Wet, Farting Twilight

by The Dark Wolf

First published

Twilight Sparkle has to pee badly - but has to wait for Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie first. Will she make it?

In the middle of a volleyball game, Twilight Sparkle has to pee. So do Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie, who all get ahead of her in line for the only bathroom in the area. Will Twilight make it? Will any of the others? And the story doesn't stop there, for the experience causes Twilight to go about studying a little differently.

Contains omorashi/watersports, with some fart scenes. (Initially there were less, but I added three more so it didn't seem like a randomly-thrown-in-at-the-last-minute fetish) The second chapter is an alternate version with a scat scene, as I think I'm unexpectedly getting a fetish for that too. Chapter 4 contains that as well. (Note: By scat, I mean messing)

When I created this, I was going through some major fetish anxiety, and if you're reading this, it means I was able to get over it, or at least find a way through it.

That being said, you know the drill. Another fetish story, don't take too seriously if too stretchy, etc.

This would have been part of The Pony Pee Chronicles, but I made it a new story for three reasons.
1. So that none of the ponies have gone through any of its chapters before. I want them to be desperate to avoid wetting themselves for the first time, which all of them have done (and in some cases, enjoyed) in that story.
2. So more people with the fetish would notice it, since they'd usually take one look at the first few chapters of The Pony Pee Chronicles and ignore it forever for the earlier chapters' low quality.
3. Because The Pony Pee Chronicles is free of fart scenes, and this story isn't.

Twilight's Desperation

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Applejack and Rainbow Dash challenged the other four ponies to a game of volleyball. Since Applejack and Rainbow Dash were the best athletes, they decided to be on opposite teams to make it even. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were on Rainbow Dash's team while Twilight and Rarity were on Applejack's team.

Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie already had exercise outfits, and Rarity fashioned similar outfits for herself, Applejack, and Twilight. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy's outfits were a yellow tank top and skintight white shorts; Pinkie Pie's was similar, but with teal shorts; Rarity's was also similar, but with pink shorts; Applejack's was the same as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash; and Twilight's was a dark blue tank top and skintight red shorts. These felt a little tight, and Twilight suspected Rarity might have made them a size too small, but she'd worry about that once the game was over.

It was a hot summer day today, so the ponies kept drinking water. Twilight had been outside setting up the volleyball net with her wings and magic, and Pinkie Pie had been outside doing completely random stuff, so they'd both drank at least ten bottles of water each. Rainbow Dash and Applejack, who were busy practicing for the game, had drank twice as much.

After about an hour of playing volleyball, Applejack needed to pee. There was one bathroom in the area, which was bigger than an outhouse, with its own sink and even a shower, but it had only one toilet, without a stall, so the door came with a lock. No one really saw how that was really productive, since no ponies would use the toilet if another was using the shower, even though showering ponies usually left the door unlocked. The ponies that built the bathroom had promised to put a stall around the toilet and remove the lock on the door, but their next chance to do so would be next week.

"Hold on!" said Applejack. "I gotta use the little filly's room!" She ran off toward the bathroom.

Now that she mentioned it, Rainbow Dash needed to pee really badly too. She flew toward the bathroom as fast as she could, hoping she wouldn't lose control from it. She reached the door just as Applejack closed it, and slammed face first into it.

"I gotta go pee too!" said Pinkie Pie, and she zipped toward the bathroom.

"I... I think I do too," said Twilight, and she ran toward the bathroom, choosing not to fly.

Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight waited for Applejack to get out. Rainbow Dash desperately needed to pee, and Pinkie and Twilight were very uncomfortable too.

Eventually they heard a toilet flush, and Applejack walked out. Rainbow Dash quickly entered the bathroom. She was so desperate she didn't even pull her shorts down; she just sat on the toilet and peed through them.

"Ahhhhhhhhh," sighed Rainbow Dash in relief. "That's better..."

She peed for about a minute and 15 seconds, soaking her shorts and rump within seconds, while the sounds could be heard outside by Pinkie Pie and Twilight, making them more uncomfortable.

Twilight sat down and squirmed. She had never had to pee this badly in her life. If Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie didn't hurry up, she'd have an accident in her new shorts. She could tell Pinkie wasn't doing much better, as she was doing the same frantic dance she had done in front of the outhouse at Dodge Junction.

It was then that another feeling hit Twilight, one that might make it harder to hold it. Deciding it would be less embarrassing than wetting herself, Twilight closed her eyes and farted loudly. This took a bit of pressure off, but she blushed a little. Pinkie Pie didn't even notice, as she had to pee too badly.

When Rainbow Dash finished peeing, she decided to take a quick shower. She had rather enjoyed wetting herself, but would be too embarrassed to admit that she had done so to the ponies. She entered the shower and turned it on. She'd just tell her friends that she needed to cool down, it being such a hot day.

Twilight could hear the shower from the other side of the door, and this made the pressure in her bladder heavier.

"I don't think I'm gonna make it!" said Pinkie Pie, crossing her legs tight, and fearing she'd wet herself if she moved out of this position.

It seemed like an hour to Twilight, but Rainbow Dash's shower was over in less than a minute. Rainbow knew other ponies were in need of a bathroom, and didn't want them to have an accident. She opened the door and walked out, soaking wet and, quite legitimately, cooler than before. Her excuse was definitely going to fly.

She flew away, and Pinkie didn't even bother to wonder why Rainbow Dash had suddenly showered. She got up and ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

Twilight kept fidgeting, hoping Pinkie Pie wouldn't take any longer than Rainbow Dash. She was almost there!

Pinkie Pie was halfway to the toilet, when she suddenly felt her shorts grow warm and wet. She froze in her tracks as she peed herself. Rivers of pee flowed down her legs, and a puddle grew under her. Pinkie wasn't without shame; she felt embarrassed about wetting her shorts like this, but she did have to admit the relief felt wonderful.

Once she finished peeing, Pinkie sat down in the puddle she had made on the floor and thought about how much she liked the feeling of wetting herself. Her shorts were saturated by now, but she didn't mind.

At least not until she remembered she would have to get back to the volleyball game. She blushed a little, ashamed at the thought of anyone finding out about her accident. So, she took some paper towel and began cleaning up her puddle.

Twilight's urge to pee became greater and greater as time went by. She was now squirming harder than before, not daring to stand up. Why was Pinkie taking so long?

It took a few minutes, but Pinkie Pie finally cleaned up her puddle. She was about to open the door, when she remembered her shorts were still wet. She remembered the sound of Rainbow Dash taking a shower, so she decided she'd shower off to hide her accident. She assumed Rainbow Dash had showered to cool down because it was a really hot day, so she'd just tell the other ponies the same.

Twilight heard the shower turn on, and moaned. This meant she'd have to wait longer to find relief, and the sound of the running water made her feel like she was seconds away from wetting herself. She stood up and started dancing around desperately, at first on all four hooves, her bladder absolutely throbbing.


A loud, wet fart made its way out of her butt, much to her surprise. Twilight blushed; it wasn't very princesslike to fart so loud. But, she was sure no one had heard. In her desperation she hadn't even realized how gassy she was now, but she was thankful that it had only been this that had burst out of her, and not her pee. At this point she wouldn't have dared try to fart of her own accord, for fear that she might accidentally pee in the process.

Pinkie Pie sighed in satisfaction at the coolness of the shower as it soaked her completely and washed all the pee off her. This really did cool her down on such a hot day. She wanted to stay here forever. She stood there for minute after minute after minute, taking in the refreshing feeling of the cool water, and completely forgetting that Twilight was outside waiting for her turn.

Outside, Twilight was doing the potty dance more vigorously than ever, standing on her back hooves with both her front hooves on her crotch. She could feel the pee sloshing inside her, just waiting to burst out. She wouldn't be able to hold it for much longer.

After ten minutes, Pinkie was still showering. Twilight couldn't take it anymore so she banged on the door with one hoof, while still holding herself with the other. "Hurry up in there! I really gotta go!"

Pinkie snapped back to her senses. Feeling ashamed of keeping Twilight waiting for so long, Pinkie quickly turned off the shower and ran outside, hitting Twilight in the face and knocking her on her butt.

"Sorry about that Twilight," said Pinkie, and she quickly zipped over to the volleyball net.

Twilight got up, having barely managed to keep her shorts dry. She ran into the bathroom. She was halfway to the toilet when she realized the door was still open. She closed and locked it with her magic, and then ran to the toilet. At last, she was going to get her much-needed relief.

To her dismay, she found she could not get her shorts down. They were, after all, a size too small. Twilight began panicking. She was about to burst, and she was right next to a toilet, but her shorts wouldn't come off!

When using her hooves didn't work, Twilight tried to remove them with her mouth, and then with her magic, but they refused to budge. Twilight needed to pee REALLY badly now, and desperately tried pulling her shorts down in any way she could, even using her wings.

"Come on come on come on!" she said frantically, simultaneously pulling hard with her hooves and doing a two-legged potty dance.

After about a minute and a half, Twilight couldn't hold it anymore. She blushed as her shorts got wetter and wetter, and waterfalls of pee gushed down her back legs, forming a puddle. Twilight almost felt numb from the relief, but she was blushing profusely. She, a princess of Equestria, was peeing herself like a little filly. She had never felt so ashamed, not even that time when she had farted loudly in front of Rarity and Princess Celestia, even though Celestia had seemed amused rather than offended.

Twilight peed for about a minute, and once she was done, she stood there for about another minute, very wet and still in utter disbelief at what she had done. She farted for about five seconds during this minute, but barely even noticed.

She suddenly slipped on her puddle and fell on her butt. What part of her shorts that had stayed dry was now soaked. Twilight stood up, flying into the air to avoid slipping again, and used her magic to clean up the puddle.

Because of the shame of her accident, Twilight wasn't thinking straight, so it never even occurred to her to shower. She decided to fly home and change. She had just stepped out of the bathroom, but then stopped, turned around, and began walking absentmindedly.

She didn't have any other sports outfits to change into, even if she could find a way to remove her shorts. As soon as they saw her without her outfit on, they'd ask why she had taken it off when the game was still going. She could just pretend she got distracted studying... but then, she'd have to explain why she had ran home instead of returning to the game.

It was only then that the shower idea occurred to her. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie had both showered, most likely to cool down from the summer heat. She could just shower and pretend that she had the same idea. She'd be quick about it in case Fluttershy or Rarity needed the bathroom while she was in there. She didn't want to put either of them through what she'd just been through.

She was just about to find her way back to the bathroom, when she looked up, and realized where she was.

Without realizing it, she had wandered all the way back to the volleyball net, and her friends all had a full view of her in her pee-soaked shorts. She knew beyond all doubt they had noticed, from the way they were looking at her. Twilight blushed and giggled nervously, peeing a little.

"I'm really really sorry Twilight," said Pinkie Pie, also blushing. "If it makes you feel any better, I wet myself too! That's the real reason I showered." She giggled, pretending to find her own accident amusing so Twilight would feel less ashamed.

"Is that so?" said Applejack, who turned toward Rainbow Dash. Both mares blushed, Rainbow Dash trying not to make eye contact.

"It wasn't your fault, Pinkie," said Twilight. "My shorts were too tight. I couldn't get them down."

"Oh dear," said Rarity. "I'm dreadfully sorry about that, darling. First thing after our game is done I'll make a pair for you that are the right size. Why don't you... wash up... and we'll continue our game, if you feel up for it."

Twilight nodded, feeling a little better. She turned around and saw a jewel on the ground that Rarity had put on her own sports outfit, and had evidently fallen off. As she bent down to pick it up, a loud ripping noise could be heard. Her shorts split at the butt, exposing her pink, wet panties. She blushed beet red, and Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie couldn't help but laugh.

To add the final touch to her total humiliation, Twilight accidentally farted. Rainbow and Pinkie laughed harder, and Rarity and Applejack gave them disapproving looks.

"It's not funny!" said Twilight as she let out another loud, wet fart.

"Yes it is!" said Rainbow Dash, patting her lightly on the butt. "We're laughing with you, not at you!"

Twilight farted again, and hung her head in shame.

Once her farting had subsided, she showered off, and the volleyball game continued. Both Rarity and Fluttershy had to pause to use the bathroom before the game was over, but both of them made it easily. Rainbow Dash's team won, then Rarity took Twilight to Carousel Boutique. Twilight peed on the way there, as her later drinks during the game had already gone through her, and blushed. Rarity noticed, but said nothing, nor did she express disgust at Twilight's constant farting in front of her, for she knew it was the last thing she needed.

Arriving at Carousel Boutique, Rarity took some scissors and cut Twilight's shorts off. Twilight sat in her wet panties as Rarity began making shorts a size bigger, and she was feeling much better already. Soon she could put this awful experience behind her!

Twilight's Desperation (scat edition)

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Applejack and Rainbow Dash challenged the other four ponies to a game of volleyball. Since Applejack and Rainbow Dash were the best athletes, they decided to be on opposite teams to make it even. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were on Rainbow Dash's team while Twilight and Rarity were on Applejack's team.

Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie already had exercise outfits, and Rarity fashioned similar outfits for herself, Applejack, and Twilight. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy's outfits were a yellow tank top and skintight white shorts; Pinkie Pie's was similar, but with teal shorts; Rarity's was also similar, but with pink shorts; Applejack's was the same as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash; and Twilight's was a dark blue tank top and skintight red shorts. These felt a little tight, and Twilight suspected Rarity might have made them a size too small, but she'd worry about that once the game was over.

It was a hot summer day today, so the ponies kept drinking water. Twilight had been outside setting up the volleyball net with her wings and magic, and Pinkie Pie had been outside doing completely random stuff, so they'd both drank at least ten bottles of water each. Rainbow Dash and Applejack, who were busy practicing for the game, had drank twice as much.

After about an hour of playing volleyball, Applejack needed to pee. There was one bathroom in the area, which was bigger than an outhouse, with its own sink and even a shower, but it had only one toilet, without a stall, so the door came with a lock. No one really saw how that was really productive, since no ponies would use the toilet if another was using the shower, even though showering ponies usually left the door unlocked. The ponies that built the bathroom had promised to put a stall around the toilet and remove the lock on the door, but their next chance to do so would be next week.

"Hold on!" said Applejack. "I gotta use the little filly's room!" She ran off toward the bathroom.

Now that she mentioned it, Rainbow Dash needed to pee really badly too. She flew toward the bathroom as fast as she could, hoping she wouldn't lose control from it. She reached the door just as Applejack closed it, and slammed face first into it.

"I gotta go pee too!" said Pinkie Pie, and she zipped toward the bathroom.

"I... I think I do too," said Twilight, and she ran toward the bathroom, choosing not to fly.

Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight waited for Applejack to get out. Rainbow Dash desperately needed to pee, and Pinkie and Twilight were very uncomfortable too.

Eventually they heard a toilet flush, and Applejack walked out. Rainbow Dash quickly entered the bathroom. She was so desperate she didn't even pull her shorts down; she just sat on the toilet and peed through them.

"Ahhhhhhhhh," sighed Rainbow Dash in relief. "That's better..."

She peed for about a minute and 15 seconds, soaking her shorts and rump within seconds, while the sounds could be heard outside by Pinkie Pie and Twilight, making them more uncomfortable.

Twilight sat down and squirmed. She had never had to pee this badly in her life. If Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie didn't hurry up, she'd have an accident in her new shorts. She could tell Pinkie wasn't doing much better, as she was doing the same frantic dance she had done in front of the outhouse at Dodge Junction.

It was then that another feeling hit Twilight, one that might make it harder to hold it. Deciding it would be less embarrassing than wetting herself, Twilight closed her eyes and farted loudly. This took a bit of pressure off, but she blushed a little. Pinkie Pie didn't even notice, as she had to pee too badly.

When Rainbow Dash finished peeing, she decided to take a quick shower. She had rather enjoyed wetting herself, but would be too embarrassed to admit that she had done so to the ponies. She entered the shower and turned it on. She'd just tell her friends that she needed to cool down, it being such a hot day.

Twilight could hear the shower from the other side of the door, and this made the pressure in her bladder heavier.

"I don't think I'm gonna make it!" said Pinkie Pie, crossing her legs tight, and fearing she'd wet herself if she moved out of this position.

It seemed like an hour to Twilight, but Rainbow Dash's shower was over in less than a minute. Rainbow knew other ponies were in need of a bathroom, and didn't want them to have an accident. She opened the door and walked out, soaking wet and, quite legitimately, cooler than before. Her excuse was definitely going to fly.

She flew away, and Pinkie didn't even bother to wonder why Rainbow Dash had suddenly showered. She got up and ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

Twilight kept fidgeting, hoping Pinkie Pie wouldn't take any longer than Rainbow Dash. She was almost there!

Pinkie Pie was halfway to the toilet, when she suddenly felt her shorts grow warm and wet. She froze in her tracks as she peed herself. Rivers of pee flowed down her legs, and a puddle grew under her. Pinkie wasn't without shame; she felt embarrassed about wetting her shorts like this, but she did have to admit the relief felt wonderful.

Once she finished peeing, Pinkie sat down in the puddle she had made on the floor and thought about how much she liked the feeling of wetting herself. Her shorts were saturated by now, but she didn't mind.

At least not until she remembered she would have to get back to the volleyball game. She blushed a little, ashamed at the thought of anyone finding out about her accident. So, she took some paper towel and began cleaning up her puddle.

Twilight's urge to pee became greater and greater as time went by. She was now squirming harder than before, not daring to stand up. Why was Pinkie taking so long?

It took a few minutes, but Pinkie Pie finally cleaned up her puddle. She was about to open the door, when she remembered her shorts were still wet. She remembered the sound of Rainbow Dash taking a shower, so she decided she'd shower off to hide her accident. She assumed Rainbow Dash had showered to cool down because it was a really hot day, so she'd just tell the other ponies the same.

Twilight heard the shower turn on, and moaned. This meant she'd have to wait longer to find relief, and the sound of the running water made her feel like she was seconds away from wetting herself. She stood up and started dancing around desperately, at first on all four hooves, her bladder absolutely throbbing.


A loud, wet fart made its way out of her butt, much to her surprise. Twilight blushed; it wasn't very princesslike to fart so loud. But, she was sure no one had heard. In her desperation she hadn't even realized how gassy she was now, but she was thankful that it had only been this that had burst out of her, and not her pee. At this point she wouldn't have dared try to fart of her own accord, for fear that she might accidentally pee in the process.

Pinkie Pie sighed in satisfaction at the coolness of the shower as it soaked her completely and washed all the pee off her. This really did cool her down on such a hot day. She wanted to stay here forever. She stood there for minute after minute after minute, taking in the refreshing feeling of the cool water, and completely forgetting that Twilight was outside waiting for her turn.

Outside, Twilight was doing the potty dance more vigorously than ever, standing on her back hooves with both her front hooves on her crotch. She could feel the pee sloshing inside her, just waiting to burst out. She wouldn't be able to hold it for much longer.

After ten minutes, Pinkie was still showering. Twilight couldn't take it anymore so she banged on the door with one hoof, while still holding herself with the other. "Hurry up in there! I really gotta go!"

Pinkie snapped back to her senses. Feeling ashamed of keeping Twilight waiting for so long, Pinkie quickly turned off the shower and ran outside, hitting Twilight in the face and knocking her on her butt.

"Sorry about that Twilight," said Pinkie, and she quickly zipped over to the volleyball net.

Twilight got up, having barely managed to keep her shorts dry. She ran into the bathroom. She was halfway to the toilet when she realized the door was still open. She closed and locked it with her magic, and then ran to the toilet. At last, she was going to get her much-needed relief.

To her dismay, she found she could not get her shorts down. They were, after all, a size too small. Twilight began panicking. She was about to burst, and she was right next to a toilet, but her shorts wouldn't come off!

When using her hooves didn't work, Twilight tried to remove them with her mouth, and then with her magic, but they refused to budge. Twilight needed to pee REALLY badly now, and desperately tried pulling her shorts down in any way she could, even using her wings.

"Come on come on come on!" she said frantically, simultaneously pulling hard with her hooves and doing a two-legged potty dance.

After about a minute and a half, Twilight couldn't hold it anymore. She blushed as her shorts got wetter and wetter, and waterfalls of pee gushed down her back legs, forming a puddle. Twilight almost felt numb from the relief, but she was blushing profusely. She, a princess of Equestria, was peeing herself like a little filly. She had never felt so ashamed, not even that time when she had farted loudly in front of Rarity and Princess Celestia, even though Celestia had seemed amused rather than offended.

Twilight peed for about a minute, and once she was done, she stood there for about another minute, very wet and still in utter disbelief at what she had done. She farted for about five seconds during this minute, but barely even noticed.

She suddenly slipped on her puddle and fell on her butt. What part of her shorts that had stayed dry was now soaked. Twilight stood up, flying into the air to avoid slipping again, and used her magic to clean up the puddle.

Because of the shame of her accident, Twilight wasn't thinking straight, so it never even occurred to her to shower. She decided to fly home and change. She had just stepped out of the bathroom, but then stopped, turned around, and began walking absentmindedly.

She didn't have any other sports outfits to change into, even if she could find a way to remove her shorts. As soon as they saw her without her outfit on, they'd ask why she had taken it off when the game was still going. She could just pretend she got distracted studying... but then, she'd have to explain why she had ran home instead of returning to the game.

It was only then that the shower idea occurred to her. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie had both showered, most likely to cool down from the summer heat. She could just shower and pretend that she had the same idea. She'd be quick about it in case Fluttershy or Rarity needed the bathroom while she was in there. She didn't want to put either of them through what she'd just been through.

She was just about to find her way back to the bathroom, when she looked up, and realized where she was.

Without realizing it, she had wandered all the way back to the volleyball net, and her friends all had a full view of her in her pee-soaked shorts. She knew beyond all doubt they had noticed, from the way they were looking at her. Twilight blushed and giggled nervously, peeing a little.

"I'm really really sorry Twilight," said Pinkie Pie, also blushing. "If it makes you feel any better, I wet myself too! That's the real reason I showered." She giggled, pretending to find her own accident amusing so Twilight would feel less ashamed.

"Is that so?" said Applejack, who turned toward Rainbow Dash. Both mares blushed, Rainbow Dash trying not to make eye contact.

"It wasn't your fault, Pinkie," said Twilight. "My shorts were too tight. I couldn't get them down."

"Oh dear," said Rarity. "I'm dreadfully sorry about that, darling. First thing after our game is done I'll make a pair for you that are the right size. Why don't you... wash up... and we'll continue our game, if you feel up for it."

Twilight nodded, feeling a little better. She turned around and saw a jewel on the ground that Rarity had put on her own sports outfit, and had evidently fallen off. As she bent down to pick it up, a loud ripping noise could be heard. Her shorts split at the butt, exposing her pink, wet panties. She blushed beet red, and Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie couldn't help but laugh.

To add the final touch to her total humiliation, Twilight accidentally farted. Rainbow and Pinkie laughed harder, and Rarity and Applejack gave them disapproving looks.

"It's not funny!" said Twilight as she let out another loud, wet fart.

"Yes it is!" said Rainbow Dash, patting her lightly on the butt. "We're laughing with you, not at you!"

Twilight farted again, and hung her head in shame.

Suddenly she felt something else. "Oh no! This is bad! This is very bad!"

"What is it, darling?" said Rarity.

"I have to go... bad!"

"Oh. Well... You could just... go... in your shorts, and shower off again," said Rarity, trying to sound delicate.

"No, I... I don't have to pee this time!"

"Oh. I'll go get some scissors to cut your shorts off right now. Meet me at the bathroom door."

Twilight ran to the bathroom door while Rarity ran to get the scissors. Twilight felt the pressure grow heavier.

"I can't hold it!" said Twilight, and she ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind her.

"No Twilight! You can't get yer shorts off!" said Applejack.

Twilight ignored her, and desperately tried pulling her shorts off through the rip in them, but it was still no use.

And then...


A Wet, Gassy Study Session

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It had been a week since Twilight's accident. Rarity had made a new pair of shorts for Twilight, which were still very tight, but she could get them off easily now. Twilight had asked Rarity to make a few extra pairs in case she had another accident.

By now she had gotten over the embarrassing event, and despite the humiliation of it, she found she had enjoyed it a little. The reason she asked Rarity to make extra shorts for her was so she could experiment around with it.

Today Twilight had scheduled the entire day for studying. She had eaten a big plate of beans for breakfast and washed it down with a big cup of coffee. She knew beans made her gassy but she loved them too much.

She had decided that she would not take a break from studying for anything other than lunch, supper, and, if necessary, taking a dump. If she needed to pee, she'd pee right there. She secretly didn't mind it when no one else was around, except Spike. She'd always fart in front of him before, even if she was a little annoyed that he'd laugh at it, or her sometimes wetting herself.

And, to enjoy the experience, she put on the sports outfit she reserved for this sort of thing.

So, she opened a book and began reading. It was currently 7:30 AM.

Only 15 minutes in, she let out a loud wet fart. She giggled a bit, and resumed studying.


Twilight farted several times, and Spike ran into the room, laughing at each fart. Twilight felt no shame, and she didn't even feel annoyed this time. As if she wasn't giggling at her own farts, so she couldn't really blame him. He'd often sit a ways behind her whenever her gassiness coincided with a study session, as if it were a show. He wouldn't eat popcorn with it because he thought he'd choke on a kernel from laughing at Twilight farting.

About 40 minutes in, Twilight drank an entire bottle of water. She had several beside her study table so she could have a drink right there when she got thirsty.

After two hours of studying and farting, Twilight needed to pee. She held it for another half hour until it started to become a distraction. So, she just let go and began peeing where she sat.


Twilight sighed in relief as her skintight red shorts darkened, and she could feel the warm wetness soak her crotch and her butt, flooding the seat of her chair and dripping into a puddle on the floor.

Spike laughed hard. Twilight didn't blush, but was a little annoyed. Still, at least he found it amusing rather than disgusting. She didn't want to know how Rarity would react if she ever found out that she deliberately peed in her shorts often, even if she hadn't been disgusted by her accident.

She continued studying before she finished peeing, and sat in her wet shorts, farting her cute little pony butt off. Her farts were wetter than before.

Two hours later, it was noon. Twilight's alarm went off five minutes after she peed a second time. She sighed, and stood up. She hadn't farted for the last half hour, so she made two plates of beans for lunch, not only because she liked them, but because she wanted to fart more!

At 12:30, she had finished her lunch, drank five bottles of refreshing cold soda, and was studying again.

At 1:00, she let out a fart that felt a little too wet, followed by pressure in her bowels that she knew wasn't a fart. She considered messing herself, but she was really not into that, so she ran to the bathroom, pulled down her pee-soaked shorts, sat on the toilet, and noisily released a wet brown mess into the toilet.

She decided not to use toilet paper, because the last time she had taken a dump like this she had to wipe her butt more times than she could count, and flush the toilet at least twice to keep from clogging it. This would take away from her studying time, and she didn't mind getting this dirty. She felt some sort of naughty pleasure as she pulled her shorts back up and got back to her studying.

Her butt felt a bit itchy, so as she read, she squirmed her lower half a bit in her chair.


Twilight giggled as she let out a boisterous fart that lasted 14 seconds.

She released a series of wet farts for the next four hours, peeing twice, and then she read a spell that intrigued her. A spell to enhance beans to make them twice as gassy as normal. She was so excited she accidentally farted, and immediately cooked two more big plates of beans for supper, cast the spell on them, and gobbled them down.

For the rest of her study session she was even gassier than ever, and peed twice more before she was finished, just past 9:00 PM.

Her shorts were soaking wet and very smelly, but she didn't mind. She stood up, and as she did, she let out another loud fart. Spike laughed really hard at this.

"Sniff my butt," Twilight said to Spike.

Spike sniffed. Her shorts smelled like a combination of farts and urine, plus there was a big brown spot on her butt that added to the smell. It seemed as though her farts had made her shorts dirtier since her trip to the bathroom.

"Phew, your butt smells real bad!"


Twilight giggled as Spike coughed on the stench, but once he was over it he began laughing again, and slapped Twilight's butt lightly. Twi giggled. She liked it when he did that. She raised her behind in the air excitedly and let out another wet fart. Her shorts felt even dirtier now, but she liked it.

Once she was done farting, she cleaned up her puddle and her chair, changed out of her soiled shorts, took a long shower, and hopped into bed, looking forward to a day with her friends tomorrow.

A Messier Study Session

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Twilight Sparkle woke up at 7:00 in the morning. Today was another day she had scheduled for studying, though she had spent yesterday with her friends, and would do the same tomorrow.

She put on her dark blue tank top and skintight red shorts she had worn on her last study sessions.

"Spike, would you mind making lunch and supper for me, and getting me some drinks while I'm studying?" said Twilight.

"Of course," said Spike.

"I'll eat my dinner while studying. I've got so many books I'd like to read, I'm not taking a break for any reason."

"Not even to go to the bathroom?"

"Not even that." Twilight decided she was even going to mess herself if she had to take a dump.

"This'll be fun as always," said Spike.

So, Twilight sat at her table and started reading through her first book.

"Spike, can you get me a glass of water?" said Twilight after the first ten minutes.

Spike poured a glass of water and handed it to Twilight, who drank it. Spike sat behind her the whole time for two reasons: First, to answer her requests. He was her number one assistant. Second, so he wouldn't miss Twilight going to the bathroom in her shorts, which he found hilarious every time.

Every fifteen minutes or so, Twilight would ask for another big glass of water, which Spike would quickly get for her.

At 9:00, she needed to pee. She continued studying, until a half hour later when her bladder started to distract her. So, without taking her eyes off the book, she started to pee, soaking the crotch and butt of her shorts and forming a puddle under her chair.


Twilight sighed in relief while Spike laughed, as he always did. Twilight ignored him, as she was used to it by now, though a part of her wanted to giggle at his amusement.

She continued studying in her wet shorts, and before long, it was 12:00.

"Spike!" said Twilight.

"Yes?" said Spike, who had been waiting for Twilight to pee again, having quickly visited the bathroom himself twenty minutes ago because he didn't think she'd appreciate him peeing all over her floor, even if she was doing the same.

"I'd like some hay fries and a big plate of beans for lunch."

"Right away!" said Spike. "Extra beans for you." Twilight loved beans, and Spike loved to hear her fart.

Before long, Spike served Twilight her lunch.

"Spike, what took you so long? I peed myself waiting for you." Her shorts had gone from damp to wet before Spike had come to the table.


"I'm just messing with you. You did great as usual. Ooh, and you brought extra beans! You're the best assistant a pony could have!"

After casting her spell on the beans to double their gassiness, Twilight wolfed down her lunch while still reading.

About a half hour later, she let loose with a flurry of wet farts. Spike laughed hard, and Twilight giggled a bit while still focusing on her books.

At 3:00, about ten minutes after she peed again, she let out a wetter fart and nearly soiled herself. She was a little surprised, but continued reading, and soon she felt an intense pressure in her bowels. Undoubtedly this was because of the feast from yesterday, and all the cake.

Twilight grunted as she released a brown mess into her shorts, and sighed in relief. She enjoyed the warm feeling of messing herself, as well as the convenience of not having to pause what she was doing.

Spike laughed even harder at this, despite the smell that had now entered the room.

Twilight continued to study in her soiled shorts. At 5:00, she had Spike make more beans for her, which she ate after enhancing them. She wet herself again fifteen minutes later.

Over the course of the study session, she drank more water, peed several more times, and messed in her shorts once more at 9:00.

By midnight, Twilight was done. Her shorts were wet, filled with manure, and smelled horrible. And she loved it. She could now add messing to her list of dirty activities.

She stood up. "Wanna smell my butt again?"

"No thanks, I can smell it from here," said Spike.

Twilight giggled, and helped Spike clean up her puddle and the seat of her chair, not wanting him to have to do it on his own. Then she walked into the bathroom to change.

Desperation with Celestia

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Twilight was running five races with the other princesses, the annual Princess Race. Twilight was wearing her usual sports outfit (or one of the identical ones), Celestia was wearing a sparkly blue midriff tank top and matching skintight shorts, Luna was wearing something similar but dark purple, and Cadance was wearing something similar to Twilight with a white shirt and cyan shorts.

They had just finished their fourth race. The first was in Canterlot, of course. The second was an aerial race in Cloudsdale. The third was in Las Pegasus. The fourth was in Vanhoover. All four princesses were tired and sweaty. So they drank lots of water.

To save energy for their races, they rode chariots. Twilight rode a chariot with Celestia toward their fifth race in Manehattan.

They were about halfway there when Twilight accidentally farted loudly. She looked at Celestia and blushed profusely, afraid she'd call her out for being unladylike as a princess, or farting in her presence. Forgetting her reaction the last time she farted in front of her.

Celestia chuckled. "Don't feel ashamed, Twilight. Even us princesses fart sometimes." Celestia let out a loud, deep-pitched fart of her own. "I was holding that in since last race ended." She giggled.

Twilight felt reassured. She farted a few more times, much more at ease with this now that she knew Celestia thought it was funny.

About three quarters of the way there, Twilight stopped farting, but she was suddenly feeling an urge to pee. All the water she drank after her races to stay hydrated had gone through her.

"Celestia, I have to go to the bathroom," said Twilight.

"We'll have to go straight to the racetracks," said Celestia. "But we can go after the race. Think you can hold it that long?"

"I... I hope so." Twilight crossed her legs.

"Besides, it'll motivate you to run faster."

Celestia did have a point there.

They arrived at the Manehattan racetrack and stood in position.

The race began. They could only run on hoof this time. Twilight ran faster than before, desperate to finish and find a bathroom before she wet herself in front of hundreds of ponies.

Celestia had won three of the previous races, and Luna had won the Cloudsdale race. But Twilight was pulling ahead of the other princesses.

She finished first. She panted, dripping with sweat, and did the pee dance while the other princesses crossed.

"And the winner of the Manehattan Princess Race is Princess Twilight Sparkle!" said the announcer.

Twilight hid her desperation as she claimed her trophy. She drank a whole water bottle. She had no choice - she was thirsty and sweaty.

She ran to the nearest bathroom, but to her dismay it was lined up. Twilight got back onto her chariot with Celestia and they took off for Ponyville.

Celestia was about to ask Twilight whether she felt better when she saw that Twilight was sitting with her legs crossed tight, fidgeting with a pained expression on her face.

"Don't worry, we'll be at Ponyville soon," said Celestia.

"How do you... urgh... not have to go to the bathroom?" groaned Twilight.

"I do," said Celestia. "My sister and I have slightly bigger and stronger bladders than other ponies."

It was a little windy today so there was some turbulence in their trip, making it bumpy and making it harder for Twilight to hold it in.

They were just flying over Hollow Shades when Twilight lost control. She started peeing herself, soaking her skintight shorts. The pee pooled around her butt and dripped off her seat of the chariot and onto the floor. She blushed beet red. Part of her did enjoy this, but she was mortified at wetting herself in front of Celestia. Celestia stared at the purple pony as she finished peeing, and sat there in her wet shorts, red in the face and tearing up a little.

"It's all right, Twilight," said Celestia, putting her wing around Twilight. "Everypony has accidents sometimes."

"But I peed all over your chariot," said Twilight.

"So did I a few times." She suddenly groaned and crossed her legs. "I think today might be the next of those times. But I'll hold it till I get back to the castle. It's a good challenge to my ability to hold it, and if I can't... I don't really mind that much." She giggled, and Twilight felt better.

Then Twilight farted again. Both she and Celestia giggled.

As they got closer to Ponyville, Twilight's farts became wetter, dirtier, and stinkier. As Ponyville came into view, Twilight groaned from the intense pressure in her bowels after a particularly wet fart.

"Try to avoid making a mess in my chariot," said Celestia. "Trust me, it's not pleasant to clean up." She winked at Twilight.

Twilight sat fidgeting with a different kind of desperation than last time as the chariot arrived at the door of Twilight's castle.

"Sure you don't want to use one of the castle bathrooms?" said Twilight.

"I'm fine," said Celestia. "Go and find a bathroom. And try not to feel too ashamed if you don't make it. You wouldn't be the first princess."

As Twilight stood up, she let out a sloppy wet fart, and felt a bit of poop plop into her shorts. She blushed and giggled nervously. Celestia also giggled and slapped Twilight's butt lightly. Twilight took the hint and ran into her castle while Celestia's chariot took off back into the air and headed for Canterlot.

Twilight ran through her castle toward the nearest bathroom.

"Hi Twilight," said Spike as Twilight ran by him.

"Hey Spike," she said quickly. Just as she was in front of the bathroom door, she couldn't hold it anymore. Twilight farted again and made a mess in her shorts. She could feel it was hyperscat. She blushed with embarrassment at accidentally messing herself.

"Why the long face, Twilight?" said Spike. "I thought you liked messing yourself if no one else but me was around."

"You're right." Twilight giggled, enjoying how wet and dirty her shorts were. She closed her eyes tight, raised her behind slightly, and noisily released another mess into her shorts, what hyperscat she had managed to hold in several seconds ago.


As Celestia's chariot made its way to Canterlot, Celestia sat fidgeting with her legs crossed and a pained expression on her face, as Twilight had done earlier. Just as Canterlot came into view, Celestia started peeing. She let out a sigh of relief, and then giggled at how much she enjoyed the warm wetness soaking the crotch and butt of her skintight shorts.


Once Twilight had finished having fun in her wet, heavily soiled shorts, she dumped her mess into the toilet and had Spike give her a bath. She made sure Spike spent extra time scrubbing her butt. Which he loved, finding it to be funny.