How to Comfort a Needy Widower

by Rakoon1

First published

When Shining Armor is sunk in sadness due to Cadance's recent death, a certain shy pegasus will gave him the chance to get out of it.

Princess Cadance had died when she was giving birth, but she ended to die and the foal didn't survived. With all these disasters, Shining got very depressed, having suicidal thoughts. It was then a certain shy yellow pegasus arrives and gives him the confort he need to get out of the depression he is feeling, volunteering herself to do whatever he wants. Feeling himself needy, our white unicord stallion knows exactly what she can do for him and, for that, she have to sacrifice her virginity.

The Only Chapter

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Shining Armor was with his heart broken. His life had just fallen apart. His great love, Cadance, had recently died during the birth of their first foal. To make the things worse, the foal also hadn’t survived. He had lost two ponies he loved in at once. That had sent him into a deep depression. Shining had been locked in his room and remained there for days. Princess Celestia had to ask Twilight to take care of the Crystal Empire due to his brother wouldn't be in position to do so. Of course Twilight didn't hesitate to go do that and some of his friends came along, including a certain yellow pegasus with pink mane.

The white unicorn was sitting in a chair, completely depressed and sunk in sorrow. It cost so much to him resign himself to what had happened. Sometimes, he had suicidal thoughts. He wished could get rid of that suffering, but he just couldn't do it and blamed himself because the cowardice of not be able to do it.

It was then that he heard somepony knocking at the door.

"Come in" he said, wistfully.

The door opened and Fluttershy entered, somewhat sheepishly.

"I’m sorry to bother you, Shining" she said, while she came in and closed the door. "I hope you don’t mind."

But he just shrugged his shoulders, sighing:


"Oh, goodness!" Fluttershy said, approaching Shining. "Are you okay?"

"What do you think, Fluttershy?" Shining asked. "My wife died. I haven't had a chance to take my son alive in my arms. I'm a wreck! I just want to die!"

"Shining, don't say that" Fluttershy hastened to say. "There is so much thinks worth of living for."

"Like what?"

"Like... Twilight! You have your sister."

"I love Twilight and I know I can always count with her" Shining replied. "But that doesn't erase the emptiness that I have inside me."

Fluttershy thought about what she could say that could make Shining get out of that melancholy. Then she suggested:

"And also the work. Some ponies forget the pain when they work."

"I'm a Royal Guard, Fluttershy" he replied. "My job is to protect the alicorn princesses... and it just happens that one of them was Cadance."

Fluttershy didn't know what else to say so she could help Shining. It seemed like he was getting all the excuses and a few more to keep sunk in his sadness.

"Well, if there's anything I can do for you, just say it" Fluttershy said. "I do everything to make you feel a whole lot better."

Upon hearing that, Shining looked Fluttershy. She was being so loving and caring towards him. No one showed the same charity that Fluttershy was giving him, apart from Cadance. This made Shining look to the pegasus with different eyes, with the ones of a stallion in need of love and attention.

"In fact, Fluttershy" he told her. "There is one thing you can do for me."

"What is it?" she asked. "Say it and I do it."

Then Shining rose up from the chair where he was, approached Fluttershy, put his fore legs around her flank and pulled her to him, saying:

"I want you to be my only during this moment."

"What?" she asked, stammering so nervous she was. "But, Shining Armo... Cadance ... I mean, she was the great love of your life."

"Fluttershy, I feel myself so alone, I feel myself so needy" said Shining. "I need love, I need action, I need a mare's touch. In addition to that you said you'd do anything for me."

"But I don't have experience" Fluttershy said. "I'm a virgin, you know? I don't know if you gonna like it."

"You just have to let me lead" Shining answered her. "Come on, I need you so much."

Fluttershy didn't know what to answer. She really wanted to do it for Shining, but aside from the terror that was that could be her first time, there was still the fact that he was the brother of one of her best friends and he had just become widower. But her compassionate submissive nature won.

"As you wish" she replied. "I'm yours during this moment."

Shining smiled and didn't waste any time. He launched Fluttershy onto the bed and shortly after he put himself on top of her and started kissing her lips. The touch of a mare’s lips made Shining feel drunk, losing all his inhibitions. He intensified the kiss, penetrating his tongue inside Fluttershy’s mouth to fight with hers. The shy pegasus shudder when Shining did that, but she let herself go.

Shortly after, Shining stopped to kiss Fluttershy ‘s mouth, starting after that kissing Fluttershy body below. She was moaning as Shining kissed her, increasing the intensity of moans as Shining was lower. It was then that Shining arrived to her pussy. Without hesitating, he started kissing and licking the pussy, making Fluttershy moan even more, and she let out a bigger groan when Shining penetrated his tongue.

He then felt his penis getting erect, eager to be used. Shining then stood up and told to Fluttershy:

"Are you ready?"

She nodded, but nervously.

"Don't worry" Shining said. "I start slowly."

Shining then drove his penis to Fluttershy’s pussy and then he began to penetrate it slowly. Fluttershy let out a moan while feeling Shining within her, with him thrusting it slowly.

"Now, you're not a virgin anymore" Shining whispered to her ear.

Shining began giving more intensity to the thrust, making Fluttershy give successive moans, which gave Shining much more pleasure. It was just what he liked: the pleasure of hearing a mare giving moans because he is penetrating her. The pleasure was so much that both eventually get to the climax. The moaning of both intensified and Fluttershy spread her wings. Unable to contain himself anymore, Shining left his penis shooting its seeds, while she felt Fluttershy’s vaginal juices shedding his groin. With both gasping, Shining removed his penis, soaked in the mixture of sperm and vaginal juices, and asked Fluttershy:

"Do you want to taste my penis?"

Fluttershy waved and then she started licking Shining’s penis, doing him moan of pleasure. After that, she began to suck it and, after that, Shining felt completely in the clouds. He let himself fall beside Fluttershy and said:

"That felt so good. Did you like it?"

"Yes, it was something very... unforgettable" Fluttershy replied, wiping her mouth.

"You know, whenever I feel depressed, I want to have your company" Shining confessed.

"And I will always be happy to give it to you" Fluttershy replied.

The two exchanged a last kiss and then Fluttershy stood up and she arranged herself. After her departure, Shining gave a sigh, pleased to have gotten out of the deep sadness where he was dipped, thanks to that shy and submissive, but loving and caring Pegasus.