Queen of the Changelings; Master of Me

by Bongo

First published

Even the over ruling Queen of the Changelings needs a pet to keep her company

I get whisked away from my boring life as an office guy into the hooves of Queen Chrysalis. She needs to extract love to live, and I have boundless amounts to give. Will she follow protocol, or will the relationship deepen? Will Our deep dark secret be kept within the realms of the Changeling's land? Will I ever continue the story and live up to this boring hype I've created? And will my autospell feature be my greatest asset or my greatest enemy? All will be revealed in later chapters.

My first attempt at a ClopFic and my first post on FanFiction.net (Not my first FanFiction in all, however). Not sure how it will turn out.
Warning: High amounts of self insert. Please proceed with caution.

Chapter 1: A New Pet

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Have you ever had a moment in your life where you had no idea what was going on but you enjoyed every single second of it? It happened to me before or at least a long time ago. It happened something like this…

I was taking a few sick days off of work. I worked in an office behind a desk with a telephone answering for other people, rerouting callers to other phones around the office. It was pretty boring, really. Anyways, one day I managed to infect my throat somehow. Not sure when or where I got the infection, but it sure did affect my voice, a lot. So much so that I had to use cue cards I picked up from a supply store to communicate with others.

On the cards, I had predetermined words and sentences in a numerical order, such as ‘”Hello”, “Goodbye”, “I’ll be going to the restroom”, and etc. Unfortunately, since my main job was to talk to people behind a phone, my boss gave me sick leave until I got better to at least talk properly on the phone.

So for the next few days, I lumbered around my apartment, doing whatever I could to pass the time that did not involve me talking. Sadly, my apartment was ill equipped for me staying home for such prolonged periods of time. My TV had no interesting channels on it, my bookshelf was already finished with months ago, my pantry didn’t have much comfort food outside of a bag of potatoes, and the weather outside was terrible.

It was the dead middle of winter. Winter brings the worst weather out in the worst of places, doesn’t it? It usually brings out snow, sometimes sleet, rarely hail. Seemed like God or some other deity from above decided to make my life even more miserable by throwing all three at me at the same time. Not only was it near impossible to go outside except for a coffee in the shop next door, but the constant sound of pounding against the walls and windows, as well as the howling of the wind and below freezing temperatures; thanks to a crap heating system I have installed, lead to some of the most miserable days of my life.

I was pretty much trapped in my own apartment which I liked to label my cell thanks to my accommodations. Hell, even I would watch some dull Golf on my TV, but the weather seemed to of cut off my connection. The only piece of heaven in this hell hole was my bathtub. I would usually fill it to the brim with really warm water. And just for the heck of it, I would also add bubbles and bathtub salts. I don’t know about you, but hearing raging, howling winds from the outside while enjoying a nice, warm, comfortable bath was quite soothing.

Once the water started to get cold, I would drain the tub, rinse, wash, and repeat. I didn’t care how much water I wasted while doing this; it was the only thing that could entertain me hours upon end. Usually I would doze off, letting the warm water and bubbles go onto my face. It was a really incredible feeling. While in this state, I would seem to get the craziest of dreams compared to dreams I remembered while in a regular old bed. The most recent one I had included a turtle spitting fire that acted as my trusty steed in combat against an orc.

Anyways, things really got strange one day; for better or for worse if your choice to decide once I tell you. I read today’s newspaper, and the weather report said tonight would be the windiest and most violent of all nights since this storm hit. I took this as good news, as it meant that my dozing off would be even more extreme than usual.

I did my regular old routine that I’ve been doing for the last few days since I got sick leave and the storm hit. Take off my clothes, fill the tub to the brim with really warm water, add bubbles and salts, and then finally immerse myself in a dreamland. Don’t know what compelled me to do so, but I sank my face down low enough that the water was just touching the top of my lips. The raging winds outside combined with the warm water on my body and face led me to falling asleep quickly. My head fell to my shoulder in a snap.

I think my head fell to quickly though, because I accidentally knocked over one of my bars of soap I had lying on the side of my tub. It slipped off the rim and hit my modified PVC pipe doorstop I had against my wall. It got knocked over in my direction and started falling for my head. Fortunately, it was stopped by a suction cup held rack on the wall that held all my shampoos. Unfortunately, it released the suction and an array of colorful sweet smelling shampoos came raining down upon my head. The PVC pipe also came down along with the rack and knocked me out cold.

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As strange as the situation was, it really did happen. It’s like trying to explain to a friend that you couldn’t get to their house on time because a painter tripped on his shoe spilling paint all over the street causing a car to skid out of control into a telephone pole, causing it to snap and fall in the path of your car. Well, that’s what happened. A bar of soap caused shampoo bottles and a bottle rack to fall upon my head and knock me out. Strangely, that’s not the weird part. It gets even weirder.

You’d think I’d wake up back in the tub covered in shampoo and bathtub bubbles, soaking wet and clueless, right? Well, you got part of it correct anyways. I did indeed wake up sooner or later; not sure how long I was out, and I was covered in some sort of substance, entirely soaking wet and clueless. It was…how can I explain? Maybe I can put it very bluntly for you. I woke up immersed in some sort of translucent green goo that filled a pod, if you could call it that, suspended from the ceiling of a dimly lit cavern many feet from the ground. Guess you could call it a cocoon, upside down. It was the freakiest thing I’ve ever encountered. Forget the fact that I was in a cocoon suspended many feet off the ground, but I could actually breathe in this goo. You’d expect me to choke due to me not being able to get oxygen into my lungs. I could even feel the goo inside my lungs as well, so in reality I should be dead, but I wasn’t. It was like something from Star Wars, like when they put people into giant tanks of a liquid to heal but they don’t drown.

After I wrapped my head around that fact, I suddenly realized another fact; I wasn’t wearing any clothes. True, I was taking a bath beforehand, but it was just a strange feeling to not wear any clothes and not be in a bathtub. It was an even stranger feeling to have the green goo wrap around my body. It got into every corner, nook, and cranny, including around my private parts. Maybe now I should start going into detail about the goo that I was in. Not only was I able to breathe this stuff in and out, even though it had the viscosity of maple syrup mixed in with cornstarch and water, but it also seemed to be moving. I came to believe this goo was alive.

Not only did it move, but it also radiated a bit of heat, making the cocoon feel a bit warm, like bathtub warm. I’m not sure about you, but having thick goo that is not only warm but also moves encasing my manhood sent my mind into override mode. Let me tell you, living alone in a small apartment has let me to experiment with myself a few times to help pass the time. However, that was just normal hand strokes and lotion. THIS was something entirely new and different. My climax was rising higher and higher, and the goo somehow seemed to notice this as well, as the motions around my rock hard dick sped up faster and faster.

Just as I was about to explode, all activity cease; the movement of the goo, my climax, everything. It was as if time itself just went into a standstill. Suddenly, I head a tearing, ripping sound coming from above my head…er…below my head. Looking down to the ground, I noticed my cocoon was starting to tear apart. I don’t think I’ve ever told you I was never afraid of heights, correct? Well, I guess that one single event is what caused me to have that fear. The distance between me and the floor seemed much smaller from inside the cocoon.

I felt my body starting to slip out of the cocoon. I would try to grab for the torn folds of my cocoon, but I don’t think it would have supported my weight. Plus, this goo really hindered my mobility, so it wasn’t like I could reach for anything in time anyways. Yet, amazingly, as I started to fall, the goo was still wrapped around my body, acting like a bungee cord for me. It was slowly lowering me to the floor. How nice of it. Not only does it pleasure, but it also acts as a safety device when needed. How exactly do I thank something that doesn’t respond back? Ah well, like it even mattered. My throat was still a bit infected, so speaking would be a pain anyways.

After a short while, I finally landed on the floor with a slight squish, and all the goo from above followed suit. I then started to cough up the remaining goo in my lungs and wipe whatever’s been left over in my hair and eyes. Just as I was down on all fours, hitting my chest with as much force as possible to loosen the goo inside my lungs, I heard a slight clip-clop of hooves coming towards me combined with a squish sounds, like the kind you’d get from running your hand through coleslaw. Don’t ask how I know that. Just don’t.

After beating my chest a few more times and rubbing my eyes out, I suddenly felt very awkward. Never mind the goo or the cave or the cocoon suspended many feet in the air, but I was still naked, and from what I could hear, some guard on a horse was approaching me. I immediately jumped into the pile of goo that fell onto the floor, hiding my private parts as best as I could. It didn’t help much since the goo was translucent, so I covered what I could with my hands.

The sounds of clopping soon ceased, and I looked up expecting to see some sort of officer or knight, or at least someone riding a horse. But when I looked up, I saw nobody at all. But what I did see…oh god…

It was one of the four Horses of the Apocalypse!

Well, okay I wasn’t THAT crazy to believe an imaginary deity like that would be right in front of me, but that’s what it looked like! The shape was definitively a horse shape of equine race, except the coat was jet black. The blackest I’ve ever seen on a horse. The mane was long and wavy, as well as being dyed a turquoise color, except it looked like it went through a blender, or at least the endy parts did. It's hooves were, uh, quite holey, to say the least. How did it even manage to stand on such legs if there was hardly any support?

A quick look at the crotch area revealed that it was a girl. Don’t know why I’d need to know that, but okay. Eyes then shifted towards her…are those wings? Very bug like wings they were. Like something you’d find on an insect of some sort, except the ends, too, looked like they went through a blender. She also had a horn, or at least I think it was a horn. It was so mangled up that it hardly even resembled a horn, or at least when compared to traditional lore of unicorn horns. As a side note, it looked like she had armor on designed out of the same materials my cocoon was made out of, except only harder. She also had a crown and a, might I say, beautiful eye shadow applied. Whoever’s horse, pegasus, unicorn, bug equine thing was, they really did like dressing up exotic species.

That’s when things got even weirder.

“So, you’re the one my magic locked onto, hmm? I don’t care what you are or where you come from, but all I know is that I am very, very hungry right now.” The apocalypse horse said to me in a deep, sultry voice. Look, I’ve been knocked out by shampoo bottles, been dangled in the air from a cocoon, and had my manhood pleasured by a living goo, a talking female apocalypse horse with cheese for legs that just so happens to have a very hot voice did not seem too out of the ordinary, so I just rolled along with it.

Whatever the case may be, it looked like she was in an offensive position; doing a slow and steady crouched pace towards me. That’s when she smiled, and I noticed that she had fangs. Really pointy and sharp fangs. Do horses eat meat? They shouldn’t, but it seemed like all rules of horses from where I came from were thrown out the window. Not wanting to become the next tasty meal of a Mare of Diomedes, I mustered up all my strength from within…

“S-stop…” I whispered meekly, holding up a hand. Geeze, does an infected throat hurt when one talks. But it was either a choice between a painful throat or pure death. I chose the former. “P-please do-don’t eat m-me…” I then made a mental note to myself how blessed people without infected throats are.

Whether I stopped her completely or just delayed the inevitable, she did halt in her tracks and reclined from her attack position into her normal stance. “Oh, this one talks my language?” She got her face right up into mine with those green slit eyes staring right at me. She smelled like heavily salted pickles,” I think you’ll require a different type of procedure.” She raised a hoof to my chin and forced my head to look in her direction. Her hooves were very squishy, so that should explain the squish factor when I heard the clip clop as well.

“Well, what do you have to say about that?” It looked like she was waiting for a response. But my throat could not endure another round of talking, so I had to push her hoof away and motion to my throat that it was infected. I further cemented it by opening my mouth so she could see my throat as well. After she inspected me for a while, she shook her head in what I believed to be in an understanding way.

“I see, your throat seems to have been hit by some sort of disease or bacteria. That will definitively hinder extraction. No matters, for that can be fixed right up. You will follow me to my quarters where you shall be tended to. All questions will be answered once we get that throat fixed.” Miss apocalypse horse then did a quick turn in the opposite direction and started heading for the exit of the cavern. I, however, stood put. My body was still naked and was on display for anyone passing by. I couldn’t risk such humiliation. Well, I could, but the feeling of it would be something to die for.

Apocalypse horse seemed to notice my absence of following in her wake. She stopped and turned her head around to get a good look at me. She squinted her eyes at me, which I must say, had a very chilling and creepy effect on me. “Now why aren’t you following me as instructed?” She yelled over to me.

I pointed down to my private area hidden behind the pile of goo, showing her that I was uncomfortable with me walking around showing off my sunshine. From where I was, it seemed to me that she face-hoofed with a giggling smile. She turned to me once again and yelled over, ”Is THAT what all the fuss is about? Out of all the things you could chose right now that would make you most uncomfortable, it would have to be that?”

She shook her head a few more times and backed up a few steps in my direction. Her behind was now just a few feet in front of me,” If it’s any consolation to you, notice how I go around in almost the same fashion as you are right now, excluding the armor, but that doesn’t cover what you are worrying most about. ”She then proceeded to shake her rump right in front of me. I could clearly see her horse holes; both to be exact, and both were perfectly perfect in every way. Plump…juicy…was I getting turned on by an apocalypse pony that was just about to eat me?

Nonetheless, the ass shaking seemed to do the trick, as it put me in a trance long enough for her to get me up off my feet and gave me a little push towards the exit. Now I had no other choice but to follow her. However, I felt a little more confident about myself. If more of these apocalypse-pony things followed the same dress code, which is to say, none, then I had nothing truly to worry about, right?

Just as we were about to exit the dark and damp cave, a quick question crossed my mind. I tapped her shoulder and, giving it all I got once again…

“Exc-cuse me, but wha-ack-t do you mean ex-extraction miss…” My voice seemed to be getting a bit better, but not by much.

She placed a hoof over my mouth, ”Hush, you need to conserve that strength. I need it later on. Plus, all questions will be answered once we get that throat fixed.” She then removed her hoof and, surprisingly, nuzzled her shoulder against my body tilted her head in my direction, looking at me with a seductive stare, ”And the name’s Queen Chrysalis; Queen of the Changelings. You’ll need to be remembering that for later on.”

Chrysalis; what a nice name that was.

“A-and I’m Christopher. Just pla-ain old Christo-stopher.” I managed to squeak out. I really needed to stop talking. It was getting painful once again. So, Queen Chrysalis and I set off for the exit. I don’t know what’s it about, but I had a really good vibe about her. So much so that I instinctively put a shoulder around her neck as we strolled along. She didn’t seem to mind though. I think she even shot a quick smile at me before we went off again at our regular pace.

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First chapter to my first ever ClopFiction. How exciting. Now I haven't written much before, and what I have written before is not really top-quality work, so we'll see how this turns out, since I am the only one working on this. No proofreaders, no prereaders, no nothing. Just me and Microsoft word. Now this can be a little encumbersome since most ideas come to me when I'm tired late at night, so if you see any errors, please do feel free to point them out to me so I can fix them as quickly as I can.

Now I know what you're thinking, "This is pretty much a self-insert, isn't it?" Well, to be honest, yes, but that's because I find that format easiest to write in. I love to tell stories to other friends, and when I do, I usually use the First Person Perspective. It seems to just come the most naturally to me. Plus, I kind of consider self-inserts a 'Record of our hopes and dreams', because that's pretty much it. When we write a self-insert, we do it in a way that things bend to our will. It's the closest thing we have to having televisions that can record and store memories, dreams, and ideas.

I chose the name Christopher because on a list of the most common names, Christopher was listed as #11. Why 11? Because I like to steal other people's catchphrases.

And just as a way to understand how big the ponies are in my world...

Please do give me your honest opinions below! I know I haven't given you much to work off of, both story wise and clopping wise, but do please tell me what you think of it so far.

Chapter 2: Midst the Heat

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The scope of this place, whatever and wherever it was located, was MASSIVE. I swear we’ve been walking around for 10 minutes, and we still haven’t reached her quarters yet. Then again, that little smirk she kept on flashing me every so often and the many crowds of smaller apocalypse changeling horses we kept on passing by in big chambers made me think she was humiliating me on purpose by making detours into the crowded areas. She was thoroughly enjoying it, while I was not, expectedly.

Her thoughts of schadenfreude aside, this place where they lived and worked was incredible to look at. The walls were composed of a type of rock that had a very dark shade of gray with streaks of lighter shades running through it here and there. The rooms and hallways were lit up with the most peculiar of lighting. Instead of torches and candles that you’d expect, they had these gemstones and crystals held up in racks nailed into the wall. These stones glowed with the power of a modern day camping lantern. The best part was that whatever color the stone was, the light reflected that same color. Most of the gems around the area were white crystals which lit the areas up nicely with hints of rubies, sapphires, and what not to, what I believe from observations, signal a room’s function.

Most of the rooms had open frames in place of doorways for easy access inside and out. I would sometimes get a good look inside of these rooms and chambers whenever we had to slow down for traffic. The main chambers were big enough to house 3 to 4 story office buildings. While that may not seem big in an open area, in an enclosed area such as where I was, it was huge. The ceilings were also something to gander at. Every single inch of the ceiling in these huge chambers was covered from head to toe in these enlarged green honeycomb patterns and cocoons. Undoubtedly, I could only assume that these honeycombs and cocoons were the changelings’ homes and areas of rest. The corridors were nothing to scoff at either. They were about the width of a single lane road and tall enough for a moving truck to maneuver through; very spacious and roomy. If there was one thing that seemed the most out of place, however, would have to be streaks of leftover goo all over the place.

The awkward sensation of a walking around naked in public seemed to be leaving me, although hints of it would come back every so often when I see one of those changelings stare at me or make a slight snicker to their friends and mates. As that old sensation drifted away, a new sensation started to fill that missing gap within me; I suddenly realized how cold it really was in here. I’m not exactly sure how cold it was down here, but I could only guess that on its own, its chilly enough even with clothes on, so you can understand my predicament of having no clothes at all.

I understandably started to shiver quite a bit, and my only source of heat just so happened to be Queen Chrysalis. With no other choice except to freeze stiff, I tightened my grip around her neck a little bit and huddled close, trying to catch any heat radiating off her body. Close enough that I would get a little warmer but still subtle enough that she wouldn’t notice. I sort of regret that now. Her skin was like a sponge, now that I finally noticed. Although it looked perfectly solid from the outside like any other horse hide, when you squeeze her skin, some of that green goo comes oozing out. I must admit it was the strangest feeling ever. Imagine hugging your pillow and then it suddenly secretes warm green molasses. Knowing that the goo has a natural element of heat, I stopped squeezing and started vigorously hugging her neck, trying to extract as much as I could out of her body…what? She was already going to extract something out of me, so I guess I would do the same too. Although I think I lost my subtlety at this point.

At this moment, Queen Chrysalis noticed what I was doing. Although she had a look of confusion at first, the wheels started to click together in her head. Looking towards me, she remarked,” Oh, right. Please excuse my manners. I almost forgot how other species are not adapted to our way of life.” Our journey halted for a little while as she pulled the two of us into a storage or custodial room. Couldn’t tell what it was, but what I did know was that is was filled with boxes and it was small lit by a single dull orange gemstone, giving the room a very dark feel to it.

The room was just barely big enough for the both of us to stand together. Queen Chrysalis sat me down on a few boxes and gave me a small talk, ”We changelings are well adapted to live and work down in these cold and miserable conditions. As you have already seen and experienced…” She put a hoof on a box nearby and took another hoof and pressed down on it, ”…The top most layer of our skin absorbs and is filled with this green slime.” As she pressed down, a small pool of the goo; I seem to like to use that term a lot, started to form underneath. After a short while, she stopped pressing down and assumed her regular stance.

She raised a hoof and pointed towards the puddle, ”This slime is much like the yolk of a chicken egg. It insulates us, protects us, and feeds us; except, unlike a chicken egg yolk, our bodies produce massive amounts of it. ”Judging from all those green marks on the walls and floors that I passed, as well as mounds upon mounds of that green goo piled up against the walls in the big chambers, I’d say massive was an understatement. Either it was like dead flaking skin being left behind or someone was just too lazy to clean it up, but it was everywhere. Black and green seemed to be an underlying color feature of this place.

“Unfortunately, I don’t think your body is well equipped for such conditions.” She added upon taking a closer look at my skin, ”A very thin layer of hair for insulation, and nothing more. Since us changelings produce an excess amount of the slime; and that you’re more of a guest than a prisoner, I will give you a coat of mine to keep you warm and comfortable in these cold and drafty tunnels, as that would assist me later...” She then placed a hoof onto my chest and forced me on my back, as if I was lying on my back on the edge of my bed. Queen Chrysalis then placed both hooves on the sides of my shoulders and bent down, keeping constant eye contact with me. Her upper belly and chest started to rub against mine. Her head craned forward and she whispered into my ear, with the deepest most luxurious voice she could muster up, ”And I am oh so hungry right now…”

Wait, hungry? As in FOOD? I never agreed to any of this! My dying wish would to not be eaten by an apocalypse pony! I dema…a…ah…ohah…hoooo…

The Queen lowered her body onto mine. Her figure met mine with a slight and very arousing, warm squish. Chrysalis’ body was radiating with heat, and my incredibly nippy body ate up whatever it could snatch up. Oh God slap me like a dog and throw me across the world into the sea, this feeling was heavenly and to die for! If this is what her death for me felt like, I never thought I’d tell myself that I would never be happier to die. To make matters worse, she started to rub her chest and belly up and down my body, going all the way from the bottom of my stomach to my face. As she kept on rubbing, her sponge-like layer secreted a thin layer of warm, green goo every time it ran over my skin, much like how a glue stick works on paper.

More and more Queen Chrysalis rubbed her body against mine. Not only did it warm me up real good, but it also had my dick in a flurry. Every time Chrysalis bent her body back to do another round of rubs, her clit would ever so slightly slide over the head of my shaft. It was like…no…she KNEW that she was teasing me big time. She even whispered into my ear every so often, ”Oh don’t do it now. I know you can hold it for just a little bit longer. It makes it all the better in the end…” For a figure of authority, she seems to have much experience in the line of pleasuring a man to near climax.

Her rubbing got even faster and faster, leaving behind a thicker layer of warm slime on my chest and stomach. The sensually arousing rubbing, combined with the feel of the goo slowly dripping off my body and being rubbed into my skin, and the fact that every time she went for another round, which was about every 5 to 8 seconds, my rock hard erected penis would gently tickle her, now soaking wet, uvula. It didn’t help at all that she kept on whispering into my ear encouraging words of wisdom in the most seductive, lowest, and all around awe inspiring voice, such as, ”Is that all you’ve got, lover boy?”, ”Nah-ah-ah, now’s not the time to release the hounds.”, “Hold it in for just a few more seconds! I know you got it in you!”

My whole front side, from the side of my face to the tip of my dick was now just drenched in the thick, warm goo. It was much like wearing a sweater that has been dunked into a heated tub of honey. Plus, it really was a relief to finally be warm, because from the time I got out of the cocoon to the walking down the corridors and halls of this underground lair of sorts, it was chillingly cold. It was made worse due to the fact that I was bare naked with no clothes at all and wiped nearly all the slime off when I started walking with Chrysalis. Harkens back to the time when I was visiting a cousin up in Canada during a winter storm. Walking from the bus stop to his house with the wind biting at my body and then finally dipping into a warm relaxing bath tub in his bathroom was pretty much what was happening now; minus the Queen of Apocalypse Horses and the sensually arousing rub down.

Speaking of the Queen, I think she was enjoying herself with the guest a little too much. What started as a slow slide across my body, simply transferring goo from her skin onto mine soon turned into me being a huge dildo and her being the lucky girl, err, mare to ride it. Her seductive chimes of words here and there soon just degraded into simple, ”Ooh’s”, “Ah’s”, and “Oh’s”. Her eyeballs were starting to slide into the back of her head, eyelids closed shut in extreme pleasure, head craning back and mouth open hollering in delight. All the while her clit was still teasing my dick, never actually having it enter completely. The most it ever explored were the, now soaking wet, flaps every time she passed on by again.

“Do you love me!?” She cried out of nowhere, as if in a climactic fantasy. I was taken aback by the tone of her voice. It sounded like she was lost in her own world and had very little connection with the physical one. I was a bit speechless, but perhaps a little too speechless for the Queen. She craned her head in my direction, eyes locking dead on with mine. They had a glimmer of malice that only shows when a person, err excuse me, pony is right out of their state of mind. Felt like she was going to freaking murder me!

Don’t blink.

“Your Queen demands an answer you little foal!” Her rubbing just got more intense. Either she was getting a high rush off of degrading me and my morality, or she was completely off her rocker right into cuckoo land territory. I had a terrifying feeling it was both. Oh God, those eyes, they were beautiful to look at, but horrifying when in this state. So I guess horrifyingly beautiful? Whatever the case, they were starting to creep me out…

Blink and I’m dead.

“I, your Master and Queen, Chrysalis, Ruler of the Changelings demands an answer to the question! Do you love me!?” She bent her head over so that her muzzle was squished up against mine, eyes still locked onto me, gazing deep within my soul. That’s when she grinned, and that’s when I realized how sharp her teeth were; really sharp, almost razor blade sharp. Not wanting to be torn apart right then and there…

“Y-yes! Yes I love my master and Queen, Chrysali-mmphff!!!” I finally came to her demands, and mustered the strength to pipe up what she wanted to hear, although cut short, for her mouth dived forward. All I remember seeing was that mouth coming down upon me, with the long, dark tunnel of the esophagus closing in on me. I closed my eyes and braced for the impact of sharp teeth coming into contact with my skin. It never happened.

Instead, when she lurched forward, her lips violently collided with mine, interlocking and creating a bind that would be extremely difficult to separate. I was too taken back that my eyes popped open and I just kept staring at her. Chrysalis’ eyelids were closed completely in the height of arousal. That’s when I noticed tears streaming down her cheeks. Whether tears of sadness or joy or whatever, it was hard to tell, because my attention was more focused on the interlocked lips.

Her lips remain locked with mine for some of the longest time, and then they started to move back and forth, open and closed, side to side. You know, like a scene straight out of any romance film. You know, that extremely deep, passionate, long drawn kiss, there one person just starts ‘eating out’ the other person’s lips? Yeah, that was basically it, except put me in that position and the girl was now a horse. As weird and taboo as that should be, my brain and heart was full on flustered. Her deep eye shadow was a great highlight to look at while she worked those lips, and her mane fell forward creating a sort of curtain veil around us two. I could even see a slight pink blush on her cheeks amongst her black coat.

I’ve never kissed a girl or had a girl kiss me, aside from my mother as a kid, but that doesn’t count. This was a deep, passionate kiss where one could feel the love leaping from one person’s heart to another. After a long while, I started to really feel it. The feeling of shock soon left and was replaced with an uncontrollable desire to love and make love. I soon closed my eyes to take in the entire sensation. My lips actually touched another one’s lips and both of us had true deep feelings for one another. I soon started to do what they do in movies; using one hand I placed it on top of Chrysalis’ head and applied a little force to keep us locked in such a position for the longest time. My other free hand started to rub her neck and tickle her behind the ear. She seemed to really love that, as I could tell from her moaning that erupted from her as I started to scratch her behind the ear.

That’s when she started to French Kiss me. That’s right, Queen Chrysalis started to French Kiss me. I couldn’t believe it either, but I was so deep into the moment that I didn’t really notice it. The kiss sort of just blended in with all the other actions that were taking place. It started off mild, with the tip of her tongue sort of tickling the tip of mine as I scratched her behind the ear. I responded by doing the same, and she went deeper and deeper with that tongue of hers. The Queen’s tongue wrapped around mine, played with it a little bit, and swirled around as well. She even managed to probe a little bit into my throat, although I could tell she was throwing caution to the wind about minding my sore throat.

That’s when it happened.

Her whole body made a slight jerk forward and then a slight jerk back. I could even feel her sway a little bit from side to side. Queen Chrysalis retracted her tongue from my throat and continued to fondle with my tongue. Her ear drooped down far, and her movements became sweet and melancholy. I even herd her snort a little bit and give a whinny of delight. Even with her eyes closed, I could see her eyebrows raised in such a way that could only mean one thing. My attention finally shifted to my stomach area. Apparently during the long and deep French Kiss, Queen Chrysalis started to vigorously hump my stomach area, rubbing her clit across my slime covered body and occasionally tickle my dick every one and a while.

Seems like that deep throat French Kiss did the trick as the final capping point for her, as I could feel the wetness of her pussy juices still dripping from her clit onto my stomach and then finally onto the box I rested on. Chrysalis then sort of fell and relaxed on my body a bit. For an apocalypse pony that was about the size of a real equine, she didn’t feel that heavy. In fact, it almost felt like the weight of an average woman was on top of me. Her breathing was low and rhythmic, and I could feel her chest slowly rise up and down.

Queen Chrysalis finally broke the long French Kiss by slowly retracting her mouth and opening her eyelids. The malice in her eyes was now replaced with a deep passionate puppy eye glaze. She teasingly pecked me a few times on the lips again, giving me long and deep bedroom eye blinks every time.

Bending forward, she gave one final whisper into my ear, ”Thank you, Christopher. Your love has satisfied your Queen’s hunger. I hope you will find yourself reasonably warm now as we travel to my quarters. I do apologize for taking the long detour around, so I hope this made up for it. ”With a final kiss and blow in the ear, she slowly dismounted my ravaged and entirely soaking wet body and headed for the doorway. Looking back, she remarked, ”When you’re ready, I’ll be waiting outside by the entrance of this room.” She then walked out and regained her composure as if nothing ever happened; possibly to try and hide the fact of what we did in here a secret.

As sensually arousing as this was, and not to mention what a relief I was getting from the cold, I was wondering what this had to do with hunger and extraction and what not. Don’t get me wrong, I really did enjoy every single second of it, and the feeling of warmth against my skin was heavenly, but why? True, she was warming me up so I wouldn’t freeze solid while walking through the tunnels, but didn’t she say something about hunger? I didn’t see her feast, not at all, or at least in the literal sense of feasting. True, she did feast upon my mouth, but that is in a different sense entirely. From what I could understand, Chrysalis seems to feed off of love in general. Not sure if it’s just through sexual intercourse or if long lasting love was what she meant, but it was just love in general. I’d have to ask her that once I get my throat infection cleared up.

I got up and, taking any and all goo that was left on me or the boxes, rubbed it into nearly every accessible area of my skin so that I could keep warm. Just as I was about to exit the door, a quick thought flashed through my head.

Pausing, I stopped and ran two of my fingers across the area where Chrysalis spilled her love juice all over me. Rubbing it slowly in my fingers, I brought it close and gave it a smell.


I like the smell of seaweed.

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Alright, second chapter! Things are starting to roll! I really do hope I can get the third chapter up soon. I do these stories on my own time, and right now I am traveling a lot due to Summer Vacation, so I'm not sure how it will go. So don't plan on there being a regular old schedule you can depend on, because there isn't going to be one at all.

Is it just me, or are things getting hot up in here? I am trying to do a slow progression of steps in the clopping for this story, working my way up to the (SPOILERS)massive orgy at the end, which is always expected(SPOILERS), so right now is just more or less extreme sensual teasing.

And as usual, some copy pasta. Please do give me your honest opinions below! I know I haven't given you much to work off of, both story wise and clopping wise, but do please tell me what you think of it so far.I also tend to do my stories late at night, so if you see any inconsistencies or writing/grammatical errors, please do point them out for me. I will get to them as soon as possible.

Also, don't blink.

Chapter 3: Bedding Down

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After getting myself together, I stepped out into the black hall with the queen. Although my problem of the cold gnawing down to my bone was solved, as well as that awkward tingle I get when naked out in public gone, my legs were too weak to traverse such a distance. The shock to my body from the actions Queen Chrysalis did to me really put my body in a…how can I put it…doozy. But how can you blame me, though? A person who has lived alone for most of his life is suddenly sexually used, by a horse of the freaking apocalypse no less, is pretty much like seeing actual aliens come down from the sky or seeing a volcano pop up in the middle of Nebraska, or even witnessing the US Government actually doing its job! Such a shock to the senses requires some time to get used to.

As we both headed down the hall, I was still shivering. Not from the cold, however. I still had my thick coat of green slime on me. It was from the excitement and rush, like receiving your first kiss on a date; so flustered the body just doesn’t know what to do with itself. I was tipsy, like I was drunk…drunk on love, to put it precisely. My vision was blurry, head was pounding, heart a-thumping, and movement very jittery and broken. It was so hard for me to just walk straight I was almost quite literally holding onto Chrysalis’ neck and being dragged down the hall. I felt like I was going to pass out!

Queen Chrysalis noticed my very peculiar behavior and took note of it. She stopped for a sec to turn her head towards me and say, ”A little love-punch drunk, are we now?” She then gave a little giggle and continued on, ”It appears that you are having difficulty standing on your own two legs, let alone walk on them.”

I felt very, VERY funny. It was a pleasant sort of drunkenness. It didn’t hurt, but the emotions inside of me were swelled up like a balloon. It was too hard for me to handle. All I could give was a simple nod. “Mhmm…very well then…” Through my fogged up eyes I could see her mangled up horn glow a bright green color. I then suddenly felt a strange tingly feel on my legs and rear end. A few seconds later, they lifted into the air with the greatest of ease.

“Magic…” I quickly assumed. I mean, this world’s logic is already backwards enough that magic, such as levitation, seems possible. I guess I’ll be like Alice from that novel Through the Looking Glass. As strange and unfamiliar the world I am in is, I just have to live and cope with it as I go along as if it was just a regular ordinary day of my life. However, if I ever come across a vorpal blade, I think I’ll be running for the hills, because I can’t stomach the thought of what horrors may come afterwards.

My lower half positioned itself right over her body and then the tingling magic stopped. My body fell onto hers and I lay on the queen’s back. Very strange feeling it was. The wings looked very fragile, but when I rubbed against it, it felt like a sheet of plastic; very strange and durable, yet flexible. Speaking of plastic, her armor also felt like it. Hard and very durable, yet still gave off heat, much like the goo. I could only imagine that the armor was made of hardened or baked slime, or if it was just a bunch of left over cocoons glued on top of one another.

As I lay on the back of Chrysalis, legs spread apart and grasping her behind so I won’t fall off and arms mildly flailing as she clip-clopped-squish-squashed along, the rocking motion of her body combined with the warmth of my body was very…pleasant. It’s like how some people find the motions of a car or boat very relaxing. My mind started to doze off for a second. Suddenly, Chrysalis started humming a little song. Her humming tone was very sweet, like the kind you’d hear from a girl singing in a peaceful meadow. Melancholy, smooth, and very relaxing, it was almost like a trance came upon me. Although no lyrics accompanied the song, it was still soothing to listen to.

If I remember correctly from those piano lessons I took from a CD on my computer one time, I could only guess that the tune went along the lines of F♯-A- F♯-E-A…D-E-D- Db-A…very familiar tune. I swear I’ve heard it somewhere before, but it just escaped my train of thought. Oh well, I shouldn’t think too hard about it anyways. My mind was drifting off to sleep, giving no rhyme or reason about the world around me.







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I was having a barbeque cookout with a bunch of coworkers at a backyard party. Who’s backyard? Hell if I know, I just know it was a nice backyard. The sun was shining and the birds were chirping and the all-around mood was like something out of a commercial for charcoal. Speaking of which, I was tending the grill, cooking up some juicy hotdogs. These hotdogs could go with anything your heart could desire; especially ketchup. Ketchup can make the dogs nice and slippery, but personally I prefer mustard. What about you reader? What do you like…wait…you can’t talk back…so I can only assume you like pickles. Give me a second while I relish the moment.

While you groan at my incredibly lame pun, I couldn’t resist trying one of the hotdogs. True, I wasn’t supposed to have any until I made enough for all, but hey, I’m the cook! I get to try my food first beforehand! Looking around, I quickly snatched up a hotdog bun and some mustard as well. Placing the dog in the bun, I lathered it in delicious mustard. You could literally drink the mustard from the bun! That’s how much I love mustard on my hotdogs!

My teeth then quickly enveloped part of the hotdog and I sunk my teeth into it. I went through the soft bun with ease, going through the mustard that added flavor, when my teeth tried to bite down on the hotdog itself. Strange, I cooked it to perfection so biting through it would be like a hot knife through butter. But my teeth just wouldn’t sink into the meat. It’s like biting down on a balloon that won’t pop.

Swallowing down on the bun and mustard, I guess I just got a bad hotdog. I threw that one away and just got another one. This time, I planned on eating the dog plain; no bun and no condiments. Same result. Next one, then the next one, and the next one, until soon enough, I was down to my final hotdog. I don’t know what compelled me to do so, but I decided to swallow the thing whole. Dunking the whole dog in mustard, I opened wide and swallowed. Strangely, all went well. It slid down with ease and I didn’t hack or cough it up. This stupid stunt actually worked!


The hotdog suddenly stopped above my windpipe. I tried to force it down, but it wouldn’t go. It just stayed there. Panicking that I may choke to death, I tried to give myself the Heimlich maneuver. It still wouldn’t budge. Then, strangely, it started to inflate and grow. What. The. Bloody. Hell. Not only did it grow thicker, but longer too, as well as more flexible. And it MOVED. It squirmed up and down, left and right, side to side, all with relative ease. The thrown away dogs started to grow too and wrap around my limbs as well and push me to the ground. Help! I’m being raped by hotdogs! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA--

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--AAAAAAAAAAaaaaoh…it was only a dream. Haha, I knew it was a dream all along…maybe having sex with a horse can do things to your mind. At that moment, I noticed I was lying down on some sort of waterbed. Last time I remembered, I was on Chrysalis’ back, but okay I guess. I tried to get up, but then something pulled me down by the arms…tightly. When they fell back down to the waterbed, I tried to move them. They were stuck! Same with my legs! Something was holding me down. Then out of the corner of my eye, something green slithered. Then another one appeared. Then another! Then another! I suddenly realized there was something in moving in and out of my mouth…


“What are you doing?”

I stopped my flailing about and noticed Queen Chrysalis standing above me, eyebrow cocked in a “What are you doing?” type of confused way. As my mind calmed down, I noticed that I was lying on my back on a pool of that green goo in a contained low rock formation, like a tide pool. Across from my pool I noticed a much larger and luxurious looking pool…OH! They’re beds! My attention then shifted on the thing sliding in and out of my throat. It was indeed a tentacle, but made of the green slime. Remember when I suspected the slime to be sentient? Yeah, I am now sticking to my guns by that.

It slowly removed itself with a slimy pop from my mouth. The goo that formed around my arms and ankles also let go and dispersed itself back into the pool. Queen Chrysalis then bent over and opened my mouth with her hoof to inspect my throat. She gave a simple nod and started to explain, ”Like I said, once we reached my chamber, I’d take care of that throat of yours. You can now speak with easy not having to worry about feeling pain.”

I got up and rubbed my hand against my throat. It didn’t feel scratchy or sore at all. “So…my throat is finally healed?” Oh…OH! Yes! My voice! My beautiful voice! I could hear myself once again without any obstructions! If I could marry someone right now, I’d marry my voice to make love to it every single night I’m alive!

Okay, I was exaggerating a little bit. But there is no doubt denying that it finally felt great to be able to talk and answer back properly with no pain or suffering to follow. No longer would I have to communicate with cards, make hand gestures, mouth words, or speak in my rough, painful, gravelly voice.

Now that I got my voice back, what’s the first thing I ask Chrysalis?

“So, what was up with the tentacle rape back there?”

Did I seriously just say that? Maybe I could of worded that a little better, something like, ”My most dearest and beloved Miss Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings! I ponder about the unwanted sexual intercourse with the appendage-like molasses-viscosity sludge that repeatedly slid itself in and out of my throat while being tied down to a mattress used for sleeping and naughty recreation. ”Okay, maybe that was a little too much…

Chrysalis, however, just laughed a little bit. Boy, she sure does like to laugh and giggle a lot like an anime schoolgirl. “That tentacle you experienced was just the slime again at work. It’s the same stuff I applied onto your body back in the closet to keep you warm, and nothing more...”

Closet? ...Oh yeah! I remember now! I don’t know why, but it feels like that was such a long time ago. It feels like it happened about 6 weeks ago; must be the horse sex to blame once again. It does things to my mind.

“…all that happens is that it takes a different shape…” Queen Chrysalis pointed down at my bed pool of the green goo. A small blob shot up. While in the air, it transformed itself into a few shapes, including a cube, pyramid, and a perfect sphere. “The slime obeys us and transforms when we need it to. Not only can it move and forms as we please, but also heals us, as to say, which is why it was stuffed down your throat. Hard to explain how it works bu-“

“Magic?” I interjected abruptly.

She cocked her eyebrow once again, ”Oh? And how did you come to know this?”

I gave her a shrug, ”I can put two and two together and figure out the rest, I guess.”

“Well then” Chrysalis said to me,” Welcome to my royal chamber. You’re one of the few that get to see what it looks like, as I don’t allow regulars or even officials in here very often, so consider it a treat for being…” She leaned in closer so that we were face to face now,”…a very special treat for me.” She said that to me in a very luxurious and sultry voice, once again. Murr, I could be her treat any old day.

With a helping hoof from Queen Chrysalis, I got up from the goo bed/rape machine/medical center. The queen motioned for me to follow her as she turned around and went through an archway in the black walls into another room.

Yet, I couldn’t help but stare before I followed her. The glorious queen really did have a glorious ass, and many thoughts ran through my mind of what could be done to it…

God damnit, those thoughts gave me a hard on. Give me a sec while I relax my tense body. Can’t go walking around with him sticking up, now can I?

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Okay, let me get a few things straight.

1) Sorry for the long wait. I'll explain why below.
2) If the quality is not up to par, I'll explain below as well
3) If you spot any mistakes and/or inconsistencies, please point them out. I need help.

I am so very TERRIBLY sorry about that 6 week long wait for a less than stellar chapter! Let me explain it to you:

When Chapter 2 was finished, I tried to write Chapter 3, but I had a terrible case of writer's block and writer's laziness syndrome. That lasted about 4 weeks. On the 5th week was the 4th of July weekend, and I had a planned trip to San Francisco. There would be no internet over there, but I still brought my laptop to begin typing. Unfortunately, I could only work on it for 15-30 minutes a day because I had to rest for the planned activities I had the day tomorrow, which really tired me out and gave me little to no thinking power. I only managed about 5-6 sentences while on vacation. When I returned home, I found out I had a Trojan and other Malware on my main PC somehow (Long complicated story, don't ask how), and since I'm not a computer type of guy, I had much trouble trying to get rid of it. After THAT, I got sick. Started with a sore throat at first (Ironic, isn't it?), then went to a stuffy nose. Thumping head, blurry vision, tiredness, nosebleeds, the works. God seemed to hate me that week, because it is STILL GOING ON. Yes, during the final paragraphs, I had to work through THREE nosebleeds IN A ROW. In fact, for the last 1/3 of the story, I was bed ridden most of the day because using my PC for too long would give me motion sickness for some strange reason and give me the urge to hurl. That is why this chapter is, what I consider, to be the worst one of the trio. I just didn't have the strength, will, or brain power to make a great chapter. Plus, I already finished it in a way I wanted it to go (Alibi, it did end a bit earlier than I anticipated) and I just couldn't redo the whole thing again.

So that's why it took so long and why the quality is not so good. I was away from home, I was tired, my PC was in serious trouble, and I got sick. Really sick. Like painful coughing fits and rolling around in bed because my nose is stuffed type of sick. This chapter has to be THE worst experience I've had with this story. Don't worry though, I plan on continuing soon and the clopping will return! I just won't blame you if you say this is not the best chapter I've come out with.

Again, if you spot any mistakes and/or inconsistencies, please point them out. I don't have the strength to go back through and read for correction. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go take my medication, make a hot cup of tea, and just (hopefully) SLEEP IN PEACE FOR ONCE. I am tired. Really tired.

Also haha another reference in my story. I'm funneh, aren't I?

Chapter 4: My Home is Your Home

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After calming down my Free Willy, I quickly hurried into the next room with Chrysalis standing in it.

“These are my Private Royal Chambers located deep within the tunnels and caves my brothers and sisters roam free.” She enthusiastically said to me. I could hint a bit of showing off in her voice, but who could blame her really? This place was even grander than the previous hallways and chambers I saw before! The public areas I passed through where the common Changelings meandered and gathered about was very nice looking with a nice flare of elegance to them; minus the streaks and mounds of leftover green goo everywhere, and looked fit for a king! But when compared to the queen’s chambers, I could see why they belonged to the commoners.

The walls were colored a near jet black, much like Queen Chrysalis’ coat, but only a few shades lighter to help distinguish it from her. Only speckles of white and the occasional blue or green gem broke the endless sea of darkness. The distance from the floor to the ceiling I could estimate at about…2-3 stories high; possible somewhere between the two figures. I then noticed something a little peculiar. Most of the inside walls were uneven and a bit rough, much like the inside of a cave, like the public areas I traversed through. But every now and again, the rock work would be smoothed out a bit and create a very shiny and well-polished smooth and flat wall surface that resembled a marble counter top, but in the black color of the rest of the cave.

Chrysalis took notice of my curious look on my face as I looked at the stark contrast between rough and smoothness of the walls. True, there was a slight transition into each one, but if you were going to make a smooth wall, why not carve the rest of the roughness out so that you have a nice and even surface? “I see a curious look on your face. What’s on your mind?” She chimed to me.

I gave her my thoughts, ”I noticed that your walls are a bit uneven. You partially have a rough, cave-like wall and a smooth, marble-like wall set up going on. Why not just have one or the other?”

“Well, I can’t leave it all with a cave roughness to it, as some appliances or other minor things would not fit or stick properly to an uneven surface.” She pointed towards things that lay on or against the flat portions; mirrors, wall lighting fixtures, tables, drawers, bookshelves, sinks, paintings, and even a white marble refrigerator…I’ll question her on that technology a bit later.

“But then why keep the rest of the walls rough? I queried to her.

“Simple really…” She gave a small smirk, blush, and an ear drop as she said that…daw, did she look cute when doing that,” It reminds me of the cave I grew up in as a younger one. I have fond memories of that cave, and was greatly saddened to have to abandon it when we had to move deeper into the ground for protection”

“So you kept it that way because of nostalgia’s sake?”

“Well…yes…pretty much that reason alone.”

I can’t blame her for those actions, however. Nostalgia’s a powerful thing. I still have my stuffed animals I had as a kid that I proudly display on a shelf in my room, as well as basic learning books I cherished reading as well. My mind quickly zoned out and back on my present day situation; Living goo, apocalypse pony, underground chambers, pony sex, magic, and tentacle rape. Right, I got to focus on reality.

Looking up, I noticed something that caught my attention. Hanging from the middle of the ceiling was an impressive gold-platted Victorian styled chandelier. Pure diamond beads strung between the bars and the light fixtures held brightly lit white gems that have been cut into long rods that resembled candles. Heck, they even carved little melted wax running down the sides of it for authenticity! Talk about craftsmanship! The same gold-platted Victorian styled lighting fixtures with intricately carved gem candles was repeated throughout the rooms, from wall fixtures to desk lamps and all other different types of fixtures.

As my eyes shifted downward, I noticed that the floor was covered with a red carpet; a Hollywood Red Carpet type of red. Wiggling my toes around, I found out that the carpet wasn’t too thick. I could possibly guess that the carpet was only 3/8ths of an inch thick. May not be the comfiest or plushiest of all carpets, but it does go nicely with said golden fixtures and jet black walls. From my vantage point, I could see through the open door frames and find all the floors were covered in this red carpet.

Victorian styled tables littered the room here and there. The wood was the color of a very dark chocolate and the countertops seemed to be made of the same material as the cave walls. It resembled marble, but was jet black with white specks dotted here and there. That theme and color scheme was repeated for coffee tables, bedside tables, dining tables, whatever. In fact, those three things seemed to be repeated throughout any of the same corresponding materials; dark chocolate wood, jet black marble-like stone, and a Victorian theme surrounding the two former.

As I took in more and more of the astounding beauty the rooms held, I sat down on a nearby couch. It was a very nice looking couch that had another Victorian theme to it. The wood was the same color and the cushions and fabric were red carpet red, once again. Pomf. Oooh yes, very comfy indeed. It was like sleeping on a cloud; very heavenly feel to it. I started to slouch back on the arm when Queen Chrysalis sat down on her legs until she was at eye level with me,” I can see you’re enjoying my chamber’s furniture.”

Giving a sigh, ”Oh yes, I have never felt anything for relaxing in my entire life and I doubt I’ll ever experience anything like this ever again…”

“At that, you are indeed correct. Each and every single furnishing in my Private Chamber are artfully hoof crafted by the finest and best materials and Changeling Craftsmen. The wood is rosewood, a very dark colored wood, and was skillfully carved by my personal woodcarver. The fabric coverings are spun from the finest silk imported from all four points of the compass and gives it an incredibly soft, silky feel to it. But that’s not the best part. Instead of using normal feathers or cotton to stuff them, we used pure naturally made clouds that drifted away from the Everfree forest, untouched by a single pegasi. They are the best as they do not need to be fluffed often and often go back to their original form when left alone.”

Stuffing clouds into pillows, talk of the mythological pegasus, and clouds that act like a very soft memory foam? I am mentally adding that to a list of things that should not happen or exist but is standing right in front of me. I should make that a game; see how many things are added to the list before I get back home or expire, although I do hope for the former to happen before the latter. But as I told myself before, I am just going to roll with it because I feel that asking even more questions may make my head spin more than needed.

As I lay back relaxing on silk-lined cloud-stuffed cushions, I noted the layout of her chamber. The way the rooms were set up was pretty much like a Tetris T, so imagine that T pointing up with the flat part down. What looks like a main foyer lays in the center, a kitchen and dining area to the left, living quarters up ahead, and the rape room I just came from to the right. Someone needs to coin that term ‘Rape Room’. It’s short and to the point and tells buyers exactly what the room was intended and used for so they don’t accidentally turn it into a kid’s room or something like that.

Curious about the other rooms, I rolled off the couch and got up. “Shall we continue the tour, my queen?” I motioned to her. She, as well, got up and started walking towards the kitchen area, ”Right then. Let us continue.”

We both headed to the left wing and through the arch doorway. Maybe now I should take the time to explain the intricate details that go into the arches. They are, once again, carved from the cave’s walls, much like the flat smooth areas, except filled with much more intricate details. The arch itself seemed to be carved to represent two horses rearing up and their frontal hooves meeting up in the middle section, except these horses had horns and wings, much like Queen Chrysalis, but they were perfectly smooth, unlike hers which has holes in them. Each horse had an image etched into their flanks as well; the one on the left had a sun and the one on the right had a crescent moon.

To make the archway a little more squared near the top rather than round, other shapes and figures have been carved into the blank spaces. There seemed to be more ponies…six to be precise; three on each side to even it out. Each side had at least one regular pony, one unicorn, and one pegasus. Each one seemed very distinct from each other, yet I felt there was a stronger connection between them from first glance. Once again, each pony had a symbol etched into their flank. Stars, apples, lightning, jewels, balloons, and butterflies. Those symbols had to mean something, but what? Well, I’ll question that later because for now I had to meet up with Chrysalis in the kitchen.

As I approached her, she began speaking to me, ”This is the Royal Chamber’s kitchen and dining area. I picked up the idea of adding one to my chamber after a recent trip. However, this place serves no other purpose than to keep drinks cool through our ice box…”

Her horn glowed and the white marble refrigerator swung open. Inside there were vials, flasks, jugs, cups, and any other type of container that is specified to hold liquids, as well as a box with grills on the bottom nailed to the top of the fridge. I leaned forward and opened up the box’s compartment. Inside was a perfectly shaped block of ice. It had a perfect surface and perfectly straight and sharp edges. No imperfections of any kind were found on the cube. Heck, it didn’t even have signs of melting.

“Hey Chrysalis, I have a question about your ice box’s cooling unit.”

“Yes Chris, what is it that you ponder?”

“Did you replace your ice very recently, because it doesn’t have any signs of age or melting on it at all.”

“The ice block is magically enhanced so that it doesn’t melt or lose its shape or form, even after a long period of time. It’s due to where we live. Although it is relatively cool down in the caves, the land up above us is a desert wasteland with the closest forested area being a long journey’s away. It would be too costly, and not to mention dangerous, to keep on bringing back large chunks of ice through a desert, so with must thought being put behind it, we brought back two large chunks of ice; that were about the size of a two story house, that we magically enchanted so they don’t melt. We could only bring two because we only have enough ponypower for two.

One of the giant chunks is used to create more regular ice that we use to sell to other changelings, and the other chunk was brought specifically for me. This small cube for the ice box is just a small piece cut from the larger one. I am still deciding what to do with the big leftover chunk however…”

Over indulgence much? Well, she IS Queen, so she gets the best of course. All that overpriced indulgency luxuries…oooooh, it’s good to be the queen. Some people may say that’s wrong, but I won’t dwell into The History of the World to try and prove them right or wrong, because I had other thoughts on my mind. One such thought is as why there were drinks stored in the fridge, but no food? I speculated before that she could feast off of love because, well, she made love to me and said something about her being satisfied, or something along those lines.

“Uh, Queen Chrysalis, I’ve been wondering something” I queried over to her.

“Yes? What is on your mind?”

“Over the course of time I’ve stayed here, you keep on saying something about hunger and extraction. At first I thought you’d be eating me, but it doesn’t seem to be that exactly. Can you explain that to me?”

She gave her answer a little bit of thought before responding, ”I’ll tell you once we reach my living quarters. It does require a little more indepth…explanations.”

Well, that’s fine with me anyways. It means I can get some more time to explore this mansion-esque royal chamber of hers. Like that dining table for example. Like previous statements found in the main foyer room, the wood was rosewood carved to look Victorian with a well-polished jet black surface. The only thing a bit odd that struck me were the seats. They are not like our traditional seats you would find with a back on it to lean. Instead, they were almost shaped like mushrooms. In that sense, they were stools with a very wide seat. I could speculate that large ponies, such as Chrysalis demonstrated a small while ago, can only sit either on their rear or on all fours. Lying back much like a human would seems a bit tricky.

The dining table was a large rectangle that could seat ten other people or ponies. Two ponies sat on either end, and three sat on either side. Wonder why such space would be needed as it seems Changelings don’t feast upon physical foods. It’s even more unnecessary when you put into account that hardly anyone, even regular officials, get to be in here. Oh well, some people add things to their house that are meant for groups but don’t use them for that purpose but just installed it because it looks nice. I can understand that point.

I saw a silver lined fruit platter sitting in the middle of the table with a bunch of fresh fruit on it. I can suspect she casted another spell on it to keep the fruit preserved. I leaned over to grab an apple to eat because I haven’t eaten in, what I believe, hours. Quickly skimming over the provided apples, I picked the reddest, plumpest, and shiniest one out of them all, which would be all of them. Man, for a pony who doesn’t need to eat anything, she sure does have some of the best food I’ve seen around.

Taking a bite, I noted that the apples here are much sweeter than the ones back home. Almost as if it was pure sugar, but not manufactured sugar, but natural sugar. You can tell the difference between foods loaded with natural or processed sugar by their distinctive taste. I made another mental note that I should take a couple of these with me and try planting a farm with them and expand from there. I could become a modern day Johnny Appleseed.

Queen Chrysalis patiently sat on a stool nearby as I devoured said delicious apple right down to the core. Once there were no edible parts left of the apple, her horn started to immediately grow and a magical field enveloped the core. A small zap later, the apple turned to ash as if disintegrated. Once that was done, she called over to me,” Ready for the final part of our tour? Off to my living quarters then.”

I too got up and walked back onto the main foyer and made a left going through another carved archway. Except this one wasn’t a clone like all the others. It was wider and the ponies were replaced by simple Roman columns and had a triangular roof on it. The archway also held two very thick iron-reinforced wood doors that swing inward. Kind of reminds me of that buyable door from The Sims 3. You know, that giant white marble one, except this one is black. You know, walking back through the main foyer again, this place reminds me a lot of those mansions built by turn-of-the-century rich men. You know, the big fancy ones built buy the Vanderbilts in Rhode Island and the Rockefellers in New York.

Unsurprisingly, Queen Chrysalis’ living quarters were the best looking when compared to the other rooms. For one thing, all the walls were smooth and not a single sign of roughness was seen anythere. In the middle up against the wall was a massive king sized four-poster bed with the regular Victorian styled rosewood, red silk pillows and blanket, pure white linen sheets underneath, and a thick, heavy, red curtain cover that hung from the canopy. Moving near it, I noticed there was a mirror attached to the ceiling of the canopy, so any persons sleeping in the bed would see themselves. Giving the bed a slight slap, I could tell that it, too was made from the memory foam like clouds.

To the left was a long love seat with a very large and wide padded footstool just a few feet away. It was large enough to sleep on when coupled to the loveseat, which I guess was the purpose, much like couches that fold out to make a bed at hotels and such, except much fancier and comfier. Behind the loveseat were two gigantic rosewood bookshelves that joined in the corner to make an L shape. When I mean gigantic, I mean gigantic. It was as big as a wall from head to toe, and each one wide enough to fit a Volkswagen Beetle through it with a few inches to spare.

To the right of the king sized bed was a large low lying circular bed with a couple of pillows stacked up in the middle. Nothing too special about the bed except it’s larger than normal size to accommodate someone as large as a horse. Then again…I’m pointing out the obvious there, aren’t I? Scattered around the room were many, many paintings that depicted Queen Chrysalis. Some were almost still images of life while others were very abstract. Big, small, short, wide, all kinds of pictures hung from the walls. They just lined every inch of the room.

Speaking of lines, while examining the room closer, I noticed that very faint lines were drawn in the room. Along the walls they were squared and rectangles, mainly hidden behind paintings just the same size. In the floor they were also squares, rectangles, but also circles and ovals. The bookshelf itself was also encircled by a quarter of a circle. These lines looked very familiar. I remember seeing lines like these on a home improvement show on the television, where they remodel an entire house to fit the desire of the owner. They were movable wall panels. How strange.

Sitting down on the heavenly feeling cloud stuffed bed, I motioned for Chrysalis to come on over and sit down with me as well. She too lay next to me, and I finally put some questions down onto the table that I wanted answers for.

“I now ask for that in-depth answer you told me you’d give once we reached your living quarters. As well an answer as to what and why you need me.” The queen sat there in deep thought as she pondered on what to say.

She finally gave me her answer, ”We Changelings, of course, need to be nourished in order to be healthy and live for a long time. We don’t eat in a traditional sense, such as physical foods like that apple you consumed earlier. True, we can eat that type of stuff, but we extract so little energy from them that it would take tons of them to nourish a normal changeling. Now multiply that by the thousands. It’s extremely counter-productive, especially when one lives in a dry desert climate that lies above our heads.

However, there is a much more efficient resource we feed off of; love. Well, mainly love, but any kind of positive emotions we can feed off of. Remember when I said the slime that is located within out skins feeds us? It absorbs any surrounding love and delivers it straight into our bodies.”

With that explanation, I finally understood what happened in the closet, ”So the reason why you gave me your goo back in the storage room was to not only keep me warm, but to also feed off of my love that I was giving you?”

She gave me a small smile and a blush, ”Precisely. I was hungry, you were cold, and all I needed to do was transfer some of my excess bodily slime onto your body to keep you warm.”

Speaking of body slime, I almost forgot about that stuff. I rubbed my neck, arms, chest, legs, everything. I could not feel a single glob of goo, yet it was relatively warm. Somewhere around 75°F, which was a pretty pleasant temperature considering where I come from. “Hey Queen Chrysalis, I don’t have any goo on me yet I still feel relatively warm. Didn’t you say we are deeper than our previous location? Shouldn’t it be a lot colder?”

“At that, you are correct, it should be colder. In fact, it IS colder outside my Private Royal Chamber’s door. But I actually have a very advance system running throughout my chambers.” She pointed up at a point in the ceiling where I noticed grooves were etched into a smooth portion of the wall. These grooves were repeated several times throughout the walls. The more I thought about it, more and more they looked a lot like…

“An air temperature control system. Each and every room has these grills installed. Remember that giant public chunk of ice? Below that is a grill that most of the cold air travels through. It goes deep down until it connects to each and every air vent. And in the case of heat, a few miles below us lies a giant incinerator room where the Changeling’s garbage is incinerated. My air vents are also connected to the shafts that collect the head radiating from the fire. With my magic, all I have to do is flip a couple of valves and I can change the temperature of the room entirely.” Wow, pretty advanced system, and all just carved from the rockwork? Craftsmanship! Then again, these guys do have magical powers, so I guess it’s not such a pain for them.

“As for why you are here, it’s all for a small…experimentation as to say.”

I sat there shocked a bit. “Come agai-“

“Now before you misunderstand my intentions, my spell was never aiming for you. Let me try to explain as best as I could…” Queen Chrysalis lowered her head so he could rest a bit while explaining everything to me, ”Remember when I said we feed off of love? We create our own love down here between each other, but soon enough that wasn’t enough to suffice all of our hunger combined. We can live on, yes, but it just isn’t enough to be satisfied with. Long story short, I did a little experimentation. Through a few mishaps, I found out that sexual intercourse is the fastest and easiest way, although it does leave the subject a bit weaker but nonetheless alive.”

So that explains why I was barely able to stand up by myself after my closet adventure with Chrysalis! Wow, very interesting. I do love a good history lesson every once and a while, ”So where did you and your Changelings go to get food?”

“We went to Canterlot, the capitol of the Equestrian Empire, hoping we could…er…seek help to feed my hungry minions. It was a very awe inspiring trip for me, as Canterlot really did capture in my mind a place I would love to live along with my minions. In fact, most of the interior design in my Private Chambers is based off of the designs found in Canterlot.”

“My, does a sound like an interesting place! Do tell me what it’s like at Canterlot!” The little traveler inside my heart exploded with joy. I really do love traveling when I can.

“Well, it’s basically a city-castle hybrid that’s build on the side of a mountain with waterfalls springing from it an-“

I slammed my hand on the bed, ”That’s it! We’re going to Canterlot!”

She had an almost embarrassed look on her face. She looked away and replied,” Uh, on second thought let’s not go to Canterlot. Tis’ a silly place…”

Not wanting to embarrass Chrysalis any further, I stopped the subject matter there and moved onto the next, ”So what does that have to do with me?”

She came back with the slight spring in her voice that I was so used to, ”I am continuing my studies on extracting love. The sexual intercourse I tried earlier was more or less against the subject’s will. It did get the love I needed rather quickly, but left the subject weaker, thus making extraction of further love a little more difficult. What I am trying is something a little different. I am experimenting to see if growing an attachment with the subject and doing sexual things as they please would increase the amount of love extracted and, how can I put it, increase the ‘harvest time’ due to the subject being stronger and not weaker. However, I misaimed my spell at my target and I got you instead. But are you not happy about that miscalculation and error of my ways?” She have me a smirk and bedroom eyes.

She gave me something taboo, something that is quite frowned upon in many societies. Something that could send me straight into the hell fires of damnation. Then again she gave me hot steamy pony sex, ”Nah, I’m quite happy with what happened.”

At that exact moment, the sound of a grandfather clock chimed four times from the main foyer. Queen Chrysalis quickly got up and gave me a hurried explanation, ”Sorry Christopher, I almost forgot I had an appointment at this specific time. I need to go, so take care…” She began to gallop off to the exit and down more tunnels.

Leaving me…here? All alone? “And you’re now an honored guest! Whatever’s mine if yours! Make yourself at home!” She yelled back, her voice echoing off the rough tunnels and bouncing back to me. I leapt off the king bed and began to continue looking around the room.

Upon closer inspection of the beds, I noticed that there were also rings screwed into various points along the sides. They looked like you’d be able to hook or loop something through it, and were sturdy enough to resist a forceful escape. In fact, there were several locations around the room that these rings…Wait a second. Heavy duty doors, moveable wall panels, mysterious rings screwed into the room and a four poster bed with a heavy curtain surrounding it ALONG with a mirror attached into the ceiling of the four poster bed? I think our Queen has been a bit lonely and has been anticipating a moment to come along to use those…

Oh my, I think I can understand what she means by extraction.

Whether I should be afraid for my life or have butterflies in my stomach from the joys that await me up ahead, I’m not sure.

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SPOILERS: Warning, this chapter includes a lot of...



Yeah, this chapter is relatively tame once again, but that doesn't stop me from giving so much EXPOSITION! In fact, it's much less of regular exposition and more of an exposition dump. Please do excuse me for that, but I am a person who loves writing details, even if it includes droning the scene on and on.

And if I have any errors or inconsistencies, please do forgive me once again, I am still sick. Although my condition improved enough to give me the spirit to put out a better looking chapter, I still rest for most of the day, not giving me enough time to edit out any mistakes. And with my schedule getting busier and busier the more and more I get better, I may not find time at all to edit mistakes or inconsistencies out, so please forgive me for them and point them out so I can fix them as soon as possible.

And now let's turn to our favorite weatherman, Al Roker who will give us a forecast on any and all fanfic events coming up.

"Alright, thanks for that Bongo! Looks like the Equestrian Wasteland in Fallout Equestria will be the normal hot n' dry wheather with a slight chance of radiation fallout. Over in Past Sins, Ponyville is expected to have a perfectly sunny day. Great day for fillies, colts, and a specific young alicorn to venture outside and play! And there's a high chance of tears in the Fanfics Bittersweet, Bubbles, and The Party Never Ended! Now let's see what the forecast will be in your neck of the woods..."


Being sick can give you some of the strangest ideas, can't it?

And let's not go to Canterlot...tis' a silly place indeed.