Basic Necessities

by AzureDreamer

First published

Charlotte finds a diplomatic solution to an argument with the manager of Ponyville General Store (the diplomatic solution is sex)

Charlotte doesn't like having to go to Ponyville General Store. It's not a particularly unpleasant shopping experience, in and of itself, but the store's manager has had it out for her for as long as she can remember. So Charlotte avoids grocery shopping if she can help it. Unfortunately, one of the sad realities of life is that sometimes you can't help it. There's not an awful lot of places in Ponyville you can go to get all your basic necessities in one place aside from the General Store. So Charlotte's only option is to try and find a solution to the problem that will leave both parties satisfied.

Very satisfied.


Cover art and Charlotte by Phurie, whom this was written as a gift for.

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A Routine Shopping Trip

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“Excuse me, ma'am.”

It would have been rude, Charlotte supposed, to just ignore the manager and go about her business. She had other things she would much rather be doing than buying groceries. There were only a few things she needed to pick up – milk, eggs, cheese, and some other necessities – but she needed them badly enough that she couldn't afford put it off any longer. “Hello! Could you please direct me to the feminine hygiene products? I'm running low on condoms, and it would be simply dreadful if I were to run out!” That was a bit of a fib; she actually had run out, which was why this particular shopping trip was so urgent. She was, to be honest, somewhat baffled as to how she'd let herself get so dangerously low on something so crucial! Restocking on them was her highest priority.

And, as a nice little bonus, she could hopefully distract the manager from whatever it was she intended to complain about with customer service. This wasn't the first time Charlotte had butted heads with Ponyville General Store's management in the middle of an urgent shopping trip, and almost all of the others had been, ultimately, a waste of everyone's time. And Charlotte's time was valuable, dammit. She had quite a lot of things she needed to do today, and only so much time to do them in.

The manager crossed her arms and glowered. She was an older mare, solidly past the prime of her youth but certainly not unattractive, all things considered. She was very angular, lots of straight lines and sharp corners, like a pile of sticks wearing a black t-shirt and pants in a vain attempt at passing as a normal earth pony. She wasn't exactly Charlotte's usual type, but she had at least clearly aged with some amount of grace. Though that grace was marred by the severe schoolteacher scowl she wore without fail every time Charlotte met her, as though it were as much a part of her uniform as the dinky little nametag that read “Shrink Wrap” in plain, very slightly embossed lettering. “I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Again.”

Of course she wasn't going to let things be easy. “I only have the condoms left. If you could just point me to the hygiene products, I'll grab a few XXXXXL packs and be out of your mane.” Much faster than if you waste time complaining, she thought, though she didn't dare say so out loud – she wanted this to go quickly, after all.


Ugh.” She also probably should have kept her groaning internal, but this was really too much. As it was, her perky facade fell away in an instant, replaced with the countenance of a pony who was resigned to having her time wasted.

Shrink Wrap crossed her arms over her somewhat lacking chest. “This is a family establishment, ma'am. You have been warned repeatedly and yet you still insist on being... indecent.”

Charlotte was, of course, not completely oblivious to social mores. She could, reluctantly, admit that a microbikini technically violating the store's 'no shirt, no shoes, no service' policy was entirely fair, especially considering it had been her only article of clothing at the time. She was less willing to accept that a proper shirt and shoes and even a skirt hadn't been enough for this woman. It was hardly her fault that her cock was too big to fit into any pair of pants comfortably and any skirt she owned was easily moved out of the way if she got even the slightest bit turgid. This, though, was the absolute final straw. “I don't see what you have to complain about. Everything is thoroughly covered, including my cock.”

Shrink Wrap blushed, pointedly looking away from Charlotte. “You are having sex with a colt in the middle of my store!

“Is that somehow not concealed enough for you?” Charlotte snapped. Really, she was normally a much more personable pony, but her patience had been pushed beyond its limits. “I even had him be sure to wear a shirt and shoes and even cover up his cock! Isn't that right, Poppy?”

Poppy gurgled in blissful rapture. Granted, his outfit was somewhat scandalous, but it was at least an outfit. Black leather thigh-high fuck-me boots, complete with stilettos. A tight black tube top, to show off his cute little shoulders and that slightly pudgy belly. More than slightly, actually, but that was the reality of getting fucked by Charlotte. His belly was distended enough that it almost obscured the enormous bulge caused by being used as a living cocksock by such a massively endowed mare. And, while he was lacking a bottom because it would get in the way of Charlotte, his jet-black shaft was covered by his own cocksock, white and lacy and dainty and feminine.

“Good boy, Poppy. You're doing such a good job and working so hard. You're even helping push my shopping cart! I shall have to remember to give you a little bonus when we get home.” She gave his ample, red-furred hips a good solid smack, drawing a breathy gasp from his pouty little lips. “Good sluts get rewarded~”

“Ma'am!” Shrink Wrap's facade of stern severity faltered, and she fidgeted nervously as she directed her gaze anywhere but at Poppy and Charlotte. “Unacceptable,” she said again, though her voice was more timid and uncertain. “I can't just allow you to... to have sexual intercourse with a stallion in the middle of my store.”

“Would you prefer a mare? That seems like a bit of a discriminatory policy, don't you think? I might have to take this up with the Ponyville Better Business Bureau.”

“A mare would also be unacceptable!” Shrink Wrap shouted in, Charlotte noted, a very unprofessional manner. “No, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave, now. And not come back in the future.”

“Well, now that's just unfair!” Charlotte balled her hands into fists and put them on Poppy's wide hips in frustration. “I've complied with every request you've made of me to the best of my ability, and every time you've just found something different to complain about. That's just plain unprofessional. I shall have to have a word with your district manager.”

“I am the district manager, ma'am,” Shrink Wrap hissed through clenched teeth.

“Well, then I'll have to contact the owner, or whoever your superior might be. Unless you're willing to at least attempt to discuss this like adults.”

“There's nothing to discuss!” Shrink Wrap threw her arms up in exasperation. “You're having sex in public! I am not going to allow that in my store!”

“I'm covering myself! Like you told me to, I might add.”

“Sex is not wearing clothes!”

Charlotte shrugged petulantly. “You never said anything about clothes, just that I had to cover up my erection. As you can see, it's plenty covered up.” She once again gestured at Poppy. “Unless he's somehow not wearing enough clothing for your tastes, which would frankly be ridiculous. I'll have you know that his outfit is a Rarity original – the height of casual cocksock fashion.”

“Would you please stop jerking that young man off when I'm talking to you!”

Charlotte thoroughly did not comply with Shrink Wrap's demand. “Well, now, he's putting in so much effort, it would be rude to not give him a little reward.” She had her slender fingers wrapped around his lace-clad member, gently pumping it up and down while the other played with his fat, heavy balls. “Really, it would be quite selfish of me not to jerk him off at least once. If anything, I feel a little guilty that this is the first handjob he's gotten today! We'll have to make up for lost time when we get home, won't we, Poppy?”

“Yes, ma'aaaaam,” Poppy groaned, his voice light and breathy as his cock lurched forward. The base swelled, enormous bulge travelling its way up the length of his shaft, distorting the dainty lace fabric before erupting forth in a copious cumshot aimed directly at Shrink Wrap's face.

“Gah!” It came too fast for her to move out of its way. A thick rope of sticky, musky cum splattered across her face, followed by several more. They clung to her fur, wild and random like a lewd Jackson Paddock painting, with Shrink Wrap's face and upper torso as the canvas.

“Ooops,” Charlotte said insincerely. “Sorry! Sometimes it's a bit hard to hold back, you know? Normally that wouldn't be a problem because he'd be wearing a condom, but, well. Like I said earlier, I'm running low, so he's had to go without today! You know how it is~”

“No,” Shrink Wrap said through clenched teeth. Her body was shaking slightly, and she was blushing profusely, flushed cheeks clearly visible beneath pale, off-white fur. “I most certainly do not know how it is, ma'am.”

“Oh.” Charlotte removed her hands from Poppy's still-erect cock and placed one finger thoughtfully on her chin, the other gently stroking Poppy's hips. “Oh,” she repeated as she gave his cutie mark a firm pinch, drawing forth another faint gasp, and a few more pulses of orgasm. “Oh, yes, I understand now.”

Shrink Wrap frowned slightly. “... understand what, exactly?”

“Why you're so uptight! I can't believe I didn't notice until now, it's so obvious!” She snapped her fingers. “Poppy, I believe that's it for the day. Your payment will be in the mail, and if you want, I'll drop by later to give you that bonus I mentioned~”

Poppy slid his way off of Charlotte's member. “Actually, if it's alright with you, I have some gardening work to do. It'd be kinda difficult to do it with your cock up my ass.”

“Ah, right, I forgot you only do this part time for now. Well, I'll call you up when I'm done here and we can work out a convenient time for both of us.”

Poppy winced slightly. “Yes. Thank you, ma'am,” he said unenthusiastically – but his drooling cock pulsed, spitting another few gouts thick gout of spunk in Shrink Wrap's baffled face, belying his true feelings. He wasted no time in turning and rushing off home.

“Well, um. It's nice to see we're finally on the same page.” That was, really, the only reason Shrink Wrap could fathom for Charlotte to dismiss her young friend. Clearly, after months of failing to grasp basic social mores she had finally realized that some amount of modesty was necessary to function in polite society.

“Oh, yes, absolutely. I feel simply awful for not realizing sooner. I'm sorry for being so oblivious for so long!”

“No need to apologize, young lady. The important thing is that we've finally come to an understanding, and you're going to-”

“Shove my cock down your throat and fuck your face long and hard until you're no longer capable of rational thought, yes.” Charlotte clapped her hands together eagerly. “I mean, it's so obvious! I can't believe I didn't realize that you wanted a turn! Gosh, how long has it been since the last time you got laid. Years? Decades?”

“wait what no”

Charlotte gasped. “Longer?! Well, don't you worry, ma'am. I promise you that I'll do my best to help you make up for lost time. Now, open wide and we can get started.”

“N-now hold on just a moment!” Shrink Wrap sputtered indignantly. “That is most certainly not-

“Going to fit? Oh, don't worry about that.” Charlotte grinned proudly and gave her horn a gentle flick. “When you're as well-endowed as me, you invest quite a lot of time into finding creative solutions to get around the size issues. Why, otherwise even a bit of foreplay might seriously injure a pony, to say nothing of intercourse, and it's no fun if your partner dies right away!” Her horn briefly lit up with a sparkling aura the colour of a fine red wine. Shrink Wrap opened her mouth to again attempt to clarify that no, she didn't want sex at all, but all that came out was a faint gasp as Charlotte's unicorn magic took effect. A warm, tingling sensation spread from somewhere deep in her gut outwards, filling her with a pleasant numbness. It was, she reluctantly admitted to herself, a very enjoyable sensation. But she couldn't let it distract her.

“Now, hold on just a mo-” was all she could get out before she found herself roughly jerked forward by more unicorn magic. “Owmgphhh,” she sputtered as she suddenly found her mouth stuffed with plum cockflesh. It was hard, thick, and huge. Every sensation was overwhelmed by Charlotte's presence. The musky, virile odour pouring off of her shaft directly into Shrink Wrap's nostrils. The spicy, salty taste of slick shaft pressed tightly against her entire tongue at once. The almost sickening sensation of thick gobs of precum slithering down her throat like wet snakes. The almost painful tightness as her maw was stretched to its limit. The pressure on the back of her head as burgundy-furred hands and unicorn magic pushed her further and further downwards towards the base. And, most of all, the tingling numbness as Charlotte's spell worked its magic.

“Oh, it must have been quite a while indeed! Why, I can barely get the first few inches into your throat. No, that won't do at all.” Charlotte firmly grasped Shrink Wrap on either side of her head. “Hold on tight, ma'am, because you're about to get a proper facefucking.”

Shrink Wrap could only stare in quiet horror as Charlotte's hips slowly pulled back, back, back. The slight relief from the overwhelming pressure was hardly any consolation – she knew exactly what was coming next, and could only feebly press at Charlotte's fat breasts in a futile attempt to prevent the inevitable thrust. What had to be a full foot of cock was forcefully crammed down her gob, and there was still a lot more to go.

“There we go, nice and snug~” Charlotte cooed. “How's that? No, don't answer, you want more. Don't worry, I'm more than happy to oblige!”

Shrink Wrap tried to protest, but somewhat obviously was prevented from doing so as, once again, Charlotte pulled her hips back and then thrust forward, shoving another few inches at a time into her quarry. Shrink Wrap's mouth was stretched well beyond its limit, like a snake unhinging its jaw in order to eat another, much bigger snake. She could feel her throat distending, tightly conforming to the shape of Charlotte's beast of a cock. It was a wonder she was able to breathe at all, since there clearly was no room for air to pass, but that was likely just another benefit of the spell Charlotte had cast. As she had said, it's no fun if your partner dies right away.

Shrink Wrap tried very hard to not think about the ending of that phrase.

“Ah! All the way to the hilt, excellent. See, if you'd just said you wanted to try me out in the first place we could have saved us both a lot of headache and wasted time.”


“Oh, no need to apologize. I'm just doing my civic duty to help an old, lonely mare have a little bit of fun. The important thing is you're enjoying yourself! How are you feeling?”

Terrible, Shrink Wrap wanted to say. It felt good, to be certain, but this whole Celestia-damned situation went well beyond merely unacceptable. There were no words in any language known to ponykind that adequately explained how massively unacceptable this was. She wanted to scream at the top of her lungs, but there was a very big cock in the way. “Mmmm!” was all she could muster.

“What's that? It's too small?”


“Oh, don't worry, I can fix that.” Charlotte's horn once again was enveloped in a brilliant red light, as was her purse, nestled comfortably in her shopping cart. As Shrink Wrap stared in wide-eyed terror, it slowly opened, and a flask levitated its way out and into Charlotte's waiting hands. The liquid inside was a deep blue, and bubbled violently, plumes of sapphire smoke wafting from the opening. “I always carry one or two with me, in case I meet a really enthusiastic size queen, like yourself.”


Charlotte lifted the flask to her lips and tipped it up, chugging the contents in one fell swoop before tossing the empty glass bottle aside. “I hope you aren't too invested in Ponyville General Store, by the way, because-” She paused to let out a long, wet belch. “Oh, my! Excuse me, that was very unladylike of me!” She giggled, rubbing her belly. “Don't worry, that just means it's working. As I was saying, I hope you aren't-”

Charlotte was interrupted by bodily noises again, this time a deep, rumbling gurgle from her balls. “Aren't too invested in the store, bec-aaaaahn~” Another rumble, and Charlotte's knees quivered while her grip on Shrink Wrap's head tightened considerably. “Mnnnn, because this's gonna be fuckin' copiousssssss~

There was a loud, wet noise from Charlotte's balls as they began to inflate, like water balloons attached to a hose on full blast. Already large, easily the size of baseballs, the maroon-furred sac soon rivalled Charlotte's head-sized breasts, and then surpassed them. Shrink Wrap, however, was more concerned with the way her mouth was being stretched wider and wider as Charlotte's shaft grew right alongside her testicles. Her body was slowly lifted up, into the air. The bulge of Cock slowly stopped being just a bulge, the shape of her body becoming less and less distinct as it moulded to the form of Charlotte's colossal endowment. She couldn't bear to even imagine how obscene she must have looked in that moment, and how much more obscene with every passing second as Charlotte only continued to grow. Simply dreadful.

Charlotte hardly seemed to care that her partner was no longer capable of being an active participant in the sex, whether she wanted to or not. She was content to thrust her hips with a determined, purposeful rhythm, grunting quietly in time with her own movements. Her balls swayed with the rhythm of her bucking hips, inertia and their own weight causing them to smack heavily into Shrink Wrap's chin on every downswing, colliding with a loud, fleshy noise. Plap. Plap. Plap. Over and over again, steady and regular, the sound of Charlotte using Shrink Wrap as a cocksock echoed throughout Ponyville General Store, heralding the impending disaster. Customers paused in their shopping, and then quietly but quickly abandoned their purchases, fleeing the store in a mostly calm and orderly fashion. Twilight Sparkle, who was in the process of preparing for a small slumber party at the Castle of Friendship by buying a shitload of snacks, was the only pony to show any vocal concern for the situation. “Oh, for fuck's sake, not again,” she complained, knowing full well she'd probably be the one who had to clean up after this was all over, as usual. And, as usual, she would likely have to do so alone. “Just once, I'd like to be the one making the mess instead of cleaning it up,” she muttered under her breath as she stormed out of the store, in time for the plapping to pick up in pace.

Plap. Plap. Plap plap plap plapplapplapplapplapplapplapPLORPH! The sound of Charlotte's first burst of orgasm echoed through the now empty store, Shrink Wrap's body bulging from the sheer volume and force of the cum entering her. There was a loud shlop, the sound of living condom colliding with the ceiling. And then again, louder than the first as Charlotte unleashed a second burst of cum, bigger than the first, followed closely by a third and a fourth, each one coming quicker and coming more. The fifth shot didn't have the decency to wait for the fourth to be finished before coming, and after the sixth the shots blurred together into one continuous stream of cum. Like Shrink Wrap had a fire-hose shoved down her throat.

It was a testament to the power of unicorn magic that Shrink Wrap hadn't popped yet. She did not rule out the possibility that she might in the very near future, but for now her body was intact. Pumped full of so much cum that she was no longer recognizable as a pony, but intact. And it just kept coming. She had no idea how this mare was putting out so much semen. Already, she'd produced more than her mass in cum, and was showing no signs of slowing down.

And of course not a single drop was spilled. That part, at least, made sense. Charlotte's cock was so massive, even before it had doubled in size, that her mouth formed an airtight seal. Every single bit of overwhelming masculinity was trapped inside of Shrink Wrap's overfull body. She made a muffled gurgling noise, the only thing she was capable of.

Even Shrink Wrap herself wasn't entirely sure whether it was a muffled gurgling noise of protest or of pleasure. Celestia knows it felt really good. It was hard for her to focus on the fact that she was being raped, in the middle of her store, and that this was not an experience she wanted. But, well, Charlotte hadn't been entirely wrong about how long ago it was that she'd last gotten laid. More than a decade, at least. Certainly longer than she would care to admit. And a cock the size of a small child being shoved balls deep into her throat and pumping her so full of cum was, while not really traditionally something she would have been into, not unwelcome.

Hell, if she was honest with herself, the main reason she wasn't masturbating right now was that her inflated body left it out of easy reach. She contented herself with reluctantly squeezing and groping at whatever exposed, bloated flesh she could get her hands on. She was only doing this because she didn't have much of a choice otherwise and she might as well have some fun, she lied to herself.

There was quite a lot of exposed flesh for her to choose from. Beyond her inflated belly, she dimly realized that her ass was fatter and her tits were bigger. Much bigger, grey-furred flesh stretched tightly around assets that had decidedly not been as ample as they were a few minutes ago.

“Oh, that?” Charlotte purred. “Mnnn, let's just say that my cum is very good for you. All the nutrients that a growing slut needs to grow big and fuckable~”

“Mffgghhhhh,” Shrink Wrap responded. It was concerning information to learn, but at the moment she suddenly found herself more concerned with the sudden pressure she felt. Not internally, that had remained the same, but externally. Like her body had met with sudden resistance to its steady inflation at the hooves of Charlotte, first above and below, and then from all sides. It took her lust-addled mind a moment to process exactly what the source of the pressure was, and when that realization came, all her arousal was washed away with sudden blind panic.

Twilight glared at Ponyville General Store from a safe distance. Her arms were crossed, and her hoof tapped impatiently. “Come on, I've got places to be,” she said sullenly. The storefront didn't respond, remaining exactly the same as it always was. Twilight knew better than to buy into that false facade, of course. Even now she could hear the sounds of wood and metal and concrete creaking and groaning and straining to contain the growing load they contained. But it wasn't giving, not yet, and Twilight couldn't go home and get ready for her damn party until it did. “Come on and break already.”

There was another loud creak, and then a crack as the storefront bowed outwards. What seams there were in the simple, somewhat old-fashioned facade were pushed open, fat flesh bulging out. “Yeah, there we go.” Passing ponies stopped to give the Princess of Friendship odd looks as she loudly berated an inanimate building. “Come on, it can't possibly be that difficult to break a damn- yes!” There was a loud crack as one of the wooden beams that made the roof broke, and then another and another. The structural failure cascaded, spreading down to the walls as, with one final climactic crunch, the Ponyville General Store exploded.

Ponyville was not a particularly large town, and had a fairly large open-air market, which meant that it had no real need for a particularly large grocery store. Ponyville General Store kept itself afloat by doubling as a place where a pony could get almost everything they needed for cheaper than they'd get elsewhere. It worked well enough, and the store had prospered for years in its own little niche. It was not as big as your average big box store, but it more than matched a typical big city supermarket in terms of size.

And all of that was gone now, replaced by fat, sloshing ponyflesh, stretched taut by countless gallons of cum.

“There we go!” Charlotte said, grinning from ear to ear. She gave Shrink Wrap a good slap, sending undulating ripples out across the vast expanse of her overstuffed body like it was a waterbed and a hyperactive child was jumping up and down on it. “That was pretty good, I'd say. Nice and big.”

Shrink Wrap gurgled despondently. Her store, her life, had just been completely and utterly destroyed beyond repair in a matter of minutes. It would cost her thousands, maybe even millions of bits to recover from this disaster. At least, she supposed, she could take solace in the fact that the storm had passed, and things couldn't possibly get any worse.

“We're off to a great start, I'd say. I think I've had enough time to recover, so we can start round two riiiiight about... now.