The Mandalorian of Equestria

by Arceaion

First published

For most bronies going to Equestria would be a dream come, I'm not most bronies. I never asked to become Mando'ade but whether I wanted this or not that's what I am. Now what am I going to do?

For most bronies going to Equestria would be a dream come, I'm not most bronies. I went to a game convention simply for fun dressed as my SWTOR Bounty Hunter character and end up here for my efforts, even worse I'm stuck with two fillies that I'm going to have to raise as leaders. Tahla'ada Vadugilyr!

Warning: I'm using Legends Star Wars Lore not Cannon Star Wars Lore.

*Rating and Tags will be changed as needed
*This is a Star Wars the Old Republic displaced story, I don't own SWTOR or Star Wars but the Character is mine so don't bloody steal it ya filthy sinners.
*some words in this story are written in Mando'a, the language spoken by Mandalorians.

Prologue - Bad Days -Part 1

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Ever have one of those days that you think 'This can't get any worse.' and then by some bloody miracle they actually do? Well that's the kind of day I've been having. You know if someone were to have told me when I was going to the convention that I'd be thrown across dimensions, become a Mandalorian tasked with taking care of the most important beings in Equestria I'd have either kissed you full on the mouth or slapped you. But now, I just feel cheated.

You're probably wondering what the fuck I'm talking about, guess I should start at the beginning of this entire mess. So let's go back to about... oh I'd say seven hours ago, back to a time where life was normal and the universe not trying to fuck me in my ass.

A man in his early twenties sighed as he strapped on the last of the armor to his costume. It had taken him two years to get everything right from the weapons to the armor but finally he was ready, with a smile he exited the hotel room and headed for the convention center. The man’s name was Arcus and to day he was going as his Bounty Hunter character from the game Star Wars the Old Republic. The armor he wore was modeled after the Corellia Boltblaster Armor however the helmet he wore was designed for the Mandalorian Enforcer Armor set, he just preferred that helmet though over the Corellia helmet.

After getting to the Convention center and spending several hours exploring the stalls and getting pictures with others he sighed and exited the building and looking around for a place to relax. After finding a small park he sat down and leaning against a tree, Arcus relaxed for a while but all too soon he saw a man approaching him, the man looked like the Resident Evil Merchant and Arcus watched him carefully as he approached. "Mind if I join ya stranger?" The Merchant asked and Arcus shrugged.

"You can do what ya want; I'm just here to relax." Arcus replied. The Merchant nodded and sat down beside Arcus they didn't say anything for a while but eventually Arcus decided to speak. "So, are you him?" He asked.

The Merchant chuckled. "Going to have to be more specific, there are a lot of 'him' out there." The Merchant replied.

Arcus rose and looked at the Merchant. "You're the Displacer, the Merchant, the Void Dweller; you got a lot of names." Arcus said as he shrugged his shoulders. "I was hoping not to run into you since that anyone that does normally ends up with a one way ticket to another universe."

The Merchant chuckled and nodded. "Sadly the people chosen to be sent always find me, except you." The Merchant looked up at Arcus. "You however avoided me, didn't even fall for the old shine object trick used on everyone else."

Arcus scoffed. "Nothing special about that, I just know when I see something too good and I'm not falling for this." He said as he turned to leave only for his body to freeze. "Wha- I can't move!" Arcus gasped out as he tried to force himself to move.

The Merchant sighed as he rose and approached Arcus. "I'm sorry about this, really I am." He said as he looked at Arcus. "You see I have a set of rules I normally follow but there are special cases where the rules don't apply. Normally if a person refuses my offer or isn't deceived I respect their decision but this time I can't. The Equestria I'm sending you to is in desperate need for assistance and you're the only person on the Displacer List at this convention that meet the criteria for this Equestria."

"So what, I'm some special chosen one bull?" Arcus spit out.

The Merchant shook his head. "No, you're simply the nearest person that can help."

"Look buddy I have a life here, most bronies would not hesitate to accept this deal but I honestly don't want to deal with Displaced bull shit." Arcus said his voice pleading. "Can't you just let me go and move on to the next person?"

The Merchant shook his head. "Sorry but I can't, look because I'm not really giving you a choice in this and I'm breaking major rules to just do this I'll give you a few things to give you an edge in your new world." The Merchant replied as he reached into his coat and pulled out a sword. Arcus's eyes widened as he saw the blade. "I'm sure you know what this is correct?" The Merchant asked

"It's a Beskad, a traditional Mandalorian sword forged primarily from beskar, the same ore that Mandalorian Armor is made from." Arcus replied.

The Merchant nodded. "This is the first thing I will give you." He said as he pulled out what looked like a phone. "Second is this, a Multiverse Phone that allows you to call me. If you ever need help you can call, just don't over use it."

Arcus was silent for a moment. "What could make you so desperate that you would offer a way to contact you directly as a bribe?" Arcus asked.

The merchant chuckled. "There are times when I send those you called Displaced to an Equestria because if I don't then that world will be lost. If I don't send you then that world is doomed, you'll understand when you get there. This isn't a bribe though it's compensation for forcing all this on you. You'll also receive a small gift from me after you arrive but it will be after thing's settle down, I'm also allowing you to keep your memory rather than the normal memory alteration. This means that you'll have both the memories of who you are now as well as your character."

Arcus's eyes widened. "The Person I cosplayed as was my personal character from SWTOR."

The Merchant chuckled. "That will be interesting." He said as a portal opened under Arcus. "Good luck and again, sorry about this." The Merchant said as the man fell into the Void.

Ever traveled through the Void? I'm sure you've read some story that tell about how Displaced fall through and it was all fine and dandy or perhaps it was painful but it doesn't actually tell you what happened because the person either can't remember or they black out. Well I can tell you, I can tell you exactly what happens and what it feels like.

To say it was excruciating would be an understatement, the pain was indescribable and only grew the longer I was there. Ever wonder how a Displaced becomes who they are Displaced as? Well it's quite simple, the reason every displaced is in pain or disoriented upon arrival of Equestria is because while in the void you are literally torn apart. Your flesh is ripped apart, your muscles and bones and once your nothing but a consciousness, nothing but a mind and soul the void rebuilds you in the likeness of who you are.

Or at least it's supposed to, you see normally that's what happens, I saw this process happen to several people as I fell through the Void but for me it was different. I can only assume it was different for me because the person I was being Displaced as was my own character and because of this instead of being rebuild I was merged with my character. My mind and soul entered the body of the character I created and merged together, the memories of my character merged with mine and as this process ended I could see the next stage. The Armor I wore began to break down and rebuild, it was heavier and felt real. Next came my weapons and I watched as the broke apart and reformed, locking into place and becoming real as well.

With that done another Void Portal opened and I saw Equestria, well to be specific I saw the planet rushing at me. Guess it's time I truly introduce myself since this is the start of my story.

My name is Nebula Bevik Soull, member of Clan Soull and Mandalorian.

Chapter 1 - Bad Days - Part 2

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So where did I leave off? Oh, yeah the planet was rushing at me, so what do I mean by that? Well it means I was falling from what's called the Thermosphere, this means I was falling from anywhere to 50 to 440 miles above the planet. Now you’re probably wondering how I know this and my answer is because of the HUD in my helmet.

As Nebula fell he lay back and relaxed till he heard a voice. "Greetings, I am your Personal Assistant designed to assist you."

Nebula looked around surprised. "Who said that?" He asked confused.

"That would be me." A voice said again. "I am your Suit's AI, I was assigned to you to act as assistant so that you don't die."

"Well you’re in the wrong franchise; this is Star Wars not Halo." Nexus said with a chuckle.

The AI huffed. "I apologize for not meeting your standards; I have a message from the individual known as the Merchant if you wish to hear it."

Nebula sighed and nodded in consent as an image appeared on his visor. "Hey there stranger, if you’re seeing this then it means you got my third gift. I know that the AI function is from another franchise but even with your new skills and knowledge about those skills you're not going to last long without help. The AI has no name or anything, all settings are customizable but the main thing you need to know is that it has a full tutorial about your armor and its functions. Good luck stranger!"

As the message ended Nebula sighed. "Do you wish me to run tutorial?" The AI asked.

"Well, I got a while till I hit the planet and die so sure, what can I do?" Nebula asked.

The AI laughed and appeared before him revealing what he looked like. The AI appeared as a Hologram wearing a suit of Phase 1 ARC Trooper Clone Armor and quickly several screens appeared around him. "Welcome to the tutorial for the MK-2 Boltblaster Mandalorian Hunter Armor. This Armor is classified as Corellia and contains several modifications and advancements to the standard armor." He said as several bars appeared. "This is your shields level, ammo count and armor durability. Your Suit's shielded can deflect heat, Blaster rounds and other energy weapons; they have an increased output of 47% compared to the standard armor shields. Your Ammo count will show you the amount of rounds you have before they need to recharge, ammo recharges over time so you technically have infinite ammo but you do still need to manage them as it will take a while for your ammo to recharge."

Nebula nodded with a smile "So, basically as long as I don’t just go and spam shots for no reason I'll be fine?" He asked and the AI nods.

"Finally there is your armor durability; armor durability shows the state of the armor and the damage it has taken. Your shields will hold up to anything short of an Ion Cannon but if there is enough power behind an attack then it will penetrate your shield and damage your armor, if your armor sustains enough damage it will become useless so you must repair it when you have time." The AI said in a stern voice.

"I understand, beside I wouldn't be a Mandalorian if I didn't maintain my armor." Nebula said calmly and looked down at the planet. "I'd say I got a few more minutes before we crash so what else is there.

"The next thing to discuss is your inventory." The AI said. "Your Inventory can be accessed through any terminal or by your wrist controls. Your inventory is divided into three sections, Items, Weapons, and Armor." The AI explained as another screen appeared before the AI. "The only important things left to discuss are your skills and equipment."

Suddenly Nebula's HUD flashed red showing that he was now entering the Stratosphere. "We need to hurry."

The AI nodded. "At present the Equipment you have is basic Mandalorian Equipment. Your Helmet has a HUD that allows you access to functions on your armor and contains a rebreather that allows temporary breathing in areas with toxic or no air. On your left arm is a control panel that controls several functions to your armor, it also has a communicator and allows access to your vehicles/mounts and pets."

Nebula was surprised at this and quickly looked at the wrist controls to see a screen with several options. "This will be really useful." He said happily.

"You also have a Flamethrower on your left wrist." The AI said happily. "On your right arm you have an S-86 Carbon Freeze Ray and Dart Launcher. You currently have three types of Darts to fire from it, Explosive Darts, Corrosive Darts and Electro Darts." The AI said as Nebula looked at his Left arm. "The final piece of Equipment you have is your jetpack; the Jetpack is capable of movement and flight while also enabling you to fire Missiles. Currently you have access to three missiles; they are Fusion Missiles, Incendiary Missiles and Concussive Missiles."

Nebula Nodded. "What Skills do I have?" He asked.

The AI opened another screen. "Currently you have access to three skills.

Power Surge - Overload all systems on the suit and supercharging weapons. However it causes severe damage in the process.

Hydraulic Override - Overrides safety parameters for the hydraulic systems on the Jetpack and allowing faster movement, using this skill risks damage to the jetpack as it might explode.

Kolto Overload - Overrides the safeties on the suits Kolto injection system to dispense a high amount of Kolto. This overloads the nervous system and prevents pain but can lead to an overdose that causes damage to the nerves or even death.

I'd recommend you only use any of these skills in desperate situations or as a last resort." The AI said with caution.

Nebula nodded. "How do I activate the Jetpack?"

"Top button on the wrist controls." The AI Replied and Nebula nodded.

Quickly Nebula flipped himself to where he was right side up and pressed the bottom, the Jetpack activated and slowly he came to a stop in the air and looked around. "I need to give you a name; I'm not going to just call you AI." Nebula said as he looked around.

"As Long as it's not stupid I'll be fine with a name." The AI replied before looking at Nebula. "There is a Marker on the Map; I'm bringing it up on the HUD." The AI said as a map filled the lower half of the HUD and showed a mission marker. "That’s a Mission Marker; it shows where you need to go for a mission." The AI said.

"I know." Nebula said as he turned and shot in its direction. As they flew Nebula thought what to name the AI before he remembered a certain Clone trooper, one that he had liked as a kid and embodied the virtues of a Mandalorian. "Echo, your name will be Echo." Nebula said with a smile.

Nebula flew to the Location to see a massive Dragon attacking a settlement of Ponies. "Here we go." He muttered as he opened the Inventory Weapons Slot and pulled out a pair of blasters that made him smile. They were the first pair he had ever purchased from the Cartel Market, the Beryar's MK-3. "Now let’s kick some dragon ass." He said with a smile as he rocketed toward the massive creature. "Hold still you lizard." He muttered as he lined up the shot and fired straight at the Dragons eye and causing it to roar and turn to him. Nebula smiled and quickly dodged one of the dragon’s claws before landing and running at the dragon firing quickly at the beast. The dragon roared and charged the Mandalorian who activated his jetpack and dodged the beast before firing an Incendiary missile that shredded the side of dragon.

The Dragon roared in pain before turning opening its mouth and unleashing a torrent of flames. Nebula rocketed out of the flames quickly firing upon the lizard. "Sir, shields at 50% we can't take another hit like that!" Echo cried out in panic.

"I have to finish this fast!" Nebula grunted as he landed. The Dragon roared in anger and Nebula smiled as he fired another missile right down the dragon’s throat. The Dragon looked confused before groaning and exploding. Nebula sighed and looked around. "Echo, scan for survivors." He said and the AI nodded before activating the suits sensors. As Echo scanned Nebula stood and smiled. "And just as Mandalore the First killed a Mythosaurs when he first came to Mandalore I have killed a mother fucking dragon as I arrive on this world!" He said with pride.

"Three life signs have been confirmed in that building." Echo said and pointed to a heavily damaged house.

"Thanks Echo." Nebula said as he walked to the house and opened the door to see three ponies that made his eyes widen in shock, before him was three anthro ponies with wings and a horn. The oldest one, a mare with white fur, a red main and tail, and a cutie mark of an inkwell however what shocked him was that she had severe injuries and burns. Nebula stared at the Mare fear; her injuries were far too severe for her to live much longer. "Tahla'ada!"(1) He said in panic as he ran over to the Mare.

Chapter 2 - Bad Days - Part 3

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Nebula slowly approached the injured mare who watched him with weary eyes and slowly wrapped her wings around the two children with her. "Stay back." She growled causing Nebula to stop and look over her.

"Gar shupuur, ures gaa'tayl gar malyasa'yr ramaanar." Nebula said in concern however the Alicorn looked at him confused.

"Sir, I don't think she understands Mando'a, might I recommend you use basic." Echo said within Nebula's Helmet.

Nebula sighed and looked at the Alicorn before clearing his throat. "You're injured, without help you will die."

The Alicorn paused and examined Nebula carefully. "Who are you?" She asked as she narrowed her eyes.

"I am Nebula Soull, a simple Mandalorian warrior." Nebula replied calmly. "Who are you?"

The Alicorn relaxed slightly however remained wary of the man before her. "Are you not here for the bounty on my head?" She asked her voice even and calm.

Nebula shook his head. "No I'm not, I saw a dragon attacking this home and decided to help. I'm not exactly from around here so forgive me for being a bit out of the loop."

The Alicorn sighed and relaxed. "Forgive me for my rudeness but I have been on the run for quite a while." The Alicorn said as her wings loosened around the children. "I am Faust, and these are my children Celestia Sol and Luna Moon."

Nebula nodded and walked over to Faust before kneeling down and looking over the injuries of the women. "These are deep, I'm not sure if I can help you here. Perhaps if I was able to get you to a medical facility they could treat you?" He asked only for the mare to laugh.

"They would not help me." Faust said angrily "They would simply kill me faster and claim the bounty."

"What did you do that warranted you becoming a criminal?" Nebula asked.

"It's not my actions but rather my power." Faust said as she coughed up some blood. "I can create life, to the Unicornia Council I was a threat however when a prophecy foretold I would bring the downfall of the council they decided to issue a bounty for my death."

Nebula nodded. "Did you ever plan to destroy them?"

Faust shook her head. "No, I wanted nothing to do with them however the prophecy foretold I would give birth to two children that would do such and because of this I am hunted."

Nebula sighed and pulled out a Kolto pack before injecting it in to her. "I can't heal those wounds but I can at least make you comfortable. This is Kolto it will dull your nerves and suppress the pain, it can heal small injuries but yours are too severe." He said as he sat down next to her.

Faust chuckled before coughing up more blood. "I know I won't survive much longer, if I could I'd ask you a favor." She said as she slowly sat up before coughing again. "I know you don't know me and I don't know you but could you watch over my children? Protect them from those who would harm them and even teach them to survive?"

Nebula hesitated before sighing and removing his helmet. "Faust, I know nothing of this world, your people or anything." He said as he looked at the mare. "If I were to raise them they would be raised to be Mandalorian."

And what does that mean?" Faust asked. "What is a Mandalorian?"

Nebula leaned back in the chair. "What is it to be Mandalorian?" He asked as he looked up at the ceiling. "I guess the short explanation is that to be Mandalorian is to live the life of a warrior, honor and loyalty to ones Clan are what we value."

Faust smiled. "Then I have no regrets leaving them to you." She said with a smile. "One more thing Nebula, like me my children are immortal, they will age till they are in their late second decade and after that will stop."

Nebula turned to Faust confused. "If you're immortal then why are you dying?"

Faust chuckled. "That's a misconception, Immortality doesn't mean we can't die only that we live forever. If we are injured enough then we can die, just like I am now but there is one thing I can do." Faust explained as rose and sat her children down who looked around confused as she approached him. "You can take my Immortality." She said as he offered her hand to him.

Nexus looked at the hand for a moment as he frowned. "I really don't need it, I'd rather be mortal than live forever."

Faust nodded. "Immortality is more of a curse than blessing but if you are to raise my children you will need it, besides it does have its perks." She said sadly.

"Like what?" Nexus asked as he raised an eyebrow at her. "I'm Madalorian; we don't need special powers to fight."

Faust chuckled. "Immortality accelerates your body’s natural healing, in the past Alicorns that were warrior were able to surpass any mortal because of this simple fact." She explained as she sat down wearily. "I'm sure you know that the muscles in the body break down during physical exertion, because immortality accelerates the body’s natural healing it allows for muscles to rebuild faster."

Nexus nodded. "Such an ability would prove useful." He said quietly as he looked at the children who had started to play with each other completely unaware of the severity of the situation. "And if they have immortality themselves then they will be around for a long time, longer than me at least. It's always me that has to deal with this shit." He groaned. "First it was the Great Hunt and Tarro Blood, then it was that Jedi calyarnr Jun Seros and his madness, then it was the bloody Eternal Empire." Nebula sighed and looked at the ceiling. "Why can't I just have a peaceful life?" He asked with a groan

"It sounds as if you have seen and done much in your time alive." Faust said as she placed a hand on his shoulder.

Nexus chuckled. "You don’t know the half of it." He said as he looked at her with tired eyes. "I've live through more battles than I care to recount and the fate of the universe has rested on me just as many times, I mean I'm not complaining but for once I’d like to live a bit of a peaceful life. Add to the fact that I got the memories of two lives up here and it just adds to my tiredness." He said before sighing and turning to face Faust. "How do we do this Immortality transfer thing?" He asked tiredly.

Faust looked at him for a moment before holding out her hand again. "All you need to do is take my hand, I'll do the rest." She said with a faint smile. Nebula nodded and took the offered hand, the moment he did he felt as if he was being filled with some sort of energy and slowly he began to glow. "As my time ends I pass this power to you, may you stand the tests of time and walk this world with wisdom." Faust said calmly before slumping forward. Nexus quickly caught her and set her down as Celestia and Luna ran over to her.

"Mommy, are you going to be okay?" Celestia asked sounding afraid.

Faust smiled sadly and looked at her children. "Celestia, this is Nebula." She said as she pointed at Nebula. "He'll be taking care of you from now on, listen to him and look after your little sister." Faust said tiredly before looking at Nebula. "Mind taking me to that bed in the corner?" She asked as she pointed to a bed tucked away from the rest of the house.

Nebula nodded and wrapped an arm around the dying mare and helped her to it before laying her down. Faust smiled as Celestia ran over to her mother with Luna following close behind. Nebula backed away from the bed and watched as Celestia began to cry and Luna looked confused as to what was going on. As Faust closed her eyes she smiled and passed on. Celestia began to cry harder and Luna simply hugged her sister not fully understanding, Nebula slowly walked over to Faust and felt for a pulse only to find none. Nebula sighed and looked at Faust before bowing his head. "Asas gar gebi gar sur'haai at nuhoy darasuum nuhoyir, kar'taylir ibac ku'nr gar ba'slanar malyasa'yr niyura par ti ijaa narir gar oyacyir bid at hwa ti ijaa gar ramaanar."

After several moments Nebula turned to Celestia. "Are there any shovels around?" He asked causing the young filly to look at him and nod.

"They're behind the house." She said as she sniffed and rubbed her eyes. Nebula nodded and left the house for several minutes before returning and picking up the body. Celestia and Luna followed him out and watched as he lowered their mother in to a grave that had been dug and slowly cover it. Celestia walked to behind the house and returned with another shovel; calmly she joined Nebula in burying her mother.

Once the task was done the three stood looking over the fresh mound before Celestia turned and looked at Nebula. "Is there anything you have that can be used as a marker?" She asked.

Nebula shook his head. "Not at the moment but we'll return here one day with one."

Celestia shook her head. "This is the middle of nowhere; we won't find this place again."

"We will, No matter what I will always have this place marked." Nebula said mysteriously before looking at his wrist console and tapping it several times, after a minute he pulled out a strange object and put it to his mouth before playing.

As the song ended Nebula stopped playing and sighed. "You know as fitting as that song is for this scene it sure doesn't fit this story." He said as he returned the flute to his inventory.

Celestia looked at Nebula confused before shaking her head. "What did you say earlier to mom as she died?" She asked.

Nebula looked down at the young filly and considered the question before answering. "It's an old warrior’s prayer said to those who died with honor." He said before closing his eyes and reciting the prayer. "As you close your eyes to sleep the eternal slumber, know that the world you leave will morn for with honor did you live so to shall with honor you die." As he finished reciting the prayer he looked at the two fillies he now had in his care. "I've really got myself in to some deep Gundark osi'kyr now haven't I?" He asked with a sigh as he placed the helmet back on his head. "Looks like I need to make a phone call."

Well now you're all caught up on what's happened to me. Seems no matter where I go the Universe loved dumping a shit ton of responsibility on me and telling me to deal with it. Honestly I have no fucking idea what I'm going to do but I know the Merchant's about to get an ear full form me on this. Well, look out world because you just got a very grumpy and pissed off Mandalorian with two kids and basters with infinite ammo.

Chapter 3 - Starships, droids and fillies... what could go wrong?

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Nebula looked at Celestia for a moment before kneeling down to look at her. "Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad Celestia Sol." He said before looking "Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad Luna Moon." He said as he rose and pulling out the phone the merchant gave him and hitting the call button.

Celestia looked at Nebula confused. "I didn't understand what you said at all." She said grumpily.

Nebula chuckled. "I know your name as my child. What I just performed is what is known as the Gai bal manda, it's the way we Mandalorian adopt others in to our Clan, from now on you are a part of my clan, Clan Soull." He said as the phone clicked. "I need to do something real quick so I need you to stay here and look after Luna." He said as he walked around the house as the person on the phone was heard laughing

"Hello?" The Merchant said and nexus growled.

"Merchant what the fuck have you thrown me into you void dwelling asshole!?" He yelled into the phone. "You have any idea what sort of shit I'm in at the moment? Faust is dead, Celestia and Luna are now my responsibility and there is a bounty on their and their mothers head made by assholes that are trying to be fucking Illuminati rip offs!" He screamed in anger.

The Merchant was silent through all of this and as Nexus finished he cleared his throat. "Ya done or is there more?" He asked calmly.

Nexus sighed. "I'm done, needed to get that out of my system."

"It's fine." The Merchant replied before his voice grew serious. "This is quiet the situation though." He said in thought before chuckling. "SO what are you going to do about it?"

Nebula sighed. "First off I need two things answered." He said as his voice turned calm. "First I need to know if you take Galactic Credit's and Cartel Coins."

"Yes I take them and any funds you had from the game are available to you here." The Merchant said making Nebula smile.

"Then I'm about to be placing a rather large order for some supplies." He said with a dark voice causing the merchant to gulp.

"Why do I feel this will be something I regret?" He asked causing Nebula to chuckle darkly.

"I've been saving up for years to buy most of the companion droids and some gear." Nebula said with a smile.
"And you want to buy it all now?" The Merchant asked with a sigh.

"I'll save the gear for another time." Nebula said. "Right now I need the companions and a few other things and while it would be nice to get some fancy guns and armor I don't need that right now."

"Well at least you have your priorities in order." The Merchant grumbled.

Nebula nodded. "You better get some paper ready because this list is... extensive." He said.

"Hang on a moment." The Merchant said as the sound of shuffling paper was heard. "Ok, so aside from the Droids I assume that you’re buying in bulk on supplies so tell me what you need and how much, I’ll have it shipped to you."

Nexus nodded. "First off I'm requesting the Cartel Companion droids. I need you to send me a D-R3D Defense Droid, P3-KP Republic Combat Droid, C8-SC3 Security Droid, K1-Z3N Iokath Assault Droid-"

"Hold on." The Merchant interrupted and the sound of typing was heard. "Ok, it shows that you already have a K1-Z3N Iokath Assault Droid registered to your account." He said.

"That’s correct, can you send it over?" Nexus asked.

"Yeah, should be easy enough." The merchant replied. "SO what ells do you need?"

"The last three I'll need is an Annihilator T4-1D Colicoid model battle droid, QO-77 Assassin Droid, and a Probe Droid." Nexus finished and the merchant muttered something.

"Ok, running the numbers this comes out 24000 Cartel Coin." The Merchant said as the typing started again. "Damn, you got a lot of Coin" He muttered and Nebula chuckled.

"Like I said, I've been saving up." He said.

The Merchant grunted. "Alright your order has been sent to the Cartel, they will be sent to you sometime in the week."

Nebula nodded. "Good now we can get down to actual business." Nebula said as he took a deep breath. "Look, I'll be honest, given my training as both Madalorian and all the stuff I've been though I could survive for years on my own but that's me and on my own."

"So you need supplies and tools?" The Merchant asked.

"No, I need more than that." Nebula said. "Food and basic equipment are important but I can find what I need here. No what I need is a base or shelter and honestly there is only one place I can think of." He said before taking a deep breath. "I need my D5-Mantis Starship."

The Merchant muttered a few things as the sounds of typing were heard. "Ok, hang on." He said as he did something, after a moment he returned to the phone. You completed the Eternal Empire and Eternal Throne story arcs, your D5-Mantis held all Grade 5 Upgrades and two of the special Upgrades. You had all perks of the ship unlocked and you have an HK-51... that would total up to around 4000000 Credits! Do you even have that much?" The Merchant asked.

Nebula nodded. "Yes I do, it eventually got to a point I didn't ever use my credits because I never used anything." Nebula sighed. "I have so many credits, credit for days literally." He said in a deadpanned voice.

The Merchant nodded. "Credit transfer complete, your ship is now orbiting Equus as we speak, if you want to get it use your Holo-communicator to contact your HK and he will take it down."

"Thanks Merchant." Nebula said.

"Hey as long as you got money I'll sell ya whatever you want." Merchant said with a laugh.

Nebula nodded. "Also can I get about 300 ingot of beskar?"

"What could you possibly need that much for?" The Merchant asked confused.

"Beskar can only be found on the moons of Mandalore and with no Mandalore that means no beskar so I'll need to order it from you." Nebula replied.

"But that still doesn't answer why you need that much." The Merchant replied.

"My armor is made from Beskar and I will need to keep it repaired." Nebula replied.

The Merchant sighed. "I only have about 250 ingots in stock right now; I can send the rest when my next shipment comes in though."

"It's fine, I was ordering extra so I could have some on hand in case something happened what your offering is more than enough."

"That will be 20000 Credits then." The merchant said.

"Everyone’s a fucking con artist." Nebula muttered under his breath. "Fine, just get the shipment here soon." He growled before hanging up and turning around to see Celestia and Luna peaking around the corner before quickly pulling away. "Didn't anyone ever tell you two that listening to other conversations is rude lakkav?" He asked calmly, after a minute of waiting the two fillies slowly walked out from behind the wall and faced the Mandalorian.

Celestia lowered her head however Luna simply giggled. "Sorry sir." She said quietly.

Nebula sighed. "Its fine just don't do it again, okay vabjau?" He asked as he reached into his inventory and pulled out his Holo-communicator.

"Where do you keep grabbing all those weird things?" Celestia asked.

"Technology Celestia not weird things." Nebula replied before looking up from the communicator. "And it's my inventory."

"Do I have one?" She asked causing Nebula to chuckle.

"When you grow up a bit more I'll see about getting you one." He replied as the communicator beeped and he answered it. For a moment there was only a static image however soon the connection stabilized and showed the metallic form of HK-51.

"Elation: Master! It is a pleasure to see you again!" HK-51 said happily.

"Hello HK-51, bring the ship down we've been wrapped up into another adventure." Nebula said.

"Inquiry: Does this mean there will be more targets for me Master?" HK asked.

Nebula sighed and rubbed his forehead before a thought came to him and he smiled. "You know HK, I think it does." He said with a dark smirk. "In fact I think you'll be quite busy in the coming few millennia."

"Excitement: Oh, I can't wait master!" HK said happily. "Announcement: I am tracking your signal now master, I will see you soon." HK deactivated the communicator and Nebula smiled.

Nebula turned to the two fillies. "Things will be changing a lot for you two." He said as he sat down in front of them. “Once my ship gets here things are going to be rather hectic so if you have any questions then you should ask them now."

"What was that creature? He looked like a golem but was different." Celestia asked.

"That was my droid HK-51, got him as payment for a mission I did on a planet known as Belsavis." Nebula replied. "Droids are similar to Golem in a way I guess but they are able to act without a masters command and aren't magic."

"Then what is he if not magic?" Celestia asked confused.

"Technology, all my equipment, tools and supplies is technology." Nebula explained. "My kind can’t use magic like yours but we can replicate and even surpass what you do with magic by creating technology."

Celestia was silent for a while as she thought about this however she eventually she returned to her questions. "So what did you mean by things will be changing a lot for us?"

Nebula chuckled. "When I made you part of my clan I made you Mando'ade or Mandalorian, this means that you will be living by the Resol'Nare and when you are ready I will send you on the cuir malhr be Mando'ade."

"What does that mean?" Celestia asked causing Nebula to chuckle.

"You'll find out in time vabjau." He said as the hum of engines was heard. Nebula looked up to see the ship descending slowly and he smiled. "Come on lakkav, our ride's here." He said as he rose and placed his helmet on. The group walked for a while in the direction of the ship with Celestia carrying Luna on her back as the younger sister giggled and played with the older wings and hair. When the finally entered the clearing with the ship Celestia gasped in surprise at the massive star ship and Nebula smiled. "Welcome to my home vabjau." He said with a smile as he walked up the ramp and activated the airlock door, the door swung open with a hiss and Nebula turned to Celestia. "You gonna come in or just stare?" He asked causing the filly to run after him, nexus chuckled and the group entered the ship.

To say the ship was massive would be an understatement and as Nebula glanced around the ship a sense of pride filled him, Despite never truly living here the memories of his character made him feel at home almost instantly. Celestia looked around with wide eyes as she slowly began to look around.

"Elation: Master, it is good to see you !" HK said as he walked down the stairs to the second floor.

Nebula smiled. "Good to see you too HK." Ne said as he placed a hand on the droids shoulder. "There's a lot I need to inform you about however before any of that I need to introduce you to two people." He said as he waved a hand at Celestia and Luna. "HK, meet Celestia and Luna, from now on there my... bakrinr." He said with a sigh.

HK looked at Nebula with some surprise. "Inquiry: Master, I thought you planed to never have children given... well the dangers of your profession."

Nebula sighed. "I'll explain when were alone but from now no I want you to treat these two with respect and protect them as you protect me."

"Affirmation: My Loyalty Protocol dictates I am to insure the protect you and those of family, I would not dream of failing in that task." HK said his voice changing from the happy tone to one of complete seriousness.

Nebula nodded. "Thank you HK, I haven't forgotten but it's still reassuring to hear it from you." Nebula said with a smile. "Head back up to the cockpit, I'll show Celestia and Luna to a bunk and then head up. He said as he walked away from the droid.

"Acknowledgement: As you wish master." HK said as he turned and headed back up the stairs.

Nebula sighed. "Let's get you settled in." He said as he turned to Celestia and Luna.

The Early Years

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The Code of the Mando'a
Strength is Life,
for the strong have the right to rule
Honor is Life,
for with no honor, one may as well be dead
Loyalty is Life,
for without one's clan one has no purpose
Death is Life,
one should die as they have lived

It's been about four years now since I came to this world. I've spent most of the time here teaching the two Alicorns about the Mando'ade. Echo, my AI, has been very helpful in ways I never thought; he has a lot of skill and functions and since we're essentially living on another world that is nowhere close to being technologically capable for a few more millennia at best he's shown me a lot of things. From maintenance to even simple advice, Echo has proved to be a perfect assistant in almost every way.

'I do believe you mean in every way.'

Yes Echo, in every way. Now most people would expect some big story of me training Celestia and Luna for their upcoming destiny of being princesses and ruling a kingdom but to be honest that's the farthest thing from the truth.

For those who don't know, we Mandalorians don't really like rulers and unless you're a Clan Leader or Mand'alor themself we normally tell authority where they can stick it pretty fast. Trust me when I say herding cats is an easier job than leading Mandalorians; we're not diplomatic, unless you count blasters as diplomacy, and we don't even have a very structured society to begin with. We Mandalorians only really follow two things, a warrior’s code and the Resol'nare. Both of these are integral parts of Mando'ade culture and beliefs.

So me preparing them for becoming Princesses and leading Equestria in the future is about as likely to happen as Mand'alor the First's spirit appearing before me and handing me his mask deeming me the new Mand'alor. Anyway I think that's enough about me and my grievances to authority and politics as a whole.

Celestia recently turned fourteen and Luna's seven with a mouth that could make a smuggler blush. Since some of you reading this probably don't know what Tah'da means in Mando'a it means fuck. Just so happens that's what Luna's first word was, father of the year right here folks... I keep forgetting sarcasm doesn't translate well to in recordings; I really need to get the holocams up and running properly.

Anyway, with Celestia finally getting a grasp on our language to a point I can hold full conversations with her I think it's time to finally start spending more time on the surface rather than in orbit around the planet. We recently landed a few miles away from where I faced that dragon and buried Faust. Celestia and Luna have been training in hand to hand combat and I'm planning to send them out for some survival training. Celestia is already using magic however it's just some basic spells, I need to pick up some books on magic and what not from a village so she and Luna can learn more. Speaking of Luna, her horn sometimes sparks and gives off light but that was about all she can do right now.

Also on a related note it appears that when Faust giving me her Immortality she also gave me her Magic. Honestly it's pretty easy to understand and use but I've mostly been pulling a few Jedi and Sith tricks and skills. I do however know my magic works differently from Celestia and Lunas so I'm on my own in figure it out.

Well that's all I have to say for now so I'll wrap up this entry. Celestia and Luna are sparing outside so I probably should go and keep an eye on them.

Nebula sighed as he finished the entry on the data pad and stood up before stretching with a groan. Once he was done he exited his quarters and walked down the stairs and left his ship. As he exited the ship he frowned and squinted as the light hit him. After a moment to let his eyes adjust he saw Celestia and Luna always away sparing. Nebula chuckled and leaned against the bulkhead of the ship in a semi-relaxed position as he watched the two Alicorns spar.

Celestia used her wings to leap into the air dodging a roundhouse kick from Luna before diving down and delivering a quick ax kick to her sister who leaned back, barely dodging the blow to her head before screaming and tackled Celestia. The two were sent rolling and quickly fell down a small hill. Nebula sighed and walked to where the two sisters were still fighting trying to pin the other. "Enough!" He yelled in a tired voice and the two Alicorns froze. "Celestia, you need to work on spatial awareness more." He said as he walked down the hill.

Luna laughed at her sisters scolding till Nebula turned on her to. "As for you Luna, control your temper." He said as he sat down. "Trust me it will save you trouble in the future."

Luna frowned. "I can control it just fine!" She yelled back.

Nebula sighed. "Luna, take it from me loosing ones temper in battle will only get you killed." He said his voice darkening. "I won't always be here to help and unlike me you might not have a skilled crew to pull you out when the fire starts or to snap you back when you break."

Celestia smiled. "Sounds like you have a story there." She said with a smile.

Nebula nodded. "I do but you're both too young for this one."

Luna groaned. "You say that about a lot of your stories!" She grumbled. "When will we be old enough?"

Nebula smiled. "Sooner than you think but longer than you like." He said as he stood back up and pulled out his Holo communicator. "Have you finished your sparing for the day?" he asked receiving a nod from the two Alicorns.

"Yeah, I think we managed to do an hour today." Luna said.

Celestia nodded. "Yeah, why do you ask?" She asked.

"A village recently was set up near the area." Nebula said as he activated the communicator and projected a map of the area, a small town appeared on it glowing red. "Since we'll be spending our time on the surface now it would be best we start making a name for ourselves as bounty hunters."

Celestia frowned. "But what will we be doing, also wouldn't Luna and I stand out since we're the same race as Mom?" She asked.

Luna nodded. "Also wouldn't you stand out since you’re not exactly a pony?"

Nebula smiled. "Good to see I at least taught you caution." He said with a chuckle. "I'll be fine and as long as we cover either you wings or horn you'll be fine." He replied.

Celestia frowned. "Right, so it's that easy?" She asked sarcastically. "We just cover ourselves and they'll believe it?"

Nebula smiled. "You'd be surprised how easy it is to fool someone and the best ways are often the simplest or hiding in plain sight." He said as he deactivated the holoprojector. "Now, we'll be posing as simple mercenaries so gather your gear and grab some cloaks." The two sisters nodded and entered the ship, as they left two droids walked out of the foliage of the forest. The first was a D-R3D Defense Droid while the second was a QO-77 Assassin Droid.

"What do you have to report?" I asked without turning to them.

"It's as you believed, the Village is relatively new." D-R3D said calmly. "They are searching for anyone willing to fight monsters for them."

"Scouting showed that the village is dominantly Unicorn and as you assumed they have extreme prejudice against all other races." QO-77 said. "Located a guild hall that is sending adventurers out on missions."

Nebula nodded. "Did you sight any of your targets?" He asked.

QO-77 shook it's head. "Negative, no targets sighted."

Nebula sighed. "Great, did you manage to identify the leader of the town?" He asked.

QO-77 pulled a holoprojector off the belt he wore and activated it showing a very fat unicorn stallion. "The Lords name is Silver Pureblood." D-R3D Said calmly. "Served five years in the Unicorn Mage Guard before becoming head of the Pureblood House and retiring to live off his newly acquired fortune."

Nebula looked at the Lord with distaste. "A pig in pony clothes." He said with disgust. "You did well, both of you." He said calmly. "QO-77, you're free to do as you please for now. D-R3D, secure the perimeter and then remain on guard while we're gone, I want you to be in rotation with T4-1D and C8-SC3."

"Yes sir." The two droids said as QO-77 left to rest and D-R3D left to carry out his orders. As they left Celestia and Luna exited the ship wearing a set of light armor and cloaks.

Nebula smiled. "That armor will do... for now." He said with a nod as he looked them over.

"Oh, come on!" Luna yelled angrily. "It’s not like we have beskar armor like you!"

Nebula nodded. "That's why I said it will do for now." He said as he glared at her. "You're still a long way to go before you're ready for the honor of beskar armor."

Celestia frowned. "And what must we do buir, you've taught us the traditions of Mando'ade, how to speak Mando'a and how to fight; what more must we do to prove we're worthy?" She asked.

Nebula smiled. "Remember Celestia, even for those born into the Clan life, one is not true Mando'ade till they complete the Cuir Malhr." He said as his smile faded. "For those like me or you two; becoming Mando'ade is even harder. I proved myself in the Great Hunt decades ago, that made me eligible to wear the armor and in training you two I now fulfill the obligations of the Bar'gyam Malhr and become true Mando'ade."

"Wait you mentioned the Cuir Malhr before, back when you first adopted us, what is it?"

Nebula smiled. "I'll explain but we need to get moving to the town so I'll explain on the way." He said as he opened his inventory and pulled out several weapons. "I want you to choose which you want." He said as he laid them on the ground.

Luna and Celestia quickly ran over and examined them before frowning. "Why do you get blasters and we get swords?" Celestia asked.

Nebula smiled. "This is only for going to the Village, plus I won't be using my blasters for this trip." He said with a smile as he pulled two blades and strapped them to his back before pulling out a third and strapping it to his belt. "These swords are called Vibroblades, they are designed so that when they activate they vibrate at high speeds enabling it cut through almost anything. The exceptions to this are very dense metals such as beskar."

Luna smiled as she grabbed one of the weapons that was shaped as a Cutlass. "This one's mine." She said with a smile.

Celestia shook her head as she reached for the one next to her sisters only for it to extend outward and form a staff. "Interesting... I guess I'll use this one." She said calmly.

Nebula smiled. "Looks like you two got the same taste in weapons as me." he said with a chuckle as the two looked at him confused. "Those are the Beryar's MK-3 Electrostaff and Electroblade." He said with a smile.

"Electroblade, I thought these were Vobroblades?" Luna asked.

Nebula nodded. "There similar but an Electroblade can also electrocute its target while the vibroblade only uses vibration. Honestly there both effective tools of death with the only major difference being one uses electricity for extra damage and cauterizes the wound while the other doesn't." Nebula shrugged. "I always liked the Beryar Series weapons though, there simple and effective." He said as he raised his blaster. "They're the company that made my Basters." He said with a smile.

Celestia nodded as she spun the staff. "Feels right." She said with a faint smile.

Luna gave an experimental swing of the sword. "Mine is alright but feels off when I swing." She said.

Nebula frowned as he looked at the blade before reaching down and grabbing another blade that he handed to Luna. "Try this." He said as he handed it to her.

As Luna held the blade it activated and the edge glowed as a sword appeared around it. Luna gave several swings and nodded. "Feels better."

Nebula nodded. "The Beryar was designed after a cutlass which is more for fencing, not your style of battle which is more of a swordsman style." He explained. "That's the Tribal Champions Blade, old and reliable it's edge has an energy blade designed to cut through almost anything."

Luna smiled. "I like this blade." She said with a smile.

Nebula chuckled as he picked up the other weapons and returned them to his storage. "Come on, we're burning daylight." He said as he turned and walked in the direction of the village.

"So you were going to explain the Cuir Malhr?" Celestia asked as she and Luna followed.

Nebula smiled and nodded. "The Cuir Malhr, or as it's known in basic the four tasks are the four tasks that prove one worthy of being Mando'ade. The first is the study of Mando'ade culture, ideology and language. This is a task that takes years and in doing so one becomes Mandalorian in Mind. Thankfully you're quick learners, even if it took you a few years to learn Mando'a Celestia."

"It didn't take that long!" Celestia exclaimed. "So we've completed the first task, what comes next?"

Nebula frowned. "The next task is always the hardest, proving yourself in combat. For one seeking to join the ranks of the Mandalorians they must prove themselves a warrior of the highest caliber, as such there is what's known as the Ritual Blooding. The Ritual blooding consists of facing a powerful foe or beast and besting them, once done the warrior marks their armor with its blood. In this act one become Mandalorian in Soul."

Luna frowned. "If we've passed the first trial then why have you not sent us to perform the second?" She asked.

Nebula sighed. "Because this world has few creatures that are worthy opponents or beast that meet the criteria for a Ritual Blooding." He said tiredly. "I've searched for a worthy foe and aside from a few dragons there are honestly no worthy opponents I can find." He explained.

Luna frowned. "What was your Ritual Blooding like?" She asked.

Nebula laughed. “It was quite a battle!" He exclaimed happily before sighing. "Ah, those were the days." he said reminiscing. "Facing worthy foes almost on a daily basis, only my wit and skills with my crew at my side." Celestia and Luna looked at each other confused as Nebula continued. "The first part of my Blooding was the Great Hunt, the thrill that came from it was exhilarating, Mako was with me from the beginning and boy did she have a fire, I swear she could flip the entire galaxy upside down if she ever wanted to."

Nebula's smile faded as he remembered something. "Course it wasn't always sun shine and rainbows, we had our share of suffering and pain we had to endure. Braden, the man you could call my mentor in a sense was killed by a rival in the great hunt and I lost a few good friends along the way."

Celestia tilted her head. "What happened to your crew, you've mentioned them before but never who they were exactly or what happened to them."

Nebula nodded. "Yeah, I never have told you about them have I?" He asked with a smile. "Well first off there was Mako, she was an extremely skilled slicer that would eventually become like a sister to me; was there when I became Mando'ade and everything. She disappeared for a while after some stuff happened but I founder her years later during a big war. She and I joined back up and kicked some ass before I was brought here to this world."

"Did you win?" Luna asked.

"Huh?" Nebula asked her confused.

"The war, did you win?" She asked.

Nebula nodded as he looked off in the distance. "Yeah, we won." He said with a sad smile. "It was costly and some good friends died along the way but we won." He said before he shook his head. "An way the second to join my little crew of misfits was Tyresius Lokai, or as we knew him Gault Rennow. Gault was a notorious smuggler and con man that stole from almost every gang in the known galaxy, even the Hutts. He was one of my targets but I let him off the hook if he joined up with me." Nebula laughed. "Together we scammed even the Hutts more than once and every time the payout was so big that you couldn't even count the zeroes on the pay check." He said with a smile.

"Sounds mean." Celestia said.

Nebula smiled. "Maybe but we stole from people who got their money through worse means." He said with a shrug. "Still, he was one hell of a Sabacc player. Beat everyone though I never could figure if he was cheating or not... probably cheating." Nebula shrugged. "Anyway the next crew mate was a Jawa named Blizz. He started out as a scavenger but he had a talent for creating incredible machines. Next up was perhaps one of my closest friends, Torian Cadera; he was the last of Clan Cadera. When I found him he was considered a traitor due to his father’s actions but through hard work he earned his place back with the Mando'ade. Once he did he left with me to better hone his skills and we became brothers in arms for years. When the incident that cause my crew to disperse happened he joined the Mand'alor of the time, Artus Lok, Mand'alore the Vindicated; when Artus Lok fell in battle he traveled for a time till he answered the call of Artus Loks' successor."

"The next Mand'alore was an old friend of ours Shae Vizla and she took the title of Mandalore the Avenger. When Shae Vizla united the Clans and joined us in the war Torian and I met once again." Nexus sighed as he looked to the sky. "Sometimes I wonder where he is at this moment.

"Maybe he's out there searching for you." Celestia replied and Nexus chuckled.

"Maybe but I doubt he'll ever find me again, at least in this life." He said sadly. "Anyway the last to join my merry crew was this big tub of lard named Skadge.

Luna giggled. "You sound like you didn't like him."

Nexus frowned. "I hated him and he hated me; Skadge was a career gangster and a psychopath, he had no honor but in the end I guess sometimes that came in handy." Nexus shook his head. "In any case we may have hated each other but we did hold respect for one another. In a sense we were two sided of the same coin. I was a hardened warrior with pride and honor, while he was a hardened criminal with no regrets but in the end we became what we were for the same reasons. We both did what we did for glory and revenge on those who put us through hell. Had he been in my place we may very well have followed the same path."

"What happened to him?" Luna asked curiously.

Nebula sighed. "He was fatally injured in the final battle of the war, passed away surrounded by friends and allies who respected him. In the end he got what he wanted and died leaving a legacy to be proud of, he crawled through the fire and brimstone of hell and his reward was a legend to be passed down and told by friends and allies a like."

Carbonite Announcement

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Hello Everyone, I'd like to announce that this story will be going on a temporary hiatus. The cause of this is due to the fact I have several stories that I'd like to work on more than I am and this one is taking up a lot of time that I could be using to do other stories I feel more invested in at the moment.

Right now I need to cut down on which ones I'm working on to make way for new stories that will be coming out and old stories I want to get back to doing more regular updates on. This hiatus is not permanent as I'll be returning to write this story after I finish a few of my other projects. However it may be a long time in the future.

I thank you for your understanding on this issue and hope you will at least give one of my ther stories a try.

Walter D. Arceaion