The Hunters

by Deachir

First published

Earth has been invaded by monsters from another dimension and a small group of fighters travel to another dimension to escape. Little do they know that equestria will soon have the same fate

A group of 6 human fighters travel to another dimension to escape the Devlark, an alien race of monsters bent on killing anything there masters tell them to. This group of fighters travel to equestria to escape them only to be followed.
How will the group react to the peaceful life of equestria?
How long will that peace last?

The Beginning

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"Is it just me or are these things multiplying?" said Cody as we ran down a dark hallway.

Cody was a blond, mid-teens boy who was about 5'4 inches and currently running down a narrow hall for his life. He was wearing a black pair of jeans and a black sweatshirt with the hood up. In his right hand was a shortbow with a quiver on his side.

Beside him was a very tired looking Mike. Mike was 2 inches taller than Cody but was quite a bit bigger than Cody. He was wearing a leather jacket and jogging pants. At his side was his trusted axe and shield that did almost nothing to protect him.

"Na they aren't multiplayer. If anything they are PvP." Mike said

"that's not what I said, and you know it!"

"Would you two shut up for once!" I yelled as loud as I could.

I am only 18 but don't let my age fool you. When I was 16, I graduated from combat school with the top score in archery, swordplay, battle strategy and weapon construction. I also hold the last confirmed kill with a bow while dispatched in the military. I wear a grey hoodie and blue jeans as well as a black ball cap. I always have my twin short swords at my side, currently in my hands, and my longbow on my back.

"It is not like you ever stop Sam," Cody said sarcastically.

"Sam is right we can't afford to give away our position any more than we have to," Mike said flatly to Cody.

"Party pooper."

"Dirt sniffer."

"Mother fu..."

"Shut up!" I yelled at them.

"Fine sheesh," they said in unison

We turned a corner and see our destination 20 feet in front of us. A small door that leads to a machine called "The Far Seeker". It is a dimensional teleportation device the Germans were working on but stopped when the aliens arrived. As we started to move to the door, We could hear people screaming as the Devlark killed anyone unlucky enough to get seen by them.

As we walked in the door, we were meet by Anna, Hellen, Sasha and Sean. Anna and Hellen were twins. Both wore a pair of blue jeans and a purple sweater. The twins had long brown hair Anna's in a large braid and Hellen's in a bun. Anna wore an orange shirt and used a long sword whereas Hellen used a set of daggers and wore a black shirt. Sasha who was currently working on fixing the machine was wearing a pair of black shorts and a white shirt that you could see her pink bra through. She had short hair just at shoulder length that was a lovely red colour. Her weapon of choice was a mace she called "love crusher". Sean was a large boy who wore an orange pair of shorts and orange t-shirt. His weapon was a large stick since he broke his war hammer.

"Where have you idiots been?" Sean asked angrily.

"Well we have been to hell and back so far want to join!" Mike yelled back
A massive bang echoed through the room as everyone looked at Sasha to see her with a dumbfounded look on her face.

"I can fix it," she said as she went back to work

"How long," I asked walking up next to her

" five minutes at most but I can't say for sure where we will..."

She was cut off by the sound of metal slicing flesh. I turned to where the sound came from to see Sean with a broad blade like a scimitar sticking out from his chest. The blade retracted as his bloody body fell to the floor. Three large Aliens walks through the door. They all walked on all fours and had the head of a wolf and eyes as black as pitch. Their front legs look to be bear legs where their back legs look a lot like something reptilian. A long tail with a blade on the end of it was retreating to the first monster.

"Well shit" I heard Sasha say to herself.

It took about 3 seconds before I had my bow ready. Looking up I saw Mike and Cody fighting the left one and the twins fighting the right one. The one in the centre started to charge at me as I drew back my bow and fired. The arrow flew at the beast and buried its self in the Devlark's right shoulder.

It howled in pain, and I took the opportunity to try and fire another at its head, but I was not so lucky. In my haste, I pulled the bow back to far, and the string snapped leaving a gash across my right eye. When I looked up after realising what had happened, I saw that Mike and Cody had finished their Devlark off and were now helping the twins. The Devlark that I shot charged at me once again.

"thanks for the help guys," I say sarcastically to my self as I draw my swords

I had to block its tail with my sword, and while I could, I swung. It quickly stepped out of range of my sword and slashed its tail again. We were into a give and take before to long. This exchange lasted about 15 seconds until the Devlark got a good hit on my left leg. I heard myself scream in pain then a searing pain went through my chest.

"Shit Samuel is hurt!" I heard someone yell

"This is foxtrot we are moving in the portal, Samuel is injured I repeat Samuel is injured!" I heard Cody yelling to his com.

"Foxtrot this is Alpha team move with extreme caution, over!"
I could hear fighting then I felt someone dragging me. After a few seconds there was a flash of blue then everything went black.

"What do you think it is?" a voice asked in the darkness. It seemed very feminine and was more of a squeak.

"I don't know. It does not look like anything from the everfree," another voice said. This voice sounded older and calmer than the first.

"Do you think it is an animal of some sort?" asked the first.

"We have been over this Fluttershy, would an animal be wearing clothes and carrying weapons?"

"You are right. But then what is it?" The so-called Fluttershy asked.

"I don't know, but I sent a letter to the princesses for help."

I heard hollow thudding on the hardwood as I passed out for the second time.

The pain in my chest was excruciating as I awoke a second time. Through tired eyes, I was staring at the ceiling. It had wooden supports with what seemed to be a dirt roof. After a few seconds, I tried to sit up, and my chest disagreed with this idea. It took about ten minutes to get up, and I took in my surroundings.

I was in a small bedroom with a nightstand at about waist height on the left of the bed, a closet on the opposite wall, the window was on the wall to my left and the door right across from that. The door was slightly ajar, and a beam of yellow light came through it. After a second look around the room I saw my bag against the wall under the window, but I cant see my swords anywhere.

I got out of bed, crouched down and pulled a small dagger from my boot. I always felt it necessary to keep a weapon with me at all times. I crept to the door as silently as I could in my state and found those voices talking in the next room.

"Twilight what do you think will happen to it when it gets up?" the one named Fluttershy asked. I was starting to get annoyed by them calling me "it."

"I am hoping it is friendly and we can reason with it."

"But if we can't?"

"I am trying to be optimistic."

"Okay... but what if it can't be controlled and we have to..." I could hear Fluttershy's voice crack and she started crying

"Hay it won't come to that" you could hear the concern in twilights voice.

"Did you hear that?" Fluttershy asked instantly stopping her crying.

I had stepped on a creaky board, and it made a loud and very noticeable sound.

"Hel...Hello?" I hear twilight ask.

I glanced through the door, and two horse-like creatures were sitting on a couch were staring back. The first one was a purple colour with a head of magenta hair with two different pink strips in it. She, going by the voices, had a horn on her forehead and wings folded at her sides. The second one was visibly terrified. She was a buttercream yellow color with pink hair. She did not have a horn, but she did have a pair of wings folded at her side. It was clear they can see me, but I just sat there starring them.

"see it is just as scared as we are" I heard the purple one, who I assumed was twilight, whisper to the other.

"He," I said just above a whisper. What this resulted in was a stunned look from both of them.

"You can talk?" Twilight said after regaining her composure.

"Yes last I checked"

"What do you mean "he"?"

"I am a he, not it."

"Oh sorry about that" twilight was now nervously fluffing her wings.

I did not realize it at first, but I was now standing in the doorway of the room

"I'm sorry, let me introduce myself. I am Twi... princess Twilight Sparkle, and this is Fluttershy" at the mention of her name Fluttershy hid behind her hair.

"My name is Samuel Alexander, but everyone calls me Sam."

"It is nice to meet you Sam...can I ask what you are?"

"I am a human from a place called earth" this received a blank stare from twilight. "As far as I know it is a different dimension."

"That would make sense," Twilight said

After a moment of silence, I look over to the two and ask "Why did you help me" Twilight seemed lost for words at this, but Fluttershy looked me in the eyes

"You looked like you needed it. Also, the wound on your chest will take only three days to heal with Twilights magic."

"Thanks... Fluttershy was is?"

"Um yes" she replied

"How about we all get a good nights rest and we can talk about this tomorrow?" Twilight suggested, and we all agreed.

Fluttershy went up the stairs to the left of me supposedly to her room as twilight grabbed a pillow and blanket from the table in the centre of the room.

"Take the bed in the other room princess I can sleep on the couch" I offered

"No thank you, you need the rest more than me."

"All due respect princess..."

"Twilight, please, not princess."

"Ok, all do respect twilight, but I have been asleep for awhile now, so I don't need the bed."

"But you are injured and need to heal" she has thought about this a bit more than I have.

"You sure?" I ask

"Yes, I am sure. Good night... Sam was it?" She asked curling up on the couch

"Yes and good night" and with that, I went to the other room and climbed into bed.

The day with fluttershy

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I awoke to the sound of cheerful voices in the living room. After a minute or so of staring at the ceiling I decided it was time to get up. I got up, pulled on my boots, made sure my dagger was in its place and went to the other room.

As I limp into the room I noticed a third creature in the room. This one was a cyan blue with rainbow hair. She, like Fluttershy, only had wings and was currently hovering in place in the center of the room while Fluttershy and Twilight sat on the couch.

"Good morning Sam. May I introduce you to Rainbowdash" Twilight said with a smile

"What's up?" Rainbow asked

I had to resist the urge to say "the ceiling" and responded with "not much, you?".

"I came here because Starlight said Twilight spent the night. I just wanted to make sure everything was alright" Rainbow said

"And none of this is freaking you out?" Twilight asked incredulously

"Na I am too cool to be scared of this kind of thing," Rainbow said

"Typical Rainbow answer," Twilight said turning back to me "so how did you get here and why."

"I will answer the five w's and h first then any questions will be answered after ok?" I ask

"That does seem reasonable" Fluttershy whispered

"Ok" Twilight agreed

"So where. I came from a place called Earth in a different dimension, supposedly, that is inhabited by humans like me. Earth is split into countries which are run by their governments. That also covers what. I explained who briefly yesterday, but I will explain again. My name is Samuel Alexander, commander of Foxtrot squad of the Striker Military. When... I am not sure. I lost track of time when I blacked out. Why, About a year ago Germany, one of Earths countries, made a machine called "The Far Seeker" which is a dimensional teleportation device. On there first successful test there was a problem. Long story short the Devlark, the inhabitants of the other dimension, were not friendly. It took only three months for them to take over most of the world. My team along with Alpha team were aiming to use the machine to leave Earth forever."

I did not mind attention but having creatures that were alien to me just stare at me just made me nervous. Twilights eyes had glossed over in deep thought. Fluttershy had shifted a little closer to her, and she was visibly upset about what I said. Rainbow had slowly hovered down to the floor and stood a few paces from the couch.

"Where's the rest of your team?" Rainbow asked concern in her voice

"I am not sure. I remember being stabbed by a Devlark and getting dragged through the portal than I was in that bed" I said pointing to the bedroom.

There was silence then "if you want you can stay here, but I may need you to help with the animals" Fluttershy said while she stared at the floor.

"Thank you, but I am afraid I am no good with animals."

"I can show you."

"If you're sure it is okay."

"I am," she said with confidence

"Well then we will leave you two to get started," Rainbow said

Rainbow and Twilight both left through the front door after saying there goodbyes

"Ok let's get started," I said and got a squeak in response.

When there were only a few hours of light left in the day, we came in for a break from the heat. Today was one of the hottest days of the year compared to earth. We spent the day feeding, bathing and taking care of sick animals as well as watering and planting various plants.

"Now that that's done what would you like to do Flutters?" I asked

"Flutters?" She asked looking at me with amazement. I could have sworn she was blushing, but she hid behind her hair.

"Ya cuz you are in no way shy with those animals."

"...oh," she said dumbfounded.

"Is that ok?" I asked in an apologetic tone. "If it bugs you I won't call you that"

"No it's fine," she said, "what would you like for dinner?"

I consider for a moment then "whatever is fine for me." I do not want to upset the one pony, as Fluttershy calls herself, that has shown me hospitality.

"Ok, how about a salad?" She asked in a cheerful voice

"Sound good. Do you need help?"

"No I will be right back," she said as she made her way to the kitchen.

I looked around the room once and decided to sit on the couch. I put my left arm on the back and my right on the side, so I was facing the kitchen door. After about 2 minutes Fluttershy came out of the kitchen with two salads, one on her head and one on her back being held by her wings. She saw me immediately and came over. She used her wings to pass me the salad on her back.

"May I?" She asked as she motions at the seat beside me

"It's your couch," I say moving my arm and putting the salad in my left hand. She put her front hooves on the seat and climbed up. While she did, the salad on her head slid off towards me, and in the blink of an eye, I caught it in my right hand not dropping a single piece of it.

"Thanks. How did you do that?" she asks with amazement as I hand her the salad.

" do I explain this." I thought for a moment "I was in the military in my dimension as you know and I guess I just learned to move fast" I said in a low voice while looking at my salad. It had carrots, lettuce, and cucumbers mixed with some dressing. I didn't bother asking what it was because I have no allergies.

There was a silence while we ate. I could tell Fluttershy was uncomfortable because she had shifted away from me.

"You are too nice to be a military officer," she said in a low voice

"can you show me where you found me?" I ask after a few seconds

"Ok," she said after a moment "follow me," she said as she got up from the couch

"Also could I have my swords please?" I ask

"" she said looking at the floor

"I get it I haven't gained your trust yet," I said standing up

After a deep breath, Fluttershy looks me in the eyes a sparkle of hope in her eyes. "They're under the corner of the couch," she said with a nod of her head. "Please let this not be a mistake" I heard her whisper under her breath as I turned to the couch.

I crouched down and reached under the couch to find my swords in their sheaths exactly where she indicated. I pulled them out and strapped them to my sword belt and drew the left sword with my right hand. This got a squeak from Fluttershy, and I turned to her. She was visibly terrified, and I knew what she was thinking. She thought I would hurt her and I had to fix that. I sheathed the sword and locked eyes with her. This was the first time I noticed she had beautiful teal eyes probably because she always avoided eye contact. I took a step closer to her, and she lay on the floor, hid under her front hooves and started to cry. I slowly limped to her side and crouched beside her.

"I won't hurt you," I said in a reassuring voice as I placed my hand on her shoulder.

She slowly stopped crying and looked up at me. "I'm sorry," she said through sniffles "I am overreacting again," she said standing up.

"You ok?" I ask as she wipes away the lingering tears

"Ya... follow me I will show you where I found you."

We left the cottage, as I found out it was and started toward a vast forest in the distance.

Lost friends

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"We should be getting back. The forest is dangerous at night." Fluttershy said her voice quivering with fear. Her eyes are always darting around at the smallest of sounds.

"Relax, I am probably the scariest thing out here and are you scared of me?" I asked. I was currently crouching in the spot Fluttershy found me and was looking for the ear com I had on when we were leaving earth.

"Yes, I am actually but I feel like trusting you is the kindest thing I can do right now."

"Thanks but I have told you before flutters, I have no intention of hurting you," I said slightly annoyed.

"But how do I know you are telling the truth?"

"Because if I did want to hurt you, then you would be dead by now. Also, I found what I was looking for" in my hand was a small earpiece with a single button on the side.

"What is that?"

"It is what me and my friends used to communicate with."

"Ok but can we go now" I could hear the eagerness I in her voice

"Yes, we can go back to the cot..."

"Fluttershy!" A small purple and green dragon was running towards us from where we came from. He had a scroll in his right claw, and he was visibly tired.

"Spike, what are you doing here?" Fluttershy asked in a surprised tone

"Here," he said as he passed her the letter

It took her only a few seconds for her eyes to widen and she looked at me with shock in her eyes "we have to meet my friends at the castle, now!" She half yelled

"What's happening?"I ask standing up

"More of you have been found" the dragon, Spike, said

I put the com in my pocket " let's go" I said. At that Spike jumped on Fluttershy back and we ran towards the town.

We had run through the town ignoring the panicked and surprised looks from bystanders and were now rounding a corner in the castle. I was staying a few paces behind Fluttershy so she could lead the way. As we turned the corner, I could see Twilight and Rainbow through an open door. Both of them seemed content on keeping eye contact on whatever they were looking at.

Fluttershy, Spike and I came through the door and as we did both ponies turned to us with worried expressions.

"So you lived that chest wound," said a voice I knew well

I turned to see the twins standing with weapons in hand

"They aren't needed here," I said in a low, cautious voice motioning to the weapons

"All we have run into since we got here are bloodthirsty monsters so why would they be any different" Anne said with her sword at the ready

"I don't know what you have found here, but I have not had to draw a blade since I got here," I said. It was technically the truth because I never needed to draw my weapons. To be honest, at Fluttershy's cottage, I only pulled it out of habit.

"I doubt that," Hellen said with a dagger in each hand ready to fight if needed

"Ok fine put down your weapons or I will make you," I said with anger in my voice

"That little bitch has corrupted your mind, Sam," Anne said motioning to Fluttershy "and We will free you from her spell like We will free her head from her body!" She yelled as she charged at Fluttershy who jumped and hid behind me.

I drew my swords in time to block Anne's sword with my left sword, but I felt a dagger bury itself in my right shoulder. I pushed Anne back then swung my right sword at her. Where the blades collided, there was a volley of sparks. We locked blades, and I used my left sword to catch the hilt on her sword and twisted to disarm her. Without a sword to protect herself, I hit her on the left side of the head with the flat of the blade knocking her out cold. I turned to where Hellen was just in time to sidestep as two more daggers flew past.

I cleared the gap between her and me in a few seconds, and she had barely enough time to draw two more daggers before I was upon her. She jabbed with both daggers, and I stepped back out of her range and slashed with the flats of my swords, one at the right side her head and one at her left leg. I was hoping for a quick end to this, but I was surprised when Hellen blocked both blades with her daggers.

"Why do you defend them?" she asked as she kicked me in the stomach making me stumble back

"Because they saved my life. Why are you trying to kill them?!" I yell. Just then I dropped both swords and caught her wrists as she swung with both daggers. I twisted both making her lose her blades and used my left leg to trip her. I pinned her to the ground, and she started crying.

"They took M-Mike and Cody and k-killed them and said we were next if we don't kill t-them," she said between her sobs

"Who did," I asked angerly

"The Davlark!" She yelled

I stood up and helped her up after. Anne was starting to stir but was not fully conscious yet. Hellen had stopped crying for the most part.

"Aren't they the aliens that took over your world" Twilight asked lowering the force field she put around her and her friends.

"Yes and if they are here then nothing good is coming," I said

Fluttershy took one look at Anne then Hellen then turned to Twilight and whispered something in her ear. Twilight turned her head to face Fluttershy with a confused look on her face. She whispered something back, and Fluttershy smiled and said "thank-you" then turned to me and said "Sam can you help me get them both to some rooms. No doubt they are both tired."

"Sure thing Flutters," I said with a smile. This got a smile from Fluttershy, but only for a second then it was gone. I turned to Hellen "come on let's get you a room."

I walked over to Anne who was slowly regaining consciousness. I pulled her left arm over my shoulder, and Hellen got her right. "Thanks," I said, and Hellen nodded in recognition.

It took a few minutes to get to the bedrooms, and we put Anne in the bed

"I will meet you back in the other room with Twilight and Rainbow when you are done, ok?" Fluttershy asked as she turned to leave

"See you then Flutters" this time she giggled as I said her nickname.

As soon as she left the room, me and Hellen went to show her to her room

"Pet names already?" She asks with a giggle

"What do you mean?"

"You have never given any girl a pet name. So what? Are you two dating or something?" A big smile on her face

"No, I just have an eye for the beautiful things in life."

"So you do like her."

"Ya, you could say that. Anyways here is your room."

"What, you aren't going to stay and talk about your crush?" She teased

"Not to someone who was going to kill her five minutes ago," I said coldly

"Sam, I..."

"No don't "Sam I" me! go to bed and be happy if you see us tomorrow!" I said anger clear in my voice as I slammed the door to the room with her in it and left to meet with the others.

The ride to the city

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It took me a few minutes to find my way back, and the others were mid-conversation when I reentered the room.

"So it is settled then we leave tomorrow," Fluttershy said

"Spike" twilight said turning to the dragon "go tell Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie please."

"You got it," he said as he ran out the opposite door opposite from me

"Can I ask what that was about?" I asked as I walked up to the three.

They all visibly jumped, and Rainbow was the only one to try and hide her surprise. Just then I noticed a scroll in the middle of the group.

"The princesses want to meet you and the other two tomorrow" Twilight said

"Why do you trust them?!" Rainbow yelled at me

"Rainbow don't be rude" Fluttershy squeaked back

"Why? I don't trust him one bit and after what just happened neither should you" she yelled as she stomped up to her

"He just saved my life, so I trust him," Fluttershy said

"He is not your friend Fluttershy. He just wants to gain your trust then use you against us!" Rainbow yelled, "we would not have been in trouble if it weren't for him!"

Fluttershy fell to a sitting position as tears welled up in her eyes. I just stood there and watched their friendship slowly thin with each word. I noticed a small mark on the side of rainbows neck that looked like a spider bite but a little bigger. It took me a few seconds to recognise it and instantly knew what happened.

"Where were you after you left Fluttershy?" I asked her

She turned to me "does it matter?!"

I turned to twilight "use that healing spell that you used on me on rainbow's neck."

"Why, that wouldn't do..."

"Just do it," I said

"Don't touch me Twi I am warning you?" she said in an angry tone as she glared at her friend.

Just then twilights horn and rainbows neck shown with a bright magenta colour and the bite slowly disappeared. Rainbow visibly relaxed and calmed down. Her eyes grew wide, and she turned to the crying Fluttershy on the floor.

"Oh my Celestia, I am so sorry," she said

"What was that," she asked looking at me

"A davlark drone bite. It drives the victim mad with rage" I said in a level tone

"Sam, there is more to your story than you let on isn't there?" Fluttershy asked wiping the tears away

"Yes but we all should get some sleep. We have royalty to see tomorrow" I said with fake excitement

"You are right. Let all go to bed. You three can stay the night if you want too" Twilight said with a yawn

"Thanks, Twi" rainbow said

We all left for a good night sleep with me Fluttershy and rainbow going to the guest bedrooms and twilight going to the royal quarters.

The next morning we all gathered on the train going to a place called Canterlot where three other princesses wait to meet us. I was sitting with Fluttershy at the back of the train car to my right was Hellen and Anne both looking at their feet. When we all got up this morning, they got into a fight about what was more important between going with us and trying to hide from the Devlark. After five minutes of listening to them yell, I told them they had no choice in the matter, and half dragged Anne to the train. In front of me was twilight and beside her was rainbow. Across from them were four that I did not know. The first Twilight told me that she was an earth pony named Applejack. She was a nice orange colour with a blonde mane and a brown Stetson hat. Beside her was a white unicorn named Rarity. She had a purple mane and tail that seemed to curl naturally. In front of her was another unicorn named starlight glimmer. She was a light heliotrope colour, and her hair was a purple with light purple and greyish aqua highlights. She was currently talking to Applejack and rarity with a concerned look. Beside her was another earth pony named pinkie pie. Her name says pretty much everything. She is pink with a pink frizzy mane, and her personality is like a hand grenade, pull the pin and watch it go.

"Seriously, the silence is killing me!" Spike yelled from the seat in front of Pinkie.

"It's not that bad spike," Starlight said

"Ya but you have been talking to rarity for the last few minutes" rainbow said

"Ya, that's because I'm trying not to be antisocial."

"Speaking of antisocial" Rarity said as she turned to the twins then Fluttershy and me "I haven't heard any of you talk since we got on the train."

"Well, what would you like to know?" I said in a neutral tone

"Fer starters ah wanna know why you three are here," Applejack said

"When we left earth, we just told the machine we used to send us anywhere but there and in the end that was here," Anne said without looking up.

"Ah don't get it. what do ya mean?" Applejack asked

"Wait how much have you four been told?" I ask

"About that..." twilight started while scratching the back of her head with her hoof

Those two words said everything I wanted to know "Well might as well start from the beginning" I said

The rest of the train ride was spent with me explaining everything that I described at Fluttershy's cottage. Five minutes from the station and I finished explaining. Dead silence came over the train car, and you could have sworn you could hear the conductor talking two cars up. None of us wanted to disrupt it until we rolled into the station.

Anne abruptly stood up which startled all of us. "Well let's get this over with", and with that, we all got our luggage and started towards the castle of the princess sisters.

The princesses

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"No weapons past this point," a guard said. We were in the hallway to the throne room and were currently being blocked by two royal guards. They wore heavy gold armour with a gem in the centre of the chest. They also had helmets with blue Mohawks to match.

"Would you just give them your sword?" I said to Anne venom evident in my voice.

"Why? so we are defenceless" Anne said

"We both know that's not why you won't give it up," I said. Anne's sword was the last thing she had from her father. I would have said that to the guards, and she might have been able to keep it except for the fact that it was not my place to say it.

I heard whispering from the ponies behind me, but I could not make out what was said. When the whispering stopped twilight stepped to my side.

"Corporal, could we overlook this just this once?" Twilight asked

The corporal looked to the other guard who had not said a word this whole time. After a moment the guard stepped out of the way, and the corporal turned back to Twilight.

"Only this once princess. I can't afford to ignore my duties every day." He said to her

"Thank you Lightwing," she said with a nod. Lightwing stepped out of the way and gave a small nod as Twilight went by.

A few seconds later we entered a room with large stain glass windows of what looked like Twilight and her friends in various situations. Two large thrones were at the opposite side of the room where we entered, one black and one white. At the foot of the thrones were three alicorns like twilight but different in colour. The first was a darker blue with a mane that looked like a solar system. The odd thing was her mane blowing in the nonexistent wind. The second was white with hair that looked tye dye and moved in the same wind as the first. The third was pink with a yellow, pink and purple mane. Unlike the other two, her mane was stationary. All three had looks of concern and curiosity on there faces. As we came closer twilight and her friends stopped and bowed to the three and instinctively so did me and the twins.

"There's no need for that," the centre one said as we stood up. "I am Princess Celestia, to my right is Princess Luna and left is princess cadence."

"It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Sam this is Anne and Hellen" I said pointing to each as I said their names.

"I will admit your manners are better than expected," cadence said than quickly adding "no offence."

"None taken princess," Anne said

"So princess Twilight has told us a lot through her letters, from you being from another dimension to the monsters you told her about, and we just wanted to fill in some missing details and meet you ourselves if that's alright," Cadence said.

"You don't need an excuse to meet beings from another dimension nor do you need our okay," Helen grumbled not looking at the princesses.

"Please excuse her, she's a grump today," I said

"It's fine I am sure this is harder on you than it is on us," Celestia said then turned to a guard close by "can you show princess twilights friends to there room so they can unpack corporal?"

"Of course your highness," he said with a bow then turned to twilights friends "please follow me."

We all watched as they left through the door we entered from. After they left there was a silence for a few moments then Celestia sighed. "Let's start with simple questions first. How many of you are there?" She asked a bit hesitant.

"Four that we know of" I replied

"But there is only three of you" cadence said a little shocked at my answer

"There was seven," Hellen said miserably. I shot her a glare that could put a hole in the wall, but she just shrugged it off.

"What happened to the others?" Cadence asked with concern

"Dead and missing," I said looking my back at the princesses. They all gasped at my answer. "We started our mission with seven including me and the twins," I said nodding to them respectively.

"The Devlark killed Sean before we left earth and Cody and Mike were killed the second day in Equestria. Then there's Sasha who disappeared the first day we were here" Anne said. Her eyes had gained a reflective look to them that was obviously tears.

"Oh my, I am so sorry for your friends and about pressing for details," Cadence said. Her eyes showed that she was indeed sorry.

"Don't be princess, it is just your instinct to protect your citizens by knowing as much as possible," I said, "what is your next question?" Is asked in general to the group

"Are you a danger to Equestria?" Celestia asked "I know it is a strange question, but I am willing to hear what you have to say. Obviously Twilight trusts you, or you would not have your weapons."

I could have sworn that the guard let us keep out weapons too easily. "So the guard was a test?" I asked

A smirk appeared on Celestia's face "in a way I guess it was"

"Smart. As for your question yes we are dangerous but only to our enemies. If you are a friend, then we are harmless." I said in a level tone

"And are we your friend?" Luna asked sceptically

"Since I have been here I have been shown nothing but hospitality so for that, yes you are," I said with gratitude

"Twilight, can you show these three to there rooms please?" Celestia asked with a smile

"Of course princess," she said with a bow

Celestia and the other princesses turned to us, and we bowed in respect. "That's it?" I asked in surprise

"Yes if you would have given us answers we did not like then we would have other questions. You all answered honestly, and we thank you for that" Luna said in a blank tone.

"This way to your rooms" Twilight said as she started to the door and we followed.

The rest of the day was spent unpacking and for me reading. I had found a library and started reading some history books. It turned out that Princess Luna had been evil once and a whole empire just disappeared from the north only to reappear one thousand years later. The more I read, the more I understood how the princesses wanted to meet us in person. Someone cleared their throat behind me, and I turned to find Celestia.

"Are you well read?" She asked as she came over and sat down next to me

"I try to be. I like to know where I am and what the history is like." I said

"I see, how much do you know about Twilight?"

"Not much honestly. I know she likes books and is a princess." I said with a shrug

"And her friends?"

"From what I know from meeting them rarity is a designer, Applejack is a farmer, Pinkie is a party pony as she calls herself, and Rainbow is a wonderbolt. From books I learned, they are the elements of harmony and have stop every threat to Equestria since nightmare moon. Why?"

"Did you do that on purpose?" She asked with a smirk

shit "did what?" I asked with false bewilderment, but I could tell she was not convinced

She turned to the open book I was reading to find it was a new book that described the lives of the elements of harmony. This particular book was brand new and never been opened. "Fluttershy" she read aloud "the element of kindness and animal caretaker of ponyville. She grew up in Cloudsdale, and after an incident with her friend Rainbow Dash, she discovered her talent with animals. Do I need to continue?"

am I getting trolled by a princess "ya I read all the other elements bios, and now I am on hers."

Her horn took a golden glow along with the book, and after a moment it stopped "most of the other pages have not been opened too." She smirked at me "the table of contents, this page and the next which talks about her even more so may I ask why."

cover story time "I was... trying to find a reason she trusted me when I gave her no reason to," I said a little too quick for the princesses taste.

"Sam whatever you say here will never be repeated ok?" She said in a low, reassuring voice

I looked her in the eye trying to form a response, but nothing came. "Do you hate her?" Celestia asked, and I shook my head. "Do you dislike her friends or job?" again I shook my head. "Do you have a crush on her?" I didn't move.
My eyes had moved back to the picture of Fluttershy in the book. She stood in a garden surrounded by animals from squirrels to birds to bears. Her head was tilted up a little while she smiled at a pair of cardinals flying in the air.

"It's a good picture of her don't you think?" I heard Celestia ask

"It is."

"Do you want a copy."

I looked up at her, and she gave me a small smile. I nodded "if it wouldn't be too much trouble." She stood and started toward the door.

She stopped a few feet from the door and turned to me. "Green," she said as though it answered every question.

"What" I was seriously confused by 'green.'

"Her favourite colour," she said as she turned and left the room.

I sat there watching the door for a few minutes. I don't know what I was expecting, but after a while, I returned the books to their place and looked at the clock. 9:57 is what it read, and I was tired, so I went off to my room.

The first night

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I opened the door to my room and walked in. It was a small room with a bed and dresser on opposite walls and a window straight ahead. I personally covered the windows with curtains because I have always been afraid of someone looking in at me. There was a nightstand beside the bed with a small envelope on it. Apparently a storm had begun while I was in the library and it was slowly getting worse. I walked to the bed taking off my sword belt and setting it on the nightstand. Next I changed into a pair of jogging pants and a sleeveless shirt both of which were black. After I was changed I looked back at the envelope. I sat on the bed and opened it only to find the picture of Fluttershy and a note from the princess.

as I promised here is the picture. I was talking to Fluttershy about you and she said she is on the fence with you if you know what I mean. With enough effort she could grow to love you

I stared at the letter for a moment letting it sink in. "No" I said aloud "I am not good enough" I saw a bolt of lightning through my curtains and a loud boom of thunder then a knock on the door. "Really" I said to my self as I got up and wandered to the door. I swung the door open to see a shaking Fluttershy in my doorway. Her eyes wide and full of tears as she looked at me.

"S-sorry if I w-woke you" she said

"It's fine. Are you okay?" I asked with concern

"Just a-afraid of th-thunder" another loud clap and she squealed in surprise.

"Come in let's see if I can take your mind off it" I stepped to the side of the door and let her in

She walked to the centre of the room as I closed the door and headed back to the bed. I sat with my with my back to the head board and patted beside me. Fluttershy walked to the side of my bed and was hesitant to get up.

"Are you sure" she asked

"I don't care" at this she climbed up beside me but laid down on her side looking at me.

"What was it like? Earth I mean."

"A lot like equestria but no magic and the most intelligent being Is humans"

"So you still have animals?"

"Yes" another clap of thunder and I saw Fluttershy flinch.

"D-did you like it there"

"Ya. I have good memories of earth and I can only hope to make some here. For example I remember when me and my brother got in trouble for climbing my moms apple tree."

"I have a brother. His name is zephyr. He is kind and creative but he doesn't have very much motivation" she said. Another clap but this time Fluttershy didn't even move

"Do you mind if I lay down with you" I asked quietly

"It's your bed" she said with a smile.

"So why me"

"What do you mean" she raised her head off the pillow to look into my eyes. I was now laying beside her with about a foot of room between us

"You came to me over your friends. Why?"

"You are my friend and...I was talking with celestia... about how you have a crush on somepony and I was just wondering who." she said as she lay her head back down.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked

"I um... well if it is somepony I know then I could try and help." She said

well time to have fun "okay could I get some advice on a gift"

"Okay, who" she said slightly excited.


"Oh" she said and you could hear the depression in her voice "well confetti is always a good choice."


She looked at me with a confused look "anything to do with apples"


"Rare jewels. But who do you have a crush o..."

"You" I cut her off

There was a silence where I could tell she was thinking. "Was that a question or an answer?" She asked in a low voice.

"Which would you rather it be" I said looking at her. Her eyes were wide and I could see her face was darker than usual. She sat up and looked down at me.

"You would probably be better off with applejack" she said looking away from me.

"And whys that?" I asked. I sat up so we were about eye level.

"I have never dated any pony before" she said in a sad voice.

"I have never dated anyone before either." I said as I lay back down "I always knew I didn't deserve anyone else" I said sadly

"Everyone deserves someone" Fluttershy said and she lay beside me closer then last time. "I am willing to give this a try if you want." She said as she got up to leave.

"It's up to you Flutters."

She stoped about five steps from the bed and turned to look at me. "Is that a yes" she asked barely audible.

"Yes" I said "do you want to stay here Tonight"

"I don't want to impose"

"I don't mind either way" I said with a smile

She stood there for a moment thinking. "Ok" she said and she walked back

I lifted the blanket so she could climb in and get comfortable then gently lay the blanket back down. I put one arm under the pillow and my other around her stomach and she curled up in my chest. "goodnight Sam" was the last thing I heard before the world turned black.

The first appearance

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I woke to the sound of banging on the door. I felt Fluttershy roll out of bed and I opened my eyes. "Morning" I said and she turned around. I sat up and got a smile from Fluttershy.

"Sorry if I woke you" she said

"You didn't" more banging "they did" i said as I got up and walked to the door. I swung it open and saw a royal guard in the doorway. "This better be good"

"The princesses have requested your presence at once. Also bring you weapons" he said with worry in his voice

I turned, walked to the nightstand and put my sword belt on. "What's wrong?" Fluttershy asked

"Don't know yet but you might want to come with" I said and we left for the throne room.

"We have to act now!" I heard a boy voice yell

"We have to wait for Sam and the others" I hear cadence say

Me and Fluttershy came through the doors and all eyes turned to me. The only ones missing were the twins. A larger unicorn was standing in purple battle armour. He had a blue mane and a white coat.

Cadence took a step forward "Sam this is my husband and captain of the royal guard, shining armour. He found a strange and dangerous creature in the everfree and we were wondering if you knew what it was." She said.

"Do you have a picture?" I asked

"Well no"

"Did you have a clear view of it?"


"Was there any casualties?"

"Yes three royal guards died trying to escape timber wolves and another was killed by whatever that other thing was." He said with a sad look

"How was the one killed by the beast?" I said my voice turned serious

"A large blade from its tail." He said "why does it matter?"

"It sounds like a Devlark. There claws and bite are deadly but not as much as its tail"

"So will you help the royal guards hunt it down?" Luna asked

"What are the conditions"

"We want it dead. Killing a royal guard is punishable by death." Celestia said

The twins walked through the door both with weapons at their sides. "We have a Devlark to kill." I said to them. They both looked at each other then back to me. "Sounds fun" they said in unison.

"We are sending shining armour, ruby dust and Silver Shard with to help. They are in the garrison waiting for you. Sam I am trusting you with their lives." Cadence said

"I will do my best to keep them breathing" I said. Me, the twins and shining armour were heading to the garrison and fluttershy followed.

Fluttershy pulled me aside from the group for some privacy so we could talk. I turned to see the group keep moving. "I am coming" she said

I turned to look her in the eyes. "No I won't allow it"

"You don't have a choice"

"Why do you want to come" I asked confused

"I don't want to lose you"

"And I don't want you hurt"


"No buts, you are staying here. I will send a letter when we find signs of it okay?"

"Fine" she said as she leaned in and kissed me on the cheek "stay safe and don't forget to send the letter" she said and she turned and walked back to the throne room.

When I walked into the garrison I was greeted by a red Pegasus with a slightly lighter red mane and a gray earth pony with silver hair. The red one had a short bow on her back and a quiver at her side. The gray one had a pair of swords with rubies embedded in them..

"Silver Shard" the silver one said

"And ruby dust" said the other

"At your service" they said in unison

"I'm Sam. It's nice to meet you" I noticed both of them had a metal ring on there fore hooves "what are those?"

"Weapon rings" said ruby gleefully taping it to her bow. She moved her hoof and the bow moved with it as though it were glued in place. "They help us use our weapons"

"That is really helpful I would think"

"They are. If you are ready could we get moving"

"Ya lets go" and we left for the train station

meanwhile in the everfree

"Sasha are you sure you know where we are" a large man said. He was carrying a war hammer and had heavy armour on. His brownish blond hair sticking out of his helmet.

"Have faith Will" Sasha said

"But we saw a Devlark and we don't want to run into more" a scrawny boy said. He had a hand axe at his side, a shield on his arm and his brown hair was short and scruffy.

"Yes I know Jim and we will handle anything that comes our way" Sasha said

"What about those talking horses" Jim whisper

"They are not a threat right now. We just need to find the twins."

They had been walking for hours and every time they thought they saw an exit they just found more woods. They found a small clearing they was a perfect place for a camp.

"Let's just hope nothing finds us" will said as they all got to work

The Hunt

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"So here we are." Shining armour said as we entered the everfree forest. I could hear the worry in his voice.

"You scared?" I asked him as we started walking.

"Anypony in the right mind would be scared of what we are hunting." He said

"Good thing I am not a pony then, right?" I asked sarcastically.

"You are insane," he said.

"So I've been told."

We had stopped at a crossroad with two paths, and I crouched down and started to examine a set of wolf-like footprints. Four sets were moving toward the right path. "These look like some large wolves, about four of them moving that way," I said pointing to the path.

"What about these?" Ruby asked

I looked up to see her about ten feet from me surrounded by the twins. "Looks right to me. But those are human tracks beside them... I think" Hellen said and I moved to where they were.

These footprints had two distinct shapes, one wolf and one like a lizard. Beside them were human tracks but around each track were small holes that looked like they tied sticks around there legs. The human tracks stopped about four steps out.

"They are Devlark and human, but the human tracks end here," I said moving to the end of the trail. "The Devlark trail continues so we can still follow that for now." I looked up at shining armour "it's your call."

"You know what you are doing so if you think it is best to follow them then let's get moving." He said with confidence.

"let's go," I said as I started walking. "Ruby, do you think you could get a view from above to see what's up ahead?" I asked

"Sure thing," she said as she took off and flew ahead of us.

After a few minutes we came out into a large opening and in the centre was the Devlark we have been tracking. We all ducked into bushes as silently as we could, and I could see Ruby perched in a tree her eyes wide. The Devlark didn't seem to know we were there and it was just standing there. Ruby and I locked eyes, and I gave her a small nod. She drew out her bow and an arrow and aimed. As she pulled the bowstring back something hit her out of the tree.

She caught herself halfway down and hovered there for a second. Everyone else changed at the Devlark while I stayed still and kept an eye on the trees where Ruby was. I saw a dark figure move quickly toward Ruby.

"Ruby move!" I yelled, but it was too late. The figure jumped from the trees at Ruby. It was a humanoid creature that was all black that had large red gashes through its body. On the end of each arm was a long black blade rather than a hand.

It landed on Ruby and drove its left blade into her wing. She yelled in pain as she plunged to the ground.

"Ruby!" Silver yelled, and I turn to see him swatted aside by the Devlark he was currently fighting.

I drew my swords and started to run to Ruby as the black creature raised it's other blade to deliver a killing blow.

"Four!" I heard someone yell as they came out of the bushes behind the creature and hit it in the back with a giant war hammer. It was a human wearing heavy armour which seemed familiar. The hit sent the beast flying ten feet, and it hit the ground limp. Just then I heard the Devlark roar, and I turned to see an axe buried in the side of its head. With a large thud, it hit the ground dead.

"That, my friends, is how you kill a Devlark!" Another human came out of the bushes. This one I recognise as Jim the newest recruit to alpha squad meaning the other one was William, the second in command.

"Shining armour check on silver," I said

"I take it that means they are friends of yours." He said running to silver shard. I ran to Ruby to find her in a puddle of blood, and her left-wing two feet away in a similar puddle. "I need medical supplies now!" I yelled to no one in particular.

"Here," Will said as he pulled a bag off his back and dug out a first aid kit.

Anne ran to my side, and I heard her gasp in shock. "Here I am the medic of the team let me do this." She said slowly as she sat next to me.

I stood and looked at Will. He had taken his helmet off to reveal his blond hair. "Long time no see," he said.

"Do you have a camp close by. We need to get somewhere safe."

"Ya we can leave when she is ready," he said motioning to Ruby.

"I can't do anymore without proper equipment," Anne said. She had wrapped the wing joint in bandages "I can't save the wing" she said, disappointment clear in her voice.

"Then let's go" shining had appeared beside me an aura around his horn and silver shard, who was floating next to him. A similar aura wrapped around Ruby as she started floating as well.

"Lead the way," I said to Will and with a smile he turned, and we all went off into the woods.

"so it cant be fixed," Ruby asked from a small bed in the centre of the medical tent. She had been starring at the stub where her wing used to be. The medical tent was small, but it fits me, Anna, Shining Armour, Silver and Ruby.
"no." Anna said with a sigh "even with the medical experience I have I've never worked with wings before. I'm sorry".
"Twilight might know how to fix it, but I don't know" Shining said.
"then we need to get back to Canterlot," I said as I turn to leave.
"Sam your bleeding!" Anna yelled. She was right. The cut in my chest reopened, and I could feel the blood soaking my shirt.
"there are more important matters at hand," I say in a flat voice "we need to get out of this forest."
"no, we need to help you" Anna argued.
"I can make it to the town," I say
"No! sit down!" she yelled
"there is no point in arguing" is said in a pained voice as I sit down.

"no, you can't go!" Rainbow yelled. She was the only thing between the train and Fluttershy.
"yes, I am. Something went wrong, and I can help," Fluttershy said in a stern voice, shifting uncomfortably from her saddlebag.
"how do you know something is wrong?"
"He didn't send the letter."
"What?" Rainbow now had a dumbfounded look on her face.
"It doesn't matter I'm going" Fluttershy stepped around her friend onto the train and left for Ponyville.

"there," Anna said. She had my chest stitched and wrapped in bandages. "no heavy activity."
"well let's move," I said as I get up and leave the tent.
outside the tent will, Jim, Hellen and Sasha were sitting by a fire.
"it's about mid-afternoon," I say to the group "we should have enough time to get to Ponyville."
"why waste time? Let 's go" Will said as he stands and puts out the fire.
We all get to packing up the camp which takes about 15 minutes and start our way back.

"did anyone hear that?" I ask the group
there was a scream that seemed familiar.
"Ya," Shining said
"Then wait here, ill take a look," I say and start moving to the sound.
I hear another scream as I come up to some bushes and look through to see Fluttershy at a dead end a few feet from me. Two devlark trapped her at a dead end. The closest raises its tail with the blade facing directly at Fluttershy. I could feel my whole body jump as I run forward and block the tail with one of my newly drawn swords. I took the other and swung it just above the blade and cut it off. The beast yelled in pain.
"Run!" I yelled as the other devlark lunged at me.
I sidestepped it and heard the bushes behind me as Fluttershy ran.
"just you and me now," I say with a grin on my face.
The first devlark lunged at me with both paws ready to go for the kill. I stabbed with both swords, one at each leg, feeling the blades cut flesh. The second stabbed at me with its tail, and I jumped back leaving my swords behind and drawing Rubys bow off my back. I took it after her incident so she would stay out of a fight. I pulled it back and buried an arrow in the remaining devlarks left shoulder. It roared as it lunged at me. I rolled to the side and grabbed the severed tail of the first and got ready for the next attack. It prepared for another lung as the hollow sound of a horn sounded close by. It growled once more and disappeared into the woods.
"What the hell," I ask myself.
"Sam! Thank god you are ok." I turn to see Sasha behind me.
"Where are the others?" I ask her.
"This way follow me."