The Gloomies

by Dusk Melody

First published

Adagio Dazzle has 'the gloomies', a euphemism for her deep depression and anxiety that threatens to consume her. What she needs, is a little kindness.

Adagio Dazzle has 'the gloomies'.

That's what Sonata called the crippling depression and anxiety that had consumed her older sister since their failure at the Battle of the Bands.

The gloomies hit Adagio hard. The Battle of the Bands was her gamble, her play. It was her mistake, loss, her failure to live with.

Now, months later, Aria decides to take drastic measures to get her sister out of her pit of misery. Maybe a little kindness will help before it's too late and she ends her misery permanently.


While it is listed as a sequel to To Be Everfree, you do not need to read that story to understand this one.

This story contains, in no particular order; Depression, Self Harm, Suicidal thoughts and tendencies, Mental Illness, Consensual BDSM, Heavy Pet Play, Exhibitionism, Foot Play, Foot Worship, Cunnilingus, Anal Play and lots and lots of affectionate loving snuggles and cuddles.

Many thanks to Zervon Tora and Lug13 for their pre-reading and editing.


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It was Friday, just after noon, in the city of Canterlot. In the suburbs of Canterville, one person didn’t care a damn if it was Friday, Monday or any other day of the week for that matter. She didn’t know what time of day it was, nor did she particularly care. The mid-day summer sun tried hard to get through her window and into her unkempt house, but it didn’t stand a chance against the thick heavy curtains that were tightly drawn like blackout boards. Inside the house, it was absolutely pitch black. No light from anywhere pierced the all-encompassing darkness.

That was just how Adagio Dazzle liked it.

The darkness of her living room matched the darkness in her heart and soul. On her couch, where she had been laid for the past week – except for the sparse moments when she had to use the bathroom – the ex-siren stirred under her blanket. Police sirens, or was it a fire truck or ambulance? She didn’t care, but whatever they were, they were sufficient to wake her from yet another nightmare.

Adagio hated being asleep. Then again, she hated being awake, for that matter. As she slowly and reluctantly forced her mind into some basic level of coherence, she tried as hard as she could to shake the memory of her nightmare. She failed, because every time she closed her eyes, she saw it again. She saw the stage, the crowd of hundreds of CHS students, she saw the hill where those damn Rainbooms made their stand and worse, much worse than that, she saw that gigantic magical alicorn and she felt the blast of magic that had stripped her and her sisters of their own magic.

Every night it was the same. Every day it was the same. Every time she closed her eyes, every time she opened them, every time she drew breath, Adagio relived the worst few seconds of her life. Her worst day. Her worst mistake. Her worst failure.

Laid under her blanket on her couch, the naked woman turned over from her back to her front, the only movement she had made that day, or night, whatever time it was. She didn’t have the drive or the energy to do anything else. She hadn’t seen or spoken to anyone in almost a week. A quick text and a lie to her boss at the Burger Joint about her mother dying had bought her a week off that she could use to properly hate herself and despise her existence. She didn’t even need to venture out into the miserable unforgiving neighbourhood to buy food because she had a mountain of fast food she had taken from work.

The miserable creature under the blanket rolled once more to a more comfortable position on her side. She stared out into the darkness of her living room. So depressed had she been that she hadn’t even mustered the drive to get herself up to her bedroom. She had simply gotten home from the crappy dirty diner she worked in, stripped off her greasy stinking uniform, let it fall to the floor and got on her couch. There she had stayed for six days.

Even though her house was in total darkness, she could see the contents of the room in her mind’s eye. She hadn’t cleaned her place in weeks, or was it months? She didn’t care. A small mountain of junk mail lay behind her door. She didn’t care. Adagio knew they were just the usual crap and death threats she usually received. Other than that, none of her furniture matched. It was all old, battered, threadbare and lumpy. Couches, chairs, tables, TV, stereo, everything had been through at least three charity shops and several previous owners. Not that she could see the carpet under all the dirty clothes and old empty fast food cartons that were strewn about the place.

She just left them where they fell. Adagio didn’t have the drive to give a shit. It wasn’t like anyone else was there to get on her back and tell her to clean, not since Aria and Sonata had moved out into their own places. She knew that somewhere on the floor were the remnants of her thick bushy orange hair. While she had liked having it long, the simple fact was that she couldn’t be arsed to wash it or to even brush it and, after just two days, it had become a tangled, matted mess as dirty as the rest of her.

So, after taking up a pair of scissors at the end of the last week, she had hacked off her long poufy hair. Of course, she hadn’t shown any care to what she had done. Her hair now barely reached her shoulders. It was uneven, sloppily done, but she didn’t care about that either. She just let her fallen locks mix in with the rest of the detritus that littered her living room. If she thought about it, she couldn’t remember the last time she had taken a bath or washed her clothes.

What was the point?

It wasn’t like she had anyone to be clean or presentable for, was it? Even before her week off, she hadn’t bothered to bathe or to shower. Really, what was the point? Even before her week off, she hadn’t bothered to bathe. Every day she came home stinking of grease anyway. It got in her hair, up her nose, in her ears, in every pore, so what was the point of washing? As she moved under the filthy blanket, she caught a whiff of her foul body odour and she gagged. She smelled rank, but so what? She wasn’t leaving and no one was coming to see her, so there was no one except her to be offended.

Again, the sound of emergency sirens reached Adagio’s ears through her walls. Again, she didn’t stir or give any sign she had heard them. In the low rent rundown neighbourhood she lived in, hearing sirens, whether they were police, ambulance or fire brigade, was an everyday occurrence. Not that she cared anyway. On her street alone there were two cars burnt out, three houses derelict and five that had broken and boarded up windows. From somewhere outside she heard two cats fighting. That went on for a while. Then, she heard a lone cat outside. Was it the winner or the loser? She didn’t care, but its crying sounded so forlorn, like it was the end of the world.

Adagio Dazzle understood all too well.

She had lost. She had lost her magic. She had lost her sisters. She had lost everything. Not a day went by, in her fetid stinking dirty living room, that she didn’t think about the others: Aria and Sonata, her two younger sisters. They had coped far better than she had to losing their magic. Then again, as the leader, she had been the one hardest hit by the Rainboom’s magical assault. Aria and Sonata had both moved on with their lives. Just…accepted it all so easily. Now they lived in the city proper. Aria was a night club bouncer and Sonata a chef in a taco restaurant.

Adagio had been left behind to fester and wallow in the pit they had once called home. Invariably, thinking of her sisters led her to thinking about Them. The Rainbooms. The seven human girls who had bested her. She had been at the height of her power and still she had lost. She had once bought Equestria to its knees. She had bested alicorns, gods, dragon lords and griffon kings and yet, on her best day, she had been laid low by what amounted to seven human girls. She had not just lost her magic; she had lost her voice too.

The humiliation had been unendurable.

So, she had given up.

She considered it that way.

Aria and Sonata had probably forgotten about her by then at any rate. Part of her hoped that they had. Adagio knew they were better off without her, that they didn’t need her any longer. All she was, was a failure. Dead weight. Good for absolutely nothing. Some tiny part of her psyche tried, in an infinitesimally small voice, to muster a defence, to tell her that she was wrong, that she needed to keep living. That tiny voice was quickly extinguished though by the deep dark abyss that was the depth of her depression.

Despair. Regret. Jealousy. Hate. All consumed her in a dark and bitter spiral of self-destruction.

Slowly, the ex-siren rolled out from under her dirty blanket and off of the old lumpy couch. Once she was on her feet, she carefully navigated the meandering path through the amassed crap that littered her living room floor. Her bladder demanded it be released, and depressed as she was, she was not at the point of laying in her own bodily waste.

Not yet, anyway.

Ablutions taken care of, she came walking nude back down the stairs and she made her way to the kitchen. She hadn’t seen fit to dress, what was the point. Though the rooms of her house were pitch dark, she knew where she was and where she was going. Turning on a light required effort on her part that she wasn’t prepared to give. It felt to her like she was moving in a dream, somehow oddly less real than my nightmare.

Or maybe this was her nightmare?

She didn’t know any more nor did she care.

Adagio stepped onto the cold lino of the kitchen floor. Immediately she hissed as the pain from the cold floor ran up her legs through the soles of her bare feet. That was enough to convince her it was almost certainly reality. In the dark she stood in front of her battered old gas cooker reached blindly to her left for the cutlery drawer she knew was there. She ignored everything else in the kitchen, the unused pots, the kettle, toaster oven…all was covered in a week’s worth of dust. Off to her right, under the window that overlooked the overgrown jungle that was her garden, was the sink, piled high with dirty dishes. She hadn’t bothered to wash them in at least a week, maybe even more. The stagnant water at the bottom smelled odd.

Adagio ignored it. When she had run out of clean dishes, she just ate her fast food supplies directly from their cartons and dropped them on the floor.

Groping in the darkness, her hand eventually settled on the handle of her cutlery drawer. A simple tugged pulled it open and she ran her fingers across the contents. Sixteen stainless steel utensils greeted her. Four forks, knives, teaspoons and tablespoons. Then, her fingers found her special knife. One of Sonata’s sharp chef’s knives that she had stolen from her sister’s place months ago.

That knife had become her best friend.

Her only friend.

As if in a trance, Adagio turned and, with the knife held in her hand, she walked back the short distance from the kitchen to her living room. She knew she was there when her feet touched carpet. There, she headed for the couch that had become her bed of late. She didn’t bother to navigate the litter; she just kicked the empty greasy cartons out the way.

When she found her couch, she sunk down on the dirty cushions that had been forced out of shape by her weight. Adagio laughed humourlessly. There were no mirrors in her house, and hardly any reflective surfaces at all. For good reason. She hated the sight of herself. Besides, she didn’t need a mirror to know looked even older than she was, or to know that her butchered hair was a complete disaster. It looked like she had jammed her hand in the plug socket. She knew her eyes were sunken, bloodshot, and rimmed with bags. She knew her belly was pudgy and fat, her breasts small and her ass as massive as her fat chunky thighs.

Gone was the sexy and confident Adagio Dazzle who had once seduced, manipulated and bullied czars, kings, queens and anyone she had damn well pleased. In her place was a physical and emotional wreck of a creature. A weak and pathetic specimen. A complete and abject failure who was beneath contempt.

Determined, she held the knife in her left hand. As she pressed the blade of the knife against her opposite wrist, perpendicular to her ulna, she kept it there. Everything swam across her mind once more. She had gambled everything she had on one roll of the dice and she had lost, spectacularly.





The death threats haunted her too. While it was true that she didn’t receive as many now as she did in the days and weeks following the Battle of the Bands, she still got at least one a week. Time was she got upwards of four every day.

“Kill yourself.”

“Nobody will miss you.”

“You’re better off dead.”

Those had been the tame ones. Some even offered to do it for her. If she went to X alley at X time, and so on and so on. The more she dwelt on the letters and threats, the more she descended into the depth of her self-made misery and despair. More determined than ever, she applied more pressure to her wrist until she started to feel the sensation, at worst mildly uncomfortable. After a minute, she lifted the blade away. There was no cut, but there was a thin red line on her wrist.

The ex-siren’s tortured mind was a whirl of thoughts, all her memories and sensations melding and crashing together and somehow they managed to drag her further and further down into the dark desolate abyss that was her psyche. It hurt. Everything hurt. It hurt to breathe. It hurt to think. It hurt to exist from one second to the next.

Everything was pain. Breathing in, pain. Breathing out, pain. Thinking, pain. Just…existing, being her, being there, was pain. She closed her eyes and in the darkness of her living room she again saw the stage, and the hill, and that mighty magical alicorn about to blast away her magic and strip her of everything that made her, ‘her’.

Opening her bloodshot eyes, all she saw was regret and despair. Both at the mistakes she had made – in Equestria that had ended up with them being banished to this miserable cess pit of a world and here – at the ponies and people she had hurt, at the sins she had committed, all the mistakes, all the failures.

Adagio hated this. She hated everything. She hated Starswirl the Bearded, she hated Equestria, she hated magic, she hated this foul, stinking, dirty, disgusting world, she hated the humans in it, she hated her sisters, she hated those damned Rainbooms and, worst of all, far more than any of that, she hated herself.

Again, Adagio held the knife against her wrist and, with her mind full of grim resolve, she slashed in a rapid lateral motion across her dirty unwashed skin. She didn’t feel much of anything in the instant she self-harmed. A slight discomfort and that was it. In the dark, she stared at what she had done. She couldn’t see it, but she knew the cut wasn’t very deep, just a few tiny pockets of blood slowly seeping out that would, disappointingly, dry within half an hour or so.

She felt nothing, neither physically nor emotionally, except for disgust. The ex-siren was disgusted both at what she had just done and at the fact that it was not enough. Despite her hatred of herself and everything else, she had, again failed. Knowledge that she had, yet again, failed, only served to anger her. Thoughts of her sisters going on and living and being happy coursed through her brain. All that happiness just made her depression even worse. She wanted them to be as miserable as she was and that just made her hate herself even more.

Adjusting her left hand slightly, Adagio found a spot on her wrist, further in from the first and, amid a mass of older scars from her other previous attempts, she slashed at herself again, this time harder and deeper than before. The effect was immediate. That time she felt something. Adagio felt the pain just as she felt the hot slick blood that leaked from the cut and run down her hand and onto the floor.

She dropped the knife and laid back on her couch. Adagio had no idea if her cut was deep enough to do what she wanted to do. Maybe it would, maybe it would just join the rest of the scars that adorned both her forearms. She didn’t care, really. Bleeding from the self-inflicted wound, she pulled the blanket over her head. Without knowing if she would wake up or not, Adagio Dazzle cried herself into a dreamless sleep.


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As the early summer midday sun beat down on the suburbs of Canterville, there was at least one woman who was not smiling that May Saturday. Aria Blaze got out of her flame red Chevelle that she had parked outside her older sister’s house – she wasn’t worried for the safety of her ride amid the burnt out wrecks of other cars because she knew nobody was crazy enough to mess with her – and she politely knocked on Adagio's front door.

Somewhat predictably, there was no answer from the weather-beaten slab of wood. Aria pulled down her white tee shirt in frustration and she tried to look through the windows. Alas, all of them had their drapes closed tight shut, allowing no light through. Inside, still laid on her lumpy old threadbare couch, Adagio heard the knock, but she just rolled over under and tried to hide under her filthy blanket.

Growling to herself like an angry rottweiler, Aria knocked again, this time with considerably more force on the door. She knocked so hard that several flakes of old paint fell off. Adagio Dazzle grunted under her blanket. She recognised the knock. She knew who it was, and she also knew that she wasn’t going to go away. Her sister was quite prepared and able to pound on her door until she broke it down.

After several long moments, Adagio finally answered her door. While she had forced herself to get up from the couch, she hadn’t been motivated enough to put some clothes on. Instead, she stood in her doorway naked but for the disgusting sweat-stained blanket that she wrapped around herself. Her hacked short hair was stuck out at every angle imaginable and she looked like crap. “What do you want, Aria?” she asked, squinting as the sunlight hurt her eyes.

Without a word, Aria pushed her way past her older sister, and she sniffed. Instantly she regretted this course of action. “Checking for dead bodies, but it seems you're moving.” She gagged and had to force herself not to retch on the ripe stink of the living room that assailed the back of her nose. Aria resolved to breathe through her mouth.

“Ha. Ha.” Adagio said humourlessly as she negotiated the piles of trash, old fast food cartons and dirty clothes and traipsed back to her bed and she laid back down on the couch under her blanket. Everywhere was covered in such a layer of dust that she left footprints behind her on her carpet.

Seeing red, not that she was slow to anger, Aria tore the blanket from Adagio’s naked body. “Eeeeew!” Straightaway she wished she hadn’t done that, as her hands were now covered in some unmentionable stains that she’d rather not know the origins of. “Fucking hell, Dagi, now I need to wash my hands!” She looked down with unconcealed disgust on her face. “And you, it seems.”

Adagio made no attempt to hide the fact that she hadn't bathed or washed in a week, nor did she make any apology for the fact that she stank like week old garbage and that she was covered in streaks of dirt. “I didn't ask you to come, Aria.”

“Like I need permission, Dagi.” Aria snorted through her nose as she marched over to the bay window and wrenched open the curtains which at last allowed the sunlight to shine on the utter dumping ground that was the living room. The night club bouncer was amazed that there weren’t rats or roaches everywhere. “Shower.” She ordered, turning back to Adagio, “Now.”

“Why?” Adagio asked despondently, turning over so that she back was facing the angrily pacing woman stood in her living room, “I don't need to be anywhere till Monday.”

“Wrong,” Aria snarled as she marched over and grabbed Adagio’s ear between the thumb and forefinger of her left hand. “I'll scrub you myself.”

“Owww, Aria!” Adagio tried to swat away her sister’s hand with her right one, “I'm not at work till Monday. It's Saturday.”

“Yes, and you smell like pond scum!” Aria snarled, her legendarily short temper quickly reaching the end of a very short rope, “How can a siren sink so low as to wallow in that!” she screamed at her and, pulling her up to her bare feet, she ignored the squealed protests and dragged her roughly up the stairs and forcefully she shoved Adagio into the shower. “I'm taking you out now,” she said, stripping off her heavy boots and her fashionably ripped jeans, “So you will get ready now.”

Adagio shrunk against the tiled wall of her shower and tried to massage the pain out of her pulled ear. It didn’t work. “I don't want to go out,” she protested uselessly as she wa manhandled by the stronger Aria like she was one of the rowdy clubbers that she dispatched on a nightly basis, “And if you didn't notice, we aren’t sirens. “We are human now.”

“Duh, ever since we came into this excuse for a world.” Aria rolled her eyes at her sister and, as soon as she had the lukewarm water running from the feeble old shower, she was quite vigorous in her scrubbing. “And I don't need some gem to remember who I was.”

Wisely, Adagio gave up on her further protests and she allowed herself to be cleaned without further objection, wary as she was of her sister's temper. The sponge felt like a scouring pad over her naked body, especially how hard Aria scrubbed, particularly over her fat belly, her wide ass and her breasts. The cleaner she got though, the many scars that criss crossed both her arms were revealed one by one. While most were old, some were newer, and the two she had made the day before looked very fresh angry and fresh.

Though she was stunned for a fraction of a second, Aria quickly got over it and, grabbing Adagio’s wrist, she angrily thrust her forearm in front of her face. “What the actual fucking fuck are you fucking doing?” she screamed, so outraged that a vein was throbbing on her forehead, “If you need someone to beat you up that bad, you can call me! Hell, Sona would get in on that action with some spicy taco sauce rubbed in!”

Adagio didn’t fight back. She drooped her shoulders and she looked down at the bathtub and the water that was brown with the dirt washed from her body. “Who cares, Ari? Really?” she then turned her hollow, deadened stare to her own ruined arm, “Besides, it made me feel better yesterday. Not like anyone would miss me. You two are better off without me any way.”

Utterly frustrated, Aria slammed Adagio back into the shower wall by her neck and she counted to ten. Twice. “No, no we wouldn't you fucking idiot!” Barely managing to keep a hold of her ire, Aria pulled her deeply depressed sister out of the shower and vented her spleen at the bathroom instead. “You don't even have a clean towel! Stand here and drip dry!” she placed her on the bathmat, “Brush your hair and your teeth. I'll be back in a moment.”

As Aria left the bathroom, cursing and swearing profanity all the way, Adagio muttered under her breath what the point of it all was but, she nonetheless did as she was told. For the first time in months she brushed her teeth. Her hair, now that it was shoulder length, was short work. Where once upon a time it would take her three hours to properly dry and care for her huge mass of orange curls, now the brushing was over in a matter of moments.

Still blowing a gasket, Aria returned to the bathroom with a smaller hand towel and she started to rub Adagio down with pure vehemence. She wanted her sister to know she was pissed with her. “Your hair is fine short,” she stated, taking a step back and looking at it, “But you're a terrible stylist.” Indeed, in some places it was higher and lower by a good two inches.

“It got all snagged up like it was,” Adagio said with a shrug of her shoulders, “So I just got rid of it. I wasn’t bothered about being neat.”

“Let someone that knows what they are doing fix it.” Aria said, her tone calming somewhat from the volcanic fury that it had been a mere few moments before. With her teeth and hair done, and with her dried, Aria pulled her by the hand back down to the living room. “I brought you some clothes since I figured you haven't done laundry. A change of colour will be good for you.”

Adagio eyed the long dark green summer dress that Aria pulled from her bag with a look of distaste. She just knew it would cling to her belly and her ass like she had velcroed it in place. “What's wrong with sweatpants and a hoodie?”

“Clothes shouldn't be able to stand up with no-one in them.”

“What does it matter? Where are you taking me anyway?”

“Out, so are you going to put this on or do I need to dress you?”

“Fine.” Adagio conceded, for she knew there was no point in arguing with her strong-willed sister. She noted the fact that there was no underwear laid out on the coffee table with the dress, but she really didn't care. “But did you have to choose a dress?”

“Anything is better than those sweatpants and that ratty old hoodie you seem to like so much.”

Reluctantly, only because she had no other option, Adagio slipped the dark green dress over her head and allowed it to fall down her fat body. Just as she predicted, it displayed her doughy belly and her wide behind, but at least it didn’t stink. That was something. “Are you happy now?” she asked as she slipped her feet into a pair of open toed sandals.

“Not really,” Aria snarked, “But at least now we can get out of this...” she waved her hand at the cess pit that was her big sister’s living room, “House. Come along.” Without further ado, she left the building and didn’t look back, she just expected Adagio to follow her to her car.

Adagio stood at the threshold of the house and stared at the overgrown jungle that was her front lawn. Or used to be her front lawn. “You aren't taking no for an answer, are you?”

Aria looked up from her open car door and shook her head. “Not even for a question.”

“Fine,” Adagio sighed in defeat and, as her shoulders slumped, she gave in to the inevitable and for the first time in a week she stepped out of her house. The walk to her sister’s car felt like it took a lifetime. It didn’t help that she felt like she was headed to the gallows. The sun was so unfamiliar that she had to hold a hand up to her eyes because it burned. “I'm sure this is kidnapping…”

Aria pointedly ignored her older sister until she was sat in the passenger seat of the red Chevelle. “If you were my kid, you'd have a hard time sitting.” She shot at her and got in herself and buckled her seat belt.

Adagio gave Aria a sideways look as she started up the muscle car’s powerful engine. “Good thing I'm the older sister then, huh?”

“Then act it. Buckle up.” She snapped sharply as she drove off. She didn’t tell Adagio where they were going, but she was headed to the Three Butterflies animal shelter. While she wasn’t one to gamble, this was literally her last roll of the dice to get her sister straight. She was banking on Adagio getting a pet. That would give her something to care for and a reason to exist.

“Yes, mom…” Adagio snarked and, for a good majority of the ride, she was silent. When she saw the shelter though, she asked, “Why are we here?”

“If you had to be responsible for something,” Aria started, seeing no point in not admitting her plan any longer, “Then you might just be responsible for yourself too.”

“I was responsible for something...someone, two someones, and look where that got us.”

“Shit happens, Dagi.” Aria shut her down as quickly as she could. “Now you can try again without ending the world or something.”

Adagio sighed and rested her chin on the back of her hand as she leant against the car window. “Should've followed your lead, I guess.” There was no way Aria could have messed things up any worse than she had. Hell, even Sonata could have done a better job of it, all things considered.

“It’s a bit late for me to say, 'I told you so',” Aria managed a weak smile. It may be late in the day for ‘I told you so’, but she still liked to hear her sister say she was wrong. “But, stalling in my car isn't going to cut it.”

“Alright, you win, Ari.” Adagio got out of the car and on the sidewalk, she turned to face her younger sister, “You're gonna stay here until I go in, aren't you?”

“Haven't left yet.”

“Give Sonata my love, Ari.” Steeling herself to just get it over with as quickly as possible, Adagio squared her shoulders and walked off up the path to the animal shelter. She didn’t look back, but as she opened the door and stepped inside, she heard the loud belching roar of the engine that told her Aria had gone.

She was not expecting what greeted her once she was inside.

Or, to be more specific, Adagio was not expecting who greeted her once she was inside.

Fluttershy, who was fully expecting Adagio’s presence thanks to Aria having came to her before she had gone to her sister’s house, had one up on her guest and she looked up from her Horse and Hound magazine she had been reading at the serving counter. “Hello Adagio,” she greeted her with her best most disarming smile. “Welcome to the Three Butterflies Animal Adoption Shelter.”

Adagio saw the teenager and she froze in place just inside the door, her eyes wide and blinking unbelievingly like she had just seen the very incarnation of the devil. It was one of ‘them’… The damned Rainbooms. As she looked at the yellow skinned girl, with her long pink hair, her lilac skirt with the paw print on it and her white tee shirt, she struggled to think of her name. Unfortunately, she had no idea what it was. “You...”

“Yes?” Fluttershy asked, straightening the teal coloured bow in her pink hair.

Adagio looked. She stared. She took in the scene. The Rainboom stood surrounded by pet cages and various animals all chittering and chattering away with each other. It was easily one of the most surreal things she had seen lately. “You work here. You…” the ex-siren backed away until her back pressed against the closed door.

“I do!” Fluttershy beamed and stood up, adjusting her white shirt as she did so. “I understand you need a pet that will give you some reason to care.”

“What did you just say...” despite the very surreal nature of the last few minutes, Adagio’s brain was reluctantly starting to work. No matter how she thought about it though, or from what angle, she came back to the same realisation. “Aria set me up.”

“She did schedule an appointment for you, yes.” Fluttershy, standing a whole foot taller than the five-foot-tall Adagio, sized her up with a critical eye like she was a side of beef. It was obvious, in the few months that had passed since the Battle of the Bands, that things had not gone well for her former enemy, if her body was anything to go by. If Fluttershy had to choose a word to describe her, broken would be it.

Still with her back to the door and looking a lot like a cornered animal, Adagio hissed, “I don't need a pet, okay?”

“Are you sure?” Fluttershy countered serenely. She continued to gaze at her, to assess her. While she had obviously let herself go, Fluttershy had to admit to herself that the look suited her. Or, rather, the pudgy belly and the large derriere suited her. She was a lot easier on the eyes now, at least from her point of view. Although, if she was honest, the hair needed attention. “You'd look cute as a pet... er... I mean with a pet.”

Fluttershy almost blushed, because many naughty possibilities were running through her mind. Each one naughtier than the last and serving to create a rather potent little daydream for the caretaker.

“What I need is my voice back!” Adagio spat with a sudden surge of venom that came straight from the bile in her gut. “I need to sing not sound like I'm gargling nails! I need my magic and you took it from me!” As she pointed her finger at her, all at once Adagio sagged and her anger left her as suddenly as it had come. “Ah, fuck it, who cares…”

Though she was stood, Fluttershy had yet to move from where she was. “I care.”

“Sure, you do,” Adagio muttered, though she was struck by the amount of sincerity in the teenager’s voice. So much so that she took a very hesitant step forwards, despite her every instinct telling her to run away as fast as she could.

“Pets are all about responsibility, and they vary in the level of maintenance they require.” Fluttershy spoke as much to herself as to her new guest, because she was still sizing her up and working out the opportunities that presented themselves. “You look somewhat high maintenance, if you don't mind me saying.”

That made Adagio Dazzle laugh, though there was no humour in her laugh. The level of her ‘high maintenance’ was, at one point, legendary. She used to have an army of minions that washed her, dried her, styled her hair and dressed her. Not anymore. “I used to be, yeah.” She saw a chair by the counter, “Can I sit?”

“If you're a good girl, yes.”

Adagio didn’t know what it was about that giggle, whether it was the innocence of it, or the tinkling sound, but it completely disarmed her and had her at ease. “I um, I promise I'll behave, um...” again she was searching for a name she didn’t know. So, she settled on what she assumed was a good stand by. “Rainboom?”

Unfortunately, Fluttershy misunderstood what Adagio had meant. “Oh, um, I can get you complimentary tickets to one of our shows if you really want some.”

“No!” Adagio looked genuinely panicked at the very thought of meeting the other Rainbooms and, in fact, she was about to bolt for the door and run away. “I meant...” she paused, breathing fast and hard to try and contain her anxiety, “I don't know your name. That’s why I called you Rainboom.”

Understanding at last, Fluttershy covered her mouth with her hands, “Aria really did set you up. I'm Fluttershy,” she walked around the counter and extended her hand.

Nervously, Adagio shook the offered hand, though hers shook and quivered thanks to her nerves. It dawned on her that at this close range, the yellow teen was able to see the myriad scars that criss crossed her arms. “I used to call you the Yellow One, the last time I saw you. Um...I’m sorry, about that.”

Nonchalantly, Fluttershy shrugged. She didn’t see anything wrong with that. “Makes sense, I am the yellow one in the group.” Now that she was seeing her up close, Fluttershy walked around the chair that Adagio’s chair, appraising her once more. She saw the scars and she intuitively knew that they were self-inflicted.

Adagio felt suddenly wretched, like she had wronged the young woman somehow. “It wasn't necessary to learn your names. Sunset Shimmer was the one we needed to break. The rest of you weren’t even on our radar.”

“Now that you know mine,” Fluttershy said with a hard edge in her voice, “I don't expect you to forget it.” Unable to stop herself, she traced her index finger around Adagio's neck. It wasn’t much of a stretch to imagine a collar there, a yellow collar.

“Hmmmmmm…” Adagio moaned softly and then she blushed very hard indeed. Why was she feeling like this? Why did the Yellow One…Fluttershy, give her a gut full of butterflies like that? She had no idea, but when she ran her finger across the back of her neck, a sensuous touch, it sent sparks to her core. “I ah, cut my hair…”

Fluttershy could see that the ‘haircut’, if one could call it that, was as self-inflicted as the scars on Adagio’s arms. “If you like I can fix it for you. I've done a lot of grooming.”

“I...” Adagio paused, because she realised she was still blushing just from the electrifying touch of the teenager’s finger along her neck. “I'd like that, please.” What she really wanted was for Fluttershy to touch her neck again.

Walking behind the counter once more, Fluttershy quickly came back with a grooming kit held in her hands. “Pixie or bob?”

“Can you do a bob, please Fluttershy?”

“I can, you're almost there.”

Adagio shrugged her shoulders and sagged a little on the chair when Fluttershy didn’t touch her neck again. “It was stupid long the way it was, and it got all snagged up with snarly manky bits when I didn't wash it, so I just cut it off.”

“It's nice and clean now,” Fluttershy said as she admired the short orange hair. So very different to the huge mass of curls that seemed to go on forever she remembered. “I guess you got ready for your visit. That's nice. Low maintenance owners often want high maintenance pets.”

“Aria dragged me off my couch and scrubbed me clean.”

“That was nice of her. Shows she cares.” Without warning, Fluttershy traced her index finger around the sides and back of Adagio's straw yellow neck again. The things she could do with her, it got her all excited. “I care too.”

Fluttershy’s touch made Adagio shiver in a way she thought she never would do again. What got her worse than that though was the very seductive way she whispered, ‘I care too’ in her ear. “Can um...can you do that again?” Adagio practically begged, and she didn’t care. She just wanted to feel that again. “It feels nice when you do that.”

Summoning all her nerve, Fluttershy decided to demonstrate her dominant side as she kindly gave Adagio what she wanted. She wrapped the forefinger and the thumb of each hand around the ex-siren’s throat. While her hands were big enough that her fingers could touch, they were nonetheless snug. “Is it comforting to know that others care?”

“I know Ari cares,” Adagio sighed now she was feeling that touch once more and she even raised a small smile. “It's me that doesn't care.”

“Maybe you just need some more discipline in your life.” Fluttershy continued boldly. She had watched Applejack with Sunset, Rarity with Pinkie and Twilight with Rainbow. She hadn’t just watched, she had observed, studied and learnt from being around her dominant and submissive friends. “A pet responds to an owner that cares.”

“You are saying I should be your pet, Fluttershy?”

‘YES!’ Fluttershy wanted to scream at the top of her lungs. While that admittedly wouldn’t be a loud scream, she managed to restrain herself. Just. “This is a pet shop and I'm a caring owner.” She stated and then, when she asked her next question, she couldn’t wait for the answer. “Do you need a caring owner to take charge of you so that you will care back?”

Sat on the chair, Adagio was quiet for a long, long time. It didn’t take much introspection on her part to realize the mess she had become as of late. She wasn’t just a mess. She was a wreck, both physically and mentally. She was a wreck and she needed help. She really didn’t want to die. “Yes, I do. I need an owner, Fluttershy.”

It really didn’t help that Fluttershy was hot.

“Admitting the problem is the first step to fixing the problem,” Fluttershy stated and, when she at last removed her hands from Adagio’s neck, she walked back to the counter and reached down. After a moment, she came back up with a yellow collar held in her hands and walked back.

When she saw the collar, Adagio chuckled humourlessly. “I never took you for a dom. The southern girl, definitely.”

As she placed the collar around Adagio's neck, Fluttershy smirked. Everybody made that mistake. Just because she didn’t parade around in thigh high leather boots and a basque, didn’t mean she wasn’t a dom. She demonstrated her dominance by not fastening the collar, instead she left it loose. “I care, so I can be in control. Everyone in here needs me to care. To be in control. The yellow almost fades against your skin, but it will make one look twice. Now, should I fasten this? Or should I put it away?”

Adagio smiled to herself. She knew the game, of course she did. Over her long life she had played both sides of the game. As a result, she recognised immediately when she was being played. She had to admit though, Fluttershy was good. The choice was hers. The power was hers. She chose to use that power. “Yes please. I'd very much like you to buckle that collar, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy very nearly came on the spot. Adagio’s submission was one of the most arousing things she had ever experienced. “Once I buckle this, only I can remove it. You can ask for me to do so at any time, if you wish.”

Adagio nodded her head and, as she did so, she felt a thrill of her own. The thrill of submitting to another, of having another be in total control of her. It was a rush that made her feel alive for the first time in months. “I understand, Fluttershy. Please, go ahead.”

Permission granted, submission given, Fluttershy fastened the yellow collar around Adagio’s neck and claimed her new pet. “You may call me Ma'am or Ms. Fluttershy. Do you have a favorite name, my lovely pet?”

“Yes Ma'am,” Adagio shivered when she said that, because by the ocean it felt so fucking good! “I've always liked Jubilee.”

Upon hearing that, Fluttershy clapped her hands excitedly. “That is a lovely name!” she gently caressed Adagio’s neatly cut – neatly groomed – hair and she started to walk further into the shelter. “Follow.” It wasn’t a suggestion or a request. It was an order. Fluttershy walked over to a low walled enclosure. She didn’t have to look behind her to know that she had been obeyed. Now, that was a thrill!

Inside the enclosure were three dogs, two cats, a raccoon and a rabbit. They all stopped whatever it was they were doing when Fluttershy walked up to the enclosure. They knew who was in charge. “Everyone, this is Jubilee.” Fluttershy had their attention on the first word she spoke. “I want all of you to play nice with her, understand?” her question was greeted with lots of animal noises, of which all said 'Yes, Ms. Fluttershy'. “I have…” she looked up at clock on the wall, “Another forty-five minutes, so you can play with these new friends.”

Stood behind Fluttershy, Adagio got the wide-eyed look on her face as she realised what was going on. It was a slow realisation, because she had been staring at the teenager’s ass and her long sexy legs. Of course, those sexy legs ended in a pair of beautiful perfect feet that Adagio couldn’t help but stare at either. “Ooooh,” she blushed a bright shade of red, “I ah...I wonder if you'd like a third kitty?” she added quickly, “Ms. Fluttershy.”

“Hmmm,” when Fluttershy looked Adagio over this time, it was with a steely, dominant glint in her eye, “We can see how well kitten fits for you. Go on in, I'm sure you'll be well received.” All the animals nodded to the caretaker.

“Yes Ma'am,” Adagio grinned, for she had quickly grown to love the feeling she got down her spine when she said that. Obediently she got into the low walled enclosure and, once she was inside, she got down on her hands and knees. Immediately, her dark green dress rode up around her fat ass and displayed the fact that she wore no underwear.

Watching the show, Fluttershy rather enjoyed the fact that Adagio was going commando. Her mind daydreamed down along more than one path that resulted in her with her head between those thick thighs. She spent a good thirty minutes on that little fantasy until the ringing of the doorbell bought her reluctantly back to reality.

A teenage girl with sea blue skin and blazing orange hair entered the shelter. “Hi, I'm Waterfire and well, my friends say I'm dull.” She introduced herself with no preamble, “I was hoping for a pet to bring out my wild side.”

“I see,” Fluttershy looked her over like she had done with Adagio, “Are you looking for a mammal, reptile, or bird?”

“Mammal please, I'm not sure I'm up to sourcing more exotic food.”

Fluttershy had just the critter for this girl. “Recycle.” The raccoon perks up as soon as he heard his name and Fluttershy leant in close to Waterfire, whispering loudly so that he would hear. “His name was Dumpster, but I didn't think that was nice. He’s house trained like a cat, so you'll need a litter box. He likes almost all food, so he’s easy to feed. He can be grouchy in the morning, but then he is nocturnal. Something like you, I think.”

To say that Waterfire was surprised by all that was an understatement. “How did you know?”

Fluttershy shrugged. It was her gift. She had known almost everything she needed to know about her latest customer the moment she had entered the shelter. “Matching pets to owners is what I do, right, Jubilee?”

Adagio, or Jubilee, was having a bit of fun with the two cats, hunting and swiping paws - curled up hands in her case - and purring, heard her name and she knelt up, her hands held in front of her like paws. “Yes Ma'am, Ms. Fluttershy.”

Waterfire shot Adagio a bemused wary look before she turned her attention back to Fluttershy. “Can I get acquainted with Recycle before I decide?”

“I think that’s a wonderful idea,” Fluttershy agreed, “Jubilee will introduce you.” With that, she left them to it. Waterfire went over and into the enclosure and she coloured up in a deep red blush when she noticed that Adagio wasn't wearing any underwear. Instead, she focused on the raccoon that came up to her.

Adagio crawled over, and she was smiling for once. “Waterfire, right? Nice name.” It certainly suited her. She then introduced the crazy chubby raccoon. “Here's Recycle.”

After fifteen minutes of playing with Recycle, Fluttershy came back to the enclosure. “I’m sorry Waterfire, but it’s time to close up for the day. Have you decided?”

“Yes,” Waterfire nodded eagerly, “Recycle will be wonderful in my home! I'm already feeling my wild side!” she giggled, “I think he won't mind me reading my non-fiction books to him late at night.”

“Oh yes, he will definitely like that.” Fluttershy stated, “He likes it when people stay up with him.” With that, Fluttershy walked with Waterfire and Recycle back to the counter where she arranged the necessary papers for the adoption, as well as a pet carrier, that came with small fee.

“Did you have fun, Jubilee?” Fluttershy asked her pet when Waterfire and the raccoon had left out the door.

“What?” Adagio knelt up in the pet area and looked up at Fluttershy, her hands again held up like they were paws. “Oh...” she looked at the pets who all nuzzled her, particularly the cats and genuinely smiled at the teenager. “Yes Ma'am, I actually did have a lot of fun.” The admission surprised her, but it was true.

“You can help me put the pets up for the night.” Fluttershy clapped her hands and got all the critters’ attentions at once. “Time to go to your homes.” Immediately, the animals did just that, but the ones in the enclosure with Adagio needed help getting out.

“Wow...” Adagio breathed as she got out of the enclosure and helped the two cats out first and she placed them in their large spacious cages. “You actually talk to them, don't you?”

“We have an understanding,” Fluttershy answered vaguely.

“Yeah, so I see.” Once the rest of the animals are put away, Adagio returned to the counter and the chair she had sat on when she had gotten her grooming. “Do you need anything else doing?”

“Yes,” Fluttershy giggled brightly, “I need you to get in my car so I can take you home.”

When she looked out the back door and saw Fluttershy’s car in the parking lot, it was Adagio’s turn to burst out in a fit of giggles. What she beheld was a bright pink Volkswagen beetle with yellow headlights, a white roof and whitewall tires. “Oh, that car is very you, Ma'am. I love the yellow butterflies on the doors.”

Fluttershy arched an eyebrow at Adagio. “Do I need a leash?”

Casting a grin at Fluttershy, Adagio decided to see what her new dominant had in her. “If you've got one, Ma'am.”

Fluttershy giggled, for she was more than up to meet the challenge posed by her pet. “Look around you, do you really think I don't have a leash to match that collar?” Smirking, she reached behind the counter where she got the collar and she produced a matching yellow leash which she clipped to the D ring of the collar. “Come along Jubilee. It’s time for you to go home too.”

Although Adagio’s shoulders sagged a little, she still walked with Fluttershy to her cute pink beetle. “Yeah okay, Ma'am…” she was as enthusiastic as one being led to the gallows at the prospect of returning to her home, and she let it be known, too.

In a stark contrast to her pet’s sudden dour mood, the cheerful Fluttershy was ever cheerful. “Address?” she asked, even though she knew it thanks to having spoken with Aria on the phone.

Still with the same miserable attitude, Adagio duly gave Fluttershy her address which was over in the low rent run down end of the city suburbs. She couldn’t help but think of the three houses that were boarded up and the two cars that were burnt out on her street and wonder that the cute pink beetle wouldn’t last a second.

The ride, while not as long as Adagio would like, was conducted in silence. She had nothing to say, so she remained quiet. It amazed her then, when she pulled up outside her house, that Fluttershy still had her smile. “Stay,” she ordered simply as she got out of her car and, walking around to the passenger side, she opened Adagio’s door and took the leash. “Let's get you inside.”

Stepping out of the car into the late afternoon sun, Adagio froze as she realised what Fluttershy had just said. “You know…you really don't have to come in…”

“Oh, but I do!” Fluttershy beamed, deaf to her pet’s objection, “I want to be sure my pet's 'cage' is ready for her. Litter boxes are a daily task, after all.”

“You'd make me use a litter box?” Adagio blushed hard on the way up the cracked garden path past the overgrown jungle that was her garden.

“Maaaayyyyybe?” Fluttershy giggled.

In spite of her mood, Adagio was really quite aroused by that, but still she paused at the battered old front door. A cold lump of dread formed in her gut and made her feel like shit. She just knew that the second she saw the interior of her home, she’d never see her again. “Fluttershy, I should tell you, my place really isn't clean.”

“I’m surprised at you,” Fluttershy raised an eyebrow at her pet, an eyebrow that Applejack would have been proud of. “Kittens are usually clean animals. Maybe my kitty needs instruction?”

“Yeah, maybe.” Adagio sighed and took out her keys. That ball of dread grew and grew by the second. “Okay, don't say you weren't warned,” she muttered and opened her door. Stepping inside, she flicked on the light in the living room.

“I've smelled worse cages,” Fluttershy commented as she stood amid the trash and surveyed the garbage pile. She took note of the fact that there was dust on practically every surface, and that each and every appliance was old, battered and scratched, particularly the ancient cathode ray TV she hadn’t seen since she had been a little girl. The next thing that struck her was the fast food cartons strewn everywhere and, of course, the smell. It was so bad it made her eyes water. “Good effort on your part to win.” She giggled and unclipped the leash. “Okay, you have a trash can, with a bag?”

“Um...” Adagio was so stunned that Fluttershy hadn’t immediately ran screaming, that she wasn’t totally sure. “Uh, yeah, somewhere…” she looked in the utility closet first and, when that came up nothing, she had another idea. “Might be in Aria's her old room I mean.”

“Bring it here, now.”

“Yes Ma'am!” Adagio hastened to obey. There was just…some ‘thing’ in that suddenly dominant voice that had her scooting off up the stairs and into the black walled room with the old ripped punk posters that Aria once called her refuge from the world and she came back down carrying four large empty trash bags.

“Take one bag and put the food waste in it.” Fluttershy ordered as she took three of the bags and placed two in the belt around her waist. “I’ll take one for recyclables.”

“Alright…” Adagio moved in a bit of a daze, slowly as if she were walking through thick treacle, she started near her couch / bed by picking up the old smelly fast food packaging one at a time and thrusting them into the trash bag. It didn’t stay empty for very long, not with the sheer amount of waste that was there.

Every minute or so, Fluttershy stopped what she was doing, and she reached over to affectionately stroke Adagio's short orange hair every minute or so. “Good kitten.”

After the third such stroke, Adagio actually started to purr like a kitten and she perked up, even managing a tremulous smile. “Oh, there it is...” she reached down, and she picked up her ancient cell phone off the floor. The battery was long since dead. She assumed that was why Aria came around unannounced, because she didn’t answer any calls she may have tried to make.

“Kitty can't play with her toys until she has cleaned her cage.”

“Not worth playing with it,” Adagio tossed the dead phone onto the couch and carried on picking up her fast food trash. “It’s a crappy model. All it does is make calls and texts. Doesn’t even take pictures. Besides, I have no idea where the charger is.”

“A kitten doesn't need much more than that. Just so we know our kitty is safe.”

“Uh huh,” Adagio shrugged, still not willing to believe her safety was in any way important to anyone, despite recent evidence to the contrary. She then reached for and picked up a few days’ old pizza box and, because it was a few days old, it promptly broke apart and an old greasy slice of pizza slipped out and hit her dark green dress. It then slid down her dress and slapped on the floor, leaving a long greasy stain in its wake.

“Oh, that’s just fucking great!” Adagio cursed as she picked up the mouldy slice of pizza and tossed it into the trash bag along with the remnants of the box, “Aria's gonna kill me for this!” While they cleaned up the living room, Fluttershy was able to get all the recyclables into one trash bag. Still she continued to pet and encourage Adagio in her good work as she started gathering up the dirty clothing into a pile at one end of the couch.

“There!” Adagio congratulated herself on getting the last of the food waste all in one bag. Now that was done, and with the dirty clothing piled up and the junk mail in a bag, her living room was looking a lot cleaner and more presentable than it had done in several months, although she herself was dirty.

“Do you have a washer and dryer?”

“Yes Ma'am,” Adagio responded quickly, “They're in the utility room.” Without being ordered to, she gathers up the mass of dirty clothes and turned to walk away. “I'll wash the dress while I'm there.”

Fluttershy decided to take the biggest gamble yet. “Add it to the pile now, please.”

Adagio only paused for the briefest of seconds before she obeyed with a, “Yes Ma'am.” She grabbed hold of the hem of her grease stained dress and pulled it up and over her head in one smooth motion. Now standing naked in her living room, the ex-siren didn’t even have the drive to attempt to cover up her C cup breasts, her pudgy belly, her fat ass or her thick bush of pubic hairs that a badger could’ve happily lived in.

Pleased that her pet had no apparent issues with being nude, Fluttershy looked Adagio up and down as she walked around her. Yes, it was a body somewhat gone to seed, but to her it was sexy and hot. Gently, she stroked her kitten’s hair. “Such a pretty kitty. You may start one load and meet me in your bedroom which you will show me now.”

The very fact that Fluttershy genuinely thought she was pretty made Adagio snort out a laugh which she quickly stifled thanks to the look she got. Still, she did like it a lot when she stroked her hair. “Yes Ms. Fluttershy,” obediently, she grabbed what she judged was one load’s worth of clothes, placed it in the washer, turned it on and then she led the way up the flight of stairs to the first floor.

On the first floor, there was a short corridor and four doors, hers was the first and the last was the bathroom. “In here.” In her bedroom, which was pretty much clean, if a little dusty, had the standard furniture of double bed, nightstand, dresser and a vanity. Without comment, Fluttershy proceeded to strip the bed of its linens, which she passed to her pet.

While Adagio took the bed linens down to the utility room. As soon as she was alone in Adagio’s bedroom Fluttershy took the first opportunity to snoop in Adagio’s drawers and her closet. In the drawers of the dresser she found an assortment of mismatched underwear in one and a couple of vibrators, butt plugs and a blindfold in the other. The closet yielded several sweatpants and hoodie combos as well as three Burger Joint uniforms. On the dresser was a small pile of Rainbooms clippings, though they were months old, some were dated right after the Battle of the Bands.

Curiously, Fluttershy organized the newspaper clippings to see if anything new might be in there. What she found was that the very early clippings all had the faces defaced and unrecognizable, while the later ones had red crosses scrawled over the faces and the most recent ones were just lying there untouched.

“What you looking at those for?” asked Adagio as she came back up the stairs from the utility room.

Looking up from the newspaper clippings, Fluttershy gave Adagio a light version of The Stare. “Does my kitty think her owner shouldn't look at whatever she wants in her kitty's cage?”

“N-No m-Ma'am...” Adagio stammered, caught off guard by the stare of her new dom. ‘Light’ as it was, it still sent chills down her spine. “I just, in particular, I uh, should've thrown them out ages ago.”

Fluttershy let out a bright giggle, “A lot of things in the other room should have been thrown out 'ages' ago. It’s always nice to know,” she shook the clippings, “I have fans.” Then, she opened the drawer that contained the sex toys. “Kitty will never open this drawer,” she stated before closing it again.

“No Ma'am, I won't,” Adagio sighed and looked down at the worn carpet and her bare feet. “If you must know, I was all about the revenge in the days after the battle, but well...” she sighed again, it never happened. Ari and Sonny just...moved on.”

Affectionately, Fluttershy skritched under Adagio's chin. “And now you're moving on too.”

‘Sweet ocean waves!’ thought Adagio, though what escaped her lips was a very pleasured moan indeed. “Hmmmmmm!” she let out a loud purr, “Y-Yes Ma'am, moving on, Ma’am.”

“I approve of what is in your closet,” Fluttershy smiled, “But that dark green dress was nice.”

“I usually just wear my uniform when I’m going out, or the sweatpants and hoodie. I don't bother with clothes in here, I mean who cares, it's just me.”

Serenely, Fluttershy smiled, “You didn't see the kitties in the shop dressed up, so that is fine. Still, I may wish to show you off so keep the dress clean and ready.”

“I will, Ma'am. Um...can I get you a drink?” Adagio thought she ought to at least make an offer, seeing as how the teenager had just helped her clean up her filthy living room. “I can do water, or tea or coffee as long as you don't want milk.” She just remembered the state of the inside of her fridge. It wasn’t pleasant.

“It’s a good thing then that the kitty doesn't need milk,” Fluttershy giggled, “Tea with honey if you have it, nothing if you don't,” with that, she left the bedroom to go and sit on the couch.

“The milk went off three days ago. Couldn't be bothered to go to the store.” Adagio followed Fluttershy down the stairs to the kitchen where she got the kettle boiling after a quick hasty clean. She managed to find a clean cup in her cupboard and, after prepping it with a tea bag and a spoonful of honey, she asked, “Ma'am? May I please have a coffee?”

“Such a good kitty for asking, you may, Jubilee.”

Adagio blushed and pressed her chubby thighs together. “Thank you, Ma'am.” Damn it was hot to be given permission like that. When the tea and coffee was ready, she bought both cups over to the coffee table and she knelt on the floor by the couch.

Shaking her head, Fluttershy patted the couch seat next to her. “Unless that’s how you are normally, I will train you to that point. Up here, because I know how uncomfortable it can be.” When she sat next to her, Fluttershy traced a finger around the edge of the yellow collar. “Aria made the appointment, but nothing else. This play is something I enjoy, but it is important to me that you enjoy it too.”

“I do enjoy it, Ma'am. I haven't been a sub for a long while, but I do enjoy it.”

Gently, tenderly, Fluttershy kissed the end of Adagio's nose. “Then, Jubilee, that is your name with this on. I will need to know when you want to come out of character.”

Adagio knew what Fluttershy meant by that. “I'd like Ocean to be my safeword, but to be honest I'd like to keep it on. It feels nice. I haven't had much 'nice' in my life, lately.”

“I'm sure your co-workers will notice, and isn’t it a violation of your uniform standard?”

“Fluttershy,” Adagio snorted, “Trust me nobody at the Burger Joint will give a shit what I wear.”

“When do you work next, and what times do you work?”

“This Monday coming,” Adagio replied, “I do the noon till seven shifts.”

“Tomorrow is my one day off, so we'll have a pet play date right here. I'll bring some kitty toys for you.” Fluttershy gave her kitten a light boop to her nose before taking a long drink of her tea. “The toys in the bedroom will remain in that drawer, so no extra ideas.” When she leant in close, she kissed Adagio’s nose. “I'll be over at eleven a.m. I haven't looked in your fridge yet. Should I avoid that for now?”

“Uuuuuuhm...that's probably for the best, yeah.” Adagio found herself blushing extremely hard from the kiss alone. “I'll restock it in the morning before you get here.”

“Nothing fancy for me. I like salads and simple foods. I'm not vegan though I know there are rumors out there.”

“Good to know, so ah, does this mean we're dating, now?”

The soft, tentative, hesitant nature of the question gave Fluttershy pause for thought. “You're my pet, Jubilee, for now at least. Maybe you'll be a more intimate pet later. For now, I think your cage is safe. I'll see you in the morning.” After she had drank the rest of her tea, she gave her pet a very light kiss to the lips. “Remember to dress when you go shopping. I don't want to have to get you out of the pound.” She giggled, “If you don't already have a spare key for me, please get one tomorrow.”

“I will, while I'm out.” Adagio again blushed very hard. “I only ask because, because I've never actually dated, before, at all. I've had thralls, minions, slaves, but um...not actually a date, like in forever.”

Once her tea was gone, Fluttershy stood up. “Well, now you can add ‘owner’ to your list. Sleep well, my precious Jubilee.” She then walked out of the front door without looking back.

“By the seas and oceans that was hot…” Adagio lifted her cup up to her lips to drink her coffee, then she realised it was cold but she drank it anyway, as it slowly sunk into her head that she was in a relationship with Fluttershy.

And she was totally okay with that.


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Sunday morning occurred like every other morning for Adagio Dazzle. After she woke up on her couch at nine in the morning, she briefly considered just going back to sleep under her blanket. That was though, until she remembered the collar she wore around her neck. ‘Fluttershy…’ she thought with a smile as she sat up and stretched her arms and legs. Once her muscles had stopped popping, she scratched her now neatly cut hair and stood up.

She slouched over to the window and, for once, she threw open the heavy thick curtains. Ignoring the small dust cloud, she squinted as the sunlight entered her house for the first time in days. Now she could see her living room, she saw her dark grey sweatpants and the dark blue hoodie she had left folded on the arm of the other couch the night before after she had finished washing and drying the last of her loads of laundry.

While she got dressed – ‘dressed’ meaning she just hauled on the sweatpants and the hoodie without bothering with underwear and thrust her bare feet into her old white trainers – she ran through her list of things to do. Shopping. Adagio shivered in her living room at the very thought of grocery shopping. Because that meant actually having to go outside and interact with people. Two things she hated.

After that she had to get a key made for Fluttershy. ‘Fluttershy…’ Adagio found herself smiling when she thought of the yellow skinned teen. Very few things in the world made her smile anymore but thinking of Fluttershy definitely did it. In her depressed mind’s eye, she conjured up a picture of the animal caretaker. Tall, slender, deceptively delicate looking, surprisingly dominant, with the sexiest pair of feet Adagio had seen in a long time.

Adagio’s mental picture focused long and hard on Fluttershy’s feet. She had spent time the day before down on her hands and knees, her face down near the floor and getting a good look at those feet. Those perfect, wonderfully pedicured feet. With Fluttershy’s feet in her mind, the ex-siren gathered up her purse, her money – what few notes she had – and, after stuffing them and her keys into the middle pouch pocket of her hoodie, left her house.

As soon as she was outside, Adagio pulled up the hood and pulled it down low in an attempt to hide as much of her face as she could. Not to shield herself from the sun, but rather to hide herself from the glares of the passersby on the sidewalk. It was perhaps more a reflection of her state of mind that not one person cast a glance her way or acknowledged her existence at all, but every one that passed her made her shrink and hide in the depths of her hoodie.

The shopping trip, such as it was, was nothing short of abject torturous misery for Adagio. The storekeeper that ran the local seven eleven convenience store at the end of her street would not stop looking at her no matter where she went in the store. More than once, as she gathered up the things she wanted to buy in a basket, she was tempted to just abandon her shopping trip and run home to cry under her blanket.

However, every time she thought of bolting for the door, an image of Fluttershy and her feet entered her mind and chased away her demons, albeit temporarily. That was enough to – just – allow her to ignore the storekeeper’s muttered comments at the checkout and see her through the grocery shopping. When she had to get the key cut, the experience with the clerk was so bad she was imagining Fluttershy’s feet so much she could practically taste them.

Needless to say, as soon as she was outside again, Adagio all but ran back to her house as fast as she could go. This had the undesired effect of making the people she was trying hard to ignore turn and stare openly at the short fat woman trying to run along the street while not dropping her groceries. After that hellish experience, cleaning out her mouldy fridge was going to be easy.

An hour later, at precisely eleven o’clock, a polite knock at her door made Adagio look up from her ancient black and white TV. She hadn’t really been watching it, more she was using the Muckraker talk show as background noise to pass the time. Getting up, she snapped the dial and silenced the argument between a mother and a daughter who were sleeping with the same guy and after she straightened her hoodie, she answered the door. “ actually came…” When Fluttershy raised a questioning eyebrow at her, Adagio spluttered, “Aah, I mean, it's good to see you, Ma'am!” Blushing, because she hadn’t expected the teen to show up, she stepped aside to let her enter.

As she entered the house, the first thing Fluttershy noticed was the smell. It was a lot fresher and more tolerable than it had been the day before. The second thing, along with the fact that Adagio was wearing her sweatpants and hoodie combo, was the fact that the carpets had been swept and there was no dust anywhere in sight. It was obvious that her pet had been busy. She held up a bag and handed it to Adagio, “For later.”

“Thank you, Ma'am,” Adagio took the bag and, looking inside, she saw the jars of coffee, Darjeeling tea and honey. She took them to the kitchen and placed them in her recently cleaned out cupboard, before she pointed to the fridge. “I got a salad for you...oh, and this,” she handed Fluttershy the spare key she had made for her.

Adding the key to her car key ring, Fluttershy said, “You're a good kitty,” she then treated her pet to an ear skritch with her fingers, just behind her left ear. “Did you get all your shopping done?”

“Aaaaaaah...” Adagio felt her knees go weak when her owner’s fingers worked their magic on her ear. They were almost as wonderful as her feet. “Aah, y-yes Ma'am, I got everything when I got the salad and the key made.”

Smiling a very satisfied smile, Fluttershy walked to the living room and she dropped her backpack next to the couch that she knew Adagio slept on, effectively claiming it. “I think my kitty is overdressed for kitty play.”

“What? Oh, right!” while it hadn’t been an order, hell it wasn’t even a suggestion, Adagio got the message, nonetheless. Without further ado, she pulled off the dark blue hoodie, revealing to her guest that she wore no clothing underneath. Similarly, when she stripped off the sweatpants, she showed off the fact that she wore no underwear. “Better, Ma’am?”

Fluttershy surveyed her pet with an appraising eye. That she had obviously showered and shaved herself everywhere, but her head was very much appreciated by the caretaker. It was a definite improvement. Still smiling, Fluttershy pulled an extendable stick with a feather at the end from her bag. “Very much so, kitty.” Expanding the stick as far as it would go, she moved the feather along the floor.

Again, even though there had not been an order given, Adagio was immediately down on her hands and knees, with her fingers curled up so that her hands were paws, she chased and batted at the dancing feather. While she was chasing the evasive and illusive feather, Adagio unwittingly placed her rear within reach of the couch. Taking the opportunity, Fluttershy reached out with her free hand and gently stroked her back and bottom. The moment Adagio felt Fluttershy’s hand touch her fat ass, she froze. Just for a fraction of a second then, with a purr, she wiggled her vast behind like she was waging a tail. Reaching out, Fluttershy skritched her pet just above the crack in her ass. “You're such a playful kitty, Jubilee.”

‘Oh, I can be playful…’ Adagio thought, especially now she was at eye level with her owner’s feet and said owner was playing with her butt like that. “Meeeeow!” she wiggled her ass backwards to get more contact as she just missed the feather with her paws. Leaning over, Fluttershy then stroked Adagio’s short orange hair as she put the feather stick away and pulled out a soft yellow ball with a bell from her bag. She shook it twice to get her kitty’s attention and then she casually lobbed it a few feet away.

Letting out a delighted “Mrroooow!” Adagio turned and crawled after the yellow ball giving Fluttershy an unobstructed view of her well-padded backside and her pussy. A moment later and she came back with the ball in her mouth, a testament to how clean the floor was now compared to the day before. Thoroughly enjoying the view, Fluttershy couldn’t help but think about filling one hole with a tail. “Bat it around, it has a nice noise.”

“Mew!” Adagio dropped the ball and batted it between her paws. When she heard the tinkling bell, the depressed woman’s face lit up, a testament to how much she was enjoying the game. “Meoooow!” she found, as simple as it was, that she loved making the bell tinkle and she batted it around some more, determined to put on a good show.

While her kitty was playing nicely with the ball, Fluttershy ties a little bell onto the feather and she extended the stick out again, shaking it next to Adagio’s face. “Meow!” Immediately distracted by the new thing, Adagio left the ball alone and turned her attention to the tinkling sound on the feather, batting her paws at it. As she chased after it all over her living room floor, her boobs jiggled, and she was soon covered in a sheen of sweat. After a few minutes of play, Fluttershy put away the stick and patted the couch next to her. Permission given, she sat up on the couch, panting slightly. “Th-That was fun, M-Ma'am…”

Smiling, Fluttershy pulled Adagio’s sweaty head into her lap and she slipped on a pet grooming mitt onto her left hand. “I want my kitty to look pretty, after all.” Gently but firmly, she ran the mitt over Adagio's hair, down her side, over her back and eventually her front. Fluttershy was determined to groom anywhere she could reach in her current position.

‘Oooooooh yeeeeah...’ Adagio purred like the contented kitten she was and thoroughly enjoyed being groomed. She enjoyed the attention so much that she didn’t even flinch when her owner ran the mitt over her pudgy sides. She particularly loved it when she used the mitt to caress her ass.

As she stroked and ‘groomed’ her pet, Fluttershy gauged Adagio's reactions and, emboldened by her pleasured purring, she decided to push it a little. Reaching over her chubby body, she gently moved her mittened hand over her breasts. She was rewarded straightaway by a louder purr. As such, she then moved her hand down between her pet’s legs. Adagio’s eyes went wide when the mitt touched her recently shaved pussy and then, playing along, she lifted up her left leg slightly allowing ease of access. “Mmmmm Ma'aaaaam!”

“You are such a good kitty, Jubilee…” Fluttershy breathed softly, her voice barely audible as she skritched Adagio’s left ear with her free right hand. She then rolled her over so that her kitten’s nose was buried in her crotch so she could brush her other side.

‘Ooooh fuck this is heaven!’ Adagio thought as she inhaled the scent of Fluttershy's crotch through her skirt. She judged, as she emitted a series of soft purring noises, that her owner used strawberry scented shampoo, a lot.

“Oh, my, kitty may need a bath.” Fluttershy giggled when she lifted away her grooming mitt and she noticed it was soaked through with her pet’s juices. Then again, she had been paying a lot of attention to between her legs. “Does kitty like baths?”

“Yes Ma'am, I like baths!” Adagio answered so fast that Fluttershy barely had the chance to finish the question. What she didn't add, was ‘now I've started taking them again’.

“I love to clean my pets. First though I think you need a drink after all that play.” Gently, Fluttershy lifted Adagio’s head from her lap so she could slide out from underneath her and off the couch. “Wait here like a good kitty.” With that, she headed off to the kitchen. While she was making the coffee for Adagio and the honeyed tea for herself, she took advantage of the chance to snoop around and inspect the kitchen cupboards.

On the couch, laid where Fluttershy had left her, Adagio was somewhat surprised at how much she loved being groomed by her owner, how much she loved being called a good kitty and how much it was lifting her mood. Of course, in addition to Fluttershy’s feet, she now had the added benefit of the strawberry scent to add to her fantasy.

Much to Fluttershy’s delight, Adagio’s little kitchen was a lot cleaner than it had been the day before. In truth she had been scared to open the fridge but, as soon as she looked inside, she could see it was sparkling clean and stocked with salad stuffs and bottles of fresh milk. She called out, “What does my kitty like in her coffee?”

“May I have just milk please, Ms. Fluttershy?”

“You may, pet.” Once she had the drinks made, Fluttershy returned to the living room with a milky coffee for Adagio and a honey tea for herself which she set down on the coffee table. Then, she sat down next to Adagio so that her upper arm was purposefully pressed against the ex-siren’s right breast. “You may drink, Jubilee. How was your shopping?”

Blushing, Adagio nudged her breast a little closer to Fluttershy's arm. “Thank you, Ma'am,” when she lifted up her mug, she made sure her breast further brushed that beautiful upper arm. “It was tolerable. I don't enjoy going outside but I just pulled up my hood and got on with it.”

“Was it the collar?”

“No, not at all.” Adagio noted the level of concern in Fluttershy’s voice and found a degree of comfort in it. “More like the person wearing it. I always have my hood up when I have to go out.”

When Fluttershy reached for her tea, she purposefully moved it a good bit along the breast, knowing full well the effect she was having. “I think I have a very beautiful kitty for my pet.”

“Oooh y-you think so, Ms. Fluttershy?” Adagio sighed and sipped her coffee, “It's just easier going out with my hood up, is all.”

“It’s a shame to hide your new hairstyle,” Fluttershy stated, “Something I can work on later, if you don't mind.”

Adagio let out a deep crestfallen sigh. “Are you going to stop all the people staring, judging and hating me everywhere I go?”

Fluttershy shook her head, “I'm going to teach you to not care what they may think about you.”

“Aria said that, many times,” Adagio murmured, concentrating on the steam rising from her coffee, “But it wasn't her they were pointing at and whispering about.”

Smiling, Fluttershy pointed her index finger of her left hand at Adagio and she actually poked her nipple, then she leant in and whispered in her ear. “You're a pretty kitty, and you're mine.”

“MmmMMMMM!” Adagio moaned softly and her nipples got hard in response to the poke from her owner, “Th-thank you, Fluttershy.”

Lightly, Fluttershy bopped Adagio's nose. “Don't be a bad kitty for me.”

“Oh,” too late, Adagio realised her error. “I mean thank you, Ms. Fluttershy and um, I won't be a bad kitty, I promise.”

Brightly, Fluttershy giggled, “We'll see about that. Sometimes pets are just naughty.” She then drank the rest of her honey tea and waited for Adagio to finish her coffee.

Adagio drank her milky coffee a lot slower than Fluttershy drank her tea and she set her empty mug down neatly on the coffee table. “Thank you, Ma’am, for the coffee.”

Affectionately, Fluttershy treated Adagio to a skritch behind both of her ears. “Good kitties should be rewarded.” She thoroughly enjoyed the way her kitten squeezed her thick legs together, no doubt to hide the fact that she was getting aroused by what she was doing. Once she finished, she said, “Time for kitty's bath,” she stood up and picked up her backpack. “Come along, my pet.”

“Yes Ma'am,” Adagio slipped from the couch and, on her hands and knees, she crawled behind Fluttershy as she walked up the stairs and down the hall to the bathroom at the end.

The white bathtub was empty and, for the sake of a few tidemarks around the top, it was relatively clean. “Get in and face this way,” Fluttershy ordered and pointed to the tub, away from the spigot.

When Adagio got in the tub as Fluttershy requested of her and sat down, she looked at the bottom and down at her scarred arms. Scars that she herself had inflicted. Doubt and fear suddenly flooded her mind, and it made her curl up in the tub. “Ma'am?” she asked in a small voice, “Can I ask you something?”

Over at the closed toilet seat, Fluttershy paused with a hand in her backpack. The scared tone of her voice sent chills up her spine. “You may speak freely, Adagio. If this isn't comfortable for you, then it isn't comfortable for me.”

“It's not 'this',” she gestured to her, to Fluttershy and to the bathroom as a whole, “It's...them. If you don't mind, could you please not tell your friends that you're seeing me, or that I'm your pet?”

Adagio’s request was met with an affectionate ear skritch, “I have no plans on telling them now. I will try to let you know when I do plan on telling them.” She rubbed her nose to Adagio’s and gave her a reassuring smile, “A lot of that is how much I want to keep you as a pet.”

“I'm really liking being your pet, Fluttershy, a lot more than I thought I might, if I'm honest. It's just...well, I'm...scared, of them.”

Understandingly, Fluttershy nodded thoughtfully. “They can be scary at times. Pinkie Pie often scares me.” That said, she pulled a pooper scooper out of her backpack. “If you need to use the litter box, now is a good time.”

Adagio thought hard. “Pinkie Pie…that's the pink one, right? The one who makes Sonata seem subdued? Yeah, she's scary alright,” she actually managed a little giggle, which ended as her guts clenched and rumbled. “Actually, now you mention it, I do need to go as it happens.”

“The pink one, yes,” Fluttershy giggled, “Pinkie can be a bit…” she waved the scooper in the air as she chose her words carefully, “Much at times. You've been a very good kitty for not doing your business on the floor or the furniture.”

“Thank you, Ma'am,” Adagio blushed hard, why did it feel so good to be complimented on not peeing on her furniture? “It's the blue one with the crazy hair and the southern girl. They scare me,” she said as she moved up to her knees like she was getting out of the tub.

Fluttershy was on hand though to skritch her kitten’s ear when she saw her move. “Stay in your litter box. Blue girl would be Rainbow Dash. She is very protective of her friends and extra protective of me. The 'southern' girl is Applejack and unfortunately, she is very much like Rainbow Dash.”

As Adagio duly remained in the tub, her deep blush intensified horribly to the point where she thought she might spontaneously burst into flames. As much as she didn’t want to ‘go’ in the tub, she really did need to go! She tried to distract her bowels and her bladder. “They both look like they could put me on my fat ass,” she said, just as her belly let out a loud gurgle and, before she could do anything else, she her body acted on her behalf and she urinated and defecated in the tub.

While Adagio did her business right there before her, Fluttershy made sure to keep up the ear skritches until she was completely finished. When she was sure that no more waste was coming out, she gently moved her forward half a step. That done, she used the scoop for the waste and dumped it in the toilet where it belonged. Next, she used some liquid soap on her other hand and hand cleaned the scooper in the sink and then she cleaned the sink too. Finally, Fluttershy turned the shower on low so she could hand clean the tub and her kitten's dirty backside. All the time she kept telling her over and over, “You're such a good kitty. Good kitties know where to go. I don't know if my kitty is quite flexible enough to clean herself, so I'll do it for you.”

If Adagio’s blush was intense before, it was virtually incandescent now. She didn’t even process the fact that Fluttershy seemingly had no issues whatsoever with bodily waste. “Not even when I was thin, Ma'am,” she then giggled in order to try and cover her blush. “You aren't squeamish, are you?”

Smiling warmly at her pet, Fluttershy rolled her eyes. “I deal with a lot of pets, and some have more issues than others. Not much makes me squeamish. There are things that will make me afraid though. Usually unknown surprises, or new people.” Once Adagio was completely clean of her mess, Fluttershy started to fill the tub. She removed her clothes and folded them neatly on top of the closed toilet seat next to her bag. “Now to get you completely clean.”

“Wow...” Adagio stared at Fluttershy for a long hard moment admiring the view of her naked body. It was every bit as perfect as she had imagined it would be. There was meat on her bones for sure, but she wasn’t fat and pudgy like she was. Curvy, was the word. Classically so. “Now, you are beautiful, Ma'am,” she smiled, “What scares me the most is getting blasted by your magic again.”

“Yes,” Fluttershy agreed, “I can imagine that would be scary. I don't think my kitten would do something to earn that, right?” she asked and, before Adagio could answer her, she turned away and stays straight legged as she bent at the waist and rummaged in the backpack for the shampoo, loofah, sponges, and wash cloths.

“No Ma'am!” Adagio answered quickly, for she was determined to do anything to not feel the burn of that magic ever again. Despite that though, she was soon gaping open mouthed at Fluttershy's shapely behind.

Feeling Adagio’s eyes upon her, Fluttershy looked between her legs and sure enough, she saw that she was being admired. That admittedly made her feel very sexy indeed, the fact that someone outside her group of friends was looking at her like that. “Does kitty like what she sees?”

Adagio nodded her head so vigorously she nearly gave herself whiplash. “Kitty loves what she sees, Ma'am.”

Smirking, Fluttershy stood up and turned around. “Please sit up in the tub,” when she walked over to the tub with her supplies in hand, Fluttershy’s steps were so light it was like she was walking on air, she felt that good. She felt like she could fly and she hadn’t even ponied up. When she was behind Adagio, she started washing her hair. From there she did a thorough job of washing her kitten like she would any other pet. Firm, yet gentle. “Does kitty want to wash her owner?” she asked when she was done.

“I would, very much, Ma'am!” When Fluttershy turned over all the cleaning supplies and sat in the bath with her, Adagio was sure it was her birthday. She slipped on the grooming mitts and made a start where she had been fantasizing all along, at her marvelously pedicured feet. Though Fluttershy said nothing and tried her best to not show how aroused she was at being cleaned, she watched, curious to see what her pet would do.

Adagio spent a long, long time at Fluttershy’s feet. First, she held them and nuzzled both soles. She felt every crease and wrinkle against her cheek and committed the sensation to her memory. Feeling quite brave, she even kissed the balls of Fluttershy’s feet and licked across the undersides of her toes.

Fluttershy had not been expecting that, at all, but now she was being treated to it, she quickly found she loved having her feet worshipped like that. “I'm not sure if my kitty is ready yet to give me a tongue only bath. I do think I'll focus some training that way.”

Caught with her hand in the cookie jar, Adagio blushed really hard. “I'm sorry Ms. Fluttershy, it's they're really sexy feet!” simply nodding her head, Fluttershy said nothing and allowed her to continue. Continue she did. Living her fantasy, Adagio used the mitts and soap to delicately clean her owner everywhere else, but she kept returning to worship her feet in between each other body part, almost as if she was scared, she’d forget what they felt, looked and tasted like.

Fluttershy ended the bath as soon as Adagio was done with her hair. Not that she wanted to, but the bath water was getting very cold at that point thanks to how long Adagio took with her feet. Again, she wasn’t complaining much. As the water was draining out, Adagio knelt in the tub. “Thank you, for letting me clean you, Ma'am.”

Fluttershy stepped out of the tub, treated her pet to an affectionate skritch of her ears and pulled out two fluffy towels from her backpack. While they were busy drying each other though, Aria let herself into the living room, announcing her presence by being noisy with the door. “Adagio!” she hollered, seeing her older sister not there.

“She's in the bathroom!” Fluttershy called back, her soft voice carrying down the stairs surprisingly well.

As she realised that Aria was coming up the stairs – she could hear her heavy boots stomping up the stairs and along the hall – and she would see her like that, Adagio’s blush returned in full force. At the open bathroom door, Aria leant against the frame and surveyed the scene. “At least I didn't have to drag you into the bath this time, Dagi.” Then she saw that Fluttershy was in the bath as well, armed with a damp towel. “Hey Fluttershy, uh…why are you naked?”

“It is impossible to wash a pet without getting wet and messy.” Fluttershy stated like she was teaching Pet 101 at a school.

“Pet,” Aria’s brow furrowed, “So she got one?”

“No,” Fluttershy corrected her, “I got one.”

At her sister’s confused and questioning look, Adagio decided to step in before that legendary temper showed itself. “Aria, I'm Ms. Fluttershy's pet. I'm her kitty, right Ma'am?”

It was then that Aria noticed the yellow collar buckled around Adagio’s neck and she saw the skritches that Fluttershy was expertly delivering to her sister’s ears. The literal purrs that came from the ‘kitty’s’ lips was unmistakable. “What?” Aria asked bluntly.

“She is my adorable kitten,” Fluttershy gently skritched under her pet’s chin, “Isn’t that right, Jubilee?”

“That's right, Ma'am!” Adagio lifted up her chin and purred long and loud in response to the attention she was getting. “I'm a pretty kitty. Mew!”

Aria Blaze rolled her eyes. She recognised the name ‘Jubilee’. It was what her older sister had called her stuffed toy she had owned when she had been young back in Equestria. Given how much she had loved that thing, it was no surprise she had used the name here. “Did you clean the place for her, then?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “I just helped her with two rooms. I told her I'd be back today, and she did the rest herself. My kitty is a motivated kitty.” She stroked her pet’s head to show how proud of her she was.

“I did. I finished off the kitchen and the downstairs earlier.” Adagio then closed her eyes and leant into the heavy petting.

“Whatever,” Aria huffed.

“Would you like a coffee?” offered Fluttershy.

“Um, ah sure, is there milk?” Aria asked, and then clarified, “I mean drinkable non-gone off milk?”

“Yes Ari, there is milk,” Adagio rolled her eyes at her sister, though she could understand why she asked what she asked. “I went shopping after I cleaned.” She then nuzzled at Fluttershy’s hand and even licked her fingers. “May I make you and our guest drinks, Ma'am?”

“You may and one for yourself, Jubilee.”

Aria watched dumbfounded as Adagio crawled past her out of the bathroom and into the hall. She watched her sister put some extra ass wiggle in her step. Then, she realised after a long quiet moment that she was alone with Fluttershy. “What the fuck's going on here? I sent her to you to get a pet, so she'd have a reason to exist.”

“Now she does,” Fluttershy shrugged her shoulders and started to put away her cleaning supplies, “As a pet. Are you afraid I'll turn her against you?”

“I... you...” Aria let out a long, deep sigh. When the caretaker had called her the night before and told her to come meet her at Adagio’s place, she hadn’t expected to see what she just saw. “Not you. I sent her to you so it wouldn't get out just how bad off we are. I just...I didn't think you had this in you.”

“She is still rather skittish, so I'm keeping this low key.” Fluttershy took note of the look of relief on Aria’s face when she said that. “I can't forever, but for now I will. Are you going to tell your sister about this?”

Aria snorted out a laugh, “What, Sonata? No way, she’s worse than that pink one in your group.”

Giggling, Fluttershy got herself dressed back in her skirt and tee shirt once she had the cleaning things, she got out put back in her backpack. “She should have our drinks ready by now.” When they got downstairs, they discovered that Adagio had been busy down in the kitchen. She had honey tea for Fluttershy, milky coffee for herself and a not so milky coffee for Aria ready on the coffee table as well as some chocolate finger biscuits on a plate and everything was presented neatly on a tray.

Stomping her way into the living room, Aria immediately claimed the wingback armchair as her perch while Fluttershy sat on the couch she had groomed Adagio on earlier in the day. “I wasn't expecting you today sis,” Adagio opened the conversation as she sat on the couch next to her owner, “Is everything alright?”

Aria snorted through her nose, “What aah…your, um, owner didn't tell you I was coming over?”

Fluttershy wore a serene look on her face. “Kitty needs to know what she needs to know.”

“No, I didn't know,” said Adagio as she watched her sister help herself to three of the chocolate finger biscuits, “But I'm not about to hide and cover up. You've seen me naked before, Ari.”

Taking a couple of the biscuits herself, Fluttershy giggled, “Kitties don't wear clothing in the house, Aria.” Then, she shrugged, “I'm a nudist, it’s nice to be free.”

“You invited me here, Fluttershy. Why didn't you tell her?”

“Kitty needs to know what kitty 'needs' to know.” Fluttershy repeated serenely. Although, if she was honest, her mellow attitude of late may have a lot to do with her new friendship with Tree Hugger.


“Don't be thick, Ari,” Adagio earned herself a glare from her sister for that. She couldn’t very much do anything more because she had a mouthful of biscuits, “Ms. Fluttershy is testing my limits, judging our reactions, assessing where she can take this, and seeing where my head's at.” She sighed deeply and took a long drink of her coffee to gather her thoughts. “Right now, I dunno. Shopping was bearable. I enjoyed cleaning. I don't feel like offing myself. Not today, anyway.”

“I do have a large cage at home, should it be necessary,” Fluttershy giggled, but she left it hanging in the air so the other two weren’t quite sure if that was a genuine threat or not.

“Good enough then,” Aria conceded as she made a dent in the level of her coffee. “Sonata would lose it if you did. I'd be pissed enough to dig you back up to kill you again.”

Adagio shivered, because the look her sister gave her when she said that told her she was being deadly serious. “Mmm, now that I believe. All I can say, Ari, is that this morning I woke up and for once I didn't hate myself and loathe my existence.” The moment she said that, Fluttershy deftly administered ear skritches to her deserving pet. “Oooooh…” Adagio moaned and her eyes rolled in her head and her tongue lolled out of her mouth.

“Fine,” Aria said as she finished her coffee and, standing up, she stuffed several more biscuits into the pockets of her sleeveless jacket. “I'll drop by now and again. I'll keep quiet about all this too. Sonata doesn't need to know more than you're doing fine.”

“Thank you, sis,” Adagio smiled and, before she went, she pulled her into a tight hug. “And Aria, thank you for dragging me out of this place yesterday.”

“What sisters do, right?” she huffed, though she did return the hug, albeit reluctantly before she took her leave. It was evidence she left in a good mood because she didn’t slam the door behind her.

Once they were alone, Fluttershy leaned back on the couch and let out a breath she hadn’t realised she was holding in. She also realised she was hungry. “Would my kitty like a snack?” When Adagio nodded her head, she got up and skipped her way to the kitchen. She came back with the two store bought prepared salads she had seen in there earlier. “Did my kitty like her sister's visit?”

Adagio didn’t answer her straightaway. She looked down at her chunky salad of cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, peppery mint leaves and black olive sauce like it might hold the answer to life, the universe and everything. It didn’t. Besides everyone knew that was forty two. “It was unexpected,” she said eventually, “But it was a nice visit. I mean, yesterday was unexpected, too.”

“Even though I knew she was coming over and I didn't tell you?”

“Yeah, I'm not mad at that,” Adagio assured Fluttershy before she took a bite of the salad. It wasn’t something she usually bought, but it had been at the front of the salad aisle in the seven eleven, so that was it. “Being angry takes effort, effort I'm not prepared to give, and besides, Aria would be round at some point to check up on me, so that's out the way.”

“A good attitude to have,” Fluttershy considered as she too chewed a mouthful of her salad, “But is there something I could do that might make you angry?”

Swallowing a chunky piece of cucumber, Adagio chuckled, “Bringing your friends round unannounced would do it, I guess, but you mean in terms of the pet stuff, right?”

“No, that is next. What would make you uncomfortable being my kitten, and what would excite you?”

“Well,” Adagio speared a cherry tomato and an olive and thought about that, “I don't really have much in the way of inhibitions. I've been around a long, long time. In a thousand years you experiment, y'know?” she swallowed and scooped up a cucumber, “I really like feet, you might have noticed. Earlier was the first time I've ever taken a dump in front of anyone, but what we did was okay. I can do that. Public stuff...I'm cool with a leash, or anything else you want to try. I really enjoyed the pet play. I'd like to explore that more with you.”

“Tactile, you're very tactile.” Fluttershy said after she had swallowed her latest mouthful, “You love being touched and you touch in return. I only brought some lite kitty play toys today, but I do have some things others might call 'hard core'. Of course, I have a wide variety of pet gear. Applejack…” she giggled, “The southern sounding girl buys some things from me.”

“What kind of hardcore things?” Adagio asked, her interest piqued, “You can tell me, I promise won’t be shocked.” She then sighed, “When I could sing, a little touch here or there could really enhance the performance. When we sang, all I had to do was deliver a little touch here and there, and they were eating out of my hand.”

Fluttershy remembered the performance the sirens had put on back in the cafeteria and she knew exactly what Adagio meat. “Sing for me,” she said as she set aside her empty salad container on the coffee table. “Kitties do sing.”


Pulling Adagio down on the couch so that she was laid with her head on her lap, Fluttershy gently but firmly patted her pet’s head. “That wasn't a request.”

“But...but I sound awful, you know I do...” Adagio gave up her protests, half hearted though they were and gave one very, very deep sigh. Taking a deep breath to gather herself, she started to sing a song she had come to enjoy. It was called “Come a Little Bit Closer". As she sang, she was painfully aware that she sounded like a bag of rusty nails being dragged down a chalkboard.

When she finished her rendition, Fluttershy smiled and stroked her pet’s hair. “You must have never heard a cat sing before.”

“I have not. I hate my voice,” Adagio pouted miserably, “It's hideous…”

“When we’re at the animal shelter next,” Fluttershy giggled, “I'll have Pickles sing for you. In the world I live in, hideousness is just beauty that someone else missed.”

“You remember what I sounded like before,” Adagio’s pout deepened to the point of melancholy, “This now, it barely qualifies as noise.”

Tenderly, Fluttershy petted Adagio’s throat. “Maybe if you relied on the you now, and not the magic you had.” Looking at her though, the animal caretaker saw the signs of a depression sprinting Adagio’s way and she decided to distract her before the downer could take hold of her. “You know, kitty paws are like mittens with no thumb.”

“Maybe…huh?” she lifted her head up to look at Fluttershy above her. The comment came so much from left field that her descent was stopped in its tracks when she was forced to think about kitty paws. “I'd very much like to wear those for you, y'know, take the play a bit further.”

Smirking in self congratulation, Fluttershy stopped petting Adagio’s hair and allowed her had to wander down her side and caress her ass cheeks. When Adagio moaned, she deftly moved two fingers between the crack of her ass and used one finger to teasingly circle the puckered ring of her anus and then the fingertip patted the closed hole. “Kitty tails can be quite filling.”

“Oooooh y-yeah...” Adagio moaned not quite under her breath and she pushed her ass back just a teeny bit in order to feel more of that finger. “You know I’ve got a butt plug upstairs, Flutter...I mean, Ma'am.”

“I think I saw one in the drawer you can't open.”

“Hmhmmm, so you know I've had stuff up there before.” Adagio giggled, “I'm sure you can get an orange tail.”

“I have a variety of tails for a variety of animals that people want to play.” Fluttershy smiled sweetly as she fondled and groped Adagio’s vast behind. “As for other stuff in that hole, I'll keep it in mind when the time comes.”

“ said the southern girl gets stuff from you. Is she your pet too?”

“Are you aware what curiosity did to the cat?”


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‘What in the world am I doing?’ wondered Fluttershy, not for the first time or even the second or third times, as she parked her pink Volkswagen beetle in the parking lot of the Burger Joint. Ordinarily, she wouldn’t be seen dead in a place like that in a million years. Getting out of her car she checked the lock twice to make sure her door was secure. When she saw that almost all the other vehicles in the lot had at least one headlight smashed and dents in the body work, she checked her door a third time.

‘Oh dear…’ it was then that she realised there were no working street lights or security cameras nearby either. And it was starting to get dark. Well, dusk, but that was plenty dark enough. ‘Why does she have to finish at seven?’ Fluttershy hadn’t taken more than one step when the sound of a fox in the bins made her jump out of her skin.

Composing herself, she smoothed her white tee shirt down and checked the inside pocket of her pink jacket. When she felt the can of mace, she breathed easier and thanked the lord that she thought to bring it with her. This was not an area of Canterville suburbs she frequented, at all.

Squaring her shoulders, she marched up to the diner and once there, her nerve almost faltered again. A few of the wooden slats that made up the façade were missing, two of the windows were smashed and boarded up and the U and E of Burger Joint were missing altogether. When she saw the flashing neon sign of a head smoking a burger like it was a joint, Fluttershy realised how the place earned its name.

Coinky Dink World, it was most definitely not.

‘I can do this…’ she told herself as she stood at the door with her hand on the handle. ‘I can do this…’ she had to tell herself that three more times though before she had the nerve to actually open the door and step inside. Inside it was no better. It looked to Fluttershy like it hadn’t been decorated in forever. Stains dotted the walls, chairs had holes in their upholstery. She was amazed there wasn’t sawdust on the floor.

However, unsavory the place was, she was focused on the serving counter. Specifically, she was focused on the woman behind it. Adagio Dazzle was stood in her faded and stained blue uniform taking an order from three grungy youths, the like of which Fluttershy had never seen before. Her pet looked dead on her feet as she watched her slouch off to get the fries, burgers and drinks to make up the order.

Taking a deep breath, Fluttershy blocked out the smell and, when the youths departed with their order, she put on her dragon slayer face and marched with purpose and resolve up to the counter. Thankfully there was no line she had to wait in. She stepped up and noticed, with a degree of sympathy, that even though Adagio looked at her, she wasn’t seeing her. “Is your beef GMO free?” she asked after perusing the worn old menu for a moment.

At the sound of that unmistakable voice, Adagio blinked once then twice and finally her hollow deadened eyes recognised her. “Fluttershy!?” she hissed, “What the hell are you doing here?”

Staring at her pet, Fluttershy raised an eyebrow in the most Applejack way it was possible for her to do. “I'm here to get something to eat.”

Internally, Adagio facepalmed, hard. Why else would she be there? “Oh...right,” she blushed, as the diner was one of the very last places she ever wanted Fluttershy to see. “Um...GMO free?” she repeated the question, “I'm not a hundred percent convinced it's beef, let alone GMO free…”

“Well then,” Fluttershy countered, not to be dissuaded now she was actually in the place, “Do you fry the fish in separate oil from the fries?”

Adagio was about to respond with another dollop of sarcasm, but then she noticed her boss was looking at her. Jeez she hated him with a passion. Vastly overweight, the guy was like three massive sausages stuffed into a much too small blue uniform that was literally made of stains. Still, he paid her wages. “Yes Ma'am,” she forced herself to be professional, “I do.”

“I'll have a fish sandwich with cheese, medium fries, and vanilla shake then, please.”

“Yes Ma'am. If you take a seat, I'll bring it over for you when it’s ready.” As soon as Fluttershy paid and received her change, Adagio ignored the glare of her boss and got to work making up Fluttershy’s order. At least she only had thirty minutes to go till her shift was done. Fifteen minutes later and the ex-siren bought her order over to where Fluttershy was sat, at a booth seat far away from anyone else there. “Here's your order, Ma'am.”

“Thank you,” Fluttershy treated the obviously exhausted looking woman a warm smile.

“How did you find this place anyway? I never told you where it was.”

After surveying her meal, such as it was, Fluttershy carefully selected and unleashed eye roll number five for the minor infraction. “You do have sisters, you know.”

“Damn them...” Adagio muttered darkly and she sighed before slumping down into the seat as the other shift workers started to do the end of day cleaning up stuff. Nobody bothered that she was sat down not doing her bit, not that she gave a damn either way. “Well, Ma'am, now you've seen it. Enjoy.”

“Actually, I saw your uniform when I was looking in your closet.” Fluttershy confessed with a giggle, “A quick look online showed there was only one diner called the Burger Joint in the city.”

“Oh, I see,” Adagio held her chin on palm of her hand, “Yeah, only one Burger Joint…” she muttered not quite under her breath, “One too many.”

“Why are you here then?” asked Fluttershy after she had taken a bite of her fish sandwich. While it wasn’t by any means revolting, it wasn’t something she’d bother to leave a review about, either.

Hearing that, Adagio levelled a hollowed deadened stare at Fluttershy. “Electricity isn't free you know. Neither is the water or the gas or the food.” She then let out a deep sigh, “I'm sorry, Flutter...Ms. Fluttershy, but bills don't pay themselves and without my magic, I have no other way to keep that shitty roof I call a house over my head.”

“This isn't the only fast food place in this part of town.” If Fluttershy was bothered by the look she was given, she gave no sign of it. She just pointed out what she knew to be true. “There's a diner just down the street,” she shrugged, “About the same kind of ambiance as this place though.”

Adagio’s deadpan expression remained firmly on her face. “It was either burger flipper or prostitute, and there are thinner and better looking hookers than me.” She then shrugged her shoulders like Fluttershy had just done. Of course, she was aware of the other place down the road. But that bought its own issues, as she explained, “This place was the only place around here that didn't ask any questions or want ID stuff.”

Thoughtfully, Fluttershy tapped her chin with her index finger, “I hadn't thought of that. I guess ‘inter-dimensional villain’ isn't much of a job resume.” She leant in close and smiled, “Makes for a cute kitten, though.”

Adagio blushed hard and, when she heard the word ‘villain’, she bristled, her deadpan look giving way to frustrated anger. “Villain?” she hissed loudly, “Villain! Everyone assumes that we...I, were villains! We were sirens. We were doing what it was in our nature to do, like the fox that hunts the chicken. Is he a villain?”

“If it’s from my chicken coop, then yes.” Fluttershy answered after a moment’s thought as she ate the rest of her fish sandwich, “Villains are lazy.” Then, she got curious and had to stop herself from giggling because she was doing a very Twilight thing right then. “Was the way you 'fed' the only way, or the lazy way?”

“Yes and no,” Adagio replied. “Regular food can and does feed the body, but absorbing magical energy is the only way for a siren to properly feed. Our gems turned negative energy into sustenance that doesn't just feed us bodily, it nourishes the soul.”

“I don't know as much as I thought I did, then.” Fluttershy said as she made a start on her fries, “I don't mind the fox his meal as long as it is in the wild where they live. I guess, to you, all of us were living in the wild.”

Adagio’s deadpan, morose tone returned in full force. “All of you would have been tended to and cared for like a farmer cares for his cattle.” When she spoke, she wasn’t really looking at Fluttershy, instead she was focused on something she couldn’t see, her voice monotone. “We'd done it before for centuries, but that was like living on dregs. When we sensed the Equestrian magic here, it was like having a four course meal placed in front of us.”

Suddenly curious, Fluttershy played with the geode that hung around her neck. “What does this feel like to you?”

“May I touch it?”

In answer to that, Fluttershy simply took it off and handed it over the table and placed it in Adagio’s open palm. “Sure.”

While Fluttershy slurped at her vanilla shake – and watched Adagio like a hawk – the ex-siren held the unremarkable looking white stone in her hands, she weighed it from one palm to the other, she sniffed it and she even licked it. Presently she was satisfied. “It literally reeks of home. It's not Equestrian by design, but it tastes of Equestrian magic. Natural, old style magic. Not the sort of magic ponies use. If you held a gun to my head, I'd say it was centaur in origin.”

“Like the Greek mythology?”

“Yes,” Adagio waved her hand lazily in the air, she knew the humans had myths about creatures that were commonplace back home, but surely they couldn’t be one and the same, could they? “Something like that. I don't know how this ended up here, but it's got powerful magic in it, alright.”

Delicately, Fluttershy took the geode back and placed it safely back around her neck. “I know, I can use it.”

“It lets you talk to the animals, right?” asked Adagio, who didn’t need to see Fluttershy nod to know the answer. She wasn’t a genius, but it didn’t take one to work it out. “Before you ask, all magic leaves traces. Unicorn magic, pegasus magic and so on feels different to each other. That's Equestrian, but it feels different to equine magic I remember.”

“Um, well I know two unicorns, but I guess this is pegasus magic in this geode?”

“Maybe,” Adagio shrugged. Maybe it was pegasus magic, maybe it wasn’t. Maybe it was centaur, maybe it was equine, maybe she was entirely wrong, and her assessment wasn’t worth shit. She really did not know and nor did she particularly care. “You ready to get out of here or what?”

Quickly, Fluttershy finished the remnants of her fries and she took her vanilla milk shake to go. In truth she was very, very eager to get out of this dive and not ever come back. “Is it okay if I drive you home?”

Another shrug of her shoulders and Adagio got up from the booth seat. Like Fluttershy, she was more than ready to get out and go home. “Sure, though I apologize in advance for stinking up your car.”

Fluttershy didn’t know what Adagio meant until they were outside in the fresh air. Then, she realised that she stank to high heaven of grease, fries and burgers. In the little pink beetle, the smell was considerably worse. Even winding down a window didn’t help. Much. “Not as bad as Flower when she was scared by a really loud horn,” Fluttershy grinned, although Flower was a skunk.

“Thank you, Ma'am,” Adagio started the conversation when the car started off, “For the surprise. It really was good to see you.”

The conversation was light and flowing and after a short drive, they pulled up outside Adagio’s house. Fluttershy got out first and then she let Adagio out, though she didn’t use a leash on her collar this time. “Is my kitty too tired to play?” she asked when she saw her try and fail to hide a yawn.

“No, Ms. Fluttershy!” Adagio answered quickly on the dark sidewalk beside the adorably pink beetle. After the extremely dull and mediocre yesterday – Monday always sucked donkey ass though, Adagio was sure it was a universal rule – and the incredibly dull day she had just endured, she was ready to be a kitten again. “I'd really, really like to play!”

Reaching into her car, Fluttershy grabbed her backpack from the back seat and hefted it onto her shoulder. “I'd really, really like to play too!” she giggled and walked around her car so she could give her a skritch of the ears, “With my lovely kitty, Jubilee.”

“Hmmmmmm!” thanks to being really in the mood to play, Adagio was in the process of unbuttoning her blue uniform top on the way to the door. She wasn’t even waiting to get inside.

Giving Adagio an approving smile, Fluttershy walked ahead of her kitten and used her key to open the door. “Welcome home, my pretty kitty.” She then flicked on the room light and drew the curtains closed. Her kitten was for her to see, not anyone else. Not yet, at any rate.

“Thank you, Ma'am,” as soon as she was inside her house and standing in her living room, Adagio wasted no time at all in stripping all the way down to her skin. She hurriedly removed her unbuttoned top and all but threw it to the floor. Next she unhooked her skirt and allowed it to fall around her ankles. Last to be removed were her comfortable flat shoes. Again, she wasn’t wearing any underwear.

When Fluttershy saw that her beautiful pet was standin in just her yellow collar, she ran her finger appreciatively around it until she touched the buckle at the back. “My pretty Jubilee has excellent fashion sense! I don't think Rarity could have done better,” she placed a tender kiss on the bridge of her nose and then she sat on the couch but, instead of patting the seat beside her, she tapped her foot on the floor between the couch and coffee table.

That was all it took for Adagio to literally glow with the praise she received and without further ado she was straight down on her hands and knees where she stood. Then, she crawled over and nuzzled Fluttershy's legs before kneeling up between them. “Meow!” She watched as Fluttershy opened up her bag and pulled out a pair of kitty mitts, the fur of which matched her skin colour, but the pads were pink. Adagio could see that they were designed so that only the very tips of the fingers could extend from the mitten like paw, and there was no thumb. “Ma'am...those are beautiful!”

When Adagio obediently held out her hands, without having to be told, Fluttershy placed them over her hands and fastened them securely around her wrists. Then, she affectionately petted her kitten’s head. “Don't claw the furniture.”

“No Ma’am,” Adagio saw that there were no claws with the mitts, so she playfully stroked her owner’s legs instead. Next out of the bag was a pair of kitten style socks. The cotton fabric was the color of Adagio's skin and, like the mitts, the pads were also pink. Before she had to be ordered to, Adagio rolled onto her back and lifted up her feet to aid with the putting on of the socks.

As she slipped the socks over Adagio’s feet and secured them just above her ankles, Fluttershy took a good hard look at what was being presented to her. She liked what she saw, particularly the chubby pudgy belly and her pussy’s pussy. “I would ask that you have me remove the socks before you use the litter box,” she giggled, “Saves on laundry.”

On her back, Adagio had seen the look that her owner had just given her, so she made sure to keep her legs spread so that everything was on show, belly and all. “I understand, Ma'am.”

As a reward for her good behavior, Fluttershy treated her kitten to tummy rubs. Hard and firm tummy rubs that jiggled all her belly up and down. “Is there anything else that might make my pretty kitty feel even more beautiful?”

“If I could have a tail, Ms. Fluttershy,” Adagio said in between loud and pleasured purrs, “I would be a pretty kitty.”

“Oh,” Fluttershy beamed out a wide smile down at her kitten, “Will a tail be enough, or maybe you’d like something more?” to encourage her pet to give the ‘right’ answer, she gave her right handed ear skritches along with the belly rubs.

“I...I...ooooooh!” Adagio gave up her attempt to speak and simply moaned happily as her chubby belly was rubbed like Fluttershy was rubbing it. She had been self-conscious ever since her weight gain, but right then, she wasn’t thinking about that at all. “Something more!” she panted, “Any...hhhmmmm anything Ma'am!”

“Silly kitty,” Fluttershy smiled and she pulled out a kitty ear band that again matched Adagio's skin tone. She placed the ears on her pet’s head, and she had to stifle a loud giggle, because it looked like she had ‘kittened up’. “They go well with your current hairstyle, Jubilee. The look suits you.”

Adagio stared up at her cracked ceiling, her chest heaving. “I never knew belly rubs felt that good,” she added quickly, “Ma'am.”

“Are you sure about a tail?”

Still on her back, Adagio nodded fervently before she rolled over to her hands and knees and, lowering her head to the floor, she presented her wide ass, which she wiggled for good measure, “Yes Ma'am.”

Fluttershy wished she had a camera so she could take a picture of her pet’s wiggling behind to enjoy later when she was in bed. Instead, with that thought in her head, she pulled a tube of lube from her bag. “Really sure, Jubilee?”

“Yes Ma'am!”

“On your back.”

“Meeeeew!” Adagio meowed and rolled back over onto her back, legs once again held apart to display herself for her owner.

Getting down on her knees, Fluttershy took hold of Adagio’s right leg just above her ankle and she lifted it up high until her ass was in clear view, almost like she was a baby about to get a nappy change. It was then that Adagio realised her owner was a lot stronger than her delicate looks would suggest. Taking aim, the teen squirted a generous amount of lube directly onto her pet’s anus and then she used her index finger to make sure it was well lubricated inside. Pulling the tail from her bag, Fluttershy rubbed the plug in the lube still outside and slid it home. Adagio’s eyes rolled a little and she mewled like a kitten, “Fuck Ma'am, that feel so good!”

Fluttershy had to admit that it looked damned good too. And she had created the vision that lay before her! “Walk around and do some stretches, please.”

“Meeeeeoow!” on her hands and knees, Adagio crawled around her living room, making sure, as she squeezed herself around and between her furniture, to wiggle and jiggle for her owner. When she was back in front of Fluttershy, she turned so that she was facing away from her and she stretched suggestively. Standing next to her, Fluttershy admired the show that her kitty was putting on for her and, reaching out, she tugged on her new tail, but she was careful to not dislodge it. Adagio meowed louder at that, her pussy getting all wet and leaking arousal down her thighs. “Th-Thank you M-Ma-Ma'am!”

“I want my pretty kitty to be happy,” Fluttershy said serenely, repeating the mantra that Adagio was pretty as she knelt by her side. It was an old technique, and positive reinforcement was something she had used many times before, and not just with her critters. It was easy, really, if a teeny bit manipulative, to add a reinforcing stimulus following a behaviour that made it more likely that the behaviour would occur again in the future. She knew that when a favourable outcome, event, or reward occurred after an action, that particular response or behaviour would be strengthened. In this case, the more she told Adagio she was pretty and petted her from her new ears and down her back along her tail, the more she would believe it.

“Oooooh this makes me happy Ma'aaaaaam!”

By her side, Fluttershy petted her hard and firm along her sides and up and down her arms and legs, she could see exactly how happy she was making her kitten. “I do like happy kitties…” Fluttershy breathed and, taking her boldest step yet, she slipped her hand between her thighs and up until she contacted her dripping wet pussy.

The moment Fluttershy’s deft fingers touched her labia and moved between them, Adagio lowered her head down to the floor and she lifted up her ass, her moans of sheer pleasure filling her living room. “Your fingers are making me very happy, Ma'am!” and they were. She wasn’t thinking about work, or anything else for that matter, she just wanted those fingers to go deeper.

Kneeling next to her kitty, Fluttershy used both hands at once. Three fingers of her left hand slowly but surely sawed in and out of her pet’s hot wet tunnel, her thumb toying with the butt plug with every inwards thrust and at the same time, she groped and squeezed her breasts with her right. Adagio found that extremely hot indeed, and she quickly started to buck and thrust her hips backwards to meet Fluttershy's hand, meowing all the time as she went in to the second knuckle every time. “Is my kitty in heat?” she asked, judging by the mewls, she was.

Adagio was slowly being driven out of her mind by the slow finger fucking she was receiving. “Yeeeeessssss Ma'am!” she screamed into the floor. Every time those fingers entered her, filled her and spread her apart, she dearly wished she would speed up and fuck her properly, but she kept up her steady inexorable pace. “I'm clooooose! Can I cum please, Ma'am?”

When she heard that, Fluttershy pressed harder on the plug with her thumb and in her other hand she squeezed her pet’s nipples hard, tugging on her breasts to make her kitten sing out her pleasure. “Does my kitty know how?” she asked with a smile, slowly speeding up her thrusting fingers at last.

“Yes Ma'am!” Adagio panted hard on her hands and knees on the verge of a huge and intense orgasm the like of which she hadn’t experienced in years, possibly decades, “I do Ma'am!”

As Fluttershy’s dexterous fingers danced like a blur against Adagio’s now constantly leaking vagina, her clitoris and her nipples, the caretaker felt such a rush of power and control that she herself almost came on the spot. “Show me, Jubilee.” She ordered, feeling such a rush of endorphins and adrenalin as she played Adagio like a master pianist, “Show me your pleasure at being my kitten.”

That did it.

Being ordered to climax like that sent Adagio over the edge.

“MEEEEOOOOOOOOOW!” Adagio Dazzle screamed. She screamed, and she came, and she screamed again. Adagio came so long, and so hard that as she squirted all over Fluttershy’s hand and forearm, she wasn’t sure if her name was Jubilee or not.

Smiling, Fluttershy rolled onto her back and pulled Adagio, who was still riding out her climax, on top of her. The hand that had been fingering her now just played casually with the tail and the other hand petted her from between her ears and down her back. “My kitty is quite loud when she sings her pleasure.”

“Th-That was...fucking wow...” Adagio gasped, amazed that the slight teen could bear her much heavier weight without being crushed. Unable to find her voice for anything more cognizant than that, she resorted to simply licking her neck.

As Adagio licked her slender neck, Fluttershy giggled, “Good pets do lick…” Soon though, Adagio turned those sensuous licks into wet smoochy kisses that trailed up and down her owner's neck, up to licking inside her ear. That though was a step too far for Fluttershy at that moment. She took hold of Adagio’s head and kissed her nose. “Kitties may only lick.”

“Yes Ma'am,” admonished, however playfully, Adagio gave Fluttershy her very best weapons grade wink, a brief flash for a moment of the old Adagio, and she licked her way down her neck to her collar bone. Underneath her, Fluttershy was happy to let her carry on as long as she didn’t try to undress her. Realizing that she was stumped by the barrier of Fluttershy’s clothing and her kitty mitts, Adagio went back to licking her owner’s cheeks and her lips. “Ma'am,” she purred, “You have made me a happy kitty. May I please return the favor?”

As much as Fluttershy wanted that, and she really, really wanted that, Fluttershy wasn’t at all confident in her ability to maintain the control if she let herself go. That, and she didn’t want to blur the lines further with Adagio and Jubilee than they already were. For now, she contented herself by taking a hold of Adagio's face and lightly kissing her nose. “I would like to give my kitty a bath for now, and then I'm going to have kitty come to my house next Sunday. Does kitty work on Sunday?”

“No Ma'am, I don't. I just work in the week.”

Smirking, Fluttershy rolled them both over on the floor so that Adagio was underneath her. “Good, I'll pick you up at seven am for breakfast. Now up to the tub with you.” As Fluttershy stood up and walked up the stairs to the first floor, she didn’t look behind her. She knew she was being followed. What was more though, she was already fantasizing about that coming Sunday.

In the bathroom, Fluttershy quickly removed the paw mitts, the socks, and the ears. Once that was done, she took a long time in working the tail plug out of her pet’s asshole, but it was tricky because the pesky thing seemed to keep popping back in seemingly of its own accord. Once it was out though, she cleaned it in the sink with her hands. “Does my kitty need to use the litter box?”

“UuuUUUuuuuuh y-yes Ma'am I do need to use the litter box…” she moaned, because thanks to the tail mysteriously going in and out of her butt like it was possessed, she was worked up all over again. Without saying a word, Fluttershy reached into her backpack and readied the pooper scooper and motioned for Adagio to do her business. Relieved, Adagio squatted in the tub and did her business like an obedient kitten. She peed and pooped in her litter box a lot quicker and more natural than the first time. As soon as she was done, Fluttershy duly scooped it up, and deposited her pet’s deposit into the toilet. She cleaned the scooper and tub, then she filled the tub with fresh hot water.

When the bath was ready, Fluttershy undressed and folded her clothes neatly on the closed toilet seat. “Such a good kitten you are, Jubilee.”

Adagio’s face lit up brighter than her cum face at the praise she received, “Thank you, Ma'am!”

In the bath, Fluttershy did a very thorough job of washing of her kitty then, when she was satisfied she was clean, she vigorously towel dried her and then herself. Once she was dressed, Fluttershy turned to walk out into the hall. “Follow,” she ordered, and walked into Adagio's bedroom like she owned the place. She placed the mitts, socks, and ears on the dresser and turned to face her pet who had crawled behind her. “You may play with these,” she held up the tail plug, “This I'm taking with me. When I pick you up on Sunday, bring the mitts, socks, and ears. I'll have the tail waiting for you.”

Adagio knelt on her bedroom floor, “Yes Ma'am, I will. Thank you for letting me play with the mitts, ears and socks.”

Smiling warmly, Fluttershy administered some affectionate skritches to her kitten’s ears and a kiss to her forehead. “Good kittens should be rewarded. You are a good kitten, Jubilee. I will see you again Sunday morning but, in the meantime, you can call me anytime if you need someone to talk to.”

“Thank you, Ms. Fluttershy,” Adagio purred at the wonderful skritches and especially at the kiss. Then, she remembered something she should have told her earlier when they first got into her house. “Actually, I bought myself an accessory yesterday before work.”

Fluttershy raised an arched eyebrow at her pet. “When I said you couldn't open that drawer,” she pointed to the off-limits draw, “That didn't mean you could get replacements for that drawer.”

“It's nothing like that Ma'am, I promise. It's down in the kitchen.”

Intrigued, Fluttershy placed the tail plug back in her backpack. “I think you should show me then.”

“Right away, Ma'am!” Adagio smiled and she eagerly led the way at a crawl down to the kitchen where, still on her hands and knees, she proudly took out a large metal pet bowl that had both feed and water bowls combined, engraved with Jubilee on the side.

“Oh, that's adorable!” overjoyed at the pleasant surprise, Fluttershy gave her pet extra skritches around her ears and under her chin. “You can use those as you wish, but I know on my next visit here I'll make use of them.”

Adagio blushed very, very bright red, “I used them last night and this morning, Ma'am. It felt...nice.”

Nuzzling her cheek, Fluttershy gave her a second kiss to her forehead. “I'm happy that you're happy. Good night, Jubilee. Till Sunday.”

“Good night, Ma'am…” Adagio tried very hard to hide her disappointment when Fluttershy took hold of her hand and allowed her to walk her to the front door so that she could see her out. Adagio didn’t bother to hide her crestfallen look when Fluttershy just waved at her and drove off.

All she wanted was the same kind of kiss that Jubilee had enjoyed.

Just one kiss for her.

Back in her living room, alone, Adagio hugged her arms around herself and sniffed back a tear. What had she done wrong? She had done everything that Fluttershy had asked of her, surely she, Adagio, could’ve gotten something back? “She doesn’t love me…” she said sullenly to an empty room.

“Why would she love me?” she asked herself miserably. Before she realised it, Adagio found herself looking at the cutlery drawer. She knew her knife was in there. She could hear it calling her name, ironically like a siren calling a sailor to his doom on the rocks. She looked down at her arms and saw her scars. The old and the very new.

The knife was calling her, its summons getting stronger and stronger by the second.

Crying floods of tears, Adagio ran past the kitchen and up her stairs. In an act of defiance, she slipped the kitten socks back on her feet. She placed the ears on her head, and she pulled on the thumbless mitts. Laying on her bed, she hugged her pillow to her and pretended it was Fluttershy. “Sh-She doesn’t love me…but at least loves her kitten…”

Adagio Dazzle cried into her pillow, because her tears drowned out the call of the knife.

Adagio Dazzle cried until she drifted into an uneasy restless sleep.


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Friday was the same as any other day for Fluttershy. That was, until she closed up the animal shelter for the day. The moment she got in her car she knew that the day would not be normal at all. Because, today, was one of the two days every month that Fluttershy met with the rest of her friends at Twilight Sparkle’s mansion to share their more…adult interests.

Not that she minded the lack of ‘normal’, very much. If she was honest, she was grateful of the kinky nights. Over the course of the past eight or so months since they had started, they had bought her more and more out of her shell. What bothered her, as she sat in her car, was that as much as her friends included her in their activities, she remained the spare wheel.

Twilight had started dating Rainbow Dash, just after the conclusion of the Friendship Games when she had transferred from Crystal Prep. Rarity had resumed her dating of Pinkie Pie – they had separated following Sunset’s interference when, in Fluttershy’s words, had been a great big meanie. Finally, following the Battle of the Bands, at the celebratory party, Applejack had gotten with Sunset Shimmer.

‘That leaves you…’ Fluttershy thought as she stared at her reflection in the rear view, ‘Spare wheel…’ Her friends had never said anything like that to her, but they didn’t need to. She knew she was the odd one out. Even on the odd occasions that Lyra and Bon Bon or Octavia and Vinyl Scratch joined them, that just made Fluttershy feel worse because it was yet another couple that she wasn’t a part of.

“I’m not the spare wheel anymore,” Fluttershy spoke to her mirror, “I have Jubil…I mean, Adagio…” In truth, she didn’t know how to feel about Adagio Dazzle. Adagio was new, different, and scary, three things that Fluttershy usually avoided like the plague. “But,” she said to her reflection, “She’s lost, and in pain!” One thing Fluttershy couldn’t abide was a creature in pain, particularly when she had been part of the cause of that pain.

‘But it had been necessary…’ Fluttershy told herself. Ever since her playdate with Adagio three days ago, she had been telling herself that what she and her friends had done had been necessary, unavoidable. After talking with Adagio in the Burger Joint though, she was suddenly not as sure of her convictions as she had been. Adagio’s comparison of the fox hunting the chicken following its nature kept coming back to her.

As Fluttershy finally put her car in gear and started to drive to Twilight’s place – they really had to meet at Twilight’s. She herself only had two bedrooms, Sunset Shimmer just had her loft and living area below. Applejack did have her farm and the ‘Fetish Barn’ but she also had her family to consider. Carousel Boutique was a no-go because Rarity had Sweetie Belle upstairs in her room and Rainbow Dash lived in a nuclear disaster area of her own making. At least she was forced to be neat at Twilight’s place – she found her mind wandering back to Adagio.

She felt positively wretched for the way she had left Adagio on Tuesday but, her nerves had gotten the best of her after she had made her pet climax in her living room. The moment that the ex-siren had said she wanted to return the favour, Fluttershy had felt scared and immensely insecure. It was all she could do to not run out the door straightaway.

“Stupid, stupid, stupid!” Fluttershy cursed herself and slapped her steering wheel at the opportunity she had squandered. She had dearly wanted Adagio to ‘return the favour’ but all her confidence had evaporated and even though she found the woman to be incredibly curvy, softly pudgy and very sexy, she was also new and scary. Because new was scary. The pet play at least allowed her to keep her fears under control.

When Fluttershy arrived at Twilight’s house in the early evening, she wasn’t surprised to see Rarity’s white Firebird Trans Am already parked up on the drive. If the license plate of R4R17Y didn’t give it away, the three blue diamonds on the hood definitely did. That meant that Rarity and Pinkie were helping to set things up for the party. Well, more accurately, Pinkie Pie was setting up the party and Rarity was de-stressing Twilight, which allowed Rainbow Dash to be the lazy mare she was.

Getting out of her car, Fluttershy walked up the path a little slower than she usually would. Her mind was unusually all over the place, and the scattered threads all came back to Adagio. As she polity knocked on the door, she resolved that she would observe her friends, the doms and the subs, to really see how they behaved and interacted, so that she could do the same. For Adagio.

‘Adagio…’ the mere thought of her name made Fluttershy blush as heat came from her nethers as well as her cheeks.

“Welcome darling,” Rarity opened the door in her purple skirt and ivory top and greeted her good friend, “You're right on time.”

“Oh,” Fluttershy was grateful that the sun was going down. It meant her blush was relatively hidden from view. “You know I don't like to be late. Can I help get things ready?”

“No,” Rarity answered as she let Fluttershy into the entrance hall and then closed the door behind her, “My dear Pinkie is in the zone, as t’were, and trying to help her is like lying down in front of a lawn mower. Best to let her do her thing.” Rarity and Fluttershy both shared a giggle at that as they walked together into the mansion’s grand living room, where they were greeted to the sight of a naked Rainbow Dash on her knees sucking on Twilight’s lavender toes.

“Welcome Shy,” Twilight looked up from lovingly caressing her pet’s multicoloured hair and gave her friend a generous smile, “Come on in and have a seat. We’re still waiting for AJ and Sunset to arrive…hhhmmmm!” she sighed contentedly, for Rainbow Dash was expertly and quite happily kneading the arches of her feet in her hands, her skilled thumbs massaging her soles and her hot wet mouth was wholly focused on sucking both of her big toes at once.

Crossing the living room, Fluttershy took a seat near Twilight. She was glad indeed that Rainbow Dash was indulging in her second favourite activity – after running, of course – because it was one of the things she really wanted to observe, because Adagio seemed to really enjoy it as well, so she wanted to understand it. “How does that make you feel, Twilight?” she asked, pointing to what Rainbow was doing.

“Very relaxing, actually,” Twilight answered, playfully wiggling her toes in Rainbow’s mouth and loving the way she slathered her tongue in between each one in turn, “I'm not even stressed that they are distracting me from getting ready for the sleepover.”

Fluttershy giggled, “I did notice you don't have a book.”

“Sleepover 201 is in a drawer where the pages can cool off,” Rarity’s snark earned her a raspberry from Twilight, who was too busy enjoying her foot bath to muster any other response. At her feet, Rainbow paused just long enough in her work to giggle loudly, then she returned her attention to those purple toes, licking along the underside of each from big to small and back again.

“And it's suuuuuuper hot too!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed excitedly as she bounced past the couches on her way from the kitchen on a big yellow balloon carrying a red and white tablecloth over her shoulder. She had on her three tired ruffled pink skirt, tight white tee shirt with her three balloons on it and long white stockings.

As Twilight playfully stuck her nose up in the air and sniffed, Rarity giggled and Fluttershy couldn’t resist a gentle tease, “A relaxed Twilight is better than a Twilighting Twilight.”

Snorting through her nose, Twilight turned a disbelieving look to Fluttershy, “You too?” Twilight then rolled her eyes in mock annoyance as Rarity took her seat and Fluttershy merely blushed and nodded.

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash laughed, “A Twilighting Twi isn't much fun…” then, she noticed the look that her Mistress was giving her from her position on her chair and in a rare display of brilliance, the athlete decided to shut up and not push her luck any further. To help keep herself quiet she took all the toes of Twilight's left foot in her mouth.

Pinkie Pie, busy with the party preparations, bounced over on her balloon to the dining table, where she slammed the tablecloth down like she had just scored the winning basket in a game of basketball and, with a cry of “Home Run!” impossibly, all the snacks were laid out in one move. “Done!” she sang loudly, cakes, pastries and churros complete with chocolate dipping sauce all somehow neatly placed on the tablecloth. Just then, there came a knock at the door. Rarity simply cast a glance at her pet. “On it Mistress!” Pinkie then stuffed the balloon into her hair and she disappeared in a flash only to reappear at the door.

“Thanks, Pinks,” Applejack greeted her hyperactive friend with a cheery smile when she opened the door. She was stood beside Sunset, but she didn’t say anything. While the farmer was wearing the faded blue skirt and red off the shoulder top that Rarity had made for her at Camp Everfree, her girlfriend was wearing an altogether different ensemble. “Come on in, Shimmer.”

“Phhbbbbt!” Shimmer snorted. That was all the noise she could make, given the red leather bridle and bit she wore on her head. The rest of her ‘look’ consisted of a red underbust corset, gloves and boots the colour of her skin that went up to her elbows and knees respectively and ended in hooves, and a red and yellow tail plug. When Applejack tugged on the reins connected to the bridle, Shimmer snorted and walked in behind her owner, her hooves clopping on Twilight's wooden floor.

“You look fabulous in that corset, darling, but the rest of the gear?” Rarity was the first to greet the new arrivals as they entered the vast living room. Applejack and Sunset had both teased the group about Shimmer, but this was the first time her alter ego had made an appearance. In answer to Rarity’s question, Applejack nodded her head towards Fluttershy. “Ah, yes of course,” Rarity inclined her head to her friend, “Only an expert could have provided such fine cosplay gear.”

“Appearances are important for self-confidence,” Fluttershy responded with a look of pride on her face, though she was secretly observing what Rainbow Dash was doing to Twilight’s feet and the look of sheer contentment on Twilight’s face. She couldn’t help but mentally compare it to what Adagio had done to her in her bath.

Rarity then gave Pinkie Pie a tender look and a gentle caress along her arm. “Love, looking at Shimmer and Dashie, I think you're positively overdressed for the party.”

Pinkie looked down and she seemed genuinely astounded to discover that she was dressed, almost like someone had crept up on her and sneakily dressed her without her knowing. “Oh, that’s an easy peasy fix, Mistress!” She immediately grasped the hem of her ruffled pink skirt and, in one smooth motion, she pulled it and her white top up and over her head to reveal to the group that she was now dressed in a tortoise shell made up of white ropes that totally had not been there before.

“Heh,” Rainbow Dash snickered from underneath Twilight’s foot, “I wish I could do that so fast…”

Affectionately, Rarity caressed Pinkie Pie’s ass and took the opportunity to tug on the crotch rope that ran snugly between her beloved pet’s labia. The ropework, as ever, was perfection. “Twilight won't let me get my hands on her precious Dashie.”

Playfully, Twilight wiggled her pedicured toes in Rainbow’s mouth and laughed at Rarity’s comment. While her pet was off limits in that regard, it never hurt to tease. “Having you cutify her is one of the possible punishments I might consider, though.” The panicked squeak that came from under her feet was music to her ears.

“You only say that Dashie, cos you think your Mistress is too slow with your ropes!” Pinkie Pie said in a helpfully unhelpful way as she bounced on the balls of her feet by Rarity’s side, an act that caused Sunset, Applejack and Fluttershy to stare open mouthed at her bouncing jiggling breasts. Already the biggest of the group to begin with, the breast bondage of the rope harness only enhanced them further. “Shall I get the drinks, Mistress?”

“Please, dear, and no bending at the knees.” She smiled when her pet gave her a salute and pronked off to get the seven drinks. She didn’t need to ask what they wanted; she knew them all off by heart.

“Can I have some of AJ's cider today?” Fluttershy spoke up from the chair she had chosen as her perch. The stares from her friends didn’t bother her, for once. It was something different, yes, but then again, she was doing a lot of ‘different’ lately. She just wished she could tell the rest of them about it.

“Yes Mistress!” Pinkie Pie zipped to the kitchen and she came back almost instantaneously, earning her another envious glare from Rainbow. Although, when she reappeared, there was nothing held in her hands. Instead, when she reached her friends, starting with Fluttershy, she produced an open bottle of cider from her poufy hair. “Here you go, Shy!” Everyone else’s drinks came from the same place; a glass of white wine for Rarity, cider for Applejack, beer for Twilight and bowls of water for her, Shimmer and Rainbow.

Everything came from her hair.

Fluttershy, along with everyone else, knew well enough to not question it and she just sipped her open cider. Applejack, who like the others had stopped being surprised at Pinkie’s antics, gave the caretaker a concerned look. Fluttershy never started with cider. “Everything okay, sugar cube? Nice of you to enjoy my cider, but I don't think you've stared off with it.”

“Things are better than good, Jackie,” Fluttershy answered her as Shimmer knelt and started to lap at the water in her bowl. Twilight dipped her foot in Rainbow’s water and held it out for her to lick off, which she did. “I got Recycle the racoon a nice home. I checked up on him yesterday and he’s doing very well.” She lifted her bottle in a toast. “Celebration time!” she wished she could share the other thing she was celebrating, but she promised Adagio she wouldn’t.

“Question!” Rarity declared after taking a mouthful of her wine. On instinct, Fluttershy looked away lest she give something away, while Applejack and Twilight gave the fashionista their full attention. Rarity even got all the subs attentions too, even Sunset who was happily lapping her water from her bowl. When she was sure she was the centre of attention, Rarity continued, “If our darling Fluttershy was to find a 'boy' friend, would any of you object to bringing him to our events?”

“Well,” Applejack spoke up after a considered draught of her cider, “You going to expect her to share him, Rares?”

“You do share Pinkie,” Twilight pointed out.

“And when do I share Pinkie?”

“If'n we ask you to,” Applejack shared a smirk with Twilight and the farmer and nerd high-fived their win.

“It’s all about permission, darlings.” Rarity went on after a dignified but much needed sip of her wine, “Would I expect her to share, no, but that won't stop me from asking either of them…” she smiled and turned a smouldering look that could have cut through a bank vault to Fluttershy.

“Shy's gotta talk to something that doesn't have four legs and squeaks, meows or barks first!” Rainbow Dash barked out her raspy laugh at her own joke but, when she saw the nonplussed looks of the rest of the group she blushed and wished she’d kept her big mouth shut and remained under Twilight’s perfect feet. “ offense, Shy.”

In a show of – albeit mock – annoyance, Fluttershy sniffed delicately and lifted her nose up in the air. “Birds have two legs. And besides, I don't have a boyfriend.” She wanted to scream, ‘What I have is the cutest and sexiest pet in the world and her name’s Jubilee!’ but she settled for thinking it instead. She was very grateful then that Sunset wasn’t touching her.

“Well, a girlfriend coming over wouldn't be questioned,” Rarity seemed determined to forge ahead with this topic of conversation, “It really is for AJ and Twilight to decide, I suppose.”

Twilight suddenly looked uncomfortable and she tried to cover for it by polishing her glasses on a hanky. “I don't know if I could perform in front of a male.”

“There ain’t no privacy on a farm,” Applejack opined, “So Ah wouldn't have a problem with a male present. Shimmer loves to show off to the whole world.”

“And I would find it highly erotic to have a male watching me.” Rarity fanned herself at the very thought of it. It was positively scandalous, and that just made her feel hotter and wetter.

As Sunset glowed with pride, the ponygirl neighed happily because she and everyone else there knew full well that she absolutely would perform anywhere at any time, Rainbow laughed, “We all know Shimmer would go to school in the nude if she could!” not that she would stop her. Sunset had an amazingly fit body.

Twilight sighed, and not just because her pet was licking all the way from her heel up to her toes, “I just don't know. I'm okay with you and my sexuality, but...”

“Twilight darling,” Rarity smiled, “Wouldn't any partner of Fluttershy’s be one of us, regardless of their sex or orientation?”

“You mean that, Rarity?” Fluttershy almost whispered, though her voice carried through the room. She doubted though, despite what Rarity had said, whether she would stand by her statement if she knew just what she was doing with Adagio Dazzle.

“I do, darling.” Rarity took a larger sip of her wine, the drink almost all gone, “I would accept anyone you chose to be your special someone.”

“Like you accepted Shimmer?” Applejack put in with a snicker as she emptied her bottle of cider in one mighty swig.

Rarity blushed bright red. When Sunset had first started using the persona of Shimmer and the ponygirl play she had, admittedly at first, reacted with somewhat less than the required amount of decorum and tact. A fact she hated to be reminded of. “Okay, maybe not right away, but I think I've learned my lesson with Su... I mean, Shimmer.”

“Heh,” Rainbow sniggered and took a mouthful of her cold water, “I gotta side with Rares...I mean Mistress Rarity. Anyone you chose to bump uglies with is cool with me, Shy, y'know, as long as they aren't as awesome as me!”

As Sunset neighed in agreement, Fluttershy smiled, “I think Angel Bunny the Third is as awesome as you, Dashie.”

Twilight laughed and it was Rainbow Dash’s turn to blush, “Yeah well...he gets a pass…”

The group broke out in a general round of laughter at that, and, as Pinkie Pie served up another round of drinks to them all – again produced from the mysterious portal that was her hair – Fluttershy swilled a mouthful of her second cider around in her mouth before swallowing and said, “What if Angel was my special someone?”

“You'd be a changeling,” Rarity stated after enjoying her wine, “You said you can love an animal because they love unconditionally, but you can't make love to an animal because they can't say no. At least you said that to me, maybe not to AJ,” she added slyly, giving her friend a sideways look.

“What?” Applejack spluttered and almost choked on her cider, “What are you saying?”

“I only have a cat,” Rarity sniffed in a delicate and refined manner, “And she is a lady. You have many animals on the farm, and one very beautiful pony, I might add.”

“She can say no, Rares.”

Rarity giggled, “I highly doubt that, Jackie.”

“I don't think I've ever heard Shim Shim say no,” Pinkie put in as she stored the empty bottles safely back in her hair to be washed and put in the recycling later, “Not even that time when you did it under the bleachers at school, and the locker room, and the music room and even when Dashie dared her to streak down the corridors…”

“Still can't believe I lost that dare...” Rainbow Dash muttered as she contented herself with her bowl of water.

“You were just upset that you went topless and no one noticed,” Twilight teased as she lifted up her feet and caressed her girlfriend’s burning cheeks.

Rainbow Dash did indeed blush, and she pouted. She did so hate being teased about her mosquito bites that were her remarkably non-existent breasts. Bulk Biceps had a more developed chest than she did! Still, she couldn’t be that upset, Twilight’s soles were stroking her cheeks and her toes were rubbing her ears. “They aren't that small...”

Reaching down, Twilight groped one. “I think they're just perfect.”

Bouncing over to her blushing bestie, Pinkie Pie whipped a magnifying glass from her hair and she inspected Rainbow’s chest like a detective looking for clues, “Nope...nothing here!” Rainbow, having considered her response, gave her a well thought out raspberry and Sunset fell about laughing around the bit in her mouth.

Smirking, Twilight leant forwards and roughly she tweaked Rainbow Dash’s nipples. As the athlete gasped and winced with the sharp pain, the nerdy dominant whispered loudly enough for them all to hear, “It's all about the awesome aerodynamics.”

“Absotoootley!” Pinkie Pie and her bound breasts bounced happily beside her Mistress while Rainbow, on her knees, moaned loudly and left a puddle on the wooden floor.

Gently, Rarity reached out and placed a hand on Fluttershy’s knee. “I know what you'll say, dear, but I still worry when we play in front you.” The time had come in the evening, though the signals were unspoken, they were universally acknowledged. Still, manners had to be observed, as far as the designer was concerned.

Smiling, Fluttershy patted Rarity’s hand. “Have fun,” she said, leaning in close, “I'm a voyeur at heart.” And, what was more, she didn’t feel like the seventh ‘spare’ wheel anymore, thanks to Adagio.

“Does that mean we can start already?” Rainbow Dash whined impatiently before she noticed Twilight’s disapproving glare, “I mean, please can we start, Mistress?”

Twilight’s glare softened as she surveyed her kneeling pet. “Fill my plate and feed me, Dashie.” She sat back and encouraged her girlfriend to get up with a gentle but well placed kick to her toned ass.

Applejack casually hoisted Shimmer up to her hooves like the ponygirl weighed nothing at all and she removed the bit from her mouth but she left the bridle on her head. “Ah best make sure you're properly feed and watered before we get to the rodeo, girl,” she said while Rarity patted her lap and, when Pinkie sat down, she started to feed Pinkie and herself.

Not hungry, Fluttershy was content to sit back in her chair, sip her second bottle of cider and watch. She watched Rainbow leap up to her bare feet and zip over to the table and rapidly gather up a plate of everything that Twilight liked. While Jubilee wasn’t anywhere near that fast, she was reminded of her kitten in how obedient Rainbow was with her Mistress.

As Rainbow Dash was back on her knees between Twilight’s legs in her signature blur of speed, Applejack began to feed Shimmer and herself from the plate she had filled. As submissive as Sunset was, it was alas impractical to expect her to fill a plate with hooves instead of hands.

Twilight noted Rainbow’s eager moan, looking where she was looking she smiled at Shimmer’s get up. It was something to think about for another day. To get her attention, Twilight tapped the athlete’s nose with her big toe. “Fetch me some of the chocolate cake and another beer, please pet.” Twilight just loved the way her sub squeezed her legs together as she rushed off to do her bidding. Damn it was a good feeling!

Watching the two couples start their play, Applejack began to idly toy with her pony’s red and yellow tail as her own lust grew inside her. Shimmer promptly made an adorable little whinny as her owner tugged, pushed and twirled the butt plug in and out of her asshole, though she was careful to never pull it all the way out. The aroused pony immediately leaked from her pussy while Rainbow scooted back with the large slice chocolate cake on a plate and a bottle of beer in her hand.

When Twilight saw Rainbow Dash staring at the very aroused Sunset, she took the cake from her and, when she still didn’t look at her, Twilight again tapped the athlete’s nose with her toes. “Eyes on me, you naughty pet.” To get her point across, she dipped her toes into the chocolate and waggled them in Rainbow’s face.

For a moment, Applejack decided to give Sunset a little relief and she left the tail alone. “Maybe we can let the pets play together?”

“Neeeeiiiiiigh!” Sunset nodded her head very hard indeed and, as Rarity and Pinkie Pie giggled at Twilight’s adorable domination, the ponygirl stomped her hoofed boot into the floor to show how ready she was to play and be played with.

As Rainbow blushed hard at being caught out, she busied herself with sucking clean Twilight’s chocolate covered toes. Twilight was pleased she had such a quick witted pet to play with. Still, “I think my pet is far too naughty to find her release so soon.”

“I have the most lovely and obedient pet, though.” Rarity beamed as she caressed Pinkie’s bound breasts and casually flicked her nipples. That wasn’t just groping for the sake of groping. There was no telling how long she had worn the ropes, no matter how impossibly they had appeared on her body. Rarity had to make sure that she wasn’t suffering because of it. Thankfully, all was well.

“I'm obedient!” Pinkie, once her Mistress’s inspection of her was completed, dropped to her hands and knees and crawled around Rarity's legs and feet in a very good imitation of Opalescence. Something that did not go unnoticed by Fluttershy who was picturing Adagio as Jubilee doing that to her and getting very aroused as a result.

“I'm not naughty!” Rainbow Dash protested and, much too late, she realised that it was a trap and she had walked headlong into it. She looked wistfully at Sunset's hooves, picturing the sweaty feet trapped inside them with a rare longing. “No offense, Shimmer, but I like feet, not hooves.”

“Y’all up for it, Rarity?”

Rarity shot Applejack a sultry look guaranteed to cause erections and wet panties. “Only if I can make you scream Shimmer's name.”

“Hmmm,” Applejack pretended to actually give that serious consideration, though the pantie-dampening look did not go unnoticed, “You woman enough for that, Rares?”

“I think you've had your fill of food, pet.” She then placed both of her big toes to Rainbow's mouth, essentially forcing her head to face her. “This way she won't be able to watch the action,” she announced happily as her sub started to suck on and swirl her tongue around Twilight's digits and worship the soles of her feet once more while Sunset let out a whinny and pawed at Applejack's hand, nodding hopefully towards the purring Pinkie kitten.

“Granted, darling,” Rarity said as she inspected her manicured fingernails, “It has been awhile since I last tried, but I do think I'm up to the task.”

“I can watch your pets while the two of you are occupied.” Fluttershy offered as she drank the last of her cider.

Applejack drained her cider and looked at Fluttershy. Rarity emptied her wine glass and did likewise. Both of them then looked at each other. “Oh my!” the fashionista declared, “We have an expert in the room!”

Trapped in place, Rainbow Dash really wanted to look at the scene that in her mind was already the hottest thing in the universe, but she didn't dare, instead she continued to suck and lick at Twilight's toes, earning her a giggle from her Mistress. Pinkie suddenly shot up to her feet, “Mistress Rarebear, can I please play with the pretty pony?” she asked, making Shimmer whinny again, slightly louder that time.

Rarity kissed Pinkie Pie deeply and then she whispered in her ear as quietly as she could, “As long as the pretty pony doesn't cum before Jackie does.”

“Ah can tell when you're up to somethin’, Rares. I don’t think your plan will work.” Applejack chuckled as she handed Shimmer's reins to Fluttershy who took them in her hand and petted the ponygirl’s tail like she had seen the farmer do.

Rarity placed her hand to her chest, “Moi? Up to something? Sometimes Jackie you're just full of it. But I can fix that.”

“Aaaaaaaaaahn…” Shimmer moaned with sheer pleasure and she parted her legs when Fluttershy gently moved her tail up and down. Those motions were amplified inside her and it made her feel very squiffy indeed. Pinkie Pie didn't help any by crawling over and kissing her way up Shimmer's parted legs.

While that happened, Rarity removed her ivory blouse and purple skirt to show off her crotchless panties and shelf bra. “Care to test my plan in battle, Jackie?”

Similarly undressing, though when she was done she was naked but for her boots and her hat, Applejack was aware that this wasn’t going to be easy. She had seen the things Rarity did to Pinkie. Unlike Twilight and herself who worked to get off on their pets, Rarity always got her pet off. “Bring it on, sugarcube.”

Pinkie Pie, not to be outdone, started to lay delicate flowery kisses up and around Shimmer's crotch. She went close, torturously so, but not close enough to actually touch her pussy, just close enough to make her whinny. Applejack, distracted by her pony’s whinny, was caught unguarded and Rarity took advantage of that by quickly sliding three fingers inside her moist snatch to the second knuckle. “Do pay attention, dear,” she purred as she worked to get her fist in. The farmer turned her head back to say something, but her mouth was sealed by Rarity's lips.

“My, they are having fun, Dashie.” Twilight took great delight in torturing her naughty pet, because she knew full well that she could clearly hear the pleasured squeaks and moans coming from both Sunset and Applejack. “You may move along my leg but you may not look away from me, understand?”

Obediently, Rainbow Dash began to kiss her way up Twilight’s left leg. Not too quickly, her Mistress liked it when she took her time. She particularly liked it when she added little nips and sucks around the back of her knee. Pinkie in turn softly kissed her way all around Sunset's damp labia, thoroughly enjoying her aroused whimpers, which were growing ever louder as Fluttershy played with her tail. Rarity meanwhile was a bit rough in her assault on Applejack’s pussy, but then she knew what the farmer liked. “Your pet is leaking like a broken irrigation pipe. Kind of like you, darling.”

Sunset was whinnying and neighing like a mare in heat under all of Pinkie Pie’s and Fluttershy's attention, although Pinkie was edging her rather than getting her off, because she knew her owner had to cum first. She had her hooves resting on the back of Pinkie’s head just like Applejack had her hands on Rarity’s. “Ah....Aaaaaaah Ah always said you was good with your hands, Rares...” as she thrust her hips to meet the designer's fingers, she was careful not to mess up her hair.

Rainbow Dash, while she really wanted to look at what was going on, she didn’t. She was a good pet. To prove it, she licked her way up to Twi's incredibly wet crotch and buried her head between her open legs. Appreciatively, Twilight played with Rainbow’s short hair while the other hand tweaked a nipple. Fluttershy grabbed hold of Pinkie’s hair and she flicked it teasingly over Sunset’s hard clitoris at the same time she was toying with the tail plug. Rarity succeeded in slipping in a fourth finger inside Applejack’s muscular tunnel while her thumb flicked her clit.

As soon as Rarity’s thumb entered her, the ever strong farmer suddenly found herself going weak at the knees and she had to lean into Rarity, smooshing their breasts together to remain upright. She leaked her arousal all over Rarity’s forearm and kissed her slender white neck. Sunset, who had been bought to the edge of her climax, whined when Pinkie Pie suddenly stopped and she pulled away and kissed Fluttershy instead.

While Rainbow Dash licked and sucked hard at Twilight’s clit, Fluttershy moved the tail hairs to rub between Shimmer’s open legs. Deviously, for she knew how close to cumming the ponygirl was, she used the red and yellow tail like it was a flogger and she flicked it at her clit. That had the added effect of jerking the plug buried in Sunset's ass. Upping her own game, Rarity nibbled hard on Applejack's ear. “Squirt for me darling. Soak me with your love.”

Hearing that, Twilight pushes Rainbow's head so deep into her crotch that her nose went inside her and she squeezed her legs together. “Now pet!” she demanded as she groped and tugged on her own nipples. Just as Applejack screamed out her climax to all those in the room, Rainbow seized her Mistress's clit in her teeth and nibbled at the same time she sucked hard and flicked her tongue over her button.

Fluttershy was pulling, pushing, rotating, and wiggling Sunset's tail, mostly for her own benefit as she herself was so close. Rarity bought her soaked fingers up to so that Applejack could watch as she sucked on them like they held the water of life. Now that her owner had reached her orgasm, Shimmer was at last bought over her edge and she exploded all over Pinkie Pie with an orgasm so hard that she collapsed into Fluttershy. “Well,” the farmer moaned, “If that ain't the hottest thing I ever saw...”

“I’m sure I am Darling, but your pet is cute too.” Rarity gave Applejack a wink and she went back to sucking her own fingers while she was stood crotch to crotch and boob to boob with her friend.

Unable to stop herself any longer, Fluttershy had three fingers deep in her own dripping snatch. Looking over, Twilight smiled slyly down at Rainbow between her legs. “Pet, I think our friend in yellow could use some help over there.”

Rarity glanced at Twilight and they shared a look of understanding between themselves before she looked at Fluttershy with her skirt up around her waist. “Pinks, you may assist Dashie.”

When Rarity booped Applejack’s nose lightly with her own, the farmer was bought back to reality. “Oh, yeah, Shimmer you can get in on that too.” With the order given, Rainbow Dash zipped over and she was worshipping Fluttershy's feet in a microsecond, while Pinkie Pie got down in between Fluttershy's legs and Sunset started to suck on her nipples.

“I don't...I...Oh my!” Fluttershy’s protests, half-hearted as they were, quickly evaporated like morning dew and were replaced by a big cheesy grin as she allowed the three pets to work their magic on her body.

“You say something?” Rainbow snickered as she sucked and licked on her oldest friend’s delicate toes. “Didn't think so...” she adjusted her position slightly to allow Pinkie to get her tongue deep in Fluttershy's snatch as Sunset sucked hard on her nipples as if she was trying to draw milk.

Recovered from their little fun, Rarity pulled Applejack with her and they both sat with Twilight on the couch and the three dominants watched their pets work their friend over. “Thirty seconds.”

“She's got stamina, Ah’ll give it a minute.”

Twilight adjusted her glasses and weighed up the odds. “I'll take less than thirty.” Hearing that, Rainbow Dash upped her game by sucking on both of Fluttershy’s big toes at once. Pinkie Pie was rubbing Fluttershy's clit as she tongue lashed her tunnel. Sunset alternated sucking and nibbling on one nipple then the other.

It did not take long, under all that stimulus, for Fluttershy to climax. The caretaker threw her head back and screamed. It wasn’t much of a loud scream, well, maybe a bat would hear it, and she collapsed back on the chair. Twilight beamed and basked in her victory. “Fourteen seconds. Pay up!”

Rarity and Applejack ‘paid up’ their debt to Twilight. Rarity turned and kissed her so passionately that her glasses fogged up, particularly when the designer groped her breast. At the same time, Applejack rubbed her fingers over Twilight’s pussy as she nibbled on her ear.

Rainbow Dash finally let up on her assault of Fluttershy’s feet. “I could worship these all day long um...after yours, of course, Mistress.”

Sunset nickered, “Good save, Dash.” Looking at Twilight though, the save wasn’t necessary. There was no way Twilight heard what Rainbow had said, not when she was being bought to orgasm by both Rarity and Applejack at the same time.

After Twilight had ridden out the entirety of her climax, she playfully pushed the other two off of her. “I want dessert!”

Rarity, who was more than ready for round three, rolled her eyes at Twilight and got up from the couch. “Fine…” she stretched and walked into the kitchen. She supposed an intermission could be useful to recharge the batteries, as it t’were. “Ice cream for everyone?”

“Yes, twice!” Twilight called back.

“Same,” Applejack grinned as she stroked her ponygirl’s mane and tail, “Shimmy has been a good mare today.”

“Ice cream!” Rainbow Dash zipped from the living room to the kitchen so fast that she left a rainbow coloured blur in her wake, so fast she made Rarity spin in the doorway, only to find that Pinkie Pie was already there in the kitchen dishing out the mounds of ice cream into seven bowls.

Straightening out her ruffled hair, Rarity returned to her seat. “Well, they seem to have that well in hand.”

“That was quite amazing!” Fluttershy gushed at last, the semi naked teen fanning herself with a hand.

“That’s why we only do this bi-monthly,” Twilight pointed out, as she placed a towel down on the couch so that she wasn’t sat on her own damp patch.

“That and our schedules, darling.” Rarity smiled, “It is nice to plan out an event.”

“Nice that Twi gives up her place for these events,” Applejack said as she sat on the blanket next to Twilight.

Twilight waved off the compliment. “My brother living with Cadance and not here helps out a lot. I’m also grateful my parents are taking another Iron Will airship tour over Neighagara Falls and they won’t be back until next month.” While the pets all screamed for ice cream, and the others chatted away amongst themselves, Fluttershy sat quietly in her chosen chair.

The evening’s fun times had made her want to be with Adagio Dazzle all the more but, alas, Sunday seemed so very, very far away.


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Sunday morning found Fluttershy stood at Adagio Dazzle’s front door. Just as she had promised, she was there early, in fact it was only just approaching seven a.m. Thankfully, being the start of summer, it was light at that time. Although, unsurprisingly, Adagio’s curtains were still closed. She giggled quietly when she retrieved her spare key from her bag. Even though the key was hers and Adagio had said she could use it, she nonetheless felt quite naughty.

Fluttershy felt like a cat burglar from one of Rarity’s trashy old novellas, all she lacked was a cape, top hat and a moustache to twirl in her villainy. She contented herself with smoothing down her dark green sun dress and doffing her wide brimmed hat, imagining as she did so a cackling laugh as she carefully and silently pushed open the door.

What she saw inside when she cracked the curtains open a tiny bit made her heart melt in her chest.

In the living room, Adagio Dazzle was sleeping soundly on the floor. She had made a makeshift kitty pet bed out of cushions she had taken from the couch she usually slept on and she was curled up in it under her clean blanket. Fluttershy only just resisted letting out a d’aaaaw as she saw her pet was wearing the mitts, socks and ears that she had left behind the other day.

Fluttershy noted, before she walked further into the room, that next to her sleeping kitty was the double pet bowl full of trail mix and water. Evidence she had used it a lot over the last few days. That both comforted and troubled her. ‘It’s good she’s finding solace in Jubilee,’ she thought as she quietly investigated the kitchen and other lower floor spaces, ‘But it’s not healthy to get dependent on it…’

Satisfied that Adagio had kept the ground floor in good clean order, Fluttershy crept slowly and carefully upstairs to see if the 'Do Not Touch' drawer had been touched. She didn’t want to wake her kitty just yet. In Adagio’s bedroom, she was pleased to find the DNT drawer completely untouched. In fact, she noted that the bedroom as a whole seemed hardly used at all, except for the closet, of course.

With her hands on her hips, Fluttershy was very pleased that the house had clearly been kept clean and tidy, although it looked disheveled because all the stuff in it was old and battered. Not much she could do about that. The important things were there was no dust anywhere, the fridge was clean and Adagio had even cleaned all the tiles in the bathroom.

‘Good kitties deserve a reward,’ Fluttershy thought as she made her way silently back down the stairs to the kitchen. Taking care to be as quiet as she could, she got a small bowl from a cupboard and reached into her bag for the kitty treats she had bought with her. Once she had the treats – which were six chocolate covered cherries – in the bowl, she tiptoed back over to her snoring pet and she waved it under her nose.

The sleeping kitten took a moment to react, but sure enough, Adagio sniffed and then she slowly smiled. Another few deep sniffs of her nose and, when she was sure she was detecting chocolate, she eventually cracked open an eyelid. “Oh...” her smile widened when she saw Fluttershy grinning down at her, “Ooh h-hey...” she stretched in her bed under her blanket, “Ma'am.”

“My pretty kitty can stretch,” Fluttershy said as she affectionately petted her head and straightened out her bed head hair, “And you're such a good kitty I got you treats!” she then placed the bowl of chocolate cherries near the pet bowl.

Adagio stretched in what was a vague approximation of some hitherto unknown yoga pose and she shook herself properly awake after a large yawn. “Thank you, Ma'am,” she saw the bowl of treats and she shrugged off the blanket to the floor revealing that she was naked but for the mitts, socks, ears and of course, her collar. “You got me chocolate?” Appreciatively, she licked at Fluttershy’s toes, exposed in the sandals she wore, “Thank you!”

While Adagio stretched, Fluttershy didn’t give a damn what pose the ex-siren was doing. She was admiring the view she was being treated to. It truly was a sight to behold. To show her appreciation, she petted the base of Adagio's spine as she watched her enjoy her chocolate treats. After the last chocolate cherry had been dispatched, Adagio contented herself by laying on the floor and casually licking at her owner's toes. “That was a nice way to wake up, Ms. Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy sighed happily as her kitten worked her tongue in between her toes. She saw and understood what Twilight had said about it being very relaxing. “I'm happy to walk in on a clean and pretty kitty, who is a very good kitty. Come upstairs with me,” somewhat reluctantly, she stood and walked up the stairs to Adagio's bedroom.

“Yes Ma'am,” Adagio crawled behind Fluttershy up the stairs with an eager smile on her face, because from her current angle she could see straight up the dark green dress and she got an eyeful of her pink panties. “I have a surprise for you, by the way.” She pointed to a rectangular piece of paper on her dresser.

After Fluttershy laid out the clothes she wanted her pet to wear on the way to her house, which was a tight white tee shirt and an exceptionally short pink skirt, she picked up and read the paper. She was overjoyed to discover it was an Employee of the Week certificate from the Burger Joint. “I have frames at my place for this, Adagio. Well done.”

“To be honest, I wasn't aware they did these at the Burger Joint,” Adagio blushed, “Apparently I got it because I smiled at the customers.”

Affectionately, Fluttershy skritched her fingers under Adagio's upturned chin. “I like your smile, pet. Now, lets’ get you dressed, we're going to my place today.”

“Thank you, Ma'am, smiling has started to feel...natural.” Adagio replied as she stood up on her feet and tried her best to get dressed herself, but with the kitty mitts having no thumbs, it was like trying to thread fog to get the skirt up her legs. No amount of trying was getting that skirt on. “Could you help, please Ma’am? It’s not easy with my paws.”

When Fluttershy ‘helped’, she was very, hands on. Well, she had to make sure it all fit correctly, after all. She tugged the tight tee shirt down over Adagio’s belly and she was pleased to see her nipples and her pudge were shown off nicely by the tight fabric. However, no amount of tugging would get the hem of the skirt all the way past the globes of her fat ass, not that Fluttershy tried very hard.

Then again, Adagio wasn’t complaining, either. Not even when she noted there was no underwear set out for her. Eventually, Fluttershy gave up on the skirt. At least her pussy was covered. Just. “Ooooooh...” Adagio purred now that her nipples were so hard they could cut glass. “Thank you, Ma'am!”

Once her pet was dressed, Fluttershy took out the yellow leash from her bag and clipped it on the D ring of the collar. Then, she led Adagio back down the stairs and out to the passenger side of her car. Not before she made a small diversion in the living room to pick up the double pet bowl. Adagio froze for the minutest of seconds at her door, but she steeled herself and walked confidently behind her owner. At her car door, though, she suddenly felt very exposed.

Fluttershy noticed Adagio’s futile attempts to first pull the skirt down to try and hide her vast behind, and then try to cover herself up with her paws. The attempts were just the most amusing thing! “My kitty must really miss her tail. Still, it’s hard to put a seat belt on when wearing it. Maybe for walkies next time.”

“I do miss it, Ma'am,” Adagio blushed bright red as Fluttershy opened the door and she was allowed in the car seat at last. Now, along with the distinct possibility of her neighbors seeing her, thoughts of 'walkies' and public stuff like that ran through her head as well, and that more than got her going.

In silence, Fluttershy drove directly to her house in the north eastern part of the Canterville suburbs which was situated a fair ways away from the rest of the urban sprawl. Her place had a lot of land around it, and a large clear blue lake at the end of a long drive, but it wasn't completely isolated. “Stay,” she ordered as she got out of the car and walked around to open the door and put the leash back on. “Come along, Jubilee.”

‘Just Jubilee?’ Adagio thought to herself, momentarily not moving at all. ‘Oh...’ She tried not to be too disappointed at what Fluttershy had said. Her fears from the other day came back to her mind. That all she wanted was her pet persona. Well, it was better than nothing, right? “Yes Ma'am,” she said eventually and got out, breathing somewhat easier at the amount of land – and nobody to see her - and she walked with her owner to her house. “This is a nice area, Ms. Fluttershy.”

“Did my kitty forget the name she chose for herself?” Fluttershy asked with a giggle when she saw Adagio hesitate before getting out of her car. Inside the large one storey house there was an adult sized padded pet bed, to which the caretaker placed the double pet bowl she had taken from Adagio’s place down next to it. “I saw you like trail mix, Jubilee, is there anything you don't like in the mix?”

“Wow...” Adagio breathed out, though as she looked open mouthed and a little enviously at the big pet bed, she was reminded by the repeated use of her pet name what the status quo was for the day’s play. Oh well. “Um...I don't like apricots very much, Ma'am. Everything else is good though.”

“Angel,” the moment Fluttershy said the word, a small white rabbit hopped out seemingly from nowhere, “This is my pet, Jubilee. You 'will' be nice to her. Jubilee, this is Angel Bunny the Third. You 'will' be nice to him.” There was a lot of undercurrent and heavy emphasis when she said ‘will’. Something that did not go unnoticed. Angel glared at Adagio, then he nodded and hopped off back to his rabbit hole in the skirting board.

“Yes Ma'am, I understand. Play nice with the bunny,” Adagio then walked up to the pet bed, “Can I try this out, please?”

“Kittens do need their naps,” Fluttershy said with a smile and a nod of her head, “I'll go make up some food for you.”

“Thank you, Ma'am!” Despite her burgeoning gloomy mood, Adagio stepped into the pet bed and, dropping to her knees, she curled around a few times before she settled in the bed. Drawing her knees up to her belly, her skirt rode all the way up her ass, and she giggled, not even caring she was exposed.

In her kitchenette, Fluttershy quickly prepared a trail mix of almonds, cashews, dried blue berries, dried pineapple, chocolate chips, venison jerky, pine seeds and shelled sunflower seeds. But no apricots. She wasn’t sure if Adagio was allergic or just didn’t like them, but it was no trouble to leave them out. “Here you go, Jubilee.” She poured the mix into one of the empty bowls and fresh water into the other. “You may nap for one hour.”

“Meeeeeeow!” Adagio purred, happy to play along, because at least Fluttershy wanted Jubilee, and in some small way that meant her as well. Her eyes went wide at the sight of the really tasty looking mix. “That looks amazing, Ma'am!” As her belly rumbled – she had missed breakfast, after all – she took a large bite of it, getting a piece of everything, from the bowl and chewed. “Sleeping has tired me out.”

Fluttershy giggled and gave her kitten an affectionate skritch behind the ears, “I'll be back, if you wake up you may explore.” With that, she stood and walked off down a hallway that lead to rooms that Adagio couldn’t see.

“Mew!” as happy and contented as she was going to be, Adagio curled up with her paws under her chin and got properly comfortable in the pet bed. In no time flat, her eyes drooped and closed. It was really no surprise, given the fact she was woken up at seven, that she slept soundly for the whole hour. At the end of the hour, Fluttershy woke her kitten with gentle pets to the head and her upper back. “Mmmmmmm…” she purred as her back was stroked and after five, she woke up.

“Did my kitty sleep well?”

Adagio nodded and yawned, “Yes Ma'am,” she stretched in the large pet bed like she had done back in her living room, “This bed is so comfortable!”

Smiling sweetly, Fluttershy revealed to her kitty what she had in her hands. She brushed the fluffy end of the orange cat tail plug along Adagio's face and then she moved back to sit on the couch in a way that showed off that she had no underwear on. “I think I need to lube this before I can use it on you, but my toes are so very cold and lonely.”

When Fluttershy slipped off her open toed sandals and wiggled her perfect feet complete with her deep pink painted nails, Adagio got the hint straightaway. “I can do something about that, Ma'am!” Adagio crawled over and, not even bothering to look up between her legs, she lowered her face to those beautiful perfect feet and her wiggling toes. “Mmmmmm!” purring, she immediately took the toes of the left foot in her mouth and licked between them.

Sighing happily, Fluttershy began to pleasure herself with the tapered end of the butt plug within full view of her pet. Watching what she was doing, Adagio was getting very aroused by the display of the plug sawing in and out of her owner’s wet pussy. She could see her juices smeared all over the toy, and so she upped her game at her feet.

Fluttershy soon discovered that while Rainbow Dash may have been good worshipping her feet, Adagio Dazzle had her skill down to an art form. And she was reaping the benefit of it. Although she was thoroughly enjoying the sensations of the hot wet tongue sliding between her toes and the lips kissing her feet, it was the plug plunging into her snatch that got her off.

When Fluttershy came, Adagio looked up when she heard her owner get off. “Ma' have the most adorable cum scream I’ve ever heard.” Fluttershy didn’t say anything, she just motioned for her pet to turn around. Getting the idea, Adagio turned and, reaching back with her paws, she pulled her ass open and presented.

Fluttershy ran her hand up and down her wet slit and used her wetted fingers to lube up the kitten's asshole before she inserted the tail. Then, she re-attached the leash. Walkies time.” She was pleased that the addition of the tail kept the back of the skirt hiked up and her crotch on full display.

“Meeeeeooow!” Adagio said loudly and happily, and she had no problem at all wagging her tail and showing off her ass for her owner.

At the front door, Fluttershy paused and considered her pet at her heels. She respected her pet and she respected the game. “What does Jubilee say if she is done playing?”

“Ocean, Ma’am.” Reassurance given, Fluttershy opened the door and she led Adagio up her garden path to the main road. The kitty lifted a paw up to her eyes to shield against the sunlight and she could barely make out the house on the other side of the road down a long driveway similar to Fluttershy’s.

While she was distracted by the view, she didn’t notice the first car drive past. She noticed though when the driver honked his horn at her. Adagio breathed deeply through her nose and her anxiety was kicking in when the second car passed them by. Yes, she was walking, but her ass was totally exposed.

After the second car drove past in a blaze of flashing headlights and honking horns, Fluttershy gently petted Adagio's head and she led her back to the property. Inside, there were are a few wild animals in residence that weren’t there earlier. There was a female deer, three raccoons, two squirrels, rabbits, a mountain lion and a fox. “Sweet Tooth is the mountain lion,” she pointed out the large animal, “She’s my main source of venison. Over there is Clover, the doe. That was her brother in your trail mix.”

“I see, Ma'am…” Adagio blushed slightly, and she wondered how it felt odd that she was feeling a little guilty at eating something's relative. She’d never ever felt like that before, but there seemed to be no enmity in the room at all. That was even stranger. “That walk was...well, it was exciting.”

“Sweet Tooth knows better than to hunt anyone on my property,” she petted the mountain lion and it looked back at her proudly. “I only know it was Clover's brother when she told me. He was deep in the forest when he was caught.” She gave Adagio a skritch of her ears, “I'm proud of my kitty, and she has such a beautiful tail to be shown to all.”

Adagio blushed extremely hard at the fact that Fluttershy was proud of her. “Time was I didn't think twice about showing myself off, Ms. Fluttershy. To walk like that even to the end of your path, well I haven't done it in a while.”

“In time, I may walk you around your yard, but not quite yet. Now, to show you inside my house.”

Adagio smiled broadly as she followed behind her for the tour. The leash was still clipped to her collar, but it was kept slack. “You should have seen us perform at the roman orgies…boy they were some fun times.”

Fluttershy herself smiled, but she was thinking of the orgy she had just attended two nights ago at Twilight’s mansion not the romans. “I'm sure it was nice,” was all she said to that.

“ was something, alright,” Adagio had a dreamy look of reminiscence on her face, “The Sex, food, music, sex...everything was in excess, and we were in complete control,” she smile widened, “Good times.”

With a sharp tug of the leash, Fluttershy pulled Adagio alongside her so she could pet the tail plug and nibble a delicate little whisper in her kitten's ear. “I'm in control now, pet.”

“Yes Ma'am, yes you are…” Adagio’s knees went weak and she sighed in bliss. The look in Fluttershy’s eyes sent shivers up and down her spine. The sound of her voice sent those shivers straight to her already damp crotch. “We moved on not long after that,” she murmured, though her train of thought was quickly being derailed.

The first room of the tour was the adult pet room. Adagio saw it was a large open area with a wide variety of tails in many colors, different foot and hand covers as well as lots of collars hanging on the walls. There were only a few beds and pet bowls scattered around on the floor. On the opposite wall were many different pet teaching aids ranging from grooming gloves to whips. “Canterlot City has an interesting underground that really helps to fund the shelter.”

“So, I see,” Adagio was in awe as she looked around the room. “Has anyone ever worn the bear stuff? Forget that, have you ever used the whips?”

“If I have reason to,” Fluttershy answered silkily. “Yes, there is a bear in someone's house,” she giggled, “I think he is a teddy bear, but I don't judge someone else's pleasure.” She reached up and took down on of the whips and ran the coil around Adagio's pudgy body. “I tend to use my voice for discipline, but I'm willing to experiment.”

Adagio shuddered and her breath hitched in her throat. She could easily believe that Fluttershy could tame anything with just a look and an inflection of her voice. “Experimenting is good,” she giggled, “I bet you could even tame Aria with this, the nasty tempered old lion.”

With a snap of her wrist, Fluttershy whapped Adagio’s orange tail with the coiled whip. “The nasty tempered old lion that got you an appointment to see me?”

“Ooooooh Ah...yes, that would be the one!”

Next, Fluttershy led Adagio by the leash down the hallway and into her study. “You would have found me here if you had wandered around earlier.” She waved her hands at the extensive library on animals and animal care. Every bookcase was full to bursting. “I do most of my work in here for the shelter.”

“I would have, but I really needed that nap, Ma'am.”

Affectionately, Fluttershy petted Adagio’s head. It helped she was a foot shorter than she was. “I don't mind, that’s why I let you nap.” She then led her down to the far end of the hall and into her bedroom.

“Oh, my goodness…” Adagio found the bedroom to be an exceptionally girly affair. It was delicate, lacy, and full of pastel colours – mostly pink – with a big four poster bed dominating the room. “It's like pink exploded in here!” she burst out into a giggle fit. “I approve though. It's very 'you'.” Fluttershy, who still had the coiled whip in her free hand, slapped Adagio's bare ass, aiming just under the tail. “Aah!” she exclaimed and jumped a little, “Sorry Ma'am!”

“I do know that cats can try to find some level of independence, but one’s meow can so easily betray them,” Fluttershy turned and placed a light kiss on her kitten’s nose. “Now, to the next room. I'm interested in your reaction to this.” While Adagio glowed with more than a blush at the result of her kiss and she followed Fluttershy to the next room on the opposite side of the hall heading back to the living room. The room was rather spartan. Bare stone flooring and exposed brick walls and bars on the only window. The center was occupied by a large adult sized pet cage. Next to it was a pole in the center with a ring and chain attached to it. “So far only some of the naughty animals on my property have spent time in here. Sometimes my voice is just not enough. It is a lonely room.”

“Yeah...yeah I can see that…” Fluttershy ran a hand along the cage. The room felt like it belonged in some miserable foreign prison, not in Fluttershy’s house. It was a genuinely scary room. “I know about lonely. I think I'd rather lay in your kitty bed in the first room.”

“Or keep my feet warm in my bedroom?”

“Yes Ma'am, or I'd much rather do that, yeah.” She stepped away from the pet cage like it might bite her. It wasn’t a million miles away from the gibbets she had seen in continental Europe centuries ago.

Feeling that her point had been made, Fluttershy led Adagio away from the punishment room to the next room along the hall which was just a simple guest bedroom. Sparsely decorated, but tasteful in a chain hotel sort of way. “Now and again, one of my friends need to spend the night.”

“I'm sure they do, Ma'am.”

“My kitty learns.” Fluttershy led her pet back to the 'pet shop' room and she returned the whip to the wall. “I think we can go play outside for a bit and have some fun.” She tugged the leash and led her back to her bedroom. “Don't want any grass stains on your clothes, do we?” The question was a rhetorical one and without waiting for an answer, she undressed Adagio and folded the clothes neatly on her dresser. “Ready to play?” she asked when Adagio was stood in just her mitts, socks, ears, tail and collar.

“Yes Ma'am, I'm ready to play!”

Out in the back yard, Fluttershy had two large sheds. One bore a sign that said it contained a variety of feed for the wildlife, while the other had a sign marked ‘stuff’. From the stuff shed she got a tether ball pole and staked it to the ground. Next, there came an RCV with a giant mouse and moving tail instead of a car chassis.

The play consisted of lots of chasing the remote controlled mouse – she even caught it twice! - batting the tether ball, and general heavy petting. It was amazing to Adagio that thirty minutes could pass by so quickly. But, sure enough, it did. Just as she was about to bat her paws at the tether ball again, an elder man in his early sixties entered the backyard from the side of the house. “Fluttershy?”

“Hello Mr. Waddle,” Fluttershy greeted her long time neighbor with a generous smile, “How can I help you today?”

Mr. Waddle, wholly distracted by the large kitten, almost forgot what he had come around for. “Um, I can come back…”

“No, it's fine,” Fluttershy waved him off airily, “I’m just exercising my kitty.”

“M-Mew...” For a long, long second, Adagio paused and she was tempted to run for cover. Then, she realised that hiding would be pointless because he’d already seen her. All of her. that he's seen her now and no sense in hiding. In that moment she made a choice. She crawled over the grass to the old man and she moved around his feet, meowing loudly.

“Um, ah, um...” Mr. Waddle flustered, not noticing the tent that was growing in his pants.

Fluttershy noticed though. “Jubilee!” she used her ‘stern’ voice and pointed to the grass next to her feet.

“Meeeeew!” Adagio gave Mr. Waddle’s legs a last nuzzle and then she crawled over to where Fluttershy pointed, adding a lot of sway to her ass as she did so. “Meow!” she sat on her haunches and looked rather pleased with herself at the boner she had caused the old man to have.

“Mr. Waddle?” Fluttershy asked gently.

Mr. Waddle blinked several times, but the tent pitched in his pants showed no sign of going away. “Um, aaaah…Marble is really scratching at his ears.”

“Okay,” Fluttershy giggled, inwardly pleased at the effect that her pet had on her old neighbor, “I want you to go back home, I'll be over in a little bit with my kit. I just need to put Jubilee inside so that Sweet Tooth doesn't carry her off as a play toy.” She skritched firmly between Adagio's ears. “I just love my pussy!”

When he heard that, Mr. Waddle's jaw dropped almost to the floor. He closed his eyes and opened them with a smile that came straight from his tight pants. “Right, I'll see you, then.” He gave them a wave, turned and walked off back the way he had come.

“Did my kitty enjoy herself?”

“Yes Ma'am, I actually enjoyed myself a lot,” Adagio then realised that she was a little sweaty from her play time in the sun, so much so that her skin was covered in a shiny sheen. That didn’t stop her from smiling ear to ear though. “It was a lot of fun, so was messing with the old man,” she nuzzled Fluttershy's hand hopefully, “Did you mean that, Ma'am, that you loved me?”

Softly, Fluttershy kissed Adagio’s nose. “I did.” She then reconnected the leash and led her back into the house. “Do you want to play some more, or do you want a bath?”

As she crawled back inside the house, Adagio sniffed herself and gagged. She smelled like she had when she had spent a week on her couch. Not good, at all. “I could use a bath, Ma'am, I'm quite a stinky kitty.”

“It’ll take a few minutes to take care of Mr. Waddle's dog. Would you like to come with me, or wait here?”

“I'll wait, if you don't mind, Ms. Fluttershy. I could go get comfy in the bath for you?” she offered as she kissed and nipped at her owner’s ear in the way she knew she liked.

“You may wait in the bathroom and use the litter box if you need to, but no playing with the water.”

“Yes Ma'am!” Adagio licked all the way up Fluttershy's face from her chin up to her forehead and then she crawled off to the bathroom. While she hadn’t been shown it on the tour, she guessed it was the only room left with a closed door. She was right. Once she got there, she laid provocatively on the floor and daydreamed about her owner.

Twenty minutes later and Fluttershy walked into the bathroom, curious to see if her pet needed the pooper scooper or not. She noted that Adagio had just done a pee in the litter box, and she was laid on her front on the floor, her legs slightly apart, wiggling her fat ass and wagging her tail. When she heard Fluttershy walk in, she looked over her shoulder and blew her owner a kiss. “You are such a cute kitten!” she smiled as she removed the foot and hand covers from Adagio. Then, she quickly undressed herself and filled the tub with warm water. “Now to make you a sweet smelling cute kitten.”

“I had fun today,” Adagio confessed as she climbed into the tub and sat, sighing as the wonderfully warm water rose up to her chest. It felt like it was cleansing her sweaty body already. “More than I thought I would, if I'm honest, Ma'am.”

Smiling, Fluttershy sat in behind Adagio and she started to clean her from head to tail. “Poor Marble had ear mites. Easy to fix though. Mr. Waddle said he thought you were a very pretty kitty.”

Adagio blushed so hard she was sure that her owner could feel it. “It...It's been a long time since I felt good enough about myself to do that in front of anyone.”

When Fluttershy was done and Adagio was all clean, she whispered in her ear, “Would my pet like to wash her owner?”

“Yes, please Ma'am,” Adagio’s answer was out past her lips before the whole question had been asked, “I'd love to wash you.”

Fluttershy spun in place in the tub so that she was facing the other way. “I like the strawberry shampoo.”

“Yes Ma'am!” Adagio grabbed the strawberry shampoo from the shelf above the tub and got to work. While she had very delicate hands, she was quite handsy in her work. Where Fluttershy was direct and to the point with her cleaning, Adagio was far more sensual. Even though she enjoyed being cleaned, when Adagio made a sneaky foot worship under the water, Fluttershy stopped her with a tug of her hair and a boop on her nose.

When they were both cleaned, Fluttershy let out the water and grabbed a fluffy white towel from the rack. She then vigorously dried her pet, being sure to pay a lot of attention to her tail. A lot of wiggly jiggly attention. As Adagio was still moaning and purring from the wiggly attention to her tail, she took the towel and dried Fluttershy with the towel, though she knew from the nose boop not to be overly handsy in her drying. “I'm going to have a chicken salad,” Fluttershy announced as soon as she was dry, “Would Jubilee like that or does she want her trail mix with venison?”

“I would like the trail mix with venison, please Ma'am.” It wasn’t that she didn’t like chicken, she just didn’t have much time for salads. Greenery was for rabbits.

Gathering up her clothes, along with the hand and foot paws, Fluttershy carried them to her utility room so she could launder them later. On her way back to the bathroom, she made sure to grab another set of paw mitts and socks, then she helped her kitty put them on. Pointedly, Fluttershy didn't bother with clothing as she headed into the kitchen. “You may watch me in the kitchen,” she said on the way, “But stay off the counter and table.”

Adagio duly crawled after Fluttershy and she sat in the kitchen. She looked up at the counter while her owner worked and she giggled, because there was no way she could climb up there even if she wanted to. “I'll behave, Ma'am.” As she watched her make her chicken salad, a thought occurred to her. “Ma'am, why didn't you let me kiss your feet in the bath?”

“I will let you know when it’s play time.”

“Yes Ms. Fluttershy,” since she was naked, Adagio was alternating between staring at the teenager’s ass, her legs and of course her feet, with much longer being spent on her feet.

Soon, Fluttershy finished her salad prep. Before she carried her food out though, she walked over to the double pet bowl and topped up the venison trail mix and the water. Only when Jubilee was catered for did she go back to the kitchen for her salad and lemonade and she sat down on the couch. Purposefully she sat with her legs spread and straight out, all within view of the pet bed.

Now her food and water was topped up, Adagio crawled over to the pet bed and she got back in. She was about to take a bite of her food when she saw the show in front of her. And what a fine show it was. “Meeeeeeeew…” As she took the bite, she kept her eyes locked on Fluttershy's crotch. Fluttershy just ate her salad like nothing was untoward, though she knew precisely what she was doing. ‘Sweet oceans…’ she thought as she stared and ate, though on the third such attempt she missed the food bowl and ended up face first in her water.

Wearing an amused look on her face, Fluttershy looked up at the sound of the splash. “Bath time is over, Jubilee.”

“Phhbt…” Adagio spluttered and used a forearm to dry herself, a lot like a cat would do. “S-Sorry Ma'am, I um...I was distracted,” ‘Yeah,’ she thought, ‘By your amazing looking cooch!’ She didn’t say that out loud, much as she wanted to.

As she stretched her long toned legs, Fluttershy nodded sagely. “That’s okay, kittens are often distracted.” She then returned to eating her salad, but not before she wiggled her painted toes in the air.

Adagio was mesmerized. ‘Fuck...those feet...’ she thought, her mind all in a daze. Slowly, carefully, she returned to her venison trail mix although her eyes remained locked on Fluttershy's splayed open toes. It was like she was entranced, which wasn’t very far from the truth of it, not too dissimilar from the effects of her song used to be.

A few minutes later and Fluttershy finished her salad and her lemonade. Getting up, slowly, she returned the empty bowl and glass to the kitchen. Just as slowly, with a saunter in her step not unlike Adagio had utilized during her time at the school, she returned to the couch but, when she sat, she positioned herself up against an armrest and placed her feet on the couch cushions with her legs bent.

Fluttershy shot a sly look to her kitten to see if she was still eating. Adagio had emptied her feed bowl of the trail mix and she was somehow managing to drink from the water bowl while at the same time she was staring at Fluttershy and her feet. “Would my kitty like to lay on the couch? She could keep my toes warm.”

That was the invitation that Adagio had been waiting for. “I thought you'd never ask, Ma'am!” the ex-siren crawled over and she got up on the couch and curled her pudgy body up around those perfect, beautiful feet. She placed the soles on her belly and wrapped her arms over the tops of them.

Teasingly, Fluttershy spread her knees apart so she could look at her pet and administer pets to her. “You are such a good and pretty kitty, Jubilee.”

“It's easy to be good when you get rewards like these feet, Ms. Fluttershy,” Adagio responded quickly, though that was not the whole reason she was being good.

“I'd rather reward than punish my pets.”

Adagio casually stroked her fingers up and down Fluttershy's feet, “I'd rather be rewarded too, Ma'am.”

“I think I'm going to take an after lunch nap.” Fluttershy playfully wiggled her toes like she was treading invisible grapes against her pet’s belly. “'Try' to not wake me, Jubilee, but kitty may play with my feet.”

“Thank you, Ma'am,” Adagio adjusted herself on the couch so she could gently and softly lick, kiss and stroke Fluttershy's feet. Petting her orange hair, she closed her eyes and laid back on the head rest. Minutes later and the petting stopped as her breathing evened out. Annoyingly, from Adagio’s point of view, the petting hand rested on her groin. Adagio knew enough not to try and move that hand, as much as she might want to. For now, she was happy with her reward. She contented herself with suckling on her owner’s toes for a little while before she too started to nod off with them still in her mouth.

Fluttershy’s nap lasted for ninety minutes. When she woke, she was pleased to find Adagio still asleep with the toes of her left foot still in her mouth. Smiling, she used the toes of her right foot to reach up and stroke her hair. “Hmmmmmm…” she purred under the petting and, as she woke up, started to suck again on the big toe in her mouth.

“I'm curious, my pet, tell me what it is about my feet that you find so attractive?”

“Oh um...” Adagio sat up a little bit and het muscles popped in her back from being curled up for so long. “It's um...well it's not just your feet, Ma'am. I like all feet.” She blushed as she spoke about her deepest fetish, “You saw my true form at the Battle of the Bands.” Her blush gave way to a misty eyed look, “As much as I miss it, there aren't many feet underwater or in Equestria at all. When we came here, feet were so...exotic, I got addicted to them.”

Understandingly, Fluttershy nodded. “Thank you. I've seen it with others. I,” she giggled, “I know one man, who shall remain nameless, with a paw fetish. He will come into the shop and stroke the paws of the dogs. They are more understanding than the cats, or the mountain lion.” She giggled and caressed Adagio’s face with her feet, rubbing her soles all over from her lips to her forehead. “You are a very good and pretty kitty, and you may play with my feet for a bit longer.”

“Thank you, Ma'am,” Adagio began to knead Fluttershy's soft soles in her hands. “You do have the best looking feet I've seen in a very long time. They're such perfect things!” she sighed in utter contentment and she got to worshipping while Fluttershy returned to petting. “It was nice,” she spoke without really realizing she was talking as she was lost in the moment massaging and kissing those feet. “During the Battle, when we transformed. We hadn't had that power in centuries. To feel my tail and fins again...just for a moment...”

“What would my pet do if she could have that power again?”

The question came so out of the blue that Adagio dropped the foot she was massaging. Blinking once then twice she looked up and straight into the sincerest eyes she’d ever seen. “I'd swim, I mean properly swim, not what you call swimming. It wouldn't have to be in the ocean, a pool would suffice,” she sighed wistfully and returned her attention to her feet. “But that's not going to happen.”

“That is true, pet, it may never happen.” Fluttershy spoke honestly and kindly, though she did not mince her words. Sometimes kindness hurt, and she knew this was going to be one of those times. “You know this world is now full of magic. I don't know if I can help you, but I'll not stop you.”

Adagio let out a long slow sigh as well as a few sobs, sobs that she didn’t try to prevent or wipe away. “My gem was destroyed!” Suddenly her halting sobs turned into full on cries and she ran her hands up her heavily scarred arms. “No gem! No power! No voice! No Magic!” As Adagio cried, Fluttershy bent forward to take her pet’s head in her hands so she could nuzzle her.

Once Adagio started crying though, she really cried. Just like that, in an instant, in her mind she was back on her couch bawling miserably into her pillow. “F-For a second...w-we were whole...n-now I-I'm nothing! I'm less than nothing!”

Adagio’s tortured, ruined voice was like a dagger straight to Fluttershy’s heart. Not for the first time, she told herself the Rainbow Magic had been necessary. She told herself they’d had no choice. But, crying in her arms, was the consequences of what she had done. “You are my kitten, and that is something.” She said eventually, “It may not be what you wish for, but it is what you have.”

“Y-Yeah,” Adagio sobbed and cried pitifully, snot clogging her nose and her eyes puffy and red, “At least you love Jubilee, huh?”

There. She said it.

“I do,” Fluttershy said as she caressed the crying woman’s hair and face, “And maybe, in time, I can love Adagio also.”

There. She said it.

“What's to love about this?” Adagio cried in utter despair. Despondently she gestured to herself and wipes her puffy red eyes on the back of her paw mitt. “Besides, I bet your friends would love that. Hey guys!” she affected a crude imitation of Fluttershy’s voice when she spoke now, “Remember those sirens whose asses we kicked? I love one of them and she’s my pet!”

“Don't speak ill of me or my friends, missy.” Fluttershy said with stern severity in her voice that cut through Adagio’s whimpered crying like a knife through butter. “Just so you know, I would say the same to them. Now, are you my friend?”

Miserably, Adagio shrugged, “I guess…”

“Maybe you need time to think about that then, my pet. Would you like to go back outside for the afternoon?”

“Sure,” Adagio sniffed back a tear, her crying at last abating, “I could use some air.”

Gently, tenderly, Fluttershy wiped the tears from Adagio's cheeks before they could dry into streaks like a mother would console a weeping child. “Some air and some exercise will do you some good.” She slid up and off of the couch and clicked her fingers. “Come along, Jubilee.” Fluttershy walked to the back door and opened it so that her pet could go out first.


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Gently, tenderly, Fluttershy wiped the tears from Adagio's cheeks before they could dry into streaks like a mother would console a weeping child. “Some air and some exercise will do you some good.” She slid up and off of the couch and clicked her fingers. “Come along, Jubilee.” Fluttershy walked to the back door and opened it so that her pet could go out first.

“Yes Ma'am,” still feeling miserable and utterly wretched, Adagio slipped from the couch and, on her hands and knees, she crawled outside to the back garden, very grateful that Fluttershy did at least wipe her cheeks.

Following Adagio outside into the afternoon sunlight, Fluttershy picked up the remote for the mouse, still as nude as she had been back in the house and she started up the remote vehicle determined to give her pet a workout. Adagio was slow to react at first, due to the crying fit she had just had, though she did crawl after the 'mouse'.

Despite her slowness, Fluttershy still made it easy to catch so that Adagio had some early victories and didn’t get too discouraged. She was of course wary of her pet’s fragile state of mind and didn’t want to further upset her any more than she already was. That wasn’t why Aria came to her, after all.

After the sixth successful catch of the remote controlled mouse, when she was facing Fluttershy, she looked up and at last noticed that the teenager was naked. Naked and outside, in her back yard. “Those clothes look good on you,” she panted, sweat dripping from her brow, “Ma’am.”

Fluttershy looked down at herself and giggled, completely at ease in the slight breeze of the afternoon. “This is my normal dress in the back yard. I think Mr. Waddle comes over early to catch me with whatever problem Marble is having.” Not that she minded about that, not since her friendship with Tree Hugger, anyway. “You gave him a pleasant surprise this morning.”

Out of breath from chasing the mouse, Adagio – carefully so as not to send the tail plug uncomfortably deep in her ass - sat on her behind on the grass. “You surprise me,” she said as she ran a hand through her orange hair, dislodging it from being stuck to her scalp.

Walking over to her, Fluttershy sat down next to Adagio on the grass. “A good surprise?”

“Yeah,” as surprises went, discovering that Fluttershy had an exhibitionist streak to her was one of the better ones. “I mean, I expected it from Shimmer or the rainbow one, even the southern one,” she blushed a little and rubbed her scarred arms over her pudgy body. “I’m sorry, none of my business…”

Without warning, Fluttershy pulled Adagio into a tight hug. “If Jubilee would like to be Adagio, just let me know and I'll pull out the tail. But this,” she ran her fingers along the yellow collar around her neck, “Will stay. The mitts and the ears are up to you, since I said you could wear them when you liked.”

“I like being Jubilee,” Adagio admitted as she rested her head on the much taller woman’s shoulder. Her heart felt extremely heavy, but she had to get off of her chest. “You like Jubilee, I like Jubilee.”

When Adagio let out a sigh that came straight from her soul and looked down at the grass, Fluttershy whispered in her ear, “This is a secret, but I do like Adagio too. There are things I can do with Jubilee, I might not do with Adagio, but then there are things I'd do with Adagio, that I wouldn't do with Jubilee.”

Not expecting Fluttershy to say that, Adagio’s eyes went wide as dinner plates. She hardly dared to believe that the woman she had come to love might actually feel the same way about her, and not just her pet persona. Something extremely unfamiliar blossomed in her breast. Hope. For the first time in a very long time, she felt hopeful. “Um...if I'm honest, um...I’ve been imagining asking you out properly, like a girlfriend…”

Fluttershy’s heart performed a somersault in her chest. It was all she could do to not jump up and down and cheer. “That would be one of the things I'd do with Adagio, that I wouldn't do with Jubilee. I respect all my animals, and they adore me, so they'd do anything I wanted. Yet, that isn't really a choice they are making. They just want to please me. Jubilee wants to please me. Adagio will be more of a challenge, as she has her free will.”

“Why would you say yes though?” Adagio asked forlornly, the slight spark of hope dying as fast as it had been born, “I mean, look at the state of me,” she gestured to her chubby scarred self like anyone that would want her would have to be either mad or pitying her, “And besides, you've probably got something going with one of them other Rainbooms.”

“One?” Fluttershy asked incredulously, “Really, do you think I limit myself to just one?” she laughed, and a tiny trace of bitterness emerged in it, “I'm the seventh wheel in the group, the afterthought, but they do love me and share that love with me both emotionally and physically. You saw the animals in the shelter. I don't care about species, body type, or individual issues. I love them because of what is in here,” she tapped her index finger between Adagio's C cup breasts. “It is always a matter of heart. With this,” the same finger tapped Adagio's head, “There can be deception of self and others. The brain holds fears, and the heart holds hope.”

‘Well, here goes fuck all...’ Adagio thought to herself, “Fluttershy, would you please go out with me? I'd like very much to be your girlfriend, as well as your pet.”

There was a deviously sly twinkle in Fluttershy’s eye, as well as a wide smile on her face. “I should think about this to string you along, but that wouldn't be nice. I'd be happy to take Jubilee anywhere, and I'd be happy to let Adagio take me anywhere as long as I can take her somewhere too.”

Adagio managed a thin smile as she processed that. “Existence doesn't seem as bleak and pointless when I think of you, Fluttershy.”

Affectionately, Fluttershy skritched with her fingers under Adagio's chin. “Life is always a challenge. It is nice when you don't have to face that challenge alone. One on one, I'm very brave and I like to be in control. In crowds though, I can grow timid, and it is nice to know someone will cover for me.”

“I got your back,” Adagio smiled as she rested her head back on Fluttershy's shoulder, “And your front,” she chuckled, “And your feet, too.”

“As long as that tail is inside you,” Fluttershy said gently but firmly, laying down the rule, “I can be your pillow, and my feet can be your comfort. Unless you'd like a newspaper to the nose?”

Adagio giggled at that, imagining a Fluttershy shaped pillow, “It's not just Jubilee who likes feet, but I get the rule and why it's there.”

“I knew I had a smart kitten,” Fluttershy lifted up Adagio’s head and kissed her nose. “How is my kitten feeling now? Sometimes you have to say hurtful things to show kindness, but that doesn't make it any more pleasant.”

“I'm okay, or I will be okay, and I'm not just talking about your kitten,” Adagio sighed a little, “But…” her eyes went downwards over her body that she had abused, “Why do you even care?”

“That is a good question.” It was such a good question that she considered her reply for a whole two minutes. “First, I care because Jubilee is my pet. Second, I care because Adagio is an individual. Third, I care because it would hurt me if I didn't. Don't think my caring will give you a free pass. Others have thought to take advantage of my kindness and learned that it has a limit, but my caring does not.”

“I get it. Don’t take the piss.” She smiled, just. “I think I'd very much like to have the tail out now, please. Give the kitten a rest for a bit.”

Bending Adagio over her lap, Fluttershy gripped the orange tail in her hand and wiggled it side to side until it was out. She could have just pulled it straight out, but the mewling whimpers that Adagio was making were music to her ears. “I'll clean this since you can't hold it.” As she lifted her off of her lap, she gave her a light kiss to the lips. “I think a shower is in order instead of a bath.”

Adagio took the kiss, which was as light as a feather and she blushed, for her asshole felt quite empty without the plug inside. “I think a shower with you is a great idea.” Then again, she thought that anything with Fluttershy was a great idea.

“Oh my,” Fluttershy beamed as she stood up, “It could be that my new girlfriend is as smart as my pet!” the teenager flushed when she said that, because she realised after she had said it what exactly she had just said. It made her feel very good inside.

Adagio laughed out loud as she too stood up and held out her hand for Fluttershy. “I have been around a while, you know.”

Somewhat tentatively, Fluttershy reached out and took Adagio’s hand in hers. As they walked together back to the house, she even gave it a gentle squeeze. “I think the fun will be doubled for Mr. Waddle when he shows up tomorrow morning.” She mused out loud, already envisioning it in her head.

Feeling the gentlest of squeezes to her hand made her heart do a backflip in Adagio’s chest. “I can tie a cherry stalk into a knot with my tongue,” she said, squeezing back just a little firmer, “I promise, he'll hear us before he sees us.” Fluttershy just giggled when she heard that, because it sounded like something Pinkie Pie should be skilled at, but she said nothing. “What? You don't believe me?”

With a sing song voice, all she said was, “It depends on where I put the cherry stem!”

“I can think of a good place,” Adagio said with a playful wink, “I'll even show you my Turkish Tornado trick.”

“I'll think about it.” When she gave Adagio another light kiss straight to her lips, she was doing plenty of thinking about it. From the lusty way Adagio was looking at her, it promised to send her into space. “But for now, let’s clean off our pet play. You may be as hands, or other things, on as you wish to clean me. I hold myself to no reservations.”

“Challenge accepted, cutie!” Adagio kissed her back far firmer than she herself had been kissed, though Fluttershy, on the threshold of her bathroom, zoned out. She was busy fantasizing about all that she had seen the other six do with and to each other, and now she had the chance to do that to one that was hers, and not shared. “You alright?” Adagio asked, waving a hand in front of her new girlfriend's spaced out face.

Bought out of her reverie by the waving hand, Fluttershy blinked, “Yes, yes, I think I'm more than alright.” Back to reality, the teenager quickly got the shower up to the right temperature then, taking a firm grip on Adagio’s wrist, she pulled her girlfriend into the tub with her. “I'll clean these first,” under the running water, she took a nipple into her mouth and sucked hard.

“Wh...whoa... Mmmmmmm!” Adagio was only caught by surprise for a second, then she moaned as Fluttershy squeezed her nipple between her teeth and flicked it with her tongue. She caressed her pink hair with one hand and threw her head back, “You aren't slow are you?” she asked, her other hand squeezing her yellow ass.

Fluttershy though was not talking, she was content to let her actions speak for her when, after a minute, she switched breasts and worked the other nipple between her teeth. Since Adagio couldn’t get to Fluttershy's breasts from her current position, she slid a hand down her front between her legs, her fingers dancing around the teenager’s labia. Immediately, Fluttershy ground herself against those fingers. When she added her tongue to flick Adagio’s nipple, the older woman moaned a little and she inserted two fingers up to the second knuckle in her wet snatch.

As soon as she felt the two fingers spread her muscular tunnel, Fluttershy likewise spread her legs apart the width of the tub. Both of her hands and her mouth played with Adagio's breasts like she was playing an instrument. Each suck, tongue flick and tweak earned her a new moaned note of pleasure to add to her song sheet. “Oh, fuck you're so hot…” Adagio moaned and sawed her fingers in and out of Fluttershy's pussy, her thumb flicking over her clit with every in stroke. Determined, Fluttershy kept her hands on Adagio's breasts, but her mouth moved down to tongue bathe her girlfriend’s lower chest and her pudgy belly. She kept her legs straight so that her ass was raised into the air.

For once, Adagio didn’t even flinch as Fluttershy started kissing her chubby belly. Instead, she slid her fingers inside a little faster, even inserting a third into the mix as her right hand started to roughly grope at her girlfriend's breast. In an unusual move, Fluttershy twisted herself so that her head was upside down as she worked her way lower down Adagio’s body. “Well....aaaah th-that's something new...” Adagio panted under the flowing water and parted her legs when she saw where Fluttershy was headed.

“Is Adagio enjoying herself?” Fluttershy asked rhetorically, her last words before she thrust her tongue deep into the ex-siren’s dripping wet muff and started to eat her out like she hadn’t eaten anything in months.

“FuuuUUUUUUCK YEEEEESSSS!” Adagio screamed out loud the instant Fluttershy’s educated tongue lashed at the walls of her muscular tunnel. Unable to stand under that treatment for very long, she lowered herself down until she was kneeling over the younger woman in the tub and, in a sixty nine, she thrust her tongue in Fluttershy’s love hole.

Now, it was a race; a contest to see who could finish who first. Fluttershy had a good bit of a head start, but Adagio knew how to please a woman, and please her good. Putting her thousand plus year experience to good use, she tantalizingly licked around her labia, teasing her, then every so often she switched up and lapped at her clitoris or stuck her tongue inside and swirled it around, lashing at her inner walls. It was all Fluttershy could do to hold on. But, the teenager had another advantage: she had a hunch that her girlfriend hadn’t pleased herself this way – or any way - in quite a while, which was making every movement on her part count double.

In the end, Adagio’s oversensitivity was the deciding factor. As they both started breathing more heavily, climaxes imminent on both sides, Fluttershy drove her tongue deep into Adagio’s slit as far as she could and squirmed it around with all her might. That proved to be too much; with a barely-contained scream, Adagio climaxed hard, her pussy leaking a little extra fluid from the release, which Fluttershy eagerly licked away.

Even though she was riding her own orgasm, Adagio had enough about her that she kept up her own activities long enough to finish Fluttershy off as well. She flicked her tongue back and forth rapidly over her girlfriend’s clit and Fluttershy lost it, too. She came violently, squeaking in ecstasy, her snatch spraying its juice over Adagio’s face and chest and onto the bathtub, immediately swilled away by the cascading shower water.

A moment later and, driven by the need for air, as well as the need to stop water from running into her nose, Fluttershy slid out from under Adagio and shut off the shower. “Let’s get dry now.”

“That was...well, I'm glad I shaved down there now!” Adagio laughed while Fluttershy grabbed one of her towels and gave her an extremely vigorous drying. Adagio seized the nearest towel and dried her girlfriend in kind, though she paid close attention between her legs. “You got really wet down here…”

Once she was dried off, Fluttershy grabbed Adagio's hand and again she dragged her off, though this time the destination was her bedroom. Now she had her breath back, she was ready and eager for round two. “Not yet,” she smiled at her, “But I will.” Following with a wide grin on her face, Adagio lightly slapped her ass and then, caught completely by surprise, Fluttershy demonstrated her strength and she lifted Adagio off her feet and deposited her on her back on the bed. Climbing up, she got into position and put and her ass in her girlfriend's face. “I dare you to make me cum first.”

When Fluttershy dropped down, Adagio’s hands spread the teenager’s ass cheeks apart. Before she could get started though, Fluttershy flicked her tongue rapidly over her clit, pinning Adagio’s legs so that she could not shift away from the ‘assault’ of sorts. The ex-siren whined into her partner’s pussy, trying to maintain concentration and suck upon Fluttershy’s clit in the way she now knew made the caretaker squirm oh so deliciously. Above her, Fluttershy licked her lips and thrust two fingers into the older woman’s dripping snatch, to an immediate chorus of breathy moans, Adagio swiftly returning the favour.

Grinding into each other’s hands and faces, the duo arched and strove to contain their pleasure, bodies thrumming with warmth. Pushing back on to Adagio’s fingers, Fluttershy hissed between her teeth, breath escaping her in one drawn out exhalation. It felt so good to Adagio to at last be with someone, someone who was able to love her in the way she needed. Someone she could show her Turkish Tornado trick to.

Every lap of Adagio’s tongue and movement of her fingers inside Fluttershy’s tunnel sent a shock through the teenager, her nerves crackling with energy and need. Fluttershy squirmed above her lover, shifting her weight as she moaned into Adagio’s pussy, her toes flexing either side of her head. Each eager to bring the other to orgasm first, the two women regressed into moans, bodies arching into ecstasy as it mounted, little by little.

As good as Adagio Dazzle was though, and boy was she ever good, Fluttershy was going at her vagina and clitoris like a pent up animal in heat. Fluttershy drove her girlfriend closer and closer to her peak, suckling on her clit and thrusting roughly into her pussy, just the way Adagio liked it. The older woman was putty in her hands, but she still gave her best effort at pleasing her younger lover even as she teetered on the very brink of orgasm, her whole body trembling as if struck by a sudden cold. Adagio plummeted over the edge with a muffled yelp, moaning and crying out into the teenager’s pussy even as Fluttershy continued to lap at her.

Fluttershy allowed herself a satisfied smirk at winning the bet and, in a victory lap of sorts, she drove her four fingers as deep as she possibly could, well past the second knuckle.

Once Adagio could think again, she was determined that Fluttershy would not go unsatisfied, despite cumming first, she came down from her high and the tremors that wracked her whole body and she pressed her face and nose harder between the teenager’s thighs, giving her the full treatment and attention she deserved. The ex-siren’s jaw ached but she would not stop as Fluttershy raced closer to orgasm, twitching and convulsing until her climax exploded blindingly, making Fluttershy lose all sense of time and place. Throughout her intense climax, Adagio passionately lapped up Fluttershy’s sweet juices as they flowed freely, her hands gripping her partner’s thighs as if she feared she would pull away.

Due to all the noise – the screams and the moans reached all the way into the main room - Angel Bunny the Third hopped into the bedroom to make sure that everything was okay and, when he saw Fluttershy heaving and grinding her crotch into the newcomer’s face, he hopped out again with a shake of his head.

“Th-That was wonderful!” Fluttershy panted hard, though she didn’t attempt to move her head from between Adagio’s thick chunky thighs.

“I told you I was good,” Adagio giggled smugly, though her smug look was wiped off her face when Fluttershy spun around and put a strong passionate lip lock on her. “MmmMMMMM!” she moaned and wrapped her arms around her and pulled her into a tight breast squishy hug.

“I want snuggles, and I'll let you choose where we have dinner.”

“Here is good,” Adagio replied, holding her lover tight just in case she flew away, “And I love snuggles.” She kissed the tip of her nose, “Did you have fun?”


“Me too,” Adagio smiled in the tight squishy hug. Fluttershy, who was quite exhausted from the two orgasms she had just experienced and as a result, she quickly fell asleep in Adagio's arms. Adagio, for her part, didn't take much longer to fall asleep, for once all smiles instead of dreading the oncoming slumber.

~ ~ ~

After roughly an hour, Fluttershy woke up in the same position she had drifted off to sleep, namely face down on Adagio’s body using her right breast as a pillow. She saw that her girlfriend was still asleep, so she decided to wipe her drool from the breast pillow and she followed that up with a lot of gentle petting. Moments later, Adagio woke up as a result of the petting. “Hmmm,” she purred softly, “A siren could get used to this...”

“I don't know if I'll let you choose to not get used to this,” Fluttershy smiled, punctuating each of her words with a kiss to a different part of her face.

Adagio giggled under the ‘assault’, “I can’t work that out...just woke up.”

“It’s still early afternoon,” Fluttershy checked the clock, “I need to go take care of Angel Bunny the Third, and then we can resume snuggles. You want to wait here or follow me about?”

“I think I'll wait here,” Adagio kissed Fluttershy’s cheek, “It’ll give you a reason to come back to me.” Left alone in Fluttershy’s pink explosion of a room, Adagio wandered, having a casual look around. She didn’t look in any drawers or anything like that, but she did investigate the framed photos she saw on the dresser.

She recognised in one the stage from the Battle of the Bands and her heart twanged a little in sadness and regret, but for once she couldn’t bring herself to hate them anymore. It was too much effort. The next one along was again the seven girls, this time with a banner in the background heralding something called the Friendship Games. She noted that the purple girl had glasses in this picture, but she didn’t care why.

The rest of the photos were all the same, the seven friends in various poses and locations. Camp Everfree, the beach, Equestria Land theme park, some farm… in the end Adagio gave up looking. There was only so much cheerfulness her cold dead heart could stand without feeling ill. Eventually she sat in front of Fluttershy’s vanity and looked in the mirror. She didn’t have such a thing, so now at last she saw herself. As she did so, staring at her fat abused body, her average breasts and everything else she saw wrong with her, she wondered what in the universe Fluttershy saw in her.

As she sat and stared at herself, a song came into her mind. She made it up on the spot and called it "Lake Shore Drive" in honor of Fluttershy’s house. It was located at the end of a drive on the shore of a lake, no other reason. On her way back to her bedroom, Fluttershy stopped just by her door when she heard Adagio singing. Admittedly, it was utterly awful, like nails on a chalkboard mixed with bricks in a washing machine, but it gladdened her heart to hear her lover singing like she wasn't concerned about it. “I didn't ask earlier,” she said, announcing her presence, “But do you drink alcohol?”

“I do,” Adagio answered. She saw Fluttershy in the mirror and she stopped her song, looking up from the vanity with a huge blush on her face like she was sunburnt.

Fluttershy carried over a tray of tall glasses with orange liquid in them and set it down on the nightstand by her bed. “I made us some Mimosas.”

“Thank you,” Adagio glanced out of the bedroom window and saw it was still bright and sunny with not a cloud in the sky. “I didn't make it rain. Hell, I'll drink to that.”

“I think rain making involves a ritual dance along with the singing.”

Taking her glass from the tray, Adagio raised it up in a toast and laughed, “Then you want Aria for that. I didn't say it, but she's quite the dancer.” She got up from the vanity and she sat back on the bed, propped up at the head on the world’s softest pillows. “I enjoyed singing that song, bad as it was.”

“I don't think they will be asking you to sing the anthem any time soon,” Fluttershy smiled as she lifted up her glass, “But you can sing here as much as you want.”

“As you might have guessed, siren song is reliant on a siren’s magic. no magic, no song. It has nothing to do with singing ability.”

Fluttershy took a long drink from her glass and she had a thoughtful look on her face as she set it back on the tray. She then reached behind her neck and removed her pendent. “Put his on and try again.”

“A-Are y-you sure?” Adagio handled the geode between her palms like it was a gold bar.

Snickering, Fluttershy lightly kissed her girlfriend’s lips. “Sure, I’m sure. If you turn evil, I’ll just pony up and rainboom you.”

“Ha, ha, ha.” Adagio stuck her tongue out, “Fine. I’ll give it a try.” She slipped the pendant around her neck and, after a moment to gather herself, she started to sing "Lake Shore Drive" again. This time around though, instead of sounding like a cat that had just had a bucket of water dunked on it, her song sounded utterly amazing!

“Well, that was nice,” Fluttershy beamed as she held out her hand.

Adagio’s hand was shaking as she passed the geode and pendant back to its owner. “I-I sang...”

“I got this from a cave near Camp Everfree,” Fluttershy explained as she secured the pendant around her neck. She didn’t even notice the heady swooning effect of the magic coursing through her body any longer, she was that attuned to it, “But I don't think there are anymore. Still, we could drive out and look. I'll have to ask Twilight about it.”

“I sang!” Adagio exclaimed, as excited as Sonata at Christmas, Easter, and every other festival and holiday ever, “I really sang! With my voice!” she was so excited that she didn’t hear a word of what Fluttershy just said. “Wait...” suddenly her joy waned. What if it had gone wrong? “What did you feel?”

“I felt joy that you can still sing, even if you need a tiny bit of help.”

“ didn't feel...drained, at all?”

Fluttershy tilted her head in thought as she considered her answer. “I thought the song was uplifting. Oh...” then, Fluttershy cottoned on to what Adagio has meant. “Oh, you mean ‘drained’ like when you sang at the Battle of the Bands. No,” she answered honestly, “No I didn't feel anything like that.”

“Hmm…” Adagio was very, very pleased to hear that. Not in the least because it meant she wasn’t going to get a magic friendship rainbow in her face. “That makes sense, because I didn't feel nourished like I did before. And I'm glad about that.”

Unable to resist a good natured tease, Fluttershy giggled, “Are you saying I'm not nutritious?”

“No,” Adagio replied with a smile, “I'm saying that had I still been connected to that aspect of the siren song, I would've got a rainbow to the face, again.” Then, she went quiet as the thought it over for a moment, “I think that's it!” she snapped her fingers with the revelation, “You severed the link to that negative magic! I can sing without hurting anyone!”

“That may be true,” Fluttershy responded thoughtfully, although admittedly she wasn’t the expert of the group on the subject, “But I'm not much of an expert on magic. Or magic songs. Sing for me now.” Obligingly, Adagio sang her song one more time, though this time she relaxed and just enjoyed the act of singing rather than trying to be like she was before. She didn't sound anywhere near as good as with the geode, but she wasn’t completely awful either. While Adagio was singing, Fluttershy noted the slight improvement and she moved the pendent closer to her till it touched the skin of Adagio's upper chest.

Fluttershy’s little experiment showed instant success. The closer the pendant got to her, Adagio’s voice improved commensurately. When it touched her skin, she was pitch perfect once more. Smiling, Fluttershy secured it back around her neck. “Yes, I'll need to ask Twilight more on how this works. Maybe we see if there are more like it in the cave where we found this one.”

That perked Adagio’s interest, though she was still buzzed about the fact that she sang anywhere near like her old self. “You found more gems like this one?”

“We found seven gemstones,” Fluttershy replied honestly, seeing no benefit in lying, “But they are all are different.” She rubbed her fingers over the white geode, “This one sort of called to me, like the other geodes called to each of the others. My skills with animals have greatly improved with it.”

“Equestrian magic.” Adagio stated like that was the end of that. “Old magic, like I said the other day. It's bonded with you. I'd go so far as to say it's as much a part of you now as the blood in your veins or the air in your lungs.”

“Hmmm, well, we can experiment with that later. You still want to eat dinner in here?”

Adagio shot Fluttershy a most salacious look, a look that would trouble the trousers and skirts of anyone in the city, “I'd rather experiment with you on this bed…”

Fluttershy rolled her eyes, though she would be lying if she said the look she had just been given didn’t make her pussy wet and her clit hard. “Do I need to get a newspaper?”

Adagio giggled at the eye roll and put away her weapons grade eyes for the time being. “No, no newspaper, but yes, I'd like dinner here,” she couldn’t help herself though and she wiggled her eyebrows, “And hopefully some dessert after.”

“Can my girlfriend cook?” asked Fluttershy, doing her absolute best to not giggle like the purest of virgins. She was getting just a taste of Adagio at her deadliest. She liked it.

“Your girlfriend can. Just. And I don't mean the fare at the Burger Joint.”

“Then you can be my sous chef.” With that, and amazed that she had managed to keep her composure as well as she had, Fluttershy walked out of her bedroom for the kitchen.

Quickly, Adagio caught up with Fluttershy in the kitchen and she rested a hand on her ass, adding a copious squeeze to boot. “So, what are we cooking?”

Like a boss, Fluttershy took the placement of Adagio’s hand in stride. “I was thinking tuna steaks, mango salad, saffron rice, and I think you've already picked out a desert.”

As it happened, Adagio knew just what she wanted for a dessert. “I’m thinking chocolate yoghurt licked off your legs and feet sure sounds nice,” Adagio playfully squeezed Fluttershy’s ass cheek in her hand, “And the food sounds good too.”

There was a hundred and one reasons why Fluttershy dearly wanted to forego dinner and just head back to the bedroom and do just that, but she was hungry, and she didn’t want to give Adagio everything on a plate and let her think she was an easy lay. “I may need to get my training pad out then for the dessert. Do you want your tuna cooked?”

“Raw's good,” Adagio purred into Fluttershy’s ear, though it was hard for her to tell if she was serious or joking. Stood behind the teenager, she laid her hands on her curvy waist and kissed the back of her neck. “Rawr!”

“Rice is in the cooker,” Fluttershy thought she deserved a medal for the way she kept her voice level and for not giving in to her girlfriend’s sexiness. “The saffron is next to it. Two cups of rice and one half teaspoon of saffron stirred up, please.” Concentrating like she was in class, she fiddled with a flat pan over the gas oven, and she even had a thermometer. “I like my tuna seared.”

“Alright, you win,” Adagio knew better than to force the issue and she giggled as she got the rice and saffron. “Resisting me like that…” she affected a world class pout that Rarity would have been proud of. “You know,” she held up the saffron, “I remember when this was more valuable than gold.”

Beside her, when Fluttershy had the pan just right, she put her tuna steak on. “I suppose walking to China is a bit more of a stretch than walking to the Food Mart.”

After exactly thirty seconds, Fluttershy flipped the steak over while Adagio busied herself with stirring up the rice and saffron mix. “It takes eighty thousand crocuses to make just one pound of saffron...ugh, I sound so dull!” When in the hell did she get so old and boring anyway?

“I like botany,” Fluttershy commented then, after another thirty seconds, the steak was on her plate, with the uncooked one steak for Adagio on a separate plate.

“Yeah? What else do you like?” asked Adagio, who was genuinely curious as she served up the prepped rice.

Smirking, Fluttershy walked to her fridge to get the premade salad and the bowl of diced mangos. Both of which were on the bottom shelf, and when she bent over to get them, she didn't bend her knees. “A few things…” she answered over her shoulder before she placed the mixed salad on the counter and added a creamy orange dressing.

“Fuuuuuck you are such a tease!” Adagio giggled, not complaining in the least at how much of a tease her girlfriend was. “I’ll admit, I rather like your history. I've got tons of books on it in a spare room back at home.”

“I see you’ve already guessed one of the things I like,” Fluttershy turned and winked at her lover. “Bring the rice over to the table, please.”

As Fluttershy moved the salad to the table, Adagio did as she was told and brought the rice over to the table with more sway in her wide hips than was strictly necessary. “I'm guessing you like the fuller figure too,” setting the rice down, she jiggled herself entirely necessarily.

Fluttershy adjusted the plates on the table so that Adagio was sitting to her left. “It is better to say there isn't a figure I dislike. Shape is dependent on the individual, and subject to change.” She kissed Adagio lightly, “What matters is in here,” she pressed her hand over the upper part of the woman’s left breast, and then she sat down. “But liking a figure like yours doesn’t hurt either.”

Sat in a bit of a daze, Adagio scooted closer so that their flesh touched. “That's a very sexy attitude, Fluttershy.” She then returned the kiss with one of her own to her girlfriend’s shoulder.

“Thank you. I also like animal husbandry. Applejack calls some of my videos porn.” Fluttershy giggled and she added salad and rice to her plate.

Adagio laughed at that as she loaded up her plate and took a large bite of the raw fish. “I bet…Hmmm my god that’s nice!” after being around nothing but fast food all week, it was like a cool hand on a fevered brow. “You know, I could be a history teacher. I think I'd like that. Qualifications? None, but I have one thousand three hundred years of experience. Beat that, college girl!”

Fluttershy could just see Adagio Dazzle as a history teacher at CHS, especially as she was leaving the place very soon, so there’d be no sexy shenanigans in the staff room. “You'd be surprised how easy it is to get accredited. I think the hardest thing for you is the background check. How long has this version of Adagio been alive, and in Canterlot City?”

“We came to this city about...” Adagio paused and counted on her hands, “Um…twenty years ago. We were zigzagging up and down the country. We've actually been here in Amareica for one hundred and fifty years, give or take a decade or two.” She smiled, “It's a big place and every new city is a rebirth.”

“Was your last move where you forgot to tell people where you were moving, or was it a faked death?”

“Faked death. Usually we use a natural disaster or a big event like a ship sinking or a war. It makes moving on easier as it stops people looking. That means we don’t look over our shoulders. And no, in case you were wondering, we never caused any wars.”

“I didn't ask that,” Fluttershy pointed out as she ate her seared tuna, “But it’s still nice to know. You live in a world without your inherent magic now, so the rules have changed,” she grinned slyly, “Like me trying to get a pit bull adopted.”

Adagio shrugged as she dispatched another mouthful of her food. “I imagine a lot of people are blaming us for a lot of things. Not that we were angels, of course, but come on, war? It just doesn't make sense to slaughter your food source.”

Chewing thoughtfully, Fluttershy nodded, “Even wolves know that.” She then gave her girlfriend an appraising look, “I need to know where to get high quality fresh food,” she reached over and ran two fingers over Adagio's yellow collar. “My pet does deserve the best.”

Adagio smiled and bit her lip. When she spoke, her breath hitched in her throat, “There's a good fresh fish market down by the beach.”

“I think I may increase the amount of fish in my diet,” Fluttershy said as she finished up her tuna. “The salad will be good for tomorrow,” she took the bowl to the kitchen where she covered it and placed it in the fridge.

“The best way to eat fish is fresh in the ocean. Swim up and snatch it live. Snap of the jaws and gone!”

When Adagio finished her food, Fluttershy gathered up the empty plates for the dishwasher. “I've seen that in a documentary. It wasn't a siren though, I think it was a tiger shark. I don't think I’d do well eating a whole fish in one gulp.”

Smirking, Adagio stood up and stretched, adding plenty of entirely necessary boob jiggle to her stretch. “Now, that really was a lifetime ago.” Still, if she tried really hard, she could smell and taste the sea, and feel her fins and tail cut through the water.

At the dishwasher, Fluttershy again did her straight leg bend at the waist to get it loaded. “From my point of view, you have lifetimes to come.”

When Fluttershy looked at Adagio through her legs, the ex-siren walked over with a sway of her hips and she caressed the globes of her girlfriend’s upturned ass. “One lifetime I think, with you, if you'll have me.” She was fairly sure she was mortal now, which meant no extended lifespan anymore. She was cool with that, if it meant spending it with Fluttershy.

“Yogurt is in the fridge,” Fluttershy grinned as she wiggled her ass cheeks against Adagio’s palms, “But it’s plain. There’s chocolate syrup in the fridge or coco powder in the pantry. You get that ready and I'll go get the bedroom ready.”

“You bet!” Adagio placed a wet smoochy kiss on each of Fluttershy's butt cheeks and she practically skipped to the fridge to get the yoghurt and chocolate syrup. Those, she mixed together while her lover departed for the bedroom without a backwards glance.

In the bedroom, Fluttershy placed a large pet potty pad on the floor and another much larger one she clipped to the pink bed cover so that it draped down to the floor. She was sat on the pad when her girlfriend came in and she wiggled her toes tantalizingly in the air. “Have fun, my lovely pet.”

“Oh, I will. Believe me, I will.” Adagio was so excited for the messy play to come that her hands were shaking with anticipation as she spread the yoghurt and syrup mix over those beautiful, sexy, yellow feet, up her legs and all the way up to her crotch. When she was finished, it looked like Fluttershy was wearing chocolate brown stockings and panties.

Shivering a little from the cold of the yoghurt, Fluttershy quickly put it to the back of her mind. She was used to cold in nature. “Let me do a cat impersonation,” she lifted up her left foot to her mouth and she licked a toe and put it back down. “Nice flavor.”

“That was very hot,” Adagio smiled and she licked up the sole of the left foot from heel to the dainty little toes, “Happy birthday to me!” Fluttershy simply smiled, because she knew her display would be hot. She didn't lay back, but she did enjoy the show. Now that she was in an uplifted mood, Adagio did her best work and really worshipped her girlfriend’s feet with her lips and tongue, licking and sucking each toe clean.

As Adagio worked to lick her feet clean, Fluttershy couldn’t help but slip three fingers into herself and get some more of that tasty yogurt up to her lips. Seeing that, it gave Adagio an idea. “Hey, can you get your big toes in your mouth at the same time?”

“I'm sure you'd like to see that,” giving her lover a very lewd wink, Fluttershy laid on her back and, lifting up her right foot first, she placed that big toe in her mouth. Using her hand to assist, she then got her left in as well. She was intensely curious to see what Adagio had in mind, for her current position blocked her own view, but she could feel just how widespread her legs were.

“Oooooh fuck me, that's the hottest thing ever...” Adagio moaned, not bothering to hide just how aroused and turned on the sight before her made her. She slid her body though the chocolate yogurt that covered Fluttershy's groin and she licked at the toes that were not held in her girlfriend’s mouth. In the process, she got herself extremely messy.

Blindly, Fluttershy used her hands to grope Adagio where she can reach, which, fortunately, was both her breasts. The strangeness of her position only added to the inherent hotness. While she could hold her feet crossed behind her neck for a long time, her current pose was harder with her lips holding in the toes. Thankfully, after a few minutes, Adagio said, “You can release now, because I really want to ride you,” she helped to remove a foot and, with the leg up in the air, she slid into a scissoring position.

Fluttershy watched with bated breath as their crotches shifted closer, her breathing quickening in anticipation. Adagio angled herself as her lover helped by lifting her own ass upwards. As their pussies soon met, both women gasped at the sensation as their exceptionally hard clits simultaneously touched and seemed to grow harder and more sensitive in response to the stimulation. As their two nubs kissed, each gave out a soft 'aah!' of pleasure, their hips instantly, instinctively starting to grind against the others.

"By the endless oceans…” Adagio groaned, feeling a mix of Fluttershy's and her own fluids drooling down onto her leg and the pad that covered the bed, suffusing the protective sheet with the scent of their arousal and their sex.

They scissored like that for a good long while, their pussies grinding against their lover's, their clits rubbing together only adding to the sensation as they met in a kiss of their own. Fluttershy, who really enjoyed the act they were engaged in and who could grind with the best of them due to her flexibility and strength, kept trying to take control of the act, but Adagio’s position gave her more leverage, plus she had the edge in experience. Each time she tried, Adagio gave her a sly grin and ground especially hard the next time, making Fluttershy whimper in pleasure.

So instead of overwhelming her girlfriend in pure brawn, Fluttershy instead played dirty. She sneakily slid her left hand between Adagio’s and her own joining, hearing a sharp inhale of breath followed by a whimper as she started rubbing Adagio's clit with her dextrous skilled fingers and thumb.

"Flu…hhhnnnnggg…Sh-Shy…” Adagio stammered after only a minute more of this, before grinding especially hard once more with a sharp inhale, Fluttershy felt Adagio’s pussy convulsing and throbbing rapidly as a torrent of fluids and a cry of passion came from her. Fluttershy felt as her lover's grinds were saccadic and twitchy as she shivered, grinning as her girlfriend came hard. She kept her fingers rubbing in sharp circles, only stopping when Adagio started whimpering at the clear overstimulation.

Eventually, Adagio slowed her grinds, giving Fluttershy a dirty look. "Fi-Fingers...are...cheating..." she gasped out once she'd caught her breath, only getting a sly grin from her lover.

“I don’t hear you complaining too much,” Fluttershy said with an unapologetic shrug of her shoulders. Then, she shared a long, lusty and passionate kiss with her sweat covered lover and, with them still joined at the crotch, Fluttershy took off her pendant and passed it to Adagio. “I want you to wear this while we sleep. I'll get it back from you at breakfast.”

“Wow...” she secured it in place around her neck and, carefully, she snuggled up behind Fluttershy on bed. “Fluttershy...I love you.”

“I'm glad for that,” Fluttershy turned her head so she could kiss her lover’s lips and press their chocolate yoghurt covered bodies together. “I own you, and I respect you, and in that love grows.”

Adagio pulled her girlfriend ever closer, until the chocolate smooshed between their bodies, “Believe me, that's only the third time I've ever said that. I truly love you.”

“I believe you, and I love you as a friend for now, but when there is more, you'll be the second to know,” Fluttershy turned and wrapped her arm Adagio's neck, bringing her into a tight embrace as she tilted her head to one side, kissing her girlfriend full on the lips. Adagio returned the gesture, placing her hand on the back of Fluttershy’s head, running it through her long pink hair as she ran her tongue across her lips, asking permission to enter. The caretaker granted it, parting her lips for her tongue as she ran her own over and around it, eliciting a few pleasurable moans from her. A second or two later and Adagio thrust forward with her tongue into Fluttershy's mouth, running it around the inside before briefly wrestling her tongue into a brief submission before the teenager fought back. Finally the need to breathe forced them to break the kiss, their lips coming apart with a wet smacking noise.

“I'll take that,” Adagio purred softly before she went back to the important business of kissing until they fell asleep in each other’s arms.


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Tuesday morning was just like any other for Wallflower Blush. Slow. She liked her slow mornings. They allowed her to wake up properly and to steadily ease into the day. Slow mornings gave her the chance to catch up with the news and more importantly, to drink more coffee than was strictly healthy. Then again, there was no such thing as too much coffee, everyone knew that.

Besides, another benefit of a slow morning was that it allowed her dominant girlfriend time to get out of bed. It was a very good thing that her shift at the Taco Towers didn’t start until two in the afternoon, because a morning person, Sonata Dusk was most definitely not. It was ten a.m. already and the blue ex-siren had still not risen from her pit.

Wallflower decided that ten in the morning was quite late enough to have slept in, though she had to be careful how she went about waking her Mistress up. One did not simply go and wake Sonata up. She wouldn’t sit comfortably for a week if she did that. She had to be smart. She had to be sneaky. She smiled to herself as she began to prepare breakfast. Wallflower could do sneaky.

Sonata Dusk stirred in the large double bed in which she was laid. Groggily she opened her eyes, blinking away the remnants of her dream. Bleary eyed she searched for the alarm clock, which duly informed her it was thirty minutes past ten in the morning. “Too early…” she murmured to herself, rolling over in the duvet, her hand blindly searched for her girlfriend. A moment’s fruitless search told her she was alone. Denied her usual morning snuggle, Sonata laid in the duvet, debating her options.

On one hand she could stay where she was, cocooned in the heavenly warm duvet. On the other she could get up and see where Wallflower had gone, and why she’d left her in bed alone. A second of contemplation later and she decided on the first option. Turning over with a grunt Sonata found her partner’s pillow, which still retained her warmth and scent. Wherever her pet had gone, she hadn’t been gone all that long. Smiling to herself, Sonata buried her face into the pillow, breathing in the smell as she once more closed her eyes and pulled the duvet over her head.

Just as she was about to drift off into her slumber once more, another scent assailed her nostrils, wrestling with her olfactory sense and beating it into submission. It was a sneaky scent. A scent she knew her lover only used when she wanted her out of bed. It was the smell of scrambled eggs, chocolate pancakes and coffee.

‘No,’ the blue-skinned woman thought to herself, her half asleep brain trying to fight back with reason. ‘She always does this, and she always wins. Not today, Sonny. Today you sleep in. Don’t you let her win…’ Just as she was listening to the reasoned argument her tired brain presented, and was about to ferret herself deeper in the sheets her traitorous senses fired back with a devastating counter attack. ‘She has coffee. Black coffee. And breakfast…All you have to do is get up.’

Sonata decided then that, just like every other day, her pet would win this one. Besides, she mused as she hauled her carcass out of the voluminous duvet, Wallflower’s scrambled eggs were worth getting up for. She pulled on a loose pink bathrobe and dragged herself up to her bare feet.

Not bothering to put anything else on, or to tie up the bathrobe, Sonata caught site of herself in the mirror on the back of the bedroom door. Perky D cup breasts, slim flat belly, decent hips, damn she looked fit. Sonata ignored her scruffy unruly hair for the moment. That could be sorted out easily enough and breakfast called. She allowed the bathrobe to fall open as she staggered into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

As she had suspected, Wallflower was sat in the open plan living room on her favourite comfy chair, naked but for her blue collar watching the morning news. Sonata didn’t ask. Even when she was awake, she didn’t care what was on the news. News happened to other people, not her. Sleepily she felt around for the fork and, once she found it, she dug into the scrambled eggs waiting for her. “Thanks…”

“And a good morning-almost-afternoon to you, Sonny!” Wallflower got up and slowly walked over with an exaggerated sway of her hips that she knew for a fact would draw her lover’s eye to her naturally hairy bush and she sat at the table next to Sonata. “Here's your wake up fuel, Mistress,” she nudged the mug of steaming coffee into her eye line.

“By all the holy oceans…” Sonata moaned and yawned as she took a long drink of the just right temperature coffee. “Are you working in the backyard garden or the public garden today?”

Wallflower snickered at her girlfriend slowly waking up. Their backyard was a small one with a mix of different herbs and flowers. The ‘public’ garden, as it was known, was on the front lawn and it was larger with various seasonal vegetables, herbs and even three fruit trees consisting of apple, pear and apricot trees. “I’ve got some weeding that needs doing in the backyard, and I got a couple of jobs for afterwards. One's lawn cutting, the other's weeding out the hospital flowerbeds.”

“The hospital, huh?” Sonata giggled as she shovelled some more scrambled eggs into her mouth, “You may wear a sleeveless tee and short skirt. No bra, but I don't want any arrests, so you can wear that tiny lip splitting thong you’ve got.”

Wallflower, who had been attacking one of the chocolate chip pancakes, instantly perked up at the thought of that. One thing she enjoyed almost as much as tending to the flora was showing off her body. It wasn’t much, with her B cup chest and naturale everywhere else, but she loved to share what she had. “And ah...I can play while I work, right Sonny?”

“What time’s the hospital job?” asked Sonata as she downed what was left of her coffee and shoved the empty mug in front of Wallflower, silently requesting a refill even as she went back to her eggs.

“Noon,” Wallflower got up and rolled her eyes at her caffeine dependent girlfriend. Then again, she supposed she shouldn’t judge. She herself had already had three large mugs while she watched the TV. Thankfully, she had a couple of mugs worth of coffee ready to go in the machine. All she had to do was flick a switch. “I was gonna do that after I weed the back garden.”

As she received her refilled mug, Sonata gave Wallflower a grateful kiss. “You're already dressed for our private garden,” she noted with a smile, namely her pet was wearing nothing but her collar, “In the public garden you may 'lose' the thong, though. I will want a full 'disclosure' report when I get back from work later.”

Hearing that, Wallflower kissed Sonata long and hard, so long that the ex-siren had to playfully push her away. “You know how to make me happy!” grinning wide, the exhibitionist skipped over to the coffee machine and got herself her fourth mug full of the heaven sent liquid.

“Just so you know,” Sonata gave her girlfriend fair warning, because she did like to see her skip. And squat. And crawl…anything, in fact. “I'm going to the hospital with the camera. I love to watch you work.”

“I love to be watched while I play...I mean, work,” Wallflower laughed as she sipped at her coffee, because when she tended to her plants – she considered all plants her plants, that was the law – the line between work and play was extremely blurred. “Sometimes I miss having that memory stone, but having you on lookout is far sexier.”

Sonata held up an empty fork that had, until seconds before, been loaded with scrambled eggs, “I want to remember all of our play, even if someone else catches a glimpse, or when you get caught, then that adds to the excitement!”

Considering that for a moment, Wallflower ate her three cold pancakes before she eventually nodded her head in acquiescence to her lover’s point. “You're right. It does add to the fun. I like it when somebody gets a good look at my goodies.”

Sonata laughed so hard she almost snorted her precious coffee over the table. Thankfully she was able to stop herself before any such disaster could befall her. “They are always so busy watching you, they don't even notice my hand in my pants!”

“Then mission accomplished!” Wallflower playfully skipped around the room so hard that her breasts swayed and jiggled until finally she pulled Sonata into a hug from behind. A tight hug. A tight breast smooshing hug. A hug in which she took full advantage of the open bathrobe her Mistress was wearing and she groped her breasts.

“Hmmm…” Sonata turned her head in the hug and lovingly kissed Wallflower’s cheek, “I'm so going to distract you in the garden.”

“I'm so gonna let you distract me!”

“No,” Sonata corrected her, though she didn’t correct the placement of Wallflower’s hands. Where they were and what they were doing was very pleasing indeed. Her pet had talented fingers and those fingers were currently teasing her nipples like she was playing an instrument. “You are going to do the gardening, and try to stay focused. Letting me takes all the fun out of it.”

“Aaaaaaaaaw…” after a moment though, Wallflower stopped her whine and she giggled as she kissed her way up Sonata’s left ear. “Alright, the plants do deserve focused me.” And she would never, ever give her plants less than her best.

“That they do,” Sonata reluctantly removed herself from the hug and she went back to drinking her coffee.

When Wallflower realised the hug was done and her Mistress was continuing with her breakfast, the gardener picked up her empty coffee mug and she placed it and her plate in the sink. That done, she patted her abdomen, which was starting to give her a tell-tale ache. “I'm gonna go water the flowers out back,” she said as she kissed Sonata's head, “Have fun.”

As soon as the back door closed, Sonata moved. She left the breakfast table and she opened the window that looked out onto the back yard and the garden. She then flicked on the stereo and played a song she had been saving for just such an occasion. The moment Wallflower heard ‘Water the Flowers’, she giggled as she walked nude to the roses. She was determined to water the flowers! In position, she spread her legs and, after making a show of looking around to see if she was being watched, she peed.

“Woohoo!” Sonata cheered, completely enjoying the show of her girlfriend and pet urinated on the nearest rosebush. Entirely for Sonata’s benefit, she did a little shimmy and a dance in the dirt as her stream died out. A moment later and Sonata walked out carrying two fresh mugs of coffee. “Need some watering help?”

“Always, baby!” Wallflower smiled wider when, she took the steaming mug, she felt her bare feet sink into the soil around the rosebush. She resolved to never get tired of that feeling. The cold peat splooshing up between her toes when she wriggled them. “So many flowers, so little pee.”

“Pick a spot for me to water.”

“There, the violets,” Wallflower pointed to the flowers because she knew that Sonata didn’t know a rose from a tulip. “You need some help getting the spray right, Mistress?”

Like she was a naughty child, Sonata waved a finger at her pet. “You wish, and I deny,” she giggled as she moved her bathrobe out of the way and faced Wallflower while she squatted in position. Like her girlfriend she had no problem being naked outside. Unlike her though, she wore flip flops on her feet. Once she was centred over the violets, she released her own golden stream. “Be satisfied I'm letting you watch.”

“Daaaaamn Sonny that's so hot...” Wallflower paused just long enough to place the coffee mugs on the outside table and then, back in the flower beds, she squatted over the bluebells. Never taking her eyes off of Sonata’s little show, she pulled apart her hairy snatch and she started to rub herself off.

Sonata watched as first two then three fingers disappeared inside Wallflower’s bush. “That’s one way to water a plant. Give me a good show, Wall-e!” she called and, when she was doing pissing like a trooper, she moved back to the outside table to watch. Sonata watched as Wallflower’s fingers traced around her nub and then she rubbed over it time and again. “We are such nerds!”

Stood above the bluebells, Wallflower wasn’t holding back. She rubbed her pussy so hard and fast that the fingers of her left hand were a blur. Her right hand let go of her hair covered labia and she slid two fingers inside her dripping wet tunnel. “Sexy nerds!”

Having drunk her coffee, Sonata nodded, for she couldn’t argue with her lover’s statement. Instead, she took her empty mug and turned to go back inside the house. “I need more coffee, and you've had enough.”

“AAaaaaAAAAAAAH! W-Wh-Whaddayou know about my limit, huh?” Wallflower giggled stupidly at her rubbish drunken act as she came, squirting her cum all over the flowers and then she sunk down to her knees in the sodden dirt. The fact that it was her own juices that had wet the ground she was kneeling made it hotter.

Without looking back, Sonata called over her shoulder, “I set them!”

“Good point, well made!” Wallflower called back from the flowerbed. Down on her hands and knees in the dirt, with her pale green ass up in the air, she at last got on with the much needed task of weeding the bluebells. Inside the house, Sonata got herself a fourth coffee, collected the daily paper from the mailbox and she returned to the window to watch and read. Wallflower put on a very good show as she weeded out the entirety of the flowerbed. When she was done, she walked back to the house, treading soil from her bare feet that clung to her like shoes and sweat dripping down her legs from the sun. “Enjoy the show, Sonny?” she lifted up her dirty foot to step back inside.

“I did Wall-e,” Sonata answered, not even looking up from her newspaper. She knew her pet so well. Too well, it seemed. “And now you can choose to enjoy another show on your ass, or you can go back out and hose yourself off.”

Wallflower paused, her dirty soil covered foot hovering over the cream coloured shag pile carpet. “What kind of show, hand, paddle or cane?”

“I can multitask.”

As much as she wanted the attention, and she did, Wallflower wasn’t too keen on feeling Sonata’s cane on her ass again so soon after the last time. Quickly, she stepped back outside and she hosed herself down. The cold water was better than the cane. While she did that, Sonata walked over to the kitchen chair and moved it away from the table so there was adequate space. When Wallflower came in, she pointed to her lap. “For thinking about it at all, I'll use only my hands.”

Walking in with clean - but wet - feet on the cream carpet, Wallflower walked over to the waiting Sonata and she bent over her lap with her hands placed behind her back. “Yes Ma'am.”

With Wallflower over her lap, Sonata gripped her wrists tightly in her left hand. Her right hand caressed and fingered her naughty pet’s crotch until she was totally relaxed. “You dare to even think about muddying my floor?” She delivered a sudden pat on her butt. Another light tap landed a little higher and another came down on the other cheek. “I'd have you licking it clean. A good show is no excuse for naughtiness. I'll have your ass as red as your roses!” Abruptly a very hard, sound clap landed square on the thickest part of Wallflower’s left ass cheek. A surprised yelp shot out as her rear reflexively clenched

Sonata smiled and she had to bite her lip to keep from moaning as she gave a firm swat that impacted on her supple behind. A slight yelp escaped her pet on impact and Wallflower braced herself for the next tenderizing stroke. Ready for that though, Sonata instead lightly kneaded the cheek in her hand and slipped two fingers between her clenched legs until she relaxed.

“Ruining my cream carpet would be a bad bad thing, Wall-e,” Sonata purred as she fingered her slit. “Thinking about ruining my carpet is a good bad thing…” the dominant ex-siren said in a playful yet firm tone as she raised her hand again. “I’m still going to teach you a lesson.”

Another sound clap landed and that was quickly followed by another equally firm swat on the other butt cheek, both well-aimed strikes landing deliberately on the thickest parts of her rump. “Subs who tease go over knees.”

Wallflower Blush caught herself letting out an almost rhythmic stream of squeaks and moans as Sonata Dusk brought down a steady pace of firm claps. She was incredibly aware of the heat growing in her rump as the smacks found themselves landing over her entire upturned backside. Every inch of her once pale green flesh was fair game to the much older woman.

Any spot that could be made to jiggle was swatted into making the involuntary action. After the fifteenth firm and stiff spank, Wallflower’s playful squirms became honest wriggling as the sore heat in her bottom became more noticeable. The yelps got a bit louder but seemed silent compared to the sound of the most recent crack delivered to her bottom. “Do you feel sorry for thinking about ruining the carpet yet?” Sonata practically purred as she dragged her nails along Wallflower’s left cheek, “Or do you like being bent over my lap?”

Sonata didn’t allow her to answer though as she delivered another hard swat that made Wallflower scream out loud and kick her legs, it hurt so much! She felt the ex-siren’s hands gently knead her heated flesh and Wallflower was met with contradicting thoughts. Her butt was getting painfully sore and yet she was undeniably aroused at the same time. The spanking itself wasn’t exactly pleasurable, but everything else certainly was, especially the soft groping of her toasted derriere that was teasing her through the discomfort. A solid crack landed and Wallflower buried her face into Sonata’s thigh in order to muffle her loudest scream yet.

Wallflower Blush squeaked though when she felt Sonata’s firm hand grip her dark green hair. Sonata pulled on her hair until her pet was looking forwards once more and her rump received another stroke. Wallflower cried out, hot wet tears starting to flow down her pale green cheeks. “You dare to try and hide from me? I want your mouth free at all times.”

“Y-Y-Yes, Mistress!” Wallflower snivelled and sobbed, her tears mixing with the snot from her nose as yet another hard smack landed on her darkened bottom. Another hard clap landed and was quickly followed by another. Then, she abruptly stopped her rain of pain and Sonata thrust three fingers deep into her pet’s hot wet snatch. This bought out more yelps and moans from Wallflower, though these were moans of pleasure rather than pain.

Just as Wallflower was about to orgasm, Sonata withdrew her slick fingers from the dripping wet tunnel and, without warning, the steady pace of the smacks started up again, forcing a frustrated squeal out of the denied submissive. Wallflower’s eyes widened as the first new swat landed on her relaxed, unexpecting ass.

So close to cumming, her body clenched once more and her rump was being coated with another round of claps under Sonata's firm hand. They remained focused squarely on her upturned flesh that was quickly going from pale green to dull red to a bright angry red the more she was spanked. On the fortieth stroke, a stroke so hard that it made the tenderised ass jiggle and Wallflower lurch forwards on her Mistress’s lap, the gardener couldn’t take any more. “Orchard!”

As soon as Sonata heard the safe word, she immediately ceased her spanking and she returned to fingering her pet’s pussy. She had taken her punishment well and she had earned her release. “I love you, my beautiful Wallflower.”

By the time she was being fingered solely by her Mistress, Wallflower was a squealing crying mess, tears streaked all down her face and her punished ass cheeks were bright red. She was so scrambled that she didn’t know whether to moan or cry, so she did both. When she felt the fourth finger enter her steaming hot hole, her hairy pussy leaked all down Sonata's legs. “I...I love you Sonny...”

Gently, with so much affection, Sonata turned Wallflower’s head to face her. She delicately wiped her face clean on her bathrobe and she gave her a loving kiss. “I know you do, pet, and I understand you feel neglected once in a while.” She kissed her a second time, “I'm happy you opted for a simple spanking,” a third kiss found her trembling lips, while all the while, her right hand continued to play with the submissive’s nether regions.

“AAaaaaahn…” Wallflower, in spite of the pain in her behind, giggled softly as she was worked over, thrusting her ass back to meet her girlfriend's fingers. “I'm happy I did too, you're deadly with that cane, Sonny…”

“I do have over a thousand years of practice, you know.”

“You don't need to remind me, I can still feel it from the last time you used it on my feet.”

Still caressing her lover’s smouldering red ass, Sonata giggled, “Then that’s what gave you pause to track your muddy feet all over the carpet,” she could see her point. After that session, Wallflower had not been able to walk properly for three days. “Since you’ve been so good and taken your punishment so well, I'll take you to lunch before your hospital job, but you may drive. I can UBER back if I don't stay the whole time.”

“You'll ride in Flower Petal?” Wallflower giggled as she thought of her green VW camper van parked out front on the drive. “My van will be honoured to have you in her.”

“Seeing as how I'm not letting you put your work gear in my car, it seems fitting for you to chauffeur me around.”

“Alright,” Wallflower smiled as she was still bent over Sonata's lap. “Where are we eating?”

“Your choice as long as you don't choose where I work.”

“And I was gonna pick Taco Towers too!” Wallflower giggled when her snark earned her a gentle love tap to her sore backside. “Alright, how about that new diner place that's just opened up, Stripes Cup of Java?”

Choice made, Sonata helped Wallflower to stand up, then she too left the kitchen chair. “Dress in what I told you earlier, and you may have two cups of coffee for lunch.” Letting out a delighted squee, Wallflower took the lead up to the bedroom with Sonata following close behind her. On the stairs, the gardener offered her girlfriend a playful wiggle of her reddened butt which she kept up until they got into the bedroom.

In her closet, Wallflower carefully selected her loose white tank top and her shortest skirt that could be considered a skirt and legal. Socks and sturdy work boots completed the rest of the outfit. Sonata dressed in a pink skirt and red button up with a lace shirt. Unlike her girlfriend, she wore a bra and panties. Dressed, Wallflower did a twirl. “Does Sonny approve?” Sonata grinned as the twirl almost made her breasts pop from the sides of her top. She approved alright. “I even chose my baggiest top!”

“Well,” Sonata mused as Wallflower pulled up her tiny thong to hide a bit of her modesty, “Those patents do deserve some side boob and down blouse action,” she giggled, “And false hope of the valley of pleasure. I'm sure when you get to the public gardens that hope will be restored.”

“You know it,” Wallflower said with a laugh, “I'm sure a good few patients will be made better when I spruce up the flower beds.”

“I'll feel better. Come along love, time for lunch.”

Wallflower snickered as she followed Sonata through the house. “You know, we could have gone to the Towers. It is Tuesday!”

Sonata didn’t turn around, even so, she knew that her girlfriend would hear the eye roll she made in her voice. “I work tonight, ya know. Even I have a taco limit.”

When they were stood by her camper van that was stocked up with all her gardening supplies and decorated with a large pink flower on the side, Wallflower did a very good impersonation of Sonata from the first time she had seen her, “But it's taco Tuesday!”

Sonata Dusk turned a hard, cold steely glare on her lover, one that burned a hole straight through her. “Is someone still feeling comfortable enough to sit? I could put some plywood on the driver's seat.”

In an instant, Wallflower’s demeanour flipped one eighty. “You really don't have to, Sonny, I'm sorry.”

Likewise, Sonata brightened up in a heartbeat and delicately kissed Wallflower’s nose. “Still, you love to tease. Remember, you go over my knees.” She blew her a kiss and waited by the passenger side door.

Blushing hard enough that she earned her name, Wallflower scooted ahead to open the passenger door, “Yes Ma'am!”

“And I love you for it,” Sonata giggled as she sat down and secured the seatbelt in place, “To a point, anyway.”

Wallflower caught the wink from her Mistress and, giggling, she got in her van and put it in gear. “Hey,” she started as a thought occurred to her, “When are we having another play date with Aria and Chestnut? I haven't seen her in almost a month.”

Sonata shrugged her shoulders, “I dunno. Aria usually sets those up. I'm sure Dagi is being a pill or something.”

“Well, I say I haven't seen her, I mean 'not all of her',” Wallflower clarified as she navigated her way around some parked up cars along the road, “Chestnut sent me a picture of her latest scar the other day.” She shuddered and tried to put the image out of her mind. What she and Aria got up to was their business.

“I prefer welts over scars,” Sonata said with a reassuring smile as she laid a comforting hand on Wallflower’s knee. “Aria texted me, she was going to get Dagi out of her house, and then we will have a meet up.” Despondently she shrugged her shoulders, “It's getting Dagi to feel something other than a fifth wheel that’s the trick.”

“Yeah,” Wallflower cast a quick glance to her partner as she drove, “That was a few days ago, right? How did it go, getting your big sis out and about?”

“Aria hasn’t bothered to tell me, so I question if it worked at all.” Sonata Dusk answered without looking away from the road ahead. “Wall-e, I don't need sister drama. Let them work their shit out.”

“Alright, I get the message,” Wallflower admittedly wasn’t the quickest at picking up conversational cues, but even she could tell that Sonata didn’t want to discuss the matter any further. At the next set of lights, when they were stopped, she leant over and kissed Sonata’s lips. “Maybe I could send your sis some plants? I know a few to help with dep...what she's got.”

“I think the only plants she can grow at the moment would be mushrooms or mold.”

“She can't be that bad, surely?” asked Wallflower as she drove off at the green light towards the diner, wisely choosing not questioning the fact that she hadn't actually met Adagio Dazzle yet.

Sonata sniffed derisively, “As far as I'm concerned it's Aria's problem. Then again, she is a bit more, ‘insistent’ than me.”

When she thought of Aria Blaze, Wallflower snorted out a loud laugh. “Insistent is a nice way to put it. we are!” she declared as she parked up in the small lot outside the faded blue diner.

“I do like this place,” Sonata stated as they walked inside. She was pleasantly surprised to see it looked just like a 1950’s style diner, from the red booth seats to the black and white chequerboard flooring. “I think we’ll come here again. You may eat anything you like, except the desert must be carrot cake.”

“Not bad for a new place, huh?” as she sat down, Wallflower glanced over at the large muscular man behind the serving counter and drank in his orange skin with the black stripes tattoed all over him – all over where she could see anyway – and his orange and black mohawk and found him quite dreamy. “I’d like him,” she giggled, “Smothered in carrot cake.”

“Maybe if you're good.”

“You're the best!” Wallflower squealed happily and then, when the orange and black dreamboat came over, she ordered a summer salad of black beans, spinach leaves, tomatoes, mango, cucumber, red onion, avacado and feta along with her coffee. Sonata meanwhile ordered the lamb gyro and lemonade /ice tea mix. “Enjoy your cute fluffy lamb,” the vegetarian pouted and ate her strictly meat free meal.

“Bo Peep should have kept better track of her,” Sonata, determined to wind up her leafatarian girlfriend, made an exaggerated show of eating.

“I hope ickle Lambikins tastes nice,” Wallflower shot back, wholly ignoring the few other diners who were paying more attention to what she was almost wearing that their meals.

Enjoying the tease, Sonata leant forward conspiratorially, “Just because you love to hear the screams of the vegetables.”

“You're lucky I love you,” Wallflower said as she shoveled a mix of black beans, avacado and feta into her mouth.

“That, I truly am,” Sonata took a bite of her lamb and said, “Baaaaaa!” A second later though and Wallflower’s pout deepened to adorable proportions and Sonata squinted across the table, “Can you turn down the cute factor a bit? I feel my sugar levels are going to go into overload.”

“Good. Then the lamb strikes back!” Wallflower did lighten up though and she soon giggled, “I can't stay angry with you. You're way too pretty.”

Sonata nodded to that and, after they had emptied their respective plates, Sonata ordered two slices of carrot cake and one whole cake to go because, like she said, her pet had behaved. please. That was all Wallflower needed to hear, and she veritably glowed as she led the way back to her van and opened up the passenger door.

When they arrived at the hospital, just five minutes before the clock announced it was noon, Sonata got out of Flower Petal and looked around at the large hospital grounds. “Where do you start?” she honestly had no idea. That’s why she had her Wall-e.

“Well,” Wallflower started, waving her hand in the general area, “I’ve got maintenance to do on these flowerbeds out front, then there's an outdoor patient relaxation area further in that needs some TLC.”

Sonata glanced around and, following Wallflower who had taken a bag of tools from the back of her van, she followed her to the outdoor relaxation area where she perched herself on a convent bench. She knew nothing about plants and gardening but even she could tell her pet had her work cut out back here. “I'll sit there to watch you off load and work hard. I'll move when it’s time. I almost like watching others watch you as I like watching you wiggle that ass.”

“Which ass, this ass?” Wallflower wiggles said ass as she carried her bag of tools - a trowel, little pitchfork and other things - on her shoulder over to the long neglected flowers.

“It’s better than the ass at the petting zoo.”

“Sweet talker.” When she got to the flowers, Wallflower strapped on her knee protectors and got down on her hands and knees to work. For the moment she wasn’t thinking about showing off for the few patients that were inevitably gathering at the windows to get an eyeful of her body, she had her own patients to care for.

Happily, Sonata took a seat at the bench, content to – mostly - watch the other's reactions to her girlfriend's work. As she had suspected earlier, the patients were so busy ogling and leering at Wallflower that nobody noticed her right hand disappearing down her clothes. It was like being invisible, not that she minded right then.

No, Sonata could happily watch this performance all afternoon long.


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Aria Blaze was many things. Ex- siren, dominant partner to her girlfriend, a badass bouncer, were just a few of her better qualities, as well as being blessed with the ability to cuss to the point that she’d make a sailor blush. What she was not though, was conflicted. She was a very simple minded, goal oriented person. Identify a problem, solve problem, move on. That was the way Aria lived her life, and she liked it.

So, when she found herself staring at her own front door for a good fifteen minutes longer than it usually took her to enter her house, she realised she was conflicted. She lowered her left hand from the doorknob, where it had been for the past fourteen minutes and thirty seconds. What was bothering her at least was easy to solve.

‘Dagi…’ she mused on her doorstep. Her older sister had, as of late, been the source of ninety nine percent of her worries, thanks to Sonata’s stark refusal to help in the matter. Aria had dropped Adagio off at Fluttershy’s animal place with the intention of her getting a pet. What she had not foreseen was that, after the surprise visit on her sister, that Adagio would actually be Fluttershy’s pet. Snorting derisively, she shoved open the door and stomped inside. She wouldn’t sort anything stood on the doorstep. “My sister may be a shit,” she called out by way of greeting to the house’s other occupant, “But she might just be able to un-fuck herself.”

“Ari!” Chestnut Magnifico practically jumped a mile in the air when she heard her girlfriend and Mistress enter their house. She was early! Chestnut had not been expecting her back so soon. Hurriedly, for she knew she had a matter of seconds judging by the heavy stomps from Aria’s heavy boots, she replaced the top on the jar of imported peanut butter praline crunch cookies.

The Forbidden Jar.

Just in time, the actress managed to get the top back in placed and she turned with a saccharine sweet smile plastered all over her face at the exact moment that Aria made it to the kitchen. “You're back, early, did it not go well?” While her smile may have been fake, her concern was not.

Aria, who was too weirded out by what she had seen at Adagio’s place, didn’t notice Chestnut being naughty. One did not un-see the sight of her older sister making like a cat in her own bathroom, after all. “It was not what I planned for,” Aria stated, oblivious to the incriminating crumbs that Chestnut casually dusted from her long knee length white tee shirt. “She was wearing a collar, Chesty.”

“Really?” Chestnut quickly swallowed the mouthful of cookie she had just been chewing and she walked out to the hallway to greet her lover properly. With any luck, she’d get away with it. Although, when she kissed her, Chestnut forgot to wipe away the smear of peanut butter praline remaining on her lips. “What happened, Fluttershy claim her?”

Nodding, Aria went in for a second kiss just to be sure of her suspicions and, with a satisfied smirk, she noted the distinct flavour on her lips that was nothing to do with the gloss she wore. “Yeah, Dagi was acting like a cat and that was what Fluttershy did. She made Dagi into her pussy.” Even though she was laughing at her own joke, she was running through a list of possible punishments in her head.

Still believing she had gotten away with her crime, Chestnut burst out laughing at the mental image of Adagio as a cat. “I can imagine she's an adorable kitty. At least she's up and off her couch. Oh, by the way,” she added as breezily as she could, “I took the bins out, went to the bank to sort out that issue with the animal charity and I met with my agent.”

“Nice to see you got your chores done,” Aria smiled dangerously, very much like a shark scenting blood, as she delicately licked Chestnut’s lips. “You even rewarded yourself for it.”

Realizing that she had in fact been caught out, Chestnut blushed so hard that her light tangelo skin turned a deep red colour. “ said I could have one, Mistress…” she dearly hoped that would convince her dominant partner.

Unfortunately, as Aria kissed her pet once more, that didn’t cut any ice with her. If there was one certainty in the universe, it was that Chestnut could not have ‘just the one’. “I did say you could have one, pet,” she leant in and whispered in her ear, “Did you know I counted how many there were in the jar before I left?”

The floor fell out from under Chestnut’s feet. On the one hand, her Mistress could be bluffing. But, if she had in fact counted them as she claimed, and then had to go and actually check the cookie jar, then her punishment would be so much worse. “ um...I had more than one, Mistress.”

“Such a naughty girl I have,” Aria purred as she kissed Chestnut deeply, “A naughty, naughty girl.”

Chestnut’s blush showed no sign of going away any time soon as she returned the kiss. “I had three, Mistress.” Now that the cat was out of the bag, she felt it was better to own up now than to have Aria go and inspect the cookie jar. She did want to sit down this week. “They are so moreish though!”

Playfully, Aria shook her head and shrugged off her green denim jacket and set it on the kitchen counter. “It's not a potato chip, you can eat just one.” She then held Chestnut’s waist in both hands. Her slender waist. “When this is larger than your bust, you'll be singing a different tune.” Her devilish smile returned, “Treadmill now. Oh, and I don't want you to get your clothes sweaty.”

“Yes Mistress,” immediately and without question, Chestnut undressed. She removed her long white tee shirt she had been wearing and slipped off her sandals. That took care of her clothes, leaving her stood in just her pale fuchsia collar. She held her hands behind her back as she walked through their palatial house to the room she dreaded.

Not the Dungeon.

Oh no.

The Gym. Aria’s personal gymnasium. A veritable torture chamber filled with all manner of apparatus, each more hellish than the last. There were two treadmills in the middle of the room surrounded by several weight machines, each designed to train a different part of the user’s body. As Aria pulled the riding crop from its holder beside Chestnut’s treadmill – hers was the one with a chain attached to a leather belt that made sure she couldn’t get off before she was allowed – she stepped up on the hated device. “I'm sorry, Mistress.”

“Not yet you aren’t.” Aria smiled a toothy smile as she locked the belt in place around her pet’s waist. On purpose she used one notch more than was strictly necessary, then she set the pace of the treadmill to a fast walking speed of five miles per hour.

As Chestnut started to walk, she knew her Mistress wasn’t playing around. “My agent did say there's a new Daring Do movie filming in a couple of months,” she tried a diversionary tactic instead.

Unfortunately, the diversionary tactic didn’t work. Aria knew if her pet had breath to talk, she could walk. “That franchise is still going strong, is this number five, now?”

Concentrating dead ahead, Chestnut saw herself roll her eyes in the reflection of the full length mirror facing her. “It’s number four part two, Mistress,” she replied, though after a couple of minutes at the constant pace, she dropped back a foot on the treadmill, causing the chain to go taut as she slowed down.

While she smiled like a hunting shark, Aria struck the crop quick as a snake striking its prey. She was just as accurate and just as deadly, especially when the crop hit both of her pet’s butt cheeks. “I don't want you to fall off and get injured.” Not that she could fall off, but one had to play the role. “You still enjoying the part?”

“Aah! Aaaah!” Chestnut gasped with each strike and she duly sped up until the chain went slack. The crop hurt, sure, but at least Aria wasn’t using the electrodes this time. Yet. “It's a guaranteed role, Mistress. To be honest it's still nonsense to me.”

“That makes two of us,” Aria commented, before turning the treadmill up to a slow running speed of ten miles per hour, “But it does pay well.”

When Chestnut started to run, she watched her reflection’s D cup breasts sway and bounce with each long stride she took. “I wanted the part in the ocean liner disaster flick,” she moaned, “But Nooooooo my agent says I have to be Daring Fucking Do! Again!”

Gently, Aria caressed Chestnut’s jiggling ass cheeks with the end of the crop, paying careful to the parts she had just struck. “And how big is your Daring Do fan club?”

“I stopped counting when the newspapers said it was in the millions of members,” Chestnut grumbled as she ran at a steady jog, her long blonde and red hair whipping on her back where already a thin sheen of sweat was glistening.

“You do look hot in action adventure,” Aria said, though she did sympathize with her lover, “Especially when they rip up your clothing. So, before this one wraps up, tell your agent you want to branch out. Gives you a fighting chance before Daring Do three twelve comes out.”

Though Aria laughed, Chestnut slowed a little on the treadmill. “I was five years at acting school and all I'll ever be remembered for is "Oh no, not Cabelleron…or battling Ahuizotl for the millionth time or getting the idol of whatever from the temple of who cares...aaaaAAH!” she had been ranting for so long that the chain again become taut.

Aria delivered another two solid smacks after the two she had just swatted her pet’s ass with. She made sure the last two stung and left welts in their wake. “You will be remembered,” she stated. Just because she sympathised, didn’t mean she liked to hear her whine like a little bitch. “Most of the drunks I toss out of the club don't remember where they were tossed from.”

“Gaaaah fu-fuuuck!” Chestnut, ‘encouraged’ by the well placed strikes of her Mistress’s crop, sped up again, though her breathing was becoming laboured, “Y-Yes Mistress.”

“I think what you really want is a little gold statue on the shelf,” Aria smirked as she caressed the end of the crop over the red marks she had just made on her pet’s behind, “You do deserve one.”

“You don't get those playing Daring Do or a superhero,” Chestnut said through panting breath that was coming shorter and shorter the more she ran, “Scarlet Star got her third best actress this year...stupid polar explorer movie...” she grumbled, though not for long as her calf muscles were starting to burn from her exercise.

“Want me to crop your agent?”

“No...well maybe…not too hard...” Chestnut panted harder and, as her answers became shorter and to the point, sweat starting to glisten and drip from her naked scarred body. While she did all her own stunts, Aria was responsible for three quarters of the scars that adorned Chestnut and that she wore like medals of honour. “I just want a proper role!”

After a few more minutes at that speed, Aria waited until the chain was pulled taut and the sweat was dripping like a waterfall from Chestnut’s forehead until she finally slowed down the treadmill to a stop. “I want a roll right now. You do look fucking hot glistening like that.” Aria didn’t wait, she leant over the treadmill and she dragged her tongue across her pet’s heaving glistening breast. “You are one beautiful salt lick!”

“Hmmm...” Chestnut Magnifico smiled as Aria's tongue flicked across a long scar on her left breast, just above her nipple that went up to her neck. The first time her Mistress did that, she freaked out because she thought it was gross, but over time she had become accustomed to it. “You are always saying I'm tasty, Mistress.”

Teasingly, Aria licked her way down that scar until she arrived at the nipple, which she took between her teeth and bit, gently but firmly. Firm enough to get a gasp of pain, at least. “Enough to eat you up, but then I'd have to go get a real job.” Smiling, she picked Chestnut up like she was her bride and she headed through to the bedroom.

“Oh heaven forbid you should have to work, Mistress!” Chestnut giggled and wrapped her sweaty arms around Aria's neck.

Aria did not seem to mind her cream coloured shirt nor her plum denim jeans getting covered in her girlfriend’s sweat. In the bedroom, when she tossed her on to the bed, she stood with her wet clothes stuck flatteringly to her toned muscular body. A moment later, and those clothes lay discarded on the bedroom floor. Then, she pounced like a lion would pounce on its prey, though she used nips and licks. “I’ll eat you all up!” Aria then worked her way down to where the real flavor lay waiting.

Underneath Aria, essentially pinned in place by her dominant lover, Chestnut adored her predatory behaviour. It just reinforced the dynamic between them. “MMmmmmm…” she moaned as that talented tongue licked lower and lower down her body. She ran her hands through Aria's hair, her hips bucking upwards when she reached her sex. “I am yours to eat up, Mistress!”

Now, as it happened, Aria was quite a nippy muff diver and she went at Chestnut’s snatch deep and hard. The ex-siren plunged her face between Chestnut's legs, lapping at her pussy, laying kisses and bites upon her labia and clitoris. She went hard and fast from the start, and she did not let up for an instant. Aria did descend into an easy rhythm though as she lapped at her lover's clitoris.

Chestnut moaned back onto the bed as her Mistress's silken tongue pressed against her love button and her teeth nipped and bit up and down her labia. Jolts of ecstasy crashed through Chestnut as she was taken up to her edge, her entire body giving one great shudder as she did so.

Now, Chestnut was quite the screamer. When she was at last nearing her climax, the actress let loose. “C-Can...aaaAAAH can I cuuuum Mistress?” Still lapping and biting, Aria did not give her pet the permission she desired, she just worked Chestnut until she came without any choice and she came eventually, involuntarily, in a shower that drenched Aria's face.

Smirking in her victory, Aria diligently lapped up Chestnut’s ejaculate even as it spurted from her dripping pussy. When she was at last finished, Aria then took her large, swollen – and very sensitive – clitoris in her teeth and bit down upon it. Hard. “Naughty pet.” The dominant ex-siren’s words were drowned out though because Chestnut made a noise that was a mixture of a scream, moan and a whimper all in one. It was a noise that heralded a second orgasm. This climax was so strong it made her legs spasm and her eyes roll in her head, but Aria was able to keep her in place, before she tongue bathed her way up her body to nip each nipple. “Good thing you are tasty, makes you a keeper.”

“Ah...aaaah...fu-fuck...” Chestnut breathed and panted through her multiple orgasms, only barely aware that her lover had said anything at all, so intense was the afterglow. “W-Wow...”

Slowly, Aria crawled up her pet’s shiny glistening sweat covered body looking for a deep kiss and, after she had what she wanted, she crawled up further until she was sitting straddling Chestnut’s face resting on her knees with her legs either side of her girlfriend’s head. Once she was in place, she lowered herself so that her labia were millimeters from her face. “Your turn,” she ordered simply, “And do put some effort into it.”

“Yes Mistress!” Chestnut, positioned underneath Aria, took the last gulp of clean air she could before her girlfriend sat her crotch down hard on her face. The submissive actress did not waste any time and she thrust her tongue as deep inside Aria's tunnel as she could reach. She knew a lack of effort on her part would result in a lack of oxygen she was allowed to breathe.

Above her, Aria watched Chestnut closely for her safe signals or for signs of distress, especially as she was depriving her of air. She knew though that her lover would have to be in some serious distress before she clenched her fists three times. Moments later, long, long moments later, just as Chestnut’s fingers twitched, Aria moved her ass the tiniest amount to allow air flow. “Aaaaaaaah!” she quickly gulped down a lungful of air that tasted of Aria and she went straight back to work eating her out and flicking her tongue over her clit.

For the first few repetitions, Aria was content to just have her pet eat her. After the third time she allowed her to breathe though, the dominant was getting extremely horny. She grabbed Chestnut’s hair to hold her in place and she thrust her hips back and forth over her submissive’s face, literally fucking her face as she ground her clit against her nose.

When Aria started doing that, there was little that Chestnut could do to get her off, but she still tried to lick at anywhere she could reach. Sure enough, after just a few moments, Aria clenched her powerful toned thighs around her pet’s head as she reached her climax. She was not a screamer, but she did squirt a fountain and, with nowhere else for it to go, it all ended up over the actress’s face. “Phbbbbbbt…” Chestnut coughed and squirmed under Aria, her breath taken away by the climax above her. “MmmMMMMPH!”

“Well,” Aria sighed once the afterglow had worn off, though she was still sat on her pet’s face, “I'm feeling good. How are you doing down there?” she grinned when she got the green sign. “It’s still too early for dinner so it’s time for the next phase of punishment, the worse phase!” she let out some truly diabolical laughter before reaching over to her nightstand. “I’ve got two copies of this script, you're going to do a reading.”

Aria slid back down Chestnut’s scarred body until she was sat on her belly and she passed her one copy of the script. Her heart sunk through her chest when she saw that it wasn’t the latest Daring Do script, but rather it was yet another one of Sonata's dreaded fan fiction pieces about the vampires in Twilight. “What the...” she very nearly dropped it on the floor and sighed, “Not again, Sonata!”

Seated on Chestnut’s belly, Aria laughed and used her face as a footrest. “If you can read this garbage, then you can read anything. In character now,” she paused and looked at her copy, “You shall be Effervescence.” She giggled, “Even the name sparkles. I'm some dude called Hawthorne.”

“I think I'd rather you put spikes on the treadmill...” Chestnut sighed, though she couldn’t be too upset, her Mistress’s feet were in her face, after all. Besides, there was no getting away from the misery that was to come. “Very well, Mistress. Effervescence it is.” Sonata actually wasn't a bad writer, but neither of them cared for Twilight in the slightest. Aria kept up the reading until she was laughing too hard to continue and Chestnut was a blushing mess.

“What will you do if your agent finds a role in Twilight the movie for you?”

“I'll tell him the same thing I told him when he wanted me to do a nude scene,” Chestnut answered her girlfriend in a heartbeat, “No. I have hard limits, and not just with you.”

Aria really couldn’t argue with that. “I'm not going to compromise your standards, but you look damn hot in ripped clothing. Just saying.”

“Ripped explorer's outfit on a jungle set is one thing, Mistress,” Chestnut offered back, her hands resting on Aria’s naked hips, “But the crap he wanted me to do in First Instinct, no thank you.”

“You're mine,” Aria prodded her pet’s nose with the toes of one foot and her cheek with the toes of the other, “And I don't share. Remember how Juniper Montage caused so much trouble on the movie set and those girls her father invited sorted it all out?”

“I remember, Mistress,” Chestnut nodded with a smile. Of course she remembered those seven girls, how could she not, after everything that had happened on the set of the last movie? “And I only display my scars for you.”

“One of them is Dagi's owner now.” Aria rolled her eyes and used her feet to caress Chestnut’s long two tone hair, “One of those cursed Rainblossoms, or Rainbooms. The yellow one, with the animals. Still, she was the only one that didn't either spit on me or pretend I wasn’t even there at all when I ran across her.” The blue skinned rainbow headed girl and the southern one had been particular disasters that she had no desire to relive.

“You mean Fluttershy,” Chestnut clarified as Aria swung her legs off of her and sat on the bed by her side. The actress took advantage of this and pulled her dominant partner into a very tight hug, even going so far as to kiss her on the lips, her cheeks and forehead. “You did the right thing going to her, Ari.”

Aria still wasn’t sure about that. Time would tell, she supposed. “I haven't told Sonata yet, but I'm thinking a dinner date, the six of us on Thursday. Still your off day?”

“Yes Mistress, filming doesn't start until next month.”

“Good,” Aria smiled and, once the – much needed - soppy moment was over with she extricated herself from Chestnut’s arms and groped her toned ass. An ass one could bounce a quarter off. “Get dressed in something sexy. I'm thinking Chez Pierre for dinner.” She then leant in and kissed her girlfriend’s nose. “No shower!”

Chestnut, who was accustomed by now to Aria’s eccentricities with regards to scent, simply nodded her head. The fact she literally stank of sex and sweat was of no concern to her. “I have the sparkly red dress I know you like, as long as you don't mind me showing these off,” she winked as she ran her fingers over a couple of old scars on her breast, her favourite ones.

Aria ran her index finger along the scars she herself had created. “You’ll use make up. I'll know they are there, but we don't need the paparazzi to interrupt our meal. And I. Don’t. Share.”

Chestnut kissed Aria’s lips, “They’re just for you, Mistress,” she looked down at her scarred chest and smiled. “That's my favourite one you've ever given me. It was the first you ever gave me.” That pain had been so wonderful, so…fantastic!

When she saw the dreamy faraway look on her pet’s face, Aria Blaze found herself reflecting on the scars she had given out to her. She remembered creating each and every one of lines that criss crossed Chestnut’s perfect body. It had almost been a month since she had given her the last one. “Have I treated you poorly over this past month, pet?”

“No, Mistress!” Chestnut answered quickly, “Of course you haven't!”

“I like to think I have a handle on my temper, and I don't love you for the scars. They are a part of you I love. It has been a while since I've made you bleed. I don't have to scar you to do that.”

“I love you Mistress, all of you,” without seeking permission, she kissed her and found Aria allowed it. “Even your temper, though you don't have to lose it to mark me.” Again, she kissed her, “It has been a month since you rewarded me with one Mistress, and I admit I was trying to coax a scar from you earlier.”

Smiling that sweet little dangerous smile of hers, Aria returned the kiss with one of her own. “Careful what you wish for pet. Subs who tease get scarred over my knees. For now, if you're wearing the red number, then I'm wearing that three piece suit.”

“Very well Mistress,” Chestnut gave her girlfriend a respectful bow as she got up to her feet. “I'll be just a moment getting ready.” She walked into her closet to search out the little red number. Once she had it and her heels in hand, she returned to an empty bedroom to get ready. Even applying the make up to cover her scars, she was quicker than Aria.

After a few minutes Chestnut, a very sweaty smelling Chestnut, was dressed in her collar, her red dress, her red heels and her hair done up in a ponytail, she stood in the hallway waiting for Aria. She didn’t have to wait very long. A polite cough drew her attention to the top of the grand mahogany staircase. Descending the red carpet was a sight to behold. “Lovely as ever, Chesty.” Aria stood at the base of the stairs looking magnificent in her three piece black suit and she kissed the back of her pet's hand. “Shall we adjourn for dinner?”

“We shall, my dapper Mistress.”

~ ~ ~

Chez Pierre just happened to be the fanciest, swankiest, most expensive restaurant in the whole of Canterlot City. Usually it had a three month waiting list, though Chestnut Magnifico could get in whenever she wanted, a fact that Aria was more than willing to exploit. At dinner, she ordered a strict 1500 calorie meal and a single glass of white wine for her pet, while for herself she chose the 200 gram steak meal with all the trimmings and a glass of red wine.

Something that usually cost as much as a secondhand car.

“Thank you for allowing me the meal, Mistress,” Chestnut smiles sweetly and took delicate bites out of a complimentary breadstick as she surreptitiously rubbed her foot up Aria's leg under the table. Not that she cared who was watching, what they did was nobody else’s business. When she noticed that the upper crust diners were politely ignoring them, Aria smiled and opened her legs. She was wearing pants, so she allowed Chestnut to have her fun. “I'm glad you went to see Fluttershy. It's nice to see you smile, Ari.”

Once the meal was served proper, Aria casually slipped off a shoe and sock, and she slid her left foot between Chestnut's legs under long red sparkly dress and, once she reached her goal, she used her toes to push her panties into her slit, the smile on her face growing ever wider. “After the meal I'll call Sonata and tell her to make Thursday available for dinner.”

“Eeep!” Chestnut exclaimed at the touch of Aria’s toes and she shifted a little on her seat as the panties were worked inside her. “Th-That sounds de-delightful, Mistress, aah, w-where are we eating?”

“I shouldn't let my toes do the talking,” Aria giggled delightfully, “I'm willing to risk Sonata picking the place.”

“Taco Towers it is then,” Chestnut giggled, mainly to distract herself from the toes that were pushing inside her vagina over and over again right there at the dinner table! “I do love your sister, but her vivid imagination doesn't extend to food.”

Aria laughed, and as she lifted a forkful of steak to her mouth, she pushed all her toes inside Chestnut’s tunnel. Idly she wondered what the press would say if they knew what they were doing. Not that she cared. She wouldn’t, however, do anything to hurt her lover’s career. “I'll bet a real bite to the winner she doesn't pick a taco place.”

“I'll take that bet, Mistress,” somehow Chestnut managed to eat a couple of bites of her food, in spite of the foot doing what it was doing. Sat across from her, Aria was obviously enjoying her ridiculously lavish meal, her toes being kept warm between Chestnut's leg, so much so that she had a second glass of wine. Chestnut too was enjoying where her Mistress’s foot was, especially as she was rubbing Aria's leg with her foot.

After Aria finished her meal, she ordered two cappuccinos, and one tiramisu with two spoons for dessert. Chestnut beamed a wide smile when the dessert arrived, for her Mistress knew her so well, and she did adore a tiramisu. “I love you, Aria.” She said as something her girlfriend had said in the bedroom occurred to her, “Don't ever think you've treated me poorly.”

Aria actually found herself blushing at that, something she hardly ever did. “Sometimes I do need a reminder, from time to time. I have treated so much of humanity so very poorly. They were little more to me than that cow that provided the steak. You have meaning to me, Chestnut, and I fear I'll retreat to the old ways with you.”

Chestnut reached over the table and affectionately squeezed Aria’s hand. “Like I'd ever let you do that, silly.” She slid her leg further up Aria's than it had been before. “I know all about your past, and I accept it because it's part of you, whom I love.” Aria chose not to answer straight away, instead she fed a small portion of the tiramisu to her girlfriend, ignoring the second spoon as she used the one to feed herself. “Hmmmm yummy!” she smiled and ate, “Aria, you say I give you meaning, well the truth is, you give me meaning in return.”

“It is nice to know someone as arrogant as me, but you, unlike me, know where the line is. I love to watch you dance on that line, and I love you.”

“Moi, arrogant?”

“Arrogant.” Smirking, Aria lifted her foot and pushed her toes into Chestnut’s snatch as deep as they would go. “In the best way.”

“Aaaaaah!” Chestnut blushed quite hard as, for the first time that evening, the other diners turned to look what was going on at their table. “Ah...I ah...I wanted to ask you something, something important.”

Keeping a neutral expression, Aria wiggled her toes inside Chestnut. “I'm listening.”

The effect of those magical toes was immediate. “Aaaaah...aaaaAAH wi-will yooOOOH!” the actress’s blush intensified to the point that she was about to burst into flames, “Will you m-marry me?”

Aria froze. The teasing fled from her in an instant. She could tell Chestnut was being absolutely sincere. “You would marry me?”

Chestnut nodded her head vigorously, the toes for the moment forgotten. “In a heartbeat, Ari.”

Immediately, Aria pulled her foot out of her lover’s vagina and, standing up, she walked around the table and tipped back Chestnut’s chair and kissed her deeply. She didn’t care that she had a bare foot. “I would be honored to make you my wife.”

“MMmmmMMM!” Chestnut couldn't care less who was watching as she wrapped Aria up in a hug and kissed her. And there were a lot of people watching.

After a long, long kiss, Aria set the chair back in place and then she returned to her own seat. “Okay, Chesty, you may have outdone me today. I don't know a thing about planning a wedding, but I'll help all that I can. Planning is on you.”

“As it happens, I don't either, but I'm sure I can find someone who does…” Chestnut blew Aria a kiss and gave her a wink. “I think we should celebrate our engagement at home.”

“I know you're right,” Aria waved the waitress for the check, one she would graciously allow her pet to pay, “One phone call, but we can leave this as a surprise for my sisters.” She pulled out her phone and called her sister. “Hi Sonata. Not tacos. Hey, you still free to do dinner on a Thursday? You can pick the place. What? Maybe we did. Does it matter. You can be a bitch at times. Yes I will. Oh, plan on six. No, I'm not telling with that dinner selection. Yeah, buy, love you too.”

Listening in, Chestnut heard the ‘you can be a bitch’, line and frowned. “Are there problems over at casa exhibitionism?”

Aria rolled her eyes so loud it could be heard over the table. “First she asked if we bet on the dinner spot, and I said maybe, then she goes and picks Taco Towers!”

“Wohoooo! I win!” Chestnut did a little jig in her seat, “Ahem, then what?”

“After that stunt I wasn't going to tell her who the sixth would be at dinner.” After Chestnut paid for the meal, Aria replaced her sock and shoe. “Now it’s time to celebrate. Did I say where you could bite me?”

“You did not, Mistress.”

“My negotiation skills are starting to suck, then I didn't think I'd lose that bet,” Aria laughed, “And no, I'm not going to tell you where I would have bitten you.”

“Never mind,” Chestnut patted Aria’s head and she kissed her forehead. “I still love you, Mistress.”

~ ~ ~

“Okay,” Aria said as soon as they were back at the mansion they called their home, “You have ninety minutes before I leave for work. I lost that bet, so Mistress Magnifico, what shall you do with me?”

“Well...” Chestnut smiled evilly. It wasn’t often she was in the position of the dominant partner. As such, she was determined to enjoy it for all it was worth. “I do like it when you smile. I think I'll make you smile some more. On the bed, if you please.” Aria wasted no time getting on the huge Princess sized bed, but as soon as her head hit the pillow she did some very fake snoring.

In a flash, Chestnut had Aria’s shoes and socks off and she ran her fingers up her now fiancé’s bare exposed soles. Immediately, the very ticklish ex-siren squirmed and screeched, “You won the bet, but there will be a tomorrow!”

Chestnut was sure that there would indeed be a tomorrow, and on that tomorrow, she would pay for the tickling she was doing today. But, for now, she cackled maniacally as she dug her fingers into Aria's delicate sensitive soles and between her defenseless wriggling toes. “Yes, but today is mine!”

Aria Blaze held onto the pillow for dear life as she tried desperately to flail her feet to freedom. Chestnut saw the attempt and she was ready for it. “I don't think so!” She swung her legs over Aria’s, and she sat on her legs, facing her poor feet and she continued to tickle all over her lover’s soles. It was not long after that, that a telltale patch of dark moisture appeared in the crotch of Aria's pants. “Ha!” Chestnut crowed, “Victory is mine!” She got off and crawled up Aria's toned body, “I love you Ari.”

“I'm floating on my love for you.” Aria deadpanned in return.

Chestnut inhaled not just the smell of stale sweat but now fresh urine and she giggled, “I suppose we can have a quick shower before you need to go to work, hmm?”

“Thank you ever so much, my most benevolent Mistress.”


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Sat at her desk at the Three Butterflies animal shelter, Fluttershy checked the time when she heard the car pull up outside. Her guest was right on time, as always. Hastily, she slid her magazine, ‘Human Beasts’ under the counter when the door opened. “Hello, Twilight, thank you for coming over on such short notice.”

Smiling at her friend, Twilight closed the door behind her and adjusted her glasses. “No problem, Fluttershy. My experiments weren’t going very well.”

“Oh, I’m sorry if I interrupted anything?” the shop owner said quietly.

“No, no, no.” Twilight waved a hand. “After the second explosion, even watching Dashie’s sexy ass clean up the mess wasn’t enough of a distraction. I had to get out of the house, and you did say it was important.”

“Oh, yes,” Fluttershy fiddled with her pendent. “It is to me, but…” She giggled at Twilight’s eye roll. “I’m understanding this pendent more and more each day, but I was thinking if it was lost or stolen or broken maybe. Could we make more of them?”

“You’re in luck, because I’ve put a lot of study into these pendants,” Twilight said as she lifted hers. “We bought the chain and settings, so those could be damaged, but I don’t think the stones themselves can easily be damaged. The magic in the stone works like one of Rarity’s shields.” She let the stone drop back to her chest. “I’m sure you noticed if you take it off, the stone calls to you. Well, in your mind as mine has made no noise.”

Fluttershy nodded, “Yes, that’s true, I don’t ‘feel right’ if I leave the house without it. But…suppose, if someone on a motorcycle was to snatch if off our neck, the chain would break, and they would be gone in a flash.”

“Right, so you can’t really lose it,” concluded Twilight. “Hum, stolen though. I haven’t tested the range of the stone to call to its owner.” She tapped her chin, “I guess I could have Dash take it and run away. She could be across town in an instant. Then I could see how debilitating it is being away from the stone, and if it can be tracked at a distance.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened, “Debilitating?”

“You’ve no doubt noticed how it feels wrong when you leave it behind?” Twilight watched Fluttershy nod. “Imagine if that grew worse over distance? Partly why I haven’t tested the theory yet.”

“I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself for me,” interjected Fluttershy quickly.

“But it’s science!” Twilight smiled, a familiar manic gleam entering her eyes at the possibility of discovering something new. “With Dash doing it, I know she won’t keep it, and I’ll have you or one of the others with me. That way if it does get bad, they can call Dash to return, and get medical help, if that should be necessary.”

“Okay, but what about making a copy?” Fluttershy asked with her usual innocence. There was something to be said for being the quiet unassuming member of the group. People never thought you had an ulterior motive.

“Yeah, well that hasn’t gone so well,” said Twilight as she wagged her hand. “I’ve tested thirty-nine theories and all of them have failed. I don’t think we have the skills or the know how or the magic to make one of the stones.” Of course, it might help if they knew how they were created in the first place, she mused to herself.

“Oh, my, was that what you were doing earlier?” inquired Fluttershy.

“What, no,” Twilight laughed as she rubbed the back of her head. “I’ve stopped that line of research a while ago.” She tapped her fingers together, “I’ve been experimenting with paint. Dash wants to leave a visible rainbow behind her when she runs. Getting velocity activated paints is harder than I thought. Which is why she cleans up the mess.”

Fluttershy held a hand over her mouth as she laughed, “You do have an interesting pet. So, there is no way to make the stones?”

Twilight shook her head, “Not with my ability. I mean, they must have been made, obviously, because we have them at all. If I could somehow find out who made them in the first place, or at least get hold of a book by the original creator, I might be able to reverse engineer the stones. Fluttershy, why the interest?”

Fluttershy was ready for that question. She waved a hand airily around her, “In my line of work, shiny things do attract the critter’s attention. The new ones have tried to take the stone, but now I know they would more likely break a tooth than the stone.” She giggled, “And if they swallowed it, I can just wait a bit to get it back.” It wasn’t hard for Fluttershy to give the impression of sinking into herself. “You’ve seen how some parts of this town are not all that safe. I must go everywhere for the adoptions. Why I’m really worried about it being stolen.”

She hated lying to her friend, though Fluttershy mentally consoled herself by convincing herself that she wasn’t really lying, per se, she was just being ‘economical’ with the truth, that was all.

“Okay,” said Twilight, activating her mental checklist, “I’ll put that experiment high on my list. I need a break from paint anyways, and Dashie will love the chance to stretch her legs.” Twilight gave Fluttershy a hug. “Is there anything else you need?”

Fluttershy hugged back, “No, thank you for coming over and answering my question.”

“Not a problem, as problems are what I like to solve.” Twilight moved towards the door. “I need to get back and see what manner of chaos unsupervised Dashie has gotten herself into. See you Friday, if not sooner.”

Fluttershy watched Twilight leave and she took her pendent back in her hand. She was disappointed that it couldn’t be duplicated. She would just have to share the one she had with her pet. Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad either. With a smile she retrieved her magazine from under the counter and went back to reading.

~ ~ ~

Tuesday found Adagio Dazzle in rather a good mood. She had spent the morning completing a list of chores that needed doing, she had done her grocery shopping, taken out her trash and made her house as clean as it was ever going to be. Now, just after the last chime of noon – not that her secondhand clock had ever chimed while she had owned it – she was sat on her couch enjoying a coffee and the crossword in the daily newspaper.

While Muckraker and his dumb chat show played on her old black and white television set in the background, Adagio toyed with the crossword resting on her naked belly. “Seven down, five letters. Humorous python, owns a flying circus…” she mused out loud, ignoring the three way fight on the TV between a hermaphrodite, a slut and a crack ho, “Hmm…I have M, blank, blank, T and Y…nope, no idea.”

Adagio decided to move onto the next clue as the segment on the TV changed. Now it was a trailer trash guy who was proud of the fact that he had slept with all of his girlfriend’s seven sisters. Likewise the girlfriend declared that she had screwed his brother and best friend at once. Thankfully, for the sake of her IQ, which she felt was dropping by the second, she heard her cell phone ring. Without looking up from her crossword, Adagio muted the TV and answered her cheap ancient mobile. “Ari, what's up?”

“Ah,” Aria started the conversation instead of the standard greeting, “You're home.”

“I am.” Adagio turned her phone to loudspeaker and, after a futile attempt to look at the crossword, threw the week old paper aside and sipped her fresh coffee. “I’m just enjoying a coffee while I catch up with Muckraker.” She wondered why her younger sister sounded so happy – well, as happy as Aria Blaze ever sounded, at any rate. Either she had spent an hour on her punching bag, or she had spent an hour on Chestnut, it was hard to tell.

“That show is garbage,” Aria stated like her words were some sort of revelation to the world, “Do you want to do lunch, I can bring something over?”

Adagio paused and thought for a moment. Usually, she would insist on Aria coming to her. Now though, thanks in no small part to her new girlfriend, she didn’t feel like staying in like ‘usual’. “Sure,” she answered after she had made her mind up, “Lunch sounds fun. But how about we go to that new café that's opened up near the school, Stripes?”

“Really?” Aria had not been expecting that from her older sister. Still, she wasn’t going to argue, not if it got her out of the house. “Fine, do you want me to pick you up?”

Adagio glanced up and out of the window and saw that it was a bright sunny morning. For once, it seemed a shame to waste it. “I'll walk. Meet you there. And It's on me. My treat.” Aria was left speechless, so much so that Adagio had to ask, “Hello? Aria?” she shook her phone believing it was broken, “Are you there?”

“Yeah,” Aria managed to shake some sense back into herself, though she still couldn’t quite believe what she had just heard, “Yeah, I’ll meet you there, Dagi.”

“Alright,” Adagio said brightly as she swallowed what was left of her rapidly cooling coffee and stood up, stretching her legs and arching her back, “You get us a good seat, by a window.”

~ ~ ~

Aria Blaze easily got to the café, Stripe’s Cup of Java, first ahead of her older sister. She parked up her muscle car and, just as Adagio had requested, she obtained a window seat with two glasses of water, content to wait and see Adagio in the flesh before she ordered each of them a coffee.

The older sister got there a few minutes later, Adagio Dazzle had decided to wear a new outfit she had bought just a couple of days ago. It was a purple knee length skirt that went well with her yellow skin tone, a tight lilac tee shirt and sneakers, a matching shoulder bag and yellow kitty ears. She walked into the café, saw Aria and waved.

Aria saw her sister and while she summoned the waitress to bring them two coffees, it was all she could do not to fall off her seat. The tee shirt that Adagio was wearing was definitely not baggy, and it was obvious that she was not wearing a bra and it stretched tightly over her round belly. She pushed Adagio’s coffee over to one side of the table when her sister reached where she was sat. “You doing okay, sis?”

Adagio was unaccustomed to hearing such genuine concern from her younger sister. She sat herself down in the booth and she removed her sunglasses. When she smiled, it was as genuine as Aria’s concern had been. “Yes. For once. I can honestly say I'm 'okay', sis.”

For a long, long time, Aria scrutinized Adagio’s face, searching for any lie or hint that she was giving her the runaround. What she saw was her older sister looking healthier and happier than she had in a long time. Even the bags under her eyes seemed all but gone. “Damn if that isn't more than I hoped for when I dragged you out of your house. Were you with her Sunday night?”

“I was, as it happens,” Adagio blushed and giggled like a lovestruck teenager, “And not just as Jubilee, either. I,” she placed a heavy emphasis on the I, “I was with her.”

About to take a drink of her steaming hot coffee, Aria laughed so loud that she drew the attention of a few nearby diners, not that she particularly cared. “You gett'n some of that Raingoon snatch? You'll soon have her on a leash!”

“Oh I doubt it, sis. She's not like Chestnut.” Adagio pointed out, though she was slightly upset that her sister had so casually insulted her new lover. “Fluttershy is definitely the dom of the two of us. I’ll admit though that her feet and legs do taste nice covered in chocolate yoghurt.”

“TMI, Dagi, TMI,” Aria shuddered, then she got to the point of what had been bothering her since the other day. “You really like being a cat?”

Again, Adagio found herself carefully considering her reply. It was a simple question, perhaps, but the answer was anything but simple, far from it. “It's fun,” she said eventually, “And not just in a coping mechanism way either.” She took a drink of her coffee, “I do love the mittens, socks and tail I get to wear, too.”

“You are looking better,” Aria admitted finally, “Sonata has Thursday off, come to her restaurant. I’ll let her know you're doing okay, but she'd like to see you. I'll drag Chestnut along and she’ll have her girlfriend. Hell, you can even invite the yellow girl too.”

Adagio, about to take a sip of her coffee, instead lowered the mug and fingered the sun yellow collar that had become a permanent fixture around her neck. “Fluttershy, if you don't mind, Ari.”

“Whatever,” Aria shrugged like the name didn’t matter and she swallowed half her mug. In truth, Fluttershy meant next to nothing to her. Ninety nine percent of the population were still scum to Aria Blaze.

“No,” Adagio insisted firmly in a tone she had not used in a long time, not since before the Battle of the Bands. “Not 'whatever'. It’s Fluttershy. She's my girlfriend. I...I told her I love her.” She slowly sipped her coffee and when she spoke next, her voice softened somewhat. “And I'd love an evening out.”

As soon as Adagio got all defensive, Aria smirked, knowing she had managed at last to get under Adagio’s skin to such a degree. “Defensive, are we? I'll let taco girl know Thursday is a go. Nice ears by the way.”

“I know, right?” Adagio reached up and touched her kitty ears and giggled, her stern tone disappearing in an instant. “So, how's your sweet little Chestnut doing with her Daring Do movie? How many has she made now, a hundred?”

After draining her coffee, Atrium gave Adagio her third best eye roll, one that almost had a volume control on it. “Five, seeing as how the latest is number four part two, and there are twelve books in the series, I’ll have you know.” Then, Aria decided to go on the offensive. “And you, dear darling sister of mine, is your house such a disaster that you didn't want me to pick you up?”

“No it's not, actually.” Now it was Adagio’s turn to shoot an eye roll at her younger sister. “I’ll have you know my house is vacuumed, dusted and polished, my dishes are all clean and my laundry's all done.” She gave a little sigh, “I just wanted to walk to get out for a bit. Get some fresh air, out of the house.” Aria simply leant back and just looks at Adagio with lowered eyelids, “Naughty kitties don't get rewards. I'm a good kitty. My place is clean. You can come and look by all means. I wanted to get out because sometimes being on my own in there is...oppressive. And after all my housework is done, and I'm just sat there...I look at the knife drawer.” Adagio looked down at the tabletop. “I don't want to backslide, Ari.”

Uncharacteristically for Aria, she reached out and took Adagio's trembling hand in her own and gave it a gentle, tender squeeze. “I don't want you backsliding either. I miss the take charge Dagi from before our stones broke. After that, it was like you were already dead. Now, well now, I can hope you keep it up and if that yell, er, Flutterby can do it, more power to her.”

Squeezing Aria’s hand, Adagio ignored her sister’s mispronouncing of her girlfriend’s name. She wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of rising to the bait. “I-I'm...I'm learning to love who I am now, rather than longing for what I was. I'm taking one day at a time, as it comes. I've felt like cutting, sure, but then I put the kitty stuff on, and it made it easier to not do that.”

“Since you’re buying,” Aria smiled sweetly, “I'll have one of those cheese and tomato wraps, the biggest dessert they do and another coffee.”

~ ~ ~

Back at home after her excursion to the new café to meet her sister, Adagio Dazzle was once again naked and was lounging on her couch with a glass of cold water. Her fan was turned on full blast in a futile attempt to ward off the incredibly hot summer sun that was beating down through her windows. Bored, because she still couldn’t do her crossword, she decided to call up Fluttershy on her ancient prehistoric mobile phone.

Fluttershy, who had just been treating a wounded bird at the animal shelter, reached for her ringing phone. She frowned when she saw it was an unknown number. “Hello?” she asked, sure it was either a crank call or some salesperson intent on selling her something she didn’t need or want.

“Hey sexy girl,” Adagio smiled, for hearing Fluttershy’s voice was like a cool hand on a fevered brow.

“Oh,” Fluttershy’s guard went down the very instant she heard Adagio’s voice on the other end of the line. “I see you got your phone working. Let me add this number.” She smiled for she could practically hear the smile coming her way in turn. “My kitty is feeling adventurous?”

“Your kitty has been adventurous,” Adagio giggled, “I've been out to lunch with Aria and it was my idea to eat out for a change.”

“In that case, I'm glad I let kitty have her freedom. I will guess your sister was following up on me?”

“She was making sure I was alive. And checking up on you. I told her she had nothing to worry about.”

“Maaaaaybe…” Fluttershy said with a bright happy giggle in her voice. She was pleased, very pleased indeed, that Adagio had taken the initiative and gone out without having to be prodded.

“I also put her mind at ease about Jubilee,” Adagio stated before her girlfriend had a chance to ask, “But that's not why I'm calling. Aria said Sonata has Thursday off. Do you want to have a sextuple date at the Taco Palace where she works?”

For the first time since she had been involved with Adagio Dazzle, Fluttershy’s confidence wavered at the prospect of being in a group that large whom she didn’t know very well. “How...How many people?” she tried very hard to keep the sudden familiar nerves from her voice. She almost succeeded.

“There will be six,” Adagio immediately picked up on the faltering tone in her girlfriend’s voice and her heart melted for the one she loved so dearly. “You, me, Aria and her girlfriend Chestnut Magnifico and Sonata and her girlfriend Wallflower Blush.”

“Oh, um, okay,” relief flooded through Fluttershy when Adagio listed off the names. One she knew well and the other she had at least met once, so it wasn’t like she was being expected to meet a group of total strangers. She could do that! “We can talk about it tomorrow at your place during our playdate. Oh, it will be after six, yes?”

“Yes it will, sweetie.”

“Okay, then I'll see you tomorrow, my naughty kitty.” Fluttershy hung up, not giving Adagio the opportunity to say anything else. She was indeed looking forward to Thursday, but now she was also very eager for Wednesday night as well. She had a naughty kitty to discipline and play with.

“Ooooh fuck she's so adorable!” Adagio smiled and, setting her phone down on the coffee table next to her couch, she decided to go and get her kitty stuff on and lie on her couch. She did so like the feeling she got when she wore her paw mitts and socks.

~ ~ ~

Wednesday came way too slow for Fluttershy’s liking. Wednesday evening came even slower still. The animal caretaker though was in two minds however about going back to the Burger Joint, especially after her first visit. However, when she pulled into the parking lot, she was sure that her satnav had taken her to the wrong place. Where before, the streetlights had been busted, now they all shone brightly. Before, there were letters missing in the neon sign, now they looked brand new. When she got out of her pink beetle, she saw there was no trash littering the lot or the street.

“Is this even the right place?” Fluttershy wondered out loud to herself as she walked up to the door and looked in the large windows. None were smashed or boarded up. When she entered the diner, the first thing she noted was the smell. Or lack thereof. The place smelled…normal, not awful like last time. What was more, the ripped seats had all been repaired, and there were no mysterious stains on the walls.

The biggest change though was waiting for her at the serving counter. Adagio, in a clean and ironed uniform adorned with an ‘Employee of the Week’ badge, greeted her with a smile that was a mile wide. “Yes Ma'am, would you like your usual?”

Fluttershy glanced up at the menu boards above and behind Adagio’s head. They too seemed cleaned and much brighter than before. “Did you find out if the beef is GMO free?”

Adagio was ready for that. “The beef isn't, Ma'am, but the chicken and fish are.”

Smiling broadly, Fluttershy switched effortlessly to her more authoritative voice. “In that case, I will have my usual, if you please.”

“Yes Ma’am!” as soon as Fluttershy paid for her meal, Adagio Dazzle got busy prepping her girlfriend and Mistress’s fish sandwich with cheese, the box of medium fries and the vanilla milkshake that she had chosen on her last visit. While she was working the last fifteen minutes of her shift, Fluttershy went and sat down in one of the booths.

“Things look...brighter than my last visit,” Fluttershy said when Adagio bought her order over to her on a silver tray and set it in front of the teen.

“I did that,” Adagio stated, though there was no hint of arrogance, conceit or hubris in her voice. It was a fact, simple as that. “One day I started cleaning. And sewing the ripped seats. Then Big T, my boss, saw me and he was so impressed that he redecorated the walls. Then, the customers started caring too, and kept the lot clean outside.”

Fluttershy smiled a most genuine smile at her girlfriend, “I'm glad that you are having a positive influence on others, Adagio.” She then ran her hand delicately along the ex-siren’s cheek, “Maybe someone should get a special reward tonight.”

Adagio blushed at Fluttershy’s kind words, and that blush intensified when she caressed her cheek. What she wouldn’t do to feel that touch every single day! “Who knew that one person giving a damn would catch on among the staff?”

“My giving a, um, ‘caring’ seems to have caught on with you.” The teen couldn’t quite bring herself to use the ‘D’ word. Instead she took a bite of her fish sandwich in order to gather her composure. She was however very serious about giving her a reward when they got back to Adagio’s place.

Smirking a little, Adagio decided to push her luck and, as she sipped on a coke she bought over with her, she said, “Go on, say damn.” She giggled at the look on the teenager’s face, “I bet you've never swore in your life. Not even when you stubbed your toe.”

In response, Fluttershy simply smiled her sweet smile, “I'm not the naughty one.”

Adagio’s smile matched her girlfriend’s and she sipped on her coke, “You're a good girl, Fluttershy,” she laid her hand on hers, “I’ve missed you.”

Although Fluttershy’s smile was sweet, her eyes were like ice and her soft voice was hard as steel. “You can be a good girl, but I think your need for attention has led you to be a bad girl. I may have something for that. If you're interested.”

One look into Fluttershy's eyes had Adagio Dazzle squeezing her thighs and pressing them tightly together to stop any leakage onto the booth chair, particularly as she was not wearing underwear under her uniform. The sound of her voice definitely made her feel damp between her legs. “Oooh...y-yes Ma'am, I'm very interested!”

With that steely glint ever present in her eyes, Fluttershy made a shooing motion with her hand. “Go finish up your job then and come by when you're ready to leave.”

“Yes Ma'am!” Adagio didn’t need to be told twice and she quickly scooted off to the back and started the daily end of shift clean down of the cooking surfaces. While she ate her fish sandwich and her fries, Fluttershy watched her girlfriend doing her job. She was very pleased at how diligently and quickly she worked, not just cleaning her own workstation but wiping down the empty tables as well.

Fluttershy was also pleased when, armed with a mop, Adagio bent over in her cleaning of the tables and the floors, she saw and took the opportunity of looking up Adagio’s skirt. She ‘accidentally’ dropped one of her fries to take that look as soon as she could. She was not left disappointed to see her shaved naked pussy and her jiggling ass cheeks as well as her wet inner thighs. Fluttershy did, of course, pick up the fry and leave it on her tray. “Can I take that tray for you, Ma'am?”

“Please,” Fluttershy beamed and Adagio gratuitously bent over to give her girlfriend a clear view down her shirt of her braless breasts and when she took the tray, she added a generous sway of her wide hips to her walk. Softly, Fluttershy said, “Saucy…”

Fluttershy was very pleased to see Adagio Dazzle acting very much like her old self, walking with the same devastating sexy swagger and alluring confidence that she had demonstrated back at the Battle of the Bands. It was a sensuous, enticing sway and she was never happier to be the owner of those hips. She watched Adagio high five Big T and walked back over to her. “That's me. I'm all yours, Ma'am.”

Without saying a word, Fluttershy stood and she smoothed her long green dress and, bushing airily past her girlfriend, she used a come hither finger combined with a sultry stare as she walked out the door. “By the seas and the oceans...” Adagio had to shake herself to get herself moving and she walked out after her Mistress, quickly grabbing her bag on the way. At the pink beetle, Fluttershy opened the passenger door for Adagio and waited for her to sit down. “Thank you Ma'am,” she got in and secured the seatbelt around her.

Once Adagio was seated, Fluttershy walks around and got in the driver’s seat. She then let out a steadying, calming breath she had been holding in. “When I first came here it was quite scary. Now it’s just a little bit scary. I don't start fights, Adagio. I don't even like fights, but I can finish one. You should know that. Does my Kitty have a limit on punishments?”

As Fluttershy started the car and put in in gear, Adagio pointed out the repaired streetlights. “It's a bit less scary when all the lights work in the parking lot. Big T and his friends sorted that the other day.” Then, she thought on her Mistress’s question for a long moment. “I'm okay with pain, actually I kind of like it, as long as it’s not excessive. Sometimes it gets me off. But, if you don't mind I'd rather not bleed.” She held up her arms, “I've done enough of that. The only hard limits I have are bodily waste. No puke, no poop. Pee's cool though.”

Fluttershy giggled as she drove along the darkening early evening streets, “You don't seem to have a problem using the litter box. Good thing I'm the one that cleans it.”

“That's different,” Adagio replied with a blush, “I mean rubbing it on you or...or anything else you might do with it,” she couldn’t quite suppress a shudder, “That’s not for me, I’m afraid.”

“I don't have sex with animals,” Fluttershy started as she turned down a side street, “But are you okay to have sex with your kitty gear on?”

“Of course I am, Ma'am.” Adagio had been wanting Fluttershy to do the nasty with her ever since they had met, and here she was all but laying it out that she’d be having a very, very good night that night! “Ours is only a pet play. Rather different to one of your critters.”

“You may have noticed that I treat Jubilee different from how I treat Adagio.” Fluttershy said as she drove. It was important to her and to her relationship with Adagio that they get everything clear and precise between them. “That will not change, but I do think you look really sexy in your kitty gear.”

“Oh, trust me, I noticed.” Adagio glanced up to the rear view mirror and she saw her reaction. “Ma'am, can I speak freely for a moment?”

“You may speak freely but do remember to think before you speak.”

Adagio took a long, deep, centering breath. “I'm not very good with the whole 'relationship' stuff, first. All my life I just took what I wanted from whoever I wanted whenever I wanted. What they wanted or how they felt was never a concern to me.” She sighed, letting out the breath she held, “Not until now. Not until you. I was worried that you just wanted me for Jubilee. When you called me your girlfriend, I um...I've never been so happy.”

Fluttershy’s voice was so soft it was barely audible. “Have you given any thought that I might be taking what I want, in either Jubilee or Adagio?”

“I have. And I'm okay with that. That talk we had on Sunday put my mind at ease.”

Casually, Fluttershy moved her right hand over to Adagio's left knee and gave it a squeeze, before she quickly placed both hands back on the steering wheel. “We all have needs. To be truthful, I need Adagio more than I need Jubilee, but you need Jubilee more than Adagio. I think we can find a balance and meet all of our needs,” she said as she pulled up and parked in the street outside her girlfriend’s house.

“Yeah, I think we can,” Adagio agreed as she looked at her house from the car. While she had cleaned up the weeds from the cracked path, the garden either side of it remained like an overgrown jungle. “I mean, I don't want to be Jubilee all the time, but she's fun to be. And, while I'm still speaking openly, when I dress up, I don't think about my knife. But that's not just her, it's because of you, too.”

“When you dress up you take a bit of Jubilee with you.” Fluttershy affirmed what she suspected Adagio already knew deep down in her heart. “Jubilee is controlled, what you eat, where you poop, where you sleep. Totally controlled, and Jubilee receives affirmation. Jubilee is pretty, clever, smart, good, and loved. You carry that with you out of the role play part and into your heart. The outfit reaffirms you are those things. I'm your owner. It would greatly displease me if you forgot you are those things.” She placed her hand back on Adagio's knee, and this time she left it there. “With Adagio, I can have something more than a pet. I can have a girlfriend to release my sensual side, my domineering side. A controlling side of me that would be lost on a pet and only confuse them. I want your body, mind, and soul. I could take that, but I'd rather you gave it to me.”

“And I give it to you, Fluttershy, all of me. Mind, body, soul, by the endless oceans I give it all to you.” There was no doubt, no waver in Adagio’s voice as she squeezed her lover’s hand on her knee, “And I want that side of you, I want to be dominated, I want to be controlled and loved by you.”

Smiling, Fluttershy got out of her car and she moved around to open the door for Adagio to get out as well. She walked in her usual manner, though she dearly wanted to dance, she was so happy! “Tonight I'll not need Jubilee, I do hope you can be without her till I leave. I don't plan on leaving tonight.”

Adagio got out and kissed Fluttershy's lips. “Jubilee can rest tonight, Ma'am. I need you, not her.”

Leading the way up to Adagio’s house, Fluttershy used her key to open the door and let them both inside. There, she flicked on the light switch and she was pleased to see the living room in well-kept order. “To the shower with you. Even if it is cleaner, you still smell of cooking oil.”

“Yes Ma'am,” Adagio giggled when she smelled herself, “There’s not much I can do about that.” When she hesitated though, Fluttershy shook her head and pointed up the stairs with a finger. “I'm going!” she scooted upstairs where she immediately got undressed in the bathroom.

Fluttershy was right behind Adagio up the stairs and, in the bathroom, she also undressed but when she removed her green dress she revealed she was wearing a red leather wasp corset where Adagio was stark naked but for her yellow collar once her uniform was folded on the toilet seat. She took down a long handled scrubbing brush from the shelf. “I’m going to make sure you’re clean.”

“Ooooh by the fucking seas you are hot in that!” Adagio gushed, then she blushed hard as the difference in their respective bodies was made very apparent. “I mean, Ma'am…”

Adagio’s outburst, genuine though it was, still earned her a smack on the ass from the flat side of the scrubbing brush. “Such a naughty one you are.”

“AAaaaah!” Adagio yelped and scooted into the empty tub, a nice red mark in the shape of the brush lingering on her fat ass. “Thank you Ma'am!”

~ ~ ~

After the much needed shower – much needed for Adagio, anyway – Fluttershy gently but firmly made sure her pet and lover was dry, a task she took great delight in completing to the best of her ability. Once she had toweled her absolutely everywhere, some places more than once and some places four times, Fluttershy stood and beckoned her. “Follow,” she ordered simply and walked back downstairs. “You may put your flip flops on.”

“Yes Ma'am,” Adagio slipped on the flip flops that she kept beside the bathtub and walked after Fluttershy, her hand resting on her girlfriend's toned ass.

Walking from the stairs across the living room to the front door, she opened it to the summer evening, not caring who might see her in her corset. Fluttershy did look around to see if it was low to no traffic though and, satisfied, she passed Adagio her car keys. “Get my backpack from the car.”

“Y-Yes Ma'am...” Adagio stammered, standing completely naked on her doorstep but for her collar and flip flops. ‘I can do this...I can do this...’ she told herself over and over again. The journey to Fluttershy’s car was only a handful of feet down the cracked path, but that path may as well have been a mile long right then. Knowing what was expected of her, she swallowed her nerves and walked out.

Behind her, Fluttershy stepped out a bit as well, but not so far as to let the door shut. She carefully looked left and right, watching out for anyone that might hurt her brave girlfriend. Adagio was doing far better than she could have possibly imagined. With every step she took, Adagio got bolder and more confident. By the time she reached the pink beetle, she was feeling on a high as she opened the car door and utilised a straight legged bend at the waist to retrieve the backpack.

Watching closely like a hawk, Fluttershy generously applauded not only the retrieval method but the sheer amount of confidence that Adagio displayed at that moment. Feeling like a million bits, Adagio turned to face her Mistress and, not worried in the slightest that she was naked at the end of her garden path, she took a deep bow right beside the car and, once it was locked up, she sauntered casually back to the house with an over exaggerated sway of the hips. “Got it, Ms. Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy openly admired the view as she allowed Adagio to pass her into her house. “Flip flops off and go to the bedroom. I'll follow in case you stumble.” she smiled and shut the front door.

“Yes Ma'am!” Feeling like she could walk on air, Adagio slipped off the footwear and she proceeded to strut her way to her bedroom like she used to strut around the cafeteria back at Canterlot High School.

Fluttershy followed her with a steady hand to pressed to Adagio's fat ass. “My girlfriend is so brave and talented.”

Adagio Dazzle was sure that Fluttershy could feel the blush on her cheeks all the way to her butt. “Th-Thank you Ma'am, your hand has helped me climb the stairs.”

“It’s part of the kindness I wish to spread,” Fluttershy purred sexily, before said hand slipped between those meaty butt cheeks and spread them apart, “Among other things.”

Adagio jumped slightly when she felt Fluttershy’s fingers touch her sopping wet pussy and her palm rest on her asshole. “Oh yeah...I can feel you spreading those 'other things', Ma'am…” she whimpered as she leaked her arousal all the way down her Mistress’s forearm as she finally reached her bedroom.

Proud of what she had done, Fluttershy wiped her wetted hand on the clean bedspread. “You may sit in the center of the bed,” she ordered and, while she could hear Adagio getting on the bed, she pulled her laptop and mini-projector out of her backpack and set it up to show on the blank white wall. “I do so love my nature films…” she then started the first video in a group of four, entitled 'Breeding on the Farm’. The first scene was a large bull mounting cows. “Don't you just love the power of that bull?” Fluttershy asked rhetorically and, while her pet was distracted by the video, Fluttershy slipped on a much larger than average strap on around her waist.

“ that bull…” Adagio had totally zoned in on the bull and cow, to the point that she had no idea at all that Fluttershy now sported a ten inch long, inch and a half wide yellow coloured phallus. The ex-siren’s jaw literally dropped to the bedsheets when the scene changed to the first of the horses. Her eyes were wide as saucers when the huge stallion mounted his mare. “Now...that is a thing of beauty...look at that!”

“Time for your breeding!” Fluttershy declared, stroking a generous amount of lube up and down the large thick shaft. She didn’t think she needed it, given how wet Adagio was, but she wasn’t one to take risks. “On all fours, ass in the air, pet.” She walked around the foot of the bed so that she and the screen were both in view.

“By the oceans and the seas...” Adagio watched the stallion rut the mare playing out on Fluttershy’s waist, then she saw for the first time the glistening fake cock standing proud from her Mistress’s waist.


“Yes Ma'am!” without any further ado, Adagio got down on all fours in the middle of her bed, her head pressed into the bedsheets and her large fleshy ass pointed up in the air like she was a mare in heat begging to be bred.

Wasting no time now that her pet was in the desired position, Fluttershy got up on the bed behind her and she made sure that Adagio was positioned so she could still see the screen at all times. Squeezing her ass in both hands, Fluttershy pulled apart Adagio’s hefty cheeks and was rewarded with a waft of her pussy. She could see just how aroused and ready the Equestrian was. She leant over her back and groped her breasts. “You do look like good breeding stock.”

Adagio Dazzle let out an aroused noise that was somewhere between a purr and a whinny as she was groped and she watched the video, getting wetter and wetter by the second as the stallion relentlessly pounded mare after mare in the breeding stalls. Fluttershy added the sheer amount of juices leaking like a waterfall from Adagio to the lube she had applied to her cock and, with a loud, “Moooooooooo!” she gripped Adagio’s hips and plunged right in until her hips hit ass in one smooth motion. “Yesssss, you are fine stock!”

Once she was hilted inside, Fluttershy started up a steady but firm rhythm thrusting in and out, making sure that she hilted each and every time. As she was fucked, Adagio’s eyes remained locked on the mare on screen and the stallion rutting her. “NeeeeEEIIGH! Fu-Fuuuuuuck meeeeee!” she screamed and panted with each thrust, each time that Fluttershy’s hips slapped into her ass.

Fluttershy continued to pound away at Adagio’s pussy until she made her pet cum. It didn’t take very long, not when she gripped Adagio’s short shoulder length orange hair and pulled hard as she screwed her like she actually could get her pregnant. “NEEEEEIIIIIIIIGH!” the Equestrian screamed out loud as she came very hard indeed and squirted all over Fluttershy's crotch and slumped panting to the bed with the huge toy still splitting her snatch apart.

Pulling out just as smoothly as she first entered her, Fluttershy replaced the shaft with her hand, with which she gathered up a handful of Adagio’s moisture and smeared it all around her puckered asshole. “You know when you wear the tail and you're Jubilee, there are things I can't do.”

“Uh...uh huh...I know Ma'am…” Adagio whimpered. She still had her head down on the bed, moaning in a mixture of anticipation and intense arousal as she felt the dominant teen work one, two then three cum-slicked fingers into her backdoor, prepping her for what she knew was to come. “I'm not wearing it now.”

When she judged that Adagio’s asshole was sufficiently lubricated, Fluttershy adjusted her position and she lined up the head of the plastic cock with her waiting hole. “I'm going to be your tail now, pet.” When she entered though, she was a lot gentler inserting the dick into her anus than she was in her other hole.

“Oooooooooh, by the endless oceans...” Adagio moaned and, as she felt every one of the ten inch long toy enter her sphincter and fill her anal cavity, she clutched at the bedsheets. Once Fluttershy was all the way inside her, she again started with a slow but steady rhythm and gradually she picked up speed.

As she fucked Adagio’s ass like she owned it, which she did, her right hand wrapped around Adagio’s right leg to help pull her in, and she used her other hand between the Equestrian's slit, her deft fingers playing with her hard clitoris. Under all that stimulus, Adagio neighed incredibly long and loud and she clenched the sheets so hard that her knuckles went white.

Removing her right hand from Adagio’s thick leg, Fluttershy again seized her orange hair and tugged hard as she moved to full speed, intent on fucking her ass until she came a couple of more times or until she was the only thing holding her up. On her second climax, the third one overall, Adagio was so exhausted that if it weren’t for her girlfriend, she would be a panting, sweating mess lying face down on the bed.

When she came, Fluttershy slowly and carefully pulled out. She did spend a moment to savour the inch and a half gape that she was presented with, proud of the fact that she had done that. As she watched her sphincter slowly close up, she gently laid Adagio on her side on the bed. When she was where she wanted her, Fluttershy slid the shaft between Adagio's legs and became the big spoon.

Fluttershy allowed the video, which had just moved onto the fourth and final scene of a stallion and a mare, to play to the end, content to just lay there and hold the spent Adagio as she watched. “ words...”

Giggling, Fluttershy whispered softly into Adagio's ear, “Neigh.”

“N-Neeeigh…” as Adagio’s eyes started to droop and sleep began to claim her, Fluttershy stayed awake to the end of the film and then, only when she was sure that her beloved girlfriend was content and sound asleep, did she resume her prior big spoon position and finally join her in her slumber.


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The following morning found Fluttershy awake at six a.m. and, while Adagio was still fast asleep, the teenager very carefully disentangled herself from her lover’s embrace. It helped that she was still in the big spoon position, where she had been all night long. Once she was free, Fluttershy quietly stood up in her girlfriend’s bedroom. She offered up silent thanks that her carpet was so thick and quilted. It effectively silenced her footsteps.

Deciding to go and make breakfast for them both, Fluttershy softly padded her way down the hall to the stairs. It only occurred to her when she reached the kitchen that she had left the ten inch long toy strapped to her waist. Shrugging her shoulders, she investigated Adagio’s fridge and cupboards.

Pleased to find everything she needed to make blueberry pancakes and cheesy scrambled eggs, Fluttershy got to work. As it happened, she was a good cook, she had taken lessons with Pinkie Pie and then toned it down. Eventually, the delicious smells of breakfast began to gradually and inevitably make their way up the stairs, through the open bedroom door where they assaulted Adagio’s nose.

It took the miraculous smells of scrambled eggs and pancakes to make Adagio start to stir in her bed but, sure enough, she slowly woke up. “Ugh…what happened...” she sat up and blinked at her slightly unfamiliar surroundings, because it was a wonder that she actually used her bed. Then, after rubbing her eyes, she saw the laptop and the projector, and she blushed as the memory of the night before came back to her. “Oooooh...that's what happened.”

Thankfully, as old as she was, Adagio Dazzle had been around long enough to not be walking funny after the pounding she had taken on her bed the night before. But, as she stood up and stretched her legs, she winced as a dull pain emanated from her ass. It was nice though, not unpleasant.

Adagio Dazzle was tempted for a moment to go back to bed, but then she smelled the unmistakable aroma of coffee. Coffee was one of the few things she had discovered that the humans did better than Equestria. “Well played, Fluttershy, well played,” she murmured as she groggily made her way down the stairs, following the scents of breakfast like a ship follows the lighthouse’s signal.

Fluttershy heard the footsteps behind her and she moved the freshly cooked blueberry pancakes and cheesy scrambled eggs from the worktop to the kitchen table. Adagio’s face split into a smile when she saw her girlfriend was still wearing the strap on toy. “My life, my love and my lady is the sea. And the sea is you,” she walked over and kissed her lips, “You wore that all night?”

Looking down, Fluttershy giggled brightly, “Why, it seems I did!” she then pulled Adagio into a tight hug that slotted the toy between her chunky thighs and kissed her back before taking a seat at the table. “You had a nice selection for breakfast.”

Instantly, Adagio missed the hug, and she missed the toy. “Well Ma'am, since I've started eating it again, I thought I'd get nice things rather than the trash I used to eat.” She then took a seat opposite Fluttershy at the table and, when her ass touched the hard seat, she winced when that pain returned in full force.

“Hardwood chairs build character.” Fluttershy laughed as she started to eat the small stack of pancakes on her plate.

“Yes Ma'am, that they do,” Adagio giggled as she too ate, though she elected to start with her scrambled eggs. “I mean, I'm not a virgin by any stretch of the imagination, but my ass definitely knows something went up it last night.”

Fluttershy looked at Adagio squirming on the seat and pride blossomed through her that she and she alone was the cause of it. “I thought I made a rather good tail. A tail that wagged you.”

“Hell yeah, you made a good tail, that was the best rutting I've had in a long time!” Adagio’s enthusiasm became a bright red blush that spread out across her cheeks, “I think the video you put on helped. I can see why the southern one thinks it's porn.”


Adagio’s blush became a deep shade of red when Fluttershy – correctly – corrected her. After all, she had corrected Aria when she had mispronounced Fluttershy’s name, hadn’t she? “Yes, Applejack. That’s what I meant. I'm sorry, Fluttershy, I don't mean any offence, but names and faces are...difficult for me, after living so long.”

“I'm not upset,” Fluttershy said after she swallowed her latest pancake, “And I understand, which is why I corrected you.”

“That's why we only bothered with Sunset Shimmer before. She was the only threat, or so we thought…” Adagio though decided to abandon that particularly poisonous train of thought before it could run away with her. Instead she shoveled in a few forkfuls of her scrambled eggs and a new thought occurred to her. “So...have you thought about coming out to dinner later?”

As it happened, Fluttershy had been thinking about that. Deciding to go, then changing her mind and changing it again and again. “Yes,” she declared before she could talk herself out of it, “I'll pick you up, and I want you to wear that blue dress. Just the dress and some nice shoes.”

“Good, I'm glad you'll come. You'll be a nice surprise for Sonny.”

Again, before she could back out of it or change her mind, Fluttershy reached across the breakfast table and she ran her fingers delicately along her pet’s yellow collar around her neck. “I can be brave with you. Sonata is the only one I haven't met since the Battle of the Bands competition.”

Adagio purred a little as her collar was fingered, she couldn’t help herself, especially not when those wonderful fingertips caressed her neck. “Not so air headed as she likes to make out she is.”

“She still has a taco thing going?” asked Fluttershy curiously, “Is that why we’re eating at Taco Towers?”

At the loss of contact with her Mistress’s fingers, Adagio shivered, “By all the seas in the world, Sonny and her tacos…yes, she has a taco thing. She works there as a chef.” she giggled and shook her head, “The air head act is her way of disarming people, make them think she's harmless, when I promise, she’s far from it.”

Fluttershy didn’t doubt Sonata’s effectiveness for a second. There were plenty examples in nature of animals and plants looking harmless then their true nature is revealed at the last moment. Usually right before they kill their prey. “So, Sonata is the good cop and Aria is the bad cop, and you are the savior?”

Adagio laughed so loudly at that, she almost choked on her breakfast. “Yeah...I haven't done much of that lately.”

“Sometimes I let my pets take charge.”

“Me?” Adagio asked incredulously, blinking once then twice before she continued, “In charge? I don't know if you noticed, the last time I was in charge things all went to shit.”

“That’s why you’re in charge of the litter box.” Fluttershy said with a completely straight face before she lifted up her mug of honey tea and taking a large sip to wash down her food.

Thoughtfully, Adagio turned to her coffee now that she had eaten her breakfast. “Actually, I'm very glad you're coming. You'll stop Wallflower and Chestnut asking if I'm alright for a hundred times, or Sonata fretting over me like I’m some kind of newborn.”

“Others care about you,” Fluttershy said with a warm smile, “But you are mine. I care enough about you to make you more than a pet. I do however need to tell the rest of the girls about you.”

“Heh...” Adagio rubbed the back of her head with the hand that wasn’t holding the coffee mug. “Yeah, I suppose you do. How ah, how do you think that'll go?”

“In truth, I'm not sure,” Fluttershy answered honestly. “I think Rarity and Pinkie Pie will be fine with it. Applejack may question it, but she will come around. I just don't know about Twilight, and Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer may be the most difficult to deal with. I have over a week since we all get together every two weeks.” She laughed, remembering what Rarity had said the last time they got together, “Rarity brought up if I had a boyfriend and would he be accepted. She also said she would accept anyone I had.”

“Yes, my endless ocean,” Adagio pointed out once her mug was empty, “But I should point out that I'm not just 'anyone', am I?” The ex-siren imagined that within her girlfriend’s group of friends, she was public enemy number one.

“Wrong, you are more than anyone, you are someone. Someone I'm growing to love very dearly indeed.”

Adagio got up from her seat and walked around the table so she could sit in Fluttershy’s lap. Specifically, so that the toy she was still wearing entered her as she sat in Fluttershy’s lap. There, she smooshed their breasts together and she kissed her girlfriend’s lips. “I love you too.”

~ ~ ~

Later that day, on the first stroke of seven in the evening, Fluttershy and Adagio arrived at the Taco Towers in uptown Canterlot. Adagio was wearing her blue knee length dress, her collar and a pair of blue heels and nothing else, while Fluttershy was looking serene in a light and airy floor length green summer dress. Unlike her submissive girlfriend, she was wearing bra and panties. When Adagio noticed her lover pause at the door, she took her hand in hers and squeezed it reassuringly.

When they walked into the fancy restaurant, Adagio quickly noted that Aria and Chestnut Magnifico were already there, as was Sonata and Wallflower Blush. Somewhat predictably, Chestnut was signing autographs for a small line of what she assumed were Daring Do nerds. “On time and still fashionably late,” she announced to the group, all smiles as she kissed Fluttershy’s cheek, “That's real skill right there.”

“Being late or early can be so stressful,” Fluttershy spotted the other four sat around a large round table with more than enough room for them. Chestnut looked nice in a long white dress and Wallflower had on dark blue jeans and a bright yellow jersey. “Be nice. Like you were in the pet pen.” She walked over hand in hand with Adagio and sat at the round table so that Fluttershy was next to Aria and Adagio was by Wallflower’s side.

“Since when did you start wearing a collar?” asked Sonata bluntly while Chestnut happily signed her latest fan’s first edition hardback copy of Daring Do and the Sapphire Stone. Other than Aria, that was the first time the others had seen a collar around Adagio’s neck.

“Since I put it on her,” Fluttershy stated matter of factly.

“Ah, Adagio, you're out and about I see!” Chestnut greeted the ex-siren with a genuine smile and a shake of the hand before she returned to signing the last couple of autographs. Four fans who tried to join the end of the line were turned away by a particularly nasty scowl from Aria, as well as a flex of her arm. They got the message.

“Hello, Chestnut, and yes, I'm out.” Adagio didn’t mind Chestnut. She had a lot of time for Aria’s partner. Wallflower, she didn’t know that well, mostly because Sonata hadn’t let her meet her yet. Not that she let that get to her. “And I wore it when Ms. Fluttershy put it on me, as she said.”

Aria couldn’t resist a good tease, now that she had scared away the book nerds. “Flutters, does she do tricks?”

“Not for sale,” Fluttershy answered neutrally without missing a heartbeat, which made Sonata snort her glass of water over the table. Thankfully, Wallflower was quick and ready with a napkin to wipe up the spill.

“You do look good, Adagio,” Wallflower commented as she mopped up her Mistress’s spillage. “Laying on the couch isn't a good look for anyone.”

“What the fuck, I meant pet tricks! Not…well, tricks!” Aria Blaze spluttered, her lavender cheeks flushing a distinct shade of red while Adagio gave Wallflower a generous nod of her head.

To keep from bursting out into gales of laughter, Fluttershy covered her mouth and exercised every bit of willpower she possessed. “Yes,” she replied to Aria once she trusted herself to speak, “But I thought a joke would lighten the mood a little, no?” she then put a hand on the menu, “Sonata, what is good to eat here, other than someone at this table?”

While Sonata burst out laughing and Aria fumed at getting owned like that, Adagio said, “I'mma gonna go and say...tacos?”

Chestnut Magnifico barely made it through signing the last of her fans her autograph before she took one look at Aria’s furious blush and she exploded in a loud laugh. Reaching over, she delicately patted her Mistress's head like she was a schoolgirl throwing a tantrum. “You look cute when you blush, Ari.”

“When did you two get frisky?” Aria asked in a transparent attempt to change the subject.

“When I'm comfortable I can be very frisky,” Fluttershy shot Aria a look that just screamed that she wasn’t buying the change of subject deal. She instead fired a shot back. “I feel safe here as I can Rainboom any of you as needed.”

Adagio laughed at the look of utter outrage on her younger sister’s face, “I almost want to see you do that to Ari, entertaining as it might be.”

“No thanks!” Aria exclaimed, about to get up and storm out then and there, were it not for Chestnut placing her hand on hers and effectively rooting her in place with just a look. “Getting fucked over once by you was enough.”

“Nothing here is bad,” Sonata said way too loud in order to draw attention away from her simmering older sister. “They might be a bit skimpy on the Fajitas, though.”

Chestnut not so delicately squeezed Aria’s hand, hard enough to make her Mistress wince. While she was Aria’s ‘sub’, she wasn’t about to let her new fiancé act like a little baby. “Ari, darling, language,” she gently kissed her cheek, “We aren't at the Shipwreck now, are we?”

Adagio turned to Fluttershy, “You can take Sonata at her word, Ma'am, the food here is decent.”

Wallflower spoke up, “Taking a break from the burgers, Adagio?”

“I am.”

Taking the menu, Fluttershy gave it a look over to see what the eatery offered. It wasn’t long before she made a choice not only for herself but for Adagio as well. She did get off on the power play. “My pet will have Camarones a la Diabla, and I will have the Polo Loco.” She then passed the menu to Chestnut, who ordered the nachos supremos, while Aria opted for the Nachos Texanos and Sonata and Wallflower ordered the Camarones Tapatios and the waiter went to prepare their orders.

“When did you buy a dress, Dagi?” asked Sonata and, for once, Aria remained silent, because the blue dress was hers, and everyone knew that she never, ever wore dresses. Ever.

Fortunately, Adagio came to Aria’s rescue. For once. “Ari bought it from Marecies as a treat for me and bought it round to my place the other day, Sonny, it seems Chesty's a good influence on Miss Potty Mouth.”

Aria Blaze didn’t answer, well not verbally anyway. Her raised middle finger aimed at her older sister spoke volumes. Fluttershy saw the bird being flipped and she raised an eyebrow in Chestnut’s direction. “If you need help training her, Chestnut, I have a program you can use.”

“Yes Ari,” Adagio smirked, “I am number one. Nice of you to finally notice.”

Chestnut giggled and kissed Aria’s lips, “My Mistress does seem to think she owns the place. Can I tell them now, Mistress?” she asked eagerly, a giddy smile on her face, a smile that grew wider when Aria nodded her ascent.

“Don't tell me,” Adagio snarked, “Ari beat up her five hundredth goon?”

“No,” Chestnut mused thoughtfully, “At least I don’t think it’s that high yet. No,” she prepared to drop her huge bombshell, “We're getting married!”

“Wait,” Sonata spluttered, “What?”

As Fluttershy lightly applauded in a well-mannered way, Chestnut continued, “When we were out at dinner yesterday evening, I asked Aria to marry me, and she said yes!”

“Wow,” Sonata gasped as she reached for and drank her water, “You're the last one of us I thought would get married, Ari. I mean, sure, Dagi had her harems and slaves, you just used people.”

“Maybe I just found a better way to use people,” Aria shot back to Sonata, completely ignoring the fact that Adagio coloured up in a huge, huge deep red blush and tried to hide behind her hair, which woefully too short now, and then under the table, or anywhere, but all her attempts turned out to be useless.

Slightly louder than necessary, Wallflower said, “Congratulations you two!”

“Harems and slaves, huh?” Fluttershy said with a grin over the table at the youngest sister, the teen wholly amused at her pet’s reaction. “So, I'm the first ‘owner’ on that list, Sonata?” After she had just shut Sonata up, she turned her attention to Aria, “You two make a cute couple.”

Yeah,” Aria snorted at Fluttershy and rolled her eyes, her voice full of heated sarcasm, “Because I always wanted to be cute.”

“Thank you, Fluttershy,” Chestnut answered diplomatically as she smiled sweetly at the teen, “And don't mind my Mistress. That's Aria speak for 'thank you'.”

“I can listen between the words,” Fluttershy giggled at the glower that the both of them received from Aria.

“Yeah,” Sonata laughed, thoroughly enjoying the distress her older sister was in, and she was having a great deal of fun twisting the knife as much as she could, “Owner would be new for that owner.”

The dry heated sarcasm never left Aria’s voice. “I doubt that Fluttershy failed to know what she was getting into when she collared that one, Sonny.”

“Yes, thank you,” Adagio loudly cleared her throat, much, much more loudly than necessary, “If we're all quite done talking about the harems and the...other things, I believe we were talking about Ari being cute?”

“In her own butch sort of way,” Sonata took the death glare from Aria like a champ.

“Actually,” Chestnut said, drawing attention to her, “Fluttershy, we wanted to ask if you could put us in contact with your friend Rarity? For wedding planning, you understand.” As soon as she said that, Fluttershy had her familiar deer in the headlights look, especially now they were all looking at her. Helpfully, Adagio squeezed her girlfriend’s hand under the table, “Only if it's no trouble, of course.”

Under the table, Fluttershy took strength from Adagio’s hand and she squeezed hers in return. “Do you remember when we were on the Daring Do movie set?”

As Wallflower and Sonata entered into an intense kissing fight, Chestnut laughed, “How could I possibly forget? Rainbow Dash kept stopping production every five minutes to make sure Canter was ‘factually accurate’.”

“It was indeed a stressful day,” Fluttershy agreed, recalling that day as easily as Chestnut did. “Rarity wanted you autograph, but you were having quite the bad day.”

Chestnut facepalmed, “Oh, do please forgive me! Of course I'll give her an autograph, could you pass it on to her, please?”

“I don' t have her book with me, but I'm sure it can be done at your first meeting. Um, I'll have to give her your contact details, and then she can schedule that. Maybe in three weeks?”

“That's great!” Chestnut beamed, just as their food finally arrived at the table courtesy of two waiters, “Thank you so much, Fluttershy!”

~ ~ ~

Adagio Dazzle was in an incredibly good mood. The last week had been such a high, she’d had two playdates with Fluttershy, one in which she was Jubilee and another when she was most definitely not Jubilee and Fluttershy had spent almost two hours ramming her into the headboard of her bed. ‘Good times…’ Adagio thought to herself as she walked along the street on her way home from a very good shift at the Burger Joint.

Adagio was in such a good mood that she started singing as she walked along the sidewalk. She started singing "Lake Shore Drive", not caring one bit about the people she passed looking at her as she sang. For once in a long time, she didn’t care what anyone thought of her. She was happy, she was singing, and screw anyone else.

At the same time Adagio was minding her own business on the street, Rainbow Dash was on her way to get something that Twilight wanted at the surplus store when she zipped past Adagio so fast that she left a rainbow streak in her wake and everyone else looked like they were stood still. Turning a corner, she suddenly noticed Adagio and she screeched to a halt. “I knew the oceans were polluted,” she said without so much as a ‘hello’, “But I didn't think this much trash would wash up on the shore.”

Adagio, who was totally not looking where she was going, and who did not see Rainbow Dash anyway because she was going so fast, ended up walking into the athlete. “Huh...what...oh,” she staggered back a few steps and shook her head to see what or who she had collided with. “It’s...the blue one, um, sorry."

“Whatever,” Rainbow Dash flicked away an imaginary mote of dust from her tee shirt, “Were you trying to sing, or was that some cats fighting I heard?”

“Actually I was singing,” Adagio smiled sweetly, though her fragile ego was teetering on the edge thanks to that remark, which hurt a lot more than she cared to admit, and she resorted to sniping back at her obstacle. “It may not be what you call your 'singing', miss twenty percent cooler.”

Stepping forwards, Rainbow Dash got up in Adagio’s face. Whatever she was up to, she was sure it was nothing good. This was Adagio! The Adagio! “That's one hundred and twenty percent cooler compared to you!”

“I'm” Adagio tried really hard to think what Fluttershy said this girl’s name actually was, but the sudden situation, and how fast the blue girl was becoming violent in her personal space, was throwing her brain off. “Um…Crash, anyway I'm on my way home from work. Do you want something?”

The moment she heard that hated nickname, the absolute worst thing she used to be called back in Cloudsdale, Rainbow Dash spat on the sidewalk and thrust her finger into Adagio’s chest, “Don't you dare call me that! You're nowhere cool enough to use that name! Yeah, sure, jump off a pier and swim out to sea till you can't swim anymore!”

“Wh-What?” Adagio’s cocky façade dropped more than a little, and she turned so that the light flashed on Fluttershy's yellow collar and she touched it to summon up some semblance of nerve. “What did you say?”

“You heard me, pond scum!” Rainbow Dash got even closer to Adagio, uncomfortably close, so close the spit from her angry rant landed on Adagio’s uniform, “Do you need another rainboom to spell it out for you?”

Genuinely scared and unnerved, Adagio backed off a few steps to create a few feet of separation between her and the exceptionally angry teen, “D-Don't you call me that...y-you wouldn't...” why was this girl being so angry with her? What exactly had she done, well, lately anyway?

“Wouldn’t what?” Rainbow Dash spat, “Waste my time with you? You're right, because you may as well not exist!”

“I-I...I'm sorry...” Adagio couldn’t hold back a tear any longer and she sniffed back a sob. What in the name of the seven seas was this girl’s problem?

“Sorry can't begin to describe you,” Rainbow Dash sneered derisively at Adagio. She couldn’t understand what the villain’s problem was, why the hell was she even walking around the street like a normal person, like she had some sort of right to be there. “Waste of oxygen. What are you doing here anyways? Should you be hiding in the bottom of the ocean?”

Unable to take any more, what remained of Adagio’s ego cracked and shattered while she burst out into a flood of tears and turned to tun away back the way she came, as fast as her legs could carry her. “Oh, man,” Rainbow Dash checked her watch and slapped her face, completely unconcerned that Adagio had run off crying. At least she was out of her hair, “She's going to make me late!” she took off to the store she had been sent to.

Adagio Dazzle ran. She ran and she ran, uncaring of knocking into people on the sidewalk and the angry shouts she got as a result. She carried on running until, breathless, she burst into her home and slammed the door shut like Rainbow might break her door down at any minute. Once there, she ended up sniveling and crying on her knees in front of her mirror. “The fuck are you looking at!?” she howled at the mirror, punching over and over again until it smashed into a hundred pieces.

Crying so hard she could barely see, Adagio sunk to her knees amid the many shards of sharp glass and her shoulder bag hit the floor. As tears spilled down her cheeks and splashed on the floor, she picked up one of the pieces of glass. Gripping it tightly, Adagio dragged the sharp piece of glass across her wrist.

When she cut once, and she saw the blood appear in the cut she had made, she swapped hands and sliced her other wrist just as deeply. Instantly, a waterfall of blood splashed from her sliced wrists onto the floor. “Oh....ooooooh...” she saw the sheer amount of blood and started to panic.

Scrabbling at her shoulder bag, Adagio pulled out her phone and immediately it was covered in her hot red coppery blood. She fumbled with it in her wet slick hands and she somehow managed to dial Fluttershy’s number. “Hello, my pet,” Fluttershy answered almost immediately on the second ring, “Do you need something?”

“Flu...shy...” Adagio sobbed and sniffed her tears as she slumped face first onto the floor.

“What's wrong?” Fluttershy asked, immediately picking up on the fact her girlfriend was crying.

“I cut...deep…” Adagio gasped, her hands losing the strength to hold the mobile phone and she laid prostrate on the floor.

“Stay!” Fluttershy screamed down the phone before she hung up and called 911. When the emergency responder answered, Fluttershy reported the possible suicide and gave them Adagio’s address. She told the operator she was heading there now. Without thinking twice, she locked up her house and, she got in her car and drove, barely in the speed limit, to Adagio's place.

When Fluttershy burst through Adagio’s front door, the ambulance crew hot on her heels, she discovered her girlfriend passed out, lying face down unconscious in a pool of blood amid the shattered mirror, her blood covered phone on the floor.


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Sat by Adagio Dazzle’s bedside in a side room of Canterville General Hospital, Fluttershy looked up from her daily newspaper when she heard the low groan come from the unconscious woman. She had sat there ever since she had accompanied the ambulance hours before and she had stayed at the hospital once she had learned that Adagio was in stable condition.

“Uuuuuuuugh…” Adagio moaned again, her closed eyes fluttering, it was obvious she was starting to at last wake up. Fluttershy closed her newspaper and looked at the stirring ex-siren. She had not, at that time, called either Aria or Sonata regarding what had happened, since Adagio was, for the moment, safe. Even though Adagio was on suicide watch, there were no restraints holding her to the bed, but she was being monitored, and with Fluttershy there, there was no nurse outside the room.

Quietly, Fluttershy rolled up her newspaper and waited, like the spider stalking its prey in the web. A few moments later, and Adagio’s eyes flickered all the way open. Rather unexpectedly, she found herself staring up at a pure white ceiling. That wasn’t her ceiling. Then, she felt the bed under her. That wasn’t her bed, either. And since when did she own a gown that opened in the back? And why was she wearing said gown? “Uuugh…Wh-Where am I...Hnnnng...”

Seeing that Adagio was properly awake, Fluttershy took the newspaper in hand and swung for the fences, whapping her girlfriend squarely in the forehead. “In trouble, pet.”

“Ow...” Adagio moaned, a surge of pain now added to her confusion. ‘What the fuck?’ she wondered, trying to force her brain to work through its fugue. She lifted a hand up to her head, where it now hurt, and she saw the bandages wrapped around her wrist. Then it all came flooding back like a nasty, horrid dream. “Oh...” Unbeknownst to her, a watching nurse saw the newspaper strike on the monitor, but she waited to see what happened next. “Hospital,” Adagio stated and, after trying to sit up, she gave it up and laid back down.

She was still alive.


By the side of the bed, Fluttershy’s eyes narrowed dangerously and she readied the newspaper for a second strike. “Oh, is that all you have to say for yourself?”

“I don't deserve to be here,” Adagio said dully as she stared up at the ceiling. She might be alive, but she felt dead inside, hollow, like she had drunk a gallon of castor oil and it had cleaned out all her insides leaving the shell behind. Rainbow Dash’s harsh words came back to her and she knew why. “I shouldn't even exist...”

Without warning, Fluttershy whapped Adagio in the head again with the newspaper and she was quite prepared to beat out a tattoo on her clearly depressed girlfriend should it be necessary. “Talk to me, and talk now.” It wasn’t a request. She just couldn’t understand why she had slid back so catastrophically. She thought she had been making good progress.

“I was on my way to work when I met the blue one...I mean...Rainbow, um, what’s her name, aaah, Crash?” Adagio spoke, and her voice sounded as dead and emotionless as she felt inside. “I met her on the street. I was minding my own business, I swear, all I was doing was singing, that was all.”

“Dash,” Fluttershy corrected her, “Rainbow Dash. That doesn't tell me why you're here now.”

“S-Sh-She tore m-me a new a-asshole!” Adagio exclaimed as she started to cry, her tears falling hot, fresh and fast from her eyes and rolling down her cheeks. “She called me pond scum!” when she blinked, she could see Rainbow’s angry face tearing into her. “She told me to go and jump off a pier and swim out to sea till I can't swim anymore!”

Now it all made sense. Though she still had the newspaper ready in her hand, this time she only very lightly bopped her girlfriend’s forehead with her chosen weapon. “I will deal with Dashie,” she said softly but firmly. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d had to discipline Rainbow Dash, whether she was her best friend or not. “But what should you have done?”

“S-She said I w-was a waste o-of oxygen...that I wasn’t worth anyone’s time…” Adagio cried and sniveled in the hospital bed, feeling more wretched and low than she had felt in a long time, certainly since she had been with Fluttershy, at any rate. “I-I know I should have just called you.”

Fluttershy delivered another light bap with her newspaper to Adagio’s head. She was prepared to keep doing it until she got through the ex-siren’s thick stubborn skull. “But you were selfish, weren’t you?” she asked rhetorically as she placed her free hand on the bandages that were wrapped tightly around Adagio’s wrists. “Wanting all the attention for yourself,” she then leant over the side of the bed and kissed Adagio’s lips, “You did call me though – you’re still a very naughty pet – but, you did do that.”

“I'm sorry!” Adagio cried forlornly, pouring out all her deep heartfelt despair and anguish, “I just wanted to do the world a favour and not be in it anymore!” Rainbow Dash had been right. Nobody wanted her, and she had been an idiot to even think otherwise. The sooner she was gone, the better.

“Wrong,” Fluttershy asserted with another kiss to her pet’s lips, “That is selfish.” She could only imagine the deep pit of depression that Adagio was wallowing in, a place she struggled to understand. “You wouldn't be doing me any favors. The world has mean people in it, but then there is me. You called me, yes, but now you will stay here. I will pick you up Saturday morning. I've talked to the police, and the stay is covered. I haven't talked to Aria or Sonata yet. Should I?”

Miserably, Adagio shook her head and resigned herself to the hospital stay. At least the costs had been covered, that was something. “No, you don't need to talk to them.”

“Yet,” Fluttershy said after kissing Adagio again, “But I will. I have things to take care of. Be a good girl and I'll pick you up on Saturday, but I'll stop in before work tomorrow with the trail mix I made for Jubilee in the morning.” With that, and a last kiss, she left the hospital room. She had things to do. Things that involved a crop and Rainbow Dash’s ass.

~ ~ ~

Friday night came way too fast for Fluttershy’s liking. She had been sat in her pink beetle outside Twilight’s mansion for the past twenty minutes gathering her thoughts together and now she was ten minutes late. She was never late, ever. Still, she had to marshal and prepare herself for what she knew she had to do.

The evening would not be pleasant, but she was committed to her course of action, and she had to see it through.

Making her mind up, she at last stepped out of her car and pulled her pack on her shoulder. She stepped up to the front door and, in knocking, she passed the point of no return. Inside, in the large living room, she saw the three submissives; Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer, naked and ready to go, although Sunset was only sort of naked, she was wearing her equine apparel and Applejack was playing with her tail.

Rainbow Dash was curled up at Twilight's bare feet and she was muttering about having to wait so long while Rarity was lounging with Pinkie on one of the three sofas. As Fluttershy surveyed the room and her eyes narrowed dangerously on Rainbow like the Terminator settling on its target, Pinkie whispered in Rarity's ear, “Someone is hiding an outfit under her clothes.”

“Did something happen, Sugarcube?” asked Applejack, still toying gently with Shimmer’s red and yellow tail, “You’re usually early to these events.” In fact it was normally her and Sunset who were the last to arrive.

“Yes,” Fluttershy answered, though she didn’t look at the farmer. She kept her voice low, even and deadly, her eyes zoned in on Rainbow Dash warming Twilight’s feet, waving away the offer of a glass of water from Pinkie Pie. “Something did happen.”

“What was it, darling?” asked Rarity, unused to seeing the look of pure thunder on Fluttershy’s face.

“Yeah, what gives, Fluttershy?” Rainbow exclaimed from her position on the floor beside Twilight’s perfect purple feet, “We've been waiting ages!” what she meant was, ‘she’ had been waiting ages, for the fun to start.

Completely ignoring Rainbow Dash like she had not spoken at all, Fluttershy opened her bag and she pulled out a pair of black leather opera gloves and, as soon as she had them on, she removed her loose baggy sweater and skirt to reveal the black leather panties and over-bust corset she wore underneath. “Lovely,” Rarity said, speaking for the watching group, more than one of whom had their mouth hanging open, “But a bit of a surprise.”

Pinkie Pie, who had vanished to the kitchen and came bouncing back in carrying a tray full of food, exclaimed, “Wowsers! This party is getting even better!”

Rainbow Dash had to agree. “Now, that was worth waiting for!”

Watching, and not to be left out, Sunset snorted through the bit in her mouth and, when Applejack had loosened the bridle and removed the bit, the Equestrian openly gaped at Fluttershy and what she was now wearing. “Whoa...” she breathed, “And it's not even Halloween!”

Still not saying a word, even though all eyes were now upon her, Fluttershy slipped off her shoes and she pulled out a pair of thigh high black leather boots with deadly looking stiletto heels. She put on the boots and immediately gained inches of height, which made her look twice as imposing and intimidating. “Shimmer,” Applejack started, “Ah don't think this is a Halloween get up.”

Twilight had to agree with the farmer. “What’s wrong Fluttershy, this isn't...well, you.”

Even the oblivious Rainbow Dash noted her Mistress’s concern, and that in turn made her worry just a little bit. “Yeah, Flutters, Twi's right, what gives with the Rarity costume?” the athlete asked, unable to remember the last time her best friend had acted and dressed so…like that.

“Really darling,” Rarity sniffed in Rainbow’s direction, “This is all hers, mine is pink.”

“Yeah,” Pinkie agreed, “And she is reeeeeally hot in it, not that you're not hot, Shyshy, but well, Rarity is Rarity!”

Quietly, not saying a word, Fluttershy held up her right hand and the conversation stopped immediately, the group silenced as effectively as if someone had gagged them all. When she had quiet, Fluttershy pulled out a black riding crop, larger than the usual crop, from her shoulder bag and leveled a glare at Rainbow Dash. “Twilight, I wish to beat your pet severely.”

“Wh-What?” Whatever Rainbow had been expecting her best friend to say when she did finally speak, that was not it. “M-Me?”

“Fluttershy,” Twilight said as she placed her hand protectively on her girlfriend’s shoulders, “While I don't mind sharing my pet with you, I would need to know why you'd make such a request.” She was ready to stop the crop with her telekinesis, should that become necessary, though she hoped it didn’t.

“Ah think Shimmer is more one to like the crop than Dashie,” Applejack commented, getting a nod of agreement from her submissive pony girl.

Grinning impossibly wide, Pinkie Pie bounced on the balls of her feet with a raised hand thrust high in the air, “Yes,” Rarity nodded, “Pinks would rather have that than let Dashie have it.”

Fluttershy’s deadly harsh glare found its way up to Twilight, making the purple nerd flinch in her chair it was that severe. The fact she was fingering the end of the large crop only added to the frankly scary image. “Your pet, Twilight, has earned my wrath.”

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash spluttered, for that was news to her, “What did I even do?”

“Ah don't think Ah ever heard you use that word, Shy.”

“I have to agree, darling, Twilight's pet may be brash, but to earn that word?”

Leveling an even stare back at Fluttershy, Twilight placed a bare foot on Rainbow’s head and pushed her pet headfirst into her hard wood floor. “Explanation?”

“H-He-Hey...” usually, Rainbow would not have minded being pinned to the floor under her Mistress’s foot, but given the way everyone, especially Fluttershy, was looking at her, she wanted to be a million miles away right then. “I haven't done anything, I swear!” at least, she was sure she hadn’t done anything since the last time.

Taking a step closer to Twilight, Fluttershy bore down on Rainbow Dash. She held the handle of the crop in her left hand and the business end resting in her right. Though she stared at them, she addressed the puzzled fashionista. “Rarity, did you mean what you said at our last meeting?”

Caught unprepared for the question, Rarity paused to remember and to think what Fluttershy meant. “Yes,” she answered when it came to her in a flash of inspiration, “I'll accept anyone you chose to be your partner.”

“Are you really sure?”

Rarity smiled sweetly, while Rainbow was trying to cast her mind about for anything she might have said or done to upset her best friend this much, and she came up blank. “Yes,” Rarity still smiled, “Even if it was Sweetie Belle.”

“What if it was Adagio?” Fluttershy asked suddenly, and the effect of her bomb was immediate. Gasps around the living room sounded like the air had been unexpectedly evacuated from it.

“What!?” exclaimed Sunset, unable to keep from vocalising her disbelief.

“Whoa!” Applejack and Pinkie Pie breathed together.

“My,” Rarity flashed Fluttershy her best impressed eyebrows, for she had most definitely not been expecting that. She had been quite sure that Fluttershy’s reveal would have been Flash or Sweetie. “I must say, you are a wild one darling, and by anyone, I assure you, I do mean anyone.”

While Rarity said all that, Fluttershy remained zoned in on Rainbow Dash. “Adagio?” the athlete asked incredulously, not able to believe what her ears had heard. “As in, Adagio Dazzle? Adagio?” as she spoke, her voice grew in volume and her temper rose along with it. “What do you want her for? She's nothing but pond sc…”

The death glare from Fluttershy meant that Rainbow Dash did not finish her sentence.

The only member of the group that did not offer a comment on Adagio Dazzle’s suitability as a partner was Twilight, and that was because she didn’t know her. She had no idea who or what she was, not really. She’d heard the stories, of course, but she paid little heed to those, without first-hand experience.

“Because of your pet, Twilight, she tried to commit suicide.” When Fluttershy spoke those last two words, the room went so quiet it was unnatural, eerie. The only sound for what felt like eternity was the ticking of the grandfather clock. “After the fact she called me,” Fluttershy continued when she was satisfied she had made the desired impact. “I got her medical attention just in time. She’s in Canterville General right now. Funny thing is, Twilight, she likes feet too, and I was admiring your pet two weeks ago because of that. I promise that I won't kill her.”

Rarity shook her head while Sunset and Applejack stood open mouthed at what they had heard. “Brash and dim, Dash.”

On the floor, Rainbow Dash turned a horrible pale shade of green hitherto unknown to science, like she was seconds away from being violently sick at any moment. “She ah...she did wh-what?”

“Dash...” Sunset at last found her voice, “What did you do?”

“I caught her singing!” Rainbow defended herself as she sat up, throwing her hands up in the air, “I thought she was being all evil and stuff!”

“But you destroyed their stones,” Twilight said, pointing out what she had heard from all the stories doing the rounds at CHS since she had joined the school. “From what I understand, that act destroyed their evil magic, yes?”

“True,” Rarity agreed, “And remember, they couldn't sing a note afterwards. In fact, they were booed off the stage.”

“That was true,” Fluttershy nodded curtly to Rarity, “And the first part is still true, but we, or at least I, have magic that has helped her sing with no evil effects at all.”

Sunset knew instinctively of what the animal caretaker spoke. “It's your geode, right, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy nodded in Sunset’s direction, though she remained looking at Rainbow. “She wears it when we spend time together.”

“Is that why you wanted a copy?” asked Twilight, putting two and two together in her head. Now, the reason for Fluttershy asking about the nature of the geodes made a great deal of sense.

Again, Fluttershy nodded. “In addition to the other reasons I mentioned, yes, Twilight. If you had told me you could copy it, I would have told you this reason too.”

Rainbow Dash couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Shy, come on!” she yelled, “Wake up, she's manipulating you!”

“Dash,” Sunset shared a meaningful look with Applejack and they both shook their heads, “I'd really thing about shutting up right now.”

Without another word, Twilight pulled out her phone and she had the hospital on speed dial, right next to her mother, Shining Armour and Cadance in her contacts list. “Hello,” she spoke to the receptionist, “Is Adagio Dazzle in room...”

“Three one two,” Fluttershy provided her with the room her girlfriend was staying in.

“Room three one two, is she still there? This is Twilight Sparkle. Yes, so nice of you to remember. I'm calling for Fluttershy, she is very concerned for her friend. Yes, but most of the day has passed since she visited this morning. Thank you, I will reassure her.” After she had hung up, Twilight levitated her phone away back into her bag. While she had been reluctant with her magic at first, now she liked to practice as much as she could. “Well that all checks out.”

“How long, darling?”

“She’s been my pet for just over three weeks.” Fluttershy omitted for the moment that they were distinctly more than just Dominant and Submissive. That revelation could wait, for now.

“Y’all did seem a bit more into participation at our last meeting, Shy.” Applejack noted and, at the same time, Rainbow opened her mouth and started to say something but at everyone else's glare, she wisely chose to shut up.

“At least everyone knows!” Pinkie Pie bounced happily around the living room. They didn’t know everything, but she’d just have to keep the rest of it in her hair for the moment. “Knowing what I knew was very hard because nobody else knew what I knew but now you all know!”

“You do so well at keeping secrets, my love,” Rarity caught her pet as she bounced past and pulled her into her lap.

“Do her sisters know?” Sunset asked curiously.

“That we are together, yes.” Fluttershy replied, choosing her words carefully, “That she is in the hospital, no. Not yet.” She then twirled the oversized crop in her hands, picturing where on her best friend she was going to strike her. “I don't like to share.”

Applejack smirked, “That is more Rarity's department, but Shy, Ah gotta question your kindness.”

Fluttershy arched an eyebrow at Applejack, “I promised I wouldn't kill her.”

“I was only warning her off!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in desperation, “What's she doing round here anyway?”

“Ooooooh...Dashie...” Sunset rubbed her forehead with one of her hoof covered hands, finding it hard to get her head around what her friend had done. “Come on, warning her is one thing. I really thought you'd have learnt the power of words after the Anon-A-Miss incident.” Sunset had only just managed to get over what had happened at Christmas. She never ever wanted to endure something like that again. “It seems I was wrong. I say teach her, Shy.”

“She did nearly die, pet.” Twilight turned her gaze down at her girlfriend. While she loved Rainbow with all her heart, she had to admit she had crossed the line this time. “Nurse Redheart said that Fluttershy's timely intervention was all that saved her.”

“I um...” Rainbow suddenly had tears in her eyes, the enormity of what she had – almost – done catching up with her at last, “I didn't really mean what I said...I just wanted to warn her off, that's all!”

Twilight leveled an even look at the caretaker. “Shy?”

“Um, maybe I should have said beat her soundly instead of beat her severely.”

“No crippling injuries, and I know that you know what those are. Also, I don't want anyone to think I beat her when she’s dressed.” That was all Fluttershy needed to hear. She swung the crop with deadly accuracy, and it landed with great force over one of Rainbow’s kidneys, earning her a scream of agonized pain. If Twilight’s foot had not been holding Rainbow’s head to the floor, she would have writhed over the floor.

Fluttershy proceeded to demonstrate just how strong she was as she rained blow after blow down on Rainbow Dash’s prone body. The end of the crop kissed the athlete’s back, her ass, and her upper legs, but no strike hit a weak spot like the kidney again. The others, all sat watching the show, winced as they heard the crop whistle through the air and then be accompanied by a loud scream of pain.

“That's...impressive,” Sunset watched in awe as, after twenty full strength hits that left angry red welts over most of her friend’s twitching body, Fluttershy switched to lesser strength hits, “I didn't know Dashie could dance like that!”

Although Fluttershy’s strikes weren’t as strong as the first twenty, the second lot of twenty still hurt, mostly because she was hitting spots that had previously been lit up by her crop. When Rainbow Dash’s squirming presented her defenseless asshole to her friend, the crop landed squarely on her anus with a sickening thwap! That did it. “LAAAAAAAAME!” she hollered out her safe word, unable to take any more punishment.

As Rainbow was reduced to a crying blubbering mess, Fluttershy cooled down by whapping the crop against her leather boots, not really doing any damage to herself, and making Rarity whistle appreciatively, “She is really in the zone!”

“Remind me to not piss Shy off,” Applejack snickered, though she had to admit it was cute when Twilight got down on the floor and cradled the howling Rainbow in her arms.

“I dunno about anyone else,” Sunset looked round the room, “But I'm really horny now.”

Having finished, Fluttershy knelt down by her best friend and affectionately she wiped the tears from her face. “I forgive you, Dashie.” She then laid the crop next to her on the floor. “If I ever give you cause.” Then, Fluttershy stood up, leaving Twilight to comfort Rainbow as she did some stretches. “Have the last two weeks been good for the rest of you?”

“Marvelous, darling. I got a dress order from Whom for a rock musical!” Rarity said, smiling at Twilight as the nerd performed admirable aftercare on the sobbing athlete.

“More of the same for me,” Applejack put in, “Apples don't change.”

“Pretty much, yeah,” Sunset smiled as she sat on her Mistress’s lap, “We've been getting ready for the Camp Everfree charity event next week. And doing apples too.” Now that the intense correction of Rainbow Dash had concluded, the 'fun' had now well and truly resumed at the party.

~ ~ ~

At eight a.m. the next day, which just happened to be a Saturday, Fluttershy was at Canterville General hospital by the last stroke of the hour to collect her girlfriend. With all the multitudinous forms filled out, and the payment made, the teenager walked into the room looking like a ray of sunshine in a cream sundress and wide brimmed white hat. “I was told you were a good pet yesterday and last night. Are you ready to go home?”

“Yes Ma'am,” Adagio, who had been laid on the hospital bed on top of the bedsheets, looked down at her chest and the dark red dress that she wore, and all the way down to the open toed sandals on her feet. She had behaved, but she still felt rather wretched. “I'm ready, and I'm sorry, for being stupid and selfish.”

“When we don't think we do stupid things,” the radiance of Fluttershy’s outfit was outshone by the brilliance of her warm smile, “I can forgive that. I forgave,” she giggled, “The blue one last night after I let her know my displeasure. The selfish part will take a little more time to forgive.”

Adagio stared resolutely at her feet. “I deserve whatever you did to her.”

Tenderly, Fluttershy laid a hand on her girlfriend’s right wrist, barely applying pressure to the bandages. “I could do no worse than this. Come along, my pet, I'm taking you to my house for the night.”

Pure surprise and disbelief made Adagio look up from her feet to finally meet Fluttershy’s loving gaze, “You still want to be with me, after all this?”

“All of what?” Fluttershy asked warmly, her smile never faltering for a moment, “You are my pet, and my girlfriend. That hasn't changed.”

Sitting up, Adagio suddenly pulled Fluttershy in a hug that thrust her face into the teenager’s much larger bosom, and she cried, “I love you so damn much!”

“I'm still learning to love you,” Fluttershy said as she gently stroked Adagio’s short shoulder length orange hair, “But I'm not letting you go, for I care for you too much.” She then adjusted her stance just a little so she could add a kiss to the hug.

Lost in Fluttershy’s embrace, Adagio cried for a long time before she eventually pulled away and rubbed her eyes. “Right,” she gave a tremulous smile, “I'm ready to get out of here.” Seeing as she was already dressed and ready, all Adagio had to do was stop off at the nurse's desk for her to sign out. Fortunately she managed to escape without a wheelchair, and the pair quickly made their way to the nearest elevator.

An unexpected sight greeted the pair when they walked out of the elevator in the hospital’s ground floor lobby. None other than Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash were stood by a large fake potted plant next to a coffee table stacked with the months out of date magazines that all hospitals had. Twilight had on her dark purple skirt and light green striped tee shirt, while Rainbow sported her black jogging pants with the lightning bolts and white tee. The moment she saw them, Fluttershy tightened her hold on Adagio's hand. “Twilight, why are you here?”

Twilight adjusted her black rimmed glasses and nudged Rainbow forwards with a rough shove. “Correcting a wrong doesn't get easier over time.”

“Wha!” Adagio exclaimed, freezing up in Fluttershy's grip. When Rainbow was thrust towards her, the thought of fleeing back to the elevator did cross her mind, but her girlfriend's grip was too strong to break.

With a face full of shame, Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her head and studied her new sneakers. “Yeah, I sort of…” she stopped when Twilight loudly and obviously cleared her throat, “Okay, I really screwed this up. Even if you weren't Shy's girlfriend, what I did to you was wrong.”

“Did Twilight make you come here?” Fluttershy asked, her beady eye noting all the places she had struck with the crop the night before and where her best friend was standing awkwardly.

Rainbow nodded, but before Fluttershy could tell her to clear out, she quickly said, “But what I have to say is real.”

Purely for nerve, Fluttershy squeezed Adagio's hand and then she let it go. She was willing to give her friend a chance. “Twilight, I think you'll find that plant over there very interesting.” She then walked over to the fake plant leaving Adagio behind and, fortunately, Twilight quickly caught on and walked with Fluttershy.

Rainbow watched the two go, but she didn't move. For some reason, her feet wouldn’t obey her today. They had been problematic all morning. Adagio likewise kept her distance of a couple of feet from the athlete. “I'm sorry I called you Crash. Until the other day I called you the blue one. I'm not good with names and faces, Rainbow Dash.”

“It wasn't that, even if you aren't the group that uses that name. It is kind of an honor name with the Wondercolts. I...” Rainbow paused, damn she wasn’t good with all this mushy feely nonsense! “All I wanted to do is hate you, but we had already won. Shy reminded me of that last night.” With that, Rainbow turned away and pulled down her jogging pants past her ass. Rainbow’s toned tight derriere looked absolutely savaged, lined with several angry crop marks. Display over, she pulled them up and turned back around. “A little kindness goes a lot farther than any amount of hate. I did want to hurt you with my words, but…no, I didn't care what you did. Again, Shy reminded me to own my actions and so, I'm sorry. Sorry I almost caused you to die. No one deserves that.”

Adagio glanced over at Fluttershy and the other girl and she saw the two of them were obviously staring at them, completely ignoring the fake plant they were stood next to. Both of them were talking softly to each other. “Ms. Fluttershy did that?” Adagio asked, feeling a degree of sympathy for Rainbow. “Jeez...remind me not to piss her off.” She then held out her fist. “I'm cool with you if you're cool with me.” It wasn’t that Adagio particularly wanted to be friends with the girl, she just didn’t have the drive to dislike her. “You know, while we're being honest, I hated Sunset, not you.”

Immediately, Rainbow bumped Adagio’s offered fist. “Yeah, even Sunny said I crossed a line. Shy said she was cool with your sisters too. I may need some time for that, but I'm not going to jump down your throat again. So, I'm cool too, if you are.”

“And, while I'm still being honest, I thought that solo song you played at the Battle of the Bands was pretty decent.” Adagio wasn’t totally lying, but a little smoke up the chimney never hurt anyone.

Watching the pair like a hawk, Fluttershy and Twilight walked back over after they saw the fist bump. “Yeah,” Rainbow gushed, falling for the bait hook, line and sinker, “Everything I do is cool.”

“Almost everything,” Twilight corrected her pet.

“Dashie,” Fluttershy beamed, “Flashing your ass at my girlfriend is not going to lure her away from me.”

Blushing at being called out by her girlfriend, Rainbow again rubbed the back of her head. “Yeah, almost.”

“There’s one thing I need to know, though, Rainbow.” Adagio had been thinking about this question all the previous day, wondering if she’d ever get the chance to ask, “In that song you did, you mentioned a Sonic Boom. Can you really do one, or was that just boasting and hyperbole?”

“She can really do one!” Twilight gushed, squeezing Rainbow’s hand tightly, “I've witnessed it!”

Fluttershy’s nod convinced Adagio they weren’t leading her on. “ you think you could you do one, please? When I was in Equestria, only one pegasus could do it, a mare named Firefly. It was a sight to behold!”

“Not in the hospital,” Twilight put in quickly. The last thing she wanted to do was cause property damage in what had become her second home.

“Hey, what about the hill we played from?” Rainbow offered, eager for the opportunity to show off.

“Tomorrow,” Fluttershy stated firmly.

“Tomorrow,” Twilight agreed.

Standing by Adagio’s side, Fluttershy again took hold of the ex-siren’s hand. “The others will be there if we do it, Dagi.”

“Yeah,” Twilight spoke up, “So you should bring your sisters out too! We can make a day of it!”

“That sounds like a plan,” Adagio smiled, and not just because Fluttershy had used her nickname for the first time ever, but then she looked at the purple girl and her glasses. She knew her name! What in the name of the oceans was it? Then, it came to her, slowly. “Um...T-w-I-light, right?”

With a questioning look on her face, Twilight asked, “Yes?”

Fortunately, Fluttershy was on hand to make the save, “I'm teaching my pet names, so she doesn't call everyone cattle.”

“Or the Purple One,” Adagio giggled, “What happened to you? You didn't wear glasses at the Battle of the Bands.”

Not for the first time, Fluttershy squeezes Adagio's hand, “I think that is a story for another day. Thank you Dashie, thank you, Twilight. If you’ll excuse us, I do need to get my pet home, though.”

“Yes,” Twilight smiled and nodded, “right, and I should do the same.”

“Ah, okay then,” Adagio actually went and hugged a rather stunned Rainbow Dash, who after a moment, hugged her back. “It was good clearing the air. Thank you.”

Before anyone could say or do anything else though, Fluttershy pulled Adagio along and, when they were outside, she steered her over to her pink beetle. She opened the passenger side door to let Adagio in and, once they were both seated, she said, “Not all is what it seems around here. There is a lot of Equestrian magic in the world now, as you noticed with my pendant. Speaking of which, I know how to get copies.”

“Shut the front way, for real? Like, really for real?”

“Do I have reason to lie to you, pet?”

“No, of course you don't, I didn't mean to suggest you were, sorry.”

“The Twilight Sparkle you just saw wasn't the same Twilight Sparkle that you encountered at the Battle of the Bands,” Fluttershy explained as she put her little car in gear. “I’ve spoken to her about getting copies of the geodes and I hope to have them in two weeks for all of you.”

“Wasn't she?” Adagio was a little surprised, but not all that much. “I'm gonna go on a limb then and say Equestrian magic then. Seems to be the go to default around here.”

Fluttershy covered her mouth as she laughed brightly, “The Twilight Sparkle from the Battle of the Bands was an alicorn Princess from Equestria,” she said as she steered her way around some parked up cars, “Do you want to go to my house, or to yours?”

“Your place, please.” Adagio Dazzle sat back in the seat and shook her head as she digested what she had just been told. “We - I - totally messed up!” she threw up her hands in exasperation, “I assumed that Sunset Shimmer was the real and only threat, when it was this Twilight Sparkle all along. Alicorn.” She had only encountered two alicorns in Equestria before, now it seemed there were more. “No wonder we got our asses handed to us!”

Fluttershy nodded sympathetically, “It was Sunset that caused that Twilight to come to this world. She was a lot like you. Seeking power. She got rainboomed into the ground, too.”

“I know. I saw it happen. We were mooching in a low rent diner somewhere grabbing a fast snack off the locals when we saw the magic. I knew immediately what it was, what we could do with it.”

“You must not have seen everything that happened, then,” Fluttershy asserted, “If Sunset couldn't take us down, you should have known you couldn't either.”

“Oh please,” Adagio waved her hand airily, “We've caused enough upset and malcontent in Equestria. We turned the Princesses on Discord. We turned Celestia on her sister. It was only that crusty old idiot Starswirl the Bearded and his 'pillars' that banished us. We looked at you, saw six girls, and thought it would be easy.”

“Sunset says our Equestrian counterparts have the pillars’ power,” Fluttershy said after she considered that for a few moments, “And I guess that leaked into this world.”

“I guess it did, or is doing, or whatever,” Adagio smiled, “I'm glad we failed though. Now I have you, Fluttershy,” she sighed and looked out of the window at the passing scenery that whizzed past as they made their way on up to Lake Shore Drive.

“I'm very pleased with Jubilee too,” Fluttershy giggled as she placed her right hand on her girlfriend’s knee and squeezed it affectionately. “I'm rather fond of Adagio as well.”


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A short time after Vice Principal Luna had parked her black muscle car in the lot at Camp Everfree, a butter yellow minivan decorated with three pink butterflies and ‘Three Butterflies Animal Shelter’ on the side of the sliding doors pulled up beside it. Because it was designed to hold animal cages, it could also comfortably seat seven. No sooner had Fluttershy killed the engine than Rarity slid open one door and she exited the van. “Pinkie darling,” Rarity adjusted her wide brimmed sunhat, “I wondered why you started at two hundred and seven bottles on the wall, but I see that’s what it took to get here.”

“Of course silly,” Pinkie Pie skipped out of the back of Fluttershy’s van, bouncing impossibly high on the balls of her feet. Like her girlfriend, and her other friends for that matter, she was wearing her Camp Everfree clothes. Applejack and Rarity had insisted on that. It was a tradition, after all, one last outing. “I'm not going to waste a bottle of beer!”

Sunset Shimmer was next out of the van, making way for Rainbow Dash behind her. “You know exactly how long a song needs to be to last just long enough to get us here?” she asked with a well-meant roll of her eyes in Pinkie’s direction.

Quickly, Rainbow Dash prodded Sunset’s arm before she slid her sunglasses on under her baseball cap, “Don't question it Sunny, just be glad it wasn't ‘I Spy’,” the athlete couldn’t help but shudder at the sheer horror of an hour plus in a van with Pinkie Pie playing ‘I Spy’. It was a level of torture that should have been outlawed, in her opinion.

“Whaaaaaaat?” There was a gleam in Pinkie’s eyes that unnerved Rainbow to no end.

Rarity, ever the calming influence on her girlfriend’s ‘enthusiasm’, placed a hand on her shoulder. “Not now, dear, it’s too early.”

As Pinkie Pie giggled, the rest of the group disembarked the yellow minivan and Fluttershy pointed to a rather large wooden building that definitely had not been there when they had stayed at the camp the last time. “I think that’s our cabin.”

“Wow...” Rainbow Dash was impressed by the structure as they all walked up to it. It was huge! “I see the accommodation's improved since last time huh? A whole log cabin to ourselves?”

Sunset smoothed out her Camp Everfree tee shirt in a futile attempt to get it down past her navel. She was sure it wasn’t this tight the last time she had worn it, then again, she suspected that had been one of the reasons why Applejack and Rarity had insisted they all wear them. She had no reason to complain though, poor Fluttershy looked like she had two floatation devices stuffed in her top. “The tents weren't that bad…”

Twilight, adjusting her glasses, pulled down her hat to guard against the summer sun and shot Sunset a ‘look’. “They were still tents.”

“Not that fashionable, but Gloriosa did render them to rags while she was ah… ‘indisposed’, as it were.” The fashionista then laid the palm of her hand against the wall of the large one storey log cabin that they would be staying in. “Wasn't this one of your projects earlier this year, Jackie?”

“Eeyup.” Applejack gazed proudly at the log cabin, and rightly so. The farmer had a huge duffel bag full of ‘supplies’ that she carried effortlessly on her shoulder. Shimmer needed her tack, after all. “Mac and some of the extended Apple family sorted it out in the spring. They did a good job, too.”

Rainbow Dash walked past the others who were stood admiring the outside of the building. Now she had seen it, she wanted to check out the inside. “As long as it has a bathroom, I'm good.” To her very great pleasure, the inside was partitioned like an extremely large tent. There was a kitchen area in one corner, four large double beds along one wall, a circular seating area in the middle of the building with three sofas arranged in a semi-circle around two coffee tables. And, most importantly to Rainbow, a bathroom in the far corner.

“But the leaves here are really soft!” Pinkie Pie cried in sheer glee as she bounced inside, making a beeline for the kitchen area to see if there was enough baking supplies. To her immense joy, there was!

Sunset laughed at that; the Equestrian flopped down on one of the circular sofas. Looking around, she saw there was a long dining table with hard wooden benches either side. As much as she loved her apartment with all its modern conveniences, she was impressed with what the Apples had built. “Is dumping in a hole not your style, Dashie?” she asked in a teasing manner.

“It's alright for you, Shimmer,” Rainbow Dash shot back quickly, “all you need's AJ following you with a pitchfork!” the athlete was most pleased when Sunset coloured up in a definite blush. Job done, as far as she was concerned, score one to The Dash!

“Ahem,” Rarity coughed politely before taking a seat on one of the sofas, “Back on subject, dears,” she said, addressing the group of friends and lovers as a whole, “We are soon to be heading our separate ways and taking this…” she fiddled with her pendent that, like all the others, was a permanent fixture around her neck, “magic with us. I worry what we may be leaving behind.”

Taking her own seat, and making room for Sunset beside her, Applejack answered, “Really it’s just you and Pinkie that are heading out.”

“AJ,” Twilight looked shocked, “didn't you look at that agricultural school pamphlet I gave you?”

Sunset addressed Rarity, “It's not like the portal won't be protected. AJ and I are staying put.”

Applejack nodded and tipped her hat towards Twilight, who was sat with Rainbow as ever by her side. “Ah looked at it, Twi, but Ah ain't interested. Ah belong on the farm.”

“And I belong with her,” Sunset piped up, getting a squeeze of her thigh from her girlfriend for her trouble.

Fluttershy, the only one of the group that hadn’t paired off with one of the others – not that there hadn’t been offers, mind you – spoke up softly. “I have a good rapport with the community, and the shelter is making a difference in lives. So, I’ll be staying too.” What with all her work at the shelter, it was widely accepted that she practically owned the place. She had no intentions of leaving the city, not now she had started working with the local homeless refuge as well.

Rarity let out a most uncharacteristic sigh. Uncharacteristic because it wasn’t overdramatic and it didn’t require the use of a fainting couch. “It’s just that I feel like I'm abandoning all of you to whatever pops out of the portal next, is all.”

Pinkie Pie, who had been ready with a fainting couch just in case of fainting couch emergencies, placed it back in the ether from which she pulled it and hugged her girlfriend and Mistress so tightly the white skinned girl’s face turned red. “I'll be with you Rare Bear so it’ll all be fine!”

“Yeah,” Rainbow snorted out a laugh, “Pinks is far more dangerous than what could come out of that portal.”

“Dashie has a point,” Sunset put in, “particularly when she tries the edible sun screen idea again.” She then glanced at the kitchen area in the cabin, thinking to herself how nice it would be to have a mug of coffee right then. “Twilight, you're heading on to the Canterlot City University, aren’t you?” Then, when she looked down, not only was there was a steaming hot mug of coffee in front of all of them, they each had a mug with their respective symbol and colour on it. She looked at Pinkie who, she knew for an absolute fact, did not pack them, decided not to question it and sipped her drink.

Applejack barked out a laugh, both at Pinkie’s ‘Pinkieishness’ and at Twilight, a joke forming in the farmer’s head. “Bit young fer teachin', ain't ya, Twi?”

As surprised at the sudden and unexpected arrival of hot coffee in a lavender mug with a star on it as Sunset was to get hers in a yellow mug with a stylised sun, especially as she swore blind she never saw Pinkie Pie move a muscle nor was there time for the kettle to boil, Twilight chose to cover herself by giving Applejack a deadpan look. “Do you need instruction on handling Shimmer?” she asked with snark in her voice, “I already have my letter of acceptance to Canterlot City University, full scholarship.”

“Yeah um...” Rainbow Dash visibly wilted under the disappointed look that her girlfriend and Mistress shot her way. She absolutely hated it when Twilight looked at her that way. “So…about that, at least the guy at the sports store in the mall says I can work full time, so it's um…not all bad, I guess…”

“Employee discouuuuuunts!”

“See?” Rainbow turned away from Pinkie, her face a very deep beet red, “Not all bad…”

“Well,” Fluttershy took up her coffee and was not at all surprised to find that it was in fact not coffee but her favourite blend of herbal tea. She smiled appreciatively at Pinkie, who looked very pleased with herself. “It may have been a bit different,” she said unusually sternly, a glint in her eye, “had you not answered all your questions in History with, "Adagio did it".”

“Oh, come on!” exasperated, Rainbow Dash threw up her hands, “You all know I’m totally right!”

That unusually stern, hard edged look entered into Fluttershy’s eyes again at the mention of Adagio Dazzle. It was a look that did not escape Applejack’s notice. “No...” she started resolutely, only to be interrupted by the apple farmer.

“Ah hear the coach pulling up.” As she spoke, sure enough, there came the sound of the Canterlot High School coach belching its way into the parking lot followed by the unmistakeable sound of the eternally grumpy Mr. Cranky Doodle yelling at the disembarking seniors. “Ah'm for sitt'n here till the gaggle is put away.”

Having built up a head of steam though, Rainbow Dash plowed on, oblivious both to Fluttershy’s deepening expression and to the recently arrived coach. It felt good, offloading her scholastic failures onto her siren-shaped scapegoat. Blaming Adagio Dazzle felt really good. “I mean,” she forged ahead bullishly, ticking off examples on her fingers, “The two world wars, the sirens. The civil war, the sirens. The French Revolution, the sirens! I bet if you go back over the thousand years and that crummy lowlife Adagio is to blame for everything!”

“Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy exclaimed vehemently, her voice raised to what to her was a scream, “That is not nice thing to say!”

Fluttershy’s outburst had effectively silenced the whole group. Not one of them could ever recall Fluttershy raising her voice in that manner before, not even when she had ‘disciplined’ Rainbow at Twilight’s place. Eventually, having drank her coffee, Twilight was the one to break the uncomfortable silence. “Really Dashie,” she admonished her girlfriend and pet, “you can't blame this Adagio for the fact you didn't study.” She slapped the back of Rainbow’s hand, hard. “That's all on you.”

“Besides which,” Applejack spoke up, eager to smooth things over, “Ah saw her not too long ago, over on the west side. Walkin' along the sidewalk in her tracksuit, poor thing looked right miserable, like the weight of the world was on her shoulders. Even cut that massive mane of hers.”

Even Rainbow Dash, as oblivious as she was, knew she had messed up, though she had no idea why her best friend would defend Adagio Dazzle, of all people. “Shy,” the athlete nervously fidgeted her fingers together and she studied her feet. Deep inside she knew she was in for some ‘correction’ later. “I'm sorry for what I said, okay?”

For a few moments, Fluttershy just glared at her best friend, but she couldn't keep it up for long. “Fine, I forgive you.”

Just then, the door to the log cabin opened and in walked Cheerilee, resplendent in her rather short skirt, loose tee shirt and her sandals. It escaped absolutely none of the seven – including Rainbow – that she was walking a little funny, like a shuffling limp. “Ah, good, you’re all here, I was hoping to catch you.”

Rainbow though was more focused on Fluttershy, at least for the moment. “Look, Shy, I know I messed up, but I just feels good blaming her, that's all.” Presently though, she turned to Cheerilee and joined in with the others in their collective smirks and giggles. After all, the nature of her relationship with Luna was not hidden from them. “You alright there Miss Cheerilee?” Rainbow asked, stifling a laugh, “Sit funny on the bus?”

“I’m just in a bit of a bind,” Cheerilee grimaced but turned it into a knowing wink that was directed at the four dominant members of the group of friends, “but I’m sure I'll be fine. You got your acceptance letters, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight?” her question was greeted by a chorus of yes's!”

“Yes!” Twilight thrust her arms in the air and she cheered like she had just won the whole Friendship Games all on her own. “I got mine, in a frame, on my wall!”

“As you should, Twilight, you deserved it, you worked hard.” ‘That’s an understatement,’ thought Cheerilee, because since arriving at CHS, Twilight Sparkle had smashed every school grade record going, besides Gym. “So, Twilight,” Cheerilee gave Rainbow a most critical look, lavender collar and all, before she turned her attention back to the bookworm. “Has Rainbow Dash completely given up, or does she want another chance at her future?”

“What other chance?” Rainbow spoke up glumly, “I blew it.” The athlete scuffed at the floor with her sneakers, “No super sports school for me…”

Twilight, in much the same vein as Cheerilee, answered her like her pet wasn’t even there, ignoring her completely. “Of course she hasn't, Miss Cheerilee. She will take another chance.”

Rarity, sensing possible awkwardness ensuing, glanced at Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. She also managed to catch Applejack and Sunset’s eye. “What say we follow up on the charity event and make sure it’s all in order?”

Fluttershy, relieved, seemed to let loose a breath she was holding in. “I like that idea!”

Pinkie Pie bounced on the balls of her feet towards the door. “I like, like that idea!” still bouncing, not breaking her stride once, she was the first one out.

Applejack was up on her feet as Fluttershy all but raced Rarity out of the log cabin. “Yeah, c'mon Shimmer, we can go help too.” The dominant farmer, wanting no part of any embarrassing school stuff between Cheerilee and Rainbow, grabbed Sunset’s hand and all but dragged her outside.

Twilight though wasn’t quite as considerate as her former teacher. “Rainbow did fail two classes and I'm unsure what others at University would say if I'm dating a high school girl.”

Somewhat graciously, because she wanted to spare the poor squirming submissive Rainbow any more humiliation than she had already endured, Cheerilee waited for the last of the friends to leave before she spoke next. “As long as she wants to go to Canterlot City University, there is a way, as their sports scholarships have a lower standard of admittance than say…Cloudsdale.”

Rainbow was incredulous. “Are you saying I can still get in?”

Certain that she had heard someone else speak, Cheerilee pointedly looked around to see if there was someone besides her and Twilight in the room of the log cabin. She then pulled out a piece of paper and passed it to the dominant teen. “She would only need a 2.0 grade average with no failures to get in. I have Coach Lightning Streak’s recommendation for her to get in on a scholarship. She would need a 3.0 in both History and Math to get her grade average up to that 2.0. Will she even bother?”

For a split second, Rainbow Dash opened her mouth but, before she could utter a single word, Twilight closed it with her telekinetic magic. She closed her hand, and a lavender aura appeared around Rainbow’s mouth, keeping her quiet. “She will bother,” Twilight answered determinedly. “She will do it and she will succeed.”

Cheerilee passed Twilight the application form that went with the letter. “I hope she finds as much encouragement in you as I find in Luna. The deadline is the twenty-fifth of August. There’s two accredited prep schools that can be used locally. Both are learn as you go, so she can make the deadline, maybe.”

A determined fire burned in Twilight’s eyes behind her glasses. “There's no maybe about it, Miss Cheerilee. She will make the deadline.”

Satisfied that the important business was in order, Cheerilee’s whole demeanour softened and she turned her back to Twilight. “Now, if you don’t mind, could you help with a little adjustment?” she lifted up her short skirt revealing the rope harness she wore under her clothes. The only thing she was wearing under her clothes. “I don’t mean to impose, but the ropes are off centred in my crotch.”

“Certainly,” Twilight tittered and, using her magic once again, she kept the short skirt lifted up out of the way and she used her hands to adjust the ropes so they were just right. She also took the opportunity to give Rainbow a show too, to show her what she could expect later in her very near future. “How's that feel?”

“Aaaah…” Cheerilee sighed happily when the crotch rope disappeared between her pussy and the knot rubbed her clit and anus. “Much better, thank you. Can't do it myself, after all.” Cheerilee winked at them both before she walked to the door. “I wish you the best of luck with the jock,” she smiled, then walked out of the cabin.

Once she was able to speak, Rainbow sighed on the sofa. “I know, Twi, I know, I got work to do.”

“Don't spare the crop!” Cheerilee called out, giggling as the door closed behind her.

Rainbow gave Twilight a hopeful look and she got a 'look' in return that made her Eeep like Fluttershy and place her hands protectively on her ass. “Does this mean I get Twilight Time?”

“Later, let's go and see how the preparations are going.”

~ ~ ~

It was a few hours later, just after having eaten a hearty lunch in Camp Everfree’s new dining cabin, that Fluttershy, Applejack and Sunset Shimmer returned to their own cabin. A quick glance around told them that the others had not yet returned. They had become separated when Twilight had allowed Rainbow to check out the new and improved climbing wall and Rarity was inspecting her ‘runway’. “I think everything's going along nicely,” Sunset giggled when they were all sat on the sofa, “I'm glad to see the runway is still there in one piece at any rate.”

Applejack gave her beloved girlfriend a ‘look’, knowing full well that she was bugging her on purpose. “Until Rarity puts a sign in the ground, it's a dock for fish'n and boat'n. Don't you be given her any ideas, either.”

Sunset returned the look she had been given as innocently as she possibly could, “Yes Ma'am, it's totally not a runway, Ma’am.”

“I wonder where Celestia...I mean, Principal Celestia, was?” Fluttershy wondered out loud, kicking off her walking boots and flexing her butter yellow feet, “All Gloriosa said was she was on a nature walk.”

Being privy to the Principal’s somewhat secret agenda, Sunset broke out into a fit of giggles, which earned her a stiff slap on her ass from the apple farmer sat beside her. “Ah bet you'd rather be doing a nature walk too, Shy. Ah know if Ah had to put up with the likes of us and our shenanigans all year, Ah'd be out walk'n too.”

“Oh, I really don't know about that, AJ.” Fluttershy responded after a moment in which Sunset brought her giggles under control. Any other time, her friend was spot on correct, because she loved nature as much as the farmer did. But… “The animals here have been telling me fanciful stories all day!”

Again, Applejack looked at Sunset, but this wasn’t the same look as before. This was a look that was asking silent permission to continue, a look to which Sunset nodded her head, granting her agreement and her consent. “Shy,” Applejack took a deep breath and prepared to let the genie out of the bottle. “You know a lot about horses too, right?”

Somewhat predictably, Fluttershy clapped her hands, “I do!”

“Ah'm gonna put Shimmer's bridle on and Ah want you to make sure it fits her right.”

“Oh, um, oh, I guess I can do that.” That confused Fluttershy more than a little bit. One, she knew Applejack had been helping to care for the family’s horses as soon as she had been able to get on one and second, she also knew that she had been Shimmer’s owner for long enough she could expertly fit her bridle with her eyes closed. She looked at Sunset, asking for her permission, “If it’s okay with you.”

Very quickly indeed, Sunset nodded, a grin all over her face. It had been three whole days since she’d had some Shimmer time, and over two weeks since she had put on a pony show for her friends. “It's alright with me, Shy,” she just figured that Applejack was doing some high level distraction techniques on their friend.

“I mean,” Fluttershy continued as Applejack walked over to the side of the semi-circular sofa and fished in her large duffel bag, searching for Shimmer’s tack, “there was this one black chested snake eagle that was flying around the edge of camp. You wouldn't believe what he was saying!”

Finally locating the bridle, Applejack was at once glad that her friend could speak to animals and not all that pleased about it. ‘Ah guess it means Ah ain’t gotta hide it no more…’ she thought as she placed the bridle reverently on Sunset’s head and adjusted the straps. On the one hand, hiding it was just another form of lying, which she hated, but on the other, she understood the reasons for not blurting it out willy-nilly. “Centaurs, right? Check it out, Shy.”

Wondering why she had to check the bridle when she could see it was properly fitted from where she was sat, Fluttershy nonetheless got up Shy and checked it over. For a moment, she wasn’t paying attention to what her friends had said, then, after a long moment, it sunk in. “I beg your pardon, Jackie?”

“Y’all believe in sirens, right?”

The question caught Fluttershy so off guard she almost spilled her own secret, one she had been keeping for the last few months. “Of course, I do,” she giggled behind her hand, “It’s hard not to when we fought them and…I mean, yes! I believe in sirens!” ‘Nice save, Shy…nice save!’ she congratulated herself.

“Y’all believe Shimmer here is a pony from another world?” Applejack placed a most loving and tender kiss straight to the bit that was wedged in her girlfriend’s mouth. “And she’s a right fine pony in this world too.”

Fluttershy, the proud animal caretaker she was, couldn’t help but admire Shimmer. With the bridle in place, gone was her friend Sunset. It was is if her whole aspect and appearance had changed with the addition of the simple accessory. “She is a fine pony,” she smiled, stroking Shimmer’s red and yellow mane, pleased that she got a hearty neigh for her trouble.

“So, would it be too hard to believe that there are centaurs out in the woods?” Applejack asked rhetorically, already knowing the answer to that and to the question she was about to ask. “Ah'm guess'n that’s what your friends told you, right?”

“No,” Fluttershy considered all that for a few seconds, her hand still absently stroking Shimmer’s mane. “I don't suppose it would be. I just assumed the snake eagle was showing off.”

“The only ones that may not know this among us are Twi and RD. Celestia’s seeing one of the centaurs and they are a mite bit more than just friends, if ya’ll get mah drift.”

When Applejack said that, Fluttershy put two and two together, made four and she erupted in a blush so intense that it even turned her ears red, which Shimmer found most hilarious indeed. “Oooh my goodness!” Images of her Principal with a centaur, and all that entailed, raced through her mind and made her feel very squiffy between the legs. “And um...well, a-are you okay with that? I mean, the Principal, doing that, with something not human?”

“Y’all are okay with me and Shimmer, ain’t ya?”

“Well, yes,” Fluttershy pointed out, “but she looks human.”

“Ah'm very okay with it, and Ah'd be okay if Shimmer here changed into a pony before mah very eyes.”

Stood beside Applejack, and still enjoying the petting from Fluttershy, Shimmer giggled like crazy through the bit in her mouth. She held up five fingers to her Mistress, knowing the joke they shared about five legged stallions. “That's not what I mean,” Fluttershy said, a frown on her face, “it's just...centaurs, they're um...horses, down there, aren't they?”

Applejack rolled her eyes when Shimmer lost it completely in a fit of giggles that was so hard she was barely able to stand up. “Shy,” the pragmatic farmer rolled her eyes, “Dick is dick. Sure, Ah don't know if Celestia would want to do that with one of our horses, but centaurs can think, and Ah think they can love, like you an’ me. In Shimmy's world, she would be all pony just like one of ours, only smart and able to talk. If you'd asked me a few years ago if Ah'd suck on some horse pussy, Ah'd say you weren't right in the head. Now, Ah'd do that to Shimmer in a heartbeat.”

“Aaaaah!” Realisation dawned on Fluttershy in an instant. “So they're sapient intelligent creatures!” Her eyes were wide as saucers as she got it. “Oh, well that's alright then, I understand now. So…” she hesitated, wondering if she should share what she was keeping to herself. Ultimately, she decided to open up. “Ah, if um, suppose one of us, was dating something not human, you'd all be okay with that?”

“Um,” Applejack was puzzled for a moment, “well yeah, Ah'm not someone to call the kettle black, Shy.”

Shimmer, who had been listening intently, had an internal guess as to what Fluttershy meant. She had a good idea too but, as she raised her hand to speak, and Applejack removed her bit, she couldn’t resist a tease. “It's not Spike, is it?”

“NO!” Fluttershy stomped her bare foot in a show if indignation, “it is not Spike! I may not even be me...”

Very quickly, Applejack slapped each of Sunset's ass cheeks hard, so hard she left a handprint on each. “We both know it's you, Shy. And Shimmer, Spike is a boy, remember?”

“Fine.” Fluttershy conceded, as Shimmer danced on her feet from the sharp stinging pain that blossomed from her rear, “Yes, it’s me, but the thing is…you might not like who I'm with.”

“Shy,” Applejack said softly as she stroked and caressed her lover’s tenderised buttocks, “Ah'm in love with the meanest girl Ah've ever known.” She gave that beautiful straw yellow ass a light, loving slap, “The finest filly in all of Canterlot.”

“It's Adagio,” Fluttershy confessed in her trademark tiny voice, staring down at the floor of the cabin. Yes, her friends already knew she had a Mistress / Submissive relationship with Adagio Dazzle, and now they knew of her other relationship with her.

A split second later and Applejack burst out laughing, a full and loud belly laugh that had her bending over, clutching her waist, slapping her thigh and stamping her booted foot so hard she dented the wooden floor, “And here Ah asked you if you believed in sirens!”

Unable to say even a word to that, Sunset Shimmer stared at Fluttershy and blinked, processing what she had just said. ‘Adagio? Fluttershy is actually dating Adagio?’ Before she could say anything about it though, Twilight returned with Rainbow in tow.

“Hey guys!” Rainbow, fresh from trying out the new climbing wall – several times - looked from Applejack to Fluttershy, her curious gaze lingering on Sunset and the bridle she was wearing. She knew what that meant! “I see you're getting started on the fun. Why’s AJ pissing herself laughing and why are you blushing, Shy? You've seen Shimmer before.” Even though Sunset was still dressed in her clothes, she assumed they were just starting.

Still laughing, Applejack wiped her running eyes and forced herself to answer her best friend. “With us, RD, how can you not laugh about all the stuff that happens.”

Rainbow, while admittedly not the sharpest tool in the box, still noticed the scrunch on Applejack’s face. The look she made when she wasn’t being completely honest about something. Everyone knew everyone else’s tells, and the farmer’s was the worst. “Eh, I guess,” Rainbow rubbed the back of her head, “so what's the joke, AJ?”

“Dashie, please sit on the hard bench.” Twilight said in a manner that totally was not a request, before she turned her attention to Applejack and frowned. “I don't know if it’s always a laughing matter what happens to us, Jackie.”

Applejack though answered with a question. “What does RD know about what the Principal’s doing out here, Twi?”

“Aww, the hard one?” Rainbow pouted but still she sat on one of the hard wooden benches that were either side of the dining table like a good little girl.

Twilight, for once like Rainbow, looked a little confused as she cleaned her glasses. “She knows what the rest of us know, AJ. She’s here to get away from it all, relax, take it easy on the farewell to the graduates' camp trip.”

“Shimmer and Ah have been to her house,” Applejack commented, going ahead at full speed, “We know everything, and she never said it was secret, but Ah'd not want to spread it more than Ah have to.”

“Know what?” Twilight asked, casting worried looks from Applejack to Fluttershy and finally to Sunset. “What's going on, is it something bad? Is it Equestria again?”

Applejack groaned and her shoulders slumped. “Ah sure put mah foot in it this time, Ah guess.” She knew the game was up and explanations would need to be forthcoming sooner rather than later. “Shimmer?”

Before Sunset could speak up though, the door opened, admitting Rarity and Pinkie Pie who were holding hands and were both deep in conversation with each other. “Really Pinkie,” the designer said in response to something her girlfriend had said outside, “It's decorations first!”

“But Rarity,” Pinkie replied, not breaking her step or ceasing in the enjoyment of her chocolate covered lollipop as they walked in and saw the other five looking at them, “It’s baked goods!”

“Pinkie,” Rarity was not for budging, “if they like what they see, they stop. Then they eat. Once they eat they no longer care what they see.”

“Oooooh…” Looking around, Pinkie Pie saw five sets of eyes looking back at her and she stashed the half eaten chocolate covered lollipop in her hair for a secret treat for later. “I think we missed the juicy bits again, Rare Bear.”

“Maybe,” Rarity agreed, her sharp gaze falling on Sunset wearing the bridle. “There’s still a lot of drool on Shimmer, though.”

“No,” Pinkie grinned, taking a deep breath, she unleashed the full awesome power of her ‘Pinkieness’. “They are just worried about Principal Celestia dating a centaur, and the ramifications of the two cultures being thrown together, and that’s really totally super okay after all, our own AJ is dating a pony, and Fluttershy is even dating the siren that she’s been dominating for over a month!”

“Yes,” Rarity casually inspected her nail varnish while the others shared looks of open mouthed shock with each other, which was understandable following the ‘Pinkiesplosion’, “that too, darling.”

Long after Pinkie Pie had stopped speaking, Fluttershy, Applejack, Sunset were all still looking stunned at each other, while Twilight had a look about her like ice cubes had been dropped down her back. Rainbow Dash had a curious look on her face, her expression somewhere between nausea and outrage. “Shy, you're actually dating Adagio?”

Twilight’s eye twitched. “Centaurs?”

“Adagio Dazzle?” outrage was the emotion that won on Rainbow’s face.

“Centaurs?” Twilight’s eye twitched a second time, and she took a moment to clean her glasses.

“Pinkie, my darling pet,” Rarity sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, “you know you're getting the time out corner, don’t you?”

“Will I be able to sit?”

“I really don't think so darling,” Pinkie Pie’s wide face-splitting smile did not go unnoticed by the fashionista. “I think I'm a bit behind on things as Shy hasn't confided in me,” she continued, getting up from her spot on the semi-circular sofa and hugging Fluttershy tightly, “It matters not which one you’re with as long as you're happy. Shimmer,” she gave the Equestrian a playfully reproachful look, “Don’t you keep our Twilight up to date with Princess Twilight?”

Sunset, or rather ‘Shimmer’, waited patiently until Applejack removed the bit from her mouth so she could speak again. She knew not to speak too soon. “Normally, yes, but this is...different, Rares.” Sunset steadied herself with a deep breath, “Like huge interdimensional incident, different. Celestia is dating a centaur, one of many who live in the forest. They came from Equestria centuries ago.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Rainbow Dash had but one thing on her mind. “But Adagio? Really, Shy? I know you’re domming her, but dating?”

“Twilight, dear,” Rarity let out a sigh as she studied her nails and the back of her hand, “I do hope you have better control over your pet than I do.” She delicately kissed Pinkie’s lips, “I do love you so, darling, even if you try to drive me beyond smiles sometimes.”

“Equestrian magic?” Twilight asked as she held her pendent and the magical geode that was attached to it, “More than we have now, you mean?” Rarity shook her head as, when she saw the wide eyed look on the bespectacled teen’s face, she realised they had lost her to the prospect of a new discovery.

Following an intensely angry glare from Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash decided, wisely, to shut up and sit quietly on the hard bench the last thing she wanted was another beating like the one she endured before. Sunset, speaking freely, addressed Twilight and the group as a whole. “Not more' as such, no. But it is Equestrian magic, Twi. The centaurs’ magic is based around eight geodes. Guess who has bonded with seven of the geodes?"

Hearing that, Twilight dropped her geode like it was on fire. “But dating as in...”

Inspecting her nails, Rarity was amazed at times that her friend could be as coy and clueless as she was, especially given the sorts of things they all got up to on a regular basis. “Well, dear, he is male, so not quite like us in this room.”

“Oh, he's very much not like us,” Sunset laughed, “Picture your biggest toy and make it bigger!”

Rainbow couldn’t quite keep quiet for very long, now her attention was diverted from the image of Fluttershy banging all the sirens. “Aren't they like, horses down there, or something?”

Applejack levelled a deadpan glare at her best friend. “Ah'm dating a pony, RD.”

“Yeah, but still...”

“Sapient intelligent creatures, Dashie.” Fluttershy corrected her friend gently, though the stern glare was still on her face, “Not like horses.”

“The fun bits are...” Sunset knew she would pay for her snark the moment the comment left her lips. Worth it though, just to see the spluttering looks on Fluttershy and Rainbow’s faces.

Sure enough, on cue, Applejack lifted her left hand and, seconds later, it was followed by the unmistakeable sound of a loud smack as that hand impacted each of Sunset’s ass cheeks one after the other. “Keep that up, missy, and Ah'll find something bigger to shove into you next time.” She had been threatening to get her pony a bigger tail plug for a while anyway. “In for a penny, Ah guess. Shimmer, tell them what we told the Principal at her place.”

“All of it?”

“As much as you think your ass can stand.”

As they all looked at her expectantly, Sunset Shimmer took a deep breath to marshal her thoughts, which were all over the place at that moment, ranging from her usual state of mind, to her subspace, to Fluttershy and her siren of all things! Once she was ready, she went into the whole explanation, telling them all everything that she knew, everything that the Princesses had told her and thusly what she had told to Celestia. “And…” she concluded some time later, “now you know everything!”

When Sunset had finished telling them the story, Rarity was the first to speak. “I can testify that Principal Celestia's breasts were a delight to measure. Still not up to your magnificent standards though, my beautiful Pie.” Rarity and Pinkie Pie then performed an impressive snog fest in front of the others, the fashion designer pressing her body into her baker’s well-endowed chest. A soft squishy well-endowed chest that she adored playing with.

“You knew about this, Rarity?” Twilight asked, having cleaned her glasses three times just to clear the fog that her heated cheeks had made.

Rarity broke from the kissing marathon that she was engaged in with Pinkie just long enough to give Twilight a practised roll of her eyes. “If Luna or Celestia or anyone else for that matter were to come to one of us for dating advice, to whom do you think they would go to?” she asked as if the question was roaringly obvious.

Which it was.

In a series of mumbles, Twilight and the rest of the group grudgingly agreed with that statement, it wasn’t like any of them could match the dressmaker in the romance department. “Okay,” Twilight conceded, “so we can all agree that centaurs are a thing. That means, I assume, that the news reports of 'monsters' in the Everfree are actually real, then?”

“I wouldn't call centaurs monsters,” Fluttershy responded rather stiffly, “but there are other things from Equestria that would classify as monsters.” Fluttershy sighed, her voice softening once more. “Animals are not monsters, but their nature can seem monstrous to humans.”

“Something not human may be called a monster by anyone that don't like the strange,” Applejack put in.

“Okay, then I apologise.” Twilight held up her hands in an appeasing gesture, “My choice of words was poor. I'll remember in future. Not monsters.”

“Did Celestia say how many are in the forest?” Applejack asked as the thought occurred to her.

Sunset shook her head. “She mentioned several, but she only named three. There has to be way more than that living in that forest.”

“There should be between three and four thousand,” Twilight spoke up, drawing all the attention to herself. “This is known as the Minimum Viable Population, and many computer models and studies based on various circumstances and species have been run. For humans, including the desire to ward of genetic defects due to inbreeding the median MVP reported was four thousand one hundred and sixty nine individuals…” Twilight trailed off when, judging by the looks the others were giving her, she had slipped into her ‘nerd mode’. “Ahem, and the other Twilight and Celestia are coming here, you say?”

“Never change, Twilight, dear,” Rarity said as Sunset nodded in response to the question. There was a gleam in Rarity's eye that they had all learnt to recognise. “Oh, what a fashion opportunity! When, exactly?”

“In just over a week's time, so the Princess said. And I know that look, Rares,” Sunset gave her a wink, “You’re thinking cross-dimensional clothing sales, now?”

Dismissively, Rarity waved her hand in the air, “I do love to measure an inseam, darling.”

“And,” Sunset added quickly, “because I can see Dashie about to explode on that bench, now Shy, about Adagio. Is she okay, after what happened?” Everyone knew what had happened, what Rainbow’s ill-conceived words had driven her to do.

When the attention had, unexpectedly returned to her, Fluttershy froze and the animal caretaker wore her trademark deer in the headlights look. “Darling,” Rarity stepped in before she started hyperventilating, “you don't have to answer that. I would trust you'd let us know if she tried to use you.” Then, Rarity giggled, “And it is okay to let us know if you're using her.”

Unusually though, Fluttershy’s freeze did not last all that long. “She was lost, a few months ago, just before graduation, she came by the animal shelter looking for a pet. I was scared of her, at first, but she was lost, like I say. She's had a bad time, and as you know, recently she’s been in a very dark place. She's getting better, though, and she makes an excellent kitten!”

With a smile on her face, Applejack burst out laughing. “Ah'm sure she does and no one is better at pet rescue than you, Shy.”

Twilight was curious. “Do her sisters know? About you two dating I mean, not just being dominant and submissive?”

“They do,” Fluttershy affirmed, “In fact it was Aria who suggested she get a pet. Dagi asked me not to say anything to you. I'm sorry to keep you all in the dark for so long.”

“Oopsie!” Pinkie Pie blushed and tried to look innocent. She failed.

“I trust we will all take that into account?” Rarity shot Rainbow a look that was full of meaning. “Right, Dash?”

“Why'd she want to keep it quiet?” Rainbow asked indignantly, choosing to ignore the look that Rarity and now Twilight were giving her. “We're your friends!”

“Really Dashie?” That stern harsh glare returned to Fluttershy’s face, though this time her expression was tinged with incredulity. “Because she's scared of you, that’s why! Especially after what just happened! Of all of you, us. It took her a whole ten minutes just to get through my door!” She could easily recall that day a few months ago now, when a very timid Adagio had slunk through the door of the animal shelter in her blue dress.

Somewhat shocked, Rarity had her hand over her mouth. “I suppose Shimmer did give her a 'beat' down, didn’t she?”

“We are awesome!” Rainbow Dash cheered exultantly, but then, when she saw that nobody else was sharing in her cheers, the athlete blushed and sat back down, a sudden unpleasant wretched feeling squirming in the pit of her belly. “But um...I don't want anyone scared of me…” awkwardly, she rubbed the back of her head, coming to a decision. “If you're happy, screw it I guess I’m happy for you, too.”

“Do you think you can get her to come to the spa?” asked Rarity with twinkles in her eyes, “I think I can get Pinkie to behave. Pretty sure. I hope. Maybe.”

“I'm sure of it!” Fluttershy smiled brightly, her whole mood lifted by her friends’ acceptance of her blossoming full on relationship with Adagio Dazzle. She was most thankful that Rainbow was at last on board. She had been her best friend since forever ago. It meant a lot to her to have her support. “Now,” she looked around at her friends, “unless there's anything else world threatening, shall we play? I can see Shimmer there getting antsy still in Sunset's clothes, Pinkie’s about to explode and I can tell Dashie wants some attention.”

“Always the voyeur, darling,” Rarity beamed, “Part of you I love. You heard the Mistress, Jackie, you're up first.”

“I wanna see what you did with the Principal and Sunny's tail!” Rainbow exclaimed gleefully, more than ready to get to playing after all the heavy stuff they had just talked about.

Shimmer stamped her booted foot and she snorted, letting out a series of perfect neighs and whinnies that made Fluttershy blush, but she didn't flinch. For the benefit of the others, the caretaker translated the equine speech. “Shimmer says she'd love to show you, Dashie, once her Mistress has her properly dressed.”

“At least she has part of it on already,” Applejack proceeded, without further comment, to pull Sunset’s Camp Everfree tee shirt up over her head and she pulled down her shorts, revealing the corset she wore underneath the clothes. Quietly, with an assurance borne from countless times of doing what she was doing, the dominant farmer pulled out the hoof boots and gloves from her duffle bag. “Okay Shimmer, let's get your gear on.”

As Applejack removed Sunset’s boots and placed the hooves on instead, and then seal her hands away in the hoof gloves, those watching didn't need to speak Equestrian to understand the look of sheer pleasure and bliss that washed over Shimmer's face now that she was transformed. Lovingly, Fluttershy petted Shimmer’s mane, “Dagi has the same look on her face when I put her in her kitty gear.”

Once she was sure that the buckles and straps were properly secured, Applejack fixed a leash to Shimmer’s orange collar and she led her pony – who was naked but for the corset, the gloves and the bridle – proudly around the room so that they all could pet her as she high stepped along.

When it became her turn to pet the pony, Twilight pulled a sugar cube from her bag. “Can she have one, AJ?”

Applejack pulled on the leash, pausing her well-behaved pony where Twilight was sitting on the semi-circular sofa. “A bit more drool never hurt any pony.” Permission given, Twilight offered Shimmer the sugar cube and she giggled as the pony licked it up from her hand, and then licked the girl’s hand in thanks. Then, Applejack got back to where she started and she pulled out the red and yellow tail. She ran the plug end along the bit in Shimmer's mouth. “Thing is, drool can only lubricate so much.”

Seeing where Applejack was going with that, Fluttershy grinned as her dominant side began to wake up. “Maybe we can all lubricate it for her, Jackie?”

Partway to spreading her legs, her crotch the intended destination for the plug of the tail, Applejack paused. “Well, that would deviate from the story Ah told Twi and RD…” in the end though she shrugged and, lifting up her skirt and showing off her lack of underwear, Applejack inserted the tail in her vagina. “But, Ah think that’s okay if you're all game.”

Almost immediately, there was a general round of nods and agreements to that, especially from the submissives among them. Since she was first, Applejack slid the butt plug in and out of her a few times before she pulled it out and, with it glistening, she passed it to her right, to Pinkie. Pinkie, who wasn't wearing underwear, quickly slid it inside her and gave it a vigorous lubing. Watching all this, Shimmer blushed really hard as she saw her tail being passed around, to Rarity next. ‘Dear Celestia,’ she thought, ‘they're actually doing it!’

“Pinkie, dear,” Rarity interrupted her pet’s enthusiastic ‘lubricating’ of the butt plug, “please don't wear it out or it won't fit,” she held out her hand and Pinkie quickly gave it to her. Rarity, who was wearing some black thong panties, hiked up her skirt and pulled them aside so that she could add her lube. She gave it as much attention as Applejack did and then she passed it on to Rainbow Dash.

“This is so cool!” as the cyan submissive pulled down her leggings, the crotch of which had perfectly outlined her pussy the wetter it had gotten, Sunset had to agree with her, particularly when she inserted it in herself a few times before passing it onto Twilight. “You're up, Mistress!”

Before she placed it in herself, Twilight did a little taste test with the very tip of her tongue. Then, after she had tugged down the full sized panties – Rainbow knew better than to call them granny panties – she thrust the toy inside her waiting tunnel.

Fluttershy was the last one to insert it in herself, but by the time the tail plug had made its way back to her she had slipped her undies down, stepped out of them and hiked up her skirt. “So Jackie,” she said after it had been well lubricated by them all and handed back to the waiting farmer, “then what happened?” she knew full well, of course, but she was happy to play along.

“Well, as y’all can imagine, Ah was so tuckered out after lubing it, that Ah had to have someone else dress Shimmer proper. You up for that Shy?”

“Oh yes,” Fluttershy gave Shimmer her best bedroom eyed look, “I'm up for that!” Taking the tail plug from Applejack, she gently but firmly parted Shimmer's ass cheeks and she lined up the tapered butt plug and, with a confident push, slid it inside until it seated itself, earning a very lewd whinny from the pony.

Now her pony was at last dressed, Applejack again led Shimmer around the room. They were, after all, just getting started. “She does love to have her tail petted.”

“Me first!” Pinkie Pie declared happily and she firmly petted Shimmer's tail until the pony’s legs went weak at the knees and her eyes rolled in her head.

“Darling, I do so love your technique!” When it was her turn, Rarity took hold of the tail and she pulled it halfway out only to thrust it back in twice. As a result of that, Shimmer snorted and whined desperately, her inner thighs getting glistening wet.

“Oh yeah!” Rainbow Dash petted the red and yellow tail so hard she made it bounce. Shimmer, drooling around the bit in her mouth, actually pranced in place, the horseshoes on her boots clopping on the hardwood floor as she let out a pleasured neigh. Twilight, smiling deviously, then stroked up between Shimmer’s legs to the bottom of the tail. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched her pet as she did so. “Oh man...that's so hot!” Rainbow had a hand well on the way to her own bare crotch.

As Shimmer leaked her arousal all over Twilight’s questing hand, the purple dom used that hand to backhand her pet's shoulder hard. “Hands where I can see them, missy!” She then removed her hand and held the glistening fingers out to Rainbow to lick, at last letting Shimmer move on.

“I’m sorry Mistress!” Rainbow immediately had her hands on her knees like a good girl and she licked Twilight's fingers clean as Fluttershy pressed down on Shimmer's tail and let it go. Thanks to Pinkie’s Pinkieness, it even made the badooooing! sound effect as it bounced up and down. Excitedly, the caretaker clapped her hands as the pony moaned and drooled through her bit.

Applejack smirked, wiping the excess drool and slobber from Shimmer’s mouth and perky chest with a cloth. “What she would really like is for me to take her outside, Ah reckon.”

As soon as she heard that, Shimmer nodded her head furiously, so hard that her mane was flung over her shoulder and back again. “NEEeeeeIGH!” she begged, nuzzling and licking her owner’s hand. This just sent a fresh wave of drool running from her mouth and spattering over her breasts.

“Maybe tonight, girl.” Applejack looked straight at Rarity in a silent challenge. “We can go out to the dock.” Rarity saw the challenge and she refused to rise to the bait, simply rolling her eyes.

“Me next!” Pinkie Pie giggled at her Mistress’s eye roll and she kissed Rarity's nose just as Shimmer clapped her hooves together happily. “Me next, please!” the chubby baker had her hand thrust up in the air like she was in class trying to get the teacher’s attention.

“Jackie,” Fluttershy licked her lips, “do you mind if I give Shimmer a rub down, she looks a little sweaty.”

“Would you like a soft brush, or just gonna use your hands?”

“I think I'll take a brush for the big bits, and I'll use my hands on the softer areas.” It was clear by the gleam in her eyes just what those ‘softer areas’ were. Applejack though had no objection and, a short dig in her bag later, she handed over Shimmer's mane and tail brush along with a softer body brush.

“Thank you, Jackie,” Fluttershy gratefully took the offered brushes and she started with Shimmer's mane and tail, firmly but gently brushing both. She shared a warm smile with the pony, one loving being brushed down just as much as the other loved doing the brushing.

Rarity looked at Pinkie like she was critiquing a dress she had placed on one of her mannequins. “Darling, I'm thinking silk ribbon…”

“Wowee!” Pinkie exclaimed, bouncing on the balls of her feet, “I was thinking silk ribbon too!”

Rarity then let out a most adorable whine, “But silk clashes with what you're wearing!” Fortunately, while Pinkie Pie was many things, dumb was not one of them. In one fluid inexplicable motion that was completely impossible to achieve, Pinkie was naked in all her soft pudgy glory, her bountiful breasts and belly jiggling once they were freed. “Much better, darling!”

Fluttershy giggled at Pinkie just being Pinkie, noticing that Rainbow was watching them, desperately waiting her turn. Alas, for the moment though, Twilight was torn between watching Pinkie and Rarity as well as what Fluttershy was doing and the soft neighs coming from Shimmer. “She's such a well behaved mare, Jackie.” Fluttershy complimented the farmer.

“Eeyup, Ah'm right proud of her.”

Having delved into her own bag, Rarity wrapped a purple silk ribbon around Pinkie Pie's wrist and she brought it behind her back to join with the other wrist. There, she wrapped it up to the pink girl’s elbows and, once they were pressed together, tied a nice bow. Another purple ribbon was used to bind Pinkie’s huge soft breasts, giving her already large bust a lift as her melons swelled round and firm. A third ribbon was used to make a makeshift slingshot bikini which did not cover the large nipples but instead ran on the outside of the bound breasts. It did however cover her crotch, sort of, as it disappeared between her labia and ass cheeks. “Purple is definitely your colour, darling!”

When she had finished tying up her pet to her satisfaction, Rarity looked pointedly at Applejack. “Maybe we can use the runway to display our pets?”

For once, Applejack chose not to object to the dock being called a runway and let it slide. “Ah reckon that's a right fine idea, Rarity!”

Now she was all tied up like a Christmas present, Pinkie Pie looked down and she bounced on her feet, loving the way she made bound breasts and fat pudgy belly jiggle like jelly on a plate. Adoringly, Rarity stroked her pet’s fluffy cotton candy hair. “Think of the scandal,” Rarity purred at Twilight, “Out after curfew!”

“I believe that's the best thing about rules?” Twilight answered without missing a beat, “Breaking them.”

With her hand over her mouth, Rarity affected a most scandalised look, “Oh my, I didn't know we had such a pioneer in our group of saviours!”

“Life on the edge, eh Twi?”

“What can I say, AJ?” Twilight affectionately stroked her own pet’s multicoloured hair, “I've had a good teacher. Now,” she took a moment to kiss Rainbow’s lips, “Are you ready for your special suit, Dashie?”

“Yes!” Rainbow blurted out before Twilight finished asking the question. “Yes Mistress!” Not many people knew this about Rainbow Dash, but because she had to be the centre of attention all the time in her sports, it got to her, living with the weight of everyone’s expectations. So, she had started to use an isolation suit to cope. A coping mechanism she had confided to Twilight.

Fluttershy paused in her grooming of Shimmer to glance out the window. “There’s still an hour to sunset, can she handle it that long?”

“She most certainly can!” Twilight proclaimed proudly, knowing well her pet’s limits. “She lasted seventy five minutes at home the last time, didn't you Dashie?”

Sensing that she was about to be sealed in her suit, Rainbow Dash was practically giddy with excitement, hopping from foot to foot. “Yes Mistress!”

“Strip then, my sweetie, and I'll get you into something more or less comfortable.” Since Rainbow wasn’t a frequent, or even a seldom, client for Rarity, as she hated all that fru fru nonsense, the fashionista intently looked the athlete’s body over as she undressed in ten seconds flat. Where Pinkie had bouncy castles for breasts and Fluttershy had generous mounds herself, along with the average breasts of Applejack, Rarity, Twilight and Sunset being an average, Rainbow Dash was possessed of a pair of mosquito bites where breasts should be. No sooner was she naked than Twilight had the high quality lavender suit out ready.

Rarity took a moment to admire their respective submissive partners, a wave of justified pride washing over her. “Such lovely pets we all have. I'll make us some tea while we wait for the sun to go down.”

“Thank you, Rarity!” Using her telekinetic magic, Twilight levitated up the two vibrating toys to the group, one was a seven inch long dildo and the other was a fat squat butt plug like they were science fair trophies, “Would anyone like to lubricate these?”

Rarity didn’t need to look over her shoulder to know that her girlfriend was bouncing excitedly. “You may, pet.”

“Thank you Rarity, again.” Twilight floated them both over to Pinkie, who plucked the toys from mid-air and plunged them both in her pussy one after the other until they were both dripping wet with her own arousal. When they were passed back to her, Twilight carefully inserted the toys in her pet’s holes. Next, she attached a pair of vibrating clamps to the athlete’s nipples and finally, the latex suit was pulled up around Rainbow's body. “How's that feel?” Twilight asked, holding the eyeless, mouthless hood in her hands.

“It feels sooooo awesome!” Rainbow squealed in delight as the hood was placed over her head and zipped to the suit. Lastly, she felt thick straps get wound around her, holding her legs and arms immobile against her body. Then, the toys began to buzz.


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Fluttershy walked up to the door of the palatial single storey villa and took a cleansing breath. She and her friends had been back from the charity event at Camp Everfree just a few days, but she had to act. She knocked and waited. A few moments later Vice Principal Luna opened the door. “Hello,” the teen greeted the older woman, “I need to speak to Principal Celestia concerning the language stones.”

Luna thought for just a moment. This was one of the infamous ‘magical’ students at the school. “Fluttershy?” The girl nodded. “Please come in.” She let the former student past her. “Based on what you just said, you must know that Tia is leaving soon.”

“I do, which is the reason for my urgency.” Fluttershy said as she looked around the living room. Luna pointed out the couch and Fluttershy sat down, smoothing out her long green dress. “It is important that I talk to her about this. I want to be sure there is no miscommunication.”

“One moment then,” said Luna, drawing her dressing gown around her. She walked out of the living room and down a hall. She was back in under a minute. “Can I get you a drink while you wait? Tia will be a few minutes.”

“Cold water would be nice, please, if it’s no trouble.” Luna simply nodded and left for the kitchen. Alone in the room, Fluttershy worried what she may have just told Celestia. Since the camp event, she had done nothing but worry if she would get what she needed for Adagio and her sisters before it was too late. Another cleansing breath and she let the determination to succeed fill her.

Luna soon returned with the glass of water and set it in front of the girl. She took a seat on a nearby chair. Her comfy chair that nobody else sat on. While the girl took a sip of the water she noticed the stone around her neck matched one of the ones her sister kept in her collar. Then it clicked, all the Rainbooms had stones, and some of them matched the ones Celestia had. She realized just how far down the rabbit hole she had fallen. Not that many months ago she would have disavowed the very existence of magic. Now she has felt the effects of that magic.

The couch that Fluttershy sat on didn’t face the bedroom hall, so Luna noticed Moonsilver coming down the hall with Celestia, who was completely naked, trailing behind him. She stood and Fluttershy, who realized something was up, quickly stood and turned. Sadly for Luna, the girl seemed to take the presence of a centaur and her naked sister in stride.

“Hello, Moonsilver,” said Fluttershy politely, “It is a pleasure to finally meet you. I don’t see Rehanos with you. I hope he’s okay.” Since she was a nudist at heart and in practice, Fluttershy wasn’t at all phased by Celestia’s nudity. “Principal Celestia, thank you for meeting with me.” As the two came around, Fluttershy sat back down on the couch and drank some more of her water.

“Luna said you want some language stones,” Moonsilver led off, his sharp Hunter’s eyes spotting the stone around the teenager’s neck, “I see you’re wearing one now. I believe that is one of the Founding Stones.” Moonsilver sat on his haunches and Celestia moved around to sit on the couch. “You know my name it seems.”

“Excuse me, I’m Fluttershy. I’ve spoken with Applejack and Sunset Shimmer about the stones, and your name did come up. And Rehanos told me about you as well.” She held up her pendant. “We got these in the Everfree, and, while I didn’t know at first the name of this stone, it did help me to better communicate with my animal friends. You didn’t speak English to me just now, yet I understood what you said.” She turned to face Celestia. “I thought it better to bring my request to the centaurs through you, as you are an emissary.”

“You have raised me above my station, Fluttershy,” said Celestia with a smile. “I’m but one centaur’s pet.” She turned to Moonsilver as she ran a finger along her pale grey collar.

“That may be so, as I understand the care and feeding of pets,” responded Fluttershy. “Not all my pets walk on four legs. Still, you were the one that introduced the Princesses from the pony world to the centaurs of this world.”

Celestia thought about that. This girl knew far more than she would have ever expected. Luna did tell her about the incident at the dock at Camp Everfree, but this was the first time Fluttershy had been to her house. “How much do you know about the centaurs?”

Fluttershy was ready for this question. She remained determined to finish her mission. “I was probably the first to know about centaurs, but that was second-hand information from my animal friends in the forest. Now a certain bird, Rehanos, was more than happy to chat with me when he found out I could chat with him.” She couldn’t suppress the giggle when Moonsilver did an eye roll. “Then, it is possible that Pinkie Pie always knew. I was the last to know from first-hand information as all my friends kept that information from each other. They tried really hard to keep your secret safe.”

It was reassuring to Celestia to know that those in the know didn’t just spread it around as gossip. Since these girls were a tight knit group it would have foolish to think they wouldn’t share information sooner or later. Celestia wasn’t long for this world though and that would be Luna’s problem. Time to cut the pleasantries, “Why do you want more language stones?”

Fluttershy didn’t answer right away. This was the moment she came here for, but the prospect of failure raised its ugly head. It was still clear in her own mind just how much damage the sirens did to the students – and to the teachers - of Canterlot High. She took another cleansing breath. “I need the stones for Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk. Adagio is my pet and I care for her, deeply.”

Of the list of reasons Fluttershy would need the stones, that wasn’t just low on Celestia’s list, it wasn’t even on the list. She thought, naturally, it would be for the other workers at her animal adoption centre, or something silly like for that pet rabbit of hers she had snuck into the school many times. To even consider giving those evil bitches access to powerful Equestrian magic was beyond comprehension. It was so unbelievable that Celestia had a difficult time forming a reply.

Moonsilver, for his part, knew nothing of the names Fluttershy had just mentioned, but he could sense the turmoil in his pet. When that turmoil turned into rage he thought it was time to intervene. When he started to reach out to his pet, it was too late.

“Are you crazy?” Celestia shouted, not bothering to even try and hide her fury. “They mind raped me! They tried to mind control the whole school, and you want to give them that power back?” Celestia fell silent when Moonsilver forcibly grabbed her upper arm.

Luna took the moment of silence to add her thoughts to the mix, for she too had been affected. “They mind controlled me also, and my Leelee, yet I doubt that Fluttershy is under their power as she is one of those that defeated them.” She also laid a hand on Celestia’s other arm. “Sister, I don’t think she would be here to repeat that episode.”

Celestia, quivering with rage, anger and bitterness, squeezed her eyes shut, and slowly she unclenched her teeth. When some semblance of calm was restored she said softly, “How can you possibly know that?” Adagio Dazzle was the source of her nightmares, of her depression and her self-loathing!

When Celestia started shouting, Fluttershy’s first thought was flight. However, the needs of her pet kept her rooted on the couch next to the screaming woman. Watching the other two take hold of her didn’t reduce Fluttershy’s fears in the slightest. Luna’s words let her take a breath she didn’t know she was holding, and Celestia’s question was very reasonable. “Adagio has been wearing my stone every night she spends with me. The first time it allowed her to sing again. She questioned me letting her use the stone, and I told her if she turned evil, I’d rainboom her.” She drained her water glass, and none of the others had any immediate questions.

“Before she touched the stone, her singing voice could be compared to a cat fight,” continued Fluttershy when none of the other three looked like saying anything. “Touching it allowed her to sing like she could with the stones the originally had. The difference was there was no compulsion. There was no draining of energies of any type. Positive or negative. The stone gave her back a voice she thought lost forever.” Fluttershy laid her hand on Celestia’s, “I’m attuned to this stone. I can’t just give it away. I love my pet and will move mountains for her. She, and her sisters, deserve to have their voices back.”

Celestia though shook her head. The wound those sisters inflicted was still raw and they ran very deep indeed. One of the many things that had piled up on her back which led her to that fateful trip up to Eagles Point. “How can you be so sure?” Celestia had learned just how powerful Equestrian magic could be and she didn’t want the slightest risk of what it could do to this world. Even if she was leaving, she wouldn’t leave that mess for Luna to clean up.

Fluttershy squeezed the hand she held. “I’m very sure. The stones the sirens had were Equestrian magic.” She held up her pendant again. “This stone is Equestrian magic. They are not the same magic. Even Adagio admitted this pendant is older magic than even she had, and she has been around for a millennium. Princ… Celestia, trust your heart and then ask Moonsilver if these stones can do evil?”

Moonsilver watched Celestia open her eyes and look at him. He could still feel the conflict inside her. “These stones were created to provide harmony between the centaurs and the world around them.” Fluttershy’s laughter rendered him silent as he, along with the sisters turned to look at her.

Fluttershy’s laughter turned to a smile, and she didn’t wilt under the stares of all three. “Princess Twilight wrote a lot about harmony, and Sunset Shimmer was always talking about harmony. The power of friendship is based on harmony. I think harmony is the best possible description of these stones. They could bring harmony to the sirens. Harmony to replace the despair they currently have.”

Moonsilver nodded, “Yes, which was the intent of the stones. It works on humans as well as it worked for centaurs. These sirens are not human, but Equestrian?”

Fluttershy’s smile faded. “Yes, they are from Equestria, but they were not ponies. They are sort of a sea serpent, dragon mix. They were very destructive and were banished to this world by a pony named, Starswirl the Bearded. They kept their Equestrian magic in their stones and took from humans the negative energy they fostered. Adagio explained it like who we take meat from animals. To them, humans were just cattle to be cared for so they could continue to feed from them.”

“What has changed?” asked Celestia, her tone acidic.

“When my friends and I destroyed their stones, they each fell into depression,” said Fluttershy. “Each sister tried to cope with it in their own way. Sonata and Aria managed to overcome and adapt. Adagio though, she was coping through self-destruction and heading for suicide. Aria brought her to me, and I’ve been working to turn that around. Discovering what these stones could do for them gave me hope that they could all find joy in living.”

“Do they know about the portal?” asked Celestia, wholly unswayed by the news that Adagio had been close to suicide.

“I will be telling them about a chance to return to Equestria.” She squeezed Celestia’s hand, “It would be unkind of me to not tell them. I think each have a life, for what it is here, but with the stones they could have a life here with meaning.” Fluttershy let go of Celestia’s hand. “I wouldn’t stop Adagio from going through if that is what she chose to do.”

Celestia snarled, her naked fury returning in full force. “Then they would be free to destroy the very home the centaurs are trying to return to!”

Fluttershy shook her head. The more Celestia snarled the more she thought of her as a silly bear. She could deal with bears. “As I told Adagio, if she turned evil I’d rainboom her in a heartbeat. I have every confidence that Princess Twilight would be able to deal with some sirens it they thought they could make another try to control Equestria.” Fluttershy quickly pointed a finger at Celestia and lightly pushed it between her breasts. “Isn’t the power of friendship about redemption and reconciliation? Don’t you believe that power will work on any creature, even a siren?”

Fluttershy’s finger pushing against her chest was like a bucket of cold water being dumped on Celestia. The hatred was washed away and shame was all that was left behind. She didn’t realize how much she was harbouring that hatred until it was gone. Celestia had to force herself to look into Fluttershy’s eyes. “I’m sorry.”

The young girl wasted no time turning her finger pointing into a tight breast squishing hug. “Forgiven, for it is a lot to take in. I trust my pet and can only ask that you trust me.” She felt Luna and Moonsilver join the group hug. Fluttershy wasn’t one to gloat in victory, but she did let it fill her with joy. Her pet would get what she needed to survive this world. That hope was what she need to let the love between them grow.

~ ~ ~

Adagio Dazzle didn’t hear the car pull up outside her house. Between the noises of the large fan that was directing cold air straight at her naked body and the black and white TV rambling about the record temperatures that the city was enduring, she didn’t hear anything else. ‘I know about the temperatures, idiot weatherman!’ she thought sourly as she drank her latest bottle of cold water from her fridge.

As she walked up the cracked path in her light white sundress – which was transparent when the sun was behind her – Fluttershy was giddy with excitement. It was five days since she had first met with Moonsilver and Celestia, and she finally had in the glove box of her car, in a bag, the things she had requested!

Fluttershy was very curious as to why her girlfriend had not come out to the car when she pulled up, surely she had not forgotten about the dinner date? Cautiously she pushed open her front door and drank in the wondrous sight of her naked and sweaty girlfriend laid on her couch. The bandages were off her wrists and the stitches had all healed!

“Hey,” Adagio heard her door open but she didn’t bother to get up or open her eyes. There were only a handful of people who would enter without knocking and they had all seen her nude already. “If you're here on the rob, help yourself but leave me the couch and the fan. If you're not a villain, be a sweetie and don't block the fan.”

Seeing that Adagio was laid with her eyes closed, and her TV was on quite loud, Fluttershy used all the stealth she possessed to sneak up on her girlfriend. She didn’t have to try too hard. With all the background noise, she could have played a drum and still crept up on her. When she got within striking distance, Fluttershy simultaneously kissed Adagio’s mouth and slipped her fingers in her bare pussy. “Hmmmm Ma'am...” still with her eyes closed, she opened her legs and purred like a kitten into the kiss.

“Did someone forget what we are doing today?” Fluttershy asked with amusement rife in her voice once she broke the kiss and sat back on her haunches.

“No,” Adagio finally deigned to open her eyes and she cast her girlfriend a look she approved of, because from her position, the sun was behind Fluttershy through the window and her white dress appeared translucent. Damn her underwear! “I didn't forget, but it's sooooooo hot!”

“Wrong,” Fluttershy corrected her with a gentle kiss on the tip of her nose, “I'm sooooooo hot. Outside it is warm, and you are being silly.”

“Fine,” Adagio swung her legs over the edge of the old couch and she stood up, but only because her lover was blocking the cool air from the fan. Now she was up, she did a few stretches to get the blood flowing. “Where are we going again?”

Fluttershy giggled, though at the same time she admired the view of Adagio’s chubby ass as she stretched in a vain attempt to touch her toes. It was a doomed enterprise and she only reached her knees. “Aria is on a raw fish binge so wants to go to the Sakura Sushi Bar. I like fish too.”

“Alright,” Adagio said as soon as she finished her stretches, “Fish I can do. Let me go get a dress on and I'll be ready.”

“The new blue dress, no underwear.”

“Pfft,” Adagio threw back over her shoulder, “What underwear?” without a backwards glance, she sauntered off up the stairs to her room and, just ten minutes later, she came sashaying her way back down wearing moments later in her new blue dress, which was considerably shorter than the one that Aria had given her, the hem only reaching midway down her thighs, and her sandals.

While Adagio had been upstairs, Fluttershy had taken it upon herself to turn off the TV. Now she was back downstairs, the teen walked over and she ran her hands up and down the short blue dress. “I trust you but I do need to verify,” she giggled, “Come along pet, the fishies await.”

“Yes Ma'am, I'm coming along!” Adagio giggled as she followed Fluttershy out of her house, shielding her eyes against the light of the sun as she did so, “So how's the rest of the hero squad doing?”

“I think Dashie can finally sit down again without flinching,” Fluttershy laughed as she closed and locked her girlfriend’s front door. “The rest are doing well. I'm thinking of doing an activity with all of us. Just needs a name. Something…Dozen.”

“The Clean Dozen ?” Adagio offered with a smirk on her face as she reached Fluttershy’s pink beetle and got in the passenger’s seat. “How about the Churchgoing Twelve. The Puritan Eleven Plus One?” she giggled, and her giggles got louder and louder with every eye roll she received, “Although I can be dirty on occasion.” Adagio waited until the car was moving before she spoke again, “So Fast Blue got in touch yesterday.”

“She didn't tell me that,” Fluttershy commented as she pulled up at a set of lights and smiled when she recognised the young girl Waterfire cross the road with her adopted raccoon Recycle poking his head out of her backpack, “And Dirty was vetoed by Rarity. Pinkie was hoping for Depraved, and Sunny likes Dynastic.”

Adagio cocked her head in thought, “How about Perverted, Deviant or Degenerate Dozen?” she offered up when the lights changed and the car moved again. “And yeah, I was surprised too. Seems she needs help with history to get her grades up in the last minute so she can go to some college or university.”

Fluttershy laughed out loud at that, “Yes, she does, and her Mistress gave her a deadline. Sorry, but I wasn't going to suggest you. Did it go okay?”

“She is a blank slate!” Adagio sighed in frustration and she rolled her eyes at the memory of her meeting with Rainbow Dash. She had at least learnt what her name was. “Honestly, the blue wonder's head is like an echo chamber,” she laughed, though it wasn’t a mean, nasty laugh. “Unless you want to know about any sport in the history of ever, or the minutia of every Daring Do book ever written. Then she's a mine of information. I saw her paper and did you know she wrote "Adagio did it" for almost every answer?”

Fluttershy nodded her head as she drove. As it happened, she did know that her best friend had answered that to every question in her original exam. Still, she didn’t like the way that Adagio wasn’t using her name, so she called her out on it. “She has a name that is more than a skin tone, my love.”

“Rainbow Dash then,” Adagio sighed and conceded defeat for the moment. “I've never met anyone who's tried so hard to be so dumb. She actually said, "Reading is for eggheads and studying is lame and uncool.".”

“It’s in her nature,” Fluttershy sighed and shook her head at her friend’s foolishness, “She’s more worried about how she’s perceived than how she really is.”

“I can teach her,” Adagio sounded very confident, because she was. Very confident. “I have two whole months!”

A look of intense sadness flashed across Fluttershy's face when she heard her girlfriend say that, but in a matter of seconds her warm light-up-the-room smile returned. “I'm sure you can. And here we are. I've been here before.”

“You okay there, baby?” Adagio asked as Fluttershy pulled up and parked outside the restaurant. She gave it a look over and tried to cast her mind about in case she had eaten there before, but try as she might, she just couldn’t remember. “I don't think I've been here before, so this should be fun!”

On the sidewalk, Fluttershy took hold of Adagio’s hand and she held it like a hurricane might blow through at any moment and sweep her away. That, or a magic portal… “I think I'm learning to love you, Adagio.” Unconsciously, her hand squeezed tighter, because she didn’t want to let her go.

“So why the sudden sad face?” Adagio asked before getting up on the tips of her toes and kissing Fluttershy’s lips.

Delicately, Fluttershy sniffed and, with her free hand, she hoisted her bag up onto her shoulder. “It’s my face, I can wear it how I want. Saying it will freeze that way is... false,” she forced out a giggle, because she was convinced that after she told Adagio what she had to tell her, she would be single again.

When they entered the restaurant, as it happened, they were the third and fourth to arrive, Aria and Chestnut were already there. Much to Aria’s chagrin, Chestnut enthusiastically waved them over to their table. “Look who’s on time,” Aria snarked, “I need to record this for history.”

Adagio responded to her sister’s sarcasm with a well-aimed raspberry. “Ha, de ha. You should know by now I'm never late. I arrive exactly when I mean to.”

Fluttershy giggled at that, because she was reminded of a book she read years ago. “My pet is most timely, Aria.”

As Fluttershy and Adagio sat at the table, Sonata and Wallflower both walked in hand in hand and they sat, filling out the last two remaining places. “We're here!” Sonata squealed excitedly, which made Aria roll her eyes again, “The funzies can start now!”

“Hey Sonny, Wallflower,” Adagio, in stark contrast to her sister’s grumpiness, waved happily at the two newcomers. It helped that the restaurant had full air conditioning and that it was directed right at the back of her neck. Heaven. “How are the plants liking the heat?”

Before Wallflower could respond, Sonata laughed, “My Wall-e is drinking a lot more fluids.”

“Totally!” Wallflower snickered, the gardener wisely choosing not to mention that Sonata had originally driven to the Taco Towers, which was why they were the last two to arrive at the sushi place. Besides, they weren’t that late. “I had to ‘personally’ water both of our gardens. That's why we're a bit late.”

“Um, if you use a hose, you can drink water in the garden. Might work better.”

Wallflower laughed at Fluttershy’s comment, “I'll keep that in mind, thanks Fluttershy.” It might help, particularly how she watered her gardens.

“Oh yes,” Chestnut added, joining the conversation seeing as how Aria wasn’t going to any time soon, “I must thank you Fluttershy, for putting us in contact with Rarity. That woman is a godsend!”

“Rarity squeed and fangirled about the autograph for hours,” Fluttershy chuckled at the memory and, when Sonata and Wallflower were both seated comfortably, she opened with what she really wanted to say, her real reason for organising the six way dinner date. “I have some presents for the sirens, I hope you don't mind that too much, Chestnut and Wallflower?”

Chestnut Magnifico didn’t mind that in the slightest, “What makes Mistress happy makes me happy!”

Wallflower shrugged, “Nah it's cool,” she wasn’t concerned, Sonata had given her a present when she had jumped her in the flowerbed at home.

“Oh?” Adagio Dazzle though was intrigued, as were her sisters, even the eternally sullen Aria. “And it's not even my birthday!” she exclaimed, though if she was honest, she wasn’t entirely sure when her birthday actually was, she had lived for so long.

“I don't have an Equestrian calendar anyways,” with that, Fluttershy reached into her bag and, far more nervously than she cared to admit, she pulled out three small plain black jewellery boxes and she passed one to each of the sisters in turn. “The chain and setting is platinum, so I doubt anyone is allergic to it,” she added for the sake of saying something to allay her nerves.

“What's this?” Aria Blaze looked suspiciously at the box she now held in her hands.

Adagio opened her box and she smiled, a smile that seemed to go on for miles. In the box, resting on a soft pad, was a white geode, set in a clasp and chain, an exact duplicate pendant to what Fluttershy was wearing around her neck. Instantly, she knew what it was and she knew the significance of the gift. It was beyond words. “Oh boy...Ari, you're about to be very happy!” slowly, Adagio lifted hers out first, followed seconds later by the other two, who wore similar expressions of wonder. “ did you get these?”

“A friend of a friend made them,” Fluttershy smiled, her nerves giving way to a very self-satisfied feeling that blossomed in her breast, “Put them on and sing for us.”

“Sing?” Aria asked, acidic sarcasm dripping from her voice, “Don't be fu…” she noticed the distinctly frosty look that Chestnut shot her way, “Silly.”

“Trust me girls and trust her.” Adagio lifted up the pendant and she placed it around her neck so that it rested under her yellow collar and, unlike all the times she had worn Fluttershy's gem, she felt all glowy inside. “Oh…Ooooh my...” unbeknownst to her, she didn’t just feel glowy, she actually was glowing. A white glow emanated from the geode and grew until it encircled her head.

Fluttershy giggled at the display, while Sonata and Aria watched open mouthed, “Getting attuned to the magic is a rush. That’s why I couldn't leave mine with you, Adagio.”

“What...” taking the plunge first, Sonata slipped the pendant over her head and immediately the white glow that had affected her older sister encompassed her as well. “Ooooh seas and oceans...that was a head rush!”

“You said sing,” Aria said as soon as she had her geode in place. While she had been affected by the attunement process like the other two, she had been determined not to show it. She had a reputation to protect. “You really want us to sing?”

“Don't make me get all Mistressy on you,” Fluttershy said, her tone of voice stating quite clearly that she was ready, able and prepared to follow through with her threat.

“Girls,” Adagio started once the head rush had worn off, “You remember ‘Under Our Spell’?” when they both nodded, she continued, “I'll start, you two come in on the second line, okay?” Adagio Dazzle then took a deep breath, and she sang, just like she had done so many months ago, on the band stage. “Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh, You didn't know that you fell, Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh…”

Aria and Sonata were both completely stunned by what they heard. Without thinking any more about it, the two younger sisters joined in with Adagio on the second line, singing, “Now that you're under our spell…”

Adagio then took the lead, while her two sisters easily slid back into the supporting harmony role they had provided for so very long. “Blindsided by the beat, Clapping your hands, stomping your feet, You didn't know that you fell…”

“Oh-whoa-oh-oh-oh,” sang Aria and Sonata, all three singing the next line, “Now you've fallen under our spell, Oh-whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh!”

“We've got the music,” Adagio was getting into the groove of the song by that point, she stood from her seat and swayed her wide hips in time to music only she and her sisters could hear, “Makes you move it, Got the song that makes you lose it, We say "jump", you say "how high?" Put your hands up to the sky!”

After that, Aria and Sonata both stood as well, joining Adagio in the hypnotic hip-swaying dance routine they had made famous at the Battle of the Bands. Watching the show, Fluttershy felt no magical compulsion whatsoever, beyond the almost physical need to seize Adagio by those deadly swaying hips and ravish her then and there, but she had a geode, so she forced herself to closely watch Chestnut and Wallflower to make sure they were not being negatively affected by the song.

“Listen to the sound of my voice, Soon you’ll find you don’t have a choice. Captured in the web of my song, Soon you’ll all be singing along…” As Adagio sang, and swayed her hips, and gestured to her little audience, Chestnut and Wallflower did sing along, though she showed absolutely no negative affects at all, and by the end of the performance, both of them ended up whooping and clapping, drawing looks from the other diners.

After the performance, Fluttershy waved for a waiter to come over. “You three do harmonize very well!” she squealed happily, trying very hard to put the image of those hips out of her mind, but all she could see was those hips.

“We have sung together for over a millennium, Flu...Ma'am,” Adagio commented, though now they had sang together like that, she wanted nothing more than to keep on singing.

Fortunately for Fluttershy – and her rampant libido – the waiter appeared at their table. That at least gave her something else to focus on other than Adagio Dazzle’s fat hips. “My pet and I will start with the Edamame,” she ordered, the dominance easily entering her tone, “Then Miso Soup, and Sashimi platter for two, and a bottle of Gekkeikan Plum Wine please.”

Aria then ordered Maguro Nigiri, which was a lean cut of tuna for herself and Chestnut while Sonata requested the cooked shrimp for her and Wallflower. Aria then requested Amareican beer while Sonata asked for the sake. Once the main course started, Fluttershy cleared her throat, “There is something else, something I need to say to the sisters.” She then took Adagio's hand in hers, “They are going to close the portal so that the current magic leak into this world doesn't continue.”

Aria shrugged and snorted, “So what? We can’t use it anyways.”

“Our magic was in the gems we had,” Sonata added.

“What they said,” Adagio sighed, “For a long, long, long time we didn't even know there was a portal. But yes, we can't use it.”

“The stones I just gave you were created by centaurs, Equestrian centaurs, to be exact.” Fluttershy noted the smug look on Adagio’s face and she remembered back in the Burger Joint, she had identified the source of the magic by smell and taste alone, “The Princess in the pony world has fixed the portal so all Equestrian life can cross back. The centaurs here are returning to Equestria.”

Adagio swiftly cut across Aria, who had a ‘what the fuck’ expression on her face, “All...Equestrian life can cross back? As in, us three?”

At that, Wallflower and Chestnut both shared a look between them, a look that Fluttershy mirrored on her face. A look of despondent sadness. “Yes,” she said softly, on the verge of miserable, “You three too. It would be unkind of me to not tell you. Sunset thinks they will open a new portal so pony and human can cross with no leak. I don't know if the new portal would let you three cross.”

Adagio felt Fluttershy squeeze her hand almost to the point of it being painful, and at once she understood the look of sorrow on her girlfriend’s face. “I know what I think, but what do you think, girls?”

“What the actual fuck!” Aria exclaimed, all the possibilities of returning home running through her head. She could swim again!

Quietly, Sonata took Wallflower’s hand, “Would you follow me?”

Wallflower didn’t even pause for breath before she gave her soulmate her answer. “I would, in a heartbeat, Sonny.”

“With your gardening skills, you would most likely be an earth pony on the other side,” Fluttershy guessed, not that she was an expert or anything like that, “From what I remember, Sonata would be a dragon / sea serpent hybrid like we all saw at the Battle of the Bands.”

“Our natural form, you mean,” Adagio stated, to which Fluttershy nodded her head.

“What about our magic?” asked Aria, who was seriously giving a lot of thought to finally going home after all this time. Judging by the look on her face, Chestnut was thinking about Aria leaving her, too.

Fluttershy though shrugged her shoulders. “I don't know if the stones will be restored or not. If you do go through, I know all the Princesses will watch you on the other side.”

“To blast us, you mean?” Aria asked bluntly.

“I was ready to blast you when I gave you these geodes,” Fluttershy pointed out.

Adagio made her mind up. Really, for her, there was no choice to make. “I'm not going.”

“Why not?” Aria demanded.

“Would you follow her through, Fluttershy?” asked Sonata curiously.

“I will not leave this world, but if they reopen the portal, I'd be willing to visit.”

That sealed it, as far as Adagio was concerned. “I gave up on Equestria centuries ago, Ari. I have no desire to encounter that crusty old idiot Starswirl again.” She then looked at Fluttershy, who looked like she couldn’t believe what she had heard, “Besides, this world has a unique kind of magic I love.”

Aria glanced at Chestnut and she hated the tight knot that swelled in her chest at the thought of leaving her beloved. “Yeah, you got a point, Dagi.”

Chestnut smiled a most relieved smile, “You're staying, Mistress?”

Adagio chuckled, “Besides which, one does get used to such things as hands and opposable thumbs…”

“And feet, right Dagi?” Sonata interrupted, earning herself a long, loud raspberry from her older sister.

Smirking, Fluttershy slipped off her sandals and she rubbed the toes of her left foot up Adagio’s legs under the table. “I don't think I have a big enough collar, either.”

Shivering at the touch of Fluttershy’s perfectly pedicured perfect feet, Adagio’s mind was definitely made up, if it wasn’t already. If it was a choice of swimming in the Celestial Sea and making Fluttershy do her sad face or staying and experiencing her feet every day, there was no choice at all. “I'm definitely staying.”

Feeling like she could walk on clouds, Fluttershy leant in and kissed Adagio’s lips, “Thank you.”

~ ~ ~

Adagio Dazzle stared at the pale blue door. The closed, unresponsive, pale blue door. She had been staring at this particular pale blue door now for the past ten minutes. She lifted up her hand and knocked, for the fifth time, on the door. This time though, she knocked louder. “What a way to spend a Saturday…” she muttered to herself as she knocked again.

Then, she heard it. A distinct buzz saw noise that sounded like the loudest chainsaw Adagio had ever heard. She rolled her eyes, for she knew instinctively what it was. Centuries of living with Aria told her what it was. Snoring! The damned girl was asleep! Grunting with annoyance, Adagio smoothed down her new dark green dress and she pushed the door to see if it was open.

To her great surprise, it was!

Hefting her backpack full of notes back onto her shoulder, she quietly shoved open the front door. Immediately, the world’s loudest chainsaw became even louder. Tiptoeing into the living room, Adagio found the house’s sole occupant asleep on the white cloud style couch. Then, she caught sight of the scene of messy devastation before her eyes. “By the Oceans...there's something unknown to science in here I'm sure...” she muttered as she walked into the living room.

Adagio didn’t bother trying to be stealthy. She was sure that one could have led a marching band through the house and the snoring athlete would not have woken up. Indeed, as she stood by her side, Rainbow Dash, dressed in shorts and a tank top, was so deep in sleep she was drooling on the empty cider bottle and the pizza box under her head.

Somehow, Adagio knew she had to wake this…creature, up. She was wondering how to do that when she spotted an empty crisp packet – one of many - on the floor and she just could not resist. Besides, it was either that or ice taken from the freezer on her tits and her crotch. Grinning evilly, she blew up the empty foil packet and held it right next to Rainbow Dash's ear. Then, after a silent countdown from three to one, she burst it with her other hand.

The resulting BANG! was admittedly louder than Adagio had anticipated.

Shocked out of her peaceful slumber, Rainbow Dash easily reached the ceiling, where she pushed herself push back down to the trash covered floor. On the way down, she assessed the unknown threat that had dared to wake her up from her well-earned nap. “What the hell, Adagio!?” she fumed on her bare feet, “What did you do that for!?”

Adagio dropped her shoulder bag full of history notes on the now vacated couch. “I can't teach you if you're asleep, Dash,” she deadpanned.

“You can't teach me if I have a heart attack, either.”

“Oh well,” Adagio shrugged, “I know first aid,” she then smiled at the grumpy teenager, “Though I get the same response as if you were asleep.”

“Studying is a lame waste of time!” Rainbow Dash groaned as she sat back down and stretched her legs and arms, “I should be doing something cool and awesome, like training for university sports.”

“Which you won't get to do unless you study,” Adagio rolled her eyes loudly and she pointedly flicked the pizza box onto the floor so she can sit down. Teaching this…human – she was being diplomatic – was far more difficult than even she had anticipated. “Before we start, how in the name of all the oceans do you do it? How do you eat all this junk and remain that fit? I so much as look at a burger and I put a stone on!”

Rainbow Dash compared the difference in their respective physiques. At about five foot, they were roughly the same height, though that was where the similarities ended. Rainbow was lithe, toned and athletically ripped, where Adagio was – fat would be cruel – generously chubby. The athlete flexed her arm, “My meta...abelism, whatever. My body is as awesome as me!”

Adagio shook her head. Rainbow had muscles in places she didn’t even have places. That was just the way of it. “Alright!” she exclaimed, trying not to think on the fact that just one of her legs equalled both of her pupil’s, “So, what do you remember about the second world war from our last session?”

“That's easy,” Rainbow grinned, still in her rather heroic pose, “It was after the first one!”

“Ugh…” Adagio face palmed. She had developed a very long fuse, having lived with and taught Sonata, but this human was rapidly getting onto her last nerve. It was like she was proud to be dumb! “I was hoping you'd say, 'Adagio did it', because then I'd have an excuse to put my foot in your face.” She sighed, “You seriously don't remember anything else? Dates, places, notable battles? We were at this for three hours!”

“Um, we won? And it was in another country?” Rainbow really tried to drag anything else up from the blank void that was her memory but she came up empty. Then, she rubbed her butt. The pain and the welts might have been long gone, but the memory persisted. “I don't need another lesson in you didn't do everything wrong.”

Adagio burst out into a fit of giggles, “SO wish I could've seen that. Anyway! Today we'll go over it again,” she ignored Rainbow’s shoulder slumping groan, “And I know you'll learn this time.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow didn’t sound convinced, “That was what you said the last time and the time before the last time and the, um time before that time...” she trailed off and awkwardly rubbed the back of her head.

“Ah, but this time I have....flash cards!” Adagio patted her bag, enjoying the look she got in return, “And a plan. I need to ask you a few things though first, okay?”

“Flash Cards?” Rainbow said the two words like they were a dirty, filthy swear word, “That's a Twi thing. I can't sit around and read cards!”

Adagio knew full well from talking with Fluttershy that Rainbow couldn’t just sit and look at text. That’s why she had her plan. “I know you love to run, but why? What is it about running you love so much?”

“Running sets me free,” Rainbow answered honestly, and for the first time, a real fire and vitality shone in her eyes at the thought of running. “I can see things, do things, help others and no one even knows. That makes it extra cool!”

“You're that fast?”

“Totally! I can put a crumb in a bird's beak when they’re flying by.”

“So...suppose I was to spill water above a Daring Do book, you'd catch it before it hit the pages?”

Rainbow Dash grinned at the challenge that was being laid before her. She knew that Adagio knew how much she prized her Daring Do books. Of course, it was a challenge she was going to accept. “Maybe, might just move the book, or direct the water to hit the person that spilled it on purpose.” She then zipped to her bedroom and came back with a pristine condition first edition signed by A.K. Yearling Daring Do and the Jade Palace, and a cup of water. “Want to try?”

“Sure. I'm game.” Adagio took the book in her left hand and she opened it to the contents page where it had been signed. She didn’t know how much this book was worth, but she knew it was a lot. Then again, it wasn’t her book. She then took the cup of water and tipped it up on the page.

Rainbow moved so fast that time appeared to slow down to a crawl. She pulled the cup from Adagio’s hand, caught the water and replaced the cup so that the water would splash onto her face. Then, she moved the priceless book out of the way and waited to watch the results happen. “I thought you were going to pour it on the book?” she asked, holding the dry book up victoriously.

“Phhhbt…” Adagio wiped her wet face with a hand, very sure that Rainbow had moved so fast she hadn’t seen her. “That...was actually impressive!”

Zipping back to her kitchen, Rainbow reappeared and threw a towel at Adagio before pointing both her thumbs at herself. “Awesome.”

“Hmm...” as Adagio towelled herself dry, she fancied she had the workings of a plan all sorted in her head. She just needed to ask a couple more things. “And what do you think about when you run, Miss Awesome?”

“I try not to. I just take things in. Make minor changes if needed.”

That was what Adagio had assumed, she just had to be sure. “Finally, is there a track near here? I'd to see you run. Really run, see if you're as good as you make out.”

Airily, Rainbow Dash waved a hand like she was brushing off the challenge, such as it was. “Thing is I'm so good you won't even see me!” she boasted, sticking her tongue out just to emphasise her point.

“Then prove it, really aren't that good after all?”

“You're all like 'prove it' as if I really have anything to prove to you,” Rainbow shrugged her shoulders and tried her best to maintain the air of nonchalant…ness, but inside she was desperate to rise to the challenge and smash it into the ground. “I'm up now, thanks to you, so let me get some running shoes on and we can go.”

Adagio allowed the teen to look around the disaster area of a living room for just a moment for where she dropped them last before she picked up a pair of white running shoes from under the fallen pizza box, “Looking for these?”

“Um, yeah, thanks,” taking them from her, Rainbow dropped to her ass on the coffee table and slipped on the shoes. “So how are you and Shy getting along?” It was more of a courteous question more than she was genuinely interested. Although, now she had asked, she did want to know.

“We're getting along great, thank you,” Adagio stood and smoothed out a non-existent wrinkle in her dark green dress. “She's a fantastic Mistress to Jubilee, and outside of that, I have no complaints about my girlfriend, either.”

“Shy is fantastic, no question. Just, well, I never took you to be a pet, that’s all.” She looked at Adagio and found her eyes drawn to the many white scars on her forearms as well as the two recent ones on her wrists, “Still we all have our thing. The track is about quarter mile away, you going to make it?”

Adagio rolled her eyes at the athlete who was literally bouncing on her feet she was that desperate to get running, “Yes, I can make it,” she stuck out her tongue, “The pet stuff helped me through a dark part of my life, something I'm still dealing with, as you know,” she giggled, “And when I'm done being her kitten, I get to play with my Mistress's feet!”

On the way to her door, Rainbow Dash froze in mid-step. “No way!” there was no way she had heard what she thought she heard.

Adagio’s look went all dreamy when she thought about her Mistress’s feet. “Fluttershy has the sexiest feet I've worshipped in a very long time. A very, very long time…” and just like that, she was right back to where she had been all morning, laid on the floor with Fluttershy’s feet in her mouth, first one then the other.

“Yeah,” Rainbow cocked her head and put some thought into it. “I'd put her at three. Twi is my number one of course. Rarity has the best manicured toes, though.”

“You're into it too, huh?” Adagio smiled, at last she had something in common she could talk to the athlete about.

On the way to the track, both women walked side by side at a slow easy walk. Rainbow had intended to just blitz Adagio and leave her in her dust, but now she had something to talk about! “Yeah, depending on what she's been doing, you can get all kinds of interesting flavours. Hit the tickle spot just right and they are putty in your mouth.”

“Damn right. Me, I like it when Fluttershy's been working all day at the animal shelter and then she comes and picks me up from the Burger Joint. She keeps the same shoes and socks on just for me. If I've been really good, I get to lick Mistress's feet clean for her. If I've been bad...” Adagio shuddered, unable to complete her sentence.

“Tabasco,” Rainbow put in, seeing as how they were swapping war stories, “I was like, naughty naughty once and she soaked her toes in the stuff, and Twilight wouldn't let me pull away until I’d licked every drop from her. I had to get between her toes and everything.”

Adagio found herself laughing. Now they had a common subject, she discovered that Rainbow was remarkably easy to talk to. “Fluttershy hasn't done that to me yet. She made me sit on my hands on the toilet and watch her slowly clean her feet in the bath. Had to stay still until she was done.”

“Harsh,” before she knew what she was doing, Rainbow was hugging Adagio. Her, hugging Adagio Dazzle!

“I know right?” Adagio raised her eyebrow and playfully socked Rainbow on her shoulder, “Think I'd have preferred the tabasco, personally.”

“Ya think?” Rainbow returned the punch to Adagio’s shoulder, “I could say something to Twi, who could say something to Shy and you can get back to me on that. So,” she asked when they got to the running track, “What happens now, I just run? What are you going to do?”

“I'm going to hold up these flash cards,” Adagio pulled a small stack of fifty eight by eleven inch cards from her bag. She had spent a lot of time getting these cards ready, and she dearly hoped they would work. If not, she had no idea where to go. “I don't want you to look at them or do anything other than run.”

“Yeah, I get it, I get to do the hard work. So, no messing with you each time I pass?”

“Hard?” Adagio raised her eyebrow again, “I thought running was easy to you?” she smiled broadly, “It depends what you call 'messing'. Lift up my dress up and you'll get a look at my goodies. No underwear!”

“You'd have to stuff your toes up there,” Rainbow grinned as she did her pre-run stretches. She lifted up her leg, reached behind and grabbed her foot, pulling her calf to her thigh several times before she repeated it with her other leg. “I'm good for about thirty minutes and then I need a water break.”

As soon as Adagio got ready by the side of the track and angled the first card to show that she was ready, Rainbow Dash was gone. Literally gone. All that Adagio could see of her was a rainbow coloured streak. “I think I'm actually starting to like her,” she said to herself and held out the first card that read, “The Second World War, was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945".

After no time at all, the card slipped from Adagio’s hand and it floated down to the track. “Damn, that was fast…” Adagio mused as she held out the second card, "The Nazi invasion of Poland on 1st September 1939 was the final straw for the British".

Seconds later and the second card floated from Adagio's hand. That served to give her an estimate on how long it took Rainbow to complete a lap. Very quickly she held out the third card, “Chamberlain declared war on Germaney at 11:15 on 3rd September 1939”. All the while she crossed her fingers in the hopes this worked.

The next twenty eight minutes and thirty seconds proceeded in the same way. Adagio would hold up a card, a flash of rainbow light would whizz past and the card slipped from Adagio's hand and she would hold up another, and so on. After Rainbow Dash slowed down enough that Adagio could actually see her, she held out a cold bottle of water from her bag. “Good run?”

Taking the bottle of water in her hand, the sweaty Rainbow Dash drained half the bottle in one solid gulp. “Yeah,” she grinned, wiping her mouth on the back of her forearm, “I wasn't sure if you had more than one card, so I thought I'd let you know I saw that first one like, a zillion times.”

Adagio laughed along with Rainbow and she sat down on the edge of the track and slipped off her sandals, flexing her toes in the gentle breeze. “So,” she started casually, though she held her breath in anticipation of the results of her little test, “When did the second world war start?”

“First September of 39,” Rainbow Dash answered automatically without thinking, “When the Brit, Chamberlain got mad that Germaney invaded Poland.”

“Excellent!” Adagio clapped her hands, this was better than she dared to hope for! “What time and date did he declare war?”

“I just...wait, that was the invasion, it was after, the third at, um, 11:15 in the morning!”

“Yes!” Adagio pumped the air in celebration of her victory.

“You told me to ignore the cards, but I read them when they floated to the ground. And...” Rainbow Dash’s eyes went wide as saucers as realisation hit her, and it hit her hard. “Wait, you made me learn stuff!” there was no denying the fact that, in the space of the last thirty minutes, she had learnt more than she had in the last four three hour long sessions. Before she knew what she was doing, she was hugging Adagio as tightly as she could.

Once the hug was over, Adagio struck a winning pose and she pointed her thumbs at herself. “Awesome.”

“Well, you're getting there,” Rainbow laughed and finished the water bottle, “That was a lot more fun than Twi just putting cards in my face.”

“All I had to do was find out how to make it fun for you. You ready for another go or do you want a foot rub first?”

“Just steal my thunder, why don't you?” Rainbow stuck her tongue out at Adagio, but she couldn’t be too upset with her, she had just succeeded in teaching her something, after all. “AJ is always talking about compromise. How about we just rub our feet together, first to laugh loses?”

“I'm game for that!”


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Adagio Dazzle was having a very good Saturday. Fluttershy had collected her from her house earlier in the day for breakfast. After that, they had enjoyed some pet play time with Jubilee out in the garden. Fluttershy had entertained her kitten and Mr. Waddle, when her neighbour had inevitably shown up. Once they had concluded the play outside, when the heat of the summer sun was just about unbearable, Fluttershy had taken Adagio inside for some lunch.

Following the food, came Fluttershy’s post lunch nap. The dominant teenager was chosing to use Adagio’s lap as her bed instead of allowing her kitten to sleep in the pet bed, because that would have resulted in Fluttershy being alone on the couch. While Fluttershy slept soundly with her head on her thick thighs, Adagio was enjoying watching Muckraker's trashy talk show on a colour HD TV for a change, and she was getting into the 'debates' on the screen.

Everything was right in the ex-siren’s world. She had her favourite show on a decent TV, a half-empty bag of crisps that she had been snacking on and a large bottle of chilled water by her side, and her hand absent mindedly caressing her girlfriend’s pink hair. She wished her phone had a camera function on it, and then she wished she knew how to do a ‘selfie’, because she was sure, as they were both nude on the couch, that they looked quite cute.

However, as time ticked slowly on, everything soon started to be very ‘not right’.

It started, half way through the hour long TV show when, after drinking three quarters of the bottle of water, Adagio started to get a familiar, unwelcome, cramp in her gut that signified that her full bladder was biting her in the ass. “Aaaaaah…not now!” she gasped as she squeezed her thighs together under Fluttershy’s head.

Unfortunately, her bladder would not be denied. Time went by and her gut cramped and clenched all the more. After twenty minutes of this utter torture, Adagio really, really needed to use the bathroom. “Hnnnng...Sh-Shy...” she groaned and nudged Fluttershy’s shoulder, which just resulted in the happily sleeping teenager snuggling into her ‘bed’, which meant her head pushed deep into Adagio's pudgy distended belly.

“Aaaaaahn…b-by the oceans...” Adagio moaned in pain, her bladder felt like it was on fire from holding in what felt like an ocean’s worth of pee. Try as she might to ignore the sensations, Adagio felt a little trickle start to leak out of her urethra and she panicked, picking up the empty crisp packet. “Shy!” she hissed in the way that was loud but not loud at the same time.

In her sleep, Fluttershy mumbled, oblivious to Adagio’s torment, “N-Not in the house, Mr. Stuffens…”

Adagio searched desperately for a way to wake her girlfriend up, but the more she hesitated, the more her bladder felt like a dam about to burst. Left with what she thought was no other choice, she looked at the empty crisp packet in her hand. “Fuck...” she blew up the packet and she held it over her head. “I'm so sorry...”

Adagio burst the inflated crisp packet.

Literally a split second later, Fluttershy showed off hitherto unknown athletic skills that even she didn’t know she possessed as, startled awake, she moved from horizontal on Adagio's lap on the couch to under the coffee table. “Ooooh thank god!” now freed of the obstruction holding her down, Adagio tried to get up, but she was considerably slower, as she had her hand clamped to her pussy.

Under the coffee table, Fluttershy cowered in fear, unsure if what she heard was a gunshot, and she reached out and grabbed Adagio's ankle so she wasn't a standing target. Adagio, now in Fluttershy’s iron hard grip, shimmied her ankle in an attempt to get free. “Shy let go, I really need to pee!”

As Fluttershy was about to take Adagio down to the floor, she loosened her grip. “Did you fart that loud?” she asked, still under the percieved protection of the coffee table. That was when she saw the crisp packet in her girlfriend’s hand.

“, not exactly,” Adagio dropped the crisp packet and clapped her other hand over her leaking crotch, “I'll explain when I get back!” as soon as she said that, she started doing the universal pee dance, both hands still in place.

“Litterbox now!”

“Uh huh!” without a backwards glance, Adagio scampered to the bathroom where, even though she was not currently being Jubilee, she got in the bathtub and, almost immediately, and with the gentlest of pushes, she pissed. And pissed. A very happy sigh spread over her face now that the pressure on her tortured bladder was released

Cautiously, now she was sure there was no threat to her life, Fluttershy crawled out from under the coffee table, an embarrassed blush on her face. She picked up the crisp bag and, when she did, she noticed it had two holes and just like that, it came together in her head. A sinister smile replaced her blush as she made her way to the bathroom. “Fuck...oooooh fuuuuuck I needed that...” Adagio was so relieved that she had her head resting on the side of the tub as her waste drained away.

Still bearing the sinister smile, Fluttershy entered the bathroom with the offending crisp bag in hand. “Good thing I saved you some time by not getting dressed after our earlier play,” she said coldly, before checking that the pooper scooper wasn't needed. “Clean up, I have a new game to play.”

“Hey, I ah, I’m sorry about that,” Adagio pointed to the bag like it was evidence that was damning her in court, “I tried to wake you.”

Fluttershy raised her eyebrow. “Did you try kitten noises?”

“” Adagio blushed as she turned and washed her hands under the bath taps and rinsed out the bath she was knelt in.

“Maybe just roll me off your lap?”

“I um...” Adagio stammered, for the coldness in Fluttershy’s voice sent unwelcome shivers up and down her spine. “I didn't think of that!” stepping out of the bath, she closed the gap between her and her girlfriend, her hands up in apology. “I'm sorry, I was desperate! I was about to pee on you!”

Fluttershy however did not lift her hands. She left the attempt at a hug hanging in the air. “Urine is a sterile solution,” she kept the icy cold tone in her voice, “And if cleaned properly, will not stain. But no, you thought a bomb would be a good idea instead.”

“It woke Rainbow up!” Adagio said in her defense, though she realised, with the furrowing of Fluttershy’s eyebrows and the darkening of her gaze, that she had said the wrong thing. Her blush deepened and she looked at the floor, shuffling her feet together. “I wasn't really thinking, babe, I'm sorry.”

The frostiness in Fluttershy’s gaze could have cut through a bank vault. “You did that to Rainbow? How high did she jump?”

“It was a few lessons ago now,” Adagio sniggered and laughed, though she stopped quickly when she realised that was the wrong thing to do. “It was really funny, she hit the ceiling and landed in a martial arts pose, all hi ya!” she demonstrated said pose, again to no amusement from her very bemused girlfriend.

“In case you missed it,” Fluttershy’s voice dripped acid sarcasm with every syllable, “I'm the yellow one, not the blue one.”

“Like I said, I panicked,” Adagio tentatively touched Fluttershy's shoulders, though the teenager remained still as a statue, “Um, my bad?”

“If you peed on the couch, I would have punished you. If you rolled me off onto the floor, I would have laughed and still punished you.” Fluttershy stared daggers into Adagio’s very soul, “You thought it wise to set off a small nuclear device near my head, so I'm going to punish you. None of those punishments would have been the same.”

Gulping, Adagio looked the very image of a chastised child caught with her hand in the cookie jar, she had to fix this! “It wasn't a prank or anything...I mean, Rainbow was totally a prank, but you weren't!” Offering up no comment to that, Fluttershy instead turned on her heel and she walked away with a finger held up with the ‘follow me’ motion. Adagio groaned, “I'm screwed...” she walked after her Mistress with her hands behind her back.

From the direction she was going, Adagio could tell that she was being led to the 'Lonely Room’. The ex-siren also noticed that her Mistress was putting some excessive sway in her step with her naked ass. “Um...Shy, Fluttershy…” Adagio tried very hard not to be swayed by the swaying ass, and she failed miserably. It was going side to side like a hypnotist's watch. “Why are we going there?” she asked, though Fluttershy said nothing as she entered the room and placed a hand on the cage and looked at Adagio.

Adagio’s shoulders slumped in defeat. “Alright, guess I got this coming,” she got down on her hands and knees and she began to crawl into the cage but, at the last moment, Fluttershy blocked the cage door with her leg and she pointed to the post. “Oh thank god...” Adagio smiled in great relief and crawled to the post instead. Anything was better than the cage.

Silently, Fluttershy helped her pet to stand and, when she was on her feet, she shackled Adagio's hands above her head in a pair of heavy metal manacles and then, with her face pressed side on to the post, she secured Adagio’s ankles to the sides of the post in a similar pair of manacles. Her wrists were then adjusted by a chain so that Adagio was up on the balls of her feet. The post was round so it rest against the bound pet’s belly and between her breasts. “If it was a prank,” Fluttershy said eventually, “You'd be in the cage. I'm happy you didn't earn that.”

“Thank you, for not putting me in there,” Adagio said as she tested the shackles and discovered that they were quite strong and she wasn't getting out any time soon. She also found that with a little effort, she could pull her head back to face her Mistress in the room. “I hate those things…”

With her back to her pet, Fluttershy was bent over at the waist, rummaging around in a really beat up old dresser that totally fit the decor of that particular room. “They have a purpose,” she turned to look at Adagio before she could see what she had found. “I don't think you were looking this way when I chained you up.”

“Um, no, I wasn't,” Adagio turned her face away and resumed the position she had originally been in. Suddenly though, feeling as nervous as she was had her all chatty. “When we were younger, back in Equestria, Aria got herself trapped in a fisherpony's lobster cage.” Fluttershy just nodded, allowing her pet to talk, at least for the moment. “It wasn't pleasant. I’ve never heard her freak out like that before or since.”

Behind her, Fluttershy used a heavier than normal footstep so that Adagio knew when she was approaching her. “I can understand that. I don't mind being in a small space as long as I know I can get out. Weren't you sirens in Equestria? Seems it would have been easy to get out.”

“Y-Ye-Yes, we were,” Adagio stammered nervously, “But we had no magic to open things, and unlike earth ponies, our hooves werent exactly dexterous, and Aria was terrified, which got Sonata terrified, and I was, too.”

Right at Adagio’s right side, Fluttershy whispered in Adagio's ear, “Do you think you're trapped right now?”

“M-My brain thinks I'm trapped,” she admitted, though she forced herself to breathe as normally as she could, she knew she had a safe word, but right then, it was all she could do to not break down in tears and beg forgiveness, “Ma’am.”

Casually, Fluttershy licked all the way up Adagio’s right ear lobe from the bottom to the tip at the top. “That’s because you are trapped right now, my naughty, naughty pet.”

Adagio Dazzle made a noise she hadnt ever made before. In fact she was sure that nobody had ever made a noise like that before. It was somewhere between a squeak and a neigh as she flinched against the large round post, “I'm sorry Mistress!”

“I know you are, pet,” Fluttershy said as she ran her index finger up Adagio’s earlobe, making her squeak again. “Do you remember what I called this room when I first showed it to you?”

“The Lonely Room, Mistress.”

Smirking, Fluttershy licked from Adagio’s neck up to her cheek as she stood behind her lover. “I promise you, if you were in the cage I wouldn't be in this room, for...well, let’s say some time. It might be tomorrow, it might even be Monday. Then, that would play into your fear, wouldn't it?”

Whimpering fearfully, Adagio nodded her head, shivering from the lick and from the very idea of being left in that room for so long. The tone of Fluttershy’s voice told her it was not an idle threat. “Yes Ma'am, yes it would!”

“That would be a shame,” Fluttershy gently flicked the feather she held in her right hand up and down Adagio’s pudgy sides, “Because I have so many interesting toys in this room.”

“Eeeeeek!” Adagio jumped at the sensation of the feather and she felt her chubby sides jiggle. Behind her, Fluttershy continued to lick her ear and side of her face as her fingernails moved along the side opposite the feather. Adagio could feel the two floatation devices that Fluttershy called breasts pressed against her back as she squirmed and wriggled in a vain attempt to escape the tickling she was being made to endure in her ticklish places. “Haahaha...M-Ma'am...eeeeek!”

“I have been studying all your tickly places,” Fluttershy purred dangerously as she started to grind her hips into Adagio’s ass like she was wearing a strap on toy. “It turns me on to make you squirm, my naughty pet.”

Adagio erupted in a gale of forced laughter before she was able, somehow, to speak, “Y-You studied? Th-That's cheating!”

“No, Cheetahs have spots,” the cold frostiness had disappeared from Fluttershy’s voice, to be replaced with a devious sinister glee at what she was doing. As the feather and her fingernails moved up to her exposed armpits, Adagio wasn’t all that sure which voice she preferred. “HAAHAHAHAHA...” she took a forced breath, though it wasn’t easy, “Hohohoho heeeeee!!”

“Is this punishment,” Fluttershy asked after having wet her pet’s face due to her repeated licking, “Or am I being too cruel?”

Adagio tried to shake her head, as much as she could seeing as how she was pressed up against the post. “Y-Yes it is…” her chest heaved, gasping desperately for breath amid her laughing, “No, no you arent.”

“Very good answers, pet.” Fluttershy then dropped down into a squat with her own knees forcing Adagio’s knees apart so that the shackles secured around the ex-siren’s wrists tightened up. A moment later, and the teen’s teeth worked their magic on Adagio's ass while the feather worked its own magic between her spread open legs. All the while, the free hand was working its devious magic on the back of Adagio’s left knee.

Fluttershy was upping her game, determined to get her pet to use her safe word. “GAAAahahahhahahaha!” Adagio shook and squirmed and writhed helplessly in her tight bonds, going absolutely nowhere. “Mi-Mistressssss!” she laughed hysterically, “St-staaahahaaahp!” If she had the capacity for rational thought, she would have reasoned it was a good thing she had peed before this began. As it was, she was slowly going out of her mind.

Smirking, Fluttershy's tongue moved to the back of the other knee and she applied the now wet feather to the soles of Adagio’s raised up feet. “Wrong word, pet.”

“Pl-Pl-puuhahahaha-lease!” Adagio squirmed and thrashed, to absolutely no avail. For a solid minute of that, she was unable to breathe at all, let alone speak, and she was sure she was going to pass out. “Pleeeeease Ma'aaaahahahahaam...I beg you pleease!”

“Hmph!” Fluttershy snorted her annoyance through her nose and, standing back up, she moved a step back. “I guess tickle torture wasn't enough.” Good thing was, she had more than just a feather to use on her pet.

Bound to the post, Adagio gasped long, deep haggard breaths, just grateful that she could breathe at all after all that. “Fuck...fuck...” she took one very deep breath, her sides hurt from laughing so hard, her lungs hurt from being deprived of air. She had been on the verge of saying her safe word when Fluttershy mercifully stopped.

Adagio learned, a second later, that Fluttershy had not stopped to be merciful.

Without any warning whatsoever, the crop landed hard on Adagio's left butt cheek, followed quickly by an equally stiff blow to the right one, then came a blow to the side of the left breast, right breast, left thigh and finally one hard strike hit her right thigh. “GAaaAAOOOOW! OoooOOW!” Adagio screamed out loud with each impact that landed on her prone body.

Each strike of the crop made her flesh ripple and her ass jiggle, each lick made her ‘dance’ against the unyielding post. “OOOOOW! OOOAaaaAAAAARGH!” she screamed in agony, because by the time Fluttershy repeated the unending cycle of blows, her scream was a continuous noise. Each blow left an angry welt in its place, and by the end of the second repeat cycle, she’d had enough. “Ocean!”

As soon as she heard Adagio’s safe word, Fluttershy dropped the crop to the flagstone floor of the room and she moved close and she rubbed her hands along the breast strikes and her own wet groin and legs over the marks on Adagio’s ass and thighs. “I think my pet took her punishment rather well.”

Adagio cried, now the strikes had ended, the intense immediate pain was replaced by an ache that covered her whole body. She sniveled and sobbed, not caring what her girlfriend thought of her. It had to come out. “Th-Thank y-you Ma'am…” As Fluttershy lowered herself back down, she licked and kissed along Adagio's back until she was able to unlock the ankle shackles. Then, she repeated the process going upwards until she unlocked her wrists. Freed, Adagio stumbled shakily into Fluttershy's embrace, sniffing. “That was...intense.”

Fluttershy allowed Adagio to lean on her as she led her sobbing lover back to the couch in the living room. “I'm working to be braver,” she said softly, “But I do slide back often. It was really embarrassing to wake up and find myself under the coffee table.”

Letting out a teeny giggle, Adagio blushed, “I'm sorry, I mean no disrespect, but that was really impressive how fast you went under there.”

“Maybe,” Fluttershy giggled in spite of her embarrassment, “But it was and is still embarrassing, and Mr. Badger wasn't impressed when I ended up in his den. I don't think Ms. Badger was happy about it either.”

“Fluttershy...I really am sorry,” she shot her girlfriend a sideways look, “Next time I can pee on you if you're into that.” One never knew what someone was into, after all.

“Um, no,” Fluttershy said very, very quietly as they sat on the couch, “If you don't mind. Cleaning it up is fine, and you wouldn't be the first to pee on me. Some of the animals lose control when I'm doing trimmings and such.”

“Noted. Roll you on the floor it is. Check.” Adagio winced as her full bodyweight was placed on her tenderised butt cheeks. “ know how to swing the crop, that was accurate work back there.”

Fluttershy looked very proud of her efforts. And rightly so. “Some animals have very thick hides and I have to work to get their attention. By the way, making kitten in distress noises would have been the best option.” She turned Adagio’s face to meet hers and she kissed her lips. “Although rolling me onto the floor would have been a different punishment.”

“Got it,” Adagio returned Fluttershy’s smile, “Kitten in distress. That would've been me if you'd put me in that cage. I don't think I'd have lasted very long at all."

“I hope we don't have to find out,” Fluttershy said honestly as she snuggled her head onto Adagio’s breasts, “You may have guessed, even Rainbow doesn't prank me anymore. I did get to forty with the crop before she safe worded out.”

Adagio shuddered hard, though the placement of Fluttershy’s head went a long way to calming her nerves, “I really hope so too,” she looked up to Adagio’s face and the much older woman could tell by the very look on her face showed that she was not playing. “I much prefer snuggles and cuddles.”

“Oh, well so do I,” Fluttershy returned to lay her head down to its previous position in Adagio's lap. “You may pet me, my pet.”

“Thank you, Ms. Fluttershy,” Adagio started to stroke her Mistress’s long pink hair, while Fluttershy ran her hand along Adagio's thick chunky thighs. “Hmmmm,” she purred as she stroked in long fluid motions, “Much better…”

~ ~ ~

Sunday morning and, just an hour after the sun had risen, Fluttershy opened her eyes thanks to the light hitting her eyes. She felt Adagio's arm draped across her chest, and she was sure that was her girlfriend’s drool on her breasts. Smiling, she glanced at the alarm clock and, when she saw there was roughly fifteen minutes till the usual postal delivery time, a wonderful, sexy idea occurred to her. Her smile widened as she got out of bed making sure to wake Adagio as she did so. “If you need to use the toilet, pet, do it now.”

As Fluttershy entered the bathroom to do just that, Adagio had only just managed to open her eyes at all. “Uuuuuuuuugh…” Adagio groaned and sleepily she slowly hauled her chubby ass out of the bed, because it wasn’t much fun without Fluttershy in it and she staggered her way to the bathroom rubbing her eyes. While her short orange hair had the ever-popular 'hedge backwards' style, Fluttershy’s was perfect. “How do you do that?” she asked grumpily, “How do you get up and look perfect?”

“Bird hair stylist?” Fluttershy giggled brightly as, once her toilet was completed and she splashed water on her face, she left the bathroom for Adagio to use.

Adagio wasn’t sure if her girlfriend was being serious or not. However, she didn’t have much time to think on it, she really needed to use the bathroom, her morning pee screamed to be released. “I bet your mouth doesn't taste like crap either,” she commented from her perch atop the toilet.

From next room, her bedroom, Fluttershy called back, “I hope not, I was munching on you!”

Leaving the bathroom after flushing and quickly brushing her teeth, Adagio snarked, “Well that explains a lot.”

When Adagio reached the doorway, she saw that Fluttershy was standing in the bedroom wearing nothing but the large ten inch strap on that she was so fond of. Walking over to her, Fluttershy took Adagio’s hand and led her downstairs. It was very nearly time. “I have one question for you, my love, anal or vaginal?”

“Anal,” Adagio answered without having to think about it, “And really go for it. I'm in the mood to get wore out today.”

Fluttershy pointed to the window, where the drapes over the large plate glass were open. Fluttershy only ever closed those if she needed a dark room to watch a film during the day, but the sun drapes were closed. Fluttershy opened those to give a clear view of the driveway and the front lawn. “Hands on the window, and fear not, I'll wear you out, pet.”

“Yes Ma'am, Ms. Fluttershy!” Adagio walked over and, as naked as the day she was born, she placed her hands flat on the window like she had been pulled by a traffic cop. “Like that?”

Walking up behind her, Fluttershy rubbed her hand over Adagio’s left butt cheek, her fingertips lightly brushing over the welts she had made the day before while with the other she slapped some really cold lube between those cheeks as she worked it in with her fingers. “That will do nicely.”

“Ooooooh!” when she felt the generous amount of lube get worked between her cheeks and up her hole, Adagio teasingly wiggled her fleshy ass, “I'll never get used to that cold!”

“Did you prefer the tropical waters in Equestria?” Fluttershy asked, genuinely curious as she lined up the phallus with her target and, with a gentle but firm thrust of her hips, pushed the head and the first few inches into Adagio's accommodating butt hole.

“Yeeeessssss Ma'aaaam!” Adagio moaned happily as she was entered. Now that was a feeling she’d never get tired of! Although, it was very strange having a conversation while she was being anally fucked. “Th-The warm waters were soooo nice!” Behind her, Fluttershy simply smiles as she saw the parcel post delivery truck turn up her driveway, like every Sunday. “M-Ma'am...” Adagio gasped, she couldn’t help but thrust backwards as her Mistress hilted inside her back door. “There's a truck!”

“That’s why we are here,” Fluttershy responded, calm as if she was chatting about the weather and not fake-balls deep in her girlfriend’s asshole, “I wonder who the driver is today?” she asked entirely to herself as she started to thrust herself back and forth. When the truck stopped, a young man got out and moved around to the back, “Oh, it’s Green Mountain today. They often send the strong ones for my route.”

“AAaaAAH Fu-FuuuUUUCK I don't care!” Adagio screamed as she was plowed right there up against the window for anyone that happened to be there to see. Her breasts swung and her pudgy belly jiggled in time with each thrust of the toy in her ass, “Don't stop please!” as she screamed and moaned, the delivery guy came around the trunk with a dolly packed with boxes. Fluttershy waved and he just stopped to watch. Adagio was determined to put on a good show, “Ma'am that is sooooo good!”

The man smiled, waved back and he moved the boxes round to the back of the house. “He’ll put them next to the shed,” Fluttershy said casually, not like she was reaming Adagio’s butt for all she was worth.

“The su-supply shed or t-the sh-shed I'm not allowed in?” Adagio managed to ask, the absurdity of having a conversation while her Mistress was banging her behind not escaping her.

“I’ll leave that a mystery,” with that said, Fluttershy really went to work to finish Adagio off before the delivery man returned. She gripped her lover’s ass so hard her fingers left marks on her skin as she pounded her so hard she was lifted off the floor. After several hard deep thrusts like that, Adagio was reduced to a howling sweating mess pressed up against the glass, only held up by Fluttershy’s firm grip.

“FUUUUUUCK YEEESSSS!” Adagio screamed when she came and, when she herself was finished, Fluttershy pulled out and she lifted Adagio up so she could push the front of her body right up against the glass just in time for the man to walk past with the empty dolly. He just smiled and waved again. “Shit...” she sighed, “That was good!”

The delivery guy went behind the van to stow away the dolly and then he returned to the front, where he blew Fluttershy and her partner a kiss before he got into the driver’s seat and left. “I think Green rather enjoyed the show, my pretty, pretty kitty.” Fluttershy grinned, treating her pet to a kiss of her own.

“M-Me-Meeeow!” Adagio giggled, “Not as much as I enjoyed it, Ma’am!”

Carefully, Fluttershy lowered Adagio back to the floor, where she removed the strap on toy and set it on the same coffee table that she had hidden under the day before to be cleaned later. “Now, we need to put away the delivery,” she headed for the back door, not bothering to put on a stitch of clothing.

“Need any help?”

“Of course I do. I need a big strong girlfriend to lift things.”

“In that case, it's a good thing I'm here!” Adagio laughed as she followed Fluttershy outside to the back garden. “I can ring Aria and get her over to help,” she giggled, “Failing that, I can lift and put down.” All but one box were full of things for the wild critters around and near Fluttershy's home and they went into the critter shed, not a lot of heavy lifting was involved. The last box, Fluttershy moved to the other shed, it wasn’t heavy, but she did let Adagio help her move it. “So what's in there? A super-secret sex dungeon I don't know about?”

Rolling her eyes, Fluttershy opened the shed. Inside it were large adult pet sized play toys, like the tether ball set. “In this box is an inflatable swimming pool. Sweet Tooth got a little carried away with my last one.”

“Hmph...” Adagio grunted, “Not as exciting as what I was thinking.” It turned out that the most interesting item in the shed was the steeple race set of barriers.

“You've already seen my sexy dungeon as you were in it, and the real sexy times items are in my other room. I can enjoy sexy times at any location,” Fluttershy gave her girlfriend a wink, “Like a front window.”

Adagio blushed, “Damn that was fun!” she gave Fluttershy a kiss, “Not a bad way to wake up either.”

“For some reason, totally unknown to me, the delivery is always on time!” Fluttershy giggled.

“If I didn't know better,” Adagio grinned as she took Fluttershy’s hand and squeezed it, “I'd swear you were part siren.”

“Well, based on our stories,” Fluttershy commented as they made their way back inside the house, “I have no desire to send them upon the rocks, but I do like to help them load directly to the shed, wearing less than I did walking out of the bedroom. I think it does brighten their day. I only had one, kinda bad experience, as guy decided I was available. Sweet Tooth helped him change his mind.”

“I imagine it helps having a big guard cat on call,” Adagio laughed before she frowned, “And I don't know where you humans got the idea sirens did that. Back home, we'd sometimes even save ponies from shipwrecks!”

Sympathetically, Fluttershy kissed Adagio’s lips, “They are stories, maybe made up to excuse wrecking the ship. It is now time for my morning shower, care to join me?”

“Like you need to ask!”

~ ~ ~

The end of the long, long summer holidays saw twelve friends all sitting around a long table at Sugarcube Corner. It had been arranged that since the core group of friends were all moving on to colleges and universities now they had graduated, there would be a last get together before they went off to face the world.

Mrs. Cake had kindly agreed to open up just for them, and the party of twelve sat around three large tables pressed together. They were sat in their respective couples; Rarity was with Pinkie Pie on her left, who was next to Twilight and Rainbow Dash, next along were Applejack and Sunset. Sonata was sat next to the Equestrian with Wallflower, then it was Aria and Chestnut Magnifico and finally Adagio and Fluttershy.

They all looked resplendent in their evening gowns – even Rainbow Dash had been corraled into a sparkly dress, all of them except Applejack and Aria, who had insisted on wearing suits over the frou frou nonsense Rarity had crafted. “Oh,” Pinkie Pie squealed as Mrs. Cake bought out the starters, “We're having alphabet soup with sprinkles!”

“So,” Chestnut asked as the soup was placed on the table, “Why did you all chose this place?” the actress was genuinely interested, “I'm sure you had the choice of anywhere in the city.” Certainly, she had the choice of anywhere in the city, and she was more than happy to get them in anywhere they’d have opted for.

“I guess you've never eaten here,” Fluttershy commented, taking a spoonful of her soup while the others did the same, “Or you wouldn't question it.”

The rest of her friends just looked at Fluttershy, though it was Rarity who found her voice first. “That is true darling,” she said as the rest ate their soup, “We thought a bright environment would be a good place for all of us to gather.” She didn’t add ‘for one last time’, there was no need.

“It's better than Taco Towers,” Aria snarked, causing Sonata to give her older sister a roll of her eyes. “I guess it’s minimum property damage in case you have to rainboom us too,” she casually inspected her fingers, though the corners of her mouth did curl up, indicating she was amused by her own joke.

“Why Ari,” Adagio had to set down her spoon because she was laughing, “I do believe that was a joke!”

“Maybe,” Aria actually smiled for once.

Delightedly, Sonata clapped her hands, “Ari's in a good mood! This is her second this year! Another reason to celebrate!”

“Um,” Twilight adjusted her glasses and realised that she was quite underprepared for the dinner. “I didn't do enough research for this dinner date!” she felt the familiar pang of anxiety build in her gut and her chest tighten up, “You three seem to be in better spirits since our last meetings though.”

“Relax, Twi,” Rainbow waved her hand breezily in the air then she squeezed her girlfriend’s thigh in an effort to calm her nerves, “You don't need to research everything, this is just friends having dinner.”

“Rainbow is right for once,” Adagio found herself for once agreeing with the athlete, “As it happens, I have reason to be in good spirits.”

“First,” Aria looked right at Rainbow Dash, “I've heard that Fluttershy can swing a mean crop that could even break a siren.” She was pleased to see Rainbow blush, meaning what she had heard was correct, “Second,” she held up her new pendant with the white geode inside it, “Life is looking up since Fluttershy came into Adagio's life.”

From her bag at her feet, Twilight pulled out a notepad and pen, “About those...”

“Later darling,” Rarity placed her hand on Twilight’s and took the pen from her, “This is the socializing time.”

“Ah have to agree with Rares there.” Applejack grinned at Rarity as Twilight blushed and stowed her notebook back in her bag.

“ aren't wrong about how hard she can swing a crop,” Rainbow Dash shot finger guns at Aria, “You'd think I'd have learnt after the time I pranked her,” she giggled, “Any way, I gotta say things have perked up since Adagio started teaching me,” she them beamed with justifiable pride. “Guess who aced her history test?”

“Oh, ooooooh!” Pinkie Pie raised a hand like she was trying to get the teacher’s attention in class, “Pick me, pick me!”

“Go for it, Pinks.”

“Oh, um, was it...” Pinkie Pie actually ran through a handful of options in her head, much to Rainbow’s amusement, “No, not her. Maybe... You! It was you, Dashie!”

Rainbow Dash struck a particularly heroic pose, “It was me!”

Rarity beamed as Mrs. Cake bought out the main course for the group, “My girlfriend is quite smart.” It was a fact that was very often overlooked about Pinkie Pie, that of her latent genius, something that bothered Rarity to no end.

Smirking, Adagio reached over the table and took a fist bump from Rainbow Dash, “Blue Fast isn't exactly slow, either.”

Proudly, Fluttershy skritched behind Adagio's ear, “She is such a fine teacher. You should tell them all the good news, pet.

“Aaaaaaahn…ahem…yes, my news.” Adagio was trying very hard to not blush as she was purring from the ear skritching, “I'm going to be accredited to teach history at CHS a year from now.”

There was general applause to Adagio’s statement, along with several simultaneous whoops, go for its and congratulations. Rarity though was more interested in Aria and Chestnut. “I wonder, have you two set a date for the wedding yet, I have all the details lined up and just waiting for a time.”

“Ah,” Chestnut hurriedly swallowed her mouthful of food and said, “Yes well we set a date for next summer. I wanted a Christmas wedding, but a certain someone doesn't ‘do’ cold weather.” The eye roll she directed at Aria spoke volumes, not that Aria cared.

“Unless it’s Christmas in Aruba,” Fluttershy giggled.

“Aruba is a bit out of my...” Rarity started after patting her lips with her napkin, then she realised what her friend had meant, “Oh, that was a joke…”

“Nice one, Shy!” Aria reached over the table to give Fluttershy a congratulatory fist bump, “Yeah, summer will do just fine.”

Just like Twilight had taken out her notebook, Rarity got out her cell phone and skimmed through the apps to her calendar. “June is the best times for weddings and it isn't to humid if you want it outdoors…”

“Hmph,” Twilight snorted through her nose, “For someone that made me put my notebook away...”

Caught out, Rarity blushed, “Yes, we can plan after the meal, perhaps.”

“You see Shimmer,” Applejack laughed heartily, “That’s what literacy will do to you. Interrupt a fine meal.” Twilight and Rarity both gave the apple farmer a raspberry each, while Fluttershy, who was sat eating her meal, was just happy that her friends were acting normal around the sirens.

Sat beside her Mistress, Sunset hugged Applejack, “Yeah, um...damn that literacy, huh?”

“Wallflower,” Adagio addressed the gardener, “I assume you're doing the flowers?”

Wallflower nodded enthusiastically, “I sure am!”

Once the main course had been consumed by everyone at the table, Rarity placed a hand on Pinkie Pie’s shoulder. “I know you're off work, my love, but could you please go and get our desserts?” Nodding her head in giddy excitement and she was gone in a flash, without even standing up from her chair.

Sonata though looked confused, “But…I didn't order dessert yet.”

Fluttershy just giggled, “You did, Sonny, you just don't know it yet.”

While a couple of the friends giggled, Adagio wore an amused look on her face. “So, what are all you guys doing now you've all graduated CHS?”

“Rainbow and I aren't moving that far away,” Twilight answered first, “Canterlot City has a university that meets both our needs.” At least, it did now, now that Rainbow Dash had passed her courses and gotten her grades up.

“My business and Pinkie’s are right here,” Rarity pointed to the kitchen of Sugarcube Corner, though she didn’t mention the Coinky Dink World diner that her girlfriend also worked at. Since she had graduated, Prim Hemline and her wife, Fine line, had passed ownership of Carousel Boutique on to her, “I don't think I'd care for the big city life.”

“Same with goes for me and Shimmer,” Applejack spoke up, “We're staying put. Ah got me a new business partner,” she grinned, giving Sunset a firm kiss.

“My work is here too,” Fluttershy put in, “And I do have an adorable kitten to take care of.”

Adagio turned a bright red at that, much to Aria's intense amusement. “Yes, yes you do, have an adorable kitten, Ma’am.”

“Ha!” Aria laughed, “Dagi's adorable!”

“Ugh...” Adagio facepalmed, “I think I prefer you in a bad mood, Ari.”

“You can't be in a bad mood here!” Rainbow cheered, “I know what's coming for a dessert!” Dessert, as it happened, was totally and definitely ‘off the menu’. Almost on cue, Pinkie bought out six huge bowls carried in her hands and balanced perfectly on her arms. She delivered the bowls to each of the six couples with two spoons and then she sat proudly at Rarity’s side.

Aria, wholly unprepared for Pinkie’s ‘Pinkieishness’, stared wide eyed at the strawberry champagne trifle with caviar in front of her and Chestnut, “How...”

“Don't question it,” Applejack advised wisely. She was used by now to Pinkie’s antics.

“That way madness lies,” Sunset added. Even she knew not to question Pinkie. She, like the rest of her friends, just accepted the fact that each of them had a bowl of something to share that each couple would agree on for dessert.

“I don't care how,” Adagio gushed, looking down in bewilderment at the bowl of chocolate sticky rice with herring, “This looks amazing!” without further ado, she took a bite of it and very nearly melted into her seat, “By the seven seas...” The sentiment was echoed around the table as they all eagerly ate their respective desserts. Once everyone had eaten, and they were all happy and content, she said, “I feel like singing, are we allowed to, here?”

“Pfft,” Pinkie gestured with her clean spoon, “Who would stop anyone from singing, silly?”

Would you seven like to join in?” Adagio asked, feeling the most content and centred that she had in a long while, “I was rather fond of that song you all sang, Shake Your Tail.”

The moment Adagio mentioned their song, Sunset made a thoroughly adorable pout that didn’t go unnoticed by Fluttershy. “It's okay Shimmer, Adagio couldn't wear her tail either.”

Adagio laughed and Pinkie was the first of the group up on her feet, “Sing along!”

“Start us off, Dagi,” Aria said, “And we'll join in harmonies.” Sonata nodded, and then Adagio started the song. All of the table joined in right away with the song, Fluttershy was the third to stand and when she shook her tail, the rest followed suit. By the second verse, everyone was on their feet dancing and singing enthusiastically around the table.

Mrs. Cake applauded along with the group when the song was finished. “I'm so happy those stones are working out for you!” Twilight breathed as she sat back down to catch her breath.

“Thank you for letting me in on having them made,” Fluttershy smiled at Twilight.

Applejack snickered, “Celestia seemed to tell a different story on that, Shy.”

Fluttershy gave Applejack the very briefest of stares, “She was reasonable in the end.”

“They are amazing, Twilight!” Adagio squealed happily, to which Aria and Sonata both nodded in quick agreement.

Aria fingered her pendant, stroking the white geode like one would show affection to the family pet, “It’s nice to be 'us' again.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow laughed, “Without all the soul sucking ev...” however, whatever she was going to say next was swiftly silenced by Twilight, who forcefully slapped the back of Rainbow's head, “Um, I mean, yeah, nice. To be you again.”

Adagio shared a look of thunder with her sisters and the group, it was a look of pure outrage, and she allowed it to hang in the air like a frosty thundercloud before the three of them burst out laughing. Sneakily, Fluttershy gave Adagio’s butt squeeze for her restraint. “Ah think things are looking up for all of us,” Applejack stated when the whole table had stopped laughing.

“You said it, farm girl,” Aria socked Applejack playfully on the shoulder, a gesture that the farmer readily returned.

Still standing from the song, Adagio kissed Fluttershy, “I believe I would like a group hug before we get too mushy,” Pinkie Pie took that as an order, and not a suggestion. Everyone was suddenly pulled from their seats to the front of the table and into a very tight group hug. Adagio, in spite of her request, suddenly started crying.

Sonata saw the tears and immediately she was worried for her sister. “Dagi...”

“They're happy tears, Sonata!” Adagio cut her off before she could worry.

“ don't have the Gloomies anymore?” asked Sonata, and in response, Adagio simply hugged the youngest sibling, she hugged Fluttershy, and, her eyes full of hot, wet, happy tears, she hugged anyone else who was within reach.

“The Gloomies don't just vanish, Sonata,” Fluttershy said kindly as she affectionately kissed Adagio’s lips, “But the luminous can keep them at bay while they wilt under the light.”


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Fluttershy woke up next to Adagio in her bed. Glancing across at the alarm clock she saw it was six in the morning. She knew the alarm was set for six thirty, but she didn’t want to wait that long. Smiling to herself, she quietly moved between her girlfriend’s legs like a shark on the hunt for her prey. Before she dove in headfirst though, she took a moment to admire Adagio’s body.

After a year together, Adagio was transformed from the way she used to be. Her legs were slender, her belly was flat, and her ass was a tight toned work of art. Fluttershy definitely approved. “Hmmmmmm…” Adagio purred softly on her back when, after she was done looking, Fluttershy went in and licked straight up her slit.

Once she had delivered a few testing licks, Fluttershy went in deep, burying her face in Adagio’s crotch and thrusting her tongue as far up her rapidly moistening tunnel as she could reach. Feigning sleep, Adagio wrapped her new slenderer legs around Fluttershy's head to keep her where she was as she ate her out like she hadn’t eaten in days. “You still taste fishy,” she giggled, then she shoved her mouth deep to let the giggles vibrate inside her lover.

“AAAaaAAAAHN!” Adagio, now properly awake, ran her hands through the mop of pink hair that was bobbing at her pussy and she thrust her hips upwards and ground herself against Fluttershy’s face. Fluttershy though wanted more than just a taste so she determined to put her all into lifting Adagio's ass so she could press in deeper. Adagio was lifted up on her shoulders with her legs either side of her head before she let out an ear splitting scream and came, squirting over her girlfriend’s face.

Fluttershy drank it all down and then she lapped her tongue hungrily all around Adagio’s pussy, only stopping when she was completely clean. “Feeling ready for your first day?” she asked as she sat up on her knees on the bed, licking her lips.

“First day?” Momentarily confused due to her intense orgasm, Adagio propped herself up on an elbow and frowned, “It's not my birthday or our anniversary, is it?”

“I would call it more of an initiation,” Fluttershy giggled, “Come help me with breakfast,” she said before reaching over to the nightstand and turning off the alarm clock before leaving her bedroom.

Very slowly, Adagio Dazzle got up and, after she had stretched out her back, she walked after Fluttershy, naked but for her collar. She was still trying to work out what was special about today. “We agreed my birthday was July thirtieth, and that's passed, so…” she scratched her hand through her much longer puffier orange hair.

Glancing at her girlfriend’s huge unruly orange mane of hair, Fluttershy stifled a giggle as she started with making coffee and tea. She did like the way her hair had grown back, but it did take three brushes to tame it now. “I'd like eggs and the venison bacon. Here’s your first clue, oh clueless one, it is the first Tuesday in September.”

Adagio yawned loudly as she slouched her way into the kitchen. “First Tuesday...First Tuesday...” she got to cooking the scrambled eggs she knew Fluttershy liked, still trying to think what was special about today. “September...” then, it hit her. “OH! The thing, with the school, right…” Not only did it hit her, it hit her like a bucket of ice water had been dunked on her head. “THE SCHOOL!” she left the eggs scrambling as she panicked, “It's the first day! Oh shit it's the first day!”

“No,” Fluttershy responded, the very picture of serene calm in the wake of Adagio’s panic, “It’s cooking breakfast time. School is later, which is why you are awake.” She placed the mug of coffee with milk next to the stove.

“I-I'm not ready!” Adagio freaked out, her hands shaking so hard as she tried to cook breakfast, it was a wonder she didn't burnt herself. “W-What was I thinking?” even though she had spent the last year getting accredited, and she had flown through Principal Luna’s interview with flying colours, she was suddenly full of nerves.

“Do you add milk or water to scrambled eggs?” Fluttershy asked with a raised eyebrow.

“, yeah, definitely milk.”

Fluttershy giggled as she cuts up some cantaloupe for the breakfast. She then took that and her tea over to the table. “You are a smart kitten.”

Somehow, Adagio managed to complete the cooking of the scrambled eggs and the venison bacon without burning anything or herself, and she set the loaded plates on the table. However, her nerves were still scrunching up her gut. “This is crazy! I can't do a job! I've never had a job!” before Fluttershy could comment, she added, “the Burger Joint doesn’t count.”

“You are doing well at your job of keeping me happy,” Fluttershy stated as she took a bite of the eggs and bacon, and was pleased with the results.

“Yes...but you are not a room full of teenagers, are you?”

Fluttershy covered her mouth with her free hand when she laughed, in case any food might escape. “Yes, not like dealing with puppies or kittens. More like dealing with you, Aria, and Sonata all wrapped up into one teenage body.”

“What am I gonna do, seriously?” Adagio asked, pushing her food pointlessly around her plate. “They're gonna laugh me out the building and Luna's gonna fire me before I even start!” If that wasn’t bad enough, a whole load of other scenarios were playing out in her head, each worse than the last. She was currently at being tarred and feathered.

“The only students that would even remember you are seniors this year,” Fluttershy pointed out, “Are you teaching any seniors?”

Adagio’s fork paused and she blushed, “No...”

“If I remember right you didn't mess with the freshmen your last year at the school.”

“No I didn't, but...but!”

Fluttershy was quick to silence her fretting girlfriend with a short sharp rap of her hand on the table. She’d heard as much as she was prepared to hear. “And unlike Sunset, you don't have the whole school looking for you blood. Also the only but you should be concerned with has two t's and it is yellow.”

Finally, for the first time that day, Adagio giggled, “Your butt is yellow, Ma’am.”

“Unlike yours, that can be varying shades of red.”

“My butt hasn't been red in days!” Adagio snickered and laughed as she at last started to eat up her breakfast. “Alright, I get it, don't worry, I got this.”

“You're not alone,” Fluttershy said with a kind smile, “And you do got this.”

Adagio reached over the small breakfast table and she squeezed Fluttershy's hand. “Thanks Shy, I needed that,” she winked playfully, “I might need some stress relief time when I get back later.”

“You were able to teach Dashie, after all. I doubt a rock covered in moss could be more challenging.” Fluttershy ran the possibility of some play time through her head and she came up with an idea. “We could make out in the back of my car when I pick you up.”

“We could, and we shall!” Adagio giggled, liking the idea very much indeed, “Crash was a piece of cake after I worked out how she learnt.”

Fluttershy just gave the name ‘Crash’ a raised eyebrow. While Rainbow and Adagio had gotten that close that she had allowed her to use the name, it still sounded off hearing it come from her. “You have thirty minutes to get ready. I fear that clothing is a requirement for teaching.”

“Yes Ma'am!” Adagio quickly finished up her breakfast and she ran through the house back up the stairs to the closet in the bedroom. “You laid out a suit! Sweet, I have a suit!” Shaking her head, Fluttershy did the dishes while Adagio got herself dressed. Twenty five minutes later, Adagio came strutting into the living room with a sway of her hips. She wore a navy blue knee length skirt suit, complete with black stockings, blue high heels and her huge orange hair neatly brushed. “Damn I look good!”

Looking her over, Fluttershy had to agree that Adagio did look, in her words, damn good. Her weight loss was even more evident in the skirt suit she wore. Walking up to her, Fluttershy placed a hand on Adagio's flat belly and a finger over her heart. “Remember when I said I loved you for what’s in here,” she pushed the finger, “And not out here?” she asked, rubbing her belly.

“Oh, Ma'am, trust me I remember. I won't ever forget it,” she placed a kiss on Fluttershy's lips, “Now, do I look okay? Make up I mean?”

“A year of an active lifestyle hasn't changed my feelings for you,” Fluttershy said with a smile, “How much of your lipstick is now on my lips?”

“Only a smidge.”

“I think there’s a song about you, 'Hot for Teacher' as I know I am.”

Adagio giggled at that, “Oh, one last thing, Ma’am,” she placed a pair of extremely small and skimpy white panties in Fluttershy's open hand, “Am I supposed to wear these too?” Fluttershy resorted to eye roll number three before she squatted down so Adagio could step into the panties and then she pulled them up her legs. “Can't blame me for forgetting how they work, haven't worn them in aaaaaaages!”

When her girlfriend was at last dressed, and decent, Fluttershy walked over to her couch and slipped on a light white sundress and sandals, though she didn’t bother with any underwear. “Ready to go?”

“Yes. Yes, I'm ready. Let's go, before I'm not ready.”

Heading out of the house, Fluttershy still opened the passenger side door first. When they were both seated, Fluttershy hiked up the hem of her dress far more than was strictly necessary in order to drive. “We will work on getting you a driver's license next.”

Now it was Adagio’s turn to raise an eyebrow at her lover. “You want me to control one of these metal carriages?” such an idea made her shudder. Instead, she looked down at Fluttershy’s crotch and she rested her left hand on her exposed thigh.

“Sometimes I'm known to have two of Jackie's ciders,” Fluttershy pointed out, “With you driving I could spend the night with you instead of with them. Not that I would mind us spending a night with them.”

“It is nice spending the night in the Fetish Barn,” Adagio giggled and her hand slowly crept higher up Fluttershy's thigh on its way to her ultimate goal, “Alright. I shall endeavour to get a license.”

“We can work on it together,” Fluttershy smiled, though she made no attempt whatsoever to stop the progress of Adagio’s hand. “Lots of legal paperwork.”

“Uuuuuuuuh!” Adagio groaned just as her hand reached her prize, “Fucking paperwork.”

“I don't know about that. Could give you a nasty paper cut in a very delicate place.”

Adagio burst out laughing as she slipped three fingers inside Fluttershy’s moist welcoming tunnel. “Why does everything in this world revolve around paperwork?”

“Mmmmm,” Fluttershy opened her knees and spread her legs as she drove along the streets towards Canterlot High School. “We should just let finger work do the talking?”

“Now you're 'getting it',” Adagio smirked and she started to saw her three fingers in and out of Fluttershy’s pussy, her actions rewarded with a wet schlicking sound with each inwards thrust. However, Fluttershy maintained a remarkable control over the car as she drove, though she did bite her lip and pant. When they arrived, Adagio pouted, “Two orgasms and barely a squeak! I'm impressed,” she licked her fingers clean.

“I think you just want me to owe you one,” Fluttershy giggled and pulled her dress down so that it at last covered her knees. “Do I need to walk you to the front door like your first day of school? Which it is.”

Adagio looked at the school and gulped. Canterlot High seemed way more intimidating and scarier than it ever had when she and her sisters had almost ruled the place. Still, she was there now. All she had to do was get out and walk up the front lawn. That’s it. All she had to do. “N-No, I'm goof...I mean, I’m good.”

Fluttershy reached across and she took Adagio’s hand, she licked the still wet fingers and then she followed it up with a deep, passionate kiss. “You can do this, you've trained for this. You have the skills, and I believe in you.”

“Hmmmmm th-thank you Shy, I really needed that,” Adagio said softly, while Fluttershy made shooing motions with her hand. At that, Adagio scampered out of the car, and she walked with a very exaggerated sway of her hips to the school and to her future. Fluttershy waited until her girlfriend was inside before driving off to the animal shelter.

~ ~ ~

“Welcome to another school year,” Principal Luna addressed the staff room full of teachers, “First I wish to remember those that have departed. Mr. Stanza has retired, and Ms. Dazzle will take his place. Ms. Sunnyside has transferred to Manehatten to be nearer her daughter and newborn granddaughter. Ms. Sliver will take her place. Has everyone reviewed their class assignments?”

There was general agreement to that from the staff, and Adagio, full of Fluttershy's confidence, stated, “I have.”

Luna then handed out a single sheet of paper to each member of her teaching staff, “The holiday and teacher workdays have finally been finalized. Sorry for the delay, but the school board is full of politicians. The next thirty minutes is for welcoming our two newest teachers.” One teacher then raised her hand, “Yes Mrs. West Field?”

“I just wondered, Luna, how Celestia was enjoying her retirement?”

“It’s good of you to ask, West Field,” Luna smiled, for she and Cheerilee had spent three weeks of the summer vacation in Equestria with her heavily pregnant sister and Moonsilver. “I can assure you all that she is very much enjoying her retirement.” Luna then looked about the room, “I don't know if wedding invitations will come from it or not.”

Once the general laughter in the staff room had died down, all the teachers took the chance to welcome the two newest members of the staff with various kind words. Their reaction to her, which to say was none whatsoever, made Adagio feel at ease with her new workplace. “Thank you, all of you, for the welcome.”

There were cookies, coffee, coffee cake and milk for refreshments, all of which were being freely consumed when Luna walked over and spoke to Adagio personally. “Welcome to your first day, Ms. Dazzle. I see you are wearing the pendent. How is Ms. Fluttershy?”

“I am,” Adagio stroked the pendant around her neck under her collar, “It feels strange to be without it now.” She then smiles at Luna, “Ms. Fluttershy is doing just fine, she’s the best alarm clock ever.”

“She was always reliable,” Luna chuckled, “And I do hope you prove to be the same. If there are any issues you are always free to come to me.” When she moved off to chat with the other new teacher, Adagio chose to occupy herself with a coffee, and a small piece of cake, until Luna loudly cleared her throat, “First bell is in ten minutes. My door is always open. Let’s turn some children into both productive and thinking members of society.”

“Very well,” Adagio stood up and she squared her shoulders. “Just another performance.”

Luna smiled a devious smile as the last teacher filed out. “Now to see who has wrongly parked in the faculty lot!”

~ ~ ~

At the end of day, Fluttershy was leaning against the base of the rearing horse statue that used to contain the only portal to Equestria waiting for her girlfriend to come out. Sure enough, Adagio came strutting out of the main entrance, knowing full well she was being looked at by the few athletes that were still there for after school practice, “Hey Ma'am.”

“Hey, Dagi,” Fluttershy smiled, appreciating the way her pet was being stared at. As soon as Adagio was close enough, she pulled her into a deep, hot kiss that she had been waiting all day to deliver.

“Hmmm,” as she was kissed, Adagio’s hands wandered down to Fluttershy's hips, where they rested and squeezed. “I missed you.”

Fluttershy gave Adagio an amused smile, “There wasn’t enough distraction with the students?”

“They were sweet, actually,” Adagio giggled as she thought back to her first few classes of the day, “I'm fairly sure at least two boys and one girl have the hots for me already.”

“And that’s why I made you wear the panties, Miss Hot Teacher. I'm not one to share.” She lowered her head and kissed the smaller woman again, “I'm parked over in the faculty lot. Let's hurry before I'm caught.”

“You naughty girl!” Adagio giggled harder and she took Fluttershy’s hand in her own. “I’ll have you know, Luna's been militant about the faculty lot all day.”

“Some things will never change,” Fluttershy laughed, for she could easily imagine a ‘militant Luna’ staking out the faculty lot on the lookout for errant cars. When she reached her pink beetle, she held open the passenger door, “Like my love for you.”

“Awww!” Adagio blew Fluttershy a kiss and she got in the car. “I love you too. How was the shelter today, by the way?”

“Busy,” Fluttershy answered when she too was sat in her car, “Then again, I do like to see adoptions.”

“I like you busy too,” Adagio gave her girlfriend a most salacious look, complete with wiggling eyebrows, “Makes you all hot.”

Reaching over, Fluttershy squeezed Adagio's hand. “How hot, exactly?”

“Mmmm very hot,” Adagio bit her lip and looked down at Fluttershy’s white sneakers and socks. She had been fantasizing about her Mistress’s feet all day, ever since she had sent her a picture of her feet at lunch saying, ‘these will be yours later’. “You been in those socks and shoes all day?”

“Yes,” Fluttershy wiggled her feet, “It’s not like I can just go out and walk barefoot in the grass.”

Hearing that, Adagio let out a delighted little squee, “I ah, don't suppose you want a foot rub when we get home, Ma'am?”

Without a word, Fluttershy spun in her seat so that both of her feel were dumped straight into Adagio's lap, “Why wait till we get home?”

“I love you!” In a flash, Adagio had Fluttershy's shoes and socks off and, almost like she was holding a holy relic in her hands, she reverently lifted her Mistress’s feet together up to her nose and she inhaled deeply of the hot sweaty scent that came straight from heaven. “And I love these.”

After four minutes of Fluttershy pressing her toes into Adagio’s face, there came a tap on the driver side window. It was Principal Luna and Cheerilee, each with a big smile on their faces, “Good thing teachers can park in this lot,” she grinned before the two of them made their way to her sports car.

Adagio though did not notice the interruption, what with both of Fluttershy’s big toes in her mouth and her thumbs rubbing gently in circles over her soles. “Hmm?” she murmured, “What was that?"

“Luna's blessing,” Fluttershy sighed happily, “I guess you have to come back tomorrow.”

“I suppose I'll grace the school with my presence,” Adagio said with a shrug before she went back to gracing Fluttershy's toes with her tongue, licking across the underside of all ten toes in one go. Fluttershy relaxed until it got warm, then she turned on the car for the AC and went back to relaxing. There were a lot of pleasured moans in the car and more than a few of them came from Adagio as she was sliding her tongue in between each perfect toe. “Soooo...” she said eventually, “Ari messaged me earlier,” she rubbed Fluttershy’s feet and kissed them in between each word, “They finally got back from their honeymoon.”

“It’s good to know they are still together,” Fluttershy giggled, seeing as how Aria and Chestnut had been on their honeymoon for a whole month, “Did Chestnut's shooting schedule force their return?”

Adagio didn’t begrudge the newlyweds their long break. After all, when you had a squillion bucks and happened to be a movie star, you could have a month long honeymoon in the tropics. “Hmhmmm, Chestnut said Canter wanted to get started on the latest Daring Do flick,” she kissed her feet as she spoke, “They looked cute at the wedding, right? Even Ari.”

“I think,” Fluttershy said with her eyes closed, “If only for a moment, I did see Aria smile.”

“You have to look really close, but she does smile,” Adagio giggled, but it was a nervous giggle. “You know, you'd look cute in a dress like that.”

“Like what, pet?”

“A wedding dress. You want to?”

“I don't know,” Fluttershy responded, her eyes still closed as she reclined across the front seats, “But I have been thinking about it. Do you really want to be tied to one that you don't own or control?”

“I'd be tied to the one I love.”

“I'm happy to tie you up,” Fluttershy delicately tapped Adagio’s nose with her toes, “Over the year plus I've known you, you are not the Adagio that walked into my shelter. You are most defiantly not the Adagio that I had to rainboom all those years ago. Of the couples in our group Aria and Chestnut are the only ones to marry. I wonder why them?”

“You heard their vows. They aren't just in love, it's can’t physically exist without the other, like one would...fade away without the other there.”

Fluttershy had to agree that her girlfriend had a point with her assessment. “I did hear them, and they were said with such emotion that all could hear the truth. Yet Sonata and Wallflower are still 'dating', as are Dashie and Twilight, Shimmer and Jackie. I don't know if Rarity and Pinkie don't realize they are already a married couple. But you want to know about us.”

“I do,” Adagio gently set Fluttershy's foot down in her lap, “I love you, Fluttershy, all of you. I love this, I love being your pet and I love being owned by you.”

Suddenly, Fluttershy pulled Adagio up and kissed her, mashing their lips together. “Move in with me. Check with your sisters and sell the old house. I do have a spare bedroom if we need time apart, but I have no wish for any time apart. How long did Aria and Chestnut live together before Aria popped the question?”

Adagio giggled, “I already spend four nights of the week at your place. I don't think they'll care if I nuke the old house, let alone sell it. Ari and Chestnut were together six months before she asked for Ari's hand...and other body parts.”

“I've already taken you. What will you gain through marriage?”

Adagio looked down, genuinely flummoxed by the question, “I um...I honestly don't know,” she giggled nervously, scared that she had blown everything, “You do already own me, that’s true, but isn't marriage what humans do when they want to express love?”

Fluttershy rolled her eyes and made a mental note to not allow Adagio to read Rarity’s romance novels. “I love you. That is what humans do to express love. Marriage gives security. A different type of binding. What you see on the talk shows you watch, it doesn't always work that way.”

“I already feel secure with you,” Adagio smiled, “Sirens don't do marriage, not like you, anyway. We exchange a necklace made of shed scales with a special partner and everything carries on as it had before.”

“I'm not against marriage,” Fluttershy said as she kissed Adagio’s nose, “The human way. I’m not sure if my dander is as good as scales,” she giggled brightly, “You are bound to me, and for that I'm bound to you. You may spend time with me, but not enough to really know my quirks. Nor me yours. Ask me again in six months after you've moved in. Aria got a license, so I'm sure you can too.”

“Alright, my wonderful Mistress, six months.”

“Or less if I ask first,” Fluttershy kissed her one last time before she put her car into gear, “For now, it’s time to go home. To our home.”