My life

by Glassy

First published

my names anon and here's how some shit went down

this world can be a real pain and struggle to survive in and with everyone owing some sort of debt to a mafia like group with the governments backing for some unknown reason it can be hell on wheels lets hope that we can bring an end to this soon or i feel it may cause something really,really bad to happen.

I do not own my little pony or any of the characters except my version of anon all of the other characters rights belong to Hasbro and Lauren Faust

Another day

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I woke up and start to sit up but felt dizzy for a moment. "Oww my head." I looked up as the alarm went off and i reached out to turn it off.



"AH CRAP!! I'M LATE!!" I ran to the bathroom almost tripping trough the door and begin to quickly brush my teeth.

After i finished i ran to the closet and threw on the only clothes i assumed to be clean. and began to head towards the front door.

As i checked my phone for the time and saw that the day marked on the calendar says Saturday.

i breathed a sigh of relief. i also seen fifteen missed calls. Normally you would shrug that off but these weren't easily swept aside because these were from none other than mom. Aaaaaaand now i begin to freak out again.

as i tried to see how long ago the calls were unanswered for i heard a knock at the door. i jumped at the sudden sound and started to sweat then i looked down at my phone and see the call log says Mamma bear fifteen missed calls an hour ago.


i'm confused though, why would she call so early did something happen?.

"Maybe those men with the dark suits dropped by" No, that's not to happen till next month" i thought.

But then i seen that the clock on my phone says 10:40. i face palmed at the realization that i forgot to fix the time on the alarm the night before those damn late night work hours.

i heard the door again and then started walking towards it panting, sweating, fearing. at whom might be on the other side of that wooden construct.

i looked through the peephole and don't see anyone but that's not a good thing cause that's just one more certain sign that's who i think it is.

The knocking stops. It's just silence, as i gulp down the spit and knot in my throat . i felt my body loosen. but then the door swings open knocking me to the ground with an audible thud, and who was on the the other side. why it was none other than mom i was both happy and terrified at the same time.

The happy was cause i got to see mom which always made me happy.

The terrified was cause i didn't answer her calls or the door and now i have to come up with an excuse as to why i didn't answer anything.

i look up and see the RAGING FIRE. Burning in her eyes as i try to sound calm and muttered out.

"Ahem, hiiiii m-"

"DON'T YOU HI MOM ME MISTER. Why didn't you answer any of my calls?"

i sat in silence thinking of how i'm going to come up with something that might pass for an acceptable answer.

"WELL!?"she said.


"Uhhhhhhh what?" She said,clearly ready to smack a bitch

" i don't know "

"What? You don't know.?"

"I'm sorry mom i must've slept through them I'm sorry i didn't mean to!"

She takes a step closer to me as i stand up but freezes in place. The look of anger and fire fades and is replaced by a look of worry and concern.

"What is that?!" she says as she points to my bruised jaw and knotted up forehead.

"Did HE..... Do this again?"She said all puzzled and confused.

No mom. Not this time this was different after all, this time i was paid to do the fight.

" I want an explanation right now or so help me go-"

" Mom its ok i promise i'm fine. It's just a minor ding."

i promised and tried to reassure her.

as i stand up i hear faint crying and when i looked over at mom she is crying. i started to feel guilty and go to hug her as her tears get absorbs into my shirt i start to feel even more guilty.

Both of me and mom are crying now in my living room i stepped back a bit and wiped the tears off mothers cheek i made my way towards the kitchen and pulled a glass from the cabinet above the sink and then open the fridge and all i seen was a few sad attempts of food a half empty jar of olives, take out that's probably a week old, and a cold beer.

"oh yeah no groceries need to get some money soon maybe there's another fight at the plaza or maybe i should call Jim again..." no mom wouldn't want me to go down the same road she did when she was raising me and... never mind.

All of the sudden i feel a mixture of sadness,pain,anger,grief and feel a tear run down my face.
As mom walks she sees the tears in my eyes i hear her call my name "anon" i turn to look at her " yeah"
she walks towards me and and takes the glass from my hand and sets it on the table next to me and commences the hugging all the while saying "don't think about it just try to forget" i take in the words of mom wisdom and try to forget.
But..... i.... can't..... .

We sit there hugging for a little bit my 6ft 5in body covering her 5ft 2in it's almost like i'm hugging a small body pillow.
when we finally let go of each other i grab the glass and head to the sink and turn on the faucet nothing happens i turn the faucet on and off, again nothing happens so i head for the front door and as i get there i see the water company's van drive off i take a step out and hear a crunching sound and i look down and see the bane in my existence the WATER BILL!!.

"What is it?" Mom asked

i quickly grab it and put it in my pocket. "its nothing." i say with hopes that she bought it

she has a certain look on her face. A look i haven't seen in a long time i hope she cant see right through me.


Another broken rib

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Is all I could see as Tommy plunges his fists into my body two into my torso and two in the face.

As he finished the two of the hits in my torso a CRACK! Rang out through the alleyway.


"Shut it anon."

He said as he finished the two punches into my face.

He punched me in the face some more i started to get dizzy but it still wasn't enough to actually knock me out.
Funny they were getting frustrated with that to.


"Just put a bag over his head and put him in the car"

“He’s too heavy dumb ass”

“Lift with your legs”

“Were trying”

“Yeah come on put your backs into it”

“Shut your ass up Anon…. This will shut you up.”

Wait is that a bri-.

“There he won’t be thinking straight for a while.”

“But boss he said he wants him awake.”

“Don’t worry he will be, we have plenty of time to wake him up…. Besides that, won’t keep him out for long TRUST ME. Now come on lift with your legs.”

While I was out a vision hit me and I could see a group of six pony looking creatures and they were standing side by side. they were looking right at me, I reached out to the but as i did i started to sink into the ground and then a voice it sounded motherly and warm. "do not be afraid we will soon meet until then i will bid you farewell ancient descendant "i was now engulfed fully in the ground and i fell for what felt like an eternity but was only a few seconds and before me sat a bright light almost as if it was a piece of the sun and as i listened to the ball of light and it sounded like Tommy.

“Wakey wakey Anon….”

“Hhhmmmmm five more minutes grandma...”

“Ha-ha he called you grandma”

“Rrrrrrhh, I said wake up”


When I woke up, I found myself in some sort of abandoned warehouse made mostly of metal. And I was tied to a chair with some thick rope by the wrist chest and ankles. My wrists were tied behind the chair with the ropes around my chest stopping my arms from moving very much. And my legs were tied to the legs of the metal chair.

“OK grandma I’m up oh hey Tommy, where’s my grandma I swear i heard her soft knuckles, or is it cause you hit like an old lady.”





At that moment I felt a weird sharp pain, one I have never felt before as I look down towards my leg were the pain was felt I see a knife plunged into my right thigh.


“Hurts doesn’t it, now he said he wanted you alive and awake, he didn’t say anything about being in one piece. But hey look at the bright side after were done with you, you won’t have to worry about dear old mommy anymore.”

I tighten my fists in the chair and look at Tommy like he’s my next accident.


“Oooohhhh look guys I think I touched a nerve, hm hm Nothing yet but we’ll get to her soon enough.”


“Why should we after all its her debt that got you into this mess”

“I don’t care…, just…., Please leave”


“Did you two hear something.“


“Well don’t just stand there, Go check it out,Now where was I, oh yeah beating you senseless”

With a couple right and left hooks I manage to loosen some of the ropes around my hands.

“Now I’m going to ask you some questions, and don’t try to lie or some real bad stuff’s gonna happen”

“Go to hell I’m not saying anything to yo- “

“Wrong choice!!”


“Now let’s try that again, or do you want a third knife maybe it will go in your arm both legs are taken up.”

I look down to see both legs with knives in almost the exact same spot.

“You know what, I think MR.Crowbar would like to meet you what do you say”

"Really wow is that seriously the best name you could come up with i mean come on at least joker would actually make jokes and stuff this is just-"

“A one, and a two, aaaaaaaaand a three!!”

“Oof, ahh, oof”

After six or so swings I felt the other rib break so two ribs and both thighs are all fucked up great juuuuust great.


"Who the hell are you?"

What is that!!, wait it almost looks like one of those humanoid horse things.
She looks kinda cute, she’s got purple eyes and what looks to be purple hair with a pink stripe
But she looks a lot more human.

“Who I am is none of your concern, what are you doing to him?”

“And that’s none of your concern”

“It is if he did nothing wrong”

“Oh, I can assure you he did plenty wrong”

“Oh yeah like what”

“Well there was that time he ki-”

Before he could finish his sentence, I snapped the ropes and balled up my right fist , stood up ,threw my left arm around his neck and drove my fist into the middle of his back and threw him into the nearest steel beam.

She looked shocked and surprised at the same time she looked at me and started asking a question or two.

“Are you ok?, Do you need help?”

Standing there me and her staring at each other I start to feel nauseated and dizzy and it feels like I’m about to pass out but before I do, I manage to utter out a few words




I fall on the hard-concrete floor, the warm embrace of consciousness begins to leave my body.
But not before I say on last sentence.

“Run while you can, uuuunnnnhh”

While my eyes were about to shut due to blood loss and exhaustion, she looked confused like she was looking for something but then she looked down at me with yet another shocked expression.

I was out for a bit but when I awakened, I was in a hospital bed. With that girl sitting on the left side of the hospital bed. I try to sit up, but she puts a hand on my chest and pushes me back down onto the bed. I grunt in pain and looked down, I see wraps around my waist, abdomen, thighs and some on my head. But somehow the wraps around my ribs found some blood, but i don't remember getting stabbed there?.

""You didn't"


"You said you don't remember getting stabbed there right"

"How did you hear me i didn't say that out loud did i ?"


"Then how did you... Whatever where's my mom is she ok?"

"The doctor said he would get a hold of her"


Just then what sounded like an elephant stampede was making its way to my room down the hallway the girl looked scared but i knew who it was and my guess was correct as my room door busted open with not elephants not rhinos but my 5ft 2in mama bear

"Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodareyouokareyouhurtishehurt"she said as she charged at my bed and ferociously padded me down

"No mom i'm ok"

"OK, hold on, who is thi-"she stopped and smiled devilishly "is she your girlfriend"

We both look at each other and blush a bit.

"No mom shes just a friend"

"Sure, and whats your name dear"

"Oh where are my manners i'm twilight sparkle and i helped out you're son by bringing him here"

"Did any of the doctors bring you the bill"

"Why yes it-"

She was cut off by something and then her face changed i noticed her eyes were looking at something behind me so i turned to see mom was gesturing to stop or something like that so i looked back a twilight and she started to speak again

"You shouldn't worr-"


"It doesn't matter why are you so worried about a simple hospital bill"

"Because no matter who it's for between me or mom they will put it all on mom and make her pay even though i have my own place and i'm clearly an adult but they keep going after mom drowning her in bills after bills after bills squeezing all the money they can out of her and making her fall into debt and in this part of the world if you fall into debt (and you will eventually)
And don't either pay enough or on time you are sent to prison and in prison if you are sent there for not paying you are immediately put on death row and if you get put on death row you are tortured into a slow and painful death and i wouldn't dare put more bills on mom"

"Oh my cele- god,why would anyone do this sort of thing"

"For money these people here are corrupt now please let me see the bill"

"Ok here, i am so sorry i-i-i didn't know"

"You really aren't from around here are you"

"You could say that"

I unfold the bill in my hand and immediately get put into disbelief and anger.

"$13,850 for WRAPS!"



Me and twilight rush to were my mom fainted and twilight puts moms head on her lap.

"Is she ok"

"Yes she just needs a breather"

Just then a doctor walks in and as the door closes he looks up at annoyance and that changed into fear when i charged into him shoulder first and sent him flying to the wall were i now stand there holding the doctor by the throat up against the door. Now time to see if i can get some info.

"Does anyone else know i'm here why, is the bill so high for wraps"

"N-No no one else knows and because we had to perform a surgery on you or you were likely to bleed out and die."

"Does anyone know about this surgery!?"

"No i was the only one who performed the operation"ok i really don't want others to know i'm here "Good let's keep it that way or i will find you and throw you through that window!"

"Y-yeah just between us you got it,"he said struggling for air

I let go of my grip and the doctor falls to the ground and lets out a gasp for air

"Do we have a deal?"

"Your crazy Anon"

The doctor runs out into the hall and gets behind the counter and attempts to look normal i grab my jacket that mom brought due to the weather and head towards the girls i pick up mom and head for the door but i stop in the door way and turn my head to twilight.

"Were leaving,"

"What were will we go?"

"To the parking lot hope mom brought one of our cars"

We head out with twilight behind me but i stop in my tracks causing twilight to bump into me

"Whats wrong"

I frantically look for doors or any thing near me to hide in but the a ding comes from be hind us and i quickly grab twilight's hand and rush to the elevator and press lobby i then widen my eyes as i look at my hand still in twi's i look at her and we both blush and i let go and search moms coat pockets and find my car keys while i do this twi starts to ask a question.

"Anon is it, what was that for"

"Sorry its just i- remember how i told you about the debt stuff"


"Well its all run by this mafia type group that's also backed by the government they call them selves the Draconian's and they love to cause chaos there leader is a bit strange to no one has ever seen him but we all now him as discord "

i look at twi and she has a look of shock and disbelief i was about to question her but another ding went off and i look out the elevator doors so i pick up mom and signal for twi to fallow.

we make our way to the parking lot and i look around for my or moms car. i spot mine and rush towards it lucky since moms so short i can hold her in one arm almost like i'm carrying a toddler with her head on my shoulder so i unlock the car door and sit in the drivers side i sit mom next to me and open the passenger door.

"come get in!"

"o-okay where are we going"

"anywhere other than here!"

she gets in and i turn the key and a loud ROOOOAAAAR echos throughout the air and twi yelps in fear and i slam my foot on the gas as i put the gear in drive


"getting the hell out of here!!"

the vehicle speed off as i make a right turn down the road but as i pass a stoplight i look in the rear view mirror and see two high class looking black suv's with tinted black windows and that all to familiar looking symbol. a shield with a swirl to the middle orange on the right green on the left as well as two different wings on the side and two different horns on the top.


twilight looks over at me


"look behind us"

"uh-oh OH hold on"

i look over at twilight and she seems to close her eyes and try to concentrate but that seems almost impossible as the guys start shooting at us. A spray of bullets graze the back and front windshields and that causes the back one to crack so much its impossible to see through. so i take my elbow and smash it through the glass so i can see better. But as i did this i didn't notice one of the cars speed up and get beside me. which it starts to spray us with bullets but lucky they mostly miss do to me swerving and smacking into the side of there vehicle. but a couple of bullets found there way to my left shoulder and my right forearm. I look over to twilight and see she still has her eyes closed but now she looks conflicted but then it soothes into a calm look. But i see the other SUV speed up and appear coming up past her with a gun aimed at us but when the driver pulls the trigger there's just a click and nothing happens. and as i looked away and back the driver there's a magenta glow emanating from twilight and she yells "HOLD OOOON!!!" then a bright flash of light and then were in a green field and a tree stump coming up fast.


i slam on the brakes but it seems to be futile and we slam into the stump and all three of us slam through the glass but i manage to grab mom and twi before we slam into the other tree i hit the tree back first and i i feel as if i got stomped on by an angry rhino and we slide down the tree and i see mom and one of those pony's from my vision and this one has the same hair color as twilight and its looking back at me with a concerned look and it speaks.


t-t-twil-l-l-light-t i say trough breathlessness as i cough up blood and start to slip into unconsciousness