The Element of Courage

by Banshee531

First published

This takes place in an alternative universe where Flash Sentry grew up alongside Twilight and her family. He works to achieve his own dreams and ambitions while making sure Twilight doesn't spend her life studying twenty four seven.

What if Twilight had a friend before heading to Ponyville, what if there was a seventh Element of Harmony, what if this pony stayed with Twilight in Ponyville. how would things have turned out

Editing by KingJoltik

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The Diamond in the Rough

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On the streets of Canterlot, most would consider it to be a quiet city at the end of the day. The high class ponies of the city were busy living their luxurious lives when something caught their ears. They turned their heads as the saw a screaming pony run down the streets.

"Get back here you little hoodlum!" said a certain brown Earth Pony, many of them recognising him as the owner of an establishment on Restaurant Row. They soon realised he was chasing a young foal who was quick on his hooves. He was a Pegasus pony with an orange coat and a dark blue coloured mane and tail. On his flank was a blue shield Cutie Mark with a lightning bolt on top. In his mouth was a brown bag, obviously filled with delicious food. "When I get my hooves on you!" the Earth Pony yelled as he continued the chase.

"Assuming you can, slowpoke," the foal mumbled out while trying to make sure not to lose the bag in his mouth. He opened up his wings and began flapping, taking off as he started hovering off the ground. Since he was a colt, his wings couldn't hold him for long, but just enough so that he could escape the Earth Pony as he zipped into an ally way.

When the Earth Pony arrived in that lone alley, he soon realised the young colt was gone. "You got lucky kid! But I'll get you!" he called out encase the young one could hear him, "the next time you steal from me or anyone on Restaurant Row, you'll be sorry! Do you hear me?!" and with that, the large Earth Pony let out a snort and left.

Little did he know, he should have of stuck around a bit longer. As soon as he was gone, a trash can lid slowly ascended as a small foal climbed out. "Another day, another restaurant owner out for my blood. Way to go Flash." the colt said to himself before walking away, his body shaking off the pieces of garbage clinging to his fur.

As the sun started to set for the day, the young Pegasus found himself entering a park which was almost deserted. He walked around knowing the area like it was second nature to him until he came to a particular wooded area that almost nopony went to.

This was where Flash called home. A single oak tree rested next to the many other kinds. In it's branches sat an old tree house that children used to play in before it was abandoned and forgotten. Flash unfurled his wings and flew up inside where a thin scratchy blanket and a lumpy old pillow awaited him. After wrapping himself in the quilt, he took the bag and pulled out his loot. Inside was a small daisy burger and a huff full of hay fries. Not much, but it was all he managed to get before the cook had found him.

As Flash quickly munched the food down, his ears caught the sound of thunder. He sighed, knowing rain was about to come. Rain wasn't uncommon in this area but it was never liked by anypony around here. Especially those who lived in a dilapidated tree house that leaked buckets of water. Finishing his food, Flash wrapped the blanket tight around his body as he put his head down on the old broken pillow. He quickly forced himself to sleep before the rain began.

Maybe tomorrow would be better.

A Birthday Run In

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A certain little purple filly named Twilight Sparkle skipped down the street as she and her family headed to Restaurant Row. Today was her birthday. The family had just finished at her favourite food joint and were following it up with the even better Donut Joe's.

"Slow down Twily!" said a voice as she turned back to see her brother Shining Armor. Following the young stallion were their parents, Night Light and Twilight Velvet. Her favourite Foalsitter Cadance was also with them, trotting side by side with Shining. Sitting on Shining Armor's back was a small purple dragon named Spike. Spike was a recent addition to their family after Twilight had magically hatched him during her entrance exam into Princess Celestia school. The little guy was fast asleep on the stallion's back, his tail in his mouth.

"The donuts are still going to be there even if you don't run." her mother said with a kind smile.

"But the sooner we get there," Twilight said, jumping up and down in excitement, "the sooner we get to have them!"

"Well you can stop waiting," Cadance said as she pointed to their destination. "We're here."

Restaurant Row was straight ahead as they walked down the street. However, before they got there, they noticed the owners of the stores were definitely not happy about something. "What's up with them?"

"I heard they've been having some kind of pest problem recently." Shining Armor replied as he took the lead.

"I hope it's not rats," Velvet said with a shudder. "I hate those things."

"It'll be okay hon. It's probably just bees," Night told his wife as he got close to her. "Everything will be fine."

"Come on! We're almost there!" Twilight yelled as she ran towards her favourite shop. As she turned the next corner, she found her body slamming into something, only to make her to go flying back and land on her flank. "Ow!" she said as she began rubbing her rear.

"Ow!" said another voice as she turned to see what had tackled her. In front of her was a Pegasus Pony around her age laying on the ground. He had an orange coat, blue mane and lightning shield Cutie Mark.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked him as she got up and presented her hoof.

"I'm fine." the foal replied, rubbing his head from the blow.

Seeing that he was okay, Twilight returned to her happy-go-lucky attitude, "Hi! I'm Twilight Sparkle, who are you?"

"I'm Flash" he replied as he got up.

"Twily!" the duo turned around, quickly seeing Shining and Cadance galloping up to them. "Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine. Nothing broken." Twilight replied as she rubbed her flank again. "Just a bump."

With that statement, the teenage ponies turned their attention to Flash. Before they could say anything, the parents caught up to them. The two quickly moved past Shining and Cadance as they greeted the colt.

"Hello little one," Velvet said as she crouched down to his eye level, "What's your name?"

"He's Flash." Twilight said as she pointed to the colt. "He ran into me."

"Don't be rude Twilight," Night told his daughter as he looked back at Flash, "So kid, where's your family Flash?"

Flash just sat there, unresponsive. The others looked at each other in confusion as the colt slowly got up, still not talking. He showed an obviously visible frown at the question. They wanted to ask why, but a certain voice interrupted them.

"HEY YOU!" they all turned and saw Donut Joe running towards them, "Somepony get that kid!" he yelled in a full on sprint.

As soon as he heard that, Flash quickly got up. The colt rushed past Shining Armor as Donut Joe tried to tackle him. Flash quickly flapped his wings before leaping into the air. In the blink of an eye, he was already on the nearby rooftop. "Sorry Joe." he said as he stuck out his tongue. "But once again, you're just too slow." with that last remark, he ran off down the roofs, quickly vanishing.

"What was that all about?" Night Light asked as he helped Joe back up.

"That kid's been a pain in the neck for a while." Joe explained as he rubbed his side, "He keeps sneaking into the kitchen and taking whatever he can get his hooves on...stinking thief."

"Wait a minute," Cadance asked as she started to figure something out, "Is he the pest we kept hearing rumours about?"

"Yeah, that's him." Joe said as he started to go back to his restraint. "Caught him trying to steal the special donuts I set aside for your party Twilight."

Twilight quickly frowned at hearing this. She couldn't believe somepony would steal Joe's wonderful donuts. She knew that if she ever met up with that pony again, she would give him a piece of her mind.

The Storm of Friendship

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It had been a week since Twilight's birthday. She was on her way home from Celestia's lessons, walking happily down the sidewalk when she decided to take the scenic route through the park. However, things would take a turn for the worse when she ran into three older Earth Pony colts. One of them had a brown coat and grey mane with a football cutie mark. The second had a green coat and yellow mane with a baseball bat cutie mark. The final pony was the largest of the trio, he had a jet black coat with an orange mane and a flaming skull cutie mark.

"Well well well, looky what he have here." the black colt said with a devilish smile.

"Looks like a little book worm to me boss." the brown one replied with a snicker.

"Going around here, thinking she's better then the rest of us." the green one continued, a laugh roaring out of the three.

"I don't think I'm better then anypony." Twilight whispered, her little body shrinking from the sight in fear.

"Then what's this?" the brown one said as he grabbed her saddle bag and yanked it off, the straps barely holding the bag together.

"NO!" she yelled, trying to reach for her precious books. Her tiny body wasn't enough though, her little hooves just barely out of reach of her belongings. The brown colt shined a grin as he tossed the bag to the black one, the colt easily catching it.

"What's in here that's so special?" he asked as he put his nose inside the bag. "Something good?"

"My books!" Twilight yelled as she ran up to the other colt, trying to grab the bag. Once again, her hooves couldn't reach her target.

"You want this?!" he asked, only to fling it at the green colt. Twilight quickly ran to him, only to have her bag thrown back to the brown colt. But, as the bag flew through the air, the saddle bag disappeared, "Huh?! Hey! Where'd it go?!" he asked, his head turning around, trying to find the bag. Confusion consumed him as he realised the bag had not fallen to the ground around him.

"You losers should try picking on somepony your own size." said a voice. They all looked up and saw the saddle bag in the hooves of an orange pegasus with blue hair.

"Flash!" Twilight exclaimed, instantly recognising the foal.

"Just because you're bigger," Flash said as he put the saddle bag on his back, "that doesn't give you the right to push others around."

"Like I give a furry fuzz about what you think!" the black colt barked, his hoof shaking at Flash. "Come down here and I'll show you what happens to eavesdropping ponies like you!"

"Why'd you think I'm up here moron?" Flash said, only for his young wings to give out at that moment. He came to a sudden fall to the ground, his body laying flat next to Twilight. "Ow!" he moaned out as he hit solid earth. Looking back up, he saw the three teenage foals grinning as they towered above him, "Okay, new plan." he told Twilight as he grabbed her hoof "RUN!"

"Get them!" the leader yelled as the two foals made a hasty retreat, the trio not far behind. The two foals ran as fast as they could, but it wasn't enough. The trio kept getting closer, their hooves slamming the ground.

"They're catching up!" Twilight screamed, tears flowing from her eyes. Flash was trying his best to stay calm, but fear was inside him as well. But he knew that he was close to his destination. They only needed to stay ahead for a few more seconds. Then, Flash found what he was looking for as they took a sudden turn.

"NOW!" he yelled as he grabbed Twilight. He pulled the filly with him through a large bush, the duo quickly disappearing. As the bullies took the same turn, they were stunned at the foals sudden disappearance.

"Where'd they go?!" the black pony asked before turning to the green one, "Are you sure they came this way?!"

"I saw them jump through the bushes, I swear!" he replied, a gulp going down his throat as the black colt's hoof just inches away from his throat.

"Well keep looking!" he yelled before the three left the scene, never bothering to glance up. If they had, they would have noticed Flash and Twilight sitting on a large tree branch. He had managed to gets his wings going, quickly getting himself and the filly up the tree.

"They're finally gone." Flash said, still looking at the fleeing colts. "Glad that's over. Though...we should stay up here for a while just in case. Don't you agree?"

"I'm not staying anywhere with you." Twilight said, frowning at him. Flash turned and saw her pouting face.

"What did I do?!" Flash exclaimed, surprised at her sudden anger. "I just saved you from those bullies!"

"Next time you decide to play hero, make sure you can back it up." Twilight replied with a snort, "And give me back my saddle bag!" she said as she pulled the bag off of Flash's back, "Who knows what you'll try to do with it."

"Hey! What do you mean by that?!" Flash yelled back, anger appearing on his face now.

"I mean that you can't trust a thief like you." she said as she began to climb down.

"Thief?!" Flash gasped, "I'm no thief! I haven't stolen anything!"

"I heard everything from Donut Joe!" Twilight replied as she got to the bottom of the tree, "I know all about your little crime spree."

"You don't get to judge me." Flash said as he landed in front of Twilight. "You don't even know me."

"What else do I need to know about a thief?" Twilight replied, her face still showing her pouting face. As she tried to leave, a sudden crash of thunder sounded above their heads.

"Oh great, another thunderstorm. Just my luck." Flash moaned as he turned around, walking the other way from the tree. His ears twitched as he heard a certain sound. His ears had heard a whimper. Turning around, he saw Twilight shaking in fear. Her tiny shivering body quickly pierced his heart. "Are you okay?"

"I don't like storms." she quivered out, trying to hide from the noise.

Flash couldn't believe that the filly that had just been bravely reprimanding him earlier was now reduced to a terrified foal. Flash let out a sigh as he trotted over to her, his wings patting her back. "Come on, I know a place where you can wait out the storm."

The duo started their sprint away from the tree as the rain began to appear. They soon found themselves in front of an old large oak tree. On it was an old tree house sitting on it's branches. Once again, Flash took hold of Twilight and flew her up and inside.

"It's not much." he said as they got inside, "But it'll keep the wind and rain out." His statement quickly fell apart as a large drop of water landed on his head. "Mostly."

Twilight giggled for a second, her hoof covering her mouth. Her happiness would only last for a second as a scream followed due to another crash of thunder. The noise caused her to jump into the only corner that was dry.

"You'll be okay. It's only thunder." Flash told her as he took his blanket and wrapped it around her for warmth.

"Thank you." she whimpered, her body shivering from sound of the thunder. "You didn't have to help me."

"I couldn't just let you freeze out there, could I?" Flash said as he put his hoof on her shoulder. "You don't think I'm that bad, do you?"

"But I was so mean to you." she replied as she continued to shake.

"I don't blame you." Flash smiled at her. She soon returned a smile as she began to forget about the storm that she was so scared of just moments ago.

"I don't think this storm will be letting up any time soon." Flash told her gently, trying to keep her calm down. "You may have to stay the night."

"What about you?" she asked, her hooves clinching the blanket. "Won't your family be worried about you?" Her eyes began to widen as she saw him frown again. Her memories began to surface as she remembered a similar reaction from the colt. The last time he was asked about his family, he made the same reaction. she thought, praising herself as she began to put the pieces together. Twilight gulped as she asked her next question, "Flash?"

"Yeah?" he replied softly.

"You do have a family...don't you?"

The silence between them felt like an eternity. The sound of the rain was the only thing that could be heard in that tiny treehouse. After what felt like forever, Flash finally spoke up, "I don't know."

"You don't know if you have a family?"

"No. All I remember is running."

"Running? Running from what?"

"I can't remember." he replied as he looked up at the wooden ceiling. "But I've never stopped running. From bullies or grown ups, I've ran and kept running, looking out for myself because no one else will." He looked around the small cold construction of wood, "this place might be a dump...but from what I started with, a dump is better than nothing."

Twilight opened up the blanket and wrapped it around him, bringing them close inside the woollen cocoon. She soon placed her head into the crook of his neck to rest. It wasn't long before sleep took them both, though they weren't easy sleeps. Flash's was a half awake state as he kept an ear out for any dangers that might come close, while Twilight's was a guilt filled dream.

She had thought of him as nothing more then a thief, taking what he wanted out of greed, not necessity. She knew now that the food he took was probably the only way he could feed himself. He was called a pest or trouble maker for it because he didn't know any better. She had never known that there were ponies living like this, especially one around her age. And yet, here he was. But even though he lived a constant struggle of stealing and surviving, he had still helped her. She decided then that when this storm had passed, she wouldn't leave him. She would help him the way he had helped her.

Welcome to the Family Flash

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Twilight's sleep was broken as the sun touched her face. Slowly, she opened her eyes, blinking as she adapted to the light. This didn't last long when she noticed that she was now alone.

"Flash?" she asked, her eyes darting around, trying to find the colt.

Suddenly, with a whoosh through the air, the orange colt appeared. Twilight's saddlebag sat snugly on his back. "Morning." he said with a cheeky grin. "I've got breakfast." he said as he took the bag off, he then pulled out two large steaming rolls. As he passed one to her, the smell grabbed her nose, almost hypnotising her as she licked her lips. His smile grew as he said, "Fresh from the oven."

"Where did you get these?" Twilight asked as her mouth continued to water.

"The baker was feeling particularly generous today." he said as he looked at the bread with pure hunger. Twilight on the other hoof, was giving a look of disbelief. He noticed this and let out a sigh. "Fine. I nabbed them when he wasn't looking."

Twilight put the loaf down while speaking up, "We can't eat these." she said, causing Flash to freeze with his loaf half way into his mouth.

"Why not?"

"Because it's not ours." she replied with a angry expression, causing Flash to slightly flinch. "You have to take it back."

"Do you know how hard it was to get this bread?!" Flash barked, angry at the notion of losing food.

"It's still wrong." Twilight told him as she got up and gave him the loaf. She glared at him as she continued, "Give this bread back to the baker and say you're sorry."

"And why would I do that?" Flash asked sarcastically. “I'll starve if I do.”

"Because if you don't give it back," Twilight said with a smirk, "I won't ask my parents to invite you to dinner."

This got Flash's attention, "Dinner? Seriously?!"

"Yup. Consider it a thank you for helping me yesterday." Twilight said with a cheeky grin.

Flash smiled at this. "I helped you because we're friends." he then blushed and looked away, "We are friends, right?"

Twilight shared his blush. She never really had any friends before. She had acquaintances like Moon Dancer and her other school mates, but not a real friend. "I'd like that." she replied as she presented her hoof, "And as my friend, I'm inviting you to my house."

"Sweet." Flash said, his eyes beaming from the idea. He quickly shook her hoof in response.

"But first," Twilight then took her hoof as she pointed at the bread he was carrying. Realising what she meant, he let out a large sigh.

"Fine. I'll take it back..." Flash groaned as he put the bread back into the saddlebag. Soon, the duo were flying down from the treehouse as Flash slowly descended with Twilight in tow. They then stared their trek out of the park, ready to get to the bakery when suddenly...

"TWILIGHT!" yelled a voice. They both turned around and saw the scream's owner. It was Twilight's brother Shining Armor who was quickly running up to them. "Where have you been?! Do you know how long you've been gone?!"

"Sorry BBBFF." she replied with a frown as he embraced her. "I got caught up in the storm last night and...I'm sorry."

Shinning sighed and nuzzled her, "I told you to head straight home yesterday because of the storm."

"Twilight!" the trio turned around again, only to see the rest of her family arriving along with Cadance.

Twilight let out a gasp as another pony also approached them."Princess Celestia?!”

Flash on the other hoof could only sit there in shock as the large white Alicorn ran up to Twilight and began to hug her. His mind raced as he realised the filly knew real royalty. That is, till he felt a slight tingle all over his body.

Meanwhile, Celestia continued her embrace, "Twilight my dear student." the princess said as she tightened the hug. "I am glad to see you are safe."

"Are you okay?! We were so worried about you!" Twilight's mother exclaimed, as she wiped away her tears. "When you didn't come home and the storm started...we thought something must have happened!"

"We contacted the Princess but, when she said you had left...well, we feared something bad must have happened." Night Light continued as he patted his daughter on the head. “Don't scare us like that!"

“Sorry daddy.”

“It's fine. But why were you gone all night?”

"I think I know why." Shinning Armor growled as his magic lifted up a certain orange colt.

"Hey! Lemme go!" Flash said, his arms flailing around as he tried to escape Shining's magic.

"You're that colt Donut Joe was chasing last week." Shining said while giving him the evil eyes, "The thief."

"Let him go." Twilight said sternly, causing Shining to cock his eyebrow surprise. "He hasn't done anything wrong. He helped me last night."

"Help you with what?" her father asked as he walked in front of his daughter. “Is this about why you didn't come home last night?”

“Yes.” Twilight said with as sigh as an explanation soon followed. Twilight told them all about the bullies from yesterday. About how Flash had saved her before the storm came, causing the duo to stay in the tree house for the night. As the story ended, the adults all looked at each other in surprise.

Celestia turned to Shining Armor with a calm smile, "I think you should let him go now dear."

Shining Armor turned to Flash with a less sceptical expression than before. Flash on the other hoof had his front legs crossed and was frowning at him. Shining gave a sheepish smile as he gently let the colt go. As Flash landed, he turned to Celestia and bowed, "Thank you, your majesty."

"It is okay my little pony" Celestia told him with a kind smile, "I should be thanking you for helping my student."

Flash could only blush and look away from the compliment.

Celestia then noticed his cutie mark and smiled, "It seems protecting other ponies is easy for you, especially with that kind of cutie mark." Flash wondered what she meant. Seeing his confused expression, she started to explain, "Shield based cutie marks usually signify a talent in protecting others."

"Protect?" he repeated, pointing to himself, "me?"

"Indeed." Celestia nodded, "Many young ponies with marks like that usually end up joining the military. Though you are a bit young right now...”

"But I don't even know how I got this thing." he said as he pointed to his flank, "One minute it's not there and the next moment, it is. It just showed up one day."

"You must have done something special if you have that kind of mark at your age." Cadance said with a smile, "Your parents might know."

As Flash flinched from Cadance's comment, Twilight spoke up in his defence. "Cadance" Twilight said as she gave a slight frown. "Flash doesn't know his parents.”

"Oh." Cadance said as she backpedalled for a second. "I'm sorry, then your guardian or whom ever you live with."

Flash irked as those words entered his ears. Before he say something, Twilight nudged him. Realising what she meant, he let out a sigh. He knew what he was going to have to confess. His voice lowered as he whispered his confession first. Unfortunately, the whisper was no where near enough.

"Pardon? Could you say that again?" Night Light asked as he bent down.

Flash mumbled it again as Twilight put her hoof on his shoulder. It was a little louder, but still to quiet for the other ponies ears. After a few attempts, his voice finally peaked.

"I DON'T LIVE WITH ANYPONY!" Flash let out, causing all of them to cover their ears.

"Wait...are you implying..." Shining Armor said after the ringing had subsided, "You live on your own?" Flash just nodded with a glare, “At your age?”

"You don't have a family?" Cadance gasped, “None at all?”

"Not that I remember." Flash said as he shook his head.

"Oh you poor thing." Velvet replied as she went up and hugged the colt.

"That's why he stole the food." Twilight explained, causing Shining to give her a slight glare.

"It's still wrong to steal Twily."

"Ponies do many wrong things when they're desperate." Celestia said as she walked up to Flash, "Young ponies especially tend to do the most rash actions."

Flash tried to stay quiet, hoping to slip away when given an opportunity. After Velvet ended her hug, he tried to slowly scoot away. However, Twilight kept right by him, making it even harder to sneak away as the adults began to talk among themselves. Seeing no easy way out of this, he spoke up.

"Can I go now?"

The adults all turned back to him, their faces filled with confusion.

"Go?" Velvet asked, "Go where?"

"I don't know." Flash shrugged "I usually just go wherever and figure out the rest later."

Celestia shook her head as she walked back up to the colt, "You can't be serious my little pony. I can't leave somepony so young out on the streets. Please allow me to find you somepony to look after you."

"But I can look after myself. I've done it for years, I'll be fine." Flash barked back. He knew he could do it, he had done it for years.

"Stealing to live isn't a life, little one." Celestia argued as she bent down to his level, "I promise I'll find you a good home."

Flash said nothing at this. All his mind would tell him is that she was wrong. Nopony would want a street urchin like him. Twilight blinked at the sight, noticing the look on his face. She knew instantly that he was scared. Remembering the promise she made, she turned to her parents,

"Mommy? Daddy?" she asked "Can't he stay with us?"

The two adults went wide eyed at her request. The thought of letting a child they barely knew into their home was concerning. But he had helped their daughter. They both gave each other a glance, not sure how to respond. They looked back at Twilight only to see a pair of puppy dog eyes. They were already beaten before they even tried. The two nodded at each other before turning to the Alicorn.

"Princess, would it be okay if he stays with us for a little bit?" Night said, causing Flash to look up in surprise.

"Are you sure?" Celestia asked as she looked at the parents. "Looking after a young pegasus colt is something you have not done before.” Her statement was true, they were a family of unicorns after all.

"That's okay." Velvet replied with a bright smile. "We'll figure it out. Besides, I bet he'll be easier than when we had to raise Shining."

“Hey!” Shining barked, blushing at the statement before Cadance hugged him.

Night Light walked over to the young pegasus and bent down to his eye level, "What do you say Flash? Would you like to stay with us until we can figure something out for you?"

Flash wanted to say yes, but stopped himself when turned to Shining Armor. He could tell he didn't exactly approve. Flash wanted to stay with them but he knew he would feel like an intruder.

Shining Armor looked at his hooves as everyone else turned to him, glaring. They knew that Shining could scare the poor colt away if he wanted too. Cadance thankfully, was there to keep him in his place. She nudged the stallion, causing him to step up to Flash with reluctance in his face.

"You're not gonna cause any more trouble, right?" he asked despite feeling several icy cold glares from the others. Getting a head shake meaning no, "And you promise to not steal anymore, okay?" Flash quickly nodded. A sigh came out of Shining's mouth as he finally stopped. "Then, I guess I should say...welcome to the family, Flash."

Flash finally smiled as he ran up to them and embraced his new family. The two Alicorns watched the scene and smiled to each other. They knew this sight only meant one thing: Everything would turn out just fine.

Finding a Purpose

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The first thing Flash heard that morning was a loud, almost beast-like sound above him. Panic began to settle inside him till he looked up. There, he saw Shining Armor in his bed. The large stallion was fast asleep, snoring away.

When Flash had first arrived at the Sparkle home, Night Light had told him he would be staying in the spare room they used for storage. However, it would take some time till it could be fully cleared out for the colt. Until then, Flash would have to bunk with Shining Armor.

Flash didn't mind, the sleeping bag he was using was way better then the old tree house floor. Last night had been some of the best night sleep he could remember ever having.

Not wanting to wake up Shining, he slowly got up and quietly left the room. As he headed downstairs, he soon saw that Velvet and Night Light were preparing breakfast.

"Oh Flash." Velvet said, noticing him. "Why are you up so early?"

"I usually get up at this time." Flash replied as he looked over the toast and cereals they were putting out, his lips licking at the sight. "Can I help?" he asked, trying to hide the fact he wanted to get to the food now.

"You could get the cutlery out." Night Light replied as he opened the fridge. “Haven't got to that yet.”

“Sure.” Flash lifted himself up high enough with his wings to open the drawer and pull out the cutlery, soon placing them on the table. As he continued to help in the kitchen, two other ponies made their way into the dinning room. It was Shining and Twilight, who quickly sat down for breakfast. Seeing this sight, the family soon began their meal.

As they ate, Twilight turned to Flash, "So what do you want to do today?"

"I don't know." Flash's life usually consisted of finding things to eat, he never had any free time before.

"Maybe he could go to the castle with you." Velvet suggested as she chomped down a piece of toast. "He might enjoy it."

"Yeah..." Twilight said as she ate the last bit of her cereal. "I'm sure Princess Celestia wouldn't mind."

"Sure." Flash replied as he gulped down some milk. “Sounds like fun.”

After breakfast, he and Twilight headed out towards the castle. Flash wasn't expecting much since he had found out recently that Twilight would most likely be spending her time reading. Reading was something Flash wasn't great at due to lack of need for it on the streets. However, he had always wanted to see the inside of the castle.

As they arrived at the giant castle gates, Flash was amazed at how Twilight so casually walked passed the large fearsome guards posted there. One of them Flash even recognised, mainly due to being previously chased by him. He decided to keep his head down till they passed the armoured duo. That is, till the sound of approaching hooves clicked in his ears.

"Good morning Twilight." he looked back up, only to see the princess herself greeting her student, "and I see you invited your new friend today."

"That's okay isn't it?" Twilight asked worried that she had done something wrong.

"Of course it is." Celestia replied with a nod. "But I'm afraid he may get bored since today's lesson is just a few book reviews." Celestia turned to a middle aged unicorn next to her. "Silver Star, could you please get him a visitor's pass?"

"Of course Princess." Silver Star saluted before leaving to acquire the pass.

Soon, Flash had a small card tied around his neck. "That pass will allow you to walk around the castle without trouble." Celestia explained to him, "You won't be allowed into every section of the castle, but you will be able to visit places like the library, the kitchens and the royal gardens."

"Cool." Flash said inspecting the pass. It was a small card with a insignia similar to Celestia's cutie mark.

They soon arrived outside the castle library and Celestia turned to Twilight. "I'll be back to check on you in a little while Twilight. Until then, I'd like you to read 'Revelations of Magic' volumes 3 through 5."

"Yes Princess." Twilight nodded.

The Alicorn soon headed off with her servants, leaving the two foals alone. "So, are you going to come in?" Twilight asked, curiosity covering her face.

"I think I might look around for a bit." Flash said with a tap of his chin. “I'd like to explore a little, if you don't mind.”

"Okay." Twilight nodded again. "Lunch is usually at twelve-thirty, so make sure to be in the great hall by then."

"Got it." he said before they went their separate ways. Flash spent the next several hours exploring the halls of the castle, amazed at the sight before him. He visited the many ballrooms and found himself in a few of the kitchens. He especially liked these since the chefs would offer him sweets that could have never gotten on the streets, other then on Nightmare Night.

Eventually, he found himself in the gardens. Fascinated by the many strange and exotic flowers around him, he decided to enter the large hedge maze that was placed inside one of the gardens. Flash found himself having fun inside the maze, pretending he was on a grand adventure...until he got lost.

"Okay." he said to himself as he pointed at a hedge wall. "I'm pretty sure I've come this way before, so the way out should be" he jumped around a corner only to be met with another dead end. "Darn it.”

An hour and a half later, Flash finally decided to give up. "Time to cheat." he said to himself as he began flapping his wings, hovering until he was above the hedges. "Who says cheaters never prosper?" he said, running around the hedge. That is, till he ran straight off the edge, causing him to crash and roll until he arrived in a dusty heap.

"Ow." he said, rubbing his head as he pulled himself up. Looking around, he realised he was in a part of the gardens that looked very different. This area looked more like an extreme play park. Large structures littered the ground, built with ropes, nets and other cool looking equipment. "What is this place?" Flash asked himself as he kept staring at equipment, his eyes shining with excitement. “It's so cool!”

"It's the guard's training ground." Flash span around and saw a middle aged Earth Pony walk up to him. His coat was mostly gray with streaks of silver here and there. A large scar ran over his left eye and his Cutie Mark was a black shield with a smaller white shield inside of it.

Flash shivered at the sight of the larger pony. "I'm sorry." he quivered out as he shook like a leaf. "I was lost in the maze and climbed out but ended up here and-"

The Earth Pony smiled as he walked up and patted Flash on the back, "Relax kid. You're not the first pony to wander in here by mistake."

"I'm not?!" he whimpered out in surprise.

The older pony laughed. "Happens all the time." he explained as he placed his hoof on his chest. "I'm Grand Hoof, I'm the one in charge of this here training ground."

"Training ground?" Flash repeated, looking around.

"This is where the royal guard practice and train for any and all kinds of situations that may endanger Canterlot."

"Cool!" Flash said as he stepped towards the first obstacle, looking up at it, "Can I try it?"

Grand Hoof laughed again. "Go ahead kiddo."

Flash smiled and ran towards the first obstacle, a tall vertical board with a thick piece of rope. Grand Hoof sat down as he watched the young pony begin the obstacle course. It was designed to test fully grown ponies, most who would give up on the first try. Grand Hoof bet that orange foal would only last ten minutes before he quit.

Flash took the rope in his mouth and began pulling himself up. However, before he could get to the top, he lost his footing and fell down, a loud thud following the impact. Grand Hoof got off his seat, expecting Flash to begin crying and give up. He was a colt after all. But to his surprise, Flash got up immediately and once again began climbing. This time, he was more steady, as if he had suction pads on his feet.

Grand Hoof's mouth hung open as Flash pulled himself over the top and slid down the board. How in Equestria had he managed to do that on his second try baffled him. Most Pegasi took at least four times before getting it. "Did he figure out the right way to climb after that first failure?" he asked himself as he rubbed his chin in thought. "He's quite adaptable for his age."

Flash moved onto the next obstacle, a mud field filled with an assortment of different sized stepping stones. With one small leap, he jumped onto the closest one. This time Grand Hoof knew Flash would have a hard time, the colt was already half off balance on the first rock. That is, unless he used his wings. But Flash didn't. Instead, he used all of his might to leap from one to the other until he slipped on the fourth and fell. This time however, the failure didn't fully happen as he used his wings to save himself from a mud bath. Quickly hovering in the air, he flew back to the beginning of the mud course. There, he tried again, only this time his strides were more direct and he was soon reached the other side.

This continued on for a good long while with Flash. He would reach an obstacle and if he failed, he would try again, sometimes three or four times if necessary. But he always did better each time and eventually completed the course in almost record time.

"That was fun." Flash said as he shook off the few painful times from the obstacle course. “I am kinda hungry now though...”

"Not bad kid." Grand Hoof said with a clap as the young foul moved up to him.

"Thanks." Flash said before the sound of bells made him realise what time it was. "Aw shoot! I'm gonna be late!"

"Got a date kid?"

"I'm supposed to have lunch in the great hall in half an hour!" Flash explained in a panic, "But I don't know the way back!"

"Relax kid, I can get you there in no time." Grand Hoof replied as he patted Flash's back again. "Come on kiddo, I know a shortcut." The stallion soon led Flash out of the training field and around the garden into a backdoor entrance. It looked like a full setup barracks as they went through into an armoury filled with spears and swords. Flash had to use every bit of self control he needed to not start playing with some of them.

After some time, they finally entered a part of the castle that actually looked like a castle. Several hallways later, they drew close to the great hall. Twilight and the princess were walking towards them when they finally arrived at the great hall's entrance. When she saw Grand Hoof and Flash together, Celestia grew worried, a grimace on her face. "Good afternoon Sir Grand Hoof." she said with a wave "There isn't a problem, is there?"

"No, your majesty." he replied as he patted Flash's head with a cheeky grin, "Young Flash here simply stumbled into the training area and I was just helping him get back here in time for lunch."

"I see. Well, thank you for that." Celestia said with an approving nod. "Would you care to join us?"

"I could go for bite your majesty."

Lunch was delicious. Flash enjoyed the spring rolls the most as they ate. As the feast continued, Twilight asked the princess a few questions about what she had learned from today's study session while Grand Hoof talked about some of his adventures as a young solider. After some time the conversation turned to Flash, eventually ending with Grand Hoof learning about his unique circumstances.

"So your living with the princess's protege now, eh?" Grand Hoof asked as he chomped down on the last spring roll.

"Yeah." Flash replied as he scratched the back of his head. "I'm really grateful to them." Twilight and him then shared a smile.

Grand Hoof on the other hoof, looked as if he was thinking deeply about something important. He lowered his line of vision for a second, trying to observe Flash's Cutie Mark. After a few minutes of thinking, he then turned to Celestia. "Your highness, may I speak to you in private for a moment?"

"Of course." she replied, seeing the thoughtful look on his face. She then turned to the foals with a kind smile. "My little ponies, if you're done here, why don't you head back to the library? I'll be back shortly."

Twilight and Flash finished their lunch and returned to the library. There, Twilight found another book to read while Flash found himself a comfy chair to sit in and simply watched her study. His body still slightly ached from the obstacle course and he knew he didn't have the attention span for reading right now. Not long after, the Princess and Grand Hoof arrived, both with a smile on their faces.

"Flash." Celestia said as she pointed to Grand Hoof. "Grand Hoof would like to talk to you about something."

Flash and Twilight looked at each other, curious about what the old solider would want to say that was so important. Grand Hoof cleared his throat and begun. "Flash, after hearing your story and after seeing how well you did on the obstacle course, I believe you have great potential as a protector."

"Protector? Protector of what?" Flash asked, confused.

"Of whatever you think is worth protecting." Celestia said, still shining her kind smile.

"Flash." Grand Hoof continued as he patted Flash's shoulder. "I would like for you to train here with me as my apprentice."

"Apprentice?" Flash repeated, surprised at the sudden proposal. “Huh?”

"You see Flash." Celestia explained as she pointed at Grand Hoof again. "Grand Hoof isn't just a royal guard, he's a Royal Knight."

Grand Hoof nodded. "That's right. Royal Knights are the highest level of security in Equestria, second only to the princess."

Celestia nodded in kind. "Royal Knights are rarely created. Usually, only a pony that has done extraordinary deeds or trained under other Royal Knights can be accepted into their ranks."

"Currently, only twelve Royal Knights are alive at the moment." Grand Hoof finished. "And if you accept, you may be the thirteenth one day.”

"But why would you think I could be a Royal Knight?" Flash asked, his colt mind still confused over this sudden offer. "I'm nothing special."

"That's where you're wrong." Grand Hoof explained as he patted the colt again. "Your ability on the obstacle course shows you've got skill. What you told me about your past with Twilight shows you have heart. You tried to help somepony you barely knew and your survival on your own for so long shows you have will. You have the potential to be a Royal Knight, my boy. You've shown it in mind, body and soul."

Flash thought about what Grand Hoof had said. Him, a Royal Knight. He had never seen himself in such a special role. In fact, he never saw himself as much of anything except a survivor. But Grand Hoof could be right. Maybe this was his calling.

"So what do you say Flash?" Celestia asked, a calm smile shining from her face. "It would involve you spending most days here training."

Coming to the castle everyday, doing more stuff like the assault course he had enjoyed, learning to fight with swords and spears. He really wanted to try those. He could only think about the possibilities, that is, till he turned to Twilight. In the one moment he turned to Twilight for her thoughts, he saw the look of amazement in her eyes. He knew she wanted him to try it from that look alone. His mind made up, he turned back to Celestia and Grand Hoof.

"So, what's my first lesson?"

Everypony cheered at his response, happy about his choice. As for Flash, he had just taken his first steps towards his destiny.

Heading to Ponyville

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Many years later

In the training grounds of Canterlot, two ponies stood opposite each other. One was a Pegasus while the other was an Earth Pony. They were fitted in heavily padded gear around their bodies, with large shining helmets on their heads and each carried a wooden sword in their mouths. They stood there, waiting for the signal.

Finally, a bell rang out and the two shot at each other like bullets. Their swords collided in a dazzling clash as they began pushing each other back, resulting in a stand still. After several seconds the Pegasus quickly flapped his wings, using them to make a wind that shot at his opponent. The gust caused the Earth Pony to falter backwards, quickly losing his balance from the wind.

Seeing the opening, the Pegasus shot forward, and with one swipe of his sword, struck his opponent down. His opponent's sword went flying from the blow as the Earth Pony found himself on his back, the Pegasus's sword at his neck.

"I taught you too well." the Earth Pony chuckled as the sword was removed from his face. The duo then took off their helmets, revealing themselves as Grand Hoof and Flash.

Over the years, Flash had grown into a strong young stallion. His mane was shorter now since it would get in the way during training. The stallion walked with more confidence than he did as a young colt. As Grand Hoof's apprentice, Flash had mastered almost every weapon in the castles armoury, along with several weaponless fighting styles. He had even impressed Princess Celestia with his abilities.
"I think it's clear that you've officially surpassed me kiddo." Grand Hoof said as they put their gear away, making sure to pat Flash in the back.

"Don't say that." Flash replied, a small blush slowly forming around his cheeks.

"There's no shame in it." Grand Hoof explained as he picked up his sword. "It actually gives me great joy to say that Flash. After all, I have a student that outmatches me. That means you trained them well." He turned back to Flash as he put the sword away. "You've grown into a great warrior Flash, and that is something I am proud to have had a hoof in."

"You've done more then lend a hoof Grand." Flash told Grand Hoof as he removed his breastplate. "I wouldn't be the pony I am today without you."

"Maybe..." Grand Hoof said as he rubbed his chin. "But I only showed you the path, you were the one who took the steps."

Flash smiled hearing this. Ever since meeting Twilight, being taken in by her family and becoming Grand Hoof's apprentice Flash had truly begun to change. He had become a physically fit stallion, but that wasn't all. He had also changed mentally as well. When he wasn't training with Grand Hoof, he tended to patrol the streets out of pure altruism. Whenever there was a problem and nopony was there to help, he would jump in and try to help. His work had even earned him a new name, one he had gladly taken, Flash Sentry. Almost everypony he knew called him by that name, including Princess Celestia.

There was only one pony who didn't call him that, his best friend Twilight Sparkle. She was the only other thing he spent his time on. If he wasn't training or patrolling, he would be spending time with her. He usually found himself helping her with her studies or just hanging out and having fun. They spent so much time together that ponies in Canterlot often mistook them for a couple.

"So..." Grand Hoof said as they left the training ground. "You and Twilight are going to see the Summer Sun Celebration, right?"

"Maybe...though I forget where it's being hosted though." Flash replied as he rubbed her chin. The celebration usually alternated being hosted in Canterlot or some other town or city.

"Ponyville." Grand Hoof replied as he rubbed his cheek, still sore from the training session. "It's a small quiet place, a great cheap vacation spot."

"Sounds like you're planning to retire there or something." Flash joked, he could never imagine his stubborn teacher ever retiring from being a solider.

"Maybe I will." Grand Hoof said, causing Flash's eyes to slightly widen. "But I got a few years left in me before I hang up the armour." Flash's expression returned to normal as his teacher confirmed what he was thinking. "But that's besides the point Flash, you're the one going to the celebration."

"Depends if Twilight's bust or not."

"Well, why don't you head over there and see?"

"You sure? I thought we would do some laps or something. It is still a little early to finish, isn't it?" Flash asked, surprised at the laid back attitude of his teacher. Usually at this time, he would be halfway down Canterlot in a full on sprint or struggling through another absurd obstacle course.

"After the royal beating you just gave me? I think I could use a rest kiddo."

"Maybe you should hang up the armour if you're already tired Gramps." Flash said, trying not to giggle.

"Watch it. I may be old but I can still give you a major flank whooping." Grand Hoof warned as he leaned down, glaring at his pupil. He then pointed his hoof. "Now get going before I change my mind."

"Right right...I got it." Flash said before taking to the skies. As the wind picked up, he soon found himself heading towards Twilight's loft. “And there it is...”

As Twilight had got older, Princess Celestia had increased her study load. It went to the point that she had even allowed Twilight her own space in one of the high towers. The place was off limits to all but a select few so Twilight could focus on her studies in peace. It was far away from the training ground so as not to cause distracting noise and high enough that no one without actual cause would go up there. Twilight would often fall asleep in her loft, too tired from studies to go home. There were times that Flash would have to drag her out between books just so she could get some sun and see her family.

As Flash drew closer to the tower, he noticed his other close friend Spike the Dragon was carrying large suitcases out. "Spike!" he called out, catching the dragon's attention.

"Flash." the dragon said as he waved at the Pegasus. "Glad you're here. You think you can talk some sense into Twilight?"

Flash sighed and shook his head. "What is it this time? Lost a book in a certain set again?"

"She's got it in her head that some evil pony is going to show up and cause trouble." Spike said, causing Flash to give a sceptical look.

"Okay, walk me through it buddy." Flash said spinning his hoof in a spiral motion. Spike then explained how Twilight had read a book about somepony named Nightmare Moon, who is supposed to escape her imprisonment on the moon and cause night time eternal. Twilight had tried to warn Celestia, who replied by tasking her with preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville.
"Well, that explains the suitcase."

"Yeah, but she's still concerned about this whole nighttime eternal thing." Spike replied with a groan. "You think you can talk to her?"

"Sure bud." Flash said as he went inside. "Twilight? You in here?"

"Up here Flash." her voice came from upstairs. He found her speed reading through countless books, her eyes shifting left and right.

"So Spike says your going to Ponyville." Flash said, trying to start up a conversation, "That should be fun."

"I have more important things I should be doing" Twilight replied as she went to another book in a panic.

"Yeah, I heard." Flash said as he started to get closer to Twilight. "You really think somepony locked in the moon is going to cause trouble at tomorrow’s celebration?"

"This is serious Flash." Twilight explained as she threw another book in anger, "Tomorrow is the thousandth year since the banishment of Nightmare Moon. We should be preparing to face her, not working on setting up some silly party!"

"I remember you used to love going to that silly party. It's celebrating Princess Celestia after all." Flash replied as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Things change Flash. I have a duty to protect Equestria from any threat and I can't stop Nightmare Moon without the Elements of Harmony."

"The what?" Flash asked, his eyebrow cocked at the response.

"I don't know what they are, but according to my research, they are the only thing that can stop Nightmare Moon."

"And I'm sure Princess Celestia knows that and is working on locating them." Flash said as he grabbed Twilight's latest book in front of her with a glare. "You know she wouldn't just ignore something like this if it's serious."

"Then why is she sending me to Ponyville instead of continuing my studies?!"

"I don't know. Maybe with her dealing with this Nightmare Moon, she needs someone to keep up appearances. Did you ever think of that?”

Twilight didn't respond. She just stood there, thinking about what Flash had just said.

"I know you're worried." Flash said as he put the book down. "But what if you're wrong? You can't start a panic like that with nothing to go on but fairy tales."

"I guess you're right." Twilight replied, her ears drooping down.

"Tell you what, why don't I come and lend you a hoof in Ponyville?"

Twilight's frown became a grin at this, "Of course! That way, I can finish checking the celebration quicker and get started on some more research on the Elements of Harmony!"

"Sure, let's go with that." Flash said, facehoofing at Twilight's response.

Twilight quickly ran to the door. "Come on, we'll need to get some things from home before we leave."

Flash and Twilight soon returned home and found Velvet and Night Light in the kitchen. "Hey kids." Night Light greeted them as they walked in. "Care for a cup of tea?”

"Can't dad. The Princess has ordered me to go to Ponyville to oversee the preparations and I have to get all my things right now!" Twilight panicked as she rushed up to her room.

"And I agreed to go help her." Flash continued as he walked up to Night Light. “I'll take a cup though.”

"Well, I hope you two have fun." Velvet said as she gave Flash a cup. “It'll be good for Twilight to get out again. Poor girl keeps herself cooped up way too much.”

"That being said, do we want to know why she's panicking so much?" Night Light asked with a sip of tea.

"She's just over thinking things like always." Flash sighed as he took a drink, "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on her as usual."

The two smiled at him. "We can always count on you Flash."

“Leave it to me.” Another sip. “Good stuff, this tea that is.”

“I know, right?”

Twilight returned and they both said their goodbyes. They soon reached the chariot, which was being pulled by a pair of pure white Pegasi. As they took to the skies, Spike pulled out the letter Princess Celestia had sent them, and once again began reading. "My dear Twilight, there is more to a young ponies life then studying. I fear to imagine what would have happened if you had never met Flash. So, I'm sending you to oversee the preparations for this year's Summer Sun Celebration. This year's location will be...Ponyville. While you do this, I have an even more essential task for you to complete, make some friends."

Twilight moaned when she heard this, causing Flash to snicker and get a scowl in return.

"Look on the bright side Twilight." Spike continued as he rolled up the letter. "The Princess arranged for you to stay in a library, doesn't that make you happy?"

Her scowl turned to grin as a new thought entered her head. "Yes. And do you know why? Because I know I'm right." the boys sighed as they both knew what she was going to say next. "I'll check on the preparations as fast as I can, then head to the library to look for proof of Nightmare Moon's return."

"Then, when will you make friends like the Princess said?" Spike asked, blinking.

"She said to check on preparation." Twilight replied with a smirk, "I am her student and I'll do my royal duty, but the fate of Equestria does not rest on me making friends."

"He's right you know Twilight." Flash said as he crossed his hooves, "I think making some new friends can't hurt. I used to think friendship was worthless until I met you. If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have a family. I would have never met Grand Hoof which lead to me being his apprentice."

Twilight couldn't help think he might be right. "I guess you have a point...but I'm still going to get this done and go find proof of Nightmare Moon's return!"

Flash sighed, wanting to facehoof again. However, he then noticed something. They had arrived at Ponyville.

Meeting New Friends

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As the chariot descended, the trio got their first look at Ponyville. Right away, they could tell it was a very different place compared to Canterlot. There was no quickness in the ponies movements, unlike Canterlot where every second mattered to them. The fast paced lives of constant yelling nobles and street ponies trying to make money was not here. Even the way the town was constructed looked very laid back. Instead of the buildings being jammed into wherever they could fit them, the houses were spaced out as if the builder just decided to place them wherever, no concern for room or anything.

Flash couldn't help but agree with what Grand Hoof had said. Maybe one day he too would kick up his hooves here. Definitely seemed like a great place to retire.

They soon landed and Twilight thanked their drivers, the Pegasi duo quickly taking to the skies back to return to their duty in Canterlot.

"Maybe the ponies in Ponyville have interesting things to talk about." Spike said, trying to persuade Twilight.

"Here, let's at least talk to one pony," Flash continued, noticing a pink Earth Pony walking up to them, "How about that one?”

Twilight sighed and turned to the pink pony who had stopped in front of them. Flash cocked his eyebrow as he observed her Cutie Mark, which seemed to be three party balloons.


At that moment, the Earth Pony gasped, floating in the air as it suddenly shot off to who knows where, leaving a trail of dust.

Twilight turned to Flash, giving him a look. He chuckled nervously in return. "Best two out of three?"

"Come on." Twilight groaned as she motioned to Spike to tell her the first destination. The dragon complied as he told them that the food would be catered by a place named Sweet Apple Acres.

“Sounds like a good place.” Flash remarked as they headed to their destination.

“Sounds like a waste of time.” Twilight moaned as she trudged toward the farm. “Let's get this over with so I can do my research.”

", who do we talk to?" Flash asked as they passed a sign for the farm.

"YEE-HA!" said a loud female voice with a county accent, quickly catching the trio's attention. They looked over to see an orange Earth Pony wearing a stetson. She had three apples for her Cutie Mark. The Earth Pony was running towards a nearby apple tree, spinning around to kick it as it knocked the apples loose as they fell into some buckets. Flash cocked his eyebrow as he found himself impressed with the mare's strength.

Twilight instead, just sighed as she walked up to the mare. "Let's get this over with." she groaned as she trotted over to her, "Good afternoon. My name is Twilight Sparkle-"

But before she could say anything else, the Earth Pony grabbed her hoof and began shaking it vigorously, "Well howdy do Miss Twilight!" the Earth Pony said, "A pleasure making your acquaintance. I'm Applejack. We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like making new friends!"

"Friends?!" Twilight exclaimed, trying to comprehend the situation as she felt like her hoof was about to be shaken off. "Actually I-"

"So!" Applejack interrupted, finally letting go of Twilight's still shaky hoof, "What can I do yah fer?"

As Spike grabbed Twilight's leg to stop the shaking, Flash stepped forward. "Greetings. My name is Flash." he explained with a slight bowing gesture. "Myself and Twilight are here to oversee the Summer Sun Celebration preparations."

"We heard you were in charge of the food." Twilight groaned as she rubbed her hoof.

"We sure as sugar are." Applejack replied with a cheeky grin, "Would you care to sample some?"

"As long as it doesn't take to long." Twilight said, hoping she didn't regret her decision.

"Speak for yourself." Flash moaned as he rubbed his stomach. "I haven't eaten anything in ages."

“That's because you train all the time, mister muscles.” Twilight shot back.

“It's my job Twi.”

"Then come take a seat. We'll fill yah right up!" Applejack said, dragging them to a table before ringing a triangle bell. "SOUPS ON EVERYPONY!"

From seemingly out of nowhere, hundreds of ponies appeared in a dust cloud surrounding them. Applejack soon appeared between them with a giant cheeky grin, "Now, why don't I introduce you to the Apple Family?" and with that she began listing off names. As she listed every name possible related to an apple, a new pony would quickly come to the table and drop a plate of whatever their name portrayed. Eventually, a small mountain of food towered above them, threatening to topple over the trio. Flash licked his lips as he observed the treats while Twilight let out a small gulp. Before she could say anything, Flash began to chow down, mostly into the apple desserts.

"Best apples ever." he said, licking his lips before wiping his mouth from the gorging of food.

"Glad ya think so." Applejack replied with a tip of the hat. "I'd say ya'll already part of the family."

The statement caused Twilight to spit out her apple crumble in shock.

"Okay, well I can see the food situation is handled." she spat as she tried to clean her face. Quickly turning around, Twilight then said, "So, I believe we'll be on our way now."

"Aren't yah gonna stay for brunch?" asked a small filly as she walked up to them. Her name was Apple Bloom and she was giving a face that was so cute, it should be illegal. Seeing Twilight cringe at the sight, Flash decided to speak up.

"I'm sorry." Flash said, kneeling down to the filly's eye level, "But when you have important duties like us, sometimes you have to put fun things like this on the back burner for a while." Everypony around them moaned at this. "But if we finish our work quickly enough, I'm sure we can come back later."

After hearing that, everypony cheered and said their goodbyes to the trio. As they walked out of the acres, Twilight let out a huge sigh of relief, causing Flash and Spike to roll their eyes.

"Good work Flash." Twilight said once they were out of earshot, "Who knows how long we would have been stuck there."

"Another reason you should hang around ponies more Twilight." Flash replied as he rubbed his face for any last crumbs, "You'd learn how to talk yourself out of problems like that."

“Yeah whatever.” Twilight rolled her eyes and turned to Spike. "What's next? I want this done and over with already."

The purple dragon turned to his check list, his eyes shifting back and forth. "Food is is weather." he explained as he looked up, "there's supposed to be a Pegasus Pony named Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds."

The two ponies looked up, only to see the sky was full of clouds. "Well, she's obviously not doing a very good job is she?"

Flash would have said something, but his heightened senses picked up on something heading their way. His ears twitched as he felt a small wind blustering by. Somepony was coming at them, and at high speeds. "Look out!” he yelled as he tackled Twilight. As the duo hit the dirt, a blue blur zipped past them before landing in a nearby mud puddle.

"Not again." a female voice said with a moan. As Twilight and Flash slowly got up, they turned to see a blue Pegasus Pony with a rainbow-coloured mane and tail. Her cutie mark was a white cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt under it, while her body was coated in mud.

"You okay?” Flash asked asked he walked up to her and presented his hoof.

"Yeah, no sweat. Happens all the time." she said as she shook violently, causing mud to fly off of her and splatter onto them. "Oops." she chuckled seeing this, "Sorry."

"Let me guess." Twilight said, wiping the mud off of her muzzle, "You're Rainbow Dash."

The blue Pegasus smirked as she bragged, "The one and only. Why? You heard of me?"

"I heard your supposed to be keeping the sky clear." she replied as she removed the last bit of mud. "I'm Twilight Sparkle. The Princess sent me to keep an eye on the weather, which you are clearly not doing your job."

"Yeah yeah, I'll get to that in a moment." Rainbow Dash said as she quickly began laying on a cloud, "I'll do it once I'm done practising."

"Practising?" Flash asked, "practising what?

"My routine to show the Wonderbolts." Rainbow Dash replied in an ecstatic tone, "They're gonna perform at the celebration tomorrow night and I'm gonna show them my stuff!"

"The Wonderbolts?" Twilight replied as she rolled her eyes.


"As in the number one flight team in Equestria?"

"The very same."

"Please." Twilight said with a waved hoof. "They'd never recruit a Pegasus Pony who can't even keep the sky clear for one measly day."

"I have to agree with her, you're making our species look bad." Flash remarked with a cheeky grin, making Rainbow Dash growl.

"I bet I could clear this sky faster then your coltfriend ever could." she challenged as growls became louder.

"He's not my coltfriend." Twilight hissed back as she pointed to him, "And he's an apprentice knight to the great Grand Hoof. I bet he could fly circles around you."

"Please don't bring me into this." Flash said with a raised hoof, as he knew he wasn't in a bragging mood.

"Too late pretty boy." Rainbow Dash replied with a challenging grin. "You and me right now." she said as pointed to the clouds. "I take one half and you take the other. First to clear their section wins."

"We really don't have time for this." Flash groaned with a face palm.

"Oh, come on!" Rainbow yelled "What's that old saying? A knight never flees from his foe?" Flash sighed and turned to Twilight, giving her a 'are you serious?' look.

"Just humour her." she told him as she pointed to the list. "If it'll get her off her flank and make do her work, then we can move on. Deal?"

Flash sighed and nodded. The two stood back to back looking up at the many clouds they had to bust. Spike stood between them and raised his claw. "!"

They shot into the sky at equal speed, both kicking clouds as best they could, their bodies zooming through the air. Twilight stood there, her eyes trying to keep up with Flash's blinding movement. "I got twelve," Flash said after about ten seconds. He then turned around and gasped, his eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing. Half of Rainbow Dash's section was already cleared

"Thirty-three," she said as she broke through one. "Thirty-four," she broke through another, in no time at all. Her section was soon completed while Flash's was only two-thirds complete. "I win" she yelled as she landed next to Twilight, whose mouth was hanging low. The speed from the pegasus caused her mane to be swept into a tidal wave shape.

"H-h-how did-" was all she could say.

"Believe it or not, I've actually been having an off day" Rainbow said, "but I'd never leave Ponyville hanging.”

"Okay," Flash said, landing in a huff. He could feel his body sting as he tried to keep up, "Maybe we underestimated you. Then again, I'm a solider, not a weather pony."

"Ya think?" she replied, laughing, "You guys are a riot! Didn't catch your name though."

"Flash Sentry."

"Well, Flash Sentry," she said with a smirk, "Whenever you're up for a rematch, just give me a call." she said as she flew off into a blue blur.

"Wow." Spike said as he tried to follow her. "She's amazing." he then turned and laughed as he saw Twilight's new do, causing Twilight to scowl and walk off. "It's really nice once you get used to it!"

"Bud." Flash said, patting Spike on the head. "You're just deepening your ditch. Stop digging in it pal."

They some arrived inside the town hall to check off the third item on the list, "Decorations." Spike said as he looked up from the list. "Beautiful."

Flash had to agree. Their were many pretty streamers and ribbons around the hall, coupled with an assortment of flowers. “Not bad. Reminds of the hallways of Canterlot Castle.”

"No, not the décor." Spike answered as he began pointing at something, "Her." Flash turned to see a white Unicorn. She had a flowing purple mane and tail along with three light blue diamonds for her Cutie Mark.

The Unicorn then levitated a bunch of ribbons around her, quickly dismissing them as she kept switching to other decorations. "No, no, no, oh goodness no."

"How are my spines?" Spike asked as he started patting himself down. "Are they straight?"

Twilight just rolled her eyes and walked up to her. "Good afternoon”

"Just one moment please," the Unicorn said politely, not looking at Twilight, "I'm in the zone as it were." she replied as she concentrated on a glittery red ribbon that she soon tied around a column. "Ah yes, sparkle always does the trick."

"I'll have to take your opinion on that." Flash said in a slight deadpan tone.

"Oh don't be so modest." she then turned around and gasped like she had seen something truly horrifying. She quickly pointed to Twilight's mane and exclaimed, "OH DARLING, what happened to you crinière?"

"She got wind swept by Rainbow Dash." Flash explained with a snicker.

"Oh...Rainbow Dash. Of course." she moaned with a facehoof, "Well, come with me dear." she said as she began pushing Twilight towards the door, "Rarity will have you looking better then ever." Soon, they found themselves in what was possibly the most extravagant building in Ponyville, on par with those in Canterlot. It appeared to be a boutique of some kind, with many different clothes and other gems arranged inside.

Rarity was currently squeezing Twilight into a tight corset. "Go on darling." she said with a gleeful grin. "You were telling me where you're from."

"I've.." she replied in a whisper as the air was constricted from her lungs, "Been sent from Canterlot to-" Rarity let go of the string in shock, sending them flying in separate directions.

"CANTERLOT?!" Rarity screamed, getting up with gems shining in her eyes. "Oh I am so envious! The glitz, the glamour, the sophistication! I have always dreamed of living there!" she then turned to the purple unicorn who was still on the floor. "We haven't been formally introduced. I'm Rarity, the owner of Carousel Boutique."

"I'm Twilight Sparkle." she replied as she strained to talk from the outfit, "I was sent by the Princess to oversee the preparations of the Summer Sun Celebration." she then turned to Flash and pointed at him. "That's Flash Sentry, apprentice knight to Grand Hoof."

"Knight you say?" Rarity suddenly shot over to stand up next to him. She quickly scanned him over, "My my, you do seem the knight in shinning armour type. Good muscles and everything.”

"Err...thanks." Flash said, backpedalling from the nosy mare.

"Maybe sometime after the Celebration, you and I could enjoy an evening dinner" Rarity said, her eyes blinking seductively.

Flash blinked at the sight, not sure what to say. Thankfully, Twilight was there to help. "Unfortunately, Flash and I will be heading back to Canterlot after the celebration is over."

Rarity blinked as her eyes shifted between the two and suddenly smirked. "Oh, of course my dear. I didn't mean to come between you two lovebirds."

"He's not my coltfriend." she replied before beginning to take off her corset, "And we really need to finish are preparations. Are we done here?"

"Yes yes." Rarity said as she helped remove it. "But we must get together sometime and talk about Canterlot. Oh, you and I are going to be the best of friends!" she then noticed something and gasped, "Emeralds?! Just what was I thinking?!" she stated as she started to walk away, "Let me get you some rubies."

"Quick!" Twilight almost yelled as she noticed Rarity leave the room, "Before she decides to dye my coat a different colour!”

Agreeing with her, Flash grabbed Spike who was still staring at Rarity in love filled trance. Once they had finally reached a safe enough distance, Twilight slowed down enough for the boys to catch up.

"Well, that was an experience." Flash moaned as he pulled Spike by his tail.

"I'm sure you wouldn't have minded staying longer." Twilight said with a slight glare.

"She's not my type." Flash replied with a deadpan stare.

"She better not be." Spike warned, having been woken up from his daze.

"Relax bud." Flash with a chuckle. "The only reason she paid me any mind is when she heard about me being a knight."

"Yeah, she did..." Spike said before snapping his fingers. "Do you think the Royal Knights accept dragons?"

"I don't know Spike." Flash said, chuckling, "It's a twenty four hour job and requires early mornings."

"How early?" Spike asked, getting Flash to turn and look him dead in the eyes.

"Real early. Like...crack of dawn early."

"Dang it." he moaned as he head drooped down with a sigh.

Finally deciding to meet the last part of the preparations, they soon arrived at the park where they were meant to meet the one choreographing the music.

"What's that sound?" Flash asked as his eardrums picked up something.

"I don't hear anything." Twilight replied as she shook her head.

Flash's ears twitched, honing in on a sound. He followed it as he motioned Twilight and Spike to follow him. As they followed him, they eventually arrived at a little area where a yellow Pegasus with pink mane and tail. She was hovering around some birds who where singing in unison. They soon saw that her cutie mark was three pink butterflies.

"Just gorgeous." she said in a gentle voice as she nodded to the birds.

"True that." Flash said as he came out of hiding. The motion scared the mare, making her scream. Seeing this, Flash quickly apologised. "Sorry! We just heard the music and wondered where it came from."

"That's okay." she replied with barely a whisper. Thankfully, Flash's heightened sense of hearing allowed him to hear it.

"Hello." Twilight said before Flash could reply, "I'm Twilight Sparkle. The Princess assigned me to watch over the music preparations."

The Pegasus whispered something under her breath which only Flash could hear.

"Fluttershy?" Flash asked, not sure he got her name right, "Your name is Fluttershy, right?" she then nodded, causing Flash to smile.

"I'm guessing you're the one in charge of music?" Twilight asked, to which Fluttershy nodded again, "Well, it sounded beautiful.”

"Thank you." she whispered.

"You're welcome" Flash replied in a firm tone, causing her to hide her face from them, as if embarrassed by something.

"Well..." Twilight said, trying to go back into hurry-mode. "we best be going." she turned away and looked towards Spike, not noticing Fluttershy was about to look at the dragon as well. Twilight shined a small smile, "That was easy."

"A BABY DRAGON!" Fluttershy suddenly exclaimed as she shot next to Twilight, accidentally slamming her away. "I've never seen a baby dragon before, he is so cute!"

Spike smirked back at Twilight, puffing up his chest. "Well, well, well."

"Wow! He talks! I didn't know dragons could talk." Fluttershy gasped as she put her hooves over her mouth. "That's just so incredibly wonderful, I-I just don't even know what to say."

"How about 'Hello, my name is Fluttershy.'" Flash said in a snarky tone.

"Yes! Yes, you're right." Fluttershy replied, all of her timidity gone as she turned back to Spike. However, it was this moment that Twilight picked him up with her magic and flew him onto her back.

"Well, we'd better get going." she groaned, walking away.

"Wait!" Fluttershy exclaimed, following them as she kept getting closer to Spike. "What's his name?"

"I'm Spike." the purple dragon replied, happy for attention.

"Hi Spike! I'm Fluttershy. Wow, a talking, what do dragons talk about?"

"Well, what do you want to know?"

"Absolutely everything." she replied as her eyes shined with glee.

Twilight just groaned again as Spike went on a rant about his life. This continued all the way through town until they reached a large oak tree shaped building.

"And that's my whole life up until today." Spike finished, causing Flash to chuckle. "You wanna hear about today?"

"Oh yes, please!" Fluttershy replied with a nod.

"I'm so sorry. How did we get here so fast?" Twilight interrupted as she pointed towards the library with a sarcastic glare, "This is where we're staying while in Ponyville and my poor baby dragon needs his sleep."

"No I don't." Spike tried to argue before Twilight bucked him off of her back.

"Oh, look at that." she said with a fake smile at Fluttershy. "He's so sleepy, he can't even keep his little balance."

"Seriously Twilight?" Flash said with an arched eyebrow. However, Fluttershy believed her and picked Spike up.

"Poor little thing, we simply must get him to bed." she replied as she flew inside the Library, followed by Twilight who pushed her back outside.

"Yes, yes, we'll get right on that. Well, good night." she said as she shut the door, forgetting that Flash was still outside, leaving the two alone.

"Sorry about her." he said with a sigh. "I guess she's a lot like you, only with books instead of animals."

"That's okay." Fluttershy shook her head, suddenly returning to her quiet, shy demeanour.

Flash opened the door and walked in. As he did so, he was met with a super loud, "SURPRISE!"

Suddenly, the pink Earth Pony they had met earlier appeared in front of them, "Surprise!" she said again, "Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie and I threw this party just for you!" she said in a super fast tone. "Were you surprised? Were you, were you?!" she jumped around them as she talked. Seeing this as a notion to find out what was going on, Flash looked around and saw that everypony he had seen in town today was there. The inside of the library was decorated for a party, streamers and everything.

"Very surprised." Twilight said in an angered tone.

"Shockingly surprised." Flash nodded, chuckling.

"Libraries are suppose to be quiet." Twilight moaned as she wanted to facehoof.

"Well that's silly!" Pinkie Pie replied with a cheeky grin. "What kind of welcoming party would it be if it were quiet?! Duh! It'd be boring! You see I saw you when you first got here remember? You were all like hello and I was all horrr, remember? You see, I never saw you before and if I never saw you before that means your new, cause I know everypony and I mean everypony in Ponyville and if you're new, that means you haven't met anypony yet, and if you haven't met anypony yet, that means you might not have any friends and I know you two have each other, but that's only one friend each and that's not enough friends! So, I thought to myself, what's the best way for the two of you to make friends and than it hit me! A party! So, now you have a whole bunch of new friends, isn't that fantastic?!" she said as she finally ended her rant. In that moment, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy appeared next to her.

"It's great." Flash said before looking at his best friend, knowing that Twilight wouldn't like this. "But, I think you might have overdone it. Twilight isn't very social."

"I am social!" Twilight argued, pouting. "I just like my alone time."

"If you had your way, you'd have nothing but alone time." he rebutted with a stuck out tongue.

"Man, get a room you two." Rainbow Dash said with a mischievous smile.

"We are not a couple!" they both yelled before Twilight began walking upstairs. "As much as I enjoy all of, it's been a long day and I would like to just rest and relax."

"Sure sugarcube." Applejack said with a nod. "We'll be here whenever you're ready for some fun."

"Yeah, fun." Twilight said before disappearing upstairs with a moan.

Flash turned back to the five girls and smiled, Twilight might not have wanted to make new friends but he was glad to meet some more kind ponies. Much better than the snooty nobles of Canterlot. Seeing this opportunity, he spoke up, "Got anything good to eat?"

Pinkie pushed him over to the snack table and waved her hoof, "Try some hot sauce cupcakes, they're delicious!"

"If you say so." Flash gulped, knowing he didn't have the tongue for hot food.

Nightmare Moon

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Flash was having a blast at the party. Pinkie Pie may have been a bit odd, but she could sure throw a humdinger of a party. Though he made sure to stay clear of the hot sauce snacks after one try of them. Thankfully, the punch and other sugary treats were more likeable.

As the party continued, he couldn't help but think about Twilight. He still wished Twilight would come down and try to socialise. He had asked Spike to try and see if she was in a good mood but, when Spike returned from her room grumbling, he knew she was being her usual stubborn self. With this fact in mind, he headed up, ready to see if he could make her leave for just a second.

As Flash arrived at the top of the stairs, it divided into two rooms. He looked inside the left one and found it empty, so he tried the right one and found Twilight staring out the window.

"Legend has it." she said to herself as she scanned another book and looked at the moon. "That on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her return and she will bring about ever lasting night." she sighed as she tapped the window in despair. "I hope the Princess was right and it is just an old Pony tale."

"And if it isn't," Flash said, getting her attention as he walked up to her, "Then I'm sure Princess Celestia is prepared for her."

"And if she isn't?"

"Then you'll find a way to stop her." he replied with a small grin. "And you won't be alone."

"Yeah. I have you and Spike after all.”

"And everypony out there." Flash said as he gestured to the window, "If she returns, she'll have to face a whole army of Ponies. It'll work out Twilight."

Twilight sighed, ready to retort. But before she could say anything, Spike came in with a sheepish grin. "Twilight, Flash, it's time to watch the sunrise."

Soon they and everypony else found themselves in town hall, waiting for the start of the ceremony.

"Aren't you excited?" Pinkie Pie asked, shooting up to them as if she hadn't lost a cent of energy. "Cause I'm excited so much that I've never been so excited! Well, except for the time that I saw you walking into town and I went 'GASP!' but seriously, I'm so excited!"

Fluttershy's birds began singing as a spotlight focused on a late aged Earth Pony with a scroll for a Cutie Mark. "Fillies and Gentlecolts, as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration." everypony cheered at the announcement as several others clapped their hooves. "In just a few moments, our town will witness the raising of the sun, on this the longest day of the year."

Flash noticed Twilight wasn't paying attention. Instead, she was looking out the window at the moon. He wanted to say say something, but the mayor spoke up again.

"And now, I am proud to announce the arrival of our fair ruler, giver of the sun and the moon each and every day. The good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria."

Rarity pulled a cord, opening some curtains. "Princess Celestia!"

As the curtains opened and the spot light moved up, everypony soon realised that nopony was there.

"This can't be good." Twilight said, a gulp going down her throat.

The mayor looked around, panic creeping onto her face. "Stay calm everypony, there must be a reason for this."

"Oh! I love guessing games!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as her body kept shaking in excitement, "Is she hiding?"

"She's gone!" Rarity called down, panic also in her voice.

"She's good!" Pinkie said before screaming, and Flash knew why.

From out of nowhere, smoke began to collect itself on the balcony. The sight caused Twilight to slowly shrink back and whisper, "Oh no."

"We need to evacuate the hall." Flash commanded as he flared his wings. “Twilight, I need you to-”

But it was too late.

In an instant, the smoke disappeared and she was in it's place. She stood at the same height as Celestia, but unlike the white Alicorn, this one's coat was pitch black. Her mane and tail were dark blue with star-like sparkles adorning it, her flank was purple with a silver crescent moon for a cutie mark.

"Nightmare Moon." Twilight whispered again, her mouth trembling.

“That's not good.” Flash replied, ready to take to the air.

Nightmare Moon opened her eyes as gazed upon the crowd. Her face soon shined an evil, malicious smile. "Oh my beloved subjects, It's been so long since I've seen your precious little sun loving faces."

"What did you do with the Princess?!" Rainbow Dash asked trying to fly at her, only for Applejack to hold her back.

"Whoa there! Hold on!" Applejack yelled as she slammed Rainbow into the floor.

"Why, am I not royal enough for you?" Nightmare Moon asked as she placed a hoof on her chest. "Don't you know who I am?"

"We know who you are Nightmare Moon." she looked down to see Flash and Twilight standing before her, ready to fight. Spike on the other hoof, was laying on the floor, having fainted from pure shock.

"I see somepony's been keeping up with the old legends." she said with a slight chuckle. “That's good.”

"One of us did." Flash said, flashing Twilight an apologetic gaze, "But even if we didn't know the legends, we'd still see you for who you are. An enemy of Equestria!”

"Enemy?" Nightmare Moon gasped, sounding hurt. "Why, I only want what is best for my kingdom."

"This isn't your kingdom." Twilight barked back, "You gave up any right to call yourself a ruler after what you did a thousand years ago!"

"What I did?!" she screamed. "What about what your precious Princess did to me?!?! She sealed me away!” Nightmare then let out a small sigh as a smile appeared on her face again. “Well, now I will have my revenge." she looked around the room as she shined her fangs. "Witness my subjects, the dawning of a new age! The age of NIGHT TIME ETERNAL!" and with that, she disappeared in a puff of smoke which soon flew outside.

"Somepony stop her!" the mayor ordered, "Only she knows where the Princess is!" several Pegasi flew after the cloud, including Flash and Rainbow Dash, but as soon as they were outside, the cloud was gone.

"Nighttime..." Rainbow said, fear in her voice. "Forever?"

Flash looked down and saw Twilight rushing out of the great hall. He spread his wings and flew after her. "You got a plan?!"

"Our only hope are the Elements of Harmony!" Twilight replied as she kept gaining speed, "But I still have no clue what they are! We gotta get back to the Library!"

"Then lets go." as they got back to the library, Flash had to put Spike to bed while Twilight was searching for anything related to the Elements. "Spike's asleep. Find anything?"

"Nothing on the Elements of Harmony." she replied, still flipping through another book. As she continued, a sudden blur zoomed inside the library. It was Rainbow Dash and she got up in Twilight's face.

"And just what are these Elements of Harmony?!" she yelled.

"Rainbow Dash?" Flash said as he ran up to them. "What are you doing here?"

"Investigating two suspects on the Princess's disappearance." she replied with crossed hooves.

"You can't mean us." Twilight asked with a deadpan tone.

"All I know is that you two show up in town and the next thing we know the princess is missing, and some crazy Alicorn arrives and has a conversation with you two!"

"Now hold on there sugarcube." said a voice. They all turned to see Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie walk in, "We can't go accusing folks of misdeeds over something we don't know." she then turned to them. "But you do know something, don't ya?"

Twilight and Flash shared a glance and nodded. "All I know is that a thousand years ago, Princess Celestia banished Nightmare Moon to the moon, using something called the Elements of Harmony. I've been searching for anything mentioning them but I haven't found anything."

Suddenly, Pinkie spoke up, "The Elements of Harmony, a Reference Guide." they all turned to see her reading the spine of a book.

"What?!" Twilight exclaimed as she ran up to the book, "How did you find that?!"

"It was under Eeeee." Pinkie said, cheerfully bouncing around.

Flash couldn't help but laugh as he watched her take the book off the shelf and open it up. "There are six Elements of Harmony, but only five are known. Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty and Loyalty, the sixth is a complete mystery. It is said that the last known location of the Elements is in the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. It is located in what is now..." she suddenly stopped reading and gulped. “It can't be...”

"Now what?!" Flash asked, but he had a feeling he wouldn't like the answer.

Quest To Find The Elements

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"The Everfree Forest?!" everypony exclaimed in unison as they stood outside the dark and spooky woodland. It was so thick that Flash couldn't even see further then a few feet.

"Whee! Let's go!" Pinkie cheered as she started bouncing towards it.

"Okay everypony." Flash said as he pointed to the forest. "We don't know what's in there, so we need to stay together and stay calm, agreed?" he looked around and everypony nodded.

"Maybe..." everypony looked back at Twilight as she began to fiddle with her hooves. "I should go alone?"

"No way." Flash shook his head. "I promised your parents that I would be there for you and that's that. We're going into this together.”

"But what about-"

"This is our choice as much as it is yours." he told her before turning to the others. "Right everypony?"

"True that." Rainbow said as she shined a cocky grin.

"We sure ain't letting any friend of ours go into that creepy place alone." Applejack said as they began to walk inside. As they slowly left, Twilight and Flash stood there, staring at their new companions.

"You ready?"

"Ask me again when this is over." she said as they moved inside the forest with the others. As they began trotting over the muddy ground, Twilight spoke up again, "So, none of you have been in here before?"

"Oh heavens no." Rarity gagged. "Just look at it, it's dreadful."

"And it ain't natural." Applejack said, shaking her head, "Folks say it ain't the same as Equestria."

"That's why we have to be prepared for anything that might come our way" Flash said. However, his luck decided to prepare for him when the ground below them began to shake. It was here that he realised that they were at the edge of a cliff.

"Does an earthquake count as anything?" Rainbow Dash asked as she slowly floated over the ground.

"That's no earthquake..." Applejack gulped as the cliff they stood on began to crumble. "AVALANCHE!"

Flash, Rainbow and Fluttershy took to the air, only to see their flightless friends start sliding down the steep cliff to a hundred foot drop. "We gotta catch them! Now!"

"On it!" Rainbow yelled as she and Flash shot down.

"Oh dear!" Fluttershy said, following.

Rainbow caught Pinkie in a quick swoop while Fluttershy grabbed Rarity as gently as possible. Flash saw Applejack grab a nearby branch, leaving Twilight still falling. "Hang on Twilight!" he called to her just as she reached the edge, but his ears caught the sound of the ground crumbling. He looked up and saw that a huge boulder was rolling towards them, and if it wasn't stopped, it would flatten Twilight and Applejack.

He spread his wings as readied himself. With all his speed and strength, he threw himself at the boulder, reaching it just as it was about to hit Applejack. His force kept the massive rock back as he pushed the rock more and more.

"Flash!" Applejack yelled, worry pouring over face.

"Save Twilight." he replied back, “Now!”

Applejack looked down and saw Twilight struggling to hold onto the edge. "Okay!" she let go of her branch and slid down to the purple Unicorn, "Hold on sugarcube, I'm a comin."

"Applejack!" Twilight said, still panicking. "What do I do?!"

The orange earth pony thought for a moment until she saw something behind Twilight and then said "Let go."

"Are you crazy?!" she exclaimed as her struggle kept getting worse.

"No I ain't, I promise you'll be safe."

"That's not true!"

"Now listen here." Applejack said firmly as she stared directly at the unicorn. "What I'm saying to you is the honest truth. Let go and you'll be safe." Twilight looked into her eyes and with all of her courage, she released her hold on Applejack and fell.

"TWILIGHT!" Flash screamed, seeing his best friend fall, screaming. His panic turned into relief as then saw Rainbow and Fluttershy catch her, having dropped the others at the bottom. As Applejack jumped down the ledges off the cliff, he finally released the boulder. The rock soon rolled straight into where the two ponies had previously been and smashed the ground with incredible force.

"Twilight, are you alright?!" he asked when he reached them.

"I'm fine Flash." she replied before turning to Applejack, "Thank you."

"Aw shucks..." the Earth Pony replied with a tip of her hat, "It was nothin. You should thank mister muscles over there for stopping that boulder. You're pretty strong for a Non-Earth Pony."

"Years of training." Flash replied, flexing his hooves while pretending to act macho, getting a giggle from the rest of the girls.

"We should get going." Twilight said as she shook off what had happened. "I for one don't wanna risk getting caught in another rock fall."

"Agreed." Flash said as they moved deeper into the forest. For about ten minutes, nothing happened as they trekked on, but then Flash picked up on something and began sniffing the air. "We're not alone."

"Oh of course not silly." Pinkie replied with a cheeky grin. "How can we be alone when there's seven of us?"

"I think he means somepony other than us is here." Rainbow said with her hooves crossed.

"Flash?" Twilight asked with a tinge of fear. "What are you feeling?" she had learned over the years to never doubt Flash's senses.

"I smell something." he replied as he sniffed again. "And it's getting closer."

"Is it another Pony?" Rarity asked.

"Doesn't seem like it" Flash said before looking at the ground. He then turned to Applejack and Pinkie Pie. "You two feel anything?" Grand Hoof had once told him that Earth Ponies were sensitive to vibrations in the ground, meaning they could sometimes tell if something was moving nearby.

"Not really." Applejack said as she shook her head.

"Nope nope nope." Pinkie replied with a rapid head shake.

"Be on guard everypony." Twilight said and at that moment, there was a loud roar.

"What was that?" Rarity asked, her voice trembling.

"Trouble." Flash replied as his statement was met by something jumping out of the shadows. What it was was a giant orange lion with a red mane, bat wings and a long scorpion tail that roared at the group.

"A Manticore?!" Twilight almost screamed as the beast roared again. "We've gotta get passed him!"

"No problem." Rarity said as she flirtatiously patted Flash. "We have a royal knight with us."

"Apprentice knight." Flash grumbled as he pointed at the beast. "And I've never fought a monster before."

"Then what do we do?" Applejack asked as she adjusted her hat.

"Leave it to me." Rainbow yelled as she flew towards the Manticore. She began to spin around it until the beast used it's tail to knock her away.

"Rainbow!" Flash called, before turning to the monster. "That's it. It's on!"

"Wait!" he stopped in his tracks as he heard Fluttershy from far off.

"What is it?" he asked, but all she did was walk towards the Manticore.

"Fluttershy darling." Rarity went to try and pull her away, but Flash jumped in front of her, "She'll be torn to shreds!"

"I don't think so." Flash said as he watched her approach the creature. He doubted that someone as timid as Fluttershy would approach a deadly magical beast so easily if she didn't have a plan.

"It's okay." she said gently. The Manticore roared at her but she stayed calm and began nuzzling one of it's paws. The Manticore noticed this and suddenly changed it's tone into one of a hurt puppy dog. It spun it's paw around and showed that a massive thorn was stuck in it, "Oh you poor thing." she said in a sad tone, "Now, this might hurt just a bit." she bit into the thorn and with one great tug, pulled it free.

The Manticore let out a deafening roar, making everypony take a battle stance. That is, until they saw the creature begin to lick Fluttershy happily. "Oh, you're just a little old baby kitty, aren't you?" she said happily.

While the Manticore was busy, the six Ponies used this opportunity to sneak pass it while Fluttershy saw the creature off before rejoining them.

"How did you know about the thorn?" Twilight asked.

"I didn't." she replied with a shake of the head. "Sometimes, we all just need to be shown a little kindness" Flash noticed Twilight smile at this.

They continued onwards through the forest. "Ow!" Rarity moaned. "My eyes need a rest from all this icky muck!"

She soon got her wish, as the seven were plunged into pitch darkness as the trees grew thicker and blocked the moonlight. "Well, I didn't mean that literally."

"That ancient ruin could be right in front of our faces and we wouldn't even know it" Twilight exclaimed as she kept moving.

"We just need to stay calm." Flash said as he continued behind them "And stick together..." However, he soon noticed that no one answered back, "Girls?"


"Twilight? Applejack? Fluttershy? Um...anypony?"

It seemed that they had gotten separated in the dark. Suddenly, something caught his ears, a loud scream followed by more screams. "Oh no!" he said to himself as he began to run deeper into the forest. But, no matter which way he went, the screams got quieter. "TWILIGHT" he yelled. "Where are you?! Give me a sign!"

Then...a new sound was heard. Laughter.

"What the-" the laughing grew louder and seemed to brighten the area around him. As he moved towards it, he eventually found the girls laughing hysterically on the ground, "You all okay?" he asked.

"Flash!" Twilight said as she got up and hugged him. "Where were you?! We were worried!"

"You were worried?!" he exclaimed back. "I was going out of my mind when I heard your screams! What happened?!"

"Yeah, sorry..." she said with a slight blush. "We kind of let the dark play tricks on us."

"Luckily, Pinkie was there." Rainbow Dash said.

"Indeed." Rarity continued, "She helped us laugh our fears away."

"Laugh your fears away?" Flash repeated, confused.

"Don't ask." Applejack replied.

The girls continued laughing as they left the darkened area and reached a river, a dangerously rapid moving river, "This could be tricky." Flash said.

"How are we gonna cross this?" Pinkie asked, but something else caught their attention. A loud, uncontrollable sobbing, which they followed upstream. There, they found to their surprise, a giant purple sea serpent with orange hair. He was throwing such a big hissy fit that his serpentine body's wiggling was what caused the violent ripples in the water.

"What a world, what a world!" he cried.

"Excuse me sir." Twilight asked, "Why are you crying?"

The Sea-Serpent looked down upon them and held his tears back to answer, "Well, I don't know." he explained. "I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when this tacky little cloud of purple smoke just whizzed passed me." he then lowered his head down to show them something on his face, "And tore half of my beloved moustache clean off!" one half of his french moustache was shorter then the other. He began flailing around again, "And now I look simply horrid!" This statement made him once again burst out crying, his splashing causing a tidal wave that hit them.

"Oh give me a break!" Rainbow yelled in annoyance.

"That's what's all the fuss is about?" Applejack asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"Of course it is." Rarity stepped up in a triumphant tone. "How can you all be so insensitive?" she then walked up to the Sea-Serpent. "Oh look at him, such lovely luminescent scales."

"I know." he replied back.

"Your excellently quaffed mane."

"Oh, I know, I know." The Sea-Serpent said, stroking his hair back.

"Your fabulous manicure".

"It's so true."

"All ruined without your beautiful moustache.”

"It's true, I'm hideous!" Sea-Serpent cried before breaking out into another fresh set of tears.

Rarity's look became one of determination. "I simply cannot let such a crime against fabulousity go uncorrected." and with that she took one of the Sea-Serpents scales in her mouth and yanked it off.

"OW!" he yelled, "What'd you do that for?!"

"Rarity!" Flash barked, "What are you doing?!" but instead of answering, Rarity held the scale high, and with one great swipe, used it to slice through her tail, cutting it clean off. She then levitated the cut tail using her magic to attach it to the cut moustache, making it the perfect length. Though now, it was purple.

Sea-Serpent saw this and cheered. "My moustache! How wonderful!"

"You look smashing." Rarity said.

"Oh Rarity..." Twilight said, looking at her now severely shortened tail, "Your beautiful tail..."

"Oh, it's fine dear." She replied, "Short tails are in this season, besides..." she looked unsure as she said this, "It'll grow back."

"So would the moustache" Rainbow pointed out.

"Girls." Flash moaned before noticing something, "Hey...the river." Now that the Sea-Serpent wasn't crying, the water had settled.

"We can it cross now!" Twilight said, beginning to trot across it until she was lifted out of the water, now standing on the Sea-Serpents tail.

"Allow me." he then moved himself into five stepping stones, so that the seven could cross without getting into the water.

Flash was the last to cross. Instead of flying, he decided to appreciate the creatures kind favour. "Thanks." he said when he was ashore "Didn't catch your name."

"Steven Magnet's the name." Steven said, "But you dearie can call me Stevie." Flash swore the Sea-Serpent had given him a wink before he dived into the water.

Flash caught up to the girls and after a little more walking, he heard Twilight yell, "There it is." he followed her line of sight and saw an old rock building in the distance. "The ruins that hold the Elements of Harmony. We made it." At that notion, she shot off towards it.

"Twilight!" Applejack said. "Wait for us!"

"We're almost there!" she called back before she suddenly found herself falling, a massive scream following in her wake.

Flash picked up the pace and flew down, catching her before she fell into a group of clouds. Twilight looked back and saw the look he gave her and smiled, embarrassment covering her face. "Sorry about that."

They got back up and he lowered Twilight back to the ground. "What's with you and falling off cliffs today?" Rainbow asked.

Flash looked back at what Twilight had fallen off. A trench roughly thirty meters wide and so deep that he couldn't even see the bottom. An old rope bridge was attached to their side, but seemed too loose on the other and had fallen down.

"Now what?" Pinkie asked.

"Duh." Rainbow said, flexing her wings.

"Oh yeah." the pink Earth Pony said with a giggle.

"We'll leave it to you." Flash said.

Rainbow nodded and took off, flying down the trench. Seconds later, she came back up, the rope bridge in her mouth and landed on the opposite side. Then, Flash got worried as instead of tying it off he saw her turn around, and it looked like she was talking to somepony.

"Something's wrong." he said.

"Rainbow!" Twilight yelled, "What's taking so long?!" but then the clouds parted and they saw Rainbow with somepony else. They looked like the Wonderbolts only their suits were black instead of blue.

"Oh no." Twilight said, turning to Flash. "You need to get over there." Flash didn't move, "You need to do something!"

"Trust her." he replied, not daring to look away, "Come on Rainbow..." In that second, the clouds moved back into place like magic, which Flash realised it probably was.

"Rainbow!" Twilight called. "Don't listen to them!"

Flash was beginning to get worried and flexed his wings. However, the rope bridge then began to rise and became still, meaning it had been tied up on the other side. Then out of the cloud Rainbow flew and landed before them.

They all cheered as they crossed the bridge. "See, I'd never leave my friends hanging."

"For the record. That right there-" Flash said as he pointed at her, "Is definitely Wonderbolt material."

"You talk like you know them." but the look on his face told her, "You do know them."

"My mentor Grand Hoof pulled some strings and I got to take a specialised Evasive Flying course" Flash explained, "Me and Soarin became good pals. We still hang out whenever he's in Canterlot."

"" she cried. "You've gotta introduce me!"

"I could mention you next time me and Soarin see each other." he said, her face lit up as he said this.

They turned back and found that they had arrived at the ruins of the castle.

The Seventh Element

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They stepped inside the building as the light of the moon illuminated into it. In the middle of the room was a mysterious contraption that looked like a miniature solar system made from stone, complete with five spheres around it. Flash, Rainbow and Fluttershy gently flew up to the five orbs, quickly grabbing them and putting them down on the ground.

"Come on Twilight." Applejack said as she pointed at the statue. "Isn't this what you've been waiting for?"

Twilight stepped forward, her eyes filled with wonder, "The Elements of Harmony. We finally found them."

"One, two, three, four." Pinkie counted as she tapped the orbs. "There's only five of 'em."

"Where's the sixth one?" Rainbow asked as she looked around impatiently.

"The book said, 'When the five are present, a spark will cause the sixth element to be revealed.'" Twilight explained as pushed Pinkie aside.

"Well, what in the hey is that supposed to mean?!"

"I'm not sure, but I have an idea. Stand back everypony, I don't know what will happen once I try this." she said as her horn began to spark.

Applejack turned to the door. "Come on y'all, she needs to concentrate." Five of them left the room but Flash stayed behind. "Flash? Why aren't you leaving?”

"I'm staying behind." he replied while crossing his hooves. "Something's been trying to stop us from getting here and I doubt it'll just quit now."

"If you say so." Applejack said before leaving with the others. Flash stood firm, watching Twilight work as she flowed magic into the elements. He had a feeling, like something bad would happen if he wasn't there to watch out for her.

Then it happened.

Purple smoke began to cloud around her without her knowledge. "Twilight, look out!" he yelled, getting her attention away from the Elements. She soon saw the smoke and jumped back as the mist spiralled around the stone spheres, lifting them up into a tornado.

"The Elements!" Twilight exclaimed as she suddenly rushed towards the tornado, quickly leaping into it.

"No Twilight! Don't do it!" Flash called out, flying into the tornado as well. He felt himself spinning around and around and around until eventually, in a puff of smoke, he found himself standing in a new room of the castle next to Twilight. "Are you okay? What happened there?"

"I'm fine." she replied, panting. "But the Elements..." they both looked up and gasped, seeing Nightmare Moon stand before them. The Elements of Harmony were floating around her as she shined an evil grin.

Flash took a battle stance and whispered, making sure only Twilight could hear him, "Remember how we got that book back when the neighbour's dog stole it?"

"I'm with you." she said, the memory quickly replaying in her head.

Nightmare Moon hadn't heard this and simply thought Flash intended to fight. "You're kidding, you're kidding right? You believe you can take me on, little colt?"

Flash shot into the air, straight at Nightmare Moon as she started firing spells at him. He dodged with ease and got so close that she had to fly up so he didn't tackle her. Flash spun around and flew at her again, which she dodged before firing another spell. This one hit the mark, sending him crashing into the ground.

"Do tell?" Nightmare Moon asked as she landed and towered above him, laughing at the sight. "What was your plan here?"

"Trojan Horse." Flash moaned out, confusing Nightmare Moon until she realised Flash had distracted her from Twilight.

Spinning around, she saw Twilight standing where she had been, her horn ablaze with magic. "Just one spark! Come on, come on!" the elements began to glow, but Nightmare Moon warped towards her.

"Twilight! Hurry up!" Flash called as he tried to get up.

Twilight could feel something happening. A spark of light shot from her horn and into the elements. The light that shined from it was so strong that it sent her flying back.

"You okay?!" Flash yelled as he finally got up and ran next to her.

"I'm fine." she replied triumphantly, seeing her incoming victory.

Lightning flashed around the elements as Nightmare Moon stood between them. "No!" she said in fear as she watched the weapon that had beaten her before start to activate. "NO!"

But then, the lightning stopped and the elements became still and lifeless.

"What happened?!" Flash gasped as he watched their hope go up in smoke.

"No! Where's the Sixth Element?" Twilight screamed as her eyes began to water.

Nightmare Moon laughed as she raised her forehooves forward and slammed the ground, shattering the elements into nothing but small pebbles.

"Oh no." Flash said as he looked to Twilight, whose looked like her heart had broken.

"You little fools!" Nightmare Moon mocked. "Thinking you could defeat me! Now you will never see your princess, or your sun! The night shall last forever!" she began to laugh as her mane spread out, creating a cloud of thick smoke.

Flash couldn't believe it. They had failed. Celestia was lost and now the world was doomed into nothing but darkness. But then, something caught his ear...voices. Twilight looked back, having heard it too. It was the voices of the ponies who had come with them, their new friends.

Twilight gasped as a spark lit in her head. She turned back to Nightmare Moon with a confident grin. "You think that you can destroy the Elements of Harmony just like that?!" Twilight yelled, a new strength appearing in her voice, "Well you're wrong! Because the spirits of the Elements of Harmony are right here!"

In that moment, the five girls appeared next to her.

The shards of the elements began to rise and flew towards them. "Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of HONESTY!" As she said that, some of the shards flew to her, circling her body.

"Fluttershy, who tamed the Manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of KINDNESS!" another set of stones began to fly around her as well.

"Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by laughing in the face of danger, represents the spirit of LAUGHTER!"

"Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift, represents the spirit of GENEROSITY!"

"And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own hearts desire, represents the spirit of LOYALTY!"

"The Spirits of these five Ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us!" Twilight explained, a smirk appearing on her face.
"You still don't have the sixth Element!" Nightmare Moon exclaimed, barking at the ponies as her body began to shake in fear. "The spark didn't work!"

"But it did...a different kind of spark happened." she turned back to her new friends. "Ever since I was young, my only friend has been Flash. But when I heard your voices, an amazing feeling spread through me, when I realised that you all." she spun back around, confidence flashing through her face. "Are my friends!"

Above her, a bright light ignited as a new stone sphere appeared before them. "You see Nightmare Moon, when those Elements are ignited by the spark that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element. The Element of MAGIC!"

As the six were all encased within the light, the first five elements reformed and wrapped around each bearer, quickly morphing into a necklace, each with a different coloured jewel in the center. The Element of Magic however, created a crown that sat atop Twilight's head. Flash watched in amazement as the six of them began fly into the air, a rainbow-coloured magic swirling all around them. "Go get'em girls! Kick her flank!" he cheered. As the six of them united, a rainbow beam of magic shot towards Nightmare Moon, ready to hit it's target.

But Nightmare Moon wouldn't allow this. "Not again! I won't be stopped again!" she exclaimed as a purple wave of magic blasted out of her, pushing the rainbow back and sending the girls crashing into the ground. Seeing the sudden turnaround, Nightmare Moon began to lose herself in endless laughter.

"Are you all okay?!" Flash yelled as he ran up to them.

"What happened?" Rainbow asked as she tried to get up. She soon found out she couldn't as her legs quickly gave out.

"I don't understand." Twilight said, despair obviously filling her voice. "The elements worked last time."

"The Elements of Harmony may have overcome me once." Nightmare Moon replied, a large grin shining on her face. "But my power has grown since then. You six on the other hoof, only just got them."

Twilight realised what she was saying and shivered at the thought. "We're not strong enough."

"Maybe with a little more practice, you would have a shot at standing up to me. Unfortunately, you won't be around long enough to get that practice."

Flash knew they had to escape, but Nightmare Moon would defiantly be able to follow. There was only one option that came to mind, "Twilight, you and the others need to get out of here now!" he told her as he stepped forward, quickly standing in front of them.

"What about you?"

"I'll hold her off as long as I can." he explained as he flared his wings. "The six of you are the only hope for Equestria. You need to escape."

"Oh, how brave." Nightmare Moon mocked, "I do still owe you for tricking me earlier, so you can be the first victim of my new unending night!" her horn flashed and a large bubble shot out, encasing the two of them.

"FLASH!" Twilight pulled herself up, trying to spark some magic against the bubble. However, despite her new strength, the force field remained strong.

"You have to go." was all Flash said before he flew at Nightmare Moon, ready to fight her head-on.

"Pathetic." Nightmare Moon hissed as she began firing a barrage of spells. One quickly caught his wing, causing him to crash into the ground. She began to fall into another fit of laughter as she watched him slowly get up from the blow. As he slowly got up, the stallion went into a full bull-charge, only for her to fly above him easily. Before Flash could do anything else, Nightmare quickly swooped down and bucked him away with ease.

"Please stop Flash!" Rarity almost screamed, tears in her eyes as she watched his reckless actions.

"GO!" he called again, “Why aren't they leaving?” He charged again, but Nightmare Moon's horn began to shine, instantly grabbing his body like it was nothing. She then flew him around like a rag doll, his limp body swinging around as it hit the floor and walls. After a few hits, Flash fell to the floor, his body twitching in pain.

The girls were horrified to see him go limp, his body barely moving. Pinkie Pie was frozen in place, biting her teeth as tears began to form in her eyes. Fluttershy tried to close her eyes but her tears prevented such an action. Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity were slamming the force field with everything they could give, trying to get through. However, Twilight just sat there and stared. She could only stare at her best friend's motionless body, "Flash...please. No..."

Flash finally began to move, getting up again slower then before as he tried to stand tall. After a few moments as Nightmare Moon began to laugh again, he stood once more, ready to face the evil Alicorn.

"No Flash!" Rainbow yelled as she hit the barrier again. "Stay down! Run away!"

Even if he could run, he wouldn't as his legs shook from the pain. "A knight...never...flees...his foe." he wheezed, looking back at the blue pegasus, "Right?" He charged again, but this time was hit in the face as a spell sent him flying into the force field's wall.

"How noble." Nightmare Moon said with a laugh. "But don't you know little stallion? Chivalry is dead!"

Flash once again rose as he panted, his head hanging from the exhaustion his body was facing, "It was never about chivalry for me. I've just gotta do what I've gotta do, that's all."

"And what must you do?" Nightmare Moon asked, her tone dripping with scepticism.

"Protect my friends." Flash said, throwing his head up as fire burned in his eyes, "AND STOP YOU!" he charged again as her horn began to spark.

"FOOL!" she yelled as she prepared to fire her most powerful spell at him, one that would surly end him in a single blow.

His six friends watched in horror, unable to do anything. In that moment, their hearts unified in a single desire.

"I want to help Flash." was what their hearts said in unison.

The dark spell reached Flash and an explosion of smoke formed. Everypony believed the worst had just happened, Flash was a goner. But, as the smoke cleared, they all gasped at what they saw.

Flash was completely fine, protected from the spell by a orange force field, "What the-" he gasped, looking at himself as his fur began to glow and his injuries started to fade. The barrier around him exploded into a wave of energy, easily knocking Nightmare Moon back and destroying her force field.

The six friends began to race up to their friend, wanting to help him, but a new sight stopped them.

Their Elements of Harmony shone once again, only this light felt different. Without warning, the elements detached themselves from the necklaces and flew to Flash, spinning in a circle above him. The light of each one then fired a beam connecting together right above Flash's head as an orange coloured energy swirled around him and flew upwards into the light. This went on for several seconds until a great shining light appeared, leaving something new in the center of the circle.

An orange gem in the shape of a shield floated above the ponies until it lowered itself onto Flash's head. A large golden helmet appeared on his noggin as the gem attached itself into a slot right above the forehead. The gem fit it perfectly as it began to shine a new light. With this done, the six elements returned to their owners, each necklace and crown attaching themselves to their respective pony.

"What just happened?!" Rainbow Dash asked as she tapped her new necklace.

"I'm not sure" Twilight said as she watched Flash rub the side of his helmet in confusion.

Nightmare Moon finally managed to get up and looked at Flash and gasped, "A Seventh Element?! That's...that's impossible!"

Flash looked up at his helmet as a small grin appeared on his face. "Seventh Element? Huh." then a thought occurred, 'She could stop the power of six elements, but could she stop seven?' He turned back to the girls and smiled. "What'd you say we try this again?!"

The girls were confused for just a second until they realised what he meant and nodded. The Elements glowed once more and the seven of them took to the air. Like before, their powers merged together and formed a rainbow of magic that once again shot itself at the evil Alicorn. Nightmare Moon saw it coming and began to spark her horn, trying to fire another dark spell. However, this time was different. Instead of nullifying the elements' power like before, they were at a stand still.

"Keep pushing! We can do it!" Flash yelled as they continued to focus. As they did, the rainbow began pushing Nightmare Moon's spell back before breaking it completely and spiralling around the Alicorn.

"!!!" She screamed as she was encased inside a brilliant white light that filled the room. As the light continued to shine, her screams were slowly silenced until the light finally disappeared. It was over. As the light died, everypony found themselves on the floor with minor headaches, the most severe one in Flash's head.

" head..." Rainbow groaned as she rubbed the sides of her noggin.

"Everypony okay?" Applejack asked, shaking off the pain.

"Oh my goodness." Rarity said, making them all turn towards her only to see that her tail had returned to it's proper length.

"Rarity!" Fluttershy gasped with a hoof over her mouth. "It's so lovely."

"I know." she replied as she looked at her tail with a ray of affection. "I'll never part with it again."

"No." Fluttershy said as she pointed to Rarity's neck. "Your necklace. It looks just like you cutie mark."

Rarity compared her blue diamonds to the purple jewel shaped gem on the necklace. A smile shined on her face as she then looked at Fluttershy's "Oh my! So does yours." she pointed to the pink butterfly gem.

The rest of them all looked at the Element's new forms. They included a blue balloon, a red lightning bolt, a green apple, and a purple star and of course, Flash's orange shield.

"Wow Twilight." Applejack said as she admired her new accessory. "Maybe yer right, maybe we do represent the Elements of Harmony."

"Indeed you do." Flash had to cover his eyes as light poured into the room from a nearby window. The sun rose over the horizon and brought a new warmth to the world. As the light shined, the new light came into the room in morphed into a very familiar form. Princess Celestia now stood before them, smiling at the seven ponies who had saved her and her kingdom.

"Princess Celestia." Twilight ran over to her as the rest of them bowed.

"Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student." Celestia said as she patted her student's head. "I knew you could do it."

"But..." Twilight asked, confused. "You told me it was all an old pony's tale.”

"I told you that you needed to make some friends, nothing more." the princess explained as she hugged her. "I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return, and I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her. The friendship you shared with Flash proved that you were capable, but it wasn't until you allowed your circle of friends to expand that you were able to call upon your true power."

Twilight looked back at all her new friends and nodded "I understand."

Celestia smiled as her response and then turned to Flash, who had a doubtful look on his face. "What is troubling you Flash Sentry?"

Flash looked up at her as he removed his new helmet. "I'm just a little confused. The book said there were only six Elements of Harmony. So...where did this one come from?"

"It came from you." Celestia explained as she went up and patted his head. "The Elements of Harmony were created long ago through the magic of friendship combined with power of many different ponies. Many ponies who were kind united to forge the Element of Kindness, while some of the most loyal ponies known in the past forged the Element of Loyalty. This was how the six were formed. But now, your bravery, determination and selfless spirit combined with the feelings of your friends allowed a new element to be forged. One which embodies your greatest trait, can you tell me what it is?”

Flash looked down at the golden helmet with the orange shield shaped jewel that it wore. He gazed into it, feeling like he knew what it represented. "Courage."

"Indeed." Celestia nodded. "You are now the first bearer of the Element of Courage, and I am so proud of you. Since coming into the lives of Twilight and her family, you have truly grown Flash Sentry. Like Twilight, you have accepted the Magic of Friendship into your heart." she turned away and walked off to a far corner of the room. "Now, if only another will do that as well.”

Nightmare Moon lay before them, except now she was very different. Instead of her pitch black coat she wore, her coat was now a light purple. Her mane was a light blue and she was smaller than before, only being a few inches taller then them.

"Princess Luna." Celestia called out, the Alicorn's eyes shot open. "It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this." Celestia sat down besides her, sadness filling her eyes as she thought about the past. "Time to put are differences behind us, we were meant to rule together little sister."

"Sister?!" the seven of them repeated, surprise taking them by force.

"Will you accept my friendship?" Celestia asked as she stood back up, her hoof extended.

Nightmare Moon, or Luna as she seemed to be called, flinched at the question. She continued to sit there, shivering. But, as she looked up at Celestia, her kind warm smile caused all of regrets go away for just that second. She jumped up and hugged her sister, crying. "I'm so sorry!" she cried. "I missed you so much big sister!"

Celestia embraced her, a small tear descending down her face. "I've missed you to."

There wasn't a dry eye in the castle. Pinkie Pie broke out into a waterfall like tears before she suddenly stopped. "HEY! Do you know what this calls for?!"

A New Beginning

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"A PARTY!" Pinkie yelled as the others suddenly found themselves back at Ponyville. The town was decorated in a stream of party decorations as everypony in town gathered to celebrate the return of not one, but two princess of Equestria. Flash, Twilight and their new friends were the guests of honour as the confetti and cheering washed over them.

"Twilight! Flash!" the two turned to see Spike running up to them and hugging Twilight, "I'm so glad you're back!"

"Glad to be back." Twilight replied as she returned the hug.

"Seems you had quite the adventure kiddo." Flash turned to see his mentor coming out of the crowd.

"Grand Hoof. What you doing here?" Flash replied, surprise covering his face.

"You think I'd miss seeing my student become a hero?!" Grand Hoof laughed as he went and patted Flash on the back. "You made this old knight very proud kiddo!"

"Thanks." Flash chuckled as he received a head-pat from his old teacher. "I just did what came naturally.”

"You'll have to tell me all about it on the way back to Canterlot. You finally have a story to tell me, Ahaha!" Grand laughed as he hit him on the back again. However, hearing that made Flash frown and he wasn't the only one.

Princess Celestia stepped forward as she saw the depressed faces of Flash and Twilight. "Why so glum my faithful student?" she asked as she walked up to them. "Are you not happy that your quest is complete and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?"

"That's just it." Twilight replied as her ears flopped down in response. "I just made so many wonderful friends and...I have to leave them."

"Yeah." Flash said as stood next to her, "I feel the same way. If we leave now, when will we get to see them again? I mean, Canterlot is a bit far from here."

Princess Celestia smiled, instantly knowing the solution. "Spike, take a note please."

“Huh? Oh, okay.” Spike pulled out his parchment and quill in response.

"I, Princess Celestia hereby decree, that the unicorn Twilight Sparkle shall take on a new mission for Equestria. She must continue to study the Magic of Friendship, and must report to me her findings from her new home in Ponyville.”

Twilight gasped hearing this, covering her mouth with her hoof.

"Additionally." Grand Hoof stepped up to Spike with a crackle in his voice. "The apprentice knight Flash Sentry shall also remain in Ponyville, as it's new Defender of the Peace." Flash looked at Twilight and then his mentor in shock. "I taught you all that you need to be a knight kiddo, but you still have much to learn and I believe you'll learn it here." Grand Hoof then walked back up to Flash and patted him again. “Besides, we both know you wouldn't go back to Canterlot without her! Ahahaha!”

Flash and Twilight smiled at their teachers as tears began to appear under Twilight's eyes. Her eyes stopped for just a second as they were soon embraced by their friends.

"Thank you both." Twilight said, tears now freely flowing. "I'll study harder then ever before."

"And I'll keep this town safe from whatever may occur." Flash saluted as Grand did the same. "I swear."

The crowd cheered as everypony as the party began once more. It continued until the Princesses and Grand Hoof declared they had to return to Canterlot. Seeing this, everypony soon headed home. Flash, Twilight and Spike returned to the library, where they would live for the foreseeable future.

"It feels weird, doesn't it?" Twilight asked as she opened the door.

"It'll take a little getting used to." Flash replied as he entered. "But I think it'll be nice living here."

"You said it." Spike said as he went inside and immediately started to go to bed, earning a chuckle from the other two.

Flash turned back to look out at their new home. Ponyville was definitely a great little town, and he knew he would protect it and it's citizens with his life. With resolve set in his heart, he shut the library door with one firm swing. Tomorrow would be the start of a new life, not only for Flash and Twilight, but for all of Equestria.

To Be Continued...