The sleepover

by Deathsia

First published

Fluttershy is invited over for a sleepover with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie...

Fluttershy is invited over for a sleepover with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, but things don't seem as innocent as they seem...

An innocent sleepover turns into a night Fluttershy will never forget!

This oneshot was inspired by the pic you see in the description by Skoon! I posted this story on another sight nearly 8 months ago!(20th Jul 2011, 2:04am to be exact)

The sleepover

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Fluttershy knocked cautiously at the door of sugar cube corner.. For some reason or another she had found herself roped into a sleepover with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. Course it didn't take much to convince her to come over but poor Fluttershy had never been to a sleep over before. She was nervous as ever and had no idea what to expect.

Moments after knocking Pinkie Pie answered the door with her usual cheery expression. “There you are! Now we can start this sleepover!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a smile.

“Oh, am I late? I'm sorry.” Fluttershy replied in her usual shy tone.

“No silly! You're not late! Come on in!” Pinkie Pie replied with a giggle,turned around, and walked inside allowing Fluttershy to enter.

Fluttershy entered Pinkie Pie's house to see Rainbow Dash on the other side of the room sitting in a beanbag chair. “Glad you could make it Fluttershy! Now we can make this sleepover happen. Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack may be having their own sleepover now but I bet it's not going to be as cool as this one!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed with a smile.

“Oh? What are we going to do first? Tell ghost stories? Not that I like them much but I’m okay with it if you two are...” Fluttershy said taking her usual shy stance.

“Nah, that stuff is lame. Me and Pinkie Pie's sleep overs are always twenty percent cooler. Pinkie Pie if you would be so kind as to get us some refreshments.” Rainbow Dash said with a wink.

“Okey-dokey!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed and ran to the kitchen and moments later came back with a bucket of ice and bottles of Apple beer.

Upon seeing the alcoholic beverages Fluttershy immediately went into complete shy mode. “Oh dear..I don't drink...” Fluttershy said from behind a wing.

“You don't have to if you don't want to Fluttershy but you'll be missing out on the fun.” Rainbow Dash replied pulling the lid off one of the apple beers with her mouth, spit it to the side, and began to guzzle down the drink.

“Have you ever even tried Apple Beer before?” Pinkie Pie said after taking a few swings of her own drink.

“” Fluttershy replied trailing off still not removing her wing from her face.

“Then how can you know if you don't like it till you tried it?! Come on! Just take one drink!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed putting a bottle in front of her.

“Don't force her Pinkie Pie. Your such a light weight I swear. A couple swigs and your already losing your senses and forgot that Fluttershy doesn't like being pushed.” Rainbow Dash said with a hint of annoyance in her voice as she walked over, picked up the bottle, and put it back in the ice bucket.

Judging by what how Pinkie Pie was behaving right now Rainbow Dash was right. Pinkie Pie hadn't even finished her first bottle yet and was already stumbling over her own hooves and slurring if only slightly at the moment.

“Oh comish on Rainbow... I ish fine!” Pinkie Pie replied with a slight hiccup.

“Sure you the time you finish that bottle you'll be more drunk than Applejack was at her twenty first birthday party.” Rainbow Dash retorted followed up by a giggle.

“Oh Dashy, you're being sho mean. But I thinks you ish right. Hehe!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed taking yet another swig of the bottle.

“ that all you two do at these sleepovers?” Fluttershy asked timidly feeling more insecure of her surroundings by the minuet.

“Nah, we watch movies too.” Rainbow Dash replied earning a confused glance from Fluttershy.

“She donph know about my magicish TV.” Pinkie Pie said walking over in a drunken manner nearly tripping over her hooves three or four times before she stomped on the ground causing the floorboards to part and what looked to Fluttershy like a box with a plate of glass on the front of it and something that she couldn't even figure out under it.

“This is a Television set Fluttershy. It's old pony technology created by unicorns a long time ago.” Rainbow Dash said after a few moments and took another drink out of her bottle finishing it off. She then carried the bottle in her mouth over to the trash can, dropped it in, walked over the ice bucket and took another bottle of Apple Beer out and sat down in her beanbag chair.

“It's belonged to my great, great, great,great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great,-PINKIE PIE!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed loudly in annoyance cutting off Pinkie Pie then let out a sigh.

“It belonged to her ancestors before the use of these kinds of things went out of style and books became the normal.” Rainbow Dash explained to which Pinkie Pie nodded her head at a seemingly one hundred miles an hour before falling to the floor.

“Ooohhh....ish shook my head too fast....” Pinkie Pie said in a dazed tone.

“Don't spill your hay on the floor now Pinkie Pie. That would be a serious buzz kill not to mention we'd be spending most of the night trying to get the smell out.” Rainbow Dash said with a hint of annoyance in her voice once again taking a swig out of her newly opened bottle.

“Buzz? You mean alcohol is a kind of bad drug?” Fluttershy asked with a sense of worry in her voice.

“No,no,no. Dear Celestia, that's just too funny!” Rainbow Dash replied and began to laugh hysterically for awhile until she began to catch her breath. “Oh dang Fluttershy. If I known you'd be this funny. I'd invited you over to our sleepovers months ago!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed wiping tears from her eyes then took note of Fluttershy's offended look at which point her face went serious.

“I didn't mean anything by it Fluttershy. It's just that you're blissful ignorance is just so funny at times like this. Anyways, a buzz is a warm feeling your get when your drink Apple Beer. It makes you feel good and really helps you relax.” Rainbow Dash explained with a smile.

“So, then nothing bad happens when you drink it?” Fluttershy asked her curiosity now peaked.

“Not unless you drink too much. Then you just start acting stupid.” Rainbow Dash replied and made a non-verbal gesture at Pinkie Pie who was guzzling down bottle after bottle looking even more drunk with each bottle.

“What?! Ish am fish! I can'd stoff anytimer I wanty!(What?! I am fine! I can stop anytime I want!)” Pinkie Pie exclaimed leaving Fluttershy completely baffled at what she actually said.

“Okay Pinkie Pie. We both know when you start to lose your ability to make a complete sentence it's time to slow down or do you want another repeat of what happened last time?” RainBow Dash said walking over to Pinkie Pie and taking the bottle from her hoof.

“Buf, ish wonf'd letit happden agtain!(But I won't let it happen again!)” Pinkie Pie replied in the same slurring tone.

“What happened last time?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“Pinkie Pie woke up in the middle of a field having no idea where she was and apparently gave herself to multiple Colts due to the fact she was covered in male semen which was pouring out of just about every hole she had when I found her.” Rainbow Dash said with a slight cringe.

“Oh dear me. I don't think I want to drink that then. I don't want to do that...” Fluttershy replied taking a shy stance.

“As long as you know how to gauge yourself and know when your at your limit. You should be just fine. But like I said before, I won't force you if you don't want to.” Rainbow Dash replied with a smile patting Fluttershy on the shoulder.

Fluttershy looked at Rainbow Dash curiously. She seemed to be just fine while Pinkie Pie looked like she was about ready to pass out. “Maybe just a little bit....” Fluttershy said after a few moments swallowing her insecurities and attempting to be brave.

“Are you sure? I don't want you to feel like i'm forcing you.” Rainbow Dash said looking at Fluttershy with a concerned look.

“No, it's alright, and besides it would be rude of me to refuse a drink since I am a guest.” Fluttershy said taking a bottle out of the ice bucket and attempted to pull the lid off but couldn't seem to figure out how to do it earning yet another giggle from Rainbow Dash.

“Here. Let me show you.” Rainbow Dash said at which point Fluttershy handed her the bottle. “Now watch.” Rainbow Dash said putting her mouth on the lid. “You need to turn your mouth like this and pull.” Rainbow Dash said between gritted teeth and yanked off the lid.

“Oh okay.” Fluttershy replied taking note of how Rainbow Dash opened the bottle, put it to her nose, and took a sniff.

It smelled like sour apples to her. Very old sour apples. Despite this seemingly pungent smell she timidly took a swig and gave a sudden recoil with a disgusted look as she swallowed her first swig of Apple Beer. “Oh my gosh. This tastes awful!” Fluttershy said in a disgusted tone.

“Heh. It takes a little getting used to. It tastes better with each drink, take my word for it.” Rainbow Dash replied with a giggle.

“If you're sure...” Fluttershy said giving the bottle an uneasy glance before she closed her eyes and began to guzzle it.

“Whoa,whoa,whoa! Not to fast Fluttershy! You'll load yourself at that rate!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a panicked tone.

Fluttershy however had downed the entire bottle. “You're right. Rainbow dash this does taste better the more you.........ohhhh....m-m-my.....” Fluttershy began to say when suddenly she got light headed all the sudden and felt very warm and fuzzy all over. Fluttershy's face grew into a big cheesy grin as she began to stumble and nearly trip over her own hooves just like Pinkie Pie was doing.

Rainbow Dash facehoofed at this. “You drank too much at once. You gotta pace yourself.” Rainbow Dash said with a sigh.

“Oh, but this feeling ish ever so wonderful.” Fluttershy replied with the same cheesy grin walking over to the ice bucket, taking another bottle out and did exactly how Rainbow Dash showed her and spit the lid into the trash can.

“Take it slowly with that bottle or you'll regret it later ish guarantee it.” Rainbow Dash said with a smile as she finished her second bottle with a slight hiccup.

“O-okay.” Fluttershy replied still smiling. Even she admitted in her mind may have drank a little too much too fast and still had her wits about her to a point to actually listen to Rainbow Dash's advice.

“Let's watchish movie!” Pinkie Pie excalimed suddenly yanking a random tape out of the basket next to the TV set and jamming it in the VCR haphazardly.

“I swear, If this is swayback mountain again ish going to be ticked.” Rainbow Dash said in an annoyed tone.

Fluttershy took another swig of her bottle as she sat down next to Rainbow Dash in the beanbag chair next to her while Pinkie Pie grabbed another bottle of Apple Beer then sat in her own beanbag chair next to Rainbow Dash.

After a few moments the screen displayed a title on screen. “Filly's gone wild” which made Rainbow Dash nearly choke on her beer. “Shut this off now Pinkie Pie! This ish a clop video! We can't watchish something like this with Fluttershy around she is already shy enough as it ish!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a panicked tone.

“What? You don't think ish can't handle a little mare on colt action Dashy?” Fluttershy said with a cocky smile giving Rainbow Dash a nudge with her bottle then took another swig from it.

“You sure?” Rainbow Dash replied with a raised eyebrow.

“Ish older than you both. I thinkish I can handle some mare on colt action.” Fluttershy replied with a grin finishing off the bottle, jumped off the beanbag chair hovering in the air nearly running into the trash can as she landed on all fours with a stumble, took another bottle out of the ice bucket, and yanked the lid off.

“If you're sure. Hey, while your over there you wanna grab me another bottle?” Rainbow Dash asked to which Fluttershy grabbed another bottle out, set it on her wing and catapulted it at Rainbow Dash who caught it with a shocked look on her face. “Sweetish moves there Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed with a giggle to which Fluttershy gave a bow with a grin then proceeded back over to her beanbag chair and sat down.

By the time Fluttershy had sat back down on her beanbag chair a mare with a pure white fur coat was on screen laying on her side with a coy expression on her face lifting her hind legs up giving the audience a clear view of her pussy before closing her legs back up. A few moments later the scene switched to the mare rubbing a hoof against her pussy lips even shoving it deep inside a few times before pulling it out nearly completely then shoving it deep inside her again giving a loud moan and clamping her hind legs around her right front leg which was nearly buried completely inside her vagina. The scene then changed to show a male colt walking onto the scene. He was a completely black furred colt and even though his rump was facing the camera at the moment his raging erection was clearly seen between his hind legs.

“Oh! Ish really startin to heater up now!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a giggle.

Rainbow Dash tore her eyes from the screen and gave an annoyed groan when she looked at Pinkie Pie.”Pinkie Pie. Do you havish any restraint at all?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in an annoyed tone.

“Whatish she doing?” Fluttershy asked curiously leaning forward to glance at Pinkie Pie and gasped with a deep blush.

Pinkie Pie's eyes were glued to the screen with a hoof between her legs which were spread wide while her hoof moved in a slow yet sensual up and downward motion over her vaginal lips.

Rainbow Dash noticed that Fluttershy's gaze was fixed on Pinkie Pie and waved a hoof in front of her eyes causing Fluttershy to look up at Rainbow Dash still wearing the same blush. “You act like you've never seen a filly play with herself before.” Rainbow Dash said with a grin making a motion to the screen reminding her she just saw the white mare masturbating on the TV screen.

“ish just never seen a filly do it in front of me before.” Fluttershy replied with the same blush and in her own embarrassment guzzled down the rest of the bottle in hopes it would get rid of the feeling of embarrassment.

“Did you already forgetish what I said about taking it slow?” Rainbow Dash said with a giggle.
“S-sorry. I'm not so nervous now...does she always do that when you watch thish kinds of videos?” Fluttershy said stuttering over her words as the effects of the Apple Beer began to make her vision fog up slightly due to her drinking so much at once.

Rainbow Dash gave a glance over to Pinkie Pie who was rubbing herself furiously now then back to Fluttershy “Yep. But I usually just ignore her till she sprays all over the floor. Then she usually simmers downish a lot.” Rainbow Dash replied with a smile as Pinkie Pie gave a loud moan.

“She sprays?” Fluttershy replied in a curious manner. She knew fillies were capable of it of course but she had never actually been able to do it when she had her private time curiosity getting the better of her she glanced over at Pinkie Pie again.

“You're actually going to watch her clop? I had no idea the door swung that way for you Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash said with a grin.

“It-it doesn't. But ish curious about her spraying.” Fluttershy replied not taking her glance away from Pinkie Pie who looked like she was ready to climax.

“Ohhh yeeeaaah!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed loudly as she clamped her legs down on her hoof.

“Open your legs up Pinkie Pie before you cum Fluttershy wants to see you squirt.” Rainbow Dash said with a grin.

“Eh? Okey-dokey!” Pinkie Pie said looking over at Fluttershy, opened her legs up and began rubbing herself fiercely feeling all the more turned on by her sudden audience.

Fluttershy watched her as Pinkie Pie continued to rub herself feeling herself become warn and moist between her legs much to her own embarrassment although no one would notice at this point due to the musk that Pinkie Pie was giving off.

“Here...ish...go!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed and arched herself up as she began to squirt a small stream that hit the floor in front of her with a splattering sound.

“Wow......” Was all Fluttershy could say as Pinkie Pie's orgasm began to subside and the stream of pony juice slowly die down into a drizzle the flowed down her legs onto the beanbag chair.

“You...nextish....Rainbow Dash...ish can'” Pinkie pie said between pants.

“And what makes you think i'm horny?” Rainbow Dash retorted with a grin.

“You always get horny when you drink Apple Beer!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in a reply.

“Crud.....busted.” Rainbow Dash said with a coy grin.

“Are youish going to squirt now too Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked curiously completely ignoring the action on screen now she had somehow become enticed by the idea of watching a live clop show than watching it on the TV. But why even she didn't know. Her head was swimming in a nice warm ocean at the moment and just about anything seemed interesting to her especially something she always wanted to do.

“If Fluttershy's fine with it, then here Ish go. Prepare to have yourself beatish Pinkie Pie!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed with a grin,spread her legs wide and began to rub her blue furred pussy lips sensually.

Fluttershy stared at Rainbow Dash's hoofwork transfixed on it. Her face getting closer and closer as if something unseen was drawing her in.

Rainbow Dash's eyes up to this point had been closed until she felt a tongue run along her inner thigh at which point her eyes shot open to see Fluttershy moving her hoof to the side and began to run her tongue along her pussy lips. “Whoa,whoa. I'm not THAT drunk” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in shock causing Fluttershy to stop.

“Ish sorrew...i just..i don't know what came over me....” Fluttershy replied with a tearful and ashamed look on her face which made Rainbow Dash feel like crap for saying what she did.

“You know what...keep going.” Rainbow Dash said after a few moments and began to guzzle down the bottle of Apple Beer she had in her other hoof.

“You're sure?” Fluttershy asked curiously. Rainbow Dash's reply however wasn't verbal as she gently pushed Fluttershy's face into her pussy lips.

“Wow, ish didn't know youish into filly’s!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a grin looking at Rainbow Dash.

“I-i'm not....but Fluttershy just looked so hurt ish couldn't say no...” Rainbow Dash replied making sure to cover Fluttershy's ears as she said this.

Covered ears or not Fluttershy was in a completely different world as the only thing in front of her that mattered at the moment was making Rainbow Dash squirt herself. Fluttershy dug in muzzle into Rainbow Dash's pussy dipping her tongue in savoring the taste of her juices as they began to flow from her.

Despite Rainbow Dash's earlier statement she seemed to be on cloud nine at the moment clamping down on the beanbag chair with her front hooves letting out moan after moan as Fluttershy went to town on her wet treat between her legs.

Fluttershy felt so wet right now she could have swore anypony who looked at her hindquarters at the moment would swear she sprung a leak of some sort. Even though she couldn't help but be mysteriously obsessed with drinking every little bit of juice that dripped from Rainbow Dash's pussy her body was screaming for some kind of pleasure to give her release.

Pinkie Pie seemingly answering her body's call for pleasure crawled under Fluttershy and began to work her tongue into Fluttershy's dripping wet entrance. Fluttershy gave a sudden start at this tearing her mouth away to look between her own legs she and saw Pinkie Pie going to town on her yellow furred cunt. The waves of pleasure now surging through her body were more than enough to make her not resists and continue working at Rainbow Dash's dripping cunt.

Anypony who would have walked in the door right now would have seen Rainbow Dash spread eagle moaning in pleasure, with Fluttershy's face deep into her cunt with Pinkie Pie directly under her sucking and licking at Fluttershy's pussy as she ran a hoof along her own pussy. Fortunately for them however nopony was awake at this time of night and the cakes were out of town for the weekend so no pony would witness this three-way fiasco.

“Ish so darn close...” Rainbow Dash said between moans.

Fluttershy took her mouth from her pussy for a moment to look up at her with the same cheesy grin. “Then Squirt for me Dashy.” Fluttershy said giving a moan of her own between she dug her face back into Rainbow Dash's pussy.

“Don't need to tell me twice...” Rainbow Dash said trailing off, grabbed Fluttershy's head with both hooves shoving her face even more into her cunt if possible before she let out a orgasmic cry arching up as she came squirting all over Fluttershy's face and mane instead of making any type of distance she claimed she would have earlier.

Fluttershy didn't recoil instead she ripped her face away from Rainbow Dash's cunt and opened her mouth wide in a haphazard attempt to drink it like it was coming off a water fountain and succeed in getting a great deal in her mouth swallowing it with the same cheesy grin however moments later she gave a ear pricing scream of pleasure as she came hard.

Poor Pinkie Pie with no where to go now could only attempt to swallow as much of Fluttershy's juices as she could before she yanked her head from under Fluttershy coughing and gasping for breath slightly but only at first. Fluttershy however wasn't even close to done riding out her climax as she fell to her back and began to furiously rub herself extending the climax for as long as possible. By the time her climax has subsided there was decent sized puddle between her legs.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie stared in shock as Fluttershy huffed and puffed. “ I bet neither you two filly's can make this much filly juice...” Fluttershy said in a cocky yet drowsy voice before her eyes slowly fluttered shut and she was out like a light.

“I suppose we best carry her up to your bed and get some sleep ourselves....” Rainbow Dash said with a smile to which Pinkie Pie nodded.

Fluttershy's eyes slowly fluttered open as the sun beamed in through the window. At first she thought she was in her own bed but then it became more than clear she wasn't in her own home and that Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were laying next to her.

“Hi!” Pinkie Pie said with a wide grin.

“Morning, sunshine!” Rainbow Dash chimed in with a giggle.

The flashes of last nights escapades suddenly rushed into Fluttershy's head leaving her wide-eyed with a deep blush on her face. “Oh....umm...oh my...” Was all she could say to this.....