Swirling Magic

by treegrowth

First published

A Planswalker as appered in Equestria, with the a broken horn of a unicorn pony. In order to understand it's story Twilight and both her friends and the human Taylor must travel the mutivurse of the Planswalkers.

A Planeswalker as appeared in Equestria, with the a broken horn of a unicorn pony. In order to understand it's story Twilight and both her friends and the human Taylor must travel the multiverse of the Plans-walkers.

WARNING: This is NOT a Magic the Gathering lore friendly story. Most of the lore is going to be made up, as I'm not very proficient in MTG's history.


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The Jungle is moist today, the rain ended peacefully as it always had, and the natural heat of the sun boils the remaining droplets into steam that lightly fogs the area. The monkeys dance in the trees, causing mischief whenever they can, while the jaguars prowl the ground, quietly within the shadows in the search for an easy meal. The mighty plants that reach the sky above are content as they sway against the wind; their many leaves, hanging from their intertwining branches, seem to glow from the ever shining sun beaming on them.

This was, is, and what should have been the peace of the jungle that has lasted beyond the life times of any written language to describe it. This day, however, was disturbed when a mighty roar that was grater than any lion can ever hope to sound echoed across the land, followed by a pair of words created to suit the moment of his situation.


Following those words, the peace was torn asunder. A human in long blue robes underneath a small cloak, runs across the densely covered jungle, his feet drums the ground as he pushes away the many brambles and vines that dare to be in his way. His breath enters and exits his mouth rapidly as he tries to scan the skies for his pursuer without tripping, doing so would be the end of him and all he cared for.

The mighty roar returned, and with it a gigantic beast flew pass the man and reveled itself in all of its terrifying glory. The monstrosity gazed upon the man menacingly with its savage, killer, reptilian eyes. Its great maw revealed many sets of predatory teeth, yellowed though age, red though dried blood, sharp and deadly all the same. Down its long snake-like neck, the creature’s emerald green scales pulsed with power of the muscles underneath, those same muscles keep the great beast in the air by the colossal wings beating on it’s back.

The young man kicked up dirt as he skirted into a halt. His breath heavy, he stared up at the dragon’s fury that flashed in it’s eyes. In doing so he immediately understood his predicament, the creature will never show mercy to him and neither will he die swiftly nor painlessly. Fear pumped adrenaline, adrenaline played the drum of his heart, the air quickly lighten for easier passage to his lungs.

Desperate, the young man out reached his arm to his side, his palm opened yet caged within five fingers, and took a single step back, as if he was to throw a ball. If anyone were to look closely, they would see a dark blue dust-like substance appear from his hand, twinkling like stars, swirling between his fingers. In a matter of milliseconds a spark appeared, then another, until the entire hand was holding seemingly physical electricity.

“Eat Lightning, you over grown lizard!” he challenged. With a step forward, he flung his electric hand out towards the dragon. A explosion of light and power came from the out-reached palm, and from it came a thundering bolt of lightning. It’s swift crackling form raced to the creature’s heart.

The attack hit it’s mark. Only to dissipate, the dragon’s chest cutting the bolt into two smaller branches which harmlessly struck the sky. The dragon only continued to growl, unfazed, and unimpressed.

The cloaked man’s jaw dropped as he attempted to comprehend what he had witnessed. “Wha-, Hex-proof!?” he cried, his fear exploding in his chest.

The dragon opened it’s great maw, breathed in, and out came a trail of bright wild flames.

With only instinct left to guide him, he dived to his right and into the brambles. The sharp branches tore away his robes, cloak, and face; the pain was just as sharp. However, as he looked back at the destruction, he saw the fire land on the place of where he once was. This crackling majesty of the flames spread, consuming the grass, bushes, and the roots of great trees before climbing upwards to the leaves. Just as quickly the black clouds of smoke ruse into the air, corrupting the sky with it’s dark form.

Yet the man could still see the creature though the darkness, and it could see him. With an unholy roar, it once again flew towards him, and he ran the other way once more.

He ran, and he ran, and he ran. He no longer knew where the sun was, or where he was, nor did he care; he just kept running. His legs, now weak as twigs and set aflame by soreness, were the only things that kept him away from the monster. His fear fueled his tired legs, and the dragon’s furious growls fueled his fear. It seems to be an unending cycle to the young man.

He found himself into the air, he tripped! He crashed into the rouged ground, rolling on his side until he stopped. Heaving and puffing, he groaned painfully as he finally gritted his teeth and pushed himself up, only for his right foot to find nothing and slipped. His heart skipped a beat as he tore into the soil, just preventing the rest of him to fall. With his remaining upper strength, he pulled himself upwards until the edge was to his waste. Throwing his weight against the edge, he rolled across it into safety.

Now on his back, trying to drown himself with much needed air, he gazed into what had possibly cost him his life. A great ravine was the cause. Laying down he couldn’t really tell the exact distance, but even then it was clear he couldn’t jump it. In examining it further he learned the other side had a calm slope, while his side was a sharp decline; a cruel prank of fate no doubt.

Despite it, he had to push on somehow. The dragon wouldn’t be far and neither was death. The man tiredly pushed to his side, and was able to get on his knees when he was nearly pushed back down by a gale pulling on his robes. The powerful wind was quickly followed by a small yet loud quake of the ground. Those two things, plus the sudden darkness already told him what he needed to know; he looked up anyway. The monster was upon him, blocking the sun like a demon swallowing hope.

The giant reptilian hunter stared down it’s prey, as it’s colossal wings folded inward. Victory could be seen in its sharp gaze. Now he was closer, it was easier to tell that the beast wasn’t just big, its neck alone was twice as tall as the trees themselves. It’s breath bared on him. Hot, yet, unlike the blue cloaked man, it was calm; seems it didn’t even tried very hard in the chase.

Its growl was of a lighter tone, as though it was gleeful; reveling it’s moment of triumph. The jaw departed from its higher counter-part slightly, just enough to accomplish the most obvious next step in the old game of primal ‘tag’.

Still panting away on his knees, the man in blue glared at the dragon. Pain and exhaustion rippled throughout him, and he spent the last of his energy to save himself from gravity’s deathly grip. He could not run any longer, not with the dragon in front of him and the ravine behind. However, there was a way.

Taking a swift breath of air within, he breathed out, “Not today.” He leaned back and toppled over the edge.

The air bombarded him as he fell, hooking his hood and forcefully reveal black hair beneath it. His cloak slamming repeatedly into him like broken wings of some bird. He forces his mouth to close and squinted his eyes to keep what liquid the winds haven’t taken away. He places his two palms together just across his waist, fingers meeting softly, creating a pyramid of two faces.

Once again, magical dust sprinkled into existence. Though instead of dark blue of lighting, bright twinkling of stars wove though his hands. Grunting, he forced out is hands and the almost cosmic force rushed ahead in undisturbed speeds.

Just as quickly as it appeared, the beam seemed to crash into nothing. A ripple soon followed, in which a hole is torn. The hole creates an fiery aura of similar magic that opened it, and in side lies the stars of night.

The man falls though, and the tear heals itself sealing the wall of reality between him and the dragon.

The sun sets above the settled jungle, the only sound that could be heard was the roar of great fury.

“Gah” the man groans. Pain and vertigo finally catches up to him as he lays on is now very busied right shoulder that protected his head from the ground when he crashed. He lifts himself off the hard glass-like floor and onto his feet, only to loose his balance and fall backwards on his rear end.

He breathes deeply to calm his nerves from pain, frustration, and the heart pounding excitement of his endeavor. “I need to rest for a while.” He groans, as he lays on his back limbs spread across as he studies the new sky above.

It is an interesting sky, the stars shine like any other, but with clear differences. The ones above him dance to a tuneless melody, pairs were made and slowly cycles around one another; others calmly drift across his vision, as though they are leaves on the back of the wind, though there is a noticeable lack of it. Many were as large as his head, while many more where the size of his pinkie, some are either within an arm’s reach, or were several many miles away into the vast limitless sky above.

He laid on the reflective surface, watching the drifting and dancing stars, for how long he didn’t know. The pain from his sore legs and his crushed shoulder have started to fade, his breathing too have begin to return to a more natural rhythm. He tamed his wild heart, and relaxed his muscles for a well earned rest. He closed his eyes slowly as sleep threaten to take this beautiful scene away.

Once he just past the waking world and into the one of dreams, a jolt of electricity awoke him. Rather a jolt of energy pulse from his hip. Or more accurately his satchel, hidden underneath his robe. Curious, he removed the thick cloth and peered at the bag; sure enough the pulse came again, and it could be seen. A dome of violet rippled though the satchel and into the space beyond before softly disappearing, the stars closest to him were gently pushed away from him and the satchel.

Still very curious of the unknown power within, he reached to the flap and opened it. First thing to be seen was a fairly sized book that took mostly half of the pocket. He paused, wandering if it was the source of the unknown power. Once again, the dome pulsed, but not from the book, it was deeper within the bag.

He sat up and reached in the satchel, and pulled out the only other object in that pocket. A cone laid in his hand, it was fairly long though as thin as a dagger, it was worn, with many small cracks and some of the edges seem to have eroded away. It had groves in a spiraling form, not unlike a drill; though the fact that it is made of ancient bone disproved any possibility of it being so. The smooth flat base of the horn shows that it was purposely cut, the reason will most likely remain lost to history.

However, the most glaring part of the horn was the magnificent glow of mystical violet aura clocked the object. The man stared, entranced by the flowing magic that flowed on an invisible current around the horn. Its semi-transparent nature allows him to just see though it and to his palm, yet it is also thick, anything farther became very blurry and fogged and only the aura remained.

His fascination of the object quickly spiked when the aura exploded and again the dome pulsed. Though this time, he felt it. The magic grow within his hand and pured into his very being. He flinched with a gasp, suddenly very scared of the forgone magic. However no harm came to him, instead a warm feeling enveloped him, caressing him in a mothers embrace.

“What the…” he breathed, blankly rooting his eyesight on the horn. It’s aura still very much present, ever flowing, never slowing nor speeding, it just is. Yet, it glows with new light to the man.

It took another explosion of magical violet, and another embrace, to awaken him from his stupor. Though he did not flinched; why would a boy flinch from his mother?

He shook what was left of his confusion out of his head. Looking back at the horn, his thin brows attempted to cross downward, and a spark of determination shown in his eyes. “I have no idea what you are,” grit spilled out of his words as he slightly griped the horn tighter, “and I’m not going to stop until I know your secrets.” A smirk had drawn onto his face.

He stood back on his feet, stretched to prepare for his journey, when the pule came again. Though this gave him pause, he pulled the horn back to himself for a quick study, before stretching to his right once more. It didn’t take long before the embrace returned, sooner than previous times. A brow raised, he gave the horn to his left and stretched there.

It came, but it took significantly longer. The man chuckled, turning to his right he glanced at the horn, “This way, huh?” At his first three steps, the calming pulse was his only answer.

He continue to walk for some time, the pulse getting stronger and came sooner; whenever it got weaker, he would turn until he found his path again. Each blasting dome shoving away the many stars that surround them, though, somehow, no malice was felt with each push. It felt more respectful than any other possibility, whatever it is, the man was sure that it only proved the horn’s importance. All he could do now though, was walk.

He walked for many an hour, only his the sound of his steps and the ever calming pulses keeping him company. More steps, more pulses, more stars floating away.

This is what is was, until he saw it. It looked like any other star in the endless void, however, when the pulse touched the shining ball, it flashed violet and answered back with it’s own. He cried out in surprise, jumping away from the sudden pulse that didn’t came from his hand. However, it was the same motherly embrace that the horn had given him, calming his nerves almost instantly.

The pulse of his horn responded, and the star followed, in perfect sic they pulsed together, overlapping and passing though.

He looked at the star, he looked at the carved horn. “So this is the place?” he asked rhetorically, only for the pulse to answer. “Alright then, let’s do this.” He said, excitement shook his words.

He once again made the gesture that had saved his life, and once again magic swirled around his fingers and in between his palms. Shoving forward, the stream of magic lunched onto the star.

Only for a furious crimson red pulse to send him flying several feet away from the star, landing on his back with a thud and followed with a groan. “What the hell?!” he yelled though gritted teeth. Glaring at the star, daring it to attack again.

His horn, still in his hand pulsed again, and the star pulsed violet once more.

The young man blinked, his anger flushed away by curiosity, and blinked. He blinked at the star, he blinked at his horn, and then back to the star, before looking downward to the him that laid on the other side of the floor, and blinked. “You are an idiot.” he scolded with disappointment scratching at the edge of his voice.

He got up, and walked back to the star, and touched it with the end of the horn.

Instantly, the violet star exploded! Blinding him for a few seconds before finally adjusting to the light. A new hole of realities, though this one was, again, sparkling with violet star dust instead the previous white. Though the hole was a simple forest, dead leaves mixing with the living grass, while larger oak-like trees stood tall in the sea of living and dead plants.

The man in blue robes gave a grin which spoke of a frenzy for a want to see whatever waited him though this unknown this hole, for adventure. Horn in hand, he leaped though disk between worlds with the loud declaration “Here I come, MAGIC!”

Chapter 1

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Sunlight passed though Twilight’s eye lids and into her pupils. She groaned grumpily, saddened to be torn away from her dreams, and angered at the sun for its crime. Turning away from the bright assault of her peace, Twilight smiles as she renews her journey into the beautiful paradise of slumber.

She waits in the darkness, and waits, and waits; but sleep never returned. With another groan, Twilight reluctantly lifts her eye lids when she acknowledges that her body has become sore for the lack of movement. But movement meant energy, energy meant wakefulness, and wakefulness meant no more wonderful sleep. But in the end her body won out the argument, so Twilight removed her warm blanket and moved her four hooves onto the hard cold floor that is her room.

instantly the soreness dissipated, and her body gave a cry of joy. Nevertheless, Twilight made her tiredness clear with a thunderous yawn. With her declaration of revenge voiced, the alicorn lugged her legs to her bathroom just pass the far left door.

Glancing into her reflection on the wall-hung mirror, she saw the bird’s nest that was once her hair, the rest of her mane transformed from smooth and flowing to not unlike that of a tree full of vines, thorns and all. It most certainly didn’t help to see two sickly dark spots haloing underneath her eyes.

Igniting her horn violet with her magic, she lifted her brush from the counter and directed it to her mane. The thick yet grass-like teeth scraped across the nest and resettled each stray back to its proper place. Once it is to her satisfaction, she then moved downwards to repeat the procedure on the vines climbing on her neck. Afterwords she places her brush back to the counter, only to lift another, smaller, brush from a small cup placed convently next to her sink; at the same time, she levitates a small plastic tube to float beside the smaller brush.

Placing the creamy substance onto the brush, she set it to work within her mouth. Time seemed to quicken though the routine, as already she spat out her mouthwash. She glanced back up to the mirror, the wild mare that was half dead was no more, now in the reflective glass was a perfectly good-looking alicorn. Her mane almost completely aligned evenly, along with her trade-mark pink stripe running though it from top to bottom. Her horn, now polished, twinkles from the candle light. Her eyes are no longer darkened, now they shine out with friendliness and greeting the new day, all form of revenge forgotten.

The only thing that wasn’t perfect were her new wings, spreading them just enough, she could see that her feathers weren’t preened as they were supposed to be. Twilight sighed, Rainbow Dash would have a fit if her wings weren’t preened, but they don’t have practice today so what’s the point? Besides, feathers taste terrible.

She continued to debate this with herself, when she heard a familiar cry coming from just out of her door. It was hard to make out, but there was very little doubt who was calling her. Opening the door into her bedroom and again into the vast chasm that was her hall way. She trotted though the maze like structure that became her home and now memorized by heart.

The purple alicorn stopped at one specific door and though it was a long room with a table just as long, unlit candles, Place-mats holding silver plates, and napkins decorate the table while surrounded by a total of forty-two chairs. A gleaming chandelier of gold, shown with crystals hanging from it’s branches, is suspended above the long table. It was all very beautiful and very formal.

Which is why Twilight ignored most of the room and swiftly entered though the door just next to the entrance. Within was a much smaller room with a humble round table with only four common chairs. Behind one of the chairs was a small purple drake and her Number One Assistant: Spike, with a pair of plates with a stack of syrup covered pancakes are laid on the table.

The dragon looks up as she enters, and shows disapproval on his young face. “Finally,” he stated grumpily, “I was about to breathe on our breakfast just to keep it hot.”

Twilight smiled sheepishly as she climbs onto a chair, “Sorry Spike, I stayed up last night studying.” She lifts a butter-knife and starts to carve into the pancake.

Spike responded with a partly sigh and partly groan, “Really, again?” he too starts to cut into his own pile. “I thought we agreed you would go to sleep earlier.” He expressed himself by pointing his fork at Twilight, before taking it to his pancake.

Twilight’s reply was a small sheepish grin with pleading eyes above it, “Sorry Spike. But I’ve found this research to be far too interesting, I forgot.” She takes a bite.

Spike raised a brow, though not of interest, “And what could be so interesting that you forget to get some sleep?” he grumbled. His judging stare continued throughout his chewing.

At this, Twilight’s shameful pleading dissipated, and transformed into glee, stars twinkling in her pupils. “A water spell!” she squealed.

Spike stop chewing, a second brow followed the first, and gave a blink three times. He swallowed, “a water spell?” he queered. “As in a spell made specifically for water, and not just manipulating it?” Twilight’s nod was inspired by Pinkie’s energy. “Details.” He demanded.

“As you know, the Spark Spell requires the user’s magic to stir up the atoms around his/her horn. By simply encasing the horn with the user’s magic, with a hole at the tip. The added energy would send the atoms at an frenzy, that energy will find an escape rout though the hole and ‘explode’ outward. This ‘explosion’ will come out as a spark similar to that of flint streaking steel. And by—”

“And by feeding the flame at that spark with raw magic, the fire would stay a-lit, and thus producing a fire spell.” Spike Interrupted, tapping his claws on the table impatiently. “Come on Twilight, every unicorn worth their salt knows that. Starting a fire isn’t that hard. In fact it is because it is so easy to start a fire that water is so difficult as water requires less energy and magic can only add energy.”

“Very true, but Star Swirl the Bearded disagrees.” Twilight says confidently.

Spike once again blinks thrice. “Star Swirl?,” he said, disbelief and curiosity in his voice. “I think we would have known if he made a water spell with his other two-hundred spells he created.”

“That is because he hasn’t.” Twilight confirmed, “It was one of his lesser known last theories before his disappearance.”

“Oh,” the little drake with understanding and a peek of interest both. “So, how is this spell supposed to work anyways?”

“Well, it’s just like you said: magical energy creates energy and that energy is used in specific forms to create spells. However, Star Swirl theorized that with great self control, a unicorn would be able to slow the atoms in the air with their magic, and turn it into a liquid!” She ends her lecture with a gleeful giggle, clapping her hooves together like that of a filly on Hearts Warming.

Spike was silent for a while, a claw pressed under his chin, a thoughtful ‘humm’ moved though his lips, while he closed his eyes to more easily view his admittedly young mind. Then he shrugged his shoulders, “Well, it goes against everything about magic that I know of, but if anypony is able to make it possible it’d be you and Star Swirl.” He said confidently.

“Aww, thank you Spike.” Twilight said gratefully. She was about to take a newly cut piece of the pancake, when a familiar sensation of dread struck her. Something was wrong, very wrong. She searched the walls from the left to the right until she found the twitching hands of the local clock. The long arm settled on six, while the short arm pointed to nine.

“Spike?” Twilight returned to the small dragon, whom was still eating his share, “What was on today’s schedule again?”

Spike held up a single claw in the air, and swiftly finished his food with a gulping swallow. “Hang on a second,” he replied as he jumped off the chair and ran off into the great hall way.

Twilight simply waited, watching the clock tick time away.


Tick, Tick.

Tick, Tick, Tick.

Thankfully the long arm only reached between seven and six when Spike returned, a scroll in his grasp. “Okay lets see,” opening the scroll he scanned though the list, “Wake up at Seven-thirdy,” he gave the alicorn a minor stink eye, his victim could only reply with another sheepish grin, “Nope. Next, make breakfast at eight-thirdy, check. Eat said breakfast at nine o’clock, check. Re-shelf the library on ten-”

Twilight breaks Spike’s listing with a startled gasp. “Oh-my-gosh!” she yelled in quick succession, “It’s Re-shelf Day!” With a swift lighting of her horn, she lifts her Number One Assistant into the air; while at the same time leaping from her seat and made a run to the door and out of the small room.

“Twilight!” Spike gasped, “What about breakfast!?”

“Re-shelf Day!” she remotely answered. Wings flapping in her excitement, she took to the air and flew away, an alarmed baby dragon floating behind her.

The written language, a powerful and beautiful thing in truth. One would probably think that ink on a simple sheet of paper wouldn’t be that important, as it is so common it can be taken for granted. It is important, however, for without it it is doubtful that civilization would exist at all.

With pen dipped in ink, and a dry paper on a desktop, anything would be possible. Ponies could record everything they’ve witnessed on their day, and it could be seen again by little school fillies years in the future. Ponies could ‘say’ what they wish to say without letting out a word, then ‘speak’ what they said miles away, and the receiving pony would listen then reply the same manner. Ponies with the written word, with a fair bit of imagination, could become ‘gods’, for they can create worlds full of life and wonder.

If paper was wonderful, then books were majestic. All that writing, all that knowledge, imagination, and wisdom; expanded to fit a life time, yet small enough to read in a day or two. With the right book, a pony could master any occupation with only a month, become wiser in a day, inspired to do great things in their lives and return that inspiration to others.

Her friends make fun with her on Twilight’s love for books. Though, as she shelfed the last book into it’s proper slot, she smiled softly, books, as wonderful as they were, are worthless if not shared; and she loved sharing her library with them. Rarity and Applejack would come to read how to improve their businesses, Fluttershy would visit to review her knowledge on a certain animal, Rainbow was always a good reading partner as long it was fiction, and Pinkie Pie would enter looking for cake recipes, and when she leaves, Twilight almost always gains a new cooking book that she was sure she didn’t have before, though it was always better not to question it.

“Okay Spike,” Twilight said happily, “that should do it.”

“Good.” He sighed tiredly, he maybe a wonderful assistant, and a dragon to boot, but he was still a child and he tires easily. The alicorn smiled gratefully and found her chest full of pride as she watches the young one walk back to the main center of the library where the reading tables are. Once he was there he picked up the check list from the crystal surface.

Unrolling the scroll, Spike skimmed though the parchment, muttering ‘check’ all the way, until he stopped. “We’re suppose to meet up with the girls at Sugercube Corner for lunch today.” The universe must have been waiting for some catchword; because almost instantly, his dragon stomach gave out a monstrous growl. Spike replied with an apologetic grin and added, “Maybe around now?”

Twilight already had a hoof over her mouth, trying to hold back an attack of giggles at Spike’s expense, though not trying hard. Despite that, however, her own stomach called out in agreement with it’s dragon relative. Ending the attack and instead came flushed cheeks and renewed symphony for her assistant. “I think that would be best.” She said quickly, though she was unsure if the dragon did or didn’t hear her own embarrassment.

Ponyville wasn’t the most extravagant town in the country, nor was it the largest, or even the safest; but what it did had was pure beauty. Not the impressive beauty that was Canterlot, that was something else entirely. No, it was the warm air breezing along a pony’s fur coat, it was the trees and fields of grass surrounding humble buildings and their clean streets without conflict. It was the ponies talking of their day to one another, whom are happy with friends and family, who are willing to wave to a stranger as if they were friends forever, the kinds of ponies who seem to know that no matter what hardship happens, everything is going to end up fine.

All of this and more ran though Twilight’s heart as she walked down the street to Sugercube Corner, Spike on her back. Taking a deep breath, she could smell delectable flowers on Rose’s flower stand, the fresh apples stacked in Big Mac’s delivery cart, and a tint of oil from the local train station. She can hear the sounds of doors opening for friends, the fast trotting of little hooves running though the streets, and the songs choired by the birds over head. Twilight has been around Equestia several times as both as the apprentice of Celestia and as the newly crowned Princess of Equestia, and she can never find anywhere as wonderful as her home.

At the end of the block came Sugercube Corner, top pastry shop in all of Ponyville, of not the entire country. It’s brown cookie walls and frosting-like decorations makes the building look as good as its products, along with the doors that rarely ever close during primary daylight hours the place gave a sense of welcome that reflected the overall mood of the town. All of this made it the only residence for the pink party planer.

Walking though the open door, her vision was immediately flooded by a tide of fluffy pink, her nose was invaded by the rushing scent of cupcakes, and her ears were very suddenly bombarded with, “TWILIGHT, YOU’RE HERE!” While Twilight and Spike were trying to possess the past second, the pink vanished, and behind the counter popped Pinkie Pie. “May I take your order?” she asks casually, as if she didn’t deify the laws of space and time.

Being around Pinkie for years doesn’t make one immune to the comprehensions of her impossibilities, but it does help one recover faster than one exposed to it the first time. ‘It’s just Pinkie Pie’ goes a long way to help clear up a pony’s head from shock. The popular Ponyville phase automatically played in her head as Twilight stepped to the counter, “I’ll have a salad and a sundae on the side with any kind of toping you think best.” she said.

“Really?!” Pinkie asked with glee.

Twilight was happy to see such a friendly face almost every day, it really made life better to see it smile widen even at the littlest of things, “Yes Pinkie, I’m at full confidence at your capabilities,” she said honestly, “I’ll even pay for any inconveniences.”

“Oh Twilight,” Pinkie giggled, waving her off, “The Cakes have already took it out of my pay check, so it’s on the house!”

“What?” Twilight was less shocked and more concerned. Pinkie always was willing to pay more than necessary for her parties just to make sure that ponies and very rarely asked for payment, which is why she doesn’t even have her home and have to rent a room at in the building she works in just to makes sure she can have another party. Giving up money for something as small as a get together is asking too much.

“Pinkie, that is too much trouble for you, I have more than enough bits to pay-off a simple salad and some ice-cream.” Twilight protested.

“No can do Twilight,” the party pony persisted, uncharacteristically stern. “I already had this argument with Mr. and Ms. Cake and I’m not backing out now. This is the anniversary of us becoming the Elements of Harmony and I’m going to make it my duty that my closest friends are going to have a good time, and that is a Pinkie Promise.” She tapped the table to further her point.

Twilight sighed, when the party pony makes a Pinkie Promise there is no stopping her, all one can do is let her be Pinkie Pie and hope for the best. “Alright, but don’t make it a burden to yourself.”

“I’ll be fine, you worry about enjoying yourself.” Pinkie said confidently. “The others are at that table over there,” pointing her hoof behind the alicorn and dragon, three tables away from the door sure enough three other ponies with unmistakable blue, white, and yellow coats, “Applejack hasn’t arrived yet, but I know she’ll be here sooner or later.”

“Thank you, Pinkie.” Twilight said. She was on her way to the table, when her back suddenly became much lighter. Looking back, she found Spike at the counter, and flushed in embarrassment. It was too easy to forget the little dragon sometimes, especially around her friends. She noted to work better on it in the future.

“Can I have some Sapphire cupcakes, please?” ‘Aw, Dragons and their gems’ Twilight thought.

“No problamo! We just got a shipment of the stuff a few days ago!” the pink pony giggled cheerfully.

With that settled, Twilight resumed her stride toward her friends. Rarity was the first to noticed her and gestured her to sit next to the white unicorn. “Good afternoon Twilight, I trust that you have enjoyed your self re-shelfing your entire library, hmm?” She gave Twilight a knowing smile.

“I don’t think I showed anypony my schedule?” Twilight quired. She wasn’t really that surprised, Rarity always was a studious mare like she is, though instead of books it was ponies that she study thoroughly. She had to be with her businesses with the nobles who are always trying to swindle a cheaper price from ponies.

“No, darling, you didn’t.” Rarity clarified, “You do, however, let your legs give a lovely little bounce as you walk whenever some event involving books comes your way.”

“It could be that I just got a new book.” Twilight countered.

“Really Twilight, if that were the case you would already be out of your home. We all know how quickly you can read a new book, two hours at lest. You were in there well over four of them.”

Their playful debate was ended by Rainbow’s chuckle. “Dang Rarity, you can be pretty scary sometimes, you know that?”

“Naturally,” Rarity followed slyly, “it keeps the costumers in line.”

A burst of giggles spread though the four, they almost didn’t noticed Pinkie appearing behind Twilight and Rarity. “What’s so funny?” she asked rapidly, “Did I miss the joke again?” she asked just as swiftly and before anypony could answer she declared a passive “Darnit.” Before disappearing beneath the table where the four knew they wouldn’t find her where she was supposed to be.

For a moment Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow, and Fluttershy said nothing, staring at empty air where Pinkie once was. It didn’t take long though for a softer chuckle to encourage shaking heads, Pinkie was Pinkie.

The friends talked for a while, things weren’t all that unusual, Fluttershy’s animals were as healthy as ever, Rainbow’s Wonderbolt training as progressing well, “not that surprising” she bragged, and Rarity’s business was booming in Canterlot. Meanwhile, Spike pulled up a nearby table to touch the one they were sitting at and placed three extra chairs, one for each side. When Pinkie brought up the meals she took up a seat and joined into the conversation already filled with happy smiles and good times.

Pinkie was in her third joke, when the shop bell jiggled. Twilight and the rest looked over to see the familiar orange coat of Applejack, the Applefamily’s pride and joy. She was breathing deeply, sweat damping her fur from her neck to her chest. Twilight looked at her farmer friend with a hint of worry, but the prideful smile on her tired face dispersed any doubt.

“Dude!” Rainbow gaped, “You look like you’ve just ran though Ghastly Gorge!”

With a chuckle Applejack walked over to her spot just beside Twilight, “I might as well have, Rainbow.” She climbed onto the chair, and as soon as her rump was above the seat, her legs collapse and makes a crash landing on the chair. “Whew!” the orange pony breathed, “I’ll tell ya’ll what, tryin’ ta fix the pig pen while tryin’ ta keep all them critters in it was one hay of a doozy.”

“Is that what kept you?” Rarity asked.

“Eyup.” Was Applejack’s simple reply. She gazed over to find Pinkie’s strained smile and pleading eyes, the pink pony was fighting to the best of her ability not to jump to Applejack’s face. The farmer closed her own eyes and hummed thoughtfully, “I think I’ll have my self some apple-cake.”

With a great cheer, Pinkie once again disappeared into the kitchen, in which direction nopony knew as they all blinked.

Yet another round of chuckling, after which the friends continued their conversations. Eventually, Twilight was drawn out of the trading of words and simply watched her friends communicate without her. Her friends; there was a time where she couldn’t even fathom being around other ponies, never mind friends. All she cared about were her family, Celestia, and books; anything else was irreverent. Now, just thinking about being without her friends could drive her nuts. She owes then everything for showing her a better life than just knowledge.

“Is everything alright Twilight?” Fluttershy’s sudden comment gently tore though the alicorn’s life examination.

Seeing all of her friends looking at her, Applejack and Rarity with slight smiles, while Rainbow and Fluttershy gave concerned frowns, Spike was still in his comic, Pinkie grinned. It was only now that Twilight noticed that the chatter ended, only an embarrassing silence remained. Grinning sheepishly Twilight replied, “Sorry Fluttershy, I was just thinking when we all met.”

“Oh that’s good.” Fluttershy muttered. “I’m glad of that to-”

A loud squawk ended her sentience with it’s great suddenness. Startled, five ponies and dragon jerked their heads toward Pinkie, who was jerking in her seat incredibly rabidly. In a likely attempt not to spill her food, she lunched herself four feet in the air, did an professional somersault backwards, and landed gracefully back into the hall. Only to continue vibrating until she as a blur of pink.

Greatly worried for both her party friend and the strange implications of Pinkies wondrous ability to tell the immediate future, Twilight swallowed softly. “What’s going on Pinkie?” She asked nervously.

“I-I-I d-don’t kn-now!” Pinkie stuttered thorough the vortex, “I thhi-ink it’s-s a-a ne-w doz-zy!”

Twilight was about to tell the others to try and help her, before the rapid blur reformed into the pink pony. She and the others stared at Pinkie in silence. The only other time Pinkie went this wild with her Pinkie-Sense was when she tried to scientifically explain it, witch lead to her, Pinkie, Applejack, and Fluttershy to run from a Hydra deep in the Everfree. The mere memory still frightens her. What is gonna happen now?

“So, what’s up?” Rainbow asked nervously, finally breaking the silence.

“Don’t know.” Pinkie answered casually while giving an quizzed look as she tapped her chin, “Though I stopped, so that either means that I will comically jump back to it, or it will start happening around now.”

Twilight winced as a jolt of pain arced through her. It was like a small cloud of static electricity focusing down on her horn and into her head. With a small cry, Twilight grabbed forehead with her hooves and pushed against the pain. The electric pain left just a quickly as it came, however, it left her feeling nearly numb from the base of her horn to the tip, although she did notice some kind of force ‘hugging’ the tip of the horn.

It was only then that Twilight heard her friends crying out her name. Looking up she could see their eyes shine with compassionate concern. “I’m fine girls.” she said in an attempt to dis-sway too much worry to herself. Then she saw Rarity also had a hoof to the base of her horn, she also felt a little alarmed as her friends, “You felt it too?” she asked.

The white unicorn nodded, “Though clearly not as much as you did.” she added.

“Whoa, wait a moment ‘here,” Applejack said with a corked eyebrow, “What in the name of Celestia just happened?”

“I wished I knew AJ.” Twilight replied honestly. Whatever it was, it is clearly intertwined with Pinkie’s omen. Question is: what?

As she pondered this puzzle, she gazed to her left as many great scholars do when trying to find an logical answer. When she did so she tilted her head slightly toward the window, and the numbness hardened. It was not much, barely noticeable at the tip of her horn, but she could feel it. Twilight turned to her right and the feeling dissipated, the numbness weakened also. With inquisitive curiosity, she returned to the window to find the hardened numbness once more at her horn’s edge.

Whatever this was, it was clearly a magical force, and it was fading.

Twilight adopted a determined look as she turned to the other nearby ponies. “Lets go girls,” she directed as she stood from her seat and flew for the door. The very moment she left the bakery she knew her assumption was correct as the numbness only grew harder with every flap of her wings.

“Wait!” Came Rainbow’s voice, making Twilight stop in the air and turned to the Wonderbolt with a dazed Spike on her back. Behind them, were the rest of her friends whom are just exiting the building. “Where are we going?” Rainbow asked.

“I don’t know. But I do know that whatever Pinkie’s dozy is, it’s that way.” She pointed with her horn where the numbness is hardest, noting that was north-west, “And I need to find it before it’s gone.”

“Not without us you ain’t.” Applejack called from below. A chorus “yeah!” followed around her.

Twilight smiled as pride fill throughout her heart, her friends would be with her through thick and thin until the bitter end. Knowing that always made her feel that she could take on any challenge, against any foe, and everything will turnout fine in the end. “Alright,” she said; with the power that radiates from the six bodies behind her, she confidently gazes into the direction of the odd magic. “Let’s go find that magic!” she calls out as she and her friends head for White Tail Woods.

Chapter 2

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Landing upon the ground, Twilight surveyed the line of trees as she, Rainbow, and Spike waited for the rest of their friends to reach them.Twilight didn’t even feel all that tired despite the lack of experience with her wings. She doubted that they would have to wait long for the others. White-tail Woods was not far from Ponyville—only half a mile or so. Oakwood trees and various bushes blanketed most of the landscape before her save for the traveled dirt path that cut through the forest. The paved road of pebble and soil flowed past the great collection of trees like a river. The only signs of life being cart ruts and holes carved out by pony hooves with the odd patch of grass trying to reclaim the land for the forest.

“Well, at least it is not the Everfree this time,” at the voice rising behind her Twilight turned looking behind her to see a slightly winded Rarity walk to her side with Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie in tow. “Celestia knows how many times we have entered that dreadful place,” the unicorn complained, shivering over the memories of the dark woods. Twilight couldn’t help but agree with the prim mare, Twilight may have not traveled to White-tail Woods very often but she could tell the vast difference the two.

Unlike the wildwood of Everfree, sunlight flew through the branches, creating pillars of light throughout the forest. The breeze drifted lazily through the colored leaves, creating a song of welcome—a calm and kind contrast to the Everfree’s dead silence. Twilight could even see several chattering squirrels racing one another though the branches as easily as the wind. While the Everfree promises fear and strife, the White-tail Woods promised a relaxing stroll through the painted forest.

“So, what’s the plan?” Rainbow asked eagerly, dropping into the middle of the group.

“Give me a moment.” Twilight answered, she closed her eyes, cutting herself off from all distractions and focused her senses on the strange numbness. It was most certainly here, the magic felt stronger. All that remained was to follow it to its source and… It was gone.

Alarmed, Twilight frantically looked around trying to find the source again, but she could no longer feel numbing tug on her horn. “No, no, no…” Twilight muttered in a frenzy as she searched the curtain of trees. It couldn’t be gone, not when she was so close!

She felt a hoof on her shoulder, “Settle down there, Sugar-cube.” Applejack cautioned, “Just breathe in, and tell us what’s wrong.”

Twilight following her friend’s advice, breathed in like Cadance had taught her and brought her hoof to her heart. As she felt it battering away at her chest, trying to escape, did she then realize her unwanted panic. She needed a clear head in this situation, panicking would only leave her unfocused. Exhaling, she brought her shaking hoof outward, feeling the anxiety leaving her. She repeated the action twice more until she no longer felt the dismay and could think clearly again.

“Thank you, Applejack.” Twilight said, giving a grateful smile to Applejack, who nodded in return. She looked at her awaiting friends. “Okay,” she began, “I lost track of the magic, I can’t feel it anymore.”

“So, now what’s the plan Twi?” Rainbow asked again, concerned.

Twilight thought for a moment. They obviously couldn’t go together, without the magic they likely wouldn’t be able to find the source for weeks. So they would need to split up, but that would leave them more vulnerable to whatever it was in the forest. They would also have to be close enough to contact one another quickly, but how to divide the group?

“Rarity, you know a flare spell right?” Twilight asked.

“Well of course darling.” Rarity replied confidently, giving an air of mock arrogance. “Magic may not me my forte, but I am quite certain I could cast such a simple spell.”

Nodding, Twilight looked back to her rest of her friends, “Alright so here’s the plan. Rainbow, and Pinkie will go with Rarity. Meanwhile, Fluttershy and Applejack will follow me. We’ll split up and search the forest to find the source. Rar-”

“Oh, Oh, Oh!,” Pinkie chimed in with a hoof in the air, as if a foal in kindergarten.

“Yes, Pinkie?” Twilight answered cautiously, preparing herself for whatever was to come.

“How about we give it a name, like ‘The Source of the Mystery,” Pinkie said in a deep voice and playful, ominous tone; waving her hooves like the claws of the least intimidating predator to ever wander Equestria.

“Now’s not really the time Pinkie.” Twilight smiled despite herself, this was Pinkie Pie and she wouldn’t stop simply due to a ‘no’. That was part of her charm.

“Okay, I’ll think of something better, like…”

“Um, excuse me?” Came Fluttershy’s quiet voice, surprisingly able to silence the Living Pink Radio. The unexpected silence seemed to surprise her, giving Fluttershy pause before she spoke again. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but, are you’re sure we have split up?”

“Yes,” Twilight replied confidently, “Since I can’t feel the magic anymore we’ll have to search the forest.” Twilight then placed her hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder to help reassure her. “But I know what you mean, that is why I assigned our groups as they are.”

“Ah, now I see.” Rarity nodded with new understanding, “You and I shall launch a flare should we find anything unusual or if we meet anything untoward, yes?”

“Exactly,” Twilight confirmed, “Meanwhile, Rainbow and Fluttershy will fly above the trees and trade places every thirty minutes or so, that way we can keep eachother updated.”

“Can do.” Rainbow enthusiastically exclaimed.

“Okay,” murmured Fluttershy quietly, looking a little more sure of herself.

Looking at Spike, Twilight gave the little dragon a sympathetic smile, “Spike.”

He saluted his baby claw to his forehead, attempting to give a face worthy of the Royal Guard, “At your service.”

Twilight giggled at the little dragon’s antics, he always seemed cuter when he was trying to be serious, “I need you to get back to the castle and send a scroll to the Princess.”

“Alright, Twi.” Spike nodded, turning to the group, “All of you be careful. I’ll see you back at the castle.”

Twilight nodded,watching the little dragon running off back to Ponyville. She then turned back to her friends, “So we’re all good with the plan?”

A chorus of assent from the group greeted her.

“Alright then, good luck everypony” Twilight wished as she and her group trekked off to the forest’s right, while Rarity’s group traveled to the left.

Twilight heard air being forced down by beating wings and rustled leaves from above. Looking up she could see Rainbow Dash coming though the green. “Hey there Twi.” she greeted.

“Hey Rainbow.” Twilight returned, “How are things with Rarity?”

“Eh,” Rainbow shrugged, “you know her, always fussing over her mane. But so far, nothing.”

“That’s good.” Twilight accepted this information with comfort, though they hadn’t found anything yet, she had long since learned that sometimes no news is good news.

“Well, we better get back to it then.” Applejack said as she marched on ahead.

Twilight nodded in agreement, gesturing Rainbow to follow, the three ponies continued their search through the woods. The grass and leaves crackled beneath their hooves with every step. She swept her vision as much as she could, blinking only when she felt them beginning to smart.

The search began to take on a familiar pattern. They would travel the trail for a time, searching high in the trees and low in the grass. Every so often, Rainbow and Fluttershy would trade places, always returning with the same news: nothing.

Still they ventured past countless trees and innumerable wild plants. As they walked Twilight gazed hopefully above, looking to spot Rarity’s flare flying in the air. She saw birds of a variety of colors fly through the branches above, singing and dancing. Celestia’s sun poured its light through the gaps between the leaves, creating natural curtains that, when paired with the wildwoods, created a beauty that Rarity could only wish to replicate. Though, it wouldn’t stop her from trying.

Twilight couldn’t help but smile as she imagined Rarity staring down the plant made alicorn that was Mother Nature, declaring ‘It is on!’ with her usual conviction. The unicorn would never take ‘no’ for an answer when it involved with her art.

Twilight shook herself, this wasn’t a good time to get distracted. She still could not find a trace of the sensation, and her group hadn’t found anything noteworthy. No magic that she could sense, no ancient artifacts, not even a new villain trying to takeover or destroy Equestria. Frustration began bubbling to the surface, anything would be better than nothing!

Once more, she breathed in as per Cadence’s lesson. When she exhaled, she opened her eyes to a sight that she doubted she would forget for a long time. Ahead of the group was a large cliff face that reached just above the treetops, and from above came a stream of falling water. The droplets shined like soft orange jewels, reflecting the light of the setting sun.

Below; the falling, liquid gems plummeted into a pool of equal beauty, its surface mirrored the outside world perfectly and gleamed under the orange sunlight. The falling jewels slammed into the pond continuously, creating a sound not too different from thunder, yet it was more like a calm, quiet purr rather than the roar of a storm.

“Wow.” was all Twilight could say about the astounding beauty on display. Now Mother Nature was smirking at the fashionista, smugly challenging her to do better.

“It’s beautiful.” offered Fluttershy, with wide eyes.

“It sure is.” Applejack nodded in agreement, doffing her hat, “But ah doubt that this is what we’re looking for.”

Twilight sighed, “No, it isn’t. And I still can’t get a read on the source.”

“And it’s gettin’ dark out.” Applejack added, gazing up at the fading rays of sunshine “I’m mighty sorry Twi, but we need to be gettin’ back.”

Twilight sighed again. Applejack was right, they couldn’t search an entire forest during the night, they wouldn’t be able to see anything in the dark, risked injury or getting lost. Not to mention all of them had important duties. Maybe she could work out a plan where they could search again during some free time. But, for now, it would be best to call it a day.

“Alright AJ.” She said, before turning to Fluttershy. “Fluttershy I need you to find Rarity and-”


The sudden shout gave them pause. It didn’t sound too far out and it had been a distinctly pony-like call.

“Hey, I’m a little lost. Mind helping a poor guy out?”

“Fluttershy,” Twilight whispered, “Go get the others.”

The meek pegasus nodded and took to the air as fast as her wings could take her.

Relieved that her friends would soon be able to support her, she turned back to the woods. “Hello there,” Twilight called back, “I’m Twilight Sparkle.”

“Twilight Sparkle?” puzzled the voice, who chuckled, “Who names their kids Twi-”

The bushes rustled harshly as they revealed the speaker. The first thing Twilight learned was that he was not, in fact, a pony. Instead he stood on two legs, with soft claw-like appendages at the end of his arms. He was dressed in a light blue coat, perhaps a robe Twilight couldn’t be sure. The coat was well worn and even had gashes in the fabric, telling of an arduous ordeal that the owner had gone through. And his side sported a bag, hanging from a strap across his shoulder.

The only natural fur Twilight could see, however, was a black mane that sat atop his head. The rest of his face was pure skin, and Twilight believed that the rest of his body was similar. His brows were raised high, while his jaw had dropped low. His eyes were a simple, brown color that shined with amazement and curiosity. Twilight recognized it as the same face she was showing at this moment.

For a brief moment, the woods were still and all was silent. Only the rustling of the leaves and the crash of the waterfall were to be heard.

This silence then ended abruptly with the stranger’s laughter, that grew to a point where Twilight questioned his grasp of reality.

“A unicorn!” he shouted into the sky, fueled with child-like excitement that rivaled the exuberance of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Before Twilight could react, the two legged creature bounded well within her personal space.

“To think I’d live to see a Unicorn, and a talking one at that!” he exclaimed, grabbing Twilight’s head and forcefully pulling her downward. She then felt his hand tugging on her mane.

“Does your mane normally grow like that? It’s an odd pattern.” He turned her head slightly, touching her neck to her shoulder, oblivious to Twilight’s growing discomfort “And purple? That normal for you?”

His attention shifted from her coat to further along her side, “A star? That can’t be natural, wait-” He yanked her head back to face him, “You get tattoos? No wait, that’s stupid, it’s dyes and highlights isn’t it?”

Twilight tried to draw back from him but he maintained a tight grip, his eyes fixing to her forehead. “Oh, I wonder can you actually cast a spell?” His arm stretched up toward her horn. “Interesting...”

Twilight felt his fingers graze her horn, her coiled mountain of discomfort sprang into a panic. “Get off, Get off, GET OFF!” with that final cry, she teleported herself out of his grip, and then poured kinetic force into her horn and launched it at him.

He only had time to give a quick gasp of surprise before he flew across the pond. He crashed through the waterfall with a splash before he fell into the water. Once Twilight’s adrenalen gave out, she looked back at the water

Twilight and Applejack stared across the pond, Twilight worried that she had added too much power to the attack. Had she injured him? The mere idea froze her heart. She hadn’t meant to hurt him, just get him away from her.

The two-legged creature staggered out of the pond on one knee, breathing heavily. Twilight immediately felt relief, she didn’t seem to have harmed him. He sucked in a deep breath and then he reached into the air with one of his hands. From it bloomed a navy blue dome of pure magic. “Alright, alright.” He said, gesturing slowly, “I’m sorry for touching you.” Though Twilight didn’t listen much to his apology, instead focusing on his shield.

However her gaze was not drawn to the shield itself. It was the way he casted the spell that fascinated her. The spell itself was structured the way any unicorn would, however Twilight could not sense a internal well from which he drew and focused like she would from another pony. Instead he seemed to be drawing the energy to maintain his spell from the air.

But that was impossible! It was against the very fundamentals of spellcasting. Every unicorn learned to draw from their own innate magical potential and project it outwards. It was the reason why Celestia and Luna were the only ones who could move the Sun and Moon. And if anypony could pull magic from the air then why didn’t earth ponies and pegasi cast spells?

“Well ya should be sorry!” Applejack yelled, interrupting Twilight’s musings. “What sort of varmint just jumps on ponies and marehandle’s them?”

“I understand that your upset,” the blue robed creature gestured placatingly, trying to calm them. “But understand that what I found would make me the most famous mage of the multiverse!”

“And why, in Celestia's name, does that let ya be such a low-bearin’, dirt-eatin’, son-of-a-donkey!”

“Applejack!” Twilight interjected, appalled by her friend’s language.

Applejack blinked as she caught herself. She turned to Twilight with red cheeks , “Sorry Twilight, got myself all fest up.”

“Oh don’t worry,” The creature chuckled, lowering his hand and allowing the shield to fade. “I’ve been called called far less appealing things in my travels.” He added as he stood back on his legs, but made no move towards the shore.

“That still doesn’t tells us who you are, or why you were touching me.” Twilight inquired.

He raised his hands defensively, “Sorry, I just couldn’t help myself. I mean, do you have any idea just how rare you unicorns are!”

“What?” Twilight was now puzzled, unicorns, rare? What nonsense was he talking about?

“Well yeah!” He laughed excitedly, “Let’s start of with that you’re a unicorn, that is rare in it of itself, that you are capable of speech, three times as rare, though with your cowgirl friend there I’m guessing that is common in this world. And…” before he finished his list, he stopped and stared at Twilight, seemingly dumbfounded. “Are those… wings?”

Now Twilight was perplexed, he was going on about this nonsense about unicorns being rare, and only now does he notice her wings? What was going on inside his head right now? “Umm… yes?” she answers.

“A winged, talking, purple UNICORN!!!” he cheered. He jogged in place like a foal getting a cutie mark, water being kicked into the air in all directions. “I can’t believe it!” He continued, “Nothing like this has ever been documented in anything ever!” Immediately he ended his childish dance and reached into the bag that hung from his shoulder.

From it came a fairly sized brown book with what looked like gold trimmings, amazingly dry. Twilight noticed it bore no title, instead there was a symbol made of five interlocking kite-shapes that created a star, each tip pointed into a colored circle. However she couldn’t memorise it as he opened the book and started turning through its pages.

His page turning ceased, with a quiet ‘aha’ he walked closer to the edge of the water. He stopped about halfway when he revealed the pages to Twilight, “Can I take your card?” he asked excitedly.

Twilight looked at the pages quizzically, but couldn’t see anything. Why would he show her a blank page? Wait… it wasn’t completely blank. In both pages of the opened book had faded circles within them, hard to see but they were there, and they appeared to be runes of some sort. But for what purpose?

“Whoa there Sugar-cube.” Applejack cautioned. “Let's wait for the others to come by before we agree to anything.”

Twilight didn’t hesitate to agree with her friend; they didn’t know who he was, what he wanted, or even what he was. All she knew was that he was a male two-legged being that wore torn blue clothing, possessed unknown magical abilities, and was very excitable. Still, knowledge was built on the foundation of curiosity, and her curiosity was pulling her strongly towards that book. What did he knew that she didn’t? The question alone brought her heart to quake in anticipation.

“Others?” he asked, excitement still evident in his tone.

“Yes,” Twilight answered, “We already sent Fluttershy ahead to let everypony know about you, they should be here pretty soon.”

He hummed to himself as he gazed at her, “You said your name is Twilight Sparkle, right?”

“Oh right, yes.” Twilight, feeling a little embarrassed for forgetting introductions, pointed a hoof to the farmpony at her side. “And this is my friend Applejack.”

“Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Applejack eh?” He chuckled, shaking his head, “Still weird names.”

Applejack raised a brow, “Oh really,” She challenged, “And what would yer name be?”

He smiled, no smirked more like, as though he was more than what he seemed, “You can call me Taylor Chase.”

Chapter 3

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Taylor didn’t have to wait long for the winged unicorn’s other friends to show up. They came in a hurry, the first pony was a sky blue pegasus with a wild rainbow mane, which even compared to the other two ponies was strange. She was quickly followed by a white unicorn, a pink pony, and another pegasus with a soft yellow color. The rainbow pony came with a combative glare, ready to fight, but Twilight calmed her down sooned enough and they were soon making introductions. He got a good giggle at hearing Rainbow’s name.

Rainbow Dash was clearly the sort that had a fire in her heart, action before brains. Taylor had met her type many times before and didn’t expect much of a difference with her. Might be fun to tease though.

The pink pony was the first to introduce herself as Pinkie Pie, very active, with a child’s smile stretched across her face. She glowed happiness and naivety, though she seemed to lack an understanding of personal space as she blabbered something about parties with an energy he hadn't seen before.

The white unicorn came forward and bowed, politely giving her name as Rarity. Cultured, classy, and an accent to boot. She was clearly a noble. Normally Taylor would dismiss such figures when he could afford to. Nobility were always selfish, uptight, and looked down on anyone that they believed to be inferior. But then she apologised for her friend, Pinkie Pie. If she was friends with that hyper-pony, then she must have a profound patience. He figured he would wait and see.

Finally came the yellow pegasus, who was slow, hesitant, and quiet. It hurt him to see Fluttershy being so, well, shy. He was hardly the most intimidating figure out there, and here was this wonderful creature from myth of a thousand cultures almost cowering before him. Though, in the presence of her friends she seemed more at ease.

His thoughts then turned to the two ponies he already met, Applejack and Twilight. Applejack didn’t seem all that complex, and her southern accent with the cowboy hat made it all too easy to guess that she was a farmer. Compared to their unicorn and pegasus friends, Applejack and Pinkie didn’t seem all that impressive, though he wouldn’t complain, because she was friends with a creature that was a myth even to his fellow mages.

Twilight Sparkle, the first winged unicorn in all of the multiverse was just a few feet in front of him. The find of the century, was talking with her friends as if she wasn’t special. If this is how such beings were treated then there can be only one reason, there were more.

The thought sent jitters up his spine, this world was something else, and he prided himself in in knowing a lot of worlds. Everyone knew about gryphons, pegasi, centaurs, and of course unicorns. Though the latter was incredibly rare, very few mages got to see one. Sometimes when one was found, the founder was given a magical gift from the unicorn. This was just all so exciting!

“So what are we gonna do with the guy?” Rainbow asked looking at him. The six ponies were huddling in a circle after their introductions. He just remind out of their way while trying to dry himself.

Twilight looked back to her friends. “Well, I was thinking we could take him back to Ponyville with us,” Ponyville? Taylor wondered, amused, “So we could learn more about each other in a more comfortable environment.”

“That’s a fine idea dear.” Rarity chimed in, “Let’s get to know one another in a more civilized setting.” She turned to him, “Wouldn’t you agree, Taylor was it?”

Yup, Taylor thought, she was definitely a noble. “Definitely, and I would love to go.” he said genuinely enthusiastic. Oh the possibilities!

“Yes!” came Pinkie’s loud cheer, who started bouncing in circles “Then we can have a Welcome to Ponyville party!” Her bouncing rapidly increased in pace as she began to giggle, before suddenly coming to a startled halt, “I need to get ready!” she gasped and then she disappeared in a cloud of dust.

Taylor stared at the bushes where she had run past, “She’s fast” he admitted.

“That’s Pinkie fer ya.” Applejack chuckled, “Can’t resist a chance for a good party.”

“Well what are we waiting for?” Rainbow asked as she climbed to the air on her wings, “I want some of that cake. See you girls there!” She disappeared with a single flap of her wings, Taylor could swear that he saw a rainbow following her tail.

“Okay,” Taylor said, “Ponies are fast.”

“Oh, well, not all of us.” Fluttershy muttered as she and the others started walking, following in the wake of Pinkie and Rainbow.

“Quite right,” Rarity agreed. “Some mares prefer to take things slower and think things through.”

Twilight turned to Taylor, “Come on, missing one of Pinkie’s parties is practically a crime.” She said cheerfully.

“I’m coming,” he assured her as he walked over to Twilight, “I’ve got a lot of questions.”

Just as he passed her, he caught her staring at his bag and her muttered, “Me too.” Taylor wondered what had her interest, was it his journal? Yeah that was probably it, and if that was the case then they would have some interesting conversations. He was looking forward to it.

It was quiet for most of the journey, other than the music of the trees and the crackling leaves. For the most part, Taylor was just examining the ponies, their colors, their eyes, even their butts were weird. Why all the tattoos? He mulled over the question for a while, before deciding that it was best to just ask the locals. Slowing his pace to Twilight’s side he asked, “Why do you all have tattoos?”

Twilight looked puzzled for a moment, before her brows rose in understanding. “Oh, you mean our Cutie Marks.” To illustrate, she moved just ahead to allow him to see her tattoo. “They’re a representation of our talents.”

“Talents?” Taylor asked.

“Well, yeah.” she said, “For instance, mine represents my talent and love for all things magic.”

“Ah,” Taylor sounded happily. So maybe these ponies went through some sort of ritual to get these ‘Cutie Marks’ when they reach adulthood? Cementing themselves into a part of society? Interesting, not many advanced cultures still used such traditions, but there’s more to this. “How do you know your talent then?”

“We get them when we learn we love doing something that we were doing at the moment.” Twilight confirmed.

“Huh?” what did ‘at the moment’ mean? Taylor looked quizzically at the purple pony, “And how does that work?”

Twilight’s cheeks reddened slightly, as her ears folded back. “Well…”

Taylor was stunned, “You don’t know?!?” he cried. How could she not know if she already had a cutie mark? That made no sense.

“Nopony knows.” Twilight shot back, “They just appear when a pony finds their talent.” She gave a tired huff, staring down the open air like she met an old foe, “There are all sort of theories on why it occurs: from that the magical matrix system somehow knows our talents predetermined, to some sort of divine power that gifts them to us, to even some sort of ridiculous claim that a chemical in our brain is released and it somehow stains the fur and skin, even though there is clearly magical residue afterwards!”

“Why don’t you dissect a pony?” he asked.

Twilight halted right then and there, forcing Taylor to turn around and behold to a face of surprise and disgust. “First of all,” Twilight finally says with disgust, “That is unethical to suggest such a thing.”

Taylor shrugged and gave a half-hearted smile. “Sorry?” he said. Sometimes it’s all too easy to let his thoughts exit his mouth.

Twilight gave a quiet sigh, before continuing onward, “Besides, it’s already been tried. But all the magic was long gone, and it’s impossible to repeat the process. Talents are just too random to just put a pony in a laboratory.”

Very interesting, Taylor thought. So all of these ponies had some sort of biological magic system that somehow recognized one’s talents? It all sounded ridiculous to him, but he had nothing to show that she was lying. He’d just have to do a little studying.

“Hey, you wouldn’t happen to have a library where we’re going do you?”

Twilight's ears perked up, and her frown instantly shifted into an excited smile. Taylor could even see her eyes sparkle, “Oh yes!” she cheered, “I just happen to be Ponyville’s main librarian.”

“Really?” Now this was getting good, If she was just a plain librarian then it only helped to confirm just how common her kind really was on this world. And if he could make a friend out of her then that was easy access to knowledge, and everyone knew the saying that ‘knowledge is power’.

“Yup!” she said as she started to prance, “It’s one of the largest in all of Equestria, besides the Royal Archives of course.”

“How many is that?” Taylor challenged.

“Twenty thousand.” Twilight answered proudly.

Taylor gave a whistle, “Not bad.” Not bad at all, considering the name of the town has ‘ville’ in it. Unless it meant something else entirely on this world, the town shouldn't be that large. And considering how proud Twilight is of her books, he should be able to learn quite a lot about this place.

“Hey Suga-cube!” Both Taylor and Twilight looked in front of them to see Applejack quite farther than he remembered. “Ya’ll gonna catch up? We’re almost out of these woods.”

“Coming!” Twilight called back. Twilight then started to run ahead, her wings giving her a slight boost.

Taylor soon jogged after her, his heart beating at a rapid rate, a smile plastered on his face, what wonders were outside this forest?

As Applejack said, the exit of the woods weren’t all that far, soon he had crossed the barrier of the forest into a more open field. He was tempted to put his hood back on to shade his eyes from the sudden additional orange light, but they adjusted quickly allowing him to finally see past the bark.

The ponies first came to view, Twilight in particular looked quite excited. To him she said, “There’s Ponyville.” Taylor followed Twilight’s hoof to see a very quant sight.

Underneath the shadow of the mountain layed a small town, the countryside surrounded thatched houses of remarkable bright colors, with streets made of cobblestone, and a small river that flowed through the town with a couple of bridges to cross. However, there was one building that gave him pause. It took him a moment to process what he was seeing, before turning back to Twilight.

“Is that a Castle?” He asked, stunned as he pointed at the large structure. Out of what seemed to be pure purple crystal, or maybe gems, was a large tree that grew not leaves, but a castle made from the same material. The tree’s branches reached above and held the massive construct, of which had two balconies and a pair of towers, the tallest of the towers also peaked with a crystal star which shined brightly reflecting the setting sun.

“Yes,” Twilight answered fondly, “home sweet home.”

Taylor stared at the winged unicorn, then to the castle, then back to the pony. “Huh?” was the only sound he could think to make, confusion contorted his face. She lived there?

“Do not look so surprised, darling.” Rarity said, apparently had seen his confusion. “Where else would a Princess live?” she asked smugly.

“Princess?!” Taylor gasped, his eyebrows shot out, and his widened eyes drilling to the now blushing Twilight. “You’re royalty?” Well, there went his theory of common winged unicorns.

“It’s complicated.” Twilight assured, “I’ll explain it the best I can at the castle.”

Taylor blinked at this surprise of a creature. Aside for the wings, Twilight didn’t look anything like princess for the ponies. She didn’t had the formal accent, the ‘I’m better than you’ posture. Where Twilight was humble and thoughtful, real princesses were always prideful and spoiled to some degree. “Alright,” he respond, “I knew that this place was going to be interesting.” He and the ponies started down the road to Ponyville.

Taylor gazed upon the crystal castle, it really did seem out of place. The massive structure towered over the town, grasping at the fading rays of light. The sharp, hard crystal surface sat in complete contrast with the surrounding wood and straw. One could easily say that the architectes were both filthy rich and had no sense of cohesion, but Taylor had to admit that the refracted light from the crystal was pretty.

“Welcome to my home.” The princess said as she walked ahead to the first steps, “Come inside.” she invited.

Taylor obliged and set forth into the entrance of the castle. He saw Twilight’s magic pushing against the seemingly golden doors, allowing entrance into the odd castle. There was going to be a party in here right? He wouldn’t mind some tea, then again thinking about the behavior of Pinkie Pie it would be more likely to be more lively. Though, he had doubts as to how much she could prepare in a single night.

His musings ended when he noticed a detail that somehow escaped him when he entered the room, why was it so dark?

A great flash of light bombarded his senses. Taylor, blinded, instinctively shut his eyes and raised his arms. Prepared to cast a lightning spell.


At the very loud and equally shocking cheer, Taylor blinked his eyes to where they were adjusted enough to see past the light. The spectacle left his jaw on the verge of hanging.

Before him was an entire herd of ponies, easily occupying over half of an expansive ballroom. The other half was taken by hanging streamers, tables filled to the brim with sweets of every variety, and balloons that littered the ceiling. Taylor could even spot a pinata.

And on top of it all, a large banner. White, with pink words: “Welcome to Ponyville!”

Taylor was flabbergasted, how could there be such an explosion of color, such a large gathering of ponies, and so many sweets?! He had only met the ‘party pony’ a few hours ago, two and a half at most, how could she have conducted so much in such little time?

“I bet yer wonderin’ about Pinkie, aren’t ya?” Applejack asked smugly behind him.

He turned to the southern pony, “Y-yes.” he stuttered. Before he already had so many questions he wanted to ask; now with this shocking display of swift organisation, all of them plus a few more threatened to overwhelm him.

“Ah wouldn’t worry too much about it.” Applejack comforted, then started walking into the fray of the party, before then pausing to look back to him, calmly shrugging. “Here in Ponyville we have a sayin’, ‘Pinkie Pie is just Pinkie Pie’.” She chuckled. She soon disappeared into the crowd.

Realizing that he was then the only one at the door Taylor closed it before joining in on the lively party. Wading through a sea of colored ponies proved to not be too difficult, but it was impossible to not be noticed. Almost every pony that wasn’t involved in their own business was most certainly examining him. Thankfully the party kept things cheerful and the ponies didn’t seem fearful of him.

He made it to all the way to the punch table with a sudden voice sounded below him, “Hey!”

He looked down to see the pink pony responsible for the lively action around him, hiding under the table curtains. “How are you liking your party?”

Taylor blinked at Pinkie Pie before he answered, “Umm, yeah this isn’t what I was expecting at all,” He spoke honestly. “How did you put this together so quickly?”

“Oh that’s easy!” Pinkie cheered, then disappeared underneath the curtain.

Taylor raised a brow as he waited for Pinkie to return from under the table. When suddenly an explosion of what sounded like a hundred noisemakers blasted behind him!
WIth his heart jumping to his throat, he casted his shield and turned to the threat. The barrel of a cannon!

“What is that!” he shouted.

A series of giggles could be heard behind of the weapon, and Pinkie was its source. “This is my Party Cannon, silly.” she laughed.

“You just don’t point cannons at people!” Taylor cried, frankly quite disturbed by this pony’s disregard for common sense.

“Oh don’t worry about it, silly.” the crazed pony waved her hoof, “My party cannon is perfectly safe, watch!” she turned the large weapon away from him and pointed it into the crowd, who took neither notice nor concern of her intended target.

Before Taylor could do anything, Pinkie fired her cannon again. The same explosion of noisemakers was sounded throughout the concealed space. Though instead of smoke and fire, there was confetti and streamers. The pieces of paper flew throughout the crowd, and many of them cheered, escalating the party even more.

Pinkie’s smile broadened at the sight, before turning to Taylor, “See?”

Taylor looked at the smiling ponies of the party, and felt his terror decrease. Thinking back, if it was real, it would have done real damage to him with that first shot. With his breath slowed he answered, “Alright, sorry.” He then looked at the pony a bit more sternly, “but please don’t frighten me like that again.”

“Oki Doki Loki.” Pinkie nodded.

Taylor sighed, that was quite the scare he had to admit. He remembered being shot at with guns before, but a cannon was another monster entirely, and having one at point blank range? He shivered.

His grim thoughts were pushed aside when he heard laughter above them, looking up, he saw the rainbow maned pegasus laughing with tears streaming down her face. “Oh Sweet Celestia.” She gasped, “That was hilarious.”

Taylor frowned, “I’m so glad you find it funny.” He did nothing to hide his sarcasm.

“Hey, come on.” Rainbow said, she landed between them. “That was hilarious.”

Taylor stared at multi-colored pony, he then chuckled, “Alright, I admit, it was pretty funny.”

“Another day, complete.” Pinkie said with a satisfied smile.

“But seriously,” Taylor returned his curious gaze to the pink pony, “How did you made all of this happen so fast?”

“Didn’t I just show you?” Pinkie puzzled.

“She uses her party cannon to blast some party stuff all over the place.” Rainbow explained.

Taylor remained sceptical, how did that cannon work anyways? But he figured he could ask that particular question in the morning. For now it would be best to remain on the topic at hand. “Okay,” Taylor turned back to Pinkie, “And the ponies?” he asked, before adding, “How did you get them together so quickly?”

“Well duh,” Rainbow interjected, “It’s a Pinkie Party.”

“Yeah!” Pinkie cheered then jumped onto the table, “I do whatever it takes to make my parties the bestest in all of Equestria!”

The crowd exploded with excited and happy cheers followed with the thunderous sound of hooves stomping the floor. They possessed a child-like energy that they cultivated into a chant. “Pinkie, Pinkie, Pinkie!” They bellowed. The sheer ferocity of their chants caused Taylor to be thrown for a loop. Was this pony so good with parties as to start a cult?

When the ponies finally calmed their chanting, Taylor was left speechless for a moment, stunned by the pony’s love for their party thrower. When he tried to had yet more of his million running questions answered, a bright pink hoof landed on his lips.

“No more Questions!” Pinkie declared sternly, though how serious she was open to question. “We party now!” and with that question, Taylor found himself being pushed into the ongoing sea of ponies, who also started to push him toward a direction. He had a small glimpse of wings before being suddenly blindfolded, and some sort of stick was shoved onto his chest which he instinctively held. All of which, happened before he could even think of any sort of reaction.

“Wha-what?” was what his brain had come up with for a reaction, as what felt like hundreds upon hundreds of hooves pushed and pulled him somewhere he had no idea where.
Was this a trap all along? Was he to be devoured by these crazy overzealous ponies?

“Pinata!” came the cry. Suddenly, All the hooves that littered his lower half vanished, and he was finally able to breath and use his arms to remove the blindfold. In front of him he saw the Pinata dangling , and the relatively small bat in his hands. Why did I panic in the first place? He asked himself, embarrassed.

Pinkie again appeared in front of him “Come on! Give it a swing!”

Taylor decided it would be best to review his situation, He was in a new world full of talking colored ponies, pegasi, and unicorns. One was a being never seen before with both wings and horn, and she was a Princess, a nerdy princess who welcomed him to sleep in her castle without knowing anything important about him. And now he was here, playing with a child’s game that he hadn’t played in years.

In the end he shrugged, Why not? Taylor placed the blindfold back on, and gave a hefty swing. He felt the bat stiffen and heard a crack before cheers broke out once more.

The party went on by like a blur after that. He played ‘Pin the horn on the unicorn’, ‘apple bobbing’, and the pony version of Marco Polo as they would call it ‘Clover the Clever’. He drank their clear and fruitful punch, ate the sweetest of cakes, and all while chatting with all sorts of ponies whose names started to blend together as the night wore on.

“You can do magic?” asked a dark pink unicorn, the latest of the inquisitives.

“Well, yes.” Taylor responded from his chair that he sat with crossed legs. “I wouldn’t be here if I couldn’t.” Demonstrating, he waved his hand to reveal a flame that danced in between his fingers. The ponies stared at awe.

“Alright everypony!” Pinkie shouted from the top of the stairs, “this party is down and it’s time to go out!”

His little audience moaned, while Taylor looked around, surprised to find it almost empty. There was still quite a notable presence of pony, but it was no longer the large sea that he had waded through earlier. In their place were streamers, tables with spilled punch and toppled cake, and a floor littered with colored paper.

The ponies around him started to disperse, some just staying long enough to express their gratitude and say goodbye before following the others out of the doors. It wasn’t until the doors shut that he looked at the pride-filled party pony.

“I’m surprised you didn’t let it go on a little longer.” He commented.

“I make ponies happy,” She remarked. “Kind of hard to do that if you wake up all sleepy and grumpy, right?”

He chuckled, he had only met this pony that afternoon and already they were acting like friends. The fact that it was true for all the ponies he’d had a reasonable time talking to wasn’t lost to him. Just how friendly are these ponies?

“Well I see that yet another Pinkie party went off without a hitch.” Twilight’s voice drifted in from behind them. Both he and Pinkie turned to see the princess descending the stairs.

“Hey,” Taylor greeted, “didn’t see you much at the party.”

“Don’t get me wrong, I love Pinkie’s parties,” Twilight defended, “But I like some time to myself.” She then gestured back to him, “But enough about that, I found a room for you to sleep in for the time being.”

“Sweet,” Taylor smiled, the day was most certainly exciting, but what’s even more exciting was the prospect of the future muti-lesson that he would share with the ponies. He wasn’t exactly sure how much he should tell, but he doubted anything he would say would have too many repercussions. Besides, he was too tired to worry about such things as of yet, right now he was best served by getting some sleep.

Chapter 4

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Twilight walked down the hallway with a smile on her face and spring to her step. Today was the day that she and her friends would learn more about their mysterious traveler, and his strange form of magic. She had already set Spike to start making breakfast for eight, for her friends and Taylor. She was now headed toward the library to get a start on some early research on the phenomenon that had drawn her to Taylor.

Thinking about that sensation from yesterday at Sugarcube Corner put a minor damper on her mood. It didn’t happen without reason, and the implications of it scared her. Every living thing had magic, it was steeped in the very soil that they walked upon and thus in the grass and trees. Therefore every animal and sentient creature had adapted to contain and even use magic as extra nutrients.

More recent research had proven that there was so much magical energy throughout the planet that it had become part of the atmosphere as an invisible field. Such a field could be touched and manipulated by a magical user like a Unicorn, but only through intense concentration and intense magical power. Even as an Alicorn, Twilight had a difficult time reaching out the ‘Thaumic Field’, as it was termed by some of the more modern researchers, due to her inexperience.

What happened on that day, she still wasn’t sure of what it was, but it felt like the Thaumic Field had been torn apart like paper. The result being the pressure that pushed against her magically sensitive horn, causing a fair amount of pain and discomfort. Even Rarity, who wasn’t as magically attuned, had felt the effects. All the more proof of the kind of power they were dealing with.

And all the clues pointed to Taylor, and his weird magic, being that power.

He didn’t seem to be dangerous, he acted kind and curious. Not to mention that he was quite playful during the welcome party. If he was evil, he was doing a good job hiding it.

Still, Twilight thought as she opened the door to her library, It never hurts to be prepared, especially with strangers as powerful as Taylor.

Twilight gave a quiet groan as she closed Beyond the Veil. Frustrated, she stacks it on the top of books that have proven to be of false leads. She’s read from non-fictions like: The Secrets of Teleportation, to Stories like: The Wolfen Isles, a fiction about a pony miraculously transported to an alternate world where sentient wolves live. She doesn’t normally look into the fictional for research, but by that point she was growing desperate for some form of an answer. But so far she came up with nothing!

None of them had any relation to what had occurred yesterday. None of them mentioned the Thaumic Field, nor any hints into Taylor’s odd and almost unnatural way of casting his magic.

Huffing like an angry bull, Twilight lays her head on her favourite reading desk. There she eyes Celestia’s scroll, her reply to Spike’s report on yesterday’s enigma. It read that Celestia gives her consent to find the source of the event but to do so with caution.

Twilight had yet to relay her findings of Taylor’s appearance, as he was overall still a mystery. Who was he? What was he? How did he come here, while seemingly tearing open possibly the very fabric of reality at the most wild of hypotheses. All of her questions were only answered by theories which only left her drowning in more questions. An unending loop that led to nowhere!

She dealt with this aggravating revelation by slamming her head into the desk.

She let her now aching head lay there for a moment, waiting for the pain to subside and trying to regain her composure. Breathing in, breathing out, she resettled her mind into a more comfortable state. Twilight looked back at the pile of books that couldn’t provide the answer that she was looking for. Three towers of literature stacked in such a disorganized manner that it made her cringe slightly. She knew that it it wasn’t going to be easy to learn ahead of the unknown, in fact she knew that it would be so much easier just to wait and ask Taylor.

But if there was one thing that Twilight prided herself on, it was being prepared. There just wasn’t much for her to prepare with. Still, at the every least, she could compare notes with Taylor on what was known of and...

Whatever he did.

She heard the door open behind her, she looked back to see Spike with a small, knowing smile. “Come on Twi,” he said, “Everypony is ready for breakfast.”

Twilight returned his smile, feelling the familiar sense of pride that always touched her heart at his presence. Where would I be without him? “Alright Spike.” She followed her little dragon from the library toward the dining room, very much looking forward to the answer to the questions she had for Taylor.

Twilight opened the door and walked into the dining room. A great long table was stationed in center of hall-like room, sided by twelve chairs on each side and decorated by a simple crimson red cloth with a gold trim, while above hung three diamond chandeliers. She smiled at her friends on the far side of the table and Taylor, who slouched on the head chair with his feet on the table.

“Hey Twi!” Rainbow called, a joking smirk shining on her, “About time you got up.”

“For your information, I was doing some important research.” Twilight responded humorly.

“Suurre.” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Come on, let’s get this show on the road.”

Happily, Twilight proceeded to find a seat open at Taylor’s side and across from Applejack. Spike was already walking past them and into the door behind Taylor, which lead into the kitchen. When he passed Taylor, Twilight noticed him watching the dragon intensely, though he didn’t move from his relaxed position, his chest did flatten slightly at the sound of the door closing. What was that about? She wondered.

“So,” Taylor’s voice drew her attention, “You wanted to ask some questions?”

“Yes, we do.” Twilight replied, relieved to finally have a chance to remove the flood of questions that had dammed in her head.

“Cool, me too.” He sounded calm, yet the grin he wielded was unmistakably one of excitement. “So how about a trade? Each of us takes a turn to ask one question for an answer.”

Twilight found her mouth curling to mirror Taylor’s. That was perfect! She’ll be able to ask all the questions she wanted, while being able to study what he knows about Equestia. “Sounds good.”

“Sweet, I’ll ask first.” Taylor removed his legs from the table and sat up straight. Grasping his palms together and smiling at the ponies expectantly, he asked “Where am I?”

Twilight felt odd, a mixture of excited interest and tiresome worry. While it seemed to confirm that he wasn’t from their world, which piloted her interest. The fact that he didn’t know where he was, while not outside possibility, showed that he either came by accident. Or that he was irresponsible with whatever powers he was meddling with, or whatever factors that can be applied.

But she had put those thoughts aside until her turn came, she didn’t want to embarrass herself in a potential diplomatic meeting. “You’re in Equestria.” She answered truthfully, “Home of the three pony tribes united under a single banner in the name of peace and harmony.”

Taylor pinched his chin, humming. Then, with a goofy smile, he flung his arms in the air in an exaggerated shrug. “Nope, never heard of it.” he chuckled.

Twilight looked to her friends, and they to her, all with varying levels of confusion. Rainbow Dash, asked their mysterious guest, “So where’ you from?”

A spike of envy poked at her, but she shook it off, she shouldn’t have expected to be the only one to have questions buzzing in her head. It was a good question, and his answer would bring light to so many others.

Taylor, again, pinched his chin, “Hard to say.” Before Twilight could voice her confusion, he added, “Do you mean my birthplace, or my home?”

Twilight didn’t know whether to be annoyed, or more confused. Why was he being so picky about the question? Did it have some great meaning to him, or was he trying to hide information from them? Nevertheless, knowing at least the name of his home should…

“Where do you live?” Pinkie asked excitedly, Twilight’s heart clutched in frustration. She had just been about to ask that!

“Omnis.” he answered, shrugging.

When it became clear that he wasn’t going to reveal further details, Pinkie pressed, “Where’s that?”

Taylor smirked as he waved a finger, “Hold your horses,” he said, laughing at their puzzled looks, “It’s my turn.”

However, as he was about to place his question, the kitchen door opened. With a full cart of lidded serving trays in tow, Spike called out “Breakfast is ready!” Passing by each individual, he deposited trays and removed their respective lids. Apple pie for Applejack, lettuce for Fluttershy, and five chocolate chip muffins for Pinkie Pie. Everyone else got three stacks of pancakes coated in syrup, though Spike’s noticeably glittered with gems. Twilight decided to shrug it off, let the dragon have his sweets every once in awhile.

“Thank you, Spike” Twilight started, with all of her friends following suit.

“Aww it was nothin’” Spike blushed slightly as everypony begin to dug into their personal meals.

Twilight herself, delayed her meal for a moment, taking the opportunity to watch a, whatever Taylor was, eat a meal. She scolded herself for forgetting to ask about his species back in the forest.

Taylor took a knife and fork and started to cut his meal into large quarter cuts. Stabbing a piece with the fork, he wolfed them down whole in quick succession. Only when he started chewing did he slow, sounding agreeable moans. With a final swallow, he gifted Spike with a satisfied smile, “Hey, this is good.”

The little dragon nodded his thanks before returning to his jeweled pancakes.

For a moment, the entire dining hall was relatively quiet, with the exception of chewing food. Twilight took pleasure in having her stomach filled, saved from a hunger that she didn’t knew she had. It was one of those simple joys that were so easily forgotten.

A polite cough from Taylor caught her attention. He placed his silverware down and slid his plate, still baring two slices of his pancake, to his right. “I think we should continue where we left off.”

Twilight immediately nodded, rapidly reminding herself of the questions that she longed to put to rest.

“Alright.” Taylor said crossing his arms, and hunching over the table, giving each of them his fullest attention. His brown eyes danced to each of the ponies. Pointing his left hand at Rainbow he said, “You,” he then aimed his finger at Applejack, “You,” and then Rarity, “and you.”

Resting his head on the same hand, he finishes, “What are you three?”

Twilight’s mind immediately halted at the question, confused by its unnecessity. “Huh?” Rainbow voiced, her puzzled look matching Twilight’s well. “Don’t you already know what pony is?”

“Of course he knows, darling” Rarity chimed in, “He means to ask what a pony from each of the three tribes are capable of, isn’t that right?”

“Yup.” Taylor nodded

“Oh.” was Rainbow’s response. No doubt feeling the same foolishness as Twilight felt.

Twilight took the silence as a blessing and answered, “In short, all three tribes have some magical capability. While they don’t display it as well as the pegasi or unicorns; Earth ponies use their more passive magic to enhance their own physical bodies, though some have found a way to enhance the soil beneath their hooves, making them very capable farmers. Pegasi, on the other hoof, use a more active form of magic, used to both assist their flight and in weather manipulation-”

“Wait, wait, wait.” Twilight sighed inwardly with Taylor’s interruption, couldn’t anypony just let her finish her informative lectures for once. “What do you mean ‘weather manipulation’?”

“Umm, it’s like that: pegasi can manipulate the weather.” Twilight didn’t understand the significance. Was it so strange to him that they could control the weather?

“Can you make it rain?” he scoffed.

“You bet your fancy coat we can.” Rainbow challenged.

Taylor looked at her, brow raised, “Lighting?”

“With the call of thunder!” Rainbow clapped her hooves.


“That’ll spin your head off!”


“It’ll blow your house down!”

Rainbow was now in the air, looking down at Taylor with her trademark confident smirk. Taylor, for his part, simply gave his own playful smirk with an addition of the raised eyebrow to question Rainbow’s confidence. However, Twilight noticed something about his eyes, they seemed; calculating. Like he was studying Rainbow’s every inch, and every movement.

“And all pegasuses can do this?” He asked

“Any pegasi willing to do it, yeah.”

For a while all the two did was simply stare. Twilight thought to intervene when Taylor chuckled, “I would love to see that.” he said, excitedly.

“You’ll lose your jaw when ya see it.” Rainbow boasted as she flew back to her seat.

Twilight breathed in before letting out a quiet sigh. “Right, before I was interrupted,” She gave her best stink eye to the traveler, who smiled incidentally, “Their use of this gift has helped Equestria’s overall growth for many generations.” Twilight then gestures to Rarity “Unicorns, as you’ve no doubt seen by now, have the most active form of magical manipulation: in the form of spell casting.”

Twilight decided that it was best to demonstrate. With a practiced cast of one of her favorite spells, Teleportation, she felt herself pulled out of her seat and flying above the dining table. Her spirits couldn’t help but rise at the sight of Taylor’s surprised expression.

“Im-Impressive.” he stuttered. “There’s not a lot of people that I know of that can teleport.” He then gave a funny look, following his gaze Twilight saw he was staring right at Pinkie Pie. “But didn’t you say that Earth Ponies only have passive magic?”

She could only chuckle, “Yes, but Pinkie is always an exception.” She explained, “Just trust me when I say don’t look into it too deeply.”

Taylor again locked his focus on Pinkie before assuring her he wouldn’t and once again resumed a more relaxed position. Though, Twilight doubted he took it to heart, and that was fine. He’ll learn soon enough, she thought, amused, as she returned to her seat; now she could ask her own question.

“So,” She began, “Can you tell me more of what you are?”

“And would you elaborate with more than the title, dear?” Rarity added with a friendly smile, however, her eyes had turned predatory. Twilight didn’t see it often, but she knew it meant that her friend had an upperhoof.

Taylor waved a finger, “The rules were that only one question…” his eyes widened, and promptly smacked his forehead, blushing slightly. “...at a time.” he finished with a groan. This reaction gave Twilight’s fashion friend a full smirk.

It was then she understood, Rarity used the rules Taylor placed, and the fact that he broke them when he had interrupted Twilight’s lecture. She wanted him humbled to encourage him to say more than one word. Twilight nodded Rarity in thanks, while she could have done without such manipulation, maybe now Taylor would be more willing to share information.

“Clever play, miss.” Taylor replied, a growl of frustration was notable in his tone, but he also sounded more respectful. “Alright, I’ll be more forthcoming.” He smiled, almost gleeful.

He began, staring above as though he were looking at stars. “There are many more worlds than one, so many more. However all worlds are connected to one another, no matter how different they seem to be, they all are part of this great web.” He illustrated by arching his fingers together. “This web we call Mana.” A ball of blue light flashed into existence in between his hands, and many of Twilight’s friends awed at him. Twilight couldn’t blame them, as she herself was still amazed of his ability to control magic without a major conduit, such as a horn.

“This Mana is connected to all things related to life.” he paused thoughtfully, pinching his chin before continuing, “There were a lot of people who wanted to study Mana, and those who could control it would become mages.” The ball of light was released from his hands and flew across the room, dancing in the air, directed by his right hand.

“These mages were powerful in each of their respective worlds. However,” The ball now stopped, motionless, “There are some special mages, who during great stress-,” He squeezed his hand to almost like a fist and the ball darkened “-Would be able to reach mana from beyond their world and become more powerful than ever.” He let go of the ball, and it exploded like a firework; with around six smaller ‘stars’ silently flew above the table. “Powerful enough to walk across the planes of existence and into other worlds entirely.”

The light finally faded. Twilight and her friends, still beset in awe, looked back at Taylor. He smiled proudly, “We’re called: Planeswalkers.”

“So, cool!” Rainbow and Spike exclaimed simultaneously.

“Do it Again!” Called Pinkie Pie.

Twilight heard her friends all make similar praises, She herself was quite amazed by the implications. An entire group of people who could travel to other worlds with their own magic alone? The only creature she knew able to do that was Discord, and he was practically a god! Her thoughts came to only one conclusion: “You have teach me!” she cried over the others, her sudden entry brought them into silence.

“Eh,” Taylor hesitated, it only stoked Twilight’s excitement.

“Please?!?” the mere thought of gaining this knowledge brought a tingle to the tips of her wings! She could already see herself traveling across uncharted worlds with her friends. Meeting new people, new cultures, new libraries with new Books. Oh the books! The potential was limitless!

“Simmer down now, sugarcube.” She felt Applejack’s hoof gently tap her leg.

Broke from her daydreaming, Twilight realized that she was face to face with Taylor, flying above the remains of his breakfast. No doubt she had probably ranted out loud too. Feeling more than a little embarrassed, Twilight immediately apologized with a sheepish smile and returned to her seat.

A moment passed as Taylor regained his composure, then he addressed Twilight, “Well, to tell you the truth, being a Planeswalker isn’t something that can be taught.”

At this news, her ears perked. Why can’t it? She thought, bewildered.

“Why can’t she?” Spike spoke up from his seat “If any pony can learn Planeswalker magic, it’s Twilight.”

All her friends sounded their agreement with Spike. The cheers and smiles from them always made Twilight feel at peace, and this was no exception. Yet, there was still the matter of why he could not teach her, she looked back to Taylor expectantly. Hopeful that he would explain his statement.

“Well you see,” He began, “It is very dependent on your souls’ access to the Mana-web, and the amount of stress to the soul.”

“What does the ‘stress to the soul’ have ta do with it?” inquired Applejack.

“Everything.” Taylor exclaimed, “The soul is one of the keys of pulling on the Mana and weaving it into a spell.” He points to his chest, “If a soul that is magically connected to the Mana-web comes under a certain amount of magical stress, the being’s soul could try to reach beyond their world’s given Mana.”

“If it succeeds, then they become a Planeswalker?” Twilight concluded.

“Yup, it’s that easy.” Taylor quipped.

“And, what happens if it doesn’t?” Rainbow asked cautiously. Twilight recognized her hesitation, any risk of any damage to the soul could be very serious.

He shrugged, “That doesn’t happen often, I mean for the soul to try to become a planeswalker itself is ridiculously rare, but, from what I know about it, you’ll likely just pass out.”

Twilight nodded, “That’s good to hear.”

“Umm, I don’t mean to interrupt.” Spike called out. Twilight and the others turned to the little dragon, who was gesturing to the wall clock behind Taylor, “But it’s already ten.”

She looked up to find that the hour hoof was indeed on the tenth hour.

“My goodness!” Rarity said, her sparkling hoof hovered over her gaping mouth “I completely lost track of time, apologies dears, but my order needs to be finished by the end of the month.” Immediately, she hurried off her seat and trotted down to the doors. Briefly she paused, turning back to Spike and giving him a kind smile, “Thank you for the breakfast, darling, it was spectacular.”

“A pleasure, my lady.” He returned her gesture with an exaggerated bow.

The fashionista giggled, disappearing out the door.

A moment passed and Applejack also stood, “I gotta go too, them critters won’t feed themselves.”

And they each left. Pinkie to see to the Cake twins, Fluttershy to tend to her animals, and Rainbow to resume her practice flights. Twilight thought it odd that the Wonderbolt to-be was the last out the room, when Rainbow then turned back to address to her, “Don’t forget to preen your wings tomorrow.” With a playful smirk she sped out of the room, leaving Twilight embarrassed that her flight teacher noticed her morning blunder.

While Twilight cursed her laziness, Taylor stood from his seat. “Well, Thank you very much for the meal.” he gave a thumbs up to Spike, who was quick to return the gesture. “Now, I want to see this little town of yours.” The Planeswalker walked by the side of her seat, and shared a friendly smile, “Care to give me the grand tour?”

Twilight smiled and nodded, glad to be distracted from her self scolding, plus the added bonus of potentially making a new friend. Passing over the daily chore list to Spike, she and Taylor headed outside to explore new possibilities for the both of them.

Chapter 5

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Ponyville, for all that there was of interest to Taylor, was not particularly interesting. While it housed numerous flying, magical ponies in an array of bizarre and bewildering colours; it was also terribly mundane, possessing features so common across the Planes. So standard, that he felt like he had already memorised the town’s layout.

The market was filled with booths, each with a pony or two either calling for attention or discussing prices with customers. The parts that weren’t lined with booths were instead flooded in a sea of ponies, many of whom were with friends and their chatter was only adding to the considerable thrum.

Just past the Square was the Main street, where the more successful businesses had established themselves. Nothing was of particular note to the Planeswalker, though a shop named Quills and Sofas caught his eye. He breathed a laugh at the thought that the store sold only the advertised products, what an odd name for a store. Then Twilight came to a stop at the end of the street, and with a smile she pointed at the large space ahead. Which Twilight confirmed was the main square.

Ahead was a comparatively large tower, he didn’t know what else to call the design, that most likely served as the town hall. The space also held a fountain in the form of a stone pony spouting clear water from its mouth. Four children were chasing each other recklessly around the fountain, leaving Taylor with a playful grin.

One of them was a younger pegasus girl, judging by the bow in her hair, with a light grayish coat, maybe with a touch of blue? She having trouble keeping up with her older and taller companions. Despite the all the laughter, her eyes showed a tired determination as she attempted to reach the others. Taylor gave it a brief thought before he decided to give the girl the best day of her life.

He felt the small surge of power being pulled into him, with that power he forced it into the appropriate spell. He made a subtle hand gesture, and saw the red light in the corner of his eye from that same hand. He aimed a finger at where he knew the girl, or maybe filly, was going to be, and released the spell.

It flew straight and true, and the filly ran into its path. The spell crashed into her, though Taylor knew she wouldn’t feel a thing, at most a soft breeze. However the spell went to work immediately, and the little pony that was just too short to catch up; disappeared in a blur. Said blur yelped in surprise as she sped past her three friends with such suddenness that they halted, likely trying to process what had happened.

The little speed demon, however, went from screaming in shock to howling with joy as she ran passed bewildered adults. Laughing at the freedom she had gained. Taylor almost laughed himself upon seeing the child’s fun and the shocked expressions the local residents. He was content with a goofy smile, a smile that was quickly dissolved when he heard his guide call him in an annoyed manner.

Twilight’s firm frown told him she was less than amused, “I don’t know about how it works in your world, Taylor, but here we don’t cast spells on other ponies without consent.”

Taylor groaned inwardly, if he had broken some kind of taboo or a law, this could become troublesome. He raised his hands, “Hang on a moment, let me explain.” However before he could say anything further; the blur appeared suddenly by Twilight’s side, and the filly, wearing a smile that attempted to reach from one ear to the other, materialised.

“Princess, Princess! Look at me!” She cheered as she ran in place, “It’s so awesome! I was just playing tag with my friends and then my hooves started getting really really hot but I wasn’t tired and then I was running faster and faster. Now look at me!” once more she transformed into a blur that circled both of them.

She reappeared just as suddenly, almost tackling Twilight as she gave the winged unicorn a hug. “Thank you thank you thank you!” So busy was she with her praising that she didn’t see Twilight’s confused expression.

Taylor saw the opportunity and took it in stride, “Actually, I cast that spell.” He admitted. His words caught the child’s attention. She released her grip on Twilight, and blurred over to his feet. He swore he saw stars shining in her eyes.

“I know you!” She exclaimed, “You’re the new guy that was at Pinkie’s party yesterday!”

He smiled, she seemed very excitable and fond of new things. “Yep, that’s me.”

“You made me faster?” She asked.

“That I did.” He said confidently, placing his hands on his hips to help make him look more impressive. He was then rewarded with a hug to his leg.

“Thank you!” she cheered, then she looked up to him still with her excited grin. “Does this mean I can run fast forever?”

He visibly winced, dealing disappointment wasn’t exactly his forte, especially to children. However getting good points with the Princess was for all the better. “Well, no, sorry but the Speed Spell only lasts for around five hours at most and I only used a small amount for the spell so really,” he paused briefly to calculate, “I think it’ll only last for the next hour.”

Her smile faded, and with her ears folded the child sounded a disappointed “Aww.”

She let go of his leg, and started to kick at the dirt. Taylor, sad for the upset filly, was about to suggest that he could cast the spell another time. However, the filly suddenly perked back up with a simple smile, “Well, might as well enjoy it while it lasts.” And with that said, she once more blurred past him, laughing away as she vanished around the corner of the block.

The Planeswalker blinked, as far as he knew, children were usually very easy to upset. Turning back to Twilight, still somewhat gawking, he stated simply “That kid has very good parents.”

Twilight released a brief chuckle, before returning to her frown and faced Taylor “Well, I still don’t approve of you using a spell on a pony so recklessly,” then she smiled “but I do appreciate you taking responsibility, and being honest to that little filly, so I’ll let it slide.”

Taylor silently released a breath, crisis averted.

Twilight raised a hoof, “On one condition.”

With a sudden mixture of feelings such as anger and confusion, Taylor mentally cried in exasperation but cautiously replied “Yes?” He reminded himself that despite the kindness she had shown him, she was still a princess and by extension a politician. Someone who uses pretty words to get people to do dirty work, willing to use blackmail or ‘favors’ or-

“Can you show me more of your spells?” Twilight asked with the young filly’s smile, her eyes excited and pleading.

Taylor blinked, “Um, but I already said-.”

“I know, I know,” Twilight paused, taking a breath, “but I also know that there is so much that we still could learn from one another. Ponies everywhere could benefit from something from you, as you might be able to learn something from us.”

Taylor gave it a brief thought before shrugging, “Why not?” What harm could he do by showing her some of his spells? Most of them required more mana than any regular mage could ever produce, not to mention the fact of all the complex spells that only a Planeswalker could cast. Besides, it sounded like fun, what would the little princess think watching him be awesome?

“Alright, let’s start with that spell I just casted,” once again he pulled on the mana and had the red glow of the spell in his palm. “The Messenger's Speed spell.” he proclaimed, getting into stride.

“The Messenger’s Speed spell is a spell developed on the Theros plane. Due to the fact that they have yet to make long distance communications as some of the more high-tech worlds, they instead use this spell to allow messengers and scouts to run far faster than any one could without it. They do this by simultaneously enhancing the subject’s muscles and lightening their bone structure.”

Twilight looked up from the notebook floating in front of her with a curious look, “But how exactly does the spell do this?”

“Well that’s-” Then he noticed the notebook, and remembered that Twilight didn’t bring a notebook. “Where did that come from?” he asked pointing to the parchment in question.

“Oh, my notebook?” when he nodded, she smiled proudly, “I teleported it from my desk.”

Taylor hummed in thought, she had already proved that she had mastered teleportation, a skill that even some Planeswalkers struggled with. And to do so without looking… maybe she had far more potential than he had thought.

Taylor smirked, there was only one way to find out how much. “Maybe you should see for yourself.”

He couldn’t help but feel a little smug when Twilight blinked at him; her ears perked sharply, silently telling him her sudden interest.

“While I can’t just teach you to be a Planeswalker, there are spells in a Planeswalker’s arsenal that can be used by your regular mage, if their soul is strong enough.” he emphasized, “afterall it takes the most powerful mage could even touch a Planeswalker, and the most willful to become one.”

Twilight’s brows jumped, “You mean you’ll teach me?”

“I think I can,” Taylor nodded, “If you’re able to teleport a notebook from a castle that is over three blocks away without looking, you should be able to cast Messenger’s Speed with ease.”

Twilight’s tail was wagging like a dog at this point, the excited energy was only matched by her ever growing smile. Then it wavered, and she turned sheepish, “Well to tell you the truth, I’ve placed a premade teleport rune on my notebook. All I really needed to do was cast a part of the spell on my location and the rune connects the two.”

He rolled his eyes, “Don’t be so modest.” He leaned down and tapped the pony’s horn with a finger, making her flinch, “Magic is magic, and you know magic, rune or not.” He turned and started walking, gesturing her to follow. “Now come on, don’t want to burn down half of the town when you miscast the spell now do we?”

After a brief pause he heard hoofbeats running towards him. “What about all that stuff you said about the soul?” he heard her ask.

He glanced at the silly pony, “What about it? The soul’s magic pull is the most vital part of every magic user, didn’t they teach you that in princess magic class?”

“No, she didn’t.” Twilight said quietly, she then had a thoughtful look, “I think our magic might be different from one another.”

Taylor felt a pang of pity, they had so many mana using beings, possibly the most in a single world he has ever been. Yet they didn’t know of the soul’s influence in their magic? “Well I’m going to prove you wrong.” He said, feeling more certain about teaching her the spell.

Only time could tell, but maybe, just maybe, he would be teaching a Planeswalker. Oh, what fun that would be.

Taylor fell on his hunches and groaned, pressing his fingers on his forehead in an attempt to stave off a growing headache born of frustration, “Come on! Where’s your passion?” he called out to Twilight, who had failed to achieve even his lowest expectations.

They had decided to practice the relatively simple spell in a set of rolling hills just outside Ponyville. The waving grass and small batches of flowers provided enough isolation that they felt they could test a spell while minimizing the collateral damage should it go wrong. One could never be too prepared.

However, the problem of actually teaching her was quickly becoming an even greater challenge than he expected. Partially because the stuck-up princess wasn’t even using the most basic law of magic casting!

The stuck-up in question returned the groan, adding with the hint of a growl, “And what exactly does passion have to do anything with spellcasting?”

“Like I already told you, you got to gather Red Mana in order to cast the Messenger Spell.”

“Maybe if you can explain how to even do that, I’ll have an easier time casting it.” She complained.

“Why do I have to explain Magic to the magical winged unicorn that can teleport with no issue and has a tattoo that literally says ‘I’m good at magic’?”

“First of all: it’s called a Cutie Mark,” Twilight aggressively corrected. She took a deep breath before continuing, “Second: I have already tried three times to understand what you’re talking about but it is just too different from what I know to be magic.”

“Which I will tell you again, that is impossible!” Taylor stressed, “Take the mana from around you, pull it into your-self, spin it into a spell, and release the spell; it’s the most basic concept of spellcasting to all mages in all of the planes of existence!”

“But that is not how our magic works.”

Taylor rolled his eyes, “Fine, then enlighten me, how does ‘pony magic’ work?”

Twilight closed her eyes and took another breath, “We don’t get magic from without, but from within ourselves.”

Taylor felt his heart stop, he did his best to give her his best unnerved look, “Whoa whoa! You mean to tell me you’re killing yourselves?”

The winged unicorn jumped, staring wide-eyed at him, “What!” she screamed

“Another basic rule of magic: if you try to take magic from yourself, you risk death.” he stated, the grim thought sending shivers down his spine.

“That’s not how it works!” Twilight exclaimed, she pointed to her chest. “Magic is generated naturally within us, we only need to push it out a conduit in order to use it.”

“That alone can’t possibly be enough to cast a teleport spell without some kind of risk!” He still couldn’t believe he was having this conversation. What this unicorn was saying was impossible, through and through.

The mad mare simply rolled her eyes. “Of course there are risks,” her horn glowed for a moment before teleporting to his left, “it took me 2 years just to learn how to cast the spell safely,” again she disappeared and the popping sound came from behind him, “and even then it took another year for me to be able to cast the spell without passing out from exhaustion.”

Taylor rolled his eyes; she was good he’d give her that, but the fact remained that she was still using magic same as him, and he couldn’t wait to see her dumb face when he gave proof against her dumb theory. He stretched out his senses, feeling the waves of magic that radiated from the world. When she next teleported he’d see the mana being pulled into her, and that would be all the proof he’d need.

Another pair of pops and she re-appeared to his right, “Now I can cast it without having to worry too much about my health.” She was then right in front of Taylor, and smiled proudly at his widened eyes, “Because I have trained my Thaumic System to take the stress.”

Staring like an idiot was all Taylor could physically do at the moment, for all of his energy was turned toward his brain. Trying to make sence of what he bore witness, a winged unicorn was teleporting, repeatedly, but all the mana was still. No, worse, it was as if the mana was pushed away when she teleported! No matter how much he reviewed his knowledge, of all the magic he knew, all the skills and techniques he had learned. None of them matched.

What he was staring at, defied everything he knew of magic. If all ponies were like this, he didn’t know what to feel. Fear? Confusion?

After what felt like an eternity of awkward silence; Twilight, who had tossed aside her smirk in favor for a worried look, took a careful step. “Umm, Taylor?” she asked, “Are you alright?”

Her words broke his stupor, and he finally found the will to speak. “H-how?” he stuttered, looking at the unicorn’s eyes, pleading quietly for his world to make sence. “How can you cast a spell without using Mana?” How could there be another type of magic? How could everything that was true suddenly might no longer be?

Twilight bit her lip, gazing out to the grassy field in thought. Then she returned her gaze to him, and spoke with sympathy in her voice. “I don’t really know what all the differences are between our magics,” She consoled as she lay next to him, placing a hoof on his arm, he hadn’t realized it was shaking, “But I know that we share a wonderful talent, and we can still learn from one another even if we can’t use the same magic.”

Taylor breathed deeply as he absorbed her words. “You’re right,” he acknowledged; so what if they had magic that was different from his own? It just meant another adventure to be explore! “You’re right!” he repeated, chuckling with a sudden feeling of glee and excitement.

With a fire born of excitement stroking his blood, he jumped to his feet, smiling dumbly at Twilight. “Why should I be upset?” he exclaimed. He pumped his arms tensely to his sides, his fists now shaking with rejuvenated passion and a red glow sparked from them.

Releasing a senseless laugh he cried, “I discovered a new kind of magic!” No longer able, nor willing, to contain his excitement; he let loose a loud cheer and raised his magically glowing arms into the air. Hot flame streamed from his knuckles, at its zenith the flames culminated into a ball of fire as it rolled onto itself and back inwards again.

He noted Twilight’s dumbstruck face, but he didn’t wish to stop just yet; he was having too much fun reveling in the fact that he was going to become the most famous Planeswalker of all time! An entire race that could use a completely different kind of magic than any other being in the multiverse? The find of the millenia!

Finally, he exhausted his supply of exhilaration. He sat back on to the grass again, and cut off the mana feeding the flame above. It dissipated, disappearing in sparkling specks of red dust. His wild grin remained as he took a deep and satisfying breath.