The Legacy of IceHeart

by MineLittleDashie

First published

A human becomes the prince of the windigoes, but what will he do when he is banished from his kingdom.

A young man makes a life-changing bargain with the queen of the windigoes. He will receive the power he needs to save his family, but in return, he will have to leave his home and become the windigo prince.

But when a falling out between him and his new mother results in his banishment from the snowy wastelands of the windigoes, the young man, now dubbed IceHeart, will need to embrace the idea of friendship if he is to be accepted into a new society.

Note: For this story, there is a human country on Equis

Chapter 1: A deal with a spirit thing

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*Note to readers* Assume that Jonathan's normal speaking is monotone.*

The Legacy of IceHeart

I stand on my balcony, the wind and snow swirling around me. I stand there....and remember.

"No! Don't do it!" I screamed, trying to push my way through the crowd to the execution platform. "They're innocent!"

"Shut up boy!"

A guard grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me backwards, throwing me into one of the many mud-filled potholes gouged into the street. I coughed and stood back up, dripping.

I made another run at the platform, but Baron Sarrenden must've been prepared for an incident, for I was instantly accosted by two more guards, both with their swords out.

"That's enough out of you." One of them snarled as he smashed the hilt of his weapon into my gut, causing all the air to whoosh out of my lungs.

I dropped to my knees in pain, but was soon hauled to my feet by the other guard, who then proceeded to half-drag me towards one of the empty prison carts. After a few moments, I had recovered and attempted to fight back, but being a skinny, physically weak kid, I wasn't able to break free. A quick cuff to the head dazed me.

The guard who wasn't holding me unlocked the cart door and held it open while the other shoved me in.

"I know it may be hard, but you'll thank us when this is over." He said, trying to sound sympathetic as he closed and locked the door. Then both guards turned away and went back to the crowd.

"No." I gasped, still slightly groggy from the blow to my head.

Using the bars as supports, I attempted to stand. My legs were shaking and my head was spinning. Exhausted, I gripped the bars even tighter and laid my head against them, breathing slowly and deeply.

"Thomas and Carren Farmer," the voice of the baron rang out over the shouts of the townspeople. "You have been tried and found guilty of crimes against both the king and kingdom of Heradiom! These crimes include, but are not limited to: witchcraft, the worship of hethen gods, conspiring with hostile nations against Heradiom, and espionage for these same hostile nations! Having been found guilty of these crimes, you have been placed in the hands of the law! As judge of this case, I am the law! And the law sentences you to death!"

I looked up in horror to see two people, a man and a woman, being escorted to the steps of the execution platform by several soldiers, The crowd jeering at them.

As I watched, I began to feel tears slide down my face. I tried to shout, but my voice failed me. Instead of watching, I closed my eyes and bowed my head, gripping the bars even tighter.

It was all over.

"You must feel horrible, don't you?"

I started in surprise and twisted my head this way and that. What was that?

"Oh yes, I'm really here. There's nothing wrong with you."

There was no way.... That voice was coming out of thin air!

I licked my lips nervously. "Who are you? What are you? Why are you even here?"

The surrounding area became noticeably colder.

"Why, does a girl need a reason these days?" the voice laughed. "But let's get back to you. You look like you need help, and that is something I can offer."

Now, despite my age, I knew that making a deal with something you couldn't see was a bad idea, but I was desperate and began nodding. "Yes, help me, please!" I cried desperately

"Oh, so young and so eager." the voice laughed again. "But you'll need to do something for me in return."

I glanced nervously back at the execution platform. The baron was having the two poor souls paraded around the parameter of the platform, allowing the other townspeople to throw fruit at the prisoners. Good, there was still some time.

"Yes, anything!" I shouted in excitement, with a little bit of hope.

The air seemed to twitch with anticipation.


"Anything," I confirmed.

There was a moment of silence. I shuffled in concern.

"Very well, I will grant you the power to save the two you have feelings for, but don't go forgetting our deal now."

Suddenly, I felt a chill. It started at the top of my spine and worked its way downwards, branching off as it went, until my fingers and toes were tingling from the cold. Then it stopped. Nothing seemed to have happened, so curiously, I reached out and touched the bars of the prison cart.


I sighed in exasperation and defeat. Maybe I had imagined the whole thing, but if I hadn't, then I would be able to get out of the cart! I was snapped out of my thoughts by a quiet crackling noise. I looked down, and nearly died from surprise, for the bars I had been gripping, were slowly turning to ice! I continued to watch curiously until the bars were completely covered in ice, then a thought struck me, and I pulled at them.


Both bars broke away from the frame. I dropped them in surprise and stared at my hands. Was this all real? Wait! I stretched my arm through the window, reaching around for the lock. My fingers scratched against the wood, before feeling the cold metal padlock, the only thing keeping me in.

I made sure that I had a solid grip on the lock, then willed for freedom. Sure enough, the faint crackling noise reached my ears. A smile began to grow on my face as the magic, what I figured this was, took effect.

Within seconds, there was another snap as the now fragile lock broke apart, freeing me from the cart.

I inched the door open and peered around cautiously. No one seemed to have noticed me yet, but that's not surprising, considering how loud the crowd was.

I emerged completely from my prison and raised my eyes to the execution platform. My blood froze. (Not literally.) The two prisoners had already been forced to their knees. The burly executioner stood above them, his axe raised in the air. I watched in horror as the weapon began to descend.

"No!" I screamed, stretching out my arm as if I could reach out and stop the axe.

Suddenly, my arm began to tremble and a beam of light-bluish energy exploded out of my palm, aimed directly at the executioner. I closed my eyes and fought the force that threatened to throw me back.

Eventually, the force lessened, then stopped altogether. I carefully opened one eye, then both eyes popped open and I gasped. The executioner was no longer flesh and blood, but an entire ice sculpture, his axe merely inches from the neck of the first prisoner.
What had I done?

It was then that I registered the stares.

I looked around to find everyone staring at me. Many were looks of horror, but there was disbelief and even some anger present on their faces. The baron himself seemed shaken, his face pale and sweaty, but he soon composed himself.

"The boy is in league with these two!" He pointed at the prisoners onstage. "Guards, seize him!"

I heard the clanking of metal, and turned to see the same two guards from before moving towards me, swords drawn. Not wanting to take the chance of close combat, I reached out my arm again. The guards must've put two and two together, because they sped up to a run, trying to get to me before I could get them. But my magic was quicker.

The beam of ice shot out and insta-froze them. A metal hand gripped my shoulder and I reached back and grabbed the it. Almost instantly, I could hear the crackling of ice. The man cried out in fear and released me, pulling out of my grip as if getting out of contact with me would stop the magic. I turned and was surprised to see that the ice was still spreading. It had already claimed the guard's hand, and was now starting on the arm.

The other guards surrounded me, but kept good distance away, afraid of what might happen to them if they approached.

It was a stalemate for a few moments as both me and the guards stared at each other. Despite having been scared earlier, I felt better now, less afraid.

But my fear returned when one of the guards had the bright idea to adjust his spear until it was in a throwing position. I might've been able to freeze things, but I couldn't keep something sharp from piercing me. In fact, covering the spear with ice might've just made it worse!

The rest of the guards followed the example of the first one.

I had to save myself...

Every guard was ready to throw.

In order to save my parents...

The spears flew from the guards' hands, all aimed at one target.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise and my vision blurred, before everything turned white for a minute.

I waited, not sure what had happened, and then I heard the exclamations of the crowd. I opened my eyes (which had somehow closed), and found myself standing on a raised platform near the execution platform! I could see over the crowd to where I must've been standing merely moments before, a place marked by several spears sticking out of a large pile of snow, despite us not having recieved any, and surrounded with many surprised soldiers.

Wait, a raised platform? I turned to my right and saw the very one who had caused all this trouble. The Baron was not six feet away, his face as pale as a ghost.

Suddenly, a flood of anger welled up inside me and I let out a scream of hate. I spun around and grabbed his neck firmly in my hand.

I suppose it was only natural, but he began to sputter like a child.

"P-please don't kill me! It was only a misunderstanding! I promise that I'll right this wrong at once! Just let me go!"

Oh, how I wanted to end his miserable life there and then, but a glance towards my parents, and the horror on their faces, told me that if I did such a thing, I would no longer be treated as family.

I brought my face closer to the baron's. "You do not deserve to rule over anyone, but I can't command you not to. However, I am taking the prisoners and leaving. If you try to stop us, or send people after us, I will return. Is that understood?"

The baron was too afraid to speak, so merely nodded his head.

I scowled, but released my hold on him. I then turned and, using my power, created an ice bridge over to the execution platform.

I mad short work of the ropes that bound my parents, then led the shaky couple back to the house so we could pack.

Once we had gathered our essentials, the three of us left town.

But little did I know how short of a time I would spend with them.

Chapter 2: All hail the king, er...well, prince

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"Your majesty?"

I snap out of my thoughts and turn to see a transparent, light blue pony standing in my room.

"Yes?" I ask.

"The queen wishes to see you."

I nod in an appreciative way. "Thank you, I will see her momentarily."

The pony nods, then turns and begins heading to the door.

"Oh, Blizzard." I say.

Blizzard does an abrupt 180 and watches me. "Yes, sire?"

"Riddle me this, why does her majesty find you important enough to give you a name?"

Blizzard frowns. "I'm not quite sure what you mean."

I gesture towards him. "It's simple. You're not a general, nor a member of royalty, nor are you an advisor. So why do you have a name? I have been pondering it for a while now."

"Blizzard taps his chin and adopts a look of concentration. "I... I'm not quite sure."

I nod. "Think about it. I'm sure it's something we would both like to know."

"I will, my lord." Blizzard turns around again and walks out the door, shutting it behind him.

I watch the door for a few more moments, then turn back around towards the balcony.

POV; Past

Three months had passed since our escape. My parents and I had made our new home in an abandoned log cabin in a forest outside of the baron's jurisdiction, and had learned to adapt to the new environment.

In case I hadn't mentioned it before, or if you haven't figured it out, my parents were innocent of any crime the baron had charged them with. The true story is that my father was the only heir to a successful goldmine in the north, and the baron realized that if my parents were labeled as traitors, then the goldmine would become his. So really, it was all in the name of greed.

At first, my parents were afraid of me, as I still had my powers, so they were always scared that I might turn on them. But before long, they accepted me again and life began to return to normal.

Until I recieved an unexpected visit.

I had been outside, chopping wood for the fireplace, when I heard something that petrified me to the core.

"You didn't forget about our little agreement did you?"

In all honesty, I had.

I made a quick recovery and continued to chop logs. "No, I didn't forget. Are you here for your payment?"

"Why, yes," the voice purred.

There was something about her answer that gave me the chills. (figuratively speaking)

I stopped chopping and laid down the axe. "What is it that you want exactly? Worship? Gold? I apologize that I can't offer you much, but we have had to recreate a living."

The voice merely laughed. "Worship? I am no goddess, and gold I have no need of, as well as most things you could offer."

I became puzzled. "Then what could you possibly want from me?"

The voice snickered and seemed to sidle up to me. "Why, that's just it!"

All the color drained from my face. "M-me?!"


"But why?"

"That's for me to know, and you to find out."

I'll admit, I wasn't too happy with the idea of giving myself to something I wasn't'the familiar with, but then again, she did give me the means to save my family...

'Besides,' my inner voice said. 'It's one thing to threaten and get away from a mortal, visible man. It's another thing completely to try and escape from this thing.'

And although every fabric of my being screamed at me not to go, I have always been a man of my word, and I had made a promise.

I let out a heavy breath. "May I go explain and say good-bye to my parents?"

"I will allow it."

I turned and jogged quickly back over to the cabin, where my parents had been preparing dinner.

Needless to say, neither mom nor dad took the news very well, but while mom had demanded that they tie me up to keep me from going, dad had grudgingly accepted the situation and declared that if I truly had given my word, it was only right. However, he did still smack me upside the head for my stupidity.

We had one last meal together, then said our goodbyes and I went back outside.

"Have you finished?" the voice sounded slightly impatient.

"Yeah, sorry for keeping you waiting." I said.

"Very well. Hold on tight."

I was about to comment on how there was nothing for me to hold on to, when my vision blurred and everything went dark.

My vision soon returned, and I was surprised to find myself in a large throne room!

I did a slow 360 and examined the room. Everything, from the columns to the tiles on the floor, were a mixture of white and a wintery light blue. At one end of the room was a pair of large doors that must've led to other parts of the castle, while a raised dais and a throne made of light blue crystals dominated the other end.

"It's beautiful, is it not?"

I turned in surprise to see what appeared to be a winged unicorn standing next to me! It stood about even with me, about a foot taller if you included her horn, and it had the same voice as the mysterious woman, but it couldn't be! Could it?

The unicorn giggled at the face I was making. "You look surprised, but I'm safe in assuming that you expected something else?"

I nodded dumbly, not quite sure what to say in this situation.

The unicorn's playful smile disappeared. "Very well then, I'll start. Perhaps you would like an explanation?"

"Yes please," I said, having finally found my voice.

"Very well. I am Ice Crystal; Queen of Winter and Ruler of the Windigoes."

I gulped nervously. Everyone knew about the windigoes. Cold hearted winter beasts that fed off of disharmony. But this one seemed different, or maybe that was a ruse to seem nice.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you," I said. "But why did you want me? A slave perhaps? Or a pet?"

Queen Crystal shook her head. "Neither of those reasons..... Follow me and I'll explain." she turned and walked towards the exit of the throne room.

Nervously, I followed.

Queen Crystal didn't say a word until we had traveled a fair way into the depths of the castle.

"Huh, funny thing, but I don't believe I got your name." she looked back at me expectantly.

"Oh, uh... Jonathan Farmer, your majesty." I said.

"Well Mr. Farmer, would you like to know why I chose you, and what for?"

"Very much, your majesty."

The queen let out a breath. "Every ruler must have an heir, correct?"

I nodded.

"Well, the windigo queen can only have one offspring, because of magical reasons. This child will go on to become the next ruler. However, if something happens to that heir, there is a high chance of all Windigoes disappearing, as they need a leader to guide them."

"And you lost your heir, didn't you?" I knew my question was out of place, but it was obvious what she was telling me.

She nodded, her head lowered in mourning. "Dead. And only a creature with certain qualities can fill the place. Most of the time it's another windigo, but this time..."

"What makes me so special?" I asked the question as calmly as I could, but was shaking inside. 'Is she heading where I think she's heading?"

Queen Crystal turned to face me. "To be honest, it was luck that I found you. You have determination, intelligence, honor and good judgement; but by the same token, you can be ruthless and cunning towards your enemies. Are these not the qualities that make a good leader?"

"How do you know that?" I frowned slightly.

"I looked into your mind and heart. You will make a good leader."

I became confused. "But aren't windigoes evil?"

"Quite a few of them act that way, but most only spread winter like they should. Ah, here we are!"

We had just entered a room filled with what I assumed to be other windigoes, some taking a physical appearance of a pony, while the majority looked like the classic, wild example.

Upon the entrance of Queen Crystal and myself, they all fell silent and watched as the two of us moved to a large snowflake pattern on the floor in the middle of the room.

Queen Crystal then addressed the occupants of the room. "My loyal subjects, we all remember the late Princess Frost."

Every windigo present seemed to bow their head in respect.

"And though she will never be forgotten, I am happy to announce, that I have found a new prince!"

At this, several windigoes looked around in confusion, while others just stared at me. One of them made a whinnying sound that some others seemed to agree with.

Queen Crystal faced that windigoes in question and narrowed her eyes. "Are you questioning my judgement?" Her words were cold. (No pun intended)

The windigoes shook their heads and started to neigh in what must've been an excuse. All the other stayed silent.

Queen Crystal scanned the room with her glare, then turned back to me. "I know that it may be a lot for you to handle right now, but do you accept your position as the Prince of the Windigoes?"

I may have looked calm and collected, but I was soiling myself from the extreme pressure I was feeling. I was sure that the room was going to brake out into chaos when Queen Crystal declared me a replacement for the Princess. I stared at her for a moment, then scanned the other occupants of the room.

A few seemed angry; others hopeful. Several seemed concerned, glancing between me and their ruler.

Hell, I wasn't so sure myself. I mean, keeping a promise was one thing, but taking on a role I had never even dreamed of? Her majesty was asking a lot from me, but I wasn't sure I could live up to the task.

But then I looked back at the queen. In her eyes, I could see pain. Hope. A chance to save her race.

Almost the same things I felt when I realiz d that I could save my parents from the execution.

I realized then that the death of her daughter must've pained her more than she let on. And even though we hadn't even known each other for that long, and maybe she was using some kind of magic on me to influence my decision, but I still felt that I should do something to ease her pain.


Every entity in the room leaned forward, awaiting my answer.

"I accept the role of prince." I said, hoping my voice wouldn't crack.

Queen Crystal smiled, and I couldve sworn I saw a tear roll down her cheek.

The queen's horn began to glow a light blue and a silver crown floated from behind the crowd and onto my head.

"Then I pronounce you Prince..... What did you say your name was again?"

"Jonathan Farmer, your majesty."

Queen Crystal made a face. "Yes. Perhaps we should change it, to suit the setting. Why not...IceHeart?"

I thought about it. "Sounds uncaring."

The queen shrugged. "Best thing I could come up with on the fly. You can keep your first name if you like."

I still wasn't sure though. My parents told me that a name defines a person, and that changing a name can change the owner. That is why us humans choose names after careful consideration.

But really, I was still really nervous, and I didn't want to spend any more time in front of everyone than I had to.

"Alright," I said. "IceHeart it is."

Queen Crystal smiled. "Now then, I name thee Jonathan IceHeart, Prince of the Windigoes!"

Whatever I was expecting didn't happen. No party, no cheering, no real celebration. The windigoes that had witnessed my coronation merely left, but not out of disdain.

After all the others had filed out, I looked at Queen Crystal.

As if reading my thoughts, she met my gaze. "Don't worry, I will teach you everything you will need to know."

I nodded in appreciation as she moved towards the door. "Thank you, your majes-"

"Oh no, no more 'your majestys'. You are a prince now, so you're basically family! You can call me Crystal or," she gave me a look. "Mother."

I could only stare at her as she left, before hearing a "Follow me!"

Chapter 3: A new life in banishment

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Who knew that being a prince would be so hard?

Fifty-four months (4.5 years) of learning proper etiquette, how to control and use my magic in new and creative ways, physical and mental exercises, studies on history, politics, and magical theory. I had to learn and remember all of them and more!

Crystal, (one of the two names her majesty insisted on me calling her) taught most of these lessons, while other, more specialized windigoes taught the others. And yes, I was also surprised at how intelligent these creatures actually were.

Now, I'm sure many out there are wondering how the queen could take so much time out of her way to teach me. There are two parts to this answer.

The first is location. I learned that the Windigo Kingdom consists of a barren, frozen wasteland at the northern most point on the opposite side of the planet from the human country. Below us and beyond leagues of more frozen land lies the Crystal empire, followed by a country called Equestria, and so forth. Thus, we do not get any visitors, unless they're lost.

The second reason is that the majority of the windigoes have no reason to bother the queen with anything, so it would probably get boring for her. The only windigoes that do speak with the queen, and interestingly enough have names, are 'people' of importance, such as advisors, military commanders, and nobles; but there are very few of each.

At the end of the third year, I recieved a suit of armor as a present from the queen.
(It's the same one on the cover, but if you're too lazy to go back and look...)

The armor came with a large sword that could be wielded with either one or two hands, and an armor maintenance manual. Crystal told me that since none of the windigoes had ever needed to wear armor, I would have to learn for myself how to care for it. Actually, now that I think about it, I never asked where it came from.

There were also my physical changes. Over time, I became more and more resistant to the cold winds of the north, and my eyesight improved from time in the dark months. I became stronger, faster, and more agile.

But there was a major effect that weighed in on the negative side of the scale. With the rare exception of the queen, there was no happiness. The most I ever got was a satisfied or impressed nod whenever I did something right.

Now, that wasn't to say that Crystal didn't care for me, she just didn't show much emotion. And this started to have an effect on me.

I began to smile less and my sense of humor grew smaller. I wasn't becoming pessamistic or anything, it's just that I seemed to lose the ability to physically show any kind of positive emotion. Anger, sadness, confusion, all of those I could twist my face up to match, but I didn't laugh, could not smile, and never did I blush. My voice remained monotone, all feeling seemed to drain out of it.

To anyone who didn't know me, I guess it would seem like I had an icy heart.

POV; Present Day

I believe I've kept her majesty waiting long enough.

I turn and walk across my room and out the door into the hallway. I pause for a moment, then continue down the left corridor towards the throne room.

It has been eight years since my first encounter with the windigo queen in the human country, my age now being twenty-one.

I approach the doors to the throne room and the guards give a silent salute.

I return the gesture and move past them, pushing open the doors.

Before me sits Queen Crystal on her throne, and to the side, stands the Frost family.

A scowl creeps onto my face. I know exactly what this is about.

The Frosts are one of those few noble families I mentioned earlier. Lord Frost is a very no-nonsense type of windigo, and his wife is pretty much the same way.

However, and once I bring this up you'll know exactly where this is headed, there is a third member of the family.

Perma Frost is a windigo, just a couple years shy of my own age. She, like every other windigo with a physical form, isn't ugly, in fact far from it, but her personality leaves something to be desired.

In laymans terms, she's a greedy, self-obsessed bitch!

(Now pause for a moment and think of somepony else who could fit this description.)*

I approach the group and cough lightly.

Crystal looks up in surprise, then smiles. "Ah, Jonathan! We were just talking about you."

"So I imagine," I mutter.

"Prince IceHeart, a pleasure as always." Lord Frost bows to me.

I turn and give my best 'smile'. "Greetings Lord Frost. Lady Frost, as beautiful as always."

She does a small curtsy.

"And Ms. Perma." I nod to her.

The youngest Frost puts on all the charm and does an exaggerated curtsy. "Your majesty."

Now that introductions are out of the way, Crystal takes over the conversation.

She looks at me. "Now my son, I am sorry to badger you on this subject, but I must know if you have an answer."

I frown slightly. To be truthful, I have been putting off my decision for a while now, mostly a ploy to keep this very subject off of the table for very long.

"And we would like a final answer now, if you would be so kind." Lord Frost says.

I glance up at Crystal, who appears to be trying to stare into my soul. I don't think I can withhold an answer for any longer.

I let out a breath, the vapor swirling into the air. "I am very sorry, Lord Frost, but I can not accept your daughter's hoof in marriage."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Crystal stiffen.

There is a moment of silence, which is broken a few moments later by a sound. It starts out soft, barely audible, but continues to grow until it echoes around the room.

Soon, everyone but me has joined in, the laughter bouncing off the walls. I glance around and see that the noise is attracting others, who peer into the throne room, curious.

Lord Frost is the first to regain control of himself. "Why, your majesty, I had no idea you had such a sense of humor!"

I merely stare at him, one hundred percent serious.

Lady Frost wipes the tears from her eyes. "Yes, yes. Now then, please give us your real answer."

"You have already heard it." I say, raising an eyebrow. "And personally, I can't possibly imagine why it would be so funny."

Lord Frost furrows his brow. "So are you saying-"

"That's right. I do not, nor will ever, wish to marry your daughter."

Their reactions are priceless, and I would've smiled had I been capable of it at the time.

Looks of fearful disbelief and shock adorn the faces of Lord and Lady Frost, while their daughter looks as though she has been slapped, which, to be frank, is something I would very much like to do.

"B-but this....!" Lord Frost stutters. He looks at his wife for help, but she merely shakes her head, at a loss for words.

I do not look at Crystal, but instead I turn and begin to make my way towards the exit.

I am at the doors when a voice cries out.


The word rings out loud and clear. I perform a half-turn and am surprised to see Perma, standing in front of her parents, her eyes meeting mine.

"Why, no, how dare you reject me! You should be honored that, despite our true feelings, we accepted your mother's proposal for an arranged marriage between our two noble families! We did not put on this masquerade for so long, just so I could be rejected! No, you should be ashamed! You will regret not marrying me!"

The moment Perma finishes her tirade, a deathly silence envelopes the room. Everyone is watching me, watching to see how I will react.

And I will not disappoint.

"Regret?" I say quietly. "As a matter of fact, there is something that I already regret."

I whirl around towards Perma and throw out my arm, pointing directly at her. "I regret not turning down this proposal sooner!"

Perma gasps and starts to respond, but I do not give her the chance.

"You are an arrogant, selfish bitch! That is the main reason that I rejected you! Sure, I have nothing against your parents, but you aren't worthy to even be standing here. And if I may remind you, you are merely a noble, meaning that as crown prince, I outrank you, so really, you should be honored that my mother even considered you for the position of princess!"

Suddenly, there is a whirl of snow and I am standing directly in front of Perma and her family.

I crouch so that I am face to face with the windigo. "You should be ashamed by your behavior, because now everyone has seen just how 'respectable' you really are."

Perma doesn't seem to understand, so I nod my head to the side.

Perma's eyes widen when she sees all the windigos that are watching.

I stand back up. "Though, in all your whining, you did mention something that interested me."

I turn and face Crystal, who has apparently been sitting as still as stone this entire time.

"I must admit, I did believe that the Frosts had constructed this whole scheme, but apparently I was mistaken."

Crystal smiles, but her smile is cold. "With so few eligible young ones, it is common for a marriage to be arranged between the parents."

"Perhaps if you had discussed this with me," I say, "I would've conceded and married miss Perma here. However, since I was given no reason nor any word in the matter, I naturally rejected the idea."

Crystal abruptly stands. "You have no say in matters such as these!"

"I WILL WHEN I'M KING AND YOU'VE RETURNED TO THE SKY!" I shout at her, my face wearing an emotion of fury.

There is a gasp from all present, and I don't blame them. I've basically told the queen to hurry up and die, and in the Voice of Storms none the less. (The Voice of Storms is the Windigo version of the Royal Canterlot Voice.)

I can see the hate and anger spilling out onto Crystal's face, and I realize then that this is the first time I've ever actually seen Crystal angry.

Crystal opens her mouth, and with a voice that makes the great hall tremble, speaks the words that change my life.

"Jonathan IceHeart, Using my power as queen, I hereby banish you from the lands and sky that form the Windigo Kingdom, for as long as I live!"

All color drains from my face as the room explodes into chaos. Windigoes are everywhere, some panicking, others merely floating or sitting in one place, stunned.

Crystal just now seems to realize what she's done, as her face also pales. She tries to mouth an apology, but I turn and stride out of the hall, leaving the sobbing of a heart-broken queen behind me.

I return to my room, where the first thing I do is strip myself of my normal clothes and pull on my armor. After that, I grab a backpack and fill it with objects that might prove helpful.

In the middle of packing, my door opens. I turn, expecting Crystal, but instead, I see Blizzard enter with a large bag.

The Windigo walks over and places the bag on my desk. "I heard about what happened, so I figured I should provide you with food."

I nod and begin pulling packages out of the bag.



I...I would like you to know, that if I could, I would go with you."

I look over my shoulder at Blizzard, who is trying his best to continue looking dignified. "If I could, I would take you with me."

I finish my packing and move to my door, before turning back and looking over my room. It seems strange and empty, but maybe because it's not mine anymore.

With Blizzard at my side, I make my way through the winding hallways of the castle to the front gate. On the way, I pass many windigoes, many of which bow in passing, or salute me.

I stop just before the gates, for before me, stands Crystal. I can see the tear stains on her fur, so I know she's in pain.

I begin walking forward again. I pass Crystal, but I don't look at her. She doesn't say anything, she can't. The law forbids members of royalty from speaking with any who have been banished.

I pass through the gates alone, and stop, staring at the icy wilderness that stretches out before me. I have never been outside the castle in this part of the world, so I have no idea what to expect, but I'm confident that I can survive. Surviving the cold, after all, was a part of my training.

I hear the heavy, cold iron gates shut behind me, and I begin walking out into the unknown.

Crystal Empire; Six months later.

'W-where am I?'

'W-what is happening?'

'Everything is blurry. I can't feel my legs. Do I even have them anymore? I don't know.'

'I hear someone. Are they screaming, I don't know, and I don't understand.'

'My body feels heavy. Is this what it feels like when.....when you die?'

Chapter 4: New Friends?

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POV: Third-person

"I'm so glad all of you could make it," Princess Cadence tells the main six.

"Yeah, but why exactly did you call us again?" Rainbow Dash scratches behind an ear as she flies through the halls of the Crystal Palace.

"Rainbow," Twilight sighs, "I told you that she wanted the Elements of Harmony on hand just in case the creature is dangerous." She then turns to Cadence. "What kind of creature is it anyway?"

"No one here knows." Cadence says. "But it seems to be intelligent to some degree, since it had armor, supplies, a weapon..."

Twilight nods thoughtfully. "But then what was it doing up here? Based on the description you gave us yesterday, this creature doesn't seem suited for the cold climate."

Cadence shakes her head. "I don't know. Oh, here we are!"

The seven ponies walk past the guarded door and into the chamber within.

The chamber is a large, white, and rectangular. Computers and medical equipment are situated against the walls, while ponies, mostly unicorns, wander around, comparing notes or observing one of the many devices in the room. In the middle of the room is a smaller room, surrounded by thick glass walls. There are only a few objects inside this second room: IV bags, a heart monitor, and a bed. But on the bed, is the strangest creature the main six have ever seen.

"Ah, Doctor Ward," Cadence waves over an elderly unicorn. "Would you mind informing these six here on what you have discovered?"

Doctor Ward squints at the main six for a moment, then nods. "Very well, your majesty."

He then waves Twilight and her friends over to one of the glass walls of the inner room, through which they can see the left side of the creature. "Based on his body structure, we believe the creature to be bipedal, or two-legged. The forehooves more closely resemble the arms and hands (somewhere, a mint-green unicorn perked up an ear.) of a minotaur, so we assume they function the same way. However, unlike most beings existing today, sentient or not, this creature doesn't seem to have any kind of scales or fur covering the body. The most that we've found is on the top of its head, and a couple of other places.

"It's face looks kinda flat." Twilight's remark gets a nod from Dr. Ward.

"Indeed, and based on its teeth, we've recorded this creature as an omnivore, eating both plants and meat."

This last word causes all present to shiver.

Applejack looks the body up and down, well, side to side. "Didn't ya'll say it was wounded?"

Dr. Ward nods and motions them to follow. "Ah, yes, well, the wound is on the other side."

Upon arriving at the opposite side of the glass room, Dr. Ward gestures at the creature. "This is what you were wanting to see, I believe?"

The main six merely stare. The countless blood-stained bandages cover pretty much the entire right side of the creature's torso, from the right shoulder, down to the hip.

"H-how did it survive?" Twilight stammers.

Dr. Ward smirks. "Remarkably, the creature somehow covered the injured part of its body with snow and ice, slowing down its heart rate and keeping blood from leaving the body quickly." His gaze returns to the creature. "How smart does this creature have to be to know that?"

"But what--"

Twilight's next question is cut off by a rapidly increasing beeping noise from within the creature's room.

Dr. Ward instantly begins pushing the group back, while other doctors rush to the glass. "Keep back," he says, "it's waking up!"


POV: First Person: IceHeart

'Oh, my head. Why does it hurt so much?'

It takes me a moment, but I do manage to open my eyes. Thank the clouds I still have them.

That's when I realize that my surroundings are wrong.

The sky is white and flat, no that a ceiling? I feel myself lying on something soft, a bed perhaps?

I raise my right arm and immediately notice two things. Firstly, I am covered in bandages; and second, my armor and weapon have disappeared.

'Someone must've found me' I think as I rotate my arm back and forth. Then I see the tubes and follow them with my eyes up to the IV bag.

'Perhaps a hospital of some sort?'

Still a bit light-headed, I am not yet able to comprehend everything around me, so a few minutes pass before I become aware of the other occupants of the room.

I slowly raise myself to an elevated position, then do a slow scan of the environment. I can tell that I am in a small room within a larger room. I can see the machines...and their operators.

Surrounding my small room, are creatures that I have only read about while living with the windigoes. These are the creatures that many of the windigoes prefer to take form of.


But most of thes ones present appear to be made out of crystal, not at all what the book entailed. Oh, wait, there are a few that match the description.

I do another sweep of the room, before settling my eyes on a particular occupant. A pink pony looking creature with both wings and a horn.
I don't believe the books ever covered one such as her (I'm going to assume it's a her because she looks like a her), but after comparing her to every other pony in the room, I'm going to assume that she's in charge.

I make eye contact with her, then raise my hand.


Their startled reactions indicate that they might be able to understand me. Or maybe they just weren't expecting such a casual action.

The pegi-unis thing looks to the ponies beside her, then turns her attention back to me and raises a hoof.

"Um, hi. Can you understand what I'm saying?" She says.

I nod.

I hear scribbling and I turn my head to see several other ponies writing furiously on clipboards.

Rolling my eyes, I return my attention back storms! I need a name or a title or something to work with!

My attention is diverted to a third section of my room by a *hiss*.

A door has opened in one of the walls, allowing the pegacorn and six others, including another pink one (oh dear), to enter.

The door closes behind them and they stand just beyond the foot of my bed.

I take several moments to examine my guests.

The group consists of the wingicorn, a purple unicorn (who appears to be holding back a fit of excitement, if her rapidly vibrating form is anything to go by.), a blue pegasus (who looks very hostile at the moment), a yellow pegasus (currently cowering at the back of said group), a white unicorn (her appearance and way she carries herself screams wannabe noble. It makes me sick.), an orange earth pony (i love the hat), and a pink earth pony (this one I fear already, she has an unnatural presence.)

"--entions and motives." The horny pegasus (what, I'm running out of descriptions) looks at me.

'Ah crap, i didn't realize she was talking! Probably something important! I better improvise.'

"Would you mind repeating that, I kinda zoned out there."

I can feel a burning glare from both the purple unicorn and the blue pegasus, but the Pinkius wingdus hornius reveals a small amused smile.

"I said, you are currently in the top hospital of the Crystal Empire. I am Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, more commonly known as Princess Cadence (YES! FINALLY, A NAME!), and I am the leader of the empire. I would like you to introduce yourself, if you would be so kind, and to reveal to us any intentions or motives of yours while you are staying here."

"I have no motives nor hidden intentions, as my arrival here happened by chance. As for my name, I am Johnathan IceHeart."

Princess Cadence seems to suddenly adopt a look of sadness. "How sad, and yet how appropriate."

"Pardon?" I ask.

"I apologize, I was thinking to myself. Nothing important." Her expression becomes positive again. "Do you have any questions?"

The purple unicorn darts forward, but is stopped by Cadence.

"Not you Twilight. I was talking to our guest."

Twilight blushes and steps back.

"I do have a couple of questions."

Cadence turns her attention back to me.

"Am I healed?"

Cadence looks through one of the glass walls at one of the many crystal ponies. (the appearance now makes sense).

"Dr. Ward?"

The unicorn flips through the papers on his clipboard for a minute.

"I believe he is well enough to leave if he wishes," His tone disapproves. "but he'll have to stay in the Crystal Empire for a while so we can make sure his wounds don't open up again."

Cadence looks back to me, "Would you like to stay here?"

"Not in the hospital, no. I find it better for my health if I am exposed to the outdoors."

"Well then," Princess Cadence straightens up, "I invite you to stay at the crystal palace as my guest."

I can only stare in what would be amazement, if I could show anything but negative emotions.

"Why, thank you."

"You're welcome, and I believe you had another question?"

"Yes." I peer under the covers. "Where are my clothes?"

Sometime later, after having been checked over and discharged from the hospital, I found myself walking through the streets of the crystal empire with my entourage, which consists of Princess Cadence and the six ponies from before, whose names I have only recently learned.

My fur tunic, pants, and boots had been returned to me, but my weapons, armor, and other belongings had been taken to the palace, which is our destination.

"Geez Icy, lighten up! You even think in monotone!"

"Do I really, Ms. Pie?"

"I told you to call me Pinkie. Ms. Pie is so dull. And yes, everything you've said has been in a somewhat monotone voice."

"I didn't realize."

"I don't think any of the readers did either. Maybe minelittledashie forgot to mention it."

"What did you call me?!"

"Not you Dashie, the other one."

I shook my head and lengthened my stride to get away from the rainbow maned pagasus dubbed 'Rainbow Dash.' I don't think she likes me much.

I soon found myself in between the orange earth pony, Applejack, and the white unicorn, Rarity.

Despite my earlier assumptions, I had discovered that the latter of the two was much kinder than what I was used to seeing in those who favor the higher styles of life, though I was offended when she insulted my pure white, yeti fur clothes, calling them "barbaric".

Applejack, however, was my kind of pony. Strong and hardworking, while at the same time, knowing how to have fun.

"Oh, hello dear." Rarity says.

"How ya doin pardner?" asks Applejack.

"Greetings Ms. Rarity. Ms. Applejack. Lovely day, isn't it?"

"Oh, quite dear."

"Yep, a perfect day to do some apple buckin', and hey, what did I tell you about calling me 'ms' Applejack?"

" I apologize, but you must show me this activity sometime." I say to Applejack. "I wish to see how it differs from apple 'picking'.

The farm pony chuckles. "Maybe if you come back to Ponyville with us."

"You mean you don't live here?" I ask, confused.

"Oh, no darling! We live in Equestria, a nation to the south of the Empire."

"Just you two, or..."

"Yep, both of us, as well as Rainbow, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Twilight. Speaking of Twi, I think she wants to see you."

I glance in front of us to the last three member of our party. "What about?"

"Knowing Twi, she probably wants to ask ya a heap load of questions."

"Well, I do need to speak with Cadence, so I'll be seeing you girls later." And with that, I break into a quick jog towards the trio in front of us.

"Ah! Jonathan, you finally decide to join us." Cadence says when she finally notices my presence. "How are you holding up?"

I place a hand on my still bandaged right side. "I haven't felt anything open, so it should still be good."

I hear a quiet *eep* and glance to my left to see the yellow pegasus, Fluttershy, try to hide behind the last member of our little group, Twilight Sparkle.

Speaking of whom...

"Ms. Sparkle, Applejack said you wanted to ask me something?"

Twilight's ears immediately perk up and her eyes begin to sparkle. Her horn glows and a quill and a pad of paper appear from nowhere.


"Oh, will you look at that? We're here!" Cadence suddenly says, actually seeming somewhat frantic.

I turn my attention to the large structure that now towers above us, and feel a tug at my chest. The shine and light blue color of the palace. The smoothness of the walls and the clarity of the window glass.

It reminds me of the windigo palace.


"Huh, look at that." Cadence says.

I look at her, then look up to see the dark clouds that she is pointing at.

"What's so strange about clouds?" I ask her.

"Not clouds in general," Cadence clarifies. "But we don't usually have storm clouds gather overhead."

"Peculiar." I say.

And with a wave from Cadence to the guards, the gates open, and I enter a whole new world.

Chapter 5: A meeting gone awry

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*A reminder. Assume Johnathan's normal voice is monotone. There! Are you happy Pinkie?!*

I could only gaze around me as the eight of us entered the Crystal Palace. The walls shimmered and shone with light-shaded colors, unlike the white and light blue of the Ice Palace of the windigoes.


Was it wrong that I considered the Windigo queendom my home, instead of my home country?

My thoughts were broken by the sound of Cadence's voice.

"Welcome to the palace."

"It's very nice." I say. "But, my things?"

I know I must have sounded somewhat rude and impatient, but there were a couple items that I really needed right now.

"Right this way." Cadence then proceeds to lead me down a flight of stairs and into a hallway. The other six ponies follow behind us.

After a few more minutes of walking, Cadence stops us in front of a lone door.

"Let me go in first and announce you." She says. "Just to be cautious."

I nod and step back, allowing the door ample room to swing open.

Cadence enters, and I hear muffled conversation on the other side of the wall.

A few more minutes pass before Cadence sticks her head out and calls for me.

"Johnathan, they're ready for you."

I nod, pull the door open a bit more, and enter the room.

The room is dominated mostly by a single table, (possibly a meeting room?) that is situated in the middle of the space. Positioned around the room are what I can only assume to be guards, if their armor and swords are anything to go by. And spread out on aforementioned table, lie my belongings.

My yeti fur backpack, my armor, even my sword lie scattered amongst my other personal items.

"Is this him?" The one who asks this looks different from the other guards. While also a unicorn, he wears only minimal armor, and seems to carry himself more than the other guards.

"Yes dear." Cadence says. "This is Johnathan IceHeart. He will be staying in the palace while he finishes healing. Right now, he only wishes to reclaim his property. Oh yes, Johnathan, this is my husband, Shining Armor."

"A pleasure. That's fine, we've looked over most of it anyway. Nothing, except for his weapons, are dangerous to ponies."

I step forward. "Thank you, sir."

He backs away as I approach the table, but not in a cowardly way. Just keeping distance between the two of us. Just in case.

I shift my armor to the side, as well as my weapons. 'Sword, hatchet, bow & arrows, knives.'

Good all of those are there. Now for the rest.

I grab my backpack and begin stuffing items into it, checking my mental list as I go.

Journal, check; blankets, check; sacks of food, double check; ice pic.. Wait, where is it?

I begin to scan the table frantically, looking for the one thing that I valued above all others.

"What's wrong?" Twilight seems to notice my searching.

I raise my head to answer her, but when I do, I see my possession in the magic aura of none other than Shining Armor himself.

I reach out my hand towards him. "Mr. Armor, I need that."

He only glances at me. "I apologize, but his is an item we haven't studied yet."

I slowly begin to make my way around the table to him. "Mr. Armor, I really need that."

"Yes, yes. In a minute."

"Dear," Cadence seems worried. "Perhaps you should give it to him."

"I'm sorry Cadence, but I have to see if it's dangerous." Shining swings around to face his wife.

They say that once or twice in every unicorns lifetime, there is a moment when they lose concentration and their magic cuts out. It's a rare occurrence, but it is known to happen.

As Shining Armor turned, one of these rare moments reared its ugly head, and released the precious item that Johnathan held most dear.

I see Shining's magic cut out, and the item fly across the room. I leap for it, arms outstretched. It scrapes my fingertips, before it hits the wall and shatters.

A stunning silence covers the room as every pony stares at the kneeling figure on the other side of the room.

I am speechless. I scoop up several of the pieces in my hands, only to watch them instantly melt.

A heartbreaking sadness enters the room, where it all seems to condense around me, and I can feel tears begin to appear.

A moment later, the tears are gone, and all I can feel as I look at the puddle before me, is anger.

"Hey! Look, the weather outside seems to be getting worse."Rainbow Dash's voice seems distant.

"Forget the weather, look at Johnathan!"

I clench my fists and close my eyes as the normally invisible icy blue aura outlines my form.

"Johnathan, are you okay?" my thoughts brush away the voice of Princess Cadence.

"Maybe he was acting the entire time!"

Shining's voice echoes in my head and fuels the fire within.

In a flurry (heh, get it?) of motion, I stand and whip around to face the ponies, fury etched on my face. At the same time, all hell breaks loose outside as my emotionally summoned snowstorm shatters windows and breaks parts of structures with destructive winds and large hail.

A couple of the guards charge me, but I throw out my arms and freeze them in place.

Then my enemy himself charges forward, his horn glowing.

He blasts magic at me, but I create a wall of ice which serves two purposes. The first is that it deflects the spell across the room, creating a burn mark on the wall. My ice wall also creates a barrier, which Shining Armor runs directly into, stunning him.

I shatter the ice and leap forward, grabbing my foe around the neck and slamming him into the wall.

As I hold him there, ice begins to spread across his body, starting at his neck.

"How dare you." I snarl at him. "HOW DARE YOU!!!"

Suddenly, I am shoved sideways and smack into a corner, where I slide to the floor.

Disoriented slightly, I look up to see Princess Cadence standing over me.

A sharp pain erupts from my left cheek and my head is thrown to the right.

Shocked, I look back at the princess, she does not seem happy anymore. Instead, her fur appears to be slightly wet, especially around her face...wait, are those tear stains?

Cadence slaps me again, and again, and again, before she finally relents and backs away from me.

Slightly dazed, I use the table to help me stand, only to get a look at the destruction I've caused.

"Wha...what? What happen....what have I....." Words fail me as I gaze around the wrecked room.

I look outside and notice that there are clear skies again.

I eventually notice the ponies. All seven of them are across the room from me, terrified.

I take a step towards them, but they back away from me, their faces now a mixture of hatred and terror.

My thoughts and feelings are conflicted, swirling around me.

My gaze sweeps the room again, before settling back on the ponies.

I take another step towards them, reaching out my hand.

Twilight's horn glows and I feel a burst of pain.

I draw back and put a hand to my right cheek. I look at my hand and see blood, then the knife that the purple unicorn holds between me and the group of ponies.

Every emotion hits me at once, and reality sets in.

Cadence's teary face is the last thing I see before my vision is obscured by snow.

Pov: 3rd Person; Ponies

The main six and Cadence watch as Johnathan is obscured by snow, then disappears.

The snow collapses into a pile on the floor, but a few minutes seem to pass before anypony can say anything.

Surprisingly, it is Fluttershy who breaks the silence.

"Where did he go?" She asks in a quiet voice

"Let's hope he went far, far away. " a very shaken Rarity answers.

Wordlessly, the seven ponies proceed to return the room to normal. Twilight and Cadence attempt to unfreeze the guards and Shining, Rainbow and Fluttershy cover up the windows, and Applejack and Rarity begin to straighten up any knocked over items. Pinkie Pie, well, strangely, is the only one who hasn't moved from the corner. Her mane is deflated and her face expressionless. There is nothing that even she can say to cheer everypony up.

Within several minutes, except for the puddles of water left over from the ice that had trapped the guards and the covered windows, the room had returned to a normal-looking appearance.

The main six sit around the table. Cadence had left with the frozen soldiers and Shining for the hospital.

"To think we actually took a liking to him!" Rarity scoffs.

"Who coulda figured he'd be that dangerous?" Applejack asks.

Rainbow Dash pounds the table with a hoof. "If I ever see that destructive, lying, weather changing fiend again, I'll buck him in places he didn't even know could be bucked! Who's with me?!"

There is a resounding chorus of "here!" from all but one pony.

"C'mon Twilight, you with us?"

But the purple unicorn doesn't seem to be paying attention to her friends. Instead, she is staring at a glass of unusually clear water.

"Hello, earth to Twilight, come in Twilight!" Rainbow taps the unicorn on the head.

"Hm, what?" Twilight shakes her head and looks up. "What's going on?"

"We're going to beat that meanie the next time we see him." Pinkie Pie says matter-of-factly. "Are you with us?"

"Maybe." Twilight says, returning her gaze to the glass.

"What do you mean, Maybe?" Rainbow appears flabbergasted. "Don't you remember what he just did?!"

"Oh trust me, I want to have some words with him too." Twilight says. "But what if his lashing out was merely the result of whatever it was my brother accidentally broke?"

Applejack looks thoughtful. "Now that ya mention it, he did seem kinda worried when he couldn't find it. If only we could know what it was."

Twilight thinks for a second, before her face lights up. "I think I have an idea! It's a spell I read about. It allows the caster to see a ghost image of what a destroyed object looked like before the object was destroyed."

"You mean, maybe we could see why Johnathan was so upset?" Fluttershy asks.

"That's right. Now, I've never done this spell before, so let's hope this works."

Twilight closes her eyes and takes a breath. Her horn begins to glow and purple magic reaches out and begins to mix with the water inside of the glass.

After a few moments, the water flows out of the glass and onto the table, where it begins to reconstruct something.
The main six watch as the water creates a relatively flat oval approximately 5 inches long and 4 inches wide, then freezes back into ice.
At first, it appears to be a mirror of some sort, until the images appear. Several images appear and disappear, like a slide-show.

A light-blue palace made of ice. Many pictures are of strange, see-through light-blue ponies. What startles the main six the most is how many of the pictures also include a light-blue alicorn.

However, one picture, containing a creature that appears half horse and half ghost, makes Twilight lose control of her magic, resulting in the mirror turns back into water.

"What was that, Twi?" Applejack asks, concerned.

"Th-that creature in that picture! I remember reading about them. It's a windigo!" Twilight exclaims.

"A windigo?" Asks Rarity. "Aren't those the dreadful creatures that supposedly almost froze Equestria a long time ago. The ones involved in the Hearth's Warming Eve play?"

"Yes." Twilight replies. "And this means that Johnathan must've lived with them for a while!"

"Explains his magic." Applejack reasons.

"True, but are we able to trust him?" Twilight runs out the door. "We need to find Johnathan and ask for an explanation!"

And so, with the rest of the main six behind her, Twilight charges out into the streets of the Crystal Empire, hoping to smooth things over, and get some answers from their late friend.

*What are you talking about Dashie? I'm always happy.*
*Pinkie, out now..*

Chapter 6: No longer alone?

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Johnathan POV

Eventually, the snow disappears and I fall to my knees from exhaustion. Normally, I'd still be fine after using this spell, but that storm I had unintentionally conjured up earlier had taken a lot out of me.

I struggle to my feet and lean against a snow covered rock sitting nearby.

I cant be in worse shape. I am tired, drained of energy, and hungry; but my mind is torn up as well. Worries about myself, my recent friends, thoughts of home.... I can't keep up with myself.

Once I am able to catch my breath, I raise my head and look around. No sign of the Crystal Empire... or any civilization for that matter.

I let out a long exhale, watching my breath as it flows into the clear blue sky.

Needing to take my mind off recent events, I begin to dig through my bag, seeing what I was able to take from the palace before I fled. A couple of knives, my hatchet, my fur clothing, a number of small food packages, and a canteen are all I appear to have to my name at the moment.

I let out a soft sigh as I replace my belongings (minus the fur clothing, which I put on) in the bag. If only I could've grabbed more...but then again, if I had kept my cool, I would have all my items.

Well, almost all of them...

I shake my head and stand, slinging my bag over my shoulder.

'It doesn't matter. I can't complain about what's already happened. I can only change what might happen in the future.'

Without a clear sense of location or direction, I settle on a random path and begin my trek through the icy wilderness, just as the snow once again begins to fall.


Ponies POV

"Are ya sure that this here spell is going to work, Twilight?"

"Absolutely, Applejack. What Johnathan used was most definitely a kind of teleportation, and this spell will locate where he appeared."

Following Johnathan's outburst and disappearance, the main six had combed the entirety of the Crystal Empire, even the wilderness immediately outside the city, but to no avail. Five of them had already given up, believing that Johnathan was gone for good, but the purple unicorn had refused to give up, spending as much time as she could searching the library for books that might help her find their missing acquaintance.

Applejack had just dropped in to check on her when Twilight had discovered the supposed 'key' to their problem.

Before them on a table lie a map of Crystal Empire territory and the spell book in which the spell Twilight is going to use resides.

Twilight looks over the spell instructions once more before turning her attention to the map.

"Alright, this should be able to tell us where he teleported to, and which direction he's traveling in."

The purple unicorn closes her eyes and begins to concentrate, the purple glow around her horn expanding as more and more magic pours into the spell. Finally, a small purple flame appears on the map, approximately where the palace is. Applejack watches as the flame floats there for a few moments, before releasing a thin purple line of fire that stretches its way across the map, until it finally stops at a small village near the edge of the Crystal Empire.

Exhausted, Twilight collapses, the magic around her horn dissapearing.

"Did it work?" She gasps.

"Ya know Twi, I think it did."

Twilight sits up and examines the map.

"Yes! Applejack, go get the others! We know exactly where he is now!"


Johnathan Pov

The sky has cleared, allowing the sun to shine through and make the snow sparkle. I might've appreciated the nice weather, had I not been in such a negative mindset as of late.

The roars and screaming register before I even see the town. I pick up the pace slightly as a result.

'Why do I care? I have no obligation to save whoever lives here. So why do I want to help?'

I guess the last few days have affected me worse than I thought. I lost my friends, I ate the last of my food, I've lost everything I could care about. At this point, I guess you could call me an emotionless corpse.

I enter the town and survey the scene before me. A large number of ponies are either attempting to flee or protect the others from three large, white-furred apes.

'Yetis. What an annoyance.'

And they really are. Always popping up at unopportune moments. Usually they are wary of windigoes, but some are too thick headed and need some extra convincing. Though in their defense, I don't exactly look like a windigo.

A grunting sound from behind interrupts my thoughts. I turn and come face to face with a fourth yeti. On closer inspection, it appears to be a youngling. No, wait, its teeth are fully developed, probably a runt.

The yeti roars at me, saliva flying into my face.

I wait for it to finish, before reaching up and wiping my face clean.

The yeti seems confused for a second, but recovers and semi-gently grips my head, lifting me into the air until I am only inches from its face.

Casually, I reach up and grip the yeti's head in one of my hands, then apply the cold. Like I said, yetis are thick headed, so it takes the creature a few moments to realize that it's in pain.

The yeti howls in pain and attempts to escape, only to jerk around slowly and unsteadily. As expected, it's motor functions are being disabled.

Eventually, the yeti releases me and collapses to the ground. I brush a stray fur from my hair, then crouch down close to the monster's head.

"Don't you know what happens when you try to eat cold things? You get a brain freeze."

I calmly stand and turn around, only to be confronted by the other three beasts. The two in the back are of no interest; it's the one in the front my attention is drawn to. First off, this yeti is taller than the other two by a good meter, I might guess around eight meters. Secondly, there is a scar over its left eye, so this yeti is a fighter. Finally, and the thing that truly interests me, is a bald spot on its chest, upon which rests a scar shaped like an eight pointed star.

"Good past-noon ," I say, using the traditional yeti greeting appropriate for this time of day. Not all yetis can speak, but those who live long enough eventually learn the language of their kind. I hope that this is one of them, and I am not disappointed.

"What are you, that which slays one of my comrades, only to speak to us in our own tongue?" The beast's voice is deep and every word seems to carry weight, even though they are said normally.

"A mere traveler of the snow, but tell me, from what battle have you sustained such a strange scar?" I gesture at the star.

"A fine battle between these very fists and a snow weerm."

My face flashes a look of disgust, before being replaced my emotionless mask. A weerm looks like the cross between a worm and a centipede. Picture a large worm with several pairs of centipede legs. Also, the head is flat with a star-shaped mouth that can leave very nasty bites. This explains the yeti's wound. There are several types, of weerm, and while an encounter with any of them is unpleasant, the snow weerm is particularly deadly. Being able to tunnel through solid ice, it's teeth are incredibly sharp. Combine that with the fact that weerms are ambush hunters, and you get a creature that is nigh impossible to defeat, let alone escape from.

If this yeti has encountered one and survived, even after getting bitten, then he deserves respect.

"In that case, I am honored to be in your presence."

The yeti snorts. Perhaps, but you have not answered my question, and my patience is waning."

"Ah yes, well, I was merely coming to investigate the commotion when your comrade attacked me."

"And what now?"

"Well now, I'm going to ask you to leave. I've traveled quite a ways, and if you destroy this town, I won't receive any hospitality."

The other two yetis growl at me in fury, but don't advance.

I am expecting outrage, so it surprises me when my acquaintance nods. Without a word, he gestures the other two yetis past me, before following. Passing me however, he leans down and whispers to me.

"I concede this battle because I know what you are, though you look it not, and that you have nothing to lose. But heed this, should we meet again, you shall feel the cold of your grave."

He casually straightens and continues after his companions. I watch until they are out of sight, then turn back to face the inhabitants of the town, all of whom have watched the exchange between myself and their would-be killers.

I approach a heavily bearded earth pony. "Is there an inn nearby?"

He nods wordlessly and points to a two story building a ways down the street.

I thank him and make my way over to the indicated building, once again slipping into my thoughts.

'If only I could return home.'


I had originally planned to only spend the night in the inn then leave the following morning, but I ended up staying several more days.

Why you ask?

Strangely enough, it was because of one filly.

I had been allowed to stay at the inn free of charge, due to me saving the town. I had retired to my room, and awoke the next morning to a soft knocking at the door.

Frowning, I get out of bed and walk over to the door. There, to my surprise, is a Pegasus filly. She has indigo fur, with a white mane and tail. No cutie mark though.

Neither of us say anything, so eventually I begin to close the door. That's when I hear her voice.


I open the door again. "What?"

She looks down and begins kicking one of her forelegs. "When you were talking to that monster, you said you were a traveller, right?"

"Yes..." I didn't quite know where this was going.

"And you're going to be leaving soon?"


The filly looks me in the eyes.

"Would you take me with you?"


I close the door and do my best to ignore the voice coming through the crack between the door and the floor.

Much to my disappointment, she sat outside my door for most of the morning. Occasionally I'd open the door to check, but she'd still be there and would begin asking me questions until I shut the door again.

Finally, I had had enough, and it was time for me to leave. I grab my bag and open the door, and am confronted by the blue bother.

She opens her mouth, but I don't give her a chance.

"Look, I don't know why you want to join me, but no. If you're looking for adventure, then I'm not going to lie, traveling is boring. If you want to see exotic places, too bad, cause I'm not going near society. And lastly-"

"It's nothing like that!" The filly interrupts. "I just figured that you knew what it was like to be lonely."

That gets me. I stop my rant and stare at her. I feel even worse when I see the tear stains begin appearing on the wood floor.

Before I can even stop myself, I am kneeling and have embraced the young pony.

I'm not the only one who's surprised. The filly seems to jump when she feels my arms close around her.

"Youre right, I do know what it's like to be lonely. As a matter of fact, I am lonely." Its times like these that I hate having such an emotionless voice.

I don't know how long we sat in that hallway, but eventually we break apart and go downstairs without a word.


It turns out that the filly, named Powder Snow, is an orphan in the care of the elderly couple who run the inn. Apparently it was the classic story, where the parent leaves the foal on the doorstep.

I mentioned Powder's request to them, and while at first unwilling, they eventually admitted to themselves that they couldn't control her choices.

We spent the next few days getting supplies. I'm not sure how the other inhabitants felt when they heard the news, but I know some were happy that Powder had met 'somepony' who could relate, even partially, to her.

Finally, we were ready to go.

I wait outside as Powder says her last goodbyes to her adopted parents. Eventually, I hear the door open and close behind me.

There are hoof steps, and I look down to find Powder beside me.

She looks up and smiles at me, but sadly, I can't return the gesture. So I nod instead.



We walk through the town in silence. More for my companion than for me. But when we reach the edge of the town, I am wrapped in the silence as well.

Powder looks between me and the horizon quizzically, not quite understanding the importance of what stands before us.

There is nothing I can say as we are approached by six familiar figures.

Chapter 7: A Brief Reunion [re-written]

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Honestly, I hadn't expected to see them again so soon.

Then again, I had trashed the Crystal Empire and flash frozen a few guards.

"Johnathan!" The positive emotion put into my name sickens me. How can they be so excited about seeing me?

"Um, who are those?"

I glance down at Powder Snow, who is shuffling her hooves nervously, her gaze constantly alternating between me and the approaching ponies.

"Powder, you might want to get back. In case this gets messy."

She nods a few times before retreating behind a barrel a couple of meters behind us.

I watch her until she's hidden, then turn my attention back to the approaching group, hardening my face into my classic, emotionless mask. I stand there quietly and motionless, watching my potential adversaries approach.

They stop a few meters in front of me, well except for Pinkie Pie who proceeds to launch herself at me, probably in an attempt to hug me. I raise a short ice wall that succeeds in halting the bouncing menace, then return my attention to the leader of the six.

Twilight, for whatever reason, seems ecstatic see me. The others just look angry or mildly upset.

"Oh my Celestia, Johnathan! I am soooooo glad we were able to find you!" Her overly happy attitude convinces me to be cautious and study her words for any carefully concealed bullshit.

"Are you now?"

Her ears drop slightly, meaning that she can sense the hostility in my words.

"I just want you to know that we know why the mirror was so important to you."

I raise an eyebrow.

"I found a spell that let me temporarily restore the mirror, and we saw the pictures."

The pictures in question flash through my memory and I find myself thinking about the place I had once called home.

Twilight drops her head and begins to slowly drag one of her front hooves through the snow. "I can't possibly say how sorry I am. We had no idea how important the mirror was to you, and now it's gone."

A blanket of depression seems to cover the area, and I am shocked to see small spots appear on the ground below Twilight.


I take a step forward, kneel in front of Twilight, and put a hand under her chin, lifting her head to make her gaze meet mine. My emotionless mask now broken, Twilight can see the her pain and sadness reflected in my eyes.

"Twilight, you have nothing to be sorry for. It wasn't your fault."

"But it was!" The purple unicorn insists. "Instead of trying to find a peaceful solution, one that would help everyone, we chased you away. And friends shouldn't do that to friends."


I paused, attempting to understand this new situation that had been presented to me. In my entire life, I'd never encountered this sort of......compassion? Kindness? How, after what had happened...... After what I'd done...... How could she still consider me a friend?

I drop my hand and straighten. "I don't understand."

Twilight looks up at me in surprise, then attempts to say something, only for Rainbow Dash to beat her to the punch.

"What is there to understand?!" Rainbow sounds exasperated. "We're sorry we chased you away, and we want you to come back!"

The others nod their heads and murmur almost unintelligible words of agreement.

I'm silent as I look over the six ponies, each with roughly similar expressions of grief or guilt.

Not aware that I had been holding my breath, I slowly exhale, watching as my breath drifts off into the sky, like smoke from a chimney. Then my eyes return to the ones before me.

"Is it truly that simple?" My words, though devoid of emotion, are soft and quiet.

The six mares look puzzled by my question.

"I may forgive the six of you, which I do now, but I cannot forgive myself. So while I am "glad" to call you friends, I must refuse to return with you to the Crystal Empire. Instead, I will continue to wander these frozen lands for a time longer. A self-appointed "exile", if you will. After then, perhaps, I will seek you out."

On the outside, It looked like my decision was no big deal, but on the inside, I was hurting. To go into "exile" again, after having found a place where I might belong.

As for my original home, I had looked over many maps in the windigo castle, but had not found a single mention of it. And so, I pushed it from my mind, self-assured that I would never see it again.

Rainbow's face takes on a more hostile appearance. "Are you serious? We come all this way to have a sappy heart-to-heart moment to convince you to come back, and you--"

"Rainbow," Twilight cuts her off. "I won't pretend to fully understand the reasons for his decision, but I do understand one thing, and that's that he doesn't hold any resentment towards us."

She looks at me for confirmation and I nod in solem agreement.

Applejack steps forward. "I reckon Twi's said everything we all feel, but it ain't gonna feel right unless I say it with my own mouth. I'm sorry for how we treated ya, Johnathan. And while I think your kinda crazy for wantin' to go and wander 'round out there, if that's what you feel will help you forgive yourself, then I'm behind you all the way."

The others voice their agreement, and for a moment, I feel a warmth inside. It feels strange, but it disappears quickly. What was it?

"Oh, wait! Before you go..."

I look up and see Pinkie Pie pull something from behind them. It's a large backpack, fully packed with the rest of my belongings and resupplied with food.

She drags it up and drops it in front of me. "We thought this would make a good 'We're Sorry, Will You Still Be Our Friend' present. Do you like it?"

I reach down and pick it up, testing its weight, then sling it over my shoulder.

"It's a fantastic present, Pinkie. Thank you."

"And don't forget this!" Rarity levitates a large, canvas bag over to me.

I take it and hear a clanking sound from within. Opening it, I am "elated" to find my armor inside. I take my helmet out and turn it in my hands, examining it. It seems...different somehow.

"I took the liberty of polishing it to perfection for you."

I flash the white unicorn a smirk, which probably looked a little too condescending due to my lack of joyful expressions. Thankfully, it seems that she was able to correctly interpret the action.

The next couple of minutes are passed in silence as I equip my armor, the slight chill of the cold metal seem more welcoming than the warmth of the yeti fur, which I fold up and place in my bag.

Accomplishing the task, I remove my helmet and gaze down at the ponies.

"It is nice to know that I have friends, should I ever need to call upon them."

A moment of inspiration hits me and I once again dig into my backpack, retrieving a small bag of light blue crystalline dust, which I present to Twilight.

"And if you should ever find yourself in dire need, scatter this to the wind, and I will come to you. But be warned, it only works once, so I suggest you split it up amongst yourselves."

Twilight grips the bag with her magic and places it in a saddlebag.

"Thank you. Hopefully we won't need it. I mean, it's not that we don't want to see you again! It's that..."

"I know what you mean, Twilight. I would also prefer it if you never had to use it."

She smiles at me in response.

"Now then," I straighten and nod at them. "Ladies."

I turn and begin to walk out into the icy wilderness.


Twilight and her friends appear shocked as the filly jumps out from behind the barrels and charges past them after me.

A thought hits Twilight. "Wait! Who was that alicorn in the picture with you?!"

I look over my shoulder and flash a cryptic smirk at them.

"My mother!"

Twilight is still sputtering incoherent statements as Powder and I disappear into the cold wasteland.