An Unexpected Turn

by Dj8996

First published

Basically, I'm living life as do normally, until an odd event occurs, which indirectly causes me to get sent to Equestria, equipped with nothing more than the clothes on my back

Basically, I'm reenacting my real life habits in the start of it all, and adding a bit of a "twist" to it. After having an oddly vivid dream, I brush it off, only to find out that maybe it wasn't just a normal dream. And now, I somehow ended up in the small town of Ponyville, not knowing how to react to any of it. Will I ever get back home? Who knows what the future can hold.

A Strange Experience

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I was walking along the curb of the street, to my right, a forest preserve that faded into indiscernible darkness about 10 feet into it. It was the middle of the night, with massive grey clouds beginning to form overhead, blocking out the few stars that had remained visible throughout. Just moments after the clouds appeared. I felt that first raindrop on my face, and another, and another. Not so much as a minute later, it was already beginning to downpour.

“Well, so much for a dry, night walk,” I muttered under my breath, as I turned around to go back the way I came.
Thankfully, I was only about two blocks distance away from my home, so I started jogging along the concrete, until I eventually neared the dimly lit front door.

Now being completely out of the rain and cold, and inside warmth of the heater, I took off my shoes and jacket simultaneously, and tossed both to the side. I reached my arms skyward, and stretched my back until I heard a couple of solid cracks. Being now fully relaxed, I walked over to my bedroom and did the usual routine; Check Facebook, Gmail, YouTube, etc. I wasn’t too tired off hand, so I decided to put a little more work into the little fanfic I wrote out of boredom a few days ago, “A Rainbow In my Life”. I felt inspired to do so, after just recently watching the animation, “My Little Dashie”. It touched my heart in a certain way that brought out an older side of me, a side that I had hidden away in my subconscious long ago. That side was deep depression. Watching that video, made me realize that the world we all live in today, has so many things wrong with it, that listing every individual thing, would take years to do so. I did however get over it relatively quickly, as I usually do, rebounding from the mental pit known as depression, and going back to my usual happy self. But that didn’t separate me from the goal of writing my story.

I continued to type onto my keyboard, after a brief minute of deep thinking, and continued to do so for a few long hours. After those hours had passed, I had gotten a good two chapters down. I figured I needed to give the chapters themselves a title, so that’s what I did. For the first, I thought for a few moments, and quickly typed in, “Going about My Day”.
“Meh… It’ll have to do for now”, shrugging my shoulders to myself.

I immediately thought of the title for the second chapter, “Crash Landing”. I looked at it for a moment, ready to backspace, but I left it as it was. Besides, I couldn’t come up with anything better at the moment.
I shut my laptop slowly, and placed it onto my computer desk.

“That was kind of fulfilling”, I thought to myself, with a small grin forming at the corners of my mouth.
It may have been a little excess pride getting to me, but I actually felt pretty confident about my story, especially considering the fact that I’ve never written anything longer than a page or two. I turn off my lights, and pulled the covers over me, drifting off into sleep.

I opened my eyes, or at least I think I did. It was pitch blackness surrounding me on all sides, and the light level didn’t change as I blinked over and over again, out of confusion. Not a moment later, I see a white light flicker in the distance. I squinted at the dot in the distance, but no longer needed to, because the light was speeding towards me, getting much larger by the second. I felt my eyes force shut, as I put my arms in front of my face, preparing for impact.

I stood there for a moment, my arms now slowly lowering as I open my eyes yet again. The fore mentioned light, was now directly in front of me, standing about as tall as I did. Except that it wasn't a wall of light anymore, it seemed to be a portal, or at least that’s what it seemed to take on the shape of. An image began to form in the midst of it, slowly coming into view. It was a forest, and it was night time too, countless stars high up in the blackness of the sky.My curiosity was peaking at this point, so I reluctantly reached my arm into the portal, to see if I could step through it. It stopped midway through, feeling as if my arm was now locked in mid air. I tried pulling it back towards me, but It was stuck. I immediately, with all my bodily force tried pulling my hand out of it. After a minute of sheer struggling, I finally broke loose, but the moment I soon broke free, the image before me rippled, and I saw electricity crackling all around me, seeming to centralize from the image hovering in front of me. The electricity quickly grew in intensity, growing louder and brighter by the second. I looked into the image one more time, but only to see something standing there, a creature of some sort. The light was now almost fully engulfing me as I made out the purple figure, which was now running towards me. My eyes widen, now recognizing what was running towards me. I am immediately blinded by the sheer light at this point, and am forced to shut my eyes. Everything went quiet; I opened my eyes immediately, noticing that I was lying in my bed.

Still being shocked from that strangely vivid dream I had just experienced, one thought still flew about my mind, about the figure I’d just witnessed running towards me during those last couple of seconds of the dream. Another thing had struck me also, is that I was experiencing an odd, light tingling sensation throughout my entire body. It wasn’t however, the “Falling asleep on your arm/leg” sort of feeling. It felt very different somehow, I couldn’t explain it. The very next thing that comes into my mind, regarded the creature I saw running towards me in the dream.

“I could’ve sworn that that… was… Twilight Sparkle…” I said out loud to myself, whilst still shaking off the previous thought.

Sure As Hell Ain't In Kansas Anymore

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I was rendered speechless for a brief moment, trying to comprehend everything, though after a half hour of lying in my bed; I took my mind away from it, as thinking it through yielded no results.

I did happen to notice right away, that It was early it was still moderately dark outside, the only light visible, coming the scattered out street lights below, and the faint blue glow coming from the edge of the horizon. I staggered a little after getting up, the tingling sensation shifting about my body. I tiredly averted my attention towards my alarm clock.

“5:36 a.m.” I slowly and partially groggily, read out loud.

My eyes widened, and I was fully awake during that moment. I rushed out of my room, towards my balcony window, yanking the curtains wide open. I looked up in the sky, expecting to see a particular cloud formation (mentioned in another story), just as I had written in my story yesterday night. My eyes darted throughout the sky. There was nothing.

“Of course there would be nothing, what was I thinking?” I said, with a now sad expression on my face, whilst slowly closing the curtains shut.

I then sat down on the couch just off to my left, and let my back sink into the cushions behind me, letting out a small sigh upon impact.
After a long and quiet half-hour, of sitting in the darkness of my living room, I noticed that is was starting to get warm and humid in the house. I shake my shirt a few times to cool myself off a little, and walk over to the heater to adjust it. I leaned my head down and adjusted the lever that controlled the thermostat; only realize that it was already off to begin with.

Walking down the hallway with my eyes partially closed, I threw on a pair of jeans and a light sweatshirt. Considering the fact that it wasn’t too dark outside, and no one else in the complex was awake yet, I decided I would go for a little stroll outside, to clear my mind, but primarily just to get myself out of the heat.

After getting fully dressed and ready to go, I went to grab my phone, in case I want to listen to music or whatnot, and my Rainbow Dash wrist band. The wrist band over the last several weeks seemed to serve me as my own little good luck charm, so I carry it around basically everywhere I go.

I put my phone in my pocket, and my wrist band on, and I quietly approached the front door. Taking one last look around the room, mentally double checking to make sure I didn’t forget anything. I right away, shut the door behind me, and clicked it shut.
The first thing I feel is a relaxing breeze, wash over me. I look up in the sky, not a single visible cloud, but at the same time, not a single star either, it was just a dark blue haze. I had no clue as to where my destination would be, so I just walked straight forward, along the side of the forest preserve, just to see where that path would take me.

A few minutes into the walk, I look down towards my right pocket to get my phone and ear buds. I hesitated for a moment, but eventually just shrugged my shoulders, and left them in there. Besides, the occasional owl in the distance, followed by the wind rustling through the trees just beside me, was oddly serene.

Just a couple minutes later, still walking along the curb of the street, I felt that same tingling sensation from earlier, throughout my body once more. I attempt to lightly jog it off, hoping it would fade away over time at least. Nothing made the feeling go away, in fact, the sensation was getting more intense by the second, followed by an absurdly loud buzzing noise. Not a moment too soon, a wave of dizziness and lightheadedness, had just hit me with the force of a speeding car. I groan, falling almost face first into the dirt, attempting to cushion the fall with my elbows. I slowly rolled onto my back, my head now aiming skyward.


During that moment, I heard what sounded like intense electrostatic discharge, and the tingling, along with the electricity only got stronger from there. Suddenly, everything around me, the sky, the trees towering over me, and the ground, all began to ripple intensely, as if everything were made of Jell-O. A short moment later, everything faded to pitch blackness rapidly. I was now on the verge of passing out, as both of the sensations throughout my body, were numb from the intensity, along with my head. Just before I felt my eyelids close, I flash of intense white occurred directly in front of me.

What seemed like hours later, I woke up in a daze, lying on the grass, which was much softer than I remembered it to be. But I didn’t pay much attention to that, or anything around me for a while. All I could feel, was that familiar tingling sensation, as it began to fade away, the buzzing sound existent no longer, all the while my head still lies on the grass. I tried opening my eyes, and was immediately, and warmly welcomed with an intense migraine. I brought both of my palms up to my face, and buried my head in them, wishing the headache would just go away, but to no avail, it was still there.

Not having nearly enough energy to stand up, accounting for my dizziness, I managed to sit cross-legged on the ground, leaning my back against a tree, which I had just found out was there, after unexpectedly bumping my head into it.

“Ugh… what the hell was all that about?” I muttered under my breath, whilst positioning my body more comfortably against the base of the tree.

I rested my full body weight onto the bark, and let out another deep sigh, still mentally and physically recovering from whatever the hell just happened not five minutes ago. It just occurred to me, that I still had my phone on me, so I quickly reached into my right pocket to pull it out, only to have to untangle the ear buds wrapping themselves around it. After putting the ear buds back into my pocket, I pressed the power button on my phone, practically holding my breath. The screen lit up right after, without any signs of being damaged. I could almost hear “hallelujah” being sung by a chorus in my head.

“Huh…That’s weird, that’s really weird,” I said with a now mixed expression.

The phone was functioning normally from the looks of it, but there was just empty space where the time should’ve been. Out of curiosity, I shook my phone, hoping that would do something, nope.

“Well, at least the battery life is almost full,” I muttered in an annoyed tone, under my breath.

The first thing I thought to try and do was call someone. I immediately attempted speed-dialing the first number that popped up in my contact list, and tapped the call button. Not even a ringing tone, or anything for that matter, just silence. So basically, my phone’s only use at this point in time, was the music that was still on there.

After what seemed like ten minutes, my fore-mentioned migraine started to fade away. Out of relief, I unfolded my legs, and stood up slowly, using the tree as a support. After stretching briefly, I brushed off the grass from my pant legs, and put my phone back in my pocket.
I pushed myself away from the tree, and began observing the area around me. I knew from the start, that I wasn’t anywhere familiar, but I assumed I wasn’t too far from home. The only thing I knew for sure at this point is that there were trees everywhere, and they were dense to the point where I had to either duck, or push them out of the way every five feet.

What felt like a good ten minutes later, I eventually neared an opening, where the trees scattered out more, the farther along it went. So naturally, I followed the widening path, until the tree were gone, and was instead replaced by tall grass, and a lot of it.
I then happened to notice something lit up in the distance. It being the middle of the night, it was pretty much the only thing I could see, farther than 20 feet. They were lights, and there was an abundance of them.

“Oh my god, it’s about damn time!” I almost shouted to myself at full volume, out of pure relief.

I couldn’t make out the details from this distance, the darkness not contributing to it either, but from the looks of it, no one was outside. Having feeling a mixture of relief, and partial fear at the same time, I began to traverse through the hills and bends, as I got closer by the minute.
I slowed my pace down to a steady walk, being slightly exhausted from the amount of walking I did, as I began approaching the town. While wading through the grass and shrubs, I looked into the night sky, and found easily thousands upon thousands of stars in the cloudless sky. I paused in my tracks, continuing to look up, my mouth slightly agape. I almost feel stupid for not noticing this earlier. I happened to notice the moon coming out from behind a tree, as I started walking slowly again.

“Wait a minute, the moon!” I said with a look of momentary confusion on my face.

The moon looked, very different. It was much bigger than it would normally be in the night sky. Not to mention, that it also had some strange design on the side of it, but I couldn’t make it out, so I just kept walking, but still kept the image in my mind. What struck me the most as weird, is that it didn’t seem to move in the sky, It just stayed in the exact same spot throughout the entire walk. Everything was getting weirder and weirder by the minute.

I practically slipped down a really steep hill, but managed to climb it on all fours back to the top of it. I finally reached the top of the hill, wiping my pants off from the wet grass; I could finally see the town in clearly. But what I saw made my jaw drop, along with my knees back to the ground.

There were wooden cottages, lining a wide, dirt-filled street. After shaking my head repeatedly, trying to reassure myself, that I wasn’t seeing what I thought I was seeing. I got from my knees, and started up my walk again, but much slower this time.
Within moments, I soon went from walking wet grass, to smooth and dry dirt while I was approaching the town ever so reluctantly. Unless something around here could prove me otherwise, I could’ve sworn for the life of me, that I was walking the streets of Ponyville.


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I stopped dead in my tracks once again, my mind now going hay-wire. My heart skipped multiple beats, and I dropped body, slowly onto the ground, my legs folded in once more. I put my hand up to my temple, and scanned the vicinity, making sure my mind wasn’t just playing tricks on me.

“I knew I was in some remote location to begin with, but how in the hell, could I have gotten here?” I thought to myself whilst getting back up once more, my heart now calming down a bit.

The very next thought that occurs to me, is, “What now?” As I straightened myself out, my head and eyes still darting every which way, I heard an absurdly loud grumbling noise, to realize that it was my stomach. I place my forearm onto my belly, letting out a small groan. I knew I couldn’t go the entire night without eating at this point, so I began sneaking around the edges of buildings, hoping to God that I wouldn’t be spotted, or heard.

A good minute into it, I had spotted a series of tarp-covered, wooden concession stands lining the sides of the street. Most of them appeared to be stacked to the brim with all sorts of fruit from the looks of it; bananas, apples, oranges, you name it. I scanned the surrounding area once more, along with listening for potential hoof-steps. After I mentally told myself, “Good to go,” I carefully picked up a little bit of everything, and stuffed it all into my jacket pockets. In the back of my mind, I felt kind of bad for not at least leaving a tip (if I even used their form of currency to begin with), but I shoved off immediately, into the nearest shadow, cast by many of the cottages.

After leaning my body up against the building, I once again checked my surroundings, just so I could at least have some of the fruit I gathered previously. I breathed out heavily through my nose, and slid my back down the wall, into a sitting position onto the ground. I for once felt a little relaxation, so I dug out an apple from my pocket, and without hesitation, took a whopping bite out of it.

“Holly crap!” I thought to myself, the giant piece of apple still remaining in my mouth.

“The flavor is literally sweet!” I thought as I devoured the whole thing in just a short minute. The food here, sure tasted a lot better than the food back at home (on Earth I assumed, considering that I was probably long gone by now).
After continuing to eat, some more food, continually reaching into my pocket every minute or so, I felt a bad stomach ache coming on quick.

“Hooray for overindulgence!” I sarcastically, mentally shouted to myself, as I put my hand on my stomach again, letting out an almost inaudible groan in the process.

Shortly afterwards, I turned my head to my immediate right, as I heard what sounded like the clopping of hoofs against the ground.
I pretty much stopped breathing at that moment, and didn’t so much as twitch a muscle. My heart rapidly sped up, as the sound continuously got louder.

“Shit! Shit! Shit!” I thought to myself, praying that I wouldn’t be spotted. Soon enough, not ten feet away from me, I saw a white mare, wearing large purple goggles positioned above her horn, trotting past the alleyway I was secluded in, seeming to bob her head, and trot rhythmically to what seemed to be a pair of white ear buds (similar to mine) in her ears.

“Was that, Vinyl Scratch?” The first thought that popped up in my head, as the clopping got quieter, eventually fading away in the distance.
I produced a massive grin on my face moments later, seemingly about to start fangirling everywhere. But then my common sense hit me yet again. I’m near positive that no one knows I’m here, yet.

Still sitting in the darkness, pondering, I thought, “If all of my (brony) life, I thought ponies were just fantasy, I wonder if the same applies here, but with humans being the myths?” Either way, I couldn’t afford to be discovered yet. Then again, it beats being seen in broad daylight by everyone. I shook my head slightly, dispersing the thought from my head.

I slowly stood up from the ground, and walked to the edge of the alleyway, and leaned my head from around the corner, looking in both directions.

“Coast is clear,” I thought to myself, quickly but quietly traversing between houses. I wondered if I would happen to see Vinyl again. From the looks of it, I think she might’ve just been taking a midnight stroll, if so, I could relate, and maybe even for the same reasons.

After a few minutes of caution, and darting across the street countless times, I soon reached what seemed to be the outskirts of town. Reluctantly, I crossed the short field into the edge of the forest, where it felt far safer, ironically.

Once I reached the trees, and propped my back against the nearest one, the sound of everything around me, was far too quiet for comfort. So I reached into my pocket, and pulled out my phone, ear buds still attached. I slowly sat down into the grass, and scrolled down through the libraries of music for a few long minutes. I couldn’t decide what to play in the end, so I just hit the “shuffle” button to see where it would take me.

While fitting only one ear bud into my ear, as to still be aware of things around me, a song title popped up onto my phone screen, “ Simon and Garfunkel- The Sounds Of Silence”, followed immediately by a melodic tune.

“Well… how fitting”, I quietly said out loud to myself, smiling widely out of it.

As I wander along the edge of the forest, I fixated my eyes on the night sky, walking rhythmically to the song, while still holding my phone in my hand.

I always knew that music was the one thing in my life, which helped me escape the seemingly harsh reality of life previously, but I could now easily admit that statement, and mean it in a literal sense now. I don’t know why, but in mid-walk, the heart-sinking feeling of depression, began to weigh me down.

“I left everything behind me, my friends, my family, my whole life...gone” I felt my heart sink deeply into my chest, as tears began forming at the corners of my eyes. I tried so hard at holding it all back, but then I remembered that no one was around, so there was no point in holding back. I sank both knees into the grass, put my palms to either side of my face, and began to sob loudly, not caring if anyone heard me anymore.

The tears kept on flowing for a good half-hour, until in my non-occupied ear; I heard the grass shifting just behind me. I quickly wiped the remaining tears from my cheeks and eyes, and turned around immediately. My vision was still blurry, but I could easily make out what was facing me. It was that very same white mare that I closely avoided earlier today, Vinyl Scratch, looking at me with a sadness in her eyes.

Meeting Vinyl

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She stood several feet away from me, coming in at around my height (considering I was still sitting on the ground). After blinking several times, still in partial shock that she was here, I turned and shifted my body in her direction, with now wide eyes. When I turned to face her, she took a small step back and lifted one hoof from the ground, up to her chest, an expression of slight fear, now infused with her already sad and curious face.

“Uhh…Hey there,” I said ever so quietly, my heart speeding up a little, crossing my arms over my belly. She placed her hoof back on the ground, but still remained her distance from me.

“Oh…uh, hi,” She replied, still scanning me up and down, wondering whether I would be a potential threat or not.
“Don’t worry, I’m not harmful in any way, I’m just… lost, is all,” I said to her, aiming my head at the ground in front of me, to avoid staring at her.
Lifting her hoof off the ground, and placing it in front of her, she soon took a few steps closer, her expression of fear now being replaced with just curiosity at this point.

“I’ve never seen anyone like you here before,” She said, now sounding more relaxed. I grinned a little bit, my eyes still showing my inner sadness, and I said back to her,

“Yeah, I’m not from anywhere around here,” I said, briefly glancing my head around me while saying that.

Then out of nowhere, my right ear is suddenly deafened by the ear-splitting loud music that came from my ear bud (which I’d entirely forgotten about until now). I let out a small, but quick groan, as I yanked the remaining ear bud from my ear onto the ground beside me, the music being clearly audible from a distance. Vinyl jumped back out of fear from me making a quick, unexpected movement like that. I was now rubbing my ear at this point, with my right eye partially squinting.

“Ughh…I shouldn’t have turned my music up so high,” I said out loud to myself, my attention now averted to my ringing ear.

“Wait, you listen to that kind of music?” She said; leaning her head forward and perking her ear up, to hear the techno music now blasting from my ear buds on the ground. Her face immediately lit up with a huge grin on her face at this point, her head lightly bobbing to the rhythm of it.

“Thank you shuffle mode, I thought I was screwed there for a second”, I thought to myself, letting out a small laugh, as I reached my phone from my pocket momentarily, while she was still distracted by the music, and turned the volume off. Her head stopped bobbing after I turned it off, as I shoved my phone back into my pocket immediately before she could notice anything
“Well, well, well, I didn’t know you were into jams like that!” She said with a now relatively big grin on her face, her purple glasses still propped up above her horn.

“Hehe, yeah, I didn’t exactly expect the music to play that just yet,” I said, while now getting on my knees to stand up at this point. Vinyl took a full step back, now looking concerned, as I reached my arms skywards, stretching my back until I heard a series of satisfying cracks in unison.

“That’s muuuuuuch better” I said, while lowering my arms again, letting out a deep sigh at the end. I realized as I turned my head to my left, that Vinyl was sitting there now looking up at me in partial shock. I was significantly taller than her than I had realized, she came in at around my stomach in height.

“Oh, sorry, I was just stretching my back out after sitting down for so long, and it felt absolutely wonderful! I said, as I reached my arm to scratch the back of my head out of slight embarrassment, putting a small grin on my face while doing so. Vinyl’s face then went from concerned, now to a look of relief, as I sat back down
“Well, at least she knows I’m harmless at this point,” I thought to myself.

“So, who are you anyway?” Vinyl asked with genuine curiosity.

“Oh, I’m David, and you are…?” I asked, pretending not to know who she is, just to avoid having to explain how I know about her.

“I’m Vinyl Scratch! Though everypony usually calls me by my nickname, ‘DJ Pon-3’,” She said, looking proud of herself. I was momentarily confused on why she said ‘everypony’, and not ‘everybody’, until I realized that everyone here was a pony, duh.

“Well it’s nice to meet you Vinyl,” I said, kneeling down reaching my hand out in front of me, expecting a handshake.

“Oh yeah… I forgot, they have hoofs,” I thought to myself, shaping my already-extended hand into a ‘fist-bump’ sort of position. She looked down at my hand, back at me, and back again. A moment later, she lifted her hoof off the ground, and bumped it against mine, holding it there for about a second, and her face now having a big smile on it. She dropped her hoof back to the ground, as I shifted my body against the tree.

“Hey, what are you doing out here anyway, David?” She asked me. My face went from a smile, to an almost sad look, being reminded of what was going on before I’d met her.

“I… don’t know. I’m just lost, like I said.” I said rather sullenly. Vinyl seemed to get the message of how I was feeling. Her grin disappeared as she responded.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-“

“It’s okay, really.” I said, cutting her off, in a quiet and reassuring tone, putting a small grin on my face, to cheer her up as well. She smiled, and nodded her head in understanding.

After straightening my back once more, I felt a massive yawn coming on, so I went with it, holding my hand over my mouth, and feeling a huge wave of sleepiness wash over me. I shook off the tiredness, telling myself that I couldn’t go to sleep any time soon, due to the current situation. After a few moments of silence, the only sounds audible, being the occasional “Hoo” from an owl in the distance, and the leafs in the trees rustling overhead, I had said to Vinyl,

“Hey Vinyl, why are you out here to begin with?”, With actual curiosity at this point.

“Oh, I was just taking a little mid-night stroll, enjoying the sound of silence for a little while,” She said, with overall calmness in her voice.

“Yeah, I can definitely relate to you on that one”, I said back to her, aiming my head up at the sky, just over the branches above my head.

I noticed I faint blue glow along the horizon, From the looks of it, I’d say I had not too many hours before daytime arrives, I almost shuddered at the thought of it, thinking every other pony would freak out when seeing me, except Lyra. If she knows a thing or two about humans, then I think that she would just flip her lid out of excitement more than anything.

With a now more serious look on Vinyl’s face, she trotted a little closer to me, now having no more than 2 feet of distance from each other.

“Are you going to try and sleep any time soon?” she said softly, with a slight look of concern.

“I- I don’t know, I just need time to think about a lot of stuff right now,” I said with a look of deep thoughtfulness in my eyes.

“Oh, well… Okay then, I can understand that,” She said with a slightly more uplifting tone. Not a moment later, she herself let out a huge yawn also, placing her hoof over her mouth in the process. I could tell she was just as tired as me at this point.

As she began to turn herself back in the direction of the town, she turned her head back towards me one last time.

“Well, it was nice to meet you; I hope that we get to meet again sometime soon,” She said with a look of sincere happiness.

“Do you see that town over their?” She asked me, whilst pointing her hoof directly towards Ponyville.

“That’s Ponyville, home to me a lot of other nice ponies,” She said, now lowering her hoof back to the ground.

“I really hope we can meet again sometime soon, David, you seem like a cool dude,” She said, while slowly trotting away.

“Wait!” I yelled out, partially extending my arm in her direction. She looked back, with her eyes slightly widened.

“Thank you, for everything,” I said quietly, with a small grin on my face. Vinyl blushed, and looked back at me for the last time, with a look of happiness in her eyes.

She began to trot away from me, her body eventually fading away into the darkness. I stood there for a moment, watching her fade away into the distance. After she was gone, I carefully sat back down in the grass, and propped myself up against the base of the tree behind me. I didn’t know how to feel about everything that had just happened. One moment, I was crying over leaving everything behind, and then Vinyl comes out of nowhere, and somehow patches that hole in my heart. My experience with her; was much unexpected. I couldn’t help but shed a single tear, this time, out of happiness.

I stared up into the star-filled night sky, listening to the sound of the wind, feeling it blow gently over me, as my eyes started to get narrower. My thoughts, and the former emptiness my heart, were now at rest entirely, considering everything that had happened over the past couple hours. I shut my eyes all the way, letting that one tear from earlier, travel all the way down my cheek, and into the grass beside me. I gently lay my head onto the grass, and let myself slip away into a deep and soothing sleep.