Grey Tiger

by Revluc_The_Pony

First published

Revluc is the best panzer ace and soon will get a new panzer: Tiger I

I'm Revluc, this is my time during the War.

Chapters are short because I like vignettes.

Grey Tiger: Chapter One

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The night is crisp.

My head is bare except for my horrid scars across my muzzle and down my neck, my horn is long. The rest of me is covered in my black Germpony Panzer Commander outfit. Looking at my maps for our next move against the Allies. High Command ordered me to take Prance, we’re almost at Paris. I wish I couldn’t do this. My friend, King Amarion, king of Prance, was a close friend of mine.

Oh gosh, I hate this war. I was the symbol of peace between Equestria and Germpony. Sadly, my father died before I was born. I was supposed to be the new Kaiser after him. I declined when I was of age. My mother, Celestia, took care of me, loved me. But sent me away for what she thought as I was a spy for the cold-blooded dictator of Germpony. Diplomatic relations stopped, shooting started. And Anon Poner, the Supreme Leader of Germpony, made me commander of all Panzer Battalions. And I know panzer tactics, and I execute them well.

Frowning at my thoughts. I need to pay attention to this operation. If I falter, they’ll kill me in cold blood. I need to survive this war. Come back home to my love in Equestria, and forget everything of what I did in this War.

After some time, I finish looking at the plans I made and had them all sent out to the corresponding regiments and company leaders. I thought of my Panzer IV. I hate it, but, it keeps me safe. But many of my other comrades who were in it, died. One by one, dead, and I haven’t. I hate this, I wish it was me and not them. Spare them mother, and not me, mother! My train of thought breaks as Blue trots in. I lift my head to face him.

“What do you want?” I said in a heavy sound of irritation. Blue stands aback at this.

“Sir, we’re ready, we have a gunner replacement, his name is Mike. We can head out now.”

“We’re about ten kilometers to Paris. We leave at morning.”

“Yes, sir.”

“I would like to meet this new gunner of ours, bring him in here now.”

“Yes, sir.”

I watch him leave. In a few moments, a pony with a hide of gold and a well-groomed mane of orange, green, blue, and yellow mane. I know that mane will be a mess in less than a week. He’s a pegasus. I’m starting to like him for this. He should be with the Luftwaffe. I watch him stand in attention, he salutes.

“You called for me, sir?” He said with a soft voice. I have a feeling he’s going to be a problem. I stare upon his perfectly clean panzer outfit, noticing his pips on his shoulders.

“Yes, I have. How good is your aim?”

“I was the top one in my training group.” He said matter-of-factly.

“Good. I’d suggest taking off those pips, they show your rank. And our enemies will kill you because of that. And rest well. You’ll need it.” I said dreadfully. He’s going to be dead in a week.

“Yes, sir.” And with that, he exited my tent.

Getting up from my chair, I outstretched my wings. Oh they hurt when I don’t stretch them. I trot over to my cot. Using my magic to pull up the covers, I slip my boots off and I slip into my cot. The battle tomorrow will have resistance. But their tanks are inferior to ours. I wish this doesn’t have to happen. I hope they don’t hurt Dabney when they storm the royal palace. I quickly fall asleep.

Grey Tiger: Chapter Two

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I hate mornings. Bits of my mother’s sun’s rays seeps through my tent. I open my eyes slowly. Oh great, time to start the killings again. I sigh while getting up off of my cot. I breathe the air slowly. The smell of petrol is strong in the air. They must be refueling our tanks and half-tracks. I use my magic to slip in my black boots on my hind hooves. I get off of my cot and trot over to my lock box and I open it to grab my C-96. I holster it. I always leave my gun belt on at all times but I don’t keep my pistol. I’m afraid it’d might go off. My stomach growls, oh great, I’m hungry too. I trot out of my tent to see two earth pony soldiers.

“Hey, you two,” I said. “Load up my things.” They scramble to salute.

“Yes sir.” They both said.

I trot to my panzer. Her name is Ginny. She’s good and reliable. Well, except for when she needs a new trans and final drives. Thank my mother I don’t have to do that. Instead, that job goes to the mechanics. They’ll have so much fun with that. Honestly, I swear, I don’t think these designers like us fixing things in our panzers.

*** *** ***


I turn to look at the spot where the shell hit us. A big dent is on the inside right side turret armour plate. The interior is warm, not really that loud. I have to take a potion to make my horn a lot smaller so it doesn’t bang around inside here. Lifting my head to see through the glass periscope blocks to see where that shot came from. Oh, don’t I just love the ringing in my ears. Looking through the narrow slit, I’ve spotted the Prenchies. Hidden anti-tank crew. I sigh hard.

“Gunner: traverse turret about nine o’ clock. Over by that old chapel. Loader: HE. Driver: all stop. Fire when I say.” I said.

They did so.


I hesitate my order to fire. Tears starting to well in my eyes, not from the hard air from inside this beast. But, taking those ponies lives. I have to, I must come back home to her. Another shot roaring to our armour. It hit us, bouncing off like it wasn’t anything. Come on, give the order, live another day. Then what? Kill more ponies who are just defending their land? What gives me the right to decide their fate? I look at the three-buck crew in their mud brown combat garb. Their eyes staring back, waiting for our move. One of them loading another shell into the breach. Its barrel, pointing at my cupola.

“FIRE!” I said screaming, louder than the engine.


Ginny, jerking back from the guns’ recoil. Our gun roaring painfully loud, making my ears ring. Watching the shell fly and hitting the armoured shield, the blast of hot bits of shrapnel smacking the three bucks. But one buck was closer and blew up into several bloody chunks of gore. The gun itself is disabled. Seconds later the ammo blew up. Red and white filling my vision and gone away in a flash.

“Continue forward.” I said. They did so.

If they let out that last shot, my brains would have painted the inside of the turret. Why didn’t I let that happen? I should’ve let it happen. I wish I could unsee all this. Our plunder continues.

Grey Tiger: Chapter Three

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The plunder continues.

Why must this happen? This war? The bloodshed? The death and carnage? I’ve been in this for three years now. Prance fell; because of my tactics. Oh my mother Celestia why am I good at this?

Sitting with my commanders’ hatch open, breathing the cool, crisp air. Looking at the vast green landscape. The sounds of shelling in the distance. That’s odd. I see a blue blur flying in Ginny’s direction. Squinting to see what it is. I black out on it’s impact.

*** *** ***

Ah, my head. My side too, whoever did this didn’t know how to pull someone out of a turret hatch. I open my eyes weakly but to see just darkness. I raise an eyebrow. I start to panic.

“H-hey, who turned out the lights?” I said in fast panic. I realize my forehooves are bounded and, I’m blindfolded! Oh no, oh no, oh no. I try to collect all my magical might to grasp my C-96. It’s not there! Oh no!

Hearing the clopping of hoof steps coming towards me. I’ve a feeling that I’m captured. I have an idea!

“I give up!” I said in a confident voice but the underlying tone of defeat.

“Shut up, Rev.” The mare said. Wait… this mare sounds similar. She sounds like the one of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony -- I wish they could use that about right now to end this war.

“D-dash? Is that you?” I said, tearing up. “They forced me to do this! I don’t want to be apart of this War. I-I-I..I -- please don’t kill me!” I said, my tears welling up like Neighagra Falls. I hope she doesn’t kill me, I want to see my Love again. A fast moment later, feeling a smack across my muzzle. OW!

“I said ‘Shut up,’ now shut up.” She bellows softly.

Why is she here, and not in Equestria? Oh my mother, why? Why be here with all this death and bloodshed? The smell of cordite. Cordite, I’m not smelling cordite. All I can smell right at this moment is copper. So that’s what the wet sensation on my muzzle is. I’m bleeding!

“I’m bleeding!” I said, swaying my head side to side. “How dare you hurt m--”

She smacks me again. What does she want from me?

“Listen! I’ve gotten orders to capture you. Celestia, your mother, needs your help. We’re in desperate help with armoured tactics and you know them, very well.” Dash said flatly.

“Well, that is true. I am the best at armoured tactics... And now she knows how great I'm at it? Wow, it only takes a war to get her to see my talents.” I said in a self-absorbing manor. Then remembering that I don't have a cutie mark.

“Shut up Rev. Get up, we’re going away from the lines to go to the extraction point.” She said, while taking off the blindfold and hoof cuffs. I get up, and I follow.

*** *** ***

Grey Tiger: Chapter Four

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Opposition. Who do I go along with? Which is the good side in this War? Them, or us. But who is my allegiance to? Equestrian Flag, or, the flag of the New Third Order, far superior to them, leaded by the Supreme Leader Poner. Should I… No, yes?

Shaking my head of these thoughts. We continue our long trot to their forward operations base. About ten more kilometers to go my best guess. I don’t smell the cordite, but, the smell of trees, the grass, the foul tasting clean fresh air. It is foreign to my lungs. Refusing its impure feel. I start hacking softly. My lungs yearn for the cordite, the blood, the death.

*** *** ***

They hustled me in a small confining room, the light is dim and dull. They took my Panzer Commander Outfit I worn since before this war. Worn it everyday. And now, they’d taken it from me. I hate not being covered up. Everypony can see me!

I sit there, legs crossing with great care to not be seen. I’ve been sitting here for hours now. I’m cold, damn it! At least they could have given me a blanket! I look, watching the clock on the wall.


Shuffling at the door, crossing my legs back up as they walk in. Dash, Stardust, and -- Stardust! Oh, what a good guard pony that she is. She, used to be my guard pony before Mother sent me away. I wonder if she’d missed me. Stardust is wearing an officer's uniform. Well, this couldn’t be good. She grabs a chair and pulls it in front of me. Oh, and a red stallion in the same green uniform. How generic?

She sighs, then smiles. “Do you know why I’m here, Revy?” She asked, then whispers something under her breath that I couldn’t articulate. Seconds go by. Falling from my gaze into her eyes. With a proding hoof, knocks me out of my trance. “Rev, hello, you there?”

“Ah, yes, I am. As great as it is to see you. I’m quite cold. Could I have my uniform back,” I turn to look at the blue pegasus, then back to Star. “I don’t want to have Dash look at my privates. And, did I mention I’m cold? Because I’m not talking until I get my things, including my weapon.” I said plaintively.

Dash blushing a hue of red that is brighter than the red in her mane.

“Sorry, we can’t. We are looking through the pockets to see if you have future operation battle plans to get our stallions out of those blood baths you make with your troops and tanks. We don’t want to cause that, now would we?” Her eyes beaming. Her eyes as a dark red as mine. “And, we want to hinder your advancement to the west of Prance.” Star said, chuckling.

I don’t respond. I’m no foal, but, I didn’t leave my plans in my uniform, I keep that in Ginny. But what I carry on me is, a fake, designed that they would be going into the lowlands, but no. We’re going to make an ensnaring move and put them in a kill zone. Their 12th Infantry Division will be destroyed. “We found your plans and we have our troops sent there as we speak, reports will show that we will defeat your tanks and infantry. You could have your uniform back, but your weapon, no. We cannot afford risks with a high-ranking official like yourself now would we?” She said happily. She’s walking those bucks into my trap and it is sent and tripped. HA!

“Oh,” I make the best sad face I could muster. “I guess there will be a bloodbath indeed. I want my weapon. I’ll won’t mind being without my ammo. Please, then I’ll talk.”

“Rev, listen. You have no other options, Face it, work with us or be tried for treason and be hanged. So please, I’m asking you. Do this for your mare. What would she think if she found out that you helped them?”

I didn’t respond. Instead, my gaze going up after 'mare'. She has me now. I ought to listen now to what she has to say....

“Good,” she continued. “I have your attention now.” She sat back, “now, wanna see your little marefriend of yours, do as we say.”

“S-she’s not little,” I rebutted. “I’ll agree if I keep my uniform and my gun and… I’ll tell you you should withdraw your troops from that valley, your wee little ponies will die from our ambush.” I smile by their looks of uneasiness. “It’s no lie, those plans you found are fraudulent. They’re a trap. A trap.

Her brow begins to sharpen. “You’re lying to us, wasting your time. Now stop playing games--”

“No,” I interjected. “I’m not, I wouldn’t lie for the cost of your troops. A stake of lives I can’t lose for the side I’m--” I stop myself for this; I can’t believe what I’m saying… “on. I’ll be on your side, and for that matter I cannot lose our beloved foot soldier.”

Their maws hang low. Taken aback from my statement. The cream colored mare in her dark green uniform leaned closer. “Rev, this true? All of it? You, want to help us?”

I nod. I hope this is the right choice I’m making.

After a brief moment of silence. She gestures to the red stallion to come over close to her. “Yes General Star?”

She leaned to him. “Yes, send word to 12th to withdraw, and do it now. Go.” With that, he salutes and leaves. She turns back to me. “You can have your things. Even your ammo.”

Now I’m taken aback now. I nod.

“We’ll have your things brought in shortly,” She said. Her smile turns into a scowl. “If you betray us, you know what happens.” She gestures a slashing motion with her left foreleg across her neck.

I nod, they’ll kill me if I default from them. “I’d be on my bestest behavior.”

Stardust and Dash exit the tiny room that I’m in.

*** *** ***

I feel like an outcast here. I’m wasting here. There’s no smell of cordite here, I’m lost, no sense of my direction, cordite guides me.

I miss my Ginny, it’s scary being out of her. I wish I would die in there I could be with my fallen crew in the Everafter. I need to come home to my mare.

Sadly, the Equestrian Army has taken me away from my beloved Panzer. Now forcing me to work for them to defeat the nation I swore to defend. They made me the top Armoured Combat Commander for the Allies, but I asked for being in the field; I just can’t stand being a desk commander. It’s been three weeks since our deal has been made. They’re just moving some ponies around so they could fit me in. The bloodbath at the ridge was avoided in time and our 12th thwarted our -- I mean our enemy’s 19th Battalion…

I shake my head of this, taking a sip of this new thing called Sprite Cola. They told me this came out a week after my Mother told me to leave Equestria. I drank ten. After setting down my bubbly drink, I field-strip my C-96. (I’m glad to have her back.) Moments later, I get up and trot over to the door, knocking five times. Not to my surprise that who awaits me on the other side is Staff Sergeant First Class Citrus Lemonade.

“What is it now?” The yellow mare said, grumbling. “It’s the ninth time this hour. And this time you better not screw with me,...again.”

Oh, am I that bad? “...Uh, yes. Yes, I do.” I said happily.

“And that is?” She said scowling.

“My body aches. I would like to go for a trot. If that’s alright.” Giggling, but at what? Nothing in particular. “I’ve been in my room for a week, and I’m not wanting the pony whom is my foalsitter, you, that is.” I think for a moment. “Oh please do come into my room.” I flail my forelegs. “I’m bored too. Nopony to talk to. You understand, right?” I asked.

Her maw gapes. “...Sure. ...Wait, where is this going to?” She said while trotting in to my very tidy room. Everything organized and is in their right place.

“Please sit down too. I need to speak to you about something.” She does so; I also do take a seat across from my little table where my C-96 is.

“What is it that you need to speak to me about?” She asked. “Is it about the threats the officers are making? We already told them to stop slipping notes under your door. I’ll see what I can do about tha--”

“It’s not that.” I interrupted, “I wish to go… You know...battle. I planned out a huge offensive against Poner’s 87th hoof battalion. Then push hard to their flanks and do a pincer move and take P.O.W.’s. And send our Panz-- I mean tanks… into the gap we made and do a full five prong attack in the lowlands to the East.” I think for a moment. “If we’re all alright with using the mass amounts of our half-tracks to carry the troops. And I’ve estimated the casualties and the deaths is going to be a tad bit high on our part. But if we work hard at the combined coordination, then we'll have those numbers way down.”

The orange-maned mare stared at me, gawking. “Th-the 87th? YOU’RE NUTS! The 87th is the most battle-hardened unit they have right next to the Waffen SS battalions, and your Heavy SS tank battalion. You know that’s a foalish move, right!”

“Y-yes, I know that but the last time I got a report from them before you foalnapped me, their line is stretched thin. And we’re in command of the Big Red One. And our crews are now equipped with the better and newer version of the M4. They call it the ‘Easy Eight’ or something. And I’ve been looking at the requisition orders and we’re the ones last to get them. Ugh!” I get up. “And I heard recently the Trots captured a Tiger. I want it. I will not sit in the death trap your tanks are. And I--”

“You’re not even put into the direct combat commander role.” She said. “But they’re deciding right now. They’ll give you word tomorrow morning.”

I take a deep breath. “Alright. Could you do me one thing… Well, two things?”

“What is it?”

“Give them the plans tomorrow and could you stay here with me tonight,” I blush. “...In bed. I don’t want to sleep alone again tonight.”

She quickly blushes. “Ummm… Yes and…” She smiles. “...maybe.”

“Thanks. You can go now.”

“I think I’ll stay.” She said. Making my white face turn red, blushing hard.

This is going to be a strange night, I’d better not tell my mare when I’m back home from this war, if it ever ends.

Grey Tiger: Chapter Five

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Meat and blood, which is my favorite treats.

Meat, I love it, but trying to hide the fact that I’m a vampony, a natural one I’d might add, and that the greater population of ponies don’t eat meat and thinks of it as an odd taste and very odd behavior to do. Along with blood. Yes, it’s true that I’m a vampony. Now don’t get me confused with bat ponies. Speaking of bat ponies, they’re being targeted by Anon Poner and his Third Order. I’ve heard rumors of them being sent to these work camps...but I’m not sure if it’s true or not.

I shake my thoughts out of my head...again. I think I’m going to get a headache if I’d continue that.

I’m sitting in the waiting room to General Star’s office. Ready to give her my battle plans that I’ve had had conceived over the last three weeks. My eyes drift from the clock on the wall over to Star’s receptionist, typing away on her typewriter. After a few moments of boredom, I get up and trot over to her desk.

“Yes, uh… Mister…?” She said, waiting for me to respond.

She’s a yellow mare wearing a more ladylike version of a green uniform. And by the looks of it, a brass namepin that says ‘Sharp Cheddar’.

“Revluc, former commander of the Waffen SS Heavy Panzer Battalions.” I said, puffing my chest out, which gives a giggle from the receptionist pony.

“Ha, he hee! That’s too funny…” She sees my harden scowl. “You’re serious? You’re really him?” She said incredulously.

I nod, my scowl lightens.

“Wait, aren’t you related to the Princesses?” She stops typing.

“Yes, I am.”

“Which one? Oh, are you Celestia’s kid?” She said. Oh dear my mother shoot me.

“Yes, that’s correct,” I said irritably. “Anything else?”

She is quiet for a moment, I enjoy the silence. “Yes...”

“That is?” I said as she blushes.

She’s...not looking at my scared neck like everypony else does, or, the scars on my face and muzzle. Instead, she looks at my eyes like… before my scars came to being.

I watch her get up and trot over to my left and looks at me in my deep, dark red eyes. I back step a bit to have some distance between her and I. Oh no! What could she want from me?

“Come with me to my quarters.” She says as she trots away.

So, I gather my things in my magical grasp and follow her down the hallways passing many rooms and offices that used to classrooms. I remember when this school was clean and had had brightly painted halls and rooms. This Prench school was called North Park, now, it’s the Forward Base of Operations for the Allies. After a few minutes of trotting we finally reach the room.

“So…?” I asked, trailing off. “Is this your room or something?”

She turns to look at me, blushing. “Yes, and I want to ask you a lot of questions.”

I give a heavy sigh. “Oh dear Celestia my mother. Anything else?” I said, my head hung low. “Well, you’ll never get a chance to have Celestia’s son answering questions personally to another pony. Mostly you’ll see him command a tank and a whole battalion of tanks and gun your flanks… but, eh, times a changin’.”

I trot into her room, seeing two sets of double stack bunk beds. And two other mares in the room wearing the same style of clothing as Cheddar’s. They’re occupying a round poker table playing well… poker. One of the mares gestures me to sit next to them. I do so. And… uh, they’re staring at my flanks!

I give a cheeky smile. “Uh...hi,” shoot, think me! “Could you make these question quick, I have a huge offensive plan to present to my guard-- erm… I mean General Stardust.”

“He’s a pretty stallion you’ve brought, Cheddar. Is he goin’ to be your date for the Liberty Bond Ball?” One piped up.

“Maybe Swiss.” Cheddar said. Oh sweet my mother.

“I...erm....oh geez. Look,” I said, trying to keep myself from storming off. “I would gladly accept but I’m with a pony. Back in Equestria.”

“She doesn’t have to know or you’ll get one of those ‘Dear John’ letters.” Swiss said cooly. “And you’ve picked such a dreamy stallion.” I blush hard. “And one that kinda looks like a mare at first glance, then go lookin’ down to their flanks then knowing their one of those kinds of stallions.”

“Hey, I keep my mane long to cover the scars on my face and neck.” I said, deadpanning.

“You don’t have to say ‘yes’ you know,” One mare said. “I’m Gooda. And that’s Swiss Cheese, and Sharp Cheddar that nabbed a hot stallion like yourself,” she pauses for a moment, looking around. “Where’s Cream Cheese?”

“I’ll take it you four are sisters?” They all nod. Still, Swiss eyes my flanks.

*** *** ***

An hour of strange questions later and my meeting with General Star a success. The plan will be taken further up the chain of command. And I recieved word of the delivery of my Tiger. It’s such a beautiful piece of pony engineering. It’s like the BMW of the amoured combat vehicles. These...Shermans aren’t very great. Usually blows up in one shot.

As my boots make squelching sounds while I look around these M4s and M5s and their crews that are maintaining them. Poor Cintrus, she stumbles around next to me and I help her from falling into the sticky mud.

“Cintrus?” I asked, looking over my shoulder, raising an eyebrow.

“Y-yes sir?” Responded the yellow mare.

I think for a moment and said “You look cute when you stumble.”

She scrunches her muzzle up and blushies. “Thanks...sir.”

We both continue our trot around the tank yards until we find an odd bunch of thestrals. Bat inferior and they’re in uniforms…

“It’s the commander, work harder.” One squeaked. I charge up the bat-winged mare.

“Name and rank thestrals.” I asked, scowling. They start to line themselves up.

“Dark Night, 1st Ltd.” The mare squeaked. Sweating bullets.

“At ease, can’t hear you five that well anyways. Remove all ordinance from the tank and take it back in and repeat 78 times.” I said with an edge to my voice. They start to fumble to follow my command. “And who’s best princess?”

“Celestia! Sir!” They all squeaked at once, grumbling. They panic as two jump inside and start hauling 75 mm shells.

HEAT. AP. HE. HE. HE. HE…. I charged up the mare. “Thestral, how many rounds of AP do you have?”

“We only...have ten rounds of that stuff s-sir. We’re mostly equipped with HE. The sector we’re going to mostly has soft ground targets.” She squeaked between placing rounds on the ground.
I scowl at it hard. Damn thestral doesn’t know they’ll defend that damn city with armour and heavy infintry. “Remove 30 rounds of HE with AP. DO it and do it now! EVERYPONY DO IT TOO!!! Do I make my superior equine self clear?” I bellow.

“B-But the General said w-we wouldn’t n-need i--”

“No! They’re going to have that place fortified! You’ll be slaughtered! You stupid bat cunts don’t know how to fight like a real pony. None of the other fucking bat cunt pony tank teams will live if you go in there without AP because I know they’ll do it. Those enemies followed my tactics. They’re best in the world. So don’t…” I pause, looking at the hot tears streaming down the dark mare’s face. My ears flicker like crazy. Shit! “Did you guys hear that?”


The mare I was yelling at dropped on the ground screaming. A ragged hole through her lower chest. I jump on the winged-mare to put pressure on the flowing wound. “Sniper!!!! Down! H-Hey...shh...look at me...I’m...I’m sorry…”

The mare gurgled underneath me. “H-Hurts….nnnn….don’t let me die s-sir!” I look around for the sniper. I can faintly hear a bolt chambering a new round...but where is it coming fro--


A bullet stiches the left side of my neck. “CELESTIA FUCK ME WITH YOUR HORN SIDEWAYS!!” I slam a muddy hoof to my neck to stop the slow flow of my own life blood dripping on the mare below me. I hope nothing else unfortunate happens next.

My guard jumps on top of me. “As pissed off about you yelling at that very pretty mare below you, I still have to protect those perfectly shaped flanks of yours safe. I promised that I would...OH!! MY FLANK!!” Another shot echoed and found its home into her ass.

“Haha! That building! They’re in there! The red one with the window open!” Everypony calling out who was taking those three shots and ducking for cover. One pony running over with a rifle in his magic taking aim, then fired but the shot only missed the sniper returned rifle and he gone down screaming.

Another pony taking up arms and with a Bazooka. “Where is the sniper sir!”

“Red building, hundred yards, open window. Somepony draw distracting fire!” Another shot echos and whizzes past my ear. “AH! Fire!” I watch the rocket grenade fly and go in the open window. A bright puff a light and flame shoots out along with the wall, I smile in relief. I look down at the bat pony underneath me, worry and pain were dripping out of her beautiful blue pools and I lean down and kiss her. “Ah kiss to make you f-feel better...oh shit you’re losing blood! Medic! Cinny! Are you okay! Want me to kiss you too?” The mare underneath me widened her eyes and blushing perfectly.

“I’m shot in the ass protecting you.”

“Well you do have a pretty big and huge and fat ass.”

I raise an eyebrow to her laughing like crazy. “ um...hurts…”

“If you two are going to rut each other on top of a mare that’s bleeding out include me.” Dark said blushing. We both get off of her quickly. Four medics trot up to us and put the poor mares on the stretchers and left. One asked me if I was okay. I was, sorta...I kissed a mare...there definitely was something wrong with me...don’t tell my mare back home.

Grey Tiger: Chapter Six

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Rain. The sounds of hundreds of water droplets plopping onto the ground. Sometimes it's the type that chills the bones when it hits your back. Or the rain that lands elegantly with a halfway rate. Between a light rain and a downpour.

It starts to rain again, I haul myself up and I gallop down the muddy dirt road down to the red building. I tug my pistol out and I rack the bolt to chamber the round. I push ponies aside to investigate what might possibly have been a listening post. Why did they start shooting? Who was their target? Was our forward ops compromised? I’m about to find out.

I halt at the splintered red wall. The embers still smoking. It did happen four minutes ago. I trot in slowly, smelling the air full of burnt blood. It feels wrong for a pony to see or deal with this repulsive sight. The ripped up remains of what used to be a pony being displayed all over the walls. I look to my right to see a messed up Spotter based on those binoculars she was wearing. She was breathing! I rush to her and I start applying healing spells to my avail is actually working. Slowly stitching up those many holes that were oozing blood. Gaging at the stench of copper that hugged the air.

After a few moments of silence I spoke. “What was your mission Miss…?”

“E-Eagle...Eyes.... Up yours...traitor...blugh…” She answered. She weakly tries to bring up her Luger in her soft base magic. I push the pistol down with my hoof seeing she had something in her hoof, clutching something...a recorder? “S-She wasn’t s-supossed to m-miss…”

Huh? “Miss who?” I lift her up in my magic whilst pouring my healing into her.

“ stupid d-dipshit! Put me down!”

“No, you’re coming with me, Miss Eyes. I’ll be taking that also.” I take her tape recorder and we begin our slow trot back to base. She looks fully healed. “Can you walk?” She nods and I watch her stumble. “Hey hey...lean against me. Easy now.”

“Let go of me you friendship junkie!” She hollered at me. Does she think I’m just going to let her go and report what goes on here? Heck no. The rain comes down hard. My uniform starts to feel itchy against my fur. I take my coat off and drape it over the mare. “ bitch! How dare you share your coat and your friendship!” I turn to look at her face and oh my, she was fuming!

“S-Sorry. Just trying to be kind. I just wanted to leave an example to my soldiers to treat you ponies as equals too. We’re all ponies here…” I hurry my pace. I try to not think about the incident with the bat cu- I mean bat ponies. Mares and stallions gallop down to meet us. Saying ‘lock up the Jerry’. “Keep off her...she’s my prisoner. General Stardust, meet me and my new companion at interrogation room 13 B.” She nods.

*** *** ***

I look at the naked mare before me. In hoofcuffs and a magic inhibitor ring. I feel bad for the mare, I was in the same predicament as she is in now. I pop the top to a Sprite Cola and I slide it towards her. “Drink this, it’s pretty good. I can have me about fifteen o’ these!” I say with a big grin on my face. Haven’t had a real smile since I last saw my mare back home.

“Fuck off asshat tratior.” She barked. “I like Fanta better you dope. The superior drink for our superior status. I used to look up to you,’ve fallen. You serve under an earth low.” She spoke in her germpone accent.

“Whoa there bucko.” Stardust drawled. “You might be yeeing your last haw there spouting superiority crap. We’re all equals here… Right Rev?” She gives me a hard stare.

“B-Bat Cu-- I mean! Thestrals are equal too!” I answer quickly, leaving my germpone drawl into the wind.

“Huh, you’re under her hoof! On a leash. Is that what fillyfooler Sunbutt taught yeh? Nothing is all cupcakes and rainbows. Somepony needs to be on top to show the rest who’s boss. That’s what Anon will bring us, bring us peace and world domination under one united flag. We’ll kill who we need to keep the rest in line. It hurted all our hearts when Anon announced you defected to the enemies. The heir to the throne.”

“No...stop...I’m not under anypony's h-hoof…”

“You’re a sorry excuse for a prince...your father must be disappointed if he was still alive...if those bat cunts did their jobs.” She pauses and smirks. “Your dirt pony cunt marefriend is probably whoring as we spea--”

I hit her. Finding myself jumping over the table and clobberin her with my hoofs. “Nobody talks about my family or my marefriend like that! You horn headed bitch!” I screamed.

Stardust pushes me off of the cackling mare beneath me. “Get a hold of yourself Rev! She’s taunting you!" I sit back down. “Tell us what you were doing here?”

“None of your business, dirt pony. I won’t talk. I’ll never talk.” She runs a hoof across her muzzle to wipe the blood.

An idea forms in my head, I turn to look over my blue maned general. “What are you thinking Rev?”

“She won’t talk, let’s leave. Don’t want to waste our time...but I think I’ll stay and you go.” Before she could retort, I pushed her out of the room with my magic and locked it. I lean in towards the captive mare. “She’s not my boss. I’m my own boss. Here, I have more where this came from. ”

“Oh! Shit! Really?” She takes the offered Fanta and guzzles it down. “I never thought I’d taste these again.”

“You can if you tell me what your mission was. If you do, I’ll reward you handsomely with more Fanta. I’ll make sure you’re well taken care of at a POW camp. If you don’ won’t get any and be beaten by burly stallions to get the info outta yeh. What’s it going to be, Miss Eagle.” I lean back in my chair, having been fully satisfied hoofing out an ultimatum like that.

Eagle Eyes mulls it over for several long minutes. Holding the ice cold beverage in her hooves. She pulls in a deep breath and lets it out slowly. “We...were supposed to find you and kill you.” I raise an eyebrow at that but I let her continue. “Turns out Trigger Happy wasn’t a good sniper. I told him to make sure his zero on his 98 was right on the mark...he’s dead because he didn’t… It’s all on that tape you took off of me. Why...why did you heal me?”

“I uh...thought it was right...a fine Fraulein like you shouldn’t die bleeding from a dozen holes. You have more in your future than getting dead. Would you like to not be in a POW camp?”

“Of course I don’t...they don’t have Fanta…” The portly mare said.

“I’ll pull a few strings. How good of a shot were you in your sniper school?” I asked.

“Danzig Sniper School. I was fourth out of a class of three hundred.” She answered.

I think I found my gunner. “Good. You can have your uniform back and your weapon.”

“What about the Fanta?”

“Fanta too.” I pull a case of the orange beverage and slide it towards her, along with her uniform and weapon. “No ammo though.” I get up to salute the mare and I leave the room. I look at Stardust and say “It went good. Her mission was to assassinate me. When is the Liberty Bond Ball again?”

“Oh uh...In two days. I don’t think you’ll attend...I have you assigned to take the village. The op is estimated to take two days.” She replied.

I take a moment to think. If they do it right...then I can come back and do the Ball thing. She was pretty eager for me to be her date… “I’ll get it done in one day.”

“One day you say? Hmmm. I dunno. Areal reports showed there’s a company of heavy infantry but we didn’t see tanks. What are your thoughts, Rev?”

I mull it over for a moment. “Attack at first light of course. Hit ‘em and hit ‘em real’ hard. That’s what I did when I defeated your 58th Army and penetrated a whole 70 kilometers on a 24 kilometer front. I went super deep in your army annnnd I’m done talking.” She was blushing like crazy. Mother, what have I done?! Don’t tell my mare.

“Aren’t you such a silver tongued equine.” SHe cooed but her face turned stern. “Not the right type of talk to be saying to your superior officer.”

“Oh! Uh...yes S-Star.”

I trot away from the awkward conversation and I wander to the barracks part of the old Prench school. It was a teacher's private office. I nod to my ever trusty guard pony and enter in. I shut the door quietly behind me. The bed awaits me.

I mull over what I said. Take a village in one day? What was I thinking? Oh but I could. All we would need to do is just do a flanking maneuver, insert ourselves from behind and this line of internal monologing is starting to sound lascivious. Not really into that. I look away from the clock and my eyes glaze over the tiled Grey floor. Take the village in one day. I'll do it. Do it in one day and do that Liberty Bond Ball. Oh boy, I do love parties.

Sleep sweeps over me and my head swirls into darkness.

Grey Tiger: Chapter Seven

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Dreams can take you on wild adventures. Some fun, some scary. It could reveal things on your inner Sparkle. I didn't find mine until years after. You just never know what will happen in one.

*** *** ***

Black, dark, eerie and desolate. I found myself staring at a big crowd. Red banners with question marks, flowing everywhere. So many troops in Grey, it's simply just mesmerizing. On my left was Anon Poner. He raises his hand to silence the giant crowd. There was no sound other than the audible standby pickup of the loudspeakers. With a motion of his finger I feel my hooves moving toward the microphones.

Okay, deep breath. In. Out. No big deal.

"Good evening bucks and mares. I am here to announce my role as Waffen SS Heavy Panzer battalion." I tug at my high collar. Beads of sweat running down my neatly combed mane. "Ahem. Uh, we are at war, for the Grand Unity! One Race! These...bats, they are the reason we lost the War. They ruined our economy. They didn't stop the death of my Father! They are a menace to our world and we will hunt them all down! We will be the one true race! For Unity! For Fatherland!" I shouted. My words ran cold when it reached the microphone.

"For Unity, for Fatherland!!!" They chanted. I looked around. All sticking their right forehooves towards Anon and I. I turn away from the podium as Anon begins another rally.

Nothing can stop us from making our dream a reality. Our final solution to world peace. Under the one true banner: Question Mark.

I head into the restricted side of the town hall. Interrogation Rooms line the hallway. I look into number four. Purple bat with a white mane and a crimson red horn. Her. Leader of the Anti Unity Press Papers in this town. We came here for the rally and to hunt her. I open the door and she stares in fear. Frozen, terrified. I step in and I sit down.

"So, bat cunt, making false information? You know you have to submit paper forms before you're allowed to circulate this smut."

"I have rights." She squeaks.

"Not full rights, you're lesser than us true heirs. You have no rights." I pull out my 96. I wave it near her face. "Say it again, cunt."



*** *** ***

"GAH" I screamed, leaning forward. I'm soaked in sweat, as if I just got out of the shower. I shudder with my bones feeling cold, very cold. Oh Celestia, that dream… it happened… I cup my face in my hooves. How can I do such a thing like that? Say those things…

I get up and pace the room. Why did I allow myself to do this? I wish to follow a different road than this one. My thoughts roll over each and every memory of command to execute ponies, even the ones I did myself. I push the papers off my desk in a rage as if they were nothing. The chair and my bed didn't survive the onslaught. They quickly were turned over too. After I lost my steam, I plop down on the cold floor and stare. I hate this war. I want to be home… Home? I don't have one. Equestria isn't my home nor the Fatherland. I look at my 96 on the floor. It's not painful? Right? With a deep breath, my dull red magic incompasses the weight and I bring it closer to me. Pulling the bolt back slightly to see if it was loaded. No pony can control me. I push the crown to my right temple. The magic now forms a hand and the finger feels for the trigger. A slow squeeze will end it.


"Rough night?" Drawled the lemon colored mare.


"Nah, I'll sit here with you." I kept staring while I heard a plop to the right of me. "If you go through with it. It'll go into my head. I know you're suffering. I see it every time you have that stare."

My finger eases off the trigger. "I feel so alone. I feel like I'm in endless purgatory. Everything I did hurts ponies. No matter which side I'm on… so many bodies I'm standing on."

"That's war, kiddo. I know it hurts. Before they assigned me to you I was in charge of a platoon. Saw a lot of my ponies die in action. Got replacements and saw them go too. So many letters I had to write to their moms, dads, why their son or daughter can't come home. I kept fighting to help the War end sooner. I'm one pony. But everypony here is helping to end something that shouldn't have happened. So we can all go home. Don't you want to see it end? Not by the bullet in your gun?"

I look down and I turned to her. "I have no home."

"You do. I don't want to write a letter to your mom that you took yourself out. And your mare. Would she want to know too?"

"I…" was all that slipped from my maw. The pistol dropped from my magic and I hug Cintrus tightly. I wept for a long time. I didn't know for how long.

"There there. Let it all out. Let me set up your bunk again and I'll stay with you in the morning."

I nod. We set the bunk up again and I look at her. "Thank you."

"Not a problem." My thoughts go away as the heavy cloud of sleep overtakes me.