Solo Act

by BG9

First published

A worried Sunset goes to investigate why Trixie is so lonely

Trixie is a lonely girl with no friends and, seemingly, no family. Sunset's empathetic heart can't rest until she helps her. After going on a long goose chase, she finally reaches the heart of the matter and realizes what makes Trixie the meanest girl in school.

Warning: heavy, dark themes

Let Me Be Your Friend

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"You want to what?" Trixie said in disbelief

Sunset crosses her arms

"You heard me, Trixie. I want to be your friend. You always seem so lonely."

Trixie scoffed, letting out a haughty laugh

"As if The Great and Powerful Trixie needs something like a friend! Ha! Absolutely absurd!"

"Are you sure? You seem like you could use one. If anyone knows what it's like to be alone in the world," she paused "it's me."

"No thanks, Sunset Shimmer. Trixie is a solo act. She doesn't need things like friends." she said "Now why don't you run along with your cute little group of perfect friends and leave Trixie out of it."

She sighs, defeated


As she watched her back slowly fade down the hall, Trixie got a familiar pain in her chest. She did it again! Someone was literally offering to be her friend and she stuck up her nose! Why in the world did she have to be so stubborn!? A solo act... as if. She was just as human as anyone else and she needed contact with others. Trixie walked into the bathroom, slamming the stall shut behind her. She sat down on the seat and clutched her chest, her eyes getting hot and wet. She had done moves like this many times before but this one hurt different. Maybe it was because she was more aware of it these days. She just seemed incapable of bridging the distance between herself and others. She desperately wanted companionship yet all she could do was act like a jerk.

Sunset, meanwhile, had returned to her friends informing them of the failed attempt.

"Now why in the hay would you try to be friends with that girl?" Applejack asked "She's one of the meanest girls in school."

"I had to do something, Applejack. She just seems so... so lonely." Sunset said "She reminds me a lot of me. And the thing I needed more than anything during that time was a friend. Twilight knows that."

"So what?" Rainbow retorted "It's not like it's your problem. Trixie brought this on herself. I see we should leave her to it."

"I brought it on myself too. But that didn't stop all of you from pulling me back up. And I won't let it stop me either."

"Yes but you've changed." Rarity said "You've made mistakes and sought to be a better person because of it. Trixie has not. She continues to be the same person she's always been no matter who tries to help her."

"Give it up sugarcube. Ain't no way Trixie's ever gonna change."

Sunset scoffs

"A lot of people said that about me, but look where I am now? And I would've have been able to do it without the kindness you guys showed me. If you guys hadn't tried to be my friend I would've likely done the same thing again."

Fluttershy chimes in, almost too quiet to hear above the hum of the fans

"We're just saying be careful is all. Trixie can be awfully mean."

"Well I'm going to keep trying." Sunset said, storming off

Sunset walks down the hall just as Trixie was exiting the bathroom. Her eyes were red and puffy, her sleeves slightly wet. Trixie pulled her hood over her head, trying her best to act as if nothing was wrong.


"What do you want? Didn't you listen to Trixie the first time? She is a solo act."

"No. No, you're not." she said "I can tell. And you can't bullshit a bullshitter."

Trixie clenched her fist

"Oh what are you now? The Trixie Lulamoon expert?"

"No. But I've been where you are now. I know what it's like to be here." she extends her hand "I want to help you out. Can't we be friends?"

For the briefest moment, Trixie's face showed an expression of hope, of want. Her hand trembled a bit, desperately wanting to take Sunset's offer. But she stubbornly resisted.

"Would you leave me alone!?"

Trixie stormed down the hall, leaving Sunset completely oblivious. She felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Rainbow.

"I told you Sunset." she said "Trixie is no friend to anyone."

Sunset clenches her teeth and forms her hand into a fist.

"So we should just give up then!? I can't believe you, all of you! How could you just give up? You didn't give up on me!"

AJ sighs

"But y'all ain't like her sugarcube. Yer completely different."

"No, we're not different. I'm not going to give this up."

"Well we certainly aren't going to stop you." Rarity said gently "But just be careful alright? We just don't want you to get hurt is all. We've seen many others try what you're doing and they always regret it in the end."

"You don't have to worry about me. I can do this."

Trixie walked angrily down the hall. She did it again! Twice she had an opportunity and she still screwed it up! Could she be any dumber!? Trixie walked to her locker and punched it hard, hurting her wrist in the process and giving it a nice dent.

"Why can't I just make a friend!?"

She was just speaking to the universe. Not as if anyone else would listen to her. She removes the lock and takes out her books. Why even bother though? She knew she was just going to skip again. What was the point of going when everyone hated you?

"Trixie wait!"

It was Sunset. Again. She sure was persistent. But she was going to learn that Trixie was not a friend, but a mean nobody. And she was going to learn the hard way, if need be.

"Trixie. Wanna walk to class together?"

"Not really. I'm not going to class anyway."

"Why not?"

"What's it too you, biggest meanie?"

Sunset fought the tears in her eyes and calmed herself down. She wasn't going to let Trixie off so easy.

"Why don't I come with you?" she asked shakily

"Why do you want to come with me so much? You do realize who I am right?"

"Of course I do. But I want to be your friend."

"Then you must really be a glutton for punishment, biggest meanie."

Every time she said that it was like a jab in her chest. But she had to keep focus. She was just doing everything she could to break away from Sunset.

"No, I just like having friends. It's kinda my thing."

"Oh 'it's kinda my thing'." Trixie said, imitating her voice in a mocking tone "As if. Why don't you just leave Trixie alone like everyone else?"

What was up with this girl? Why was she trying so hard? Trixie just couldn't understand it.

"You're really annoying you know that?" Trixie said

"So I've been told."

Trix ground her teeth. Why was she just taking all the insults? Why was she just letting them roll of her back?

"Why don't you just run along back to your loser friends?" she jabbed "Or do you need to go destroy the entire school again?

It took every ounce of power for Sunset to remain calm. She forced a smile through clenched teeth. But it did the trick.

"They're not losers. And I wanted to talk with you. Hang out."

"Fine. Obviously the Great and Powerful Trixie isn't going to be able to shake you. But I'll warn you, this might be a little difficult for well," she chuckles "your well-to-do kind."

Sunset followed Trixie out of the school, ignoring the insult.

"Just follow me and try to keep up would you?"

"Right, whatever you say."

Trixie gets a devious smile across her face as they pair walk inside a bakery. This would shake her off for sure. Once she was sure the clerk wasn't looking, she opened her satchel and scooped a few loaves of bread inside. Before Sunset could tell her how stealing was wrong, satchel was shoved in her hands. Now she had no choice but to go along with it, or else she'd take the entire blame.

"Your turn princess." Trixie whispered "Or are you too upper class for this sort of thing?"

Sunset clenched her fist. She was not about to have her rebellious ways questioned.

"No way."

With the stealth of a hundred ninjas, she steals even more bread the Trixie, even going for a muffin the clerk was eating! Trixie has been thoroughly upstaged. The two exit and run to a hill a ways from the bakery. All the adrenaline made them go faster than a race car. Beyond the hill was a long lake and a stone bridge that led directly to the abandoned grain mill.

"My, my princess." Trixie panted "I didn't expect you too be so good at this. Have you stolen before?"

Sunset blushes, remembering the situation that got her stuck in the human world to begin with

"Yeah... you could say that."

"We simply must do this more often, why this will be enough to last a few days."

Trixie puts her hands over her mouth

"A few days?" Sunset asked "What are you talking about?"


"It sure didn't sound like nothing."

She stays silent for a second and then starts to run

"Try to keep up princess!"


Sunset takes off after her. Trixie ran down to the bridge, past the mill and into the small lake behind it before stopping.

"What was that about?"

"You couldn't possible have thought we were done did you?"

Trixie unzips her jacket and takes off her tank top, revealing her red lace bra. Sunset's eyes widen.

"T-Trixie what are you doing?"

She unsnaps her bra, letting her supple breasts jiggle in the air. She looks at Sunny as if it were nothing.

"Isn't it obvious dumby? We're going for a swim."

Trixie turns around and in one fell swoop, removes her skirt and panties, revealing her bare ass. Sunset looks away, her face red as a tomato. She turns around, making no attempt to cover her indecency.

"God Sunset is this the first time you've seen a naked girl before?"

Sunset looks back and her tummy fills with butterflies. She had a better rack than it looked at first glance. Her clothing made he look like a low b-cup while, in reality, she was at least a mid C.

"Now take of your clothes so we can do this."

It was time to get naked for friendship.

It's What Friends Do

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Sunset strips down, doing her best to cover herself in the process. Trixie smirks, loving every second of her embarrassment.

"Well, well, well. Who knew princess had a body underneath all those clothes." Trixie said, pointing to her chest "Puberty hit you in all the right places didn't it?"

Sunset could feel Trixie's eyes all over her body. The things you do for friendship.

"W-would you quit it already?"

"Fine, fine. Now come on in."

Trixie slinks in the water, followed closely by Sunset. The water was surprisingly nice, if not a bit pleasant. As they start to swim, Trixie explains the reason they're here

"You know why we're swimming in this don't you?"

"For fun?"

"Well, yes, but another reason. This lake has been over run with an aggressive type of fish. They tend to mistake toes for worms and try to nibble at them."

"W-why would this be fun!?"

"It's the rush!" Trixie yelled "Also you might want to keep your-erm-orifices closed. Leaches love to climb inside of moist holes if you know what I mean."

Sunset jumped out of the water with a yelp and quickly shut her legs, putting a finger inside to make sure there weren't any unwelcome guests. Trixie was laughing so hard she could barely breathe.

"I got you princess!" she said in between wheezes "You fell for it so easy! There's nothing in the lake at all!"

Sunset's face went beet red and she did her best to remain calm. Twilight better give her a medal for this friendship assignment. Trixie swims further on in the lake, without a care in the world and Sunset follows. Sunset admired how secure she was with her body. Once Trixie reaches the middle of the lake, she dashes back with lightning speed, hitting the shore and grabbing both her and Sunset's clothes.

"Trixie! What are you doing?"

"Oh nothing." she said nonchalantly

Trixie began to run again, making off with her clothes. Now Sunset knew why her friends were so concerned. But she was nothing if not stubborn. She wasn't going to be let off the hook. Sunset got out of the water and chased after her. It was rather hard to run with both hands covering her sensitive areas, but she could see exactly where she was going: The windmill inside the abandoned grain mill. She got to the windmill and headed inside and stopped dead in her tracks.


The was a tiny hole in the floor full of objects. This must have been where she hid all of her stolen goods. Beside the hole was the remnants of a small campfire and a small, worn sleeping bag. She wasn't using this place to hide her stolen goods. She was living here. Trixie was hiding behind the large support beam in the center of the room, still completely naked.


No answer


Still no answer. She reminded stubbornly silent. Sunset walks over and grabs her shoulder


She frantically pulls away

"Get away from me!"

Trixie stumbles against the wall], hitting her back against it.

"Just.." she cried "Just leave me alone already."

"Trixie... what is all this?"

"I said leave me alone!"

Sunset shook her head

"Not until I have my clothes."

Trixie throws Sunset's clothes back at her

"There!" she yelled "Now go away!"

Sunset sets her clothes to the side, kneels down and hugs her.

"You're my friend." she said

"W-what are you doing you freak!?"

"You're my friend."

"Go away! Just... just..."

Trixie begins to tremble and finally break down into sobs, finally returning the embrace.

"I'm not leaving you like this. Why are you living here?"

"W-wouldn't you like to know?" Trixie said through the tears

"Don't be snarky." she said calmly "I'm worried."

"Oh I'm sooooo sure."

Trixie devolved into another sobbing fit. Sunset tenderly held her, rubbing her back.

"I'm not letting go until you answer me." Sunset made sure to press her boobs against hers to increase the discomfort "So I hope you're into this shit"

Trixie finally caved as she felt Sunset's clam slowly start to touch her thigh

"Fine! Fine! Just quite acting weird!!!"

Sunset eases off, letting her captive go. Trixie kneels down and uses her shirt to rub her arms. They were covered in deep cuts. She had been using waterproof makeup to hide them. Not only that but she seemed to be covered in burns from cigarette butts.

"There. Now you know."

"What is all this?"

"Cuts and burns you idiot!"

"I know... But how did you get it I mean."

Trixie's lip began to quiver and she became very quiet

"My dad! He gets angry when I don't do what he wants me to do!"

"So you ran away?"

"Yes! You think I'm out here for fun!?"

"No, of course not."

Trixie crumples to the floor and puts her head in her hands. Sunset gets closer to her, sitting beside me.

"You're really beautiful."

"Oh shut up."

"I mean it. You've got an amazing body. And I've never been naked around someone for so long."

Trixie covers up

"Didn't you say you'd stop being weird?"

"Don't cover up Trixie. You're really beautiful. Even your scars."

Trixie paused for a second

"You mean that?"

"I do."

"Are you ready to tell me what's going on?"

"You promise you won't tell?"


"Tell me your promise."

"I promise I won't tell anyone Trixie."

"I ran away because my father hits me. Even for the smallest thing. He also..."

A long silence hangs in the air

"He also what Trixie?"

Trixie hung her head low

"Touches me." she said "I'm just angry all the time. It's why I can't make friends. I'm just always... always angry. The others just don't get it. They have their friends, a loving family... a dad who doesn't do gross stuff to them... I want to make friends, I do! But I just... I don't know."

"I would be honored if I could be your first friend."

"Even after all that stuff I said?"

"If there is one thing I've learned, it's that friends forgive each other. My friends forgave me for turning into a demon and destroying half the school. I think I can find a little room in my heart to forgive a few mean words."

Trixie smiles. It was the first genuine smile she had smiled in ages. It was beautiful, infectious.

"I really like it when you smile. It's beautiful."

"Be quie- I mean... Thanks."

"You know what else I noticed?"


"You're not using your verbal tick anymore. You're talking in first person."

Trixie gets even more embarrassed

"O-oh thanks.... sorry about that."

"It's alright."

Sunset picks up one of Trixie's socks and pulls it around her foot.

"Lay down would you?"

Trixie does so while Sunset puts her legs up and quickly pulls her panties on, much to her embarrassment. After that she clipped on her cute neon green bra and slowly zipped up her jacket. It was hard to fit her gigantic tits inside the thing, it took some man handling. Finally came the skirt and she was all dressed. Trixie just starred blankly during the entire affair, as if in a trance. Sunset too puts her clothes back on. Outside the sun was slowly fading behind the clouds.



"You know I can't keep that a secret right?" she says "You need to be taken out of that situation. You can just live here forever."

Trixie looked down.

"I was afraid you'd say that." she whispered "But deep down I knew you would."

"And how do you feel about it?"

"Sad. Confused. Angry. Happy. Relieved." she said "I could list all the emotions whizzing around in my head all day."

The two sat in silence for a while as the sun finally dipped beneath the horizon, blanketing the world in shadow.

"I'll tell you what." she said "I'll make it up to you for breaking my promise."


"I've got a nice warm bed at my place. We'd have to share of course but I doubt we can really get any more intimate then we've already gotten."

Trixie chuckles

"I can't believe you rubbed yourself against me."

Sunset smiles softly

"I'll do whatever it is I have to for my friends. Even if it means being a little gross." she said "So what do you say Trixie?"

"Sure, Sunset." she said "and thanks. Thank you for having the strength I'm took weak to have."

"Don't mention it. It's what friends do."

Trixie packed her things in her satchel and followed Sunset back to her place. Her solo act was finally concluded.