
by Dragonfire2lm

First published

the magic of randomness and the personalilty of Pinkie Pie colide in this one Pony.

Light dark.

Surprise wasn't your average Pony, her parents were odd, her family even more so. In an effort to 'fit in' she steals a spell created by her teacher and aunt Twilight Sparkle and travels back in time to make some friends.

It started with a few trips to the past, continued with a fairytale and results in the young Alicorn having to unravel the very history of Equestria in order to save the ones she loves...

Author notes: Tied with my other fic 'Human Nature' as this story will reference characters and events that may/ may not have happened yet in that fic.

inspired by the ask surprise tumblr, and my own ideas. cover art made using General Zoi's ponymaker I do not take credit for it.

This will be a Fanfic unlike anything I've ever done..not since I was eight or something....Enjoy!

Hi Nightmare Moon!

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Author's notes: this will have Surprise coming in during certain episodes of season one and two, so to kick things off, let's have a little fun with Nightmare moon!

if you have any requests on which episodes you'd like to see my version of Surprise in let me know via the comments section. please expect bad grammar and the occasional typo due to my fast typing, I can often skip entire words because of that so just point stuff out I'll edit it.

Oh and this is told entirely from Surprise's POV

"Wow! it sure is dark!" I giggled looking around the town square of Ponyville, all the ponies were gone....where was everypony?

I mean there should be ponies here this was the one thousandth summer sun celebration festival wasn't it?

Aw don't tell me I got my times mixed up again!

"I wonder where the sun went?" I asked myself, using my magic to 'poof' a clock into existence. "It is sunrise..or it's supposed to be...Maybe the sun went on a vacation?"

"Didn't somepony get the memo?" I heard a voice behind me. "Night is eternal, all thanks to me!"

"Hi Princess Luna!" I chirped, she was way taller though...maybe I'm in the future! but I am from the future....GASP! maybe this is my future..or something...

"Luna?" the alicorn-I-thought-was-Princess-Luna repeated. "You dare believe me to be that weakling of a pony!"

Did this mare have a pole shoved up her butt or something? I mean Princess Luna is Awesome! with a capital 'A'

"Are you sure you're not Luna?" I asked.

"I am Nightmare Moon! Queen of the night, and you Dare insult me with talk of that pitiful princess?".

Oooooohhhhhhhhhhhh Woopsie...

"Oh so you're Nightmare moon....NIGHTMARE MOON?!" I couldn't believe it! This sourpony was Nightmare Moon, the pony that tried to make it endless night.

I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Hahahahaha! Boy are you dumb!" I crowed, rolling onto my back as I continued laughing.

"Just wha-WHO DARES TO INSULT THE RULER OF THE NIGHT!" Nightmare screeched.

I leapt to my hooves.

"I do!" I exclaimed excitedly, raising a hoof into the air.

"And pray tell little pony why do you wish to insult your new ruler" the-big-evil-but-dumb-alicorn seethed.

"Uuummmm because you're an idiot that's why" I retorted.

Seriously did I have to spell it out for her?

"WHY?" she yelled.

My usually poofy mane and tail went not only flat but kinda billowy, like princess Celestia's.

No more mister nice pony.

"Well for starters by covering the world in endless night, you will undoubtedly be upsetting the natural sleep patterns of all kinds of creatures, the natural ebb and flow of the tides, Equestria will cease to exist in a matter of months due to the entire pony population starving to death, dying from the effects of sleep deprivation, noctunal predators, complete econonmic collapse...I mean really if your plan was to doom Equestria and every living thing in it then by all means make it last eternal night" I explained as fluidly as possible.

"Huh?" Nightmre moon replied.

"Well that is what happens when you mess with the natural order of night and day" I concluded.

My mane and tail pofed back into shape and I gave her a cheery smile.

"Well nice meeting you miss sourpony, but gotta go home, bye!" I waved at her as I used my magic and with a 'pop' noise I left.

Author's notes: I normally don't do first person but since this was the 'pilot' chapter I thought I'd give it a crack, further chapters will be in third person, focusing on whatever character Surprise chooses to meet.

read and review

Applebuck season-Applejack's hallucination

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A very tired Applejack continued to buck her way through her farms orchard, her rear legs making a suond thwack as they hit their mark on the tree, sending apples raining down to fill the conviently placed baskets below.


"SURPRISE!" somepony yelled, sending the orange pony whirling round in shock.

"What in tarnation?" Aplejack declared as her sleep deprived senses took in the form of the pony before her.

It was a small white filly, about a year or so older than her little sister Apple bloom, loking slightly gangly and awkward on long legs. she had a yellow mane and tail that could only be compared to the fluffy, unkept mess that was Pinkie Pie's hair style.this young filly had vivid purple eyes a shade lighter than vilet that seemed to sparkle with joy and mystery at the same time.

Applejack was also surprised that this young pony had wings and a horn.

"Ah don't mean to rude an' all but who are ya?" she asked this newcomer.

"My name's Surprise!" the alicorn filly chirped brightly.

"An' you're a princess?" Applejack asked.

The filly tapped a hoof on her chin, tounge sticking out of the corner of her mouth as she frowned in thought.

"Well gee I must be, I do have wings and a horn and my parents are certainly magical enough" Surpride replied.

"Well howdy there Princess Surprise, my name's Applejack and welcome to Sweet Apple Acres, the best apple orchard this side of Equestria" The farm pony welcmoed the filly like she would any of her guests, but looked a little confused. "Say uh what's a princess like you doin' all the way out here?"

"Sightseeing" Surprise stated. "What are you doing all the way out here?"

Applejack couldn't help nut chuckle at the question.

"This is mah home and mah lively hood, and right now it's time to harvest all the apples so we can sell 'em, mah job is to buck these here trrees and collect the apples" the earth pony replied, giving a demonstration to prove her point.

"Wow! Can I Help?"

"Ah don't know about that little missy-" Applejack began as the white filly's horn glowed yellow.


The element of honesty's mouth grew slack as an amzing feat of magic happened before her eyes. the small alicorn filly had used her powers to make the fruit on the dozen or so trees closest to them become insanly large to the point where the plants they grew on began to sag from the weight.

"Wh-wh-" she was left speechless as Surprise giggled.

"Do you like it? now that they're all big you won't have to kick the tree, you just pull them down..Hey! you could proabaly make like a dozen more stuff from one apple than what could before! isn't that great?" Surprise rambled.

Applejack was horrified as she looked at her aple trees, it wasn't was all due
She finally put her hoof down.

"Now you see here, this Mah farm and we do things here Mah way! And ah don't take kindly to some pony goin' around using magic on Mah trees" she scolded the filly.

"Oh is that all?" Surprise didn't miss a beat, her tone as chipper as ever. "Ok then!"


In a small flash of yellow magic, the white filly was gone, and the trees al back to normal.

"Now then, time to get back to work" Applejack sighed in relief and turned back to the tree she was working on before.
Only to have her head hit an low hanging branch, the Earth pony's ears rung like somepony was playing wind chimes inside her head and failed to notice Twilight Sparkle approach her from behind.

"Applejack can we talk?" Twilight asked.

Boast Busters- The Great and Powerful Surprise

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It had been nearly a week since Trixie had been driven out of ponyville after the Ursa Minor incident. Determined to continue her career she travelled all the way to Hoofingston to put on a new act. She would become famous, she would become a star!

Even if half of Equestria knew about her flop of a performance at the hooves of Twilight Sparkle, the show would go on!

That’s what she kept telling herself anyway.

She was preparing for her next performance in the small dinged up caravan the town had given her to get ready in before the show. She was wondering whether to do a light show or try the 'rabbit out of a hat' trick again when...


"Surpri- Hey! This isn't the Grand Galloping Gala!"

Trixie blinked and stared at the filly that was looking around in disappointment.

"Where am I?" Surprise asked.

"This is" Trixie replied, but soon regained her composure. "You are in the presence of The Great and powerful Trixie!"

Surprise tilted her head to one side in confusion.


Cue face hoof.

“You have never heard of the great and powerful Trixie? I am one of the greatest performers in all of Equestrian”
“Oh that Trixie, the pony that got scared off by a silly little Ursa minor”

Trixie’s eye twitched.

“You know if you really want to be famous you should stop trying so hard and just have fun, like me!” Surprise bounced a little as she spoke. “All ponies do better if they have fun!”.

“Trixie finds that really hard to believe...” the show pony dead panned.

“Oh it’s easy, here I’ll show you”


In an instant the small trailer was decorated to look like a foal's birthday party, balloons tied down to table legs, streamers dangling from the ceiling and a record player playing a simple upbeat tune.

"Nothing says 'fun' like party!" the foal giggled, and grabbed Trixie over to the small pile of presents in the corner.

"These cannot possibly be for Trixie..can they?" Trixie asked, a small hint of hope in her voice.

"Well of course they are silly! Didn't you read the banner?" Surprise replied, pointing a hoof at the banner above their heads.

It read The 'You Can Do it Trixie' Party'

"I felt like you needed the confidence boost" the small foal admitted with a shrug.

Trixie, the laughing stock of equestria, was being given a pep talk (sort of) by a foal, this one pony didn't care that her lies had put Ponyville in danger in the past, or that since then she hardly gotten any more chances to perform, all this pony cared about was...was.

Making her happy.


Surprise had summoned two slices of cake, and offered one plate of the dessert to Trixie. Wordlessly the illusionist took the offered treat and ate it silently, all the while watching the young Alicorn happily devour her own slice of the sweet baked treat.

It wasn't long before a question sprung into the older pony's head.

"Why?" Trixie asked. "Why do all of this for Tri-me?"

"I just wanted to have fun, who says you get let others enjoy themselves as well?" Surprise replied.

Somehow, even though it came from the mouth of a foal, that one sentence still sounded incredibly wise.

Why don't ponies like me?

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Twilight Sparkle, element of magic and student of Princess Celestia heard a knock at the front door to her treehouse library, and Twlight being Twilight, knew who it was.

"You can come in Surprise. Spike's gone out to pick up a shipment of books with Fluttershy and Applejack, they won't be back for a few hours" the lavander mare replied without turning around.

She heard the quiet and unsure hoofsteps of a familiar filly.

"Auntie Twilight...Can I ask you something?".

"Of course Surprise, you can tell me anything..and you can drop the illusion spell too" Twilight replied with a giggle.

"Oh you noticed..." the filly nervously pawed at the floor with a hoof.

Twilight shook her head in amusement at her niece's antics.

The spell dropped, and while it was the same white filly, there was a few differences, all of Twilight had seen before. First of these was her mane and tail, which was a lot more like that of the royal pony sisters, for it flowed and billowed out behind her.

What was also noticeable was now Surprise had her cutie mark visible. it depicted seven yellow lightning bolts that merged together to form a seven point star.

"Ok Surprise, you mind telling me why you ran away yesterday? Your parents have been worried sick!" Twilight asked.

"I" Surprise was at a loss for words.

"It was bad enough that you ran away but ran away and went back in time, using one of my spells!" Twilight lectured the young alicorn.

"I'm sorry Auntie! It's just...Ponies won't like me if I...You know..tried to be me..." Surprise sniffed.

"You're still upset about that?" Twilight's anger melted away and was replaced by concern for the smaller pony. "Does it really matter?"

"Well yeah it kinda does..I have to always always keep my intelligence hidden, I'm not as smart as you, or the princesses..but I am smart..I have to act like my mother or questions wlll be's not easy you know?" Surprise explained.

Twilight sighed and ran a hoof through her mane. she had no idea what to do.

"Well Suprise have you shown anypony how bright you are?"

"No..." the foal admitted.

"Well try doing that then" the unicorn replied brightly. "Maybe then other ponies will like you"

"Maybe.." Surprise didn't sound so sure.

Twilight sighed again.

"Shouldn't you talk to your parents about this?" she asked.

"Mother was too busy with her latest party and father has disappeared again" Surprise replied flatly.

"Maybe when they have time? Tell you what I'll get the girls together and your father so we can talk it out" Twilight suggested.

"Good luck with that. Knowing him he's bound to be annoying Auntie Celestia" Suprise replied flatly.

Author's notes: decided to make it into a story of discovery for my version of the yellow maned pony, I need a proof reader...and somepony to brainstorm with....

Guilt Trip

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On the outskirts of Ponyville, along the road between the small country town and the big city of Canterlot was a tall shrine made of white marble. Within this shrine two statues stood tall, one a pegasus made of sapphires, the other a unicorn made of rubies.

It was outside this shrine that Twilight Sparkle and her friends met up for meetings, whether they be for somepony's special occasion or for a simple day out, they always met up at the shrine. It was Surprie's first time at the shrine, she stared at the sparkling statues in curiousity. She couldn't place it there was something familiar about them.

"Auntie, why are these statues of normal ponies and not of the Princesses?" she asked.

Twilight looked at the filly, then up at the statues and smiled sadly.

"Well it's a long story, but these two ponies helped out all of equestria long before you were born, and to honour them your father created this shrine, to thank them" the purple mare explained.

"Well of course he did, they saved his sorry behind, that's why!" this exclamation came from a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail.

"Rainbow Dash! How many times do I hav' to tell yah to stop bein' disrespectful!" hollered an orange earth pony wearing a stetson.

"Oh come on AJ! You know it ,I know it" Rainbow defended herself.

Twilight face hoofed. "Every single time.."

The two arguing mares looked sheepishly at Twilight.

"Twilight! How good it is to see you! Oh and Surprise you just look adorable today" Gushed the third member of their group to arrive.

"Um..thanks Auntie Rarity.." Surprise replied, embarrassed about the praise.

"H-hello girls"

"Hi Fluttershy, thanks for coming" Twilight greeted her shy friend.

"Oh it was no trouble at all" the yellow pegasus replied.

"Uh girls..isn't Pinkie normally here by now?" Rainbow asked.

It was then they heard a pair of voices talking further up the road, along with the sound of cart wheels moving.

"Dizzy are you sure you want to come? You can stay at home if you want" the concerned voice of one Pinkie Pie could be heard.

"This is Surprise we're talking about...Just because I exhausted my magic looking for her all night doesn't mean I won't do what I can to help her" a second, weary voice replied.

"That is sweet and everything, but you can hardly move.." Pinkie deadpanned.

"Hence the reason you're pulling me in a cart..."

As they approached, Surprise could see her parents; Pinkamena Diane Pie with her mane and tail straighter than a ruler pulling what could be described as Ponyville's Frakenstein's Monster. The creator of Chaos, Discord was lying down in a cart being pulled by the pink earth pony with an ice pack resting in between his horns. Both looked tired and had bags under their eyes.

Surprise looked down at the ground in guilt.

After greetings were said all round, the group got down to business.

"So what did she do this time?" Discord asked.

Twilight sighed. "She borrowed one of my new spells, and used to travel back in time.."

"I knew it! It was you on mah farm that day" Applejack exclaimed.

Pinkie glomped her daughter, fussing over her.

"Are you ok? Nopony hurt you did they?" Her worry then turned into mild anger. "We were worried sick, Dizzy has been out all night looking for you, I was out all night looking for you! Why would you just run off like that?"

"I just...isn't it hard being all happy all the time?...Ponies just think I'm a version of you that can do magic I just thought if I acted like you..I wouldn't be so left out" Surprise explained.

"You travelled back in time for that?" Discord asked.


The draconequus forced himself to sit up in the cart and looked at the young alicorn very seriously.

"I think a history lesson is in order. Don't you agree Sparkle-butt?"

"Would you stop calling me that!" Twilight yelled, resulting in the others to laugh at her frustration. "Um I mean yes"

"Oh lighten up Twilight, we all nedded that one" Discord replied with a chuckle. "Everypony, meet you at our place tonight, I think this is a history lesson we could all use".

The Brothers Of Time

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Author Notes: Why the buck do so many people dislike this story? Please readers do not just click the dislike button and not tell me why.

When night had fallen five mares arrived at the large house directly across the road from Sugarcube Corner.

"Surprise can you get that?" Pinkie asked, her mane, tail and personality back to normal as she balanced a tray of assorted drinks on her back towards the living room.

Surprise opened the door with nagic to find all fiveof her Aunts at the door.

"Come on in Guys, Mother is just setting up the table" she greeted as each pony walked in.

After the usual meet and greet the group of mares headed to the lounge tofind Discord siting in an armchair with a book resting on his lap.

"Greetings ladies!" Discord cheerfully said as they sat down. "Ready for the lesson?"

"I suppose so..." Rarity mused.

"Excellent " the draconequus replied and doned a pair of shades as he opened the book.

"Oh oh! do the voices Dizzy!" Pinkie exclaimed, one hoof raised in the air as she jumped up and down.

"Only for you Pinkamaena"

"Pinkie" the pink mare corrected.

"Whatever. Now then this, My Little ponies, is the tale of the two brothers of time" Discord stated.

Discord's voice sounded much like an older version of himself as he began to read.
In a land far beyond the reach of ponykind, where the light of day and night moved upon their own will, two brothers of the forset spent their days running across the grasslands and frolicking through the dense forest of their home.

One day the pair came across an elder of their species, a ccreature of wisdom and might far beyond what they could imagine, and upon seeing how the old one charmed the plants and animals with mere words, beged him to teach them his secrets. it was soon discovered that the elder was of mystical race of creatures that were not born, but made. they were beast that had the might and majesty of time at their command.

seeing how eager the brother's were, the elder took them on as his appretice's. as the training commenced a vast difference between the two students became clear, the eldest of the two, with fur the colour of the earth and eyes as gold as the sun, followed the ways of his teacher, understanding that the true power of time was changeing and needed guidence and a gentle hand to keep the chaotic power stable.

The youngest, with fur a lighter brown than compared to his brother and with eyes as blue and cold as ice, saw time as a power source that needed strict and complete control, he soon begun to bend tme to his will, under the belief that everything needed to be in perfect order. The power he gained was tainted and corrupted by his selfish desires, and soon he found the strength to challenge his teacher to a duel to decide to the fate of time itself.

Pure, raw, power clashed with the twisted and semaless flow of the corrupted temporal energy the youngest brother had harnessed. the fight lasted for many days and nights, the efects of the battle was felt far nd wide as the very laws of nature began to distort, to crumble, life itself was at stake. seeing the damage that being done , the wise old teacher allowed himself to be destroyed by the rage and madness of the younger brother, and used the last of his power to spirit the two brothers away from the centre of time to a place where the dispute could be ended without further damage to the universe.

Sadly this only made the youngest of the two more determined to win and so the oldest brother took his master's name, Tempus, and chsed his brother across the stars to try to save the corrupted one's soul from the madnes that had consumed him. In a bid to end the pointles fighting tempus summoned forth the gods of the Multiverse to aid him in his plight, and with the aid of the gods and spirits of his home he sealed his younger brother deep within the temporal abyss, and warned all creatures in exsistence that if time were to be meddled with, the sela on his little brother could break and the cycle of bloodshed and betrayal would commence.

To this day Tempus wtches over all of time, training those he believes worthy to watch over the worlds where time runs of its own accord, where his brother would be most likely to escape.{/i}

Discord closed the book and looked at theponies sitting before him.

"That, little ponies, was just one of the many tales documented by the Alicorn of magice, Arcane"

"But that's not real, it's just a story" Twilight interjected.

"Oh we're all just stories in the end Twilight Sparkle, and most stories do have a purpose, don't they Surprise?" he turned to ask his daughter.

"I shouldn't travel in time any more right?" the foal replied.

"Exactly" Discord answered

Ok yes the fairytale is original, of my own creational, bit cliche, but eh. please comment.