Life's Serendipity

by MistressMystery

First published

serendipity : luck that takes the form of finding valuable or pleasant things that are not looked for

Life is full of ups and downs, many having reasons as to why but most do not. For young Angel life was nothing but down with no possible way of there being an up, that is till one day a stranger makes a call to the state. Through a series of events falling into place like dominoes her life goes from the worst it can be, to steadily one she never knew existed, nor could fathom would ever come to her. Taken from her parents by the state for an investigation on the grounds of child abuse, young Angel is then placed into the love and caring protection of a thief.
Come read along to see how the two of them grow, into one of the oddest pair that they never saw coming.

Trigger Warning: contains abuse, alcoholism, self harm, suicide, a suicide attempt, a breif mention of rape in one chapter. If you are not comfortable with any of these things, do not read. will cobtain sexual innendoes here and there.

Helpful critism only please.

*Because of several bits of diolouge from celestia and luna, i tagged them and they will be popping up here and there.
Collab Author: The ever so amazing grey mane
Editor: still looking
Cover art: still looking

Chapter 1

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As she walked along the street, rain pouring down, dripping through her fur, several thoughts raced through her mind. What if she got home late... what if her dad was there, drunk... he was scary and mean when he was drunk... glancing at the time, she started to speed walk, trying not to slip on the rain. She needed to get home, and fast... otherwise her mum and her dad would be very mad... they hurt her a lot when they got mad... always for the littlest of things...

Dinner... crap, she forgot she also had to make dinner... she always cooked, always cleaned, always made sure her parents were happy... if they were happy then it meant she would be allowed to eat dinner... starting to run, she finally made it to the house ten minutes early... she set her stuff down, panting softly. She then started cleaning up the kitchen, the living room, everywhere…

As she walked into her home a passer by spotted her, looking on he saw how exhausted she was. He sighed shaking his head, he had seen her before as he often walked through the area. Staring at the home he pondered what caused such a spry young woman appear as she did, pulling out his phone he called an old friend.

"Hey..." The voice was angry on the other end, "ya I know, look I called because I'm cashing in that last favor from you." The other end of the line was quiet for a moment only for that silence to be followed up by a snarky chuckle 'What do you need?' The voice on the opposing end sounded sinister as though he was striking a deal with the sovereign source of evil itself.

As she ran around the house cleaning, many thoughts were racing through her head... maybe she should call the police... maybe she should tell someone... but then she banished them from her thoughts. It would never work... her parents were amazing actors and could make almost anyone believe their lies... it was their word against hers... and they always won... not unless... no... that would never work... someone would find her and she would be right back where she started... unless...

she ran to her room and started rummaging through her things. She had something that might just offer relief, albeit temporary... she just needed to find it... where had she put it... ah, there it is... the shine of the metal was somewhat comforting and soothing... soon... but first she needed to make dinner. She hid the object and ran down stairs to start on chicken alfredo with lightly steamed broccoli and a fresh baked loaf of bread. This would certainly please her parents... As she finishes cooking, her dad's car pulls into the driveway. She quickly and neatly dishes out their dinner, waiting nervously.

Her father, a large heavy set black wolf slams the front door, grumbling, "I hope dinner is ready. Your mother is almost home and she will want to eat right away.

The young wolf points with a shaking paw "It's chicken alfredo with lightly steamed broccoli... I got home early and finished cleaning so I thought maybe I would try something new and I have a strawberry cheese cake in the fridge... I made it this morning, before I left for school... I hope you enjoy it..." then she politely and respectfully goes into her room so her parents could eat in peace.

As the poor girl worked herself near to death the odd passerby was still outside on the phone, “Look you’re not hearing me right, I honestly believe something is going on in this house.”

The voice groaned and shouted back at him, “Have I ever been wrong before?” A silence came between them as the voice on the other end started to groan, “Don’t you fucking answer that.” Leaning against the street sign he pulled the hood of his dark gray trench coat over his head as the rain started to get heavier, “Look this is the last favor alright, do this and you no longer have to worry about me calling again.”

The voice on the other end became somber as it sighed, “Fine I’ll take your word for it provided you do something in return.”

He groaned with his sigh, “You know that’s not how favers work Flint.”

“Then I’m not doing this for you and this conversation is over.”

He could feel the other end of the line slowly reaching the receiver, “Alright, alright you’ve got me by the short and curlies. If it’s to help out someone you know how to really hold be by the jewels.” He sighed knowing the response was to bite him in the flank, “What do you want me to do?”

“Take her into your home pending the investigation.”

“Are you mad?” He scoffed before lowering his voice and covering his mouth, “I’m a wanted stallion for crying out loud, sure I’ve never harmed anyone but I’m a thief not a… a…”

As he trailed off he heard Fling chuckling on the other side telling him that’s the only way to get this faver over with, “you are crazier than I am girl. And you know how crazy I can be when I really want something.”

“Oh... what... that?” She made static noises over the phone, “You’re breaking up…” He could tell she was having her bit of fun, “I’m having… hearing… prick.”

“Ha ha…” He claimed discouragingly looking back at the house, “fuck it, fine. You win.” She scoffed on her end reminding him she always wins, “I’m sure you have an alias for me to use as well?”

She giggled with a sigh, “As a matter of fact I do.” Running up to her room, she found her source of relief right where she had left it... She slipped out of her black skinny jeans and put on a pair of shorts. With shaking paws she slowly dragged it across her upper thighs, leaving a thin trail of blood. It stung at first but then the numbness took over and she created more and more.

One for her best friend who abandoned her in her time of need... one for each time her father beat her up... one for each time her mother smacked her around...

She then cleaned her blade and hid it where no one would look... grabbing bandages, she carefully cleaned the cuts and bandaged them, then pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a oversized t-shirt. Opening the curtains on her window, she looked out at the night sky, more tears dripping through her fur. All she wanted was to feel loved by someone... to have a person care about her and treat her like a human and not a slave... all she wanted... was freedom...

Opening the windows, she stepped out onto the roof and sat down, looking at the stars. They were gorgeous tonight... amazing, and beautiful... A loud and angry voice, which woke the neighbors and was heard by the stranger called her name... she knew what was coming... slowly making her way to the kitchen... her parents sat in the living room, drinks in hand... dark looks on their faces… they were drunk… and that wasn't a good sign...

It had been several hours since the phone call, he didn’t like the cover that was given to him but what could he do. He can’t just walk into any place and say his name, walking home he ran the image of whom he was to be in his head. He was to appear weak and easily pushed over, he was to also sag himself in comparison to how he normally walked. Reaching one of his safe havens he went to the furthest room to pull up the fales floorboards, inside the little stash he pulled up a tackle box then replaced the floorboards.

Going to the bathroom he looked himself in the mirror as he opened the box, “Oh ya she’s laughing her ass off right now I bet that much… fucking minotaur.” He grumbled only to smile, “I swear if I didn’t love her like a sister…” He laughed as he applied makeup to his face, “so I’m to appear pale, weak, and awkward do I. Well I’ll fit the part with this get up.” Pulling out a set of glasses he swapped between them, “Do I want the blue blockers or look like John Lennon?” Looking back into the box he spotted another pair, “Oh good lord I still have those?” Pulling out the glasses he looked at them, “Inch thick lenses, if I’ve got that old porn mustache I’ll use…” He stared at the contents of the box, “damn it I still do.”

Walking around his safe house he perfected his stance, his gut poked out, his shoulders sagged, and though he leaned back he bent himself forward. He was proud of his appearance but felt it needed a bit more, working on how he spoke he focused heavily on having awkward breathing issues mainly snorting while panting. His speech also sounded like he was congested and slightly forigen, the last bit of his act was to grab his tool belt adorn with a box of tissues, box of latex gloves, and several bottles of hand sanitizer.

“I am an artist.” He proclaimed staring at his reflection in a mirror, “Okay so game plan is I meet up with Flint at the school ten minutes before it ends, we speak with the principal, and pick up that poor girl.” Looking around he thought about what place would be best for her, “Oh to hell with it I’ll take her up to that place I own in the hills…” Putting on his accent he smiled, “after all I’m a savvy stock investor on the side. Because working for the state isn’t enough to help me get by!"

Chapter 2

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As the school day neared its end Flintlock pulled up to the school in her Jaguar, it was hot pink in color contrary to her mindset as her pitch black business suit claimed. Her cohort struggled to get out of the car, his pants almost up to his chest, his face was shielded from the sun with his hand as he let out loud complaints.

"Can you be any more melodramatic, you'll blow your cover." Flint claimed grabbing her disguised criminal brother.

He lowered his voice as he smiled, "You're the one who made this character, I should get an award for playing it as well as I am." He chuckled as he pulled out a latex glove to open the school door, "Speaking of which what is my name should they ask?"

As they walked into the building he tossed the glove in the trash then filled his hands with sanitize, "Don't worry I'll introduce you, have you came up with your cover as the foster parent?"

Brushing back his hair with his fingers he removed the glasses and put on a Latin accent, "But of course, I'm a savvy business investor who's decided to ground his roots in this town. Feeling I have too much money I've decided to give back to the community by taking in those whose needs far out reach my own." Messing his hair back up he placed the glasses back on and resumed his awkward breathing, "A perfect cover if I do say so myself."

"I like it but ditch the overseas thing and the Latin accent, unless you've been here over 2 years and have proven to the state you're not a threat to the young that isn't happening."
He let out pfft to the rules she stated, "Killjoys, why do you even work for them?"

"To cover your ass and keep you out of jail, like I promised mom and dad I would. God rest their souls."

"Hey leave them out of this they taught us well..." Letting out a groan as they waited for the Principal and Vice Principal Celestia and Luna he turned and pointed at her, "besides they ain't dead, they're just locked up is all. 20 more years and their out."
"Close enough to being dead, what you call a cell I call a coffin. Reason I gave up the game and started going straight."

As Celestia and Luna started walking up he leaned in and whispered, "I didn't know you were batting for the same team, any women I may know that could have warmed your bed?"
Leaning in to him she pinched his love handle causing him to lock up, "Get your fucking mind out of the God damn gutter." Once Celestia and Luna was up to them to escort them to the office Flint extended her hand, "Thank you for meeting with us on such short notice, I'm Flintlock with the Department of Social Services. This is Geyfooker, he assigns the young their new foster parents during the investigations and during the rehabilitation of the biological parents. And that is if the investigation turns something up."

Faintly looking at Flint he gave an awkward smile as he thought, 'Oh you fucking...' Slapping on a latex glove he continued his act while extending his hand, "Pleased to meet you."
After shaking their hands he tossed the glove and rubbed his hands down in sanitizer. It wasn't long till they were in the office and talking things over, Celestia informed them that they spoke with the young woman Angel when she was alone. Though she claimed nothing was wrong at home they had instructed her to come by the office after her final class ended, she had asked to
know what was going on but they explained to her that she will know soon enough.

Trying to go over the details of the case file Flint requested the transcript of miss Angel, "Well she puts on a convincing act that nothing is wrong, good grades, good behavior, just about good everything from what I see."

Passing the file over to the stallion he looked into it, "But you're overlooking this, some teachers have noted that she keeps to herself. Rarely ever talks unless spoken too first, almost cowers in the face of authority, and seems to jump from the slightest touch when in deep thought." He groaned almost breaking character as he slammed the file shut and slammed it on the desk,
"Seems like cries for help to me, almost like she wants help but no one cared. Is this how the school system works now, ignoring clear signs of help?" They stuttered as they tried to clear their throats, "We can't just claim something is wrong at home unless the student says something first, we've tried talking to her but she just…”

"Says nothing is wrong? She's hiding the truth because she fears this is the best things will be, that it can never get better only worse." He realized he was starting to falter in his persona so to cover himself he started wheezing more while patting his chest, "So you... pay your defense... and let this crap slide?"
Placing her hand on his shoulder Flint blushed as she held him back, "I'm sorry he too came from a family that didn't treat him right, it's like a tender soft spot on a soldier. Touch it and they go off the rails, please forgive him."

Before they could respond the final bell rang and before they knew it Angel walked into the office, she saw all four of them and was baffled at what was going on.

Angel stood in the doorway, her paws shaking visibly who were they...? She didn't trust them... especially the weird stallion... something about him was not right... She refused to look anyone in the eye as she slowly walked in and sat down as far away from everyone as possible. Playing with her sleeves, she glances over at flintlock then at Celestia and Luna then back at the floor, speaking in a barely audible voice "this is about my parents isn't it... I've told you already, everything is fine at home... I don't see why you all are so concerned about me..."

They waited to hear more from her but her fidgeting the stallion took it as a hint that was all she could muster, "Not quite..." He claimed in a slow steadily calming wheeze, "you see a passerby had taken notice of how you rushed home in fear yesterday. They then made a phone call to our department and in the middle of it heard screaming. They also noted that your father was, and they quote, 'In an angry drunken state leaving his car.' This is clearly a sign of a bad living environment."

As many of them nodded in agreement Flintlock calmly walked over and kneeled before her gently taking hold of her hands, "Sweetheart this is just a quick little investigation, if nothing is found you'll be back with your parents before you know it. Till then you'll be moved into a foster home, a good one..." Looking back at the stallion she hinted he needed to have his back story for his alias ready, "isn't that right Geyfooker?"

His right finger tapped the arm rest of his chair in annoyance of that name, "But of course, I've picked out the best. His name is..." He tried to think of a name he hadn't used yet, but most was already known world round, "oh now where did I put that note?" He started patting himself down as Flintlock shook her head knowing he hadn't thought any further ahead than say the next ten seconds, "Oh yes that's right, his name is Ayahuasca. He's a savvy business investor who wants to give back by helping others, he's trustworthy."
"I'm not very familiar with that name." Celestia claimed as Luna wrote it down.

"Nor have I, is there a chance we will be seeing him, or do you have a file on him we can request a copy of?"
Standing up Flintlock glared at her adoptive brother as her finger tapped her crossing arm, "But of course I'll bring a copy of his file first thing tomorrow morning. And I'm more than certain Geyfooker will inform him to come here at that time as well."

The stallion sat there in an awkward silence as his eyes slightly bugged out while looking around the room, 'Fuck, I didn't think that one through. I have a hist planned in Mareaco and I needed to catch a flight at that time.' He thought to himself as Flintlock sat next to him explaining that he had a mental condition that sometimes causes him to drift off, "I'm sorry what are we talking about now?" He looked around the room playing off what Flintlock had said, "Oh yes of course he will come by in the morning, I'll inform him right now. Please excuse me." He stood up and walked out of the office as he pulled out his phone.
Once in the hall his phone rang for a moment as they continued to talk in the office, "Don't tell me you need my help, I already told you about the King's Diamond."

"Ya about that, anyway you can push my flight back till late in the afternoon. Something just came up."

"You and that bleeding heart of yours, Mom and Dad always said it would do you in. Hell it's what did them in."

"Ya, ya, ya, can you or can't you?" He whispered trying to keep the conversation between the two of them.

"Oh ya I can do that, but there's a problem with doing it." The stallion groaned as he asked what the problem was, "The diamond won't be in Mareaco by the time you get there, it gets moved at the end of the day and is shipped back overseas. It will be another week or two till I know where it will be, or even where it could be going, and that's playing it safe." Looking at the school calendar the stallion hummed as he rubbed his chin, "Then we'll do that... wait... how did you find out?"

The voice scoffed, "Oh well sis told me all abou- WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I AM!? I tapped your phone when you last called me, I've been keeping tabs on your dumb ass since then. Come on you think sis is the only one covering your ass? I have to cover hers twice as much when you call her, which by the way I've got your alias and background covered already into the system, it also looks like it's been there for at least five years and to top it off you're a special case only one kid at a time. That will help keep them from sending more your way. And really you named yourself after a plant used in native rituals, are you high or just dumb as shit?"

"I swear I'm not on any drugs of any kind..." The call went silent as he stood there, "shut up." The voice on the other end started laughing, "Alright look in a then next week they have spring break, find out where the diamond might be going and we will plan something from there."

"Alright, but you know I'll have to take some risks. That means you can be found as well." From the other end the stallion claimed he knew but wished his brother all the luck he could, "Ya say that to my feathery ass we share the same cell... oh and FYI if we share the same cell you're the bitch, and I demand you get us out the same night we get locked up."

He chuckled, "Ya of course I will, stay safe bro." As he hung up the phone he resumed his act as he opened the door, "He knows he's to be here first thing in the morning, so young lady you will be driven to school by him in the morning." As he walked to his seat he noticed that not only did her fingers fidget but her legs slightly rubbed together, something was making her anxious and he could only guess what.
Releasing Angel into their custody Flintlock and the stallion walked her to the car, "First thing we need to do is go by her home and get her things, I'm sure she has a few things she would like to keep with her and she will need a set of clothes."

As they sat in the car the stallion smiled, "No I don't think that is necessary, Ayahuasca has plenty of money he can take her shopping for some new clothes. And besides if there's anything there she really wants to have with her she can give us a list, then with the right paperwork we can obtain it for her."
With a groan Flintlock knew he was right and hated that, "Alright, so where to."

"Flat Top." Those two words, the one safe house he designed for a last minute standoff.

"Odd that he would live there." Flintlock knew that he avoided that place simply because of how much work he put into it, he wanted to keep that place unknown so he could one day retire there. She chuckled at the thought, he would never call it quits. He would always have that itch to go after something, or prove he was the best.

Looking back at her he saw the frown on her face and how she kept her eyes on her feet, "Don't worry he's a great guy I know him well." He forgot to accent his voice and bring in the odd breathing, slowly he turned around to face forward hoping she didn't notice the change.

Angel puts her music in as they walk to the car, unaware of the many tripping hazards laying about. As she plays black veil brides In The end, she stumbles over a large rock, falling onto her side. Both pant legs are shredded, exposing fresh cuts, new bruises and signs of daily abuse and depression.

The stallion saw all that he needed too, his own hate for what had happened to her was enough to make him break his focus.

Looking around he made sure no one was watching as he removed his glasses and stood up straight, "Say what you want later sis I'm not keeping this act up." Walking over to her he kneeled down wrapping one arm around her back and the other under her legs, "You are far too wonderful to deserve those bruises." He whispered picking her up off the ground.

As he turned around and continued walking his mustache fell from his face and into her lap, looking up at him she pondered why he even bothered. What reason did he have for picking her up, why did he even care? Was it to have his way with her, to abuse her more than her parents, what was it?

Before she could try to squirm she saw it there in his eyes, in a way they were like hers. Pain hidden behind each of them. Setting her into the Jaguar carefully he wrapped his arms around her while slipping off one side of her head phone. He whispered into her ear, "I will do all I can to make sure they never harm you again, and I promise to show you a far better life, to give you anything and everything you could need. I only ask that you forgive me for not finding you sooner."
Letting her go he slipped the head phone back on her ear, oddly he liked the music. It wasn't Enigma but they had their own style and it suited them, and that is what he liked about them, individuality.

As the doors were shut Flintlock looked over at him, "You going to-"
"Just shut up and drive." It was the first time she had ever heard him sound this way, her little brother had never once given a command, never once spoken out of anger, rage, or even hate.
It was clear to Flintlock that this struck a nerve far more than anything. She had seen him beaten, mocked, his pride tested and even broken. But this was something on its own new, and she didn't like it at all.
"Look just let the law take care of this alright?" All she got out of him was a hmph as he looked out the window, "Listen if you get involved she could be dragged into it, so for once listen to me and stay out of this."
He looked back in the rear view mirror only to see her somber face as he gave a sigh, "Curse my bleeding heart..." He whispered, "fine, for her sake I'll let the state take care of this." As they drove off he pointed at his sister, "But so help me if she goes back into that home I will take her right back out, law be damned, and damned be the consequences. She's been through enough."

Looking out the window towards the passing buildings he saw a faint reflection of himself, his jaw was fractured, one eye black the other filled with blood. Holding up his right hand its reflection had all fingers broken, and his hand shown signs of being beaten with a hammer. Looking at his real hand and not the reflection he could still feel the faint sting.
'You're life is going to get better, I promise you'll see.' He thought to himself looking at her once more in the rear view mirror.

Angel looks up at the stallion as he holds her, paws visibly shaking. Tears spilled from her eyes, matting her fur. She watched as he removed his glasses and told her everything would be okay. She didn't know if she trusted... not after he turned out not to be who she originally thought. Thankfully he didn't realize that the cuts on her thighs were self inflicted... or at least that's what she thought... she had more on her arms but she knew how to keep them hidden. She spent 13 years, from age 3 to age 17 (her birthday was today. Not that anyone really cared) learning to hide the bruises her parents had inflicted on her.

There were several deep scars on her upper arms from a suicide attempt several months ago. Hearing her stomach rumble a little bit, she tapped the stallion on the shoulder and says softly "Can we get something to eat please...? I'm really hungry and I didn't get a chance to eat lunch..."

Chapter 3

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Stopping by a grocery store the three of them walked in, "Bad news is I forgot I didn't have any food there, good news is this place as one of the best eateries you will ever find in the city." Patting Angel on her shoulder he smiled at her, "And as the first part of your birthday gift you can have whatever you want and however much you want, my treat."

As they walked she stood there confused as to how he knew only for Flintlock to pin him against a handicapped parking sign, "And how in the hell did you find that out?" As his mouth started to open she slammed him back into the sign, "And leave the smart ass jokes out of it this time."

With a chuckle he rose his hands, "It was in her transcript plain as day." As he was gently lowered he straightened his clothes back up, "One thing I didn't catch was the year..." Looking at Angel he walked up to her, "so kiddo how old are you today? And don't mind her too much she only gets that way with me, but she would never harm a fly."

'Unless that fly was you.' She grumbled under her breath.

Angel looked around the store, thinking to herself. She could make this really good cheese sauce and pasta… and sugar cookies. She hadn't made those in forever… she glanced at the stallion and swallowed nervously then said softly “I'm 16… And can i make sugar cookies… i haven't made them in forever and i really like them...”

Because of past experiences, she instantly regretted asking, expecting to be yelled at or hit because she asked. Her parents would always hit her and yell at her if she asked for something. She was used to it, and it was what she always expected with anyone and everyone.

Tousling her hair he smiled at her, "Would you like to make it from scratch or just pick up the dough? And I'll have to find something for you while we're here. After all today is about you." Placing his arm around her he walked her into the store.

Flintlock groaned and grumbled for a bit but quickly stopped knowing this was who he was, "If you're going to get her something there's a clothing store along the way, you can let her pick out some things there."

He stood frozen like a pillar in a hall as he swallowed a mouth full of air rather hard, he knew the place she spoke of. And though they had a nice selection to choose from their prices made him uncomfortable, sure he was a thief in the eyes of the law but they were just plain crooks in his eyes.

'No honor among thieves anymore is there?' He sighed under his breath slowly pulling out his wallet to count his over all, "Sure we can go there, after all it's like I said before. Today is all about her, she can have what she wants today." His eye twitched looking at the thick stack of bills in his wallet.

At least fifty by his count each a hundred dollar bill, he shrugged his shoulders as a thought passed through his mind. Looking at how content she seemed to be he could only guess how much she was going to get at both locations, let alone what all she would really want.

Looking at how she kept her eyes trained on her feet he gently pressed her head into his chest, "Hey it's going to be alright, you want anything, and I mean anything, I'll make sure you get it alright? All you have to do is ask."

Angel started shaking a little and she could feel her chest tighten in the beginning of what she knew was an anxiety attack. She wriggled out of his arms and went through her backpack, paws visibly shaking. While she was looking for something, a small silver object slipped out of one pocket.

She didn't notice as she pulled out her ipod and started playing black veil brides. As she sat on the ground hugging her knees, she started singing softly, her voice sounding different from when they all first met. Music was her strength… her passion… her release from the pain she felt on a daily basis. She kept singing, tears streaming down her cheeks.

In a faint motion he sat down next to her picking up the razor blade unnoticed.

Slipping off one of her ears he kept his arms to himself as he whispered to her, "Hey, it's going to be okay. I'm here for you now, there's nothing to be afraid of."

He tucked the blade into one of his coat pockets knowing he would have to ask her about it. He only hoped that she would be willing to talk and to shut herself out. Gently he pulled her in hugging her, his left hand caressing her head as his right held firm across her back.

"How about for now we just focus on the simple things alright? You want to make cookies then we will get everything you need, you can make them however you like. We will get both the dough and the ingredients to make them from scratch the choice is yours to make." He realized that granting her all that freedom at once had caused her to enter this state, he had hoped bringing the restriction in with some leeway for her would help.
He could hear her faint vocals as she sang the song, looking down he saw tears slowly starting to roll down her face.

Gently he cleared them away with his thumb, "You're going to be alright kiddo, you're safe now I promise. Nothing and I mean nothing is going to harm you so long as I live, I promise."

Slowly he stood up bringing her along side with himself, he felt her clutch his coat tighter as they walked.

'Poor kid...' He thought calmly walking her into the store, 'she doesn't deserve to be like this, she's too damn young to be in this kind of state.'

With her exposed ear at his chest she heard his heartbeat, it was faint but steady and calm like he was expecting something. As they walked into the store they were greeted with a faint whistle on their right by the eatery.

A chuckle escaped his lips as he gently pulled Angel a few inches away from himself to look her in the eyes, "Before we start running around the store, let's get you something to eat. Flintlock will take you by the ordering station and I'll meet the two of you at the register."

With a faint nod she let him go and calmly walked with Flintlock as he went to the woman who whistled to them.

Leaning against the wall he smiled, "You look good for a woman, maybe you should make the change permanent."

"I only dressed like this because I can't show my real face." A deep scruffy voice responded, "And unlike you I stick out like a sore thumb when dressed like a man, so you gotta do what you gotta do. How's sis by the way she hardly calls me.”

"Don't you have our phones tapped?"
"It's not the same as hearing her tell me."

With a chuckle he looked up and watched them slowly pick out what they wanted, "So how did you pull it off?" They stayed in a moment of silence for a moment before his jaw faintly lowered, "Got me into the system so easily I mean."

"Oh that was easy. All I had to do was reroute their mainframe through a series of third party sites, then convert their hard drive into one of mine were I can then crack their codes. Once I've done that it was a simple matter of re-uploading the whole thing all at once"

"Damn your good, I didn't think hacking took so much work."

He received a punch into the back of his knee, "It's not, that was all a load of crap. You idiots think it's so complex, the building's administrator has a Hoofbook page and uses the same password for the two. Sadly enough it was the name of their dog." Trying not to look back at his brother the stallion let out a faint laugh, "Oh it gets better the dog's name is Spot, but the administrator changed out the 'O' with a zero thinking it was clever."
As Flintlock and Angel neared the register the stallion started to walk towards them, "Thanks for the help, stay safe out there alright."

Taking only a step he felt his brother's hand grab his wrist, "One more thing..." The tone was stern, the grip tight, everything about the single moment spoke volumes of how one didn't want to hear it and the other didn't want to say it, "I found them... your..."

He pulled his hand away from his brother, "I don't give a damn about them. I have parents, good parents with a great family. You and Flintlock know this."

"You can't keep running away from it. You know this, Mom and Dad said it to you countless times. Sooner or later your past will catch up with you, better to face it now and get it over with."

Pulling his wallet out he scoffed, "Like hell I do. I'm the best damn thief in the world, I can escape my past just like I do the cops."

Angel looked back at the stallion, who was talking to the woman. She nervously followed Flintlock, her paws shaking. She kept playing her music, but it wasn't doing much to help her. Her paws were visibly shaking and her breathing was still a little rapid. She tugged her sleeves down further and wiped away the tears that refused to stop dripping down her cheeks.

Living a life full of extreme restrictions and punishments, then suddenly having freedom, it freaked her out to the point of a anxiety attack. Flintlock, as the stallion called his friend, kinda scared her but she seemed nice… but that little voice in the back of her head kept telling her that this wasn't going to last… that she was gonna go right back to where she started.

Stepping up to the register the stallion looked back at his disguised brother and sighed, "So how much for the meals?" He hoped the quick lunch and grocery shopping would take his mind off of his recent conversation.

A young griffin looked at the two trays of food as he started to ring up the total price, "We have one deluxe meal with sweet tea, one high fiber / high protein meal with a chi latte, and one woman's granola health bar. That brings the total to thirty five dollars and sixty one cents."
Pulling out a single bill the stallion looked at Flintlock, "Yeash, I knew you had a problem. But do you really need to have more muscles?"

Striking a posse she slowly waved her hand down her body, "Well I have to keep up this girlish figure." She smiled knowing the looks she was getting from many of the men around her.
Rolling his eyes he looked back at Angel to notice she had yet to stop crying, "You can get yourself more if you want, I'll even help you pick out what you want." Taking his change he wrapped one arm around her shoulder as they started slowly walking back to their brother, "I know it's important to keep healthy, but if you don't eat properly-"

As Flintlock sat down she chuckled interrupting him, "The deluxe meal is for her, the granola bar is yours."
Standing there frozen his eyebrow twitched a little as he looked at all they got and how much he spent, "Well it's for the good of one young life I can live wi-"
Slowly Angel sat down next to Flintlock as she watched a scaly claw reach over and take the granola bar, "Thank you sis, you always know what I want." The stallion's jaw hung open as faint noises left his throat, "It's good to see you after all these years..." Turning only his eyes he looked up at Angel as his face remained aimed at the table, "is she going to be okay?"

Sitting down next to Angel the stallion gently patted her shoulder, "She will be alright, I'm taking steps to ensure she's going to have a happy and enjoyable life."
"Provided the investigation turns up something." Flintlock hinted slowly drawing a faint reaction out of Angel.
Having caught the reaction the stallion knew she was paying some attention, "The investigation will turn something up, and when it does what then she stays with me right?"
"That depends on what the state decides, if there's even a faint amount of evidence that could bring up suspicion." Looking at Angel Flintlock motioned to her that it was alright for her to enjoy her meal to the fullest, "If that happens a case will slowly be built and given her age she may be allowed to choose if she goes back to her parents, or stays in the custody of the state."
The dragon groaned having heard the speculations and possibilities, "No..." As they stared at him the watched him scarf down the bar, "I'm not fucking doing it, I've placed far too much to chance and I'm still helping dumb ass over here."

"Come on Susan, I'm sure there's one tiny little thing you can do that won't be too much trouble." The stallion clasped his hands and puckered out his lower lip.
The dragon growled as he showed the sharpness of his teeth, "If dad hadn't made me..." He groaned, "look the issue with this is it comes down to what a judge decides to do. We have no control over this." Reaching over he grabbed the stallion's collar and pulled him in, "And call me Susan one more time because of this disguise and I will burn your face off."

Leaning in Flintlock looked at her brother, "Speaking of the law and those in power, how goes your current living arrangements?"

"Oh I love being on the run, every five minutes is some place new." His sarcasm wasn't hidden in the slightest as he glared at the stallion, "I see your little friend is full, why don't the two of you go shopping while sis and I catch up."

Stiffening his hand he saluted his brother as he slowly started to stand only to let his hand go limp as he fanned his brother, "As you command Mr. sailor. Come Angel The Village People wish to sing and dance alone isn't that right..." Patting his brother on the back he faintly danced as he sang, "macho macho man?"
He growled as he looked at flintlock, "I'm going to kill that stupid bastard."
"Not before I break his bones you're not." The dragon sighed as he rolled his eyes knowing that he couldn't hurt Flintlock even when they were kids.