anthology of sadness and other stuff

by ponyartist

First published

Just a collection of short stories I came up with.

This is just a collection of short stories I've written, but wasn't able to publish them on their own. This means the stories might not always fit the tags I picked, but I'll try to do the best I can to make sure they fit.

Also big thanks to my editor: Ninoru and the artist that did my cover art: Nootaz
here's a link to their pages check them out

From The Moon

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The Moon Will Rise Again

I sit and watch the world go by from the dark side of the moon. I have sat here for a thousand years and watched the world go by as my mind begins to spin with thoughts of past deeds and old evils. Like a shooting star upon my moonlit sky, I shed a tear for all that I have lost, but I do not regret a single thing I’ve done. I only did what I thought was right. I am not the lesser light, so why should I be the one who is ignored? Why should they shun my work and wait for sister’s sunny day? Am I not her equal? Why was I left in her shadow, over looked and ignored? Did you not love me? Did you not see the pain and tears that marked my face? Were you too busy to those who bow to you? Could you not even see your own blood turn black? I did only what I had to. I was forced to live in your shadow, so was it not fair that I make you live in the darkness of my night? I thought that maybe you would see it; the beauty of my darken yuletide sky. How the stars shone like the diamonds of the night, or like all the softer shades of color now reviled by my moonlit night. How you pleaded and threatened, but I did not waver. I would not go back to the darkness of your shadow, to be shunned by you and those who sleep away my night. Still you choose to ignore what I showed you, so you left me with no choice but to make you see the beauty of my night. Was it wrong of me to want others to see me as they see you? I only wanted to be treated like your equal and loved like your sister. Was that so much to ask? I tried to show you. I really did, but my words only fell on deaf ears. This was not my plan, nor was this what I wanted. You’re my sister and I love you, but you forced my actions. Why couldn’t you see things like I did? I’m sorry for what I did, but I don’t regret a single thing. I only did what I thought was right. Now as I sit and watch the world go by from the dark side of the moon. With nothing left to love me but my starry night. So I wrap myself away in my own thoughts. I may have strayed from the path that all the righteous have tread, but the world shall see the beauty of my night, and no matter how much the sun shall plead and threaten, the moon will rise again.


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A Somber truth

There we stood with chains around our necks and whip lashes on our flesh, but we were just as responsible for what had happened, as he was. When we were weak and divided as a nation ha came and said he would lead us, but all he did was lead us into slavery. Really we only had ourselves to blame, because in our scramble for security we were willing to trade our freedom. We turned to him and asked him to lead us and we got exactly what we deserved. This was what we had to look forward to now; a life of security where we were trampled into submission. It was only when the last ember of hope was about to fade in our crystal heart that the sun and the moon came to free us from our chains, and from the dust of the battle field our ruler was gone just to be replaced by two more and while others flocked to them with praise and love as we shed our chains. I stood back, not out of hate our disapproval of them, but out of fear and caution of what could easily repeat. Even though they said they did not want to rule us I found those words vary hard to swallow, because they were rulers and to me they were all the same; with word that acted like double edged swords. While my fellow crystal ponies still kept their eyes shut mine were now wide open and I could no longer stomach the rule of others, so I choose my own freedom where there were no god or kings only ponies.

Words Of The Sun & Moon

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Words unspoken

I sit here now watching you from far away as tears scar my face, but I don’t regret what I did. You forced my actions this isn’t how I wanted it to end,but you would not see the light of reason. Instead you let yourself be corrupted by power and become blinded to the pain that you were causing. I tried to show you,but it was too late and my words of reason fell on deaf ears, as you ignored the tears that marked my face with woe.Did I mean so little to you? Did you not love me? Were we not equals? Why did you feel you had to be superior? There was once a time when we stood side by side. When did we drift so far apart? I didn’t want to lose you. I loved you more than anything; you were my sister why could you not see reason? Why did you make me do it? I didn’t want to, but you made me and now the distance between us has grown larger than we could ever imagine and I miss you so much, but you left me with no choice.

There Were Six Not Four

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Six Horses From Hell

There were six horses from Hell,
sent by the sun and the moon.
To usurp my throne
with harmony.
The first one was the color of the violet twilight.
With the power to control
the vary threads of matter.
The second had silky fur
and a silver tongue,
with a pair of seductive eyes to match.
The third was swift enough to break white light,
but it was her over confidence
that always clipped her wings.
The fourth was shy and soft of word.
With a caring heart,
but had a stare that could break stone
and maybe even me.
The fifth whose strength was matched
only by her honest words.
She could shape the earth itself
and turn brown to green.
The sixth was my favourite,
one of laughter
and unstable mind.
Whose sunny disposition
could give way to stormy clouds
at the poop of a balloon.
To many these six are heroes
in tune with harmony,
but to me
they are

Going For A Walk

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The Long Walk

Big Mac walked
along a path he knew all too well
and with every step
he felt his hooves sink deeper into the mud
just as his heart sank deeper into his chest
while mocking
birds sang their songs
as rain beats against his fur
like razor blades
that mask his tears
as he reached his destination
where he placed a bouquet of
of white hyacinth
and aloe
before two graves
that leaves him anesthetized
so he picks away the wolf’s bane
and leaves without a word
because none need to be spoken.

The Bridge Of Broken Dreams

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The Letter

Octavia trotted down the streets of Canterlot, as the dim light of the street lamps bathed her in rusty orange silk. Such things of beauty that would go unnoticed by most ponies slipped past her eyes, as she trotted in her melancholy state of mind. Her head was filled with thoughts of things she thought were long since buried away; out of sight and out of mind. She slowed her pace as she came to her destination. It was the Saint Bologna Bridge that spanned the largest river in Canterlot and connected the homes of the upper class scum with the homes of those who lived in garrets.
“I never understood why you loved this bridge so much, or why you hated those who lived on the other side. Does that mean you hate me now too?” asked Octavia as leaned against the railing running her hoof across the carvings and reliefs.
She took a deep breath of the cold March air, as she looked down at the river below. It’s funny how ponies never take notice of the small things until it’s too late, or that’s at least what she was thinking as she pulled an envelope out of her saddle bag. It was a plain envelope with a simple letter written inside of it. She unfolded the letter, as her eyes scanned over the words once more. Understanding them, but not really feeling them.

Hey Tavia I hope you get this, but I know you probably won’t read this. I spouse that’s for the best I mean you have more important things to worry about and if you are reading this I’ll try to keep it short, because I know you hate my bitching and moaning. By the time this letter gets to you I’ll be dead don’t worry about the how, and don’t feel sad or sorry either. I did this because it’s for the best really I get to finally be free of all this guilt and pain and your free of me. I just want you to know that I really did love you and I know I never showed it, but I did so please don’t think I didn’t. I glad that you’re happy and you’ve found someone to hold you and love you better than I ever could, so don’t shed a tear for me. It’s just time I finally took my place where I belong and finally kept a promise I made. I just wanted to write this because I wanted to say good bye and try to end things on a better note, but I guess it doesn’t really matter now.

Octavia just let out a deep sigh, as she laid the letter on the railing and stared of into Luna’s night. Had it really been a year since he did it? Octavia found it hard to believe, but it had happened and the world just kept on spinning like nothing had happened. She just found herself standing there not sure if she should feel something, but knowing that she really didn’t care anymore. Why did she come here than she thought?
“I knew you loved me, but I just didn’t love you anymore and if I knew this was why you wanted to meet with me that day I would have. I just wish you could have moved on, but instead you had to take the cowards way out,” whispered Octavia as she stepped away from the railing and turned to start her long walk back home, leaving the letter on the railing to be carried away on uncertain winds.


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I hate the rain
as it taps away
slowly melting my sugary smile
and candy coated exterior
leaving me bare
to its cold caressing
as I hide behind the tears of a clown
letting the rain strip me of colour
but wait
what’s that
the tapping
it’s gone
as light brakes through a dreary sky
as its warmth
removes a colder touch
revealing the smile
of a rainbow
upon the heels
of wilting wolf’s bane
and stormy days.

Star Swirl’s metamorphoses

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Star Swirl’s metamorphoses

Chaos and Order

Back before order when the sky and land lay in each other’s arms like virgin lovers. Mass was without form and substance were unconstrained and would forever change in the blink of an eye, or the snap of ones fingers but to be more exact this world was only at the whim of one beings fingers. For this land of disharmony and broken lyre strings was ruled by one. He whose name was called upon when the devil was too busy and death was a bit too much; to the gentleman he was misfortune and to the women he was sir prize. The tears of contention were the only company he needed. He was the master of this irrational strife that covered this world of broken puzzle pieces, but this world did not stand fruitless or bare of life. Instead everything this world had to bear from the lowest grain of sand or the smartest beings. Were wrapped in not body but mind the shackles of disunity and dissension. Cast upon them by a master they did not want and rejoiced in the misery with comic glee as he sipped up chocolate rain, but rejoice in accord for that which lay outside his grasp. The sun and her sister moon sent from their starry nest each a daughter of flesh and blood hair and teeth. It was from that which held this world of tattered rags together and stood truthful among a crooked world. That these sisters two could pull out the strings of harmony, so that they may restring the lyre of this dis-in-tuned world. It was this melodious tune that brought disharmony to the ears of the current monarch, so the sisters of the night and day found themselves before a throne built of conflict and disunity. Whose master now looked upon the sisters with gleeful laughter that almost seemed out of place upon the face that wore it. He let the threats and pleas of the sister’s fall upon deaf ears just like the cries of those who suffered under him. So with the strings of harmony three to each sister they played a song that broke light into the strings of colour before a troublesome ruler. That bathed him in colour, making his flesh merge with the soil at his feet, his skin hardening and his joints stiffening, leaving him frozen in place; only in body as he was left to his mind to suffer. Soon the daughters took their place as the architects of this misshaped world. They parted the sky from the sea and set order and place for all things they saw leaving understanding unity as the tune of musical harmony lifted the world into better spirits. Soon with all the peace of this world puzzle put back in place the daughters of the heavens left to return to their mother’s arms leaving this world in a golden age.