Pegasi Traditions

by theponycaptorproject

First published

Windy Whistles and Mrs. Shy introduce their daughters to an old pegasi tradition, one that was outlawed years before, and one that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy intend to pass on to the next generation.

An old Pegasi tradition, made illegal under Celestia's rule, is still practiced in secret by some. Windy Whistles and Mrs. Shy are two of the only ponies that still believe in the practice. In a couple of days of sinful pleasure, they let their daughters in on the old secret. Years go by, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash develop a stronger and stronger bond, and eventually decide to pass on the old pegasi tradition to another.

Written as a collaboration with KrisProwler, who came up with the idea for this series.

Content warnings: Foalcon, rape, and incest.

A Party With an Unexpected Twist

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The sounds of a new school day starting filled the morning air. Windy’s precious little Rainbow Dash was about to start another year at flight school. She kissed Rainbow on the forehead, and had to suppress a laugh at the filly’s horrified response.

“Mom, gross! We’re at school, don’t kiss me, the other foals will laugh.” Rainbow said, wiping her forehead with her hoof.

“Oh come on Dashie, it’s not so bad. Besides, nopony could resist kissing the best little filly ever. Now hurry up to class, and make mommy proud.” She was nearly in tears as she saw Rainbow zip off towards the school. The pride she felt overwhelmed her… But this was quickly replaced with delight as she spotted another pony in the crowd working her way over to her. Misty Breeze, nicknamed by her friends as Mrs. Shy, just the pony she wanted to see.

“So, they’re in the same class this year.” Misty said, audibly nervous. She stepped closer to the other mare and lowered her voice to almost a whisper. “You’re sure we aren’t doing this too early?”

“It’s going to be fine, trust me Mrs. Shy. Rainbow is going to be ten years old in a few days; we were a lot younger than that. My Dashie is amazing at everything, and Fluttershy is just as wonderful as her mother.” Misty blushed, both at the compliment and her friend's nickname for her, and Windy continued. “So yes, I am absolutely sure they’re ready. Even if they weren’t though, would it be so bad? I mean, we were completely unprepared when we got our little surprise, and we ended up loving it.” It was now Windy’s turn to blush as memories from her own foalhood flashed through her mind.

The two mares leaned against the school wall and looked out at the school entrance. The crowd of foal and parents had cleared out and the school’s bell rang, signaling the beginning of classes. “Actually, while I’m thinking about it,” Windy continued after a moment, “is your husband ok with us using his resort? I mean, that couldn’t have been cheap, even with a weather factory job.”

Misty Breeze rolled her eyes. “Oh yes, he’s fine with it. Heck, he’s been looking forward to it ever since we suggested it to our husbands. Not as much as your husband I imagine.” She moved to leave, gesturing Windy Whistles to follow her. “Come on. If we are really doing this for Rainbow Dash’s birthday, then we don’t have too much time left to finish planning this out.”

Four days Later

The flight out to the resort wasn’t very long, but it was exhausting for Fluttershy anyway. As expected, Misty Breeze had carried her daughter for most of the way after her little wings gave out. Still, the mare found herself feeling incredibly proud of her little filly for having made it so far on her own, and on such an important day too. Zephyr faired better than his older sister, making it the whole way there himself.

“I don’t want to go to her party.” Fluttershy quietly pouted, not for the first time that day. “I don't even really know Rainbow Dash and she seems mean. Why do I need to go?” She shifted weight on her mother’s back so that she could see the mare’s face.

“Oh honey, I know she seems that way, but I’m sure she’s really nice. Her mother certainly is. You should at least try to get to know her. Besides, I want you to meet Windy Whistles and Bow Hothoof. I know you’ll like them.” The three of them reached the door of the resort, and Misty Breeze whistled, impressed. “Your father’s job really does have some nice benefits. These two days are going to be so much fun.”

“Two days?” Fluttershy whined, looking up at the imposing form of the cloud resort. “In this big place? I thought we were here for a birthday party?”

“We are sweetheart, but… well you’ll see.” Misty Breeze said gently, as she knocked on the door. Nimbus Breeze opened the door and beckoned them in. Fluttershy dropped off of her mother’s back and shyly slunk into the cloudy blue kitchen. She got so lost looking at the massive room that she didn’t notice the filly sitting by the counter munching on a snack.

“Heya Shy!” Fluttershy tensed up nervously recognizing the voice. Zephyr’s eyes went wide and he shot behind his mother’s legs to hide himself. There was a thump behind her as Rainbow Dash dropped down to the floor. She ran up to the yellow filly and gave her a toothy grin. “Thanks for coming! I don’t get to hang out with anypony my age on my birthday most the time!” Fluttershy opened her mouth to respond, but a shy whine was all that came out. Rainbow’s head tilted curiously to the side and one of her ears twitched as she studied the other filly. The look was gone instantly, as another grin shot to her face.

“Come on, don’t be such a scaredy pony. This’ll be fun!”

Misty and Nimbus Breeze watched their daughter get dragged into the living room and both smiled proudly. Misty looked down at her nervous son, and gave him a nudge in the girls’ direction. He whined nervously, but ran over to play. The soft sound of clouds dispersing came from upstairs, and Windy Whistles trotted down with a massive grin and tackled Misty into a hug.

“You’re here! Can you believe that it’s almost time?” She said.

“Hardly. We’ve been talking about this ever since our own experience.” Misty replied, hugging her childhood friend back. Nimbus watched his foals meekly trying to play with the eccentric Rainbow Dash in the other room, and bit his lip.

“Yeah, but I’m still not too sure about this. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure Rainbow will be fine, but my Fluttershy is so gentle….” Windy put a hoof on his shoulder.

“You know, your wife said the same thing to me over and over while we were planning all this. You two really are Mr. and Mrs. Shy.” Windy suppressed the urge to laugh. “Seriously though, she’ll be fine. Bow and I know what we’re doing. Trust me, this is an experience they’ll remember so fondly, they’ll want to do it to their own kids. That’s what happened with me and Misty! You should know, you and Bow were there that day.”

Nimbus blushed as he thought back to that day in the hoofball team's locker room, and all the times after that. Once she saw the stallion’s expression relax, Windy turned her attention back to the foals. “Fluttershy, Dashie! Time to wash up. You can play after dinner.”


Rainbow Dash wasn’t what Fluttershy had expected. She was loud, but she seemed to genuinely want Fluttershy to be comfortable. Fluttershy slowly realized over the course of the night that the blue filly wasn’t trying to talk over her, but to get her to talk about herself. Bit by bit, she did. By the time dinner was over, for the first time in her life, Fluttershy felt comfortable around somepony that wasn’t her family. When she spilled her drink, Rainbow laughed, but then she helped clean Fluttershy up, and got her another glass without the adults even needing to tell her. As the ponies got up from the dinner table and walked over to the kitchen, she hugged her mother and whispered ‘thank you’ into her ear. Misty Breeze had never felt more proud.

“... and this is Wind Rider. He’s my favorite. He’s super fast, and he always seems so nice in the shows.” Rainbow excitedly said as she showed her new friends the last of the collection that she’d brought. “I don’t play with them anymore of course; I’m a big pony now. They are still cool to own though right?” She asked, then beamed with joy when Fluttershy nodded. Zephyr leaned closer as he listened to Rainbow describe her toys, clearly enamoured with the boisterous filly, his family’s trademark shyness slowly fading as the night went on. Though, he still didn’t speak unless prompted.

There was another knock at the door, and both of their mothers excused themselves to answer it. Once they were out of sight of the fillies, they squealed and bounced excitedly.

“This is going so perfectly.” Windy said. “They are getting along so well. Oh, I hope they stay friends like this.” Misty nodded in joyful agreement, but held a hoof of silence to her lips as she glanced nervously around the corner to check if the fillies had heard them. Once she saw that they hadn’t, she moved to open the door. Bow Hothoof stood rocking on his hooves as the door swung open.

“Hello, ladies. I brought the supplies. Where do you want them?”


With the sun fully set, and the halls dark, it was time for bed. Fluttershy bounced on her bed giggling, something Misty and Nimbus had never seen her doing, even when she was at the age that fillies usually acted like that.

“She’s sooo cool, Mom. She’s gonna be a Wonderbolt, and her hair is rainbow, and and….” She hugged her mother again. “Thanks again for convincing me to come.” Zephyr had already collapsed beneath his covers, exhausted from the excitement of the day, but Fluttershy was proving more difficult. Misty kissed her daughter’s forehead, and guided her under her covers.

“Your welcome, honey. Now, I know you’re excited, but you need to get some sleep. We have big plans for you two later, and you’re going to want to be rested up for all the fun you are going to have.”

“Ok, goodnight Mommy. Goodnight Daddy.” She curled up under the covers, and tried to calm herself down enough to sleep.

Once they were sure that the filly had finally fallen asleep, Misty and Nimbus Breeze quietly moved into the next room where Windy Whistles and Bow Hothoof were waiting. Shutting the door behind them, Misty spoke in hushed whispers.

“Ok so, we should probably let them get a few hours of sleep. Bow, be gentle with my little Fluttershy, understood?”

“I promise to do my best. She is really cute by the way, an absolute sweetheart. Just like her mother.” He replied, making the mare blush.

“I wanted to ask you about Zephyr actually.” Misty said a moment later. “So I know we wanted to have him stay with Fluttershy to help keep her calm, but the poor colt seems to have developed a crush on Rainbow Dash.”

The others all shared a quiet laugh. The colt’s infatuation with the brash filly was obvious to everypony there. “Do you think we should try to get him to join in?” Windy asked. “I’ll bet he would be into it if it was with his little crush.”

“I think that’s a great idea. It would be good for the colt’s confidence.” Nimbus said. “And don’t worry, we’ll take good care of Rainbow Dash.” Windy and Bow laughed quietly at that.

“Don’t worry about my little Dashie.” Windy said. “She is a trooper. She can take whatever you give her. Be as rough as you like. For now though, let’s have a drink, then we can begin.”


Rainbow Dash was still rubbing sleep out of her eyes, when Windy pulled her hoof away from her face and tied a blindfold around her eyes. The filly grumbled, irritated by being woken up so early.

“Mom, I can’t see!”

“That’s the idea. You’re getting a nighttime-birthday surprise. It’s not a surprise if you can see it before it’s ready. Now grab my hoof.” The filly reluctantly obeyed. They exited into the hall, and Rainbow followed her mother’s hoof. She heard another door down the hall open, and another set of hoofsteps pass by her. The hoofsteps were incredibly quiet, and she grinned.

“Hey, Fluttershy!” Windy stopped walking to let Rainbow speak to her friend for a bit.

“Oh, um, hey Rainbow Dash. This is probably a weird thing to ask, but um, are you blindfolded right now?” She heard the yellow filly respond.

“Yup. You too huh? I….” Rainbow yawned loudly, “...wish that I didn’t have to get up for whatever this is, but it’s probably cool.” Fluttershy giggled, but a hoof on her back let her know that it was time to keep walking. The same was true of Rainbow Dash, and they were led away. “Ok, I guess I gotta go. See you in the morning!” Rainbow called before she heard the door that she had just left close shut. ‘She’s going to my room? Huh.’ She thought to herself.


The door clicked shut behind Fluttershy as her father lifted her up onto a bed. She buzzed her wings nervously as she sat there. A hoof rested on her shoulder and one of her parents kissed her forehead.

“Ok Fluttershy, me and your dad are going to leave for a bit, but Windy and Bow will be in here before long. They have something exciting to teach you, and I want you to listen to them. Whatever they tell you to do, you do. Ok?” Fluttershy was confused, but she nodded.

“Yes Mom.” There was one last ruffle of her hair, then the door clicked shut again, and she was alone. Fluttershy felt her way towards the head of the bed and leaned against it as she waited. Her parents hadn’t told her to take the blindfold off, so she left it on, sitting in the darkness, her heart hammering even though she trusted her parents enough to know that nothing bad was going to happen. When she heard the door again, she whispered nervously into the darkness.

“H...Hello?” her voice sounded pathetic, even to her. She was greeted by the familiar voice of Windy Whistles.

“It’s ok, sweetie. It’s just us.” The bed sunk down as the weight of two adult ponies was added to it. “We’re here to teach you something fun.”


Rainbow shifted on the bed impatiently. Her parents hadn’t been gone long, but she could hear them and the Shys talking in the halls and was getting annoyed. “Mom said that they had something cool to show me, why are they taking so long?” she muttered to herself.

“M...Maybe they….” A voice whispered from next to her. Rainbow Dash yelped in surprise, and even without her sight, buzzed into the air reflexively. It took her less than a second to place the voice however, and she quickly relaxed.

“Don’t surprise me like that, Zephyr! I can’t see with this thing on.” she said, pointing to her blindfold, “You nearly killed me.” All she heard was a nervous squeak in response, but before Rainbow could say anything else, the door opened. “That you, Mr. and Mrs. Shy?”

“That’s right Rainbow.” Misty moved next to Rainbow on the bed. Rainbow bristled in shock as she felt a pair of lips meet hers. Before she could react, the blindfold around her eyes was pulled away, and she got her first look at her birthday surprise.


Fluttershy felt hooves on her legs, and she squeaked in alarm, pulling away from the touch.

“It’s ok, Fluttershy. We aren’t going to hurt you. Your parents said to do what we said, right? Trust me, this’ll be the most fun thing ever. Now just relax and open your legs back up please.” Fluttershy didn’t want to disobey her mother, so she did what she was told. The hooves returned to her legs, separating them further. She felt a second set of hooves untie the blindfold, and as the cloth left her eyes, she gasped. Bow was standing next to her, and just inches from her face was the first penis she had ever seen.

Sharing Traditions

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Rainbow pulled away from Misty Breeze’s kiss in surprise, her eyes glued to Nimbus Breeze’s cock, which he was gently stroking as he looked at her. Her mouth hung open as she tried to process what she was looking at. She had seen a few colts down there when she was roughhousing with them but they were nothing like the massive rod before her now. Misty Breeze placed her hooves on Rainbow’s shoulders and, somewhat forcefully pushed her up against the head of the bed.

“M...Mrs. Shy, what’s going on?” Dash asked nervously. She tried to struggle free, but the older mare was much stronger and kept her still.

“It’s ok, Dash. we just want to give you your birthday gift. Now calm down, lean back, and have some fun.” The mare pulled the little filly into another kiss. Rainbow Dash tried to push her off, but it wasn’t working. She felt the bed divot in as Zephyr climbed on, looking in curiosity at what was happening.

“Would you like to get a closer look at Rainbow Dash’s body, son?” Nimbus asked, and Zephyr, without looking away from the two kissing ponies in front of him, nodded. “Well go ahead. You are a part of her birthday gift too, and if you want her to end up enjoying it as much as she can, then you will have to have a good understanding of how her body works.” Zephyr responded by inching closer, moving so that he could get a better view.

Misty pulled away from her kiss, a string of saliva connecting her and Dash’s lips. “Hold on, Sweetie. Let me get you a better view.” She said, grabbing Rainbow Dash and readjusting their positions.

“Wait a minute, let me go!” Dash snapped, lightly struggling as Windy moved so that she was lying on the bed with Rainbow over her. Windy’s hooves held the struggling filly against her body, her little legs kicking out.

Zephyr whimpered. “I...I don’t know about this. She doesn’t look like she wants me to.” He whispered.

“Oh, don’t worry dear. She will end up loving this by the time everything is said and done. Trust me, I have experience with this kind of thing. Come on over and get a good look.” Doing as he was told, Zephyr came to stand over Rainbow Dash. Misty had Dash pinned against her body, one hoof held Dash’s forelegs behind her and the other was wrapped around the filly’s chest to keep her close. As Rainbow struggled, her little belly twisted, and now that she had stopped kicking, Zephyr got a good look at her pussy. His eyes grew wide, as did Rainbow’s when she saw the colt’s cock begin to harden.


“Mrs. Whistles, what’s going on?” Fluttershy mumbled out, her eyes fixed on Bow’s cock. Windy Whistles had positioned herself in front of Fluttershy, and she gently pushed Fluttershy down so that the filly was leaning against the headboard. Windy smiled disarmingly and stroked some of Fluttershy’s hair out of her eyes.

“It’s alright. Your mother wanted me and Bow to teach you a little bit about your body. Trust me, you are going to absolutely love this.” Windy’s hooves kept Fluttershy’s legs apart as she leaned down towards the filly’s crotch. Fluttershy’s face turned a deep crimson, unsure of how to feel about this mare she just met that was now staring at her most private area. The filly let out a shocked gasp as Windy abruptly slid her tongue along her entrance. Fluttershy again tried to close her legs, but it was Bow that stopped her this time.

“Now now, none of that. You need to let my wife work if you are going to have a good time tonight.” Fluttershy whimpered fearfully, but her mother did tell her to listen to whatever she was told to do and she was determined to listen. Taking a deep breath, she spread her legs out so that Windy could have better access.

“There we go, that’s the spirit. My goodness, you are so very brave Fluttershy!” Windy cheered, prompting a small smile of pride in the little filly in spite of how scared she was. Windy licked her lips and dove in. Fluttershy gasped as the mare’s tongue lapped at her small entrance, poking in past the lips. Bow stroked Fluttershy’s head gently, but his cock twitched as he watched what was happening.


Rainbow had given up struggling, for now at least, and was just letting this, whatever was happening, happen. She blushed as she felt Zephyr’s hooves explore her body under his father’s guidance. He traced over her stomach, gently grazing his hoof over her undeveloped teats, lightly gripped her firm, athletic butt, and to her unbelievable embarrassment, felt and prodded the entrance to her tiny fillyhood. She looked up at him in abject horror as his hooves parted her lips, his own face turning red. Having had quite enough of this, Rainbow tried to kick him, but Misty held her down.

“No need to be mean, Rainbow Dash. He is just doing what any colt in this situation with such a cute little filly would. Besides, it’s about time that we showed you two how little colts and fillies go together. Zephyr, your penis has pretty hard right now right?” The colt’s hooves shot down to his crotch to cover his tiny erection, which prompted a soft smile from Misty. “No need to hide it sweetie. In fact, that’s a good thing, we need it that way. I think it’s time you learned what that part of your body is really for.” Zephyr looked up at his mother with curiosity.

“What do you mean?”

“You know that delightful little hole that you were just looking at so hard?” She asked, to which Zephyr nodded. Misty signalled the colt to come closer, as she more firmly pinned Rainbow’s back hooves down to prevent her from kicking. Rainbow squirmed, but even she realized that she was helpless. Once Zephyr was close enough, Misty began to explain. “Ok, now take your penis and slide it into that cute little hole.” Zephyr and Rainbow’s faces both screwed up in confusion. A lot of thoughts were firing through Rainbow’s mind. Her mother had told her to trust Mrs. Shy, but this was way too much for her to take. She tried one last time to break free, but the mare holding her kept her still. Zephyr was less uncertain. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but something about seeing Rainbow like this made him excited. He moved in front of Rainbow, his small cock just outside of her entrance, and then, despite Rainbow glaring at him, he gently pushed in.


After less than a minute of Windy eating her out, Fluttershy’s breath was beginning to quicken. She looked up at Bow in confusion.

“Mr. Hothoof, I feel funny. Is this normal?” She asked. Bow looked down at her glistening eyes, hazy from pleasure, and he decided that he had waited long enough.

“Yes, that is perfectly normal, Fluttershy. You like that feeling, right?” He asked, to which Fluttershy lightly nodded, a quiet moan slipping past her lips and Windy’s tongue lapped at her clitoris. “That’s good, it should feel better and better. Now, would you be able to help me to feel that way too?” Fluttershy looked up at the stallion, who had placed himself next to the blushing filly, standing so that his cock was at face-level with her. She weakly nodded, remembering how her mother told her to do what she was told. Bow leaned down to kiss her forehead, then pressed his cock against her lips.


“’s so warm!” Zephyr gasped out. He moved his hips around, clearly not sure what to do. Misty beamed with pride, seeing her son become a stallion.

“Okay, now grab a hold of her sides so you can get some leverage, and start moving it in and out inside of her.” Misty suggested, watching as Zephyr followed her instructions. He began to lightly moan as the unfamiliar feeling of a filly’s pussy squeezing around him turned out to feel better than he could have imagined.

The strange feeling of something moving around inside of her was overwhelming and Rainbow clenched up as hard as she could around the colt’s cock, trying desperately to force it out, not realizing that she was only making it feel better for her partner. Her panic grew as the colt started pushing in faster and she looked up at Misty. “Mrs. Shy, I don’t like this, it feels weird.” Rainbow whined, her voice uncharastically meek and quiet. “Can we stop please?”

“Actually, maybe we should.” Misty said thoughtfully. Rainbow sighed with relief, and Zephyr looked up in horror. “Yes, I just remembered that Windy asked me to record this for her.”

“What!?” Rainbow yelped in shock.

“Oh,” Misty continued, “I hope she can forgive me for not including the beginning. Nimbus, can you take over?” The stallion laughed and gestured to Zephyr who very reluctantly pulled out from Rainbow and got up. With him out of the way, Nimbus grabbed a hold of Rainbow Dash so that Misty could slip out from under her and run out of the room to grab a camera. He shifted the two of them so that he was leaning against the headboard and Rainbow was straddling him, his arms around her to keep her pinned. Misty came bursting back in, proudly waving the camera.

“Ok, so since I am going to be recording, that means the two of you are going to need to be extra sure that you show Rainbow a good time.” She said, and started recording. Nimbus held Rainbow’s forehooves together with one hoof and guided her body down towards his cock with the other.

Rainbow froze when she felt the head of his cock against her flank. Zephyr’s thing had stretched her insides so uncomfortably and that was nothing compared to his father’s cock now pressing insistently against her tiny pussy. It felt like it was bigger than her leg, there was no way it was going to fit inside her. And yet she understood that that was exactly what Nimbus intended. “Is this going to hurt?” Rainbow asked, voice quivering subtly.

“Only at first, Dashie. But once you get used to it it’ll feel amazing, I promise.” Nimbus replied.


“Open your mouth please.” Bow said. Fluttershy felt her heart beating, her body twitching as Windy continued to send shivers of unknown pleasure through her uninitiated body. Doing as she was told, she opened her lips. Bow immediately pushed into the little filly’s mouth. The sheer size of the stallion forced Fluttershy’s jaws nearly to their limit. Her eyes watered and she whimpered a little, but she didn’t fight it. “Now that’s a good girl.” Bow said, stroking her hair again. “Now, try licking it a little.”

Misty poked her head up from between the filly’s legs, her muzzle dripping with Fluttershy’s juices. “Yeah, do it Fluttershy. I know you’ll give the best blowjob ever!” She cheered, before diving back in. Doing as she was told, Fluttershy flicked her tongue around the alien object in her mouth. It tasted a bit salty, and it felt weird. Her tongue glided along the shaft, then up as she explored the stallion’s head. Bow groaned, then grabbed the back of her head.

“On second thought, I have another idea. Fluttershy, get your tongue so that it is kinda wrapped around the bottom of my cock, ok?” He saw that she was looking up at him with her deep cyan eyes. She was scared and confused, but he gasped as he felt her follow instructions. “Ok, here we go.” He whispered, then began to rock his hips. Fluttershy instinctively tried to pull away, but Bow’s hoof shot to the back of her head, holding it place. Her mother’s voice ringing in her ears, Fluttershy fought down the urge to struggle, but the stallion was too much and she gagged loudly as his cock forced its way deeper and pressed into her throat, his balls slapping against her chin. With a muzzle drenched in the young filly’s juices, Windy grinned and slid a hoof down between her own legs, then got back to work.


Rainbow groaned quietly as she felt the much older stallion enter her, the filly’s small body struggling to take him in. Tears were welling up in her eyes, but Rainbow fought against them, trying to maintain her composure. Misty squealed with delight. Windy and her had been planning for this moment ever since Misty had first gotten pregnant, and the moment was finally here. By this point, Rainbow was halfway down Nimbus’s cock. To her surprise and relief, he suddenly stopped.

“Zephyr,” Nimbus called out. The colt, who had been watching with awed amazement and a very noticeable erection, looked up at his father. “Why don’t you come over and help me. She has another hole you can use, and I guarantee it’ll feel just as good as before, maybe even better.” The shocked colt grinned with excitement, and crawled over behind the filly. Rainbow tried to look behind her at the colt in horror, but with Nimbus holding her so tightly, she couldn’t turn enough.

“Wait, no. Stay away from me!” She snapped, but Nimbus looked past her at his son and gave the colt a nod.

“Don’t worry, she’ll stop fighting it when she sees how good it feels. Give it a go!” The colt was well past needing convincing by this point, the promise of more of that amazing feeling was more than enough to override any doubt or revulsion he may have had. He reached down to spread Rainbow’s cheeks wider, already guessing what hole he had meant. Finding what he was looking for, he slowly pushed his little cock into unfamiliar territory. It took a fair amount of effort to get inside, but eventually Rainbow’s clenching muscles gave out just enough and he was greeted immediately the best sensation of his life as the filly’s incredibly hot, tight hole gripped him firmly.

The tears that had been welling up in Rainbow’s eyes for some time finally started to stream down her cheeks, even as she fought against them. The young colt behind her wasted no time repeating the movements he had been taught earlier, too caught up in his own pleasure to notice or care anymore about how much Rainbow clearly didn’t want this. He gripped her hips tightly and pounded into her, their hips smacking noisily. Nimbus didn’t even bother pushing into Rainbow’s other entrance much anymore, and instead let his son’s enthusiastic movements rock the filly on top of him as he just lay back and enjoyed the sensation.

Misty Breeze slowly rubbed herself as she watched her friend’s daughter take it from both of her special stallions. “Go Rainbow Dash.” She whispered to herself. She hoped her little Fluttershy was being as brave as Rainbow Dash was.


After several minutes, Bow finally pulled out of Fluttershy’s mouth. His cock still twitched and he was far from done, but it was time for a switch. Fluttershy coughed, and tried to catch her breath. Bow signalled to his wife to stop her work on the filly, and Windy leaned back, leaving the filly gasping on the bed. The filly stared up at the two of them, suddenly missing the wonderful sensations that Windy had been sending through her body.

“You were so good, Fluttershy!” Windy Whistles chirped with excitement.

“You’re darn right she was,” Bow added, “Your mouth is almost as good as Windy’s.” Fluttershy didn’t respond, since she was still just trying to catch her breath, but she blushed a little at the words. Windy moved to position herself so that she was sitting next to the filly, then lifted Fluttershy up and plopped the little one down in front of her. Fluttershy’s blush deeped, since her face was now only a few inches away from Windy’s sopping pussy. The mare looked down at her expectantly, her ever present smile beaming back at Fluttershy. Fighting back another cough, Fluttershy found her voice.

“What...what do you….” She weakly croaked out before her voice faltered. Windy giggled.

“Return the favor of course! Oh, but don’t worry, you won’t be left out. Bow is going to make sure you have a fun time as well!” Fluttershy wasn’t sure how she felt about that last part, but...her mother did tell her to listen to Mrs. Whistles… The inexperienced filly’s tongue reached out and hesitantly ran along the mare’s entrance. Fluttershy had no idea what she was doing, so she just tried to mimic what had been done to her earlier. She tried her best to tease the mare’s entrance, her tongue sliding along the outside, before slightly pushing through the folds. The taste of the older mare’s juices was sharp but also strangely sweet and the taste seemed to cling to her taste buds. She must have done something right, as Windy let out a deep sigh of contentment.

A little spark of confidence building up in her, Fluttershy became a bit more aggressive. Her tongue lapped at the mare’s pussy trying to copy what had been done to her. She wasn’t really aware of what a clit was, but Windy was quick to inform her and she soon focused on it, eliciting the same moans of pleasure from Windy that she had been making not too long before.

Just as the filly began really getting into the task before her she felt a pair of hooves on her flank. Fluttershy meeped loudly in surprise and tried to turn around. “Oh, don’t worry about this, Fluttershy.” Bow whispered from behind her. “This will feel just as good as what my wife was doing earlier, and you won’t even have to do anything. So just focus on Windy. Ok?” Before Fluttershy could answer, another hoof came and grabbed the back of her head, as Windy somewhat forcefully guided the filly’s muzzle back into her crotch. The filly squeaked as she felt the stallion behind her press into her underdeveloped pussy. Her walls stretched painfully to fit him, but she could already feel a dull pleasure building.


Rainbow Dash’s eyes and mouth were squeezed shut, but she failed to fight the tears that were running down her cheeks. Zephyr was pounding into her with all the ferocity his body could produce, having never experienced pleasure like this and wanting to feel every bit of it. Nimbus didn’t even need to pin Rainbow’s forelegs anymore, since Zephyr didn’t want her getting away any more than he did, and had wrapped both of his forelegs around Rainbow’s from behind, pinning the filly’s legs to her chest.

Rainbow probably could have broken loose from the weak colt’s grip, but knew there was no point. Pinned as she was between the two of them, and the muscles in her flanks screaming in pain and discomfort, she couldn’t run or fly even if she did manage to somehow get them both out of her. So instead, she just took it. A colt furiously pushing into her ass, and a full grown stallion buried deep inside her pussy stretching her far beyond where her body’s limits should be, it took every ounce of her will to not just break down crying and screaming for help.


In the other room, Fluttershy wasn’t doing much better. Bow had started to lean onto her to give himself more force as he fucked her, and the weight had caused her front legs to give out, her back legs shaking from the effort of keeping her butt up where the stallion could reach it. That, however, was not what her real concern was. Fluttershy’s lungs were screaming for air. The ruthless pounding from behind, along with Windy’s hoof pressing hard on her head, had forced her entire muzzle to slip into the mare’s pussy. Every thrust from Bow forced her body forward, which in turn forced her muzzle deeper into Windy. Fluttershy found herself struggling for every breath.

She looked up at the Windy, eyes pleading for the mare to release her, to let her breath, but it was no use. Windy’s eyes had rolled back, her body enraptured with pleasure from the sheer depravity of what she and Bow were doing to the poor filly. As she came closer to her climax she started mindlessly pumping her hips forward in time with her husband’s thrusting, fucking herself on Fluttershy’s muzzle. She back arched as she cried out in the strongest climax she’d had in years. As hard as it was for Fluttershy to breath already, it got only that much harder when Windy’s cum came gushing out into her mouth and over her muzzle. What little air Fluttershy could get was filled with a scent that she had never experienced but found to be intoxicating, the smell of another mare’s cum. When Windy had finally finished riding out her orgasm, her body relaxed around the filly’s head, allowing Fluttershy to finally pull her head free.

It was just in time. The stallion behind her, savagely pounding into her, had finally overwhelmed her. As she pulled her head free, and she sucked a desperate gulp of air in, and then immediately released it in a deafening scream of pleasure. The feeling of the young filly’s already tight walls clenching harder around his cock as she orgasmed brought Bow to his own as well, and he squeezed her shoulders painfully as he pressed himself as deep as he could and shot ropes of cum into her. After a few agonizingly long seconds, both Fluttershy and Bow collapsed, and the the three ponies lay on the bed, gulping in air and trying to recover their minds from the orgasmic haze that had taken them.


There was a feeling building up inside of Rainbow Dash’s belly, working its way through the pain in her body. With his orgasm coming on, Nimbus had started pushing into her again, rather than just letting his son rock her on top of him. Zephyr, with his youthful endurance, hadn’t slowed his frantic pace at all and the added friction was pushing Dash to an edge that she was deeply unfamiliar with. Whatever it was she was feeling was building fast, and as much as she hated herself for thinking it, she found that she liked the way it felt.

Zephyr was the first one to go. He quiet grunts grew quicker and higher in pitch, and he finally let out a deep sigh. Rainbow squirmed as she felt his little cock flare and twitch inside of her, trying to fill her with the cum he was too young to make. He pulled out of her almost immediately, as Nimbus was now pounding into the filly in ernest, and that was moving her around his tired cock, a feeling he didn’t like. As he pulled out, Rainbow felt herself nearly die from relief, despite knowing that her ordeal wasn’t over yet.

“Come on, Rainbow.” Misty whispered, still slowly rubbing herself and nearing her own climax. “Let it go.” The filly’s breath quickened as she said this, the stallion’s large member filling her beyond full. “Just let yourself feel good.” Rainbow heard that last part, and turned to look at the camera. As Misty saw the filly’s tear-filled eyes stare back in confusion, the camera caught the perfect moment. Rainbow’s eyes glazed over and her breath caught. Nimbus, feeling the filly’s body beginning to respond, pulled her down the length of his cock and held her there, content to simply watch and feel her body helplessly spasming as torturous waves of pleasure overtook her mind. She made no sounds, so Misty might not have even realized what had happened if Rainbow hadn’t turned around, but Misty had caught Rainbow Dash’s first ever oragasm on camera.

Nimbus let the filly, still impaled on his cock, slump to his chest to give them both time to recover. Rainbow, despite no longer being held down, didn’t move at all from where she fell save for shivering through a few aftershocks as she finally came down from her climax. Beside them, Zephyr, still recovering himself, looked on in awe at the sudden change in the filly. His eyes sparkled with unspoken questions as he looked up at his mother and the camera.

The night was far from over. Misty and Nimbus hadn’t yet cum themselves, and they planned on far more for this first night than to simply break the little filly in. However, for Misty Breeze, and later for Windy Whistles when she finally got to watch the tape, the night was already a complete success.


The next morning, the fillies were both left in the rooms tied up as the other ponies went downstairs to make food. Fluttershy, in spite of how scary, and even sometimes painful, the previous night had been, found that she had really enjoyed herself, just like her mother had promised. So, when Windy tied her hooves behind her, taped her mouth shut, put her blindfold back on, and told her to wait until they came back, she did as she was told. She squirmed a bit in the bed, a warm feeling growing between her legs, as she found her excitement growing for whatever the older ponies had in store for her when they got back.

She didn’t have to wait long. Windy and Bow were back in less than an hour, and Fluttershy could smell that they brought food. She was at first expecting that they would untie her, but to her surprise, she was left bound and blindfolded. Windy came forward and pulled the tape away from her lips.

“Alright, Fluttershy, are you hungry?” She asked. Fluttershy squirmed in her bonds, but nodded. “Ok, well there is something that you are going to need first. Good fillies only get to eat after they’ve shown both of their hosts a good time. Bow is up first, so open your mouth.” Remembering the previous night, and what that probably meant, Fluttershy eagerly opened wide.


Rainbow Dash was having a much less enjoyable time. The others had gone downstairs to get food, leaving her tied up and alone with her thoughts. All that she could think about was how her mother had told her this trip would last for two full days. She struggled as hard as she could against the ropes holding her, fully convinced that she wouldn’t survive another night like the one she just endured, no matter that the things they were doing to her had started to feel weirdly good after a while.

As she squirmed, the door opened and she could smell food. Her stomach rumbled hungrily. As she would soon realize however, this food would not be free. Good fillies please their hosts before eating.


The morning sun was shining through the windows on the final day. To Fluttershy’s surprise, she found herself being guided down stairs, blindfolded once again. She soon realized what this probably meant, that she was going to be heading home soon, and she felt her heart sink. There were other, soft hoofsteps coming from beside her that she assumed must be Rainbow Dash, and she fought the urge to ask her if she had spent the last couple nights doing the same stuff that Fluttershy had. She would find out later, for now, it was time to see what else the adults had in store before they went home. It was a bit hard to walk down the stairs; Windy and Bow had said that she would probably walk funny for a few days after what they had done the previous night.

Once they were guided down the stairs and into the living room, the two fillies were placed onto the couch, with the adults standing in front of them. Windy stepped forward to remove the fillies’ blindfolds. Both of them briefly blinked as their eyes adjusted to the new light. The adults stood their beaming, especially Misty and Windy. Zephyr was nowhere to be seen, likely too embarrassed.

“Well, girls,” Windy began, “The four of us wanted to know what you two thought of the new game that you got to play.” She had the biggest grin on her face, the memories of her and Misty’s own, similar experiences growing up running through her head. Her grin was only matched in size by Fluttershy’s.

“Oh, gosh! Um, it was really fun and it felt weird, b-but in a good way.” She cheerfully replied, her usual timidity still present in how soft her voice was, but this was the most excited her parents had seen her in quite some time.

All eyes turned to Rainbow Dash, and it was clearly visible that she was less than pleased. Her forelegs were crossed in front of her, her head down with nothing but her resentful eyes poking out. She’d been pouting all morning.

“Oh, honey.” Windy leaned down and tried to put her hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder, but the filly shook her off. “What’s the matter? I’m sure you were amazing. You always are.” Rainbow’s head bent down further, her face now completely buried. Windy frowned, but quickly came up with an idea. “You had a good time right Fluttershy? Why don’t you try and cheer up my special filly by showing her some of the things that you learned. I’m sure she’d be more open to trying them with somepony her own age.”

“Yes!” Misty piped in. “That’s a great idea. Go ahead, Fluttershy.” The usual feelings of anxiety that Fluttershy tended to feel in front of others creeping back in as she saw the usually boisterous Rainbow Dash close herself off, and as she felt the pressure of the adults build. However, as she looked at Rainbow Dash, she remembered how the filly had treated her on her first day at the house. Rainbow had made her feel so welcome and happy. A surging feeling built inside of her, the urge to help her new friend feel more at home and comfortable, to return the favor. They didn’t know each other all that well, but Fluttershy wanted to change that, and maybe this was a way to start.

“Rainbow.” She mumbled quietly, placing her hoof on the filly’s leg, and quietly rejoicing when it wasn’t shaken off the way that Windy’s had been. “Rainbow, please look at me.” The younger filly looked up, her eyes angry and hurting. For a moment, fear shot through Fluttershy, but she fought through that feeling. She reached forward, putting one of her hooves behind Rainbow’s head and pulling the filly’s head towards her. Their lips met, and Rainbow’s eyes shot wide open. As the younger filly sat paralysed, Fluttershy gently pushed her into a lying position and crawled on top of her.

At first, Rainbow felt like she should push Fluttershy off of her. It’s how she would have reacted if this were Misty or the others, but something about it being Fluttershy made this all seem ok. She felt the other filly’s tongue run along her lips, and she opened her mouth, letting Fluttershy in.

Misty and Windy cheered the two on, watching in joy as their daughters made out in front of them, but neither filly even noticed. They were too caught up in the moment to notice anything else around them. To Rainbow’s continued surprise, she found herself unbothered as Fluttershy’s hoof snaked its way to down between her legs. Her heart hammered in her chest, and she moaned blissfully as her new friend gently rubbed her in the same place that had so recently experienced similar, though rougher treatment, but this time it felt amazing to her. Fluttershy’s hoof soon moved, but before Rainbow could even complain and ask her to continue, Fluttershy had move so that their loins were now kissing, something Rainbow hadn't even experienced yet over the past couple of days.

Fluttershy’s hips began to move, and Rainbow’s mind hazed over as the pleasure she felt began to overwrite her thoughts. She started to move in response, feeling her body and her friend’s move in sync. Soon the room was filled with the soft moaning of the two young fillies. Rainbow’s mind left that house and the adults watching with pride, letting herself fade away behind the waves of pleasure radiating through her. The only thing that mattered then was her new friend and making her feel as good as she was now.

Old Stories and a Fateful Race

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Less than a week after Rainbow’s birthday party, the fillies had already demanded another sleepover. The foals’ parents eagerly agreed, and Windy’s house was decided on. Everything was going as Windy and Misty had hoped.

Fluttershy arrived after school, with Rainbow Dash barreling in the door before her. “Come on, Shy! I want to show you my room.” Rainbow zipped up the stairs.

Fluttershy turned to look at Windy Whistles, her face red to the ears. “Thank you for having me over Mrs. Dash,” she mumbled out.

Windy smiled down at her, reaching out with a hoof to tousle the filly’s hair. Windy saw the hair on Fluttershy’s back stand on end as she did so, and giggled. “Now now, there’s no reason to feel embarrassed about what we did last week. You had fun, and I had fun. That’s all that matters.” She lightly stroked Fluttershy’s mane as she spoke, which just made the filly blush a deeper shade of red. “Now hurry up. If I know my Rainbow Dash, she’s probably about to explode with excitement. She’s been looking forward to having you over for a long time now. This last week just made her more excited. Hurry up now.” Fluttershy nodded, eyes on the floor but a smile on her face as she started to slowly walk towards the stairs.

Windy Whistles curled up on a kitchen chair to read a book on those ‘Wonderbolts’ that her daughter loved so much, eager to learn more about her little Dashie’s interests. When the sounds from upstairs turned from the muffled sounds of Rainbow Dash showing Fluttershy her toys, to the muffled sounds of moans and gasps, a little smile grew on Windy’s face. She kept reading the book, but she moved a hoof down to start touching herself as listened to the sweet sounds of filly sex. After a few moments though, the sound got her a little too excited. Certainly the girls wouldn’t mind if she joined. Placing the book on the end table, Windy walked up the stairs.


“Hey, mom…?” Rainbow called after her mother as the two walked down the stairs from her room, Fluttershy right behind her. They were all three of them a mess, their manes tousled and their fur soaked in each other’s juices.

Windy turned her head as she walked to respond to her daughter. “What is it, Dashie?”

“Well, you and Misty said that we can’t talk about the...stuff that we do with anypony else, but you also called it a ‘tradition.’ I was wondering if you could, well….”

“Explain it all to you?” Windy finished for her. The filly nodded. Windy gestured towards the bathroom. “Certainly, but let’s get washed up first.”


Fluttershy hissed in mild pain, her head having just hit one of the counters of the broom closet. Rainbow Dash, with her smaller frame, barely seemed to notice the cramped space, and was moaning as she kissed the nape of Fluttershy’s neck. Despite the dull ache in her head, Fluttershy found herself not really caring either once she felt Rainbow’s lips travel further down her body before finally settling on her teat, nipping and suckling on the tiny nubs hungrily. Their parents had thoroughly impressed upon the fillies the need for secrecy and there weren’t many other places at Flight Camp that they could sneak away to be alone. But neither filly could hold back now that they had discovered how good they could make each other feel and, truth be told, there was something thrilling about the possibility of getting caught doing this. Fluttershy moaned loudly when Rainbow Dash finally made her way down to her sensitive entrance, the younger filly’s clever tongue catching her clit every time it winked out at her. Her hooves went to the back of Rainbow’s head, gripping her mane and pressing the other filly’s head between her legs as deep as it could.


The fillies settled down on the couch. Fluttershy cuddled up against Rainbow, making the blue foal blush, embarrassed at this show of affection in front of her mother, despite all the things Windy had just seen and done with the two of them. Windy chuckled, and settled down on the chair opposite the fillies.

“The tradition started a long time ago, before the two sisters came to rule Equestria. In fact it started long before Equestria itself, when the three pony tribes still lived in their old land in the now frozen north. Just surviving in those days was difficult. There were never enough hooves to do the perilous work that needed done. Unicorns and earth ponies worked themselves to exhaustion moving the sun and moon and keeping the land fertile enough to produce food. But we pegasi had it particularly bad. In those days, the weather was violent and uncontrolled. Many lost their lives fighting dangerous storms and winds.

“Because life was so hard back then, there was a constant need to birth new foals to share the work. It was considered normal for ponies that would now be considered ‘underage’ to mate and have foals. Some ponies even preferred younger partners, and fillies in particular were often sexualized well before their first heat or getting their cutie mark.”


The bed squeaked noisily as the foals squirmed and twisted. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash’s crotches grinded against each other, the fillys’ second awkward attempt at what Windy Whistles had called “scissoring.” Fluttershy knew they probably weren’t doing a very good job of it, but it still felt amazing anyway. Her stuffed animals, which she had tried to push to the side of the bed, had tumbled down, partially covering the foals’ bodies, but Rainbow didn’t even seem to notice and Fluttershy was actually happy about it. Even after all this time, it still felt a little embarrassing having their parents watch the two of them play with each other.

She pulled Mr. Hoppers over, and clutched him to her chest as her hips undulated, sending shivers through her body. She heard Rainbow Dash moan loudly, the blue filly’s body squirming far more than her own. Bolts of pleasure surged through Fluttershy’s body and her legs and tail were growing damp as the sexual juices from both her and Rainbow soaked into their fur and the sheets beneath.

Fluttershy heard Rainbow cry out, a torrent of filly cum gushing into the tiny space between them. The athletic filly’s hips went into overdrive as she rode out her climax, grinding even harder and faster into Fluttershy until it finally became too much for her. She let her head fall back and bit down on Mr. Hoppers’ ear, squealing into it as her body shook wildly, the haze of pleasure drowning out the other ponies around them cheering their little fillies on.


“Families wanted their colts and fillies to be ready and willing to accept the responsibility of bearing new foals into the world as soon as they were able, so many would take matters into their own hooves. It became commonplace for a colt or filly’s first experience to be with their family or a close family friend so that they could ensure their first time is a positive experience.

“This tradition continued to be common well into Celestian and Luna’s rule, while the two were making the world safer through the defeat, banishment, and imprisonment of the monsters of ancient Equestria. It was only after Nightmare Moon was defeated that things started to change. The monsters were beaten, the threats to ponykind gone. Extinction was no longer a serious threat, and there wasn’t a need for so many new foals. So, over time, the practice of mating foals slowly became illegal in more places.


Rainbow wasn’t certain how she had let Fluttershy talk her into doing this.

Zephyr’s small balls lightly smacked against her chin as the colt pushed into her mouth. The colt moaned, delighting in getting to use his crush’s body again. He had the best sister in the world. Fluttershy, for her part, was muzzle-deep in Rainbow’s pussy and watching his little sister eating out her friend was making him even more excited.

As much as Rainbow hated the feeling of the increasingly annoying colt’s cock in her mouth (and likely her ass later), Fluttershy had refused to pleasure her if she didn’t ‘play nice’ with Zephyr, and the wonderful feeling of the skilled filly’s tongue was more than worth putting up with him. Besides, it made Rainbow Dash very happy to know Fluttershy was enjoying herself, even if it was somewhat at her expense.

For Fluttershy, the sight of her brother being shown a good time by her best friend was exactly what she needed. A hoof between her legs, she gently pleasured herself to the sight, and to the sound of Rainbow gagging as she was deepthroated. As much as she knew Rainbow had hated it, after the two had exchanged stories of their first night at the resort, a dark part of Fluttershy wished she had been able to watch Rainbow Dash’s first, rough introduction to sex. She purred a little, Rainbow’s body twitching under her and Zephyr’s efforts urging her tongue to work that much harder.

Rainbow was trapped between pure joy and absolute disgust. Her eyes were watering as she took the colt in as deep as he could go while the rest of her body writhed in ecstasy at the unusually energetic work of her best friend’s, by this point, very talented tongue. She felt Zephyr’s hooves go behind her head and he roughly forced her to stay in place as he finally came. The colt pulled out slightly, like Nimbus had shown him before, to coat her mouth in what little cum he could produce. The aggravated filly reluctantly swallowed.


“The tradition held on in some places longer than others. Anywhere where only one pony race was common, the old ways survived for a while. Nowadays though, Cloudsdale, a city that is understandably exclusively for pegasi, is likely the only place where these traditions are still practiced. It’s technically illegal under Celestia’s law, and you won’t find it being openly discussed, but it is still pretty common here. In fact, despite it being rarely talked about, few ponies in this city would even so much as bat an eye if they learned that their neighbor was bucking some filly. Just so long as nopony was being hurt, obviously.” Windy finished, waiting for the two to respond.

Rainbow Dash glared slightly. “I like doing it with you guys now, but nopony seemed to care if it hurt the first time they did it to me,” she pouted.

Windy smiled, leaning over to kiss her daughter on the head. “I know, pumpkin, and I’m sorry. It’s easy to get a little carried away. Misty and I were so excited to share all this with you two and, besides that, we know how tough you are. If anypony could take everything head-on their first try it would be you.” She reached down and ruffled each filly’s mane. Rainbow tried to keep her annoyed glare but she couldn’t help but blush a bit at her mother’s affection and praise.

“I’m just glad that you two are so mature and understanding,” Bow Hothoof remarked as he entered the house. When he came around to the side of the couch, it became immediately apparent that he’d been just as excited about having Fluttershy over for the night as his daughter.

“Subtle as always I see,” Windy laughed as he watched the two fillies drawn to the sight of her husband’s quickly inflating stallionhood. “He’s right though, we’re all very proud of you girls. Traditions like these are the most fun to keep alive, and I hope you two will keep them alive whenever you decide to have foals of your own. Now then, shall we all head back upstairs?”


Rainbow Dash’s first ever race was over. The filly had never felt an adrenaline rush like the one she had in that moment. And even better, her amazing feat had earned her her cutie mark. She was surer of it than ever now; she was going to be a Wonderbolt one day. If she was this awesome now, there was no way she wouldn’t be the best of the best one day.

Her heart still hammering, she sped back to the starting line. The rainbow pattern that had followed her was gone, and with it the boost of speed it had given her, but even still she was soaring by clouds with cheering foals so fast that they seemed a blur to her. Even with her own excitement though, there was still one thing she was looking forward to that could make this moment perfect, and it was the proud look on Fluttershy’s face when her friend came to congratulate her.

When she reached the starting line, she quickly tried to stop. The force of her stopped momentum sent currants of air blasting towards the cloud floor, and several foals yelped as they got pushed back. Rainbow landed roughly, a dumb grin plastered on her face as she looked around for Fluttershy.

... There was no sign of the other filly.

Rainbow’s brow furrowed in confusion as she stared dumbstruck at where Fluttershy had been standing before the race started. Had she tried to fly to the finish line to meet Rainbow Dash there? ‘No,’ Rainbow thought, ‘I would have passed her on the way here. She was standing right there, waving us off at the start, and then we passed her and...’

Rainbow looked up at the foals she had accidentally pushed away when she landed and a sickening thought occurred to her. She began to frantically look around, the foals that had been watching the race, now that they had recovered from the surprise of her rapid landing, where gathering around her, congratulating her and cheering for her. Rainbow Dash didn’t even register this though, her eyes frantically searching the crowd for Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy!” She called out, full on panic began to set in her mind. ‘She can’t have fallen off,’ Rainbow thought. ‘Somepony would have seen her fall and caught her. Everypony here knows she’s a weak flyer... right?’ The dread was building in her though, as she continued to call out and Fluttershy continued to not respond. The foals in the crowd were starting to look confused too, once they noticed that Fluttershy wasn’t there. She was why this race had happened in the first place after all.

One of the foals, a colt Rainbow was friends with named Stratus froze. “I... I think I saw her fall when you all took off,” He mumbled out.

Rainbow was on him in a flash, pulling violently on his mane to force him to look her in the eyes, her face radiating fury. “And you didn’t try and catch her!?” She yelled, making the foal cower in her grasp.

“I wasn’t thinking,” he squeaked. “She’s a pegasus, and I was so caught up in the race that I didn’t think that she might have problems--whoa!” Rainbow didn’t even hear him finish, she turned away and tore through the air, knocking the poor colt and any others that had strayed too close to the enraged filly to the ground from the concussive force.

The air bit at her face as she sped her way to the ground. She pumped her wings desperately, accelerating her fall greatly. Under any other circumstances the speed would be exhilarating but the only thing on her mind was desperately searching for any trace of her fallen friend.

As the last moment she pulled up, skidding to a halt, tearing a swath through the earth and leaving a dark brown scar of upturned dirt. Her legs screamed in pain from the rough landing but she paid it no mind, pushing herself to keep running as she frantically looked around for any sign of Fluttershy.

She wasn’t sure how long she’d been running but finally something caught her attention. Out of the corner of her eye she caught a brief splash of pink, the same shade as Fluttershy’s hair, between a patch of trees not far from where she was. Rainbow sped towards the spot, throat tight with dread, fearing what state Fluttershy might be in and imagining the worst.

Then she heard the soft humming. Rainbow’s wings buzzed as she slowed herself to a halt, just next to the treeline. She immediately recognized the humming as Fluttershy’s and her whole body relaxed just a little. Carefully, she pushed aside a branch, and moved towards the sound, catching sight of Fluttershy almost immediately. The young filly was sitting, her legs curled under her, in the midst of the largest collection of woodland animals that Rainbow Dash had ever seen. She was gently humming still, the animals making various sounds in response, seemingly trying to harmonize with her.

Rainbow’s eyes began to well up with joy, just seeing that Fluttershy was okay. She took a step forward, opening her mouth to speak. There was a snap as her hoof broke a small twig, and all of the animals looked up at once. Suddenly there was a scurry of motion, as the various critters bolted out of sight in a panic, until the only one left was a small rabbit kit. The little creature’s eyes were wide in terror, until an equally surprised Fluttershy managed to regain her composure and leaned down. She made a gentle cooing noise before setting the kit down and smiling as it calmed, and then left in the direction of the other animals at a far more relaxed pace.

Fluttershy turned to look at Rainbow Dash, a look of pure excitement on her face until she saw Rainbow Dash’s damp cheeks and realized what the filly must have assumed. “Rainbow,” Fluttershy began, slowly walking towards the frozen filly, “I’m sorry if I worried you. I would have been back sooner, but I couldn’t fly back up. Plus, you didn’t seem to notice I’d fallen so I thought you wouldn’t notice I was gone yet and...”

Fluttershy’s voice died when she saw the look of pure pain on Rainbow’s face at her words. There was a flash of bright blue, and suddenly Fluttershy was on the ground, the smaller filly having knocked her over as she’d charged into a hug. Rainbow’s face was buried into her chest, her shoulders shaking a little as Fluttershy felt her fur grow damp from Rainbow’s tears.

“I...I’m so sorry.” Rainbow choked out, “I’m sorry I didn’t see you fell.” Her hooves tightened around Fluttershy’s waist. “I didn’t even notice that you fell. I didn’t even notice that my friend almost...”

Rainbow became so choked up that she wasn’t able to finish, but Fluttershy could hear the fear and self-loathing in her voice, could feel the filly shaking. She reached her hooves around Rainbow, holding the smaller filly close. “It’s ok, Rainbow. I’m ok.” She whispered. The blue filly tried to speak, but still couldn’t manage to. Rainbow shook her head in denial, still clearly blaming herself.

Fluttershy’s heart ached. Her normally so proud and reserved friend was a mess of raw emotion, her face covered in streaks of tears. She couldn’t stand to see her like this, so miserable. She placed her hooves gently around Rainbow Dash, rotating so that she was the one on top of the smaller filly. When the younger filly looked up at her in surprise, Fluttershy leaned forward and gently kissed her forehead, then with a hoof she wiped the other filly’s eyes. “Please, no more tears now. You’re too awesome for this.”

Rainbow was stunned. From her position underneath her friend, with the sun at her back, the brilliant yellow pegasus, framed by her pink hair, was a vision of serenity. How had she never noticed before? She had always thought that Fluttershy was cute, but now, with the older filly smiling down at her, a faint blush to her features, she was a goddess. Without thinking, Rainbow Dash smiled back at her, her own face growing flush the longer she stared into Fluttershy’s eyes.

Neither filly knew who had initiated it, but they both found themselves closing the gap between them, fixated on the other’s lips. When at last they met, the kiss was nothing like either had experienced before. It wasn’t like the many passionate kisses they shared with each other when they fooled around, it was different from the familial feelings they got from kissing their parents, this was somehow more intense and yet natural at the same time. Hooves curled around bodies and through manes, drawing the two closer together, neither wanting the moment to end.

Eventually the moment had to pass and Rainbow felt Fluttershy pull back slightly, a trail of saliva connecting their lips. Staring up into her beautiful visage again, feeling her heart skip a beat as she did, there was no room for doubt in her mind. She never wanted to be apart from Fluttershy again, wanted to see her laughing and smiling forever. Because... because... She needed to tell her now.

“Fluttershy, I...I think I...I love….” Rainbow Dash struggled with the words, not used to bearing her heart to anypony, but luck was with her as her goddess smiled on her again. Fluttershy, seeing her struggle to find the words, simply leaned in for another kiss. It wasn’t quite as intense as their first but it communicated everything the brash pegasus couldn’t say. When she pulled away, the yellow filly smiled, her eyes watering happily.

“I love you too Rainbow Dash.”