How to Stealth Party in Pink(ie)

by TheOneWithoutAName

First published

Boker Horizon is an author of a popular book series and moves to his brothers in Ponyville. A party is thrown by a certain pink mare. A pink mare who has an attraction to her favorite author and wants to show him how much she appreciates him.

Boker Horizon is an author of a popular book series and moves to his brothers Thunderlane and Rumble in Ponyville. Thunderlane hereby hired a certain pink mare for a party for his brother. Said pink mare has an attraction to her favorite author and wants to show him how much she appreciates him. And she doesn't really care how many ponies are around her when she shows it to him.

Requested by: Corey19

Cover Art by: splender-fire

Contains: Pinkie x OC, Stealth Sex

The Party (Unedited)

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Boker Horizon, author of the popular book series ‘The Heroes of Tartarus’, as well as brother of Thunderlane and Rumble.

He has lived for long times in Manehattan, writing, but now that he completed his books he was seeking for a new series as he was gazing out of the train window.

Moving away from this town that had been his home was quite hard. A year ago, it would have been easier considering the town was a lot colder, but the Elements of Harmony saw to that ponies even there would care for others. It was quite refreshing, as it was an inspiration for him.

It was the reason he was doing what he was doing.

As far as he knew the Elements adventures weren’t recorded, so he might as well ask them if he could rise to the occasion of correcting this obvious lack. Not to mention that he heard that the little town of Ponyville was a rather adventurous iconic town itself. How often he had read letters from his brothers about the mayhem that had befallen it and which in turn inspired his work, was too many times to count.

These two reasons alone were enough to make him excited.

But of course he was also happy to see his two brothers again! It had been quite some time since they had met up, and they were from what he took from the letters happy to welcome him in their house, even though he offered he could take care of his accommodations, but then again, so was family. It brought a wistful smile to his face as he watched the trees pass by the window.

It certainly was going to be an exciting day.

It was late afternoon when he finally departed from the train station, where he was greeted by Rumble first thing.

The little fella almost bowled him over. Thunderlane was more civil in his greeting, albeit he was still as casual as ever.

Greetings were quickly out of this way and they made their way to their home.

Strangely enough the streets were completely void of any life. Almost like a ghost town. Sure, it was late afternoon, but there still should be ANYpony out here.

He arched an eyebrow questioningly at Thunderlane, who only smugly grinned. It was a grin that told him that yes, this was indeed not normal, but he was also not going to tell him.

With that Boker sighed, hoping Thunderlane knew what he was doing.

They reached their home soon enough and Thunderlane made him take the first step inside of it. Boker found that suspiciously enough, but decided to play along. If Thunderlane wanted to prank him, he would just prank him back later.


And suddenly the lights flashed on and his world was filled with pink. A pink that somehow also seemed to have sparkling wide baby blue eyes, and an ear splitting grin on her face.

It didn’t take Boker long to recognize the pink mare that didn’t seem to know the concept of personal space. Then again, he didn’t have anything against mares being this close to him, especially such a famous and attractive one as her.

“Were you surprised? Were you? Were you? Were you?”

He was still in a daze as he looked at the pink mare, only for it to be replaced as Thunderlane stepped beside her, fighting with the mare with the place before him as she seemed to be rather eager to stay in his vision.

“I think he was,” Thunderlane snickered, “So I guess it was worth hiring you for this.”

Pinkie seemed to brighten up even more at Thunderlane’s words as she bobbed her head in satisfaction, before she remembered something and gasped.

“Oh! I completely forgot! I’m Pinkie Pie! And I’m Ponyville’s premier party planner! It is an honor to meet you!”

Boker raised his brow in confusion, “An honor?”

Pinkie nodded her head vigorously again, while Thunderlane grinned.

“You see, Pinkie here is a rather big fan of your books,” he said as he nudged the pink mare, who smiled sheepishly for a moment. A moment which quickly passed as she then suddenly and positively beamed at him.

“Ooh! And how I am! It’s so super duper exciting! I mean a zebra hero getting captured and sold as a pet slash servant to a rich demoness, only for the demoness to get toppled over by the other noble families, so that she has to tag along the hero for revenge was sooooo exciting! And it was incredibly funny the first time she went camping! *Snicker* Not to mention that they made a sooooooooooooooooo cute couple in the story!” Pinkie swooned with excitement, as she was holding both of her cheeks in her hooves, clearly picturing his characters with enthusiasm of a fanfilly.

Seeing this happy smile on her face warmed Boker’s heart. It was moments like this that he started writing for. He wanted to bring joy, by telling an interesting as well as silly tale. And the series about ‘The Heroes of Tartarus’ seemed to hit the nerve of time. He accounted this especially to the Elements saving the day time and time again, creating a real adventure slash hero trend.

“I’m glad you liked it Pinkie. And it is also an honor to meet the famous bearer of the Element of Laughter. Thunderlane and especially Rumble have told me much about you.”

“Aw, shucks!” Pinkie said in slight embarrassment, before she got back to her cheery routine, “Anyway, you have fun, Mister Author. I will be checking that everything is perfect just for you,” she said with a seductive flutter of her eyelashes before turning around, her fluffy tail swaying with her turn, and giving Boker the most heavenly view of her pink puffy pussy lips he could have imagined.

Instantly a little bout of heat flushed his cheeks as he felt a little rising inside of his sheath, something he immediately suppressed. Something that was quite hard considering he was ogling her bouncing, plump rump as she was going on her merry way. And her rump did really have a nice bounce and jiggle to it as it rippled with every jump of the enthusiastic pink mare.

‘Did she just-? No, I’m probably imagining things,’ Boker thought with a shake of his head.

He was just glad that Thunderlane’s back was turned to this spectacle. He probably would have interpreted too much into this. And Luna knows that he didn’t need his brothers teasing now.

“So, I hope you didn’t mind me setting up this party for you,” Thunderlane said taking his thoughts off the events that had just transpired.

Boker simply shook his head, “How could I? You know as well as I how much I wanted to meet the Element Bearers, and Pinkie is probably a good start to ask if she would mind me writing a book about her and her friends. She probably could even set up a meeting.”

Much to Boker’s dismay that immediately brought Thunderlane’s teasing grin out. He dreaded what was about to come.

“A meeting with all of the prettiest mares of Ponyville, eh?”

Boker groaned in annoyance, “Just… No. I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer. If you are looking for me, I will take a look around.”

With that Boker turned around and let him stand there. Thunderlane merely snickered at the retreating form of his brother, as he decided to join the party. Something Thunderlane planned on doing too. After all, Pinkie had made quite an effort to make this party perfect.

The party was quite nice Boker had to admit, but then again, he was talking about a party of the world famous party planner and world savior Pinkie Pie. It would be a shame, maybe even a crime, if he wouldn’t enjoy the work of such an apt mare.

Anyway, the music was nice, considering Pinkie had hired a rather skilled DJ. And there were also a lot of ponies. It seemed Thunderlane didn’t exaggerate in his letters when he said the whole town was often invited to Pinkie’s parties. He had quite a few interesting chats with the ponies here. For example that brown stallion that seemed to be a rather big science nerd. Boker made a mental note to visit him sometime. It was always a good idea to draw inspiration for stories from others, as well as learn. A lot of research goes into writing after all. A believable story has quite a lot of knowledge to back it up. Admittedly, in fantasy stories not every tidbit would be a fact, but sometimes it was enough to derive facts to create ones that would pertain to his story.

In any case he could say that he enjoyed his party. But still a stallion could only take so much and after all that mingling he had the need to refuel his energies. Reason enough that he was glad there were some tables and benches placed in the corner.

So it was with that, that he took his glass of punch and set down to enjoy simply the relative silence and peace of his corner.

He closed his eyes and leaned back into his seat. Nothing could ruin this mo-

“Hiya Boker!”

Said pony slightly jolted in his seat as he opened his eyes to come snout to snout with a rather happy-looking pink mare. At least if the ear-splitting grin was any indication.

“O-Oh, hey Pinkie,” he said, slightly nervous by the sudden appearance of the pink mare, as well as the slight surprise to find her in his rather close proximity, considering he could feel her warm breath as the tips of their snouts touched. After his surprise wore off, he found this to be the rather intimate position to be in and wondered if the pink mare was aware of it.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, as the case may be Pinkie leaned back again as she stood at the other end of the table.

“How are you enjoying the party?” she asked with vigor.

Boker then turned his head from her beautiful blue orbs to the throng of ponies currently partying.

“It is nice,” he said with a slight smile, “The ponies here are certainly cheerier as in Manehattan.”

“I know, right?!” Pinkie said as she leaned in a bit again, before looking around for some reason. After deeming the coast clear or whatever other reason she had to look around like that she focused her attention back on him.

“Do you mind if I sit down?” she asked while pointing with her pink hoof to the free seat on the bench.

“Sure!” Boker said without hesitation. This was a golden opportunity to get to know the mare who saved Equestria countless of times, and he definitely wasn’t going to waste it!

Pinkie seemed to be on the same wavelength with him on that as she instantly took a seat right beside him.

‘How to start?’ Boker thought, not wanting to come over as presumptuous with his request.

Of course this was a redundant effort, considering Pinkie’s rather friendly and open-minded attitude, but his excitement clearly had the upper hoof in this. After all he was just sitting next to quite the famous personality. Not to mention that she was a fan of his books!

‘That might be a possibility,’ he hummed in thought.

As he turned his head to Pinkie, he could see said pink mare gazing up at him with a content smile, which encouraged him in striking up a conversation with her.

“What was your favorite part in ‘The Heroes of Tartarus’?”

Pinkie’s eyes immediately lit up with childlike glee at this question.

“That’s an easy one! It was the part where our hero Zebrico found out that he wasn’t a hero at all! That he was a mere clone created to be a test subject for genetically improved demons! And then how the demon lord Cream was all like: pitying stare! And Zebrico was all like: “You were right. I really am a foal for thinking I was a hero…” And then Cream was of course muttering like: “But I don’t want to be right…” And after that she got all determined and brought him back his resolve, before than BOOM! They blast their way to the final boss and save Tartarus! Crowning Cream and Zebrico their new rulers!” she finished her rant panting. Boker could understand that since said mare didn’t seem to take a single breath between her whole effectuations. Additionally she was flailing with her hooves left and right, and up and down for added effect. That had to take a bit out of that mare.

“I see,” Boker nodded, “It is understandable, considering that the tension at the highest point of the arc of suspense makes for the most interesting plot twists and finale.”

Pinkie bobbed her head in approval before she got a thinking face.

“Though there was one other scene in your book series that I super duper liked.”

‘Now that I want to hear,’ I thought with interest.

“And what scene would that be?”

She suddenly shuffled in her seat, almost a bit nervously as she lowered her gaze for a moment. In all her shuffling antics she even inched a bit closer to him. Maybe even a bit too close for some ponies, considering she was violating Boker’s personal space yet again. But of course he didn’t mind, seeing as having a mare like her being close to him wasn’t a bad thing.

Pinkie then gazed back deeply into his eyes, and suddenly fluttered her eyelashes at him seductively. They even gave the iconic ‘clink’ sound effect, making it to Boker very clear that this was no accident. Ponies don’t create sound effects by accident! If you hear a clink it was no ordinary blink! This figure of speech existed for a reason!

“You know, I liked especially the part in your spin-off series, where Cream was sitting in Zebrico’s lap, in front of his whole family without them noticing!” Pinkie rather exuberantly exclaimed.

Boker himself could only gaze at the pink mare in disbelief, having a bit of trouble to process her rather straightforward behavior. Especially since she was a famous hero of Equestria.

But it also got him thinking. He still remembered the accidental flashing of her genitals towards him, only now it didn’t seem all that accidental anymore.

As he was thinking about it, he didn’t notice how Pinkie suddenly took his silence as her cue to shuffle even further up towards him. She wore a rather devious grin as her soft pink fur suddenly pressed against his own.

Boker’s heart at that moment jumped in his chest as he stared at the pink mare.

But before he could question it, he suddenly felt something prodding between his legs. As he looked for it, he saw a rather pink hoof prodding at his sheath, which made him gasp softly.

“Don’t you worry none, Mister Author. Your Auntie Pinkie Pie will take good care of you,” she said with a low sultry voice.

‘Is this really happening?’ Boker found himself questioning as he felt his arousal increase along with his shaft that suddenly poked its head out to greet the eager pink mare.

Said pink mare’s smile seemed to widen as she wrapped her soft pink hoof suddenly around his slowly emerging cock and started to pump it.

In no time at all Pinkie could feel his shaft stand at attention at his full length. She felt rather happy that his little friend was finding her attractive, or that he was finding her pink hoof rather attractive. Whatever the case may be, Pinkie started to pump his rod cheerfully in the middle of the party.

Boker himself didn’t mind, as he was more than overwhelmingly happy to get a hoofjob from such an attractive and famous mare. Of course he counted his blessings that they were sitting in a corner of the room, which made their activities a lot more concealed. The table with its white tablecloth helped too in that regard, so that Boker was feeling rather safe under the joyful ministrations of Pinkie’s hoof, as it simply dangled along with each hard stroke from the pink mare.

Soon Boker couldn’t help himself but to let out a soft moan, which made Pinkie giggle.

“Enjoying yourself, Mister Author?” Pinkie asked cheerfully and Boker nodded.

“Y-Yeah. It’s been a while since I have been with a mare.”

A dramatic gasp from Pinkie followed, “We can’t have that! Everypony deserves to smile! Especially one who makes others smile!”

With a newfound determination Pinkie’s jerking motions became even harder and faster as she was rubbing his cock up and down. Boker could only squirm as she was assaulting him with her pleasurable hoof strokes.

“I really have to hoof it to you, Mister Author, *gigglesnort*, HOOF it! Makes me wonder what other races call it. Do griffons say claw it? Claws are also rather useful, like that one tim-”

Pinkie suddenly droned on with that about the different races and their appendages, before she even dipped into how they would probably feel while handling his junk. It was a bit weird, as well as fascinating, but Boker was still more curious about what she was going to say about him, so he thought it might be best to bring her back to the right topic.

“I’m thinking you got a bit o-off-track there,” Boker pointed out with a soft pant, making the pink mare smile sheepishly at him.

“Oh right! Like I was saying, I have to hoof it to you since you actually made a series that made ponies smile in public, while also made some super duper naughty spin-off that made mares wet in private! It is like a super fun public-private combination funtime book series!”

Boker smiled earnestly at that, “Glad you like it.”

But this also made him think about his new book project, and seeing how he got more ‘acquainted’ now with the hyper pink mare who obviously shared an attraction towards him because of his work, this might be the best opportunity he can get.

“Pinkie?” he asked, and the pink mare took her gaze of his pulsing rod and towards him again.


“I was honestly thinking about starting a new book series. Less of a thought out story, and more along the lines of the adventures of the Elements of Harmony. And since you are one of these fabled Elements I thought it might be a good idea to ask what you were thinking about a book series that would tell the tales of your adventures.”

Boker was expecting a lot of things to happen right now. From her bobbing her head enthusiastically about it, to a simple decline, but what he didn’t expect was her leaning into his ear, while she whispered to him something with her hot, teasing breath.

“Ooh! You naughty little colt! Would you include this adventure in a spin-off book series?”

“I wouldn’t, considering it is a much too private moment to be made publicly. But if you really want to I could write it out just for you.”

The eager pumps of her hoof seemed to be her answer as she bobbed her head along with it in agreement.

“That would be super duper naughty fun!”

“I-I agree, but while you are doing this can you tell me a bit more about yourselves, or your recent adventures. I for example heard that your friend just took on a student.”

“Starlight? Ooh! I remember that one adventure! She was once a big meanie who ruled over a town of fakey smiles. She even took away our talents. I mean could you imagine me doing this, without being talented for it?”

“Agh, I-I thought your t-talent were parties!” he gasped out as Pinkie all too happily continued to jack off his dick with vigor, never interrupting her movements.

“It is silly! But I’m doing more than one kind of party,” her eyes then became half-lidded and she purred, “You know, maybe I should show you what other kind of parties I can throw?”

After she finished saying this, she let go of his throbbing dick. It was twitching violently, seeking the warmth of the hoof that suddenly had left it. Not a second later Pinkie suddenly dove under the table, confusing Boker.

“P-Pinkie?” he asked befuddled. But his surprise quickly turned into comprehension, as he suddenly felt her hot breath on his rod, making his member twitch in anticipation.

This was followed by a long sensual lick down from his balls up to his flat-tipped member. A thin sheen of saliva was glinting all the way.

“You know, that I really like sweets, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like eggs,” she mentioned almost offhoovedly, while she rubbed her furry cheek against his rock-hard member.

“E-Eggs?” he asked, willingly taking the bait she laid out for him.

Instantly he could see a mischievous glint in her eyes as she grinned up at him. It was that kind of cocky grin he would rather imagine on his brother Thunderlane, or maybe even the brash Rainbow Dash from what he has heard.

But still… This only seemed to intensify the tension he felt as he continued to gaze at her predatory grin.

At least he did, before Pinkie lunged.

Booker let out a loud shuddering gasped as the pink predator then enveloped his ballsack in her mouth, suckling softly on it, while her tongue gave its underside some luscious licks. Her mouth hereby wandered from one of his musky balls to the other, as she made sure none of them was left out she she was slobbering over his sweaty orbs like they were some kind of rare treat.

Funnily enough Pinkie sometimes made munching noises, while miming to be a predator as her mouth worked softly on his balls. The silliness of her was...strangely sexy as he couldn’t help but throw his head back and simply enjoy the moment.

A soft groan reverberated through his throat at the feeling of her wet warm mouth giving his orbs such extensive attention, while his rod could only twitch in response, clearly jealous of his two partners that were so thoroughly serviced.

By the time she took them out of her mouth with a lewd pop they were completely bathed in her wet saliva.

“So, what do you think of my talents?” she replied as her big oval eyes stared up at him innocently. An innocence which was partly ruined by the fact that her muzzle was wet from her slathering of his balls. Not to mention the cock that was resting on her cheek.

It was so incredibly naughty of her, and Boker honestly didn’t think Pinkie would be this type of mare, but then again he wouldn’t complain. He definitely liked her sexy side just as much as her cute and silly one. It was such a strange and refreshing combination and his lust-addled mind could only hope for more of that sexy, silly, stallion ball slobbering side.

“I-It’s great. The best foreplay a mare has ever done for me,” he answered honestly.

Pinkie hummed happily as she bobbed her head in smug satisfaction, seemingly sucking his compliment and happiness right up.

Boker couldn’t help but picture his cock breaching these plump, luscious lips of hers. The pink and soft entrance to eternal bliss in his eyes as she just bobbed her head just like she had done now.

It was enough for his teased balls to get back to their work as they released some of his excitement.

Pinkie’s eyes instantly homed in on his tip, where a thick droplet of pre glistened tantalizingly, as if his shaft was trying to finally gain the attention of that incredible pink mare again. Something that worked as she threw him a saucy grin.

“Seems like Mr. Rod is excited!” she all too cheerily exclaimed before happily lapping at his tip like a dog would his owner’s face after said owner came home after a long time.

“And his excitement is delicious! Yummie!”

‘No. A dog can’t reach that height of enthusiasm!’ Boker thought as the pink mare descended on his cock tip, cooing and purring every time a new drop of pre was licked up, something that increased in frequency as Boker got more and more excited.

Pinkie’s lapping soon started to spread further, as she started to work also the sides of his black shaft, making sure not to miss a spot, while Booker simply reveled in every soft lick of her tongue.

As she finally had his shaft thoroughly licked she stopped with her tongue out panting happily. Funnily enough Boker was mimicking her in that way exactly. This mare was sending him waves of pleasure, but still was always sure not to tip him over the edge too early.

“Are you ready for the main course,” the pink mare purred as she clamped both of her soft hooves around his cock, before pumping it again.

She then opened her mouth wide, showing off her inner muzzle. It was so teasing of her as Boker could only look into the wet depths that she presented him. Wet depths that got a twitch out of his cock. Just the thought that these succulent pink lips and her soft tongue might do to him once he dug in…

Not that Pinkie would let him think about it all too long, as she half-lidded her eyes at him.

“Bon Appetit!” she happily exclaimed before her head lunged forward, like a snake pouncing at its prey to devour it. And devour Pinkie did.

He could instantly feel the soft and wet confines of her mouth as it was wrapped tightly around his cock.

Pinkie didn’t waste any time and started her oral ministrations immediately.

The sensation was rather hard to describe, as her tongue seemed to be rather long and extremely flexible, while still staying incredibly soft as it lapped and squeezed around his cock.

“Yo, Boker!”

Said stallion immediately tensed as Thunderlane stepped toward his table. His timing truly couldn’t be any worse.

“H-Hey, brother,” he answered with a nervous smile.

A particularly rough squeeze on his shaft made the corners of his mouth twitch. But this wasn’t all, he could faintly hear Pinkie slurping as she sucked on his shaft as vigorously like it was a lolly. He had to use all his willpower to not buck right into this pleasurable facepussy she called her mouth.

‘I-Is it in my imagination, or is Pinkie even more ferocious with my brother here?’

But before he could think further on it his brother caught his attention again. Or at least as good as he could while Boker was having that hungry mouth of Pinkie’s giving him head. This mare really had quite the appetite.

“This party Pinkie threw for you sure is a blast!” Thunderlane said as he looked around with a smile.

Boker nodded, “Y-Yeah. I’m really grateful for her endeavors.”

Thunderlane cocked his head before taking a look around again.

“Now that I think about it, where is she? It shouldn’t be so hard to spot that hyper pink mare.”

By the mentioning of her name she started to bob her head while increasing her suction, making Boker almost moan out. Especially the way her tongue was teasing the underside of his cock with soft, tickling licks. It was an incredible sensation.

“Uh, she probably j-just has to watch after the festivities?” Boker replied,hoping to end this conversation soon.

Then Pinkie suddenly halted her movements and concentrated more on her tongue work.

It felt like her tongue was dancing tango with his dick!

Every lick was so precise, so sensual, especially how she combined it with the soft suckles as she started to wrap her tongue around his length. She teased the sensitive flesh, eager to pleasure every inch of his rock-hard shaft that was currently residing in her muzzle. It was only natural that Boker could feel his cheeks heating. Luckily Thunderlane either didn’t notice or attributed it to the punch. Either way, Boker couldn’t deny that the pleasure that surged through him was unrivaled.

“Dude, you have NO idea how enthusiastic about this she was!” Thunderlane countered, while Boker tried his best to fight through the pleasure to hold this conversation.

Another greedy slurp from that pink voracious mare made him slightly thrust his hips into her muzzle.

‘I think I do,’ he simply thought, while Thunderlane simply droned on.

“She practically begged me to organize a party for you!”

Now that was something that peeked Boker’s interest.

“She did?”

Thunderlane simply nodded vigorously, almost as vigorous as the head bobs Pinkie assaulted him with yet again. Her wet lips on his cock were sucking him off his pre all too eagerly as Thunderlane kept on talking.

“Yeah. You know, I’m betting that hyper pink mare has a fanfilly crush on you! I would even be so bold as to say that it probably wouldn’t take so long for you both to hook up!”

That made him actually jolt. But not from the words mind you. Pinkie suddenly took this as her cue to suddenly lurch forward as she took his thick cock past the tight ring of her throat. Boker could only imagine the obscene bulge the mare now sported as inch after inch of his meaty rod sunk down her greedy gullet.

“Don’t react like that! You know I only want the best for you! It’s worse enough that you are still single!”

Boker actually grinned at that opening Thunderlane accidentally gave him.

“Like you?”

“S-Shut up! For your information, I’m currently trying to woo Flitter and Cloud Chaser! I’m telling you that I will manage to make a herd with them!”

Boker simply nodded, with a smile, not willing to say anything more about this as he swiped some sweat from his brow.

Pinkie seemed to be a pro at deepthroating. He wasn’t sure whether he should feel impressed or awkward about it, considering the implications that she would have to have a lot of practice with it then.

She was without trouble taking his full length down after all, and never once did gag. Her throat muscles were hereby clenching wildly on his hot cock, squeezing it sensually as the pink mare seemed to facefuck herself on said rod like it was noponies business.

Flesh grinded against her moist walls as Pinkie seemed to up her ante as her head seemed to become a pleasurable blur of pink as she was sucking and grinding her throat against his cock relentlessly.

Thunderlane meanwhile droned on. Boker could only try to look like he was actually listening to him at this point, as his cock was throbbing violently from the hard facefucking the pink mare gave herself on his rock-hard rod.

His edge was fast approaching. Her hoover like suction was dragging on his length, devouring him with each bob, while his cock was then squeezed with the muscles in her gullet. It simply felt too heavenly. Just the way her throat wrapped around his cock in a tight seal was too much for him. He couldn’t hold out any longer than this. He didn’t want to.

With desperation Boker grabbed his drink from the table, before taking a few generous gulps. A few more of her deep bobs of the pink wonder was all it took for him to finally reach his climax.

Pinkie as if sensing it stopped her pumps just right and completely lodged his meat inside of her throat, as her muscles squeezed and milked him to his release.

His tip flared, and his balls churned as Boker gripped the pink mares head with his free hoof needily to press her muzzle deep into his groin, before he choked deliberately a bit, this excuse giving him an opportunity with each cough to thrust a bit into her warm contrasting gullet as thick strands of white seed were splattering against it.

Pinkie all too ferociously gulped it down, shuddering with each new batch that his balls churned up as she loved the way his slimy hot substance was flowing down her throat. Not to mention the meal it provided her.

His orgasm only took a minute, but even that was enough to make her belly bulge slightly from the nutritious meal. Pinkie had meanwhile pulled his thick fuck meat out of her throat, but still continued to keep it in her warm mouth, as she softly suckled on it, trying to coax the last few remains of his orgasm straight out from his rod.

Boker meanwhile panted softly, as Thunderlane worriedly laid a hoof on his withers from across the table.

“You okay there, buddy?”

Boker nodded, “Y-Yeah. Just choking a bit, nothing to worry about.”

Thunderlane fortunately just shrugged it off.

“Anyway, I will look for Pinks around a bit. Can’t have my little brother let this golden opportunity slip away after all,” he said with an almost mischievous grin. The kind of grin only reserved to siblings who tease one another.

“Y-Yeah, sure,” Boker only replied shortly as he suddenly felt Pinkie bobbing her head again.

He had to suppress a moan as he felt his flaccid going member getting rock-hard again from the pleasurable swipe of the pink mares tongue.

Just as Thunderlane turned around he stopped, making Boker sweat a bit, as he suddenly eyed him suspiciously.

“Since then do you approve of my attempts to hook you up?” he asked with a raised eyebrow, while Boker tried his best to wave him off.

“It’s not that!” he protested, “I need to talk to her because of the book I want to write about her and her friends, so I’m not complaining if you do the dirty work of looking for her in this cramped space!”

A chuckle escaped Thunderlane at that.

“Should really have thought about that. But I’m willing to sacrifice my free time to find this mare just for you! I mean, you can’t stay single forever. It’s worse enough that you try to compensate by writing porn because you are not getting laid.”

‘If only he knew,’ thought Boker, before he huffed in faux indignation.

“Just go!”

After another chuckle Thunderlane did just that and Boker felt himself sigh in relief as he was finally safe again. Immediately after that he lifted the tablecloth up to reveal a still eagerly slurping pink mare working away on his throbbing pole. Her eyes innocently looked up at him, while she still continued her oral ministrations, which effectively ruined the innocent look and turned it into something far more lewd.

“You are insane, you now that,” he said with a dry grin.

Pinkie instantly plopped his cock out of her mouth, while she licked a bit of his cream from her lips. Meanwhile her hooves took over to rub his length.

“Aww! But you love that don’t you?”

“Can’t deny that.”

A giggle escaped both of them before Boker turned to look at the party.

“So, do you have any other party surprise planned for me?”

Pinkie’s grin instantly got wider at this question.

“In fact I do! Do you remember Chapter 23 where Zebrico and Cream were in a disco bar at night?”

“You mean from my adult series of it?”

“Mmhmm. Zebrico didn’t have the time to carry Cream away from the bar, after some meaniepants drugged her with an aphrodisiac. So to avoid her breaking down into a horny mess and getting gangbanged by the bar patrons, he instead asked her for a dance, where he skillfully quelled her burning lust during this act.”

“Wait, so you mean...?”

Pinkie simply grabbed his hoof while she looked directly into his eyes again. They were so cheerful, as well as sexy in that moment. The naughty intent of her was clear as she eagerly dragged him to the crowded dance floor.

“Hit it!” she said to the blue-maned DJ, as she set up another track and dimmed the lights, making it a bit harder to see.

The DJ mare saluted Pinkie with a grin, who grinned back with an equal salute in return, before she turned around on the crowded dance floor to face him.

‘This is crazy,’ Boker thought, but at the same time he felt extremely excited about this situation. This cute, sexy, famous, joyful pink mare wanted to play one of his favorite clop scenes from his book with him. He actually had to be pretty crazy or dumb not to jump into this adventure. A thought which also was rather attractive to him. She was taking him on a real adventure. It was not something that he was imagining in his head. It was actually happening. So with this excitement and courage he simply followed the flow, no, he followed her. This adventurous pink mare.

The upbeat music soon started. It was mimicking his good mood perfectly, as Pinkie took both of his forehooves in her own, while she helped him to stand up on two legs. She shot him an encouraging smile as the music blared through the room.

She soon came into the rhythm as she suddenly thrust her pelvis towards his erection. Boker could only softly gasp as he felt her slide effortlessly on his rock-hard shaft in one fluent move.

Her walls were so incredibly hot, as they wrapped himself around his length. They were clamping and tugging at him, before Pinkie pulled his cock out of her completely. Directly after that she pushed her wet dripping cavern onto him again with an incredible accuracy. It seemed like she was at least as excited as him.

Her cheeks were completely red, as she was positively glowing with joy and lust. Her hips thrust back into his again and again in rhythm to the music, her walls always warmly welcoming his cock with a friendly squeeze, before they said goodbye again with a tug.

After a few more of this thrusts, she didn’t thrust her pelvis into him like that again. She instead held onto his one hoof, to perform a twirl which rather astoundingly ended with her rump landing on his cock as her back pressed into his chest.

Boker couldn’t see it, but Pinkie was biting her lip in clear enjoyment of this debaucherous act. It was like a lewd game for her, where she had to conceal their sexual act with skillful maneuvers. And Pinkie was definitely determined to win this game.

She lifted her pelvis of his cock, before slumping it down again and again a few times. From the distance it merely looked like a simple dance move as she was cuddling with her back into her dance partner.

After performing this task she turned around again, as they performed some more dance moves while seeing eye to eye.

Suffice to say that each move ended up with Pinkie’s cunt being buried deeply into his hot cockflesh, as they continued on their perverted dance routine. Flesh met flesh as they fucked each other to the increasing rhythm to the music, making Boker think that the DJ might be in on this scheme. Seeing as said DJ mare had currently one hoof under her table, while intently eying them, he concluded that he was right.

This moved on and on. Slap after slap. Thrust after thrust. Pinkie’s walls were eagerly tearing at his cock with each hard slap against his hips. Her juices were overflowing from jolt after jolt of pleasure that devoured her.

Her mouth was open, with her tongue hanging out, panting like a dog in heat, as her arousal simply dripped from her snatch, and with each smack also smeared against Boker’s crotch area and his inner thighs.

Boker himself enjoyed the feeling of her warm juices splattering against his groin and inner thighs in soft waves. It indicated that she was getting closer, just like him.

Even through the faint lighting he could see and feel her bouncy plot ripple with each pound against their hips. The thrill of indulging this carnal act in the middle of a crowd only seemed to heighten his arousal. Not to mention Pinkie’s, as her eyes were half closed as she was throwing her body, or more precisely rump into him again and again.

Smack after smack she speared herself as deep as she could go, feeling his cock prod against the entrance of her womb, which almost made her moan out loudly. The feeling of fullness was driving the party pony in a high as she felt her inner parts being stirred up by this thick meaty cock.

Her walls hereby massaged and gripped it with every plunge, massaging the violently throbbing length as Boker could feel just like Pinkie the jolts of pleasure wracking through his body.

His orgasm was fast approaching, something that his mind still had the capacity to worry about, since he didn’t want to simply unload his cum into her like that, considering he had no idea if she was in heat at this moment.

Pinkie seemed to have sensed his predicament as she slung her forelegs around his neck, before pulling her luscious lips up to his ear.

“Cream my pie,” she sensually whispered, with the lust burning deeply in her eyes. It was a silent plea, something he wouldn’t have thought possible from the hyper mare, but it was so incredibly sexy, as it eliminated any reservations he had. It would be rather impolite to deny a mares request after all.

With one last snort his hips smashed into hers, burying him deeply into her damp snatch. His cockhead instantly flared, blocking out any escape route for his seed, as he dumped the first load directly into the pink mares womb.

Pinkie shuddered from the ecstasy of having her innermost area coated in a naughty white, the baby batter searing her insides and giving her a warm feeling.

Her snatch quivered from the sensations, as she felt her own orgasm peaking, as a deluge of her own juices suddenly ran down her legs, while Boker pulled her closely to his chest.

Both of their arms were slung around each other, as cum pumped from Boker’s pulsing length directly into Pinkie’s naughty fun place. A fun place which spasmed wildly around his cock, squeezing and milking him as it shook from the orgasm. It was a real mystery to him, how her exterior could be so calm compared to the party that her pussy seemed to have on his dick.

He couldn’t help it as his balls churned up batch after batch of his foal paste, stretching her insides from the sheer amount and making her belly bulge out even more as her womb was sloshing with his virile spunk.

“That’s quite a big load,” she hummed happily with a naughty smile on her face, before her body shook again, as another gush of her mare juices came from her contracted walls and shot down his length, to his balls and then his legs.

As their orgasms subsided, Boker could feel his length slowly shrinking down again as it retracted from her soft, pink and pliable walls. He let out a longing sigh, as his shaft was freed from her grip and back into the relatively cold air compared to her tunnel, before disappearing completely in his sheath.

Pinkie let go of his back as she got back onto all fours.

“That was fun! Especially how you filled the pie with cream! We should bake together more often!”

Boker simply smiled at the bouncy mare as she was jumping in place. Her demeanor was completely back to that of the hyper party mare.

“Better not too often. I don’t want to accidentally want to put a bun in your oven.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t mind!” she said as she shot him a saucy grin, making Boker reel back a bit in surprise, while he could feel his cock twitch in his sheath at the same time. At this moment he was wondering if she did really mean it, or if she was joking, or what also was a possibility, didn’t know the idiom and took it literally.

Before he could retort however, she leaned in close to his ear, making his heart jump as her hot breath stroked at it in a whisper, “It would be totally birth it.”

This one sentence made him squirm in place.

‘She really means it!’ he thought flabbergasted as his mouth fell straight to the floor, and his cock was now poking out of his sheath slightly, making Pinkie giggle.

“Ooh! Seems like somepony hasn’t had enough yet!” she singsonged with that bubbly voice of hers.

Her demeanor then instantly changed from teasing to sultry, “You know, I will have to do some super clean up. We don’t want any other pony to find out just how hot of a dancer you really are! Maybe you want to join me?”

The seductive smile as well as the half-lidded eyes said it all.

“You are a very, very naughty filly.”

This actually made Pinkie giggle.

“You know it! I will go to the bathroom. Don’t let me wait too long!” she said in a chipper voice, before bouncing away, her tail swaying and giving him a rather good last look of her creamed winking pie before she left.

Suffice to say he definitely didn’t let her wait, and was quite excited for the days to come with his new pink friend.