Shape Shifters and Sakura Cards in Equestria

by reinardtoma

First published

Yup another Displaced fic this one is Syaoran from Cardcaptors and an OC named Mistress Change. This is co-written by

A set of twins go to a con, upon arriving the slightly older one is cosplaying Li Sayoran from Cardcaptors Sakura. While exploring the two stumble upon a vender selling Sayoran's sword.

Sayoran falls through the void only to end up in Equestria just after the recovery of the Crystal Empire. Now he must hunt for the Sakura cards and face the evils hidden in the world. Hopefully he can return home one day and find out what happened to his twin.

Along the way he runs into a shapeshifter who seems to know a lot more about what is going on than she/he lets on.

Rated M due to future content regarding dark themes.
Currently being edited by Inazuma
Insperation and help from DemonWolf

Chapter 1: Li Syaoran

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There was a beautiful, radiant burst of light as the crystal heart found its resting place under the crystal palace. Joy filled the hearts of the crystal ponies as their new ruler, Princess Mi Amaora Cadenza, stood proud among them. Her body, a soft pink with hair of a richer hue, streaks of yellow and purple, on her flank was the image of a crystal heart showing her talent for love. Many believed it to be destiny that she became the rule of the empire with a talent and mark like that.

A crowd of crystal ponies surrounded the legendary artifact, which now had a group of guards around it, as well. Each one looked battered and battle worn; even the crystal heart could not banish the fatigue that had set in.
However, right next to the crystal heart a small disturbance appeared, a black tear crackling with energy, which slowly grew into a large portal. Instinctively, many ponies looked away, avoiding looking into the bleak insanity of the desolate void. The portal continued to grow till it was large enough for even a princess to fit in. Suddenly, it spat forth a strange, robed creature. The creature dangled for a moment awkwardly, it's foot stuck on the edge of the portal.

As the portal began to close, the creature started to flail with the blood rushing to its head trying to dislodge its foot. Upon succeeding it unceremoniously fell flat on its back. Dazed and looking up the creature realized that it was surrounded by many quadruped creatures all holding spears aimed directly at it. The guards had moved to put themselves between the new royalty and the threat that appeared in the heart of their kingdom.

“Identify yourself, creature!” One of the guards yelled as he waved his spear at the creature. The guard was a lieutenant of the Crystal Guard; he had the same dark purple appearance as the majority of the guards, he was one of the lucky ones.

The silver armor he wore was engraved with a spell causing all of the regular guards to have a standard appearance. This helped ensure security and safety for members of the guard. However there were several guards, whose armor were dented and severely damaged, that were showing their natural colors. This alone was proof of how horrific the fighting over the past few days was.

As the creature rose they noticed that it was a biped, taller than any of them, with the princess -the tallest of the ponies- coming up to it's shoulders. The creature had no fur on its body; its mane was brown, like it's small eyes. The strange cloth it wore completely covered it, save its hands and head. They were obviously robes, green with many designs and decorations, including a yin yang symbol in the middle of the chest. Looking around, it blinked, obviously confused; looking at the guards, it jumped back a little only to notice there were even more guards behind it.

The bipedal creature spoke up in a strange language, its voice was low, the leader of the guards suspected the outsider of being male.

“We said, 'Identify yourself Creature!'” The lead guard exclaimed. He was a large stallion, purple body with a deeper purple mane; everything was close cropped in standard military fashion. Its armor was dented in several places and he had several cuts that had yet to heal from a battle. Being of a higher rank, his form was not changed by the armor.

The creature spoke again, its face and tone conveyed confusion and… a hint of disbelief, possibly? He tried to make himself less intimidating by taking a knee to the guards; pointing to himself he spoke slowly, one word, “Duncan”

Realization appeared on the lead guard’s face, realizing the creature was speaking a language not known to Equestria, a language known as English. He coughed a little as he recalled how it was spoken;” You speak English?”

The guard's accent was thick from lack of use. The creatures smiled with relief as it responded, "Yes, I am not of Equestria, I mean you no harm. I am simply lost, one moment I was at a convention, the next, here.”

The guard would have fainted if he were a lesser stallion. This creature was obviously a displaced, like the creature from the time of the fall of Discord, not that many ponies knew of it.

“This is a question for you, it may mean nothing, or everything, but…” The guard spoke three words more in English. The creature starred in disbelief a broad smile coming across his face, he responded in kind causing the guard to visibly relax and lower his spear.

It was about this time that the new leaders of the crystal empire decided to step forward and take over the situation. Cadence approached with a large white stallion in armor, appeared to be similar to captain armor as his form wasn’t shifted . His mane and tail were longer than most guards, and held a rich blue with light blue streaks. The leader of the Crystal guards knew him as Crown Prince Shining Armor. Shining Armor spoke first; he spoke with a strong commanding tone, "Crystal what is going on?”

“Sir, this is a creature known as a human, specifically a Displaced. They are a group that arrived in Equestria over 1,400 years ago. This one is friendly and means us no harm,” The leader of the guard, known as Crystal Wall, spoke with such absolute certainty that it shocked all of the guards. It was at this time Cadence stepped forth to question the guard.

“How do you know this language? There is nothing in the history books, and I was tutored by Princess Celestia personally,” Her wings were spread wide but slightly lowered, showing a compassionate stance, her voice conveying concern, and a hint of irritation. Seems she didn’t like not knowing things.

A purple mare followed by five others came trotting towards the group, They were still out of earshot, however Crystal recognized the leader as Twilight Sparkle, one of the mares sent to help the empire. Twilight was one of six mares from outside the empire to arrive today, reports said she and her friends had been working on restoring joy to the hearts of the Crystal Ponies. She was a rich lavender color with dark purple hair, parted by streaks of pink and blue, her tail matching. Her cutie mark was a star indicating her magic potential.

“It was something I learned many years before the fall of the empire, there aren’t any written works regarding it. Not even the Princesses of Equestria knows of the language. If you would like, I know a spell that will let him speak our language, he can then vouch for himself,” The guard spoke with a military bearing that many of the other guards envied, as most had lost the adrenaline and were now leaning on their spears for support. Cadence smiled warmly at all of the ponies, around noticing that Twilight and the rest of her friends had finally made their way back to them.

“If you are feeling up to it, please cast your spell, however you have proven that your word is more than worthy of our trust. Please everyone stand down, it seems we have a guest to care for,” She ordered the other ponies, even Shining Armor’s stern look softened. Given that Crystal Wall had been leading the counter fight in the catacombs under the Castle during Sombra’s return for the past 3 days- on day 2 he had broken away long enough to meet with Cadence and himself, to explain the situation. From the reports Shining had received, the stallion had gone from front to front fighting and turning the tides of the battles in their favor. The wounds on his body spoke volumes of his loyalty to friendship and his companions. Cadence spoke softly to the battle worn guard once more, "However, how do you known such a spell, ever sense the world spell 2,000 years ago that caused every sentient creature to speak the same language, there have been no uses for language spells?”

“I am, your majesty, and as for the spell there are a great deal many things that I researched in my youth, I have an impeccable memory so was able to learn a great deal. This spell was invented by a displaced specifically and again not even the Princesses know of it,” He spoke respectfully, turning away, he spoke to the human again. The human nodded and closed his eyes as Crystal’s horn began to glow; the blue glow also appeared around the creature’s throat and lower jaw. After a snap the glow disappeared, it was then that Twilight Sparkle teleported in to see the spell, mesmerized by its complexity and unknown intent.

“What was that spell?!” She exclaimed charging at Crystal, her eyes were wide and focused, being the element of magic, she didn’t think there should be spells that she couldn’t at least recognize parts of, if not know all out. He friends tried to reach for her but were to slow, this led to one of the other guards putting himself between Twilight and Crystal.

The guard stared at her forcefully as she shrunk down, fear filled her eyes. Crystal chuckled,” Miss Sparkle, you will find that to be a languages spell. Please stand down Defender,”

Defender Spear nodded and returned to his place in the ranks. Crystal smiled as he helped Twilight to her hooves,” I used it because we have a guest whom I’m sure you will want to meet, he comes from outside of Equestria,”


“See that deformed biped?” Crystal pointed to the human.

“Yes,” She shifted her eyes at the brazen use of the term, “But even Minotaur are covered by the world spell.”
“He isn’t a Minotaur, he is human, his name is Duncan, and he is not from our reality,” Crystal explained stepping back as the human Duncan, smiled and waved.

“Hello,” There was a blur as Twilight talked him, using her magic to start probing him, her obsession with knowledge getting the better of her. Crystal laughed as Shining tried to pry his sister lose from the flailing Creature, “Not funny, get it off, get it off,” Eventually Cadence took pity on Duncan and helped by using her considerable power as an alicorn to lift her sister-in-law off him.

“My Lord, My Lady, I believe it would be a good idea to move this inside as many of the ponies are growing worried, I believe having Miss Pie lead them in a party would be beneficial,” Crystal spoke again, using his magic to help right the human. The pink earth mare bounced up and down with endless enthusiasm, what little information he had indicated her job to bring joy to other ponies, her flank mark being 3 balloons, indicated her talent at bringing joy.

Everyone agreed with the idea as Pinky ran off to start an empire wide party; Cadence gave her blessing to the event promising to join her new subjects as soon as the matter of the human was taken care off.

Duncan, who had remained relatively silent during the process continued to stand there awkwardly. At Crystal’s prompt the group made their way to the interior of the castle. The guards were excused to relax and heal, several insisted on maintaining at least a skeleton crew just in case of stragglers.

A cyan Pegasus, with rainbow colored mane and tail, kept pace next to the human, floating as she went. The reports identified her as Rainbow Dash, apparently a very athletic pony who was bringing jousting back. Several of the guard would be pleased once they are healed. Rainbow’s flank mark was a storm cloud and lightning bold, likely indicating her need for speed.

Dash eyed the human,” So you’re some great hero?”

“No idea, I was just at my world with my twin brother, we were at a con. After hitting up the dealers room…” Duncan explained before being interrupted.

“What’s a con?” Rainbow asked.

“Large gatherings of fans, this one was mostly for anime, or cartoons,” He explained.

“Wow there must have been a lot of ponies, how many, dozens?” Twilight asked.

“This was a small one with hundreds; most have thousands of people,” Duncan responded smiling at the little ponies’ reaction to the numbers. Everyone had large eyes and mouths agape at the thought of so many ponies coming together over such a thing. Crystal smirked almost knowingly something that only Cadence caught, but didn’t pursue.

“Anyways, so there we were looking though the venders, shop keeps, that had their booths up. Then we come across some creepy guy who was really into his character. I turn to my brother; say ‘Dude has way too much time on his hands, look at those props- they are made of real metal.’ We walked over and found some neat stuff, but I got this sword,” he said holding up a rather impressive jian, the blade was double sided with a small cross guard. The handle was wrapped in fine fabric ending with an orb and tassel hanging off the end of the sword.

“Wow,” Rainbow eyed the blade with a great deal of respect,” What do you do with that? Fight monsters?”

She hovered by his shoulder giving him a few quick punches in the shoulder, he flinched a little bit at the power and density of the blows.

“Well that’s the thing there are no monsters in my world, at least not real ones, ours are the evil in people’s hearts. The greedy politicians, corrupted royalty, things like that,” his demeanor seemed to have dropped slightly. Speaking of a world with such greed corruption and evil always took its toll on his heart.

“That sounds dreadful, at least your people have great sense of fashion, those robes are absolutely stunning, you must let me study them, oh idea!” A white unicorn mare, her hair was styled just right, purple, matching her tail they both curled in a lovely fashion. Crystal knew this one to be Rarity, bit odd but very generous, likely her cutie mark reflected this with its 3 perfect diamonds.
“Actually, this is a costume, it’s considered weird to wear these every day, not sure why, they’re just clothes,” Duncan responded, "I am playing a character named Li Syaoran, a magician and sword fighter from an anime I use to watch,”

“Watch?” Twilight asked.

“Moving pictures in rapid progression to give the appearance of movement, similar to some illusions,” He clarified.

It was at this time they finally made their way to the center of the throne room, the ruler’s took their respective places.

“Now then I believe some proper introductions are in order. My name is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but please you may all call me Cadence,” She smiled warmly turning to Shining.

“I am Crown Prince Shining Armor, Ex Captain of Equestria’s Solar Guard,” He responded with military manners forming a salute.

“I am Twilight Sparkle, Student of Princess Celestia, and bearer of the Element of Magic,” She said proudly.

“Spike, Twilight’s No.1 Assistant, and only Dragon of Ponyville,” the dragon proclaimed proudly standing on Twilight’s back, he previously had been on Cadence’s back from when he helped recover the Crystal Heart during the battle. The dragon was clearly a young one, standing no taller than most ponies shoulder he was purple with green spikes. His lack of wings indicated he was likely a ground bound great wyrm, legendary among dragons.

“My name is Rainbow Dash, greatest flyer in Equestria, element of Loyalty,” She puffed out her chest as she hovered by her friends.

“Rarity, fashionista, dress maker, and proprietor of Carousel Boutique, element of Generosity,” Rarity flashed her eyes standing in a runway pose.

“Mah name’s Apple Jack, you can call me AJ, part of the Apple family of Sweet Apple Acres- best apples in equestria, element of Honesty. Mighty pleased to meet ‘cha Sugar Cube,” This mare was orange with blond hair, she wore a Stetson, the marks on her flank being three apples. Her accent reminded Duncan of a southern accent.

“I’m Fl-Flu-FlutterShy,” A yellow pegasus mare with pink hair whispered, reports told Crystal she had been helping Rainbow Dash, however the mare was very timed. Her cutie mark being three butterflies likely meant something to do with animals,” I’m the element of kindness,”

Her soft squeaking voice and painfully shy demeanor cause Duncan to clutch his chest in mock pain, “the cuteness, dear FlutterShy, you could be weaponized for how adorable you are,”

This of course caused her to hide behind the rest of the group more. Everypony turned to Duncan with a look of confusion. He quickly shut his mouth muttering an apology. With all eyes on him he figured it was his turn to introduce himself.

“WAIT” A high pitched voice came from nowhere, everyone looked around to identify the source.

Somehow while everyone had turned their back looking Pinkie Pie, the mare leading the festivities outside had appeared at the front of the group. She had a very serious look on her face as she eyed the human. Duncan on reflex leaned back to avoid her, he almost fell as she got closer and closer.

Then with a great breath she returned to a normal standing position with an impossibly huge smile on her face,” HI! I’m Pinkie Pie, you're new, since you're new you probably don’t have any friends so I’m going to be your friend! From now on we’re BFFs, ok I got to go talk to you later Duncan,”

Then she sped off through a side door. Everypony looked around for a moment before the 5 remaining friends brought their hooves to their face in shame, "Before you ask don’t question it, its Pinkie,”

Crystal shocked everyone doing the one thing none of them had seen him do, or any guard for that matter. He began laughing uncontrollably, literally falling to the floor laughing. After a few moments Duncan joined in, the laughter proved to be contagious as everypony else joined in to, after several moments any lingering negative feelings or stress were gone.
Crystal spoke first after regaining his footing, now smiling, “That must have been our Element of Laughter then?”

“You got it,” Rainbow Dash confirmed wiping a tear from her eye.

“Well then,” Duncan began, uncomfortably, "my name is Duncan, I guess if what our guard friend said is true, I am also a Displaced making me Li Syaoran Defender of Justice and Harmony,” he said it so matter of fact that everypony just stared at him for a few moments, largely because none of the ponies understood his reference.

Crystal decided to break the silence by coughing bringing attention to himself,” I believe it only fair that I introduce myself, not much to know. I am Crystal Wall; I got myself stuck leading everypony against Sombra and his Loyalist Guards 1000 years. Upon the return despite the Princess’s help keeping Sombra out the Loyalist kept fighting; we managed to keep them in the caverns so that no innocents were put in the line of fire. As for a little bit about me, I loved to research ancient lore, and had a great tutor when it came to the subject of the Displaced, that to answer your question Miss Sparkle is why I know so much about our friend Duncan here.”

“What are these Displaced exactly? It seems like you know a lot about them, yet none of us have ever even heard legend of them.” Cadence must love research as much as Twilight. The ruler of love even had slyly produced a quill and note pad on the armrest of the throne.

“To be honest Princess, if I may, I would only like to share the information with yourself, Shining Armor, and Duncan.” Noticing the indignant look on the five friends he quickly added, "This is nothing against any of you, if you all prove yourselves to be as honorable as you appear, I will be happy to share all of this information with you. Right now we just need to keep those in the know to an absolute minimum.”

Twilight looked dejected at this, she wasn't use to being left out of important events and the fact Spike had been the one to deliver the Crystal Heart to Cadence probably wasn't helping herself esteem. Crystal softened his demeanor, approaching Twilight, he gave her a gentle smile. Placing a hoof on her shoulder, he tried to comfort her, "I know from my reports, and your display below, that you really love knowledge. This is a great thing, and I promise that as soon as you are ready I will personally explain everything you will need to know about the Displaced. However for the moment I need you to focus on other important things.

“Outside are thousands of ponies who are still afraid. Sombra was an evil beyond compare. I had you and your friends tag along because I plan on returning with Duncan to Canterlot. If you don’t mind I would like you six to join us.”

Twilight’s eyes widened a bit at this, knowing that it would give her a chance to befriend this human. Crystal was right there were lots of scared ponies in the Crystal Empire, Pinkie would be in need of help bringing them joy again, and with new determination Twilight arose to lead her friends out the throne room. As soon as soon as the doors closed Crystal turned to Cadence and Shining, Duncan smiled knowingly throughout the display, "Ok, as rulers of the Crystal Empire I believe now is a good time to inform yourselves about the Displaced, what happened over a 1,000 years ago, and a story from Duncan’s home world called, “My Little Pony”.

The moment was lost when Duncan started laughing again.

Chapter 2: Crystal Wall

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Duncan was giggling as they walked out of the throne room. Cadence and Shining Armor had agreed to keep the contents of the conversation private. Crystal Wall led Duncan through the streets of the empire making way to the last reported location of Twilight Sparkle and the dragon Spike. The crystal ponies were in full swing with the celebrations. There were flugel horns being played on each street corner. Traditional straw hat craft booths had popped up all over. Many of the ponies’ memories regarding the legendary Crystal Fair were being released from King Sombra’s dark curse.

“I always loved this fair,” Crystal Wall remarked stopping to buy two Crystal Berry fritters, “Good food and everypony is so nice.”

“Is there a reason why I can’t just wait in the castle?” Duncan asked while showing signs of anxiety; he clearly wasn’t fond of the crowds. Word had also spread about the legendary creature who was rumored to be a bringer of peace, this left Duncan shaking hooves with many ponies and him being constantly assaulted by young fillies.

“Yes. The sooner the world is made aware of a Displaced and their intentions the less likely you are to be sealed in stone.” Wall explained. They finally arrived at a booth with almost no ponies, there was a lavender unicorn sitting tall with a big smile on her face. Next to her a small purple dragon drummed his claws against the table as boredom set in. Crystal Wall laughed at the sign in front of the booth that read: “The Proud History of the Crystal Empire.”

“Miss Sparkle while I applaud your enthusiasm for education, the history of the Empire is the last thing on anypony’s mind. Especially since most of us were alive 1,000 years ago to experience it first hand.” Crystal remarked walking up.

Thank you. I’ve been trying to explain that to her but she just goes on about the importance of history.” Spike grumbled tossing his arms in the air earning a glare from his caretaker.

“I understand why a well-educated guard like yourself might feel that way, however there are always ponies out there who could greatly benefit from learning about the amazing things they have done in the past” Twilight responded. She was now standing with a leg on the table with an air of pride, she spoke with pure honesty about her feelings.

“Well then you should speak with Cadence about ensuring that is added to the academy curriculum. Well, added to the rebuilt curriculum. Sombra didn’t want anypony else to know, well anything I guess. So the schools were shut down about four years ago; relatively speaking of course.” Hearing the only native to explain this to them brought the truth about what the empire had been through. Even Duncan’s face fell to a deep frown, a change from his normal grouchy demeanor.
Twilight took it even harder, literally falling from her chair. The look on her face was a mix of horror and disgust, never in her life had she truly considered the fact there were places without schools. As an academic she understood the possibility. But it was always so far removed, the fact that she was now in an empire without one brought home how large the world really was.
Duncan spoke first, his voice strangely calm. He spoke with conviction of his view, “Then it’s a good thing King Sombra was destroyed. Any being that would rob civilizations of their knowledge deserves to die.”

“Duncan please remember where and when you are. You can have this discussion with Twilight another time,” Crystal almost growled. “Let us celebrate the life returned with the Crystal Empire. Besides, I actually have a small request for you Twilight. I would like to ask if you have a way to contact Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I understand you are a student of theirs?”

“Well mostly Princess Celestia, although Luna has advised me from time to time.” She shifted back to her proud confident persona. Duncan was amused as he thought this mare’s moods changed faster than a freight train, with the strength behind it to match.

“If I could get you to send this letter to her then, please? It details the fact that Duncan here is a Displaced, a friend and that we would like to meet with them upon arriving in Canterlot. Our plan is to arrive with you and your friends, tomorrow.” He levitated out a small scroll from his armor, when he did so his horn glowed a vibrant navy blue, a similar color engulfed the letter.

“Sure we would be happy to.” She turned to Spike, who was eyeing the human cautiously. ”Spike, please send his letter to the Princess.”

Spike accepted the letter before turning to the side. He blew a green fire that caught the letter turning it to smoke. The smoke sparkled and flew off south, in the direction of Canterlot. She then eyed the two who remained quiet as Spike sent the letter, they seemed a little awed. ”Sorry if that shocked you but dragon fire is the fastest way to communicate.

“Just the first time I've seen it. There weren't any friendly dragons one thousand years ago. Are you common or unique?” Crystal asked with a perfectly even tone. Duncan took this moment to snort loudly. Everypony turned to look at him, realizing that he was the center of attention again he looked away.

“Sorry just remembered something funny from back home.” he said.

“Oh, and what would that be?” Twilight asked, the laugh sounded too much like something negative against Spike.

“Can't say. It’s a Displaced thing, or so Crystal tells me. Something about protecting the timeline.” Duncan waved a hand dismissing further questions. This wasn't really earning Twilight's trust.

“Back to my question about Spike. Are you unique?” Crystal asked again.

“Yup. Only dragon raised by ponies in all of history; Twilight here hatched me from an egg. Then Celestia assigned me to be her assistant,” The young drake puffed out his chest in pride.
“And he became my number one assistant too. I couldn't ask for better help,” Twilight nuzzled the young drake causing him to blush at the mushy actions.

During this display of affection a young crystal stallion came running up to the group, panting he came to kneel before Crystal, “Captain Wall, sir. Is it true, you are retiring? Who will lead the guard? Why would you leave?”

The guard's armor was severely damaged preventing the cloaking illusion from operating. The stallion was young, early adult, his coat was a vibrant topaz with a shimmering orange mane. His cutie mark was an iron gauntlet on a flag. There was a bandaged gash above his left eye.

“Iron Fist, rise. There is no need for such behavior anymore,” Crystal Wall place a hoof on the stallion’s shoulder, “I am leaving because I am far older than I look and I am no longer needed here. You will find your new Crown Prince to be an ex-guard captain. He will get the empire shipshape and ease everyone into peace times.

“Now then I remember you fighting along your fellow guards in Sector 8 of the city. You have the makings of a great leader. I think it best that someone as honorable and trustworthy as you should be promoted. I've already given Prince Shining Armor several names, however let me give you something.” Crystal Wall looked over at the lavender unicorn, studying the events, ”If I may get a quill and piece of parchment?” he asked.

Spike produced the requested items that were quickly engulfed in an azure aura. Writing very quickly Crystal Wall drafted a letter to both the new rulers and the young guard, using his magic to roll it up he levitated it to Iron Fist, ”You will find inside my note to promote you to Lieutenant. and a recommendation for Commander training. Do the empire proud and show us what you can do.”

“Thank you, sir,” Iron Fist said reaching out with a hoof and accepting the parchment, ”But that doesn't answer my earlier question. What are we going to do without you? Someone needs to teach the Prince about our customs and laws.”

“Believe me when I say there are ponies much better suited for that task than me. Now then,” Crystal Wall rose to his feet, ”There is a festival going on and its our duty to enjoy it and spread joy. Lt. Iron Fist, you are dismissed.”

Crystal Wall saluted the young guard who quickly returned the salute, tears fell from his eyes in a mix of emotions. The guards dropped the salute, doing an about face Iron Fist turned and proudly marched off.

The group of ponies that had gathered around to watch the display cheered and whooped congratulating the young pony. Duncan even stood up and saluted the guard as he walked away, a smile on his lips. ”So Crystal, how did you know that pony anyways? you mentioned Sector 8 of the city?” he asked.

“During the past three days I've been to almost every front in the underground tunnels fighting and containing Sombra's loyal guards, doing what I could to keep their spirits up. However I only stopped by his group for a few moments. The lad had led his team beautifully, the confidence and determination even after two days of fighting was impressive. Besides I know he has a pure heart and will lead well,” Crystal returned to his seat sighing.

“If you met him for only a few moments how can you tell he is pure of heart?” Twilight asked curiously. She had met many ponies since moving to ponyville, even with her own friends it had taken time for her to learn about each of them before she could believe them to be true friends.

“I have my ways,” Crystal smiled, ”So Twilight why don't you tell Duncan and I about the world? I'm a thousand years out of date, Duncan here is from another world altogether and since we will be traveling with you tomorrow we could use some tips on fitting in.”

“Yeah Twilight, it's not like I could have seen all of this before.” Duncan let out another snicker, this was getting on Twilight's nerves, but deciding not to press it she started explaining what she deemed useful to understanding modern Equestria. She even pulled out a checklist from under the table, Crystal Wall surmised that she had prepared the list, just in-case any crystal pony might want to know.

The Next Morning….

Duncan awoke to loud banging on the door with someone yelling. He hadn't gotten much sleep the night before, his mind refused to let go of the fact that he was in Equestria. Sure he had read many, many, fan-fictions where people would go to a con, buy something perfect for their cosplay and get sent to Equestria. But those were supposed to just be wishful thinking on the parts of fellow bronies/fans. Now that he was here and 'Crystal Wall' had informed him that everything about the Displaced was true, he was thinking more and more about everything back home.

“Duncan wake your rump up right now, or I'll get a bucket of water!” The voice threatened again, it sounded so familiar. Duncan wiped the sleep from his eyes. Pulling out his cell phone he found that it had in fact died last night. He had spent several minutes attempting to get a connection, finally he sent a text to his girlfriend in hopes it would somehow get through. Dejected he slumped on the edge of the bed.

Thinking again about being stuck in Equestria and pulling out his Jin he tried to cast, yelling, ”Raitei Shourai!”

Surprisingly it worked.

It worked too well.

Lightning shot out to a gas lamp on the wall causing it to arc and explode. Smoke started to fill the room as the gas line shot fire. Duncan bolted for the door throwing it open, Crystal Wall stood there with a bucket of water, snow still melting in it. Crystal Wall shot past Duncan, shoving him to the floor with a hoof as a reflex; he tossed the bucket of water at the wall directly below the fire. A lime green aura enveloped the water turning it to a disc and slicing through the gas at the wall. It then created a small dome around it preventing the fire from backlashing. Lastly it solidified into ice, the fire with no more fuel burnt out.

“Seriously Duncan, have you not learned anything?! You’re a Displaced! Of course you can summon elements like Syaoran did. Next time, please ask for a training area so we don't set the damn castle on fire!” Crystal Wall towered over Duncan who was still sprawled out over the floor.

“Well excuse me! I'm still kinda new to all this stuff! Sorry if I only just lost everything yesterday, haven't had time to really adjust! A little sympathy, please?!” Duncan raised his voice, returning to his feet he towered over Crystal Wall, crossing his arms he locked eyes with the ex-guard.

As the two stared each other down a familiar cyan pegasus shot between them, ”Yo, you two slow pokes want to hurry up? Twilight is starting to freak out now that we are running 2 minutes behind schedule.”

Rainbow Dash then noticed the smoke escaping the room, ”Wow, what happened here?”

Crystal Wall shook his head before turning to walk away, ”Nothing important. Someone didn't think things through, you'll find destruction tends to abound near Displaced.”

Duncan simply walked past the ponies ignoring the shocked look on the mare, ”You’re an ass 'Crystal' you know that?” he said.

“Fine new subject,” Crystal's voice betrayed remaining anger, ”Rainbow Dash, would you mind leading us to the rest of the group? Also don't go down that hall; it’s the concubine quarters, we haven't had the chance to re-purpose them yet.”

Rainbow Dash came to a dead stop before dropping to the ground, ”Hehe, some joke Crystal, never knew a guard with a sense of humor.”

“Trust me it wasn’t a joke. Mine tend to have at least a little more… let’s call it tact. Sombra was truly evil. I’ll spare you the details, but let’s say he really wanted an heir to his throne.” Crystal Wall said solemnly.

“So what happened exactly over the past three days?” Duncan asked nudging the shocked mare to start walking. His mood turned to one of curiosity and confusion.

Crystal Wall’s mood dropped, the past three days were something he didn’t want to talk about just yet, ”I’d rather not remember it right now, I’ll speak with you on it another time.”

The three caught up with the group quickly, being now five minutes behind schedule actually meant that they would be waiting only fifteen minutes at the train station instead of twenty. Rainbow Dash had regained her composure and returned to hovering next to the group, bored out of her mind. Passing through the dome of love and joy energy the 6 regular ponies lost the crystalline sheen that was adorning their coats. Crystal Wall laughed at the jokes between the friends; while Duncan maintained his annoyingly silent persona.

After paying for tickets the group found a private cabin to occupy. Duncan placed a foot on the bench leaning himself against the window, Crystal took the adjacent bench leaving the six elements of harmony to situate themselves around. Twilight spoke up first, ”How about we start learning about each other by playing 20 questions? Each pony takes a turn asking a question. Once the question is answered then they get to ask a new question.”

“On the condition that we,” Crystal Wall pointed a hoof at himself and Duncan, several times, ”are allowed to pass on questions, sure.”

Twilight didn’t think that it would be so easy to get information from the old guard, ”Fine same for us, I’ll go first. Duncan what is your full name?”

“Duncan Klysh, Li Syaoran, Defender of Justice, Master of Magic, Master Swordsman, He with Fabulous Robes and Awesome Dude. Also I am a ninja.” Duncan smirked to himself.

“Seriously?” Rainbow Dash looked incredibly at him.

“Tut tut, my turn for a question,” Duncan smiled, turning to Crystal Wall he asked, ”What is your quest?”

“To recover a sacred relic, tis a mission given to me by an almighty,” Crystal Wall was snickering, ”Twilight, what is your favorite color?”

Twilight didn’t know how to respond to the rapid change in Duncan’s demeanor, “I…I… I don’t know, blue?”

“Ahhhhhh.” Duncan and Crystal Wall both responded in a high pitch mocking tone, they then fell into fits of laughter. Duncan recovered long enough to mutter something in English. He loved a good reference joke.

“What was that?” Spike asked this time.

“Tut tut, rules, young drake, it is Twilights turn to ask a question.” Duncan responded.

“What was that?” Twilight mimicked Spike’s question.

“A inside joke. Fluttershy, where do you live?” Crystal Wall asked brushing past Twilight’s question.

“On the edge of the Everfree forest, in a cottage, it’s about fifteen minutes from Ponyville,” She squeaked out, ”Duncan, what do you eat?”

“Food,” He responded before Crystal Wall hit him in the arm, ”Damn it that hurts, anyways, humans are omnivores, no I do not eat ponies and no I do not eat anything sentient. I liked bacon, hamburger, and the occasional sweet, yes Pinkie Pie I would like a cupcake.”

Pinkie was already in front of him with a cupcake before the rest of the friends could respond to the questions. All of the eyes in the room blinked between the two, having one Pinkie Pie was dangerous enough, hopefully this human wouldn’t turn into another one. Duncan bit into the cupcake moaning a little at the wonder of food, having missed breakfast he was really hungry. Gulping down the rest in two more bites he turned to face Rainbow Dash, “Rainbow Dash, what is your favorite food, that isn’t a sweet?”

“Hoofmade Hayburgers, some prench fries with ketchup.” She responded almost on autopilot, shaking herself she recovered and asked Crystal Wall, ”What’s your most daring act as a guard ever?”

“Ever? And just as a guard? Humm let me think,” How to rank his various achievements, ”Well daring wise, I would say when during King Sombra’s rule I was sneaking fillies into hiding to prevent them from going to the mines. King Sombra came out one time to deal with it himself, I pushed some crates on him after throwing out a half dozen flash-bang spells. I had two fillies on my back as we bolted for it. He quickly gave chase turning to his shadow form. We got trapped in an alleyway and were surrounded, so I used my body to protect the fillies, then I cast a feign death spell when he attacked. He bought it hook line and sinker. Thirty minutes later I woke us up and left.”

“How did you escape?” Rarity asked this time her fainting couch had appeared during the story.

“I was disguised at the time so he didn’t recognize me, Rarity do you have family, as in siblings, mom dad, etcetera etcetera?” Crystal Wall asked, allowing the double question.

“Yes I have a little sister, Sweetie Bell, she is just adorable and the kindest little filly.” Rarity bragged about her little sister.

“Ya and destructive, her friends, my lil’ sister Applebloom and Scootaloo have become the terrors of the town.” Apple Jack explained in a deadpan expression, ”Just a few weeks ago they caused tons of damage all over the town trying to get their darn cutie marks.”

“Ah children got to love them…. now I have a question, but its Rarity’s turn, you should ask me one.” Duncan suggested to the mare. Fixing herself from giving AJ a death glare she addressed Duncan asking, ”You mentioned yesterday that your robes are not normal wear, do you normally do without, why are you wearing them now?”

Crystal Wall facehoofed as Duncan facepalmed, they new this dread question would come up. Duncan looked to Crystal Wall hoping for a save, the old guard simply smiled before turning away. Duncan cursed the stallion to the pits of Tartarus. Turning back to all of the mares who were watching silently he decided it best to get it over with. Not making eye contact he began, ”Simply put humans have created a social taboo regarding being naked. It’s considered indecent.”

“Why?” several asked.

“... We have exposed genitalia…” Duncan was turning bright red in the face. It was one thing to joke about it with friends, another to explain it to a bunch of ponies he met yesterday.

Miraculously that killed the conversation for several hours allowing Duncan to take a nap. He awoke when the train pulled into Canterlot.

The group disembarked the train and began the long walk up the mountain side to the castle. Walking past various shops along the way Duncan's eyes were lit with wonder, asking about what was sold at the many shops. Twilight happily disseminated the information taking on a tour guide persona. Pinkie even dropped a uniform hat on her head without the unicorn noticing.

Crystal Wall kept wincing rubbing his head.

“Whats up?” Rainbow asked falling back while giggling at Twilight being oblivious to the hat.

“Simple headache. Too many loud ponies that I’m not familiar with,” He spoke with gritted teeth, ”I’ll be fine once we are inside and away from everypony.”

“If you say so. I’m surprised to see a guard wincing from a headache.” she smirked, challenging him a little.

“Heh, I could clock you in the head a few times with my armored hoof. Then we can see who’s laughing.” He chuckled at the mare, who laughed back. Always good to have a sense of humor.

The guards who were expecting them opened the door for the group. One unicorn was even polite enough to remove Twilight’s hat for her, who promptly blushed before turning to glare at her friends.

Entering the throne room the six mares bowed, Crystal Wall did as well, indicating for Duncan to take a knee. The princesses dismissed the guards, looks of relief mixed with repressed tears of joy. Princess Celestia was first to speak, ”Friends please rise, you have all done a great service in saving the Crystal Empire. I thank all of your efforts.”

“Thank you princess, I am sorry but I was not the one to deliver the crystal heart like you asked, Spike was.” Twilight looked dejected and saddened at the ground. She had failed the test she had been sent on. Princess Celestia had specifically said she must be the one to aid Cadance with the restoration of the empire.

“If I read the reports correctly you only had Spike deliver the heart because you were unsure if you could escape King Sombra’s trap in time. I think Twilight, that it is better to have a student who puts the well being of others before themselves. You have proven yourself worthy of your next step in study.” Celestia nuzzled her student who began jumping with joy.

“I passed! I passed!” In her excitement she ran from the throne room. Her friends following her, singing the whole way the doors fell shut as the first line of the song began.

“Well that went as well as planned, thank you Tia.” Crystal Wall turned to the princess, his form slowly shrinking, taking on a more feminine form. His fur turned grayish green, the armor retracted to the back of her head becoming a yellow and green mane matching the tail.
Her eyes turned green with yellow slits overlapping the pupils. Her teeth changed to add a few canines, the pony looked like something out of a nightmare.

“Seriously, that's creepy dude. Is that really what your base form looks like?” Duncan had stepped away during the process being creeped out by the way the flesh rolled over the bones till settling. He was cut off from any further questions as the two dierichs flew past him hugging the strange creature.

“Mistress Change we have missed you these past one thousand years. Please don’t leave us like that again.” The two were openly weeping with joy.

Duncan looked at them dumbfounded, ”Ok what the hell? I am so freaking lost.”

“You see Duncan," the creepy little shapeshifter smiled, "it all has to deal with what happened when I came to Equestria. Let me tell you the story, with all the bits I didn't tell Cadence or Shining Armor.”

Chapter 3: Origin

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’Well this is new’, the figure thought, ‘I'm in the middle of a field covered in what smells like... Chocolate rain? Really?’

There were worst places the figure could have ended up, as it stood up it noticed a small difference. In the light of the moon, it looked down and noticed some basic shapes.

’Alright, 'she' it is then.’ the figure thought. She realized that a lot had changed about her form. She now had hair that had more volume and was naturally curly, and she wasn't sure if it was a trick of the lights but it seemed to be blonde with some greenish highlights. Her body appeared almost emaciated and sickly, but didn't feel that way in the slightest. In fact, she felt as though like she could run for miles.

She was glad when she found that she was wearing clothes, though they were quite form fitting and different from what she had dressed in this morning. She decided that it would be a good idea to get somewhere safe. She started walking, toward the faint glow of a town in the distance that gave her a direction to follow.

As she walked she tried to figure out what had happened. Her memories were a complete jumble and they made no sense, some didn't even feel like they were her own memories. Thankfully her new form had great night vision, as she had to avoid... Candy cane trees and gumdrop berry bushes.

’Well someone likes candy.’ She felt a small growl in her stomach so she snapped off a gumdrop “berry” and tried one, and found that it tasted fine and she didn't feel any immediate effects.

"Um, Mistress, I know that you said to remain quiet…"

A voice that seemed to come from all directions spoke, causing her to jump and let out a small and mature sounding scream, one that didn't sound childish in the least.

“Who are... Wait, my voice is different too? I suppose that makes sense...”

She was cut from her musings about her strange voice that sounded as though it had a natural echo, as if her vocal cords couldn't figure themselves out.

"Mistress, are you alright?"

The voice started to consolidate itself in front of her, at around waist level. She looked down and saw the front of her dress pull forward on its own and turn into a face, one that clearly held a look of concern.

“What the frack?...”

"Mistress? Are you injured? Your mind is in quite a turmoil, and I cannot seem to connect to it like normal."


She decided that if her clothes were talking to her, it would be best not to offend them, so she started with,

"Ok, Dress, my memory seems a little messed up. Care to explain what you know?"

It stared at her with an un-amused expression. ‘Thanks brain, you really pulled through for me, I thought I was good at thinking things through.’

"Mistress, you must have damaged your head in the shift.” He said. “My name is Jeff, a Mimic, not your dress... I am for the moment, but I would prefer to not be identified as such.”
His voice seemed clearly offended, and despite referring to her as mistress he seemed not to fear her.

"Yes, Jeff, I would assume my head was damaged in this 'shift'... What shift?" She decided to begin walking again, as Jeff had shifted to make a 'head' on her shoulder; he continued speaking with her in his new position.

Jeff explained that they were partners, and something had happened that caused them to be teleported to this area. Their partnership was born of the fact that he was a Mimic, which let him become any object she needed, from weapons to armor, and even dresses, as the case may be. He told her that she was a changeling, capable of changing to any form; together they would infiltrate organizations, either for pay or to remove bad elements. She was often known as Mistress Change, as she changed personas so often that she had lost track of her true name ages ago.

They had been partners for many years, countless to both of them, for neither of them aged normally. He estimated that it had been at least several hundred years. Thanks to the great shape the body she had was in, she made good time coming to the edge of a settlement. It was starting to turn light outside, and some of the residents were out and about, doing morning chores.

"Oh bucking hell." Mistress muttered, as she stared at the earth ponies milling about town.

Jeff paid close attention to their surroundings, years of training keeping him on task. He began to growl as he noticed the shape of the town’s folk. They were sickly skinny from malnutrition, the children were either begging on the side of the street or working hard labor with their parents. These were the signs of a tyranny ran by an evil, uncaring force.

“I agree with your sentiment, if not your choice of words, as there is clearly an evil regime in place that needs to be overthrown,” Jeff stated. “Let us retreat for now and gather more intel.”

“Regime? I said that because we are in a world with colorful cartoon ponies. Although…” A thought suddenly struck her, ‘The state the ponies were in truly was awful. How could Celestia let this happen... Wait, who is Celestia?’

“Jeff, do you know who Celestia is?” She asked as she started walking; they had turned to the forest, away from the town. As the sun came up more of the forest came into view, and the absurdity of the forest truly hit her. Everything was twisted and contorted, there were rabbits with elongated legs, beavers with muscles the size of a pro-wrestler, and trees that whispered to each other in haunting tones that betrayed the cuddly cartoon-like exterior.

“I don’t believe I do Mistress, though my memory is not perfect, why?” Jeff asked, confused by her question.

“It was just a stray thought likely means nothing, let’s forget it for now.” She stopped as she found a burrow under a tree's roots, this tree didn't seem to be apt to talking to them. After she crawled in, Jeff removed himself from her as he took a different form. His body was a swirl of colors with four legs coming from a central body. His face had the usual two eyes, but he had a mouth filled with sharp teeth, apparently carnivorous.

It took two days to get everything perfect being a quadruped, and another day to relearn how to walk. Mistress felt her mind begin to return to normal, she was remembering who she was. After working with Jeff over those few days they were able to restore their mental connection.

So, can you hear me? Mistress thought to Jeff.

Loud and clear, now you will be able to pass me information and orders without risking discovery. Jeff had taken to mimicking a mane and tail for his mistress. Leaving a small thread of his body connecting the two along her spine. In almost every other mission they had been on they had needed cloths. Being hair was a new experience for Jeff that he seemed to enjoy.

Mistress had also taken stock of her inventory. Jeff had been carrying for her several items, a smart phone, a wallet, several small multipurpose tools, and a handful of other useful trinkets. The wallet had an ID, it wasn't her but it was at the same time... she chose not to dwell on it.

Having prepared everything, it was now time to gather information.

To bad she didn't know Equestrian…

Mistress Change had been in Equestria for about two weeks now. In that time she had managed to sort enough of her memories to find out she had gained the ability to read minds. Something that Jeff wasn't aware she could do. This proved to be very useful for learning equestrian, her mind also seemed adept at learning languages.

She had formed herself a persona, Morning Glory, a soft yellow unicorn with vibrant yellow hair. She was currently in a small town about three days travel from the chaos capital of the world. A tyrant of god like power currently was responsible for the world being in such a strange state. They had been in this state for over a decade as two mysterious alicorns sisters, led a small resistance group in search of a solution.

“Thank you for the information Logger Joe. I’ll be sure to be careful.” Mistress wandered off from town to the last known location of the sisters.

Galloping through the forest she stopped when a strange object smacked her in the eye. It fell to the ground as she rubbed her now sore eye. Looking it over, she was able to recognize the object as a playing die, like one from Monopoly, but weird. It was purple and looked like it had a galaxy in it. Then she heard something.

This is for anyone who needs help or just wants a friend. Summon the Dungeon Master of Equestria if you’re ever in need.

What the heck? Why did that sound familiar? Wait a second. That was a summoning phrase from one of the fanfictions she had read. What was it again? Some DM in Equestria or something? She remembered reading that she had to roll it to summon the guy, so she did.

A portal opened where the die landed, and out popped a tall, pale guy with a robotic arm, wearing all black. Black hoodie, black jeans, black leather shoes (weird). What was up with this guy and black?

“Whoa,” he said, getting up and dusting himself off.. “Well that’s new. Normally I hear whoever’s gonna summon me first, then I have to tell them to roll the die. They don’t normally just roll it.”

“Hello, I’m Mistress Change, or Morning Glory at the moment,” The small equine looked up at him, ”I think I’m a Displaced, although in my world they were fun cheesy fanfics. I remember reading yours I think, Dox right?”

“Um, yeah.” Dox said. “Hold up, how the hell do you know that? I never told you my name! Do you read minds or something?!”

“Yes but I am being polite and not reading yours. In my world your story is a fanfiction, similar to how the world of Equestria is known in the show My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.” She said smugly.

“Wait, what?” Dox said. “Okay, I know My Little Pony is a thing…. But I’m a fanfic?! Am I at least a well written one?! I mean, seriously! I refuse to believe that! I’m a living being! And about that, if I’m a fanfic, doesn’t that make you one, too?!”

“I thought you were really well written, love your story. I really liked your events with Arverice. But yes I am likely a fanfic as well, with the theory of the multiverse, everything is true. Meaning out there our story here is being animated as a movie,”

“WHAT THE HELL?!” Dox screamed. “Ya know what, I’d like to get off this subject. Where the hell are we?”

“We are about a three day hike from the chaos capital of the world, Discord still rules,” She was cut off by Dox.

“We’re on that episode here?” Dox said. “Wow, you’re pretty far back in time. Most of the people I’ve met have been at least past there.”

“Farther back actually, this is the first time Discord took over, Celestia and Luna have yet to ascend to the throne,” Mistress Change pulled out a thin device covered in a white and pink case,"also any chance you can get me infinite battery life on my phone?"

“Whoa!” Dox said. “Look, I barely know you. Last time I checked, I had to spill blood to do that, my blood. Maybe I’ll do it before I leave, but not right now. I can help a bit with the battery, though.” Dox reached over and grabbed the phone with his robotic arm. “Okay Righty, I need you to charge this person’s phone like you did mine.” Mistress Change saw a bit of electricity arc from the arm to the phone before Dox handed it back.

"Yay now I can take pics again. Say cheese," she said before quickly snapping a picture of Dox.

“Gah!” Dox said, reacting to the flash. “Yo, next time, turn off the flash!”

Mistress sheepishly grinned, "Right sorry. Jeff, you’re on camera duty."

After fixing the setting she lifted the phone to her mane, which promptly grabbed it before returning to normal.

“Whoa, what’s up with your hair?” Dox asked. “Actually, don’t want to know. I’ve already seen Pinkie pull a party out of literally nowhere, so I don’t want to know. So, what did you summon me for?”

"Well I really wanted to meet you, but while you’re here I could use some help. Need to get the princesses to find the Tree of Harmony, Discord will likely get in the way. In return I will offer my services, anything you need."

“Trust me, I’m not sure you could really offer me much,” Dox said. “Although, if I run into trouble, I could use an extra hand…. er, hoof. Actually, were you always like this? Did Discord do this, or what? Last guy I met had something to do with the Power Lottery, that happen to you, too?”

"No I was humanoid, when I got sent here I got all jumbled. Jeff explained I am a changeling, specifically biomass shifter, not like the locals. Here watch," Mistress closed her eye, slowly her body grew larger, her coat and mane turned a rich blue. Her previously golden mane stretched over her body, forming armor. By the end of the process, she had become an imposing stallion. "See? Now I'm a guard, name of Solar Guard."

“Wow, what the heck?” Dox said. “Ya know, lemme try.” Dox burst into a green flame, when the flame dissipated, a white unicorn with a brown mane stood where he was. “Well, it’s good to know I can still do that.”

"Right, Celestia smashed your old form, right? I really hope mine is more reasonable than most stories make her out to be." Mistress started walking, "Well shall we get moving? Need to find the sister's camp."

“Alright, let’s get moving,” Dox said before taking off. “Keep up if you can!”

It took a few hours to find the camp. It would have taken an hour less, but Dox forced the duo to find the Tree of Harmony first. He said something about needing to figure out the relative position from the tree to the camp. Nerd.

“Alright, we’re here,” Dox said, trying to catch his breath. “Wow, *huff* should have gone with a *huff* pegasus. They’re *cough cough* better for exercise. *WHEEZE*”

Mistress fell on the ground next to Dox, a little worse for wear, "Must *puff* mutate better, lungs."

A few moments later she returned to her hooves, "Remember, I am Solar Guard. Also, I expect the scouts from the camp found us. Two pegasi left to inform Celestia we are here."

“And you know that, how?” Dox asked.

"Wasn't joking when I said I could read minds. I'm not reading your's because that would be rude." The two sat down still recovering from the run, they waited for the future princess to arrive.

They didn't have to wait long, because they showed up a few minutes later. Both of the princesses were wearing full battle armor and had weapons attached to them. Luna had a sword and a scythe was clearly on her back. Celestia also carried a sword, but instead of a scythe, carried a warhammer. Dox cringed a bit upon seeing her.

“Who dares intrude upon our camp?” Celestia said.

"I am Solar Guard, a researcher and warrior. I come to aid you in displacing Discord from his throne," He kneeled before her, "I have found a way, with my friend's aid, to seal him in stone. We have found the Tree of Harmony."

The group of paranoid ponies fell dead still. Celestia had a look of horror and confusion. Reading her mind, Mistress realized the mare never considered such an option, "You wish to desecrate one of our greatest legends?"

“It’s not just a legend.” Dox said. “It’s a powerful asset. It can help you so much. If used by the just, it can help you in your quest! We believe that you two are the sisters the legends tell about!”

"What legend? My sister and I are not aware of any legends regarding us. We are simply alicorns bestowed with the power to control the sun and moon." Luna explained, reading her mind Mistress found this to be true, well if one bluffs, bluff big.

“Listen, I may not be able to vouch for my friend, but I can for me,” Dox said. “I will admit to you, I am not of this world.” Dox enveloped himself in a green fire. When it dissipated, he appeared to have changed back. “I am from another world. In that world, you two used these gems in the Tree of Harmony. They’re called the Elements of Harmony. You two were able to harness them and defeat Discord-"

Dox was cut off by a hoof in his mouth preventing him from sharing too much information. "He speaks the truth. Our world is but one of many. I stumbled upon him while wandering the forest. After which he led me to the tree. This magic tablet shows the truth."

A blue aura emanated from his horn, he pulled out his phone flipping to a picture of Dox and him by the tree. Mistress was in a stereotypical tourist pose waving at the camera. Dox was pointing at the tree, like as if it had great significance. He was even trying to point out all of the different gems on the tree.

“Sister, they may be telling the truth, the two marks on the trunk are similar to our cutie marks,” Celestia eyed over the small screen. Mistress visibly relaxed, Celestia was willing to trust them. Luna however eyed the human with distrust, it was almost too convenient for them.

“Fine but what doth thou plan to do in regards to the Tyrant? He will likely already know of this and dispatch creatures to stop us.” Luna leaned in bringing her face lose to Dox’s. Her scythe floating menacingly in her magic.

“I cannot judge that,” Dox said. “But I can help you so that it comes true. As you have noticed, I can change shapes, much like your changelings. The difference between me and them, however, is that I don’t have as many limits. Such as,” Dox was enveloped in a green fire. When the fire dissipated, there stood a female Discord. “I don’t have the species problem. So, I will distract him while you use the elements on him.”

Mistress couldn’t help but snicker at the plan, the strong stallion bringing everyone eyes upon him. Looking back at Dox he asked, “May we call this, ‘Operation Trap’?”

None of the guards or the two princesses understood the joke. Which caused Mistress to fall to his side laughing, one day he would corrupt their minds with the truth of the worlds out there. He looked to Dox hoping the fellow Displaced would understand the joke.

“Ya know, I woulda called it ‘Operation Drag’,” Dox said. He started laughing like a madman, unable to even stand.

“Oh I like that one too,” The princesses’ looks of confusion matched their inner thoughts,”But I digress we must hurry, the longer we wait the longer Discord has to prepare.”

The princesses turned to each other and stepped away, Celestia was for the help, although strange it was. Luna on the other hoof didn’t trust them in the least, Discord was capable of anything, creating spies didn't sound too far fetched.

“Luna I see that look on your face but, this is our best shot. Discord’s reign of chaos is leaving the world in shambles. This must be put to end,” Celestia whispered to her sister.

“I don’t like it, there must be another way,” Luna said.

“We have been looking for a way for the past year, maybe this was destined to happen. Besides it sounds like we will be out of harms way, with Discord distracted our trip should be quiet.”

Luna’s internal war finally ended with the logic of her sister, she however failed to warn anypony that she had one last test for the ponies. Raising her scythe, she swung it at the white stallion’s head. She wouldn't actually hurt him, but she need to test his nerves.

He didn't even blink.

“What the heck,” Dox said. “Why’d you do that? We’re already offering to help you! Why do you not trust us, still?” Dox quickly transformed back and pulled up the sleeve on his right arm. “I lost my arm for the better of another Equestria! I had to fight a fell shadow that had gained enough power to be called a fell ECLIPSE! Yet you don’t trust either of us. What is wrong with you?”

“Please excuse our sister. Discord’s rule has taught us to be paranoid. I assume she simply wanted to test Solar Guard’s resolve.” Celestia stepped between her sister and the two. Luna simply nodded at the comment before retracting her scythe. Celestia continued,”Let us begin the operation, ’Drag’ as you called it at once!”

“Yeah!” Dox said. “Okay, Solar, let’s get moving. We need to get there now.” With that, the two started off. A few seconds later, they dissipated into shadow stuff and vanished.

Over by Discord:

The duo reappeared, seeming to be remade from shadow stuff.

“WHOA!” Dox said. “I can still do that! HOLY CRAP! I haven’t been able to do that for a bit! So much fun!”

“Um Dox, how am I to lead Luna and Celestia to the tree now?”

“.... Crap,” Dox said. “Um, gimme a second.” Dox started feeling around like an idiot.

“Sure I’ll distract Discord, who is on his way over here, while you prepare to drop me back off,” Mistress charged off in the direction of the floating draconequus, “Hey Dissy, bet your minions can’t catch me.”

Discord laughed at the merry little game, he caused several enhanced beavers to come running form some peppermint cane trees. They were fast, but Mistress was far more agile causing the brutes to tumble over each other while making sharp turns.

Sadly, she hadn’t noticed all of them, as a few came out and jumped her.

Dox appeared right afterwards and sent them back with a wave of energy.

“You idiot,” Dox said before teleporting them back to the location they had appeared at. There was a portal there now, just waiting to be used. “You never pull a Leeroy Jenkins unless you know it’s going to work! We had a plan!”

“Still do have a plan. I figured you would need to teleport us, and Discord was on the way,” Mistress looked at the ground chastised, he only meant to help.

“Listen, I’m sorry,” Dox said. “But that wasn’t the original plan. I screwed up at first. We should have stopped and regrouped, possibly fixed it.” Dox looked over to the portal. “Listen, that portal is for you to get back to the princesses. While you lead them, I’m going to distract Discord alright?”

“Right, will do.” Mistress turned to the portal looking back a last time, “Thanks Dox I really appreciate the help.” with that he jumped through the portal.

Dox waited for a second before erupting into green flame and shifting into the form of a female Discord. He then walked towards the draconequus before calling out, “Oh, Discord~!” in as much of a voice like a hooker he could manage. Funny thing was, he was just trying to pull off a stereotype….

What? I’m not talking about the hooker stereotype, I’m talking about the stereotype that pretty much all changeling hookers are actually males.

Meanwhile with Mistress:

Reappearing before the two confused princesses, Mistress righted herself, looking each in the eye, “Sorry about that, lets be off.”

“Can you not teleport?” Luna asked confused by the rapid activity that had previously left them without a guide.

“Not really, but the area isn’t far from here. Actually, if we move fast, we can likely be there in fifteen minutes.” The princesses and Displaced changeling took off running like Tartarus was on their heels. Several guards had attempted to follow them but were unable to keep pace. Luna was curious how a unicorn was so easily outpacing earth ponies.

They began hearing the cries of beasts in the forest. Yellow eyes looking from the trees started chasing them. Mistress couldn’t find any thoughts, making it difficult for him to track the creatures.

A wolf made of wood lunged at Luna, who quickly dispatched it with her sword, “Be alert Discord’s beasts will not make this easy.”

By the time they arrived at the tree may beasts were chasing them. Mistress called out to the sisters, “It’s in that cave please retrieve the elements locked within and imprison Discord.”

Turning from the cave he fired a few spells from his horn, the blue lights exploding and blinding the pursuers. Now that no one was watching he allowed Jeff to form blades on their forehooves. Jumping at the stunned beasts, he began hacking away till he was able to destroy their cores. The cores were soft mushy bits of leaves and mud with a green glow connecting them to the trees.

After a few moments there was a bright flash and he stood with the princesses before Discord’s throne.

They stood shocked for a second to see Discord and a female draconequus trying to avoid his advances. When the female saw the ponies, she immediately ran over to them.

“Come on, baby,” Discord said. “We were only getting to the good part.”

“Eugh,” the draconequus said. “Trust me, kiddo, you’re not my type.” Dox took this chance to change back into his normal form. “And you never will be.”

“Discord,” Celestia stepped forward glaring at the tyrant,” Your tyranny ends now.”

Luna and Celestia pulled three gems, each, out of their armor. Red, pink, orange, green, blue and purple. They started glowing and spinning around the mares. Discord laughed while he started eating some seeds spilling them all over the ground.

“Please you think some pretty stones will stop me? I am Discord! God of Chaos,” He tossed the bag over his shoulder, “Please try.”

Celestia and Luna’s eyes glossed over, emitting pure white light. The gems shot forth a rainbow into the air which turned and slammed into the creature of chaos. He barely had a chance to raise his arm before the magic of the elements turned him to stone.

The magic rose farther into the air, arching over the small valley before splitting into a dome and banishing Discord’s magic leaving the world pure once again.

“Well then,” Dox said. “I guess my job here is done.” He turned towards Mistress. “Hey, gimme your phone.”

“Sure,” He pulled the phone from his armor again, passing it and two identical items to Dox, “These are my tokens. If you don’t mind dropping one in the void on your way out. The other is for you.”

The tokens were simple dog tags on chains, imprinted on the metal was a twin double helix, one green crossing a red one. Over the top of the two were an orange set of spikes with blue spikes coming out of the bottom. On the front side was a short bit of text.

‘I am Mistress Change, grasp this token to call upon a friend.’

“Alright then,” Dox said. “I’ll be sure to call you if I need you. I’m assuming you don’t know the words to send me back?”

“Wasn’t it something like,’Dox our contract is complete?’ or other?” Mistress started tapping his chin in thought.

A portal opened up next to Dox.

“Well, yeah,” Dox said simply. “See ya in the multiverse!” Dox then jumped through the portal and disappeared. The portal vanished immediately upon his entry.

“Take care Dox,” Mistress called out as he vanished, “I knew he would be awesome to meet. Now then, to talk with the princesses.”

So Mistress do you think Dox was aware he was speaking Equestrian? Jeff thought to Mistress. He had adopted a battle worn appearance to his armor persona making the battle with the timberwolves more believable.

Maybe if I remember correctly he had a creature greater than gods looking out for him. Might have been that. He responded with a puzzled expression I’m more curious about these memories about fanfiction and his world. Its not something from our past. Maybe after speaking with the princesses we can get some answers.

Speaking of….

“Celestia, Luna,” Mistress kneeled before the two, “It was an honor to fight alongside you.”

“Rise Solar Guard, you have proven that you are indeed an honorable warrior and pony. Now then what did the legend your friend spoke off tell us to do from here?” Celestia Stood over Mistress. Quickly returning to all four hooves he looked the two Alicorns in they eyes.

“I believe that in the chaos that has befallen us all, it would be a great honor to have the two of you become Rulers of Equestria.” Mistress heard a small click sound as Jeff snapped a picture of the sisters faces. Priceless just Priceless.

“Surely you jest mighty Solar, we are but humble Ponies. It would not be fitting for us to take the place of Queens after such a tyrant.” Luna spoke to the the guard her eyes still wide from shock.

“I do many things Luna but this is no joke. It has little to do with any legend,” He lied a little, “You two are powerful, and humble. These are great traits of rulers, besides the unicorns of this land are currently not strong enough to raise the sun and moon thanks to Discord’s rule. If we all had you two to rally behind then we might have a chance. In addition to have used the Elements of Harmony proves you both possess great honesty, loyalty, generosity, kindness, magic, and perhaps, the most important one, laughter.”

Another click another picture, this one of their deadpanned expression, yup going to have lots of blackmail material in the future.

Wonder what Twilight will think, Mistress thought with a smile.

Who is that? Jeff asked

That's a great question….

Chapter 4: Sakura Cards

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“So ya, that’s how I got to Equestria.” Mistress remained sitting hugging her friends, Celestia and Luna.

“You know that doesn’t explain much of anything really?” Duncan deadpanned.

“Well yeah, there are more chapters to that story.”

“Did you just try and break fourth wall?”


“Ah, ok.” Duncan rose from his seat on the floor, “As much as it is a great honor to meet the two of you, I would love to actually get a place to stay. Based off what… Mistress and I have read about Displaced we are likely in it for the long haul, and I would greatly like to have a nice place to live and a good job.”

“Of course, well you are a warrior, and if you are even close to what Mistress was at her arrival then you are welcome to join the guard.” Celestia offered.

“Actually Tia, Luna, if its not a problem I would actually like to have Duncan and myself moved to Ponyville. Since it isn’t far from Canterlot we can visit regularly, in addition we still need to keep the Displaced down-played. Having him in Ponyville should help considering the near weekly town wide disasters.” Mistress said also standing up, she began shifting into a light yellow mare, Jeff becoming blond hair for her, she liked this persona and after a thousand years there was little chance of recognition, ”You know, its great to be female again. I missed this feeling.”

Mistress began bouncing around twirling a little bit, Jeff then morphed out a simple sunday dress. It was sky blue with morning glory flowers patterned on it.

Thank you Jeff that is a very cute dress without anyone else present knowing, she morphed and extra set of lips on the back of her head and gave Jeff a quick peck, you're always so thoughtful.

Anything to please you my mistress, the hair gained a slight orange tone for a second, It would seem that you are not reading the minds of Celestia and Luna still, why?

They are my friends.

“If you would then fair Mistr… Morning Glory, he may join the guard and be stationed in Ponyville, I will draft up some documents pertaining to this. He will start the rank of E-1 Guardpony Recruit. After you believe he is ready we can fast track him up the ranks if you two so chose,” Luna offered, “I will also draft paperwork appointing you his official keeper, this should allow both of you freedom to operate.”
“That would be greatly appreciated Luna.” Duncan responded accepting the offer, he figured military here couldn’t be any worse than his stint with bootcamp back home.

“Thanks Tia, Luna, and don’t worry aside from this last stint of a thousand plus years I’ve gotten much better about visiting family,” Mistress winked.

“So Morning Glory,” Duncan snickered, “Remember that phrase ‘I’m not by brother’s keeper’?”

“I will punch you so hard,” She laughed giving him a tap on the shoulder.

A day later after another eventful train ride with the mane six…

“So yeah, now I’m a guard.” Duncan explained to everyone around a table in Twilight’s house.

“Awesome. By the way Duncan, what happened to your sword?” Rainbow Dash asked, Duncan had removed the outer layer of his robes revealing a black shirt underneath. Around his neck was a necklace with a large black ball hanging from it.

“Oh, simple, watch this.” He grabbed the ball clapped his hand over the end and began chanting. Pulling his hand away a blade of light formed. It disappeared leaving a sword in his grasp, “Wha, ha, ya.”

He was swinging the sword around in a mock battle. Twilight, and Rarity deadpanned at the childish behavior, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie cheered him on, leaving AppleJack to reassure a scared Fluttershy.

“That's fascinating Recruit Duncan,” Mistress chimed in adopting her persona, she was rather cheery, “Tell me, did you bring any other devices with you? Displaced often find their props are all turned real.”

In his defense Duncan had been dragged all over the continent over the past three days he hadn’t really had a chance to check. Sheepishly and with a glare at Mistress he sat down and started reaching into his cloak.

“While he looks, would you mind explaining again why you are here? And what happened to Crystal Wall?” Twilght asked, she really wanted to ask him more about the Displaced.

“Crystal Wall chose to return to the Crystal Empire, after realizing what a thousand years has done to change the world, it was decided that it was best for him to return. I am an administrator working directly for the princesses, it is my job to work around the Displaced.” Mistress lied, she had prepared the cover story and collaborated with the princesses to ensure it was covered on all ends, “I’ve studied the Human world extensively, I familiar with many of their legends. I even know a little about the story Duncan is from.”

To bad AJ can see through my lie, she’ll likely will not trust me. Good thing she can’t say anything about it. Mistress mused reading the pony's mind.

Duncan chose this moment to interrupt, ”Well at least the pockets are bigger on the inside.”

"You mean your robes are just passively enchanted with a size spell? The magic casters of your world must have been extremely powerful." Twilight was resisting every urge to take the clothes and study them.

"There is no magic in my home world, this is all new." Duncan's fingers finally wrapped themselves around two well sized objects, pulling them out he sat them on the table. He then threw his outer robes at Twilight, "I want them back."

Twilight ran off with the clothes enveloped in her magic. She was rambling about greatest magical breakthrough of the century, her friends all face-hoofed at the display, except Pinkie who was mysteriously nowhere to be found.

"Ya know it'll be a mite while before you getcha clothes back?" AJ asked looking annoyed at the display. Looking back at the table she pointed a hoof a the strange board sitting on the table, “So what’s this doohickey?”

“That is a rashinban, a device that should let me detect magic as well as perform a few other spells, lets see,” He picks up the board and focuses. In a flash, hundreds of lights come pouring out of the center of the board, the second largest points at the ground in the direction of the basement, the largest at the book on the table.

“Damn, it’ll be a nightmare using this in this world. All of you ponies are packed full of magic.” The lights disappeared as he set it down reaching for the book. Time seemed to slow down as Mistress jumps at the table, ”No don’t…!”

Duncan had thumbed the book open, the seal restraining the cards shattered. A dark force gripped the cards and began flying off in a flurry of shadows phasing through the walls in a rush to escape. On instinct Duncan reached out with a hand capturing one card before they finished their mass exodus from the small library. A bright light in the shape of a small key smacked into Duncan’s sealed sword.

“What the hey was that?” Rainbow Dash flew about the room inspecting the points where the cards had disappeared. Mistress brought her hoof to her face, something that was becoming too much of a habit for her.

“Well you guys are used to disasters right?” Duncan tried to pass it off with a forced smile, ”Cause some of those cards are going to be a problem.”

“Where is Kero…? Oh what’s this?” Mistress lifted a last card out of the book, “Its blank.”

“Good question. But that shouldn’t have happened, something scattered the cards. Last time it happened Sakura accidentally used Windy.” Duncan mused.

“Ok. Somepony tell us what they hay is going on? What were those shadows?” Applejack said voicing the group’s question.

“The book contained something called Sakura Cards, originally they were Clow Cards till Sakura captured them and converted them so that their magic would never deteriorate. Something has scattered them, which is really not good.” Duncan was relatively calm, “Normally when the seal is broken the beast known as Keroberus comes out, however either he isn’t here or something went wrong. In addition that dark force that grabbed them wasn’t something native to the cards, something wanted to scatter them.”

“Well don’t you worry sugar cube, we’ll help you find your cards. Its what we do, so what’s first?” Apple Jack asked smiling, just because Morning Glory was proving to be a liar didn’t make Duncan one.

“Well hopefully its a Displaced thing meaning they will stay dormant till enough ambient magic awakens them. So if you see anything out of the ordinary, thunderstorms with no rain, windstorms from nowhere, or other things that don’t have a proper explanation, let me know.” Duncan smiled, got to remain calm in these situations.

“I’m more concerned about Kero,” Mistress voiced, “Girls could you have Twilight look over this book for magical tampering? Starting with Dark magic.”

“Who would do such a thing?” Fluttershy asked with a squeak, and a look of fright. She tentatively picked up the book and began walking down to Twilight’s basement, everyone silently leaving her to explain it all to Twilight.

“That is a mystery we will have to solve later, for now it is getting late in the afternoon and Duncan and I still need to check in with the local guard station and find our new home,” Mistress said, a green aura emanating from her horn as she grabbed the rashinban. Duncan accepted it before stuffing the board in a pocket, even his pants pockets were larger on the inside, “I love pocket dimension pockets.”

“We will explain this to Twilight as soon as we can get her away from her new science project, darling. Right now Morning Glory is correct, it is getting late and we should all get home. Duncan always a pleasure, and I’m sure such a strong stallion as yourself will be taking responsibility for this mess?” Rarity opened the door for the two about to leave, smiling, despite the new threat these cards likely held, she knew that her friends would be able to handle it.

“Of course, goodnight everyon-er everypony.” Duncan corrected himself. They finished exchanging their farewells everypony going in their own direction. Nopony bothered to acknowledge that Pinkie Pie had disappeared right before the time the cards appeared.

“So Morning Glory. Good gods getting use to you changing names is going to be a pain in the flank,” Duncan whined, “How do you plan on finding the guard station? Ponyville wasn’t established till about eighty years ago with Granny Smith’s family.”

“Easy. With a ‘Monster’ like you walking around town, one of the first things on everypony’s mind is the location of the guards and whether they should run for them.” Mistress mused, it was nice being the ‘Monster’ everyone was thinking about.

Mistress we are not monsters, Jeff reminded her, always ready to lend a hoof and cheer her up.

I know, just gets hard you know, but thank you She flexed some muscles on the back of her neck to ‘hug’ him.

Anything you need Mistress, Mistress was brought out of her internal dialog when Duncan poked her in the side.

“Did you hear me?”

“...Yessss…” she responded with a intentionally obvious lie.

“You still get lost in your own head, good to know. Anyways I was wondering what I should do for my token?” Duncan had a contemplative look on his face, “I mean I don’t want to be too obvious and cliche.”

“Use your blank card,” She responded simply.

“Naw really? Maybe I should use a rock you say?”

“Snarky brat,”

Several minutes later…

“Ok I’ve got it,” Duncan held the blank card in front of him:

I am Duncan Klysh, Sorcerer of the moon, master of the Clow, clutch this card and call, I will come to your aid.

“Yeah fine that works. Just in time too,” A green aura engulfed the card levitating it to her mane, Jeff promptly grabbed it. They had arrived at the the guard station, a large building near the center of town, there were four entrances, one on each cardinal direction. The building was simple in design with a simple sign above each door identifying the building.

Walking in they noticed three guards on duty, they were sitting talking, and enjoying the evening. One rose to meet the two new arrivals as the remaining guards looked with confusion at the tall biped creature that was in their building. The three guards consisted of an unicorn, a pegasus and an earth pony.

“Greetings I am Petty Officer First Class Stone Wall, and you would be?” He nodded to both Duncan and Mistress, he was a strong imposing earth pony stallion. Mistress suppressed a giggle as one of the other guards thought Duncan to be a deformed minotaur.

“I am Morning Glory, This is Duncan, he is a Displaced and has been assigned to the Ponyville guard. He will participate in all normal guard activities, however as his retainer I will be responsible for assigning his job duties and keeping an eye on him.” The first guard had a look of understanding, however it shifted to confusion. He opened his mouth to speak to find no words would come out.

“I don’t like it, no way a deformed minotaur could be of use to the guard, you have to be made of real metal to join.” the same guard that thought the deformed minotaur idea earlier spoke up, his name was Twisted Spear, he was a pegasus.

Duncan looked down at Mistress who nodded with a large smile. She didn’t read the minds of Displaced… most of the time.

“Suiryuu Shourai.” A gout of water sprang forth from his sword as he summoned it. The gout caught the guard by surprise dousing him. His fellow guard had dodged to the side summoning his spear pointing it at Duncan.

“Put it down Spear Head, in accordance with the old laws Duncan has the right to defend himself and his honor as he sees fit, on the condition it isn’t harmful. Now then if we want this to continue we need to set up an official duel.” Stone Wall stepped between the two groups, the unicorn hesitated for a half second before lowering his spear and returning it to its place on the wall..

“I’ll take this freak any day.” Twisted called out trying to shake the water from his coat and feathers.

“Roger that, Recruit Duncan?”

“Sure I’ll give it a go, oh and before I forget here are the papers that Princess Luna issued me. Should be everything I need correct?” Duncan returned his sword to its sealed state. Pulling a small packet of papers from his pocket.

“Looks like it, if anything is amiss we will take care of it tomorrow. Now for your room,” Stone Wall walked over to the counter reaching for some keys, “lets see ground floor, maybe second…”

“Actually due to Duncan’s unique nature housing has been provided by royal decree. This is to ensure that there isn’t any issues due his dietary needs or integration from lack of pony knowledge. Also if you would have this taken care of tonight, it needs to be distributed.” Mistress levitated the Blank Card, to the surprised pony. He looked it over and nodded before taking it in a hoof and tucking it in his armor.

“It shall be taken care of Miss Glory,” He nodded to the mare.

“Thank you Petty Officer Stone Wall, have a great evening.” With that she guided Duncan out the door who left raising a digit at the still wet pony.

“Night Miss Glory,” Stone Wall called after. Turning to his two wards he sighed, “Ok Guardpony Spear Head, good reflexes to an unknown threat, please relax now. Guardpony Twisted Spear, your behavior was unacceptable, expect disciplinary action.”

“Thank you Petty Officer,” Spear Head noded standing at attention, Twisted Spear remained silent, “Although if I may ask, what is a Displaced? And what was that creature if not a minotaur?”

Damnit this is going to be a long night and so began a long night of avoiding answering a question he literally couldn’t answer.

Else where….

Duncan was scribbling his name on the bottom of the card that he managed to catch before they all escaped, ink and quill provided by Jeff, Mistress hadn’t decided to reinvent the ballpoint pen yet.

“So where is the house?” Duncan asked as they kept walking, Mistress had relayed the events as she read them from Stone Wall’s mind, this ended after she left range.

“Jeff says its about three blocks this way,” She pointed a hoof in the direction they had been walking. The sun had set and Luna’s moon had risen. Duncan felt a tingle in the back of his mind, he felt antsy like he should be running, or something to deal with the energy he had.

“Right sentient hair, will not get use to that,” He muttered under his breath, “I just want to get to a home so I can finally relax.”

“He is a mimic and my friend, careful, he may not have eaten human flesh in a long time but that doesn’t mean he won't start again,” Mistress cautioned, her smile a mix of emotions, Duncan wasn’t sure if it was a real threat or not.

“Also “miss I can read everypony’s mind”, where is everypony? We have been walking for almost fifteen minutes now and I haven’t seen anypony,” Duncan waved his arms in the air with a flair.

It was true after the sun had set almost every single pony had suddenly vanished from the streets. It became creepy as the lamps ran off of some substance that glowed providing dim light. Shadows playing across the road.

“Oh they are all safely at home,” Mistress lied, “Most ponies tend to sleep rather early.”

“Ok,“ Duncan seemed to accept that logic, “Hey, I just thought of something. I know we don’t normally question Pinkie, as that leads to insanity, but where did she go? After the cards she was just gone.”

“Your right you shouldn't question it, its Pinkie Pie,” Mistress simply said before stopping in front of a house, “Here we are, after you.”

Chapter 5: Dueling

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There was cake on his face, in his hair, and down his front. Duncan was really not sure how to feel. Taking a lick of the frosting he had to admit it was good. He carefully reached up and whipped the frosting away from his eyes. He then blinked as he looked around the room.

Most of the ponies were quite, several had looks of fear, waiting for him to become angry and kill them. The six in the front of the crowd were all covering their muzzles with a hoof holding back the laughter.

Sure he was expecting a Pinkie Party, it was what she did, how she got the cake just right and then managed to launch it into his face is what surprised him. He calmly walked over to Pinkie who was still holding in her laughter. Reaching down with a dollop of icing on his finger he poked her nose leaving the sugary substance behind.

“Boop,” his chest tightened a little, he just booped a pony, this was awesome.

Rainbow Dash was the first to lose it falling into a fit of laughter, soon the whole room was laughing.

Suddenly a cupcake appeared out of no where slamming into Twilight’s face. Blinking in surprise she turned in the direction it had come from. She found Mistress standing at a table calmly eating a rainbow frosted cupcake. Not unlike the one she now had attached to the side of her face.

With a flick of magic she flung the offending cupcake at the devious mare. Who simply side stepped away letting the spell path pull the projectile into a teal unicorn with white hair and a lyre for her cutie mark.

That was all it took for a food fight to break out, confections flew through the air at dizzying speeds. As the cake flew sides began to form, small pockets unified troops. Rainbow Dash had several of her friends from the weather team backing her up as they divebombed the room. Rarity had attempted to hide yelling concern for her mane and coat till a stray cupcake from Apple Jack struck her square in the back of the head. Rarity now had several mares helping her buck cakes at the offending Apple.

Duncan partnered with Mistress who so far had yet to get hit, Duncan suspected her of cheating. Pinkie Pie stood over the crowd atop a cabinet, Twilight was backing her up, Pinkie was singing, “I’m queen of the castle, I’m queen of the castle.”

“You shall pay for your crimes, justice will be swift, it will be righteous, IT WILL BE SWEET!” Duncan flourished his sword, pulling out the card he had held onto earlier. An eerie glow circled him, holding the card to the flat of his blade he called, “I call upon the powers of the stars, Dash.”

He resealed his sword in a blink and had picking up several cupcakes as he dashed about the room in blinding speeds, almost impressing Rainbow Dash, in a flurry he launched them at Pinkie, she either dodged them or Twilight caught them in her magic returning fire. Mistress jumped forth sailing over several cupcakes that AJ had thrown in the confusion to try and get Carrot Top who happened to be working with Octavia and Vinyl Scratch.

On her landing Mistress tossed three cupcakes at Twilight. Catching them in her aura, she didn’t see past them to see Duncan chuck a full cake at her. Without time to react she took the hit. Pinkie however had disappeared from her place atop the cabinet and appeared in the middle of the room with a box, “Hope everypony is still hungry, ‘cause this is going to be sweet!”

She tapped the box and it exploded in frosting and cake, with some bits of candy. The entire room was covered, even Mistress was unable to avoid the explosion, which had also defied the laws of physics by covering even Fluttershy who had been under a table behind several ponies.

Still not use to his new abilities Duncan slipped on some frosting sailing across the floor slamming into the cabinet that Pinkie previously claimed.

“No! I am wounded, the great Pie has caked me, I fall to her greatness,” Duncan flailed on the floor in a mock death.

“No! We could have been friends,” Pinke rushed over to his side holding his arm. He looked up at her a smile on his face as he tried to maintain his ‘deathly’ state.

“Its ok Pinkie, I do have one last thing to say, come closer,” He beckoned her in with a finger to lean closer. Closer he wiggled his finger, when she was inches from his face, he dipped his finger in frosting and tapped her on the nose.

“Boop,” He smiled happily.

The room fell into laughing fits again.

“Hey mister, how did you do that speed thing?” a small voice called out.

“What creature are you?”

“What do you eat?”

“Can you do that sword thing again?”

The crowd had suddenly taking a liking to the Displaced.

After a great deal many towels appeared, helping clean up some of the mess, although Mistress was sure she was going to be finding cake in her new house for years, the party returned to a more civilized pace. Duncan was sitting next to Twilight and Mistress who were helping field questions from the ponies.

“So Duncan that was unusually fun of you, why is that?” Twilight asked, her face perfectly even, almost to perfect.

“I can have fun, ya know, I just only smile when there is a reason too,” He responded he wasn’t grinning like he was during the fight, but he still held onto a smirk.

“I like it, his smiles are honest, mean sometimes, but honest,” Pinkie appeared behind the group. She then saw a pony she knew, which wasn’t surprising as she knew everypony, and she meant everypony, she congratulated them on their upcoming birthday in one hundred and twelve days.

“Its that mean part I’m worried about, what about you Morning Glory, I know you’ve only known him a few days, but don’t you find Duncan to be a bit mean sometime?”

“Yes, but I don’t believe it to be a problem,” Mistress responded, “He is just being honest, if tactless. I think deep down, way, way, deep, deep, deep down he is a good pony.”

Twilight didn’t look convinced, “In all my studies of friendship everything says being mean to one another isn’t anyway to be friends. How do you explain that?”

“Simple your study is limited in scope. From what I have learned in Canterlot about the elements and yourself, “Mistress lied again,” your study is limited to a small town, where your best friends are all embodiments of the most pure concepts of harmony. Therefor your view limits you to a very small culture and gives you perspective on an ideal world. Take for example the fact that in this room are only maybe fifteen ponies, all of you get along to some degree, why?”

“Because we are all friends and ponies help each other,” Twilight responded almost textbook.

“Yes but do you know one of the underlying reasons?” Mistress inquired further.

“No, what do you mean?” Twilight asked, now confused, “Since ancient times ponies have always helped ponies in need. It helped us all grow as a society allowing us to eventually form our lands today. The only time ponies weren't like this was during the time of the three tribes. Even then the ponies instinctually tried to help each other, even of on the surface they were just using one another.”

“This is an answer you won’t get in a book. Now then the party has died down, so its time I think for everypony to head home, don’t worry about this mess I’ll take care of it,” Mistress stood up walking to the door, politely showing the mane six friends out, as they were the last to leave.

“Thank you for the, Welcome to Ponyville Party, Pinkie it was the most fun I think any of us have had in quite some time,” Mistress nodded and hugged the pink pony as she left. Duncan even voluntarily gave her an awkward hug wishing her safe travels.

“Good luck with the duel tomorrow, I’ll be cheering for you,” Pinkie waved before trotting off home.

“She knew, we didn’t say anything did we? “Duncan asked for confirmation.

“Nope,” Mistress responded, “also don’t even ask me to read her mind, I don’t need it broken... again, goodnight.”

“Wait, what about rooms, who gets which?”

“I get the master one, of course, besides I had Jeff here mark it earlier in the evening with my cutie mark,” The door had a morning glory flower set before a setting sun, matching the cutie mark on her flank.

“You suck, but seeing as you're the reason this is possible and I’m not getting turned to stone, I’ll give it to you,” Duncan resigned himself to the other room, there was a nameplate next to it noting him as ‘Guardpony Recruit Duncan Syaoran Klysh,’ “So what’s with the name?”

“Figured it would be an easy excuse to call you Syaoran if we run into other Displaced. So on all of your official Equestrian documentation thats your name, “ Mistress was still standing in her doorway, “Anything else? I’m going to have Jeff take care of the mess below sense he can sleep it off tomorrow, and I’m going to bed.”

Jeff took that moment to jump off of mistress, leaving her effectively bald. He grew several short stumpy legs, two eyes, and a mouth with razor sharp teeth. His body became a light grayish green, with armored plates along the top of a dark grayish green, “Mistress requests it, Duncan please rest. It has been long since Mistress has been able to relax, I thank you for your efforts.”

The strange mass of flesh known as Jeff bounced down the stairs to the living room to clean up after the party.

“Still creepy, ‘night MG,” Duncan ducked into his room flopping on his bed passing out.

In the dark of the night, in the middle of a dirt pit on the grounds of the local guard lands, a small light shines, pulsing with energy. The guards see nothing as it goes dark when they draw near during their patrol.

“Up time Duncan its o’ six hundred, muster is at o’ seven hundred,” Mistress called from the door, the smell of breakfast wafting up to him. He rummaged under the covers for a few minutes trying to get the energy to wake up. Finally getting his feet on the floor he forced himself up.

“DUNCAN GET UP!” She called again.

“I’M COMMING!” He responded, Stupid mornings.

Throwing on his cloths, he really needed to get some extras made, he made his way down stairs. Jeff was standing at the stove, he had four elongated legs, and four arms which were flipping pancakes.

“Smells good,” He muttered, “Get me an alarm clock, or charge my phone, I do not need to be yelled at every morning by you.”

Mistress set down a piece of charcoal she had been using to sketch with, the blue aura fading from it. She blinked her mind distracted, “Yes that is something I should do, might find a charger cable, or make one. I hate yelling for you to wake up. I also miss sleeping in.”

“I don’t ‘spose they have Coke here? I could use the caffeine,” He accepted a plate of food set before him. It contained pancakes, some eggs and a few strips of bacon. He blinked a few times, there were two things he wasn’t expecting while one Equis, “Not that I’m complaining but where the heck did this come from?”

“Its imported, don’t worry no sentient creatures were harmed in making your breakfast. I may have been gone for a few thousand years local time, but I have a few contacts who can get me some good old meat,” Mistress smiled with a look of bliss as she bit into a strip of bacon, “Oh how I missed you.”

Duncan was a little bit disturbed seeing the, still bald, pony chew through a piece of meat, “I am assuming your are not biologically a pony?”

“Tut I have a chapter planned for that, so I’ll tell you later. Anyways, you need a shower, we’ll take care of washing your clothes while you're in there. You need to be ready in thirty minutes so we can get to the guard house on time,” She rose her dishes in a blue aura being sat in the sink.

“Mistress has willed it, hurry and remove the filth so that we may cleanse them, “Jeff spoke up leaving the dishes to Mistress who was humming a tune as she worked. Jeff followed Duncan up stairs, his arms retracting till he had only two and his legs shrunk to their regular stubby forms.

“If you can do things like this, why not look like an animal or something?” Duncan asked though the door as he stripped.

“Can’t living things hard to replicate, pulse, breath, twitchy anomalies. Mistress is very good at it. I am not, I can only do non-living. Hair is easy, I just make tiny threads that flail, but body needs heart, I am good with all matter, makes easy to work,” Jeff extended his arm through the door accepting the garments while Duncan slipped into the shower.

Well at least the showers are nice, really big, but short, He had to kneel to get his hair washed. He finished quickly never being one to really lounge in the shower. To his surprise his clothes were neatly stacked on a shelf by the door. Picking them up and sniffing them he noticed they were clean.

After a few more minutes the trio found themselves in front of the guard barracks, Stone Wall met them there. He ordered Duncan to fall in line at the back of the group. He stood at attention with his hand clasped at his side, his legs brought together. Mistress set off to the side.

There was a lot of whispering among the ponies about the new creature. Mistress sighed,Again with the damn deformed minotaur thought, doesn’t a single pony have an imagination?

“ATTENTION!” Stone called out, “Now then muster…”

He began calling out the names of ponies, who responded with mixed levels of enthusiasm. Seems that no matter the universe not everyone was a morning person, or enjoyed standing in ranks.

“Guardpony Recruit Duncan!” Stone got to his name causing more than a few heads turn breaking their military bearing.

“Present Petty Officer!” He called from the back, suddenly not sure if that was the way to address him, he decided to hold his stoic unreadable look with a thousand yard stare.

“ATTENTION!” Stone called again forcing them to look forward again, “As that is everypony I will now advise you of the Daily Passdown. First we have a new recruit, his name is Duncan, you will all treat him with the respect due any pony, he is a unique creature, not a minotaur, for further questions regarding him and his past ask him or Morning Glory, who will be his retainer and supervisor.”

Mistress gave a cheery wave to the parties, picking up on a few dirty thoughts from the stallions in the group… and a mare, she felt very flattered with a blush coming across her cheeks.

“Today we have a duel between our newbie, and Guardpony Twisted. This will commence at ten-thirty. All ponies not on watch or with other duties are welcome to attend. Now then cleaning quarters till o’ eight hundred. DISMISSED!” Stonewall released all of the ponies. Duncan decided to approach him at this time.

“Petty Officer, what would you like me to do?” He asked standing at attention before the guard.

“At ease, just normal cleaning, the grounds around the guard house need picking up, and no need to stand so formally,” Stone smiled a little, “I am surprised, you must be a fast study to learn ranks so fast and know how to address an enlisted.”

“Actually I find that your ranks seem to be the same as some of my military from my home world. It made it easy to remember when you introduced yourself yesterday, ”Duncan changing to an at-ease stance.

“Strange, well that will give you a leg up, normally ponies go through boot-camp, but you don’t seem to need to. Should make up some of the spite with the brigade. Not sure how your world’s military was but we do not tolerate slacking off. Everypony is trained to be a fighting machine. After cleaning quarters you will make your way inside to the captain, he will want to meet with you personally,” Stone Wall walked off to ensure everypony was doing their diligence.

Duncan moved off to do his fair share. Most of the ponies steered clear of him. Afterwards his meeting with the Captain of the Brigade was rather boring, the old stallion remained stone faced the entire time telling him that he expected nothing but the best from him. He was the first Displaced formally accepted into the Equestrian Military and he shouldn't bring any shame.

He was sent out before he had a chance to ask any questions.

“Ya, the thought around the area is that the Captain is a crazy stallion, who is more in love with the military then his wife,” Mistress responded after hearing the story.

“We should find the dueling area before it gets late, what time is it anyways?” Duncan asked walking around, “Also shouldn’t there have been an officer at muster this morning?”

“O’ nine-forty-five. The Ensign of the Company you are a part of is on leave, the Chief is S.I.Q., so the first class is in charge. You picked a great time to join,” She laughed.

“Haha, just means less ponies to meet right away,” Duncan saw a group of ponies gathered around. The center was a pit of dirt where two ponies circled each other, looked to be combat drills.

The two stayed in the back watching the spar, Mistress was to short to actually see over the ponies so she watched through the other’s minds. Duncan smirked, he was liking being the tallest around.

One of the ponies, an earth pony, was panting there was little bits of blood dripping from his left shoulder. The other pony was smiling, a pegasus, she looked like she was in pretty good shape. The earth pony rose his spear charging the pegasus, who sided step flaring out her wings blinding the earth pony for a few moments, she brought her spear back, making a draw cut along his flank.

“Second blood, ”announced a referee. The crowd cheered, as she back peddled, keeping her eyes on her opponent. The earth pony turned to face her limping a little, he dug his free fore-hoof into the dirt throwing dirt up in the pegasus’ face. She blinked temporarily blinded, the earth pony used the chance to draw a cut on one of her wings. She stepped into it closing the distance landing a punch to his face.

Recovering she found him lying on the dirt, she rested her spear head against his thought, “You have lost.”

“I recognize my defeat,” He accepted her hoof lifting him to his. They walked over to a few ponies who had white hats with red crosses on them. They began administering potions and spells healing the wounds.

“What mistakes did we see?” asked a mare, unicorn, she had golden fur with matching mane and tail of a slightly redder shade, her cutie mark was six orbs of different colors on a white starburst field.

“Sir, Sprout Arm’s use of the environment was effective, but he was cocky thinking that Snow Dive wouldn’t be able to find him while blind. Snow Dive should have been prepared for the sand attack,” answered another pony from the crowd.

“Exactly, now then who’s next?” The leader asked.

There were several more duels during which Duncan was able to piece together the rules.

They were using live weapons, and went for blood. However it was always non-lethal and always draw cuts nicking the opponent, after receiving three cuts they lost.

One could also use hooves and the environments, knockouts were aloud.

Magic and flight were also allowed, but leaving the ring was an automatic loss, in the case of flying, being more than about five feet off the ground counted as leaving the ring.

The ponies had medics on hand that were really good at their jobs. Snow Dive was ready to fight two more times before the field was cleared. A lot more ponies had began filing in, the circle grew with many ponies taking knees letting the others behind them see. Word had spread about the new creature and the fact it got a duel with Twisted Spear, who was known for his brutality.

Several ponies were exchanging bets on how long the newbie would last. Mistress got in on one bet, placing five bits on forty-five seconds. The stallions accepted the bet readily enough, one had thirty seconds, thinking Twisted might show boat, the other said it would be over in ten seconds flat.

“Recruit Duncan to the ring, Guardpony Twisted Spear to the ring!” The mare called out over the chatter.

Making his way past the ponies, who mostly moved out of his way, when not paralyzed by shock, Duncan entered the ring. He stood ready to fight. Twisted smirked flaring out his wings a little adopting a battle stance his spear at the ready.

“Alright everypony, this is a duel between Guardpony Twisted Spear, who does not believe our new recruit to be capable of being a member of the guard, and Guardpony Recruit Duncan, who was insulted by this action and defended his honor. In accordance with the old laws they will now duel. Gentleponies, ready your weapons,” The mare announced the duel nodding to Duncan to ready his weapon.

Clasping the sphere he brought forth his sword, holding it in two hand before him he stood at the ready. Twisted sank farther into his stance tensing for the fight to start. The mare looked between the pair, “BEGIN!”

“Raitei Shourai!” Duncan began the fight with launching a bolt of lightning at the pegasus. Who to many ponies surprise was knocked to the ground tumbling. There was a small flash of white light among the blue lightning that no pony noticed. Shaking his head Twisted turned and in a flash was before Duncan with his spear slicing into his arm.

“Arrg,” Duncan cried out not use to the pain. Then instinctively he rose his sword batting the spear away.

“First Blood.”

“What not good with pain newbie? ”asked Twisted as he readied his spear again. His grin widening on his face. Duncan noticed a dark aura start to encase the pony, it was faint like wisps of smoke.

Using his meager combat training from his days with Ampgard, he decided action was the best response, he charged forth bringing his sword down on the pony for a cleave. Twisted batted it to the side, he then punched Duncan in the gut with a hoof sending the human tumbling backwards.

“What now you can’t talk? You’re pathetic,” Twisted drove his spear forward cutting into Duncan’s arm again. Duncan ducked out of the way reacting on instinct he brought his sword up clipping Twisted in the shoulder. Twisted reared from the scratch using his wings to jump backwards. Duncan returned to his feet, unsteadily, he wasn’t prepared for this level of skill.

“Second Blood, First Blood.”

“That’s it, you’re dead,” Twisted dropped his spear, reaching into his armor his teeth grabbed a small silver necklace in the shape of a European long sword. Once his brought it to full view it transformed into a full size blade, his eyes glazed over and his posture changed.

“Morning, its the Sword Card get everyone back,” Duncan tried to run from the field, only to be stopped by the ponies who looked confused by his actions. They were murmuring about him being a coward as Twisted jumped for with the sword, he cut into Duncan’s leg, Duncan reacted in time to partially block the blow so it wasn’t too deep.

“Final Blood, Match.”

Twisted didn’t stop he charged Duncan again, who parried the blow, but only just. The ponies started yelling at Twisted, he was cruel but wasn’t one to break the rules normally.

“Steel Will, Twisted Spear is possessed by a magical artifact, we must separate him from his sword,” Mistress called out off the yelling.

Twisted began charging Duncan swinging wildly, who was barely blocking the blows. The other guard quickly joined the fight trying to disarm the possessed pony. Thanks to the magic of the card they came to an impasse, Twisted eventually took to the skies, forcing the guards to spread out as he fought them, in a crazed but controlled rage.

Jeff this is an emergency, if we are going to get Duncan to seal the Sword, then we need a token,{/i] Jeff pulled out a strange object passing it to Mistress who grabbed it, before channeling her will into it, igniting its flames. It was a blue iron brazier, it’s flames a bright and hot light blue.

This is Mistress Change my partner Duncan needs help, please come!

With this she waited.

Chapter 6: Visitations

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Jeff this is an emergency, if we are going to get Duncan to seal the Sword, then we need a token, Jeff pulled out a strange object passing it to Mistress who grabbed it, before channeling her will into it, igniting its flames. It was a blue iron brazier, it’s flames a bright and hot light blue.

This is Mistress Change my partner Duncan needs help, please come!

With this she waited.

And was answered by a portal of darkness rimmed in the same blue fire, which said rim was grabbed by the black claws of a massive being. Out climbed a 14 foot-tall beefy wall of black-scaled manly muscle, each movement caused his massive body to ripple and was visible thanks to him wearing only a pair of red silk pants, and a silver signet right on his left index finger. He looked down on them with his piercing slit red eyes, his huge gray-membraned wings spread slightly which made him seem even bigger.

All of the non guard ponies began panicking running from the large beast, the guards fell into their training surrounding the beast. “Hello, Stranger…. How may I help you? You’ve caught me at a bit of a disadvantage, but I’ll do what I can.” The massive being stated with a charmingly gritty cockney accent.

“Friendly Displaced! Friendly, stand down!” The soft yellow mare with bright yellow hair and a morning glory flower for a cutie mark shouted as she charged forward. She came to rest between the bipedal dragon that flicked his thick and long powerful tail in irritation, and the guards.

“Greetings Merchant, you can call me Morning Glory, I am the one that summoned you. My comrade Duncan there, “ She pointed with a hoof in the direction of the fight between a pegasus and human with a black shirt and green baggy pants, he was wielding a jian with some proficiency, parrying, spinning, and switching hands and grips as he flowed in his assault, trying to get a handle on the masterful skill of the pegasus opposing him. “is in need of some serious help.”

Petty Officer Stone Wall was the highest ranking on the field, began giving out orders, “Listen to the mare, we have a more important problem, help Recruit Duncan with Twisted!” Suddenly, everyone save Duncan and Twisted were frozen. Because the dragon was hugging and nuzzling a blushing Morning Glory’s cheek with his own cheek, a pleased rumbling purr echoing out from his chest.

“So cute~...why couldn’t I have been dropped in a world like this? Sure, no sexy anthro ladies, but I could’ve lived with it.” The dragon went as far as even licking her cheek, grooming her a bit.

Morning Glory continued to blush, she pointed at Twisted and asked, “Um, how about you nuzzle that pony with the sword?”

The fight had taken to the rooftops, Duncan leaping from one rooftop to the next using the dash card to get around. “Nah, not as cute.” He kissed her cheek, making her face practically glow red before he started sniffing her mane. “Mmm, sunflowers. A nice and unique choice.”

Mistress uses their awkward closeness as cover, the guards moving out to help Duncan, deciding they had more important things to deal with than a summon gone wrong, she spoke in a sultry voice, “I can take a human form if you want later, first save him, and don’t worry Mister God of Fertility, I have protection that is guaranteed,”

“I don’t care about the form anymore. I find any female attractive these days. And disturbingly males too….” He grumbled, making Mistress blush even more about both what he said, and the implications of him being a God of Fertility. Was she being hugged and nuzzled by a godly being able to impregnate ANYONE?! Even her? “Name’s Avarice, and fine, I’ll help your Displaced, but for a price. I don’t give freebies to anybody but my friends. I am a Merchant after all.”

Avarice purred as he ran his nose and the entirety of his slightly serpentine neck along Mistress’s cheek, and she shuddered, feeling confused about her body actually responding to him before he set her down, making her feel oddly upset about it. She couldn’t remember the last time she was actually aroused properly.

“Of course, I remember the FanFiction, I don’t have much but I’ll always find away to pay,” She shook her head, trying to clear her mind. She began shutting down pheromones and brain chemicals involved with attraction. Using her mastery of her own body to return her focus.

Focus my mistress we can always play later, Jeff chimed in, he was quickly learning to like the dragon, the nuzzling against his body, while he pretended to be Mistress’s hair was nice. I’m glad he likes the sunflower scent

“Heh, so some scrub out there was lucky enough to be attuned to witness my awesomeness through his inspiration hm? Fine by me, let’s get started. Don’t freak.” Avarice said idly as he turned towards the duel, seeing Duncan start failing and falling back as he began to tire against the relentless onslaught of Spear and his superior skill.

“Good luck freaking me out.” Mistress smiled at the challenge.

“I mean don’t freak when I rip that pony’s head off and eat him.” Avarice replied dryly, getting Mistress to balk.

“NO! He’s possessed no killing! He may be an ass but he’s a good soldier!” She waved her hooves in his face to stop him, her forelegs elongated cartoonishly to do so, while all of the other ponies were distracted.

“Eh, that’s no fun. Fine. But I can’t guarantee anything. I’ll try, but everything I’ve ever fought did it for keeps. I’m not used to not fighting a life-or-death battle. Everything I’ve put down I’ve killed and eaten. It’ll be hard holding back.” Avarice was overtaken by green flame, and he shrank down to 9 feet before he turned into something even more terrifying, a black bug-like creature with a long tail with a broad sword at the end, and his mandibles dripped clear substance as his glowing red eyes shined. “ESPECIALLY WHEN IT WOULD BE SO EASY TO DO THE OPPOSITE! This will be a challenge! Have at thee!”

Before anypony could blink, or Duncan could wonder what happened, suddenly Spear span to the side and barely blocked an enormous sword-like blade, only for enormous claws to grab his face, and the massive chitinous monster to tumble with him, rolling with him until he was on top, barely avoiding jolting his arms apart on instinct to rip the poor stallion’s head off as he choked him, the sword still clinging valiantly in Spear’s jaw. Avarice had crossed the space of several dozen feet within mere split seconds.

Mistress ran over to Duncan who was bleeding from slice wounds in several places until she began covering him in a blue and green aura, repairing his body, giving him a boost and second wind. Duncan returned to his feet seeing Avarice for the first time.

“Friend of yours?“ He asked, bringing both of his hands to the handle of his sword. He eyed the battle looking for a moment to intervene. “You know I need to seal it for this to end?”

“Yes and Yes. Hurry, I don’t think he’s stable during a fight,” She nudged him toward the two combatants, who were in a bit of a mess. Spear’s skill combined with the Sword Card’s ability to pierce nigh anything allowed him to easily cut off Avarice’s left arm and break free of the pin, but Avarice didn’t care, and the card couldn’t compensate for the unexpected tactic of Avarice continuing with his assault, and the buggy monster slashed Spear’s face with his right claw, causing two fresh lines of blood to run down his muzzle, and just barely avoid having Avarice’s mandibles bite into his face for a decisive and fatal blow.

“Don’t have to tell me twice!“ Duncan charged forth to catch up with the pegasus and fellow Displaced. Spear took to the air though, and tried to do flybys, only for Avarice, with his regenerating left arm to leap up at him, taking the stab through his chest, and clinging on with mandible, claw, and wrapping his tail around him, about to finish him off.

The weight was too much for Twisted’s wings, forcing the pair to the ground. Duncan took this moment to charge in hitting the possessed sword with his own. This sent the sword flying from the pegasus’ mouth, embedding itself in the ground.

“Sword Card, I command you to return to your power confine, Sword Card!” His sword shined and a magic circle appeared under Duncan, it floated up shrinking around the sword, sealing its power. The light engulfed the sword turning it into a card. The card floated for a moment before flying over in front of Avarice who stood up when the light show started and Twisted had gone limp.

“Hey, what’re ya doin’? Git goin’. I ain’t no swordsman, I’m a gunman. Now then...for you.” Avarice’s mandibles drooled down on the unconscious Twisted, about to lunge but he stopped himself, jerked away, and panted, clutching his head. “I may be a beast...but I’m not a monster….”

“Avarice, distraction! “Mistress held a piece of bacon in front of him, it was still moderately warm.

“AH!” Mistress shouted in pain when he bolted the several feet between them in less than a second, clamping down on it and her foreleg, chewing mercilessly with his grinding mandibles. “Th-there you go!” Mistress said before pulling her seemingly unharmed hoof out of his maw, but had actually lost it in his mouth the instant he bit down.

That hurt so much! Ow! What is this?! Mistress thought, feeling something trying to change her, something that had injected into her when he bit. Her mind instantly began redirecting the toxin in her leg from heading into her body proper, sealing it off from the rest of her. She separated a bulging tumor from her leg, letting it fall to the ground, which instantly writhed, and began turning into some sort of hissing bug before she stomped on it, nobody noticing thank goodness, as they were focused on the pleased humming of the deadly alpha-omega predator drooling his deadly mutagenic venom at tasting actual bacon for the first time in forever. And so much more.

Mistress however, gasped at realizing something. He’d bitten Twisted at least twice in that fight! At this point several minutes had passed as the medic team had surrounded Twisted, casting spells sealing his wounds, locking the mutigen in his veins and taking away the chance she could’ve had at possible removing it.. The medic team didn’t notice it though, their field magic not looking for infections or toxins, only expecting minor cuts from Spear’s fights. “Stop! Don’t! You’ll-!”

Twisted’s eyes snapped open, and he suddenly began screaming in unholy agony, the medics trying to figure out what was wrong, only to scream and back away as his light brown fur began falling off, revealing pastel orange scales, and his green eyes turned purple and slitted. His mane fell out, and instead out sprouted a ridge of spined purple fins like a fish. His green tail also fell out, and the dock turned into a spade tip, before growing out, and out, and out into a scaly dragon’s tail with little purple spines as his underside from lower jaw to tail tip began turning a creamy banded pattern. The feathers from his wings fell out, leaving a purple membrane as they became dragon wings.

Finally, he began contorting, his bones cracking, breaking, as his body shrank down, and his hooves changed into claws. Soon laying passed out on the ground was no longer Twisted Spear the guard stallion. Instead, in his oversized armor, laid an unconscious orange baby dragon. One of the medics worked up some courage and approached, carefully removing Twisted from the far-too-large armor, and inspected him to gawk in shock. “He...he’s a she now!”

The fact that changing gender was the biggest shock said something about pony’s views of magic. In all of the commotion Twilight finally made her way to the guard’s facility, to find the dragon, Duncan panting, and a large buggy creature. Her mind wasn’t sure which to process first.

“Twilight, good of you to join us.” Mistress walked over to the lavender unicorn. “I’m sure the girls mentioned the cards from the book. Duncan just sealed his first one.”

“I did get some help from our buddy here, he is a Displaced too, Morning Glory summoned him.“ Duncan fished out a quill and ink pot from his pockets before scribbling his name on the Sword Card. Said Card seemed to protest at first, but relented, as while he didn’t have the raw threat and power of Avarice, his skill was to be applauded at having held it off for so long. It looked forward to fighting alongside him with grace and poise rather than Avarice’s brute strength and overwhelming tactics. He walked over to Twisted, “So is that normal?”

“Who is that?“ Twilight asked, her eyes wide at the site of another dragon, Spike will love this, but what if she was simply traveling, what if this brings about a war with the dragons, the princesses will want to know, oh no oh no!

“Guardspony Twisted Spear, he was dueling with Recruit Duncan when he became possessed by that card. Morning Glory summoned an ally, with its help we subdued him, then he began changing into this....” Stone Wall trailed off.

“I outright owned the bitch. He doesn’t know how to fight like an animal.” Avarice hissed, his mandibles still dripping the mutagen, it was worrying Mistress incredibly. “Now, he is one! Ha! Dragons are made of tougher stuff, I can tell you that.” Avarice said before being engulfed in green fire, and emerging in his massive dragon form. “Look upon my glorious form! SEE MY MUSCLES! WATCH THEM RIPPLE!” Avarice boasted as he posed like Alex Louis Armstrong, popping all his muscles, sparkles seeming to appear out of the air, glorifying him.

All the mares had to stare, some drooled, and one even outright whooped in joy. Everyone looked to see Spear Head, a very male unicorn to be the source of the whooping. His light blue coat turning purple from the blush.

“I DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR MUSCLES! A PONY JUST TURNED INTO A DRAGON!” Twilight yelled bringing the attention back to her, her hair springing out in cowlicks, and her left eye twitched. After taking a few deep breaths she relaxed enough to lower her voice, “A pony just made a complete transformation from an adult stallion, into a baby dragon in the time I’ve been away! And you're not surrounding a changeling?!” Twilight charged a spell, and shot it at Avarice, only for it to do nothing, and she gawked. “But that was a True Form spell! You should’ve turned into your true form!”

“Hate to break it to ya purple-smart, but this is essentially my true form. Every form I take is mine. It’s unique, and I can’t alter how they look. So what you see is what you get, and more~.” Avarice purred. She wasn’t showing any attraction unlike the other mares. Challenge. “You don’t like this form, hm?” Avarice strode over to where Twisted’s fur and hair fell out, taking a clump of the hair, and promptly swallowed it, not at all bothered. Shortly, he was engulfed in flame, and was now a cream and black coated paint patterned quadrupedal pegasus stallion of toned build, and average height with bright green eyes. He tossed his curtain of a red mane, flicked his long, shiny red tail, and flexed all of his new form’s muscles as he spread his similarly cream and black wings out, looking at Twilight with lidded eyes, making her eyes widen, her cheeks redden, and her horn to sparkle. “I win~.”

Mistress walked over and thumped Avarice on the back of his head, “No breaking my ponies.”She then leaned in and whispered, “Although you did get her thinking about a few mares she knows…”

“Damn, I can’t turn into females….” Avarice whispered back, wishing his ability to transform was more extensive. Sure, it was weird, but he was wondering what it was like recently...not having the bait and tackle.

“Maybe one day, the multiverse is strange and wondrous. Might even find some genders that we humans never thought of.” She mentioned, daydreaming a little bit, she really missed having a good roll in the hay, it had been over a thousand years, technically. Her ears perked up a little at her own thoughts, and the rapid stream of carnal desire that was Avarice’s mind, even under the surface, he was a being of lust.

Mistress what happened to not reading the minds of Displace? Jeff teased, knowing her normal rule.

Suddenly, visions of him, plowing her senseless, making her squeal in pleasure, kissing her so passionately rammed right into her, making her face up to her ears blush, he wanted to ruin her….

I’m not meaning to, I’m having some trouble focusing alright? She counter thought in a huff,Damn evil, sexy, sex gods…

“Morning Glory, you are a Displaced expert, please tell me this isn’t normal for all of them. I’m not sure Ponyville will survive constant disasters like this.” Twilight had a pleading look in her eyes, today was not her day. She had bit her tongue at breakfast, tripped on her way out the front door, and had Pinkie Pie invade her personal space again, and it wasn’t even noon yet.

“Honestly, not all, they are an eccentric bunch but most are pretty good people when you get to know them. I promise in the future when you are ready I’ll explain everything there is to know about the Displaced.” Mistress told the exhausted unicorn, doing her best to regain her composure and not let anypony know she what she was thinking, or reading.

“Thats what Crystal Wall said, and he left.…” Twilight grumbled.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure that Crystal Wall will keep his promise.” Mistress cringed, it was emotionally painful to keep Twilight in the dark like this, but she had to try and maintain the timeline as best she could.

“I don’t know much ‘bout us, but I do know they're right evil jackoffs out there too. Be careful who ya give a call. Usually their token says it all, but sometimes, they change, their worlds make them different, even...make them forget.” Avarice said sadly, looking down at himself, and accidentally let out a tear, before he chuckled mirthlessly. “Look at me...a monster in a pony’s skin….”

“You’re not a monster Avarice, you are my new friend, if a bit unusual. Never forget that deep down none of us are all that different, “Mistress had lost her normal cheery demeanor her eyes the pinnacle of seriousness, she didn’t seem to be Morning Glory any more, almost like another pony had taken her place.

“And look what that says!” Avarice shouted at her, as he backed away, his ears bent back, his eyes shaking as he thought of all the horrible things he did. “I’ve eaten people! I’ve loved it! I’ve snuffed out lives without thinking twice. I used to cherish life, I used to think everything precious. I look at you, ALL of you, and I see meat. Talking meat, but meat….” Avarice hiccuped, crying a bit more.

“So you’re a predator, and you’ve been given a bum hand, people change, either embrace it and grow learn to control it or let yourself be devoured by it!“ Mistress leaned in to whisper to him again. A small glow and a small bubble of blue energy surrounded them. “You're not the only one to have eaten people, what do you think mimics and shapeshifters like Jeff and I eat?”

“You think I don’t know that? I tasted them on you.” Avarice whispered back, sitting on his flanks, feeling horrible. He got a lot of forms from eating her hoof, he just relished in the flavor, not caring that her hurt her until now. Even now he wanted to eat her, and it scared him. “I wasn’t always like this...I was just a man...just a...kid really. I was so stupid, so excited, and...I didn’t think about it. I just ate, and ate, and I can’t stop. I love the taste of another’s flesh on my tongue, their blood running down my throat. I’m a monster, even if I accept it, even if I fight it...I’m not the human Konrad anymore...I’m a greedy, monstrous thing...I am Avarice...a Merchant in pony’s skin.”

“To live is to change, you are not the same Avarice that arrived fifteen minutes ago, I am not the same as I was thousands of years ago. Life is important, but so is death, it sounds horrible but it is the cycle. You don’t have to be anything but you, and that is good enough for anypony.“ Mistress pulled him into a tight hug. Everypony needs a reminder sometimes that they are good, just like Jeff helped her the day before, she wanted to help her new friend.

“...Would it be out of line to admit I want to rutt your brains out?” Avarice admitted as he nibbled on her ear, drawing a little blood and sucking, making her gasp.

“...N-No but we may want to get out of the street, I have a house about five minutes from here…” She blushed a little at the attention, and he pushed her back a bit before taking her in a searing kiss, getting her to moan, everypony around all gawking at the pity party suddenly turning erotic, and Avarice quickly moved, grabbed her tail in his mouth, and started dragging her in the direction her scent was stronger. “W-whoa~!”

“Morning Glory, what about me? What do I do for the rest of the day?“ Duncan called, not wanting to even think about what was going to happen next between those two.

“Listen to Stone Wall, otherwise I don’t care, capture some more cards, or something,” She twisted, and jumped, flinging herself up onto Avarice’s back instead of letting him drag her, returning the treatment by sucking on his own ears, even though he panted, he didn’t lose stride as he spun around and galloped in the direction of her home.

“You heard her Recruit, your first job is to help clean up after your card’s little episode.” Stone Wall refused to acknowledge anything more. As the two ponies rapidly left the group behind, other guards from around the facility showed up. The base captain appeared asking Twilight, Stone Wall, and Duncan what happened.

“I hate you so much right now Morning Glory.” Duncan muttered to himself, as he stood and saluted, and sighed as he moved to see how he could get started on cleaning up.

Everypony blushed when they heard Mistress’s cry of ecstasy minutes later. And again...and again...and again until Twilight cast a silencing spell on her house. Buck...she was loud, or it was that good. Twilight decided at that point it was best to call it a day, she returned to the library to do some “reading”.

Chapter 7: Pinkie Time

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Duncan awoke from the couch he was sleeping on. He had refused to return home that night, Twilight took pity on him and let him sleep at the library. Which he greatly appreciated. He was use to sleeping on couches in the past, and this one was really nice. As he stirred and summoned forth the energy to move he noticed a faint smell.


He could really get use to this, making his way up the stairs to the kitchen he found Spike standing by the stove, "Morning."

"Sup, breakfast will be ready in a moment, surprised you're up so early, Twilight won't be up for another..." The young drake was cut off by a pop and flash as said unicorn appeared. He mane was frazzled and unbrushed with bags under her eyes. She kept rubbing her horn sleepily.

"Morning Princess, sleep well?" Duncan joked, or at least so Spike thought.

"Displaced...there is nothing...Princesses haven't sent anything...Need coffee." She let her head rest on the edge of the table as Spike placed a dark brew before her, Duncan shifted getting away from the smell.

"She'll be awake in about five more minutes, she was researching late last night," Spike went back to the stove, "So how many do you want?"

"Three, I'm ravenous, thanks to Morning Glory and her friend I didn't get much of lunch or dinner yesterday," He shivered at the memory of sounds coming from his house.

"So I'll be with the squad most of the day it seems, what about you two?" Duncan rolled a pancake from the plate placed before him and dipped it into some syrup. It was really good, he dug into it wolfing down several more bites.

"More magical research, may headup AJ's place and help with raising the barn." Spike placed a plate before Twilight he used her magic to cut it and start eating, the caffeine starting to work.

"Sounds good, also do you guys have a book on Equestrian military? I will likely need some help getting use to things." He may have had some experience, but different world, likely it wouldn't all carry though. Like uniforms, that was going to be interesting to see what they do.

"Sure, we have a copy of the training guide, as well as a copy of "Fillies' Guide to the Military," He sat down at the table with his own pancakes digging in. He had a bowl full of gems he munched on.

They continued to make small talk though breakfast, Twilight finally woke up, after realizing that she still had a guest she teleported out of the room with a blush. Causing the two males to laugh.

Reading as he walked Duncan began going over the "Fillie's Guide to the Military" he began to notice some strange similarities, and striking contrasts.

"The Equestrian Military was formed following the fall of Discord. It was quickly divided to two primary branches under the rule of the Princesses. The ground based branch, the Army, and the sea based branch, the Navy. It was quickly decided that both branches would sport even counts of the three tribes. Thus the Army and the Navy have their own air forces and unique special strike teams..." The book continued on in more detail. Duncan was surprised by the next paragraph.

"After much debate it was agreed that, unlike many other nations, everypony would be identified by the same ranking system, regardless branch, therefore even the highest rank in the army, was called "Admiral" and lowest rank was "Recruit"..." Duncan mused this overThat is weird, I mean makes it easy on me, but I wonder why they would do that, there is no precedence in this world.

As Duncan arrives at muster he notices a new pony that sticks out from the rest, in addition the Company is speaking in hushed tones, very different from the confidant tone from the day before. The pony that he noticed is a navy blue pegasus, he looked much older than the rest of the ponies, with a very weathered glare as he surveyed the field. His mane was a dark green with teal tips, matching his tail both were cropped very short.

Noticing the human the pony walked over. He stood before Duncan who got the instinct to come to attention and make a thousand yard stare. The pony refused to speak as he circled Duncan like a hawk looking for weakness. Finally he spoke his voice deep and scratchy, “You are weak, you have no muscle, you walk without control, and you lack discipline. However you're not the worst recruit I’ve ever had, so I guess we will see what we can do with you. I really don’t feel like figuring out the standard BS of how a biped will perform military customs from a quadruped society. So I’m assigning Petty Officer Boom De-yada as your sponsor, he will teach you what you need to know. Otherwise stay out of my way unless I decide that I need you.”

With that the pony walked away leaving Duncan gritting his teeth and taking deep breaths. He really hated stuck up people… or ponies like this. Realizing that there was no longer a reason to stand at attention he walked over to formation and stood in the back row, something he figured made sense being the tallest one there.

After muster and cleaning quarters Duncan was approached by a red earth pony with black hair, it was a mess, but cut really short, most likely to reduce effort for whatever regulations ponies had. His cutie mark was unsettling and strange, a music note over a mushroom cloud.

"So Duncan, I'm Petty Officer Third Class Boom De-yada. Our Demolitions specialist, I was ‘asked’ by our friendly Chief to show you the ropes around here, also I was wondering, every Wednesday we have Karaoke night at the local pub, care to get a drink and show us how well you sing?" He had a deep kinda gruff voice, but it was sincere and fun, he spoke with a big smile the entire time. His tail twitching every time he mentioned Karaoke or singing.

"I don't sing but I'll come for a drink, Morning Glory gave me a bag of bits for supplies, after yesterday I'll Need a drink." He emphasised his point, shuttering again at the memories of what his cursed imagination created for him after Mistress and Avarice left making those sounds.

“Its ok I’m not much of a singer either, name’s Spear Head by the way, medic, and was newest squad member till you showed up. Good to have you on the team, about time Twisted was put in his place,” The brown coat unicorn with the silver mane, that was longer but well kept spoke up approaching the pair.

“Sense we didn’t get the chance yesterday thanks to somepony’s duel causing problems,” The white coat mare with light blue mane pulled up into a bun walked over with an amused look, “Name’s Petty Officer Third Class Snow Drop, our team’s best fighter. Speaking of fighting we should go hit the pits for some practice.”

After a day of drills were Duncan began to understand pony combat, it focused a lot on their agility thanks to the four hooves providing balance, and direct force, spears were used mostly as an easy way to dispatch weak enemies. Duncan wandered around with Boom De-yada most of the day getting introduced to the guard force of Ponyville. It was nice sense Boom did most of the talking letting Duncan do his best to blend into the background. That is until a stamped called the guard to action.

Dozens of poofy pink maned ponies bounded through town chanting, "Fun! Fun!" Twilight was chasing them with the other elements.

"We should help," Duncan said looking at the squad who had appeared around the pair. Nodding all of the ponies began running around town to catch the wayward Pinkie clones.

A mare with golden fur teleported to the front of the group, “Alright Wolf Squad, events like this are why we are in Ponyville, begin collecting the clones, bring them to one area, I’ll use a flare spell over where the other elements want them, use non-lethal force, we DO NOT want any accidents. Recruit Duncan stick with Boom he’ll show you what to do, listen to him, GO!”

“Yes, Petty Officer!” Steel Will teleported again in search of the elements, knowing that if one was involved so would the others. The rest of the guards began running after the swarm. Duncan stayed close to the earth pony, happy for his new body letting him run with the stallion. A thought struck him, the Pinkie Pie swarm episode, “Hey Boom De-yada, lets start corralling them in Town Hall, it will be the best place for them, I think there is an amphitheater we can use.”

“Sounds good, let's get the first one,” Boom jumped over some barrels to land on a cart, he then leapt onto the back of a clone who lacked the true strength to continue bouncing. Boom held her in an arm dragging her two the building at the center of town.

Duncan pulled out his sword and summoned the Dash, he scooped a pink pony under each arm running past Boom, dropping them in the main room before running again, he managed to get ten clones before his magic energy failed him and he fell flat on his face from the exhaustion.

A very annoyed Twilight appeared with Steel Will, Steel Will quickly charged her horn launching a spell into the air that burned for about a minute, as she did that Twilight spoke, “Ok anypony want to help Spike? We have some painting to do.”

Later at the bar...

"Let the bombs drop, let the bombs drop..." Boom De-yada sang, he was surprisingly really good at singing, his vocal range had let him sing from Baritone, to Alto. The rest of the squad was there as well, Snow Drop was really good, Spear Head, did one or two songs, he was... ok...ish...

After drinking till late night Duncan found himself walking back up on Twilight's couch. He blinked preparing for the inevitable headache.... only it never came.

Sweet no hangover, I'm surprised those ponies really knew how to drink.

There was the familiar smell of pancakes. Getting up he made his way upstairs with a sense of deja vu, to the kitchen he found Spike standing by the stove, "Morning."

"Sup, breakfast will be ready in a moment, surprised you're up so early, Twilight won't be up for another..." The young drake was cut off by a pop and flash as said unicorn appeared. He mane was frazzled and unbrushed with bags under her eyes. She kept rubbing her horn sleepily.

“...Morning is she always like this?” Duncan asked slightly confused.

Twilight blinked at him a few times, “Sleep… Pinkie Pie… why?”

"She'll be awake in about five more minutes, she was researching late last night," Spike went back to the stove, "So how many do you want?"

“Uh just two is fine,” This was way too weird, but magical pony land, maybe its so routine that Spike has started to state everything like a broken record. Duncan reached into his pocket looking for the books he check out the day before, figured that some reading could help him relax. They weren’t in his pockets, he reached searching deep, finding his cellphone, the board, some ink pots and quills, but no books.

“Hey Spike remember when you checked out those books to me yesterday?” Duncan rubbed the back of his head, he hoped they were just at the bar.

“No I don’t but it was late when you and Twilight got in, what books were they?” Spike asked sitting down with a bowl of gems and his own stack of pancakes. Meanwhile Twilight was eyeing her coffee cup, not quite sure why it seemed wrong.

“A training manual for the military and a Foal’s guide or something like that,” He answered, he took a bite of his pancakes, they were fantastic just like the day before. Spike got up really quick and checked the front room.

“Must have forgotten to give them to you, although I don’t remember you asking, here are our only copies, I’ll get them checked out properly after breakfast.” Spike went back to eating his food. Duncan looked at the two books in his hands, they were the same books from the day before.

Walking out the library he began reading again about the country’s military, it was divided into two branches, the Solar and the Lunar, each under the command of a princess, with different Ideals. The Solar branch was a terrifying force of pure strength and numbers. They were considered the most intimidating force on the planet. The Lunar branch however tended to work from the shadows, their information network could get and move data from coast to coast in less than a day...

Duncan noticed Pinkie along the road speaking with Rainbow Dash, he waved to her and called a hello as they passed, “Morning, how are you two today?”

“Good it's still as fun the fourth time around, see you later Duncan, also try the clock tower its funny!” Pinkie kept bouncing as Rainbow and Duncan shared a confused look.

“Ya, its Pinkie, so I’ll be going, later,” With that Rainbow bolted after Pinkie.

Arriving at muster he found the chief was there again, he was eyeing the formation the same way today,Must be habit for him.

Noticing the human the pony walked over. He stood before Duncan who got the instinct to come to attention and make a thousand yard stare, once again. The pony refused to speak as he circled Duncan like a hawk looking for weakness. Finally he spoke his voice deep and scratchy, “You are weak, you have no muscle, you walk without control, and you lack discipline. However you're not the worst recruit I’ve ever had, so I guess we will see what we can do with you. I really don’t feel like figuring out the standard BS of how a biped will perform military customs from a quadruped society. So I’m assigning Petty Officer Boom De-yada as your sponsor, he will teach you what you need to know. Otherwise stay out of my way unless I decide that I need you.”

“Chief didn’t you say that yesterday, Chief?” Duncan asked both confused and irritated.

“I was in my rack throwing up daisies all day, how do you propose I saw you yesterday much less spoke with you? I don’t know what your game is but get the buck in formation and DO NOT talk to me again unless I ORDER you too.” With that the old stallion returned to the front keeping an eye on the human.

Oh no, that was way stronger than just a normal deja vu, The Time Duncan moved to the same place he was yesterday remaining quite as muster was taken and the daily passdown given.

Just like the previous day after cleaning quarters Boom De-yada approached him, "So Duncan, I'm Petty Officer Third Class Boom De-yada. Our Demolitions specialist, I was ‘asked’ by our friendly Chief to show you the ropes around here, boy was he mad, also I was wondering, every Wednesday we have Karaoke night at the local pub, care to get a drink and show us how well you sing?"

"I don't sing but I'll come for a drink, Morning Glory gave me some bits for supplies, after what happened I'll Need another drink." He emphasised his point, shuttering again at the memories of what his cursed imagination created for him after Mistress and Avarice left making those sounds, which were followed by a Pinkie… Pie… stampede…. Damnit

“Its ok I’m not much of a singer ither, name’s Spear Head by the way, medic, and was newest squad member till you showed up. Good to have you on the team, about time Twisted was put in his place,” The brown coat unicorn with the silver mane, that was longer but well kept spoke up approaching the pair.

“Sense we didn’t get the chance yesterday thanks to somepony’s duel causing problems,” The white coat mare with light blue mane pulled up into a bun walked over with an amused look, “Name’s Petty Officer Third Class Snow Drop, our team’s best fighter. Speaking of fighting we should go hit the pits for some practice.”

Duncan played along, using the repeat of introductions to try and actually remember more than Boom De-yada and Snow Drop. He was really bad with remembering names. He stayed on alert waiting for the trigger that he could use to get some help, Time was a two pony job.

Dozens of poofy pink maned ponies bounded through town chanting, "Fun! Fun!" Twilight was chasing them with the other elements. She looked extra angry, Duncan was able to hear her call, “Why again!?”

She remembered, Of course she remembered, Time only has limited effect on people with high magic potential, there are probably dozens of ponies that remember yesterday. She is my best option then.

“We should help, I’m going to go coordinate with Twilight about the plans, be right back.” Duncan used the Dash to catch up with Twilight in a matter of moments. Boom tried to say something but was stopped as Steel Will teleported in to order the rest of the squadron.

“Twilight, I know whats going on,” Duncan managed to catch up with the mare. He released the magic on the card coming to a stop. She stopped chasing to look at him, her eyes narrowed.

“What did you do?”

“Uh, I didn’t really do anything, but I remember the time loop as well, its one of the cards. We need to deal with the Pinkies. Then we need to stop the card before midnight,” He drew on his reserve of confidence knowing that he need to be brave and make sure this happened right.

“I swear those cards, thats two days in a row. Ok we deal with the Pinkies then we deal with this card, get them all to the town hall again, and have Spike start painting.” She turned to see Steel Will teleport in requesting information. Duncan was about to run off when Steel stopped him.

“Attention Recruit. I’ll make this brief, we are a squad, a team, I don’t give two flanks about who is your commanding officer when you are a part of my squad you WILL behave like it. Now get to work collecting those Clones, Move out!” Steel Will teleported again to coordinate with the rest of the team, she fired the flare spell into the air again.

Duncan used the time to help Spike paint the wall after collecting a few Pinkie Pies. He found on to be particularly helpful. She picked up the brush and started to paint the wall provided blue.

“Why are you helping?”

“Its what friends do, and after the fourth time it must get boring.” She then bounced away to play with the other Pinkie Pies in the room. Duncan realized something at that moment, Pinkie Pie is really, really, scary.

Several hours later….

“Pinkie it’s ok you did it, you’re the real one,” The girls were all hugging Pinkie Pie, except Twilight who was still confused as hell. All she knew was that doing this twice in a row was exhausting and boring.

“I know, I’m getting really good at this, watching the paint dry is almost like watching a war, the slow moving bits giving up their water before cementing their place. Anyways I’ll talk to you girls later sense Twilight remembers the lesson this time.” Pinkie gave each of her very confused friends a hug before running off.

“What the hey is she talking about Twi’?” Apple Jack asked cocking her head at the unicorn.

“Actually I think I can answer that,” Duncan interjected, “see in that book of cards, well to clarify each of those cards are sentient spells, thoughts, wills and desires of their own. In this case the problem is The Time.”

“The time, what do you mean, it’s only about five o’clock?” Rainbow Dash asked floating near the the displaced human. She was going to return to sunbathing but really wanted to know more about this magic card bit, after all that dash card let him move pretty fast.

“No, The Time, with a capital ‘T’ it’s desire is to not see the next day, so it rewinds us again, and again, to live the same day. Those with high levels of magic become immune to the effects and start remembering the reset. Being a displaced I have a high amount, and Twilight being the element of magic, we have already realized that we have done this at least twice before.

“To stop it we need to find it and lay a trap, if we are lucky then we can prevent this from happening yet again.” Duncan finally stopped rambling to let the information sink in. Rarity was the first to speak, raising a question that nopony really wanted answered.

“So when Pinkie said four times….” She raised her eyebrow taking a step back.

“My answer will be its Pinkie and I really don’t think I want to know.” Duncan crossed his arms, thanking the gods that the mare was on the side of good. He then proceeded to jump nearly six feet in the air when he felt something brush against his back. As he jumped he spun to see his Squad at the door to the room. Said head that brushed him belonged to a golden unicorn.

“Recruit, I hope you are telling the truth, and I think the squad needs to sit down with you and your keeper. Information like this is a must for us to be able to fight back against whatever is loose on Ponyville.” She stood tall and proud as the other ponies filed in behind her, each standing at attention.

“It is Petty Officer, and I believe you are right, despite some of my background, I’m not really use to being a part of a squad like this. I’ll answer any question you may have, although first I suggest we capture The TIme, so that our lives can move forward.” He snapped to attention the moment he realized who it was that had entered the room, Rainbow Dash failed to repress a snigger at seeing the giant human being commanded by a small pony.

“What can we expect of this card’s responses to combat?” She asked first nodding to the rest of the squad who relaxed visibly and began making themselves comfy around the group. She also nodded to Duncan that he could relax.

“Sense it can control time it will stop, or reverse most anything we throw at it. However it is still limited to what it can see. So it being blindsided, or running into a trap, will weaken it. Also we have to find it, the card likes to find the largest time keeping device and hide around it. Apparently clocks generate a magic field that it likes.” He recalled all the information he really could about the card. He sat with his arms on his knees, bringing himself down to eye level of the rest of the room.

“That would be the Ponyville Tower, its located near the edge of town on a hill so it can be seen from anywhere in Ponyville.” Spear Head was the one to speak up, he blushed a little as the eyes fell on him.

“Good, too bad we can’t just blow up the tower, although that would be awesome.”

“Boom.” Steel Will cut him off before he could continue the half-joke.

“Alright lets plan,” Twilight made a huge pile of paper, with pots of ink, appear out of no where, Spike took it in stride picking up the first piece of paper and a quill.

Hours later

“Are we really sure this is a good idea? I mean we don’t really know much about these creatures. Just because he said that this Time Card doesn’t attack people doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true, after what happened to Twisted…” Snow Drop trailed off as she followed her Squad Leader. They were currently climbing stairs to the top of Ponyville Tower. It was well into the night and Luna had already risen the moon.

“Good idea or not, I really don’t want to risk ponies getting stuck in a timeloop, after all imagine you had to relive the same day, over and over and over again. It would drive you mad. Besides he comes recommended by the princesses directly.” Steel Will responded her eyes flicking back and forth checking for anything that may strike them.

“Up ahead, look,” Snow Drop pointed as they crested the top of the stairs. Sitting on the top of a large cog in the complex peace of machine work was a cloaked figure holding an hourglass. The hands holding the beautifully carved glass was bony and wrinkly, like that of an old man. The description continued to hold true as it had a long white beard and wrinkly face. Its ears were very long, as apposed to Duncan’s stubby ones.

“Strange it kinda looks like Duncan, wonder about the ears. Maybe his will grow longer.” Snow Drop mused as she laid crouched behind a few turning cogs, it appeared the creature hadn't noticed them yet.

“Quite, we need to wait for the signal so we can catch it.” Steel motioned the other mare to continue as she slipped around behind from the other direction.

After several minutes they heard what sounded like a timber wolf howling at Luna’s moon. In a flash Snow Drop charged forward at the cloaked figure throwing her spear as she went. The Card’s hand glowed with its hourglass she started to panic as she was frozen mid jump. Her spear was similarly floating, the world around them turning a grey and yellow haze.

Another spear flew out from behind some cogs, The Time’s hand glowed again as it stopped and started to reverse the flying spear, only to have Steel Will drop from above, The Time chose this as an indicator that it should move. It made for the window, as it flew into it lightning began arching through it, causing it to smolder a little bit, and start floating towards the ground, just outside the window a dozen odofu, paper talismen, were plastered.

“Alright just like the show, that was almost too easy,” Duncan prepared to take a running jump to capture the card. As he ran up the wall he failed to notice a black shadow over take Time’s form. In a blast of dark energy he was blown from the tower landing roughly on the ground below.

“This is bad, that wasn’t normal,” Duncan called out to the rest of his team, Spear Head was already healing the minor damage from the fall. Only for the area around Duncan and him to turn gray and yellow, time rewound and Duncan was returned to the air, time resumed and he fell again.

Then time rewound again, and again Duncan was thrown to the ground. Snow Drop tried to drop from above only to be blasted by darkness and fell to the ground with a sickening crunch, her wing poking out at an odd angle.

A shadow started to form behind the time, darker than even Luna’s night, a jagged mouth began to speak, “The Shadows will control time, you ponies should bow before the truth.”

It began rewinding time and running it forward again causing Duncan and Snow Drop to keep reliving their injuries.

“Damnit, I must not lose,” Duncan managed to start moving while in the time lock he was about to draw his sword and cast, when there was an extremely brilliant flash and bang. The flash left everypony blinded. Blinking several time to try and clear his vision, Duncan saw the form of Time fall to the ground, standing over it was a grinning red stallion.

“Let the bodies hit the floor, mwahahahah” Boom Deyada sang, his flash bang blasting the shadows from behind. He grinned walking over to Duncan, now that he was speaking in a regular voice Duncan could no longer hear him over the ringing in his ears.

Regaining his balance and vision slowly he stumbled past the talking pony drawing his sword he yelled, so he could hear himself, “Time Card, I command you to return to your power confine, Time Card!” His sword shined and a magic circle appeared under Duncan, it floated up shrinking around the collapsed form, sealing its power. The light engulfed the spell turning it into a card. It floated before him, reaching into his pocket he pulled out a bright pink quill that he had no idea he had gotten, he scribbled his name on the card and put it in his pocket.

The ringing in everypony’s ears finally started to dissipate as Spear Head cast a healing spell on them all, however Snow Drop’s wing was still broken.

“Ok Twilight, it’s safe you can bring everypony out.” Steel Will called into the darkness around them. Slowly one by one the elements stepped into the light.

“See Rainbow I told you the equestrian military could handle it themselves, Now can we all go to sleep, it's been a very long two days.” Twilight’s mane was a mess with strands sticking up and sticks stuck in it from hiding in the bushes, AJ worked her jaw having held Rainbow back most of the fight.

“Fine, made your point, We can talk more some other time, later,” Rainbow flew off for her cloud house leaving a rainbow trail behind her. Each of the others muttered their own good-nights, yawning and leaving.

Twilight stayed behind to speak with the guard, “Thank you all for taking care of this, its quite impressive to see you all work with such coordination and teamwork. I think I will include some of this in my next letter to the princess. Duncan, feel free to sleep over again, I would like to speak with you more about your book and the magic contained within.

“Of course, and to thank you, all of you, back on my world I’ve never had peo..ponies come together without passing blame, I know I’m to blame, but none of you did anything to target that, so thank you.” Duncan smiled a small honest smile, offering a perfect salute.

“Its what a squad does, sense the formation of the equestrian military it has been ingrained not to pass the blame and focus on a solution, not to say there won’t be punishment but we can deal with that later,” Steel Will uncharacteristically smiled, it was a good day and her team had done very well, “now then off to bed, we have muster at oh seven hundred tomorrow.”

She then teleported away.

Chapter 8: Training

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Mistress awoke the next morning at dawn, Avarice and Jeff were both still asleep. She was currently laying under him in a mass of flesh, she had been in so many forms last night she lost count. Jeff was laid at the foot of the bed wrapping bits around the other two’s legs in a semi hug. He had enjoyed playing as much as she had.

Mistress laid awake for some time think back on events and what she would do now. Her precious ‘Time of Prophecy’ was drawing closer. She had no idea what she was going to do after that, she spent years, nay decades, working to make sure these events would transpire. Then Duncan came along and made it so much more of a pain.

I love him, but that boy loves to make my life hard. Mistress mused as she shifted herself slowly deciding that being a pony again might be a good idea. She also needed to discuss some things with Avarice once he got up.

Speaking of which…

Mistress put all four hooves on his chest and pushed sending him over the edge of the bed.

“MORNING!” She called in a sing song voice. She was, of course, baffled when she didn’t hear him respond verbally, and instead of a meaty thud...she heard a disturbingly familiar semi-liquid splat, making her eyes widen. “A-Avarice?”

Looking over the edge of the bed she saw a black mass faintly in the shape Avarice was last in, being his dragon form. Yeah, things got crazy~ last night. A-anyway, he was now a nearly formless lump of flesh, a scary sight that shocked her to her core as Jeff stirred.

After a few moments she began to reason out exactly what was going on and calmed down, poking the flesh puddle she asked in a deadpan tone, “Need help learning body control?”

A few panicked gurgles came from the flesh puddle, until a fanged muzzle that seemed to be made of several creatures from dragons to ponies and changelings broke out and gasped for air the new advanced shapeshifter didn’t really need for a good while. “M-Mistress?! Where are you?! I can’t see!”

“You need to will yourself to have eyes, your own mind should flesh out the details. Focus on an area to grow a pair of orbs.” Ah beginners courses of body magic, she missed those classes. But then she blushed when the perv’s mind accidentally sprouted orbs of a kind all over him instead of eyes, and Mistress nearly burst out into laughter Oh my gosh! He’s a sack of balls~!

“Wrong orbs dingbat, they need to absorb light, do you know anything about biology?” She was trying to speak though her fits of laughter, but was shocked when the mass of flesh suddenly surged out in size, filling her room and practically slamming her bed against the far wall, and Mistress gawked at the massive black blob straining not to burst out of her room.

“Mistress! I can’t-somthing! Too much!” A tentacle like arm, topped with a deformed claw reached out blindly, and bulked up, growing like the rest of him, and when it bumped against one of her walls, it nearly smashed clean through it. That wasn’t strength! He was just that heavy! This wasn’t right! He should be getting lighter as he extends himself!

“Calm down, focus on a simple small shape, make yourself denser. Jeff and I will try and help contain you, otherwise we may pull an emergency evac!” She started focusing her will, her horn glowing a blue color, as she tried to force control over Avarice’s body, condensing the flow, Jeff had latched onto her creating a second horn, glowing green, attempting to do the same. The glow expanded holding onto a section of the expanding biomass. Only to balk at how he was still growing, still achieving his ACTUAL mass! How is this possible?! How does he have this much biomass stored away?!

Mistress! I’ve heard of this! Some Shifters can convert their mass into energy, and energy back into mass! He’s completely novice at it, and now all the energy he’s contained within himself is surging forth!

“Mis-ghbhbvciouae!” His formed muzzle was engulfed by his expanding and roiling black amorphous shape, and Mistress was starting to panic, she’d never seen a Shifter lose control so badly without rupturing or exploding, he could burst any second!

New plan, hand me the bell, Mistress ordered Jeff as she prepared to get a severe talking to, strange how such a young creature can act so much like a disappointed grandfather. Ringing the bell the three shapeshifters were forced into a black portal, leaving nothing behind save the destroyed room.

The room the three appeared in was inky black, and exceptionally large, the mass of Avarice was able to expand without risk of destroying anything, jumping back Mistress attempted something she had never done before, she was going to try and take over a portion of his mind and control his body. Reaching into the mass with tendrils of her own flesh, she began tying their nerve bundles together. Only to gasp and get immense feedback she wasn’t prepared for. ‘Mistress~! I-I’m, AH~!’ She screamed with him in bliss, her groin gushing with fluids at the unexpected orgasm. She hadn’t realized he’d been half-panicking, and half in ecstasy. She forgot just how pleasurable it was to stretch herself out like that.

It was at this point that a great yell was heard that could kill almost any sex drive, from a glowing archway a white unicorn stallion, his eyes were yellow with age. As he spoke, his gloriously big and braided white beard shook with each mouth movement. “YOU KIDS CUT THAT OUT THIS INSTANT!”

“S-Star Swirl~!” Mistress managed to pant out, trying to disconnect from her suddenly once-again engaged sexual partner, and couldn’t because he was grabbing back, trying to pull her into himself, and she was beyond aroused at the concept, some primal part of her wanting nothing more than to join with him like this, in a way only he and she could. In a way only Shifters could. “H-help! C-can’t!~!” Mistress's eyes were beginning to glaze over, thinking quickly she started to rearrange her brain, stripping out the sexual designers, and serotonin receptors. But it wasn’t working! Jeff! Why?!

He’s a true Shifter! Your bodies are now completely compatible, and even if you don’t have the comprehensible- Mistress shouted in bliss again as more fluids gushed from her groin, and she began losing form, limbs liquidating back into pure yellow flesh, her eyes rolling back as her tongue lolled out, becoming serpentine from starting to lose all control.

“Thats it,” Time stopped as Star Swirl’s horn lit up drawing on immense power, he levitated the masses of flesh into the air and started forcibly ripping bits apart from one another. It left a sickening snap when he pulled the nerve bundles apart, knowing that the two would be feeling that pain for a while. He then dropped each of them into their own separate holes that he spawned in the ground, he then let time resume.

“Damn kids having sex in my home. Mistress is in for an ear-full when she recovers, Jeff get over here, I need some information and right now,” Star demanded, only for the hole he dropped Avarice in start bulging over, making him blink. “Huh...that’s a big one.” Star Swirl then watched Jeff climb over the edge of Mistress’s hole as a treasure chest with folding plank legs.

“I am not laughing at your joke Jeff, now then tell me what has happened.”

Hours later after a comprehensive report Star Swirl was in his lab tinkering with bits and bobs while Jeff helped, who had decided playing treasure chest for once was a lot of fun, no wonder his kind loved to do this to fool adventurers. Star Swirl was startled out of his musings when a kitchen timer went off. This caused him to drop his potion into an unstable cauldron, the explosion turned every wall in the room pink and blue polka dots.

“Well that should have been enough time for those two to get ahold of them selves, come Jeff, lets see how your mistress, and our new Displaced friend are doing.” Putting on his hat and cloak he walked from the room bells jingling all the way. When he entered the dimensional transference chamber of his ship, he found Mistress in a form he didn’t see often. She was in what she referred to as a ‘human’ form. She was laying on her back, her rather large cantalope-sized chest teats heaving with her breaths. Her skin was a familiar gray-green that she used for her ‘pony’ form, her mane had grown out a vibrant golden yellow with striking green highlights, her arms ended in clawed fingertips, reminding Star Swirl a of the claws of dragons. Walking over to her he prodded her strongly in the side.

“Get up, we need to talk.” Star Swirl turned his gaze away from the nude, voluptuous woman at the sight of the massive black heap of flesh that had spilled over his hole, and spread out over the floor of the room, almost reaching Mistress. “How is it that you haven’t pulled yourself together? Jeff tells me you’re new to this, but seriously, how are you having such difficulty?”

“He used to have restrictions on his form, he then ate a piece of me and got my ‘form’ as such he is newer to this than a hatchling. I’ll have to teach him for a little bit to get this under control, in the meantime, I’ll get something from my room that he may be able to use.” Mistress pushed herself up stumbling a bit as she had to remember how to walk on two legs. She turned away from Star Swirl hoping against hope that he wouldn’t start nagging.

He did.

Mistress grumbled as she walked the maze of pathways that was the voidship Star Swirl lived on. He was nagging about her not calling again, it was one time, for a single decade, she was busy. Miraculously only a short four years had passed relative for him.

“...and another thing, next time you want to go seal some overpowered creature with a god complex DON’T get caught yourself, that is so embarrassing, to get a call from Celestia going ‘Oh Mistress went and got sealed with the empire, what am I going to do?’ Then I gave her that book…” She tuned him out again, finally she reached her room, where he barged right in with her.

“You know Star Swirl it’s really rude to come into a lady’s room uninvited. Lets get this back to Avarice and see if he can use it,” She picked up a glass jar from a bookcase, inside of which a small piece of gray flesh floated, runes of magic glowed on the lid.

“You are as much a lady as a cockroach, now don’t you lip-up when I’m talking to you. After we are done here you should go visit your friends, I’m sure they are worried about you.” He started nagging again, now going on about what she should be doing, making her roll her eyes.

After returning to the dimensional transference chamber she reached up and tapped the mass of flesh attempting to stir it from its sleep. After a few moments, Star Swirl pulled a strange looking horn from his coat and prepared to blow.

“Not the flugelhorn!” Mistress reached too slowly to snatch the evil device from his hooves.

Upon blowing from it a horrendous mixture of bass and sharp tenor erupted like a mutant love-child of a trumpet and a tuba that a flugelhorn was, getting Mistress and Jeff to cringe, and the black mass of flesh to suddenly ripple, and begin pulling together into a single massive towering tendril that seemed unable to figure out what to do with itself.

“DAMNIT STAR SWIRL! You DO NOT know how to play that thing, stop enchanting them.” Mistress turned from the pony who looked like he had just had his favorite toy smashed. Turning back to the black tendril she pulled out the jar, “Avarice I need you to work on making a mouth and ears for me, just focus on them, imagine having them. You have an advantage over most vanilla Shifters, who have to learn something like that from scratch. Just remember what it’s like.”

The tendril lowered to her, and misjudged distance, pressing into her face, and pulling away with an imprint of her face on it, which then suddenly started blinking, and soon, a black copy of her own face was staring back at her with piercing and shimmering green eyes, and some small holes appeared next to the face as the mouth began deepening into an actual orifice. “Mistress, what the fuck is happening? I woke up and everything was dark, I couldn’t really hear, I couldn’t-CAN’T breathe!” Avarice’s voice came out as she remembered it, it must’ve been cursed or something to remain like that in every form he took for him to still have it when he doesn’t even know how to form vocal cords yet.

“Its ok you got my base form when you ate my hoof, this next part should help. This,” She held up the jar to the face, “Is a peace of brain that has basic knowledge on how my abilities work, I’ve made things like this so that if something happened, Jeff would help be able to help me recover. You need to make some nerve endings and connect to the base, it should send some information so you can atleast get your body working again.”

She opened up the jar and lifted up to the face, which seemed confused and made expressions as if he were constipated or something, but then sighed, and dove face-first into the jar, licking the piece of her brain she’d copied for emergencies, and he pulled his face back out with awe. “It’s that easy?” Avarice said with shock, and looked town to his ‘tongue’ which extended from his ‘mouth’ “I got something from that but….”

“No you need to assimilate it, without destroying it, try again.” She insisted, feeling cheeky and a little happy with the situation. It was nice, teaching. Avarice then moved his tongue into the jar, took the piece of graymatter out, and slowly swallowed it once it met his mouth, and gasped he tried to do as she said, not destroying what he ate like he was so used to, like his body remembered always doing.

“Holy hell, that’s a lot of, so complicated. Take it back before I digest it.” Avarice then moved back over the jar, and spat the piece of brain back out into it.

“If you want lungs so you can breath, and a heart to pump blood, absorb the damn brain. You still need new materials or you will DIE and its more painful since pieces shut down one at a time. Try again.” Avarice looked conflicted, he was worried he destroy it, and she sighed. “I can make another one. We can work on control later. Just eat it. You’ll figure things from it there.”

“Alright then.” Avarice took the piece of brain back, and this time didn’t hesitate to swallow, and let his body get to work. “HOLY GOG SITTING ON A FIRE SPIT! OW!” Avarice shouted, and contorted, feeling odd as he began to shrink, his already saved templates now having a grasp on his new body’s form, but not being used to working with so much biomatter. “Too big, too big! I’ll have to-!” Suddenly, her face was gone, and the end of the tendril surprisingly turned into the head of a Hydra, that blinked at her with it’s green slit eyes as the flesh turned to black scales, and a second tendril shot out into a second head, with amber slit eyes that gasped for air, and blinked as the necks began solidifying all the way down.

“W-what? Avarice, how am I out here at the same time?” The second head spoke with a smoother, Trottingham accent, his mouth moving in the way sentients were used to in spite of a hydra’s raw bestial construction.

“Crescent? I don’t know. I’m still freaking out.” Avarice’s head stated back as the hole began rising back up since him finding a form met the hole’s requirements, and soon the...that...isn’t the body of a hydra. It was, in base, but it was extended, had seven limbs, four legs and two massive wings with a long spaded tail like a dragon, with the body being less bulbous since it didn’t need the counterweight as much.

“Huh, forgot I ate a hydra, so, Crescent, was it, how are you doing?” Mistress asked with a bemused look on her face.

“Well sexy thing, about as well as could be considering the situation. I was rather content to just be a voice in Avarice’s head, and now this has happened.” Crescent looked to his twin head, who grinned sheepishly as new additions of a red crowned fringe of fins grew from his head and neck, while none did for Crescent, implying that Avarice was ‘king’ of the body.

“Hey, I kept offering you to have some turns controlling our body, you just kept being lazy, saying you were fine watching.” Avarice sniped back playfully.

“Oh a voyeur? How fun, next time, you should set up in a chair, in the corner, much more exotic that way.” Mistress winked at Crescent’s head and blushing face.

“H-hey, everything he feels, I feel, everything he thinks, I think. The only thing separating us are our separate egos and the fact that our souls were originally separate too. So you had a threesome last night.” Crescent defended, wagging his eye ridges, which began getting a little spiky, perhaps as a characteristic trait.

There was a hiss from the side of the room, it was at this point the hydra noticed a strange treasure chest, with arms and legs, it opened its lid to reveal a set of eyes and teeth. It appeared very upset.

“Fourway or did you really forget about Jeff? The things he can do with tongues. Good times.” Mistress countered.

“Oh~ so that was the anal penetration I felt~!” Avarice cooed, looking down at the little treasure chest with a rumbling purr. “Never had it before, thanks for sating my curiosity~.” Avarice stretched his head over to Jeff and nuzzled the mimic. Who seemed to brighten at the affection, nuzzling back. Using his deformed voice whispered something dirty in Avarice’s ear that Mistress couldn’t quite hear. “Oh~ you naughty thing! Didn’t know about” For some reason, him calling her that made her blush, and suddenly become conscious of the fact she was naked as a human in front of them all, and Crescent leaned down next to her ear to whisper.

“Want to have your Shifter cherry popped?” Crescent’s smoother voice made her shiver, and she backed away nervously.

“Nice try I’ve learned your tricks, and until this is sorted out I will not let you get me aroused. Now then. You didn’t have this much biomass before, where did it all come from?”

Avarice and Crescent both looked to each other, as if double-checking their findings. “According to the information we gained from your piece of brain, we...uh...let us put it this way.” They spoke together, the Trottingham and Cockney accents blending together. “We’ve eaten at least a small mountain’s worth of meat alone, not including regular meals and the vegan lifestyle of ponies. We don’t shit though. Or pee for that matter. Everything consumed was converted directly into energy, energy we stored until we used it up. We can also feed on emotions like a changeling, so there’s that too. We’ve been busy with the Hyperion Offsite Facility and been...we’ve….”

“Go on Avarice, admit it. It’s easier on us both then.” Crescent urged, and Avarice’s head sank in sadness.

“I’ve...ascended into lower godhood recently. Suddenly, one day, I was driven mad by my need to fornicate, impossibly stronger than ever, the suppression enchantments on my attire doing nothing. But I already have several mates, all pregnant with multiples. I couldn’t just use someone like that. I...I can’t do that. I was crying into the dirt, thrusting with nothing to relieve me, when I saw the small little plot of land set aside for the tribe to grow crops, was so beautiful….” Avarice was crying now, tears of both despair and pride welled out of his emerald orbs, so Crescent continued.

“He exerted his pent-up energy on the plants, and...they bloomed. Violently and gloriously they exploded into blossoms, spreading their pollen, growing faster. By the time we were spent, what was a small, starting garden, became an abundant plot of land overgrown with life.” Crescent moved his head under Avarice’s, nuzzling him as he lifted the sad yet proud being’s head up. “We’re a God of Fertility, an Aspect of Creation. We found true purpose then...and...we’re trying to come to terms with it.”

“Ah, that is deep, being a god can be taxing, or so said a friend who use to attend God-con. But this is a great thing, with such abilities you can help a lot of creatures out there. You may consider spreading your influence beyond just your Equestria. Our badlands, for instance, could use some help? There is so much you could do, and you have friends to help you along the way,” She walked over to the base of the great beast and held a hand to it, smiling softly.


“A little, but what sort of God of Creation has such bloodlust as I? Takes life so casually as I? Vaga...he...he explained what’s happening to us. We will become an Ascended by the end of this, counted among the highest powers in the Multiverse...whether we want it or not.” The two heads then lifted up, looking down on the Shifter, Mimic, and unicorn. “We will become Chaos. Chaos is Life, Death, and everything, yet nothing.”

“Life breeds death, and death life, it’s a called the cycle of life for a reason. You can’t create something from nothing… well its not easy anyways and tends to be a bad idea. Embrace it, you’re a god, means lots of power and responsibility, also means god level trolling.” She joked trying to lighten the mood a little. Even if it was on a smaller scale she knew what the responsibility of life and death were, so many wars, so much loss, but so much gained, she still hoped it to all be worth it.

“We know this, but...I wasn’t a fighter. That’s why my Fertility Aspect emerged first. I’m glad for that, but apparently I was so attuned to it, that Vaga hadn’t even given half of that portion of himself to me yet. It’s why I broke down earlier, why I was so scared I almost killed that stallion just because I wanted to. I’m scared...I’ll lose that part of myself entirely to the madness of Chaos. I don’t want to discard life so flippantly. It’s why I...I want to create...and...and….” Avarice and Crescent both looked at Mistress in awe, and then their expressions turned oddly loving. “ are with child….”

Mistress stared at them with a briefest moment of shock. She eyed them, “God like powers, and now you can sense new life? Go and ruin the surprise why don’t you. Well this brings me to my next point, I’ll need a lot of biomass to care for the child, not tainted by your Plaga genes anymore than it already is, not that it's a bad thing. I just need it to be fresh and clean, so want to help me get some? Or do you need to get back to the rest of your herd… which I suppose I will need to be introduced to at some point.”

Mistress was surprised when Avarice was suddenly gently nuzzling her torso, and kissing her abdomen tenderly, his fanged lips oddly ticklish. “We will gladly aid you Missy. We put this new life in you. It is our duty to cultivate it.” Crescent spoke alongside him, and had curled around her, nuzzling her back in a sort of hug between them.

“Well you have great timing, I just got a call from one of your friends, seems she is having issues with a yeti, about two stories tall, all muscle, should be enough?” Star Swirl explained walking into the room interrupting the tender moment, Jeff took this moment to sneak up on mistress there was a flash of red light.

“Now it will be all of our child, it will move matter like body.” The mimic smiled, he wasn’t about to let the new creature have a child with Mistress before he could!

Mistress blushed, she hadn’t noticed anything off with the embryo, but then again, Matter magic was different from Body, she also knew that Jeff would never do anything to threaten her, or the new child, and being lovers already, she was happy about this to a degree she hadn’t anticipated. She wondered how it could have happened though. She never got pregnant from any of her previous joinings, she had never even considered the possibility, she hadn’t wanted to be a mother before being brought to this world. After that she always thought she would wait till it was safe, it was nearing time though so maybe it will be ok?

“Yes yes, now then get ready I’m dropping you all three just outside of town, and new guy, get a proper form on.” Star Swirl lit up his horn and a group of spirling spell patterns appeared before him spinning around before settling in place, locking like cogs. “Have a nice trip.”

With that the three saw a bright blue flash as they were ripped from the pocket realm to another, much colder world. “D-d-damnit Star Swirl~!” Mistress screamed, shivering as her naked and hairless human body was dropped into a snow bank, her breasts stiffening in response to the intense cold as Jeff quickly leaped onto her, and formed into a winter coat.

“AH~! It hurts!” Avarice screamed, their current hydra form being incredibly ill-suited to the environment, and after cringing in pain a few moments, they shrank down rapidly until they were in a roughly human form too, wearing just his pants again, Avarice stood, revealing he appeared to be a ripped and 8-foot tall specimen of a man with long ginger hair, piercing green eyes, and impossibly white shark teeth as they chattered. “I-I miss my form-fire! I can’t believe I actually miss the sensation of burning alive!” He rubbed his arms as he hugged himself, revealing he had draconic claws like her, and his eyes seemed to have trouble keeping a single shade of green.

“Here get close and Jeff can get us both warm, she should be here soon. Star Swirl isn’t a complete dick, all of the time anyways.” Mistress looked towards the nearby town, there was a road about a five minute walk. Avarice briskly approached, and hugged her, shivering as his body had issue adjusting so rapidly, and Jeff shifted over him, pressing their bare torsos against each other to help share warmth. They were literally face-to face, and they looked each other in the eyes.

“We have a few minutes? Want a quicky?” Mistress offered with a sultry smile.

“W-what God of Fertility would pass on that? B-besides, gotta warm up. I was just cold-blooded a moment ago.” Avarice mashed his lips into hers, they both moaned as they fell into the snowbank, becoming amorphous blobs of black and grey-green flesh as they entwined in a way they never imagined before, Jeff beyond happy to fully cover them in a warm wooly sack form to hide them, and help them warm up. He even shot in a few tendrils gripping and probing at the mounds of flesh.

The writhing sack was what a certain white unicorn happened upon, and considering the squelching sounds and the occasional moans, she grinned at having caught her pal in an embarrassing situation. “Yo Jeff. MC decide to have fun while she waited?”

“Yes, Mistress is busy, maybe five minutes… we’ll all be ready… sorry to cause a wait,” Jeff managing to speak though his embarrassment, and the random pulls on his tendrils.

“Oh no, don’t mind me. The Scratch knows what it’s like to have an itch. I’ll just enjoy the show here.” Vinyl Scratch added with her signature grin, chuckling at the sight of the writhing sack. “Hope she doesn’t mind explaining though.”

Chapter 9: Vacations

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A gruff looking man with stubble was driving the van as the rest of the passengers sat in the back. Their friend, the white unicorn who was wearing amethyst purple sunglasses and a pair of black blue headphones around her neck.

“So how ya been MC, haven’t seen you in weeks?” She smiled relaxing into her bench seat. It was modified to allow a pony to sit upright like a biped comfortably. Mistress opted to change to a male pony form, he was now a large brown unicorn stallion with shaggy long hair, and a kind of geeky voice.

“I have been doing well Vinyl, got sealed in the Crystal Empire of my world for a thousand years, got out about five days ago. Had a displaced show up in my world, he accidentally loosed some earth shattering magic. During a fight to seal one, we needed help so I called in Avarice here, then one thing led to another…” His cheeks flushed a bright red remembering the events. Jeff was ignoring the seat-belt rule and trying his hand at shifting into all of the equipment in the car.

Avarice was seated across from them in a sort of black and cream-coated paint-patterned mutant alicorn form that was hard to discern as an alicorn, due to his dragon wings and red-frilled black serpent tail. He was quadrupedal at the moment, and scrunched down to the size of a slightly-larger-than-average pony, and was visibly tense trying to keep himself so small as he continued to glare at the now-male Mistress through his draping and long sexy red mane with his green slit eyes. “Why can every Shifter turn into the opposite gender but me?” He grumbled to himself again, getting Mistress to sigh.

“You got quiet there MC what did he do? Knock you up?” A redhaired woman with freckles sitting in the passenger seat called back. She had her feet kicked up on the dash looking out the window glaring at the world as they passed by. Mistress blushed even brighter.

“Umm...actually...yeah.” Mistress admitted, getting nearly everyone to gawk at her. “Everyone, I’d like to introduce Avarice the Merchant; a God of Fertility, literally.”

“Hey.” Avarice nonchalantly greeted, not caring that nearly all the girls were looking at his pelvis in astonishment. Besides, he was sitting down, they weren’t going to see anything right now. Being quadrupedal had it’s perks apparently.

“Seriously, don’t let him near Scott, the world would end, I’m Kim by the way. So Vinyl said we are going yeti hunting, it attacked the last round of the battle of the bands. How are we handling this?” She shifted in her seat to look at the group, just in time to see Avarice’s body shudder and shift against his will with him growling and snarling as cream fur replaced the black parts, black feathers grew over his head, and his forelegs turned to talons. He was suddenly a gryphon with dragon wings and a serpent tail, and his hissing told them all he was not pleased with his body right now.

“We do what we can to summon the yeti, then these two take it out, in-out simple.” Vinyl offered.

“I saw that in the rear view, and I will be having nightmares, Stephen Stills by the way. Any plans to summon this yeti?” He asked turning on a blinker and merging lanes as they drove through the city.

“Well sorry if I have too much mass to control right now asshat! How about I inject you with some of my mutagen and see how YOU like being an amorphous blob of flesh, huh?!” Avarice squawked angrily, only to blink his still-slit emerald eyes. “Where’d that come from?”

“Meh, gryphons are kinda on the short-end of the temper control spectrum dude, no worries.” Vinyl waved off with her hoof, before leaning over to MC to whisper. “Got a real hottie there girl, mind letting me have a go?” This made MC blush, and glare at her friend who chuckled and backed away with her hooves held up in a placating gesture.

The final passenger finally spoke up, without looking away from his video game, he had barely muttered a hello when they piled into the van. “Sounds like an awesome video game you guys are on about, what's the name?”

“Neal, look up from the damn video game, before I punch you,” Kim answered the young bass player. He hit pause on the game looking up. His eyes opened wide at seeing the second unicorn, and the now a cream-furred and black-feathered mutant gryphon,

“Huh sweet,” he nodded his head with a smile before returning to his video game.

“Oh, great. We have a hate’s-the-world bitch, a hard-assed driver, a brat with the attention-span of a gnat, and a DJ. You all fill such stereotypes I want to vomit.” Avarice blinked again, and growled as his feathers and wings ruffled. “What is with this asshole behavior?! I can’t keep my damn beak shut!”

“Try turning into a bunny rabbit?” Mistress offered. Avarice turned from a foul-beaked gryphon into a fluffy creamy and black furred giant bunny all of a sudden, twitching his nose rapidly and moving his enormous ears.

“AWE! He is so cute now, I just wanna pet his giant ears, adorable giant bunny,” Vinyl used her magic to scratch Avarice behind his now huge ears. She laughed at the face he was making as he relaxed into his seat with a giant pleased expression and cute little whines of approval.

However, the moment ended when suddenly he turned from just a bunny, into a humanoid bunny-man of gratuitous height, and quickly leaned the distance to grab Vinyl’s face and kiss her full on the mouth to everyone’s surprise, save Mistress and Jeff who just sighed. Mistress grabbed him in his telekinesis and yanked him away from the gobsmacked and outright mixed-up DJ.

“That...was hot as hell. Sorry dude, but I’m kinda committed. Sorry if I gave ya the wrong impression.” Vinyl stated, as she tried not to look at the slight bulge in the bunny-man’s red silk pants, which were somehow integrated with him when he first became what he is now.

“Stop acting like rabbits back there, you’re rocking the van.” Stephen called back taking an exit that led the group far out of town.

“Say that again and I’ll SHOW you all a rabbit!” Avarice growled as he began panting, the bulge in his pants tenting out further, getting the girls to all gawk at the sight and blush, and MC to start panicking.

“Quick! We need some plants before he decides to impregnate everyone!” Mistress shouted in alarm.

“Look out a window,” Stephen offered, only for the two unicorns, and bunny-man to glare at him from their windowless seats, “Right, I’ll pull over here.”

Pulling over there was a small clearing with a picnic bench and barbecue pit, Vinyl magicked open the door, letting Avarice out as he sprinted to the woods with obscene speed fitting for a rabbit. Shortly, they heard an orgasmic cry of delight from him, and the trees all suddenly shot up in size, and several saplings began sprouting out of season in spite of the snow. “Okay...that hot.” They all looked to the currently-pole-legged-saxophone Jeff, who didn’t care that they heard him.

Avarice came trudging back as a mutant alicorn pony again, looking quite satisfied and had the sort of afterglow only amazing sex could give. “I’m, so~ good now.” He told them as he moved back to the van after everyone had gotten out to stretch their legs, and closed the door with his serpent tail, which Vinyl, MC and Jeff couldn’t help staring at the base of and appreciate the sensual curves he had despite being male. “Ah~...that should hold me over for days.”

“So about getting the yeti, no one shared the plan.” Mistress reminded them sitting at the picnic table as Avarice languidly approached and sat next to him, kissing his cheek and getting him to chuckle.

“Didn’t Star tell you? It attacks the battles, so we set up a practice session, and play loud enough to draw it out, then you guys take it out?” Vinyl explained pulling out a key clicker for the purple van. It then pulled a total Transformer move, even making the signature sound, as it shifted around in impossible ways into a small stage and sound system, the instruments and Vinyl’s DJ table set up already.

“No, that old nag just told us you had a problem, and dropped us here naked and in a snow bank without any explanation.” Mistress grumbled, and Avarice nodded to reinforce his statement. Mistress then turned and grinned wildly at the transforming stage. “I love that thing, best drunk party ever.”

“Well let’s get this started. No point in trying to wait for nightfall, it attacks any time there’s a battle, or sounds like there is.” Stephen moved to the stage, he was taking shallow breaths, covering his face with his hands. “Or not I mean, I’m not sure we will be that good, right, we are good, but to summon a yeti, thats crazy. Why are we summoning the yeti, this makes no sense, it’s like the third round all over again against the twins, we are so doomed, doomed I tell you!”

“We will sound fine, we are just trying to summon a yeti, shouldn’t be hard,” Kim expertly tried to comfort her bandmate… well not really. She was already sitting in her drummer’s seat, Neal started tuning his bass, doing a soundcheck with Vinyl. Jeff fused over onto Mistress as yellow hair again as they prepared for battle.

“But…” Stephen was cut off by Kim.

“No buts, get on the damn van and lets play.” He obliged, climbing onto the van picking up his guitar, doing a quick sound check with Vinyl, who gave the band a hoofs-up, Kim started, “ WE ARE SEX BOBOMB AND WE ARE HERE TO KICK YETI ASS! ONE-TWO-THREE-FOUR!”

Stephen took over singing his lyrics, as Neal started up the bass.

“Yeah Yeah

Yeah yeah”

Stephen started in on his Guitar part.

“Let me make your stasis

My-my-my-my Serpentine

I got a breathalyzer

And my body's clean”

It then rolled into instrumental for several scores with the band calling back and forth with each other. Mistress sat there smiling and banging his head to the beat of the music, Avarice was completely unimpressed. His face was bored, his ears tilted away from them, and he looked distinctly irritated.

“Yeah Yeah

Yeah Yeah

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah


Stephen ended with a the song with a full yell, sweat already starting to form on his face. He turned to the rest of the band who nodded, “That was good, yeti has to come for something like that?”

“It was really good, you guys have gotten a lot better, and Vinyl mad mixing, it all sounds perfect now. Lots of improvement for only, you said a couple of weeks?” Mistress cheered his tail swinging happily as Jeff danced to the song’s beat stuck in his head.

“THAT SUCKED BALLS!” Avarice screamed, very loudly, and clearly angry as he got up, shifted to being a humanoid version of his new alicorn form, and stormed up before even Kim could protest, and shoved Stephen away from the mic as he approached Vinyl’s table, and quickly used a finger to press just one button.

He then quickly moved to a keyboard and kicked it upright, before moving to the mic, getting emotional as he took a deep breath.

“I need to stop worrying about the things I can’t control~! I need to stop worrying about the dollars I don’t own~! I gotta stop worrying about the things I cannot know~!

But sometimes, it feels so good, oh~!”

Vinyl, Kim, and Neal quickly adjusted, and began playing along as his suddenly smooth voice prepared again.

“Money don’t matter if it feels for you!

Money don’t matter if you’re-hah, hah, hah!

Money don’t matter if it feels for you!

I used to worry everyday, now I got better things!”

A copy of Avarice was suddenly at the keyboard, and added a couple bars with a shark-toothed grin.

“Need to stop hurrying, slow down and take control~!

Gotta stop worrying, about your problems you should know~!

Need to stop feeling like my life is such a mess! Because the world has got me in it! It’s my time and I should live it-oh~!”

There was a small pause, where it seemed Avarice had tears in his eyes.

“Money don’t matter if it feels for you!

Money don’t matter if you’re-hah, hah, hah!

Money don’t matter if it feels for you!

I used to worry everyday, now I got better things!”

The Yeti suddenly appeared, it flew into the clearing destroying the barbecue, throwing a punch to destroy the band. Only to be knocked away by the sexy synth injection hitting it with energized note symbols while MC got ready to fight. The second Avarice grinning wider.

“Cause it don’t matter what the people say. It don’t matter what the people do-oh~.

It don’t matter what the people say, cause I say baby~ you gotta stop worryin’-oh~!”

It tried to get back up, but was quickly slammed down by the band rising in volume for the last chorus as Mistress and Jeff prepared to rush it the moment the song ended. Meanwhile, Avarice’s eyes wept.

“Money don’t matter if it feels for you!

Money don’t matter if you’re-hah, hah, hah!

Money don’t matter if it feels for you!

I used to worry everyday, now I got better things!”

The ending of the song finished with an explosive synth bar, and the yeti was slammed a foot into the ground before the music finished, and Mistress made his move. His front hooves flared out like barbed whips ripping into the fur of the yeti, cutting bit by bit off, the yeti roared in pain. Mistress landed in the snow, his body becoming thin, and tall, Jeff had spread over most of his body forming armor. His body a bright reddish orange, mistress returning to his gray-green skin but keeping a male appearance.

The yeti tried to rise, most of its thick winter fur removed, red welts on the skin and patches of blood leaking out. Mistress used his sides to send out more tendrils of flesh, with bone tips at the yeti. The yeti blocked with an arm, the tendril ripped into the arm causing the creature to roar in pain. Using the arm as an anchor point, Mistress flung himself into the air over the yeti, launching more bone tipped tendrils into the yeti. It had enough.

Mistress was caught off-guard when the great four-armed ape-like beast roared at him, breathing a freezing beam of magic at him. He barely managed to twist out of the way, but his tendrils all froze solid and snapped off, getting him to shout in pain at the unexpected loss of mass. He landed on the far side of it, and the two-story tall monster rose to it’s feet, it’s wounds already sealing closed with ice. “Of course it couldn’t be easy!” Mistress then dodged a huge ball of ice the creature spawned by breathing into it’s hand by leaping to the side. Can’t take a direct hit! Our egg cannot survive even one!

The great pale beast breathed into all of it’s hands at once, and was about to throw a barrage of small icebergs before twin roars rang out from behind it, and it found itself being tackled to the ground by a black hydra/dragon hybrid that was incredibly pissed off. “THOU SHALT NOT LAY ANOTHER HAIR UPON OUR MATE!” The heads took a deep breath, and both breathed black Void flames into the back of the beast, getting it to roar in unbelievable agony.

Mistress and Jeff hung back a moment to gawk in awe at the great beast. He was literally cooking the thing alive in protective fury over him. It made his heart flutter. He only felt something like this from Jeff, never another. But eventually the monster used all four of it’s arms to throw the great shivering beast off of it. Avarice was slow in reacting, panting, shivering...oh no!

Jeff we need to end this quick, Avarice’s cold blood could kill him in this environment! Mistress threw himself into the battle once again, a flurry of spikes and whips. He began ripping through the thick flabby skin getting to the vital organs inside. He wasn’t quite fast enough as it grabbed a tendral and tossed him into a snowbank. The creature approached, looming over him, it raised two fists to smash him, only to be hit in the side of the head by a large snow ball.

“Leave my buddy alone, ya harry ape,” Vinyl called out, levitating more snow balls and launching them at the yeti. Roaring it turned to charge at her, finding a large white spear protruding from its chest. It looked down at the weapon, as if confused, before it groaned and fell over on it’s face, shoving the weapon all the way through again. “If only we could do that to all our violent critics.”

“Ya but you might run out of people that way.” Mistress smirked pulling himself up out of the snow bank, snapping the bone off at the end of the tendril connected to the bone spear in the yeti. He smiled, barely breathing hard. Their attention was drawn however, to the sound of a massive thing crashing to the ground, and everyone quickly looked to see Avarice and Crescent panting in short breaths, their body entirely limp, and their eyes glazed, barely able to stay open.

“Need fire, hydras are cold blooded, need to warm him up and fast!” Mistress sent Jeff over to start warming the massive creature with his own body heat. Stephen raided his glove box for a lighter. Mistress in the meantime sawed through a large tree dropping it in the clearing destroying the picnic table. However, they were all interrupted by Jeff shouting something about a Summons, and suddenly the blue fire that signaled Avarice’s departure was starting to consume him. “No! I didn’t send him away!”

“M-Missy...we don’t know how to ignore a Summons yet….” Avarice said weakly as the heat of his portal’s flames were warming him up. “Don’t hate us, please, we don’t want to leave yet!”

“Take this, and don’t worry, we would never hate you. Be careful Avarice, god of life.” Mistress pulled out a simple set of dog tags, one his normal summoning token, the other had a red heart that seemed pink in certain lights. When Mistress put it to his neck that hadn’t been engulfed in flame yet, it grew to fit him to his astonishment, and wrapped around the frilled head’s neck. “I’m sorry to see you go before I could assure you the baby is safe, but-mmph!”

The hydra suddenly pressed his huge lips to his own lips in a chaste kiss of tenderness, and he saw the love in his emerald eyes that he held for all living things, yet cherished especially with those closest to him. “Goodbye, Missy.” Avarice pulled away before they were completely engulfed in the swath of light blue flames, and vanished.

Mistress called out after his lover, “Call me!”

With that the flames settled, leaving a patch of melted snow and scorched earth, sealing them apart for a short time. I’m going to miss him, haven’t felt like that in years! Thank you Jeff for always being here for me, I love you.

I love you too Mistress, and worry not, we will surely see Master Avarice again. Jeff reattached himself to Mistress as they shifted back to the brown unicorn stallion. He walked over to the yeti, as the others collected up their instruments and reverted the stage back to a normal van.

“Bye you guys! I’ll just head on home by myself. I’ll clean up here!” Vinyl paled even more, knowing what her friend meant, and hurried her friends up so she could give her pal privacy.

“Ok tell Star I said “Hi” and thanks for sending help bye now!” Vinyl called out as they sped off to avoid seeing true nightmarish sights.

Looking at the corpse, Mistress changed back into her Morning Glory form. “Okay...let’s do this.” Mistress looked at the massive beast, her stomach roaring in simulation of hunger, because looking at the almost cooked beast was making her mouth water. This moment always made her nervous. She approached the face, her tongue extending out as a semi-solid tendril, and sent it up the nasal passage, going for the most direct rout to the brain, best before it got cold. She moaned in bliss, tasting the forbidden delicacy that was raw, fresh brain matter. So ripe with knowledge that even base beasts were unaware they possessed.

She panted in excitement as the tongue she sent in began encompassing the sadly small brain in her flesh, and then promptly began instantly digesting it while savoring the flavor. She hummed in contentment as the skull of the creature emptied and new data and biomatter was added to her body, which grew bigger all around from her not knowing how to convert it to energy, and didn’t feel the need to increase her density at the moment.

Once the delicate part was over, she immediately dropped all pretences, letting her monstrous side take over as she blissfully began consuming the creature from the inside out, not caring for how it was caving in on itself. She moaned in rapture as her body grew, and panted as she began focusing more of the mass to her womb. A new ‘surrogate’ womb was filling her, growing around the egg and would sustain it until it hatched, she would need to get home to ‘finish’ it but already it was taking shape.

She put a hoof to her growing belly as she continued to grow, feeling amazing at stretching herself out, the beast shrinking into itself as she drained more and more of it’s body into herself. Oh God~ Jeff I haven’t felt this good eating in years, Avarice is more than just creation I think. Dig in, you need to eat and help too, this baby has three parents. Mistress thought as her hips cracked, widening to compensate the increasing girth of her beyond pregnant belly.

As you wish, my Mistress Jeff hummed happily as he gorged himself on the beast around them, breaking down the bones, being difficult for Mistress to directly change on the way in. He fed the calcium directly to her and reinforced her bone structure. The two working together using each of their specialized magics to break the creature down. After the bones went the creature deflated on them, leaving the sickening sight of a charred sack of meat that Mistress continued to consume through her tongue.

Eventually, she was finally done, and was gasping for breath in elation for how she stood nearly eye-level with the tops of the trees around her, and how swollen her middle was. She seemed pregnant with multiple foals, but most of it was actually the surrogate cocoon she’d prepared. She looked upon herself with an obscene and previously unknown amount of pride and love, rubbing her hard belly with great affection. “This is amazing...I...I almost want to keep it in me. But I can’t….” She grunted as she tried to sit down, but her enormous belly made any sort of action extremely difficult, and it was easier to remain standing. “’s tiring, and I still have to shrink down and increase my density too. I hope I’m not so fat I crush everything I step on~.” Mistress joked with a lilt to her tone, finding the concept amusing, and oddly arousing.

We could go on a small rampage in the area before you do so? Jeff offered, knowing that his Mistress had developed a strange desire to destroy things, explosions were a favourite of hers. He felt sluggish as he latched on to Mistress tighter, his own form too large to move normally.

A few trees couldn’t hurt, then we call Star Swirl. She stated as she waddled over to the first tree, placing a hoof on the bark and pushed, ripping up the roots. Hehe, thats fun.

She then waddled sideways, landing into three trees at once snapping them like twigs. She giggled in joy and a touch of ecstasy as she destroyed the forest, leaving the small clearing they started in a very large meadow, and dozens of trees lying on the ground. She especially enjoyed bumping trees over with her new sexy wider plot and even nudging them over with her huge side-swelling belly. About the time the sun began setting several sirens could be heard in the distance, quickly making their way in her general direction.

We should go now Mistress. Jeff recommended with a small note of panic.

Yes, Jeff rang the bell from inside the mane as mistress called out Star Swirl we need evac, directly to my gym. I’m a little oversized.

She was enveloped in darkness leaving a large pop in the air. After several minutes the police finally arrived at the meadow, finding the hollow skin of the yeti and destruction, they were completely at a loss.

Mistress appeared in her gym on Star Swirl’s Voidship. She actually had to duck, as her ears and horn, and especially Jeff, all touched the ceiling. “Heh, heh, even bigger than I thought I was.” The thought of that made her bite her lip, she was getting aroused again. She had no idea she had a macro fetish before now. She looked down at her belly. Or a pregnancy fetish. I feel so good Jeff, so right. Letting this thing out is going to be hard on me….

Well, I certainly don’t find any issue with it. Aside from the fact we cannot interact with the public in such a state. Jeff’s words made Mistress groan. Of course. She was wishing she was a hermit right now. Maybe she could just eat, and grow...and grow...and grow…. Mistress. Jeff’s warning tone brought her out of her deepening rut, she felt her nethers clench. She was really, really turned on at the prospect of just getting...bigger, stronger. Mistress!

Sorry, sorry! I’ll try to calm down. She took a calming breath, business and important things came before her own pleasure. Just because she had to break her dry spell several times over the past several hours with a stupid-sexy-sex-god and discover she had really potent fetishes was no reason to lose her head. She severed some of the synapses and decreased gland activity so she would stop getting her head all cloudy with perverted thoughts of macrophilia. Then she worked on shrinking down, which was tough not just because of how much mass she now had, but she’d donated more than necessary to her surrogate cocoon in the heat of the moment, so it was a bit tough to keep her belly at a proportional size.

The process for creating the surrogate cocoon in detail took several hours to stabilize, programing the graymatter she had absorbed several more, but she managed it though, and got back to normal size, if not weight, as she tapped a hoof on the floor and felt it nearly crack. “Okay, now to head home-.”

“Good Faust mare! How’d that happen?!” Star Swirl shouted at the sight of her gym turned nursery, and she groaned. he wouldn’t stop bugging her unless she told him.

Chapter 10: Move (Revised)

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I was unhappy with the first rendition but hurried it out anyway, I apologize I shouldn't have been impatient. The new chapter is mostly the same but added somethings I should have added the first time around. I'll make sure the chapter actually ready even if it is pushed late, everyone kind enough to read it deserves proper(as close as I can get) chapters.

Duncan groaned as he heard an alarm going off. Reaching over he found it to be his cell phone and it was set for six am. He blinked at it several times, his brain still not processing what was going on. On reflex he turned it off before rising from the bed.

“Hu…” He followed the small charger cable that was connected to some small antenna stand. There was a small note that said ‘You're welcome, see you at breakfast.’ signed MC. The writing was ridiculously sloppy and he almost wasn’t sure of what it said.

“Where the buck did she find a charger?” He blinked a few more times clearing the sleep from his eyes, shaking his head he rose to search for the shower. Tossing his clothes on the floor he jumped in the shower and let the warm water wash the pain from the previous day away.

Why did capturing cards have to be so hard, between The Time and The Arrow he was exhausted. Thankfully the squad had been willing to help with each one. Seems they were happy to have something to actually do. Apparently the Summer Harvest parade was the worst guard duty, and the cards were considered important enough to get out of the watches.

Mistress hadn’t returned yet but Starlight Song had actually ordered them to focus on the cards. Boom De-yada had jumped for joy after they were dismissed, he got stuck with watch for the parade the last year and was ‘Bored to Tears

“At least that was another card down, four already.” Duncan muttered to himself turning off the water. When he came out he found that his clothes were cleanly folded and placed on the counter. Confused he picked them up and sniffed them, all clean, even with a bit of a lavender scent.

Quickly getting dressed he made his way down stairs, to find Jeff making pancakes again, with what smelled of sausage, and more eggs. Mistress was sitting at the table playing on a phone, a pink and white cased phone, that was fully charged and seemed to have pictures on it that she was scrolling though. She was still in her Morning Glory disguise.

“Where did you get the phone, and the charger?” Duncan asked taking a seat at the table. His robe top was still with Twilight. He sat down pulling out his phone looking over some of his photos, the screen still displayed a ‘No Signal’ notice at the top.

“My room, I packed light when I went to the Crystal Empire. You know how hard it is to update time without access to internet?” She turned the phone off sliding it to the side of the table. “So how was it while I was gone?”

“Exhausting, yesterday the Arrow card awoke. It started at random ponies from afar. The arrows pierced most of our defensive. We had to get Twilight to help. Even then the best her shield did was slow it down. That was when we started to work around the problem. Boom handed Snow a bag of grenades, flash bang mosty, and a few frag. She started doing strafing runs pushing Arrow out. Twlight and Spear Head kept us supported, S.H. is really good at healing. Twilgiht then started using simple smoke cloud spells to obscure us. I used the Dash on Snow then had her drop me from above as the card was distracted. Got hit on the way down once, grazed the leg, but sealed it.” Duncan looked rather pleased with himself. He took out all of his current cards, fanning them out to show them off.

“That’s impressive, I’m slightly upset you put Twilight in danger, but she is a strong mare, and its after…..” Mistress froze mid sentence. “Um do you know anything about the season two ending? No pony has had it on their mind, so I’m not sure what happened.”

“No idea, maybe try asking Twilight? Or get Spike to take a letter for you? I’m more worried how they are awaking so fast, normally there were days between card activations in the show. I wish we had Kero hear to explain what was going on.”

“Likely has to do with the ambient magic in the world. After all even in Cardcaptors Sakura, the world had very little access to active magic. Here just about every single creature has something. I’ll go chat with Twilight about the wedding if I can and your book, see what she has learned,” Mistress accepted the plate presented to her, Duncan thanked Jeff for making his before digging in. “So how goes integration with your squad, Equestrian Military prides itself on harmony in all aspects that it can. Or at least it did one thousand years ago.”

“Well turns out Twisted Spear, the guy who got turned into a baby dragon, was a member, it’s only been about three days so he hasn’t been released yet. They are still running tests on him to see if it can be fixed.” Mistress winced slightly as Duncan informed her, wasn’t the first time somepony had been hurt during a Displaced summoning, but it still was never fun.

“Well maybe Twilight can help him… her adjust, she is the only pony to have raised a dragon in several centuries. I’ll talk to her about it as well.” She opened an app on her phone and started adding notes to make sure she remembered what she need to talk about, her memory was normally perfect, but after the insanity that happened with Avarice, she wasn’t sure she trusted her own mind again… damn sexy sex god….

I miss him already too, maybe we can call him soon. Jeff thought to Mistress as he finished consuming his food and began clearing the dishes.

Sounds good. Mistress began musing, thoughtfully tapping her chin, as dozens of thoughts flooded her mind.

“Sounds good Ensign Starlight Song, my company commander, wants a word with you, we could probably get Twilight and get it all over with at once. She was not happy about the Pinkie Pie episode with Time.” Duncan banged his head against the table

“What?! Damnit that happened already, did it at least ‘appear’ correctly, did Pinkie keep doing it each time? Need to make sure Twilight learns all of her lessons.” Mistress looked a little worried at the news. Something that Duncan wasn’t use to seeing on the pony's face.

“Ya, ya, it happened both days Twilight and I remembered, you want to know the scary bit?” He leaned across the table hands folded smiling a bit evilly.

“What? No pony was hurt I hope?” Mistress was a bit confused by his display compared to his words.

“She said she was still having fun after four times.” He leaned back letting the information sink in.

“Nope, nope, nope not touching it. Doubt even Discord would want to.” She got up from the table passing Jeff the phone letting him take it over. “Let's get going, sounds like it’s going to be a long day.”

The pair walked along the road, Jeff returning to his post as Mistress’ hair, every so often Mistress would snicker at something that Jeff had captured on the camera, seems he had missed it.

After muster Mistress approached Starlight Song, who was standing alongside Phantom Thorns. She eyed the old pegasus, wearing a smile that hid a deep dislike of the pegasus. Starlight responded with a pleasant smile greeting the pony.

“Good morning, Duncan has told me you guys have had a busy couple of days. I apologize for not being present, but dealing with Displaced is my job and Avarice ended up really needing it… and I suppose I needed the short vacation.” Mistress continued smiling.

“Not a problem, Morning Glory. Since you are back, after cleaning quarters I was going to collect Recruit Duncan and Petty Officer Steal Will so we can sit down and figure out what is going on with these cards that belong to our new recruit.”

“Oh ok, we can do that. If it's all right, we can convene in your office, I’ll be collecting Twilight Sparkle.” Mistress responded, reading Phantom’s desire to respond she interrupted him. “She is the princesses’ student after all. She has a direct line to report the status of Ponyville and should be kept in the loop regarding details about the displaced. I don’t want any cliché events just because we tried to keep a secret.”

Jeff stop laughing, Mistress reprimanded him.

“Well that does make sense, ok ma’am if you’ll collect Twilight we will meet up at my office. Do you need directions?” Starlight nodded recognizing the bonus to keeping such an important pony in the loop. Thankfully the laws regarding Displaced were really fuzzy, she hadn’t even heard about them in here years of service.

“I’ll barrow Petty Officer Boom De-yada, he should know the area well enough.” Mistress smiled, ignoring the scowl from the Chief.

They parted way with Mistress pulling Boom from his area.

“Ma’am, not that I’m ungrateful but what are we doing?” Boom asked falling instep beside the displaced pony.

“Collecting Twilight Sparkle then going to a meeting. However that isn’t important. The reason I selected you to help, sense that is your real question, is because you’ve been helping Duncan the most.” She smiled keeping step watching the earth pony as he thought over it.

“Chief asked me to, that’s all. Duncan is a pretty all right dude, bit reserved but all right.”

“Thank you for taking care of him. Being displaced is scary and unsettling at best, a living nightmare at worst. Having a few friends should help him adapt.”

“Well ma’am, the equestrian military prides itself on its friendship and harmony.”

“I know,” Mistress smiled, then under her breath with a sigh, “I really know.”

It wasn’t long before they collected Twilight and made their way to the meeting. Boom remained outside in the hall relaxing, waiting for Duncan to get out.

The meeting was incredibly boring as it mostly consisted of Twilight or Starlight asking questions and Duncan answering them. He remembered most of the information about the cards. There were fifty-two cards, plus a special created card the “hope” card which is a fusion of two other cards.

“Well then Duncan, that answers most of our questions. You are free to go, Boom should be waiting for you. I’ll be staying here to discuss a few things with Ensign Starlight, and Twilight, have a good day.” Mistress directed Duncan to the door before settling in for more unpleasant matters.

“Yes, Morning Glory what else would you like to talk about?” Starlight asked as Duncan closed the door. He started down the hall alongside Boom who began singing a song.

“So what's the plan now?” Duncan asked as they approached a storage closet.

“Well once a week we have to clean a storage room and make sure it's organized. This week is our parade gear, since the Summer Harvest parade earlier, its been a mess. Most ponies don’t bother to put things away. So we now have to clean everything and put them away.” Opening the door Boom showed Duncan what he meant, uniforms and armour splayed everywhere and several flags were laid about.

“Huh well this shouldn’t be too hard, where do the flags go?” Duncan asked, picking up a flag and folding it. Folding it in half twice, then over again to form a triangle, tucking the extra bit to keep it held together.

“You’re good at that. Where did you learn to fold a flag?” Boom asked laying his own flag out to fold with hoof and mouth.

“Oh its the way they did it in my world. Normally there were rules about them touching the ground, I’m assuming these flags don’t have the same rule the way they were tossed about?” He started another flag starting to make a stack of them.

“Ya these are just squad flags, commandflags, ect. The equestrian flag has that rule. Its weird how much of your world seems to be similar here. What about if somepony defaces a flag?” Boom moved to sorting the armour trying to get the wooden crates they went in unburied.

“Well my country it wasn’t technically against the law. Freedom of speech was said to cover that. I never agreed with it. There was a state that tried to pass a law but it got overturned.” Duncan grew angry remembering the people of his world again, clenching the flag tight enough to turn his knuckles white.

“Its an offence punishable by community service. You can speak out and share your opinions. However, you live in Equestria, you respect its law, and symbols.” Boom explained lifting the armour sets into the wooden crates, each labelled with a size, inspecting them for damage as he did so, setting aside pieces for repair and polish.

“Sweet, well last flag and this place is done” Duncan reached for a flag that was black with a silver symbol on it. Only for for a pair of pink wings to sprout from it, taking flight the flag teleported past the window out of the room.

“That's not good,” Boom had a look of fear on his face, rearing back a little.


“That was our Squad flag, Petty Officer Steel will be bucking angry, not to mention Twisted if he find out about it...” Boom torr out of the room galloping after the flag. Duncan running trying to keep up. Calling out to him to try and explain that the Move card was tricky and not going to get caught that way.

As they made their way out of the building they passed the rest of the squad working on cleaning the front hall. They looked just about done, shining some brass and polishing some wood. Boom didn’t even stop, accidentally knocking Spear Head over in his rush.

“What was that about?” Snow Drop asked helping Spear Head up. Duncan stopped to explain.

“The Move card possessed the squad flag. Its a tricky card chasing it wont do any good. We need a plan.” Duncan quickly explained look to the ponies for help. They all staring mouths agape as he explained.

“What are this card’s abilities?” Snow Drop asked slowly.

“Teleporting, and moving the object possessed, it's a trickster and unpredictable.” He answered.

“Perfect, lets go. Duncan you’re with Spear Head, I’ll catch up with Boom.” Snow Drop took off out of the doors, leaving a trail of snow filtering behind her. Duncan and Spear Head sprinted out after her, looking for a sign of the flag. It was currently hanging from the top of Town Hall.

“…but we didn’t form a plan!” He called out after her. She was unfortunately already out of sight.

Several hours later, all four squad mates sat in a pile on the ground back to back. They were all panting and drenched in sweat. They had chased it all around town; however the devious little card just kept messing with them.

Boom was sporting a nice lump on his head from where Spear Head used him as a stepping stone. Snow Drop was sporting a lovely shade of green from having a bucket of paint dropped on her. Duncan’s cloths had tears all over; they were larger but seem to slowly self-repairing. Spear Head’s horn was decorated in many colors when three young fillies decided he needed a makeover.

Even when they started form plans on their own it didn’t work. Duncan tried to use the Dash to outrun it, only to have it teleport behind him. His own inertia pushing him into several walls, and once the river.

“I told you this wasn’t going to work. It’s a tricky card, see it mocking us!” Duncan huffed finally recovering enough of a breath to speak. All eyes turned to the offending flag, which was in-fact mocking them. It swooped about in front of the hospital building. It would float near them, only to dash out of their hands if any tried to reach for it.

“If it wasn’t so flimsy I’d just toss a few hand grenades. Boom. Done.” Boom moaned an ice pack held to his head.

“WE KNOW, Boom, you love blowing things up. If Twisted or Steel Will catch what has happened… A few more moments then we move out again. Duncan, what’s your plan?” Snow Drop asked earning a glare from the Displaced. He started standing up, hands on his knees.

“Alight, Spear Head, you’re good at sensing magic right?” Duncan asked, finally catching his breath.

“Yes, I can do that.” He responded also standing up. Closing his eyes he began focusing on the magic around them, a faint glow of light surrounded his horn.

“Good, ID the card, it should send a tell sign of where it’s teleporting to. Tell me and I’ll seal it when it arrives. Boom, you and Snow, dash in and try to catch it. It should teleport away again. Everyone on my mark.” Duncan readied his sealing sword, the rest of the team flanked him.

“Go!” Duncan waited next to Spear Head. Snow and Boom sprinted toward the possessed flag. It jumped up out of Boom’s reach only for Snow to fly after it, a trail of snow behind her. It teleported.

“Front Door!” Spear Head called out pointing a hoof at the front doors of the hospital. Duncan activated the Dash, moving like a bullet sword swinging. As the flag appeared it started to float up and out of Duncan’s reach.

Only to suddenly be stopped by an orange claw, too focused to notice, Duncan’s sword connect, “Move! Return to your powers confined. Move!”

In a flash the sealing circle encased the pink wings, returning the card to its sealed from. It floated before Duncan till he accepted it. Looking down he saw the claw that now gently held the flag. It belonged to an orange dragoness with purple spines.

She looks pissed… oh shite is that….? Duncan began back peddling.

“You fools let the flag be used as a BUCKING!! Play toy?!! I AM GOING TO BEAT THE FLANK OUT OF EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!! NOW RUN” The Dragon threw a kick knocking Duncan back several feet. The dragon promptly lost balance and fell over. Ensuring the flag didn’t hit the ground, she landed on her back.

“TWISTED’s BACK!!! RUN!!” Boom turned tail leaving his squad behind; Snow was quickly after with Spear Head left unsure what to do. Twisted Spear returned to her feet, looking at the flag in her hand and Spear Head, she approached him.

“Fold this and return it to the storage room. Do well and I won’t rip you apart with my new claws.” She waited while Spear Head accepted it and carefully walked back to the guard building. Turning to the fleeing ponies, she called out after them, “GET BACK HERE YOU FOWLS!!!”

Duncan pulled himself back up gasping for breath, tears running from his eyes. Even with his new Displaced durability having the wind knocked out of him hurt. Blinking several times he saw two blurry pony figures approaching.

“You ok D?” Mistress asked offering a hoof to help him up.

“I’ll be fine. Good kick on that one. Glad to see him out of the hospital.” Duncan remained slightly hunched over still in pain.

“It would appear the mutagens that affected him did more than just transmute him. He can already walk.” Twilight mentioned unsure of what to do about the rampage as Twisted caught Boom De-yada and throw him into a flag pole, causing a second bump to grow on his head.

“And Kick.” Duncan forced a smile. “So what happens now?”

“He returns to the squad. Changed or not, he is still a member of the guard and refused to resign when we offered. Proper proud citizen that one.” Mistress looked on with a hint of pleasure; it was nice to see a loyal member of the guard.

“What about his condition? I haven’t seen a dragon in the guard.”

“That would be because I’m the first one to raise a dragon in Equestria’s borders in at least a thousand years possibly longer. The change is permanent, so he will be staying with me.” Twilight explained deciding to join Mistress and Duncan who were sitting on the steps in front of the hospital. Celestia was beginning to dip the sun under the horizon.

“You know about baby dragons having raised Spike right?”

“Yes. Although there is one part that is new… like the medics said genetically he is now a female.” Twilight cringed slightly; she had never dealt with somepony forcibly turned into the opposite gender.

“Ah, well does he want to be called a he or a she?” Duncan asked, not the first time he has had to deal with gender issues. There was that host for a podcast he really liked, Forest Rain. She caused a bit of confusion when she came out on air as a girl.

“He for now. He refuses to talk about it but we suspect this could lead to quite a few problems so he will be seeing a therapist once every two weeks.”

“How does Spike feel about this?”

“Oh… NO! I forgot to tell him! Morning Glory, I’ll speak with you another time, bye!” Twilight galloped off to warn the baby dragon about their new roommate. Catching up to Twisted rather quickly Twilight picked her up in a magic grasp.

Twilight walked along Twisted who had insisted on being let down lest she learn to breath fire on the mare’s tail. Twilight sheepishly obliged, “Sorry got carried away, or rather you did, by me. Anyways, I just remembered that I left Spike at home and he might want to know that he is going to be rooming with a girl dragon.”

“Boy, I don’t care what the doctors say. I am a boy, I don’t want your runt getting the wrong idea.” Twisted snapped crossing her arms, she began tapping her arm. Twilight turned to glare a the dragon only for the glare to be returned. “If you think I’m going to be playing nice just because of this you’re wrong. I’m a guard and a stallion no matter what.”

“For being a guard in the Equestrian military you sure aren't acting harmoniously. I’m here to help you, Spike and I are the only two ponies in Equestria who know anything about your new body whether you like it or not.” Twilight didn’t let her glare down. They had arrived at the front door to the library.

“I am a guard, and I am harmonious in the guard. The wolf squad is the highest performing squad in Ponyville and tenth in all of Equestria. We got there by hard work and training together. That pet displaced of the Princesses just got handed a spot on our team. I’ll accept anypony who can prove themselves but him, he hardly knows how to fight.” Twisted gestured wildly showing his great displeasure.

“You are correct, and I find it odd. No pony I have spoken to before a week ago ever mentioned the displaced. Now I have several who have high ranking government jobs acting like it’s an everyday thing. Something is weird here, but the Princesses know what they are doing. If you’ll come in I’ll see what we can figure out, maybe we can research some answers.” Twilight was exhausted from the day, she had spent most of the meeting trying to steer the conversation to get some answers from Morning Glory. However every time she was about to ask a question the mare would start off on something else.

“Yay book work. Let's get inside I’m hungry those lilly sandwiches at the hospital were only so filling.” Twisted agreed letting Twilight enter first as she followed in.

“SPIKE!” Twilight called causing Twisted to cover her ears. She really hoped this wasn’t an everyday thing.

“Yes Twil….” The young dragon stopped part way through his sentence as he spotted the orange dragoness. His eyes grew to the size of saucers looking her over confused and surprised. “Hi.”
“Ug, this is what I didn’t want. Listen little dragon I’m a stallion, so don’t get any ideas I’m not into dragons, or colts. Now then I’m hungry what can I eat?” Twisted asked glaring at Spike.

“Twisted! Don’t be rude, Spike if you could get some gems for her..him,” Twilight corrected herself, “We have both had a long day.”

“Oh you’re that stalling that got changed during the fight, Twilight mentioned it. Well it’ll be nice having another guy around, this way I have some really good emeralds and rubies I’ve been aging.” Spike answered recovering, giving Twisted the benefit of the doubt. “Also don’t call me little I’ve been a dragon a lot longer than you.”

Twisted rolled her eyes, This, is going to… suck

Back at the hospital’s front steps Duncan and Mistress were relaxing.

“How is he really?” Duncan asked.

“Confused, a bit scared, and in a lot of denial. What you would expect, I’ll need to adopt a new person, I plan on being his therapist. I didn’t just make up my title about the Displaced. This is literally my job, few ponies should even know about us, even less work with us.” Mistress sighed lying down in the setting sun, accepting nuzzles from Jeff.


“You have no idea. I was hoping as Morning Glory I could relax more. Seems too many ponies need to know about the Displaced. I think I’ll go as Tinker Bell for a while.” Doing a quick sweep of the area Mistress shifted into a blue unicorn stallion with brown mane. The cutie mark a gear and bell over an explosion.

“Is that a reference to who I think it is?” Duncan asked smiling.

“Ya, I loved that story way too much. Remember you don’t have to be a Pegasus to fly. Also gems work much the same way here, although I normally use gold wires instead.” He grinned as Jeff pulled out the phone, showing a picture of the Tinker Bell persona, without hair blasted, against a wall.Here

Chapter 11: Of Fight and Power

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Duncan’s day started out like any other in ponyville, slow and sleepy. It was part of the small town charm, and that was something he was beginning to get use to. Morning muster went by same as always, cleaning quarters the same. It wasn’t till about mid morning when things went completely wrong. There was some light panicking, a few flashes of magic. Then the entire town was covered in a fish bowl with thunderstorms blotting out the sun.

“Um Petty Officer Steel, think we should do something?” Duncan asked as everypony looked up from the combat drills. It was only a few days in but he was starting to get the hang of pony combat. He had made a point not to use the Sword card, so he could improve himself.

“We certainly will.” Steel Will turned to the team preparing a mass teleport spell to the city center. Only to be stopped by a dark shadow and a large chunk of stone smashing into the training arena.

“What the hell was that?” Twisted Spear called out, only to be taken by surprise as, chunk of stone was ripped out from the ground and tossed at them, encased in a dark shadow. This time it almost crushing Spear Head under it, if not for his well honed military reflexes.

“Spear Head, start casting, gather some intel, we need to know who is doing this.” Steel called out, leading the team, they quickly fanned out covering the area. An invisible force continued to rip chunks of stone out of the ground and tossed them at all of the ponies.

"It's another of those cards, only its magic level is incredible, more than that time card. Twisted your left two meters!" Spear Head called out using magic to track the invisible force. Twisted spun in place, tripping on her new tail, the uncoordinated act saving her from getting hit in the face by another bolder.

"I think this is the Power card, it likes to prove that it's the most powerful creature. If we call it out on a strength test it should turn into a form we can fight!" Duncan called out spotting from behind a near by building.

"What like a game of tug of war?" Asked Snow Drop as she dodged more thrown rocks, managing to get some of the card's attention.

"Ya, that worked last time," Although Lee used Time last time, not sure I'll have the chance Duncan ran from behind his cover, calling out as he went, " Hey! Power! We challenge you to a contest of strength, Tug of War!"

The rocks stopped being thrown as Power began to condense into a single area. It took the form of a small pink girl with a pink fighting outfit. Everything Duncan was expecting except for the swirling black miasma floating around it. The cards face, normally cheery and cute, was contorted in a sinister smile, eyes wide with malice and fear.

"Uh oh.." Duncan managed to stammer out before getting punched in the gut by a surprise attack. The blow knocked the wind out of him sending him flying into some bushes. The rest of the team attacked, with well timed and practiced strikes they began peppering the card with damage. However spears were blunted and hooves turned away by the sheer power of the card.

Mistress was in the mean time running from building to building keeping an eye on a blue unicorn. Mistress was still in her Tinker Bell form. He spotted the unicorn take out Twilight in a magic duel while running though the market.

I remember there was a Displaced who helped her. I just can't seem to remember who it was, Jeff what tokens do we have? He kept his head down as the blue mare created a cart and forced two young unicorns to pull it for her.

Avarice's brazer, Dox's dice, Vinyl's headphones, Star Swirl's bell, you have the gloves from Gilgamesh, the medallion from Twilight and... Jeff was cut off as Mistress began laughing.

Meanwhile, Duncan managed to recover while lying in the bush, turning his head he inspected the strange object lying there. They appeared to be a pair of gauntlets, placing a hand on them he heard "I am the warrior, the master of weapons, the seeker of battle and adventure. To those who would require my strength to defeat thy foes, to crush opposing forces, put on these Genji Gloves and call out my name with the intent to summon me. If ye be without true malice in thy hearts, know that the mighty Gilgamesh will come to thy aid!”

He suddenly had the largest of smiles despite the pain he was in. He quickly placed the gloves on and called out across the void, " Warrior of Epicness, I need your help please, we have Karaoke!"

Meanwhile Mistress was channeling at the same time," Gilgy, I could you some help and would like to hang out again."

Mistress had a second to look up before a tall blue humanoid got the drop on him knocking him out, leaving Jeff to drag her body out of the way. Jeff noticed as the blue figure jumped away it was covered in a dark miasma.

Meanwhile near the group battling power a portal opened up just above them, the sound of reality ripping catching their attention. A moment later a titanic figure dropped out, everyone jumping away to give it room to land, before it crashed into the ground. The figure stood tall and intimidating, and for a moment, all was silent.

“Hello! I am Lindsay Lohan!” the figure called, taking a cutesy pose that looked completely at odds with his tall muscular and armored figure. Just after that a lion-sized wolf jumped onto his head, balancing on it with one foreleg.
Duncan was both incredibly amused, and feeling a touch slighted, pulling himself up from the bush he made his way to the imposing figure.

“Gilgamesh, sir, great to meet you, and your…” about to comment on the wolf, he managed to dodge out of the way as a boulder thrown by the Power Card sailed past him, “Name’s Duncan, that is the Power Card from Cardcaptors, and I think there is something wrong with her.”

His gift for understatements shining through as Boom De-yada was sent flying between them landing in a heap on the shattered remains of a cart. “That hurt you freaking jerk!”

“Wow, a Clow Card. Damn it’s been so long since I’ve seen one of those. And here comes the Nostalgia for Toonami,” Gilgamesh sighed. “Anyway, sounds like you know me. Curious, but I’ll get to that later, Enkidu, help the nice pony out, will ya?” he ordered. The dog jumped off his head and actually saluted before running off to pull Boom De-yada out of the pile. He then turned towards The Power. “Ok little girly, I don’t know what’s up with the freaky shadow stuff, but I’m gonna have to ask you to stop beating up on the nice ponies and surrender nice and-”

The Power cut him off by sprinting forwards and punching him right between the legs, causing the collective audience to wince. Amazingly, Gilgamesh was not sent flying, but certainly looked to be in pain. For a moment, there was no sound or motion, until the stillness was broken by Gilgamesh. He quickly grabbed The Power by the head, making use of his height advantage, and picked her off the ground before slamming her face into his knee. He then picked her up again, grabbing her by her legs with his other hand, before smashing her back into his leg. Once again he lifted her up, slamming her back into his shoulders, before holding her by the leg and repeatedly slamming her into the ground. After a few seconds of that he threw her up into the air before kicking her with a roundhouse kick to the chest, sending her flying into building, causing it to practically explode from the force.

“Mother. Fucking. Ow,” Gilgamesh cursed, his voice dripping with venom.

"You ok?" Duncan approached the warrior. "I don't think I have read you getting that mad.."

Duncan was then cut off as he got sucker punched in the side of the face by a blue figure, sending him flying, thankfully Snow Drop was able to catch him. He lay there dazed for a moment before noticing what had hit him.

The figure was a tall girl with pigtails entirely blue, wearing blue fighting robes, black shadows pulsed from her being. She stood in a standard fighting stance with her hands before her, preparing to charge after Duncan. He quickly called out the information he had on hand, "Thats the fight card, her punches weren't this strong before and she has the same aura, look out."

He shoved Snow Drop out of the way as the Fight card delivered a roundhouse kick to his face. Power returned to the field flying straight at Duncan.

Just then Gilgamesh grabbed Power and slammed her into Fight, sending them both tumbling. “Sorry girls, but your fight is with me.” He then turned to Duncan. “And to answer your question before about my anger, any fighter willing to attack a male’s fun sack should be prepared to face the consequences,” he explained before turning back to face his rising opponents. “Hm, physical embodiments of strength and combat. How fitting. In honor of that, I think I’ll try and keep this fair,” he announced smugly before removing his helmet as well as his torso armor, revealing his square-jawed face, golden hair and beard, and impressive muscular build.

Just like with Avarice many of the mares stared, some drooling. A catcall broke the silence, everypony turning to face Spear Head, who once again blushed from embarrassment.

Gilgamesh shrugged. “Sorry pal, I’m spoken for.”

Spear Head bowed back before catching the sight of the incoming cards, he called out to warn the imposing warrior of the wooden pillars being thrown at him. Gilgamesh casually swatted them aside, as if he was swatting flies.

“Everypony, get the civilians someplace safe, unicorns begin teleportation runs. Earth ponies reinforce buildings, Pegasi, keep eyes in the sky, report anything you see,” Starlight Song called out above the chaos, instantly the guard, as well as Enkidu, moved to follow her orders, their actions aiming to keep the fight off innocent ponies. Boom seemed to stick around the wolf, taking a liking to it after it pulled him from the rubble.

Duncan moved to stand beside Gilgamesh, ready to assist in the fight.

“Nah, you stay back kid. I got this,” Gilgamesh said before stepping forwards.

“But they’re my responsibility,” Duncan tried to argue. “Besides, I’m a fighter, too. I’m even part of the Guard here.”

“I know how you feel kid, and that’s admirable, but I can tell you’re pretty new to this. Sit back and watch a vet, you might learn something,” Gilgamesh replied before stepping forwards. He gave his armor a slight kick and music started to play. “Ok ladies,” he said before taking a classic boxer’s stance. “Show me what you got.”

The Power charged forward aiming for a direct attack, while the Fight circled to the side. The two rapidly approached attempting to catch their foe in a pincer attack. Gilgamesh quickly dashed forwards and slammed his fist into Power’s face, his long reach giving him and advantage over her short stature. As she stumbled backwards Fight attempted to sweep out his legs. He jumped over her attack and attempted to kick her in the face, which she backflipped away from, before dashing low and attempting to get him with an uppercut. He leaned out of the way before striking her in the gut, winding her. Power meanwhile had already gotten up and attempted to attack him from above. Gilgamesh retaliated by grabbing the winded Fight by the leg and using her like a bat to strike Power away. He then slammed Fight into the ground before hurling her at Power, both of them crashing into each other.

“Come on! You can do better than that!” he taunted, giving them both a ‘bring it’ motion.

“Ok this is just unfair.” Duncan watched from the sidelines as the titan of a Displaced fought against the two cards. He held a card in his hand waiting for the right moment, after Gilgamesh delivered another devastating attack, he decided that would be after he was done having fun.

Several blocks away from the fighting the blue unicorn, that Mistress had been fallowing, was making her way towards the explosions. She called out, “Snips! Snails! The Great and Powerful Trixie does not like walking! Get back here!”

As she made her way to find out what was happening in her new town the amulet around her neck flared with dark magic. Her eyes turning red for a brief moment. She noticed a large chunk of stone flying at her, she quickly cast a barrier. The stone shattered against it resulting in Trixie getting even more upset. “When I find out who is causing this to Trixie’s new town I will make them pay!”

“Look out!” somepony shouted. A moment later Trixie saw two figures flying at her. She squeaked and hopped off her chariot as they smashed into it with enough force to break it to splinters.

Looking up from the explosion while still with a barrier around her she saw the two biped figures lying among the broken remains of her chariot. She flared her magic and cast a spell at them trying to place them in harnesses to pull a new chariot. However the magic fizzled against them causing several of the noticeable injuries to heal.

“How is this possible Trixie is the highest unicorn! You shall kneel before Trixie!” She prepared another spell, only for the Fight card to quickly grab the Power and move out of the way. The two cards appeared behind Trixie, the dark shadows pulsating around them, tendrils reaching out and connecting them to the unicorn mare.

In a brilliant flash of pink and blue, Trixie was covered in swirling energies as the cards fused into an aura encasing her. Her eyes had entirely glossed over with pitch black shadows. Stepping once on the ground caused the earth to sutter and crack. Then leaving a trail behind her she launched herself into battle. She arrived at the site to find Gilgamesh still there, without warning she descended.

“Come on ladies, is this really the best you can… oh, that ain’t good,” Gilgamesh said before quickly summoning his armor to him. “Last time I remember, the Alicorn Amulet didn’t give Trixie that much power.”

“I BLAME THE CARDS!” Duncan yelled across the field of battle, sensing the familiar clow magic within Trixie.

“Meh, how hard could it be?” Gilgamesh shrugged before assuming another fighting stance.

In a blink Trixie approached Gilgamesh flipping to deliver a two hoofed buck directly into his chest, then unexpected speed and power sending Gilgamesh flying into the glass dome over Ponyvile.

“Ok. Not bad,” he muttered before pulling himself off the dome and landing on the ground. “Still don’t feel so great about attacking Trixie. How am I supposed to get her out of that trance?” he thought aloud as the three in one form began to walk towards him menacingly. “This may require a different approach.”

Gilgamesh then took a strange pose as different music began to play. The trinity form of Trixie, Power, and Fight stared at him curiously as he began to spin and twirl like a ballerina before deciding to attack. Gilgamesh expertly twirled away from charging attack from Trixie. She attempted to attack again sending a spray of fireworks, the flash of bright light seemed to hurt the mare’s own eyes. Even still Gilgamesh avoided them, dancing and twirling out of the way. What followed for the next few minutes was Trixie viciously attacking the larger warrior who only continued to avoid or counter every attack while moving like something out of a Canterlot musical performance.

As this happened Mistress had finally recovered from the earlier attack, after listening to the thoughts of the ponies near by he made his way to the battle. As the fight continued she found Petty Officer Boom De-yada to the edge of the battle with a satchel.

“Petty Officer, there isn’t much time, I can deal with Trixie, but I need you to drop enough Flash Bang Grenades to blind the area for about forty-five seconds. This is part of the Displaced protocol,” He commanded with as much authority as he could. The stallion smiled for a moment pulling out a pair of sunglasses.

“You got it!” He started stringing out several vials of liquid. Each with a bit grip Boom nodded to Mistress awaiting his signal.

Gilgamesh finally stopped dancing, Trixie looking both frustrated and exhausted. “So you can pretty much see I’ve been toying with you this whole time, right? Why don’t you give up like a good little pair of Clow Cards? You’re clearly outclassed.”

The mare’s only response was to howl in rage, patches of fur began to smolder as more magic was drawn into her body. Several ponies left near the battle turned tail at the unearthly noise, terror spreading through the ranks.

“Gilgamesh, I don’t think they are going to listen,” Called a familiar looking unicorn stallion with sky blue fur and brown mane, his Cutie Mark, a gear and bell exploding. He moved as close to the warrior as he dared, with Duncan fallowing.. “I have a plan, but I can’t let anypony see it, We need you to get Duncan to seal the cards, and I’ll remove the amulet. There will be a flash bang party for us to do this. Think you can hold her down while we do this?” This last comment more joke than an actual question.

“You kidding? Unless she can destroy a whole country in one blow I’m fine,” he replied. “By the way, nice seeing you again. I didn’t know another Displaced showed up on your world.” He then drew his naginata as he changed to another song. “Bring it on you possessed pony! I’ve eaten things more powerful than you!”

The mare responded to the challenge with new vigor, leaving a trail of smoke behind her as more fur burned away. Duncan activated the Sword card, using its skill to gain the advantage as he prepared to seal the cards. He managed to keep up with the possessed mare by wielding both the Sword and his jian, taking a hit every so often, but holding his own and even managing to cut through some of her spells. Gilgamesh meanwhile was practically making a show with his movements, managing to land several non-lethal blows on Trixie without taking a single hit and return, even managing to add some flourish with some flashing spins of his weapon.

“Wow! Guy’s got some moves!” Snow Drop complimented.

“Yeah. Kid’s not doing so bad either,” Boom De-yada added. He watched the fight intently getting ready to use the flashbangs. Trixie released a burst of strength throwing new vigor into the fight.

Even still the odds were not in her favor. For the most part Gilgamesh held back and let Duncan do most of the fighting, only rushing in when it looked like he might take some serious damage, and quickly overpowered Trixie long enough to give him some breathing room. It was clear he was having the time of his life, making high pitched Bruce Lee noises as he did.

Eventually Gilgamesh decided it was time to end it. He put a hand around Trixie rooting her in place. The energy burning Trixie did it’s best to burn Gilgamesh, his armor protected him however. Duncan didn’t miss the chance to finally seal the cards, using the skill of the sword card he advanced. Swinging his jian he called out, “Power Card, Fight Card! I command you to return to your powers confine, Power Card, Fight Card!” The sealing circle appeared under Trixie, the blue and pink aura’s being pulled off of her and condensing into two card shapes. He then instantly fell to the ground. The cards floated in front of Gilgamesh waiting to be accepted.

“NOW!” Mistress called out, Boom tossed out the first flashbang. The entire field was covered in blinding light, the unprepared ponies, blinded by the light….Boom also knew what song he wanted to sing at Karaoke. As the first one began to fade, he tossed out another, keeping the chain going.

Mistress used his shapeshifting powers to slide between the amulet and Trixie, using this to bypass the rule as Mistress now “wore” the amulet, he quickly removed it from the burnt out mare.

“ENOUGH!” Mistress called out signalling Boom to stop the flashbangs. Releasing one more with a giggle he finally stopped. The dark clouds surrounding Ponyville began to dissipate as the large glass fish tank popped out of existence. Smiles returned to everypony’s face as they greeted the sun. The creations of the Alicorn Amulet dissipating now that it’s source of magic was cut off.

The ponies around the battle blinked trying to clear the dots from their vision. Those who covered their faces saw Twilight in the distance running towards the group. The other element bearers making their own way.

The guard ponies surrounded the light blue mare as she laid on the ground knocked out. She was a mess, her fur was burned smoldering in patches. Her horn’s tip was black with a thin trail of smoke coming off of it. The medics began casting field first aid spells tending to her wounds.

"Thanks for the save. Sorry we had to cut your fun short, anymore and Trixie might have passed back to the void." Mistress placed a hoof on Gilgamesh's.

“Yeah, that’s probably for the best. But anyway, Changie!” Gilgamesh said suddenly, picking up and hugging the stallion. “How’ve ya been!? And how long has it been for you? Time differences and such.” Enkidu came right after, leaping off a building and latching onto the disguised changeling and barking happily.

Mistress looked rather indignant at being picked up and then tackled by the wolf. Sighing and trying to push away from the two crazies, “There are ponies watching, any idea how many explanations I’ll be giving. Anyways, its great seeing you, my time it has been a couple decades, local time it has been about 1000 years. I got sealed in the Crystal Empire when I went after Sombra. You?”

“Ouch. Anyway, for me it’s been two months. Crazy huh? And how long’s Li Syaoran been here? Pretty recent, I’m guessing.”

“He showed up when the Crystal Heart banished Sombra. You know undoing my centuries of hiding the displaced in five seconds. However its has been good having him around, goes by Duncan, btw. So now that the crisis is over…. karaoke?” Mistress watched as the guard started removing the debris from the fight.

“Yeah, I heard them call him Duncan, but it’s just my habit to call people by their costumes. And besides, things have got to be more interesting when you don’t have to hide the Displaced from everyone. And as for karaoke, sounds great, though I would like to check up on Trixie first. Always had a soft spot for that mare.” Just then he noticed The Power and The Fight cards floating in front of him, waiting for his acceptance. “Huh. Forgot that it doesn’t always go to the sealer. As tempting as it would be to take this myself, I think I’ll just hold onto them until the kid wakes up,” he said, snatching the two cards and pocketing them. “So, what was up with the creepy darkness around them? I don’t remember that from the show.”

“Ah that, we don’t know. I have Twilight looking into the book, something possessed the cards and sent them scattering. This is the second time a card has been possessed though, the first I was away with another Displaced, Avarice. I was told that the Time card was manipulating time and violently hurting Duncan and his squad mate when they tried to seal it.” Mistress took this chance to walk over to the passed out Displaced, gently kicking him with a hoof. He sent a small charge of magic to clear his fatigue.

“The Time was violent? That’s disturbing. What next, we have The Illusion terrorizing ponies with solid constructs of their fears… oh crap please don’t tell me I just jinxed us.”

“If you did I will call and curse your name. Have any wake up spells? He should be rested now.” Mistress tried kicking Duncan a second time.

“Maybe. Give me a moment,” he said before raising a hand at the boy and closing his eyes. “Esuna.” A yellow sparkling light shined over the boy and his eyes began to flutter as he groaned. “Huh. It works on hangovers and exhaustion.”

“Morning sleepy head, awake now?” Mistress mocked offering a hoof to the Displaced. Duncan accepted it returning to his feet. He then looked up at the intimidating figure, first chance to really take a good look.

“Hi, you’re awesome, I loved your fanfic. If it’s not to much trouble can I spar with you?” Duncan spoke quickly unsure of what else to say, having idolized the character sense reading his story on his home world. He then remembered the two cards being sealed and looked around, craning his neck to look behind Gilgamesh. “Cards, um where did they go?”

“Here you go kid,” Gilgamesh replied, reaching behind his back and pulling the two cards out. “Thank Faust Change already told me about the fanfic thing long ago. It was kinds surprising, but considering how everything went, I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised. Felt pretty scripted. And for sparring, no problem,” he smirked, “if that’s all you want.”

“Um, not sure what else, I mean you’ll have to forgive the bit of hero worship I’m in a bit of shock. I'd also love to hang out if your not too busy?” Duncan asked, not entirely sure why Gilgamesh added the emphasis to the last bit.

“Sure kid, I’m here for the promise of Karaoke first and foremost. And as for that last part, if you’ve been keeping up with tales, I’m sure you know about the students I’ve taken on. How’d you like to be number four?”

Duncan’s eyes grew uncharacteristically large, he looked Gilgamesh in they eye before nodding a furious yes. “Yes, yes, that would be awesome. Um yes.”

A bark came from nearby and they all turned to face Enkidu, who’s forelegs were folded across his chest while he tapped his hind leg.

“Oh, right, Duncan, this is Enkidu, my travelling companion, made for me by Faust herself. Say hi to him,”Gilgamesh said.

“Hi Enkidu, it is a pleasure to meet such a proud wolf, made by a goddess at that.” Duncan reached down and started petting the wolf, smiling as he scratched behind the ears. The wolf responded by practically purring in pleasure, leaning his head into his hands.

“Yeah, he feels a little ignored sometimes. But now, off to booze and beats. And maybe a little food on the side. Also, I’m surprised you’re taking the fact that I knew Changie from one thousand years ago so well.”

“I missed that part, say what? Miss..Mor… Tinker, yes, how could you not tell me that you knew Gilgamesh?!” Duncan turned facinging Mistress in a bit of rage, leaning over him as a show of rage.

“See, this is why you should just come out. It makes it much easier for people to talk to you,” Gilgamesh said to the changeling.

“So you know how I wanted to know about the season two ending? Well a few decades, or centuries before I went after Sombra I ran into him, you know what a flashback would explain this better.” Tinker Bell stepped back trying to look innocent.

Several thousand years in the past…..

Mistress had adopted a new persona, he called it Tinker Bell. Something in the back of her head among her mismatched memories told her it was a reference, he felt oddly pleased by it. After leaving the guard and personas for a sabbatical he was out past the badlands. Exploring the world he was living in, currently climbing through a canyon, there was a little vegetation on either side.

See any spot that looks good Jeff? I want a proper mad scientist cave. With all the stuff Star Swirl is letting me use I really want to make something. This was something else new to Jeff, Mistress had never had a knack for building before, although the sun powered shower was great during their trip.

No Mistress, although I hear something look ahead. Jeff grew a pair of eyes out of the hair acting as stocks trying to find the source of sound.

Carefully advancing she found a young filly, black with green hair. She had a black horn that looked like pieces were missing, her hooves similarly shaped. On her back were a pair of insectoid wings. The sound was her wailing as several large lizards approached her, they were covered in hides wielding axes in their maws.

“Get away from her you monsters,” Mistress yelled charging in without thinking, only to be caught by a tail hitting him in the head. The lizards all looked at her with a hungry gleam in their eyes.

Their thoughts were violent, and hungry. Happy to have a second meal walk in on them they started laughing in a broken rasp.

“EEEEEEEESSSSSSSHHHHH!!” They called charging at Mistress, leaving a few around the young filly to guard her. Mistress reacted quickly forming bone blade from her fore hooves she started parrying and blocking the axes and claws of the lizards. Jeff formed his own razor tipped tendrils aiming for the eyes trying to blind the creatures. More and more lizards seemed to pour out of the canyon walls. For each creature she killed two more would appear.

Shit I shouldn’t have done that, can’t help if I’m dead. Jeff, I’m going to throw you, get the filly and run, I’ll catch up! Mistress started running up the walls using claws to dig into the rock. using the few moments this bought he used a tendril and his forehoof to throw Jeff, who had turned into a spear. Rocketing forward he rapidly shifted into a ball engulfing the petrified filly. Without missing a beat he grew a few large spindly legs and started strutting over the surprised lizards.

The respite didn’t last long as they gave chase to the creature stealing their meal. Returning to the ground Mistress began to chase after the lizards, he tripped. Looking back he found a pair of gauntlets half buried in the dirt. His left back hoof was still resting on it, he then heard.

"I am the warrior, the master of weapons, the seeker of battle and adventure. To those who would require my strength to defeat thy foes, to crush opposing forces, put on these Genji Gloves and call out my name with the intent to summon me. If ye be without true malice in thy hearts, know that the mighty Gilgamesh will come to thy aid!”

“Warrior I need your help saving a filly, please hurry!” Mistress grabbed the gauntlets using flesh to strap them to his back he ran off after the lizards. He began taking out the slow ones from the back of the pack hopping that help would arrive quickly.

Just then a hole in the air opened and a titanic figure poked his head out. “Ok, so, one pony versus a bunch of hungry lizard things. I know exactly how to respond to this,” he thought aloud before shooting out of the hole and lighting on fire before smashing into the hordes of creatures, the explosion sending them flying. “LET THE HEROIC SLAUGHTER BEGIN! COME ENKIDU, WITH VICTORY COMES JUICY BONES FOR THE GNAWING!”

At that command a huge green canine leapt out of the hole, growling as it landed on one of the lizard and began to bite and tear out it’s throat.

Letting a small sigh of relief that the warrior was helping Mistress charge forth to catch up with Jeff, the creatures seemed easily distracted as they shifted their focus again, now trying to rip apart the two new warriors. Spearing creatures in the eyes as he made for his partner. Jeff hearing the explosion of fire and lightning, turned his stock eyes around watching Mistress catch up.

“Jeff Top side, while they are distracted, “ Mistress covered his retreat as Jeff scaled the cliff side, the small filly still screaming inside his protection. The inside of the mimic was hot and dark, great care was made to ensure that she wasn’t too jostled. She began running her horn into the flesh causing jeff to almost miss his footing.

“Jeff help, stop hurting, Jeff save. Jeff protect, we safe Mistress helping!” He tried to calm the filly only for her to wail louder and start sending small sparks of green magic at the mouth he made. It singed his tongue and tasted faintly of strawberries.

“Here Jeff show you.” Jeff created several bone bars that exposed the battle below. Mistress was slowly being pushed back as he ripped apart creature after creature, he moved as a graceful fluid mass, shifting his body to accept tail whips with a wall of fat or letting it sink in for him to bite it off.

The filly looked on in morbid shock and curiosity at the power of the strange creatures, as impressive as this creature’s ‘mistress’ was the armored figure and it’s wolf were unbelievable.

“Well, this is kinda lackluster, if I do say so myself,” Gilgamesh commented as he casually cut one of the lizards in half vertically with his naginata and then backhanding another’s head so hard it flew off. “How’s it going for you, buddy?”

Enkidu launched forwards, his entire body puncturing straight through one of lizards and leaving a massive hole in it, before barking back.

“I agree, this is boring. I’m gonna finish it now,” he said as he jumped up into the air. “Let’s see, I know how to manipulate my ki, so let’s see if this works,” he muttered as he clasped his hands together before opening them into the shape of a triangle. “HEY, YOU WITH THE TRANSFORMING POWERS! GET OUT OF THE WAY!”

Eyes going wide, Mistress vanished in a shadowy black portal, with a faint melody. A second later the melody sounded next to Jeff as he appeared beside him.

“CLEAR!” He called out digging into the dirt.

He nodded back, and turned to face the lizards, noticing Enkidu had retreated far enough and all of them looking at him curiously. “SHIN-KIKOHO!” he bellowed before a massive beam of energy slammed into the creatures, boring a square shaped hole into the ground beyond what anyone could see. Any of the lizards that weren’t disintegrated by the blast were scattered by the shockwave. They looked towards what had become of their brethren before running off, finally deciding it just wasn’t worth it. The warrior then panted before slowly levitating himself to the ground. “Ok. not quite, there yet. Not gonna be using that anytime soon, and certainly not spamming it. Whew.”

Seeing the danger finally over, Mistress and Jeff jumped down from the cliff landing next to the warrior. The small filly was released into Mistress’s care as Jeff returned to his post as his Mistress’s hair.

“Shh it’s ok now you’re safe. Warrior, thank you for your help. I am known as Tinker Bell while in this form. You have proven worthy to call me Mistress Change. I am in your debt.” He continued to hold the filly who, with a final nod, passed out from exhaustion.

“‘Mistress… Change’?” he asked, looking rather confused. His eyes then widened in surprise. “Oh wow, you’re a Displaced and a changeling? That’s a new one. Huh, looks like I’m getting better at this aura sensing thing. And… your hair is another creature?”

“Yes I am Displaced, and I prefer the term shapeshifter. This is Jeff my partner, a mimic.” Mistress nodded, “ and your name warrior?”

The warrior struck a dramatic pose before answering. “Gilgamesh, of course! Mighty warrior, wanderer of the multiverse, he who has defeated entire armies alone, slain the universe destroying sorcerer Exdeath, blessed by Lady Fausticorn herself, and generally awesome dude, if I may toot my own horn. And this is my partner and travelling companion Enkidu,” ke finished, motioning to the wolf at his side who barked before standing on his hind legs and bowing gracefully. “And is that thing’s name really Jeff?”

That pose, and wording, so familiar Mistress tried to think, placing a hoof to his head. Think, think, think…
Mistress, are you remembering something? Jeff asked slightly concerned, he wished he knew what was wrong with Mistress and how to fix it.

“GILGAMESH, the epic warrior of epicness, I LOVED your fanfic, your exploits with Kat and Auric, even Nemmi, I can’t believe I really get to meet you. May i glomp you?” Mistress’ personality taking a one-eighty as the new memories flooded his mind. She started bouncing with excitement not waiting for the ok he tackled the warrior in a hug.

“Ah, once again, I am a theme park mascot,” he replied, hugging his new fan, before reflecting on his words. “... Wait, what was that about a fanfic?”

“Oh right, you know how Equestria is MLP? Well in my home earth your adventures are written as a fanfiction…. how is Luna by the way?” Mistress asked releasing the warrior, with a sheepish grin and a slight blush.

“I’m… a fanfic character?” Gilgamesh asked, looking completely broken.

Oh no. Oh no, oh no. Did I-?

“Huh… that’s… that would actually explain a lot,” he said.

“Are you ok? You seem to be taking this worse than Dox. If it helps your story stayed pretty PG, except a lot of violence… I ask because in some crossovers you mentioned her fondly.” Mistress sat down looking up to the frozen human.

“Well, I mean, yeah, I guess I’m a little bit upset that my life is essentially the product of an amateur writer of Faust knows what age, but it would explain how my development over the war was basically like a shonen manga. And, I guess if nothing else, unless he or she decides to screw me over, I can be pretty much assured Luna’s waiting back home for me. So overall… yeah, I think I’m ok with this.”

“Well another way to think about is you make your choices and they just influence the writer’s imagination on an extra dimensional level. So now that this has happened I need to figure out what to do with this one. She looks familiar and triggered a protective reaction beyond normal.” Mistress nodded to the young filly curled up in her hooves.

“Oh… Faust… is that… a filly Chrysalis?” Gilgamesh asked.

Blinking in surprise Mistress picked up the young filly,” Yes I think it is, what is she doing out here? I wonder if I could take her to somepony to raise?”


“Well she belongs in this world but I wouldn’t mind you helping raise her. How do you feel about being a Godfather?”

He practically squeed at that. “YES! OH PLEASE YES!”

“Alright, first job as a Godfather, tell me everything you know about raising a changeling, heck a child at all I’ve never done this before, in any of my lives.” Mistress smiled as he held the small queen’s face in her hoof smiling.

“Jeff doesn’t know. Jeff would like learn how care for filly,” Jeff piped up from Mistress’ mane.

“And neither do I! So let’s figure it out! Time to be parents!”

Chapter 12: Lullaby at the Club

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Present day the time for Mistress and Gilgamesh to tell Duncan the story had them at a local bar. It was fairly well packed, all of Duncan’s squad had showed up..

“Seriously you raised this world's’ Chrysalis, and how are you not freaking about ponies learning things. Did you cast another silence spell?” Duncan asked a bit shocked at the story.

“Yes, and yes now then I think it’s a good time to lower it and get ready for Karaoke!” Mistress lowered the silence charm as she said the last bit drawing the eye of Boom De-yada who was sipping a glass of hard liquor.

“By the way, how did Chryssi turn out?’ Gilgamesh asked in a hushed tone. “Please tell me she didn’t try to take over Canterlot.”

“... I don’t know, I had to leave her behind after the when I went after Sombra, but she was a grown Queen and had started her own hive. I hope I tought her better but I haven’t had a chance to ask anypony about it. I spent all afternoon yesterday talking to Twilight and Starlight about Twisted Spear and what to do with him now that he is a dragoness. As soon as I have an answer I’ll give you a call.” Mistress hung his head in shame, he should be keeping in touch of family better, if only life wasn’t such a high paced mess.

“Fillies and Gentlecolts welcome to wednesday karaoke night. I’m here with our DJ Vinyl Scratch. Think of a song and we will pull it up. Check out our song books about the room. I’ll kick us off with Still Worth Fighting For, by My Darkest Days

Boom De-yada, with his strange talent for voice matching, started off the song really well. The music drew everypony's attention to the stage.

“So hard to let go
And I still hear the sound
Of your voice singin’ in my head
I can’t surrender
‘Cause the rope’s slowly coming apart
But hangin’ by a thread”

He sang dancing around the stage catching the eyes of a few mares who giggled at his antics. His actions got the whole bar excited and bouncing. During the song several ponies started to make their way to the DJ and submitted their songs.

“Huh. Didn’t expect anyone here to be singing a song like that.”

“Might want to hurry if you wanna sing tonight,” Mistress nodded to the growing line.

“Yeah, but I’m wondering what kind of song I want to sing,” her replied, looking at the song book. After a few moments, he folded the book. “You know what, fuck it, I’m gonna be extra cheesy tonight.”

“What do you mean ‘extra cheesy’? Isn’t that what you normally are? How could you get cheesier than that?”

He smirked back. “You’ll see, but I think I’ll start off with… 80’s level cheesy,” he replied as he got up. “And I think I might have to add a few that aren’t on the list.”

Duncan sat off to the side looking forlorn at his cellphone, sighing heavily. It had been over a week now and he was no closer to going home. Mistress may have told him not to worry and that they would figure it out, but he really missed home. Specifically he had one person he missed most of all.

“You ok D? You look sad, what’s wrong?” Mistress scooted closer to Duncan. She had already figured out the few songs she wanted to sing. A few she would have to pull from her own phone but she was sure the ponies would like it.

“Terra, I miss her,” Duncan stated, “and of course we’re trapped across the multiverse away from her.”

“Well it’s too exposed here and is a bit of a story but I’ll tell you a bit more about what i’ve learned of home later. Promise it will cheer you up. Why not sing a song for her?” Mistress asked.

“You know I don’t sing. Karaoke is Terra’s thing.” Was Duncan’s simple reply.

“Yes you do, I’ve seen it. I bet you a hundred bits if you get up there and sing you’ll feel better.” Mistress nudged him. “Don’t worry about the song, Boom mentioned the other day that Vinyl’s mixer is state of the art and can convert your song into karaoke from any device.”

Just then some synthesizers and guitar riffs came from the stage. Up in front was Gilgamesh, now dressed in a black leather jacket, a white T-shirt, black fingerless gloves, blue cutoff jeans, in black boots.

“Here we stand.
Worlds apart, hearts broke in two. Two. Two.
Sleepless nights.
Losing ground, I’m reaching for you. You. You.”

The warrior was completely into the song, his eyes clenched tight during the moments where he let the strength of his voice take over. Although many laughed, it was still impossible not to enjoy it along with him. By the second chorus he had the crowd completely in his hand, some of them even singing along.

A random pony stumbled into their table slurring his speech, already drunk. “This is the best rendition of Destination’s ‘Separate Ways’ ever!! Whoo hooo!!” He stumbled off into the crowd.

The crowd was in a fervor at the impressive display normally not done at karaoke. As the song ended the bar started chanting, “Encore, Encore, Encore,” insisting that Gilgamesh remain on the stage.

“You should put it in D. Hurry up.” Mistress stood up making his way through the crowd to the line for Vinyl. She pulled out her phone and showed the mare a song, only for Vinyl to pull out a record, shocked Mistress nodded before returning to her seat.

Duncan had wandered off and was no where to be seen. Trusting him to take care of himself Mistress started chatting with the rest of Duncan’s squad.

“Encore, Encore,” The ponies continued to chant.

“Ok, Ok, one more and then someone else gets a turn!” he announced, giving into the crowd’s wishes, which they cheered in response. He went over and whispered to Vinyl, who gave a surprised look and response before nodding as he walked back on stage. “Now I’m nothing if not a man with many tastes, so if you’re expecting something loud and boisterous again, not this time. All the same, i hope you’ll enjoy it, especially those of you who’ve got a special someone in your live.” He then spun rapidly and the next thing anyone knew he was now dressed in a black tuxedo, the only non-standard addition was the red scarf around his neck. “Hit it.”

After a moment's pause, a simple guitar and drum set began.

“‘L’ is for the way you look at me.
‘O’ is for the only one I see
‘V’ is very very, extraordinary
‘E’ is even more than anyone that you adore can”

The crowd was particularly stunned not only by the drastic change in genre and tone, but also the fact that he was signing it well, despite it being so different. Many began to sway or tap their hooves in time to the song.

Mistress looked around for Duncan again her paranoia peaking though. However she became entranced by how well Gilgamesh sang, quickly bobbing her head she ‘danced’ with Jeff as they enjoyed the slow music.

I missed Gilgamesh he is a lot of fun. We should also dance with Avarice when we get the chance. Jeff spoke with Mistress. She agreed she pinched the muscles in her shoulder checking that the small brazier was still there hidden by her flesh.

“Alright everypony let’s hear it for Gilgamesh, next up is…” Boom De-yada had gotten on stage at the end of the song ushering in the next pony to sing. Conveniently enough Mistress was on stage after that song, she suspect someone was messing with the turn order.

“Up next is Tinker Bell singing ‘Great to be Different’ by Forest Rain!” Boom called into the microphone hoofing it over to the unicorn as he stepped on stage letting the music start.

“It was a dark day when I lost my faith
I wasn’t the pony I thought I’ld be
And it seemed that no one could relate
There was nothing left to see”

Mistress sang, his voice fairly close to the right key but unable to make the right highs and low. Singing still wasn’t something he could pride himself on. The song was one of his favorite having taken on a new meaning when he found himself in Equestria. Several ponies sang along during the chorus. One wild eyed mare in the back of the bar eating a muffin looked particularly moved by the song.

Earning a round of applause Mistress made her way off stage, and out the door to get some fresh air. She felt her token vibrate a bit and a voice in her head.

Missy! I need advice! I forgot I’m an exhibitionist and I’m about to-oh fuck! Stop! Groping butt! Avarice voice in his head startled him. It was good to hear from him though. Missy please tell me how you turn off your arousal centers, please!

Recognizing the potential seriousness of the problem Mistress responded with a very level clear head. Avarice, it’s good to hear from you, I’m a touch busy at the moment but I can help. First it takes some understanding biology, the normal brain, starting human anyways, releases several chemicals, Estrogen, Testosterone, Dopamine, and Serotonin. DO NOT turn off serotonin, it will make you depressed, however reduce the other three. To do this you need to focus on your own brain, feel the makeup of it, look for the things that feel like… well sex for lack of a better term, and start reducing them to normal levels, not off, but down. You being sexy sex god, they are likely at all time high, probably feel like a firehose in your head, or a flash flood. Feeling better?

There was silence for several seconds as he waited for the god to try it.
Oh thank you, you sexy stallion! I am so going to plow you senseless again when we finally get together again. Avarice cooed back in response, sending powerful images through the link of them entwining in many impressive ways with a pure sensation of fondness and longing.

Mistress flushed bright red and almost, almost tried to jump over to his world right then and there. Deciding that leaving her current guest and friend would be rude, she turned down her own brain chemicals till she could clearly think again. Several ponies walking by the street eyed him curiously as his fidgeted about awkwardly.

Damnit I have a guest at the moment, and now everypony is looking at me funny. I'll call you later, invite me to come meet your herd sometime. Have a good time you sexy sex god, love you. He marched back inside trying to let the music drown out his thoughts.

Love you too Missy. The call ended as they stopped feeding energy into the tokens. Now then what is Gilgy up to?

As she stepped inside she he saw the warrior back onstage, dressed in his normal attire, aside from his helmet, as well as Boom De-yada, apparently ready to sing together.

“Ok, so we’ve heard plenty of kinds of songs onstage for plenty of ponies, but I think it’s late enough in the evening that we can all agree there’s one thing we all enjoy,” Boom began, before nodding to his taller companion. “ALCOHOL!” they both shouted as heavy guitar riffs began before becoming something more seaworthy.

“Piracy’s a crime and crime doesn’t pay,
And we go home poor at the end of the day.
But I’d rather live my life in rags
Than be chained to a desk with a wife that’s a hag”

The two of their loud voices accompanied the song perfectly and soon everypony was hopping around the bar or at least banging their heads along with them, many knocking back a few at the same time.

Another pony started singing as the bar kept drink, enjoying the buzz. Duncan still hadn’t turned up, Mistress was starting to get worried. His jaw dropped when he finally found the Displaced. Duncan was currently dressed in a black jacket with a red sigels on the sleeves and shoulders. he still wore a black shirt, his pants were black slacks with a red belt.

“Next up Duncan with a song he brought from his home.”

The instrumental started up as Duncan took a deep breath.

“It’s been awhile since I first saw ya.
That silly face I won’t forget.
And I’m happy we’re here together
and I’m so glad that we met.”

Duncan sang as best he could, fairly monotone and deep despite what the song called for. He began crying as he sang remembering the girl he loved back home. Many ponies stopped to listen to the song laughing at some of the lyrics.

When it got to the line with the proposal the room went silent.

After Duncan finished the song he quickly stepped off stage and went to his seat to hid from the limelight. It remained dead silent for minutes. Then one by one the ponies of the bar started stomping their hooves in a slow clap. The sentiment spread quickly till the entire bar was applauding the displaced.

“That proposal was very real, do you have a fiancee?” Spear Head asked taking a seat at the table.

“Yes her name is Terra. I miss her alot we were in a long engagement and then this happened and I’m here. I just miss her.” Duncan turned to glare at Mistress who was keeping a soft expression. He sighed deciding that the shapeshifter was right, he did feel better.

Gilgamesh rested a hand on his shoulder. “Believe it or not kid, I know that feeling. I may not be engaged, but I’ve got someone myself back in my own universe. We might not have confessed or anything like that, but we both know how we feel about each other.” He sighed. “And then, to keep her and everyone else there safe, I had to leave. It’s been months for me. I hope it’ll be shorter for her.”

“Thanks, and I hope it goes well for you too, she is a special princess. Now if somepony could get all of the eyes off me that would be great.” Duncan slouched lower in his chair pulling up the collar on his jacket trying to hide in it and disappear.

“Give me a minute,” he said before heading over to Vinyl and talking with her for a moment before pulling out an iPhone. A minute later he was onstage. “Ok. this is gonna be my last song of the night everypony. As much as I enjoy how much you like me up on stage, I want to give everypony else a chance too.” Some groaned at that, wanting him to continue on further into the night. “Now, this next song is actually ja-I mean, neighponese, so I doubt any of you will understand it. However, I’m of the opinion that the vocals for a song can be more important than the lyrics themselves, so I hope you’ll all enjoy it all the same.”

He nodded towards Vinyl who nodded back. The song began with bombastic brass before shifting into a powerful rock opera.

“Sora! Koboreochita futatsu no hoshi ga
Hikari to yami no minamo suikomareteyuku
Hikiau you ni kasanaru hamon”

Though nopony could understand the words there were completely bowled over by the strength and intensity of the vocal, especially when it hit the chorus. Gilgamesh himself was completely into the song, his eyes closed and making many dramatic and heroic poses, leaning back and forth as he bellowed out from the bottom of his heart and his lungs. After it was all done the entire bar was silent for a few seconds before exploding into applause.

“Thank you very much, Ponyville! You’ve all been wonderful!” he said before bowing and stepping offstage.

The crowd continued to cheer as he returned to the table. Mistress offered him a cup,” Sweet Apple Cider, I figure we could all use a good rest and this stuff knocks most Displaced out…. like poor Duncan”

The displaced had a single half finished cup in front of him as his head was on the table, peacefully sleeping the time away.

“Ah, it’s probably best for him. Takes a lot of you to confess in public, even if it was indirectly,” Gilgamesh replied, chugging down the drink.

“True, I just hope we can get him home soon. He isn’t much fun to be around when he gets depressed, I’m hoping having friends around will help him with that.” Mistress sighed sipping his drink of clear liquid.

He smirked. “Well, you know how I like to make friends.”

“Mostly with your fists? Unless you learned something else?” Mistress asked curious about what Gilgamesh had been up to. Boom was currently on stage making good on the promise he made to himself to sing Blinded by the Light.

“Hey, it’s a little more complicated than that. Even I don’t expect to make friends just by punching someone in the face.”

“Really? It works for Naruto and Goku.” Mistress laughed at his own joke. He quickly ordered another drink for Gilgamesh.

“Just let me handle that. But you could help by talking to whoever’s in charge of the guard here. I think they’ll benefit from Duncan’s lessons as much as he will. And after that, I’d appreciate it if you could talk to the Princesses and find out about our little Chrissy-poo.”

“I’ll do one better, if you’ll ever pass out we can enter Luna’s dreamscape. We could always ask her there.” Mistress placed another glass in front of the warrior.

“Good idea. Give me a sec,” he said before taking the contents of the glass in one gulp before closing his eyes. Two seconds later, he was asleep.

“Hey Spear Head I’m staying with Morning Glory, can you get all three of us there? Here is the key,” Mistress said, handing the key to the surprised unicorn he flipped the chemicals in his brain to sleep. Jeff did the same quickly entering REM sleep.

The dream scape took the form of a hall in a steel ship with pipes and cables running all over the roof and walls.

“LUNA!” Mistress called out, she was now her dream self, which looked like her default from, except with blue hair in a ponytail. She wore a navy uniform of blue digital camo.

“Mistress shall we find master Gilgamesh?” Jeff asked, his dream form a vaguely humanoid black shadowy shape with slitted orange eyes.

“Ya, let’s get out of here, this nightmare always bothers me. It’s a good thing Luna taught me the basics of Dreamwalking” The dream scape faded away as Mistress pulled them out a door into another’s dream.

“Oh, hey Changie! You too, Jeff!” Gilgamesh waved.

“Interesting, dreams seldom make sense but this is almost druggy. Now we just need to get Luna’s attention. Feel like a nightmare, or want to give me one?” Mistress asked as she watched… Sonic the Hedgehog run by singing as he went.

“Sorry, my dreamscape’s a little uncontrolled. Basically anything I’ve ever seen pops in. I’ll try to keep it PG-13. Oh, here comes another one.”

“Ok…. That is a new one. So nightmares? It’s normally the best way to draw Luna’s attention.” Mistress kind of just accepted it, dreams were really weird, and reading minds had earned her a fair share of crazy.

“Ah, right. I got something that should work,” Gilgamesh said before concentrating.

“BILLINGS DAMNIT!! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!!” Mistress and Jeff both jumped behind Gilgamesh, caught off guard by the sudden shift. Shadows flooding the dreamscape as Mistress’s own emotions influenced it.

“Fear not for this creature….Mistress why are you dreaming about a Displaced?” Luna landed beside Mistress ignoring Gilgamesh as though he were a dream construct.

“Actually, it’s really me this time. Hi Luna, been a while!” he waved.

“Ah, Sir Gilgamesh we have not seen your dreams in a thousand years. How do you fare?” Luna casually raised her wings causing the dreamscape to shift to a royal throne room.

“Meh, not that different, to be honest. For me it’s been around two months. Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey and all that.”

“Ah yes the wibblies. Our own Mistress has only returned a week ago. We were most pleased with her return, and that of Duncan joining us. We assume that you have called our attention with reason, how might the night serve you?” She asked laughing as she began walking with the Displaced.

“See we came to learn what has happened to my daughter Chrysalis.” Mistress forced herself to speak avoiding the eyes of everyone around her. Jeff held her hand to offer support, she squeezed it glad for the comfort.

“Ah yes her. We regret to say that despite your noble efforts, she turned into a monster. Not long ago she assaulted the wedding of Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor. We repelled the attack with the couple’s help. However we have not seen or heard from her sense.” Luna’s head hung low delivering the devastating news. Such actions were considered acts of war, to be answered with the most decisive of efforts. How Chrysi hadn’t been killed was beyond the shapeshifter.

“... I don’t know if I’m more angry, sad, or worried,” Gilgamesh replied, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Damn it, I thought we taught her better,” he sighed before continuing. “But still, I’m not giving up on her. Change and Jeff might’ve been there for longer than I was, but she’s still my god-daughter. We need to check up on her.”

“We wish you well in your efforts. Remember the laws you helped create Mistress, if she does not offer reparations for her actions, once found Equestria will act. I will ensure you are given as much time as I can.” Luna placed her wings around both Displaced and pulled Jeff in with a foreleg. “Now then we must be off, there are fillies with nightmares we must attend to. Please visit us in canterlot before you leave, our sister would love a visit.”

With that the princess of the night departed the dreamscape returning to her duties. The dream had become drab and gray, reflecting the melancholy of the three with in it.
“Alright well we need to sleep a few more hours, shall we return to normal dreams or do something else?” Mistress asked wrapping her arms around her knees and resting her head on them as she sulked.

“We decide on what we tell Chryssy when we find her. I vote for telling her that we’re not angry, we’re disappointed. We find out why she did it, and we have her own up to her mistakes, but make sure we’re there to support her as she does,” Gilgamesh suggested.

“That sounds good, I wonder if it follows closely to the show? If so her hive may be starving… unless it also follows the comic, in which case we need to hurry.” Mistress eyes went wide with realization. “I forget did you ever read the MLP comics?”

“Eh, I’ve been catching up on them. Are you talking about the part where she kidnaps the CMC? Because I think we can say for sure that she doesn’t have the same origin story.”

“Kidnapping no, but there was that civilization of cute little love filled creatures. If she found them and followed through she could be hurting them right now. We need to move fast before she does something irreparable.” Mistress had entered a state of mild panic. Her little Chrysi was too pure and cute, she couldn’t have become some heartless monster…

“Oh, right, the critters that continue to love them even after they get drained into husks. Yeah, we should probably stop that.”

“You seem relaxed about it, did it not hurt them? Or is it a strange symbiosis?”

“No, it looked pretty damn lethal, I’m just trying to keep myself calm. Unfortunately, I don’t know where that place was, so no teleportation.”

“It was several miles south of the badlands, I remember they passed through a jungle with flowers that tried to eat them. There were also the arachne and the cavetroll, maybe I should just call somepony and get us a lift?” She started to calm down, planning was good, she was good with planning.

“I guess considering I still don’t know exactly where it is. We all gonna go, or just you and Jeff?”

“I think this may be my fault. I shouldn’t have left her alone for so long. I’ll summon you via token if I need you, for now I think I’ll call LT. CMD. Sparkle and get a lift after we wake up. Duncan needs all the help he can get training.” Mistress accepted a hug from Jeff.

“Yes, we should go alone for now, we don’t want to risk her seeing us approach and running. Don’t worry, I’m sure we can figure out what is wrong and how to fix it.” Jeff said as he projected confidence and an all around feeling that everything was going to be ok.

“Yeah, that’d be best, but make sure to call me as soon as you find her, ok? I’ve got a few ideas on what might’ve happened and how to fix it. But for now, WAKE UP TIME!” he shouted before winking out of the dreamscape with a pop.

The snap of Gilgamesh waking himself up threw Mistress and Jeff out of the dreamworld and into the waking. Strangely it was already early morning as Celesta was lifting the sun above the horizon. The group was inside Mistress and Duncan’s living room. It seemed Spear Head had gotten them home but was unable to get anypony up the stairs. Gilgamesh was on the floor, next to a couch.

“Alright I’m out Gilgamesh I leave it in your hands. If you ask for Ensign Starlight Song she can help you get the squads together for a training session. If you want you can come meet Sparkle, I don’t think you two have ever met.” Mistress shifted back into her Morning Glory form as Jeff grogley shifted to be her hair. She already had a hoof on the door by the time she finished.

“I’ve never figured out how you don’t have an identity crisis with all your swapping. Anyway, yeah, I guess I could meet up with this universe’s Twilight. Maybe she’ll have an interest in watching the training session?” Gilgamesh wondered.

“Oh, yeah, you can meet her too. This one was Displaced to a Mass Effect universe.”

“Whoa, hold on, there are displaced ponies now?” he asked, surprised.

“Ya… they do seem to be far fewer around but I have met a few. I can give you her token if you want? I’m sure she wouldn’t mind. So yes no are you coming? Duncan get up!” She moved to kick the prone form still sleeping on the couch.

“If it’s time for his training, I’ll meet her later,” Gilgamesh answered.

“I’m just in hurry after last night, I want to stop Chrysi before she does anything else. I’ll see you later then?” She sprinted out the door.

“Remember: Firm, but not harsh!” he called, before turning to Duncan as he groggily sat himself up. “Ok, slick, up and at ‘em.”

“Aye sir,” Duncan said while snoring.

“Yeah, that ain’t gonna fly,” Gilgamesh thought before grabbing the younger boy’s head. He inhaled deeply before crowing like a rooster right into his ear.

Duncan’s eyes shot right open as he clutched his ear, “Ow up I’m up, ow.”

“Good. Now then, Allons-y!” he shouted before grabbing Duncan and sprinting over to the guard camp, much to the younger man’s surprise.

Across the way in a field visible from the house.

“Twi I could use a lift.” Mistress grabbed a medallion with her flesh focusing into it.

“Missy! Good to hear from you, Star Swirl said you ran into some trouble. I’ll be over in a jiff, just let me know when it’s clear.” The voice of a Twilight entered Mistress’ head.

“Already clear see you soon.” Mistress said as she sat the medallion down. Energy arced off the medallion shooting purple sparks into the grass. Nine gray stones with red symbols appeared in the air just above the medallion, more stones spun out forming a perfect ring. Red runes spun around the stones before locking in place, then a blue poff shot out stabilizing into a blue wavy portal. Soon a large tube shaped object came flying out of the portal, did a loop around pass and set down gently in the field. Mistress retrieved the now warm medallion as the portal winked out of existence and approached the back of the ship,

“Where to?” The purple alicorn asked, she had high tech armor on with several weapons attached.

“To find my daughter.” They closed the hatch and flew off.

Chapter 13: Patience, Grasshopper

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Back at the training ground it was till oh six hundred and there were no ponies around.

“Wow, I thought they’d be someone out here by now,” Gilgamesh thought aloud and unceremoniously dropped Duncan on the ground.

“Ow. Its crack of dawn muster isn’t till seven then cleaning quarters till eight. Then training starts.” Duncan explained dusting himself as he stood up.

“Huh. Well, gives me time to get ready, then. Go ahead and do whatever you need to, I’m gonna go get some supplies,” he said before cutting open a hole in reality. “Oh, and could you get Enkidu something to eat? Thanks,” he said quickly before jumping in.

“Huh?” Duncan asked aloud, only to feel a hot panting on the back of his neck. He turned to see the wolf had somehow gotten behind him without his noticing, eyeing him expectantly.

“I think we have some steak in the fridge, MC is going to be pissed.” Duncan calmly walked the wolf back to his house. He greeted the few ponies that were up this early with a nod. Opening the door he let Enkidu in who found his way to the kitchen and sat at the table expectantly.

Duncan rummaged through the fridge, he pulled out milk and cereal for himself. Finding the steak finally, it was hidden behind a bag of oats and some flowers.

“This work?” He asked holding the bag of meat up.

The wolf barked back, wagging his tail vigorously as he panted even harder. Duncan opened it with a knife and put it on a plate before passing it to the extremely happy wolf. “Enjoy, that stuff is expensive to get in Equestria. Mistress imports it though one of her friends.”

After a quick shower to wash the smell of alcohol off Duncan lead the wolf back to the training grounds. By this point several ponies were arriving, Boom De-yada was currently laying on his side in the grass.

“Come on, big guy, if you can’t get up in the morning after a night of partying, then you shouldn’t have done it in the first place,” Gilgamesh berated the stallion, his head out of a portal. Duncan back peddle a little bit in surprise.

“Welcome back. How was breakfast?” Duncan asked.

“The Everfree Forest now has one less cockatrice,” he replied simply before ducking back in and throwing a few boulders onto the training ground, the impact startling many of the guards. This drew the attention of a large blue pegasus. The grizzly old chief approached the displaced with a look of anger.

“Just what the hay do you think you’re doing?” He demanded of Gilgamesh. He walked with confidence and precision earned from years of military training. Duncan sidestepped out of the way, content to let the much more experienced, and powerful, Displaced handle the Chief.

“Oh, I’m just gonna give a little training to Duncan here. Thought maybe you guys would like to see it and throw in your own two bits,” he replied casually before dropping out of the portal and landing on his feet, seemingly ignoring or not noticing his frustrated demeanor.

“Listen I am CHIEF Phantom Thorns, I don’t care who you think you are. You want to ‘train’ one of our members you gotta ask first. Who gave you permission!?”

“Oh, it was Mis-I mean, uh… crap, what name is he using?”

Duncan interrupted Gilgamesh,”It was Morning Glory, Chief. She instructed us to ask for Miss Starlight.”

“Ah, right, that was it!”

“Freaking government mare. Fine go speak with the DivO next time get it all cleared before you destroy my training field. Also Recruit Duncan, I don’t care who Morning Glory is, you answer to me, is that clear?”

“Yes Chief!” Duncan responded snapping to attention.

“Oh come on, don’t get so upset, I promise I’ll find a way to make it worth your time,” Gilgamesh said, trying to smooth things over with the Chief.

“Listen, you I don’t know you, I don’t care what you are. I am a Chief and have been in the military longer then you have been alive, if you want to make it worth my time bugger off and leave me alone! I will not be treated this way by some creature an entitled mare summoned!” He huffed indignantly glaring at Gilgamesh.

Duncan broke military bearing and facepalmed.

Gilgamesh snickered, trying to hold back his mirth, before bursting out laughing.

“What is so funny! Do I look funny to you? Do I!?” He yelled at the Displaced waving a stern hoof at them glaring with fire in his eyes.

Gilgamesh’s laughter died down as he tried to restrain himself. “Ha ha! I’m s-sorry! I-I’m not trying to make fun of you, ho-onest! Hahaha! It’s just that you have no idea how wrong you are!”

“Really? And how is that?”

Gilgamesh smirked. “Well, I don’t usually do dick measuring contests but... “ he stood up straight before continuing. “I am Gilgamesh. I am one thousand, six hundred and thirty nine years old, though admittedly I did spend fifteen hundred of those years sealed in stone. I spent one hundred years of my life fighting almost every day, whether it be against wild animals, dragons, or the armies of the minotaurs, griffins, or ponies, Celestia and Luna included, and didn’t lose a single fight fight for a century. And to top it all off, if we were back in my universe, I could pull rank on you.”

At that moment there was a flash as a very angry looking purple unicorn appeared in front of Gilgamesh. Glaring at the human she began yelling. shoving a piece of paper in his face. “Why did Celestia give you a commission as a Vice Admiral over a thousand years ago? And why in Celestia’s name am I having to play delivery mare?”

Gilgamesh only looked surprised for a moment before taking the letter and scanning it. “Oh, that’s right, I forgot that she gave me that right the last time I was here.” He chuckled for a moment. “Funny, since back in my universe I’m above her in rank.” He then handed the letter over to Phantom Thorns. “So yeah, from what I remember about the system in this universe, I outrank you here, too. Feel free to check for the royal seal of approval. Oh, and sorry about you having to be delivery girl, Twilight. Maybe you’d like to stay so you can research some other branches of magic I could show you?”

“ADMIRAL ON DECK!” called the chief before anypony could do anything else, causing every guard to snap to attention and salute Gilgamesh. Begrudgingly he apologized, “My apologies Sir. What can we do for you today?”

“Hey, no problem, Chief, I didn’t mean to show you up in front of your soldiers. Give me sec,” Gilgamesh replied before turning to Twilight. “So, what’s your answer, Twi?”

“Yes! give me a moment to grab Spike so I can take notes. Feel free to get started it will only take a moment,” she said excitedly with a twinkle in her eyes. With that Twilight teleported out.

“Alright then, to start off, you can just run them all through their morning drills, Chief Thorns. After that, have all of them meet me out here for some sparring and demonstrations. If they won’t be finished before noon, let them have a chance at the mess hall before they come.”

“Sir, the only thing on the schedule aside from standard training drills is morning cleaning quarters. We will return here by oh eight hundred. Is that all sir?” Phantom Thorns’ body language had reverted to the peak of military bearing, betraying nothing of his inner turmoil.

“That’ll be perfect. Carry on, Chief.”

“You heard the Admiral, Everypony Dismissed!” Chief sent everypony about the morning duties. He approached Duncan. “You recruit on the other hand broke military bearing, and acted disrespectfully to a superior. For the next twenty minutes we are going to be having a fun little IT session.”

While everypony else was cleaning Duncan was pushed through a ringer of push ups, lunges and whatever other workout Chief Thorns thought was fun. Chief’s face never once reflected anything other than a blank stare. After twenty minutes were up Duncan was a sweating mess breathing heavily his clothes drenched.

“Good now get back to cleaning.” Chief dismissed Duncan and walked away.

“So, are you harsh on the kid because you expect more from him, or because you don’t like him?” Gilgamesh asked, walking along with the stallion.

“Military isn’t for the weak or undisciplined. I act in the hopes that maybe someday I can trust the next batch with defending our country, sir.” Chief answered eyeing the rest of the squads he was responsible for.

“Well, I don’t know about the disciplined part, but you can certainly be assured he won’t be weak, especially after I’m through with him. Also, just in case you were wondering, you have my permission to speak freely.”

“Well sir, I have no idea who you are but after the events yesterday I must assume you are strong. Just remember strength is more than power, I’ve seen too many soldiers go the wrong way and end up ruined by it. They get entitled by the power they wield then miss an advancement or something stupid and end up in the brig or tossed out of the guard.” Chief explained, “Honestly I want you to teach him to have a strong heart, to do what needs to be done, and to look certain death in the face and charge forward. That sir, is what I want.”

Gilgamesh smirked as the soldiers returned from cleaning. “I like you, Chief Thorns. You would’ve been well respected in my army. In fact, there’s one person in particular who I think you would’ve really gotten along with, or at the very least you’d respect each other. You know, if you didn’t mind the fact he was a changeling.”

“...You have changelings in your army? I’ve heard of minotaurs and griffins, but a changeling, didn’t even know about them till they attacked a little while ago.” Chief raised his eyebrow.

Gilgamesh looked sad for a moment before returning to his more upbeat demeanor. “Ponies, mules, horses, changelings, zebras, dragons, diamond dogs, minotaurs, griffins, buffalo, and reindeer. It’s amazing how something threatening to destroy the world can cause bitter enemies to put their grievances aside. With any luck, they’ll still be friends when I get back.”

“Well as our motto says “Friendship is Magic” so I’m sure you’ll be surprised when you get back. Now then shall we get started sir?” Chief had lead them to stand before the loosely assembled company of guard ponies. Twilight could be seen sitting to the side on a bench with stacks of paper and pots of ink with her.

“Absolutely,” he replied with a nod before stepping towards the assembled group. “Atten-TION!”

The ponies all snapped to attention in a perfect formation, everypony ware a thousand yard stare waiting for the next call.

“As a veteran Displaced I will be training Duncan here on how to properly use his powers and mold him into a proper fighter. Duncan, step forwards.”

Duncan quickly slid out of ranks running to the front of the group,”Sir!”

“Since Duncan is unique among you all, I’d like you all to observe his powers and fighting style so you can be accustomed to working with him. I will also be demonstrating my own fighting methods which may or may not coincide with your own, as well as go over some basic fighting skills. To some of you, this may be new. To others, consider this a refresher course. Either way, you will observe, and will be free to make your own comments or suggestions. In the meantime, you may be at ease and make yourself as comfortable as you like so long as I have your attention. Are we clear?”

“YES SIR!” They all moved quickly to the sides of the area outside of the boulders, finding spots on the grass they took seats watching the two displaced.

“Ok then, Duncan. Before you became a displaced, what was your fighting experience? Don’t be shy to say it was nothing or just video games, I’ll count anything.”

“I was part of a group called Ampguard, we used foam weapons for LARPing.” Duncan answered. He stood at attention with his arms by his side. Many of the other soldiers snickered at that.

“Hm. Better than nothing. At least you’ve been in some combat, even if it was just make believe. Alright then,” he hopped back and took a fighting pose, standing straight and at a profile like a fencer with only one arm extended, his palm open and facing up. “Show me what you can do. Attack like you mean to kill.”

“Sword and Magic?” Duncan asked to clarify as he shifted his stance placing one foot farther back and extending his arm. He kept his eyes locked on Gilgamesh.

“Fight as if you would die if you lost this battle, whatever that entails.”

Without another word Duncan summoned his sword dodging slightly to the side, he summoned the Sword Card, taking both swords in his hands he charged Gilgamesh leading with a swing from his right arm, currently holding his jian. Gilgamesh responded by stepping in and stopping his swing blocking his arm at the elbow, then quickly slapping Duncan across the face. Duncan stumbled back, taking a moment to process that he wasn’t hit with a punch or a kick as Gilgamesh returned to his original stance.

“Funny.” Duncan said with a neutral tone, maintaining the Sword Card he charged again this time, keeping low to the ground, with both arms pulled tight and his swords held close. He lunged with the Sword Card aiming for the center of Gilgamesh’s chest. Gilgamesh pushed the sword away with the most minimal of efforts, tapping it on the flat of the blade, before stepping in and flicking Duncan on the nose with the same hand.

Duncan dropped lower in a bid to swing his jian to cleave Gilgamesh arm that just flicked him. Gilgamesh spun to the side, tucking in his arm to avoid the swing, and got behind Duncan in one fluid motion before backhanding in the side of his face, causing him to stumble for a few steps, and once again returning to his starting stance.

“Right, that’s not working.” Duncan released the Sword Card tucking it back in his pocket. Pulling out the Dash and Arrow he started launching a volley at Gilgamesh, holding the Dash in reserves for the right moment. Gilgamesh casually smacked the arrows away, not moving any more than his arm, or in some cases just his wrist, to redirect the projectiles away from him.

Activating the Dash Duncan circled to the side lunging forward with his jian again aiming for right under the arm that was deflecting the arrows. Gilgamesh caught the sword between his index finger and thumb, the blade humming a moment as it vibrated, before stepping forwards and hitting Duncan in the face with elbow of the same arm, letting go of the blade as he stumbled back.

“Ok you know that hurt. Hows about some feed back or a tip?” Duncan asked, he was already running out of ideas. Add in the exhaustion from his IT session, and the use of three cards in rapid succession.

Gilgamesh lowered his arm. “I think that’s enough for now. You’ve got good instincts and you adapt quickly, but your attacks are too readable. How long have you been here?”

“A little over a week.” Duncan dismissed his jian, hanging the orb over his neck.

“In that case, you’re doing remarkably well, all things considered, but not good enough. Using those cards requires quite a bit of energy, doesn’t it? How many can you use at once and for how long?”

“Right now I can sustain one at a time for a few minutes, I can burst others doing so drops me to about a minute. I have almost zero mana pool right now. Certain cards are more intense than others, I can’t even use Time yet, however Move I can use for about fifteen minutes till I start to feel winded.” Duncan explained he rested with his arms above his head taking slow deep breaths.

“I’m impressed. Many forget to test their limits, thinking they can just keep going on so long as they have willpower. Anyway, that’s enough sparring for now. Before your real lessons begin, I’ll need to give a rundown of my own philosophy. To paraphrase Bruce Lee, ‘the individual is more important than the style or the system.’ I’m not here to teach you how to fight, I’m going to find out how you fight and mold that.”

“I never heard that before, I like it. So what’s next, I think some of the ponies are getting bored?” Duncan tilted his head towards where he saw Boom De-yada and another large stallion ‘cloud watching’.

“Gotcha. Let’s involve them for a moment. Boom De-yada, over here!” Gilgamesh called.
The stallion startled awake, looking around, the other stallion pointed him in the direction of Gilgamesh. Trotting over he looked up asking, “You need something, sir?”

“Just a little demonstration for Duncan and the rest of the troops. Duncan, Boom, face each other.”

The two stood before each other waiting for further instructions, Duncan assumed a fighting stance, prompting Boom to do the same.

“I said ‘face each other,’ not ‘take your stances.’”

“Sorry I assumed,” Duncan returned to attention. Boom smiled rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.

“My bad.”

“It’s perfectly fine. If nothing else, it’s good you’re prepared to do that on instinct. Now, Duncan, tell me about what you see before you.”

“Earth pony, male, guard, friend.” Duncan described the pony before him, the last bit caused Boom to smile wide.

“Alright. And if was tell you this was your opponent, what do you see now?”

“Relaxed, unfocused, angry?”

“I”m not angry! Or unfocused. I’m a trained fighting machine,” He quipped back making hoof gestures causing most of the guards to laugh.

“Not bad, but you need to look deeper than that,” Gilgamesh began. “Quadruped, no digits but still able to hold things, physically strong, likely quick too. Young, near or at its prime physically. And yes, I said ‘it’. Because when a fight starts there are no genders. There are no names, no ranks, no bloodlines, no wealth, no species. There is only physical ability, technique, body structure, habits, disposition, weapons, abilities, etc. Once a fight starts, if it’s not important to combat, it isn’t important until the battle is over.”

“I understand, although I think Power taught us yesterday that genders do exist in combat, even if it’s just a little.” Duncan smirked as Boom started laughing, remembering what had happened to the Displaced.

Gilgamesh sighed, but chuckled all the same. “I did say ‘body structure,’ but yeah, kinda walked into that one. Thank you Boom, you can go back now.”

The stallion trotted back to his spot on the grass sharing a joke with the other stallion who was still sitting there. A Unicorn mare, with golden fur and red tinted mane approached.

“Sir, permission to ask a question, sir?” she asked stood at attention before Gilgamesh.

“Your name, please?”

“Petty Officer Steel Will. I am the leader of Wolf Squad, sir.” She answered looking him square in the eyes.

“Go head, Steel Will.”

“What would be your advice for fighting Displaced, sir?”

“Oh, good question. Seeing as how we’re all quite different, there’s really not much that’s universal. Hell, I once met a living gold statue who was able to empower her allies and depower her enemies with song. Basically, ask Duncan or anyone else if they know their abilities first. If not, I’d suggest keeping a safe distance and waiting for them to act, maybe attacking from distance with a few weaker attacks to see how they react. That’s pretty much the most universal advice I can give.”

“What about fighting bipeds like yourself? Anything that is normally a weak point?”

“Well, once again, not all bipeds are alike, but not much different from many other creatures. The face will always be a weak point, and striking joints will disable most if they don’t have some sort of healing. Eyes, nose, throat, temple, heart, kidneys, liver, all those will always be damaging if not lethal. If nothing else, I suggest either going for the hands to disable the ability to wield weapons or attack then legs to get them to fall and bring them down to your level.”

“Thank you, sir.” Steel Will walked away speaking with Snow Drop.

“Chief Thorns, what time is it?” Gilgamesh asked.

“It’s around nine thirty sir.”

“Alright, got some time. Now, Duncan, to mold your fighting style, I’ll need to do some explaining. Basically there are four kinds of major categories to classify fighters. These are by no means concrete, unbreakable categories with no overlapping, but they should give your thinking a framework. Now, let’s call these categories ‘Technician’, ‘Deviator’, ‘Imitator’, and ‘Self-Taught.’ Did you ever play or were familiar with the Street Fighter series?”

“Once a long time ago,” Duncan replied.

“Alright well, for examples of the first to, let’s review the difference between Ryu and Ken’s approaches to the Shoryuken,” he said before levitating two of the boulders over to him, catching everyone’s full attention. “Now Technicians and Deviators are both formally taught a fighting style, but have their own takes on things. Deviators get their strength from understanding how styles and techniques work and then going ‘ok, now how can I make this work in a way I’m comfortable with?’”

He walked over to one of the boulders, effortlessly picking it up with one hand and motioning for Duncan to move back a bit. “Now, in Ken’s case, he looked at the shoryuken and thought ‘ok, jump uppercut with some ki application, got it. Throw in a little fire for flair, call it a day.” He effortlessly tossed the boulder skywards, long enough for him to assume the proper position, crouched down with his right arm at his side. Moments before the boulder fell to earth he took action. “Shoryuken!” he cried, his fist lighting on fire as he jumped up and struck the rock, splitting it in half and severely cracking what was left, not to mention charring the center black. The two halves landed with heavy thuds.

Many of the guards stomped their hooves in applause. “That was awesome sir. Do it again!” Duncan looked at the remains of the boulder, tapping his chin thoughtfully, “Ya know with the Power, I could probably do that.”

“I’m sure you could, but strength isn’t everything,” he said as he picked up another boulder. “Now Technicians, get their strength from trying to get what they’ve been taught done perfectly. They might have talent already, but they still practice tirelessly to get their techniques and their blows just right. For example, back to Street Fighter, while Ken just got the basic gist of the technique down before doing what he felt comfortable with, Ryu practiced the same move over and over again, trying to get every last movement, every last application of strength and power done perfectly. As a result, his attack is less flashy, but otherwise more powerful.”

Again he tossed the boulder into the air, and again he positioned himself. As the boulder fell he jumped at it just like before. That, however, was where the similarities ended. “Shoryuken!” he cried, this time punching without any fire. However, upon contact with his fist, the boulder broke apart with a loud bang. The only other sound was the thud of Gilgamesh hitting the ground, and it took the group a moment to realize why: the boulder hadn’t merely been broken, it was pulverized. Only dust-sized particles of rock remained.

There were gasps of surprise as everypony watched the dust blow away in the wind, several other ponies started stomping again. “THAT! WAS! AWESOME!”

“Interesting, what are the pros and cons of one or the other?” Duncan asked offering a clap.

“Deviators are slightly less polished, and the same techniques don’t tend to have the same strength or bite to them, but their creativity can more than make up for it. Technicians’ styles tend to be sharper in their execution, but because they’ve worked on getting their styles done exactly the way they’re supposed to, they don’t tend to work on coming up with new things as much, spending most of their time just trying to make their techniques even more perfect.”

“Alright, and the other two?” Duncan mulled over the information trying to identify where he fit into all this and where he wanted to go.

“Next are Imitators, who have little in the way of actual formal teachings and learn more from watching and figuring things out for themselves. Sakura would be the Street Fighter example, but I’d like to point to something else for an example. Namely, the Rasengan from Naruto. I’m assuming you know that one.”

“Yes,” Duncan confirmed.

“Right well,” he levitated the other two boulders over to him. “As you remember , Jiraiya tried to teach Naruto the Rasengan, but he just couldn’t quite get the technique down,” he began as he summoned the blue ball of swirling chakra into his had before rushing forwards and smashing it into the boulder, causing a massive hole to burst out the other side before the rock crumbled completely. “So, rather than giving up, he found a way around the problem.” He summoned a clone himself who rapidly added its own chakra to help create the technique before disappearing. He then struck the other boulder, producing the same effect as before. “Imitators know what they want to do, but they just don’t know exactly how. They’re moves are obviously less polished, much more than Deviators, so to be successful they have to be extremely creative. This often leads to them creating their own techniques as well.”

“Wow that’s a lot to take in, so far it sounds like the difference is a choice of precision vs creativity?”

“That’s about right, which leads me to the final category, ‘Self-Taught.’ As you can guess, these types of fighters have little if any formal training and if they copy anything it’s usually only a technique and not a whole fighting style. Hell, sometimes they outright refuse to be taught formally. Obviously, the precision is extremely low here, but the creativity is extremely high. The kind of fighters who can effectively pull this off are few and far between, either developed by a lot of trial and error just having a knack for fighting. Now, the main point I want to make here is all of these fighting categories are equally viable. No one is better than the other.”

“Wait, what? How can that be? I mean, if a Technician and a Self-Taught went at each other wouldn’t the Technician win just because he has better foundation?” Duncan asked.

Gilgamesh smirked and turned back to the soldiers. “Those in Wolf Squad, please raise your hooves,” he asked.

All of wolf squad, Spear Head, Snow Drop, Boom, Steel Will and Twisted raised their hooves and claws.

“Who among you would you say is the most experienced fighter?”

“Me, sir.” Steel Will stood up and approached Gilgamesh.

“Ok then, here’s the scenario: You’re a master of your art. You’ve practiced it for decades. You know and have mastered every technique, know where and when to hit your opponents, and even if they are faster than you it doesn’t matter because your timing is so impeccable that speed isn’t a factor anymore. Now, what would you say would be your deadliest opponent? Duncan?”

Duncan stared for a moment before something seemed to click in his head. “A lucky novice?”

“I agree,” Steel Will replied.

“Well, I’m legitimately impressed with your answer Duncan. And why is that?” Gilgamesh asked.

“Because as a master you have certain ways of anticipating your opponent. You expect them to act certain ways. A novice has no idea what they’re doing, and because of that you have no idea what they’re doing either,” Steel Will explained.

“Very good, Petty Officer. You may return now.”

“Sir.” She saluted and returned to her spot.

“And that’s basically what a Self-Taught is, an extremely powerful and well-versed novice. So, I think it’s about time for a break. Duncan, I want you to think about this while you eat. Chief Thorns, all you.”

“Two hour break for chow return here at fourteen hundred. Dismissed!” Chief ordered the guards. The guard wandered off to their various choices for lunch.

“By the way Gilgamesh, sir. Where is Morning Glory?” Duncan asked he noticed that she wasn’t around, normally she would get lunch with him or have poked fun at him by now. Come to think of it she wasn’t around for breakfast either.

Gilgamesh looked around them, checking that no one was in earshot, before leaning down to whisper. “Remember I told you about Chrysalis?”

“Ya, did you guys find out what happened to her?” Duncan asked with a look of concern.

“Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, she still tried to take over Equestria, which we tried to prevent. Changie’s heading to figure out what went on so we can give her a stern talking to and get her agree to some war reparations so Equestrian won’t bring the hammer of justice on her and her hive even harder.”

“Yikes, that sucks, I hope it goes well… how long will she be? I imagine getting past the south end of the badlands would take along time. Atleast I assume she is heading where to where Chrysi ended up in the comics.”

“Well, with any luck, I’ll hear back from her by the end of the day. Three days, tops. Anyway, go eat, we’ve got a little more to go over before the day is done.”

“Alright… I don’t suppose you have more of that cocatrice from this morning?” Duncan asked with hope in his eyes.

“Nope, but I do have something better. Hey Enkidu! Get over here, buddy, it’s lunch time!” The dog barked and ran over as Gilgamesh cut open a portal in the air, pulling out a delicious smelling bag.

“Oh what is it?” Duncan’s eyes were wide and he started salivating at the delicious smell.

“Applewood smoked hydra jerky,” he replied, opening up the bag and tossing a piece to Enkidu, who nabbed it and began to chew at it viciously. Gilgamesh began to slowly savor his own piece before handing the bag over to Duncan.

“Jerky…” Duncan looked at the bag with wonder, he pulled out a piece and began chewing shivering a little at the wonderful taste, “even better than back home. Kat taught you well.”

Gilgamesh paused for a moment before looking to Duncan. “So do you know that because you met Kat, or because you read my fanfic?”


“Hm. Still getting used to the idea that my life is entertainment for some perception. Then again, I’ve come to terms with the idea of living inside a show and falling in love with what was once to me just some color and outlines on screen. How are you coping?”

“Hum, I use to think about multiverse all of the time, I came to terms with such concepts years ago. It’s one of the reasons I got into reading the Displaced fiction I loved the ties and references, made it feel cozy and friendly.” Duncan sighed resting on the grass he started petting Enkidu lazily.

“Well don’t get too cozy. It’s just another life for you, and lives are filled with tragedy. Promises can go unfulfilled, those you love can be lost without a moment’s notice, and it can be filled with more pain than you ever thought you could bear. But no matter what happens, can you promise me one thing?”

“I’ll do my best.”

“Try. No matter how bad things might turn out for you, always try your hardest. As my own father figure once told me, ‘Even if you give it your all, you still might not get get what you want. But if you don’t try at all, you can be assured you won’t.’”

“That I can always do, I will try. There is something that MC and I learned along time ago, where there is a will there is away, I will get home to Terra, no matter what it WILL happen.” Duncan swore with as much resolve as he could muster.

Gilgamesh smiled. “I hope you will,” he said simply, placing a hand on his shoulder.

“No hope only fact. So then we ready for part two? Your jerky is magical, I feel energized and ready to fight.” Duncan changed the subject getting up.

“Let’s give the others time to get back,” he replied as they waited for the soldiers to return from the mess hall. “Also, Twilight and Spike should be back by now.”

As if summoned by the words the two made their way over to the Displaced.

“Thank you for the information, although I do have a few questions. If I may?” She asked as a scroll unrolled in her magic bouncing along the ground, it was around ten feet long.

“‘A few,’ she says,” Gilgamesh snarked, exchanging glances with both Duncan and Spike. Duncan smirked but didn’t say anything, Spike nodded in agreement.

“Yes a few, then a few more if you want, I have the categorized by most important.” She huffed in offence.

“Ok, shoot. Though I may have to cut you off to go back to practice.”

“Where do your powers come from?”

“For the most part they come from me, whether it be my own magical reserves or more body related techniques, like Ki or Hamon. Some I’ve just been blessed with by others, some from DNA splicing, and some from objects on my person.”

“Where were you born? And how did you come to be here?”

“I was born in the country of the United States of America, on one version of the planet Earth. I came to my own version of Equus due to the machinations of a powerful Sys Admin known as ‘The Merchant.’ Or at least one of the versions of him.”

“Do you know of a way to protect a world from invasion by Displaced?”

“Yes, though you may not like the option given to you. At least not yet,” he then reached behind his back and pulled out a manilla folder. “This folder contains a formula written by one Frank DeFontaine, also known as Auric Fulcrum. With this a Displaced could find their way back home or create a barrier to keep all but some of the most powerful Displaced out of this realm, unless they were invited.”

“Perfect, what wouldn’t I like about it?” She asked using her magic to grab the folder.

“It requires Discord to work,” Duncan answered eyeing the folder.

“WHAT!? How would we use the Lord of Chaos to do something like this?” She asked her eyes wide with fear.

“He can alter reality. Who would be better? Besides, he’s the Embodiment of Chaos, not the Embodiment of Evil. I’ve met several versions of him who could be called friends, if not heroes. Including my own reality’s version.”

It’s not time for them to know yet wanderer. Please reveal no more. A disembodied voice spoke directly to Gilgamesh, it sounded very familiar.

“What in Faust’s name?” he asked aloud, looking around him. It took him a moment, but he soon recognized the voice.

Ok, ok. I guess you’ve got plans, he thought. If you want do this your way, though, I’m gonna have to ask you be as straight as possible with them.

Thank you. For being such a good boy, have a cookie! A random chocolate chip cookie appeared in Gilgamesh’s hand.

“What's going on Gilgamesh, you got all quite?” Duncan asked watching his sensei.

“Look, I know you hate to hear this, but your answers will come in time. As for you, Twilight, take this and rest on it,” he said as he handed her the folder.

“Thank you, last question and the most important. Do you believe friendship is magic and have you found happiness?”

He smiled. “Twilight, though maybe not in the way you might think, I believe that love and friendship are some of the greatest powers in all existence. As for happiness, well… I think so. I just need to be able to get back to someone before I can tell you for sure.”

“Well you could write me a letter. That is all the questions I have for now, I’m sure this packet will answer most of the rest.” Twilight returned to her bench with Spike in preparation of the next session, several of the mane six and also arrived to watch.

“Attention! All guard return to your positions and observe what the Admiral has to teach.” Chief Thorns called everypony to attention now that lunch was over.

“Alright then, kid. Back to the meat grinder.”

Chapter 14: Lessons

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“Ok Gilgamesh, sir, I thought about what you said earlier, I assume you wanted me to figure out which type of fighter I would be? I think I have an answer.” Duncan stood before his teacher with a determined look.

“Go on,” Gilgamesh said, his arms folded across his chest.

“Deviator, I tend to believe in balancing things. I think having formal training and then breaking the mold in a way I feel confident would be my strong suit.” Duncan explained.

“Interesting. Looks like we’ll have to find a proper teacher for you before I leave. But for now, I want you to come at me again. I’ve got one more lesson for you today, but I’m going to see if you can figure it out yourself.”

“Alright, vague, but alright, what do you need me to do?” Duncan asked a look of confusion on his face.

“Fight me. And this time, I’m not just gonna give you a light slap when you make a mistake.”

Duncan pulled out the Sword and Power card in a single motion activating both he charged Gilgamesh. Wanting to use the element of surprise to get close.

“Now then, show me what you have to offer. Hold nothing back!” he shouted as he took a classic boxer’s stance.

Duncan’s eyes went wide mid charge and he veered away and tripped over his own feet, sending him sailing past the monster before him. Getting up he bolted to hide behind a boulder. “NOPE! I am not dieing in training, not happening!”

“Come on Duncan, He won’t kill you.” Boom cheered from the side lines.

“You wanna fight him?” Duncan answered. Boom shifted a bit before eyeing the murderous intent emanating from the Displaced. He chuckled nervously.

“I will,” Snow Drop flew over to land next to Duncan, she locked her eyes on Gilgamesh, her knees shaking in fear. Steel Will teleported on the other side of the recruit without a word. Twisted ran over with a spear in claw aimed at Gilgamesh, Boom relented and trotted over behind Duncan pulling one of his flashbangs out of a bag.

“Correction We will fight you. Wolves never hunt alone,” Twisted glared down Gilgamesh. Steel placed a hoof on Duncan’s shoulder, “Not even our newest pup.”

“Thanks guys.” Duncan sighed turning to face Gilgamesh with a new fire in his eyes. “I may be a ‘little wolf’, but we won’t back down.”

Gilgamesh chuckled a moment before throwing his head back into a hearty laugh. He then turned to face Twilight. “See that? This is what I think of when I think of the magic of friendship. No showy lights, no flashy powers, just old old fashioned camaraderie.”

Twilight looked surprised for a moment before bringing her hoof to her face in a pondering motion. After a moment she grinned back. “I guess friendship really does take all kinds of forms,” she then smirked. “Now let’s see how good you do against it.”

“Ha! It’s because I consider myself friends with these guys I’m gonna win! But for now,” he turned back to the squad in front of him. “Let’s have a little fun messing around. I’ve always wanted to try this.”

Gilgamesh began to float into the air as a song played, the leftover boulder coming off the ground and heading towards him. Suddenly the ground around him began to break around him and gather towards the warrior in varying sizes, until finally it formed a twenty foot tall vaguely bipedal figure. “Now then, let’s see how you like getting stoned!”

“I’ll think it’s fun.” Steel Will smiled wide eyeing the stone giant. “Boom explosives on the legs, Duncan help. Snow, Twisted with me, go for the shoulders. SH find us a weak point.”

Without further fanfare the squad charged into combat. Duncan used the Dash card to help Boom plant bombs around the creature’s ankles. Zig-zagging to keep it from stepping on him. Boom favored luging his explosives from a distance timing the charges to blast against the knees.

Unfortunately this seemed to do little to it aside from send bits of rocks tumbling, forcing Duncan to dodge the debris.

“My turn,” Gilgamesh replied, lifting both arms and slamming them into the ground with surprising quickness, releasing a shockwave. Sending the team flying, landing in a ring around Gilgamesh. Spear Head shot several healing spells at his team, mending the minor damages. In response, Gilgamesh jumped at them, curling himself into a ball, and rolling like a giant boulder.

The squad was teleported out at the last second, standing together the rest of the guards. Everypony who was watching the training stared down Gilgamesh, Chief stood at their front, “With all due respect Sir, We are going to buck your day up! Charge!”

Several unicorns opened fire with spells, bolts of magic flew in vollies blasting into the stone. Earth ponies alternated throwing spears and boulders. Pegasi performed dive attacks chipping away at Gilgamesh’s stone armor.

“Yes! This is what I want to see! Show me the power of your bonds!” Gilgamesh shouted, smashing his fist into the ground and picking up a rock before hurling it at Duncan. Two pegasi charged in and picked Duncan up, lifting him high into the sky.

“For Pony!” Duncan cried out as they released him , activating both Fight and Power. He flew at Gilgamesh like a bullet. Gilgamesh responded by spinning his upper body like a top, smacking him away, but much of his “hand” being destroyed by his new strength.

“You’re not Richard!” he shouted, before pulling one of the rocks off his body and wielding it like a club at the ponies on the ground. The ponies that could dodged out of the way, unicorns provide barriers where they could or healing when needed. Some received some debilitating wounds and were pulled from the battlefield.

“You’re right, Suiryuu Shourai!” A gout of water shot from Duncan’s jian and splashed harmlessly against the rocks.

“Mediocre!” Gilgamesh shouted back, swinging the club at him. Several earth ponies jumped into it all swinging as hard as they could trying to shatter the club, barely managing to succeed.

“Suiryuu Shourai! Suiryuu Shourai! SUIRYUU SHOURAI!” More jets of water splashed against the rocks, water began seeping in everywhere as Duncan tried to coat Gilgamesh in water.

“What are you up to, little man?” Gilgamesh asked, his arms raised for another ground pound.

“RAITEI SHOURAI!” Duncan poured as much magic as he could into summoning lightning down on the now very conductive stone. He heard Gilgamesh shout in pain and surprise for a moment before the rocks all began to crumble, breaking apart and hiding the warrior in a cloud of debris.

“WOO HOO! Go rookie! Nice job! Way to shock him!” Ponies cheered from around the battlefield Pegasi began blowing the dust away to see what became of their foe. Duncan fell to a knee his own magic now severely depleted. Before the dust fully cleared, boisterous laugh came from the rubble, causing all of their cheering to stop.

“SERIOUSLY?!” Boom yelled panting, he was out of bombs and had resorted to throwing rocks. He wasn’t sure they could ever hope to take Gilgamesh out if he wasn’t down after that.

“The fight is over sir. Accept defeat.” Chief Thorns called out standing resolute before the cloud of dust.

Gilgamesh clapped. “Wonderful! Splendid! You were amazing, all of you! You really showed what it means to be a cohesive unit! Such synergy!” his laughter died down and he stopped clapping. “But before I decide whether or not to stop, I’m going to have to ask, Duncan, what did you learn?”

“With friends anything is possible,with them I don’t need to be afraid.” Duncan looked resolut while resting on a knee. Several ponies clapped at the declaration. Boom even patted him on the back.

“Very good, very good!” he nodded in response. “...But it’s one thing to say that, another to actually live it. And though you may have been frightened to start, you are far from experiencing true fear,” he finished in a cold tone. He then raised his hand, a a green sprinkle of light appearing over all the combatants, completely healing the injuries of everyone, even those who had to be pulled off the field.

The ponies looked shocked, having never seen such powerful healing magic, and not expecting it of the warrior. Duncan’s own fatigue partially lifted, his magic reserves would need a rest, he was able to stand again though.

Gilgamesh then cast several other spells on the crowd, their effects felt by the group as they felt stronger than ever. “There. Protect, to buffer you against physical attacks, Shell for defense against magic, Haste to increase your speed and agility, and Regen so you can constantly recover. I think that should be enough to keep you alive.”

“Should? That is not comforting, what do you have planned?” Duncan eyed Gilgamesh suspiciously.

“Quite frankly, that’s enough, sir,” Boom taunted. “No matter what tricks you have we’ll still beat you, especially if those spell do what you said they do!” many of the other ponies cheered in affirmation, but the more experienced fighters like Phantom Thorns, Steel Will, Snow Drops, and Twisted Spear eyed him cautiously preparing for a fight.

Gilgamesh chuckled before throwing his head back and laughing maniacally, actually quieting their cheers. He then turned to face the Elements, Fluttershy looking utterly terrified, Rainbow Dash and Applejack looking ready to fight, Twilight, Rarity and Spike trying to look calm, and Pinkie munching on a bucket of popcorn.

“Take notes, Twilight! Behold a small fraction of my power, and the darker side of ki!” he then turned to face the soldiers. “I admire your spirit, I truly do. But you are mere paper tigers before a true beast. You have not fought something on par with the Princesses and those of their ilk. Savor this experience, and behold the ferocity of the Satsui no Hado!” he boasted before bowing his head and crossing his arms. He began to inhale and exhale quite loudly, each breath sounding more and more forceful.

Not wanting to let the Displaced have a chance to do anything everypony charged forward with enhanced speed. Spears, hooves and magic aimed to take down their foe. Duncan brought up the rear dreading what ever was coming next.

Gilgamesh raised his foot and slammed it into the ground, the force being enough to push back the advancing mob. At this point his breathing sounding less like breaths and more like growls. A moment later he quickly brought his arms to his side as explosion of power burst off his body, their view becoming obscured from the dust being kicked up. As it cleared they looked on in terror as an aura resembling black and red flames radiated off his body. He looked at them, eyes glowing red.

“I am Combat incarnate,” he proclaimed his voice no longer just deep, but also raspy. He then quickly took a fighting stance, the aura seeming to warp the air around him, obscuring their vision of him. Prepare to face true terror. Stare into the face of death!"

The field went silent, the only sound the crackling of energy emanating from Gilgamesh. Not a single pony made any move, after a few moments some began to whimper. Duncan fell back his eyes wide in terrors all logic had left his mind.

He looked around for his team hoping to see somepony to rely on. Damnit I wanted to be a network tech, this fight is beyond me. I’ll die, I’ll never see Terra again… Terra….

Duncan closed his eyes, he remembered everything he could of his far away fiance. Her hair, her face, the way she hated it when he booped her nose. Her love of karaoke, the way she made him feel important. The way she loved him and had risked being homeless just to be with him.

He stumbled to his feet, using his jian as a crutch he started to stumble against the pressure. If she could risk it, then…

“You know what Gilgamesh,” Duncan started focusing on one foot and then the next.

“I can’t die, no matter how scared I am, no matter how out matched I am, I can’t die,” he said to no one in particular. His knees were shaking, the feeling was suffocating, to look his own death in the face. Look him in the face, he need to look him in the face.

Duncan leveled his gaze at the Displaced locking eyes with the glowing red. His heart clenched his his chest, blood thundering in his ears. Closing his eyes for a moment and taking a deep breath.

“FUCK YOU!” Duncan charged forward in an awkward rush both hands gripping his sword tightly, missing a step he stumbled, but he never broke eye contact with his target, “I’M GOING HOME!”

He brought his sword over his head to cleave Gilgamesh pouring all of his feelings into the blow. Every memory, every feeling, his very soul poured into the blade. It began glowing with an unnatural light arcing down. Before it made contact, however, Gilgamesh glided at Duncan before seeming to phase through him. Duncan turned around only to be met by a punch straight to his face the sent him bouncing along the ground before sliding to a stop. He groaned as he opened his eyes only to widen in shock as he saw Gilgamesh coming down from above, ready to punch downwards and smash the earth.

Force activating the Dash duncan moved out of the way. He then activated the Power, the Fight, and the Sword card. Dual wielding again Duncan charged Gilgamesh, intensely focused on nothing else but winning the fight. Slashing and kicking he became a flurry of determination. He dodged and jumped taking advantage of the Haste enchantment on him, augmenting it with Dash when he needed to.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t actually landing any blows, Gilgamesh blocking or parrying his strikes with nothing more than his limbs. The warrior struck the boy with a Shoryuken punch, nailing him in the chin and sending him high into the air. With a combination of his enchantments and his own willpower, Duncan fought through the pain and saw Gilgamesh had jumped above him, firing two blasts of violet ki from his hands. Duncan cut one with The Sword, causing it to dissipate, while smacking the other aside with his jian, barely having enough time to hold both in front of him and block the kick that came at his chest. The force, however, was still enough to send him smashing into the ground below.

Gilgamesh prepared to head down and attack again only to notice a magic blast coming at him. He backflipped away from it, seeming pushing off thin air, before landing and saw that Steel Will had worked up the courage to fight back, her body still shaking in fear, but her face hard and determined. Gilgamesh cupped his hands in response and fired a hadouken at the mare, who summoned a barrier in response. How the force of the ki attack exploding was enough to destroy the defensive spell and send her tumbling.

He turned back to face Duncan, only to see him up again and barely dodge a series of sword swipes. Gilgamesh responded with a spinning kick coated with electricity, shouting “Tatsumaki!” as he did, hitting the boy multiple times before he went rolling backwards.

Phantom moved with blinding speed gripping his spear tightly, he lunged at Gilgamesh from the air in a fly by. His spear coming millimeters from Gilgamesh’s face. Swinging mid stroke he brought a leg up to kick him in the head. Gilgamesh blocked the attack before grabbing the Chief by the tail punching him in the midsection, winding him, before throwing to the ground and stomping on him. He turned back to Duncan who once again had managed to recover quickly, and attacked.

“Kashin Shourai!” Duncan pointed his sword at Gilgamesh sending a spout of fire at him. Duncan’s own body started to smoke, bits of his flesh turning red. He didn’t stop his charge swinging his jian to catch Gilgamesh’s arm and create an opening to stab him with the Sword. The warrior once again phased through him and prepared to throw a hadoken, only to be stopped by Boom De-yada bucking him in the knee, causing him to stumble slightly, as Twisted spear jumped slashed at his face with her spear. He responded by grabbing the dragon by the head and slamming her into the earth pony, only to be met with two slashes across the chest from both of Duncan’s weapons. He grunted in pain for a moment before hitting Duncan with another shoryuken, sending him flying into the air, only Snow Drop to grab him mid-air. He was then met with a combined blast from all the unicorns to his back, causing him to stumble forwards slightly. He saw all the soldiers having gathered themselves and preparing to attack from all sides.

Gilgamesh raised a fist skyward, glowing with a violet light. “Kongou Kokuretsuzan,” he said almost casually before slamming his fist into the ground, producing an explosion that demolished the earth and sent all the combatants tumbling.

Duncan struggled to sit up, only for a heavy foot to force him back down. He stared up at the armored warrior, ready to continue fighting, when he noticed that the warrior’s more intimidating displays of power were gone.

Gilgamesh removed his foot and offered his hand. “And what have learned, boy?” he asked, his voice back to normal.

“You can be afraid, but you need to still move. Let nothing stop you, not even yourself.” Duncan coughed several times banishing the cards to their sealed forms. He laid there looking up into Gilgamesh’s eyes.

Gilgamesh nodded. “Not the words I would’ve used, but still hit the nail on the head,” he replied, picking the boy up and dusting him off. The dust began to clear and the other soldiers began to regain themselves. When they noticed him they immediately prepared for a fight, only to calm down when they noticed what the warrior was doing. “Congratulations. You have stared down an enemy you couldn’t possibly hope to defeat and fought bravely. You have proven to be true warriors who stand firmly by each others sides and in front of any enemy. Feel proud, for you would do well in my own army.”

“You sir are an ass, but thank you. I think it would be best if we called it for the day, I think some of us need some medical attention. Unless you have any last words you wanted to share, sir?” Chief asked coughing slightly his breath was short and painful.

Gilgamesh thought for a moment before responding. “Listen up! What you faced was one of my most powerful techniques. You held up well, but to perfectly honest, you went against roughly fifteen percent of my full power.”

There was a collective sigh of defeat as the ponies slumped to the ground exhausted, thoroughly done.

“Now, I understand how you feel hearing that, but I want you to know this: I wasn’t always this powerful, and I have been defeated before. I want to remember not to grow complacent, to always get better, and know that giants have been defeated by those beneath them. Don’t ever stop getting stronger, and don’t ever lose your will to fight. Am I clear?”

“SIR!” They responded with a low level of enthusiasm.

Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes. “Why can’t I hear you!?” he asked.

“YES SIR!” They all shouted as loud as they could get, their bodies at their limit.

“Good. Come see me if you have any particularly debilitating injuries. The rest of you, rest up and take the remaining time off. I’ll see you here on tomorrow and oh eight hundred hours. Dismissed.”

“Sir!” Most of the ponies elected to remain where they were not ready to move yet. One of the medical ponies approached Duncan, looking him over.

“Can I help you?” Duncan asked still not moving.

“You have several burns from magic overuse,” She sighed shaking her head and red mane. “You will need to be on bed rest till they recover, using magic at this stage could cause worse injuries.”

“Seriously?” Duncan asked.

“Yes, but don’t worry you won’t be the only pony dealing with it the unicorn from yesterday is suffering the same problem, so you will have some company.” She explained flagging down a stretcher team to pick up the displaced.

“That is two patients in as many days sir. Please be gentle,” She asked Gilgamesh before walking away without another word.

“Gotcha,” he replied, casting Curaga spells on all the injured ponies before him, managing to recover their wounds, but not their soreness or exhaustion, before moving over to Duncan and doing the same. Surprisingly, the magic burns did not go away completely, but instead looked like a mild case of sunburn. “Oh, that reminds me, I need to pay Trixie a visit.”

“Sir! When I said no magic I meant it. Magic overuse is serious an outside forces could cause irreparable harm.” She glared at him again. “It is caused by drawing too much magic through one’s own body, light cases cause headaches, mild cases leave burns on the skin, serious cases can burn internal organs killing the user. Introducing outside magic can aggravate the effect and make it worse.”

“Really wish someone told me that,” Gilgamesh complained. “I thought you meant him using magic.” The mare rolled her eyes, thinking she had said it before.

“Thanks Gilgamesh, I’ll be fine. I’ve broken a bone before and came out fine.” Duncan smiled though the pain, thankful that the healing spell seemed to do what it was intended to and not make things worse. “Why don’t you come with we can see Trixie? You said you needed to see her yesterday.”

“Yeah, I need to give her a little talk. I’ve always had a soft spot for the misguided. Hey girls, you coming?” he asked, turning back to Mane six and Spike only to see them all staring at him, eyes wide and jaws dropped. “What?”

“...That. Was. AWESOME!” Rainbow shouted. “I mean, scary as Tartarus yes, but still awesome!”

“I’ll be that was some impressive fightin’. Never seen the guards get a good whooping like that.” AJ stated in amazement. Rarity turned her nose up feeling the creature was rather uncouth and rude. Fluttershy remained hidden behind her friends refusing to look at the terrifying creature.

“That was totally awesome, can you teach me to fight like that? I could be just like the Power Ponies!” Spike rushed up to Gilgamesh with wide, hopeful, eyes.

“Spike!” Twilight chastised him, “That was certainly impressive. I’ll be sending the Princess a detailed report of what I have learned today, and yesterday. I still want to know how you have a over thousand year old commission.”

“Maybe I’ll tell you later.”

“Visiting hours are over at six so make sure it’s a fast visit. If you’ll follow us sir, we will show you the way. Duncan will be rooming with her.” The mare instructed them, the stretcher ponies started off in the direction of the hospital.

“Give me a second!” Gilgamesh called back, before walking over to the group and kneeling down near Fluttershy, who was still scared. “Hey Flutters. I scared you, didn’t I?” he asked in a gentle voice. Unfortunately she didn’t answer and drew back further behind Applejack. After a few moments she nodded slowly. “I’m really sorry about that. That was a test of their bravery, and they all did very well. But I still know someone who was even braver than any of them. She was someone who was very soft and gentle, very quiet and scared of so many things. You’d think she would never hurt a fly, but when her friends were in danger she summoned up her courage fought to defend them. You know what her name was?”

She shook her head ‘no’ slowly, curios about this brave and kind mare. She even gathered enough courage to look Gilgamesh in the eye.


She eeped hearing her name, “How do you know my name?”

“Because I’m from another Equestria, one not too different from this one. And back where I’m from, that version of you is one of the most amazing ponies I’ve ever met. You see, we had a really big war going on, and a lot of bad things happened. But we won because a lot of good people found their courage and fought for what was right, including my universe’s version of you. I asked her once, ‘Fluttershy, you’ve become so brave. How did that happen?’ She told me that she wasn’t brave at all, that she was scared out of her mind every time she went onto the battlefield, but she still did what she could to help because she felt that was right. I smiled and told her ‘that’s what bravery is.’”

“I really did all those things? How did I respond?” She asked curious to hear about such a brave version of herself.

“She just said ‘thank you’ and went back to her duties. Now then,” he extended his hand out to her. “Could you be brave for a little bit and come with me? There’s a pony I really need to talk to, and I would appreciate it if all of you girls were there too.”

She took his hand, standing straight, she nodded with confidence. “If another me can do it, then there is no reason I shouldn’t. You know you’re a really nice stallion.”

“Thank you,” he said and gently placer her upon his shoulder. As they all walked towards the hospital, Rainbow Dash flew up to him.

“You made that up, right? I mean, Fluttershy is one of my best friends, but there’s no way she could be that brave,” she whispered in his ear.

Gilgamesh smirked back. “Tell that to Master Sergeant Fluttershy herself,” he replied smugly.

Rainbow looked absolutely gobsmacked before asking “What’s a Master Sergeant?”

“In our military system, that’s almost the top of the enlisted rankings, around an E-8. She might not have been on officer, but she was far from a grunt.”

Rainbow Dash stopped in her tracks realizing where that put her friend. Being the military buff she was because of her desire to be a Wonderbolt, she knew that made her friend a Senior Chief, a rank normally held by really old ponies.

“Coming Rainbow, dear?” Rarity asked trotting along with the rest of the group.

Duncan was wheeled into the room first, the tests the doctors performed while he was being moved showed no serious damage. The curtain was currently drawn around the other occupant. After quickly getting Duncan transferred to the bed, they instructed him on how to use the call button and that there was a book cart that came around every few hours.

“Now then, they said you wished to speak with our other patent, Trixie you have guests.” A nurse called over to the mare pulling the curtain back.

“Trixie cares not, Trixie doesn’t want guests.” Was her only reply as she sat in bed looking out the windows. She was covered in bandages with tubes and cables connected all over her. A heart monitor was stationed next to her bed, beeping at a steady pace.

“You sure? You took over a town and subjugated its citizens, not to mention interfered with international relationships,” Gilgamesh began, stepping inside. “Sure you were kinda driven insane, then you were possessed by two magical embodiments, but I’m gonna guess the town is pretty pissed at you. So, I kinda thought you might want someone who actually wants to help you out.”

“Why should Trixie believe you? Trixie remembers, she saw you fight her. She also saw the monster in pony form. Trixie remembers everything, Trixie IS A MONSTER!” She exclaimed quickly dissolving to tears.

Rainbow Dash had been about ready to start chewing Trixie out when she saw this display. Even she wasn’t insensitive enough to berate a crying mare. The others turned away unsure of what to do. Only Twilight had any idea. She stepped forward placing a hoof on the crying mare’s shoulder.

“It’s ok Trixie, we’re not mad, just worried. If you listen I promise we will make it worth it.” Twilight smiled as she tried to comfort the mare.


“Stick a cupcake in my eye.” Twilight said earning a giggle from her friends and a serious look from Pinkie Pie.

“Say it right or not at all, remember a Pinkie promise is a serious thing!” Pinky Pie appeared on the far side of Trixie’s bed without anypony seeing her move.

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my ey- ow!” Twilight went through the motions only to poke herself in the eye. “Gah! How is it I still do that!?”

“Trixie is confused by your promise,” The events so silly that they completely derailed her own self pity. She blinked looking at the group of friends all laughing at their friend’s misfortune.

“So will you try and listen? We promise we want to help you.” Fluttershy approached the foot of the bed looking hopeful at Trixie.

“Trixie will listen, but she is not happy.”

“That’s ok. We can work on that part later,” Gilgamesh said.

“What do you ponies and monster want to talk about?” She turned away to look out the window refusing to look them in the face again, not after causing them all so much pain.

“Hey! That’s not nice!” Gilgamesh complained. “You shouldn’t talk about Spike like that!”

Trixie only glared at Gilgamesh.

“Jeez, no humor. Ok, down to the nitty gritty,” he began as he sat down next to her. He paused for a moment and inhaled. “I’m an interdimensional traveler from another version of Equestria and the Trixie where I’m from did the same thing you did except for the getting possessed and getting the crap beat out of you part and she became a good friend of mine and so I kinda want to help you out too,” he explained quickly.

“So you are doing this as an obligation to your friend?” She asked not quite grasping what was going on, “Did you fight her too?”

“I’m not doing this as an obligation to anyone. I’m doing it because I want to. And no, we didn’t fight.”

“Then why help Trixie?” She asked. The other ponies in the room looking to Gilgamesh for his answer, curious to see why such a powerful creature would want to help a pony he doesn’t even really know.

“Because I know a misguided soul when I see one. And I guess I have a habit of trying to nudge others in a direction of happiness. And self-fulfillment. And power.”

“Happiness and power. Trixie has learned power does not lead to happiness. Power leads to pain.” She answered. she rubbed her horn wincing in pain.

“That’s very true. If power alone is all you care about. But what you use that power for can bring you happiness. Especially if it also brings happiness to others.”

Trixie turned away and muttered something under her breath that nopony could understand.

“What was that?”

“I said Trixie is not good enough to bring happiness!” She exclaimed, before falling into a coughing fit, her heart rate monitor started to beep a lot faster. The mane six looked on with surprise and concern, Rainbow Dash leaving to get a nurse.

“Easy there!” he exclaimed, holding onto her foreleg and stroking her gently. “Deep breaths, deep breaths.”

Trixie froze at the contact. Her heartbeat grew less erratic but still elevated. She tried to mesh this kind pony with the one who toyed with her the day before. She just couldn’t figure it out.

“Do I want to do this twice in one day?” he muttered under his breath. “...Yeah, why not?” he decided before turning to look Trixie in the eye. “Ok Trix, I’m gonna tell you about someone I know from back home. But first… ear scratch!”

“Wha-?” Trixie tried to ask before she felt the most blissful feeling in the world come from where the monster was moving his fingers, right behind his ears. Trixie practically fell limp and purred contently, providing an interesting scene for when Rainbow Dash arrived back with the nurses.

“Sir! That is highly inappropriate, no wonder her heart rate is eleva... or not, she seems to actually be relaxed now. Curious,” She looked over the machine, before turning back to the group. “I understand she is your friend but please be careful not to agitate her she is still recovering, she received level three injuries from her magic overuse.” She blushed and made a point to not look at Gilgamesh, “Sir I recommend you try to restrict such actions.”

“Gotcha. Thanks for letting me indulge,” he replied before stopping, causing Trixie to moan in disappointment. A moment later she realized what had just happened, huffing as she turned away, a blush noticeable on her cheeks.

Duncan laughed a little causing everypony to realise he was there and look more embarrassed. He looked on with an amused expression, noticing the blush on everypony’s face. He could hear Twilight talking to herself as she scribbled a note.

“Extradimensional cultures have very different views on what is acceptable in public, and potentially different views on mating rituals.” Twilight quickly wrote down adding it to her list of things to talk with the Princess about.

“Wait, what was that last part?” Gilgamesh asked.

“The area behind a pony’s ears is filled with nerve endings. Contact is considered extremely intimate and pleasurable. Such acts are normally reserved for two ponies who are in a relationship.”

“Huh. In all the other places I’ve been that hasn’t been the case. I mean, at most they might’ve shown some indignation over being essentially petted like a dog, but nothing so… intimate.”

There was a very awkward silence as the ponies were unsure of what to say next. What happened to break the silence shocked everypony and caused Duncan to start laughing evilly.

“Trixie did not complain.” Was all the blue mare said with a blush still on her face.

“Huh. Looks like I’ve got a way with blue mares,” he muttered. “Anyway, back to my story!”

“Yes quite right, continue your story, and let us not focus on embarrassing cultural mishaps.” Rarity muttered trying to dismiss the blush on her face.

“Ok, so I wanted to tell you about a gal I know from back home. She was a mare who had just come from doing something she deeply regretted, as she was lost in her desire for revenge. I talked with her a little and gave her a nudge in the right direction. A few months after we met a huge war broke out and a lot of ponies volunteered to help fight for what was right, and she was one of them. I was genuinely surprised at how much she changed since I last met her, and how much she continued to change over the war. She actually developed an invisibility spell, was taught Zebra shaman magic, and even became the first pony ever to learn how to use changeling shapeshifting magic. But most importantly was how her personality changed. She was a real big braggart before, always making claims she couldn’t back up. But when I met her again… well, she hadn’t entirely lost her ego, but she didn’t flaunt it in front of everypony else. In fact she became one of the best spies, gathering intelligence from our enemies and bringing it back for the rest of us. Though she didn’t do much fighting on the frontlines, her part was crucial to many victories nonetheless, and everyone involved in those victories knew who to thank.”

“This sounds like a very impressive mare. Trixie would be unworthy to meet her.” Trixie sighed, she looked up at the displaced, a blush still on her cheeks. “If Trixie is reading your story correctly, then you think Trixie would be worthy someday?”

Gilgamesh smirked. “I’d like to answer your question with another question. Do you want to know what this mare’s name was?”

“Trixie only knows one boastful mare with a desire for revenge. If you really are from another world, Trixie guesses Trixie?”

“Yup. And not just ‘Trixie Lulamoon.’ By the end of the war she was Captain Trixie Lulamoon.”

“Captain!” She exclaimed, “Trixie joined the guard, and became a Captain! Trixie is sure that she has a long way to go to be worthy of meeting her.”

“Every journey starts somewhere, Trixie. Are you willing to take that first step? You’re starting from roughly the same place she is.”

She didn’t answer for a moment before turning away and muttering something under her breath again.

“Trixie, enough with the mumbling. And please don’t shout or else I’m gonna scratch your ears again.”

Trixie blushed again, open and closing her mouth several times. Unsure of how to answer. After several moments she finally closed her eyes and steeled herself to answer with a calm voice.

“I said, If you want Trixie to she will.”

“Of course I want to. But the real question is ‘do you want to’?”

“Would Trixie be able to make friends like your Trixie?” She asked


“Of course Trixie, I would even be willing to be your first,” said Twilight with a big smile on her face.

“You would forgive Trixie for everything she has done?” Trixie asked shocked.

“Sure, after all it’s what friends do.”

Trixie smiled back, only for the heartwarming moment to be ruined by Rainbow Dash.

“Ok, hold on a minute here! I thought Fluttershy being a Master Sergeant was Ridiculous, but you’re telling me she was a Captain!? I was part of this army too, right!? What rank was I!?”

“Yes you were, and you were a 2nd Lieutenant by war’s end,” Gilgamesh replied.

“What is a 2nd Lieutenant?” she asked, not familiar with the foreign ranks.

“Two ranks below Trixie’s.”

“Seriously!? She out ranks me!?” Rainbow Dash ashed in shock, making overly exaggerated expressions before falling to the ground in despair

“Relax Dashy, he is talking about another dimension. In this one you should worry about getting into the military first. How goes your application to the Wonderbolts academy?” Pinky Pie patted her friend on the shoulder. “I want to send you letters while you’re away and maybe a care package! So, so, so?”

“Still waiting on the response, but you’re right, I’m the amazing Rainbow Dash I’ll be awesome in this world!” Rainbow Dash recovered quickly.

“You tend to be in most every dimension,” Gilgamesh confirmed. “Anyway, I think visiting hours are going to be over soon. I need to go plan out the training for the rest of the guard here, as well as get someone who can teach Duncan while I’m away, so we better head out ladies. And Spike.”

“Huh, glad somepony remembers me. See ya around Trixie, Duncan, you two get better soon.” Spike said walking out of the room and waving to the two bedridden patients. The other girls following him, Twilight hung back.

“What I said is true, I’ll be your friend. Think it over.” Twilight offered.

“Trixie wants to change, she… I want to be your friend.” She sniffed tears flowing down her eyes.

Twilight smiled and trotted out.

“Oh, and Trixie?” Gilgamesh began before leaning in and looking at her with a serious expression. “We are going to talk about that ‘monster in pony form,’ at another time. Got me?”

Trixie was surprised to see him so serious and could only nod in response. Gilgamesh nodded back and walked out the door.

“Now, I wonder how Changie’s coming along with our little unruly child?” he muttered.

Chapter 15: Family

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“LT.CMD. Sparkle, Nuada, thank you for the ride. If you guys can set me down on that balcony.” Mistress asked, she was in her default form, Jeff had shifted over her to form armor. She was currently standing at the back of the ship. It belonged to her friend, Lieutenant Commander Twilight Sparkle of the SR-2 Normandy. The ship, much to Mistress’ jealousy, was puddle jumper from the show on her home world, ‘Stargate: Atlantis.’

“We can do that. We will standby in cloaked mode while you do what you need to do. Call us if you need back up.” Sparkle stated.

“Yes, thank you for the information, I will be sure to visit this other Starswirl the Bearded,” Nuada thanked her shaking her hoof before returning to his seat.

“Please do, and call me when via token when you get your own. I have somepony who will want to meet you. Take care of yourselves!” Mistress jumped out of the back of the ship as the hatch opened. Landing she quickly slid behind a pillar and watched for guards.

It’s too bad we taught her how to recognize us on her hive mind. Jeff lamented as they spotted a pair of changling guards coming up the stairs. Mistress tensed her muscles and prepared to move, if this went badly she would have to fight her way to her Daughter, and it would be through her grandchildren.

I hate our job sometimes...Mistress opened her mind to read that of the hive. Thousands of images flashed in her mind, she saw Chrysalis in the throne at the top of the stairs. She heard the thoughts, anyponies who weren’t the mane six were to be killed on sight. After revenge just like the comic, I seriously thought we taught her better.

The hive mind suddenly shifted, recognizing the intruder, they began feeding her misinformation, everyling in the hive focused creating a wall between them and her. She had gotten what she needed but given away her presence.

The two guards that were approaching stepped onto the balcony, a look of alarm showed on one’s face. Mistress acted quickly jumping over them, as she did Jeff shot out tendrils that hit pressure points in a weak spot in their chitlin. The two now unconscious guards slumped to the ground, Mistress was still moving. She shifted her limbs to spidery like appendages and began to easily scale the stairs with long strides.

At each of the landings were hidden changeling guards, they would charge with green magic blasts and bites. Mistress kept moving letting Jeff strike at the pressure point. However after about the third round of guard they got smart to the attack. Protecting that point during combat, Mistress was forced to slow her accent, using her’s and Jeff’s biomass to form bonds they started tieing up the guards. Rapidly becoming lighter and less dense the attacks of the guards started to do more and more damage.

With a last push Mistress managed to crest the last stairs into the throne room. Her body had burns and bite marks that she was slowly healing. Jeff was in much the same state, the armor he provided, damaged and bleeding. The throne room was almostly completely coated with green ichor turned reson. Little alcoves provided hiding spots for her inner guard, below the alcoves which resembled a beehive, were dozens of pods. In each pod was a small fluffy creature, kept in a suspended state, looks of pain were on each on. Their faces were sunken and looked undernourished. The sight caused Mistress pain, knowing her daughter had done it.

“Chrysalis I’m here to talk.” Mistress announced as another round of guards prepared to attack. However instead of attacking they moved to the walls, creating a ring around their queen and the invader.

“You have grown much better at controlling your hive. We are impressed.” Mistress commented with some pride, hoping to break the ice. She watched as Chrysalis rose from her throne and approached her.

“You should be impressed, this is a thousand years of training. Now ‘Mother’,” Chrysalis said this part with disdain and bitterness, not a good sign. “What are you doing here? After a thousand years, you only just now are visiting? Let me guess because I attacked your precious ponies? Or are you going to say it’s because you love me and wanted to have tea?”

“I am here about all of those things. I was sealed--” Mistress was cut off when Chrysalis stomped her hooves and yelled.

“NO! You don’t get to talk, or make excuses. We have been on our own for over a thousand years. Do you know what has happened, the pain we have gone through? How many of my children have died in pain and agony?” She yelled glaring daggers of hate at Mistress.

“I left you with--” Mistress tried to defend.

“You know what happened to that village? Do you? They turned on us after only a hundred years. Sure they were grateful to their savior the great threshel Blade. But to us they only saw ‘parasites’. As soon as the elders were gone they ran us out of town, not with pitchforks, but with their hate. They held no love for us anymore, we had to move or starve. That is how you left us!”

“If I could--” Again Mistress was interrupted, she was now crying, realising how underdeveloped the ponies of that time were. Chrysalis smirked, gathering magic, her horn began to glow. She shot Mistress with it.

“I’ll show you the truth of your actions, of leaving your family!” The spell sent Mistress into a stupor as she fell to the floor, she was being forced to live though the memory of everyling that had died, all the pain, the suffering, the starvation.

Please our Queen, help us!

We must eat!

To die in battle would be better!

The ponies did this!


Hate and pain flooded Mistress’s mind. Tears fell from her eyes unhindered. She knew logically what they would have likely gone through, but to feel it, the hundreds of thousands of deaths. She could only lay on the floor in pain.

Jeff cut into Mistress’ foreleg, reaching in past the flesh he found the summoning gauntlets. Channeling his will into them he spoke. Gilgamesh we need your help, we are at Chrysalis and she is in a fit of rage!

Without even a response a portal opened up and Gilgamesh fell out, his massive form landing with a reverberating thud. For a moment all was quiet as everyone stared at him. After a moment he sighed.

“Chrysi-poo. Thought we taught you better,” he said in a disappointed tone.

“Oh no ‘Uncle’ you aren’t any better off. You left us like ‘Mother’ did. It’s been over a thousand years, and not even you visited. Why don’t I show you what I showed her!?” Chrysalis charged her horn again preparing to shoot Gilgamesh.

“If it will make you feel better,” he said, not even moving. “You know I’ve faced worse though. I told you about my war. I told you of the Omega Ambush.”

Chrysalis didn’t respond as she unleashed her spell on Gilgamesh, striking him in his forehead. The feelings of every changeling that ever died in her hive flooded his mind. Gilgamesh shivered a bit and began to cry, but otherwise didn’t react. He looked at the Queen with eyes full of sorrow.

“Chrysi, I’m so sorry. But it’s not too late. Please, let us help you.”

“NO! I want you to feel pain, the pain of a thousand years!” Chrysalis began launching magical blasts against Gilgamesh, striking him in the chest. He flinched slightly with each blast, but otherwise was unmoved. Tears were now falling from the Queen’s eyes, the entire hive was feeling the emotions and the pain, remembering everyone of them, remembering the pain of loss.

Chrysalis began to slow down, stumbling her blasts were reduced to sparks at the end of her horn. Swaying she finally collapsed on the floor, crying.

After a few more moments of crying, Gilgamesh walked over to her. The other changelings were ready to attack before they stopped, seeing him kneel down and hug her. He began to sway back and forth before singing in a gentle voice, playing a song to accompany it.

“Toora, loora, loora
Toora, loora, li
Toora, loora, loora
Hush now, don’t you cry”

As he continued Chrysalis struggled to hold back her tears for a moment before wailing like a foal, gripping him tightly and sobbing onto his shoulder. By the time he was finished her wails had died down to whimpers as she nuzzled her ‘uncle.’

“I’m so sorry, Chrysi-poo. I’m sorry I wasn’t there.”

“Why? Why did you, mother, and father leave? Why didn’t you visit? I got so lonely!” Chrysalis’ muffled voice asked her face still in his shoulder.

“We sealed. Jeff, and Mother. Went fight evil tyrant, Sombra. He seal us, we no escape.” Jeff answered reverting to his ball of flesh with legs form, slitted eyes and serrated teeth. He placed a limb on Chrysalis trying to comfort her.

“How? You guys are unstoppable, the most powerful beings I know,” she asked.

“We anything but. We very small fish in very big pond. Mistress and Jeff, smart, we sneak, but we not strong. Sombra also smart, also strong, very cruel. He force choice, us or Princesses. Us or all of Equestria. We choose, very sad choice. Must help, princesses strong, only princesses can move sun and moon. Save Equestria, save world, save you.” He smiled stretching himself to give his daughter a hug. She placed a hoof around him.

“As for me… I wish I better excuse, but for me it’s only been two months,” Gilgamesh explained. “Time flowing differently between dimensions and all that. I’m so sorry, Chrysi. I wish I knew.”

“You were outside our world, you couldn’t know, I am sorry for hitting you with that spell. It’s not like I could summon you like Mother does.” She lamented a sense of peace flowed into the hive. They guards returned to their posts, and replaced the other knocked out guard, releasing the others.

“I’m still angry at her though. She didn’t even tell me what you two were doing, Jeff.” Chrysalis stood up and walked over to the prone form of Mistress. She had passed out, but would occasionally grimace or kick, like she was trapped in a nightmare.

“Chrysi, you remember what hate and pride leads to. I told you about my world’s Chrysalis. I told you about her changelings’ history, about her hate… and what happened when she finally let it go,” Gilgamesh said.

“I remember, Uncle, I no longer hate her. Being sealed in time for a thousand years must have been hard. We are just angry at her for not trusting us with her plans. If you three are willing to still help us, we still have a problem. This hive is a parasite on these creatures, it is the only reason we are still alive after what happened. Also if we don’t do something soon to make amends for the assault, Equestria will go to war with us. Six moons, is the law Mother set up, six moons to make amends or face Equestria’s wrath.” Chrysalis stated looking at her mother’s form with mixed feelings. She is strong, so why hasn’t she woken up yet?

“We need to act fast then. I know it’ll be hard, but you need to agree to war reparations. Celestia and Luna will have to officially punish you, but they’re smart. They’ll find a way for this ‘punishment’ to benefit you, too. Also, I think it would be better if you showed up without me. It’ll look better for your PR if it looks like you made the choice yourself instead of being coerced into it.”

“Be that as it may Uncle, there is still the issue of feeding my hive. Equestria will not stand for this.” She gestured to the pods containing the little creatures. “Unless you have a better plan, ponies are unlikely to share their love with us.”

Gilgamesh pondered this for a moment. “I might have an idea. Back in my dimension we had Cadance and the Crystal Ponies imbue crystals with love. It could sustain you long enough for something more permanent to be made.” Chrysalis growled a bit. “Chrysi, I know how you must feel about her and Shining, not to mention Twilight, but-”

“One month, that is how much time they have to make these Crystals before we return to this. Any longer and our reserves will run out. One month.” Chrysalis snipped. She really hated relying on ponies for her hive.

“Ok, but you need to surrender first, that way Celestia and Luna can make it official and dedicate the proper amount of resources to the project,” Gilgamesh explained before reaching behind her head and scratching her ears, causing her to moan contently. “The times of symbiosis are not over for the changelings. Give it time and faith, and your kind will be loved. Just as we love you.”

Chrysalis groaned as he stopped before realizing what happened and blushed. “Damn it all, you know I can’t be angry after you do that. By the way we have learned how ponies view such an act.”

“Yeah, I just learned that recently. Don’t take it the wrong way, I’ve been doing that to you since you were a foal, and it’s always been platonic,” he said quickly.

“I won’t, I was hoping to embarrass you. It seems even after a thousand years I have yet to find a way under your skin.” Chrysalis smiled. She looked over Mistress looking for signs of activity, the only thing to happen, was her face contorting in pain and to kick her hooves.“I am worried, you shrugged off the spell fairly well, however Mother is still out. The spell should not have done this.”

“Mistress is trapped, Mistress won’t answer, I not able to thought speak.” Jeff stated placing a limb to her head, trying to connect. “We must get Mistress to Luna. Only pony I know help!”

“How can we get her there? Canterlot is three days away by hoof, even with our fastest drones.” Chrysalis asked, fear beginning to overtake her, she just wanted her mother to understand, not place her in a coma.

“We took ship, on balcony below. Friends Sparkle and Nuada waiting. Trip only take hours.” Jeff offered.

“You know, I could just cut a portal to Luna’s quarters. Just saying,” Gilgamesh commented.

“...I forgot, Gilgamesh please take us. Chrysalis go speak with Sparkle, she remember you, she help.” Jeff instructed the queen. He jumped on Mistress connecting with her to ensure her shifter abilities didn’t begin to go out of control. “Ready when Gilgamesh is.”

“Yup. Just a sec,” he replied before unhooking his naginata and cutting open a portal in the air. “All aboard the Gilgamesh Emergency Express!” he called before jumping through. Jeff picked up Mistress’s body slowly moving her through the portal, the rift closing behind them.

Luna awoke with a start as a loud thud reverberated through her quarters!

“WHO DARES TO DISTURB OUR-!?” she began to shout, only to notice three recognizable figures. “Gilgamesh? Mistress Change? Jeff? What is-”

“No talk time Changie locked in her mind help now!” Gilgamesh shouted quickly, not even pausing for breath.

“Trapped in her own mind? How did this happen? I need to know exactly what happened, stepping into a magically induced sleep is dangerous.” Luna asked picking up the shifter and placing her on her bed.

“We go to daughter Chrysalis. Fight way see her. See her we argue she very angry. Cast spell make Mistress have memory. Memory of all changeling Chrysalis say. Spell miss Jeff, was separated from Mistress mind in fight. Chrysalis use spell on Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh cry but stand. We all worried, Chrysalis on way with Sparkle. Must act, Mistress dream, dream pain.” Jeff was panting, his form beginning to loss it’s solidity. Speaking was very difficult for him to pull off, and so much in one day was pushing him to his limits.

“Thank you Jeff, we will act. We will need to guide her from her nightmares. Gilgamesh, you remain standing could you share what you know of the spell or exactly what was contained? A first hand experience could be very helpful. Or knowing you, if you would like to come with?” She asked with a pleading look.

“Yeah, I’ll come with,” Gilgamesh nodded. “Basically, it was the pain, hate and fear of her entire hive since they day they were driven out of town a thousand years ago up until now. It’s a lot to handle, and really the only reason I could take it is because I’ve, arguably, seen worse… but just barely.”

“Mistress never makes it easy does she?” Luna asked with a deadpan look. Her horn began glowing as she readied the dreamwalking spell. “Get comfortable, this may take a while.”

“Gotcha. Three, two, one,” he said quickly before his eyes rolled back into his head and he fell onto the bed, thankfully missing Mistress as he did.

“Strange creatures, ready yourself Jeff.” She released the spell, sending Jeff to sleep, they entered the dream world.

Inside the dream realm Luna collected Jeff, in his vaguely humanoid shape. Allowing him to ride on her back she searched for the door to Gilgamesh. Eventually she reached a familiar looking door with three red curled teardrops in a circle on a brown background. Strange noises could be heard from inside. Knocking she opened the door stepping into collect Gilgamesh.

“Gilgamesh we must hurry… What is this?” she asked looking around.

“Yeah, sorry, if I’m not controlling things my mind just goes places when I dream,” he apologized.

“It is of no concern, come we must hurry.” She guided him out the door, lighting her magic she searched for the nightmares belonging to Mistress. Without moving the doors began to fly by, eventually landing on a twisted and contorted door, It appeared to originally be blue, with orange trimming. Now it was covered in green fire and black ichor, screams could be heard from inside.

“Shall we?” Luna asked her magic pressing on the door. It slowly creaking open as the screams fell silent.

“Oh, please let that be a good sign,” Gilgamesh muttered.

Inside was pitch black, the only light coming from the door. Once everyone was in the door slammed shut. With no light the three visitors were unable to see each other.

“Stay close, remain in contact so we do not get separated.” Luna ordered, extending a wing to find contact with Gilgamesh, Jeff remained in his position on Luna’s back. The three slowly made their way forward, seeking a sign. Suddenly the screaming returned, faint at first, growing closer and closer. Till teal colored lights began to speckle the darkness, like stars in a sky.

“Be ready.” Luna cautioned, as the teal lights drew even closer they began to multiply, the screaming louder and louder. Jeff clutched tightly onto Luna’s mane. Eventually the screams began to give way to worlds.



You killed us!



“Gilgamesh, what is this? Does it seem familiar?” Luna asked holding her hooves to her ears trying to drown out the sound. With it came emotion, sorrow, rage, and disappointment.

“Sort of, but it’s sounding more personal than what I heard. It’s less the hatred of the changelings in general or more Changie feeling responsible from what I can tell, and wow that is starting to get annoying,” he answered before quickly leading into his complaint.

“We must find her, if we can we may be able to speak with her, get her to realise it is not her fault.” Luna said slowly moving into the lights, Drawing closer it became apparent what they were. The faces of thousands of changelings stared at them, screaming out their pain.

Jeff stepped down from Luna, the soft glow of teal providing enough light to see by. He ignored the voices, looking around he began walking forward. “This way.”

“Are you sure?” Luna asked.

“Yes.” Jeff answered his voice calm but laced with concern. The further the walked the louder the screams became and the more faces appeared, forming a long dark corridor. The pressure began to grow, the hatred and regret given form in the dreamworld. Jeff continued to power forward, Luna’s steps were slow but Gilgamesh held on and made sure she didn’t stop, his arm on her withers as they continued to move forwards. The sounds of accusation became deafening before finally, at once, they stopped.

“Oh thank Faust, that was really grating on me,” Gilgamesh complained.

They approached a pillar of white light, and in the middle was a sobbing mass, writhing. Drawing closer they saw the shape wasn’t just writhing, it was shifting, crying out in pain it arched its back turning over. The body’s form changed from human to equine, chitin and tattered insectoid wings appeared and disappeared. The face changing from familiar gray-green to inky black. The only two things to remaining consistent were the long navy blue pony tail and white eyes.

“Mistress!” Jeff yelled running ahead to help her.

“Wait, Jeff! We don’t know what-!” Luna tried to warn before Jeff was blasted by a pulse of energy, sending him flying back to the group. The pulse rippled out, feelings of dread and despair pushing out on the three.

“The hell is this?” Gilgamesh asked aloud, bracing against the waves and focusing on the mission at hand to fight off the negativity in the air.

“This must be the feelings Mistress has regarding the changelings. It has gripped her mind feeding off of itself, we must try and reach her. She must realise that these are not her fault, and accept the truth.” Luna called bracing herself, her wings drawn in tight.

“Damn it, why does this have to be so complicated? Chryssi needs to learn how to wield her power more effectively,” the warrior complained before grabbing both Jeff and Luna, holding them close as he charged at the pillar of light. Like before a pulse tried to push him back, but he withstood it and powered forwards. “The blood of millions is on my hands, the blood of those I failed to lead back home in the war. I have found the strength to continue through that, so this level of negativity is nothing before me!” he proclaimed as he forced his way through.

Drawing closer the form began to convulse faster and more violently. Suddenly it stopped, the pulses of emotion stopping but the pressure still in the air. Blank white eyes stared at the group.

“I am a murder, leave me!” A voice screamed into the air, appearing from all directions. “I deserve this!”

“What the-? Was that Changie?” Gilgamesh asked aloud.

“Will is reality in the dreamworld, this is her world. She believes this to be truth, so it is here. We need to convince her that it is not true. I believe you are the best to convince her how to keep moving. Your own past to guide you.”

“I think you might be right,” he agreed before stepping forwards. “Changie, I don’t know what happened in the past before or after you met me, but you can’t let what happened rule your life! You have to move on!”

“What gives you the right? This is penance for my crimes! I must suffer I must know their pain!” The voice resounded again.

“Maybe that’s true. You certainly have to acknowledge your mistakes, but you can’t let them control you!”

“They don’t control me, I chose this, this is what is right! I must suffer! You know this pain, you know the truth!” The voice screamed again sending another pulse that knocked Jeff and Luna to the ground.

“Damn it, Changie, do you think I’m just an idiot that doesn’t know any better? I act like a goofball so I can focus on the good things in life, not because I haven’t experienced the bad ones! I know pain, and suffering, and guilt, just like you! Maybe even worse than you!”

“Then how can you move, tell me, how do you live with the pain?! The deaths of thousands, the death of millions, how can you of all people tell me I am wrong?!”

In response to that Gilgamesh closed his eyes. After a few moments the entire landscape changed to a open field, but one could hardly tell due to the amount of fresh corpses. The bloodied and mutilated bodies of ponies, zebras, minotaurs, griffins, mules, changelings, diamond dogs, buffalo, horses, reindeer, even dragons littered the landscape as far as the eye could see, blood pooling up almost a foot.

Luna looked around the field shaking her head. The smell reached her nose causing her to gag. As she studied the field she began to truly understand a sliver of what Gilgamesh had gone through. Despite having fought in wars herself, the sheer scale of death was staggering. Jeff looked around a sense of being impressed was the only thing to be read from his expression. Luna looked up at Gilgamesh with new sorrow in her heart.

“This… this is the site of my greatest failure,” he said in hushed tone. He then walked over to one of the corpses. “This was Major Sharp Mind, one of the unicorns that helped defend Princess Cadance when the demons first attacked Tartarus. He had five foals, two colts and three fillies, back home. He told me after this war he was going to retire.” He walked over to another corpse. “Staff Sergeant Wriggler. He was actually involved in the Canterlot Wedding Invasion. I heard him talk to his fellow soldiers about how interesting pony dances were and hoping he could take it on professionally when the war was over.” His eyes trailed over the corpses nearby. “Warrant Officer Jade Scales, Corporal Dust Rider, Colonel Iron Arm, Captain Rupert, all of them my soldiers. All trained by me, or trained by those who were trained by me. By this point in the war there wasn’t a single member of the military who wasn’t my student, either by my direct involvement or by extension of those who had received my training. All of these soldiers here died on the same day, in the same battle. At the time, I had become Supreme Commander of the entire military just a week before, Celestia stepping down and giving me the role. I thought I was ready, that I had finally been taught and had seen enough. I was wrong.”

An earth shaking scream of rage radiated from nearby. Luna and Jeff turned to see another Gilgamesh on a nearby hill, bellowing in rage as he shouted at the heavens. The screaming went on for minutes, the sound seeming to visibly radiate of his body, before it began to slowly change. Within another thirty seconds he was on his hands in knees bawling, tears streaming down his face, barely even stopping to breathe, his cries reverberating across the land as powerfully as his screams of rage had before.

“How do we move?! How do we live?! We who have cost the lives of so many, how?” The voice was now almost pleading begging for an answer to the pain.

Gilgamesh finally looked up from the corpses, turning to look at his doppleganger. “That’s how,” he said simply.

The other Gilgamesh’s wails had died down to whimpers, and the reason why was obvious. Celestia and Twilight held onto his right arm as Luna and Chrysalis held onto his left. Wrapped around his neck were the arms of a fully grown and majestic golden dragon. All of them attempted to comfort him, even as tears fell from their own eyes.

“I understand your truth now.” The voice faded as the scenery changed. It was replaced with a large medieval hall. Banners of varying orange hues decorated the halls as eerie light from flameless torches illuminated the hall. Within were hundreds of forms, all different shapes and sizes, there were dragons, werewolves, elves and spiders. Scarcely two creatures were the same. They appeared in varying forms of detail, some appeared to almost be alive. However most of them were little more than gray outlines of their former selves.

The forms were shuffling to slowly form a line, one by one they made their way down the impossibly long hall.

“This is the guild hall Mistress and I were a part of.” Jeff stated as he lead them past the line.

“Who are theses shades?” Luna asked looking from one to the next seeing creatures that had never been even dreamed of in Equestria.

“People we knew, people we failed, friends we lost.” He lamented seeing the faces of many he recognized, and even more that he did not.

“Was this before or after me?” Gilgamesh asked, his normally boisterous behavior still subdued.

“Way before, this was before we came to Equestria.” Jeff answered.

“‘Before Equestria?’ But… Changie used to be human, right? From a version of Earth?”

“Mistress? No Mistress and I have never been to ‘Earth’ we came from an academy. However when we got to Equestria something changed. Mistress was something more, she had memories not her own.” Jeff answered. Luna looked shocked.

“But she always acted like Earth was her home? The times she explained displaced she never told us of this.” The Princess of the Night asked, shock on her face.

“To this day, even after sorting through her mind and finally getting an idea, we are unsure of exactly what happened or how it has affected her.” Jeff answered, as they passed the line he saw six familiar figures, however when ever he tried to remember them or look closer, he found he couldn’t. “It even effects me sometimes, we had friends at the academy. There were six of them, sadly that is all we can ever remember.”

“So what have you learned?” She asked.

“Her soul has been fused with another, they have become one in the same.” Jeff answered, coming to a stop he saw the front of the line. Each shade would approach a cage, stand there for a few moments before vanishing. “Any last questions?”

“Just what do we need to do to help her. The other stuff we can worry about later,” Gilgamesh said simply.

“We should approach and observe, it is clear that the spell triggered something far deeper than it was meant to.” Luna stated moving closer to the cage she saw Mistress as her dreamself again, this time in rags with burns and cuts on her, in the cage she was shackled with her eyes held open by iron pins. Her still white eyes were forced to look at every shade that came before her. Her hair was still blue, but matted and cut short.

Each shade when it drew closer would whisper accusing her of something.

You killed me.


You promised you would free us.

You ruined our lives.

Do you even remember my name?

Each shade, every time, would approach and whisper. Each time Mistress would open her mouth to explain, to answer or defend herself. Only for no sound to come out.

“She may have accepted the deaths she has caused, but it would appear she holds tight her failures.” Luna lamented, watching as a family of humanoids approached the cage, each one in rags with chains. “We must now show her how to overcome her failures.”

“Yes. And I think I know one mare who knows a thing or two about that,” Gilgamesh added, nodding to Luna with a smile.

“You have a callus, but fair point.” She smirked at Gilgamesh before her face fell. She walked in front of the cage. Turning she blocked next shade, causing anger filled hushed whisper to spread though the line.

“Halt you foul shades!” She yelled in her royal canterlot voice. Driving the shades back.

“All creatures make mistakes!” She yelled again, driving them back farther. “I of all ponies know that. I who betrayed my people, my friends, my family. All creatures have their faults. However… we try, we try our hardest. We fight till we can no longer lift a hoof. We fight on, we should seek forgiveness for our actions.”

The whispers spoke in a unified voice. “We will give no forgiveness! Somethings cannot be forgiven!”

The shades began pulling themselves together, pulses of negative energy filled the air, shattering the windows in the hall and ripping the banners. The shades drew in on themselves until they took a humanoid form. A very familiar woman with blonde hair with green streaks, gray-green skin with slitted green and yellow eyes, now stood over them. “I will never forgive what this monster has done!”

“You must!” Luna yelled, back. The giant shade Mistress pulled back her arm and threw a punch at Luna. The one in the cages rattled against her restraints as she was forced to watch. Luna however summoned a barrier.

“That thing is a monster, it has turned its back on friends. It has broken promises. It has failed to be the person it swore to be. That this is nothing but a MONSTER!” The shade continued to throw punch after punch. Waves of sorrow and disappointment resounded of the shield.

“That may be may be, nopony is perfect.” Luna closed her eyes, borrowing the idea from Gilgamesh, she changed the dreamscape to the night she became nightmare moon. The guild hall was replaced with the throne room from the castle of the two sisters. Blue and gold banners adorned the walls under the moonlight shining through the glass ceiling.

The Shade reduced in size, standing next to Luna, who had the caged Mistress on her other side.

“Observe, this is my moment. This is the moment that I betrayed everypony.” Luna said as a phantom of her stepped out from behind the thrones and a phantom of Celestia appeared.

“Lower the moon, Luna.” Celestia ordered her younger sister.

“NO! I will no longer hid in the shadows, the ponies will know my night, for my night will LAST FOREVER!” As she proclaimed the last two words shadows enveloped her, changing her appearance. Her teeth grew sharp, her fur turned pitch black, and her eyes slited.

The two dream shades of Celestia and Luna fought, destroying the castle, until Celestia unleashed the elements of harmony. The dreamscape then changed, to the moment after her release when Twilight and her friends had banished the nightmare forces.

“How do you forgive a monster who caused such pain?” The dark shade of Mistress asked.

“It was not easy.” Luna showed memories of after her return, hiding in her room avoiding others.

“Eventually I was shown the way.” Luna ended on the night of ‘Nightmare Night’ the moment after she had, at Twilight’s insistence, scared the young fillies and colts. A young colt in a pirate costume approached her.

“You’re the best princess ever!” The young colt exclaimed and hugged her.

“If such a young colt that I had terrified, threatened and caused disappointment to in one night could forgive me, why should I not forgive myself? I could bring ponies joy with the night, I could right my wrongs and move on leaving the past behind me. I learned that night, that while we should remember our past, we cannot be consumed by it!” Luna’s voice shook the mindscape, shattering the bonds that held the caged Mistress hostage.

“I understand your truth now.” The two Mistresses stated as they became one, the mindscape shifted again. This time the result was something very different. They found themselves in a very cramped space. The floor was blue with white speckling, it appeared to be waxed. The lower half of the walls were painted blue, above that was white. Looking to the roof there were pipes and cables running in all directions, everything was painted white. Looking down the one corridor, that was just wide enough for one of them at a time, they saw smaller passageways.

Each of these passageways held rows of blue curtains, stacked three high and two deep, before another hallway and another set of curtains. Jeff reached up and pulled back a curtain revealing a cramped space with a pillow and a mattress, the beds appeared to be made of metal everything appeared to be built into the structure, sealed tight.

“This place again.” Jeff commented looking away from the racks.

“We have seen this before, Mistress dreams of it often but never explained what it was.” Luna began wandering down the aisles peaking in each rack only to find it empty.

“It looks kinda like a freaky hospital… or maybe an orphanage,” Gilgamesh commented.

As if to prove him wrong the dreamscape began to slowly tilt back and forth. The sound of waves could be heard echoing from the floor, with the occasional ‘ping’.

“No Mistress says it is a ship. A vessel from her other memories. If we end up together in a dreamscape she always changes it.” Jeff corrected, sorrow in his voice. “Something about this bothers her deeply, and for some reason she refuses to speak with me.”

“I am sure there is a reason Jeff. Mistress is a strong and independent mare, I am sure you just being there helps. However sometimes we must press an issue for our friend’s own good even if they do not wish us to. Let us find Mistress and tell her this.” Luna placed a hoof on Jeff’s shoulder smiling to him.

“Yeah. Now come on, you handsome mass of flesh, lead the way!” Gilgamesh said enthusiastically.

They began wandering down the aisles, guided only by Jeff’s instinct. Eventually they began to hear very soft crying. The sounds began to come from all directions, always very quiet, never changing. Pure sorrow and loneliness were carried on the sound, like a haunting melody.

Looking down each aisle they eventually found the source. Two black boots poked out from under one of the blue curtains on a top rack. Parts of a body could be seen from behind the pipes and cables running along the roof.

“This must be her.” Luna stated approaching the rack she used her magic to pull the curtain open. Inside curled up with his hands around his legs was a young man. He had the same long blue hair that all of the other dream selves of mistress had. This one was clothed in blue digital camo patterns. He was small able to sit up in the rack between pipes. He held his arms on his knees as he gently cried.

“Mistress?” Luna called, surprised by the change in form. She reached a hoof up to nudge him only for her hoof to pass right through. “Another phantom?”

“No this is the real one.” Jeff stated his legs elongated so he could stand eye level with his Mistress.

Gilgamesh noticed that Jeff seemed to be shaking slightly, a clue that he was angry or disturbed in some way.

“The first dream was her fears on Equestria, the last dream her fears from our past before Equestria. This, must be the fear of the other memories.” Jeff figured, eyeing the form, this was the persona that had changed his Mistress. A sense of anger flowed over him, this was the cause of her pain for hundreds of years. Jeff grit his teeth, now glaring at the crying figure.

“Jeff what is the matter?” Luna asked trying to pull his attention from Mistress’s crying from.

“This is the portion of self that changed Mistress, this is the one that caused us both such pain.” He raised an arm growing a blade from it, his eyes locked on to the top of the boy’s head.

“Woah, hold on there buddy, what’s up with you!?” Gilgamesh asked in alarm.

“Listen you know you don’t want to hurt Mistress we are here to help her.” Luna pleaded, with Jeff.

Jeff just stared at the blue haired man, the blade stopped for a moment. Eventually the man looked up, his eyes closed, and puffy from crying. Rubbing the tears from his eyes he he opened them. The eyes were the same as before, white, then Jeff began to cry. These were not the eyes of his Mistress, they never were in the dreamscape, she also never had blue hair. However it was not the eyes that held the truth, it was what Jeff saw inside of them.

Sorrow, pain, focus, dedication, and strength. This young man held so many deep rooted feelings, many of the same feelings he saw when he looked into Mistress’s eyes. Despite all the pain he felt the boy was strong, moving forward. Even deeper still Jeff saw into his eyes, he saw two emotions at war. The one keeping the boy going, the one that gave him his strength, the emotion of love, for his family, for his friends, was loosing,

In his eyes one emotion held more power than the rest, one emotion had placed itself at the center of his mind, loneliness. The sense of despair and sorrow driven by his loneliness was what brought Jeff to his tears. What could have happened to cause such feelings in one so young?

Jeff retracted his blade allowing the others to relax. The boy never broke eye contact with Jeff. Crawling up on the bed he placed an arm around him. “You are not alone.”

The boy’s eyes opened wide, the dream scape changed, one last time. He was now on a grassy hill with the sun shining bright.

“We are here with you, no matter what you are our friend.” Luna said nuzzling Mistress’s face, causing him to laugh, a bright smile on his face.

“Like they say here, ‘friendship is magic.’ Even if we’re not by your side, we’ve always got your back,” Gilgamesh added, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Slowly others began to appear in the dream, Duncan was the first. He simply crossed his arms and nodded. Avarice was in his anthrodragon form and winked at him playfully. Chrysalis, Celestia, Star Swirl, LT.CMD. Sparkle, dozens of ponies and humans. More and more began to appear in the dreamscape creatures from all over the multiverse.

A single voice rang out above them all, the boy’s face a picture of happiness.

“Thank you.”

Then in a blinding flash they were all pushed out of the dreamscape.

Chapter 16: Hello Good-bye

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The light faded from the room as Luna’s dreamwalking spell faded out. The occupants began to awaken one by one. Mistress was the last to stir, she blearily rubbed her eyes with a hoof, blinking she looked around the room.

“What’s going on?” She asked realizing something was off, she didn’t remember a sleepover with Luna.

“Oh nothing much, just helping to mend your frayed and guilt ridden mind through your dreams. You know, the usual,” Gilgamesh replied simply.

She blinked at him a few times trying to remember her dream, she did feel more rested than she had in a few centuries. She could recall phantom bits of the dream, the changelings… “What happened to Chrysalis?”

“With any luck, she should be arriving by puddle jumper soon. She agreed to surrender to Equestria, but we’ve got a few things to get set up before we make it official.”

“She agreed to surrender?! Tis wondrous news, I shall send for a guard at once.” Luna literally bounced out of the room with joy.

The three other occupants of the room just stared for a moment.

“I really hope she handles that subtly,” Gilgamesh commented.

“It is Luna…” Mistress stated.

Mistress scans show you are awake. We are waiting outside with Chrysalis. LT. CMD. Sparkle’s voice called over her token.

Come on in though the balcony. Mistress responded, yawning. “So you said dreams, what exactly happened? I remember confronting Chrysi and then… pain.”

Chrysi used a spell to make you feel the pain of the Changelings. It placed you in a coma, so Gilgamesh talked Chrysi into surrendering then we brought you to Luna for help. I am really happy that you are awake. Jeff answered giving Mistress a hug.

“Ah, well, all's well that ends well. Anything fun happen in my dreams?” She asked curious and smiling.

“Oh just finding out that you continually torture yourself with your past failures, that you’re not originally from a version of Earth like I thought, and that you’re likely two souls that have meshed into one body. Kinda thought you trusted me enough to mention those things, but maybe it just didn’t come up,” Gilgamesh answered with some sarcasm.

“...Damnit, it’s complicated…” Mistress’ face fell as she avoided eye contact with her friend.

“With us Displaced, it always is. I won’t pry any further if you don’t want.”

“It’s ok you are my friend and deserve some answers. From what Jeff and I have been able to figure out, with some help, when I was displaced my soul was in fact fused together, it happened just as Jeff and I were traveling to another world for a vacation. We woke up in a forest, my memories were in entire disarray.

“Jeff thankfully remembered enough to help me sort out my memories from our time at the academy. However everything here in Equestria, remembering the Displaced, knowing the show, understanding pop-culture references, hell even knowing the secret word to say to Duncan when he showed up. All of that were my memories of being a human on earth.” She sighed letting the information sink in waiting for his questions.

“...Huh. So… where are you from originally? What are you originally? And this was before we met, right?”

“Most of this is before I met you, however when we first met my memories were still messed up. Its why I didn’t recognize you at first. The memories came in bits and flashes. I am originally from both Earth and the Academy. I am originally both human and shapeshifter.” She answered.

“Huh. And this ‘Academy’ you speak of is… what?”

“Just another world out there in the multiverse. It is a magic city castle it is huge, think tokyo and bigger, they are dedicated to teaching magic in all of its forms. It is comprised mostly of guilds. They take missions both in the city and on other planes of reality.” She explained the answer just rolling off her tongue as if it were basic academic knowledge.

“So basically every anime and fantasy magic/mercenary school ever. Like Balamb Gardens, or Beacon Academy.”

“Yes but bigger, with countless individual schools. Its also not just fantasy, we have everything, technology, magic, even business schools.”

“Huh. Maybe I should stop by sometime and get some training. Or show everyone up if it turns out I’m that awesome.”

Mistress snorted as he said the last sentence. “Good luck. Literal Gods attend they even have a convention called God-con. Although I’m sure there are plenty of creatures in the guilds who would love a chance to fight you.”

“I have the physical strength to swing mountains around like baseball bats, can sprint faster than most automobiles, can temporarily stop time, can control the wind as easily as breathing, can summon down meteors capable of cracking planets in half, am able to teleport almost anywhere, have a sword that can cut everything from metal to memories, and have a partial understanding of how the entire universe works, among other abilities. I’d like think I’d be at least mid-tier amongst that crowd.”

“Oh yes, you are definitely strong, even among those who attain immortality you could likely defeat a great deal number of them. I’m just saying that the difference of powers is that great, we have students from all over the multiverse, there are those out there more powerful than even you, potentially even more powerful than the old system admins, although I’ve never met any.” She explained. “I’ll talk with Star Swirl and see if we can arrange something for you. We have been focused on our world here our vacation turned out to be a bit more than we expected.” Mistress laughed a bit.

“Huh, cool. And I’ve met two Sys Admins. Well, a Sys Admin and an ex-Sys Admin. One of them kicked my ass, but he was kind enough to actually make a decent fight out of it instead of just smashing me into the ground.”

“Thats nice of him, you mean Aaron right?” Mistress asked, before Gilgamesh could answer there was a knock on the door to the balcony.

“Mistress?” Sparkle’s voice came from behind the door.

“Come in!” Mistress called, a green magic aura opening the door for the Alicorn. Sparkle was wearing her N7 armor, with her weapons holstered to her sides. She walked in turning so see Gilgamesh, a bit of confusion on her face, with a glint of scientific curiosity.

“Greetings, I am LT. CMD. Twilight Sparkle of the SR-2 Normandy. It is a pleasure to meet another displaced.” She stated with a salute and smile.

“Let me guess, another pony Displaced, this one working under Commander Shepard? Right under if, if your rank is any indication,” Gilgamesh guessed.

“Correct, always strange when a Displaced knows the Commander when I know you haven’t met.” She turned back to the door. “Nuada, Chrysalis, come in already and make friends.”

One human, who was white haired wearing hand woven brown tunic and pants very classical peasant, and a changeling queen walked in. Nuada approached Gilgamesh, to greet him, only to be interrupted by Chrysalis. “Mother! You’re awake, I am so sorry!” She ran over hugging Mistress and Jeff, who hugged her back.

“It’s alright, everything turned out well. Gilgamesh tells me you agreed to surrender and make war reparations, is it true?” She asked.

“We will make reparations, and we have released the love creatures. Gilgamesh said something of creating love crystals, we were hoping to speak with the princess regarding it. Right now though I am just glad that I didn’t cause a worse problem, are you sure you are ok?”

“Yes, I am actually feeling much better than normal, like huge weights have been lifted from my shoulders.” Mistress rose from the bed, Jeff was currently dropped across Mistress’ back, it seems he was still tired from the dreamwalk.

“Huzza the message has been sent!” Luna busted through the door drawing the eyes of everyone in the room. “Oh we were not expecting guests, welcome.”

Chrysalis glared at Luna for a moment before catching herself. She closed her eyes and performed the same breathing technique that Twilight was taught before opening them again. “Greetings, Night Princess. I wish to discuss terms of my Hive’s surrender before it becomes official. I should mention that food is the most pressing matter on the table and if a solution is not found within a month we will be forced to break any sort of peace treaties simply to survive.”

“Of course, I was told you seemed focused on that during the invasion. We will be happy to find a solution, Equestria’s top scientists will begin brainstorming on it.” Luna stated extending a hoof to the queen. “Shall we shake on it?”

Chrysalis extended her hoof in response but hesitated a moment. She then cautiously touched hooves and began to shake. “I… I’d all but given up on this sort of thing being possible. I hadn’t even entertained the idea for nearly one thousand years.”

“Yay my family is all back together, I’ll leave you two grown ponies to discuss everything. I’d really like to get back to ponyville and see Duncan, how did the training go by the way?” Mistress asked Gilgamesh.

“We got a nice start, but he’s got a ways to go. I think I might need to put the whole unit stationed there a workout so they’ll be better prepared for the kind of stuff that might pop up. Also, I’ll need someone to train him while I’m gone considering his combat preference,” he replied.

]“Oh what is his preference?” Mistress asked, she also noticed how Nuada had retreated to the back corner of the room as far from Luna as he could get. His aura crackling with hate. Mistress smiled as a thought crossed her mind from her earlier discussions.

“Deviator. Which means I’m going to need to find someone who can give him a style to deviate from. Also, sup with the boy in the corner?”

“Hello my name is Nuada, I had just summoned Sparkle here for help in my world. She then offered to bring me along on the trip to help Mistress Change. It is a pleasure to meet another human.” Nuada said, with his focus shifted his rage seemed to almost completely dissipate. “You are the first true human I’ve meet in over a thousand years.”

“Frozen in stone?”

“No sealed in a time lock spell.” He glared at Luna, “It was a ten by ten white room with nothing.”

“Not the same Luna,” Gilgamesh warned. “Besides, I’m sure it was an accident of some kind.”

“She tricked me into the room, then left a shadow of herself to taunt me for the next 1000 years, I know it wasn’t ‘Luna’ but it was before she changed into Nightmare Moon’s form so it really stung when my sister did that to me,” Nuada explained.

“... Well, if this current situation has proven anything, it’s that it’s never too late to forgive and forget.”

“It’s going take a while to forgive that,” Nuada stated, “I pretty muched raised her and Celestia in my world, and then she did that to me. I recognize it was the nightmare forces but everytime I see her since I’ve gotten out the rage begins to overflow.”

“Hm, so you recognize it wasn’t really her fault but you still have trouble getting over it, huh? Normally I’d prescribe some family therapy, but I don’t think that’s an option considering you’re likely to try and hurt each other… Ok, I think I’ve got and idea!” Gilgamesh clenched his eyes together and strained for several seconds, getting odd looks from everyone, before finally exhaling. “Ok, I think it’s done.”

“What’s done?” Sparkle asked.

“Look at Luna for a moment.”

“Okay,” Nuada said looking at Luna. Despite himself, he couldn’t keep the thoughts of his own Luna out of his head and his anger began to rise. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a shovel sprang up and hit him in the face before disappearing.

“SUCCESS!” Gilgamesh cheered.

Nuada rubbed his nose, “And this does what for me?”

“Every time you get mad at any version Luna or Celestia, not counting if they’ve done something to actually make you upset in the last twenty four hours, that shovel will hit you in the face as a reminder to cut that shit out as well as kiss and make up with your own versions. It may not be the most sophisticated solution, but it’ll help until you get some proper therapy.”

“So everytime I get mad at Luna for, OW!” Nuada held his face as a shovel hit him.

“I liken it to spraying a cat with water every time it scratches up the furniture,” Gilgamesh explained cheerfully.

“I’m a cat?”

“Sounds accurate,” Sparkle said with a smirk.

Nuada glared at his companion, before sighing and deciding it wasn’t even worth the effort. He got smacked in the face again, causing Mistress to fall into a fit of laughter. Distracting Nuada from his new dilemma. “You were looking at me with a purpose, and now you’re laughing. You are the strangest human I have ever met.”

“Huh, that shouldn’t have happened. It was only supposed to work if you got pissed at any version of Luna or Celestia,” Gilgamesh commented. “Oh well,” he shrugged, “It’ll go away once you put all that behind you with your versions, so that’s some incentive, right?”

“It’s working just right, I was thinking how if it weren’t for Luna I wouldn't g---” Another shovel to the face cut him off.

“Thats it I’m thinking about... melons! Glorious big melons!” Nuada declared crossing his arms trying to enter a meditative state.

“Bosoms, melons, milk factories, busts, funbags, knockers, ballistics, boobies, jugs, nipples, jubblies, STONKING GREAT TITS!” Gilgamesh said before dropping to his knees and shouting to the heavens. “... Sorry, but I couldn’t resist that reference.”

Mistress had yet to stop laughing, at this point she fell off the side of the bed, landing on the floor with a thud. Between the bits of laughter she mentioned how Nuada was serious about melons. She laughed even harder.

“Tis strange to see her laugh so much and honestly, I am glad. Now then, I shall be departing with Chrysalis here, we have much to speak discuss.”

“Yes, please. I’d very much like to ensure the safety of my hive,” Chrysalis added. “And… I… I’m sorry for being such trouble hatchling. I swear I’ll make up for this and make you proud,” she said, smiling at the three displaced who raised her.

“Love Chrysalis, see soon.” Jeff stated from a mouth in Mistress’s hair, being just awake enough to see her leaving.

“Take care, come and visit us in Ponyville, you have another Uncle to meet.” Mistress said rising from the floor, finally not laughing any more.

“It’ll be tough, but nothing worth doing is easy. I’m sure you can do it, and I look forward to coming back next time to find the great Queen Chrysalis bring about a new era for both changelings and ponies,” Gilgamesh added.

Chrysalis bowed deeply to each one before leaving with Luna.

“Now then back to the matter at hand, Ponyville.” Mistress stated. She looked at Nuada with a devious eye. The robed warrior held her gaze.

“Wanna train my brother on how to fight?” Mistress asked, looking away passively, rubbing a hoof on her chest, like it wasn’t anything.


“Aw, come on! I know he would really really like to meet someone from Tenchi Muyo, he was a huge fan!” Mistress begged, she had grabbed the front of his robes and began violently shaking him.

He responded by smacking her hooves away and jumping back. “Your mood swings are ridiculous would you please act normal!”

“Why?” Gilgamesh asked.

Nauda turned to respond only to stop for a moment to process what he was seeing. Namely, Gilgamesh wearing nothing but a loincloth, posing as he flexed his pecs… with sparkles in the background.

“There aren't any normal displaced are there?” Nuada asked rhetorically. Sighing he turned back to Mistress, who while he wasn’t looking had shifted to be a copy of Gilgamesh, minus the sparkles. Closing his eyes he took several deep breaths. “Please tell me your brother isn’t this crazy?”

“Nah, he’s mostly a stick in the mud. Although he knows how to take a joke.... most days.” Mistress stated in her normal feminine voice.

“Can I get supplies off you if I agree, looking at some wood for construction, some form of electrical source or plans for one, electrical wiring, and apples,” Nuada listed off.

“I have a magic to electric converter I’ll send with him, I’ll also send the blueprints so you can upgrade from there. Apples I’ll see what I can do, don’t you have your own AJ to by them from?” She asked.

“What kind of power are we talking? I’m trying for 110 volt,” Nuada asked, “and yes but I am low on bits and need to take care of Ushio.”

“Eh, it currently only charges small devices, I have it set to use old earth usb, I mostly made it to charge a PSP I picked up in Toronto.” She started rubbing the back of her head with a hoof. “That may be easier to do, I have some pull with the princesses and can probably funnel bits over easier than apples themselves, or gems depending on what holds value in your world.

“Gems and bits are both good, looking at 10 bits or a ruby a day of training, that should cover what I need,” Nuada replied.

“...I wonder if the conversion rate is different but ya I think we can do that. As a show of good faith here is the first twenty bits.” She nudged jeff who lazily produced a bag of bits. Using her magic Mistress counted them out.

“Okay figure out how to get your brother to my world and I’ll train him in the Juraian style of sword combat,” Nuada said agreeing taking the bits.

"Sweet. I've given him a little bit of prep, like I said, but he still has a ways to go. You might be here for a while if considering he wants to be a deviator type," Gilgamesh explained. "I'd be willing to do it myself, but I'm a self-taught and imitator type. Not really any formal training here."

“I had to learn from a book and real world practice, not much better. Besides thanks to void travel, He can visit me so I don’t really need to worry about the Time lines.” Nuada responded. “Although several hundred years does give me a bit more practice than he has.”

"Only one hundred for me, but considering it was during a war and I fought something or someone almost literally every day, I'd like to think I've got some decent amount of practice in." Gilgamesh boasted. "Say, there's an idea! We should give the guards in Ponyville a show! Show them how two Displaced fight instead of me just beating them all over the place"

“Normally I would love to get a spar in, however I’m a bit exhausted and should get to my home dimension. Can I get your token, and a rain check?” Nuada asked.

"Meh, I understand. Here ya go," he said before tossing him a small brown medallion with a red symbol on it. "I'll give you my real when when me meet up again."

“As soon as I have one I’ll send it your way.” Nuada accepted the token and offered his hand to shake.

"Sure thing," he replied with his own firm handshake, causing Nauda to flinch a bit from his grip strength.

“To the Puddle Jumpa!” Mistress shouted excited to get home. Causing Sparkle to facehoof.

Chapter 17: Clean Up

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The puddle jumper sat down outside of Ponyville, it was still early morning and not a whole lot of ponies were out yet. A gentle,” Thunk, Thunk” Sound could be heard from the direction of Sweet Apple Acres where Applejack was busy bucking the trees. Disembarking from the vessel Mistress and Jeff made their way inside. LtCmd Sparkle, and Nuada took off to Starswirl’s place, they left though the ring of stones and blue portal that collapsed in on itself leaving nothing behind.

“Knock knock! We’re home and it's time to get up for muster Duncan!” Mistress called, having returned to her ‘Morning Glory’ persona, although with Jeff still tired, her mane was a little more droopy than normal. She went to the kitchen and began making breakfast, letting Jeff slump in a chair.

There was a murmured response yelled from upstairs. After a few moments of restful silence Duncan found his way downstairs. He looked a little worse for wear as some of the singes of magic burnout healing nicely.

“Have a good night? From what Gilgamesh told us on the way here, you were being a regular little hero yesterday.” Mistress joked sliding some eggs and french toast onto a plate and serving him, then doing the same around the rest of the table.

“I feel like someone pushed me under a steamroller, can I call in sick?” He asked slowly chewing on his food.

“You know the military doesn’t work that way. Although based on what happened yesterday, you guys are likely to have a light day. It’s Friday anyways.” Mistress responded.

“Ugh I know, just hurts, where is Gilgamesh?” Duncan asked, causing Mistress to look away, in shame.

“I kinda did something stupid and he left and went home. Totally my bad and I don’t blame him. Anyways we should move on. So I’m going to wander over to visit with Avarice for a few days, why don’t you check in for muster and see what is going on?”

“That sucks, well I learned a lot and maybe I can talk to him later.” Duncan replied enjoying his breakfast. “Your cooking is a lot better than before. Speaking of which you really need to take me out to visit Starswirl and tell me what you learned about going home.”

Mistress flinched a little at the mention of subjects, “I know, it’s just hard for me and you know how much I hate talking about feelings. Let me have a day off away from emotional breakdowns and we’ll go check it out. Promise, Pinkie Promise even, cross my heart hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Mistress went through all the pantomimes to go with the promises.

“Forever!” A high pitched voice called from out a window, and then yawned. “Wow you ponies are up early.”

“Pinkie Pie, would you like some toast? Then why don’t you head home and get some rest.” Mistress offered opening the window and holding a piece of toast for her.

“Thanks, take care Morning Glory, have a safe trip and see you later.” Pinkie grabbed it before dashing off in a pink cloud.

The two siblings stared at each other for a moment before laughing it off.

“So how does she fit into your whole, Displaced word seal thing?” Duncan asked.

“She doesn’t, I tried to write the world spell so that everyone was affected, however apparently a few people haven’t been, either they are anomalies, or the magic is starting to fade. Turns out that is why Bon Bon originally moved to Ponyville, in this world Lyra is someone who knows about the Displaced and can freely speak. So Bon Bon is her keeper, although it's not like Lyra doesn’t know. She is also a operative who partners with a Displaced Gunjou some headphone magic caster.” Mistress rambled on, eager to change the subject.

“Nice, I think I remember that one. So there lots of operatives? Also when do you learn all this stuff, it's been like a week?” Duncan asked finishing his food and placing it in the sink.

Mistress smirked arrogantly, “Don’t sleep sometimes. Since I control my physiology, I can make it so I don’t have to sleep as much, so sometimes I just skip a night. Also yes, there are lots, a lot more than I expected, there are at least a team of 10 ponies in each major city, and 1 in most small towns like Ponyville.”

“Got your own army finally, good on ya.” Duncan commented as he nommed on his toast.

“Well I am also an admiral of the Equestrian Army… well two personas are anyways.” Mistress placed her dishes in the sink as well. “Alright I’m off why don’t you get going.”

“See ya MC have a safe trip.” Duncan answered on his way out.

At morning muster….

“Alright everypony, after the visit from Admiral Gilgamesh yesterday, we believe everyone is understandably sore and tired. Many of you are still suffering from first degree magic overload, and despite healing, recovering from your many wounds.” Chief Phantom called out, he paced back and forth in front of everypony. “So we decided to give you a present, no training today.”

There were many cheers as ponies planned for their long weekend. Chief just smiled waiting for everypony to quiet down, which once they noticed he was smiling they all did.
“Instead we will be having a fieldday all day today. All of Ponyville, after the events of the past few days, we have rubble in the streets, and holes in walls. So everypony will be helping with relief efforts. Grab a cart and start cleaning, dismissed!” Chief finished with a large grin.

It was so silent the sound of a pin falling on a feather bed could be heard. Slowly one by one everypony fell out mostly in groans and murmured curses. Boom De-yada remained in the courtyard eyes wide. What most people don’t realize about the goofball, is that he is almost as good at planning parties as Pinkie Pie is. In the span of assuming there would be a three day weekend he had mentally prepared a party to start Friday night, and last to Sunday morning.

His plan was elegant involving a rotating DJ watch list, calling in many favors from friends in Canterlot, and possibly a Displaced or two. He had contingencies for almost any reasonable event to cut the party short. Games for foals even, though he intended to get Pinkie to help on that side. Oh the pyrotechnics involved, and music, he was so inspired and worked up from the previous day that he couldn’t help but celebrate.

Now his plans were smashed, there was no way to fit it all, no time to set it up. Sure he could do a standard saturday night party, but those aren't legendary.


“Stuff it De-Yada, get cleaning.” Chief cut him off throwing a broom at his face, before walking away to supervise the cleanup of his sector of the town.

“If only there was some impossibly convenient way to clean up the town faster~!” Boom De-Yada pitifully bemoaned as Duncan approached with a shovel.

“Hey Boom, if I could I’d just use Dash and Power to get it all done quickly, but I already have 2nd degree magic burnout. Besides some hard labor is good for ya.” Duncan stated, silently wishing that Boom De-Yada’s plea would have been heard. ‘Unless, the one to answer was a dangerous Displaced, or an evil genie.’

“Well great! I’m grouped with the bozos!” Came the scratchy high-pitched voice of somedragon the two really didn’t care for, especially at the moment as the orange scaled and purple spined baby dragoness dragged a large tarp behind her, her purple eyes and fanged scowl really highlighting just how much she hated them. “Like being 2-foot-nothing wasn’t bad enough, I get to work with the two most obnoxious losers on my crew for the day.”

“Wow, what crawled up your tailhole and died Twisted?” Duncan sneered at the little dragoness, who snorted smoke.

“What did, so not only am I a bucking dragoness still. I get up this morning hoping for a normal day, then we have Chief buck us over. I figure fine, some alone-time to work, and along comes Ensign Song telling me to come work with you two. Thats what, now grab a cart so we can start shoveling and get this day over with!” Twisted yelled getting closer and closer to Duncan’s feet, glaring up at him from by his lower thighs since she was so short. Duncan at first started to get really angry, clenching his fist he took a deep breath to calm himself, ‘Getting angry leads to mistakes.’

Instead he helped Boom hitch up a cart and made lead the group to a sector of town that was away from most of the other ponies, several civilians were out and about doing their own repairs. Digging into some rubble Duncan started to load the cart, Boom unhitched himself, and Twisted caught up, the three worked in silence for a few minutes.

“Hey Boom, want to hear a song?” Duncan asked, keeping a bored expression on his face.

“After karaoke night, I’m not sure I want you singing again, but sure let's hear it?” Boom joked back. Throwing a large boulder into the back of the cart. Twisted rolled her eyes and tried to tune the two out.

"This is the song that never ends..."

“NO! Buck no! Spike already told me how this one goes, don’t start!” Twisted growled as she paused from using her claws to dig some rubble that had buried into the street out.

“Too late~! The magic is kicking-.” Boom taunted. Tossing two rocks into the cart in time, creating a bit of a beat. One of the civilian ponies, followed suite.

I’ve got this old guitar~! The strings are rusty but it’s all~ I need~!” Twisted interjected with a surprising falsetto voice, changing tracks, and completely overtaking the original song with a victorious grin. She even pulled out a real guitar, and started strumming, missing a few chords being new to the claws still.

Boom smirked and pulled out a set of drums, that he bounced rocks off of, stealing the beat back. “It goes on and on my friends, oh yes my friends.” The town ponies switched beats bouncing back to Boom’s song.

“Bring in the kick drum it can back the beat, let’s gather round and sing a song~!” An old stallion pulled out a kick drum and set it down for Twisted to use. She started stomping the pedal leading the ponies back to her as the old stallion took up the guitar with skill.

“Some ponies started singing it not knowing what it was.” Boom belted out bucking some rubble into a cart. Duncan pulled out his sword and started hacking at a ruined wooden beam in time with the beat.

“I got a shaker too! The kinds of sound that want to make, ya move~!” Came a periwinkle mare with a maraca.

“Bring in the uke it will complete the groove! Let’s gather round and sing a song~!” A teen colt added as he tossed a ukulele to Twisted, who took it up much easier thanks to it’s smaller size than the guitar while the colt kept up the drum beat.

“There’s no worries on the earth~ tonight! We’re all walkin’ off the world~ tonight!” Twisted sang out beautifully, getting Duncan and Boom to gawk at her before she got a vicious grin. “C’mon now everyone yeah, c’mon now everyone! We’re like a locomotive, under the big hot sun-we’re chained to the gang of rhythm, the song is never done. C’mon now everyone yeah, c’mon now everyone~! C’mon now everyone!”

Boom decided that admitting defeat here was for the best, started singing along. Duncan stayed off to the side, shocked that he seemed to know the words, despite having never heard the song before. He couldn’t help tapping his foot to the beat. Before any of them knew what was going on, the song ended on what seemed to be a sad note, and when the impromptu band and immediate crowd came out of the magic stupor, they realized almost all the restoration work to be done in the area was finished.

“Wow, who would have thought music really worked that way.” Duncan stated looking dumbstruck as ponies finished hauling carts away and going back to their normal days. Twisted returned the uke, drum, and got her guitar back. The old stallion had a headless bat as a cutie mark, and had long black hair.

“Well chap, music has always had power in this world. Never doubt it. Or you’re just another hapless passenger on a Crazy Train.” The stallion said with a slightly slurred voice as light reflected off his orange round spectacles, and the elder trotted off as enigmatically as he appeared.

“Good work you three!” Came the voice of the Chief, who slowly strolled up to the bemused three. “Not bad, using the power of song to speed things up. Guess this fieldday is over already. You three did alright getting all the others perked up, see if you can keep it up more often. When! It is called for. Dismissed.” Chief informed as he sharply turned and continued moving around town, leaving the trio blinking in bemusement before Boom beamed.

“Hey, thanks for the help Twisted. Your voice is really beautiful.” Boom praised, getting the orange dragoness to blush brightly.

“Sh-shut up! I just didn’t want that stupid song to drag on forever!” The way her ear-fins wiggled and her tail flicked indicated that while trying to look angry, the little dragoness genuinely appreciated the praise.

“I don’t know Twisted. You have a really good singing voice considering you used to be a stallion. Is there anything else you’ve gotten really good at since your change?”

“Well, there was the resilience and stamina increase, the fire breathe, gems taste really good, so do bugs now. Wait, why am I bothering to tell you two dweebs! Buck off! I’m going home to do push ups and get a real workout.” Twisted fumed after absently listing things, and stomped away, the little baby dragon disturbingly leaving little indents in the hard packed dirt of the street.

“Don’t forget to tell Spike the latest edition of Batcolt’s coming out in two days!” Boom shouted after her.

“SHUT UP!” Twisted screamed back at them, getting Boom to snort.

“Poor filly, doesn’t get that it’s okay to lay around and read comics with a friend.” Boom teased, getting a rock to pelt him on the head from far away.

“That’s it!” Duncan exclaimed, charging forward Duncan grabbed a rock from the ground and threw it at the small dragoness, who caught the rock with ease. “Your crappy attitude towards my friend and I is really pissing me off you brat. Why don’t we finish that duel from the other day?!”

“Yeah, sure. A ‘duel’. Pfft, as if you’re worth my time.” Twisted growled as she tossed the rock into her mouth, shattering it with her teeth, and smiling evilly as she purred, a deep rumble rising from her chest as Duncan took a step back and Boom inched away. “But sure. I’ll show you what I’ve been working on.” Twisted quickly grabbed a few more rocks from around her feet, quickly eating them and swallowing the rocks, disturbing Duncan and Boom, whom had quickly decided to run off to get help upon sensing genuine danger. “Urf, rocks taste horrible...but….”

Twisted convulsed, and looked sick, before she barfed up lava as orange as her scales, which she easily touched as if it were just mud, the orange molten stone pooled under her, dripping from her panting mouth as she glared at the shocked and worried Duncan with determination. “They make great fuel for my new technique; Magma Mauling!” Twisted rolled through the thick orange and black molten earth, it clinging to her scales with ease, and lunged at the now-panicking Duncan, who turned tail and ran. “GET BACK HERE!”

“NOT A CHANCE YOU CRAZY DRAGON! I CAN’T EVEN USE MAGIC RIGHT NOW!” ‘Why did I have to lose my cool?! I’m going to become dragon chow!

“THEN YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE POKED THE DRAGON!” Twisted screamed in a fairly accurate statement.

“Look I’m sorry! But you were in the wrong! I couldn’t just let you hitting Boom slide!” Duncan reasoned as he bolted around the corner of a house, the lava-coated baby dragoness giving close chase, thankfully none of the lava she was trailing did more than glass the dirt and sand of the roads they were running on.

“That insensitive dolt was mocking me! This change hasn’t been easy on me!” Twisted shouted as she panted, and had to slow down as the lava was cooling into rock, making her growl. “Dang it, running around cooled it quicker. Screw this! I’ll just rip your heart out and-oh~...I don’t...feel so good….” Twisted stopped dead, right next to an old well, and her cheeks puffed out before she tottered to the dried up well and vomited up another course of lava into it’s depths. “Oh~...I forgot how sick doing this made me.”

Duncan cautiously moved towards his former pursuer, and nervously moved to the opposite side of the well. “ okay Twisted?”

“...*sniff*.” Duncan blinked at hearing the wet sniffle, and noticed how she was trying to hide her face with her arms. “No, no. I’m fine. I’m….” Her arms went slack, and Duncan was surprised to see her eyes bloodshot and holding back tears. “I...I just want to go back...back to how I used to be….” She childishly lashed out at the old well with a slash of her claws, leaving deep gouges. “I was just a stallion! I wasn’t some complicated, muddled up little thing of hormones and who-knows-what! I hate this! It used to be where all I had to worry about was my guard work and my downtime. Now, I’m having trouble deciding what I even want in life anymore!”

“Well, everyone can change, in more ways than you can expect. Maybe this outer change needs you to change with it.” Duncan gently suggested, the former stallion looking up at him forlornly.

“But that’s just it dork...I don’t want to. If I do. I...I’m scared. What’ll happen to Twisted Spear, the Stallion and Guard? If I accept what I am, and start to make it who I am. I won’t be Twisted anymore. Who will be the dragoness I see in the mirror?” Twisted asked brokenly, hugging the rim of the well and staring down into the tiny puddle of lava glowing at the bottom of the well.

“Hmph, idiot. You’d still be you.” Duncan bluntly interrupted her defeatist thoughts, getting her to blink at him. “It doesn’t matter what you do, how you change, you’re still who you choose to be. If you reject what you are, you’ll only be hurting yourself. You need to just embrace it. Who says Twisted Spear is gone? I’m looking at her right now.”

“...You suck at pep talks.” Twisted barbed with a small smile.

“Ya, not my strong suite..” Duncan grinned, and the two snorted in laughter together for the first time in friendship, although Twisted would be loathed to admit it.

“Still hate your guts and will try and kill you when we duel next.” Twisted stated wiping her nose on her arm she flipped Duncan the middle claw and walked away.

At Sugarcube Corner….

“Wait, so you two are friends now?” Boom De-Yada asked Duncan and Twisted in shock as the two were sitting at a table and enjoying their orders of sweets, Duncan was snacking slowly on a Bayston Cream while Twisted was having a cookies-n-cream milkshake.

“Not a chance. We’re just...enemies with an understanding.” Twisted offhoofedly said as she rubbed her purple-banded tummy. “Also, he offered to buy me something to help with the lava indigestion, and Twilight told me if I ever got too hot to eat ice cream. Spike doesn’t just enjoy ice cream, he and I guess now I; both use it to help regulate our core temperature. Not sure how normal dragons handle so much hot stuff in their bodies in my opinion.”

“Yeah, so we’re getting along now, but once the truce is over we’re back at each other’s throats.” Duncan nodded as he reinforced Twisted’s statement.

“That just means you’re frienemies sillies!” Pinkie Pie suddenly injected into the conversation, popping out from under the table, startling them, especially Boom, who didn’t see her under the table just a second ago from his angle. “Your enemy can still be your friend. Now then, how’s the milkshake treating your tummy Twisty?”

“Um, really well Pinkie Pie, thank you.” Twisted replied earnestly before taking a long sip of her treat. “I’ve never had a milkshake before, how’d you know I’d like this flavor so much?”

“I know everyone’s favorite flavors of everything silly! You just enjoy the sweet sweetie.” Pinkie beamed as she pranced away, Twisted watching after her with an intrigued expression.

“That mare, she’s just so...nice.” Twisted commented, at a loss for words to describe the pink pony as she sipped the shake again, still staring at the pink party pony as she went around just asking how things were with everypony in the building.

“Yeah, that’s Pinkie Pie, you already know her Twisted. What’s up? You never gave her more than a wave or a hello, why’s she so interesting now?” Boom De-Yada asked the dragoness who seemed fascinated with the mare.

“I don’t know...I guess it’s a dragon thing. I’ve got this hot, but not painful, feeling in my chest whenever she’s around. It’s been happening since the change, so maybe she just has that effect on dragons? I’ll ask Spike.” Twisted responded in bemusement, shrugging as she returned to her shake, while Boom and Duncan both glanced at each other in surprise, subtly grinning while the dragoness was closing her eyes to savor the treat.

“Does she…?” Duncan whispered at Boom, who nodded.

“Totally.” Boom mouthed to Duncan.

“Hey! What’re you two whispering about over there! Don’t make me burn you!” Twisted shouted upon noticing the two whispering to each other.

“Nothing, just wondering what about dragons could cause that kind of reaction to Pinkie Pie.” Duncan easily half-lied, getting the femme dragon to leer at him, before snorting out smoke and returning blissfully to her milkshake.

“So Twisted, what was that you mentioned earlier about not knowing what you want in life anymore?” Duncan asked conversationally, and the little dragon lady glared at him.

“I’ve talked enough about my feelings today, I’m out.” Twisted slerped the last of her milkshake and walked out of the store.

“Don’t be a stranger Twisty~!” Pinkie called out, causing Twisted to jolt, before scurrying away. “Huh, guess she got chills from the shake.”

“So Pinkie, any party plans for this weekend?” Boom asked, still sore over the loss of time to make his epic 3 day party.

“If I can get some help, then I want to do a ‘Yay Ponyville is saved’ party.” Pinkie lamented as she packaged 7 orders of cupcakes, handing them to different customers. All in the span of thirty seconds.

“Don’t you mean, a ‘Yay Ponyville is saved for the some-odd time again’ party?” Duncan asked with a quirked brow.

“Naw, too much of a mouthful.” Pinkie dismissed casually. She tapped her chin with a hoof in thought. “Now if I can only get someone who knows pyrotechnics, and music. Vinyl is in Canterlot so I can’t get her, hum.”

“Boom knows a thing or two.” Duncan volunteered pointing at the suddenly blushing stallion.

“Oh, sure. But don’t you have guard work to do Boomy?” Pinkie asked hopefully, her ears wilted at her worrying that he might be busy.

“Ahk,Nope! Twisted basically made today free, and Chief gave us the rest of the weekend off!” Boom cheered nervously.

“Great, meet me here after 6pm when I get off. Oh I mean 18:00, silly military ponies, anyways I’ll show you my secret cave. Bye” Pinkie rattled off at top speed before disappearing to the back room.

“Alright, I’m going to go home and read for a few hours before crashing. Have fun with Pinkie, in her ‘Secret cave’. “Duncan waved to his friend before leaving, with a smirk on his face.

“What? What’s so weird about a secret cave?” Boom asked obliviously.

Chapter 18: Song of Return

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Duncan POV:

Duncan was walking along the road out to where he was told Octavia and Vinyl scratch lived. Confirmed roommates made him happy, if they were a couple, that would be more awesome. Along the way he absent mindedly kicked the ground his foot making contact with a small purple square stone. It bounced along the road before falling over a small ledge and into a lake with a small ‘plop’.

A shadowy dark purple portal opened up just above the surface of the water and promptly deposited an equally shadowy figure out and into the water before abruptly closing. The figure splashed around a bit before popping its head above the water and calling out.

“Alright, who summoned me this time?! Come on, fess up!”

“Heh he, sorry. That would be me.” Duncan called out approaching the ledge to see who he accidently just summoned.

Dox POV:

It happened just as I started to leave the castle with Bluebelle, right at the freaking castle gates. A portal opened in my face and took me away from my fiance and my adventure.

I swear, sometimes Displaced either have the worst sense of humor, or the worst sense of timing. Either way, I just got cock blocked from something that was bound to be REALLY fun. This Displaced better be in need, dying, or someone I know in need of help, otherwise I’m going to be VERY pissed off.

AND OH GREAT! I got dumped into a FUCKING LAKE! What else now?! I sank down a little then quickly swam to the top and breached the water a little. Jeeze, this guy better need help, luckily I know a quick-dry spell.

“Alright, who called me this time?” I demanded. “Come on, fess up.”

“Heh he, sorry. That would be me.” A male voice called out from over the hill.

I looked over to see a young male with short brown hair and brown eyes. He was wearing green colored traditional chinese robes. Around his neck was a large red sphere. Oh great, a kid.

“Sup. What do you want?” I asked. “What was so important that you needed to call me away from one of my fiances and a possibly epic adventure involving Dwarves?”

“Dwarves? Actually, it was an accident. I was on my way to ask Octavia if she had a violin for sale and could offer me some lessons. If you are dealing with Dwarves I would love to help.”

“Eh, it’s fine. I was gonna go off with the fiance I mentioned and we were gonna go have some fun hunting down Dwarven clans and bring them back into the light.” I said. “You said something about a violin and Octavia, though?”

“Ya, truth is I’ve been missing my own fiance since being Displaced. Figured it was something I could learn for when I get back to her.” The kid crossed his arms with an air of depression hanging off of him.

“Heck, I might just be able to help with that.” I said. “But uh, first, let me get out of this lake.” I poofed into shadowstuff and reappeared right next to the kid, surprising him a little. I then cast my quick-dry spell just to get my clothes and self dry. “So uh, before anything else happens, I’d just like to introduce myself. My name’s Dox, Dox Ad Finem. Who are you?”

“Ah sorry my name is Duncan Klysh, my cosplay was Li Syaoran of Cardcaptors. You said Dox? As in the Dungeon Master’s champion?” He asked with a bit of curiosity.

“Um, yeah.” I said. “How…. How did you know that?”

“I read a fanfiction about you back on earth. I use to read a lot of Displaced fictions.” He answered, his face was controlled, awaiting a response and trying to figure out what my reaction might be.

“... Oh shit.” I said, hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. “Please. PLEASE. Not this shit again. Pretty sure there was only two people I knew about that talked about this whole ‘my life is a fanfiction’ shit. One was Mistress Change-”

“Oh, ya she is out right now, something about visiting her friend Avarice. She said she loved your fic and was hoping to find a way to catch up on your adventures since she met you the first time.” Duncan explained, amused at my reaction.

“No.” I said. Seriously, not this shit again. “No. No no. Not again. Don’t you start. You start, I’m gonna start freaking out, and you REALLY won’t like it.”

“Ok, in exchange you said you would help me with violin lessons?”

“Sure. I play cello, though.” I said. “So, don’t really expect the best. Then again, you were going to Octavia for the same reason, and she’s a cellist. I at least learned multiple instruments. In the show, she never really showed to know anything but cello, and last time I checked, your world follows the canon of the show pretty well.”

“Well that is how little I really know about music. I figured bow and string would be close enough to get started at least. I could also use the help of having someone to practice with. Maybe we could get together and I could practice with you, things like reading music and hearing tone differences?”

“I’d be fine with that.” I said. “Again, lucky you I know a lot of music. But again, a warning. I’m good at cello. Violin was kinda too small for me to learn properly without getting a modified instrument. Trust me, it was hard to get, and, to me, was not worth it.”

“I understand, but with hard work comes the greatest rewards. Shall we get going?” Duncan gestured down the road, following the path I saw a cottage that was split down the middle for colors and style….

“What the crap.” I said. “Now, the show in my world stopped at the end of Season 4, and planned on going forward. I never really saw anything else. Was there a fanservice episode or something that explained Octavia’s housing situation?”

“No idea, I got displaced right before season 5 came out. Right now, the world is a little after the start of season 3, Twilight is still a unicorn.”

“Ah, okay then.” I said. “Well, if I meet someone who knows, I’m asking. Found out a while ago the girls followed some kind of map that showed up in season 5 and went to a village that was pretty much communist. Made me think of Liberty Prime for some reason. Anyways, let’s get you that violin, then I’ll see if I can help out with your lessons.”

Duncan POV:

Dox was proving to be as cool as the fanfictions portrayed him. He hoped that Mistress could get internet and up to date chapters so he could catch up. It looked like a lot had happened since Dox lost his arm. Approaching the front door, Duncan knocked on it, aiming right for the split in the colors.

There was a crash from inside then a mare’s voice, “Yes one moment please!”

The door opened to reveal a gray mare with dark bags under her eyes. Spotting Duncan, she instantly slammed the door. From inside they could hear her say something about still being asleep. Duncan tried knocking again, this time a white unicorn with blue hair answered.

“Hello, I am Duncan with the guard. I’m hoping to speak with Octavia.” Duncan politely asked, the mare raised a hoof indicating for him to wait. She went back inside without a word. There was the sound of running water followed by a splash, a scream and another crash.

Octavia answered the door again, this time drenched from head to hoof. “Yes?”

“I am Duncan with the guard. I am here to speak with Octavia.” She eyed him starting to recognize the description she had gotten from around town. Her eyes wide at the introduction.

Meanwhile, unknown by Duncan, Dox was putting on a facade to make him look as intimidating as possible, almost to the point of him putting up the illusion of the grim reaper. But no, instead he had settled to transform into a unicorn royal guard, put an illusion on his mechanical parts to make them look organic, and pulled out some cuffs from his magic satchel, as well as some armor which Celestia had gotten him as an idea for wedding wear. Surprisingly, it had changed with him. He put it on and teleported behind Duncan from his spot at the side of the house and began to twirl the cuffs in his hand-turned-hoof.

The sudden appearance of the ‘guard’ with cuffs caused her to hide behind her door slightly before asking, “What can I help the guard with? If it’s about Vinyl’s music, I swear we keep it down during curfew.”

“What? No this is personal I wanted to ask for a violin and lessons, what gave you that…” Duncan turned around to see the pony guard with the handcuffs. Said ‘guard’ dropped the handcuffs and kicked them away before casually whistling.

“Dox?” Duncan raised an eyebrow, not completely sure it was the displaced.

“Eh heh heh.” The ‘guard’ responded before putting a hoof behind his head. One poof of smoke later, and there stood the Displaced that Duncan had summoned earlier. Duncan glared at Dox in disapproval. “Hey, I’m just having fun. I’m getting married soon, that, and climbing a high ladder on the status quo. Gonna be very stressful, so I’m trying to get as much fun in as I can.”

“Don’t blame you, now then.” Turning to Octavia with a smile on his face now, “Sorry about my friend, he is a good guy. I’m just trying to learn to play violin, I was hoping you could teach me?”

“Why don’t you two come in for some coffee and we can discus this.” she opened the door to them too tired to really want to deal with them. However turning them away would be rude and she was a proper mare. Vinyl levitated several glasses of the bitter liquid to the table for them.

“I would love to help you, but everything costs bits. I have a violin you could borrow but I recommend making a trip to Canterlot and getting yourself a proper violin if you are serious about this.” She yawed rubbing her eyes a bit. “Excuse me ever since the strange noise started we haven’t gotten much sleep.”

“I think I can help with the money.” Dox said. “But, uh, strange noise? Could you please explain?”

“Certainly, every night, after I go to bed, I start to hear music, a melody being sung. At first I thought Vinyl had left her stereo going. However, when I enter the living room, the music stops, all the equipment is turned off. Vinyl swears it isn’t her, then when I try and go back to bed it starts up again.”

“Odd.” Dox said. “Um, Duncan, something tells me you might know what this thing is… You do, don’t you?”

“It sounds a lot like the song card. It’s a mostly harmless card. It tries to replicate songs and voices that it hears but it is very, very skittish. Catching it will be tricky.”

“... card? what do you mean card?” Octavia asked dipping back and forth from exhaustion.

“Magic sealed in a card from let loose I’m the only one who can stop them. Why don’t you and Vinyl get some sleep and Dox and I can try and catch it?” Duncan offered.

“I’m up for it.” Dox said. “And Duncan’s right. You look like you’re about to pass out. Go get some sleep.”

“I shall try. If you need anything, let Vinyl or I know.” The mare walked up the stairs to her bedroom the door quietly closing behind her. Vinyl on the other hoof had already passed out at her turntables.

“So sealing should be simple, we just need a song that it likes to draw the card out. Have anything on hand?” Duncan asked as he summoned his sword getting ready.

“What, do you expect me to just pull an instrument out of thin air?” Dox asked. “‘Cause that’s physically impossible, let alone completely insane and anything you prefer?” During the whole run on, Dox had pulled out a cello and a bass guitar, separately, and set them down. “I mean, seriously. Got anything on mind?”

“I want a bag of holding so bad, but nothing in particular. In the show it was something soft and slow. Think something that brings tears to the eyes?” Duncan offered trying to see where Dox kept his bag.

“Well, I don’t think I can do that.” Dox said. “Well, at least not with what I have, alone. Do you see a piano around anywhere around here? I can’t really pull one of those out of nowhere.”

“Looks like Vinyl has one. I don’t think she will complain.” Duncan pulled the keyboard out from under a pile of boxes and trash.

“Great. Wish there was a normal piano to use, but what the hey.” Dox said, walking up and taking the keyboard from Duncan. “You see a stand for this thing anywhere, or do I have to use a table?”

“Here.” Duncan pulled a folded stand from between some furniture. He handed it to Dox letting the more musically inclined displaced figure how he wanted it setup.

After about five minutes of just setting up the keyboard, Dox finally got his act together.

“Alright, I think I know what I can do.” Dox said. “Now… How did that one piece go again?” After a few moments of thought, Dox started playing a very soothing song. He seemed very into it as he played. His eyes were closed, and it seemed as though nothing else could break his concentration. The song wasn’t very long, but it seemed to do the trick.

A beautiful woman with long purple hair began fading into being on the far side of the room. She began singing along in a lovely voice that sounded familiar to Duncan. She appeared in a white dress with a vest that looked like sheet music.

Duncan stepped quickly to try and catch the card, unfortunately his foot slipped on some trash. He fell forward onto the coffee table with a loud crash sending the cups flying. The loud noise scared the card, she silently faded away.


“Good job.” Dox chastised as he finished the song he was playing. “Like, seriously. Good job. Not only did you scare the card off, but I think you woke up Vinyl.”

The mare stirred a little bit, looking up at the two. She wavered a bit before falling off her stool and falling asleep on the floor.

“I’d like to see you do it with all this trash around.” Duncan gestured to the piles of take-out and insta-meals “I wonder how long this has been going on or if this is normal for them?”

“Eh, anything’s possible.” Dox said. “And even though your point is valid, what are you gonna do about it? An excuse is still just an excuse.”

With a sigh Duncan reached down and started collecting all of the dirty dishes. “I suppose the best option is to help them out and clean up some. You in?”

“Eh, sure.” Dox said. A second later, he lit a small flame in the palm of his hand. “What? Might as well make it interesting. Just give me any of the trash, I’ll incinerate it.”

“Alright, catch.” Duncan blindly threw an empty carton of Chineighse food, over his shoulder in the general direction of Dox. He reached for the next one, sweet and sour hay. He could just smell the burning carton he threw, and threw the next one. Turning, he saw Dox standing smugly with the fire still in his hand.

“Alright how about rapid fire?” Duncan had a wide smile on his face as he started chucking box after box at Dox seeing if he could keep up. Instead of seeing Dox frantically moving around, Duncan saw Dox snap his fingers and a wall of flame appear in front of him, incinerating everything that had been thrown at him.

“You were saying?” Dox asked. “Is that all of them?”

“Nope, there are still some over here, and is that a pizza box? Oh this is impressive.” Duncan motioned Dox to come look behind one of the cabinets.

“And what am I looking at?” Dox asked as he walked over. He quickly saw what Duncan was referring to. Stacked from floor to ceiling were pizza boxes. The impressive part was how they were stacked varying from flat, to on edge. It looked like something from the Loony Toons, somehow it all balanced on an apple core that had been there too long. “Well damn. This thing…. This thing is getting eliminated. I don’t care how much that defies the laws of physics, but I’m getting rid of it. Any objections?”

“Hold on I wanna take a quick picture,” Duncan said pulling his phone from his pocket, “My brother would like to see this I’m sure.”

“Eh, go ahead. Take your picture.” Dox said. “Actually, screw it. I think we’ve cleaned enough. We can just move the rest of the crap. Let’s just get back to trying to secure that card.”

“Alright, I’ll stand by over here this time.” Duncan re-summoned his sword and stood next to where the card appeared last time.

“Alright, what other song to play…” Dox said, moving over to the piano and musing over his options once more. He eventually settled on a song that started out smooth and calm, but slowly changed into something more dynamic as copies of Dox started appearing and playing along with instruments that seemed to just appear.

Once again the beautiful woman appeared, this time a bit more hesitant, about half way though the song she joined in. Duncan took an extra moment to check his footing, swinging quickly he move to catch the card.

Only for a blast of static from Vinyl’s speakers to scare the card off again. It also broke Dox out of his concentration, causing him to stop playing and for the copies to just disappear along with their instruments.

“Really?!” Dox half-yelled. “Really? Great, well, guess we need to fix it.” Dox got up from his position from behind the keyboard and walked over to the speakers before examining them. “Double great. The wiring’s shot. Well, this is the point in which we can either get Vinyl over here, or figure out how to fix this ourselves. Leaving the call up to you.”

“Feel free to try and wake her, but if she is still out after this, I don’t bet much.” Duncan moved to the wires. “Don’t suppose you have any electrical tape? Some of these cables are damaged and shorting out.”

“Do I look like a hardware store?” Dox said sarcastically. “No, I don’t. I might have a spell in my book, though. Let me check.” Dox pulled out a large tome and started scanning through it. “Aha! Here’s one. Let me see the wires one at a time, otherwise I might screw up the spell and just fuse them to one another.”

Thus began the long and rather annoying process of Duncan lifting up a single wire and Dox then casting a spell on it, causing them to repair almost instantly. It took about thirty minutes to get done, but in the end seemed worth it.

“Alright, that it?” Dox asked.

“Yup, better than it was I think. Now then, lets try this again.” Duncan summoned his sword for the third time.

“Alright, but I think I might be out of songs….” Dox said, walking back over to the keyboard. “Yeah, I think I’m done with the keyboard. Maybe.” Dox walked over to where he had laid down his instruments. He picked up his bass and put it back into the weird trans-dimensional space that was his magic satchel. He then picked up the cello and took a seat. “I might have something else, but let’s just say that it’s not as calm as everything else, alright?”

“Worth a shot, ready when you are.” Duncan held the sword in both hands, arm cocked back ready to swing.

“Alright, let’s try this.” Dox said. He immediately started a build up on the song he was playing, but dropped it for a different theme as a copy of himself appeared, along with a harpsichord. That theme then shifted into something else entirely when another two duplicates of himself showed up, one taking the keyboard and the other playing another cello and a kick drum. All in all, it seemed like a fun piece and seemed to work.

The woman showed up again with a confused look, the beat seemed infectious though as she started to bob her head with it. After a few moments she started singing with the music. The card wore a huge smile on her face enjoying the session. With the final note, Dox’s copies (and their instruments) disappeared, and Duncan swung his sword. The card stopped moving.

“Song! Return to your power’s confined, Song!” The sealing circle rose up returning the card to it’s sealed from. It floated over in front of Dox, then hovered in the air waiting for him.

“Huh. Cool.” Dox said, grabbing the card. “So, is that it? I mean, the card or whatever seemed to be just trying to enjoy itself. What do we do with it now?”

“If I can have it back, I sign my name then let Octavia and Vinyl know the noise problem is gone.” Duncan explained extending a hand for the card.

“Oh come on, that can’t be it.” Dox said. “The card just seemed to be enjoying itself. It didn’t mean any harm.”

“Some cards are really that easy. Although if there is anything else you want to do? It's been a few hours. I’m sure the girls would be up for a session.” The card vibrated and pulsed with a purple glow from Dox’s hand. “I’m sure Song would like to join in, too.”

“Well, if you say so.” Dox said, handing the card to Duncan, who quickly scribbled his name on it, and then getting up and walking over to Vinyl, who was still asleep on the floor. Dox began to poke Vinyl repeatedly, all the while saying, “Hey. Hey. Wake up. The problem’s over and I need you to go and wake up Octavia. Wake up.”

Vinyl slowly stirred before looking up at the two displaced. Nodding, she climbed the stairs with a yawn up to Octavia’s room. There was a crash and scream again. A few seconds later Octavia descended the stairs with her mane a mess, Vinyl followed closely behind.

“You two need anything….?” She looked around the now mostly clean appartment, surprised. She listened for a moment and realized how quiet it was. “You cleaned and got rid of that awful static? How did you do that?”

“Eh. We just did what we do.” Dox said.

“Right well thank you very much, I assume you dealt with that other noise?” She asked.

“Yes it is sealed, however it only really wanted to have some fun. We were wondering if you two were interested in doing a bit of a session?”

“Uh sure, that sleep was the most restful in a while, Vinyl?” Octavia looked to the unicorn mare, who was currently putting her headphones on. She gave a hoofs-up before starting a beat.

“If she is up for it, then we would love to, anything in particular?” She asked getting her cello out carefully tuning it.

“Well, ever heard of Viva La Vida?” Dox asked. “We could do that.”

“From Coltplay? Sure we know that one.” Vinyl switched out a record on the turntables, starting the song. Dox, however, reached over and removed the record from the turntable.

“No. No, we do this from scratch, no records.” Dox said, walking over to the keyboard. “Just start playing with me and we’ll get this right. Duncan, do you know the lyrics?”

“...I don’t sing… karaoke night was awful, however I’m sure Song can fill in.” Duncan pulled out his sword and struck the card summoning the purple woman again, she hovered behind Duncan for a moment surprised by the number of ponies. “Go on Song, have fun.”

“So, does she need anything, or what?” Dox asked. “Like, is she just gonna know the lyrics or something?”

“I think so. Song do you know the lyrics?” Duncan asked the card, the card nodded gently and floated over by Dox and waited.

“Alright then. Let’s get playing.” Dox said. “One, two. One, two, three, four.” On four, the song started with Dox and Octavia. Bit by bit, the song got rolling. At one point, Dox got up from the keyboard, leaving a copy of himself playing while he pulled out his bass guitar. Two other copies appeared, one playing violin and the other playing guitar.

Duncan smirked watching the violin player emerge, apparently Dox knew enough to play. He watched as group played. Vinyl’s hooves moved as she regulated the audio from the different instruments and managed the beat, the effect made it all sound perfect with the right highs and lows for each part.

The song card’s voice change to emulate the correct cord set for the song, she had a wide smile as she sang with the group. As the song ended Duncan began applauding their skill. “So Dox, when did you learn the violin, I thought you said you couldn’t play it?”

“Music and magic.” Dox said as the clones started disappearing. “Music and magic. The less you question it the better.”

“Fair enough. Well then it’s been a long day. We can keep playing and I’ll send you home when you are ready. Thanks again for the help today.”

“Hey, no problem. It’s for a friend of a friend.” Dox said. “Hey, if you want more help, don’t hesitate to call me, unless I’m busy. If that’s the case, then I’m going to ask you to send me back. You sure you don’t need any more help? I mean, I’m more than capable with other types of tasks.”

“Nope, that is all I really have. Although, if you can call me over sometime once I start paying for lessons, that would be awesome.” Duncan smiled and extended his hand to offer a handshake.

“Can do, buddy.” Dox said, accepting the handshake. “Heck, I’m probably gonna call you over before then. You and Mistress. I’m having a wedding in a bit, so consider yourself invited as a guest.

“Thank you. I’ll be sure to answer the summons. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help, I’m sure MC feels the same way. I bet she would also like to see you again, for her, it has been a few centuries.”

“Well damn.” Dox said. “I’ll have to remember to call her over. In any case, you can send me home now. I need to get back to what I was doing.”

“You mean who? Dox our contract is complete.” Duncan smirked as a portal opened behind Dox.

“Ha ha, very funny.” Dox said, taking a step through the portal. “I’ll see you around, man. Have fun.” And with that, he was gone. Leaving the two mares very confused and with looks of shock on their faces.

“You Displaced are a strange lot, but thank you for your help. Now, about that violin.” Octavia shook her head in amusement.

Dox POV:

When I arrived back in my world, I was able to notice a few things.

One: The sun was in a different position.

Two: There was a VERY pissed off Bluebelle in front of me.

“Now, Blue, I can explain.” I said, backing away from the angry mare in front of me. “I know I said we’d be leaving right then and there for the adventure, but I got pulled away by another Displaced! Ya can’t really blame me, can you?”

“Start running.” Bluebelle said in a menacing voice.

“Er, what?” I asked.

“I said: START RUNNING!” Bluebelle yelled. “We are going on that adventure and we’re doing it NOW!

She didn’t have to tell me twice as I took off for the trains, running as fast as I could as she chased me down. She literally tackled me onto the train, then pulled me into a private room. If it weren’t for the fact that she was angry as hell, I might have found it romantic. Either way, this train was gonna need to leave us in our own car.

Chapter 19: Nonsense

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After the bittersweet visit with Demir, Avarice was feeling rather angry with himself for having left his lovers alone for so long. Not to mention Poor Ichor, and likely Sharp Snap. Those Die Leucht fucks have had several months to do what they willed with them, and he had no idea just how bad things could be with their knowledge of mutative and practically transformative alchemy. Not even counting whatever they were using Dox’s blood for too.

Yeah, he wasn’t here at the time Dox was abducted and almost exsanguinated to death apparently, happened during his absence, but he was reading on his Echo right now the full reports of what major things had happened since he’d up and vanished for four months. He didn’t want to walk into the castle as if nothing had happened, that’d be stupid and irresponsible to a degree not even he could condone.

So...he’d actually been here when Dox was initially taken captive. Avarice grimaced that the official report was that he was “Emotionally Unsuitable For Deployment” due to an “Identity Crisis” which had been more or less true, as Vaga had dropped the “you’re a god now” bomb on him barely a few days before Missy summoned him, not to mention the trauma and shock added onto that by how he was still grieving for not even a week before that when Vaga first spoke to him, ACTUALLY spoke to him, and told him of Earth’s fate.

Fucking trolling Vaga….

Regardless, he was glad to know that Vaga personally took matters into his hands, saving Dox as well as two of his lovers. That aside, the Die Leucht had, only a month or two later; AGAIN abducted Dox, this time with the express goal of killing him for good. And once again; Vaga was the one to rescue him and his group, this time alongside Luna who acted as his backup, all the way in Griffonia. ‘Next time we see Vaga we’re rending him to pieces for endangering Lulu like that!’

{Calm your testes Av. She would’ve gone even if he didn’t take her if she’d been aware. Especially since the report also says that the Panther Crows were wiped out.} Crescent appeased the fuming mutant alicorn, who huffed out smoke and continued scrolling down the holographic screen of “incident reports”. He was currently sat atop Canterlot’s mountain at a normal size, for him, of fourteen feet with his clothed rear melting the snow around him, and the draconic portions of his body’s current form allowing him to not give a shit about the rapidly flowing water soaking his pants, his fiery internal body heat making the biting cold rather pleasant.

‘I’m wishing I’d gone to the con as Jackie Chan from the cartoon show about now. Then I might’ve been Displaced as a humble guy with all the skill and dumb luck to somehow come up smelling like daisies, unlike me now; stumbling around with absolutely no luck or skill to back up my power.’ Avarice bemoaned mentally. Sure, he wouldn’t trade this power for anything save his loved ones now, but damn, what if...damned powerful words.

{So are we appraised enough? Can we finally drop in on our sexy mates? We have to face the music sooner rather than later colt.} Crescent dutifully reminded and Avarice sighed out his nose, mentally bracing for the reaming of his life.

‘Let’s get this over with.’ Avarice bemoaned his fate, but decided to go for a devastating shock-and-awe approach to let them all know he was back.

[ $ ]

It was yet another gloriously peaceful day in Canterlot, a wonderful respite for the otherwise usually beligered Princess Celestia. Ever since she started showing, her advisors and military leaders had insisted-nay; forced her to take it easy and leave all the stressful management to them and appoint a regent. She would do no such thing! Not during a war that has spanned several years! She understood their concern, but she couldn’t in good conscience leave the country in somepony else’s hands besides Luna, and she was still off in Bullgaria, currently siegeing the capital.

She sighed blissfully in peace however as she ran a hand down her gravid belly, smoothing what few creases there were in her soft baby-blue gown, the cool winter air a wondrous counter to her hot body. She loved this sensation, being so full of life, simply allowed to rest. She’d let her military advisors take over the paperwork, since they only had to bug her for extreme issues, she essentially had nothing to do except care for herself. “Enjoying some rest Tia?”

Celestia groaned in joy as two huge, dexterous claws suddenly clamped onto her shoulders, rubbing what tension she had out. “Oh~ Sonata...thank you.” Celestia was indeed grateful, her enormous Q-cup breasts were a burden on her upper back and shoulders, even with her huge belly that seemed full term with triplets for them to rest on. Luna and Sonata didn’t have much issue with their own bountiful assets though, Luna because she was just stronger than her physically, and Sonata because she was a Claptrap.

“No problem Tia. After all, I’ve downloaded those caregiving subroutines for a reason.” The 14-foot-tall black and gray techno-organic Claptrap was wearing her full set of armor again, the black and crimson body-conforming alloy plates being reshaped for her own larger J-cups, which used to be I-cups, which used to be H-cups. She’d been through the ringer on breast augments for her chassis, all of which of her own choosing. Her current size was from her come-and-gone pregnancy, she’d laid her seven eggs last month and was as curvy and thin as she’d initially been.

In order to massage the seated 9-foot mare, Sonata was kneeling behind her balcony lounge chair, and the Diarch of the Day was moaning from her fellow herd member’s incredibly gentle claws. “Oh Sonata~...what would I do without you and the others?”

“Wallow alone in loneliness?” Said another voice as a similarly fecund mare in a green gown waddled onto the balcony. “Were it not for us, I fear you would have succumbed to depression with our mate so indisposed.” Zerona the Hawaiian zebra was rather swollen with foal herself, easily just as big as the larger mare in scale, even though she was a week behind her since conception. She was with seven foals herself, one more than Celestia, which explained said size. Otherwise her bosom had also grown from a pair of cantaloupes to two large watermelons, still nothing compared to the Solar Princess, but it was a small grace to the otherwise happy and grinning zebra. “Are you ready for your tanning? Are you sure you wish to turn yourself golden?”

Celestia smiled at her herd-mate’s concern, but looked down at her white-furred hand and wistfully imagined it being gold instead. “Yes. I want my fur to turn gold, if not for vanity reasons, then just for the enhancement of the lotion’s ability to allow me to absorb the energy of the sun better.” Celestia was beyond interested when Zerona told her of a special alchemical tanning lotion her tribe had developed that had also been known to change fur color permanently. It could do any color really, but she imagined herself golden...and she was taken with it instantly.

“Very well, then I will-.”

“Hello~ sexy mommas~.” The sun was suddenly blocked out, and the mares and dragoness all looked up at the voice, and gaped at the sight of an incredibly handsome stallion with slit green eyes and grinning shark teeth. But that wasn’t why they were gawking. He was enormous! He was standing and his head cleared over the balcony where they were relaxing while his hooves were still firmly planted in the grassy field of a garden below. “Oh, come now. I know it’s been a while, but things can change in a few months.”

“Avarice?!” The three members of his herd all shouted in shock, recognizing his cockney accent and gritty voice easily, making him give a rumbling chuckle that they could practically feel.

“The one, and only. Not many can say something like that, but with my nature; I apply.” Avarice answered, before leaning down and lidding his eyes at his sexy mates and humming as he hovered his nose over Tia, who wasn’t as scared as she was surprised, and he sniffed her deeply. “Hm, the tanning lotion? Changing fur color dear?”

“Y-yes...Avarice, what happened to you?” Celestia asked, her magic flaring softly as her condition forced her to take it easy, and she reached her aura out to him, gasping as she felt him consciously reach back, and entwine his own aura with her’s. “You’ve ascended?” Celestia breathed out, and gently stood to hug his muzzle, her body pressing into his lips. “Oh Avarice...what have you gone through in our time apart?”

She was shocked then when, he suddenly was no longer a giant, and stood even-height with her, hugging her back as her arms were suddenly squeezing his rippling back muscles rather than his face, and he had hooked his head behind her neck. She could feel a dam of utter despair deep within him that he was struggling to maintain, and she hugged him to herself tighter. “I missed you.”

“I’m here Avarice. It’s okay.” Tia cooed, soothingly running her hands up and down his back, kissing his neck as she let the tightly-hugging stallion hold her. He needed it. He had to know he had something to hold onto. She was all too familiar with the signs of a pony on the very edge, and she’d be damned if she let him break.

They stood there like that, embracing, silently cherishing each other’s presence as Sonata and Zerona smiled as they looked on, both also understanding he desperately needed his First Mate right now. “So aren’t you going to ream me out? I mean I’ve been gone for a long time.” He asked, still not letting go, practically crushing Tia’s back muscles in his claws, but she endured.

“The thought crossed my mind a few times, but no. You’ve been through enough.” Tia assured, nuzzling his neck as she tried to assure him that he was safe here. He was with loved ones.

“Besides, we need to meet any new members you might’ve brought into our herd with that mare-killer between your thighs first.” Sonata joked, and Avarice laughed as he let Tia go, the mare fluttering her wings a bit to get some tension he’d caused out.

“Well, actually...yeah. I do have someone for you all to meet. But first, is Lulu still at the-.”

“JOYOUS DAY!” Luna’s familiar voice in her Royal Caps Lock echoed out of Tia’s bedroom and onto the large balcony, which was no longer barricaded from paranoia, considering the large number of Loaders and Claptraps ensured that no assassins would be sneaking about, and she already had a couple claptraps on poison detail so none of their food could be tampered with. They still tried though, the dutiful bots having stopped several poisonings from happening and catching at least three different spies.

The extremely busty Q-cup night-blue mare who was still without foal happily trotted into the bedroom and onto the balcony, her steel armor having been dented, scratched, cracked, and even completely ripped off in her right breast’s case, revealing a quickly-healing gash in her otherwise glorious orb that she didn’t care to cover right now. “Sister! We have won! Bullgaria is now ours!”

“That is great news Luna! Oh, I feel so much relief, knowing that a third of our troubles are finally gone.” Celestia sighed, feeling some of the weight of the world lessen off her shoulders. “Who do we appoint as regent for the country though?”

“Lord Horn may be old, but he has a few decades in him yet, and he won’t betray us, or let Bullgaria fall if he has anything to say about it.” Luna informed, and Celestia nodded in ascent to her sister’s choice. She’d been able to meet with Lord Horn once, and he was an incredibly well-mannered and wise bull from what she’d seen. “Oh, I did not know we had company. Hello. I am Princess Luna. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

Luna introduced herself to Avarice, not recognizing him in the slightest due to his rapidly changing preferred forms not letting her connect the dots yet as he grinned at the polite princess who, despite trying to hide it, was obviously ogling him. “Lulu, we’re already rather intimate. I don’t think trying to start over is a wide decision.” Hearing him, Luna’s wings flared open and she let her decorum fail her as she jumped at him and squeed in joy as she hugged around his neck.

“Beloved! We hath missed thee dearly! And thou shalt not evade another bedroom encounter this time! We hast been chaste for several months, and thou shalt sate our desires. Especially for such a momentous occasion!” Luna demanded before she kissed him full on the mouth, moaning as she squeezed her breasts, both armor-clad and bare to his chest, and he hummed as he returned the kiss, before gently breaking them apart with a smile on both their faces.

“Okay, now that you’re all here. I need to introduce you all to someone special.” Avarice moved back away, and gently fingered the dog tags around his neck. ‘Missy~! I’m calling you in to introduce you to the rest of my girls. Now is the best time, they’re all happy to see me, and things seem to be looking up for the first time in forever.’


There was a brief jingle in the air sounding almost like a children’s song. A simple, black, shadowy, gate opened and a small blue stallion with a messy brown mane and tail. His cutie mark was a gear and bell over an explosion. Staring up at the wide eyed mares and dragoness, he giggled a little.

“Greetings, I am Mistress Change, also currently known as Tinker Bell. Pleasure to meet you all.” He walked over to Avarice, wrapping a foreleg around his lower body. “How are you doing?”

“Better, now that I’m home Missy. Everyone; I’d like you to meet Missy. He’s a Mass Shifter, so he’s technically genderless, but he can be anything he wants so long as it’s a living form. This, however.” Avarice trailed off, holding his claw towards Missy’s mane.

“Hi I am Jeff, Mistress’s partner. Happy to meet all.” Jeff formed a face with his slitted eyes and shark like teeth. Nodding to the surprise mares and dragoness. The dragoness’s eyes flashed with curiosity about the “living” hair.

“My, he is quite adorable.” Zerona commented as she waddled closer, Missy’s face blushing a bit at her pregnant form. “Where did you meet?” She asked as she turned to the side and reached down to scratch his ears, getting Missy to grin and lean into the affection. It always felt so good to get the ears scratched.

“Oh I summoned him to help my partner Duncan deal with a rampaging magic construct. Then one thing led to another, I got pregnant, Jeff helped so we have an egg, all three of us the parents. He also ate a piece of my hoof which is where some of his new powers come from.”

“You mean you were a giant using the power you gained from the cute dear?” Tia asked as she looked down at Missy in astonishment, and he rolled his eyes, deciding to take away the adorable factor of full-pony, considering this was clearly an anthro world.

“One second, those of weak stomachs may want to look away.” Mistress then began moving his mass, his legs bending the other direction, and feet forming from his hooves. He rose himself up on the legs as his arms slimmed down and hands grew. Jeff flowed over him becoming a simple flower patterned sundress. Mistress grew her own hair out in voluminous blond curls with green highlights. Her chest size increasing to a respectable D-cup, till her now blue eyes checked the average size on the balcony and knocked it up another two sizes to F.

Deciding against the anthro form she shrunk her horn and flattened her face, till she became a supermodel figured human with gray-green skin. She smiled at the mares and dragoness. “Yes he was a giant because of me, and several other factors.”

“Because I already turned matter into energy, my new body can also turn energy into mass. And you all truly love me, so...yeah...I had a lot of energy just from being around others, feeding off the ambient emotional energy like a changeling and just getting more and more. Now when I just let myself loose, I’m a giant.” Avarice explained, before he suddenly shot up in size to being 14 feet tall, causing his girls to blush and Missy to giggle at his antics.

{Jeff get some photos of pony Tia and Luna ready, more embarrassing the better} Mistress directed Jeff as he used the phone in her pocket. He came across several from times Mistress had pranked them with ink in their sleep.

{Will these work?} He asked using their mental connection to share the pictures.


“Well I must welcome thee to our herd. Whilst things here are not all as they should be, we are currently in a good enough state to welcome yet another into our folds.” Luna wagged her eyebrows, making Mistress blush at the very heavy innuendo that the super-busty princess had just made.

“Two” Jeff piped up, not liking being left out. He cared for Avarice too.

“I would happily be welcomed, I must insist that in private you remember that there are two of us, Jeff is his own person, please don’t treat him as a pet or an extension of me.” She said the last part with a familiar fondness that the girls recognized. It was the same fondness they used when speaking of Avarice.

“So sounds like Avarice didn’t waste much time summoning me, why don’t we all get some lunch so we can get to know each other better. I’m sure you all want some time with Avarice anyways, sexy sex god he is.” She winked at him getting Avarice to bashfully look away and scratch the back of his head.

“Yeah...kinda...I’ve ascended into being a God of Fertility. Likely the fault of both my contract, and being so modified by Die Leucht accelerating it. So...that along with my new Shifter powers, I could please any and all of you at one time even.” Suddenly, a second Avarice began emerging seamlessly from the original, getting everyone to gape as the clone easily stood in the buff, everything on display as he and the original leaned against one another, before speaking. “We’re two in here remember? Crescent? Multiple souls, multiple egos, one mind. So if one of us is trouble, you’d better make it double~.”

“Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light” Mistress chimed in giggling to herself.

“Surrender now~ or prepare to fight~!” They chorused as Jeff suddenly formed a mouth from the sundress over Mistress’s breasts.

“Jeff, that right!” Mistress now folded over laughing at the jokes. Ah Displaced, atleast they got the pop-culture references.

“What?” The locals and the dragoness all asked in complete confusion to the four’s amusement over what seemed to be a reference they couldn’t get.

“.... You know Dox once gave my cell infinite battery, anyone think they can give it internet connection across the void?” Mistress asked the desire to spread the power of anime across the multiverse growing. She pulled the small white and pink cased phone out of her pocket. Looking hopefully at the claptrap dragoness.

“I’m afraid I could only give you guest access to our local Echonet, and we don’t have any entertainment up yet. We’re too new. I could still improve your phone for free though, boost signal strength, send and receive more forms of signals, even perform all around better. Other than that, I’m afraid it won’t help explain your little inside joke.” Sonata informed, getting Mistress to sigh and shrug.

“Centuries of work and I still can’t watch anime. Oh well, if you can do that, I would love the access to information, I’m a bit of a tinkerer and could even pass any inventions I make back to your Handsome Jack. I’ll just need his token, but we can sort that out later. For now...embarrassing pictures!” She turned the phone over, in a smooth motion unlocking the screen to show a picture of Celestia and Luna cuddling with black ink drawn all over their face. Gigilling as she went.

“Oh goodness! So adorable!” Tia gushed, pulling her sister in closer to look at the image. “Aw, even as quadrupeds, they look like us when we were a bit younger.”

“Indeed sister. I can also see she too has a bit much jiggle to her wiggle.” Luna sniped back, giggling as she poked her heavily pregnant sister who huffed indignantly as she pat her belly, getting Mistress to gulp and try not to focus on it, lest her nipples decide to give Jeff a tease.

{Damnit five minutes around the man and I lose body control again.} Mistress groaned internally. Jeff laughed, making a comment about enjoying it.

“Its from what is normally referred to as a more “Alpha” universe featuring more “Feral” body types. I assume you have had the Displaced explained to you then?” She switched to one of Celestia hiding her anger at a griffon diplomat, her eyebrow twitching with a faint golden aura around her warhammer.

“Oh~ I like her sister! She’s much bolder than thou.” Luna jibbed at her sister again, and Celestia rolled her eyes.

“I have the desire to pound idiots too Luna, I just don’t break out into an enraged beat-down like you do sometimes. Why do you think the nobles are so scared of you?” Celestia admonished, elbowing her sister, sending glorious quakes through their breasts and lifting up the domed gown a bit, getting Mistress to once again fantasize suddenly about her beautiful baby belly, and blink the dirty thoughts away.

{Damn it, no! Not now.} “I like this one, I wonder if you have one to?” Mistress slid it to Luna sleeping with a cute little pony doll. She was sucking her hoof as she slept. Jeff laughed, {We could always relax instead of eating?}

“Aw...Tiberius III! I do so miss him.” Luna admitted, looking at the picture fondly. “Alas, even if we do not grow out of our little toys, sometimes we just outlast them.”

{Jeff make a note for next time we visit Star Swirl, we shall bring presents next time!} Mistress refused to let the alternate of one of her best friends be sad. Then she blinked, finally taking note that Luna’s right breast was exposed, she was wearing broken armor, AND she had a line of missing fur on her breast, exposing red, inflamed flesh that was open in a thin, but deep line where a wider gash had clearly been not long ago.

“Oh Luna let me see that,” Mistress reached over, placing a hand on Luna’s breast without a second thought. She focused her magic, knitting the wound closed and regrowing the lustrous midnight-blue hair. She smiled at her handy work enjoying the now perfect breast, how she missed seeing boobs. “There now you won’t get a scar.”

“Oh thank you dear! We were going to enlist the aid of the infirmary in knitting it closed, but your magic is much more advanced than ours. Here, in gratitude.” She suddenly closed the distance, and surprised Mistress by gently grabbing her head, and putting her face to the 9-foot tall mare’s still-exposed breast. “Know that we embrace thee fully friend. Thou may even drink if thou wish.”

{And now I’m embarrassed, how does this keep happening, not like its my first breast. Jeff we are going to need to partake in the welcoming before anything else. My head is way too distracted.} She sighed taking a quick sip of Luna’s breast milk, it was creamy, sweet, warm and filling. She only suckeled for a moment.

“Thank you, that tasted far better than I was expecting, this world’s physiology is vastly different from many I have visited. Now then I must confess, I’ve been reading the minds of several of your nearby servants. I’m concerned to say the least. Perhaps you can catch me up on the situation here? Then… we can… get to know each other better?” Mistress blushed at her own suggestion, but the rest all just grinned impishly at her, {Oh gosh, I’m in a relationship with some of the sexiest women and man I’ve ever met, and they’re all perverts too. I’m nervouscited just thinking about it.}

“We’ve had regular assassination attempts as of five months ago to current. The first ones almost claimed our lives, but thanks to Avarice and his affiliations with Hyperion Interstellar Corporation, the attempts have become less and less as we captured more and more agents.” Sonata informed, stepping forward as an Echo hologram projected from her eyes, showing the important video files from Solar and Lunar in their respective put-downs of the first assassination attempts. “The first ones were the worst. After that, Solar and Lunar have doggedly hunted down every suspect, set up security in an infallible net around their respective mistresses, and have repelled all attempts thus.”

“But you still haven’t found them all, or even the local base for these...Die Leucht?” Mistress asked, fishing the name from the surface of Luna’s mind, the hate and utter rage against the name made it impossible to ignore, especially from the Mercurial Luna, and surprisingly even the gentle and loving Celestia.”What has your counter intelligence network found?”

“Next to nothing I’m afraid. These fools would sooner commit suicide before they give any information.” Sonata stated, making Crescent turn away in shame.

“Alright, if I may have your permission, I would like to read your minds. Think about every detail you can. Then I’m going to get to work at my specialty… after we do some things to clear my head, mister sexy is messing with my mind again.”

“Hey~ not my fault I’m so sexy. I’m, too sexy for my shirt~!” Avarice sang, his gritty voice creating a rumbling tone that sent shivers down her spine, especially as he ran his hands up and down his washboard abs and his fucking glorious hard pecs-

{Damn it I need it now!} Mistress pounced on the stupid-sexy-sex god and chaos ensued.

[ $ ]

After banging...everyone. Especially Celestia and the zebra Zerona, what with their divine, sexy pregnant bodies, they cleaned up and Mistress decided to sit down with each of them, get a look through their minds and see if she could pull anything specific or overlooked from them with their permissions of course. Each of them had something to offer, save Sonata, couldn’t read her; robot after all, alive or not. Thankfully she upgraded Mistress’s phone to the Echonet and gave her access the the video files from her memories. Jeff was currently reviewing the videos for clues.

Celestia’s memories provided a good starting point. Noting the face of every servant she started creating a list of any that ever acted oddly that weren’t already ousted as assassins and spies before, and some who she felt might not be but were imprisoned under suspicion. She hoped Mistress could prove them either guilty or innocent, a nice gesture from a wonderful mare.

Luna’s memories about the daggers brought out a lot of questions, even one of those daggers would be a treat to tinker with. Although upon learning that Star Swirl of this world had died she quickly placed that thought to the side. She loved her friend and mentor, it was unsettling to watch the memory, she hugged Luna afterwards, the two comforting each other.

Zerona didn’t have much about the local situation, but her memories of abroad, as far back as her homeland of Zebrica. Disturbing. Somehow they had agents that far out. The corruption was extensive, she hoped she could get enough of it to set them on a downward spiral. It was so much easier to topple a tyrant than a shadow organization with talons in every pie, eyes on everyone, and ears everywhere.

“Thank you Zerona, knowing the extent of the corruption saddens me deeply. However I will not rest until this problem is resolved. Now then if you will excuse me I have some work to do.” With that Mistress rose, shifting into a bland and simple servant stallion. He began a brisk walk towards the kitchen. Some of the best places to learn proper gossip, and find low level spys.

Along the way she noticed, three guards whose thoughts were of the recent attacks, they were far too upset. She slid around a corner listening to them think. She was quickly rewarded as each one remembered being contacted with orders from Die Leucht. Making note of all three names and Guard stations she moved on. She also grabbed the image of the ponies who contacted them with orders.

Upon finding her way to the kitchens she found many a happy mare chatting along with gossip. Mostly they were talking about Avarice, the new ‘consort’ of the princess’s. Reviews were mixed several found him terrifying and creepy. Many thought him to be a rude undeserving creatin not fit to be around. Especially since he showed up out of nowhere, a practical street urchin, beguiled Celestia with his good looks, and now he’s in the royalty’s pocket and then some. Oh and the scandal of him vanishing for months, sending troops, supplies, new technologies.

From the way they spoke of him, he was like the Steve Jobs of this world, both ridiculed, and given adulation for his providing them with such wonders as these “golems” such as FIX Loaders that work construction and engineering exclusively, and the Echonet for communicating. And they wouldn’t stop talking about how sexy he was. Stop ogling my man! {Whoa, possessive much Mistress? Calm down, anyway.}

{Well this is a regular hen’s den, shall we gaggle like the rest of the geese?} Mistress asked Jeff with a smile. Sometimes mind reading was just a touch overpowered. She sighed at her lapse in control, taking a deep breath she prepared herself.

{Perhaps a new maid would be proper.} Jeff thought back eyeing the maid uniforms. Rather attractively formed on each usually very curvy mare. Considering their employers, it must be the norm here.

Shifting to look like a young girl barely old enough to be on staff, but still very clearly busty and shapely to not stand out. Her fur was a deep blue with her main a lovely violet, after settling the details she and Jeff made their way in.

“Um.. ‘scuse me I’m a little lost. I just got hi-hired today, an-and was told to report to the kitchen.” She played up her lost girl persona, sniffling as she went.

“Oh you dear girl you. Its alright, I don’t remember there being any new workers mentioned. Are you sure you are in the right area? This is the kitchen.” A large mare with an apron and chef’s hat on spoke to the lost girl.

“Ya, said it was a favor for me pa, he was in the army and and and…” She started crying unable to finish letting the mares make their own assumptions.

“Shh, its ok deary, what’s your name?” The mare patted her on the head. Her huge bosoms bouncing as her arm brushed against them.

“Hyacinth miss. I’m a hard worker, and I used to do the cleaning. I promise I can help!” She exclaimed portraying a fear of rejection. While inside: {Oh~ why is everyone in this world hot? I think the influence of Avarice is still messing with my head, lowering my inhibitions, it’s a good thing I like it.}

“Well then there is a mop and bucket over there. Why don’t you start and we will help you learn to cook. It’s always nice to have an extra hand.” Nodding to the closet with a well handle attached to the wall next to it.

Mistress quickly got to work, earning a smile from most of the staff. At Least they didn’t have to mop anymore, so much they could push off on the new girl. Listening in she managed to catch a lot of important information. Like the fact one of the employees was not even with Die Leucht but tried to poison the princesses out of religious fanaticism, seeing them accept Avarice as a fall from grace. Mistress made particular note of that one to make sure there wasn’t another shadow group to go after.

“Um, ma’am I was wondering, I missed lunch, can I take a break? The food everyone is cooking smells great!” She asked the head mare again.

“Sure, and call me Cream, short for Cream Puff. Guess what the princess asks me to make the most.” She laughed, sending quakes through her great bosom. Mistress giggled at the joke, smiling as she accepted a cream puff that Cream handed to her in humor.

“So I was curious why the castle is in such a lock down state. The guard searched me a dozen times.” Mistress commented acting ever innocent. She munched down on the sweet snack, making sure she got a little cream on the corner of her mouth for added effect.

“Deary where have you been? Don’t you know about the attempts on the princess’s lives?” One of the other cooks called out. The religious mare visibly tensed at the sudden change in topic and grew very silent. However that once sentence flooded Mistress with useful knowledge. Several mares thought of their husbands currently in jail. One mare though was of particular interest. She was a old cranky mare who had worked in the castle for decades. Mistress shivered hearing her list the ways she had ordered the princesses killed. All in the name of Die Leucht.

“Don’t they know who is doing it? Is it the Minotaurs?” She asked mocking shock and fear. She regulated a bit of extra epinephrine, norepinephrine and dozens of of other hormones. The response was a perfect simulation of fear.

“Oh, most definitely not, at least now that we’ve apparently won the war over them from Princess Luna’s earlier overjoyed announcements across the kingdom earlier from the Echo has anything to say about that.” Cream said as she tossed about some dough with her big but nimble hands. “If it was them, any agents working from there would have either left or surrendered. Any sort of violence against us would just be salt in the wound, spite, no real point to it.”

“That is super scary, no one know where they are coming from? I’m glad the guard has gotten so good, especially with those golems helping them out. We will be safe here… right?” She asked finishing a second cream puff and returning to work.

The old mare continued to smirk in her corner, ignored by the rest of the cooks. {Too bad they will never learn of Die Leucht or our base in Trottingham. Ah, the Gray Stallion, a shame we have failed you so much.}

“Yes they have almost gotten routine at their job. I’ve had so many wonderful meals ruined by poison, it’s such a shame.” Cream Puff shook her head as she continued rolling out the dough.

Mistress almost jumped for joy at all the information she’d gathered, it was so easy to get unguarded ponies thinking. “Well I’m glad I’ll be safe here. Just makes me scared, I might be forced to go live with my uncle out in the country. I don’t know what I’ll do if that happens.”

“Well if you work this hard everyday you will always have a place here. Now it’s getting late, why don’t you take the rest of the evening off. Dinner's almost ready.”

“Thanks I’ll be back tomorrow if I can then!” Mistress wave happily as she skipped out of the kitchen. With luck she could have her new herd friends saved by the end of the week.

[ $ ]

“This is a list of every single operative I found. Also I recommend keeping this one I’ve noted, around, and feed her false information. You might be able to draw out more of them that way.” Mistress texted the list of ponies she found to be known members of Die Leucht over Echo with her phone using a private channel. She also sent a second list. this one consisting of other spies from other countries, and organizations.

“Also keep an eye out, several ponies are unhappy about Avarice, and see him as a corrupting force in spite of all the good his company’s technology is doing. Might try some PR there to fix that. it seems that many fear the technology. Others seem to think he might even be a demon from Tartarus seducing you. I hope you can think of something soon, I don’t think I can keep calm with ponies so rashly accusing our man of things.” Mistress growled, her pony face becoming a bit dog-like before she shook herself, glad she’d slunk away to a small storage closet so there weren’t any prying eyes. {Ugh, Avarice, at a distance? Really? Why can’t I control myself today?}

“AH~!” A terrified scream jolted Mistress to alertness and she quickly stashed her phone before she bolted out of the closet, and froze at seeing something disturbing, and also very unsettling. “Miss Graystone~!” The maid wailed, kneeling over the bleeding corpse of the old mare Mistress had taken the most valuable information from in the kitchen, and she paled under her coat of fur while more of her sanguine flowed from her slit neck.

{ Why?}

“There’s been a murder!” A guard’s voice called from down the hall, and a said guard, who had no treasonous thoughts at all so he was clean, paused at the sight of the mare. “Damn it, another one! Two murders! Two murders!” He shouted at the top of his lungs, as more calls of other voices echoed through the castle, screaming murder, some fresh screams of fear.

{No! NO! What’s going on?! I just started, I was as absolutely inconspicuous as possible! How could they have known? Are they just cutting and running?} It made no sense Mistress hadn’t encountered anypony that seemed even capable, let alone using mind magic. There was no way that it was a coincidence, something had to have known they were compromised… {but how?}

“Well aren’t you the prettiest Monster I ever did see?” A smooth male voice came from behind her, and before she could even move, a large knife plunged into where her heart would’ve been, clean through her spine, but heart-or-no, this knife was something different.

“AH~!” Mistress screamed in agony, it felt like the blade was trying to literally rip the life from her body. Jeff instantly went limp, his mind breaking from hers. It was terrifying, the sudden onslaught of emotions flooded her as she lost control of her own mind.

“Feel it Monster? A blade that takes all magic of any form, in your back. Only souls can break it from what I’ve learned.” He held the limp Mistress up by the blade in her back, the maid had run off the instant the unseen attacker had appeared. “And you Shifters, you’re all so reliant on your magic you have no idea. I’m surprised you didn’t dissolve instantly.”

“GET AWAY FROM HER!” Mistress took a gasping breath as the huge knife suddenly left her, and she fell to the floor just as a giant swathe of black flames flooded down the hall over her. “Touch our mate again Leon, and thou shalt have thine soul devoured!”

{My hero….} Mistress thought as she panted and cringed, the wound wouldn’t seal, she couldn’t change shape. {I can’t Shift...I CAN’T SHIFT!} “…!” Mistress was about to panic, lowered brain chemicals had spiked, all control of her body was gone, Jeff wasn’t responding to anything! All reasonable thought left her as she lunged at Avarice, finding she could at least shift her teeth, she ripped into the flesh of his shoulder.

In a blind fury she ripped the arm off, consuming chunks of flesh as she went. She was using the fresh biomass to stop the bleeding. The feed back from the wound caused her to convulse on the floor. For a moment she blacked out to the world around her. “I SAID STAY AWAY FROM HER!” She heard Avarice roar above her, and more heat, he was clearly desperate to keep whoever this was away from her.

{I...I just ripped off his arm and ate it, and he’s still defending me?} Mistress asked herself in awe, before she opened her eyes to see the clearly scared and worried Avarice standing over her, his left arm torn off at the shoulder, the rest of it gone; eaten in her rabid desperate frenzy. But his fear wasn’t of her. She bolted up, gasping in pain as she still wasn’t back to normal, and she also froze.

Down the hall, was a platinum-blond human man of fairly impressive stature, definitely taller than her right now. He wore black combat fatigues aside from his shirt, which was instead a form-fitting black muscle-shirt clearly meant to make it easier for him to move aside from his harness over his torso holding various tools, grenades and other small weapons. In his hand however, was the offending weapon that hurt her; a bowie knife...that was it?! However, what really stood out was his glowing purple eyes.

He was Leon S. Kennedy...oh fuck! That’s right! {Avarice is the Merchant! A Resident Evil character! This Leon I’m seeing is the character design from the same game as him; Resident Evil 4!}

“You okay Missy?” Avarice asked, not taking his eyes off the enemy, who similarly kept his eyes trained on them while a fresh arm sprouted out of the torn stump.

“I’ll live, we need to end this fast, and I need to see Star Swirl, something is wrong with Jeff,” She forced herself to her feet. Taking a deep breath she settled on a defensive stance, like riding a bike she prepared for combat.

“How cute. The Monsters found love. How about I help you dance?” Suddenly he drew a pistol from behind him that couldn’t have possibly fit, considering it has a stock, and he shot Avarice through the head from that distance, but Missy’s beau merely stumbled back, and hissed with a gurgle as he regenerated. “No, no, that’s not how you waltz. You have to put a bit of certainty in it.”

“There’s no ending this fast Missy. This bastard’s too strong. We can only fend him off until reinforcements arrive. Then he’ll run. Leon may be a certified badass, but he can’t take a whole horde of enemies at once.” Avarice then split in two, revealing that Crescent was with him too.

“Alright, then no rush attacks, we just hold our own till help arrives. I hate fighting like this.” Keeping an eye on Leon watching where he aimed, prepared to dodge as best she could.

“Aw, she won’t be any fun, she’s already wisened up. How about you dance with me fellas? I think I can accommodate two.” The pistol was gone, and suddenly it was a CHICAGO TYPEWRITER?! “What was it you said? It’s not about shooting, but reloading?” The cheap bastard held down the trigger and a hailstorm of bullets flew down the hall.

Mistress jumped high clinging to the ceiling, aiming to avoid the first volley of lead. Avarice and Crescent didn’t bother though. “What are you doing?!” Her horror was ruined when they stood stock still, the bullets being stopped by a now-visible shield that was around them, and it wasn’t until now that Mistress noticed the shield modules they had on their waists. {Oh~ right, Borderlands.}

“Are you quite done?!” Crescent shouted over the typewriter-like loud firing only for a grenade to bounce off his face. “Shit!” They jumped away, their wings giving them an extra boost that allowed them to avoid the frag grenade’s explosion.

“He can shoot a Tommy Gun one-handed AND throw a grenade at the same time?! HAX!” Avarice shouted angrily before the gunfire finally ended.

“Huh...gonna need to get my hands on some Hyperion tech if it’s that good.” Leon commented before putting his Tommy behind his back, vanishing as easily as it’d appeared. “Looks like range isn’t going to work with you two. But my time’s up. Killed all the loose ends anyway.” He then looked up at the petrified Mistress, and he narrowed his eyes. “Most of them anyway. You already sent the information, so you made my mission pointless. Congrats Monster; you win this round.”

The gunfire suddenly roared through the halls, and Leon bolted down another hall as Loaders stormed after him at ridiculous speed. “Oh~...Mistress...what happened?” Jeff’s voice echoed out from Mistress’s maid dress and she gasped as she dropped to the floor and began happily petting Jeff by rubbing her hands over herself.

{You’re alive! Oh thank Billings you’re alright! I thought I lost you!} Mistress hugged herself, and by extension Jeff, slowly sinking to her knees, holding back choking sobs as tears left her eyes. {I thought you were gone….}

{Should know by now Mistress it’ll take more than that to kill me. Even if it was more potent than a Null.} Jeff groaned as he flung chunks of his own body out, tainted pieces from around the wound. The anti-magic had made them no-longer compatible with his own body.

Before anything else could be thought, Mistress gasped as she found herself protectively wrapped in two sets of arms. “It’s okay sweetie. Avarice is here. We won’t let anything hurt thou.”

“We shall remain here for thee.” Crescent whispered as he kissed her brow, and Mistress couldn’t take it anymore. She wept. She’d hadn’t been so scared or helpless for such a long time. Nothing had outright horrified her and laid her bare like that before, not even the Nulls of her ‘homeworld’ had gotten so close.

“Come dear. we shall carry thee to our bedchambers.” Avarice softly comforted as he moved his arms under her, carrying her bridal style away from the scene, she buried her face in his shoulder and continued to cry, clutching him for a sense of stability to ground herself, to tell her that she was okay, that he could protect her. No matter how much her rational mind screamed in terror otherwise.

It felt good to cry like that, to not have to be so strong. She had been strong for so long, even with her own princesses helping her, she had felt like an older sibling. Now she could finally let someone else be strong, to let the weight of the world off her own shoulders for a bit. Sniffing, she looked up at Avarice, in a soft tone that he had never heard before, “Thank you, Avarice. Thank you so much.”

With that she let the adrenalin stop flowing and fell fast asleep in his arms as he muttered sweet nothings in her ears.

Chapter 20: Nonsense Part2

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Avarice and Crescent were both laying in a huge lavish bed, snuggling the shivering form of their lover Missy. She’d stopped crying and fallen asleep a while ago, but they didn’t have the heart to leave her, and their other lovers agreed she needed affection right now, especially considering what she’d been stabbed with.

Leon lost his knife in a parkour technique to get around a blockade of loaders keeping him from a door, and the claptraps who analyzed it found it was a mix of high-carbon steel and orichalcum. All the sharpness and anti-magic of oricalcum with the durability of steel. Lovely. Fuckers were getting more creative with the damn alloy.

Missy whimpered in her sleep, and Avarice held her closer to his chest. “Hush little one. We are here. Let the nightmares not take thee.” He kissed her brow and she seemed to calm down a little, so Avarice took the chance to look up at his literal other half in concern. “How are we going to keep our mates safe if that fuck Leon and his ilk can still pop in and stab people in the back like it’s nothing?”

“Constant vigilance? Av, I’m as clueless as you are. We already have a robot army, which has been freed up recently from the land campaign against Bullgaria finally over with, but they’ll be needed there to help the minotaurs maintain order during the transition, maybe even rebuild if they shift programming to FIX Loaders for the construction. What we need is some sort of ‘area denial’ for folks like Leon who can warp around.” Crescent mused, getting Avarice to heavily consider the idea until Missy moaned and got their attention.

“Ugh...what hit me?” Mistress asked as her form was completely reverted to her native humanoid shifter form with her blond hair and slitted eyes. Blinking she looked up seeing Avarice and Crescent snuggling with her. Clutching her head in pain when the memories returned she tried to bury her face in Avarice.

After a few moments the pain finally subsided enough that she could think again. Deciding against magic for right now she check with Jeff. How are you Jeff?

Doing better now, still some pain. We should speak with Avarice and Crescent about what happened and see what we can come up with. They were talking about a null area while you slept Jeff quickly responded, he had been awake for a while but chose not to tell Avarice as he only wanted to hold his Mistress.

“One of our enemies by name of Leon S. Kennedy. Since the day he appeared, he’s obviously been out to end us or otherwise hinder us. He used a bowie knife made of an orichalcum/steel alloy. Orichalcum, in this world, is known as the God-Slaying Metal, and has been used extensively by our enemies; Die Leucht. It’s basically the ultimate anti-magic material. Anything and everything magical it comes in contact with simply ceases to be.” Crescent informed, as Avarice nuzzled her.

“Well that explains alot, I wish I knew how it defined magic. I was taught that everything is magic, literally everything, from reading a book to throwing a punch.” Mistress sat up propping herself against the headboard.

“Well in that case, I hope and pray none of the stuff makes it into your world, it’d probably just eat a hole to the core of the world and implode it then. It considers any and all active energy to be magic. It stops electricity too. Hell, if I could test it on radiation, I might even use it to accelerate my world’s recovery.” Avarice informed, Crescent running his claw through her hair.

“Well there must be a limit or else molecules would cease to be and it simply existing would cause explosions.” Missy stated, and the two great beings looked at each other, and sighed.

“Technically, it does, but in reverse; it implodes. That shock you felt? That was the sudden loss of magic. It’s simply there, and gone the next. It’s like the orichalcum consumes magic. Tests performed at our labs on Maui show that when it comes in contact with active magic, the alloy actually becomes denser.” They instated, but Missy shook her head.

“What I am referring to is you said that the blade was made of a steel compound correct?”

“Not really. Orichalcum itself is an alloy of unknown make. We can’t figure out what it’s made of, no tests are conclusive. What you were hit with was an alloy mixed with another alloy. The fact that they could do this is just rage inducing.” Avarice seethed, his love of the Craft rising up in protest of mixing alloys so casually.

“Ok but you said steel was used with it, just as an example, if the material could stop electricity completely then the bonds that make up the blade would break as the molecules fall apart. Good day it gets hot and turns to dust, bad day fire or explosions. Not arguing that it has some nasty field just that there is a limit. If you can find that limit you might find a way around it.”

“We did find A limit, you won’t like it though.” They warned, their faces grim.

“Try me.”


“... That is incredibly unhelpful, I’m not familiar with any weapons made of souls.” Mistress tapped her chin thoughtfully. She knew of souls, with some help she even had an idea what was going on with hers, but a soul blade?

“Trust us Missy, stay around us or Dox long enough; you find out that souls are very tangible and terrifying things. Dox explained in a Hyperion report that he once trapped a griffon’s soul in an orichalcum dagger, and it shattered shortly after, unable to handle the threshold of his soul since it was trying to consume it, yet couldn’t.” They grimly stated, getting Missy to sigh and rub her temple.

“Still doesn’t do much for our current situation. I’d love a sample to take with me so I can study it further.” Mistress asked as her form rippling as she shifted casually from one form to the next, stretching so to speak, so the hunk sandwich moved away to give her room to do so.

“Well, if you do, considering how your world works, it might just start growing on it’s own, consuming everything. I’d say to let sleeping dogs lie.” Avarice warned.

“I repeat; if what I was taught held true Jeff and I would be dead and dust. So it must not consider certain things magic.”

“But what if the rules change per universe? For instance; you may be able to change all you want here as you do back home, but do you feel any magic strain in comparison? Is it more or less? Do you feel a difference in the air, the feel of the magic?” Crescent prodded seriously, this was orichalcum they were talking about, not some benign alloy.

“Different yes but the channeling feels the same. “

“Then there’s too many similarities for me to let you risk it. It could suddenly start growing, and eat it’s way to the center of your world, maybe even for a black hole if it gets dense enough.” Avarice stated in concern.

“I could always drop it back in the void if that happened. Whether you let me or not I plan on getting my hands on some.” Mistress said with a determined look on her face.

Avarice and Crescent sighed. They knew when they would get nowhere with a mate, and this was one of those times. “Okay. If we get our hands on anything new you can have some of it for testing. Speaking of which, what did you happen to discover before Leon decided to play Spy and backstabbed you?”

“Well to start with, I sent Sonata a list of Die Leucht members however it sounds like Leon has killed them all. That was not before I got a very juicy bit of information. They have a base in Trottingham, and it is led by a character known as ‘The Gray Stallion’.” She listed off the information as she glomped Avarice for agreeing to share a sample.

Avarice and Crescent both went rigid though, hard as rocks, which she appreciated, considering she liked muscles, but it was more a sign of shock, and if what she saw in Avarice’s face was; pure, unadulterated hate, anger, and bloodlust. “Where.” It wasn’t a question, even though he was gently rubbing her shoulders to try and calm himself down.

“To the Southwest, in the Whitetail Woods. If the geography is the same, I only caught a glimpse before her thoughts shifted.” Avarice and Crescent suddenly jumped out of the bed, Mistress quickly sitting up and getting on her hands and knees as they paced.

“It has been centuries since I read your story, but is that where they kidnapped you?” Mistress asked reading the behavior trying to find out what was wrong.

“No, that fuck snatched me up by holding a hostage in a dive bar in Trottingham. Should’ve done it. Should’ve killed him. Fuck, but the hostage….” Avarice sighed as he buried his face in his hands and Crescent pat his shoulder.

“They would have done it Avarice. You saved that mare’s life.” Crescent reminded, and Avarice sighed again before he nodded. “We fly for Whitetail Wood. They will all die before week’s end.” They then looked to Mistress. “I know it’s so soon after a traumatic experience, but do you feel like getting some justice?”

Mistress smiled a big and wide smile, shifting to make it larger with serrated teeth like Avarice and Crescent’s own shark teeth, but smaller, better for shredding. “Oh trust me I am beyond justice, I am ready for a proper massacre, they almost killed Jeff, I am fucking pissed.”

[I love you too my Mistress,} Jeff thought to Mistress before adding aloud, “They hurt Mistress. Jeff will eat hearts, eat testicals, eat overies, Jeff eat them all.”

“Then let’s go. We have fuckers to slay and prey. Quite literally.” All of their mouths glistened, their teeth sharp. The prey poked the predators, and now they were going to pay the price.

[ $ ]

“I can hear their thoughts this way.” Mistress pointed a armored and clawed finger in the direction of the thoughts. She had shifted to have Jeff armoring her body and able to move her to dodge if needed, she was also in her base humanoid form. They were already well into the woods beyond where any civilization like to travel, however it was still close enough that they wouldn’t need to camp. But then it just kept far out are they? And the thoughts are getting louder, but I don’t see any smoke from fires, or anything but trees and more trees.

“Then we must be getting close by now. Stay alert. For all I know, they’ve probably made orichalcum ammo for their shotguns too.” Crescent warned, Avarice was too furious to speak without shouting right now, so he just kept his eyes firmly ahead.

“If you don’t mind I’m going to read your surface thoughts, having the extra perspective in battle could be key, and I don’t know if the orichalcum will negate my mind reading powers if they are armored.” Mistress stated feeling tense, the thoughts were very close, however even with enhanced vision and Jeff looking out she couldn’t make out any location.

‘Sure, whatever. Just don’t dig too deep, fantasizing.’ Avarice warned in his mind as he opened up a bit to Mistress, but images of ripping apart a gray unicorn stallion with his bare claws still flashed across the connection. ‘Sorry, trying to keep my sexy thoughts suppressed.’

“Ah you are so much fun.” She sighed amused by his thoughts.

‘If you think that’s fun~.’ Flashing images of ripping out his ribs one at a time as he laughed came over the connection, and then was followed with him rubbing the stallion’s blood all over his body.

“Yes, yes that is fun, but focus. Something is wrong, for one I can hear the thoughts, but they are… I guess muffled is the best word for it. I feel almost as if we… are….” Mistress looked under her feet. Her eyes wide with understanding. “They have an underground base.”

All of the thoughts made sense in that concept, artificial lighting, the strange devices. These creatures were very sick, twisted monsters. One mind rang out stronger than the rest, a mind screaming in agony, resignation, and despair. Wishing for it to end. Crying out a name she was beyond familiar with. Begging for someone to save her. “Avarice, I think-.”

Avarice suddenly tackled Mistress aside, and a huge spear with a disconcerting green head plunged through his shoulder. “Shit! Ambush!” Avarice shouted as he easily ripped the weapon out of his shoulder, the wound gushing blood a few moments before closing back up, seeming like it didn’t want to heal right away. Or rather couldn’t.

Mistress reacted quickly using Jeff’s eyes on her back she launched a bone spear tendril into the eye of the nearest target below, which had just uncloaked from the tree-line high illusion spell that was rapidly deteriorating once the magic-eating metal had gone through it, revealing the huge area of forest under them was actually a giant clearing, practically FILLED with fully armed and armored enemies.

“Buck you…” Mistress whined. “Why are there always so many?” Dodging another spear, she ripped it out of the air before turning it on charging minotaur as she dropped to the grass while Avarice and Crescent roared, turning into verdugo before dropping into the field too. As the minotaur charged she forced the spear’s butt into ground letting him impale himself, but still had to dodge as the bull-headed idiot tried to smash her with his black hematite warhammer before he collapsed.

{Mistress there are more than we thought, I’m calling LT. CMD. Sparkle.] Jeff stated channeling his will into the golden medallion. {</span><span class="c2">Sparkle, Mistress and I are in need of help, we are under extreme fire, hundreds of enemies.}

{Roger will be there in a moment with back up, toss the Medallion somewhere for me,} a voice replied from the token. Jeff tossed the medallion straight up in the air. It started to ark with electricity sparking with purple lights. Nine gray stones with red symbols appeared in the air just above the medallion, more stones spun out forming a perfect ring. Arrows tipped in orichalcum began flying towards the ring, only for Mistress to deflect them with flesh whips.

This drew the attention of more soldiers, Griffons took flight diving at the portal, forcing Mistress to divert them, launching bone spears at them, some were winged falling to the ground as others continued forward.

Red runes spun around the stones before locking in place, then a blue poof shot out, engulfing a squad of griffons flying at it, stabilizing into a blue wavy portal, the griffons no where to be seen. Soon a large tube shaped ship came flying out of the portal. It remained high above as the portal winked out of existence. The medallion fell into Mistress’s grasp as she dodged another attack.

One of the Verdugo screeched as it ripped through several earth pony soldiers, viscerally slicing them open, biting chunks out, while the other took more time, specifically, to rip his victims in half from the shoulder down, hissing and shrieking in glee even as blades sunk into his chitin.

Mistress sidestepped the hammer of another Minotaur, pushing on it slightly so it crushed a pony. Jeff winced in pain as he was nicked by a blade. Reddish gray ooze seeped from the wound. A spear almost pierced her shoulder, forcing her to shift a hole for it to pass through, then sealing around the wooden shaft she ripped the weapon from her foe.

Then the gunfire started, and not LT. CMD. Sparkle’s advanced kind.

A flechette shot ripped into one of Mistress’s tendrils sending it falling to the ground, a almost necrotic effect began crawling down the tendril before Mistress cut the appendage off. “Now they shoot it from GUNS?! Mother fuckers!”

“CHEAP! ASSHATS!” Mistress heard Avarice scream elsewhere. “I’M TAKING ALL OF THOSE GUNS! I MADE THEM DAMN IT!”

Shots rang out as a few of the shotgun wielders dropped, large holes in their heads where sniper fire had taken them. High above the battlefield the puddle jumper flew in an erratic pattern as an alicorn in a high tech suit of N7 like armor held a sniper rifle while braced on the open back deck. Shots of highly accelerated sand grain-sized material was shot at targets around the two shifters, ripping through the ponies like their armor wasn’t even there.

{I love that mare.} Mistress thought as she dodged a set of talons wearing orichalcum clawed gauntlets. The distraction cost her, letting the griffon rip into her arm. Screaming in pain she bit into his throat, ripping it out and swallowing, She discarded her now useless limb by simply cutting it off as it crumbled into dust and sprouted a new one. She’d burn through all the mass she gained from the yeti at this rate!

{Mistress keep focus, more targets converging on your location,} Sparkle sent thru her token as she changed to her SMG’s shooting at a group of griffons flying towards her ship, but they fired their blade-filled shotguns and the stuff stabbed clean into the advanced alloy like it was a cheap metal. {It would’ve been nice to know they use anti-armor rounds first though!}

“GET DOWN YOU LITTLE SHIT!” A Griffon that had taken off suddenly found a long bladed tail launch up and stab through it, getting a squawk. “GET OVER HERE!” It was yanked back down into the melee, and Mistress had to wonder just how truly pissed Avarice was to just completely go berserk, his thoughts that she could hear were nothing but an endless spiel of curse words, graphic visuals of how to ‘paint’ his next masterpiece, and how fast or slow he should make it even in such a wild and deadly melee.

More shots fired and Mistress lost more tendrils. {That’s it, Jeff; start collecting knuckle bones.} Mistress ordered her partner as she rolled along the battlefield drawing up bodies around her to consume. Jeff began biting off minotaur hands passing the small bones to Mistress after he shaped them to pointed bullets.

Dodging another warhammer Mistress hollowed out the bones in her arms and rifled them, before absorbing her hands into her body, leaving only gun barrel-like twin bones protruding slightly from the stumps. She began launching high velocity bones into the guards. Their numbers were slowly beginning to noticeably drop.

A few fucking lucky shots from the orichalcum ammo hit the engines for the puddle jumper causing it to start to spin out of control, before it was enveloped in a magenta glow, {Mistress going down, dropping us next to you.}

{Keep your range, I don’t know what these things will do to your shields!} Mistress responded narrowly avoiding a spear to the face.

A pained roar echoed over the din of battle, and a huge swathe of black flame overtook a whole section of the field. ‘Shit! Crescent’s down! He’s back in me but I can’t split in a fight this pitched!’ A shockingly enormous amount of blood suddenly rose from the corpses of the battlefield, and shot everywhere in spikes, forcing Mistress to dodge and Lt. Cmdr. Sparkle to strain in lifting her small ship back up, one of the hardened blood spikes digging into the bottom of the Puddle Jumper. ‘Fucking Vampire?! Really?! Gray is a damned vamp! And I don’t mean one of them sparkly shitty motherfuckers, I mean a legit-!’ A blade of blood suddenly rose above the heads of most and shot a short distance down the field before turning back to liquid. ‘HELLSING ALUCARD LEVEL OF BULLSHIT!’

The claim was reinforced when the most intact corpses started getting up! Asshole! He waited for enough of his guys to die to pull this off!

“CHARGE!” came a battle cry as from the puddle jumper came a human. In his had a beam saber, being used to carve thru the dead flesh. Shots came from Twilight’s SMGs ripping into the flesh of the ghouls. However it wasn’t enough to stop them, the bodies kept coming, an undead swarm of flesh and bone. Because the blood was something else. It seemed to take every path out of the body it could, running in disturbing rivers towards the sound of the epic fight going on elsewhere.

“Damn it! We’re helping the bad guy!” Nuada yelled across the field he cut a ghoul, cleaving it from shoulder across its chest. It’s still attached arm clawing its way to kill.

“If we don’t, we Die, destroy the brains!” Mistress ordered. Hoping that Avarice would survive this, unable to do anything else for him. The group of Displaced continued to fight for their lives, the rest of the living soldiers dying quickly enough as the unseen battle between Gray and Avarice spouted blood and fire everywhere.

However, suddenly, the last of the Die Leucht soldiers and ghouls fell all at once, and Mistress was panting as she looked around for a sight she thought would be a good one, but instead got horror at sight she dreaded, the sound of Avarice’s mental voice was gone too. “AVARICE!” She ran to him, tears in her eyes as she neared him. He was in his preferred mutant alicorn form, pinned by several large orichalcum blades to the grass through his chest and abdomen, his purple Plaga blood rapidly spilling out, but it was already too late.

His face was frozen in a vicious sneer of victory, and in a tense left arm raised above him was the decapitated head of who she identified as The Gray Stallion clutched by the mane in his claw dripping Dox’s rainbow blood, the body barely a foot away from Avarice’s. “No! NO! No-ho-ho-ho~!” Mistress screamed as she leaned onto his chest, weeping onto him.

As a headless gray corpse got up….

[ $ ]

Everything was dark. There was nothing in all directions. Silence. Sightless. Touchless. Tasteless. Scentless. He just was. ‘Is this death? Huh...expected more.’ Avarice thought to himself.

{No kidding. Shit. Done in by a cheap bastard throwing vampiric necromancy powers and bodies at us.}

“You wish.” Without preamble, the set of leather clothing known as Vaga was standing...floating? There wasn’t anything here…. “Sorry kid, can’t let you do that.” Blinding light began flooding everything, searing all sensation. Everything was pain, everything was wrong. “Y’see, I, and by extension; you, are a special class of Void Dweller; the Ascended that, plainly, isn’t allowed to die. Why do you think I’m going to all the trouble to replace myself with you?”

Avarice couldn’t think, or speak. Everything was white. Everything was true. Everything, was Life. “So sorry, but that peaceful Dark? Not for you anymore. Get used to the burning pain of the Light.”

Avarice came to, standing in the middle of a field of corpses, blood, guts, and death. But he also never felt more alive. And he felt sick. He vomited as he fell to his hands and knees. Feeling disgusted, like he was unnatural, an abomination. ‘I should be dead! I...I….’ He was distracted from his horrific loss of his sense of existence by someone grabbing his head and hugging it to their bosom.

“Avarice! I thought you were dead! Then Gray’s body got up and you just, exploded from it, spraying blood everywhere!” He was stunned by her explanation, and she pulled his head up to kiss him, blood or not.

Off to the side, a slightly disturbed Lt. Cmdr. Sparkle looked on, while Nuada was vomiting his guts out away from his alicorn friend, all the carnage too much too soon. “Well...this was certainly a venture that needed my help. Nuada, head back on into the Puddle Jumper what you’re doing.”

“Ugh, sure….” Nuada said crawling to the downed ship.

“Thanks Sparkle, you saved our hides, there is more below. Will you and Nuada keep watch up here?” Mistress asked, a new sense of rage filling her. She was pissed that they had killed her Avarice. And while he may apparently be truly immortal, the fact he was shaking was a sign that it was extremely traumatizing.

“ I here?” More confirmation of his trauma as she took a claw and gave it a squeeze, and a few tears fell from his eyes. “I’m alive? Then that peaceful place...I can’t go to it? Yeah, cool, okay, fine, okay! Fine! OKAY!” He suddenly bolted to his hooves, absolute fury lining his features as information he didn’t have before flew through his mind courtesy of the asshole who killed him. “Entrance is this way. Token force of soldiers, scientists and...midwives….” He growled the last one so harshly Mistress thought a tiger might burst from his chest as he dashed northwest of the clearing, Missy following close behind.

“Yes Avarice, you are here. Now then, there is somepony in pain down there. One last hurrah.” Mistress nodded ripping a patch of sod off a trap door, which Avarice promptly jabbed his claws into and ripped open, lock be damned, hinges too, and tossed it aside before jumping down the admittedly massive hatch that led straight down, and she followed after.

What came next was a slaughter, plain and simple. Avarice destroyed every piece of furniture, equipment, anything, and absorbed his victims quickly, Mistress following suit, wanting to replace the mass she lost to the fighting above, both leaving no blood or bodies, the blood unusually compliant as it practically flew down their mouths rather than spatter everywhere.

It was only after razing most of the underground base even further underground that they finally came to a source of disgusting stenches. The thick iron-reinforced wood double-doors couldn’t hide the rank of death, sour milk, and female semen along with the sharp scent of afterbirth. Inside, they heard nothing but moaning, crying, and whimpering, along with heavy thuds, squelches, and several of them were against the door. “Please...please let me out!”

“...Sharp.” Avarice breathed, and pounded on the door. “Sharp! Back up!”

“Th-that gritty voice! Avarice! Please, no! Don’t! Don’t look at me!” Avarice didn’t listen, her hysteria brought on by disbelief and fear as he backed up, and roared, tearing through the door with his claws like an old wood chipper. When he broke through the locks and he burst in with Missy right behind him, they froze at the horrible sight. “N-no...please...don’t look at me!”

The Die Leucht, the fuckers had caught her, and turned her into this...this, thing. This mass of boobs and tentacles that was almost nothing but womb behind the boobs, a massive gaping vagina at her rear being the obvious point of delivery, as her multitude of black leathery tentacles tried to drag herself into the corner of her pen, for that’s what this room was, and covering her original set of formerly small breasts in shame. “Don’t look….”

“Sharp...Sharp, look at me.” Avarice grew taller as she was 20 feet and filled most of the small chamber, and he stopped when he was eye-level with her, and approached.

“Stay back!” She screamed, whipping a tentacle at him that he let strike, but didn’t even flinch as he approached, and she whimpered, backed against the corner. “J-just kill me quickly, please...spare me….” She closed her eyes, resigned to her justice, when she felt him wrap his big, strong arms around her humanoid torso, and kiss her lips, getting her blank white glowing eyes to flash open in surprise, especially when he darted his tongue in, and she whimpered, moving into him, pressing all eight of her breasts into his body from chest to hoof, her fear soon melting into relief, and her concern turning to joy as she started returning his passion, until they broke away, tears running down her muzzle. “W-why? Y-you should hate me! I tortured you for months! I scarred you! I raped you!”

“That’s all in the past. And you know what else you did?” He soothingly ran his claws up and down her back. “You also gave me something to wake up for, to not just off myself for. I...looked forward to our...interactions more than anything really.”

“I-I thought it was just Stockhorse Syndrome...y-you mean you…?” Sharp Snap asked hopefully, as the monsters that mutated and perverted her body, and her foals into super soldiers had stripped her of everything, her name even. Was he offering her a way out?

Shut up and trust this.” Avarice kissed her, and her eyes shined bright red, and her body slowly relaxed, until it stopped moving, and Avarice’s body began glowing red, too making him gasp as he broke away.

His voice spoke but it wasn’t his, instead it was a velvety and sexy woman’s voice. “Avarice? What...I’!” The light encompassed him, and he morphed in a way that captivated Mistress.

First was the clear shift from masculine, to feminine. His hips jutted out womanly, his rear bulked up in a delicious rounded manner that shredded his magic red pants, which for once didn’t simply regenerate, his waist thinned and his burly upper body slimmed as the mass moved to his chest to hang in delicious K-cup orbs bigger than HER head as the new mare sighed, her hair mostly untouched as she turned to look at Mistress, a coy smile on her beautiful features.

“Your thoughts… what did you do Avarice?” Mistress asked, a slight blush on her face.

“I freed Sharp Snap of her prison of a body. She’s in here now.” Avarice...or would Ava fit better for a mare? She gestured to her heart, her aura going from the pure anger he’d had for days to being that of content, love, and acceptance of who they were.

(Woo! Sexy~! I want to see how much she’ll squeal with a bit of bite-play!) Sharp cheered excitedly as Ava flushed, her new female groin dripping with more than arousal, the scent of a mare in heat swept over Mistress like a tide, along with the thought-speech of the new mare in Avarice’s body/soul/head.

“I wouldn’t mind finding out, after we get out of this hell hole.” Mistress winked at the new form of her lover. The thoughts of this new aspect filled her with desire, Jeff shared his own thoughts with her. “Jeff says he want’s to play too.”

(Can he be the whip~?)

“He says ‘if you ask nicely.’” Mistress continued to speak for Jeff, the battle leaving him too drained to speak.

(Aw~ now where’s the fun in that?) Sharp commented with a giggle. (It’s much more fun to find out if you like it after the fact.)

Alright, Avarice, I, or rather Blue needs your help. Mind coming over real quick and not sending Vaga to do it for you?”

Ava froze, her eyes wide open as they dilated in horror. “No! No, no, no, NO! Now’s the WORST time! Stop! No!” The portal opened under her, and the fiery thing was sucking her down as she flapped her wings trying not to fall through. “If I see you, no, please no!”

“Avarice! Stay calm send me a summon, I’ll come help, stay calm!” Mistress called out trying to reach for Avarice only for the magic of the portal to force her away by suddenly increasing in force, sucking Ava down into the vortex and vanishing. Mistress took out the blue iron brazier and clutched tightly to Ava’s token waiting for her call. Only instead she felt a rumble through everything, and heard Twilight’s voice sound in her ear.

{Mistress, a giant humanoid dragoness has appeared though a fiery blue portal. We are preparing to engage!} Lt. Cmdr. Sparkle called over her token.

{No that’s Avarice! Do not engage! I’ll be there in a moment, just stand by and keep away from her!} Mistress yelled into the token, turning and running out of the room, leaving the former body of Sharp Snap behind.

When she got topside, she had to pause at the sight of the gigantic dragoness easily 50-feet tall a short ways south of the clearing where the forest pretty much ended, and she looked scared, worried, and confused, so Mistress quickly sprouted wings and flew up to her. “Avarice! What happened?! Why are you still so big if you’re not in danger?”

“...I fucked Dox….” Mistress blinked in surprise, but was especially surprised when she put her hands to her abdomen, looking down at it between her glorious chest orbs. “And...I’m pregnant….”

Hoo boy….

Chapter 21: Got Wood?

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It was a beautiful day on the final day of Duncan’s three day weekend. The sun was shining, birds were singing.

They were both endeavoring to keep him from sleeping in.

“Mm...go away sun and song….” Duncan mumbled, adamantly trying to hold on to his sleep in vain for a few minutes, before sighing and sitting up, rubbing his eyes, still feeling tired from recovering from Gilgamesh’s harsh training and then the party he went to yesterday.

“Ugh...that party is insane. Can’t believe I managed to go several hours straight before calling quits.” Duncan had attended the massive party that Pinkie and Boom had organized yesterday. The party had started yesterday after he captured the Song card. They started planning it the evening after Twisted and Duncan had decided on a truce, and it’s been going strong so far.

The party not the Truce, Twisted was extremely off when Duncan saw her yesterday, the little dragoness seeming eager yet anxious around Pinkie, yet would often switch between hanging on Pinkie’s every word and snapping at anyone besides Pinkie out of nowhere, only to get chastised by Pinkie and instantly apologize.

That little femme had such a raging crush on the pink party pony. It almost made Spike’s crush on Rarity seem tame with how clingy the usually violent and lonesome dragoness was.

“Duncan! I’m home!” Came Mistress’s Morning Glory voice after hearing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star a mere moment before.

“In here MC.” Duncan groggily called out, and Mistress poked her head in. “How did-.” Duncan paused, Mistress somehow. “Are you okay?”

The Mistress of Change blinked at her brother’s question. “Yes, I’m fine. Why do you ask?” Mistress deflected, getting Duncan to leer at her.

“You did Pinkie Promise about talking. So spill, something is wrong.” Duncan stated sitting up on his bed.

“Kinda got stabbed with an anti-magic blade. It sucks being reminded about your own mortality.” She stated showing the still red scar that she hadn't been able to heal yet. “The attack knocked Jeff out for a while. So we are kinda just emotionally drained from that. Well, that, and I got to watch my friend die, and violently be reborn from his killer’s corpse.”

“Ah well I wish I could help, what about Avarice, he doing ok? Dying has to suck, but you just said he’s still alive.” Duncan asked.

“He died, came back, is stuck as a girl now. It was a busy weekend. One of these days we will have a proper vacation.” Mistress stated sitting on the end of the bed. “What about you anything fun happen?”

Duncan told mistress about his weekend, including all the details about the song battle, and then the capturing of the song card. He also told her about what was happening with Twisted Spear and Pinkie Pie.

“Oh that sounds like a hoot. Reminds me of a time a Unicorn noble fell in love with a pegasus named Surprise. Man he tried to court her for weeks, before he finally just blurted it out that he liked her and asked, and I quote, ‘How in tartarus’ name do I win your hoof?!’ Maybe I should talk to Twisted about it some time. Give him some ideas.”

“Please don’t, I can only imagine how much of a plot hole she will be if we started interfering in her life.” Duncan pleaded as he stretched a bit and moved to the edge of his bed.

“Fine ruin the fun.” Mistress pouted with slightly puffed-out cheeks in jest.

“Anyways so about home, tell me. Whats going on you said you knew things and have been vaguely avoiding it. I assume to build up suspense for readers.” Duncan implored with a fourth-wall-shattering statement that suddenly had Pinkie Pie putting duct tape on one of his bedroom walls before trotting out the door.

“...You are annoying. However yes, I know things. So to make it simple, after being Displaced I made friends with Starswirl. I explained to him some of what I knew happened at the time. We started researching and tracing any connections I had to universes. Now the Academy I am fine, I could return at anytime, and my time relative is locked in at three days. So I left on a Tuesday, I’ll return on Friday. However that is only for the portion of me that is Mistress. This,” Mistress pulled out a glowy orb with runes on it. “Is our world.”

Pressing a rune on the orb the room was enveloped in an illusion, the background was a black void, with thousands of bubbles floating around, each with a unique, sheen, color and shape.

“So this is a 3d representation of the multiverse. Now obviously there are flaws with that, however for sake of explanation let's go with it.” Mistress explained gesturing to some bubbles. “Assuming each bubble represents a ‘Core’ universe we can see that we are in this one here on the floor. All FimFiction Displaced are in this bubble, it's the My Little Pony core universe. Time progresses so on everything is fine.

“After tracing my ‘Soul Link’ or imprints in my aura and spirit from the part of me that is your twin, we eventually found home.” The ground shifted and the bubbles flew by to a new one. It was a little different in size and shape and had a different feel. “This is the Earth cluster as many call it. Again everything seems to be moving just fine except if we expand the cluster.”
The bubble popped replacing the illusion with a new scene everywhere around were onion skinned bubbles.

“These are the various ‘Earths’ that exist. You will note that one is different than the others.” Mistress stated pointing around the room.

As Duncan looked he found the one different one. Pointing to a spot on the roof he asked, “This one? It isn’t flowing, it's locked in place and seems dull.”

“Yup, that is our home verse. It has been put in a temporal lock. You can look but you can’t touch, no going forwards or backwards. No moving items, nothing complete lockdown.” Mistress emphasized the point by opening the bubble and zooming in on the Milky-Way galaxy, then the Sol system and finally Earth.

Inspecting the orb it was noticed that the clouds weren’t moving, the moon was in the same spot, looking closer Duncan could see specs that were satellites stuck in place. Even a meteorite in mid burn across the atmosphere.

“Wow that is impressive. What could have caused this?” Duncan asked.

“No idea, not many beings have the power, let alone reason to timelock a universe. Also to prove a point, let's zoom in on our con.” Mistress manipulated the world zooming in on the town down to the event center where the convention was being held. Shifting over the vender room there was a black portal on the ground, and the merchant in his trench coat and mask, was laughing.

“Wow they trapped the merchant? Isn’t he immune to these kinds of things?” Duncan asked looking around at the frozen figure.

“Sort of, this is just one merchant, one of his many shards, besides if time were to pick back up he would be freed once again there is no lock on him, we can’t place one either.” Mistress explained.

“Be sure to mention the futility of binding interdimensional beings.” Came the wet, bloody rasp of an entity that made their skin crawl.

“S-sure Eminent Lord Hastur, King In Yellow!” Mistress nervously replied, making the presence vanish.

“What was that about Hastur? Isn’t he a void dweller?” Duncan asked oblivious that the whisper was going to be heard anyway.

“Yes apparently I have earned his notice. He wished I mention the futility of binding interdimensional beings. They can only change states, not cease to be. Avarice is apparently fated to become one of them due to Merchant and one of Hastur’s siblings making a deal about that.” Mistress mentioned worriedly.

“Wait, thanks to Avarice, you’re siblings to Elder gods? Oh that is rich, aren't you lucky.” Duncan laughed at his twin’s predicament.

“Just wait for the wedding! I’m planning their honeymoon to be so~ delectable~.” Came a sultry and inappropriate woman’s voice. “Oh, and there’s the whole inducting her into the family part, that will be a little iffy, haven’t forced a mortal into one of us before.”

“Slaan, I just told you before when bothering Ava’s boy-toy to leave her friends alone.” Hastur returned, sounding angry, and instantly Slaanesh’s presence faded. “Sorry, running damage control, carry on.”

“Ugh...future in-laws….” Mistress groaned as she rubbed her face with a hoof. “We haven’t even talked about marriage and already Avarice’s new family have taken a shine to me.”

“You seem relaxed for having them for in-laws.” Duncan remarked.

“I’ve worked for a few dozen elder-gods for one reason or another, they don’t really scare me. Except when they do that creepy voice thing out of nowhere to remind you that they are watching, that creeps me out.” Mistress stated shivering several times, causing her coat to change colors. “Besides, worst Hastur will do is invite me to a bloodbath, and Slaanesh might make me her new harem toy for a little while.”

“Gotcha, well I’m about done with chaotically aligned beings of power. So go ahead and finish what you were saying.” Duncan asked, trying to reconcile the potential relation to elder gods in his mind.

“Oh? Right, yes, that. Anyway, with this chrono lockdown, we can’t go home, however home will be waiting for when we can release it. Also now that we have access to the multiverse, gaining immortality, youth power seals and more are only a few void jumps away. So don’t worry because one day I know we can get home.” Mistress explained with a smile as she turned off the sphere and returned them to the simple room. “All that aside, life isn’t terrible, so, even if we never do get home...we still have happiness if we want.”

“I want Terra, that’s all there is to that, and you know it.” Duncan stated matter of factly. “Right let’s go check on Twilight and see what she has learned about the book.

“Ah~! The horror! THE HORROR~!” Came the signature over-the-top screaming of Daisy, Roseluck and Golden Harvest, getting Duncan and Mistress to give long-suffering sighs at one of the many telltale signs of yet another Ponyville Catastrophe. Followed by a siren that caused Duncan to sigh again.

“Calling you in?” Mistress asked Duncan.

“Yes, apparently it was a once a week thing before I got here, now they have used it around six time in just two weeks of being here. Shall we?” Duncan asked holding the door open. Mistress nodded, only to see the town being slowly overrun by roots.

Dodging the growing plants Duncan and Mistress ran as quickly as they could towards the Guard’s office. Along the way they spotted Zecora coming out of the forest.

“Zecora, what’s going on?!” Mistress asked the frantic zebra as she dragged a giant sack of her belongings out of the Everfree.

“I am unsure of the Everfree’s sudden actions, I’ve no clue as to what is causing these reactions.” Zecora admitted her ignorance to the cause of all the vines, trees and undergrowth rapidly growing out from the dark forest. “The forest has overgrown my home, and is even pushing other creatures to roam.”

They heard the sound of several beasts roar coming closer to town.

“Kay time limit, Zecora, please head for the guard station, Duncan and I will investigate. Please let them know what has happened. Tell them Morning Glory sent you.” Mistress nodded to Duncan to get moving. Zecora nodded to them and continued running.

Mistress and Duncan began running through the underbrush. The roots, didn’t seem to be malicious in anyway, just growing at an alarming rate. However they quickly ran into the first problem, a pack of timber wolves rushing their way. But oddly, they weren’t attacking, just running as fast as possible, their rotting auras weak and flickering.

“Ah, great, Duncan! Help pin them in! They’ll run straight into town if they’re not looking for a fight!” Mistress directed.

“Kashin Shourai!” Duncan called out, directing his sword to lay a path of fire in front of the wolves. Afraid of the fire they quickly stopped and back peddled and began barking at them from across the fire, only to yelp as vines ensnared them, and they cried out in fear as their dark green magic rapidly faded, and their twig and detritus bodies solidified into healthy, if misshapen, trees.

“Well that was interesting. Something doesn’t like decay.” Duncan commented. The fire putting itself out as they ran past the wolf trees.

“I’ll say. So you’re the expert with cards, care to share?” Mistress asked dodging tree branches.

“What makes you so sure it's a card? Also my bits are on Wood, but I don’t get where it is getting so much power from.” Duncan asked as he thought on it. “The Everfree itself is clearly an extremely potent source of natural mana. All The Wood Card would need is a suitable font of both magic, and water. Anyplace come to mind?” Duncan asked as they both dashed through the rapidly growing jungle, the formerly dark and scary trees growing higher, their boughs thicker with leaves and vines, their scary gnarled trunks seemed happy as they gained a healthy luster to their bark.

“Plunder vines aren’t for another season. Geography has changed in a thousand years, I would head for the mountains and look for a waterfall maybe?” At Mistress’s suggestion, a massive quake shook the whole forest, and they both gawked at seeing Everfree Castle rise on its plateau, a great weeping willow tree of massive size growing along and around it.

“Uh...I think that might be where it is.” Duncan commented, “Now to weaken it for sealing.”

“Not to doubt you Duncan, but I’ve never seen nature magic this strong, how can you seal something capable of this?”Mistress asked watching the tree continue to grow farther and farther up.

“Well it is being fed water from somewhere, so we need to find the source, and then…” Duncan paused looking despondent, “We need to go swimming.”

Dodging around the great tree, they began circling uphill in hopes of finding the source river. Looking under the larger roots Jeff glimpsed a train of water. ‘Mistress below the roots there!’

Good Eyes Jeff,’ Mistress responded, “Duncan get low under the roots, think we found it.”

The trio quickly stopped running, and jumped down getting below the roots, underneath the freshly covered brush was eerily quiet. The tight growth forced them to wade into the river before following it down the stream. Mistress activated a bio-luminescence, allowing them to see.

“Cold, wet, and dark, MC why can’t we ever go anywhere nice?” Duncan asked wishing he had the water card.

“We do, just not with you.” She answered giggling with Jeff.

“Well sorry, someone made me a guard, and I’m not a fan of third wheeling on someone’s dates.” Duncan scoffed as they had to dive under a tightly woven mangrove-like root system and were rocketed upwards through a sort of geyser system and resurfaced for air in a large underwater reservoir that was directly under Everfree Castle with numerous buckets hanging down from the ceiling that were clearly for wells in the cellar of the castle above. “So the tree lifted the castle and the plateau up, but kept the reservoir connected.”

“Looks that way.” Mistress said looking around.

‘Mistress look to the bottom of the lake.’ Jeff told her.

“Duncan down.” Mistress said looking where Jeff was indicating. The siblings looked down and saw a glowing humanoid figure at the bottom of the reservoir.

“Looks like the wood there.” Duncan said nodding, “lucky us she has a gentle temperament.”

“Question how do you plan to seal it don’t you have to recite the sealing spell?” Mistress asked, “I don’t think you’re good enough yet to speak it under water.”

“Jeff, still learning the limits of your abilities, but can you change into a dive helmet and air supply?” Duncan asked looking at his brother’s hair.

Mistress and Jeff blinked several times in confusion. It wasn’t that they hadn’t split up before, just they had never partnered with someone else in such away.

‘Up to you Jeff. I know it's weird sense you don’t know him as well as I do, but we can trust him.’ Mistress stated. She was a little bit uncomfortable with the idea.

“Jeff can do. Not like, but will do. Remind Jeff speak about manners.”Jeff said as he slid off of Mistress leaving her without a mane and tail. He didn’t bother with a form as a kaleidoscope of color and flesh he slithered up Duncan taking the form of an old diver's helmet and a manual air pump.

“Jeff do simple, limited range, be careful.” Jeff explained with a mouth in Duncan’s ear.

“Thank you Jeff.” Duncan said shivering slightly, as he was just starting to get used to the mimic, “Mistress wanna make some gills and join us?”

“I need to stay hear to operate the pump, Jeff is going to be stretched thin with this… Damnit” Mistress cursed at her accidental pun. Smacking her hoof to her face.

“Bad Mistress. Jeff and Duncan go now.” Jeff said out of a mouth on the side of the helmet.

“Thanks Bro, thank you Jeff.” Duncan said and started walking down the slope of the lake in the direction of the glowing figure. Mistress leaned back on her hind hooves and started to press on the pump feeding Jeff and Duncan fresh air.

Swimming deeper into the cavern Duncan was on his own.

“So how is it being attached to MC’s head?” Duncan asked trying to make conversation.
“Good. Mistress give Jeff purpose, dreams, joy.” Jeff replied, a hint of joy in his voice. Duncan felt that Jeff might have wanted to say more, however the mimic left it off there.

“That’s cool. Hey thank you for helping out seriously, and not just with this but with things around the house and for helping my brother.” Duncan said gently patting the side of the diving helmet as he sank further down. As they got closer the wood card turned to look at them, she had a gentle smile on her face. Duncan waved awkwardly as he sank, lifting his sword he smiled and tapped it to the face shield of Jeff’s helmet form.

Wood seemed to understand the intent and bowed her head allowing him free access.

“Wood Card, I command you to return to your power confine, Wood Card!” Duncan yelled his voice muffled by the water. He brought the flat of the blade down on the top of Wood’s head magic spilling forth and returning her to a card form.

Reaching for the card there was a blindingly bright flash and a sharp jerking sensation. Blinking several times to clear the spots from his eyes Duncan took in his surroundings and the distinct lack of a floating feeling. Jeff slithered off him forming into his small ball form with stubby legs. The room they were in was heavily damaged, stone debris lay about everywhere. To Duncan, it appeared to be the inside of a castle.

“Jeff you ok?” Duncan asked getting to his feet, looking around he saw Mistress trying to stand up. She stumbled a few times before getting her balance back.

“Jeff good. Mistress good.” Jeff answered as he walked over to Mistress and encased over her. Extending tenderals along her legs to provide some support. After shaking her head a few times Mistress finally was able to look up at Duncan.

“Well that wasn’t expect what the hell happened D?” Mistress asked looking around the room. “And how the hell did we end up in the Castle of the Two Sisters?”

“Your guess is as good as mine. I sealed the card, there was a flash, a yank and now we are here. However isn’t here up now? Like really far the wood raised it clear above the treetops?” Duncan asked looking out a window, it the trees were now at a normal level reaching high above the roof.

“Ya this is the sitting area to my old room in the castle. Its on ground floor so that I could get to what is hidden beneath.

“Which would be what?” Duncan asked.

“...The Displaced Insurgents Special Controls Operations and Repairs Department…” Mistress answered sheepishly rubbing the back of her head.
“Say what?” Duncan asked.

“D.I.S.C.O.R.D. for short, it's everypony who knows about Displaced and partners. Many ponies in the Ponyville guard are a part of it. Stone Wall, Boom De-yada, even your commander…” She answered walking to a secret door hidden by a decayed bookshelf.

“Uh-hu, and you were going to tell me about this when?” Duncan asked with a deadpan stare at his sibling. The passage was taller than most pony structures and well spaced. Easily large enough for a pony, human, or even minotaur to easily enter.

“He, he,”Mistress nervously laughed. “There has been so much going on, and I kinda maybe forgot?”

“How the tartarus do you forget something like this?” He asked.

“To be fair I spent several decades in the Crystal Empire. Also the organization was self sufficient years before that.” Mistress defended herself coming to a stop at a large steel doorway. She reached up and pulled a lever hidden as an unlit torch. The steel doors slowly opened, with the faintest of sound. Duncan noticed that the torch was clear of dust. Also with the way the bookshelf was most ponies would only have to lightly step around it to get in.

“Ah, still no excuse.” Duncan said playfully. Understanding that for Mistress a lot more time has passed, but not wanting to apologize to his brother. “So looks like the entrance is well maintained. Still used?”

“Jerk. Also yes, yes it is. There are specific orders to everyone here to let the castle fall into disrepair. Less ponies poking noses where they don’t belong if they think it is just a old castle in the Everfree.” Mistress answered. She was currently guiding them down another stone passage, thankfully this one had no stairs. However it was darker, it was only thanks to her bio-luminescence, that she still had going from earlier, that Duncan was able to see.

“Cool so who has been running it while you have been out?” Duncan asked, clearly curious, a fair bit of surprise betrayed on his face, when he noticed the passage had changed and was now steel plating with bright florescent lights kicking on. “When did we?”

“Ya so we haven’t been on Equestria since we walked past the bookcase. Its an extremely well disguised portal, that leads to another world that is uninhabited except for us. Supplies are brought in from all over the multiverse.” Mistress morphed a tendril out of her shoulder with a thumb on it. She pressed it to a keypad at a door they approached. After a beep the door clicked. Jeff followed by forming a tendril and thumb out of a batch of hair. The door beeped a second time and opened to reveal a large room.

The room was huge, filled with computers, screens, and holograms. Duncan even saw what appeared to be some arcano-tech for users to directly connect with the system. Everything was arranged in tiers facing the center of the room where six screens were fixed in a hexagon shape. At each terminal was a being, all kinds, he saw a large portion of ponies, and an almost as large portion of humans. However there were many others, manticores, dogs, goblins, robots, cyborgs, he even saw what appeared to be an angel and demon, sharing tea.

“Oh, they expanded. I like the layout, very modern earth feel. Almost like the old pictures of NASA. Well it has been a few hundred years for them. Expanding was planned for, now let's go meet the one in charge. The creatures with the features. The, quote ‘Man’ with the plan.” Mistress stated clearly as she skipped down the the walkway directly to the center consul.

The moment Mistress stepped past the first row of computers the entire room went silent. Prompting Duncan to jog and catch up with her. As he walked past he heard whispers, faint ones, questioning who he was, questioning who Mistress was.

“Well well well, finally brought your little toy along to play?” A familiar voice called out, seemingly from all directions. It was a voice Duncan had been waiting for, but hadn't expected yet. Looking around he saw all the screens had gone dark. Except for the one of the six in the center. It glowed with white noise. Stopping a dozen feet away from the massive screen, Mistress just sat there smiling. Duncan didn’t trust it, anytime Mistress smiled this much was trouble.

“Ya ya, I know you love the theatrics, and I didn’t leave you time to prepare. Blah, blah, blah. I wanted to stop by in person. Could only get so much info from Stone and the others.” Mistress respond, she saw Duncan looking to her, still smiling she pointed to the screen, indicating he should pay attention.

“Aw why do you always to try and ruin the… fun.” The voice answered, it punctuated the word “fun” by centralizing itself from the large screen and displaying the figure Duncan had dreaded and hoped to meet. If not a few episodes to early. The figure was thin and serpentine. The limbs a patchwork of pieces, each from a different creature. The most noticeable feature was he red eyes, floating in a yellow background.

Duncan jumped enough to trip over his robes,(which had mysteriously dried at some point) landing on his backside. The figure in the screen roared with laughter.

“Hello, Discord.”