The elements of harmony meets an element of sin

by riicky83

First published

Long ago before Twilight and her friends were born Celestia once again used the elements of harmony to vanquish an evil group of ponies, one still remains and after being in hiding for so long it is finally discovered by the bearers of the elements

Still doing some studying under Celestia, Twilight reads about some beings known only as the elements of sin.
Celestia tells Twilight about her last confrontation with them and how one had escaped the fate that befell the other six.

Little did Twilight know that they’ll soon meet this pony.

The main six meets the last sin

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Five hundred years is a long time to stay hidden from every pony.

Long ago my brethren wanted to take over Equestria and rule the land, I however didn’t but they forced me to go along with them. The eldest Ego believed himself to be the strongest, as the element of pride he was very full of himself believing in having everything. He even wanted to make Celestia his slave, I guess he thought she’d make a good prize.

Jelly was the element of envy and therefore is always wanting everything that somepony else had, while Ira is the element of wrath and is always angry and very aggressive. Sloath is the element of sloth and rarely does things even with his magic, Milli Onaire is the element of greed and is said to be the ancestor of Filthy Rich. Chow is the element of gluttony who just wants to chow down all the time, finally is me Eros the element of lust.

Outside of Sloath the others are regular Earth Ponies, that includes me even though my appearance says otherwise. My body has a shade of pink that others call romantic pink, my bat-like wings are jet black. I have a set of dark brown horns that extends from above my ears and curves forwards before resting a few millimetres above my magenta eyes, my hair and tail are white with red hearts dotted along them. I’m not an Alicorn but an Earth Pony born from a Succubus.

We were originally just the seven deadly sins without forms until our representative's sins started to take form, unlike the others who created their own bodies I was born from a succubus whom seduce an Earth Pony.

We have unique magic that corresponds to our sins and with these powers my brethren thought they could defeat Celestia, they were wrong. Celestia on her own couldn’t stop us but she had the elements of harmony on her side, seeing the threat I instantly made up my mind to not fight. Before she pulled them out I was simply dragged along for the ride, I think she saw that I was the only one not wanting this confrontation. All I could remember was seeing her use the elements and turning my brethren into a stone statue, before she could turn to face me I had already ran off. A guard did stop me but I had one trick up my sleeve, I put a spell on her to temporarily make her sleep and jumped into her dreams.

As an Incubus this makes for a safe getaway, especially as I can hop from one dream to another. Now five hundred years later my safety in the dream world became unsafe due to Luna, she could tell the difference between dreams and what shouldn’t be there. Lately I’ve been having to return to Equestria to prevent myself from being detected by Luna.

Thankfully I’ve found an abandoned house near Ponyville, since nopony comes here I can stay here without fear of being found. However I still need to eat and I can only eat sexual energies, it wasn’t too bad before Luna came as I can engage in dream sex to safely feed. The ponies didn’t mind as I only took small amounts plus they often felt refreshed when they wake up, after Luna returned to protecting the dream world it meant I had to take even less energy as I didn’t have time to create the energies from the ponies.

However, I’m getting increasingly hungry as I’m unable to feed properly and as a result getting progressively weaker, it’s almost at a point where I can potentially lose my cover. When I finish with a pony they forget that it was me they mated with and instead the memories in the dreams uses another pony as a cover.

It’s been that bad that I’m even considering going into the dreams of those that have become the physical embodiments of the elements of harmony, I am now getting too hungry to think now. I can sense somepony daydreaming so I hop into the dream world, it was Applejack who was taking a quick nap. My belly grumbled as it signalled that it needs to feed now, taking the plunge I hopped into her dream.

Applejack had barely changed the setting for her dream as she was still sat down underneath one of her trees, as I watched from a safe spot I saw her opening her legs as her white panties peeked out from underneath her skirt. Slowly her hand moved down and pulled her panties to the side revealing her pussy, I could even make out a patch of blonde pubes peeking out from underneath her panties. Her fingers went to work as they slipped inside her wet slit, using this to my advantage I got my cock out and walked into her sight as I slowly stroked my member.

When she saw me she used her masturbating hand to open her pussy as her other hand beckoned me to come over, this way of approach made her think it was part of her dream, her fantasy. I walked over to her before kneeling between her legs and pulling her hips onto my lap, my cock slipped inside her as she pulled me in for a kiss. As my hips started to thrust into hers she wrapped her legs around my waist, as I moved my hips I could feel my hunger starting to be satiated. Not knowing how long she’d be napping for I picked up speed, she was getting close now as I made it for the final stretch. Then everything happened at once, as I came filling her up while she came one of her friends woke her up. This caused her to pull me out of the dream world and into Equestria, plus since we were having sex in her dream it transferred to reality as well. Applejack couldn’t help but recoil from her orgasm as I filled her up with cum, before I could react a magic glow threaten me.

It was from Twilight and she looked pissed, I couldn’t move as Applejack’s legs were still locked around my waist. The other girls were trying to figure out why Twilight was being aggressive, she explained to them “he’s an element of sin. Long ago he and six others tried to overthrow Celestia and control Equestria, Celestia told me one had escaped when she stopped them using the elements of harmony”.

While her grip loosened during her afterglow Applejack said “what makes you think he’s dangerous?”, Twilight didn’t listen as she got Spike to write a letter to Celestia. Almost as soon as he sent the letter a bright light appeared as Celestia stepped out from the light. I wanted to run but a gentle “easy there loverboy” from Applejack somehow calmed me down, Celestia obviously recognised me but instead of the look she had when she defeated my brethren she gave me a gentle smile. Celestia knelt down next to us and brushed some hair from my face, she could clearly see I was still balls deep inside Applejack.

She turned to Twilight and said "don't worry this one's not a threat", before Twilight could speak Celestia continued "I remember this one not wanting to fight. In fact if I remember rightly this one was being pushed about by the others due to not wanting to take over Equestria", Twilight wanted to challenge that but at that time my belly let out a very loud growl. "Aw poor thing he's hungry" Fluttershy said kneeling down as she looked into my eyes, "question darling" Rarity said "if he's an element of sin then what sin is he?".

Celestia looked at Rarity "I'm certain that's easy to guess as you should be aware of the seven deadly sins, well each pony represented one of the sins. Each one also had the powers that relates to their sin and seeing how this one is ploughing our dear Applejack, well I guess you can figure that one out" she said. This turned Rarity's beautiful white face into a shade of crimson, Rainbow on the other hand was kinda curious "so AJ how does he feel?". Applejack gave Rainbow a thumbs up before saying "mind giving us a few more minutes?", this made Rainbow laugh "only if I get a round if he's that good".

Despite hearing them talking about doing it with me I was more interested in the look that was in Fluttershy's eyes, I could get a hint of her wanting to do it with me. but then again with my Incubus side I could catch a hint of the mares all wanting to go a round or two with me, Celestia got up and started speaking with Twilight while Rainbow knelt down where Celestia previously was. I felt Rainbows hand reach behind to caress my balls, "mm I bet your filled to the brim with lovely hot cum" she said teasingly.

Once Celestia has talked to Twilight they turned to all of us, "Applejack you wouldn't mind letting him stay at your place?" Celestia asked. Applejack nodded before turning towards Twilight, "mind teleporting us to my room? I wanna get this itch fully scratched before I can focus on showing this one around". Applejack turned to me "by the way what's your name?" he asked, It has been a long time since anypony asked my name "Eros" I said.

Twilight let out a little groan before using her magic to teleport herself, Applejack and myself to Applejack's room causing me and Applejack to land on her bed, once here Twilight said "Celestia said you were different to the others so I'm going to give you a chance. However I do agree with Celestia as you don't seem like your a danger, I've read a book that you lot were in and it mostly spoke about the other six". With that she teleported out of the room leaving me with Applejack, Applejack traced a finger on my chest as her other hand undone the buttons on her top allowing her breasts to bounce free. "So ready for round two? please make me feel as good as you did in my dreams", she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a kiss as I started to move my hips.

Make love, not war

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Lazily I layed there on Applejack's bed as the warm afternoon sunlight covered my nude form, I had considered grabbing my clothes from the floor if it weren't for one thing. My clothes aren't exactly real, they're nothing more than an illusion made real due to my Incubus magic. I could easily make them reappear on my body as well as change what clothing I'm wearing, the same applies to my own personal image. Old or young, attractive or obese, stallion or mare it didn't matter as I could change myself to suit my partner's needs and even though I can change genders it doesn't change the fact that I identify as a stallion. I placed my hands on my stomach as I gave it a small rub, I felt so good to be fully satiated for once. My attention was soon drawn to the door as I heard it open, using my magic I dressed myself as I could hear several hoofsteps approaching.

The first thing that appeared from the door was Applejack's rear as she walked through backwards, Twilight entered the room second as Applejack made sure that Twilight wasn't gonna tear into me. The other girls followed them into the room, Rainbow flew in and landed really close to my side as she sat down on the bed.

"Easy AJ I'm not gonna harm him," Twilight said, "I just want to hear his side of the story and maybe learn about their backstory". She took a look at me as they sat around the bed, "so you're not wanting to rule Equestria?" she asked.

I looked at Twilight "first what you need to know is what separates me from my brethren", as I thought back to my first few days of being alive I felt Rainbow's fingers circling my chest. "The other six were born when their respective sins became strong enough to take actual forms but in my case, it's different, as you know most demonic entities are either extinct or have either gone into hiding or captured. I had an actual father, an Earth pony by the name of Love Freely, an ironic name considering the situation. My mother was one of the last few remaining Succubus's at the time, when she met my father it wasn't to feed but to breed in an attempt to keep the bloodline going. Normally the end result is a regular Succubus or an Incubus but that was when the sin of lust had reached its peak, as I was conceived the element of lust decided to assist my mother in ensuring my birth. Thus when I was born I had the appearance of an Earth pony but with some of my mother's attributes, this was also when the element of lust was finally born as me".

The girls looked at each other as Twilight wrote all this down in her notepad, "so how does that make you different to the others?. Why don't you want to take over Equestria?" she asked.

"Regardless of being one of the elements of sin, I'm still part pony, so unlike the other six, I still have some moralities. If I'd have been born the same way then maybe I'd want the world to drown in carnal knowledge, I probably could do that if I wanted. However, unlike the others, I just wanted to be a part of the world not conquer it". I made a gesture in the air with my hands "make love not war, that is my motto. Just think how easy I could take over if I really wanted to, inflict massive lust over an entire army. Their bodies being too hot and horny to even fight me, my instincts as an Incubus to take full advantages of their whims and desires. Heck even putting them to sleep and taking them out from within their dreams is an easy task for me". I sighed at that thought, "to be honest, that's not me. That isn't my style at all, unlike the others I've never had any really big plans. Plus with me being the youngest of the seven sins, well let's just say there was a fair bit of the old I'm the eldest and you follow what I say type of deal". My fingers did the air quotations as I said the last part.

By this point I had noticed that Fluttershy had moved even closer to me, "oh you poor thing" she said in a sweet voice. "Those mean six bullied you didn't they?", her eyes turned into big cute puppy dog eyes.

Twilight rolled her eyes, "ok I get it, you didn't want any part of their plans but they pushed you into doing what they wanted". It was obvious that she accepted the answer even if she didn't like it. She let out an audible sigh, "fine I'll trust you for now but". She paused for a second before locking eyes with me, "try anything funny and we'll use the elements to take care of you, understood?".

I nodded "relax the last thing I want to do is cause trouble" I said.

With that Twilight turned around and left the room.

"Don't worry she'll come around" Rarity said as she grabbed Pinkie's arm, "we'll keep her company and maybe help her to see that everything will be ok". With that the two of them left the room.

Applejack tilted her hat as she looked out of the window, "well I've still got a few tree's left to buck". She turned to us "I'll catch you later" she then walked over to me, "and thanks for the good time lover boy" she said before kissing me on my forehead. With that she left the room too.

I noticed Fluttershy going a little bit red in the face, I would've followed her gaze but I could already feel what she was wanting. By feel, I meant I could feel Rainbow's hand on my crotch, "so you want your turn now?" I asked Rainbow.

She licked her lips as she pulled the zipper down, "you betcha" came the reply as her hand snuck it's way into my pants. She looked up at Fluttershy, "you wanna join?" she asked unsure if her Pegasi friend would join in. However Rainbow was in for a surprise when she got her answer in the form of a quiet "yes", this elicted a smile from Rainbow's face.

Time to have a little more fun.