Murgröna's Testimony

by Powerdrainer

First published

The collective memories of changelings throughout the ages, bestowed upon one.

Once they were a young species, finding their place in a world still wild.
Once they hid in the shadows, trying to find a place to call home.
Once they took a gamble of great risk, and found a place to call their own.
Once they lived in harmony, a welcomed symbioses.
Once they were a society, becoming more than they thought possible.
Once they encountered the Nightmare, and fought united to defeat her.
Once they had a home, which was reduced to ashes.
Once they stood as equals, by those who now call them monsters.
Once they called for help, but their cries were left ignored.
Once they begged for help, but those who tried were lost forever.
Once they had all they desired, now left with only memories.
Once they had hope, but now only hunger.
Once they believed in friendship, back when they weren't hated.
Once they lived in peace, but violence is all they hear.

Once they were a proud species, which they long to become once more.


The Murgröna has reawakened by the strength and conviction of Danny. Reaching out for him, an exceedingly rare thing to happen to any creature other than changelinks, Danny found himself in a strange place indeed. The collective memories of all changelinks, past and present. And none other to greet him than the late changelink king, Mantodea himself.

Within this strange realm of knowledge both ancient and new, Danny will learn what it is to be a changelink; what they are, who they are, what they endured, how everything fell apart, and who was ultimately responsible for their downfall. Discovering the truth long lost to the passing of time through the eyes of those who lived it.

These are their memories.

These are their stories.

This is their testimony.


This fic is a side story of Guilt of a Phantom and contains the story left untold after the end of the chapter: A New Lease On Life. This is not a stand alone fic, but was meant to be a single chapter which became so much more; too much to remain as just a chapter.

It is strongly recommended to read Guilt of a Phantom and it's affiliated fics before this, because on its own it will not make much sense without the context provided in the main story.

A word of thanks to Crepusculo for his help with some of the names used later in this story.

Prologue. These Are Our Stories

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Edited by Slayerseba and Clawder.


These Are Our Stories


With a cry, Danny was dragged into the maelstrom of energy, feeling pulled into countless directions as whatever force that took him did so with relentless speed, making it impossible for him to even begin and try to break free. Even then, he struggled, not sure what to expect, but not quite trusting the words of a supposed memory of a dead king he'd never met, until only a few minutes ago and who somehow managed to silence both Eclipse, and Fenris… Two other beings he'd only known for less than a day, or hours in Fenris' case.

As far as first impressions went, he really was not having much luck lately.

As he struggled for his freedom, the pull of the energy that had taken him crossed through the numerous strings of multi-colored energy and more and more Danny's struggle lessened as he became increasingly aware of the strange flashes of unknown beings and landscapes appearing in his mind's eye.

One moment, he fought in his unseen bonds, the next he stood on four legs in the middle of a dense forest, panting heavily while unseen beast moved through the foliage around him.

He was himself again, faltering in his fight when, suddenly she snuck through a filthy alley following a young pony couple in a small village called Fillydelphia; licking her lips in anticipation from the sweet taste of their love she could feel to radiate off of them.

"What the," Danny muttered weakly, shaking his head.

He stood in the shadow of the waterfall cascading down the Hive, looking up at the other colts and fillies still able to fly with sad longing, before his sunken in eyes settled on his useless wings and starved body; a painful growl escaping his empty stomach.

She was a proud warrior, standing at attention before her queen, praised for her skill and cunning which will ensure the continued survival of their city.

He was a skilled baker, loving his craft with all he was, as he created delectable foods infused with the bountiful love they possessed.

She was a mother. A feeling of happiness never felt before as she lay with her egg carefully cradled in her legs, feeling the growing life within.

He was a builder, working with those around him to carve the stone and build towards their dream: a place of their own, a city, a home.

She stood proud with the others, watching the completion of their work. A momentous task started by their great grandparents and something they knew would never truly be finished, as their cheers of joy echoed throughout the Hive.

She was a young hunter, taking a risk greater than any had ever dared to take, knowing it could be the end of her, but doing so all the same, as she carefully approached the strange structures and those who build them.

"Wh- what is going on?"

She looked up at the darkened sky, watching fire rain down upon them as screams of horror rose up and the fear hanging thickly in the air made her throw up.

She looked at the wobbling egg, watching with barely contained excitement and pride as a crack began to form, then grow larger and larger until, with a crunch and a loud chirp, a black muzzle broke through; a tiny horn breaking through the shell moments later before two emerald green eyes blinked owlishly, as she took her first glance at her mother.

He was a farmer, standing in a line of changelings and ponies alike, all aiming their horns, torches, pitchforks, or other tools used for weapons at the monsters that approached; trampling all in their path as they held their ground; the last line of defense as the villagers sought to escape.

She ran through the forest, eyes blurred from tears while timberwolves hunted her down. Unable to escape and eventually trapped, as she stood with her back pressed against a tree, watching the beasts close in for the inevitable kill. But just as the wolves attacked, three young ponies rushed in with a loud cry.

He lay on the ground, cold, weak, unable to move and every breath a struggle, only able to see blurry shapes pass by every now and then, as he grew weaker, and weaker, as the sickness took him.

Danny moved through one flash to the next, watching one moment after the other, losing himself more and more until, with a final pull, he vanished into the maelstrom completely.

More Than Just An Insect

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Edited by Slayerseba and Clawder.

More Than Just An Insect


He stood out in a field, feeling the grass tickle the frog of his hooves as he slowly looked around with excitement-filled, light blue eyes; feeling the warming rays of the bright light high above on his black carapace, while the teal frill on his head swayed slightly in the breeze blowing ripples in the grass around him.

Others were close by, he could sense; their presence known over their shared mind, all of them telling him to return to the rock, as the older clutch packs prowled their territory.

A snort escaped him, scuffing the ground with a hoof as he stared at the nearby forest, and the calm stream of water which lay in between him and the hunting grounds; a large fish leaped out of the stream, the light of the bright light reflecting off its wet scales before it submerged again with a minimal splash.

Ears drooping, he turned around and headed back for the outcropping of rocks a stone's throw away from where he stood, sniffing the air cautiously before stepping in the shadows cast by the large boulders. One of them, lying on a slight incline, wonderfully concealing a narrow gap between it and the ground through the near-perfect blend of color and shadows, aided by the tall grass further obscuring the somewhat too narrow entrance he was currently crawling through to enter the burrow hidden underneath.

Several hooves full of dirt were kicked away during his entrance in which he managed to get stuck before he pulled free and rolled down the narrow drop before landing in an undignified heap.

Buzzing, chirping and several clicks followed immediately as he pulled away his tail from over his face, able to see past the darkness underneath the stone and noticing the many eyes locked on him from the few tunnels under the rock. Most of them from the newly hatched.

Blowing air from his nostrils, creating small puffs of dust as he inadvertently blew away the dry dirt he lay in, he slowly picked himself up under the scrutinizing and entertained gazes of his horde.

Dusting himself off with a full-body shake, followed by a loud sneeze from the dust blown up, which in turn scared the hatchlings who released a loud, frightened squeak; all of them scampering back in their nesting tunnel, the pupas dragging themselves forth by their front legs as they were still in their larval stage. A stage he left behind just six cold cycles, when the world turned white, ago.

Rolling his eyes, he released a soft chirp of reassurance, stepping closer to the nesting tunnel and peering inside, seeing nine pairs of young eyes peer back at him from the darkness.

Another chirp came from him, followed by a click, a short buzz of his wings and a toothy grin.

One by one, the pupas pulled themselves back to the entrance of their tunnel; the bravest of the clutch chirping back when he reached him, pressing a tiny hoof against his muzzle which scrunched upon contact.

An amused tittering came from behind him, and he turned around the see their life-giver, larger and older than any other under the rock looking down on them with pride; her dark purple frill, much longer than all the others have obscured on of her sea-blue eyes as it extended down to her knees.

He looked up at his life-giver with a smile, he and the pupas now crowding around his hooves all chirping at her; the latter much louder and more for the need of attention.

His life-giver nuzzled him on the head, then gently but firmly gave him a push on the flank with her muzzle, leading him away as she took care of her latest clutch.

With a buzz of his wings, he did as instructed and moved down one of the other tunnels; able to see a faint glow coming from further down, which quickly grew brighter the further he went.

He reached the end of the tunnel, and entered the largest burrow under the rock; the glow now as bright as the light above the rock as he saw several of his own clutch sitting or lying underneath the one thing older than their life-giver.

The glowing vines, leaves, and a couple of flowers covered the walls and ceiling of the chamber while several small vines reached out for his clutch mates and sharing with them the stories it holds. One of such vines slithered down from the wall near him, poking him on the muzzle much like the pupa had done, once more making his muzzle scrunch up before he stepped to and lay down beside the youngest of his clutch.

Using a hind leg, he scratched an itch behind his ear, then looked up at the vine hanging above him.

He chirped, and it extended down to him; touching him on the forehead, and he joined the others in the stories.


With a gasp, Danny was pulled from wherever he'd been, eyes flashing back and forth as he tried to get a grip on what was happening, only to lose himself in the energy seconds later as new images started to present themselves.


He stood out in the tall grass; the same field he had stood so many times before, watching the distant forest and wondering what mysteries it held. But he could never find out as the others warned him away, still too few cycles had passed for him to safely venture out on his own. But now, after the passing of his twelfth cold cycle, he, along with his clutchmates were taken out with the elders of his horde.

They were all split up, and he followed after an elder as she led him past the stream and towards the forest; quickly disappearing in the shadows while he slowed down with each step, head tilting back as the once small trees became taller and taller.

He stopped, watching wide-eyed at the towering giants with unexpected nervousness.

He was pulled from his stupor by his elder as she gave him a firm wack on his head, then tittered to herself from his reaction.

As she pointed a commanding hoof to the trees, he slowly, uncertain, stepped closer and closer; the wonder and excitement he once felt of what mysteries might hide behind the trees was now overruled by the fear he felt of finding out.

Stopping at the forest's edge, he looked past the trees and as far into the woods as he could. Lifting a hoof, he carefully took a step forward.

His hoof landed with a solid thump on dry ground, and his head snapped up, eyes scanning around, expecting anything to happen.

A hiss came from his back, and his elder walked past, rolling her eyes as she whacked him on the head again, then moved into the forest once more.

Rubbing his head with a hoof, he glared at his elder who simply glanced back over her withers with a bored expression, expecting him to follow without further delay.

A flitter came from his wings as he realigned them, then he stepped into the forest; his frustration over being whacked on the head, twice, made him forget about his previous anxiety.

He stomped over to his elder, whose ears twitched from the sound as he moved into her side.

Another hoof whacked on his head, and this time a pained hiss escaped him as he lowered to the ground, vigorously rubbing the painful throb he now had.

A hoof stepped down before him, tapping the ground in annoyance. Looking up, he saw his elder look down on him, displeased. Receiving a firm scolding over their linked minds.

Ears drooping, he pushed himself back up, and doing his best to ignore the pain he still felt as his elder finally was allowed to do what they came here to do in the first place: Hunt.

Just like the rest of his clutchmates, this was their first-ever journey into the forest. A place as mysterious to them as it was dangerous. Regardless of the stories they'd seen. And so he and his clutchmates were taken separately into the forest, each with their own elder to learn what they must know to one day hunt on their own. But it would be many cycles still to come before he or the others of his clutch would be able to do so.

Each step he took showed his inexperience as he rummaged through leaves, stomped on twigs which snapped far louder than he'd expected, tripped over roots, or was simply distracted by everything new and exciting.

His head had to endure a steady stream of abuse because of it, as his elder made sure to hammer in each mistake he made, then taught him how to become a part of the woods themselves.

Many times did the rock in the sky pass, and each new day he learned more and more. First, he learned to watch the ground, and where to place his hooves; to recognize the roots he'd continuously tripped over, and to avoid making noise unless he wanted it to.

Then he learned to listen, the sounds of the world around him telling him all he had to know and guiding him to where to go.

He was taught how to become one with his environment; blending in with the shadows or lack there off, able to move in closer and closer to his target without notice with each time he tried.

He was taught to recognize the dangers lurking within the woods, the sudden lack of sound a clear cry of the forest to run. And he was taught to fight when his first opponent, a wild cockatrice, cut off his path of escape.

And now, after several more cold cycles, all of his training, all of his bruises, chuffed chitin, injuries and headaches accumulated to this one moment: his own hunt. Succeed, and he would be recognized as a hunter himself. Fail, and he would be rejected.

All had to contribute to maintain their burrow, protect the hatchlings, and to gather food. If one was unable to do so, there would be no place for them under the rock. And so, with cycles of training with him, he ventured out into the woods under the watchful eyes of his elder as he melted into the shadows and vanished without a sound. Stepping over roots and avoiding any twig, branch, or other natural trap that could give him away.

The forest soon told him where to go, and he listened as he climbed up a tree and used one of its branches to avoid the wild stream of water which cut through his path. Letting go, he spread his wings, but did not use them in any way that would have made a sound; instead merely using them to glide down and land quietly down on the other side within the natural cover created by a deep root system of a mighty oak.

Sniffing the air, ears twitching, he slowly crawled out of his hiding spot and into the cover of a nearby bush.

Lowering to the ground, he crawled forwards slowly, quietly, until a small break in his leafy cover revealed to him what he was looking for: A small family of foxes. A vixen with five cubs.

Excitement grew, but he stifled it. He would not make a mistake now. He'd gotten too close to fail. And so, with deliberate slowness, he crawled closer; making sure to keep underneath the foliage and, when it ended, to blend into the shadows as he snuck closer and closer until, just a stone's throw away, he stopped, watching, waiting.

The vixen, too, stopped. Head held high, ears at attention and sniffing the air, a wave of nervousness swept over him. Had she noticed him?

A squawk and a flutter of wings came from a branch above, and a raven flew away.

Momentarily startled, but recovering quickly, the vixen relaxed while her cubs continued to play and he allowed himself to relax slightly. He'd gone unnoticed.

Lying in wait, he watched as the cubs and vixen as they scurried around, unknowingly moving closer and closer to him until, at the point of no return, the vixen stepped within striking range.

In a blur of movement, accompanied by a loud yelp from the vixen as his fangs sunk into her neck, he grabbed hold of the thrashing fox as she tired herself out in her attempt to escape while her cubs ran away to hide.

It took many minutes, and he'd almost lost hold of the vixen twice, but eventually, she collapsed as the strength to fight left her, and he feasted.


He watched from the shadows at the vixen as she lay on the ground where he'd left her, her cubs yelping as they came looking for their life-giver. One of the cubs moved in closer to the unmoving form lying on the ground, pressing into her side with his muzzle.

One of her legs twitched, then another, and slowly, dizzily, she flailed around as she tried to get back up.

Satisfied and belly full of energy, he snuck away, then moved back to the forest's edge where he found his elder waiting for him.

He succeeded, and was welcomed within the ranks of a hunter. All of them working together to provide for the rock and their burrow underneath.

It would be many more cold cycles before the next great change in his life. But at the end of his twenty-fifth cold cycle, he stood in wait before the forest, remembering all his elder had taught him, and momentarily mourning her passing two cycles ago, when the loud stomping of the hatchlings drew the attention of him and the rest of his clutch with him.

Now they were the elders, and the task of passing down their skills and knowledge fell to them.

It was a task he fulfilled with pride, and the occasional whack on his charge's head.

Growing Difficulties

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Edited by Slayerseba and Clawder.

Growing Difficulties


Danny once more found himself hurtling through the bizarre space of energetic strings at ludicrous speed, mind spinning as he tried to get a grip on what he just saw… What he had done… Didn't he?

Before he could come to grips with the chaos in his mind, he was pulled into another string of energy, and his mind went blank.


With a full-body shiver, she pulled one of her hooves out of the cold white; glaring at the offending frost with a heated glare while the numbing chill of the cold cycle sapped what little warmth and energy she had left. Aided further by the howling wind as it whipped around her light purple frilled mane and tail and making it a lethal hazard to even try to fly.

None of her horde should have to be out during the cold cycle, but their numbers had grown too large. The last several clutches larger than any had expected, and now their food reserves were stretched thin to the point where they could no longer stay under the rock and wait for the return of the hot cycle.

They had to hunt, and do so in the cold white.

Unfortunately, most of their prey also hid to wait out the cold cycle, forcing them all to spread farther and farther in search of what little scrap of food they could find. But the cold white was unforgiving, and those who dared to venture farthest rarely returned; their presence over their minds silenced, and further straining their reserves as the number of hunters dwindled as a result.

This was as much a threat to her as it was starvation, for she had ventured farther than she had ever done before and found herself now over half a day's travel away from the rock, past the forest and out into a seemingly endless stretch of white covered fields which she spend the last several hours crossing, not sure how far she'd gone, or how much further she still needed to go.

Exhaling a shuddering breath, a large cloud of condensation fogging the air before her as she forced herself to put her hoof down and continue moving.

She couldn't stop. Not now. Her horde was counting on her to succeed.

With stiff joints, dry and cracked lips, shivering body and runny nose she forced herself to push forwards; following a faint trail she had picked up on hours earlier. But the wind had blown away most of the prints she followed while also obscuring any sounds, and her stuffed nose not allowing her to smell for a scent forced her to utilize the least favored method of tracking among the hunters: Dumb luck.

Steeling herself against the cold as best she could, she trudged through the thick layer of white towards a small gathering of trees. A distance she would normally be able to cross in three heartbeats, Now though, she didn't even know how much she'd been slowed down.

Eventually, she did manage to cross the distance and wasted little time looking for any sign of prey to drain. What she found, or heard to be more precise, over the near-continuous howl of the wind, were multiple impacts; a strange sort of sound nothing like any other she'd heard before.

Her curiosity piqued, and unable to find anything else that seemed like it could be of value to her, she moved towards the sounds. Then they stopped, and her ears perked up, twitching left and right to listen, not sure if she'd been seen. After all, she did stand out greatly with her black shell amidst the cold white. But just as sudden as it had stopped, the impacts resumed and she quickly honed in on the source; crouched low to make the cold white work in her advantage by concealing most of her, even if this came at the cost of it now pressing uncomfortably cold against her belly, she approached the louder and louder impacts from behind a tree.

Carefully moving around the trunk, she risked a glance at what hid behind the tree.

What she found both shocked and confused her greatly.

Three creatures, unlike any she had ever seen before. They were tall, and covered in the strangest kind of fur she'd seen on any kind of animal. Each unusual colored, and none the same, and oddly lumpy in places. A weird-looking skin covered most of their faces, with only a short muzzle poking out from underneath. They also seemed to carry pouches on their sides, bulging with who knows what inside.

Yet despite this, there was also something oddly familiar to these creatures. Four hooves, a muzzle and a tail she saw poking out of this strange skin. And one of them seemed to have a horn as well. These things had a strange similarity in their form to her own.

With a grunt coming from the tallest and lumpiest of these creatures, an odd-looking object slammed down upon a tree log, splitting it in half.

Odd sounds escaped the creatures, their mouths opening and closing as the tallest stepped away, and the smallest of them, the one with a horn approached the split log. A chirp of surprise escaped her when she witnessed something even stranger. A light red glow burst forth from the horn, which also surrounded the broken log, lifting the pieces in the air.

With a muted thud, the log pieces fell down in the cold white and, the three creatures looked around, alarmed. The largest of them holding its sharpened tool up and at the ready, its lethal properties clearly demonstrated and she quickly but quietly retreated back the way she came.


It had taken many heartbeats, but eventually, the strange creatures seemed to relax and the smallest of the three once again created the strange red glow with its horn, surrounding the split log with the same color and somehow lifting the pieces up in the air without touching it.

She watched this happen from her new hideout, half-buried underneath the cold white, the freezing cold forgotten as she stared with wide eyes and confusion as the glowing and flying log pieces were split between the smallest creature and the third and placed in the strange pouches on their sides which, as she saw when they opened their pouches, were already full with other pieces of split logs.

They seemed satisfied as more strange sounds came from their mouths, slowly moving away through the layer of white, leaving behind their unseen stalker as she watched and waited for the moment to leave her hideout.

Perhaps a bit faster than she should have, she burst out of the small burrow she'd dug; flinging cold white everywhere while her stiff joints cried out in protest from the sudden movement. Yet she ignored it all as she silently followed after the creatures; watching as they left the collection of trees, crossed a hardened stream of water, then moved towards…

She froze. The objects she saw strange and unknown. And while there were some familiar traits with the creatures she could identify with, these things were unlike anything she had ever seen. But whatever they were, the creatures moved directly towards them.

Frozen, both literally, but now also figuratively in indecisiveness, she looked at the retreating creatures and the objects with anxiety and fear. Her instincts screamed at her to leave, to return to the rock, to forget about this lest it would hurt her. But a painful twist in her stomach cut through these screams, reminding her why she was out here in the first place. She had to find food, and right now the only place that might have what she needs was right where she did not want to go.

Realigning her wings with a nervous flutter, she slowly, cautiously moved closer to the strange objects; hoping the least favored dumb luck would be in her favor.


From afar the objects looked strange, alien, unidentifiable, but now that she was closer to the strange things more detail became visible to her. What had seemed like a solid piece soon proved to be a creation of multiple trees stacked upon each other horizontally, with several square holes made in places. Within these holes, she found a most perplexing item: a crystal clear, incredibly thin yet surprisingly strong layer of not hardened water which allowed her to see through and revealing to her the hollow inside of the stacked tree construct.

Inside she saw many strange things, most of which she could not begin to identify. Though there was a flat surface made of long pieces of a tree, standing on four branches strangely identical in width and length. On top of this flat surface many things lay, some of which she recognized as the fruits some of her prey ate. But the thing that really drew her attention was the light; a flickering, warm yellow and orange and... a spike of panic shot through her as she saw the fire rage within.

She was already in the motions to run away, when movement caught her eye and she saw one of the creatures she'd followed.

It was the smaller of the three, and the one with the strange glowing horn. A horn which one again shone red as its left pouch opened and a piece of the split log flew out. With a flick of its head, the log flew into the fire, before a strange rod lifted up next and was used to poke into the fire.

Seemingly content, the creature then proceeded to pull off the skin covering its face.

With a terrified screech, followed by a wild scramble to get away, she fled the horrific scene. Sounds coming from behind her telling her that the monster had rushed outside to see what happened, no doubt in her mind he was able to see her black form in the cold white.

Strange, loud and angry sounds came from the creature, and it did not take long before other of these creatures rushed out in alarm; all able to see the retreating speck of black as she ran over the hardened stream of water.

But the hardened water was slippery, her body frozen and hungry, and already pushed past her limits the last of her strength gave out just before she could reach the safety of the trees; her legs giving out and falling into the cold white with speed. It did cushion the blow a bit, but she still flipped over from the momentum, then hit her head against a rock hidden underneath the cold white.

Dumb Luck, it seemed, did not favor her.

Lying dazed in the cold white, the last she saw were several of the creatures closing in on her, some carrying fire with them. Then her world went dark.


There was movement around her, she could hear.

Subtle shifting, quiet breathing, and strange, hushed sounds could be heard as she slowly came to; her head throbbing but with a strange tightness surrounding it.

Realizing this, she tried to move her leg and try to free her head from whatever it gotten stuck into, only to become aware of the sudden absence of quiet sounds, and felt a building air of nervousness and apprehension.

Her mind, still slow from the blow and cold, took several more heartbeats to process she'd made a mistake. The sudden, jarring halt in her motions the second she did not help her either.

Whatever kind of creatures surrounded her, they knew she was awake.

Realizing she could not escape her fate any longer, and with the will to face her end instead of lying in a cowering heap, she slowly opened her eyes; blinking sluggishly to clear her vision, slowly looking around at the, for now, blurred shapes.

At least she wasn't outside in the cold white anymore, she realized, only for her to jerk up as realization hit. A loud hiss escaped her as the pounding in her head grew worse from the sudden motion, clenching her eyes shut in reflex while hearing a clatter coming from someplace nearby as something fell to the ground.

Taking a few deep breaths to steady herself, feeling the pounding slowly recede, she became increasingly aware of the strange sounds now filling the air with rapid frequency.

Making another attempt to get her bearings, she slowly opened her eyes, blinked several times, and carefully looked around. She was no longer out in the cold white, that much was obvious. And from what she could tell, these creatures had taken her inside their strange tree stacked objects. They didn't eat her, though. At least, not yet. But surrounding her were several of the strange creatures, two of which she recognized from before; the one with the strange, sharp tool to split the log and the one with a horn. But while she recognized them, they were different from what she remembered.

Both of them had removed the skin covering their faces, revealing a shockingly similar form to them, like she, or any in her horde had. Yet instead of hardened, black shell, they had a thick layer of fur. Large, expression full eyes looked back at her and, looking further, she noticed their pouches were gone as well.

What kind of creatures were this for them to be able to change their bodies in such a manner?

But even more surprising to her, were the other creatures present as well. These looked almost identical to her in basic form. No strange, lumpy in places skin or pouches hanging from the side. No skin to pull over or away from their heads. Just a lot of fur and even longer hair where she had a frill. Some of them had horns, while others had a pair of bird wings. And a couple she saw had neither.

Did they… could they truly change their forms in such a drastic manner?

A tremble ran down her spine, and it wasn't from the cold.

Slowly, carefully, the creature with the horn she first saw out with the trees approached, its mouth opening and closing in strange patterns as the unknown sounds flowed from its lips.

She slowly backed away, finding herself in a corner, and she released a defensive hiss, showing her teeth.

A sound of alarm came from the approaching creature, and it quickly backed off while new, nervous sounds came from all the others, overlapping in an incoherent mess of noise to her as her eyes flicked from one creature to the next.

She was in no shape to fight. The hunger alone had sapped her from the much-needed strength, but the cold white made this even worse. Not to mention the overwhelming number of creatures she had to fight to escape. And then there was the strange tightness surrounding her head, which became more and more noticeable she sat in indecisiveness.

Slowly as to not draw any unwanted attention, she lifted a hoof to her head to find out what was causing this uncomfortable feeling. To her great shock, instead of her hardened shell, she felt a strange softness.

Terrified, she started pawing wildly at her head, much to the shock of the creatures surrounding her. Eventually, she managed to pry off the strange thing, and it landed without a sound on the ground before her.

It was a long white something. Maybe a strip of their strange skin?

She carefully pushed against it with a hoof. It shifted at her touch and, she ducked back into herself, scared.

New sounds rose up from the creatures around her, further adding to her confusion.

A sudden commotion rose up amidst the creatures, and quite unexpectedly to both her and, from as far as she could tell also the creatures, another, much smaller of these creatures pushed past the mass of legs, tripping over its own legs and tumbling towards her.

Surprised, she looked at the small, leaf green creature as it came to a stop before her, somehow managing to have itself stuck in the long strip of white skin she'd just pulled from her head.

Realizing its predicament the creature looked up with a sheepish smile, saw her towering over it, and fear quickly replaced any youthful enthusiasm it had to find out what all the others were doing.

Surprised by this sudden turn of events, she cocked her head, looking at the struggling hatchling as it fought to free itself.

Acting before she knew what she was doing, and before the larger creatures could react, she placed a hoof on the white strip of strange skin, then grabbed another piece in her mouth; her fangs quickly cutting through the strange stuff, and the added force of her pulling on it resulted in the strange thing tearing to pieces and freeing the hatchling.

Spitting the white piece of skin from her mouth with disgust, she kicked it away before looking down at the hatchling, realizing what she'd just done as she saw it look up at her with wide eyes. A shock which was mirrored by the other creatures who, as she only now realized, had gotten a lot closer in the few seconds she was distracted.

Once more she realized the position she was in and she quickly shyed back into herself as she made herself as small as possible.

Her muzzle scrunched up, and with crossed eyes, she watched as the hatchling pressed a hoof against her muzzle, a strange tittering sort of sound coming from it as whatever fear she previous saw in it was now gone. Instead, she saw the appreciation he had for her help almost as if it radiated off of it.

she blinked, then blinked again.

Much to her surprise and confusion, the hatchling in front of her did indeed radiate some strange kind of glow which, going by the reactions from all creatures present was an unknown to them as well.

The glow slowly reached out in a whisp of energy which flowed from its hoof still pressed to her muzzle before seeping into her mouth.

With a startled yelp from both, they pushed away as much as possible; the hatchling looking at his still glowing hoof, shaking it to get rid of the strange wisp of energy still reaching out to her while she tasted…

Smacking her lips, head tilted in puzzlement, then sniffing the strange wisp as best she could with a stuffy nose, there was no denying it. It was food. How, or why for that matter she did not know. This was as unknown to her as these creatures are, yet the hunger in her belly flared up at the taste of such a delectable meal, which made itself known with a loud groan and, she acted in an instinct she didn't even know she had. Somehow latching her teeth into the strange energy, she sucked in as much as she could, feeling her energy restore far quicker than she would have thought possible. Even more surprising, she found herself completely stuffed within moments, and couldn't force another gulp down despite the still present stream of energy still flowing from the hatchling who, along with the other creatures, looked at her with a morbid fascination.

Sitting up, wings buzzing, she gave a content chirp, before a loud belch escaped her.


They all looked at one another, she still with her mouth open, not sure what just happened, the creatures all with stunned expressions over what had just transpired.

Then, surprising them all once more, the hatchling fell over, clutching its sides while rolling over the floor, laughing so hard tears leaked from its eyes.

Slowly she looked up from the joyful hatchling to the older creatures, not sure what happened, or how it happened, but maybe with the help of the least favored dumb luck, she might have found a way to help all the others under the rock.


The creatures were restless around her, she could sense.

How it happened and why she could not find an answer to, just that it happened shortly after when she first saw and subsequently feed on the strange wisp of energy coming from their hatchling, but she could somehow 'feel' how the creatures around her felt.

It was a curious thing, but even more so it was frightening. What was happening to her? Did these creatures do this? If so, then why did they look surprised when this energy came from their hatchling? Not to mention, they don't 'feel' like they understood this strange situation any better than she did.

Adding to this, she still had to find her way back to the rock and share with her horde the discovery she'd made. At least, that was until this unknown ability started to present itself.

She needed to know if it was safe and posed no threat to any under the rock, and so, with the fall of the bright light above now underway, and the climb of the sky's rock imminent she sat still in the same corner she'd backed herself into prior, not daring to move too much.

Most of the creatures had also left, maybe after finding out she didn't mean them harm, or maybe for some other reason she didn't know, but four of them remained; two with a horn, one with wings, and one without either but much larger than any of the others. Neither of them had these strange skin like she saw on the first three, and she took her time to study their formes in better detail.

All four were of different color, with the two-horned creatures having light blue and dirt brown fur. The one with wings was a light red, and had more curves than the other three. And the last, with neither wings or a horn, was stone gray; and even from the distance between them, she could clearly see the muscles this creature possessed.

They were friendly for now, but she very much doubted she could best them in a fight.

Blinking slowly, she turned her head to take in her surroundings, getting a proper look at the inside of one of these creatures stacked wooden constructs.

It was different to the one she looked inside through the square holes. For starters, there were no square holes to see through. There was no flat plate made of a tree standing on four same sized branches. No fire held within. and only a large, square hole she saw the creatures leave through, now closed off with two large plates of split trees.

What were there with her, just as confusing to her as anything else, were these strange tree trunks… No, something else.

It was a strange cylindrical thing with slightly bulging sides, made just like everything else from split tree logs, and two strange bands looping around the sides made from a material she had never seen before. And there were many of these not tree trunks, filling most of the space she was in.

Another thing she noticed was that, while still cold, it was quite a bit warmer in here. Unfortunately not warm enough.

A shiver wracked her body, and her teeth clattered together for a short moment, but it was enough to draw the attention from the creatures; strange sounds once again flowing from their mouths, then the one with wings shrugged and left, pushing open one of the two flat tree plates, the howling wind rushing in before it slammed the plate back with a loud wham.

A terrified chirp escaped her as she jumped up, clinging to the ceiling in fright as her eyes darted around; the creatures standing beneath her looking up at her with surprise and open mouths.

Several heartbeats later, the plate opened once again, then was put back in place with a lot less noise as the winged creature returned, holding something underneath a wing. Looking around, the creature saw the others look up, and its gaze slowly settled on her. Its mouth fell open as fast as the object it was holding underneath its wing while she pressed as much into herself as she could, eyes darting around.

Surprise, confusion, fear, she could sense it all coming from them, hanging thickly in the air as they stared at her. But hidden underneath of it all, there was something else but it took her several heartbeats to realize the excitement she could feel coming from the creatures below.

More sounds came from the winged creature, calling up. It took her a moment to realize the sounds were aimed at her. Cocking her head to the side, she looked down at the winged creature as it repeated the sounds it just made. The reason behind this she didn't know, but the sounds sounded… reassuring in a weird kind of way.

The creature repeated the sounds once again, and this time she slowly scaled the wall down, still keeping herself as small as possible, expecting anything to happen.

Once down on the ground, and with a wall firmly at her back, she gave a quizzical look at the creature, by now starting to suspect it to be female and, in extend the others to be male.

The female made some more strange sounds, none of them sounding hostile to her, nor did she sense any negativity coming from the female through her newly discovered ability. But she hadn't come this far in life by being careless, and she kept herself low to the ground only for another shiver to run the length of her body, followed by a sneeze.

The female sighed out, turned her head to the males and made more sounds, to which one of the males responded in kind.

The female shrugged at this, then moved to pick up the object she dropped a moment ago.

It turned out to be a bundle of the strange skins these creatures wore, which the female layout on the floor before her, pointing a hoof at the skins then at her.

Confused, she tilted her head, not understanding but carefully edging forwards to sniff at the skins.

They smelled… strange, not natural, not like skin at all. Backing away, she looked up at the female, tilting her head to the side in puzzlement.

The female seemed confused at first, then a look of realization dawned upon her and she slowly picked up a blue-colored skin, holding it up for her to see before the female slowly pulled the skin over her head, tucking in her ears underneath it. Moving her head from left to right, the female showed the skin covered the top and sides of her head, while two string hung loose underneath.

Pulling the skin from her head, the female held it out to her.

Unsure, she looked at the offered skin then back at the female who in turn looked at her with a thin smile. She could also feel a strange sense of excitement, which only further confused her. Still, she carefully reached out with a hoof, took the offered skin then, with many different thoughts racing through her mind about what might happen mirrored the action the female had shown her and placed the skin over her head.

A sound of joy came from the female as she sat down, clopping her hooves together in a strange fashion of approval. The female then proceeded to pick up another skin from the floor, held it up for her to see, then showed how to put it on.

She was confused by all of this, more than she had ever been in her life, but once more she accepted the offered skin, placed it around her neck and looped it around a couple of times.

This went on for a little while as more and more skins were shown, demonstrated how to put them on, then given to her.

At first, she was unsure as to the purpose of this exchange, but several heartbeats after wrapping a skin around her barrel, her wings poking through holes made for the bird-like wings the female had, she started to notice something. It became warmer.

Surprised, she looked at the skins she now wore, a mismatch of colors but somehow giving her warmth.

She looked at the female with confusion clear in her eyes, yet the female looked at her knowingly, making some more sounds as she glanced back at the males behind her.

Not paying much attention to this, she instead poked and prodded at the warmth giving skins with a hoof, unable to discern how this was possible but thankful for it nonetheless.

Her gratitude to no longer feel like freezing mush have showed because the female drew her attention with a few sounds, laughed, then held out a hoof.

Looking at the hoof, but not being offered a skin, she cocked her head in puzzlement. Then, mirroring the action, she held out her own hoof; looking at it, then the female for any clue what to do.

Much to her surprise, she female closed the distance, pressed her hoof against her own, then shook it.

Stepping away, but not lowering her hoof the female looked expectantly at her.

Looking at the hoof the female just shook, then seeing her stand there with her hoof still raised, it started to dawn on her what was happening.

A chirp came from her, wings fluttering, she closed the distance, pressing her hoof against the female's and shook it in greeting.


The bright light had been up for many heartbeats, and the horde under the rock prepared themselves for another hunt out in the cold white in hopes of finding anything to eat. The oldest of the hunters already scanning the area around the rock for any signs of a wandering prey when one of their own called out to them over their minds. But her thoughts were confounding, strange, unknown in many ways, and the confusion it caused brought out the rest of the hunters from underneath the rock as well as their life-giver as they watched a lone hunter step out of the forest.

A hunter who carried enough food with her to last the cold cycle, who wore several odd colored skins and brought with her a discovery, which would forever change the course of their stories.


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Edited by Slayerseba, Halusm, and Clawder.



It was in the midst of the cold cycle when the hunter returned, bringing with her enough food for all of them and a discovery which changed their stories from there on out.

After her return, and sharing with the horde what she found, plans were made.

They waited out the cold cycle, now no longer needing to venture out and risk succumbing to the cold white, they first mourned their hunters lost and joined them in their memories. Then their attention shifted to the strange skins she had brought with her, trying to deduce what they were from smell and taste, yet unable to work out what the unknown items were made of exactly. Another curiosity that quickly managed to spread under the rock was the manner in which she had been greeted by the strange creatures who shared a strange resemblance with them.

Before long, all were engaged in shaking their hooves with one another to the point their life-giver had to make them stop and focus on the tasks needed to maintain their burrow throughout the cold cycle. Though she, too, could be found from time to time shaking hooves with her clutch, much to the amusement of all.

But eventually, when the cold cycle gave way and the world began to turn green once again a group of hunters, some of the elders, some of the young just through their rite of passing and, of course she who had first met them set out in the slowly warming world and ventured forth to retrace her steps. Unsure what they might find but, determined to find out for themselves.


She stepped past the couple of stumps where she remembered first seeing them, having trouble recognizing the area at first as it was no longer covered in cold white. But now she stepped out of the shadows cast by the group of trees and towards the calm stream of water glistening in the bright light in the sky.

With a hoof she adjusted the skin covering her head, realizing that it along with the others skins now made her uncomfortably warm. How or why was a mystery to her or the others, but she refused to take them off.

It were those creatures that gifted them to her, so she would wear them when they meet again.

Looking behind her, she noticed the others had moved into hiding; picking up on the same confusion and nervousness she felt the first time she saw those strange objects.

A flutter of her wings betrayed her own feelings of nervousness. Was what happened last time a fluke? would they be hostile now the cold cycle was over? How would they react when more of her horde showed themselves?

A chirp came from her side, and she noticed one of the younger hunters had moved beside her.

Giving a small smile in reply, she forced those worries behind her and took a bold step forwards, aware that the others stayed back and watched her move closer.

Coming to a stop at the edge of the stream of water, she took a moment to watch her wavering reflection and the strange skins she wore. They were alien to her, just as they were the first time she saw them and put them on. But some part of her also recognized them as something more. Hope, maybe? A promise? She didn't know what exactly, but she intended to find out.

Crossing the stream with buzzing wings, she moved closer to the stacked tree objects, dropping to the ground and sinking partially away in the tall grass she noticed several of the creatures had heard her buzz and called out to the others while stopping whatever they were doing and watch her come closer.

This close to them, she once again could feel what they felt and she faltered slightly in her steps. Back when she had returned to the rock, this strange… ability seemed to have gone away. She tried to use it with her clutch, show them what she had discovered and somehow teach it to them. Instead, she found herself unable to replicate the strange ability which allowed her to feed so much in such a short time. Eventually, after numerous unsuccessful attempts, she came to believe it was somehow connected to these strange creatures. And now, slowly approaching the growing group of said creatures, she could feel this strange and unknown part of herself once more.

One of the creatures ran towards her; the young hatchling she remembered from before.

Coming to a screeching stop before her, kicking up some dirt in the process, the hatchling bounced excitedly on its hooves while an unintelligible stream of sounds spewed from its mouth.

Looking at the hatchling and remembering what she deduced so far from her last encounter, she was somewhat certain the youngling was male.

Realizing she didn't understand a word he was saying, the hatchling instead mirrored the action he did when they last met and pressed his hoof on her muzzle, smiling widely.

Once again, surprising both but without the shouting and flailing like last time, a strange energy flowed from his hoof and, she smacked her lips as the delightful taste filled her up just like it had last time.

A content chirp came from her, but this time she preempted the belch and managed to stifle it with limited success. Still, the hatchling laughed, then grabbed hold of one of her hooves and tried to pull her towards the open area in between the stacked tree objects.

She, however, resisted and the hatchling looked at her in confusion.

looking back and towards the collection of trees, one of her ears twitched as she shared what had happened.

Looking at her with a puzzled look, the young creature then followed her gaze and gasped out when, one by one, more of her horde revealed themselves.

A wave of nervousness suddenly hit her, and she looked back at the creatures as they, in turn, looked at the approaching group of her horde; a rushed uttering of sounds blending together as the creatures shared glances while making some gestures with their hooves.

A subdued chirp left her as she tilted her head slightly, ears twitching as she tried to understand what was happening while the others moved closer.

A shout came from somewhere within the group of creatures, and a wave of exhilaration swept over her as, suddenly several hatchlings ran out of the group towards her; looking at her with wide eyes filled with excitement and nervousness.

The young male creature turned to the others of his clutch, sounds laced with excitement spewing from his mouth to which the other hatchlings reacted in kind, each amplifying the other to the point she had to flatten her ears against her skull to block out some of the noise's volume, especially after the young male pointed out the now stopped in hesitation group of her horde.

Before any knew exactly what happened, the hatchlings all ran towards her horde with unintelligible shouts and cries, circling around them in their apparent excitement while those in her horde flinched back, or lowered themselves defensively to the ground, unsure what was happening and glancing at her for answers she didn't have.

A shrill sound filled the air, and she and the others in her horde flattened their ears because of it. The hatchlings all came to a sudden stop, heads turning towards one of the creatures who had separated itself from the others, a hoof stuck slightly in her mouth.

She recognized the creature. It was the female who had given her the skins she now wore, and who now slowly lowered her hoof to the ground when she saw she had gained their attention.

Stomping a hoof accompanied by more strange noises and a heated glare, the younglings slowly and somewhat reluctantly backed off while still looking with large, excitement-filled eyes at the horde.

It was then a new sound rose up. One she recognized: a tired sigh. Looking back at the female, she saw her smile apologetically, shaking her head while keeping an eye on the hatchlings as she approached her.

Coming to a stop before her, the female's apologetic smile had become more earnest as she looked her over, eyes lingering a moment on the now noticeably dirty and somewhat torn skins and, the way her nose scrunched up ever so slightly, they did seem to smell a bit.

Still, the female held up her hoof in the now all too familiar and well-practiced ritual and, she was quick to bump hooves and shake with an elated chirp.


With a strangled gasp, Danny's eyes shot open, his mind even more in turmoil than before as more and more memories not his own played out before his mind's eye as if he had lived them himself. But unlike last time, where he would be flung from one place to the next, he was allowed a moment of respite to catch his breath.

It was during this short moment of peace he regained enough clarity of mind to realize he was in the center of a cluster of energetic strings all joined together in a massive knot, pulsating with a frequency not unlike a heart in motion. Strangely enough, despite being 'awake' and not lost within whatever the hell was going on, he could still see things play out. Not as if he was living the moments himself, but more as a bystander observing events transpire from the moment he… no she and the female… mare shook hooves.

It was from that day onwards, this first true contact between the two species that something truly magical blossomed.

The others of his…. her horde who joined her to meet these creatures were all greeted warmly, with the younglings especially showing a lot of excitement.

The creatures welcomed them into their midst, showing them marvels unimaginable.

Yet for all the hospitality these creatures showed, there was one thing getting in the way of truly understanding each other. A barrier that continuously showed itself each time they interacted: Language.

Those under the rock…

Changelings, that is what they are called, he reminded himself. They are telepathically linked. They have no need for vocal speech if they can share their very thoughts and ideas simply by thinking about them.

But as new images began to reveal themselves to him, he felt himself pulled back inside the swirls of energy.


He looked down at his legs, wriggling his new hooves, still getting used to the alien sensation of now having four legs instead of just two.

It had only been a cycle ago he broke out of his chrysalis, starting the final stage in his transformation into an adult. And while still smaller than his elders, it was now expected of him to begin his lessons in helping their burrow.

Shaking his head, he looked out of the tunnel he stood in, watching the elders pass by in a frenzy while his life-giver stood at the center of it all making sure everything happened the way they should.

He cocked his head to the side, amused by the organized chaos before him when his life-giver turned and locked eyes with him.

She was not amused. Not at all, and he was quick to scramble back into motion and help prepare their burrow under the rock for time was running out.

The bright light in the sky had passed many times now since the first group left to meet the creatures she had first encountered, and now some of them were brought back to the rock. Something like this had never happened before, and none of them knew what to expect or how to prepare. And thus, without much of a plan but a distinct need to do something, they all worked to do something they thought would be useful, even if that meant undoing the work another had done a couple of heartbeats prior.

Naturally, their life-giver was more than a little frustrated and it took her several attempts to make everyone work together. Which brought him back to the present as he quickly scurried out of the tunnel and joined his horde in the chaos to make their burrow presentable. Exactly how that was supposed to happen though, he didn't quite grasp. Still, he did the best he could, even if he tripped more than a few times over his own legs, still not fully able to coordinate the new pair with the two he hatched with and, he ended up making more of a mess than the others had managed to clean forcing everything to come to a grinding halt.

Lying in a heap on the ground, pulling his legs free from the knot they somehow had managed to get stuck into, he noticed the tall form of his life-giver stand over him. Freezing in his motions, he looked up and upside down at his life-giver who in turn blew out a sigh before forcing a smile.

Pulling his legs free with a hoof of her own, she put her hatchling back on his hooves then indicated he should move to the chamber of their memories.

He stood straighter, wings up at attention and firmly shaking his head. He would help, just like all the others.

Time to argue his life-giver didn't have as right then one of the hunters who had joined her to meet the creatures poked his head through the opening under the rock, releasing a loud chirp before crawling inside completely.

All activity ground to a halt when the hunter moved down the slope, followed a moment later by another hunter and then, the reason for their fluster, a strange yet somewhat familiar in appearance head slowly moved through the gap under the rock.

With squinted eyes, the creature looked down into their burrow for a long while. It then retreated and the strange noises now associated with them could be heard. Then silence, and they all stared at the gap under the rock with confusion, almost not daring to blink.

Then, quite suddenly, the creature poked its head in through the gap, followed shortly thereafter by the rest of its body. Clearly not expecting the slope down, it tumbled down without control, slamming to the ground on its back, coming to a stop in front of the life-giver's hooves.

Another creature poked its head through the gap, also squinting as if it struggled to see when the first creature, on its back and clearly visible to be a male, released some strained sounds. The other creature's ears quickly locked on to these sounds, and turned to look at the male as he slowly turned back to his hooves.

Then, much to their surprise, he started to shuffle around while holding out a hoof before him.

Confused by this all, but recognizing the hoof held out the life-giver was quick to meet him halfway and placed a hoof of her own on his, shaking it.

A cry of alarm escaped the male creature, shocking them all while the life-giver pulled back quickly; the male fumbling back while his eyes flashed from left to right in rapid succession.

The other creature, before now still outside the rock, was quick to respond and pulled itself through the gap and slid down; the horn poking through the long hairs on top of its head glowing a light orange while an orb of white light shone on the tip.

A collective hiss escaped all of the horde as the light assaulted their eyes, and they shied away while the creatures reacted first in shock from the sound, then looked at all of them standing around them with large eyes.

The light quickly dimmed, but did not fade completely, leaving a faint glow just strong enough to light up the area a couple of body lengths around the creatures; several low sounds with noticeable tension flowing between the two, which came to an abrupt stop when they saw the life-giver.

Rubbing his eyes with his hooves, blinking the spots away, he looked up at the two creatures, tilting his head in puzzlement. There was a bright light outside of the rock, he knew. But how did that creature bring a bright light with it down here… and why?

Noticing his life-giver slowly moved towards the two creatures again, looking at the orb of light with large eyes, he instinctively stayed close to her; watching as the creatures slowly looked up at his life-giver while their mouths slowly opened further and further the further she stepped into the light.

It was almost as if they couldn't see in the dark.

A buzz went through their shared conscious when this idea formed in his mind.

By now the two creatures were openly gawking at the life-giver while she, in turn, looked at the still glowing horn with strange fixation, carefully reaching out with a hoof to the glowing orb.

A cry pulled them from their stupor in time to see a smaller creature tumble down the slope much like the first did, though this one managed to recover halfway down and slid to a halt before him.

A loud chirp came from the gap, and she, still wearing the strange skins, looked down with concern before climbing down herself.

There was a turmoil over their shared thoughts, and it took him a moment to realize it came from his life-giver. The situation developing in a way none of them could have imagined, and his life-giver was uncertain how to proceed.

With a subdued chirp, he nuzzled her hind leg, drawing her attention to him as he gave her a reassuring smile.

Smiling back at him, she steeled herself and turned back to the creatures while he suddenly became aware of two inquisitive eyes staring at him.

He blinked once, twice, then pulled back in shock as he noticed the smaller creature stand almost muzzle to muzzle with him, only slightly larger than he was.

A strange sound flowed from its mouth while the creature waved a hoof through the air.

He took a moment to sift through the memories she had shown them, and decided that this smaller creature was most likely a hatchling in the same cycle as he was. And, taking a second look, he noticed the creature, probably a female, also had a small horn poking out of her dark pink hair for a frill; some of which was tangled up in a most unusual and symmetrical manner, hanging down the left side of her head. She also had a stunningly white fur in stark contrast to his black shell, and the bright, deep blue eyes.

His gaze then moved to her hoof, which she still waved around, smiling brightly.

Confused, he watched her limb move from left to right, then looked down at his own hoof, then back at hers.

Slowly, uncertain, he lifted his own hoof and slowly moved it around like she was doing.

Apparently, this was the right thing to do, if the surprisingly loud squeak she suddenly made was anything to go by while she bounced up and down on the spot.

Laughter came from the other two creatures as they saw what she was doing, which in turn drew the attention of all others. Yet she did not seem to mind, or did not notice all eyes were now on her as she continued to bounce in excitement.

With the steadily growing tension now broken, the first of the creatures made a sound which drew the attention of the life-giver to him. Then sounds came from its mouth with a noticeable slowness as the creature made several gestures with a hoof.

A flow of sounds and the creature pointed a hoof at its companion who in turn dipped its head. Then it pointed a hoof at the youngling, no longer bouncing but noticeable shaking on the spot, and a different string of sounds came. And then it thumped a hoof on its chest, and yet another combination of sounds followed as the creature finished with a dip of its head as well.

He was confused. They all were. And their life-giver shifted on the spot in uncertainty as she tried to deduce the meaning of what this creature meant. The same kind of doubt could also be seen with the two creatures as they looked at one another, one of them shrugging.

Surprisingly, it was the youngling with them that didn't seem phased by this in the slightest as she repeated the same sounds the first creature had made, pointing a hoof at herself while doing so.

Still, the meaning behind this strange behavior was lost on them. Realizing this, she slowed down, then pressed her hoof against her chin while looking up. Then, with a gasp, she ran up the slope and through the gap, and left all the others even more confused than they were a moment prior.

A minute later, she came rushing back in, holding a stick in her mouth, coming to a sliding stop on the exact spot she'd stood before.

With a blue glow, her horn lit up and a small sphere of light like the other horned creature had burst into being, shocking all of them upon seeing this while she seemed more focused on the ground as she used a hoof to smooth out the surface. Once satisfied with the texture, she used the stick still in her mouth to scratch lines in the dirt, drawing one large oval, and a smaller next to it, connecting the two with two lines. Then, drawing from the largest oval, four lines were made. Several more lines were added, while he, watching the hatchling before him work, tilted his head from left to right, trying to figure out what it was she was making. And before he even knew he did so, he found himself standing next to her. This change in perspective did finally allow him to see what it was she was drawing, as he recognized the crude shape as an image of the creature herself.

Two more images were added, one for each of the creatures. Once done, she sat down, looking quite proud of her work, then looked up and at him; smiling just as brightly and using the stick to point at the first image.

The same sounds she'd made before flowed from her mouth as she tapped with the stick on the image meant to resemble herself. Then she tapped on the second image, supposed to be the other creature with a horn, and she repeated the other string of sounds, before doing the same with the third image. But then, confounding them even further, she circled around the three images several times, then made a new sound. Shorter than the others. Somehow sounding much simpler.

She tapped each image with her stick, repeating the sound once again, looking at him with hopeful eyes.

Tilting his head, he clearly showed he did not understand.

Not deterred in the slightest, she repeated the sound while pointing a hoof at her mouth, then at him. Then she made the sound again, much slower, and with a pause in between, breaking it up in two.

Realization started to dawn. Those sounds… could it be how they shared their memories? Were they trying to do so with them?

He watched her as she made the sound again, taking close attention to the way her mouth moved and tried to mirror her.

No sound came from him, but seeing him try made her squeal out in excitement as she clopped her front hooves together.

A buzz went through the horde as they watched, their minds a whirl with all manner of unknowns and new perspectives while working together to make sense of it all.


All eyes locked on him as the sound escaped him, his lips moving in strange manners to shape the sounds.

The young female seemed to vibrate on the spot over this new development, and she quickly but with deliberate slowness repeated the sound again.

"Fhhh… hnn…" he tried again, struggling with the strange sounds and how he had to shape them, yet unwilling to give up; feeling the others share in his struggle as they, too, worked to figure this out. "Fhhnnn.. phu."

He stopped. That last sound sounded almost right.

"Phu… phhuu," he repeated, getting a feel for it, how his lips shaped, how his tongue moved, sharing it all with the rest of his horde as he did.

Again, she reacted with excitement, the other two creatures stepping closer, watching with reaped attention while his life-giver watched the unfolding development with large eyes and growing pride, even if the full extent of what he was attempting was still lost on her and the others.

Eyes narrowed in concentration, he focused on the rest of the sounds. "Phuu.. phhu...gnh… ghn….hnn… Phuuhnn... "

He was close, he felt it. It sounded similar enough.

"Phuun… eee," he paused, eyes opening as he looked at the young female leaning towards him to the point she almost fell over, eyes wide in excitement.

"Phuunee…" he said.

The young female squealed, loudly, and rushed forward and wrapped her legs around him.

For a moment, he believed she attacked him, as did the others. But then, he felt something.

A glow seemed to flow off of the young female as she had her legs wrapped around him, surprising all there save for the hunter wearing the skins as she watched it all happen from a distance, recognizing the energy as the same she discovered when she met the male hatchling. And just as she had experienced herself, the energy began to flow from the young creature to him who, awakening to an instinct unknown, sniffed out the energy, then sunk his teeth into it.

The belch that followed echoed through the burrow.


With a gasp, Danny became himself again, his mind whirling with all he'd experienced as everything was slowly put in perspective against his own knowledge.

The changelings, still ignorant in many ways, and the ponies, already an advancing society met by chance. Yet despite the vast differences and, what he'd been told the changelings were perceived to be this day, their interactions were peaceful.

Why? And more importantly, if this was true, what happened for a peaceful encounter and developing relationships between the two species to turn hostile as it had?

It couldn't possibly have been the three ponies being brought to his… their burrow, right?

Thinking about it, the once incoherent sounds they made now rang with familiarity. Names.

They introduced themselves.

Swift Axe, Guiding Light and, the young filly doing her best to bridge the linguistic gap, Apple Pie.

Danny paused. That name. The strange yet noticeably familiar behavior of sorts. Her bright blue and almost eerily familiar eyes… Could it be?

A grunt of strain escaped him as he clutched his head, more images filling his mind as a light blue string of energy crossed into the node he was in. Except this time something was different. The images he saw, the memories he experienced were not that of a changeling, and before he knew it, she had her legs wrapped tightly around her new friend in a hug as he had just spoken his first word.


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Edited by Slayerseba, Halusm, and Clawder.



Apple Pie walked with an energetic pace through the tall grass, following the stream from her village towards the still distant forest while the various knick-knacks she carried in her saddlebags shifted and clinked together every now and then.

It had only been a few weeks since Swift Axe, Guiding Light and her, were led by the other pony to their home. Or, Swift Axe and Guiding light were, while she snuck after them. She as well as every other foal were told to stay in the village while the adults would find out where the other ponies came from.

But she couldn't stay behind.

She had heard from Iron Nail about how he ran into the storage room and found the other pony, what it did and what it looked like. Unfortunately, she never was able to see for herself as the other pony had left before she had even woken up.

She had been very upset with herself because of that.

But then, at the start of Spring, the other pony returned, still wearing the clothes given to her… she was fairly certain the other pony was a she. But yes, the other pony still wore the clothes given, and it showed from the state they were in.

Of course, such things hardly mattered to her or the other foals as they rushed in to meet the other pony, and all the other other ponies who had followed. And what she found was truly most absolutely, positively, certainly the single most exciting thing, she had ever seen.

They were ponies… but they were not ponies.

Of course, she knew all about the three tribes: Earth pony, pegasi and, herself, unicorns. And then there were also the princesses, Celestia and Luna, who she'd only heard from the village elders.

She and the other foals did ask about them every now and then, but all they were told is that their village could and would prosper without their help.

She did not really understand, but that was okay as there are many other things she didn't understand, like how her mommy and daddy reacted when she found them wrestling on their bed and she asked if she could play too. But what she did understand was that when she first met the other pony she and they looked hopeful, reaching out, looking for friendship. And she knew all about friendship!

So, when Swift Axe and Guiding Light left, she followed; relying on her perfectly honed stealth skill amassed during many midnight raids on the honey jar to stay undetected.

It was to her great shock and disbelief when no less than three of the other ponies not only found her, but managed to sneak up on her while doing so while she was hiding in a tree, perched upon a branch while imitating an owl.

It was only after the fact she realized owls sleep during the day, which must have blown her cover.

But now exposed, and Swift Axe and Guiding Light aware of her she could hide no longer. It was only because of luck she was discovered when they were already too far away from their village for her to return on her own, so she was allowed to join them as long as she stayed close to them.

In the end this proved to be a true stroke of luck as, when they found the other ponies their home and all the other other ponies living there, it was her who was able to find her newest bestest friend and teach him to say pony.

There was a strange buzz to his voice, though. So she decided to call him Buzz until he could tell her his real name.

And now, several weeks later and saddlebags full of neat things, she moved as fast as she could while still technically walking while Guiding Light, Swift Axe and Morning Dew, the mare who gave the other pony the clothes back during winter walked with a more subdued pace behind her.

"Come on!" Apple Pie cried out, her voice rising in pitch from excitement. "We're almost there!" she pointed urgently with a hoof while never breaking her stride. "It's just behind those trees hiding behind that forest!"

The three adults rolled their eyes, by now more than used to Apple Pie's over-enthusiasm.

"Calm down, Apple," Morning Dew called after her, knowing full well it would fall on deaf ears. "We'll get there, don't you worry."

"But I've got Buzz and his friends so many neat things to show!" Apple Pie shouted back, shaking her saddlebags and rattling the items inside for emphasis.

"Which I'm sure they will like," Morning Dew replied readily, "but that doesn't mean you can run off like that. There are too many dangerous creatures out there, so we stick together."

Apple Pie blew a raspberry, but relented as she waited for the others to catch up, then continued moving at a forced calm pace.

She didn't allow this to hold her down for too long though, and only a minute later she was already rambling off the many amazing things she wanted to show Buzz and all the other friends she hadn't yet made.

Of course, such ramblings were all too familiar to Guiding Light, Swift Axe and Morning Dew by now, and they easily blocked out most of what she said, only warning her not to do certain activities when the more… eccentric plans a filly of her age should not even be able to think of cut through their selective deafness.

It was another hour of this before they navigated past the densest part of the forest, and they approached the river between the forest and the other ponies' home.

Several of the other ponies could already been seen moving through the tall grass around the cluster of rocks and boulders of various sizes; all of them stopping and heads held high as they saw them approach.

It was at this point Apple Pie could not contain herself any longer and she ran through the river while using her magic to wobbly, keep her saddlebags above her head as she sunk to her haunches into the water.

This did little to slow her down, of course, and before any of the adults could even begin to protest against her actions, she was already on the other side; shaking herself dry like a dog, then clumsily used her magic to apply her saddlebags. Then, she was off again; leaving a faint cloud of dust in her wake as she closed the distance while Guiding Light, Swift Axe and Morning Dew all gave a collective sigh before following, the two earthbound ponies grumbling ever so slightly as Morning Dew easily flew over the river.

"COME ON!" Apple Pie cried out, already on top the small hill covered with the boulders hiding the entrance, standing on her hind legs while waving her front legs in the air. "HURRY UP!"

And just as quickly, she dropped down to all fours and rushed towards the concealed entrance; coming to a grinding halt as she saw Buzz sitting there, waiting.


A massive smile grew on her face upon seeing her newest friend.


Once again Apple Pie found herself underground as she followed Buzz down underneath the rock where they had made their home. And, as per usual by now, she lit up her horn to create a light to see with. And even though the other ponies had seen this happen several times now, they all stopped to stare at the glowing orb of light she had created.

She couldn't stop herself from giggling upon seeing their awestruck faces as the slope down leveled out and she came to a gradual stop, waving happily to several of the now familiar other ponies who, in turn, waved back; having picked up and subsequently practiced the ritual just like the shaking of hooves.

"Hey you all, I've got all these neat things to show you!"

"Phuunee," Buzz said as he joined her, his head tilted to the side as he watched Apple Pie remove her saddlebags.

Apple Pie gave him a big smile, then dropped her bags on the ground before her with a surprisingly heavy thud and opened one of them. Rummaging inside with a hoof, tongue poking slightly out of the corner of her mouth, she searched for the first of the many amazing things she wanted to show; her actions slowly drawing more and more eyes as the other ponies moved out of the darkness of the many tunnels and into the light she created.

"There you are!" she cried out triumphantly and, pulled out a wicker ball. "Look," she held up the item for all to see.

All the other ponies looked at the strange item with noticeable confusion.

Apple Pie had expected as much, though, and she swiftly dropped the ball to the ground. Its woven architecture giving it a surprising flexibility while remaining rigid all the same and, the other ponies watched, flummoxed, as Apple Pie gave the ball a soft kick, enough for the sphere to roll to one of them, bounced off her hooves, then came to a wobbly stop.

As one, they looked at the item, then slowly back at her.

"Come on," she said with exaggerated moves to mimic the motions she'd just done. "Kick it."

The other pony the ball had rolled to blinked, looked down at the ball, then did as she saw Apple Pie do, lightly kicking the ball.

Apple Pie squeed as the ball rolled back to her and, she swiftly kicked it to another of the other ponies.

The ball once again bounced off an unmoving hoof as the clearly older other pony watched the object with a strange interest, lowering himself to sniff at it while Apple Pie once again showed the motions to mimic.

He looked up, his gaze moving from Apple Pie, the other pony she had first kicked the ball to, then back at her, before his gaze dropped down to the ball again; an eyebrow raised and obviously deeply in thought.

Then, to the great enthusiasm of Apple Pie, he kicked the ball to one of the other other ponies who reacted much faster and kicked the ball to another after only a second.

Before long, the ball was kicked between the other ponies without pause while Apple Pie bounced on the spot with the largest smile she had ever had… this week.

Of course, she still had so much more to show and dove back into her saddlebags while the ball was kicked around.

"Aha!" she called out as she pulled out an empty bottle, the uneven glass reflecting the light of her magic in odd shimmers on the walls and ceiling, quickly enrapturing the other ponies as they took notice.

Apple Pie, however, failed to realize where their attention was drawn to as she placed the bottle's opening to her lips and blew into the empty glass, producing a low pitched sound that pulled the other ponies' attention back to her.

Giggling, she looked at the bottle then blew on it again, this time aware of the attention she was receiving.

Looking to her side, seeing Buzz sitting there with large eyes filled with wonder and confusion, she held the bottle out to him.

"Go on, try it!" she told him.

Curiously, Buzz reached out and carefully took the bottle, slowly tilting it around as he looked at the mysterious object. Pulling it closer, he smelled a strange aroma coming from within the bottle, and he sniffed at the opening, then sneezed.

Apple Pie giggled, shaking her head, then mimicked the motions she'd just done for him to copy.

Looking at her, then at the bottle, flittering his wings as he realigned them. Putting the strange item to his lips, one of his small fangs protruding past his upper lip clinking on the glass, he blew into the opening.

A curious whistle resonated from the glass, and he dropped the bottle with a frightened chirp; the bottle falling on the ground with a thud before rolling against his hoof.

Crouching low, he pawed at the bottle, ears twitching.

Apple Pie couldn't help herself as she laughed but, picking up the bottle she once again showed how it was done before giving the bottle to Buzz a second time.

This time, as Buzz blew into the bottle and the same whistle greeted him he didn't drop the item. He did, however, look at the cylindrical glass in his hooves with large eyes, awed by the strange thing he didn't even notice his life-giver standing behind him until she lowered herself to get a better look at the thing he was holding.

A startled jitter escaped him as he dropped the bottle again.

Apple Pie watched as the much taller other pony looked down at the bottle, then at the wicker ball which by now lay still in between two of the other ponies, then towards her; an eyebrow raised as she looked inquisitively at the saddlebags besides Apple Pie.

"Just you wait," the excited filly spoke up, "I've got much more to… Huh?"

Apple Pie fell silent as she saw her saddlebags move, several muffled chirps escaping from underneath the still closed side.

Puzzled, she opened the other bag and looked inside.

Staring back at her from in between a book and half a loaf of honey bread, was a pair of wide, light purple eyes.

Both stared at one another in silence, unblinkingly.


"Oh my gosh, you're so cute!" Apple Pie gushed as she lifted the small other pony from her bags. "And so small. And... wait," she paused as she pulled the other pony completely from her bag, revealing the slightly quivering larval body.


Apple Pie blinked several times, confused while the small foal but, not a foal but, still a foal she thinks waggled its small front legs at her.

"Where are your other legs?"

"Apple Pie?" Guiding Light called out as he slid down the slope, joined by Swift Axe and Morning Dew. "What are you doing?"

Apple Pie merely blinked, turned to look at the three ponies as they slowly approached, and showed the small, wriggling foal but, not a foal, but still a foal she held in her hooves.

"Ehhh… Look what I found."

All three ponies looked in stunned silence at the small creature in her hooves, none of them knowing what to say.


Things had certainly taken a strange turn, even for Apple Pie's standards.

After the discovery of the other ponies' 'foal' a noticeable shift moved through the group of other ponies as their life-giver moved quickly to Apple Pie who was still holding the small, wriggling, other pony foal, bug larva thing; looking at the small creature with large, puzzled eyes, not noticing the worry clearly visible coming from the mother as she watched the two with a predatory gaze, ready to strike when needed.

Apple Pie, however, only tilted her head as she carefully looked over the strange 'foal.'

It kinda looked like one of the other ponies as far as its head went. Black, hard shell for a hide. Small fangs poking out from underneath the upper lip. A tiny, tiny horn poking up from its forehead. And there were two small forelegs and wanting hooves eagerly grasping at her braid hanging just out of reach.

But then there was everything else.

Apple Pie was no stranger to insects, having seen numerous creepy crawlers and their babies every time she played in the nearby forest and, this little guy… girl… something... looked a lot like those larva she'd seen; all white and squishy.

It was strange. Really strange.

Fortunately for them both, she liked strange.

With a giggle, Apple Pie closed the distance and nuzzled the small larva foal above its horn. And, with a chirp of elation, the small other pony finally managed to grab her braid and promptly stuck it in its mouth to chew on.

The tense stance of the life-giver also relaxed immediately, yet she still watched the two with wary eyes while Apple Pie giggled at the young larva's antics.

Surprising everyone again, the same, strange energy began to flow from Apple Pie, moving through her braid and into the mouth of the happily wriggling baby who froze for only a second before sucking with gusto on the braid.

"But what exactly is that thing?" Apple Pie heard Swift Axe ask, having missed most of what they were saying but understanding the context all the same. "A foal?"

"Looks more like a larva if you ask me," Guiding Light remarked as he scratched his neck.

"So a foalarva?" Morning Dew tried. The awkward silence that followed firmly putting her on the spot. The stares weren't helping either.

"Pffhh, that's silly," Apple Pie snorted. "It's a nymph," she stated, punctuated by the tiny, though still impressive belch escaping the happy nymph.


Apple Pie wasn't entirely sure what was happening now, following after Buzz and the much taller other pony she thought was his mother through one of the many tunnels. But only her, leaving Swift Axe, Guiding Light and Morning Dew behind.

After discovering the nymph in her bag and, somehow feeding him this weird energy that they seem to pull from them, more of these nymphs pulled themselves from the darkness and, within mere moments, had all but swarmed her; chirping and clearly begging for attention.

Their large eyes and squishy but, strangely adorable forms drawing an affectionate coo from Apple Pie as she lowered the one nymph to the ground, then lay down herself so she was at eye height to the curious nymphs.

This time she was completely swarmed as they dragged and climbed all over her, much to her delight and ticklish sides.

After managing to extract herself from the wriggling mass of chirping delight, only somewhat surprised to see a multitude of strings of energy flowing from her to all the nymphs, the tallest other pony gave her a quizzical look, then slowly moved for one of the tunnels while the other other ponies took care of the many nymphs.

Buzz then drew her attention with the only word he had learned so far, then, after some charades and false starts, motioned for her to follow.

Swift Axe, Guiding Light and Morning Dew did try to follow but were quickly blocked by several of the other ponies in their path.

Apple Pie stopped and watched, unsure what to do when Buzz called out to her again.

Knowing that if they wanted to hurt her they could have done so many times already, she told them it was alright… probably… maybe.

She looked back to Buzz, seeing him look back at her with confusion.

No, Buzz was her friend. They all were, even if some of them didn't know it yet.

"Don't worry," she called at the others, giving a reassuring smile. "They just want to show me something… I think… I'll be back soon," and before the others could even raise a protest she hurried after Buzz and his mother down the tunnel.

They walked this path for several minutes in silence, which meant a lot as Apple Pie usually had much to say. But she could tell she was led to something big, something important. Even then she was surprised when she began to see a light coming from further ahead which wasn't her magic, growing stronger and stronger the closer they got until, stepping into a large chamber, she discovered the source.

A large plant. A massive plant, growing all over the walls and ceiling. Several hoof sized flowers grew at random places, all glowing with their own color and intensity.

"Woah," she gasped as she slowly moved to the room's center, realizing the plant's leaves were angling towards her, creating a noticeable wave.

"What is this place?" she asked, receiving no answer, as she expected.

"Phuunee," Buzz called her, and she slowly turned to him, needing a moment longer to force her gaze away from the glowing spectacle. When she did, though, she was greeted by another unusual sight: One of the plant's many vines began to move, then slither down from the ceiling towards Buzz until it hung still before his face, and poked his muzzle.

A sound of amusement escaped him, before he stepped away from the vine, looking expectantly at Apple Pie while his mother watched them two from the entrance.

Surprised, amazed, Apple Pie moved to the vine with small steps while it slowly moved towards her.

It was with only a leg's length in between them when she stopped, looking at the glowing vine with large eyes as it began to move around erratically; reaching out at her with short prods, but pulling back just as quickly before it ever made contact.

This went on for some time, and Apple Pie watched the somewhat twitchy vine while, unbeknownst to those present, the vine was trying to ascertain how to connect to a mind so alien yet, similar all the same.

Eventually, a balance was found, and with a quick, fluid motion the cine pressed against Apple Pie's forehead just under her horn.






All of this filled Danny's mind as he snapped back to his own awareness, and he immediately understood what had happened when the vine had touched Apple Pie's mind.

She shared all she knew with the changelings.

Mere sounds had become words. Words strung together became sentences, becoming language.

From that one moment, that one interaction, she gave them the greatest gift she could have given them: Understanding.

From that moment forward, each time a changeling joined with the memories they would experience all Apple Pie had given to them, and the implications were tremendous. The very nature of changeling culture, developing as it still was, would be forever changed by this. Shaped by the knowledge and understanding of how the world worked from her perspective, by a young filly.

While putting everything he'd seen in a proper place, Danny took a moment to truly admire the node of energy he was in.

No longer was it just a conglomeration of tangled strands of energy, but a detailed framework where all minds of all changelings at the time joined together, changed, grew and developed; linked together by the string of light blue energy which held the memories of Apple Pie.

It was with this change a foundation was built. A foundation on which the changelings would continue to build with everything new they learned, and around which they would shape their culture and, from there, their society.

But if they were this close to the ponies, if everything they would become was influenced in such a manner, then how did they become as feared by the ponies as they are now?

This time Danny did see the strand of energy come, and this time he was ready; reaching out with a hand, and firmly grabbing hold of whatever life he was about to live for himself.

He didn't know how long this would take, nor did it matter. The answers he sought were hidden in here, and he would live as many lives as he had to to learn the truth.


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Edited by Slayerseba



It had been a confusing year, to say the least, for all involved.

The moment they interacted with their shared mind, they gained the knowledge Apple Pie gave them. And in doing so, they went from poorly communicating and misunderstanding to being able to grasp at the meaning behind the sounds that flowed from the ponies' their mouths. Though it still took a long time before the full extent of Apple Pie's knowledge had taken root in their minds, and confusion was abundant as their newly gained knowledge grew. The images and memories they gleaned at still alien and unknown.

Of course, a similar thing could be said of the ponies, who discovered quickly enough that what they said was understood… even if what they said wasn't fully understood. But the sudden jump in understanding was startling to them. Except for Apple Pie who, after her interaction with their shared mind, had gained an understanding of her own and realized what was happening. Though her explanation to the others only added to their confusion.

Still, it was with her help, slowly but surely joined by the others of her village, that they began to teach. Teach their language, then about themselves, who they were, how they lived, and anything else. And in turn, they learned about them.

And as they learned, they grew.

Before they met, the other ponies knew about the world they lived in from the experiences they gathered, seeing the bright light, or sun move up and down, just like the large rock, or moon does the same. Plants sprouted and grew during the warming cycle, or spring, and blossomed during the summer. Then they withered and died during the fall and winter until the cycle began anew. But while they understood this, they never realized just how much they could use this.

True, they were hunters and fed on the energy from the creatures living in the forest and, never had a need for such a thing. But when the ponies introduced them to the concept of farming, it spread a ripple throughout their minds.

Take the seeds of the plants you need, put them in the ground near your home, watch them grow, then gather them when they were mature and repeat the process the following year.

Doing this ensured you would always have enough of this resource without the danger of venturing out in the wilds to find them growing in odd patches, or not at all.

And the plants they grew, in turn, were an eye-opening discovery to them as well. As well as how they were used. Wheat, golden stalks of grass they grew specifically for their seeds. Some of them gathered to grow more, while the rest was ground up into a fine powder, then used to make what they call bread. Lettuce, crops of tightly bunched leaves growing to the size of their heads, which they ate just as they were, or used in combination with other plants they grew. Tomatoes, green stalks on which grew small green orbs which turned red as they ripened. Carrots, orange roots they pulled from the ground. And so much more.

And then there was Apple Pie, who proudly showed the apple trees she and her family grew, which in turn grew the mentioned apples every cycle anew, before showing how to use them to make the object with which she shared her name.

Of course, with such an abundance of food, they were eager to share, though the reception to this gift was mixed.

While not impossible to consume solids or liquids, something that almost always happened to some extent during a hunt while biting down on prey to drain them, they never once had done so to actually eat.

It was Buzz though, the first-named among them, who dared. Taking a cautious sniff off the slice of apple Apple Pie offered, then took a tiny, tiny bite; mimicking the process of chewing he had seen to ponies do before swallowing; feeling the mush slowly slide down his throat.

A shudder went through his whole body and, his face turned several shades of green. What followed next though the ponies that the other ponies really did not, and probably could not eat solid food as they did.

But even if they could not eat the ponies' their food, the same could not be said about the strange energy the ponies gave off.

It was a strange thing indeed, and none of them understood it. Yet as they tried, they soon learned that not only did it feed them but, it also appeared to be harmless to the ponies as long as they didn't take too much.

And so, over the weeks and months that followed, as they learned about one another, wonderful cooperation was developed.

The other ponies would come to their village, help with the chores; farm the lands, harvest the crops and, in turn, the ponies would share their energy with them.

And now, almost a year had passed since Apple Pie had first touched the living minds and, shared with them her knowledge. Now, once again in the midst of the cold cycle or, winter as the ponies called it in their strange flowing language, he stood in a white covered field just outside the village the ponies called Yoke.

He, along with the others of his burrow all had clothes wrapped tightly around them against the cold as they slowly approached.

Even with the memories of Apple Pie, there were still many things they didn't understand about the ponies' way of life, and this was one of them.

All of them, from the youngest to the oldest, were invited to the village to celebrate…. something.

They had asked what, of course, but the few answers they were given didn't answer much at all. Though the need for them all to be there was telling in its own way. This celebration was important.

Snow crunched underneath Buzz's hooves as he pushed onwards, already seeing several of the ponies looking out for them, with several of the foals running off to announce their arrival while, rising up from behind the buildings, but still hidden from view to them an animated rumble of voices could be heard.

His ears twitched underneath the woolly hat he had pulled snuggly over his head, sharing questioning glances with the others.

His life-giver stepped forwards, several nymphs poking out from underneath the coat on her back.

"Www… we ssshould nhot l-leth thhemm waiht," she spoke awkwardly, much like most of the older other ponies having difficulties with this spoken language.

Buzz nodded and picked up the pace, closing the distance and entering the village alongside the rest.

"THEY'RE HERE!" Apple Pie cried out, a streaking blur moving through the mass of ponies as she ran towards them and singled out Buzz amidst the mass, tackling him into a tight hug. "Happy Hearth's Warming!" she cheered.

"Pony happy, why?" Buzz asked, his grasp over the ponies' their language better than his life-giver.

"Because it's Hearth's Warming, silly," Apple Pie pulled back, looking at her friend with a large smile.

Buzz tilted his head to the side, confused.

Laughter rose up as the other ponies came to greet them.

"Apple Pie, I think you might need to explain a few things first," the village's school teacher, an older stallion with thinning mane named Wind Whisper told her. "By the look of things I'd say they don't know what you're talking about," he chuckled. "Though we didn't really explain much, to begin with when they did ask."

"How else could we surprise them?" Apple Pie asked, completely serious. She then looked back at Buzz, seeing the confusion in his eyes, and all the other ponies as well.

His life-giver stepped forwards, looking around the village, taking in the changes; the strange decorations hanging on the walls, the numerous fires burning throughout the town for warmth and, most confusing of all, a stage of sorts standing in the center of it all.

She looked back at the ponies, "Wh-hat-t isss thhisss?"

Apple Pie slowly detached herself from Buzz and, looking at all of them explained with her now all too familiar enthusiasm.

"Today is Hearth's Warming," she threw her hooves in the air with a cheer. "The day we celebrate the bond of friendship between everypony. There are songs, games, food and, a play we perform to remember why our friendship is important, and what would happen if we didn't have any. And you're our friends, too. So, of course, you're all here with us to celebrate!"

Buzz blinked as he tried to process everything Apple Pie had said, silently working together with the others through their linked minds to figure it all out when Apple Pie interrupted him.

"Ooh, I know that look," she poked him in the chest. "You're using that mind talk thingy with the others to figure this out, right?" she grinned, then grabbed one of his hooves and pulled him along. "Why don't we show you instead."

The few sputters in protest fell on deaf ears as Buzz was pulled along, neither he or any other of his pack understanding. Even then, as he looked back at his life-giver, despite the confusion he felt coming from her, he also saw the smile she and, the nymphs on her back had as he was half-dragged into the center of town, then was sat down before the wooden stage with a set of worn curtains closed shut.

"Come on you all!" Apple Pie gestured to the rest of the other ponies. "There is room for all of you!"

Confused, but no less interested what was happening, one by one the group of other ponies moved to the stage, then sat down with the youngest closest to the front, joined a moment later by most of the ponies. Though Apple Pie, most of the other foals and some of the adults were nowhere to be seen.

A mixed murmur of excitement from the ponies, and questions of what was happening from the other ponies rose up, which lasted for several minutes until Wind Whisper walked up on the stage, wearing a strange outfit which immediately drew the oter ponies' their attention, and before long a hushed silence fell over all present.

"A long time ago," Wind Whisper began, speaking loud and clear for all to hear. "Before Equestria was founded, the ponies were strangers to harmony. It was a strange time, a dark time. A time when ponies were torn apart by hatred," the curtain slowly pulled open, revealing several of the foals, all dressed up, some wearing fake horn or wings as they stood in three separate groups.

"There were the earth ponies," Wind Whisper pointed to the first group of foals wearing rags for clothes. "The unicorns," he presented the group wearing fine clothing. "And the pegasi," he finished with the group wearing armor.

"These three groups of ponies did not care about the other tribes, and only worried about their own needs and wants."

As he spoke, the group behind him began to bicker and fight.

"But of course such hostility would not benefit anypony," the curtain closed behind him, "which would be a lesson these ponies of old would learn in the harshest of ways."

The curtains opened again, and the scene had changed. And as the play continued to the enjoyment of the adults watching their foals and, the other ponies confusion but strange fascination, the history of the ponies was retold.

Apple Pie showed up eventually, playing the part of Chancellor Puddinghead, while Iron Nail was Commander Hurricane. And Princess Platinum was played by a young colt barely big enough for the fake crown on fit on his head.

There were shock and laughter, and general confusion. Both by the other ponies, as well as the foals as they did not always remember their lines, but with the help of each other they played out their parts with full enthusiasm. The windigoes scared some of the nymphs, who were also the loudest to cheer when they were finally defeated as the pony tribes discovered the power of friendship, while the mentioning of Princess Celestia and Luna drew some confused questions of the life-giver.

In the end, as all performers joined on the stage, the other ponies were surprised when the ponies sitting with them began to stomp their hooves on the ground, but soon joined them as they caught on to the purpose of this.

Then, when everything fell silent again, Apple Pie stepped forward.

"As dawn shines on us every morn," she began, joined with the rest on stage.

"The fire of friendship is reborn.
And all the friendships we have made,
We cherish it in every way.
Loyalty binds us and makes us strong,
Honesty shows that we belong.
And kindness shared will unite us through each day.
The fire of friendship lives in our hearts,
As long as it burns, we cannot drift apart.
Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few,
Laughter and singing will see us…"

All the ponies joined their voices.


"Will see us through."

"We are a circle of pony friends.
A circle of friends we'll be to the very end."

Only some of the stallions continued, their heavy voices giving a strong rumble to the song.

"Though the winter brings all its cold and storm,
The glow in our hearts keeps us warm.
The friends we now call our family,
Will always see us through."

Everypony continued.

"Loyalty binds us and makes us strong,
Honesty shows that we belong.
And kindness shared will unite us through each day.
The fire of friendship lives in our hearts,
As long as it burns, we cannot drift apart.
Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few,
Laughter and singing will see us…"


"Will see us through."

"We are a circle of pony friends,
A circle of friends we'll be to the very end."

"The fire of friendship lives in our hearts!" Apple Pie sang proudly.

"As long as it burns, we cannot drift apart!" Iron Nail continued.

"Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few!" the colt playing Princess Platinum sang nervously as all eyes were now on him.

"Laughter and singing will see us through!" Apple Pie paced a hoof on his back as everypony joined their voices one last time as a strong flow of energy moved from them to the other ponies.

"We are a circle of pony friends! A circle of friends we'll be to the very end!"


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Edited by Slayerseba, Halusm, and Clawder.

Special thanks to Crepusculo.



Elinora, that was her name.

It was strange to be linked to a word. A word given to her. A strange word she had difficulties pronouncing. Yet it was a word with a meaning.


It was one of the teachers who gave it to her after she made just that: light.

She was the first among all the others of her kin; all of them struggling to learn these strange new ways and methods the ponies called magic. But she did it. She created light.

It was a truly bizarre experience. To feel this strange energy flow from within to her horn. To control it. To guide it. To shape it. To make light.

Yet as strange as it was, no matter how it changed her perception of herself, she knew, felt deep down this ability had always been there. Hiding, waiting.

The first time she succeeded, eyes clenched shut in concentration, teeth grinding together, she felt the shock over her shared mind before she even knew she had done it.

Eyes opening, and seeing the dark green glow shining just above her eyes was startling enough. The small orb of light shining at the tip of her glowing horn even more so.

Both fizzled out the second she reacted; rearing back, front legs flailing, then tumbling back into Buzz, the first-named, and fifth to learn to make light.

Apple Pie had given her a big hug when she learned she had made light.

She liked that. Her hug was warm, full of food. She didn't need to eat for almost two weeks.

But all of that was many cold cycles, no, years ago.

By now, she could make a light at will. And after many more lessons, lift things without touching them.

Most of her family had learned to do these things by now. Some more proficient than others. But all had failed to learn the other lessons the teachers tried to bestow upon them.

But while they weren't able to learn other magic; move the clouds like the pegasi, or connect with the plants like any of the earth ponies could, there were other lessons they were given as well. And now, using the knowledge given to them, they, the other ponies, helped the ponies plow the fields, sow the seeds, harvest the crops and gather wood. Some of them, those who were able to eat and hold down the small bites of baked goods the ponies enjoyed, even learned to bake, helping in the kitchen to bake bread and cake.

And as they grew in skill and knowledge, so too did their family.

For several years now, each new clutch of their mother was larger than the clutch before. The abundance of food the ponies provided ensuring each new life was fed while eliminating the risk of going out to hunt. And as their numbers grew, their home under the rock grew with them.

More tunnels were dug. The process aided by their new abilities, lifting away the dirt and stone with their magic, instead of carrying it on their backs. Some even tried imitating the crafts of ponies by carving some of the larger stones, creating their first forms of art; roughly cut stone meant to resemble the thing they connected the most with, which they proudly displayed in purposely dug alcoves.

And then there were those among them who learned to read. And while the ability to speak was difficult, reading was even more so.

To speak, you make sounds. Sounds were easy: something they all could do from the day they hatched. But only certain sounds made words, and only by creating sounds in a certain order did you talk. But to read, you use these words without sound. Instead, you use symbols. Lots, and lots of symbols. Each with their own meaning. And some of their meaning changed depending on the order they are used, or the combination they are used with others.

It made her head hurt when she first tried, yet there was something curiously enthralling about it, so she continued. Learning a little bit each day; recognizing the symbols, what they meant, how they were used, how to write them herself, and what could be done with them if you used your imagination.

Stories. Words put together to create things that didn't exist. Worlds similar or different to the one she called her own, filled with all manner of creatures; each with their own lives, ideas, and stories to tell. An ever-expanding thread of possibilities that left her awed and dazed the more she thought about it.

And now, with what had become a familiar sight both under the rock as well as in the village, she could be found with her muzzle buried halfway into the pages of a storybook; a gleeful chitter escaping her every now and then, flipping the pages as she was lost in the adventures of fantasy; her amethyst colored eyes flicking from left to right, oblivious to the world around her.

"Ah, the tale of Dented Shield and Rusted Sword. A classic."

With a shriek, Elinora jumped up. Latching on the overhanging branch of the tree she lay under while the book fell to the ground.

A bemused chuckle drew her attention to the elderly unicorn, a stallion with a deep blue coat, while his chestnut brown mane was filled with streaks of gray.

"Mister Guiding Hoof?" Elinora said, by now fluent in their language.

Guiding Hoof, having heard the other ponies speak many times before, still couldn't stop the twitch in his ears over the strange duality of their voices. Even then, he smiled up at Elinora as she clambered down the tree's trunk.

Lifting up the book in his magic, moving it to Elinora, he chuckled once more.

"While I understand the joy of losing oneself in the endless possibilities of the written worlds, it wouldn't do good to forget to look up every now and then and see the world, you, live in yourself. You might just end up forgetting something if you don't."

Elinora gasped, eyes widening.

"My lessons. I forgot."

"As I was saying," he smiled. "You should hurry, everypony else is waiting."

With great haste, Elinora grabbed the book with her own magic and dashed towards the school, ignoring a minor detail as she literally ran the walls, flew over several ponies, landed hard and rolled the rest of the way into the school, coming to a stop upside down against the teacher's lectern.

A chorus of laughter and snickering pulled her focus to the ponies and other ponies already seated in a semi-circle around the lectern, a few books lying open and an assortment of small miscellaneous items on a pile in the circle's center.

"Sorry I'm late," she apologized, slowly rolling herself over. "Wait, where is the teacher?" she asked, then realized the minor detail she missed.

With a hearty laugh, Guiding Hoof entered the room, shaking his head over Elinora's antics.

"When I told you to hurry, this wasn't quite what I meant. But I can't ignore the result either," he took his position behind his lectern. "Now, Elinora. Please join the others so we may begin."

Quickly scrambling to take a seat, Elinora purposely ignored the lingering eyes of the others, while making an honest attempt to keep from listening in to her shared mind. She could clearly feel the amusement leak from it.

"Very well then," Guiding Hoof cleared his throat. "With everypony present, we can begin," he scanned the group before him. "Continuing from last week's lesson. Transmutation. The art of changing one form of matter into another," he began, and Elinora leaned closer to her left side neighbor to share the book he was using. "You are all familiar with the basics by now. The symbols, spell matrix, and what sort of materials work best, and which do not. But even if we are talking about the basics, this is no easy magic to master. Today you will make your first attempt to change an item,--" he pointed at the pile of objects, "--into another. For the ponies here, you have shown the raw talent to learn these practices if you do your best to learn them. For the other ponies, this will be as much a learning experience for us as it will be for you. You have shown an incredible talent to learn all kinds of new things, yet we don't know where your limits lie as far as unicorn magic is concerned," he paused a moment to look at the five other ponies in the room.

"Now, this counts for everypony. Don't expect to succeed the first time you try this, nor the second. As I said, this is no easy magic to master, and you will fail more than you will succeed. But the more you try, the greater your chance of success. You will all choose an item from the pile, then work out the proper matrices. But whatever you do, DO NOT attempt to cast your spell until I have inspected your work. A miscast transmutation spell is bad. A miscast faulty transmutation spell is even worse. So I do not want to see any horns glowing, unless it is to pick something up. Am I clear?!"

A chorus of confirmations quickly came his way.

Still scanning the pages of the book, Elinora already formed the spell matrix she believed to be needed while silently muttering to herself. Once sure she had a good idea what to do, she stood up, moved for the pile and rummaged through the various objects.

Half a minute later, she picked up an old mane brush. She then retrieved a sheet of parchment, a quill and some ink from Guiding Hoof and returned to her spot to begin working.

The next forty minutes were filled with the sound of quills scratching, crumpled balls of parchment tossed aside, and the steady clip-clop as Guiding Hoof walked past the working ponies; looking over their shoulders at their work and offering a point of advice where needed.

Then, one by one, the ponies finished writing and gave their work to their teacher. Elinora and the other other ponies, however, continued working; all of them frowning in confusion and a certain level of frustration.

This went on for another twenty minutes while Guiding hoof inspected the work of those who already completed their spell matrices. Finding several mistakes in each. Yet as he finished inspecting the last of the spells, he noted the other ponies were still busy.

"Are you having any problems?" he asked eventually, moving to Elinora, looking over her shoulder at her work. His eyebrows rising quickly at what he saw.

"It's… wrong," she answered in a mutter.

"Wrong," another other pony said, mirrored by a third.

"What do you mean, wrong?" Guiding Hoof asked, perplexed as he moved to one other pony to the next, looking at their work and seeing the exact same result. "These spell matrices… I have never seen such excellent designs from mere students. I don't see any immediate mistakes either," he picked up one of the parchments. "... Make that no mistake at all," he added in clear awe. "This design. It's perfect," he looked away from the still drying ink, staring at the other ponies as if he was seeing them for the first time.

"It's wrong," Elinora repeated, tilting her head, quill bobbing in her magic as she inspected her work. "Wrong."

Returning the work back to its creator, the other pony resumed his work with the same frustrated tenacity the others showed; a murmur of confused questions beginning to form as the ponies all shared bewildered looks with one another, clearly confused by this strange development.

"Then, could you explain to me what it is that is wrong?" Guiding Hoof asked.

"The spell," Elinora said in a half-whisper. "It's limited, inflexible, locked. It wants to change."

"Yes, transmutation. Changing one matter into another, as it is designed to do."

"No," Elinora shook her head. "The spell wants to change. To change itself. But it can't. It is wrong."

"""Wrong,""" the other ponies repeated, all staring at their work.

Elinora blinked, tearing her gaze away from the spell to look at Guiding Hoof, her eyes full of confusion and in need of an answer.

"It is wrong!"


"Transmutation is no easy magic to learn," Radiant Spark, an elderly unicorn mare; her fur a faded yellow, with dark green mane, said. "It would stand to reason they would struggle."

"I am telling you, this was more than just a few students having trouble understanding the lessons," Guiding Hoof replied to the village elder as he paced around before an old, worn oak table. Seated behind were the village elders, two mares, three stallions.

"Very little is known about the other ponies. We have found no mentions of them in any of our records," Calm Drizzle, one of the stallions, replied. A brown hoof stroking a gray beard before he shrugged his wings. "So we can only work with the knowledge we have gained through our interactions with them.

"True," the Earth pony seated next to him agreed with a nod; a short horn poking past lilac curls partially covering his eyes. "And we know how they react when faced with lessons they have difficulties with. "And this," Granite Hoof waved a hoof towards Guiding Hoof, "is not something we have seen before."

"It was strange, though," Guiding Hoof continued. "The other ponies have demonstrated to be unable to use pegasus magic. The same goes for earth pony magic. And while they have shown to be able to learn unicorn magic, before we taught them, none of them even knew how to create light."

"As we all know," one of the mares, a light pink pegasus named Morning Dew, replied. "What of it?"

"None of them knew magic until we taught them. And none of them knew how to transmute matter until we began our lessons. Yet every single one of them created a perfect spell matrix. Not a single flaw in their design."

"So they have a talent for transmutation magic," Radiant Spark replied. "This is certainly a noteworthy development."

"It probably has something to do with their ability to communicate without speaking," Granite Hoof surmised. "It does give them a certain advantage, and most certainly allow them to compare notes, so to speak."

"And yet, every single one of them agreed that the spell was wrong. I know it isn't. I tried every single spell they made. They all worked flawlessly. Yet even doing this, all they could say, it is wrong."

"So they don't understand the more intricate levels of this kind of magic," Lemon Tart, one of the elders who had remained silent up until now suggested, grabbing one of the designs lying on the table with a hoof. "I must admit, I am no expert either. Being an earth pony makes it difficult to understand this sort of magic, but even I understand the complexities involved with works such as this."

"And that is the thing," Guiding Hoof stopped pacing, looking at all the elders seated before him. "The way they spoke. The way they looked. They didn't act in a way that would suggest they didn't understand the lesson. Instead, they acted as if they knew something I didn't. Except they themselves don't know what this is either. The entire time they were working on fixing their work, saying over and over again that it was wrong. And, frankly, I'm beginning to believe them."


"It is as said, we know very little about them. And while there are some similarities, there are many more differences. We do refer to them as other ponies, do we not? While magically limited in certain areas, maybe…. maybe this magic is part of them, somehow?"

"You mean their special talent? Transmutation… all of them?" Calm Drizzle said, shocked.

"No, not transmutation. They have shown to be capable of creating the spell required, on the first time, yet they say it is wrong. What I think, what I am beginning to believe is that their work on this spell… this magic… it called to them."

"It called to them? For what?"

Guiding Hoof began pacing again. "We are three tribes of ponies. Earth ponies, pegasus and unicorn. Each with our own place and magic in the world. With earth ponies connecting with the ground and plants. Pegasi controlling the skies. And unicorns shaping the world through magic itself. And of course, there are the princesses. But then we discover the other ponies. They resemble us in form, to some extent. And while not versed in the magic of earth and sky, they have demonstrated the ability to use unicorn magic. But this… this may very well be their calling. A fourth tribe. A tribe whose shared skill is linked to transmutation magic."

An uproar was the answer, all the elders jumping up to shout over one another.

"If what you are suggesting is even remotely true," Lemon Tart shouted louder than the rest, "this will change everything we know about."

"I am well aware," Guiding Hoof shouted back. "But if I am right, wouldn't it be up to us to help the other ponies find their place in the world? And would it change anything of how we interact with them now? They have lived peacefully with us for several years. They have shown to be capable learners. And now they may have shown their place beside us. Not as other ponies, but as the fourth tribe."

"This… This may very well change everything."

"Yes," Guiding Hoof nodded. "A fourth tribe. A tribe of change."

"But how can we be sure?" one of the mares asked.

Before any of them could voice a reply, the parchments with the other ponies' spell design began to glow a familiar shade of green, then levitated up towards the ceiling where, unnoticed up until now, Elinora and the other other ponies hung upside down.

"It's wrong," they said as one, grabbing their designs in their mouths, then scurried away through an open window.

"I think," Guiding Hoof said after a moment, locking eyes with Elinora as she was the last to leave. "We're going to find out soon enough."


Life under the rock had changed.

Before they would all work to dig more tunnels, carve the stone in new shapes, practice their speech, look after the nymphs, or busy themselves with all manner of tasks.

Now, every other pony was focused on one thing, and one thing only. The many signs, symbols and glyphs dug in the ground. A perfect copy of the design Elinora and the other other ponies had made during their class.

They had rushed back with their work, already conversing with the others through their shared mind, and all had worked tirelessly to solve this mystery.

Sitting, standing, and hanging on the ceiling of a newly dug chamber large enough to hold their increased numbers, the other ponies all looked at the massive design, all agreeing upon one thing. It was wrong.

Their mother lifted up a sizable chunk of rock and placed it in the design's center.

Eight horns lit up.

The spell reacted, all symbols burning the same color green, and in a flash, the rock changed from dark gray to gold.

Their mother lifted the changed lump from the ground, then tossed it on a pile of similar changed stone.

A new chunk of stone took its place, and ten horns lit up.

There was a flash, and the stone had changed.

The chunk of silver was tossed on the pile.

A new piece of stone was placed in position, and fifteen horns lit up. Then, eighteen. Twenty four. Thirty. Fifty. All of them.

Every time the rock changed, the pile grew, and all of them knew. It was wrong.

Again their mother picked up a piece of stone, moving it to the small dent that had formed in the ground when a sudden burst of magic halted the stone in the air.

All eyes turned to Elinora, her horn aglow as she looked at the spell with narrowing eyes.

"... Change…" she murmured, leaving her family in confusion as she had blocked off her shared mind.

Slowly standing up, she looked at her mother, then back at the spell. Then, startling all, she moved to the spell's center, circling on the spot for a moment, then looked back at her mother.

"Change… me."

Shock moved through the shared mind like a tidal wave, the stone their mother held falling to the ground, fortunately not hitting any of them. But then, as sudden as their shock was, it vanished even faster. All of them blinked, looked at the spell, then at Elinora.

"Change," they all spoke as one.

Without another sound, their horns lit up, the spell activated, and a flash of light consumed Elinora.

Long seconds ticked by, and all stared unblinkingly at what had happened to Elinora.

Elinora, at the same time, was busy inspecting her own body.

"Nothing has changed," she said eventually. "It is wrong."


It had been almost two weeks since the spell had taken over under the rock. All other ponies worked with a single-minded focus on solving that which was wrong, but failing every time.

Only the most important of tasks were still carried out, but only by a small number of them. Just enough to feed and watch over the nymphs, while everypony else could be found in the chamber they engraved the spell into the floor.

New tunnels had been dug, leading to new chambers with more spells on the floor. Each with slight variations to the original spell, using the stone they had dug out while making these tunnels and rooms to test each new variation.

All of them were wrong.

One of the other tasks still carried out was the removal of all changed stone. And a steady line of other ponies moved back and forth to remove the unwanted items from under the rock. And now, a near literal mountain of gold, silver, platinum, copper, iron, and even diamond chunks of various sizes lay just a stone's throw away from the rock

Carrying yet another chunk of stone turned iron in the green glow of her magic, Elinora climbed up the slope leading outside of the rock.

A gasp drew her attention, and a familiar colored blur slammed into her.

"THERE YOU ARE!" Apple Pie cried out as she looked at her friend. "Where did you all go?!"

"And where did this mountain of precious metals come from?" Guiding Hoof asked. Though the tone of his voice indicated he had a very good idea what the answer would be.

Elinora looked at the young mare still holding her in a tight hug, then at Guiding Hoof, then at the large gathering of ponies behind him; all staring wide-eyed at the chunks of changed stone, most with their mouths hanging open.

"The spell," she said, tossing the iron on the pile. "It is wrong."

Two more other ponies stepped out from under the rock, both tossing a sizable chunk of silver halfway onto the pile. One of them tumbling down and coming to a stop before the group of ponies where they watched it wobble in place.

"And what did you use to test the spell?" Guiding Hoof asked.

"Stone," Elinora replied.

"You mean that this entire time you have been trying to solve this spell, you managed to transmute mere stone into… into all of this?!" Guiding Hoof pulled a hoof through his mane. "Gold, silver, copper… and is that diamond? This… such a change requires incredibly precise and powerful magic and a perfect understanding of transmutation. Only true masters of the craft could do such a thing, and even then they would fail more often than succeed," he looked back at Elinora. "How many times did you fail?"

Elinora blinked, then looked at the pile.

"I see," Guiding Hoof murmured. "Let me rephrase. How many times have you tried to change something, but were unable to change it?"

"Once," she answered. "When we tried to change me."

"YOU WHAT!?" Guiding Hoof shouted, taking an involuntary step back, shocked.

"It did not work. It is wrong."

"You mean you tried to transmute yourself?" he asked. Elinora nodded. "That is insane. That is absolutely insane," he began pacing on the spot. "Transmutation magic is not meant to be cast on living beings. The results are always catastrophic. But you say you did cast it on yourself, and nothing happened. That is impossible, and-" he came to a sudden stop, looking into the distance with unfocused eyes. "And… but… no… but what if…" he looked back at Elinora. "Why did you try to transmute yourself?"

Elinora cocked her head, blinked, then looked at the pile of shining metals. "Change."

"Apple Pie," he said, looking at the young mare still holding Elinora in a tight hug, "Could you please let go of Elinora."


"Because I think I know what is wrong with the spell," he replied, Elinora perking up noticeably as he said so. "But I need to see what they have done before I can be sure."

With reluctance, Apple Pie let go of Elinora who wasted little time leading Guiding Hoof under the rock; other other ponies already clearing the way as the two moved past; followed by several more ponies, including Apple Pie, seconds later.


"Incredible," Guiding Hoof awed, looking at the intricate design engraved into the ground. "This is far more complex than the spell you originally made," he then looked at the many tunnels leading towards adjacent rooms, seeing the clearly recognizable outlines of even more spells thanks to the light provided by the numerous other ponies.

The next few minutes he moved from one room to the next in silence, studying each new variation of the spell until he returned to the original, all under the watchful and eager eyes of the other ponies.

"You are true masters of transmutation magic," he said finally. "Able to create such complex spells after only learning about them so recently. And they work flawlessly as far as I and the evidence piled up outside can tell."

Elinora, having remained close to him this entire time, looked down at the spell, confused.

"But, it is wrong."

"Yes it is," he agreed with a knowing nod. "And I know now what, because you told me you tried to change yourself. This is a transmutation spell, not a transformation spell."

Looking around, and finding a free spot on the floor, he proceeded to etch a new spell in the stone.

"This, however, is," he said as he finished, stepping away so the other ponies could see. "This spell would allow the caster to transform the appearance of items, or themselves into something completely different."

"But isn't that the same as transmutation?" one of the ponies from the village asked, standing at the front of the group holding position in the main tunnel.

"No," Guiding Hoof countered. "While sounding similar, transmutation changes the physical properties of an item through and through. Transformation magic is different in that it changes to outwards appearance, while the true properties of that which is changed remain the same. Even then, it is still a highly complex spell to perform and- wait, hold on," he was pulled out of his lecture when he noticed the other ponies were busy working on the original spell; erasing whole sections, then carving new symbols in accordance with the rough sketch Guiding Hoof had made.

Taking a few steps back as more other ponies rushed by, Guiding Hoof and the rest of the ponies watched in silent amazement as the other ponies worked together in a way they themselves never could.

For almost twenty minutes the other ponies worked on the new spell, then, with seemingly unnatural synchronicity, they all moved away; revealing their work to the ponies while standing in the design's center, Elinora looked back at them.

"Wha- You… you combined the spells!?" Guiding Hoof gasped out, shocked, slowly looking up from the spell to Elinora standing in its center. "Tha- you can't just do that. There is no telling what might hap-" he was cut off when Elinora lit up her horn, the spell reacting in kind.

"It is right," was all she said and, in a burst of light, green fire rose up from the ground, consuming her completely.


She could feel it, the thing she and all the others of her kin were looking for. She recognized it the second the spell washed over her: Change.

The sensation was strange, indescribable, yet oh so familiar on a deep, instinctual level that she embraced the sensation as her true self as she finally awoke. The spell a mere catalyst, bringing forth that which had always been there. A power dormant, rough, unrefined, until now. The little warmth of the magical fire comforting as she felt it washed over her.

And then she could feel the ponies… No, something more. She could sense them. Sense them with the same strange ability first discovered when she found the ponies and learned to feed off them. The ability to feel their emotions. But where at first this ability was unknown, confusing, now she could sense them in such clarity she could tell each and every one apart just from the way they felt. And right now, they all shared the same emotion: Fear.

The feeling was foul, and a shudder went down her spine.

The fires dimmed, she could tell even with her eyes closed, and she could sense the slowly rising confusion and relief coming from the ponies while her shared mind was silent in awe.

Slowly she opened her eyes, and she looked at those around her; all of them transfixed on the slight luminescent gleam now present in them.

"Elinora?" Guiding Hoof slowly took a step to her. "Are you… are you alright?"

Elinora perked up, standing tall, wings spread as she smiled broadly. "IT IS RIGHT!" she proclaimed loudly.

The effect of her words hit like a tidal wave, all other ponies rushing towards her; speaking in a strange mixture of words, chirps, and shared thoughts.

"ELINORA!" Guiding Hoof shouted over the loud buzz of near hyperactive other ponies.

Everything went very quiet, very fast, everyone turning to look at Guiding Hoof as he slowly pushed his way through the mass towards her.

"Please, what is right? What happened… to you?"

"Change," Elinora answered.

"You changed?"

"No," she shook her head. "I am change," reaching out to her newly awakened power, knowing what to do; having always known how to do it, a burst of green flames consumed her and Guiding Hoof looked at a smiling mirror's image of himself.


Almost a month had passed since her change, and now all other ponies had used the spell, except the nymphs.

It had been a confusing time, mostly for the ponies, as the other ponies learned to use their newly discovered abilities, and found a great practical use for pranks while doing so.

It was quickly agreed upon nopony would ever speak of the week of doubles once they had finally figured out who was who, after the other ponies had changed back to their own selves, only to change into somepony else once the ponies looked away.

Elinora chuckled as she remembered how she and several others ran through Yoke, changed into Apple Pie on the first day of the week nopony would speak of, before her attention was brought back to the village elders.

All of the village and other ponies were seated around a stage on which the elders stood. Guiding Hoof was present as well, as was she herself; the first to change.

"Everypony," Radiant Spark called for attention. "As you all know, a lot has happened this last month with the other ponies. Thanks to Guiding Hoof's effort," she motioned a hoof at the mentioned stallion. "And the other ponies' incredible talent for transmutation magic, they have discovered their true potential. Of course, such a feat is reason enough for celebration, but in doing so we too must embrace a change most profound."

"For all these years that we have known and lived with the other ponies, learning from them as much as we learned them," Calm Drizzle continued, "We never knew for certain what to call them. They are not unicorns, earth pony, or pegasi, and as such, we called them other ponies as they did not belong to any of the three tribes. However," he stomped a hoof, "that changes today! Guiding Hoof," he offered his spot.

"Thank you," Guiding Hoof said as he took the place offered. "As Calm Drizzle said, the other ponies do not belong to any of the three tribes, yet they are ponies all the same. And now… now that we know what their shared talent is, we also know their place in this world… their place next to us. For where the magic of air belongs to the pegasi tribe, the magic of earth and nature to the earth pony tribe, and the skill to control magic to the unicorn tribe, there is also a magic that links everything together. Change! Whether it is the change from day to night, spring to summer to fall to winter, or young to old, change is just as much a part of the magical world as anything else. And where we unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies belong to one of the three tribes, our friends are the fourth tribe. The tribe of change! And with a tribe, they also have a name. They are not just other ponies any longer," he smiled, looking at Elinora. "Would you please tell us what you are called?"

Elinora almost leaped at the front of the stage, standing tall and proud before all. "We are change, and the link that binds all…" she looked at all of her family, all of them giving her their agreements over their shared mind, and her smile became just a bit larger.

"We are changelinks."

Hope, Dreams And Family

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Edited by Slayerseba, Halusm, and Clawder.

Special thanks to Crepusculo.

Hope, Dreams And Family


Almost a year had passed since the changelinks were recognized as the fourth tribe and they had chosen their name. And with a change so significant came progress.

Now aware of who and what they were, their teachings were adjusted to better suit their abilities. This, of course, was as much a learning experience to their teachers as it was to them. And the day they discovered that, when changed, the changelinks had access to either pegasus or earth pony magic, though in reduced strength compared with the original was a shocking revelation.

They would never be able to outfly a true pegasus or out farm an earth pony, but their ability to mimic not just the forms of another, but their magic as well took everyone by surprise.

Now with their new abilities, the village prospered in ways the original settlers could never have envisioned.

The farmers aided by transformed changelinks grew more food than they alone would have been able to manage. The pegasi gained a better grip on the sometimes unpredictable weather, and even the unicorns saw an increase in magical proficiency, even when the changelinks weren't transformed.

Their village grew steadily as some of the changelinks found residence among the ponies, though all would return to their home under the rock to help where needed. The reason for this, of course, was change.

They now knew change. They understood it. The spells they were taught, and the spell they created revealing their true nature. Nature they couldn't understand until Elinora was the first to change.

Now, this spell was a significant part of who they were, and it changed their still developing culture in ways they could not have foreseen but were eager to find out where it may lead them.

And as they grew as a species, so too did their home under the rock. They dug their tunnels deeper, carving new chambers to display their spell on the floors, creating more room for their growing numbers and moving towards a new discovery. A new change.

He was Seda, one of the older changelinks, and part of a small group of changelinks digging a tunnel. A task which came to a sudden stop as they could hear the stone before them beginning to crack and shift, and they swiftly moved out of the collapsing area while a billowing plume of rough dust followed in their wake.

All work under the rock came to a stop, their mother rapidly approaching to make sure none of her children were harmed and to learn what happened.

Slowly the dust settled, and Seda alongside one of the others carefully ventured back in; finding little debris as they neared the collapsed wall.

What they found changed everything.


They hung from the wall, staring at their discovery while even more of their numbers continued to pour out of the tunnel; its size large enough to accommodate four changelinks standing side by side with room to spare, yet a mere dot compared to the immense void they had found.

They knew it was a cavern, with massive stalactites hanging from the ceiling, but none of them were able to see how deep it went, the darkness too dense even for their eyes.

Faint, whisper-quiet dripping from unseen water droplets was like lightning in the silence that permeated the expanse as the wetness fell from the ceiling, dripped on the massive spires hanging down to the unfathomable depths below, coalesced at their tips, then vanished in the darkness; unheard, unseen.

They hung there for almost an hour, staring at the mind-boggling chamber they had stumbled upon, slowly taking it all in as shock turned to wonder. Wonder turned to amazement; and amazement turned to excitement as a flicker of a thought blossomed into a plan, a vision, a goal for growth. A goal for change.


The ponies of Yoke knew something had happened, the excitement of the changelinks obvious from the moment they arrived at first light and their overly energetic explanations which devolved in a mess of half-formed words mixed with insectile hisses and buzzing.

Of course, Apple Pie understood them where nopony else could, and an enormous gasp escaped her not long after.

Of course, this on its own was no cause for alarm. Apple Pie had always been an easy to excite pony, which had not diminished as she grew older. But the way she almost immediately joined the changelinks in their strange behavior did raise some red flags.

Before things could devolve into a complete mess of misunderstanding, one of the villagers managed to stop Apple Pie long enough to ask what the changelinks and, she in extent, were doing.

Apple Pie, wearing an ill-fitting metal helmet, saddlebags filled with various tools, and a stack of planks balanced precariously on her back showed arguably her largest smile to date as she answered: "We're building a village of course, silly." And she had sprinted away before anypony could formulate a response of any kind.


By the time the ponies made their way to the rock, they could already tell things had changed.

The mountain of rock, metals, and precious gems the changelinks had created during their transmutation frenzy, and which was left to the elements for most of the time since, had shrunk considerably and a large patch of dead grass was uncovered as a result.

A large number of changelinks were also present as they collected either rock or iron from the shrinking pile, taking it with them under the rock.

Unsurprisingly, Apple Pie popped up amidst their line several times as she carried a respectable amount of stone on her back with a smile, showing no sign of any kind the weight affected her at all.

Now all the more curious what exactly was going on underground, the ponies carefully joined the mass of changelinks; some even taking small chunks of iron or rock with them despite not knowing what it was used for. The changelinks, however, were obviously grateful for the help as the villagers entered under the rock one by one.

Aided by the light the changelinks readily provided through their magic, the ponies slowly made their way further down underground; passing the chamber with the first iteration of the spell which allowed the changelinks to change, then moved deeper still.

Some of the ponies were breathing hard by the time they entered yet another tunnel, unable to tell just how far down they had gone when they stepped out in the open and their progression came to a sudden stop.

It was clear the changelinks had been busy; the tunnel leading to a large, cleared out area, where all the iron and stone taken from above, was stored. Off to the side, the ponies saw some of the changelinks working on very crude smelters, clearly constructed in a short timeframe, and modeled after the one the village smithy used. A bit further back, they saw the iron beams the changelinks had made cooling down.

On their other side, many of the shapeshifters were working on shaping the chunks of rock into bricks of various sizes, using both pony tools, as well as their natural abilities to break the stone.

But it was what lay before them that took their breath away; a vast space too immense to take in at once. No matter how much they tried, they could not see the other side of the mind-boggling chamber; only able to see several massive stalactites before darkness obscured everything else.

"Wha- what is this place?" one of the ponies asked.

"H-hopeee-" the changelinks' their mother, approaching the group, said with her usual struggling speech. "And dreamssss."


Over a week had passed since their discovery, and Seda was working energetically with the rest of his kin as they further dug out the platform where everything had started.

At first, it was nothing more than a hole in a wall with a sheer drop at the end. Then, after a tremendous effort of all under the rock, they dug out a rough area to work and store all the materials in just a single night.

They had only just created the smelters, and cast the first bars of iron when the ponies arrived later on the day, and what they had envisioned could not yet be seen. But now, after more work on the platform, they had smoothed out the surface, placed the first iron supports in the stone where they planned for a bridge to be built, and the first tiles had already been placed on the floor.

It was all still silly in some way to him. Before they met the ponies, they didn't even care about these things; didn't even know about it. But now, after their first introduction to art, and trying their hooves at it, it quickly became part of who they were; who they became. And this was no different.

This, all of it, would be more than a collection of tunnels and chambers under the rock. The ponies had a village, a creation as strange as it was wondrous which they shared with them, taught them how it was made and used and, in doing so planted a seed which had now begun to sprout.

A village of their own. Testimony of all they were taught and a beacon of hope for the future to come.

He placed another tile, already seeing the picture he and the others were drawing; a grand mosaic describing one of their most cherished memories.


With an excited chirp, Seda placed the last tile in on the ground, finishing the mosaic after a month of hard work.

A cheer of approval came from all the changelinks, both present and through their shared mind while he took to the sky and saw their completed effort as a whole.

It was a stylized drawing, much in the way they had seen in the books of the ponies. It was a style they had some difficulties with, much like most other things they had learned from the ponies, but Elinora, her muzzle buried in books more often than not, had helped significantly with the picture's design.

The image depicted two creatures; a pony on the right, and a changelink on the left.

The pony was light red, with wings spread out. The changelink was depicted wearing various mismatched skins… or, well, clothes as they now knew. And in the middle, their hooves were joined, a sign of their new friendship.


One Year Later

Through muscle, magic, and foolhardy stubbornness Seda and the others were finally able to complete the bridge without further accident.

Several times the structure collapsed under its own weight, and every time they tried again; changing the design, their approach, and anything else they believed might be useful.

The ponies did offer some suggestions and solutions at first, but even they were unable to find a conclusive answer how to complete such a task without it failing halfway through; none of them have ever attempted to build anything like this and, holding things up through magic only worked for as long as the caster, or casters could maintain their strength.

Stumped by setback after setback, but unwilling to give up, the changelinks worked hard, studied the problems, and learned and devised solutions that had taken the ponies by complete surprise.

New designs were created, improved materials were constructed, and a new approach was devised.

They knew where they wanted the bridge to go; the nearest stalactite, so a group of them flew to the upside-down spire, carrying various tool and materials with them, and began construction on an anchoring point halfway up, while the others began construction of the bridge from the mosaic platform.

It was a difficult task, with failure looming over them every step of the way, but perseverance prevailed as both groups worked together and met in the middle; their impossible task made possible.

A cheer echoed through the cavern as they danced on the bridge.


Five Years Later

The walkway had just been completed; a path spiraling up and down the length of the stalactite from the bridge.

It was easily twelve times the length of the bridge, yet its construction was done without any major setback. The experience and skill gained from the bridge's construction were of great aid to them. But there was one major problem they couldn't ignore: weight.

The stone spire itself was a colossal weight supported from the ceiling, yet they were adding to it and potentially resulting in its collapse. To solve this, they built the walkway at the same time they created their village. Digging out the rooms which would become houses, hatcheries, or storage rooms and using the material they dug out to construct the spiraling path connecting it all.

It was a simple solution, but one which did create another problem: balance. Remove too much from one side and things could collapse just as quick as if they added too much weight, and so they worked slowly; using the lessons they were taught by their earth pony friends, combined with their vast knowledge of stone and dirt from digging their burrow, they carefully watched and listened to the rock; making sure they wouldn't stress it beyond breaking as they gave form to their village.

But now it was done.

It had taken years. Years of hard work, mistakes, accidents and cracked hooves, but finally it was done and all changelinks were crowded together on the platform where it all began, the image drawn in stone impossible to be seen as they looked at their accomplishment.

The ponies, too, were here on this momentous day. Most of them had helped the changelinks with the construction in one way, or another. Even then, the incredible sight before them was truly a changelink creation.

From the stone bridge reaching out over the darkness towards the stone spire to the walkway spiraling up and down.

Torches were placed within the village, lighting everything up, and revealing the solid, circular wooden doors the ponies had created, all placed in a home of their own.

Furniture, too, was provided by the ponies; ranging from bookcases to tables to beds, and most of it had already been placed inside, only waiting to be put in place by their future residents.

Their mother, who had finally chosen a name for herself: Verae, stood at the front of the group, smiling proudly at them all.

Today marked a new day of change; a day they had worked towards for all those years. They had gone from simple creatures still learning about the world and themselves to a developing society. And now, on this day forever to be remembered in their shared memories, they took the next step: Culture.

All they had learned, they made their own and created this; a testimony to their growth. A growth that would continue as their culture would continue to develop.

Seda cheered loudly, as did all the others, as they rushed to their new home and began a new chapter in their lives.


Seda stood on the walkway before his home, looking down at the group of changelinks several floors below as they worked on the new bridge.

Years had passed since they first moved into their village, and much changed in that time. The most noticeable change, the increase in numbers.

While it was their life-giver who they all referred to as their mother and de facto leader, it wasn't impossible for any of them to have nymphs of their own. It had happened in the past where one or two eggs not laid by their mother joined the clutch, and the hatchlings were raised alongside the others. But this too changed drastically during the next cycle after they had moved into the village.

It was something they had learned from their time with the ponies. Each and everypony would, once mature enough, forge a bond with another beyond mere friendship. They would live together, work together if possible, and have foals together.

This was a strange concept for them, as while they lived in a community in some ways similar to the changelinks, they also separated themselves from the rest. Families, they called it. Mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, and many more which confused them greatly when first learning about it.

Now though, having learned and lived with the ponies for years, a truly wondrous change had occurred.

The concept of families was confusing to the older generations of changelinks. The young, though, not so much. Not set in their ways like the adults, they were able to understand these things better as they grew up with this new concept. And now, years later, this change in mindset had begun to show its effects as families began to form, and with them, explosive growth in nymphs.

The hatcheries they originally built in their village were rapidly approaching their maximum capacity, and thus expansion was required, which brought him back to the construction down below as he oversaw his charges.

Being one of the original builders, Seda now held the title of master builder along with most others of the original group responsible for the technical side of construction. While others, such as Elinora were now recognized as scholars. There were also bakers, most commonly those who could eat the ponies' food, and found joy in baking. Or artists, who did all they could to shape their village into something unique through sculptures or paint.

Looking up at the ceiling, Seda's wings flittered slightly at the sight of the glowing vines and leaves starting to claim the cavern's ceiling. Even their shared memories had begun to move into the village; growing through cracks in the stone they didn't know were there, and providing a faint light that grew just a bit brighter each and every day.

A young filly ran past him, drawing his attention back down as she giggled, her braided mane swinging from left to right and her small frilled wings buzzed excitedly.

And here was another, quite unexpected change. And in a way, neither the changelinks nor the ponies had expected. Though, in hindsight, at least for the pony side of things, it should have been obvious.

The changelinks' nymphs grew up with the ponies' foals, both learning from each other, friendships formed, and some of them grew into something more.


In all honesty, looking back at it, it really was no surprise when Apple Pie and Buzz joined together. Though the fact they had a foal, half pony, half changeling, was something that truly took everyone by surprise in the best way possible.

"Mud Pie!" Apple Pie called out, following after the energetic child to make sure she didn't do anything dangerous, "be careful."

She gave Seda a smile in greeting, then vanished around the bend as she followed the path up after her child.

Seda chuckled over the wonderful absurdity of it all, shaking his head.

Yes, things had changed in strange, amazing, wondrous ways and he was eager to see what the future might hold.

But for now, they had a bridge to build. And from there, a new spire to claim for their own. And as he flew down to the workers below, for a second he saw all that could be. Bridges connecting all the stalactites, and changelinks and ponies living and working together as one community and as a family.

Beginning Of The End

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Edited by Slayerseba, Halusm, and Clawder.

Special thanks to JarOfHearts

Beginning Of The End


Yoke had changed.

No, that wasn't entirely true. Yoke had grown. Those who called it home had changed.

Before, when it was still a small settlement, ponies were the only creatures who lived there. Then the changelinks came, and changes unforeseeable started to spread their influence.

The first foals born of both pony and changelink heritage were a true surprise, but a surprise which they wholeheartedly embraced.

As years passed, and more hybrids were born, curious differences started to become noticeable.

Any hybrid from a pony mother would be born a pony, but with changelink traits. Any nymph hatched from an egg laid by a changelink would be a changelink, but with pony traits.

The first foal, Mud Pie already showed this quite clearly; taking a lot after her mother but with wings that could only have come from her father. Whereas her younger sister, Apple Seed, born four years later, had small fangs poking past her upper lip.

Both foals, however, showed to be able to sense the same energy the changelinks did. Which, as was learned through social interactions over the years, was linked to the emotions the ponies felt.

Stranger still, as was discovered with the new generation of changelinks, they hatched with the ability to change as a natural part of their being. The spell their parents used now part of who they were on a fundamental level.

This, as it turned out, was something that also was passed on to some of the pony hybrids.

They couldn't change their form as the changelinks could, but a change in color of their coat, mane, and eyes was a skill they demonstrated from an early age. And later, with a select few among them who had this trait, it turned out they could change their Cutie Mark as well.

As for the changelinks. Each nymph showed unique traits depending on their father's heritage.

If they were an earth pony, their changelink child would show greater strength compared to other changelinks.

If they were a pegasus, their child would, once grown out of their larva stage, grow wings larger than usual; able to fly faster and for a greater duration.

And if their father was a unicorn, their magical abilities tend to be more versatile, and their coronas a different color than the dark green all the others showed.

Yet most noticeable were their eyes. Where changelinks had compound-like eyes, with no discernable pupil, any nymph born from a pony had eyes with an iris and an oddly slitted pupil.

Yet as wondrous as it was strange, eventually it became a part of them. And now, many years later, it has become mundane.

So much so that, whenever the subject was taught to each new class, it often led to blank stares and yawns.

And this time was no different.

Abelo, a changelink with pegasus heritage, sat among his peers in class, bored out of his mind and idly tapping his desk as he heard his teacher drone on in such a boring way only a teacher could; not even hearing half of what was said.

"... and because of the curious similarities between changelinks and bees on a basic behavioral level, the changelinks adopted some of the names and descriptions into their own society. This is why their village is now called the Hive. Furthermore…"

Around him, his friends showed similar disinterest in what was taught. Though he had to give Dragonfly credit. She really had perfected the art of sleeping with her eyes open, with only the small string of drool giving her away.

"Verae, the changelinks' mother, who took the title of queen and subsequently passed this on to her oldest daughter near the end of her life…"

Hammer Strike, a tomato red earth pony with his recently gained Cutie Mark depicting a hammer hitting a nail was seated on his right; passing the time scribbling on his parchment, creating all kinds of weird drawings never meant to be anything other than a way to ward away boredom.

"... which all came to be through the initial teachings of the ponies of Yoke…"

A few seats past him, Abelo saw Spring Breeze. A still Cutie Markless pegasus who shifted the color of her coat each time the teacher looked away, clearly hoping to draw some reaction when he looked back and break the mind-numbing drone, but to no effect.

"... and eventually leading us to here and now, where…"

Finally, after what felt like ages, the teacher, a middle-aged unicorn with small fangs poking out past the upper lip, returned to his lectern, calling the class to attention.

"Which, as you all understand, shows just how much alike we are, despite our differences. Now, are there any questions?"

Unsurprisingly, no one raised a hoof.

"Very well. That will be the end of today's lesson. And I am sure Green Sprout is already waiting for you for the trek into the forest. So, class dismissed."

With a collective sigh of relief, followed almost instantly by a mad scramble to escape the confining room, Abelo pushed through the group as best he could; breaking through and exiting the school just before the, by now customary, door jam.

He did take a moment to wait and watch, snickering as the building pressure grew too great and all the other students unfortunate enough to get caught in the blockage blew through the single door as if a geyser erupted.

"Ha ha," Hammer Strike grunted, annoyed, lying in an undignified heap before Abelo.

"Well, fair's fair," Abelo grinned cheekily, holding out a hoof to help his friend back up. "You were the one laughing last time."

Hammer Strike looked at the offered hoof for a moment, then sighed as he accepted it. "True."

"So where's Spring?"

"Where do you think?"

"Still in class, trying to wake up Dragonfly."

"And only needing to prod her in the side six times," Spring Breeze called out as she sprung over one of her classmates still picking themselves up with a flap of her wings, her coat now a faded blue while her mane glistened silver in the light of the sun.

"Guess you're getting better at waking up the bed bug," Hammer Strike said, only half-joking.

"Har har," Dragonfly groused as she trudged out of the classroom. "T'is not my fault Stelar's teaching is dryer than your mom's cooking."

"True," all agreed without objection.

"Guess we better hurry, though," Hammer Strike told them. "The others are already leaving."

True enough, when they looked they saw most of the others in their class were already on their way to the edge of town where standing and watching in the tall grass was Green Sprout, a light pink earth pony with spring green mane and tail, carrying fully packed saddlebags while waiting for her students to gather around and start the lesson.

"Yay," Spring Breeze said humorlessly, "more lessons."

"It's not that bad," Dragonfly said as they made their way over to the rest of the class. "This time we're not stuck in some boring classroom listening to an even more boring teacher."

"Fair's fair," Hammer Strike grunted. "Teach does make things interesting by taking us in the forest."

"Which also means Dragonfly can sneak off into some tree to continue napping," Abelo said with a grin.

"Exactly," Dragonfly agreed wholeheartedly.

All four of them laughed as they joined the rest, pulling the attention of all others to them while Green Sprout patiently waited for them to quiet down.

"Oh, a funny joke?" she said as she looked at the four. "Well, I am glad to see you keep your spirits high like that. But I do wish you won't interrupt the coming lesson with this. It will scare the animals away."

"Sure thing," Spring Breeze said for them all. "We'll be so quiet you won't even know we're there."

"Thank you," Green Sprout said, then turned around as she began leading the class to the forest. "Oh, and bonus points to whoever manages to knock Dragonfly out of her nest."

"Wait, what!?"

A chorus of laughter filled the air at Dragonfly's stupefied expression, and the bed bug eventually grumbled under her breath as any chance at prime nap time was brutally taken from her.

Still laughing himself, Abelo bumped sides with his friend, getting a half-hearted glare in return before she too saw the funny side of things and gave a short chuckle.

"Guess I have to actually pay attention this time, huh?"

"Attention to which tree you sneak into you mean," Abelo snorted.

"Of course. What else?"

And once more they laughed as they followed after Green Sprout and headed towards the forest.


Sunlight streamed through gaps in the swaying canopy and shadows danced over the group as they ventured deeper into the forest.

It has been almost an hour since they started and Green sprout taught and explained every little thing they came across.

Of course Abelo, much like every other changelink, knew most of these things already, thanks to the Murgröna. This was also the reason Dragonfly spent the lessons more asleep than awake. But to him, it was more than a repeat of something he had already heard about.

Yes, the Murgröna gave him the knowledge and experience of those before him, but it was experience and knowledge not his own. And he learned from an early age just how much more rewarding it was to experience these things personally. And every now and then he did learn something genuinely new, as today's lesson would prove.

"Okay class, please stop here," Green sprout called out, and everypony slowed down, looking around in confusion as nothing noteworthy could be found.

Chuckling, Green Sprout explained. "We are currently standing at a border close to a very strange plant. One that normally doesn't grow here, but has managed to find its way with the help of some unlucky animal."

"Unlucky animal?" Abelo voiced the question in most of their minds.

"Yes," Green sprout nodded. "Most plants and trees use small seeds or nuts to reproduce. Either bare or in fruits to lure in animals for them to eat, then later poop out with a healthy dose of fertilizer to help their initial growth. But this particular plant has a radically different approach to things, which is why I told you to stop here. Now, tell me. Have any of you ever heard of the tackle weed?"

Blank stares were all she got in answer, and again she chuckled.

"No, I suppose not. It is a rather rare plant around these parts after all. Now, if you all look over there, past that tree in the distance," she pointed a hoof towards a distant plant, too far away to see much detail. "That would be the tackle weed, and unlike most other plants it does not grow fruits or nuts to lure animals in to help it reproduce. What it does do is something rather bizarre, and why it has the name it has. And it all begins with its roots. Besides drawing water and nutrients from the soil, this plant is capable of detecting minute vibrations through the ground. And just as impressive, it can tell the difference between a branch falling and an animal foraging. And based on the vibrations, it can even tell the size of the animal, which is also an important factor as rabbits or squirrels are too small for the tackle weed. Once it has found an animal large enough, it will then use the vibrations to determine the distance, direction, and speed the animal is moving. And then it will throw its seed, with surprising accuracy, towards the animal."

"It… throws its seed?" Hammer Strike asked, his confusion shared by the others.

"Yes, yes it does."

"... And it is called tackle weed because?" asked Abelo.

"The tackle weed only grows one seed at a time. This is because of its size and weight. You know those wicker balls you play with, they can grow to twice that size and weigh up to 45 pounds. So when it throws its seed, it must do so with significant force. And any creature it hits will be knocked over. Tackled to the ground for all intents and purposes."

This time no one said anything. They just stared.

"Of course it doesn't stop there. Fortunately, the seed is somewhat malleable, so when it hits it does not outright kill whatever creature that was unfortunate enough to be targeted. However, its shell is covered in very fine barbs that will latch onto fur and refuse to let go. Forcing the animal to carry the seed with it for several days before it will eventually fall off on its own."

"It throws a 45-pound seed with enough force to knock someone over?" Abelo said in disbelief. "A plant?"

"As you know there are many strange and wondrous flora and fauna out there, including the Murgröna. So is this so weird?"

"Yes," he said without hesitation.

A shout in the distance alarmed them, and they all turned to the direction it came from. Moments later, laughing could be heard as Spring Breeze seemed to materialize out of the shadows; her fur now a patchwork of greens and browns, blending in seamlessly into the environment.

Following behind her, a very disheveled and frustrated Dragonfly glared daggers at her.

"Bonus points for me," Spring Breeze called out excitedly.

"Traitor," Dragonfly grumbled as she stomped past her.

"Thank you, Spring Breeze," Green Sprout said. "But watch your step, both of you."

Neither really paid much attention to what their teacher said as Dragonfly kept her distance from her so-called friend, while Spring Breeze was currently the center of attention.

"I didn't know you could do that," Hammer Strike said, looking at the blend of colors her fur had become. "Thought you could only do one color at a time."

"I thought so too," she grinned. "But Dragonfly saw me coming each time, so I just tried something new."

"And here I thought I was good at hiding," Abelo commented as he circled around her friend, then stopped. "Eh, Spring. When did that happen?"

"Did what happen?" she asked, confused.

"That," he pointed at her flank and they all saw a faint image hidden within the mix of colors.

"What!?" she gasped and turned her coat into a light yellow, revealing the mark previously hidden in the blend of colors

"A Cutie Mark?" she gasped, eyes widening. "I got my Cutie Mark!"

A resounding cheer came from her friends, classmates, and Green Sprout, with one exception; Dragonfly looked at her friend with wide eyes, muttering under her breath while kicking the dirt.

"But what is it supposed to be?" asked Abelo, tilting his head first left, then right. "Looks like a cloak covering something?"

"Well she did change her colors to blend with the forest," Hammer Strike said thoughtfully. "Maybe it has to do with that? Hiding in plain sight or something?"

"Well I am good at sneaking around," Spring Breeze grinned. "And with my color shift, I can hide pretty well in most places."

"Well, I did say I thought I was good at hiding," Abelo remarked.

"Please, I could be hiding in your shadow without you know-" Spring Breeze paused, looked at her Cutie Mark, then smiled in understanding. "A cloaked shadow. Hiding in plain sight."

"And to think you earned your mark by kicking Dragonfly out of a tree," Hammer Strike laughed.

"Guess this means you're the designated bug waker from now on, huh," Abelo joked.

"Oh, come on!" Dragonfly groaned, muttering to herself as she stomped off.

"And she wouldn't even know what hit her," Spring Breeze laughed.



With a yell, Dragonfly flew backward past the group. A large, oval-shaped object pressed against her side as she skidded to the ground.

Everypony was quiet, all staring at Dragonfly and the large object that rolled off her chitin while she groaned.

"Oh dear," Green sprout rushed over to her. "Are you alright?"

"I really should have stayed in bed today," Dragonfly replied with a louder groan.

"What even hit her?" asked one of the others in the group.

"That class was the tackle weed," Green Sprout answered.

"Tackle what now?" Dragonfly grunted as she pushed herself into a sitting position.

"Something you would have known if you didn't spend your lessons sleeping," Green Sprout told her. "Consider this a wake-up call, and be glad your chitin protected you. Had it not, that seed--" she pointed a hoof at the large, finely barbed oval, "--would have seriously bruised you. And you would have been stuck with it for days if not for the same reason."

Dragonfly looked at Green Sprout in silence, barely blinking as what she said slowly registered. When it did, she uttered in poorly concealed disgust: "Wake-up call…" she blinked. "You mean even the plants here are trying to keep me from napping!?"

This was not the response Green Sprout was expecting, yet it came as no surprise to any. And before long everypony was laughing uproariously at the one thing Dragonfly had taken from all of this.

"I should have stayed in bed," Dragonfly added with a groan.

The laughing didn't stop for many, many more minutes to come.


More memories of Abelo flashed by, from the celebration by Spring Breeze's family and friends for earning her Cutie Mark, the new and impressive ways Dragonfly found to sneak off and sleep, and subsequently being kicked out of her nest by others; including Spring Breeze who, with her now realized talent and color change, became a true master of camouflage.

And there were the memories of everyday life as Abelo grew into an adult, learning of the world around him with every new day.

Life seemed to follow a simple but content pace, with everypony living a fulfilling life.

But all of this changed drastically with the start of a new, horrific memory that shook Danny; trying to pull himself free from the stream of energy flowing through him, but not being allowed to.

This was the turning point. The beginning of their downfall, and the truth demanded to be told.

And it all began the day the sun refused to rise.


It was early morning when Abelo found himself standing outside among the crops, helping his family on his father's side in preparation for the upcoming harvest.

Several of his cousins walked through the rows of various plants, inspecting the tomatoes, carrots, berries, and other vegetables and fruits.

While still early in the season, the bountiful crop grown meant they looked towards an early harvest, and everypony available would help when it was time.

For that same reason, his friends Hammer Strike and Spring Breeze were already gathering the carts and baskets. While, much to the surprise of everypony, Dragonfly was present as well. Muttering and complaining while rubbing her eyes, but there, all the same.

Of course, they would need all the help they could get. It would be a long day of work to harvest everything.

Of course, this was nothing new and had even become something of a time-honored tradition among them. Much like winter wrap-up and Hearts Warming.

But this otherwise pleasant notion was overshadowed, quite literally, by the darkness of the night. And while it was only natural the nights were getting longer this time of year, there was something noticeably off.

Dawn was late, and the light of the moon seemed sharper, harsher, colder; the world's satellite was much larger in the dark sky and all in the field looked up with a sense of foreboding.

Then, with a burst of light far off in the distance, an explosion of potent magic lit up the night. The rumble of the detonation followed almost half a minute later.

Then, silence.

The entire world had gone mute, with only the cries of the foals the exception.

"Wh- what just happened?" Dragonfly said breathlessly.

Before any semblance of a reply could be given, another burst of light lit up the sky, and numerous beams of powerful magic burned their way in criss-crossing paths, accompanied by the distinct glow of fire burning.

Slowly the scattered group of villagers grouped together in morbid fascination and herd mentality, watching the violent spectacle in confusion and fear.

An almost imperceptible beam of midnight blue magic suddenly flashed into being, shooting down from high in the sky and carving a path in the world as its caster aimed it after a moving target.

A burst of gold came moments later, impacting the beam, and both detonated with terrifying force, and the shockwave hit them not long after.

"EVERYPONY!" one of the village elders shouted. "GET BACK TO YOUR HOMES! NOW!"

The call for retreat flipped a switch in the stunned herd, and not even a second later the screams started in earnest as ponies and changelinks alike sought shelter to wait out whatever disaster was unfolding.

Some, however, despite their better judgment and the rush of the others around them, failed to move even an inch; staring at the destructive magical display with wide eyes while the bolts, beams, explosions, and shockwaves came in greater numbers and power.

The true horror of what was to come only revealed itself moments before it struck.

With another clash of volatile magic an explosion erupted that lit the sky up as if it was day, and for a split second two specs could be seen high in the air firing more beams of might at each other.

This time there were other flashes of light as well, not coming from the two specks but someplace down on the ground; far weaker in power compared to the other show of destruction, but more numerous to offset this, and by now the sky flashed with light like a thunderstorm of apocalyptic proportions.

Then, with a blast of golden light, one of the specks was blown away.

The sheer power in this attack became apparent when the speck rapidly grew in size, and before long crashed into the earth a short run from the terrified villagers.

They stared in fear and awe as a tall pony pulled itself out of the crater with a beastly growl while the pale light of the moon revealed the pony's form.

She was a tall, slender mare. Easily two and a half times Abelo's height. Her fur was a black as a moonless night, with large wings that dwarfed those of all pegasi he had seen. The same held true for her horn, tall and sharp; easily four times longer than those of any unicorn or changelink, except the changelink's queen. her mane and tail were an impossible sight, seemingly made of the night's sky itself as they shifted and wavered in the air as if alive.

But standing out amidst this all was the armor she wore. Expertly crafted to fit her form, covering most of her body without compromising movement her entire visage radiated power. However, the growl she uttered, the cold glare in her eyes, and the bared fangs she showed all screamed anger and hate with such malicious intent an icy tendril of fear touched the hearts of all who witnessed.

"We need to get out of here, fast," Spring Breeze hissed, urging Abelo to move.

"What's that?" he said instead, looking up at the sky.

Following his gaze, she soon spotted what he saw: A rapidly approaching blaze of golden light which left a contrail in its wake.

The armored mare reacted instantly, securing her stance then fired a beam of unimaginable might at the approaching entity.

A shield of the same golden light sprung up before the blaze and the attack was repelled, but the force of the attack combined with the speed the golden blaze moved forced the entity to ricochet away and down to the ground where it too crashed.

With a snarl, the armored pony stepped towards the glowing, smoldering crater; horn ablaze and eyes full of hate.


"LUNA," a new pony called out in anger and despair; a snow-white mare, as tall as the other, with a multicolored mane waving in an unfelt breeze. She, too, wore a set of armor: a gleaming gold that protected the most vital portions of her body but was nowhere near as complete as the one worn by the one named Luna, and obviously not meant for any prolonged fight. Despite all of this, she also wore a heavily damaged saddlebag on her. "STOP THIS MADNESS. THERE IS STILL TIME TO UNDO THE DAMAGE. PLEASE."

"I AM LUNA NO MORE," she seethed. "I AM NIGHTMARE MOON. AND MY NIGHT SHALL. LAST. FOREVER!" and with this proclamation, she fired her horn directly at the other, but a prepared shield sprung into being and deflected the destructive energy into the field to her left, blowing a massive crater in the ground and setting the surrounding grass on fire.

At the same time, a multitude of flashes surrounded the pair as more ponies teleported to the scene, and Abelo recoiled in shock at the sight of the unicorns who flashed into being.

Of course, he knew teleportation existed. He had learned about it during his lessons and the memories he'd seen in the Murgröna, but he had never seen this happen until now.

Unfortunately, any sense of awe and wonder was washed away, not only by the fight already happening but also by how these unicorns seemed to be… twisted.

They still looked somewhat like ponies. But it was obvious they were not normal in any sense of the word. Their bodies seemed to have swollen with muscle; each leg a tree trunk of unrestrained strength, their barrel easily twice as wide compared to any of the ponies in Yoke. Their fur was blood red, while their manes and tails were moving similarly as the self-proclaimed Nightmare Moon, but looking more like unholy fire instead of the night's sky. Their eyes were empty pools of hate, while their horns seemed elongated, the ridges more pronounced, and in some cases covered in blood which didn't appear to be their own.

As for their faces, those were twisted the most; almost wolf-like, with massive fangs that made Abelo's own look like baby teeth.

One more defining feature of these twisted abominations was the armor they wore. Dark shades of blue and black, and obviously similar to the set Nightmare Moon wore.

"My queen," one of them spoke with a booming voice. "The opposition has been defeated."

"No," the white mare gasped, eyes widening.

"That only leaves one more to deal with," Nightmare Moon snarled.

"I won't let you do this, sister," the white mare said with a pained voice, both saddlebags opening with her magic.

What happened next Abelo missed, for in the time he blinked the group of twisted unicorns, Nightmare Moon, and the white mare all vanished in an explosion of magical light that shook the ground and sent a shockwave that blew everypony off their hooves.

Around him, he could hear the screams of the other villagers, accompanied by the sound of the windows shattering and more screams as shards of glass rained down on ponies and changelink alike and most likely injuring most of them.

Sluggishly rising to his hooves and making several missteps before finding his balance, Abelo looked around him with blurred vision.

Something slammed into him, almost sending him crashing to the ground if the same thing hadn't also held on to him.

"We need to get out of here," Spring Breeze whisper shouted in his ears. "NOW!"

That sounded like an excellent idea, and self-preservation instincts finally managed to override the stupor his mind was in and had him rooted on the spot before.

Unfortunately, just as he managed to move his legs, the two came face to face with one of the twisted unicorns; her body badly beaten but her injuries apparently not even registering as she stepped out of the upturned soil and vegetables she had plowed with her own body.

With a snarl bordering on a growl her eyes locked on Abelo and Spring Breeze, both of which try to make themselves as small as possible.

"Out of my way, vermin," she shouted with a booming voice. Then her empty eyes widened, and a burst of magical might lit up the area behind Abelo and Spring Breeze.




Without a chance to think, the twisted mare lunged for Abelo and Spring Breeze; the former, acting on nothing more than instinct, managed a split second of clear thought in which he pushed his friend away, but left himself completely vulnerable as the demon mare lowered her head and promptly skewered him on her horn.

With a cry, Abelo was lifted up, then blown away by a burst of magic directly in his lower abdomen.

With a soundless scream, he crashed to the ground, his body screaming in agony as he lay unmoving, his vision darkening rapidly while the pounding of his heart drowned out any other sounds around him.

And in the last moments, before his world went dark, he saw Spring Breeze rush towards him while, behind her, he saw Hammer Strike deliver his namesake to the demon mare with teeth shattering buck to the face.

Then, nothing as blissful unconsciousness claimed him.


With a cry Danny freed himself from Abelo's dying memories; different strands of energy brushing his mind immediately and images of the changelinks present there that day continued telling the story. This time with him, thankfully, as a bystander instead of living through the horrors he saw.

Dragonfly's side of memories came first, having rushed in alongside Hammer Strike and finding their friend mortally wounded. She and Spring Breeze wasted no time carrying their friend away while Hammer Strike fought the demonic mare; with more memories showing ponies and changelinks alike in mortal combat all throughout Yoke; the village ablaze and bodies, young and old lying unmoving in the streets.

Snippets of images of the fight between Nightmare Moon and Celestia were mixed in with the overwhelming chaos, but nowhere enough to properly make out what happened between the two as those whose eyes he saw through were too busy trying to save themselves and others to stand still and watch.

Precious few memories he saw were from those who stayed behind to fight, and most of the recollections he was shown were from those who fled from Yoke. Most of them carried wounded or foals with them as they fled for the safety of the nearby woods, and from there the Hive, hoping to lose their attackers in the dark of the unnaturally long night and tangle of trees and bushes.

After an indeterminable amount of time where he saw the horrors from numerous eyes, a wave of rainbow light lit up the sky, but none dared to stop and look back as they ran.

Then the memories focused back on Dragonfly, and with her Spring Breeze as they flew as fast they could, carrying their friend in between and ignoring how still he was and the blood that rapidly stained their chitin and fur.

By some adrenaline-fueled miracle, they made it to the hive where others were already waiting for them, alerted over their shared mind and ready to help in any way they could.

Dragonfly watched with wavering eyes and shaking legs as Abelo was rushed underground towards the hospital; knowing deep down it was already too late for him but desperately trying to fool herself as she sank to the ground while others rushed past her to help the other injured still being carried in.

Then the memories shifted to the doctors working frantically to save as many as they could, ignoring the slithering of vines as the Murgröna reached out for the last memories of those beyond saving, including the ponies as well.

Back outside on the surface, ponies and changelinks alike lay in hiding, watching for any sign of the demonic ponies who may have followed, or any survivor desperately trying to reach safety.

Hours stretched on, feeling more like days in the unchanging night until, far beyond the normal cycle, the moon set, night gave way, and the sun slowly rose up.

Whatever passed for a day moved by with nauseating tension mixed with debilitating grief, confusion, and disbelief as no pony could fathom what had happened, or why.

Eventually, the day passed, the night began anew and the moon rose to its zenith, only to confound those on guard on the surface as the face of the moon had changed. An image of a mare now depicted amidst the craters, swallowing up some of the glow while the night's sky felt alien, empty, void of something they couldn't place.

With tension not letting up in the slightest, the night seemed to drag on and on as it had become clear that any and all who had stayed behind in Yoke to fight the monsters, and all who had failed to make their way to the Hive during the chaos most likely wouldn't be coming anymore.

Not knowing what had become of their friends and family, the next day, at first light, a group of changelinks and ponies set out for Yoke in hopes of finding somepony, anypony still alive.

Not a word was said during the trek to the village, though all came to a stop at the sight of the plume of smoke rising up in the distance.

With heavy hearts, they eventually arrived at Yoke. Or what was left of it.

Most buildings had suffered heavy damage, with a good number partially or completely burned down as smoke continued to billow from the still-smoldering remains

Broken carts and personal belongings also littered the streets. But worst of all were the bodies strewn around.

All of them were terribly injured, either from trampling hooves, or injuries similar to those back at the Hive; impaled by unnatural horns and magical discharges.

Grief was prevalent in the group as they gathered the dead, weeping over lost friends and family as they began the awful task of identifying the fallen, then giving them a proper burial.

Not long after they started recovering the dead, they soon realized there were no bodies of the demonic ponies, which only added to the fear they already felt as this could only mean those monsters were still out there.

Though the lack of any sign of either Nightmare Moon, or the white mare who fought her also brought forth questions they could not answer.

Who won the fight? What was it even about? And most importantly, why did they have to suffer the way they had?

As it would turn out, the first question would answer itself nearing the end of the day as, with a flash of gold, the white mare appeared at the edge of the village showing clear signs of injury, fatigue, and grief. But more than even that, the clear fear she felt radiated off her with nauseating waves, making the changelinks closest to her shudder and gak.

Exactly what happened next they didn't know. For a second it seemed the white mare wanted to say something, but she noticeably stiffened when she saw the changelinks; drawn to them by their reaction. Then her eyes flashed over to the ponies, especially those with fangs or changelink wings, and her fear rose to new heights, combined with a spike of anger.

The next moment her horn flashed to life, then the memories came to an end in an overwhelming wave of golden heat.


Suspended in the flow of energy, Danny could only stare in stunned silence as the numerous strands of preserved memories flowed away and the pieces of this puzzle now started to fall into place.

The attack on Yoke was nothing other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But as devastating as it was, they would have been able to overcome this tragedy, maybe rebuild their village, or move to the Hive permanently. But Celestia…

The way she acted.

The way she reacted.

It was clear to him there was more to this terrible tale than what he was shown; a sentiment shared by the collective of memories around him as he was slowly pulled towards a new cluster of energy waiting for him, which worried him greatly.

This has only been the beginning of their downfall, and he feared for what else he would experience; what other hardships he would live through to learn the truth.

But, as he was now pulled into the strands of energy, he would find out soon enough.

Epiolgue. This Is Our Testimony

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Edited by Slayerseba


This Is Our Testimony


Memories flashed by in a blur, yet all recollections were as vivid and clear to Danny as if he truly spent all these years living them; witnessing the confusion, anger, and grief during the days and weeks following the attack. Being there when they put to rest those lost; those who he had been moments prior.

He was there when ponies and changelinks alike carefully returned to Yoke after the magical blast unleashed by Celestia. Collapsing to his knees over and over again at the sight of utter devastation.

He stood among the masses as all attempts to return to Yoke were abandoned, and all abled bodies worked around the clock to carve more homes out of newly claimed spires to house all refugees.

Weeks turned to months, and slowly some semblance of normality was returning to the Hive. Though the devastating events had left a deep scar, which would never truly heal, ponies and changelinks were working together to pick up the pieces and return to living their lives.

Plans were made and, answers desperately needed, a small group of both species returned to the surface to head to the capital city they had only heard about; wishing for an audience with Celestia, to ask why this fate was brought down upon them.

None were ever seen again.

Over a year had passed and, despite several attempts, all who sought out Celestia for answers were lost.

More time passed and usual outings to the river, forest, or anywhere else in the surrounding area became less and less frequent until this stopped completely as more and more sightings of armored scouts were made and new fear began to spread.

Fear of being found, to become lost just like those who sought out Celestia, and new plans were made.

Over the course of a hectic week, all possible objects and possessions were taken from the burrow and brought to the Hive, while the larger, more unyielding treasures were left behind as they strategically collapsed the tunnels.

And then they waited.

Time passed by once more; days turning to months, turning to years, and fear of being discovered by the forces of Celestia slowly diminished as the Hive thrived.

The ponies and changelinks, now closer than ever, expanded greatly on the village they now shared. And for a time, life almost seemed normal to those who had lost so much. Then new generations came and went, and eventually, life under the rock was all they knew, save for what they learned from the living memories in the Murgröna.

Large suspended gardens now hung in between the stalactites, growing all the food the ponies required, and bringing a little bit of nature down in the village while all the water required was provided by the waterfall now cascading down through the Hive.

An unintended development when digging up to the river and tapping into the flow, but accidentally digging right into the river itself.

And while none down in the Hive knew it at the time, this also had the unfortunate side effect of redirecting the majority of the water above ground. Causing the river to slowly but surely dry up as erosion by the waterfall steadily increased the hole it flowed through.

This in turn dried up the soil, which would turn the once green land dry and barren over the course of many, many years.

Years more passed by, turning into decades and then centuries, and the Hive continued to grow. New thoughts and ideas coming and going, some made a reality by the great minds that arose among them. New methods to cave the stone, new spells, and combining the two, Infusing some of the magic of the changelinks in the rock itself, creating shifting stone obeying only those who created it.

But progress slowly stagnated one birth at a time as a new problem began to show itself.

The pony population was diminishing, with fewer and fewer foals each new generation, while the number of changelinks continued to grow. This in turn put a growing strain on the supply of food as the number of ponies were unable to keep up with the demand of so many, leaving most of them drained, weakened, and eventually sick. This only worsened the situation as the number of healthy ponies, adult and foal alike, plummeted as a result until, one day, the last pony was put to rest and all the changelinks had left were meager reserves and no way to replenish them.

Of course, they did realize the problem at some point and knew that they, the changelinks, had to go back to the surface to look for food. Knowing this, they worked on creating a new tunnel back to the surface, avoiding any path that would lead them back to the old burrow, deliberately carving the rock and dirt in ways that would make traversing it difficult, if not impossible for those unable to climb the walls.

The day the first group of changelinks left the safety of the ground and stepped into the light of day, and after a prolonged time to adjust to the sudden brightness assaulting their eyes, a ripple of shock traversed the full range of their shared mind.

The lush green grass, the towering trees of the nearby forest, and the glistering silver of the churning river they all knew from the living memories were gone as the world around them had become dry and barren, with only a few husks of the former wooden giants still standing in final defiance to nature's attempt to reclaim them.

Days, weeks, months, and then years flashed by with increasing urgency and desperation. The realization no animal life of any kind remains to hunt for any scrap of food pushes the changelinks further and further away from the Hive in search of food, soon driving them to new and unknown pony settlements larger than they remembered Yoke to be.

Yet the ponies there were not like those who once lived with them. Greeting them not with kindness but fear and disgust, chasing them away, or hunting them down.

Not long after, armored scouts were a constant threat once again while they continued to search the towns, villages, and cities for any pony who was willing to help. But as time passed, desperate pleas turned to hostility as each new generation subjected to the ponies their hate knew nothing of their kindness save for what the Murgröna showed them.

And then it happened.

The first time a pony was hunted down and drained.

It was messy, loud, exhausting, and most of all, desperate.

Danny was nearly caught as he made a hasty escape, fleeing through dark and dirty alleys, hiding amidst the trash using his shapeshifting; waiting for hours until nightfall before he fled the hostile place the ponies called Fillydelphia.

He was so far away from home.

Years passed by as more and more attempts at hunting ponies increased his skill. Using shapeshifting to lull his target into a false sense of security, lead them away to someplace secluded, then drain them of all they had.

And for a while, this worked.

But the ponies grew weary, and new tactics were developed by them to counter this hidden threat.

In response, so did the changelinks.

Mind control. Simple, effective, but energy-consuming.

It was a sad irony that the very thing they needed to use to gain more food also demanded they use the food they gained. So to make the expenditure worthwhile, they had to use it on as many ponies as possible, at the same time.

Eventually, this led to the realization it was easier to lure one, or a few ponies away, then cocoon them and drain the required energy without completely sucking them dry. Allow them to recover, then repeat the process.

At the same time, others would take the place of those they had taken; living their lives, fooling their loved ones and friends, and gaining even more energy in return.

And for a time this worked. But it was soon discovered that this new method of gathering food merely delayed the inevitable, and hunger became a constant problem, then a threat.

Slowly but surely their numbers began to stagnate. The amount of food required to feed everyling was not met with the amount they were able to gather, and they began to grow weaker. As a result, even less food was acquired, and they nosedived into an inescapable spiral of weakness and starvation.

First, it was the adults who suffered, willingly giving what little they had to their foals. Eventually adding to the burden as they became too weak to help in any way or form, and spreading what little resources they did have even thinner.

Then, inevitably, they died, and their numbers plummeted.

For a short while, despite the tragic loss and indescribable grief, their deaths did allow for a slight recovery; fewer mouths to feed, less sick to take care of.

But it soon got worse, far worse.

With most adults starving, dying, or dead already, each subsequent harvest was tasked to ever younger and younger generations. And as a result of a lack of education and honed skills taught by a master, mistakes were made.

More and more of them were found out, exposed during their attempts to either drain, mind control, or impose as one of their targets, and fear swept through the ponies' villages and cities like a tidal wave.

Of course, this drew the attention of Celestia, and large numbers of guards soon swarmed the larger population centers, forcing the changelinks to divert to the smaller, less bountiful villages and towns.

Another problem that arose due to mistakes from inexperience was unintended pregnancies.

Would this happen with any changelink mare pretending to be their target's marefriend, wife, or lover, they would be replaced by another while their nymph would be added to the rest of the steadily dwindling clutch, but also adding to the strain to feed everyling.

But far worse, should the pregnant party be a pony, things got considerably messier.

In the best-case scenario, the mare would miscarry and all problems would be solved there and then. Of course most times such luck wouldn't happen, and more creative solutions were needed, either magical or physical.

Sometimes this led to the death of the mare in question, which led to an even greater fallout, as a result. The suspicious circumstances always led to investigations and an urgent need to burn whatever connections were made in the ensuing hurry to flee.

Of course, the more peaceful solutions were preferred before such violent actions were taken, especially considering that most changelinks who found themselves in such a situation often already had lost a nymph before, and their desire to see their child live on outweighed any need to preserve their acquired food supply.

Most times this led to the release of the captured father, who had his mind altered in such a way that nothing could lead the ponies to them, nor would the pregnancy be cause for alarm. Then an accident was staged where the imposter was swapped with the original, who, after a prolonged stay in the hospital, would return to his life while raising a foal who wasn't his own, none the wiser.

Of course, all changelinks would abandon any and all towns and cities where such a thing had happened for an undetermined amount of time, lest they would be discovered. Though if they had taken the time to keep watch over their scattered young, they would have learned about the terrible fate that awaited those who showed their hybrid nature and were subsequently found by agents of Celestia.

As for those who showed no outward signs of their hybrid nature. They would live their lives, grow up, have foals of their own, and slowly but surely spread their changelink blood through the population.

But for the changelinks things got worse and worse still. Each passing year drained the meager reserves that much further, forcing them to capture and drain more ponies while trying to keep their numbers from dropping even lower.

But with most of their time and energy spent on luring, capturing, and impersonating ponies, the number of hatchlings dropped dramatically while at the same time their identity as a species eroded away as survival took priority over everything else.

Even their name became twisted as the Sun Tirant took what she learned from those lost centuries before, and corrupted it as spread her lies among the ponies, and the changelings, in their more desperate times, began to believe it themselves.

Eventually, most of the hatcheries in the Hive were empty and remained empty as what few eggs that were laid were all placed together in the first, and smallest, hatchery they had ever carved in the rock. And even then, there was room to spare.

And as the storm of incoming memories slowed down and Danny was able to properly focus on the here and now, he found herself standing in that very room, staring with both worry and hope at one of only two dozen eggs. Emerald green eyes locked intently on the small oval as it twitched every so often.

Standing next to her, her husband Mantodea looked with a similar focus as they awaited their first nymph to break free.


Lying on her bed, Chrysalis watched with boundless joy as Peculya, her daughter, slowly and clumsily tried to climb up onto her mother's side. Reaching and fumbling with a tiny leg, then finding some purchase, the small nymph pulled herself up.

Looking around with large, inquisitive blue eyes, lacking the pupil her mother has, she soon looked up and saw the smiling face of her mother.

A chirp of elation came from Peculya, and she pulled herself up further, then tried to reach out to her mother's face.

Losing purchase, and with no way to support herself, she began to slide off her mother's side.

A chirp of fright escaped her, and tiny front legs flailed in a frantic attempt to keep herself from falling.

It took her several moments before realizing nothing happened, and a few moments more before noticing the green glow surrounding her, then her mother's horn.

Chuckling ever so slightly, Chrysalis moved closer to her daughter and pressed her nose against Peculya's, giving her a loving nuzzle.

A chirp of joy came from the little nymph, reaching out and grabbing hold of her mother's nose; tiny fangs poking against the soft flesh as she clumsily mirrored the action.

A new chirp came, and another pair of tiny hooves reached up and swatted at the wriggling body of Peculya.

"Now now, Aethina. Be nice to your sister," Chrysalis said, smiling as she then nuzzled the top of Aethina's head.

Aethina, looking near identical to Peculya, except for the slitted pupils, chirped a reply while swatting at her mother's nose.

Chuckling, Chrysalis looked down at the pair. Not knowing how they missed the signs, nor why she and Mantodea were so lucky to have twins, but it was a surprise she cherished with all her heart.

Laughter came from behind Chrysalis, and Mantodea stepped into view as he entered the room.

"And how are our little bugs doing?" he asked, looking at his wife and daughters with a small smile.

A pair of chirps came in reply, and Peculya reached out to her father with grasping hooves, while Aethina swatted mercilessly at him from a distance.

"Full of life," Chrysalis smiled fondly at the two.

A smile that soon fell at the sound of Aethina's stomach gurgling. Soon followed by Peculya, and she glanced back at her husband who now smiled a bit too forcefully while trying to keep up the pretense.

"We will find a way," he said, stepping closer to nuzzle the top of his daughter's head.

"I know," Chrysalis said, trying not to sound too worried. "But we were not expecting two mouths to feed."

"We'll find a way," Mantodea repeated, then kissed his wife's cheek. "We always do."


"Momma," Peculya chirped, nested between her mother's wings alongside her sister as they watched with large eyes at the city.

"Yes, dear? Chrysalis slowed her pace a bit as she looked back at her daughters, seeing both Peculya and Aethina staring at something in the distance.

"Wa da?"

Turning to look at what had captured her daughters' attention, a small chuckle escaped her and she smiled at her daughters.

"That is a waterfall."

"Wu- wa… Wabbufow," Peculya mirrored.

Chrysalis smiled proudly at her child who, seeing the praise aimed at her, chirped in elation.

Several changelings passed by, greeting their queen and young princesses, much to the young nymphs' excitement as they chirped happily, and Aethina swatted the air at them for good measure.

For a while Chrysalis looked at the pair, then turned away, resuming her path while frowning with worry.

She loved her children; loved their eager curiosity, their bravado, their close bond and so much more. But despite it all, there was also worry.

Even now, at two years old, they were still so small.

Too small.

It was a problem many of the nymphs in the Hive suffered from but made all the worse as the pair had to share what little food was available.

Stunted growth.

Both she and Mantodea worked hard to ensure their nymphs had enough to eat. In fact, he and a squad of changelinks were away in search of any source of food they could find. Either from some forest creature, a hapless pony traveling between cities on mostly empty roads, or if they were especially lucky, by capturing and replacing one or more ponies for a more reliable source of food.

Though this had not happened for some time. Their resources stretched too thin for far too long already, making such an expenditure rarely worthwhile in the short term.

The long term had become something of a distant memory at this point and what few ponies they did manage to capture turned to drained husks in mere days. The requirement for food is far greater than those few could provide.

And capturing a sufficiently large number would not only be difficult, both to pull off and to replace those taken, but it would almost certainly draw attention to them as those who would replace them were either inexperienced or there wouldn't be anyling to do the replacing in time.

This only left targets of opportunities, and a small number of ponies they could get away with to replace.

As such any and all ponies, they did capture only served to prolong the inevitable, not stop it.

"Momma," Peculya chirped again, and Chrysalis looked back at her daughters with a smile.

"Dabba," she said as she reached out with grasping hooves, looking up.

Looking up herself, a wave of relief flooded over Chrysalis as she saw Mantodea and his squad return to the Hive with a new supply of food.

Hopefully enough to feed everyling for some days.

At least enough to postpone the inevitable for one more day.


Today was a reason for celebration.

After several years of difficulties, little food, and slow growth, today at the age of seven Peculya and Aethina had pupated.

It would still be a few days for their transformation to be complete and for them to break out of their cocoon, but the fact they had reached this stage where others had not was a source of great relief to both Chrysalis and Mantodea.

With the ever-dwindling number of changelings, and eggs laid, each foal reaching this stage was a victory to be commended and celebrated.

Of course, this stage in their young life was also one of the most critical, and all parents, as well as several other changelinks, kept watch over the pupas. Seven in total, and all hungry for energy to power their metamorphosis.

Chrysalis, however, abstained from sharing what little energy she had. Because as much as these young changelinks needed the food, there was one more who needed to be fed.

Carefully placing a hoof on her slightly swollen abdomen, she could feel the budding life take form, and she knew it wouldn't be long before the egg would take its place among the few others in the nearly empty hatchery.

'One more mouth to feed,' she thought, worried.

Sensing her worries, Mandotea gave her a reassuring nuzzle.

"It will be fine," he said. "We will find a way to make it work," and Chrysalis chose to believe him.



Emerald eyes watched with wrapped attention.


It had taken eight months.


Eight months of worry, wishing, and hoping.


Eight months that culminated all to this one moment.


Chrysalis wished Mantodea could have been here for this moment. But neither of them was expecting their nymph to break the shell for at least another week, and he was out searching for food.




A small crack split the shell.

"It's happening," Peculya gasped, eyes wide.

"It's happening! Aethina said, excited, wings buzzing as the two fillies waited for their younger sibling to break free.




"Come on sweetheart. You can do it," Chrysalis said encouragingly.




At long last, part of the shell gave way and a tiny horn pushed through. A muffled, troubled chirp was audible from within the egg.

"That's right. Just a bit more," Chrysalis told the nymph fighting for freedom.

The horn retreated, and the egg twitched more and more, cracks now splitting the shell from the initial breach and more pieces fell away.

Then the movement stopped, and Chrysalis carefully peeked inside through the small hole.

There, inside, curled up to fit in the confining space, she saw her child look back at her with noticeable exhaustion.

"It is alright. You go at your own pace," she cooed. "We're here for you. Just take it easy until you're ready."

The nymph chirped to the sounds, shifting slightly in the egg to find a more favorable position, then pecked at the shell again with its small horn.







Once again the nymph's horn punched through the egg, weakening its shell further as the two weak spots now allowed it to chip away much larger pieces at a time.

"There you go, just a bit more," Chrysalis said motivating.

"You can do it!" Peculya cheered.

"Show that egg what you're made off," Aethina urged her sibling on.

With a final, loud chirp and all the strength the small nymph could muster, the egg could resist no more and the top cracked and fell away, and a tired but curious muzzle poked out while slitted emerald green eyes looked around in wonder.

Wasting little time, Chrysalis greeted her new-hatched nymph with a gentle nuzzle, tears in her eyes as the nymph chirped in surprise and fright.

Sitting down and carefully lifting the young life out of her shell, Chrysalis held the nymph in her hooves, smiling happily while inspecting her now confirmed daughter for any signs of hunger deficiency.

Happy and relieved her daughter looked to be in perfect health, she looked back at Peculya and Aethina.

"Peculya, Aethina. Come say hello to your sister."

Excitedly, the two quickly crowded around the wriggling nymph, who shied away with a startled chirp when both came too close.

"Careful now," Chrysalis chided. "Give her some space."

Doing as told, the two backed off just a tiny bit, watching with large eyes at the nymph held in their mother's arms, curled into a tight ball, and slowly looked back up at her much bigger sisters.

"She has the same eyes as you, mom," Aethina said, amazed.

"And she is so small," Peculya squeed.

"So were the both of you when you hatched," Chrysalis said, smiling fondly.

"So," Aethina looked up at her mother. "What's her name?"

Chrysalis looked at her new-hatched daughter, sharing every moment with Mantodea over their shared mind as he rushed back home, and both agreed on the name.

"Erlea," Chrysalis told them. "Her name is Erlea."


The years hadn't been kind to them.

Despite their efforts to bring in enough food, hunger and malnutrition began to make place for genuine starvation.

With most food gathered given to the nymphs, leaving a less than meager meal for the others, the changelings all grew weaker as a result. Because of this, it became increasingly more difficult for them to go out and find more food as they lacked the energy to transform and hide amidst the ponies, control their minds for sufficient amounts of time to be worthwhile, or even fly.

As a result, the downward spiral they were riding for so long accelerated more and more. And now, more than three years since Erlea hatched, most changelings moved through the streets with dragging hooves and sunken eyes.

What surge of hope they still felt when the diminishing number of changelings returned after yet another food run always proved crushing as there would never be enough to ease their hunger; their pain.

Even despite all of this, Mantodea refused to give in and was always the first to leave and the last to return, despite the toll this took on himself as what little food he did bring back barely left enough for himself and his wife.

Even Aethina and Peculya didn't eat enough as they felt that Erlea needed the food more than they did, leaving, at the very least, the growing nymph relatively well-fed.

Even then, Erlea's stomach rumbled more than not. And just like her sisters before her, her growth suffered from it.

Yet with no other option available to them, they kept going, one day at a time. Always hungry, always hoping the next day would bring better fortune.


They managed to keep the inevitable at bay for two more years, each day a bit worse than the previous as food became more and more scarce.

And now, as a result of lack of food and stunted growth, Peculya and Aethina had fallen ill.

Their bodies, too weak to fight off the disease infecting them, and medicine, only so effective on those as weak as they were, the only thing Mantodea and Chrysalis were able to do was quarantine their children to keep the infection from spreading to others while giving their all to nurse the two back to health.

In one final attempt to save his precious foals, Mantodea stopped eating completely, giving everything to his daughters in the hope it would be enough.

But their bodies were weak, their immunity compromised, and what little reserves still stored within burned off as their bodies fought a losing battle and two weeks after they fell ill Aethina passed away

This was a devastating blow to everyling, and Mantodea threw his all, into finding enough food and medicine in the hopes it would save Peculya. But it would prove to be futile as she slowly drifted off a week later.


Desperate, grief-struck, and at a complete loss, Mantodea forced himself well past his limits to ensure his remaining daughter would have enough to eat. To make sure she would have enough strength and energy to survive. To make up for his failings as a father and husband.

He pushed further and further, well past any reasonable sense where one should have stopped, and kept pushing until he could give no more and his body failed him.

He collapsed in the streets of the Hive, for all to witness.

He would never recover.


Their home was in ruins.

Furniture was tossed aside, broken, and outright destroyed while in the center of the devastation sat Chrysalis, head hanging and sobbing loudly as tears fell to the floor.

Heartbroken and lost in despair, Chrysalis felt numb as her world had crumbled around her.

She had always leaned on her husband. His continuous support and ever-optimistic demeanor always made her feel like they could overcome anything, no matter how difficult the challenge was. But now he is gone, too. And all she was left with was endless grief and anger.

Anger at the unfairness of it all.

Anger at her husband for not finding a way.

Anger for being left behind.

And most of all, she felt anger, no, hate for the one ultimately responsible.

Slowly she lifted her head, glowering at the wall before her.

"She will pay," she hissed venomously. "She will feel my pain!"

A sound made her ears twitch and she snapped to the source and her anger froze in its tracks.

There, lying in her crib, still too young to understand what had happened, but old enough to realize something was terribly wrong, Erlea wailed.

Maternal instincts kicking in, Chrysalis rushed to her youngest, and only remaining daughter, gently scooping her up and comforting the young nymph.

"And I'll make sure you won't have to suffer as I have," she promised as a plan began to form.


It had taken a long time.

Far too long.

But the plan needed to be perfect. All possible flaws were found and stomped out. Contingencies to unexpected developments that could otherwise spell disaster. Back-up plans in case the contingencies failed and adjusting the plans depending on scout reports.

In the end, it had taken years for her plan to solidify. Long enough to cause more death among their numbers, but they had to push forwards. By now not just a desire for vengeance, Chrysalis realized early on that this idea of hers would also provide them with ample opportunity to gain enough food to feed everyling for several months. Longer even if they played their cards right.

That was why it took so long to finalize this idea.

Long enough for Erlea to pupate, and was by now over nine years old.

It was a moment of pride for Chrysalis but also worry.

Both Peculya and Aethina reached this stage, and she and Mantodea believed them to be safe after this most critical moment in their lives.

Oh, how wrong they were.

No, she could not rest. She could not stop worrying. Everything had to be perfect. For her daughter. For the Hive. For all those lost. And so she continued planning.

Scouting parties now had a near-permanent presence in Canterlot, the city they planned to attack. Several ponies were swapped at great risk, but even greater reward as not only allowed for them to take an active role in the pony's community, opening up more possibilities for infiltration. It also provided them with some much-needed nourishment, limited as it might have been.

But then came by far the riskiest part of the plan. Something they added last minute, which meant it was also the part with the least amount of planning. Something that could easily spell disaster should it go wrong, but what would allow them to deal a critical blow to the Sun Tirant and those close to her all in one fell swoop.

It also meant Chrysalis had to leave the Hive for an extended duration, entrusting Erlea to those who remained as she was the one who had to stalk Cadance, learn her behavior, and patterns, those close to her, and finally, impersonate the princess of love.

The title made her spit in disgust.

It was dangerous, if not outright fatal should their attempt to swap Cadance go wrong, but luck finally proved to be on their side as after months of careful movement the operation went off without a hitch, and Chrysalis assumed the role of the loving alicorn and took her place with none the wiser.

In the end, all the pieces came together, and after years of planning, manipulating, pretending, scheming, prodding, pushing, lying, and hoping things were entering their final stage. And the beginning of their endgame was ushered in by the sound of wedding bells.


"♫This day is going to be perfect.

The kind of day I worked to achieve for us all.

Everypony will gather 'round.

Say I look lovely in my gown.

What they don't know is that I have fooled them all.

I could care less about the dress.

I won't partake in any cake.

Vows? Well, I'll be lying when I say:

That through any kind of weather.

I'll want us to be together.

The truth is I don't care for him at all.

No, I do not love the groom.

In my heart, there is no room.

Nothing can replace what was once mine.

Finally, the moment has arrived.

For me to be one lucky bride.

Oh, the wedding will be grand.

It's time for Celestia to meet her end.

At long last revenge be mine.

All mine."♫


In the end, all the careful planning proved to be for naught as, with the help of Twilight Sparkle, princess Cadance managed to escape from captivity. And together they confronted Chrysalis.

What followed was a decisive defeat, where all changings were expelled from Canterlot through the power of Cadance and Shining Armor's love combined.

Quite a curious thing it was, being launched away at great speed by what was essentially food.

Food that all caught in the blast greedily sucked up.

Hay, if they carelessly throw the very thing you sought out at you, you don't complain about it regardless of the circumstance.

In fact, it might even buy them the time needed to regroup and devise a new plan to ensure their survival.

Of course, this was easier said than done. Free food it might have been, there was still the problem of uncontrolled flight at high speed, and the unyielding ground awaiting them at the end of it all.

In the end, the majority suffered injuries not easily ignored, and a number were even worse off. Forcing them to use some of their precious energy to return to the Hive, unaware of the lethal danger they were all in.

It started slow.

A cough here.

Some weaknesses there.

And a bit of nausea to finish it off.

Of course, it was believed this was just the result of recovering from their injuries after being launched away, and the crash that followed.

But then the first among them truly fell ill, and they were rushed to the hospital, only for more and more to fall ill in the days that followed.

Within a week, everyling who was at the center of the blast was taken down by this mysterious illness, with those further away starting to show signs. And the worst afflicted was Chrysalis herself.

It took a few doctors they still had a long time before they could pinpoint the source of this disease. Taking all due precautions in fear of airborne infection, or possibly through touch. But eventually, they discovered the truth, and a wave of indignation went through the Hive.


Hate-poisoned love.

The very energy they sought to acquire, turned against them.

It did not take long after that to connect the remaining pieces, and they understood what had happened.

The spell used against them, while powered by the shared love by Cadance and Shining Armor, also contained their shared hatred. And when they took as much they could from the love mixed in the spell, they also took the other.

But knowing this did little to solve the growing crisis, and a month after the failed invasion half of the Hive had succumbed to the illness, with more falling ill each day, leaving the care to those struck to the only ones not present during the assault.

Their young, and the few caretakers left behind.

Days, weeks, and months more passed by in a haze of disease and failing health until the worst possible outcome was made real.


Already low on food, and with barely anyling left to search for more, the already weakened victims could not last and they passed away with rapidly rising numbers.

And with no time to tend to those who died, all the foals could do was drag off the bodies of their loved ones to the most remote area in their City.

A place they would soon call by the only name that could fit such a horrid place.


And to add to their burden, with the sudden fall of changelings interacting with the Murgröna, their link with their loved ones as well as their ancestors, already weak and dimmed but still able to interact with them in limited capacities, fell completely dormant. And only a faint glow remained showing it was still alive.

Time passed by in a haze, and the next Danny saw was himself as he flew up from the abyss underneath the city, and the surge of power that coursed through the Murgröna in response to him.


A jolt shot through Danny as he was pulled from the maelstrom of energy, and slowly lowered to a non-existent floor in the same white void where he first found himself.

Standing there waiting was Mantodea, watching him with a knowing, saddened look.

Danny looked at him, no words were needed as he understood perfectly.

Looking back up at the mass of energetic strings, the living memories of all those who came before, and the horrible truth they revealed to him, he stood firm and gave a single, resolute nod.

"You now know our story. The good, and the bad," Mantodea spoke. "What will you do now, knowing all that has happened? What was done to us, and what we did in turn?

"What will I do?" Danny said, looking at Mantodea. "Fulfill my promise and confront Celestia," he stated. "Knowing all of this now won't change a thing. If anything, it just gave me more reason to stop her."

Mantodea relaxed, smiling kindly at Danny.

"You don't know just how much it means to hear that. Or… perhaps you do," he looked at the memories flowing above.

"I do. I really do," Danny confirmed, the thousands of lives he'd lived now part of him. "Even though I wasn't part of any of it, I feel like I have. And I will do anything in my power to see justice be brought to the changelinks, and fulfill the dream of our-... Your ancestors."

Mantodea laughed, smiling kindly at Danny. "By now, I suppose it is only fair to call them your ancestors as well, Danny. Maybe not in blood, but in the heart. Besides, you are a part of this," he looked back up. "You have been ever since you chose to help us."

Danny looked up as well, and his eyes widened as he saw a new string of energy weave its path throughout the pulsating cluster. A string of toxic green energy connecting to all the memories as Danny himself joined the Murgröna, and with it, his promise to all changelinks.

"Now go, Daniel Phantom," Mantodea said, stepping away. "Go and save our loved ones."

Danny felt himself pulled away, and everything faded into nothing as his mind was sent back.

"And one last thing," Mantodea's voice called from afar, and the next thing Danny heard was millions of voices speaking as one.

"Thank you."