Six Steps To Reformation

by Vinyl_Wubs

First published

Sombra's return brings suspicion, as well as joy. Cadence and Shining are willing to give him a chance, but the mane six are the real group you must convince.

It turns out Sombra wasn't killed with the return of the Crystal Heart, just his evil side! A promise was made by Sombra to Cadence. She asked him to get to know Twilight and her friends, and that is exactly what he will do.

Edited and co-written with TheOnlyOneWhoCared.

Chapter 1: Rainbow Dash

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“After everything he did at the Crystal Empire, I doubt he’s just ‘good’ now.” Dash sighed.

“Oh come on girls, we have to at least give him a chance.” Twilight stated.

“And a chance is all he’s gettin from me.” AJ said. “Just cause he says he’s reformed doesn’t mean he’s a hundred percent reformed.”

“As we’ve learned from Discord.” Rarity nodded.

“And he showed us that he did in the end.” Fluttershy said.

“Exactly. Currently he’s in his ‘chambers’ at Cadence’s castle.” Twilight smiled.

“I’m still not trusting him until we have more than just his word as proof.” Dash stated.

“That’s understandable. I’m not saying to let your guard down, just to be open, alright?” Twilight assured.

“Okie dokie!” Pinkie hopped happily, seeming almost unphased by the fact that King Sombra had returned.

“You’re taking this pretty good.” Dash questioned in a more confused tone.

“I’m just happy I get a flugelhorn!” Pinkie giggled.

“A what?” Rarity asked.

“Oh damn it…” Rainbow groaned loudly.

“There’s my little sis!” Shining Armor’s voice snapped everyone’s head forward.

“Shiny!” Twilight practically squealed as she dove into her brother’s arms and started to giggle as he gave her a hug just shy of bonecrushing.

“Well at least two people are getting something nice from this.” AJ laughed. More squealing was heard, but this time from Cadence. Twilight was wrapped around the pink princess, laughing quietly with her almost immediately. Fluttershy put a hand to her mouth and giggled at the sight of the two princesses hugging and laughing. Fluttershy approached Dash and hugged (because why not?) her friend tightly.

Dash sighed and hugged Fluttershy back. Fluttershy let out a surprised eep as Applejack squeezed the two tightly. Rarity just crossed her arms and tapped a foot to the ground. Applejack rolled her eyes and released the two, approaching Rarity and giving the white unicorn a gentler embrace. Rarity smiled and gave a quiet giggle. Applejack sighed and gave a small smile. “Alright, why don’t we head inside?” Shining shook his head and smiled, his magic pulling his wife and sister (who were still attached to one another) through the front gates. After the three went in, the rest followed. They entered a rather busy dining area with many crystal ponies eating, mingling, and the likes.

“Wow…” Dash said.

“It’s surprising how many people aren’t scared or concerned. In fact, most of them are excited that Sombra is back. I suppose they’re hoping for the best.” Cadence smiled.

“Well… if they’re trustin him to actually be good than maybe we should be too.” AJ said. Several people in the crowd saw Princess Twilight and her friends, the lot of them pointing the group out and buzzing happily.

“After Tirek’s defeat, you’re all pretty famous. You were before but, you know…” Shining chuckled.

“Oh my… I’ve never been famous before.” Fluttershy said, glancing around at the many eyes on her in awe.

“Hey don’t worry we’re all here with you.” Dash smiled.

“Oh, I’m over my stage fright…” Fluttershy reassured. A few moments later she hid slightly behind Rainbow.

“Oh Twilight, me and Aunt Celestia had something to tell you.” Cadence said, the revelation hitting her hard.

“Celestia’s here?” Twilight cocked her head curiously.

“And Luna too. This is something that even they wouldn’t miss.” Cadence said, motioning Twilight to follow as she walked towards the other end of the room.

“So…” Dash said slowly.

“So?” Rarity asked. The room grew silent as a familiar face entered from one of the far corridors. Sombra walked out in his usual armor, looking as fierce as the last time they saw him.

“Well there he is.” AJ said. Sombra glanced around slowly until he met the girls’ eyes, staring wide eyed at the group.

“Come on, lets go talk with him.” Dash motioned as she started to walk towards him. Sombra stood there, staring as the five of them approached, not saying a word.

“Um… Hello S- Sombra.” Fluttershy stuttered quietly.

“Yeah, hey Sombra.” Dash said. Sombra’s eyes scanned the group’s bodies meticulously.

“Something wrong?” Rarity asked uncertainly.

“Hrmm…” Sombra grumbled to himself as he thought. He walked over to the table and poured six glasses of water, levitating them all to the five of them, and one for himself.

“Oh.” Fluttershy blinked a few times, taking one and slowly sipping, a smile coming across her face after. The crowds’ eyes slowly returned to one another as some laughter was heard.

“Well… thank you.” Rarity said as she too took a glass.

“I bet it’s poisoned.” Dash chuckled. Sombra smirked and his purple magic sparked to life, spraying the water from Dash’s glass onto her face. Rainbow just stood there, her hair soaking wet and absolutely stunned. Pinkie giggled absurdly, even with two hands over her mouth.

“Oops, looks like you had an accident.” Sombra’s deep voice laughed.

“Yah deserved that.” AJ chuckled. Dash’s eyes narrowed, staring almost challengingly at Sombra. She walked over to the table and threw a cake at the King, hitting him dead in the chest. Everyone in the room went silent once more, staring in shock at Dash and Sombra.

“Oh… this is bad.” Rarity said. Sombra took a small piece of the cake and ate it.

“Mm… Chocolate.” Sombra grinned.

“Heh… didn’t work out too well.” AJ laughed. Dash grumbled to herself and the rest of the crown just started to laugh.

“So I assume you five will be staying here the night? Or did Princess Cadence not mention that?” Sombra questioned.

“Oh, I don’t believe she did.” Rarity blinked a few times.

“Ah well, no one is forcing you to stay. You may leave at any time.” Sombra assured.

“Well I don’t see why we shouldn’t stay the night.” AJ shrugged. Sombra gave Dash a sly look before turning and walking to the hall.

“I’m going to wash off. Feel free to join me.” Sombra added.

“And why would I do that?” Dash questioned.

“Well it is your mess, you should at least accompany me. But it’s your choice.” Sombra said half-dismissively.

“You ‘are’ the one who threw a cake at him… Maybe it would be nice to get to know him more, maybe apologize?” Fluttershy suggested quietly.

“Fine.” Dash groaned as she reluctantly followed Sombra. He entered the washroom, which was large and elegant to say the least. Dash walked in and leaned against one of the walls. He glanced down at his armor and clothes, everything above the waist covered in baked goods. Sombra sighed and his magic did its’ best to get as much off as possible. Dash remained silent for another few moment before saying, “I’m sorry.”

Sombra responded by flicking a chunk of cake onto her face.

“Obviously you aren’t.” Dash grumbled as she wiped the cake off. Sombra started to laugh, continuing to clean himself off. “Yeah, just laugh.” She sighed, rolling her eyes.

“It takes a lot to tick me off, you are not one of those things, and neither is cake.” Sombra assured, eating another small piece.

“Well I’m glad I’m not one of those things.” Dash said. A few straps on Sombra’s armor clicked and his upper outfit slid off to the ground, leaving his rather scarred chest and back open to the air, revealing the many muscles around his fit body.

“I’m just going to shower. You can wait outside if you want.” Sombra suggested. “If you want to until I get in, or entirely. Your choice.”

“I’ll be outside then.” Dash said. She stepped out of the washroom as he took the rest of his outfit off, and shortly after, she heard the shower click on. She leaned against the wall and sighed.

“So, I take it you’re the more athletic pony of the six?” Sombra called. “You certainly look the part.”

“Yeah, I am. And thanks.” Dash said.

“I am in the shower, you may enter if my presence doesn’t disgust you too much.” Sombra added. Dash walked back inside and lead back against the wall.

“You aren’t disgusting if that’s what you’re getting at.” She said.

“Everyone has their opinion I suppose.” Sombra mused.

“Yeah, that’s true.” Dash laughed.

“I’ve heard great things about you and your friends. You battled with Tirek I see?” Sombra asked.

“We did.” Dash said.

“And how did that go?” Sombra asked, seeming more genuine than rhetorical.

“We sent him back to Tartarus.” Dash shrugged.

“I see.” Sombra said, leaving the two in awkward silence once more.

“Well then…” Dash said in an attempt to break the silence.

“So what do you do? Besides saving the world, of course.” Sombra asked.

“I do a lot of training.” Dash said. Sombra gave a chuckle before continuing his cleaning routine. “What have you been doing since you’ve returned… again?”

“Not much. The ponies of this land are surprisingly calm of my presence. Is there a reason?” Sombra inquired.

“They’re hoping you really are good.” Dash said.

“An innocent thought, but I don’t deserve the chance.” Sombra said. Dash could hear the emotion simply fade from his tone.

“Hey… most thought the same about Discord, but her was good in the end, too.” Dash explained.

“But what I did was monstrous, I enslaved, hurt…” Sombra continued on. “Discord is a child with too much power… I knew what I had, and I abused it. I built a kingdom and brought shame to it, and to my people.” The pain in his voice becoming almost unbearable.

“Well… I’m pretty sure they’ll forgive you, if you just try.” She reasoned. There was no response from the dark unicorn, only silence. “...Somba?” She asked.

“Yeah?” Sombra asked quietly after a short pause.

“You alright in there?”

“I’m fine.” Sombra assured, his tone slowly returning to its’ normal stature.

“Okay...well, don’t worry. I’m sure it’s all gonna turn out sunshine and rainbows.” She assured him. There was another few moments of silence before Sombra spoke.

“Are there any towels in here?”

“Eh… actually, it looks like the towel closet is out here. Want me to bring you one?” Dash asked, walking towards it already.

“Unless you want to see me naked, sure.” Sombra joked with a laugh.

“Nothin’ I haven’t seen before.” Dash chuckled out. Going into the room, she walked over to the glass wall, tossing the towel over it to the blurred black figure on the other side. He grabbed the towel after turning the water off and started to dry.

“Oh, so you get many suitors?” Sombra wondered aloud.

Snorting, Dash responded, “No. I have had a few rolls in the hay, though.”

“Only a few?” He chuckled, stepping out with the towel wrapped around his waist. She saw his still wet and matted down hair. It was perfectly straight, long black hair going down to the center of his back. Dash’s heart skipped a beat for a reason she couldn’t quite find.

“U-uh… well...I mean, I’m not as good looking as somepony like Fluttershy. Now, she hasn’t had any, per se, but it’s because she’s shy. “ Dash said.

“Is that so?” Sombra raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah. She’s got just about everything stallions want: wide hips, big plot, large breasts, she just got amazingly lucky with her genetics.”

“You sound jealous.” He pointed out as he approached the door.

Dash blushed. “I-I… well, I might be.”

“Well, I think you look perfect.” Sombra added as he left the room, leaving Dash alone with those words to stew.

Standing there a moment, Dash blinked, before running out after him. “Hey! You can’t just say that and then run off, you!”

“Why not? I can’t state the obvious?” Sombra questioned, glancing back at her for a moment before continuing on towards his chambers.

“Well… yeah, but you can’t just say you think I’m pretty and then walk off!” Dash retorted.

“I’m naked, and my armor is covered in cake.” Sombra added.

“My point remains!”

Sombra stopped and turned to her. “Alright, I’m not walking. Now what?” He asked.

Dash opened her mouth to say something, but stopped, mumbling, “I don’t know...I didn’t think I’d get this far...uh...e-explain yourself!”

“Alright. I’m Sombra, I used to be a corrupt king that ruled its’ servants with an iron fist.” Sombra went on.

“You know I didn’t mean that!”

“I can’t make an observation? Your body is that of a model, with wings and muscles of a top class Wonderbolt. What else should I say?” Sombra asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I… I don’t… aaargh! You’re not even evil, but you’re still infuriating!” Dash said.

“Because I’m forward with the ponies I’m attracted to?” Sombra started to laugh. “You’re a strange one.” He continued to walk toward his room.

“And what do you mean by that?! Do you wanna date me? Do you wanna go out for drinks? What?!” Dash asked, throwing her hands into the air.

“Whatever is comfortable with you. Does everything need to follow the status quo?” He questioned. “Can I not simply be attracted to you? Am I not allowed to say it? If you had a stallion, I wouldn’t have said it.”

“What the… how did you know I was single?” She asked, suspicion entering her tone.

“Because you act like it. You lack confidence in yourself, compare yourself to someone vastly more endowed. You don’t see yourself as someone who has had a serious relationship. And earlier you never mentioned that you were currently seeing someone, only that you had been with stallions before… Which even now, I am doubting.” Sombra said, stopping and turning to her again. “You’re still acting like it. You can’t take a compliment without assuming the worst, or that I’m trying to take advantage of you. What I want doesn’t matter, I’m just telling you you’re beautiful. I can tell you’re a competitive Pegasus, but not everyone is your enemy.”

“I… you… bucking...ugh!” Dash stammered out, flying off.

“Tell me I’m wrong.” Sombra shouted.

“Buck off!” Dash shouted back. Sombra sighed and entered his room, closing the door behind him. ‘I don’t need him to judge me. He’s Sombra, I’m Rainbow Dash. I’m the most awesome pegasus who’s part of the Wonderbolt’s reserves. Who is he to… to compliment… me.’ Her thoughts trailed off slowly. “Oh… oh shit… Sombra?”

There was no response from his room.

“Sombra! Get out here!” Dash yelled, knocking on his door.

“Gimme a minute.” Sombra responded.

“We gotta talk!”

“Well I’m not stopping you.” He added.

“Face to face, I meant!” She said.

“When did you let a door push you around?” Sombra laughed.

“Ugh, fine!” She said, barging into his room. “Now, I came in to saaaa…” She trailed off. Sombra was standing at the closet, his eyes scanning the many outfits in the storage space. The towel that was the only thing keeping her from seeing his lower half was on the bed. She saw the sculpted body, along with the sight of his toned ass.

“You came to saaaa?” Sombra mused, seeming more focused on the new wardrobe he had to work with.

“I… I came in to say that I was… sorry.” Dash said, blushing. “I’m sorry for going off on you like that earlier… and that honestly, you were right. I’ve never actually had any “rolls in the hay” or anything like that.”

“It’s fine. I’m used to being yelled at. I doubt you’re really like that to your friends, not so much to villanous dictators.” He reassured. Sombra said that in a way that seemed almost unphased by the words, seeming to accept his cruel past (however reluctant he may be to do so).

“Hey! Self hate isn’t good for anyone, so don’t do it!” Dash said.

“I’m not. I’m just stating a fact. I used to be one, but I’m still a fairly attractive unicorn with the attention of all three… I mean four, princesses. And every kingdom in between.” Sombra grinned.

“And humble, too.” Dash grumbled. Sombra just started to laugh, shaking his head.

“So since you love seeing me naked, should I even get dressed?” He asked with a sly look as he peeked back at her. “You’re obviously enjoying the view.”

“Sh-shut up! I’m only here to apologize, not look at your tig- your ass!” Rainbow yelled, blushing harder. He finally turned around to face her, revealing the ‘king’ sized chocolate bar below.

For a moment, Dash continued to glare at his face, before her eyes trailed down his body to his royal scepter down below, the size of which made her jaw drop. “Then how about you look at something else?” He teased.

Unable to respond, Dash just looked back up at his face, and then once more to his dick, repeating the process several times. Finally regaining the ability to speak, she asked, “How… that’s… that shouldn’t even be possible!”

“After what I’ve heard about you and your friends, I believe the realm of possibility is how you say… out the window?” He joked with a soft chuckle. Sombra took a seat on the edge of the bed and motioned her over. “Why don’t you take a seat?”

“Don’t tell me you expect me to- ...oh. Eh, s-sure.” She said, sitting next to him.

“What? Did you have other ideas?” Sombra inquired.


“Oh really? You’re sure there isn’t anywhere else you’d like to sit?” He teased, moving a hand up and slipping some loose hair behind her ear. “There’s a lot you and your friends could teach me, and I promised Princess Cadence to get to know you all.” He assured softly, his tone becoming more kind and caring. “If you want to take this slow, I will.” Sombra continued. A shiver went through Dash’s body, his assertive attitude saying this was going to happen, even though she knew it was her choice.

“I… y-yes…” Dash stammered out. Sombra smiled and wrapped an arm around her waist slowly.

“Do you want me to put my clothes on?” He asked the practically rhetorical question.

Dash said nothing, merely shaking at his touch. “No one is making you stay, and I wouldn’t dream of harming a pegasus of your stature and prowess.” He complimented.

“...Keep you clothes off.” Dash said. Sombra tightened the arm around her and she felt his skin press against what her almost skin tight clothes would allow. Leaning into his grip, she smiled at the feel of his mane, the long strands of it brushing her neck ever so softly.

“Has anyone told you how mesmerizing your hair is? I can’t imagine how such colors could be weaved onto skin so smooth without even a single flaw.” Sombra added in his deep, but soft tone.

“Yeah, well, compliment my parents on that. they’re the reason why I’m so awesome.” She murmured. Sombra’s smile grew wider, his hand slowly raking through her rainbow hair and taking in the silky feel of it. Dash purred at this, much like a cat.

“What do you want to do first? We could just stay here awhile, if that is what you wish.” Sombra asked.

“Hmm… let’s just stay here… you make a good pillow, anyway.” Dash said. Sombra tilted her head back and made sure she saw his smile. He brought her hand up and kissed it gently.

“Your wish is my command.” He assured.

“Mmm… then lay down, I’m getting tired of sitting here with nothing supporting me.” Dash said, beginning to lean back. Sombra followed, holding her body against his as he felt the sheets caress his back. He continued to massage her scalp gently with his fingers. Rainbow was definitely not used to this kind of treatment, feeling as if she was about to melt completely.

“Mmm...if you’re gonna keep this up, I don’t think I’ll mind you being so annoying…” Dash said.

“Oh?” He inquired further, kissing the top of her head gently.

“Yeah… having my own personal masseuse and cuddle bug will even it all out.”

Sombra grinned at her choice of words. “Cuddle bug?” He attempted to stifle a laugh, failing miserably.

Peeking open one eye, Dash looked at Sombra, saying, “Yeah. Unless you’d rather be cuddle king, then?”

“Much better.” Sombra shook his head, holding her a little tighter.

“Mmm… well, you’re certainly soft enough for it…” Dash reasoned. Sombra’s eyes narrowed slightly as he stared at her, the comment seeming to challenge him.

“Well, you’re not helping.” He joked, giving her breast a gentle squeeze.

“Eeep!” Dash squeaked out, lightly slapping his hand away. “I thought you said slow!”

All Sombra could do was snicker at the reaction, returning to hugging her and holding her head gently to his chest.

Cooing, Dash snuggled a bit further into him, his warm skin heating up hers. “So, why don’t we start?” He suggested, tilting her head up slowly and bringing her lips to his.

Raising an eyebrow, Dash broke the kiss for a moment, saying, “And they call me fast…” Before once again locking lips with him. His hand ran slowly down her arm until it was interlocked with hers, gently squeezing with his warm, but firm grip. He pulled away, letting the first thing her eyes see when they open was his.

“If you’d prefer to stop…” He suggested, never breaking her gaze.

“...No…” She breathed out. Dash was slowly moved to his lap as he sat up, his lips sending sparks through the skin of her neck as it touched the area just below her jaw.

Shivering, she brought her hands up to his head, running her hands through his hair and pushing him further into her. He nipped affectionately at her ear, his hands sliding onto her wings and tenderly preening what he could see of the muscular instruments. Groaning at the feeling, Dash’s wings slowly spread out, the pleasure giving her a quick wingboner. His magic gripped her shirt, slowly pulling it upward suggestively, her body wanting his touch desperately. She was about to say something when the bra clicked, falling off beneath her clothes.

Surprisingly, her shirt ballooned out, her breast going from their C size to a large DD in an instant. All motion from Sombra ceased, his eyes going wide at the sudden size difference. Blushing, Dash said, “Ehm… I was being a bit dramatic when I complained about Flutters being so much bigger than me. I mean, she still is, but… yeah. Uhm, my bra is magic so that when I fly, there’s less resistance. That’s all.”

Sombra’s composure seemed to have broke momentarily, clearing his throat as he nodded. She felt something sliding up her back. “Nothing’s going to happen if I take off your pants, right?” He joked. She shook her head. “Sadly, no.”

“Well you’ve surprised me, that’s rare…” Sombra complimented, returning to peppering her neck with kisses as his length continued to harden. When it was fully extended, Dash felt the tip stop just between the bases of her wings, rubbing them both slightly. “Mmm…” He exhaled, his hands gripping her wings tighter. His magic cut into her shirt up her back, slowly releasing the cloth from her body.

Dash’s shirt finally fell off of her, allowing Sombra to see her large mounds for the first time. His head moved down and his firm tongue ran tenderly up her left breast. Moaning, Dash shifted her wings around lightly brushing the glans of Sombra’s ridiculously large horsecock. Dash was on her back as he moved lower, kissing between her breasts and moving south at an achingly slow pace.

“Gods, Sombra, I know I said slow, b-but…” Dash trailed off.

“Just say the word…” He added, sliding his hands slowly into her pants and slipped them down, just enough for the cool air of the room to hit her hips.

Giggling, Dash said, “The word.”

Sombra’s teeth showed as his smile grew, the scent of her sex flooding his nostrils as her pants slipped down around her knees. “Go on…” She purred out. He breathed out, letting the next breath of air be only her as his face made contact with Dash’s pink slit. She felt his tongue make its’ way onto her runway and trail up slowly, collecting the scant amount of juices already there.

“Haahnn…” She moaned out. Shifting her wings even more, she tickled and teased the tip of his cock, feeling it pulse and throb in her feathery grip. Sombra exhaled deeply from the attention her wings gave, only being pushed to return the favor. His tongue spread her lips apart and the slimey appendage slid in, wriggling in between her walls.

Pausing in her ministrations, Dash said, “S-stop, for a bit.”

All movement stopped from him, his eyes shifting up to look at her. Sombra’s tongue was still in her snatch and he was simply doing as she said, stopping. “Whnah?” He slurred.

“Lemme just…” Dash grunted out. Getting up from his cock, she flipped herself over, giving herself frontal access to his dick. “There.”

Sombra’s tongue went back to work, slipping up and down as it drilled deeper into her canal. Squeaking from the pleasure, Dash looked down at Sombra’s cock, giving it a soft lick on the tip. Sombra’s tongue tensed up, stretching her a little wider before going back to its’ soft cleaning. “Hmm… a king, loves to cuddle, and an amazing tongue… I won the jackpot!” She said.

“You’re gonna get a lot more before the day’s over.” He assured, his tone strong, telling her that she was going to be in for one helluva night. He forced his tongue back into her and ground it around roughly.

She shuddered, the feeling nearly overpowering her, and went back to his cock. Using her tongue more precisely, she began to lap her tongue at his cum-slit, drinking up the delicious pre-seed leaking from the hole. Sombra groaned and pressed a finger onto her joy buzzer, holding it there as his abnormally long tongue pushed further into her tasty snatch.

“Nnhh… Sombraaaa… I-it’s, I’m…” Dash tried to pant out. Two fingers pinched her clit in response, his tongue tearing itself out as he did so. “Nnaaah!” She screamed out. Her marehood convulsed, spraying his face with her juices. Sombra’s eyes closed and he lapped up all the juices that didn’t spill from his face, his hips giving a thrust into her pleasure-twisted mouth. Since it was wide-open from her scream of pleasure, the tip of it managed to slip in, her tongue wriggling all over it. He made sure his cock never left her mouth, a grin slipping on his face and a finger forcing itself between the two quivering walls.

Moaning around the fat obstruction in her mouth, Dash slowly lowered herself further onto it, the tip nearing the entrance to her throat in a few moments. Sombra’s grin grew as he eased himself into her gullet, chuckling lightly and watching his meat disappear.

Stretching her legs out, Dash wrapped them around his head, pulling him back into her needy marehood. Sombra’s arms wrapped around her hips and tightened, pulling her snatch harder against his invading tongue. He hungrily attacked her lower lips, practically begging for more juices to quench his thirst. Quivering, Dash tightened her grip on him, the pleasure once again building in her core. Sombra groaned deeply, she could feel his shaft starting to flare up as he bit down on her labia and nibbled on the lips.

Before he could cum, Dash began to take him down her throat, swallowing around his length as it started to bulge her neck out. The moment he tasted her second orgasm, his own lust began to rush down his swollen cock. She immediately felt lightheaded, but not from lack of air, from a sudden tingling in her stomach that slowly began to fill it. She could feel every pulse of cum going down his cock, bulging it out a little as it all ended up pouring into her stomach, causing her to bloat slightly. Sombra straightened up, observing his slowly burgeoning masterpiece and smirking to himself.

About half a minute had passed, and Dash was amazed by the fact that Sombra had yet to stop cumming, her slightly bloated stomach now about the size of a basketball and growing. Sombra slowly slid himself out and sighed as he coated her in a layer of thick, purple ooze. Coughing a bit from the sudden exit, Dash asked, “Y-your cum is… purple?”

“It seems so.” He mused, seeming as though the strange color wasn’t a surprise to him, stroking himself and continuing to cover her slowly purpling body.

“Is that not… strange to you?” Dash asked.

“No, what’s strange to me is how you’re still talking.” He teased, poking her stomach hard. Her cheeks bulged out as her mouth slammed shut, a bit of his spooge leaking from her nose. She swallowed it back down, gasping as soon as her mouth was empty.

“Hey! That wasn’t exactly the nicest thing to do, was it?” She asked, glaring up at him. He lied himself beside her and pulled her closer.

“You’re right, it wasn’t.” He smiled, giving her a quick but almost dazing kiss on the lips. His hand slowly rubbed her stomach, causing her to moan softly and lean into him further. “I’m sorry.” He whispered.

Softening her gaze, she broke the kiss, saying, “Alright… I guess I forgive you… this time, at least.”

“Great, I’ll be right back.” He said happily, hopping off the bed and walking into the bathroom.

“Wha… the buck, Sombra! You don’t just cover somepony in cum and then… walk...ouuutt…” She trailed off, noticing the pony peeking in the doorway. It was Twilight...and the rest of the Mane 6.

“I… um…” Twilight mumbled.

“I told you!” Pinkie exclaimed victoriously.

“Oh dear… You made quite the mess.” Rarity added slowly.

“Why is it purple?” Twilight asked, becoming less embarrassed and more curious. Fluttershy had her eyes covered entirely, and Applejack was as red as one of the apples on her farm.

“’t… out. Get out. Get OUT!” Dash raged, throwing a pillow at one of them.

“Since you like to cuddle, why don’t we take a shower and clean off. I’m still your ‘cuddle bug’ right?” Sombra called from the bathroom. Everyone stared silently at Dash. Fluttershy uncovered her eyes immediately, seeming a little more interested in the matter as a large smile swept her face.


Chapter 2: Rarity

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The bell to Rarity’s boutique jingled, making her busy face turn into a more relaxed smile. “Welcome to my stooohh… Hello Sombra…” Rarity slowly trailed off as she saw the customer standing in the doorway. His eyes were obviously analyzing the interior, along with all the dresses strung up here and there.

“Certainly a shop I would come to for my wardrobe.” Sombra complimented.

“Well… thank you, darling. I assume you’re here for clothing, then?”

“Of course. My armor should be reserved for special situations.” He cleared his throat, walking slowly around the room and gazing at the racks of clothing, outfits, and dresses.

“I… I’m honored… other than Twilight, I’ve never made anything for royalty.” Rarity stammered out.

“I’m no longer royalty, you shouldn’t flatter me.” He laughed.

“And Twilight wasn’t a princess when I made her Gala dress, you know what I meant.” She giggled out. Sombra’s smile grew.

“You have such elegant wears, they only reflect the master, I can tell.” He added, taking a seat in a chair near the wall. “You’ve most likely been working hard, come and sit.” He urged her over to take a seat.

Rarity was flustered by his forwardness, stammering. “I-I… well, yes, I suppose I have been w-working hard lately… alright.” She said, lowering herself to the seat near Sombra.

“You know, your friend Rainbow Dash has a nature that is unlike her athletic and strong demeanor. It was quite… interesting.” Sombra mused.

“Yes, well, we all witnessed your...intrest… in her.” Rarity murmured.

“My apologies, you must not be used to such crudeness. Why, you have the regal appearance of the highest up in Canterlot. You certainly bring some humble elegance to this town of yours.” He laughed softly.

Blushing, Rarity responded, “I… thank you, dear. I like to think I bring a bit of elegance to this town. It does have this… rustic charm, but everyplace needs some diversity.”

“Absolutely.” He nodded in agreement, continuing to take in the many outfits neatly organised in the shop.

“So, do you’ve any idea what you want?” She asked.

“Somewhat.” He hummed, giving her a quick glance before returning his gaze to the racks.

“Well… can I… hear… them?” She awkwardly said.

“I think you have the eye for detail. Why don’t you show me what you’d suggest.” He nudged her, never taking his eyes off hers.

“Hmm...well…” She started, jumping up and rushing over to the furthest rack in the back and skimmed through it. Sombra hadn’t moved an inch and was sitting in a daze.

“Alright…” He stammered. She returned a minute or so later with sleek red and silver ensemble, seeming as if it was made for him. The fabric was as soft as silk could get, only further complimenting his ‘royalty’. He seemed genuinely entranced by the outfit.

“I found this, and I feel it matches what you currently have. What do you think?” She asked.

“Spectacular! Would you mind?” He asked, pointing to the changing room.

Shaking her head, Rarity said, “Of course not! Go ahead, I’ll wait here.”

Sombra took the outfit and walked into the solitary room before stripping his clothes off. Taking a seat, Rarity began reading one of the nearby magazines on the table where customers would normally wait. The sound of the door opening made her smile return. “So, how is it deeahmm…” She trailed off as the glanced at his casual, yet somewhat regal appearance. The contours of the outfit are what caught her eyes, seeing every curve, twist, and turn of his body. Truly the physique of a king…

“Something catch your eye?” His voice snapped her from her fantasy and up to two dreamy orbs staring back at her.

“Erm… I… I-it looks very good on you, d-darling! I was just, uh, appreciating my sense of fashion!” Rarity hastily said.

“I’m sure you were appreciating it the entire time I was in there.” He teased with a wink.

“Oh, shush, you ruffian. Now, tell me, what do you think of it?” She asked.

“It feels great. Only tight in a couple areas, nothing I can’t handle.” He only half-joked.

“Is that so? Please, list them, I’ll get it tailored to your preferences as soon as I can, dear.” She said, grabbing a quill and a slip of parchment in her magic.

“Well, it could use a little work in the southern hemisphere.” He said.

“The southern hemishpaaaa…” She trailed off, noticing the rather detailed bulge traveling down his leg. “Ah! My apologies, dear, p-please, go back into what you had one earlier, that mustn't be comfortable.”

“As I’ve learned from my past tailors, it’s nothing that won’t stretch.” He grinned with another wink.

Staring flatly at him, she brought the quill up to his face and lightly smacked him with it, saying, “Come now, we’ve got to get you out of that so I can… adjust it, shouldn’t we?”

He just started to laugh before walking back into the changing room. The outfit was placed over the top of the changing room door. Grabbing it, Rarity at once began to stitch in more material to the inseam, stretching it out a good six inches. Sombra was waiting patiently on the other side still. “So how has your day been?” He asked.

“Well, it was fairly boring, but then some ruffian by the name of Sombra walked in.” She said, smiling.

“Oh? Was he good looking?” Sombra inquired.

“Hmm… well, he wasn’t horrible looking, that’s for sure. But as good as he looked, he seemed to be a snob.” She retorted.

“I see, go on.” He mused with a chuckle.

“Well, in all seriousness… he had the demeanor of a pony in his prime, but the eyes of a lost soul, as if he wasn’t accustomed to everything around him.” She said. Sombra grew quiet, giving no response, which was all she needed to know she was right. Stopping in her work for a moment, she asked, “Sombra? Dear, are you alright?”

“Of course… Just ruminating. Heh, get it?” Sombra chuckled quietly. “Because the small changing room…” He continued.

“Yes, that was hilarious.” She said flatly, resuming her stitching.

“Would you care for dinner later?” He asked abruptly.

Stopping once again, she blinked, saying, “Well… that was rather… sudden. I… now that you ask… sure. Where are you planning?”

“Wherever you want.” He added.

“Hmmm… then we shall stay here. I’ve yet to hear a stallion offer to cook wonderful food, instead of merely purchasing it.“ She concluded.

“Well, I’m sure we can ask around.” He joked.

“Why? Are you not confident in your cooking prowess?” She said.

“I see my culinary skills exceeds even my infamous reputation.” Sombra laughed.

“Oh yes! Many horror stories have been told about your horrifyingly delicious dinner, good enough to tempt Celestia herself into sleeping with him!” She laughed out.

“Oh? Are you suggesting something?” He asked teasingly.

Blushing, Rarity explained. “Well, usually when a stallion asks a mare to dinner, he wants to… you know… do the do, as it were.”

“Don’t worry, I understand. Even high class mares like yourself need to blow off some steam once in awhile.” He assured.

Rarity gasped. “Why, I am appalled that you would insinuate such a thing about me!”

“I’m… sorry?” Sombra stammered, seeming absolutely confused about the outburst. “I truly didn’t… I…”

Giggling, Rarity said, “Dear, I’m joking! Yes, I’ve had a few rounds in the bedroom myself, but I don’t just go around asking for it.”

There was a long pause before he finally spoke up. “I knew that…” Rarity snorted.

“Of course you did, dear, keep telling yourself that. By the way, I‘m finished with your outfit!” She said, tossing it back over the door to him. The sound of fabric sliding against skin was heard as he slipped it back on.

“Mm very course, perfect! I see you worked out every… Mmm, I love it.” Sombra complimented as he pushed the door open once more, seeming almost like forever since she’d last seen him.

“Well? Does the inseam feel more… freeing?” Rarity asked.

“Feels like I’m wearing nothing at all.” He laughed. “A concept I’m getting used to.”

Rarity giggled at this, saying, “While such crass jokes may have gotten you Rainbow Dash, I’m afraid that I will be a bit of a harder catch, if I do say so myself.”

“Well, Rainbow showed a demeanor of a lion, but the frame of mind of a kitten. I can only imagine what you’re going to throw at me.” Sombra chuckled.

“You’ll just have to find out, now won’t you?” Rarity purred out.

“Why don’t you stay here, I’ll call you up when I’m finished. Your kitchen is upstairs, correct?” He asked as his foot stepped onto the first stair.

“Yes, darling. Any hint as to what you’ll be making?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.

“No.” He said bluntly, disappearing up the staircase. Rarity was left in stunned silence, only being snapped from its’ grip when the bell to her shop rang. She turned and saw Applejack’s smile peeking in.

“Howdy.” AJ greeted, stepping in and letting the door close behind her.

“Oh, hello! What brings you here at this hour, Applejack?” Rarity asked, walking over to hug her friend.

“Ah can’t see a friend after dealin’ with a hundred acres o’ apples?” Applejack laughed, hugging the white unicorn with a more than delicate grip.

“Why, of course you can, AJ! Hard day of applebucking, then?” Rarity guessed.

“With no help from Big Mac.” AJ rolled her eyes.

“Why ever not?”

“Busy down in Appleoosa.” AJ said. The sound of footsteps and metal banging was heard above them. “Sweetie at work doin’ some crusadin’?”

“Ah… apparently so.” Rarity said, laughing nervously. There were a set of quieter footsteps as Sweetie came down and hugged her sister.

“Gotta go, meeting Applebloom and Scootaloo at Twiligh- Castle… you know.” Sweetie said happily before charging out the door. The footsteps and clinging from upstairs continued. Applebloom raised an eyebrow, a questioning look upon her face as her gaze returned to Rarity.

“Ah… well, you see-” Rarity began.

“Is Sweetie gone yet? I don’t want her to spoil it!” Sombra called down. Applejack’s face slowly blanked.

“Haha… ha…” Rarity giggled out,, her face growing redder by the second.

“Yer… Ah…” AJ’s eye started twitching. Before Rarity could say anything, Applejack stormed upstairs.

“Ow… ow… OW… OW!” Sombra’s voice grew louder and more distinct as Applejack dragged him downstairs by the ear.

“Ya tryin’ to seduce all mah friends?” AJ snapped.

“Only partially!” Sombra groaned.

“AJ, please! He means well… I think.” Rarity pleaded. Applejack’s eyes wandered back to Rarity.

“Dash is one thing, but I ain’t gonna let you go because he’s ‘charming’.” AJ stated firmly.

“To be fair, we haven't even had seheeeeeaaah!” Sombra twitched painfully as the grip on his ear tightened.


“Yes, Applejack.” Sombra groaned pleadingly. AJ sighed and released him. He stumbled slightly, rubbing his ear.

“Sorry, ah just don’t wanna see ya getting hurt.” Applejack apologized.

“Dear, trust me, if Sombra here was trying to just get a quick lay, and nothing else, I’d have figured that out by now. And subsequently made his day worse by route of testicular injury.” Rarity informed her. Applejack turned to Sombra.

“I swear… for whatever my word is worth.” Sombra assured. AJ rolled her eyes.

“Alright, but ah’m not taking ya outta mah sight ya hear?” Applejack stated, turning back to Rarity. She and Sombra stared at Applejack with a silent, pleading gaze. “Startin’... Tomorrow.” She scratched her chin in defeat.

Grabbing her friend back into a hug, Rarity whispered into AJ’s ear, “Don’t worry. If anything bad happens, I’ll tell you of it tomorrow.”

Applejack’s gaze turned back to Sombra once more. She used two fingers to point to her eyes, then to him, signing that she was keeping an eye on him. Once she was free from her friend’s grip, Applejack grudgingly left the boutique. A fragrant aroma wafted through the room as whatever Sombra was cooking smelled like it was just about done. Rarity’s stomach started to growl, signaling that Applejack had left at the perfect time. Sombra smiled and took her hand, slowly leading her upstairs.

Following him, Rarity ended up at a clothed table, a small feast already set up, with lit candles and all. There were two wine glasses with an unopened bottle of champagne. “My, my. Somepony sure went all out, didn’t they?” Rarity asked, one eyebrow raised.

“Not even the best is good enough for perfection.” He said in his soft, but deeply passionate voice as he brought her hand up and kissed it gently.

Blushing, Rarity waved her other hand at him, saying, “Oh… you’re too much, you flatterer. While I may be rather fine, I’m nowhere near perfection.”

“Blasphemy! I will not hear of such nonsense. I just wish to know of which God or Goddess created you, skin as smooth and perfect as the most expensive marble, crafted into utter beauty. A statue with hair weaved from the finest silk, softer than any fabric a pony could make. Your smile makes the sun want to rise, regardless of Celestia’s command. You are as flawless as a diamond of infinite facets. No one in the world could compare to the piece of heaven gracing this planet.” He said, yet again in his romantic and deeply loving tone as his hand caressed her cheek. “Anything less would simply be a lie.”

Her eyes going half-lidded, Rarity said, “Sombra, dear, flattery will get you everywhere…”

His eyes never broke hers, only faltering when their lips touched, bringing her to an entirely new realm of passion. Where her legs failed, Sombra stepped in, holding her tight, but gentle at the same time. His warm magic radiated around her, keeping her blissful state of mind further locked into reality as it aided in helping her stand.

Pulling back, Rarity smiled at him, saying, “Darling, while I love where this is going, I do believe we’ve a dinner waiting for us?”

“Of course, my dear.” He nodded, setting her gently down into one of the two chairs at the table. “I think you’ll enjoy the white bean soup. I believe its’ spices and vegetables are to your taste.” He added. She could see the carrots, celery, and white beans scattered about. The bowl itself was one she didn’t even know she owned, and everything in it seemed as if made by someone of culinary perfection.

“It looks absolutely delicious. Thank you, dear.” Rarity said with a smile. He took a seat across from her and took his own bowl of identical soup.

“Ladies first, I insist.” He motioned her onward. Blushing, she grabbed her spoon and ladled up a portion of it into her mouth, immediately entranced by the flavor.

“Oh my Celestia, Sombra! This is… this is quite possibly the best soup I’ve ever had!” She said, quickly eating more of the delicious concoction. Sombra simply smiled as he began eating as well, never taking his eyes off her.

After a few minutes, Rarity and Sombra had finished their soup, the bowls empty. “After such a delicious appetizer, I can’t wait to see what the entrae is.” Rarity said.

“Oh don’t worry, I plan to make this a night you’ll never forget. A night you’ll remember on days you may be… alone.” He teased with a sly grin, taking the bowls back into the kitchen and leaving her to contemplate on that thought, her face growing warmer by the minute. When he returned, it was with two plates. “Curried couscous with broccoli, feta, on a bed of rice.” He finished. Everything he said was there, drizzled with an orange sauce. “Hopefully it’s not too… spicy. I wouldn’t want to make you sweat before the night really starts…” He winked.

Rarity’s face began to heat up, thoughts of what is to come drifting through her head. She was unable to make eye-contact, simply glancing down at the plate and taking a bite. The delightful tingling of the sauce washed over her mouth, acting as a red carpet for the rainbow of flavors that the food contained. She closed her eyes and sighed peacefully and let her tongue savor the mouthwatering delicacy. He definitely went all out on this dinner. “Magnificent dear, simply the work of a master.” Rarity complimented. Sombra smiled further, taking a seat next to her and watching the tender unicorn eat.

“I could say the same.” He cooed gently. Rarity’s blush intensified, giggling quietly.

“Oh, stop it you.” She waved him away with, receiving a teasing wink in reply. “Really, though, this is some of the best curry I’ve ever had!”

“My compliments to the chef.” He joked.

“Humble, too.” She retorted, tittering.

“When you’re finished, I’ve prepared your chambers. I hope you find it quite… relaxing?”

“Is that so?” She asked, lowering her eyelids. “Well, I’m very nearly done, so I suppose we could go in right now, yes?” Getting up, she took the plates to the sink, putting them in a water-filled basin before turning to him.

“My lady.” He offered his arm to her.

Taking his offered arm, Rarity walked with him to her bedroom, stopping just before the door to look at him, staring into his eyes. He pulled her closer and gently kissed the tender flower holding onto him. Moaning into the kiss, she leaned into his hold. Sombra pulled away and gave a small kiss to her horn, whispering, “Lets’ not get carried away just yet.”

“Yes… I do need to see what you’ve done.” Rarity reasoned, turning and opening the door to a jaw-dropping sight. All across her bed were rose, petals, with candles strewn around her room, and in the corner sat her gramophone, softly playing a piece she’d heard by Octavia. “Sombra… my word, this is… oh, my…” She trailed off, looking back up at him. His only response was lifting her up and walking her slowly to the bed.

“Mmm… such strong arms you have, dear…” She said, wrapping her own around his neck.

“When’s the last time someone has taken proper care of your body?” He asked, lying down atop her as he set Rarity onto the bed.

“Assuming, darling, that you are talking about the last time I went to the spa, that would be a week ago. In fact, I was set to go again tomorrow!” She told him. He kissed her neck and ran his hands up her sides.

“Well, I’ll be your masseuse today.” He cooed gently.

“Are you, now? Well, I suppose it’s a good thing that, since I’m such a regular customer at the spa, I’ve bought some oils from them, too. Would you like to use any, or would you prefer just the feel of my skin by itself?” She asked.

“Oil, mmm… that sounds perfect.” Sombra smiled, picturing her naked body lathered in the slick liquid.

“It’s right in the shower, then. Would you like me to prepare myself by the time you get back?” She asked, looking up at him.

“If you prefer not getting your clothes wet.” He teased, standing up and heading to the bathroom. By the time he’d gotten back, Rarity had taken her clothes off, already laid out on the bed chest down. When she glanced back to him, she saw he had all but stripped as well, save for his underwear, which did absolutely nothing about his obvious arousal. “Shall we begin?”

“Whenever you’re ready, darling.”

Sombra walked back up to the bed, setting the oil down and sliding his hands around her back, letting the silky touch of her skin wash over him. He started placing kisses from the center of her back, and up towards her head, giving her body the worship it deserved.

“Ahhh… I don’t suppose that, along with being a king and a cook, you were a masseuse, also?” She asked, sighing out.

“I don’t need to be one to know how to treat a lady.” He retorted, pressing his fingers a little deeper into her back and inhaling the scent of her hair. Rarity let out a soft moan as his fingers reached a tender area just above her ass, rubbing it almost knowingly.

“Mmm… well? Aren’t you going to use the oil?” She asked, turning back to look at him with a sultry gaze.

“Of course, we’ll need it.” He hummed, flipping the top off and pouring some onto his hands. When they finally returned to her back, she was greeted with a cool touch that made her skin tingle.

“Oooh... “ She groaned out, arching her hips in response to the cool feel of it. His smile grew, sliding a hand down to her left cheek and digging his fingers into it, while his other hand stayed up by the sensitive spot he had discovered earlier. Her rear was very plush, fingers sinking in nearly an inch deep into the large cheeks, making her squeak from the unexpected pressure. “G-getting right t-toooo it, hmm?” she asked.

“You just feel a bit tight back here.” He added.

“Well, I would hope so!” She quipped.

“Oooh, quick to defend yourself. My apologies.” He snickered.

“Well, I have had to deal with m-many jabs in the past, so one could say I’ve grown accustomed to it.” She explained, groaning once more through the welcomed treatment of her body.

“Oh? So you’ve taken some ‘jabs’ in the past, interesting.” He teased, moving his hands up to the middle of her back.

Grinning slightly, she said. “Ahhh… yes, right there, yes, dear, this is not my first time around a stallion in bed… or a mare, to tell the truth.”

Sombra stopped momentarily before silently returning to the massage. Rarity giggled. “Have I surprised you, dear?”

“Surprised? Me? Hah!” Sombra laughed, pressing harder as he reached her shoulders.

“Nnnff… well, you did stop for a moment…” She said, biting her lip.

“Alright, maybe a little.” He admitted, his magic coming to life for a moment to slide his underwear down. His cock sprang out from its prison, the huge ‘scepter’ of his falling neatly in between her cheeks.

“Oh! Oooh… oh my… I can see why Rainbow was so shaken up, now…” She trailed off, feeling it still harden, lengthening even as she spoke. He climbed up and straddled her waist, massaging her sides gently, but deeply. She could feel some more liquid pouring onto her back, but she could guess it wasn’t oil. “Gods above, Sombra… what kind of blessing were you given at birth for that?” She asked. He ignored her, one hand leaving her back and grabbing the bottle of oil. She heard him pour some, but she didn’t feel it on her back. His hand ran up his shaft, slickening it up and making it glisten with the massage oil.

“Mmm… I’ll have you know, I have managed to take some fairly gifted stallions to bed before, but just from the sound and feel of that… monster… I can tell that I’m in for something amazing, tonight.” She said, shivering at the sound of him lubricating his cock.

“I don’t think you’ve been stretching enough, you’re very tense.” He added, both his hands returning to her skin, along with a third wet appendage slapping down roughly onto her back.

“Mmm… well, then, loosen me up…” She purred out. He slid back until his hands were back on her backside, except that this time they went lower, lathering up both her holes and teasing them softly.”Ahhh… it’s actually gotten to be quite a while since I’ve been with somepony…”

“Well now, that’s just not right.” He stated, slowly pushing his two fingers past her seemingly-unused pussy lips.

“G-guhh…” Rarity moaned out, her walls clenching on Sombra’s fingers, having not felt anything there for such a long time. He pushed his fingers deeper, stretching her lips as wide as his fingers could spread. “Ahhh… an internal massage, too?”

“Mm, we haven’t quite got to that part yet.” He chuckled, grinding his fingers around roughly.

“Ah!” She squealed out. His smile turned to an almost malevolent grin as a thumb slipped easily into her ass. “Fffuck… I’m not sure if I can handle your… impressive length… back there, dear. I’ve never even tried that with a stallion.”

“Fair enough.” Sombra mused, lifting her up by her pussy and ass like a glove around his hand. Groaning, she lifted her hips with him, easing off a bit from the pull. He rolled his hand around with her still stuck to him, tugging and rubbing harder and harder within her.

“Haahnn… S-Sombra… I think it’s time w-we, as you said, “get sweaty”...” Rarity panted out. He pulled his hand out, replacing it with an oozing, hot object pressing at her slit as his hands clamped down around her hips. “Naaah… g-go on…”

Sombra gave a low growl as he moved forward. She wanted to scream at the feeling of being stretched, and stretched, a feeling that just didn’t seem to end, almost making her want to beg him to stop, but the words simply escaped her. “Ngghh… “ She moaned, waiting for him to hilt inside of her… but it felt like every time she was expecting it to end, he pushed another inch of ever-expanding dick into her, soon enough getting so deep he was bulging her stomach out from the sheer size of his cock.

“That’s it, let’s loosen all those tense muscles. I think you’re being ripped off at the spa.” Sombra laughed quietly. Her walls were slowly stretching to the point where they couldn’t even tense, unable to milk him further. In fact, it was quite the opposite, seeming he was the only allowed to twitch and throb, giving her a feeling she had never experienced before.

Finally, she felt his hips hit hers, his testicles lightly tapping her clitoral hood at the same time. She felt so… full, even more than full, really, as if he had stuffed something much larger than his already-huge cock inside of her. “Still pretty tight. What are we gonna do with you?” Sombra hummed softly, massaging her ass roughly.

“Haaahh… m-maybe you should… push harder… it usually works in the s-spa…” Rarity breathily said.

“How crude.” He chuckled. Sombra, however, was eager to oblige, thrusting violently and sending her forward up the bed with a gasp.

“Ah! S-Sombra, I’m c-c-cumming!” Rarity screamed out, her snatch convulsing around his cock.

“Don’t let me stop you.” He sighed softly, giving her another rough push to help her orgasm along. She had to push hard against the headboard to prevent herself from hitting it, her hardening nipples scraping against the bedsheets and nearly making her faint from the sensations rocking her body.

“Nnn… h-harder…” She said,turning back to look at him with her hair covering her face. He grabbed her hands, her head falling into the sheets with a squeal of surprise. He held her arms for support and began to thrust in a more continuous manner, as his sack slapped wetly against her clit. “Oh s-sweet Celestia!” She shouted, bucking back against him. “Y-Yes! So… so deep!”

Each thrust forced her hips harder into the bed, smashing her clit into the soft, silky sheets. A few minutes passed, nothing being said except for Rarity’s squeaks and moans, matching up with Sombra’s deep grunts from the tight wetness around his length. The obscene slurping from the oil only made the mess they were making that much worse. He pulled her up to a sitting position, bouncing her high on his lap and making her breasts jiggle and flop around roughly with his increasingly hard poundings.

“Mmaah… u-use me… I love it, so h-hard…” She moaned out, a line of drool running down her front.

“Cum for me again.” Sombra groaned deeply, practically whispering it into her ear as he bit down onto her neck.

“HaaaaAA!” She shrieked out, once again shaking and gushing upon her “podium”.

“Dash didn’t quite get THIS treatment… I think she might be jealous.” Sombra chuckled with another particularly rough thrust, literally starting to manhandle her up and down his cock, up and down like a glorified cock-sleeve. “Ahhh yes… I think we’re getting close to dessert.” He growled, his length seeming to swell as the head flared out deep inside her.

“G-go on… cum, cum inside m-me… fill me with it…”

“As you wish.” He said in almost a whisper, feeling his burning lust already building below him as it formed in his shaft. She let out surprised gasp as the feeling of his liquids starting to pump impatiently into her.

“Nnggh… s-so muuch... “ Rarity moaned out, once again orgasming on Sombra’s shaft, the thick liquid beginning to force itself into her womb, his flare not letting any of it escape.

“Mm yes… all for you.” He shivered, holding her hips tightly to his and peppering her neck with kisses as her gut gurgled with his love. Her eyes glanced down, seeing the fat cock-bulge running up her body start to expand, rounding out with the spunk filling her uterus. Sombra took ahold of her breasts, gripping and pulling them roughly.

“G-gods above… it’s still not stopping…” Rarity said nearly a minute later, pausing in her moans for a brief moment of clarity. Her thoughts were clouded once again as he gave another particularly hard thrust, bouncing her up and back down to his hilt. At this point, her stomach had reached a ludicrous size, nearing that of a jiggly watermelon under her skin, ever-so-slowly growing with each pulse of Sombra’s cock.

“So, was this day all you had hoped for?” Sombra chuckled, his orgasm finally slowing to a stop.

“A-all I wanted… and more…” She moaned out. The warmth of his orgasm seemed to seep into her body, heating her completely from the inside. Rarity shivered as she felt the purple tar start to ooze out around his cock and onto the bed. “Nnnff… n-now… I suppose we rest... “ She trailed off.

“We could…” Sombra mused, slowly starting to lift her up. Groaning, Rarity once again looked down, watching as he started to slide out of her snatch, her huge cum-gut following it down. He stopped with the tip being the only thing keeping it in, releasing her and watching her slide back down slowly.


“Or... we could go for round two.” He suggested, her slow descent back down forcing the cum back to its’ proper place.

“Ah! Y-you can’t be seeeerious…” She said, rolling her eyes up into her head. The moment she hit cock-bottom, he lifted her up again and let her slowly sink back down.

“Well, if you want to stop, just say so.” Sombra added, bouncing her with a thrust the moment she hit his hips, sending her back up.

“Kuh… s-s-stoooop… te-ack!” She started, cut off by a forceful thrust from Sombra.

“Sorry, couldn’t quite hear you dear.” He apologized, slamming her down with his hands before pushing her back up with another thrust.

“I-I… you scaaah!” She screamed out, once again cut off by Sombra’s “scepter” slamming into her. He stood up slowly, carrying her on his cock towards the bathroom, but never letting up on the continued thorough fucking he was giving her. “Whuuuh… what’re y-you dooooing…” She said, drooling from the feelings down below.

“Do they often treat you to a mud bath at the spa?” He inquired, walking toward the bathtub. Her feet dangled just above the floor, her body barely noticing the added throbbing of his swelling shaft as each step made her cum-belly wobble obscenely.

“Y-y-yes… but what a-are you get… no. N-no, you can’t be s-serious!” She nearly shouted, feeling another orgasm well up inside of her as she realized what was about to happen. He stepped into the tub and sat down, his sack quivering as more of his royal seed started to pour out.

“Just relax, you’ll enjoy this.” He comforted her as the liquid inside her grew hotter with the added dose.

“Urg… I… I-I w-w-want it…” She panted out. “I-I want you to… to c-cover me in your spunk, bathe m-me in it, drown me in i-it…”

“Dear, why do you think we’re here?” Sombra laughed, his second orgasm pouring from her and slowly filling up the tub with its’ thick, muddy texture. “Lets’ begin, shall we?”


Three Hours Later:

There was a loud *knock* on the door of Rarity’s boutique, a voice from outside calling, “Rarity? Are ya in there?”

The cow-pony was met with no response, something that brought a spike of concern to her gut. She opened the door, seeing it was unlocked. The first floor was silent, leaving her alone with the gentle moans from upstairs. Her eyes narrowed, and she rushed in, taking the stairs up two-by-two. Almost immediately, she arrived at the bathroom door, slamming it open to gasp at the sight on the other side.

Laying in the bathtub was a sleeping Rarity, neck-deep in a tub of purple… something… something that looked very fam-

“SOMBRA!!!” Applejack roared out.

“Are you ready for our date?” Sombra’s deep, bassy voice made her heart jump up to her throat. “You did say you would be keeping an eye on me. I’m looking forward to it...”

Chapter 3: Applejack

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“If you don’t explain whut’s goin’ on right now, Ah am gonna use your horn as a backscratcher!’ AJ bellowed, snorting in rage.

“Well, you were going to watch me, and I was going to go out for a stroll.” Sombra started.

“And jus’ leave Rarity like this?!” She asked, pointing to the unicorn’s current condition. Sombra turned to Rarity and stared at the still blissed out mare.

“Honey, you need anything? Your friend Applejack and I were going on a date.” Sombra called into the bathroom. The only sound that escaped Rarity’s mouth was a gentle snore. “See? She’s fine.”

“Hrmmm… and whut if she slips further into… it… an’ drowns, or somethin’?’ AJ grumbled.

“How often does she sleep in the tub? I’d assume as much, since she visits the spa.” Sombra laughed, placing a hand on AJ’s shoulder. “She’ll be fine, trust me.”

Roughly grabbing his chin, she stared into his eyes, searching for anything untoward in his gaze. After a few moments of this, she gave up, saying, “Fine. Ah believe ya.”

Sombra rubbed his chin and smiled. “Fantastic, where to?”

“Whut.” Applejack flatly stated.

“Where. To? As in, where would you like to go? I’m afraid I am not good at imitating a southern accent so I can’t attempt to joke around too much.” Sombra chuckled.

“An’ who said Ah was goin’ anywhere with you?” She replied.

“Well, it would be difficult to keep an eye on me if we’re not together. But you’re right. Maybe I should go pay Fluttershy a visit, I hear she could use help with her animals.” Sombra mused.

Grabbing his arm, AJ said, “Come on. You’re helpin’ me out on the farm, an’ Ah ain’t lettin’ you outta my sight.”

“Great!” Sombra said as enthusiastically as possible, but she could tell he wasn’t looking forward to farm work.


“So, what first?” Sombra inquired.

“First, you’re gonna move all of these hay bales to the barn. Don’t you be givin’ me no backtalk, I can see those muscles on ya. I think maybe… twenty of ‘em should do it. Don’t worry, they’re only about… a hundred pounds each.” She said, snickering at his look of disdain. “When ya finish, I’ll have some apple cider for ya. Don’t tell RD, mind you, but we do keep a few of ‘em in reserve for the year. Jes’ come to the house when yer’ done.” Turning around, she began to walk away. It wasn’t until a purple flash knocked her concentration back to him that she saw the hay seemed to be gone.

“So, cider?” Sombra inquired, grinning at the menial task he was given.

Slapping a hand to her face, AJ mumbled, “Celestia damned unicorns and their magic…” Speaking up, she growled, “No, we ain’t havin’ cider until Ah get you to do some actual farm work.”

“Oh, okay.” Sombra laughed in a more bemused tone. He followed Applejack out to the fields of apple trees.

Walking up to one, AppleJack gave a powerful kick to one of the trees, shaking the entire trunk. At the top, all of the apples dropped, falling neatly into the baskets near the bottom. “Y’see that? Go on, give one ‘a these trees a try. And no magic, y’hear?”

Sombra’s horn had already lit up and was about to go to work before it sizzled out. He slowly approached the tree, looking it up and down. Sombra raised his leg and kicked the trunk as hard as he could. There was a short pause before he fell back onto the grass, clutching his foot.

Rushing up to him, she leaned down, saying, “Is… is that it? Ah… well. ALright, is there some sorta spell you can use ta’ make your kicks harder and not have your hooves break while ya kick the trees?”

Sombra grudgingly dragged himself back to his feet. “No, you said without magic… I’ll do it.” He assured, taking a few steps back before bull rushing the tree with his shoulder. The tree shook for a second before a single apple fell into the basket.

“An’ at this rate, you’ll do it by next year. Use magic.” She reasoned, leaning against another tree. Sombra wasn’t moving much, something that slightly concerned her. “Sombra? Ya okay?”

Sombra turned around slowly, gripping his shoulder tightly. His entire body was shaking. “A- ah… owaa-hh.” He stammered.

“Ya need me to take ya t’ the doc?” She asked, walking up to him quickly.

“Just, uh… gonna rest here for awhile…” Sombra tried to sound as calm (but shakily) as possible as he slid down the trunk to a sitting position.

“Celestia damnit Sombra, stop bein’ so darn stubborn. Tell me if ya need help.” She said, kneeling down to his height.

“Bed… naked women.” Sombra suggested in a pained tone.

“Wh- what?” She said, jerking back. He just smiled and started to laugh. “What d’ya mean, “naked women”?

“Well, you give me examples, and I will tell you if you’re right.” Sombra grinned playfully.

“Ah will hurt you more.” She threatened.

“Oh I’m hurting, trust me. That tree was a challenging opponent.” Sombra could barely contain his laughter.

Applejack growled, and stood up. “Ya wanna see somethin’ Big Mac an’ Ah can do, but don’t do often?”

“Sure?” Sombra cocked his head in a more curious manner.

Pulling her fist back, AJ threw her entire weight into her punch, hitting the tree so hard that it nearly wrenched out of the ground, by the look of it. “Now, he and Ah can do that, but we don’t often, because it takes more out of us than it does to kick.” She leaned down once more to look at him in the eyes. “Now, you and Ah haven’t gotten along real well so far, or at least not on my side of things. But Ah’ve gotten a lot better at holdin’ in my temper these last few years with the girls. This means that, instead of hittin’ you like Ah did that tree, Ah’m gonna ask you one more time: What did ya mean by, “naked women”?”

Sombra was slightly curled up, his hands covering his crotch. “Um… What I meant was… more work to do around the farm.” He corrected in a more hurried and monotonous voice.

“D’ya need any healing ‘fore Ah put ya to work?” She asked in the same tone as before. He shook his head quickly, standing up and waiting for the next command. “Are ya even really hurt?”

“Nothing I can’t deal with.” Sombra shrugged, only one arm moving for the shrug.

“Nice try. Shoot… how ‘bout this: you go to the clubhouse and watch over Applebloom and the other Crusaders, alright?” She offered. He seemed to beam at the idea, but quickly retained his calm demeanor.

“If that is what you wish…” Sombra rolled his eyes.

“Good!” She said, patting his bad shoulder. Grabbing it firmly in her grip, she brought him an inch from her face, saying, “Now, Ah don’t quite know what you’re plannin’ for the rest of us girls, but since Ah’m a nice pony, Ah’ll warn ya once: You even think about havin’ your way with mah sister, and Ah’ll mount yer’ sack on mah wall.”

“How old is she?” He cringed slightly.

“18, ‘few months back.” She replied. Sombra teleported from her painful grip and casually regained his composure.

“I swear on my title as Prince.” Sombra said, placing a hand to his chest. “Ex-Prince.”

She stared into his eyes for a moment, then said, “Ah believe ya. Now git,” Before she walked over to the next few trees, starting to once more kick the apples off of them. Sombra was gone the next moment, leaving her alone in the field.


“So, your sister asked me to watch you three.” Sombra said in his usual regal voice, standing as tall as possible.

“So we have our own personal bodyguard?” Scootaloo asked, sizing him up slowly.

“Affirmative.” Sombra nodded.

“Do ya have ta do anythin’ we say?” Applebloom wondered. Sombra paused for a moment, as if weighing his options in his mind.

“Uh huh.” He nodded slowly.

“Aaaanything?” Sweetie Belle asked slowly, tilting her head. He gave a long sigh before nodding again. Looking at the other two girls, Sweetie pointed to the door, saying, “Head out for a sec’. We’ll tell you when to come back in.”

Sombra walked out of the club house and waited patiently outside the door. After a few minutes, he heard a loud “Okay!” from within, and walked back inside.

“So.” Sombra added.

“We’ve discussed it, and here’s what we want you to do: Scoots wants to arm wrestle you, I wanna give you a makeover, and AB wants to wrestle you for real.” Sweetie explained.

Sombra simply smiled and nodded, walking over to the group. “So who’s first?”

Scootaloo was already sitting at the small table near the side of the room, her arm out and ready to wrestle. “Put em up.” She stated. Sombra took a seat opposite of her and locked his hand with hers. “On 3, ok?” She asked, smirking.

“Gotcha.” He agreed.

“1...2...3!” She shouted, immediately using all of her strength to push his hand downward. Sombra’s hand stopped just above the table, Scootaloo not being able to push it down all the way. Grunting, she tried pushing harder, leaning into it as much as she could while still sitting. Sombra gave a feigned struggle as her hand started to move opposite of where she wanted it to go.

Eyes bulging, Scoots gritted her teeth and flexed her wings, putting all of her might into the fierce battle taking place in the table. By the time her hand was hovering dangerously close to the table, she was salivating and heaving raggedly. Sombra seemed to be struggling at the last couple inches, not able to budge her further. Seeing his plight, she took in a deep breath, giving it her all one last time. His arm seemed to buckle as it flew back, making his hand slam into the table. Letting go of his hand, Scoots threw her hands over her head in happiness, wheezing with exertion. “You’re a strong one.” Sombra chuckled, rubbing his sore hand.

“Th-thanks…” She said.

Pushing Scootaloo onto the floor, Sweetie said, “My turn!”

Sombra relaxed back into the chair. “Can’t wait!” He laughed. Sombra paused for a moment. “Nothing permanent, right?”

Sweetie laughed, saying, “Of course not! I’m just going to transform you into somepony beautiful!”

“Uh huh, and I’m not beautiful now?” He inquired.

“Hmmm… nah. You’re more… handsome.” Sweetie replied.

“Ohh, I see.” Sombra nodded in agreement.

“Then let’s get started!” She squealed, beginning her assault on Sombra’s looks.


“Hrmm… they can’t have gotten into too much trouble, right?” Applejack asked herself, walking up to the clubhouse. Before she could get any closer, a loud noise interrupted her peaceful walk.

“Lemme go!” Applebloom’s voice belted out, the struggle in it obvious. Applejack’s heart skipped a beat, her pace increasing almost immediately. When she looked in the window, she saw the back of Sombra, no shirt, and two legs dangling down over his shoulders and down his back. He was holding Applebloom’s arms, and she couldn’t move at all.

“Stop struggling and just let it happen, it’ll be less humiliating.” Sombra chuckled and laughed.

Applejack immediately burst through the door, giving Sombra an uppercut so hard that it knocked him into the back wall. Not waiting an instant, she advanced further upon him, no longer seeing a pony, but a monstrous being that had been ra-

“APPLEJACK!” Applebloom screamed. “Stop! He wasn’t- we- we were jus’ wrestling!” She hastily explained, holding onto one of her sister’s arms with all of her strength. Applejack saw that Sombra still had his pants on, and that he was on the ground. He didn’t seem to be moving…

“No…” AJ whispered, her voice hoarse. “N-no, no I didn’t mean to!”

“Oh Celestia, you killed him!” Scootaloo shrieked in horror. Sweetie Belle had her mouth covered with both hands, no words able to escape her mouth at the sight before her.

“S-sombra?” Applebloom began to ask, but she was beaten to it by her sister.

“Sombra! W-wake up, Celestia damnit! Don’t… stop sittin’ there!” AJ yelled, now right in front of him and shaking his shoulders. “You can’t… Ah w-won’t let you…” She trailed off, her eyes starting to water. Sombra started to cough, choking on something momentarily before whatever it was now forced itself back into his mouth. He seemed to be wide awake, and attempting to discover what it was. He swished the object around in his mouth for a moment before spitting it out. It was indeed a tooth, and blood was now running down the side of his mouth.

“How bad does it look?” Sombra asked, smiling widely and showing his reddened teeth, with more than one missing…

“Like ya w-went in the ring an’ lost.” Applebloom said, still a bit shaken up.

Before anypony else could speak, though, Applejack let out a choked noise, wrapping her arms around Sombra in a crushing hug. “Ah thought… A-ah thought that… you w-weren’t movin’, Sombra…” She trailed off.

“I’m fine, Applejack. I think Applebloom caught me off guard, I’m sure she didn’t mean it.” Sombra laughed, returning the hug. He doesn’t seem to realize it wasn’t Applebloom’s fault.

“I think we might have to visit Twilight at some point, and fix your to- teeth.” Sweetie said. Sombra nodded and attempted to stand up, unable to escape Applejack’s grip.

“I’m gonna need to stand up now.” Sombra smiled.

“Stand? Oh hay no, Ah’m gonna carry you there. It’s the least Ah can do for ya, seein’ as Ah was the one who knocked em’ out an’ all.” Applejack said, standing up and holding Sombra in her arms.

“Oh, you hit me?” Sombra cocked his head curiously. Before she could answer, he shrugged. “I’m sure you had your reasons.” He assured.

“The wrong ones, that’s for sure.” Applebloom interjected. “Why would you think he was, well, y’know? He ain’t been nothin’ but kind to us. Ponyfeathers, he even let Sweetie here give him a makeover!”

At that, Applejack noticed for the first time that Sombra’s hair was much shorter than when she last saw him at Rarity’s. It used to be down to the center of his back, but was now barely two inches in length, cut short and seemed sleek, as if just washed and conditioned. “Ah… Ah know… and Ah’m sorry about that, Sombra. I’ve been holdin’ a grudge against ya since Ah saw you again. Ya don’t deserve that… Ah can truly see that you’ve changed.” She said.

Sombra shook his head. “You have nothing to apologize for, you thought I was taking advantage of your sister and you did what you had to. That’s really inspirational, ya know, looking out for your family is important. You certainly set an example, and I mean that.” He finished.

“Ah don’t care if you’re proud, Ah still feel like horseshit.” She grumbled. Turning around, she looked at the three girls, saying, “Alright. Say goodbye, girls. Ah’m taking him to Twilight’s.”

“Goodbye girls, Ah’m taking him to Twilight’s.” Sombra joked. The three crusaders smiled and started to giggle.

“See ya, dude. Next time, I’ll beat you way easier!” Scootaloo said.

“Bye, Sombra! I think… I think you look a lot more handsome, now.” Sweetie said, blushing.

“See ya, partner! Ah hope that I can get stronger, so maybe next time Big Mac doesn’t show up an’ see me under you like AJ did.” Applebloom joked.

“Try not to kill him, okay?” Scootaloo chuckled, crossing her arms.

“Trust me, he’ll get there jus’ fine.” AJ said, walking out of the small treehouse.

“So… Onward?” Sombra asked.

“If you say “My trusty steed”, Ah… well, Ah won’t hurt ya, but Ah’ll make you feel bad.” AJ said.

“I believe I am the one riding you, my little pony.” Sombra teased.

“Ah know damn well you ain’t Celestia or Luna, an’ Ah’m pretty sure Ah’m taller than you by a little.” She retorted.

“I’m sure that matters.” Sombra added. He took her hat and set it atop his own head. “Now I am taller.” He laughed triumphantly.

“Watch yer’ horn.” She chuckled out. Sombra glanced up and saw his horn was now sticking out of the hat.

“Gotcha.” He nodded.

They walked on in silence for a minute, or at least Applejack did, before she broke the silence by asking, “So… what’s yer plan?”

“Hopefully walking.”

“Ah’m not gonna get anythin’ outta you, am Ah?” She wondered aloud.

“I’m done being cocky, what do you want to know?” Sombra said in a more somber tone.

“What’s yer plan with the six of us girls? Ah’m not stupid, Ah know that you only went with me today because you felt like you had to, not because you wanted to.” She softly said.

“Applejack… before I was evil, and yes, there was a ‘before I was evil’... I was what Cadence is now. I wasn’t just a King…” Sombra started.

“What were ya?”

“Let’s just say that royalty in the Crystal Empire takes on a lot of similar traits. I haven’t been trying to have sex with you and your friends without basis.” Sombra chuckled. “While Cadence is more refined, more loyal to one pony… I am more of the ‘bachelor’ pony.”

“Uh… you mean, you want a herd?” AJ asked, a bit confused. “Well, maybe a harem, Ah don’t quite know what royal herds are called.”

Sombra seemed shocked at the statement. “Me? Well… I’d never considered. I just believe that love shouldn’t be restricted… and marriage is just that. Even Princess Cadence has fallen to its’ grasp. It just… I don’t see the interest in it.”

“Ah’m not hearin’ a no.”

Sombra seemed to think of the idea momentarily. “Well, I suppose. I do feel strongly about you and your friends, and would be rather nice if I could stay with them. If you’ll allow such a… relationship.” He shrugged, seeming genuinely intent on not hurting Applejack or anyone else.

“Hmm… y’know… as much of an ass you can sometimes be, y’are pretty damned attractive.” Applejack admitted.

“And you as well. You know, strength is a very rare thing. You and your family truly give earth ponies their name. You did, afterall, one-hit K.O. Hitler moments ago.” He grinned a little wider.


Sombra shook his head and waved the question off dismissively. “The point is, you give your species a good name.” He continued.

“So d’you.” She agreed.

“Mm, you think?”

“Hay, not only are ya handsome, but you got a longer horn than any other unicorn Ah’ve ever seen-even if it is… well… how it is- and ya got some serious magical powers, from what Ah’ve heard.” She said.

“Oh, so you’ve been thinking about my ‘horn’ have you?” He grinned in a more sly manner.

“If you’re second horn is anythin’ like yer’ first, it’s gotta be one heckuva sight.” She quipped.

“Perhaps I’ll have to give you a demonstration, no?”

“You wanna tussle with me in th’ sheets?” She asked, laughing a bit.

“Yes, I do.” He said in the most serious voice she had heard from him. Sombra didn’t seem to be joking, and she knew that all too well due to her element. “I would put a saddle on you and ride you around town like the little cow-slut you are.”

Applejack coughed, nearly falling over in shock from the sudden sexual depravity coming from the usually-SFW stallion. “Wh-what?”

“Oh, dear me, please accept my apologies. Sometimes my thoughts get ahead of me.” Sombra laughed softly, putting his arm around her and glancing ahead at where they were going (or at least, where she was carrying him).

“If those’r yer thoughts, Ah’m a mite nervous about sleepin’ next to ya, not to mention with you.”

“You won’t be getting much sleep tonight.” He assured, pausing for a few more moments. “Again… my apologies.”

“Somepony’s very confident.” She chuckled.

“I am a King for a reason, dear.” He stated.

“Thought y’weren’t King anymore?” She asked.

“Your friends have given me what I needed. I am a King, and I always will be. Of what, I think I will still need time to figure out.” He chuckled.

“Eh… t’be serious, after seeing the state Rainbow n’ Rares were in, Ah think it’ll be somethin’ to remember.” AJ said.

“Of course I won’t let you forget it.” Sombra said, his magic surrounding them both and, before she knew it, they were in front of Twilight’s house. Sombra was now the one standing, and Applejack was in his arms instead. “Oh look, we’re here.”

“Wh-... Celestia damnit…” She mumbled, blushing. His magic opened the door and he took her inside. Twilight was on her couch, reading some kind of black book. The purple unicorn’s eyes met with Sombra’s, drawing utter confusion into the form of a quiet ‘huh’.

“My friend is hurt, I think she may need some assistance.” Sombra said, smiling down at Applejack.

“Only thing hurt here is m’ pride…” She continued to grumble.

“She’s just upset because she knocked a few of my teeth out. I mean seriously, she can’t seem to understand that she didn’t mean to do it!” Sombra rolled his eyes and brought her over to the couch.

“Um…” Twilight mumbled, staring at the short haired, bare chested Sombra, who was wearing Applejack’s hat.

“Something the matter?” Sombra asked, snapping Twilight from her fantasy.

“Not at all! What’s wrong with her?” Twilight asked quickly, jumping to her feet and rushing over to the two.

“Ah done told ya, there ain’t nothin’ wrong with me!” AJ said, crossing her arms.

“I think she’s suffering hysteria.” Sombra admitted.

“If you don’t put me down right now, Ah’m gonna retract my statement about not hurtin’ ya anymore.” She said.

Sombra gently lied Applejack onto the couch. “I think she may also be on her period.” He whispered. Twilight nodded slowly and looked down at Applejack.

“Don’t believe anythin’ he says.” She retorted.

“As you can see, she’s losing it.” Sombra said in a feigned tone of worry.

“Y’know, insultin’ the mare ya wanna have a roll in th’ hay with ain’t such a good idea.” Applejack said.

“Huh??” Twilight uttered, her gaze snapping to Applejack.

AJ snorted. “Don’t act surprised. Y’knew he was gonna do it at some point.”

“We were wondering if we could borrow your couch, your bed, and your library.” Sombra nodded with his returning smile.

“I… huh?” Twilight still seemed to not understand.

“Uhh… Ah agree. Ah thought we were just here for a healin’, not for the foolin’ around.” AJ said.Sombra nodded and fell onto the couch beside Applejack.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling better already!” Sombra teased, nestling himself against her.

“Twilight, fix his dang teeth,” Applejack said, blushing at the stallion’s antics. “Please.” She added.

“What teeth?” Twilight inquired. Sombra glanced back and smiled a little wider, showing the bloodstained teeth, and the spots where teeth SHOULD be. “Oh what the hell happened?!”

Applejack’s heart skipped a beat as the guilt returned in full force. “It was nothing, wrestling just got a little out of hand with Applebloom and the other two crusaders.” He laughed.

“...Yeah. Somethin’ like that. Can ya fix him, Twilight? His face, at least. Well, as much as you can. Which isn’t much. Jus’ do your best.” Applejack said, starting out serious but quickly joking around. Twilight nodded and rushed over to one of the bookshelves labeled ‘Health’.

Sombra’s embrace he had around Applejack grew a little tighter, but no words seemed to escape his mouth. Copying him, Applejack simply stayed silent and leaned into it a bit. Sombra opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was a pained, “AH!”

Jumping up, Applejack said, “Damnit! Uh, Ah mean, what’s wrong?”

Sombra was holding his jaw, slowly releasing it momentarily and smiling. Applejack saw his teeth had returned. She turned to look at Twilight, her horn was glowing her usual purple tint. “There ya go.” Twilight said happily, standing as straight as possible in an attempt to say how good of a job she did.

“Huh… it’s all fixed up in there, then?” AJ asked, tilting her head.

“Mmhm.” Twilight nodded, returning a rather thick book to the ‘Health’ shelf. Sombra pulled Applejack closer once more to remind her that he was still there.

“Like I said, I feel just fine.” He said gently as he kissed her cheek.

“Heh… uh, Twi? One last thing… you think you can teleport us to my home?” AJ asked.

“Is that a challenge?” Twilight smirked, her horn already alight.

“No, why would it be a cha- and we’re in mah bed.” Applejack trailed off as the two were no longer in the familiarity of the library.

“Well, this is nice.” Sombra added.

“Convenient, too.”

“So, what’s the first order of business? Dinner, movie, stroll through the park? Or perhaps you’d like to unwrap your present early.” He teased with another gentle kiss on her nose.

“Hmm… do Ah get any hints as to what my present is?” She asked, lowering her eyelids.

“Maybe if you be a good girl, I might let you give it a good shake…” He grinned.

“A shake, huh? Lemme guess… a maraca?” She teased.

“How did you know?” Sombra gasped.

“You know that Ah love Mexicolt music, it was obvious!” She said, laughing. He pulled her hat off his head and placed it back onto her.

“I think it looks better on you.” Sombra was practically beaming at her laughter.

“Well, you pulled it off pretty we… Sombra?” She asked, her tone going flat.

“Uh huh?” His curiosity growing to outweigh the slight knot in his stomach.

“Why is there a hole in mah hat?”

“Is that an innuendo?” Sombra inquired in an attempt to avoid the question.

“Don’t.” She said.

“Well, you see, when a hat and a unicorn love each other very much…” Sombra continued slowly.

“Ugh, nevermind… Ah’ll jes’ take it to Rarity’s tomorrow, or somethin’.” She said, tossing it onto the dresser across from her bed. “Now, where were we?”

“I think we were right abooout…” Sombra extended, pulling her directly against his body and letting his lips find their way to her own. It was at that moment that Applejack could feel that he wasn’t wearing a shirt, even though she had known for the longest time. His warmth seemed to radiate into her core, giving her will less protection than it usually had.

She pulled off of him for a moment, saying, “Mmm… ya taste… sweet, like somethin’ I’ve never had before.”

“I think it may be what I ate last night.” Sombra grinned widely, hinting at what transpired with Rarity the other night.

“Damn… if that’s what Rares tastes like, Ah can’t wait for ya to make that herd!” She exclaimed, locking lips back with him. Sombra climbed atop her, forcing his tongue into her mouth and letting his full weight press against her, only increasing the warmth that surged through her body.

Applejack could feel his longer-than-average tongue sliding into her mouth, licking and sliding all around her own tongue, surrounding it in a warm embrace. When he finally slipped his head back, she whimpered at his lack of affection. “Can’t wait? So you’ve been thinking of it… naughty pony.” He teased, gently nipping at her neck.

“S-stop teasin’ me…” She said, groaning a bit from the feel of his teeth scraping along her skin. Sombra’s horn surged to life, and the bed started to vibrate, driving her insane as her clothes gnawed at her increasingly sensitive skin. “S-sombraaaa…” She moaned. She attempted to stretch her legs out, realizing that she couldn’t as something started to cover it. When Applejack glanced down, she saw her limbs slowly becoming encased in magenta crystals, a strange color when compared to the black ones he had used when they fought the year before. “Wh-what’re you… what’s th-this?” She asked, regaining her lucidity back for a quick moment.

“Remember when I said I wasn’t mad at you when you hit me?” He mused, lowering his hands down her body slowly.


“I lied…” He smirked mischievously, his hand sliding into her pants, three fingers forcing themselves into her aching pussy without so much as a warning.

“AH!” SHe cried out, arching her head back from the sudden burst of pleasure. His thumb pressed and ground against her clit as his three fingers pushed deeper, and deeper. His pinkie was the last to touch her flesh, finding its way into her backdoor. “S-Sombra… wh-what… I’ve never…”

“I am going to stretch both of these holes by the end of the night. And I’m going to turn you into a whimpering, moaning slut.” He declared, spreading his fingers apart and letting them stretch her wider.

“D-don’t…” She tried to say.

“Unfortunately, that hole will be staying shut.” Sombra smirked, his magic forcing her mouth shut and clamping down around it. “Now, as a King, I am a fair pony… Normally striking royalty is punishable by death, but I can make an exception…” He said in a more playful, sultry voice. His other hand moved up under her shirt and ran across her firm breasts, seeming to enjoy the feel. She rolled her eyes up into her head, moaning clearly through the magic covering her mouth. He cackled quietly and traced a fingernail down the center of her body, cutting her clothes off almost effortlessly like it was a razorblade. Looking back down at him, she made a few noises that signaled that she wanted to say something, asking his permission. A hole appeared in the magical gag, letting air pass into her mouth. “Talk, whore.” He commanded. “Tell your King your feelings…”

“Be rough… show m-me… that you can handle a true earth pony…” She panted out, fire in her eyes.

“That’s more like it.” He grinned, feeling his own loins stirring. Applejack had the perfect view of the growing bulge in his kingly slacks.

“H-how… how big is it?” AJ asked.

“Big enough to make Rainbow scream.” Sombra added, slowly rubbing himself to even harder lengths as he examined her now naked body. “Well, at least… when she wasn’t gagging.”


“I fucked her throat full of cum.” He answered as bluntly as possible.

“Ah… huh… that explains a bit…” She murmured. Sombra’s magic returned to life, Applejack’s heart skipping a beat as something started to prod her backdoor. “Th-that… that’s bigger than mah h-hoof… Ah don’t… Ah don’t know if A-Ah can take that, Sombra…” She said

Sombra’s sinister smile grew. She could feel her cheeks spread apart as the large, phallus shaped crystal slid achingly slow towards its’ mark. Her mouth opened to say something, the only thing that escaped it was a choked cry of a slobbery, muffled noise as the phallus forced itself suddenly into her, the sudden stretching seeming to barely fit, but she knew it was going in regardless of that fact.

“A-ah! So… h-huge…” She said, anal walls convulsing around the crystal inside of her.

“Squeezing is only going to make it hurt worse. It’s not going to stop until it’s all the way in…” He continued, standing and slipping the last of his clothes down, revealing a sight that brought a slight surge of horror to her, paired with a heated flash of arousal.

“How… wh-what… that’s nearly as b-big as mah leg…” She whimpered. Sombra, however, didn’t seem to care. The crystals around her legs slowly dragged them apart, forcing her to tighten around the intruding dildo. “Grrr… fine… go o-on, do it… see iffin’ you can tame this farm-grown m-mare..”

Sombra forced the dildo in a foot further as his hand worked its way up and down her marehood teasingly. Groaning, AJ bucked her hips up, trying to get more of him in her cunt, disappointedly lowering herself when he pulled his hand back. He crawled forward onto the bed, his rigid stallionhood prodding menacingly against her impatient slit. The previous thought that maybe it’s a little too big returned to her. “Luna d-damnit, would ya hurry up?” She groaned out. Sombra’s thumb physically pushed her hips back down into the bed with enough force to cause her to black out momentarily.

“I don’t think you’re in a position to judge.” Sombra laughed. “Position? Get it?”

“Hilarious.” She deadpanned. Sombra rolled his eyes and started to push himself forward, relishing in the two lips beginning to stretch and encompass his stallionhood. Feeling a bit mischievous, AJ flexed her inner muscles, making the ride inside a much more demanding experience on Sombra’s end. His teeth clenched together as he pushed slowly into her waiting depths, seeming to be having a slight bit of trouble. Sombra smirked and his horn glowed with a dim purple light, the toy in her ass growing exponentially. “Gah! What’re ya-” She tried to say, cut off by a sudden thrust further into her cunt.

“Muuuch better.” Sombra sighed pleasantly, his stomach and chest now pressing against hers, leaving them face to face. He smiled down at her and gently pecked her lips. “Hi.”

Leaning her head back up to his, Applejack locked him into a much deeper kiss. After letting him go, she said, “Howdy.”

Sombra couldn’t help but show the most happy smile she’d ever seen on him. His hands dug into the crystals around her body like a hot knife through butter until she felt his delicate touch clasp gently onto her rump, now giving her a more gentle thrust that she expected after all the ‘roleplaying’ that had been done.

“A-ah… Ah thought Ah t-told ya to go f-faster…” She moaned.

“In due time, dear.” Sombra cooed, tenderly kissing her neck and pulling his hips back, only to saw back into her aching pussy. Applejack’s insides were quivering and pulsing with its’ own heartbeat, practically making her suffer with the slow pace of his ministrations.

She growled at him, trying her hardest to break out of her imprisonment and get at him. Sombra felt as if he had just discovered a new part of her to play with, only making his shaft grow harder. More crystals started growing onto her chest, not sharp or misshaped, but almost like a bra forming around her chest and encompassing her breasts. The smooth, cool material made her breath catch itself in her throat. “What… what’s th-that?”

Sombra answered by bringing a hand up to the bra and clicking it. The entire crystal bra started vibrating like a tuning fork had just been hit.

“Hhhaaahhn!” She squealed out. “What in T-Tartarus?”

Sombra reeled back and slammed his hips against hers with a particularly rough thrust, catching her off guard from the care he had been previously showing.

“Ah th-think… you’re too long to f-fit all the way in…” She gasped out.

“Mm, is that a challenge?” Sombra mused, his hips slowly pulling back, as if winding up for a rough push.

“N-no, it’s an observaAAAAAHHH!” She screamed out, throwing her head back as Sombra slammed back into her, the tip of him hitting her cervix with a solid thump.

“Well, that’s no good. We’re almost there, sweetie.” Sombra assured, gritting his teeth and beginning an unexpected assault on her pussy, not letting a single thrust shy away from bottoming out. AJ couldn’t even respond, the pleasure clouding her mind to the point of mumbling out sweet nothings back to him. Sombra, however, was grunting and growling amidst his efforts, his hot breath washing over her body with every powerful thrust that she had so desperately craved this entire time. He could feel the final barrier weakening, each bash having a bit more give at the end of it.


Sombra’s hips stabbed at hers, gaining another inch inside her.


And another…


Applejack’s mind was annihilated with mixed sensations as the signal he had made it inside was announced by the loud, wet slap of his sack against her ass.

Managing to bring herself back to a semblance of sanity, AJ looked down her body, seeing the thick bulge of his cock under her skin, the tip going further than she’d ever thought possible. Sombra couldn’t help but chuckle at his victory, giving her ‘bra’ another musical flick. “Ah! How do y-you keep... doin’ that?” AJ asked

“Think of it as a gift.” Sombra replied, prodding her special bra. “Maybe I’ll give you some panties too, heh…” He teased, feeling himself growing closer to his orgasm. She could feel it, too, the throbbing of his cock giving it away. Sombra leaned down, kissing her with a rather rough and passionate move of his hips. Before she knew it, his tongue was exploring her mouth and splitting their tastes evenly through each other’s mouths. She screamed into his mouth as his cock filled with sperm, raising the temperature of the impaling rod by a good few (noticeable) degrees, along with swelling her womb by a rapid degree. Sombra couldn’t help but smile at her bloating stomach, peppering her neck with kisses and her body with tender caresses and squeezes. “Now, do you understand Rarity’s bath?” Sombra asked, his semen making her tingle with pleasure that she, ironically, didn’t see coming.

The feeling of her skin stretching and bloating was new to Applejack, or at least in this form it was. “Hnnng… A-ah do… but ah hope ya aren’t p-plannin’ on… fittin’ all of that in me.”

“Oh, trust me… Ponies are extremely pliant.” Sombra teased, nipping at her ear and sending a chill of pleasure down her spine. Sombra slowly started to pull out, leaving her without a single moment of emptiness as the fluids in her gut followed. Just as he slipped out, a crystal pair of underwear formed from the crystal dildo in her other hole, holding all the liquids inside. Sombra moved up closer to her head, his shaft still oozing and spurting his purple jizz lightly. Applejack WAS feeling a little thirsty...

Leaning forward, she slurped the head into her mouth, lightly sucking the seed from his length. Sombra moaned softly, raking his hand through her hair. “Drink up, you’re gonna need it.”

Popping off of him for a moment, she asked, “Need it? Fer what?”

Sombra moved back down, the crystals binding her to the bed growing and forcing her hips into the air. She groaned loudly as the toy in her ass started to slide out, seeming to answer her question.

“Oh. Oh shit.” She said.

“Hopefully not.” Sombra laughed. A hole appeared in the back of the underwear, the cold air of the room washing over her long filled hole.

“Hhhnnn… s’ cold…” She mumbled. Sombra smiled and prodded the hole with his still hardened length, immediately warming it back up once more.

“Better?” He asked.

“Yeah, it iIIISS!” She grunted, his sudden thrust into her distorting her speech. Sombra’s magic lit up momentarily, and Applejack felt something hard forcing itself into her abused pussy, seeming as big as his own cock. “Is… what? Your m-magic?”

“Are you surprised? It mimics me.” Sombra added, his magic pushing into her cunt at the same speed as him into her ass.

“Mimics y-you?”

Sombra confirmed her suspicion once he started to pull back, the intruder in her vagina following his cock and moving back as well. “Mimics me.” He nodded. Sombra gripped her tightly, making her scream as both cocks drilled into her, violently tearing at the rippling assflesh that jiggled so prominently around it. He let out an almost amused chortle, absolutely enthralled by the usually tough pony wrapped in a world of pleasure.

“Nnnff… s-so deep…” AJ moaned. “Ah l-love how it f-feels…”

“I bet you do, bet you’ve been dreaming of this since you saw me?”

“N-no!” She said, blushing. “W-well… maybe. A-a little.” AJ admitted. “Seein’ what y-you did to Rainbow was… e-enlightening.”

“Mm, I wonder how many of your friends were thinking the same. Maybe I should pay a visit to the rest?” Sombra cooed, hilting himself and grinding around in a manner that stretched her further.

“Haaah! M-maybe… you should…” She gasped. “Ah know th-that Pinkie’s been th-thinkin’ about ya a l-lot.”

“Maybe I should, hmm… teach your pink haired friend that I can be very, very kind.” Sombra grinned, leaning down to kiss Applejack’s neck and caress her skin.

“Ah’m… s-still serious about what Ah said a wh-while back… you hurt any o-of ‘em and I’ll teach y-you a lesson.” She said, getting serious for a moment. AJ calmed down a moment later, saying, “B-but, uh, if you w-wanna show her a good time… P-Pinkie likes movies.”

“What’s a movie?” Sombra cocked his head curiously.

“Aw, n-never mind… just ask her t-to take you to one tomorrow.” AJ said. “Now, let’s get b-back to what you were doin’... which i-is fuckin’ me.”

“Goodness, getting ahead of ourselves.” Sombra laughed, giving a particularly rough thrust that knocked the wind from the earth-pony’s lungs. As AJ once more gasped for air, she could feel Sombra’s cock- and cock mimic- speed up, hilting inside of her nearly twice as fast. As Sombra’s own shaft started to swell with a sweet batch of his cum, the one in Applejack’s pussy began to grow right alongside it.

Finally getting her breath back, AJ asked, “Is it- are y-you cummin from b-both?”

“Ohh, what? You think I can’t?” Sombra teased.

“It’s n-not what Ah expecteeeeeeed!” She squealed, the feeling of her double-stuffed holes being pumped full of boiling hot cum taking her breath away in an sudden orgasm. It’s almost as if his entire purpose was to suffocate her on her own pleasure.

“Get used to the unexpected. Although, from what I’ve heard, you and your friends already have.” Sombra laughed under his breath as more of the thick, purple liquid traveled through both of his appendages and filled her more. The feeling that maybe she had bitten off more than she could chew, and swallowed it, and was now going to regret it for the rest of the day, came to her mind.

It had been nearly a minute by then, and he’d still kept going. Her stomach had rounded out to a dome, and with every new splurt from inside, stretched out just a bit more. “A-are you ever… gonna stop?!” She panted.

“You remember Rarity?” He leaned in, giving her a couple extra inches she didn’t even know he had and making every wall of her interior ripple with an orgasm out of the blue.

“Hnnng! Aw… aw shit…” She groaned. “Ah don’t… th-think Ah can hold that m-much…”

“Funny, that’s what Rarity said.” Sombra mused, rubbing her belly gently before giving it a hard flick. AJ looked down and watched as the ripples spread out, her tummy jiggling and wobbling before settling back down to its gently expanding state. “If I may ask…”


“Do you honestly think I’d hurt anyone?” Sombra seemed to frown at the thought, feeling a tad bit of guilt.

“Well…” She thought for a moment, gently moaning from his still-shooting cock, “Honestly? N-no… Ah didn’t think ya’d hurt the Crusaders, e-either. Ah guess Ah j-just freaked out then… and again, right n-now.”

“Speaking of, that brings me to my next point.” Sombra continued, beginning round two and slowly starting to saw into her again, this time much slower and carefully.

“A-again?!” She squealed.

“No, no, that’s not what I’m talking about. That was going to happen anyways.” Sombra rolled his eyes. “I meant, your sister and her crusader friends.”

“What… what about em’?” AJ asked.

“Well, you told me not to have sex with them.” Sombra continued.


“I’m just curious as to… why? I truly wouldn’t hurt them. My job is to make my people happy, and I don’t have any people left. I wouldn’t have anything to gain by harming them.”

“Like Ah said… Ah just f-freaked out. It was a b-big sister moment.” She explained.

“So, your word still stands?” Sombra asked, tenderly tracing a finger around the dark nipple on her left breast while squeezing and pulling on the other.

“Huh… jes’ d-don’t get em pregnant, alright?” She asked.

Sombra smiled and nodded. “Not as if any of your friends will be, nor you.”

“Heh… does th-that have anything to do with the purple cum?” AJ smirked.

“If I wanted you knocked up, it wouldn’t be purple.” Sombra nodded. He slid his hands down to her hips and leaned down to plant a kiss on her lips. She moaned into his mouth, lightly tickling his tongue with hers as he began thrusting into her earnestly once more. With a gentle coo from him, he pulled his head back and said, “Besides, it’s not as if Applebloom is a virgin.”


Sombra yanked himself back, nearly falling from her body entirely before catching himself by grabbing her hips. “Wh-what? What’d I say?”

“Ya said she wasn’t a virgin!” AJ yelled.

“No, she isn’t… somepony named Pip?”

“Ah’m gonna MURDER that little shit!” She roared. Sombra’s eyes widened momentarily. His horn flared up and more crystals started to grow around her, encompassing her breasts, arms, and legs. “The Tartarus… Somrba, you’d better not be dommmph!” She tried to say, stopped by a ball-gag appearing out of nowhere.

“I am doing this out of love.” Sombra added hesitantly. AJ ignored him, instead thrashing around as best she could in her crystal prison and doing her damndest to bite through the ball-gag. He bit his lip for a moment before bringing a hand to her new crystal clothes. With a rough flick, the entire set of armor started to vibrate with a gentle, musical hum. Applejack tensed up as her entire body was massaged, tingling lightly as Sombra pulled himself from her ass, quickly replaced with yet another crystal alike the one in her pussy.

AJ slowly calmed down, still moving around in her crystal suit, but no longer trying to break out. She softly moaned into the ball-gag, thrusting her hips back and forth to try and get the crystals deeper inside of her.

“Thaaat’s right… just relax.” Sombra smiled, flicking the crystals again. The intensity grew two fold, making her entire body tense up. As the crystal spread around her clit, a new world of sensations made her body quake and thrash. She screamed into the ball-gag once more, but this time in orgasm. Mare-cum sprayed out from around the dildo inside of her, drenching the sheets beneath. “There, isn’t that better?” AJ weakly nodded. His hand wandered over, flicking once more. Applejack’s mind reeled, slowly turning to putty at the musical crescendo only growing louder, and louder. The sound of the door clicking open made Sombra freeze in his tracks.

His head snapped to the door, seeing her big brother standing there in utter shock. Along with the flaming red outshining his own skin, Big Mac had another emotion on his face.

“Heeey Big Mac…”

Chapter 4: Pinkie Pie?

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“Ah! Just gimme a minu-aaaaah!” Sombra sputtered painfully as Big Mac dragged him by his legs out of the house. At this moment, Sombra was regretting locking Applejack in his crystal prison. Big Mac dragged him into the barn and hoisted him up, throwing Sombra into a pile of hay with a loud pomf!

Big Mac glared down at him, read to pummel the horned toad of an ex-king. “Now, before you do anything rash…” Sombra held his hands up defensively from his splayed position. Big Mag kneeled down and stared at Sombra’s still-naked crotch. “Oh gods, please don’t neuter me, I’m so sorry I’ll never do it again!”

Big Mac practically headbutted Sombra’s crotch before running his long, red tongue up the flaccid dong. The act made Sombra utter a sound of bewildered pleasure. “Haaaahnwh- huh?” Sombra mumbled after coming down from his surprised pedestal. Big Mac smiled and gripped his own hair tightly. “What are you...?”

When the hand moved down, the hair went with it. And the face…and the chest…and…

“Hiya!” Pinkie’s voice made Sombra’s heart skip a beat as the buff earth pony was replaced by a pink bundle of smiles and joy. He blinked a few times, his mouth slowly falling open.


He was silenced by Pinkie tackling him into a hug, his head immediately shoved between her funbags. “I wanted to have some fun with you! You’ve been having little private parties, and I wasn’t a part of them! Now it’s time for our private party!” Pinkie squealed.

Sombra didn’t return the hug, he was too stunned in his continued attempts to comprehend what just happened. “But you… lifted me up effortlessly.” He stammered, staring at the Big Mac costume lying limply on the floor.

“I’m an earth pony! I may not be Big Mackie or AJ, but I’m strong, too!” She proved her point by releasing him from her grip and lifting him over her head with one hand. “See?”

Sombra’s eyes snapped open, grabbing her arms for some support and staring down at Pinkie with a surprised, yet impressed look. “Wow that’s…wow.”

Pinkie lowered him back down to the ground. “Yeah!”

Sombra was caught staring at the costume again. “It was very…um...lifelike.”

“You wanna go back to Sugarcube Corner?” She asked, completely ignoring his confusion.

Sombra slowly stood up and cleared his throat. “Of course. But uh, may I have some clothes?” Before he could finish what he was, saying, though, a bundle of clothes had been thrown at him- exactly what he was wearing before he’d started with Applejack. “Oh. Great!” Sombra smiled, beginning to put his underwear back on. “So uhhh…Hello.”


Sombra never took his eyes off her as he slipped his pants on. “You work at Sugarcube Corner, correct?”

“Yup! I’m a baker, there!” Pinkie nodded.

“How quaint. I’m sure you make the best in town, and I’d be happy to try some of your goods.”

“Really? Try this one!” Pinkie said, holding out a cupcake. A freshly-baked one, in fact. Sombra squinted at the treat.

“Should I ask?”

Pinkie shook her head. Sombra rolled his eyes and approached her. Without pausing, he bent down and took a bite of it straight from her hand. Pinkie giggled as he chewed. Sombra smiled and gave a thumbs up.

“Yay!” She smiled wider. “Are you ready to head back?”

“Of course. Where you go, I go.” Sombra nodded, holding his arm out. Pinkie grabbed his hand and jumped into a haystack. Before Sombra could protest, the two of them came through the other side of the haystack…in front of Sugarcube Corner. Sombra’s head snapped back to the haystack, staring at it and doing a double, then triple take to their new position.


“Whatcha lookin’ for?” Pinkie asked, tilting her head. Sombra scratched his head and returned to his normal demeanor.

“So…where do we start?” Sombra began.


As Sombra and Pinkie walked into the shop, a bell rings above their heads. A voice comes out from behind the counter.

“Just a moment dearie and I will be right-” Mrs. Cake pauses at the menacing pony standing in front of her. “Oh my Celestia you are a tall one.”

“Afternoon. The pleasure is mine.” Sombra bowed his head and approached the counter. “I am Sombra, and who is the lovely mare I am blessed be in the presence of?”

“Ah, uh, I’m Cup Cake and I am the co-proprietor of this establishment with my lovely husband, Carrot Cake.” She blushes, “good to meet you?”

“Pinkie speaks highly of you. I’m sure this place wouldn’t be the same without your gentle touch.” He glanced back toward the door as Pinkie made herself known, the bell above the door chiming as she opened the entrance just wide enough to slither through.

“Heeeey! I see you two are saying hi. Maaaybe other things are being said too?” Pinkie giggled

with a wink aimed directly to Mrs. Cake.

“Pinkie, not in front of the customers!” She gestured to the other ponies who were watching the exchange with some consternation. “So sorry about this, everypony. There is no need to be afraid, please, just enjoy your meals.” She blushed nervously. “Pinkie, is there a reason you are bringing this, ah-a hunk here?” She pulls at her collar.

“Well, what do you think I brought him here for? What did he do when he was hanging out with Rainbow, Applejack, and Rarity?” Pinkie rolled her eyes as if Mrs. Cake should know this.

“Um, should I Pinkie?” She looks at Sombra with an evaluating eye.

“Oh you know!” Pinkie giggled, hopping up beside Cup Cake and elbowing her gently. “That thing.”

“Um, what thin-Oh! Ooh.”

“Sex.” Pinkie emphasized loudly.

“Pinkie! What about the customers?” She looks sharply around. “Ahaha...Nothing to see here folks, but we are going to close up for my lunch break in ten minutes so would you kindly finish your meals so I can clean up?”

“You should always wait at least half an hour before swimming.” Pinkie said in a slightly serious manner before falling into a fit of giggles. Even Sombra couldn’t hold back a grin.

“Swimming? But we’re nowhere near the Ponyville pool.” She moves her eyes down Sombra’s body. “Where would I be swimming?”

“Oh, well Pinkie and I were going to the spa.” Sombra interjected.

“You were?” Cup Cake’s eyes fluttered. She seemed almost disappointed.

“Yeah, we were?” Pinkie cocked her head and shrugged. “That sounds fun! You wanna come Mrs. C?”

“If your husband doesn’t mind that is. I always am required to ask this to those in…” Sombra slid a hand down and took Cup Cake’s, squeezing the wedding ring on her hand before his grip solidified around the palm entirely. “A relationship.”

“Oh, my husband and I are...are you familiar with the term Swingers?” She rubbed his palm. Sombra’s ears twitched at the words and a smile crept up on his face. Mrs. Cake felt her face heating up at the sight. She could tell he knew very well what it meant, and she could only imagine what he was thinking.

“I’ll be outside. Don’t keep us waiting.” Sombra whispered. He spun around and pulled Pinkie against his body with a hand around her waist. She giggled and clung to the tall pony before the familiar chime signaled their exit.

Mrs Cake quickly bustled around clearing tables and wiping them down before writing a quick note on the fridge for her husband. Once she finished, she went to the front door and turned off the lights before switching the sign over to “Closed” and locking the door behind her.

The rest of the customers in the store just sat in silence and darkness, staring at the locked door and waiting. A certain blonde, cross eyed pegasus stood up from one of the tables and approached the counter, tapping on the bell at the front of the counter that signaled somepony needed service. “Hello?”

“Great! Glad you could join us.” Sombra began walking, dragging a limp pink pony that was curled around his arm.

“It was nothing. My husband is out of town for the day and the kids are being babysat by Cheerilee for the weekend.” She paused and put a thoughtful finger to her lips. “Am I forgetting anything?” She shook her head before hurrying back to Sombra’s side.

“A tad convenient. You sure you didn’t know I was coming?” Sombra flashed her a knowing look before turning his attention back to the road ahead.

“You know what that horned goat always sang.” Mrs Cake took a deep breath and sang in a ridiculous southern accent. “Be prepared, be prepared, always be prepared!”

“And which one of you is the horned goat?” Pinkie giggled, plopping onto the ground after releasing from Sombra and grabbing onto Cup Cake’s leg as she passed by. Smiling as her face grew a little pinker, Cup Cake grunted as Pinkie clawed her way like a cat, scurrying onto Mrs. Cake’s shoulders. “You!” Pinkie said, reaching down and booping Cup Cake on the tip of her nose.



“Is there a reason you are sitting on my shoulders?”

“Did you want me to get down?” Pinkie gave the most innocent smile Mrs. Cake had ever seen, and that was saying a lot. Especially seeing it upside down, as Pinkie had to bend far to show her the expression of pure joy.

“You know that your boobs are pressing on my head?”

“Is that a no?” Pinkie giggled, kissing Cake’s forehead.

“Not necessarily. I don’t mind it much at all. but maybe you can press your boobs on Sombra?” Mrs. Cake chuckled. “I’m sure that he wouldn’t mind it at all!”

“Yeaaah, maybe. But don’t you want ‘em? You sound like you don’t want ‘em.” Pinkie pouted, straightening up and crossing her arms. “I see how it is.” Mrs. Cake felt the soft globes leave the top of her head.

“Oh, fine. You can smoosh your boobs on my head again. They are quite soft, not to mention large. Once we get to the spa, I certainly wouldn’t mind seeing them.”

“Teehee!” Pinkie slid down Cup Cake’s back and hung off her with a hug around her neck, a pair of pink feet dragging behind them as Pinkie gave another long kiss to Mrs. Cake’s cheek. “You’re the bestest of parents. You’re not my parents, really. You’re more like my Ponyville parents! My home away from home, and my parents away from parents. I love you sooo much!”

“Oh, Pinkie… that’s so sweet. I had no idea you felt that way.” Mrs. Cake was again feeling her face heat up. If she didn’t know better, she thought she’d be turning into a tomato by the end of the day. Her eyes took to Sombra, seeing he had been watching the entire time. The happiest smile ever was on his face. Not one of lust, or smugness, one of genuinity. A quiet whimper escaped Cake’s mouth, looking down at the ground below.

“You don’t have to be ashamed, I’m happy you two have such a bond together. You’re like a couple of sisters that never fight. That’s a rare sight, but refreshing indeed.” Sombra laughed wholeheartedly and slowed, now walking beside them.

“So, Pinkie, shall we head to the spa?”


Mrs. Cake and Pinkie sat in the large room, with the familiar Aloe and Lotus waiting beside two benches with holes cut out for them to place their heads.

“So how often do you come by here, Pinkie?” Mrs. Cake asked.

“Only every week! Rarity brings me a lot. She doesn’t aaaalways offer, I just like being with my friends.” Pinkie hummed gently.

“Oh! That’s very nice of her, and you.” Mrs. Cake smiled. “And what kind of massage do you get?”

“Hmm. I always fall asleep before they tell me.” Pinkie prodded her own chin as she thought. “What was it…”

“Deep tissue?”

“No, Charmin.”

Mrs. Cake blinked. “What?”

“Oh hey!” Pinkie waved while hopping up and down. Cup Cake turned her attention as Sombra walked in with a couple towels neatly folded in his arms.

“And how are you two treating each other?”

“Oh, I was just asking Pinkie about the type of massage she usually gets.” Mrs. Cake said.

“Something. I know that it’s something.” Pinkie added, narrowing the search for the term.

“So, Mrs. Cake. What is first on the to-do list?” Sombra asked, approaching and turning to face the room full of treatments.

“Oh, dearie, just call me Cup. And I suppose that since we’re all talking about it, a massage would be a nice start.” She said.

The three were lead to their individual beds. Pinkie didn’t even have to be told to strip before her clothes were scattered about the room. “You can keep your underwear on.” Sombra chuckled, undoing his shirt.

“Pffft.” Pinkie dismissed his observation and flopped onto the table.

“Well, they are full-body massages, and one would probably expect them to want you to remove your clothing.” Cup said, removing her clothes just as Pinkie had- albeit in a much more controlled manner.

“Just saying, in case some ponies in this room are uncomfortable with that.” He assured, fiddling with his pants before leaving the rest of his body open to the elements. Without a moment's hesitation, he was on the table lying face down with Pinkie.

“You two sure do look comfortable.” Cup teased.

The only response from Pinkie was a gentle snoring. The massage hadn’t even started, and Sombra was already snickering in his seat.

Cup giggled as well, saying, “She did say that she tends to fall asleep before the massage.”

“I was lead to believe it was during the massage.”

“Pinkie is a very strange mare.” Cup admitted. “You never can be sure with anything when it comes to her.”

“I’ve learned to expect the unexpected when dealing with the Elements of Harmony.” Sombra laughed. Aloe was the first to make contact, guiding Mrs. Cake to the final bed and motioning her to lie down.

As soon as Cup laid on the table, Aloe began her massage, keeping it gentle. “Mmm.. thank you, Aloe.” Cup said.

Aloe smiled and looked over at Lotus, nodding. Lotus looked at Pinkie and saw she was still asleep, her eyes rolling before approaching Sombra. She dug her fingers into his back and started on him. “Mmm… first massage in over… how many hundreds of years?” Sombra chuckled.

“You must be pretty tense, then.” Cup smirked.

“Well, I had Rainbow to give me a hand. And Rarity, and Applejack.” Sombra added with the same smirk spreading onto his own face.

“And soon enough, Pinkie and myself will be your own personal stress relievers, then.”

“You certainly sound eager. Husband not treating you well enough?”

Cup reached a hand over to Sombra’s table and gave him a light swat on the muzzle. “Now I’ll only tell you once, dear- don’t insult my husband. I know you were only joking, but my point stands.”

Blinking rapidly, Sombra held back a tear. “Of course… my apologies.” He stammered out, clearing his throat.

“Apology accepted.” Cup said, patting his cheek. “And as for eagerness… well, what can I say? A young, virile, hunk of a stallion offers me a good time? Of course I’m eager!”

“Well! I’m happy to help in anyway I can.” Sombra nodded, glancing back at Lotus. She seemed to be in awe, staring at something at the back end of the table. “Miss?”

Lotus gasped, yanking herself back to the massage, her face a lighter shade of what Cup Cake had been turning earlier. And by the color, Mrs. Cake had an idea of what she saw.

“I bet that that happens to you fairly often.” Cup noted.

“Quite. I believe Rainbow doesn’t get entranced fairly often? At least, not in the way a filly looks at the stars for the first time.” He giggled to himself.

“It’s like the opposite of a dowsing rod, it leads mares to itself.” Cup said.

“Aren’t I supposed to be the one flattering you?”

“You can if you’d like.” Cup offered. “Either way, I win.”

“I will when I think of something.” He mused. Pausing, he thought about the statement. “When I say that, I don’t mean there’s nothing flattering, I just meant… I... uh.” He mumbled.

“Not used to having somepony who’s used to all this, hmm?” Cup Cake teased.

“I’ll admit, it’s a nice change of pace. Usually everypony just stares at me when I walk by. Half of them because they have heard the stories of what happened at the Crystal Empire, and the other half simply because I’m… well, different.” Sombra sighed. He seemed almost forlorned, like he was reminiscing about something.

“Are you okay, dearie?” Cup Cake asked, reaching over and gently laying her hand on his arm.

“I’m just not used to this kind of treatment. I don’t mean the spa, just… all of it. Pinkie and her friends taking me in like a stray cat. No one should feel sorry for me, but yet they do. Why?” Sombra sunk further into the hole of the spa bed. She could feel his muscles relax more than ever. It seemed almost like they had just given up on being tense whatsoever, and she was sure it wasn’t the massage loosening them.

“Well… Pinkie and her friends are just special ponies. The way they see it, you don’t have to do anything to be friends, you can just… be good. And they know you’d never do anything to hurt anypony, so that’s enough for them to be friends with you.” Cup explained.

Sombra remained silent, his head turning slightly in her direction but not making itself seen. Mrs. Cake definitely had his attention.

“And if you’re good in their books, then most ponies here in Ponyville should easily accept you. I know I certainly did.” Cup smiled, squeezing his arm.

“Most ponies know about Nightmare Moon and Princess Luna, something I was unaware of until recently. Ponies seem to accept her openly now, I imagine it wasn’t easy was it?” He asked.

“Oh, but it was!” Cup said. “We’ve only had the one incident, and that was on Nightmare Night. In truth, it was mostly Pinkie’s doing… but I digress. We’ve all gotten over it, and openly accept her now.”

“And I suppose most ponies know about my past as well?”

“Hmm… well, perhaps not most, but I’m certain a fair number of them do.”

Sombra was again silent, stewing on the information. Again, he spoke. “I suppose whether I like it or not, ponies are going to accept me regardless of my history. And I suppose that’s exactly what it should stay...history.” He finally pulled his head up and shot her a smile.

“There you go, dear. That’s the handsome smile Pinkie’s been talking about.” Cup said, smiling right back.

“Thank you Cup Cake. Just…thank you.” Sombra stared at her, just watching the mare receive her massage.

“It’s nothing, dea- ooh! Right there, Aloe…” Cup said, shivering as Aloe hit a particularly sensitive area. Both Aloe and Lotus giggled in response.

Sombra’s smile only grew as he sat up. “I think this is the best spa I’ve ever been to. Although, I can’t tell if it’s the masseurs, or the company.”

“Mmm…probably both.” Cup joked.

“Perhaps we should try the sauna. I hear the steam is imported straight from Rainbow Falls.” Sombra joked. He stood up and offered her a hand.

“Ooh, that sounds lovely.” Cup smiled, standing up with him. “But what about Pinkie?” She asked, looking at the sleeping mare.

“I say we let her rest. This spa date is far from over. Come, the sauna awaits.” Sombra held out his arm. Cup linked hers with his, and let Sombra lead then to the sauna. The two seemed to be alone, and the spa was relatively abandoned. Entering the spacious chamber, he shut the door and ushered her to the surprisingly plush seats. One in particular that stood out from the others was a loveseat that took center stage between the others.

“I can tell where you’d like to sit.” Cup Cake quipped, looking up at him.

“Why don’t you take a seat and I’ll get it started.” Cup nodded, letting go of him and sitting down on the loveseat. Her curvy figure took up a bit more than half of it, though. A gentle stream of magic ignited the fire pit in the center. Slowly, the bucket of water above it started to boil. Sombra approached the loveseat and stared down at the sliver of room he had to work with.

“Hmm… well, this is a bit of a problem…” Cup said. “I suppose I never quite did work off those pregnancy pounds…”

“Nonsense. You look as perfect as the day I met you. Which was today, so…” Sombra grinned.

“Oh, stop it, you cad.” Cup waved him off. “Now, how can we get this to work… no offense, but I don’t think that me sitting in your lap would be a good idea… what if you sat in my lap? But crosswise, so we could look at each other.”

“That sounds viable.” Sombra nodded, and let Cup guide him to where she wanted to sit. Before anything, she moved so that her back was facing the corner of the loveseat, and her legs hung off on the other side of the front- sitting on it diagonally, in a sense- which then gave Sombra room to sit down in the space her legs didn’t cover, his own legs going over hers. “This is nice.” He added.

“Oh, it’s nothing.” Cup said. The steam was starting to build up, now, a light fog spreading through the room.

“Why don’t you tell me of how your shop has been going? I can tell just by the way Pinkie acts that it’s successful, what with all the sugar in her blood.”

“Oh, and it has!” Cup smiled wider. “We’ve been making constant profits for months, now.”

“Any strange customers?”

“Hmm…not particularly, no.”

“Interesting.” Sombra nodded. Silence filled the room, aside from the steam growing thicker.

“And yourself? Other than your little quest with Pinkie and her friends, how are you doing?” Cup asked.

“Everytime I talk to somepony, I feel better and better. I think with you I’ve hit an all time high. So pretty good.” Sombra smiled, running a hand gently from her shoulder, down her arm and ending at her hand.

She giggled as he took her hand, surprising her with his strong grip. “And if you don’t mind me asking, dear…how is your quest going?”

“I’m getting to know new ponies, and adjusting to a strange time. So far… I don’t know how it can get any better. But I know I shouldn’t jinx myself.” He sighed softly.

“You know… Twilight was in almost the exact same situation when she first moved to Ponyville. She was afraid to meet new ponies, and it took her quite a long time to really consider Pinkie and the others as true, real friends.” Cup said. “But she did. And look at her now! Princess of friendship…you just need to relax, dearie. Stop worrying so much about everything.”

“Fair enough. But I’ll need something new to worry about.” Sombra squeezed her hand tighter. “Any suggestions?”

“Hmm…how about making the rest of this day a great day?” Cup said. “And then every day from now on, make that your only concern.”

Sombra slowly hugged the larger mare. “That sounds just perfect.”

“You’re welcome, dearie.” Cup said. At this point, the steam had filled the whole room, and both of them were coated in slick sweat, their bodies slippery and glistening.

“You know, you look pretty great like this. I can only imagine you with the shimmering look that the Crystal Ponies have...” He seemed to lose himself in a thought.

“Oh? Well, thank you!” Cup said, giggling.

“But regardless, I think touching you takes the cake. Heh, see what I did there?” He teased, already preparing himself for a punch.

Instead, Cup giggled even harder, eventually leading to a snort or a few. “Oh, goodness! How did you know I liked corny jokes?” She asked.

“Lucky guess.” Sombra nuzzled her neck and inhaled the smell of sweat and pastry. Surprisingly, it wasn’t bad.

“Do I really smell like cake?” Cup asked. “Some ponies say that I do, but I’ve never smelled as such.”

“Not even the most skilled baker could pull this off.” Sombra just nuzzled her more, thoroughly enjoying her scent.

“W-well, thank you…” Cup said, a small blush adorning her face at the compliment.

Sombra’s hands moved to her sides, slowly and softly caressing them in their descent downward.

“Mmm… that feels nice…” Cup sighed, relaxing onto the back of the seat. His lips were now on her neck, and his hands her hips. Squeezing her slippery flesh was giving the both of them pleasant chills.

“You feel nice.”

“As do your hands.” She returned.

“And where would you like them?” Sombra’s hands rested between her rump and the seat. “Maybe here?”

“Oooh, yes… my plot is… well, it’s large, and a bit sensitive. But you can feel free to put your hands anywhere you want, dearie.” Cup Cake purred.

“What about my lips?” He inquired, hovering from her neck to her face. “They’re getting cold… no matter how hot the room gets.”

“Hmm… I think I can help with that.” Cup said, moving her head to his and meeting his lips with her own in a deep kiss. Groaning lightly, he squeezed her backside tightly and pressed himself into her as she entered his lap. Soon enough, Cup took it up a notch, spreading her lips apart and sliding her tongue into his mouth. Cup felt her hips come in contact with his when Sombra’s hands moved back up her body to embrace her once more.

Cup could feel a certain part of him hardening behind her, his length sliding up her slick back. It was even warmer than the sauna, almost boiling hot. Teething on her tongue before pulling back, Sombra shot her a smirk. “I think your oven’s up to temperature.”

“True… but a good baker always samples the batter before she cooks it.” Cake retorted.

“I have plenty of samples. But first, we need to find a pan big enough to fit it all.” He added with a quick peck at her lips.

“Well, this baker has three pans, and they’re all large enough to hold anything you can put into them.” She shot back, stealing a kiss from him as well. They could both feel the grins on each other’s faces. Sombra’s hands took each padded melon into his hand and gave them a hard squeeze.

He pulled back again, “Gonna need some milk first.”

“Ooh… well, get ready for a lot of it.” Cup smirked. “These babies are packed full of it, since I never got to feed my babies.”

“Great. I’m starving…” He pushed her gently away from his body to slip his head down. She felt his tongue on the sensitive breast, finding that not using it for sometime has made it very delicate indeed.

“Ahh…” She groaned, massaging his head further into her teat. “Don’t be afraid to… be a teensy bit rough.”

“I’m anything but afraid.” Sombra shifted around so she was on bottom and leaving her gasping from the shock of the sudden repositioning. Snapped from the daze, she felt a sudden suction clinging to her left nipple.

Cup Cake let out a long, low moan as she felt milk begin to trickle its way from her breast, Sombra’s suction causing it to quickly advance to a nice stream of creamy liquid. His face pressed harder and his grip clasped around the lovely squishy jug tightened. Her back arched and her stomach pressed firmly into his chest. “Mmm… oh, if there’s just one thing I wish Carrot would do, it’s milk me… he’s a wonderful husband, but he doesn’t like my breast milk.” Cup said.

“A shame. It tastes delightful. I think I may just get addicted to you.” He teased with a slow lick up the breast in use.

“Mmm… th-thank you, dearie…” Cup sighs, running her other hand down his chest. The thin fluid crept eagerly down her body as he toyed with her chest, playfully and gently moving between a massage and a pinch. Cup squeaked as she felt him toy with her sensitive breasts. Perhaps it was the touch of such a gentlestallion, or maybe the heartbeat running up her back that was keeping her pinned to him. Either way, he was relieving some stress that neither of her babies could take fast enough.

“Goodness, are the toddlers getting off the bottle?” He joked, his grip tightening slowly, but never stopping.

“Y-yes, actually… strange enough, my breasts just won’t stop producing… Carrot says I may need to see a doctor about it.” Cup informed him. “I don’t… well, I don’t mind, actually.”

“I certainly don’t.” Sombra leaned back, his arms once again embracing her. She felt herself melting into his body. Whether it was from the heat of the steam, or the warmth of his body, she was like chocolate over a fire. “I don’t think the spa will ever be the same without you here.”

Cup blushed again. “Now you’re getting somewhere, you flatterer.” She giggled.

“I’m not in a rush to go anywhere.” Sombra teased with a kiss. “Besides, I’m exactly where I want to be.”

“Oh, you know how to make an old mare feel so loved, you know that?” Cup said, leaning forward and nuzzling him. His hands wandered down to her squeezable butt and held on with the same tenderness he showed her chest pillows. “Mmm…very loved.”

“Why don’t I show you just how much I love you.” Sombra suggested. He didn’t even wait for an answer, seeming as if he wouldn’t take no as one. Sombra made sure he set her down with the utmost care, allowing her back to hit the floor gently. Before she knew it, he was on top of her.

“Oooh, a dominant one, are ya?” Cup smirked.

“I take it you’re usually in that spot? I can only imagine how sore your husband must be.” He quipped with a rather unmasculine giggle.

“Oh, no. Carrot’s a stocky stallion, and I’m… well, I’m rather pudgy. I’m usually on bottom, though I still tend to lead.” She explained.

“What would my lady prefer? This is your vacation as well.” He emphasized, only temporarily closing the gap between their lips.

“Hmmm… maybe for our second round. Assuming you can handle so much mare for so much time.” Cup said.

“I can certainly try.” Sombra lowered a hand down and touched her marehood for the first time. It was puffy, and neither could tell if the dew coating it was steam from the sauna or if it was all natural.

Cup Cake shivered, reaching a hand of her own down to fiddle with Sombra’s own nethers, running a few fingers around the head of his shaft. She felt him give a playful thrust into her hand, feeling more of him than her hand could cover. “Mmm… you’re a big one, aren’t you?” She cooed.

“Only the better to serve.” He said in a more throaty, suppressed tone. Sombra found himself grinding harder against her until she felt something warm slowly dribbling down her hand.

Cup looked down, only to see that her hand was covered in something… purple? “Hmmm? You, ah… your cum is purple, dearie?” She asked.

“Only most of the time. It’s mostly to prevent unwanted foals… but that’s not the only thing I added.” He quipped. Gently, he took the oozing hand and pushed it toward her mouth, hinting at something she definitely was curious about. Although she knew it wasn’t going to be poisoned, she was a little hesitant to try the thin, discolored pre. Once she really inhaled, she got more than just steam. The scent alone washed all doubt away like her brain was in the middle of a train crash.

“Carrot cake!” She nearly shouted. “How does… how did you know that my favorite flavor of pastry is carrot cake? And… well, how does your pre taste like it?”

“Oh, so you eat a lot of Carrot Cake?” Sombra teased with the slow wetting of his lips.

Cup blushed. “Don’t you even start, you big tease.” She said,covering her hand in more of his pre and slurping it up. “And you’ve yet to explain.”

“To be fair, it used to taste like Rainbow Dash. Then Rarity.” Sombra hummed, momentarily drifting before his gaze wandered past his mind’s fantasy and back to Mrs. Cake. “But then again, that’s me.”

Cup Cake’s face scrunched up, and she let out a little snort. “I-I’m serious!” She said.

“So am I.” His brows furrowed. “It’s part of the spell. Along with being a contraceptive, it also mimics your favorite flavors.”

“Oh.” She nodded, going silent for a few moments. “Well… that’s good. But it’s very strange to my mind that this thick, purple fluid tastes like the most delicious carrot cake I’ve ever had.”

“Perhaps you’d like some more?”

Finding the scent growing stronger, she felt the tool slithering up her body and poking between the tender breasts that both of them had forgot about, if only for a moment. Cup looked down at the shaft between her breasts, the wide, flaring head of Sombra’s cock leaking what seemed like cups of pre every few seconds. “You and every stallion, obsessed with fellatio.” She shook her head, leaning down and giving his tip a lick. She received a long sigh in return. Sombra was straightening up, straddling her stomach and grinning down at his prize. The taste once again filled her mouth, a taste she couldn’t quite get enough of. He grabbed each breast and started to grind them around his tit-sandwiched length in a sudden and forceful manner.

“Oh my sweet little cupcake. I’m obsessed with more than that.”

In between licks, Cup asked, “Oh? And what else do you love that much?”

“The sight of your glistening body.” Sombra began, giving a gentle thrust that filled her mouth with a burst of even more pre. The amount being produced only seemed to increase as time went on. “How soft and nurtured your skin is. A mother such as yourself must be surprised at how amazing you look. A perky chest, regardless of how big they are. And the look of a mare who just turned twenty-one.”

Cup’s entire face went from blue to red in the span of a second, her blush spreading down to her chest. “O-oh… s-stop it, you… I know you’re just saying those things to make me feel good.” She mumbled.

“I only point out what I see. I’m having a hard time just looking at you. I’m afraid I’ll never be able to look away… when there’s so much I want to do to you.”

Cup Cake knew that he was growing even more rigid. Perhaps his prestigious size was even longer than she was lead on to believe. “Then why don’t you do something? A titjob is a nice start, dearie, but it’s just that- a start.” She egged him on. Eager to accept her proposal, his hips were one step ahead. Sliding back with a purple trail being left in it’s wake, the mammoth meat returned to the valley of cleavage before springing forth again. She was receiving just as much a massage as he was. The two lovestruck ponies were enraptured in each other’s bodies, wrapped in a blanket of utter bliss. “Mmm… now, just how big are you gonna get, dearie?” She asked, watching his length still expand, though very slowly.

“Until my arousal levels off. Unfortunately, I don’t believe that’s going to happen.” He teased, digging his fingers deeper into her chest and groaning at the extra plushness surrounding him.

Cup moaned as well, the slight pain just enhancing the pleasure from Sombra’s squeezing. “Mmm… keep that up…” She begged.

Who was he to question orders? Or rather, ignore the pleas of a helpless mare. Sombra’s thrusts only grew harder with every tit-jiggling, flesh rippling throb of his cock’s heartbeat. Her chest was slowly becoming more coated in his jism, and the liquid seemed to make the skin tingle and that much more sensitive. With every thrust, Cup leaned her head down- and each time, a little less- and slurped at the growing pool of pre on her chest. She could feel his balls as well, the spheres sitting on her navel, slowly swelling with his growing amounts of cum.

“Mmm, so soft. I don’t know what’s more addictive, the feel of the outside, or the taste of what’s in them.” Sombra sighed as that lovely pressure started to build.

Cup Cake decided to speed things up a bit, wrapping her lips around his tip and suckling the precum out of his shaft directly. Savoring in the suction, he paused for a few seconds before continuing his actions. Soon, she may have regretted opening her mouth. Every thrust nearly made her gag at the sudden intrusion past her lips. After just a few more moments, his shaft had grown the few inches necessary to poke into her throat, letting her swallow down his tip. Her heart fluttered at the feel of him swelling, that entire magnificent mast filling with what she was craving. A twitching feeling she knew all too well. But the only thing she felt was scratching in her throat. She started to cough as he pulled out, leaving her stunned at both the departure of him from her throat, and also her body.

“Aww… I was hoping you would fill me up…” Cup said, pouting up at him.

“I’m looking forward to it. But I was thinking…” Sombra’s eyes flickered momentarily to the door. The sound of the said door sliding open made both of them pause any speech they had even considered to belch out. Cup Cake was the first to see, but Sombra was left wondering at who was behind him. The delicate smell of rose petals and coconut was the strange combination that greeted his nostrils. Tilting his head back, he saw the spa ponies side by side, staring in at the two naked combatants. The sudden rush of cold air made Mrs. Cake and Sombra shiver.

With a pronk and a slam, Pinkie bounced in as well, closing the sauna behind her. “Hey Mrs. Cake, hey Sombrero!” She greeted them, waving at each in turn. Sombra was the tiniest bit pale at the newcomers’ entrance, giving Cup Cake a glance that screamed ‘say-something-for-me’.

“Ah… h-hello, Aloe, Lotus, and Pinkie. What… what are the three of you doing in here?” Cup asked, her voice a bit shaky, not to mention that about half her face was covered in Sombra’s precum.

“I was asleep and you started without me? You tryin’ to steal my stallion Mrs. C?” Pinkie was giving a shocked tone and expression. Yet, Aloe and Lotus both knew it was feigned.

“No!” Cup said, waving her hands. “I never wanted to steal him from you, dear, I just-”

“Just thought you’d play with the merch?” Pinkie crossed her arms and approached with what Mrs. Cake could only describe as ‘determination’.

“No, Pinkie, that’s not- we didn’t- you don’t-” Cup stuttered. As Pinkie approached, Cup’s eyes wandered to the side. Following behind were Aloe and Lotus, their youthful appearance masked only by simple white robes. Robes that were beginning to unravel and tumble from their bodies. “I… ah… P-Pinkie?”

Pinkie stuck her tongue out, the three mares surrounding the prone, sticky cake below. They hovered ominously above, the grins on their faces making her body tingle all over again.

“A-are you three… ah… what…” Cup trailed off, looking at the three of them. Kneeling in a triangle pattern around her, Aloe and Lotus grabbed Cup’s legs, spreading them apart. “O-oh… this is very… forward…”

“Ahh wow, already wet! From me, or Sombie over there?” Pinkie winked, her tongue poking out as her mouth dropped open, her eyebrows waggling simultaneously. Aloe and Lotus giggled, locking one arm under each leg and using the other to grope and squeeze her slimy breasts.

“Ahm… b-both…” Cup admitted, moaning lightly from the constant groping. Pinkie had her sights on the prize, eyeing Cake’s twitching mess of a pussy. Falling just shy of a lick, Pinkie plummeted to the ground and caught herself just inches away, giving her a feel at just how warm her breath was. “Mmm, P-Pinkie…” Cup mumbled, her marehood giving a wink at the pink mare. Giving a wink of her own, Pinkie allowed her tongue to fall just low enough to run the tip of it along the outer folds. causing Cup Cake to cry out at the sudden, unexpected touch.

“Ahhhyataast gaad.” Pinkie slurred with her mouth still dangling freely open. Her pink body shook slightly as her tongue sank deeper and her face grew closer, now able to firmly breathe in the musk that had already filled the small cabin. Due to Pinkie’s exceptionally long tongue, she was able to fill Mrs. Cake’s cunt to an equally-exceptional degree, slurping and licking every inch of skin she could. Aloe and Lotus had moved their heads closer to Cup Cake’s, stopping at her chest. The grin they both shared screamed of lust. The sight made Cup’s already shaking body quake suddenly. Their tongues were tasting her cleavage, licking the glistening globes. Occasionally, they would pass over the tender, pink areola and caused her nethers to squeeze. The roughness and rigidness of Pinkie’s tongue made tightening more difficult, and that only made the arousal filling her body grow twice as much.

“O-ooh Luuuuna!” Cup moaned out, throwing her head back in pleasure. “P-Pinkie, g-gods…. k-keep going!”

The spectacular treatment was coming close to completion, yet she wanted to hang on for as long as possible. Regardless, Cup felt her grip on reality slipping with the pleasure blanking her mind. The rising heat made way for the sparks gliding up her spine. Her eyes were rolling back just as the stimulation of her clit began. That was the breaking point. She nearly shrieked out in pleasure, completely forgetting about Sombra and the twins and only focusing on that wriggling, squirming tongue inside of her that felt like utter bliss. The peak kept her as high as could be for what seemed like minutes. Soon, though, she made a gradual descent. Her body went lax, and the pleasure dedicated mares turned from simply teasing and licking, moved to gentle caresses as their bodies all surrounded the mare in the middle.

“Ahh-hah…goodness, d-dearie…that was…that was amazing…” Cup panted out, lazily looking down at Pinkie.

“All in a good days work!” Pinkie ran herself up the older mare’s body, the two ponies’ flesh gliding with ease along one another. Meeting each other face-to-face, Pinkie greeted her with a quick kiss. “So does this count as vacation, or am I getting paid at the creamery too?” She giggled.

“I… goodness, Pinkie…I just c-came my brains out, and you’re asking me tricky questions?” Cup weakly smiled. “Besides…I think you’ve got somepony else to finish off.”

The group turned their attention back to Sombra, who had taken a seat and was waiting patiently. The moment their attention was on him, he visibly tensed. “Oh. Don’t mind me, you can keep going.” Sombra waved.

“Aw, c’mon, Sombie!” Pinkie cooed, slowly making her way over to him. “Let Auntie Pinkie make you feel good, too!”

“I uh, well… Pinkie.” Sombra was almost unsettled. Not at all turned off, just a tad lost in what to do. “I’m not usually good with... with groups.”

“I think Aloe and Lotus are fine with Mrs. Cake, still.” Pinkie said, looking back at the two mares that continued to suck and grope at her employer’s teats. His eyes seemed to shake as he stared at the background ponies, slowly returning a smile to Pinkie.

“Alright. I suppose I do feel a bit apologetic for leaving you out.” He began, lifting the pink pony into his lap. “How should I make up for it?”

“Hmm… what if I did this?” Pinkie said. She turned about in his lap, shifting herself so that his cock sat comfortably between her breasts. “Since Mrs. Cake is too tuckered out to continue makin’ ya feel good.”

“Ah… then I’d have to do this.” Sombra’s hands slid around her waist and pressed into the squishy abdomen. “And raise you this.” His fingers slid just inches south and started to playfully brush along the poor, unused slit.

Just as he turned his attention away from the three away from Cake and the spa twins, he felt two pairs of large, warm globes press onto his shoulders. His hands went from tender, to digging hard. “Hello!” He gave a quick glance to either of them. “You move very quietly.”

“They do!” Pinkie nodded after a short squeal, beginning to shift herself up and down his shaft. “That’s how I fall asleep all the time, because they’re so silent! And because the massage is really super-duper relaxing, but y’know what I mean!”

“Not, yeah sure…” Sombra cleared his throat with a cough and returned to the slower rubbing he was doing before. Pinkie’s body relaxed a bit and sank back into his body. Sombra felt the spa ponies leave his sides and shift lower. When their hands touched him, he shivered.

“Mmm… don’t they just have the most relaxing touch?” Pinkie asked.

“Nothing beats touching you.” Sombra moaned in his usual gruff voice, his face pressing harder into her neck as Aloe and Lotus’ fingers squeezed harder around the base of his length. They were curious as to just how long he had been erect. Such a length of time should show just how much pain he is in, what with the amount of pre waterfalling out.

“Does it hurt?” Pinkie asked, voicing their silent concerns.

“Just… s-so many hands.” Sombra’s next groan was muffled by the skin his face was buried in. The couple below gave their reply in giggles before their velvet tongues started to clean any of the purple liquid that got too far down.

“Heehee…” Pinkie giggled, looking down at the twins. “I think that they really like your juices.”

“I think I like them liking it too…” Sombra panted. His hands moved just a little further, his fingers beginning to stretch her open. Thanks to Pinkie’s inherently stretchy nature, he was easily able to spread her walls apart. “I think this is my favorite part to touch.” He added, allowing two fingers of each hand to slide in. Sombra was moving them in circles while pulling them open in a slow, yet rough manner. Perhaps it was because of how deep the fingers were.

“Mmm… keep going, Sombie…” Pinkie moaned, lolling her tongue out in pleasure and beginning to drag it up and down his shaft.

“Ahhs… As you wish.” He obliged with another two fingers from each hand. The fullness Pinkie felt was only second to the squirming each finger gave, while also pulling the walls apart. She couldn’t decide which she liked more. As a reward for making her feel so good, she opened her mouth as wide as she could- which was very wide, seeing as she could eat cakes whole- and latched onto Sombra’s flare, sucking and slurping all along it like Cup Cake had, earlier.

“AHH!” Sombra shook, accidentally digging his fingers into her all the way to the knuckles and bucking himself further into her mouth. Both Aloe and Lotus were curious as to where the delectable fluid had gone, looking to the source and staring with gaped mouths at the bulge in Pinkie’s throat.

Pinkie’s eyes crossed, went glazed, and her eyelids dropped down halfway- all at once. Her tongue, long as it was, poked out of her mouth, hanging lazily down as Sombra unintentionally stuffed more and more cock down her throat. His teeth gritted, Sombra’s thumbs pressed together, pinching the puffy nub above where his fingers were snugly residing. Pinkie’s upper half continued to sink lower and lower onto his shaft, her plump figure bending impossibly as she gulped him down past his medial ring. Aloe gave a nod to her companion and the two worked lower, burying their faces into those beautiful black orbs of his. They could feel them retracting, the excitement already bringing his pleasure trials close to an end. Sombra’s head fell back, the first bulge of spunk almost being forced out by the excess pressure snuggling the jam-packed container.

Pinkie saw the bulge working its way up what little length she hadn’t yet swallowed, and immediately used her reality-warping powers to devour what was left, her mouth finally meeting the base of Sombra’s cock, her tongue giving an impromptu lick to the spa twins below. The feel of the build-up moving down her throat was riveting. She could feel the difference in temperature from it and the rest of his royalty. Then that special moment when the first pulse hit her belly, his cockhead flaring up to an astounding with in what she could swear was the top of her stomach, nonetheless locking him inside of her. Something about tasting the pre was not even close to the feeling when the real thing finally came.

It was…it was everything. She couldn’t really taste it, on account of how deep his shots were, but she knew that it felt like molten gold: hot, heavy, and filling up her every crevice. Each time he twitched, her eyes fluttered. The warmth along with his magical fingers was all she needed. All she wanted. Pinkie could do nothing but gurgle blissfully and bathe in the first orgasm she’d had all day. The massage to each of his swollen melons only helped ease more out, that first spurt of spooge seemingly never-ending. Pinkie kept gulping around him, the spa twins kept rubbing and massaging his testicles, and Sombra just lay his head back and groaned, the strength of this orgasm like nothing he’d ever felt before.

Regaining his composure, he looked down. Sombra still had a huge, goofy grin on his face. “Perhaps multiple… participants, aren’t as bad as I thought. Mostly just nerves is what got me.” He glanced to the spa ponies, the two of them worshipping the cumbelly with kisses and caresses. The sight made Sombra giggle, something he quickly hushed. Finally, he stood up. Pinkie gagged as he slid from her gullet. As soon as he was out, she fell onto her back, taking deep breaths with two glazed over eyes locked to the ceiling. Sombra stood over her body with a sudden bout of worry clouding his face. Her pupils tilted only slightly in his direction, Pinkie’s right hand raising into the air. She gave a thumbs up before falling limp and allowing her chest to heave.

With a chuckle, he turned his attention to Mrs. Cake. She had awoken from her comatose state, and was gazing up at him with half shock, half need. “How could I have forgotten about you?” He asked, kneeling down and sliding a hand over her stomach. The tender touch made her coo pleasantly. Further noises escaped her lungs when she felt his purple aura surround her. Cake was lifted up, the front of her body being squished into the wall. Being pinned thrilled her to new levels, feeling her lower body being pulled back by two hands. With her breasts and cheek flattened, her eyes roamed back to witness her legs being split to either side of Sombra’s waist.

She gasped, seeing the size of him. Cup Cake had nearly forgotten how large he was, and now he had his full attention back on her.

“Goodness, Sombra… you’re such a gifted stallion.”

Sombra laughed lightly and gave a gentle sigh. “Most ponies don’t know, but I can change its size whenever I please. I just love to see ponies’ reaction. Though, I doubt you want it any smaller. Not that you’d get any less.” He added. She felt him sliding back, the drooling tip slipping between the mounds of rump flesh and prodding her, begging entrance to the slick folds.

“Mmm, you’re nice and eager…” She slowly shook her hips, lightly teasing his tip in a way only a mare as skilled as herself could manage. Cake relished the deep groans he uttered, knowing her actions were well done.

“So skilled, aren’t you? I’ll have to keep an eye on you.” Sombra said with a tighter grip on her legs. While Mrs. Cake was trying to go slow, she felt his impatience. Quite literally in fact! Her mind reeled as her lips were mercilessly stretched apart. Every inch opened her wider, and deeper than any stallion had pleased her in the past. “Oh, you poor mare. I don’t think you’ve had the pleasure of a stallion this deep. Am I the first?” He teased, convincing her of his words with a quick buck forward, making her eyes roll as he bottomed out inside, painting her insides purple.

“Oooh… you’re tooo right…” She moaned throatily as she shivered atop him, her walls squeezing down on him making him feel every movement of her body. Slithering back, her quaking insides slapped together to fill the void as he left her. The grip of her walls was short lived as they were torn open once more. Her hands leapt up to the wall and braced herself as her breasts mashed themselves hard into the wall, her cheek smushing even further while her eyes bobbed in their sockets. She let out a very short lived scream as pleasure instantly overcame her, her slit leaked sloppily as her walls began to violently quake with the roughest orgasm she had ever had. “OH! FU- YEEEES!” She squealed as she tried to push back against him.

Sombra gritted his teeth and smacked her flank hard with a palm of purple magic. The flesh jiggled like jello as another thrust forced her vibrating insides to clench tighter. She squealed once again and tightened even more around him, desperately attempting to bring him to his orgasm, her body desperately needing to feel his seed. “So eager, aren’t you? This cake wants some filling?” He growled. The slap of his hips on hers was enough to make her foam at the mouth, scrambling her mind further. She couldn’t muster her voice anymore and just orgasmed again, her juices coming out in a near torrent as her body did all it could to signal her readiness for him.

Already sensitive from the previous go, Sombra was swelling larger. Mrs. Cake gurgled happily at the impossible virility that was absolutely ruining her. Immediately, her pudgy tummy stung with a surge of cum stabbing into her. She squeaked out a gasp, her insides were boiling. Another stab of cum surged into her. That bulge shot outward before sinking back and settling, gently sloshing as the momentum ebbed. Sombra’s magic yet again slapped the delicate butt and followed up with more of his purple spunk surging from around her tightly sealed entrance and slowly oozing down to the floor below. Mrs. Cake was absolutely drooling, her tongue hanging limply out of her mouth, and her eyes rolling back into her head. “Ooooh… ooh…” She mumbled out weakly as she quaked and shivered.

“Good little broodmare. Nice big melons to drink from. I bet you want to get knocked up, don’t you? All the toddlers in town could survive off these.” Sombra breathed with a sudden, and rather violent thrust. The purple aura surrounded her nipples and stretched them downward like utters needing to be milked. “You need to be filled with babies, don’t you? Tell me how much of a slut you are.”

“I… I am… a slut… I n-need to be filled with babies…” Mrs. Cake murmured out. “P-please… don’t stop… fuck me like the good slut I am…”

“Goddess, yes you are! You’re a perfect slut. You’re my slut!” Sombra groaned loudly, her gurgling belly dropping further as her body slid down the wall, leaving a trail of drool leading from where her face was on the wall as it sank to the floor. Sombra pulled back, stroking and squeezing her puffy cheeks and smirking as a last few gouts of purple was poured onto her back, slowly seeping to her sides, and down her breasts. The cum tingled and made each spot it coated burn lightly. Mrs. Cake let out a small groan as she shivered, her hands weakly scooping up the cum and bringing it to her mouth. “Oh, you’re just precious.” He laughed, kneading the doughy rump like play-dough. “Aren’t you? My pretty little Cup Cake.”

“Mmhmmm…” Mrs. Cake moaned loudly, suckling on her cum covered fingers.

Glancing back, Sombra couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of Pinkie, Aloe, and Lotus staring wide eyed at the scene before them. The bloated cake was oozing his purple love, and taking it all back in like a tasty snack when it refused to stay inside. He turned to them and grinned. “So, who’s next?”


Two barely audible knocks came from the spa’s front door, before a gentle creak, and a tiny jingle followed as the door slowly opened. Pink hair, followed by turquoise eyes peaked around the door.

“R- Rarity? Are you there?” The timid mare called out softly. Fluttershy cast her gaze back to the ‘Closed’ sign. Sometimes Aloe and Lotus gave Rarity and herself private treatment, and would close the spa to give them a truly peaceful experience as they relaxed in the jacuzzi, perhaps Rarity had needed one by herself…?

Closing the door behind her, Fluttershy quietly approached the door to the main spa area.”Miss Aloe? Miss Lotus? Is Rarity here…?” She glanced at the desk. No trace of anypony. Aloe and Lotus, despite Fluttershy’s soft voice, had developed an ear for that gentle call, and would usually show up moments after she called out for them. Their continued absence made Fluttershy slightly worried.

She pushed on, getting ever closer to the spa door, before coming to a halt, gasping for breath. This was too suspenseful for her! Fluttershy whimpered fearfully, worried that she might interrupt somepony. What if it wasn’t Rarity that was getting the private treatment, and some other pony? She just might die from embarrassment. But she needed to find her friend.

Placing a trembling hand on the door, Fluttershy slowly pushed it open. Surely nopony would notice her if she gave just a quick peek, and if Rarity wasn’t in the spa, she would slowly leave, before running home as fast as she possibly could to hide in her blankets. As she peered around the edge of the door, Fluttershy’s eyes widened at the sight laid out before her. On each of the massage tables was a different pony. Aloe, Lotus, Pinkie, and Mrs. Cake. Their bodies were pasty, tummies bloated like overstretched water balloons. The sight was reminiscent of Rainbow Dash, back at the castle when Sombra first made his return. In fact, even the purple liquid spilling from each orifice was the same color… wait…

A figure loomed into view, Fluttershy’s eyes slowly making contact with a naked Sombra. His face drained of all emotion and his hands snapped down to cover up, while hers quickly covered her eyes. The two awkwardly stared at one another, only the sound of sloshing bellies and the occasional moan was heard.

“S-so sorry…”

“No, I thought the sign was set to closed.” Sombra coughed to clear his throat.

Nervously, Fluttershy replied. “It, um… it was. I was looking for Rarity.”

“Oh. She is probably still at her boutique.”

A sudden pause filled the air as Fluttershy’s cheeks grew redder by the second. She slowly opened her mouth. “I p-probably should have checked there first, now that I think about it.”

“Uh huh.”

More silence greeted them, having a loss of what to say. Fluttershy turned around slowly. “I’ll, um… go?” She offered, taking a step forward and bumping into the wall. “Ow…” She muttered. She turned a few degrees and took another step forward, yet again hitting the wall. “Ow.”

“Uh, Fluttershy?” Sombra cringed at the squeak of her muzzle hitting the spa wall once more. His brows furrowed and his hands fell to his sides, no longer covering himself up. Sombra approached her and put a hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “Fluttershy.”

She let out a squeak, “Oh!” she paused, now letting out a mumble. “Y-yes?”

“How about you wait here, and I’ll get dressed. Then how’s about I walk you home?” He offered. For the first time, she uncovered her eyes, peeking at the smile he had plastered to his face every time she saw him. And for the second time, she couldn’t help but smile back.

“Y- Yes. I think I- I’d like that.” Fluttershy said softly. Sombra held his arm out and she wrapped hers around it. They turned for the front door, and Fluttershy stopped immediately. “Um…”

“Hm?” Sombra cocked his head. Glancing down, he quickly replied, “Oh!” Sombra released his arm from her and spun around. “Right, naked. Lemme fix that, sorry.”

Fluttershy couldn’t help but giggle as he strode away. “You’re silly.” She shook her head, starting to smile even more. She couldn’t even remember what she wanted Rarity for, but it could wait. Fluttershy had a feeling this would be a fun walk home.

Chapter 5: Fluttershy

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Stopping in front of the lit cottage, Sombra took a deep breath in. His walk of shame to Fluttershy’s home was unbearable. The poor mare was frightened near death, and all he could think of was apologizing. With a slow, yet firm hand, he knocked three times.

All that she responded with was a whimper, and a very faint, “G-go away! … i-if you want to, that is…”

“I will. I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry for making you see that. I can understand if you hate me. Maybe we can… talk later?” Sombra suggested, frowning slowly, about ready to walk away.

No sounds came from the inside of the cottage for a few moments. “W-well… i-if you want to talk now, I… I g-guess we can…” Shy suddenly said, the sound of the door unlocking ringing out through the small area.

Glancing to the pink and yellow figure in the doorway, Sombra lit up. Fluttershy saw he was back to the regal attire he had when the group met him in Canterlot. He slowly held up a hand and waved.

Fluttershy hesitantly waved back, an almost non-existent smile coming across her face.

Sombra merely stood awkwardly in front of the door, his hands cupping neatly on his belly. “You uhh… you look nice.” He uttered in a stammer.

Shy blushed. “O-oh… well, th-thank you…” She murmured. “W-would you… like to come in?”

Sombra nodded, moving in as she stepped to the side and closed the door behind him. He stood there and stared at the floor, not even wanting to look up at her. “I, uh… I’m really sorry.”

“S-sorry? About what?” Shy asked, looking up at him with one eye, the other covered by her hair.

“You ran away earlier. It was a very... lewd scene, and we shouldn’t have done such a thing in a public place. I just hope that, in time, you can come to forgive me. I would very much enjoy your friendship.” Sombra finally gazed up, flashing an innocent smile.

“I-I... “ Shy mumbled, “It… it’s okay. I’ve… g-gotten used to it since you… since you did what you did with Rainbow Dash…”

Sombra cringed, his head sinking again as he scratched his neck. “I’ve been trying to get to know your friends, and it just sorta… spirals in that direction. I never considered how you might feel, and that was really selfish of me.”

“W-well…” Shy started. “You… you’ve gotten to know them p-pretty well, haven’t y-you?” She joked, giving him another gentle smile.

Remembering back to Rainbow, Sombra returned a big smile. “You know, I saw your smile before. If you want, I can… I can be your cuddle king too.” He suggested happily.

Fluttershy blushed. “U-um…” She said, looking at the ground again.

“If you’re not comfortable with that, we could just hang out.” He shrugged.

Fluttershy shook her head. “N-no… I… if you want to cuddle, w-we can…” She mumbled.

Sombra seemed to bounce at the news, diving onto the couch in an awkward position. Quickly, he sat up and repositioned himself. The sight did make Fluttershy giggle lightly.

Shy walked over to the couch and nervously sat beside him, a blush covering her face as she looked away in embarrassment. Sombra sat still, only staring at her. He made no attempt to grab or touch her, only opening his arms.

Fluttershy slowly- oh-so slowly- leans over to him, her wings touching his chest after what seemed like an eternity. His arm wrapped around, but didn’t actually touch her. His flesh hovered just above hers, almost as if waiting for permission. She gave a very slight nod. His hand grasped her upper arm as the rest of his arm touched her body in as gentle a manner as he could.

“Y-You… you feel warm…” She whispered.

“So do you.”

Fluttershy looked up at him, and leaned further back onto him. “A-and… soft. N-not fat soft! Just… j-just soft.” She continued.

Sombra tightened a little, pressing her a little more into himself. “And your skin is as smooth as the finest silk.”

“I-I can… I can feel how strong you are…” Fluttershy mumbled.

Fluttershy took notice of his mane, seeing how short it is compared to when they first met. She couldn’t really look away either. He looked like a different pony. He came all this way to say sorry, and now he has her on her couch, cuddling like a big puppy.

“Y-your mane… it’s s-so short…” She said. “W-why did you change it?”

“Oh, heh. Sweetie Belle gave me a makeover. I like it.” Sombra laughed, turning his full attention to her. “What about you?”

“I-it makes you look… cute. Kind of like a p-puppy.” Fluttershy said, softly giggling.

“Woof.” Sombra licked her face, hugging her a little more, now with both arms.

Fluttershy blushed even harder, though she giggled a little louder at Sombra’s silly antics. He stopped, nuzzling her neck and leaning into the back of the couch, pulling her into a reclining position against him.

“S-so… wh-what did you do in the s-spa? I-If you don’t mind me asking...” Fluttershy asked.

"What do you mean?" He cocked his head to the side.

"W-well... you said that you did some... some things in there that w-weren't supposed to be done in public..." Fluttershy continued.

"It started small. Just a simple massage..."

Fluttershy stayed silent and listened to Sombra's story.

"Pinkie fell asleep, so Mrs. Cake and I made our way to the sauna. Then it got steamy. Really steamy..."


"I suppose it started as a big, sweaty hug. Before I knew it, our towels were gone." Sombra grinned, reminiscing on the events earlier.

Fluttershy's entire face was covered in a blush as she continued listening.

"My hands were on her, her hands were on me. Skin sliding on skin. It was like magic. That moment when you feel her stretching around your..." Sombra cut himself off, chewing his lip softly.

"Y-your..." Shy said, trying to get him to continue.

"Well, you know." He motioned to his waist.

Fluttershy glanced down to see an already prominent bulge making itself known.

Fluttershy squeaked. "O-Oh! Your... your p-p-penis?"

"Yes. Very much so." Sombra nodded, clearing his throat and staring straight ahead, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Ahh... y-yeah, I kn- I-I mean, uh, n-no, I don't know..." She mumbled.

Sombra started to grin, a giggle escaping his mouth before he straight up stumbled into laughter. Fluttershy shrunk down in his grasp, embarrassed that he was laughing at her.

"Oh sweetie, I'm not laughing at you, just the situation. With your friends I'm used to speaking openly about sex. But I can tell you're sweet. You're cute, young, introverted, and have the kindness of a mother with her toddler. I'm sorry if my arrival has upset you, but I honestly only have your best interest in mind. And if I can't provide that, then I'll make my leave at any time." Sombra said with a warm smile. His arm that was still wrapped around her squeezed her arm gently. The warmth she felt from him seemed to intensify, making her melt into him.

Shy came out of her figurative shell, once more laying on him and resting on his warm- hot, even- body. "N-no... you can... you can stay." Fluttershy said. "I... I like being in y-your arms... it makes me f-feel safe..."

Now, Sombra was absolutely beaming. Both arms returned to hugging her, now nuzzling his face into her hair. "It's good to know..."

Fluttershy sank further into his embrace, almost a puddle of pegasus at this point. "S-so... what about the rest of my f-friends? How did you... 'g-get to know them'?" She asked.

"Well, Rainbow... You saw how that ended. But it started with me complimenting her. Then, we cuddled in the bed. That was after she walked in on me naked. But she didn't really mind." He chuckled.

"She and I learned a bit about each other. Rainbow is really sweet once you get to know her. She may act tough, but when she's intimate? She's just a big kitten."

Fluttershy nodded, listening as Sombra told his tale.

Fluttershy giggled at the comparison. "So... who was next?" She asked.

"Ooh yes, then Rarity. She showed me around her shop, then made some clothes for me. Such a fabulous designer should be working for the royals in Canterlot." Sombra said with a hand gesture, kicking one leg over the other as he went into full flamboyant mode.

The movement bumped Fluttershy a little more onto Sombra, though she didn't mind. "And... wh-what happened next?"

"Well, as you can imagine! My smooth talking ways had her eating out of my hands. Or rather, my plate. I took her upstairs and showed her my culinary skills. She absolutely looooved my cooking! Then we ended the date off with a nice massage. And a, uhh... mud bath." Sombra grinned at that last part.

"Mud bath? You two w-went to the spa?"

"Nope. It was a homemade mud bath. A bath with only the finest ingredients." He giggled to himself.

"Huh... I-I didn't know that Rarity had the ingredients for... for a m-mud bath..." Fluttershy said.

"Well, after that I met Applejack. She showed me around the farm, then I hung out with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They showed me around their clubhouse, and Sweetie gave me this haircut." Sombra ran a hand through his hair and sighed softly.

"Th-they did a good job!" Fluttershy smiled.

"Yep. Then AJ too me back to her room and showed me how to use a lasso." Sombra added a sly wink down at Fluttershy.

"Did she teach you well? I know th-that Applejack is pretty good w-with ropes..."

"She also showed me how to ride a pony. Two skills that go well together."

"R-ride a pony? That sounds... strange." Shy said, looking up at him. "Why would you ride a pony?"

Sombra just stared at Fluttershy, not saying a word.

Shy blushed. "I-I mean... couldn't you just walk? O-or teleport?" She asked.

Sombra leaned closer and whispered something in her ear.

Her eyes widened, and her wings tried to extend beneath her. "O-Oh... th-that's what you m-mean..." She mumbled, her blush once again covering her face.

"So, should we continue on to Pinkie Pie... or skip straight to you?" Sombra inquired softly, returning his full attention back to her, squeezing her against him a little tighter.

Shy let out a squeak, retreating back into her hair. Sombra brushed her hair back behind her ears. "You look perfect. It would be punishing the world to hide from it."

She shook her head. "N-no... I'm n-not perfect..." She mumbled.

Tilting her head up, he said "Fluttershy, all ponies are beautiful in one way or another. You could have any stallion if you tried. Believe me when I say you look stunning. I have lied about a great many things in my life, and you?" He began, gazing as far into her eyes as he could. "You are not one of them."

"I... I..." Fluttershy stammered, before looking away. "I-I'm sorry..."

"About what?" Sombra laughed, shaking his head slowly.

"I'm not... I-I'm not into stallions..." She whispered.

Sombra's face drained of all emotion, except for surprise.

"I-It's nothing to do with y-you specifically, just... y-you should probably leave, n-now..." Shy said, wiggling out of his grip.

Sombra just stared for a few moments before smiling. "Well, okay. You mind if I use your bathroom first?"

Fluttershy nodded, staying silent and looking down at the floor.

Sombra walked out of the room and disappeared. She heard the bathroom door shut, followed by a gentle buzzing. There was a gentle purple glow from under the bathroom door, followed by a gasp.

"S-Sombra? A-are you alright?" She called out, looking to the bathroom.

As the glow subsided, there was a gentle sigh. "Yes, I'm just fine." She called back. Wait, she? - When Sombra returned, he was different. In fact, he was no longer a he. Her hair was long now, from what Fluttershy could see it was down to the middle of her back. She wasn't very muscular anymore, and her shape was very lithe and curvy. Hourglass was the only way to describe it. Sombra's chest had ballooned, a new slit in the chest making the once regal outfit looking more of a display case. "Why, how are you doing?" Sombra mused.

Fluttershy's mouth gaped open, the Pegasus staring at the new Sombra... and not only did her mouth grow wider and wider, but a curious bulge began to extend from her crotch as well.

"So, what do you th- ... think?" Sombra trailed off slowly as he noticed her moving in a place that shouldn't move. At least, not noticeably.

Fluttershy looked down to the growing bulge and let out a shriek. Moving faster than she ever had before, Shy zipped past Sombra into the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

Blinking out of his daze, Sombra did a full 180 and stared at the door behind him. She raised her hand and knocked. "Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy merely whimpered.

Sombra knocked again. "Fluttershy... is there something you want to tell me?"

"N-no... y-yes... I-I-I don't know! You'll h-hate me, I'm s-such a freak!" Fluttershy cried out from within the bathroom.

"Fluttershy, I was a stallion a minute ago. I'm sure there's nothing about you I won't understand." Sombra giggled.

"I-It's unnatural!"

"Please don't lock me out." Sombra pleaded softly, putting a hand on the door. "Have I lied to you at all?"

"I... n-no... you-you haven't." Fluttershy admitted, her voice seeming a bit closer.

"So when I say that I won't call you a freak, or be any form of cruel... can you trust me?"

"I... y... yes..." Fluttershy once more agreed, her voice seemingly just beyond the door.

"Did you want to come out?" Sombra smiled, taking a step back.

"I-I... I don't know... I don't want to embarrass y-you, o-or make you think differently of me..." Shy whispered.

"I think I already know. The least you could do let me see the mare I want to see."

The house was silent for a few moments, before, with a click , the bathroom was unlocked. Slowly, the door opened. Fluttershy nervously walked out, shyly standing before Sombra, awaiting her response.

Sombra looked her up and down, shrugging nonchalantly. "Mmhm... same mare that I was holding on the couch." She added, approaching Fluttershy and slowly hugging her.

Fluttershy shook her head. "N-no... I... I have "that"... it's not normal." She said, pointing to her suddenly-revealed appendage- her cock. Extending down her pants for about two feet, Fluttershy's shaft seemed to be a good candidate for her third leg, and the pouch in her crotch meant that her sack was no joke, either.

When no response came, Fluttershy blinked, tilting her head curiously. "Um... Sombra?" She uttered shyly. Sombra was staring down wide-eyed. When a hand waved in front of her face, Sombra shook her head and turned her attention back to Fluttershy.

"From what I've heard, you and your friends are anything but normal." Sombra continued oblivious to her prior trance.

"Uh... you... w-well, none of them have... have extra body parts." Shy weakly retorted. "A-at least... I don't think they d-do..."

"After everything you've done, look me in the eyes and tell me honestly... do your friends, and the ponies in your town, care so little about you that something like this would change how kind and beautiful you are?" Sombra's tone softened as much as she could manage.

Fluttershy looked Sombra in the eyes. She stared into her gaze for a few moments, trying to say something, before giving up and burying her head in Sombra's shoulder.

Sombra relished the smell of Fluttershy's hair, letting her eyes drift shut. "If I've learned anything from your friends, it's that ponies are more understanding. Now more than ever."

Shy hugged her tighter. "Y-Yeah... I just... I didn't w-want to take a chance..." She said.

"You've gotta come out of your shell sometime. I won't tell anypony, but promise me you'll think about it?" Sombra pulled back, flashing her a grin. "Where would you be now if you didn't face your fears?"

"Ch-choking in the smoke of a sleeping dragon..."

Sombra cocked her head, seeming she was about to ask a question as curiosity filled her features.

"B-back when my friends and I had just met... th-there was a dragon sleeping in... in a mountain near Ponyville, c-clogging the skies with his smoke. I... I had to o-order him to stop..." Fluttershy told him.

"And what happened when you stood up to it?" Sombra asked, leading the two of them back to the couch.

"H-he left." Shy told her.

Sitting her down, Sombra hopped beside her and pulled her legs up onto the couch. "So you showed it who's boss." Sombra giggled.

Shy gave a weak smile. "W-well... yeah. I-I guess." She mumbled, blushing.

"Strong, brave Fluttershy scared off the dragon." Sombra brushed up closer, her hands tenderly caressing the yellow pegasus' arm. "Mm... I think there's more to you than meets the eye." She added with a wink.

Fluttershy giggled at the ironic joke, lightly shivering at Sombra's warm touch.

"You've kept this bad boy locked away so long. I can only imagine how... pent up you must be." Sombra traced a finger down the bulge slowly.

Fluttershy's entire body shuddered as Sombra ran a finger down her bulge. "I-I... it m-might be..." She mumbled, looking away.

"So worried about ponies thinking bad of you... just imagine what all those horny mares out there would think." Sombra was practically sitting on Fluttershy's leg at this point. "You'd drive them crazy."

"H-horny... m-m-mares..." Fluttershy repeated.

"Just think of what you've been missing." Sombra hummed, stroking the shaky mare's cheek. "You know what's been loooong overdue?"

"Wh... wh-what?"

"It's time to let the beast out of it's cage." Sombra's sultry, feminine voice kicked in full.

"O-Oh.... o-oh my..." Fluttershy whispered, staring up at the purported 'horny mare' atop her.

"So... understand the scene you walked into at the spa now?" Sombra chuckled, now fully straddling Fluttershy as she stared with eyes that were full of lust. The kind of lust that ends in what Fluttershy saw at the spa. And now that Sombra mentioned it, it was all she could think of.

"Y-You and Mrs. Cake... a-and Pinkie... and th-the twins... Y-you all had... had s-s-sex...." Shy said, barely getting the last word out.

"Yesssss." Sombra whispered, her voice making Fluttershy shiver as her cheeks were caressed, now feeling Sombra's breath on her face.

She trembled even more as Sombra ground her plot cheeks back and forth across Shy's bulge, staring up at the unicorn in blushing awe.

"You promise you'll tell me if I'm going... too fast ?" Sombra asked teasingly, the ends of their snouts touching.

Fluttershy gave a barely perceptible nod.

"Good." Sombra mumbled, finally closing the gap between their lips.

Fluttershy let off a soft squeak as their lips met, before sinking into the couch and the kiss. Feeling her mouth dangling open, but no more lips on them, Fluttershy opened her eyes.

Sombra was grinning widely. "Why don't we take this to your bedroom?" Sombra suggested.

Fluttershy's heart skipped, knowing exactly what that meant. "Yes! I... I mean, I-if you want to..." Shy said, blushing and trying to hide behind her hair again.

Sombra slid off her lap, making sure to give the imprisoned stallion a hard grind. Walking with a hypnotizing sway, Sombra's hands slid down her body. Fluttershy felt a rather strong throb as the lower garments on the unicorn's body started to slide downward. Snapping her gaze up just in time to see Sombra with a come-hither-stare, practically telling Fluttershy to come and get it.

She scrambled up off of the couch and followed her, Sombra quickly becoming the water to Fluttershy's dowsing rod.

Fluttershy arrived in her room just in time to witness Sombra with nothing covering below the waist. As Sombra touched the edge of the bed, back still to Fluttershy, the rest of her clothes slid off like water and onto the floor below. Sombra's naked form was breathtaking to say the least.

Fluttershy stumbled to a stop, eyes wide and mouth agape as she looked over Sombra's bare body. With a long, loud RIIIIP, her cock sprang forth from her pants, having ripped through the leg of it in sheer arousal.

Sombra's eyebrows snapped up, looking back at Fluttershy in time to see her pants fall in tatters to the floor. Staring, Sombra's marehood winked eagerly. Her actual eyes, however, weren't budging. "Ohhhh my..."

Shy's chest heaved as she gasped for breath, all the blood in her body going down to her cock as she continued to drink in the sight of Sombra. Sombra bent forward, her breasts pressing into the bed as she displayed the prize Fluttershy was eager to see.

Shy tossed off her top and walked forward, completely on instinct at this point. Her hands clamped down on Sombra's hips, her cock hotdogged by the unicorn's massive asscheeks.

A squeaky high-pitched giggle escaped Sombra, her glee only growing at Fluttershy's forwardness. "Taking charge? I think my hot, wet, dragon, needs a good talking to."

Shy gasped again, her grip loosening. "O-oh no, I-I didn't mean to I j-just-" She stammered.

Sombra's deep purple aura surrounded Fluttershy's hands, pressing them deeper into her bountiful jiggling posterior. Looking into Fluttershy's eyes, Sombra smiled warmly, simply nodding to reassure the stuttery futa.

Hesitantly, Shy gripped Sombra's hips, lightly grinding her cock up and down her crack. "A-are you... are you sure?" She asked. "I've n-never... I-I don't..."

"If you're worried about hurting me, relax." Sombra assured, her hips rocking back and forth, the thick extra leg disappearing and reappearing between the toasty buns. "I want you to take the lead... do whatever you want to me."

"W-well... I've... I've s-sucked myself before, b-but... I've always wondered what it w-would feel like if somepony else did..." Shy said. "I-if you want to, that is..."

Sombra rolled over onto her back, smirking up at Fluttershy. "Oh how naughty. I'd say you're pretty flexible, but we all know that's irrelevant." She teased, the piece of stallion meat now resting on her belly. Her arms hugged it tightly, laughing softly.

"I-it's... well... it's long... and when I'm a-aroused, it usually... sticks up in my face...." Fluttershy defended herself, shivering from Sombra's warm grip.

Sombra's legs rose up, wrapping around it as well. The feel of plush breasts, gentle arms, and squishy thighs squeezing every inch of Fluttershy's cock nearly knocked the wind from her lungs. The feel of the warms burning beneath was an obvious sign of how prepared Sombra's own sex was.

Her legs trembled, threatening to give out from all the pleasure.

Sombra's head tilted forward, her warm lips kissing the blunt head. She received an eager dose of pre injected straight into her mouth. Even Sombra shivered, the taste was bliss, and she was wrapped around the source.

Shy squeaked out as Sombra kissed her tip, involuntarily trying to thrust forward into the source of pleasure.

Sombra's lips were forced to stretch. She eagerly opened wide to entice the pegasus in further. Her tongue ran laps around the gushing slit, forcing more of the nectar to fill Sombra's mouth.

"G-gah! Oooh... th-that feels so... so good! " Shy cried out, her hands reaching up and groping her own massive teats.

Sombra's entire body was moving, ensuring not a single bit of her flesh was left out in pleasuring the yellow mare. Sucking harder, Fluttershy whimpered as she felt herself lacking freedom as she was pulled deeper into Sombra's maw, her throat starting to bulge only slightly.

This forced Fluttershy to start to crawl up on the bed, her basketball-sized balls dragging up along Sombra's body as she did so. Sombra started to shake as her eyes rolled around in their sockets. All she could do was lie there as Fluttershy's shaft bulged in preparation. Sombra gurgled something inaudible, her hands moving down and digging into the bloated sack.

Soon enough, Fluttershy had crawled all the way up Sombra's body, the unicorn's lips meeting her crotch in a strange kiss as her shaft was fully buried inside of Sombra's throat.

Sombra's eyes couldn't have closed tighter. She moved her hands forward to Fluttershy's rear and pulled, regardless of the fact that she just wasn't able to get any closer. Though, Fluttershy wasn't complaining.

Shy's own hands came to a rest on the back of Sombra's head, keeping a firm hold on the unicorn's skull. Slowly, she started to pull back, hips twitching in pleasure as she did.

"Mmm..." Sombra's muffled hymns rang out, her tongue pressing harder into the bottom of the retracting tool to give it that extra spark.

Ah Fluttershy's medial ring popped out of Sombra's mouth, Shy let out a long, low moan, and shoved her shaft all the way back in, splattering her crotch and Sombra's face upper half in a sticky mixture of precum and saliva.

A guttural, choked morass of obscene slurps and gags were all that Sombra could give in return as her legs kicked fruitlessly. Fluttershy couldn't even think, much less hear the lewd noises coming from Sombra as she continued to thrust back and forth, using her throat like it was a hole made just for pleasing Shy's cock.

Should she have eyes in the back of her head, Fluttershy would have seen the mess made between Sombra's legs. If there was one thing for certain, it's that she'd be doing laundry by the end of the night. Each thrust of Shy's hips carried her cock about halfway out of Sombra's mouth, before the next thrust slammed it back inside. By now, her balls were resting on Sombra's neck, audibly gurgling and sloshing with unspent seed.

After a solid minute of mind numbing pleasure, her focus returned. Though, perfectly, she glanced down in time to see Sombra staring upward. The sight of her bulged out throat and overall ragged appearance only made the pleasure surge twice as fast. The sly wink Sombra gave only made it better. Shy groaned as she felt the tip of her shaft start to flare up, feeling her orgasm draw close.

Sombra's feet slid up Fluttershy's back, the gentle touch making her shake even more. Her toes dug into the pegasus' wings, each toe moving and kneading. With great success, mind you.

Fluttershy gasped from the additional pleasure. She gave a few more heavy thrusts of her cock before hilting into Sombra's mouth one final time, her cock twitching and throbbing within the mare's throat.

Sombra's whole body shook. She could feel the cum flooding her belly. Her throat involuntarily swallowed, each passing load activating the urges in her brain telling her to drink, though she didn't have much of a choice at this point. Each spurt of cum bulged out Shy's shaft- and by extension, Sombra's throat- as it made its way down, shooting out and coating the inside of Sombra's stomach.

Twitching, Sombra's legs fell back to the bed, digging into the sheets. Her hands once again fell to the pair of twitching balls, digging hard into them this time. It had been nearly a minute's worth of Shy cumming, and it looked like the end wasn't even yet in sight. Sombra could feel her stomach start to swell outwards from the level of cum that Fluttershy was putting out, each further load of cum making it bulge out further.

The unicorn Queen had finally met her match. As much as she tried, she had lost the ability to move, say for her tongue and throat. Sombra's eyes rolled back with intent to take all this precious pegasus had to give. Fluttershy's eyes glazed over as she panted from the sheer force of her orgasm. Slowly, she started to slump forward, her upper half flopping onto the bed as her crotch completely covered Sombra's face. The amount of cum she was pumping inside of Sombra actually made the swollen mare's insides taut, each pulse of spooge slowly forcing Shy's cock back out of her mouth.

Every inch that slid out was intense enough to make Fluttershy's whole body twitch. If it had just been leaving, it would have been dandy. But each time it tried to pull out, Sombra swallowed it back in. Though, the speed of its retreat was slightly faster.

In the wake of her throbbing flesh, Shy left more and more cum, filling up every single inch of Sombra's stomach and throat. Her cock had almost fully left the mare beneath her, only the flared, still-spurting tip left in Sombra's mouth. As difficult as it was to hold it in her mouth, Sombra made a great effort. Though as goodtimes must come to an end, the tip escaped with a loud, churning gurgle. A flood of white exploded, flowing in every direction around Sombra's mouth. The cock slipped down between her breasts, still giving a light flood down its valley and landing around the burning, puffy love slit between the unicorn's legs.

Shy's cock continued its seemingly-endless orgasm, coating all of the skin around it in her thick, white, sticky load. The mare herself only shook and moaned as she continued to cum, so unused to so much pleasure going on for so long that she might as well have been still crotch-deep in Sombra's throat for how good it felt. Her balls hadn't even shrunken down- hell, if anything they'd grown - the huge cum-filled spheres enveloping Sombra's face and neck.

Sombra gave a hard swallow before smiling weakly. She coated her hands in cum and took ahold of the firehose, squeezing tightly and milking it with any strength she had left. The squeezes and hips on her shaft only made Shy cum harder, the strings of cum shooting out of her cock doing their best to coat Sombra completely, inside and out.Once Sombra felt the mighty tool begin to shrink, she sighed pleasantly. The flow was beginning to ebb, and Fluttershy could only pant.

"Mmm... you really were backed up." Sombra joked.

Fluttershy couldn't even respond, the afterglow so intense that she could swear she was still cumming. A gentle purple wave slid Fluttershy down into a warm and sticky embrace. They were bathing in a mix of sweat and cum. Neither of them could speak fluently, or at all really.

Fluttershy nuzzled into the crook of Sombra's neck, not even caring about the cum that soaked into her skin from the embrace. Surprisingly, Sombra sat up, taking Fluttershy with her. With an eep , Fluttershy realized she was being carried across her room.

"Wh-where... where'r we g-going?" Shy asked, her stammers less because of shyness and more along the lines of exhaustion from her monstrous orgasm.

Sombra merely smiled in reply. They entered the bathroom, where her magic fiddled with the shower knobs. The sound of warm water made Fluttershy tingle with delight. Fluttershy held on tightly to Sombra's neck, hoping that what she thought was coming was about to happen.

It was the steam that Fluttershy felt first. The moment the water hit her back, it was a small slice of heaven all her own. Sombra brought them closer to the ground, sitting down as the water splashed down on them. Her grip on Fluttershy tightened, only wanting to cuddle for now.

Fluttershy melted into her embrace, the pegasus softly sighing as the warm water washed over the two of them, cleaning them of Fluttershy's cum.

Sombra tended to the pink locks of hair, brushing them with her fingers as they grew damp. The tender unicorn had gone from sexual deviant, to caring mother in a matter of seconds.

"You... you're s-so soft..." Fluttershy whispered. "A-And so nice..."

"You're the one that let me in. That's more than I expected." Sombra giggled before kissing Fluttershy's forehead.

Shy gave a light giggle. "W-well... you're the one who... who changed th-their gender, just so I would feel comfortable..." She retorted.

"Phht, it's just common courtesy." Sombra rolled her eyes, grinning wider.

Shy laughed a bit harder at that.

Fluttershy felt her head being pulled up, dragging her mind from laughter to a blank, curious stare. It was how close their lips were that made her blush return in full. Unlike earlier, this time Fluttershy was the one who began the kiss, her lips lightly pressing against Sombra's.

Sombra felt herself sliding from her position against the wall, down to being on her back. Fluttershy didn't even realize she was on top now, but at the moment couldn't care less. Their bodied felt the closeness only two lovers could, grinding against the other. The pudgy cum-belly Sombra had squished effortlessly from the pegasus' weight. Shy pushed herself further into the kiss, wanting more, her tongue already prodding against Sombra's lips. Down below, her cock gave a twitch, the first hints of arousal coming back to it.

Sombra wrapped her legs around Fluttershy's waist, pulling their crotches together hard enough to make the both of them break from the kiss to gasp. Though the parting only lasted a moment before Fluttershy was tasting the inside of Sombra's mouth for the first time.

Fluttershy could still taste her cum in Sombra's mouth, the thick, musky fluid still quite prevalent within the unicorn. When they broke away, they just panted as the two love-bugs looked at the other. Fluttershy couldn't help but blush, her face heating up as she stared into Sombra's loving eyes.

Sombra's eyes tilted south momentarily. She grinned, "Back into action pretty quick, aren't you?"

Fluttershy blushed a bit harder, now looking away. "I-I... it does that... I usually have to get off t-two or... or three times before it goes down..." She said.

"Oh? Is that a suggestion?" Sombra buried her face in Fluttershy's neck, taking in the scent before pressing her lips to the flesh.

Shy let out a long moan as Sombra lightly bit into the soft skin on her neck, suckling on it and popping off of it wetly. A plum-sized mark was quickly turning purple, the hickey there in full view.

Fluttershy felt herself rolling over, now the warm shower floor on her back, and the soft heavy mare on top.Her cock was sandwiched between herself and Sombra, who she could feel sinking down onto her.

"So... Fluttershy." Sombra began, sitting up to a straddle around her waist.


"Are you still ashamed of your gift?" Sombra asked softly, gently squeezing the hardening horsemeat with a hand.

"A-ah! I... n-no..." Fluttershy admitted.

"And knowing that your mornings could always start like this..." Sombra said as she started to stroke the turgid length while using her other hand to knead Fluttershy's bulgy sack. "Are you going to go sweep some lucky mare off her feet and bring her back to your bed?" She laughed lightly.

Fluttershy shivered from the dual pleasure. "U-Um... I-I... m-maybe..." She mumbled. "I-If I can... can find anypony that w-wants me..."

"What about Rainbow Dash? I've seen the way she looks at you."

"R-Rainbow? I-I... n-no, Dash doesn't s-see me like that... sh-she couldn't..." Fluttershy said, looking away.

"Ponies couldn't like you either. At least, before I met you..." Sombra's smile grew warm and caring, moving her hands to Fluttershy's face to turn it back to face her, caressing it as gently as possible.

Fluttershy blushed as she looked back up to Sombra's loving gaze, the edges of her view framed by the unicorn's hair.

"Rainbow Dash loves you, Fluttershy. You want to know how I know that?"

"H... h-how?"

"Because you're you. It's as simple as that. Just ask her, and I promise you won't regret it. In fact... you'll probably make a couple ponies a lot happier for the rest of their lives."

"You... you really think so?" Fluttershy whispered, nervously looking back into Sombra's eyes.

"I know so." Sombra said with more confidence, straightening up and crossing her arms. "Do you doubt the wisdom of the King?"

In a rare burst of confidence, Fluttershy teased, "You m-mean... Queen?"

Sombra blinked a few times, glancing down at her own body. "For as much of a change as it is, you'd be surprised at how it slips the mind." She pondered aloud.

"R-Really? It seems like... there would be a c-constant r-reminder of how different it is..." Shy said.

"Well, it's sort of like you. Just a thing that's there." Sombra glanced down at Fluttershy's extra appendage once more. "Doesn't change who you are. Who you've always been."

Fluttershy thought about it for a few seconds, before replying, "I... y-yeah, that makes sense..."

Sombra just smiled down at her without another word. Fluttershy stared back with a likewise smile for a few seconds, before glancing down and blushing brightly, looking away.

"What's wrong?" Sombra asked, lying forward and resting her head onto the two chest pillows that'd been waiting for her the whole time.

"Y-you... your breasts a-a-are... they're..." Fluttershy stammered.

Sombra raised an eyebrow, moving so that her breasts were squished against Fluttershy's. The view she gave was nothing less than breathtaking. "These?"

Shy shakily nodded. "They're... they're l-leaking..."

Sombra's eyes snapped down, seeing a thick, purple liquid trickling out. The sight of the thick, colored cream was unusual, yet did everything to help agitate the cock below. Her grin turned lecherous as her eyes returned to Fluttershy.

"Yes. Yes they are. What are you going to do about it?"

Shy blushed even harder , staring down at the liquid. "I...I d-don't know..." She said, unconsciously licking her lips.

Sombra moved an inch or so closer, crossing her arms beneath her breasts only seemed to make them bulge out more, and leak more, and squish them more... "Maybe I should have asked... what do you want to do?"

"I-I... I w-want to... to..." Shy mumbled, leaning closer herself. Behind Sombra, Fluttershy's cock stood straight up in the air, leaking precum like a faucet as the shower water washed over them.

"Anything you want. All you have to do..." Sombra inched even closer, now just millimeters from her mouth. "Is reach out and take it."

Fluttershy couldn't take her eyes off of Sombra's lactating breast if she tried. Her mouth slowly opened as if to speak, though no words came out as her tongue slowly moved forwards, finally coming into contact with the thick, purple liquid.

The taste of cinnamon and butterscotch was the first thing she noticed before being slapped in the face by the wave of hormones and pleasure. The texture and flavor was extravagant to say the least, and it matched every positive sense in her body.

She let out a long moan, just from that single taste, before zipping her head that last inch forward and finally taking the nipple into her mouth, hungrily suckling down the delicious fluid.

Sombra chewed on a fingernail, stifling a laugh. She brought her hands down and rubbed either side of Fluttershy's head gently, coercing her to continue.

She eagerly accepted the encouragement, pressing her face further into the teat- which was easily large enough to envelop her entire head- and drinking more and more.

Sombra let out a deeper groan herself, petting Fluttershy appreciatively. "That's nice..."

A side effect of Sombra's milk that was becoming readily obvious was the apparent aphrodisiac inside. Fluttershy could feel her cock growing harder, and her balls growing fuller with every gulp, which only made her want to drink more.

Sombra's magic sparked to life, encompassing Fluttershy's own breasts and giving them a hearty squeeze before relaxing to a simple massage of the large mounds. Fluttershy moaned around the nipple. Her tongue shout out, slurping and licking all around the hard bud to try and coax more milk out.

Sombra ground herself harder against the pegasus, coaxing out enough to nearly choke the poor mare as she did so. Fluttershy could barely keep up with the flow of milk, some of it leaking out of the corners of her mouth from pure volume. Sombra leaned back, popping from Fluttershy's mouth with a displeased whine from her.

Shy panted for breath as Sombra stared down at her. "Wh-why... why did you p-pull away?" She asked, looking hungrily at the nipples in front of her.

Pivoting the other direction, Sombra leaned her other breast closer. "The other one is feeling left out."

Fluttershy eagerly went to work on breast #2, which was in no means lesser to the first.

"Slow down Fluttershy. Any faster and I might just get addicted to you." Sombra cooed, stretching a lock of Fluttershy's hair out before raking her fingers through the wet mane.

Shy moaned into the breast as Sombra stroked her hair, lightly humping the air to rub her cock against Sombra's back. Sombra's hips moved back, sandwiching the base of the thickness between her grey buns to help with the need it so desperately throbbed with.

Fluttershy shivered as her the bottom half of her cock was hugged by two warm cheeks, showing her appreciation by massaging the breast she suckled on. Sombra's warm grin returned in full. She slid even further back, engulfing more of the horsemeat. As she did, her upper body moved closer to the tub floor, and in turn squishing her breasts around Fluttershy's head.

Fluttershy's cock and head were both trapped in warm, fleshy prisons, ones she never wanted to escape. As her face was shoved far into the cleavage, the nipple she suckled on pulled away, leaving her to pant and gasp.

Sombra hugged Fluttershy's head, nearly suffocating the mare in titflesh. "So, you glad I paid a visit?"

Shy nodded.

Sombra's magic flowed toward the front of the shower, turning one of the knobs. The water temperature raised, and the steam bathed the chamber. Sombra straightened up, gently running her hands down Fluttershy's arms until she was back to a straddled position. Shy lay there and continued to pant, her dick pointing straight with her legs because of Sombra's weight atop it.

"I think it's time for the main event. You know what we both want..." Sombra ran a hand down her own body, stopping at the marehood below. It was as puffy as when they started, and it only made Fluttershy whimper when Sombra spread the lips open.

The aphrodisiac-laced milk had done a combination of things- it'd acted as a Viagra of sorts for Fluttershy's cock, caused her balls to become even more full and swollen, and battered down her nervousness(a bit, at least).

"I... yes. Yes, please, Sombra..." Fluttershy said.

"Mm, you want this don't you? You want me to ride you like a mare in heat. Like it's going out of style..." Sombra groaned throatily, reaching her hands behind her back to stroke the rest of the length that her big butt couldn't squeeze.

Fluttershy moaned loudly, nodding her head as fast as she could. The pegasus's eyes bulged as she witnessed the fluffy rump sliding upward. The head of her cock was soon to be engulfed, buried in that beautiful heartshaped ass, digging around until she'd feel herself stretching that burning breeding hole.

Shy whimpered as she felt her cockhead sliding along all that slippery, sweaty skin, slowly making its way towards Sombra's needy pussy. Finally, she felt herself kissing the entrance. Sombra licked her lips, balancing herself with her hands on Fluttershy's belly.

"How long have you been waiting for this? Tell me how long you've wanted this..." Sombra whispered lustily.

"F-forever! I've... I-I've always wanted t-to... to fuck a mare..." She admitted.

Enticing her further, Sombra lowered her hips. For the first time, Fluttershy felt the pleasure of a naked mare being stretched. Stretched by her, Fluttershy. She was about to screw this busty unicorn mare. Fluttershy panted with need as Sombra slowly lowered herself, the unicorn holding Shy's hips in place so she couldn't buck upwards. What Fluttershy could only describe as music, Sombra's moans were almost as blissful as the feel of stretching warmth sucking her cock deeper into the curvy mare.

She couldn't help but look down at Sombra's snatch, watching in enraptured awe as the hungry hole swallowed her shaft into itself, greedily gulping down the prodigious pole with no discernable difficulty.

Sombra lowered her body to the hilt, playing with her breasts why she looked down at Fluttershy as lovingly as the lusty unicorn could. "You're so big. Goodness me, I might just get ad-dick-ted to you." Sombra winked.

Fluttershy would've given Sombra a withering look because if the pun- if she weren't our of her kind with pleasure. Her cock, long and hard as it was, had easily filled Sombra's cunt to maximum capacity and beyond, spearing through her cervix with ease and causing a long, hard bulge to run up her body all the way to the middle of her chest.

Stolen from her reeling mind, Fluttershy's next moment of clarity was of Sombra's lips pulling her to reality. Another world of bliss not only from her shaft, but the other soft lips she was being drawn deeper into, A maelstrom of sensations poured through Fluttershy, each on its own dominating her brain. She hungrily kissed Sombra back, her whining, pleading sounds begging Sombra to start moving,to start fucking her, to start doing anything the unicorn wanted to her, so long as Shy wouldn't be teased anymore.

Sombra wasn't interested in holding the mare any longer. When Sombra's hips started moving, the pegasus had only a second of free thought before it was clouded again. Shy's mouth was just about stuck in a gaping open position, her tongue lolling out on the side as Sombra bounced slowly upon her. Were it not for the unicorn sitting atop her, in fact, Fluttershy may well have drowned from the shower water filling her mouth, combined with her lack of feeling anything but pleasure.

Sombra was the more experienced mare, for sure, by miles. The size was something she didn't receive too often, but she could think clearly enough to relish not only in the pleasure, but the rapture painted on Fluttershy's face. Sombra had the biggest smile on her face, contributing further to the dickmare with a gentle squeeze to her yellow breasts.

All of the pleasure and feelings rushing through her consequently destroyed Fluttershy's ability to speak, leaving her a shuddering, babbling wreck. Her breasts easily deformed around Sombra's fingers, the large globes swallowing her squeezing fingers up in soft flesh.

Really getting into the rhythm, Sombra tightened on the way up, and loosened to make the descent down quicker. The random change in friction was building up to something in the back of Fluttershy's mind.

Shy could feel her balls drawing up a bit towards her body- despite them constantly growing larger from the residual effects of the aphrodisiac and her own growing lust- and knew then that she was nearing orgasm. She was slightly disappointed that it happened so quickly, since she'd already cum one time.

This was all realized in a single second's worth of clarity, and promptly tossed out to make space for more pleasure.

Feeling Fluttershy begin flaring up, Sombra chuckled. A thin line of purple magic streamed down and coiled into a ring around the base of Fluttershy's appendage. As it happened, Sombra's bounces became rougher.

Fluttershy felt the ring constrict around her base, gasping as it cut off the steady flow of precum she was pouring into Sombra. She could already begin to feel her balls swelling up even faster with such unspent seed, already encroaching upon what little tub space was left.

"Fluttershyyyy..." Sombra whispered.

"Guh... S... Ssssoommm... b-braa..." Shy shakily responded.

Sombra giggled, making sure to hilt herself before starting to grind around. She reached back, cupping the plentiful sack and kneading it. Her hand was surrounded by hot, wet flesh, which she could feel slowly stretching and getting even hotter. Sombra also felt the constant sloshing and churning of the semen inside, the thick, sticky goop building up in Shy's balls.

"Why don't you tell me how you're feeling?" Sombra cooed, her hands sliding back to Fluttershy's chest and tugging on her nipples.

"Fffeell... s-s-soooo g-goood..." Shy slurred out, her eyes rolling up into her head as the unicorn used her body as a plaything.

"Tell me what a naughty mare I am." Sombra bit her lip, slowing her grinding to bring at least a little bit of clarity back to Fluttershy.

"Y-you're... so n-naughty..." Fluttershy struggled, still having a tough time making meaningful conversation. "So... d-dirty..."

"The second you saw me, you just wanted to bend me over your bed, didn't you. Wanna hear me scream..." Sombra continued to tease.

"W-wanted to... f-fuck your s-s-slutty aaaasss...." Shy said in a rare moment of vulgarity.

The whorish moans Sombra were giving were something straight out of a porno. Fluttershy wasn't complaining. "I love you... Fluttershy! Make me yours!"

Fluttershy responded as best she could. Her hands reached out and sank into Sombra's thick hips, pulling the unicorn roughly down onto her cock, forcing in another inch out of somewhere. Sombra reacted with an orgasm, all sound being cut off in an instant. Fluttershy felt every inch of Sombra's interior spasming and milking with desperation. The fluids leaking from her was almost indistinguishable from the shower water, yet they could tell there was much more liquid than before.

Fluttershy shivered from the sudden increase in pleasure, but powered through, continuing to buck her hips up into Sombra's relentlessly. Sombra hoisted herself up. All Fluttershy could do was whimper as the pleasure ceased in a single moment. The unicorn got down onto her hands and knees, looking back at the pillar of twitching meat, and the sexy mare behind it.

Somehow, someway, the two of them managed to flip positions, despite how big Shy's balls had gotten and how slippery the shower was. Throughout it all, though, Fluttershy's cock had slipped free of Sombra's crushing cunt.

"Do whatever you want to me. Like I said, I'm all yours..." Sombra stated in her usual sensual tone, now a bit of a guttural command sewn into it.

Fluttershy heard the underlying command in Sombra's sultry purr, and immediately obeyed. She pulled her hips back, lined her cock up, and thrust in. Unfortunately- or perhaps not- her meat ended up in a different portal than it had been in, one that was even hotter and tighter than the last.

Sombra nearly screamed, letting out a guttural groan that may as well have been one. Her body quaked, tightening near painfully around Fluttershy.

Fluttershy was shocked out of her pleasure for a moment, and looked down. She gasped, and immediately asked, "S-Sombra! Are you... a-are you alright?"

Sombra babbled something incoherent, the shower water dripping off her body.

Fluttershy's gaze grew a bit more worried. "Sombra? D-did I h-h-hurt you?" She asked, leaning down to whisper it directly into the unicorn's ear, making sure not to move her cock.

Sombra's head turned slowly to look at her. Smiling, she leaned closer and kissed Fluttershy.

Fluttershy squeaked at the sudden kiss, but quickly melted into it. When she finally pulled away, she whispered, "I... I t-take that as a, 'go ahead'."

Sombra just giggled, nodding happily before giving a quick kiss to the end of Fluttershy's nose.

Shy smiled, and placed her hands back onto Sombra's luscious hips. She slowly dragged her cock back- thankfully, it was still lubed up from Sombra's orgasm- and then thrust it back forward, just as slowly.

"Mmm..." Sombra closed her eyes, obviously enjoying the attention to the other unused hole. "Does this please mistress?"

Shy's eyes bugged out, and she sputtered out some intelligible words before clearing her throat, and saying, "I-I... M-Mistress?"

"Oh of course! I'm your naughty little slave... show me who's boss." Sombra said in a quieter, submissive tone.

"But-but I-I-I don't... I'm n-not... you..." Fluttershy stammered.

"Please mistress... I need you." Sombra whimpered.

Fluttershy gulped, a blush going from her face to halfway down her chest. "I... M-Mistress will... she will please you." She hesitantly said.

"Yes please... pet will do anything for mistress." Sombra tightened only a little more, grinding back and forth slowly.

Fluttershy let out a low moan, both from the tightness and the name Sombra had given herself. She pulled back and shot forwards into Sombra's ass again, much harder than last time.

Sombra wheezed slightly, her hands choosing to give out. Her face pressed into the tub floor, glancing back at Fluttershy, hoping she'd notice the absolutely slutty position she was now in. She was at the futa's mercy.

Fluttershy did. She watched as Sombra fell to the tub floor, her fall cushioned by those ridiculously large breasts.

"I've been a bad pet... I think I deserve a spanking." Sombra suggested, looking up at her with puppy dog eyes.

Fluttershy wilted a bit. "O-oh... I don't... I-I don't know if I c-could... hurt you." She whispered.

Sombra just gave a wink, assuring her that it'd be okay.

Fluttershy nervously picked up a hand and brought it down on one of Sombra's massive ass cheeks, barely making a sound as she hit the slick flesh.

"Ohhhh yes..." Sombra moaned, regardless of the rather non-existent slap.

This bolstered Fluttershy's confidence a bit. Her next spank even made Sombra's rump jiggle!... If only the tiniest amount, that is. Sombra's next moan was just as amorous as before. The increased desire building in Fluttershy only doubled at the empowered feeling. The feeling of having someone under her complete control. She continued to slap and fuck Sombra's ass, each growing more forceful in turn until the mare's black-furred ass was tinted red from the spanking and forceful dicking.

Sombra's moans seemed less forced, and more natural. "Celestia, harder!" She shouted with a desperate need in her voice.

Fluttershy moaned at the pleading tone in her yell, bringing her arm back and swinging it down at Sombra's ass with a tremendous WHACK. The musical sound of flesh against flesh was followed by a shriek. Sombra tightened, then loosened, then tightened. Her insides were spasming faster than the orgasm Fluttershy remembered from Sombra's pussy. The sudden milking motion thrust her forward, putting a stop to all current thoughts from the yellow pegasus.

In what was quickly becoming the norm, Shy's mouth dropped open, she gripped Sombra's hips, and fucked the mare. In fact, if it weren't for the magical cockring Sombra had made, Fluttershy would've cum minutes ago. As it were, her balls were still gaining mass, easily the size of large beach balls and growing, already squishing up against the backs of her legs.

"Mistress treats pet so well! Oh Goddesses please!!" Sombra quaked as her pussy was triggered. Fluttershy could feel the shockwaves of the orgasm happening just below, but was quick to realize how Sombra's ass was handling it. Very, very well... every ripple of Sombra's walls send sparks through the upper tunnel, making Fluttershy's eyes roll every time.

Shy couldn't support herself anymore, falling forward onto Sombra's back as she continued to furiously fuck the unicorn's plot. Her breasts squished around Sombra's head, trapping her in a hot, wet cavern of pillowy softness.

"P-pet want-s-sss... wants to help r-relieve mistress." Sombra stuttered, not even realizing she was drooling. Who would even notice with the water tidying up all their messes.

Fluttershy couldn't even respond, too focused on the heavenly feeling that was Sombra's anus milking her cock for everything she was worth.

The purple ring around her throbbing skewer moved forward an inch. The pressure of orgasm increased two-fold. The ring moved an inch further. With every inch, that need to cum grew stronger. And every thrust moved it up.

Fluttershy groaned out incomprehensible words as she felt her urethra being stretched wide from the straining load, putting everything she had into fucking Sombra.

"R-rut m-... me..." Sombra managed to babble before her eyes fluttered in the flustering fit of forceful fucking Fluttershy flourished.

Shy obliged, pulling even deeper from her reserves and smacking her hips into Sombras' at her maximum power. The ring caught itself on the bloated, flared head. Fluttershy's were nearly bulging, her cock disproportionately large and full of cum.

Fluttershy felt like she herself was stuffed full of cum, her filled cock nearly twice as wide with all of the sperm stuffing it and her balls. She whined with need, her hips humping Sombra's as fast and as hard as they could. Sombra's eyes rolled back as one final orgasm rocked her. With the exorbitant tightness pushing Fluttershy over the edge, the cockring disappated.

Shy's mouth gaped wider than it ever had before, and her eyes rolled up into her head as her cock finally let loose. Not in spurts or shots, but one great, solid river of cum that blasted into Sombra's insides, thick and white and sticky and near-boiling hot as it plowed through her. Fluttershy couldn't even thrust anymore, the power of her orgasm making her completely immobile save the audible churning and sloshing of her balls as they forced their bounties out.

Sombra gurgled approvingly as a low gulping sound emphasized the swelling belly pressing against the tub floor.

Fluttershy could tell- subconsciously, as her conscious mind was nonexistent at the moment- that this orgasm would be a thing to remember... her sack had yet to shrink at all, and was well over four times the size it had been earlier.

"Th-thank you... M-mis mis-tress so generous..." Sombra muttered wearily. Each throb of Fluttershy's cock made her insides tighten temporarily.

The two of them were slowly being lifted up, now, as Sombra's stomach was filled and expanded from the ocean of cum Fluttershy was making.

"Quite... backed up, huh?" Sombra uttered, putting a hand on her swelling belly.

Fluttershy mumbled something out, trying to talk. She failed, the haze of pleasure too much for her to get through.

Fluttershy poked both her index fingers together, staring down with embarrassment. "I'm... sorry."

"For what?" Sombra laughed, leaning back into Fluttershy. The unicorn put a hand on her bloated belly, rubbing it slowly.

"F-for... well... for c-cumming so much..." Shy said. "I-I had y-you down there for... for almost fifteen m-minutes..."

"You were really backed up, honey. I'm happy to help." Sombra leaned closer, pecking Fluttershy on the lips with a kiss.

Fluttershy blushed, kissing Sombra back. After a few moments, she pulled back, and asked, "S-so... what now?"

"What do you mean?" Sombra's horn lit up, her brows furrowing as she focused on some spell. Her belly slowly started to shrink.

"Are you... a-are you going to leave now, and... and s-seduce Twilight?"

Sombra just giggled. "Eventually." She nodded. Once her stomach was back to normal, Sombra stood up and hoisted Fluttershy into her arms. "Unless you want to go and cuddle on the bed."

Fluttershy blushed more, cuddling up against Sombra's chest. "I... I'd like that." She whispered.

Sombra walked them into the bedroom tossing Fluttershy onto the bed beside her. The act caused both of them to bounce.

When they settled down, Fluttershy nervously wrapped her arms around Sombra, lightly hugging her.

"Fluttershy? What's the matter?" Sombra nuzzled her cheek lovingly.

"O-oh... uh, n-nothing..." Shy said. "I'm just... n-not used to cuddling..."

"Well, you certainly got used to a little more than that." Sombra winked.

Fluttershy giggled a small bit, and, having calmed a little, hugged Sombra tighter, squishing the two mares together.

Sombra caressed her cheek, smiling widely. "Did I do okay?"

"You d-did... amazing. Wonderful. It w-was so... so good..." Shy trailed off.

"So were you. You're such a beautiful mare, Fluttershy." Sombra brushed the hair out of Fluttershy's face. "Promise me you won't let your secret keep you from finding love. You deserve to be happy."

"I... I'll t-try, Sombra..." Fluttershy conceded.

"Thank you." Sombra leaned closer, slowly bringing her lips to Fluttershy's.

Shy eagerly pressed back into the kiss, extending her wings and covering the two in an extremely soft, warm, and feathery blanket.

Sombra's eyes had closed for the kiss, but snapped open almost immediately. Glancing down, Sombra felt something prodding her. She grinned, staring questioningly at Fluttershy.

Shy grinned back up at her, and with some of her newfound confidence, asked, "Round three?”

Chapter 6, Part 1: Twilight Sparkle (Sorta...)

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Sombra, still a mare, casually walked through town. Her body definitely caught the eyes of a few stallions. Then, she saw him. A particularly large grin stretched across her face as she approached. "Well, hello Big Mac."

The stallion in question's ears perked up at her greeting, causing the large equine to turn around. His eyes- despite his best efforts- looked her body up and down, very wide as they did so. "Ah... eeyup?" He rumbled out questioningly.

"I've had my eye on you since I got to Ponyville. What brings a big old hunk like you here?" Sombra cooed, putting a hand to his chest and feeling the muscle through his shirt.

A bead of sweat was forming on Big Mac's brow as he nervously glanced away. "Uh... th-the farm..." He replied.

"I bet you work so hard, don't you? So strong." Sombra squeezed the biceps on his right arm, followed by wrapping herself around it entirely.
"M-Ma'am... if y-you could... not do th-that..." He said.

"Ohh but you're just so warm. I know I am..." Sombra cooed, her hand sliding up his shirt and running around the slab of rock hard abs.

"Ah... y-yes, you're p-pretty warm..." He admitted, trying to keep the stirring in his pants down.

"You must be busy though. Such a shame... I had nothing better to do today. I'm free all day." Sombra said with an exaggerated sigh. "Allllll day..."

Big Mac's blush, barely visible through his red fur, grew. "W-well... ah didn't say ah was busy... uh, all day..." He mumbled.

"Oh, well in that case. Maybe I will be." Sombra grinned, winking at him.

He gulped, shifting his stance a bit to try and hide the length in his pants.

"Whadya say big boy. Wanna show me just how big Mac is?" She licked her lips, hugging him tightly.

Big Mac gave a shaky nod.

Sombra's eyes wandered temporarily before her attention went back to his. Face blanking, Sombra looked to the side, seeing Twilight in the distance, heading for her castle. "On second thought, how about we postpone this til later."

"S-sure. Uh... where... A-Ah mean, when..." He stammered out.

"Okay great! See ya later." Sombra nodded, turning and taking a few steps. She paused in her stride, face scrunching up. She felt a tad guilty being a tease. Smiling, Sombra turned around and approached Sombra again. "Mm, I got something to tide you over till then."

"Somethin' to tide m-me over?" He asked, one eyebrow raising.

Sombra gripped the bottom of her shirt, lifting it up and showing her rather bouncy breasts as they fell free from the shirt's tight grip. Big Mac's jaw dropped, and his pants gave an ominous creaking as the bulge inside of them strained to get free.

"Give em a squeeze, don't be shy." Sombra winked again, giggling lightly.

Big Mac hesitantly reached a hand out, his eyes quickly looking around to make sure nopony else had noticed- they were in public, after all. Finally reaching the teats, his hand squeezed, sinking into the huge, soft breast, causing a small dribble of purple milk to leak out.
Sombra hummed pleasantly. "Mmm, how do they feel?"

"S-soft... and h-heavy..."

Turning her head, Sombra peeked Twilight passing through the castle doors. Quickly she put her shirt down and started power walking toward it. "Talk to you later!" Sombra called.

Big Mac was left with his hand still in the air, stunned at what had just transpired.

Meanwhile, Twilight had taken a seat at her throne. Looking down at the map, she smiled. "No friendship emergencies today... wonderful! And if I'm correct, he should be here any second now..." She said to herself.

"Who should?" Sombra asked, leaning over the map and scanning it curiously.

"Sombra." Twilight said.

"Ohhhh." Sombra nodded.

The air grew silent, Twilight blinking slowly as her attention shifted to the new mare in the room.
"Hmm... I never predicted that you'd be a mare, though... Fluttershy?" Twilight deduced.

"Is a lesbian." Sombra nodded, plopping into Spike's smaller seat and hugging her knees to her chest.

"And I take it that you enjoyed her penis. Quite a lot, even." Twilight continued, conjuring a list and ticking off boxes.

"You just know about that?" Sombra droned. Judging by her tone, she did not seem impressed. Or even amused.

"Mm-hm. I've seen her naked before." Twilight said. "Let's see... You've gotten through Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy... it's my turn, correct?"

"Yep. Saved the best for last!" Sombra joked, reaching a foot up and prodding Twilight's arm.

"What's your plan for me, then?"

"Dunno. Just kind of winging it." Sombra shrugged. She crossed her arms and sighed. "I hope you don't think the worst of me. I haven't forced myself on anyone, honest."

Twilight sighed, and the list vanished. "I don't. I just... find it a little distasteful. Princess Celestia always said that love was something amazing and wonderful... something sex went hand-in-hand with. And this... it's not what I imagined love to be." She explained.

"Twilight, let me tell you a little story. A long time ago, there was a unicorn. A unicorn who grew up to be a very, very bad pony." Sombra began, leaning back in the chair. Twilight decided to stay silent, listening. "Now, this unicorn wasn't always bad. In fact, he used to be really nice. He lived in the Crystal Empire, but he wasn't born there. Far from it actually! Believe it or not, this unicorn was born in Canterlot."

"Oh? Did this unicorn know Princess Celestia?"

"Believe it or not, this unicorn was her student." Sombra was beaming, almost as if remembering something very happy. Twilight's eyes widened. "This unicorn, let's just call him Mr. Handsome." Sombra grinned. Twilight rolled her eyes, receiving a giggle from the unicorn. "He was Celestia's student for about fifteen years. He had a gift in the art of love. Both spotting and making it."
Taking a deep breath in, Sombra continued. "And this unicorn was given a mission to go to the Crystal Empire and help with some problems of theirs. Love wasn't as widespread there. But this unicorn didn't want to go..."

"Why not?" Twilight asked.

"Because he was in love with the princess." Sombra chewed her lip. Twilight saw the lightest blush spread across Sombra's face. Twilight gasped. "Sadly, and reluctantly, the unicorn went. But before he left, Celestia told him something. She said that love isn't simple. Sharing the body and sharing the heart are separate. Sometimes pleasure is just pleasure. And sometimes sex is just sex. It doesn't have to change ponies. Love is complicated, even I don't understand it fully. But I know it enough... She told me to have fun, and maybe help a few ponies along the way." Sombra smiled meekly.

"Did... did you? Did you help ponies?" Twilight quietly asked.

"I helped every mare I laid my eyes on." Sombra winked.

Twilight laughed, just a little. "Aww... You didn't help stallions out, too?" She teased.

"Only the ones that asked." Sombra snickered. After the laughter had died down, Twilight nodded at Sombra to go on. After a few moments, Sombra continued. "Love and lust are different. Most of the time, love leads to lust. But that's not to say that it doesn't work the other way around. Believe me, sex is always on the table, but rarely does it start that way. Don't get me wrong, if a horny mare or stallion wants to take me to their room, I'm not going to complain. But much like your friends, it starts simple."
"Rainbow Dash didn't trust me. She yelled at me, found it hard to forgive me. But I tried to show her that I've changed. She's tough on the exterior, but deep down she just wants a pony to hold her." Sombra smiled a smile not of joy, but genuine love. The thought was adorable, to be honest.

"I've determined that Rainbow and Fluttershy are likely to get together." Twilight said.

"I know it. From the moment you all walked in on us back the first day we officially met. What I said the word 'cuddle bug', I saw that smile from the bathroom. I could feel it... I've always had a gift. Cadence has it too. We feel love, as well as see it. It's like a sixth sense. I felt a connection the moment I said it. And if I hadn't, that connection never would have been made. So in a sense, if we never had sex, if we never cuddled, Fluttershy's feelings would never have come to light. But once I saw it, I set it as my goal to help her. I knew she was a shy pegasus, and the moment I saw her extra bits down below, I knew it wouldn't be that simple. I had to make her comfortable with who she was. What she was. And in those final moments before I left her cottage, I felt courage. I saw confidence. I knew everything was going to work out... and I made it happen. My life is complete because I can help ponies like her. So when you saw it's distasteful, I can tell you as a fact that I love everypony... and if I can help somepony, I will do everything in my power, even take a bullet, if it can help put their life on track."

Twilight stayed silent. Sombra could almost hear the mare furiously thinking. "Twilight..." Sombra frowned. His eyes looked heavy and tired. "I'm a good pony... tell me that I am. I... I need to hear you say it..." His voice becoming slightly more masculine and deep. When she looked back, she saw he was back to his old self. Except for the water in his eyes. "Everypony has been nice. Everypony has forgiven me. But I need to hear you . You're the only one who I'll believe..."

She opened her mouth, about to say something, before stopping. Standing up, she walked the few steps to Spike's throne, standing before him silently.

"Please tell me I'm a good pony..." Sombra started to sob quietly.
Twilight slowly fell to her knees, before leaning forward and gripping Sombra in a tight hug, rubbing his back. "Ssshh..." She whispered to his ear. "Let it out... you're a good pony, Sombra. You've turned over a new leaf, and all of my friends, myself, and - probably most importantly- Princesses Luna and Celestia, all know that you're not the stallion you once were."

Sombra didn't stop, but he did return the hug. In fact, he didn't want to let go. And neither did Twilight. She continued her ministrations, lightly rubbing the stallion's broad back and whispering kind words to him. "I'll be fine... I'm... I'm sorry." Sombra wheezed lightly, his shaky breathing slowing.

"Are you sure, Sombra?" Twilight asked, leaning back to look him in the eyes. Twilight's brows furrowed, feeling his hand on her breast. "Yeah, you're fine." She continued.

She leaned back and stood, making his hand pull away from her chest. Sombra's smile finally returned, looking up at Twilight and staring for a few moments. "Hi." He finally said.

"Hey." She echoed, looking down at him once more.

Sombra stood up. "Well, I guess I should leave now." Sombra gave Twilight a hug, about to start walking.
"Where do you think you're going, Sombra?" Twilight asked, not letting him free of the hug.

Sombra blinked. "Well, I helped your friends in a way. But with you? You don't need any help. You're already perfect."

She snorted. "Perfect? Yeah, right. I'm still just as insecure and annoying as I started out." Twilight said.

"And you've saved Equestria several times, helped countless ponies, and done the impossible. Twilight, you have a right to be insecure and annoying. Though based on what I've heard of you, annoying is anything but you."

Purple eyes met red as Twilight searched for the hidden insult, not used to being complemented so easily. "I... it doesn't matter what I've done, I'm just the same unicorn from the day I got here, with a pair of wings added and a library subtracted."

"You know, I've been told a lot since I arrived here. Cadence told me of how Spike saved the Crystal Empire from a huge block of razor sharp ice."

Twilight crossed her arms, nodding without a response as he continued.

"And she told me what you said to him. Everypony was telling him he was amazing, that he was a hero, and he did great. But he didn't think he did." He said. Twilight looked down, seeing where he was going with this. He placed a hand on her cheek. "Practice what you preach. You are your own worst enemy, and your worst critic. You deserve to be happy, Twilight... so have some confidence. If not for me, for your friends, and everypony who loves and cares about you."

She looked up at him with shining eyes, her mouth open a little in astonishment.

"If there's as much talent in you as Celestia believes... you'll go farther than both her and Princess Luna." Sombra spoke as genuinely as possible.

"You... you really think so?" She asked in a whisper.

"You know, at first I was jealous. I hate to say she prefers any students above her others. But you? You're one of a kind. She is so proud of you. She's seen potential, but you? Somepony like you comes around once in a lifetime. But that generally goes for the average pony, but I'm talking about Celestia's lifetime. You're a diamond among a barrel of gold. You're out of place, you're different. But you can't let that get you down. You should be proud to be different, because you might be an oddity... but when put in the light, you shine like the brightest star in the night's sky."

"Stop it..." She said."You don't mean any of that."

"Since I arrived at your castle, I haven't lied once." Sombra smiled, caressing each cheek and bringing her head closer and kissing Twilight's forehead. "Definitely not about you."

Twilight blushed at the gentle treatment. "But... I-you... "She stammered.

"I'm sticking by my words. Now unless your next words are "Thank you", Relax..." He laughed.

She stammered a bit more, before sighing, and sinking into his embrace. "... Thank you." She finally said, her head in the crook of his neck.

"Well, Twi." Sombra started, sliding his hand down and taking hers. "Just let me take care of you today. Did you need anything?"

"Um... I-I mean, I was probably going to go out and do a few errands, and maybe reorganize what books I have in the library..." She said.

"Why don't you let me do all that. I want you to lie down." He said, seeming more of a plea.

"Well, um... I mean... I-If you insist..." She blushed, starting to walk towards her bedroom.

Sombra held her hand the whole way, even tucking her in when they arrived. He took a seat at the edge of the bed, still smiling down at her. "Need anything?"

She blushed and squirmed a bit under the covers, glancing away. "N-no... you just... you want me to take a nap while you go out and do errands for me?" She asked.

"Or you could read a book. Were you hungry?" He asked, hopping happily to his feet.

"Ah... I'm good, thank you." She said, levitating a book over and setting it next to her.

"You said you had errands? Why don't you write a list and I'll take care of everything." He asked softly, leaning closer to brush some hair behind her ear. Twilight's blush deepened, and she quickly wrote down everything she needed done. He took the list and nodded, pocketed it. "You just relax and take the day off." Sombra leaned closer and kissed her on the forehead.

"Yes, I... I will... thank you, Sombra." She said.

Twilight watched as he left, wondering about everything that had just taken place. The alicorn then shook her head, opened her book, and proceeded to read for an hour before falling asleep. After a few more hours, she was finally awoken by something extremely wonderful smelling, and slowly opened her eyes to find a tray of food sitting on her nightstand, with a note that read:

'I know you said you're fine, but I couldn't help it. I asked around and heard that your favorite breakfast is French Toast. I also got some fresh cider from Applejack, and a piece of carrot cake from Pinkie for dessert. Get some rest, you deserve it.'

After she read it, a gentle breathing made her ear twitch. She glanced to the side, seeing Sombra lying against the wall beside the last bookshelf. Where Z should be, there was one book left to be reorganized in his hand. It seems he had fallen asleep right before he finished. The note she had given to him was also on the floor, everything crossed out, except for the books.

"Oh, Celestia... he really is going all out, isn't he?" Twilight mumbled to herself.

There was a knock on the door that sent her ears straight up. When the door creaked open, Rainbow Dash peeked in. "Oh hey Twi." She waved, taking a couple steps in before stopping at the unconscious Sombra. She blinked a few times before speaking again. "He dead or something?"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "No, Rainbow, he isn't dead. Just tired from errands he did for me." She said, placing the tray of food in her lap.

"Jeez, didn't know you were such a task master." Rainbow stretched her arms over her head as she approached the bed. Shortly after, she fell beside Twilight.

Twilight frowned, stabilizing her food and drink. "I'm not. He just... insisted on doing all of my errands for me. And making me breakfast." She said, nibbling on some French toast.
"Uh huh." Rainbow nodded slowly. She scooted closer, taking the mug of cider and taking a long swig of it.

"Hey!" Twilight scolded, snatching it back.

Rainbow snickered, sliding up to lean back against the headboard and hug her knees to her chest. "So, what's with you? Got a cold or something?" She asked, staring at the tray of food.

"No, no. Like I said, Sombra just... insisted." Twilight repeated.

Rainbow turned her attention back to Sombra. She chuckled, shaking her head. "Yeah, he does that..."

Twilight smirked. "I dunno... it seemed like you were the insistent one when it came to sucking him off, Rainbow..."

Rainbow's brows furrowed, not even looking at Twilight. "I know what you're doing. I'm not responding." She grumbled.

"You mean like how Sombra responded when you shoved his cock down your throat?" Twilight continued teasing.

Rainbow's wing twitched, all the blood in her body rushing to her face. "Shut up..."

"You mean like how you shut up when we all saw you with your face in his crotch?"

Twilight squealed as Rainbow dove at her, jumbling the sheets up around the two of them. She quickly used her magic to safe the food, putting them on the nightstand. All she could do now was laugh as Rainbow put her in a headlock.

"Its true and you know it!" Twilight giggled.

"Yeah, so what." Rainbow sighed, her arms falling to the side. Twilight was now using Dash's pillows instead of the ones on her bed. She glanced up, seeing the colorful pegasus was looking down at her. "He has a way with words..."

"...Yeah,he does." Twilight agreed. "He told me... well, a rundown of his life story, earlier."

"All I know is that he still feels bad. I mean, how do you not feel bad about that? What he did... must be really hard for him to reconcile."

"He... he broke down earlier, Rainbow." Twilight quietly said. "Crying and begging me to call him a 'good pony'."

Rainbow slumped down. "Wow, that's..." Rainbow stammered, her words seeming to fail her.


The two were silent for the longest time, only able to stare at the napping unicorn. Rainbow finally opened her mouth, "He's just so sweet..."

"Extremely so."Twilight agreed." I can't think of a single pony he hasn't been nice to."
Rainbow shifted around, a thought hitting her. Twilight seemed to notice her discomfort.

"What is it, Rainbow?"

"Uhh, well... do you know if..." Rainbow mumbled.

"If what?" Twilight continued.

"If Fluttershy is... seeing anypony?"

Twilight blinked. "Rainbow..." She groaned, putting her head in her hands.

"It's a legitimate question!" Rainbow snapped.

"Just... just go to her. Trust me." Twilight said.

"I'm just asking because I care about her and... I want to make sure she's not... not falling for some snobby stallion. Somepony who won't hurt her..." Rainbow trailed off to a shy mumble.

Twilight pulled her hands from her face and looked at Rainbow. "Aww... Rainbow Dash does have feelings..." She smiled. "And no, Dash, she's not falling for somepony else, though she does have her eyes on one particular mare."

Rainbow's ears perked up. "Who? It's not Cheerilee is it? Cuz I think Big Mac has his eyes on her already."

Twilight groaned again. "Rainbow, if you don't fly over to her house right now, I'll teleport you there myself ..." She growled playfully.

The door once again creaked, snapping their attention to it as Rarity and Applejack walked in. "Hello Twilight. How has your day been?" Rarity asked. The white unicorn noticed Applejack staring at something. She too turned to Sombra, the both of them staring silently at him.

"You- I-..."Twilight sighed. "My day has been wonderful, Rarity."

Applejack kneeled down and lifted Sombra over her shoulder. She brought him to the bed and lied him down. Her and Rarity took a seat on the bed too, smiling at Twilight. "So what were ya two doin'? Wear him out, did ya Twi?" Applejack winked.

Twilight groaned. "Not you, too!" She whined.

"Ah relax sugar cube. We all been there." Applejack laughed, nudging Rarity.

Rarity let out a displeased 'hmph'. "Honestly, how rude. Asking what a lady does behind the privacy of her bedroom door."

"Yes, thank you!" Twilight smiled. "I agree with Rarity completely."

"... but he was quite the gentleman." Rarity said, clearing her throat.

"I... well, uh... thanks?" Twilight repeated, this time more of a mumble.

"Mmhm. He's just ah big ol' bear. Should'a seen 'im with Applebloom and the others." Applejack grinned happily.

"And he was really really nice to Mrs. Cake and Aloe and Lotus and me!" Pinkie Pie added, popping out of the bedroom's attached bathroom.

The entire room had their eyes on her, leaning away from the unexpected visitor. "Uh... all four of you?" Dash asked.


"Wow. He was certainly... busy." Rarity mused aloud.

"Ah'm pretty impressed, honestly." Applejack nodded in agreement.

"Oh. Can I come in?" Fluttershy said. The others looked at the door, seeing Fluttershy peeking her head in.

"Why not. My bedroom is basically the living roo- Rainbow! That cider was for me!" Twilight said, turning when she heard the mare gulping down her drink. Fluttershy giggled as she approached, taking a seat next to Rainbow. Dash nearly choked on the cider, giving a hard swallow before setting the jug down again.

Rarity raised an eyebrow at Fluttershy's forwardness. "Dear? Do you have something to tell us?" She asked.

"No." Fluttershy shook her head slowly. "Maybe. No..."

"You c'n tell us when ya want, Shy." Applejack said, patting the shy mare's leg.

"Thank you." Fluttershy smiled. She scooted closer to Rainbow, grabbing her hand. Dash just stared into space, seeming lost by the sudden action.

"Why are all of you in my bedroom?" Twilight asked, cutting to the chase.

"We figured you were the next Sombra was gonna pay a visit to. So..." Pinkie hummed.

"We decided to drop by, darling. See where you two were in your own romantic adventure." Rarity finished.

"Well, not that anything too sexual happened..." Twilight cleared her throat before continuing, "He instructed I stay in bed while he did all my chores. I uh... yeah."

"Really? Neither a' y'all did anythin' else?" Applejack asked. "'Cuz, uh... Sombra looks purty tuckered out."

"It was a long list." Twilight mumbled, unable to take her eyes off the passed out pony.

"O-oh... maybe we should get up, and leave... let him sleep in peace?" Fluttershy suggested.

"I might... stay with him." Twilight suggested quietly.

"I'd like that." Sombra said. Everyone else in the room squealed, startled by his sudden presence.

"When did you wake up?" Twilight asked, still a bit shocked.

"When Rainbow Dash knocked." Sombra smiled, his eyes still closed.

Twilight scrunched her face up, and lightly slapped his chest. "You... you infuriating... stallion!" She huffed.

Sombra laughed. His delighted chuckle was shortly cut off as a pink pony landed on him. "Unf!" He grunted.

"Morning sleepy head." Pinkie licked from his chin, all the way up to his forehead.

"Haven't slept. But good morning." Sombra grinned, returning the equally long lick.

Rarity smiled, though her eye twitched as the two of them locked one another. "Yes, well... hello to you as well, Sombra." She said.

Sombra looked up at the others. "If you're here for an orgy, perhaps it can wait til later?"

Fluttershy blanched. "U-um... I-I... Sombra..." She sputtered.

"Confound it, Sombra!" Applejack said. "Now look at what you gone and did! 'Shy was so happy and then you... pony feathers."

Rainbow and Sombra gave each other a nod before giggling together.

"But we weren't planning on an orgy! That isn't until the ne-" Pinkie started, before covering her mouth. "Oopsie!" She said, dropping her hand. "Hey Dashie, let's go make some cupcakes!" Pinkie chirped, before grabbing Dash and shooting out of the bedroom.
"Well, least I have something to look forward to." Sombra said, giving Fluttershy a wink.

Shy blushed, before giving Sombra a small hug. 'Thank you." She whispered into his ear, before letting him go and following Pinkie and Dash.

Sombra's magic lifted Rarity and Applejack to either side of him, not holding them under each arm. "I missed you two." He added, giving a kiss to their cheeks.

Applejack blushed, looking away and pulling her hat over her eyes.

Rarity smiled, and leaned in to give him a chaste kiss on the lips. "As I did you, darling... and let me say, the 'bath' you gave me? It works wonders on the skin!" She purred.

"Applejack, you should tell Rarity of our time together. I've seen the way you two look at each other, I'm sure Rarity wouldn't mind. In fact, she may actually enjoy it." He hummed, his magic lifting the hat off her head and setting it on the bed. He pulled her head close to his, giving a more tender kiss to her cheek this time.

"Ah... ah dunno 'bout that..." Applejack mumbled to him. "What if she... she don't like it?"
Sombra's eyes slowly shifted to Rarity, motioning her toward Applejack.

"Oh? Applejack? Do you have something to say, dear?" Rarity asked.

"Ah, uh... maybe we could mosey on outta here an talk, privately?" Applejack stammered in her earlier shy manner.

"Of course! Lead the way." Rarity conceded, reaching out and slipping her slender hand into Applejack's larger, firmer one. The two left the room, leaving only Sombra, and Twilight. Sombra crawled under the sheets, not returning to the surface.

"Uh... well... a-are you alright, Sombra?" Twilight asked, looking at the lump in the sheets. Sombra lifted the sheets slightly, pulling her legs under the covers. She gave a small frown. "What... what're you doing?" She said.

A tightness surrounded her foot. It wasn't painful though. Actually, it was kind of like a...

"Are you giving me a foot message?" Twilight asked, incredulous. Sombra didn't respond, both hands now on her right foot. Twilight stifled a sound she could only describe as 'extremely pleasant'. "Why... a-are you... massaging... my feet?" She groaned out, stammering from little gasps and squeaks of pleasure.

"Does that mean you want me to stop?" He said, his voice only slightly muffled from the sheets.

"W-well... no..."She admitted. Sombra didn't respond, merely continuing his massage. She felt something tingly on her left foot. That tingling turned to pressure, mimicking what he was doing to her right foot. She laid back into the bed, letting him continue massaging her feet. "Th-thank you..." She whispered. "For the massage, a-and for doing my errands. And breakfast."

"My honor."

She blushed, and relaxed a bit more.

"How was your nap? Any good dreams?" He mused.

"No... I usually don't dream, anyhow." She told him.

His massage halted. "What??"

"Um... I-I usually don't dream?"

"I'll have to pay Luna a visit." He said quietly, continuing his masterful work.

"Ooh..." Twilight said, letting out a little moan. "I-If you want..."

Sombra's massage seemed to spread to her ankles. Then her leg. The weight of his body also seemed to move up.

"Mm... you're... v-very good at this..." Twilight murmured.

His hands wrapped around her waist, hugging it. She saw his head pop up, then his shoulders, now resting on her belly. "Maybe I can be your dream tonight."

She snorted, her quiet moans turning into loud laughter. "O-oh my gosh! That was... s-so cheesy!" She giggled.

Sombra shrugged. "I try." He chuckled, kissing her stomach, his hands running up her sides almost painfully slow. The magic that was continuing the massage seeped up, surrounding her hips, and her... her... oh my...

"Sombra!" She squealed, feeling the magic around her most private of parts.

The purple aura around her tender parts was light, teasing almost. "Yes, my Queen?"

"Your... magic... m-massaging my..." She stammered.

"Tell me to stop." He whispered, so close now she could feel his breath on her neck.

"I-I don't... kn-know if I want to..."

Sombra nuzzled her neck. He didn't kiss her, he didn't bite her, he didn't do anything. He just kept his face there, nuzzling it like a filly to his mother. Twilight pressed a hand lightly against him. Not to stop him, no, but to feel him. To feel the warmth emanating from his broad chest, the firmness of his muscles. The massage trickled to a stop, leaving Twilight completely stunned. It took her a moment to regain herself from the sudden pause. "Why... why'd you stop?" She asked. Whined, nearly. No response came. Slowly looking down, she realized he had fallen asleep, nestled against her body. She gave a small frown, before smiling again. With her magic, she slowly drew the covers above them, and snuggled into his embrace. After a moment's hesitation, she gave his forehead a light kiss, before closing her eyes.

"Hello Princess Twilight." A familiar, regal voice purred in Twilight's ears. Twilight opened her eyes and turned her head to the right, nearly shrieking as she saw Princess Luna behind her. Spooning her, in fact. "Sorry, did I wake you?" Luna asked, seeming entirely too amused by her own words.

"I- you- my bed-" Twilight tried to make words happen, and failed miserably.

"Yes. It is very comfortable." Luna complimented, absolutely unfazed by the situation with the oblivious smile on her face.

"You're g-groping me!" Twilight blushed heavily, looking down at the hands on her tits. "Quite... q-quite shamelessly, in fact!"

"Only because you are thinking of it." Luna teased, closing one eye and sticking her tongue out.

"What are you even doing here, Pr- Luna?"

"Checking up on how Sombra is behaving. Would you care to disclose the situation?" Luna mused, letting go of Twilight and rolling over onto her back beside the purple alicorn.

"He's... well... I'm sure you know of his 'adventures' with my friends..." Twilight said.

"I can see you worked him to the 'boner'." Luna joked.

Twilight blushed. "H-he insisted! He wouldn't let me do any of my errands, he just... went off and did them himself." She retorted.

"Relax, Twilight. I am not here to judge. I merely wished to know how... 'things were going'." Luna scooted up, sitting against the headboard and setting a hand on Twilight's shoulder. Twilight sighed, laying back on the pillow. "Putting all the lust and fun times aside... what do you think of Sombra? Honestly, truly feel." Luna asked as sincerely as possible.

"I... I don't know, Luna." Twilight admitted. "I don't hate him, or think badly of him at all. In fact, I'm kind of... eager. To do I-It with him."

"Attraction comes in many forms. You may be physically attracted, but I wish to know emotionally. Does he seem like a good pony? You of all ponies are qualified to judge such a thing." Luna smiled warmly, scooting closer and returning to her half-spooning cuddle.

"Well, um... I don't think any of my friends are emotionally attracted to Sombra, but they still had sex with him." Twilight pointed out. "As for being a good pony... yes. I fully believe he has earned such a moniker."

"Mm... are you certain? Simple acts of kindness can be a sign that a pony wishes to know you. The little things are what matters, for without them, what foundation do we have to grow?"

"Am I certain about what?" Twilight asked.

"That your friends aren't emotionally attracted? When you first met your friends, you saw what they were. How they acted. The individuality they all shared, the personalities. At first, you might not have cared. But in the end, it was their actions, the things they did, that you fell for. They became your friends because of what they did, and who they were. After they became your friends, they hadn't changed. Who they are now, is who they were before. So tell me, is Sombra one of those personalities that you are attracted to? Does he blend well with the others? And if so, what might you think the future holds for us?"

"Sombra... he's definitely a friend of mine, now, and will likely remain that way forever. Attraction, however... I think you and I both know who Sombra's in love with. He just needs to admit that to himself." Twilight replied.

Luna cocked her head. This time, she seemed genuinely curious. "Oh? Who would that be?"

Twilight blinked. "Wait... what? You don't know? How could you not know, I know and I'm a social recluse!" Twilight said, shocked.

Luna sat up, sitting criss cross. "Sister and I knew he was certainly... amorous in the bedroom. But we had no idea he had fallen for a pony. So soon, I might add." She seemed excited, leaning close. "Tell us, who is this lucky pony?"

Twilight smiled. "Hmm... nope! You'll just have to figure that out by yourself. Maybe invite him to the castle and ask him in pony." She suggested.

Luna slumped over with a pout. "You must strain my patience." She huffed.

"It's revenge for waking me up by groping me." Twilight said.

"Very well. Enjoy your sleep." Luna sighed longingly. Twilight rolled her eyes as Luna disappeared. Wait, disappeared?

"Guh!" Twilight gasped, eyes flying open. She looked about, noticing that she was still in her bedroom, it was midnight, and that Sombra's hands had apparently wandered from her back to her admittedly large plot. Sombra breathed gently, seeming to be asleep with a big smile on his face. Seeming...
"You're awake, I know it." Twilight mumbled, glaring at him.

"Don't wake me up, this is the best dream I've had in a thousand years." Sombra sighed softly.

"Only because your hands are on my flank."

"Only because it's your flank." He added.

"Did you dream that it was hers, though, or that it was mine?" Twilight asked, looking down at his still-closed eyes.

His entire face blanked. For the first time, she saw dread. "No... I... I..." He seemed almost breathless. Sombra looked up at her quickly. "I'm so sorry... that's not at all what... I'm... Oh goddess..." He seemed to be ashamed.

Twilight immediately regretted asking that question. "Hey, no, it's ok." She reassured him. "I shouldn't... shouldn't have asked that."

Sombra lept back, chewing on a fingernail. Twilight swore she saw tears beginning to well. "I would never... I've been trying my hardest, please... please don't hate me."

She sat up in bed, a worried look on her face. "Why would I hate you, Sombra?" Twilight asked. "You've been nothing but a gentlepony and kind."

"Because I was thinking of another mare... and that's awful. It's a horrible thing to do right now, while I'm with you." He bowed his head low in apology.

"Hey, no. Stop that. C'mere..." Twilight shushed him, and patted the bet next to her to entice him over. "Come over here, Sombra. Sit with me."

Sombra slowly moved over to her side, still looking down at the bed. Twilight wrapped her arm around him, leaning the taller stallion on her shoulder. "That's not a bad thing. I mean, yes, typically it would be considered bad, but in this circumstance- well, it still kind of" She tried to say, before huffing and starting over. "I know why you did it. And again, I'm sorry for putting you in this position. But... I don't mind. Honestly, I'm a little flattered."

Sombra's brows furrowed, slowly looking at Twilight. He was as befuddled as any pony at that statement. She sighed. "Goddesses, this is hard to explain. Alright, ok, here. You think... no, believe that you need to... claim? Claim the six of us, yes? The six Elements of Harmony?"

"Huh? That's not my intent, honest!" Sombra put a hand to his mouth, eyes darting around the room.

"Just admit it."

"What kind of monster would want to steal your elements. I promise I've been reformed..." He started to whimper.

Twilight growled. "Uuugh... stallions..." She muttered, low enough for Sombra not to hear. Taking a deep breath, she said, "Not like that. Not in an evil way. Sexually. And not in a bad sexual way, either." Twilight explained.

Sombra blinked, starting to calm down. "Oh. Yes, I suppose... I have the determination of a horny student in a room full of co-eds. I like what I see, and if I may, I try to take it. I had planned with high hopes of taking you the second I stepped foot into Ponyville, but I saw you were busy." Sombra smiled once again.

"Right. And so far, you've gotten through all of my friends, and you see me as... the finale?" She continued.

"Makes me sound like kind of a sleazebag... but yeah, I suppose." Sombra nodded.

Twilight waved a hand. "No, don't feel that way. Honestly... anypony would feel that way after working their way through five out of a group of six mares." She said. "The thing is... I'm not the finale. I never was. Really, you never even needed to do anything with Rarity, AJ, Pinkie, Dash, or Fluttershy, but I suppose it turned out for the best that you did."

"Well, Twilight... Princess Cadence is the princess of love. I might have been a tyranical dictator, but what do you think I was before? She is a bit... single minded... when it comes to partners. But I didn't see your friends as just tally marks on a wall. I saw somepony I could help. Applejack and Rarity? I see them having a bright future together. Rainbow Dash needed to learn to lighten up, learn that sometimes a compliment is just a compliment. I found she may be tough on the outside, but she has a soft, cuddly inside." He mused, pausing momentarily. "Mm, that sounded wrong... but anyway. Fluttershy? She would have never come out. I feel I gave her the push needed to really accept who she is. Not only that, but I believe there's another cute couple born as well."

"And Pinkie Pie?" Twilight asked, pausing in her explanation for a moment.

Sombra was silent for the longest moment. "And then there's you." He continued.

Twilight snorted.

"You needed to take a break. Working hard gets things done, but work yourself to the bone, and you'll get hurt. So many ponies care about you, and they love you... seeing you work day and night isn't good for them. Seeing a friend care so little about yourself. Whether you think you're being selfless by your actions, you worry those folks. So take my advice..." He said, closing in on her and putting a lengthy kiss on her lips. "Take a break once in awhile. For everypony..." He finished, again putting his lips back to hers.

Twilight closed her lips, moaning lightly into the kiss. When it had gone on long enough, she- reluctantly- pulled away. "Will you take some advice of mine, then, too?" She whispered.

"Anything, Princess." He said, taking her hand.

"Go to her. Go and tell her the truth. Tell her everything you need to, everything you've been bottling up... because I'm not your finale, Sombra, she is." Twilight said. "Just look into your heart... you know it to be true."

Sombra looked down, but only for a short bit. "I've learned a lot from you and your friends. Alright." He nodded. He slowly stood up from the bed, still holding her hand. He brought it up and kissed the back of it. "It's been an honor to stay in your small, beautiful town. I don't believe I'll ever forget you. Though, I personally think I'll be back. A lot." He joked.

Twilight kept a strong hold of his hand, and in a surprising show of strength, pulled him back down to the bed. "Hey, who said you could leave? I may not be your finale, but I can certainly be a step towards it." Twilight said. "Besides..." She purred, "You never did finish that massage."

"Oh of course. How forgetful of me." Sombra mused, sliding back onto her. This time, his hand went straight between her legs. "Now, where were we?"


Twilight was sound asleep, messy and sticky and crusty from her fun with Sombra the previous night. So deep in sleep was she that she didn't even notice when Sombra quietly got up, leaving a pillow in her searching arms.

Smiling, Sombra dressed himself and wandered to the castle doors. He had learned a lot from the six ponies, but now he had a goal. Canterlot.

His plan, however, was interrupted by a gray mare. A grey, pegasus mare. A gray, pegasus mare that crashed into him, knocking both of them to the ground in a heap. Sombra stared down at the dirt his face was firmly planted in. He turned his head, seeing the friendliest, Derpy smile he'd ever witnessed on any pony ever. "Oh, I'm so sorry Mr. Sombra sir! I was just flying and then there was this gust of wind and then I crashed into you and oh wowie you're warm-" She said, an unending stream of thought emerging from her lips as she lay atop him. "-but then they said it only came in red and I was sad... oh! I have a letter for you!" Derpy pulled a fancy-looking scroll from her bag, handing it to Sombra and giving him a silly salute before flying off... and crashing into a wall. "I'm fine!"

Sombra lied there for a minute in silence. Slowly, he sat up in a criss-cross position. He took the letter and tore it open. His expression rather amused by the incident. Until he read the name on the letter. His heart skipped a beat, but he was more interested in reading it.

The letter read,

"To whom it may concern,
This is a formal summons to Canterlot, specifically to the Royal Castle of the Two Pony Sisters. This summons refers to one Mi Amore Sombrora, who is requested to the Castle by the Princesses Luna and... "

"...Celestia..." Sombra whispered.