. There was a fire in its eyes. Hunger. Anger. Hate. Starlight knew those feelings well and understood the dog’s position. They were similar, she thought, and were being played with like toys.

Despite their philosophical connection, only one could survive this. Starlight prepared herself to cast the same spell again while the dog remained stationary, until she found there was that familiar pressure in her forehead, preventing her from concentrating.

‘She put the curse on me again! I can’t use my magic!’

Fear overcame her as she stood frozen in place, trying desperately to cast a spell. The dog was no idiot, and could tell something was wrong. Now, he had the upper hand. The dog rushed at her while she was fruitlessly trying to break the curse, and swatted her into the wall. She felt one of her ribs break from the impact, and her face fell right into a pile of dirt on the ground, stinging her eyes. She groaned in pain, but the dog wasn’t about to pass up on his only meal in an eternity. The dog picked up Starlight with one paw, and squeezed her tight. Starlight tried to resist, using every muscle to try and push herself through its grip, to no avail. The pressure began to cut off airflow, making Starlight’s head turn cherry red. Starlight kept fighting, as the dog opened its mouth in delighted anticipation.

“She’s gotta save me! She’s gotta save me!”

She fought as hard as she could as the dog raised her into its opened mouth.

“It’s gonna swallow me alive!”

The dog threw her inside its mouth and slammed its jaw closed before she could jump out, Starlight screaming all the way. The dog was large enough that she fit almost entirely inside its mouth, sitting on its disgustingly slimy tongue.

Almost entirely.

Starlight’s hind legs didn’t quite fit into its mouth, and hung out, so that when the dog closed its mouth, two rows of razor-sharp teeth shot straight through them, nearly cutting them off entirely. Starlight gasped and squealed in pain, and scrambled to bring them inside the dog’s mouth when it opened it slightly, fearful of losing more appendages. The tongue swatted Starlight towards the throat, as she tried to hang on to the roof of the mouth.

“Please! Stop!”

Her magic still not working, she eventually lost her grip and fell down the throat, the red flesh skin tight around her as gravity slowly forced her downwards. Eventually her whole body was squeezed out of the throat into the stomach.

“Am I...in its stomach?”

She found out pretty quick as she felt the stinging sensation of stomach acid begin eating away at her flesh. Her legs hurt the most, as they were already ripped up and bloody. She raised them above the acid puddle she was sitting in, exposing her back, butt, and back of her head to it instead.

“Celestia help me! I don’t want to die like this!”

She tried a few more times to cast a spell, until finally, she felt her power return. No time to celebrate, she instinctively cast an incandescent beam of energy out of her horn, straight through the wall of the stomach and out of the dog’s belly. She could feel the cold air from outside, and with it the sound of pained howling. She climbed out of the hole, and fell onto the floor, her whole body burning from the acid. She was panting in exhaustion and fright.

I was almost food!

She glanced at the dog she had escaped from, who had collapsed on the ground, breathing slowly, a bloody hole in its stomach.

‘Sorry, buddy, it was you or me.’

She felt her magic withdraw again, and soon after Chrysalis entered through the door, light filling the room.

“Well done, Starlight.”

Chrysalis trotted right over to Starlight, who was too weak to stand at attention.

“I do apologize for removing your magic and making you go through being...consumed...but it really was for the best...I expect you to be a useful weapon, Starlight. A weapon meant to destroy. And using your cute little ‘freeze’ attacks isn’t what I have in mind. And I knew you had it in you, look, you just killed that dog, didn’t you? You shot a hole straight through its stomach, didn’t you?”

Starlight slowly took in that she just took a semi-conscious life. In all her years of evil-doery, she had never actually killed anypony. This was the closest she had gotten, and it felt, strangely, good. Using her aggression, her passion, her anger, had saved her life.

“I...I had to…”

“Of course you did. And you’re alive because of it. You should be rejoicing.”
Starlight remained on the ground, until Chrysalis noticed her hind legs, twisted, bloodied, and ripped to shreds; they were also laced with drops of acid, burning small white sores onto her muscle tendons and bloodied flesh.

“Can you walk?”

Starlight glanced down at her legs, which she couldn’t even move.

“No, my queen.”

Chrysalis sighed with annoyance, and shot a beam of magic at them, repairing Starlight’s legs to their usual selves, shapely and clean.

“Th-thank you, my queen.”

Chrysalis smiled a little, almost impressed, almost satisfied. At least, that’s how Starlight interpreted it. It felt nice, for her queen to be proud of her. She was a pet after all, and being a good pet was about the only success she could hope for nowadays.

Chrysalis walked along, leading Starlight back into the Torture Room. Starlight hoped for a lesser punishment as a reward for her successes, though she knew that wasn’t realistic. Instead, she found herself looking at a small, tight freezer of some sort, with a padlock on one side. Before she could react, Chrysalis pushed her inside, stuffing her limbs tightly in so that she fit.
“Your wounds looked pretty bad, so I thought I’d put some ice on it,” she said, smirking, shutting the door as the temperature dipped below freezing. Starlight closed her eyes in the white interior of the freezer, as the cold began to set in. She was tired and aching, and though the circumstances weren’t ideal, this was her chance to rest.

Right then, Twilight was awoken by the others.

“Hey, Twilight, Chrysalis is gone somewhere, I think we should go down there and look for a good place to wait for her.”

“And an exit too,” said Pinkie, who was playing with a rock a ways away.

“Oh yeah, Pinkie thinks it’s a good idea to find an exit first, just in case.”

“Why not go back the way we came?”

“It’s locked, remember?”

Twilight nodded and got up.

“Alright, let’s go.”

Twilight flew down to the ground level, and levitated her companions down alongside her. The torches to the cave were lit, making sight a lot easier.

“Alright, let’s split up. Look around for anything-an exit, a place to wait for Chrysalis, Starlight, anything,” said Twilight, commandingly.

They all went their separate ways, Twilight towards the rooms off to the side. Twilight approached one of the doors on ground level, a large wooden door with metal bolts. It was slightly ajar, enough for Twilight to slide in. She looked around at the torch lit room, and saw no signs of Rarity. She did recognize the room, as the Torture Room, the room she saw Chrysalis slice up Starlight’s legs through the portal in the library. She examined the wooden work bench and saw numerous blood stains, some fresh, some old. She noticed a white, freezer towards the right, padlocked. She found that odd, but before she could check it out, she was distracted by a speck of pink flesh, covered in blood and dirt, on the ground next to the bench. It was a piece of Starlight’s ear, though Twilight didn’t know that. All she knew was that it belonged to Starlight and it wasn’t removed very delicately. She gulped in fear and exited, moving on to the next room. This was the kitchen, and Twilight took note of the wide array of fruits and vegetables Chrysalis had in storage.

‘She really does get around Equestria...right under our noses.’

She noticed a bolt and chain near one of the walls above the kitchen counter.

‘Starlight is making her meals for her?’

Twilight hadn’t realized how submersive Chrysalis would take making Starlight into her servant. She didn’t know what was more frightening, her fantasies about what this place would be like, or what it was actually like.

Her eyes widened at the distinct sound of Pinkie screaming for help somewhere else in the cave.

“Oh no….”

Twilight ran out of the kitchen back into the Main Hall, and listened for where the screaming was coming from. She followed the noise down a corridor and around the corner, stopping dead in her tracks.

“Twilight! Run!”

Chrysalis turned to face Twilight, her horn glowing and her legs ready to pounce. She was fuming with anger. Chrysalis was holding Pinkie in the air by her tail with her magic, grinning.

“Your highness…”

“Drop her. Now,” Twilight spat, with no suggestion of compromise.

“Is that any way to say hello? It’s been so long, my dear.”

Twilight took one step closer.

“I mean it.”

Chrysalis giggled and took a step back.

“If you want to fight, you have the first move. But I’ll warn you, Princess, in this place...I always win.”

Twilight said nothing, maintaining eye contact. In truth, she was just stalling, waiting for Shining Armor, who she had seen hiding behind a wall on the other side of the corridor, to strike.

“Well? What are you waiting for?”

At that, Shining Armor jumped out and zapped a ray of energy at Chrysalis, slamming into her head. Shining Armor expected that blast to kill her, or at least knock her out, but she was stronger than he expected. Chrysalis grimaced in pain and turned around, as Twilight prepared to strike as well. Without hesitation, Chrysalis threw Pinkie towards Twilight, crashing into her and sending both to the ground. Chrysalis devoted her attention to Shining Armor, who was pacing around her, ready to attack.

“Oh, if it isn’t the Loverboy? I expected better.”

Shining Armor, enraged, shot at her again, though this time she dodged it. She zapped at him too, forcing him to dive out of the way. Twilight rose to her feet and shot at Chrysalis, non-fatally. Chrysalis was thrown into a wall from the blast, disoriented for a moment.

“Shining Armor! Run!”

Twilight and Pinkie turned to run back the way Twilight came as Chrysalis was temporarily out of commission. Shining Armor followed his sister’s instruction, though had to run in a different direction than them, as Chrysalis was stumbling in between them. He escaped through another corridor, not knowing where he was going.

Twilight and Pinkie kept running, Pinkie a little beaten up. Neither stopped or turned back, even as they heard the sounds of Shining Armor and Chrysalis clashing once again. Twilight was nervous, yet filled with adrenaline at the thrill of confrontation.

“Twilight! Wait!”


They both stopped, Pinkie catching her breath, trying to speak.

“Chrysalis, she-she was going to take me that way,” she said, motioning down the hallway that led to the throne room, “It must be where Rarity is!”

“You’re sure it was that way?”


Twilight nodded, and the ponies turned left, running at full speed. The door was so close.

Until Chrysalis' head, stuck on the wrong way on her neck, dropped down from the ceiling right in front of them. She laughed with her booming voice as the ponies froze, Pinkie being grabbed and pulled into the darkness up above. Twilight shot at Chrysalis, to no avail, as Pinkie’s screams grew quieter and quieter until they were suddenly silent. Twilight was now standing in the dark hallway, alone.

“Celestia help me.”

Twilight took a breath and continued running into the throne room, opening it and slamming the door close. She felt to her knees, having lost her brother and one of her best friends. Now she had nopony. She held back tears and remembered time was of concern.

Standing up, she examined the room. There was a large, magnificent throne at the end of the room, surrounded by large emerald pillars that touched the ceiling. She saw dried blood on the floor, and somewhere else was what seemed to be feces. She jumped to alert upon hearing a noise like banging on glass, coming from the wall to her right. She approached it, and heard a faint sound of a pony yelling.

“Is that...Rarity?”

She heard the faint voice calling her name.

Behind the glass separation, Rarity pounded as hard as she could, until she felt Chrysalis’ magic surround her and teleport her out of the room.

The noise stopped abruptly. Twilight backed away, confused.

“Twilight Sparkle…What do I make of all this?”

Twilight turned around and ignited her horn, but wavered, at the sight of Pinkie Pie, Shining Armor, and Rarity, all on their knees, encased in magic on the ground. Chrysalis was standing behind them, holding them like dogs on a leash.

“You barge into my home, sneak up on me and try to attack me? Where are your manners?”

“I’m not scared of you, Chrysalis. Now give me my friends back. Or else.”

“Or else? You know what, Twilight Sparkle, you may not be scared of me, but I am scared of you. You’re smart, you’re powerful, and worse yet, you’re brave enough to risk this much just to save one stupid pony. But, there are rules that we civilized beings must live by. And one of those, is a right to property. This is my home, Twilight, and that pony you’ve come for is my pony. She wants to be here.”

“Enough games, Chrysalis!”

“It’s no game, Twilight. I own that pony and I’m not going to just hand her over.”

“Then I’m going to make you.”

“Try it. I won’t win, of course. But you know who really won’t win? These three, because the second you try and pull something over there, I’m putting a hole between each of their eyes. And the best part is, you get to watch. You want Starlight? Fine with me, she’s stuck in that white freezer you must’ve seen in the room with the table.”

Twilight’s heart stopped, realizing she had been inches away from rescuing Starlight.

“So sure, you can go save her, right now, but you’ll have to kill me first, and I’m taking these three with me. Or, you could give up, right now, and spare all of your pitiful souls the harm.”

Shining Armor scowled on the floor, furious at having been beaten. None of them made any effort to try and dissuade Twilight from letting them die to save Starlight, because was it really a fair trade? But at the same time, none of them had the nerve to doom Starlight and themselves to a life of torment. They all just sat there, conflicted. But it was Twilight who was really struggling. How much was worth losing for Starlight? Two soldiers were a lot. Two of her closest friends? Her own brother? If she gave up, she wouldn’t have to face the dejection of defeat. Perhaps there was honor in giving up to sacrifice one’s pride to save a few more.

Maybe I never should’ve come at all. Would’ve saved a lot more.

Taking a few more moments to argue with herself, she eventually lowered her horn. Chrysalis smiled, but tried her best to show some sportsmanship.

“I admire your value in life...but, maybe here, it’s worse to be alive than dead.”

“You won’t win, Chrysalis.”

“It seems as though I just did.”

Not permitting Twilight to give another retort, Chrysalis zapped Twilight, prohibiting her from using her magic, the same spell placed on Shining Armor and Rarity. All four ponies were thrown in the invisible cell, to waste away in defeat.
Twilight looked back up at Chrysalis, who was staring at nothing, a radiant smile on her face.

“After all these years...nothing can stop me.”

Chapter Thirteen: All Is Lost

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Twilight let her head rest uncomfortably on the rock behind her, as she got used to the pounding headache that was blocking out her magic.

“I can’t believe this,” she muttered to no one in particular. Shining Armor was close by, staring at the ground, a scowl glued on his face. He provided no words of comfort, as he had none even for himself.

Rarity, now reunited with the other three, was on the other side of the prison cell, lying down next to an absent-minded Pinkie Pie, as she tried her best to get the beauty sleep she so desperately needed.

Twilight, already bitter, was not happy to hear no response from any of her friends. Part of her blamed them for this mess; if Rarity hadn’t been so clumsy, Plat would be alive and they wouldn’t have been caught. And if Shining Armor hadn’t been so brazen to send Fritz out alone, they would have had the upper hand from the start.

It’s nobody’s fault.

There wasn’t much sense in casting blame now anyway, they were all stuck here regardless, and hope was dwindling. Twilight couldn’t imagine what it’s been like for Starlight. Twilight had only been a prisoner of this cave for a few hours and she felt as though she was already going insane. Conversation and pleasant company seemed to be the only form of entertainment around, but no one was in the mood for talking.

‘This isn’t over…’ Twilight kept thinking, whether or not she really believed that.

As Twilight sulked in self-pity, Chrysalis was in her bedroom, celebrating her near-flawless victory.

“Wait until Black Frost hears about this…”

Though the prospect of turning Twilight into a soldier-slave in the same vein as Starlight was highly attractive, it was a difficult task nonetheless, and so, Chrysalis had decided to hold off on any psychological training of Twilight, for the time being. Starlight was still the focus, and perfection demands attention.

The morning was near over already, and Chrysalis had only until tomorrow to present Starlight to Black Frost and the others. She needed to move quickly if she wanted Starlight to make a good impression.

Chrysalis approached the torture room, and could see the hoof prints Twilight had left behind from this morning.

“For all your prowess, princess, you’re quite the fool yourself,” the bug queen muttered to herself.

Chrysalis trotted before the freezer and unlocked it, swinging open the door. A bundle of pink fur was what greeted her, flecks of white, crystallized water vapor decorating the pony’s coat like dew on grass. Chrysalis snorted and pried Starlight’s body out of the freezer, though it required substantial effort. Starlight’s limbs were frozen to her body, so that she was stuck holding her legs.

Starlight fell onto the dirt floor, still stuck, her face not moving either. In fact, it looked as though she wasn’t even breathing.

“Oh no, you’re not dying yet.”

Chrysalis kicked Starlight, hard, right in the stomach. Starlight gasped, rescued from the trance-like state she was in as a result of the relentless cold. Starlight was still gasping for air, both from the impact of the kick and the shock of being frozen alive.

“M-m…” Starlight whispered, her vocal chords half-frozen.

“Come on, get it out.”


“Yeah, I noticed.”

Chrysalis reached down and grabbed a hold of Starlight’s left front leg, which was frozen across her hind legs, bent upwards towards her body. In one, swift motion, Chrysalis ripped her front leg off of her hind legs, tearing off frozen pieces of flesh from her leg. Starlight gasped again in shock, unable to scream. She could only open one eye, the other was frozen shut.

Chrysalis continued ripping her appendages from each other, until Starlight had all limbs free, though stiff and immobile. Chrysalis stared down at Starlight, whose whole body was shivering.

“You know, I think you need to warm up.”
Starlight’s working eye looked up, filled with a mix of fear, hatred, and pain. Chrysalis saw it all, but didn’t care. She felt on top of the world since her latest victory, and needed to ‘celebrate’ with Starlight.

It was only right.

Chrysalis dragged Starlight’s chilled body and threw it over the large wooden bench in the center of the torture room. Starlight gritted her teeth in pain. This was beyond a rude awakening. Every slight touch on her frozen skin, especially on the spots where her flesh had been frozen and ripped off, was so sensitive it sent shockwaves of pain through her whole body.

“If I’m guilty of anything, Starlight, it’s being too reliant on new-fangled technology and magic to show you a good time, no?”

Starlight had no answer. Chrysalis rolled her eyes at her pet’s seeming attitude problem.

“Well, I think so. Sometimes, I think, it’s best to go a little old school…”

Starlight was physically unable to turn her neck to see what Chrysalis was about to do, but found out soon enough when the quick, brutal slash of a thick, leather cord struck her across her back. Starlight lurched in pain, and even mustered a muddled groan.

Chrysalis started laughing as she drew back her large black whip, and gave three more strikes, two more on her back and one that tore through her leg. The whip sliced through her frozen skin like a knife through bread, chipping off the frozen lair at the top and digging into the soft skin below. The marks stung like a row of hornets, and her back felt wet with blood. Chrysalis didn’t stop, even as Starlight’s grunts and groans turned into full yelps and cries. As Starlight’s body was filled with the rush of blood, she warmed up a bit, which was Chrysalis’ real intention, with a little sadistic twist.

Soon enough, Starlight’s whole back was painted with at least twenty red streaks, while her chest numbered about thirteen. Her limbs were only struck a few times, and her face was suspiciously left alone. She finally opened her frozen-shut eye, but the view of her deformed body was less than rejuvenating.

Despite her thinking it was over, Chrysalis took the whip, and, as hard as she could, using all of her triumphant energy she could muster, slammed the cord right across Starlight’s right eye. She closed her eye just in time so that her eyeball wasn’t directly damaged, but it did little good. The cord had sunken deep through her eyelid and over her forehead, ripping into her eye and tearing apart is membrane and surrounding skin particles. Starlight screamed, as she felt her blood surface out of her eye. She began fidgeting incessantly, unable to sit still while her eye erupted with blood. The pain was so intense, she feared her eye had been ripped out entirely. After a few minutes of panicked screams, she attempted to open it, and, miraculously, was still able to see, through a tiny slit, which was shaded in crimson red.

Chrysalis smiled as Starlight continued violently shaking and screaming, her other eye shut tight, not wanting to confirm the truth that she could only use one. Eventually, however, Chrysalis grew annoyed.

“Would you be quiet already?”

Starlight tried to silence herself, resorting to deep, panicked inhales. She could only cry out of one eye now, but her tears were plentiful enough to make up for it.

“I said, be quiet.”

Starlight tried to calm herself down, keeping her good eye closed.

“Look at yourself. What a mess.”

“F-forgive me, my queen...I know I shouldn’t be...so expressive. It’s not my place...”

Expressive is one way to put it, you pathetic runt. I might just take the other eye as punishment.”

“No! Please, my queen, don't’!”

“Get on my nerves again and I will. Lucky for you, I’m in a good mood today. Want to know why?”

“Um-yes-of course, my queen.”

“I’ve been keeping track of your friends, you know, your old friends. They’ve been planning a few trips to try and locate and rescue you...that pegasus you saw, remember him? He was part of one of those endeavors...But, as I’ve just recently discovered, they’ve finally given up. All of them. And look how little time it took them. They declared you a lost cause...Which means, I don’t have to worry about any pesky intruders anymore, and neither do you. Now, Starlight Glimmer, it’s just you and I, forever!” she said, a terrifying madness visible in her eyes.

Starlight opened her eye during Chrysalis’ speech, getting adjusted to seeing with one eye instead of two. She could still see out of the eye, but only through a thin slit that was mostly darkened by blood. And, it hurt a lot less to just keep it closed, so that’s the route Starlight took.

After hearing what Chrysalis had to say, Starlight felt a great burden lift itself from her back. Now, there was no possibility of rescue or having to face the world again in the state she was now. It almost felt like good news. Yet, there was a great pain as well, the pain of betrayal. Her friends had really given up on her? After barely any searching?

‘They must not really care…’

“So, I expect you to focus on pleasing me, and only me, from now on, understand? Nopony is coming for you, we know it for sure now. You are mine, Starlight, property, and it’s time you start seeing it that way,” Chrysalis said.

“Yes, my queen,” Starlight replied, slightly disoriented from all the blood loss and shock of losing an eye.

Chrysalis smirked at her obedient slave, who bowed her bleeding head before her abominable queen.

“Good girl.”

“Guys! We can’t just sit here and give up!”

Twilight broke the silence again for the first time in an hour. Rarity opened a tired eye, and Shining Armor tilted his head up. They had all been thinking, about their mistakes, and about how to continue. Twilight especially.

“We got ourselves into this, we can get ourselves out.” said Twilight.

“Well, Twilight, if you’ve got any ideas, we’d love to hear them,” Shining Armor spat.

Twilight glanced at the other two for support, but found none.

“There’s not much we can do, Twilight,” Pinkie said, still facing the wall, lying on the ground.

“You need to have hope! All of you! We’re still alive, aren’t we? That means we haven’t lost! We’ll always have a chance as long as we’re alive,” Twilight, said, trying to invigorate her defeated comrades.

“It’s over, Twilight. Nopony knows where we are,” said Pinkie, somberly.

“They’ll send a search party.”

“More qualified than us? We had some of my best soldiers, and you, an alicorn princess!” said Shining Armor.

“Exactly! You think Celestia and Luna won’t notice I’ve disappeared? Or Cadence won’t try and find you?”

“Except you didn’t let us tell Celestia and Luna what we were doing,” said Pinkie, her voice slow and monotone.

“And Cadence doesn’t know anything about these mountains, and none of my other sergeants know which cave system we entered.”

“Why didn’t you tell them?!”

“Maybe because you told me we were doing a simple search and rescue of a lost pony, not saving her from Chrysalis and her lair full of traps!” Shining Armor retorted.

“I’m sorry, alright?!”

Twilight was beginning to panic, running out of options.

“Rainbow and Applejack and Fluttershy are still out there! They knew what we were doing. They’ll know something’s up and tell Celestia.”

“You’re forgetting that Chrysalis had both of us as prisoners, Twilight. She’ll do to any rescuers what she did to you. Threaten our lives,” said Shining Armor, the fire that was once raging inside him dying out. All he could feel now was bitterness and regret. “And I knew she would pull something like that, and I knew you would give in.”

“What would you have me do instead? Kill all three of you in exchange for Starlight?” asked Twilight, seriously upset.

“It wasn’t just for Starlight, it was for you too. Now she has us and Starlight. The only real victory, Twilight, isn’t who we get to save here and who we don’t, it’s killing Chrysalis. As long as she’s alive, ponies will always be at risk.”

“You wanted this to be about killing Chrysalis the whole time, but that’s not what this was meant to be.”

“Well, go figure. She’s alive and we’re imprisoned. You heard what she said, she’s afraid to fight you. If you just tried, she might not have even been able to kill each of us.”

“I would never take that risk! I couldn’t let myself be responsible for...all that death, Shining Armor. Maybe you’re comfortable with going through that, but I’m not.”

“It doesn’t matter whether I’m comfortable with it or not. Peace and harmony are not always options, Twilight! Some ponies, or creatures, or beasts, they can’t be compromised with! And when other lives are at stake, the situation requires action!”

“Both of you! Stop it!” yelled Rarity, who had silently been listening the whole time.

“This is getting us nowhere. We’re here. Ponies may or may not be coming. Let’s just, stay alive, and figure things out. The answers will come when they come .”

Rarity turned back around and tried yet again to fall asleep, as Twilight and Shining Armor glared at each other. One thing above all was for certain, this cave brings out the worst in ponies.

About twenty minutes later, the silence was again broken, though this time not by a voice. The doors to the throne room swung open, and in walked Chrysalis, smug as ever. Inside the cell, the ponies all looked up. Chrysalis faced them and cast a spell in that direction, magically placing chains around their necks that bolted each pony to the far wall, meant to prevent them from banging on the glass. Twilight stood up in anticipation, but then struggled to stay standing, at the sight for sore eyes, that being Starlight Glimmer, her beloved pupil, sauntering in behind Chrysalis, oblivious to Twilight and the other ponies’ presence behind the glass prison. Chrysalis gave one last smirk before leading Starlight to the center of the room.

While Rarity and Pinkie turned away in terror at the sight of Starlight, Shining Armor was fixated on her. There she was, the reason for all this adventure, and she had surely seen better for days. Shining Armor had come to resent Starlight in his heart leading up to this, blaming her for Plat and the doctor’s deaths, and his own capture. Yet, he could not bring himself to hate this poor, defiled creature, stripped of her identity and livelihood.

Twilight’s eyes were opened wide. Part of her, naturally, had wanted to try and redeem Chrysalis, somehow. But now, seeing this, all she could feel was hatred. She wanted to see Chrysalis pay for this.

Starlight’s left ear was ripped off, and she had a bright red gash that rode along her right eye, a mark that seemed very recent. She was covered in red sores, what seemed like bug bites, and her skin was paler than normal. There was spider web in her mane, several knife cuts, bruises, and burn marks all over her body, and chunks of flesh ripped off here and there. Her body was more muscular than Twilight recalled, but that was about the only upside. And beyond the physical grotesqueness of it all, the look on Starlight’s face spelled it all. She was undeniably miserable. Her good eye was aimed at the ground, her head slightly bent before Chrysalis and the stains of dried tears imprinted on her face.

“Well, Starlight, now that we know there’s nothing left to lose, I think it’s time I show you this,” Chrysalis said, loud enough for Twilight and the others to hear behind the wall. Twilight stood up and crawled as far as her chain would allow, while the other ponies all hung back, watching on fearfully.

Chrysalis cast a spell in the air, creating a large, window like screen, fixed at an angle for both Starlight and the imprisoned ponies to view.

“You know well enough now that my...hatred for you is not unjustified, and in fact based on...experience as well as extensive research...I’ve found that, though my methods must certainly be far more...extreme….the sentiment of disgust I have for you is not so uncommon as I had believed. In fact, its prevalence was a sort of reassurance that everything I’ve done to you has, in fact, been deserved. Would you like to see what I mean?”

Starlight was listening, carefully. This was her evidence. What she was counting on as the backbone of her cause. Starlight felt a cold sweat develop above her forehead, not sure she wanted to see whatever this was. Yet, she had to know.

“Yes, my queen.”

It was striking to hear Starlight’s usually cheerful voice spoken so softly and timidly, but hearing her voice alone after so long was comforting to an extent. Twilight watched on, curious, yet afraid. Chrysalis had that effect on ponies, it seemed.

Chrysalis shot a beam of magic at the window-like screen, and slowly the shapes of two ponies materialized, their forms slowly developing into clearer images, that of Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

“This is from around the time you first arrived in Ponyville...I discovered the means to look back in the past, and I can’t think of a better time to use it than now…”

Twilight glanced at Rarity and Pinkie Pie, confused. She worried as to where this was going.

Starlight’s eyes widened in horror. She recognized the location on the screen as Apple Acres, it’s green pastures almost like a fantasy world compared to this dark hell of a cave. On the screen, Applejack was sorting apples and throwing them into a wooden pail, while Rainbow flew in circles above. She looked annoyed.

“I don’t get it,” Rainbow said.

“Get what?” Applejack asked, though she wasn't in the mood for conversation.

“We’re just going to get along with that unicorn? Is Twilight crazy?”

Starlight visibly reacted to being referred to as ‘that unicorn,’ straightening her head and listening closely, already offended and hurt. These ponies were who she thought of as some of her closest friends, after all.

“You seemed just as alright with it as the rest of us back at the castle,” said Applejack, barely interested.

“Oh, please. I didn’t want to start something. Don’t tell me you’re completely fine with this.”

Rainbow stared at Applejack, who moved the bucket of Apples next to the barn door, took another pail and started filling it with water from a nearby spout. Applejack glared back up at Rainbow.

“It doesn’t matter what I think. Twilight wants to take up the challenge and I say let her.”

“Yeah, but that means we have to be friends with her! She was going to steal our cutie marks and brainwash us! Remember?”

“Twilight said she’s changed.”

“Just like that? I’m serious about this, Applejack, I can’t just get over what she did.”

Starlight was unmoving as she took it all in, her face occasionally clenching up, the feeling of betrayal and emotional pain overwhelming her. Behind Starlight, Twilight sat, several emotions running through her head. She knew this footage wasn’t altered, because she could recall that Rainbow and Applejack would come up to her later that day and try and persuade her not to give Starlight a second chance. But, she had refused.

“We have to be able to forgive and such,” said Applejack

“You can’t just forgive, Applejack. We know what she’s capable of. She’s a threat,” Rainbow said, her words stabbing Starlight in the heart.

“All she needs to do is get close enough to Twilight that they’re all friendly, and then bam, she pulls another mind control trick and takes over Equestria. We’re setting her up for it!”

Applejack stared at her. She hadn’t thought about that, and the way that Rainbow put it was more than convincing.

“We can’t trust her, not yet. And I’m all for being friends, but we have to show some loyalty to each other before we show it to her.”
Starlight’s mouth was open, and she was breathing heavily. Part angry and part saddened, there was a fire being brewed inside her.

“I guess you’re right...she’s not too familiar with friendship to begin with…”

Rainbow nodded as Applejack considered things.

“We’ll talk to Twilight later. Settle things.”

At that, the screen went back to a mixture of colors, until Chrysalis stepped in front, looking down at Starlight, who was still standing, though her legs were shaking with embarrassment.

“Yes. Even your bit-brained friends were able to recognize what kind of pony you really are. A dangerous outsider, who doesn’t fit in with regular ponies.”

Starlight stared at the ground, angry. She felt betrayed, and she used it as fuel for her hatred, for Chrysalis, for herself, and now, the ponies she had once counted on. Not only had they left her here to die, but they had never really liked her at all? She really was just a liability, an outsider, a prisoner? This whole time?

Twilight noticed Starlight’s frustration.

“Twilight,” said Shining Armor, getting her attention. “Was all that real?”

“Unfortunately, yes.”


“It’s natural to have doubts, Shining Armor. We all got past them, and we all treat and value Starlight like one of us, so don’t act like we think of her like she’s…”

“Like that?” he said, motioning at what Starlight had become. Twilight said nothing, half of her not wanting to acknowledge her own faults in handling the situation with Starlight.

“But that’s not all,” said Chrysalis, gleeful, zapping the portal again. Starlight looked back up to see Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, all together at some restaurant in Ponyville. Starlight tilted her head, not wanting them to turn out to be fake friends as well.

Do I have anybody on my side?

“Well, I don’t like her,” said Rarity.

“Oh, you just need to get used to her,” said Fluttershy, sipping at her tea while Rarity swatted away some bugs.

Please, there’s a difference between having an awkward first introduction and being an egomaniac,” Rarity said.

“Oh, I wouldn’t go that far,” said Fluttershy.

“We’ve all seen how she acts! Pinkie Pie?”
Pinkie Pie was half-caught off guard, but did have opinions as well.

“Well…she is a little...full of herself?”

That’s an understatement. And Fluttershy! Remember what she did when we visited that one family? In Saddleopolis?” Rarity said.

“Oh my, you’re right about that one. All those houses, destroyed,” Fluttershy said.

“It was an accident.” Pinkie said.

I don’t think it was. I think she likes causing chaos. She’s no better than any common criminal, and sometimes I think we’d be better off without her!”

“Sometimes I do too, but she’s Twilight’s student…” said Pinkie.

“Sure, but at one point, enough is enough. Face it, she’s crude, she’s far too desperate to be nice, and she’s always so cynical! She’s got a problem with everypony and everything!”

“At least she’s not desperate to be evil,” said Pinkie Pie, trying to lighten the mood.

“I suppose all I can do is complain.”

“Oh, so nothing changes?” said Pinkie Pie.

They all laughed, as the screen again returned to a flurry of colors. Starlight bit her lip, tears swelling up as she realized her ‘real’ friends were just pretending. Of course, she knew they were mostly right about her, but for some reason, she expected her friends to have unconditional support for her, no doubts, just pure acceptance.

Maybe I still just don’t understand friendship.

Behind the invisible wall, Twilight felt like yelling, but knew she couldn’t be heard. Yet, it pained her so much to watch Starlight’s soul be crushed.

“That was all taken well out of context!” yelled Rarity, though nopony had said anything to her. Pinkie refused to make eye contact with anypony, embarrassed. Twilight held no resentment towards them, nor Rainbow and Applejack. She wasn’t perfect either, after all.

Chrysalis approached Starlight again, who had crumbled to the ground.

“Now you get it? Starlight?”

Starlight’s lips were quivering, yet she managed to lift her head to answer.


“They hate you. And they’ve always hated you. Now, it’s your turn. I’m giving the power to you. Do you want to hate them back? After all they’ve done to you? Your friends, if I can even call them that?”

I...I can be better,” Starlight said, but she didn’t believe it. What was she pretending for?

“Here, you have the chance to use your hate, your embarrassment, your misery, for practical purposes. And you have so much potential, Starlight, truly.”

“Twilight still believes in me…” Starlight said weakly. Her last resort. Though, she couldn’t count on Twilight completely either. Chrysalis, of course, had expected that answer.

“Then….I’ve got one more thing I need you to see, Starlight.”

Starlight glanced at her. Begging her not to do this. Deep inside, she knew what it was probably going to be. Mostly because, on the occasion she was thinking of, the one that had haunted her nightmares ever since, she had walked in on it.

The screen began to materialize two more shapes, but one wasn’t a pony, rather, a baby dragon, Spike. And beside him was none other than Twilight Sparkle.

In the prison, the other ponies all glanced at Twilight. Aside from themselves, they had always held Twilight to a higher standard than the average pony, and thought she had believed in Starlight from the start.

Starlight believed that too, but since nearly everything she believed was apparently a lie, she supposed this was no different. She felt ready to burst into tears, so much that just a few words would do it. She almost wanted it, for Twilight to betray her, for her to know that her hero was a phony, that her redemption was a joke and that her whole life really meant nothing. Just so that she could finally be at peace with herself. No more conflict, no more doubt. To know that she was, in every meaning, unloved and unneeded. All she had to do was listen.

On the screen, Twilight was in her castle, sitting in her chair, her face wound up tightly, deep in thought. Spike was nearby, on the ground, bored. At some point, he noticed Twilight’s disgruntled expression.

“Something the matter, Twilight?”

Twilight’s eyes blinked a few times as she took notice of Spike. She inhaled deeply.

“It’s...it’s Starlight….”

“Oh. Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that too actually.”

Twilight continued speaking her mind, as if Spike hadn’t spoken.

“Celestia told me that it would be good for me to have the opportunity to take up a pupil, but...well this is certainly a challenge.”

“But, we both saw what she went through. She just has a...flawed way of thinking, you know?”

“Flawed is putting it mildly, Spike. She hasn’t had any real friends since then, that I know of. You know what that does to a pony? Having no friends? It….breeds all these unnecessary insecurities and psychological pain. It makes you...overly independent, and selfish, and entitled, and...you get it. Friendship is important for a reason.”

“You would know.”


“Well, Twilight, you should just think of this as a special challenge. She’s willing to learn, so all you need to be is willing to teach.”

“I’m doing this to prove that nopony is past redemption. Not even ponies like her. That’s what Celestia wants...I just don’t know if I can do it. There’s a lot depending on her becoming an ally, Spike. If I fail, and she turns back to evil...well, you saw what happened last time. ”

“But you won’t fail, Twilight. I know it.”

“Um, Twilight?”

Twilight’s head spun around to see Starlight standing in the doorway. Now, Starlight had only heard that last line of Spike’s, but she could draw her own conclusions. Twilight, of course, feared the worst.

“Starlight! Do you need anything?”

“I...I just got lost again….and...is there something wrong?” Starlight asked, noticing how tense Twilight was.

“No, no, Starlight, don’t worry about it. Spike, help Starlight out.”


Spike led Starlight away, giving one last look of concern. Twilight leaned back in her chair, and sighed deeply.

The screen faded away, slowly.

Twilight was trying to hold it together, to stop herself from yelling at the top of her lungs at Starlight, telling her not to look, to listen to her and to let her explain herself. All of the ponies in the prison were speechless. The air felt heavy, and the room was practically dead silent. Starlight had broken down almost right away, but was practically sobbing by the time Twilight said “Flawed is putting it mildly.”

This was it.

Starlight could feel the warmth inside her evaporate, any speck of hope for redemption disappearing. She was cold. Indifferent to the world, to ponies, everything. The only emotions she could muster were hate and anger. There was nothing to fear anymore. She knew all the secrets her friends were keeping from her. Now, There was nothing left to go back for. Chrysalis saw it. So did Twilight, and Rarity, and Pinkie, and even Shining Armor, who wasn’t very apt at recognizing feelings. Starlight Glimmer had changed.

Wiping away the tears and staring at the stone floor, her mind thinking of a million things yet none at all at the same time, Starlight stayed unmoving. Chrysalis walked before her, nervous herself as to how much damage she had just done.

“Now, Starlight, I think you understand.”

Twilight’s heart burned with hatred for that creature, that beast, that thing, for what she had done. For all of this. Twilight knew the ramifications of this would take years to fix, if they could ever be fixed. And as for Starlight, she had no intention of fixing anything. She didn’t want to be friends with Rainbow Dash, or Rarity, or Twilight, or any ponies for that matter. If the world turned its back on her, then she’d turn her back on the world.

“I understand.”

Chrysalis smiled. She had really done it.

Chapter Fourteen: Past The Brink

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Two dead Diamond Dogs were lying on the ground, with bloody, spark-filled holes shot through each of their skulls. Starlight Glimmer, standing right beside them, was unphased. It was her work, after all, and beyond feeling the triumph of victory, she was eager for more. This was what she needed.

The creaking of the door ahead in the narrow room sounded off again, Starlight raising her head ever so slightly. Without warning, three more dogs rushed out of the darkness towards her, all at the same time. Starlight scoffed, and aimed her horn at the ground, casting a ring of fire that halted the dogs a few feet in front of her. They roared and barked, enraged at the sight of their defeated comrades.

Starlight eyed down the largest, riling it up enough to muster some courage and jump over the flames, scorching its underbelly. Starlight stayed put, unflinching, shooting a ray of energy straight through the dog’s right eye, and out the bottom of its neck. The dog gave a quick yelp before falling to the ground, its paw still twitching.
The other beasts two immediately quieted down, fearful. Starlight waited a few moments before getting impatient. She gritted her teeth as her horn started glowing again, approaching the dogs, who were beginning to back away. Starlight had practically walked right into the flames before she extinguished it with her magic. The dogs ran back to the door at the other end of the room, yelping. Starlight recognized that feeling all too well.



But this time, she was in control. And it was the best feeling she had felt in a long time. With one spell, she shot a beam of magic from left to right across the room, slicing each dog in half.

Starlight turned off her magic, letting the darkness resume.
“Excellent job, my pet, you’re coming along nicely…” said a bodiless voice from up above.

Chrysalis, who Starlight loathed almost as much as herself, entered from the back door, a wicked smile stretching from ear to ear. Starlight hid her true feelings and bowed out of respect for the compliment.

“Thank you, my queen.”

“Yes...I think those filthy crooks that are coming here tomorrow will absolutely adore you.”

Starlight had almost forgotten why she was practicing this in the first place, to appease some ponies she hadn’t even met. She felt almost embarrassed, though, to be seen in the state she was now.

“Don’t think that this makes up for your past mistakes. You are still being punished, you know. Now, I’m sick of looking at you. Go fix me my dinner.”

“Certainly, my queen.”

Starlight stumbled off. Despite only having one fully-working eye, her aim was still pretty good, she had to admit. It felt almost ridiculous, then, to go from murdering innocent animals to cooking dinner like a house servant.

‘It’s not up to me.’

She frowned, radiating self-hatred.

‘It never should be.’

Starlight began her usual routine, trying to distract herself from her relentless negative thoughts.

Earlier that day, Rainbow’s group had woken up from a well-deserved sleep, and continued on through the endless trek down the tunnel. Yet, by mid afternoon, the ponies, most of which were badly injured, required another break.

“We won’t be long...I just need to rest my leg is all,” said Applejack.

Rainbow wasn’t as eager to stop, not while the Diamond Dogs could be coming from one direction, and Chrysalis from the other.

“Why don’t I go up ahead, see if there’s anything interesting. I’ll be back in thirty minutes, tops,” said Rainbow, who wasn’t really asking for permission.

“Why don’t I come with you? We don’t want to be sending anypony up alone,” said Hickory, stepping closer.

“Well...I’d love that...but the thing is...I’m a lot faster…”

“No, Rainbow, he’s right. And we don’t want you going too far ahead anyway,” said Applejack.

“Fine.” Rainbow muttered, after an exaggerated sigh, “Let’s go then.”

“Sunflower, Fluttershy, you watch after Applejack,” ordered Hickory.

“Sure thing.”

The duo set off again into the uninviting darkness, Rainbow flying farther ahead with the torch, while Hickory sauntered behind.

“Would you slow down? What is your rush?” he asked, worn out.

“Um, maybe that my friend is in danger? You should be in more of a rush.”

“She’s not my friend.”

“You know, if we get through this all alive, I think you two would get along,” she said slyly.

The tunnel seemed to only get narrower the farther they went, the earthen walls turning to hard, thick rock.

“I’m beginning to think those dogs sent us down a dead end. This can’t possibly go anywhere.”

Rainbow squeezed herself through an extremely narrow crevice in the tunnel, turning back towards it to help Hickory make his own way through.

“You just lack persistence,” she said, smirking.

“Persistent stupidity.”

“Oh, ditch that attitude. I think you’ve actually enjoyed this all so far.”

“‘Enjoyed’ isn’t the word I would use.”

“This will be a story you can tell your grandfoals! It’s an adventure! How many trips like these do you go on every day?”

Hickory rolled his eyes as he climbed over a slight rise from the ground. He stopped upon hearing a faint, high-pitched noise, far behind them, almost like a cry for help.

“What was that?” Hickory muttered, listening for more.

“It wasn’t a pony, I don’t think…” Rainbow said, as she too climbed over the hill.

“Could be those dogs…”

“You don’t really think they’re still after us, do you?”

“Well, it’s possible, but...that’s not what I’m really afraid of…”

Rainbow glanced at him, unsure what he meant.

“Oh, you mean Chrysalis.”

“Yes, I mean Chrysalis.”

“I thought you didn’t believe in all that.”

“I don’t want to believe it. Difference.”

“You know, worst comes to worst, we can get out of here and find Twilight. She can handle Chrysalis, easily, I’m sure.”

“Except we can’t go back, those dogs would rip us apart.”

“A little...aggressive persuasion should do the trick.”

Hickory chuckled. They were far ahead of the others now, and nearing the point to turn back.

“Looks like it just goes on...and on...and on…”

“It’s gotta go somewhere. Besides, If Chrysalis is down here, I doubt she’d want to be found easily.”

“Alright, let’s go back, I don’t want the others to worry…”
Rainbow nodded. The path back was easier to navigate than the path there, as it only got wider going backwards.

“Say, what’s this friend of yours look like anyways? I don’t even know who I’m supposed to be risking my life for.”

“Well...she’s uh...got like a pink coat, and a purple mane...She’s a unicorn.”

“A unicorn? I haven’t seen one of those in a long time. She’s got a name?”

“Starlight. Starlight Glimmer.”

“Sounds like a unicorn indeed. And, since you know more than you’re telling me, why are we really in a rush?”

“She’s...Chrysalis is doing some...horrible stuff to her, I don’t know it all, but it’s bad.”

“I get your point then...” Hickory said, as a sense of somberness descended upon them.

“Yeah, so the faster we get there, the better.”

“How many changelings do we have to go through to get to Chrysalis?”

“As far as I know, it’s just her. But don’t underestimate her, she’s defeated Celestia once you know.”

“Then what the hell am I supposed to do? Kick her to death?”

“Well, I’m in the same boat… We’ll figure it out...We’ve gotten this far, I think we can handle it.”

“Starlight, you’ll be sleeping here for the night,” said Chrysalis, motioning towards the open dungeon door. Starlight entered, sheepishly, awaiting some kind of creature meant to harass her for the night. But, to her relief, she found nothing. A quick sigh of exhaustion from the day was followed by the shutting of the door, filling the room with a cold, unforgiving blackness. Starlight wasn’t even that afraid anymore, she was constantly expecting surprises.

But this time, there was no surprise. Just emptiness and cold. Starlight sat down, her eyes open but with nothing to see. She itched at the bite marks she had sustained in this very room, which had since been cleaned up of the spider web and rat feces.

Starlight sat there, thinking, though she knew more the thought about her life the more pain she felt. It was hard to confront her feelings, but it was harder to ignore them.

‘They really hate me. And they’ve hated me from the start….but who can blame them? Look at me...I’m awful….I deserve it….’

She had reminded herself of that so often she started to annoy herself by repeating it, but she knew it was the truth.

‘I’m exactly what they said I was….a failure, a danger...that’s what they want me to be...They like having a pony like me around to compare themselves to…’

She despised herself above all, but still had enough room in her heart to devote her hate towards all those that, in her mind, had betrayed her. Her head ached as the voices inside her head argued with each other.

‘That demented witch! That disgusting, horrible, heartless insect! My queen. When I get out of here, I’m going to kill her first, I’m going to make her suffer! Then, I’m going to kill Twilight Sparkle, then…’

Her body started shaking from excitement. She stopped herself from continuing, her beaten-down conscious reaching out to her. She let go of her tears and crumbled to the floor in shame.

‘What am I doing to myself?’

Starlight still wondered if help was really coming. Did it even matter?

‘I can’t go back...I can’t...face them all again...I never should have tried to be a good pony in the first place...I’m just no good...I tried, look where it got me.’

She hung her head in despondence.

“I’m not like other ponies,” Starlight said out loud, though nopony was listening, “I’m...different...They think there’s something wrong with me...That I’m inadequate…” Her voice was trembling as she said the words, though it felt freeing to say them.

“I don’t belong with them, and they don’t even want me anyways….”

Starlight let herself lie on the ground, her eyes staring up at the ceiling.

“I am worthless….but I am not weak, and I’m not finished…”

She began shaking her head back and forth, almost uncontrollably, as her mind burned with a thousand thoughts.

“Everything those ponies did for me was pointless….I haven’t changed...This is who I am….They tried to make me into somepony I’m not, because they were scared of me…”

The darkness wrapped itself around her as Starlight laid on the cold, flat ground. It felt bizarrely comforting, to be alone with nothing but her thoughts.

“They should be scared of me...They thought they could treat me like I was an object...that I could be possessed and made into an example! It was all just a joke! My whole life has been one big, stupid joke…”

She stopped to catch her breath, getting so upset she was almost hyperventilating. She repeated that line in her head, ‘It was all just a joke,’ until she too began to find it funny. She started giggling, slowly at first, until it grew into a hysterical laughter, complete with the occasional tear and the final cracks being cemented into Starlight’s mind. She turned over and laid on her side, laughing herself to sleep.

“That was bad.”

Twilight and the other unlucky ponies were still in the prison, but this time sitting close together.

“I just can’t understand what the point of all that was!” said Rarity, in reference to the footage Chrysalis had presented.

“What’s obvious is, it doesn’t paint any of you in a very positive light,” Shining Armor said, at everypony else’s expense.

“Well, you’re not perfect either,” Rarity retorted, mildly insulted.

“I didn’t mean it to be offensive, what I meant was, the point of it was to make you look bad.”

“Then it worked, because now I feel bad,” Pinkie said, face down on the ground.

“She’s a twisted monster, okay? Who knows what she’s really after. It doesn’t matter, we’ve got to find a way out of here,” Twilight said, not wanting to think about the past.

“Good luck with that, our magic is gone,” Shining Armor said.

“Yes I’m aware. What I’m trying to figure out, though, is how exactly she’s doing it.”

“Who cares how she’s doing it?” said Shining Armor, said with contempt.

“ I’ve never heard of any spells that can cancel out magic like this...she must be using some kind of special tool, or an artifact or something.”

“Or maybe she’s just had a lot of time to practice,” Pinkie contested.

“No, I don’t think so. If she had that kind of power, she would’ve used it against us during our fight...whatever spell she’s using to do this, she’s got to be using something else to help her do it.”

“That’s a neat theory. But it’s not very useful,” said Shining Armor.

“Sure it is! If we can find whatever object she’s using to help her, and destroy it, we can blast ourselves out of here.”

“Then what? She’ll just get annoyed and kill us anyway.”

“This time...there’s no holding back.”

“You were holding back?” Shining Armor asked, half-angry and half-questioning his own abilities.

“I didn’t want to hurt one of you by accident…” Twilight said, though she did intend on her spell at least knocking Chrysalis unconscious. She hadn’t expected Chrysalis to be so resilient, and went on to assume she has some sort of extra-advantage Twilight doesn’t know about. Regardless, Shining Armor rolled his eyes at his sister’s attempted defense.

“See, that’s your problem...you care about us too much.”

Back in the tunnels far away, Rainbow took the lead of the group as they squeezed through a particularly tight fit in the slippery rock.

“Careful, everypony…”

Rainbow shone her torch ahead, only to find, yet again, a pitch-black continuation of the tunnel.

“It never ends!”

“It has to end...Somewhere,” Applejack murmured, exhausted.

“We’ll be in the Crystal Mountains by the time we’re out of here at this rate!” Rainbow yelled, frustrated.

Applejack and Fluttershy both glanced at each other.


“You don’t think…”

Rainbow stared at them blankly as they waited for her to catch on.

“Uh, can somepony fill me in?”

“You might just be right, this might lead right towards the Crystal Mountains, which is where Twilight and Rarity and Pinkie Pie were headed! They’re connected!”

Hickory was the last to squeeze through, falling on the rock below.

“Did I hear that right?”

He jumped to his feet, the first good news he’s heard in a while.

“Your princess friend is on the other end of this?”

“It’s more and more likely, the farther this goes…” said Fluttershy.

“We get to meet the Princess?! Oh my Celestia! It’ll all be worth it for that!” exclaimed Sunflower.

“Easy sis...if you’re right about these two being connected, then your princess friend probably already found the changeling...right? She would have started much closer.” Hickory said.

“Er...probably…” Applejack said, suddenly worrying. Were they okay?

“You better hope they’ve already won, or at the very least have figured it out too and are waiting for us...Because rescuing one pony is difficult enough.”

“We’ll do what we have to do..We’ve just gotta keep moving,” Rainbow said, trying her best to inspire confidence.

The pack set off again, and at a faster speed, as the tunnel began to open up slightly.

“How do we go about defeating Chrysalis anyway?”

“If Twilight isn’t already there, we wait for her and let her come up with the plan,” said Applejack.

“Twilight’s plans only work 50% of the time you know,” said Rainbow.

“But, she’s a princess!” said Sunflower.

“She’s still a pony. She’s capable of making mistakes.”

“Let’s hope she hasn’t. It’ll be twice the work to save her, Rarity, Pinkie, and Starlight,” Rainbow said.

“Say they are captured and we’ve got to take care of Chrysalis ourselves...How do we go about it?” Sunflower asked.

“Chrysalis is no idiot, and she’s powerful. We’ve got to take our time, get a good understanding of land, and make a good plan,” Rainbow said.

“I thought we were in a rush.” Hickory added sarcastically, from the back of the line.

“We are, but it’s better to wait a little longer than to run in blind,” Rainbow said.

“I'm with Rainbow on that, and if Twilight’s captured, we have to take this extra seriously,” said Applejack.

“I think the best way is to draw her out. If we can get her far away from where she’s keeping them prisoner, we can have enough time to get them out,” said Rainbow.

“What if she’s got defenses?” asked Hickory.

“Then we’ll figure out how to get around them...Look, nothing is going to stop us, we’ve got a mission, and we’re seeing it through,” said Rainbow, firmly.

The ponies all shrugged and continued on, no end to this journey in sight.

“Is it night time?” Twilight asked, having lost track of time after all the excitement.

“I think so. Chrysalis turned down all the lights,” said Shining Armor.

“Any luck with finding that object?” asked Twilight.

“Considering I don’t know what it looks like, whether or not it’s in this room, or even if it exists, no, Twilight, I haven’t.”

Twilight rolled her eyes at her brother’s relentless negativity.

‘He must be in a bad mood.’

“I guess we should all get some sleep.” said Twilight.

“Way ahead of you,” Shining Armor replied, lying on the uncomfortable ground and shutting his eyes.

“I’m hungry…” whined Rarity. Twilight glared at her friend’s neediness, though she had to admit, she could use a snack right about now as well.

“I left my bag behind somewhere in the cave...sorry…”

“It’s no problem…” Rarity fell back on the ground, closing her eyes. Pinkie had done the same. Soon even Twilight, who was in no mood to rest, had to give in and rest her eyes.


After about half an hour after falling asleep, a faint, muffled whisper resonated in Twilight’s ears, her eyes opening instantly. She glanced around in the darkness of the cell and saw no one but her sleeping friends in there with her.

She heard it again, “Hey!!” but this time followed by the sound of tapping on glass. She realized it was coming from the other side of the prison. Jumping to her hooves in shock, she recognized the darkened outline of a pony on the other side, though it was too dark to make out who. She turned to her friends.

“Guys! Wake up!”

None of them responded, so she ran to each and shook them awake, eager and slightly panicked.

We’re being rescued!

“Twilight, what the heck are you doing!?”


All of the rudely awakened ponies looked in the direction she was pointing at, and also saw the distorted outline of a pony through the darkness.

Shining Armor approached. He squinted through the darkness, but also couldn’t tell who it was.

“Look, step back, okay?” said the pony.

Shining Armor shared a look of confusion with Twilight, before doing what the pony demanded and taking a few steps back.

The pony too stepped back from the glass, and removed from his satchel some kind of instrument.

“What is that?”

“It looks like a...like a-”

Swiftly, the pony took the tool and pressed it against the glass of the prison wall, and started digging with hard, jerky motions downwards in the shape of a circle, large enough for a pony to fit through.

“It’s a glass cutter, like the kind we Royal Guards have in our…” Shining Armor said, trailing off as the impact of the realization hit him.

“You mean...?”

Twilight looked back at the glas as the pony finished. He pressed against the completed circle he had drawn into the glass, before placing a single hoof and pressing on it, letting it fall into his other hoof right below it. Placing it gently on the ground to avoid making noise, the pony stepped through the hole he made.

There was Radish, the thought-to-be coward, beaming with excitement. He was still wearing the royal guard armor, though it was caked in dirt so much that it was barely recognizable. His beard was far more unkempt and filthy than before.

“Hello again, Captain, Princess.”

“Radish! What are you doing here?! We thought you-”

“Ran away? I...I did, Captain...but...I couldn’t leave you all behind…”

“How did you get in here? The door was locked!” asked Twilight.

“I checked some of the other tunnels in that room, and one of them has a weak spot in the rock that I was able to crack open, and she didn’t hear me...it led right into another tunnel that goes along the ceiling....”

“Good work…” Shining Armor said. It was indeed a relief not to have one your most trusted subordinates turn out to be a traitor.

“But there’s a better way out of here...I’ve been taking a look around, and I’m pretty sure one of the doors in the largest room leads down a tunnel, right out of here…”

“It’s not locked?” asked Twilight.

“Nope, and it goes on way too long to be just another hallway…”

“Can’t we just go back your way?”

“She’ll think we went back the way we came, when really, we’d be going in the opposite direction! By the time she figures that out, we’ll be long gone!”

“Wait! Wait, we can’t just leave Starlight and all those other ponies here…”

Radish stared at her.

“Princess, I thought you would understand by now that this is a...much larger situation than we had anticipated...Your safety is top priority.”

“You don’t know me very well then.”

“He’s right, Twilight, we need to get out of here first, and then bring Celestia, or the entire Crystal Army if we need to,” said Shining Armor.

“My thoughts exactly, Captain. Have you seen all the ponies she’s been keeping prisoner up in the ceiling? We couldn’t possibly save them all by ourselves.”

“What about taking out Chrysalis ourselves? That was your plan!”

“We tried that...I think you’re the only one powerful enough to stop her, and like I said, we need you out of here.”

“But she’s sleeping right now! This is the best chance!”

“Keep yelling and she won’t be…”

Twilight panicked again and checked to make sure all was quiet.

“Look, Twilight, this may be our only chance in a long time, I say we take it and try again, but next time be better prepared.”

“You saw everything that Chrysalis was doing to Starlight, Shining Armor! She may not even be the same pony by that time! If we rescue her now, we may still have enough time to get her in the right mindset again, before this all becomes irreversible!”

“I get it, okay? But you’re more important.”

“I’m not more important than anypony, alright! I owe it to her.”

“We’re running out of time, I say we go now…”

“How are we supposed to trust him again?!” Rarity said, stepping forward confrontationally, “He left me for dead last time, after all.”

Radish eyed her down, both embarrassed and insulted.

“You’ll be thanking me later,” he said with angst. Shining Armor held his concerns as well, though wasn’t as up front about it. But his expression gave it all away anyway. Radish recognized it instantly.

“I was wrong, alright? But the only reason I came back to this stinkhole was to save your sorry asses in the first place....I’m trying to help you…”

The others all glanced at each other, wanting to trust him, but struggling.

Shining Armor approached his old friend, slowly.

“You know the way?”

“Well enough...You’ve got to trust me, Captain...This is our best bet.”

Shining Armor took a moment to accept the risk, nodding.

“Is everypony ready?”

Rarity and Pinkie, who just wanted to be back home safe and sound, quickly nodded, while Twilight kept hesitating.

“Come on, Twilight.”

Radish exited the hole in the glass wall of the prison, and picked up his spear. The other ponies all followed, and Radish led the way to the throne room doors. Ever so carefully, he slowly pushed open the doors, Shining Armor helping him, both trying to make as little noise as possible. Eventually all the ponies made it out, with minimal noise.

“There, that was the hardest part,” said Radish, smiling, “This way, and everypony keep it down, I don’t want that bug-eyed freak to get the jump on us again.”

Radish led them down the hallway where Pinkie had been snatched, and out into the Main Hall.

“Everypony stay alert…” he whispered.

The group carefully crossed the room to a large wooden double-door, built into the rock.

“This is it…”

“You’re sure?” asked Twilight, a bit intimidated by how large and foreboding the said door was.

“Bet my life on it, Princess.”

Shining Armor grabbed Radish’s shoulder, gently, and gave him a look of appreciation and thankfulness.

“I never doubted you, Radish.”

Radish, who had nearly given up on himself, took those words to heart.

“Thank you, sir.”

He slowly opened the door, still facing Shining Armor, when suddenly a dull green aura manifested out of the darkness. The light transformed into a furious storm of magic, that jumped out of the entrance straight through Radish’s chest. Radish collapsed to the ground instantly, wheezing blood as he felt around the new burning hole in his chest. Blood gushed all over his armor and onto the ground below. Rarity screamed and hid behind Twilight, whose eyes widened with despair.

“You pathetic ponies...Always think you’re so clever…”

Chrysalis’ dark, sleek form took shape as she exited from the darkness, the ponies all backing away in opposite directions, slowly. Chrysalis cackled with glee, another futile escape attempt foiled.

“You just don’t stop, do you, Highness?” she laughed again, as Twilight stood there defenseless.

“Come now, Highness, you haven’t got your magic...What exactly do you intend to do now?”

Twilight’s fearful expression turned to a smug smirk as she noticed Radish, still alive, reaching for his spear he had dropped on the ground. Shining Armor was seething with rage. He hated getting caught. Twilight, meanwhile, had developed a delighted grin, and even began chuckling to herself, trying to distract Chrysalis.

“And what’s so funny?”

Immediately after her obnoxious taunt, Chrysalis’ shrill, startled scream filled the hall as Radish’s blade pierced up through her underbelly. Chrysalis bucked in pain and promptly kicked Radish square in the face with a hind leg, sending him tumbling to the other side of the room, a trail of bright red blood following him.

As Chrysalis wheezed in pain, Shining Armor ran towards her with all his anger, tackling her to the ground. Twilight, desperate, reached over to Rarity.

“Rarity, you’re in the best shape right now, you need to go down the tunnel, get out of here and find help!”

“Me? Twilight, I don’t think-” Rarity sputtered, eyes wide with fear.

“Go! Now!” Twilight commanded.

Rarity, shaken up and unprepared, mustered up some courage, courage she had regretted not to have shown upon Plat’s death yesterday. She nodded, and rushed towards the door, while Pinkie ran to help Shining Armor, holding down one of Chrysalis’ legs while Shining Armor began punching her in the face repeatedly, a gleeful rush of adrenaline surging through his veins. He left a few hefty bruises on Chrysalis’ face, as she grunted in pain from her stab wound.

Rarity was long gone, and just in time, as Chrysalis regained her focus and blew Shining Armor and Pinkie off of her with a spray of green magic. They both crashed across the floor, scraping some skin off. Twilight stood between them, trying to act like Rarity hadn’t just escaped. Chrysalis stumbled to her feet, and began laughing.

“I bet you enjoyed that, boy...it feels good when you give in to your anger, doesn’t it?”

She chuckled a few more times, and reached for her bleeding wound.

“Now it’s my turn.”

Using her magic, she grabbed a groaned Radish by the leg, pulling him across the stone floor towards her. Shining Armor rose to his feet, already furious.

“Stay back, darling, we’re in the middle of something.”

Chrysalis held each pony in the air with her green magic, forcing them to watch.

Radish, on the ground, lifted his head up, gasping for breath.


Shining Armor’s heart softened for just a moment, listening to the pleas of a soldier who just gave his life for him.


Shining Armor didn’t get a chance to respond, as Chrysalis raised the wounded stallion into the air, and, in one brutal motion, ripped him in half, his hind legs flying to one side of the room, the rest of him to the other. More than enough blood and organ tissue sprayed out all across the floor and onto Chrysalis’ face, though she didn’t mind.

“Yes, you should be.”

The other ponies couldn’t even scream, they were so shocked and horrified. Shining Armor especially, who held back tears as he cursed Chrysalis for everything she was worth in his head.


“Oh, did that upset you? And what’re you going to do about it?” Chrysalis said, wiping away Radish’s blood off of her face. Shining Armor said nothing, silently enraged.

“It seems there’s one less of you than there was before…and I don’t mean the new one...I actually think he counts as two now...” Chrysalis teased. “Out of all of you, you sent the gutless beauty queen? We’ll see how far she gets.”

“You’re going to pay for this, Chrysalis….Celestia will come, and she won’t be as forgiving as I have.”

“Oh, I’m terrified! I had never considered that before! You’ve already proved my point, Twilight Sparkle. You’ve become a desperate wreck trying to save your beloved pupil, so much so that you fell into every trap I set. What makes you think Celestia won’t end up the same way?”


“We’ll see….Besides, your friend won’t make it far down that way anyhow…”

Twilight turned pale, as the unknown became known. Chrysalis loved it when that happened.
“The only thing she’ll find that way is death.”

Chapter Fifteen: Fall From Grace

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“You ponies really must learn to know when you’re beaten.”

Chrysalis was munching on an apple, limbs spread out on her throne, eyeing down the imprisoned ponies behind the wall to her right, which she had repaired earlier with a simple spell. She had also lifted the rock camouflage, so she could see them in all their despair, and wasn’t disappointed in the slightest-they all looked absolutely hopeless.

“Oh, don’t be so miserable, and here I thought you would all be excited, one of you managed to escape.”

Twilight, right beside her brother and Pinkie Pie inside the prison cell, had nothing left to say. She saw no point in attempting to argue with Chrysalis.

“I must say, I hadn’t realized there was another soldier with you. If only you hadn’t been so loud as to wake me...You should know, I’m a very light sleeper,” she cooed, grinning as she took another bite. She continued talking, though the ponies were barely listening.

“Yes, of course, I did take the life of that soldier….but you must understand-he tried to kill me! If he was a bit less dense, he would’ve aimed right.”

She snickered, glancing at the stab wound she had spent most of last night stitching back up. Now it was morning, and all seemed right in Chrysalis’ world. The only remaining concern was Rarity’s escape, though she knew she didn’t have to worry too much.

“That door that your other friend went down, do you know where it leads, Twilight Sparkle?” Chrysalis asked, trying to get a silent Twilight to speak up.

She didn’t.

Chrysalis didn’t tolerate a lack of manners, however, and persisted.

Do you?”

“No,” Twilight mumbled, not really wanting to know the answer anyway.

“Well, I’ll tell you. I’m very transparent, after all. That door leads to a tunnel, though I wasn’t the one who made it. In fact, it was Diamond Dogs who made it, in fact, which is why I rarely use it. I found them, underground, while I was hiding, and they led me here. I turned it into what you see today. Connecting my new home to other tunnels in the mountains, tunnels that already existed, was easy. But, anyway, down that way, leads straight into the Diamond Dogs’ den, and there, I can assure you, they don’t like the company of ponies. Well, ponies that are alive I suppose. She’ll be torn to shreds before she sees sunlight.”

Twilight wasn’t happy to hear that, but at this point had almost become desensitized to things going wrong. She sat there, expressionless, very tired. She didn’t get much sleep last night, and she knew she wouldn't get any during the day either.

Chrysalis smiled to herself, content with how smoothly her plan had transpired. As long as those wretched dogs did their part, she had nothing to worry about.

The previous night, the Diamond Dogs, now led by the short stocky dark grey hound, Butch, congregated in their den, to discuss what to do next.

“The Boss is dead, we’ve got no reason to follow his orders.”

“Those ponies were the ones that killed him, and four of us!”

“We can’t just let them get away with all this.”

Butch was quiet, as his mates continued yelling their complaints at each other. Until, the room was silenced by Butch’s paw smacking the table.

“Friends, I know you have your grievances with ponies, but we must follow the code. It was the Boss’ order to let them go.”

“It was the Boss’ order to let them go, but he never said we couldn’t go after them,” said one clever dog, who was supported with loud howling and banging on furniture.

“They’re just ponies. Not even unicorns. Earth ponies. It’s not worth the trouble,” said Butch.

“They started this, and if they won’t finish it, we will.”

The dogs again began howling, eager to get their revenge. Butch nodded solemnly.

“Well then, it seems as though the majority are in favor of hunting those ponies down…”

They all howled again.

“And bringing them back here…”

The dogs were losing their minds now with excitement, slamming into each other and barking at full volume.

“And eating their stinking hides.”

Butch rose to his forelegs and howled with the others, who all began arming themselves with armor and melee weapons.

Butch approached the Beta Diamond Dogs, leashed to the rock. Though they couldn’t speak, they did remember the death of the Boss, and understood what was happening.

“Lead the way, boys.”

Butch cut them loose, before they sprang out and ran down the tunnel where the ponies had traveled into, howling and roaring all the way. Butch approached the entrance, an army of energetic dogs behind him.

“Let’s finish this then.”

The dogs got on all fours and ran down the tunnel into the darkness, heading straight for the oblivious ponies.

Back in the morning, Chrysalis had decided it was time to play with Starlight.

“I’ll be back, darlings,” she said to her imprisoned ponies, turning the glass wall back to its rocky appearance.

Opening the dungeon door, even Chrysalis was slightly taken aback by how utterly deranged Starlight appeared, sprawled on the ground and mumbling to herself, her eyes wide open and her pupils smaller than normal.


Starlight jerkily sprang to her feet, her dull mumbling ceasing at once.


“Good morning, Starlight. I take it you haven’t slept?”


“Not that I care, you’re only hurting yourself, you stupid pig.”

Starlight hung her head in regret. The truth was, she found herself unable to sleep at all last night. She was repeating lines in her head all night, almost involuntarily.

They hate you.

You’re worthless.

They hate you.
You deserve it.
Chrysalis eyed Starlight down, and decided it wasn’t too early to begin.

“Come now, let’s get started.”

Starlight sighed and followed Chrysalis, right into the torture room.

‘This early? I haven’t even made breakfast yet,’ Starlight complained inside her head.

Chrysalis motioned to the large wooden table.

“Get on. Now.”

Starlight obeyed, spreading her legs out in the eagle position she was accustomed to. Chrysalis appreciated her cooperation, locking her in with magic.

“I’ve been wanting to use this on you since I first brought you here…”

Chrysalis raised something out of her tool box, though Starlight couldn’t tell what it was. Chrysalis was standing on her right side, and Starlight’s eye was still too damaged to see much.

“You know tonight is a special night, Starlight. The night you prove yourself to me, and a whole lot of other ponies. Are you going to perform well?”

“Of course, my queen. I would never fail you.”

Chrysalis chuckled to herself.

“Starlight, you’ve failed me many times. You’re the ultimate failure after all. You’ve just got no skills...Especially in pain tolerance.”

After that last word, Chrysalis raised up her tool-a large metal screw connected to a mechanical device. Before Starlight could even make out what it was, Chrysalis jabbed the device straight into the elbow joint in Starlight’s left arm. Starlight shrieked in shock. The screw was about a foot long, and had a sharp edge at the end that stabbed straight through her bone ligaments and muscle tissue. Chrysalis beamed as she pressed down on it, pushing the screw deeper into Starlight’s arm. Starlight began crying, then moaning, then hyperventilating, as the screw tore deeper inside her. Then, Chrysalis grabbed the handle to the mechanism, and began twisting, in turn twisting the screw that was lodged in Starlight’s arm. Starlight felt her arm contort as her muscle and flesh was twisted around the spokes of the screw, tearing her arm apart and digging a circular hole into her skin.

Starlight screamed without end, and could even be heard by Twilight and the others on the other side of the lair. Twilight lifted her head in surprise and sadness, before trying her best to tune it all out. There was no sense in it, Twilight thought, but she was powerless to stop it.

So was Starlight, as she turned pale at the sight of losing so much blood. Soon she was lying in a pool of red, that dripped off of the table and formed large puddles on the floor. After ten minutes of rotating the screw, Chrysalis yanked it out, and gazed down at the mess she made. The hole in Starlight’s arm wasn’t exactly a circle, rather a disfigured oval, with broken bones sticking out and strings of muscle hanging between them. Her flesh was mangled, bright red, screaming.

Starlight was moaning in pain, her good eye closed tight, not wanting to look at yet another deformity she would have to live with.

Chrysalis smiled. This was the most blissful life she could’ve hoped for-her two archnemeses, locked in her subterranean lair with no hope for rescue. Perfection.

Chrysalis released Starlight, who lied on the flat table, breathing slow breaths.

“Alright, Starlight. You have five minutes to move to the kitchen and make me breakfast. And if you fail, I’m cutting that arm off.”

Chrysalis trotted away, as Starlight started desperately, immediately trying to pull herself up. She could only walk on three legs, limping towards the kitchen, fighting the pain with everything she had.

Rainbow Dash was, as usual, much farther ahead of the group. She considered herself the bravest, and definitely the fastest, and assumed she would get to be the leader from now on. It was the previous night, though that didn’t matter to the ponies, who had lost track of time after losing sight of the sun. Rainbow, hovering in the air, was playing fantasy versions of how she wanted the fight with Chrysalis to go down, and each one had Rainbow as the hero.The thought of it got her excited, and she was eager to get there faster and claim all the glory.

“Rainbow, would you get back here?” said Applejack, several meters behind with the other ponies.

Rainbow rolled her eyes, hating to be interrupted while she was gloating to herself inside her head. She turned back and hovered around the others.

“Would you slow it down? We’re gonna lose you,” Applejack spat.

“You just worry about yourself, ok?” Rainbow said, bitterly.

“Both of you, be quiet. I’ve got something…” said Hickory, motioning them to come near. He was holding a map of Equestria, filled in with various scribbles detailing the new passage they were travelling through.

“According to this, we should only be a few hundred meters away from the Crystal Mountains….if it’s really there, we’re close,” Hickory said.

“That’s good news,” said Sunflower, constantly tired.

“It is, so Rainbow, stay back with us. We don’t want you giving away our position. If Twilight’s been captured, we’re the last hope,” said Applejack.

“Twilight hasn’t been captured. And I’m not going to give us away. But you’re definitely slowing us down,” said Rainbow, crossing her arms and turning away.

Applejack rolled her eyes.

“You keep up that attitude and we’re-”

Applejack trailed off as she noticed all the other ponies’ ears perk up, picking up the sound of a high-decibel grunt, almost like that of a pony.

“Everypony, hide!” Applejack commanded. Fluttershy and Sunflower were way ahead of her, while Hickory slowly concealed himself behind a rock.

“Applejack, that’s definitely a pony...They sound like they’re injured!” Rainbow whispered.

“It’s just Chrysalis, trying to trick us...Get down!”

Rainbow and Applejack hid together, right underneath a ledge that went downhill deeper down the tunnel. The grunting grew louder until the pony was essentially right on top of them. Applejack glanced at Rainbow and nodded.

As soon as the pony stepped over the ledge, Rainbow and Applejack tackled her to the ground, Applejack holding her legs, Rainbow grabbing her by the throat. Until, both ponies sprang to their feet in shock.

“Rarity?!” they said, simultaneously.

It was indeed Rarity, though she was hardly recognizable, covered in dirt and mud. She looked terrified, and was definitely worse for wear.
“Rarity, it’s us, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy! Are you ok?!” said Rainbow, kneeling beside Rarity.
“Rainbow...Applejack...Fluttershy? Oh, am I ever glad to see you…”
Rarity glanced at Sunflower and Hickory, and tensed up.

“And...who are they?”

“They’re friends, Rarity...Look, you need to tell us what happened to you. Where’s Twilight and Pinkie Pie?”

Rarity took a moment to get a hold of the fact she had actually found ponies, and not just any ponies, her friends. She had been trudging through that dirt-covered tunnel for hours, and had sustained several bruises, often crashing into unforseen objects in the dark.
“I’m sorry...I’m just so tired…”
“It’s ok...Just, tell us what happened…” said Rainbow, trying to seem sympathetic.

“We...we found it...We found Chrysalis. I saw Starlight even, though it’s simply ghastly what’s been done to her...we came with a group of soldiers. Shining Armor is there...we found the entrance to the lair, but it was locked. There were traps too, and I...I set one off...It was a ridiculous mistake, truly. One of the ponies we came with was murdered. She killed him, that beast!”
Hickory’s concerns about Chrysalis were increasing the more the story went on. Rainbow and Applejack were paying rigorous attention, trying to understand what to expect and what to avoid.

“She captured me...But Twilight and Pinkie and Shining Armor all made it inside. But...they were captured too.”

“Pinkie and Twilight?” said Rainbow, dumbfounded that a pony as powerful as Twilight could have been beaten by anypony.

“Yes, all three of them. Then, one of the soldiers we came with, who we thought had run away, came back for us. He discovered this tunnel and tried to take us all down it...But Chrysalis surprised us, and she murdered him too...Twilight told me to run while she and everypony else distracted her. Nopony’s gone after me yet…”

“Well, you’re safe now….Sunflower, start a fire. She needs to rest,” said Applejack.

“But, Applejack, you heard her, we must be so close! We have to go now! Before Chrysalis does come for her!”

“She needs to rest. Just, be patient, would ya?”

Rainbow grumbled to herself and sat down, as Applejack set Rarity against the most comfortable rock she could find. Rarity drifted off to sleep, while the others took in how success seemed even more unlikely.

After having Starlight limp into the throne room and present her breakfast, Chrysalis left her in the torture room, sticking her inside some mechanism that nearly ripped her limbs off. Calmly relaxing in her throne room to the sounds of occasional screaming, Chrysalis was reading her book in the throne room, in the best mood she’s been in for some time.

Twilight, who had said nothing to her friends all morning, was getting bored. She hated her situation, though all she could really do was pout. And observe, of course. That was one of Twilight’s strongest skills.

“Is that The Fall of a Stallion?” Twilight asked aloud, making the other two ponies jump at the sudden breaking of silence.

Chrysalis’ eyes shot up from her book, almost impressed.

“It seems your vision is still intact, Highness. Correct.”

“I love that book, I’ve read it at least six times.”

The other ponies glared at Twilight, unsure whether she was trying to play a trick or was just insane. Twilight herself didn’t know what she was doing.

“Have you ever read it before, Chrysalis?”

Chrysalis sighed and put the book down. Apparently Twilight was only in a speaking mood when Chrysalis was in the middle of something.

“No, it’s my first time.”

“Well, you’ll love it.”

“Why is that?” said Chrysalis, hating to have judgements made about her.

“Because the bad guy wins in the end. Oh, I’m sorry, did you not know that?”

“I did, I’m on Chapter 26,” said Chrysalis cautiously, unsure what Twilight was trying to do.

“You know, the point of the book is that the hero and the villain were essentially the same, except they just had different methods of achieving the same goal?”

Chrysalis stared at her, unimpressed and unconvinced.

“Perhaps you’re thinking of a different book.”

“Trust me, I know that book by heart. You don’t believe me?”

“The hero and the antagonist have nothing in common. They despise each other, because they are so opposite.”

“If they despise each other, that’s one thing in common. They’re both extremely powerful, and they’re both very idealistic. The difference between them is that the hero believes in saving as many ponies as he can, but the villain believes that not everypony can be saved. Both of their goals are to save the world from extinction. The conundrum is that the hero saves the world, but not himself, which allows the villain to take power easily. When faced with that choice, the hero had to stick by his principles. It’s like I said, it’s a difference of principles.”

“The antagonist was far more intelligent than the hero, he was able to trick him into ceding either his life or the entire world. It’s a lose-lose.”

“I would expect someone from your perspective to think that way, Chrysalis. The hero isn’t foolish because he sacrificed himself, he knew deep down that he couldn’t save everyone, but he couldn’t admit it. The only way to prove true selflessness is to give one’s life.”

“He got himself in that situation when he could’ve avoided it.”

“He let himself get captured to let the others escape! You’ve missed the point.”

“This argument is pointless. Your perspective is twisted to try and give ground to the hero where he doesn’t deserve it. There are hard decisions that require one to break from their principles for the greater good.”

“I’m not defending his decisions, I’m explaining them. He knew his methodology was flawed, but he persisted until it meant making the ultimate sacrifice. The villain is no better, his methodology is also flawed, except his allows him to take advantage of the hero, kill him, take over, and rule with an iron fist. You aren’t meant to route for him, you know.”

“Maybe you wouldn’t. I admire his persistence.”

“You know, Chrysalis, I guess there’s no point in trying to argue with you, but there are better ways of succeeding in life than causing pain to others.”

“So that’s what this is about? You’re going to try and persuade me to release you, and admit I’ve been wrong.”

“I think you know, deep down, that you’re wrong, you’re just too blinded by anger and hate to accept it. You’ve killed innocent ponies and done...horrible things to another!”

“She’s not innocent….I thought we both agreed on that.”

“I don’t regret what I said...Starlight was dangerous, unpredictable, and we couldn’t fully trust her. But I wanted to trust her. And look, she turned out perfectly alright. Until you came along and reversed all her progress. You feel proud of yourself? You think you’ve done a service to anypony but yourself with all this?”

“My services are only entitled to myself. The world isn’t a place for the weak to survive. Nature was designed that way, until ponies decided that civilization meant equality. Well, I prefer the natural order of things, but since you ponies disagree, I have to speed along the progress. All your love and joy, when you ignore all the problems that run amuck in this world, you become the problem.”

“You’re not strong, Chrysalis. Strength takes restraint. Strength takes patience. Strength takes admitting when you’re wrong, adhering to your principles above all. Just like the hero. He showed strength in a time when he could’ve saved his own life at the cost of everyone else’s. You’re just like the villain. Weak. You manipulate ponies into doing what you want, because you know you’re so vile, so unlikable, so grotesque, that nopony would ever help you willingly! It’s pathetic, really. You’ve hidden yourself away in the center of the earth to hide from having to own up to your mistakes, your failures! Then you drag a pony down here, who risked her life to save so many, just because she got in the way. It doesn’t matter if she made mistakes in the past, this is about you. You made her accept her failures. Maybe it’s time you accept yours.”

Shining Armor and Pinkie looked over from Twilight, who was sitting on the floor of her cell, finally getting to vent her frustrations with this whole situation out loud, at Chrysalis, who was sitting in her seat, fuming.

“Listen, Princess. Strength means power. And right now, I have all the power, because just like the hero, you put yourself in this situation. Your own ineptness got you here, and now I have to deal with you. So if you want your experience to be as painful as your perky pink unicorn friend, keep talking.”

Chrysalis had risen from her throne halfway through her slow-paced monologue. She was furious, but tried to act calm and in control. Twilight wasn’t really intimidated, but chose the smart option and remained silent.

“That’s what I thought…”

Chrysalis returned to her throne, and tossed her book away.

“Your attempts at insults are all in vain, princess. After today, we’ll know who is weak, and who is strong.”

Chapter Sixteen: Loyalty

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Starlight’s body shook uncontrollably as she pulled herself back into consciousness. She had been trapped in this dreadful machine for what felt like hours. She bit down on the ball gag in her mouth as the pain levels increased steadily. Her limbs were stretched outwards, bound to metal bars that would extend away from her body, slowly pulling her limbs out of their sockets. Occasionally the machine would twist her limbs around sideways, but never enough to actually break any bones, instead just ripping her muscles apart, slowly. Screaming seemed pointless, but, as usual, was inevitable. Starlight had eventually given up and let the pain overwhelm her, her mind going blank, fainting. Now she was awake again, and felt a great sense of dread as she saw she was still tied to the machine, and worse, could no longer feel her limbs. She peeked down at her legs, twisted and coiled about, grotesquely deformed. Her skin was creased and gummy with blood, staining her mane and dripping down across her whole body. She groaned in agony as she hung there. Somewhere, deep inside her heart, there was still a fighting spirit. A need to resist. She couldn’t be beaten by Chrysalis of all ponies, even though it already seemed like she had been. She wanted to believe she was strong, and after having survived all of these tortures, she knew she could survive a few more. Even if help wasn’t coming, she would still be alive. And that’s all that matters-staying alive.

Not that they would come for me anyway.

Emotionally, Starlight was still grappling with Twilight’s seeming betrayal. All she did was send a few soldier ponies? That’s it? Was that all she was worth?

‘Twilight only wanted me as a pupil to have proof of her own success. And now that she’s got it, there wasn’t any need to keep me around…’ she thought, holding back tears. ‘I was just a tool for them...and now that I’m not needed anymore...they don’t want me anymore.’

At this point, Starlight was more angry than depressed. There was no point in being sad, the best thing she could do was use her anger constructively-like fighting the pain of this machine. Starlight and pain had become well-acquainted after these past weeks after all, so, to her thinking, she might as well embrace it.

“Hear, drink this.”

Sunflower handed a canteen of water over to Rarity, who picked it up with her magic. Sunflower gazed into the blue aura, amazed.

“I don’t get to see many unicorns where I’m from.”

“Well, you’re in luck, it looks as though we’ll be spending a lot of time together,” Rarity responded, tired and in no mood for conversation. The ponies were sitting in an oval, resting their legs after a long day of travelling.

“It just doesn’t make sense,” muttered Rainbow bitterly.

“What?” asked Applejack, always eager to get in an argument with her.

“How could Twilight have been beaten?”

Applejack didn’t answer, as she herself had been wondering the same thing. Rarity, however, took the opportunity to interject.

“Chrysalis is weak by herself. Without an army, she has to resort to more creative tactics to get what she wants. Twilight told me they had the chance to attack her, but Chrysalis was able to resist it. Shining Armor said he meant to kill her, but...she lived. Twilight thinks she’s using some sort of artifact to give her extra strength, but...who knows. It doesn’t matter, does it? She doesn’t like to fight. She likes to manipulate, to entrap. She’s a coward. Twilight never lost to her. Chrysalis threatened to kill us unless Twilight gave up, and Twilight, naturally, had to give in.”

“She’s dangerous, I get it. But how are we supposed to do what an alicorn and a team of soldiers couldn’t?” said Hickory, cynically.

Rarity glanced at Hickory, annoyed.

“This time...we know what to expect. I’ve been thinking of it all myself, actually. Chrysalis gets what she wants by using leverage. If we remove that leverage, she’s powerless to stop us.”

“What does that mean?” Hickory asked.

“It means,” said Rarity, “that we must rescue Twilight and the others first! Before we try and attack Chrysalis!”

“What about your friend? The one we actually came here for?” asked Hickory again.

“Starlight is...different...I’m not sure we should even try and save her at this point.”

“What kind of talk is that? We almost died to get there and save the poor mare, and now you want to leave her behind?” said Sunflower.

“Three of us did die to get there. We’ve got to make a decision. Applejack? Fluttershy?”
Fluttershy at first avoided all eye contact, not wanting to risk dooming them all with a reckless decision. Until she found everypony else staring at her, waiting for her opinion.

“I….I think we should help Twilight first. Then Starlight,” she said, practically whispering.

“And Chrysalis?” asked Applejack.

“She’s not why we came,” Fluttershy said. “We should focus on saving the others.”

“I disagree! She’s a murderer,” Rarity said with extra emphasis on the last word.

“Would you all quit it?” Rainbow yelled above the others, rising to her hooves.

“We came here to save Starlight, and we are saving Starlight. So what if Twilight couldn’t do it? We’ll save them too. Whatever it takes. We’ve got an obligation, and we’re not leaving anypony behind.”

Rarity scoffed.

“That’s rich, coming from you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” said Rainbow through gritted teeth.

“Chrysalis showed Starlight and us some...interesting information. Involving you and Applejack...discussing how little you cared for Twilight’s decision to take Starlight on in the first place.”

Rainbow was dumbfounded, barely even remembering what she was talking about.

“That was in the past. And you’re no better, remember all the things you told me?”

“Yes, but I’m saying that our priorities are on Twilight, not Starlight. Those ponies wouldn’t be dead if she hadn’t been captured,” Rarity said with her nose pointed up in the air.

“You’re not thinking straight, Rarity. Listen to yourself,” said Rainbow.
Rarity eyed her down and immediately felt shame, turning away. Rainbow nodded solemnly.

“We’ll rest here for the night, then move out in the morning. And it’s like I said. Nopony gets left behind.”

Starlight sprang to attention upon hearing the creaking of the door ahead. It was Chrysalis, trotting in carelessly, as if she had no consideration for the Starlight’s plight. Starlight moaned through the ball gag eagerly, desperate for release as her limbs burned with pain.

“What’s that? You want me to release you?”

She moaned again, this time more politely. Chrysalis flipped a switch, and the locks opened, letting Starlight fall straight on her face, her limbs unable to support her weight. Chrysalis sighed and zapped her, healing her legs back to their normal state, the burning pain reduced to only a light ache.

“I’ve worked on you a lot today, haven’t I? It’s all for a good purpose, you know. You have commitments later today, remember?”

Starlight moaned in affirmation, the gag still in her mouth.

“I’m leaving you in your cell until then, got it?” Chrysalis asked, removing the ball gag, letting her take a few deep breaths, fully exhausted from that awful experience.

“Yes….My queen.”

“Good. You have yet to disappoint me today, Starlight, let’s keep it that way.”

Chrysalis led Starlight out the door into the Main Hall, the pony-filled chandelier shining down from above. Starlight had trained herself to ignore it, unwilling to look the ponies she’s doomed to a lifelong prison sentence in the eyes.
Chrysalis levitated Starlight up into the air, and then teleported her behind the bars, dumping her on the cold floor of the prison cell. Without any goodbye, Chrysalis went back to her room to get busy finalizing the plans for that night. Starlight still wasn’t sure what was happening. All she knew was that some ponies will be coming here, and she’ll probably have to kill some more dogs. But why were the ponies coming here? She decided it wasn’t any of her business and to just focus on the prison. The isolation had really begun to get to her. She had befriended each small pebble in her cell, organizing them in different patterns to try and find just a little bit of joy and entertainment in this cold dark place. She remembered her old life, where she was free to make her own decisions. That all seemed like a fantasy now. Nothing could ever be as real as this.

While the others were fast asleep, Rarity was sitting upright, eyes open, wide awake. Sunflower, lying on the ground and using her satchel as a pillow, noticed this, and stood up, walking towards her.

“Can’t sleep?”

Rarity paused for a second while staring into space, unaware anypony else was still awake.

“Oh, um...yes...I just can’t stop thinking I suppose.”

Sunflower, with nothing better to do, got herself comfortable nearby.

“Is it about tomorrow? Are you scared to go back?” she asked plainly, irritating Rarity with her lack of restraint. They hardly even knew each other.

“I...I’m not scared, I’m just not foolish. I’ll go back only if I have to, and I have to save Twilight...and Pinkie, and Shining Armor…”

“And the other one...Starlight?”

“Yes...her too.”

“I don’t get what the big fuss is. There’s no way we would leave anypony behind anyway, right?”

Rarity took a moment, recognizing Sunflower’s blissful naivety.

“Sometimes...in life...you have to make a choice. We cannot save everypony, we just can’t. In trying to do so, we lose sight of why we even bothered.”

“But...the reason we even bothered was for Starlight.”

“That’s….that’s not Starlight...anymore.”

“Well, I don’t know what you saw...but...we’ve got to try.”

“I want to save her, I do. That’s all I’ve wanted this whole time. To save her and get out of this madness, and feel the sunlight again. But I don’t think it was meant to be so easy. I don’t think Starlight is meant to return with us. She’s changed down here, you wouldn’t understand, you’ve never known her. She’s always been so...persistent. But that pony, the one I saw yesterday...she had no motivation. If we brought her back with us, she would be just as much of a risk as she was befo-”

Rarity trailed off, as she noticed Applejack, lying on the ground nearby, awake, listening in. She quickly closed her eyes upon being noticed, though it was too late. Rarity sighed.

“You should sleep while you can. I’ll be fine.”

Sunflower cautiously agreed and cuddled up against her satchel, as Rarity continued sitting still, deep in thought.

It was about another hour before Chrysalis strolled into the throne room, standing right in front of the invisible prison cell where Twilight, Pinkie, and Shining Armor were still lounging around in. Chrysalis stood there, waiting until Twilight would acknowledge her presence.

“What are you staring at? This isn’t much of a view.”

“You can dispense with the attempt at humor, Highness. I’ve decided, on this fateful day where your former pupil is finalized into becoming the perfect weapon, that I owe it to you to give you something of one last formal goodbye...Before the Starlight you know is gone forever.”

“What are you talking about?” said Twilight, quickly becoming concerned.

“I knew that would get you interested. She’s nearly past the past the edge, Twilight. Soon, her mind can be corrupted...fully, and permanently. She practically wants it already. Just wait, you’ll see. Seeming as there’s little you can do to interfere with what I have planned, I’ve considered this as one reasonable gesture. Do you disagree?”

Twilight glared at her with a fiery hatred.

“No. Take me to her.”

“As you wish, Highness,” Chrysalis replied, taking a small sarcastic bow before teleporting Twilight outside the prison, dragging her along in the air as Chrysalis exited the throne room.

Starlight heard the sinister laughing of Chrysalis resonate through the cavernous hallways of the lair.

What’s going on?


In a flash, Chrysalis had teleported herself right in front of the bars of the cell, flying in the air. Starlight jumped back, startled.

“Calm down, you pitiful rat. I’ve come to give you a surprise...A new, temporary cellmate.”

Starlight couldn’t contain her shock.


‘A cellmate? What does she mean?’

Chrysalis grinned, eager to see the look on Starlight's face.

“Yes...I entrust you to be a hospitable host...In other words, get along. Or don’t. There is much to say, of course.”

Chrysalis teleported Twilight inside the cell behind Starlight, who hadn’t noticed until Chrysalis began buzzing away, chuckling to herself.

Twilight got a hold of her surroundings and realized Starlight was only a few feet in front of her. All this heartache, death, and pain, and there she was. She seemed...sadder. Her shoulders hung lower than normal, and her breath was slow and worn out. Starlight slowly turned around, and then froze, unable to speak.

“St-Starlight? It’s me…”

Starlight gave no reply, she just kept staring. If this was real, it had to be a joke. Why was she here?

“We...we came to rescue you...But, we……”

“You never came….You...left me here.”

“No, Starlight, look at me! I’m here! We traveled a very long way to find you! Three ponies died!”

“That’s...You never came.”

“Starlight….Please...Listen to me. I’m your friend. You remember me?”

“I remember you…”

Starlight’s disgusted scowl turned to a deranged grin.

“You...you were the pony that took everything I built away from me. You ruined me. I could’ve been so much greater. My power. I nearly killed you! And destroyed all of Equestria! That’s more than Chrysalis can ever dream of! All of that fortune and power...Stolen! By you! And your friends! All under the...the guise of trying to help me. You never cared. Nopony...ever cared. Why should they? What good am I? Nothing. I’m not good. That’s how I was when you found me, right? I was a problem. Well, you were right. I never fit in from the start, did I? You...you all found me, and made me into your...some kind of project!”

Twilight was shaking her head, desperate for her friend to calm down.

“No, Starlight, please, that’s not true! You’ve been lied to! Chrysalis is trying to get in your head! How can’t you see that?”

Starlight began laughing now, almost hysterically, wiping tears away from her one working eye.

“I don’t need Chrysalis to tell me anything. She’s just as awful as the rest of you. Everypony is the same. They all think of me like I’m an animal!

“Starlight! You’re my friend! I love you! And I need you to calm down, and just listen, okay?”

Starlight’s psychotic giggles died down, as a deep-seeded rage boiled inside her.

“I’m done listening to you, Twilight. You’re not my friend. You don’t really care about me, and you never have. None of you have! I’ve spent so much of my life listening to other ponies, who tell me what’s best for me to live my life. Well, I’m done listening, Twilight. And I’m done with you.”

“Starlight, st-”

In a puff of smoke, Twilight disappeared, vanishing from the prison cell. Starlight stared on at the empty walls of the cell, happy she could finally speak her mind, but deeply worried on her own behalf. Had she really just said that? Was Twilight really there? Starlight’s legs gave out, collapsing to the ground as she began sobbing, pulling at her mane, tormented.


Twilight finished her sentence in the invisible prison cell, Shining Armor and Pinkie Pie jumping back in shock.


“That didn’t go well, in my opinion,” said Chrysalis from the other side of the cell, smirking. Twilight was breathing heavily, regretful and scared.

“Take me back! I need to talk with her!”

Chrysalis laughed viciously.

“I think you’ve said enough. That right there, was her final test. If she could resist you, her hero, then nopony can stop her. You’ve proved it to me, Twilight. She belongs to me now.”

Twilight was radiating anger as she approached the glass of the cell.

“I swear to you, Chrysalis. You are going to suffer for what you’ve done here.”

Chrysalis’s smile only grew wider.


She spread her wings and took flight, heading towards the throne room doors.

“But my work is already finished.”

She smugly exited, as Twilight crumbled back down to the ground, her companions comforting her. Twilight held back tears, a new resolve setting in.

“We need a new plan.”

Chapter Seventeen: The Dilemma

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Twilight had been staring through the glass of the prison cell for hours, doing nothing but looking for clues. Seeing Starlight again, or rather, what Starlight had become, had set off a fire in her heart that she thought was already extinguished. Twilight had come to realize that she had made this whole mission about her and her failures, when really, Starlight was supposed to be the point. Maybe it was pride, or maybe just fear. Whatever it was, Twilight had moved past it. She remembered, very clearly now, why she had come here. Not to defeat Chrysalis, but to rescue her friend. And that was exactly what she intended to do.

Looking out into the Throne Room, there wasn’t too much to notice. Chrysalis’s chair was carved into the rock, covered in lush, soft fabrics and decorated with an array of green jewels. Those jewels also covered the walls, stretching from floor to ceiling, casting an immaculate glow across the room as light reflected off of it. There was a sort of table carved out of rock, but nothing was on it. Twilight knew that there was nothing here of importance, that’s for sure. In terms of escape, the only exit seemed to be those tremendous wooden doors, which, as they had learned earlier, were extremely loud to open. In Twilight’s mind, there were two distinct possibilities for escape.

One: Rarity is alive and has escaped, and it’s only a matter of time before help arrives.

Or two: They’re on their own.

For obvious reasons, Twilight preferred the first option. Though probability-wise, if what Chrysalis said was true about their being Diamond Dogs that way, then the odds favored the second. Twilight was almost 100% confident Chrysalis was using some sort of magical tool to give her increased strength. She’d dealt with Chrysalis before, after all, and she wasn’t anything too special. Devious and manipulative, but not particularly talented with magic. The other ponies hadn’t given it as much thought, probably because they didn’t have Twilight’s type of experience with magic. Whatever kind of tool Chrysalis was using, Twilight knew she had to destroy that first, and then kill Chrysalis. Chrysalis had foiled every attempt at escape thus far, after all, so it’d be safer to just deal with her first. The glass to the prison was thick, and would probably need all three ponies to break through it. The problem was that it would be way too loud-Chrysalis would be on them in a heartbeat. Twilight considered trying to get Starlight to help them, but knew that would take some extreme convincing. Though, the more she thought about it, the more it seemed like their only option. She wasn't past redemption, at least Twilight thought so. Starlight didn’t seem permanently evil or tainted, she was just consumed with rage and pain. Understandable, given the circumstances. But what that meant was, Twilight could still get to her. Sitting in that cold prison cell, staring into space, Twilight knew what she had to do.

Deep in the tunnel, the ponies slowly woke up, some time near midday, though they didn’t know that. Rarity had barely slept, still terrified of Chrysalis attacking in the night. Eventually all the ponies were awake, slowly collecting themselves and preparing to move out, almost wordlessly. Rarity dragged behind, eyes aimed at the floor. Until, she ran straight into Applejack.

“You’ve got something you want to tell us, Rarity?” Applejack said, having heard her conversation with Sunflower last night. Rarity glared at her unapologetically.

“If you’re referring to last night, then no.”

“Oh, it’s more than that. I think you know more than you’re telling us…” said Applejack, a deep-seeded suspicion resonating in her voice. Rarity sputtered.

“I’ve told you everything already, Applejack, I’m not sure what you mean.”

“Why don’t you want to help Starlight?”

The other ponies were all staring at them now, Applejack looking down at a nervous Rarity.

“I...I don’t, it’s just...I don’t believe that’s Starlight anymore...based on what I saw...she very well may be just as dangerous as when we first found her. I don’t believe it is in our best interests to try and rescue her, and then go through redeeming her all over again.”

“We’ve done it once before,” said Rainbow, far ahead in the tunnel but still listening. Applejack stared at Rarity, hurt on Starlight’s behalf.

“Would Twilight give up on any pony? What if it was you, Rarity, would you want us to leave you behind?”

Rarity scoffed.

“Well, Applejack...Unlike Starlight, I didn’t grow up to be a psychopath.”

“Oh, quit it. You really believe all that? I think we’ve all come around to the poor mare, haven’t you?”

“Of course I have! Starlight is my friend. But that’s not Starlight anymore. Chrysalis...is going to use her for something, she made that clear. Like a weapon. She’s already begun to turn her against us. If we rescue her now, she could snap and kill us all!”

“Well, will you at least be open to give her a chance?” asked Applejack.

“It’s not like I have a choice...I want her to be back to normal but…”

“Let’s focus on one problem at a time…” Applejack said, embracing a distraught Rarity.

“Ok everypony, let’s get out of here…”

The ponies all resumed their cheery demeanor.

“Sunflower, can you hand me my bag?” asked Applejack.


Sunflower reached down to pick it up, but stopped, involuntarily, as she felt a large, sharp impact against her back. She gasped, yelped, and then collapsed. There was a large wooden spear with a sharpened rock at the end stuck in her flesh, buried deep in her body. She was gasping for air, as the spear had punctured her lung from behind. The pain was immeasurable.


Hickory slid towards her across the dirt-covered slope of the tunnel, carrying her whimpering form by her forearms, dragging her backwards behind Rainbow and Fluttershy.

“Everpony stay low!”

“What is it?” asked Fluttershy, already shaken up.

Rainbow narrowed her eyes to see through the impenetrable blackness of the tunnel. She had dropped her torch on the ground nearby, and was hiding behind a large rock, next to Fluttershy, Hickory, and a groaning Sunflower.

“Hey, you’re gonna be fine, kid, just be quiet, I can’t concentrate when you’re squealing like that.”

Sunflower managed a chuckle through her gasps.

“You were always so sympathetic.”

Hickory grabbed a firm hold of the wooden spear lodged in her back.

“This is gonna hurt, but try not to scream too loud.”

“Thanks for the encouragement.”

Without warning, Hickory yanked the blade out of her back, blood pooling out of her wound. Sunflower gave a high-pitched scream before letting her head go slack in exhaustion. Hickory reached around for his satchel that had the medical supplies in it, but found it wasn’t with him. He glanced around and saw it was on the ground in front of the rock, right there out in the open.


Rainbow, who had been patiently waiting for their attacker to show any signs of their presence, finally heard something in the distance, a furious rumbling of running paws.

“Diamond Dogs!” she yelled, spreading her wings in preparation.

“Big ones?” Applejack asked from the other side of the tunnel, where she was hiding with Rarity behind another rock.

“Can’t tell….But we’re about to find out.”

“You’ve been messing around with Diamond Dogs? Oh, it’s just my luck,” Rarity whined. Applejack, whose leg was still badly injured, turned to Rarity.

“Your magic is still working right?”

“I think so...Whatever Chrysalis was using to contain it has worn away.”

“Well, I think now would be a good time for a demonstration.”

Rainbow gritted her teeth as the stomping of paws grew louder. Hickory took a deep breath before rushing out from behind the rock, grabbing the torch and his satchel. Three spears were plunged out of the darkness towards him, though all of them missed.

“There’s some close by!”

Hickory dropped the bag and the torch behind the rock, and then turned around to grab the three spears, though only managed to get two before another onslaught of spears nearly killed him. Rushing back behind the rock, he handed one to Rainbow and kept one for himself. Fluttershy pouted at not getting to be included.

“This ain’t looking good...We’re stuck here, and there’ll be too many. They’ll run right over us and crush us to death!” said Hickory, fear in his voice.

“Applejack! Switch places with Hickory! You’re too injured to fight…”

Applejack frowned at Rainbow’s dismissiveness, though she was right.

Applejack darted over to Rainbow’s rock, while Hickory crawled towards Rarity’s. Hickory gave her a look of concern before passing. The two feared for the other’s life, almost more than their own. Rainbow felt the vibrations of the dogs through the ground, as nervous sweat drizzled down her cheek.

“Rarity! Anytime now!”

Rarity took a breath as her horn began to glow bright blue. She stood up, squinting into the darkness, and, after placing her hooves firmly on the ground, shot a powerful beam of energy down through the tunnel. The blast illuminated the tunnel as it passed, showing the ponies the rows of Diamond Dogs approaching them, thirsty for blood. Her spell fried a good number of them before wearing out.

“That was it?” Rainbow said sarcastically.

“Well, I’m not a soldier, Rainbow.”

The dogs howled, filled with the adrenaline that came with the hunt. Rarity gulped and fired again, and again, each time only taking a few dogs with her. They howled even louder, as one dog made his way through the crowd. It was Butch, the new leader, a malicious smile on his face.

“Ponies! You have all worn out your welcome in our home...You’ve murdered innocent dogs and invaded our domain! And now...you will face the consequences…”

“We had a deal, remember?” Applejack yelled.

“The world belongs to the living...The Boss may have forgiven you, but I haven’t…”

“If you attack us, we’ll be forced to bring in our friends! Powerful friends. Alicorns, even!” Applejack continued, trying to use persuasion as a last resort.

“Not if none of you get the chance. Boys! Sic ‘em!”

The dogs all howled ferociously. Rainbow turned to Applejack and smirked.

“It was worth a try.”

“Look out!”

Before Rainbow could even turn around, a dog was on top of her, his claws scratching across her chest. Rainbow grunted and kicked the dog between the legs, pushing him off of her. Another dog jumped over the rock towards her, but this time she was fast enough, tumbling to the side, grabbing her spear, and stabbing him through the neck. She stood at her feet, as four more dogs ran over and around the rock. She struck at two with her spear, slashing across their faces, sending them to the floor, howling in pain. One of the dogs had a spear, thrusting it towards her. Rainbow dodged it, jumping to the side and spinning in a full circle, sticking the tip of the spear straight through the dog’s face. The other dog took advantage of her momentary pause, tackling her and biting into her neck, tearing off muscle and flesh. Rainbow gave a blood-curdling scream, before grasping her spear and sticking it in the dog’s side, puncturing its internal organs, blood spilling all over Rainbow’s cyan fur. Rainbow got up, slowly, a hoof resting on her exposed wound, which burned as dust particles in the cave fell upon it.

Applejack was right next to her, desperately trying to patch up Sunflower’s wound, which she knew might be fatal if she didn't hurry. Rainbow sauntered towards the spear one of the dog’s had used against her, and tossed it to Applejack.

“Just in case.”

On the other side of the cave, Rarity was blasting dogs left and right, throwing them around the walls of the tunnel like rag dolls. The dogs recognized Rarity as not only the most powerful, but also the same unicorn that had foiled Rover and his gang a few moons ago. Their bloodlust was heightened by this knowledge, and soon nearly all of them were heading right for her. Hickory slashed and stabbed through as many as he could, though he too began to struggle, as a result of tearing some of his old wounds, and that the dogs were far larger than he was. After shooting the blade of his spear through one’s dog’s jugular, another dog came swinging at him with the edge of his own spear, planting it square in his side. Hickory grunted with rage before spinning the spear in the air and slashing it downwards diagonally, right across the dog’s chest. Hickory groaned and leaned against the wall. The dogs just kept on coming, and fighting to the death over and over again was getting exhausting. Rarity was eventually overwhelmed, one dog holding her down by the legs, the other biting onto her right foreleg. She hollered in pain as he increased the pressure, before blasting the dog in the stomach. Rarity hadn’t killed any of them yet, only knocking them unconscious, though she was definitely considering going to those lengths after nearly losing her leg. Hickory, and even Rainbow, had less restraint to begin with, slicing up the dogs as they came, occasionally sustaining a few teeth or spear related injuries. During the chaos, as the remaining dogs attacked, Rainbow stuck her spear downwards through a dog’s eye, killing him instantly. After a brief sigh of triumph, she saw another dog climb on top of the rock, about to pounce onto an opposite facing, oblivious Applejack. The dog was Butch, and he had been waiting for the right time to strike.


Rainbow flung herself towards Butch as he lifted himself off the rock, tackling him into a wall. Butch grunted before slicing at her stomach with his claws, as they both fell to the floor. Rainbow grabbed her spear and brought it towards him from the side, but Butch was able to dodge it, grabbing the spear and breaking it in half, holding the sharp part. Butch laughed to himself as Rainbow felt a sense of dread overcome her.

“You ponies should have known better.”

Butch whistled through his fingers, and soon the sounds of eight large paws stomping on the ground filled the cave. Rainbow took a second to realize what was coming, which Butch took advantage of, approaching a stunned Rainbow and stabbing her right in the chest. Rainbow gasped, shocked, and collapsed to the ground, wheezing. Butch chuckled again, as the two Beta Diamond Dogs finally arrived in front of them. They were just as intimidating as the first time the ponies met them. Hickory noticed his knife was still stuck in one’s head. The dogs growled as they sniffed around the room.

“Kill them all!”

Butch laughed manically as one Beta, the one with the knife in his head, ran straight for Hickory, headbutting him into a wall. After a few grunts of pain, Hickory climbed on top of the Beta’s head, his hoof wrapped around his own knife stuck in its head.

“How are you not dead?!”

The Beta shook its head violently, trying to shake Hickory off, its jaws opening up in an attempt to catch him in its mouth. Hickory held on though, as rage filled his soul. He remembered his old friend, who was likely slain by a beast just as this, and all the months he spent toiling over his loss. He put the blame on this animal in particular, and held onto the knife tightly, while his other hoof attached itself behind the dog’s ear. Hickory pulled the knife out of the dog’s head, sending a shockwave of pain through the dog’s body, disorienting it long enough for Hickory to bring the knife down again, and again, and again, and each time the dog howled a bit louder. Eventually, the dog stopped howling, instead producing a groggy groan, before collapsing head first onto the ground. Hickory fell over its head onto the floor, tired, yet victorious.

Slightly loopy from so much fighting, Rarity staggered towards Applejack, as the remaining Beta flashed its grimy teeth at them.

“Have you no manners?”

Whilst Applejack shielded her eyes, Rarity blasted the dog in the face with a bright beam of magic, knocking a few of its teeth out. The dog stumbled backwards before grunting and falling to the floor in a heap. Rarity smirked and brushed back her filthy mane with her hoof.

“That wasn’t so hard.”

Or so she thought, before the impact of Butch’s claw struck her face, throwing her to the other side of the tunnel. Butch was snickering, as he held on to the head of the spear he had broken off, approaching Applejack. There was a sinister look in his eyes, and Applejack knew she had to act fast, though there wasn’t much she could do given her injured leg and having to protect Sunflower..

“Now, pony….it’s time to die…”

As Butch raised the blade in the air, Applejack braced herself to dodge it, but found she didn’t have to, upon an abrupt squeal and a splatter of blood covering her face. Butch had been stabbed through the back and out the stomach, and, after grabbing at his wound and muttering some pointless last words, he fell right on his face, dead. It was Hickory’s blade that pierced him, as he leaned against the rock, exhausted.

“Now we’re even.”

Applejack smirked as she glanced down at Sunflower, who seemed to be in stable condition. Fluttershy, who had resorted to kicks and dodges to survive the onslaught, was alive and well, joining the group in silent celebration. Rarity sauntered over as well, a large bloody gash across her face. Applejack smiled at her friends, until she realized they were missing one. Using the wall to help her stand up, she limped past the rock to find Rainbow on the ground, in a large puddle of blood, pale as a ghost.

“Rainbow…” Applejack muttered with concern, too exhausted and scared to be overly-emotional. The others all gathered around, as Applejack held Rainbow in her arms.


Rainbow’s body felt limp and cold, and of course, Applejack feared the worst. Holding back tears, she shook Rainbow a few times, unwilling to accept that possibility.


Rainbow’s eyes opened slightly, as the world slowly took form again.

“You can quit shaking me…”

Applejack’s eyes widened with relief. She pulled Rainbow in for a hug, but stopped as Rainbow’s body jolted in pain.

“Easy there...Just put me down…” Rainbow said, through pained pauses.

“I would think a near-death experience would lighten your mood a little,” Applejack said with a smirk.

“If you had a hole in your chest, you wouldn’t be too happy either,” Rainbow spat, though wasn’t too upset. They had won, after all.

“So, what’s the plan now?”

“What are you talking about? We need to fix you up first before we go anywhere.”

“Well, yeah, but I’m not gonna be able to fight anymore...Not like this…”

“You just wait…”

Applejack stood back up and motioned for Fluttershy to bring the bag with the medical supplies.

“Is Sunflower alright?” Rainbow groaned from the floor.

“She’ll be fine...It’s you I’m concerned about.”

“I’d be insulted if you weren’t.”

“You’re insulted no matter what…”

Hickory was sitting on the ground, catching his breath and counting his blessings after nearly being eaten. Until, something caught his eye. The body of the dog he had killed, the leader, Butch, was moving.

“Oh, for Celestia’s sake.”

He stood up with a spear in hand, about to finish the job. Butch turned around to face him, chuckling to himself.

“You...ponies can have this….small victory...it’s alright, because you’re never going to make it out of here alive...She’ll find you, and she’ll kill you...You hear me? You’re going to die here!…”

Hickory glared at the pitiful mutt as he writhed on the ground,trying to get the last laugh.


Hickory raised his spear in the air, as the dog snarled at him.

“But you definitely will.”

Hickory brought the spear down right between Butch’s eyes, finishing the last of the Diamond Dogs off once and for all.

The ponies all rested again, Applejack patching up Rainbow, Sunflower still unconscious, and the others keeping watch. Fear had consumed them already, though this small victory helped raise their spirits. Only one more obstacle to go, and that was Chrysalis herself.

Chrysalis was growing impatient with Black Frost’s lateness. She said tonight, and yet he was nowhere to be found. He knew the location, so where was he?

Not that she was particularly eager to see him anyway. She had already concocted several plans of how to effectively betray him and seize all the power. Though, she knew he was smart, and she’d have to be extra careful.

To distract herself, she decided that Starlight, who had been replaying her emotional conversation with Twilight in her head for hours, was in need of a final test. Not anything fatal or something that could get in the way of her plans, but something...permanent. And eventually, Chrysalis had her idea.


Starlight sprang to her feet, shocked by Chrysalis’ surprise visit to her cell.

“I have one final...test I need you to complete before our esteemed guests arrive.”

Starlight batted her one good eye in confusion. Was it night time? Were the other ponies here yet? Starlight had been struggling to find the distinction between her dreams and reality, so much that she wasn’t sure if Twilight had actually visited her earlier, or even if this current interaction was real at all.

I must be losing it.

Chrysalis teleported Starlight into the air, dragging her down to the floor and then towards the Throne Room.

‘At least I’m not being tortured…’

Her relief would be short-lived, though she didn’t know it. Chrysalis threw open the doors to reveal the splendorous Throne Room, which Starlight had become familiar with. Except this time, there was one new addition: a small wooden table near the middle of the room.

‘What is that for?’ she thought, worried as usual.

Chrysalis set her down on the ground. No chains, no bindings, nothing. Chrysalis had a strange expression on her face, like she knew something Starlight didn’t.

“I’m happy for you, Starlight. You’ve really opened up the way I thought you would during your time here.”

Behind the glass prison, Twilight stood at her feet, eager to see if Starlight was already too far gone, or if there was still some life left in her.

“I look at you now, not as an equal, but as a pet, a pitiful, insignificant insect. To think that I’ve...languished for months thinking of nothing but you, nothing but the chance to have justice. And so I’ve brought you here with one, sole intention. To make you suffer, as I have suffered. I’ve lost everything, and you...you still have so much left to lose. Left for me to take away. I never intended on killing you, Starlight...you deserve far worse than that...When you arrived here, you had been...brainwashed by your careless friend into becoming her student, her servant. I’ve done a good thing here, haven’t I? I’ve made you face who you really are...Because when you have nothing...no one...you have nothing to hide from. And this is the result...And it seems, at last, you have accepted who you really are. Who you’ve always been. But I’m not completely convinced, Starlight. You have yet to show me true conviction. Are you willing to do that?”

Starlight was mildly disgusted by Chrysalis, as usual, though also felt disgust towards herself. She looked into Chrysalis’ eyes, cold and merciless.

“Yes, my queen.”


Chrysalis teleported a large, steel butcher knife into the room, waving it around in the air for Starlight to see. Starlight’s heart sank at the sight. But Chrysalis wasn’t finished.

“Now, I know I’ve made threats. But I’m not threatening anymore. I’m presenting you with a dilemma, Starlight...I’m either going to cut off your tongue, right here, right now, without hesitation...or…”

In a puff of smoke, Starlight’s eyes widened in horror at the sight of none other than Twilight Sparkle, suspended in a green aura of magic in the air, buckling and struggling with all her strength.

“I’m going to kill Twilight Sparkle...This time, the choice is yours.”

Starlight froze. This should be easy, right? But, Starlight still held so much anger, so much hate, for that pony in particular. She had already spoken her mind, and her feelings remained the same. She hated Twilight...but enough to kill her? Starlight didn’t know if she could handle that. But at the same time, her tongue? She’ll never get to communicate with anypony again. Starlight was struggling, and Chrysalis loved it. Twilight, meanwhile, was speechless. She didn’t know if now would be a good time to speak or not, for fear of poking a nerve. Her fears were ever-present though, as this time her life was on the line. Twilight took a breath. This was the answer to her question. If Starlight was to be redeemable, she would spare Twilight. If not, then she’ll find out soon enough. Twilight hated it when things were beyond her control. All she could do was keep struggling against Chrysalis’ magical grip, though it was futile.

Shining Armor and Pinkie Pie were still inside the prison cell, at the edge of the glass, glancing out at Twilight. Neither of them knew what to say, or even what choice they would make. This was all up to Starlight.

Starlight had thought of a great many things these past weeks, mostly about her relationships, with her friends, herself, and the world. It felt almost ridiculous that she could even consider killing Twilight, and yet, it seemed so attractive. It would be her fastest revenge for everything Twilight did. Starlight knew it was wrong, but maybe that was fine, she was a bad pony already, right? But if she was a bad pony, then why try and stay bad? Sure, it was the only thing she was ever good at, but this time, she has full control. The choice was all hers. Maybe nopony will ever hear her voice again, but she was getting tired of listening to herself spout self-hatred anyway. Perhaps, in a way, if she could ever truly be redeemed, this was it. And if not, she hoped she wouldn’t regret it forever.

“I’m waiting...You have ten seconds to choose before I do both.”

Starlight was sweating. Twilight was faring even worse. What was taking her so long? Starlight was shaking her head, struggling to get past the weight of her decision.

“Ok then, guess I’ll-”

“Stop! Stop! Alright! Take it! Just let her go…”

There was a strange hint of kindness in Starlight’s voice that made Chrysalis cringe. Twilight’s ears perked up in relief. She tried to get Starlight’s attention to show her thanks, but Starlight’s eyes were glued to the floor. She hated to do the right thing, because she knew how good it would feel to do otherwise.

“Very well then, Starlight. I see you hate yourself more than your friends after all.”

Chrysalis grabbed Starlight’s head and slammed it on the wooden table. Starlight stuck out her tongue and shut her eyes, as Chrysalis raised the blade in the air, a devious grin on her face. She was so going to enjoy this.

“Am I interrupting something?”

Chrysalis froze and turned around to see an entourage of ponies standing in the Throne Room door, Black Frost being the one who spoke. Chrysalis dropped the blade and smacked Starlight to the floor, and then approached her visitors.

“No, not at all, Frost. Have you ever learned to knock?”

“There was no need, you gave me a key, remember? And I just couldn’t help but want to see your...work in action.”

“It’s pointless now. Come, we have much to discuss.”

Frost nodded, before stopping in his tracks.

“Chrysalis, I might be mad, but I could swear that Twilight Sparkle is floating in the air.”

Chrysalis froze again, having forgotten to put Twilight back in the cell. She teleported her back and turned to an impressed Frost.

“I tend to be very popular these days.”

“I see you are.”

Chrysalis led the group of villainous ponies out of the throne room to another location, in such a hurry she forgot to give Starlight any orders. Starlight remained in the Throne Room as the doors slammed shut, still on the ground, tears rolling down her cheeks. She was panting, anxious and afraid. It was only a matter of time before Chrysalis would remember to cut her tongue out, and she knew that somehow, Chrysalis would find a way to blame that interruption on her. Starlight rose to her feet, weary. She looked around for Twilight, but found she was gone.

Until, she heard the sound of a light tapping on a glass-like substance, emanating from the left wall of the throne room. Starlight had heard it before, but never had a chance to check it out. Starlight approached the source of the noise, to find the tapping sound suddenly stopped. Now Twilight, inside, could see Starlight, and, through teary eyes, tapped the glass two more times, hoping Starlight understood it was her. Starlight was no fool, and knew, somehow, that Twilight was on the other side of this wall. Starlight raised her hoof and tapped the wall, a forlorn, desperate look on her face. She said nothing, as her eyes fell back to the ground. She sauntered back to the Throne Room doors and exited, leaving Twilight and the other ponies alone in the prison cell, their minds racing from the excitement.

Chapter Eighteen: Reluctant Resolve

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Dragging her hooves as she limped down the stone corridor, Starlight had her eyes cast down on the floor, miserable as usual. She was trying her best to avoid thinking about what happened back in the Throne Room. This situation just kept getting worse and worse. She had never been left alone unrestrained in the lair before, though her magic still wasn’t working.

Can’t have everything.

Of course, she considered making a run for it out one of the exits she knew of, but decided it wasn’t worth the risk. She stopped when her attention was caught by the sounds of murmuring voices around a hallway. It was Chrysalis, sitting in a room she had rarely used, surrounded by other ponies all sitting in a circle.

‘Those must be those ponies she was talking about,’ Starlight thought, peeking her head around the corner to get a glimpse inside. She didn’t want to interrupt, so stayed hidden, resorting to eavesdropping.

“You’ve outdone yourself, Chrysalis, truly...” Black Frost said, grinning, “First Starlight Glimmer, now the Princess of Friendship?”

And... her brother and a friend...We can use them as well…”

“Of course. Now that Sparkle has given up, we have everything we need to begin our full conquest of Equestria…”

“I’ve been training Starlight for days now...she’ll be quite formidable.”

“I fully expect her to. She is the key, after all. First, finish your work on her...Then, do the same with Sparkle. Then, at last, we’ll be unstoppable.”

“I’ve prepared my armies to set sail...We are ready for a fight,” said Arevoure, the hotheaded dragon warlord.

“And a fight you shall have, my friend. With Chrysalis’s weapon leading the charge.”

Starlight cringed when they said her name, referring to her as if she was a toy or a piece of meat, to be spent and used.

‘What happens when they’re done with me? I’m brought back here?’

But what really concerned her were their plans for Twilight. Starlight could take her own torment, but couldn’t bear to see anypony suffer the same fate, especially as she felt responsible for Twilight being captured in the first place.

I’ve got to do something...To break the others out of here…

Of course, that was easier said than done.

“Twilight will be...more difficult to turn than Starlight...And I have nothing to base my procedure off of. I’d spent months studying that unicorn prior to bringing her here, and I won’t get the chance to do the same for the Princess.”

“Luckily, you won’t need to. Her friends are all you’ll need to convince her to help us. She will comply, or she will lose everything and everypony she has ever cared about,” Frost said, sinisterly. Chrysalis glanced up and caught the shine of Starlight’s horn from outside.

“Would you all...excuse me, for a moment?”

“By all means.”

The villainous scum resumed to menial discourse as Chrysalis stood up and walked outside around the corridor, nearly running right into Starlight.

“Listening in, I see?”

“No, my queen, I’m sorry, really! I didn’t….You left me, and…”

“Be silent. I am sick of you speaking. And to think, I had the chance to shut your incessant yapping once and for all! Mark my words, when they’re gone, I’m honoring your decision and rendering you a hapless mute.”

Starlight’s eyes widened as she gulped in fear.

“I need to finish preparing our guests for your grand appearance. Stay in the room where we practiced your magic, and if you’re not there when I show up, I’ll be cutting off more than your tongue. Got that, pig?”

“Yes, my queen,” Starlight whispered as she gave a slight bow, turning and scurrying away. Even after all this time, Chrysalis was somehow just as intimidating as when they had first met.

Blinking a few times before realizing she had fallen asleep, Rainbow shook her head back and forth, confused. She looked up and saw Fluttershy lying next to her, cleaning the wound on Rainbow’s chest.

“Where am I?” she asked.

“Stay still, please… We’re still in the tunnel. We haven’t left yet.”

“What?” Rainbow sat up fast, but immediately regretted it, her wound tearing slightly. She grunted and fell back down.

“I told you to stay still,” said Fluttershy, an eyebrow raised.

“The rest of you should’ve gone already! We’re wasting time!”

“You passed out...We weren’t going to leave you.”

“Well, you should’ve.”

Fluttershy rolled her eyes.

“How am I, Fluttershy?”

“Better than you were an hour ago...You’ll be fine, the blade missed your heart.”

“Well then I guess I can’t complain.”

“Oh, you’ll find something…” Fluttershy said, smirking. “You should be able to move around without too much pain in about an hour.”

“We can’t wait that long!”

“We can’t walk in there with you injured, Rainbow...We are the last hope, you know.”

“I know, but...We’re running out of time.”

“Better late than never.”

“I’ll be sure to tell Twilight’s corpse that.”

Up ahead, Applejack walked over to Hickory, who had been staring off into the tunnel ahead, waiting for something to happen.

“Um, Hickory, can we talk?”

“Go ahead, I’m not busy,” Hickory said, expecting her to open up about her feelings for him.

“It’s Sunflower.”

“Oh…” he said, disappointed, and then worried as he noticed the sense of dread in Applejack’s voice.

“What’s wrong?” he asked hesitantly.

“She’s...she’s getting worse...I...I don’t know if she’ll…”

Hickory sputtered, not knowing what to say.

“Let me see her…”

Trotting over to the rock where Rarity was standing over, they saw Sunflower, her limbs sprawled out across the ground, little life in her once vibrant green eyes.


“Sunflower, what’s wrong? Let me help you…”


“We’ve done everything, dear….” Rarity said, distancing herself from the scene.

“Come on, kid, hang in there...This...this is nothing...You’re stronger than this.”

Sunflower couldn’t muster up the strength to respond, only sniffling and letting a few weak tears welt up at the edge of her eyes, as the realization sank in. Hickory, however, couldn’t accept this.

“Damn it, Sunflower! Stand up! Fight it! We beat ‘em all! We’re finished! We can go home...Don’t you want to go home?” Hickory said, trying not to show his fear. But everypony could sense it. Applejack stayed silent, knowing there was little she could do to help at this point.

“Sunfl…” he trailed off as she raised her head towards him, looking in his eyes.

“Tell...the Princess...I….really wanted to meet her…”

Hickory almost laughed at how hopeless the situation was. This couldn’t be real, could it?

“I love you, big brother…”

Hickory’s forlorn smile fell. He watched as her head fell slack to one side, her heart no longer beating. He had no words, he couldn’t think of any. He just sat there, kneeling beside the cold body of his sister. Rainbow and Fluttershy had heard everything from the other side of the tunnel, also remaining silent. The air became dense in the cave, and it felt as if time was standing still. Applejack dropped her head to the ground, blaming herself, naturally. Hickory’s gaping mouth closed, as he sat back and struggled to keep his cool. He was frozen, and terrified, though he didn’t want to show it. He had thought they had already won, but instead he had suffered the biggest loss imaginable.

Starlight kicked at some dirt on the ground, immersed in the darkness of the room. She hated this place, she was nearly killed here just a day or two ago. Starlight, for the first time in a while, felt invigorated. She had a job to do now, and ponies’ lives depended on her. She tried to forget the past, and forget her feelings-focusing only on the now. And right now, she had to get Twilight, Trixie, and all those ponies out of here.

Starlight still wasn’t quite sure how Twilight got in this place. She knew which doors were exit routes, but had no idea where they went to. The pegasus that visited her, whose name she never knew, was wearing armor reminiscent of those of the army of the Crystal Empire. The pegasus said he came from the top exit, which meant that the top exit led to somewhere near the Crystal Empire. Starlight was impressed she had figured out, but wasn’t sure what to do with it.

So what?

‘If that tunnel goes towards the Crystal Empire….then it’s heading north/northeast, as long as it doesn’t deviate from a straight line. Which means, the other tunnel goes south/southwest.’ She hadn’t known that prior.

‘Twilight said she came herself, but Chrysalis said she didn’t…’ Starlight didn’t know which one was telling the truth, as both had proven to be pretty great at manipulating her. She sighed and decided to trust the lesser of two evils, Twilight, and assume Twilight came here herself.


Probably not...That pegasus said he had come with Twilight, though that would mean Twilight went all the way to the Crystal Empire to start the search? Seems a little far fetched...Yet, it certainly wasn’t impossible. Starlight had never gotten the chance to enter any of the exit tunnels, but knew that going the other way, down the south/southwest tunnel, would therefore be the safer route.

‘Chrysalis is smart. She’ll assume we’ve gone the opposite way they came from.’

Starlight shook her head, as no matter which way they went, it wouldn’t take Chrysalis too long to figure out which.

Starlight concluded that the only way for the others to escape was for her to run away in the opposite direction, as Chrysalis would likely care more about keeping her captive than the others. She’d probably be punished...severely...but if it meant saving those other ponies’ lives, she had no real choice.

Other ponies. She almost forgot! What about the cocooned ponies stuck on the ceiling? How was she to break them out? That was a tricky one. It seemed like magic was the only real solution, though that raised even more problems. Starlight knew that Chrysalis would allow her to use her magic freely in this room, the problem was that the room was magic-sealed, so she couldn’t blast her way out. Unless, she tricked Chrysalis into opening the door while her magic is still free? No, that wouldn’t work...she had reasoned that Chrysalis can cast the spell whenever she wants. Starlight was beginning to run out of options, just like the first time she gave any attempt at escape. Not only was it beyond difficult, but she’d probably screw up the plan anyway... Yet, she knew she had to figure this out, and persisted, thinking of as many solutions as she could, sitting alone in the blackness.

The group in the tunnel remained stone-silent for another hour. Nopony knew what to say. Until Applejack decided it was time to say something.


Hickory, who usually masked his emotions under humor and grit, had given up pretending not to care. There was a great pain in his heart, and he couldn’t quite comprehend it.

“I’m sorry…” said Applejack, though Hickory had barely listened. He was consumed by his thoughts. He was angry at everypony and everything. Applejack could see that, but she knew time was being wasted just sitting here.

“Maybe we...maybe we should start moving out…” Applejack regretted saying that instantly, knowing she would get a negative reaction from him, but said it anyway. At first, Hickory didn’t respond, until Applejack began packing up the medical supplies that were going to be used on Sunflower.

“We’re not leaving her here,” he said coldly.

Applejack stared at him, his back turned to her.

“Do you...Do you want to...I don’t know...bury her? Here?”

“No...not here...Home...I’m taking her home.”

The other ponies all glanced up at him as he stood up, picking up his sister’s limp body from the filthy floor. She was light, even lighter than usual. Applejack was dumbstruck. She wanted to argue, but knew emotions were running high.

“Hickory, hold on...You can’t just leave...Not yet…”

“And why not? I am not leaving her to...end up some...archaeological find!”

“I understand, we’re all feeling... stressed. But please, we need you! We’ve come so far because of you!”

“And for what? Is this what I have to show for it? This doesn’t seem like any kind of deal I want a part in.”

He turned around and began walking back the way they came, Applejack nervously trying to speak up.

“If...if you leave us, now...She’d have died for nothing…” she said the words cautiously, though they still hit Hickory like a brick wall. He turned around and eyed down the mare he at one point had sincere feelings for. But now?

“All this journey has been...is a load of heartache, pain, and suffering. Nothing good has come out of it...It’ll be a miracle if I come out of it…”

He turned around again, Applejack becoming desperate. She didn’t want this relationship to end like this, and worse, without him they’d stand far less of a chance at succeeding against Chrysalis, now that all of the ponies except Fluttershy were injured.

“She wanted you to stay...To keep fighting...Are you just going to give up? Now, of all times? I thought you were better than this.”

“This changes things. I’ve lost somepony...very dear…”

“And so have I! I know what it’s like...But, we have to fight for the living, not endlessly grieve the dead…”

“You speak of her as if she was an object?”

“I miss her, Hickory! But she’s gone! And I am sorry! I didn’t want any of this to happen! We were forced down here...And...other ponies’ lives are at stake now, too! If you leave, and we fail...You’ll have sentenced them and all of us to death too!”

“And if I go, I’ll join you.”

“Better to die with courage than live a coward…”

Hickory glared at her. For somepony so eagerly trying to get him to stay, she sure did have a fiery means of persuasion. Hickory glanced at the ground, and nodded, placing Sunflower’s body gently on the ground.

“Fine…But only because I have a thing or two to say to that changeling.”

The other ponies smiled and got up, collecting their belongings.

“It’s not too far...We’ll be there soon…” said Rarity.

“Rainbow, are you alright?” asked Applejack.

“I can walk...Fight? Maybe not…” she replied.

“Good enough...Hickory?” Applejack eyed him.

“We’re coming back for her…” he said, glancing down at his sister’s pale body.

“Of course we are,” she said. Hickory smiled at her, as the group continued on through the tunnel.

“Let go of me!” Twilight yelled. Chrysalis had her in her grasp again, holding her in the air with a green aura of magic. Chrysalis smirked.

“I do apologize for your accommodations, Highness, but I simply couldn’t let you miss this…”

Twilight had no idea what was going on, which Chrysalis found even more entertaining. She knew ponies like Twilight become scared when they’re ignorant. Chrysalis dragged Twilight around a corridor into a small room, packed with some rough-looking ponies she had never seen before, as well as one dragon. The room had a large glass window at the other end, that led to a large narrow chamber caked in darkness. The crowd all glared at Twilight as she entered.

“Twilight Sparkle...We meet at last,” said one short pony, with grey fur and purple eyes. His hair had silver streaks, but what was most noticeable, was his eerie, unnerving smile. She had never met this pony before, but already knew they wouldn’t get along.

“Oh, where are my manners? My name is Black Frost...You have never met me, but I...I know quite a lot about you. More than you may know, even…” he chuckled to himself. Twilight continued struggling in her magical bindings, though given she was surrounded, there wasn’t much point.

“Your...dear friend Chrysalis has agreed to give us a...demonstration...of your former pupil’s...capabilities.”

“She’s not just my pupil...She’s my friend.”

“Of course, my apologies. Though for how much longer, is what I’ve been wondering…”

Frost glanced towards Chrysalis, who approached the glass window. She reached a nearby table and picked up an amulet-like device, holding it for three minutes in her hoof, her horn glowing brighter and brighter the longer she held it. When she was finished, she gave a sigh of satisfaction, putting the device down and enjoying the new increased power she had just received. Twilight stared in amazement. That was it! That was the artifact she was using! Twilight smiled to herself, reveling in the fact that Chrysalis had only beat her because she was cheating.

“Shall we begin then, Chrysalis?”

“As you wish.”

Chrysalis cast a spell with her horn, though its effect was not obvious until Chrysalis lit several torches lining the walls of the room below. There, Starlight Glimmer was sitting on the floor.

She felt her headache dissipate, her magic slowly returning. She groaned in relief, as she slowly stood up. This was it, after all, the big show. She better not disappoint.

The familiar sound of a large beast snorting at the end of the room made it known her test was about to commence.

‘How many dogs does she have down here?’

The Beta Diamond Dog approached, the largest one she had ever faced, red eyes and teeth the length of her legs. She raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. The dog roared, filled with rage, and lunged at her, until it found itself hovering in midair. Starlight scowled in disgust at the beast as she held its entire weight in the air, the dog continuously trying to snap at her. In a flash of blind anger, she snapped its neck with one tilt of her head, dropping the slobbery beasts to the ground in an instant. She glanced up at the window where Chrysalis and an array of colorful faces were looking down on her, seemingly impressed. She considered trying to kill them all right then and there, but knew it wouldn’t work.

“Impressive...You’ve trained her well, Chrysalis,” said Aluminon, the crime lord pony. Twilight rolled her eyes, annoyed that Chrysalis was getting any credit. Despite what she said, Starlight was her pupil. Yet, she was mildly disturbed by Starlight’s lack of restraint in killing an innocent animal, though she excused it, as the animal seemed vicious enough to do the same to her.

While the other villains muttered to each other in approval, Black Frost wasn’t as enthusiastic.

“She has great strength, surely...The tales are true. But, what we intend to use her for is not...playing with wild animals...She must be capable, and willing...to take the life of another pony.”

Chrysalis eyed him, as she hadn’t considered that.

“Not to worry, I know for a fact you have a boundless supply of ponies hanging up on your ceiling, Chrysalis. Why don’t you go fetch one of them for us?” he said dismissively. Chrysalis hated to receive commands. A pony? She had to think about that. Most of her imprisoned ponies were there to use as leverage against Starlight. She couldn’t just pick any pony too close to Starlight, otherwise she would definitely refuse to kill them and make Chrysalis seem like a fool. No, it had to be a pony she had little connection to. A lightbulb flashed as she noticed Twilight’s look of concern.

“Not to worry, that can be arranged. I already have one in mind.”

Chrysalis waltzed out of the room, still dragging Twilight alongside her.

“Chrysalis! Whatever you’re about to do, don’t!”

“I’m afraid it’s far too late for going back. You saw what Starlight is capable of. She’ll have no issue in this next test.”

“She’d never murder an innocent pony! And you’re...truly evil if you force her!”

“I’m not forcing anypony, Twilight. You know why I’m so relaxed? Because I already know how this is going to turn out...She’ll do as she’s told, because she belongs to me, not you. I think it’s time you begin to understand that.”

Chrysalis entered the Main Hall, buzzing up to the ceiling to inspect her collection. She found the one she was looking for: Fritz, the pegasus scout that she had caught first. Twilight turned pale in disappointment and fear. If that pony died, she’d feel responsible. Again.

“You came with this one, no? My, what a mistake it was to send him out of all of you first…”

Chrysalis grabbed the cocoon housing an unconscious Fritz and flew back down to the ground, smashing it open with a simple spell. Fritz gasped for air as he coughed up the green phlegm-like substance he was suspended in, his head heavy and muscles weak from inactivity. Chrysalis was staring down at him, smirking. Fritz wasn’t at all thrilled.

“Oh great...Of all the faces to wake up to, it’s yours…” he said through rasped breath and a few coughs.

Chrysalis scoffed and leaned down towards him.

“Don’t be so jovial...I wouldn’t if I knew I was about to die.”

Fritz’s eyes widened. Still a little disoriented from being hung upside down while unconscious for almost a week, receiving a death threat did him no favors. He saw Twilight hovering in the air, wrapped in Chrysalis’ green magic. He said nothing to her, taking it in that everypony he came with must be dead or captured, and that it was probably, partly his fault.

“I do apologize it has to be you, but...I warned you if you lied to me...you’d pay for it with your life, remember? You told me there were eight ponies in your little band...I count seven.”

Fritz cursed himself for lying, while Twilight’s face cringed in horror, realizing that if she had managed to save that doctor from the avalanche in the beginning, then Fritz might’ve lived.

He’s not dead yet.

“Chrysalis! Listen to me...This isn’t a game! He’s done nothing wrong!”

Fritz looked up at the two ponies, while kneeling on the ground, practically immobile from exhaustion.

“I’ve already killed two of them. What’s one more?” She laughed as she picked up Fritz with her magic and began trotting back towards the room. Fritz’s head hurt, but what really hurt was what she had just said.

‘Killed two of them’? Which two?’

Whoever it was, he knew it looked as though he was about to join them.

Starlight tried not to make eye contact with the strange ponies staring down at her from above. They looked as if they were fascinated by her, how disfigured and broken she was. She hated the attention.

The silence was broken as Chrysalis reentered the room, waving a dizzy Fritz in the air.

“Here you go, Frost. I hope this will suffice.”

Frost smiled, as Chrysalis teleported Fritz into the room with Starlight, dropping him on the floor. He could barely lift himself up, until he found himself jumping backwards in fright upon seeing just how disfigured Starlight had become. One of her eyes was grotesquely deformed, and there were sores coating her entire body. She seemed even more terrified than him, though.

Starlight recognized the pegasus as the one who visited her before. There was no point in celebrating their reunion, because unlike Fritz, Starlight understood what was going on. Starlight knew that the only creatures she encountered in this room were creatures she was meant to kill. It seems Chrysalis has decided to up the ante. Starlight struggled with herself. She couldn’t do this, could she? This was unforgivable. She thought about the plan she had made, and every contingency she had created for every possibility. Yet, she had no plan for this. Her goal was to save ponies, not kill them...but if she didn’t kill him, Chrysalis would probably do it anyway. At least, Starlight figured she would. Perhaps gaining Chrysalis’ trust a bit more by killing him-to make her think she’s completely loyal-will gain her more freedom, enough to enact her real plan and save everypony else. Still, she had a problem with the ‘kill one pony to save a hundred.’ Was it ethical? To live by the ideals Twilight taught her, no. But Chrysalis had reminded her that ethics are...more or less a subjective construct. She didn’t particularly care for the pegasus, though she did pity him. This wasn’t fair, in any sense of the word. Starlight glanced to the window as Chrysalis’ voice boomed into the room.

“Starlight. This is your final test. That pegasus, there, is your new target. Eradicate him, and you’ve passed...Refuse...And I’ll show you consequences far worse than death.”

Starlight grabbed at her mane in frustration. It really was all up to her, wasn’t it..She knew she was in no state of mind to be judging who should live and who should die. Starlight wasn’t afraid to be tortured, but she didn’t want to appear afraid or weak. If she was to kill this pony, it would be purely out of practicality...What was she saying? Murder as a practicality? This was getting to be too surreal to handle. She thought about what Chrysalis had just said -“Far worse than death”. This place certainly was, and it almost reaffirmed what she believed Chrysalis would do if Starlight refused-kill the pegasus anyway. And, if she didn’t kill the pegasus, undoubtedly she would be tortured and then forced to kill another pony, and then another, and another, and so on. This was her chance to prove her trust, and save as many lives as possible.

Fritz could see the conflict in her, but was thinking the same thing. Though he wished there was another way, he figured if she doesn’t do it then the bug queen will.

‘Just my luck…’

Glancing around to get a good look at the last sights he’ll ever see, he held back tears as he said some prayers in his head, worried. It felt strange to die so young.

Above, Chrysalis and Frost were eagerly waiting for Starlight to do it. Everything depended on this. Twilight couldn’t watch. She knew that this was, once again, an impossible decision. She simply turned her head away and waited for this all to stop. Chrysalis saw this and grabbed her by the face, aiming her eyes at her beloved pupil.

“Remember what I said...I couldn’t let you miss this…”

Twilight’s eyes flashed with anger as Chrysalis turned back to the window.

Starlight, after a few more moments of doubt, came to terms with the reality.

Her eyes glanced up from the ground, and met those of the pegasus. He was sweating, nervous and scared for whatever comes after. Starlight looked at him weakly, struggling to convince herself what she was doing was right. Fritz understood what her eyes were communicating, and, somberly, gave a slight nod before turning his head away, his back straight while on his knees.

“Make it painless,” he whispered, just loud enough for her to hear.

Starlight’s mouth opened in response to the rising tension, until she closed it again, trying to find the strength to go through with it.

“I….I’m sorry….I”

“It’s not your fault...Just….”

Starlight cut him off with a blast from her horn, burning a hole through the young pegasus’ head. She hoped he hadn’t felt any pain, as she tried her best to do it as fast as possible. The pegasus’s body slumped down to the ground in a heap. Starlight gasped in shock and fell to her knees, crying.

“She seemed to find that...difficult,” Frost said, suspiciously.

“Yet, she did it,” Chrysalis retorted, relieved Starlight hadn’t failed her.

Black Frost nodded, and then resumed his typical smiling.

“It seems as though we’ve made a worthy investment after all. I look forward to storming Canterlot by your side, Chrysalis,” said Cellestrous, the assassin. The other villains all agreed, beaming at Chrysalis, who smirked with glee. Everything she had ever dreamed of was so close, she could taste it.

Twilight was the only one paying attention to Starlight while the others celebrated. Starlight was practically sobbing now, crumbling to the floor and begging for death. Murdering a pony was the last thing her mental state needed right now.

Yet, Twilight almost felt relieved. Starlight did it, which she wasn’t proud of, but if faced with the same decision, Twilight wasn’t sure if she’d have done any differently. The only real result that Twilight saw, at least, was that Starlight was not too far gone.

At least she hoped.

Chapter Nineteen: The Last Stand

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“This is it”

Rarity pointed towards the dim light at the end of the tunnel, though it wasn’t sunlight that greeted them. The doors were left open, luckily, allowing the red glow of torchlight to creep its way inside. The ponies looked on in awe at the full view of the splendorous lair inside.

“Looks like she’s been busy…” Fluttershy muttered, careful not to be too loud. Conveniently, it wasn’t that difficult for her.

“Rarity, where are we?” Applejack whispered.

“Why, at the doors, of course. Just like I told you,” Rarity replied.

“I mean, where in the lair? Are we close to where Twilight and Starlight are?”

“Twilight, no...Starlight...I’m not sure. We never did find out exactly where Chrysalis keeps her.”

“Fantastic,” Hickory said.

“Is there a place we can go from here that can get us a better view? All I can see from here is a rock wall and some doors. We need to see the whole layout before we do anything,” Applejack said.

“Good thinking,” said Rainbow, clutching her wounded chest. It was her iron resolve that brought them into this, so she felt as though she had to stick with them to the end, despite her inhibition.

“There are some tunnels up there...All over the ceiling. But, I believe you have to be able to fly to get up there.”

“Not a problem,” Rainbow said, spreading her wings. She tried to hide the pain in doing so, though the others could tell.

“Rainbow, you’re in no shape to do much,” Rarity pointed out.

“I know...I’m still doing it.”

“Just don’t do anything stupid,” Applejack warned.

Applejack glanced at Fluttershy, communicating that she had to look out for Rainbow.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be with her too,” Fluttershy said.

“Just get up there and get a good look around...Rarity, you lead me and Hickory towards where Twilight is…We’ll all meet back here in twenty minutes, regardless of whether we find anything,” Applejack said.

Rainbow nodded as Fluttershy led her out of the doorway into the lair. Checking to make sure it was clear, Fluttershy peeked her head out, and then jumped back in surprise.

“There are ponies! Up on the ceiling!”

“I told you about them...We’ll be able to get them once we get Twilight...She’s probably already come up with a plan by now,” Rarity said.

“You better hope so,” Applejack said, “Okay...Fluttershy, Rainbow, get up there.”

“Aye-aye, captain,” Rainbow replied sarcastically

Rainbow stepped past Fluttershy, first to enter the lair, Fluttershy stumbling nervously behind. In an instant, they took flight, speeding up to the ceiling to locate an entrance to one of the tunnels Rarity spoke of. Meanwhile, Applejack turned to Hickory and Rarity.

“Alright, make sure to stay quiet, and stay together. Rarity, lead the way to Twilight.”

Rarity turned to exit the doorway, but then then stopped dead in her tracks, slowly backing up.

“Rarity? What is it?”


Rarity shoved past Applejack to hide in the darkness of the tunnel, Hickory crouching down near her. Applejack followed, suspicious.


Rarity shushed her with a hoof to the mouth, just as the ominous, slender black form of Chrysalis stepped past the doorway. Hickory’s eyes widened, as they all stayed perfectly still. Chrysalis was walking past the doorway, until she stopped. She smelled something….unusual coming from the doorway. She gazed inside but saw nothing but blackness, and heard not a sound. She shrugged it off as an animal, a rodent perhaps, and then moved to close the doors, just in case. Fear swept over the trio of ponies as the light from the lair grew smaller, the doors nearly fully closed. Until, a distant noise from somewhere else in the lair made Chrysalis stop, buzzing away in a hurry to investigate. The doors were still open, just barely.

“Let’s go, now! Before she comes back and locks it!” Applejack whispered as loud as she could.

The ponies scooted through the crevice in the door, and, after checking to make sure Chrysalis wasn’t near, they scurried into a room on the other end of the hall, catching their breath.

“That was close,” Hickory said.

“What brought her away?” Applejack asked.

“I don’t see how it matters.. I suppose we’re just lucky…”

“Sure...Where are we now?” Applejack asked.

“I’m not quite sure...Twilight should be in...that direction…” she said, pointing in the direction of another door. The room they were in was mostly empty, save for a few boxes of equipment and stolen furniture that didn’t match.

“You sure about that?” Applejack questioned.

“Hardly, but the only way I know for sure requires us to walk out in the open, and I’d much rather take our chances any other way.”

“Alright, as long as we don’t get lost…” Applejack relented.

The ponies opened the door and proceeded, entering a network of interconnecting rooms, though where they would end up remained unknown.

“Nice throw,” said Fluttershy.

“Looks like it worked, she’s checking it out,” said Rainbow, pointing at the spot where she threw the rock, hoping to distract Chrysalis. It worked, and Rainbow began to doubt whether Chrysalis was so smart after all.

“Are you sure we’re safe here? We’re so far up…” said Fluttershy, peeking down over the ledge of the tunnel timidly. The pegasi had successfully flown up to one of the ceiling tunnels, looking down on the Main Hall, where they saw Applejack and the others make it inside.

“We’re fine...It’s those ponies I’m worried about…” she said, nudging towards the collection of cocooned ponies.

“We should wait, right? Take it slow…” Fluttershy said, noticing Rainbow’s eagerness.

“Yeah. Sure. Right. You stay here, I’ll go down this tunnel and see what I can find.”

She stood up to leave, before running into Fluttershy’s outstretched arm.

“Why don’t you stay here. I’ll go.” Fluttershy said, standing up and trotting off, leaving a pouting Rainbow behind.

“I never get to do the fun stuff.”

Twilight gave one last struggle in her magical bindings before getting tired, taking a deep breath in frustration. Chrysalis had left the room for something, leaving her bound and surrounded by a variety of sinister faces. The most off-putting one, the dark grey, grinning pony, approached her, with a look of curiosity on his face.

“Princess Twilight...It’s a pleasure to finally speak with you...I must say...maybe it’s your condition, but you look far less lively then I expected.”

Twilight glared at him, unsure of his role in Chrysalis’ plot. Whatever it was, it was worth a chance to try persuading him.

“Chrysalis is just using you, you know.”

Black Frost, who had turned away for a moment, turned back, smiling once again.

“Quite the contrary, Princess. I am the one using her...Once she’s wiped your pupil’s mind, I’ll be able to control her fully, without the need for Chrysalis...And she’ll be left with nothing...She had her chance at dominating the world, and now, she’ll supply the means for my turn.”

“And what after? What will you do with Starlight?” Twilight asked, fear in her voice.

Black Frost chuckled.

“I’m not sure... maybe use her to kill Chrysalis, maybe just eradicate her...You should be more concerned about yourself. At this point my dear, you may share a similar fate.”

Twilight’s eyes darted across the floor, thinking of a plan.

“You want power? Status? Is that all you care about?”

“At the moment...Yes. I’ve lived my whole life helping others rise to power, it’s only fair I get some...compensation.”

“Understandable. But your vision is narrow minded,” Twilight said dryly.

“What do you mean by that?” Frost asked, his smile slowly dying.

“Starlight is powerful, sure...But she’ll never reach the capabilities you expect her to. I’ve spoken with her. She’s mentally unstable and physically weak...Not to mention deprived of her magic. She’s probably rusty.”

“She didn’t seem very rusty when she killed your friend.”

“Maybe not, but she did hesitate. You noticed it too.”

The other villains in the room were now all listening in on this conversation, intrigued. Twilight went on, seeing she had gotten their attention.

“Chrysalis is a liability. She cares first and foremost about keeping Starlight as her prisoner. You think she’s just going to voluntarily give her up? She’s going to betray you.”

“Not if I betray her first.”

Twilight stared at him, unimpressed. This was the Twilight he was afraid of: competent and intense. He went on, trying to defend his position.

“I have all the leverage here. I have the armies that she needs.”

“You’ll need those armies and Starlight and Chrysalis to take over Equestria...And that still might not be enough. I know what I’m talking about.”

“I trust you do, which is why I find it strange you’re talking to me like this.”

“I’m trying to help you. You haven’t proven to me that you deserve what Chrysalis does. Maybe you’re power hungry, but that’s far worse than being a sadist.”

“I’ll have you know I share in Chrysalis’ amusement in seeing ponies like your pupil suffer.”

“I’m sure you’re very proud of that. Back to what I was saying-if you want to take over Equestria...Starlight and Chrysalis aren’t what you need. That is,” Twilight said, nodding her head towards the table where Chrysalis’ amulet was resting.

“What of it?”

“Chrysalis isn’t as strong as you think. She was only able to defeat me because of that thing, it gives her power...But here’s the thing: Starlight is just as strong as you saw she was. Chrysalis, not so much. If you’re going to betray Chrysalis, then you should destroy it. Only then will she be weak enough for you to defeat her.”

“Curious indeed, Twilight Sparkle...She mentioned this device to me, though I didn’t know to what extent its power compelled our dear Chrysalis...But you never answered my question...why are you telling me this? Are you trying to make a deal?”

Twilight inhaled, trying to appear as confident and serious as possible.
“I would rather see you take over Equestria using Starlight than Chrysalis...But you must promise me, to not kill her when you’re finished…”

Black Frost gazed at her.

“Why would I bend to your will now, Princess? Why couldn’t I just destroy the amulet, kill Chrysalis, and kill Starlight anyway?”

“I thought you may have the decency to do me the one favor…”

Frost considered this.

“Perhaps...The situation may change...And, remember...I don’t intend on wiping just Starlight’s mind...Since you’re here...I don’t see why your fate should be any different.”

“Do with me what you will, but you must promise to not kill Starlight…”

Frost stared at the deep longing expressed in Twilight’s eyes.

“You are a strange pony, Twilight, but I’ll agree to your wish. Your warning may have just saved my life after all.”

Twilight smiled. Of course, this was all a scheme. Twilight knew if the amulet was destroyed then she would likely be free to use her magic as she pleased, though Frost seemed unaware of that. She congratulated herself in her head. If this works, they’re free.

Starlight wiped away the last of her tears as quickly as she could upon hearing the door behind her open, light flowing into the dark narrow room, showing new, unpleasant details of Fritz’s mangled corpse. Starlight shuddered and turned away from the body, horrified at herself.

“Outstanding, Starlight. I see that test in particular was...challenging. But, you did it. Do you feel proud of yourself?”

“I….no, no I don’t feel pr-”

“I didn’t really care, Starlight. Now, go to my throne room and stay there, I need to have a few more words with our guests before we proceed.”

“Yes, my queen.”

Chrysalis watched as Starlight scrambled to her feet and scampered off, her head hung low. Once the two were enough distance apart, Starlight burst into tears again, her knees becoming weak, dropping to the floor.

“I’m sorry…” she whispered to herself, though it only made her feel worse. She wasn’t just horrible...now she was a murderer. For all intensive purposes, she was just as bad as Chrysalis! She took a deep breath as she tried to regain her focus. It was difficult before, but now it was almost impossible.

‘I had to...I had to...The plan..’

She remembered the plan, and quickly sprang to her feet.

‘I had to…’ she kept telling herself. She started walking, but not towards the throne room as instructed, rather, to the kitchen. She made sure the coast was clear before entering, opening a drawer with her hoof and pulling out one of the large knives she used to cut vegetables for meals.

“This will do.”

Still holding the knife, she limped back to the throne room, each step on her wounded legs sending heavy pulses of pain through her body. She was sweating, both out of nervousness and of physical exertion. Pushing the large doors open, she stumbled inside and approached one of the stone tables off to the side. Crouching down, she grunted as her wounded leg bent, and then reached to place the knife underneath, hidden discreetly amongst some rocks and dirt.

‘For later…’

She turned around to search for her next item, and found it sooner than expected. She returned to the table with a large rock, not too heavy that she couldn’t drag it with two hooves. She peered towards the camouflaged prison glass, wondering if anypony was staring back at her.

They were, in fact. Shining Armor was confused by what she was doing, while Pinkie was able to connect the dots.

“I think she’s going to try and break us out!” she said excitedly.

“Oh great. I’m sure this time it’ll go perfectly.”

“It can’t get worse than this!” Pinkie said. She was already so bored with the bland rocky prison, and missed the colorfulness of outside.

“Look, it’s Twilight!” Shining Armor exclaimed, pointing at the doors as they opened once more.

Starlight jumped back from the table and stood at attention, trying her best to act inconspicuous. Twilight entered the throne room first, held in the air by Chrysalis’ magical fist.

“I’m afraid your presence is no longer needed, Princess. Do excuse yourself.”

Twilight gave no response before being teleported back behind the glass prison. Starlight looked up at Chrysalis, who stomped towards her, followed by the entourage of villains.

“Here she is, Frost.”

Frost walked around Chrysalis, right towards Starlight. He was shorter than her, but still somehow intimidated her. There was something menacing about the way he conducted himself, though she couldn’t pinpoint what. Frost grabbed her by the chin, raising her lowered head to make eye contact.

“You are an...impressive specimen, my dear. A worthy investment indeed.”

He examined her deformed eye, crusted with blood and half-closed. He seemed almost amazed.

“You’re a devilish fiend, Chrysalis, and I love it,” he said, chuckling. Chrysalis smirked with pride. Starlight tried to contain her disgust.

“You were quite entertaining back there, Starlight Glimmer...I hope you’re as proud of yourself as we all are,” he said, before turning around to speak to Chrysalis.

“Chrysalis, and, why not all of you as well, why don’t we meet in another room...there are some things we must discuss.”

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow, annoyed with this constant moving around. The villains began shuffling out of the throne room behind Frost, but Chrysalis wasn’t going anywhere. She was glaring at Starlight, who she had caught glancing over at the camouflaged prison several times. Does she know?


Starlight squeaked in fright as she refocused on Chrysalis, who seemed less than in a good mood.

“I want you to go to the dungeon and stay in there until I retrieve you, okay? The door will lock when you close it, and that’s how I intend to find you.”

Starlight was breathing deeply, nervous. Her plan was about to fall apart. No, no it wouldn’t, as long as she played along.

“Of course, my queen. Right away,” she said, before limping away. Chrysalis gazed from her pet to the prison. She felt as though something was...off.

Inside the prison, Twilight waited until Chrysalis had also left before turning to Shining Armor and Pinkie.

“I saw it! The device I was talking about! It exists!” she exclaimed.

“Are you sure? That seems a little-” Shining Armor questioned.

“Would you just believe me? It’s...like an amulet, or a necklace...She’s using it to give her extra strength!”

“I believe you, Twilight. What do we do?” Pinkie asked.

“One of those ponies that’s helping her...I talked to him...he may destroy it for us. If not, then we’ll have to try and talk to Starlight.”

“Oh! You should know, Starlight, she came in here alone, and she hid a knife and a rock under that table, right there!” Pinkie said excitedly.

“You think she’s trying to help us?” Twilight asked.

“That, or murder Chrysalis,” Shining Armor said.

“Okay, two good possibilities,” Twilight replied.

“I guess all we can do is...wait…” Pinkie said, sitting back down, bored once again.

“Be patient….Things are looking up for once,” Twilight said. She was starting to feel hopeful again, especially if Starlight was truly trying to help them. She neglected to tell her friends what Starlight had done to Fritz. In her mind, that would only make things worse.

Rainbow crouched down as the echoes of voices in the cave grew louder. She saw her, Chrysalis, followed by a group of strange-looking ponies, turning a corridor and disappearing once more.

“Who are they?” Rainbow whispered to herself.

“No idea.”

Rainbow jumped in fright, hitting her head on the ceiling of the tunnel. She turned around to see Fluttershy, giggling at her.

“Fluttershy! You scared me!”

“Sorry...I was just joking...Have you seen anything?”

“Not really...Except for that just now. What about you?”

“I checked every tunnel, and one of them leads to something..”

“What’s something?”

“There’s a door at the end of one of these, I don’t know where it goes, but it has to go somewhere.”

“Better than nothing...So, should we start now?”

“Start what?”

“Start rescuing those ponies,” Rainbow said, gesturing towards the collage of cocoons.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. We should wait until we have Twilight, or Starlight…”

“There isn’t time for that, Fluttershy. We might as well start now.”

“Applejack just wanted us to take a look around, and then meet back with them in twenty minutes. We’ve got half of that left. Just hold on, okay?”

“Fine. But if we get captured, I’ll be telling you I told you so.”

Frost re-entered the room they began in, as the other villains all shuffled in, Chrysalis coming in last. Chrysalis noticed Frost seemed a bit more...on edge.

“Chrysalis...On behalf of our little...coalition, I applaud your immense achievement. You should be very proud…”

Chrysalis smiled. She loved to be complimented.

“In fact, you’ve gotten me quite excited about our plans. To see through with the overthrow of Celestia and the conquest of Equestria...I think it’s time we begin the next step…”

“Get to the point, Frost.”

“It would be wisest if we use our most powerful asset as a sort of distraction, to stir up enough chaos far away from the capital-enough to get the attention of Celestia and Luna. Then the rest of us can move in without as much resistance”

“I agree.”

“Good...My issue is that I’m not sure who our most powerful asset is...You, or Starlight.”

Chrysalis stared at him, almost dumbstruck. He was trying to trap her into giving into her pride. But why? What was he playing at?

“You’re trying to inspire competition in our ranks? Frost, we haven’t even begun the war and you’ve already proven a foolish leader.”

“I asked a question, Chrysalis. You have more experience with Starlight’s capabilities. Tell me then, who is our strongest asset?”

“I don’t see why it matters. Why don’t I come up with the plan, since you’re clearly incapable.”

Frost bit his lip with frustration. This was going nowhere.

“I’ll be the one to cause the distraction. My existence alone is enough to get Celestia’s attention. She’s not very fond of me, you know.”

Frost smiled, as that was precisely the result he was looking for anyway.

“Excellent, then the rest of us will overtake the capital, using Starlight.”

“That would be the better choice...the ponies would hesitate having to fight their friend.”

“Indeed, I believe we should get on then and wipe the unicorn’s mind. While she’s still corruptible.”

Chrysalis stared at him. Clearly, he had ulterior motives. Towards what, she had no clue.

Chrysalis glanced around the room at the other villains, who also seemed rather suspicious. Frost pressed on.

“Chrysalis, we agreed on this to begin with, remember? Don’t tell me you’ve grown fond of her...Her power is the only reason she’s valuable to us. Her conscious hesitations limit her potential. If we are to defeat Celestia, we’ll need her to be undeterred. You saw how she struggled to kill that pegasus! She can’t do that against an entire army!”

Frost was getting frustrated now. Chrysalis knew one thing, that Frost was attempting to trick her into doing something that would probably bite her in the flank later on.


“Chrysalis…” Frost said, chuckling, “Ponies don’t say no to me.”

“Well I am. First and foremost, Starlight Glimmer is my property, not yours. I decide what will be done with her. She was brought here to suffer, and to accomplish that goal, I require her to remain as she is. Trust me, she will comply.”

“She will comply with your commands, but ours?”

“Why would you need her without me?” Chrysalis asked, her eyes narrowing. Frost turned pale, realizing she was catching on.

“Nevermind it then, Chrysalis. You’re clearly unable to be convinced...I only hope this decision doesn’t ruin us in the end.”

“If anything ruins us, it won’t be on my part,” she said, her eyes burning a hole in Frost’s forehead. He was just as annoyed, as now Chrysalis once again had all the power. Arevoure, the buff red dragon, noticed the tension, and decided now would be a good time to change the subject.

“We should begin preparing our assault on the capital…” the dragon said.

“Yes, we should,” Frost uttered, his eyes still locked with Chrysalis’. Both of them knew this alliance would be short lived.

Starlight stumbled towards the dungeon door as she was ordered, but stopped while her hoof was grasping the handle. She felt like now was the time.

‘So soon?’

‘I’ll only get one shot…Shouldn’t I wait?’

She shook her head, trying to push her doubts and fears to the side. She had to do this.

It was now or never.

Turning around, she jogged back the way she came to the Throne Room, frantically checking each room she passed to make sure Chrysalis hadn’t seen her. Panting ferociously, she pushed the heavy doors open, sauntering towards the table where she hid the rock and the knife. Brushing some strands of her mane away from her eye, she reached down and picked up both, before gazing at the camouflaged prison. If it was what she thought it was, then Twilight was on the other side. She was about to find out.

Inside the prison, the ponies stared at Starlight as she dragged the rock towards them.

“I think she’s gonna-” Shining Armor began.

“Get out of the way!” Twilight yelled, jumping to the side as Starlight lifted the rock with her frail arms, and then heaving it back into the glass, creating some substantial cracks. Starlight backed away, examining the cracks. She knew it! It was glass! Invigorated, she shut her eyes and gritted her teeth as she lifted the rock again, and smashed into the glass once more, then again, and again, until at last, the rock broke straight through it. The sound of shattering glass filled the throne room. It was loud. Really loud. Starlight turned her head back to see if Chrysalis was right behind her, or about to storm in through the doors, but alas, she was nowhere to be seen. Turning back towards the hole in the glass, her eyes widened as Twilight Sparkle stumbled out, stepping right in front of her.

“Starlight!” Twilight said, beaming.

Twilight went in for a hug, only for Starlight to jump back. Despite Twilight’s animosity, Starlight showed only fear and concern. Shining Armor and Pinkie followed Twilight, stepping past the glass into the throne room. Starlight tried to regain focus after the shock of seeing Twilight again, as well as there being two other ponies she would have to save. Twilight’s smile faded as she saw how terrified and anxious Starlight was. Shining Armor and Pinkie were wordless. Starlight gulped, checked the door again, and approached them.

“There isn’t much time...You came from the north, right?”

Twilight stared at her, aloof. Not even a ‘Hello?’


“Y-yes. We came that way.”

“Okay. I’ll-I’ll take you back there, then you need to take that tunnel all the way b-back out of here. A-and take this, just in case.”

She handed Twilight the knife. Twilight accepted it, cautiously. Knives weren’t exactly her expertise.

“Come on, she’ll b-be after us soon.”

Starlight turned and limped towards the door. Shining Armor held it open for her, as all four of the ponies exited the throne room. Shining Armor shot a look of concern towards Twilight, weary of Starlight’s somber demeanor. Twilight ignored it. She was with them. She was safe. That’s all that matters.

Darting around corners in the labyrinth-like hallways, Starlight led the ponies to what appeared to be a dead end.

“Um…” Shining Armor began.

“Y-you see that opening right up there? You’ll have to climb up this wall, go through it, then g-go right...that should be the way you came. This is as far as I can t-take you...”

“What are you talking about? You’re coming with us.”

“No, I’m not. I’m sorry, Twilight…”

“Starlight! Ponies have died to save you! Now’s our chance! Come with us, please!”

“I’m not doing this because we’re friends, Twilight. You never should’ve come here. Now go!”

Starlight was getting emotional, and Twilight could see that, but knew there was no point in arguing. Starlight gave one last look of hope for Twilight, before turning and jogging back through the dark hallways.

Twilight turned to her companions, who had already begun to climb the steep hill that led upwards to the opening.

“Wait! Stop…”

Shining Armor turned his head, while struggling to maintain balance on the steep incline.

“Without our magic, we won’t be able to break through the door! It’s bolted shut, there’s no way we’ll get it open…”

Shining Armor’s eyes dropped to the floor, struggling to find a solution.

“If that amulet really does exist, then we have to destroy it,” he said.

“I’ll go find it and destroy it, you two head up there and wait for me,” Twilight said, already turning around to get started.

“Twilight, I don’t think splitting up is a good move right now!” Pinkie yelled.

“Do we have a choice?”

With that, Twilight too disappeared into the darkness, uncertain of where she was going.

Rarity peeked her head out from the door, nervously. They had been wandering around the lair for some time now, almost aimlessly. But now, she thought they had made it.

“This way! That’s it! I remember…”

Rarity pulled Applejack and Hickory into the open hallway, and walked straight down towards the end, to the imposing wooden throne room doors.

“They’re in here…”

Hickory took a deep breath, unsure what to expect.

Rarity pushed on the doors, needing Applejack ‘s help to open them completely. Applejack and Hickory’s eyes widened at the splendor of the throne room, while Rarity walked straight towards the glass prison.

“Why, would you look at that.”

The other two trotted up behind her, all of them looking at the broken hole in the glass where the ponies had escaped.

“They’re….they’re gone...Now what?” Hickory asked.

“We need to get out of here...Hide somewhere else and see if they’ve really escaped or not,” Applejack said.

“As long as we’re not hanging around out in the open, count me in,” Hickory said.

The ponies exited the throne room and re-entered the room they came from, curious as to what Twilight’s plan was.

Chrysalis’ ears perked up at the sound of glass breaking. She eyed the other villains to see if they noticed as well, but it seemed like it was just her. Was she just paranoid? Was it worth it to ignore the risks? She decided it couldn’t hurt to check.

“Would you all excuse me for a moment?” she said, ominously. Frost glared at her.

“Of course, Chrysalis, this is your home after all.”

Chrysalis nodded with a fake smile and left, buzzing at full speed towards the throne room. There, she found a large hole in the glass prison, crudely made with a rock. Chrysalis stared in shock, which transformed into untameable rage. She exited the throne room, a fire brewing in her heart.

‘How did they escape?’

‘Where could they have gone?’

‘The cocoons. Check the cocoons.’

Chrysalis regained control over her thoughts and buzzed down the hallway to the Main Hall. Her eyes raised to view her glorious assortment of imprisoned ponies, and, to her relief, none seemed to be missing. Then she heard hoofsteps-fast hoofsteps. Turning to the exit door Rarity had escaped through, Chrysalis’s jaw dropped as she saw Starlight making a break for it, running as fast as she could towards the door, though her limp didn’t help.

Fuming, Chrysalis slammed the door shut with her magic and stomped towards Starlight, who was frozen in disbelief, staring at the closed doors.

‘I was...so close…’

While Chrysalis approached her, Starlight quickly came up with a Plan B-delay Chrysalis as long as possible.

“Starlight Glimmer. What have you done?”

Starlight turned to face Chrysalis, acting as innocent and vulnerable as possible to lower Chrysalis’ hostility.

“My queen, Twilight, and the other ponies, they broke out and tried to escape! I was trying to catch them, my queen, to please you! I think they went down there!” Starlight said, desperately.

“Really? Is what you’re telling me true?”

“Yes, my queen, I would never lie to y-” Starlight was cut off by a sudden, immense pressure around her neck, squeezing her throat and cutting off air to her lungs. She gasped and hacked as the pressure got tighter. Chrysalis had a ring of green magic around her neck, and was raising her into the air slowly, effectively hanging her.

“My….queen….p-please…” she sputtered, though Chrysalis was feeling anything but merciful.

“You’re a great actress, Starlight. Need I remind you I never told you there were two other ponies with Twilight?”

Starlight cursed herself in her head for being so daft.

‘I was so nervous,’ she thought, trying to excuse herself. She looked into Chrysalis eyes, consumed with hatred.

Just keep her distracted so they can escape…

She knew her plan was already working, though she wasn’t sure how much she would have to lose to make sure of it.

Up above in the ceiling tunnels, Rainbow and Fluttershy were gazing down at the scene.

“That’s not good…” Rainbow said as Starlight’s face turned a brighter and brighter red.

“Look at what she’s done to her…”

“I think now would be a good time to intervene?”

“No, Rainbow, we need to talk with Applejack first. You’ve got to be patient.”

“Well tell her that,” Rainbow spat, motioning towards Starlight below.

“Wait, Rainbow look! That’s Twilight!” Fluttershy said, nodding to the other side of the Main Hall.

Below, Twilight had escaped the maze of hallways and found herself back in the Main Hall, which she was beginning to get familiar with. She was looking for the room where she watched Starlight murder Fritz-the last place she saw the amulet. She had stopped and hid upon seeing Chrysalis breeze past her, and was struggling to hold herself back from helping Starlight as Chrysalis choked her.

‘First things first,’ she told herself, locating the correct room and slipping inside, while Chrysalis was distracted reprimanding Starlight.

“I had really thought I had fixed you, Starlight. Made you into something useful. Now I see you’re incapable of change...you’re pathetic. In every facet! You can’t even make me happy. To think, I was really protecting you. You know what those ponies were going to do to you! They were going to erase your mind, and make you a thoughtless machine. And I stopped them!”

Chrysalis dropped Starlight to the ground, where she gasped relentlessly for air.

“Maybe there is no point. I’ve failed to fix you, after all. I thought, here’s a pony that everyone hates, maybe I can try to make her into something purposeful. But you just can’t...When you have the chance to be good, you’re bad, and when you have the chance to be bad, you’re good? You’re ridiculous!”

“No...my queen, please...I wasn’t going to leave you...I wasn’t…”

“What was it then? You were running away why?”

“The ponies did escape….I saw the broken glass...and I thought, I could help them escape...I deserve to live here, in captivity, in your service, my queen...but I don’t think they do…” Starlight was half-crying, knowing she was digging her hole even deeper.

“I don’t care what you think, Starlight. You are an object to me. A plaything. It’s not your place to make any sort of decision on anything.”

“I’m loyal to you, my queen...I killed another pony to prove it! Don’t you believe me!”

“I did...Now I don’t know anymore...Perhaps Frost was right...Your consciousness is a liability...Maybe I should have your mind wiped.”

“My queen….I beg you, please don’t...If I’m not me, how will I suffer? Isn’t that what you want?”

“There are ways to have it fit both preferences. For you to be fully under my control….and live in pain. I’m not sure what has happened here today, but I know that you will be punished for it...And since your mind will soon be mine completely, why don’t we make it extra-fun...A last hurrah, let’s call it.”

Starlight stared at Chrysalis, who was smirking psychotically. If this was what it takes to buy Twilight some time to escape, then so be it.

‘She better be gone by now.’

Twilight was panicking. She had been searching in this room for the amulet for five minutes, but found nothing. She knew it was still here! Unless Chrysalis came back for it...Without destroying the amulet, they wouldn’t be able to escape...Not in one piece at least. She reverted back to her old plan: find Starlight, get her to help. Starlight would know about the amulet, right? She’ll know. Nodding to herself to calm herself down, Twilight turned around to exit, then froze.

“I see she’s not as smart as you presumed she was, Starlight.”

Chrysalis was blocking the doorway, holding Starlight in a bubble of green magic to the side. Twilight’s eyes widened, and she remembered the knife. In an instant of decisiveness, she drew back and threw the knife right towards Chrysalis, and expected a quick victory. Instead, she heard Starlight scream in pain, after Chrysalis threw Starlight in front of the blade like a pony-shield. Twilight’s mouth hung agape in shock, as she stepped backwards. Starlight groaned and peered down at the knife stuck between her upper thigh and her groin, blood pouring down to the ground like a waterfall. Chrysalis chuckled and threw Starlight to the side, discarding her like a foal would with a toy. Starlight hit the ground hard, unmoving. It took a few moments of deep inhales and tears to convince herself to pull the knife out, strands of muscle and flakes of bones spilling out onto the floor. She held her wound and let her head fall back to the ground, waning on consciousness.

Chrysalis approached Twilight, slowly.

“Given the chance to escape, you come back here...Why? Not to save your friend….You could’ve done that already. No, you came here. Looking for something, perhaps? For this?”

Chrysalis pulled out the amulet and waved it in front of Twilight.

“You’re not as clever as you think you are.”

Chrysalis held Twilight in the air and brought her out into the Main Hall, forcing her to stare down at Starlight as she bled out.

Rainbow was getting anxious, as the situation down below got worse and worse.

“Great, now she’s got both of them...Come on, Fluttershy, now?”

“No...Just...Wait, where’s Pinkie and Shining Armor? Rarity said they’d be with Twilight.”

Right on cue, they heard a distant yelp from much farther down the tunnel. Rainbow turned to Fluttershy, her eyes pleading.

“Go on...See if it’s them.”

Rainbow smiled and flew off, while Fluttershy continued watching, her stress levels increasing by the second.

Black Frost and the entire gang of villains made their way down the hallway to see what exactly all the commotion was about. Upon seeing Starlight Glimmer, the key to his victory, bleeding and moaning on the ground, Frost was immediately enraged.

“Chrysalis! What have you done?”

Chrysalis continued holding Twilight in the air, as she turned to face Frost, who looked utterly betrayed.

“You should be happy, Frost. I’ve decided you were indeed correct about wiping the wench unicorn’s mind.”

Frost was taken aback.

“Well...I’m very glad to see we’re on the same page then...Why don’t we do it now, before you accidentally kill her.”

Chrysalis sent a deranged smile his way, as she trotted towards Starlight, who was struggling to stay awake as she lost so much blood.

“Oh Frost, you would be so kind as to let me have a final send off for her…”

Frost stared at her.

“Whatever suits you, Chrysalis…” he said hesitantly. Though he was all for violence, he had a feeling she was about to overdo it.

Shining Armor’s hoof almost slipped, as the slope they were climbing became more and more vertical, making it more and more difficult to hold on. Above him, Pinkie seemed to be having less trouble.

“Hurry up, slowpoke!”

Shining Armor grumbled and continued climbing. Pinkie snorted with laughter as she looked forward to their escape, until she too misplaced a hoof. Yelping as she lost her balance completely, she felt herself falling midair all the way to the ground, until she something grabbed a hold of her tail. Holding her upside down, Rainbow Dash smiled at a dizzy Pinkie Pie. Getting her vision straight and peering upwards, she could barely contain her surprise.

“Rainbow Dash! Am I glad to see you!” Pinkie was practically bouncing as Rainbow set her on the level ground of the tunnel opening up above, and then went back down for Shining Armor. Once they were all together, Rainbow caught her breath and let Pinkie give her a momentous bear hug.

“I’m SO happy to see you!”

“I’m happy to see you too, Pinkie...Fluttershy is down this way, come on! Just stay quiet…”

Rarity, Applejack, and Hickory at last made it back to where they started, but this time approached the door more cautiously, picking up voices coming from the Main Hall. Hickory’s eyes narrowed as he approached the door and peeked through the crack, getting a full view of Chrysalis and the ponies.

“What do you see?” asked Applejack.

“That’s her alright...Chrysalis...There’s a pony on the ground...She’s got teal streaks. Is that the one? Starlight?”

Hickory got out of the way to let Applejack take a look.

“That’s her. And Twilight! She’s got both of ‘em...”

“Should we still meet back with Rainbow and Fluttershy?” Rarity asked.

“I don’t see how we could with Chrysalis right there…Hickory, check to find any other entrance to the hall there...Let’s spread out and try and get the jump on her...Rainbow will follow our lead once we start.”

“Start what again? Rarity’s the only one with any magic…”

“That’s why Rarity will be the one using her magic on Chrysalis...while we get Twilight and Starlight out of there.”

“I don’t think I like being the one to get Chrysalis,” pouted Rarity.

“You’ll be fine…” she said, as Hickory disappeared into another room, “We’ll all be fine…”

Twilight, helplessly hovering in the air in a green bubble of magic, glanced down as Chrysalis picked up the knife Starlight had just removed from her thigh. Starlight’s eyes weakly rose to look at Chrysalis, but showed no signs of regret, nor did she give any attempt at defiance. She just seemed...absolutely defeated.

“You’ve been a good pet, Starlight. Given you’ll never have any original thoughts of your own for the rest of your life, I figure it’s only fitting I give you some things to feel….strongly about.”

Unexpectedly, Chrysalis took the knife and slashed right across Starlight’s face. Starlight barely made a sound, though she was flinching unforgivingly. The blade cut right across her nose and under her good eye, which scared her. She had already lost one eye, two would be even worse. Twilight had more of a reaction than Starlight, thrashing with all her might against the bindings of the magical bindings, desperate to help her friend.

Above, Fluttershy embraced Pinkie and Shining Armor after Rainbow brought them.

“Twilight...didn’t have as much luck I take it,” Shining Armor said.
Nopony answered him as they continued staring down, forlorn.

Starlight extended a hoof across the stone floor, grunting. She wiped away some blood and laid there. The knowledge that her mind was about to be wiped gave her a strange feeling. Like every thought she had from now on had to be remarkable for some reason. Like it was her last words.

While she fell into a sea of retrospect, the blade returned, sticking itself right through her left shoulder. This time, she did scream, as the blade kept cutting down, and down, until it almost cut through her heart. Chrysalis pulled back, letting blood seep out endlessly. Starlight gasped for breath. If she was to die here, at least she died trying to save somepony.


Starlight found that word significant. After this entire dreadful experience, Starlight understood that she wasn’t inherently good, but also wasn’t inherently bad. She supposed nopony was either, though Twilight and Chrysalis were good examples of what she meant. All her life, Starlight hadn’t decided to be good or evil to please herself, she did it to please others. Even now, as Chrysalis cleaned the knife of her crimson red blood, Starlight had just been trying to be a good pet. And failed. Trying, and failing. Maybe she hadn’t accomplished much good, but she had tried to. Doesn’t that count for something?

Chrysalis raised Starlight into the air, smiling.

“I don’t think you’ll be needing that tongue either...Isn’t that what you wanted, Starlight? Isn’t this what you wanted?”

Starlight was barely listening, she was so consumed by existential dread. What was going to become of her?

Rainbow took a nervous breath as she watched Chrysalis raise the knife in the air, about to cut off Starlight’s tongue.


“Now might be the time.”

“I thought so.” Rainbow shoved herself to the front of the group, waiting for the right moment.

Hickory had found an exit that led to the spot where the ponies were, and prepared himself for a fight. Meanwhile, by the other door, Applejack glanced over at Rarity, giving her a look of reassurance. Rarity was nervous as ever , as anypony having to fight Chrysalis would be.

Twilight felt the hope drain out of her once more, as Chrysalis grabbed a hold of Starlight’s tongue with her magic and pulled it taught, straight towards her. Raising the knife even higher, Chrysalis caught a glimpse of Starlight’s eyes, lifeless and cold. Chrysalis almost felt sympathy, and considered holding off.

She wasn’t given much choice when she felt the hoof of a cyan-colored pegasus slam straight into her skull from above, knocking Chrysalis to the floor, dropping Starlight and the knife.

Twilight’s eyes darted up to see Rainbow Dash standing in front of her, her eyes shooting daggers in Chrysalis’ directions. Across the room, Black Frost felt his heart sink.


Chrysalis got up slowly, cracking her jaw back into place.

“You ponies just don’t stop, do you?”

Rainbow smirked.

“No, in fact we haven’t started yet.”

Applejack and Rarity jumped out from the door, Rarity blasting Chrysalis straight in the chest, throwing Chrysalis into a wall, the entire cave shaking at the impact.

“Rarity!” Twilight exclaimed. Her confidence surged at the sight of the amulet, lying on the ground a few meters away. Chrysalis had dropped it, and now was Twilight’s chance. Picking herself up from the floor, Twilight ran past Rainbow to grab it, until she saw it slip away. Black Frost was standing before her, holding it in the air.

“You know, I had a feeling.”

He kicked her square in the face, knocking her backwards into Rainbow’s arm. Frost smirked as he stepped backwards, the crowd of villains walking past him, approaching the ponies. Applejack and Rarity joined them, along with Fluttershy struggling to carry Shining Armor and Pinkie all the way to the ground. Eventually, they were all together. Starlight was off to the side, half-unconscious from blood loss. The ponies stayed together, as the mob of villains slowly surrounded them.

“You all picked a fine time to show up,” Twilight said.

“That’s one way to say thank you,” Rainbow replied, smiling.

“We need to get that amulet, it’s blocking our magic.”

“I’ll get it with you,” Shining Armor said.

“The rest of you, deal with these guys,” Twilight said.

One of the villains bolted towards them, the others all following suit, tackling Rainbow to the ground, causing damage to her wounded chest. She groaned in pain, but continued fighting.

Shining Armor, filled with rage, slammed his head straight into two villains, clearing a path for Twilight to go for Black Frost. She stopped a few meters in front of him, noticing his fear.

“It’s not too late to do the right thing…”

“I think I’ve had enough of your advice.”

Rarity continued zapping villains left and right, until she felt the hot impact of Chrysalis’ green magic burn right through her, tossing her into the hard rock walls of the lair, unconscious. Chrysalis was seething with rage, searching for Twilight through the crowd of ponies fighting. Twilight, about to go for the amulet, noticed Chrysalis was awake and about to blast her, jumping out of the way just in time. Now, she was stuck in the crowd of ponies, beating each other into submission. She saw Fluttershy kicking and punching in every direction, terrified. Sticking her head out, she saw Shining Armor a few meters ahead.

“Shining Armor! The amulet!” she yelled, motioning towards Frost, who was still holding it in his hooves.

Shining Armor got the message and dashed towards Frost, who held his ground. Shining Armor felt the feeling of triumph before he even had it, though his expectations weren’t met. Another blast from Chrysalis nailed him straight in the chest, throwing him into a wall, banging his head on a rock, and knocking him out.

Chrysalis smirked as she approached Frost.

“Well done, Frost. You may have just won us the day. Now, give it to me.”

Frost stared at her.

“I will. But you must wipe Starlight’s mind first.”

“Why ever would I-”

“Nevermind why! Do it now or I’ll destroy your precious amulet!”

Chrysalis stuttered in fear. If the amulet was destroyed, her powers would weaken and Twilight would be free. Coerced, she bitterly nodded and approached Starlight on the ground, to the sounds of ponies tackling and attacking each other.

“Goodbye, Starlight. What we had was pleasant while it lasted...for me at least.”

Chrysalis closed her eyes and began casting her spell to permanently erase Starlight’s mind, while Frost eagerly watched from behind.
Twilight managed to climb her way out of the crowd to see Frost still holding the amulet. Chrysalis had begun the spell, as Starlight’s eyes rolled back, drool spilling out her mouth. Her limbs began to shake involuntarily, all the while Frost smiled with glee.

That was, until Hickory’s knee found its mark underneath Frost’s chin, forcing him to drop the amulet. Hickory brought his arms down on top of Frost’s head, knocking him to the floor. The amulet landed a few feet between Chrysalis, Frost, and Twilight, who seized the opportunity. Hickory, who was only interested in the fight, left the scene to go help Applejack, who was struggling to fend off Aluminon and Gargarov simultaneously. Twilight dashed for the amulet, but Chrysalis noticed it too, ignoring Starlight and extending her arm out. The two collided into each other, the amulet slipping out of their hooves into the air, landing in the midst of the fighting.

“You ignorant pest!” Chrysalis hollered, grabbing Twilight by the neck with her magic and lifting her into the air, choking her just as she did to Starlight.

Until, Chrysalis felt her magic flicker on and off. Chrysalis dropped Twilight in confusion, while Twilight felt her strange headache slowly disappear.

Chrysalis turned, confused, and then turned a ghostly white, horrified to see that Pinkie Pie had accidentally stepped on the amulet, crushing it to pieces.


Twilight stood up, slowly, angry. She felt her magic return to her, though it wasn’t as strong as normal-she guessed the spell was still wearing off. Still, better than nothing at all.

Chrysalis could feel herself grow weaker, though some of her extra strength was still around-again due to the spell still wearing off.

Without any exchange of words, Twilight shot her purple beam of magic straight at Chrysalis, who defended herself with her own magic, green and purple sparks spraying across the room.

Starlight, still awake, grabbed her head, dizzy. She had felt her mind begin to deteriorate, though now she didn’t feel any different. She coughed a few times and again gripped her bloody wounds. Both Twilight and Chrysalis, who were engaged in a fierce standoff, noticed this. Both ponies were putting everything they had into this, intending on killing the other. Yet, neither could hold off forever.

“Starlight!” Chrysalis exclaimed, struggling to keep fighting, “This is your chance to prove yourself to me...Help me defeat her, and you can make amends for your mistakes!”

“No, Starlight! Don’t listen to her! She’s using you!” Twilight yelled, also struggling to keep up her attack.

“She is the one using you, Starlight!”

Starlight lifted her head, slowly. She felt her magic return, sparks twinkling off of her horn. She felt the power return to her.

And it felt good.

She rose to her feet, staring at the two ponies-her mistresses, her superiors, her queens. Fighting over her. Now that Starlight could finally see things plainly, she realized she’s had enough of this

Twilight noticed Starlight’s conflict, and feared how much longer she would be able to do this, as her feet began to slip during the duel.


Twilight’s commanding tone ignited the fire Starlight had been brewing. A flash of anger fell across her, as she shot two beams of magic, one hitting Twilight, and one hitting Chrysalis, sending them both tumbling across the ground.

“I’m not a toy for you to play with. You’re not telling me what to do anymore!” she yelled, this time without tears. Just anger.

Behind her, some of the villains noticed Starlight’s activity, and made the quick decision to try and intervene.

Gargarov went first, grabbing Starlight by the neck, trying to subdue her. Starlight screamed and blasted upwards, burning a large hole up through the bottom of Gargarov’s jaw. Blood, teeth, and brain matter splattered across her face. Two more ponies approached, who Starlight dispatched quickly with one beam of magic, slicing through both of them, cutting them each in half.

Just like dogs.

Aluminon, after getting his face pounded in by Hickory, regrouped with Cellestrous, who was having even less luck.

“It looks as though all is lost.”

“Should we run?”

“Unless you’d like to stay…”

The two scurried off down a corridor to escape the lair, while the other ponies continued fighting.
There weren’t many left, giving Applejack enough time to find Rainbow, Pinkie, and Fluttershy.

“We’ve got to start taking those ponies in those cocoons down!”

“Fluttershy and I are on it.”

The pegasi took flight, while Applejack turned around to resume fighting. She was less than ecstatic to find a dragon’s fist slamming into her face, knocking her into the ground. Arevoure, the dragon, grimaced at her as he took one more step, trying to stomp her face into a bloody pulp. Until, Hickory jumped at the dragon’s legs, tripping him up. The dragon fell to the floor and roared, breathing a large cloud of fire towards the stallion, who somersaulted away to dodge it. Lifting his sweat-covered head, Hickory ran towards the dragon, and, drawing his lucky knife, stabbed him right in the gut, drawing it sideways, the dragons’ guts spilling out onto the floor. The dragon groaned and fell back down, dead. Hickory took in his success and helped Applejack up. All the other villains were by now dead or unconscious. Applejack turned to Pinkie, who was nearby.

“Pinkie, go bring Shining Armor and Rarity over there, we’ll help Rainbow and Fluttershy with the other ponies,” said Applejack, tiredly.

“Hold it, shouldn’t we help your princess friend?” Hickory asked.

“She’ll be fine. Come on…”

Starlight turned back to face Twilight and Chrysalis, who were slowly picking themselves up. Caught in a three-way standoff, Starlight made the first move, picking up Twilight and Chrysalis with her magic, choking both of them. She was extra hard on Chrysalis, as a sort of payback for earlier.

“I hate you!!”

She squeezed as tight as she could, nearly breaking both ponies’ necks. Until, she felt a hoof pound into the back of her head. She fell, dropping Twilight and Chrysalis. It was Black Frost who had saved them, though he wasn’t looking too good. Chrysalis zapped a confused Twilight across the room, smashing her head into a wall and rendering her unconscious. Chrysalis then turned her attention to Frost. He was shaking with fright as she approached him, no remorse in his eyes.

“Now Chrysalis, don’t be so hasty with your judgements, we both know I-”

Before he could finish his sentence, Chrysalis blasted a hole through his head, his sinister smile still there as his body fell to the ground in a smoking heap.

Starlight stood up, reeling from the pain in her head. Chrysalis circled around her, not at all pleased.

“Starlight, you have failed me.”

“Yes, my queen, it looks as though I have,” Starlight said spitefully, “Go on then. Prove your superiority.”

Chrysalis was uneasy about Starlight’s confidence, but persisted. Their magical energy fused as they fired at each other, blue and green meshing into a colorful spectacle. Chrysalis was putting everything she had into it, though she knew, as time went on, the spell would only grow fainter, meaning she would get weaker and Starlight would get stronger. This was a fight she couldn’t win, but she couldn’t admit defeat.

Not again.

Starlight gritted her teeth as she stared down Chrysalis, her hooves planted squarely on the floor, putting everything she had into her spell. Chrysalis was starting to give, Starlight could feel it.

Chrysalis felt her strength break, and, as fast as possible, tried to divert the impact of Starlight’s blast away from her. She barely succeeded, an explosion burning her right side and sending her crashing into another part of the cave. Starlight took a deep breath and shuddered, exhausted. She considered finishing Chrysalis off, but restrained herself upon hearing the quiet groans of Twilight Sparkle. Trotting towards her, she felt pity and regret for being so harsh towards her. She picked Twilight up and carried her towards the center of the Main Hall.

Starlight was shocked to find that those eerie cocoons were all removed, and a new crowd of familiar faces was standing before her.


Trixie ran ahead of the crowd to embrace her friend, almost completely ignoring how mangled and unrecognizable she was. Starlight stood still, unsure what to do. It felt odd, to feel that kind of warmth she had been deprived of for so long. Starlight dropped Twilight near the unconscious Rarity and Shining Armor, and gazed at the ponies, all weary from a long battle. Starlight thought about how she was about to kill Twilight a second ago, and regretted it. Maybe she didn’t fit in with these ponies, but they weren’t bad at all, and none of them deserved to die. That moment of calm was interrupted by the slow, maniacal laugh of Chrysalis, still alive, sauntering towards them from her crash site.

Starlight turned around, stepping in front of the other ponies, who all took a step back out of fear. Starlight showed no hesitation, only fury. Chrysalis, on the other hand, had already lost her sanity.

“Is that it then, Starlight? You really think you can go back? To them? Is that really what you want?”

Starlight’s scowl slowly fell as she considered what Chrysalis was saying. She remembered her plan: ‘No matter the costs, these ponies had to be saved.’
Starlight’s eyes met back with Chrysalis, as the other ponies stared on.

“Nothing to say for yourself, as usual.”

“It doesn’t matter what I want.”

The other ponies perked up at her voice, which was more somber and focused than they were used to.

“These ponies are getting out of here. You, me, maybe not. But they are.”

“Are you prepared to prove that?”

“That’s entirely up to you.”

Chrysalis frowned. She knew she couldn’t beat Starlight, she had barely survived just now. She stumbled backwards as Starlight took another step closer, unafraid.

“If you’re so powerful, why are you so afraid?”

Twilight’s eyes started to open, slowly, and was pleasantly surprised to see she was surrounded by her friends.

Chrysalis watched as Twilight woke up, and got an idea. A selfish, delightful idea. Aiming her horn towards the walls of the cave, she fired a beam of magic, cutting across the cave, creating huge, splintering cracks that stretched across the entire lair.
Starlight realized Chrysalis was trying to bring the whole cave down on them, and, seeing no other option, aimed her horn towards the ceiling. After a deep inhale, she fired a beam of magic straight up, blasting a hole through the ceiling, wide enough for ten ponies to fit through. She slowly carved up through the rock, vaporizing it as she went. Chrysalis saw this, and, after cracking a grin, blasted Starlight straight in the chest, burning her flesh off and causing some internal bleeding. She held on though, and continued firing her magic upwards, as the ponies behind her crowded together in fear, while the cave around them began to crumble. Chrysalis was disgusted with Starlight’s resilience, blasting her again and again, each time bringing her a few seconds closer to death. Still, Starlight pressed on, until at last, she saw sunlight, about 300 meters up. All the ponies turned away, the sunlight burning their eyes after being in the darkness for so long. Chrysalis shot one last blast at Starlight, straight through the stomach. Starlight mumbled something unintelligible, grabbed at her wounds and then collapsed to the floor, in one smoking, bloody mess. Twilight sauntered towards her, confirming that she was still alive, before eyeing down Chrysalis.

“Perhaps I was wrong about you, Twilight…” she said the debris from the collapsing cave became denser. “Perhaps you do have strength.”

Chrysalis sent one last devilish grin Twilight’s way before escaping down the tunnel where Rainbow’s group came from, escaping the falling rubble.

Twilight turned her attention back to her friends, who were all compressed tightly, trying to avoid being crushed by falling rocks.

“Everypony! You have to stay close together...I’m going to teleport you all out of here…”

“Twilight, I thought you could only teleport ponies one at a time!” Pinkie said, worried.

“Today I’ll have to try a bit harder.”

Closing her eyes and focusing, Twilight’s horn began to glow bright purple, as she thought about how many lives were at stake, and how close they were to victory. And most of all, how Starlight nearly gave her life to help them escape. She felt the passion, the hope, the friendship, and it gave her power. Groaning while concentrating, she put all her strength into this one spell. In a bright flash of light, everypony disappeared from the floor of the Main Hall, as the rest of the cave gave in on itself and fully collapsed.

On solid, grassy ground under the bright sun, hidden behind a few puffy white clouds, the ponies reappeared, covered in dust, blood, sweat, or a combination of all three. The ponies glanced down through the hole they had risen out of, as the cave crumbled apart. The ponies all cheered and congratulated each other, Hickory embracing Applejack, Shining Armor and Pinkie hugging an absolutely exhausted Twilight. But her mind wasn’t focused on celebrating. She was focusing on Starlight Glimmer, who had risen from the ground, blood staining the green grass they were resting on. Starlight gazed at Twilight, her eyes emoting a sense of acceptance. Twilight could only stare as Starlight’s horn began to glow, until she disappeared in a moment, teleporting somewhere, anywhere but here. Twilight had too many feelings to process, and could only sit in silence, with the wind blowing her dust-covered mane, while her friends celebrated their long-toiled victory around her.

Chapter Twenty: Redemption

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Spike ran up to her as she opened the doors to the castle. Though she was beyond tired from having to walk several miles home, she couldn’t help but smile at her beloved companion’s warm embrace.

“I can’t believe you’re back! You’ve been gone so long! We’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Spike exclaimed.

“I’m alright, Spike...we’re all alright,” Twilight said, stepping aside to show Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Shining Armor, and Fluttershy all behind her. Spike’s smile dropped.

“Where’s Rainbow and Applejack?”

“They were...hurt...they’re getting treated right now. Don’t worry, they’ll be fine.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re all alive.”

Twilight gave a small, weak smile before collapsing in her chair in front of the Cutie Map, exhausted. It felt good to be back. The other ponies joined her and sat down in their respective chairs, except for Shining Armor, who was standing off to the side.

“Twilight, I’ve been so worried...I told Princess Celestia, and Cadence what happened. They sent search parties and everything! We all thought…”

“You told Celestia?” Twilight asked, angrily. Her exhaustion made her short-tempered. Spike meanwhile, was aloof.

“Well yeah, and by the looks of you all I think you could’ve used a rescue,” Spike retorted, eyeing down the filthy and bruised ponies.

“I didn’t want Celestia to know about this….this disaster.”

“Don’t say that, Twilight. If you’re all okay, what’s the matter?”

Twilight glared at him for a few moments before he remembered why they had left in the first place.

“Wait, where’s Starlight?!”

Twilight sighed. She had barely spoken to anypony on the trek back to Ponyville. After sending off all those ponies from Starlight’s village back to their homes, checking Rainbow and Applejack into the hospital, and getting to have a brief moment alone, she was struggling to hold it all in. Now she had to relive it all.

“She’s alive...and she got out. But...she left. We don’t know where she is.”

Spike, who normally always had an answer, didn’t know what to say.

“...Twilight, if she’s alive, we’ll find her. She’s probably just lost.”

“That’s not it, Spike. I don’t think she...wants to come back…”

“...Oh…” Spike had enjoyed Starlight’s company, and hearing that news pained him. Twilight’s hopeless tone didn’t help, either.

The other ponies were just as somber, sitting low in their chairs. They had won, but nopony was feeling victorious.

Shining Armor took a nervous breath before taking a step closer to the table.

“Twi...I’ve got to go see Cadence...She’s probably worried and…”

“It’s alright...We’ll be fine here….”

Shining Armor cautiously nodded before turning to leave.

“I’m sorry, about all of this…” Twilight said.

Shining Armor stopped. Twilight, as usual, took responsibility for every death on that mission. Given Starlight was gone and unable to bear Shining Armor’s wrath, Twilight had told him on the way back what had happened to Fritz. Though Shining Armor had already assumed the kid was dead as soon as he got himself lost in the first place. It still hurt. It was never right to die so young.

Shining Armor had lost every single one of his soldiers, and didn’t have much to show for it. Chrysalis was still out there, and they hadn’t really saved Starlight. If anything, Starlight had saved them. Shining Armor could feel Twilight’s fear that he would hold those deaths against her.

“It’ll be ok...I promise.”

He said those words, slowly, and then left, the door swinging close behind him. Twilight was forlorn. They all were, even Spike, who hated to receive a lot of bad news at once. Until, he remembered something.

“Twilight...you should know...Celestia wants to see you.”

“What?! Why?” Twilight was shook. In her current state, a reprimand was the last thing she needed.

“When she heard you were back she sent a letter, and she wants you to go to Canterlot to see her, today.”

“Today?!” Twilight threw her head back in desperation. It seemed as though things just kept getting worse.

“Twilight, if you don’t mind, we’ll come with you,” Rarity said, cautiously, noticing how stressed Twilight was. Pinkie and Fluttershy nodded in agreement.

“We’ll all tell Celestia...together,” Fluttershy said.

Twilight felt a bit of comfort with her friends, though the pain of losing one was hard to counter.

Applejack awoke in a cold sweat. Her memory slowly faded back as she rose her head from the bed. She remembered passing out at some point on the journey back. To her relief, she was back in Ponyville, in the hospital.The room she was in was filled with sunlight and other beds, where a multitude of injured ponies lay. Applejack reached down to feel her aching legs, which had been worked on all night by the medical ponies. Turning her head, she saw Rainbow Dash, half-asleep, bandages wrapped around her chest.

“I take it we made it back alive?” Applejack asked hesitantly, not knowing if Rainbow was awake or not.

“Oh, Applejack, you’re awake…” Rainbow said, yawning after snapping back from a light-nap, “Twilight left this morning. She’s at the castle now I think.”

“How’s she holding up?”

“Tough to know, I’m not with her.”

Applejack rolled her eyes while smiling and attempted to stand up from the bed, only to be met with a sharp pain, her legs feeling like they were being shattered to pieces. While Applejack grunted and fell back on the bed, Rainbow snickered.

“You were worse than you thought...Better give it some time to heal before you start adventuring again,” Rainbow said.

“I need to see Apple Bloom, and Granny, and Big Mac...to let ‘em know I’m okay.”

“They know. They were here this morning too.”

Applejack gave up and laid there, bedbound. Until, she heard the rustling of sheets from the other direction. Turning, she saw Hickory’s lumbering form rising from the bed across from her, scars and bruises covering his back.


Hickory made it to his hooves and turned around.

“Applejack...Your Ponyville doctors are pretty good...I feel as good as when we left.”

“Where do you think you’re going?”

Hickory stopped. There was conflict in his eyes, though Applejack wasn’t sure what it was about.

“Applejack...I’ve got to...I’d love to stay here...with you...but…”

“But what?” said Applejack, figuring they had formed a relationship strong enough not to be broken already.

“It’s Sunflower….I said I was going to go back for her...her body. And we never got the chance.”

Rainbow’s ears perked up.

“You don’t mean go back! Chrysalis is in there, remember?”

“I know that, but frankly I haven’t got much to lose…”

“You’re going right now?”

“I’m heading home...My friends and family need to know about all this...and that I’m alright. Then I’ll find her.”

“Well, if you need our help, we’ll be here,” said Applejack, sorry to see him go, but understanding.

“You’re good friends, both of you...I’m sorry we couldn’t get that unicorn back…”

“We did enough...And we couldn’t have done it without you…”

Hickory smiled, nodded to the both of them, and then turned to leave the room.

“Oh, and tell Princess Twilight that my sister...really wanted to meet her.”

Applejack smiled and nodded, Hickory exiting the door, and perhaps, her life. She felt remorse for Sunflower’s death, and now also for the bond she felt had been created between her and that stallion, a type of bond she hadn’t felt in a long time.
‘Perhaps something good has come out of it. Even if it was just for a little while...’
Applejack fell back to the bed and shut her eyes, following Rainbow’s example, both trying their best to recuperate after their long and painful journey.

Twilight Sparkle was led up the ever-so familiar set of steps, to a large, glamorous stone door. The guards stepped to the side, leaving Twilight to open those doors herself. With Rarity and Pinkie beside her, Fluttershy behind, Twilight took a deep breath before opening the heavy doors, unsure if she could handle this. She pushed the doors open, revealing the splendorous throne room, where Celestia was sitting on her throne several meters ahead, alone.

Twilight’s eyes darted around the room nervously, before she slowly approached.

“Princess Celestia...Where’s Luna?”

Celestia stared at her former pupil, who slowly made her way before her. Celestia was immaculate, as usual, but had little expression. Twilight couldn’t tell if she was angry or not.

“Unfortunately, Luna was the one I sent to search for you...all in vain.”

Twilight stopped walking. She noticed Fluttershy’s legs quivering slightly, and Pinkie uncharacteristically quiet. Her eyes rose back up to Celestia.

“I’m glad you’re alright, Twilight. You had us all very worried. I don’t know how I would cope if my...best student was lost. It’s good you’re safe.”

Twilight’s eyes flickered with red anger. Celestia seemed almost oblivious to all of her struggles.

“I’m not sure I want to hear your explanation. Before you do, I want to let you know that I find it very irresponsible for you to go on this...secret little adventure, sending Equestria into a panic, and forcing ponies all over to put together searches.”
Twilight was dumbstruck. That was all she cared about? Twilight felt guilty, sure, but not for any of that.

“Princess Celestia…” she began, uncertain how much to say, “I...am sorry, very sorry...for not trusting you...I was...scared, and overwhelmed, and I know I made a mistake…”

“You did. And I’m glad that you can admit that. Overstepping your bounds and acting out of pride is no way to be a leader…”

The other ponies could feel the emotions swell up in Twilight’s heart.

“I...I’m sorry…” she said, no little noise came out. She was already close to breaking into tears. Rarity decided now would be the right time to intervene.

“Um, Princess Celestia, if I may….I believe that Twilight handled the situation to the best of her ability...It was essentially a pure success. I would direct our anger towards the pony that really started this, and that’s not Twilight.”

Twilight collected herself while Rarity spoke. Celestia cared little.

“What matters to me is the peace and harmony of our ponies here in Equestria. And your escapade threatened that.”

“That’s not what this is about! Princess, this is about Starlight. I didn’t want you to think I was a failure! I’ve lost her! She’s gone!” Twilight said, loudly, half-crying.

Celestia stared at her, concerned.

“Spike told me all about Starlight being...ponynapped. Twilight, I would never think of you as a failure. You’ve persevered through so much already, and I strongly believe you’ll persevere through this.”

“She’s not coming back. And it’s my fault. She hates me.”

“I don’t think she does...Starlight has always been...confused...She has great strength, but doesn’t know how to cope with it. Tell me, how did you escape from…. Chrysalis’ little lair underground? That is what it was, correct?”

“We...Starlight...defeated her…”

“Is that so? Well, I hadn’t even known what happened, and it’s just as I thought. If Starlight really hated you, would she have helped you?”

“But..she left me…”

“She’s learned much from you, Twilight...Trust in your own teachings. She’ll eventually figure out what path is best for her. Already, you’ve done all you can. Part of taking up a pupil is knowing when to let go.”

“But...I wasn’t ready.”

“But she was...Clear your mind, and let go.”

Twilight rubbed away her tears, frustrated.

“There’s no point in hanging onto somepony we can’t reach.”

Twilight glanced back up at her.

“She’s...unstable...Dangerous, even...to others...and definitely herself...We all saw it,” Twilight said, her friends nodding in support.

“I’m worried about her...And I won’t stop worrying about her until I know she’s safe.”

Celestia stared at Twilight, seeing all of the emotional pain this experience has caused. Hesitantly, she gave in.

“Very well, Twilight, I will alert the townships to be wary…”

“Thank you, Celestia…”

“Twilight...Have patience...All will right itself in time…”

Twilight gave one last look at her teacher. She knew what was right, but couldn’t let go...she just couldn’t. Not when she was so close to getting her back. After all this pain, and death, she hadn’t gotten what she wanted. It was frustrating. Twilight thought about taking things into her own hooves again, but given last time, that seemed like a bad idea. Maybe, for once, she would really have to just let things take their course.

Exiting the palace, the ponies stopped for dinner at a restaurant and enjoyed each other’s company. A return to normalcy was exactly what Twilight needed. While the other ponies talked with each other, Twilight closed her eyes and remembered what Celestia had told her, to let things take their course.

‘She’ll find her path...And I’ve got to focus on my own.’

Opening her eyes once more, Twilight joined the other three’s conversation, briefly forgetting about the past.

Somewhere far away from Canterlot, barely within the confines of the land known as Equestria, there was a quiet town, built on top of sandy beaches that overlooked a vast blue ocean. The sky was almost always grey, except in the summer, when the sun would poke through the ever-present clouds. The houses and shops and essentially every building was built from wood, and the population was mostly earth ponies and pegasi, with the occasional travelling unicorn, dragon, or hippogriff passing through. The name of the town hardly mattered, as few ponies in the heart of Equestria knew of it. It was rather insignificant to most.

To Starlight Glimmer, it was a new home. Everything she wanted for a fresh start was here-lots of work, a library, and what appeared to be a welcoming community.

Starlight had first disappeared a few months ago. At first, she didn’t know where to go or what to do. All she knew was that she couldn’t go back. Not yet. One of her legs was still badly injured, so she knew she couldn’t make it far. She had decided to take refuge in a cave, carved high up inside a mountain. It was secluded, and more or less peaceful. There, she would rest.

In the cave, Starlight would frequently jump to the sound of water dripping from the ceiling, reminding her of her very first introduction to Chrysalis’ lair.
It took time to heal, both physically and mentally. Starlight, of course, kept doubting her decisions, begging herself to own up and return to face Twilight.


She kept telling herself that every time she hesitated or questioned. She had to figure out her life on her own this time. She had to earn the “good pony” title by herself.

Eventually, she got hungry, and had to leave the cave, though where she was headed, she still had no idea.

After another few months of wandering, Starlight gradually brought herself farther and farther away from Ponyville. She learned to live off the land, and took becoming a survivalist as a sort of hobby. Or, more accurately, a distraction. When your immediate need is food and shelter, you tend to forget about your life problems.

Starlight would stop by every town she encountered, practicing her magic, making a few friends, doing some menial jobs for a small pay of bits. And drinking, of course. Lots of drinking.

She visited many towns, but never stayed longer than a few weeks. Starlight was well-aware that Twilight and Celestia had sent the Royal Guard out from Canterlot to find her. She wasn’t sure why they wanted her to begin with. Until, she picked up on some fake reports of herself committing several violent crimes across the countryside, likely created by desperate attention-seekers. It seemed an awfully cruel thing to do, but after everything Chrysalis had done, Starlight’s standards for ‘cruel’ were difficult to reach. She had given up violence all together, even if it meant her being beaten up and robbed, which happened to her at the very first town she visited. That was a major setback, but Starlight was able to recover. She even learned how to defend herself without magic. She considered herself a threat just as much as Twilight did. She regretted killing Fritz. His death haunted her, daily.

She was truly aimless, until she came to this town by the beach. Starlight, a vagabond for months now, was wearing a grey cloak that hid her bright fur and mane, and was wearing a brown, leather backpack she had bought a few months ago, in it containing a journal, which she wrote in rarely, a few books she had found (stolen), and some food. Approaching the edge of the cliff, she removed the hood of the cloak to reveal her face. She could now see out of both eyes again, though there was still a noticeable scar that stretched along one eye. Ponies would always ask, but she would always avoid talking about it. She gazed down on the quiet, small city, and wondered if this would be the place. Her dream come true: a fresh start.

Starlight, to an extent, was a fugitive now. Twilight and Celestia would be looking for her. She didn’t mind that though, because now she was far, far away from them. The farthest she could possibly be, in fact.

She took in the beauty of the scenery, and considered for one last moment turning back, forgetting trying to start a new life and go back to how things were. But deep down, she knew the way things were weren’t right. She watched a white seabird fly overhead, squealing. This place was her chance. A chance she couldn’t pass up on. Here, she knew she would find real redemption. And Starlight knew, more than anypony knew, that she would succeed.