Creaming the Crusaders

by dirty little secret

First published

Now that Button has learned all about sex, what he needs now is a marefriend. He's too embarrassed to ask his mom about it, though ... so maybe the Cutie Mark Crusaders can help him.

(Reading The Good Moms Club is not necessary to enjoy this story.)
Now that Button has learned all about sex, what he needs now is a marefriend. He's too embarrassed to ask his mom, Cream Heart, about it, though ... so maybe the Cutie Mark Crusaders can help him.

But when Misty Breeze showed him ‘how to make fillies happy’, she never went into all the details of explaining pregnancy and how to avoid it. She told him to ask his mom for help finding a marefriend, expecting that his mother would be the best pony to tell him about that ... or not tell him about that, if Cream wanted grandchildren as soon as possible.

That means that by the time Button’s done showing the Crusaders what he learned about making fillies happy, all three of them will be creampied and very, very pregnant. Turns out that Cream’s plan to get grandchildren is going to be far more effective than she planned.

Contains: foalcon, MFFF four-way, creampie, creampie eating, accidental impregnation, loss of virginity
Cover art based on 57892 by illuminatiums. 1165323 for NSFW version.
This story was suggested by one of my Patreon supporters and voted for by the rest of my Patreon supporters. If you want to help decide which story I do next, you can go to my Patreon and sign up now!

Creaming the Crusaders

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Button Mash took a deep breath and took a little comfort from having his propeller beanie back safe and sound before knocking on the door of the Cutie Mark Crusaders' clubhouse. He had to remind himself that even though these three fillies had a really huge reputation for helping anyone with their problems, the three of them were still just young ponies, just like himself. There was no reason he should feel nervous about asking for their help, right? Even if the problem he wanted help with was kind of private and embarrassing...

Enough! He had to do this before he managed to put it off any longer, before losing his nerve. He'd already delayed himself for a pretty long time on the excuse that he needed his propeller beanie back. He knocked on the door.

It opened immediately, with all three fillies right behind it ... almost like they'd been right on the other side of it, just waiting for him. But of course that was ridiculous. They were probably just really fast.

“Oh, hey Button,” Apple Bloom said. “We don't see you around here too often.”

“Yeah, um...” Button rubbed the back of his neck, already feeling like this was a bad idea. These fillies helped ponies with cutie mark problems, not ... his kind of problem. “I was kind of hoping you girls could help me with a problem...”

Scootaloo's eyes widened and even sparkled a little. “A cutie mark problem?”

Sweetie Belle looked sidelong at her. “He's already got a cutie mark – that plus sign thing.”

“He probably needs help figuring out what it means. And it's a direction pad, duh – like on the controller for a—”

Apple Bloom shoved her hoof in Scootaloo's mouth. “What my lovely colleagues here mean to say is: what kind of problem can we help ya with?”

As Scootaloo forcefully removed Apple Bloom's hoof from her mouth, Button felt his cheeks heating up. He knew he must be blushing, even though that was the last thing he wanted to be doing right now. “Well, um, it's actually not a cutie mark problem at all.” He took a step backward, down the ramp. “I, uh... I probably should have asked somepony else, so I'll just—”

“Nope!” Apple Bloom deftly leapt over the railing and onto the ramp behind him, blocking his only way out. “Not so fast there. Just because it's not a cutie mark problem doesn't mean we can't help. We might not be able to give ya any Cutie Mark Crusaders guarantee, but we'll try our best!”

“Yeah!” Scootaloo added, helpfully.

Sweetie Belle looked a little more thoughtful, though, peering at him. “Just what kind of problem is this, then?”

Button glanced around the little corner of Sweet Apple Acres where the clubhouse resided. Now that the question had come up, he could just imagine word of this getting out around the schoolyard. It would be mayhem, and he'd be getting teased about it for the rest of his life. Was that bit of red in the next apple tree over a bit of Rainbow Dash's tail as she slept over there, ready to overhear things? Was that slight rustle in the bushes a bunny, or was it Diamond Tiara, ready to pop out from behind the bush and laugh as soon as he said anything embarrassing?

“Hey,” Scootaloo said, snapping him back to reality. “What kind of problem?”

“Oh, um...” He glanced around again, just to be sure. “Can we talk about it inside?”

Scootaloo shrugged. “Sure, I guess.” And as she turned to head into the clubhouse, her tail casually flicked up for a moment, showing him a glimpse of her cute little orange pussy between those tight-curved ass cheeks of hers.

He had to keep himself tightly under control and focus on walking into the clubhouse in order to keep his cock from beginning to come out of his sheath. No! Ugh, why did he have to be so horny all the time ever since Misty Breeze showed him how to make mares happy? And he definitely had to avoid focusing on how close the other two Crusaders were behind him as they followed him inside.

Apple Bloom shut the door behind all of them. “Okay now. Can we finally find out what this problem is that you're bein' so secretive about?”

“It's... Well, I guess it's...” How should he say this? “What I mean to say is—”

“Come on,” Scootaloo whined, looking ready to pull her own mane out. “Spit it out already!”

Button sighed. “Okay. Can you girls help me find a marefriend? Misty Breeze said I should ask my mom for help, but I'm too embarrassed to ask her after...” After he was pretty sure that Mom had let his best friend, Rumble, fuck her. And now Mom kept giving weird hints about a new brother or sister on the way... No, he didn't want to go into all that with the Crusaders. Not at all. He didn't even want to think about it.

But the three fillies just stared at him.

“What?” Apple Bloom said.

Sweetie Belle cocked her head to the side. “Seriously?”

Scootaloo stuck her tongue out in disgust. “Ugh! All that special somepony business is just gross adult stuff. What do you even want a marefriend for?”

“Yeah,” Sweetie Belle said, blinking away the shock. “I thought you just liked video games and stuff. Why do you want to be a romantic all the sudden?”

He rubbed his front hooves together self-consciously and stared down at the floor, trying to control his blush and keep his cock from slipping out at the same time. Memories of exactly why he wanted a marefriend kept dancing at the periphery of his consciousness, and he had to repress them to avoid losing control in front of the Crusaders. “Well, Misty kind of taught me how to make a filly happy, and it turns out that was really fun. I wanted to do it with her some more, but she said I had to find somepony my own age.”

“Makin' a filly happy?” Apple Bloom slowly raised an eyebrow at him. “What's that supposed to mean?”

“Hold on, hold on,” Sweetie Belle said, butting in. “What exactly did she teach you to do?”

He was sure he was visibly blushing now. “I think she called it ... sex.”

Scootaloo's eyes lit up. “Oh...” When both of the other fillies looked at her quizzically, she elaborated: “I've heard of that. Sex is what I heard Rainbow talking about having with the Wonderbolts when I was—”

“When you were spyin' on her again?”

“I wasn't spying!”

Sweetie Belle tapped her chin thoughtfully for a moment before contributing her own hypothesis: “Stalking?”

“Not that either! I was just hanging around and, um ... happened to overhear it. That's all.”

Apple Bloom shook her head. “Well, I don't know what we can do about findin' you a marefriend, Button. Unless you want Scootaloo to stalk one for ya.”

“Hey!” Scootaloo's feathers ruffled.

But before the two of them could really get into a row, Sweetie Belle stepped in between the two of them. “Hold on a minute. Maybe we should help him.”

Apple Bloom turned her ire from Scootaloo to Sweetie Belle. “How can we help him with this? It ain’t a cutie mark problem at all!”

Scootaloo pouted. “I wasn't stalking her!”

“Well, at least we could try to help him, though,” Sweetie Belle said.

“At least,” Scootaloo amended, “I wasn't stalking her on purpose or anything.”

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. “Then what's your plan, Sweetie Belle, huh?”

Sweetie Belle shrugged in an impressive show of nonchalance. “Um, well... He said something about learning to make fillies happy. Let's find out about that. It sounds like fun, right?”

Pursing her lips skeptically, Apple Bloom glared at Sweetie Belle, but eventually gave a slight nod.

But Scootaloo wasn't done yet. “And I can't help it if I happen to be walking past a window and I hear somepony saying—”

“Enough already, Scootaloo!” Apple Bloom said. “Alright, if it makes ya feel better, I agree that you weren't stalkin' nopony.”

“And I wasn't spying, either!”

Or spyin' neither. Now can we please get on to figurin' out what to do about Button's problem?”

“Well, duh.” Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Obviously we're gonna do like Sweetie Belle said and have Button teach us how to have sex!”

Button blanched, his eyes going wide. “But ... I only just learned myself!”

Sweetie Belle gave him an appraising look. “But you did learn, right?”

“I guess...”

Apple Bloom seemed to shrug off whatever inhibitions had been bothering her. She came right up next to Button, almost close enough to be touching, but not quite. “Well come on then. What do we do first?”

“I...” Button gulped. “I was just supposed to get help finding a marefriend ... I'm not sure if—”

Scootaloo came up close to his other side. “Well, how are we supposed to get you a marefriend without knowing what you want to do with her? Come on!”

“Well, okay...” Button took a deep breath to brace himself. This wasn't going the way he'd planned at all. And yet... “I guess the first thing Misty did was to bend over and look for her baking pans in the drawer beneath the oven.”

“But we don't have an oven,” Sweetie Belle said.

“And we don't have any bakin' pans, neither,” Apple Bloom added.

“I guess the important part was that she bent over in front of me?”

Scootaloo frowned. “I thought this was supposed to make fillies happy, and now we're the ones doing everything, right from the beginning?”

Sweetie Belle shushed them both. “Come on, girls. Let's just go along with it for now and see what happens. Take it easy on him – he's new at this.”

Button blushed all over again at the congenial look Sweetie Belle gave him.

“Alright.” Apple Bloom shook her head. “But this had better be good.” She turned to face him directly, then bent over, folding her front legs beneath herself. “Like this?”

“Um ... yeah.” A large part of Button still couldn't believe this was actually happening. But another part of him – small now, but yearning to grow larger very soon – screamed at him to go through with it and not screw it up. “Just like that, but you're supposed to be facing away from me.”

Once it was clear what he wanted, all three of them rushed into position in a quick blur. He suddenly found himself staring at three upturned rumps, and even though he couldn't see all that much around their tails, it was still an incredible sight. Apple Bloom's so big and muscular, Scootaloo's so firm and tight, Sweetie Belle's so soft and bouncy-looking...

“Are we doing it right?” Scootaloo asked. “I don't think it's making me happy yet.”

“She, um ... lifted her tail more than that. A lot more.”

Red, purple, pink – three tails lifted up in quick succession, and Button's eyes went wide, drinking it in. All three of them had such amazing little pussies nestled up between their cheeks, all in matching colors. They looked so much smaller and daintier than Misty's. Three wonderful little rounded bulbs just waiting to be touched for the first time. His cock was already slipping out of his sheath, and he no longer tried to fight that.

Scootaloo's hind hooves shuffled impatiently ... which just happened to spread her legs open a little wider, to the point where her pussy began to spread open as well and show a tiny sliver of pink in the middle. “Okay, so now what?”

“Then she had me come closer.” He stepped toward the three fillies, his eyes so entranced by flitting back and forth between the three of them that he would have been blind to anything else in the room. “And then I, um ... licked her?” The thought of actually doing that to any of these three fillies gave him enough pause to prevent him from thoughtlessly doing it right away.

“Licked her?” Apple Bloom asked. “Licked her how? And where?”

“Maybe it would be easier if I just showed you? Do you mind if I do it with you first?”

“Well, that’s what we're doin' here, ain't it?” she said.

With no further reason to hold himself back, and any trepidations blown away by the sight of her pale yellow vulva just waiting there for him, Button leaned forward and planted a long, slow lick all the way up from the bottom of Apple Bloom's pussy to the top.

“H-hey,” she said, a shiver running up her powerful little legs. “That tickles, but in a funny way.”

Rather than let up, Button licked again, this time working his tongue slightly inside, parting the lips of her pussy and sliding over just a tiny bit of the soft pinkness inside.

“Woah!” Apple Bloom pushed herself back against him, straining to get more, and she gave a throaty little gasp. “Now that is somethin'! Do it again!”

Smiling as his cock fell free beneath his belly, Button obliged her, giving a series of firm licks that elicited more and more appreciative moans from Apple Bloom.

He was so absorbed in taking care of Apple Bloom, even, that he didn't even notice Scootaloo coming up next to him and watching what he was doing. “Woah,” she said, startling him a little. “Sounds like she really likes it. I never knew you could do stuff like that with, you know, that thing...”

“Me next! Me next!” Sweetie Belle gushed, pushing her rump close up beside Apple Bloom's.

Despite Scootaloo's obvious disappointment, Button did go to Sweetie Belle next. She giggled a little bit as he nuzzled his way over her plush little rump and up between her cheeks, but when he brashly stuck his tongue – still slick with the taste of Apple Bloom – inside Sweetie Belle's pussy, that giggle turned into a sharp little squeal.

“Oh my gosh!” she said, her tail shooting up higher. “I never thought it would feel this good!” Her pussy winked open, practically shoving her little pink clit into Button's mouth, and she squealed again when he lightly sucked on it.

But Scootaloo wouldn’t be denied for long. She turned around and shoved her rump right up against Button's face, the bulb of her pussy lips pressing warmly against his cheek despite how he was still doing his best to lick Sweetie Belle. “It's my turn,” Scootaloo announced. “You've got to let me try it, too!”

Sweetie Belle stiffened. “What? Come on! He only just started, and now you want to...” As Button moved over to lick Scootaloo instead, she growled in frustration. “No fair!”

But Button was really getting into it now. His cock was fully hard and slapping up against his belly, and he wanted a taste of Scootaloo as soon as he could get it. Scootaloo's pussy was probably the smallest of the bunch, and upturned a little bit in an adorably pouty way. He planted his mouth against it, his lips encircling nearly her whole mound as he ventured his tongue around and into her slit, which opened oh so easily and readily for him.

Almost immediately, Scootaloo's whole body went stiff and trembling, her wings shaking above her, completely outstretched. Her pussy winked again and again into his mouth, and she quickly became far wetter than either of the other girls had been, soaking his mouth with her juices until they overflowed from the corners of his lips and seeped downward along the curves of her tight little ass cheeks.

“Now go back to me,” Sweetie Belle said. “I didn't get enough!”

Apple Bloom stomped one rear hoof. “Are you crazy? It’s my turn next, and I'm not waitin' any longer than I have to. I feel wound up somethin' awful, and all I know is that I need more of that if it's gonna get any better!”

But before Button could even really consider moving back to either of the other two girls, a jolt ran through Scootaloo's body. She turned her head up toward the ceiling, arching her back even more, and pressed herself hard against his face. Her pussy clenched down around the little bit of his tongue inside it, then gushed out enough hot juices to almost choke him.

He pulled himself away and spat out the excess, gasping for breath, and Scootaloo fell to the wooden floor, her legs twitching and her body pulsing with convulsions from the inside. He could see it in the way her tail bobbed slightly up and down and in the way her asshole clenched and unclenched. It just kept building and building until finally she let out a throaty, moaning scream and went limp, barely even breathing.

Losing all thoughts of continuing their fun with Button, both of the other crusaders slowly approached Scootaloo, looking on half in concern and half in fear, as if they were afraid she might explode at any moment.

Apple Bloom turned to scowl at Button. “What the hay did you just do to Scootaloo?”

“That was...” Scootaloo's voice trembled and broke. She took a deep breath and tried again. “That was awesome!

Sweetie Belle came up and prevented Apple Bloom from stalking toward Button. “Leave him alone, Apple Bloom. Whatever that was, I think Scootaloo liked it.”

Liked it?” Scootaloo said, getting more of her breath back now and even making an effort to stand back up. “That was the best thing ever!” Her legs were a bit wobbly, but she managed to get back on her hooves and not fall over. “What was that?”

Button pursed his lips for a moment. Should he pretend like he knew everything? No ... he wanted their help, after all. He should be honest. “I'm not sure ... not completely sure. But it seems kind of like the 'orgasm' Misty had, only... Only she had it while she was riding me, not when I was licking her.”

Apple Bloom took a step backward, her eyes wide. “Ridin' you? Like a buckin' bronc?”

“Well, um ... yeah, kind of. But not really.”

Apple Bloom's face scrunched up. “That ain't helpful at all.”

But Sweetie Belle butted in before they could get into clarifying it any more. “So is that what we do next?”

He shook his head. “She, uh ... she touched me next.”

Scootaloo had finally recovered enough to come around behind Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle to peer at him as quizzically as either of the others. “Touched you? Touched you where? And how?”

“She touched me on my, um...” Maybe it would be better to just show them... He turned to the side and pointed underneath his belly with one hoof.

All three Crusaders went wide-eyed and drew slightly closer as they stared at his fully exposed cock. It wasn't quite as stiff as it had been when he'd been licking them from behind, but it still stood up proudly, curving up toward his belly.

“Woah,” Scootaloo said. “I could've sworn it wasn't like that when you came in here.”

“It wasn't,” Apple Bloom said authoritatively. “That there's a penis. Most of the time, it's tucked up inside 'im, but sometimes it comes out if they need to pee or if they're with a mare they like.”

Sweetie Belle stared at her. “How do you know all that?”

“It's 'cause she lives on a farm,” Scootaloo said smugly.

“It's 'cause I've got a brother,” Apple Bloom retorted with a sidelong glance. “And he ain't too good at controllin' himself when Sugar Belle comes over to visit.”

Sweetie Belle turned her attention back underneath Button's belly. “So ... does Sugar Belle do anything with it? What's it for?”

“Don't know.” Apple Bloom shrugged. “They'd never tell me nothin', just said I'd find out when I'm older. And when I asked if I could watch, the two of 'em just started blushin' a lot and Granny Smith told me I was a bad perverted little filly and I had to go to my room. Applejack came and talked to me about it later, but she uh... She didn't say anything useful.”

“Uh-huh,” Sweetie Belle said, staring more intently at Button's cock now and slowly moving closer. It didn't seem likely that Apple Bloom's words had really registered. “So we just ... touch it?”

Button nodded. “Yeah. She touched it and slid her hoof up and down it.”

Now the closest of the three and easily close enough to touch, Sweetie Belle hesitantly reached up and poked the side of Button’s shaft with the tip of her hoof. His cock wobbled from side to side a little.

“It's...” Sweetie Belle's voice trailed off as she touched him again, running the soft inner part of her hoof up and down his whole length. “Wow, it's a lot softer than I expected. Really delicate feeling.”

“Is it?” Scootaloo came up next to her and wrapped her hoof around his shaft near the tip. “Feels pretty stiff to me.”

Apple Bloom had to come around to the other side of him in order to get enough room. Once she did, she stroked his shaft much more gently, like Sweetie Belle was doing. “And wow... It sure is warm.”

Scootaloo was jerking her hoof up and down a little on the tip, but already seemed to be getting bored with doing so, even though it felt pretty good to him to be getting all this attention. “So this is it?” she said. “I think the licking part was way better.”

“No,” Button said. “There was a lot more after that.”

Scootaloo paused her efforts and looked up at his face. “Like what?”

“Well, next, she took me upstairs and—”

“We're already upstairs,” the ever-practical Apple Bloom pointed out.

But Button continued on despite the interruption. “And then she sat me down on the edge of the bed and—”

“And there ain't any beds here,” Apple Bloom added.

But Sweetie Belle wasn't quite as negative. She darted off to the corner of the room and came back pushing a small, three-legged stool in front of her. “But we've got this stool we can sit you down on. Will that work?”

He sat down on the stool, which put his cock on full display in the air in front of him, drawing the immediate attention of all three fillies. “And then she got up on my lap.”

“Uh... Like this?” Sweetie Belle climbed up onto his lap, careful not to wobble the stool too much.

The feeling of Sweetie Belle's warm inner thighs moving on top of his own and her rounded little belly pressing his cock up against him brought back some very pleasant memories for Button. He was keenly aware of the two firmer little nubs on her soft underbelly – he hadn't gotten any good look at her teats yet, though it wasn't likely she'd have anything going on down there as young as she was. But he could feel her nipples down there just above his sheath, and even that was more than tantalizing enough to make his cock twitch against her belly.

But that wasn't really how Misty had done things, was it? “Actually,” Button said, sliding his forehooves up to the smooth, soft fur of her flanks, “she lifted herself up a bit higher...” He nudged her upward, and she willingly went along, all the way until she was high enough to clear the tip of his cock, which sprang back outward a little, just in the right position to touch against her pussy lips.

He stared down at her lovely little body, at the graceful smooth curve of her belly, at the delicate bare skin of her underdeveloped and now-visible teats, at the pleasant swell of her thighs as she struggled to stay in this awkward position.

Despite the struggle, though, the grin on Sweetie Belle's face spoke to her enjoyment. “Oh wow,” she said. “That is good. It feels so warm against my—” She yelped and squealed as one of her hooves slipped off the side of the stool, plunging her down.

Button managed to catch her, but not before almost all of his length slid inside her. He held perfectly still for a moment, fighting the urge to push her down that last little bit and get his entire cock inside her wonderfully hot, soft depths.

Sweetie Belle squeaked, at a pitch that could have shattered glass. Her back arched, and she went tremblingly stiff. He was afraid he'd injured her ... until the first strained words out of her mouth were, “Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?”

He pulled her body closer to his own. “I'm fine. Great, actually. Are you okay?”

“Hurts a little bit.”

Uh-oh... Maybe he had hurt her. “Do you want to stop?”

Her pussy winked – he could feel the twitch around the base of his shaft – and she began experimenting with moving back and forth a little bit. “N-no,” she said, her eyes drifting mostly-closed.

Thanks to her extra movement, fireworks were going off for him, too. Sweetie Belle's pussy squeezed him much tighter than Misty's had, but to his surprise, that didn't feel uncomfortable at all. In fact, it felt amazing. Unable to resist any longer, he stopped holding her up and instead pushed her the rest of the way down his cock, all the way until his sheath met her wet pussy lips.

She let out another little squeak, but this one sounded more like pleasure than pain, and she started moving even faster on his lap, really getting into a rhythm as her body told her what to do.

“Hey Sweetie Belle, why dontcha let a real rodeo pony have a try at that buckin' bronc?”

Scootaloo broke her attention from watching Sweetie Belle's hips for a moment to stare at Apple Bloom instead. “You've only been in one rodeo. And even then, A-J only let you compete in the junior-league barrel race.”

“Still a rodeo pony!” Apple Bloom declared, crossing her forelegs and grinning smugly.

“Only by technicality!”

Sweetie Belle ignored their banter, seeming to lose herself in a fugue state where nothing mattered but rocking back and forth on Button's lap. She moved in a mesmerizing, wave-like way that took Button's breath away.

But Apple Bloom wasn't so easily ignored. She came right up and reared, planting her forehooves on Sweetie Belle's leg. “Hey! I said give me a turn already! You're hoggin' him all to yourself.”

Though she stopped moving, Sweetie Belle didn't get off of his lap. “Apple Bloom...

Apple Bloom just fixed her with a withering stare.

Ugh! Fine!” None too carefully, Sweetie Belle picked herself up and off of Button's lap. He was actually kind of surprised she managed to do it without falling again, given how casually she was doing it and how trembly her legs had been just a moment ago.

When Apple Bloom got up onto his lap, she didn't do it facing him – she swung one hind leg around and planted her rump right up against Button's chest, her tail flung over his shoulder. “How's this?” she said, wiggling her strong flanks against him.

Button stared down at her. Her ass cheeks were so much firmer than Sweetie Belle's, and even bigger. So thick, actually, that even with her ass pressed tightly against his chest, there was still plenty of room between those round yellow cheeks to see her pussy winking up at him from inside the cleft. Wow, she was really getting into this fast...

“That's...” He gulped. “That's really good.” His hooves moved up without asking his head for permission, coming up to hold either side of Apple Bloom's generous little ass cheeks, right on top of her cutie marks on either side.

He kind of guided her into position, not that she needed any guiding. She seemed to know just how to move, pivoting her body down and back to sit herself right on the tip of his cock. There was a moment of pressure as things didn't line up quite right, and then with a little side-to-side wiggle, she got it in the right place, letting his tip slide into her a little bit.

That finally cut through the smug attitude she'd been putting on. A loud gasp burst out of her mouth, and a jolt ran through her whole body. “Land sakes! That feels...” She let a bit more of his length slip into her, just a little. “Sweetie Belle, how in the hay did you do it all at once like that?”

Now it was Sweetie Belle's turn to look adorably smug. She flipped her mane up with a flick of her hoof. “Just a natural, I guess.”

“Feels real good, though...” Slowly shifting herself side to side, Apple Bloom gradually took more and more of his cock inside. Her greedily winking pussy swallowed him easily, spreading a new filly's warmth over his cock.

For his own part, Button just stared down at Apple Bloom's fantastic rump, his hooves loving the way her thick, hard curves moved in between them. Apple Bloom had some really well-defined lines between the different muscles of her thigh, and he was quickly becoming addicted to running the soft inner part of his hooves up and down those amazing little lines.

But when she finally planted herself firmly against his lap, taking all of his length that he could give her and switching to a forward-and-back movement, his hooves began to explore a bit more. Now that her body was closer to his, he could begin to reach around in front of her, touching the inner parts of her thighs, the tight little crease where they met her belly, the velvety fur of her underbelly... And finally, even as she really started moving in his lap, he touched what he'd been unconsciously searching for: Apple Bloom's teats.

Just like Sweetie Belle's, there was only the slightest hint of a pair of swells growing there. Certainly nothing like he'd seen on some of the full-grown mares around town – he'd grown a lot more interested in peeking at such things ever since being with Misty, and his short stature gave him a great vantage point. It still felt great to touch the firmer little nubs of Apple Bloom's nipples, though, and though he couldn't be totally sure it wasn't just a coincidence, the moment he touched her there, he thought he felt her pussy squeeze down more eagerly around his shaft.

As Apple Bloom moved in his lap, though, his hoof just seemed to slide naturally downward. While one hoof stayed on her firm thigh, enjoying the feel of it flexing every time she rocked her hips, the hoof he'd been touching her teats with slipped lower. She spread her legs open a little wider to let him in between the veined swells of her inner thighs. Eventually, his hoof moved far enough down to touch the bulge of her pussy lips, just as they winked open again.

When his hoof directly touched her clit, Apple Bloom's reaction was instant. She moaned loudly and reached behind her to hook a hoof behind his neck and hold him closer. Her other hoof shot down on top of his, holding him in place on top of her pussy as she moved back and forth underneath.

After that, Apple Bloom just seemed to completely lose control. The measured rhythm she'd been moving with so far disappeared completely, replaced by much shorter, jerkier strokes back and forth. Her back arched powerfully against him, pushing him away even as her hooves pulled him closer, squeezing him in the middle. Every muscle in her body got stiffer and stiffer, until Button could have thought his hoof on her thigh was feeling a furry tree trunk, not a little filly's leg.

Just at that maximum level of stiffness, she froze for a moment, her body's trembling shaking him and the stool with him.

She collapsed down against his body, her own going limp ... except for the powerful convulsions running through her lower belly. Her pussy squeezed and kneaded his cock inside her as if trying to suck something out of him, and she let out a low, almost pleading kind of moan.

Both of the other fillies leaned in close, their eyes wide as they got a perfect view of exactly what was going on between Apple Bloom's legs.

“Oh wow,” Sweetie Belle said, breathlessly. “It's just like with Scootaloo, only...”

“Only, you can do it like that, too?” Scootaloo looked at the pulsing of Apple Bloom's pussy around Button's cock with wide, hungry eyes and licked her lips. “I've got to try that!”

Apple Bloom seemed all too ready to pick herself up and slide down off of Button's lap, giving Scootaloo all the space she needed.

Scootaloo also climbed up facing away from him, but more gracefully, using her wings to steady herself when she was off balance. And she didn't spend any time teasing him or showing off her pussy – she reached a hoof behind herself and nudged his cock into position, then unceremoniously lowered herself onto his tip. She was tighter – already as tight as the other fillies had been when they were squeezing down at their hardest – but she pushed down hard, and with the slick juices left by the other Crusaders, his cock was able to squeeze in between her eagerly winking pussy lips with a minimum of trouble.

Instantly, Scootaloo went stiff, her pussy clutching down even tighter around the top of his shaft. “That feels awesome!” she squealed out between clenched teeth.

Gradually but persistently, she worked her way down, stretching her incredibly tight little pussy around his girth. Her pussy lips still pulsed with the occasional wink, even though they were already stretched so wide they could hardly move. He could still feel it, though, as little twitches of extra tightness around her entrance.

Finally catching up with how fast things were progressing with her, Button held Scootaloo's tight orange ass cheeks between his hooves. Scootaloo's ass was just as firm as Apple Bloom, but not as big or thick. Instead, she just had the most perfectly rounded curves he'd ever seen, all flowing sleekly into each other so that he could slide his hoof from her tail to her cutie mark and down her thigh all with one hard, compact curve.

With every little bit of his cock that slipped into her, Scootaloo grew more and more excited, her breathing coming in faster and more desperately. Her tail was already flipped almost straight up against his chest, and it twitched slightly every time Scootaloo pushed herself downward again and took a little bit more of him.

And with more than half of his length still left to go, she suddenly stopped. With a tremulous cry, she orgasmed again, her half-filled pussy clenching perilously tight around his cock and her excess juices flowing down his shaft.

As Scootaloo came, Button held her narrow hips and began pushing her down even more. Some part of him knew that it would be too much for her, but so many other parts of him were screaming at him to do it, to give her everything he had. It wasn't easy. He could only really make any progress deeper inside her in the brief pauses between when her pussy squeezed and when it momentarily relaxed. And every time he pushed her a little farther down, her orgasm renewed all over again, as if for the very first time.

She cried out with every motion, but her cries grew weaker and more strained as her body spent all of its energy on Button's cock, churning her insides around it and trying to milk him with her inner walls.

Her orgasm only finally began to subside when he'd fully hilted inside her and there was no more to give. Then she could finally ride out the last of her euphoric wave and begin to catch her breath, drawing in deep gasps even as her pussy still twitched with the aftershocks of it.

Unfortunately, it seemed that this was all the fun he'd be having with Scootaloo for the moment. She was utterly spent. As soon as he tried moving inside her, even in the slightest, she urgently reached behind her and patted him. “No... No... Too sensitive.”

She was too weak to get up on her own, too. In addition to Button pushing up on her ass cheeks, both Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom had to help lift Scootaloo off of him – whimpering and twitching as his cock slid out of her – and gently set her down on the floor.

As soon as she was down, though, Sweetie Belle jumped athletically up onto his lap. “My turn! I haven't had one of those orgasm things yet, and I want one!” She faced him again, just like the first time, and used her magic to line his very well-lubed cock up with her pussy.

The moment he slid back into Sweetie Belle's pussy, he knew he wouldn't be lasting long. Misty had used her mouth to get him to orgasm, not her pussy, but he could still recognize the feelings rising within him as Sweetie Belle's soft, warm inner walls slid down over him, covering his cock completely.

He gladly wrapped his hooves around her back – one of them venturing low enough to give her plush ass cheeks an occasional squeeze – and began playing into the slow, grinding motion she started, helping her rock back and forth while cradled in his lap. Her hind legs closed around behind him and her forelegs wrapped around behind his neck, letting her pull him close with all four legs as they moved together.

“Wow,” Sweetie Belle said softly, so close to his ear he could feel her breath, “it feels even better this time. I think ... I think he got bigger!”

He was getting bigger, or at least his tip was, flaring out deep inside Sweetie Belle, already pressed up against the entrance of her womb. He could now feel how her soft, hot depths were starting to feel less and less soft as she stretched to her limit.

“A lot bigger!” Sweetie Belle's surprise was evident in the squeak in her voice. “It's ... it's—” She squealed. “Something's coming out of it – it's so ... mmn!

Button's cock fountained deep inside her, spraying straight up into her pristine womb and painting the inside of it with his cum. He held her tight, squeezing her down hard against himself, keeping his cock as deep inside her as he possibly could as he finally came for the second time in his life. His little balls clenched again and again, his cock pulsing as it pumped Sweetie Belle as full as he could make her.

And just as his own orgasm began to die down, the throbbing of his cock and the feeling of being so thoroughly filled drove Sweetie Belle over the edge. The first heavy squeeze of her pussy around his cock squirted some of his excess cum out through her entrance, and with every new convulsion of her body, Sweetie Belle forced out a little bit more. There was still plenty, though – a sloshing pool of it deep inside her that wasn't going anywhere.

Apple Bloom and a now-recovered Scootaloo moved in close between Button's legs, staring up at where the base of his cock disappeared inside Sweetie Belle.

“Hey,” Scootaloo said, “why does her orgasm look so different? Is it because she's a unicorn?”

Apple Bloom reached out and wiped some of the excess cum from Button's sheath. She tasted it, rolling it on her tongue and smacking her lips a little. “Yeah, what is this white stuff? Smells kinda like Sugar Belle after she's been with Big Mac for a while, but I've never seen anything like it.”

As soon as he'd caught his breath – and before Sweetie Belle's orgasm was entirely over – Button tried to explain, “It's... It's because I had an orgasm that time, too. Misty had me do that in her mouth, though, not inside her like this.”

His cock, now softening, drooped down and was squeezed out of Sweetie Belle's still-pulsing pussy. It dropped free with a little splatter of cum that the other Crusaders had to dart back to avoid being coated with.

Only ... Scootaloo didn't dart back nearly as far as Apple Bloom. She soon crept a little closer. “In her mouth, huh?”

As Button held the gasping and slowly recovering body of Sweetie Belle tightly against himself, he felt Scootaloo's lips suddenly enveloping his softened tip. And she didn't stop there – she wasted no time in taking him deeper, having to actively suck his limp cock down in order to get it deeper into her mouth.

Despite how satisfied he already was, that still felt amazing. Almost better, in some ways, than when Misty had sucked him. It was so wet and sloppy, and when Scootaloo sucked him in, he felt it on all of his length she'd gotten to. His now-flexible cock flowed so easily into her mouth.

Before he could get too into that, though, Scootaloo pulled back off of him and sat down on the floor. “Meh. That's not really doing anything for me. It felt way better when he put it inside me.” She glanced to her side. “You want to give it a try, Apple Bloom?”

As Sweetie Belle finally slipped down to the side, off of Button's lap, Apple Bloom came in and took Scootaloo's place. She glanced over at Scootaloo, all smugness again. “You're probably just not doin' it right. Ya hardly got even half of it, after all. Probably just need to try swallowin' it deeper.”

Apple Bloom held his cock up in front of her face with one hoof, opened wide, and plunged her mouth down on him. She was far more ambitious and tenacious about it than Scootaloo had been, working harder at gulping him down than in any attempt to give either of them pleasure. That didn't end up changing much for Button, though, because Apple Bloom's eagerly swallowing mouth still felt incredibly good. She had this way of trying to push him deeper with her tongue that just ended up sliding her tongue back and forth along the underside of his shaft, where it felt so soft and warm and supple that – to his surprise – he felt his cock begin to stiffen again, growing slightly ... which only set back Apple Bloom's progress, giving her even more to swallow just as she neared his sheath.

But she seemed more than ready to accept that challenge, making satisfied and enticing-sounding moans around his shaft while looking over smugly at Scootaloo.

Scootaloo, though, didn't seem inclined to put up with that. She hopped up onto the stool, facing away from Button, and leaned over, planting her front hooves right down on Apple Bloom's shoulders. “Hey Button, can you lick me again while Apple Bloom's doing that?”

Scootaloo's pert round ass was right in his face, with her tail flipped up high above her back and her winking, dripping pussy on full display. How could he refuse?

Unlike the first time he'd licked her, this time Scootaloo's pussy was already sopping wet, smeared with her own juices as well as the leftovers from both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle that had been on his cock the first time it slid into her. She tasted tangy and a little bit bitter, but it was the feeling of her pussy against his lips and her quivering inner walls against his tongue that he was enjoying, anyway.

And, of course, Apple Bloom's unrelenting efforts down below didn't hurt, either. She'd pretty much got all of him so far, though he wasn't quite fully hard yet, and now she'd started bobbing back and forth, sliding his tip into her throat with amazing ease ... and that warm soft feeling deep inside her throat finally did revive his cock to full hardness.

Unfortunately for all three of them, Button's cock at its full size and stiffness was too much for Apple Bloom to handle. She gagged and had to pull back suddenly, sputtering and coughing after having his tip swell inside her throat. But that was only the beginning of their troubles. Scootaloo had been holding herself up on Apple Bloom's shoulders, and now that Apple Bloom had pulled away, Scootaloo tumbled down. Her wings could only slow her down so much. Her hooves smacked Button's knees on the way down – mercifully sparing his more sensitive parts from any damage – and the two fillies ended up in a tangled heap on the floor in front of him.

He shot up, of course, coming in to help them up. He pulled Scootaloo up off of Apple Bloom, and by that time, Sweetie Belle had recovered enough to come in and help Apple Bloom up.

“Are you girls okay?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Yeah,” Apple Bloom said, shaking her head. “Not near as bad as some of the stuff we used to go through when we were trying to get our cutie marks. But maybe Scootaloo should be a little less acrobatic?”

Scootaloo, though, seemed in no state to respond to Apple Bloom's jibe. Once she was up on her hooves again, she got into position right in front of Button, presenting her slightly-spread hind legs to him, her tail high and to the side, and most importantly, her pussy winking pinkly between her perfect little ass cheeks. “Give me more!” she pleaded.

Completely absorbed by the carnal sight in front of him, Button was beginning to run on instinct more than thought. If he'd been able to think clearly, he definitely would have realized that she was asking him to lick her some more. But the sight of her open and inviting right there in front of him – the sight of her tight young pussy winking open and displaying the glimmering pink depths within – triggered something inside of him that he didn't yet have the maturity to control.

He stepped toward her with no conscious idea of what he was doing, only the vague notion that he wanted to be closer to her ... on top of her. Without a single thought, he reared up and slid his chest over Scootaloo's rump. She must have been in the grips of some similar instinct, because she didn't complain about the change of plans – she just braced herself and spread her hind legs a bit more.

Both of them moaned slightly when his probing cock found her pussy again. It smeared Apple Bloom's spit against Scootaloo's tight entrance for a moment ... until Scootaloo winked again, her pussy opening and welcoming his tip inside. The feeling of Scootaloo's inner walls spreading around him as his entire length slowly slid into her was almost enough to make him completely lose control of himself. What saved him was that any time he lost control and stopped moving, the wonderful feeling stopped as well. If not for that, he'd probably be in a state like ... well, like Scootaloo was in at that very moment.

Scootaloo could barely remain standing, even though her whole body had instinctively gone stiff and perfectly braced to let him push into her. Her forelegs weren't entirely necessary for that, though, so as overwhelmed as Scootaloo was, she let her front half collapse down to the clubhouse floor just as Button bottomed out inside her.

Button himself needed a moment to just experience and adjust to what was happening. He held himself still, his forehooves pulling Scootaloo's small hips tightly up against himself. He could feel her pussy twitching and adjusting its shape to the stiff cock now filling it, accommodating him better and better in her hot tightness.

Only after taking a few moments to breathe did he finally start thrusting inside her. At first he moved just a little bit, and just because it felt even better when he did. But he soon worked up into an actual rhythm, begrudging the necessity to quickly pull out before he got to repeat the wonderful sensation of sliding in again.

Scootaloo's voice drove him ever onward. With every thrust, she let out a desperate little gasp that somehow just made him ache to do it again, to tease louder and even more desperate sounds out of her...

But with Button completely entranced by Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and especially Sweetie Belle seemed to be getting a bit agitated. Eventually, Sweetie Belle tired of flicking her tail over herself and dancing her hind legs back and forth. She turned to Apple Bloom for help. “Hey, um... Do you think you could lick me ... you know, like Button did?”

Apple Bloom shrugged slightly. “Alright.”

Their movement finally managed to grab a little bit of Button's attention away from Scootaloo just in time for him to see Apple Bloom plant her first long, loving lick over Sweetie Belle's pussy lips. As her tongue pressed Sweetie Belle's slit open, a little dollop of Button's cum spilled out. Apple Bloom licked it up and swallowed it.

That was it – that was too much! The sight of Apple Bloom licking his cum out of Sweetie Belle's pussy drove him over the edge faster than he would have thought possible.

Scootaloo gave a shocked gasp as Button's tip very suddenly flared inside her already-tight depths, locking him in place. He couldn't have pulled out even if he knew a reason why he should, even if he wanted to. But pulling out was the last thing on his mind. All that mattered was reaching yet another incredible climax while surrounded by the hot, gripping inner walls of a willing filly.

The sudden gush of cum shot down through his cock – he could feel it like an extra bit of tightness in Scootaloo's pussy as the swell of it traveled down ... and then spilled out into her waiting womb. The feeling of it streaming into her must have set her off, because by the time his second throb came, it was matched by a powerful throb from Scootaloo's pussy, squeezing around him and creating a perfect seal to keep every drop of his cum inside her. And she only pressed herself more tightly against him, stretching her hind legs upward and arching her back downward to better let his cum pour straight down into her waiting body.

Despite the eager cajoling of Scootaloo's rippling inner walls, Button only had so much cum to give. Before long, his pulses grew shorter and finally died down entirely. Still, though, he stayed right where he was, up to the hilt inside Scootaloo's still-twitching pussy, enjoying the tight, soupy warmth of her newly filled depths.

Finally, his cock softened to the point of retreating back up into his sheath, and no matter how tightly he held himself against Scootaloo's rigid, trembling body, his tip slipped out of her anyway. Only the slightest bit of white trailed out after it – Scootaloo's upturned posture and incredibly tight pussy kept almost every drop of it for herself.

The moment he slid off of Scootaloo's back, Apple Bloom came trotting up to him, her muzzle still dripping from her fun with Sweetie Belle. She licked her lips more or less clean before speaking. “Did it again, huh? Well, next one's mine!”

“Uh...” Button craned his neck down and to the side, looking underneath his own belly. Only the slightest hint of his cock still protruded out of his sheath ... just a thick nub.

But Apple Bloom turned around and presented to him, just like Scootaloo had done. Only, with Apple Bloom... Wow. That ass of hers was magnificent. How could he turn down her big, chiseled cheeks? And her comparatively tiny pussy winking down in the deep cleft between them... Button found himself biting his own lip slightly, not sure why he was doing it. His cock twitched a bit, and he thought he felt it slipping out of his sheath slightly.

Well, it wouldn’t hurt to try, would it?

He mounted Apple Bloom, just like he had done with Scootaloo. Apple Bloom was slightly bigger, which made it a bit more difficult, but she was also stronger and better able to bear his weight, so she held steadier for him than Scootaloo had, which evened things out a bit.

When his thighs bumped up against the curves of her ass, though, his cock didn't even manage to touch her pussy. His attempt at an erection just kind of wedged between her firm ass cheeks. The warm fur and firm pressure on either side felt nice, of course, but it left neither of them satisfied. With a sigh, he slid down off her back.

He couldn't look her in the eye. “I'm sorry, Apple Bloom...”

“Nonsense-talk!” Apple Bloom spun back around and spared a moment to blow her forelock up out of her eyes. “If suckin' on it brought it back once, it oughta work again. Come on, girls–” she glanced to either side at Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom “–help me get 'im ready again!”

Before he knew it, Button found himself bowled over and lying with his back against the hard wood floor.

He wasn't about to complain about the floor, though! Any discomfort that may have caused was more than made up for by the fact that he suddenly had all three fillies nuzzling and licking what little of his cock was exposed. Maybe it was the intricate, delicate feeling of their muzzles, lips, and tongues down there, or maybe it was just the mouth-watering, heart-melting sight of all three of them going at it so dedicatedly ... but their efforts soon bore fruit. His cock slowly and steadily emerged, sliding upwards along his belly.

And the Crusaders took great advantage of that, now that they began to have room enough for all three of them to really work at it. Sweetie Belle took his tip into her mouth, though she didn't try to go deeper or bob up and down on it like Scootaloo or Apple Bloom had. She just let it rest inside her warm, wet mouth and rubbed her tongue all over the underside of it. At first, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo just licked and kissed wherever they could without getting into each other's way, but as his cock grew and stiffened more, they began to find a more cooperative rhythm with each other. The two of them planted their mouths on opposite sides of his shaft and began sliding up and down his length in unison, all the way from his sheath until their lips kissed against Sweetie Belle's.

Button groaned, reaching down to pet Sweetie Belle's lower back and ass cheeks, since she was the only one within easy reach. “Oh wow... You girls are way better than Misty.”

The only response was Sweetie Belle giggling slightly, which was heavily muffled by the growing head of his cock in her mouth. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom seemed to be concentrating on what they were doing too much to worry about anything he said.

But Apple Bloom, at least, was certainly paying attention to something other than coordinating what she was doing along with Scootaloo. Once his cock had stiffened some more, she suddenly stood back up and pronounced, “Alright girls, I think that'll do it!”

Scootaloo got up as well, almost before Apple Bloom was done talking ... but Sweetie Belle stayed right where she was, happily suckling the tip of Button's cock with her eyes mostly closed.

“Wow,” Scootaloo said, “she really likes doing that, doesn't she?”

“Mmm-hm,” Sweetie Belle hummed back.

“Well too bad!” Apple Bloom physically pushed Sweetie Belle off of him, forcing her to let his tip pop out of her mouth. When Button tried to get up, Apple Bloom planted her forehooves on his chest and straddled him, pushing him back to the floor. “Because both of y'all have already got a squirt apiece, and I want one for myself!”

Button looked up in awe at Apple Bloom's body straddling his. The rest of her wasn't quite as toned as her apple-bucking flanks, but she was still quite a filly to look at. As she lifted herself up a little and took hold of his cock with one hoof, he stared at the long and sleek curve of her belly, the pale yellow skin of her barely-there teats with their slightly-pinkish nipples, and the bare hint he could see of her pussy lips down between her legs.

And that was exactly where she lifted his cock up to and pressed it against. Despite what she'd said, maybe his cock wasn't quite stiff enough to do the job yet. When she pressed it against her pussy lips and tried to lower herself down on it, it just kind of bent instead of sliding inside her.

Apple Bloom didn't let that deter her, though. She ended up using both hooves to steady the upper part of his shaft as she pushed it into herself, and that did the job.

Button arched his back and moaned slightly as he once again felt the wonderful feeling of his cock slipping into a filly's hot, wet pussy. And that was enough to boost his cock back up to full hardness again. It slid more and more into Apple Bloom's pussy ... a little bit because it was growing inside her, but mostly because she was bouncing up and down on it, pushing herself farther down each time.

Before long, she'd managed to plant herself right down against his lap, every bit of his cock back inside her. She leaned forward a little, placing her forehooves on either side of his head. “Ready for a real ride?”

At the moment, Button was actually feeling kind of intimidated, and he wasn't sure at all that he was ready. But he wasn't about to tell her that! “Uh-huh,” he said, hoping his voice didn't actually quaver as much as he thought it did.

Apple Bloom lifted her haunches up, paused for just a moment with only his tip inside her, then slammed down again. His cock disappeared back inside her in one swift motion that he felt not only through his shaft, but through his whole body. And that was just the beginning. She went on to bounce on his cock like crazy, plunging herself down on him over and over until it all blurred into one amazing feeling of pleasure.

He held onto her firm, flexing thighs, not that it could have slowed her down any ... not that he was sure he even wanted her to slow down any.

But as she went on, beginning to break into a sweat, and he still hadn't orgasmed, Apple Bloom started to get visibly impatient. She glanced over at the other two fillies. “Hey, can y'all lick each other, like I did with Sweetie Belle? That seemed to work when he was doin' it with Scootaloo.”

The other two Crusaders glanced at each other. They looked back up at Apple Bloom. Then back at each other again. Each of them began to smile slightly.

Button looked on in awe as Scootaloo toppled Sweetie Belle to the ground, turned around, and then planted herself right on top of the other filly. That left Sweetie Belle between Scootaloo's outspread hind legs ... and she only hesitated for the briefest moment before tilting her head up to begin licking Scootaloo's pussy. And though Button didn't have a very good view of what Scootaloo was doing, it was pretty clear from the way her head dipped down between Sweetie Belle's legs that she was returning the favor.

Still, though, despite the amazing view and the wonderful feeling of Apple Bloom's pussy pumping up and down over his cock, Button couldn't quite finish. He was getting close – he could feel it – but he just wasn't quite there. It seemed like each time he orgasmed, the next one was even more difficult.

But Apple Bloom was persistent. She tried changing things up, rocking hips back and forth instead of bouncing up and down. That was even better – if only because it made her slow down a little – and it got him so close that his flare began to expand deep inside Apple Bloom. But it still wasn't quite enough to tip him over the edge.

Even when Scootaloo cried out, orgasming from Sweetie Belle's tongue and squirting milky, cum-laden juices down over the other filly's face, that wasn't quite enough to set him off.

That's when Apple Bloom leaned down low and close to him, though, still moving her hips over his cock. “Cum for me,” she whispered into his ear. “Make me pregnant just like the other two – come on, we're all in heat right now. Pump a foal in me.”

Button's eyes went wide. His flare swelled even wider. And as if the very tone of her voice was pulling it out of him, he came.

Apple Bloom sat up straighter on top of him as his cock spasmed and sprayed up into her. “Mmm,” she said, rubbing her underbelly with one hoof. “That's it – fill me up.”

He did his best, despite how spent he already was from the other two fillies. The room seemed to spin around him as every bit of himself focused just on pumping more and more thick streams of cum up into Apple Bloom's eager womb. Quite a bit of it began seeping down around the base of his shaft, but he somehow found the reserves to replace it with more. Always more, more, and more.

Of course, he couldn't go on like that for long, though, especially not in the state he was already in. He fell back limp against the floor, letting his cock pulse out the last little spurts all on its own as he struggled just to catch his breath.

Looking quite satisfied with herself, Apple Bloom lifted herself up one last time. As she swung her hind leg back over his body, his cock came free, along with a splatter of his own cum that mostly landed on him. Not that he was in any state to care about that at the moment. Breathing was challenge enough. Maybe later he could contemplate feats such as coherent thought, or even standing up.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were in much better condition, though, and both of them seemed to have no problem getting back up.

Sweetie Belle went straight over to Apple Bloom ... and with an intimidating fire in her green eyes. “Hey! What was that you were whispering in his ear? Pregnant? Foals?

“I might have known a little more about these things than I was lettin' on. You know, farm pony and all.” Apple Bloom shrugged, looking as smug as ever. “A-J says that if you let a stallion cum inside ya, it'll get ya pregnant, which means you're gonna have foals growin' inside.”

Sweetie Belle stomped both of her front hooves and squealed, “What?

“It's real simple – when he does it inside ya, it makes you the momma, and the stallion that did it is the daddy.” Apple Bloom looked down at her own belly and caressed it a little. “I wonder if it's gonna be a filly or a colt...”

Scootaloo came up, scratching the back of her mane. “So, wait... Is Button gonna be our daddy now?”

“No, no.” Apple Bloom patted Scootaloo's head patronizingly. “He's gonna be the daddy of the foals we're gonna have.”

Sweetie Belle butted back in, physically shoving herself in between the two of them. “Wait, wait, wait! Can we please come back to the part where we're gonna have foals now?”

Ignoring her, Apple Bloom looked down at Button. “Well, Button, that's one more problem solved by the Cutie Mark Crusaders! Looks like you've found yourself a marefriend now.”

“Three of 'em!” Scootaloo added enthusiastically.

Sweetie Belle's eyes went wide with terror. “I'm gonna have three foals?”