Distant Ties

by Golden Paw

First published

Coming of age is a big thing for a bat pony, but when Star Oak has to return to his roots he finds that his distant relatives are far less accepting of a bat pony with a earth pony mother.

Star Oak is a bat pony with an unusual heritage, being a foal of a bat pony father and an earth pony mother he finds his life is full on unexpected complications. Being raised in Ponyville he knows little of what it is to be a traditional bat pony. So when Star is invited to visit his father's home colony of 'Raven's Rest' for a coming of age ceremony he soon learns that there is a whole side to his family tree that could turn Stars' world upside down.

A short spin-off story from Ponies of Two Worlds.

Chapter One

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I knew this day would come, the day when ma oldest would have to leave the nest. I just didn’t think it would come so soon. It seems like no time at all since I held little ‘Star Oak’ in ma hooves, his new eyes looking at the world around him with wonder n innocence.

I know it ain’t permanent or nothin. It’s only fer a little while that he’ll be gone but that don’t make it easier ter bare n as I stand there wavin good bye I can’t help but worry. He’s still young, he don’t know much about the world outside Ponyville n though I know he’ll be with family I can’t help but sniffle.

As if reading ma thoughts ‘Shadow Guard’ holds me a little tighter n I can see the same worry in his blue eyes even through his eye protectors. Shadow nuzzles me gently, his tufted ears tickling ma nose as he nibbles ma ear with affection. I can feel his concern, muscles tense under his matt grey coat n the way his dark leathery wings are tucked tightly at his sides. I smile bravely back at him with gratitude, and take a moment to brush his ebony mane from out of my eyes.

I know he feels right proud of our colt, just as I do, n looking ter ma other young’uns I see their resigned pride too. ‘Evening Glade’ tries to look tough n strong, towering over the rest of us, yet I know by the tremble in his lip that he’s gonna miss ‘Star’ possibly even more than me. His large black coated body shakin even as he fights not to let his yellow slitted eyes tear up.

I smile as ma youngest, ma dear ‘Sky Petal’, lays her comfortin hoof on Evening’s heavy set shoulder, her happy-sad smile just visible under the waterfall of bleached blond mane. Ghostly grey with little white speckles n slight of build, she looks so small compared to Evening n yet keeps her composure far better than her older, more sturdy brother.

I can’t stop ma own tears as ‘Sky’ rubs her head reassuringly along the crook of Evening’s neck, barely able to reach his square chin. She puts one of her bat wings out to steady Evening who now looks like he’s going to stumble as he finally fails to hold back the sobs.

Sky catches me watchin and I see mutual understanding in her green, round eyes which gives me courage. She’s an ‘Apple’ n we Apple mares are made of tougher stuff, always have been n always will be. We don’t go ter piece’s when things get rough….

I look back ter the train which Star Oak boarded only moments before n I already miss him. The way he smiles, his chestnut coat n sandy blond mane just like ma own n a face so like his father’s that I see Shadow every time I look at him.

Takin a deep breath I squash down the rising ache n look for the tell tale of shpae bat wings among the bustlin passengers on the train. Just when I think I’ll miss a final chance to wave Star goodbye I see his turquoise, cat like eyes and sharp toothed smile watching from further down the line of carriages.

I feel the pride resurface as he sits, far more composed than we all are, n gives a confident wave before the train’s whistle blows ter announce that time’s almost up. Only the supportive hoof of Shadow on ma shoulder keeps me from galloping after the train as it speeds up n with a final shrill whistle pulls out of the station and takes ma Star Oak away.

Star Oak waved eagerly as the Ponyville train station disappeared around the bend and let his thoughts play out what was ahead of him. Sure he was going to miss home, but the idea of spending a few months with his distant relatives near ‘Smokey Mountain’ swallowed those feelings in excitement.

He studied the invitation held in his hooves, written on simple paper was the request that he would come and visit Shadow’s home ‘colony’ for his ‘coming of age’ ceremony. After hearing all the stories dad had told him about ‘Raven’s Rest’ Star was fidgeting with barely contained enthusiasm. He longed to see the ‘Shining Caves’, the ‘High Roosts’ and even the Forbidden Crevasse’; in short all the places Shadow had grown up in.

Then there was grandmare ‘Starsight’, his grandstallion ‘Cloudy-Knight’, all his cousins, aunts and uncles. Distant figures who Star could hardly wait to get to know better, family that Star only really knew from letters and photos.

Settling into his seat, Star let the gently rocking carriage speed him along and couldn’t help but smile as the trees and low hills surrounding Ponyville zipped by. The train was picking up speed now and Star took a chance to look around at the other passengers.

Ponies, Buffalo, Zebra along with many others were settling in for the journey and Star didn’t give the cosmopolitan assembly a second glance. The Ponyville that Applejack described had long since expanded and evolved during Star’s childhood. The days of an almost exclusively pony society were a distant memory and as he continued to watch the other travellers Star liked what he saw.

A zebra mare was sitting a few seats down, gently singing a lullaby to her foals in her native tongue while across the aisle from Star he saw a well dressed Buffalo in suit and tie chatting amicably to a similarly attired pegasus. Further along Star even saw a dragon, too young for his wings to have developed, trying to squeeze himself onto the seat only just big enough for his crimson scaled bulk.

It made Star feel safe, knowing that he wasn’t the only different person on the train. Though the locals were as accepting as ever, growing up as the only bat ponies native to Ponyville made for an interesting time for Star and his family.

That had changed as time wore on of course, but being the only bat pony in his nursery, the only one at his school had made Star the centre of much unwanted attention. It had been easier when Evening and Sky had come along, the three of them moving through the layers of childhood together with Star leading the way. Not sad times as such, but just different.

By the time Star had finished school, the lay of the land was far removed, ‘Princess Twilight’s’ academy having drawn peoples from the lands roundabout to the town and then ‘city of the future’. Everything was changing these days and Star felt proud to be a witness to it all.

‘Magical Technology’, that was the name of the game recently and as Star looked about the carriage he saw plenty of evidence for it: Magical lights, communicators and even ‘auto-magic’ windows. Everywhere there were signs of the progress being championed by Twilight and her ‘Centre for Academic Progression.’

As the train continued to speed along Star saw the landscape outside change too, they were leaving ‘Old Ponyville’ and heading out into the more modern districts. Shiny houses, bristling with the latest ‘conveniences’, lined the tracks and no one could fail to notice the towering spire that was the academy proper.

The sky was full of airships, flying citizens and other more exotic creations. The laboratories and research stations drifted among the clouds that they were disguised to mimic, their impressive ‘Chameleon’ spells allowing even sunlight to pass straight through them so that they didn’t cast shadows on the ground below.

That was what was most impressive about all of this Star mused, every effort had been made to hold on to the ‘authentic’ style of Ponyville’s past. With every new construction, with every new tower or factory the spells to preserve the ‘feel’ of a simple town had increased in complexity.

You could look out across the whole of Ponyville and still believe you were in a humble little village. It wasn’t perfectlyt true, the sheer size of the settlement could never be hidden now but Ponyville didn’t have the same atmosphere as of the huge metropolises that Manehatten or Baltimare had become over the years. It clung to the ‘quiet life’ for the most part with tenacious hooves.

Everyone was coming to Equestria now, pony lands fast becoming the core of a grand multi-cultural society that offered peace and protection. Many of the old terrors or evils had been cast out or even in some cases reformed to work in harmony with others.

The future was bright, hopeful and Equestria didn’t have any reason to think things wouldn’t continue. The reign of the four Princesses had gone from strength to strength and though there were times of hardship, Equestria not only endured but prospered.

Star chuckled to himself and brought his musing back to the more sensible and mundane. For him and the Apple family life was far simpler. No matter how impressive technology got, the world still relied on the ‘natural touch’ that earth ponies could bring to agriculture.

Oh many efforts had been made to replicate the quality of their produce through the burgeoning ‘mage-tech’, but none had ever stood the test of time. Small ‘enhancements’ had crept into farming of course but none of the fancy machines ever beat a ‘natural grown earth pony crop’, as Applejack took every opportunity to tell folks.

Star felt the first real stirrings of homesickness as he thought about his mother. He smiled as, reaching down, Star felt the reassuring corners of the care package Applejack had given him, still safe and secure under his seat. The excitement he’d first felt simmered down as the train continued its journey, quickly replaced by the everyday thoughts of practicality.

Star went through a mental checklist, ensuring that all his belongings and necessities were accounted for. As always mum had been efficient; all his clothes, books along with odds and ends stored away for the trip.

Star double checked his ticket and that he had the right address for when he got to ‘Misty Heights’, the small town nestled among the mountains west of Ponyville. It was situated near the base of ‘Smokey Mountain’, just at the snowline and the final stop this train had to make. Confident that there was no way he could possibly miss his stop, Star settled down to watch the buildings and trees fly by.

As time passed the view outside the window became far more wild, the city’s soaring towers gave way to open fields before the distant outskirts of forest could be seen drawing closer by the second. Star’s heart leapt as the looming silhouette of mountains rose up beyond the trees and he even fancied he could make out the massive bulk of Smokey Mountain itself, separated from its fellow peaks by a gully that the train wound towards.

There had been several stops along the way, the train filling and emptying as various travelers continued to embark or alight. The train was nearly empty now, few passengers needing to travel so far from the centre of pony lands.

Star was even excited to see a few bat ponies among the other passengers and smiled eagerly at them wondering if they could be distant relatives, but to his dismay they didn’t give him a second glance or quickly turned away if they noticed him looking at them. One particular dark blue stallion had even treated him to a raised eyebrow, his disapproval clear despite the dark protective goggles he wore.

Suddenly feeling apprehensive, Star turned his attention back to the view and saw the mountains abruptly curtailed as they entered a forest. All Star could now see were the blur of hundreds of trees passing beyond the window.

Trying to ignore the sudden melancholy that had settled upon him, Star opened his care package and took heart at the comforting smells from within. The lovingly prepared sandwiches and juicy apples rekindled some of his spirits and soon he forgot all about the odd behaviour of the other bat ponies.

Star was going to stay with family and they would no doubt be happy to see him, what were a few odd looks from strangers compared to that? Feeling much better about things, Star swallowed the last of his lunch while trying to catch sight of the approaching mountains.

The first thing that struck Star Oak about Misty Heights was the chill in the air. It caught in his throat and filled his lungs with bracing cold. The second thing was just how somber the atmosphere seemed.

The whole place felt like stepping back in time; the lamps held real candles in them, the squat cabins were crafted out of interlacing logs, the bark still attached and the whole effect drew Star’s memories to the earliest pictures of Ponyville he seen. Misty Heights just screamed ‘frontier’ at him.

Whereas Ponyville was full of vibrant colours and cheery faces this place was grey and pale. Like a frozen ideal of the past, how a village would have been before new inventions had swept across Equestria. Still that didn’t mean Misty Heights was entirely drab, there were efforts to make the place more welcoming, but they seemed halfhearted at best to Star who saw the inhabitants weren’t much better.

They were a grim looking bunch, wrapped up in heavy woolen overcoats and trudging their ways through the slush and half melted snow. As they wound their ways around the heavier drifts and icy puddles Star realised what had struck him as strange; they were all earth ponies. After the mixed and vibrant streets of Ponyville the idea of an exclusively earth pony settlement just felt plain weird.

This close to Raven’s Rest Star expected to see at least some bat ponies staying here, yet as he cast his eyes about the dreary place Star saw only wingless, gruff looking ponies almost lost in the thick clothes they wore.

Glancing back at the train in confusion, Star saw the last of the passengers disembarking were of the same ilk. All quickly throwing on heavy overcoats before joining the sparse inhabitants here. The few bat ponies that had come this far didn’t linger, but took off almost as soon as they left the train, heading up towards the mountains beyond.

Hefting his luggage onto his back, Star set his face in an expression of determination before advancing towards the street beyond the platform. Calling it a street was giving it too much credit Star realised, the slushy dirt path only lead to a huddle of the stout wooden buildings, built close together as if to keep each other warm.

It was a great surprise when he suddenly caught the sound of cheerful music carried on the wind. Perhaps there is some life in this place after all? The tune was foreign to him, far more jagged than the likes of Ponyville and his home. Nor could he place the instrument, a harsh almost grating sound that reminded Star of a violin but with far deeper resonances.

His curiosity peaked, he trotted towards the sound and saw it came from what no doubt passed for the local inn. Like its fellows the inn was a squat, snow topped wooden block and as Star approached he saw warm light behind the frosted windows. He drew closer and was about to knock on the sturdy door when it was opened suddenly.

There before him was a shockingly small filly, all bundled up and who stared up at Star with a look of surprise that mirrored Star’s own. Her little mint green face screwed up in an expression of confusion and before Star could say a single word she bellowed back into the room beyond, “Otets’, there’s some bat freak at the door!”

She had an amazingly loud voice for one so small and Star leaned back as a much because of shock as a far larger shadow loomed up behind the filly, “What’s that ‘Mistletoe’?” Star leaned further back as the hulking shadow stooped and Star caught sight of a pair of brilliant orange eyes watching him from under a heavy hood.

“Looks like a bat pony, but he’s a funny colour otets,” Mistletoe announced in her harsh accent and Star felt his own ears droop as this otets (who ever he was) squeezed himself through the doorway and Star had an impression of a lime green face and hooves under the heavy woolen coat that all the ponies here seemed to wear.

“Yes, I can see he’s a bat pony ‘Mistle’ but as for him being a ‘freak’? No he’s just not from around here by the looks of him,” The hearty chuckle caused Star’s bones to rattle and he tried to speak only for a muted whisper to come out.

Swallowing before his second attempt Star finally managed a squeaky, “Hi Mr Otets, My name is Star Oak and I’m…..” His timid explanation was cut off as booming laughter shook the wooden house and even caused some snow to tumble from the nearby trees.

“Oh no. I think you must be confused there, I’m certainly not your otets!,” The heavy set green face was split by a huge smile, “My wife would have me whipped out of Misty Heights if she heard you talking like that Mr Oak.”

Star could only blink as Mistletoe giggled from behind the not otets’s legs, “You silly colt, ‘otets’ means dad. His name’s ‘Stoic-Branch’ stupid,” Mistle continued to snigger and Star cringed as Stoic gently patted her.

“Oh, I, er, sorry….” Star began again before Stoic waved his attempt to apologise away.

“So son, what can we be doing for you this fine afternoon?” Stoic asked between his chuckles, “By the looks of things you’ll be looking for shelter yes?”

Star blinked a few times before his mind caught up, “I er no, thanks but I’m looking for the fastest way to Raven’s Rest.”

For the first time since Stoic had appeared his face fell, “Ah….so you’re heading up to ‘Vor-ron Ord-ar’?” Star’s ears pricked up as he heard Shadow’s name for Raven’s Rest and the excitement must have shown on his face as Stoic nodded in a resigned fashion, “Should have guessed, you being a bat pony and all.”

“There’s nothing wrong with that is there?” Star asked, the previous unease he’d felt on the train welling up again in the face of Stoic’s dower frown.

A little of the leviety returned to Stoic’s voice, “For you? With your wings it should be an easy flight, I just wouldn’t expect a terribly warm welcome looking as you do.”

Star froze, ”The way I look?”

Stoic’s expression became almost pitying, “Not from a colony are you? Grew up with normal ponies I’m guessing?”

Star didn’t see what that had to do with anything, “My dad was from Raven’s Rest, I have family there who I’m going to visit. They invited me.”

If Star had expected this news to change Stoic’s expression he was sorely disappointed. Stoic simply shook his head sadly and gave a knowing look to Mistletoe who for her part simply stuck her tongue out at Star and blew a raspberry. “I wish you luck Mr Oak, but you’re not the first ‘outsider’ to come here and well let’s just say they were more than a little let down by what they found.”

Star couldn’t believe what he was hearing, they were his family up there and here was this stranger warning him about them. Star thought back to all the kind and encouraging letters he’d gotten from them over the years and simply couldn’t match up the massive gap between the two ideas about Shadow’s colony.

Stoic reached out a hoof and laid it companionably on Star’s shoulder, “Well my young friend I certainly hope you are right and I’m wrong. I’ve been around enough to know the world hasn’t run out of surprises for us yet.”

Still smiling he looked down to Mistletoe again, “And as for you my little ‘ne-priyat-nost’’, say you are sorry to Mr Oak for your rude words.”

It looked like Mistle wouldn’t comply but finally she sat on her haunches, folded her hooves and mumbled something that vaguely resembled an apology. With this done she trotted out into the snow, nimbly stepping between Star’s hooves. She headed off with further muttering and unintelligible grumblings.

As her tiny form became lost in the drifts Star looked back to stoic who gave him a condescending smile, “What she lacks in size, my ‘ne-priyat’ makes up for in spirit.” Giving a huge sigh Stoic put a supportive hoof about Star’s shoulders, “Now you simply must let me make up for her manners. Come have a drink and warm yourself by the fire!”

Star tried to protest, “I can’t, I’m meant to be meeting…..” but it was no use as Stoic ushered him into the humid darkness within the house.

High above the small little hamlet a lone bat pony watched the unfolding scene below with an unreadable expression. His blue coat, almost dark black was stark against the nearby snow while his greying mane whipped in the wind as he stared at the disappearing shape of Star Oak down below.

Seemingly oblivious to the cold, he raised an eyebrow at this unexpected turn of events before grinning to himself in a not entirely pleasant manner. He stood for a while longer, his body steady and composed despite the worsening weather that was descending. With a sudden flourish he spread his wings in a dramatic manner and leaned back.

After a short skipping jump he soared out into the growing blizzard and deftly wove his way around the windswept pines and rocky outcrops that covered the mountainside. Circling a few times he allowed the wind to carry him closer to Misty Heights before he dove down, a silent wraith in the building storm.

Nopony saw him land, nor did they notice as he made his cautious way to Stoic’s little hut. With a quietness that would have bypassed even the most vigilant guard, the bat pony clambered onto the roof. Not a single creaking beam or even a shifting of the roof’s cover of snow marked his passage and with an almost casual air he pressed his tufted ear against the thach and listened intently.

The sounds of hearty conversation filtered through the layers between himself and the ponies within and as he listened the grin on the stallion’s face only grew wider. It seemed that Star Oak was being treated to the boisterous hospitality of the local earth ponies, “Good, he could do with some bolstering.”

The bat pony’s accent was akin to the loud voices below but had a much quieter, silky, quality to it. If Stoic was a hammer then this pony’s voice was a stiletto blade, both tools made of the same metal yet so different you could hardly compare them.

The intruder settled down on the roof and didn’t even bother to shake oof the gathering snow that was piling up on his wings or back. His cold expression moved from alternate smiles and frowns as he picked up on the warm chatter below. Many things that the hefty Stoic said were indeed true, but others were so far off the mark that they almost made the eavesdropper laugh at their absurdity. Smiling to himself before nodding, “Interesting...”

Chapter Two

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Star smiled sheepishly as Stoic waved his hooves in a gregarious manner that threatened to topple Star from his stool. Star had been quickly treated to heavy pats on the back and almost crushing embraces from the assembled ponies inside the inn as soon as he entered.

It was shocking just how many ponies there were in squeezed into such a small space. At first glance Star counted at least five others, and though none of them matched Stoic for his size, they were all heavy set stallions who bellowed their enthusiasm at the top of their lungs.

Star was forcibly introduced to one beaming square jawed face after another and had a warm tankard of what smelt strongly of nettles thrust into his hooves. The music and voices that surrounded him were akin to a physical force, driving their hearty welcomes into his ears like a hammer blows.

Stuck between these large ponies and with a roaring fire in the centre of the room Star felt the sweat begin to run down his face. He caught brief glimpses of even more ponies crammed into the edges of the claustrophobic space and all the while the same grating music played like knife on a harpstring.

“So I told the yak: If this pick is mine what is it doing in your tool box?” Stoic’s rambling story had obviously reached the punchline and all around Star the other ponies roared with laughter.

Not wanting to seem rude, Star joined in with a grimace as another heavy hoof struck his back, causing him to spill some of his drink. He’d long given up trying to follow the flow of conversation, the Misty Hights ponies all around would slip in and out of common equestrian so often that Star only caught snatches of meaning.

The laughter finally subsided and a pony off to Stoic’s right raised his tankard in a salute, “To our new ‘druke’!” The others all joined in and Star was hammered by another round of back slapping.

Stoic only now seemed to recall that Star was even there and as the cheers died back he smiled widely at him, “Ah good times my druke. I wish you could have been there!” Star feared that another round of backslapping would ensue, but mercifully it seemed the time for that had passed as Stoic took on a more pensive expression, “Now druke, you were telling us about your trip?”

There were several disappointed groans from the crowd but Stoic held up a hoof, “No, we’ve done all the talking so far and it’s his turn to... ”

Stoic’s speech was cut off by a knocking at the door which seemed to slice through the festivities like a shark scattering a shoal of fish. A sudden chill swept through the cabin, sending a shiver up Star’s spine despite the roaring fire.

Every eye turned to the door as the knocking resumed. The simple rhythm of three distinct strikes on the wood somehow managed to carry a threat and menace in equal measure. All the ponies gathered turned to Stoic whose face had gone pale, “It seems our time is up druke.”

With a suddenly somber air Stoic arose from his chair and used his shoulders to make a path to the door, an eerie quiet following in his wake. Even the music had paused and the glaring silence plucked at Star’s nerves.

Stoic paused before the door and seemed to deflate a little before, with a snort, he pulled it open. Star peered round the shoulder of the stallion next to him and saw the unmistakable outline of a bat pony framed in the doorway. The billowing snow swirled around the new comer like small moons orbiting a dark planet.

“Good day Stoic, I see you’ve been making my charge comfortable?” The bat pony’s voice was like silk drawn over a knife blade and Star felt a nameless fear creeping over him. The other ponies all seemed to be similarly affected and Star had to suppress the urge to tremble.

The whole cabin was silent for a moment, with only the howling wind breaking the stillness. Eventually Stoic squared his shoulders, “Good day yourself ‘Cloudy’ and what if we have?”

Star caught the impression of a raised eyebrow from the newcomer, “Then I would thank you for your hospitality, but now the colt is to come with me.”

The wind appeared to howl just a little more fiercely as Cloudy smiled in a leisurely fashion, slowly revealing his perfectly white sharp teeth. Star felt his brain trying to get his attention but could only sit there stupefied as the snow continued to dance into the cabin and the ponies all around him shivered.

“That’s enough posturing both of you!” The reprimanding cry of a mare came from somewhere behind Star and the sinister mood that had settled on them all evaporated, “You’re letting all the warmth out, so either let Cloudy in or send him on his way Stoic.”

Star was amazed to see that both Stoic and Cloudy suddenly looked very sheepish, the menace vanishing from both of them in an instant. Stoic gave a tiny cough, “Um yes ‘Hazle Root’, sorry dear we were just trying to set the scene you know, give Star a little bit of a show…... “

“You can both do that on your own time, I’ve got a house to run and I don’t need your theatrics making it all the more difficult,” the newly revealed Hazel Root stomped past the still shaking stallions, a weathered apron about her chest and wooden spoon tucked behind her ear.

Unlike all the others she at least wasn’t wrapped up, Hazel’s coat matched her name. Star could see she was almost the size of Stoic and all of it muscle if Star was any judge.

Glaring at Cloudy with her disapproving deep blue eyes, Hazel scrunched up her muzzle, “Well come in if you’re coming.” Crestfallen, Cloudy bowed his head meekly before stepping into the cabin. Hazel then reared up on her hind legs and placed both her fore hooves on her hips, “The lot of you should be ashamed of yourselves treating Star that way, can’t you see he’s all the pieces between your heavy hooves and your play acting?”

“But dearest I….” Stoic tried again only for Hazel to give him a stare that almost nailed him to the wall.

She snorted before regaining her hooves and slamming the door with a firm kick from her back leg, “It’s bad enough that you do it to all the tourists who come here, now you’re picking on the young and naive.”

Unlike Stoic and the others, Hazel’s accent was more rounded and flowing, reminding Star of ponies he’d met from Baltimare or possibly Philly Delphia, certainly somewhere on the east coast anyway. It seemed oddly at home among all these ponies despite it being so different.

The warmth flowed back and Star got his first real look at Cloudy as he crossed the threshold, “Cloudy, as in Cloudy Knight?”

‘Knight’ gave Star a genuine smile, “Hello my colt.”

There before Star was his grandstallion. His lined face, once so black, was now dusted with grey hairs and his ashen mane now streaked with white that Star didn’t recognise him at first. The photos he’d received were of a much younger pair of grandparents but none of this mattered to Star as the bit dropped. He forgot all his worries and (pausing only to set down his tankard) leaped forward to hug Cloudy Knight with a joyous shout of “Grandpa!”

After an awkward moment Knight returned the hug with a gentle pat on Star’s head, “Glad to be seeing you too, tell me did you have a pleasant trip?”

“It was fine but…” Star thought back to odd reactions the other bat ponies had given him, “Is what Stoic said true? Will the others at Raven’s Rest treat me differently because I’m…”

Knight shared a knowing, uneasy glance with Stoic before turning back to Star, “That may well be the case, some of the others in the colony are a bit traditional.”

Stoic snorted, “That would be an understatement there Knight. I thought we were old die hards here in Misty Heights but your lot…” He broke into a string of foreign words that carried their displeased meaning clearly enough.

None of this reassured Star who looked up to Knight with concern. Knight smiled kindly back, his features showing his feelings even with his eyes hidden by the protective goggles all thoroughbred bat ponies had to wear during the day. Rubbing Star’s head affectionately Knight nodded, “You’re family, you’re my grandcolt and any of the others who have a problem with that will have to answer to me.” Star felt a little better, the confident manner of Knight soothing his worries somewhat.

As his mind relaxed Star had a chance to think back to the events that lead him here, “How did you know to find me?”

“Oh that is simple, I was keeping an eye out for you and it was a trivial deduction that you’d find your way to Stoic’s cabin, everypony who comes to Misty Heights does eventually,” Knight explained.

“Yeah his lot are always watching the town, you’d think they didn’t have anything better to do,” Stoic added with a snort and Star caught the slight edge in his voice.

Knight continued on as if Stoic hadn’t interrupted, “Now I’ve found you we can head back together.”

Star Oak brightened, “That would be great, I can hardly wait to see Starsight and the others.”

“That’s the spirit,” Knight affirmed before his face became stern again, “Thank you Stoic for taking care of Star, I knew he’d be safe with you.”

Stoic looked as if he was going to snap back, but after a warning shake of the head from Hazel he obviously thought better of it, “You’re welcome, he’s a fine colt and if those others give him any trouble they’ll have to answer to me also.”

Star looked between Knight and Stoic in confusion. One moment they both seemed coldly aloof to each other, the next they chatted away as if they’d been friends for years. He made a mental note to ask Knight about that when they made their way to the colony.

With a final nod of the head to Stoic and the others, Cloudy Knight lead Star outside again. The wind had picked up and the snow was now coming down in a haze. The ‘street’ was empty now apart from Knight and himself. Star had to suppress a shiver.

“You’re alright with flying in this weather?” Knight asked.

Star paused, “Truth be told I ain’t never tried flying in this kind of weather, but I think I can.” It didn’t look that rough and the wind, though gusty, didn’t seem insurmountable.

Knight nodded, “Alright, just follow close to me and I will lead you, ready?” Star spread his wings with a leathery sound and following Knight’s lead kicked off and up into the air. He was instantly swallowed by the swirling snowflakes and it took all Star’s efforts just to keep his bearings on Knight. The wind, that had merely been gusty down on the ground, doubled in ferocity as they climbed. It pulled Star this way and that, threatening to send him into an uncontrolled spin but every time he was about to falter Knight was there.

“The trick is knowing which currents to fight and which to ride, choose your battles!” Knight’s encouraging calls were just audible over the howling wind and Star tried his best to emulate the deft wing motions but it was hard going. Cloudy Knight cut through the air almost lazily as if the powerful forces held no sway on him but Star’s efforts to copy him were achieving only the smallest of gains.

Knight doubled back when it was clear the weather was threatening to become even worse, “Don’t worry Star, we will find a good place to land yes?”

Grateful, yet feeling the sting of failure, Star nodded and allowed Knight to guide him down onto a nearby outcrop and quickly usher Star into the dubious protection of the huddled pine trees.

Star gave an exasperated sigh as he shook the snowflakes from his mane and simply enjoyed not being buffeted by the raging wind beyond their little haven. Taking a few moments to appraise in their new surroundings Star saw that Knight was watching him with a curious expression, “Grandpa?”

Knight seemed to realise Star was watching him and coughed, “Sorry, I expected too much of you. You’re not used to such conditions, I just assumed your instincts would kick in….” He looked as if he was going to say more but then turned his head about to watch the blizzard outside.

They sat in silence for a while, the only sounds being the creaking trees and the moaning wind. Star thought back to what Stoic had said before and was starting to think that the disappointment he warned of might just be true, “Grandpa?”

“Yes Star?” Knight replied distantly, still looking into the raging snowstorm beyond.

“What’s wrong with having an earth pony mother?” Star’s question obviously hit a nerve as Knight stiffened.

“Why would you think there’s anything wrong with that?”

Star poked at the ground, “I don’t, but everypony here seems to have a problem with it, even you seem to think…..”

Knight paused before removing his eyeshades and turned to look directly at Star Oak with his misty grey, slitted eyes, “It would take a long time to explain Star and I don’t think you’d like the answer. What’s more important is that your family loves you, I love you and all those who matter love you.”

“That’s not really an answer grandpa….” Star mumbled, “I know loads of ponies who have different mums and dads. Some of my best friends back home have a unicorn and a pegasus for their parents, or an earth pony and a zebra for stars sake! Why should it be a problem for me? What makes my situation any different?”

Cloudy Knight continued to stare at Star with his suddenly tired looking eyes, “You’re not going to let things be are you?” Star shook his head and Knight nodded in resignation, “You’re right to ask of course.”

He put a supportive wing over Star’s shoulders, “Have you met any ‘dark unicorns’ in that bustling melting pot of a city you call home? ‘Ice hearts’ they’re sometimes called?”

Star just blinked, “What does that have to do with anything?”

“Their story is similar to ours Star, but it’s clear you don’t know that either so I’ll have to start at the beginning.”

With a simple hoof motion Knight began drawing pictures in the snow, he slowly traced the symbol of both a sun and crescent moon, “You know the story of Nightmare Moon of course?”

Star nodded, everypony knew about the falling out of the Royal Pony Sisters: ‘Luna’ and ‘Celestia’.

“Well you know that Luna became Nightmare Moon, tried to conquer Equestria and make a world of eternal night?” Cloudy Knight added and Star began to grow impatient. This clearly showed on his face as Knight coughed before pressing on.

“She didn’t try to overthrow Celestia by herself. She made her own armies by changing many of the normal ponies of Equestria, cursed them to be creatures of night and darkness.”

Star suddenly had a grim apprehension of where this story was going and realised that he didn’t want Knight to finish it, but he’d pressed his grandpa for an answer and couldn’t back out now.

Knight shared a nod of understanding, “Your getting it now, we bat ponies or ‘negasi’ are descended from those same corrupted ponies. We aren’t the same as your average pony, we carry a curse in our blood that ties us to darkness and you my colt have inherited some of that too.”

The blizzard outside managed to blow just a little stronger, the cold seeping up from the ground below just a tiny bit more gripping and Star felt a stirring in his heart confirming that Knight’s words were the truth.

“When a normal pony has foals with another you can have any combination of breeds; just as likely to get a unicorn, pegasus or earth pony. You might get some more exotic patterns with a zerba thrown in the mix and so forth but all in all you still get a clearly defined child,” Cloudy Knight gave Star an almost pitying look, “But when a bat pony has foals it can be a bit hit and miss if they have them with a normal pony. Nightmare Moon’s legacy isn’t a natural element in the mix and……”

Star felt his stomach knot up, “So you’re saying I am a freak?”

Knight hugged Star all the tighter, “No, of course not, well certainly no more than me or any other pony with your heritage.” He tilted Star’s head around to look him right in the eyes again, “The important thing is that it doesn’t matter in the least, sure you can’t fly as naturally as a thoroughbred negasi but I can’t go out during the day without these.” Knight waved the protective goggles before Star’s downcast face.

“If it’s not important then why should all the negasi around here treat me differently?” Star almost wailed as the stresses finally found an outlet. It seemed truly absurd that ‘in a day and age like this’ that anypony could have the slightest gripe against a halfbreed. Star had never thought of himself as such but now it seemed that it was the cause of all his woes here.

“There are some who think that a bat pony having foals with a normal pony is perpetuating and spreading that same curse,” Knight said with solemnity, “A load ‘bred-kako-to’ of course, you may as well condemn the whole of ponykind for not staying within their own breeds,” Knight added hastily but Star didn’t feel any better about the whole thing.

“It wasn’t a ‘problem’ when I was young,” Knight added resignedly, clearly dubious about it even being a ‘problem’, “We kept to our colonies, didn’t mix much with Equestria as a whole, but with the return of Luna and all these multicultural efforts it’s caused the ‘issue’ to happen with greater regularity.”

Knight smiled grimly at Star, “So there you have it, ponies look at you strangely because it’s a sensitive subject. I wasn’t going to explain this all to you, but it’s clear that you’re old enough now to understand.”

Star felt his heart aching at the unfairness of it all, he certainly wasn’t in any sort of mood to fly further up the mountain after what Knight had just told him. The idea of ‘being on display’ as an example of a ‘cultural taboo’ was far from the warm welcome he’d been looking forward to.

But then a new fire came into Knight’s eyes, “That’s why it’s so important that you do go and have your coming of age ceremony.” If many in Raven’s Rest are ever going to shed these ridiculous ideas then we need to show them how foalish they’re all being.”

Star didn’t share Knight’s enthusiasm, and looked back down the mountain. He could imagine Stoic and the others would be sitting warmly around their fire and felt his resolve waver. He didn’t want to be some symbol for a ‘cause’ that grandpa seemed determined to make him, but nor did he want to miss the chance to see his grandmare and cousins either.

This simple trip was rapidly devolving into a rotten mess and Star honestly wasn’t sure if he was up for it right now or ever for that matter. He looked back into Knight’s eyes and saw the shining drive within, “Grandpa I don’t know...I”

Knight’s face softened, “Of course, there I go presuming once again. Your father would always speak up and out about things even when it was best to keep his mouth shut.”

Star agreed with that at least. Shadow, as much as he loved him, was always putting his hoof in it and Star could easily imagine him leaping at Knight’s suggestion. But Star wasn’t his father, he wasn’t anypony but himself. What should he do?”

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to Star, I won’t force you to do this and I can take you back down to Stoic if you want?” Knight asked genuinely and Star suddenly realised he’d clean forgotten to ask about Stoic.

“That’s another thing grandpa, are you friends with Stoic or what? I can’t tell if you hate him or….”

Clearly on firmer ground Cloudy Knight laughed softly, “Oh Sotic and I go way back, and yes we’re good friends we just have our own way of showing it.” His smile only widened, “To tell the truth he drives me ‘pis-kh’ but we respect each other too much to let that get in the way.”

Star was stalling he knew it, the decision as to whether to press forward or stay here was still lurking in the back of his mind, but the chance to delay that hard choice was a welcome respite, “And all that back at the cabin, was it really all an act?”

“A bit of a yes and a bit of a no, Stoic knows as well as I do the tense situation between our homes,” Knight explained, “Most ponies move here to get away from the mage-tech revolution, determined to stick to a simpler way of life.” He laughed, “Seems they’re all hiding from change in one way or another, that’s probably why I get along with him so badly.”

The smile faded on Knight’s face, “That still doesn’t answer my question though, what’s your choice Star? Up or down?”

Star swallowed as he weighed his options, the road up seemed mostly full of challenge and hardship whereas the waydown seemed lined with regrets and missed opportunities. It was a tough choice no mistake but what finally made Star’s mind up was the imagined look of his own parent’s if he returned and told them he’d backed down.

If he did give up now then in a small way the silly ponies up there would have won in a small way. Star’s face set in a determined scowl before he nodded to Knight without fear, “I’m going up grandpa, I ain’t going to let nopony stop me from seeing my family or be put off because somepony judges me before we’ve even met.”

Cloudy Knight’s smile grew so wide that Star was reminded more of a shark than a pony, “That’s my ‘zhere-be-nok’,” and with that they both squared their shoulders before taking off into the storm together.

Chapter Three

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Applejack slowly turned the pages of the photo album and smiled at the young faces all grinning back at her. The image of Star Oak and Evening Glade both beaming with sharp toothed smiles as they cuddled their new baby sister sent a fresh surge of emotions through her.

It had been many years since any of the foals had been small enough for Applejack to cradle in her hooves and deep down she missed the feeling of being able to carry them like she used to. Yet she was proud of them too, growing up so fast and learning their own place in the world.

She laid back on the sofa and let the soft cushions envelope her but it was no good. The empty space in the home still pulled at Applejack’s heart and though she tried to do everything she could to keep busy the worries kept creeping back.

Star had been gone for less than a day and already Applejack was pining for him. She didn’t let it show of course, keeping a confident smile and a positive outlook, yet the house just wasn’t the same without them all being there.

Looking at the clock on the wall Applejack knew that Star should have reached Misty Heights by now and the underlying sense of foreboding arose again. What would the others make of him? It had been a good while since their last news from Raven’s Rest and though Shadow was confident, Applejack didn’t trust the ominous silence.

The letter inviting Star to his coming of age celebration had been a surprise in and of itself. Nearly a year with no contact and then suddenly this. It had been doubly hard when Shadow had explained it was traditional for the candidate to leave his immediate family out of the event, “Star needs to do this alone, it’s a big concession that they’re letting my parents be present and that’s only because Star grew up outside the colony and doesn’t know what to do.

That was crazy talk in her opinion. Family ties didn’t end just because yer got older and the idea that she couldn’t be there to support Star was eating her up inside, but Shadow had been definate.

The vast gulf between the traditions of the Apples and the bat ponies of Raven’s Rest had only become more apparent as the foals had grown up and though Shadow had been flexible on many of the expected rites of the negasi this was one of the most important it seemed and had to be done correctly, even if plucked at Applejack’s heart strings.

She looked about their home, with so many happy memories which had ingrained themselves into the very walls. The doorframe where she’d measured her foal’s growth, the worn floorboards where countless games had been played and the kitchen where Applejack had taught them all how to cook.

The hoof carved decorations on the cupboards and the homemade curtains lining the windows, everything about their home was Apple made and they’d done it together. These things would normally have instilled a sense of ‘togetherness’, but now they just reminded Applejack of Star’s absence and how powerless she felt, “Come on A.J, yer mopin n all that ain’t gonna solve anything.”

She’d said the same words to herself when it was time to move out of the old Apple family home and into her own with Shadow, when Big Mac had gotten married to Fluttershy and even when Applebloom had moved to Ponyville to follow her dreams of being a mage-tech engineer along with meeting her own husband. They all had their own families now.

Changes big and small meant she’d had to rearrange her life and see family move just that tiniest fraction apart, even if it was living just down the street. She knew it was silly, but a small part of Applejack just wished that good things could just stay the same.

Of course she was happy for them. Applebloom was so successful that she’d practically become Twilight’s right hoof when it came to making machines. Big Mac was contentedly running his part of the family farm with his foals and helping keep the ‘historical seat’ of the Apple family alive.

Applejack knew herself well enough to know it was the feeling of loss colouring her normally happy musings about things. Give it a few days, time for the absence of Star to soften and she’d be back and better than ever she….

“Ma?” Sky’s hesitant voice drew Applejack’s attention instantly.

Looking up she saw Sky Petal watching her from the foot of the stairs, “Yeah sugar cube?”

“You okay?”

Applejack paused before smiling sadly, “I reckon I am, just can’t help but pine a might bit with Star away.” Sky’s expression told Applejack all she needed to know, “You too huh?”

Sky gave a brave grimace and Applejack patted the seat beside her. Not needing any further encouragement Sky sat down and let Applejack ruffle her mane playfully, “Awww don’t you worry none Sky, yer big brother just takin his first independent steps into the world. He’s in good hooves with yer grandparents.” Applejack wasn’t sure who she was trying to convince more, herself or Sky.

“I heard you n Pa talking…..” Sky finally mumbled and Applejack felt her ears droop.

“Yer did huh? Is that what’s got yer all fussin?” Applejack continued to stroke Sky’s mane gently as she fidgeted.

“Yeah,” Sky replied finally, not meeting Applejack’s eyes. The unspoken words hung in the air and Applejack could almost believe she could just hug Sky and that would make everything okay, but hiding from a problem never solved it, best to talk it through. She was about to say so when Sky threw a curveball ball her way, “Yer sounded right angry with him, n he was with yer too, Yer ain’t….” Sky’s eyes, began to water and Applejack finally understood what was really wrong.

“Yer think Shadow n I have fallen out so bad that we’re goin ter split up?” The thought hadn’t even crossed Applejack’s mind, being so focused on Star. The surprise must have shown on her face because Sky suddenly looked confused, scared and embarrassed all at once.

Applejack simply smiled before kissing Sky on the forehead, “Now yer listen good, Shadow n I ain't goin nowhere. I’ve had worse rows with yer Pa before any of you three young-un’s came along and they didn’t stop us fer long.”

Sky didn’t look convinced and Applejack even managed a chuckle. She pulled the photo album back towards her and opened it to the very first page. There, tucked between the pages was a pressed white flower. It was old and dried with age but the petals still held an etheric quality to them.

“Yer know what I love most about yer Pa?” Applejack asked with a patient voice only for Sky to shake her head.

“He always says what he’s thinkin, don’t reckon he knows how ter keep his mouth shut sometimes. He did it the first day I met him and earned himself a good buckin,” Applejack saw the look of shock on Sky’s face and Applejack grinned, recalling her own failings on that first encounter with Shadow.

“But we made up after it and have been repeatin that same pattern fer years,” Applejack coughed, minus the buckin part of course.” Sky finally gave her a weak smile and Applejack pointed at the flower, “This ain’t the first ‘White Star’ Shadow gave me, that crumbled ter dust years ago. Nor is it the second or the third, he keeps gettin em fer me from Raven’s Rest every time he visits his folks back there n every time he gives me the latest flower it’s with the promise that he loves me.”

Sky’s soft features became a scowl, “But that don’t prove much ma, anypony can get a mare flowers.”

Applejack smiled knowingly, “That they can sugar cube but it ain’t the flower what makes that story special, it’s his word, his promise that he’s renewin every time he gives me a new white star.” Applejack smiled, lost in memories, “As I said before; your Pa ain’t one ter hide his thoughts. When he says he still loves me then I know he’s speakin the honest truth, he don’t know any other way.”

Finally Sky began to believe her words and Applejack hugged Sky again for good measure, “As fer the last row? Well I was just scared fer yer brother Star, there’s some right hinky things some folks in Raven’s Rest believe n Shadow insisted that we send him there without us ter support him. Didn’t seem right ter me but I still let Star go n yer know why?”

Sky gave the tiniest of nods, “Cause Pa said it would be alright?”

Applejack smiled with true joy for the first time in what felt like days, “Eyup, that he did.”

Both ponies, mother and daughter embraced, the simple feeling of support and trust easing their combined fears. Applejack heard the slight snuffles from Sky and felt her own eyes begin to tear up, “Is there anythin else eatin yer Sky?”

“No ma, just wanna keep huggin fer a while longer if that’s okay?”

Applejack nodded and was about to reassure Sky that she could be hugged as long as she wanted when another voice called out, “Don’t suppose there’s room fer me too?” Evening Glade’s deep voice came from the doorway, his strong features showing the conflict within.

“Time ter be strong again,” Applejack whispered to Sky who nodded before they both motioned for Evening to come join them.

Putting her hooves about them both, Applejack felt that odd kind of peace that only comes from a family sharing adversity. It was tough going through these trials, but knowing that they could count on each other and would come out the stronger because of it.

Sky Petal and Evening Glade may not be little foals anymore, both they and Star were young adults now but they still needed her and Applejack needed them. It was love at the most basic level and as she caught hold of that feeling Applejack honestly believed that somehow, everything would be okay.

The night’s of Ponyville had changed so much since Shadow had come to live here in what felt like a lifetime ago. The quiet pathways he used to patrol were bustling even at this late hour. Lost in his own thoughts he picked his way through the crowds towards the Central Watch Office.

An actual office, a law station in Ponyville. The very idea would have seemed absurd to Shadow all those years ago but now sporting his sergeant’s insignia on his standard issue ‘Night Watch’ armour Shadow Guard assured himself that it must be true.

He smiled to himself as a pair of watch ponies saluted him as they passed, heading out to their own patrols and Shadow found himself returning it more out of habit than any required regulation. Saluting him, it still felt strange even to this day.

Shadow’s thoughts were elsewhere tonight, back at his home and the tense situation he’d left Applejack in. It was the little things, Shadow was coming to realise made all the difference. It was a lesson he’d been learning his entire life it seemed, the small words that carried so much meaning behind them, the small acts every day that built up to an impressive whole.

Shadow had been a law enforcer for so long now that his own actions were almost mechanical, the practiced way he studied the citizens around him for signs of trouble, the almost magical knack for spotting those who were trying to avoid the attention of the law.

Shadow couldn’t put his hoof on when these skills had matured within him, but with them working he had his mind free to worry about home, both homes. Shadow had grown up in Raven’s Rest, been a young guard in Canterlot during his youth and now a Sergeant in Ponyville. Each step in his life had left it’s impression on him and now Shadow felt his loyalties pulled by commitments to the ties he’d made.

His thoughts inevitably drifted to Star Oak, Ponyville bred and now experiencing the culture of the negasi first hoof. It was a decision that still dragged at Shadow’s heart. He’d reluctantly agreed to Cloudy Knight’s plan, after all Raven’s Rest was part of who Star was and who was Shadow to deny him that cultural heritage?

Shadow found himself closing in on an agitated orange unicorn without even consciously being aware that he was doing so. It was in the way the ‘suspect’ held himself, the tell tale glances and the jittery motions.

Pricking his ears, Shadow could almost hear their jumpy heart rate even through the crowds all about, the beat of a hunted animal playing through the suspect’s body like a drum. It would be impossible to describe the instincts to a non bat pony, it wasn’t a hunger as such but a drive ‘gifted’ to them by history.

The need to hunt, to seek out that which was hidden and expose it. Shadow had come to understand these instincts were the legacy of bat ponies. It made them exceptional enforcers, perfect for a life of nighttime espionage and secret detection. Just the way Nightmare Moon had intended no doubt.

It did however clash heavily with the naturally peaceful nature of a pony and Shadow, now old enough to understand, could see the wisdom in Cloudy’s plan. As Shadow’s foals grew up the strength of that drive, that ‘unnatural trait’ would begin to develop in them and they needed to know how to manage it.

The suspect was still unaware of Shadow’s approach, lost in his own world of thoughts it seemed. The skittish tick about the suspect’s muscles told Shadow the nature of the crime: ‘Blue-Sand’. The multicultural nature of Ponyville brought its own problems along with its pluses.

Mercifully only a tiny percentage of the populus would ever be out to make a quick bit and the sale of forbidden substances was one such path. Distilled from the notorious ‘Poison Joke’ flower, Blue-Sand had some euphoric and hallucinogenic properties but left the user emotionally unstable for days at a time after, dangerously so. This unicorn had all the signs. Shadow felt sorry for him more than anything, most likely a student who’d moved to Ponyville to study at T.C.A.P and had given into the new found ‘freedoms’ offered here.

The parallels to Star’s situation weren’t lost on Shadow, stepping out from the safety of home and family for the first time. The dangers for Star were different of course, but it still wracked Shadow’s nerves to think of him out there.

Star was lucky though, Shadow knew he had Cloudy Knight and Starsight to watch out for him whereas this poor colt looked to be a fresh ‘loner’ who’d fallen prey to very different kinds of predators.

Shadow paused, lurking in one of the few dark spots the street had to offer, he let his innate talents come to the fore. Shadow had always wondered how his old mentor in Canterlot, a bat pony named ‘Night Blade’ had been so adept at stealthcraft. Though Shadow was in no way as skilled as Blade, the most famous of Luna’s scouts, Shadow could now understand somewhat how their breed played a part in that legend.

The way the unicorn was watching his surroundings hinted that he was waiting for somepony, potentially a supplier and Shadow allowed his keen eyes to survey the passers by. If there truly was a dealer then they’d be far less conspicuous than their buyer.

The ‘Nightmare’s Curse’ as historians like to call it affected each pony differently, the strange mixing of a cutie mark’s potential and the changes made to their ancestors would express itself in unpredictable ways. In Shadow this had the positive effect of heightening his intuitions for a situation, a ‘gut’ feeling for knowing when something clandestine was about to happen.

That same sense was tugging his metaphorical sleeve, and as he looked out across the crowds Shadow’s eyes fixed on an armond coloured pegasus. She was trotting nonchalantly among the citizens with an almost carefree air. There was nothing untoward about her except the tingling in Shadow’s stomach.

He waited, not so much blending into the darkness but becoming just another part of the background and with a simple hoof action activated his personal ‘scryer crystal’ worked into his helmet. Now that he had a ‘second witness’ in the recording device Shadow waited, as several minutes past and he watched the pegasus drawing nearer to his suspect before feeling a rush of vindication.

The unicorn’s hopeful expression was almost heartbreaking as he saw the suspected dealer. Shadow sighed before filtering out all the other sounds around until he could clearly make out their furtive conversation as they slunk away and into a nearby alley.

“‘Twister’! I’ve got the bits do you..?”

“Yeah ‘Sunbeam’, but keep it low huh?”

Sunbeam’s heart rate nearly doubled and Shadow could see his horn giving off little sparks in time with an eye twitch. Still more signs that Shadow’s gut had been correct again. Waiting until the expected package was being passed over before Shadow suddenly exploded into action. Before the small parcel of blue/green powder had left Twister’s hoof Shadow had sprung upon him and firmly fastened a ‘null-collar’ around his neck.

Twister’s cry of alarm was cut short as the spells within the collar did their work. Shadow felt a tingle of dark pleasure as Twister’s wings clamped against his sides and as if weighed down by a mountain the collar dragged him to the ground where he fell, ridged as a board.

Still reveling in the thrill of action Shadow quickly turned his attention to Sunbeam who without giving second glance at Twister tried to bolt for the alley’s exit. Shadow let his predatory side carry him forward and tackled Sunbeam before he’d even taken three steps.

“Don’t resist or I’ll be forced to collar you too,” Shadow announced and to his dismay the pony under him began to weep. It was such a pitiful wail that even Shadow’s hunting instincts were swallowed up in sympathy.

There was no fight there, just a sad broken pony and it pained Shadow to see a fellow equestrian reduced to such a state. The way Sunbeam continued to paw the ground, desperately trying to reach the packet of Blue-Sand just out of his grasp almost broke Shadow’s heart. More out of kindness than a need to restrain Sunbeam Shadow still attached a collar to him and almost thought he saw a measure of peaceful oblivion drift across Sunbeam’s features.

His anger returning, Shadow quickly scooped up the offending substance and stored it away as evidence before rounding on Twister again. The darker side of his soul reared up again as he stared down at the subdued Twister, to think that a pony would willingly cause such pain to another kindled a fire in Shadow’s head.

But just as his father had taught him, Shadow reined in the anger and let his breath out in a steady flow. The whole interchange had lasted less than a minute and Shadow took some pride that the citizens of Ponyville continued along the street beyond, completely unknowing of the arrest that just taken place.

The stirring hunter in Shadow’s heart circled once more before, with a mental tug on its chain, Shadow sent it back to its lair. With an almost melancholy air, he quickly prepared a message carrier and jotted down a brief report before tossing the tiny ball into the air.

With a blur it unfurled its dragonfly like wings it sped off towards the nearest Law Station and Shadow internally thanked Applebloom for her work at T.C.A.P. The messenger drones were just one of many helpful tools in the watch pony arsenal now.

With that Shadow’s thoughts turned back to family. Yes he’d been right to agree with Knight’s plan. Shadow knew more than most just how important it was to see what kind of impression his bat pony blood had on Star and his other foals.

Would they have the same need to hunt as he did? Would it show in some completely unexpected manner? It was his personal fear, his responsibility to find out what his foals were and the only way Shadow knew how to do that safely was back at Raven’s Rest.

It was a long, lonely wait for Shadow as he sat there in the alley with only two unconscious ponies for company. In a city full of happy, carefree equestrians, Shadow sat alone, the unforeseen worries of his life filling his head like a dark cloud.

Reaching into his armour Shadow pulled out a beautiful silver ring on a delicate chain that hung about his own neck and stared at it for what felt an eternity. As he studied the emerald centerpiece he thought of his vows to Applejack and how he’d promised to stand by her side through thick and thin.

How could he support her when it was his own blood, his own legacy that potentially threatened their foals? He loved them all so much; Star, Sky, Glade, Applejack and wanted nothing more than to keep them safe and happy. Yet he was almost powerless to help this time, there was nothing he could do but wait and trust in his parents.

The feeling of failing in his role as a father and husband ate at Shadow’s core, wore him down and made him feel useless. He could almost see why a pony would turn to such a thing as Blue-Sand despite knowing all the dangers it held.

For the tiniest of moments Shadow actually entertained the idea of maybe slipping one of his own collars on, just to have a break from the worries and fears that assailed him. But then he looked to the symbol of his love for Applejack and drew strength from it.

Yes they fought, but they always made up again after. Shadow just couldn’t imagine a world without his family now. They were part of him in so many ways and in light of recent events Shadow was all the more convinced they were the better part of him.

Applejack still loved him despite his failings, she’d taken the same vows as he’d taken and was true to them. She’d squared her shoulders when they’d discovered the potential troubles with their foals and Shadow was in awe of her tenacity. He couldn’t just set aside all that they had just because the sky had gotten stormy, they were too important to do otherwise.

Shadow was still staring at the ring when his backup arrived. After offering only the most basic of explanations Shadow quickly tucked the ring safely back under his breastplate. The thoughtful expression was gone from his face and Shadow Guard the city watch pony was back in place again.

Chapter Four

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Star Oak crested the craggy lip that marked the entrance to the colony and soared through and into the darkness beyond, following after Cloudy Knight without a moment’s hesitation.

As if the environment was attempting to test him even before he’d entered Raven’s Rest the blizzard outside had only worsened. The pelting snow and fierce winds battering Star for every meter gained up the rocky slope.

Unlike the start of their ascent Knight had kept close to Star, holding his hoof and guiding him manually through the storm. Star was already in awe of Knight, but this feeling only grew as he’d been navigated through the maze of updrafts and whipping currents that swirled about the mountain.

Star had little doubt that he wouldn’t be standing here, panting, as the muted wind whined past the narrow entrance had Knight not hoof guided him. Smiling up at Knight, Star’s respect for his grandstallion reached new heights. Knight wasn’t even sweating, his black coat was pristine and Star could only gape as Knight furled his wings with practiced nonchalance.

“So….this...is the colony?” Star finally managed to gasp out, his breath leaving steaming clouds in the still air.

“Only the first step my colt, the colony proper is much further inside the mountain,” Knight explained before frowning thoughtfully at Star, “How is your night vision? Shadow didn’t go into specifics about that.”

Star paused, suddenly dreading an arduous trek through the blackness, “I…” he began only for Knight to smile encouragingly.

“We can take it slow and I’ll be with you every step of the way,” Knight added and Star felt a mixture of relief and a little….well silly. It wasn’t that he didn’t want Knight’s help, but he also didn’t want to turn up at the colony proper being led like some bumbling infant.

“I can see fine grandpa, but if you could lead that would be great,” Star replied with growing confidence and the tension eased somewhat.

The feeble light from the entrance quickly dwindled as they pressed downwards, the blackness ahead of Star holding only hints of the looming rock pillars and obstructions that loomed ahead. Star’s eyes adjusted but it was only token resistance against the darkness, he could make out vague shapes and outlines too but truly calling it ‘sight’ would have been exaggerating.

“So you can see something at least?” Knight asked, his silhouette advancing surehoofed and easily through the maze of rocky outcrops ahead.

“Yeah Grandpa…. I can see enough…” Star began only to stub his hoof on a mound in the darkness. Biting his lip, Star tried to hide his yelp of pain but the telling eyes of Knight glinted ahead.

“I can’t imagine what it’s like for you, not seeing all the beautiful shades of darkness. The play of shadows across the rock or the subtle differences of the night,” Knight called and Star was keenly reminded of his own father.

Shadow would talk like that, during the long evenings as they sat on the family home’s porch. Star’s mind was taken back to happy sunsets where they would all watch the way it had dipped below the horizon and Shadow would take off his goggles with a contented sigh.

“Why do you wear those Pa?” Star’s much younger voice called out.

Blinking furiously, Shadow smiled down at him, “Well, it’s because the sun hurts my eyes.”

“But the sun don’t hurt Ma’s eyes, or mine?” Star could still recall the confusion he’d felt.

Shadow had hugged him tightly with, what Star now understood to be a worried smile, and gently rubbed his head, “Well that’s because your mum is a daytime pony and I’m a nighttime pony.”

“Oh,” was all his younger self could say to that.

“But I can see all the shades of darkness, the play of shadows across the trees and grass along with all the subtle differences of the night,” Shadow added and…

“Pa told me a bit about it, but I never really understood what he meant either,” Star added sheepishly as he caught the faintest of smiles from Knight. “He said that it was okay because I could see the world through my own eyes, I could see the sunlight and the darkness.”

Knight chuckled, “Those sound like very wise words, are you sure it was Shadow that said them?”

Star was about to snap back angrily when he caught the playful glint in Knight’s eyes and found himself smiling back, “Yeah he did.”

“He’s grown up a lot, you should be proud of him,” Knight said, the pride in his own voice clear, “I….” Knight began when his whole demeanor shifted. Star caught the impression of muscles tensing and a narrowing of Knight’s eyes.

“I know you’re there ‘Ghost Step’, you never did score highly in stealth if I recall,” Knight addressed a patch of blackness which looked identical to every other in Star’s mind. In the quiet that followed Star strained his ears, trying to pick up on what Knight had noticed but all he heard were the distant echoes of the wind.

“Don’t play that game ‘Ghost’, you’ve been spotted so just come out before I have to come in there and pull you out,” Knight’s tone was stern and to Star’s surprise a little impatent, “Odin…..dva…..tri…..”

The blackness coalesced into another pony and Star had to fight the urge to stand behind Knight, as the menacing newcomer spread his wings and bared his fangs.

“And none of that either,” Knight sounded angry and to Star’s continued surprise the sinister shape resolved into a pale, off white bat pony stallion. His outline seemed to gleam in the darkness, just like moonlight reflected from rippling water.

Ghost’s adolescent tones were almost whiny and Star was treated to a whole tirade of grumbling until Knight stamped his hoof, “Language Ghost! I won’t hear such talk in the presence of my grandfoal.”

Shuffling and head hanging low, Ghost Step came closer and was revealed to be a very slightly built colt, younger than Star by the looks of him, “What gave me away? I thought I had it perfect that time?”

Star saw that Knight was smiling now, “Your heartbeat increased when you saw me looking your way.”

Ghost didn’t seem to really be listening, “Your grandfoal?” Star found a pair of intense dark red eyes watching him.

“Yes my grandfoal, Star Oak,” Knight announced in a dignified manner.

“But he’s a ‘polu-kro’…..” Ghost began only for a warning snort to silence him. Knight suddenly looked tall and terrible, as if a veil had been drawn back and all malefic powers of Tartarus had been summoned to replace Cloudy Knight with some fell creature from the underworld. The very rock all around seemed to crumble while bale fire rose up in its place. Then as quickly as it had come the cave was its natural dark self again.

“Not that there’s anything wrong with that of course,” Ghost quickly added with an apologetic bow to Star.

“He’s here for his coming of age ceremony,” Knight said in a far more normal tone as the sinister aura faded.

Ghost Step visibly shook, “Well good for him, I er hope it goes well….”

“Thank you,” Knight replied coldly and only now seemed to notice the way Star was staring at him. His face softened before he gave a tiny cough, “Ghost please go on ahead and tell the others to expect us.”

Ghost gave a final bow before disappearing into the blackness with a clatter of hooves leaving them alone again. Star didn’t dare approach Knight who must have noticed his hesitancy. He reached out a hoof but Star shrank away from it, “It’s alright, that was more for show than anything.”

“The scary stuff you mean?” Star asked.

“Oh just a little trick some negasi can do to make others see something scary. It’s nothing compared to what a dark unicorn can do; they can turn your brain to jelly with fear if they wanted,” Knight said in an off hoof manner that didn’t make Star feel any better.

“But I ain’t seen Shadow do anything like that?” Star pressed, still a little shaken.

“I did say some negasi. It’s not a common trait being able to use the ‘Terror’,” Knight explained and Star felt his heart slow down to something approaching normal. “From what I hear from Shadow, your aunty Fluttershy can do something similar no? The ‘Stare’ I think you call it?”

Star swallowed, “Oh that….. I thought that was something unique to Fluttershy?”

The infamous ‘Stare’ was something that Star had experienced in the past and never wanted to repeat. The whole event came about over some petty disagreement, making one of his cousins cry but the wrath of Fluttershy still haunted him to this day.

That feeling of being reduced to ash by nameless guilt, being swallowed by a bottomless pit of regret and shame far beyond anything else Star had ever known…. He shook himself down, even the mere memory of the event causing him to shudder, “But aunty Fluttershy is a pegasi, how does that explain what you just did?”

“Comes down to our history my young Star, some pegasi can use the ‘Stare’ and some of us negasi get the ‘Terror. I have a little talent for it that keeps the younger, more rowdy colts in line,” Knight grinned, “I’m not in Fluttershy’s league though, she could reduce a fully grown dragon to tears.”

“Sort of a negasi equivalent?” Star suggested and Knight nodded approvingly.

“The pegasi have their magic to move the weather, we have other qualities,” Knight agreed.

What qualities do I have then? Star paused trying to recall if there had ever been any times he or any of his siblings had shown anything like the Terror and failed to find any, “Well I’m glad we don’t have that Terror thing. It doesn’t seem an appropriate skill to have, scaring ponies like that,” Star muttered and caught Knight watching him thoughtfully, “I mean in Ponyville we….” Knight continued to stare expectantly at Star who felt all the more uncomfortable.

“You do things differently in Ponyville, yes I know,” Knight finally added with a resigned note.

Star felt the awkward moment build until Knight smiled again, “Well this isn’t getting us to our destination is it? Best be moving on.”

Star felt more lost than ever; further from understanding his grandpa, his parents or even himself for that matter. Cloudy Knight just wasn’t the pony he had always imagined from the letters he’d gotten. Star had always pictured the kindly old pony from a storybook who gave you sweets and a bit or two to spend at market. Knight was more and less than that, and Star couldn’t figure out if he was exciting or scary.

“Come on Star, they’ll be waiting for us,” Knight called from further ahead and Star cantered as quickly as he dared to catch up.

They didn’t meet another pony in the maze of tunnels until his eyes caught sight of a faint glow that began to permeate the darkness. It was a gentle white radiance that put him in mind of moonlight and something stirred in Star’s soul as tiny motes danced in the unworldly light.

“It has that effect on me too,” Knight said quietly, the same look of contentment on his face as Star felt.

“What is it?” Star finally managed to whisper only for Knight to point at the ceiling.

There above, were a whole constellation of lights; hundreds, no thousands of them filling the view with five pointed stars from which a gentle drift of glowing motes tumbled. It was as if a waterfall made of glittering dust was falling on them in slow motion.

It was then that Star caught a fragrance on the air, cool and soothing like the smell just after rain. To his amazement the stars above drifted back and forth as if blown by a gentle breeze and finally his mind realised what he was seeing.

Star had seen such things before; dried pressed and tucked away in Applejack’s journals, “They’re flowers aren’t they?”

Knight patted Star on the head, “That they are, ‘belaya zvezda’ or ‘white star’. They’re the only flower we know of that grows in darkness.”

Another voice carried through the stillness, “Indeed, the belaya zvezda is the sacred flower of ‘noch’, it reminds us that even in the blackest depths there is still beauty to be found.”

The voice was a silky whisper and as Star glanced around to find its source he was surprised to see a whole pression of bat ponies approaching them. They emerged from a cleft in the rocky wall which was surrounded by glowing white stars. Each one wore a heavy, silvery veil that obscured their muzzle below the nose, yet left the rest of the face bare.

As they advanced Star caught sight of impressive amounts of jewellery along with pendants decorating the line of mares. Each one depicted a crescent moon on a black circle and Star’s mind blazed with sudden realisation. They also, all had a very sharp looking daggers girded about their waist.

“These are the Shining Caves!” Star squeaked with excitement only for the mares to give him a sour look, “I mean these are the Shining Caves right Grandpa?” Star whispered in a far quieter voice.

The mares broke formation and they quickly moved to surround them, each one watching dispassionately from every direction. A circle of slitted eyes bored into Star and his excitement quickly turned to apprehension.

Shadow had always said the Shining Caves were the most beautiful part of Raven’s Rest and Star could honestly believe it now he was here. But it was beautiful in a strangely cold manner, distant like the stars and somehow untouchable.

“The ‘siyayushchiy peshchery’ are a place for reflection and inner contemplation, to review one’s own soul and find meaning in direction,” The same voice explained and Star saw it belonged to an elderly black coated mare who studied him with even older looking brown eyes.

There was a certain etheric quality to her voice, as if the weight of ages past were trying to press their way into your skull along with her words. Quietly filling you with knowledge you didn’t even know you were missing. It was unsettling, yet compelling all at the same time.

“Star, may I present ‘Zvezdnyy Svet’. She is the ‘Voice of the Shining Caves’ and she will be taking things from here,” Knight announced and Star snapped back to reality with a twang.

“You’re not staying?” Star said, trying to keep the fear out of his voice.

“This is the time for you to face yourself alone, without any distractions Star Oak,” ‘Svet’ added and the feelings of unease melted away to be replaced by a pervasive calm. “Try to still your worries and fears, put aside the world outside your own mind and focus only on within.”

Star glanced skeptically at Svet and the others, wondering if this was just another ‘show’ for his own benefit. He was starting to think he’d gotten the measure of this place and the ponies within. Yet even as he thought it, Star felt a hoof on his shoulder.

Svet had moved so fast that within the blink of an eye she was by his side, “To question is good Star, to blindly follow is the path to be lead into a snare.” Svet moved again, as if by magic and while looking about to see her, Star noticed that all the other mares and Cloudy Knight had vanished. He was alone with Svet in the cave.

“Yet follow we must, not blindly but with confidence and trust. Ask your questions and know yourself, only then will you be able to see clearly who and what you are,” Svet’s soft words washed over Star and he felt nothing but genuine concern for himself from her.

“Um is this all really necessary?” Star asked and covered his mouth in shock, realising just how rude that sounded, but his thoughts had turned to Applejack. His mother would never have seriously gone in for all this smoke and mirrors stuff, would she?

Svet laughed and for the first time Star heard an old mare’s laugh, the ‘fuzziness’ all around him came back into focus and he saw Svet watching him with amused delight. “Well now, you truely are an Apple aren’t you?” The accent was the same, but the mystical quality had vanished.

“Um….yes?” Star began not sure how to respond to that kind of question.

“First time that hasn’t worked in years, but then again I guess that’s what I get for having a grandfoal whose part earth pony,” Svet’s eyes sparkled with glee and Star’s mind filled in the gaps.

“‘Starsight’?” He finally asked, the suspicion heavy in his mouth.

“One and the same, my you’ve grown up so fast,” Starsight said, cradling Star’s muzzle in her hooves and looking him over, “Yes I can see a bit of your father in there, along with a very proud and independent mare.”

Star Oak felt his cheeks being tugged and pulled as Starsight continued to explore, “Hmmm, I’d bet my hind quarters that you’re okay, the darkness hasn’t gotten its grip on your heart.”

“Urr….” Star began as Starsight pulled his eyes wide open and peered deeply into his ‘inner self’.

“Hmmm bit of a mixed up sense of who you really are, but that’s only to be expected. Still all in all a very good sign,” Starsight announced with a tiny nod to herself and then hugged Star warmly.

“Wait, what….” Star could only babbel at this sudden shift.

“I can ‘read’ ponies, it’s my special talent and I’ve gotten very good at it if I do say so myself,” Starsight explained with a wink.

“But the Shining Caves? The coming of age…” Star tried to ask and Starsight laughed all the harder.

“Traditions, sometimes they can tie a people together and other times they can be a right pain in the ‘flang’,” Starsight smiled behind her veil, “I’m afraid the locals here expect all the mysticism. They want me to help them find themselves, have them confront their darkest fears and so forth. They just don’t believe me if I tell them straight up so I have to go through all this…” Starsight waved a hoof at the encompassing cave and giggled, an oddly filly like sound from such an aged mare.

Star’s train of thought hadn’t just derailed, it had tumbled over a cliff and was now smoking at the bottom of a ravine.

“Yes I know, surprising isn’t it, but I guess it’s because I’m from the mountains near Los Pegasus, they are a bit less isolated,” Starsight added as if she could read Star’s thoughts as well.

“But….” Star tried again.

“Don’t get me wrong, the Shining Caves are an excellent place to work, the ambiance is just perfect and I find that the setting really helps ponies unwind. It makes my job all the easier,” Starsight added, her tempo speeding up as she enthusiastically explained.

“So this is all a show again, just like Stoic’s cabin and…..” Star asked and Starsight’s eyes became hard.

Just a show? Oh no my dear colt, this is deathly serious. We need to find out if you’re a black hearted murder in your heart,” Starsight said in such a blasé manner that Star Oak knew she must be joking again. He smiled back to show he got the joke, but this time Starsight’s eyes didn’t soften.

“Um you get a lot of black hearted murders coming through here?” Star ventured timidly.

“Thankfully no. It’s seldom these days that the curse has such a strong grip that it turns a pony to darkness, yet we have to be sure,” Starsight’s ears pricked up, “But you passed easily as I knew you would.”

“Um dare I ask what happens to those that fail?” Star didn’t really want to know, but morbid curiosity forced him to.

“Well, we work with the ones we can. Every pony is different and some can learn to overcome such inclinations. With the right teaching and training they can put off the curse and lead happy normal lives,” Starsight’s manner disturbed him more than he’d care to admit.

“There are those who choose to embrace the curse, revelling in…. well those are a problem that we deal with in the appropriate manner,” Starsight concluded and Star Oak felt his eyes drifting to the dagger at Starsight’s side. She however ignored his grimace and ruffled his mane playfully, “We don’t have to worry about that problem with you however, plus I’d wager your brother and sister will be fine too.”

As reassuring as it was to be declared a ‘non-psychopathic killer’ Star Oak couldn’t help but be rattled by such a test being needed at all. The idea that a ‘secret madpony’ could lurk inside any bat pony was a disturbing idea.

Starsight clearly must have read his expression, “Now my dear, don’t let this worry you. I’ve only ever had one ‘failure’ passing through these caves in all my years serving as Voice. They chose to be bad, but that was their choice. Every pony has to choose at some point by every little way they live, not just us bat ponies. Our temptations are just a bit more direct.”

“So that’s why some ponies here think it’s bad for bat and non bat ponies to mix?” Star asked finally, “That same risk is then passed on,” Star said only for Starsight to roll her eyes.

“You’ve been listening to Cloudy haven’t you? I told him not to mention such nonsense when he picked you up but it seems his nature for the dramatic has been too strong, again.

“No it’s not like that grandma, not at all. I pressed him about it and he only told me after I nagged him a lot,” Star pleaded.

She sat down and placed a hoof around Star’s shoulders, “Did he cave on the third or second time you asked and remember I can read you like an open book.”

“Third, no second….I think…” Star replied finally, “It was Stoic down in Misty Heights that first mentioned it and there were the odd looks the other negasi gave me on the train ride here.”

“Mhmmmm,” Starsight peered into his eyes before rubbing her chin, “Yep that sounds like Stoic. As for the others, no doubt we’ll get their delightful insight into pony interrelations and family trees soon enough. She suddenly brightened up, “The cave is booked for at least another half an hour, why don’t you tell me all about your trip? How’s my Shadow doing in Ponyville?”

Star felt the hope of a pleasant meeting with his family here in Raven’s Rest rekindled as he sat and talked with Starsight. She again was not what Star had expected, being far more laid back and easygoing than he could have guessed. She seemed to take the world and all it could throw at her with an easy stride.

After all the dour looks, the crawling through dark caves and the looming threat of meeting ‘the colony’ as a whole it was great to finally just get some time to sit down and talk about things. Nothing serious, just how things were and share in the simple joys of being family.

Chapter Five

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The worst part was the eyes, that’s what Star recalled when he thought back to his first meeting of the colony as a whole. All those eyes staring down at him. They lined the walls, covered the ceiling and watched him from every doorway and window. A whole rainbow of slitted bat pony eyes watching him with….

“It will be fine,” Knight whispered in his ear and Star didn’t even have the spare mental energy to snap back. Things were most definitely not fine.

The High Roosts stretched out before him, a sprawling collection of homes carved from the rock of the walls and even burrowed into the ceiling’s larger stalactites. Star had never seen so many neagsi in one place. The thought should have filled him with comradery, but that wasn’t the impression he got from the hostile stares surrounding him.

“It’s not fine dear, don’t coddle him,“ Starsight countered and Star drew strength from their presence either side of him.

The negasi thronged the small city, worked out of the mountain’s core, filling the winding streets and watching him from wooden walkways that joined the buildings. The only light sources, and Star felt that wasn’t truly an appropriate term for it, were glass spheres of sparkling liquid placed periodically about the settlement. They didn’t light so much as define the shadows with their dull eminence.

“So….um what comes next?” Star finally managed to squeak.

“You will be presented to the Elders who will formally welcome you into the colony,” Knight explained, his voice tense.

“And that’s it?” Star asked, hardly daring to hope.

“It’s what would traditionally happen,” Starsight added, but the doubt in her voice gnawed at Star’s tiny flash of optimism, “Whatever happens, know we’re here to support you.”

Star put on a brave smile despite the boiling pot his own insides had become and let them lead him down the main thoroughfare of Raven’s Rest, the calculating gazes of its citizens tracking his every move.

The feelings of hostility only grew as they pressed forward. None barred their passage, nopony spoke a word and that quiet observation was strangely more unnerving than furtive whispers. The silent observation followed Star under archways of heavily decorated wood, through tunnels of smoothed stone and over bridges that spanned rushing water ways.

Star could see the work of generations that had gone into the buildings, the style and atmosphere of the colony distilled from the hooves that had worked it. A whole culture, distant from Equestria had grown here.

The architecture was sinister, every angle and carving carrying a hidden menace of its own. The angles sharp, the carvings and statues were grim. It was a world away from the happy, joyful Ponyville that Star had grown up in. Even Misty Heights seemed reception seem positively tropical compared to this.

“This is all just an act isn’t it? Just like before, they’re putting on show right? Star said hopefully, his eyes darting from one unfriendly face to another.

“Not this time I’m afraid Star,” Cloudy replied hesitantly, “This is not how a coming of age ceremony usually goes.”

Star contemplated making a dash for it, but something in the way all the crowds watched him gave the impression that was exactly the wrong action to take. He’d heard stories about predators from the region ‘Zebrica’ who would only pounce if their prey showed weakness. By the nature of their expressions Star could believe the negasi of Raven’s Rest would do just that.

Looking back to the malevolent crowd, Star quickly put any thoughts fleeing out of his head. The ponies he’d passed already had formed a wall behind them and Star tried desperately not to think of the jaws of some trap being closed. He did his best to hold his head high, to look each pony he saw right in the eyes and show them he wasn’t afraid.

Just when Star felt that they would never reach their destination the narrow road opened up onto a plaza that was easily the size of Ponyville’s town square of old. The large round cobbled area was ringed with ‘glow orbs’ and, unlike the city behind, almost empty of negasi.

There, in the centre, was a stone plinth where several ponies who could only be the town’s Elders were gathered. They surrounded a carved statue of the moon and for the first time since Star had entered the city he felt moved by the beauty before him.

Star was no expert, but he could well believe that every detail, every crater and rise had been worked into the edifice with breathtaking re-creation. It was the world’s moon, in miniature and it took star a moment to realise what was strange about the statue: It clearly depicted the moon before Luna’s return.

Marked out in a series of circular craters was the infamous symbol of ‘the Mare in the Moon’, the profile image of a unicorn’s head, coloured a shade of dark blue. It was the only difference from the moon that Star had grown up with and a terrible sense of dread filled his stomach.

“‘Oblachnyy Vecher’, you come here and bring a ‘polukrovka’? That’s bold even for you,” Star couldn’t tell which of the ponies on the raised dais had spoken, they all seemed to be cast in shadows darker than the dimness all around and their voices sounded as if they were being heard through water.

“I have brought one who is kin to us all, one whose blood shares our linage and wishes to be recognised as part of this colony,” Knight replied defiantly and Star felt his heart leap into his throat.

“He’s passed through the Shining Caves, his heart is good and the Nightmare Curse holds no sway on him,” Starsight added, her own expression defiant.

Star caught the impression of sidelong glances between the Elders and there was even some muttering from the crowds that surrounded the plaza. Nither of these actions gave him much confidence.

“No sway? None at all?” Came the sceptical question from the Elders, this time a different speaker.

“Yes, none at all,” Starsight confirmed and there was even more whispers from the negasi all around.

“In over a thousand years there has never been any negasi whose heart has been free of our ancestral curse. It is part of who we are, even if we’d wish it not to be so. I think you must be in error ‘Voice of the Caves’,” The call of a third speaker sounded out in an almost derogative manner.

Star looked to Starsight and saw her face had become hard, “There have been plenty who share our heritage who have been, as you well know. That they didn’t have both a negasi mother and father didn’t stop them being negasi.” Star could almost see the line of tension crackling between Starsight and the Elders and fought the urge to swallow nervously.

“Perhaps your family connection with this one has clouded your judgement?” The first elder suggested and both Cloudy Knight and Starsight visibly bristled with anger now.

“I have done my role faithfully and without bias, there is no reason that Star Oak cannot proceed,” To Star’s surprise his grandmare grinned. The muttering among the crowds became even more pronounced as suddenly there was a ring of mares surrounding them. The same group from the Shining Caves.

Star hadn’t seen them move. One moment he and his grandparents were alone, the next the veiled ponies from his previous encompassed them like a bodyguard. “My fellow ‘Zavualirovannyye Khraniteli’ will attest that my conclusions are correct. They have each conducted their own observation and we are all in agreement: Star Oak’s heart is clean,” Starsight assured and Star was pleased to see the Elders seemed a little taken aback.

“You ask us to believe two unheard of occurrences at once?” ‘Second’ voice asked incredulously, “All the ‘Veiled Watchers’ in agreement? Such a thing has never….”

“There are a great many things that have never happened before; tomorrow has never happened before, yet you all accept it will be so,” Knight countered before putting his hoof around Star’s shoulders. That simple act filled Star with fresh confidence and he finally managed to meet the stares from the negasi with courage.

“I will not mince words,” Starsight announced, “Most of you believe that the childbearing of a negasi with a non bat pony causes the ‘Nightmare Curse’ to spread, to afflict even more ponies with it’s corrosive touch. This simply isn’t true.”

The muttered words became angry, the stares a mixture of confusion and disbelief. Yet strangely enough Star no longer felt any fear. With his family by his side Star felt he could have taken on the world, he could face any danger or criticism. Against the threat of….. The almost feral expressions on the bat ponies nearby gave him pause, their wolf like snarls and hisses filled the air and suddenly Star felt very much afraid.

Starlight and Knight never wavered though. Knight looked to each pony in turn, “You see the evidence before you now. You have all these witnesses….”

A much angrier voice called out from the circle of Elders, “Evidence? Look at him, you see what the curse has done to this half breed! He’s no more a negasi than I’m an alicorn.”

“You can’t have it both ways,” Starsight countered, “Are you saying that the only thing that makes a true negasi is to actually have the curse within their heart? That constant pull towards darkness ‘given’ to us from a crazed demi-god?”

The angry stares faltered and several of the bat ponies surrounding them shared looks of uncertainty. Knight’s eyes blazed with passion, “We made our home here so that we could escape the legacy of our past, our ancestors chose to remain in Equestria when others fled and gave into the darkness within. We chose to be what we are, not to be defined by the mistakes made by others.”

Knight pointed a hoof towards the moon sculpture, “Yes our ancestors were cursed to be bat ponies by Nightmare Moon, but we are more than that now. More than a broken people, more than a bad mistake to be forgotten. That is not what negasi are.”

A clamouring silence descended and all Star could hear were the panting breaths of both Knight and Starsight besides him. The ponies all around them seemed to hold their collective breath and just when Star felt he couldn’t bare the tension any more a fourth elder spoke out. Their voice was measured and composed.

“Strong words with some merit,” The speaker actually stepped forward and Star saw a powerfully built midnight blue stallion bedecked in highly detailed dark armour. It was reminiscent of Shadow’s uniform and accentuated the bat like qualities of the wearer, neatly accommodating his wings and even covering them. It bore the pointed ears of a bat pony and even had a sharp fanged mask to cover his face, but his brilliant sharp fanged smile practically shone in the darkness.

The strange distortion faded and his voice became far more earthly, “We have made our own culture apart from the rest of Equestria yet we still call it home. We ‘thoroughbred bat ponies’ know what it is like to be cursed. Each and every one of us carries that burden in our hearts. I remind us all of this not to cast dispersions, but to highlight the fact that no matter how much you dress up the facts they are still fact.”

He cast his slow glance across all those present, his turquoise eyes so akin to the infamous Nightmare Moon of yesteryear, “That Star Oak has been fortunate enough to have that burden removed by sake of his mixed parentage should be praised.”

Star had a brief shining moment where he thought they’d come around, but the muttering began again among the crowds before this new comer continued, “But no matter how much we would wish it Star Oak, nor any of the other half breeds are truly like us. This is a fact, an immutable truth. They will never know the burden we bear despite their similarities in appearance.”

Star felt his heart tremble and the next words came despite him dearly wishing they wouldn’t, “As such he could never be considered part of this colony.”

Star hung his head while both Knight and Starsight bristled in turn, teeth bared and wings spread out in a threatening manner. The ‘Terror’ that Knight showed before, returned with vengeance and even though it wasn’t directed at Star he quailed back from the unfolding wrath. The darkness about him seemed to take on a life of its own, writhing and dancing like a pool of snakes.

But the speaker wasn’t cowed in the slightest, but simply watched in solemn composure, “However, that doesn’t mean that Star isn’t ‘kin’ to us here.” The silence that spread out from this proclamation was almost deafening and even Cloudy Knight was shocked into inaction by the words.

Another elder stepped forward, a mare this time and clothed the same as the first, “Not all of life is fair, nor is everypony born to the same situation. That is the way of life and to rage against it is pointless. That doesn’t however mean that we can’t do our part to make it better where able.”

Star shook with anticipation as his heart made roller coaster dives and climbs. It seemed the Elder’s weren’t as mired in superstition and backward thinking as he’d come to believe, but nor were they welcoming him with open hooves either.

“We admit that we have avoided this situation in the past, believing it to be too divisive. If we were to acknowledge that one such as Star Oak was by rights a bat pony then where does that leave all the rest of the thoroughbreds? It could foster resentfulness, persecution and blatant discrimination. Remember that the defining trait of Nightmare Moon could have been described as jealousy. We had no wish to inflame the hearts of those already burdened.”

The Elders all stared at Star Oak and he forced himself to return their gaze, “But if we were to declare him and other half breeds as non-negasi then they lose their ties to colony and family,” The first speaker explained sadly.

The whole council stepped forward and with sidelong looks to each other nodded their heads in unison, “As such, Star Oak and all those of mixed parentage, who have family at Raven’s Rest will be welcomed here as such. They may visit and stay among us for set times but cannot claim citizenship. Our city is made for those who resist the dark call in our hearts, it was not meant for others and as such could never truly be called thier home.”

Star didn’t know how to feel, it wasn’t quite a victory but nor was it a total loss either. Knight had calmed down and was watching the Elders with narrowed eyes. Starsight just stood there impassively, her wings now back at her sides and slight glint in her eyes.

“We do not want to lose our ties to the world beyond, nor Equestria which we hold dear. That is our home even if we distance ourselves from it. Maybe one day we will be able to live more peaceably with others, but for now this is our chosen solution.” The midnight blue stallion concluded and the whole city seemed to pause for breath.

Star studied the faces around him, seeing if not an end to the hostile stares at least a more tolerant aspect to many of them. As for the Elders, they turned as one and retreated back into the shows at the base of the moon sculpture.

Every pony stood there for a moment and it suddenly dawned on Star that the event was over. His heart still raced, his hooves still shook, but at least he’d made it through that ordeal with his hide intact.

The same conclusion seemed to be filtering to the crowds all around and they began to disperse. Star would have been happy to shuffle off after being the centre of so much attention, but certain members of the crowds seemed to have other plans.

Star was enveloped by a sea of negasi, some just peered curiously at him while others actually came forward to shake his hoof. There were some harsh words muttered but these were swept up in the sudden storm of welcoming nods and genuine smiles.

Through it all Cloudy Knight and Starsight stood firmly either side of Star, their ever vigilant eyes watching the crowds like hawks. Star was promptly introduced to many of the mares who’d stood by him during what he was coming to see as his ‘trial’.

They fussed over him like a gaggle of hens and Star wasn’t surprised to discover that several of them were distant aunts, great aunts or cousins. Nor did it end there, negasi young and old came forward while tiny colts and fillies were thrust into Star’s hooves as if emerging from a conveyor belt. Their relationship to him being explained in a flurry of excited tones and several pictures.

Just when he thought he’d drown in the sudden rush of family members Star was finally given time to breath, ushered away from the ring of eager faces and led from the city centre with several hangers on still in tow.

Starsight practically beamed with joy, “That went wonderfully if I do say so myself.”

“But I didn’t….” Star began as his entourage carved a path through the thronging ponies.

“Over a thousand years of established tradition and habit doesn’t change overnight Star. That the Elder’s even consented to you being presented is a massive step forward,” Knight added with a kindly smile.

“Foal steps,” A cheery voice added from somewhere behind Star before the speaker was replaced by another follower.

Star smiled to himself, despite all the differences between Raven’s Rest and Ponyville some things were most definitely the same. It seemed that negasi were just as eager to form celebratory groups. Some had even found streamers and confetti, lining the way ahead with all the enthusiasm of a pack of wolves chasing down their prey.

It was slowly dawning on Star that the worst was over, he’d faced the uncertainties of coming here, stood firm against those who would have seen him labelled as at least an embarrassment if not an abomination and was still able to come out smiling. The mood of the other ponies all around was infectious and soon Star was practically skipping along the road.

Passing beneath the very same archway as they entered by, Star saw there were many bat ponies which still gave him sour looks from above but found he was so happy that he just didn’t care. There was so much to look forward to now. He had several weeks within which to spend time with his relatives and Star planned to make the most of it!

“Then the Lama turns to the zebra and says, If I were you I’d hold it the other way around!” Stoic’s booming laugh shook the very walls and to Star’s immense surprise Knight laughed just as hard.

Star held his tankard in his hoof and simply soaked up the cosy atmosphere in the cramped cabin. What a crazy three weeks this had turned out to be. Daily flights with his grandparents around the mountains, cave exploring with his distant cousins and even a mining trip with Stoic and his fellows.

He couldn’t even begin to count the seemingly endless procession of dinners, meals and stories around the fire here in Misty Heights. Star’s scrap books were now brimming with pictures of the town, him having fun and he had several more saved on his camra’s data crystal too.

He thought back to the snowball fights he’d had with Mistletoe along with a few of the younger negasi who’d come down the mountain. Darting between the trees, ambushing each other in between log piles and many more memories besides.

Star held his two favourite photos in his free hoof, the one of all his relatives in Raven’s Rest when they had gathered to see him off. So many grinning faces and so many names to remember! The other was of Star wearing a grimy miner’s helmet that Stoic had insisted on giving to him as a gift.

He’d come to really love these ponies. There ways, though at first had seemed truly odd, quickly became familiar as Star grew to understand the meaning behind them. He knew seven new holidays that Ponyville didn’t have, the local words for almost every mining tool you could think of. He even knew few other words that Stoic had taught him that were only to be used in the most dire of circumstances and never in polite company. Star didn’t have the nerve to actually ask what they meant, maybe he could ask Shadow when he got back to Ponyville?

As Stoic’s roaring laughter continued to shake the house Star glanced at the far larger pile of his belongings stacked haphazardly in one corner and smiled all the wider. Not so much because of the value of all the gifts, but what they meant to him. Memories of the ponies who gave them to him.

Trinkets and rocks filled the satchels pockets while the main bags were crammed with new books including a ‘Husk’/Equestrian dictionary and several history books written in the said language. Star couldn’t wait to discover out all he could and found himself wondering why his father hadn’t taught him all these things. It was another question Star would need to ask when he got back.

“So Stoic, do you think you will ever brave the climb and come visit Otdykh Vorona proper?” Starsight asked with a grin.

Stoic paused for a moment as if deep in thought, “I could, but I prefer less lofty heights my druke, a stallion can get a bit light headed up there and I need to keep safe all the brains I have left. Don’t want to end up like your husband now do I?” There was a brief moment where both he and Knight glared at each other before everypony burst out laughing again.

“Nor I Stoic, I couldn’t handle that kind of competition,” Knight countered before both he and Stoic nearly fell off their seats because they were laughing so hard. Star smiled at Starsight who simply rolled her eyes and shared a look with Hazel who was busily attempting to clean up the spilled drinks.

“You should go Stoic, it would leave me in peace for a while and I can finally get some order in this mad house!” Hazel’s good natured jib simply caused both stallions to laugh all the harder and pound the much abused table with their hooves.

Star just watched in mute confusion. The idea of insulting each other being some kind of ‘compliment’ had never occurred to him until now nor did he think it was a good plan to try out such back home either. You needed the right place and setting obviously.

“Once they get like this you will not get any sense out of them for hours,” Mistletoe muttered by Star’s elbow quickly followed by further mumbled cursing that Star planned to look up when he had the time.

“Glum as normal huh Mistle?” Star tried his hoof and was rewarded with a black scowl that could have curdled cream.

“Don’t you start, it is bad enough they think this rowdy behaviour is acceptable,” Mistletoe snapped before taking a delicate sip from a small cup.

Star laughed softly, “You know I think there’s a famous unicorn in Ponyville who you’d get along famously with Mistletoe, you should come visit sometime.”

For a tiny shining moment her eyes lit up and a look of pure excitement flowed across her features before the perpetual scowl returned, “I’ll….think about it.”

The latest round of guffaws seemed to be dying back and a somber expression grew on Knight’s face as he looked to the clock on the wall, “Well Stoic, it has been a pleasure as always but I really must walk Star to the train.” Just like that the mood shifted. Gone were the happy smiles and Stoic even looked as if he was going to cry.

“Awww come now, the train is hours away surely?” Stoic almost pleaded but both Starsight and Hazel shook their heads when he looked to them for support.

“Sorry my dear but Knight is correct, you will have to save your stories for the next visit,” Hazel said with a look of sadness on her normally stern features.

Star saw it coming but was too slow to avoid the crushing hug that Stoic gave him and to his surprise both Hazel and Mistletoe joined in, “You keep safe my little druke, don’t be forgetting all us up here?”

“Not a chance Stoic,” Star managed to wheeze before he was finally released.

“I’ll help you with your bags,” Hazel added and after a flurry of motion Star was all loaded up and ready to go. He double checked all his things were accounted for before giving them all a small nod. Knight and Starsight reattached their goggles and with a final wave opened the door out into the blazing sunshine.

Star followed them outside, fearing that if he dawdled he would never be allowed to leave and quickly fell into step, “So will either of you be coming to Ponyville, I know we’d all be happy to see you?”

“Maybe someday Star but right now we have our hooves full here,” Starsight explained before ruffling his mane, “Somepony has to keep an eye on all these stubborn diehards.” Star’s face fell but only for a second before the second hug of the day nearly crushed the life out of him.

“But we will write as often as we can,” Knight assured and Star thought that was better than nothing as the train pulled up to the station with a blast from its whistle.

They continued to embrace, the warmth of their coats against Star’s own giving him a warm feeling that had nothing to do with temperature. It was the fuzzy feeling of being loved, one you were never too old for.

Star’s thoughts turned to home and a sudden longing to be back at Sweet Apple Acres arose inside. Star was sure Shadow and Applejack would be fine, they’re both tough, but Evening had been so sad to see him leave that Star didn’t have the heart to stay away any longer.

He gave his grandparents a final squeeze before, with some effort now, made his way back onto the awaiting train. The usual bustle greeted him: Finding a seat, storing his luggage and settling down passed in a blur. Star raced through it, eager to look back out the window to see the others one last time.

As the whistle sounded and the train sped up Star waved furiously at the shrinking forms of Cloudy Knight, Starsight, Stoic Branch, Hazel Root and even tiny Mistletoe befor felt a tear trickle down his cheek. There would always be next time.

Star laid back on his seat and was about to close his eyes when he noticed another pony had sat right next to him. Jerking back, he looked up to the elderly bat pony who smiled at him, “Well Star it looks like we’re going the same way again, mind if I join you?”

Star sat stunned for a moment before various pieces of his memory came to his aid. The raised eyebrow as he got off the train, the measured voice spoken at the city centre and that glowing smile he’d last seen glinting from under a bat like helmet…… “You were on the train when I first got off, you’re...?”

“I am ‘Midnight Hour’ we’ve met a few times before,” Midnight offered Star a hoof and he was too shocked to think of refusing it. “Being on the Elder Council has some advantages but anonymity isn’t one that I get to enjoy very often so you will excuse me that I didn’t introduce myself when we first met.”

“You just stared at me and scowled!” Star almost shouted as he recalled the cold treatment he’d gotten weeks before.

Midnight merely laughed softly, “Well I didn’t know you as I do now, I thought you’d just be another skittish polukrovka who had no idea what he was stepping into.”

“Skittish?” Star asked his surprise being replaced by annoyance.

“Yes,” Midnight almost seemed to be talking to himself rather than Star, “Most polukrovka who come to Raven’s Rest didn’t have your back bone, they were lost and had little idea about who they really were. Can’t say that I blame them of course, it’s a tough life growing up caught between two worlds.”

“You’ve been watching me haven’t you? Since I arrived at Misty Heights?” Star felt angry, like he was being used somehow.

“Oh since before then Star, Luna was very specific that I keep close tabs on you and your journey,” Midnight said without any kind of hesitation.

Star’s pupils narrowed, “You’re a spy?”

This time Midnight laughed almost as vigorously as Stoic, “That’s one way of putting it I guess. I would put it as ‘using my position of influence for the greater good’.” Star folded his hooves and simply stared at Midnight who smiled back completely unabashed, “It’s far simpler than you think. I truly am on the Elder Council, I am also the envoy to Equestria and also a friend of Luna’s. The three positions compliment each other nicely.”

Star just kept on staring despite its lack of effect, “You move in far greater circles than you give yourself credit for Star Oak. Foal of one of the Element Bearers and your father is Luna’s personal contact within Ponyville?”

Star’s eyes went wide, “Pa’s only a Sergeant, he’s not a spy too,” Star paused, “Is he?”

Contact, not spy,” Midnight said with a grin that showed his dazzling teeth again. “Information is very important, it’s one of the ways we keep Equestria safe and Luna holds it as her responsibility to know all the important things that happen.”

“So what’s that got to do with me huh?” Star asked, his patience wearing thin.

Midnight treated him to another smile, “Oh me watching you was just a personal favour to her highness, that you ended up being a catalyst that helped improve the situation in Raven’s Rest was a great bonus. Luna has been trying for years to stabilise the whole ‘Nightmare Curse’ problem.”

Midnight looked out the window as if lost in his own thoughts, “I never would have thought Cloudy and Starsight would have dared step up to the plate like that, but you know what they say.”

Star snorted, “What do they say?”

“That heros and heroines arise when they are needed,” Midnight said in a confident manner.

Star wasn’t sure if he was happy or sad about being what felt like a ‘puppet’ in some big game and Midnight obviously recognised his discomfort, “Look at it this way Star, had you known this was all happening around you would you have acted differently?”

Star went to say of of course not and then stopped, would he have? “I...I guess not, I would have been even more anxious to tell the truth but I like to think I’d have made the same choices.”

Midnight Hour nodded, “See, Luna’s method doesn’t interfere directly, it simply lets her know what is going on so she can plan ahead. Ponies and others will do what they do and (unless it’s a matter for Equestrian security) she leaves them to it.”

Star scrunched his muzzle before looking down at the floor. That did sound kind of reasonable, “So you’re just catching the same train as me back to Ponyville then? Nothing more?”

Midnight turned to look at him, “Then on to Canterlot, you’re little visit has given me a lot of paperwork. Luna still has a soft spot for your mother, no doubt you know she’s one of the mares responsible for her safe return?” Midnight put a companionable hoof on Star’s shoulder, “I’m afraid with a famous mother and a well connected father your family will just have to learn how to cope with being noticed.”

Star smiled at that, “Yeah I know, but don’t worry I know about standing out in a crowd don’t you worry. I’m okay with it now.”

Midnight chuckled, “I have no doubt of that Star, no doubt at all.”

Chapter SIx

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“This is your stop, best wake up,” Star Oak was shaken awake as the train slowed to a stop and blinked sleepily as he cleared his eyes. Night had fallen outside, the peaceful quiet of an Old Ponyville evening with only a few lamps lighting the scene beyond. The platform outside was like an island of light in a sea of shadows and Star realised he was home again.

He looked around to thank Midnight Hour for waking him, but to his surprise there was no sign. Confused Star quickly looked up and down the train but still there was no evidence of his travelling companion. Although puzzled, Star’s thoughts quickly turned to other matters as there smiling outside were Shadow Guard, Applejack, Sky Petal and Evening Glade.

They had all turned up to welcome Star home and, with a new strength borne of determination, he quickly began gathering his belongings. Even at this late hour the train was thronged, and Star had to shuffle, sidle and squeeze his way past the other passengers. It was strange to see so many non ponies after only a few weeks away but Star felt the familiar citizenship of Ponyville begin to come back to him.

After only a few minutes of frantic manoeuvring Star finally managed to alight from the train and stepped out into a balmy evening. The air seemed thicker, the atmosphere heavier and Star oddly had a longing for the crisp heights again.

It didn’t take long for his family to spot him and soon Star was being crushed in a hug just as powerful as Stoic’s had been when Glade galloped up. He practically dived on Star who returned the embrace warmly.

“Welcome back son, I trust you had a productive trip? Your letters certainly hinted at it?” Shadow asked softly, stepping softly up behind.

“I did,” Star replied levelly.

“That’s good,” Applejack said in an oddly subdued tone and Star couldn’t help but notice that her smile didn’t reach her eyes.

Any further discussion was quickly swept away as Sky also joined in the hug, “Did you get any good pictures of Raven’s Rest? What were the negasi like? Were you scared?”

“Come on now, I’m sure that Star’s right tired after his trip n could do without all these questions,” Applejack said, still in an unnervingly brittle way. Star saw that Shadow similarly affected, a tense air about him that hinted at his unease too.

Star shared a look of understanding with his parents: Now was not the time to talk, now was the time to be happy that Star was back. Sky and Evening seemed completely oblivious of this silent interchange and Star thought it was better that way. Best to pretend everything was normal until he and his parents were on firmer ground.

Star was interrupted in his unpacking by a soft knock on his bedroom door. He gently put the collection of ore from the mines at Misty Heights down on his bedside table before turning his attention to his visitor, “It’s open.”

The door didn’t open straight away, as if the pony on the other side was hesitating before coming in. Star sat down on his bed and was just about to call again when Applejack finally opened the door with that same brittle smile he’d seen at the train station, “So er, yer settlin back in okay?”

“Yeah Ma, just unpackin,” Star smiled as he slipped back into his home accent so easily. He’d lost a little bit of that over the last few weeks, but hearing it out loud brought it all back again as easily as putting on a well worn set of clothes.

“Oh um, that’s good,” Applejack said and Star knew that tone. She was working up to ask something she didn’t want to.

“Come on Ma, what’s wrong?” Star Oak asked and Applejack smiled gratefully at him.

“Well I feel right awful that Shadow n I didn’t tell yer the whole um reason why we let yer go ter Raven’s Rest by yerself,” Applejack almost mumbled and Star’s heart gave a little shudder. That Applejack was shying away from the explanation boded ill, Ma just didn’t do that. “Well yer know….well we didn’t know just what….” Applejack stamped her hoof on the ground and Star was surprised at her antics.

“What she’s trying to say Star, is that we’re sorry that we weren’t forthright with you about your trip. There were a few things that we needed to discover and the only way we knew how to do that was for you to be tested in the Shining Caves,” Shadow said as he stepped up besides Applejack and gave her a supportive hug.

Star raised an expectant eyebrow and both Shadow and Applejack visibly wilted, “By now you know about the Nightmare Curse, Starsight explained that much to you I understand?” Shadow added and Star finally understood their hesitation.

“You weren’t sure if I was gonna turn out ter be an ‘evil black hearted murderer?” Both his parents winced and Star knew he’d hit the nail on the head, “I ain’t stupid Ma, I kinda figured that bit out myself after talkin with Grandma.”

“Yer ain’t angry?” Applejack asked with hardly a whisper.

Star paused, he’d been angry when the truth had dawned on him. If every bat pony had to be tested like Starsight had said, then Star obviously he’d been sent for there for the same reason. Nopony seemed to know what to make of him or his siblings and that his parents didn’t trust him was more painful than any prejudices the negasi had held.

“Yer could have told me, let me know that was part of the comin of age ceremony,” Star said finally, his bitterness showing through despite his best efforts.

“We thought it was for the best. Finding the right line between tradition and what you’d know, not growing up in Raven’s Rest….” Shadow explained and Star finally felt his anger come to the boil. He’d had a lot of time to think about things on his journey home and the presence of Midnight Hour on the train, the double nature of his role, made the pieces click in Star’s head.

Both Shadow and Applejack didn’t trust him, they didn’t know who their own son truly was and had decided, with his grandparents on Shadow’s side, to test him to see if he was the good pony Star knew himself to be.

“I ain’t gonna yell n shout if that’s what yer scared of,” Star said after drawing a calming breath. “I don’t wanna upset Sky or Evenin but I am disappointed. Yer know me, yer know I wouldn’t be bad just cause of some silly curse.”

“It doesn’t work like that Star...it’s complicated,” Shadow began only for Star Oak to fold his hooves and raise his eyebrow further.

No it ain’t, yer think it’s only bat ponies who can be bad? Some ponies think we have an excuse just because of our history. Plenty of ponies have it rough n they don’t go about being evil just cause of it,” Star countered, the blood rushing to his face and his temper flaring.

“But that’s some mighty strong magic, real dawn of time stuff n it….” Applejack said uncertainly and Star actually felt sorry for her, for them both.

Star continued to glare at them, the hurt of even being suspected still raw and throbbing. The way they both seemed to hide in the doorway with guilty expressions on their faces, “Look Ma, Starlight explained it to me. She’s been ‘testin’ bat ponies fer years now n she’s never found even one that was forced ter be evil. They had some problems yeah but none was ever bad without choosin ter be.”

“It’s a real possibility though…..” Shadow began and Star let out an exasperated groan.

“N it’s possible Celestia could go crazy n blow up the sun! It’s possible Discord could turn the whole world ter jelly but we don’t go hindin under our beds just because of it, the harvest could fail but yer don’t stop plantin because it might do.” There ain’t no end ter the things that could happen.” Star wanted to still be angry, it was there, simmering just below the surface of his thoughts but the way his parents gave each other uncertain looks was dousing those flames with compassion.

Star was panting, it had been a shock to him, discovering that Applejack of all ponies had forgotten the most important and foundational parts of their lives. They were a family; they stuck together no matter what came up. More than any family Star knew of, the Apples stuck together and Shadow? So wrapped up in ideas of duty and avoiding the mistakes of the past that he’d forgotten about today.

“Now, I’m gonna finish unpackin. I’m gonna find a place fer all the great memories I made from ma trip n when I come down stairs again we are gonna have a serious talk,” Star announced with a stern expression of his own.

Star was surprised at himself, he’d never spoken to his parents like that before. It was nothing compared to the shock on their faces however, they both stared at him with wide eyes and open mouths. He wasn’t giving them back chat, he wasn’t being disrespectful, he was being…...firm. The bizarre reversal of roles stuck however and to Star’s continued amazement both Applejack and Shadow hung their heads before heading back out the way they came.

Star, true to his word, continued to unpack the souvenirs. It was more for something to do with his hooves while he poured over all the upheavals his world had gone through in the last few hours.

Ponies put too much stock on the past that was the problem. Sure there was a place for tradition, good and wholesome traditions helped define ponies but bad traditions could just as easily be shackles to the past. Just because your ancestors did something didn’t necessarily mean that it was right or wrong, it was down to you to make up your own mind with the information you had at hoof.

You needed to listen to that ‘spark’ inside, that little voice within you that prompted you to do those things that helped others, that made you care for those around you and try to make their lives better. If the tradition upheld that then surely it was good?

Star admitted he didn’t have a full answer, he doubted that anypony in the world had all the answers or if there even was one all encompassing answer. What he did know was that he loved his family and he loved his friends, when put like that the world’s worries seemed far smaller. They would get through this, Star had confidence in that. They were Apples after all.

Feeling just a bit better, tiny a bit stronger or at least wiser than before, Star finished stowing away his things and made his way down to his awaiting parents.

Luna sat at her desk, the comforting shadows of her personal space within Canterlot castle keeping her company as she reviewed the latest report. A whole complex web of messages, letters and information was spread out before her; depicting the ebb and flow of Equestrian society from the perspectives of her own network. One timeless being needed her hobbies as much as the next and Luna kept busy by making sure Equestria stayed safe.

Tall and regal, Luna’s slight frame was at ease. Dark blue coat as healthy and well kept as the day she’d first come into existence. She was the picture of concentration and self composure, an image she’d worked on for years since her return. Gone was the impulsive mare that had let her own insecurities drive Luna to madness.

Lighting her horn, Luna raised the feather end of a quill to her nose even as she shuffled the various papers and documents into new and surprising patterns, seeing in them connections that would have been lost on any other but herself.

In a land where magical technology was in its ascendance many ponies would have been shocked to think Luna still used a paper filing system, but Luna would be the first to admit she was a diehard when it came to innovation. She’d seen so many fads come and go in her long life that the excitement about this new science didn’t move Luna enough to change her own tried and tested ways.

It was fascinating to watch of course, how their subjects enthusiastically embraced the creations that were on offer. Luna often wondered if it would last, this brave new world with the blending of machines and magic. She couldn’t help but wonder if it would turn out better than the last time?

Luna honestly hoped it would. With her fellow princess Twilight Sparkle at the helm things had gotten off to a good start and maybe, just maybe, it would actually be different and even better this time.

Her musings were put on hold as a soft knock came on the study door and Luna looked up with her turquoise eyes full of distant memories. After making sure the desk held nothing of a sensitive nature she gave a simple, “Enter.”

The richly decorated door opened smoothly and Luna saw it was Midnight Hour as she’d fully expected it to be. He crossed the threshold and paused in the centre of Luna’s office, standing directly on the intricately carved symbol of a ‘United Equestria’. The crest had gone through several changes over the centuries, but always held the same overriding theme of love and friendship.

The current symbol proudly displayed the four likenesses of the nation’s current rulers: Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Twilight: Each alicorn’s horn touching in the centre of the rounded circle as a symbol of their shared goal.

For all Luna’s thoughts of cycles and things repeating even she had to admit the unprecedented rule of four princesses at the same time was a new one for her. The many, many years that it had just been herself and Celestia were a distant memory and pleasantly this current state of affairs was proving to be a fantastic success.

Luna could only hope that once Twilight and Cadence finally went the way of all the world, things would continue to go from strength to strength. Luna broke her revery, those were thoughts for the future. Luna turned her attention back to her guest, “Midnight, it’s very good to see you. I trust all was in order with your assignment?”

Midnight Hour bowed respectfully, “It was your highness, Star Oak’s visit made some positive ripples as you suspected.”

Luna fought not to roll her eyes; of course he’d be more concerned with the ‘political’ aspect of the assignment. Keeping her face a mask of duty Luna pressed for more details, “Very good Midnight and what of Star himself?”

Midnight looked slightly confused, “Um… he is well your majesty, I ensured he arrived and returned home safely as instructed.”

Luna secretly smiled inwardly, her face betraying none of her thoughts. The negasi were all about duty, all about keeping themselves under control. That nature wasn’t all of their own making of course Luna admitted, the stirrings of past hurts moaning feebly in a sad manner within her own soul but she quashed them with practiced discipline.

She’d long since abandoned the self destructive wallowing that had plagued Luna for the first few years after her return. The lessons were hard, but they had been learnt and tearing herself up about them now wasn’t going to help anypony. As a self penance, Luna had followed Celestia’s example and built upon the foundation her older sister had put in place to turn the ‘broken bat’ ponies and others like them into a force for good.

Luna smiled warmly as the pains in her own heart quickly faded; the distant echo now nothing more than a scar to remind her of how important her duties were now, “What I really I wanted to know was if he had a good time? Did Star enjoy his visit to Raven’s Rest?”

Midnight Hour blinked, knocked off balance by the simple question Luna posed, “I er believe that he did, there was some friction as was to be expected. It’s all in my report your Highness.”

It was indeed, Luna recalled; all very formal and proper, detailed almost to an obsessive point on all the wrong topics. Politics came and went; there would always be more meetings, more councils and more problems. What Luna wanted to hear about was the lives of her subjects. Did they laugh? Did they enjoy themselves and were they happy?

“Very good Midnight, thank you for your time,” Luna said with genuine feeling.

The uncertainty vanished from Midnight’s features and he saluted. Luna thought she caught happiness in his manner at a job well done and with an almost joyful gait he made his way from her office. We all need to feel loved, useful and appreciated. That was one of the few things Luna could share in common with her subjects.

She was so different from them in so many ways; timeless, gifted with powers that moved the very heavens and with the insight borne from the beginning of the world itself. The one think she did have in common was her feelings and Luna cherished that mutual ground more than anything else in her existence.

Those shining moments of connection, the ones that let her feel as if she and her subjects were the same on some level, those were more valuable than all the gold and gems in the world. They may not be world changing events, catalysts to destroy a great evil that threatened the land but they were nevertheless precious to her.

She let her intellect resume the work of administration, adding Midnight’s own report into the ever changing web of social, political and economical weave. The effects of Star’s visit to Raven’s Rest rippled outwards, filtering through the nexus of events and to Luna’s satisfaction improved it in so many tiny ways.

It pulled a few other threads, causing some unravelling of knots and unwinding of others. It also strained some others to breaking point, old ways undone and some new tensions caused. It was the way of things and Luna was under no illusions that the loads and tensions within Equestria could ever be completely balanced.

All these actions were a pleasing side effect, a bonus after the reward of seeing at least one of her subjects being happy. Letting her mind revel in the dance of threads, Luna let her heart enjoy the simple joys of family, friends and the overall happiness of Equestria.

The End.