Stories From Spike's Speakeasy

by MrWriterWriter

First published

Tales starring Spike and his ladies at the local nightclub

A various assortment of one-shots and possible shorts involving Spike and the various ladies of the nightclub Gemstonez.

Parings/warnings will be listed in chapter.

Welcome to The Club

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Spike rubbed his temples in an attempt to stave off the headache that once again reared its ugly head. 'I told you, Twilight Sparkle....I TOLD you 'don't cast a spell if it's in a language you aren't fluent in...but did you listen? No!' He grumbled to himself. It had been over two week since he'd landed in this other version of Equestria because Twilight attempted to cast something from a book written in Germane.

A language where she really only knew enough to say 'Who peed in the pool?'. Needless to say, he wasn't to thrilled to learn he was the one to suffer the results of her goof.

Now here he was, in an Equestria that, while he recognized most of the ponies and such here, there were so many more differences. Pretending to be a tourist, he'd managed to piece together most of the major ones relevant to him; neither Canterlot now Ponyville existed in this world, both towns mushed together into a place uninspiringly called 'Equestria City'

Seriously, who calls a town that? At least Ponyville had a reason for its name.

Also, they didn't really have princesses here. Apparently...alicorns were just luck of the genetic draw here. The Cadance, Celestia, Luna, and Twilight of this world were all natural born, oddly enough, instead of an ascension.

And, though a bit more unexpectedly, not being princesses meant Luna never had the issue of ponies not being awake at night, so no Nightmare Moon and no prophecy about her coming back. At first that had him wondering where the others were until he saw the Twilight, Pinkie, and Starlight of this world walking together like lifelong friends.

He'd been tempted to say something, but had learned that, no princesses also meant Twilight hadn't gone to a school for gifted unicorns...and never hatched a dragon egg.

Which meant he didn't exist here. To say that was a bit of a shock was an understatement. Then again, that'd probably freak anyone out.

"Gah...get a grip, dragon." He muttered, shaking his head. "You got bigger things to worry about. Namely how you're gonna eat while you're here." Due to his nonexistance in this Equestria, he had zero reputation and most folks had shown to be leery of a dragon that looked like he'd just wandered into town from nowhere. So that meant funds were drastically limited and he had no clue how long he'd be stuck in this world.

And thus left him in his current situation. If he was gonna eat, he needed a job, except his current conditions left him limited.

Now, he was standing outside a place in one of the city's back corners; Gemstonez. The neon sign above the door had a sapphire with what looked like a mare posing seductively in it. However, it was the 'Help Wanted' poster on the door that had really caught his attention. It didn't really specify what kind of help was needed, but his growling stomach made it hard to care.

A quick knock on the door had a small window open and a familiar-looking set of green eyes peer out at him. "Sorry sugarcube, we're closed. Come back later this evenin'."

"I-I'm here about the job opening." He replied, wondering why that southern twang sounded like someone he knew. It was kind of deep and sounded kind of easygoing, but it was still pretty damn feminine.

When the door opened, though, he wasn't quite ready for the sight that greeted him. "M-Macintosh??" He blurted out; standing there was a tall - a good foot on him -, and muscular red mare with an orange mane. Dressed in slacks, suspenders, and a button-down shirt that did little, if any, to hide the still feminine and impressive curves she had, along with the fact the shirt was open enough to show a little cleavage from the DD-breasts straining the shirt a bit. The necklace she had on even resembled the heavy collar the big farmpony liked to wear. All in all, this mare could pass for Big Mac's twin sister.

It didn't help that she...well, she was pretty hot to boot.

"'Fraid ya'll got me mixed up with someone else, sugar. Name's Big Macareina." She replied, giving him the same relaxed smile Mac often had.

"Heh, remind me of a friend back home." He replied, trying not to let his eyes trail down.

"Ah, no harm done." She waved it off. "So, here 'bout the job, huh? Miss Ember's the one to talk to 'bout that. C'mon." She motioned for him to follow.

Soon as he stepped in, the autumn chill from outside was burned away by warmth and a surprisingly spicy, welcoming aroma that filled the place. It also showed what she'd meant by 'closed'.

'Gemstonez' was a nightclub. Numerous empty tables dotted the floor, surrounding an extended stage, an extensive-looking bar lined one of the far walls, and the place was lit up just enough to let them see where they were going. In an odd way, the place felt...inviting. At the moment, at least. 'Wait a second...' He thought, as the amanezon led him backstage. "Did you say 'Miss Ember'?"

"Eeyup." Macareina replied, stopping at a windowed door. "She took over 'bout five years ago after her pa, old Skinflint Scorch got caught helping himself to the bank account. Ah've only been here 'round two, but the place is definitely seeing better days with her in charge." She knocked on it and a voice he knew instantly spoke up.

"Come in."

'Holy...that IS her!' He blinked in badly concealed surprise when he saw the cyan-colored dragoness sitting at a slightly cluttered desk, wearing a tight-fitting white sleeveless t-shirt.

"He's here 'bout the job opening." Macareina said once they were in the room.

"Really?" She gave him a calculating look. "Been wondering when someone'd come for that. To be honest, I didn't expect another dragon to be interested. What's your name, big boy?"

"Spike. I'm kind of new in town." He tried hard not to blush at how she started looking him up and down. "More or less wandered in a couple weeks ago and my financial situation is making food a little hard to come by."

"Well..." She stood up, giving him a view of her bare legs and the skin-tight shorts she had on. "Normally we need a resume and application...I can't quite explain it, but there's something about you."

"There...there is?" He asked. 'How come I never noticed Ember had legs THAT nice?!'

"Can't quite put my finger on it.." Ember tapped her lip. "Questions for later. So, what are you good at?"

"Um..well, I did a lot of odd jobs back home. Mostly cleaning, cooking, a lot of heavy lifting, gem digging, helping out some of the local farm, stuff like that."

"I see." She and Macareina both looked at his arms. "Tell you what; come in tonight and we'll start you off a few jobs. See where you'll fit in."

"Sure. That works pretty good."

"All right. We open at nine. try and get here by seven-thirty so we can let everyone know about you."

Rough Handling Sometimes Required. (Macareina)

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"Ready fer yer first night on the job, sugarcube?" Macareina asked as Spike met her at the front door.

"I..I hope so..." He replied, adjusting his new shirt. The club'd been surprisingly accommodating after Ember hired him; since she lived up above the club itself, she let him move into what used to be her dad's old room (fortunately she'd aired it out after he got thrown in jail). Surprisingly enough, she'd told him most of the girls who worked there lived there as well, helping save on expenses by doing some of the upkeep themselves.

He still had yet to really meet any of them yet, but she said he'd see a few of their performances while he was getting his first bit of work.

Why it was 'assistant bouncer', he had no clue. "To be honest, Macareina, the only thing I know about bouncers is what I've read in corny detective stories with them tossing drunks out." He nervously straightened his shirt, feeling thankful that he'd managed to have enough money to get some better clothes so he could at least try to make a decent first impression

"Ah don't you worry none, sugarcube." She said, waving his concerns off as she unlocked the door, letting the first customers of the night come in. "This place's got a pretty good reputation now, so most folks here are fairly reasonable. Usualy don't take much more than a look or stern word to get 'em to behave themselves. Heck, Ah can count the ones Ah've actually tossed out on one hand, 'an still have fingers left over."

"Considering one was a yak you bodyslammed?" A patron chuckled teasingly from a nearby table, earning a blush and mock glare from the muscled mare.

"Oh hush, you." She replied.

It was then that Ember's voice spoke up over what was apparently the intercom system. "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Gemstonez. The lights dimmed, and single spotlight shone down on the stage.

Before he could ask what was gonna happen, a voluptuous, and familiar-looking leg glided out from between the curtains, followed by a seductive voice.

"You had plenty of money, didn't know what to do.
You let other fillies make a fool of you.

Spike's jaw dropped when the curtains parted, and Pinkie Pie sauntered out, wearing a skintight red strapless and backless gown that showed off a magnificent pair of DD-Cup breasts and legs thanks to the long slit in the side, combined with white elbow length gloves and thigh-high stockings. He felt his face heat up when a closer look showed the slit was high enough to show a bare hip.

'She's not wearing panties...' He stared, praying Macareina didn't see the tent he was start to feel growing in his pants.

"Eeyup, Pinkie can be a real crowd pleaser with her comedy routine, too." Macareina glanced at his gobsmacked look.

"W-wow." He exhaled, watching as she playfully poked a stallion on the forehead before her gaze fell on him.

A sultry smile crossed her face and she began to slowly make her way towards him, her hips gently swaying with each step. Spike started to sweat a little, wishing he could get a moment to adjust himself, his erection was getting uncomfortable and a look down would be it would take. Last thing he needed was to be seen as a perv on his first day.

As soon as she got close, Pinkie slowly walked around him, trailing a hand across his shoulders and chest, gently closing his hanging jaw as she did. She slowly did a full circuit around him before giving him a playful little bump with her hip and making her way back down to the stage.

Macareina smirked at the blush on his face. "She likes to welcome new faces like that sometimes."

"O-Oh..." He managed to get out. As he turned to try and think of something intelligent to say, he noticed her glare towards the bar where a pair of ladies who could pass for Discord and Sombra's sisters.

"Ah'll be right back." She told him over the applause before marching over to the bar.

He watched as she clamped a hand down on the shoulder of a diamond dog wearing a moth-eaten coat. He couldn't fully make out what was being said, but from the less than pleased look on Macareina's face, he wasn't supposed to be there. Her look quickly went to a scowl after he responded. Whatever he said was definitely the wrong thing to save because she promptly hoisted him up by the ears, ignoring his painful protests as she headed back to the door...where Spike could hear them again

"Put me down, you psycho bitch!" He yelped, trying to pull out of her grip.

"Nope." She replied, pushing the door open just long enough to hurl him out. "Ah see you in here, Ah'm draggin' ya out by somethin' else....right after Ah break it!"

" got some hangtime on that lob!" Spike said, thoroughly impressed at the sheer strength she demonstrated.

"Thanks." She said, letting out a shuddering sigh. "Ah tossed that mangy mutt out once before, after he tried to buy one of the girls fer a night and got aggressive when he got told Gemstonez doesn't do that. He was banned an' he knows it!" She sighed and leaned against one of the support pillars. " Ah'm horny..."

"Come again...?" Spike wiggled a finger in his ear. "For a second it sounded, like you said..."

Macareina blushed and looked away. "That...that's one of the reasons Ah like the fact Ah've only had to throw a few out like that...fer some reason the physical exertion gets mah juices flowin'." She whined a little, squeezing her thighs together. "But Ah can't take care of it till Ah can go on break, an that's not fer a few hours...!"

"Oh." He blushed as he caught a faint sweet scent from her. While he wasn't a virgin himself - thanks to a drunken romp with Applejack and Twilight on his eighteenth birthday a couple of years ago - he was still new the whole deal. "Um, maybe just head to the bathroom? I can hold down the fort for a few."

She shook her head, letting out a little moan, slipping a hand down to rub herself a little. "Ah tried that once. Takes me a lil bit to get mah motor runnin', if ya get my drift."

"I-I get it." He forced his attention back to the stage, where Celestia and Luna had stepped out; Luna in a skintight, dark blue cheongsam, and Celestia in a slinky black dress. The fact that neither of them had their crowns on was a bit surreal. They started up a duet that helped take his mind off of Macerina's arousal.

"Our Momma done told us, when we were just fillies,
Our Momma done told us, 'Girls'...

"Sometimes Ah wonder if this is why mah dates never last long." He heard her mutter, her breathing haven gotten a little deeper.

Spike gave her a sidelong glance. "You're single..?" It was hard for him to keep the slight disbelief out of his voice.

She must've caught it since she gave him an appreciative smile. "Believe it or not. Ah've dated a few stallions, even a mare or two...yes, Ah'm bi, sugar." She grinned at his expression. "Just...they never lasted long. Most of 'em kept sayin' Ah was a bit too much for 'em."

"Ah, I'm sure you'll find Mr...or Miss Right soon. Hotties like you never stay single long..." He froze when he realized what he said.

"Aw, that's sweet of ya, sugarcube." She leaned in and kissed his cheek, causing his face to turn bright red.

The song soon finished and an instrumental began playing as some of the patrons started ordering food and drinks.

"Hungry, Spike?" She asked as a cute-looking waitress - who he quickly recognized as Coco Pommel - came up.

It took him a second to tear his eyes off what she was wearing; a form-fitting black blouse and miniskirt with a small apron. "S-sure. I could use a bite to eat."

Macareina asked her to grab them a couple sandwiches. Unfortunately, what he saw next got his hackles up; as Coco neared a table that had a pair of sleezy-looking stallions, he saw one 'accidentally' knock a spoon over when she got close. The moment she bent down to pick it up...


He hissed when the bastard gave her rear a hard slap the moment she was bent over. The way she squirmed and reached for the impacted cheek meant it had to have hurt. She didn't have a chance, though, before he grabbed it.

"S-sir, please let go." He heard her whimper, the pain evident on her face.

The bastard, however, either wasn't paying attention or was ignoring her. "Damn, you're a fine piece of ass, girl! Why don't you stay here?" He grinned, squeezing her rear.

"Please let go...y-your hurting me..!" She tried again, tearing up a little from the pain.

"Ok, I'm gonna hurt him." Spike growled, stalking over before Macareina could react.

"Don't be such a prude, babe!" The bastard added. "Faust, I'd love to bend you over this..." He never got to finish before Spike grabbed his wrist, digging his claws into the flesh.

"Two choices, shit-for-brains." He hissed lowly, wisps of green flame shooting from his nostrils, "Apologize to her, and get the hell out, or they call an ambulance for you." He felt his claws pierce the skin a little, making him let Coco go. "You all right?" He asked her, motioning to her rear.

She just whimpered, holding her sore cheek.

"Might wanna have one of the others check on that. Cute mare like you doesn't deserve a bruised behind."

"Piss off, lizard!" The stallion spat back. "Me and the broad are having some fun!"

"I saw you knock that spoon over, moron." Next thing Spike saw, a knife blade was in his face. A faceted knife blade, sparkling as it moved. " that blade made out of diamond??" He asked incredulously.

They must've thought he was intimidated because they both got smug. "Damn right! And it's sharp enough to slice your ass up!"

His friend picked that time to jump in. "So how about you leave the three off us be before you*"


The smug looks slowly drained from both their faces as they looked from the now bladeless handle, to Spike, who smiled...

Showing the severed blade in his teeth, before he bit down, letting fragments fall to the floor and spitting out the pieces onto the first stallion's shirt. "I'm a dragon, dumbass." He added.

The two stared at him in growing horror, a foul smell soon accompanying them as they quickly got up and ran like hell.

"Ew, think they crapped themselves." He muttered, waving a hand in his face.

"Th-thank you..!" Coco managed to get out, cheeks pinking.

"Ah, I hate lowlifes like that." He replied as 'Discord's sister' came up, spraying some air freshener around the table.

"Nice job scaring those buttpuckers off, cutie. And thanks for helping Coco out. She's new here, so we haven't really had the time to rub off on her. Name's Eris." She snapped her fingers, making the two chairs twist and spin for a moment before resume their places. "There, safe to sit in again."

"I'm Spike."

"I know." She grinned. "We all heard about Ember hiring a yummy-looking he-drake earlier today." She looked him up and down, not even bothering to hide licking her lips. "I think you're gonna enjoy working here. C'mon, kiddo. Let's get some ice on that backside."

"" He said, his face turning as red as Coco's as he watched Eris lead her off to get checked on. "Well...working here is definitely going to be interesting."

When he got back over to Macareina, though, he noticed something was a tad off with the muscular mare: her face was flushed, her breathing was noticeably shallow...and the sweet scent was stronger. "Macareina...? Are...are you...okAAY??" He yelled when she suddenly grabbed his tail and started dragging him off. "M-Macareina!"

"Umbra, we're takin' a...break." She said to 'Sombra's sister'. "Don't wait fer us."

"Have fun." The other mare said, giving Spike a wink as he was pulled into the back.

Next thing Spike knew, he'd been dragged to a room at the end of a back hall. The room itself was barren save for a hanging light and a small cot in the middle. A cot he was promptly thrown onto before Macareina locked the door behind her.

"Macareina, what the-" He stopped when she flat out ripped her shirt open, barely registering the popped buttons as she bared her chest to him. 'Holy crap! She's way bigger than a Double D!' He thought, feeling the tent in his pants growing at the sight. Two dark red nipples stood out proudly against her fur, screaming to be sucked and licked. Her pants quickly followed, leaving her in nothing but a pair of tiny, white cotton panties, her arousal already making them see-through.

"You have no idea how much that got mah motor runnin', Spike!" She growled lustfully, pinning him to the cot, grinding against his bulge. "First time Ah ever saw anyone bite through a knife like that...wonder what else you can do with that mouth."

" know, if you wanted this that badly, you just had to ask." He grinned stupidly, trying not to go crosseyed at the feel.

"Well, then sugar." She purred, unzipping his pants. "Ah'll have to make a note fer next time.." He leaned back, twitching a little as she gripped him before yanking his pants and boxers down. "Whoa nelly...!" She whispered, staring at his dick, gradually hardening in her grip. "You ARE a big boy, ain't ya?" She licked her lips hungrily.

"Heh...I've been told that once." 'It's kinda true...AJ choked on me a little.'

"Well, maybe Ah should introduce mahself." She leaned down and kissed the tip before engulfing his length in one go, sucking eagerly.

"S-sweet...!" He moaned, grabbing the top of her head. "D-damn, girl! You're eager!"

Macareina just winked and lathed her tongue around his shaft. As she did, she reposistioned herself so her thighs were resting on either side of his head, her soaked panties almost touching his face.

A quick inhale filled his nose with her scent, reminding him of the orchard back home. The sweet-tart aroma was irresistible and, giving into temptation, he ran his tongue over her crotch, making her shudder and thrust her hips down on him slightly. "Heh, you taste like apples too." He grinned and took hold of her panties, pulling them down far enough to expose her glistening pussy.

Macareina purred and sucked harder, cupping his balls.

"Come to pappa." He growled, getting two handfulls of firm ass and pulling her down into his mouth, fully engulfing her sex and lapping away at her juices.

"MMmm...!" She squeaked, pressing down onto his mouth as she nearly deepthroated him, determined to milk him dry.

Spike responded by giving her ass a squeeze and sliding his tongue into her hot tunnel, lapping away at the walls

She tensed up. Maybe it was because she'd let it grow before finally doing something, but she was already feeling an orgasm boil in her loins. Not one to finish alone, she doubled her efforts on the draconian cock in her mouth.

If anyone had been outside, they probably would've heard a burst of muffled growls and shrieks as the two inside climaxed, filling their lovers' mouths with their essence. Both gulped greedily until things their orgasms settled.

While the two began licking each other clean, Ember smiled as she watched from the security monitor. She knew her dad had put it in because he trusted his employees about as far as he could kick them, but it did prove useful at times. She'd already heard from Eris about how he chased off the prick who assaulted Coco, and now he'd managed to show he could more than likely keep up with Macareina.

"Hm, I wonder where else my new employee can be...helpful in." She mused, sliding a hand into her shorts with a purr.