• Published 7th Apr 2016
  • 354 Views, 5 Comments

Life's Serendipity - MistressMystery

serendipity : luck that takes the form of finding valuable or pleasant things that are not looked for

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Chapter 1

As she walked along the street, rain pouring down, dripping through her fur, several thoughts raced through her mind. What if she got home late... what if her dad was there, drunk... he was scary and mean when he was drunk... glancing at the time, she started to speed walk, trying not to slip on the rain. She needed to get home, and fast... otherwise her mum and her dad would be very mad... they hurt her a lot when they got mad... always for the littlest of things...

Dinner... crap, she forgot she also had to make dinner... she always cooked, always cleaned, always made sure her parents were happy... if they were happy then it meant she would be allowed to eat dinner... starting to run, she finally made it to the house ten minutes early... she set her stuff down, panting softly. She then started cleaning up the kitchen, the living room, everywhere…

As she walked into her home a passer by spotted her, looking on he saw how exhausted she was. He sighed shaking his head, he had seen her before as he often walked through the area. Staring at the home he pondered what caused such a spry young woman appear as she did, pulling out his phone he called an old friend.

"Hey..." The voice was angry on the other end, "ya I know, look I called because I'm cashing in that last favor from you." The other end of the line was quiet for a moment only for that silence to be followed up by a snarky chuckle 'What do you need?' The voice on the opposing end sounded sinister as though he was striking a deal with the sovereign source of evil itself.

As she ran around the house cleaning, many thoughts were racing through her head... maybe she should call the police... maybe she should tell someone... but then she banished them from her thoughts. It would never work... her parents were amazing actors and could make almost anyone believe their lies... it was their word against hers... and they always won... not unless... no... that would never work... someone would find her and she would be right back where she started... unless...

she ran to her room and started rummaging through her things. She had something that might just offer relief, albeit temporary... she just needed to find it... where had she put it... ah, there it is... the shine of the metal was somewhat comforting and soothing... soon... but first she needed to make dinner. She hid the object and ran down stairs to start on chicken alfredo with lightly steamed broccoli and a fresh baked loaf of bread. This would certainly please her parents... As she finishes cooking, her dad's car pulls into the driveway. She quickly and neatly dishes out their dinner, waiting nervously.

Her father, a large heavy set black wolf slams the front door, grumbling, "I hope dinner is ready. Your mother is almost home and she will want to eat right away.

The young wolf points with a shaking paw "It's chicken alfredo with lightly steamed broccoli... I got home early and finished cleaning so I thought maybe I would try something new and I have a strawberry cheese cake in the fridge... I made it this morning, before I left for school... I hope you enjoy it..." then she politely and respectfully goes into her room so her parents could eat in peace.

As the poor girl worked herself near to death the odd passerby was still outside on the phone, “Look you’re not hearing me right, I honestly believe something is going on in this house.”

The voice groaned and shouted back at him, “Have I ever been wrong before?” A silence came between them as the voice on the other end started to groan, “Don’t you fucking answer that.” Leaning against the street sign he pulled the hood of his dark gray trench coat over his head as the rain started to get heavier, “Look this is the last favor alright, do this and you no longer have to worry about me calling again.”

The voice on the other end became somber as it sighed, “Fine I’ll take your word for it provided you do something in return.”

He groaned with his sigh, “You know that’s not how favers work Flint.”

“Then I’m not doing this for you and this conversation is over.”

He could feel the other end of the line slowly reaching the receiver, “Alright, alright you’ve got me by the short and curlies. If it’s to help out someone you know how to really hold be by the jewels.” He sighed knowing the response was to bite him in the flank, “What do you want me to do?”

“Take her into your home pending the investigation.”

“Are you mad?” He scoffed before lowering his voice and covering his mouth, “I’m a wanted stallion for crying out loud, sure I’ve never harmed anyone but I’m a thief not a… a…”

As he trailed off he heard Fling chuckling on the other side telling him that’s the only way to get this faver over with, “you are crazier than I am girl. And you know how crazy I can be when I really want something.”

“Oh... what... that?” She made static noises over the phone, “You’re breaking up…” He could tell she was having her bit of fun, “I’m having… hearing… prick.”

“Ha ha…” He claimed discouragingly looking back at the house, “fuck it, fine. You win.” She scoffed on her end reminding him she always wins, “I’m sure you have an alias for me to use as well?”

She giggled with a sigh, “As a matter of fact I do.” Running up to her room, she found her source of relief right where she had left it... She slipped out of her black skinny jeans and put on a pair of shorts. With shaking paws she slowly dragged it across her upper thighs, leaving a thin trail of blood. It stung at first but then the numbness took over and she created more and more.

One for her best friend who abandoned her in her time of need... one for each time her father beat her up... one for each time her mother smacked her around...

She then cleaned her blade and hid it where no one would look... grabbing bandages, she carefully cleaned the cuts and bandaged them, then pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a oversized t-shirt. Opening the curtains on her window, she looked out at the night sky, more tears dripping through her fur. All she wanted was to feel loved by someone... to have a person care about her and treat her like a human and not a slave... all she wanted... was freedom...

Opening the windows, she stepped out onto the roof and sat down, looking at the stars. They were gorgeous tonight... amazing, and beautiful... A loud and angry voice, which woke the neighbors and was heard by the stranger called her name... she knew what was coming... slowly making her way to the kitchen... her parents sat in the living room, drinks in hand... dark looks on their faces… they were drunk… and that wasn't a good sign...

It had been several hours since the phone call, he didn’t like the cover that was given to him but what could he do. He can’t just walk into any place and say his name, walking home he ran the image of whom he was to be in his head. He was to appear weak and easily pushed over, he was to also sag himself in comparison to how he normally walked. Reaching one of his safe havens he went to the furthest room to pull up the fales floorboards, inside the little stash he pulled up a tackle box then replaced the floorboards.

Going to the bathroom he looked himself in the mirror as he opened the box, “Oh ya she’s laughing her ass off right now I bet that much… fucking minotaur.” He grumbled only to smile, “I swear if I didn’t love her like a sister…” He laughed as he applied makeup to his face, “so I’m to appear pale, weak, and awkward do I. Well I’ll fit the part with this get up.” Pulling out a set of glasses he swapped between them, “Do I want the blue blockers or look like John Lennon?” Looking back into the box he spotted another pair, “Oh good lord I still have those?” Pulling out the glasses he looked at them, “Inch thick lenses, if I’ve got that old porn mustache I’ll use…” He stared at the contents of the box, “damn it I still do.”

Walking around his safe house he perfected his stance, his gut poked out, his shoulders sagged, and though he leaned back he bent himself forward. He was proud of his appearance but felt it needed a bit more, working on how he spoke he focused heavily on having awkward breathing issues mainly snorting while panting. His speech also sounded like he was congested and slightly forigen, the last bit of his act was to grab his tool belt adorn with a box of tissues, box of latex gloves, and several bottles of hand sanitizer.

“I am an artist.” He proclaimed staring at his reflection in a mirror, “Okay so game plan is I meet up with Flint at the school ten minutes before it ends, we speak with the principal, and pick up that poor girl.” Looking around he thought about what place would be best for her, “Oh to hell with it I’ll take her up to that place I own in the hills…” Putting on his accent he smiled, “after all I’m a savvy stock investor on the side. Because working for the state isn’t enough to help me get by!"

Author's Note:

this entire story is a collab between me and the amazing grey mane ^.^ this first chapter, everyone is unnamed.