Someday, or Maybe Tomorrow?

by oOSlowMotionOo

First published

Rainbow Dash is devastated after her coltfriend cheats on her, but then an unlikely guest shows up.

After Rainbow Dash is cheated on by her best friend's brother, she just wants to escape and give up on love forever. But when a new stallion from her past rents out a room in her house, she can't help but give love a second chance.


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Rainbow Dash sighed as she flew over Ponyville. She was running from him, and he knew it. She could hear him calling for her, seeing her but she would never respond or land. Rainbow could hear his desperate calls to her, from his forever grounded position. Rainbow loved it.

"Please come down, Rainbow!" Caramel called. "I love you. I'd do anything. Even repeat what we did last week."

Rainbow froze. That was uncalled for. Why would he spill something so socially devastating, something that brought back memories, to the whole town.

"You can just go buck yourself, Caramel." Rainbow shouted back, angry now. She zoomed away. At first she was just hurt. Out of all of her suitors, Caramel was the sweetest. He seemed to care about her, to love her. But all he wanted was to keep a secret and he used her for it. She found out a while ago but kept it anyway. Even Caramel himself didn't know. But under all of those kisses was hurt and betrayal. She felt used, like a dirty dishrag, and that's probably what he thought of her too.

Right now she was grateful he didn't have wings. But that relief was not going to last long. Her other suitors had heard the news of the breakup and were giving it their all to get her attention. There were three that stood out. Caramel, Cappuccino, and Neon Lights. Cappuccino actually had wings, and no sense of personal space. He actually barged into her cloud home and attacked her with kisses multiple times. Neon Lights loved to catch her by surprise and shower her with gifts, literally. It was sweet, and annoying at the same time. The other suitors were more secretive and hinted at a date.

Rainbow was still too angry to enjoy this situation. She remembered the day she watched him betray her. But that wasn't as bad as watching him do it repeatedly. This time she couldn't take it.
The day she saw it for the last time was the day she was helping the Cutie Mark Crusaders host their slumber party for the night while the Apple family rested after Applebuck season. Caramel was there too, but Rainbow didn't know why he was there. After the girls drifted to sleep after a long day of training, Rainbow went out for a fly. She could never sleep unless she tired herself out. As she flew, she saw Caramel sneak into the Apple's house. Right on schedule. Rainbow followed him quietly and hid as he made his way upstairs. She followed. He crept into Big Mac's room.

"Everypony asleep?" Big Macintosh asked.

"Yes, honey" Caramel said. He gave Big Mac a sly look. Rainbow Dash didn't know what to think. She was used to pet names, but a sly look? Caramel never had that look in his eyes for her.

"Good," Big Macintosh said, rolling on top of Caramel. "I've been waiting all day."

Caramel giggled. "Me to-," He replied, his word cut off by Big Mac's lips touching his. Caramel slid his forelegs around Big Mac.
It felt like a knife was stabbing Rainbow in the heart. Why did she come here to spy every day? Why did she subject herself to such pain? Why did she constantly seem to compare her relationship with this one?

Big Mac broke the kiss and leaned down to whisper something in Caramel's ear. Stab. Rainbow noticed something was wrong. They were going to do more than kiss this time. She watched as Caramel blushed and Big Mac slid his hoof down Caramel's belly, Caramel's breath quickening, Big Mac's kisses down his body. She watched as it happened in front of her eyes, as they began doing the unthinkable. Stab. Caramel had no thoughts about Rainbow as he moaned and trembled. And finally, a single tear as Caramel came.

What hurt worse, was watching the stallions trade places. The mouth that kissed her, that pleasured her, that opened in bliss when Rainbow pleasured him, was being used to pleasure another pony. Stab, stab, stab.

"Baby, I love you." Big Mac said, surprisingly vocal, out of breath, moaning as zaps of pleasure shot through his body. "I wanna be with you. I don't care what people will say anymore. All those neighsayers can go buck themselves."

But what hurt worst of all was what Caramel said in reply.

Caramel looked up from Big Macintosh's stallionhood, tears in his eyes. "I-I love you too. We should be together." Stab, Stab, Stab,Stab,Stab.

Rainbow hesitated for a moment, testing him, seeing if he would think of her and leave, knowing she was there. Her hopes were destroyed by the sound of Big Mac's moaning as Caramel finished him off. Stab, Stab, Stab, Stab, Stab,Stab,Stab,Stab,Stab and twist!

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Rainbow screamed, sobbing, and collapsed on the floor. Hurt and Anger and Sadness boiled inside of her. "NO! NO! NO!" She banged the wood floor, leaving a dent. Tears running down her face from the pain of banging her hooves on the wood floor and the knife that seemed to run deeper into her the more she watched.

She heard the sound of hooves running down the hall. Applejack, Big Macintosh, Caramel. They looked down at her crying and screaming. Caramel looked guilty, and worried. Big Mac looked dazed and a little frightened.

Applejack came to console Rainbow Dash. She had no idea, but she could see the hurt in Dash's eyes. She knew about Rainbow and Caramel. She didn't know about Big Mac and Caramel, but the look in Dash's eyes said it all. They played everything she saw in every teardrop. Applejack rushed to hug her. Dash collapsed in Applejack's forelegs and just sobbed.

"Oh, uh, Rainbow Dash. How much did you see..." Caramel ended his words with a whisper.

"You." Rainbow Dash said with as much venom in her voice as she can muster. "You, betrayed me. You cheated on me. You had sex with him. Not only that, but you said you loved him." Rainbow Dash's voice cracked on her last word.

"Big Macintosh. Is that true?" Applejack said, now angry. "You knew about Caramel and Rainbow Dash, and you still went and did that. Granny Smith raised you better."

Big Mac looked at the floor, ashamed.

"Wait, baby, please, I didn't mean for you to see that." Caramel said. "I didn't want to hurt you. I'm so sorry."

"Don't call me baby. Don't talk to me, don't call me. Don't come near me." Rainbow Dash said, voice cool and even. "Why did you want me? So you could play with my heart? Eat my heart out? Use me to cover up your dirty lies?"

"Well-," Caramel started, cut off by Rainbow pushing him over and kissing him on the lips. She wanted to see if there was anything left. There was no response, no "excitement", no longing for him to be with her.

"Fine, I'm out of here. I see there's nothing left of us." Rainbow turned to leave with that. Celestia was beginning to rise the sun. "Some stallion you are..." Rainbow Dash flew away.

"Baby, wait. Don't go!" Caramel zoomed out the door.


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It was 6:00 pm. Rainbow Dash paced back and forth in her bedroom. This was all she could do. She couldn't leave. Right below her house was a bunch of lovesick stallions and one cheater. The enemy. The other ponies probably thought she was a whore now, with a crowd of ponies yelling for her to come down and Caramel's outburst. But while she dated frequently, she had only been "intimate" with one other pony.

I am never leaving this place again. I'd be mobbed! Rainbow thought.

Rainbow thought back to simpler times. When she still lived in Cloudsdale, still being bullied. Her one escape. Her first love.

It was her last day of her last year of flight school. Graduation was 1 year away, but Rainbow Dash was ready to quit to join the Wonderbolts. She was an adult now, and learned all of her lessons on her own. But there was a colt she hung out with everyday during the summer and former years, almost holding her back. Her best friend. His name was Lightning Bolt. He was strong, fast, and handsome. He had a gold body, black mane with gold streaks, and gold eyes. He was breathtaking. Rainbow absolutely adored him, and possibly loved him. He was the one she thought of, lying awake in bed. He was the one she thought of when her teenage hormones went crazy. He was the one she dreamed of kissing while floating on a cloud.

Little did she know, he thought of her too. Whenever they shared an ice cream sundae and Dash licked the cherry, he was slightly envious. Whenever they practiced stunts early in the morning together, he just wanted to grab her and push her up against a cloud and just kiss her until Luna's moon came up. Then one winter morning he did.

They were flying to the classroom after breakfast in the mess hall. Lightning stopped and took a deep breath. His breath looked like a tiny cloud. He turned to Rainbow, who was getting a bit nervous from his sudden stop.

"Rainbow, what would you do if I told you I loved you?" He asked.

"I, um... I. I would kiss you." Said Rainbow, shocked by the question. She wanted to kiss him. She waited to hear his laugh, or mocking tone as she looked away. Who would like her, anyway? The young mare who had a lesbian rumor circling her. The one who cried herself to sleep every night because of the prejudice. What Lightning did next took her by surprise.

"Well, I love you." Lightning replied, smirking sexily. He leaned in and gently pushed Rainbow onto a moving cloud. He jumped on next to her. "I don't care where this cloud takes us. Here I am with the most beautiful Pegasus in the world."

He leaned over and kissed her, ever so gently, until a cyan hoof grabbed the back of his neck.

"You know I don't play like that." Rainbow Dash panted.

"You're right. You don't. And I don't either." Lightning whispered. He climbed on top of Rainbow, kissing her harder now. The school was now far in the distance. Rainbow moaned. She had never gone this far with a colt... no... stallion before. He was as big as adult Pegasus she knew. His voice was mature and he acted mature.

She could tell she was his first, also, just like he was her first. The awkward boner pressing against her belly said it all. Awkward, and such a turn on, so sexy. Suddenly, Rainbow wanted to lead.

"Let me... let me lead, Lightning. Let me lie on top of you." Rainbow asked, quietly. She had never felt so alive, so sexy, and so free before. She rolled on top of the love of her life. The one who actually cared for her and wanted to kiss her. The brush of her body against Lightning's was enough to get him moaning. Rainbow loved that she had that effect on him.

"I want you, Baby Blue, I need you. Please stay with me in Cloudsdale. Don't leave." Lightning begged quietly. The school was a speck in the distance.

"Shhhhh, Zappy. I may be leaving but I'm never far away. I'd be right here..." She whispered as she touched Lightning's chest, moving her hoof down his body causing him to stiffen. A tear escaped her eye. "I promise we'll see each other again."

"If you don't stay, I promise, after I graduate, I'll find you. I'll search high and low and I'll find you. We'll move in together and start a family." Lightning was careful to avoid the term Marriage. He and Rainbow did not believe in marriage, insisting that a piece of paper won't make a person stay. Only their love.

"Before I go, I'd like to leave something to remember me by." Rainbow said a little more boldly. She moved her hoof down his body some more before touching his member. She winked. He moaned.

"Oh yes, please." He panted. Rainbow let him roll on top of her. They were now floating above a river. He suddenly knew exactly what to do. "I'm sorry if this hurts a bit." He entered her, then froze, worried he had hurt her. Rainbow was tough and didn't show any signs of pain.

"Don't worry, it doesn't hurt. I used to masturbate with items before." Rainbow blushed. She just told her oldest secret, but she would only tell a person she loved. She knew she could trust him. He was her best friend. "Now keep going."

He continued thrusting. He moaned as pleasure shot through him. At first Rainbow didn't respond. Then she started moaning. She kissed him and kissed him until they both came at the same time. Lightning collapsed against Rainbow.

"I love you, Baby Blue." He said before kissing her. She broke the kiss.

"I love you too, Zappy." Then she had an idea. "Let's go for a swim."

"A what?' He said, then smiled when Rainbow destroyed the cloud below them and fell into a free fall, with Lightning in her forelegs. They plunged into the water. Rainbow swore that if you looked hard enough, the splash was shaped like a heart.

Rainbow was awoken from her trip down memory lane when she heard a knock on the door. She opened it and her eyes widened in surprise.



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"Zappy?!" Rainbow Dash temporarily forgot about her stallion troubles. She threw her arms around him as a tear escaped her eye. "You're here!"

"Baby Blue, I told you I would come find you." Lightning Bolt wiped her tears away and kissed her. "But one question, what's with the 3 ponies down there screaming for you to come down?"

"Long story. First we need to catch up." Rainbow Dash couldn't bring herself to let him go. She felt a little flutter in her heart, causing the stab wounds to heal just a bit. Dash reminded herself that she shouldn't be feeling this way.

Remember what happened with Caramel. How do you know he won't do that to you?

"Yes, but before we do that, I need a place to stay and I saw a room for rent sign outside..." Lightning replied, hoping he'd let her stay.

"Sure, you are always welcome in my house. Follow me, I'll show you the room. You can stay for free, but with one rule. NO parties after 4 in the morning." Dash joked.

Lightning laughed as he followed. He had missed her so much. He had searched every town, gone everywhere the Wonderbolts went, expecting Dash to be with them. She wasn't, but two of the members, Spitfire and Soarin', were friends with her. They directed him to the right town and to talk to the right people. Dash led him to a room with a king sized bed.

"I missed you so much! What have you been doing all this time?" Lightning asked.

"I landed the best job ever, managing the weather. I do it by myself, but I love seeing everyone's happy faces on a sunny day." Rainbow noticed that her personality was different around Lightning. She felt utterly exposed... and it terrified her. There was a few other times she felt this way.

It was 3 months before Rainbow Dash broke up with Caramel. By this time Rainbow Dash had fallen in love with Caramel. It was their 7 month anniversary. Rainbow was sleeping over at Caramel's house almost every weekend. They had a semi-platonic relationship. They had sex rarely, only because Caramel never asked and never seemed to want to do it, unless it was a blowjob from Dash. She had to ask him to pleasure her, and he did it well, but in a grudge. So they spent most of their time watching movies, playing board games and eating ice cream, afterwards they snuggled on the couch. Every time, sometime during the night, Caramel would go to the kitchen and say he ran out of ice cream. The first few times Dash went and got ice cream from her house, but one night she noticed something strange. Caramel was gone when she came back. She gave him the benefit of the doubt and flew around until he got back.

The next time she decided to follow him. She brought ice cream early and hid it in the snow. When he asked her to bring some back she hid behind a bush and waited for him to leave the house. She was surprised to find him walking to Sweet Apple Acres. A bad feeling rose in her throat. Was... was Caramel having an affair with Applejack? Was that why he never wanted sex? What she discovered was far worse. She saw him through a window in Big Mac's bed.

Big Mac kissed him. "How much time do we have?"

"About 30 minutes." Caramel whispered. "She likes to stop and talk to friends on the way back."

"Okay. I don't really want to do anything too dirty today, Candy Apple" Big Mac replied, quietly so Applejack didn't hear in the other room. Candy Apple? Dirty? What was going on?

"Is this okay?" Caramel leaned over and put his hoof around Big Mac's body. Rainbow Dash felt her heart drop to her stomach.

"Yes. But maybe a little more." Big Mac suggested. Suddenly Dash felt sick.

"Like this?" Caramel said, and kissed him. Big Mac pulled his head and kissed passionately.

Rainbow spread her wings as she heard a muffled "yes." Then she took off.

Dash shook off that memory. She needed to focus. She needed to pay attention and enjoy Lightning now that he was here. Now they could start a family like he promised.

She pulled him in a kiss. How she missed his kisses. All of his kisses made her feel like she was doing a thousand Sonic Rainbooms. She tackled him to the bed, still kissing him.

"Whoa, Dash, You missed me that much?" Lightning smiled. She loved his sense of humor.

"So how about we-- Oh, no. I-I can't do this." Rainbow Dash stood up as another memory of Caramel's sex scene with Big Mac flashed through her mind. "I just... can't. You know what? Here's the number to call for pizza. I'm not hungry so just pay the guy with this. I'll see you in the morning." She handed him some coins and fled the room. When she reached her own she curled up in a ball in her room and cried herself to sleep.

Everything's Fine

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Author's Note: I have decided to release 2 chapters on Saturday and 2 on Sunday, and over Winter break in 2 weeks I will probably post a chapter a day (If I can get away from my family to write). Enjoy the story :).

What happened last night? Why did I get so upset?

Rainbow Dash woke up to a feeling of regret.

He knows I love him, but what if he doubts my feelings are true because of this?

Rainbow Dash went to the kitchen to make breakfast. She decided to make eggs, bacon, and toast.

Maybe if I make breakfast for him, he will forgive me.

Rainbow stood at the stove, scrambling eggs and cooking bacon. She felt a hoof circle her body and hug her from behind.

"Morning, Baby Blue." Dash swung around to see the stallion of her dreams, the stallion who took her virginity. She wrapped her forelegs around his neck and kissed him.

"I am so sorry for last night." Dash said, hopping he would forgive her.

"Sorry for what? It's okay if you didn't feel up to it." Lightning hesitated, then released Dash. He went to go sit at the kitchen table. "I just feel like you're hiding something from me. That's all. You know you can tell me anything. I'm your best friend, Baby Blue." Dash flushed when Lightning called her Baby Blue. That's why she was so annoyed at Caramel calling her "baby" after he cheated on her. It was reserved for Lightning. The stallion who would never cheat on her.

Dash, stalling for time, shut off the stove and plated the food.

"Yes, I am hiding something." Rainbow Dash said. "Two days ago, I was in a relationship. A bad one at that."

"That's all? You know I would have understood if you told me." Lightning said, hurt.

"But that isn't all. We were together for 10 months. I just gravitated to him because I was missing you so much and I needed a distraction. He was using me as well." Rainbow Dash began.

"For sex?" Lightning asked. He didn't really want to hear the answer, but he had to know.

"No, as a beard. He was cheating on me with my friend's brother." Rainbow felt tears well up in her eyes.

"So you caught them kissing?" Lightning understood. It was hard having the one you love so far away, but to be heartbroken by the stallion who kept your mind off of him? That was tough.

"No, I caught them having sex." Rainbow finally began to sob. Lightning grabbed her in his forelegs. "I wish I could trust you like I used to. I can't get intimate with you because all I see is them. And it scares me." Rainbow Dash whispered.

"Baby, please don't cry. You know I can't stand to see you cry." Lightning hated seeing Dash, his strong, adventurous, beautiful mare being torn up inside. "Tell me where to find this piece of shit. I'll teach him a lesson."

"No... Let's try again. Maybe I won't see them this time." Rainbow tried to calm him down. She dried her eyes.

"Are you sure, Baby Blue? Will this hurt you?" Lightning was worried.

"No, let's try it. We need to do it sooner or later." Rainbow put on a brave face, even if she was worried. She gestured for him to follow her.

The house was old and falling apart. There was old furniture, clothes, and knick-knacks everywhere. This was where Dash had spent countless summer days training in the backyard or napping inside. The house was abandoned. Dash led Lightning into the bedroom. A king sized bed with a red comforter was in the center.

"Let's do it here." Dash told Lightning. "I only have good memories in this house."

"Only the best for you, Baby Blue." Lightning joked. He wrapped his hooves around Rainbow Dash and pulled her on top of him on the bed. They began kissing. So far so good! Lightning was so happy lying there kissing the mare he loved. Finally, she said "I'm ready."

Lightning entered her and began thrusting. It felt so good, until he heard Dash's breath turn into short gasps. He looked down at Dash's face. She was silently crying. Lightning stopped thrusting.

"We can't do this. It's hurting you way too much!" Lightning was upset that Dash was upset.

"We have to try! How can we start a family if I can't get over this?" Dash said though the tears. "I love you, and I would sacrifice anything for you, including my happiness."

"Your happiness is too important to sacrifice for me."

"Keep going, please. I just need to focus more." Lightning didn't respond. "It would make me happy." Dash faked a smile. She needed to get over this fast. She always wanted foals and if she couldn't get through this, this dream would never come true.

"I'll try again, but if I see that it hurts you, I'm stopping." Lightning said, defeated.

"Okay. Thank you." Dash kissed him and he began again.

Okay, focus Dash. Think. This feels good. This feels good. Focus on Lightning. Dash winced as another image of Caramel giving Big Mac a BJ. No, no, no. This feels good. Don't think of Caramel. Soon enough, the sex started to feel good. Almost as good as her first time with Lightning. This time he held back, this time she was preoccupied. It took the edge off.

The sound of Lightning's moaning made her happy that she could provide such pleasure for him. She loved how much he talked to her as he thrust, telling her he loved her, stroking her hair, calling her name. Finally they both came.

"Thank you, I needed that." Dash told Lightning.

"You don't know how much I missed your lips touching mine." Lightning leaned down and kissed her. "I'm kind of tired, so I'm going to head home. You coming?"

"No, I'm just going to stay here a while longer. I might sleep here." Dash handed him the keys. "I'll see you later."

Lightning left, so Dash settled down on the warm spot in the bed. Then she heard the last voice she ever wanted to here.

"There you are, Rainbow Dash. Did you not here me calling you?" The voice asked. The owner of the voice reached out to touch her. He climbed on the bed on top of her.

"Caramel! Leave me alone!"

I'll Show You

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Rainbow Dash squirmed to get away. She wasn't scared. Of course she wasn't. She was THE Rainbow Dash. The most awesome pony in Ponyville.

"Get OFF!" Dash kicked and screamed, getting in some good shots, but Caramel was strong from working on the farm.

"Hear me out!" He cried. His speech was impaired. Was he drunk? "Stop kicking and listen to what I have to say."

"I'll give you 30 seconds, and you better get off of me."

'What you saw. It was a mistake. I don't really love Big Macintosh. I just love you." Caramel was stupid. He didn't know that she had seen him every time. "I want us to be together. Please?" Before letting her answer, Caramel leaned down and kissed Rainbow. Big Mistake.

Rainbow kicked him hard enough to send him flying across the room. "You drunk douchebag! You honestly don't know?" Venom was dripping from her eyes and words as she stared at him across the room. "I saw you kiss Big Mac. More than once. Every time I went over to your house, and you sent me to get ice cream, I followed you. I saw every. single. thing. you. did. And I dealt with it. I felt that pain. It felt like a knife stabbing me in the heart. Stabbing and twisting. I loved you, and you betrayed me."

Rainbow watched Caramel as he trembled in the corner, not daring to move. She enjoyed it. She kept coming closer with every word, watching him shrink down.

"You want to know the pain you caused me? Take THIS!" Rainbow kicked him in the chest. He bumped his head, hard.

"I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry!" He cried, his snout had begun to bleed.

"I'll show you sorry!" Rainbow took one last kick before picking him up and throwing him to the ground.

What Caramel did next took her by surprise. He had something is his mouth, something white. Rainbow stepped closer to get a closer look. Caramel shrunk down, and in one quick move, removed the object from his mouth (a towel) and pressed it on Dash's face. Dash squirmed, getting weaker from lack of oxygen.

"Since you don't want to hear my love, I'll show you my love..." Caramel's words were the last thing she heard as she became unconscious.

When Dash woke up, she was tied to the bed with a rope. Caramel was on top of her, kissing her against her will. He was inside of her, slowly thrusting. His face showed no sign of happiness. It was in a frown, almost disgusted looking.

"Get off of me, you animal!" Dash screamed. "How is this showing your love?"

"You always asked for sex," Caramel replied, like it was completely logical to rape a pony who hated your guts. "Now I'm giving it to you."

"I don't want it from you!" Dash was beginning to panic. She heard the sound of flapping wings and a quarrel outside. Finally, a scream. Big Macintosh's scream. Could that be...? Dash tried to kick Caramel, but her legs were tied down. The feeling of her muscles flex made Caramel moan. Loudly.

"That's more like it." Caramel panted. He thrust harder and began slapping Dash repeatedly. The hoof steps were getting closer. They were on the stairs...Turning the corner.

"Why? Because it feels like Big Macintosh's asshole?" Dash whispered angrily. He slapped her again. She saw the tip of a golden wing in the doorway. She heard the gasp and the quiet voice.

"No..." It spoke. "Baby Blue, I can't believe you." That was the first time her nickname felt like an insult.

"Zappy, help me. I'm tied up!" Dash panted, in pain from Caramel's Not-So-Gentle thrusts and slaps. Caramel was too distracted to process what was going on. He hadn't planned this far. He tried the Ostrich's "Stick Your Head in the Sand" approach. If he couldn't see Lightning, Lightning couldn't see him. He slapped Dash on the cutie mark, making her moan and shrink away. Lightning felt betrayed, even though Dash couldn't help it.

"Why should I believe you?" Lightning really wanted to believe, he really did.

"Because I love you, and I would never hurt you. I missed you all this time, I don't want you to go." Dash felt a tear run down her face. Lightning turned away. "Look, this is the stallion who hurt me. He's raping me! I'm tied to the bed. Please help me... please?" Rainbow looked at him. He had sadness, pain, and hurt in his eyes. The same look she had when she caught Caramel having sex with Big Mac. But as time went on, Lightning's eyes turned back to her, saw the tears she was shedding, and instantly filled with another look. Understanding, love, and pride for his mare. He didn't want to give her up. He loved her, and he believed her. Caramel moaned as he came inside of Dash, and his eyes gave away what he was thinking about as he raped her: Big Macintosh. Caramel kept thrusting, hoping for another orgasm.

Lightning flew over to Dash's side, giving her a kiss. Dash was already sobbing, worried that Caramel might have got her pregnant. She never had sex without protection since her first time with Lightning.

"Don't touch my mare!" Lightning kicked Caramel off of Rainbow Dash, revealing the rope that held Dash down. Caramel smacked his head against the wall, knocking him out. Lightning had a kick that was twice the power of Dash's kick. He untied the knot, and unwrapped the rope that was tied around her. Dash shivered as she cried. She just laid there, unsure of what to do. She never knew that Caramel could hurt her even more.

"I'm so sorry I didn't believe you, Baby Blue." Lightning felt worried. "Maybe if I did, he wouldn't have come inside of you."

"I'm just scared, Zappy." Dash's voice was just a whisper as she spoke. "I want to have a family with you, but if I get pregnant from Caramel..."

"Don't be scared, Baby." Lightning said. He got in bed next to her, stroking her hair. "I would love the child, even if it wasn't my own. Just as long as it comes from you."

"That's not what I'm worried about." Dash spoke even softer, as if Caramel could hear. "I'm worried that I might love the child less if it came from the same stallion who hurt and raped me."

My Worst Fear

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Rainbow Dash was feeling less and less like herself. If intimacy with Lightning was hard before, it was near impossible now. It was beginning to scare Dash, because it hurt just to kiss him, and after she heard the news that she was, indeed, pregnant, she felt guilty just looking at him. Dash hadn't even gone out for an early morning fly lately. She just laid in bed most of the time, and thought of the day she first talked to Caramel, not knowing what would happen later.

It was a sunny summer afternoon, and as usual, RD was practicing for the Wonderbolts. After two failed attempts, she was ready to try her trick again, but something kept distracting her. Thoughts about Lightning had been haunting her mind for 2 months, since the day she left.

At this rate, I'll never get any practice in! Rainbow thought. She needed a distraction.

Dash scanned the town below her. She spotted Caramel giving a caramel apple to a filly for free. He's sweet, and attractive? That sounds just like Lightning! That's just what I need right now. A supportive coltfriend.

Rainbow Dash swooped down and landed right next to the pony in one swift move.

"Hey, Caramel." Rainbow said casually.

"Oh! Uh, hey Rainbow." Caramel looked nervous. Rainbow thought that it was because he liked her. Now she knew it was all an act to shield his secret from the world.

"So, I noticed we never talk, and I wanted to talk with you. Maybe we could have a coffee of something?" Rainbow used her flirtiest voice.

"Sure!" Caramel, the great actor he was made a point of subtly letting his eyes drift around her body, and rest on her flank. He, very carefully, licked his lip. Dash blushed.

"See you around?" Dash said, very happy that this conversation went well.

"Sure." With that, Dash took off.

"Baby, are you okay?" Dash felt a hoof on her shoulder. She looked up into the eyes of Lightning. Guilt! She looked away.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little sick and a little sad." Dash said weakly. "I'm going out a little later, okay? I have a birthday party to go to."

"Good. You need fresh air." Lightning was relieved Dash was going outside for the first time in 5 months. Fluttershy, her only friend capable of flight, had come over multiple times, but Dash didn't want to see anyone.

"What would be a good gift for a baby dragon?" Dash wondered. She picked up a dumbbell and a ribbon, studying it. "Well he is a little scrawny. I'll give him this dumbbell."

Lightning laughed. He was starting to hear a flicker of old Dash.

"I'm glad I'm still able to fly while pregnant." Dash rubbed her belly, and a look of hurt and betrayal crossed her face.

Lightning couldn't stand seeing her in pain anymore.

"Rainbow, we need to talk." Lightning had a pinch of worry in his voice. "Look at me."

Dash looked, then turned away. "I can't. The guilt..."

"Stop being guilty. There's nothing to be guilty about. I love you, and I know you love me."

"I feel like I can't commit myself to you fully. I can't give you all of myself without feeling that pain, and it hurts me, knowing I'm hurting you."

"The only thing that hurts me is seeing you hurt, Baby." Lightning wrapped his forelegs around her waist, but it felt like piercing knives to Dash.

"I'm tired of hurting you. I'm tired of being hurt. I feel like all of my dreams for us as a couple are ruined. I dreamed we would have a family and our kids would be beautiful and we would have some way of claiming each other, but I know you don't like marriage. I feel like I'm to blame for this baby, who shares blood with the enemy, is now invading our family. I know you don't mind, but I'm struggling here. I wake up everyday feeling like I'm carrying the devil's baby, and I yell at myself for being so harsh on something that is my own flesh and blood. I just can't accept that and I feel so guilty!" Dash broke into a sob, collapsing on Lightning's shoulder.

A tear escaped Lightning's eye, seeing the mare he loved in so much pain. He knew what she needed and what he had to do.

"Marry Me, Rainbow Dash."


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Rainbow gasped and stopped crying for a bit. "But I thought we both didn't want marriage. I thought you didn't want marriage. I kinda was starting to want it but-"

Rainbow was cut off by Lightning's hoof on her lips. She shivered when he finally brought his lips to hers. It didn't hurt. A happy tear escaped her eye.

Lightning smiled when he saw the happiness on her face. "If you kept babbling like that, I would never get an answer."

"Oh my gosh, yes!" Rainbow smiled and hugged him as he spun her around. It was a move you see on T.V in commercials for those jewelry stores, but you almost never get to experience.

Rainbow looked at the clock. "I have to leave now. I wish I could stay, but my friends are counting on me to come."

"It's alright. Element of Loyalty needs to be loyal." Lightning said, happy to return a smile to the face of the mare he loved. He had to get a ring, anyway.

Later, Lightning went to Gemstones, the jewelry store. There was young stallion behind the counter. Wait a minute... it looked like Caramel. Lightning guessed he was fired after Applejack heard about his affair.

"Welcome to Gemstones!" The pony exclaimed, then upon looking at Lightning, he nervously said "Oh... It's you."

"Aren't you the pony who raped my marefriend?" Lightning was angry, but tried to not let it show in his voice.

"Um... moving on." Caramel changed the subject. He didn't want to be beat up. "We have the biggest selection of jewelry in Ponyville."

Lightning couldn't let the subject be changed. He leaned over the counter and whispered, "You touch Rainbow again, and I will beat you."

Caramel gulped. He didn't want to get killed, but he needed to save his image.

"Fine." Caramel changed the subject once again. "So what brings you here?"

"I just got engaged to Rainbow, and I need a ring." Lightning said, smug. He had won the battle here.

"Oh, uh... That's nice." Caramel needed a comeback. "But that wasn't what she said when I fucked her last night."

"What did you just say? You liar. I was there with Rainbow last night." Lightning flew over the table and landed on top of Caramel. "You say another word about Rainbow and I will kill you. You hear me-"

Lightning's words were cut off by Caramel's kiss.

Spike had just left the library to get his cupcake.

"I'm sorry, guys for not coming to town lately." Rainbow said, head hanging low.

"Now, it's okay. We heard about what happened and we knew you needed time to relax and find yourself." Twilight Sparkle replied, happy that her friend was back.

"I have to tell you guys something." Rainbow felt nervous telling them. She didn't look them in the eye. "I was raped a few months ago. By Caramel."

"Oh My Gosh! Are you okay? What happened." Fluttershy said quietly, sad that her friend had to go through that.

"No, I am not okay. I had just finished, um, things with Lightning in that old house I used to live in when I first moved to Ponyville. Lightning said he was tired and he went home, but I stayed. Caramel just emerged from the shadows and attacked me. Then he drugged me and when I woke up he was raping me." Rainbow had a tear flow down her face as she recalled the painful memory.

"But are you okay now? Like, you don't have any disease or anything?" Applejack responded. She didn't like to see her friend lose herself like that. What happened to the old Rainbow? The one that didn't cry.

"No, I'm pregnant." Rainbow replied. The other ponies gasped. "I thought I would feel better about it, but all I can think is that there's a parasite growing in me. I just feel like a bag of dirt right now."

"You're pregnant? But you don't look much bigger at all." Rarity gasped.

"Pegasus foals are a lot smaller than other foals so the mother can fly while pregnant." Rainbow said. "But lately, I don't feel like flying."

Author's note: I am going to write the next two chapters and release them today (because I have too much time on my hands and nothing to do until my mom's party). I won't be home later to write and publish tomorrow morning as I will be visiting my grandma, so enjoy your chapter early.


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Okay, well before the Long Islanders eat me alive, it want to say that I am from there and I needed to write something as a shout out. So Nurse Lucy is dedicated to you.

Months past, and the wedding was prepared. She was excited for the wedding, but very, very sad. As time went on, Rainbow fell into a deeper depression than ever before. She had never felt so dirty before, like a big bag of bugs were crawling around her belly.

Late one night, she couldn't sleep. She felt Lightning's legs slip around her in a spoon position as she laid there, rubbing her belly softly. He was awake also. Little did he know that she had a secret in her heart. The due date was so close, and unlike any other Mother To Be... she was dreading it.

"Lightning, do you think I'll ever learn to love the foal?" She said in barely a whisper.

"You won't have to learn. When you love, you love with all of your heart, Baby Blue. When you look at the foal for the first time, you will love it, I know you will." Lightning kissed her cheek as she sighed. She rolled over so she was facing him.

"Do you think I would be a good mother?"

"Of course."

"How do you know?" Dash's eyes interrogating him. "Where's your proof."

"I knew since we first met. Remember when you stayed by my side for days after I crashed into that canyon, and protected me from everyone?" Dash nodded as she remembered.

It was a beautiful day. The first day of flight testing. This was Dash's chance to be placed into the Gold Wing class, the highest and most talented class in the school. Nothing would stand in her way.

"Now everyone, find a cloud and take a seat!" The coach yelled from above. He blew his whistle and everyone dashed off to get a cloud.

"Today is very important. Today is testing day. Today we will give you a basic routine and it is your job to make it yours..." The coach continued, but Dash wasn't listening. A colt caught her eye. Slightly bigger than the other colts and was shimmering gold in the sunlight. He took her breath away.

"Now Lightning Bolt, come and demonstrate the routine. The basic one, now, don't show off." The coach said.

"Yes, Coach!" Lightning Bolt replied in a voice slightly deeper than the other colts. It made Rainbow shiver as she watched him flip and soar through the sky.

"Now you try!" The coach said, pointing at Rainbow.

"Me? Okay!" Wanting to impress Lightning, Rainbow repeated the routine and added little extras here and there. The crowd was amazed as they watched the two ponies fly through the air. Rainbow noticed two fillies gossiping right below her.

"OMG! Look at that lesbian over there!" A filly with the mud brown mane said.

"I know! It's so funny, I've never met one before. I bet she sleeps around with all the other girls." The filly with the boring dead eyes replied.

"We need to stay away from her in the locker room! What if she rapes us!" The muddy filly replied. She stared pointedly at Rainbow.

I came here to escape that nonsense! Rainbow flew downward to give the fillies a piece of her mind. As she fell, she saw Lightning gasp and fly down to save her, thinking she hurt herself.

Dash was speechless as she watched Lightning lose his concentration and crash into the floor of the canyon. Rainbow was shocked, but she carried Lightning's limp body back up the canyon.

"I am so sorry! I won't leave your side!" She kept crying as the ambulance loaded him on a stretcher. The team was forced to take Dash with them in the ambulance. Dash begged to be allowed to stay in his room.

"I need to stay with him! It's my fault this ever happened!" Dash wailed. "He was only trying to save me!"

"Fine! But you need to stay calm, he's in a bad condition and he needs urgent care." Nurse Lucy said with a thick Long Island accent. Rainbow Dash almost laughed, but when she saw the nurse's face, she stopped smiling.

"Don't make fun of my accent. I love it and the patients find it very soothing." Yeah, soothing... Nurse Lucy moved around the bed and checked Lightning's IV tube. She looked at the clipboard. "Nurse Linda needs to change his tube and catheter now, and it's kind of gross. Why don't you go down to the cafeteria and get a coffee or something?"

That did it. Rainbow burst out laughing, then remembering why she was there, she shut up and said, "Yes, Ma'am."
Lucy frowned and left the room, allowing a petite, blue maned mare to walk in. She guessed it was Nurse Linda.

Still giggling, Rainbow turned the corner towards the cafeteria to get her cah-fee. She passed a nurse on the way to the elevator. Her tag said "Nurse Linda." Rainbow had a funny feeling in the pit of her stomach. When the coast was clear, Dash silently crept back to the room. She couldn't leave him alone in there. She soon figured out why.

The door to the room was locked and the drapes were closed, but Dash could see through a small crack in the fabric. Nurse Linda's imposter was undressed and was playing with Lightning's member. Dash, who had used catheters before when her brother was sick in the hospital, knew this wasn't what was supposed to happen.

Was she... trying to take advantage of Lightning's injury? But he was a minor! Okay, if she does anything else I need to find a way in the hall. The mare leaned down and put Lightning's penis in her mouth. His whole body jerked, but his eyes remained closed in the coma. A fizzy feeling started in Rainbow's lower stomach, but she ignored it. She was too angry. Rainbow flung herself at the door, but it was soundproof and the mare didn't turn around. The rapist was ready. Rainbow saw Lightning's erect penis and his heavy breathing. He was probably dreaming of the best night of his life. For a second, Rainbow envied the rapist, who got to do things with Lightning that she couldn't and probably would never get to do.

"Linda" lifted herself off of the chair and climbed on the bed on top of Lightning. His lips were turned up in the corners like a smirk. She started to slowly descend onto Lightning's member. While Rainbow searched the room, she found an open window right across from the bed, right in line with the rapist. Shit! It'll have to do.

A few seconds later, Rainbow was in.

"Get off of him!" Rainbow cried, already suspended in air, hooves just inches from the mare's face.

"Oh My God!" The hooves smacked into the mare's face and she fell off of Lightning's dick. Rainbow took one glance and felt that fuzzy felling in her lower stomach again. She felt it before when she watched Lightning's jerk under "Linda's" touch. What was that feeling? She had never felt it before.

As the mare struggled out of the room to wash her bloody face, Rainbow went to Lightning's bedside and grabbed his hoof. Since he was still sleeping, and Rainbow would probably never get the chance again, she leaned down and kissed him. Her first kiss. When she pulled away, Lightning's lips turned in a strained smile, like he felt the kiss, like he was in pain, and she looked down. "Linda" had left him with blue balls. The fuzzy feeling returned and Rainbow giggled, wondering if she should... Nah, a kiss is enough.

A cot was rolled into Lightning's room for Rainbow that night.

"You know I could feel it, right?" Lightning said, snapping Rainbow out of dreamland.

"What? That rapist having sex with you?"

"Wait, that was real? I thought it was a dream. Only it wasn't the mare doing it. She left me with a serious case of blue balls. The pain was intense." Lightning winced, recalling the day. "The person was... never mind"

"The moaning noises you made during the night were kinda hot though." Rainbow giggled.

"I meant that I felt you kiss me. I wanted you to do it again, and I knew it was you, even though I didn't see you come in the ambulance with me. I was in a coma." Lightning said. "And from then on I vowed that I would ask you out. I don't know why it took 2 years for me to ask you out."

Rainbow blushed as she remembered their kiss on the cloud and what happened afterwards. Even though they had their fair share of kisses, no one wanted to pop the question.

"I could have waited a thousand years as long as I ended up with you." Rainbow Dash said, feeling better already. Maybe it wasn't a bag of bugs.

"Lightning, do I look like a lesbian?" It was the second year of flight school. Lightning and Rainbow were best friends. They were warming up for the big race. Only Rainbow was competing, but Lightning decided to stick around.

"No, you look like Rainbow Dash." Lightning joked, stretching his wings.

"I don't want to look like Rainbow Dash." Rainbow said, turning away. "Don't you see? My mane and my name! It screams lesbian! No one wants to see past that. They even say that my love for racing makes me a lesbian."

"Then prove to them you aren't a lesbian." Lightning said speeding up. He said it like it was so easy.

"How?" Rainbow was beginning to get hysterical. "Dye my mane brown? Change my name to Mary Sue? WHAT!?"

"You could kiss a colt. In front of everyone." Lightning replied.

"Who would want to kiss me? They would just turn away and gag and pretend I'm nothi-"

Lightning grabbed Rainbow and kissed her, cutting her off mid-sentence. Sparks flew in each other's heads, but no one knew what to do. The fillies and colts gasped in shock as they watched. They were proven wrong.

"So she really isn't a lesbian, huh?" Mud Mane spat at the couple. "Who would have guessed?"

"That's your problem. You aren't supposed to guess!" Rainbow shot back, annoyed.

"You're right. I'm sorry."

As rainbow continued dreaming, those words rang in her head. I'm sorry. Why was she so tired of hearing those two words?

The Real Reason.

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Rainbow's due date was only days away, and Rainbow had taken on a new feeling. Fear. Fear that the foal would look too much like Caramel. Fear that she wouldn't come to love it. Fear of what her parents would say. She hadn't kept in contact and she knew her parents would find this news bittersweet. Rainbow was used to being fought over by her parents, and she didn't want them to blame each other and fight over this.

Rainbow hair did not run through her family, it was just a mixture of the colors her parents brought. It had been decided that the Dash family would make gorgeous children, and they did. Her mother, a Pegasus sporting a red, orange, and yellow mane, and a white body, was the picture of beauty, while her father, a cyan Pegasus pony with a green, blue, and violet mane was the picture of strength. They shared magenta eyes.

When Rainbow Dash was born, her parents noticed that her rainbow mane, magenta eyes, and cyan body looked like a sunset on a spring day after the rain. Her mother, believing her to be Cloudsdale's next top model, wanted to name her Rainbow Alette Dash, meaning "Winged Rainbow." Her father, seeing the determination in the baby's eyes, knew she was going to be a wrestler, and wanted to name her Bria Dash, which meant "Strong." They fought and quarreled for days until they couldn't take it anymore. They combined the names into "Rainbow Alette Bria Dash" just to get some peace from all the fighting.

Both parents tried to prove the other wrong when it came to who had the best name. They put Dash into all sorts of extracurricular activities, just to show off Dash's unique talent for succeeding in everything she did. She was born a winner, winning games, but forever being tied in the game at home. Dash was made to do ballet, how she hated waking up early every Saturday morning to do boring warmups and wait for all of the other students to catch up with her. The only things she loved about it was being on stage and being beautiful. She was the best dancer, always put in the front and center because she was the shortest. She loved being the ballerina who knew all the dance moves, while the others had to look to her to remember the next step. At those recitals, she was known as Rainbow Alette, the beautiful ballerina.

Her father signed Dash up for co-ed wrestling when she was in middle school. The colts had dirty minds, and always chose to wrestle with Dash when they had the chance. They were the only ones in school who understood that she wasn't a lesbian, thanks to some really awkward baby pictures featuring Dash's kindergarten "wedding" with Dash as the bride, and her neighbor as the groom.

Dash thought the attention was bittersweet. At times she found it hilarious when a boy from the other team actually popped a boner while they wrestled. Dash always knew what to do when that happened. She continue to wrestle, but she would look him in the eye and then lick her lips, throwing him off guard. That always allowed Dash to pin him down.

When the colt was teased after losing to a filly, Dash always joked to her own teammates, "Well, at least he can't be called gay."

What she hated about it was that the colts would always brush her to one side whenever they had to wrestle against a strong competitor.

"No, Bria, we don't want your pretty face getting hurt." A wrestler would usually say.

"Yeah, you're too sexy to face those guys." Another wrestler would reply, slapping her flanks. Dash would usually slap him across the face.

"I can take them," Dash would say. "I'll prove it. You, wrestle me." Dash pointed to the strongest wrestler and wrestled him, but the other colts were to busy making sex jokes and applauding the colt wrestling Dash.

Her father and mother watched these activities, thinking that she loved being played like a living chess pawn. Deep down, they knew of Dash's true love for flying, but didn't want to believe it. Every time she asked to be allowed to go to flight school, they refused, until they noticed Dash becoming depressed. All of her actions were slow and lazy, like she didn't want to do them, but had to, to survive. Her parents tried to hang on to the belief that it didn't have to do with flying, and maybe she would get over this phase and fulfill her name's prophecy. Finally, they just couldn't take it anymore.

"Okay, you ready to go?" Dash's mother said sadly. "I'm just worried about you staying in Cloudsdale by yourself."

Dash spoke the first words she had in months, "Don't worry, Mom. I'm a teenager now." This caused Dash's mother to break down in tears.

"I love you, Rainbow Alette. Promise that you stay my beautiful daughter, don't cut your hair without my permission." They hugged.

"I can't promise that, but I'll try to stay beautiful." Rainbow Dash said. She moved on to her dad, who was smiling proudly and sadly down at her.

"Bria, I'm so proud of you. Promise me that you look for a wrestling club in your school."

"I can't promise that either. I just want to focus on flying." Dash's father kissed her forehead. Dash continued, "And please call me Rainbow Dash."

Again Rainbow Dash's memory was interrupted by someone. It was Lightning.

"Hey, Dash, a couple is at the door to see you. They say it's your parents." Lightning flew over to the bed. Seriously, how many times would these thoughts turn into the actual people showing up? Am I psychic or something?


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Yes, I did design Rainbow Dash's father to act like my dad. Very brash, and forceful. I think I get my opinionated nature from him. You should see him when we eat out. Sometimes I suspect the waiters spit in our food because of him. Enjoy the chapter. BTW, If you have an idea for how the foal should look, just post it in the comments. It must be a mixture of RD and Caramel.

"Honey, we need to see our daughter!" The white Pegasus said sweetly, but firmly. She was very beautiful for an older mare. Her red, orange, and yellow mane was worn long and wavy. "I have a feeling that something's going on. She hasn't called for months!"

"She's sleeping." Lightning said. "She's a little sick."

"Then wake her up!" Rainbow's father exclaimed. "We need to see her now!"

"Okay, you guys wait in the living room, and I'll go tell her you're here." Lightning was intimidated. They looked like a celebrity couple!

Rainbow heard Lightning come up the stairs and panicked, not knowing what to do. Now, 3 days before her due date, she couldn't fly because she had gotten so heavy. Downstairs she could hear her parents watching Ponyville Idol.

"That was horrible!" Rainbow's dad exclaimed. "How could he have made it to the finals singing like that!? Cloudsdale Idol is much better!"

It was nice to know her father was in a good mood. Rainbow relaxed a little.

"You can send them in here now." Rainbow told Lightning. When he turned to leave, Rainbow swatted him playfully on the flanks. She giggled as he glared at her, then laughed too. He turned to leave, and Rainbow sighed. She rubbed her belly, and thought lovingly of the family she was going to start soon. She was happy she wasn't feeling like a bag of rotten trash anymore.

"Hi, Rainbow, hi Tank!" Mrs. Dash whispered as she came in. Tank stayed in his tank, watching. "I heard you were under the weather, how are you feeling."

"A lot better. I have some news for you guys later." Rainbow reached up and hugged her mother.

Mr. Dash came in the room a minute later, and went straight to Dash's bed, giving her a hug.

"Honey, Rainbow said she had some news for us." Mrs. Dash said to her husband. She turned to her daughter. "If you feel up to it, maybe we could all sit downstairs?"

"Yeah, I'll meet you down there." Dash waved them out. When they left the room, Dash found her ring, an oversized T-Shirt, a bathrobe, and some bunny slippers, and Lightning helped her put them on. Lightning had to help her down the stairs. When they finally got to the table, Lightning pulled the chair out and served the leftovers.

"So, what did you want to tell us?" Mrs. Dash said, when everyone settled down.

"I'm engaged!" Rainbow picked up her hoof to show her mother her ring. She swooned.

"Oh, Celestia! My daughter's getting married!" Mrs. Dash said, tears forming in her eyes. "Is it this stallion here?"

"Yes, Mom, Dad? Meet Lightning Bolt." Rainbow smiled. She was happy to bring good news. "I met him at the Flight School."

"Really? How sweet! Flight School sweethearts!" Mrs. Dash sighed dreamily. Mr. Dash just nodded, looking a little determined. Interrogation time!

"So, Lightning, do you have a job?" Mr. Dash asked.

"Yes, I work part time at the Cloud Coliseum in Cloudsdale, but I took time off to come see your daughter." Lightning was a little nervous that Mr. Dash would be a little angry at him for making a dumb decision, but all he saw was a smile. "Right now I'm working on Ponyville's weather crew."

"Nice, I hope you stay in Ponyville. We're getting older and we can't remember as much as we used to."

"Well I am getting attached to this town." Lightning smiled, happy he was being approved of.

About 30 minutes later, when the interrogation was over, Rainbow announced her second bit of news.

"Mom, Dad. I need to tell you a story, but you need to listen until the end of it." Rainbow said quietly. She told the story of being raped, without the actual rape details. Her mom and dad became very upset.

"This Caramel stallion, was he the one you talked to us about on the phone?" Mrs. Dash asked.

"So you went to the doctor, and what did they say?" Mr. Dash demanded. He didn't like hearing his daughter say she was abused.

"I'd better show you." Rainbow Dash said, then she took off her robe, with Lightning's help. Her bulging belly showed through the fabric. "I'm due in 3 days." Rainbow's parents were speechless.

Mr. Dash started stuttering, but he finally was able to choke out, "You're a good kid, Lightning. You love my daughter enough to stick with her, even when he had issues."

"C-Come here, Rainbow." Mrs. Dash stuttered through tears. Rainbow wobbled over and her mother rubbed Rainbow's belly. "I'm gonna be a grandmother. I can't believe it. Are you okay though?"

"Yes, Lightning cheered me up. I feel so much better now. I feel like I can do it." Rainbow was so happy in that moment. "I'm excited to be a mother, really."

"What about you, Lightning?" Mr. Dash said. "Are you ready to be a father?"

"More than ready. I know I can do it when she's here with me." Lightning looked at Dash, who's expression had changed from happy, to confused. Her hoof was on her belly. Something was wrong. Rainbow started to look worried, then bent over in pain as a contraction tore through her body. She moaned loudly. Her mom looked excited. Her dad looked terrified. Lightning rushed to her side and grabbed her hoof.

When she stopped moaning, he asked, "Baby, what's wrong?" He already knew what was happening, but didn't want to believe it.

"Call 911. I think I'm in labor!"

With that, Lightning fainted.


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I know I haven't written in a while. It's because I'm trying to decide if I should end this story happy or sad. You can tell me what you prefer in the comments, but I am already leaning towards an answer, so don't be surprised if you tell me one thing and I do the opposite. So... enjoy the chapter!

Lightning woke up in the hospital. He could hear the pregnancy ward down the hall. He looked around from his bed, but he could see no one.

"Glad you're awake." A voice said.

"Oh, Mr. Dash. It's you. Couldn't stand the screaming?" Lightning asked, still weak.

"Yeah, I hate seeing my little Bria in pain." Mr. Dash replied.


"Long story. A mistake on our part. Remember to never fight over something as stupid as a name." Mr. Dash replied.

Lightning didn't reply.

"I said promise." Mr. Dash said firmly and calmly, his words burning into Lightning's soul.

"Okay, I promise." Lightning thought for a bit, then said, "What's the real reason you're here?"

"I can't lie to you. It's horrible in there." A tear flowed down his face, surprising Lightning. Seeing such a strong man cry was unsettling. "There's some complications. Rainbow needed an emergency C-Section."

A nurse walked in with some water and a new needle.

"What complications?" Lightning felt something rise in his throat. He felt anxious.

"The doctors diagnosed advanced HELLP syndrome." Mr. Dash said. "They say it's been there for a while and that she thought the symptoms were normal pregnancy symptoms. She's been having seizures for the past hour, and they say her kidneys are failing. They finished her surgery, but she won't stop bleeding..." Mr. Dash shuddered as he recalled sitting next to Dash as she pushed before she was suddenly hit by a seizure.

"I have to go to her now!" Lightning shouted, bolting from the bed, only to be pushed down by a nurse.

"No! Stay here! You are still very weak." The nurse said.

"They aren't letting anyone see her. You have to understand that they are doing all that they can for her." Mr. Dash's face looked like he hadn't taken this news very well.

"How's the baby?" Lightning thumped his hooves around the bed, wanting to get up and move. He tried to clear his thoughts, but all he could think about was how horrible these past months had been for Dash. If she died today...

"She's beautiful." Mr. Dash said. "She's absolutely wonderful. I'll bring her here."

Mr. Dash walked into the hall calling for his wife. She was softly sobbing in a chair, holding a bundle in a blanket. She got up and flew to the door. Grinning through tears, she walked over to the bed and handed the bundle to Lightning, who felt excitement rise in his throat, and a tear flow down his face. He looked down and the first thing he saw was brilliant magenta eyes. Just like Rainbow's. Lightning's breath caught in his throat. He moved the blanket from her face, exposing a light cyan coat and a curl of black and gold mane. Lightning started sobbing. It was his baby after all. He hugged her close.

"What's her name?" Lightning asked the Dash family.

"What do you mean? Rainbow wanted to wait for you before she named her. She wants your approval." Mr. Dash said.

"Does she... does she know that the baby is mine?" Lightning didn't want her to die thinking that she had a baby with someone she hated.

"No. They took the baby away before she could see her so they could work on her and stop the bleeding." This crushed Lightning, and he felt himself crying tears of worry and sadness instead of joy.

The nurses came into the room from time to time to give updates on Rainbow Dash. Rainbow flatlined twice and her blood pressure was way too high at one point. The family spent the next few hours crying and worrying as the doctors worked to get her heart pumping and then to get her blood pressure back to normal. Finally, a nurse checked in and said "She's stable. She's lost so much blood that we need to do a transfusion. You can go and see her now. Just be gentle. Her blood pressure is still a bit too high and we don't want her to have a heart attack."

Lightning let out a sigh of relief. He was upset that he couldn't go in there and hug her and kiss her and hold her until the Celestia's sun came up a billion times.

Lightning was allowed to go in first. He held the baby in his arms and took a deep breath.

"Ready to see Mommy?"

So I decided to play around with "make a pony" games and I made what I imagined Rainbow Dash's baby to be (Just pretend the mare in the picture has wings):
MLP:FiM version:


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Lightning flew into the room with the foal in his forelegs, slightly nervous, but excited. He didn't know what to expect. Would RD be covered in blood? Would she be sleeping? Weak? Alert?

He looked around. A small radio was on, starting to play Rainbow Dash's favorite song to bawl her eyes out and pig out on ice cream to: "Dreaming With A Broken Heart" by John Mayer. All of RD's closest friends were sitting in chairs by the window. It was pouring rain outside. Pinkie was using a curling iron to re-curl her hair, and she had tears on her face. Twilight Sparkle was chatting with Rainbow, trying to keep her distracted. When she saw Lightning, she motioned for him to sit down. He just hovered in the doorway like an idiot. Fluttershy was sitting the corner, being quiet. Rarity was fiddling with the blanket on Rainbow's bed. Applejack gave him a small smile and looked away.

"Hey, Zappy." A voice said from the other side of the room. Lightning slowly turned around and he saw the most beautiful sight there was to be seen. Rainbow Dash's mane was tied in a messy bun, strands of hair escaping and framing her face. She had 2 bandages, one across her belly and the other down her chest. Her eyes looked tired and had bags under them, and she was sprawled out like she just ran 15 marathons. It was gorgeous. "I know I don't look like a super model right now."

"Are you kidding? You look gorgeous! Baby Blue, you are such a fighter." Lightning snapped out of his stupor and flew over to her. Rainbow's parent came in the room and sat at the window with everyone else. "I heard you didn't really get the chance to see our daughter yet."

"Our daughter? Does that mean..." Lightning handed the baby to her, careful to avoid the cord that connected the bag of blood to Rainbow's leg, and as soon as Rainbow touched the foal, her eyes lost it's tired look and became bright and full of energy. Tears flooded back to the surface as she moved the blanket to see the foal's beauty.

"She looks just like me..." Rainbow Dash breathed, barely audible. She moved the blanket further back, scared that she would find Caramel's brown mane. Instead she found Lightning's mane. "She's yours. Oh my gosh, I love you guys so much!"

Rainbow just looked so happy. Pinkie was vibrating in her chair, asking for a bucket of water. The nurse brought some, and Pinkie dumped it on her head, taking out the fake curls. Within seconds, her mane was naturally curly again.

"What's her name gonna be?" Lightning said. This was an uphill battle for Rainbow Dash. She deserved to have one thing she wanted.

"I want to name her Golden Miracle." Rainbow was stroking Golden Miracle's little curl of mane. "She is a miracle to me. I'm so lucky to have her after all we went through to get her here."

"That's why I said you were a fighter. You never gave up, even when it got hard. Even when your heart stopped twice." Lightning said. "That's one of the reason's I love you. What did the doctor say about treatment?"

"I need to spend another week in the hospital so they can figure out what medicine I need, monitor my blood pressure and check my kidneys." Rainbow Dash said. She unwrapped the filly and handed her to Lightning. "Now, enough about me. Let's see this baby walk!"

Lightning set Golden Miracle on the floor and nudged her a little. She stood up for a second, wobbled a step, and sat down. Lightning nudged her again, Miracle took two more steps. After a while, Miracle started to get it. Rainbow Dash watched from her bed with a proud face. It got to the point that Miracle was trotting from person to person (mostly to Pinkie Pie and back to her parents) when a nurse came and took her to be fed. A hooded figure entered the doorway.

"Sorry I took so long to get here, but I can't miss this." The figure said, removing his hood.

"What's he doing here? Get him out! I don't want him here!" Rainbow Dash was getting hysterical.

"Calm down, Rainbow. Your blood pressure..." Fluttershy warned from her chair.

"I don't care! What is Caramel doing here?! It's none of his business. I-I don't w-want him in G-golden Miracle's life!" Rainbow Dash was beginning to feel lightheaded. She was stuttering. "I-I don't feel w-well. My h-head f-f-feels funny."

"That sounds like the signs of a stroke!" Twilight Sparkle gasped. "Oh Celestia! Someone press the emergency call button. The more time we waste, there's more brain damage that can happen."

"Poor Rainbow!" Rarity exclaimed.

"She's been having an awful hard year. Pinkie needs to throw her a party when we get out of here." Applejack said.

Lightning pressed the emergency call button. You could hear Golden Miracle screaming in the other room. Everyone in the room started to panic as Lightning described the emergency.

"Help! I think my fiance's having a stroke." Lightning cried.

Stalling For Time

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Author's note: I have a quick question. Does Lightning act manly enough? I'm a girl so I was afraid that I was writing him to be too feminine. BTW, did anyone notice that this was the first time someone showed up and Rainbow didn't have a dream/thought about them?

Panic raced through the room. Ponies ran around, not sure what to do. Nurses ushered ponies out of the doors. Doctors wheeled Rainbow Dash into the Emergency Room. Her parents cried in the corner, Fluttershy was being dragged out of the room after she fainted from all of the commotion. Golden Miracle, still crying, was shoved into Lightning's hooves.

As Rainbow Dash was wheeled out of the room, Lightning saw her face. Everything went in slow motion, and he saw confusion and panic cross her eyes. Her eyes whipped around the room like she didn't recognize it. She was drooling a little and was trying to speak, but I came out like gibberish. She fell unconscious right before she passed the door frame.

Right when he gets her back, he has to lose her again. Lightning walked into the lobby and paced with Golden Miracle for what felt like hours, until she stopped crying. He smiled down at the baby, but then remembered what was happening. He looked back through the door to the hallway Rainbow was in and saw her being wheeled back to her room to be allowed to regain consciousness. As he waited for the nurse to come back and tell him the news, he spotted Caramel sitting in a chair, and sat down next to him with conflicting emotions.

"This is your fault." Lightning whispered. That's all he said, but it meant so much more. It cut into Caramel like a knife.

"You can't tell me that kiss meant nothing to you." Caramel replied.

"That's why? You came here to talk to me about a kiss? One that you forced on me, by the way." Lightning's anger overcame the feeling of sadness that were warring inside of him. "You expect me to love you when you broke Rainbow's heart. I will never love you."
I will never love you. Never love you. Never. That was all Caramel could hear. He felt so hurt, like no other pain could compare. Then he remembered how he made Rainbow feel, what she said to him. "It felt like a knife stabbing me in the heart. Stabbing and twisting. I loved you, and you betrayed me." That felt ten times worse.

"You know I left him... For you." Caramel said, hurt.

"Well too bad. You deserve to be forever alone, after what you did to us. You ruined our family." Lightning whispered. It was a low sound, but to Caramel, it felt like he was being screamed at.

"I didn't ruin your family. The baby's mine. It's my family. You are just an outsider." Caramel used every jab he could think of.

"Your baby? Look again." Lightning moved the blanket to show Golden Miracle's beautiful gold and black hair. "Recognize that hair from somewhere?"

"W-what? T-that's not possible! How can it be yours? I had sex with her that night." Caramel said. "Now... I'm the outsider."

Lightning just stared at him. How could a pony be this stupid? But Caramel took it another way. He grabbed Lightning's face and kissed him, trying to force his tongue in. Lightning squirmed and tried to push him away. Lightning finally pried Caramel off of him. He wiped his mouth.

"Caramel, I think you should go." He finally said.

"But-" Caramel started.

"GO!" Lightning shouted, not bothering to keep quiet. Anyone who wasn't looking when Caramel kissed him turned to stare now. Caramel wiped away tears as he got up from the chair.

"Even though you don't love me..." Caramel paused and turned to face Lightning. "I love you." He turned to go, and walked out into the pouring rain, his tears mixing with the raindrops.

What both ponies didn't know, was that Rainbow was watching the whole scene from a T.V in her room. As the drug took effect, Rainbow woke up to find the T.V was switched to the security camera channel. Rainbow still felt to weak to lift her hooves so she just watched. She saw everything, and she wasn't happy about it.

"She had a stroke caused by a aneurism in the brain. We are going to clip it tomorrow. You can go see her now. She requested that only you and Golden Miracle can go in there with her." The nurse said to Lightning.

"Okay. Thank you." Lightning gave a small smile as he flew back to the room, Golden Miracle in his forelegs. He expected to see his fiance smiling and waiting to hug and kiss him, but that wasn't what he saw.

"Why'd you do it?" You could see steam rising from Rainbow's red face as she talked, and her powerful venom filled voice were turned against Lightning Bolt, the love of her life. Lightning was taken aback.

"Y-you saw?" Lightning managed to stutter. Even though Rainbow was harmless now, she could kick his ass any time she wanted to.

"I thought you said you would never hurt me." Her voice now sported a hint of sadness.

"Rainbow, you need to trust me when I tell you the story. You need to hear me out." Lightning warned. "Promise you'll hear me out."

Rainbow had started to cry by that point. Her voice resembled a little filly's when she said, "I promise."

"After I proposed to you, I went to Gemstones to get the ring. When I got there, Caramel was working there. We got into an argument and I ended up jumping over the counter and tackling him." Lightning paused before he continued. "He... took it the wrong way and kissed me. I pushed him off, paid for the ring, and left. Today he said he came here to discuss the kiss. When he found out the baby wasn't his, he started babbling like a baby. I stared at him and he took it the wrong way. That's when he kissed me. I pushed him off and told him to leave. He said he left Big Mac for me."

"He's trying to ruin our lives!" Rainbow said. She was fed up now. "This is the last straw. I need to end this once and for all."

Free At Last

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Before people give me grief about this, ponies DO have cars. Look here:
Random oOSlowMotionOo fact: My birthday was yesterday (Feb. 4th). I can never look at the word "sociable" again without saying/thinking it in Spanish.

Lightning sat on the floor with Golden Miracle. She was playing with his long mane, and he smiled when she giggled or tripped over her hooves. She was adorable. As much as Lightning hid it, he wasn't happy. Every night, when he went to sleep, he saw visions of Caramel's games, and the chaos he brought.

He heard Rainbow whimper at night as she dreamed about her stay in the hospital. Needles plunged in her chest... IVs in her legs... surgery... fear. As much as he wanted to hide it, he had an uncontrollable anger welling inside of him, like an unquenchable thirst for revenge. He tried to be gentle with the baby and his new life, but he felt his thoughts turn to dreams of revenge when doing the simplest tasks.

"How did you guys hold up while I was in the hospital?" Rainbow Dash said from her place on the couch.

"We missed you." Lightning said. He picked up Golden Miracle and played airplane. "You should have done what the doctor said and took it easy! Two hospital stays in one month! That's expensive."

"How can I resist the sky! It was just amazing." Rainbow Dash replied. Lightning put Golden Miracle down. "You are doing pretty well for a Ponyville newbie."

"Yeah... Baby Blue? I need to ask you something." Lightning chose his words carefully. "Do you think we should move back to Cloudsdale?"

"No way!" Rainbow Dash knew why he asked. "Sure, I miss the city, but I'm not going to leave just because one pony is trying to hurt us. I'm stronger that that. You're stronger than that. We need to get through this together."

"Rainbow, It's been a month. We haven't done anything to get back at Caramel." Lightning got up and put his hoof on Rainbow Dash's chin, making her look him in the eyes. " Look, I'm tired of waiting. We need to do something! If we don't, then we need to leave." Lightning felt helpless. He needed to do something, but he couldn't.


"No!" Lightning lowered his voice. "We need to think of the baby. Who knows what he would do to hurt us. He could hurt Goldie. I can't put her in that kind of danger."

"You know what? I can't discuss this with you now." Rainbow Dash turned away. "I'm leaving in 20 minutes to introduce Golden Miracle to my friends."

"Baby, we need to discu-"

"When you come up with a plan, you can discuss it with me. I'm leaving, and I will talk with you later. I love you." She kissed him on the lips before grabbing Golden Miracle and disappearing up the stairs.

"I love you too. That's why I want to help you."

A horn sounded outside.

"Rainbow Daaaaaaaash!" A high pitched, sing-songy voice said. "Let's go! I have the whole day planned."

"Okay, okay!" Rainbow Dash jumped from the porch of her cloud home and landed gracefully. She stopped in her tracks. "What IS that thing?"

"It's a car!" Pinkie replied. "Like it? It even had a foal seat!"

"A car? How did you afford that? Only rich ponies have cars."

"Oh, I have my connections." Pinkie started vibrating. "Oh, okay! You forced it out of me! You know Sapphire Shores?"


"Well, she was a really big fan of my dad's rocks, so she was a frequent customer. I just went over there for a family reunion and I met her. We are close friends and I met all of her famous friends and all of their friends and all of their friends, and all of their friends-"


"Oh, right. So she knew a car manufacturer and she gave me his number. So I became best friends with him and he gave me this baby for free! How awesome is that?"

"Pretty awesome."

"Okay, so let's go."

"Wait!" A voice from above called. "I want to go with you."

"Zappy? Are you sure?" Rainbow replied. "When we were in school you told me you always felt like an outcast if you visited someone else's group of friends, even though you are sociable."

"Yeah, but I don't have many friends in Ponyville. It's pretty important."

"Okay then. Hop in!" Pinkie said.

"Sure. Wait, you have a car?" Lighting asked.

"Long story." Rainbow said. "Okay, let's go."

"I've never been in a car before." Lightning said. Another confession, the real reason Lightning wanted to go, was to protect Golden Miracle. He would be dead if Rainbow found out he was doubting her. "I'm kinda nervous."

"Don't be! I'm a wonderful driver!" Pinkie said before starting the car. She pressed the gas and promptly swerved off the road into a fence, getting a glare from Rainbow Dash. "Oops."

Pinkie backed up and swerved and sped off towards Twilight's library.


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Author's note: Thinking of abandoning this fic. I really can't see an ending, so I'm probably going to end it here. Thanks for reading.
Edit: I decided to end it (Check out chapter 17 for the ending).

Pinkie crashed into a tree. The car was totaled. Thankfully, no one was hurt.

"I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened there." Pinkie took one look at the car. She started bawling. "My car!"

Rainbow Dash gave her a hug. "Don't worry Pinkie. Just call the pony who made the car."

"He's dead."

"How is he dead? Didn't you just get this car yesterday? What happened?"

"He died in a car crash today."

"Oh, the irony."

Meanwhile, Lightning was shaken up from the crash. He was shivering and couldn't stand up on his shaky legs.

"Aw, honey! Don't be scared." Rainbow giggled, teasing him.

"I am not scared." Lightning tried standing once more, but collapsed.

"Yeah, sure." Rainbow retrieved Goldie from the mess. She was giggling.

"Again! Again!" Goldie cried joyfully.

"No Goldie, that's too dangerous." Rainbow replied, setting her down. As she stood up, something caught her eye in the distance.

"Oh my Celestia. He's doing it to another mare." Rainbow Dash's eyes widened.

"What do you mean-" Lightning saw it too. "Oh that son of a-"

"Lightning. Language." Rainbow pointed at Goldie.

Lightning couldn't control his rage anymore. He took off galloping and jumped into the air.

"Lightning, wait!" Rainbow Dash said. "Please don't do this!"

Lightning couldn't believe his ears. Rainbow was actually giving up. Of all ponies, Rainbow Dash was the one who didn't want to fight. What was wrong with her?

Lightning paused and turned around. "I'm tired of waiting." He yelled, before taking off again.

"Lightning, please..." Rainbow Dash hung her head and went back to comfort Pinkie. "I hope he doesn't get into trouble."

"So now you're doing it to another mare, huh?" Lightning yelled at Caramel. "What's you're excuse this time?"

Caramel turned around. His eyes widened in fear when he saw the owner of the voice. Then they narrowed. He thought Lightning came back for him. The mystery mare took a step back, afraid.

"I...It's not what it looks like." He smiled. "You came back for me..."

"You hurt my fiance and now you're doing it to another mare? How could you?" Lightning replied. Town Square was suddenly empty.

Caramel suddenly realized the severity of the situation. "Please don't hurt me."

"Too late."

Rainbow heard the front door slam, and a string of curses. Lightning flew into the room and flopped on the bed.

"Rainbow, I know something's wrong." Lightning said. "Out of all ponies, you are the one refusing to fight. We need to fight or flee. Choose one."

"I... can't." Rainbow looked down at Goldie, who was done breast feeding.

"Rainbow, I'm fighting for you. You aren't the same Rainbow I fell in love with. You've gone soft, and you keep a wall around yourself now. Old Rainbow was brash, bold, tough. She would never back down from a fight. She was a winner. Now you just don't want to fight for yourself."

"I do, it's just... Never mind. It's nothing." Rainbow walked over to Goldie's crib and placed her inside.

"It's not nothing. It's everything!" Lightning pulled a hoof through his mane, frustrated. He grabbed her from behind. And kissed behind her ear. "You drive me crazy Baby Blue."


"I love you, and I'm trying to help you. Please tell me what's wrong."

"I... If I did, I know you would hate me."

"Nothing could make me hate you." Lightning said. He squeezed her again. "Please tell me."

"I... I still love him."

A weird look crossed Lightning's face. He let go of Rainbow and walked across the room. He closed his eyes, still facing away from her. His breathing quickened.

"I can't look at you right now."

"Zappy, please..." Rainbow said. "I know it's hard to believe."

"How can you love someone who hurt you so much?" He was so angry, his eyes resembled fire when he finally opened them.

"I can't help it."

He turned to her. Rainbow gasped when she saw his face. Pain, anger, hurt.

"You can't help it, huh? So if I walked through this door, would you feel anything? Maybe not. You'll have Caramel to yourself." Lightning started for the door. Rainbow stood there, dumbfounded. "That is, unless he hurts you again. Maybe you don't love yourself, but I love you enough for the both of us." With that, he disappeared down the stairs and out the door.

Author's Final Note

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Thank you so much for reading and tracking my fanfiction. I am surprised I got such a good reaction. Usually people hate Straight Dash fics. I just wanted to prove that just because someone looks a certain way, doesn't make them a person of that stereotype. As a tall skinny Black girl myself (surprise, surprise), I face a lot of judgements the same way. My ex-boyfriend called me anorexic once. People ask me all the time if I play basketball (I don't). My home state, New York, is so diverse that people don't care that I'm Black much. But I get weird stares when I leave the state. I know they think bad things about me.

That's why I take offense to people who stereotype Rainbow Dash. She is my favorite character since we both have the same interests. I love running track and high jump (it feels like flying and the feeling of sticking the landing and knowing that you can jump higher than most people is amazing.), she loves sports and flying. I am very opinionated, just like her, and I would never abandon my friends. To see people stereotype her hurts me inside as much as it would hurt me if people were stereotyping me.

So here's a final thanks from me to everyone who tracked, commented, and read my fic. I know I ended it on a bad note (I feel like it's been going downhill since I was rate bombed last year). It's because I have my mind on other things. I started to focus more on my artwork, I've been very busy, and tired lately. So thanks for bearing with me. Keep an eye out, because I might do more fanfictions (or finish this one).

Love you all,

Jayda (oOSlowMotionOo)

Maybe One More Chapter For The Road

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Rainbow Dash just stared at the door, torn. She couldn't leave her baby alone, but she didn't want to be alone. The baby is too important. Rainbow tearfully got into bed and cried herself to sleep.

"Aw, don't worry, Sugarcube." Applejack said. "He'll be back."

"How do you know that?" Rainbow said. "He's always truthful. When he says something, he means it."

"Something as uncertain as love is never stable." Applejack pushed a glass of cider over to Rainbow. Somehow that made her feel worse. Rainbow kept her eyes on the CMC, who decided that they would get their cutie marks in babysitting. So far they were doing well. No broken bones.

Sweetie kept taking glances at Rainbow, knowing something was wrong.

Twilight arrived for some apple pie for Spike. When she finished her transaction, she took one look at Rainbow.

"You look terrible." She said, smiling.

Rainbow just glared at her. Twilight stopped smiling.

"It has something to do with Lightning, doesn't it?"

"How did you know?"

"Because he stopped by and asked my to give this to you." In her hoof, she held out a wedding veil.

"What's that for?" Rainbow was confused. He didn't want to marry her after this mess, right?

"He just said to meet him at the gazebo right away, and to bring Goldie." Twilight fastened the veil on Rainbow's head before turning to go. Rainbow stood there, mouth hanging open.

"What are you waiting for, Sugarcube?" Applejack said. "Go to the gazebo! And close your mouth before you catch flies."

"Zappy? Zappy?" Rainbow called as she ran to the gazebo. Then she saw him, a lone figure standing on the gazebo.

She ran faster, until her parents stopped her.

"Rainbow, dear. You need to look beautiful on your wedding day. Stop running or you'll sweat out your hair!"

"Sorry, mom." Rainbow blushed, barely hearing her mother. All she saw was him. She slowly walked along the carpet, lead by her father towards the stallion in black. Finally, she reached him.

"Zappy? Am I dreaming? I thought you had left me." Rainbow gasped.

"Would I ever leave you? I told you I'd never hurt you. I just needed to let off some steam. Flying usually helps."

Then came time for the vows. Rainbow said them halfheartedly, for all she could see or think about was the pony in front of her.

"Lightning, you may now kiss your bride." The pastor said in a thick Canterlot accent.

Lightning placed a tiny peck on Rainbow's lips, much to her disappointment. The crowd cheered. Rainbow went in for another kiss, but he stopped her.

"Save it for later, Baby Blue." Then he smirked, the same way that made Rainbow fall in love with him all those years ago. "I'm sorry, Rainbow. I guess I was too caught up in revenge that I didn't consider your feelings. I'm sorry I said all of those mean things."

"It's all right. Some of those thing you said were true." Rainbow smiled.

"Like what?"

"That I didn't want to fight for myself." Rainbow said. "Well, I never really did. I expected you to fight for me, which was unfair."

"No, it's okay." Lighting said. "So we aren't doing any revenge?"

"Oh, someday." Rainbow said. A mischievous look crossed her face. "Or maybe tomorrow, if you want."

"Oh, Baby Blue." Lightning pulled her in for kiss. "So tomorrow it is."
The End!