The Last Morphoyd

by Dark Nightshade

First published

The last of his kind tries to stop a devestating beast of destruction.

Thousands of years ago, a super intelligent species created a beast of ultimate destruction. In the modern day, the beast and the last of that species wake up, but the beast escapes. This is the story of the last Morphoyd.


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When the beast first attacked, there were thousands of deaths. The high council had no idea what was going on. After all, nothing we had built had ever tried to kill us before! The high council spent a lot of time coming up with ideas, but none of them were good. But then they realized something: they needed to lure it into a false sense of security, and make it feel like it was unbeatable. That's where I come in, five attacks and 9 months later, as the bait.

I looked rather ridiculous, standing in front of him. Fortunately, there was a plan. We had recently mastered bigger on the inside technology, and the beast didn't know that. I just had to get the beast close enough to activate the jar (that was where we put the bigger on the inside technology prison) and suck the beast's wisp out oh his horribly built body. That was the intresting thing about the beast. It was our first successful artificial intelligence system, but it didn't know how to morph, even though it had a whisp form, baby morpoyds are born with the ability to build decent forms. It also didn't have a battleclass, but then again, baby morphoyds don't usually find out what their battleclass is until they are much older, and while the beast was had the mentality of an elder, physically, it hadn't existed for very long as a morphoyd. Anyway, the beast tourney towards me and snarled, bits of metal coming out of his mouth.

"Punny morphoyd!" it screeched. "What do you expect to do to me?"

"I expect you to suck it!," I called. The beast laughed.

"You're funny," it said. "Too bad I have to kill you!" That is when the chase began. All I had to do was lure the beast to the jar, which was easy. What wasn't easy was what happened afterwards. Apparently, the jar prison wasn't built for one: it was built for two. The prisoner, and the warden. And I was the warden. The jar started sucking my wisp in after the beast's body had fallen over. At first I was confused. It was only supposed to suck in the beast! But then I realized that I had been tricked. After I was suck in, I found the central computer system, which had a couple hundred videos on taking care of the prison from the high council. There was a communication device, which I tried to use to contact the high council. About an hour later, I finally got to them.

"You've managed to capture it?" the leader of the high council (master of the diplomacy battleclass) asked.

"Yes, and I've watched the instructions," I said. "And I understand why I had to be sucked in too."

"That's good. The not so good thing is that we have to freeze you two," the high council leader said.

"Really?" I said. "And what exactly will that do? I'm just a whisp at the moment!"

"We have figured out how to freeze whisp's," he said. "I've been told it's like falling asleep. And you and the beast will be asleep for a very long time."

"I really don't like you, you know that, right?" I asked. "But that doesn't matter know, because I'm already in here."

"Good," he said. "Because we've already started the process."

"Really? Dude, I was just the bait to capture your most dangerous mistake, and you're going to free-" I started to say, but then I froze. I didn't wake up for another 5,000 years. And when I did finally wake, things started to get intresting.

Waking up

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5,000 years later

I gasped and opened my whisps versions of eyes.

I'm awake! I thought. Wait, that would mean that this prison isn't frozen anymore! The beast must be dead! A few seconds later, I found out how wrong I was. An alarm went off, alerting that not only was the beast not dead, but it was trying to escape, and apparently 99% done! My whisp flew towards the entrance to find the beasts whisp, which was black, instead of white. I then realized something: since I possessed no physical form, I could not stop the beast. But....the high council hadn't told me what some side affects would be, so if the beast could physically destroy the door then maybe that meant that I could hit him. Unfortunately for me, that was when the door finally gave out, and the beast laughed.

"If you're going to try and stop me," it said. "Then now would be the ideal time to try!" That is when the second chase started. We zoomed out of the prison jar to find ourselves in....somewhere else. The technology was much different, and the locals that I managed to see while chasing the beast weren't morphoids, although they did look like us when we had a physical form. As me and the beast chased each other, we attacked each other (kind of) by bouncing into each other. This went on for a while, until the beast hit me with such force that I bounced into a building and started ricocheted off of the walls. I heard quite a bit of screaming.

I can't get out! These walls are too close together! I thought! I don't like this, but I'll have to morph! I managed to angle myself into a smaller room, so I wouldn't hurt any of the locals. Then I started the absorbing process.

"What was that?" Rarity shrieked from behind her keytar as the misterieus white-ish light vanished into the music room's storage room. The light bulbs had broken and the only light coming in was from the moon (Principal Celestia had trusted the girls enough to let them practice super late, especially since it was a Friday).

"I don't know!" Sunset Shimmer gasped as she poked her head out from behind the drum set. "I've never seen something like that!" Suddenly, there was a large amount of noise that continued on for about 30 seconds. The girls stared at the door.

"Am I the only one who thought that that sounded like a bit of a roar near the end?" Pinkie asked.

"No!" Fluttershy squeaked from inside the base drum. "It sounded like a roar!" Suddenly, the door started to rattle and shake. Then the doorknob turned and it opened. Two dinner plate sized eyes looked out into the room as a very big beast somehow managed to exit the musical storage room. The beast looked around the room in what seemed like awe.

"Excuse me?" Sunset Shimmer said, standing up. The monster jerked backwards and stared at her in awe, causing a bit of noise.

"You speak my language," it said in English, which really surprised the girls. "And yet you're not a Morphoyd. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you?"


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"What am I?" Sunset Shimmer asked. "What are you?"

"Hey, I asked first!" the monster said. Sunset Shimmer sighed.

"Currently, I am a human, just like the other girls," she said. The beast tilted its head.

"What girls?" he said looking around the room. "Did you mean females of your own species?"

"Yes, my own species," Sunset Shimmer said.

"Like the pink girl?" the monster said. They both looked at Pinkie who was staring at the monster and looked about ready to explode. "Is she ok?"

"PARTY TIME!" Pinkie suddenly exclaimed, throwing confetti and blooms everywhere. The monster stumbled backwards, confused (and most likely freaked out) as to what was going on. Its arm reached towards its back and tried to grab something. A few seconds later, it glanced at its back and made a confused noise.

"Where is my weapon?" it asked aloud. "It should have been made in the adaption process!"

"Weapon?" Pinkie asked. "Why are you trying to attack confetti?"

"Is it not some form of weapon?" the monster asked. Pinkie giggled and Sunset Shimmer snickered.

"No!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Of course not! I don't want to attack a potential friend!"

"What is friend?" the monster asked. "Is that a weapon?" Pinkie giggled.

"No!" she cried. "A friend is someone that you like and hang out with, and trust and talk with!"

"That sounds complex," the monster said. Fluttershy stuck her head out of the bass drum and stared at the monster.

It may look scary, but he actually seems nice! she thought.

"Um, excuse me?" Fluttershy said. The monster looked at her.

"Yes?" it asked.

"Um, what do we call you?" Fluttershy asked. The monster was silent for a few seconds.

"I don't understand what you mean by that," it finally said. "My battleclass is a smasher-brawler, and I was never given a casual title."

"Battleclass?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes, battleclass. Every morphoyd has a battleclass, even though not all of them have anything to do with battling," the monster said. "Most are given a casual name, but I never received one."

"I'm going to call you Morpheus!" Pinkie exclaimed. Rainbow Dash frowned.

"Isn't that the name of a Greek dude?" she asked. "I can't remember."

"Morpheus, huh? Is that because it has morph in it?" the monster, Morpheus now, asked. "I like it. Morpheus it is!"

"So, what exactly are you?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"I am a morphoyd," Morpheus said. "We are a race with the power to create our own bodies! As long as they can support your battleclass weapon, then you can become anything!"

"What exactly is a battleclass?" Applejack asked, stepping out from where she was hiding.

"Your battleclass is usually discovered as you age and they come in a wide variety. My battleclass, like I said earlier, is a smasher-brawler, a duel battleclass. Those are kind of rare, but not unheard of."

"OH! OH! OH!" Pinkie exclaimed. "What's the rarest?" Morpheus shrugged.

"I don't know, but probably the weather wizard battleclass. That or the veil crosser battleclass," Morpheus said.

"What do those do?" Pinkie asked.

"That's not important," Morpheus said.

"And what does your battleclasses do?" Sunset Shimmer asked, writing stuff down on a piece of paper.

"Well, the brawler battleclass is good at fighting with fists, and the smasher battleclass is good at using big weapons to smash stuff. Stuff like hammers and battle axes." Pinkie gasped.

"That's awesome!" she cried. "Wait, where are you going to stay?" Morpheus shrugged.

"Any chance of staying near any of your houses?" he asked. Everyone looked at Fluttershy.

"Um, my house is next to a large forest," she said. "You could stay there, if you want?" Morpheus nodded.

"That sounds good," he said. "Lets go!"

"Um, how?" Fluttershy asked. "People are going to notice you!"

"Hmm, good point," Morpheus said.

"Ah have a truck," Applejack said. "If anyone asks, we could just say it's an art project."

"I understood only half of that, but it sounds good," Morpheus said. "Lets do it!"


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"So this is a truck?" Morpheus asked as he looked at Applejack's truck.

"Yep!" Applejack said proudly as she slapped the side of it.

"And this is a form of transportation?" Morpheus asked.

"Yep," Applejack said. "Ain't she a beaut?"

"I have no idea what that means," Morpheus said. "But sure. How can you tell that it's a female?" Applejack snorted.

"It doesn't actually have a gender," she said. "It's something that some people do with their vehicle. Fluttershy! You ready?" Fluttershy nodded.

"You remember how to get there, right?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yep," Applejack said. "Now Morpheus, git in the back, and try not to move too much." It was much harder trying not to move than Morpheus originally thought. So much things had happened while he was trapped! The technology was extremely unfamiliar, and there were so many lights, despite it being night! Morpheus had previously been unable to properly see his new 'friends', as the exited, poofy haired girl had said, and he assumed that the girls had been unable to clearly see him as well, unless they could see in the dark. The lights and what he assumed where houses started appearing less, replaced mostly by trees.

At least the trees are still here, Morpheus thought as the truck started slowing down. At first, he thought that they were at another one of those green and red light things, but then the motor shut off.

"You can move now!" Applejack yelled as she opened the door. Morpheus pushed on the truck bed door, and accidentally broke it off.

"Oops," he said as rolled off onto the soft ground. He stood up and looked around. The house that they had arrived at was surrounded by trees, and had a dirt path leading up to it. He looked back at the house and saw Fluttershy standing at the door, looking at him, and Applejack staring at her truck bed door, assembly with a shocked expression.

"So where do you want me to stay?" Morpheus asked. Applejack made a small whining sound and Fluttershy looked at her house.

"Do you think you can fit in here?" Fluttershy ask ed, pointing at her house's door. Morpheus looked at it and shook his head.

"I can only shrink down a little bit, but not small enough to fit through that hole," he said. "I can probably burrow into the ground, though. That should be easy, considering how sharp my feet feel."

"What are your feet made of?" Fluttershy asked. Morpheus shrugged.

"The truck is making light, so lets find out," he said. He placed his foot under the light of the truck, and it shone.

"It's a cymbal," Fluttershy said. "I think you're made out of instruments."

"That's cool and all, but Ah gotta go," Applejack said. She lifted the bed door onto the truck, climbed into the truck, and started it. "Bye!"

"Bye!" Fluttershy said and waved.

"You are an interesting species," Morpheus said. "If you don't mind, I am going to study the stars for a little before I burrow."

"Ok, go for it," Fluttershy said. "Just please don't draw any attention to us!"

"Are you shy?" Morpheus asked. Fluttershy nodded. "Oh, then that cancels something I had planned for tomorrow." Fluttershy, even though Morpheus couldn't see, started to blush lightly.

"What do mean by that?" she asked.

"Well, I'm guessing that what you have on you isn't your skin," Morpheus said. "I was planning on asking you if you would mind talking it off so I could study your body and hopefully understand this species a little more. Fluttershy started blushing even more.

"Well, as long as nothing too bad happens, then I guess you could," Fluttershy squeaked.

"Ok then," Morpheus said. "Tomorrow you help me. Now, if you don't mind, I should study the stars now."

Chapter 5

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"Morpheus!" Fluttershy called. "Um, if you don't mind, you should probably get up now!" A few seconds passed, and Fluttershy was about to call again, but that was when an arm exploded out of the ground. Fluttershy screamed, as more of a body pulled itself out of the ground. Then Fluttershy relized it was Morpheus and stopped screaming.

"Were you just screaming?" Morpheus asked. "Actually, never mind." He looked at his body, which was now caked with dirt, and since some of the instruments had holes, he had a ton of dirt inside of him. "I am going to need to make a new body. Anyway, can I study you a little now?" Fluttershy blushed.

"Already?" she asked. "You haven't even eaten yet! Neither have I!" Fluttershy frowned. "Actually, do you eat?" Morpheus shrugged.

"What is eating?" he asked. Fluttershy frowned. She had never explained eating before.

"Well, you consume this stuff," Flutershy said. "Your stomach digests it, and turns it into energy that the rest of your body can use." Morpheus nodded.

"Yes, morphoyds do something like that," he said. "Although we have to be a wisp to do that. Can you give me an example of this?" Fluttershy slowly nodded.

"Sure," she said. "What else do you want me to do?"

Almost an hour had passed by the time Twilight got to Fluttershy's cottage. Of course, Twilight had brought a bunch of scientific instruments, because this was an entirely new species! And it was intelligent! Twilight nocked on Fluttershy's door. After a few seconds of nothing happening, she nocked again. When nothing happened again, Twilight stepped back.

"Fluttershy!" she yelled. "Are you here?" Almost ten seconds passed this time, and Twilight was about to call for Fluttershy again when Fluttershy appeared around a corner, panting slightly.

"Sorry!" she said. "Me and Morpheus are in the woods. You actually got here just in time, he's about to make a new body!" Twilight gasped.

"A new one?" she exclaimed. "Already? Why?"

"His current one is filled with dirt," Fluttershy said. "It is actually very hard to get dirt out of some of these instruments."

"So where is he?" Twilight asked. "I want to see this!" Fluttershy guided Twilight to her backyard, and beyond it. Of course, Twilight had seen Morpheus in the back yard, but it was still far away enough so nothing could damage Fluttershy's backyard.

"You were the astronomer, correct?" Morpheus asked. Twilight frowned.

"The astronomer?" she asked. "I have done a little astronomy, but I'm not an actual astronomer." Morpheus frowned.

"But your name is Twilight, right?" he asked. Twilight nodded.

"Yeah, but what does-oh," Twilight said, finally understanding the reasoning behind Morpheus's statement. She giggled. "Yeah, my name is Twilight, but I don't study the sky. But I am still very smart.

"Good," Morpheus said. "Anyway, I have been told a little about you. You're a normal scientist?"

"Yes," Twilight said. "Not really 'normal', but yes, I am a scientist."

"Good, you'll want to see the adaption process," Morpheus said. "Now the both of you will want to step back. Way back." Fluttershy and Twilight stepped several feet back. Morpheus nodded and looked behind him. He inhaled, closed his eyes, and raised one leg. He looked like he was going to start meditating, but then his eyes opened, releasing a bright light. When a ball of light escaped from the body, it started falling apart, and Twilight recognized it as what she guessed was Morpheus's wisp, and remembered it from the night before. The wisp seemed to turn around to look at all the trees, until it seemed to settle on one. It zoomed into one of the biggest and narliest of them all, and seemed to burrow into it, completely disappearing into it. Then the tree started twitching, and moving. The tree started creaking, and cracking. The branches started to twist together, formeing hands, as the roots of the tree uprooted and started to form feet, as a face started to appear in the cracks. After about another 20 seconds of the tree forming into a humanoid form, he flung back his head a let out a roar. In total, he look really cool. His back was covered in leaves, his feet were covered in dirt, and his face was jagged and spiky. He looked himself over.

"So, what do you think?" he asked in a slightly raspy voice.

"Awesome!" Twilight squealed. "You must let me study that later!" Morpheus raised his now gnarled hand.

"And you will get to," he said. "I have been studying Fluttershy's body and biology for the past hour. Of course, I would like a little help. What do you say Twilight? Can I study you as well as you study me?" Twilight grinned excitedly as Fluttershy lightly blushed.

"Yes!" Twilight exclaimed. "Yes! What do I need to do?"

"Well, first of all," Morpheus said, "You have to take your clothes off."