Doctor's Displacement

by HeartfireFirebrand

First published

The Displaced, humans who end in an altenate world as another entity from a world of fiction. This is the story of two displaced who were saved by the Doctor.

Whisper Wood and Songbird Sapphrie were two best friends. Who on a normal day ran foul of some really bad people but with the help of the Doctor, they found themselves in Equestria both unware that a darkness seeking to consume all was beginning to make their own moves towards bringing the world under their control.

Right now the sex tag is going to be for nudity.

Chapter 1: Rebirth

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Two girls were walking home from school, Whisper Wood was a rough and tumble girl who loved fighting while her friend, Songbird Sapphire was in love with magic and fantasy. Today was going to be simultaneously their best and worst day, the passed by an alleyway only for one massive man to grab Songbird and run carrying her into the alley.

Whisper burst into the alley after the man shouting “Get back here!” As soon as she turned the corner several men carrying guns turned and pumped her full of lead as Songbird watched in horror. Songbird was thrown onto the ground by the man, he then tore off her school uniform and shoved his knife into her gut with a grin as she screamed out in pain. He laughed “I’m going carve you up nice and slow, you;ll be a perfect ornament for our hideout.”

A tall man stepped out of the shadows in a white doctor’s uniform a stethoscope dangling from his neck. He frowned “I was hoping to stop you and give them a choice but you have forced my hand”

The man stood up “Who are you, stranger! If you are here to interrupt my fun I will kill you!”

The man brushed his uniform “I’m simply known as Doctor, and antyime a fool such as you tried to oppose me they meet a grizzly end.” Before he or his lackeys could react he appeared behind them all of them exploding into bloody paste, he then looked over them and clicked his fingers. He vanished alongside the two girls.

Whisper woke up with a groan, she stood up only to see a strange blue girl in a magician’s outfit with vivid pink and silver hair standing in a clearing of a forest. She realised she was wearing a black leather jacket and long pants ending in boots on feet. Her skin was a light orange and one eye was green while the other was red, her hair was a mix of dark blue and bright red, she turned to the Doctor “Where am I and where’s Songbird!”

The Doctor grimaced “I was two late to save you from them so I did the one thing I could do and brought you two here in new bodies. You Whisper Wind are now Painset Shimmercakes, an incredibly power demonic goddess and your friend Songbird is now Magic Mare, a powerful magician.”

He then grimaced as he pulled out a syringe with four doses of s strange liquid “You need to use one of these once a week as your powers will kill you otherwise. I will give you a new one at the end of each month.”

Songbird grinned popping next to Whisper with a laugh “I can do magic, isn’t this amazing!”

Whisper frowned “Maybe but where are we exactly and what about our families. Won’t they miss us!”

The Doctor sighed “You can’t go back or else you will die. Right now you are in the magical land of Equestria, the home of magical bipedal ponies. These types of this land are easier for you to adapt to, you fit in better and are seen as less strange.” He then focused on Whisper “You should take your first dose now.”

Whisper winced as she injected the syringe into her side, she then frowned “Where are we now exactly?”

The Doctor smiled “Well this is the Everfree Forest, there are quite a few hostile monsters but nothing that you can’t handle. Your friend should stand behind you in a fight. Now if you excuse me I have to fill out your paperwork, don’t want my fellow displacers messing with you.”

Whisper strode forward through the forest with Songbird floating behind her, Whisper spun around and caught the muzzle of a wooden wolf. Songbird cowered “What is that?!”

Whisper growled “I don’t know but it will burn!” Her hand glowed with dark red light and the wolf burst into flame before throwing into the bushes. Two other wolves leapt out only for two glowing dark red hands to slam into them igniting them.” Whisper laughed “I’m going to like it here.”

Songbird cowered behind “I hope I don’t have to fight anything like that.”

Whisper grinned “I’ll handle the fighting” she then frowned as she looked at the sky “We should get to town before it gets dark.”

Songbird nodded “I agree, it wouldn’t be safe to be in this forest when it’s dark?”

The two began marching forward trying to find a way out when they felt the ground shake, they saw a greyish green bipedal unicorn stallion wearing a black shirt and dark blue jeans running away from a giant purple bear. Whisper growled “We have to save him, he probably knows the way to town!”

Whisper ran at the massive bear and delivered a massive kick sending the lumbering beat to the ground. Whisper frowned as she looked at the equine “What’s you name and what are you doing here?!”

The stallion rubbed the back of his head “I’m Snips, I wanted to defeat the Ursa Minor that turned up in town years ago but I upset the mother in my attempt.” He then grinned “Your really awesome, you knocked out the Ursa Major in a single kick.”

Songbird flew over nervously “Um could you take us to town before it wakes up again.”

Snips completely oblivious to her nervousness “Sure, just follow me. How did you two end up the Everfree anyway?”

Whisper frowned as she followed him “We were teleported from very far away, it seems the location we ended up in was intentional. It was likely the closest place to this Ponyville town he told us about but we don’t know exactly why he wants us here.”

Snips frowned “Who would teleport you into such a dangerous place, that seems irresponsible?”

Songbird raised an eyebrow “That’s a lot coming form someone who entered the same dangerous forest to fight a giant space bear. How in anyway was that responsible?”

Snips didn’t have anything to say, the rest of the trip was silent as they entered the town that was Ponyville. Most ponies were wearing rustic clothing but a light pink unicorn mare was wearing light blue mage robes, her light vermilion mane that slowly changed to a light amber colour with streak light grey olive was tied back. She turned to him with a scowl “You wandered into the Everfree Forest again looking for an Ursa Minor again didn’t you!”

Snip rubbed he back of his head “Luster, I was just trying prove myself. I also these two wandering through the forest, the tough looking mare saved me.”

Luster frowned “I can only see one of them, where…”

Two eyes floated in the air next to her, Songbird’s voice came form next to her “Oh hey.” Luster screamed as Songbird materialised “That was fun, I can’t wait to do that to another.”

Whisper growled “Songbird tone it down” she then apologised to Luster “I’m sorry about my friend. I’m Whisper Wood and my friend here is Songbird Sapphire, she loves magic as you can see.”

Luster smiled “I’m Luster Dawn, personal student of Princess Twilight. How did you end up in the Everfree?” Whisper and Songbird explained everything as Snips went on to go about his day. Luster frowned “I need to sent a message to my mentor, follow me to the castle. I’ve been staying there since I arrived, you can take one of the spare rooms.”

Songbird bounced excitedly “We get to stay in a castle!” Whisper rolled her eyes with a smile as the three of them headed to the massive crystal tree castle, unaware of several strange cloaked figures watching them.

Chapter 2: Strike

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Whisper was walking next to Luster while Songbird was flying next to them as they entered the castle. Whisper looked around the crystal insides “This seems pretty clean for a castle that only has one resident?”

Luster smiled “This castle is magical and cleans itself, it saved my mentor Princess Twilight a lot of trouble when she lived here.” Songbird was looking around in awe as they moved through the long crystal hallways.

It was not long before they were near two spare guest rooms, Luster smiled “These are the guest rooms. If you need anything just contact me.” They looked in both rooms, they were both plain and had simple beds as well as two small vanities.

They were about to inspect further when they heard Luster’s scream echo from the halls. Whisper began flying instinctively as her body was surrounded by a dark red aura with Songbird flying behind. They fly out of the castle only to see ten cloaked beings, two had talons, two had hands, two had paws, two had scaled claws and two had hooves.

They were all holding daggers, the one at the back had a dagger pressed against Luster’s throat. They were glaring at the ponies around, almost daring one to make move. Whisper snarled “Let her go!”

The figure holding the knife to Luster’s neck snarled “You wouldn’t dare attack us like this!”

Everypony tensed as the two groups glared at each other before Whisper lifted an arm, as soon as it glowed red all of the cloaked figures were held still by a red aura. She growled in an almost demonic tone as she levitated them into the air “Twin engines of your destruction!”

She then closed her hand and all ten of them imploded, Whisper walked over to Luster and held out a hand “Are you alright?!”

Luster groaned “Yes, I was not expecting to be attacked here. Still I must thank you for your help.”

Songbird gushed “That was so awesome! You dealt with them so quickly, I wonder if I can do something like that.”

Whisper shook her head with a frown “Now is not the time Songbird, we were just attacked by a group of hostile ponies” she then blinked “that was a very weird thing to say.”

Luster grimaced “Now I really need to send that letter, you two might want close your eyes. The first teleport can be quite disorientating.” Whisper and Songbird barely had enough time to close their eyes as they dissapeared in a flash of light, they stumbled a bit before realising they were in a crystal room with a pink bed, several bookshelves, a small desk and a vanity on the side.

Luster was busy writing the letter as Songbird grabbed a book on magic and turned to Whisper “Come on, let’s see if we can use some of the spells in this book!”

Whisper opened the book and turned to a page that had a teleportation in fancy huge bold letters at the top of a page. Before she could say a word she felt a sharp stab of pain in her mind, memories flooding her mind of sitting there reading this book and sometimes a huge white pony with an aurora like mane helped explain the concepts.

Whisper opened her eyes only to see Songbird looking at her with concern “What happened?”

Whisper grimaced “Memories of that book, of a mentor teaching me magic. This body has memories of it’s past.” With a click of her fingers she dissapeared in a flash of dark red light. She was now back in the forest, she clicked her fingers again and she was back in the room.

Songbird grinned “There must be more in this book.”

Whisper shook her head with a frown “I’ve had enough flashbacks for one day.”

Before they could say word Luster sent off her letter and turned to Whisper “I must thank you, I could have easily been killed. I don’t even know who they are but they came for me due to my position as Princess Twilight’s student I believe.” Before they could say a word a letter popped out of the candle sitting on her desk, Luster picked it up and frowned “We needed to head to the entrance, my Mentor is going to arrive soon, apparently what happened here is very serious.”

Whisper grimaced “Well let’s hope she tell us who those ponies were, they are quite hostile” she then turned to Luster “I’m surprised you don’t consider us strange, neither of us are ponies?”

Luster laughed as she headed to the door “This is Ponyville, weird things happen all the time. Everypony is used to it by now.”

Songbird shuddered as she followed alongside Whisper “I hope they don’t come after me as well, I’m not much of a fighter. Such powerful beings would probably beat me to a pulp.”

Whisper grinned as she nudged her friend “That just means that I have to protect you from these powerful beings.” They arrived outside of the castle only to see a huge chariot being pulled by several muscular winged stallion in full armour. Whisper and Songbird were in awe of the figure, a pony with a mighty long horn and massive wings was wearing a long flowing purple dress covered in powerful runes. A crown of gold with a purple six pointed star at the top rested on the Princesses head.

Luster bowed “Princess Twilight, you’ve graced us with your presence.”

Twilight have her a warm smile “There is no need to bow to me Luster I have enough nobles who give me hollow praise while they insult me behind my back.”

Luster smiled “I’ll try Princess.”

Twilight then turned to the two humans with a raised eyebrow “You look like Sunset Shimmer and the Trixie Lulamoon from the human world. Still there is something different about you two.”

A creature made of mismatched body parts appeared in a flash of light with a scowl “Displaced, human brought from an alternate realm and gifted with incredible powers! The Void Dwellers and displacers that sent to another world are practically gods in their own right.”

Twilight grimaced “Discord, tone it down. I want to know more about them.”

Discord took a deep breath before looking at the two “This is not really your fault, but sometimes other beings related to the creatures they are displaced as can come through. The realm that they come from is so chaotic that it makes me look like the god of order, death and madness are rampant. The worst part is the Elements of Insanity, a version of you and your friends corrupted by the chaotic freakish monsters.”

Twilight frowned “That is quite concerning, I will keep an eye out for these entities but for now the more pressing concern is the assassination attempt on my student” she then turned to Whisper and Songbird with a warm smile “While you two seem strange you saved my student, so I will grant you two one request each.”

Songbird smiled “I would like to learn more about magic.”

Twilight nodded “That can be easily arranged but what about your friend?”

Whisper grinned “I want to have a duel with most powerful fighter in the kingdom.”

Twilight frowned before nodding “So you enjoy fighting, very well then I’ll send a carriage to bring you to Canterlot for the duel but don’t expect your opponent to be merciful.”

Discord chuckled “Well this will be a sight to see.” Whisper was grinning eagerly as Songbird and Luster exchanged worried looks.

Chapter 3: Duel

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Whisper was sitting on the carriage next to Songbird grinning from ear to ear, Luster frowned “I can’t believe you asked that? What reason would you seek a fight fot.”

Whisper grinned “It’s the thrill of fight, of my heart beating in my chest as our fists clash.”

An older blue pegasus mare with a rainbow mane wearing something similar to a air force uniform hovered above them with a grin “I can understand that in a way, it’s like the thrill of a race. Pushing yourself to be the best.”

An orange Earth Pony with a blonde mane of similar age wearing a red shirt and blue jeans with a Stetson on her head and yellow apple themed scarf around her neck chuckled “Well Ah’m quite eager to see what our guest is capable of Rainbow?”

A pink mare with a wearing a light blue dress bounced ecstatically “I can’t wait to throw the ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party for our new guests. Maybe Little Cheese will help me with the baking.”

Luster coughed “Maybe you three should introduce yourselves.”

Rainbow boasted “I’m Rainbow Dash, Element so Loyalty, Captain of the Wonderbolts and fastest flier in all Equestria!”

The orange mare rolled her eyes before holding out a hand “Ah’m Applejack, I run Sweet Apple Acres in Ponyville.”

Whisper shook her hand with a firm grip “I’m Whisper Wood and this is my friend Songbird Sapphire

The Pink mare bounced over “I’m Pinkie Pie, Ponyville’s premier party pony!” She then pulled out a notepad out of her mane before smiling at Whisper and Songbird “WHATISYOUFAVOURTIECAKE?!WHATARE YOUFAVORUTIE FOODS,WHATTYPE OFMUSICDOYOULIKE!…”

Applejack frowned “Pinkie Pie, calm down. I think you’re scaring Songbird.” Songbird was shivering behind Whisper who was frowning at her.

Pinkie rubbed the back of her head “I’m sorry, just got really excited.”

Whisper grimaced as she sat down, not even acknowledging the pink mare’s presence. Pinkie slumped as she took her seat, Rainbow growled “What do you think you are doing, giving Pinkie the cold shoulder like…”

Songbird stopped the mare “Listen to me very carefully Rainbow Dash, Whisper has a ferocious temper. When she sits down like this, she is trying to calm herself down so she doesn’t do something that she will regret. I’m going to put it simply for you, push her at this moment and I doubt you will ever fly again.”

Luster turned to Songbird in shock “Would she really do that?!”

Songbird nodded “Whisper has always been a fiery individual, the first to jump into a fight. Her family were street fighters, making money form winning illegal street fights. Even when they got caught that combat loving nature was passed on to their daughter, still she prefers martial art style combat. She has studied multiple martial arts, and is proficient in armed and unarmed combat.”

Applejack shuddered “I’m a little worried for her opponent now.” Before any more words could be spoken Canterlot came into view, they disembarked from the train only to see fearful looks in the eyes of multiple ponies. The Griffons, Dragons, Changelings and the other non-ponies looked on with interest at the two humans.

Luster frowned “We should get to the castle, we don’t want to disrupt the public anymore than we already have.”

Rainbow shook her head as the amount of nobles around them glaring increased “These ponies never change, always so eager to treat someone badly because they are different. I don’t know how Twilight turned out so well in this place.”

Pinkie Pie bounced excitedly “That doesn’t matter, we can all agree on is that we’re glad she did. She changed our lives for the better and taught us so much about ourselves in the process.”

Luster smiled “From what she has told me about you since I came to Ponyville, I’d say she did benefit as much from all five of you.”

Songbird smiled “I’d like to learn a bit about your mentor when we have time.”

Whisper nodded “I would as well, I’m going to say here a while. Beside it would interesting to here about the adventures that occurred in this world.”

They soon arrived at the gate to see an armoured blue Griffon, Luster smiled “Captain Gallus, I’m glad you meet us outside the castle.” She then frowned “Do you know who Whisper is supposed to be duelling?”

Gallus chuckled “You’ll see Luster but the Princess told me that she wanted to keep it a secret. I suggest you all make way to the duelling grounds.”

As the group headed to the grounds, Rainbow frowned “Who do you think is the pony that’s going to duel Whisper? It has be somepony pretty important.”

A soft voice giggled behind her “Oh it is somepony very important but she told me to keep it a secret.”

Rainbow turned around to see a yellow pegasus with a pink mane wearing a green dress, Rainbow tackled her in a hug “Fluttershy I didn’t think you make it.”

Fluttershy giggled “With Discord’s help I can make it almost anywhere, but we really need to get going. We don’t want to belate.” The group hurried along.

Whisper split from them as she entered the duelling grounds the rocky terrain was solid and hard. A huge barrier there to protect the countless ponies sitting on the stands. She walked onto the arena only to see most of the nobles glaring at her, she waved at Songbird and the other four who were cheering for he. She frowned as she saw no sign of Princess Twilight, she thought such a duel would have her present.

She made to the centre of the ring but before she could ask about Princess Twilight’s whereabouts. Princess Twilight much to the shock of almost everypony in the crowd stepped onto the field in full armour with a purple gem in the centre a massive purple halberd on her back with a great sword at on her belt. Princess Twilight smiled “After becoming ruler. I had to take responsibility for defending our lands should war arise thus I devote an hour a day to intense physical training. I must admit it was very difficult for me at first.”

Whisper bowed “Princess Twilight, show me the fruits of your training.”

Twilight nodded as she drew her blade “Very well, then let’s begin.” Twilight and Whisper rushed forward, Twilight dodged Whisper’s first punch and shoved her blade into Whisper’s chest blood spurting out. Twilight’s eyes widened (Oh dear, I may have just killed her.)

Whisper pulled the blade out and punched Twilight backwards her wounds healing instantly. Whisper then turned to Songbird with a smile before disappearing in a flash of light, Twilight opened her eyes only for Whisper to slam a fist into the armour shattering part of it from the impact. Twilight coughed up a bit of blood before grinning “I was expecting you to be weak but I was wrong, time for me to stop playing games.”

Twilight’s power began resonating across the arena, Twilight sheathed her sword and rushed forward delivering multiple punches all over Whisper’s body. A few of the punches began missing as Whisper dodged a few, dodging more and more from each barrage until she dodged every last punch and kicked Twilight away.

Meanwhile in the stands the Doctor sat next to Luster, Luster blinked “Who are you?”

The Doctor smirked “I am the Doctor, the one who brought Whisper and Songbird here. Still it seems that Whisper is full of surprises, I was not expecting her to have Pure Progress.”

Rainbow flew over to him “What is Pure Progress and how come she actually beating Twilight?!”

The Doctor frowned “Simple, Pure Progress allows one to grow rapidly more powerful. I assume that ability stems from your friends combative tendency, the outcome is almost about decided.”

Twilight and Whisper are exchanging blow neither able to get past the other’s power eve as the enchantments holding back their power begins to falter. Twilight teleported backwards and charged up her most powerful magical blast “This should do it!”

Whisper slammed her hands into the blast trying to hold it back, she pushed into herself seeking power. She found a powerful source of energy and her body changed to a glowing red colour, she simply dropped her arms to her side and began walking forward before punching Twilight in the face cancelling the attack. Twilight let out a deep breath before nodding “I yield.”

Whisper smiled as she powered down “Good fight Princess, maybe we could train together at some point. Maybe not this intensely though.”

Twilight frowned “Would you come to my room, I have some serious things I need to discuss with you.”

Chapter 4: Protector

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Twilight and Whisper, Songbird, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie, Luster and the Doctor were in the Twilight’s room. Twilight sighed “Luster, I fear that you are no longer safe in Ponyville with protection.”

Luster's eyes widened “Does that mean have to return to Canterlot?”

Twilight turned to Whisper “I am appointing you as her bodyguard, you will get paid by the crown.” She levitated a small bag of bits “This will be your payment for the first week.”

Whisper was looking over herself, her syringe resting on her side covered in a glass case “Um where do I put this bag of bits?”

The Doctor frowned as he gave her a bag “This will help, also put your syringe in the bag. Your lucky that it didn’t break in the fight.”

Twilight frowned “You are the one who brought her here, can I be assured that you mean no harm to this realm? If you could bring them here from beyond my sight then I’m afraid nothing in our world could stop you.”

The Doctor smiled as he did the motions “I promise that I will not harm you or world, cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” There was look of shock from the ponies as the Doctor dissapeared from sight with a click of his fingers.

Rainbow frowned “I’m not sure this is a good idea, what if Whisper is our enemy that is pretending to work with us?”

Songbird shouted at Rainbow fury in her eyes “How dare you say that about my friend! She may have a bit of a temper but she would never do such a thing!”

Fluttershy stepped between them calmly “We are not going to fight here, this isn’t going to get either of you anywhere. All I know is to put faith in Twilight, she knows what she is doing.”

Whisper took the bag putting it in her bag alongside her syringe, she bowed “I won’t fail you. I swear on my life that I protect you student from any threats that may come.”

Applejack smiled “Ah’m glad your taking on this duty” she then growled “I can’t believe there are creatures out there willing to disrupt the peace and harmony we have created for everyone!”

Pinkie frowned “Applejack, let’s keep calm in face of adversity. We have overcome greater threats before but this time we have the final say, our days of heroism are far from over.”

Songbird teleported in front of them grinning madly “Sounds like an adventure, this will be fun!”

Twilight smiled “Well, with that said I believe you should return to Ponyville.”

Discord turned up and scooped Fluttershy up. He then shouted as he leapt into a portal “Let’s go Fluttershy! Geronimo!”

Luster smiled “Farewell Princess, I’ll be sure to write.” Rainbow, Applejack and Pinkie Pie stayed behind to talk to Twilight while Luster, Whisper and Songbird left Twilight’s room. Luster frowned “What was that ability you used against Princess Twilight?”

Whisper grimaced “I’m not actually sure what it’s called but it made me stronger and harder to hurt. I wish I knew more about my powers.”

Songbird smiled “Well with the personal student of the Princess I’m sure you’ll figure it out. Come on we should head back to Ponyville, meet some of the locals.”

Before they could say a word an older stallion with a white coat and blonde mane approached them with a frown “Luster Dawn, I request you come with me. These two creatures are not worthy company of Princess Twilight’s personal student.”

Before either of them could rebuke him a dark blue glow lifted him up in the air. A dark blue mare with a golden mane approached with a smile”Forgive my father’s foolishness, I am Bluebelle Shine but please call me Shine.”

Luster smiled “I’m glad you have some common sense” she then glared at the stallion hovering in the dark blue glow “unlike your father who is a pretentious bigot.”

Shine shook her head as she tossed her father into a trash can “Too many pony’s compare me to Princess Luna and my Cutie Mark doesn't help.” She moved her skirt slightly to show them a white glowing moon surrounded by twinkling stars that stood out on against her dark blue fur.

Whisper blushed as her eyes wandered the soft curves of the mare’s flanks “Um, is that normal here?”

Songbird raised an eyebrow at the two mares not noticing Whisper’s obvious blush “I’m not sure about here but where I come from nudity is quite a taboo.”

Luster raised an eyebrow “Didn’t you notice that the ponies in Ponyville weren’t actually wearing clothes, it’s not a necessary thing in most small towns. I only where clothes because I come from a bigger city where you are expected to wear clothes.”

Whisper blinked “I did not pay that much attention to them to be honest, I was still adjusting to being in another world.”

Shine laughed “I may actually accompany you to Ponyville, I could use some time out of the big city and away from my father” she then frowned “He watches me like a hawk in Canterlot but he won’t dare try to oppose me outside of the city.”

Songbird grinned “Well let’s go.” The four purchase their tickets and then get on the first train to Ponyville, Songbird was humming as Whisper sat there with her eyes closed a faint red glow flowing around her body.

Shine raised an eyebrow “What is Whisper doing?”

Luster frowned “She’s mediating, I did it a lot to help centre my magic and get a feel for it when I was under Twilight’s tutelage. She is likely trying to understand her own powers better.”

Whisper began to glow brighter and brighter Songbird turned to her only for a massive flash of light to fill the carriage. Whisper was now sitting there in pony form but not like the anthromorphic ponies on the train. Her four hooves were resting as she sat in a similar position to a dog, her wings flared out with a horn sitting atop her head. On her flank was a military helmet with a bloody circle around it, Whisper frowned as she looked over herself “Filtering through memories sucks.”

She then focused transforming back into her human form, Luster shouted “What was that!”

Whisper grimaced “I was displaced as a being that has a human form and a quadrupedal pony form. They were originally pony but that doesn't matter, I will do what I was tasked with.”

Songbird blinked “Can I do that too?”

Whisper nodded “Yes, those memories are strange and I still will need to meditate more to make sense of all of it.”

Shine laughed “Well it seems like you have met some very interesting individuals, it makes me more excited to spend some time in Ponyville.” The rest of the trip was silent as they returned to the small town.

Chapter 5: Learning about Ponyville

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Whisper, Shine, Songbird and Luster just got of the train. Whisper blushed as her stomach let out a mighty roar “Maybe we should get something to eat.”

Luster giggled “Let’s go to Sugarcube Corner, it is a good place to get a quick breakfast.”

Whisper was trying to avoid looking at anyone, Shine raised an eyebrow “What is wrong…” she then frowned “you can’t be that put off by nudity can you? Your friend over there isn’t having any issues.”

Whisper hissed “Songbird likes men, I like both and the number of women around here wearing nothing is mighty distracting. Not to mention I don’t see many stallions around do you?”

Shine rubbed her head “The Royal Guard has been largely male for a long time and while the Night Guard is more open there are very few ponies other than the Thestrals who wish to work the night shift. Princess Twilight is trying to change that but there is a lot of bureaucratic red tape that has built up. Besides her main concern is limiting the power of the nobles which is taking a while.”

Songbird called out “Come on you two, we’re almost there.”

As they soon opened the door a cannon erupted as Pinkie who was now free of clothes bounced exictedly “Were you surprised, were you!”

Whisper nodded with a smile as she saw the huge banner at the top Welcome to Equestria Whisper Wood and Songbird Sapphire. Songbird gave Pinkie a massive hug “Thank you Pinkie for the party in our honour!”

Whisper laughed “Come on Songbird, let the mare breath.”

As Songbird let go, Pinkie was recovering her breath as a young yellowish colt with a pink curly mane that looked up at his mother “Is something wrong?”

Pinkie giggled as she rubbed her son’s curly hair “Li’l Cheese, just realising how it feels when I hugged someone. Maybe I should tone down the hugs a bit.”

Whisper walked over and grabbed a cupcake, she took a bite and moaned “This is bloody amazing! I’m going to put on weight if I keep eating these!” She turned to see Songbird and Pinkie devouring everything in sight “Um are they supposed to be doing that?”

Shine smiled “They’re having an eating contest, let them have their fun.”

Shine walked over to join Luster who was talking to Fluttershy in the corner, Luster frowned “Any idea about those who were hunting me down? They didn’t seem like the standard capture the Princess’ student goons.”

Fluttershy snarled “They were hired by the Tiger Kingdom far to the west, they have a Grand Empire looking to expand but we are in their way! They are trying to find a way to turn us into a vassal state but they haven’t had any luck!”

Whisper frowned as she walked over “So if we find proof then a war will be sparked, this just became a whole lot more complicated. Still I will do my best to keep Luster safe.”

The party didn’t go on too long before the town had to get back to business, Fluttershy smiled “Whisper, do you mind coming with Luster and Songbird to my cottage? They can get a view of town if they come through town on the way.”

Luster smiled “Of course, it would help for my bodyguard to be a regular sight around town.”

Shine grinned “That sounds great, I’ll join you shortly” she then turned to Luster “Do you mind if I take a room in the castle?”

Luster shook her head “There’s plenty of room in the castle, I’m sure that you can take a room for your stay in Ponyville. Just don’t make too much of a mess.” As Shine headed to the castle, Luster, Fluttershy, Songbird and Whisper headed for the cottage.

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow “Why is Whisper trying not to look at anyone?”

Songbird frowned “Well for two reasons, one where we came from them there is a very strict nudity taboo and two she swings both ways.”

Fluttershy blinked “You two come from a very strange place, I mean Canterlot has a social need for you to wear clothes but it’s not a law. I remember that Celestia had written a law that said clothing was optional and it hasn’t been changed since.”

Whisper raised an eyebrow “Who is Celestia?”

Luster was about to speak up but Fluttershy put wing in front of her “Discord told me you were not from this world and only arrived recently. Celestia was Princess Twilight’s teacher and alongside her sister, Luna both former Princesses of Equestria. Both stood down allowing Twilight to take the throne.”

Luster smiled as they walked past a building with quadrupedal ponies surrounding it, a green stallion and a massive brown female yak walk out of the building. Luster waved “Yona, Sandbar!”

Yona grinned as she ran over wrapping her in very tight hug “Yona so glad to see Luster safe!”

Luster gasped for air “Nice to see you too!”

Sandbar put his hand on Yona with a smile “Honey, put Luster down please. Ponies aren’t physically built to be hugged so tightly, you know this sorry.”

Yona looked down “Yona sorry.”

Luster giggled “It’s alright Yona, you just got excited. It happens, I’m just showing my bodyguard Whisper Wood and her friend Songbird Sapphire around town. We’re heading to Fluttershy’s cottage right now.”

Yona nodded with a smile “Yona would love to come but Yona have duty here.”

Sandbar smiled at Luster “We’ll visit for tea sometime, it must get lonely up in the castle.”

Luster smiled as she turned to Whisper and Songbird “Maybe it won’t be so lonely anymore. Still we must get going, I’ll see you Sandbar.”

The two waved goodbye as Luster rejoined her group, Whisper was about to say something only for Shine to walk up to her with a smile as naked as the day she was born “This is why I hate Canterlot, clothing is so stuffy.” Whisper’s face was glowing red as she couldn’t help but notice the mare’s form, her muscles rippled under her fur as her breasts bounced slightly. Shine smiled selectively at Whisper “You like what you see?”

Fluttershy frowned “I was hoping to get her to meet some of the animals at the cottage and your not helping.”

Shine pouted “Spoilsport.”

The group headed through the town market, a middle aged light pink unicorn mare was running a stall for Sweet Apple Acres. Fluttershy waved with a smile “Sugar Belle, how’s life at the farm?”

Sugar Belle sighed “Tiring, I’m not as young as I used to be. How do you continue to look so young and fit?”

Fluttershy grimaced “Discord really doesn’t want to let me go but one way or the other I will leave when the time is right. He needs to learn that my time will come, maybe it will teach him to respect mortals. We will die one day, it’s a fact we all accept as we move on in our lives.”

Songbird frowned “I’m not actually sure if me and Whisper are mortal or not anymore.”

Shine rolled her eyes “Enough with this depressing talk, onward to Fluttershy’s cottage!”

Whisper raised an eyebrow “Do you even know where the cottage is, from what I can tell you’re a Canterlot Pony?”

Shine giggled “I come here whenever I get the chance, follow me.”
Whisper, Songbird, Fluttershy and Luster had chase after her as she ran towards the cottage. They arrived only to see a troop of bunnies bouncing around a white coated bear cub, Fluttershy smiled “There are some of my fellow house guests, the Angel Bunnies and Snowy, our resident Polar Bear.”

Whisper frowned “Isn’t it a bit to warm for a Polar Bear to be living here?”

Fluttershy smiled “Well she’s only a cub so the warmth doesn’t affect her too much, besides Discord has created a permanent cold environment in the sanctuary for her when she grows up. Harry also enjoys having another bear around.”

Luster giggled at the fearful expression of Songbird, “I’ve met Harry, he wouldn’t hurt a fly.” The group spent the rest of the day leaning about Fluttershy’s animals, their different habitats and how to feed them.

Chapter 6: Diplomacy Fails

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Twilight felt the magic course through her body as she had placed the sun in the sky and allowed the moon to gain it’s daily rest. She frowned as a dark blue Thestral with a light blue mane wearing a dark blue suit entered the chamber “You have another diplomatic meeting with Emperor Fearsome Fang.”

Twilight nodded “Very well, Moonsong Symphony.” Twilight the dismissed her secretary with a hoof. She sighed internally wishing Spike was here instead but he had diplomatic matters in the dragon lands to handle. She left her room with a smile plastered across her face the same way her mentor did so many years ago.

She calmly walked to the meeting room, Twilight entered with a smile as walked banners of the sun and moon that decorated the walls. A tall red and green feline creature wearing a suit of golden armour sat there at the table, his slitted watching her carefully. Twilight sat down “Emperor Fearsome Fang, I see you have returned.”

Fang snarled “You not what I’m here for Princess, you will surrender your kingdom to me or there will be consequences!”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed, she was quite similar to her mentor in many aspects or ruling but she wasn’t one to take a threat calmly “Listen to me Emperor, I will not budge on this. Your demands are ridiculous, to surrender our nation to you so you can enslave our people.”

Fang gave her a cruel grin “You either surrender or else we will bring our full might down upon you.”

A cold voice spoke “I see this fool is giving you trouble, do you wish for me to dispose of him.” A black Alicorn about Twilight’s height with a white mane materialised, a clock laid on her flank.

Fang growled “Who is this, we were supposed to be having a private meeting!”

Twilight shook her head “Emperor, this is Endtime. She had power over all of time, she lives in the castle. I must warn you, she is capable of manipulating your time stream so don’t make her mad.”

Fang frowned “How did an Alicorn just appear out of nowhere?”

Endtime grimaced “Well that is the fault of a mare named Starlight Glimmer, when this timeline was restored the other timelines collapsed into me. So technically she is my mother as she is responsible for my creation.”

Fang dismissed her as he turned to Twilight “I gave you my demands, now all I await is your…”

Endtime punched him into the wall with a snarl “Do that again and I will turn you into a tiny cub!”

Fang stood up and glared at both of them “I will be back!”

He stormed out furiously, Twilight’s eyes narrowed turned to Endtime “I believe that you may have just caused a war. This is a major disaster and you will assist me in our defence or you will spend the next few years in a cell.”

Endtime rubbed her head “I’m sorry Princess, I just wanted him to pay for his arrogance.”

Twilight sighed as she pulled Endtime into a hug “I’m sorry too, keeping you out sight others hasn’t been beneficial to you but you don’t want to be a Princess and that leaves me with very few options. Still I’d say after this you should stay in Ponyville after this war is over but for now I need to write a letter.”

Meanwhile in Ponyville

It was the day after they had returned. Luster frowned as Songbird was trying to turn an apple into an orange “Songbird don’t force it. You have to let it flow out of you, magic is not just a tool for you to force into shape but a part of you.”

Songbird grimaced “That’s easy for you to say, you were born with magic. I have only had magic for a few days.”

Whisper smiled as she placed a hand on her friends shoulder “You can do this, I believe in you.” That smile dissapeared quickly as she felt Shine pressing against her back, she teleported out of the room trying desperately to get away from the naked mare. Songbird burst into laughter at the scene as Luster sighed they clearly weren’t going to make any more progress at this rate.

It was at that moment that the candle on Luster’s desk burst into flame as a letter appeared, Luster’s eyes widened as she read the letter.

To my faithful student Luster Dawn

Unfortunately diplomacy has broken down and I need you to join me in Vanhoover as we prepare for war. I also would request the presence of Whisper Wood, powerful warriors are required to repel this threat. A airship will be sent to pick you both up.

From your mentor Princess Twilight

Whisper frowned “Is something wrong?”

Luster turned to her with a scared look “Princess Twilight has informed me we are at war and she has requested our presence.”

Whisper tensed “I see, I believe I have some choice words with you mentor. You are not ready for this type of conflict, this will get messy.”

Songbird ran over “What’s this about going to war, that is madness. Neither of you are soldiers.”

Whisper frowned “Songbird, don’t follow us. War is not a place for you, your kid and have such life. War would destroy you so you will be staying here with Shine.” Before another word could be spoken the airship arrived and they boarded it, Whisper’s eyes narrowed as she stormed up to the Princess as everyone around her gasped in shock “I understand why you summoned me but why Luster. She is not ready for this conflict!”

Twilight grimaced “She here because legally as my student she must join me in war, I haven’t been able to remove that law. I only learned of it as the risk of war came up and changing it is a nightmare. Still I will discuss things further when we get there.” Whisper grimaced as she and Luster left, she was going to fight in a war and that made her sick to the stomach. She had never killed before.

Chapter 7: Bloody Skirmish

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The airship had arrived at the docks only to see dozens of other airships already there, most of them were covered in weapons and made out of a silvery metal. The most shocking feature was the massive cannon in the centre of each ship, Twilight smiled “These our mightiest airships built specifically to counter anti-magical weaponry by using magisteel that prevent the ships magic from being nullified.”

Whisper frowned “So what is the plan exactly?”

Twilight grimaced “You and I will be leading a series of aggressive strikes at key targets while Luster stays with the mages at the back to provide magical support. Still the initial skirmish will have you at the forefront with an ally of mine, she will be here shortly.”

Luster growled “Why are you sending her to the front lines but not me! Am I not capable enough!”

Twilight shook her head “It’s not that, it’s that you skills are not best suited to the front lines. Besides you have seen what Whisper is capable of, she was able to adapt to my power in very little time. I need her out there leading the charge.”

Endtime burst into the room and pointed to Whisper Wood “You are the one who beat Princess Twilight, I’m glad to working with another powerhouse.”

Luster looked at her in shock “How is there another Alicorn in here with us!”

Endtime frowned “I came about because of the timeline fracture that Starlight caused, those timelines collapsed into me. I am the Alicorn of Time and this war is my fault so I’m here to clean up my mess.”

Whisper growled “So you the reason I will have to kill!” She then turned to Twilight “Where is the force that I will be leading, I want to get this over with.”

Twilight nodded “I’ll take you there myself” she then turned to Luster with a smile “Could you please meet with the mages? I’ll discuss more of this with you later.”

Luster smiled sadly “Okay Princess but please don’t leave me in the dark about this.” Twilight smiled as she and her student parted ways, Whisper and Endtime standing by her side. Male and female members of the guard were carrying around magical swords, lances and crossbows around the massive docks. Crates of weapons and armour were strewn all over the place.

They soon arrived at an airship, Gallus flew down and saluted “Princess our ships are ready for war! Just say the word.”

Twilight nodded to Gallus “I need you to send this ship with Whisper and Endtime on board., I want you to cause some damage before retreating.”

Gallus saluted “Yes Princess” he then turned to Endtime and Whisper “Come this way.” Whisper and Endtime followed him onto the magisteel deck, guards all at the ready for combat. Gallus roared at the crew “Get ready for take off,we are going to launch a raid!” The crew scrambled to get the ship ready for flight.

Twilight was watching hoping that the show of force may just end this war before it truly begun. The ship took off and flew rapidly across the ocean, Whisper and Endtime struggled to keep their balance on the moving airship. Once it slowed down, Whisper groaned “I need a bucket.”

A bucket materialised in front of her, she immediately vomited into it and the conjured handkerchief to clean her face. She shook her head “So I can create items out of thin air somehow.” She then picked up the bucket and turned to Endtime who was trying to hold back her own vomit, Endtime nodded. Whisper passed her the bucket and she vomited into the bucket.

Whisper used a clean part of the handkerchief to clean up Endtime’s face before tossing it into the bucket. She then clicked her fingers causing it to disappear from existence, Endtime smiled “Thanks Whisper.”

Whisper growled “Don’t thank me, I am helping you because I need you down there with me!” The airship was hovering over multiple boats on the water, Whisper ran towards the edge and jumped onto the one of the boats underneath and crushing one of the Tigers in full steel armour underneath her boots.

The Captain of the Ship growled “Charge!” All fliers on the ship began flying down carrying those ground bound. Endtime blasted into dust before kicking another in half. Whisper snarled as she saw a pegasus mare cut in half by tiger’s axe, she punched a hole in the Tiger’s skull. She then looked down only to see two pictures next the bodies, one of the mare and her family. The other was of the Tiger and his family, she whispered as she turned back to the fray “War, it makes monsters of us all.” She ran through ripping out the tiger tossing his body onto the body of a griffon.

She leapt onto another ship, smashing a tiger’s head into another before cutting one in half with an axe. Whisper then felt a blade tear through her chest, she rolled her eyes as she kicked the foolish tiger before pulling the blade out. All the Tigers looked her in shock “What are you?!”

Her entire body glowed red with the same power she used against Twilight as she growled “I’m a monster and you are all going to die today!”

She began mercilessly cutting down the enemies around her, Endtime leapt to onto the ship only to see corpses everywhere “Wow you really did a number on them, now we need to head back.” Before they could get off the boat, more boats with tons of warriors materialised out of thin air, Endtime snarled “So they have their own type of magic!”

Whisper frowned “I have a plan but I’m not sure if doesn’t work then you need to escape.” Before Endtime could respond Whisper closed her eyes in concentration as she leapt off the boat.

Endtime shouted “Whisper are you crazy!” She was about to jump in when Whisper’s body shot out of the water, towering over the Tiger Armada that watched in shock. She picked up one of the massive warships and threw it destroying a massive portion of their forces.

The enemy forces retreated into the distance quickly, Whisper then reverted back to normal and landed on the boat “Maybe that will convince them to surrender.” She rubbed the back of her head as no-one even responded just looking at her in shock.

Chapter 8: Ultimate Weapon

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Twilight was in a room full of maps and military charts with Luster, she sighed “The reason I don’t want you on the front lines is I don’t want you to be at risk.” Tears began to form in Twilight’s eyes “I as scared of losing you out there.”

Luster hugged her mentor “Princess, I’ll be fine. You taught me everything I know about combat magic, I can handle this.”

Twilight let out a sad chuckle “That’s what I thought too, that I could handle anything but when I engaged in my first fight I realised how woefully unprepared I truly was. I was facing down Tirek alone with no help or backup, when it was needed the most all of my skills and talent meant nothing. What you will face out there is worse, you will see allies fall by your side and there is nothing you can do about it. You are not ready to face that yet.”

Luster nodded sadly “I understand Princess, you are doing this for my own well being. I just hope that Whisper is okay out there, she has never fought to kill before from what I can tell.”

Twilight frowned “They should be returning soon, hopefully with good news. I just hope that this brings this war to a swift and resolute end.”

A guard ran in quickly “Princess, the airship you sent out has returned triumphant. From what I can tell they did quite a bit of damage to the enemy forces.” Twilight nodded walking out to the docks.

Gallus flew over to her with Whisper and Endtime by his side “Whisper here took out quite a few ships by herself, she grew huge so that she was towering over the enemy ships. She did really well for someone who has never been involved in a war before.”

Whisper grimaced “This body I have gained, it has changed me. The sad part is that I saw that one of my enemies had a family and the worst part is that I didn’t care. I felt no remorse, no pity. I knew that many of them would never would see their families again, and I didn’t care. The worst part some sick part of myself enjoyed killing them, enjoyed causing them pain.”

Twilight grimaced “That is not a good thing.”

Whisper growled “I know that, I’m not a bloody idiot! I always enjoyed a good scrap but never did to hurt another. I did it for the thrill of the fight, the feeling of competition. Not to hurt others, Princess if another war comes up I want you to keep me out of it unless absolutely necessary. I am a monster now, I know that well.” None of them noticed a shimmering Twilight was watching this interaction closely.

A dark blue pegasus messenger flew over and dropped to one knee giving Twilight a letter “Emperor Fearsome Fang sent you a letter.” Twilight unfolded it immediately as the messenger took off to deliver other messages

To Princess Twilight

That was an impressive display, it seems I will need to pull out my greatest weapon. Know that this will be the end for your pathetic nation, know that all you subjects will be laid low because of your refusal.

From Emperor Fearsome Fang

Twilight turned to the Horizon to see thousand number of ships with a massive war ship carrying a mighty single cannon. The cannon began charging up yellow energy, everyone was watching as Twilight took off flying towards the cannon putting up a powerful purple barrier to stop the blast. The massive yellow beam fired forward shattering the barrier almost instantaneously before sending Twilight flying backwards crashing into the docks leaving a small crater.

Luster teleported over “Princess!” Twilight’s right wing was badly burnt, her clothes were incinerated as several long cuts were bleeding profusely. Everyone save Whisper watched in horror as the cannon began to charge again.

Whisper ran forward toward the ocean with snarl leaping into the ocean as her body grew in size. The cannon fired again, Whisper gritted her teeth as she stopped the powerful blast hand even as she felt her flesh burning. She pushed forward towards the ship even as the ship began pouring more power out of the cannon trying to overpower the Whisper’s giant body.

Whisper as she got closer the ships around the cannon started firing on her but all she felt was the annoyance of being peppered with tiny projectiles. She forced the cannon’s energy back into itself causing it to explode violently tearing the Tigers’ mightiest warship to shreds.

Whisper then walked back to the docks and shrunk back to her normal, one of the smaller tiger ships approached a single dark blue tigress with light blue stripes stepped off the ship. Luster was helping Twilight who’s wound were slowing healing towards the tigress. Twilight frowned “Who are you and why are you here?”

The Tigress bowed “I’m Acting Empress Storm Claw, my father was killed in the explosion of that ship and thus I am taking over for him.”

Whisper’s eyes narrowed “Are you coming here to continue your father’s ambitions?”

Storm shook her head “I knew this was foolish endeavour from the beginning but my father was insistent on this invasion. In truth our empire has been fracturing and he has been hoping this invasion would hide that fact. I am to surrender myself to you and for us to coexist as a vassal state.”

Twilight grimaced “I can accept that but there will be major changes back in your homeland. The slavery has to stop, it is not something permissible in Equestria or any of allied nations. We will be implementing that soon enough.” Twilight, Luster, Whisper and Storm headed to the war room to discuss what happened next.

Meanwhile a shimmering Twilight was standing in front of a statue of a centaur changeling queen and a pegasus filly “I may have just found the perfect individual to bring you three into harmony.” The shimmering Twilight faded into sparkles as she smiled.

Chapter 9: Ruthless Whisper

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Songbird was pacing back and forth in the halls of the castle, her best friend and magic teacher were both gone for over a day “What would if they are in danger! What if they were captured by the enemy! What if they are being tortured right now!”

Shine rolled her eyes “You are worrying too much, I doubt someone as powerful as your friend will be so easily defeated. Have more faith in your friend.”

Before Songbird could say a respond, Whisper walked in alongside Luster. Whisper gave Songbird a hug before taking a seat, making sure to take her second shot of the month. Songbird frowned “What happened?!’

Whisper grimaced “Well the enemy surrendered and it turns out that apparently some part of myself enjoys killing.”

Shine gasped while Songbird pulled her into a hug tears in her eyes “This is all my fault, if I didn’t get caught by those guys we wouldn’t be here. You wouldn’t have to face all of this.”

Whisper shook her head “None of this is your fault, you can’t blame yourself for actions of really bad people. I am hoping for some peace and quiet right now.” Unfortunately for her Finagle and Murphy both heard her as the castle began pulsating, Whisper’s eyes widened as her body began to glow a helmet with a bloody circle around it floated around her body.

Luster frowned “I have an idea about this, follow me.” Whisper, Songbird and Shine followed her, they entered a room with a strange table with a map of Equestria projected from it. A helmet surrounded by blood was floating around the castle.

Whisper growled “What is this, is this what summoned me!”

Luster nodded “This is Cutie Map, it sends people to solver friendship problems across Equestria. It seems the problem in Canterlot needs you and you alone, I’ll send a letter to Princess Twilight so you get a carriage to Canterlot.”

Songbird frowned “Be careful please, I don’t want you getting hurt.”

Whisper giggled “Listen, I’m only going to be gone for a little bit I’m sure” she then turned to Luster and Shine “Take care of Songbird for me.” Whisper headed to the balcony of the castle only to see the carriage awaiting her, she blinked as she got on. It was weird seeing armoured bipeds tethered to a carriage as if they were horses.

Whisper hummed as the carriage took off, she frowned at the stallions and mare “Why are you all the same colours?”

One of the guards turned to her “Our armour is enchanted to make us look the same, it makes it difficult to impersonate a guard. We also carry true form stones to detect changelings, they are not our enemies any more but every group has bad eggs.”

Whisper nodded “I’m glad you take your jobs seriously, it would be bad to have an unprepared royal guards.”

Another guard laughed “I remember the stories that my grandfather told about when the guards were less useful. Twilight took a very serious stance on improving the guard after her coronation.”

Whisper smiled “Well I’m glad that you are now ready for a threat. I saw the forces amassed in less than a day, they were ready for conflict.”

The guards nodded grinning for the rest of the trip, Whisper got out of the carriage in on the castle balcony only to see a shimmering version of Princess Twilight awaiting her. The figure silently beckoned her to follow before walking off, Sunset followed the figure through the halls of the Canterlot Castle. She soon found herself in a garden with multiple statues, the figure walked over to a statue of three figures. The first was a tall buglike biped snarling while a centaur and filly reared back in fear.

Whisper frowned “Princess Twilight, why did you bring me here?”

The shimmering form of the Princess giggled “I’m not the Princess, I just take this form to communicate.” The shimmering form of the Princess frowned “I am the Spirit of Harmony and I brought you here for a reason. Fifty years ago these three were sealed in stone, I have been long seeking to find someone to reform but no-one has the right attitude until you.”

Whisper turned around as she heard hoofsteps to see the real Princess Twilight standing behind her “Whisper Wood, may inquire as to why you are here?”

Whisper turned to see that the Spirit of Harmony had vanished. She then turned back to the Princess “I followed a shimmering version of you here, she told me she was the Spirit of Harmony. She wants me to reform these three.”

Twilight nodded “I can do that” she then raised an eyebrow “Why did you think Spirit of Harmony is a she. From what I can the Spirit has no gender.”

Whisper shrugged “She looked female so I assumed she was female, it would be better than calling her an it. That would be really rude.”

Twilight nodded “Before I set them free, it’s good for you to know a bit about them. The centaur is Tirek, a magic thief who wants to steal all magic. Chrysalis is the former Changeling Queen who launched two almost successful invasions and Cozy Glow is a pegasus filly who almost removed all magic from this world.”

Whisper frowned “It seems I have my work cut out for me, just note that I will being doing this my way.”

Twilight nodded “You were chosen for this task by both the map and the Spirit of Harmony. You have free reign over this task.” Twilight focused her power on the statue, the stone casing holding them began to melt away.

Tirek and Cozy looked around confused, Chrysalis on the other hand as soon as she saw Twilight leapt at going in for the kill. Whisper grabbed her by the neck and slammed her into the ground in one swift movement. She walked over to Tirek and Cozy Glow still holding the struggling Queen in her grasp, she grinned at the centaur and the filly “I’m going to reform you by any means necessary. You three will do what I say when I say it or else there will be consequences!”

She tossed the Changeling Queen to the ground “Any questions!”

Chrysalis snarled “Why do you think we are going listen to you, you are just like those weak little…”

Whisper grabbed Chrysalis by the neck. The Former Queen ripped one of her wings off “I’m deadly serious about this, now that will grow back! Disobey again and I will take something that won’t grow back!”

Cozy Glow flew over to Twilight begging “Please, anything but that. We’ll do anything.”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed “The Spirit of Harmony picked her to do this task, as fa as I’m concerned she has full jurisdiction over you, she will likely take you to Ponyville for the period of you reformation.”

Whisper dropped the Queen and Chrysalis bowed in submission, Tirek soon joined as did Cozy Glow. Whisper grinned “We’re taking the train to Ponyville.” Everyone was watching in awe as the three of Equestria’s worst villains were following the strange alien creature that had arrived in Equestria recently. She paid the shocked pony for the four tickets, Whisper and the three reformed villains to be took their seats.

Tirek looked at her with a frown “How did you think you can reform us anyway, it’s not like we are going to play nice with ponies?”

Whisper’s eyes narrowed “I’m teach you two how to show respect to others” she then turned to the filly “You will need to learn some discipline. I don’t know how you ended up this way and I don’t care, just know that if you break my rules I will spank you. Am I clear?”

Cozy gulped "Crystal.”

Whisper then turned to Tirek “I know of your ambitions of power, that itself is not wrong but the way your going about is the cowardly way. Taking power that does belong to you, it is rather pathetic.”

Tirek growled “Who are you calling pathetic, if I had stolen any magic I would crush you like a bug!”

Whisper grinned “Well maybe but without taking power that isn’t your you are nothing. By the time I am done with you, there will be no need for you to steal magic. I’m going to teach you the value of power” she then turned to Cozy Glow “You can join in, I will show you a path to power far different from what you are used to.”

Chrysalis looked at her “What about me?”

Whisper frowned “You are stuck up bitch who needs a major attitude adjustment, you will be going through some major attitude changes. I’ve seen your kind wandering the streets, there are not many in Canterlot and Ponyville a small town but form what I can tell you were given more than enough chances to the leader you needed to be.”

Chrysalis growled “You means like your soft weak willed Princesses.”

Whisper’s eyes narrowed “Considering Princess Twilight threw herself in front of a cannon that could easily ruin a nation I’d say she could hardly be depicted as weak.”

Chrysalis’ eyes widened “She did what?!”

Whisper grinned “We had a war recently, it ended just as quickly as it started. I mean I was able to stop their ultimate weapons but our guards could have taken them down.” The three reformed villains to be looked at each other unsure of the changes made to the nation during their stone imprisonment.

Chapter 10: Serious Magic and Reformation Begins

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Songbird was closing her eyes trying to focus her mind trying to focus her mind. Teleportation and levitation came so easily but transfiguration was so hard, she was trying to clear the thoughts from her mind but they kept coming like an unrelenting storm. She stood up with a growl “Why doesn’t my magic want to work!” She decided that she needed some air to calm down.

She walked out of her room only to see Luster standing there who frowned “I see you are still struggling with your magic. Do you wish for me to help you?”

Songbird shook her head “I was hoping for a peaceful stroll through Ponyville, just to get admire the town a bit more.”

Luster smiled “I can understand that, it sounds like a nice change of pace.” The pair left the castle, they walked into town Ponies, as well as a few members of other species walking the streets.

Songbird smiled as saw a quaint looking building with an older cream earth pony mare selling chocolates “Maybe some chocolates will help, it’s always made feel better before.”

Luster smiled as the two entered the chocolate shop, the cream mare smiled “Luster I don’t see you around here often. What would you like?”

Luster shook her head “I’m here for Songbird actually, she’s been having a hard time learning magic. I was hoping some chocolates would make her feel better.”

Bon Bon smiled “Very well I’ll make an assortment of my best chocolates for her.”

Songbird raised an eyebrow “You come here often, you seemed to know each other.”

Luster giggled “Not really but Ponyville is a small town, it always has been. Everypony knows everypony else in town. I’m actual wondering where her wife Lyra is right now?”

Songbird was about comment when she heard a cheerful voice coming from the door “Bonnie, I’m back!” They turned to see an older light green unicorn bouncing in with energy of a young filly.

Bon Bon called out “I’m putting together an assortment honey, I’ll be out in a minute or two.”

Lyra smiled at Songbird “So you’re a human huh, during my younger years I did a lot of research on humans. Princess Twilight actually gave me the full run down on humans, it’s the reason I have no intention of going there any time soon.”

Songbird grimaced “Humans have the potential for intense cruelty, we are not a kind species full of arrogant mortals set in their ways. The young trapped by the foolish mistakes of the old.”

Luster shivered “I don’t want to ever go there, it sounds like a horrid place.”

Before another word could be spoken Bon Bon came out placing the assortment, Luster smiled as she placed twenty bits on the table. Boon Bon pushed back the bits with a sad smile “I remember how stressed Lyra ended up when she started out learning magic. Every letter was covered in her tears.”

Lyra blinked “Who is struggling with magic?”

Songbird sighed “I can teleport and levitate but trying to do anything else just doesn’t want to work. I don’t know why?”

Lyra frowned “How long have you been going at it for?’

Songbird grimaced “I’ve been only going at it for a week but I’m not feeling anything when I try and do it. It’s like the magic doesn’t want to answer me.”

Lyra frowned “I need to do a magical scan because from what I can tell one who can easily teleport shouldn’t be struggling like that. Just give me a second to focus.” Lyra closed her eyes as her horn began to glow with power, her magic washing over Songbird. After two minutes Lyra opened her eyes “I’m staring to see the problem, your magic is not the same us ours and is not able to use spells we have made outside of levitation. Your teleportation is not the same ours either, you need to find a way to do it differently.”

Songbird smiled “Thanks Lyra” she then grinned “I can’t wait to start creating my own spells!”

The duo left heading back to the castle only to see a shocking sight, Whisper was walking towards them with three figures behind her. Luster was shocked as were several others all aware of the tale of these three. Whisper grinned “The Spirit of Harmony wants me to reform these three, as such they will be staying in the castle.”

Luster’s response to this was to faint, Tirek rolled his eyes and picked up the mare with a big heave “I’d like to get to the castle before my weak arms give out.”

Songbird frowned as she joined Whisper “I thought you would be handling something small, not taking care of two adults and a child. How are you going to take care of them.”

Whisper grinned “Well I am planning physical exercise for both Cozy and Tirek, they seek power. Now that I think about Cozy could also benefit from education,as for Chrysalis I’m not sure yet, Probably fixing her bad attitude.”

Tirek frowned at the castle “This is a major eyesore, it should be in that weird crystal place.”

Chrysalis growled as she smacked him “It’s the Crystal Empire you moron!”

Because of the impact he actually fell over dropping Luster on the floor causing her to wake up, she screamed as she saw the three figures “Stay away from me!”

Whisper walked over with a smile holding out her hand “Don’t worry, these three won’t hurt you. I promise on my life.” Luster cautiously took her hand, Whisper led the three reformed villains to be into the central room with Songbird comforting Luster as they followed .

She frowned as she looked around “Now let’s see if there is any exercise systems around here. She opened one of the doors and frowned as a treadmill as well as several barbells of different weights fell out as well as several strategy and war games. Cozy ran over and grabbed the games “Mine!”

Whisper laughed “So you like strategy and tactics. I mean considering you have a chess piece that should have been obvious, considering that Tirek seems to be a smart fellow maybe you two could plan strategies.” She then grinned “You could even play a game where one is trying to conquer Equestria and the other tires to counter.”

Tirek rubbed his chin “That does sound like fun actually.”

Cozy grinned “Oh, I can’t wait.”

Whisper frowned as she passed to barbells to Tirek and two of the smaller ones to Cozy “Keeping fit give you power which you both wish to have. Especially you Tirek, your magical ability without stealing magic is pathetic.”

Chrysalis frowned “Where did that stuff come from anyway, it seems a little too convenient.”

Cozy gritted her teeth struggling to lift the weights “This castle was created by the box the created the power that defeated Tirek the first time which was given to the Element Bearers by the now destroyed Tree of Harmony. As such Harmony is likely giving Whisper here assistance in this task.”

Whisper turned to Chrysalis “As for you, I’m not actually sure but I will come up with something.” Whisper sat there trying to find a way to reform Chrysalis for the rest of the day.

Chapter 11: Months Later

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Songbird was grinning as she turned a bunch of oranges into cheese, she blinked as she thought she heard someone shout at the top of his lungs “Cheese for Everyone!”

Songbird had been working on making new spells for herself over the last six months, she wandered into the dining room to see Derpy and Dinky Hooves playing war games with Cozy Glow. As it turned out Derpy and Dinky were incredibly smart, capable of giving Cozy Glow a real challenge which she relished.

Whisper on the other hand was shouting at Chrysalis, she was the one who despite her best efforts hadn’t really made any progress. Songbird frowned “Is something wrong?”

Whisper growled “How does a being that feeds on bucking love so hard to reform, she has a perfect example of not being hungry right in front of her and she refuses to take it. I thought it would harder to reform the other two.”

It was at that moment Tirek came in alongside two muscular stallions one white and the other blue, one far older than the other. He was now towering over the other ponies, he chuckled “I must admit working out is a lot fun.”

Songbird frowned “Who are those stallions with him?”

Whisper laughed “That’s Bulk Biceps and his son Buff Biceps, with Tirek enjoying working out the three bonded over their mutual work out routines” she then growled turning back to the former Queen “Now about you!”

Chrysalis spat “You want me to make friends with weak ponies, they are prey not friends! I’m not a lovey dovey sap like the rest of my kind, I am above befriending ponies!”

Whisper snarled grabbing Chrysalis by the head and slamming into the wall “WHY! DO! YOU! HAVE! TO! MAKE! THIS! SO! DIFFICULT!”

Songbird grinned “I have an idea on who would be a good pony to befriend Chrysalis first, she is one of the toughest ponies in Equestria. She took repelled the invasion from the Shadowlands and now rules the Shadowlands as a Warrior Queen.”

Whisper frowned “How are we going to get there?”

Luster waked in with a frown “You mentioned the Shadowlands, well it’s actually linked through the train tracks now. There is an express train heading out in that direction in a good hour, I suggest you go with.”

Tirek flexed “A kingdom run by a Warrior Queen, count me in.”

Cozy Glow grinned devilishly “I’ll stay here and protect the castle, I have plenty of traps prepared for any intruders.”

Luster nodded “I’ll be staying here as well but I’m confident that Songbird will want to come with you.” Songbird nodded as she turned the group of three into a group of four.

The inhabitants of Ponyville while at first unnerved about Tirek and Chrysalis’ presence in the town they quickly became accustomed to their presence. The two of them walking to the train stain alongside Whisper and Songbird didn’t cause anyone to even bat an eye.

They were even able to get on the train with little fanfare, once the on the train on the other hand there was a lot of screaming ponies. Oddly enough the non-ponies didn’t care, none of them really had bad experiences with either of these two except for the Changelings but seeing there company knew there was no cause for concern.

Tirek had fallen asleep while Chrysalis frowned at Songbird “Why do you think I will respect this pony, Princess Twilight is powerful and I don’t respect her.”

Songbird rolled her eyes “That’s because you are holding a grudge against her, that won’t heal for centuries so we have ignored that. This pony you don’t really know, she was even in Equestria when you invaded for the second time or even third time as she had her own affairs to deal with.” It was not long before they arrived in a shadowy land, the sun no longer reaching it and instead being lit by glowing ethereal lights.

Huge shadowy beasts that would make Ursa Majors cower in fear wearing massive suits of dark armour with red glowing eyes stared down at them. As the group tired move past the guards, the guard blocked their passage “You are not allowed past unless one of you beats us. You must beat every stage of guards to head up to the next level, it our current Queen twenty years to make her way to the top and earn her ascension.”

Whisper simply glared at the two individuals as she unleashed her power growing to match their height. She grabbed both their heads and smashed them into the other, knocking them out. Her three friend followed her as she knocked out guard after guard until she was halfway up slowly overpowering the two guards as her power began rising.

She roared “I will face you all!” Her power continued to grow with each fight until she and her allies were at the top.

Chrysalis, Songbird and Tirek were all shocked that such powerful beings that existed. They arrived in front of massive throne to see a dark orchid Alicorn sitting on the throne, her moderate opal eyes eyeing them warily “Why are you here?”

Whisper bowed “I’m from another world alongside my friend Songbird, I have been tasking with reforming three villains by the Spirit of Harmony, two have been successful Tirek and Cozy back in Equestria. Chrysalis on the hand has no respect for ponies believing them to be weak and I was hoping to find a pony who is strong enough to break that view.”

The Alicorn nodded “Very well, I am Queen Tempest Shadow” she then turned to Chrysalis with a deathly glare that she thought had no place on a pony’s face “So you are the one who has no respect for ponies. Well listen here you stupid bug get down and give me twenty!”

Chrysalis snarled “Why would I listen to a pony…”

Tempest grabbed her by the mane and slammed into the ground. She then puled her up and glared into her eyes “Shut up bug bitch, now it’s fifty! Say another word and it will be one hundred!” She dropped the former queen who started immediately doing push ups as Tempest glared at her.

Tempest turned to Whisper’s giant form “You were the one who fought her way up here” her horn glowed as she scanned Whisper’s power. Tempest frowned as she summoned a strange disk “I found this strange object, may you inspect it for me. It’s energy is similar to yours.”

Whisper shrunk down to touch the device. As soon as she did she heard a strange voice speak “I am the Ultimate Protector. If you wish harm upon the innocent, you will feel the wrath of my power. Only those who give thanklessly and with compassion are my allies. Those who only take? Will have everything taken from them.”

Before anyone could say a word, the object began to glow only for a bit of Whisper’s power to mix with it causing it to glow red and become unstable. It opened a portal sucking in Whisper, Songbird, Chrysalis and Tirek leaving a confused Tempest. The portal stayed open a while longer as a Cozy Glow flew into the portal vanishing as well.

Chapter 12: Different Equestria

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Chrysalis groaned as she sat up “Where are we?” She looked around to see bipedal ponies shaking in fear at her presence.

At the same time Whisper, Songbird and Cozy Glow got up. Whisper frowned “How did we end up in Ponyville?” She then frowned as she looked around “Also where the fuck is Twilight’s castle?”

Tirek rubbed his chin “That is a very good question but we need to find a more private place to discuss this.”

Songbird frowned at Cozy “Speaking of which how did you get here anyway, you wanted to stay in Ponyville?”

Cozy complained “That strange portal thingy pulled me all the way there, I would have been turned to paste had the portal not drained all of the momentum!” She then frowned as she saw two humans, one of which had four horns on his head” pop into existence with a golden flash alongside a strange pony pinkish purple pony “I don’t have much experience with your kind but I can see two of them. Could they be like you?”

Whisper grimaced as she prepared for a fight “Maybe. We better be ready for them, I’m not sure if they are friendly.”

Songbird frowned “I’m confident that wouldn’t be wise, risking a conflict with a potential enemy that we don’t know anything about is dangerous.” Whisper conceded crossing her arms while watching the two humans carefully.

Once the two humans get close enough, the horned human asked the group “Who are you and what are you doing here?”

Whisper stepped forward “I’m Whisper Wood and my fellow human is Songbird Serenade. We are both displaced and we suspect you are too, behind us are our villains who are undergoing reformation. The centaur is Tirek, the filly is Cozy Glow and I’m sure all know Chrysalis judging from the fear. As for why we’re here well we found a strange disk that chanted to us and then sucked us here.”

The horned human was confused for a moment “Disk? What-” His eyes widened in realisation “You found my token? Wow.” He then muttered “Although, I didn’t know it could bring you here.” He then put his hand on his chest “Oh, where are my manners, my name is Seth” he then shows the person next to him “this is my friend Bella.”

Whisper frowned “I hope you don’t mind our guests too much, especially Chrysalis. The former Queen has been a reformation Nightmare, I was hoping Queen Tempest would assist in her reformation. She was the one who gave me your disk.”

Seth responded “Queen Tempest? Huh. Anyway that disk you found was my-” Before he could say another three humans prepared, one had his hand over a strange green watch while the second despite being a little woozy had her hands glowing with power.

The third had two stone maces at the end of his arms, he called out “Okay where’s the-” he turned to the group of strangers “Who are you?!”

Whisper grinned “I’m Whisper Wood and seeing you all ready for a fight makes me fired up. I’m up for a friendly spar, so who wants to fight me. I’ll take any of you or even all of you at once.”

She watches as two of them are clearly surprised by her declaration, the one who spoke before however smirked as he stepped forward. He raised his hands “I’ll take you on.”

Seth warns him “I wouldn’t do that Kevin, she’s strong.”

Kevin responds “Come on. She can‘t be that bad. Besides, she asked. Can’t be rude and say no, can we?”

Whisper frowned and before anyone else could even blink she appeared right in front of Kevin poking his forehead with her finger. He instantly collapsed to the ground unconscious as his stone armour shattered, Whisper sighed “That was disappointing. “ She then turned to the group “I pretty sure some of you are stronger than that weakling.”

Whisper frowned as the female human that shouted at her “Kevin! What was that?!”

Seth frowned “I warned but of course he didn’t…”

Whisper looked with an interest as green flash surrounded the other conscious human she didn’t know shouted as he turned into a red mollusc looking biped “Water Hazard!” He then groaned “Argh, I wanted Rath, not Water Hazard.”

He then raised his hands at Whisper, she heard Seth say something that was overwhelmed by the sound of the high pressure water coming towards her. She blocked it with one hand and walked up to the red mollusc biped “You can transform into more powerful forms, I want you at your best. If you don’t give me it then you will lose this fight.”

She dodged one of his punches and slapped him away rolling her eyes as he landed on the other unconscious human “Next.”

Seth steps forward “Alright, enough with the clown fest, if you wish for an opponent then I shall oblige.”

Whisper looked over Seth “You don’t look very strong” at his raised eyebrow she laughed “then again neither do I and besides you seem to have a greater idea of my power than the others which means you know what your up against and still believe you have a chance. I’m not going to pull any punches with you.”

Seth smiled at Whisper “This should be fun. But first, I’ll first do this.” Whisper noticed that the symbol was similar to the symbol on that green watch the other human had appeared on Seth’s chest. She also noted the confusion of everyone around them as a strange crystalline figure flashed behind him. Seth then pointed to the forest “If we’re going to do this, may I suggest we go to the Everfree? We’ll have more room there.”

Whisper nodded before looking at Songbird “I’ll be right back, could you keep an eye on those three for me?”

Songbird grinned “I can do that, you go and let off steam.” Whisper grinned as she headed towards the forest with Seth.

The pair flew into the forest, the landed in a clearing. Seth turned to her “Alright, so how’s this gonna-” Whisper delivered a punch to his face, Seth exclaimed “Wow, I actually felt that.” He then frowned “Also, a sucker punch? Really?”

Whisper blinked in surprise before grinning “This is going to be fun.” She leapt forward slamming her elbow into Seth’s head full force. Seth barely managed to dodge her strike before he blasted her with a multicoloured beam sending her flying into the air.

She forced herself away from the attack and landed half of her arm missing, she rolled her eyes as her arm regenerated. She grinned “That did some damage but you haven't seen anything yet.” Her form shimmered before she appeared in front of him delivering a barrage of rapid punches. Seth began glowing brightly as he took a few punches and then blasted her back in a multicolour shockwave. Whisper shrugged off the attack and grinned moving so fast that made her previous speed seem like a snail’s pace. She then delivered a kick followed by three punches that were several times stronger than her previous attacks“I know your capable of more than that! Show what you have got!”

Seth smirked as he clapped his hands together “Let’s see how you like this!” His voice begins to reverberate “When hope is gone.” His hair grew down his back, his eyes turning red as his pupils slit, his teeth and nails sharpening. He continued as his skin turned red and his face began to outstretch “Undo this lock.” A bladed tail began to grow from his rear as his clothes sunk away “And send me forth. On a Moonlight walk!” He began to hunch over his hands, now paws, touching the ground as his red skin changed to red fur “Release… the ultimate predator.”

His transformation finishes with bone spikes protruding out of parts of his back and face, his size quadrupling. He growled in a way that sounded like taunting laughter, Whisper sighed as she grew four times in size as well “Your quadrupedal and that is not beneficial in a fight like this, you may be faster in that form but your far less agile.” She moved behind him and tried to grab his tail only for him to split into two separate entities that jumped out of the way in separate directions.

Whisper looked at the two Seth’s in surprise as their animal like forms receded slightly to speak “Want to try again?”

Whisper rolled her eyes before disappearing again, the two versions of Seth didn’t even see her before she had grabbed both of their tails and slammed them together “You are no challenge in that form so I suggest you kick it up a notch.”

Seth recombined into one entity from the impact, he growled and in four second transformed into a blue creature with familiar disks all over him. His voice echoed “Let’s see how you like this” he then clicks of two of the disk of his chest “You may recognise these.” He the points his palms at her, he then blasts her large form through multiple trees.

Whisper stands up with a shrug. She then shrinks back to her normal size, teleports in front of him and punches him in the face “Stop holding back on me little guy! You have much more power than that!”

Seth looks her and nods “Alright. But, if we’re going to do this.. we gotta go higher.” He turned back to normal and formed a similar device to the one she saw on the other human earlier, he then slammed on it shouting “Jetray.” A manta ray like alien flashed behind him as he rocketed upward in a sonic boom. He then called out from two hundred metres in the air “First to space.”

He blasted up again only to see a Whisper blur past him, Whisper grinned at him as he joined her in space “Who are you calling slowpoke?” Whisper was then grabbed at incredible speed and taken so far from Equis that it was but a mere speck in the seemingly infinite void.

Seth grinned “Let’s see how you deal with this.” Whisper looked around in shock, she didn't expects him to be able to move her so fast that she would end up this far from the world. Seth then smiled “Now then, let’s try this out.” He looked at as he started to grow “How do you like.. Ultimate Way Big!!”

Whisper grinned as he achieved full size “Impressive but size isn’t everything.” She clapped her hands together emitting the force of one billion supernova all at once towards him.

Seth exclaimed “Whoa.” Whisper watched with intrigue as he absorbed the energy, Seth looked at her “Phew, close one. That could have singed me! You know, this might be a good time to see if this works!” Whisper watched him as the strange symbol appeared again. She wondered what his next move was, as he slammed down on it, he grew three times larger “How do you like me now?”

Whisper took a deep breath and a pair of powerful demonic wings emerged from her back as her skin turned a demonic blackish red. Her sclera turned black as two red glowing dots emerged, reality began to crumble around her form. She then moved easily millions of times light speed delivering an incredibly powerful single punch to his gut “I wish to see your full power, I was holding out on you as well so I thought my full power will bring me to face your full power.”

Seth was concerned but before he could really make a move, his power shifted as he let out pained exclamation “Huurrk?!” She felt his power skyrocket and then he split into five. Each clone put their arms into a L shape, from the sides of their upward facing hands beams of blue cosmic energy trapped Whisper in a five way cage.

Whisper frowned “That is new but” she grinned as her body began pulsating red “Not good enough.” She blew the five clones away from her, breaking the cage “You are not Seth, who are you?!” Two then summoned those strange symbols and with a flash their powers change, one clone rushes to punch her.

She dodged only for another clone to rewind time and for her to get hit. She then flies back only to get punched by another clone who hands were glowing with green energy. She watches as two clones withdraw, Whisper roars “Enough with this time shit! I was in this for the fun but now I’m going to kick you asses!” Her power erupts around her causing reality to completely collapse in her presence, time and space crumbling around her.

Before even an instant passed she was in front of the time controlling clone and smashed it’s head into green energy with a single punch. It’s huge body then also turned into green energy and vanished. She snarled “Is that all you got!”

One of the two remaining clones attacked, Whisper dodges the punch only to get knocked back as the clone detonated the energy around their hand. Whisper is unaffected however and cuts off the clone’s hand, the hand disappears in green energy.

She then frowned as they glow with that strange symbol, then after another flash the third, fourth and fifth clone had re-emerged. She sent a wave of energy at them as they charged only for them to turn into goop in response, they then reformed, two of them tried to trap her between their fist but she simply scattered their hands into goop.

She frowned as they flash with a symbol of a strange crystal creature as their bodies shift physically. She fired a wave of energy only for the clones to absorb it, she sighed “Okay let’s stop playing funny tricks.” A force of altered reality space bound the five clones as she raised her hand “Is that it?”

Whisper frowned as the clones reverted back normal and escaped “Is the fight over or do you have any more little tricks up your sleeves?” The clones now in their normal forms with their eyes glowing green activate strange devices rush at her. She flies towards the, one of their eyes glow brighter and fired a blast of energy which she dodged only for two of the clones to grab her. Whisper cries out “What’s thi…” she then sees that the two are draining her red glow “Huh?!”

She then panics for a second only to smirk as realised something, she smirked “Power Imitation, energy drain!” She activates her copied ability and drains her power back as well as the power of the two clones, she then frowns “I suppose I can try one last thing before I must use lethal force.” She focuses her power and begins to grow rapidly till the three remaining clones stare up at Whisper now the size of a Galaxy “Bigger isn’t always better but sometimes it can help.”

Two of the clones gave some of energy to recreate the fourth and fifth clones. All but one of the clones jumped on her and begin draining her power, she tried to shake them off only to get hit by white energy. Her body absorbed a tiny bit of it as it drained her powers out, she panicked a bit as she realised that her powers were gone only to feel the sight bit of energy that she had absorbed. She looked at the one that had hit her and grinned “Power imitation.”

A huge wave of power surged outward “I absorbed a slight bit of that power and used it to imitate the abilities of that power you just used. I could go another now even without my powers.”

Before she could strike however, a man in a white doctor’s uniform with a stethoscope dangling around his neck appeared “Cease. Two beings with the powers of Alien X clashing will destroy the universe.”

The clones look at him (̶̯̉Ẉ̶́h̴̳͛ȁ̸̬ṭ̵̔ ̸̩͆å̵̯r̵͈̊e̸̹̒ ̸͖͌y̵̜͊ö̴̘u̷͎̓ ̸̪̈́d̵͎͊ò̸̝ĭ̶͙n̴͉̆g̸̫̀ ̷͔̑h̴̨͌e̴̯͝r̷̫̈e̷̡̽ ̸͜͠V̷̮̓ò̴̻i̶̼͋ḏ̶̔ ̶̧͒D̵͓̂w̵͓̚e̶̟̎l̴̢̒l̸͘͜é̴̫r̸̡̀?̵̘̔)̵̨̅

The Void Dweller’s eyes narrow “Stopping you from destroying your reality.” Whisper watched in confusion as four of the five clones vanish into a burst of green energy, the fifth’s strange symbol vanishes. It nods to the Doctor.

As soon as the green glow leaves, Seth looks around confused “What happened? Last thing I reme..” He looks at the Doctor “Who are you?”

The Doctor frowned “I am the Doctor, the Void Dweller of Whisper and Songbird. I mean no harm by being here, unlike the Genie I am part of one highest ranks of Void Dwellers. I take my job incredibly seriously and I don’t do it often.”

Seth’s eyes narrowed at the Doctor “Hello, Doctor. I believe you know my view of Displacers?”

The Doctor nodded “Yes, I do. And I can assure you I mean you no harm.”

Seth nodded “Good.” He then turned to Whisper “Now then… What happened here and where are we?”

Whisper frowned “A reality distortion that was created by me during our fight” she closed her eyes drawing in her power the universe repairing itself. Her power now well contained within her body, she frowned “The source of your power seems to have a conscious of it’s own and it took control of the fight. My Displacer is here because according to him two beings with powers of a creature known as Alien X would break the universe apparently.”

Seth asked “I went Alien X?” Whisper nodded, Seth looked at in awe “You must be strong. Wait two?”

The Doctor nodded “She was able to imitate your power. Thus, she also possessed the power of Alien X.”

Seth nodded “Oh. Okay..” he then turned to Whisper “now, what was it you said before?”

Whisper frowned “The source of your power seems to have a conscious of it’s own and took control of the fight. It kept trying to beat me. It made clones of you, used time powers to make it so that I couldn’t dodge and used that weird symbol thing to make itself stronger.”

Seth blinked “Weird symbol thing” he then exclaimed in realisation summoning the strange symbol “Oh! You mean this?”

Whisper nodded “Yes, what is that?”

Seth explained “It’s called the Ultimatrix. It allows me to use the powers of over a million aliens and even evolve a few of them to strong than normal?”

Whisper frowned “Why did one of those humans have something similar of that strange wristwatch and when could you steal powers from others?”

Seth nodded “You mean Ben? This is based on that watch he has which is also called the Ultimatrix. In fact, he could probably learn how to do this to. And the rea…What?”

Whisper frowned “Is something wrong?”

Seth had a dead look in his eyes “What was the last thing you said?”

She repeated with concern “When could you steal powers from others?”

Seth frowned “I absorbed some of your power?”

Whisper nodded “Yeah, near the end of the fight. Why did you ask?”

Seth grimaced “That… thing… must’ve done it as a last resort. If so… then you are really powerful, probably the third strongest being I have met.”

Whisper nodded “He said that too. Also can I have that power back? You took it from me.”

Seth blinked “He? Oh Right.” He then shouted “Wait, What?! I absorbed your power?!”

Whisper grimaced “No, you made it disappear with that Alien X power. Anyway can I have it back? Please?”

The Doctor smiles “Allow me.” He then placed a glowing red hand on her shoulder “You should now have your power back and no longer have any of Alien X’s power in you.”

Whisper rubbed her head not entirely happy that extra power was gone but happy her original powers were back “Thanks, I guess.”

The Doctor nodded “It seems you power has adapted to Seth’s, your power has gained theft immunity and also has adopted to the Alien X power you had previously. It has copied all of the abilities that Alien X had and rose to a new level of power, it seems you have both types of Pure Progress.”

Seth turned to the Doctor “Pure Progress? What’s that?”

The Doctor smiled “Well in the Anime from your from home known Dragonball Super, Hit and Frieza had a different form of Pure Progress. Frieza allowed him to grow much stronger in a short time and Hit’s allowed his technique to improve an incredible amount. Whisper had both forms at the same time.”

Seth looks at Whisper with slightest bit of awe “Ah. I see. Very impressive.” He then turned to the Doctor “Anyway. We should get back, who knows what everyone else thinks has happened to us.”

The Doctor nods “Yes, a very good idea.” He claps his hands and in a flash Seth, Whisper and The Doctor were back in the Everfree Forest.

Seth nods to the Doctor “Thank you.”

The Doctor smiled “You’re very welcome.”

Seth frowned “Don’t push it. Anyway, let’s head…”

A flash of light brings Bella, Ben and two other humans into the clearing. Ben and the other male are slightly loose on their feet. Bella exclaims “Seth, where the heck have you been?”

Seth rubs his head “Oooh, right. Hey guys. Glad to see everyone is standing.” Ben and the other male glare at Whisper who grins back.

Bella point to the Doctor “Seth, who’s this?”

The Doctor “I am Whisper and Songbird’s Displacer.” At Bella’s fierce glare, he raises a hand “Do not worry! I assure you, I am not a threat.” Bella relaxes slightly although she is still glaring at him.

Seth shouted “Anyway!” Everyone turned to him “Whisper and I were having a little interstellar sparing match. No damage done. In fact I learned a few things.” He then turned to Whisper “Isn’t that right, Whisper?”

Whisper nodded “Yes, it was a lot of fun. He even pushed me into my demonic mode, I must admit that was quite a challenge. Now did anything…”

Songbird popped into existence “I need you two to stop wasting time, this world’s Twilight Sparkle and Chrysalis both want to kill each other! We need to get back there now before Tirek fails restrain them!”

Seth frowned “Where are they?”

Songbird grimaced “At the tree library thing.”

Seth nodded “Gotcha.” he then turned to Whisper “May I?”

Whisper grinned “If you want, by all means.”

Seth nodded “Alright, let’s go.”

He forms three sets of fiery looking wings and takes off Whisper, Bella and Songbird beside him. Whisper exclaims admiring the wings “Whoa!”

As they approached the Library, Tirek was holding Twilight while Cozy was desperately pushing Chrysalis “Chrysalis, stop! You know Whisper will kill you if-”

The group lands silencing Cozy, Seth frowned “Alright, what’s going on.”

Twilight shouted “She’s evil! And those two are protecting her!”

Seth explains “Okay Twilight. This is Chrysalis from another dimension” he then points at Whisper and Songbird “specifically the one these two are from.” He then turned to Whisper and Songbird “Not only that, didn’t you say she was getting reformed?”

Whisper nodded “Yeah” she then turned to Chrysalis and roared “and if she doesn’t, she’s going back to stone!” Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow shiver in fear.

Seth exclaimed as his arm formed into an alien jackhammer “Alright! You heard the woman! No more fighting or else someone is getting punched.”

Bella nodded “I’d do what he said, that thing hits hard enough to cause earthquakes.”

Whisper grinned sadistically “Now now, words don’t work on her. The ponies have tried that, the threat of retribution isn’t enough, actions speak louder than words.” Whisper walked over to Chrysalis who looked at her in abject terror, Whisper’s finger glowed as she tapped her on the forehead “You can’t die no matter what I do to you.”

She stuck her hand into Chrysalis’ gut, gripping her intestines. Chrysalis began to scream in agony as Whisper slowly and painfully pulled out her intestines her sadistic grin only widening as former Queen’s screams were music to her ears. Everyone save Songbird was watching in horror.

Seth shouted “Whisper, stop it!” Whisper dropped the writhing Queen, who Seth runs over and his hand turns clear almost likely a jellyfish. Seth’s hand starts sparking and after a few seconds Chrysalis starts to moan.

Whisper grimaced “What did you do?”

Seth frowned “I helped her. Not sure in what way but I did. Now…” He turns to her fury in his eyes “Let me make this very clear.” His hand turned a metallic grey black, a ball of red energy surrounding it “I do not condone torture. At all. Understand?”

Whisper frowned “Chrysalis invaded Canterlot and she had a chance to attempt diplomacy, to begin the healing process. Instead she vanished until she could launch another invasion, she failed and that time she was given another chance to put that behind her. She turned that aside and rejected her own kind, she then alongside Tirek and Cozy Glow tried to conquer Equestria before being sealed in stone for fifty years. Harmony herself didn’t let anyone try to reform them until I arrived, I was chosen because I could do what no-one else could.

Whisper then growled “Tirek and Cozy could have continued with someone else but Chrysalis is on her third chance! As the saying goes “Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me! This is her third chance and absolutely her last chance, that means death and that means for her soul being locked in the darkest pit of Tartarus for her soul to be in eternal torment! Harmony turned to me as her last chance, because I have brutality to do what needs to be done.”

A glowing purple portal opens, a purple mare with a mighty horn and massive wings, and wearing a purple dress covered in powerful runes. A golden crown with a six pointed star steps out “I have been watching you and your words are spoken truth. Chrysalis has had way too many chances.”

Whisper, Songbird, Tirek and Cozy Glow bowed “Princess Twilight!”

Seth yelled “Cruelty is never the answer!”

Princess Twilight frowned “Then what is?”

Seth frowned “Let her stay.”

Princess Twilight blinked “What?”

Seth repeated “Let her stay here, with me. I’ll take care of her.” The ponies gawked at him.

Princess Twilight grimaced “Our Equis is very different from yours, it is a god realm created for the growth of gods. Even Cozy Glow could fly around the universe blowing up planets if not kept in check, it’s why the punishment was decided to be so severe. If Chrysalis was allowed to wander the universe she could easily cause a galaxy wide genocide at an absolute minimum, the fact is if you do this the fate of your universe rests on your shoulders. Are you ready to handle the burden?”

Seth looked at her with surprise, he then looks to the outlaws and then back to Twilight “I’m sure. If I’m strong enough to fight Whisper to a stand still, I can- Huurrk?!What the- GAH!AGAIN?!”

Whisper walks over as Seth keels over clutching his ribs. After few moments he exclaims “GAH!” After a few more moments of silence Seth gritting his teeth nods “Gah…fine. You want to talk?Go ahead.”

Seth stands up his eyes begin glowing green, Whisper frowned “You again?”

Bella teleports next to them in a bright pink flash “What’s- SETH?!You’re the one doing…wait, your not Seth. Who are you?”

Princess Twilight frowns as she hears it speak (T̴̨͇̓͘h̴̨̨͌i̸̩͖̒̇s̶̥͊ ̸̡͔̐̓v̶̫̇̚ŏ̸͙i̷̻̾͗͜c̷̙͕͌e̸͍̽ ̵̬̚ḧ̸̭̝a̷̫̳̾s̵͇̅ ̴̱̘͗n̵͈̋o̶̝̔͒ ̵̗̭̎̓n̵̡̫̿̾á̸̹͜͝m̷̧̛̲e̴̮̳̾,̷̙͐ ̴̖̓̂i̸̟̳̔͝t̷͕̯͋ ̶̼̪̀͝ș̶̗̐i̵̱̫̋̓m̶̟̭̔p̵̣̃l̴̙̂y̴͚͈̒͝ ̸̞̯̽i̸̘̜͐̒s̴̩̥̓)

It then turned to her (Q̴̱̊u̷̻̽ẻ̸͇e̸̟͘n̴̢̋ ̷̩́C̵̫̆h̵̞̑y̶̗̑r̵̥͐s̸̼̔a̵̗̒l̸̼̋i̷̝͐ś̴̹ ̶̜̊h̶̺͋a̶̫͂s̷͚̈ ̷̦̈́n̸̗̑ö̵̭́ ̶̞͛p̵̲͌ḻ̸͘å̷̻c̵͙͂ȇ̶ͅ ̴̻̚ḯ̵͕ṅ̶̤ ̸̑͜ẏ̴̘o̴͙͐u̴̢̓r̴̃ͅ ̸͇͒ẁ̸̥o̴͓͆r̴͔̈́l̸̝̿d̸͈͑.̷̲̣̃͝ ̸̱͎̀̋Ș̸͗͠ē̸̼͙̌ṯ̴̹̑h̸̗̒ ̵̧̦͘s̸̡͚̆ú̶͈̏ͅḡ̵̣͛g̸̣͈͋̕ẻ̵̝̓s̸͕͘t̴̪̐ś̸̯ ̷̢̮̒͂ṡ̴͉͙̋h̴̥̋͂e̸̘̬͊͝ ̶̖̆̈s̷̺̫͑͌t̷̲̫̅͘â̶̺̞̑y̴̝̥̕ ̸̢̾͠h̴̛̺͈̐e̴̝̗͗r̷̪̫̃̀e̸̪͊ͅ.̵̨̖̓ ̶̟̩͊̎T̷͍̕͠ĥ̸̜i̷͕͛̒s̵̳̈́̿ ̶̖̏ḯ̸̫̀s̸̮̈́ ̴͎̳̿t̶̢̘̽ḧ̷̹̣́e̸̲͑̇ ̵̘̀͑ḇ̸̿é̵̛̠͕s̵̡̮̎t̵̺̐̃ͅ ̷̝̒͐c̴̟̺̍ö̵͕̗́̅ŭ̵̞̱͒r̷̝̬̋s̸͙̦̿͠è̶̡̘ ̷̮̈́͐ọ̵̆f̸̙̿̉ ̶̟͌̔ȁ̴͎̻c̷̛͍̋t̵̳͇̃̽ï̴̢͛ǫ̸̯̎ņ̷̹͂͝.̵̳̓)

Princess Twilight glared at Chrysalis “The best course of action? Chrysalis cannot be trusted. She has proven that.”

Songbird whispered to Whisper “She can understand that?”

The entity frowned (T̸̺͑ḧ̶͎͆e̴̞͖̔ ̶̮̺̓a̷̹͔͑̒c̵̙͘t̴̫̍́ĩ̸͜õ̷̙n̸̯̋ş̸͈͑ ̴̖̈́͘c̶̻̖̀͒ȃ̸͚r̵̲̍r̷̼̿̕i̷̞̚e̷͈̓ḑ̶̘̊͑ ̵̱̀o̷̬̘̚ǔ̵̡̢͘t̸͎͊ ̶̗͎͆̽b̵̛̫̈y̶͇̽̅ ̶̖̂̎ỷ̵͉̱̆ơ̸̤̇ư̵̪̦̅ ̶̧̀͝ȁ̵̭̥̍n̵̬̑̄ͅd̶̨̙́̆ ̶̘͈͝ỳ̶͖͐o̷͙͑̌u̵̩͛͜ṟ̴̨̃̇ ̸̛̖̺c̶͔̽ï̷͚̤t̶͕̤̀̅į̴̇z̷̦͒̀ḛ̴̲̀n̵͉̉̇s̵̰͋̾ ̴̣͘d̷͎͖̂i̶̧͂s̷̢̎ͅơ̷̲̚͜b̵͍̲̽̈́e̴͔͛͗y̴͚͌ ̴̨̉̂t̸̻̑̀h̴͔̺̾̕ẹ̶̊ ̴͙̅̂A̸̞͚͗̐ļ̶̓͝p̸̠̽̚h̴̩̍̆å̸͖ ̸̡͊̂ͅD̴̢̫̽́i̴̖̇͠r̷͙͆e̶͕̽c̵̠͈̆͛t̶̰͑i̸̢͕̿v̴̮̇̋ë̵̛̼́.̵͍͠ ̶̪̆̍T̵͜͝ĥ̴͖̑í̶̲͓ś̴̞ ̶̹̮͋̕ẅ̸͙̮́ỉ̷͈͌l̸̫̋̏l̴̤̖̓ ̵̧͍̓̒n̸̛̛̺o̷͙̓t̷͇͈͂ ̵͖̿b̶̝̹̑͘ë̴̡͇ ̸̨̤̔͆a̸̠̣͆̏l̷̡͑̔l̴̟͑o̵͊̐͜w̸̻̋͘e̶̱̍ͅd̸̘̓̊)

Princess Twilight blinked “Alpha Directive, what is that?”

Whisper snarled as she charged a ball of fire “Enough! Chrysalis will be punished for her crimes. There will be no debate.”

The entity spoke (Ḍ̴͊̓i̶̺̔͝s̸͈̟̈͠e̴̟̞̐̃ǹ̷̠̄ǧ̸͈̺a̴̳͛̈́g̵͍̒e̵̺̿̌ ̸͔͔̿B̶̫̂͜ȩ̷̓̿t̶̤̕a̶̲͂̕ ̵͙̎D̶̡̏̈́i̴̳̿̒ȓ̵͍é̸̈́͜ç̸̑̎t̷̛̖͌ị̶͖̃̒v̷̡̻̊e̵̱̿.̵̧̘̕)

It then grabbed Whisper’s hand draining out power from the attack causing it to dissipate.”

Whisper growled “What?”

The entity smiled slightly (Y̶̰̼͛͑ǫ̷̝̈ṷ̶͠r̴̼̒͝ ̵̗̄ͅe̷̱̽n̷͍͋e̵͚͝r̵̬̰̒͝g̷̹̈́̕͜y̴͙̎ ̸̙͕̃͝c̵̜͐̚a̴̩̕ͅn̵̮̊ń̶̯͓ó̶̘͘t̷̘̗͆͆ ̸͎̽̓b̷̞̫͛e̵̛̞̍ ̷̺̣̆͆s̶̠͕͆t̶͚͗o̸̯̭͐̋l̵̯͎̆̑ȇ̶̲̘̾n̶̻̍͑ ̷͛͑͜b̸̺̼́ǜ̶̯t̵̻̮̉ ̷̬̀͠ẙ̴͚o̷͕͉͂̓ü̴̫͘r̷̥̫̈́̐ ̸͕̓a̷̳̕t̷̔͐͜ṱ̸̡̈́̋c̸̢̘̓k̸͚̍̃s̷̮͂ ̶̗͋̊c̵̣͖͠a̵̛̮n̵̬̅͝ ̷̲̤̎͋ḃ̴̭̬e̵͔̤̚ ̸̨̺̆̃a̷̖͚͊͝b̴̗̼͝s̷̡̳̏o̵̝͑̃ṛ̷̉̏b̵̰͂ẹ̸̙̌ḍ̶̟͗.̸̧̩̈́)

Songbird’s face was filled with a mix of irritation and worry “Whisper, please, just let them keep her.”

Whisper yelled “Fine.”

The Entity nodded (T̷̗̹̅h̵̞̍̈́a̴̬̿n̴͔̒ķ̶̊̾ͅ ̸̛̪̝̈y̶͖͑̋o̵̗̩͐ȗ̸̧͎.̶̭͛̎)

Seth frowned “Don’t thank me, keep your word.”

The Entity nodded (W̴̨̱̑̈ë̵̡͕ shall)

The glow in Seth's eyes dissapeared after a few seconds, Seth groaned “Gah, I have a headache.”

Whisper’s body then started to glow, Princess Twilight blinked “It seems this was Harmony’s plan all along. I guess some things work in mysterious ways.” She then smiles “Take care of Chrysalis.” She then steps through the portal she came from it disappearing as she did so.

The Doctor summoned two books, he gave one to Tirek “Chrysalis needs a positive voice to speak to from her old world.”

He then passed one to Seth “Give this to Chrysalis when she wakes.” He then clicks his fingers, Tirek, Cozy Glow, Whisper and Songbird as well himself disappearing in a flash of light.

Chapter 13: Realm of the Void Dwellers

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Whisper ever since returned was not in a good mood, despite Songbird’s efforts to assist her friend Whisper remained in a terrible mood. The Incident with Chrysalis had stung her deeply.

Whisper was brooding to herself, the Doctor walked into the room with a frown as Songbird waked behind him. He slapped Whisper “You are way too down in the dumps. In truth I was hoping to show you and Songbird something, it is a rare gift to visit this place.”

Whisper sighed as she stood up “I might as well come.” He clicked his fingers and the trio disappeared, they were standing on the side of a large dark blue building flying around in the air as it dodged past other buildings that had various creatures both familiar and strange walking on them.

Songbird looked around at the pulsating black and yellow sky that surrounded them “What is this place?!”

The Doctor grinned “This is the Realm That Never Was, Void Dwellers and Displacers technically don’t exist. We are concepts that don’t fit into normal realms and thus we are bought to together using non-existent material in the plain of non-existence. We are collectively known as Those Who Never Were.”

A man in a trenchcoat approaches with a smile “Doctor, I see you have brought guests.”

The Doctor smirked “It’s been a while Merchant, displace anyone lately.”

Merchant chuckled “Plenty, now I have to fill out some paperwork. Wish you and your guests luck.”

As the Merchant left walking down the building Whisper frowned “Do you know anyone else here?”

Doctor smiled gesturing to the area in front of them “Follow me.”

They walked up the building and halfway up they suddenly found themselves in an alleyway full of strange people walking through the streets, a strange woman with bonelike armour plating and two bonelike wings stretched out of her back. The woman gave the Doctor a peck on the cheek “I see this is you latest job?”

Songbird smiled as she held out a hand “I’m Songbird, what’s your name?”

The woman smiled as she took the hand “I’m the Queen of Blades and the Doctor is my husband. He told me that your friend there has been quite down in the dumps, allow me to show your friend around a bit. Help lighten the mood.”

Whisper shrugged nonchalantly “Whatever.” Whisper followed Blades through the market, strange little black devil was exchanging a blackish blob for a wrench from a man in red overalls.

A Bear, Rabbit, Chicken and Fox were singing together on a stage as little foxs, blobs of goop and various other strange kids watched with their parents right beside them. A Golden Bear with razor sharp claws and teeth was the bodyguard at the event.

Blades frowned “What has you so down in the dumps anyway? You are strong person I can tell that much.”

Whisper growled “I tortured someone and the worst part is I enjoyed even though it was wrong. I knew it was wrong to bring such harm to another but I did so anyway because I was told that being myself was okay. Only to realise that I was being manipulated and that I was actually doing the wrong thing. I have to live with the fact that what I enjoy doing is wrong.”

Blades shook her head “I heard you like fighting as well, so I decided to give this to you as a gift.” She gave Whisper a capsule “This contains a training room that can create a perfect copy of yourself to spar against.”

Whisper smiled “Thank you for this, it might make things a little easier.”

Meanwhile as Blades continued to lead Whisper around the markets, The Doctor was doing the same with Songbird. Songbird grabbed a yellow bunny doll with razor sharp teeth “Can I have one of these?”

She didn’t even notice that it tried to bite her. The Doctor smiled “Sure but be careful it bites!”

She turned to it as it tired to bite her again, she growled as she formed a ball of fire in her hand “you will stop that at once or there will be trouble!” The bunny doll flinched and the Doctor bought the doll for her.

The Doctor groaned as he got a message “Ughh that Genie guy did something really stupid. He messed with Seth again, I’ll have to send you two home so I can log his actions from my perspective.”

Blades teleported to him with a sigh “I’m sorry we have to cut this short but we have duties to attend to. The Genie’s actions have been very messy to clean up, you don’t mess with your Displaced afterwards and you definitely don’t redisplace them. You are allowed to assist them however. We are supposed pt be caretakers of the Displaced, even those who we didn’t transport.”

The Doctor teleported them back to the castle, Songbird sighed “I wish I could see more of their home.” She then growled “that stupid Genie guy had to ruin it, if I ever see him I will make him regret it!”

Whisper smiled “I’m sure we will be able to visit there sometime in the future but for now let’s enjoy what we have here.” The duo smiled as they decided to just enjoy their lives in the new world they lived in.