Never Knowing the Truth

by Speculore

First published

(Alternate ending to A Canterlot Wedding) After Twilight regrets accusing Cadence of being evil, but she soon learns the hard way that her accusations were completely correct.

(Alternate ending to A Canterlot Wedding)

Twilight feels awful about the things that she had said in front of Cadence, especially after being abandoned by her friends and her mentor as a result. She then starts to doubt herself and her abilities to judge others and their personalities. Cadence soon arrives to "console" Twilight in her time of need. However, Twilight soon learns that more often than not, her instincts tend to be correct.

Contains micro/macro, unwilling, breast play, insertion, and striptease.
Later contains soft vore.

If any of these turn you off, don't bother reading.

Silencing the Mouse

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Twilight lay on the steps to the altar with tears streaming down her face as she felt a comforting hand caress her head. She looked up and saw Cadence with a sympathetic smile on her face.

"I'm sorry," wept Twilight.

Cadence's eyes then flashed green for a brief second as her face took on more of a scowl and spoke with a soft, sinister voice. "You will be."

Twilight's eyes sprung open as she got up to see herself being surrounded by a ring of green magical fire. She looked at Cadence, only to see a maniacal grin on her face as a green-tinted dome covered the fire and Twilight slowly vanished from the room as Cadence walked out with an extra strut in her step and a wide smirk on her face.

Twilight found it difficult to wake up as she felt herself lying on a soft surface. She then slowly opened her eyes to find herself looking at a seemingly normal ceiling. However, when she stood up or attempted to considering the sturdiness of the surface, she found that she was on a bed in a very large room. So much so, that she compared her size to that of the replicas of Shining Armor and Princess Cadence that stood atop the wedding cake. She then looked down at herself to find that she was completely naked and tried to cover herself as a result.

Before she could contemplate her situation any further, the doors flew open to reveal a giant Cadence strutting slowly around the room en route to the bed. As she did so, she slowly took off her dress, making sure that Twilight saw everything. After leaving only her bra and panties on for the time being. Cadence slowly walked to the bed, giving Twilight full time to examine the size of her body. Cadence stopped in front of the bed and looked down at Twilight, who started to scramble away in fear.

Cadence smiled evilly as she watched Twilight run. "Oh I wouldn't do that~," Cadence warned in a singsong voice. Twilight then found herself bumping into a wall of some sort. She felt about the wall as she fearfully tried to look for an exit. Suddenly, the mattress quaked as Twilight saw Cadence getting on the bed and lying on her side. "You see? You're trapped. I put up a spell on this bed so that anything or anyone smaller than me cannot leave this bed unless I am holding it."

Twilight leaned against the magical wall as she covered her breasts and nether regions in a mix of fear and shame. "W-where am I? What did you do to me?!"

Cadence laughed softly as she sat up and picked up Twilight in her fist to hold her in front of her face. "It's quite simple really. I shrunk you and then transported you here to my chambers. You discovered my secret and now I must make sure that you are properly silenced." Cadence then stuffed Twilight between her large breasts and squeezed them together. Cadence then adopted a look of pleasure as her new slave squirmed inside her temporary prison.

Between the breasts, Twilight struggled to find some form of footing from within. However, the more she struggled, the tighter her space got. She then felt the fleshy walls beginning to feel loose as she was grabbed by Cadence's magic and pulled out. Twilight then looked down to see that Cadence had removed her bra, allowing her perky breasts to be on full display for Twilight. She tried to look away, but she could not help but admire the big orbs in front of her as Cadence laughed maniacally.

"Did you enjoy that my little Sparkle? Because I surely did, more than you can imagine." Cadence gave twilight a sultry look as she took off her panties and spread her legs, allowing Twilight a full view of her entire body.

"No, no I didn't." Twilight blushed and looked away as she tried to hide her pleasure.

Cadence smirk widened as she slowly lowered Twilight onto the bed between her legs. "Well then, it seems that I will have to take drastic measures." Twilight felt the bed beneath her hooves and tried to get away, but Cadence's magic still had a firm grip on her, preventing her from doing so. "Ah, ah, ah. You are not permitted to leave until you vow to me that you will remain quiet regarding my intentions for your brother."

Twilight's look of fear was suddenly replaced by one of anger and hatred. "Don't you dare do anything to him! I will stop you and I will tell everyone about your plans once I get out of here!" Twilight tried to concentrate her magic into her horn, but to no avail, much to her surprise.

As she tried, again and again, to build up her magic, Cadence looked on in amusement. "Surprised little one? Well, you shouldn't be, for your new size comes with some benefits, for me that is and two to be exact. One of these benefits is that you cannot use magic unless I say you can and you can only perform spells that I specifically request. You will know the other benefit soon enough. But for now..." Cadence slowly dragged Twilight along the bed and towards her nether regions. "...let us move on to the main event for the evening, shall we?"

Cadence pinned Twilight to her vagina with her magic and rubbed her sensually against it, much to Twilight's discomfort. She tried to push away, but still to no avail. She then felt her legs enter Cadence as she tried harder and harder to get away. However, the more she struggled, the more force Cadence put behind her magic and the more stimulated she started to become. "Yes, Sparkle! Keep struggling like that, it feels so GOOOOOOD!!!!" Cadence then shoved Twilight completely into her tunnel and rubbed her frivolously against her walls. Twilight the felt her magic return to her as she heard Cadence's voice from outside. "I need more pleasure from you Sparkle, I permit you to cast a flickering static spell, that should be enough to satisfy me."

Twilight did not want to please this monster called Cadence any further but saw no other means of escape. She reluctantly complied and cast the requested spell. Cadence then let out a loud moan of pure pleasure as the energy from the spell coursed through her and caused her to orgasm. Twilight was then squeezed like a lemon before slipping out and lying on the bed on the verge of unconsciousness.

Cadence caught her breath again before sitting up and looking down at the limp sex toy between her legs and waited for her to wake up. "That was wonderful Sparkle. You were more fun that I hoped you would be." Cadence then picked up Twilight in her magic and held her up to her face once again. "Now I will ask you for a final time. Will you remain quiet about what has transpired and what I have told you here tonight?"

(To be continued...)

Permanent Silence Certainty (soft nonfatal vore)

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Twilight breathed heavily as she looked her captor in the face with a steely determined look on her face. "Forget it you monster! I will find a way out of here and I will make sure that everyone knows what you did to me! You will be exposed and you will suffer for your crimes!!"

Cadence raised an eyebrow as she smirked at her exhausted toy once again. "That's quite the claim. However, how do you intend to follow through with it? No one knows where you are, no one will come looking for you, and you don't even have any magic to boot." Cadence pulled Twilight closer to her face with each sentence. "Although your determination might be a bit of an issue, I think I have a good workaround for it." Cadence pulled Twilight away so that she once again got a good look at her body. Cadence then gestured to her well-toned stomach and rubbed it sensually.

Twilight's eyes widened as she panicked and once again struggled to get free of her captor's grip. It was to little avail as Cadence slowly opened her mouth and just as slowly moved Twilight closer and closer to it. "No, please! Don't eat me! I'll do whatever you want, but please don't eat me, I beg of you!"

Cadence's voice then echoed in Twilight's mind, to which Twilight assumed she was using telepathy. 'Oh I'm afraid it's too late for that my delicious little morsel, but don't you worry, it won't hurt one bit. I assure you.' Cadence laughed sinisterly as she moved Twilight into her mouth and closed it behind her. Upon being released from Cadence's grip, Twilight moved to her jaws and tried desperately to pry them open. However, Cadence held her teeth shut tightly as she expertly moved her tongue underneath Twilight to pull her deeper into her mouth. 'Oh, I'm sorry to say that you won't be able to get out now dearie. Although I do have a reward for you in recognition of your bravery and diligence up to now' Twilight then felt Cadence's tongue move again and slip into her nether regions.

Twilight yelped as the appendage moved deeper inside her. Considering the circumstances, she did not want to enjoy this by any means. However, her hormones betrayed her as she found herself moaning in pure pleasure as Cadence's strangely skinny and forked tongue made its way deeper into her loins. It was not long before Twilight came over Cadence's tongue and let out a sigh of relief shortly after. Cadence moved her tongue to pin Twilight in place as she swallowed her cum. 'That was a wonderful little appetizer, but now I believe it is time for the main course.' Twilight felt her world shift as she was moved closer and closer to Cadence's throat. She tried to get away, but she was too tired to gain a proper footing as she slipped into her captor's throat and with an audible gulp, dropped into her esophagus.

Outside, Cadence put her hand on her throat and traced Twilight's path into her stomach. Upon feeling her drop in there, Cadence rubbed her stomach sensually, yet aggressively. "That was wonderful. You tasted very delicious Sparkle and I am so glad that you chose to continue resisting me. Oh, and when you see your little friend, tell her that I said hello and that the big day is coming soon." Cadence then stood up and made her way to the bathroom to wash the stench of arousal off her body. "Oh, and don't worry about being digested. The second benefit of that shrinking spell is that you are now immune to any and all external form of harm. Meaning that you will not be harmed in any way by my stomach acids. I want you to be able to experience this for yourself and I can't have that satisfaction of victory if you die before the ceremony even begins. So enjoy your stay while you still can." Cadence patted her stomach softly and stepped into the shower, letting the warm running water rush over her figure.

In Cadence's stomach, Twilight had heard every word that was spoken to her and frantically searched for an exit strategy. Upon her lack of success, she took the time to process what Cadence had said to her and take a good look at the green-tinted fleshy walls of her captor's stomach. 'What did she mean by "little friend"? what does she mean by "tell her I said hello?"' Before she could contemplate further, Twilight saw a strange lump floating in the acids and went over to inspect it. Upon clearing away the gunky substance, Twilight was shocked at what she saw. "Cadence?!?!"

The next day, the wedding took place between "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza" and Shining Armor. As the two kissed passionately, the bride felt that the two ponies trapped in her stomach had ceased their movements and accepted their fates. 'Such good snacks. I hope that they will learn to get comfortable as they watch their homes burn to the ground along with their dear friends and families.

Inside the stomach, Twilight and the real Cadence, from whom she had learned that the Cadence who swallowed them was the changeling queen, Chrysalis, imposing as her and using her love for Shining Armor to gain power and rule the world, had formed a loving embrace as they vowed to one another that they would get through this and find a way to stop Chrysalis and take back Equestria.

Alternate Ending: Willing Silence

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Twilight was frozen in fear of the gigantic mare in front of her as she considered her options. She hung her head low as she remembered her situation. She couldn't use magic unless a specific spell was requested of her, she had been effectively chewed out by her friends and dearest friend and mentor, and she was so small that no one would notice her unless she made some sort of grand display. With a deep breath, Twilight raised her head with a look of defeat clear on her face. "I concede defeat. You win. I will not tell a single soul."

Cadence smiled as she pulled twilight to her chest and hugged her. "Yay! I knew you would see it my way. Now then, why don't we get you cleaned up?" Cadence carried Twilight into the bathroom and ran the shower. Once the water was at an acclimate temperature, Cadence stepped inside and put Twilight on the shelf next to a bar of soap. Cadence was in total bliss as the water cascaded down her figure as Twilight couldn't help but stare in admiration. She hated the giant mare with every fiber of her being or lack thereof, but she acknowledged that she was very beautiful. Cadence then caught her staring and had a rather naughty idea. She grabbed Twilight and put her under the stream of warm water before rubbing her over the soap bar, covering her tiny body in a mass of suds and bubbles. She then proceeded to use Twilight as a washcloth, rubbing her all over her body and reapplying the soap accordingly.

Twilight was in complete discomfort as Cadence rubbed her over her body, especially when she rubbed her on her feet. When she was done, Cadence rinsed Twilight of the remaining suds and put her back on the shelf before finishing up. Upon drying off, she grabbed Twilight and did the same thing to her before walking back into the bedroom. Twilight was then placed on top of the dresser as Cadence searched the drawers for a fresh pair of panties and a new bra. As she did this, Twilight let out a question that had been on her mind since the bathroom. "Excuse me, aren't you going to return me to my normal size?"

Upon hearing this question, Cadence rose up with with a bra being held in one hand and a pair of panties in the other and laughed in amusement. "Oh, you honestly think that after what we've been through, that I'm going to restore your former height? Yeah, fat chance Sparkle." Cadence then donned her new underwear as Twilight began to get frantic.

"Wait, but I thought you said that I could be free if I agreed to keep quiet!"

"Oh, did I say that? I don't recall ever making that deal. Oh well, it seems to have slipped my mind. In any case, even if I did return you to normal, do you honestly think that I would trust you to keep your mouth shut? How dumb do you think I am?" Cadence then went over to the mirror to put on a shirt and shorts that showed off a bit more than what would be considered decent.

Twilight started to get angry and uttered some profane words in the process. Cadence just giggled and walked back over to the dresser and picked up Twilight in her hand. "Aww, how adorable. Oh well, I know exactly how to shut you up." Cadence then spread her cleavage and placed Twilight inside before heading back out and squeezing her chest aggressively. "And don't bother yelling for help while you're in there either. I have a spell on my mammaries that keeps anything between them from being seen or heard. Also, you can't get out of there unless I take you out myself." Cadence then smirked in satisfaction as she walked down the hall towards Princess Celestia's room.

Within her fleshy prison, Twilight found it surprisingly comfortable, despite the shaking and the squeezing. That by no means meant she liked it though. She was still in the fetal position crying her eyes out that she couldn't save her brother from this mare who was not the foal-sitter she loved so dearly.

After the ceremony, the shield started to finally break apart as the changelings swarmed in and attacked the denizens of Canterlot. All the while "Cadence" had revealed herself to be Queen Chrysalis as she laughed maniacally while her drones continued to drain the love out of everyone and everything around them. As Chrysalis absorbed more love, she felt much stronger and became much sexier and well-endowed, which did not bode well for her tiny prisoner.

As Chrysalis' boobs grew bigger, Twilight found her prison getting tighter and tighter until she was eventually pulled out by Chrysalis herself. "Well now, it seems that I cannot contain you within my beautiful girls without the risk of killing you any longer. Such a shame." She then squeezed her breasts together as to accentuate her point. "Oh well, it was fun while it lasted, but not quite." Chrysalis then stuffed Twilight back between her boobs and prepared to squeeze them together. "And don't worry about your brother, I'll take good care of him. That is until I don't need him anymore." She then pressed her boobs together hard, like a lemon squeezer. She continued until she felt an audible pop from within them. She stuck her finger in and pulled it out to reveal a coating of blood on it. She smiled as she licked the finger clean and went off to attend to her "husband".